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THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, NUMBER 45 Two. fires .called the Port' St. Joe 'Volunteer Fire r', .,r ini,.(, to. action last Fire Chief Bascom Hamm said an old junk car caught fire last Thursday about 12.55 on Avenue A ,,. b.'ii cut up with a welding.'torch.o Fridaylat 11:30 the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert. kr,' : was -,set aflire by an *n ,'.i"..ti cook pot in the kitchen; Fire was limited to the. kitchen portion of the home. but extensive damage was reported around the kitchen range and cabinets. Smoke i.".'.-^ was spread over an area in the ;i'..: room and den of the home.' HIE SITA Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1973 A Fort Lauderdale man was arrested in 'connection with a i-..r l.t. A .k, and . r.. :,,, ,*,. ti in the -... .-', Bayou Beach. area, * ,.- ...,,,.e. r..., rits released' by Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence W while : r ,':.:..' .. the t-.,k.. o- and entering, Depu- 'ty Oscar Jones located the stolen. Fpr.p,":.. r .... in a car p':-.' on Main :St. in* Port St. Joe. Deputy Jones recovered the property and. arrested Noah Best,,.21, of Fort Lauderdale. . Best was .charged with ,.,:,:,r,; '.! stolen property and released on bond. TEN CENTS A COPY - I U Write A Theme.. Win Some Money -During the month of JulVy _ach year. te Part St. .Joe, Merchant.v As=- annual idoatlk Sale event. This year the sale' spectacular has been scheduled for next week end, July 19, 20 and 21 . BfgirUnig today, the S. merhar, ar: sponsor- )ng a contest wo'i nj ur ,tion with their annual sdalp Th-e contest re- quires anyone .who wishes to enter to c'rrmpi.te .the sentence, "I like to shop in Port St.L Ji' because ." in 50 word.. or less. Entry. blanks may be pickepl up at any Port :St Joe merchant's place of. bus- iness. -The blanks are available now The' entries should be turned in to any partici- pating merchant by Sat- 'day, July 21 at 5:00 p.m. Winners will be announ- ced two 'weeks later after all entries are judged by! a- panel of PFr.pe A Sfys, $35.00 arnd $25.00 in merchan- dise certificates are be- ing awarded. Everyone is eligible to- enter except the imme- diate families of local merchants. School Finances Face Delimma .ilii..,iA-,, h y Il,.= r,-c-tjrt, i fl.l t r4 'o f t h 'i-, i., J LI-ri I sil irv h..'a-. .t;il C',,i.tuiy hanihn Bpa.rd .. 1.iKh ,f.i. hiu-iri.y PJi:.- wil in r uand f. ual...ia d IrA'. -nray .ri tehi l l. it'. ,;i r 1,1 'lfill tilv fi ,.'u.i n ,l.h l" _i f,|h Ii I.I.tf'.upr to. $-I i r e- I I ,,uje .o riu t n -niel-if ri.n statire , iot.rrI, ,. n laicj B ,.i-l h vei S'*ays 'h .'property ssesso, r an- dt- and tr 1 ..-.Ir 19 'i r,v. criteriaa will hit ,l,,lf ,i,.,i the .. .cn.t, ,rn g the S .'Ila;i'W. up, to. $17-- i itu .new state money. Bidwell points ,i, i I .'l ,in :.will receive a runall increase in state' 1nim.-y .bot, $15,000-butt tthe " other factors could have- gi',;., the county the larger- amount. ... Bidwell says the.. state formula used to, compute the funds each county, will. receive shows Gulf's cost of living increase is only 91 percent on. a scale of 100 ,~walh the four largest coun- ties in the state'are .t:,..1 over th I "> pri- :".i scale'. He p.m-at out that '-A ';,,,in-- i,,i th'. -t.r. ii '.-f- $28 million in additional state. money while two counties '. gain $24 million. "I don't know what has happened .to the other $4 million" Bidwell said. Gulf will gain around $20,000 in state .t d i the .prn'.pt ri assessments are up to par, according to Bidwell. liW i,-'.' out *that a team from the '.,.- Comptroller's Gliem 'Is Taken by Death Funeral services for Mrs. Evelyn V. Gliem, 62, of Overstreet, who passed away Wednesday morning, July 4,- were held Saturday, July 7, at 3:00 p.m. in the St. Clair, Funeral Home Chapel, with the Rev. OUllie Tidwell officia- ting. Interment followed in the Holly Hill Cemetery. Mrs. Gliem had been a resident of this area for the past 23 years. She is survived by her husband, Leland Gliem, of Overstreet; two daughters, Mrs. Vlamer Hall of Wewh- hitchka, and Mrs. May Lois Hawthorne of Pensacola; one son, Johnny J. Bronson of Illinois; one brother, Buck Smith of Hosford; and one sister, Mrs. Gladis Morris of Eloise, Fla. She was also survived by a number of grandchildren and great grandchildren, nieces and nephews. All arrange- ments were under the direc- tion of the St. Clair Funeral Home of Port St. Joe. County Board Prompted by Events to Consider Zoning, Building Codes Tina Likes Her New Car I-iena B'iuington. 13.l'eir old daughter of MIr. and Mir, 0F. Bquanguonr ..nh, had qtos %iia. why At. liked Jim floi1anU to r'ecriv'i &hvS~ app'y, co'At'll-bo.Il P.'i'lswagoit' from The Roek~i musickgrouip'"1'ht:Rasphe-rrivs". Sh. ".uld iat ha'.e fnteu Fhe liked the Rock sabge( hvqL~u~ ht gave ha-r a o'ww caw (hrwca rs kaEticav.- ve oil!be- eligible.!ot.'4 dinver's iboo'%-e. fht ta.r mas officially pre~ntwn4 i Tin. sitordam in the City Park when Bonifanti himself came to mae- t'he ptr.ntatiHoin in person. The sports ear, the envy of any teen-ager is s u ,rniiti \ liic.oen with fur upholstery, a vinyl top'and a miniature RFnih R k oit. i h 1he w ar was painted a bright ta,.p'bervr red, nsu lal4! . SboQl Qacdacing r c~:!6 Teams: $250,000 Damage Suit in Week End Meet Gulf County ..i Board' faces a damage. suit. for. $250,000 .iili. another for. $10,000 in Fe d",i Court in Marianna on July 3. Constitution of the United Melvin M,'.,r a former 9' , biology teaser 'at Port St. Moore's wife, Mrs. Gwen Joe High Sdlool is suing the Moore is suing for $10,000 .for 'Board.'for refu'i'.r to offer lost -salary, expenses and him a !nn..,., t.-,,ntret .mental suffering after her after he alleges he q'bf,, dismissal as a secretary at and for placing restrictions the school. She :i.. in her 'on his employmentwunder an suit s-he .was .,iir.-, .,1 annual contract which' he because her husband refused- claims violates. his r ts,. to accept the conditions for under the First' and Four-. ... '.ir-.eri set forth by the teenth Amendments of the Board. Moore taught in the school. from 1969 to 1973 when. he Highland View was offered an annual /Church In Revival contract due to his conduct in, C V the classroom. The Board Claims his conductt was not. in Revival services will i _, the ,*.-0 interest of present- v.,,C.co. oi;."'-. July 16 at the'" .ing his t.,.i-i. Church "of. .Gd in Highland ';, Named in the suit .are 'View. present Board members, '. Reverend J..L. 'Tomlinson. Gene Raffield, William Roe- of Bell, will be the ';: *, mer, Kenneth Whitfield, Wal- -. :...,-I' each night. Ser- lace Guillot and Herman Ard vices will begin at 7:00 p.mI. and past- members 'Waylon with special singing -. Graham and Billy Joe Rich.. The Rev, L. E I'b. ~h .:, Federal Judge David Mid- pastor of. the Church of -God Ji' ..':- will hear the case r.-.: everyone to attend the in .Federal Court in Mari- revival services nna. ,e.tn area softball teams will. gashf Ln Port St. Joe this .f.-tk .nd .for a week end of tournament play The tourney, sponsored by the Quarterback Club will get. underway Friday night with three games on tap beginning at 8:00 vpin. , Raffield's of Port St. Joe and." Tony's Pizza of Panama City will begin the a iiin toAlWi%.ed tq Quality Car of Panama City at 10:30 p fn We hant,'hik.i Bank and ..arsi.oa M%1r h i',1-. will play the nigri ip at 9:15. Saturday has nine games on tap beginning with five games in the morning,;played on two fields. . Hughes Merchants of Cal- houri'County and Army Recruiter of Bay County .along with. Pasquale's of Panama -City and Clarks Seafood of Grand Bay, Ala., will' start things off at 9:00 a.m. C. and H. Components and Pizza Hut,. both of Panama City with. Harder's Construction of Panama City and Burke Construction of Mobile, Ala., will meet at 10:15. St., Andrews Baptist of Panama. City and Pasca- Sgoula, Miss will play the lone game, at., 11:30. Saturday afternoon games will get, ",underway at 2:00 p.m. and continue until the last game starting at 4:30. Night games will be played at 7:00 and 8:15. The ..championship game will be played Sunday after- noon at 2:15 with the consolation scheduled to be- gin at 4:45. The Quarterback Club will be operating' their conces- sions stand during the entire tournament. T. D. HALL Crusade Banquet Tonight Over 500 Gulf County churchmen will gather in the Port St. Joe High School Commons Area tonight at 7:00 p.m. for a banquet to kick off a movement to prepare for a giant religious crusade here in Port St. Joe. In addition to the banquet, those present will hear an address by T. D. Hall, Executive Director of the James Robison Crusade team of Dallas, Texas. Hall will present a film and tell those present what a giant unified evangelistic campaign can mean to this area. Sponsored by laymen of every church in Gulf County, the crusade has been set for October 7-14 with 29-year-old James Robison and his team to come to the city for the gi.nt campaign. Those who wish to attend the banquet tonight and who do not have tickets may obtain them by going to the crusade headquarters in the old Dairy Queen building on Highway 98. First Annual Golf Tourney Sat.-Sun. Core New Rotary President enter, received the President's gavel of presentation are, left, Frank Pate, Sergeant-At-Arms; Sid ry Club Thursday to begin his year of Brown, Treasurer, second from right and Ted Cannon, ed the club members to give their best Secretary. luring the coming year. Witnessing the it. Joseph's Bay Country Club's first Annual Golf Tournament will be held July 14 and '15, 1973. Qualifying round will be played Satur- day. Local golfers are urged to play early Saturday morning. Saturday's score will be used to determine yqur flight for Sunday. Also, it will count in your total score. Regard- less of your golf score on Saturday, you will be placed in a flight with players of comparable scores. Entry fee will be twenty dollars ($20.00) which will entitle .each player and his (Continued on Page 8) :. _. going .o.-.r A_.-(;v..r Samwfi A Patrick s r. r d *r t i (n thnm up to ite rt.qiur. i'rt.iL "Ww: '.dr. know wha.: *w llI h. f.fI a;s- rf- tc of t. II . r.:I "st| b i)A l ;, ari'2 i ,-ir it ,. |l i ,.r 1 h .F.i r : ( .. the fig,, N.fa 30 riLthe bgi in state frn., .1 ,.' as .,'. stand,.no A ..ul .il: r:,--c., :} .1..; *' ,.' d._ rjii th, 'coming year. .'We hope we can" change their minds" Bidwell S:said, "because we sure could i 4. .'h 0. <** ,.(. (3:,; i" Two, Fires ,Damage Cha urged Home and Auto In Theft George Y. Core, ci the Port St. Joe Rotar service. Core challenge to their organization d ?. ' . aniias The 4'uln4iI i comrfl - sion l.,' kcn'eg,,-i a need for a zoning and l-uiiling code ordinance at their meeting 'F'ui,,d .morii Commis- sioner Walter Graham ey- ;'i-o, the !r-lnit of the Board when he said, "We have put this ti'ine, off for 11 years, but we have to do IJ ,' r itL now." The need for the codes were .'.uh to the Board two weeks ago when a developer who is planning to purchase a part of St. Joseph's Peninsula to con- struct a development of condominiums, town houses and a golf course approached the Board to find out what restrictions the County had on the property. They were surprised to find out there were none. Subsequently other developers with the .same t in milid1 have come to the Courthouse for similar information. The Board now feels the codes are needed.with all the interest being .'-,--iiji-i in the Peninsula property. As a result of this interest in development the Board has now decided to "get their heads together" to, first, come up with some, kind of code for the Peninsula i -~,l --, and p.....i,. extend the .1, .1, .to the entire county. cNations cautioned the Board su matters ofmorent chaonsid- "2I n a related matter, the, ', you cover up ad and apply for a loan . City. "We need some sort of assurancee feanderal fundingr t drainage problems for the ouldan beforeak the move" atyctif such airmatter Silas aren't ob-nsid served Player pointed out SEWER WORK : . In a related matter, the siderable tBoard hesitated to goet ahead and apply for a loan from the State's rving loan fund to get engineering work d oe on sewer systems for the Beaches and White City. "We need some sort of federal funds withheld wheing will monbe available for the systems to pay back the state loan before we move" acting Chairman Silas Player ob- served. Player pointed out the county had spent con- siderable tax money to get engineering on the Oak Grove system only to have the Federal funds withheld when -the project was ready to -get started. "They told us the money was available and then it wsome wasn't" Playeof observed. While the Board expressed a desire to have sewer installed in the areas, they Were not wing two ceek withago a report some assurance of financing., Engineer Nations pointed out that the engineering and plans must be completed before any Federal grant could be approved. At the meeting two weeks ago a representative of the Department of Pollution Con- trol told the Board the county would be required to provide the mattservice to out-lyher, ing areas by 1977 and would be fined if they didn't. Attorney William J. Rish questioned this statement Tuesday and was instructed by the Board to investigate the matter further, including availability of Federal grants befortage y take any further action. their request published to furnish the county with petroleum products for the coming year. The nearest thing to a bid received was a statement from J. V. Gander. Gulf Oil Distributor of Apalachicola that he would continue to sell the County petroleum pro- ducts at his bid price of last year on a month to month basis, but the county could probably expect an increase (Continued on Page 8) t AETO h iR Por St. -e --a T RS Y JL 2,17 PAGE'TWO -THE STAR- PUblo3hed EverV TnMUFSODY fat W J.l'igams A pmePori t 9JOP P Fida 6V The Star P-ODRtshifg Camnrwmv Second-Cilass Postage Palo at Pons 5t Joe. Fiica& 324 a6 Ed4~,,r and P!.~ P roduction-Supt. -Offce Manager T~ oes.etfer Subscriptlons THE STAR, Port St. Joe, F la THU RSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 POSTOF F I CE BOX 308PHONE2To1 PORT ST JOE. FLORIDA '1?456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAlD AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCPRPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE -. IN COUNTY- O- E YEAR. S4 00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $27. OUT OF COUNTY One Year, S5 00 OUT OF US. One ear, $6.00 TO 4DvETikrSERS- In case of error or ommissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for sucrn advertisement. The spoken mwoa 5s gi-en scant atner.lion. the or rjne wordIs thbughtfbily weighed. The spoken word baieli' asserts; tne prFinled wird thooughly conviwces The sp,.tesn word is lost; the'printed word -remains. EDITORIALS... iSome Good Points i Springs Is Just of Gas Away IPeisps e tiye on Education by DR. BOB ''.THORNTON- Professor of Elucation " University of West Florida One of the many elemen- tary schools attempting to carry out the kind of program that will bring out the best 'in children at an early stage is the much discussed Amidon School at Washington, D.C. There a real effort is being made to give the children a basic *.:, ..' and yet retain the best features of the progress- ive schools. -1'. J. starts with phonics in. the first grade; writing is stressed *i ; e-..' formal .. is introduced in the r grade;, -..p?.i * deals with ..phases; and- history is taught in '. order, The 4.. ::..i side of the program is found mainly in an emphasis on problem- solving in all areas rather than on rote learning. Whet- her the Amidon School pro- gram is merely a return to the traditional methods of the past of whether it will really provide a new blueprint, especially for those interest- ed in the educaiton of bright children will take many years to discover. Results, it must be remembered, are not measured in scholastic achi- evement alone-good or bad- but in social and emotional adjustment and in eventual competency as an adult. Generally speaking, the tendency today is to toughen up the educational process - and to begin instruction - earlier. Bright three-year d olds, we are told, should be d taught how to read. Conver- . national foreign language, as , has beer previously noted, s has been added to the curri- d culum in many elementary d schools. And a recent experi- - ment conducted in four e Massachusetts- school dis- o tricts under the leadership of 0 Boston University's Center Sfor Economic Education is ; alleged to have proved that I elementary school pupils, e even first graders, can learn . economics!. e But there are many educa- d tors who still believe that the presentation of more difficult subject matter is only a small part of the program needed bv lifted children. They maintain that the teacher's most important function is 'to instill in the pupils an avid desire to learn away from school as well as in the classroom. They A.l ''r, .. r in seizing on "new" ideas we may really be *,:".'.' r. at old straws that, were proved worthless in the past, or that we may be.,- :..-. an essentially good program which has--not been given a fair chance t. live up to its actual '. VISITS PAP.ENTS HERE Guests of Mr and Mrs. Joe Williams -: ':. : daughter and family, the Hulon Mit- chells, -ff6m Camden, Arkansas., * foi a It' i r of intent and !