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TWELVE PAGES TH E STAR "The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" 10c PER COPY THIRTY-FIFTH YEAR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32S6, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 5,052 Gulf Countians Can Cast Vote On Amendment SI O A Wisp of Smoke Hangs i.ver Basic After Predipitator Put to Work ,"/ 7' ~. ", *'\ : \ Basic Magnesa Cleans Up the Air Nearly 10 tobn of lime dust is now, with'the activation of a hew " .being removed "from the air in precipitator installed by 'Basic and.around Port St. Joe each day M gnesia, Inc., here in' Port St. Joe. : ' 'The new electro-static precipi- D- al FlyU ifataor was. completed 'last Thur- o, _l. day after nearly two years of work in getting it des gnbd, built ' B reeder :' r installed by the firm. The B i e l ". :'installatioin 'came as a result. of Harold Quacbenbush, repre- senping St.- J6oe Paper Company,. told the CountyC.ommission' at its 'meeting Tuesday night that the firm is reasonably sure they. have foiwud a cure for dog'flios; breeding in grass removed from, the firin's fresh water canal.' - The ,County'.had been told 4 y state entomologists that 'dog' ,Wflips wre breeding in the grass which is removed froifi the ca- 4iMiund piled on the banks. The. County ha4 asked the Company to cooperate, with -them in pre- venting the flies from breeding;.' A mix-up in meeting time pre- vented company representatives,' from attending a meeting on the subject and the:- County Board 'thought the ,firm .was ignoring- the fly breeding problem. . At the last meeting, a company, ,representative was asked to meet with the Board Tuesday. Quackl .enbush appeared. The company chemist said the firm has been, working on the problem, trying, different chem-,4 icals on the fly larvae which would "not wash off into the ca- nal and contaminate the water; Quackenbush' said' he though they had met, with succession - the use .of quick lime. He' said the chemical shrivels the weeds, kills the fly larvae ani Keeps down odor. "We will 'continue adding -the chemical, as Pp~eded to do the- desired, job." Pest Control Supervisor -C. E. Daniell said he would, have the state entomologist inspect the treatment to assure himself that the problem is being met. Cycle Film At Faith Bible Church What motivates men to leave the comforts of home and risk life and limb inthe never end- ing search for adventure? , In January, 1969, five men set out on a daring adventure and attempted the impoPsible e-. crossing the vast Sahara Desert ohn motorcycles. Men and machines, pitted against the scorching sun and sand, engaged in a three month, life and death struggle for sur-, vival. Others had attempted the ,.3500 mile trek before and fail- ed. What would lie their fate? This is the story of restless men seeking adventure and their dramatic encounter with God. "The Ultimate, Adventure" will be shown Sunday, October 31, at .7:30 p.m. at Faith Bible Church, 801 20th Street. Admis- sion is free and everyone is cor- dially invited to .attend this showing. residents, especially in. the High- land.View area,.,complaining' of .the excessive amount of lime and magnesia dust the firm was put- ,ting into .the' air in its mahufac- - rin g operations, . 'In the fall of 1969, the; firm. was cited by; the Florida Depart-- ment of Air and Water Pollution and .were told to do something about their problem. The precip- itator is the result. According to plant manager, Bob Freeman, the new collector removes ,99% of the plant's dust particulate i mo the air,.bringing the daily dust emission, down fro, 10 .tons per' day to something like 200 pounds. Freeman said the state Depart- ment of Pollution Control hasn't i examined the installation yet,. but he feels 'the collector will :bring the plant into .compliance I to state requirements. Picture of precipitator stack ,shows 'effluent into air with the collection system cut off." With the collector turned on, there is practically no emission of patricles. -Star photos SHead Quts; Lancaster Name d to County Post After serving :for less than a year, Wayne Gay offered his' res- ignation as Civil Defense Direc-' tor. for Gulf County to the Board of County Commissioners] Tues- day night. Richard Lancaster,. long asso- ciated with Gulf.. Civil Defense, was present at the meeting and was. immediately appointed new Civil Defense chiAo.by the board. Troy Jones, whqyq s also pres-' ent, had filed his application to be considered as -irector, but asked the Board to give the po- sition to Lancaster. "I didn't know he was' interested," Jones said, "I think -you should give the position, to him, since :he. knows more abqut-the workings of Civil Defense than apy other man in the county. No person in Gulf County is fully qualified under Government standards", Jones remarked. Jones also asked for coopera- tion of the Board in working with Lancaster and cited the need for adequate storm shelter areas as one of the many prob- lems to be solved. Reports Made Architect Charles A. Gaskih reported to the Board that work on the new Mosquito Control building was progressing accord- ing to schedule. Gaskin also attempted to calm a misunderstanding .toward his fees for the building design. "The only mistake made was that we neglected to sign a con- *tract before work started". The Board. agreed with him. The ar- chitect went on to say that the only fee figures mentioned were based on original thinking of a - $45,000 building. The .project now underway, is costing in the neighborhood of $75,000. Donald Heine, representing the Northwest Florida Develop'ment Council presented the County a set of.. information which- con- sisted of .a .land use and owner- ship study including coded maps pertaining to Gulf County ,pro- perty. Heine explained that this information was, the necessary first step toward acquiring any Government assistance for pub- lic projects in the future. ! Other Items In other items of business the Board was requested by the State Department of Transportation to secure dredging and bulkhead permits from the State for work on two bridges on Highway 30-A. The DOT is currently in the pro- cess of rebuilding all bridges qn the highways. Zep Manufacturing Company Unions, Company Meeting Tomorrow The third meeting in the 12- week strike of St. Joe Paper Company by three unions has been scheduled for Friday morn- ing at 11:00 a.m., according to a paper company official. The strike, which has been unique in its lack of negotiations, completes its twelfth week to- day. The unions and company will be meeting with federal media- tor Leland Dean in an attempt to reach an agreement. -of Atlanta, Ga., was low bidder on a floor cleaning machine for ,use in the Courthouse. Zep's bid - was $389.50. The Board agreed to assist the School Board; with a paving, project at the Wewahitchka High School. Gulf County voters 5,052 strong-have the opportunity on Tuesday of next week to join the rest: of the state in approving or rejecting a proposed tax to be placed on the income from corporations, operating in the State of Florida. Language in the call for elec- tion describes the proposed Con- stitutidnal Amendment as "in- tended by this -amendment to limit death 'and income tax im- munity to natural persons, as op- posed to artificial persons or en- tities created by or pursuant to law such as business corpora- tions, banking associations, pro- fesisohaal corporations, savings and loan 'associations and other entities brought into being by compliance with state or federal statutes." The, Amendment provides that taxes shall not be in excess of five percent of net income as defined by law. Exceptions are provided for corporations of "not less than $5,000.00 of the excess of net in- come subject to tax". Polling Places Polls in; Gulf -County and throughout the state will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Poll- ing places in Gulf County. will be as follows: Last Rites Held for Mrs. Katie Jenkins Mrs. Katie Jenkins, age 77, of 532 Third Street, passed away last -Wednesday, at' Municipal Hospital'.at 4:30 p.m. following a short illness. Mrs..Jenkins was a native of Texas; but had been a resident of Port St. Joe for.the .past. 15 years.. She is survived by one daugh- ter" Mrs. Oa Buirows of Port -St, Joe; five grandchildren, 16 great grandchildren and one brother; Robert E. McKee of Shawnee, Oklahoma. Funeral services were held at 3:00 p.m. Sunday afternoon from the Assembly of God Church at Highland View. Rev. Claude E. McGill, assisted by Rev. William N. Stephens officiated. Interment followed in the family plot of Holly Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers included Jerry Peak, H. T. Dean, Gene Goff, Marvin Barfield, Hozie Barfield, Gene Adkins. Honorary bearers were Silas Player, Dan, Register, H. W. Griffin, B. E. Parker, Wayne White and Fred L.: Jones.' Comforter Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Legion Promotes The Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, American Legion joined with the Nationla Education Association in proclaiming this week "Na- tional Educationw Week" in the nation and Port St. Joe. The sponsorship of the empha- . sis on education week is a na- toinal project of the American -- Legion. In observance of the special attention, drawn to education, Mayor Frank Pate signed the fol- - lowing proclamation Saturday, morning calling for citizens of the area to observe this special week: "WHEREAS,, 'American Edu- -- cation Week' was instituted 51 - years ago by the joint action of the American Legion and the i National Education Association to enlist the help of the public in eliminating the high propor- tion of illiteracy and poor phy- sical fitness prevalent among America's youth, and "WHEREAS, the U. S. Office - of Education and the National --- .- Congress of Parent and Teach- Mayor Frank Pate sign (Continued On Page 12) Port St. Joe High School Precinct 1-City Hall, Wewa- hitchka. , Precinct 2-Gadi White build- ling, Wewahitchka. Precinct 3-Crutchifield build-' ing, Honeyville.. Precinct 4-dommunity Build- ing, Overstreet. Precinct 5-Fire Station, High- land View. Precinct 6--FFire Station, Act two of the three act pro- duction of re-trying Freddie Lee Pitts, age 27 and Wilbur Lee, 36 for the 1963 murders of Gro- ver Floyd and Jesse Burkett was completed Tuesday when the two defendants filed not guilty pleas before Circuit Judge Rob- ert L. McCrary of Marianna. Attorney Phil Hubbart, 'one of a battery of six attorneys rep- - resenting the now-famous pair, filed the pleas for the two and five motions along with the plea. Judge McCrary refused a re- quest from the defense, attor- neys to have Circuit Judge John Crews of Alachua County pre- side over the forthcoming trial and tentatively set a trial date for December 8 here in the Gulf County Court House., Judge Crewss dismissed con- victions of first degree murder 'from Pitts and Lee in October when he ruled on an August hearing for dismissal of charges, that the grand jury which ori- ginally indicted the pair was improperly selected because it "systematically" p r e vented blacks from sitting on the jury. Gulf's-jury selection has since been revised to afford all races, an equal opportunity at serving jury duty. I Motions filed by defense at- torneys Phillip Hubbart, Maurice Rosen, Jack Winnick, Irwin J. Block, Barry N. Semet and Theo- dore Klein asked for an order of insolvency, requesting Gulf County to pay defendants' costs other than attorneys' fees; mo- tion for discovery, to make all state evidence available to the defense; motion for a.transcript of the grand jitry testimony (no transcript is kept of grand i jury proceedings, such proc dings 'being secret; motion to miss the murder charges; mot.n to White kCity. Precinct 7-Anderson C o t - tages, St. Joe Beach. Precinct 8-City Hall, Port St. Joe. Precinct 9-STAC House, Port St. Joe. Precinct 10-Scout H o us e, Port St. Joe. Precinct '11-Centennial Build- ing, Port St. Joe. supress the defendants' original statements and confessions and a motion to change the location of the trial. Judge McCrary "gave the de-, fense 10 days to file any further motions after which he will de- cide on all motions filed. States' Attorney J. Frank Ad- ams and Assistant Leo Jones say they are ready to go to court to "try the defendants under the laws of Florida". Homecoming Parade Friday Port St. Job High School will be- observing Homecoming this week with activities centered in a parade Friday afternoon and activities at the football game Friday night. Port St. Joe will witness the big Homecoming parade Friday afternoon beginning at 4:00 p.m. when a collection of seven floats, two bands, a National Guard Color Guard and the Homecom- ing Court will be paraded up Reid Avenue. Cash prizes 'are being awarded the best three floats inI the parade will receive cash prizes with first prize set at $25.00, second prize, $15.00 and third prize, $10.00, Making up the Homecoming Court of beautiful girls this year will be Wyvonne Griffin, Joy Thompson, Sherry Chason, Judy Schweikert, Darlene Walton, Pam Burch, Terri Middleton,. Gloria Fennell, Dewana' Guillot, Julie Holland and Paula Boyette. In the Homecoming football game, the undefeated Sharks will meet the Blountstown Tigers. "Education Week" s a proclamation while I Principal, Zack Wuth- rich, left and Legion Commander F. E. Trammell, look on. -Star photo NUMBER 8 Judge McCrary Sets Trial Date ~ !;.;; ~ *' Jl I EDITORIALS ... '. Tax Amendment's Real Aim Is To Tax Florida Firms The flabbily worded attempt to lift some'of the present prohibitions against an income tax from Florida's Constitu- ' tion deserves a "no" vote. .this. is despite the moralistic crusading of Gov. Reu- -bin4Askew, who cast a "no" vote