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a ?= * Industry - 1iHIRTY-SIYTHI YtAR. NUMBER 38 Deep Water Port- .Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST JOF. LO RIDA THURSDAY. MAY d4. 173 D - TEN CENTS A COPY Working for Constant Channel Depth County Joins Tri- River Association Bill Williamis, a represen- tative of tlhe Tri-Rivers Association asked, Gulf Coun- ty to become ,mvibers of the Association Tuesday night. The' Association\ has mem- bership of counties on the Apalachieqla-Flint hiattahoo- chee River. syst from Columbus, Georgia" to the Gulf of Mexico.. ," ', Bailey explained thie pur- pose of the Associatido is to, persuade the Corp ...f Erngrn- eers pnd Congress l. ,,i' wh',X is necessary ton'narin fiii, nine-'f.oot channel in 'the shipping channel of the rivir system year-round. ". Tho.representative explain-, ed the "nine-foot" channel' was iq the shipping channel and did not refer to the depth on the BlR:k..t',..w, gauge. "Five ardJ d twidf fc-t on the gauge will-,give, us our nine foot channel" -Bailey explain- Man :Held, on Murder Count Jani-- U l,;.jn-r.., a.is shot and l dlic1 itur.ljy night, May 19 .at ,ppr-',xitn.q-Ve 11:30 p).m iovit wi..'0 1 ;iin'- argument, by r;ii, JHi' u... according to the Gulf Cori,'N, . )Sheriffs .DPaffi Ili. t Th,' .,r na firri, ,-. , .'^grneil-hiir!P?_'_j~n ei (nd' r Aft,-r Ib*" .a !i er, I ,jnloo- .ii 1! l h '." Iu i'.k j iy ',m irib r oift- .eIf.. r, )q,. ted tii Main sir.-7 ? pit ...%.o -li'ipf (hr vi. n Jones .located' 'W liams in front of a .-1m1f ,1t1 -.outh ..1 ( Stallworth'- irt,t -ry ,n I M.nn St., left lh irbl t..I proceeded ,.i l..i an puir ..uii of Williams. When'h Jones overtook Wu i.in,., i.: i, k him with the gun, .ind ti, 'l shot him in the head. ' After the shooting, he I"'.i .home, returned the 'gun, and then came back to the scqpe, %., rf., l h .. and turned hirFI,'li over to Officer I... t Jones of the ; Police.' Department. " At that point' ',the Gulf ii.uait Sheriff's Department took charge of the ilj, -1.q'i tibns. A charge of attempted murder was first brought against 'Jones. H,-.-,r "at 1:55 a.m. it, was learned that Williams had died and the charges were then changed to first .d.'er. murder. Jones was arraigned before Bay' County Judge Larry Bodiford May 20th and ordered held a ir h...a bond. ,Error Corrected In :last' week's issue,- the date reportedd for the next regular meeting of the Board of City av'eunin :.-Li t,-rs was in error. '. 'The article should have read that the next meeting will be \held .at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 5. ed. . He pointed out that the river system was already used extensively for shipping and had potential to a great deal more it shippers could be assured of. a navigable stream. "Our trouble is between Blountstown and the Jim Woodruff Dam" Bailey' said, "Where shoaling in'low water makes the channel impassable.". Plans are presently being pushed by the Tri-Rivers Authority, on the advice of the Corps' of Engineers to get. appropriations for the con- struction of two navigation locks in. the trouble 'area. S"There will be no reservoirs 'built and no f']o...rg will Besult from the projects," Bailey said. I. the past the ,.,.,.r. has .': 'member ,,i i, Tri S .. ; r h.. ..,.,.g ..1P, i 1O! ., t..r i .V'., h-.1 '-f, .' -'.'n_ 1-1 S .i j .r I . apenkldC W Roli a 'r' *j: #.het Srfi,.nrirship si,:'."f via Dh.,a f.iil,,ll r,',' h,,"i. F, P,' .' ft J and C. W. Robrts, a vs,,t.'-r of the Port ''-. ,. Mrs.r Gilbert pointed out there is, one shipper already A ~. n.%.. \to use the local port for export with three ship- mpnts pf.r ,n...,rdL if they/ can get dependable transporta- ti&n down he river, '"This means $10,0t0 in local wages to service each one of these ships ', she said, "So'you can, Ssee .the economic impact three ships a m6nth ,.,*. !t*.. ; e here, plus other'.business .for import and export"we will be able, to secure with depend- able riv: ''r.r '.i,, '_ri : .". M rs. -.. r,'r'. :-:s I'.l St. Joe was the only ,port in this area with :n:..a*. water to, 'handle the nqw V .""-r .";. which take on. brges and "'*,. .,,...' them"'to other ports :i -. ,.- .1, can r a. 'r' :i ,'.. our (. .r. ,she :. . Commissioner r'..., r Gra- ham r n. L: t. r'e'j'"'-rf, ir the, ". .,"^ i,'' to re p;"''* i A'; .*....u- with an -.n'., i. i r:;er- .'. of $201.92. "The entire r] .r. '.1" with' Graham's' m .:-te.:o ol! S ens fy i.n.0 the A- :<, !;ron make 13 of ith~ 21 ,r.,~'.r'-' ,bordering! e sys- t'o,-r. frer, ':.!urtb9',. qeorgia; Miuth. active members Second and Third Traffic Deaths of Year Two Killed In Saturday Crash . "Gulf County. recorded. its second and third traffic deaths of the year early Saturday morning .'..%.-6 'wo Georgia men were Prie-d in a single car accident o : 'he Overstreet road. Highway Patrolman KY.n Murphy' told' The 5'ar Warren Lafa-*t"' Da%.ier 26, of '.T.. i ,, te,.r :- and ''-ti e Arnold -ii4-:-! 40, of Cairo, Georgia ''-r.: both killed when they were throwing from their car hen it hit a dirt embankment Murphy said the two A ere headed for the rx--eaches after leaving' home a tbut 2:00 a.m. Saturday .r/,rn- ing. "The late model car was T&a'.eriin a high rate of sped M-tu pr'- .aid, "when the i: a.'e~. appa rn, ly lost control about twi arnd a -half *rle. r N,n:.' n of Overstreet on *SR 386." The '-eAoi I lft the r.ad on the right and ',r.-. illed 270 feet before con rir. i :j.ck upon the road. Th-r. he :a r crossed the' road and became a'bo(rne lor ..2 !eet jumping across a' ; ra ',me beside the road; When' the machine struck 'he ;p:.',.-,te bank, the men v.ere t'a'hriwn out and: killed. .The car. J .'" Two Met Death In This Car rturikbe and turned for aroj'ther 114 feet down the ditch before stopping.. Murphy ,,'nmate. the accident happened about 5:00 a.m., but it was over an hour later before the accident *.'.i found. A second carloadin the party had left M..iir-. shortly before the d' th car and ri,,;rt:< worried when their rr, p.ar ,- d i', show up.. The. wrecked car and the two dead men were found about 6:15 by a. .,-- i-, motorist. The two men were ...i.. i to Municipal Hospi- tal by Comforter Ambu- lance where they were pronounced dead on arrival. Trooper MJuirph:,- was as- sisted in his .rt,-.',.,!,.i tv Sheriff Raymond Lawrence and Sgt. David Rogers and Trooper J. M. King of Blountstown. County Still Seeks Solution for Providing Ambulance Service -rov10 CI0 ]he queiton ,a .>rimbulance' for tie ( P:-ur -:, 1'll up in to. air .ijd no *Aution in s ir,. n sp u .- *.:.~' ..arge by. O.aur'jif l 'cJ ^ .-= th; irf mrin Lamar Davis that mrnb..eir ii'f the Board :, tor crra.-: Up with a workable solu.on .this past Tuesday ntit -t, their regular meet- rng. T (,j' '.' faces loss of the . .r .'.i r. service on. the 6rst of. June when. local will no longer offer the servicee ; the face of new, Magnolia Time it's Maqnohia Time" in Northwest Florida nd Port St. Joe can hold its own Ball* Game Good news was anouheed .abbreviated Thursday at the F.- this fall. meeting for loca i" a' .., The Wil sportsmen. Lt. Art Runrfills established of the Florida Game and ','.. t thl Fresh Water Fish Commis-, Gulf ..- .r sion told the club" the new Club .-q Edward Ball Wildlife Area' ,-',?~ ,.: '." will be opened to an East edge o New Doctor Star ti Practice Here Mon After two years of searching by, the City Com- mission, local doctors and the Municipal Hospital staff a new doctor has announced he will begin practicing medicine in Port St. Joe on Monday of next week. Dr. John V. Philpot, M'.D., will open his offices temporary quarters in the Municipal Hospital Monday. Dr. Philpot will be located" in the front South wing of the Hospital with entrance at what was the sun porch of the old Hospital before it was enlarged several-years ago. .- -. The coming of Dr. Philpot is expected to offer some relief for the Hospital oper- ating problems and provide the additional medical ser- vices which have been needed in 'Port St. Joe for some time. Dr. Philpot is a native of Florida, being reared in Branford. He. attended the UnriVersity oTFlorida Medi- cal School and the Universi- ,ty of Miami Medical School. He served, his internship in tie Duval Medical Center in Jacksonville. He is a geri'eral practitioner and has. practiced for several years .in coming to P Dr..Philpo proved by Medical Ass a special m night by Hospital Bo full Hospital The new living on the looks for pi quarters. , Office h Philpot will, 12:00 and Monday, Tu day and Fru day Satur-da with anybody's magnolias. This bloom was photographed this week and is only one of thousands of such beauties dressing up our town and putting' our their distinctive ' fragrance on those still nights. Star photos Area Opening I 1..,'.* r.: season city limits to the Howard Creek Road and South to the lifee Area was Franklin C:-.,".' line. The six years ago swamp area will provide a ie efforts of the hunting area which has not r:. i.. :. been accessible to local ir- St. Joe Paper sportsmen in the past. Located from the Runnells said the area has b( the Port St. Joe made "remarkable progress" in its six years of!population and preparation. "We think we can have a good deer n harvest during the time the Area will be open this fall" Runnells said. He estimated y'a a herd of at least 500 deer is now in the area with at least d 10percent of these "legal" -' bucks. "This will give hunt- Chipey' before rs a potential of 50 deer to Chipley' S. Before. harvest", according to Run- ?ort St. Joe. a nels. ot has been ap- The Game Management the Gulf County Area will be open December association and in 8,to December 23. There will meeting Tuesday be no dogs allowed in the the Municipal area North of the Intracoas- ard was given ta Canal, but dogs will D privileges. There will be no dogs Doctor is now allowed in the area South of Beach whlivinge he the Intracoastal Canal, but rmanent living dogs will be allowed North of ours for Dr the Canal. "All legal game brs fr Dr 00t can be taken in the Area" be from 9:00 to Runnells said. 2:00 to 5:00 The Game officer also esday, Wednes- showed a short film, "The iday, and a half Men In Green" outlining Y some of the duties of the Game Commission officers No, Word Yet On Query Residents from the Bea- *ches were present at the .,E '-. -'. night -., .of4 . r- .., : .. asking what had been heard from correspondence with the State P'..i .. Control Board on the 'problem of houses being built on the water' side of U.S. H..'