-qulirv r.i..tI. for the beach property on the .4,.- riI .1l. was perfectly proper. They' had to know, for instance, if the t n1itV would in the future possibly zone the Peninsula for industry, or some lhtwr "such allrowari'F which would not be in keeping with expen- .,,ve condominiums and town houses. per zoning laws. As it :.t:--.'now, w. ar; re]irq- on- i ir n. i 'houses. : n t.he Pol- lij.i., ..ir,,l. Board to keep the ..ir.i\' from 1.- i nr, turned iato- a vir- tual jult yard. Possibly jit'. time the County Commission t o-,k rti.ng laws under consideration..-.. If we grow,-any. at all we'll need it. Lewdness Standard The Supreme Court has .i the Ssmt.ir, book and movie p ,,l'. hang'. Siig loose now, with their 5-4 recent '.deI~'ijon ,on obscenity and [,'rm.;.- raphy. The .decision leaves it up to each ?t.Ite a3iid' ci:mluniijt y to define it., ou ver ..io of pornography and thus set its own tastes for IIt'ratiu-t' and movies. 'The Court ruled there is no 'na- tiorial standard for lewdness and that 9yery state-and presumably every Sommunity-has a right to decide toi itself, within certain limits, whe- ther a movie or book is sexually of- fensive. W6 disagree with the Court on the point of there being no standard . fr lewdness. No doubt the mem- "beris are not readers of the Bible, or they could very easily arrive at a standard of right and wrong. '. Possibly four members of the Court are Bible readers which could have been -the cause of their dis- senting vote on the matter. Possibly. but not probably, considering the Justices who cast the dissenting de- cisions. .. iary' the states and'coimmun- ities police their own p...tu!.?piv rules is better t,'.r. n..'tt'eg I .;A'.= ,ever, we can see v.-here- the recent decision is just going to nri k- .more work for the C, trying .-'.. te '-.." and .. .'.o ". of laws ** ;.:h go against the f'- ',.... set .a. .'. the '..,;i-t ir, n !.r.1 It \v.A .i.! seem to us that a Court with ',', v. i.-. to'decide who will. go to -.. where-a court diligent :-.tio.,h to h-ia. -.:-et. k out of government (schools) should be bright enough to know what is sex- ually offensive and what is not. It seems only reasonable that those -who cater to and indulge in pornographic matters consider them proper.. In like manner, a. thief thinks stealing is the proper way to' make a living. We fail to see where -allowing people who consider unnat- ural sex and its exploitation as pro- Ier to continue in those practices if they so desire has settled anything. Apparently there are such areas and the Supreme Court .decision would allow them to continue if they out- number decent people in thier areas. Teddy and George We're still trying to figure out +who was in danger at the now fa- mous platform appearance of Teddy Kennedy and George Wallace in De- catur, Ala., on July 4. Dislike of what the Kennedy's stbod for caused Wallace's star to rise in the political world in the be- ginning. It doesn't seem likely they should become .bosom buddies all of a. 0tleAwn Only time will tell whether Wal- lace was courting Kennedy or Ken- nedy was courting Wallace. Either way, one is obliged to soften his line somewhat for the other to reap any benefit. It was interesting to note that Teddy put out the same old line in his speech in Decatur while Wallace was only non-commital concerning his relationships--present or future __M ris +hTa o lur saonltiama+s C~a^*-bssA* Only 12 miles fi or .Talla- hassee, the Wakulla 'Springs property .sprawls over 4,000 acres of gently rolling pinelands, interspersed with hammocks of magnolia, oak, dogwo6d and. redbud., The spring, actually the mouth of an underground river, is.185 feet deep. Both the spring and the Wakulla River 'are home .to waterbirds, alligators aid thousands of fish. Deer, turkey, bear and smaller. game animals roam .the adjoining wilderness. The spring, was given its name, meaning r, '..'."*. waters, by Indians, but 'they were not the first to visit the crystal clear natural wonder. During the Ice Age, men hunted '.r,.. game that was abundant in the area. What is now the underground Wakul- la River was then a cave, used by the hunters for : -L ;, quarters, After a kill, the hunters dragged the animals into the cave and boneyards soon accumulated Through the years, .:-:. have recovered many fossilized bones. Some are displayed in the Wakulla Springs'. Hotel, a massive Spanish-style hotel built in the '.1930's. The hotel and springs are surrounded by a quiet setting of oaks, camel- lias and wildlife, left unspoil- ed through the years for generations to enjoy. From The Living Bible Orphah kissed her mother in-law goodbye, and" re turned to her childhood home; but Ruth insisted< on staying with N9omi "See," Naomi said to her "your sister-in-laW"has gone back to her people an to her gods; you should do the same." But Ruth re plied, "Don't make me leave you, for I want to go wherever you go, and- to live wherever you Jive your people shall be m: people, and your God shal be my God; I want to dii where you die, and bi buried there. May te or do terrible things to me i: I allow anything but death to separate us." Ruth 1:14-17 q .3 Applies for Bulkhead Raffield Fisheries, Inc., Port St. Joe, has applied to -the U.S. Army Corp of Engi- neers, Mobile, for a permit to construct a bulkhead along their property fronting the canal. The construction would be a 150 foot concrete timber bulkhead along the appli- cant's shoreline to restore eroded land and prevent further erosion. Approxi- mately 700 cubic yards of material will be trucked in and used as fill behind the bulkhead. Permits from State agen- cies, including water quality certificaiton,. if applicable, will be required before final action is taken concerning a Department of the Army permit. This public notice is being distributed to all known interested persons in order to assist in developing facts on which a decision by the Corps of Engineers can be based. For accuracy and complete- ness of the record, all data in support of or in opposition to the proposed' work should be submitted in writing setting forth sufficient detail to furnish a clear understanding of the reasons for support or opposition. The decision as to whether a permit will be issued will be based on an evaluation of the impact of the proposed work on the public interest. Factors affecting the public interest include, but are not limited to, navigation, fish and wildlife, water quality, economics, conservation, aesthetics, recreation, water" supply, flood damage preven- tion, ecosystems, and, in general, the needs and welfare of the -people. In cases of conflicting property rights, the Corps of Engi- neers cannot undertake to settle rival claims. On U F De More than 2,800 Florida. State University students earned Dean's List honors in the Spring quarter, according to reports just released by the Office of the Registrar. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must achieve Judy Hendrix On Merit List At Oxford College Oxford College of Emory University is pleased to announce that Judy E. Hendrix, daughter of Dr. and Mrs.. J. Wayne Hendrix, of Port St. Joe has made the Merit List for the spring quarter 1973. This is a signal academic achievement, equivalent to what is known as the Dean's List on some campuses. SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR ?an's List an average of "A" or "B1'. during the term. Aiea student Judith A. Stone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse V. Stone, 1406 Monument Avenue, was included on the Dean's List for this term. Wesley R. Ramsey Wiilliam H. Ramsey Frenchie L. Ramsey Shirley K. Ramsey Rev. Sidney Ellis raised some By the same token, the county. g. d points. last'we'ek in'his Letter, needs to. be assured this particular , 'to Editor, concerning a need for zon- firm (or ,, ,,ar. doesn't .put up S.ng in the county before we start :..tr -,-. which would deface some ; developing and growing in a hodge- .-li.. beach property. "- p' jodg,: manner. In- this instance, lenders, will in ,.. .Hardly anyone will deny the-fact all i''._..,. 4 do moire than. any zoning is needed to insure protec- county zoning to insure proper pro- Stijon for property owners as well as, cedures -and quality '.ontructiojr in ?.i growth which will serve ra.th.r order to prt'.'.t thgir iof:trnent I S b..ti, himdor the rights of the people. The Tb; .-i Lwhat the pollution ques- needed .a: statemer .i .. | n s all about right now. People ,,, ,. ,,.s.'..w An .hav: us,'d our natural resources as To I -h. y w -ihel d untttil .,'i,.ridly vw .: w k "' I .'+ .- % . 1p ind f or:l.. v r i;ati .. 0; -, P. h J, r r.' .ai Residents of the Big Bend -tl'd l i"r ,ulr w-,ri wh% @. '. -. .Ir .. .. .area are but a gas tank trip li' b, l-iliz ? ,..i r r:.-, i .. i 'r A away from r a, r.t. rp, "" "Uffe r f r-n ,-^2 ,, :f P,' :"-' "" 1,'' a a "gSp". g rorld's -. "'..'flT..i ? MI. .freshwater spring+. 14 +y I c II L~sura: -"". 11 1 TT 1-'-" n u u r L . Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Some joker keeps calling me from New York. 'Iy trying to sell me a vacation spot in .the mountains of South C:r.-ini sight unseen. I.really appreciated the opportunity. Since one of my legs is shorter than the other, I would. be a "natural" for mountain living as long as I had to walk in only one direction. Weighing this one attribute against the many drawbacks to my -'r!' 0 a mountain retreat, I respectfully had to decline the generous offer to "take years to pay for your mountain real estate which is increasing in value every .1, ". The two main drawbacks which kept me from leaping to the opportunity like a hungry bream to. a fly were: I have too much offering a" ;,.'.ri bo'. ion a "fly to catch up with right here in F1si ..' Ir-";'r) ." I buy a mountain retreat. Sec- ond, all my iv. ,nii cash" is working right now. Or t..-., I should .'y. I'm working right now t in. to earn enough money so I will have some i.-*--iI Cash" so -me day. You can just .=i ip over this paragraph if you want, because I'm going to talk, about my t en .I-.nI- I wo.,t bore you with pictures, but I will I-!,-, you with a few words. Did you ever take a four year old and a five year old fishing Two of my three grandsons have been after me to take them fishing. So, July VFourth, I took the bit in my teeth and off we went to a spot I know up on the river bank v.h.r.:. a flw can take his grandsons fishing without the danger of having to take them in a boat. One grandson caught his first fish-a bream .-but the other one couldn't get in the mood. He kept ir.inrtig "snakes talking in the bushes" and ii" .. ruin keep his mind on fishing. # * a.r t K,- --jyii_. i L A.wr, no, art. his d'aT-art- r .'.nt s, fi 1,' .g i' Ii iv ment is ren rI" .' ., far. We appreciate his ef- forts along hi line and hope he makes it hot . :.ij;iL that -ii,;' vanish from the Gulf County scene. We are unfortunate in one extent. The bea- ches seem to attract the drug peddlers and users since the kPi.. congregate there to enjoy the surf, sand, sun and girls. Lawrence says he is hav- ing most of his problems from the-Bay County section wh.r,- a' transient population of visitors comes and goes each week. "Bay County officers seem to have their hands full with the Panama City Beach area", Lawrence told me "and we have to take care of that part of the problem as well as our own, in order to keep the problem from spreading". It'll be a fine day when, the kids wake up and realize that drugs are nothing to play around with. Nobody minds them having their "fada', but the "drug fad" is too dangerous a thing to toy around with. C * A fellow can easily tell Summer started two weeks ago. If you don't think it's summer wea- ther, just let your air conditioner break down- then try and find a repairman who isn't up to his eyeballs in work, to come and get your cool going again. re That Tree With Respect-It's Valuable * Trees are an indispensable part of the landscape. They give a home, street or commercial site 'individual- ity, beauty and a .restful quality. And, because of their long life, trees give the surroundings... a -sense of permanence and stability. Trees are vital in combat- ing environmental pollution; Trees help keep our air supply fresh by trapping and filtering ash, dust, and pol- len; removing carbon dioxide that, we exhale and that factories and engines emit; and at the same time, trees are releasing oxygen needed for our existence. Trees camouflage harsh scencery. and unsightly city dumps, auto graveyards and indus- trial sites. In addition, trees reduce noise pollution by acting as barriers to sound; lower temperatures by shad- ing and evaporation of water from their leaves, and reduce soil erosion. Last but certain- ly not least, trees beautify our gardens, streets and Apple-Bacon. French Toast Delicious, hearty breakfasts have no effect on the **,:...., but they certainly can and do brighten -.'. from the itte .folks right' on up to Dad. Apple-Bacon French Toast . Mother too because it's an easy-do, calling for a package of frozen cinnamon swirl French toast '.. needs only ..- in the toaster or oven, Serve it with juicy app ' sauteed in butter arid 1..r 'n ._..,' then top it off with crisp bacon strips; What .a *. :..- earty breakfast or -.. dish this Is! s APPLE BACON FRENCH TOAST Makes 3 servings 2 tablespoons butter or One 10-oz pkg. frozen .margarine cinnamon swirl French 2 apples, ip.t. *, .ored and toast sQiced in rings 6 bacon slices, cooked and 2 tablespoons firmly drained -acked brown sugar . elt butter r,, i-r'. '-t. Add apple rings and saute 3 m in utes; turn. .t.'. ''- r.... sugar over apple rings. Continue cooking over low heat until sugar, is melted and apples are tender. r.. i epare- cnammon swirl French toast in toaster or oN .... 'stl.'"' to r' .* '-. directions. Allow 2 slices per serving and'top with apple rings. Spoon butter-sugar mixture over apples, .and criss-cross 2 bacon slices on top. 0 "r, lP ..t'I' : .' ,;'.' I'lJ -,: ... i !"' . FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH iCrns r lunid Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music S sunday School' 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service- 11 OI A.M. Church Training *.,m P.M. .Ev-i.iig Worship Service ........... 6:30 P.M. Prayed Meeting (Wednesday) ... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us"' U r_ FLORIDA ' WILDLIFE COMMENTS ON THE OUTDOORS ..' Dr. 0. E. FrVe Jr. .- Dirqctor parks and please our senses GAME AND with their shapes, patterns, - colors, fragrance and season- TALLAHASSEE-Old al changes. No homangesi too small timers like io r nci-, about No homesat it couldn't the good old days when that it couldn't accommodate youngsters, they'd make a at least one growing tree! quick dash behind the cow Trees are adapted .. ",r.. shed to sip grape wine from a uses in landscape design mason jar; or take s a rk p because of wide variation in at Cap'n Billy's Whi.+.e_ or .. habits. Proper see- maybe sit around the pot-. ,,.;., and use of trees is very belly stove down at the Gen- , ,,r.o.c since they form eral Store and listen to grand. the ..r, -part of the pa sp ,' tales ab,--. landscape,. -,.- ,-% ... ; the hppi" fied into several types channel catfish that was too depending on how are..smart ever to be caught. used in %!w, ,... .' ': r,', p rir rir' lot Shade r, i.,,.. havwhere tl a ,.ed -eee moderar, .'*..:..de',+. ._ stood; mason jars are col- (size and-or 'number of lector's, items; .Hugh Hene'r leaves). T -., -a. ,,nave has co'e a long way since a m ess ,, J,:..'r or Cap'n Billy, and the General seed. A .good shade tree Store has all but vanished should have the ability to from the American scene. No . 'e f:' ..'high winds and be doubt a. r eas relatively free from insect ; were p teas an .... pee a or.'a oan -fr from the and pests. Examples pressures we experience to- of good -,', I Prees for da, but I submit tha th ) Florida ".-' s -aple "ood old da)" have yet to' magnolia, .' mahogany, happen. and black :.n.. Not all of Florida has been SHomes may- need both. p o y ashalt or. pa.'_d over by asphat or ,, L1 .i;-. each concrete. The sunrise ha oTnt year) and evergreen shade been altogether blocked out -r,es trees are by :,.r .r nor are we :r'.. .,:. .lais desiredperplexed with the eye. '+.r-',l',e .,.-.t deciduous watering annoyance of smog tic-.. sr,-.j h anIlected for and smoke with which some aw h-. 4,: 6hE. .. desired of our sister states are now Sr., ir.iT,. and sun to g We are still hjt-'d --., .-,- with a rich hunting and fish- F .. ne trees are used to ing heritage contrary to some *. i. roof lines of our rJo)0 sxl tr-s opin- . ,f.,-,- r:..s,:,.,: "'d to form ions. Reader's riiesgi( advises f,.t'. -..' the sky us to "avoid cliches like the '-" i.' i. :. 't-_ = purpose plague", but, aside from the should not be. so massive or obvious reference to legal ten- spectacular that they attract der, green is still our favorite attention to themselves color, especially the green S., ..- ~r i, i,'!., -.'. --.t-'.ron on that Nature has given us. the home. Tire .used for The Florida Game and. framing include mimosa, Fresh Water Fish Commission Orchid tree, black olive, red- does not stand alone in this bud,. .I ..... '. b.,)i.-. pines, regard. Thousands of Flori- .. ,.,..n dians join with us in an appreciation of our natural Street trees are most resources to an even greater .-,- y..,,,,,. used between side- extent than when grandpa walks and streets, along was spinning tall tales. 