himself three years ago on a moe- carefully worded- proposal, and the frantic finger-pointing of Lt. Gov. Tom Adams, attempting to tar all who oppose with the "fat-cat" label. Once we get behind all the name calling and look closely at the proposal upon which the people will vote, we find substantive flaws in the Askew-Adams arguments. The first thing we hear is that this is the only way to tax the huge multi-state corporations, such as General Motors. Not only is this extremely doubtful but it is certain that the proposed tax will fall much more heavily upon the small to medium-sized corporation--chartered in Florida-than it will upon the corporate giants. Since Askew contends ,tht Florida's small, business- man is now taxed fifth-highest in the nation, it' is beyond the realm of reason for anyone to contend that the way to '.correct the alleged imbalance is to increase it for a sub- Sstantial segment of Florida's small business. The proposed constitutional amendment does not seem to us to be a crusade to tax the multi-state corporations because .there is an excellent chance that this could be, Done by law, without such an amendment.' If this is true-and we believe it to be-then 'the amendment is necessary only to tax- corporations and other businesses which are residents of the State of Florida. Thumb through the yellow pages of the telephone book and you will see the names of the objects of this "Crusade". Many of them wear overalls and have cal- luses on the palms of their hands. Had ft been the intent of Askew, or of the Legisla-. ture, to reach the corporate giants, why did they nbt' proceed to do so .by law? Florida's Constitutioni at present forbids only taxing 'the incdnes iof "residents or citizens, of the state."t It does not forbid the taxing of incomes of out-of-state resi- dents., As we understand the Supreme Court ruling on a cor- porate income tax, the court basically-ruled that a corpor- ation is a "citizen or resident" within the meaning of Flor- ida statutes. It did not rule on whether corporations chartered out of state are citizens and residents of the state. Our point-is that the.huge multi-state corporations- with very few exceptions--are not. chartered in the state and therefore can hardly be classed as citizens or resident of the State of Florida. It is the Florida businesses which fall into this category. Recently, Hanlk Drane, Political Editor of The Florida Times-Union, interviewed five attorneys in the state- among them.,some of Florida's recognized constitutional experts-on various questions concerning the proposed amendment. All five-including Art England, of Miami, who is drawing up a proposed bill for the House Finance and Taxation Committee to implement, the tax amendment if it is ratified-agreed that a state income tax could be levied under the amendment upon incomes of citizens of another state received from employment in Florida., "We've always been able' to do this," England com- -mented. - If a citizen of Alabama who works in Pensacola could now be taxed on his salary by the State of Florida, why could not a corporate citizen and resident obfMichigan be taxed on the portion of its income that is earned.. inFlor- ida? We are not saying that such a procedure would be, fair but merely that it appears possible. New Jersey does not levy an income tax upon its own residents, but it does tax the incomes of those who live in New York and work in New Jersey. And if this procedure is discriminatory, it is no more so than the discriminatory provisions in the proposed. constitutional amendment. Or, if procedure by simple statute was considered too legally risky, why was not the proposed constitutional amendment limited to allowing a tax only on multi-state corporations domiciled outside the state?' If it is now legal to discriminate against some specific forms of busi- 'ness income and in favor of others in the present amend- ment, why would this suggestion be any less legal? Further, the fact that. iuch a route was not even at- tempted makes the claim that the amendment is primarily designed to tax huge multi-state corporations less than believable. . Put in this context, the amendment is specifically de- signed to get at those .corporations which are residents and citizens of the State of Florida. And to put it up as a crusade to get, at those "huge multi-state corporations" is so much balderdash. Having'said that, we do not believe it would be fair- although we do believe it would'be possible-to single out the foreign corporations by law. Neither .o we believe it fair to single out certain types of businesss entity by amendment while leaving alone tomipetifig tfyes. It is true that a business tax i politically feasible but that does not make it politically courageous. If, as Askew and Adams claim, Florida's tax struc- ture is so regressive at present and if, as Askew and Adams claim, the state is in such desperate financial shape (contentions, by the way, that we do not accept at face value) then the only possible way to get tax reform is to scrap regressive taxes and put all types of businesses and individuals on an equal footing. This cannot be done without substantial amounts of money. And the only method that we cani see to do it is by an income tax on all business entities. and individuals. If Florida is to reconcile itself to the! present spiral of state spending-a reconciliation we have not yet been able to accept-let it do so with its eyes open rather than in a piecemeal fashion. -Florida Times-Union Remember that hour of sleep the U. S. Government took from you back during the Spring under the guise of giving you an extra hour of usable daylight under the Daylight Savings Time? Well, you're going to get it back Saturday- night--or rather, officially, Sunday morning. At.2:00 A.M. Sun- day, the nation reverts back to Standard Time, chopping an hour off the, evening portion of the day .and placing it at the head.of the line. While you will have one hour -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLzT R. RAMSEY Editor and PubUiser Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department PosTromcz Box 308 PHONE 227-8161 PonT ST. JOE, FLODwA 32456 Entered a'second-las matter, December 19, 1987, at the Postofflce, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879. IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX M08., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omMlssions in advertisement, the publishers , So not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertleement. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word thogtfuly weighed. The poken word barely aarts; the printed word thorough on- lnose. 'The spokes word Is lost; the printed word remains. less daylight after knocking off work (if you're working) you also have one hour longer to sleep in the morning. This is our type of deal. We don't mind staying up at night, but getting out of bed in the morning before sunrise is almost more than our delicate system can stand. The' popularity of Daylight Savings. Time is almost equally divided between those who like it and those who don't. So, while those who don't like DST will be made happy Sunday morning, those who do like it will be mad. When you stop to think of it; it is nice to have something in this world which has all the people satisfied for at least six months of the year. Maybe there are some merits to DST after all. I Too Late To Classify ,, By Russell Kay The other evening while list- ening to the Dean Martin Show I got a kick out of his paraphras- ing the title of the old song, "I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now!" Sitting on his piano with Kenny Lane at the keys, he sang "I Wonder, Where's Kissinger Now!" The same day, press re- ports told us that Kissinger was. on his way to China. The situation inspired me to see if I could not complete the ditty and here is the result: I wonder, where's Kissinger now! I vision him talking with chow; Imagine him, gazing into Chow's eyes, r i neighbor against neighbor and the glorious dreams of our fore- fathers began to go down the drain. How much longer must we tramp the wilderness crying "Peace, Peace" where there is no peace? I prayfully hope Nix- on's trip to China will prove a step in the right direction. Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY PAGE TWO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1?71THE STAR, Port St. oo, Florld" Extra Hour Of Sack Time Scare Up A Little Safety TALLAHASSEE The Florida Highway Patrol today appealed to parents, drivers and trick-or- treaters to "scare up" some traffic safety this Halloween night Colonel Reid Clifton, director' of the Patrol said, "Added pedes- trian traffic on Halloween night, plus an increase in pedestrian deaths calls for a review of safety lessons. Parents, drivers and trick- or-treaters have an enormous re- sponsibility to help prevent acci- dents." According to Patrol records pe- Sdstrian deaths are up 24 percent over 1970. During the first nine months of 1971, 330 pedestrians were killed in traffic accidents. There were 267 killed during the same period last year. Clifton reminded trick-or-treat- ers that safety always comes first and said their most important task would be walking along and cros- sing streets at the proper places. ' Parents were encouraged to de- vise clever makeup for children's faces instead of masks because masks might limit vision. Clifton also suggested costumes made of light colors to add to the child's safety by making him easier to see at night. "Drivers should use extra cau- tion because of increased pedes- trian traffic, especially in residen-. tial areas," concluded Colonel Clif- ton. Bond. Sales In Gulf $9.606 In Sept. September sales of Series E and H United States Savings Bonds in Florida were $8 million up $1.4 million over September 1970. Dur- ing this 9 month, period ending September 30 Florida Savings Bonds sales totaled $88.4 million up $14.7 million over the same period last year. Florida achieved 89.8 per cent of its 1971 sales goal September 30. Mr. W. C. Dodson, Gulf County volunteer Savings Bonds Chair- man reported September sales in the county were $9,606. At the end of September the county at- tained 69.0 per cent of its 1971 goal. Breathing sighs, telling lies. I wonder who's buying the, wine . With the dough that I used to call mine. I wonder' if he's really work- ing for me. I I wonder, where's Kissinger now- I've never been very exicted over the President's planned trip to China. I have no more faith in Chinese Communists than I have in Russian Commun- ists. Communist's money, arm- ament and encouragement has kept the war going in Vietnam and in Korea before that. They did so with one aim in mind, the weakening and ultimate de- struction of the U. S.' I have no quarrel with the .Chinese 'people. I have lived with them and worked with them, loved and admired them lor their courage and industry, their good sense and ability, their friendliness and hospitality and their ancient wisdom. Whether they are Free Chinese in Formosa or slave Chinese on the mainland, they reflect the leadership that controls them. People, the rank and file, are all the same, be they Americans, Russians, Chinese or whatever. They want peace, worthwhile employment, food, clothing and recreation. Their enemies are created for them and their emo- tions fired to distrust and hat- red by those 'who lead them. When America was young and growing up she had the friend- ship and goodwill of the whole world. To become an American was the hope and ambition of countless millions. They came by the thousands from everywhere and all joined hands to build a great nation and personal suc- cess. Jew and Gentile, white, black, yellow and brown, all worked shoulder to shoulder to build a better land for all. Then the forces of evil took over. Nation rose against nation, We were appalled last week when attorney Bob Moore called ,to see if I would run an article by him defending the Governor's proposed Corporate Income Tax to be vot- ed on next Tuesday. Bob didn't really believe that we'd print the letter, since we are opposed to the tax. If anybody else harbors -these delusions on any mat- ter whatever, you can get rid of them right now. True we edit most everything that goes into the paper for con- tent, interest, etc., but we try our best to make this a com- munity newspaper, printing things the community wants to-and needs to- know- about. In this case, the public needs to know both sides of the Corporate Tax issue. For those of- you who have written letters and not had them printed,, we need to stress once again that a let- ter must be written in good taste (not slanderous, libel- ous or obscene) and MUST BE SIGNED by the writer. We get letters regularly that aren't signed and we will not publish them. We broke this rule one time last sum- mer when an anonymous writer wrote praising the sum- mer recreation program. As a rule, though, unsigned letters will not be printed. We can leave off the name in printing, but:the letter must be signed. Bob's letter hadn't arrived at this writing, so if you don't see it in the paper this week, it's because he decided not to write it;/not because we refused to print it. * You've seen cartoonists come up with various ways of expressing what will make a grown man cry. I know what will make Bill Barlow cry; FSU losing to the Florida "Gators" by a score of 17-15. We went to Gainesville that fateful Saturday to see the Seminoles snare the Ga- tors, but things didn't work out, that way. To top off the loss at the ballgame, we had a small accident on the way down and got stuck in traffic inside Gainesville on the way back for nearly two hours. Some kids out of Tallahassee, driving one'of these "economy?" foreign cars with no brake lights, squatted in front of us near Trenton, in bumper to bumper traffic. While I was wrinkling up his back end I kept waiting -on the guy in back to do the same thing to me. He saw my lights come on and managed to stop in time, though. It looks to me as if Gainesville police could do some- thing about their after the game- traffic problem. In a city where a stadium can hold over 65,000 people, some- thing should be done to provide some parking and some help in exiting. It doesn't take 20 minutes to get out of Campbell Stadium in Tallahassee and on your way home. Tallahassee provides necessary traffic police to clear the people out. We left the stadium in Gainesville at 4:20 and at 6:00 P.M., we were still within a mile of Florida Field. There's no excuse for that. Part,of the-problem could very well be, no traffic con- trollers. We saw two policemen going into the stadium and three coming out. That's not enough for that kind of traffic. As for Barlow and his.crying jag; all the way home he tossed about and moaned, "17 to 15" "17 to 15". In one of the "Chuckles" the other day, we saw where the indispensable man is in a bad spot. They can't Spare him at his position in order to give him a promotion. At long last the football raters have put Port St. Joe higher than 10th in state ratings. Here you have a team with a perfect record, mostly with schools in a larger clas- sification, and we were mired in 10th place. Wildwood, last year's champion, is in first place. Since Port St. Joe was runner-up last year, doesn't it stand to reason we should be in at least second place with a perfect record? Schools in this area are rated above Port St. Joe who haven't met near the test of their abilities as have the Sharks. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DR. EDWARD R. SCRUGGS, Interim Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 5:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ...-...--.. 6:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ... 5:45 P.M. EVENING WORSIHP ..7:00 P.M PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor VHE STAR. Port S.. ..*,. Fe. J2456 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 fAGE TREB pany, and We expect completion of same within a few weeks. Now we can go fishing at midnight if Swe cannot fall asleep A il l^f II ,* Seven candidates qualified for Ab DOut M exAico -the City Election to be held on Tuesday, November 2, in the Town S' Hall of Mexico Beach. In Group I, e / f J for Mayor-Councilman, we have B ,W c 1 George Holland and William F. Lyles; in Group I, Mrs. Elizabeth by RELLA WEXLER W. Thompson has qualified, unop- L posed; in Group IV, Ralph Bush S and Tollie R. Mullins qualified; and in Group V, we have Mrs. Pol-, The early morningn fog is begin- not heed the law, you'll be guilty lye T. Hays and Mrs. Michele ild- "ing tb appear and, drivers must of- a misdemeanor and ean-be bold. (Women's Lib had nothing heed the 45 mile -speed limft to punished by imprisonment not ex- to do with it!) avid any accidents. When the tog ceeding 30 days or by a fine of . is thfck, limiting vision to two or from $20: to $100 plus court costs. Absentee ballots have been sent thw.. .blocks, .~ou as a driver of The sea; pats and several other to Ab St. John and Ed Holland, a *h^cle can.hlp to keep traf- plants are protected under Florida who are students at Auburn; Mr. fic an4 an everi ke. Statute 865.06 which deals with and Mrs. Lewis C. Houston, in Cape Sn preservation of wild trees, shrubs, Coral, Florida; Colonel and Mrs. The wild sea oats are waving in and plants Thornton, in Tullahoma, Tenn.; the breeze, but this is no invita- and Colonel arid Mrs. James T. tion to anyone to "come and cut The lighting system on the Coun- Heathcock, in' Falls Church Vir. them. It is against the law to pick ty pier in, Mexico Beach has been ginia. We may have two or three or destroy, these, and if you do started by the Florida Power Com- more requests. Absentee ballots __________"__- _____ ~were mailed on Saturday, the 23rd, almost immediately after the qua- FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH ifying date for candidates on the Intersection Monument and Constitution A special council meeting was REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister called for Wednesday, October 17, Church School 9:45 AM. at 7 p to complete the neces- M r in Sho i pA1:0 ., sary/papers for the Flashing Bea- Morning Worship -11:00 con light at 42 Street; to study the Methodist Youth Fellowship .....----......... 6:15 .P.M. plan forwarded by the St. Joseph Evening Worship 7:30 P.M. Telephone and Telegraph Company regarding underground cable, etc. "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives" A report on this will appear ins ,r next week's issle of this news- ~ A' NOV J I paper. Before concluding this column, I wish to add the names of a few more eligible voters who requested absentee ballots: Jim Middleton, who flew, to the bedside of his ail- ing father in California; Mr. and Mrs. Joe MirarAjbristopher Earley, who is a stud4jtt at Auburn. Surprising conclusion of a fish- ing trip on Captain George Hol- land's "Miss Hospitality" A White Marlin, more than seven- feet long, caught my Spencer Wall of Rutherfordton, N. C. The White Marlin, first of its kind caught out of Port Sj. ]Joe, weighed 55 lbs., was caught ,55. miles out in the Gulf, and took one hour to land. Mr. W h sis arranged to have it mounted Legal Adv. STATEMENT QF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION S' I P' As, required by Act of August 12, 1970; Section 3685. Title 39, United States Code. Statement filed October 1, 1971 for The Star, published weekly at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, wNth location of the headquarters and general business offices of the publishers at the same location. The publisher, editor and man- aging editor and their address, is: Wesley R. Ramsey, Sr., P. 0. Box 308, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Owner: Wesley" R. Ramsey, Sr., P. 0. Box 308, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Extent and nature of circula- tion: Total number of copies print- ed, 2,100; sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and coun- ter sales, 570; mail subscriptions, 1,510. Total distribution, 2,080; of- fice use, left-over, unaccounted, spoiled after' printing, 20. Total, 2,100. I certify that *the statements made by me above are correct, and complete. WESLEY RAMSEY, SR. Owner Black Cat Touchdowns EVERY PURCHASE at BOYLES BLACK CAT SALE A QUEEN SIZE THRILLER. STOP LOOK, BLACK CATS ALL OVER THE STORE EVERY ITEM BEARING A BLACK CAT CAN BE BOUGHT AT HALF PRICE! HURRY, NOW! It's Witchy! It's Beautiful! LADIES' SUITS and ENSEMBLES 20% whacked off Garments of fashion and dis- tinction by Butte Knit, Devon, Jonathan Logan. Goodies for Ghosts! BOY'S SOX Cushion sole for comfof rt. Cot- ton and nylon blend for long wear. Reg. 3 for $1.00 now ... 3pr. 66c Sizes 9 to 11 Haunting Homecoming Hits for Men and Boys Men's The Price Is Ghostly! The Value A Touchdown! 'FUN FUR COATS Value Witch Priced-$35.00 Val. -izes ---.- $29.00 Value Witch Priced-$20.00 Val. Girl's17.00 Sizes ------------ agIV These are fine quality coats . Quilt lines and washable crown values for beautiful queens. Spook In At Shark Stadium in JACKETS from BOYLES LADIES' PANT SUITS Values to $30.00. Black cat bit these ... now $17.00 Polyester, Velours, Corduroy and some bonded. GIRL'S PANT SUITS Black Cat Bit Itl 15% markdown These regularly sell $3.99 to $14.99. Perfect for Hallowe'en and for the Homecomecoming Game Dry your Happy Homecoming Tears with King Size Handkerchiefs from BOYLES Reg. 8 for $1.00 package, now 8 for 88c Large size, neatly hemmed. *...-- a L; names like Campus or Wrang. \ \ -- V Sweat Shnirts ler. Buy coats, jackets or wea- ther coats at super savings. For \ Reg. $2.29 values in sizes S, M, man or boys. Now, 2 for Boy's sizes, Reg. $1.49 HOW $1.29 "The Store with More" Port St. Joe CARP'S IS OPEN ALL DAY EVERY WEDNESDAY -. ~ , PA46I FOUR THE STAR Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 ecs f RICH and SONS' IGA -PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Oct. 27, 28, 29,j30 Support the S ROBIN HOOD Limit 1 Bag With $10.00 Order FLOUR 5 LB. BAG 4 VIM (Reg $1.59 Value) NY L 6 oz. btl. $1.09 S.VICKS (Reg. $1.39 Value SINX .------. oz. 99. VCKS (Reg. 55c Value) '' VA 'ORU --- 1.3 oz. 49c VASELIN Intensive Care eg. 79 Value) LOTON W 6 oz. bt. 59c WM jTITl17T mI'9- INA W7-.Y. NLO JrULtL* J. ijr AIN.j.,L AS LONG AS THEY LASr! DRINKS llC CASE of 24 CANS -$2.59 Ga. Grade 'A' -LWith $15.00 Order or More 1 doz EGGS' Georgia Grade 'A' LARGE EGGS 2 Doz Georgia Grade 'A' SMALL EGGS 3 Doz. FREE 99c 88c Tablerite Smoked Shoulders (Water Added) Whole Lb.. DAIRYFODS MIRACLE 6-STICK OLEO 1 KRAFT American or Pimento CHEESE SINGLES--- 1 KRAFT Cracker Barrel Sharp CHEESE WEDGES---_ BOUNTY PAPER TOWEL LB.39C 12 oz. pkg. 69c: 8 oz.*~k 5S S 36c FR OEN0OOD SUPREME ROUND HALF GALLON ICE'CREAM 89c BIRDSEYE MIXES 20 Oz. Pkg. T"ICK and FROSTY-------- pkg. 69c IGA Package of 6 W'A F F E S----- 3 pkgs. 29c MORTON Pl SH LS _.-.---_ pkg. of 2 39c BARBARA DEE COOKIES PKGS$1.00 HORMEL or SWIFT Canned HAM 3 LB. CAN $Ja j MAXWELL HOUSE ,Limit 1 with $10.00 Order or More COFFEE 2 LB. CAN I % STANDARD TOMATOES 5No. 303 S$100 CAT 320 Oz. Bottles IGA S U P 89c 22 OZ. BOTTLE yC Fresh Fla. FRUIT- ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, APPLES, SWEET SATSUMAS--- b-ag 33c 79c 24 oz. 89c BRACH'S 100 Count CANDY TREATS ----- pkg. CHARMING Assorted BATHROOM TISSUE -----4 rolls 79c 45c TRELLIS GARDEN PEAS ---- 5 cans $1.00 KRAFT 16 Oz. FRENCH DRESSING---- btl. FOR THE OYSTERMEN BURLAP BAGS ---- each KRAFr BARBECUE SAUCE 59c 12c 18 oz 39c 39( Plant Now and Beautify Your Lawn for Winter Winter Rye Grass Seed THE FALL CROP IS 'IN FILL YOUR FREEZER NOW WITH OUR QUALITY PRODUCE AT LOWEST PRICES GOLDEN RIPE POUND Bananas lOc FOT MORN BACON Lb. TABLERITE FRESH GROUND BEEF TABLERITE % Sliced PORK LOIN ---- TABLERITE Center Cut PORK CHOPS lb. 59c Ib. 69c lb. 88c SUNNYLAND Pork 2M Lb. Pkg. Red Delicious BREAKFAST LINKS pkg. $1.88 A P P L E S COPELAND BOLOGNA -------- lb. 69c TABLERITE Lean Meaty Small SPARE RIBS -- Ilb. 59c Cello Bags Golden Carrots 2 for 29c 50 Lb. Bag U. S. No. 1 IRISH Potatoes -.- $2.49 Rome Beauty, Cookingand Yellow Delicious lb. 19c APPLES lb. 15c Sweet Florida Oranges, Satsumas doz. 49c Fresh Florida White ENDS and PECES 4 Grapefruit 3 BACON---4 ib. box 88c Grapefruit 3 For Thanksgiving Decorations Ornamental Indian Corn & Gourds 4 Fo 29c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons IGA Saltine CRACKERS lb. pkg. 29c IGA No. Can TUNA FISH ----- can IGA INSTANT COFFEE -----6 oz. jar 89c BRACH'S 90 Count Assorted POPS pkg. KRAFT Vanilla CARAMELS- DETERGENT IVORY .LIQUID Fall Vegetable Savings! Fresh Tender OKRA Tender Yellow SQUASH -- bag 4 C i 1 411~ L ) + j" SAVE CASH AT RICW'S -NOT; STAMPS 9t .1 Five more of the 24 candidates seeking the title of Port St. Joe's Junior Miss are being introduced .this week by their sponsors and the pageant's sponsoring organi- zations, the Port St. Joe Jaycees and Jaycettes. Shown from left to right-are: Miss Sherry 9hason, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Troy McMillian. Sheiry is sponsored by the Farm- er's Mill and Elevator, Inc., of Blountstown. Miss Freda Sutton, daughter of Mr. and' Mrs. Fred Sutton. Miss Sutton's sponsor is St.' Joe Stevedores. Miss Linda Lewis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John :. Lewis. She is sponsored by the Apalaccola Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Cub Scout Pac winl meeT ionignt Cub Scout Pack No. 47 will hold its October Pack meeting Thurs- iday, October 28 (tonight) at 7:30 p.n.. in the High School Commons Area. ' All Cubs, leaders and parents are urged to attend. Miss Julie Holland, daughter , of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland. Florida Power Corporation is sponsoring Julie. Miss Paula Boyette, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Boyette, Sr. Paula is sponsored by Guil- ford's Union 76 of Mexico Beach. Many In Area Losing Social Security Benefits Through Lock of Knowledge Many working people age 62 and cording to David Robinson, Social over in this area are losing bene- Security Field Representative for fits because they do not under-Gulf County. A person does not Ia have to quit work entirely to re- stand the social security law, ac- ceive benefits . As long as a person does earn over $1680 in a year, he negardless ofi mthe total earnings for the year, a person eligible for social security retirement or sur- vivors benefits can receive a check for any month he does not earn over $140 in wages or work in self- employment. Individuals over age 72 can receive all of their. special security benefits regardless of how much they earn. Robinson concluded by inviting anyone age 62 or over who has not filed a claim to get in touch with the social security office to discuss his case. Failure to do this could result in loss of benefits. The office for this area is located at 1316 Harrison Ave., Panama City 32401. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 pn.m. To contact the office by phone, residents of this area should dial Operator and ask for WX-4444. Tu i OS--FFlowers of Passion Not only did a certain Turkish emperor in the.16th cen- tury value his harem of voluptuous young girls but he also Valued their reaction to what was considered the most beau- tiful and sensuous ot flowers, the tulip. From contemporary accounts, the Sultan's harem was made to dance around a courtyard filled with tulips once a year. The girl whose appreciative gestures, movements and cries seemed to the Sultan to be the most truly indicative of passion and responsiveness was taken to his private apartments! To this day the tulip remains one of- the most beautiful and romantic flowers in the world. , INSURANCE Is An Exacting Science Too! LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH EXTRA CARE! There are about as many dif. ferent types of insurance as there are specific needs. You can't buy them all, so it-is vitally important that you consult with an expert Call on us at any time! WE PUT THE "SURE" IN YOUR INSURANCE Let's take an example. Do you know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT ... un- LI.AILITY INSURANCE TITLE INSURANC.- FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST less you're properly insured! TOMLINSON Insurance Agency THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 PAGE WI Florida Receives Over Half Billion In Federal Aid Fund Jacksonville Florida received "While this represented a 19 peri According to the Review, Florida more than half a billion dollars in cent increase over grant money re- ranked 13th among all states in federal grants-ii-aid during the ceived the previous year, Florida total grants received with Cali- 1970 fiscal year but it was only individuals and corporations paid fornia holding down the top spot. 12 per cent of the amount of feder- about $4 billion in, federal income The lions share of Florida grants al income taxes paid in by Flor- taxes in 1970, eight times as much went for health, education and wel- idians, the Florida State Chamber as we received back," noted Ronald fare, about $388 million or three- of Commerce reported yesterday. S. Spencer Jr., Executive Vice Pre- fourths of the total amount allocat- The State Chamber's Weekly sident of the State Chamber. ed to the state. Business Review said a total of The Review pointed out that Grants to highway projects drop- $507 million in federal grants were Florida was not alone in receiving ped six per cent from the previous received by the state to support a smaller amount of federal funds year but urban affairs increased such programs as urban develop- in relationship to taxes paid. Other 180 per cent, reflecting the in- ment, transportation, health, edu- states paying about $4 billion in creased efforts to re-develop urban cation, welfare and natural re- taxes and their percentage return areas of the state, the Review source management. This was $81 on grants were: North Carolina, said. million more than was received 12 per cent; Minnesota, 11 pqr during the 1969 fiscal year. cent; Wisconsin, 10 per cent; Con- ' necticut, 8 per cent; and Indiana, Robinson continued. Even if you 7 per cent. D rive earn over $1680, some benefits "The federal formulas for dis- receive all of his social security, tributing grants are very detailed rive may be payable. An individual who but some states do even worse than earns between $1680 and $2880 Florida. Illionis which paid $4 bil- has $1.00 in benefits withheld for lion in taxes only got six per cent afel each $2 he earns. If earnings go back in grants," Spencer said. over $2880, $1.00 is withheld from However, Spencer said some AT benefits for each $1.00 earned over states receive a better return on $2880. their income taxes paid as com- For example, a person entitled pared with grants received such as T to $100 a month in social security Mississippi which had a 62 per benefits who earns $2500 a year cent return in grants money; West I working could still receive $790 Virginia, 44 per cent; and Alabama, in social security benefits a year. 36 per cent. D-ff-Al... IU +1k. 01 U1 L alU ino Five Junior Miss Candidates A,.1..-:a a - AY YOU SAW T IN THE STAR - All Electric Mobile Home Showing eee\f Mobile Home Brokers Corner of Reid and Fifth Street Port St. Joe October 28, 29 and 30 ~ 00 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971. 39.9m' - Automobile owners in America'thing about the biggest safety haz- autos with more safety devices to sible for are currently in a big project to zard to driving, whidh is the drink- 'come. He pointed out that only pollution provide two things in American ing driver. Hill said" that over half one third of the drivers use the harmful' automobiles, Harold Hill, manager the traffic fatalities" last year in- seat belts and four percent of the of the Ford Motor Credit.'Corpora- evolved drinking rivers. Over a drivers use, shoulder belts. tion told the Rotary Club last quarter of all a~cients are also n, a -Thursday. "Auto makers are striv- attributed to drinkffg drivers. At "As or air poltion, 'auto ha- ing to build a car that is safer least 20% of high fatalities did kers started on this control in 1968 and one that will offer less pollu- not even invol tos, but were with evenom75 stringent stand- tibn to the atmosphere", he said. caused by m e, bicycles, s for 1und As yet nionway Hill said auto makers cant do a and other vehicles` Hill said. "Nev- standards set by the government, ertheless", he (said' "auto manu- but we're trying", he said. D Men Whitfield facturers now talll seat belts I-ill said .that before pollution n W itieli and' shoulderiharss in all 'new controls began, autos were respoii- In 'Naval Academy _ Midshipman Benjamin Farrell (Benny) Whitfield, son of Captain U. F. Whitfield of Den Helder, The Netherlands and Mrs. Shirley T. irst Whitfield of Port St. Joe, has been enrolled as a 10th grade mid- shipman' at the Sanford Naval Aca- damy in Sanford, Florida. The academy, starting its ninth year with boys in grades six through 12, is rated as a Naval Honor School. Its roster has at- tracted students from every state and many foreign' countries. Mr. and Mis. Robert F. Cant- she will graduate in December. ley, Sr., announce the engage- The groom-elect is a graduate ment and approaching marriage of both:Port St. Joe High School . of their daughter, Shirley Kaye, and Gulf Coast Community Col- to William Howard Ramsey, son lege. He is presently attending i of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Rams- the University of West Florida sey, Sr. in Pensacola. ' The bride-to-be is a 1970 grad- uate of Port St. Joe High School The wedding wille an event and, is presently attending GI. i of December 18 at 5:30 p.m. in. -Coast Community College where the Long Avenue Baptist Church. Ellis Says Americans Need to Adopt Awareness of World In Evangelism Role Rev. Sidney Ellis expressed the man. opinion to the Kiwanis Club Tues- Rev. Ellis brought out the fact ,day that youth in America today that nations with world-wide in- need to be educated as citizens of fluence have been used by God in the 'world, in order to meet their the past as a vehicle for spreading worldwide responsibilities of to- his word throughout the world. , day. "'~"Ae Roman Empire was used Using his native England as an in this manner, the Germans, example he pointed out that Eng- French and English and now Amer-n asin at- lish children get this education as ica. The other'empires have faded caed attention to decreasing at- sort of a by-product of growing up. but the Word of God still is strong. the United Stance at churodah funcas a arn "The youth of England can listen Now American influence is slip- the Unit States today as a warn to French, German, Spanish and ping and the task of being the ing. Italian broadcasts on an ordinary means of distribution of God's Ellis said the two criteria were radio. They can pick up television word may be handed on to some- necessary for America to remain broadcasts from these countries one else unless we do something great: getting acquainted with the and travel to them as- cheaply as about it." world and continuing to foster the youth in America travel between Ellis pointed out that the fad- word of God. one state and another". He pointed ing of former empires was preceed- Guests of the club were Key out that this association broadens ed by diminishing church attend- Clubbers Paul Saylor and George one's outlook toward his fellow ance and Christian activities. HeMcLawhon. Brenda Parker, Paul Teel Are Married In' Bradenton The, Christ Episcopal Church Chapel of, Bradenton was the scene Saturday, October 23 for the wedding of Miss Brenda Jean :Parker and Paul Lewis Teel. Miss Parker is ,the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Parker, Sr., of -Bradenton 'and formerly of Port St. Joe. Mr. Teel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lewis Teel of Palpietto. The ceremony was performed-iby the Very Rev. Ca- non Fred T. Kyle, Priest-In- Charge of Christ Episcopal. Nuptial music was furnished by Greg Rohr, organist. Serving the bride as Matron of Honor was her aunt, Mrs. W. R. Rushnell of Bradenton. Brides-, maid was Miss Gail Davis of iSar- asota. Flower girl was Miss Jodi 'Cessna of Bradenton. Serving as ring bearer was the bride's cou- sin, Devon Rushnell of Braden- ton. The groom was attended by his father, Ralph L. Teel, serv- ing as best man. Donald Sudbury cousin of the groom and Lee Scoggins, both of Bradenton, 'were ushers. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was ra- diant in. a princess style gown of floor length white satin. Two rows of lace cascaded down the front and back and was placed around the jewel neckline, along the short sleeves and, at the hem. White satin buttons were placed dowfi the front of the gown. Her veil was elbow length nylon tul- le with ;a "Juliet" style head- piece covered with white satin. It was trimmed with white flow- ers with pearl centers. The bride't, made her wedding dress. The bridal bouquet consisted of a cascade of daisies, blue car- nations and white sweetheart roses. ' Following the ceremony, a re- ception was held in the Parrish Hall of the church. Mrs. Francis Fernald cut the wedding cake. Mrs. Robert Weidlich, Mrs. Mary Pierce and Miss Barbara Genter served. Mrs. J. B. Lisenby kept the bride's book. Out of town guests included Mrs. James Teel of iPort Norris, N. J.- Mrs. Wilma P. Ward and son, Tommy of Bainbridge, Ga. After a wedding trip to the Bahamas, the couple will make their home in Fort Myers. 'Eta Upsilon Meets With Mrs. Van Camp Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sig- ma Phi met October 19 in the home of Barbara Van Camp. The business meeting was con- ducted by the president, Dot Wil- liams. . Elaine Jackson gave an interest- ing program on "Environment, Health, Work and Play." After the closing ritual was re- peated the members enjoyed a so- cial hour and delicious refresh- ments were served by the hostess. Birthday- s Nathan Peters, m, ob- served his first birth- day, last Wednesday, October 20. Nathan-is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathani Peters, Jr., 201 Peters Street, Port St. Joe. *0 I , Ladies' BOBBIE BROOKS 25% OFF Ladies and Juniors Dresses Pant Suits 1/3 off less than 40% of smoke and less than 12% of pollution. "Atmosphere Anita Joyce Wimberly and Mark Devon Floyd Are United In Marriage Mr. and Mrs. J. 'Y. Wimberly of White City, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ani- ta Joyce to Mark Devon Floyd of Panama City, son of, J. D. Floyd and Mrs. Jimmie Lou, Rhodes. 'The ceremony was performed Friday, October 22, in the office of County Judge Sam P. Husband in the Gulf County Courthouse, with Judge Husband presiding. Friends and relatives of the couple attended. The couple are now residing in White City. ALL SALE ITEMS CASH! 9, 30 .LADIES' FALL SH OfES V2 PRICE BOOTS Were $29.95 .GIRL'S DRESSES and COATS ZOff Children's Red Goose SH OES ---25% off SAVINGS ON MATERIAL All Summer 1 MATERIAL off 2 Falr MATERIAL off 1/4 Many Other Items Marked Down COSTING'S 1/3 ; O QNE TABLE FALL SH 0OES $5.00 pr. IN ALLC 0 L ORS off Men and Boys SHOES--- 25% off STETSON HATS V3 off All Men's Knit Pants 20Off "Your Store of Quality and Fashion" THE STAR, Port St. Jo, Piende conditions in given areas add to pollution problems, with inade- quate air circulation to carry off pollution", he said. Hill said this area should be bothered hardly any at all with air pollution, with sea breezes to carry off any of- fending odors or smoke. "We're forever searching for the solution to these problems", Hill said, "and we won't be satisfied until we find the answer". Rotary Told That Auto Makers Are Trying to Lick Two ,Major Problems Cantley -,Ramsey IHURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 28, 2 S' ,/ 20.00.S 15.00 Were $14AA $21.00 ------... -- I V Men's Suits and Sport Coats __ I 1E STAR, Port St. .*, Fla. 32454 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 PAGE SEVEN 1 Pridgeon Camp Is Setting for Party ueen Candidates These 11: young ladies are candidates for Homecomiuig Queen at Candidates .are, from left to right: Wyvonne GriffiIiJoy Thoi Friday night's football game here in Port St. Joe against tihe Blounts- Sherry Chason, Judy Schweikert, Darlene Walton, m Burch, town High- School Tigers. The 'Quen' will be named during half Middleton, Gloria Fennell, DeWana Guillot, Julie Helahd and time ceremonies. The queen candidates will also be featured in. Boyette the Honmecomiig Parade Friday afternoon in downtown Port St. Joe. -Star ".the -H" -. ,' ".ar, ,e.,taI r of DANLEY'S En QUEEN SIZE $139.00 KING SIZE $199.00 Limited Quantity 18 Inch Sylvania With Free Stand Portable TELEVISION Cloth Supported Vinyl Cover Sofa and Chair Mediterranean Oak Dresser, Chest, Bed, Mirror 4pc Bedroom Suite I FTTFP ' The Pridgeon Camp was the *im Ni N Sm EI% B - scene of a most enjoyable fish T T E E supper hosted .by Ann Pridgeon, UT IHE EDITOR Flo Maddox. 'and Shirley Daniels for the members of Xi Epsilon --'- .