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IE STA Industry Deep Water Port Fihn People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA :THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, NUMBER 44 TEN CENTS A COPY Funeral Home Opened Mr. and Mrs.,Joe St Clair announce, the purchase from Gulf County Corporatio.ri the .real estate and equipment formerly known as Kilpatrr.ck Funeral Home. Mr. and Mr St. Clair will' be the on rers and operators of the St C' Lir Funeral Home. Mrs. Connie St. Clair is th,. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Colehman Birmingham from Wewahitchka High School, Lee College in C;~r .' land, Tenn., and obtaine'i her Bachelor of Science de-.rer- from Florida State Un'r.'r- ,- ty. She has taught. sch.,ool r both Wewahitchka. and PFr,rt St. Joe. Joe St. Clair is the srr, of Mr. and Mr. J. J. St. Cl..r Sr. -of Port St. Joe H*- attended school in Vj-.wa hitchka and graduated frorrm Port St. Joe High Schoo, i!f, is a graduate- of Cincer.,rut! College of Embalming ar-d has a Certificate Ifrorn Funeral. Service Examrrn' r' Boards of the United St,t.:'. Inc. He is a licensed Fureo:,i, Director and Embalm ., ir, the state of Florida. St. "'I):- has 15 years experience ,'. , funeral director having or -,rt. aged '.,.- icli.y ,F'r,. ~i t -ii .r7,,: of Apalachicola and wilt, i ,- Kurfiss Funeral Hom -- f, , F..... .j,, before comi,;' i, Port St. Joe. The St; Clair's are in ,rW Ills of r' *l .'.r. ,ri.q' ;,,d! ,,,., i r i. pr..vem ents t., ,',,. funeral home. 'The new'. ,ve, ., Si'lapr Funeral ,iii,-., '-- locat., .it 507 10th Street, Port St ,i,.. The ,-nile i* il -... rr:i..d .' the r>, j.i :ir Due to the expenses involved in ,.'. .ir,. Federal and State Regulations per- taining to ambulance equip- ment and trained personnel the St. Clair Funeral Home will not have ambulance service. We feel this expense could not be met' by the number of .,.n l wb r. I -i in Gulf County and should not have to be passed on to those we serve in the funeral buying public. To offer *r.,tiri;i short of certified equipment and ri.,!v i per- sonnel would be a disservice to the people of Gulf (..-r r. .'.i.. .; spudding-in ceremonies, seven miles southeast of here last Wednesday, Charter Oil Co., of Jacksonville launched a test well that could open a new book in the history of West Florida oil. At 4. .. r.i J C. Belin, president of St. Joe k".'r '.. '.', and Russell B. Newton, president, of Charter Oil Co., right, broke bottles of champagne over the drill bit, and Loffland Brothers' rig 110 began'drilling the first Jurassic (strata laid down ::i.":' that '.., F.....: ,era) test well in this section of West Florida. This deep-test well, Charter No. 1 St. Joe Paper Co., is located in the -....l e.-,; quarter of Section 26, Township 8 Sou Range 10 West, in Gulf County, about I miles southeast of the prolific Jay Field Santa Rosa County. "It's a big jump .to the Big Bend", member of the spudding-in ceremony pa said. David R. Hoeft, president of Char r -;. _. r.. 1 -- .,A -' 7 .., Houston, Tex said, "It is a long way from the ( ...''r fields of Santa Rosa county, but if this hi is dry, ,. know what's there and where drill the next test. Of course, we *..., .' it w produce," he said. Florida Refuses to Sacrifice Land to Maintain River Channel S..Florida told S .e .' F. E .r.- last :g i '. not sacrifice. h ". = .: -: ..,..-- Apa- H.e I .'.. for a naviga- *t.-. ..-;:. barge canal to H er:' ,.: and Ala- "P ".. .r .,' tate .:. ild ,o. Reubin Askew, Crusade Planned for City Y I,: 3.-. will have a orrKijr E, "F, .-.istic Crusade in: Oi ., ,; ,ans now being oKr, t-.,' ,. a group of I I .. ir, ,er P. : C .r..: A, .' *f'i anade up -of id.,fu. ir..i 'rm every de- Sntff .- r.> r.. the City has rta1i'e.t ror the James Rof.isorn Ciusade group of Liall4aat. I_-.- come to Port St. Juoe 'r giant crusade. The P-6t.s~.n group is well krowri ir; ie Mid-West and is highly re.rdled as- the sujcces.sir !, Rilly Graham's group Robt.n himself is or,.y 2'9 ) ,ari of age and alrear,a ;, appearing in 'The cru-.J ..._r has ,t a .' .3. a ....ne ,' for next lh,(r 4.' rw for those --iAst .) ori -, g. ..r is the, rr E'. i. .''..'. ,L1 ... to Bill . Norrki, c.-nrrrtt.ee b.h ru-'ot e the Spt. r. i.. .e have formed under the name of Gulf County Crusade' for Christ, with headquarters' in the old Dairy Queen .:,. i. -.r on Highway 98. The headquar- th, ters are being opened today 130 and will be open daily from in 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. and 2:00 to 4:30, p.m. A telephone, a 229-6988, has been n I.'i in rty the headquarters. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale at $3.00 each. ter Tickets are available from Kas any p.,-.'..r in the and at 2' the crusade headquarters. ole Anyone desiring tickets or to wishing to turn in money for vill tickets may do so at the headquarters .of call Bernard Wester, treasurer at 229-3107 **.; 5:00 p.m . A member of the Robison team will be present at the banquet to show what such a campaign can do for the city. Woman Charged ;*.:.* .} with mayors, county commissioners, Apalachicola Bay oystermen and statewide environmental r- r.: :..- and sent the C: ; back to its drawing e,: for another plan other than dams, locks and dikes on, the Apalachicola River. Atty. Gen. Robert Shevin drew '1 z biggest, ovation from a crowd of some 300 in the M';.;..r High School cafeteria when he told .:'. State Rep, Earl Davis of Columbus, "The damage that will occur will not be in Georgia, and it isn't your river, it's our river." Apalachicola Mayor Jim- mie Nichols, -: p .< ,_ tears, stood on the 'I.:.. .T' behind the rostum on which he had posted a sticker, -.-.. ,. "Please Save Apa- lachicola Bay," and said "our blessed rich oyster beds need the muddy ';... -1 ....I River to :.::.,' to flow in its natural state into the Bay just as God .created it." Even the announcement that Alabama Gov. George C. Wallace favored the dams creating the nine-foot channel brought only hostile silence in the North Florida town sometimes' termed the heart of George Wallace country in Florida.'And his spokesman, K. Earl Durden of Dothan, after assessing the crowd, said the engineers should find' ,-,.*-.i way to improve " o '; "" ., -'.. i' sacrifice dam,; '. .-i 7' f.',' . .... ,t ; la ,'.,:.:&'.;1 l Jr.#of < .. .,- ',;. Ga., who said Florida envi- :Y-r,' et:-.:. must accept some compromise to open the way for jepe' ., 1b" barge traffic to bring economic growth along the Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers. D :.-.ii-, the history of Woodruff Dam at Chattahoo- chee which bears his father's (Continued on Page 8) Teena Bouington, 13, of 116 Hunter Circle, hasn't got a driver's' license yet, but she has just received a strong incentive to learn-she's learned she has won a car. She probably will be the only Port St. Joe High School student to own a "Rolls- wagon " The unique automobile,. which she won in contest sponsored by a record company, became hers when her entry was pulled at random from more than 30,000 entries. To be presented at 2 p.m. EDT. Saturday in the City Park here, the car is a "Cus- tomized Rolls r.*,.,- with a 1970 Volkswagen motor, and VW hood, trunk and fenders converted to look like a Rolls. A record company official from Hollywood, ii will be here "' i'u i, to present her the car. "I like Jim Bonifanti because...." said the entry blank Teena, f'll.i out. Jim j.. .',ii is a rock singer with the Raspberry. I, .. g;ro'jp with a national rf,.rrI hit, "Go All ,the Way," and other records, including "Let's Pretend." Drugs Taken 'i.,-. broke into the office of Dr. Wayne Hendrix sometime Si7..'l. taking a .j r'i't .r4 narcotics, accord- ing to Sheriff P. .,i.. rl Lawrence. The Sheriff said the thi-,.. pried open the front door of the office to gain entry.; i' i..1i. messed up the front door", Lawrence said "and .,;.i. ,, .1 determined to get in."' Upon gaining entry, the thieves ransacked the office, ;. r, 11 .' ,- ki for the narcotics. A large assortment of the drugs were taken from the office. Sheriff Lawrence, said his office has several suspects under 'r..i *ti, .'..r. at the pr. ft ime in the case. After over a year of promises and continue Eastward to the Bay County line. waiting, re-surfacing of Highway 98 is The major artery along the coast has been underway. The paving contractor, Mac in bad repair for some time and has been Asphalt, has completed the paving work the target of much discussion between local from near Apalachicola to the City Limits of interests and the Department of Transpor- Port St. Joe, The project is scheduled to station. In Wreck Carl Dees, 75, Taken by Death Rotary Wins League Championship Shown above are members of the Rotary team, Major simmons and Mark Kilbourn. Back row left to right: Daryl League Champs of the Dixie Youth Baseball Association. Strickland, Coach, Mark Taylor, Sammy Sweazy, Donnie Front row from left to right are: Gordon Brown, Jr., Rhames, Wayne McFarland, Rex Strickland and Ed Frank Michael Kilbourn, Kevin Pettis and Mark Moore. Middle McFarland, Coach. Not shown are Mark Tate and Chris row left to right: Blane Cox, Jerry Shores, Buddy Alexander. Three cars were damaged in an accident at Beacon Hill Z-'..-.: ;- night at 9:35 p.m. According to Florida High- way Patrolman Ken Murphy,. a car driven by Mrs. Louise Ruggs .- :: ..:' crashed into a parked auto, knocking it into a third vehicle in the mishap. '.-.; said Mrs. Whitfield, along with her husband as a passenger were driving toward Port St. Joe, and, according to Mrs. Whitfield were fighting as the car moved along. Murphy said Mrs. Whitfield lost control of the car, which crossed the highway striking the parked car, which was owned by Edwin R. Wood- man of Baton Rouge, La., Woodman's car was knocked into a car- owned by Lawrence S. Woodman of Port St. Joe. Damages to the three vehicles was estimated at $3,300. Murphy said Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield were taken to Port St. Joe Municipal for exam- ination and released. Mrs. Whitfield was charged for driving while f toxicated and Mr. Whitfield as charged with public drunkness. Carl Dees, aged 75, a Burgay, Houston, Tex. and ed in the family plot of Holly resident of 201 Duval Street, Mrs. Betty Heath, Port St. Hill Cemetery. Active pall- Oak Grove, passed away Joe; two sons, Edgar Dees, bearers were Kenneth Ellis, Friday afternoon. June 29, at Panama City and L. C. Dees, Joe Levins, Hubert Stripling, the Municipal Hospital. Mr. Port St. Joe; 13 grandchil- Mack Gay, Jack Levins, and Dees had been a resident of dren and eight great grand- Frankie Gwaltney. Port St. Joe for the past 38 children. Members of the Sunday years and was a long time School Class of Oak Grove employee of St. Joe Lumber Funeral services .,were Assembly of God Church and Export Co. held at 3:00 p.m. Sunday, served as honorary pall July 1, at the Oak Grove bearers. He is survived by his wife, Assembly of Gof Church, All services were under the Mrs. Mae Dees, Oak Grove; conducted by the Rev. Clyde direction of Comforter Fun- two daughters, Mrs. Jewel L. Bowers. Interment follow- eral Home. * a Teena Bouington Is Winner of an Auto Christening Drill Bit i - PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 S-THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company Setond-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Wesley R. Ramsey William H. Ramsey Frenchie L. Ramsey' Shirley K. Ramsey Editor and Publisher Production Supt. Office Manager Typesetter, Subscriptions POSTOFF ICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U.S. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS- In case of error or commissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves, liable * for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed wora is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; *the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. EDITORIALS ... It's Our River :, Florida was heard, listened to ".and apparently understood, when c:iti.cmes and government officials told ..;,the Corps of Engineers in Marianna "last Wednesday night to leave our g..- river free of dams and locks. S .The seriousness of purpose of the Florida representatives was prob- ,"'ably best emphasized when it was announced that Alabama. Governor George Wallace was in favor of the damming of the Apalachicola River and subsequent flooding of Florida lowlands to maintain a barge ship- ping channel into Georgia and Ala- bama. Governor Wallace's :v.pp',t, met a hostile silence. This in the heart of Florida'Wallace territory was..the best indication' Florida did !." not favor the Engineers' plans. Florida is juSt .as, anxious to .- : t: :'.L u- '. -" -' oped as is- Georgia and Alal Florida is not '.v:W',rP ..to pay the set on development by the Cor Engineers. Apalachicola, which was s ter ',... the plans at the he wants the River developed. W member well, the late L. G. Bu Apalachicola saying, "The tr with Apalachicola is, they're e6 ing God to come down the Apa cola River and He ain't coming way". Very seldom do we agree Attorney General K,,r-rt Shevi we do agree with him when he Alabama and Georgia represents to the meeting, "It's our river not '. ..;r '. The ..Xp 1-, ., h i' l)a tirely in Florida and Flori should have the last word about i-.-" .'.,-I,-, i d A Vote for Our Side Forbes, the magazine of business has said, "The U. S. has lost probably forever, its edge over W, ---< .Eu- rope and .Japan in manufacturing efficiency and t --'.c..i... This statement by the-magazine was noted in a recerit column by Malcolm John- son in the Tallahassee Democrat. We'd .ri,.-' with Forbes on the point of i-1i '... ., but probably they are right in the matter of effi- ,.'i" I! ,. American laborers p r o b ably work less on the job and stay on the job for shorter hours at more pay than any .'tlr nation in the '... r'... Only recently Ti..-h our b-,,.r:::d practices pr .i-... us out of competi- tion with other ', r .: .. i,.a na- tions in the world. If this has hap-. pened only recently against .. -n tI, ..-, which worked virtual : '.. la- bor and still we were able to ud,,i- i' ,. does this say abou .!, ,,,. .. '. O n the '..-i i.,- ,r. r- 4 .. ... J ' t1 .,. >,;i..