'More boulevards, and. in .parks people .throughout the Sun. I. a. 're .t alr y f tgh't ,u sh.e.. State have a greater as lar>-, tr,-e hut ., ,,'.t a. awareness of what'% happen. to be large to serve such a ing to our environment today purpose. This type of tree than ten years ago. That must be chosen for its ,,'.. speaks well of the days to to grow without much main- come and that is why I tenance and must not have support the preface that .the low :branches that interfere good old days are just ahead. ., traffic and-or vision. Rather than taking them They should be hardy, well for granted, people now de- adapted to the pt..'...~ ? area mand green spaces along with and should not have messy fruit or flowers that might 'T H litter o .i.!. ,streets or lawns. L, .'><,ri.mr -. of ' common street trees are ' black, 1' ? Ci+ ..; ... i m ~ ] Ficus species, l,. it magno- lia, cherry .. .,1 pines, oaks iA .l: .iter o f one of , and :,.,r.. i. .. *,Ir and accent trees are used for -,,. effects You Are Cordially Invi produced by flowers, ''otat ,_, A Sj,, or by their count or ONG A B -...,.. in the ,-..S,., 1 B A 1. ,A,:.-r.', "-* ..' trees stand alone either on the Corner Long Aven lawn or in some other prominent area of the land- SUNDAY SCHOOL scape, An accent tree is MORNING WORSHIP r .t border ,. .-.... and has an borderut BAPTIST TRAINING I affect when com- EVENING WORSHIP pared with the ;r, beside PRAYER SERVICE (V it. The : r,'tf,, .r.' pine, sehefflera, bottle brush, dog- wood, ..' oaks, VISITORS AL and f i ,-, i:--' tree are exam- ples of good accent or REV. J. C. C specimen trees, However, with proper use and place- ment, almost any s'. -:' of tree can be used as a speci- I .. jA ' men, .. :-. z Patio trees can be ever- " green. or deciduous and l should be selected '," :' :,4 " for their small size and for ;":u':.rnk, i .o--n L" branch and leaf shade ..i,.,., of the patio. Ever- Uw r ilie green patio trees are useful i Furniture and in areas where warm temper- atures persist throughout NOw Open most of the year. In colder areas, deciduous trees that lose their leaves in the fall RANDAL are a, better choice since R DL sunlight will warm the patio s now back w' area during winter months Now opera when the trees are leafless. Patio trees should not have messy or large fruit, flowers Contact Rand or seeds that might stain the For Free patio or fall on people using the patio. Some trees to consider for patio, areas are All sizes P0oly Orchid tree, river birch and bottle-brush. Aut+o & Furnil Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns Usea Furnlt Johnnie's Phone 227-2001 Port IESH WATER FISH COMMISSION .rher ration of cracker boxes and concrete piin(g<. That is something which would not have happened ten years ago. Rather than taking them for pant-'d. people now demand that wildlife be given con- sideration in dre.tp.i A.t of our im.,pori'aj, areas. No longer do'we tolerate growth Sfor growth's sake. We care about our fresh water sup- plies, not only because it affords us the chance to bring home a string of ten- twu dpr, but because with- iout it, we .would not long surn-v I have often said that we look to wildlife as a measure of environmental quality because when wildlife goes, how far behind is Man? -"The green ecology flag and 'yiynol sprouts ever more increasingly on rows of bumpers in over-crowded paflnrg lots. We have become conscious of the fact, that we cannot afford to breach the progress of this decade by building ourselves a! perma- nent f.semrverJf-,ir.d tomb- .tinnr on the land that has, again and again, given us life. The,' F.n.i.trrms.ai 'r..r has forged itself into the blade of a righteous sword to assure that- conservation has ,A aSm lrl Metta I i0. tui ,ai on Capitol Hill. The life-support system that Nature has provided is our only true heritage. The Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and its 500 em- ployees are striving to guaran- tee that Florida's 4,300 square miles of fresh, water remain clean; that Florida's 54,000 square miles of land are not entirely d-.rr~i.ni that pine trees, pitiiw,.h- oaks and mangroves remain an integral part of our life- style and that Florida remains a sportsman's paradise from its woodland hills to its vast open Everglades. T ere .are, good days ahead, da) We' can n vy in the outdoors watching the white-tall deer feed,.the wild- flowers bloom, and the eagle soar. We can and will enjoy the outdoors because we have all helped keep it green. We can all be proud, too, because we have all shared in its accomplishment, , ited To Ahtead PTIST CHURCH ue and 16th Street 9:45 A.M. + 11:00 A.M. UNION ..... 6:15 P.. 7:30 P.M. Wednesday). 7:30 P.M. VAYS WELCOME ODUM, Poator Spring Cleaning? Now's the time to give that old chair a new look! Trim Shop upholstering Full Time L WALKER th his dad and is ting the shoo Jall or Johnnie Estimates -Foam For Sale ture Upholstery ure for Sale Trim Shop St. Joe Fourth Street THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 PAGE THREE Testing Begins at GCCC To avoid the anticipated registration rush, students planning to enter Gulf Coast Community College this fall should report for p .'--- t.'.r any Friday morning through August 10. This request was made ,-',C ;, by Director of Testing Mrs. Pam Hooper and applies to all students scoring under 300 on the Florida 12th ~.' test, or who are entering math-relat- ed fields i-''" Pre- Med). Mrs. H -:. -" stressed that students should report by 8:00 a.m. in 'Room 103 of the Science ., .r at the The of tests in :.'.. :- -' a d Math last about 2/ hours and neither fee nor .i '."r'" is required, Last chance to take a CLEP test before the fall will be July 19 and 20 (two I .-..' sessions) from 8:00 to 12:00 noon. , Candidates for these tests must make .* i. ...' with Mrs. Hooper on or before July 16. i., *'...r. concerning any of these tests should be, addressed to Mrs. Pam li... Director of i. '.,t.' (769-1551, ext. 237). VISITS MRS. MARSHALL Mrs. George Young and son from l":,,., : ..r visited here recently with Mrs. Young's .r-.(.,t,-.r, Mrs. Thelma Mar- shall Rambles By W. C. Roche A company president offered $25 for employees' money-saving ideas. First prize went to the guy who Suggested the amount be cut to $10. A narrow mind and a wide r,.,'i' make a 'dangerous combination. You can't teach an old dog new tricks. Sometimes you can't teach a NEW dog new tricks, either. A four-hour workday would bring many changes in our Hves. For example, we'd have to reschedule .the coffee breaks. Don't stay home-come to us for cool shopping. Roche's Furniture and Appliance 209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271 Puppets at Library The !I,'i.I- version of I'i, well-known nursery tale, +"The Golden A.'.. ', '! be presented at the Port St. Joe Branch Library i...l-. July 12, at 3:30 (EST) and at the ,.'.. t. t Branch I !i.-i 1 '. on -.,t,1i. i %, ,'It 14 at 1:00 (CST). Be sure to attend and meet these lovely .prip ,'-l charac- ters. There is no I ,i.- for this program and it is open to !,! ,+,t .,', PLASTIC TRASH CAN LINERS Big 3-bushel capacity; fits 20-gallon trash cans. 50 forIl49 Limit one box of 50 liners; additional $2.49 per box. CAMPERS! VANS! PICKUPS! FIRESTONE TRANSPORT TRUCK TIRES Black $V19 3 Tube-Type P 3is ;2 33 F E T a.,i, e, h,lW' ir orhc -ply rifled WEVE CEL-EBIWIN NDY VICTORIE A ON FIRE S-TONE RACING TIRE- Sl: W inite You to 'ge with a winmer and.:" Side on Firestoin! is pass-en!g0f firest. virestone Priced as shown at Firestone Slores. Comperllvelv y priced at Firestone Deal,.rs and at all service stations displayng tIhe Firestono sign CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 Pate's Shell Service Jimmy's Phillip's "66" r PAGE FOUR E STARPort St. Joe, Fla. THUJ SDAY JULY 12. 1973 mpressie Ceremony Unies Miss Sarah Norton and Charles Arrant In Marriage In an unpressive seeing of solemnity and serenity Mise Sarah Norton and Mr Charles Arrant. exchanged wedding vows mi the First Baptist Church of Wewa- hitchka, on Saturday ev-inm.g June 23 at seven o'cld Mr. and Mrs Charlae W Norton of Wewahi.chka T)e gro m i the son o) IMri 3 W Arrant and th. lato Mir Arrant..of DeFu'.ruak Spr.n? The Reverend.i Harv'y English .ufi Davs, Lolo.it, wa., accom- parmed by Kerr.klth Yates, cousin of the t.nd-, as'.he s..ang "Ai'del ;.a "_Moer-. The sanctuary was beauti- *t". ty : deur.- with: .fern tre:, potted fert-' w(ardnd 'of whioa rrmiwn, gliad-,r'h fpIk. and l'aven'd.r ( ithIi.A, and pink. pod-; /*f grami!. P-.10s lAt vantage .point. Th AhIF. peau prayer ben'i ti, c-leid v.s, arrangements ,A pontkf r .white, .c, tirp, ro. ""*ivy, and Tpunik gropw ne. I-l in white. Sstir. O- Flanked-on either side of the prayer bench were tbr.ir'chuA1 candelabra inter- 'tr-'rlt with ivy and. pink clusters of. grapes and carnations. 'A lovely arrangement graced the baptistry which'l w as accented by a flood light. Tree candelabra added soft- ness and beauty to.L'- '-,u.nywv and were decorated- 'part thIe same i.'- r,. Designated ,furuly ,'.Fats wei- in:.irk-l 'designed i 'aIitly to the S 1.. "r, .. I 9 S.Given in f'rd,,- by her -,h,'r, Mi--. Norton wore a InJ A. lin. cotton ,.,ele* dress ',' w ",rh ., i f,-.iiUdi 4 tI'i |1 lPn ;e:lu .uii covered in veniee .ij.. '" h. i-r n waist line bodice w- -. :. of venice S-,, and ru.j1Iwn down, the ' .k,. C I. r i,.- 'featured a. t ai. Th r.." "t.1. p-, b ,ra t i i- ,.- ~i.- .f 1 -? ,' ,,-r. lir I' ri l riP * veil. She carried a cascade bouquet.of white feathered carnations, phalaenopsis orchids and pink- sweetheart roses.'entwined with seed pearlst In the center: of the * bouquet was softly placed a oely white orchid. Mrs. Douglas. Birmingham was -chosen as matron of honor. and was attired in a floor length gown of pink dotted' w~i lace trimmed with empire bodice and three tiered ruffle skirt. She wore a matching pink picture hat, trimmed in satin lace ribbon and. lily of the valley. She' carried a wicker basket filled. with pink rosebuds, lavender. states, babies breath and. leather leaf fern. Miss Alice Sue, Cooper,.. cousin of the bride, served as. maid of honor along with the. bridesmaids: Mrs. Charlotte SKelly, T_jfi .1.. Ala.; Miss Mary Briggs, Selma, Ala.; Mrs .Debbie Baxley, Taila-' hassee.; and Miss Susan- Shirley, Tallahassee. The maid of honor and- the bridesmaids were fashioned. ' identically and carried baskets identical to that of . the matron of honor. Miss Sherry Andrews, nece of the groom served as flower r1, She too wore a floor length pink dotted swiss dress and carried a basket filled with pink rose petals. James Patrick and Charles Joseph Norton, nephews of. the bride, served as the ring Sbearers. Billy Arrant, tr-r..r .,. .of the groom, was chosen to serve as best .man. Ushers for the occasion.were :;. i', . .W Ne~,, brother of .the t d. William Ellis '.,r*..,.', corsage., ., John Whkeler, H j r Her- RECEPTION rington 'and Blakely Thoma- Following thep ceremony the son, all- of I'.: s, Joe.. bride's parents entertained The 'tr-,,,h._ of the bride 'with a receptipn-in the home chose for, her .'daughter's of Mrs. Floyd C. Lister, Sr. .-.tiir.g a. Fi ...4 s.:.'- gown on Lake Alice, The party ,ig I."..dl. ,e .trimin *1 ..r.: -' 4. ,.'' i ns..r..h,'u t ,r I ,t._ also ',*.-*.. .' ,.. .ro e'1 '$,nh ~r rir -' r ', .'. a ,-I.-*.* r, h..r eorsag i_':. ', r. .. r -. ' ?tM t A r. ,1P I Tr f t,\ *, MRS. CHARLES ARRANT. guests on' the softly lighted patio, er-'-:r'g them punch, assorted sandwiches and refreshments., They were then introduced to the receiv- ing line by Mrs. Ted Whit- field, Jr. in the 3a ..i:. room. Upon leaving the receiving r. guestswere r'.iz-J. ,fS i r': Mj.. i,*, arit W .o N',r..,i of the.: rd,, who 4% iPbride's Mc 1) A Mrs. Rodney Herring and Mrs. Donald Gilmore attend- ed the bride's table, which' was overlaid with a .lovely lace cover and was ,.,.r..'i with a beautiful three tier ". i,'Ir'. cake. Two -three branch silver, candelabra .decorated with pink sweet- heart, roses enhanced the table. i..- f-/ h ." J ,h" Mrs. Frank Lucas, Mrs. Tommy Wray, Mrs, Bill Smith of Panama City, Mrs. Alice Machen and Mrs. Morris Poole of Port St. Joe. Serving as floor hostesses .for the evening were Mrs. Cornella Canning, Mrs. Irene Connell, Mrs. Edward Gil- bert,,Mrs. George Cooper and Mrs. Floyd Lister. For her wedding trip the bride chose a ice blue knit dress with matching jacket and accessories. She also word the orchid which had been the center piece of her bouquet. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Out of town guests included Mrs. !:,. .:. 'r. Lewis of T-- -'.*: Ga.; Hansen Lewis, Mrs. Elaine Lucas, Mrs. Stephanie '., Mr. and .Mrs ... W '-"W Mr. and Mrs. tf" .-- ,:.:r and Mrs. Nan Chance, all of Panama c.-. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J2r,',:.. F ri e .- :.; M r. and Mr P.- E.-&'. Miss Barbara E. i'., Kenneth SV.' : Mr. and Mrs.. Randall all of '.'..: o Mrs. Theo M .- Troy, Ala.; Mrs. J. W. r!': Billy '.. Miss 0 '*... Arrant, Mrs. Joy Andrews and ... .,,.". "' Johnny, David, Bobby, -..i:4 and 9._ i, .. Mrs. Donald Arrant and 1. .'.ter Adrian, all of " ,,- F" u ,- ;, ,: ...ro..r l, . Port St. Joe. Colley Watkins, Apalachi- cola; Mrs. Margaret Godfrey Chipley; Mr. and Mrs 'Jim Cooper, Miss Alice Sue Cooper, Gainesville; Mike Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Baxley, Miss Sue Sue Shirley, all of Tallahassee; Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Hembree, Cocoa. Dr. and Mrs. Cliff Price, Dr. Brad Price, Miss Nan Price, Mr. Lewis Price, all of Austin, Texas; Mrs.. Char- lotte Kelley, Livingston, Ala.; Miss Mary Briggs, Selma, Ala.; Mrs. Ruby Sue Wil- Iai.. Miss M Vrir-i Bram- mer, ~.1, -. ;'h Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Norton, Masters Bill, Jim. and. Joe Norton of Port St. Joe. Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. H_.i,.':'. v. of Route 3, announce the birth of a son, Robert Edward, June 5,. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas W. .Burns, Port St. Joe, announce the ',.r,,'i of a son, J311:. Wayne, June 10. Mr. and Mrs. ,-.I',.,,t W. Vnon Sr., \phl.b.i hn ol.f announce the birth of a son, Mr.. and Mrs. Robert Jones, Cory DeWayne, June 25. Mrs. ,Nella .*.,. .-i.. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Ashley *',..,. Mr, and i., .L. 111 North Pa: Mrs. .T:L.'- .'-J. Allison Avenue, announce the bir and 1in. Mr and Mrs. John of a ,*,-r Shaneat '.. ".1 ~ Mr. Blakely Thoma- i ,,.... June 25. son, Miss 1't. i. Thomason, S,,'.o H. n;..-t1 all of Port CARD OF THANKS St. Joe- Mrs. -Alice ... Mrs. We would like to r-,,, Janet King, Mrs. Code House, our thanks to the fine peop Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Baxley, of our ...a,nanll ,. for th( Miss ,.j, Baxley, Mrs. ,. ,*., -. help an Jacque Price, Mr. and Mrs concern during the di.,, Ken Herring, Mr. and Mrs. and death of our husba Tom Ford and son Tommy, and father. Mrs. Alice Machen, "Karen We would also like to tha and Tina -.1. ...*-,. Mrs. everyone for the a%.i. -.l-), .*.,'. ,., Kennedy; Mrs. of food, flowers and car P-..,i-,. Rogers, Mrs. Mar Also we wish to express garet Ard, Mrs. Marie special thanks to the nur Robinson, M. Sharon Rob- and doctors for ,,.!' spec. inson, Mrs. Eloise k- attention given to him wh Mrs. Barbara 1A A' Miss in the n .iv-e' -. "" Mr. and Mrs. May God bless each a 1 ... Mrs, Alfred Joines, everyone of you. Mrs W. L. .'i .., Mrs. Grace ..S',. Miss N., ., The r. r, of ..; '. Margaret Carl L. Dees ...'r l,, ,. ,,I Subsci e foThe Sar E. rk rth ;ta I., ile eir nd nd nk 11, ds. a ses ial ie nd Final Wedding Plans Final wedding plans for Miss Carole Lamberson and William Michael Kahl have been announced by the bride-elect's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Lamberson, The double-ring ceremony will take p.;,:et' S,';r..- *.. July 14, at 2:30 p.m. in 'R. sanctuary of the First Pres- byterian Church in Port St. Joe, with the Rev. Hugh Daniel -. :... ;'. Immedi- ately ,..'i. m- the ceremony, the bride's ,.-,.'' : will host a ' '. ',* in the .'**, ri! of the church. No local .' ''-!n.,i.- have been sent, but all friends and relatives are invited to attend the A. lii and r.-t,.,. i.,, Courses Offered Gulf Coast i *,, I', n ',.],-,:.' will begin two com- .',,.Ii)- service short courses next week, it was announced today by Bob M,.i 1 .I.Ai,. dean of .. .iii.;n'J ,_ education, A short course in "Decou- page" will begin at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 10, at Wewa- hitchka High School. The course will be taught by Jeanne McDermott and course fee will be tI- ,. "Investments and the Stock Market" will begin at 7 p.m. 1,,.rl ., .im, *." :in Room 100 of the Business l;'l.hii,', on the Gulf Coast campus. It will be *.ch i by Jerry Fulcher and the course fee will be f.' i Persons'interested in ,*. .I course or in the ,i.',i.iI', of .'.miar;, education at *,d.'n Coast are ,,..I to contact the office of ,. r:,uh; education. WM. CHAFINS VISIT HERE Mr. and Mrs. William Chafin and daughters from t.,,l .ni Ala. have been Sv..iI |'1 '- .A* friends (RETAIN THIS WORKSHEET) DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENUE SHARING 1900 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20226 S .. .. .'..:.,. y of revenue sharing funds affected the requirements of -'.-' '. : -..-.. INCREASE NO EFFECT LESSENED DEBT INCREASE TOO SOON TO .... PREDICT EFFECT * *.1 : .. t : .