- ".. a Kappa chapter of Beta Sigma Phi on Saturday, October 23. Dear Wes: come tax, only seven of the states Thirteen members, their hus. Many fables and few facts have had the corporate profits tax be- bands and two guests enjoyed the been printed concerning the pro- fore it had the personal income traditional fish supper. posed Corporate Profits Tax. On tax. None of the states had a Con- such an important issue it is un- stitutional prohibition against a 7 fortunate that so many 'distorted, personal income jtax. To say that I inaccurate statements have been a corporate profits tax will lead made.>Hopefully, facts will replace to a personal income tax is no y, .Ifantasies. more valid or accurate than to say Florida's present tax structure is that the imposition of an addition- C h t e inadequate and unfair. Florida has al sales, tax, property tax or any C h a tt r : i the forty-sevehth most inelastic other tax will lead "to a personal tax base in the United States; that income tax. ,-9 is, tax revenues do not grow in The Corporate Profits' Tax will LADIES WINTER LEAGUE relation to'the growth in our size not be passed on to the consumer. Team. No. 5 met Team No. 4 on of wealth. Florida has the forty- in the form of higher prices to the lanes 1 and 2. Thursday night of sixth 'most, 'regressive tax struc- extent of the tax. First, since al- last week ahd grabbed all four. ture; that is, ,our tax structure most all the tax revenue from the games. Pat Holland,had high game takes a higher percentage from corporate profits tax is going to for Team -No. 4at 161 and high lower and middle 'income families come from multistate corporations series of 417. Barbara Mongold led than 'from high income families in, which have national pricing poll- Team No. 4 with her 101 game and taxes. Florida's taxes on small cies, any price increase due to ad- 247 series, businessmen are the fifth highest ditional taxes will be passed on to Team No. 6 took all four games in the country and taxes on con. all the people of the United States from Team 'No. 1 on alleys 3 and sumers: are seventh highest. At the and not just to Florida. The Gen- 4 Betty Barbee had high game same time we'tax large corpora- eral Motors 'car sells for the same and series at 159 and 433 for the tions at:a rate second lowest in the thing in California, New York and winners. Mary Whitfield paced the county. : Florida- (ignoring shipping cost). losers w. iher 16 game nad 421 The major premise of this tax Yet while the two former states re- loseries. reform proposal is that the large ceived millions of dollars from Team No. took three of four multistate corporations are not General Motors, Florida received mpson, gaes from Team No. 2 on lanes paying, their fair .share of taxes to only $1,500.00. The fact is that er ri 5 and 6. Evlyn Smith led her IFlorida. Some car .dealers in the Florida residents are helping to Paul team' with A 164 game and 435'state pay more tax than Ford,' pay Corporate Profits Taxes for s u Mo L..i ha high er Chrysler and American Motors the 44 other states without getting photo for Team; No.S'2 with a nice 1167 combined. .The average smoker any -revenue for itself. Secondly, photo for d.' 448 series pays three times as much cigarette the Federal government will be the game an tax as did the largest cigarette largest payer 'of this tax since manufacturer, R. J. Reynolds. state taxes, are completely deduct- A vote for the proposed Corpor- ible.from their Federal corporate ate Profits Tax would not allow taxable income. Florida 'will re- Sf both a' personal and corporate in- ceive over 90 per dent -of the rev- i come tax, nor would it lead to a enue from its Corporate Profits personal income tax in the future. Tax from five per cent of the lar- Florida's Constitution forbids a gest corporations in the country, personal income tax. The proposed all of these corporations are in amendment itself clearly states the 48 percent Federal corporate Sll thatthere will be no tax upon the tax bracket. Therefore, 48 percent lual raII l S e a 'income of natural persons. The of the burden of this tax will be au v last two lines, of the proposed passed on to the Federal govern- amenmen as it 11i-i appearon-- ---* ll.- Io a i Vwra t x- OP $99.95ORMOR1i Ofr oofor event itonatumso= . PEKINGESE DO RADIO. I vableallbyhfmuelt... Irresistiblewith his built-in 6 transistor radio! With chain and collar.10Ohigh. Hurzyl L I . Many Other Items Offered At Savings During This Big Annual Event! $169.00 $119.00 $149.000 LAY AWAY NOW for CHRISTMAS! Big, Comfortable, Man-Size r RECLINERS .$0oo00 Choice of Colors Speed Queen Automatic Washer 2 Complete Cycles 0 3 Water Temp. Settings $199.00 MATCHING SPEED QUEEN $L.AA.00 ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER .--------- 07$1 0 amendment as it will appear on ment throughti ower y .era a.. .the ballot will clearly state "con- payments. tinuing the Constitutional prohibi- A Corporate Profits Tax will not !tiori against a tax on the income inhibit the economic growth of of natural persons." The Courts Florida nor force business to long ago, determined that a cor-'leave the state. State taxes are portion and .a natural person are very small costs to businesses in two quite different entities. Of relation to other costs. Labor, raw the states that have both a corpor- materials ,transportation and fav- ate profits tax and a personal in- orable markets are the decisive factors in choosing a location. Le* '* A i When the textile industry moved f gl A fto the Carolinas, they paid higher dU UWeI taxes there than they did in New England where they came from NOTICE i but, other costs, were much lower. Further, since 44 other states have Notice is hereby given that 9:00 a Corporate Profits Tax, there is A.M., EST, Monday, November 1, hardly anywhere a business can go 1971, has been set as the time, and to avoid the tax and if they sell the Gulf County Courthouse, Port products in a state that has a cor- St. Joe, Florida, as the place for porate profits tax, the business ;sealing of all voting machines to will still have to pay the tax. be used in the primary election The Corporate Profits Tax is to be held in Gulf County, Flor- the first meaningful step toward ida, November 2, 1971, as provid- tax reform for the State of Flor- ed by the election laws .of the ida. Isn't it about time we took a State of Florida. All authorized ,load off the little man's shoulders people will be permitted to inspect and enjoyed some instant Federal the machines at the time of seal- revenue sharing in Floriida? Isn't ing. i it about time we stop putting more DESSIE LEE PARKER, and more burdensome taxes on Supervisor of Elections those who can least afford them while others go virtually scot CARb OF THANKS free? The people of Florida are tired of being manipulated. They We would like to take this means are tired of paying some of the to thank our friends for the many highest consumer and property acts of kindness extended us dur- taxes in the country. They are go- ing the illness and death of our ing to vote for the Corporate Pro- mother, Mrs. Bertie Hayes. fits Tax on November 2. THE FOREST HAYES Sincerely, FAMILY ROBERT M. MOORE Take some of the tax load off your our I ': ; shoulders. Vote The Corporate Profits Tax. November 2nd. We Finance Our, Own Accounts V , Free Delivery Within 100. Mile Radius 14-- -# - - - - - - - - ------ I i _ ~ _ I I I )AGU N1 l TH TK Pi tJs ia MMTUSA COER2,17 a Left to right, standing: Glen. Combs, Jack Hardy, Fire Chief; Tommy Layfield, Charlie S.Tanner, James Horton ,Ricky Harper, Bill Harper, Aman, Assistant Fire Chief; Paul Bratcher and 'Harold Hardy, Donald Harcuk and&Silas- Player. Carl Goodson. Sitting: Gerald Blackwell and Bil- Kneeling: Kenny Weston, Foy Adams, Curtis ly Murphy. -Forestry Service Photo White City Fire Department Finishes Brush Fire Course The White City Volunteer Fire Department re ntly attended an eight hbur course, in fighting brush fires. The school 'covered such subjects 4as map reading, use of handutools, fireweather, Sbackfiring techniques and brush fire tactics. It was held at the fire station at White City. The purpose of the school was to acquaint firemen with the most widely used methods. of -ontrolling, wild fires in grass and forest lands. At the end of the last session 'County Commissioner S. C. Play- er presented certificates to each member of .the class. "Those at- tending were Curtis F. Hardy, Fire Chief; Charles F. Aman, Assistant Fire Chief; Gerald Blackwell, Billy Murphy, Kenny W. Weston, Donald W. Harcus, Glen Combs, Ricky Harper, Tom- my Layfield, Carl Goodson, Paul" E. Bratcher, Foy Adams, Bill Harper, James Horton, Harold >. 'v " Hardy and Jack Tanner.. Instructors for the school were Carmen Sinm.ois and Sidney Buxton with the Division of For- estry. CARD OF THANKS and, death of our loved one, J. B. We woutd like tq thank Dr. J. Neel. Your -kindness was very Wayne Hendrix, the staff of Muni- much appreciated. - cipal Hospit al-and our mahyi EDNA, RHONDA and friends and relatives for their .REGINA NEEL kindness and concern during, the recent illness and death of our BEGINS TRAINING loved one, "Aunt Kate" Glass. WITH U. S. ARMY May God bless each of you. Timothy Orrell, son. of- Harry THE FAMILY OF Orrell and Mrs. Grace McAlister, "AUNT. KATE" GLASS has begun his' eight weeks basic training with the U. S. Army, 3rd CARD OF THANKS Platoon, at Fort Dix, New Jersey. We wish to thank all our friends who were so thoughtful and the CLASSIFIED ADS nurses and doctors who ministered "Midget Investments Witt so faithfully during the illness Giant Returna' Many plants go through a "hard- ening process" with the advent of Lunch Room Menu, Monday, November .1 Chopped steak with gravy, steamed rice, tomatoes, butter beans, fruit Jell-o with whipped topping and biscuits. , Tuesday, November 2 Navy beans with ham on rice, to- mato and lettuce salad, chopped broccoli, peanut butter sandwich, fresh pear and corn muffin. Wednesday, November 3 Chili with beans, cheese toast, Many of Florida's sub-tropical plants do not go through this hard- ening process so we must try to reduce cold damage on these plants by artificial means. Nutrition is very important for increasing a plant's resistance to cold injury. 'A plant that is favorably ,supplied with lall elements essential for growth will survive lower tempera- tures and recover faster from cold injury than plants not receiving proper fertilization. In other words, a plant suffering from a lack or inbalanced of fertilization will be more susceptible to cold injury. An optimum 1 e ve l of fertilization should be maintained throughout the year. Most plants grow during Florida -OGarden ....Notes by SHANNON SMITH Home Grounds Specialist University of Florida Cold damage, from low tempera- low temperature. This process in- tures, frost or a hard freeze, is a duces a natural protective device hazard to many, outdoor plants in in plants, enabling them to sur- Florida. Even in south Florida vive low temperatures. Night is where temperatures seldom reach important in this hardening pro- the freezing mark, cold injury can cess. Plants receiving little or no and often does occur. With proper light often do not develop hard- cultural practices and several pro- iness even though the tempera- tective steps, damage from low ture is acting to encourage this temperatures can be cut to a min- natural occurance. imum. green beans, cole slaw, rolls, pre- the winter but at a slow rate. The the plant freezes, replace it with a serves. rate of fertilization should be re- more cold tolerant species or grow Thursday, November 4 diced proportionately, say to one- that favorite ornamental as a pot Oven baked chicken, rice and third the normal rate, but shouldlant which can be moved indoors butter, steamed cabbage, harvard not be completely stopped. This w c a e ve i beets, apple sauce and cookies, is also true for watering. Plants those ew cold days we have i bread ay,. November require water during the winter lorida. Fish squares, buttered corn, Eng- just like the rest of the year., Re- lish peas, celery sticks, pineapple member, people don't stop eating SAY YOU SAW rings and bread, and drinking in the Winter andI neither do plants! Another way to minimize cold injury is by suitable windbreaks. Windbreaks reduce wind speed and also conserve heat in an area. Evergreen plants make excellent windbreaks which can be effective- ly placed so that an area stays warmer than it would if it were in the open. You can thus, protect some of your tender plants by placing them inside a windbreak of evergreens. Covering materials such as cloth, polyethylene plastic and paper can also be used to reduce cold injury. These temporary coverings trap heat and maintain higher tempera- tures near the plant. Other mater- ials stch as leaves or soil can be piled around the base of plants to keep the stems from freezing. Leaves may be injured or even killed but these coverings may pre- vent the entire stem and roots from being killed. Sprinkler systems have also been used for cold protection. A con- stant flow of water over the plant /may be of value, "however,' if the supply of water is stopped or is not supplied fast enough, ice can build up to the point where its weight breaks the branches of the plant. This method is usually not suitable for homeowners since large quantities' of water are need- ed and most irrigation systems are inadequate. To summarize, a good healthy plant is the best insurance against cold damage. A healthy plant means a proper fertilization and watering program are used. Use Windbreaks or protective cover- ings for the entire plant or at least for the main stem when a cold snap is anticipated. If all fails and Pore Boys .Corner IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10:03 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Oct. 28, 29, 30 WITH $10.00 ORDER or MORE Sugar 5 lb. bag 49c Georgia Grade "A" Fireside SMALL EGGS -- 3 doz. 89c Saltine Crackers lb. 29c Charmin 4 Roll Package U. S. No. 1 White Bathroom Tissue pkg. 49c POTATOES -- ---10 Ibs. 49c Ballprd 8 Oz. Pkg. Golden Ripe BISCUITS --- 4 pkgs. 35c BANANAS l--------b. 12c CHECK OUR FAMOUS "GO-GO BUGGIES" FOR EXTRA BIG SAVINGS! Copeland's Cured Picnic lb. 39c Frosty Morn Brisket Sliced BACON ------lb. 59c STEW BEEF 3 lbs. 99c Fresh Pork Georgia Grade 'A' Fresh Whole NECK BONES -- 4 Ibs. 79c FRY ERS---- ----lb. 29c MEDALLION BRAND ' TENDER BAKING HENS------ lb. 45c Early Riser All Meat Smoked Sausage -- 3 Ibs. 99c STEW. BEEF ---- Ilb. 89c Fresh Ground BARGAINS On All HAMBURGER 3 lbs. $1.49 Roasts and Steaks Cut to Please Fresh Center. Cut Rib Loin Cut Pork Chops lb.79c Ib.89c ROBERSON'S GROCERY . -I II _ THR SA14 ort S. Jo ra. 2W THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 HIGHWAY 95 MGEOLAND VEEW "V lo 1 Legal Adv. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH J U DICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN RE: The marriage of EARL LYNN AUSTIN, husband, and SHARON JEANETTE AUSTIN wife. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: EARL, LYNN AUSTIN c/o Otto Wirtz, Jr. 523 West Washington Street Greenville, Illinois You are hereby notified that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written, defenses, if any, to it on ROBERT M. MOORE, 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Flor- ida, and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court on or before November 26, 1971, otherwise, a Judgment may be en- tered against you for. the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of said Court on this the 22nd day of October, 1971. GEORGE Y. CORE, 10-28 Clerk, Circuit Court 4t IT IN THE STAR TNo S Pr St. FTT7 w h HO BECOMING ..' .^ 'i "^'':..^ :^ *- ": ^ ii ' P ORT ST. 'vsl JOE BLO UNT.S O W S. ;, J ' ''.1:1' .1. THE FIGHtlNG,'$HARKS-Front row, left to right: Map-, . ager Jay Fleming, Jim Faison. Lawrencee Bowen, 'Perry Adki- son, Ricky., Armstrong,. Ken Whittle, Steve Atchitson, Mike. Dickey, Chria Davis, Russell Chason, Bob Smith, Manager Barry Nobles' Second row: Arthur Shackleford, Robert Dickens, Harold Hardy, Archie Shackleford, John Blount, Barron Abrams, Mike White, Tyler Smith, Allen Hammock, Phil Lewis, Jim Moore, James Daniels, .Steve Davis, Emit Daniels. Third row: Coach Jerry Lewter, Eddie Summers, THIS MESSAGE SPONSORED AS Danley Furniture Company Make Your House A Home at Danley's Sears Roebuck & Co., Catalog Sales H. Lee Treace and Son Mary Carter Paint Store In. Econ-O-Wash Building Huribut Furniture and Appliances Admiral Appliances Sherwin-Williams Paints BOYLES Department Store Clothing and Shoes for the Family Campbell's Drug Store "The Country Drug Store" Costin's Department Store Quality Clothing for the Entire Family St. Joe Furniture and Appliance Co. Kelvinator Appliances Fine Furniture St. Joe Hardware Company Whirlpool Appliances Roche's Furniture and Appliance Store Frigidaire Appliances Ruth Berry Pumps Western Auto Associate Store David B. May, Owner Gulf Life Insurance Company Insurance Protection for Your Family Danny Etheridge, Steve Owens, Martin Adkison, Iedand Williams, Bobby McKiernan, Marvin 'Adkins, Bruce'Nixon, .. Thaddus Russ, Mark Smith, Ken Wieniorts, Vie. dklson, . Coach Kesley Colbert: Back row: Coach Bill Wo ,' Mur- ray Smith, Rodney Nobles, Phil Early, Steve Bass, Ci tig, Eddie Rich, Robert Creamer, Ronnie Kirkland, ra Davis, Steve Hattaway, Ed Floore, John Scott' and Coach Wane Taylor. '-S photo . A PUBLIC SERVICE BY THE OLLOWN FIRMS: Butler's Restaurant and Lounge St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Co. Fine Steaks Fresh Gulf Seafood .- Hapiness Is An Extension Telephone Pate's Shell Service Center .....Standard Oil Company Firestone Tires J. Lamar Miller, Agent Dairyburger Sandwich Shop AVCO Financial Services Drop by for a Snack or Cold Drink Loans up to $600.00 Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe Apalachicola Northern Railroad Co. Member FDIC Serving the Apalachicola Valley Citizens' Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Basic Magnesia, Incorporated Save by the 10th ... Earn from the 1st' Port St. Joe Seawater Magnesia Plant Glidden-Durkee Division of SCM Corp. Humphrey's Union 76 Service Boosters of Port St. Joe and the Sharks W. B. "Bill" Humphrey ' Hannon Insurance Agency Ralph and Henry's Standard Service Insurance Real Estate Standard Oil Products Marvin's TV Repair Service Comforter Funeral Home Color Service Specialists Pete Hortense Rocky Raffield's Retail Seafood Market Kilpatrick Funeral Home Fresh Gulf Seafood At Our Docks 24 Hour Ambulance Service St. Joe Auto Parts Company St. Joe Motor Company Your NAPA Parts Dealer Ford and Mercury Sales and Service St. Joe Paper Company Gulf Service Station St. Joe Kraft Aubrey R. Tomlinson "Coldest Drinks In Town" St. Joe Stevedoring Company The Star Publishing Company Shippers of Products All Over the World Printers Publishers Office Supplies Schedule Sept. 17-Wewahitchka, H Sept. 25-Walton Hi, H Oct. 1-Perry, T Oct. 8-Niceville, H Oct. 15-Crestview, T Oct. 22-Gulf Breeze, T Oct. 29-Blountstown, H Nov. 5-Marianna, H Nov. 12-Quincy, T Nov. 19-Chipley, T THESTR,-Pot.St, oeFlrlisTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 PAGE NINE k i -' 'aGE TEN THE STAR, pM S. Joe, F orbd THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1971 mes be appointed Principal of thegistering complaints concerning Zack Wuthrich and Mr. Edwin inte rmes be appoie Prncipa of the controversial materials also were Williams. The Superintendent was due MINUTES of e Elementary School. approved. Copies of these policies directed to notify them that there inte Board Member Whitfield made are on file in the Superintendent's would not be any raises for the T BOARD P lUBlIC INSTRUCTION a motion that Wewa High School office. 1971-72 school year, but that their sur SVIBBOARD ofP = INST UCTIN and Wewa Elementary School be The Board discussed the contem- requests would be kept in mind wit separated and that Mr. Hugh Sem- plated construction of ten class- for future considerations, bro. mes be made Principal of the Ele rooms at St. Joe Elementary The Board named Board Mem- surn PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA ST. JOE ELEMENTARY- Mr mentary School effective August School. The Superintendent was bers Raffield and Roemer to re- cell August 3, 1971 Argia Frazier was placed on Con. 16, 1971. Board Member Roemer instructed to expedite this project present the School Board as mem- The The Gulf County School Board tinuing Contract for the school seconded the. motion. The motion in every feasible way. bers of the Tax Equalization Board tot met in regular session on the -a. year 1971-72. Authorized Mrs. was. unanimously carried. TheBoard authorized the Super- for the county. pen hove date. The following members Carolyn Davis personal leave be- The Board authorized the pay- intendent to advertise for sale the The Board authorized an amend- mal were present: Mr. Waylon Graham, ginning Aiugust 16, 171. mient of $633.63 to the Taylor Pu- Carver School Building and Site in ment to the Education Improve- B Chairman; Mr. B. J. Rich, Sr.,; WE WAHIT C H K A H I G H blushing Company of Dallas, Texas Wewahitchka. ment Expense Budget, for the mot Mr. William Roemer, Sr.,; Mr. J. K. SCHOOL appointed Mrs. Kather-.as a balance on-the Wewahitchka Superintendent reported school year 1971-72. A copy of this type Whitfield. ine Sparks as Kindergarten teacher High School yearbooks for the T h e Superintendent reported budget amendment is on file in the by Board Member Gene Raffield for the 1971-72 school year; ap school year 197-71. The Wewa- thate system undents working withinbor- Superintendent's office. Boa was absent. pointed Mrs. Charles Osborne to hitcha High School paid $575.00 Program we Bills n the amount f $21,099.82 the The Superintendent was present. ewa High staff for the 1971-72 of total cost of $1,208.63. The ooor T 'am w ere examined and ordered paid. una The SuPemntendent was present. scHool yea aponted M C~arol Board has had a long. standing .goo wk'. Ths a pro- Warrants in payment of these bills T The meeting was opened with l y tea policy to subsidize the yearbooks rm fnanced by the FederalGov- are shown on the Warrant Regis- con prayer by Board Member Rich. Sue Lister to staff of Wewa E e- oli tosbi di the yerookst ernmnt whereby high school stu- G _v The minutes of the regular meet- ya pontedMrs.Jance Cathey in lieu of the annual staffs' solicit- dents are hired to woras. sig- The being no further business, St.. ing of July 6, 1971, and special asCounty Wide pe therapist ing adds from-merchants and in- d e chol admistra- the Board adjourned to meet again It meeting,of July 28, 1971 were read under WEIP for the 197172 dustries in the county.. tin. in regular session on September .| and approved as read. hool ar The Board accepted Audit Re- The.Board eniled into a con- 7. 1971 at 9:00 AM, EST. wow The Board received sealed bids s port No. 7551 of the accounts and tract in the am of $750.00 with It on the items as listed and the low WEWAHITCHKA H I G H records of the District School the Panhandle ^cation Coopera- PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA per, bids as designated were accepted: SCHOOL accepted the resigna- Board, Gulf County, for the fiscal tive for testing ,and evaluation September 21, 1971 sion L Fuel Oil, Gulf Oil Company tion of Mr. George Cox from Wewa' year ending June 30, 1970 from Mr. services in. re#ti to the Gulf The Gulf County School Board Sch $.1349 pergallon High Staff for the 1971-72 school Earnest Ellison, Auditor General. County Elem ,,&' Secondary met in special session on the a- vidi 2. Motor Oil, Standard Oil Comn- year; accepted resignation of Mr. A copy of this audit is on file in Education Act, .tJ I Program for above date at 5:00 P.M., EST. The vol pany .90 per gallon John Gortemoller from the Wewa- the Superintendent's office. the fiscal year 19 -72. A copy of following members were present: the 3. Gasoline, Standard Oil Con- hitchka staff for the 1971-72 The Board approved policies this contract is oi le in the Super- Mr. Waylon Graham, Chairman; fin pany .2155 per gallon school year; appointed Mrs. Caro- governing the selection of mater- intendent's officeI Mr. B. J. Rich, Sr.; Mr. J. K. Whit- lice 4. Anti-Freeze, Standard Oil Comn- lyn B. Lister to the Wewahitchka ials in the Media Center of the 'The Board d sed the edmin- field; Mr. Gene Raffield. Zack pany $1.45 per gallon staff for the 1971-72 school year.. schools within the county. Policies istrative salaries the St. Joe Board Membdr Roemer was ab- son 5. Milk, Foremost Dairies, $.0732 St. Joe HS governing the procedure for re- High School asniSquested by Mr. sent. thei per % pint ST. JOE HIGH SCHOOL ap- 6. Bread, Flowers Baking Company pointed Mrs. Sharon Watson to the (only bid),. all bread. staff for the 1971-72-school year. PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTO 7. Pest Control, Orkin Company, COUNTY OFFICE 'accepted $32.00 per month per building. the resignation of Mrs. Peggy quantity Copies of all bids submitted are Goodman from the county office rights reserved ,on file in the Superintendent's staff effective July 30, 1971. office: The Board declared the stu- 1. Ceramic Tile, physical educa- dents' desks now stored at the tion building, Bonds Tile Shop old St. Joe Elementary School as $4,135.00 surplus. Mr. Alton Boyd, Co-Own- 2. Vinyl Tile, Wewf Elementary er of Boyd Brothers, Inc. of Pana- Hallways, $1,563.16, Custom Floors. ma City, appraised the desks to 3. Paint, Wewahitchka Elementary, be worth $2.00 each. A copy of this Hurlbuts Furniture Store, Latex appraisal is on file in the Super- outside $4.39 per gallon, oil base intendent's office. Mr. Boyd has $5.75 per gallon, Epoxy $10.69 per been in the school supply business gallon for twenty years and is qualified 4. Paint, 'Pridgeons Supply, $4.50 to make such an appraisal. per gallon Latex .Outside. The Board discussed the' feasibi- . 5. Refinish Gym Floor, Wewa Ele- lity and desirability of separating menlary, $2,000, Custom Floors, the Wewahitchka High School' Inc. and the Wewahitchka Elementary Huns TomatPiggly Wiggly Good Tender Beef! 6. Lockers, Wewa High Physical School. The consensus was that Ketchup 4 btls. $1 Education B u i 1 di n g, $3,224.00, this would be beneficial to both Charmin-4 roll pkgs. Jinks Lumber. -schools. The Superintendent re- Tissue 3 pkgs. $1 7. Glass Backboards, Wewa High commended that the two schools i HuII -nt's Whole--29 oz $575.00, C & G Sporting Goods. be separated and Mr. Hugh! Sem- 'Hunts Whole-29 oz. C S .. _U Tomatoes can 39c SEE 'TOMMY' HUTCHINS Tommy Thomas Chevrolet Panama City New and Used Cars and Trucks Call Panama City 785-5226 Nights, call Port St. Joe 227-3477 Morton-10 oz. pkg. Pie Shells 3 pks. $1 Quick Stik Shoestring Potatoes 3 bags $1 Kraft Soft Parkay Oleo Fresh Rutabagas Garden Fresh Tomatoes Fresh Crisp-Cel Radishes b Garden Fresh Corn 5 ears 49c Idahoan Instant Potatoes 8 oz. 29c California White Grapes lb. 39c Garden Fresh Celery stalk 23c "Trick or Treat" Jonathan apples zap C 4 LB. BAG SAVOY BROIL Ib. 49c Round Bone S10c POT ROAST lb. lOc No. 7 ROAST 7 9 c lb. 29c No, 7 Steak 1lb. 7 lo Good Piggly Wiggly Beef bag 10c RUMP ROAST -----lb. 89c G, F Our Best ] GROUND BEEF -----lb. 69c r Good GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.69 Large Pail , SOUP BONES --- 39c Antiseptic-14 oz. Parade Listerine btl. 98c Get Set H. to H.