-..- has '"** .>. bee '.'. -.', of America and ... to be. Even now, as I- ,. as c( ters have i".. .. in :- .-. An is looked to for ."" *'* .:.- in field ".'--'. countries :i-. ;. 1 ...-!'."I. 7. i on their .'-.v if technology is greater ... ,* our This is only one _,-i.1 W look to .' such as. oil, au I.Vt .. .l.. -. communic n (-q i Ik ., 1 etc. Have any of other ", ,. ,z-.. ,, -, !. .. -, nz gone to the moon and back? - Even if Forbes says we ar ond -' we vote' for our side, may not make the :'.-.'t-, :-- goc the world, but we do make the And the ... -. serves us be individuals. "The courts in the 14th Judicial Circuit have made excellent progress and the impact of the new court system has been met with a minimum of I.' ,,, Judge Robert L. o'- -. said as he prepares for b, third, consecutive term . chief judge of the circuit July 1. .- *- -circuit judge in Marianna since 1959, had high praise for the of county com- missioners, clerks, and other- local officials in the six-couer ty circuit in ". '.1' the transition to a unified court system a :'r.. 'one. "In addition to a new court system," he said, "we have two new additional circuit judges, two "-'.". judges new to the bench, and fuar new sheriffs in our ."~ County Will Be Boastful, ps of The .'".-, '_,L,"'. Beautifi cation ;> '". ,', ".- ur"-.,ei the. -. '. '" '.'., of Mtrs. 'Jean o bit- ,- .,is a busy group The aring c ... ,, o e' of .'. Ve re- r "',' Committees of the ick of Gulf County G1lden Anni"er- sary Commission, has ac- ru cepted the ,'4:,'>..C.'t-;y o xpect- making Gulf .'.,.' p. lachi- of beauty for the Golden that Anniversary Celebration' of Gulf County in 1975. The members of this committee with are the Port St. Joe G4,den n, but Club and the "Newartrin. e told ':r.- : Club. natives The early .g.-i of Work of the Committee is .-to plan to r, it's set out hundreds of trees and is en- shrubs. ?o .. 4 r. u idians. ,,,,., srt,. i.:<,, t',. t, L how These trees and 'shrubs will ... plnAr.e'. 1ng .'trf iraLc, 9 .r ,. ja h f Xn oti ^ :t" J e .e (.O Uflt. , L and the.-cities. Most. of these are planned to be set out this fall to allow some time for The Committe will plant flower beds and other items of beauty through out the S:;... area to make the county more attractive in June of 1975. In addition, the Committed t our has been charged with the it is .. of ," the ,. and the cni ,"y 're, enforce their laws t.., AU.j-: n the remove all wrecked cars - ..- and clean '. all .:...h i.'.'. ompu- areas along the 1 '. .. and erica streets of the county and a this The Committee a~lso plans .-!.,. to conduct a program to their encourage all home owners to plan on having beautiful re. yards by June 1975 .. e can and Business will also . tomo- urged to clean up, i.'' tip, nations and spruce up their estab- these lishments for the occasion! e Mrs stated that she nations beleived that once this program is completed the e sec- county will be so ."e ..n . and the people will enjoy much, that :-.- will want to ods in continue keeping Gulf , 1i .-_ "Clean and Beautiful". tst as and the many problems that have arisen have been handled with a minimum of disruption in the !-.1 .Z of cases in our courts, It has been '- z to experience 'of ::; :r. and S:..: of those involved during these' .. -. :. months." Judge :.' was chosen chief *. for another term by unanimous vote of the other four circuit judges. As chief judge he had admini- strative ',.: r i.:..- for all trial courts, except ::....' ic.I .- courts, in the circuit, A native of Graceville, in Jackson County, Judge Mc- - :-. is 4 law graduate of the T .--..!- of Florida, a World War II veteran with the 101st Airborne Division, and served as county judge of ., :';'" : from 1949 to 1959. Counties in the 14th Circuit are ., '"-: -.., r. -i . ,; -:: Jackson and Wash- ington. The other circuit judges ai,'W. L. L'-. I :c. Mercer '.-;: and Larry *-.'-. all of Panama ..* , and W. L. K-., of Blounts- town. r,. Perspective on Education by DR. BOB N. THORNTON Professor of Iltd:ia1,n University of West Florida Even if all of our teachers were -"A... '..-% .'.~-3 only a small of them would have the ;,. L-'.. personal characteristics, high intelligence, and wide back- ground needed to help gifted children fulfill their potential. Some reputed reasons for this situation are the low salaries of teachers and the American public's lack of esteem for the profession. Although NEA statistics on teachers' salaries show a raise of more than r'.r..:er ' between 1953 and 1973, the salary of a first year teacher in Escambia County almost qualifies him for food stamps, and the cream of the college. crop still continues to go into other fields. . A subu',G of Log Ag.ir-, -t','rr.'V* ,t a gro i l o jutrstirr, of how eited .'.ihe,'i. being cheated because of their instructors are not superior people. Recently, the school district board of that community heard testi- mony from a dozen talented high school ., .*.'i.- who .. ..'.p .,''a that their train- ing had not properly equip- ped them for rra,7.'.- One boy, a former A-stu- dent, asked: "Of what use is it to have a teacher not prepared for the course-who is one chapter ahead of us in the book? We read two chapters and we're one ahead of the teacher who is S..;- I to teach us." A girl, whose grades in : school. had also been .'-': .-:', .. complained. "In my three -: I had only three instructors whom I consider- ed to be real teachers who ,. ".,-.. me, made me want to learn,' increased my intellectual .'.: : . That : experience is ..-p. .-. in some schools all over the country. In fact, some would say that she was fortunate to have had as many as three top teachers. Sometimes, however, the problem is : :.',' ::' more to mass ... than to the . ; ..: ... of teach- -ers. Even the best teacher has a difficult time .: --.. ing each'of 30 bright youngs- ters and p.'..- '.r. for their individual talents. To compound the i.'i. 'u ,- administrators often boost the registers of their "fast" classes to the vicinity of 40 so that. the teachers of the slow children' in the same grade will have fewer problems to deal with. The theory is that bright children are not so S ,.. ,.* '. ".-'. distressed of ,:rl. .'. obstreperous as their duller peers. Principals have an easy time .-. .' :'I -! members to volunteer to teach children with high I-WQ 's, but only a {- 'hers ask' for' the enrollments is offered to those A.:. .r.,' take the subnormal classes. From The Living Bible If .-: .-. that Jesus is the .i st-that he is ,, .. .' and your Savior -then you are a child of God, And all who love the Father love his ,- ..'I -' too. So you can .; out how much you love God's and sisters Lord - by how much you love and obey (G .' Loving God means ..i.'. what he tells us to do, and *: -.'", that hard at all; for every :. of God can obey him, ...- sin by trusting help him. But who could ',.-:.':. f.- and win this battle except by ._ i2' that Jesus is . the. Son of God? 1 John 5`1-5 Religious Heritage of America Subscribe to The Star Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY There was something to talk about in Port St. Joe last ', And people were exercising their right to fully J.1h: .. two topics of interest to the fullest extent. One ii,;.. of course, was the drilling for oil r.. in Gulf C...-,nt. jiwt South of Port St. Joe. This :-: nit one of your small test drilling oper- ations such as have come to Gulf Co.unmy in the past, .1;1:V],. a small hole, then folding up their apparatus and leaving. This was a full-blown, -:'. ,~s. search for oil with a drilling rig which is capable of getting d ,-'.:, to where the oil is (if it is). There's a -c....-.d -'r-ibility oil is to be found, :: .;1irg to the geologist for Charter Oil. Char- ter is the firm with the lease and p,-r,'is..on to drill from the State of Florida. I talked to the .',.. i t at the rig site last V.-jn '-, i;, at the "spudding in" ''- .tn: and he said the formations are exactly as those found in the Jay field. As a matter of fact, it is a con- tinuation of the same formation, having what shows up on the charts to be a pool about 14,000 I guess ',ii!, formation and "pool" are the which have brought explorers back time and again since the early .'40's in search of oil. Anv1 i.dy and a-\er ih,,.\, :,:,'t. drive out and see the rig, since it must be .-.ikv. off to visi- tors for .-afett. reasons. But, take my wofd for it, it's big. The drilling boss on the j..1' said it is capable of lifting and handling over a million pounds of drill bit and stem, ',.-'.r.i'.: It.-..n to go three and a n :i!.i into the ground. The work- ing platform of the rig sr.ii).- over two stories high into the air with the derrick, itself, extend- ing another 140 feet. It's big. :4-.. ,I to say, we wish them luck. The other topic of conversation, of course, was the Associated Press article. -;-,, nhdW," nost ',t--ibod\ ;has coime,.to.rea- ii4z that'those inifrviewed didn't say what they were credited with saying. As a matter of fact, those interviewed were told the article would be factual and complimentary to the town, so every- body was quick to point out our plusses, only to have them printed as minuses. Maybe the article did us good here at home. The effect here at home is the only one that mat- ters anyhow. As a result of the article, we have heard nothing but complimentary things about the town and uncomplimentary things about those who would tear it down. That, we like. When you get right down to the meat of the (i. naiut we have a pretty good town here. We have adequate services we need, very little crime, recreation facilities which are the envy of many larger towns, a very capable city government, and some of the finest people in the world. So, why should we care what some "expert" with only two days of study, has to say about us? It really should make us proud that we are even noticed. Talking with preacher Millard Spikes, who was probably the most mis-quoted of anybody, we finally concluded that it's jealousy which draws all this attention to Port St. Joe. As preacher Spikes said, "An old Colored woman once told me: 'If you'll notice, the boys only throw their sticks at the trees which have apples on the branches'. " After getting down near to the black market stage, the word is now there will be more gasoline available during the month of July. An article in the daily papers of last week said Texaco, Gulf and Shell would furnish their dealers more gasoline than the same month last year. Exxon Corporation said it would increase allotments by 10 percent in July and August to a level expected to meet increased demands. To those who were already sus- picious of the "fuel shortage", this latest announcement will only add more fuel (pardon the pun) to their suspicions. The story is, and it's a plausible story, that e'- ..' .;.: ;gl' automo- biles and the :i.-cr numbers of mo- tor vehicle increase have taxed the gasoline .r.'...i.: i. plants beyond ca- pacity. Too, they say there have been no gasoline refineries built in the past six years due to objections by ecologists. This is good, sound reasoning for a gasoline shortage. The point to be considered by the consuming public is: if the claims are true, and more gasoline is being made avail- able in July and August, we are prob- ably only two months away from a more serious shortage than we ex- perienced in June. "An optimist is a man not to borrow money Tfromn. He always expects to get it back." (Anonymous) . - LETTERS : TO THE EDITOR July 1, 1973 Dear Sir, What a find! For a i-. 7 r ,: to .:. .. in this day and age, a coastal county . which has no zoning laws of any kind-and just 'turn up' at a County Commission meeting one evening to get an O.K. to do anything he likes! I refer of course to the report in your paper last week that a developer of: condominiums has apparent- ly not only received permis- sion to go ahead, but is also to be excused from comply-, . ing with any future restric-a , tion, by a letter of waiver. . I do not know the exact '- location of their land 'in the Cape San Blas area, nor its size, but I try to visualize .... condominium buildings out there-12 stories high (like ' Destin)? Perhaps blocking the lighthouse beam? Need- ing how big a hole for the . 'foundations? And where will that excavated soil go? And I The City-S will the present vegetation be provides many bulldozed into unsightly city, both those (Continued on Page 3) Excellent super' 'I v,, School Board summer recreation program enjoyable pastimes for youngsters in the ie of elementary age and high school. vision is provided under qualified personnel , a . for all facets of the program. Shown above are several youngsters, and Billy Barlow (not so young) enjoying a game of tennis. McCrary Says Judicial Circuit Courts' Progress Is Excellent More Gas? II-- I~ ~ ~ I aP-~r '"r 9- .I 1~b THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 CL) CIO cro, ---o eqm Letters (Continued from Page 2) l.. L). -*a) Merchants Plannir Sale for Celebratic . The Port St. Joe li.t,, Merchants Association has agreed to sponsor a county wide sale during the Gulf r......... ,. Golden Anniversary Celebration. Although the association does not repro- sent merchants all over Gulf County: and Mexico Beach, they will invite all retail outlets in the celebration area to I. nt' '*''* in the big sale. Initial plans are -for the sale to run ,,..,uch the full eight days of the .celebration. The merchants in k with the overall theme S.., propo make this the biggest best sale every present the area. 7'.,-. pl provide local people e... it alike a i...,*' '* '. to take some .ii.:. value ' -i..,.. savings duri "golden" celebration. i- ... ., about th bration is being L.'- . The sale will be BIG a savings even BIGGER The Golden Anniv Celebration is being . to commemorate the ..i.,', i .. of the format Gulf County and w staged June 6th .. 14, 1975. Names Left Of Honor Roll Ust Two names were le the honor roll ,,. ,. '. last week's issue of The Those left off were I and Ronald .., both of whom mad( semester and the six we & B Honor Roll. heaps? And where will their sewage go? (remember Bea- con Hill) and how much fresh water is available out there for this and other develop- ments (including Sunland and the State Park)? with sewage and sea water seeping into it as the water table is lowered by watering .'