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po a THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, NUMBER 47 01 r Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1973 W m TEN CENTS A COPY "dk-.. . U I New County Budget Shows Reduction Gulf County's tentative budget for fiscal 1973-74 indicates a slight reduction from last year's amount, and increases in the big three portions of the budget-General Fund, * Road and Bridge and Fine and Forfeiture. The total budget has tentatively been set at $1,430,355.09. Last year's budget totaled $1,473,743.00 The largest increase came in the Sheriff's Department with $35,110.23 tenta- tively added to ihe fund after previously denying Sheriff Lawrence a $52,969.55 increase he asked, for in a work session last week. Lawrence asked for hefty increases for salaries, expenses other than salaries, and equipment, which included 4 new patrol car. The Road and Bridge Fund received the next highest increase at 5.5 percent over the previous year. The Road and Bridge Fund has tentatively been approved to receive $475,331.20 in the new budget year for an increase of $30,366.80. The largest area of additional funds was in .salaries with another man being provided for and salary increases for all present employees. Gasoline and lubricants was increased by $10,000 but this figure isn't certain since the county doesn't know- what it will be .paying for fuel next year. Miscellaneous equipment and supplies were increased by $2,500 for the only other sizeable jump. The Mosquito Control budget was increased by $3,702.99 to a total of 11.i .. with most of the increase going for salary increases to the employees, One of two reductions in budget items was in the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Recorders office. '.",r was reduced :- -...* from last year's' amount. The Clerk's office asked for and was granted a budget of $73,498.00. The office of the County, Extension Director asked for an increase of 26 percent, but this amount was cut by the Board. The Extension office will receive $13,040.00 in the new budget as compared to ': .'' last year. The greater rv-.: of the increase was for salaries. Civil Defense was reduced $387.00 for'" the new budget with a total of $17,788.00 ;-,-';.;., i p .{' .... for the year. The CD t.jj4-t was $18,175.00 last year. The Veterans' Service Officer asked for a 63 percent increase in spending in the new budget but was cut back to 48 ,. ..-.ei't The Service Officer asked for a $10,588.00 budget but was trimmed to $9,598.00. Increases in the budget were in salaries for the director and a full time secretary. The office Se: ,6.: with a part time secretary last year. Other items, all included in the General F .'.: are: .).: of,. L . .* -, ,.. Election e'. :* :* ' Courthouse .p. .- i ..; '',3 Old Court- house, $11,350.00; Fire Control, $9,660.00; Guidance Clinic contract, '- -f O0. Tuber- cular care, $300.00;. I :. 1r:r., $20,000 and Forestry program, $1,000.00. Several 4-r, .f items of reduction were shown in the new budget, .,'1in,.-iii a $38,000 reduction in the *-. pe < ,'-l v and I. and S. Fund and removal of a $3,727 payment for fire stations for Highland View and White City. The budget hasn't been 'rp'ett'. ., yet, with 'set items suet u .ou' i .,r' ,-Ti i,',t v I .'- i and Courthouse bonds still to be added to the total amount. But even with these additions to be added it appears the total budget, taxes levied and 'r,.:,.... will all be less than last fiscal year, .4 .. n* i to Jerry Gates, Financial Officer in the Clerk's office. Raid Nets Find of Mail, Pot Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence announced the arrest Friday of Paul Michael Mispel, 19, of 106 2nd Street, Highland View. The Sheriff stated that an investigation conducted by Lt. David Rogers and Auxil- iary Deputy Jimmy Williams produced reliable confidential information that the house contained narcotics and stolen property, so a search warrant was. obtained and served h,'.iN after 9 p.m. on Friday. A. team of deputies and auxiliary deputies, lead by Sheriff Lia.rence', s, ar,. ed MJspel's t huw,and fui-l a- ii,:,n,.it-v nt m.irijuana great= er than five grams, a felony, .as well as a large number of barbiturates. Also found at the home was. a large quantity of mail which had been stolen over a week ago from the drop box inside the Port St. Joe Post Office. The mail, some of which was still !.p- .**<. was all local mail for the city of Port St. Joe. Of the mail which was opened, checks .' wh,- the sum .of *'.. :i1,7 were found, as well as personal correspondence from indivi- duals and businesses through- out Port St. Joe. Mispel had just been released from the Gulf County jail earlier on Friday. He was one of i". men arrested early Thursday, on a c.h L' of breaking into Campbell's Drug t.'r.- after he and another man were found hiding inside the store. MiP-' was ,'i,.`ar' .,l with felony possession of mari- juana, possession of barbi- turates and possession of stolen property. At press time, Mispel was .'., held in'the Gul County Jail under a $3,006 bond. The City-School Board summer recreation program will end Friday at all sites except the Stac House which will remain open for two additional weeks. FISHING RODEO The annual youngsters fishing rodeo got off to a good start Monday of this week with several good catches. Buddy Simmons, Hal .Lewis, John Fadio, Troy Williams, and Mitch Fortner appear to be the leaders as of noon Tuesday. The fishing rodeo has been limited to the Marvin Avenue canal due to. restocking of the Courthouse canal. TENNIS TOURNAMENTS In tennis tournament play this week, Brent Scott defeated Rodney Hamm by a . score of 3-Love to win in the seven, eight, and nine year old bracket. Danny Dewitt defeated Mark Scott 6-4 to win the 10-11 year old tourna- ment, and Dewayne McFar- land out stroked Stan Brant to win the 12-13 year old tournament by 6-1. The 14-15 year of age tournament has been post- poned until a later week due to the Pony League team playing in the state cham- pionship in Pensacola. The tournament will begin on the first Monday after the team finishes tournament play, and we hope that this is the week following the Dixie Boys' World Series. In the adult tennis tourna- ment Monday night. Talmon Sisk defeated Coach Bill Wood, George Boyer outlast- ed Tony Barbee, and Gary McCroan bested Larry Co- penhaver 12 to 10 in a thriller that saw Gary come from behind at 9-6 to win. Other first round _play was held Tuesday afternoon with the second round scheduled for Tuesday night. The finals of the adult tournament will be held Friday or Saturday night according to the weather. The public is invited to attend this tournament and if the first round is an indica- tion, we will be surprised at the caliber of local tennis competition. Trophies To Be Awarded Tennis tournament trophies and ribbons for the fishing rodeo will be awarded to all winners and runner-ups at the Eighth Street tennis courts on Monday, July 30 at 10 a.m. Three Caught In Burglary Act Favorite Summer Sport One of the favorite activities of the summer recreation program is the annual fishing rodeo for youngsters. Shown above are. four youngsters actively engaged in trying to catch the biggest fish. From left to right are Hal Lewis, Leslie Gainous, Buddy Simmons, and Paul Davis. Youngsters turned out in full force Monday along the canals in the city trying their luck -at fishing. Large catches of bream, bass, and shelicracker were reported at the close of competition Monday, the first day of the. tournament. (Star photo) Team Is Still In Tourney Port St. Joe's Dixie Youth baseball is ,.,, i,,i.i, r: in the State Tournament this week in r.. r ,i- .,-... near Pensa- cola and had a record of one win and a loss at press time yesterday. . ,.-The team earned the-trip to- last Friday evening in Mariatnd, '.1 i ..fl a, Grace- ville 9-8 in the first game and Marianna, 7-4 in the second. The three teams in the District finals were the strongest in the tournament. Port St. Joe started off wrong in IPe -..i losing 16-0 to East Pensacola M,..i.. =:night in the double elimination tournament. Tuesday night Port St. Joe defeated Winter Haven, 2-1 in a defensive contest. The local team must win each night through Friday to stay in the tournament, as another loss will send them home. Board Bends A Little In Its Resolve To Regulate Road Building Practices Back in March, the ,7.:,v".r. Commission resolved to build no more. roads for private developers-or at least that was their intention. Tuesday r-i..', the new resolve was put to its first test and the Board found out -. -. didn't have I..'- the tool they thought --- .-. had. Charlie Gaskin of Wewahit- chka appeared before' the board asking for construction of a road at the end of State Road 22 along the Apalachi- cola River. Commissioner Eldridge '.: ,'..,, ..' .". of the mea- sure to stop County develop- ment of private property, opposed the move on the grounds of the Board's recent action, Gaskin pointed out he knew of the recent ruling and it was his ;,',.:.:-e. to find out what he had to do to get the road improved. Gaskin point- ed out the road would serve an already established sub- division of some 50 property owners. "We're not wanting something developed to sell", Gaskin said. "We're wanting a road built to homes already built. Every lot in the subdivision has been sold for some time and a road is needed." Commissioner Walter Gra- ham contended the recent ruling by the Board prohibit- ed the Board from moving. Most of the Board members dis-agreed with Graham, .but a search of the- minutes proved Graham to be correct. The Board then set out to rescinded the former motion, over Money's objections, and replace the ruling with a new one. The Board finally agre' d upon a move which would prohibit the County accepting any new subdivision plats unless the roads in the subdivision were brought up to the .-..'i standards. "That's what I'm t g about", Money said, vv'e have no standards and I want to stop road, building until we adopt some." I The ~c..'.. ', still have to be arrived at. In the meantime, the Board agreed to build the road requested by Gaskin, which he said would serve "about 50 homes already built." Again Mr. Money cast a "nay" vote. DEEDS GIVEN Documents were signed and executed Ti_:da:, night returning the Sauls Creek Road to the County to a point 300 feet south of Brown's Nazarenes Starting Revival Saturday Revival services will begin July 27 and continue through August 5 at the Church of the Nazarene. Services will begin each evening at 7:30 p.m. The evangelistic party consists of the Bender family; Rev. and Mrs. James Bender, and. their sons, James and Timothy and their wives. Each member of the team plays an assortment of instruments in their minis- terial work. The public is cordially invited to attend the services. Creek and giving the County the seven acre park deeded the County in exchange for the road last year. The quit claim deed from M K Ranches also gave the county a five year lease at $1.00 per year on Willis Landing for a public boat landing. The Board, in return issued permission for the land company to construct a dike across the Willis Landing Road with an overpass being constructed for vehicular traffic to cross the dike, all at the expense of the firm. As soon as the business was taken care of, Commissioner Walter Graham made a motion that the County construct a boat landing on Brown's Creek as soon as practical as well as clear up and develop the park just deeded to the County. Gra- ham's motion met with unanimous approval. OTHER BUSINESS In other business the Board agreed to level the front of the high school_property so grass can be planted beside the newly-widened road. It was also agreed to repair the .entrance road to the school. John Dill asked that the Stokes Landing road be paved and was told it would be put in the County's paving priority list. Mrs. Marguerite Brogdon expressed a concern for entrance to her property with the dike construction on Willis Landing Road. She said part of the fill was in front of her property. She was assured her rights would be protected and a suitable entrance provided. Swim Team Is Making Its Mark The St. Joseph's Bay Country Club swim team traveled to Killearn Country Club last Friday and Satur- day, competing against teams from all over the Southeast. It was undoubtedly the toughest competition seen this year. However, St. Joe's rookie swim team made its mark, scoring 32 points and finishing tenth in a field of 12 teams. The highlight of the meet for the St. Joe team was a third place finish by the 13 and 14 year old girls medley relay team consisting of Cristi Taylor, Vicki Land, Dianna Sealey and Diane Freeman. The team travels to Pensa- cola- this weekend to compete in the Pensacola Aquatic Club invitational. Three young men were arrested early Thursday morning in connection with a 'break-in of Campbell's Drugs on Reid Avenue. Arrested were Paul Mich- ael Mispel, 19, 19, of Port St. Joe, Byron Welch, 23, and Howard. .