-12 oz. R U T Hair Spray can 98c C C K T A I L Ex. Dry Anti-Perspirant Arrid 6 oz. $1.04 417 Ol AChocks Cans 9 .1w Vitamins 60's $1.89 Brach Bag of 75-13% oz. Apalachee Bay Candy Treats 59c S H I M p Brach Bag of-7% oz. SH R I M P Asst. Pops bag 39c BI T S Brach Bag of 125 Pnut But Rolls bag 89c 10 Oz. 9C Brach Bag of 115-16 oz. Pkg. Taffy Rolls bag 59c Brach Satchel of 70 ________ ~Party Paks pkg. 89c All Mpa A +aSt . rndent's Conference. | the Florida Highway Patrol, within to attending a State Super- the county. rndent's Confgerence. The Board directed that the he Board discussed the min school buses be parked in well dance coverage on the buildings lighted areas as a precautionary hin the county system. It was measure at the fbotball games. lught out that the major in- ance policies have been can- There being no further business,. ed as of September 22, 1971. the Board adjourned to meet again e insurance currently available in regular session on October 5, the Board is prohibitively ex- 1971 at 9:00 AM, EST. sive and the coverage is mini- ATTEST 1. R. Marion Craig board Member Whitfield made a, Superintendent ion that bids be sought for all Waylon Graham es of insurance being carried Chairman the county on a blanket policy. -i_____ rd Member Raffield seconded motion. The motion carried CLASSIFIED ADSI nimously. Midaet Investments That I lid rhe Board discussed a recent .d e t Retural troversy concerning the persons , ;ible for free admittance to the Joe High School football games. was decided that the families all law enforcement people ild be admitted free of charge. was further stipulated that all sons eligible for free, admis- i must have a pass. St. Joe High. ool will be responsible for pro- ng the passes. The parties in- red must pick up the passes at High School Chief Buck Grif- of the City of Port St. Joe Po- Department is to supply Mr. k Wurthrich a list of all per- s eligible as law officers and r families of Gulf County and I Ib. lb. Ia. Grade 'B' ANhole RYERS )ound- 13c Bob White SLICED BACON ------------Ib. 59c Frosty Morn SLICED BACON l---------- 66c Family Pak FRESH PORK CHOPS ---- Ib. 59c Fresh PORK BACKBONE ---------lb. 59c Fresh PORK STEAKS -----------lb. 69c Fresh SMALL SPARE RIBS --------lb. 69c Large Grade "A" FRESH BAKING HENS -------lb. 39c NOW ON SALE The illustrated COLUMBIA 'ENCYCLOPEDIA Vol. 1, 49c, Vol. 2 thru 22, $1.99 ea. FEATURING VOLUMES 11 and 12 F, Ga. Grade 'A' Large Fresh EGGS 2 Do. 99c Parade 16 oz. cans Sliced Beets 2 cans 39c Parade W.K. or C.S.-16% oz. Gold Corn 4 cans 88c NO.1 EXHAUST SYSTEM SUPPLYCENTER Meeting exhaust system needs is a demanding business - you need your muffler now, and it has to be right In every way quality, price and fit INSTANT CAPABIITY Is meeting exhaust system needs s a large part of our business.' That's why INSTANT AVAILABILITY of l , pipes and accessories for all types of vehicles FAST ni the right quality, right fit and right price tI madas the flo. 1 exhaust system supply soum Int i a N- APA II/ Fl*td MUFFLERS PIPES ACCLSSOIES, DISTRIBUTED11 I THIS AREA SB ST. JOE AUTO PARTS CO. 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 SEE YOUR oAM StIVWle UWi GET YOUR FREE COPY OF "GA RRAIts... FACTS YOU IOULD Wr Northern Paper TOWELS .Jumb$100 Rolas Carnation-11 oz. jar Coffee Mate jar 69c Parade FRUIT-17 oz. cans Cocktail 4 cans $1.00 Parade Mayonnaise Jar ". 8 c Parade Crushed or Sliced-20 oz. Pineapple 3 cans $1.00 Parade 3 Sv. Whole-16 oz. Grn Beans 4 cans $1.00 Folgers mountain Grown COFFEE Lb.-79c Pillsbury Ex. Light, C. S., or Buttermilk Style BISCUITS 4Pak39 Sunset Gold Singles-12 oz. Cheese 12 oz. 59c Pattie Style OLEO 8 oz. 10c I m m I THE STAR, 069 Nt..h J64 THURSDIWAY, 6~~~2,17 AEEE Xi ,Epsilon Kappa Cliaplei- Beto Sigma Phi Meets In Power Lounge Xi Epsilon Kappa Chapter: of Social chairman, Dot Grossman, Beta aSigma Phi met Tuesday gave a final report on plans for' a ght October 19 at th eFlorida social to 6e held at Pridgeon's itwer Lounge with 15 members Camp Saturday night, October 23. present. The meeting was conduct- At the conclusion of the business ed by the president, Margaret meeting, Greta Freeman presented iggs. a program on interior decorating Greta Freeman, service chalr- concentrating primarily on the man, collected gifts from the mem- kitchen. After the program, the bears for Project Cheer. These ,gifts meeting was adjourned with the 1ill be distributed to patients at closing ritual and refreshments Florida State Hospital at Christj were served by Martha Sanbori, mas. hostess. h V Hallowe'en Trick Could Result In Treatment Trick or treat or trick and treat- of great fun and adventure but for Mutual Insurance Companies. highly flammable material, have meant? f some it can turn into a night of' Use only bright costumes. A caught on fire. A flashlight would Which will it be Sunday night tragedy and sorrow. white sheeted ghost is much more be easier to carry and would also as neighborhood ghosts and gob-I Each year too many children are easily seen by passing drivers than make it safer when crossing lins make their annual Halloween injured and killed Halloween Eve' a black clad witch. But even a streets. pilgrimage in search of candy and by motorists unable to see them brightly clothed child may be hard Be sure to chaperone all child- other long anticipated treasures? as they dart unexpectedly into the to distinguish as the evening dar- ren, who would not normally be For the children.it is an evening street. Still others are badly burn- kens so a florescent strip, which allowed outside alone at night. ren s an even ed as their costumes are ignited would make him even more visi- Younger children should be out by flames from lighted candles ble, is suggested. only in the early evening hours. CLASSIFIED ADS and lanterns. This does not have Do not allow children to carry A major problem each Hallo- to be if parents will observe ru lighted candles or lanterns. Many ween is children who have been Madoet invtm ts to be if parents will observe rules have been burned in past years poisoned. Be very careful that Glant Rotue l tof good sense and safety, such as when their costumes, which are candy, gum or anything else edible the following suggested by Liberty often made of extremely light,. is securely wrapped. Consists of Grade "A" FId or Go. Fresh 3 leg0 ts. Grade "A" Fla. or Ga. Fresh (with Back & Giblets) Grade "A" Fla. or Ga. Fresh Box-O-Chickeng:s, t .26c lit Broilers.... 26 Cut Up Fryers..., ,. 32. erad.e 'AW Fl.. or G. Fr sh Fryor Thighs, Legs, Drumsticks or C-ade "A" Fla. or Ga. Fresh LEG or BREAST I Grade "A" Fla. or Ga. Fresh Combination Pack Fryer Breasts.. Lb 5 ryer Quarters... 35' Fryer Parts.. ct:. 58' Smoked Market Style ":j' er-Rjght" Country Treat Whole Hog Grade "A" Fla. or Ga. Fresh Fryer (3-4 IM. A'g.) Sliced Bacon ...'.. L Pork Sausage.... 69' Roasting Chickens 29' Sie Bcon,,. 'a Lbork Susage,,oatini*'Bsag Special Bonus This Week! /n~~m~~mvi -M >'f^ M FREE! PORCELAIN CHINA SAUCER S Umit 1 Coupon per Family with $5.00 or mo e food order.. Coupon good through Oct. 31, 1971 2 .* Rdeeonable at your nearby ASP Food Store fiT iw^ SAVE 33c Ann Tage 141-.-^.or .. Ann Page Candy. 1. Harvest Mix Pk c Pumpkins.' 29c Anr Page Asst. Flavors Mixed Kraft Candy Pops 'ot'79c Caramels 49c Ann Page Asst. Junior Hard Candy 1"t 69c Baby Ruth. 79c PLUS MANY MANY MORE! - Cap'n. Johns Frozen "Super-Right" Beef Shoulder Swiss Steak or "Super-Right" Boneless Beef Shoulder Roast or Perch Fillets..... 69' Chuck Steaks,.. 'es98' Chuck Roast...:",,98 Gap'n. John's Frozen "Super-Right"' Beef CiAck "Super-Right" Beef California r r , Flounder Fillets .. 89' Cubed Steaks.... $1."28 Shoulder Roast. O.- 78 Cap'n. John's Frozen French Fried. "Super-Right" Freshly "Super-Right" 25 to 30 Lb. Avg. Whole Fish Sticks .. .. o.'o59c rnund Chuck ... 89c Beef Rib" addition co. 79 Quick Frozen (Bulk) Copeland Aulk S.C. Copeland's Sliced Perch Fillets ..... 49' Link Sausage .... 89' Cooked Ham .... *P Keep a light on in front of the house so that there is no danger of children being injured by walk- ing into objects or holes they can not see in the dark. If there is a pet in the household, keep him away from the door. Children enjoy putting on make- up as part of their costumes but be careful of what they use. Cheap makeup can in many instances cause complexion problems for youngsters or hurt their eyes. Finally, when your child goes out for the evening, make sure you know where he or she is going and what time he or she should be back. Halloween can be a real treat for everyone. One way to insure it is to follow these simple rules of safety. The result will be an en- joyable and safe evening for child- ren and parents alike. File Returns For Domestics Housewives, are you aware of your reporting responsibility as an employer? Most folks are, but some 'of you' may not be. If you employ a maid, baby sitter, cook, gardener, or other similar "house- hold hell, you may be required to pay social security tax on their wages, according to David Robin- son, Social Security Field Repre- sentative for Gulf County. Briefly, this is how it works. If you employ household help and pay that person as much as $50 cash wages in a calendar quarter, you are required to pay social se- curity tax, Robinson stated. The easiest way to do this is to with- hold the tax required each pay day from your employee's wages. You are required to match this with an equal amount. The money, along with your quarterly report form, is sent to the District Direc- tor .of Internal Revenue Service that services your area. These re- ports must be filed no later than the end of the month following the month the quarter ends. Robinson stated that failure to 'file these reports and pay the tax could make you liable for a penal- ty. So, if you employ household help, abide by the law pay the social security tax when required. If you need help, call your social security office at Panama City. Re- sidents of this area should dial "0" and ask for WX-4444. The office is located at 1316 Harrison Ave., Panama City, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., -except on national ho- lidays. ____*--r ,'.-esh Rip. e Special I BARTLETT PEARS.... 4 $1.00 Fresh California Special I BELL PEPPERS ..... 10c Save at A&P Special FRESH RADISHES .. 10c SCHICK RAZOR BLADES With Platinum Plus Witout This 's ,o= -. I Coupon. Injector Razor 69 $115 / Limit 1 w/Coupon & $7.50 or more order Coupon good through Oct. 31, 1971 $ll2 SAVE 46c Susayff.ld 5-es. 7 Flavors Fiona Conocntral Libby Drinks : Marvel rand Tomato Soup -" Marv.eYuolarian Yeg. Soup .-oCa Dole Pineapple Juice dLc Chocolate Hershefs Syrup 'A- Your Choice I Each I Sdtines Ib. 43c Nabisco 8/2 Oz. Sugar Wafers 49c . flavorm As Inst. Breakfast ....." 49c Plain or iodied Morton's Salt 2 ~ 29c Insect Bomb ....' 99c !// Prices ( good Through Saturday, Oct. 30 "Quantlly Ngh Itewh d" CHECK AND COMPARE! ( Jane Parker Delicious Special i LMO PIES .. 39c Jane Parker Regular, Sandwich or Extra Thin Sliced WHITE BREAD..... 4 .$1.00w Jane Parker Freshly 'Baked Special! PINEAPPLE PIES =49c Jane Parker Golden, Cinnamon or Sugared Special! CAKE DONUTS. ,....3.~ 79c TEMZE DETERGENT...3 $1.00 Save at A&PI (Distan Mist 15cc ... $1.09) DRISTAN TABLETS ... $1.09 All Varieties Strained HEINZ BABY FOOD .... 9c All Varieties MUELLER'S MACARONI ,. .'.:29c Inst. Potatoes " 4fvor Daolr .y Dog fo W " HNioy Pe n 1. DogFood con Macaroni s Tea Bags ms onden W s Canned Biscuits d Your Choice I Each 10 Prun Juice..... 49c 1 .Cracker.... 39c 12-e. Co ns Shasta Beverages.. 1kc Pizza Mi a .." 59c Pizza bMix 2.- 75h r x IF lb ;l-- I PILLSBURY FLOUR wa 5-vb. lC with,""t CU.,P, Bag J 65c Limit 1 w/Coupon & $7.50 or more order Coupon good through Oct. 31, 1971 SoPILLSBURY CAKE MIXES VA A sa-oz.$1.00 w m CoopM 4 Boxf I 4/1I0.36 Liit I w/Coupon & $7.50 or more order Coupon good through Oct. 31, 1971 -h w SAVE 36c KITCHEN CHATTER By The Florida Power Corporation Everyone enjoys Greek Salad and of course, you may modify the recipe for your family's taste. This is the basic recipe and adds zest and strength of flavors to almost every meal. GREEK SALAD (Salata) ' 1 small head lettuce 2 sprigs celery, including tops 2 green onions, chopped 1 small cucumber, sliced 1 tomato, sliced 1 small green pepper, cut in strips % cup Feta cheese, cubed or crumbled Calamata black olives Anchovy fillets Break lettuce in small pieces. Place in salad bowl with celery, onions, cucumbers, green pepper and tomato. Pour only enough dres- sing over vegetables to lightly coat each piece. Garnish with cubes of Feta cheese, anchovy fillets and Calamata olives. Makes 5 to 6 serv- ings. DRESSING two-thirds cup olive oil one-third cup wine vinegar 1 teaspoon salt U teaspoon pepper 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 teaspoon oregano Put ingredients -in blender con- tainer; cover and process on high until well blended. Makes one cup. 2nd BIG WEEK! 10 SALE! ) WHY PAMORE? Sicilia LEMON JUICE . . Special ! sown 9c . P A G E E l z v l uli Sw T. V .1 ALKA 's ELTZER S S I L25 59c] ousou.DKO Sharks Take Easy 36-6 Win 8* Over Gulf Breeze Dolphins As Registered Pharmacists, professional men, we don't sell our wares "door-to-door" nor do we~solicit prescription business' through,the mail. Thougli we wear the hat of a retail store owrver, selling. other merchandise traditionally related t6 the,iirug store, our prescription service is the heart of our business. We;ha'e a responsibility to maintain, if weire'to retain the prof6ssioaltrust of your doctor. Be- ,cause of our experience and Integrity in compounding and ;dispensing only the freshest drugs, with the most mod-. ern equipment, you neec never fear an impersonal, fnconi- cerned,,nor Irresponsible approach to the filling of your prescriptions. We are mindful.o our responsibility and repu. station, always anxious to eari.