- courses, supplying the .'.. .' and so forth? And what damage imay be. done -to nature's defenses against the sea? And what will happen to the wild life? And what road services will :'-- :.-ovide or need? (remember the Coun- try Club road).. And what -"..'.. prob- lems will this make for the Sheriff, -.:'.:, in winter when many places are .' '' And how good or how shoddy will it all look? And do they. block subsequent ,I .*: *..i:*-'.- ', on other land so that expensive .* -:*', .',r may result? And so on and so on, not-to mention the .' :., ment and easements needed by gas, s ::.:,' and telephone, also school bus arrangements and a realistic tax assessment. Moreover, what do we know about Mr. Ritterman and his '. Are they an ethical and -... ," outfit? Si-. 7 .. the sewage dis- |lg posal plant contractors). . Were our Cr i. Commis- n sioners really able to .. nll themselves on all *i." matters in one *-. i..' And may we now see countless keepingg more such requests on . of the bonanza so that we end up )se to with a hodge prodge of st and uncontrolled d,; .* -.ar.' '. ited in each -seeking their own an to interests (profit) *.:-,-,.-- and of others. I have seen what is I..i .-- happening in South Florida or home even in the Panama .,f ies at Beaches area and I dread it ng the here. If our County Commis- sion has members M i,-.i- of e cele- the ?"r *'. technical know- I big. ledge and .r:,. needed to nd the supervise -*.. t i ".' '-t of this kind, then fi,,," i'. if. not, ersary then I -.,- l C :.t ; .i. r..-,.M j '. : : ., i expert help 'at -the -very 50th earliest -p'. .' either tion of by r .:., an .-., .',r.r.. : ill be ". or by :...: their June own trained staff, backed by i .'. effective zoning. It is now or never for us in a of such beautiful t coastal areas with so few *ft off people '* *. here to speak . in for them. Star. e Sta Yours very truly, 7 7., The Rev. ., *,, Ellis he the - eeks A '. A round trip to the quaint Greek world of Tarpon. Springs is just a gas tank away for most Florida residents, who will find this small Sun Coast community a refreshing change of pace. Picturesque Greek sponging boats, with Money At Meeting Eldridge Money, of Port St. Joe will attend the 17th Quadrennial General Confer- ence of the Pentecostal Holiness Church in Roanoke, Va., beginning August 2, as a delegate. Bishop J. Floyd Williams, the General Superintendent, will preside over the week- long General Conference where problems of admini- stration, programs for the next quadrennium, and Church policies will be determined. their catches hung up to dry, line the docks. Across the street, shops proudly displaying sponges from the deep are plentiful. Here also is the Sponge Exchange, where auctions are held twice each week. + Natur Deal +Accidental Death + Death By Automobile Accident Official delegates to the General Conference will num- ber approximately 600, but the overall attendance will exceed 4,000 persons for this meeting. The Geneial Conference met in Memphis, Tenn. in 1969. Did You Know Just Received New Shipment Double Knit FABRIC $2.99 yd. Asst. Fancies & White WEBB'S Port St. Joe th $10,000 $20,000 $30,000 + Death By Travel Accident $50,000. S. J. "Smiley" Anchors P.O. Box 427 Phone 227-8751 AFTER -r '* 4at :.j * 'A Save 1to 50% Discount! Save!. 1/2 :Price S VE! - GIRL DRESSES 15 pct Men and"'Boys Swimwear V Ladies Pant DRESSES AMen and Boys' Men and SORTSBoys, SWIMWEAR WAL?( SHORTS WALK SHORTS men d Men's All Summer WALK SHORTS HOES Men 's SPORT COATS nd moClothin SUMMER SUITS Cl ig adies and Clogs and Sandals Children's and and other items Shoes SAVE 33 1/-3-REDUCED LadieSw:imwear07r1 Ladies Blouses 10%.. E Men and Boys'. Swimwear 10 pct Ladies Summr Dresses Cotton Biend SHIRTS Summpr Dr~esses Ladies rncrhildren's 5Men and SPORT SHIRTS DRESS SHOES Men and KNIT SHIRTS Ladies' PANT SUITS Ladies' Storewide. ...Blouses and Shells It's a fabu- Daonron-Ctton Itus gvaGowns and Pajamas lous give-a- way. Walk, And Other Itm SAVE '25 pct run or ride LADIES SHORT .but come i LADI-PES, SHORTS.'':, earlybt....it,~m Children's PLAYSUITS sfarts July 5 Children'sSMOCKTOPS at 9:00. Your -SMOCK TOPS Bankamerio Ladies and Children's card or Mas- card or Mas- PANT SUITS ter Charge Honored Here J SAA*Phone 227-4261 222 Reid Avenue CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 Liberty National Life Insurance Co. NEW COLLEGE and CAREER PLAN Ages 16 Through 25 PAGE THREE - ~- PAGE FOUR' THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY,'tULY 5, 1973 Sears HOME APPLIANCE SALE "^'" ft . 410 Reid Avenue Phone 227-2291 Sewing Machines Model D 1602 Reg. $149.95 Cut $50 1) Snap-in buttonholer makes 3 styles, 10 sizes automatically 2) Dial any one of 13 stitches, 7 of these are stretch stitches 3) Solid state foot control gives maximum power at super slow speeds 4) Sews blind hem Model XW 1318 Reg. $124.95 Cut $25 1) Snap-in buttonholer, 2) Sews stretch stitch 3) Sews blind hem / Model D 1322 Reg. $89.95 makes 5 sizes automatically Cut $20 Vacuum Cleaners Cut $22 I)Aj1 ~ batrbr oemae orso id oo-otdo 1) ;a ..,l.t-i- beater bar powermate, works on indoor-outdoor carpeting and deepest shag asswell as F '9ti f r .t, in between 2). 2.7 Horsepower (peak output) ' 3) 2 Speeds, gives gentler suction for cleaning drapes, etc. Model XW 2391 ( t f Reg: $114.95 C t 1) Adjustable beater bar powermate as above 2) 2.3 Horsepower (peak output) Sears -. L-' ". iH. I e Treace, Owner "1' S St PENCIL LEDGER SHEETS 'I Looking for of ice supplies? Come see what we have in stock. .--- ERS .. WIRE LETTER TRAYS ACCO PAPEB FASTENERS IRA nfor binding correspondence, orders and alLother classes of papers. 3Tandard two-hole punching. Complete with base and prongs. THE STAR PUBLISHING CO. 227-3161t 304-306 Williams Ave. 0 'Come Together' On TV The:second Key 73 special "Come Together" will be shown over WJHG-TV, Chan- nel 7, Panama City, Sunday, August 5, 1-:00 p.m. accord- ing to a recent announcement by Mr. Ray Holloway, .manager. Key 73 is a Continent-wide program of Evangelism involving approximately 150 denominations and religious groups. SThe special is an hour long musical experience in Chris- tian love, by Jimmy and .,Carol Owens, featuring Pat Boone and his family, an orchestra, and a stage choir of 100 youth. Assisting will be a background choir of 2000 youth. The program presents the gospel, in song and is a demonstration of the fellow- ship of Christian Unity. Pastors are urged to make this announcement in their church bulletins, newsletters, and from their pulpits, that the maximum number of .:.7 :7 may know about this special program. 2 Jailed On Drug Counts Gulf County Sheriff's Department officers arrested two people Friday afternoon on various narcotic viola- tions. . Being held in 'the Gulf County Jail are Edwin Charles Heath, 24,,New York, and Barbara Jo Andreiko, 20, .of Minnesota., Both Heath and Andreiko are charged with possession of marijuana, possession of :.ii. ;r-. -.i-: ., possession of .I,.'i,.: :.< rn-s. and sale of opium hash hish. The two were apprehended about 3:30 p.m. by Sheriff r- .. ".' Lawrence and Lt. S : Read :the` Classified Ads ,rl a of a b e s] q fl as matron of honor. She wore a floor length gown of yellow and white lace. She carried a basket of mixed summer flowers. The groom chose Randy Smith as his best man. A i*.:2'r,1'.n was held in the social hall of the church following the ceremony. Peggy Kirkland, sister of the bride, kept the bride's book. Miss Jo Hobbs served the punch and Susan :,:.'-' sister of the groom, served the cake. Others j .', were Mrs. Mary Parker. iage by her father, was Out of town guests were: ttired in a floor !.'- i'.h gown Mrs. P. 0. Parker, grand- f bridal satin designed with : ,,,'i,- of the bride; Miss n empire waistline. The Barbara Parker, and Mrs. odice made of lace was Dorothy Parker, all of enhanced with long lace Headland, Ala.; Mrs. Bud sleeves. She carried a bou- \'.'**. i .iy, .', :r of the uet of mixed summer groom, Mrs. Betty Atwell and lowers. Miss Teresa Watford,. all of Dr. Joseph Hendrix President of FAFP The Florida Academy of Family Practice held its 24th Annual Scientific Assembly, June 21-24 at Walt Disney World. Dr. Byron Thames, director of medical facilities at Disney World, was general chairman. The Academy is the largest organized medical specialty group in Florida and a component of the American Academy of Fam- ily Practice. At the annual business meeting of the Academy, the elected officers were: Presi- dent, Dr. Joseph P. Hendrix, Port St. Joe; Vice President, Dr. Robert Johnson, Talla- hassee; and Secretary Trea- surer, Dr. Charles Dunn, Miami. The guest speaker for the annual banquet was Gover- nor George Wallace of Alabama. He was presented the Freedom Heritage Award by the Academy. This award if for the person the Academy feels has done the most to advance the concept of family practice of rr-'.ik vn- Dr. Lynn Carmichael was awarded the John G. Walsh Award for his work as professor of the Department of Family Practice, Univer- sity of Miami, School of Medicine. Club Restaurant Closed Friday The Dining Room at St. Joseph's Bay Country Club will be closed Friday, July 6 and will reopen Saturday, July 7. All other facilities at the club will remain opened. Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns MR. AND MRS. RONNIE DUPREE Kirkland-Dupree Vows Exchanged Model D 2295 Reg. $137.95 WEDDINGS - ANNOUNCEMENTS Whatever your printing needs, wed- ding invitations, baby shower, anni- versary parties, we can print it for you. We specialize in fine printing for special occasions. TTMH STAR 227-3161 Wedding vows uniting Miss Linda Kirkland and Ronnie Dupree in marriage were exchanged in the First Baptist Church June 8 at 5 p.m. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Francis T. Kirkland and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Mamie Harper and the late Ralph M. Dupree. The Rev. Dewitt Matthews officiated at the double ring ceremony. Nuptial music was provided by Miss Carol Parker, organist. The bride given in mar- ~prp.-p --p.i :. L- ~ II ill -IIILJ~LI II L-l -L III IL---- -1 --- I "' THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 197. PAGE FIVE Suggestions Offered for Ways to Get A Quick Shade "We would like to plant a live oak or southern magnolia but we can't wait that long for shade". Sound familiar? This is a very common comment from homeowners who want to plant a shade tree. The truth is with proper care, trees 'that were once considered to be very slow growers need not take so long to reach desirable size. Superior shade and ornamen- tal species like live oak, white oak, black olive, magnolia, dogwood, and others should not be passed up just because they are labeled as "slow growers". There are several things you can do to speed up the growth of trees. First, consider soil condi- tions. If the soil where the tree will be planted is poorly drained, compacted, infertile, or too dry, take the time to modify it to better suit the trees' requirements. Many soil additives or amendments- are available, and when incorporated into the soil can greatly improve the physical and chemical soil properties. r ,'.-l-, are peat, com- posts, and sludge. Next, consider the nutrient supply in the soil. If the soil is naturally infertile (and most Florida soils are), you might want to incorporate a complete fertilizer into the planting site. If the site is poorly drained, fill dirt may be added to provide a layer of well-drain- ed soil deep enough for good root growth. If the soil is very sandy and dry, soil amendments can be used to increase water holding capa- city and mulch can be used to reduce water loss after the tree is planted. Consider the spot where you' will plant the tree. Most trees make maximum growth when planted in full sun. Don't plant a slow-growing tree in dense shade and expect it to grow quickly. Use -..:,i ': around the tree to reduce soil temperatures, especially if planted in full sun. A mulch can insulate the tree roots and reduce soil temperature by 15-20 degrees thus making a more favor- able environment for root growth. The last two points to consider are probably the most .', (.i-'I Never dis- Methodists Show off Parsonage turb the root system and reduce :..:.. ,:. -. to the tree. Even r, trees have a few very deep roots, most of the root system is Ri';, shallow. Any :;*.':j* or hoeing which damages the roots of the tree can slow its ;: ... considerably. And keep grass away for the newly planted tree as long as ...c.:: .-. Research has shown that ,..: ,!'; ,.'," of grasses can reduce root -"? of young trees as much as 50 percent. This severe reduction means the tree gets less water and nutrients, and growth is restricted. .... --. a bare area around the tree is again very beneficial. Maximum ; is the result of how well you help meet the rur.,. '. ..*d., conditions. of the tree. If you follow, these .i ,w '-. .:. thtat " ....'.*.. -.., .:." shade tree may be grown as fast as one of the -. r.., '. "fast- growers." First United. Methodists put their handslne new parson- age on 6.- .., Sunday afternoon in an open house affair. In the photo above, 4.,. i J. i..,,. Chairman of the Administrative Board, Mrs. Joseph P. Hendrix, President United '*..=.' Women, Pastor Millard Spikes and his wife welcome Mrs. -.ir, Anchors and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Smith to the open house. Also ,'.i..r'; guests just inside the foyer to the new home were Bernard. Prid- geon, Jr., Dr. Joe Hendrix, Chairman Committee on Fi- nance. Charles Gaskin of Wewa- hitchka was the Architect for the new parsonage. W. W. Barrier, Jr., the ,.rd:'r contractor and Mrs. Thomas McDermott, interior .decora- tor. The United Methodist Wo- men hosted the open house celebration with Mrs. Ed Ramsey chairman of the Hostess Committee. . with her were Mrs. Bob King, Mrs. *.-: Costin and Mrs. Wayne j. In charge of refreshments were Mrs Bob **' Mrs. Bernard Pridgeon, ..' and ,'Mrs. W T. %- .---- Flowers in "',the ... *' were arranged by Mrs. James Tankersley and Mrs. J. Lamar Miller. Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns Gas Use Higher In Florida Jacksonville- Motorists in Florida have doubled their . .: .; ,- .:-,-,:'T .:.'" in the past ten years, the -Florida State Chamber of Commerce reported yesterday. In its Weekly F-.j C ,.- Review, the State Chamber said that resident and : motorists in the state con- sumed 3.8 billion .- of , : last year, double the 1.8 billion il- ". consumed in 1962. "Along with the increase in motor fuel sales .t-r state has seen the number of register- ed automobiles go from 2.3 million in 1962 to the more than 3.8 million in the state today," said Ronald S. i ..' -, Jr., Executive Vice President of the State Cham- ber. '",.. added, "At the same time the number of '.. I ., to the state has gone from about 13 million persons to an estimated 25 million in Florida last year." The Review said that motor fuel sales increased 12 percent last year from the 3.4 billion -. sold in 1971. ..... in -. .... '. increased 15 ."' , last. year over 1971, the S.. gain among the major counties of the state. Total ,"".- came to 224 million j. Broward with sales of 352 .. ., in- creased 1 -, .:." over "',- as did Polk ".... .-'. sales of 134 million ...:.'- Pinel- las increased 12 percent i sales of 240 million .-. Increasing nine ; *' * were Brevard ..,' 121 million .: ,, Duval with 265 million ,-.'. .: Escam- bia .' i. 102 million . Roche P. Rambles By W. C. Roche The way taxes are nowadays, you might as well marry for love. The most efficient home .i'.i. .-' was made from a rib. t ..- fticker: "I am a- c..' rl candidate. In case of 4.. .* ," call a press conference." To end high school dropouts, let's require a A.'ior', for a driver's license. Parents are to blame for most of the lying done by children. They insist on asking .:i .'..-'- We'll gladly answer questions con- - cerning any of our merchandise and service, Roche's Furniture and Appliance 209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271 School Eyes Branch The Panama, .; Christian .', ....' school in the Port School is t. !. *h,,- the St. Joe area due to the ,",. ,...: ..( ,,.,'-. :1 a increased interest expressed branch of their pI' 1-- by many parents in this area. Lee Larson, principal, will and Palm Beach with 188 be in Port St. Joe at the million .,...,', Dade had Centennial .id.ud-', on Tues- higher total c ,i' .. ,sales day evening, July 10, at 8:00 -than any other county with p.m. to meet with all 599 million gallons in 1973, an interested pI.-t,- increase of 6 percent over the. If there are any questions, S. ... year. call 229-2076 or 229-2206. The Opening of St. Clair Funeral Home 507 10th Street Phone 227-2671 Offering dignified people of a sympathetic, service to the Gulf County. Over 15 Years of Experience Owned and Operated by Mr. and Mrs. JOE St. CLAIR Fashion Fabrics 218 Reid Avenue WEEKEND SALE One Table c -- REMNANTS " Values to $5.98 Long As It Lasts - $1.98 yd. : , POLYESTER KNITS All Spring Colors Reg. $3.98 Th1W Weekind Only $3.49 yd. -- -- I I-C~-~~l 11111~ --r L I I 1~IICIIrllllll -~s~ I A a WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES gwP a! AlbMIdrsa S, l, 01! THT' IGT WYOI HTCOMLTLYSRFIDWTHAYMETPRCAE AC& Super Rqghnl DrI-.1,n s Frt .h (C baa Sandwiches ea49c GRADE 'A FRESH FLA. OR GA. (FRYER PARTS) OMB P K*; DRUMSTICKS -l79C COMB. PACK .. (BREAST LB "SUPERI-RiGHT"IDELICIOUS FRESHLY GROUND CHUCK .' L $1.19 "SUPER-RIGHT" OUICK FROZEN CHOPPED BEEF STEAKS....... 4 $1.99 A & P 1 Ib. cup Pimento Cheese 89c "SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAt PiCKLE LOAF O SLICED BOLOGNA .... 89c DEL MONTE SLICED P14 o z/$1.00 PINEAPPLE......., CAN i . A&P BRAND APPLE JUICE'T....... 39c .GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL (17 OZ. CAN) OR NIBLETS CORN....'4/$1.00 GREEN GIANT - SWEET PEAS...... o4/1.00 A&P UNSWEETENED' 46 OZ. CAN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE... 39c PICKLE PATCH WHOLE DILL PICKLES......AR49c BANQUET FROZEN SPAGHETTI A.MEAT BALLS i i -oz. DINNERS K "ANOODLES PK. 39C D BEANS A FRANKS Super Qiqhl All Beef I lb. Franks 1 lb. $1.05 ALL MEAT SLICED I LB. PKG. COPELAND BOLOGNA.... 89c COPELAND DELICIOUS SLICED COOKED PICNIC P... .' $1.49 A&P ASSORTED STYLES 8 OZ. CUP PIMENTO CHEESE...... 49c QUICK FROZEN DELICIOUS WHITING FILLETS......LB. 69c LAZY DAY PAPER PLATES .....' c59c ANN PAGE KETCHUP........ 3/1.00 Ann page qt. Mayonnaise 59c LEMON JUICE REALEMON......... 59c SULTANA (WITH TOMATO SAUCE) PORK & BEANS..... 39c ANN PAGE HOT, HORSERADISH OR (6 OZ. JAR) SALAD MUSTARD... 2/25c Borden Instant Non-Dairy Creamer Cremora 22z. 89c RED OR MINT FLAVOR TOOTHPASTE CLOSE-UP.......... U. 69cE LADIES' SHEER STRETCH PANTY HOSE....... 49c TEXIZE LIQUID DETERGENT PINK LOTION..... ,i0 z.3/$1.00 10c OFF LABEL (3 LB. 1 OZ. GIANT SIZE BOX) DRIVE DETERGENT ... 69c OUR OWN SWISS PARFAIT (ASSORTED FLAVORS) 8 OZ. CUP TEA BAGS .......... x 89c BREAKSTONE YOGURT 4/$1.00 SAVE 7c 00% BRAZILIAN COFFEE EIGHT O'CLOCK WITH 1 LB. WITHOUT THIS QE) COUPON THIS REGULAR COUPONBAG RETAIL LIMIT 1 PER COUPON c COUPON EFFECTIVE THROUGH JULY 8, 1973 6^w ww imy SAVE 25c 100 % BRAZILIAN COFFEE EIGHT O'CLOCK WITHOUT S WI 3 LB. oOUPN THIS NBA COUPON COUPONBAG *. REGULAR -RETAIL LIMIT 1 PER COUPON i -COUPON EFFECTIVE THROUGH JULY 8, 1973 imp, JANE PARKER PLAIN OR SEEDED RYE BREAD....... D 1 LB LOA JANE PARKER SANDWICH OR FRANK ROLLS..... JANE PARKER FRESH APPLE PIE......... JANE PARKER CRISPY CHEESE PUFFS...... JANE PARKER CRUNCHY POTATO CHIPS..... " 3/$1.00 8 CT. A PKG. 22 OZ. A. SIZE 41C IB. AKL .ozAO 59C THE STAR; Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 Septic TankS. Back Under Jurisdiction of Health Dept. The Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS) .announced,, today that the. responsibility for inspection of newly constructed septic tanks in Florida will be returned to the Division of Health from the Department of Pollution Control on July 1, 1973. The responsibility was shifted from the health agency to the pollution control agency during the past year. "Once again," said A. W. Morrison, Jr., administrator of the Division's Sanitation Section, "people can obtain septic tank permits from their county health depart- ments in all Florida coun- ties." The 1973-74 Appropriation Act, passed by this year's legislature, decreed that Florida's Septic Tank Pro- gram be'managed by county FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH... Comer Third Street and. Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service .....,...11:00 A.M. Church Training 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service .--.---.--: 6:30 P.M. Prayed Meeting (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" SEE WILMER THURSDA Y For Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at . LLOYD PONTIAC-CADIllAC ,lnc. 930 Harrison Ave. Panama City, Florida Office Phone 768-8575 Bes. Phone 763-9624 health departments. "To reduce"the inconven- iences that may result from the charge ~w. 'are trying to, notify de.ve pir, builders, contractors, ept.:. tank in- stallers and the. man who builds his ow.i; rn-n through the news ;ri.,;. Morrison said. Permits for construction of septic tanks muist"b'e obtained from a c: .. '.- r.r, .':,.. ., - ment before installation is allowed in Flo tj-_Use of the septic tank ig- ift allowed until a final -,r'. .-:..: .r, is conducted by a county health department sanitarian. A minimum of 24 hours notice is -,.,' :'.& for the final. *" 7 advance notice i. -;. :.: t'. health departments 'to minimize inspection costs." About '.":.' r tank installations are expected by health officials in Florida this year. Health records show that within a five year period from 1967 to 1971, new construction of i E tanks almost k. i ] The total for 1967 wa: 1'., 4~ For 1971, it was 37, 199. Class of 1963 Will Get Together The Class of 1963 of the PortSt Joe High School will have their ten year reunion on July 7th. .and 8th. A .., ;..-1 will '. held '. 7th at Butler's ~,. *.., rv at 8:00 p.m. A ':'. picnic is :,. d for Sunday afternoon July 8, at W 1-: .. Park, All Alunir- ij teachers are invited to cpme by and visit with the class and their families. The Continental Singers, a. world touring group of high school and college age musicians, will be appearing in a live concert on July'11 at 8:00 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church in Port St. Joe. Now in their tenth year, the & ntinental Singers have tiveled from-coast to coast more than sixty times, performed in all fifty of the United States and have appeared in over fifty nations on, five continents.. In addi- tion, they have appeared in nupberous radio and *'-.,.. .:-. r ':. .r.. around the Composed of 25 singers and a 12-piece band, these out- -:',".v"L *'; :rd.',, 'rn.,'.=- p e er 'r fully -a.:w t.i from "*:"... .. of audlttbns across the country. currently on a ten week tour of -', p r r i.. , ances, the Continental - ers will appear ,', ., ,a the Far East, Fui.i.-. Canada, the Bahamas, the C zn .t l .s ;:, and. the 1.i ce.j- States. * Their 90 minute program is fast paced and versatile with concert anthems, spirituals, folk ...': -- and con- "'.il.. ;'I gospel music-ap- p-"*.;.. to young and old alike. It will be an *- .I.., . :-p and :.. ,- ,- 1-.i evening. An .,..,;' will be taken to help defray their *p. -, . SEALY MID-YEAR J same firm ir nerspring .: found at10Oto*2O more TT ll - SEALY GOLDEN GUARD Thii s thie lknd of firmness you've looked for in a mattres&s esthie kind of prie yuveswanedto payl Hudrds of peciely temperedcoilsExtrairm omiono bar foundation. And as xurous deep-qil op, ~Take'adv~aitae of dt s offer QUEEN SIZE 6Ox8O" 2-piese set $i79.95 MNO 5 ZE 76x850 3-psee set $249,95 You get so much for such a modest price with this charming suite. It has all the enduring characteristics that make it a fine investment. Strong, classic styling, richly grained oak finish and matching plas- tic tops that stay beautiful with iuptwipe-clean care. All cabinets feature dove-tailed and center-guideA drawers. Visit us soon. see for yourself just how beautiful and easily affordable this suite is! OUR TERMS LET YOU ENJOY IT NOW! College Singing Group at Methodist Church ---s 11-11 I I PAGE SEVEN PAGE- EIH THE STR Por St Joe Ph THRDY JUL5.197 Rotarians Hear Of Three Arrested by Sheriff On Report Changes for Gen. James Gadsden Various Drug Violations A SUCCESS STORY ...that's the story of our Rexall Pharmacy...and it's all because of YOU! Yes...our success de- pends on your satisfac- tion with our service and our products. That's why we recommend and fea- ture Rexall quality pro- ducts. And, that's why you can always expect prompt, courteous atteA- tion to your needs! Call on us soon...and see! your A lla PhilCy BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE h. 227-3371 317 Williams onvenilent Drive-in Window Plenty: of Free Parking River (Continued from Page 1) name, Woodruff said the beneficial effects throughout the entire 320 miles of the three rivers should be evalu- ated against any adverse effects in a shorter section of the Apalachicola River, alone. Even the Marianna Chamin .ber of Commerce and Rep. ..Wayne Mixson, backers of the Jackson Port at Sneads, said the present plans pro- posed by the engineers should be reconsidered. U.S. Congressman Bob Sikes of Crestview and Congr:. ::.- T-n Flint and Jack Brinkley of Georgia in .prepared statements favored the navigational canal. Flor- "ida.Congressman Don Fuqua, of nearby Altha, said he could not accept it as it is now, proposed and Senators TL.,..At,.r. .Chiles and Ed Sii.ef, said.they wish to bei kept informed. The river "is an asset so great to Florida that no serious consideration should be given to converting its upper reaches into a series of ?, ,,i.ire.," dams,"' said -Askew's statement read at the hearing by aid Jay Landers. Lt. Col. Terence Connell, acting district engineer at M..f.... :, Ala., who conducted "the hearing, said the project ..was a result of a congression- al order to determine ways to I assuring a nine-foot channel on a dependable ; for '.barges on the 107-mile river. S The engineers proposed four plans ranging from two *to four dams with and "canal variations. The plans are in a very p ,[t,,,,,,, ., state and will '.'' to go .: ..,.'" many more studies, )ni. 4 u.,_ envi- -ronmental impact statements and get approval and rn.- ." Proper S.S. Credits Working people under 72' getting social security pay- ments should report any changes in their earlier 1973 earnings estimates as soon as possible, according to David P. Robinson, social security representative for Gulf ,County. "Earnings don't affect social security payments to people 72 and over," Robin- son said. "But earnings can affect payments to people under 72. They should report any change in their work or earnings on the postcard sent to all people who work and *get social security.checks." If the postcard is lost, a visit or phone call to any social security office can take care of the report, Robinson said. The Panama City Social Security Office" is at 1316 Harrison Avenue. The phone number is 763-5331. You can call free of charge if you dial the operator and ask for WX-4444. "People who report ". earn less than they originally from Congress, Connell said. Fuqua, whose congression- al district includes the river, said, "The ...' plans have serious defects which would be harmful to this area... The seafood industry a t i. .* i ', ,, o f ,. ,, . cola would be .. ..... wiped ;out. In .addition. to 'countless acres of valuable 'timberlands would be ,' ... ed, *. and other forms of water, recreation would be destroyed." ' These dangers also were cited by a statement from Natural Resources Director -..,, 1. ...:.. Pollution Control Board member John Robert Middlemas of Pan- estimated may get additional social security payments during the year," Robinson said. "But people who earn more than they originally estimated and don't report the change may get social security checks not due -* : and have to repay money at the end of the year." Earnings of $2,100 or less for the year do- not affect social :- .' payments. When earnings go over $2,100, social security payments are reduced $1 for. each $2 earned. "No matter how much you earn in a year,:" Robinson said, "you can get your full social ....