..- 98. Chairman Lamar Davis said the Board had written the Pollution Control Board of the situation with copies to the Attorney General and the Governor about the .ij5ai.0.r Davis said no answer to the letters had been received as yet. Along with this discussion, Mrs. Sally Malone asked if anything had been done about dwellings which had been built on alley'and road rights of way in the Beacon Hill' area. ' Commissioner Graham stated, "There are a number of houses 'in the wrong places in this area. We started a survey of the area a few years back and found the practice to be so widespread, we just stopped the survey". That explanation .satisfied no one however and several in attendance reminded the Board they were the protec- tors of public property and alleys and streets at Beacon Hill were public property. Chairman Davis asked Steve Nations, the County's engineer to make a survey .of the streets and alleys in the area and find out how many instances of trespass 'there are on county property. for : u'lt .1..i :.I' .j r'! r -r a attendants.., ,.-, r., :'. 'r Walter ',I ham had' been- charged by, Vice-Chairman Silas Player on May 8 to meet with rep- f re :'..-: of the city governments from Port St. Joe and Vt..'. .t,.' h :., to try and arrive at a- joint ,;r.--.-',-.-' by which the service could be ,.'.t'i', .'... ..Graham reported he had met with, Port "St -Joe.,Commis- sioner ',".r *'Wimberly and r..., ,i, ,..",1', 9 resident of A. .. ,..thl... on the, problem, with no definite plan being, trio.. Graham,' plans now" other '-.,.,kir, -,: 1 pla .h im '.... n0 , that while n were good, position to r It--m !'InI have no i- make at a make -a r. would be t peace' and pens."9 Graham Board con L devised t1, the measures for the present time and take a long, hard ;.,fitcI-d several lookat something to furnish it..-,fng used -.by an adequate ambulance in "a -. as .'.-.0 :J. the future. ansr suggested to Along this line, .Regional -ir.- Graham,.said Civil Defense Director, Bob many of the plans.- Smith said he and Represen- he was not in a tative William J. Rish are recommend any of ,-<,'1',itnr avenues of finan- fact," he said, "I cial aid and asked for "two'' :..rrj.-|..ii..n to or three" more days to come ll. If I were to. up with something definite. *: ...r.vr. ,:'..,, it Smith 'said he and Rish had hat we, 'hld our been searching for some see what hap- information in the matter for the past few days. suggested the OTHER BUSINESS sider emergency -It looks as if every Federal agency in existence is' looking for something to do in order to keep their particular organization 'busy. In almost every meeting now, the county is faced with at least one request wanting the county to utilize services for surveys, studies, etc., in order for the agencies to keep S. busy. Tuesday night was an unusual meeting day. There .-. ,/ were five separate requests from different agencies ask- Sing for permission to request grants and aid for various t studies. S--A garbage land fill area was discussed for the Bea- ches area and the Board had written to St. Joe Paper Company to secure land for a land fill. The Company replied they had already given permission for the use of land in the Mexico Beach area and .the Beaches could use this fill. Beach residents stated they have been told by Bay County they cannot use D.Whitfield will meet with the Paper Company to try and work something out. -Max Kilbourn, who had been appointed by the Board to serve asNtheir representa- tive of the Northwest Florida Development Council, gave his initial ,report. He said, a "e They have some nice offices rne and several employees who seem to have nothing to do. I Florida. attended the meeting and id Billy Woodham heard several great long I High of Panama speeches, but nothing hap- end three days in pens. "I feel Gulf County is or preparations, getting no benefit from the and playing the organization, but if it is your 3tar game. wish I will continue to attend to above, Port St. the meetings just in case School baseball something valuable turns r.ry Lewter is up," Commissioner Graham Ken with the thanked Kilbourn "For the action to take part most honest report I have D. heard on this Board." . Senior Ken Whittle has been selected as one of two high school baseball players in this area to participate in the State All-Star game to be played in Lakeland on June 15. Whittle, a four year letter man on the Shark squad was selected for the game on the balloting of coaches from a field of nine candidates from Northwest F Whittle an of Rutheford City will spe Lakeland f festivities annual All-S In the pho Joe High coach Jei presenting official invit in the game Playing In G 1 rlm I- l^ uI WiVN % .0 1a r-,--&%JM LO% Ilv% I 4, 71 I I I _ __ __ _______ I I a 9 den AO bes~z nr, :dPyjsiapnxlrm r m, >pa~r. Maulrar c.-Alifns wbich drmw o.E:`rnijj eQ-M-nE-rgk as odid Lbet (ew C'wfiro~felt~ concerning riar chomay wShe u-;h pearung. ublhia bf--acb- front ri-r-q,=;ty here lin Gulf County'. v-p Uw the mcm- yiptlaJ11F. TWh Us riivln '&i thelehouseig -Pn UWee -it- c Higkiwsy ,9.S agrti '-F with t~ur tfurik- Let us say i'br. -~~. t~.;h the people whn prU.:I pfi~~ jr_. sorme rx. irT-rc(fliuorj ~tr~ r~I fie. rit tY OU-- r fm.,jt j nd iA'L s -p h~id U. hercxs 111419Y 'ciQ-In.A..-rjtbu;Z.r J*"wer From al mdieatuons it app!frz the only way the people of Oak Gr,'v; will get the water and i ewer services. they hav," dF.rlred ftr y:, lon. i-. to, ask ticr a'in-exatior in th*. City of Port St. J, ' the Coiiii .y ,.riiim.. :.i ti ;r-1 .- eral 'fin1r r.'I- sb id 'a t 'd ii D.L. ,-,1 .'rI the Iy-t'm l.- t a i !. ,' i t era:nt. vh.' h i v...i- Ild .be ,. .- -_i t" t i- '.'--J .d: ., .. fh : iv n r th -_y _,.*.-,' .h -. ...,-_! :t:; ,'++.t ; ,_,( . I. n (....... no, .more.. F.i'vka i' ii.; n" r. i tr.-- i. - ti "- l t thC" r r . *.'. va'_l.'.t either. h H adel usins eview. Again tast year ine r.- a received Sfrom tsede .0o g'riant-r..id $.2 ny I'71 'per- f lt of tfhe ledtra t rax fUn, paid war oereeavd back...._- Fi.n.ly $ t83 'm Chamber of Commerce reported hin its Weekly Business Review. i e In the Review,the State Ch' i. .;.bersaid Floridian ..i $1.2 i ]tiot - ' in federal taxe's to r,..nnce the aid program and got back only $830 mil- lion int grants for the 1971-'72 fiscal year, adeording to a tax foundation Report; The previous t sc Aycar Flori- dians paid $931 million into the pro- gram and got back $650 million in grants. "Last year Floridians paid $340 miUiio in taxes to the federal govern- ment.to help pay for grants in trans- portation,, educeion, welfare and oth- er-.programs in- other states," said Ronald -S. Spencer,. Jr., Executive Vice President of the State Chamber. Total federal taxes from Florida in fiscal 1972 amounted to $5.1 bil- lion. Spencer said, the total of funds received, did not reflect federal reve- THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla THURSDAY. MAY ,. 1973. PAGE TWO - : - <*.- ^.-; ' .' , * *: ,. , ' t-, f. thau th From The Lowing Bible ~-I:K v-.g tou a that you~ wavl sty av-ay fro.m sin. But if yo rp'si, th-ere is tonere PLead fror y'-,u h~rforre the. Father.r His rl~km-e J':'iusChr~st, the an'i- lwvh.. xc-% rsi fom ripl-tely fkh I the cone who,- thl-k- Gtjd'i wrath agair-st. *s~r aru' ~ hryiself, and 499 j. fr ur -xns, art-4 rr-IA rjrply .i but all Oiut wciitJ's. Arid how c.-an v~i,- hp-sujre U-Fat we belong co-, ;d,4l E k ka i w-- v &: 1 r. ,og ti-)do h e l tg /art% toi c-rhch rn' ..rY 20th St Th -will be take out -t. t .e do !'J t-o L.r p" ." mfle door ',.,r .- p.'.^- Thcwo Wdjt rreAthk bj.&.ei~r~g ml~eay thc-rf h bat kat P-t:4 a i I ; lut-r -r;;rar. fa lnjct if tke f mba pq,1vtk~rk run-n.ff f-~' h-., ruldf el NI-x.ixi'Q en TV cerw. of tl ttwi'k h. a. It rotrrtl..i jSgco-u. fesf.vder !.Vo'.'rkav. but thal11I4 no ft'mwI inn u. alow(. Tb~ oly ~ iv2~t iv'order obt. ii.iuthe -s~et~a.-'to be t iCet !4V.th C J~ P:r ~ j4OT t~,a :n-'I r..-.01it' ft-- L.-l1"J ..nV ''Charg nue t-.it .5- .L'UL, --r7 as governments in F ',-,.id receiving mopey I rirom until after the t n.i of f The Rvv-it-w ta~d to I.th- f'uridati,: ii -p dents paid $1.41 in t. dollar of aid received state and local govern was one of 21 states in taxes in 1972 than t aid with the 29 .othei less than a dollar for Said. The state of Conn heaviest tax burden, ] taxes for every, $1.0( Washington, D.C. resi for their aid dollar, th ""Florida is the f erous state in its suppi aid funds to other stall enth in 1971. And, in federal budget cuts iF health, education ani doubtful Florida and supporting states ca help pay for progr 'states," Spencer. corm -Milton -T H-E STA R- P,1jmimhen E ~rVThdlrumVof e Al'N.Whh0,II '#WVO. Port 9JaG. ,anda. BY 714 %War PUbHO~9W4 CCAMONaM Sq~N"qPofln, Paid St PW St hIA jiWAO# HrU ? INV Editor and P'uAOSleir hey P rodcitur i ion ipt. msey ~~Offie nga "M 'T-pesefler. SrLt!.Irt0wons Perspective on Education b> DR "1-1 1. 17iHM l \ Profs% ._r ,0 F ducn.ido, l'nitV.E silJ W f t r-!i ,na in th4e: V ara-\ r ,! agairast Ut u&p l crlhx .d fplr-- cm report (.rd1 c ':.. - Wed by nhut.wry plexed kfgar, g~.r.JI the r rn;o- .r., of t 3 vo 4 se.ritter ..f~rrrn Marlw" ,,uere FLORIDA : . WILDLIFE COMMENTS ON THE OUTDOORS Dr'0.,E Fry eJr Director S-- -*.*'~~~~~ ~~~ T-"-^* * , '-;,., -.,, "- TALLAHASSEE-Man, by. ir.. I. the his own diidtivb is a n, . ,", .. inn- : animal. He is, again .' "' .- -- .., the *-:' creature 'en- S-- r- *; dowed with. the. power to ": reason .n rn j,-tor, -cause t '. .: " We are n-. i, a k.Tia time in the .*, 'Ia Seem ingly, :.r.. i' ..:. :. H :..: ' e 5 .t: has :+ rl,, :-:.rF.ni ) S.... realize .tri along with the ': ,, ,.e :-r, of Genesis that. ''* _Man '. -i *, rfir.u o.l it, and local : p. .* r,.- A:' . * lJ". not ,lbegi t u I :l ."". *not begin -his gifts of reason -to insure t thiii program the ,:. .r.ii,:.: of not only iacaI ytar 197,.. his own species, but also the that i.ce Lrdmirg .other creatures of the earth, -.r (I i-ai. n his continuingrush, to- ward what seems an increas- -ixp for every .ngly refined level of civiliza- d by Florida's- tion, man has. taken little mnents, Florida E to -...'