- ,.r 19, both of Stuart. d :r,' Patrolman James- Graves was on routine patrol about 1:00 a.m., and was checking the doors of down- town businesses when he, discovered that the rear door of Campbell's Drug was ajar,- appearing to have been entered. Graves r ,b.o'd, (or assistance, and' .. "- ,rnimrtr ately backed up by Deputy, Larry O'Shall and Auxiliary' l.J..ijty Hubert Harrison.' Upon arrival, Harrison noticed that "someone was moving abut the rear of the. store", so other units were called to the scene. Assistant Police Chief Roy Robinson, and Sgt. Tom Berlinger of the, Sheriff's Office, as well as, Benny Greene of the Game' and Fresh Water Fish Commission arrived soon afterward., According to Sheriff Law- rence, a few men then entered the rear of the store and found Mispel and Welch hiding in a bathroom. The two had in their possession about $1,100 worth of mer- chandise, which included narcotic drugs and jewelry, and over $200 in cash. A short time later, Patrol- man Canty Jones of the Port St. Joe Police Department checked out a subject who' was found sleeping in a car not far from the drug store. After further investigation, it was determined that this subject (Slater) was to have driven the "Getaway car", and that he had dropped them off shortly before the break-in was discovered. Mispel and Welch were charged with breaking and. entering, possession of barbi- turates, and grand larceny, according to Sheriff Law- rence; and Slater was charged with being an accessory to the break-in. All three were released Friday morning under $3,006 bond. Biggs Burned In Mill Accident Wayne Biggs, assistant boiler operator at St. Joe Paper Company, received first and second degree burns at the mill Saturday night, when a hot water line burst in the boiler room. Biggs was admitted to the Municipal Hospital in Port St. Joe for treatment. He was .flown to the John Sealy Hospital in Galveston, Texas Sunday for treatment. He was accompanied to Texas by his wife, Margeret and Velma McCormick, St. Joe Paper Company nurse. Larry Davis, Safety Direc- tor of St. Joe Paper Co., reported yesterday that Biggs is in good condition and responding well to treatment. Recreation Program Is Closing Down Friday _ u ~ ~ ~-------- --- . PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1973 -T-H E S T A R- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company Setond-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey, William H. Ramrsey Frenchie L. Ramsey Shirley K. Ramsey Editor and Publisher Produ tion Supt. Office Manager Typesetter, Subscriptions' I - MINUTES Boa rd of County Commissioners Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY POSTOFF IC OX 308 PORT ST. JOE, Fl our space accomplishments- as they people who had bought lots reflect what is right about. this great planning to build on them at refletfuture dates would be left nation it's ability to get things holding the bag done. ... The Chairman asked the SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIAB IN COUNTY- ONE YEAR, $4.00 SI OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 TO ADVERTISERS- In case of error or ommissions in ad for damage further than amount received for such adverti The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed wor the printed work thoroughly cnvinces. The spoken wordI EDITORIALS Our Inflal s Compar Phase IV; a substantial hike in interest rates and the announcement of a dip in the economic growth rate all came to us last week as Ameri- can's grew more alarmed at the spir- aling costs of the goods they use every day through inflation. Inflation is a pretty good thing as long as it means substantial rai- ses in pay and as long as the con- S'sumer goods are rising in price only moderately. A pox on the person who would suigg'.st sacrificing just toto :keep inflation away fraomn our doors.' . But, just you let prices catch up , with our wage incr,-mu. aind threatens .to go ahead of tJh-ml srnd we are rea- S-or .s ,hpdi tu. do. .u-dLting]. L Something ,should havt .been done long ago. but it would have me-iiant you and I would h:avr had to suffer. Now, we are r-a;dy for any- thing to be done; which, will stop the i ncwise in the pr, of food. It's o. iunie that wie didn't worry too, much about inflation until it affected our Poor A Congressman Bob Sikv-, had this observation in a recent Newsletter sent out from his office. We thought it worth repeating in these, columns: POOR AMERICA!' Poor America! X. w.- .-.< *now get prizes for putL'imiuii: .our coun- try's secret papers.. And those who stole the papers for them become he- ; roes. We used to have a better word :for them. We (.dh-d thi-i. intror... One of many t'ad thin' to come out of Watergate is the dismissal of chargess against Daniel Ellsberg who stole secret paper-s ijoni government files in the Pentagon..and passed them on to ett-wu-g publications. This traitorous act, for which Ells- berg was freed,, establishes him as PHONE 227-3161 1 "The Board of County Com- ..ORIDA 32456 .missioners of Gulf County', KLORIDA 32456 ""' *Florida met on June 12, in regular session with the T PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 3456 -. .ir members present: Chairman Lamar Davis, T. ILY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE D. (Doc) Whitfield, Walter X MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS. $127.50 Graham, Eldridge Money, OUT o u.s.- One Year, s6oo and Silas Player The Clerk and Attornfey Ivertisements, the publishers do not n-:.:l I.,-, liable were also present. Emmett Isemment. 3n- L. acted as Bailiff for the meeting. a is fthbughtflry weigned. The spoken word S;,f asserts; The Clerk opened the is lost" the'printed word remains. "i .- with prayer. The minutes of the meeting of May '22 and May 29, 1973, were read, adopted, and' Jesse Stone, representing Sthe Gulf County Golden Anniversary Commission, reported that, under appoint- ment' of the Board, he had CII organized the Commission. He added that a Board of' ion ll m Directors had been .selected, officers had been nominated .*.. | _;and ,'-c'ed. and that regular iV.lyV r "*. were now .being *. w W held. The Board thanked Mr. '..*: lauding his thorough and commendable efforts as' organizer of this Commission. George Cooper appeared food supply-the last item to feel ~y.k;.L3 the Board if it had the crunch of rising prices, authority to act in controlling Since John Q. Citizen is now rea- the loud noise and vulgar dy for "something to be done", it language emanating from dy for somethingg to be done it Jerry Johnson's Juke Joint probably will be. Politicians, being during all times of the night the type people they are, were relue- and day. After discussion, of tant to take the-steps necessary un- the problem, the Attorney til the people wanted it that way. advised Mr. Cooper that his h first course of action should Even so, the inflation being ex- be to contact the Sheriff with perienced by the United States is the the complaint about the lowest of any of, the industrialized problem. nations of the world, according to Richard Wade and James N w m e THysmith appeared before the Newsweek magazine. These other Board seeking employment. nations, with run-away inflation The Board thanked them for greater than ours are the ones giving their interest and agreed i us trouble with the value ofiour dol- consider their. for an lar too, which doesn't s tan.proper Penm. ,,'T.r (.frkhprli,'r*, since inflation is eheapeng their from Jamrr.s Gor'mran,. Blobt-y cuIrrntV. f-1.i-er than ours. whisbih King, (. rfd Rojss fDavid SV. Natn.rn:dl Bank. >ay-.th L- 1 S Gwenda Rrr.mton. Betty Han- dnil.ar is v..sily uniii-rvi-aiue4 and most lon, Christy Jamison, iFro.:mpi an orfi',slh ;ar.- now corning The Road Department to realize this fact. The real pinch Superintendent presented a. will p bbl come when petition from the Road Dept. will probably come when those who employees requesting change have been giving away their Ameri- of the payroll period from can dollars try to get them' back at twice a month to once every their real value. two weeks, payday being set as Friday. The Board agreed to institute this policy if the ', employees agreed, to the S.. '..T ,. ;, a .A k'- pay,. as required by r / -l.I ,,', .' ";. ,'.r Com mission- *mera icat 1 g. er Graham ,-,'.J~, c'ti h is m erica still trying to secure a credit S. for .the employees. .',.. .', by I ;ra . sioner Graham, -..., .. the new hero of the,.far commissioner Whitfield and I have stated -before, it I. a sad unanimous vote, a dirt ease o(unrntlt-,> thitt in thi iU, try .!,i me:;." r No. e: D T A.... ,,4..'A can seldom convict a i nirim.fit ',,, :. : Il LW h-e F. Steve *. ,.:*r. Board Con- -Whatever ',!. i m y bh. r,,y- ,,:. reported that there their support. They want f'l;- Am.r ri are streets coming .can s' iS rn destroyed Thv, u.- th,- down 'from Beacon Hill that courts, the press and thc .- extend across ... 98 toward the Gulf. He added In, court eases -in%-,dth, h .; r that 'there are no houses on ntL. ,r -,..] it now is a ,u -tm t,' It h,,' these three streets and thus a big party for the juror. aflt r ..thg. no houses on *County right of trial. This also seems to be a strange ways West oj 98 in this area. departure from correct pr iples of Commissi owner Money departure from correct principles of urged the Board to adopt a trial behavior. In the ,big party set of specifications to which was held for the jurors by the .provide building codes for Ellsberg crowd-like the one h, 1.1 by future ,r... .* Commissioner the An,. 1., Davis < r*,. i.t was re- Graham sdid he agrees speci- ',.:,,,. ,.- are needed but : . v.ih'.1 that most of the iuror plan e e neeadopted ... but ned to free him any w-%y\'. .it'r .' i.i,.. ,:..li :'.: Money this was factual or drink that was .:::i.-i "r-e :;-.'ications talking wasn't revealed. would 4ave to apply to the ing *whole county. ,'* Commissioner Graham '"+ feels the specifications are needed but considerable time | and thought needs to be put Into their development in order to protect the little man. Chairman Davis said he didn't believe those property swinging around the globe ii a space owners now in process of station. building or living in homes tatiBy now their names shou that didn't meet the specific By now their names should e cations would be affected by household words. We confess, we them. do not know their names, "so we are Commissioner Graham just as peculiar as the rest of you. said the major problem is ju ga resia r f t ou We rgtateo, that individual rights to Regardless of our Watergate, property ownership need to our inability to properly manage our be protected and at the same finances to everyone's benefit and time the public, as a whole, our ineffectual way of dealing with has certain rights. He added our criminals or pornography we are that if property is zoned so as our c als or pornography we are to prohibit development that doing something no other nation can. the owner should be compen- We ought to be bragging about sated by the County as many said a request of this sort should be agreed on by the whole Board. After discussion the Board felt it was best that their equipment remain at work in Gulf County. Mr. Daniell advised the Board that one of his trucks used in hauling a Loboy is almost worn out and is becoming too expensive to keep in running shape. He asked the Board for permis- sion to obtain specificaitons to purchase a diesel truck for this purpose. After discus- sion, Comm. Graham moved and Comm. Whitfield second- ed a motion that Mr. Daniell be allowed to obtain specifi- cations and advertise for bids on a diesel truck for the Mosquito Control Depart- ment. Comm. Player said he would like a comparative price on a gas truck at the same time. After discussion, the motion passed unani- mously. Commissioner Money requested that the ditch between the high school and Wards Ridge be cleared out. The Mosquito Control Super- visor agreed to do this job. Commissioner Player asked if spray could be used to kill weeds creating a problem on a county ditch at the beach. Mr. Daniell said the weeds cuuld be sprayed and he would look' into the matter. The Attorney told the Board there is a general law covering utilities and a subdivision law in force in Gulf County, which might aid the Board in answering questions about development in the County. Attorney Rish added that a landowner at Isabel Lake is requesting the County abandon a ditch .ease- ment and if the Board is in agreement he would adver- tise to abandon the ditch. The Board agreed to study the matter and make a decision. Attorney Rish told the Board he has been meeting with the two partners of M K Ranches and they wish (Continued on Page 6) fo, Ja pump for the White City back-up truck for $1,760.00, the pump being installed at their factory in Mobile.. The Board, feeling they could install the pump much cheaper, asked the Clerk to write for a price upon delivery in Port St. Joe. The Clerk then presented the Revenue t.,'.J Budget worked out at the r. ...lI 1r.,J.ig of May 29, 1973. After,1)- 'l:!