-,. '. payment for any month you neither earn over $175 nor do substantial work in your own business." Use the Classified Ads Midget investments With Giant Returns ama City; Pollution. Control. Director Peter C.j :,-. Inter- nal .. .. Trust Fund staff member Robert Roula . and ... ., ...r -.. of other state and federal agencies. Archives r ' Director Robert ; r See of State Richard *.. also said archeological would. be flooded. Connell :.. opposition From a governor and state government carried great d o .... in the study of environmental impact. '"'-i, is r .... .." said Askew. Eddie Nesmith, manager of Ft. Gadsden State Park gave an interesting historic pro- gram to the ,Port St. Joe Rotary Club last Thursday, giving the club members a synopsis of the life of General James Gadsden, for whom the park and Gadsden : '. were named. Gadsden was a many talented man, born in Char- leston, S. C. in 1788. He came to Florida with General Andrew Jackson as his chief aide. Gadsden did much of the leg work for Jackson in ? -, the -; - of Fort St. Marks from the Old Town from the British and Pensacola from the Spanish. Gadsden was named 4n Ad utant General in 1823 and charged with removing the SIndians from North T:- j SUpon retiring in I18J, Gadsden returned to Charles- ton and went i. .- business. He idea of a transcontinental railroad to give the -'.-. states an economic -i the industrial North. He went to Mexico as .an ,- ; :: .; of the United Sta es to arrange for the purchase of a p -' r'.,. of Southern New Mexico to obtain a route for his : .':.".. He arranged for the purchase of 45,000- r.u,;j: miles for the sum r .,' million. Ten years i. '.; House and lot for sale at 1033 McClelland Ave. Call 229-5591. It. 6-14 For Sale: 3 bedroom Excellent condition. wall carpet. For .. o.' call 227-8305. 3 bedroom house, 11V 511 Ninth Street. 229-6 BUSINESS FORMS and LETTERHEADS You can rely on us to give you prompt service. We pride ourselves on doing quality work for our cus- tomers. We guarantee your satis- faction. THE STAR Phone 227-3161 PLASTIC: A POWERFUL FORCE FOR CONSERVATION Man has used more ener- gy in the last 30 years than he consumed in all history prior to 1940. The apex of this energy orgy is yet to be reached, according to experts. World energy consumption is expected to double be- tween 1970 and 1980. The energy supply around the world is dissipating so rapidly, say many scientists, that we now face the threat of one day not having enough energy to turn our already diminishing resources into manufactured goods. Indeed, a recent editorial in The New York Times declared that a campaign to conserve energy will "have to occupy American society for the rest of the decade." Many experts believe what is also needed is an acceleration of efforts to develop new energy sources and expand facilities to convert existing resources into useful energy. In recent years plastic materials have replaced many other conventional materials formerly used in various con- sumer and industrial prod- ucts. What does this mean in terms of the nation's energy consumption? In their production, plas- tics, compared to alternative materials, generally require considerably smaller quanti- ties of energy per volume of finished material. Further, many of the raw materials used in the manufacture of "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" -a soli- iwe plastics were formerly dis- carded by-products of the petroleum industry. Of perhaps greater im- portance, however -- and a point often overlooked in discussing reuse of materials --is the possibility of re- covery of their energy value by using them as fuel to .produce steam which, in turn, can be used to produce electric power. This concept can be :,':' .:-. in either of two ways: in modern mu- nicipal incinerators designed ,-0: ;. ..' for this-purpose, or in existing electric power plants by using municipal waste as a supplement to the fuel normally used, Because of their high heat content, plastics are particu- larly desirable as a fuel They also help other refuse such as wet garbage, grass and leaves to burn more effi- ciently.T. ; -* ;ivesplas- tic the distinction of being one of the only materials that has the potential to "give back" to the environ- ment almost all of the little energy taken away during its fabrication. Thus it is possible that increasing amounts of energy could actually be saved if the trend toward increasing use of plas- tics continues and if the concept of using our waste materials as fuel is encour- aged. Under the dual pressure ol' lack of land for future dumping and the energy shortage, say experts, this up-to-date concept combin- ing volume reduction with energy production should be given serious consideration in the years ahead. For Rent: Furnished at reas rates. Phone or 229-5641. One bedroom .. beach .' .* for Smith's ; p ] For Rent: One and two bedroom attractively fur nished apartments. Cool ,.in summer, warm in winter, Gas heat, window fans. 'T-. must be seen to be appre cited. Contact Mrt Prince at WIMICO L.,OE_ .L and TRAILER PARK. White Phone 229-2413 $r 648-3101 tfc-10-28 4 Land, 15.4 acres on Wetap- po Creek. North of Overstreet call 229-6255. 4tp 621 COLORADO 40 ACRES, $9,750, Cool, high mountain .:-, Within i 3. -,: distance to the Rio Grande River. 1 .. surveyed, and accessible. $95 down, $95 monthly. 6 percent. STEED 911 W. 10th Amarillo, TX 79101 806-376-8690 ^--I- 'k-= For Sale: 1972 Monte $3500.00. For more inf tion call 227-5171. 1965 Ford Mustan speed, good condition 6786. house. Wall to r'irt rr Civil War broke out before Gadsden's dream of a rail- road :: .*'- Charleston with San Diego could be completed. "If Gadsden's idea had' been completed, the Civil War might never have been S Nesmith said. Guests of the club were Robert Costin of . Bob Newman ,of Pica- yune, and Bernard S Jr Gulf .. ',-:-. [ Ray- mond Lawrence announced the arrest of three subjects in Port St. Joe early Thursday, June 28, on various narcotic violations. Arrested were > :. ' Dwight Taylor, 23, of Auburn- dale, Laurie Peterson, 21 and 21 r old Rosemary Schimissi, both of Michigan. is being held for possession of ... *.- a Summer Recreation Still Draws Crowds The --: :.: Board summer recreation program ..to draw crowds of last week in its second week. North Port St. Joe -" had 206 registered -.. with an average attendance of 85. In .the men . women's softball - held on :- and Thurs- ... the men beat the girls 8 to 4 on T. - At Port St. Joe _7- ".-- -: School Gym with 170 register- ed and an average attend- ance of 90 the boys ,: two. softball :.." with the -.'. "'- I .- ... group last . .. ..... Highland View boys won the lower elemen- tary game *.- Port St. Joe For Sale: 10 x 55, 3 bedroom, 1% bath trailer in good condition. See Bill '..... or call 229-6730. tfe 7-5 Ferns, '...r. Ir,' baskets, shrubs. See at 139 '.i .-.,. Circle. 2tc 7-5 3 14" G-60 '.r-:. and 4 tfc 5-10 chrome mags. Call 648-3935: 1 tp 7-5 ,baths. 255. .14 ft. aluminum boat with 4tp 6-21 traler and 7 h.p. motor. $250.00 Call 648-7211. 2tp 6-28 Pony and .. ..e .'ti1, : blanket, $75. Phone .648-6332. 2tc 6 -28 d beach .. U,. U S. Silver Coins. sonable For :. -- call 648-4916 after 6 227-3491 p.m "' 6-28 tfc 16 ft. Orlando .',-' 80 ,. horse --also 1968 rent VW, excellent 6.. 48- tfe 3737. =621 For Sale: R used -' ' KENT -L ;. t 229-6895. Lose weight Tablets Water Pills. Drug. 10 speed biki M men's, " terms availab auto, Port .' Jo taking the upper elementary game. Regular games are held each Wednesday be- tween these two groups and all boys who wish to play are invited. The Stac House to draw. large for - day from 2 to 9 The tennis court had 65 students registered. Any men interested in in a tournament are asked to contact Allen Scott or Gerald Lewter. Ages for the tourna- ment be 16 and up. The Port St. Joe High School '' i . has 125students registered with an average attendance of 80. Like to cut grass in St Joe and beaches area. Call 229-4481 ti 6-21 Want to ,.. ,, *,,, for 1966 1o. or later, 6 cyl Call after 6 p.m.' .. Apa- lachicola.- .. ,. . Wanted .. window '. 10 to 12 foot boats or .. of value for re-sale. 102 5th '. *m*,., View. 229-6193. 6-21 WANTED CUSTOMERS TO Shop at THE SEWING CENTER 229 Reid Avenue Phone 229-6895 No I -j,.- I 'Needed' PAT'S ROOFING T4 Free J '- teconditioned No job too small Bi -- *' Call Day or ". 227-4713 CO. Phone or 229-6898 8tp 6-7 1 cal tfc 5-3 ,-..: Tanks ,..r.- out' Pl Call Buford -.. .. Phone ': with New 229-6694 or 229-2937. ers a n d . S' .. Professional H-,i,. with 5tp 6-14 emotional problems and-on es in stock concerns. Gulf ,',11 Guid, vi. is in stock, ance "-. Port St. Joe, Re stle Florida 227-2691 or' Rev. te style .- ." StI bottles for Flea Market in fron o Gift .':;, at Mexico z:? -., from 9 til 6. GIGI POODLE GROOM- ING". i-"'. clip & groom. r sale' Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Chris Highland View. Call for f Paf, appointment 229-3571. te5'-31 tfc 5-31 NO. 1 DRIVE IN THEATER Apalachicola, Fla. Wed.-Thurs.-Fri.-Sat, July 4, 5, 6, and 7 The Famous Movie! WALKING TALL Next Week ! LADY SINGS THE BLUES There will, be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. 41 E.C. Bailey, W.M. Herbert L. Burge, Sec. R.A.M.- Regular convoca Carlo, tion on St. Joseph Chapter forma- No. 56, R.A.M., 1st and 3rd : .;., -'.:. 8 p.m All visiting tfc 5-3 companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H.P. ng, 4 Willie Lee Griffin, H.P. 1. 229-- E. William McFarland, 2tc 7-5 Sec. na S( Ph tfe 5-10 MEXICO BEACH' BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS - C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVER I'ARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida i felony. Both Peterson and Schimizzi are charged with :I-1.' possession of mari- juana, possession of LSD, and possession of narcotic para- ;[ o - The trio was +*,r'r% , about 3:00 a.m. after a .' stop by a T'..;'.. Sheriff found the driver of the to be in a suspicious manner. The S. Larry -' .. was joined by two other law NOTICE OF AFFLICATOON FOR TAX DEED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, Tht George GTo7pper, F dierof Tax Cerlfcae o.2, issudthe7h dy of JunesA.D. W71has M same'm m offe an~diFhas ma" 5Oa[ ti fr lox deed soii ii; 5 d e 1 its tl INow )ng ,00 50 0 Vp iCoutyo GuIosoF ao IIt Lot 3 ad iz:i 5Cap S Sias Sub I 1 Ti ssessmentof thesapd underithe saidcerificate 005 W the no'oame of ~im B5 gs UI'so s osad cerificate shll rdee'med acodingtoI ow M propertydo r~bed theeinwil es toth I' ~ ostbidderstite ourt ous door onth firstMonay inthmonth of Auut 197,whI 0is' he6thday Of Augut 193,ao:0 am ET. Dated thi sI2thday ofJune 913. -s- EORG Y, ORE C koCircitCour Gu1 CunyFidot(SEAL) At75 Man to operate Florida S .. i1, ,. Ir ., Depart- ment at St. Joe Motor Co. Apply in person, tfc 6-28. . First class body man. Apply in person at St. Joe. Motor Co. tfc 6-28 Salesman for new and used cars. Apply in person at St. Joe Motor Co. tfc 6-28 / ,,,,,:,..-. for Union 76 station on Monument Avenue. Call collect Blountstown, 674-8222. tfc 6-7 For mes id. '.: Needs see L.Temple, 1302 Palm tfc-9-7 For Service without delay, 1l KENT SERVICE today. umbing, electrical, ..'c :,: and air copdition- i. F.=...: : Phone 229-6895. tfc 3-22 FOR THE BEST In Tele sion and Sound come by 301 eid Ave., and see our line of revisions, components, ereos, radios and tapes. We ve a repairman c-'1i:. K and D TV and OUND, 301 Reid Ave., hone 227-2071. tfc-3-1 AAA REFRIGERATION CO. Port St. Joe. Franchise Service Repair to all Home Appliances Service on GE, Hotpoint, Westing- house, Philco, Kelvinator and others. Call Day or Night 229-6953 tfc 6-14 All Work Guaranteed Going Fishing? Stop here first for a complete line of Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. enforcement officers, Deputy Oscar Jones, and Grady Broxton of the State Bever- age Department and all three noticed the strong odor of marijuana in and about the vehicle. A search uncovered about 17 "dime" bags of "' :.' i.1..',' , and a large .,...*1,1, of I *1", as well as the .ir -::..'" ,'-jl... All three have been releas- ed on bond. NOTICE OF SALE OF JEEP NOTICF is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida w1H offer for sale to the highest and best bidder by sealed bid, the to lowing described personal property to wit: One "1) 1965 Jeep ID, No. 20i00 cycle; 4 wheel drive; free wheelng hubs; winch w-200 ft. cabe, 800 m9ies. This vehicle may ce inspected at the Sheriff's par kng lot, uif county Courthouse, Part St. Joe, between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bids must be accompanied by a money order, check or cash in the amount bid. Bids will be accepted at the office of the Clerk Circuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida, until 7:30 p.m., July 24, 973. ihe Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners Gulf County, Fiorida BY: A. L. Davis, Chairman Read the Classified Ads Earn $3 to $5 an hour in your spare time. If you ,j -i. 1 ...- '11 show you how. For interview call 648-5186 from 10 aom. to 1 p.m. tfe 7-5 Construction workers needed for Gorrie F. Bridge repairs in .:.,.a. h icola. WELDERS Paving Breaker Olei -.h.'. Contact Charles Hall at job site or call 670-4967 at night. Goodwyn & Mur- phree, Inc. An equal opportunity employer, tfc 7-5 For Chain Link Fence call. Emory Stephens. Free estimate. Guarantee on labor and materials. Low down payment. Phone 227-7972. A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe S-- CALL-- COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 I "Ithnk t wo something I ote.' Use of Sprayer free with purchase f Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Legal Ad it 7.5 I _ I I- THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDgS~AY, JULYY 5,1973t PAGE EIGHT lie. western c. m THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1973 Adulthood Brings New Responsibilities to Youth 39 Limit 1 pkg. of 3 Additional balls $1.00 each NEW- High com- pression gives greater distance off the tee than our previous Nick- laus models. NEW Surlyn cover by DuPontc makes this ball virtually cutproof. NEW- Extra- white cover paint stays white hole after hole. Pate's Shell Plus $3.28 FE.T. and exchange tire 8.00-16.5 Black tubeless 6-PLY RATED Service 0 am n >i .Q Tallahassee- C .... .:.