*. .. I -. : '. Revenue i Funds affect the tax Jeves of your juris- diction? Check as many as apply. ENABLEDREDUCING THE RATE OF A MAJOR TAX. SPREVENTED1 INCREASE IN RATE OF A MAJOR TAX PREVENTED ENACTING . A NEW MAJOR TAX OPERATING/MAGNTENA ..PRIORTY EXPENDITURE ACTUAL EXPENDITURES THE GOVERNMENT OF HAS USED ITS REVENUE SHARING PAYMENT FOR THE PERIOD BEGINNING JRN i,. - ENDING .. 19: IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON A TOTAL PAYMENT OF ACCOUNT'NO. J:i ; -' L '',i --fRT ST --r T-. ,, P.rT ST ,j! FLCFfRI REDUCED AMOUNT OF RATE INCREASE OF A MAJOR TAX. NO EFFECT ON TAX LEVELS TOO SOON TO PREDICT --7 NCE EXPENDITURES PERCNiiT USED FOR~t MAIN'TENANC OFEISM PUBLC SAFETY $ NVIRONMENTL PROTECTiON. TRANSPORTAT ON HEALTH $ 5 . RECREATiON 6 I LIBRARIES FNANCIAL $ ADMINISTRATION 9 TOTAL ACTUAL C iEAWNG/MAiN- e TENANCE XPEN- _OTURES 1 S .-' (Pease Read Instruction F'). ... --. have been advised that a complete copy of this report has been published in a local newspaper of general circulation I -have records documenting the contents of this report and they are. open for public and news media scrutiny. Additionally, I certify that I am the chief executive officer and, with respect to the entitlement funds reported hereon, I certify that they have not been used in violation of either the priority, z,:' .- .':-' requirement (Section 103) or the matching funds .: -'..rc i: action 104) of the Act. (0) TRUSTr-FUND REPORT Revenue Sharing Funds Received Thru June 3.0. 1973. . $ 49,633.00 Interest Earned . . .. $ 995.51 --= Total L.'.i,.a: i .......... $ 50,628.51 Amount Expended . ... $ -0- Balance . . ... 50,623.51 '-PUURPOSE ',.' (E) CAPITAL EXPENDITURES ACTUAL ACTUAL EXPENDITURES MF PIERCE SD F UlNO EQUIPMENT E0?dSTAJCTON ACGUISIYWN M5 M -0 10 MULTI- PURPOSE AND $ % % % % G-ENERALGOVT. -0- EDUCATION0 HEALTH. 0 0 0 TRANSPORTATION $ % % % % 14 SOCIAL $ % % % % DEVELOPMENT 15 HOUSING& COMMUNITY $ % % % % DEVELOPMENT 16 ECONOMIC $ DEVELOPMENT /0 ENVIRONMENTAL $ % CONSERVATION PUBLIC SAFETY $ -0- -0- % % % RECREATION $ 0 % % % CULTURE 20 OTHER(Specify) $ 21 OTHER(Specify) $ 2oo$ % % % % 22OTHERSpecify $ % % % % TOTAL ACTUAL D CAPIAL EXPENDI- $P "0- TURES /; IQNATITURE OFcHIEF Cl If'VE OFFICE / :Frank Pate, Jr., -layor . NAME & TITLE- PLEASE PRINT The Star. Port St. Joe, Fla. July 12, 1973 NAMEOF NWSPAER LAr II RUldzMur DEBT RETIREMENT (J) - ~---mslsr~ r-" , rA 1 --1 i "7 T , .. I S" 6S33 /&, ,, 7, 5;, /J v - DATE PUBUSHED NAME OF NEWSPAPER THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 PAGE FIVE Part of Summer Program Comes to A Conclusion Kitchen Shower Honors Carole Lamberson, July Bride-Elect "-A kitchen'shower ..iiirr, July'"bride4lect, Miss Carole Lamberson was held recently -in the home of Mrs. George McLawhon, Sr., and cohosted by Mrs. Martin Bowman, Mrs. McClain Elder, Mrs. Elmore Godfrey, and Mrs.' Edward Wood. The honoree was attired for the event in a lovely printed summer frock complemented by a white carnation corsage with multi-colored ribbon. The bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Dick Lamberson, was also :. ~ ..] a carnation corsage. . The refreshment table was. covered with a green cloth' overlaid "With a -ce tablecloth. A festive .: ,: ginger ale and sherbet was served fforin a '...' . crystal p .. :. centered around .. The T.,=-!*<. .., .,' ** "; ": .'-. r) a devotional' on a wife's role in *:' by .Mrs. Hugh Daniel. F :I.... n,i.. .7.,,, the guests were entertained, with S-' '; games. " Pictured .`above (left to right) are Mrs. Edward Wood, Mrs Dick Lamberson, mother of the honoree, The Remedial f.ir..i F .: r:" ends this '. for some 110 .!: who have, -.. .. *' I ,i. ; : 'J "7 'o '. "* '- ; <*'.,' site s in "' .' recreation *," to the Fourth of" ..- and f trips All of the* '. .. recreation sites .'.r, to be open for two more weeks from tomorrow, July 13. TENNIS TOURNAMENTS Tennis, .. will be held on r.* r.-. courts beginning '.-dr =.- July 18 for the various age brackets. All who wish to enter the tournaments shouldd sign up with Mr.. Scott by .r ;,, July 6 T .r ' brackets are.: .. . 10-11; .:- and 14-15. Adult Tennis Tournament E .-,..;. o,,- i have indica- ted interest to .,-; :' a, tournament for them. This tournament A.N t. 1 -the week of July 23. ..'' .',-'i who are interested in enter- ing see %'.n r, Scott or .,'d Lewter . If- the tournament a great number of *:.i- it Miss Carole Li': ., ---. the honoree, Mrs. Martin. Bow- man, Mrs. '*-- ., McLaw- hon, Sr., Mrs. McClain Elder, and Mrs. Elmore, Godfrey. Miss Lamberson will become the bride of Michael Kahl on July 14. VAN HORN'S At Beacon Hill Now Open Under New Management Dancing Fri., Sat. 9:00 EST ! M iusic by SOmmerstock i can be Ae..d into : age nr '.r p At the present, anyone 16 years of age and i4 may enter. ANNUAL FISHING RODEO The Fishing Rodeo will be, held the week of July .: for ages infant 'r.- :- 12. Ribbons will be awarded for the largest and second largest fish and i.,- n ;r .-.- fish in a species caught. Cane or wooden poles and live bait must he used. The fishing will be in the Court House and Marvin Avenue canals from 5th .**..:'g 16th Streets, Fishermen should sign up with Mr. Scott at the 8th St. tennis courts, and check. in all fish to be counted at the court.also. Hours will be 8-12 and 1-4 p.m. The Port St. Joe High School arts and crafts pro- gram began this week under the direction of Carl White. Any s.J.i.i .;r others interest- ed in taking arts and crafts should contact Mr. White, The North Port St.. Joe r-:' .-a''-. s program started a on 1 atH..i: tournament this week. Interest in this type basketball is high at the present time due to the tourna ament held on television. -ENGAGEMENT Mrs. Sybil Kelley, of Port St. Joe, announces the approaching marriage of her daughter Marilyn to Timothy Martian Lackey, son of Mrs. Virginia Payne Lackey of' Panama City. The wedding will be an event of July' 14 at the home of the bride-elect's grandpar- ents, Mr.. and Mrs. A. I. Rogers of Panama City. GUESTS OF GAILLARDS Guests of Mr. and Mrs. B C. Gallard have been Mr and'Mrs.:A. L. ai:.lardj and ch:idreo. -Car*%. an's fint. who are Mli.ing to"' 'h. Phillipine Islands.. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jeffer- son Fowler, .,. i. ,7.,, announce the ,: ., of their daughter, Carol _F1;.,' N to Donald Eugene N*. iA.1-k- *,i. son of Col. (ret.) and Mrs. Norbert C, ." i, kert, M,-,,.4 v.- ,. J3 The e t i'i is planned for 12. Miss Fowler ., .,... .-.r from Oviedo High School and attends the School of Dental Ii. ,i.-- at Pensacola Junior Her i.n..- graduated from Port St. Joe High School and Gulf Coast ,-mmun,.y Col- lege. He also attended the 1'n.,i-'ii, of West Florida, Pensacola. Jaycees Begin Work On Establishing Marina The Pqrt St. Joe Jaycees have undertaken a project to check into the I.. -.iib., of. ,, in1 u: a new marina'in the Port-St. Joe area. It was the. consensus of opinions of the ii.,,.n h'. of the Jaycee r i.- that is was a disgrace a county with as much ,ih and fresh water as Gulf r,,iii, has should not have a decent marina. They propose to try to do something about it. The Jaycees of Port St. Joe will try to locate suitable and available sites for the marina. They will also try to determine what federal and state funds are available for construction of these two projects. Armed with this information, the Jaycee club then plans to encourage the appropriate governmental agencies to apply for the needed funds and construct the much needed marina facilities. The Port St. Joe Jaycee club will be doing a real service for the people of Gulf Conty in securing the marina. It is anticipated that they will have the full support of, the. people in the area. Their efforts will no doubt be long remembered and long appre- ciated. It is hoped that the marina can be completed and be ready for use for the Gulf County Golden Anniversary Celebration that 'is being planned for June 1975. An eight (8) day event is being planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the forming of Gulf County. Bus Will Pick Up Campers Camp Victory in Hacoda, Alabama will send a bus to pick up campers for the teenage Pay Camp July 23-28, This is the camp for boys and girls seventh grade and up. The cost is $20.00 plus transportation fees and spending money. For a registration blank and more information, please call Mrs. Billy Quarles at 22426. . Swim Team Makes Showing in Contest St. Joseph's Bay. Country Club Swim Team, newly organized, showed again last Saturday the stuff St. Joe youngsters are made of. They competed against the Tallahassee YMCA Swim Team and made an admir- able showing against this more experienced team. First Place individual win- ners and their respective events, are as follows: 25 yd. free style, Patrick May; 25 yd. butterfly, Patrick May; 25 yd. backstroke, Willard Paul Gilbert; 50 yd.. back- stroke, Patricia Colvin; '100 yd. free style, Vicki Land; 100 yd. breast stroke, Vicki Land; 200 yd. Individual Medley, Dianna Sealey; and 100 yd. freestyle, Andy May. Second place winners and events: 100 yd. breast stroke, Christie Taylor; 25 yd. breast stroke, Mari Jem Harrison; and 50 yd. free style, Patricia Colvin. Third place individual win- ners and events: 25 yd. free style, Vicki Barlow; 50 yd. butter fly, David Lawrence; and .100 yd. breast stroke, Dianna Sealey. Others competing in med- leys and relays and bringing home first, second, third an fourth placeribbons were: Kip Altstaetter, Vicki Bar- low, Patricia Colvin, Jerry Colvin, Jim Costin, Vic Gilbert, Willard Paul Gilbert Marl Jem Harrison, Davic Lawrence, Andy May, Pat- rick May, Dusty May Christie Taylor, Rick TayloI Bonni Treace. Bob Lang, Vicki Land Diana Sealey, Joe Whitehead Beverly Beard, and Michae Hinson. The Team will be compete ing in a two-day AAX sponsored meet at Killeri Country Club in Tallahasse4 on July 20 and 21. Needed Immediately!! Boys and Girls of all ages . WHEN?-Every Friday nite WH E R E?-The Lighthouse WHY?--To Have Fun. WHAT TIME?--8:00 12:00 No Admission Free Refreshments Live Entertainment Informal Come On! And get wira w4h QLhha.j ut , Engagement Announced CA~*eROLgi H~t'~crr 1 . .... ... ......., .." ... ... PAGE SIX THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 Game and Fresh Water Fish People 'Oppose River Dams Tallahassaee- The Game and Fresh Water Fish -Commission has reaffirmed its position opposmg altera- tlons of the ApalachuCola River in northwest Florida. "According to Dr 0 E :-Frye,' Commasion dare"or, * the Commission first opposed alterations or the Apalarhi- *cola River with a re~oition o* n February 7 .1973. This action was followed with a4 position, statement at the public hearing .in Marianna on June 27 and at the meeting of the Comminis.io>r in Tampa. "oni JXne " '. rye .said,; "The .CoM iso- 'ion has maintained a 'detail- *,'ed bblolgiram %.rin. S River smrce 1 with the *.-pimary obje'ti.v- it protect- W int the uniqe aish and' wildlife resources of the rn'er .bsan. He added, "Phymc, a lter- atMS in th8 Ap.Sdnr-la River are f acl or that. influence fish and w.-dl-if, and we feI these vaiblei recreational rtsource4 will *suIfer at I h ex per'e --of comier projects are-approved., She Apalach irc.a River and its adjlerr ?flo.d plain provide ha~om fo roAunerous species, of sport fish and wildlife as well a" ,:-'ra - rare ripeti. o,..@f rP. v. ":'- amjpai'tan at d fi.hE,-' .TMe' C. mission is r ar-.*- w . ing w*ddide and fresh water quo.alt. i.e and ,p aerat-ns aoftthe Apa.i,"s ..a Rov er BUSINESS. FORMS and LETTERHEADS You can rely on us to give you prompt service. We pride ourselves on doing. quality work for our cus- S.tomers. We. guarantee -your atis- faction, THE STAR Phone 227.314 *1'I- -- ^ v t, ..-* --B ^ ..-^ ^4 -~04 CL- 0~ low 0 Affiliated Hospital Products, Inc. Ramsey, who also won this award in 1971, topped the $1,000,000 sales figure for the second straight year. Ramsey is the Affiliated SEq,~.r '.et specialist cover- ing the Alabama, East Tennessee, and Eastern and Central Kentucky territory. The E pri.'' Division of Affiliated Hospital Products, Inc. manufactures Affiliated -r.T i-",- tables, Carrom patient room furniture, I: obstertrical 46 0 -E E cn :0. 4w4 M" - DON RAMS Don Ramsey Sales Volum James A. ', .:.:, Nation- al Sales Manager for the r. .,'.:rh: ri, Division of Affil- iated Hospital i'.r .. .. Inc announced that Don Ramsey has been named the 1972 SalesVolume Leader. op- r L Ii 0 t T at t a - and ach voh the SEE WILMER TH For Your New, PONTIACS and at LLOYD PONTIAC-C 980 Harrbion Avm Panama City, Ilorda tables and exam room furii- ture, and Wilson stainless steel hospital equipment. Money Raised for Sue Harrison Fund Mrs. Verna M. Smith has collected $200.00 from friends -for the Sue Harrison Fund. The money has been deposit- ed in the Sue Harrison Fund at the Florida First National Bank. Subscribe to The Star iTHE I I SUPERMARKET Offers You . I jI -record i albums, 1 1. The newest brand name LP's, I singles and tapes available in rock, iEY soul and country and western. CALL 22946332 TO ORDER F Iir m'~ if ad.ist is not in stock, special * S .' orders are made weekly. Most e Leader, t.i rns are within one to two days. S' 2. Faiy Reading Center 'he award wa Comic Books: Sgt. Rock, Spider- * .e, in Nassau Bahamas man, Tarzan, Ghost Stories, Archie I I goes to- the man who I Magazines: Cars, Choppers, TV., I ieves the highest sales Movies, 'Sonq Books, Teen, Mc-.. ime '. .. products of - r,,( Divisioof Cosmopolitan, Jet, Rolling ^^.-^ I^ I Stone, Sports and more. 1 3. Handmade Candles, one, two and I I three lobes. Hanging and table I U RSBA Y candles, heavy scented to last. or un 4. Black lights, Posters, and Incense. I CADILACS I" 5. Pfanstiehl diamond needles. CADILLACS i SConversation and I Air Conditioning Free. I .ADILLACn.. IiLocation- Corner of -:A-LLAC c.I I'REID AND SECOND I Office ron m 684317 In ihe Red, White, Blue I Wim rhee7s3-9 and Gold Building "SUPER'RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF T-BONE STEAK ........ $1.89 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CLUB STEAK ....... $1.89 "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK STEAK......NE B98c "SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN BEEF CHUCK BONELESS STEAK .... $1.39 "SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN BEEF SOOULER " SWISS STEAK B.*.ONE.LESS $1.49 QUICK, FRO N mZ DEU. MARVEL ORANGE; GRAPE or CHERRY FRUIT DRINKS.... AO4/$1.00 i -aukee m Borden Instant Non-Dairy Creamer 12 C ans ' Cremora o 89c 8o9 Schil it AAP. 100-: FLORIDA FROZEN (12 oz. Can) nRAMrF IIIIrF i/1 n I VIEFII#Vb R .-Pa SULTANA BRAND (With Tomato Sauce) PORK & BEANS.......* 39c GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL (17 oz.) or NIBLETS CORN....* 4/$1.00 CHECK & COMPARE! OUR OWN TEA BAGS. to? 89cX #NE PARKER 0. r-MY ROLLS LK . RAZILIAN AKY ROLLS.... CO~EE NE PARKER DONUTS AROSTED BALLS..., INE PARKER A ~ucerrc iii urn -1 f 07 A tiT IWO k TEXIZE (LIQUID DETERGENT) HEAVY DUTY ALUMINUM FOIL SULTANA PINK LOTION...... 3sZE 3/$1.00 REYNOLDS WRAP.... ROLL 59c GRAPE JELLY...... AR 49c .os....[ -* .. ASSORTED FLAVORS REGULAR or DIET ASSORTED FLAVORS BEVERAGE MIX S SAVE 15c a YUKON CLUB....'CA 10/89c CHEERI-AID...... 5/29c IM ESTEA CHECK & COMPARE! BREAKSTONE YOGURT ICED TEAMIX IS TOM'C ATO 150 oz. W o. A WITH',.A-$ HUNT OS oN 28cSWISS PARFAIT.. 4/$1.00 WILTOH ITHOu SAUCE ** ** CAN CUP S OBTS COUP" RGUApoRN GREEN GIANT A&P BRAND x JAR RETAIL" SWEET PEAS;.... .' 4/51.00 CRESCENT ROLLS.... A 331c THIS COUPON IS EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUN., 7/15/73. ANN PAGE LARGE or SMALL STUFFED SILVERBROOK : 'H w'w OLIVES............. '. 79c PURE BUTTER...... 179c PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH 'SUNDAY, JULY 15, 1973 IN ALL A&P STORES IN ALL OF THE CITIES LISTED IN THE r. in Fifth S trAt Port St. Joe (12 Ct. P 3/S1I PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe.Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 Kitchen' Chatter Are you searching for a different idea for lunch? These recipes are easy to prepare and so very tasty as well as 5I:. n i. For really economical recipes-you can depend on these, TOASTED CHEESE CUPS 6--8 slices of thin sandwich bread 3 'tF- melted butter or margarine S 1 tblsp. grated Parmesan cheese Trim crusts from bread. Brush one side 'of each slice with melted butter or marga- rine. Sprinkle with the grated cheese.. Place the slices, buttered side down, in cups of large hole muffin pan; press around sides to form a patty shell. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Fill with S. reamed tuna, or creanied ,gi!',-'.i beef, . M I' 1 CHIPPED BEEF Place chipped beef .in' colander and pour t.uiiA water over it. v r.w,,%,.. .*m- of the salt. Stir in a can;:of cream:of mushroom soup and heat. Serve in toasted cups topped with a slice of hard Spoiled egg olCREAMED TUNA IN CHEESE CUPS ?. 2 cans ,."- *o each) tOna 9C pkg ',.a, s and 1 vegetable ..i c... ub, u* 1 CUp '.,i water 'A cup chopped onion . S4 cup h.p. -, green 00 peppers 0 2 Q-p. oil (tuna oil or S-cooking.oil) 2 on' i- flour SC Dash pepper egg beaten 3 slices -.I'A I .:- (i *ien cheese C 6-8 toasted cheese cups Drain the tuna, reserving the oil. Break the tuna into large pieces. Cook the peas and carrots .,. ...i,., to is-l.' directions, drain. Dissolte4he-beaill eb. in -77" water. Cook ononn o.I reeo pepper in oil until .k-rE4I Blend in the flour Afid pepper..J .,nil,.. gradil- ly and cook until thickened, ti'i ,a .....,-.,.i,-t iy. Add- a6 little of ,,-I ", c< T %,- I. , beaten egg, Irr ni f l blended. Add to the .