< -. ,jj Commis- sioner Money moved and. Commissioner Whitfield seconded the i'.'. '-', reve- nue sharing ,T, 'ji-. be adopted. The motion .ri-,. ., unanimously and the ...i ..'. ing budget v. ' REVENUE SHARING BUDGET ',. pated receipts,. ...*. *' : Tupelo Fire District, 4 :r .: $6,200.00, 5 years; White City Fire Dept., 1.5 percent, $2,325.00, 1 year; ".r.,'i' View Fire ,'_; 3.5 percent, $5,425.00, 5 years; Law Enforcement, 1.5 percent, $2,325.00. Public irt:.. 30 percent, $46,500.00 F":.. Transportation, 30 percent, $46,500.00; Recrea- tion, 3 percent, $4,650.00; Health Care, 1 percent, $1,550.00; -.%-. : -. Admini- stration, 10.5 percent, S .:."; .*1'. 2 years; Capital Expenditures, 40 percent, $62,000.00; Reserves for Contingencies, 5 percent, $7,750.00. Total percent allocated, 100 percent. Total monies allo- cated, $155,000.00. Total monies unallocated, $3,035.00. Actual receipts, $158,035.00. Total allocations, $155,000.00. Unallocated, $3,035.00. Bob Brown, Court Admini- strator for the 14th Judicial Circuit, appearing before the Board requesting information as to why his request to have the Board send the L.E.A.A. grant funds to Tallahassee was denied. The Board explained that the grant has almost expired, and, the funds are used in conjunction with other funds in earning interest until disbursements are made, thereby cutting the taxpayers costs of the pro- gram. Commissioner Player asked the Board to approve purchase of radios for the Road Department and Mos- quito Control Department at -....' -* >'..* i an- >ri p - ee ,iA -!;A i* ndreu,. frr it not ,i . S',,.;',. Money' said he t.,ii ., r-:.'A, complaints about p op ,anmp;ig along. the. I.J' Hi{ t ,.,:. 98 and on. .< ,,beaches. He said he ,f'A: .e, B.:.r'] should ;'t'<..,,,,J. r.o n, r p:r(, Commis- ., .r.:r 1.,1 alr,. iaid -he ,/. -..-. r '.,..,> -, .'. ..ldn't be -." '. 1,4.r ,- 3T',{.,r, on :* , S ',. c.* t. -i. ir it along *,. ,, dii ..r, r i(lnk the S,,.., ,, ,t, '" ". ...:'- in G ulf , ., : ', 'would approve this. Commissioner Graham .moved that the Attorney be instructed to prepare a .. . ordinance .'. ... *. .' ^i4i'.J 'g as he felt ., .','. ': .uld apply '. ,. '.i,':,.'$ ;,,e m option. .. -, .*..-' as Comrn .. ~oted yea, S.. :.,'r F'=-iyer, Whit- Graham and Davis- voted- nay.. Commissioner -' said he feels some control i .npeeded on the beaches Bifut a county-wide ordinance might not be the solution. ,- Commissioner Money urged the Board to have a work session to develop .-'.,-'' -1. .: : for halting S .. .. J:. develop- ment. 'oe6rthissioner Davis reminded him that the Board does n .ti-'build roads in private developments, and that the Board would vote on any other ecifications that Comm..?. Money feels are needed Comnimioher Graham told the Boad the roadbed, as built by'M K Ranches, on the- old Howard Creek road at the old shanties .is not satisfac- tory to him. In addition, the road needs building up at Deep Slough. Comm. Whit- field said that an M K Ranch employee had told him the rain had held up. the con- struction, but he would check further into the situation. Commissioner Graham said the Kentucky Landing Road needs a culvert and build-up in certain places. The Road'u.perintendent was instructeS '"i complete this work. The Mosquito Control Supervisor said the Bay County Vngineer had called and requested his depart- ment's help in maintaining the landfill at Mexico Beach, in Bay Coyty. Commissioner Funny Americans are funny people. We have spent nearly two months putting practically our en- tire communications facilities on exploring every facet of a small.grqup :of people listening to another's con- versations. Supposedly, we are trying to find out who said to listen in the first place. Henry Aaron knocks another ".home run and the sports pages go wild even if his team loses the ball game. - .. But, I defy you to find a mention on the front pages or in the televised newscasts of those three men who are going to spend 58.,days in space - Board if they were ready to State contract price. Corn- You know, you read about people being on attack the problem. Commis- r:.;4-5:,n-. Graham moved sioner Player asked the and Commissioner Whitfield dope and the terrible things it does to them. ".*-*r' if the State has -. -..-, ".'. this purchase Ar'on:g the "terrible things" are the agonies funds available to :.:-. t : be. allowed. The Board suffered by addicts when they are deprived of for purchase of condemned approved the motion unani- their barbituates or heroin. One reads of the lands, Attorney Rish said it is mously. very possible the State would The Board directed that the pain, the suffering and the degradation a human purchase Beachfront proper- *...: rn; be published: being suffers with the experience of doing with- ty provided a list of such NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS out the drug when the body is calling for it. available property was pre- In accordance with Section sented to the State and the 4-:7 -Fl: rida Statutes, i', Reading -about it, or seeing it in a movie 6r State felt it owned insuffi- *,. '.-.F- s hereby given that television is nothing like the shock of seeing it cient public beachfront in :- Board of County SaturdaySheriffRaymondLawrence the area. He added the State .:-.v rs ;.ei Gulf : .. Saturday, Sheriff Raymond Lawrence is going to impose a zoning P.: r.- has adopted a .-*:,d me a yo'ug man, in jail, who had been line on beachfront construe- .'-* .rF :.:.<':' bud- n'..i his heroin and barbituates for a couple tion in the near future, get for the Fine and of .i ijv. after over a year of -dt'pendini on the The 'Clerk read a letter Forfeiture Fund for the fiscal narcotics for that n. He was a from the Northwest Florida. year i:. ::. October 1, a ,., ing He was a DevelopmentC.:. .:. request- 1972, and -.:'" .j .r,.r ,itil sight. And, the wiildrawjl agonies had ing a member of the Com- 30, 1973; that said Board will just begun. This boy could still answer ques- mission be appointed to serve be in session on I."i'-. tions after a fashion, when he could manage'to on a committee to study the July 10, 1973, at 9:00 AM.' get the words through Mh:i,.-ring teeth. Later, development of the Apalachi- EDT for the p ,.,.',.: of g t " cola River. Commissioner .-,- :. .;. complaints as to said he was to become a raving maniac. Graham feels whoever is budget and for its final I had gone to the Sheriff's office to recover appointed should carry the r. No assessment of I t h h oe to ro e wishes of the Board and not va..- .- required some of my mail which had been stolen from the his individual feelings about .''., ..:.,, Player said Post Office. I got to talking to Raymond about the river. The Chairman then Mr. Whgeleys property at the 'dope traffic in the County when he' asked, appointed Commissioner Gra- Blue Gator is washing out 'T.I-ve you ever seen anybody suffering with- ham to this Committee and bad and feels the Board drawl ains from dope?" I admitted I had not instructed him to relate that .- ..u-i.- h'~ improve the drawal pains from dope?" I ad tted I had not this Board has went on drainage in that area. Corn- and Raymond asked, "Would you like to see one ? record as approving a missioner: Davis told the constant nine-foot channel Board thattthe area should be I didn't r illyy know wh,'ithwr I wanted to see with as little disturbance to ,, .... .. .1., all Board mem- such a sight or not, but decided I needed to. If the river as possible. He also bers before 'a plan is one is going to oppose .4:ni'thing, he ought to asked Commissioner Graham -'.... .i'".J:.- the area has know first hand what he is qp,.pig. Not be- to request the Council's more -than' one drainage o t n h is ul ni.. Not be- assistance in urging State' problems.(The Board agreed ing one to voluntarily look at ugly sights, I fol- purchase of cut-off island and to -..i. *..: matter, lowed Tom Berlinger back to the cells where the 10,000 acres of the Kenner Commissioner Mh.. e. said young addict was being held. There was no need wetland project if these that tworesidents of Port St.. to lock the door. He wasn't able to get out if he q .*...t-... arise. Joe i .. :.: I .- to him ted to The Clerk read a letter about being.unable to receive wanted to. from the DOT asking the shots from the Health Clinic, As we approached the cell, there" sat a young Board to notify them upon although they were advised abandonment of any street or by '~. don that the shots man who appeared to be between 17 and 20 years road dedication that adjoins a were available at the Health of age. He was balled up on a bench next to. the state road. Clinic. bars in much the same position he occupied in Chairrr an Da'.'is as"ed .t. .. ri,.n. 'r r ,,..] h mrs ,,iiler's wtimb Hv was shaking so violent- Clri. If wD e had o: I rd 1'i.a -,i,,I 'r 5 II. H* It r:I IV 1..m h- .-d to t-.e h. .iL h.' rattled the cell bars. A^,rm,, ira:r.iage plans. ;,* .-....-: .,., ..., '--r.. Nothing stlpp,-il tlit.- shaking. He was literally Cklrk notig r-c"-ru ;-,:.p ,J.. ,m n '.*i,,,'s ; 'U: Iumpniag hi w'Is :-htki.ig .'1. violently. The sweat -tril' d tj. piari. .-.-r I i -: ...' H -, 114 r.i f-roni hia f',- -v -n thu i gh it was coni- ... .. ... rct l-,.r - out a strranti of fithf H-l. yes had rolled back in hls head until only the whites showed and his face Was a mask of pain from the torture he was experiencing. The young man would answer Tom Berlin- ger's questions, but when he came to the end of an answer, he always concluded with, "Man, get me some help. I need some help". And, he did. We spend a lot of time, money, effort and ingenuity trying to. think up ways to put the story across to the young people that dope will do them far more harm than any "good feelings" they might obtain from its use. We tell them how it will harm their bodies, their minds and their future children. We tell them how, with continued use the dope will make them a slave. The kids who will take dope in the first' place are not exactly conducive to logic in pointing out why they shouldn't take it. They are not looking for a ratinal reason. They are looking for an escape from having to make a ,decision. But possibly, just possibly, the fight against drugs may be more effective if the sight of a poor soul suffering the withdrawal agony could be mandatory viewing for every youngster reach- ing the dope tempting age. Such a sight is one you will not soon forget. And, as we said, this poor wretch was just beginning to experience his agony. There was worse-much worse-to come. SEE- W1LMER THURSDAY For Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at ILOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,lnc. 1nams City, Flovida Office Phone es. Phone 7634M, CARD OF THANKS STo my. many friends I would like to, take this ... .',. .... 'to thank each .of y,66 for your cards, h... i :. and (r. L'.k, your prayers during myrecent illness. It's my sincere desire to thank Dr. i.tf.I;.. for his interest in my health; I would also like to thank the nurses and kitchen staff for trying so hard to make my stay in the 'g ,/,,h.,l a pleasant one. .S. J .Taylor * S. J Taylor Carroll- Glass Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie M. Carroll announce the engage- ment and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara Jean, to Danny G. Glass, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hoke Glass of Port St. Joe. Barbara is a 1972 graduate of Milton High School and is employed in Milton. Danny is a graduate of Port St. Joe High School and has .com- pleted four years in the navy and is presently employed in Georgia. The wedding will be held at the 2.- : Assembly of God Church at 8:00 p.m., Satur- day', 2. :, 4. No invitations are being sent but all friends and .