-.:. and admit th d-iid inmore .r- he is b._t- a part of a -' mtLg. greater ..... His con- they received i nuIg "' itude r sUt-: paying has cast a di. ,; shad-c,: over every dollar of the chances of survival for certain creatures; his pen- iecticut had the chant for h--, o~n.m nas caused him c, ncernra:n of aying $1.58 m his lessons too slowly, and ), in aid, while some species have been lost dents paid 31c forever as a'result. ie Review said. .Now a new awareness has ifth been pervading the world so- ifth most gen- city, and some have become ort of grant-in- doomsayers while others tes; it was sev- maintain an attitude of rela- view of recent tive indifference. But, man n- the areas of will not survive alone as a -t species, and this is a lesson d welfare, it's that. the creature, Homo Sa- the remaining pien, must learn. n4 continue to The catch phrase of today ams in other is "ecology", a term bantered about not only by the sin- mented. cere, but also the bandwagon Press-Gazette chasers. The word comes from the. Greek, "- -. - which means house; and be- neath, the umbrella, of this '1 .-t'....': comes. an -under- :..arsJ_ ,)f the mutual rela- .io.s between organisms aid 'he, environment. It is am- p-,,rta that we take the true ! 'ams,,rig of the word serious- ly. - For years then have sought to el.-is-' those i.. which 'they ti'..ugt were of ,little : or negative worth, All too "f:- '-..'u, theta .Aid 'i.. !i of this half-thought was a deer herd that' starved to Death because 'of an absence of natural predation, or an eagle's egg that wouldd not hatch because of'residual in- secticides. Man has made mis- takes and seen the error of his ways; but still, too frequently he fails to take remedial ac- tion: The folly' of Man is his reasoning. We curse theindus- trial polluter, but never give a second thought to the paper cup or tin can we throw from our speeding automobile. We denounce the wastefulness of our industrial corporations, but leave lights burning when they serve no purpose. We decry the amount of water used- by big manufacturers, but think nothing of the water we waste as individuals. We reason that the causes of our problems are the making of another, but each of. us has a hand in preserving what is naturally ours. Man is indeed a unique animal. He does, indeed, have the ability to reason; and he must realize that the natural. necessities -of life are not un- limited. His power of reason will decide his future. tIa'i-A ii, p 'ir ,'. '.- ..: *..-. "J- reports., In New ,V ..i f.,r- + 7 -( !o., ,-^,, '.. ., that .- '. .. composing ,' .: r.. i a year. The:, .M J f ..'J even ":i_.'II prep paragraphs were min * .'.{ 6r ":;t'.-;. 1 t. ents. Another by-product of * written report was' .r./.L:. TI of ir...;--" . Teacher's were .'.- lus' r. 6 '.' .. -" on ho inform a .. r.i t h 1. r,' ,n -s....., schizophr ':. *-,n n '.r..-'- one han r'. .,. blunt accusation the other. Many.,a prin conducted several fac meetings on the how-to-s topic and then person read dach report t-:.w was released to the ..-' It should be added tha cities like New York progress reports ran another snag-the .Spa: : ~..",. parent. Thous ,of teachers and princ struggled with the problem how to tell a madre tha work of her muchacho c not exactly-be classified -muy bien. A manual Spanish expressions he considerably, but a g deal of the burden fell or o.iu.i.-r-:. of / bilin Cursive reports obvi6 could not provide the answer Although they or ally had the virtue of gi the parents a though review, of their child] *,esi and problems, . .* Efooin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSBY ? - Patrol Predicts 29 Deaths The Florida Highway Pat- rol-'predicted today that 29 persons will die in traffic .accidents during the Memor- T:- -hour period begins .at.1 ip.'m -.m., Friday, May 25 "-, *'- at midnight, Mon- V - 6*1onel iE if. Beach, "I'ri "l .i:, ''',', .*-r ri -,r.:, f ] .. ..r ,'- Should Tr r :'% prove their,' pne.1,'io.-,, wrong, the Patrol will have all ..available ,r..,: *r.: and '*. ,-:.'i -. offi- 7 .T ."' C ears, '. ".. 5 and radar on the +-,'.,-., over Based on i,.r'. :., exper-' the P' person' "^ 71 i'.". r.. '. ,'-r'. ., and,. oss .:. .r and 1t:! r "+mr. Day A,. cannot reduce :acci- iere . ,,,J.- ,dh rh.. .I >,f-.., b t.thai. i F ;., r., a" the are "' 'y -The matter- was tabled wh" -v wr..1 Bea- .."' con Hill ... r.. n, opposed the '-t ai :-ia. "n" of a park r. -.- -. . .ies So,. you -.- S Mrs. Arnh..llfth :-t, W- was not that going to Th u riAtt .property. They wanted ?ared that land the par- . f the You never : ..w what will. happen .' i,: n you the make a( statement where the whole world can ."''' see'or h.h..r it 'ast week, joking, I said anybody rupu- rwp to w-'rit..I to buy a second-hand barge ,could .--nild f.. '-.tl',y t A-: a few certain local individuals out .'or. of one onc' they finuh' hauling old autoiobde renic, t.i.. out. into the.Guplf of Mexico to mike a lang; fishing reef. ., d- or " is on A person called Thursday evening. wanting cipal to know Who they could contact to buy that barge. culty You never know who will buy what you axe ready nayli to get rid of. I might even get rid of three little n it kittens at my house if I wanted to get rid of t.. them whidh I do. . at in * the Tomato report:- I said a while back Jimmy nish- Greer should be obligated to furnish me with ands tomatoes should the, plants he gave me'fail to pro- ipals duce. I'm happy to report the plants are doing im of well better than some I obtained from an- t the lou d other source. d as for helped great i the gual ously final origin; giving htful ren's they LETTERS To The Editor Dear Mr. Ramsey, someone elsb's 'property. -1 .,- -_ b -a~omeone waniet mese c me- soon deteriorated into exer- Please print this letter, as I kens dead real bad *to do cises in intricate or banal think the citizens of Port St. something as low down as phraseology, or they Joe should kiow of this. this. w smacked too much of psycho- Last Sunday, May 13th, Maybe,' if these persons analysis. Therefore, a few while we were attending had attended church in honor schoolmen decided to take church, some person or of their mothers, they would the alternate step of dropping persons came into our -yard not have had time to make all written reports and and poisoned a rooster-and a three young boys so unhappy, ratings, in favor of face-to- hen. "' y face-interviews with parents. My -three sons found the A very sad mother, S., rooster dead and had to Mrs. Ray Brant Family Farm Proves watch the hen die, they could Family Farm Proves not finish killing her. Similar To Motherhood You see, my complaint is I CARD OF THANKS have a four year old child who goes out and feeds and The members of- the Thec family farm, like plays with these chickens. It Peterson family wish to otherhood, is a durable in- could have been my child thank their many friends for stitution. instead of the chickens to die. their kind expressions of On about 95 per cent of The chickens are in: an sympathy, flowers and cards U.S. farms, the operator and enclosed pen with a top May God continue to bless his family supply the major- covering it completely, which each of you. t laboran are reis insidea chain link fece The Family oa. btonle for two-thirds of the na- id nota chain link fe Cleveland Jerome Peterson tion's farm production. They did not wander onto .Cleveland Jerome Peterson POSTOFF ICE BMYe -iPHONE U713161 PORT ST jOE. FILCRoHDA 32dh6 SECOND-CLO4SS POSTAG.E PAID ATPORT!t POIB CLORODA V4%. SUUC~nTPO5 ~~i.SNALVPA'WASLE f% 4Oi&ANCE ;N COUNTY'V- ONE VEAD, S410 IiW OS 51 DIM 005 ~.t.i1w ourI0p cdU4Tikr- 0" "Far $Soo UTU0419 =SOng V@4f w r Almost Nobody Wants, Doues n Dadi Vksle R.K ernsf William H. Raft? Fr~hen.,L. man Shirley K. Rains SCHOOL'S OUT! .r, v' *' w "-hse e':t,'', f ." .A Ficrl'da's :' i .'.: i-armi'il '.- rE s fl. I:8 e 3 .'.8,rr, to motorists' . l: l .., .:. :. ..:,,. S.p'a Th next' child to cr sr.E l r,. ., t ,C !.or ;. ." .. ' Selling Spaghetti The letter printed on this page.last week from Mrs. Lucien Arnold at Beacon Hill gave us. the imres!kr, that somehow, we had managed iR ..p, ort he' r sore toe in our editorial, the. pre- . iw week. -~ncerning the building, on the water .,I cif Hi :hwi a 98 at Beacon Hilt I'mnot going to apologize for that hi ilkinr, since I still live with it. I do find'it necessaryy to let Mrs. Arnold know that I have~ n.,v.-Je. of what she dwelt on the nMs..t. even though, it was ,not mentioned in the article. First, let me set the record straight. Mrs. Arnold feels she should be allowed to do what she will '* i"h her p'rpertv as paid for. Since the C' u:nt' has not seen I it to yumi restric- tions bn NAimi.l in this area, I couldn't agr.Lv with Mrs. Arnold more. In fict, .I have said so in previous editorials on "h- 'u t. Mrs. Ar- nold is f. r -,,, ,*i in I ,,r ir'hts to build on her : ;.v as ,. fit'BuIt b'- the s,ameto- I ,.r.'t s: to like 'if! : : But that little blurb byI Mr "Arnold of the ?**- |?'.:, at the C',.unt. Courthouse door to -up beach ....r,,-'. t, buiIl a prrTi.r for Gulf. C-..',',I ,,l.in't buy. I've attended at, least of the .-,untN Cm. -,-ion "pJ",,ving*s in the .*. 20 n.,] ;"1 I've never heard the state once make the -.4- *f t,.- tongue that they would buy rt'. r nulf C',vo.nty IVi! h v i th<'i-, say, S.'. th. w iu.t d.,1 rt- ai thai u ., if the di' ...'i:l meet certain -bi1oai'a;in-. first. r. -. Ar' .i says the state .:ffi..l to buy the p*'' i,:- ,::, *.ii front property to i.k:.- a park for t. 4-,innt' ni the Couiity C<'oan'i.>i-n would not :': i,- ..ff. r She said the SIt wag an easy n-it-r t., gut Ji.w.u the files'.--O and ee,.so here-is whait it.c- foupti, irt the issue .of .- p b. : r i 28, 1 i ', ',*itainin7 ,.ina of the 4p^.:t& 6i .12, 1967: meeting: "H. D. 1 -:i ' i"r.,-.irj:th.- COUNTY b,-'-h-fr.--'t property at n -mnHjil for th.- paurj..se of establishing a pub- 3.i park. H. emfformrud th- Board that THE .-T.\TE IIA. NO.FtfIUN~ at this time'.to pur- The Only Way ___~ ~__ ..~~__~.~ __ ._~ ~ _r _~~ ...... I-~ rr. r ... ~_._~_.II WAMW- M rVMMP~m*'--re- - W 'b#Pl i-.~ * "B~W-P'~iw~PGl ww'i&Crsuao II_ -- 'A]~ / = ) Select Prinmipal Kennetiu Frrrihq and Gwdanee (owusl,,k.r NMrs Sarah A RUIjey offer congrat.- WaIbonAw t Chb.r~l Rustfor beign selevO edaft, prw pant tn the Horuloii Inin -Irted E'rgrem begiening. n-w- gschool year, J7.3=74 a "1~ I. - , 1ed for Program pr(,grarn WfrI NON tfM throug howl the- Suite, o Florijla 114P. r~lIM LI 1^) : '. ! rr. a riar, g6 4- nY2 ~ F~,r Grass Won't Grow? Here's Some Advice Most eveIry FI.,roda hom ,PAGE THREE J. Peterson Cc 0 Occc wA, RT ENTST bas an are4 of ground whte. ~ Wrc uh I'(4 i Niul-, p mo'.re:trib4bjte : hhn m'W% wbrflug rrtmand v ur, arsit rd.