-in yi ing sauce and stih i d smooth. Remove fronq,.. heat and add the coo.d vegetables and tuna, ..< l Pour into toasted breaJi ..;-, and place a quarter slicof cheese on top. Bake in a Nt oven, 400 degrees F. for 0 kg5j minutes. Let stand hn 00 minutes before serving. 'To 0f decorate the top after ren*v- ing from oven, use cheese c spread from an aerol container. Pile cheese higiFin center of each cheese squ4;e. Makes 6-8 servings. ncEESrE PruF... ... 4PKGC: -.4NE PARKER Trailers OITATO CHIPS...... BAG 59c ad oa J ANE PARKER DANISH Add Road PECAN RING........ ,RN59c Hazards -;JNE. PARKER LARGE SIZE (9_0z. Size) GEL F CAKE... c Tallahassee-Drivers o "*y U t *. ".. O towraeder on their sumnr 'r* ''':'* ... ":": ** *.- '- /*Al.^- :"'* oUtifgs "are "hitching up'" o added responA-.bhdLtes & e '"Y1t by ghwe Pat Patrol d EVERYDAY LOW PRICE o day " Colonel 'Eldrige Bea i, .Patrol ,director said, 'lh- DcS R T Treasing uinumbers of Flora 4 families will be taking alg s rme'thin g extra on their summer outings. That 'soi~m- thing willcbe a trailed d the added responsibilities driving safely while to+,.g it.), . *Beach emphasized safgy checking taillights, br ie lights andturn signals before leaving and at intervals during the trip. ' A strong axle or frame mounted hitch is recommend- "ed by the Patrol chief andue RED and MINT FLAVORED TOOTHPASTE reminded drivers that Fi jr- CLOSE-UP. oz. 69c .da statutes require a safty. CLO SE-UP ,0*0 069e, TUBE cha in from theatrailer to the towing vehicle to. restrain d;e WHE A SAVE I Oc trailer f the hitch should da l. OUR OWN Remember our exa ICED TEA MIX and.passing. Increase follow- With' Lemon & Sugar ing distances to allow ,or WITH 24 OZ. I c WITHOUT stopping because of Oe THIS o JCOUPON added weight," said Beach.. COUPON JAR 89c THIS COUPON IS EFFECTIVE THRU SUN., Colonel Beae concludedby JULY 15, 1973. saying other drivers shoid S- remember that motoi'sls ,pulling trailers have these ITEMS IN THIS AD.. ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL OR extra responsibilities and WHOLESALE DEALERS. CUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED.TO REASON- should display a little extra AtLE QUANTITIES. courtesy toward them. * Banquet. 8 oz. 'pkg. POT PIES ea. 231 Cap'n John's Frozen FishSticks. .... - SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS FRESH Beef Liver .... 69 CAPIJ JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN . SHRIMP COCKTAIL 3/$1.1 inii mr ivi JA SULTANA SALAD DRESsING u I ---rWfF-M- I 0 0 0 o/o pleumV PAGE EIGHT _THE STAR; Port St. Joe, Fla THURSDAY, JULY 12. 1973 STOYOUR GOOD HEALTH! S' i Pharmacist at ou'r Rexali Drug Sto r g hep'r, jfG ij f-i You r' odir ifb t1sPen ,r.ig oir pre .,.i ",mie ,, C.Ir.es prorlptiy As A w :- t. at ano fine CiVe ; h-u'i four ru time 3 ,i: fv 2, h:r B UZZETT' S DRUG STORE. Pb 227-3371 317 WioDinb Co eIoneilno Drived-n Window Plenty of Free Parking Zoning ;. (Conminu ed (fonr Poaqi 1)" S,*ver. At4 lh.Ah4,IV' h, .4-A k r, in J Lartax M'i-r., standard 'IL aits i .'.:"f 'P f St. '.Joe h d' 1.4 hr.r- v, ,t.. ,i, the O1 t ER '.%1l;INI.l.S I. Pid I. .. k'i- --H.'ar. .a -.. that .,: d't 0~, 0.'-*,.t .for .,,. o. p.'- ,h 't h'-. ..ni"r,* i .. , .'," Port St, Jo. , I *.I*r, 'vc.i. 't ...' for. next 1Hpf" a" r..t.- ..a of" are tou 'Vr" i .,brd set oa eF.I ' for next SAl t .. ..a.veived a ..t,'- .. < *, ,m 0".'...fFl '-, trof. i I I for ,.,Sf o r C.-? .,J. befo re : - : made l r. r' tthe manufacturer S t.: to sell .the pump to Legal Ad NOTC OE PAPPLI CATI O FOR TAXDEED NOTICE IS IERE'BY GIVE That eor.e G. Tapper holder of Tax Certflcate No. 2, issued the 7th day of June A.D. 1971 has filed same in my- 'office and has made appication for a tax deed to be issued thereon. Saidcertificate embraces the fflow, ing described property in the County of .*Gulf., State of Florida to wit: Lots 35 and i Block ST Cape S n The assessment of the sane property under the sadl ertificate issued ws in : Unless sad cert I itcafe hel Thab Sredeeme a according to l'aw the property desecribed,therein will be sold to the hlhest bidder at the court houe .of August, 1973, which is the 6th day of August, 1973, at u aih E. DT: . Dated this 28th day of June a3. -s. GEORGE Y. CORE Cerk of Circuit CourtaL Gulf Countye Florida hSEAL) IN THE CIRCUIT COURT GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA In Rp: Petition of LEON TEMPLES HOBBS for the adoption of GREGORY MICHAEL LEWIS, a minor. NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO: Raymond Robbins whose last known residence and Post Office address was Highland Avenue, Battle Creek, Michigan. YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action. for the adoption of the -minor child, Gregory Michael Lewis, has been filed in the above styled Court, and you, as natural Father are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to It on Honorable Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Petitioner's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before the 13th day of August, 1973, and file the original with the Clerk of. this Court either before service on Petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief .demanded In the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on July Sth, 1973. GEORGE Y.. CORE Clerk of Circuit'Court Gulf County, Florida 4t 7-12 Fred Witten Installed As Lions Club President The installation banquet for the 1973-74 Port St. Joe Lion's Club was held at the St. Joseph's Bay Country Club on. 'July 2nd. 1973-73 zene chawoman and 1973-74 '-deputy district 'governor, Roy Mer- cer *.i- A; in lw iScer Tho inialld eri and therr Those in't~,aed and their Ero-.e .gtdve jobs are: President, Fred Witten-; 1st Vice Pr uid-r.t. Jim 'Bennett;, secondyice-.Pr.iit .rut We' Sdeif, MibTake. tsd -t. Jackson. "Tail*:, .' AEr Roy Burch; i,..,,, 'T: rar rF/rr Abbott; .One, year' r ,'- Bob M/.tf, C W R,.>. &r..t PhF i isrt,.ka (pats P ''.;r t, and Two year ed." ir' Robert 4'iU r--..J "Ed- Dewitt. . ",- l,.t ,, -r. : t e : .( ,'' '. ;., were awarded, to rr ,,,_ ; ' Grace for"- his I. ,:d ' '<"'.-[n to the-.club in the f 2 ,riidE,,.tP -.r, of and, if"' !,r.It- ,of v-'" e ,...r.: .for those f, :. ,; ;'" {,_>, (. hi ji,. -, r o .p,'J V v*.'^ t'-A' 1,i .-. Perfect attendance. awards * .:' .F vl I' IS I. F "] .4.. 'f g.,' IF,,, '. r, M ,;.:.iA .".hf," i ,, ,..t'i ii.. fal.h V., 'i il pa '. - f. ph e, .. ; .i '.. 1 . and, return the. auls'. Creek Road to '. s -, i, 'I - tear rest30 .. ''. i f Brown V -4 man ' n -,ear I, ,. .,' ,f . c n e, t.i h I.t.. .,'- b e '...a i Wewa Man Ar rested Gulf l ...,' [ -. '.. n t '. mo d Lawren ce announced the ard rest he. Satr s' C.~' of a o i .. ..3 .in. s " connection with. a breaking and, the IGA Food store inWewahitchka. The a rested ThGuf ,,.,u cut himself on some brokence annu when hed enteredth e arre st ...o,'re... of Police Glas , d... .,- trailed theIGA Fod Store *i wewahitehka.' The 19,breaking and entering oemoney stolen from the store. of According to, a t.:.. t report, Nunnery was under Polie influence..,, of drugs a the was charged with-by ... Shbreakinriff and entering with raient the boodntinued from Pathe )store to wife Acordingate to attend the clubreport, Nunnery Also, it willas underpass the influencickets will be available drugs at the No. time for each participantnery was cha prgeaid withe breakingtry fee Fiandrs ente prizeng willth intent to championship trophy. There ) willfe or date a trophy for lowhe medalist on Saturday. Receiving certificates were: Phil Barton, Pre-idun- ir. Bennett, 1st Vice Prpe'erp Wendell HWt':ki.-r ;-nd ls ' President; Bobby, Jackson, ,Secretary-Treasurer; Tail. twister; Fred Eir rg.(. Bob Philips, Lion Tamer; Charles Norton, f.tunin pr.i't. Horse Show,. and .r'... H %,' .vi 'd '.:-chairman Spring The Port St. .j,- iL .... *,:,:- h.. rt most successful, year sin fe ,. r :t; ru .,,. ,_,r .the' ''.-: year. $421.00 was spent for e 'p. .rw ',for :i.. '. Atlk', .. purchase them. 'The shotgun raffle held in the fall cleared t:la'f. m l h' of w. At'.".._. '-i" ..,;from P. St Joe, Wewa,.'and The' annual zone . held .in Port St. Joe in .. -r, cleared $71.88. More attendance was present .r r: -tr 'r. .:t .r. ,'zone m .. project ever Over 7 .. i .".. '. '*-r e r . I) r. j ,', *:;".',' ,' '. . Praised .G Sheriffn .. .'- ;,,, been involved in a number such s",' ,, *, |_.i. '. l', =. -,.'.i'.r I-k' '. keep '.O f. i of ": ,stand-, ', ..: l jor deputy road patrol ri' nd. ' Rescue . i'r q. . S* .... .-,, r ,moonshine Th hPraiseded .' '.* 1 !_-,. -. r i.l'-. r ''," '. ^*..v.1', :..".. e * started this a umbweek .n the S, k range '. of the ff80 Hour Course that is' r, , by the,- F I d : _., Stan- dards Board This Course is .:- ,..6 t ._ .t ,o , aryman the ..necessary train ing to back up a regular law enforcement officer. Sheriff Lawrence says, "We in the department are pr..'oud of our. .'.I.' moonshire a d te worked that they are ' doing, and I know th people are proud of rr-ba .too Each flight will have three prizes awarded Cash value .. f th . oHf me Courchandise will be as' '* Runnby the. r-up, $590;, : and Third. aryMembers and their guestain whoing to notback up a regular law enforcement ffwill pay $1000er andper couplthe artwork that they are nigEach flight will have three night dance. Read the Classified Ads contest m .i. .,i...' with Built Christmas fldt for las parade. ' The scoreboard at .'Shark ".4 .,.r a past ;' 'of Si .. Club "' .... and ..''. at a cost .'of. $2006 The local club has ,:. 11 new members -. f he year: Ed ", Code House, Rex Wilkinson, Frank, .l.*.. Charlie Morris, Al ]Ray, E:.. : L .. :: Bob ..- Bill : - ''', Whitehead and Jerry Daniels. I The L1". of the 'Year Award", voted by 'h. '.' ,bers 'of the club the .. r .'. :, most for,. the club .was won by Charles The local club is ,.'' .. .', 35-F of the Florida Lions and was under the .' ;.. f District Gove'rn., -: g .L -." ,,',. :'c...',.'- ; '.'. J ess */'' '!..*. i ',I :,-'-" is the .* ',; '. .**, .'- ':. :'.' 1973-74.' Bible Group Adds To Harrison Fund The. Marie Jones Bible Class of the First United Methodist Church has made a donation to the Sue Harrison Fund in the amount of $30.0W This has been deposited in the Florida First National Bank. LOWRYS VISITING HERE Mr Mrs. Mike LU.-rv from L' I.;'i-.,.L T4"iner-.,-f are i. this week . th beaches and , :','/ .with their' parents, Mr and Mrs. Charles L.': , i "and Mrs. William. Counts. Mets Holding Two Day Tryout Camip The -New York Mets will hold a two day tryout camp at the r',, :'.3 ,j :' ! field in V. .i ra ,i1,-v 14, h.,,. v. l '.' at 1 :930 a.m., '. I each morning. -' 17 to 20 years of age are welcome to attend r. tryouts, H i' -. - :. their shows glovesand uniforms. All 'American Legion Play- ers ..must bring a written letter of p.-''.... ..,: from their Legion Post Comman- der, or manager to attend th ese '. v- . Creamer, President of the Local. The fund is 1 T i:. raised t'i.,, 4...'i the North'.Florida, South ~.. ..: area to purchase a kidney ,i i'i -'. machine for a little girl who faces the loss of'both her kidneys. ____________ I V -P-__ _, " -EfHOEO g F .~r 'in ' u -' .. :r. l ; T. H. Phone 648-4255.'. For Rent Fr One '', fur beach ."'-' for" Smith's Pharmacy. ForNeat.One a For Rent: One at attractivply fur nished :. in summer, warm in winter. , -.I i :*.: w indow fans. ., must be seen to be appre ciated.. Contact '-.' B'.C Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. White S229-2413 or 648-3101 REA E4 A FO0 A i..r:. 15.4 acres o:,, '. po Creek. North of C. . call 229-6255 - For Sale: 1972 Monte Carlo, $3500.00. For more informa- tion call 227-5171. tfe 5-3 1965 Ford Mustang, 4 speed, good condition. 229- 6786. 2te 7-5 For Sale or Tradet, Beach Buggy. Call 229-3041 or see at 1003 Woodward Avenue. 2tc 7-12 1972 Plymouth Duster 340, . 4 barrel, 3 spd., R & H, PS, 26,,000 miles, like new.' Call Apalachicola 653-8789. 2tp 7-12 1966 Ford, 7 litre, 428 4 speed, fully loaded. Excellent condition. Call 229-1636. Itp SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR! For ~i.,- ..,. ; ..jn A 4-- 4it! .tj l *! ..- --- .-..- -- S T. 'b ... < l th .i,'r , tf'ft- Orlando ging ask ubs. For Sale: 10 x 55, For Sa,- 'conditiondition See I tic -. :.*. or eaU toe nished , .ffe-6o7 t rr-.,. hanging bask shrubs. Sey at 139 I.".';.j. .... For Sale Recondoiti KENT M-.. F l CO. Ph. 6d two 2296895 Lose weight Water Pills. Drug. with New and H1.'.,, I. f.p r.ir .'.t '. ".- ;. 10 speed ', in stock tf 28 women s. Racing ... *; .. r, a, le. ",* .! terms ... t.. western, l auto, Port St. Joe u .t tfc-9-15 -*.' ..: bottles for sale. 1 :ts Market in ;t .'h..:; Gift Si., at Mexico Beach, -., ;r'..4.', from 9 til 6. tfe 5-31 NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATER Apalachicola, Fla. Last 3 Days! Thur.-Fri.--Sat. July 12-13-14 "WALKING TALL" There will, be a regular* communication .of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,- every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. E.C. Bailey, W.M. hterbert L. Burge, Sec. R.AM.- Regular convoca tion on St. Joseph Chapter' No. 56, R.A.M., 1st and 3rd Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting companions-welcome. Willie Lee Griffin, H.P. E. William McFarland,. Sec. urpn >.,', ,. *l ,lf'r ( ,, ,,T, ; : "; > m { ,, "] ". : ., A ".' M .. .t i '" &''. P i I ,,. 'I, ', ,, ; .. .. .'*. i f, ri, F^tr, .i.s "joiur. i f Ui r-- "1 i ii'.'i'iT S\.-.229 193 6-21 6-28 Like to cut grass in St. Joe : ,' area Call, 80 229-448 tf6 -21 M7 Wanted to rent: ,-, '.*i.,' 6-21 house, i..Au! t Phone 229O'6767 . 3 745 Needs see ,, r_,_. .3 : '1302 F ''.-. '.., tfe-9-7; ned -- , For Chain Link Fence call. one f '. I '. Free S" Guarantee on labor 5 and materials. Low down payment "h .-" 227-7972. FOR THE mi:.'l In Tele vision and Sound 'come by 301 Reid Ave, and see our .' televisions: components, stereos, ,.-'.. and tapes. We have a ', j.,..' : .,. 'i . .'i K and D TV and SOUND, 301 Reid Ave., Phone 2272071. tfe 3-1 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For C:,.itn. Come by or Call 107 Second Street . Phone 227-4401 for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 AAA REFRIGERATION CO. Port St. Joe Franchise Service Repair to all Home Appliances Service on GE, Hotpoint, Westing- house, Philco, Kelvinator and others. Call Day or Night 229-.93 tfc 6-14 AB Worli. Guaranteed 4 "'.. F. ' I''' '"'I'" '.. Apaiachicola, Fla. Itc Waitress wanted. Apply in person at 1 '- r i:. 'j,, rant. .. Hetc Salesman for, new and 'used cars. Apply in person at. St. Joe Motor Co. tfc 628 Y f... ,* or '. .76 station on Monument Avenue. Call .ii. Blountstow.n, 674-8222. tfc 6-7 S'.' in person at St. Joe Motor Co. tfc 6-28 i Tanks r' ,' out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 22906694 or 229-2937, S,.. .-..,. Help with emotional problems and-os concernsn. Gulf County Guid' ance Clinic; Port St. Joe, Florida 227-2691. or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-6599. PAT'S ROOFING Free Estimates No job too small Call Day or Night 227-4713 or 229-6898 8tp 6-7 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete'Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs' Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 "Ih,,k it o slom.whing I ois.*: Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. .306 Reid Avenue Port St Joe, Florida.. 4 1 r I a tfc 7-5 * Man to "p'.-,l'i ".i '' Vehicle ir *v* i-... i' I', r meant at St. Joe Motor Co. " *I,.l' ,i i ( *d n i., **, I .* .. r .. |.- o -, repairs in '._.. ,, icola; WELDERS Paving Breaker Operators Contact Charles Hall at job site or call 670-4967 at night. -.:.....i -1 & Mur-. phree, Inc. An equal '..t'""-.',,,iT employer. tfe 7-5 For Service without delay, call KENT SERVICE today. Plumbing, electrical, appliances and air condition- ersg Repairs. Phone 229-6895. tfe .3-22 "GIGI POODLE GROOM- ING. Bath, clip & groom.. Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Highland View. Call for appointment 229-3571. tfc- 5-10 For Fast and Efficient TV Repair. Call HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR Phone 229-2782 "All Work Guaranteed 4tp 7-12 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVI. EcART HURLBUT SUPPLY CO.C 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida N rI ". "--... __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ Do You Like Music? COME TO THE SUPERMARKET Spiritual-Gospel-Easy Listening Corner Reid tndi Second St. I I r moo - 16 a '" ls ..'I.V 1'r ci '%i 5836 added $200.00 ti ior. Ste'Harrison fund last week when the Union presented a check to Ted Cannon, Treasurer 'for the fund-. ,i,, the ii-, r'atui(!.. in the ''r.i.ia. above is Edward 5 Sthriug4 SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! ! VAN CAMP -NO. 2% CANS trik 1- - 8 S3. IVU MI _ vr~o m^ PM^ It PI^ r~ ,, LS Pork and Beans ---- KRAFT DELUXE Macaroni Dinner - 3 cans 99c 14oz. 53c SESSIONS Peanut Oil ----88 oz. $2.29 McCORMICK Black Pepper -...... 4 oz. 49c PILLSBURY -- OZ OZPKG. Instant Breakfast --.- pkg. -SUMMER BSCO 1o .... -- SPECIAL 0 Vanilla Wafers 11 oz. 39c " 55c IRISH 1"t-KIN.:; DEODORANT Bath Size Bars Soap 5 - $1.00 -PRjANE DIJ--E 4".T3 Pack) . rTANG -33 oz $1.29 'GA oIGO ODLE RE CREAM OF) NO. 1 CANS Chicken Soup .4 cans SUNSHINE YPF . Crackers 59c 1 lb. pkg. 39c *SPEC AL KR"T': 'NQE 'i i. ". 1 -T T .T Chuck Roast Lb.