-;A.' are invited to attend. Churches Meeting The July meeting of the 'Gulf : 'Pentecostal Fel- lowship meets Friday, July 27, at the H.f. View Assembly of God Church. '.Services will begin at 7:30 p.m. and everyone is invited to attend'. Reverend Billy .Wallace will ,be the guest speaker. Singers Coming This Friday night at the S4:.I..h.- ..--. will be appearing The Koinia House r-: ." of Mobile, Ald., from 8:00 to 12:00 p.m, There will be free refresh: ments, free literature, and no admission charge. Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Hawthorne' of Sylacauga, Alabama, announce the engagement of their daughter Sherry Gaye to Billy Harold Hay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hay of Port St. Joe. The bride-elect is the -granddaughter of -Mrs. D. P. Hawthorne' and the late Mr. Hawthorne and the late Mr. and Mrs. T. 0. Watson. She is a 1972 graduate of '.W... J-- . High School and is now a S, / THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla~ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 19~3 PAGE THREE student at N. F. Nunnelly State Technical School where she will graduate 'from Cosmetology in early August.. Mr. Hay is the grandson 6f the late Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hay and the late Mr. and Mrs. Jim Self. He is a 1968 graduate of Port St. Joe High School and is now employed With Vitro Services near Port St. Joe. The ". ';.4 ." is planned for August 18 at Macedonia F.u.:. Church, Stewartville, Alabama. Music F A music-drama, "The Chal- lenge of the Cross" by Charles A. M --.i. will be presented by the ...'. ih choir of the Long Avenue l ,!,,.. Church during' the worship service on .,r .'.' evening, July 29. The choir is under the director of .John i ..... Minister of Music. Buyfrom local businesses. MISS SHERRY GAYE HAWTHORNE Mrs. Carolyn Maddox is Byom local businesses. program ,.i; t:, in J r.,..i, ig, the drama. The evening .worship is at 7:30 p.m. Everyone is ..:..,!., invited to attend. Vacation |',h' School for boys and girls three years of age 'hr...,,ih sixth grade will t-I-,., on Monday, July 30 at 8:30 a m. The Bible School, will conclude on Friday, August 3. All children are invited to attend. the people tire I~i~iI~Ipeople_ Plus $1 61 F.E.T. Charge hli 6.00-13, BIackwall and old tire. Whitewall add $4. m LD -9 ^S ' Blackwa BiackwaHl Si2e Prce TF.E.T. Sie Price 1 F.E.T 6.50-13 $11.80 s.73 8.25'14" s2.24 - -------- O18.80 5.60-15 174 8.15-15 2.27 15.80 7.35-141 1 ?':8.55-141 2.43 7-- I 719.80 7.75-141 .- 8.45-15 2.42 16 80 .. Whitewall add $3 Put steel between you and tire trouble! 500 STEEL BELT WHITEWALLS I .. B78-14 14950 3'835 $2.50 Two tough steel belts give long mileage and strong protection against road hazards. . Strong, smooth-riding polyester cord body. Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" Port St. Joe, Florida, SRoche Rambles By'W. C. Roche Many who have the gift of gab don't know how to wrap it up. Boss to secretary: "I have to call my wife. Send my daughter a telegram to get off the phone." When 'an irresistible force meets an ,,'n'c.,' ab.' object, there's i.,fl a lawyer who will take the case., Anyone can be subtle .Just say what .:,. :!', then / get the heck out of there before it can be understood. The guy whose ancestors built a railroad through the wilderness without anyone's OK now has to get a ,.',,-, to remodel his kitchen. Try shopping Roche's for the very best in furniture and appliances. Roche's Furniture and Appliance 209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271 F78-14 G78-14 H78-14 F78-15 G78-15, H78.-15 J7815 L78-15 I I r ri I I I '-I r ~I~S~PLe I I- -11 4 c st ~e PAGE THREE T'HE STAR, Port St. Joae, Fla. HRDY UY2,17 401 Fifth St. THE STAR, Port St Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, jL~ V 26, 1973 Plan A Sept. '8 Wedding Mr. and Mrs.7. Kramer of Port St. Joe Vanounce the engagement an ;. roachmg marriage of th ._daughter, Charmaine Maji'to James Alfred Lemieduison of Mr., and Mrs. Marvin E Lemieux, also of Port St. 'Joe. The wedding :".will be an event of September 8 in St. Joseph's Catholic Church at 7:30 p.m. EST. No local invitations will be .sent, but all friends and relatives of the young couple are invited. Earns 6.25 percent _'*PAGE FOUR I- ~- I ; r.. Final .Wedding Plans .MISS CHARM AIE MARIE KRAMER :-'/'_; :: .;... "MISS CHARMAINE MARIE KRAMER Final .-. .:. ans for Miss SuE-r. -Ao,,X 1 Tram- mell and Billy Paul Black- mon have been announced by the bride-blect's parents, Mr. and Mrs: Frederick E'. Trammell. The ceremony will take place Saturday, .5 -*r.*. 8, at 2:30 p.m. in the sanctuary of the First k ,t*. Church in Port St. Joe, with "*l R e, Dewitt, "i'- /: *" .s. e ' Immediately i>L.'. p.'.- ceremony, the : " ents will host a '* ..:i the social of '.". ,* ct. / . No .'* .. *. are ',r -sent but all friends and relatives are invited to attend the wedding and 61-., ,> .v... 227'4646 Sav ins Accounts I' NOW WPAYNG ORNP Compounded and PRad Quarterly ... .i N 5 "4i' SS BOOK SAVR NUMNGS ASS BOOK SAVINGS No Minimum Deposit' ,,-1. MRS, RICKY LOVETT Brenda Mitchell, Ricky Lovett Exchange Vows *'' ,^ Miss Brenda Mi ...ii "The v'.-.'Ji Song," and ,daughter of Mr; and Mrs. "Tell Me which was Sam M ,.hi. *. ., 'i sung a!' ',:h ., .' of the marriage vows with Ricky bride's r' :: Lovett, son of Mr. and Mrs. The .,r, .. r. in mar- ,James Lovett at 8 o'clock i.; ,- h. .her ''i.r. was p.m. Saturday, June 23 in the lovely .. a gown of silk L 'Unt.,I Methodist Church of organza ..r peau de soie. A Vernon.p r ..,, ... :, rdffle formed Rev. T. A '*."'. pastor of the small stand up collar. h.' Wausau' ; ..' ii ..... .. the bodice and ness Church performed the .i .. 1. .., ",, double i,. .' *'. .. '. I. ', i '. r .. ,If i. 'o i 1. ,* ';j if~ ..' ;: ,. ; ",,. /.I , h r., uirII .i i ,- n ..IA.:,h 7.1, .. r *. 4 .; '. .r.. ,t.,.1 -ig 15 '* centered ..". lace .t. '' .the altar among .-,' ,' skirt and..sweep ,- '' On ments of greenery. The altar hear -* 1 .i' wore a ,,; , was flanked by tall baskets of *.'.. ..- cap which '.r'.] ..I... i flowers. held her 'I.:,' "1- veil The j..: .i. pews were v.ph .i in matching marked with .large .. l,":. She' carriedd a bridal ',". The decorations contin- 1..,,'.,,)..t !,< multicolored ,i. to the windows, each -. "r.I !. I.i.- -. centered by a S'.'.4.i.' a ,ht-.'i candle -.,*: orchid; surrounded by greenery. i-!, ..i .r,..ii was her Mrs. James Trawick, sister's ..:of honor. Mrs, organist, presented a pro- ,. i'. of i ,', .,. gram of traditional .,..'.i- was the matron. of honor. music. Miss '- ., V.'., Bridesmaids were Mrs Char. .... -, accompanied herself..lotte Haddock, Mrs. Jan on the ,'.r,' as she Cumbie, cousin of the groom, ,:: .i,.,;,,i s chosen Miss Debbie Everett and music: "We've Just : 'Sabra Owens, Flower r-. .':" "Let It Be Me," girl was Miss Connie Mit- chell, .. '.. the bride. Physical Exams -. were all dressed .,i ." ,I in floor ,",-*' For Football Players .. polyester organza accented with yel- T'. ... examinations for low, pink-'anhd dark aqua .,'t players ... flowers Tr -h :'eeves were next Tuesday, .... to -.-, -,.. -' *, ." the bodice Port St. Joe High School ended in a natural waistline. .- ...:?.+: coach Wayne -'.. : The skirt featured a flounce The -.. .-. will be ruffle at the hemline. Their given at the Gulf County headpieces were large brim-' Health I...,. .*.'.'*.. "The med aqua hats. They carried xavi wi~fll1 *-0'be ien on Thursday and T.... ?.. mor- nings beginning July 24 and r ,r,, r'* August 9. Football practice begins August 15. Boys who wish to. play football should go to the Health Department on Long .Avenue at 8:30 a.m. -on the designated days.' MYF Sponsoring Car Wash Today There will be:a car wash in the First United Methodist .Church parking lot all day Thursday, : .. r,i.: -' by the MYF. - Everyone is invited to come by and bring their car. This is being done to help raise money for' the spread- ing of the gospel. Starting time is 9 a.m. and the price will be $1.00. *- .-2 of m ixed -I;.',:!,.'r flowers with streamers of !...,. ribbons for the maid of honor, pink for the matron of honor, and assorted colors for the remaining attendants. Best men were James 1 ... *. father of the groom, and I r, Lovett, brother of the groom. Groomsmen-and ushers were Larry ,0'1. i:. Teedy Nobles, 1,'I- ,I,," and Herbert Haddock. Jim i.. r .cousin of the bride gown of double knit. Her accessories were gold and she wore a green orchid corsage. The mother _of the groom selected, an apricot floor !"'. ft, gown of double knit. Her accessories were white and she wore a white orchid corsage. Mrs. David Mitchell, ....* -r of the bride, and Mrs. Nina Lewis and Mrs. John Lovett, grand- ,,.. .. .:. of the groom were honored with white .-' r :.:.. corsages. o s RECEPTION } ii- ..r,. the wedding ceremony the bride's parents hosted .a reception at their home. Mrs. Marie Mitchell, the bride's aunt, met the guests and presented them to the receiving line, consisting' of Mr and Mrs. Sam Mitchell, 'Mr. and Mrs, James Lovett, the bride and groom. The living room was decorated with baskets of daisies, chrysanthemums and other summer flowers inter- Minimum deposit of $1,000.00. Term'12 to 23 months. Earnings paid quarterly. SB. 24 to 47 month certificate Earns 6150 percent C. 4 year certificate Earns 6.75 percent Minimum deposit of $5,000.00. Terr ni,24 to 47 months. Earrings paid quarterly. Minimum deposits of $5,000.00. Term 4 year minimum. Earnings paid quarterly. Deposits made by the tenth of the month earn from the first of the month. PENALTY . The above Certificates carry.the following penalty of ANY principle withdrawal: In the event of any withdrawal from this account during the first three months (90 days) of the term, no earnings shall be paid on the amount withdrawn. In the'event of any withdrawal thereafter, prior to the conclusion of the term, earnings on the amount withdrawn shall be paid at the then current rate on regular accounts for the period since issuance or renewal of the account, less three months. To .the extent necessary to comply with these requirements, deductions shall be made from the amount withdrawn. spersed with babies breath. The' mantle held fifteen l,,.-ii.j blue tapers enter- twined .with ivy- The guests registered at the bride's book kept by Myra Mitchell, after which they were shown into the den. Mrs. Kathryn Henders, aunt of the bride and Miss Kay' Headers, cousin of the bride, attended the bride's table, which featured a three tiered ,. .i.-ir., .. cake decorated with fresh carnations and flanked by burning tapers in two silver candelabra. Mrs. Paul Waller and Mrs. Betty >,,' -:., cousins of the. .groom, presided at the punch table which alsi, ., .r *.. cheese .* ,.-.r -. h u* , i.i... and mixed nuts. Both tables were covered with I :1i, taffeta cloths. F I. ..- hostesses were Mrs. Janet "a 'l,. Mrs. R-0. Horne, Mrs. i ,. t- Rogers, Miss, Christine 40, ,ni,-mh and Miss Jo Henders. Gina Mitchell and Tracy Henders, :" ",i t "-l rt",' t 'Jt j "" out r' rwae. --- it- '.,(.'- chose for her away ensemble a navy, red and white t.: ur..i dress with a navy mock vest. She chose navy accessories. She wore a white orchid with a -a .... throat from her bridal bouquet. REHEARSAL DINNER Mr. and Mrs. James Lovett were hosts at an after rehearsal dinner on Friday evening, June 22, at the Riverview Restaurant in Vernon, honoring their son, Ricky Lovett and his fiancee, Miss Brenda Mitchell. The tables were in a U-shape and were covered with white cloths. Arrange- ments of flowers in the bride's chosen colors and blue burning tapers decor- ated the tables. Each member 'of the wedding party was presented with a gift as a memento of the occasion. Thirty-six guests shared the occasion with the hosts and honorees including the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mitchell. Subscribe to The Star Effective July 23, 1973 105 Reid AVe. Nedley's Florist Now -' ie and Phone22 7-8501 Offering Flowers for Every Occasion Specializing in Wedding, Funeral and Church Arrangements Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday thru Saturday Bus. Phone 227-8501 Night Phone 648-5145 Hedy Garcia-Owner-Operator Graduate-Cliff Mann Floral School, Denver, Colorado Jerry Padgett Designer Mr. and Mrs. C. Nedley will continue to assist Hedy in an advisory capacity and wish to take this opportunity to thank the citizens of Port St. Joe and surrounding areas for their patronage for the past 151/2 years. SrE 91O Damnging forest fires canrf be. prevented(. Citizen s Federal Savings and Loan Association Port St. Joe, Florida CE RTIFICATE ACCOUNTS All Certificate Accounts earn a Higher rate than passbooks but you must purchase a certificate for a specified period of time, and a minimum amount must be maintained according to the type of certificate purchased. However, if you elect to withdraw money from your certificate beo.9re the maturity date (Or, 'any extended date), you must by Federal Regulation pay a penalty. The penalty applies regardless of'which financial institution you have ,your certificate in. This is a Federal Rule, and not ourihoosing. Therefore' you would not earn as much on the amount withdrawn. asqy.ou would have earned if the money had been on deposit in the above "Regular Passbook" account. (Please read and understand the penalty clause at the bottom of this .page). Types of Certfh.cates A. 12 to 23 month certificate 'k. CARD OF THANKS The family of Mrs.' T $tone wishes to express oifr appreciation to our friends. for your kindness, thoughtful- ness, and prayers during the, illness and death of our mother and grandmother. : Thank you for the expres- sions of your love, through the food, the many cards, aid the lovely flowers which you, sent. -.'i-, ;';, do we want to: thank our mini'-i ri.h Reverend 'Hi:- ." ** " the *. ';' staff, :"- -" and the 'doctors for - attentiveness the .. illness of our "mama -" .