-' - that added rights bring greater .: .. -- Flor- ida (:- -;' :.': r Fred 0. (Bud) Dickinson today released a series of money r -' *' consumer : intended --;:. : -- for Florida's newest adults. On .. 1, Florida laws .- : age limitations of :21 years or older will be "changed to read 18 years or .'older. . "The 18-20 year old group :: *. a giant increase in : .' independent con- S- :.-." Dickinson explain- d, .''. that "now that these young adults can enter a contract without consent of parents, guardians or other .;. we feel that . S..'.' be aware of rights and .* .' ; under Flor- 'c... numerous financial laws." ,Dickinson's r :.. .: pur- ,30. ., general in nature, covered four areas of money r: a roof .5; ': -a .n- d- .. t., -..: :-. .. : T a n d ".. -'. 'i ' His i. .. f"SAVING is a vital part of careful money '.- .. i .-. are a number of different savings plans at ..- ;:'i '.0 ,ks. Know - annual- .. , ,, the different plans. ,.w;' .r. details of various i.ip. .' :. plans, joint a -;., higher interest ; :. .accounts, service ,chrgr'. and earning dates. Sometime interest is earned frop the first of a month if .i-..v .. are t.::,'. *'-.d by a r.:i; :-. later date. T, :'.,-. i;J ",.r.;e-, details. '"REDIT can be one of the most useful' "'.' tools available to consumers if it is used --'-:' and cautious- ly. Before shopping for an iterm to be purchased on credit, ask *... the ,i'.,'AIi".11 1 ..i. ; (1) Need 1 .' o -,' ; : .. ' I a ffo r d m .- ...,, ,'. (3) Can I t...t until I have the cash? (4) Is the item i worth the extra cost of buying on time? And, (5) Can I afford a ;. i 'r. '-. bad credit s r.; if I miss too many "There are two ways to buy on credit from most -. stores. Stores that issue credit cards make paying for less *t...-:.'- items easier. The interest is low if you can pay the ,.rw,' '. ,'. a few months, :- -. -il-, ri' con- tracts are used for more expensive items which you pay in small amounts over longer .p. '.".. of time. The interest rate is less than if toe j 'n had been ,'r'- r ..- I oiB a credit card for paying the same period of time. "-,',' ,= :'. ;.*,- contracts must have clearly *- the ;-- .. 'Notice to Buyers:' '(1) Do not sign this agreement before you have read it or if it contains any blanks, (2) You are entitled to an exact copy of the contract you sign. (3) You have the right to pay in advance the full amount due, and, in certain circumstances, to obtain a -:.: ;- refund of the interest based on the time price '.'.:.' 5.ou buy on time, "pay on time. If unforeseen : : 1. difficulties force -you into missing r. -. -. . go to your dealer. In most cases, arrangements can be made. Even a voluntary repossession is better than the bad rating that results from stores having to come and pick up items that no effort has been made to make payments. Dealers know that honest people face hard times and are .-.:..' to deal with you again under better conditions. This holds true for banks, loan companies and all businesses in the financial community. "BORROWING money -is something we all do on one occasion or another. Interest rates on various loans are regulated buy vary, depend- ing on how much you borrow and who you borrow from. Regardless of the amount you borrow though, the fact remains that the quicker you pay it back the less interest you are charged. Loan companies, banks and other institutions consider your income, job security, colla- Jimmy's Phillip's "66" teral, credit rating and degree of risk involved when determining whether or no' to loan you money. Florida law strictly forbids racial, Ss;::_-: or sex discrimina- tion in making loans or .- ... ; credit. As in .,,- .. .: else, it is a good idea to compare when ..- -: for a loan. " 'BUDGETING sounds like an ugly word to most people. But sometimes restrictions are the best way to manage money; There are numerous formulas used to budget, but. *. all involve C:: aside .... amounts for your needs and wants. When you decide on a budget, stick to it unless unforeseen emergen- cies crop up. Plan to set aside each month amounts which when added up will pay larger bills when they come in. If you set aside this money in savings accounts, you will have enough money to meet -quarterly, semi- annual or yearly bills when they arise i- ..... you will have a bit extra in interest earnings." Dickinson stressed that his i. .t '. were very 7 ,i and urged persons *.- .' further '-r. :-*. 'to ** >' his new "Consumer Informa- tion Division, The .. *~ +i -.- 32304. As a guide for possible questions, Dickinson is charged with ; : '.. state chartered banks, savings and loan .,: :: ... securities dealers, small loan compan- ies, cemeteries, r-,' brokers, retail ,..' ... ' contracts, motor vehicle installment dealers, and trad- ing stamp companies. Dickinson also announced that his Consumer Informa- tion Division is; .,. r,, up to supply financial' information an.' ;...,:!,.,. to consumers 61 a ;i .- :.. "A ..n part of our new efforts will be in **. area of consumer ~.'I,: : " Dickinson said. motorists with our com- plete auto insurance pro- gram. You never know who you might run into, or they to you. Be safe be insured. FIRE BONDS 403 MONUMENT AVENUE You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 AM. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .....- 6:15 PM. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 PM. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday). 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor Local Telephone Service Now Available to WEWAHUITCHKA STATE BANK Customers In order to better serve our many friends and 'customers in Gulf County, we. now have a direct telephone line from Pott St. Joe to Wewahitchka. This ,enables you to call the Wewahitchka State Bank, from Port St. Joe and transact your an.ankijng.. .bbus.i.iess without long distance charges. Please feel free to use this service af your convenience. A with a policy written especial- ly for your area. Most policies are national and ,co- ver only major points of protec- S.. tion. What about S* hurricanes, tor- i nadoes, etc.? Be sure you covered. YOUR CAR YOUR HOmE from light fin- gers. Not only can they be protected in. 09 your home, but also those things you take on your trips. YOUR Possessions from. thieves and dents and accidents. Also, protect yourself from un-insured INO-FAULT INSURANCE TITLE INSURANCE MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST Tomlinson Insurance PHONE 227-3201 r ~s_= IIP = -- 1 4 -"4 IPb rr are PAFE' 'PA THE STAR, Ports~t Jo' FIa THURSDAY. JULY 5, 1973 .EGAL ADVERTISEMENTS aSiJP fC'. WWP1 Th.e City of Porl, St. ex, F'orhwa qnfe jD~elltO 06 the Wi ,BdlkwinqC~ eacrlbea h-eI'7S*. lne.cc, Ap gectrpc *e4.d. II q -'2"O CO IN Il5 n so sedolfol ,6irv-2 rer4"a 2clenamps r30 o'Jee w eO-v'tedlr.o CmAg Ins IFSK'~Ifor-S 4611vP elC:IoDrode .41de~rtr io VAjCICl cotnectiaf/3 11o-'ni.16aetiv duty agee eI.av7g ,;ia4 .t 0lth%2 'eg -sele Or 4qejali i(5 Incliede W0'-'H 7-- W6 ihe,'se. ,fIllIngS. W"er-o.nt! eWIMO *19.cherl 0" rei'si.), en al 50 '~'ai'Di, 1" a i o -A f u. I.' I"' "r,' Ding Taoq.5914 0 igi -4B" P-41F1P Opareft legLn rai 4.'3se Dgerier 4ndustriaq) a3-mo 49.U064oS-Type -B G-elp MAee vtII~eadl Ami6P9u f,r. *1 A." P''-idof eeo 7 .5: 1 7' pl* .r k t, S ,F0 i x W a Ire ,,f iM M I i -i .' ,VA [-.e:.: r .".. F c I ,r 0 V u'e,.a:, i ". *- ,. :. '. .,", .',,, H",l. -, j' f. P ', :.l .- ,,:_ ',. ,r ..''U.. ",,...': r,_ .i, Z .. F r. 0 .'I .. t .. s. f I .i s -,, i,, ,. .l. ) ", .. ;-.i..An .VI- ;F,,.04' ,' '.. : ,- S ,". e g' -" '. s .s-l' e:t a' adhesive r,_ ,-*- ., .1 ,, *,D .,< '..'.. *2- Heevy duty hoe i,.|I- 1. .. "ri* I.:i h .'Wi < 2-Street brooms heavy duty S i-.-. /r-Vw nylon rope r'L, ..: ; l, r 1, 1-286-All purpose essortmeWt al-p ite fittings .'i '* "- '-'' 1 ase-24 or 40 D" Piashllght ,. ;,,,.- .., _,-; ;,pr ,-. .- ,, "'- batteries 4--1%" case ax- /e" shackle a X1i 0 .,D -T, r-. -A'' *I, clearance keyed alike padlocks -/ 4-safety i .* ,'- / ia. * i ...i-- ; ',, ,,'. 2 Heavy, duty leaf rakes - S. AS ..i. .-4-ILevet head heavy duty rakes 6 r ;,, ,* ,.- *,.,. ,t', ,[.,'1:, I.' : : ... ,,,,, p- .-. -'.','* a ..'r'" .. ,. type hose oniite ,, ,,,, --r l "-,i,' r, ",'ri r; thread ".' 8;..,,,, ,f-No. 38207-SO x-a .0. ,- S ..---,'" "'"" :" Gates stream.fi, " ,'. -, lever hose nepes ' ; ,.. and plainly. ,... '.,, .', -.. ,-" S,, ,...-, ., The City of Port St. Joe reserwtesthe '. "'.i'. I right to accept or relet iany or all bids, i.r v :.i-.,,i, ,,,I.l'. I. th e C _-. waive any formalities and ,tacteose tIe S.-,.ll,.i.I ,'_ iu ,,,,_ bid .. best to meet the CItfy '-, ",r ', P "" needs. - SBids mst be submitted to the City , ,,',, ;. ','. Clerk's Offlce, PO BOx A, "rt .t JOe, ,+', ";. "'e..'>- +-"..."; ',' '. Florida. 2456, e~n O before 5B00, P.M. ,', 'b ,' i i' I '., '1 '..- i" 1 ",1 a." .i; -*".! e- T, ^ ; .*a '." .- f,'... a Building, Port St Joe, Florida t .. ,, r r- rt Sto Joe ', ,- ,,r ..,. ,. ..., -, ., ., -,, delivery date S Bidders arerrequested to submit bids 4 "each-Croses,_ '"SAME .. ,: .... .".- ., totaled ,-,. .., Caps, "SAME AS C. W. BROCK ABOV E.'' M A City Auditor and Cierk 27 7-5 "SAE AS ,{ =, ; ., ,' '/ ,.% I iIIi (SWEAT FOR. i .. r r. tBING) MALE ADAPTORS. 4 each-" rr' '" MPT. 4 eah- '. ... MPT. 4, Each-'P"..-' i MPT. S 4 ? '. 4 eac- /W. Cpr x.%" IPT. 4 each-IS+' Cpr x a 1PTo 4 each-l" Cpr x 1" 1PT. ., .:, ..'. Cpr x I/ 6 IPT. ,- 4.r* sf . 4 each- /" x /" x -. . ..4 each-h'/2" x IV" x W' r 4 e..-ai. Da aA x " 4, each--/" x aV" 4, each--i" ax Is 4 each A" a 1" " .... ..... %"i /,i4 ', ,.,, .. ; '.r 5, ABOVE." .- SAME AS 4 each-45 degree Ell, "SAME AS * ABOVE."' . 4 each-Tee, "SAMP AS ABOVE." -.., _AME AS ABOVE" .... ,- L "SAME AS o.: *> '-- *i Y in an envelope and plainly marked "BidNo. WWP2". - '. i _:,. eserves the ,.r .. o .,'. / r all bIds .. N. ,: r -..!. i.,'. -, choose the V ,;. 0'-". '1 r the Citys Sids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Oftce, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held ; at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Minicipal Building, Port St Joe,. Florida, All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids .in item sequence and totaled. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 217.5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP4 The City Of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the'following described items: 1-No. 681-%-" H. D Scru.Drlll '(Black and Decker Industrial) 1-No. 644---%" H. D. Scru-rill (Black and Decker industrIal) I-No. 715-H. D. Hammer Drill Kit (Black and Decker Industrial) 1 set-Hammer-Drill bits /" thru '. by 16ths . I-No. 797-5-Super Duty Angle Sander (Black and Decker Industrial) S6-No. 37112-Grinding Wheels (Black and Decker Industrial) 2-No. 18056-Wire Cup ,Bruihes (Black and Decker indVstrial) 2-No. 12398-Wire Cup Brushes (Black and Decker Industrial) * 1-No. 6285-Heavy Duty industrial ,Variable Speed Jig Saw with case Milwaukee 2-No. 49-22-1080-Sawzall Blade Assortment Milwaukee 1-No. 997K-Suppr Saw (Black and NOTICE TO B( NO. WWP6 The City of Port St. Joe, FBrWda; invites bids on the fallewing described -items: I-No:a 7351--Grinder buffer (BaMdor) I-No. 7524.2-Waerner-, MNon eonduo. Strive extension ladder working length 21 1-U.L. Approved step ladder &6 1 set-No. AA4-Llttie giant serew plate 412 thru A'+"f-S 1 'set No. $ '-ttlU + giant screw ....1, "" u1 tN & HCA S, 492-Hex. Rethread DMies ./ thru '1" NC.& NF H.S I set-Tapered 'pei taps NP.T., S. M/6' thru 2 2 2-T0S-29-=Dil Index and drills 2-Md.TM ,-Amprobe T&t Kit 1 Mod. 40K2-Wen solderftIng gun H.D. 1-MOd. 165.3-Igh air flow H. stainless steel and wet and dry vacuum S eaner .(Black.& Decker) & -Scratch brushes' .010' s-s wire 1W.16" wlde, length f$ Brush Par. 6" -Bass fiber brooms, wire binds, app Flarell 401 handle 6-Street brooms & handles, synthe. tic fiber approved 22" a 4" 1-No 214-M- ter sweep fler brush fine 14 6-Flexable packing hooks 7" 2-Flexabl packing hooks "4I 2-shee aeblnPacking hooks 14 4 sheets- 172' a SO x a75" chesco sheet packing 4 sheets-V i x 50" x 75" chesco sheet packlog 4 sheets-/s' xa SO1 k 76" cheese, sheet packing .4 yds-1122N-V611' sheet packpng 4 ytds.-122N-3/116" sheet packing 4 yds-122N-14/ sheet pAcking 8- yds-.122N-V a 'sheet packing S each-Kit, 12-Valvelon assorted sizes chesterson 2 eacht-Gasket adhesive 3 oz. cans chesterson 12 spools--296-/-V" teflon gold end tape chesterson -oller chain tool morse no. 25 thru 60 1-roller chain tool morse no. 60 thru. 100 24-Starrett Red Stripe H.S. Hack saw blades 14 tooth-in, 24-starrett Red Stripe H.S. "Hck saw blades 18 tooth-In. 24-Starrett Red Stripe H.S. Hack saw blades 32 tooth-in. 24-Starrett Red Stripe H.S. MHack saw blades 24 tooth-in. 1-9-18" mechanics level Starrett with case 1-108-Starrett Line Level 1-434-Starrett Combination Set Quick Reading No. 4R Graduation's with 12", 18" and 24" Scale and Case 1-CO-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 1-Cl-Combination Machlnest & Pipe Visa (Wilton) 1-c2-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 1-c3-Combination Machinest & Pipe Vise (Wilton) 2-642-Master Sweep Floor Brush Course 18" 6-Chip Brushes Osborn i *1-1" Flat Varnish Brush 2lW"' Flat Varnish Brush 1-21/2" Flat Wall Brush Pure Bristle Undyed 1-4" Flat Wall Brushes Pure Bristle Undyed 2--2V1" Flat Wall Brushes Synthetic S3-4', Flat Wall Brushes Synthetic 1--12" Sash Brush 1 roll-50 yds. x 2" wide, Grade 100J, Immm i~r i y- o y xs t 2 l-at r G, do ae'. .iogherif.- g aelSible '" iW h roil-Crocus Clom 50 ya. 2'' Wale 1-Size 1-Carbonrundum Wheel Dresser Size No. I i-SL325540-2-Extra Heavy Duty Lever Gun (AlemlteGrease Gun) ---54269---Hydraulic Extensions (Ale- irtle Grease vl) . -31'9?0-e H I lr-' -e .I1?-Fr- P.Eion p. IQ n-- _+., ,C ,e" a. c ". "' - ) s s-'iii.C ai. v'l' ; .2;ID *'i ; rlo2 ng &. Ce,'-. ,rli : -es--Genr 'a,, ia r..;"' 3 *;'', si, for findingg &-. -'.-,.,c 4 '. .' .I .over spectacle %-- ',,?^-- ',.O II .,', .,r. ,-. ie-h-' .J Winch' Host S- 5o. ,:J. 1.# '--e .'. -'..-, Sheet s. king - sq. yd.-1/32" Vellumold Sheet Picklnog .- i:ri round poit .-Mod. 171-.' , .-..nt shovel ,idalo . ;-Mod.' 181-S4 b -: cuttor ,,. attack ridgid .:-Mod. 182-5 lb. pick culter ,' ittock ridgid i-Mod. 190-Handles ridgid i-Mod. 308-Long handle sledge ...