* GOLD SEAL CAT 15% OZ. CANS Food 8 Ev IGA Evap. Milk 5 .TALL (\N.N 89c 0 SUMMER SPECIALSS Chuck Steak SDET, MONTFEARLY t ;.\i:L :N No. 03.,, Peas 3 79c ABLERITE HALF GAL. Ice Cream 59c [GA 6 OZ. CANS Orange Juice 6 cans 99c IGA (MEAT or MACARONI & CIESE) 8 OZ. Pot Pies 6 for $1.00 McKENZIt MIXED Vegetables ------- 24 oz. 59c Shoulder Roost Rib RoOst 7. Rib Steak Ground Chuck Pork Ribs ` TABLERITE -... ATOIN Pork Chops .. . = Ib. 99( lb. $1.28 T IrIALLMI W~hrs Nam Steaks, ''. MAYER .\J-D1. PAK luncheon Meats ;-1b.399t lb. pkg. $2.38 pkg. $1.15 lb $1.68 Sliced Bacon ,- 88c TOOTH PASTE 3 OZ. Ultra-Brite FOR FAST PAIN RELIF Bayer Aspirin --- twin pak 53c bd. of 50 59c G.LL T e T Trac II Razor .--...--.. each $2.39 lb. $1.68 Check Our Prices Before You lb $1.18 aGAAS Evr, fmir can reduce their'costof living by eating mo re.fh fl ad vtb ._r m ;,M S r roraes. Grp*.firvi.. Lemons, Green Cabbage* Calry, Carrots, Tomatoes, Yellow Squash, B.ie &rns. Cor n Po C rt. ocumbers, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, Onions. .lb. 98c Fresh Ripe Fresh Tender BUTIU Cantaloupes 3 FO$1.00 Fresh Ripe Peaches Tender Frying OKRA Baby Boiling OKRA lb. 49c Beans Fresh Tender Field PEAS : Buy Ie. Anwe our Radishes, PeA lb. 39c b. $1.00 Large BELL PEPPERS or Cucumbers BAKER IGA KING SIZE SANDWICH Bread 3 HAMBURGER or HOT DOG IGA Buns Green Boiling nft___EM. -.1% LB. KRAFT '. I1' L.'P PARKWAY LB. PKG. rudiUi 4 For Large Bag o 89c Margarine 49c Suash Pkg. of 8 BUTTERMILK or*'EXTRA LIGHT 8 OZ. CANS quash __ Pillsbury BiscuitS --------4 cans 39c would You Believe ffhi b 27c BEAKSTONE SWISS 8 OZ. CANS Parfait Yogurt-------- 2 ctns. 49c J a IoV ONION Large Bags Tender FRYING Lbs.$1.00 O kra BA Fresh Every Day SHMLLMD BAG 49c Peas BA w Prioe? S BAG 49c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons $1.00 SUMMER SPECIAL O IL, 29c WHOLESALE PRICES FILL YOUR FREEZER I 2. BLACKEYE PEAS PINK EYE PEAS BIG BOY PEAS . 39c BUSHEL $5.90 BAG39 G 59c G 59c -- ------- rrrcleas s ~--ap-- I ~-- ---1 -- II ~II DAIRY BUYS I '! Ar -Rwb- - c Ii l_._b. 98C~ 'r SAVE CASH AT -RICW'S NOT STAMPS OSPECIALS~r IL I PAGE TEN lEGAL ADV NOTICE TO BB 8D 4 O. W*PI f The City of Port St. -Joe, Florida, l- nlk'sa was the weHORal*i'r described 1-KiW97SM ULincoln Electric Welder S300 AMP (or equal) 1-K769 Unco undercarrage for Inc.1i,, Af t O.KI197 (or equal) '' 'a Icables In S sectflons o win ground clamps and quick ti00-4eioia~g ablips In SB' actions * wvih eie i-a.s hoaIdeir and quick cnwrections I set-mllnr. reavy duty gas, welding .and.ditflng outfit (or equal) to Include 0'w of twin hose, fittings,' wrenches' l fogages, n&hwer, p,.irnei;* manual, relorersw H'4 11 tH6 i ; w.r range, vtr a e s.,ter .">m idth ae.5s s-:.F'"f FROM oG ri nk rr. sieOl ee a nut c....r 4c tip cleaners and two sets of extra seql rings& 1.-PO.. i.lbI *'k holder (double .i-O a.ui t n-ver wall bracket. Bi9s* iai be sealed In an er-ek- "- 41 1 11 ,1,1ini'4 marked "Bd No. AAP ' ,e C, 'ii, ,_i .'l- '! .q f- -r ,. ' r';it tI, ,'.' ',, ir.6:.--4 "V ,,i* tl"-' -r 4,'5 er,' fr"r., it f. rf ,'f ,,.'w '. i.,i deme. ,3 i 't- 'eet the City's Offudm t -vr p ,'u'r.mcd to. the City Clew'* .8 '.f v Fis,> t. Port St. Joe: F| er *y *;r.i .r 5.:00 P.M., E.D.T., 'July 17 1973. Bid openg will be held at the Regular- City .. r v.'r 'i t O F oldr ? Ail bisl must be F..0B.. Port St. Joe, Fi i., 4n V,( a .r , In Item sequence and totated 2 7- , S. '. NOTICE TO BID 0ID NO WWP2 'Th, v 'W P"Wat St.. Joe, Florida, F i-EL 'f I,*F f-'a.t. FITTINGS)- S. 4 ea.c- Length (Close), VA"I. 21. .. .- "S 6A E. l r,.', *:.w ,.. ..'(Cl w,! !SAME 4 .. -- i...,,.i. "SAME -, ef ._ 4 each-" Lengths (CloseA, "SAME '. i "r.,,' (Close), "SAM'E "a 'I engith (Close), "SAME AS ABOVE" 4-each-1'A" Length closelyl "SAME S. .. Length(Close), "SAME AS ABOVE'". 4 each 2" Length (Close), "SAME S+ "i- .''. n. = ~i. 0G.1. & RED 4 eech-xX' x 1"/l," x "" /" x x, 4' Well, 2" x Wa. i. degree Elbows 1", /",, I", 1 V A", 1.W', 2". A each-4S degree Elbows, "SAME: AS ABOVE"'. 4 each -40 degree Street Bits, A. iT' trL..i - 4 each-Tet. %, ./a" 4%W' 35%", I", 1/a", ", 2". r 'I .* "SAME' AS 4 each--Pipe Caps. "SAME AS ABOVE." . 4 each-Pipe Plugs; "SAME AS .ABOVE." 2-21 Length's each '/A", W a .* I/," ..a" 1 1, 1", 1 2"a ". COPPER FITTINGS (SWEAT FOR TYPE L. COPPER TUBING) MALE ADAPTORS 4 each-Mi" Cpr x 3" MPT, 4 Leach-1" cpr x 1" MPT. 4 each-/a" cpr x V/1A" MPT. FEMALE ADAPTORS 4 each--%" Cpr x%" 1IPT. 4 ech-l" CPr'x Ia IPT. S 4 each 1-" Cpr x 1 ll PT cyXhIx 2.11,1 . 1 i 4 each-l/" x 1" x a" 4 each-1'A" x '1" x I 4each-W1"x1 x Wil e4 each-t x /1 * 4 each-" oupix ngs % 4 each-Caps, "SAME AS ABOVE. 4 each-90 degree EHis, SAME AS ABOVE" S 4 eal 45degreewEl "SAME, AS,- ABOVE." 4 each-Tee, "SAME AS ABOVE. 40' each Type L, "SAME AS ity .1- j..'. i .*,"ed In an enveCoe' OT' aui oif". r,,i,.. "Bid No. WWP2 The City of Port St. Jqe reFervs the r fir... i',; 'i s *i'1 rnyor all bids, ' bid deemed best tQ meet the CIty's Bids must be subiltted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, PlorIda1 32456, on or before 5:00 P M., E.D.T., July 1'973. BId opening w0ll i btem held at tha Reular CIty Ci-: P.M, BOC .T, In the MunIcipal BuIldInge t Port St. JJoe Florida Florida, and approxloate delIvry de In Item sequence and totaled. C. W. BROCK, *1-No. 63-55 14. D. Scru.Dri~l (Black and Decker industrial) I-No. 644-U". H. 0. Scru-ODrll (Black and Decker Industrial) SI-N. 715S-H. D. Hammer Drill Kit (Black and Decker Industrial) 1 set-Hammer-Drill bits 'I/" thru OA" by. 16ths 1-No. 797-5-Super Duty Angle Sander (Black and Decker Industrial) 6-No. 37112-Grinding Wheels (Black and Decker IndustrIal) 2-No. 18056-Wire Cup Brushes (Black and Decker Industrial) 2-No. 12398-Wire Cup Brushes (Black and Decker industrial) 1-No. 6285--Heavy Duty Industrlal Variable Speed Jig Saw with case Milwaukee 2-No. 49-22-1080-Sawzall Blade Assortment Milwaukee I-No. 997K-Super Saw (Black and .THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY JULY 5, 1973 8.94" 2 each-226-107512-000-10"-10.64" tO 11.04" q ... 3-102 inch stainless steel whip antenna with ball mounts. 1-Base station antenna with power E.D.T., July 17 973. Bid opening wil be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Lightning Metalite Cloth 2 eacn--AC.ia2OiT5-0--i:?--i.B'"I to .gain not'less than 4 db+ 8:00 P.M., E.D.T, in the Municipal Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St, Joe, ERTISEM E T roll-SO yds. x'2" wide, Grade 50X, 13.02" 5 1-C.B. Marine / wave fiber glass 9. : Port St. Joe, Forida. Florida, 32456, on or before :00P.M., EU : Lightning Metatlite Cloth 2 each-22B.159215-000-15.92" to antenna with cdaxale cable anrd E.D.T;, In the'Municipal Building, Port S" roll-Crocus Cloth 50 yd. 2" wide 16.67" connector. .''W. ROCK St. Joe, Florida. Bid opening will be T-Size 1-Carbonrundum Wheel I each-228-207010-000--20.70" 'to 100'-RG-SU Coax',City editor and Cerk held at the Regular City Commission l. Dresser Size No. 1 21.45" 100'-RG-58.U Coax 2t 7-5 Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., .e iSV.VIa 1-SL325540.2-Extra Heavy Duty 1 each-227.132015 00--12"-13.14" to 8-PL-259 Connector ,with 8 UG175. :E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port S la-No.ke e46.0-Tt-e A Grease Lever Gun (Alemite Grease Gun) 14.34" Adaptor .. NOTICE TO BID NO. WWPS6 St. Joe, Florida. Milwaukee 3-54269-Hydraullc Extensions'(Ale- 2 each-228-178220-000-17.82" to Bids shall be sealed In an envelope 3--No. 49.-090--Type B Grease Ite Grease Gun) 16.57' and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP1". The(i"Cty of .Port St. 'Joe, Florida, C W. BROCK Milw9ukee a To r 1-t319702-B.H. Coupler 2 each-228-215-220-000-21.52" to All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, invites bids on' the following described City Auditor and Clerk 217.5 S 2-44.T-2-Propae -Torch Kits 4--9.B-PCews Fli' O'Eie-,, d.oz. 22.27" Florida, and approximate delivery date tractor: 4--No. 44-2-2 Jll S Blad 60 Cardsy w -h iF--Fiews 'Oers oz. COMPRESSION FITTINGS shown. Bidders are requested to submit 1-Wheel tractor and 'telescopic and 1-No.6505-Sawzall 115v-, 0 cy with 1-2.DRS-Plews Pistol Oilers 1 qt. 2 each-521840 003--" 1 bids in Item sequence"and totaled. The : articulated boom arm type mower NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP22 ess Drwauke ll 3 s" Cords ets-Genera pose goggles for 2 each--52150003-- City of Port St. Joe reserves the right. (Specfications may be obtained from .- -Cordless Dril. Cordle grinding & chipping" 2 each-521.13200.03-1" to accept or reject any. or all bids, the City Clerk's Office) The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, 1-1065-Heavy Duty Angle Drill" 3 sets-General purpose goggles r 2 each5" 0 waive any formalities and to choose the 1--,--..' .7" rotary mowers-cut- invites bids on the following described Bids shall be sealed In an envelp grinding & chippilng that' cover 2 each-5- 311 -003--V" bid deemed best to meet the City's ting ., .. tting height-adlst- Foam Control Pump: nd plainly mark bed anenvep spectacles 2 each-52 200003-2 needs. .able in. engine-air-cooled, 4 1-0123-Bearing Thrust MCR-308S S t e r tothe F-TuBgit.Winch Hoist 2 each-522- -003-2 Btids must be submitted to the City cycle, 3..P, Precoil start, soid state 972-4529 g tteo Por reSe ar allbids 1-20-Tu-lf Winch Hoist 2 eh-Clerk's Office, PO box A, Port St. Joe aniionealuminm muffler (rust proof) 1-0128-Bearing Radial MCR-t39S ioright,' oae6pt or rle tanyi,orall s, l 5 sq. 4 Veih moid Sheet 2 each-522-l132t3003-1" -Forid, 32456, on r before 50 PM 1 l- -BearMng CR.2t1 S Thrust r,4o ,e1iS, IS'. m t:, ir e. hO ce Cty Sc p icktg 2 each-4 2241 01-3-1/" 6E T. B, Jul 17 9W73 Bid openg wl! i' D -' '' led in an envelope 0 724615 -e City sq. yd.-132" Vellumold Sheet I each-522W3201-003-1i be held' at the Regu lr City' '* oWW 1-01t-Bearing MCR-2105 Radial . so e ei "* Pac king t 2 each-522.23o801-03-y2d Commission Meeting Jly 17, 7193, at Al b.ds must be FO.B.e Port St. Joe, Bids shall be sealed In an envelope Bdlerks OffIt be submitted to the it. y 6-Mod. 170-LonghandIe round point 1 ech-518 03- /" x P.T., inthe Municipal .Florid, and approximate delivery date and painy marked "Bid No WWP22. Florda o. r 5: P.M. shovel ridgid I each-518-803- /2' x Building, P rt St. J, Florda. shown,.idders are requested to submit All bids must be F.O.B., Port Sto Joe FIloidaBm, s324Mtn or erw--,1-ra5.00P.M.^, rdghadl ea ch-S1 .600.3- tbids in item sequence and lotaed The prida, and approximate delta very date E M CkT., July 17, 1973. e ,penfng willI 4-Mod. 71-L-nghendle square V a ,h- 1303 33 o. J lerd tee. w b hold 'at the Regular City point shov ridgld e ach-" x W BROCK City of Port St Joe reserves ine t g sho wn. Bi dders are requested to submit o held at th R lr Cty -Mod 1 8-6 lb standard cuer iach 813206.03- x City Audltor and Clerk to accept or reflect any' or all bids,. b In item sequence and toaled. The Comm Don M tln. IJuly t M7 n73 at wmat k rtc ld eMi I 8-1 -M3-}-W2'x .7 W( Bive'any formalities and to choose the City of Port St Joe reserves the right SP.M., DT. thM cpl b icuttr 1 each- 1.0 --} x Bid deemed best to meat the City.'s to acept or react any or alI bids, Buildlngo Port StJoe lorlda.o 2-ModI82i.b pickcuttor IMAd e sto 1 eacchept1O1rt eO3-1N /s x ' Al bids must be F.O.,I Port St. Joe, mattock rldgid 1 eai -S1 230m 3-2' x 4" '* needs -* waive any formalties and to choose the Slorl id o and apprcxmoe. Port y dte&e -M o I d t ees-Handl eeses ridg x Um NOTCe- TO o WWP Bds mus e submitted to the City O 1 d deemed best to meet te City's lorda, and approximat delivery data M o -a hene sd BELL JOINT L EAK CLAMPS NOTICE TO BI Clerks Offie, P O Box A, Port St. Joe, N shownNBidders are requested to submit' S3dsmnd e ied needs.us hy ifed t it on Item se4u ere requand totaled, rdd. each--:271.6W-0-4 The City f Port St Joe Florida, o on or before .M ds must be bmttedto th City Si4 Item -4e d t-tsled -r *brick hammer i each-7 l invtes bids on theflowin chesterson T i 97 id op g Cerks Of PO Box A, Port St Joe C. W OCK ridldgW 2 eech-27. -p" pecking: be held., at the Regular City PFlorida,, 32456,on. or before 5OO P.M, City Auditor and Clrk t75-1 'M -od, 318--ile rrgid 2 eaeh-272.1320.-12- .. '" -3-3 N. Box 27;t6 chsteersw *.. 0O' ET Juy "7 .7.. in 20e 3wirg C-S- i o 92-ADJ pipe support ridgid 2 eech-272.3216-0-201" packing n the Muncpa be held at the Regu ar City 2 each-No. 824-24-4 pipe wrenches 1-fein achin sed ,--315-3 No. Box IW chesterson BuildingPor t Je decommission Meeting July 17 1973, at S NTIC* TO BID Oo P a e lum, handles 'i 4e~ Bids shall be sealed in an enveso peck n R ic '. OTCEI2 each--No B. .- pipe wrenches pd plainly marked 'Bid No. WWPN". 2-31- o. Box t16" chesterson Builing Port St. Joe, FloridaK The City. t St.Joe ePum, handias ridgid The City of Port St. Joe reserves the bk l, I City Aitfdor t. o erP i 7d5 Invites bids on the oliowing described 2 eacah-No.. -4-. pipe wrenches right to accept or re nyor 2-31-3 No. Box 4' 'chestersn C W. BRO CK items b oum he dndles ridgid waive any formalities and to choose the packing NOi CE TO BID NO. WWP7 City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7:5 1-26 qf. oval bucket mopping ,outfit 2 each-No. 724-Adusatable wrench- biT de'mtoed best to meat the City's 2-3215-3 No .Box /16'r chesterson wilth gear pressure d es rigid needs. Bidders are -. 'to submit pecking .TheCi. Port St Joe, Foid, -2236oa yon pure 1ssorh e nt a each-No. R;:.12-Plpe threaders bids n item suence oandNo. Bdx V" chasteI on t rhe following, described NOTICE TO BID O. WWP3 -eavy duty Aantor mop sticks cap. 'AI NPT thru2" 2 NPT rIdgid S Bids must be submitted to the City packing mower 6-heavy duty b "slna, brooms 1 each-No. tt-Greared pipe Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. JoeT, 2,-33-4 NoM. Box 9 6 chesterts n, ,, s- 1push. type rotary mower-cut. The City of Port St. Joe, hiorida, -v -" dut.. rthreaders ridaid. : Florida, 324S6 n or before SO PM., packing, ing .width-21; cutting height-diust. invites bids on the following described L -a h1 each-No 6RTC-Ratchet thread- 1DT, July1 97 197 Bid opening will 3-31--y7/ No. box %" chesterson iabel 1 to 3n.cheas; engine-air-coled, 2 items: 12-Ne I-Gates-i' MllMks er I1 thru 2"' rdgld be hed at the e Reuar C ity Packing cycle, 3.5 H P. recoil start, solid state 4 pairs-20-18--crved hand i r e- 12---' NPT x MPSM brass 1 each-tNo. 141-Geared Ppa Ihreed- Commiesson Meetling July 17, 1973, at 1-313-1M No Box 3 chestefs on, 'ltiflnt alumrinu mMuffler srust-prof men's r obber tov es size 1/2 dapors a ers ridgid t. 0: PM., EBD-T.,' i the Munltcpat pecking r BidC shall be sesaed in an envelope 2 palrs-120C-6 linemen buffed 11" a each-No 2A-Cutters pipe ridgd Building Port St Joe, Florida. 1-292-1 No. Box V" chesterson atndC r'-'. --arked "Bid No. WWP17 leather glove protector is e 10/a "2 i ".,. ss buckles 1 each-No. 4S-Ctte pipe ridgld Al bids must be F.O.B.t Port. St. Je p g Al ', be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, 4 each- 35-love bags S each-No. 45-Cutters pipe rlgid Florida, and approximate delivery date Bids shal be sealed in an enveope Florida, aed approximate delivery date each -53x3Geeral Eectric ' ..... ;I-. "s-s buckle each-NO. 1-Cutters pIpS ridgid shown. n end plainly,marked B'id No WWP12F -/: submit portable hhook-n indicator type AK'4 S' 1 each-No 2c, Cutters pipe rtdgid All bids must be F O.B, Port SEt Jo, ei. sThe I eaeChRS3A-'nmprobe ea mp-ons Sa-3s6lm-s-s BInd.lt steel band I each-NO. D14A6-iftheto-8 handle C. W. BROCK Forida, end.approimate delivery date City oPrt St. Joe reserves the right Bids shal be sealed in an envelope O'-316= Band-it steel band rgidd '; :'" City Auditor and Clerk 2 7.5 shown Bidders are requested toe sbmt to acept or rele any or all bids, and plainly marked "Bid No WWP23" *One-third os -404-Lootlts quick set 1 eaech-No. 2s-Reamers ridMgld bids in item sequence ad otled. The T 'h to choose the All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, adhesive 1 e eaeN -No. Pipe'r Cidt City of Prt St Joe rerves the right, .a- et the City's F orida, and approximate delivery date 2-if-teay duty ho t each-O. -' owt er umt NOTICETO B10 N. WWP9 t accept or reict any er ll bids, i shown. Bidders are requested t submit 2-Street brooms heavy duty and adaptors' ridgd' waive any frrenaities and to choose the Bis Must, be Submitted to the City bhe ,. te m sequence and totaled. The Siw-00 nylon rope 1 each-No. S9,-arlng tool' The City of Port St. Jo, Florida. bid deemed best to met the City '' .', PO Box A, Port St.. Joe, City of Port Si. Joe reserves the right 1-23-All purpose assortment aloe- 243J-E Duty Lever invites bids n the following described needs ; or before P.M., to accept or reject any r all bids, mite fittibngs Ou (Alermife ..' 'a. Gunil) items S Bids must be submltted to the City t D!E OoT-July *17, 1973.od opening wilt w ive any formalities and to choose the case-24 r 4 "0 Flashitght I each-N N8o .24t- ilt ifutters rdgid 1 eaeh--50 THW o. 1 4 4 AWO Cierk' Offlice, P0 Box A, Port t Jaoe, be heoid' at the Regular City bid deem e est to meet the City's batteries each NO. 42l,-Bolt cutters ridgId Stranded Copper--Black iFia 324, on or Nfore SB00 P.., M Commisslon -Meeting July 17; 1973, at needs. 