* The : ,- of: . Silas R. Stone Jesse V. Stone Maybel S. Swatts Ola S. Ogburn ,- E ,3 'r :'.:. ,- Plan To Offer Grant The Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club is exploring the idea of -making a scholarship grant available for a deserving student to attend one of the area Community Colleges. - In, searching for projects, the Kiwanians, who have operated a scholarship loan program for several years are now considering the idea of financing a, deserving student. A committee of Dr. Joe -" '' i.j' Dr. Bob 'King and Ken H.-:.', i has been ap- pointed by 'President Billy Norris to work up some -. ,. I .- : for the .'ti....ir-hiip recipient.. * The Club is also discussing the '-.: t !,ii. of working toward the creation of a town band to be made up of adults who have played in, school bands in past years. Guests of the club Tuesday were James Falcon of S", ",, Bill Waters of Tampa and Victdr Wallworth of T .1 -I - I _~~_ _ a _I a a I N .ad - i. c WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES * PRS IN THIS AD ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUN. JULY 29, - 1973. CUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUAN- TITIES OF ANY ITEM. Doohi "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN TENDER BEEF BONE(. CALIFORNIA ROAST IN. $1.39 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN TENDER BEEF CHUCK STEAK....N* B $1.09 "SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF CHUCK OR SHLDR. SWISS BONELESS STEAK.... ,B.$1.59 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN TENDER BEEF CALIFORNIA STEAK ."NELB.$1.49 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK CUBED STEAK...... $1.69 "SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN PORK ROAST. .ON, ED.$1.15 EVERYDAY OW PRICE! .SHUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS ALL BEEF WESTERN PORK LOIN SLICED F RANKS M Ec S* *** PKG. ..Super Right Cuban Style ea. S'Sandwiches 49c 'SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT PICKLE LOAF OR BOLOGNA....PK 89c SA&P ASSORTED STYLES |1 PIMENTO CHEESE s 8o o49c. S M *CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN Lb. I.SHRIMP CREOLE.....O 591c ..o ,..... i L PKG. CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN FISH & CHIPS.... .PKG.89c I t f SULTANA BRAND SALAD DRESSING ...1AV' 49c ANN PAGE KETCHUP ..... 0 3/$1.00 MARVEL ORANGE, GRAPE OR CHERRY FRUIT DRINKS... O 4/$1 .00 OUR OWN TEA BAGS..... .... X89c HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL REYNOLDS WRAP... 59c HUNT'S TOMATO SAUCE.... 2CAN ITEMS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO ANY OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALE DEALERS. JANE PARKER SANDWICH OR FRANK ROLLS....... PKc 28c JANE PARKER (20 0;. LOAF) BUTTERCRUST BREAD... 37c JANE PARKER REGULAR SLICED (20 0 E. LOAF) WHITE BREAD ........./99c JANE PARKER CINNAMON, PINEAPPLE OR JELLY FILL ROLLS.... 43c PK G. SILVERBROOK PURE BUTTER...... SILB. 7 . PK'G,. i79c A&P BRAND CRESCENT ROLLS...H. 33c AIR 1f PROZENCONCENRATED 0 0 0 8 * 12 OZ.B ' CAN- FROM LORI ASSORTED FLAVORS LAYER CAKE MIX RED AND MINT FLAVOR TOOTHPASTE ALP FROZEN QUART CARTON ASSORTED COLORS (4 ROLL PKG.) DUNCAN HNES....2PKGS. CL 6S E- UPBE69cC W`TISSUE DUNCAN HINES.... 2PKo, 83c CLOSE-UP......... .6Uo T 69c COFFEE CREAMER ...... 37c CHARMIN BA UOO44c SUNNY DELIGHT FLORIDA SHAMPOO 12 OZ. SIZE A&P FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING Our Finest Quality A & P 1'7 oz. can CITRUS PUNCH.... UOG49c HERBAL ESSENCE.......$1.29 HAND! WHIP.........9CP39c Sweet Peas 29c ASSORTED FLAVORS REG. OR DIET PACKER'S LABEL ASSORTED FLAVORS BEVERAGE MIX DISPOSABLE DIAPERS YUKON CLUB.... "C A10/89c CHARCOAL......20 $1.29 CHEERIAID........ 5/29c PAMPERS.... DATIME 69 120'e0CA AI o.......3G.oPKG oo 30's BREAKSTONE STAY N' SHAPE ASSORTED STYLES A&P BRAND CHARCOAL ALL DIET Iona Cut 151V oz. can 12 Oz.CANO COTTAGE CHEESE.... CUP43c LIGHTER lWD .... ..cAN43c DAILY DOG FOOD..,DOO 6/79c Beans 5 for $1..00 Stokely 32 oz. bottle A&P PRETZEL STIX -R FRISKIES DOG FOOD ASSORTEDD FLAVORS) WHITE OR BLUE HEAVY DUTY (3 Lb. 1 or. Box) Gatorade 38c THIN PRET BA....G'35c MEAT DINNERS.o.'. SZ 5/$1.00 SAIL DETERGENT.....GSTI 59c Idahoan mashed I lb. bag CARNATION LIQUI DIET FOOD FRISKIES ASSORTED BUFFET FOR YOUR LAUNDRY INSTANT POTATOES.. 49c SLENDER.... .. : .5/$1.00 CAT FOOD...... QZ.6/$1.00 CLOROX BLEACH...G AO c o- AN e .CAN $,00 LORXLEAH, JUG !& PAGE FIVI THE STAR. Port St. Joe. FIh THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1973 (Continued from Page 2) Minutes approval, or disapproval, o ja permit for raising the Willi Lpanding. Road which ha been sent to the Board fc s6me time. For approval ( the permit, the partners ar willing -to return to th County the Willis Landin Road and provide the Saul Creek Park. Commissioner Grahai asked :the .iorni. wh return of the Willis Landin iRoad would mean to tt public. The attorney sai p public use would, be allowed fc r an indefinite time. Commissioner Davis sai the public should b6 entitle to a landing, at the end Wil is Road. Commissioner Grahar saiWi the 'public should t entitled to a public landing , Williis Landing and at Saul SCree k. After further discussion tt Boar d felt the public of Gu "'.'' wants the Willis Roa L 1. jii and asked th \!', -:,. to bargain for th The Board thanked Bill Joe Rish, Board Attorney an State Representative of th 1 linth District for his brillia A tt. IP I egislqture. It kas tr B' ,-t 1 i fleirng that th pi .- of Gulf Coun tru ha ve a voice in the 1_,'.'j,, tur e o 1 'he Clerk read ,1 .fror. n the DOT ?.dn.,i f Boai rd that they ha*e ,"i Janu 'ary 1, 1975 to comp with federal law dM ro signs. They offered the assist nce to the IF. meetini g this deadline The Clerk read ; lettn i! ,. ng the Bo-ird.ipinn a Washx igton, DI TO I%.r delegate to the ''3'"r, R C an d D project.. T Board ag. reed to table th matter foi r discussiMi wiI the delegate e The Boarc 1 received lett( from the A dministrtion the Local I planning Assis ance request ng the Board approval of an aiAa 7 Scanning assist, ance p gran Commission er Ggahai moved and Cc-)mmifsion( Money movw.d t his 4,:;r 1 tabled for fu rather stildy. TI motion passed una r.iroi"r l y' The Board receivev edp lettt from the SHt. Jo 'e Mote Compnay ape logizing ifor tt delay in. d livery -f ti White City F \re Dep rtmei back-up truck'. The d lay being caused t ly a baci log orders. S The Board a agreed t% e nt( a class suit b. y the tate ,Florida again nst Genei Motors, Ford, and CQrysh :because of their r discahtinue 'tion of fleet disd counts on caer and trucks, ! The Clerk: r-ead a lett9 from the Flor ida Coogerativi ;Extension Se -vice reciestin the Board increase; Cub Laird's salary i as he gas hJ long years i f serve -an holds a Mast irs degie. Tt B'.oard agreed to consier th matter durit ig 73-74 bu, getting. The Road Superiaende reported he hard spei ,'$5,087.03 on se 'condarr roa( during May, i bringing tU total from Octc >ber 19 to $ $4&,723.79. 'fhe Co unty Age t at Veterans Ser vice )ffic presented monthly reports. the Board,. The Bo~ard re( ceivec.a co} of the Orange ount Dev lopment policy. and guic used in reguf ating the growth problems . The-Board rece ived-p lett from the Insuran, ce Ispect with suggestions of i prov ments to madi '. om standpoint of fire, pr.venti( and protection. rhe: Boa instructed the Clel *k o reli these suggestions toe O'N< McDaniel, Courthe 'us Mai tenance Engineer. . The Clerk read lett form Billy Joe Ris h.inforr ing the Board that tl i' mig be able to offer a. wrulan service on a volur te .' basic Comm. Graham sa d th Comforter Funerail 1 Ipme back in the iimlIulanm service business a.nd north funeral home is c omi5Ig in the area. 3 The Board recei' /ed a lett from the Secretary of A, dmi istration containing pWI )ose changes in the geojra ph boundaries for comLke, he sive planning regions. ; The Board received request from the TriRive' Waterway Association,;that director from Gulf Coiuity b (Continued on Page 6) Of PORT SHERRY MUSCATEL Sth t ' PAGE SIX ,.,., --- ,,---- .YO IR "FULL-SERVICE" DRUG STORE... f aj// DRUG! PRPSCRIPTIONS MEDICINES VITAMINS A COSMETICS TOILETRIES CANDY GREETING CARDS HUNDREDS OF GIF f IDEAS AND PROFESSION |L ADVICE .. WHENN YOU SNEE.D IT' BUZZETTI'S DRUG STORM Ph. 22-7371 317 ,Williams CeoorgletI Drivein I Windeo f Plenty of Free F,'rkirng Minutes (Continuled Iromrn Pa $ Si rea. rnJ t. this A,.' un ;, ..i ,r Conmm FPlayTr to tiji. : ,. * Th oari rt'---iv--- i s; itsr of PFL iA fPi ri',m P_.a' ,.rJ .; ,r'ce r, ,e W. 1p., W ;W,'( The- Cark wa-, r,-srui 1 ,-.I t-, .,b .--r r -.:,.bri, .ruo d I- .:, ;,j r,,rodoor I I r c ,; .,,n r, fiecia* y#.ar H14 .,s ,i.-.,, Iriplrumoted tO budJ f'r ,, r ,-u,Srd,. ' by fthJ- lr,.rr.if rii f,.juiy. *Arfkn _rri o.Fng'o- Jo u Ir I.i j1 Stdto r ..c.g, rovn u.i. ,f J r, I-. jfdgtr ac (.nr.nrt, ! 'V r.. ... A_ r,-_ tirr.,P' ,, , lr.rly h.ii ri.,L tIIh., l't,,, rl , J4 tr" ,s bi l i .. .i t,, h., ,rI (.\m ri I'. M ; ht.r' :i i | i .,r.i had D lt Itr 1. H.- '..ll,,4 .,,o (.- ',i .nO i I fr.sh.,rtn ,, -,, w il_< .if.r t ,,'ke Ir.i :'i)i :y .,.j( , thi> p4r..l.I. t . h,', MN, e,' :re'approved an fltiL. .1 v. pald. p i I t. .r..-rk presented bank t,.;,!in, *, of May 31, 1973., Billk v,-t.re pr''.-rui , ,: x~ rnire d ', ,,.-.t..-I and f,0 1 r, [I.o : d i' ]'ltrn being g no fiarti r .u he ..* i al"!irH..S' f I i, -tc.r. C re, Clerk %f TP I OF THANKS -, i any friends We w.'ujId .. to take. ttis <.*'.p> oirt,, to thank *you all f v. tlw t .... d, flowers, cards, .'ir .fr-.. ane words of concern for us dqri hg the .loss- of mur Si.ve d .t. t : . May God I bless each of you. The fa mily of ,Mr- -, V. Glemi Did ou Know We Stock "BAB' CARE" r'isl osable FIu ishable DIAPERS WE BIB'S Por St. Joe 1 11 THUR $DAY. JULY 26, 1973 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. ------- -- .;. Gulf Coast Offering An Emergency Tech Course If you've ever wondered" how you'd react in a life-and- death emergency, you might like to fill one of the few remaining places in Gulf Coast Community C-z..L. -~ brand.new Emergency Medi- cal Technician's course-, beginning August 6. The program is being co-or- dinated by two staff mem- bers at Bay Y3- T'. :' Hospi- tal, M rs. l i..F r': *,'.- . R.N. and Joe .-.. and Gulf "..:' i Dean of *.'..- uing EI ... Bob M'-. , den. During the '; :- ..r 1* ' program, students will !.t instructed in procedures fr rn:r.:- r,' all types of emer-. geneies from traffic acci-, dents, to heart-attacks, to child birth. "All doctors at E ;, Memorial have expressed great interest in this *r.~. gram," said Mrs. Greene, "and will be lecturing in their. i ait, '.: areas." S..McSpadden added, how-, -e ver that only part of the ,':.n t' time will be spent "in the classroom with much of it being devoted to obser- vation of, and experience a r. actual emergency situa- tions. Mrs. Greene noted that the impetus for the program came from a new Florida law, effective January 1974, *. ...',ri., all ambulances dis- patched in an emergency to be manned by -.'.-'0..1 Emergency Medical Techni- cians. "The Emergency Medical .''.'.': she said, "per- forms a unique service which cannot be rendered by any other individual or group. Tr-; ih -".I:'.' application . of his skills Ti '. *ne of an accident or illness, he is ih . ,r enviable position of ,'* ., i., ,:.'