-gid. i-Mod --h.... loammer , .gid . -Mod. 318-Oiler ridgid -Mod. 92-ADJ :' support rldgid !. each-No. 824-24" pipe wrenches m' handles ridgd each.-No. 836-36 pIpe wre che i.n handles ri d' ... '. . .e ,ach-No, *:.'.-,i *.. are. hes i ';.:' --'. '. *' .- Wrench- : ridgld each-No: "'" ders M:a W N P T :r ,* ,= *, . .. each-Nt pi -- .---. pIpe r leaders , each- -' : thread-, s. li" thro ; :; :' each- '- '.. thread. r'. rid id T each- :.. '' leach-U. -- -. ". -.,. - each-*-',. ; ----',., ; : '- ; .- 1 each-No. 20 Cutters pipe rldgid I each-NO. 01440-Ratchet & handle rid id : 1 each-No. '2S- '- ., : 97. 1 - .. '. .. . : ,', r ..' , ._ , ,- -. be' bhelod at . CommfiMssi on. -- b:00 P.M., , Blilingh P i , All bidi e 1 '.- in Ite :. CoW dd .- City Auc -:' ,, NOTICE TO The City af Po invites bids on thi items: 1-TCl@4C-Mobl bly & Platform U e9y & Platform U 1-TCIB5-Mit bMy & Platform 1 each- PHS NO. "A-2so. Pt (Enerpac) 0set-B-x-open Bx-WimIams, No I S. 11 11 1 WISeM = 1 each--S518562o03-%" x %" 1 each-Se18t1326.003-%" x a 1 each-S-lO16606 003-1' x a ' 1 each-5]8-1B900.003-1--/a x ' 1 each-5 B 2080693 -2" x %' , 4 each-537-10556-003--/a" x %' ' BALL JOINT LEAK CLAMPS 2 each-271-0M480-.00-4" 2 -- 2 .; *.. .- :, / . 'r-.; .,--- " C. W. BROCK . City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 - NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP9 I /e The City of Port St. Joe, Forire, -. .. ,* ever *... the following described -.r 1,. '-. ; each-W50'; THW N. 14 AWO r." -. 4- NI. 14 AWG .- .,S.t a : -' '. r ..o , ,, ,, ,* .n .'-. '_ .-, '"' ,' .tr- -* , ._ -. *. .' i o + ." ',, ; 'r, ". ? '-;,', ,. "- = --Di- Di S,, t I. 1 ' S.. weather electricc tape ." : 72' 9 6- WWP7 4 rolls-2074-S lpknot filler tape *Bids shaH be sealed In an env ope rt St, Joe Foida, a nd painy marked "IBd No. WWP9". efoilwIng described The C hy of Port St. Joe reserves the Sright to accept or reflect any orvnalt bidalls, ile T'ol- Crib Assem- waive any formalities and tqchoose the nit (WillIams) bid deemed be"' '. "- -:, :- City's - Tool Crib Assem- needs. Bidders 4. ".. '..-. submit nlt 1Wiliams) bids in item sequence and totaled. I -'*. Assem. A bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, .. Florda, and approximate.delivery date o-To '" *'' shown ess --.'* "" ids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Pr.t St. Joe; n. dletper Wrench Fea. 32456, on or be '- P.M, der ane 1 p0 EO T Joly 17, 1973. :' ..,.'_,,, i ll 1. 32, 1174, 176A, be held at the '-".' City 182, 84, 11N, 1190, Commission Meeting July 1 Jl.973, at ; et Slw P " et%- BuHlinld , William. I each-No Wrench WillHiams , 2 each-No. CT-57-Chain tongs WIlIBams : .1 eaeh-121W-Pedestalgrindaer-Bal- each-akte drive impact wrench I set-nternaal pipe wrenches /va" thru 2 . I set-I- square "wer drive sockets to Inclde the filowming 1662, 16-622, %6.624, 16-626, 16T62 16.6 3 0 16-6' 2 16-634, 16-636 1T638, 1664, 1662, M16I64, 1-6, 6M-64-80. (WHilIms) 1 set- aq" a square dr ie adaptore tor power drive as follows: 6.A4 ,17, 6-.17, 6.110 6-14m; 6.40 W, 7BW, 6a4s26W, SWllllams) 1 set- 1P375G- Hydraulic puells- Mnerpac eet-HP383-Hydfaucll pullers attachments-Enerpae Bids shall be sealed in an eenvdope and plaInly marked "Bid No. WWPW% The City of Pert St. Je reserves the I ;.'i .' ,. : needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Bex A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 500 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 197. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeti- .-; 1 W973 at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T -t '-.unicipal Building; Port St All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate deNver" date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item :- .. totaled. C. W. BROCK - City Auditor and Clerk .:. 2 7-5 NOTICE TO BID. NO. WWPI The City of Port- St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the obliowing described items: CLAMPS 2 each-228-4041025-000-ull circle clamp coupling to fit 42" O.D. Steel Pipe, 25" band width, alloy bolts, O.D. Range 41.50-43.00 2 each-228.40440025-000 -full circle clamp coupling to fit 42" nominal Ductile Iron Pipe (44.50 0.D.) 25" band width, alloy bolts, (O.D. range 44.45.50) 2 each-228-40500025 O00-full circle clamp coupling, to-'lit 48" nominal Ductile iron Pipe (50.860.D.) 25" band width, alloy bolts, range- (50.00 to t51.50) 2 each-226-023807-009-2"-2.35" to 2.63" 2 each-226-023810.000-2"-2.35" to 2.63" * 2 each-226-035010-000-3'"-3.46" to 3.70" 2 each-226-045010-000-4"-4.45" to 4.73" 2 each-225-060010-.00--6"-5.95" to 6.35" 2 each-226-066310000--6"- 6.56" to 6.96" 2 each --226 086317-000 -1-" 8.54" 10 C. W. BROCK S J Clrk 2 7-5 N(OTCE TO B80 N ,. ' The City of Port St. Joe-ltoride, invites bids on the following described items: 2--6" MM Smooth Flies 2-10" MiNi Smooth Pies .LU't 2-14" Mil Smooth PiFes 2--" Mill Bastard Files 2-1" Mtil Bastard Fies 2-14" MMn Bastard Files 2-1, Round Smooth F les 2-140 Round Sooth Files 2-U& ,lound Bastarld Fles 2-11' Round Bastard Files 2-14' Round Bastard Flies 2-14" Rund Bastard Piles 2 ,Tit "ound Bastard Pfles 2--.v Pil'ar Bastard Flies 2-6 Pillar Smooith Fles j, 2-S 3(1J DIamond : . Extra Sinm F ies 2-7" Regu-ar t- : .. 2-12" Smooth cabinet' rasps }, Bids shall be seaed in an envelope and plainly marked "id No. WWPTO". All bids must be F.O.B., Port t. Joe, Florlda .. : :. : : - shown -: ': in .: : . of :I .: " to accept or reject any or all bids waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet "" .' needs. Bids must be submitted to tl City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Po it, Joe, Florida, 324Sa, o or before .Me, E.D.T., July 17, 973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1993, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Mduicipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida . C. W. BROCK : City Aud tor and Clerk .a 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWPlI The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on 'the following described radios and accessories: 4--23 Channel Citizen Bando adio. " "Transistor" mobile with illuminated S-RF Meter. Sensitivity: 0.Suv for 10db stN-N. Frequency Tolerance: within o.005 percent. Input Voltage: 13.5 VOC negative ground. Frequency range: 26.965-27.255 NHZ. 1-23 Channel Citizen Band Radio "Transistor" base with illuminated S-RF Meter. Sensitivity: 0.Suv for 10 db stN-N. Frequency Tolerance: -within 0.005 percent. input Voltage: 12V6C- 115VAC. Frequency Range: 26.965- 27.255 NHZ. 3-5 Watt Hand-Held Transceiver with carrying strap. Not less than 5 channels with iiansmit and receive crystal for channlsP 3, 6, 9, 10, 14. Batte- y chiarerr for A.A. Battery. 8.94" 2 each-226.107512;.00--10"-10.64" to 11.04" 2 each--226-127515-00--12"-12.62". ' 13.02" 2 each-228-1S9215-000-- -1.92 to-' 16.67"1 I each-228-207010-000--20.70" to 21.45" 1 each-227-132015.#00-12"-13-4" to 14.34". 2 each-228.178220-000-17.82" to 2 tanrr?-7:e.;-5 sr" :ir--1I r" to COMPRESSION FITTINGS 2 each-521 -o8400-s"-V-" 2 each-521.106O-0093-S" 2 each-521-13200-003-l" 2 2 each-52-1.-100-00-1W ' 2 each-521-1W9000.003-V/2" 2 each-52i-238000023-2" 2 eaeh-522-8. 1.003-'I2" 2 eaech-522-10501.S03-2"- - 2 each-522.13201-003-1 2 each-522.1W61.003-l/ .. 2 each-522-.1900I-003-1i/2" 2 each-522- 3011.003-2" .. 1 -e ,'-- .',' :..--- a V, ' 1 1 each-S108-T003 -W/ to i/" NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP12 The City of Part St. Joe, Floridao invites bids on the following chesterson packing; 1-- -3 No. BOX 3M16" chestersen No Box; chestersw .-. :--. No. Box 6f 1 J *61' r ;- -3 No, Box % c ehasterson -3 I N o. Bix 7/16" chasterson -. No. Box /2 chste son Box : -. '' B a i-:e-- No -. o" " packlng BIds shall be sealed In' an envelope -1 i marked "Bid Noe WWP12o" .' '. st be F.O.B., Port St. Joes FIoria and approximate dellyery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in Item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept , , d deeme. ' needs BIds must'be r -. -' .City Clerk's Office, PO :. ,. .' Joe, Fla, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973.' Bid opening will be held at 8:00 P.M., .oE.D.T. In the Regular CIlt, ;, .,..r:i .i .'.; : July w1, 1973, at a ft,-Pa.r: t1i S : Port St. Joe, Fiorida. C. W. BROCK - ,g. .,,-and Clerk 257.5 ,NO,.I TO ,eDO ) Aw W0 h..( n '*,, .f I.,. :.'* .- PFirida, S..*.':, ,.. '' -. .. -described Items: '' ,. '. l H ,' r = .- ' M. rr .. .., hours 10-25 50S-Ackermah-Johinson Screw Anc- hors /A"-20 50--Ackerman-Jehnrin Screw Ane hours 5/16"-18 50--Ackerman-Johnson Screw Anc- .. ..' =..r .. Screw Ane- hors V'2" 13 I 5-Ackerman-Johnson Screw Anc- hors %-11i - Bids 'shil be sealed in ar envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP3"o. Al bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Feornda, and approximate delivery date Shown.. Bidders are requested-to submit, bids n Item sequence and totaled. The -'1 Pert St. Joe reserves the right ,,*' or reject any or all bids, waIve any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the- City's needs. .Bids must be submitted to the City SClerks Offiae, PO Box AA Port St. Joe, SFa.,' 3245 on r before S '-P , E..T., July 17, 1973o Bd opening wpll be. hed at the Reglar City CommWssonr Meeting J2ly 197. *W73, at BIG P., EO.T., ne the Mun ipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. NOTICE TO BD NO. WWP4 The City of Port St. Joe, Fnorida, nvites bids on thIe toeowing described items: 1-25'-FPber glass screen 1 x 16 mesh 361 wide. 1-62-Blnks spray gun 66 x 66 SF for syphon spraying 12 C.FM., at SO PS1G -85--50-Binks paint cup clamp type' 24i-V 'x/ T a1 g. brass nlppes N.P.T. 12--BH2. C-Stze 2 couplers V"A Fem. N.P.T. 24--B2-61C-Size 2 nipples Pa Fern 12-35 lengths of hgh Vlexa arhose / .0. x 19/32'" O.D.ol resistant wlth /% male N.P.T. both ends Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and planly marked "Bid No. WWP4". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in iten sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reflect any or all bids, waive any formallites and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T, July 17, 973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M.. E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWPIS The City of Port .St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: 1 each-Model 7V-20-900 Rockwell Horizonal Band Saw with accessories: No. 20-902, 20-903, 20.904 4 each-No. 20-906-Blades 2 each-No. 20-908 -Blades Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP15". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, FPi 32456, on or before 5 a0 P 1P . 3-102 inch stainless steel whip antenna with ball mounts. , 1-Base station antenna with power c;., r, '. less than 4 db. -': Marine V wave fiber glass antenna with coaxial cable and connector. 100'-RG-SU Coax 1'--RG-58-U Coax .8-PL.259 Connector with 8 UGI75 Adaptor Bids shall be sealed In an- envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. :, - All bids must be F.O.B., Poe Florida, and approximate delivery date': shown. Bdders are requested to submit S item sequence and totaled. The. of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or al bids, waive any tormalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. : Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be helo. at the Regular a .. Commission Meeing July 17, -.' 8:0 P.M., E.D.T., in the Munlcipea Building, Pbrt St. Joe, Fiorida, C. W.; BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7. .... '- --.... .. .. . Bulding, Port St., Joe, Flornd C. W. BROOK City AudltMnaend Clerk NOTE fTO BID NO. W The City of Port St. Joe invtes bids onthe following item: 1-Chlorine emergency rep ton cylinders Bads shall ., sealed in an and plainly 'Wked "Bid No. All Bids must be F.O.B., Por Florida, and approximate del shown. Bidders are requested bids in i --c 6e.:--" and to Citi'of "*-*''* ;' deserves s to accept or reject any or waive any formalities and to c bid deemed 'best to meet needs. Bids -must be submitted to Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Por Florida, 32456, on or before E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid op be held at the Regul Commission Meeting July 17 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Building, Port St. Joe, Florid C. W. .OCK City A ditto and Clerk NOTtiE TO BID NO. W The City of Port St. Joe invites bids on the folliwng ideal fuse pullers: - 2 each-Midget 34-001-F fuses, ha" to V2" in diameter 2 each-Pocket 34-002-0- 250 volt, and 1-100 amp., 600 2 each-Giant 34-003-100 to 250 volt and 60 to 400 amp, 6 1 each-31-211-Ideal nylor fish tape-tape and reel 100' NO. ,.: " Bids shall be sealed in an and plainly marked "Bid No. All bids must be F.O.B., Por Florida, and approximate del shown. Bidders are requested bio n.item sequence and to cily of Port St. Joe reserves It a' '.p! or r'i',', t rany or all h E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be .held at fhe Regular City Commission ".~' -; July 7, 1973, at. 8:00 P.M., E.D.7, in the Municipal Bu IdldIng, Port.S. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 .T WD:''T NO. WWPI S t St. Joe, Florida, following described -. .* and telescopic and : ...- ; arm type mower :. -. .y be obtained from fice) Bids shaH be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid.No. WWP16". All bids must be PF.O.B.,Port.St. Joe, 'F .. .. *-.. .' delivery date sr .- -t..- -..sted to submit I :: -, .:: .' e and totaled. The S. reserves the right : .. ., a n y o r a ll b id s , .. to choose the. bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerks Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Flor'da, a on obeor e 5:0 P.M., S 1973. Bid opening will be, held ..at the Regular City Commissaid meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T. in the Municipal -Buiidlnga,wwBfiSt. Joe, Florida. C. W. BRQCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOT CE TO BID N0. WWPI7 The i orda, ..lnvites described ' wer: 1-211 push-.type rotary mowar-cot- ting width-21;-cttlng heght--ediust- able to 3 inches;'engLne-air-coled, 2 .* *-" r -,:Co start, solid state muffler (rust-proof) ids shall be sealed in an envelope and : Bid No, WWP17". A :. ..' .