4-155W case x, 1'/ sIhackles x WI 1I-No. 4S--Portabil tristind vise 1 each-S5' THW No. 14 AWO E.oT, July 17, 1973. Bid Opening will B;0 PM, 'E;T in the Municipal Bids must be submitted to the City cleiranee .. I,",*. padlocks ridgid Stranded Caoper-Red be held at 800 P.M., E.D.T., In the Buildli.l-Port St. Joe, Florida Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, t 4"t dia. ho aadkle ids all be saled In a envelope I eaeh--sW' THW No. 1 AW Regular City Commission Meeting Ju Florida, 32456 on or before 00 P. t 2-Heavy duty leaf rakes and pialy marked "Bid No .WWP6o Stranded Copper-Blue 17, 973, at the Municipa Bulding, Port Co W.,BRiCK B E.D.T, Jul 17, 1973 Bid' epeing will *-Level .heed heavy, duty rakes 16 -, g seresthe each-SO THW No 14 AWO St. Joe, Flor-ida. City AudiPor and Caerk 2t 7-5 be held at the Regular City teeth 1W 7 ,.,. ,*t., -.4 ,1. *,,,N-,:,y or Fall bids, Stranded Copper-Oran ge commission Meeting July 17 193, at 12-1" peitot type hose nazsl9 -,,.. ., r, ,., ; ri to ch lse e each-SO' THW No .12 AWo C. W. BROCK O oB T BNO WWPI: PM EDT in the Munp"al "Brass" MPSH tead bid deemed best fto meet the Cty's Stranded Ceppr-Black ity Auditor and Clerk 25 7- TO B Buding, Port St Joe, Florida *-NOB, 3Y SO 'x x "" LM coupled needs. 1 each-SW' THW No. '12 AW t tngths. ates stream fex *or equal ds must bea ,'' 1,): to the City Stranded Copper-Red T *O Te t Prt St. Joe -r, d, C, W. BROCK ', SCfi-tf Roevr hos noles o Clerk's Oftce, Pd Box A, Port St. Joel 1 each-SMB THW No. 12. AW NOTICE TO BI.DNO. WWPI3 inle .'Ontheifslowing described City Auditor and Clerk 2 7-. Bids shall be sealed In an envel pb- Florida, 324M, on or.'. before SmB P.M., Stranded Copper-Blue fire e .t 1 1r L rane8 ai -- V Wtc e and plainly marked "Bid No WWPS' EB o.T, July 17, '. Bid opening will 1 each-25' 0SO Heavy Duty Portable The City of Part St. Joe, Florida, dry tl chemlc, reftltpe, with The City of Port St. Joe reeves the be held at Regular City COrd 4-3 onvltes bids on the following deucrItd t e NOTICE TT BI NO. WWP24 right to aeceptoe w it y t n all biag dsc s~l filsson meeting 17 1 971 at 19-,27C+-IStraght iBlade 3wire Plugs 3 walg f P hangers (Sco i req fal r waive any formaltifl and to choose the ao P.M., E .-,r I the Mniclpal .-SOM-SRG-MeGIII' Portable LAamp -i-Swlve4" Wheel da. bao soft dr 13 yp ihemi o n i CeThe City of Prt r St Joee Ftlpro e bid' deemed est toe meet the City's BulXdI .. '- ari ode Guard read wheels mno. load cap. 325 t Ei a r! l b y i nvites bids an the followIng described needs All,' ,'"_. .. Port St.Joe, 1 Box-Brady Wire Markers CPC-. clb.wheet trec kas tersd tight wal angers Scott or light bulbs t 'Bids must be submitted to the City Fl ida, and approximate deiv y d Cte WM 1-t 4-6l Swivel 5" wheel di. beo soft ha 4-E Haled1 DX 392-175 watt Clerk's Offle, PO Box A, Port St Joe, shown. .1 each--QLC-SB ulk Label Gun treed wheels truck catesmin. load sld P mercury vapr 120 vo ts SFlorida,34, fon sr efore.S;0 P.M', Bidder" O"I ret- e to submit bids Wheel -32S i _oiw R ASSICK OAROR r -.- and plainly marked "Bid NO WWPIS- ; 41-GE SS-Blbs voti for control B.o T, July 17 1973. Bid opening will In item -,. "- -,' .' taied. 1 rol-QLTJ-S Black E i. 4 , be held at the Regular CIty .. 1 rill--QLTJi-5 Red -, n. ,, .. ., "' ' Commission nM eeftn Juy ifUs.AV.. ....= & i WLS, OC i .. h' ........ = ,ej ip" i . .. ,- Port.. .--.. .. ..-'A....... .... .- ,- ...1-._ Florida, and approximate delivery date ; a. ether electrical tape x 72' ,. e....... ,- , shown. NOTICE ID NO WWP7 4 rolls-2B74-Sllpkiot filler tape, . Bidders are requesteda to submit bids i Bids shall be sealed In an envelope hors %".16 need s.' 12hE -BH4y 0 DX 331-400 watt in itemn s equeean tataledoi.f The City of Pd ff Sti Joe Fp, rda, and plainly marked '"Bid No. WWP9". --Ackerman-Jahnsan Screw An l bt b t"'e ty mJrcry vpr4 0w V m-crwi .r0 invites, bids' the following described The City of Part St. Joe reserves the hors 3 Cerk. otice, PO i x A, Per# St. Joe, 24-4 watt 20 V fluorescent min C W. BROCK items: .-. right to accept or reflect any or all bide, S-Ackerman-Johnson Screw Ano- loro',:12,onrborB e eLbing wi; S-trlamps F4a CW City Auditor and Clark 27- 1-TC104C-Mob'le Tool Crib Assem- waive any formalities anpd to choose the hours ED.T ly 17, 173. Bid opening will 12-444L"R-TC-P- Universal Thermo- bly &. Platform Unl, (WIllams bid deemed best to meet the City's. W Bed shall be sealed In an neuVspo t 4- pe Regular City o-mat c Rapid Start Ballast r July 17, 1973 at 6-GB 337 NdTICE To BID No WWP 1 -TCt2-tMobi e Too Crib Assam- needs Bidders are requested to submit and planlty mtarkked BId No WWP3"' I in the Mnidpa 1 -Sylvanla 1M PR 6TIiET0 B bly & Platorm Unit ,Wilias) bids In item sequence and toaled. All bids must be FrOB. Port St Joe, PotS e or 1 na s The City of Port ISt Joe, Fierda 1-TCI-Mtobile Tool Crib Aem- All bids must be Fo..B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date 1c.as'. Se--rt V 13J Watorida 2 nt incandeentmp v te bid or the ifolowl descia bly & P0atorm Unit (Willlams) Florida, and approximate delivery date Shon Bidder are rutestted to submit ,t cndecet, Items: 1 eah -PHS0O-)To include Mod shown bids In Item sequence and totaled.The :,I' I .oCerk h1 s No 7331-Grinder bufifie 'Baloirn) No 1A-2"% P o a & MOrles Bids must be submitted to the City City of. Port St Joe eserves ,the right ,d er Bids shall be sealed in an envelope 1-No 7S54--Werner- Non conduct Pr Clerk's Office PO Box A, Port St. Joe, to accept or realct any or all bids I ,and plainly marked '"bid No. WWP24". tiv extensl onladder work'Ing lentihi 2 1 set-Box-open .lend Super Wrench FIa.e, 3243 m o r before S:00 P.M. waive any formalities and to choose the All bids must be F.O.O. Port Sit. Joe. UL Approved step ladder 6 Long eries ree ane 1pt. E.DT. July 17, 1973. BId opening will bid deemed best to meet the City's OTICE TO B NO WWP9 Florida, and a approximate delivery date I st No AA4-Ltte giant s Box-Willlams No 1173, 1174, 11&A, be held at the Regular City be st' shown. Bidders are requested to submit plate 4T12 thru% H. & I 1176,1 T178, 1124 ,1 1 Comosmisson Meetlg July 1 97aS17d 973. at Bides t beu submited to the City o fng ort .Jo, if Pr item sJeque nead rtherigThe I set-No 17--Ltftia gant asrew 119 119,1T193, 1940 d15 C00ii PMo BEBT, in the Municipal Clerk Office, PO rx A Port Stoe, .n the following described Cty of Port St. Joe reserves the right pl-ate 'Is" thineIIINC & HS.'PIa, 32436 on or before 1- 153AS$ 3 11o4 -PM2,0 W 2-2,4060 t waive any form 'es-t and t c ihoose the set-No.492-Hex Reotheab Bdes Wililam "'' B BTo July 17, 19731 d opening wit I. %1 thra C &NFH.S." Iech--o. ,,WrenchHW.ZBROCK"bePhe .,nst the Reuiar ty HZPh-3 wre Onan Generator, bid deemed best 'to meet the City's set .Tapered PIpe taps NoP.T ,Hoo Wiluaas City Auditor tnd Claerk 2V 7-5 Commisson Meeting July 7u e 73 e portab e needs. -e'. ach-N~o ': ', tongs PM9 aoTt r the Mo' l dps sha hbe00 $edn n an envelope Bids must be submitted to the City ,', -' ,i index and driltl 2-tod.TM43-Amprotbe Test Kit 1-Mod. 4SOK2-Wen soldering gun 1-MaOd. 165 -=Hlgh air Hflow HS. stainless tel and wet and dry vacuum cleaner (Black & Decker) 4-Scratch brushes .010" s-s wire, 15/16 wide length of Brush Par 6" long . 6-Bass fiber brooms, wire binds, app.Flarell 401 handle , 6-Street broms & handles, synthe- tic fiber approved 22" x 4' S -No 214-Master sweep floor brush fine. 14" 6-Flexable packing hoks 7 6-PFlexable packing hooks 11" hooks 141, S s,,,,: ~"* x'' checo sheet packing 4 sheets/-V6" x 5'" x 75" chesco sheet packing 4 sheets--V'/al 5 e x 75"3 heso sheet picking sh paakno 4 yds-122N-t'V" sheet packing 8 yds-122N-'/1" sheet packing 1 each-Kit 12-Vaivelon assorted sales chesterson 2' each-Gasket adhesive 3 oz. cans chesterson 12 spels-1296-/ '-tefon gold end tape chesterson 1--roler chain tool morse no. W2 thru 100 24-Starrett Red Stripe H.S. Hack saw ,blades 14 tooth-in. 24-starrett Red Stripe H.S. Hack saw blades 18 tooth-in. 24-Starrett Red Stripe H.S. Hack saw blades 32 tooth-in. 24-Starrett Red Stripe HS. Hack saw blades 24 tooth-ln. 1-98-18" mechanics level Starrett with case 1-108-Starrett Line Level 1-434-Starrett Combination Set Quick Reading No. 4R Graduation's with 12", 18" and 24" Scale and Case 1-CO-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 1-Cl-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 1-c2-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) .1-C3-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 2-642-Master Sweep Floor Brush Course 18" 6--Chip Brushes Osborn 1-1" Flat Varnish Brush 1-2-V" Flat Varnish Brush 1-2V'/" Flat Wall Brush Pure Bristle Undyed 1-4" Flat Wall Brushes Pure Bristle Undyed 2-2Vo2 Flat Wall Brushes Synthetic 3-4" Flat Wall Brushes Synthetic 1-1I/2 Sash Brush 1 roll-SO yds. x-2" wide Grade 100J, l each-1215W-Pedestal grinder-Bal 'der' I .' ,.: wrenh .. .,. ichoes /Vs lhru 1s.-. I Y ,ve sockets to In ". 20, 16-622, 1-62 : 1- 6 ,'. S, 16 32, 16-63.. .. .* *, 16-642, 16-64. ...... : Wlltam i --, i .-; 1'"- I !aptar for pow, .".. '. ", -' 6-, 607, 64-11 .. 6r -426BW, (Wilt pu ,ers- Enerpac ,+: 1 set- -P3 Hydraulic pulers attachments-Enerpac Bids shall to F' envlope and plainly ,.' '. WW.Po The City f Port St. Joe reserve the right to accept ormsleet any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bWd deemed best to neet the. City's needs . Bids Must be ,-z, : to the City Clerk's Office, .<": Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 on or .before 500 P.M., E.D T., July 17; 973. Bid opening will be held s i.,:.,. City SCommissin ; 93, at 8:W P.M., E.D.T., In the Munitipa Building, Port St..-Joe, Florilda Florida, *.,; ,:,. :. :- date show ;: -: bmi bids in a *. ., ,'c -' C. W.BROCK " City Auditor and Clark 2t 7.5 NOTICE TO B6I. NO. WWP The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on *"*. blowingng described items: CLAMPS 2 each-228-4041025-000-full circle clamp coupling I.' ft 42" O.D. Steel Pipe, 25"-band .. ,:r alloy bolts, O.D. Range 41.50-43.00, 2 each-228.4044025-00(0-full circle. clamp coupling 4a fit 42" nominal Ductile Iron Pipe J44.50.0.0.) 25" band width, alloy bolts,;:.OD. range .4-45.50) 2 each-228.40025- 0-fuli circle clamp coupling, : ;'; -" nominal Ductile Iron Pipe i' ,- ie r 0 ; 25" band width, alloy bolts, range (50.00 to 51.50) 2 each-226-023107.000-2"-2.35" to 2.63" 2 each-226-02310.000--2"'-2.35" to 2.63" 2 each-226.035010-000-3"-3.46" to 3.70" 2 each-226-0450.10000-4"-4.45" to 4.73" 2 each-225-060010-000-6"-5.95" to 6.35" 2 each-226-066310-000--'- 6.56" to 6.96" 2 each-226--086312-000--8" 8.54" to NOTICE TO BID N.O WWP1S The City of Por . invites bids,6n the ., 2--'Mill Smooth ' 2-10" Mli .Smoot .. 2-4" e 2-10" Mll : "-14 Mi Bastard Fil " 2- 6" Round Smooth FiWes 2-101 Round Smooth Files 32-12" Round Smooth RFles 2-14 Rouind Smooth Ftles 24-" Round Bastard Files 2-10" Round i. - 2-14' Round 'a:' . 2-6 6 Round Bastard ileas 2-6. Pilla Bastard Files 2--" Fliar Smooth 2-3 3/146 Diamond :., Double Extra Slim Files 2-7" Regular taper 2-12" Regulr cabinet'rasps 2-121 Smooth cab Tet.'rasps ids shall be sealed'l an envelope and plainly marked .. NWPFI". All bids must be F .. St. Joe Florida, and approximatdiefvery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalies and to choose the b d deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be subMit l to the' City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 3345, on or before 5:00 P.M., ED.T., July 17, 973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting Jul 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., In the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk ,, 2t 7.5 NOTICE TO BID NQO WWPI1 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described radios and accessories;..,, 4-23 Channel Citizen1 Band Radio. "Transistor" mobile with illuminated S-RF Meter. Sensitlvltyi40.Suv for 10db stN-N. Frequency Tolerance: within o.005 percent. Input Voltage: 13.5 VDC negative ground. Frequency range: 26.965-27.255 NHZ. 1-23 Channel Citizen Band Radio "Transistor" base with illuminated S-RF Meter. Sensitivity: 0.Suv for 10 db stN-N. Frequency Tolerance: within 0.005 percent. Input Voltage: 12VDC- 1S5VAC. Frequency Range: 26.965. 27.255 NHZ. 3-5 Watt Hand-Held Transceiver with carrying strap. Not less than 5 channels with transmit and receive crystal for channels 3, 6, 9, 10, 14. Battery charger for A.A. Battery. Building, Port St. Joe, Florida C. W. BROCK City Audltor and Clerk 2 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP14 The City of Port St. Joe, ForIda, Invites bids on the fatoewing described items: S1-25- ber glass screen 1a x mesh 361" wide. 1- 2-Blnk spray gun 66 x 66 SF for syphon spraying T2 C.S.M. at 50 PS10 t-S3USD- StWek pairnt cup damp type 4-W/a lx g. brass nipples N.P.T. -1--BH2 6C-Size 2 couplers i/"/ Fem. N.P.To 24-BH2d 6C-Size 2 nipples V" Fernm 12-S' lengths of high flex alrhose, " 1 x 9/32" O.D. oi resitant ,wttt /" male N.P.T. both ends Bids shall be sea ed ian en vaepe' and plenly marked "Bid.Nlo. WWPtU" All bids must be F.O.B., Prt' St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown Bidders are requested to submit bids In item sequence and totaled. The Cl y of Port St. Joe reserves the r ght to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formallltes and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerks Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe/, Florida, 32456, on or before S:00 P.M., E.D.T, July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 PoM, E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP1S The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: 1 each-Model 7V-20-900 Rockwell Horizonal Band Saw With accessories: No. 20-902, 20.903, 20-904 . 4 each-No. 20-906-Blades 2 each-No. 20.908-Blades Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP15". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of' Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive pny formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Fla., 32456, on or beforep 5:00 P.M., All bids must be F.P.B. Port St. Joe, Florida;' aen pproxlmate delivery date shown. BIdders are requested to submit bIds in tem sequence and totaled, The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right Sto accept or reject any or al bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid seemedd best to meet the City's needs- dB.ds.mus, be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 PM., E.D.T, July 7, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting, July 17, 973, at S:W P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP20 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described Item , 1-Chlorine emergency repair kit for ton cylinders Bids shall be sealed In an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP20". All Bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florldve jd approximate delivery date .shown 'idrs are requested to submit -bids In item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accot r, reject any or all bids, W#ive any.ftr'malltles and to choose the bid deqVned,best to meet the City's needs. ," , Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bd opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Additor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO, WWP21 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the folilwng described ideal fuse pullers: 2 each-Midget 34-001-For small fuses, /'" to V2" in diameter 2 each-Pocket 34-002-0-200 amp., 250 volt, and 1-100 amp., 600 volt. 2 each-Giant 34-003-100 to 600 amp., 250 volt and '60 to 400 amp, 600 volt 1 each-31-211-ideal nylon covered fish tape-tape and reel 100' Ig. 431 No. Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP21". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The city of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept .orrelect any or all bids, waive Cle rk s Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E..T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening wll be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 973, at 8:00 P.M. E.D.T., I n the Municipai Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 257-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP25 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, nvites bids on the following described spare parts "for Lightin Mixer No. S.N 727596, Model 7305, Unit Size 73, Ratio 31.3: I each-23 Oil Se-1 CRS 12363 1 each- 102-Inner Hyatt U-1309-TS 2 each-105---Outer. Bearing TIM 25577-25521 1 each-202--nner Bearing ND77208 I each-205--Outer Bearing MRC 307SZZG 1-404-Upper Bearing TIM 47896- .47820 1-4B8-Lower Bearing TIM 47896- 47820 1-411-Lower Oil Seal CRSA 34887 1-415-Outer Oil Seal NAT 455379 1-416--inner Oil Seal NAT 455073-S . Bids shall be sealed in en envelope and plainly marked "Bid NO. WWP25". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in Item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP26 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: I each-175RO-1--Chicago Pneumatic Air Compressor trailer mounted with oversized tires and tow bar. 1 each-CP124N-Demolition tool" with latch retainer 2 each-50' sections coupled W" air hose Chicago Pneumatic 1-R-004938-W'A" x 6" shank 14" peg point demolition tool 1-R-085507--1aW" x 6" shank 18" peg point demolition tool 1-R.085449--1'" x 6" 18" narrow i i I -- -- Will you help prevent forest fires? ... . .r ~ , chisel demolition tool 1-R-073-TAs" x 6" 11" asphalt chisel 5" blade demolition tool 1-R.005753-Va" x 6" 14" asphalt chisel 3" blade demolition tool 1-R-00573-l1/A" x 6" digging tool 3 x 12 blade demolition tool 1-R-098005L--la" x 6" spade 8" blade demolition tool 1-R-005021-1IVa" x 6" tamper 7" round 2-CP-456-L-N--Needle sealers Bids shall be sealed in.an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP26' All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids In item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to. accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St Joe, Florida, 3246, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T, Jul y17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17' 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, plorida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 25 7-5 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH .JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. N RE: Estate of JAMES J. WALSH, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of JAMES J. WALSH, who died on May 14, 973, while a resident of Gulf County, Flerida, are notified that they are required to fie any claims of demands that they may have against his Estate In the Circuit Court for Gutf County, Florida, in the courthouse at Port St. Joe, Florida, within six (6) calendar months from the date of the first publication of this Notice, Each claim or demand must be in 'writing and filed in duplicate and must state the place of the residence and post-offlce address of the claimant and be sworn to by the claiment, his agent or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. Dated this the 21st day of June, 1973. -s-James.W. Baxter Executor Estate of James J. Walsh .s- Robert M. Moore, Esquire 321 Reid Avenue Attorney for Executor 4tc6-28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. In Re: The Marriage of ROBERT BRUCE HAMMERS, Husband, and MARIA JOSEFA HAMMERS, wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARIA JOSEFA HAMMERS Barriada 18 De Julia CBN3 Puerto be Santa Maria, Spain YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you in the above styled Court and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to the Petition on the Petitioner's Attorney, Fred N. Witten, whose address s P.O.' Box 87, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before August "C.-- "e the original with the j, ). )urt either before service i '* Attorney or immediate- ly thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. Dated this 25th day of June, 1973. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk by; -s- Susan E. Bigelow Deputy Clerk 4tc .-28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TE ENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. CASE NO. 73-66 IN RE. The Marriage of WOODROW W. BUSBY, husband, and AMELIA J. BUSBY, ..wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Amelia J. Busby P.O. Box 1885 Atlanta, Georgia YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, t9 It on Robert Mf Moore, 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court on or before July 30, 1973, otherwise, a Judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and official seal of said Court on this the 26th day of June, 1973. .S.GEORGE Y. CORE Circuit Court Clerk 4tc 6-28 NOTICE OF SALE OF JEEP NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida will offer for sale to the highest and best bidder by sealed bid, the following described personal property, to wit. One (I) 966 Jeep, ID, No. 200006, 6 cycle; 4 wheel drive; free wheeling hubs; winch w.200 ft. cable, 9800 miles This vehicle may be Inspected at the Sheriff's parking lot, Gulf County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bids must be accompanied by a money order, check or cash In the amount bid. Bids will be accepted .at the office of the Clerk Circuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida, until 7:30 p.m., July 24, 1973. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Gard of County Commissioners Gulf County, Florida BY: A. L. Davis, Chairman it 7.5 School Board Minutes The Gulf, County School Board met in regular session on June.5, 1973. The following members were present: Gene Raffield, Chairman,; Herman Ard; Wallace Guillot, Wil- liam Roemer, Sr.; and J. K. Whitfield. .The Superintendent and Attorney were present. The invocation was --given by Board Member Ard.. This was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ' After an adjustment in a date on the May 10, 1973 minutes was made, Board Member Roemer moved that the minutes of May 8, 1973; May 10, 1973; May 15, -1973; May 18, 1973; and May 22, 1973 be' approved. This was seconded by Guillot. All voted Yes. .... The Superintendent read a letter from the State Depart- ment of Education regarding a. Bus Driver Training Program to be held in Gulf County August 7 through August 10, 1973. Edwin Willi.:rc,-. President of G.C.E.A., met with the Board to discuss the philoso- phy of the Professional Affairs Agreement. The Board will discuss this agreement at a later date. Charles Gaskin, Board Architect, met with the. 'Board to discuss the proposed Vocational Education Faci- lity. Preliminary plans will' be forwarded to the State Department of Education for approval. Upon recommendation of the, Superintendent, motion was made by. Roemer, seconded by -Ard that the following personnel be appointed for the 1973-74 school year: Administration- Dorothy Craig, Secretary to the Superintendent; Dorothy Leavins, Secretary to Direc- tor of Administration; Flora Maddox, Secretary to Direc- tor of Instruction. Finance: Roy E. Taylor, Finance Officer; Ruby Sanders, Fis- cal Clerk; Cora Sue Robin- son, Payroll Clerk; Juanita Cross, Finance Clerk; Sue Moore, Finance Clerk. All voted Yes. Appoint James Brantly as Art Teacher at Port St. Joe High School for the 1973-74 school year. Accept resignation of Her- man Daniels as teacher at Wewahitchka High School effective June i5, 1973. Upon recommendation by the Superintendent, motion by Roemer, and seconded by Ard, the Board accepted resignations and appointed the following non-instruction- al personnel for the 1973-74 school year. Accepted resignation of Gail Nunnery as Secretary to Director of School Food Service effective June 15, 1973. . Port St. Joe High School- appo nted Connie Kirkland, Phylis Altstaetter, Jean Ste- bel, Brenda Wood, Bernice . Wager, Stella Norris, Bennie Boykins, Freddie Lee Dixon, J.' H., McArdle, ,,1 i3,. 'McArdle, Annie Borders, Lucille Fleming, J. C. Clay- ton, William McNeal, Q. P. Wise, Faye Lewis, Willie Moore, Mary Prows, Opal Owens, Martha Craft, Idell Ray, 'Maggie Bell, Eunice Lee, Ina Merritt, Mona Odadzin, Jeanette Antley, Betty Curlee, Eva Weston, James McGee, Thomas Man- gum, Jan Greene, Elder [ a! 'uS. -, D i Pittman, Marion Mims, Marie Cream- er, Ella Gant, and J. H. McArdle'. Port St. Joe. Elementary School-Helen Armstrong, Jo Ann Wuthrich, 'Teresa John- son, Helen Kilbourn, Juanita Powell, Mae Deese, Willie Ellis, Terry,McDaniel, Mary Pittman, Eloise Henderson, Marie Manning,- Coleman Griffin Minnie Lee Lovett, Ola Clerr'ons, D.r a Kirkland, Yvonne Atchison, Rita Todd, Elizabeth Jodes, Pryor Har- vey, Get..r,; Peak, Evelyn Harcus, Agr.es Ellis, Easter Nichols. .... ,: . Highland Vie* Elementary School--Frainces Shores, Marie Anchors,, Gordon Brown, Betty -F-,!y. 6 ir. Watson, Lou" Eaker, Agnes Cumbie, Kate Kilbourn, and Essie Hall.':-'-== Wewahitchka Elementary School-Milidred ". :,.>., May Murphy,;Annette Angst, James Myers, 'ugene Rouse, Mamie Bennett,. E.-rti Thomas, and George Cooper. Wewahitchka High School- Pat Stripling, LaRue Huddle- ston,. John -Bidwell, Lester Forfman, Anna Grinslade, Edna Alford',-Betty Cleckley, Wynell Tate, Carmii Crutch- field, .Causie' ,Griffin, Kath- eryn Kiig," Viella Rouse, Bessie Smith, Eva i.... '.*r:. Nervine Colvin; L ,aU',, Fore Forehand Gc.r'ldine Wil- ...; ', "i.. E-r.dg'.. W ava Johnson, .Bemice:: Fortner, Elmer H1., G'rzge ,C.ypewr. 0. C. Williams, ... I Letters' were presented frf,,,. H r H er.-g,'r.'.-,r Prii- ' P'.,: St *I., E.emen- tary School; Kenneth Her- ring, P ,.. 5 Port St: Joe High t, ,... and Harrell Holloway; Principal, Wewa- hitchka 1,i A t' :..:.., regard- ing the suspension, of students for infraction of the rules. Up.r ,..'./.i by Guillot, and se.:,r-d-A by Ard, the Board ,, .i,:-rr..;. ,' voted to grant early admission privi- ledges to Donna Sue Richards and Martin Biggins to: enter college. Upon motion by Whitfield,, and seconded by Guillot, the Board voted unanimously. to grant Rita Sanders profes- sional leave June 10, 1973 through June 15, 1973. Upon motion by Roemer, seconded by Whitfield, all members voted to pay the bills. There being no further business, the Board adjourn- ed to meet again in regular sessionon July 3, 1973 at 9:00 a.m., EDT. ATTEST: J. David-Bidwell Superintendent Gene Raffield Chairman The Gulf County School Board met in special session on June 18, 1973. The' following members were present: Gene Raffield, Chairman; J. K. Whitfield; William Roemer, Sr.; Her- man Ard; and Wallace Guillot. The Superintendent was present. The invocation was given by Board Member Guillot. This was followed by the pledge of ,I'i,', fiar .i The .. -*ri.i-- pre-, sented pertinent correspond- ence. No action was req.,ir ed '.; T .,4 ..- *:,. by Roemer, and seconded by Guillot, the Board voted unanimously to, grant Sharlot Causey permis- sion to be re-admitted to the Wewahitchka H1'. uh. :... the 1973-74 school year. Upon .motion by Ard, and seconded by r:.I"' the Board voted unanimously to award the lowest and best bid on a 23,000 BTU air' conditioner to the St. Joe Hardware Company. .Bids received were as follows: St. Joe Hardware Company, S2- 0.. Wewa Hardware Company, $323.00; Sears Roe- buck Company,' $279.00; Roche's Appliance, $429.95; Kennedy Electric Company, $364.95; and Delta Electric THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1973 Company, $339.95. Copies of these bids are on .. - file in the Superintendent's -: office. The Board discussed leave , requests from instructional '- personnel for the 1973-74 ' school year. The Board ^*'-.- agreed to await a committee report before developing a policy for. these leave re- . -quests. This will be done at r the general meeting in July. Upon motion by Whitfield, and seconded by Guillot, the Board unanimously agreed to accept the following resigna- tions and appoint the follow- ing personnel: .Accept resignation of . Charles Barbee as teacher at . Port St. Joe High School ' effective June. 15, 1973; accept resignation of Phyllis Altstaetter as secretary at Port St. Joe High School effective June 15, 1973; accept the resignation of Bernice Wager as' teacher aide at Port St. Joe High ' School effective June 15, 1973, accept :e.-~*:.'*:.:" of 'Travis Peters as bus driver at Wewahitchka High School .. effective June 30, 1973;' .' appoint Jennings Davis as Head -,'-.r at Wewa- Ar F re R n hitchka High School for the Area Forest Range 1973-74 school year. ,. ,ru The Board discussed appli- cations for Vocational Direc- Com p 1 I' F ire T I tor at Port St. Joe High 'School. The Board agreed to, discuss this matter at a later .date. Forest Rangers in the Upon recommendation of .Diviiop of Forestry must the Superintendent, motion: now' meet the new require- by -'4 i'i&M and seconded J '-e. .' the Fire Vbr<- by Guillot, the board unani- .--- i' Council to ,: mously voted to appoint the for employment. This means .- .. .... per- school' for 200 sonnel for the 1973-74 school "~',, .'" hours of which year: William Linton, Direc- concerns structural fire tor of ,d K r-- -.. Laura :,.., The third school of Geddie, Director of Instrue- ,~ v i s was recently held at a - tion; Lila Br,:.'-..e. Art the' Division of Forestry Supervisor; Etna Gaskin, ,:ra ni, room on 15th Street School Food Service Direc- and.atf.the Panama City Fire tor; James '.r.'.. Director DepaTtment's training of Adult School. grounds on Beck Avenue. There being no further Instructors for the course business, the Board adjourn- were.LT Ne ie -.. Panama ed to meet again in regular City.,)ire Department, Car- session on July 3, 1973 at 9:00 'men Simmons and Archie A.M., EDT. 'i.'a. V both with the -'. ,' _r oi ... ure _.y 0uu ATTEST: " J. David i.,iel] Superintendent Gene l i:. i..io Chairman t WBit@ R eOtur n s From- MinOevers-- NEW RIVER, N.C.-.Marine staff Sergeant Michael T. White, son of Mr. and Mrs. John White of 1301 Woodward Avenue, has returned to New River, North Carolina from training maneuvers with Marine Observation Squad- ron One at the Marine Corps Air Station, Yuma, Arizona. A 1965 graduate of Port St. Joe High School, he jr' ,the service in March 1965. Read the Classifieds i.'r v.- .,, of Forestry. Sim- . o,- was the .-.~i 'ine .'ohr.-. in the picture above j;,r. -.tl to right kr-,' - John D. Smith, Milton; James i Rforr,.j: I'~inima; Ira B. H r.-,... P .t,,.i Earl Staf- ford, Rtrdf'y First, ,row' BonAdy Instructor; Jon Christian, Tallahassee; John- ny Shabes, 'T i'ant .'--, John Watson, Bor.iad., Carmen Simmons, Panama Instruc- tor. ,Pck row L -!'.irg R.L. Gunn;,.Jr. Tallahassee;. Wy- man 'Stubbs, Tallahassee; and''" Michael Kf.;, ,.t Panama. Use the Classified Ads "'Midget Investments 'With Giant Returns .ft - BT B - How to put a curb on your air conditioner's appetite. Let's face it, air conditioners that work in Florida really have to put out. And that takes energy. But they don't have to eat you out of house, and home. How can you curb your air conditioner's appetite and still keep cool? Set your thermostat up to the highest possible temperature you find comfortable. (You don't want to swelter. But you don't have to freeze.) Replace filters frequently. Clogged filters make air conditioners work overtime. Keep outdoor vents clear of plants and obstructions. Don't block air grills with ..e or drapes. And .make sure your house is ade- quately.fnsulated. (You'd be surprised how many Florida homes aren't.) Follow these simple suggestions and you'll not only curb your air .,** conditioner's intake, you'll cut -0 , your cash outgo. Andyou'll have all the comfort you need. Florida Power CORPORAL ON When Jim Walter builds for you, here's what you get... *Your new home completely finished on the outside including... FOUNDATION, ROOFING, SIDING, WINDOWS, DOORS AND PAINTING. * Options to purchase inside materials and installation of ... ELECTRICAL WIRING, PLUMBING, FLOORING, WALLS, DOORS & TRIM, KITCHEN AND BATH FIXTURES. How nearly complete you want the interior of your home is up to you. The more you do for yourself the less your cost will be. Options can he purchased as individual packages for you to install or to be completely installed by Jim Walter. If you elect to have Jim Walter install all of the interior options you will need only to paint or paper the walls, finish the trim, connect to outside utilities and move in. Either way, the cost can be included in your mortgage. Panama City, Fla. 32401 P. 0. Box 246 3303 West Hwy. 98 Phone: 769-2381 OPEN 8 til 8 OPEN 'til 6 PM Weekdays Sat. & Sun. PAGE ELEVEN ars Have aining U, cc c0) cc md: 0cWN as EN I NAME I ADDRESS CITY STATE_ I Telephone (or neighbors) If rural route please give directions S I own property in Count I IIII C1 I IP119 I_ I IL I II I I '' --~E--D - * Prce Efecie hr ul01,196.q anit. ~s rasarv g uappg-a-it-M---,Bg --- none sold to dealers., . Ga. Grade "B" Whole Cube I I.l'mmi DELICIOUS ,, HI-C DRINKS DELICIOUS f 1 n1-C DRINKS ;olid Pne SLICED PINEAPPLE lReglor or Quick t. DELICIOUS Apk QUAKER OATS 35' 35'c 70 35' or Round' Steak $ 49 POUND 'ilH END CUT SMOKED Pork Chops L 89c FMLPork Chops 89 Pork Chops u89c OtP 0.*A--N PAN LB' OP '.'ORE SAUSAGE LU'.,B'%PjI-'K CO I.9.TRY STYLi' PJRE PORQ Smoked Link Sausage SONEESS RUMP SAVOY 3 POUNDS or More OUR BEST Ground EEF 9BEEF 7 Velda Farms M l Deloaous BAMA APPLE JELLY P-rnp F. b I. *J ANACONDA ALUMINUM FOIL SM LIQUID BAB FORMULA 3 to Ga. Grade "A" Large 69 EGGS5 4 12 ,2$ 0 1 e Y 33 ,1 '^^i* -g;R PAN TALI MUID BABY3' 4 PEANUT BUTTER FORMULA V --12mooth io x .Fimos Bro onsta (n 7 0I" )PETER PAN ,., GREEN GIANT C PEANUT BUTTE-rV NIBLETS CORN a r *-~ ~ |Uir.in umjoiii-i.iin~ TISSUE 4 uuruom Klies Fi ood, --Wbite, Yellow, Ee"mo FAMOUS Is oI;, tAKE MIXES ta: Jeli6ioo 1* CAMPBELL i" TOMATOO SOUP ,394 39' 12 SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR WEIGHT WATCHERS HIS COUPON ORTH Reduced Phosphe 14' AJAX LAUNDRY DETERGENT .Ts n.I,' red'cr t &r".3t26 Pi GGLY WIGGLY Y 1 B~f': _. .... ....__ ._ _-.. ROAST OVEN GALLON 2 Ieslh Gieen ONIONS RADISHES "T 294 t CUCUMBERS 21 254 FrELLE BELL PEPPERS oagner 's Ofaoge DRINK l, 394 54 *1, $116594a HERE IS A FAVORITE TV. SPECIAL FROM YOUR PIGGLY WIGGLY! e nU. PAL- C) O Pr Wieners -Ks$1.69 L 69c * 39 Size 3_ C Maxwell House m Coffee 1 th 1wt ag eg e or more, 69r WIGGLY! Famous, CLOROX BLEACH S oite$ni.0ngor with $10.00 or more LUNCH PAL Bologna Ib. 49c 6 99c 4OP AND SAVE WITH THIS GGLY WIGGLY TV. SPECIAL! Colonial or W' hite Gold CANE V b. SUGAR 'UU HERE IS A FAVORITE TV. SPECIAL FROM YOUR PIGGLY WIGGLY! SUNBEAM v A K G SIZE LOAVES 617NJ ER Ib. L. 79c ROAST I39 FRESef Liver Beef Liver ALABAM SLICED BACON lb. 9 7T S$1.39 2. .n 229C HERE IS ANOTHER TV FROM YOUR IGGLY Robin Hood eav- ,S.R.or Plain h FLOUR 5 Ib. bag Ff 'I 1 with $7 or more DeO Motte V62 'TUNA 2 .88 Nabito 'Nili" Va Iill 9. ,I WAFERS 12 o. box 7 Hute 020oz. KETCHUP btles.o t lickylr ela Apple or aItmo Pie 2 A FILLINGS Ca I4 flSCO OL48 oz.l%98& CIISCO OIL bottle 70I I II II - Piggly Wiggly Low BUDGET MAKERSI!P':"cE-s -- m.- ~ ~ -~ $I ~ I Fresh Crisp LETTUCE, head 39( iowi~ - --- ------~ ---- I - -- --- -i~_ I I R-3 'Shop Your Friendly Piggly Wiggly ge Regglo~r of Mint |