- 1 .' lives and p. v'-' t Before devising the Bay County program, -organizers spent two lays with the Jack- sonville Emergency Rescue Service, one of the most sophisticated in the country. Segovia pointed out that the first phase of this program would be to train people to assist in an emergency situa- tion without actually admini- : string medication. H.-'. *. *r. he felt it possible that future phases could see the installa- tion of radio contact between doctors and technicians- similar to the enactments :o. -*.. ,'.", .the popular tele- vision ; r;- ".e '* .tr ,-p. ;,:- stressed that this course would be invalu- able not only to ambulance drivers, firemen and police- .men, but also to any interested persons, in the community. IT....,,,1 ,aFb' I-rsonnel will .,.rr h *-r ,:'..-r- for one of the program's several I.j. ' vehicle r '... .-.r teenm qies.. And there will also be Got One! Troy Williams looks on as Greg Todd attempts to land a fish, while fishing along one of the canals in the city. Help Is Offered Students who are planning. entering institutions of higher i.irr.I'r.V beyond the .high school level during the upcoming school year for the 'first time in',.i;' be interested rn securing application forms ijr. the Basic Educational opportunityy Grant Program. '13EOG). This program is a. Fisderal aid program design- d'.:to provide financial assist- .ii ce to those who need it to attend post high school * ,,J i ;% 1.r ,;,. -- t r 1ii j ') 'i"- t.he amount of the grant a u.l~. f.' receives is based upodn, two factors: (1) the amount of funds available for the` program for the 1973-74 ":in l y eo r .an.i 2, i. cost of. -your- ..S .Im. The -i,.. '-.o award a student ...1) .. $1400 minus the amOint he and his I ...i'. are expected to contribute toward their cost of the child's Student may be 4 ,.:.i. for a I ,i -i if he meets three important criteria: 1) Y'ou plan to enroll for the ,first ,time in a post-high school program at an |,,-.1i S, hi. o ,i,:., .' '.,' vocation- al or technical school. . 2) You will be .,i'-w,-.j u.. school on a full-time i...>. 3) Yiou are a U. S. citizen or are in the United States for oth er than a temporary purpose and intend to become a r.-, LI ? ,, a are .'a ."1.,,!. in .>',...,+- are 1 n, i., .l at Por, St. Joe High School Guidance Office. EXPFIESS GRATITUDE Elder, Otis -'.t;i ..r,'. and wife wish to thank the .I r,.: P.11; i, and members for their kin idnes s and ,, .i,' that w as shown to them during t heir 25th anniversary as ., ,i of .the Church of God in C(hrist. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH S corner 'Third Street and Baltz 411 Avenue RI EV. DpWITT T. MATHEWS;, Jr., Pastor SEORG4E PUCKETT, Minister; of Music Siinu ay School ... 9:45 A.M. Mori ing Worship Service ...... ....11:00 A.M. Ch. 'ch Training .... 6:30 P.M. Bvel sing Worship Service ------.......... 6:30 P.M. Pra yed Meeting (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" S Are Cordially Invited To. Afend .)NG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner.tong Avenue and 16th .4',NDAY SCHOOL I OIlNlING WORSHIP .. SaATIST TRAINING UNwIOr .... - SINING WORSHIP _.. PRAY'T.R SERVICE (Wedneidaxy). h Street 9:45 11:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 AML P.M. P.M. PM. VISITORS ALWAYS, WELCOME SREV. J. C. ODUIA, Pastor CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who helped this year with the American Cancer Society program and fund raising service. A total of $3,803.00 has been collected from Gulf County, $936.00 of that from the Wewa' area. The American Cancer Soc- iety will hold the final meeting of the year August 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Florida Power Lounge. New officers will be elected and awards will be presented at that time to outstanding workers. The cooperation and parti- cipation, of this community and 'surrounding area has been truly outstanding. , I am at a loss to know how to ai,,..'jr,.r1 thank you. Pre sitet, R.,Simpson, President, ACS ". .. Florida Facing Crisis The Ia. .n,,,. energy crisis and its .*.. 'n.r. affect on Florida's citizens was the topic of a program presented to the Port St. Joe Rotary Club last Thursday at noon. The program, -presented by member.' Wes Th,'-,,.. .'. pointed to the coming electric. cal crisis in Florida created black of generating facilities and the fuel ir. ,'.- "It has been. made public know- '..,:. ',Thompson said, "that gas and oil is in short supply and will get higher. We have '.... r' in fair shape for . '' ,, ..' :,' : ',,il,;, fuel in Florida since our fuel comes from Venezuela. But even this is facing a shortage." Thompson ... i- FI.:. r i . Power people and others in the business of .di.t : with people ':' p ." : the i".''u,"-.'" of Florida.will double by 1985. 'This, ,.,--'i with our bal- looning use of .'c... : and shortage of generating capa- city spell shortage." Legal Ad IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICiAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY IN RE: Estate of Paul S. Fensom Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To all creditors and all persons having claims or demands against said estate. You, and each of you, are hereby notified an d u to present any c laims and demands which you, or either of you, may have against the estate of PAUL S. FENSOM, deceased, to the Judge of the said Court, Port St. Joe Courthouse Gulf County, Florida, within six months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and must state the place of residence and post-office address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. Each creditor shall deliver sufficient copies of his claim to enable the Court to mail one to each personal representative. Dated July 19, A.D. 1973. -s- James B. Fensom As Co-executor of the Last Will and Testament of PAUL S. FENSOM, deceased. 4t 7-26 3 bedroom block *,'- bath and with alumimum siding on the outside. 511 9th St. Cai 129 I' 4tp 7-26 For Sale: 3 bedroom. Excellent condition. wall carpet. For info call 227-8305. F Ti.ru i d. 2 BR house, Phone 6484255. tfe 7-12 For rent, furnished nice one bedroom house. Automa- tic heat. 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfe 7-19 For Rent: E rr x-.t.,i .y t' cottages at reasonable monthly, rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfe For rent unfurnished large nice 2 bedroom brick house, Sun room, separate ..-< room, corner lot, ., ; >i heat and air. Phone 229,6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 7-19 For Rent: 3 bedroom, a-c, 1 bath, 1905 J.i ~ .-r Call 227-5446 after 5. 3'. Im. tce For Rent: One and two bedroom attractively fur nished apartments. Cool in summer, warm in winter.' Gas heat, window fans Tir.- must be seen to be appre ciated. Contact Mrs. B C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. .' City.' Phone 229-2413 or 648-3101 tfc-10-28 COLORADO 40 ACRES, $9,750 Near Rio Grande River, Fully surveyed. Good road access. $95 down, $95 monthly at 6 percent. Owner, STEED 911 W. 10th Amarillo, Texas 79101 806-376-8690 a , For Sale: 1972 Monte Carlo, $3500.00. For more informa- tion call 227-5171. 1970 Maverick, good shape, good tires, good battery. $1,000. 229-6185. Box 326. Bert Hall. tfe 7-19 a. house 1967 Ford Galaxie 500 390 Wall to engine, auto., air cond., Pwr rmation Strg. ,rA re. good engine, some fender and hood dam- tfc 5-10 age from wreek, Best offer over $100.00 gets it. See car at St. Joe Auto Parts. 201 Long Avenue. It 7-19 8 x 8 r-.Ih workshop, %" exterior plywood, aluminum top. %" floor, will help assemble, '..' i,. Call 227- 5361 or see Rev. Millard :'." .-. Ite For Sale: Reconditioned used a..-r'., guaranteed. KENT SERVICE CO. Phone. 229-6895. tfe 5-3 10. speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing. style. Touring i.. Credit. terms .'.. lit.ll western. ,,.* Port St. Joe. tfc-6-15' n.ri.i-pp. ..-.t ,- for sale. Flea Market in fron of Chris' Gift Shop at 'Mexico Beach, Saturday from 9 til 6. tfe 5-31. Apalach Marine Works 81 Water Street Apalachicola, Fla. 653-8731 S. Outboards Mer Cruiser Steamrn Drive ., : Marine Repairs & Services 40' Marine Ways (12 ton f:. ...'.. 6tc 7-19 There will, be a regular ,communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & AM., every first and third Thurs 'day at 8:00 p.m. E.C. Bailey, W.M. Herbert L. Burge, Sec. R.A.M.- Regular convoca tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.A.M., 1st and 3rd Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. Willie Lee Griffin, H.P. E. William McFarland,. tfc 5-3 Sec. Construction workers needed for Gorrie Bay Bridge repairs in Apalach- icola. WELDERS Paving Breaker Operators Contact Charles Hall at job site or call 670-4967 at night. Goodwyn & Mur- phree, Inc. An equal .>pi,-,r".'mi:.' employer. tfc 75 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THESTAR! For small carpentry call James Mamora 229-2427 any time. For Welding Need James L.Temple, 1382 .Blvd. ". *PAT'S:ROOFING Free. Estimates' No job too small Call Day or Night 227. or 229-6898 FOR THE BEST Ii vision and Sound come Reid Ave., and see our i., *,, .,r,' com porn stereos, radios and tapi have a repairman, ava daily' K and D TV SOUND, 301 Reid Phone 227-2071o. Consolidated Repair & Service Co. House P- .r- & General Repair Work No job too small Free Reasonable Estimate St. Joe-Mexico Beach area Call 648-6153 Itp for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL -- COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS L-J9 Manager for Union 76 station on Monument Avenue. Call collect Blountstown, 674-8222 tfc 6-7 Earn $3 to $5 an hour in your spare time. If you qualify, we'll show you how. For interview call 648-5186 from 10 a.i. to 1 p.m. tfe 7-5 t .' class body mian. Apply in person at St. Joe. Motor Co' tfe 6-28 .,,k LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING an at All Types 1te 229-6482 or 229-6447. tfc 7-26 s .see For Service without ,. iy. call KENT SERVICE' .,, .P ,'.,b ( electrical, S : ,i. nd air condition- L. ..-;,,r.. Phone229895 tfc ,3422 -4713fc 3.22 8tp 6-7 For Chain Link Fence 'call Emory Stephens. Free n Tele estimate: Guarantee on labor by 301 .and materials. Low down line of payment. Phone 227-7972. nents, - es. We GIGI POODLE GROOM- ailabled ING. Bath, clip & groom. A and pogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Ave., Highland View. Call for tfc--1 appointment 229-3571. tfc 5-10'- For Fast and Efficient TV Repair. Call HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR Phone 229-2782 All Work Guaranteed 4tp 7-12 AAA REFRIGERATION CO. PDr-SL.Joe. Franchise Service .Repair, to all Home Apvliances Service on GE, Hotpoint, Westing- house, Philco, Kelviriator and others. Call Day or Night 229-6953 tfc 6-14 All Work Guaranteed Going Fishing? Stop here first for a complete line of Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. Man to operate Florida Vehicle 'hi-[,-'a,;o u DI. l.I i ment at St. Joe Motor Co. \ippl. in person, .tfc .. Salesman for new and used cars. Apply in person at St. Joe Motor'., tfe 6-29' Honest, I.i,.,.- man to learn parts' business. Should have mechanical "-tperin~e." and initiative. |... ,in person at 'i Joe Auto Parts 201 Long Avenue. tfe 7-19 "Ithink it was something I ao." kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. 