- .O Port St. Joe, F or da, and approximate delivery date hown. Bidders are requested to submit in item sequence nd totaled. The City ot Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept Or reflect any or all bids, walie any formal tes and to ehoose.,the bid de*mb4..to t ;meet the. City's needs. .. submitted to the, City ," ,. O Box A, Port St. Joe, PFla. 32456, On or before 5:00 PM., E.D.T., Jeiy 7, W1973. id opening wll be hed at the Retlar City CommisTion July-17, 1973, at S -.: -* Iin the. Municipel .. St. Joe, Florida. C W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2W 7-5 f e ra'31 .). a WWPUS T" 1, ,' ..' .t Florlda,. I '- .. ~escibed :.- ,.-te B&C dry type chemical reffltabe type, with wall hangers (Scott orf equa). i ... * S... .', .. .. ... '- . . bid deemed best to meet the City s needs. B ds must be submitted, t the City Clerk's Offie, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 4S6, ton or before 5:00 P.M'., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bd opening will be held "at"- the Reguiar City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-. NOTICE TO BaD NO. WWP9T The City of Part St. Joe,. Florida, invites bids. on the folowlng described generator: 1-2.5 AS-3ED4114 20 W W20-24040 HZ -Ph-3 wi.r Onan Generator, portable "' . Bids shal be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP9"1. All bids Mmust-be PF B., Port St. Joe, Fborida and approximate delivery date shown. ... submIt bidsi .. and totaled. The City of ,' ." eserv the right to accept 'r reject any or all bids, wave any formalites and to choose the bld deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids .I;' submitted to the City Clerk's ; '. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florda 3246, on or before' 5:00 P.M., E.DT., July 17, T973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting, July 17, `973, at 0 PM. .. E..T. in othe Municial a The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described spare parts for Lightin Mixer No. S-N 2 7.5 727596, Model 7305, Unit Size 73, Ratio 31.3: 1 each-23 Oil Se-1 CRS 12363 1 each- 102-Inner Hyatt U-1309-TS WP20 2 each-105-Outer Bearing TIM 2S577-25521 , Florida, 1 each-202-Inner Bearing ND77208 described 1 each-205-Outer Bearing MRC 307SZZG air kit for 1-404-Upper Bearing TIM 47896- 47820 i envelope 1-408-Lower Bearing TIM 47896- WWP20'. 47820 rt St. Joe, 1-411-Lower Oil Seal CRSA 34887 very date 1-415--Outer Oil Seal NAT 455379 to submit 1-416-inner Oil Seal NAT 455073.S taled. The Bids shall be sealed in an envelope s the right and plainly marked "Bid NO. WWP25". all bids, All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, choose the Florida, and approximate delivery date the City's shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The a the City City of Port St. Joe reserves the right rt St. Joe, to accept or reject any or all bids, 5:00 P.M., waive any formalities and to choose the ening will bid deemed best to meet the City's lar City needs. 7, 1973, at Bids must be submitted to the City Municipal Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, la. Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City 2t 7-5 Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. WP21 .C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 , Florida, described For small NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP26 200 amp., The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, volt. invites bids on the following described 600 amp., items: 00 volt 1 each-175RO-1--Chicago Pneumptic n covered Air Compressor trailer mounted with ' ig. 4/ oversized tires and tow bar. I each-CP124N-Demolition tool i envelope with latch retainer WWP21". 2 each-50' sections coupled /4" air rt St. Joe, hose Chicago Pneumatic very date 1-R-004938-1i/e" x 6" shank 14" peg to submit point demolition tool taled. The 1-R-085507--1!W" x 6" shank 18" peg he right to point demolition tool iris. waive 1-R-085449--l/8" x 6" 18" narrow any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456 on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Muonicipal Bulding, Port St. Joe, Florida. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting. July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., SE.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 7-5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP22 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described Foam Control Pump: 1-0128-Bearing Thrust MCR-308S 972.4529 1-0128-Bearing Radial MCR-3085 1-0128-Bearing MCR-210S Thrust 1072-4615 1-- 28-Bearing MCR-210S Radial Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP22". AH bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Prt St., Joe reserves the right to accept or reflect any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the Citys needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerks Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:0. P.M., E.D.T, July 17,. 1973. . be "held at the : Commission Meeting July 17,9W73, at 8;00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. We BROCK CityAuditor and Clerk 2t -5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP23 The City ot Port St. Joe, Florida, ' Invtes bids on the following described items; 4, pairs-20-l.- 2 pairs- 2OC- 6-1nemens buffed leather glove protectors seie 10/ 4 each-35-1-glyove bags S.each-583x63-General Electric portable hook-on indicator type AK-4 I each-RS3A-amprobe dlamp-Ons Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP23'. All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, F. date shown. Bidders arerequested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port .St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or al bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456 -n or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at. the Regllar City Comm sson Meeting Juy 1 973, at 8:00 P.Mo,. .D.T., in, the. Municipal Building, Port Sto'Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 2t 57- NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP24 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids en the following described, light bulbs 24-- E H175 OX 39 22-175 -., mercury. vapor 120 volts vapor 120 v 2-300 watt, 120 V, incandescent flood lights 4--GE H-250 DX 37-5-250 watt' mercury vapor 240 V ' 12-GE HD00 DX 33.1-400 watt mercury vapor 480 V 24-40 watt 120 V fluorescent mein lighter lamps. F40 CW 12-446-LR-TC-P-Universal Thermo 0omatic Rapid Start Bailast 6-GE 327 12-Sylvania 120 PSR 12-56 incandescent tamp I case-120 V 150 Watt incandescent bulbs Bids shall be sealed in anienvelope and plainly marked "Bid No.WWP24". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any. or all bids, waive any formalities eand to choose the, bid deemed best to meet the City,'s needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, F.lorida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 25 7-5 Smokey Says: Will you help prevent forest fires? chisel demolition tool 1-R.076398--,V/1" x 6" 11' asphalt chisel 5" blade demolition tool 1-.R-005753--11" x 6" 1 '" asphalt chisel 3' blade demol tion tool 1-R-00S738-WV" 6 6x" diging tool 3 x 12 blade demolition tool ' 1-R-098005-1/W" x 6" spade 8" .blade demolition tool - 1-R-005021-1 V/" x 6" tamper 7" round . 2--CP-456-L-NI-Needle scalers Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked '"Bid No: WWP26'. All bIds must be FOB., Port St. Joe, Fieorida, and approximate delivery date shown- Bidders are requested toWsubmit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive apy formalHtIes.and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Part St. Joe, PForida, 32456, on or before S5:0 P.M., E.D.T, July 17, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting July 17, 1973, at 8:00 P.ME, E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 257 6S ..N THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF T; C OF FLORIDA, lN AND COUNTY. :- Estate of JAMES J' WALSH, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of JAMES J. WALSH, who died on May 14, 1973, while a resident of Gulf County, Florida, are notified, that they are required to file any claims of demands tht:th hey may have against his Estate n Ihe Circuit Court for Gulf County, Florida, in the courthouse at Port St Joe, Florida, within ()x W calendar months from the date of the first publlcaiton of-this Notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and filed in - must state the place of - and post-office address ef the claimant and be sworn to by the claimant, his agent or his attorney, or it will become vo@d according to law. Dated this the 21st day of June'1973. -a-James W. Baxter Executor Estate of James J..Walsh, -s, Robert M 'Moore, Esquire 321 Reid Avenue Attorney for Executor 4tMc6-2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. In Re; The Marriage of ROBERT BRUCE HAMMERS, Husband - MARIA .*.-i - wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: MARIA JOSEFSA HAMMERS Barriada 1s De Julio CBN3 Puerto De Santa Maria, Spain YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED.that a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage has been filed against you in the above styled Court and you are required to serve y copy of your written defenses, i any, to the Petition on the. Fred t-.-ABtten, @ i. -' d., ' Clerk of this Court either before service on Petitioner's Attorney or immediate- ly thereafter, otherwise a default will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. Dated this 25th day of June, 1973. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk by: -s- Susan E. Bigelow Deputy Clerk 4tc 6-28 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT. FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. CASE NO. 73--66 IN RE: The Marriage of WOODROW W. BUSBY, husband, and AMELIA J. BUSBY, wife. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Amelia J. Busby P.O. Box 18885 Atlanta, Georgia YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on Robert M. Moore, 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, and file the original with the Clerk of the above styled Court on or before July 30, 3973, otherwise, a Judgment may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and official seal of said Court on this the 26th day of June, 1973. -s-GEORGE Y. CORE Circuit Court Clerk S 4tc 6-28 NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County will receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corporation Interested in selling the County the following personal property: Tires, Diesel Fuel, Motor Oil. Cartridge Grease, Mineral Spirits, Cement. Bids will be received until July 10, 1973 at 9:00 A.M. E.D.T. at the office of the Clerk Circuit Court, P.O. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456. Bid forms will be furnished by the County. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board of County Commissioners Gulf County, Florida 32456 BY: A. D. Davis Chairman 2tc 6-28 5 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP25 St. FRIENDLY FOLKS *raftParkay- Lb. Pkg'. Margarine 33c Philadelphia CREAM CHEESE -... ALong Grain Long Grain RICE Kraft 1000 se Salad Dressing : eorn and Cane Blackburn Syrup 8 oz. 33c _- 3 Albs. 67c oz. - o.5 jar 67c 65c O'II W .LE or HALF, HAMS Lb.; Shank or Butt i . HAMS ,-. Ib. 69c Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY!~ Morton's Choc., Lemon, Coconut-14 Oz. Pies IGA 10 Oz. Pkgs. BROCCOLI SPEARS 3 For89c ~3 pkgs. 89c Sea Pak FISH STICKS ---------.. 14 oz. 89c 10c COUPON 10c c FOLGER'S V 'H3 COUPON COFFEE' 1 Lb. Can8 0 Cc [GA No. 1 Can Vegetable Beef Soup -_- can [GA Thin Saltine Crackers ---- Ib. IGA Tea Bags --- 100 cte 19c 29c 99c Cairo Beauty Mixed Sweet Pickles ---- 16 oz. 45c La Ci .' 3 Oz. Can * Chow Mein Noodles 3 oz. 25c Beef Chunks 14% Oz. Can Alpo Dog Food .-.. can 33c IGA4- l~Oz. Btl. Vegetable Oil C i.uncheo n --Meat luncheon Meet 78cT CA D Hlite 78c CANNED HAMS IGA Quart Jar Mayonnaise 48c Ham Slices lb. $1.19 Tablerite % Loin Pork Chops Tablerite Country - Pork Ribs : Oscar Mayer'-8 Oz Chopped Ham p 'GA- LbA. .L 3 7 I. SANDWICH BREAD 3 IGA All Purpose FLOUR 5 Lb. Bag49 Oscar Mayer AU Meat-12 Oz. Bologna ---- pkg. 88c Lykes lb. 89c Sliced Bologna .Ib 88c Lykes I. (7c off Coupon) lb. 89c Franks_ 2 lbp g $1.79 Tablerite Choice F jil C kg. 88c Round Steak _- lb. $1.48 loaves 89c IGA 'Custer HAMBURGER BUNS pkg. of 12 31c 1 Lb. Loaf IGA Bread 25c KING SIZE (' 4 lb. loaf) -.......-..-.-. 31 GIANT SIZE (1W lb. loaf) 3 for 89c Iohnson House and Garden 13% Oz. Can RAID Spray.. -------- can $1.35 Pkg. of 36 BUFFERIN Tablets pkg. 69c Aerosol Spray --4 5.O. Can BACTINE --.. 4.5 oz. $1.39 ye Drops ,.- VISINE .--- V oz. $1.39 [GA BLEACH GALLON 39c 3 lb. can $4.29 Choice Tablerite P.fn" .-.. Round Steak lb. $1.68 Choice Tablerite Bottom Round Roast,- lb. $1.48 Fresh Lean Ground Chuck lb. $1.18 DETERGENT .LUX LIQUID 2239 \r BtL Ac^ Check Our Prices Before You Buy BARGAINS: Every family can redietheir' cost of living by eating more fresh frus and vgtables. Among or bargains are Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Green Cbbee, Celery, Carrots, Tomatoes, Yellow Squash, Radishes, PNe Butter Beans, Corn, Peppers, Cucumbers, Wetermeloiw, Cantaloupes, Onions. Yellow lb. 19c 9 Fresh Ripe Peaches Tender Frying OKRA lb. 29c lb. 49c Fresh Tender BUTIER Beans Fresh Tender BIAOKEYE PEAS 3 Ib. 39c Lbs. $1.00 WHOLESALE PRICES! FILL YOUR FREEZER BLACKEYE PEAS PINK EYE PEAS BIG BOY PEAS BUSHEL $5.90 Red Ripe Ice Cold Large BELL PEPPEBS or. WATERMELONS Cucumbers Green Boiling Peanuts 3 Large Bag Squash Would You Believe This Low Price? ONIONS 00n BAG 49c Fresh Every Day SErT~J Peas BAG 39c BAG 59c BAG 59c BAG49c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons , is for July through 7. H P RICH'S; Port IGA Bottle Drinks 4 $1.00 Large Bags Tender FRYINC Lbs$1.00 Okra - I III-P~ '~ `~LrP------^I-s~-P~I-~ _ICIIIIIII_~P---_II wmmmmw__, sis d I_ I 1 111 ~~ 5_ 16 . AVE CASH AT RICHYS NO STAMPS~ CLOROXH 1,2 Gal 32' IBs .p --* BU :E to, mAKERS Maxwell House Coffee IIlb. bag 1 with $lu.00 Uor11more I For 1 Q a ity And E c~o nomy] IL Shope] Youri I Friend1 ly I i ggly~ Wi ggAi~~ly Foosd-E1 S~t U re For Famo1 us 'N ame B:i~iran Foods Ati Lo kw ;PrirIe ' I I I |