-' r ' 11plk'and .I %w vp:-!Tem- Li. Eda~ipl,, ys VI-ipw Moin(.iiDr r. c-Pigingis difficultt In ITmfi.fl; fibe I arM 5a Wro- ia few-ehAmptts (;rnoun.1 li hst.t Ar4ol j 0,11 Vh.e pr~rit'eoulq h,", --d ~~ d,'ii4 e'nt Lhinp~h~ d-jlfsrett p~pwh. pt4Fr~lIrng l~.3r.11L~.) j nlff'edr 1" rj i~nu~L%~r r il l-Ok v3lp j -,if(lh.' ri-. r.An M a 'iy a8dF4,w. cr F4Jij oqim ji, I,j'r v.fft ,C, 91110H hjlq- ijniti'.t,,I fl-pl~ .~n iwi #L4"'T- 1.-or, rd. . o~tgroufnd ro re a "A.IFnurr,Erl qj II o&r ti-, IjISeA as f jvr-tag' a ;, fdcrv-Lr tad ri rguhf-r Thwr~~me_ & (AJ4pir h ijd A~-1ti.Jprodi~..fal and f ,. v, n v xcoo( g .. 'p 4i,, alroesi aj~sw andrd wart varie- rr c.er rum Ic da4iauged or P, p sr, f i'rissa BuH~uI rUs k- -l y lovi tn~peraon~es / *NOW OPEN.' Welcome to the -Fiestatore at Mexico Beach OPEN 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM CST We Offer A Fu ll Line Of Groceries Meats Produce Fishing & Beach Supplies Cold and Hot. Sandwiches iasonal Produce Foster Grant Sunglasses and Beach Hats "Everything for Fun In The Sun" I ___ _~~~~___~~___ _~~__~_~__ ______ I r I divAa*- I| THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 Services Held for C. Funeral serve ices for Cle and thus are not permanent land Jerome Peterson, we in central or north Florida. held Saturday, May 19, 19 Check with your local nur- from the Emanuel Bapi serymen and county exten- Church. Rev. S. L. Badg sion agent for those ground conducted the service a covers most adaptable for .nterment followed in Gre U your area. When used proper- wood Cemetery. ly, these plants can eliminate He is survived by his wi many maintenance problems Mrs. Joyce Ann Peterson, __-such as mowing and will children, Michael, AngE provide interesting textures and Y'4,nd', all of Jacks 0 Iand colors to your landscape, vile, Patripia, Carolyn, a especially in those trouble Marie of C .r rl. r ill Cal: spots where grasses do not five sisters, Mrs. Mini grow well. 'Clark,. Mrs. Rosa I 2. AM " t d- u ; 1% '1%;-, 1 , :i PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, MAY 1, U nwM "" ti'.-' 4- X 0eMsw o g q O l was; = :*. 4ow do 4. 1973 THE STAR. Port St Joe Fla >f -O -0-O _f 0 .- u-- *- 0 . I'IEh wed- 0 nm- - At for- a -; .: ** hinting % . itfo -r :A-, Cc. b. * intig v -n- cc w. ed -02 a MED I,' Clubbers Report On Sto Ik Meeting low 4b. Today's youth are not so far from their elders in the ,.- ',e cf values, according to rep,,rt g.'en to the Kiwanis Cut t Ke. Clubber,-Eddie ,,- F',... ;i .. a "'d ,'.^ S- 'Rich, in ,reporting on the 'recent State Con1ention of Iri. Key Club said the boys ~ took opinion pol) of some of L',t. i[.ii'l.r,. 'before the Si...: .: H.e his year. The S..:. psed amnesty for ".-_ ...,: left the country'to ..i.. c- Vietnam War. They S ..3-:.: : to adult rights S:,- :.'s, and general- ;. .*r:, a.uDng with the Sd :r. ;' their more * .:*v.i_::."L .. .. parents. 0 - ~ Bap Eat The rtr Ch sr.c],s w toright- at a Friend N :lt s rp':, 'A Msr. take a pa peFope n'/,r world of pr Rarely has /- * 'o; i; KNIT PANTS ., Reg.to $16 00 $9.00 pr, All Men s Jeans 25'PO Off 1.00 of f Polyester kCKS 8i00 pr. ALL KEDS Sandals, Tenn s Shoes Entire Stock . MATERIAL Reduced 1-3 Jr. Sizes Shorty Gown Sets $3.98 to $9.00: WI GS 1-3 off tist Me S T.'.^ K.' ,. ': repre- by ,Rich" -and Ben, 'Gibson,, .,::':-_ed several * ':-u.i!e ;,.:.,.'"projects. they . i.i,,. coL ..- ,:..'-o ; in 7s.ir. *< .^ cl :^ . n Will, Spaghetti Tonite n of First. Baptist "victory been more intense vill be/ meeting ha' t.) oir , t 7 pm for, a The Man-Tom' Lar;dry, supper. The he eme :o..bf.,a.., headcoach. ' ting will be E. ,r.g His men-The -Dallas Cow- NJ gtt '. There will boys, one of the r'ir,:c.t e,:iur.g S-'"'r'g ari,' tr,. and 'explosive teams 'in f ', i 'ear f mirr' professional football.. " A fM,ri r a Hi:- "A Man and" His Men", portrays the thrill of victory' u avri Hi,r Mvien and the' agony of defeat ratra~tu.g r', at' through exciting N.F.L. film. ,l'ved tth.e *;I io.nt -It takes a penetrating look at rfessiorina foltbali a: Chfistian coach ,and his an effort. oe ,ain impact .on other people. It. talks about faith.. It exhibits works:', and t gives men, young and old, an example of what being a Christian really I .13 Rev. DeWitt T. Mathewo, Jr pastor cordially in-vites the rmen rl our co-jrrnmurn! to atte.n ' Library Has N6w Schedule The Northwest Regi' nal Ltr.ary.r System, \has announ- '. J 1ti new summer bookmo- bile schedules, 'effective as of May 28 Every Mond'ay- Mexico Beach (Shell Shack) 9:30 - -10:30 OST; Indian Pass 12:35 2:00 EST; White City 3:15 - 4:00 EST; and Howard's Creek 4:15.-5:15 EST. Every Other Monday June .11, 25, July 9, 23; and Aug. 6 and 20.- St Joe Beach 11:40 - ;i. ,1EST; Presnell's (Hwy' 30) 2:10- 300 EST. ,June 4 and 18; July 2, 16 and 30; and August 13 and 27. Overstreet 11:40 12:15 EST; "and Oak Grove 2:.10 3:00 SEST. Tuesday, Governor's Motel 9:30 10:30 CST, St. Joe Branch 11:50 12:00 EST;' Happy Acres 11:30 12:00 - CST; Driftwood 12:05 12:45 CST; Rouse's (Hwy 22) 12:50 - 1:20 CST; Kinard 1:40 2:25 CST; Peavy's Wewa Branch 3:20 3:30 CST; arid Carveri-Backwoods 3:35 4:05 CST. * Hours for the Port St. Joe Branch Library are Monday 1:00.-.8:00; Tuesday 10:00 - 5:30, and Wednesday, Closed Thursday 1:00 8:00;, Friday 10:00 '- 5:30, and Saturday 10:00 5:00. School Gets Funds Florida's 67 county school districts received a total of $4.4 million in supplemental capital outlay allocations for April, Comptroller. Fred 0. (Bud) Dickinson announced. Dickinson explained that each district receives a share of money for improvement of facilities. These monies are- not sent to each district on every payment. Gulf County received $6,792.50 in their portion of the capital outlay allocations. Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns Men and '*:. , Men's S PORT COATS and SUITS . 250/o off, 25 pct. off Jarman, Sandy McGee, Red Goose SHOES now 1-3 off Parkton, Pullover, 50 pct. cotton, 50 pot. polyester were $11.50 Sweaters now $6.95 > All Sale Merchandise Cash "Your Store of Quality aN'Shion" "Your Store of Quality and Fashion" Are you interested' in playing any of these instru- ments? The Gulf County School System is offering summer lessons ranging from beginning instructions to advanced instructions ' This instruction is open to all who are interested. They S.S. Law Relaxes, Rules The new social security law 'makes it easier for.blind people to get monthly disabil- ity payments, according to David Robinson,. I Social Security Representative for Gulf County. "Blind people still have to have credit for work under social security but it no longer -has to be for recent work," Robinson said. ',o, be ,Igtile 'or payments .pre' iousl, blihd people genera l', had to have worked 5 yeai of the 10 before they became.' ,iiab.d by .ond ness '. NO' thea, r.ar t,. paid ,enehs if (t.e, votked long enough on jobs covered by social security' at', any time'," said Robinson. "Under the -new law," 'Robinson said, "'a man of 42" who goes blind this year may get benefits if he has only 5 years. of work. It doesn't matter when he earned the credit. Previously, he could not get benefits unless the 5 years of work was during the 10 years before he became blind." Social security pays monthly disability benefits 'to eligible workers and their families if the worker is. under 65, severely disabled, and cannot work' for a year or more. The average payment to disabled workers (including blind people) is $179 'a month. "To meet the definition for blindness in, the social security disability insurance, program," Robinson said,' "you must have 20-200 vision or less in the better eye with the use of a correct ng lens- or a visual field of 20 degrees or less." About 30,000 blind .people became eligible for monthly social 'security payments under the new law. will' be held at Port' St. Joe High School this summer during the hours of, 8:30- 3:00. If you are interested please contact' Mr. Odadzin at Port St. Joe High School. Phone 227-5281 or' 227-4192.o Pictured above standing left to right: Gary Powers, cornet> Suzanne Hammock, clarinet; and Donna Sue Richards, saxophone. Kneel- ing are Jeft to right Randy DeWitt, trombone; Sammy -S&-eazy, drum; and 'Keith Tillery, baritone. RESOLUTION OF RESPECT .We, the members'of AMelody Rebekah. Lodge No. 22 should like to honor our esteemed deceased member, ,Sister Mary B. Forehand, who was called to her heavenly, home on Easter Sunday, April 22, 1973 after a short illness. Sister Mary was a Charter Member of pur Lodge having joined twenty-five years ago when it was instituted. She enjoyed the fraternity, fellowship and the opportunity to help others. She occupied the stations of Chaplain and Noble Grand with dlriihn, arid honor ever. living by the precepts of our order. She was grateful for her family, her friends, and the ties of her church and lodges. She exemplified the influence which comes from a life filled with the hope of tomorrow which lends courage.to face each new day as it comes.- This is certainly a comforting heritage to leave .to her children and grand children. May the inspiration left by her pbise, patience and understanding live on and on in our memories. t,-, h a-mb.rle f.in-rily *: .a.y "Your sorrow is our .'.r(o.,, tc,.. MA, G,:.. .l "',rnforting hand on youi." Therefore, be it resolved that the Charter of .our Lodge t,.e-graped ,tor Hlir dd'' y i: .j" memory If our dear dpparfed oii."r T.