'Use of Sprayer free wh putchasoof Rid A Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St J Florid ' lessons in defensive driving. Registration fee for this first-time opportunity will be $55.00, which will include books. To be eligible, appli- cants must have completed a course in advanced first aid, be ad least 18 years old and hold a high school 'diploma or the equivalent. A total of 20 students will be accepted for the class which will meet in Room 134 of Gulf Coast's Technology Building from 7-10_ p.T. Monday and Thursday nights. Further information should be obtained immediately from the Office of Continuing Education at Gulf Coast' Elberta Clear Seed Peac $6.00 bu. Duren's Economy Store Walter Duren I ~~ ~ __ IIII- I I 1 - i is , I BM p I ,,,' I. ,. -,,m,~.;,) out' ' : Buford Griffin. Phone 22976694 or 229-2937. Professional Help with emotional problems and-oo concerns. Gulf C,,,ir. Guid ance:. Clim0e Port St. Joe, Florida 227-2691. or- Rev. '>-..r-:. Ellis, 229-6599. Custom Slip Covers Drapery Work Reasonable Rates For limited time 20 pet. off on drapery fabrics Phone 229-4481 tfc 7-26. C&G ELECTRICAL .CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe coVsE IARV 1 HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. I 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Specials or Jdy 23through 28 SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! - oum PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER *"HAWAIIAN oo VV SOMETHING IY DIFFERENT WALL SAVEO SIZE 11 x 14 .... N nuI3 IGA Cut Blue Lake No. 303 Cans GREEN BEANS -- can 29c Tn..A I Hunt's Whole Peeled-14% Oz. Cans GIA -1 TOMATOES -- 4 cns $.00 [GA 6% Oz. Can CHUNK TUNA--- can 49c Can I IGA Thin-l Lb.Pkg. 1 For SALTINE CRACKERS Ib. 29c [GA- Twin Pak _ POTATO CHIPS .. pkg. 49c ERS USDA Grade 'A' LEG or BREAST FRYER QUARTERS INSECT BOMB Hot Shot 13 Oz. Can 99cL CUT UP FRYERS lb. 53c GUARANTEED *. Sv..rlor. * One Per Subeci No Age tlmit , Groups '1 Per Person Extra 11:00 j Thur Ilus 5' onondnig Cnrgo Compare With $24.95 Value A.M. to 6:00 P.M. sday, July 26 IGA 16 Oz. Jar COFFEE CREAMER ... jar 65c -Super Store % Lb. Pkg. TEA -----pkg. 49c Nine Lives (All Flavors) 6 or 6% Oz. Cans CAT FOOD --- can 20c Johnson's --- 15 Oz. Can KLEEN 'N SHINE can $1.49 Aerosol Rug Cleaner 24 Oz Can GLORY -----can C Lb. Choice Blade Cut lb. 59c CHUCK ROAST 6scar Mayer Tablerite ,Sliced BACON Ib. $1.28 _CHUCK STEAK l b. 99c lIb. $1.18 - OScad Mayer Choice Tablerite. $1 VARIETY PAK pkg. $1.19 GROUND CHUCK lb. $1.28 Oscar Mayer HAM STEAKS lb. $2.38 Oscar Mayer All Meat BOLOGNA 8 oz. 68c Sunnyland FRANKS 12 oz. 88c Sunnyland Pure -Pork (Hot or Mild) SAUSAGE l--------b. 88c BOLD With Food Order 49 Oz. 'Pkg. s. ... 6 8 c . Coppertone Suntan Lotion --------4 oz. $1.69 st Cleanser 14 Oz. Cans Comet 2 Northern Paper Big Rolls TOWELS Northern Paper Pkgs. of 160 NAPKINS 2 IGA Halves No. 2% Cans Pears 2 IGA Crushed or Sliced No. 2 Pineapple IGA Hamburger or Hot Dog Pkgs. of 8 BUNS IGA Sandwich Bread 2 o 29c For 89c Pkgs.59c MORTON POT 5 Oz. Pkgs. PIES 5 $1.00 IGA 12 Oz. .Cans Orange Juice ----------3 cans 99c [GA Pkgs. of 2 3 k Pie Shells -- -- --3 pkgs. $1.00 IDIRYFOOS. I SUPREME Half Gallon Cans Ice Cream Cans Kraft American or Pimento 3.. $1 Cheese Singles------- Pk. 49c 1 Lb. Loaf 33c 89c 12 oz. 69c Kraft Miracle Bowl Margarine -------------1 lb. 43c No Tab Canned Cokes CASE $2.99 FRESH NEW CROP Peas or Butter Beans SLBS. $1.00 Italian Sweet Onions ------ b. Sunkist Juicy Lemons -----14 for Fresh Tender Okra ------ Ib. Fresh - Florida Limes --- doz. Green Boiling Peanuts 3 Lbs. $1. Large Bag Fresh Yellow Squash Bag 41 Fresh Shelled PEAS 5I 29c 59c 39c 69c 00 Coppertone Suntan Oil ---------- 4 Lotion Solarcaine oz. $1.59 ---- ---- 3 oz. $1.29 Large 9c BELL PEPPERS or CUCUMBERS ---- bag3 9C or Delicious Pepper Sauce 9c Hot Peppers ---- bag 29c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons wxrI'F rlfr p 12 Oz. Cans Kraft With $10. Order rilnks NMayonnaise 99c 4Quart 8c __-i..Quar_ Avocado Pears Each 49c Fresh Ripe Each Mangos 49c Juicy Sweet Lb. Nectarines 49c Fresh Plums Lb. 49c Fresh Georgia Peaches Lb 29c I - b mo i i II I I Ilrl I I I I I m - --~Ccit~C000 I -- SAVE CASH AT raVCWS -- NOT STAMPS *PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1973 Still Some Youth Corps Openings The Neighborhood Youth Corps Program still has some job offerings open. If you are interested, pick up an eligi- ability form from your high school office, complete it, and bring it with you on Thursday when you register for work. Remember to bring your social security number. Students in the program will work 40 hours a week at a pay rate of $1.60 per hour. Applicants must (1) be 14 years of age or older, (2) have attended school during the 1972-73 term, and (3) be returning to high school for the 1973-74 term. A representativee from the Florida State Employment Service will certify appli- cants at Port St. Joe High on Thursday, July 26, 10:30- 11:30 a.m. Eastern time, and at Wewahitchka High on Thursday, July 26, 11:30- 12:30 p.m. Central time. Don't waste another second! '73 Ford Dealer Clearance on now! Recently selected Florida Watermelon u e en Queen, Cindy Westmoreland beats the summer heat in the cool waters of Florida's Building Credits Ninety-six million workers are building protection under social security for themselves and their families, according to David Robinson, Social Security Representative for Gulf County. "For the young worker and his family, there's continuing protection right now in case of a severe disability or death," Robinson stated. Under the social security disability program, four out of five men and women Silver Springs while she enjoys the favorite summer fruit of the Southland. between 21 and 64 can count on monthly checks if the head of the hosuehold is severely disabled and cannot work for a year or more. Ninety-five opt of every 100 children under 18, and their mothers can get monthly social security checks if the family wage earner dies, For senior citizens, 93 percent of all the people reaching 65 this year are eligible for monthly retire- ment checks from social Ssecuirty, Robinson said. In addition, nearly all of the 21 million persons 65 and over are eligible for Medi- care hospital insurance and most are covered by medical insurance as well. You've waited and now's the timeto buy... Ford Dealer Clear- ance Time. Beat the rising cost of family transportation. Beat the '74 prices with the biggest deals of the year on brand-new '73s. They've all got to go and they're going fast. Better see your ,Ford Dealer soon and you'd better hurry! ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY SHOP DANLEY'S FOR THE STYLE BEDROOM THAT YOU LIKE BEST ALL SIX PIECES ONLY *149 ^^^^^^I III I Comfort W, 1^'- M-11 '1-HIGH BACK SOFA AND CHAIR WITH S"- p- FULL 5" CUSHIONS. IDEAL FOR ALL -... PURPOSE LIVING ROOM OR DEN. AVAIL- ABLE IN WIPE CLEAN VINYL OR HERCULON COVER. CREDIT TERMS AVAILABLE Durability > Herculon or Vinyl Cover CHOICE OF COLORS 2 pc *289 SOFA AND CHAIR Westinghouse HA-Ti if -I WASHER $239 DRYER Buy Both For Only 4 piece Bedroom Dresser, mirror, bed, chest $2 1 9 Both as shown This handsome Italian Provincial adds a special look of beauty that endures after many styles lose their appeal. The distressed, grained pecan finish richly enhances the refined, stately lines of this ensemble and each piece is impressively ornamented with delicate carved effects.All cases feature matching, high-pressure plastic tops, dove- tailed and center-guided drawers. This exciting value demands a second look. See for yourself. *179 *399 Credit Terms Available * 3-position water saver control * 2 wash and spin speed selections- Normal and Gentle 14-pound capacity Double' action washing Heavy duty transmission and suspension system 5 water temperature selec- tions Powerful non-clog drain pump Turbo- vane lint filter Lock 'n Spin'" Safety lid Por- celain enamel top ,Ie *ta Phone 227-3737 322 Monument Ave. 11 Legal \AdI' NOTICE OF APPLiCATON FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That George G. Tapper, holder of Tax Certificate No. 2, Issued the 7th day of June A.D. 1971 has filed same in my office and has made application for a tax deed to be issued thereOn. . SSaid certificate embraces the follow- Ing described property In the County of G*ulf, State of Florida, to wit:- Lots 35 and, 36, Block 5, Cape San 'Bias Subdivisiao. The assessment of the said property under the said certificate issued was'in the name of William Baggs. Unless said certificate shall be redeemed according to law, the . property described therein will be sold to the highest bidder.at the court house door on the first Monday In the month of August, 1973, which Is the 6th day of August, 1973, at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Dated this .28th day of June 1973. S4. GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk of Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida (SEAL) 4t 7-5 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA in Re: Petition of LEON TEMPLES HOBBS for the adoption of GREGORY MICHAEL LEWIS, a minor. NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO' Raymond Robbins whose last known residence and Post Office address was Highland Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for the adoption of the minor child, Gregory Michael Lewis, has been filed In the above styled Court, and you, as natural Father are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Honorable Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Petitioner's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida on or before the 13th day of August, 1973, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court.on July 5th, 1973. GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk of Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida 4t 7-12 -REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES .We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of allt ersonsinterested In the business or profession carried on under the name of CAPE SAN BLAS RESORT, near Port St. Joe, Florida, and the extent of the interest of each is as follows: Donald L\. Schreck, owner and Ardeth I. Schreck, owner. State of Florida and county of Gulf.- Sworn to and subscribed before me this 16th day of July A.D., 1973 Glen Lo Williams Notary Public, State of Florida -s- Donald L. Schreck -soArdeth I. Schreck 4t 7-19 Read the- Classified Ads it x n e e I L 5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP28 The City of Port St.. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: 1--3983D2-SGasoine engine abrasive saw and accessories 2-3983D3-Concrete Blade 2-3983D4--Steel Blade .. 2--3983DS-Wood Blade Carbide 2-6295Ai)-Popt Hole Diggers U.S.A. Manufactured Only. Bids shall be sealed In an enve ope Sand plainly marked "Bid No. WWP28"' All bids must be F.O.B., Port St Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in Item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's need.J"O ly B Mr t Bids must be-submitted to the City Florida, 32456, on Or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., August 7, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting August 7, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., In the Municipal _ Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corpora- tlon interested in selling the County the following personal property: One (1) New 1973 Tractor Truck (Diesel) per spec's in the Clerk's Office. Bids will be received until August 14,. 1973 at 9:00 A.M., E.D.T., at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, P.O. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners Gulf County, Florida - BY: A. L. Davis, Chairman 2t 7-19 NOTICE CONCERNING REGISTRATION The time of residency required for qualification to register to vote- has been changed to 30 days in state and county. A citizen must be a resident of the state and county for 30 days before he is eligible to register'to vote. Come by the Supervisor of Elections office in the Courthouse to register, or see.Mrs. C. W. Ndrton; the deputy for the north end of Gulf County, at Lakeside Florist In Wewahitchka, Fla. DESSIE LEE PARKER NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP27 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the following described sand blaster: 1-Portable Sand Blaster-200 No. sand capacity differential type mixing valve for abrasive control, mixing valve controlled by single lever, lever opens air port to clear hose. Min. 50 CFM air capacity to clean 2/2' per min. Complete with 50' material hose, 4 nozzles, hood with air supply hose and gloves: Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP27". All bids must be FP..B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reflect any or all bids waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., August 7, 1 973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City. Commission Meeting August 7, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. ATTEST: C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk- 2t 7-26 wrv.. wwtru.ww C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-26 Service Academy Exams Congressman Bob Sikes announced this week that screening examinations for appointment 'to the U. S. Air Force Academy, the U. S. Naval Academy, the U. S. Military A-.: Jirr;,. and the U. S. Merchant Marine Aca- demy in 1974'1will. be held on Saturday, September 29, 1973, at locations tW.,r. '. the First District. These examinations are conducted by. the U. S. Civil Service Coipmission. Young men between'.,. ages of 17 and 22 who f interestedd in a career in one of the military services, and whose parents are, bona fide. resi- dents of the First Congress- ional District;,a, e ''. .; ': to participate. Congressman Bob Sikes will be pleased to hear from those young men who are interested in any of the service academies and to furnish one of his application forms upon request. Applida- tions must be in the. '. *' ; i. :: office prior to August 11, 1973, in order for arrangements, to be made for .. -.: i-.r in ,the examina- tion on, %;-,:'.r: 29. Nominations .will be made after .i 'i a. 