-your complete .confidence. Fo? the highest pharmaceutical standards, low prices consistent withiuallty and the personal attention you' can always depend upon, bring your ptescrilptlos td OUR OUR ) PHARMACY " Buzzett's Drug tore 317 Williams Avenue. Ph6ne 2274371 Drive-In Window .Servic Plenty of Frbe Pailng Amp.L 'Ap After scoring 20 points in the first quarter, on their way to a, 36-6 victory over the Gulf Breeze Dolphins, the Shark first platoon took a deserved' rest, for .three periods Friday night as the re- inainder of the squad chalked up some experience. Steve Bass, wh6 is experienc- :.ing a good year with his kicking toe, booted his; first field, goal of the 'year in the third period to the, delight'of the Port St. Joe' fans. The Sharks had second down and four yards to go on theft' Gulf Breeze 14 yard line. Changes Mde In Jr. Hi Schedule. Several changes h4ave been made in the junior' high football sche- dule for, the 'remaining games, of the ,season.; 'This evening, the 8th grade squad will go, to Apalachicola at 7:00 p.m.; the' 9th grade team will play Blountstown here at 7:00 p.m. The Carrabelle game scheduled for 7:00 p.m. has been called off.'' '.Wednesday. ,. November 3, the 9th, graders will travel 'to Rosen- wald for, a game at 7:30, ESgT. . -Thursday, November i11, the 0thi graders will go. to Chipley 'at 7:00 p.m. , 6.50-13 Blackwall Fits many Comets, Corvairs, Darts, ' Falcons, Specials and Valiants, .,-,-" 5.60-15 BlackwallVolkswagen 7.35-14 Blackwall Fitsmany Chevy II's, 0v Chevelles, Camaros, Cougars, Fairlanes, Mustangs Bass decided he wanted to go in and try a field goal, 'so he did. And, he made it. The Dolphins. received the kick-off but couldn't move the ball. Mike White fielded their punt on' his own 30 and ran back to the 42. Six plays and 58 yards later, Jim Faisopn plunged over, from one yard. out and Steve Bass kicked their first of three ex- tra points for the night to lead !7-0 with eight ininutes still on: the' clock. The Sharks second score came with 3:50 left on,the clock when Archie Shacklef rd scooped up a Dolphin fumble .on his own 37 yard line and r#,ed 67 yards for the touchdown. jass' kick was good, -giving the Sharks a 14 point edge. Steve Atchison snatched a Dol- phin fumble on their first play and worked it back to the 'Dol- phin 34. Robert Dickens carried over from the one yard line for his first score of the year. Early in the second period, Steve Atchison fielded a Gulf Breeze punt on his own 38 and running behind a tremendous block by Rodney Nobles, scam- pered 62 yards for the score. Then the second string took over with Steve Owens at quar- terback and Robert Dickens do- ing most, of the running. The reserves' electrified the home folks when Owens uncorked' a 28, yard pass to Ken Weimorts in the end zone for a score. Bass kicked the extra point, bringing' the score to 33-0 , Bass' field goal was the only scoring in the third quarter. Early in the last period, the Dolphins worked the ball to the 11 yard line 'and the first squad went in to shut off 'the scoring drive. The Sharks took over on the 12 yard line. On the first + Classified FOR SALE: Two bedroom home. Air conditioning, carpet,. furni- ture, washer, dryer, water softener chain link fence, tool house. Space for garden. Contact C. D. Harvey, 229-4512. tfc-410 FOR RENT: Furnished large one . bedroom apartment with separ- ate dining room, auto. heat and large yard. Phone- 227-8536 after 5:00 p.m. tfc-8-5 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished louse on Palm Boulevard. Call 227-3261. tfe-9-9 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Being served in the AMERICAN LEGION HOME Saturday Morning, 6:00 A.M. All you can eat, $1.00 Proceeds to Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, Port St. Joe HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR "Color Specialists" All Work Guaranteed 4tp Phone 229-2782 10-14, I 1 OlDRVE-i, THlEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Beach Candidates Sponsoring Fish Fry Candidates for office in the Mexico Beach City Council elec- tion, are sponsoring a free fish fry at Mexico Beach this evening. The affair, which will be held at 7:00 p.m. at Captain Joe's Marina is designed to make the voters of Mexico Beach acquaint- ed with the candidates seeking office. play, "Super Gnat" Lawrence Bowen came tearing through the line and ran 85 yards for a touchdown only to have it called back by a motion penalty, The Dolphins put their only score on the board, with 26 sec- onds left on a' 25 yard pass from Mark Fregly to Tommy Pugh. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 20 13 3 0-36 Gulf Breeze 0 0 6- 6 THE YARDSTICK Sharks Dolphins Firstt Downs -------' 9 7 Rushing Yardage -- 227 109 Passing Yardage -- 71 25 Passes 4-8 3-13 Intercepted by -------0 1 Punts 0-0 5-33 Fumbles Lost ------- 2 3 Yards penalized --. .45 24 Ads + REDUCE safe and fast with Go& Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water- pills". Campbell'4 Drug. lOtp-10-21 WANTED TO BUY: No frost deep freezer and Volkswagen motor for '67 VW. Call Bill Carr, 229. 6474. tfc-8-26; WANTED: Mature, conscientious,. experienced saleswoman. Must reply, in own handwriting to "Sales. woman, P. 0. Box 308, Port St. Joe, Florida. tfc-10-14- LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. It You have human hair 3r syn- thetic which you .would like to 'have serviced quickly at S-ow -prices . WIGS FOR SALE- _____ ALL 2.-. .. or.2274853- Legion Promotes S Contfnued.F fom Page I) ers became .sponsors in 1922 and 1938 respectively, and in ',1970 over 50,* 9ther national groups interested in young peo- "ple joined as*:. Supporting Or- g. anizations',' and S"WHERE American Educa- tion Weekl an annual event designed to' cus public atten- tion on the needs and achieve- ments of the nation's schools, to increase public:., understanding and appreciation of schools, to encourage parents to visit schools, to secure civic and com- munity supportgkfor measures to improve schools and to help stu- dents gain an, :appreciation of ,what schools are doing for them, and "WHEREAS,,. The American Legion's policy p education wholeheartedly subscribes to: the propositiorxithat every educa- tional facility should be provid- ed for the; fullest development of the mental resources and tech- ical skills, ofi our people, that the- citizens ,'of this country should be dedicated to the pur- suance of excellence id the en-, tire realm ofintellectual: endea- vor, that a major result -of our educational process be to pro- vide people with the finest train- ing in the .world,.and that such an educational program will ful- fill the dreams of the past, ,the aspirations of the present \and the needs of the future; "THEREFORE, 'I, Frank Pate, I. Mayor of the City of. Port St. Joe, Florida, do hpreby declare and proclaim the week of October 24 through Octoler 30,4 19ji "Amer- ican Education Week" in the City of Port St. Joe, anid request all parents, students, "teachers, ofifeials, churches, service clubs, civic and social organizations to assist our local American Legion Post tto observe 'American Edu- cation Week' by their 'support and interest In all our local schools anid educational 1institu- tions." FRANK PATE, Mayor City oft Port St. Joe, Fla. ATTEST: C. W. BROCK. (SEAL) City Auditor Tand Clerk Legal Adv. NOTICE of FICTITIOUS NAME This is to. give notice that the undersigned will .engage in the business of furTitire and appliance sales and service under the ficti-' tious name of HURLBUT'S FUR- NIT URE & APPLIANCE CO., whose principal place of business will be 306 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida; and who will file an affidavit to this effect with the Clerk of Circuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida, upon presentation of proof of publication of this notice on Thursday, November 4, 1971, or thereafter. 4t-10-14 M. K. HURLBUT, SR. MEN NEEDED in this area to train as LIVESTOCK BUYERS LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP at sale barns, feed lots and ranches. We prefer train men 21 to55 with livestock experience. For local Interview, write age, phone, address and background NATIONAL MEAT PACKERS TRAINING P.O. Box 1563-Dept. Atlanta; Ga. 30301 ,. FOR SALE: 14' plywood runabout boat. 12 hp motor and trailer, $225.00. Good fishing outfit Call Apalachicola 653-3201' or 653-8789. FOR SALE: Rowe hide-a-bed $25. 15,000 BTU gas heater with man- ual control $15.00. Call 227-8251 after 4:00 p.m. tfe-10-21 ORDER YOUR new Community Band Calendar now from the Port St Joe High School Band Par- ents Association. Call 229-2522 or call the Music Department at the Port St. Joe High School. New to This Area R. G. WEDDLE Brick and Block Mason All Types Masonry for information - call 648-6900 WEDDLE and SONS RAY'S TRIM SHOP Complete Upholstery Service "We aim to please you Every Time" 602 Garrison Ave. Phone 229-6326 FOR RENTS Furnished beach cot. '.tages. Reasonable monthly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfc- FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished and 2 bedroom furnished apart- ment. Phone 229-8168. tfc-9-2 'FOR 'RENT: Unfurnished 2 bed- room lean house. Laundry and storage room. Large shady yard. Automatic. heat. Phone 227-8536 aftet 5:00 p.m. tfc-5-27 WANTED:. House or lot overlook- ing the water at the beaches. Send information to Raymond Brunner, P. 0. Box H, Phone of- fice 482-3354 and residence, 482- 3882, Marianna, Fla. 4tc-10-28 FOR RENT: Furnished house at St. .Joe Beach. For more infor- matio!n call 648-7915. tfe-7-29 FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. 4 rooms, 1 bedroom. On the Gulf. Central heat and air. Mexico Beach. Phone 648-6105, tfc-10-21 FOR RENT: Adults only. Apart- ment. Li ving room, bath, breakfast nook, kitchen and bed. room. Phone 229-1352. tfc-10-21 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe cove EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. FOR SALE: Guns. lawn mowers, reels, automotive 8-track tape players; tapes $1.50 to $5.99, tools, watches, rings and imports from Mexico. Cast net, 4 695x14 tires and rims, fits Falcon, $35.00. Mc's Pawn Shop, 102 Fifth St., Highland View, Phone 229-6193. tfc-10-7 FOR RENT: One and two bedroom attractively furnished apart- ments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Contact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. Phone 229-2413 or 648- 3101. tfc-10-28 'I KHILPATBICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service ,Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and - Port St. Joe --CALL - Comforter Funeral Home o 227-3511 ' C. P. Etheredge S18 Third Street Port St. Joe, Pla. Plumbing and Electrical Contractor Call 229.4986 for Free Estimate R.A.M.-Regular convocation on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, RAM. 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. JOSEPH PIPPIN, H. P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Tuesday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular eom-t munication of Port St. Joe Lodge' No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. CHARLES R. JOLLEY, W.M. PERRY J. McFARLAND, Secty 7.75-14or 7.15-15 Blaekwall Fits many Chevys, PF8 Fords, Plymouths, .. Specials, Tempests 8.25-14,r 8.15. Blackwall Fits many Chevys, Dodges, Mercurys, Pontiacs, T-Birds* .Blackwa ll m any^utc Plus$2.B0or$2.48 Chrysers, T Fed.Ex.otaxan SOldsmobiles tir off yourar. Ii weshould selloutofyour size, a"rainche"willbe issued, WHI'E'TWA ssuz asngauturedelivery at the advertised price. WHITEWALLS.jA E Il ONLY*3MORE Priced as Ihown t Frson Stores. Competilvely priced at Fireson Dalrs and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. Pate's Service Center FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate Guarantee on labor and materials. Low down payment. Phone 227- 7972. FILL DIRT HAULED. Lots bush hogged and leveled. General tractor work. Call 648-4836 or 648- 3017. tfc-10-28 CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 Friday and Saturday 9-24 JANICE STOKES tfie S Oct.29 land-30 -- _ 2 BIG SHOWS FOR SALE: 45 hp Mercury with Sportscraft boat and trailer. See John Wayne in at Stafford's Grocery, White City. "RIO LOBO" ...... -also FOR AP*UANCE, heating and re- Michael Douglas in .frigeration repairs oall 229-6323. "HAIL, HERO" FIGHT FATIGUE with Zippies, the, -- great iron pilL Only $1.98. Camp-. -Next Week bell's Drugs. : 10p-10-21 2 HORROR MOVIES - SHOROR MOVIES :PEAK'S PAWN SHOP, 108 6th St., .... ..'--- Highland View. Phone 229-6615. FOR SALE: 1969 Galaxy with air 4tc-10-21 conditioning, power steering, whitewall tires, radio ,heater. Good SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Call condition. Call 229-2896 after 5 Bufiord Griffin. Phone 229-2987 p.m. tfc-10-28 oo 229-3097. FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 2- PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- bedroom house with washer, dry- .ional problems and/or concerns. er, automatic /heat. Phone 227- Glf County Guidance Clinic, Port 8536 after 5:00 p.m. tfc-10-28 S Joe Floda 229-321 Ma S I Tt p, P srrs THUR DAYO OCTOBMR 21, 1971 *AM TWI LY-3i~ Carnival, Horse Show Saturday in Wewa A Play Day Horse Show will be held in ,the "Big Chief Arena" in Wewahitchka Saturday, leading off.g a Hallowe'en Carnival that will begin at 10:00 a.m. and last until 8:30 p.m., CST. At 4:00 p.m., the regular Hal- lowe'en booths will open: Band. Boosters will have popcorn, apple bobbing, balloons, etc. The public is cordially invited to. come and enjoy this old fashioned carnival. It 'is thought to be the first sponsored by different local organizations, rather than only one. Under the direction of the Rough Riders Saddle Club, it is h6ped that this type of carnival will be an annual affair. Sportsmen Meet In Wewa November 6 The regular monthly meeting of the Gulf County Sportsman's Club will be held at the Gulf" Coast Electric Cooperative build- ing in Wewahitchka Satt4rday, November 6 at 7:30 p.m., CST, All members are invited to attend, A barbecue dinner will be served. |