-.'t 1hi. *rsooiJ''r,' be" pr''.ia oen the .minutes of our lodge; that a copy be sent-to the family, of Sister Mary, and a copy be forwarded to The Star for p c,'jbii t'- ic, .. ., .;; -Mary E. Weeks A'iene H.q,.gw r" Jessie Owens- Merchants Discuss Business Bureau Need \ Merchants of Port St. Joe are becoming interested in the formation of a Better Business Bureau for' the City's consumers. In their regular meeting last Friday at noon, the Retail Merchants discussed a suggestion by the Chamber of Commerce that such a bureau be operated through the office of .the Chamber. Chamber president Floye Brewton and Director' Ber- 'nard Pridgeon discussed the need with the merchants. After considerable discus- sion which centered around securing protection for the customer and merchant alike, the merchants asked Brewton to' correspond with the State Chamber of Com- merce for more information on the operation of a bureau. The merchants also ex- pressed a concern i for contin- ued deficit operation of the Municipal Hospital. W. C. Roche expressed the concern of the merchants by stating to the group, "Something's wrong somewhere and we ought to offer our help to the City Commission to Ltry and arrive at a solution for our problems". The merchants all agreed on the facts that the Hospital' is a vital part of the community. Altnes SBeauty Salon and '- Merle Norman Studio HasA ATTRACTION We now will be servicing you with a complete line of wigs, hairpieces and falls. We are proud to announce that beginning on May 29, Janice Stokes will be on our staff to sell and to service a complete line of hair accessories. She will also assist you in making selections from our 'complete line of cosmetics. Call 27-7616 for Appointment 'WEDDINGS ANNOUNCEMENT Whatever your printing needs, Siding invitations, baby shower, versary parties, we can print you. We specialize in fine pri for special occasions., THE STAR Phone 227 3161 Want Blow A Horn? ...m 01,0 WIIF', I. I- u-' Missbr GrouiTee ,sAe aTuesday Night .Mission hroup Three, Christmas season. .. 'United Medt Women of Mrs Betty Herring was'in ',the First ted Methodist charge of the program Church m tTuesday night, entitled, "The-Overpowerin. May 15, 30 p.m in the Role of Womanm Missions,', home of i' Wesley Grace, with scripture taken from... with M .Wayne Taylor Psalms 108-. presiding ' Dunrimngzib'smess session Group discussion followed. Mrs. JuhaCreech presented Mrs, Taylor closed the a protect tr the group: the meeting with prayer making of .bristmas symbols Refreshments were served to to' be during the the twelve members present Ir THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. PAGE FI Howell-Hirnel Wedding Plans CONSTANT ADVERTISING Onestep won't take you very fi You've got to keep on walk Ornword won't tell 'em who yc You've got to keep on talkir An nch won't make you very ta You've got to keep on grow Onr'little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them go A:onstant drop of water ,Wears away the hardest sto B constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bonir 'he.constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing mail Snd the constant advertiser 1 the one who gets the trad lARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! To, Visit Their Seafood Mai 203 Third Street" S(frmerly Gay's P,'.a Opening Friday Florida Boy Seafo( S203 Third St. Phone * LEST WE FORGET, OBSERVE MEMORIAL DAY! Memorial Day should be more than just ct day off from work or a special date on the calendar it should be a time to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made to pre-_ serve this nation. Let's remember our dead servicemen and women by keeping this, nation a citadel of freedom. Florida First National Bank -I.' n . John Cannon Entertained SJcbrn Carnrn was enter- iramed with a party on his four. t- .ir hd.;y, given by his parents, Mr. an. Mrs. Albert Carrwor, f \ g.a There was fun and games for everyone. Attend ira the party were his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mis J. A& Cannon, his sviter. Mhchelle; Theresa Cannon, Robin Hick- ock, Stacev O'Shall, Kim Wood, Theresa .Byrd, Mike Final wedding plans for, Mr. a Margaret Bruce Howell and Jr. Page Mason Himel, .Jr. have been announced by the The parents of the briie-to-be, place Mission Group Two Meets At Church' Mission Group LI of the First. United a, methodist Church met May 21, 1973 at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs "'Alfred Joines. Mrs.Chauncevy -Costin presided over the meeting. Mrs. Calla Parrott present-' ed the devotions fror' Matt- hew; and the program on conmitnity -missions assisted b. Mrs. Eula Prid;eon, on- housing and Mrs.. Stella Farris on the aged The circle welcome. d a new member, Mrs Eta nggers, and twelve other i embers meeting will be held June 18, in.. the home ef Mrs Estelle .Mo1el . and JimAmy W:J'i:n" -- .. - Grasman and T,.mrm Salad Supper Humphrey . 1..hb.-received many nice gi s and, everyone had ann eorIr at:e time. ., / oy Club Party Saturday Nite r, rg. u are 3. ig. ng. ie; al ii 'In Je Miss Britt Is Shower Honoree Miss: Jeannne Britt was r. e:', t,.-nored ointh a rmiscepilne. ,'.hiower in the: Trnrit .'!aps;-t Ch.urc,, social rhal ,t n Mranan, Hut.sst., for: th.i occasion were Miss Paline. T rtter. Miss 'Sonia Jordan. MisL Pauine Fivea-ti -ar.d Mr.s Gmger Herind-soa,' The bride's chosen colors of 'pirk and Mte '>A-re uijed in the, decorations Cake, punch. nuts and mints 1 'Ae ,-Lr.'ted Miss Britt will be,:ome the bride of Sti-phen R,.HA -i .IJwi., 2, at the Long Avinuef BHaptL.t Church S' Pictured above are the members of e Mixed Quartet of Bryan College Musical Messengers. Seen left to right are Brent Ferguson, tenor; Carris Barker, accompanist; Carol "' Austin, alto; Dan Camp, baritone; and Sherri Hill, soprano. Quartet Appearing At: d Faith Bible Church 229-6934 The mixed- quartet of Bryan College of Dayton,' Musical Messengers from Tenn., will present a pro- Sgram, of, sacred music and personal testimony at the Faith Bible Church, 801 '20th St., on"Wednesday, May 30 at 7 30 p m. according..to an, I @0 a announcementt made by Rev. Hugh Daniel pastor., SBrent-Ferguson, tenor, a 1973 f l graduate-froni TBenton, Ga., . Dan Camp, baritone, a 'junior from Hixson, Tenn.,; C-rol Auston, alto, a senior from I- 'U \Paris, Ill,; Sherry Hill. soprano, a senior,' from Winfield, -il.;. and. Carries Barker, -accompanist, a ". junior, from Ashford, W. Va. -' i *With ,'the young people as /1 F staff representative is Dean of Students; Kermit A. Zopfi. The' team. presents an in- S" spirational concert of sacred selections, using the group as a whole and in various combinations, as well as solos by team members. Bryan is a senior Christian s college of the arts and sciences. It is independent, inter-denominational, and fully accredited. for Xi Epsilor. SMembers of--Xi Epsilon ' ,ppa .: nsp'tr oi Pwi Sigma Phi enjoyed a delicious salad -(ppeit at the ,home of M.iri Anne' Kilbourn on "upsday, Bettv Lew'. assuiaed her. ,;i!i:. r,, n %.- p., *.i' nt of the chapter. "lte past years' t,'.,., werd .4' cu-sd .-nd pl.war, tr next )e r .r.t made, rch .an. adoption of a .-budget and the' Gulff Area Council rn'r tine of all t,',.[- ters from' P--. (is la i I T.dlad i lssoe to' > hel i hi'rf- in L', :.br The chapter tht-n adjournedd ri, -t ; Sgait 'n Ajuf W 8:UU 1 Meth Reve md Mrs. W. H. Howell, officiating. e wedding will take Saturday, May 26 at p.m. in the First United odist Church, with the rend R. Millard Spikes A reception will follow the home of Mr. and M Howell. All friends ae relatives of the couple a invited to attend the.weddi and reception. NOTICE Dr. G. E. Butts, D.V.M. will be at the Port, St. Joe Fire Station, Saturday, June .2, 1973, from 2:30 P.M., E.D.T., until 5:30 P.M., E.D.T., for the purpose of vaccinating small animals (Dogs, Cats, etc.) against Rabies. The amount of $4.00 wilt be charged for each animal treated. All persons are urged to have their animals treated at this time for the protection of themselves, their families and' the community. All animals will be. registered. and License Tags, obtained at the Vet's Office during the above time. License, tags are $1.00 for the first animal, $.50 for the second and third animal, ,for a maximum fee of $2.00 to any one, owner. 17. W. Griffin Chief of Police City of Port St. Joe S Fouse Studio of Danct PRESENTS P, " a 26, i PM . SPort St. Joe Elementary School BENEFIT American., Cancer Society Adults $1.00 6 NEW SHIPMENT Poly & Cctton Poly & Cotton KNITS STRIPES 4 yds. for $1.00 2 yds. for $1 SPolyester NGLE KNITS 98c yd. SEERSUCKER Poly & Cotton otted S WiSS I $1.59 yd. Beautiful Poly & Cot SARATOGI $2.29 yd. Poly & Cotton $1.29.y Poly & Cottonr PICQUE $1.39 yd. Beautiful selection of 100 pct. Polyesi Knits, 60" wide. Machine washable. - ironing needed.. Transfer KNIT PRINTS CREPE! $3.98 yd. $3.49, yd Jacquards, Houndstooth, Dots, Seersu er look. Regular $4.79 and $4.99. NOW Polyester Terry, perfect for beachwei 60" wide. . VELOUR 1" non-roll ELASTIC 39c yd. Nylon TRIMS 10c yd. $1.98 Embroidered Flutt CHECKS $1.69 yd. BUTTONS 1/2 Off The SEWING CENTER 229 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Phone 229-68 ThE ArnnUal Joy_ Club 'Ca.r.per, pai,'iy ."-il be held Sat,.da-y Ma. ~6 at Mrs: B F'. r, i F oeris (j 80 Garrmsor, Avenue. a,' 10 30 a.m. All e '.;t.le arrp,-;irs and 'their umr-thers or- guagrdians are ir, ,.:d c,.rne Tre-,j carrpers . 1 be eFgist.rer-d at t.hii time . rj san, q .iIfj,, :about Camprp victor, ana its pro- gr:ln wllt be arns'.;..ered J.rorj- H)gl, B:hf.r. Clubbers *':ho ha'.e frnshed their rei..remn'rt. foi c-amp are Tanimy Raffield, Delores Wi'1ns..on. Dorotthy Gleim, L.nda Whitfield Scott Lam- ber; sn. .Jim Roberts, Ror.nie Maddox. DeWayrpe Patterson aird Samrmy Parker B.oys anrd girls of element- -;', sch,,oi age who have' rnerirnorzed 100 or more Bible verses& are Roxanne Lee, .ma ihe,., -loliand, Karen Collinrsworth, Sandra Martin, Joe.,' Raftield. Rur-, Martin.' Di-lr Parke-r. Tommy; Rtr.crt: Sdrna Anchors, D9nna patterso'n Debbie Pattersonr Andy Wilkinson Tiin Stutzrnan. Jaret Grace jennie Maddox, Phoene Bar low', Anne Quariei. Girda Bence. Rhonda Harrion Johanna Harrisunr. Tirna Mangum, Julia Mangurn ari Brenda WhitltieId . BIRTH ANNQLTNCEMlENT Mr. and Mrs Einmmette Daniell are the proud grand- parents ,of a baby bo:,'. Matthew Daniell Kanneberg, born May 3, 1973. He is the son of Mr and Mrs MG Kannieberg, of Tell City, lnd Brothers and sisters are Keith, Mark and Cathy THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 2t 5-24 The B. A. Collier's invite You rket I 3 \o Students 75c n CHECKS Only $3.98' __r I I I ----- _ _ - I 1- I 'C I' r - - --- -- --- I I i- - fr pi I PAGE SIX THE STAR. Port St, Joe, Fla. THU4RSAY,. MAY 24, 1973 NoFobd Stamps to Strikers iHRE CONOMYORIGINATES *N 'RTDILICIOUS FRMSs LY Om LB. $1l *S limia .Roast. .$1.29 $ws 'Mil k $1H.39K I-les teak... S$139 its Steak ..0' $1.39 l kMr (B6(P inOD'S l iaSteak. .. $1.39 1.bed kt.e. a 1.,59 & Steaks...$. St89 ,s .'