'r. :,of the results on the I.i ':t rt) '- .min ..r.T ,;. : p "-, ,*. "V :' by the applicant in school and community leadership activi- ties. These include athletics, class leadership, church, S..:'.-g and "other activities. It is important. also to have recommendations from community leaders who are familiar with the character and standing 6f p;r....-;..t! Further information can be obtained from Congressman Sikes' .i*.*-.. Room 2269, Rayburn HOB, Washington, D.C. 20515o yoU neea, That's good air conditioning advice what you can. That's good air conditioning advice this summei. It's good for .. for us, and for all the customers we serve. -:.:.-..,m.-.. in ..j," to. saving y....i :.:'I some money, you'll be - ing us all save valuable energy. So here's what .you do. Set your thermostat up. Set it up to the highest possible temperature comfortable to you. Fan setting? Operate for your ., .. '. . comfort. "Auto" gives beL'&i h:.: *i '.' control and economy.."On" provides more uniform air motion, sound level- and temperature. Of course, to conserve money and energy, we recommend "Auto." When you're away. Set your unit at 5 to 10 degrees above normal setting with fan on "Auto" for mildew protection and quick comfort when you return. Filters. Replace frequently. Clogged filters make units work overtime. Outdoor section. Keep clear of plants and obstruc- tions. Anything that interferes With air flow increases operating costs. Air grills. Don't block air flow .. '.-':.. or .-' : .* .-" :-, gets in the way of .-- or air return gets in way of proper ... Windows and doors? Shut out heat from sun -. ..1, .'-: or outside .":: -:'; Insulation. It's amazing how many Florida homes were built -".. adequate insulation. And inr,.. : '" is important. It'll give you lower operating costs, so make sure you have it. Just follow these 8 simple sugges- tions and you'll conserve money and energy this summer and still be comfortable. And if you'd like 0* a whole bookful of 0' 0 ways to get more out of your electri- city, for less, stop , by any Florida Power office and ask for our "Helpful Hints" F pamphlet. Florida Let's all conserve Pow .together this summer. O mourning dove will open Saturday, October 6, and .:.:-',,rue through November 4. The second phase season ,will open November 10 and continue through November 25 to be i.:;l *.'. by a third .and final season on Decemb- her 15 -r',-'rn- January 7. .The bag limit has been set at 12 dove per day. The -: ;., date for wood- cock and snipe will coincide with the opening of the state- wide quail season on Satur- -day, November 10. Woodcock hunting will be i '-. .2 ..through. January 13 while snipe h,'::..'. continues ".; !i-r February 24. Hunters will be allowed .five woodcock and eight snipe .per day. Legal '.- hours for' migratory game birds other than dove are from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. L'. .; hours for hunting dove are from 12 noon to sunset FaTm CC8022-065 (Rev. 5.73) Tallahassee-The h.u-..irng season for migratory game birds will get under way on Saturday, September 1, with the hunting of rails and galli- nules. The season will con- tinue with daily ;.:'.r .' through November 9. According to the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion, the season for migra- tory game birds received from the U. S. Fish and Wild- life Service establishes a framework for all migratory game birds other than water- fowl. The season for water- fowl will be announced sometime in August. Hunters will be allowed a daily limit of 15 clappers and king rails, singly or in aggre- gate, 25 sora and "'ir-g: ~i' rails, singly or in aggregate, and a daily limit of 15 Florida Dr. 0. E. Frye, Commis- sion director, reminded hunters that the purple galli- nule is protected in Florida and may not be taken or molested at any time. The season for hunting Attends Counsel Session One student from Port St. Joe attended a two-day fresh- man counseling session at Livingston University July 18-19. One of the major objectives of the session is to better acquaint the incoming fresh- *man with university life and demands. Attending the session was Ronny Herring, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Herring. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR Call No. 486 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1973 .Contribute to Ecology Compost Yard Residue Homeowners' and garden- ers can make a real. contri- bution to ecology by compost- ipg their garden '. rsidue, gras.., dippir.Ag. leaves and co'rne hiuser.,l..1! ra - Throdugh.' composting the large volume of organic tra'li being hr,.-irl .by garbage ',,'.4 could be reduced. cu..nir abi' and, at the same time, a good source of organic matter can be' p;:.,.i.ed :for the home Compost can. -be used ese-ral' ways. -It.provides. a a.,id iabi .soil: amendment .r- fri' -r.j,- .:'and is .: rt im' much less expen- '.I- i .ita i In ,':i,"pr'd. t - i.t ile : rcsr r p! ''r :," f.c. i-,. i ,... .';* w ater "water ,.l.,r.. ,ic' and nutrient .,i,,..._ Also, compost is used as the .ii surface as a much to control weeds and conserve moisture. Or, you can mix your compost with soil and use it for potting plants. "How do you build a ..p.w pile?" Well, it's fairly simple and summer is a good time to begin because high quality compost can be made in a short time during hot months. Here are a few simple steps to follow: (1) use only organic materials such as grass clippings, leaves, kitchen wastes or light pruning; *.,:-.,I:, mater- ials are very slow to rot; (2) if possible, shred materials, but it is not i.e:.,1, ->-. (3) you' may want to add decompos- ing bacteria (these can be purchased'but are not absol- utely essential); (4) add a handful of fertilizer; (5) maintain .'I ,.'y.,' mositure levels if rainfall is lacking; (6) aerate the .-- by turning the material regularly. In several months the compost should be finished and ready to use. A compost pile can be made in a pit, simply on the ground or in a bin made of plastic or wire mesh. Locate the pile in a convenient corner of your garden but in a location where it is not in plain view. If you want to get on the ecology bandwagon, build your compost pile now! Henry T. Hobson Is Promoted KINGSVILLE, TEX.-Navy , Aviation Machinist Mate Second Class Henry T. Hobson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Hobson of Route 1, Port St. Joe, was promoted to his present rank while serving with Training Squad- ron 23 at the Naval Air Station here. COPY FOR THE PRINTER IOULD NOT BE PREPARED BEFORE COMPLETION OF REPORT OF CONDITION Charter No ;.'. National Bank Region No. REPORT I OF CONDITION, CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC t'tHSI)l % 1IL S, OF THE Florida First National' ani of Port St. -Joe, forida ASSETS Cash and due from banks (including $ L N NE unposted debits)............ U.S. Treasury securities . ... . ,n cri, of other U.S. Government agencies and i.r.... . Obligations of States and political i,, n . . Other securities (including $ 3 1 corporate stock). . Trading account securities ..... .. .... ....... . . Federal .f.3 ,-1l and securities ,us. h. -Ci under agreements to resell.. . Loans .... .. ... ............. .. .. .. Bank premises, furniture and i ii. o. and other assets p'r.' -r.' bank premises .......... Real estate owned other than bank premises ... ................ Investments in j ..'. i, t'-. s ; ,.- i "associated ...n ,.':. .. . Customers' liability to this bank on acceptance outstanding- ... .... ... Other assets (including $ direct lease financing) . ....... TOTAL ASSETS. .. . ,. ... LIABILITIES, Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .. ... Time and savings deposits of ini.i. ,~,.. partnerships, and a-r'.'"'" . Deposits of United States government ......... . Deposits of States and political subdivisions .... ....... .. .......... Deposits of foreign-governments and official institutions ........ .... Deposits of commercial banks . . . Certified and officers' checks, etc. . . TOTAL DEPOSITS .'. ....... .... ... s 10138. 051.12 (a) Totaldemand j .; ...... $ 797873 75 (b) Total time and savings. p .. $ 2,159,314. 37 Federal funds purchased and securities sold under agreements to repurchase ..... ... Liabilities for borrowed money .. ........... Mortgage indebtedness ...... ..... ............. Acceptance executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding ......... Other liabilities ....... .... ... ............... ..... TOTAL LIABILITIES .. . ............ ..... ............. MINORITY INTEREST IN CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARIES .. RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to IRS r )...... .. rit, reserves on loans . .. . ....... . Reserves on securities ....... . ... ....... . TOTAL RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES ............................ CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital notes and debentures . . . % Due $ 1T capital-total . . . .. . Preferred stock-total par value .. No. shares outstanding I 0 E Common Stock-total par value ..................... No. shares authorized 16, 0 0 0 0 0 No. shares outstanding G 0 0 0 0 Surplus .. ...... . . . ... ... ..... Undivided profits ............................ Reserve for contingencies, and other capital reserves . TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .. . ........ TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS MEMORANDA IN THE SI \ IE OF AT THE CLOSE OF Bt SiMISS ON JE ......... 1973 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL 1M -DE BY COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE 12, UNITED STATES CODE, SECTION 161. Dollars Cts. - 2 429 ............ 94.. . 217 5.4.1.. .9 4 2 022 '789" 11 594 5.62 28 7 764 702 31 21 821 04 ............... .oo io..............T ...................1.................. ............... ....... .. .. ...... ................. r ......... ........ 10 273 544 0NNE 21400 000821 00 ................ .^ .^ ......... ....... 2150 00021 04 .................[.I. l N.E ................. . 1 299 197 15 ...............11 5. 4 2 1 299 197 15 11 594 562 28 . .7 Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date . ...... Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date . . .. Interest collected not earned on installment loans included in total capital accounts . .i..1.0.. .5.71... 9G I J Te d Can non ,...P r S "tlen of the above-named bank do (Name and title of officer authorizedto i Jgn report) hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief ...."'. .:. -. ---- :' We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of th portion d eclareat it has been examined by us and to the best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. A g Directors. Use /:... .. ... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... . PAGE ELEVEN~ --- I THIS COPY SH National Bank Region N~o. Charter No Full Cut Round Steak Cubed Steak $1.49 Swift Premium-12 oz. pkg. Wieners 1.39 _ acked USDA Inspected Whole FRESH packed 2 to bag S Plus Deposit Double Cola bottles HERE IS ANOTHER T FEATURE FROM YOUR PIGGLY WIGGLY! Colonial or White Gold Georgia Grade "B" Quartered Fryer Breast Quartered Thighs Ib. Velda Farms MILKOGA "avig Eve rdc r 5 lb. .bag mnre HERE IS ANOTHER TV. FEATURE FROM YOUR PIG1LY WG166LY! Highly Unsaturated SHOP AND SAVE WITH THISe PIGGLY WIGGLY TV. SPECIAL America's Favorite Famous CLOROX BLEACH -rU rlr YPY- -C Minute Maid FROZEN LEMONADE Ore Ida Plain , FROZEN TATER TOTS Pet Ritz FROZEN PIE SHELLS 1rlb icy Garden FRESH CARROTS Fresh CALIFORNIA LEMONS Idahoan INSTANT POTATOES 6 pk 9 Green Giant 12 oz. corton NIBLETS CORN cn An 4 1 Lysol Reg. or Scented 12 oz. *wr a 16pk 33 ozDISINFECTANT bottle /7 9 10 Campbell's 10 oz. k10 35 TOMATO SOUP can 124 Kelloggs CORN FLAKES 1 lb. pkg. 12I dozen 594 3 8 oz. 1 Sbags $1 12 oz. Q2 box Ak Peter Pan Smooth or Crunchy PEANUT BUTTER 12 oz. - i DnIcan Hines Devil Food, White, Yellow or Lemon FAMOUS is ox.39 CAKE MIXES box Dellclo 10oy2 oZ.U CAMPBELL I.ca TOMATO SOUP I 1 Famous Brand 12 oz. GREEN GIANT cao NIBLETS CORN Regular or Quick 18og DELICIOUS box QUAKER OATES WS Ie. *0* U 0, - 85 Ic 11 yr 0 FRYERS - OUR BEST SAVOY BROILS SIRLOINS lb. 1.69 Igs Doz. p * I\ I - [TV Special 7 1_ r-M. - 0 |