. ~ ~ ~ qk l r|udo" anne l; v '' '" ,d eND . r 'LBO IF YURE NLSATISFIED ANY MEAT PURCHASED AT AI %ME^ Be&-- lf- ffn- ---- -- -- t -f -- E ---------A V If r^ --- : -5-* b "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN TENDER BEEF cChuck SteakBE "SUPER-RIGHT' SMOKED. TENfOl FULLY - WHOLE SHANK JCooke'd, Ham,. H eALF L '"SUPER-RIGHT" SMALL MEATY PORK -a:'-, a *' '" ," 3 LBS Ap"'pare RIbS UNDER 'GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OR GA. (BREAST OR LEG) e r CHOCE, YOUR Fryer Qtrs. CHO. E I L > SAVE ON THESE PRODUCE VALUE THIS WEEK!< LB. 8 16 to 19 Lb. Avg. I B.78 . 99 S 9cL" b.5 FSH tucumbe FRESH CALIFORNIA! Strawbe MEDIUM SIZE Yellow ( FRESH FLORIDA (#64 Juice Or i'F PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE EFFEC WILL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUANTITIES BRAZILIAN CoFFE 4 Winem 99' 4 $100 w0 '". Z. JAR $1.19 $1.25 A bSE CREMIMS skies AO TfC MOUTHWASH terine. lAUNDRY DETERGENT NON DAMB -i - EQUAL TO THE BEST- YET COSTS YOU LESS! < Sandwich F.. LUc GMEAT FOR PIt FCic rank Rolls....... o28c S.. TUCRUST kreado..........'eO..37 FRtlSH . Apple Pie ......SIZ49 ILLY PILL; PINEAPPLE or CINNAMON Sweet Rolls .... 43c , a .CUUNCHY _Potato Chips..... 59c 4 ANN PAGE Everyday Low Price 100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE '' - BARBECUE SAUCE.:...B' 37c EIGHT O'CLOCK... *A $1.09 ASP Everyday Low Prices A&P FROZEN CONCENTRATED 100% FLORIDA APPLE JUICE..... .oz.% 39c ORANGE JUICE.... 3 S1.00 ANN PAGE ORANGE FLAVOR INSTANT BREAKFAST DRINK "jar $1.25 510 Fifth Street Wahiingin, D;C.- "The, issuance o food stamps to strikers i a fundamental abuse o tt welfare system Ak PSC I and; is destwyig our Moimit- AMPS br g- iye bagtg-m Con- gr s.- on ildham L "Bill" Onc u-idCkans. -Ala said May LB. 7C 15, 1973o , Di>ckin0e! made he r59 rarki !i,= Crpitl pr-ss zl O2. IEfC d ,:(ri 'ernc.',etet !v after 59 .he introdude.an amendment to the 1964 Fod Stamp Act to C,0o 8Oc prohibit strikrs frombeing U V able'to get fd stamps , Over 55 members of ` : ,-1ei e CCon- b. 59c !i ., .,.i c-.ing the. bi, a o i C' r' ~(-f the House Ij.l,,,- .;n hi,.rrwerved for PK 59 err -wperal 4ponmors of Sit.. .ndmimntAmong urshesp Curmran Bob W. Ig '14. POr .', .:, ,. .,i ,. - Alf EASED TO ACCEPT U.S.D.A., FOOD ST) 'MARKIT-STYLS BtSAKFAST SMOKED Bacon SLICED * Franks tWA *ase SEpAfT .G ,i 1 BolognaI.,I.... 'sn. u,' QuiOck Frozen Pot Pies.-- 8 o Sup.r Right TURKEY * Hindquarters II Asp ASo0P74D S0 Y s Pimento Cheese. CAP N JOHN'S FROZEN FRINCH F1i Fish Sticks..... I I [A N N 11, VAGE] u Oni.p i n i r i. A % itchl , BUDWEISER I'n- i' m1 Tar 41 ,. BeeArulure: Appipri:i;nns,; 1 1 0,Ahil to patvrhii ramt of Pak 14t ti j- ih.lt t ing mi)(d <1 he 2 Oz. Cons 1 17 i nrmn, .' ir,,,.'. .Jbp', .k o!h*" 9'. II ir-i, y.l r ii M e ain $ ersi bm .)f e ptg m oa. TV UM, .<, *rii hI'-'r to inl r il O A iTM.inhierr n etwra y let. v. ) ... w or n w,' e s tre un ,s. " lllons itN29. SIr.,-/29 ing e i ana V cre1I J.lan , .nges3..-10/69,. .k pei versioSl o .' athent o Oi N s C sT kitd ~h'p1 f "ood ,ns oI p* lAdw:. lw mill r, goi r.i strilerls "ns need a qepo- terous misuse of pubit l )' ong s ,0 10/ i aito t29ii. a nd.hp ta hJu rsarrid ' payVersi of n eu.al o," TIVE THROUGH SUNDAY. MAY 27, CUSTOMERS 6-ingr*evs *hlch saght to i OF ANT ITEM. thi.p Ajrn racans #hotre truly gIn .'n u1 bervi us? lthe canw.01 Fisher sald, "ne 6Dickivson pass bill'toto eclde members of hoabuseholds who are on stake A20-OZA from food stamp pdvilees shouldrikbe approved I am pleased tad be aid b-spor the Dickinson measwh wor suDipporton noted who at ahnot WHITE O BLUE HEAVY DUTY -eent Univesty of . Sail Detergent 59c Wh r tax e ,Bpayersce study, ofWeutralty,"nd O O LABE, 3 b o Fi Box Striked,-T "e DofPubickison Aho Funsehto SupporOt Striikers, AAP LIQUID LAUNDY betweel "in eased leng'h L 20Z ... .. 4 4C um ofrom food stamps by the Dickinson measure.d DicUAnson noted sat a wHIf BLUEUOAVY DUTY for strikers wi cost thef lorox.. .... O finance study, "Welse and AAP BRAND Erydoy Low Price I million this year. giO S raU B3 Lb o.to "When we use food stamps Sa U .. .. CAN sto prefer one side over AP BRAND Evryday Low Pric another in a matter directly i o lA ra o. affecting the consumer and Cro .pr....... SIZE cAm the taxpayer, we a aban- A&P BEveryday Low Price I dmillioning our principles of fair Panty Hose 049c dy and free enteprise," AlP BRAND rdo P anoDickther in a mstaterd. "rectlhe present policy of allowing __ ',V& __ __M_ _R_ ___ON__ strikers to use food stamps is contrary to good business and AVH's FAMOUS B Rl A N D S good, sense. It must be abolished!'.' : ANN PAGE DINNER 71/4 OZ. Box l"M bill has broad bi-. MACARONI & CHEESE.. 2/39c inI sprtS";sa Sulitana Whole 15'/2. Oz. Can when the measure reaches the floor for a ,.vote enough Green Beans - can 25c members of Congress will T Sspeak, up for the 'rights of the ANN PAGE (WITH TOMATO SAUCE) taxpayers' and will vote to PORK & BEANS .... z 39c pass this most needed I AR & B es CAN z7 3camendentJ" 'JoR .1. 1 i" 1'. 1, ' 1 I. ``''' THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, Looking for office supplies? Come see what we have in stock. STAPLERs LEDGER SHEETS TE1 WIRE LETTER TRAYS For -risponddene o rders andukllothbr class of papr '!1..01 W c le p,'ncx'an'q ,'pi~e wirth baa. andpronqm. THE STAR PUBLISHING CO. 2274 3161 W&,^t qiAa n ~S ,_ s- t->. ms Ave. I0-o q-a I -am mp 400 0N6 Gulf TaxI Gulf County showed a uI tremendous -309.58 percent Collection Up increase in April of l193, as ,I compared with April, 1972. April tax collections con- Figures for Aprib 19W 2 were firmed the fact that Florida's $42,421.43, increasing to economy is enjoying a boom $173.750.20 in. April 1973. that seems to have no ceiling, April's high figure was rT-.Pt-..ri:- Fred 0. (Bud) over 300 percent higher than Dickinson said today. March 1973's figure of With yields from-all major $57,959.12. taxes showing significant For the state as a whole, er.e.~e the uparal spir-il UI' .Itdy--April sales tax S ta&a W a ar~dnd..'tWalta&a hoopng $850.7 rec'rid surplus in st.. I mtllin; ". aii1.8 percent of r', fhe Cmonal,,rroi. r wd*re.-'.e over the same noted' period last year I. '.. 2-PIECE e 5th Living Room Suite .I.. .M VLf ALI .1 lax_ SbyJ Mattress -" Box Springs, Fullor .t ' Twin size - mirp son For a limited time at this price. King Size $199 13 11 .This Week End Only Work decorating wonders for living room or den with this striking Mediterranean group! , It's marvelously comfortable furniture, too, with cushions of buoyant Crown-lux poly- foam and quality interior construction. (Comfort, of course, you can take for granted; " after all, they're by Byrd!) The supple, glove-leather feel ofTine vinyl keeps its like-new ' .look for years with effortless care. Examine the tasteful styling details: the deep hand tufting of backs .. the contoured "bucket seats".., the smart brass ferrules of each leg. Here are fine-sculptured Mediterranean lines to create a.quiet aura of quality and lux- ury at a pleasantly sensible price! - Queen Size $149 Open An Account Today. Budget Terms! 4-Piece Italian Provencia I S WASHER Bedroom Suite $199.95 D DYE59 Double Dresser, Mirror, Chest, Bed SP DA3100 AUTOMATIC *'Dable Press, Norm and Pre-Wash Soak Cycles Choice of Water Temperature and SO Speed Porcelaih EpamelT and Agitator Washiq Action FED OUEN. [C DE3270 ELECTRIC DRYER nal Time and Durable Press Cycles Delicate and Normal Heat plus Air Fluff i":, Setting , 64 *Eas Access In-A-Door ng mcte Dryer -* 'Drum ",' " * *.'! 4 I ' 1 MAZ.2.4..193' P~bIE CI) -0 0 **- L.Le ct ~ow -o 4M =,o >in _ ---L_. __ ,L I ..1._~_ __ _I 1 __7 --~ 0 am" AGE EIGHT THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1977. THE STAR. Port St Joe. Fla 'm w "-ItoI .. J Application Made to ReplaceBridge On 30-A The public as notified that Department of Transporta- Guard District for a: an application dated April 30, tion has been received by the of revised plans' for 1973 from the State of Florida Commander, Eighth Coast highway bridge o navigable waterway. The waterway is loc Simmons Bayou, 0.3 of ethtf othet Highwav .DoCto ad Drgg tI two indiis.- :pwibe men I your commmnily h6 collaborate onu your health raoblemns. In time of i tkhwtev :- M the mos Impertat j-w-are In safe hands. Plact ylou ; tInt ha Doctor and Druggist When ?U are Il bothf team up to make j a welL Bring youm Doctors pre. Sto You drg store. YOUR ,B UZZETT'S -DRUG STORE ft 227-3371 317 Woblam. tonvenient Drive-in Window Plenty of Pro* PmrkvW, L, LgalAdv .pTTS'N' i :r rjAJrltr-_.. 4GENTS, '-C,~~~~~ r',-er.rr 0,.f'OOCCU- 'I'. P'4(PERTY- 'Wilp11"; HE (I I( i Ulr. OF THE 'You gre 4- ~ i~t YOU are * Ten~pir'-d '1 v fl~'.' "~ eocut to ;3 hfyri l,~')f '' ".Ive (12) -1,rirtr. oieli j, un ,rderbrush --Or- .,n u k-q '-r,.A.vlldor *c~c *,~a..ll~y ',. 1h f'. j Port St. 4'e .r. l lui.q,. t" rash, .,N .,lrc, W ..' 'and any 'jr,?'h. .4.. ,.. r or other V 1-: 1 .16II 1, l', r ..-ed from , .. 'I I *," the.reof Ii ,'r.-'ty upon 1"' 4,. 'I .filth or *ClcIISSified Ads This Hen. Strained . Npe, it's iot an ostrich egg. This oversized egg Was laid by a 'White Leghorn chicken owned by M ". -'and Mrs. Donald Schott of St. Joe Beach. The egg measured 6V2" in circumference cro.'ms... 6' in circumference, from end to end, and was 3/4" long.' SOCIAL, SECURITY PLATE Anniversary Celebration Committee Membership Wil approval a fixed ver a ;ated at d a mile QK Qfif os u orEn Aguway y Bub Highway 30 intersection, about 2.5 miles east of the city of Port St. Joe. The State of Florida Department -of. Transporta- tion obtained a Coast Guard S.' '.. on November 4, 1971, to construct a fixed bridge at the above location. The : -- was ," 1'. :.- with "e;' ::.." clearances of 12 f' eet v. .: above mean high water and 30 feet. 1.,: .::-. normal to the axis of the channel. The revised plans proposed by the DOT will reduce the vertical clearance to 7.0 feet above mean high water. The horizontal .clearance will remain the same at 30 .feet. The -->..-.'. -:' bridge at .the same location will be removed from the waterway. The decision as to whether or not approval of'the revised plans for the.proposed br.'l~ - will be granted must rest upon the effect of the bridge on land and water transporta- tion, the impact on' the total ,. -. ::.'.. including, .but not Lbmited to, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, public parks, and historic sites. Interested parties are * -' r.:1-i-, to express their A meeting of the general membership of the Gulf County Goldefi Anniversary Commission will be held Monday, June 4 at 8:00 p.m. at the'Florida First National Bank in Port St. Joe. At ,i .*:- a complete report..e". be made to the general membership. High- light* of the meeting will be a report on the Constitution and By-lLaws" under which the Commission shall operate; announcement and introduc- tion of the officers, who have been appointed to lead the Commission; announcement, Meet June 4 introduction and reports of the Standing Committee Chairman. Also, of interest will be a report on what the organization plans to accom- plish, how they plan to reach their goals, and what has already been accomplished. All individuals interested in the goals of this Commission'; a big celebration party in 1975 to commemorate the 50th Ain-i--sary otth- 'for- mation of Gulf County; are invited to be present. All '.:'rns:,.or-n of any type are urged to .have at least one member present. Ala. Team. .Hurt In Wins Here Leave Animals Be Arridnt A '*d n t i "..,. Ala. Merchants -:.: .p a 6-0 record '..,' .nd ..'. to win .-,. F.''. t.-'Joe invitational :'.'. ',. :.'. tourna- m en t. pt .. -,- Vernon, was second,. Com- mander Real .EK -~e .Panama City, third and -Panama City -merchants " ri )- Forty ball games were played,, with sixteen area softball teams from North- west Florida ind South Alabama competing. The softball tournament we cpier.red ., the Quar- views, in writing,/ giving sufficient detail to establish a clear ,s". it. i. of rea- s -for support or . tion. '.''.. or comments ', ,-. received at the Office of the Commander, .;* * Coast Guard '..'. Cus- ' ',. ,' New Orleans, La. 70130, ,. *,...,- June 18, 1973. Tallahassee- It's best to leave t ..e. in the woods" alone Best.for young ' and best for ,* : .' -."' : person Who cannot resist the .:. ;.:" to pick up young birds, deer, raccoons, and *dozens of other creatures. According to the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commis- sion, spring and early sum- mer is a time of -: : .'-. .' of new plants, animals and birds, and what may have appeared as barren forest in late winter suddenly comes alive with new animal and bird life. This is also the tragic time. of year for wildlife "rescued"' by well-meaning humans who. fail to understand that nature must take care of its own. Too often we kill with kindness. k Most of the ..-,-[ baby animals, are ., ,'i .not rescued. The' mother is ii, nearby, -,. . into '* i'-i by human .: buit ;,,1.! capable of caring for her young. Rites For Funeral services fo: Jimmie J. Walsh, o c'- e! : ;t were held at 2:00 p.m., May 16 from Wor Funeral ui..-: .. .. Ala. ".Mr. Walsh died V..-..i,. May 14 at Athens Nursing Hom e, ._t1 ,: 2-. !, .He was retired from the U 'S. Corps of Y-:,';'7-:.. : an had made his home in Overstreet for many years. ? .... are his .''.: Mrs. Clara Walsh of ,... Tenn.; a .., r Mrs Patsy Williams of I ......' Ky.; a sister, -Mrs. 'Lillian Baxter of II.'.',... .'i. Ala. and a i. ..*...* r i'i Walsh of Overstreet. Micelaeos FrSale SEND $7.00 IN CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO "PLATES' P.O. BOX 218, PORT ST. JOE, FLA. ALLOW 10 DAYS BE SURE TO INCLUDEE NAME AND SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER - niL d= Corn 5 cons, G 1 : -' A- . Large Eggs 2 z $1.19 ,U.S. No. I Hunt's Irish Potatoes 10 Ibs. 99c CATSUP 26 oz. 39c Fresh Hed With: $10.00 Order or More Cabbage----- b. l10c S IU GA R 5 Ibs. 49c uic.y Williams 18 Oz. Lemons -- doz. 49c Instant Potatoes 49c Kraft MIRACLE MARGARINE--- 1 b. tub 39c FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER 2 LBS. $1.49 Tender, Delicious First Cut 7-Bone Steak lb. 99c Pork Chops -- lb. 69c Choice Beef Smoked Sirloin Steak lb. $1.49 Pork Chops -- lb. 79c Brisket Smoked Stew Beef-----lb. 69c Neck Bones--- Ilb. 49c Lumber Jack Bun Pal Choice {Beef WIENERS 12 oz. 49c Round Steak lb. $1.39 CENTER CUT Chuck Roast Ib.99k F r S. -;. t .:r r l. ,h r Excellent condition. Wall to. wall carpet. For" *i"*:.r'r. * ll 227-8305 t' -.,1 "" ffc 5-10 House for, Sale: 1 View Dr., Highland .Warren Whitfield. C 3071 or 227,7201. For Sale or R bedroom home in Wh: unfurnished on 2 lots, 71. Contact William I sen, Dothan, AL. 794- .06 Bay V1i T' ro d'H b ',..r,. ,.-,,i r.,; ,,.t .-.fl,. .' *,, ... 4 p.m . S." .. Itp 'Apartment-size. stove, r-.ftigraitor, r.onsole TV and .ir ,-inor'tir.i $25 each. Call 648-6900. 2tc 5-24 ! vw, 2 wigs & stands,. 1 fall, 1 all 227 'wig' cas6, 28" boy's bicycle, single bed with mattress and 2tp 5-10 headboard, rn-. ,r., haircurl- 'er set. Call 229-6205 ent: 2 CItc 5-24 ite Citvy. . on Hwy Rasmus- 3830. 4tc 5-3 For Rent: One and two bedroom r,- -:-.'.-]. fur ,nished apartments.' Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas- heat, window fans. '. must be seen to 'be appre ciated. Contact Mrs. B.C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. White City. Phone. 2292413 or 648-3101. tfc-10-28 For Rent: Furnished beach -cottages at reasonable " ..: rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc Antique pump organ, refr.. -,'..',t plays 'well. '229- 6788. 2tp 5-24 10 speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. ;', style. Credit terms it 'western -auto, Port St. Joe, tfc-6-15 '. Machines: Dial and Sew.. See at K & D Television, * and' Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071. MC's PAWN & SWAP For Sale: Aa ,-.'.. .. guns, 8-track 'home and' r. -:.. sets, ca and many 102 5th St., Hi View. 229-6193, For .Sale: FP ..:-:- used *..: guara KENT f .!..:E ':-: 229-6895 White City for rent. Phone 229-1135. 3tp 5-24 Wanted: Man to pe state auto.".::.: on and train as auto mee St. Joe Motor Cod. Reduce safe & fast with. GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. 6tp 5-10 New improved "Zippies", the great iron pill now with Vitamin C. Campbell's Drug PAT'S ROOFING Free Estimates No job too small Call Day or Night 227-4713 or 229-6898 3 tp R.A.M.- Regular convoca tion on St. -Joseph *--.:.:.ir. No. 56 R.AM., 1st and 3rd perform _.." '-, 8 p.m. All visiting autos companions, welcome. . anc WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, fhanic. H- P Willie Lee Griffin, H.P. tfc 5-3 E William McFarland, M Seec Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meeting first and third Monday' nights, 8:00 p.m. American legion Home. There will. be a 'regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., .every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. E.C. Bailey, W.M. Herbert. L. Burge, Sec. Sailboat, must sacrifice 10' ,.'.r ;:.-': LMain. 0 spin, trailer and car top carrier For info call 648-5159 '1. .... Beach 2te 5-17 For Sale: 1 Rheem 28,000 BTU oil heater. Complete. 648-7358. Mexico Beach. tfc 4-12 Large upright piano for sale, $150 M./.: 1t. tfe t-1o0. Professional Help with emotional problems and-or concerns. Gulf County Guid ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev. r ir. Ellis, 229-6599. FOR THE BEST In Tele tfc-3-1 vision and Sound come by 301 Reid Ave., and see our line of SHOP televisions, components, fans, stereos, radios ir l t.'.: We stereos have a repairman available ar tape daily. K and D TV and other SOUND, 301 Reid Ave., ghland Phone 227-2071. S. tfc-3-1 :,:'* 'a GIGI POODLE GROOM- Rnteed. ING. Bath, clip & groom. Phone Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Highland View. Call for tfc 5-3 appointment 229-3571. i tfc 5-10 AAA REFRIGERATION CO. Has Expanded to Port St. Joe to all Home Repair Appliances Factory Authorized Service on GE, Hotpoint, Westing- house, Philco, Kelvinator and others. Call Day or Night 229-6953 All Work Guaranteed Going Fishing? Stop here first for a complete line of FiShing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. Wanted: 40 acres or more. Road and power. Please 'draw map and give price,- terms, and send to P.O. Box' 952, Lancaster, Ohio 43130 -- -01tp3-22 WANTED CUSTOMERS TO Shop at THE SEWING CENTER 229 Reid Avenue Phone 229-6895 No.Experience Needed! i' SERVICES^JJ^^^^ Septic- Tanks pumped out. Call Biford Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or .229-2937. For Service without delay, call KENT SERVICE today. Plumbing, electrical,. appliances and air condition- ers.. Repairs. Phone 229-6895. tfc 3-22 For Chain Link Fence call. Emory Stephens. Free estimate. Guarantee on labor and materials. Low down payment. Phone 227-7972. A New Service At ' POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 Your SHERWIN.WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVE FARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida -DIVORCE KIT- For Florida's new no-fault law. Simple-low cost- legal-just. Only $20.80 (tax included) "This is something we've been impatiently await- ing." -N.O.W. For free details, write to: J. Lawrence Publications Box 791 Pompano Beach; Florida 33061 Stp 5-10 Jean Strieland Williams, 33, of 'A;"l .-.y .' suffered , hea4 injuries and was charg- ed by the F .- .i I"hi,'. Patrol with careless ini 'i. as the result b an .ilt ',..i ..) h accident Surday morning About ? .-'Ti-10 'to Highway Pa rolman Ken r ; .I r f .The Troope' said Mrs. 30 Williams was headed South d on U.S'. 98 at a high. rate Io speed, when sle lost control of her car on a curve about a mile North of .-ti, .' i View. g Her .... ,i,..q- -l*. the road on the '-..' ..,r.'. ti ,:.' i .i 218 J. feet, then ,il,. back on the d road and left i .,. n, on the n right;. I. 276 feet before rrn-rg 'h- road and leaving if '',. ot.''., side and Stravelling 94 fet. The .car o i.. turned ovei in a ditch full of water. n The accident '.vas investi- ; gated by Mnpnti Sheriff h Raymond Lawreme and Sgt. David Rogers. For Sale:1'972 r., .'..- i. $3500.00. For, mo:e informa- *... 227-517i tfc 5-3 For Sale: 197-Honda QA -..',ibk '1, Chevrolet. pick-up truck,' 6 yl., auto. trans.; 18'5' It 1 ., i, .'i,,., I..' n ', 1 P .f" -0 horse- power Evinrude motor. For more information .cal 648. 4255 after 4:00. p.x, tfei 3-29 ^'lA 4i For Welding Neets see James L.Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. tf9-7 MEXICO BEACH , BEAUTY SHOPPER Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS- Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner TechnicianO, CALL 229-5777 for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 "I thin it wos somohting I oa.: Je ,of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue SPort St. Joe, Florida _ I I I -- -- -- s""""lR~YY3~ ----"Tmsm I IMM I IIa 5--% %0 %0 v bog %&iH 0 v .;+ '' r WANTED: r, :-., .:, .- ,.V:,:- ... ..t , 'I"'", -May ,.; 21.r SHOP RICH'S, PortSt. joe, SAVETIME and MONEY! S Sunshine 10.5 Oz. Pkg. .,A FROSTED FLAKES pkg. 49c Bieown and Serve IGA ROLLS---pkg. of 12 Keenex Pkgs. of 200 Facial TISSUES 33c 3 pkgs. 89c -_ 2 cans 21 IGA FANCY SOLID PACK TOMATO 4. $1.00 Hunt's'- 2f6 Oz Bcttte TOMATO CATSUP 26 oz. 31 FOLGER'S With $10 00 Order COFFEE 2 LB, CAN $1.6 M Tha Wt e Ma. ront an'l Cheese Dinnm 5 $1.01 C 7c 'FfP P RICH'S GA -S COUPON .. C SAVE 20c WHEN YOU BUY A 6 Or. Jar of INSTANT FOLGER'S - COFFEE CRYSTALS C SPECIAL PRICE __ , WITH THIS COUPON '_ $1.15 Without Cpupon $1.35 S, aiC', ash al 1 20 of I . S TABLE RITE ,CHOICE 0 s Round Steak - Pound Briquettes I CHARCOAL 20 1b. bag 99c CHARCOAL LIGHTER qt. 39c Dixi '9 Oz. COLD CUPS --_-80 ct. 83c Dixie White PAPER PLATES 100 ct. 65c Cairo Be? t o r cWhitfield Hamburger DILL CHIPS --- 32 oz. 55c -C. .. rr Ant and Roach or Flying insect Bomb , 0 C Oannkce IGA Potato his rTiN BAGS 49c IGA (ALL FLAVORS) Canned Drinks 10 CA NS9 99C*/' iw't Tabeinte Cr ore LB. Sirloin Steak $1.78 falt, -.t *- h/: ori LB. Club Steak $1.88 Round Steak $1.58, Grnd. Chuck $1.18* _~~~ ~ ~ ~ -- ; ~ Tabieikle Leafn M.aty CounUly S.yif- Pork Ribs-- 98c I.Alier.t. Family Pak %14 Lin LB Pork Chops 98c Oscar Mayier Mi r Ib 9G PU LE Wieners Ib. 99c Broau-nschw'-e-iger 55c Fiesh Grade 'A' Fla G Ala Fryer Qtrs. Ib. Bologna l.b. . i %,.:ij Pure Pork (Hot or Sausage -_ lb.I ' 'Vac Pack- Bacon ,: lb. L 49c 98c 88c 98c IGA Sa...- aise QT. JAR IGA PINEAPPLE cans $1.00 D.si MAh (RAg c i O 'i DEODORANT -. 4 oz. cn BONDED BLADES pkg. of 5 ifn .L I. (Reg, 35c Val) , SHOE OLISH -- each 88c 89c 25c .." ROM Ti 0iRY CASE --. .. Kraft Mra:i 6-Stick ,, ' Margarine lb. 39c ra'i... i. Crescent 8 Oz. or '/ , CINNAMON ROLLS -.9.5 oz. 29c Tablerite American or Pimento CHEESE SINGLES 12 oz. 69c FROZEN FOODS - LEMONIGADE LEMONADE 6 6 Oz. Cans 79c IGA OCEAN PERCH ._ 1 lb. pkg. 89c Tablerite Beef CUBE STEAKS -. pkg. of 10 $1.29 Check Our Prices Before You Buy BARGAINS: Every family can reduce their cost of living by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Among our bargains are Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Green Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Yellow Squash Raasihes. Peas, Butter. Beans, Corn, Peppers Cucumbers. TFrARipe TOMATOES ': B L g Basket S Pound 49c Home Grown Q U AS H 19' Fresh Florida STRING Beans a49 Squash bag'4 Would You Believe This Low Price? ONIONS Fresh Tender Butter Beans- Ib. 39c Fresh Tender Blackeye Peas lb. 39c Large BELL PEPPERS or Cucumbers Home Grown String Beans bag 39c lb. 29c Large Bags Tender Frying Okra bag 59c Fresh Every Day Shelled Peas bag 59c lb. 29c Completely Home dwned and Operated'by E. J. Rich and Sons Hunt's 13 5 Oz Cans TOMATO JUICE I I - -- SACVE CASH, AT RICHIS NoT sTAMPS -.PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe.,Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 2-1, 1973 !Bike Boom Brings Menace To Crowded State Highways The recent boom in bic',cle use may be an environmental S.ei- boon for traffic-choked crt'es ._ s'.' and health. recreation. to rriders, but it can also be a S.. ,menace to Florida's rmgrl,.,.a, safety unless ccic 3a'onri m,'s3ures are tak.en i"- :ng t.o J D 2- Vw,,hg. ;. OD.rector of t e Go, er .; . H.gh; ayv Sait C mn C .-.t i, tUe ran.is of e:1.6 :ne 0pe 1,erce.' or -. : ie : r;eers, a oc.,'cte .an ce s lethal weapon. darge CoLs tie operato- a" 5 'C : Lt r .. ,.cula r ,,Ia r .5., h:gh aVi"; ''Se. eral t ngR tg.-re i,. the d-nge, poter.i.aI of a jb; '.le s ,5 W gh! "For one thing the ia,- ihoral mrnage of the ,M C.'tie a, a sort of ro.y-:o'meth ng I- ,a'e fun .v th-,-erd:. to rrake S"rie pecpre :egi 'Ed fme Lgh c' E :, ir'..-'r I ii ,ra tfi. r a. r, e':e;ie re d ra&ant fr-r:, a c.;iip ai.; a. Summer vacation time puls more cyclistss on the streets and hiqhwavs ..... r, . Safety experts urge them to ARRIVE ALIVE by learning and observing .C 1.-. .j;J ,r bicycle safety rules and making themselves more visible to motorists -' -,ro-.Ea with eye-catching pennanls. a:r. "TIre r.gg t danr-b fa.C, FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH d,", t, bh ,..r ,cLAwith,,h h e rider. Corner Tuhird Street and Baltzell Avere "'" 'Tre ,a.erage rJdald--or adult REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr,, Pastor --t.ppirng onr nis rriuiti-:ped GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music b!,:..r = 'he- .oertr't rno'.,. t F.P. I ..r ,llr,, S.l -A t.thr. r s a .' .Safety officials encourage riders' .to use bright cr ;-: plastic pennants beari'.g : program's symbol, th'e Orange Blossom i - and the words, . over's Don't : are .:' - slence : :. H 2. :' 1: : .".-.'.,' 3 -. : - rider, the :, .. makes motorists -: An i-. :" '. setting forth the Florida Highway Patrol's ,: . rules is also being C '. :- ; throughout the state., This will enable riders to be sure of the laws and ~t ;.,-r: Concerning t'h.c r., ; "Wi'th' 1.1- tvo'" -approaches "to ,.. ;. : ]?" "" r.i'. :& .a **..: ' ''. to "3a 0 ' impact on the :..',"e:, i S:..1 c ei a' i > i''.C i' , r J. A C, : i '- '1 ; lr i .6 ...,it_, 1 :J ..'7.- r:.5,: ,; i ,: ",* ,Y tr sn n.' :i [,. . CARD OF THi- In'our :--: .i but way, we would like all of you,'for ,your 'jrprs-,"er' and d' wding Jrr.r illr death Ti-e fisod you was so greati/y app yo'.: fkral[ offerr. brtauti(l, iand ',,(" ' . , NK5 t t ( i i concern, prepared )reciated' :.gas arjd S'uiiday S-ebuol .-. .. .. .... ...9:45 A.M. .k~~oe~tie eters of vrah't-e Mcirrinmg Worsbip Seivllce -........11.00k A.M. Flo-i ida S ARR.IVE ALIVE -Uelped to ea7Ce the pain Churcip 'I'raairung .............---600 PM program Dimed at. total He vatl a OgreatiteIE,,'Er I. Evtri,-ng W'.mrship S,rvire ... .....6 3:1 P.M.- rr,"'"cf, aketteP.f SMArdo.'dl le prODei' otthebi'3ycike ,or, t P EGPIE- iA t we fe~el iu;r i~ .Prayrd Meeting (Wpdne-sda') ...- 7 30J P.M. lr5 ('edespire-d. to t~uc rrj on earq i "Come and orship GodWith Us" Je 1dIC t'i csbj' f the :gair! May' God ~et-,o', ll j "Com an WrsipGo Wt Us"e ivts:fa-rid the rotter to, *to~:~teli-r' ,i heproer 'Te Fz r'il"o for the Great Outdoors" '73 Ford Wagor Ford wagons are family cars that double for family , vacations. They do it on a .family-size budget, too, and your Ford Price-fighter intends to keep it that way. With great deals on all his models, big and small. Try on America's Number One wagons at America's Num- ber One wagon dealer's- your Ford Price-fighter. Now at your Ford Price-fighter's St. Joe Motor Company Phone 227-3737 322 Monument Ave. Taught At Tech Thomas W. McDaniel, maintenance foreman, and William R. Merchant, pro- duction foreman,. Basic Mag- nesia, Inc., attended the general supervisors short course held at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, May 7-11. The course was designed to' the .supervisor or fore- Sman understand his place in management ;.: : to improve his -: relation- --,.:- with those he super- S t'o : ..him to assume greater .-:: :.:. . ties in his company. This was the 75th session of the course, .which has been offered .'-. the Tech S6:;:: of Continuing Education since 1963. More than 1500 foremen and supervisors have attended the. program since its Georgia' 7 e: Industrial I Mr. Center sponsors the course. L.egaI Ad S "RESOLUTION ATTEST:'. (Seal) -C W. BROCK ,City Clerk cla.oc S17 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS. NAMES I, the undersigned, being duly s do hereby declare under oath th names of all persons interested business or profession carried on the name of CARR'S AUTO SALE Monument Avenue, Port St. Florida, and the extent of the in of each is as follows: W. H. Car Owner. W. H. CARR, JR. IN THE CIRCUiT COURT. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA In Re: Petition of JbE LEVINS for the adoption .of LARRY JOE TiNDELL, a minor. NOTICE OF ADOPTION TO: Lawrence Woodrow Tindesl whose residence and Post C address is unknown. YOU ARE NOTiFiED that an for the adoption of .the minor Larry Joe Tindell, has been filed above style Court, and you, as na Father are required to serve a co your written defenses,, if any, to Honorable Cecil G. Costin, Petitioner's ttornly, whose addr 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe,' F on or before the 4th day of June, and file the original with, the Cli this Court either before service Petitioner's attorney or. immed thereafter; otherwise a default w entered against you for the demanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal Court on May 2, 1973. (SEAL) -s- GEORGE Y. CORE C0erk of Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA In Re: The Estate of MARY BELLE FOREHAND, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of MARY BE FOREHAND, who died on Apr 1973, while a resident of Gulf Ci Florida, are notified that they required to file any claims or der tha they may have against her I in the Circuit Court for Gulf Cc Florida, in the Courthouse at Po :oe, Florida, within six cal months from the date of the first cation of this Notice. Each clai dei.and must be in writing and fi duplicate, and must state the pla residence and post-office address , claimant and be sworn to by claimant, his agent or his attorney it will become void according to Dated this 4th day of May, A.D., -s- GEORGE L. KENNING JR. S-s- A. P. JACKSON Co-Executors of the Estate of MAR"! BELLE FOREHAND FRED N. 4NITTEN Rish and Witten 303 Fourth Street Port St. Joe, Florida sworn, at the in the under iS, 311 Joe, terest r, Jr., Mt 5-3 , Office action child, in the atural.. opy of it on Jr., ess is lorida 1973, erk of :e on latelyy. /ill be relief Nip "spill" Concern PANAMA CITY- Petro- leum industry -officials, seek- ing support for offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico off the Alabamia and Florida coasts, says there is 'little danger to business, tourist- and ... .- interests from their '-. ; ,- ..--- of oil :i ; companies in the southeast met- -- .. leaders from : the WeT :': area Wed- -::.. of last week and assured them that the energy crisis was real and that the new c -:.: : : are 'urgently needed. The speakers made formal presentations and then answered a barrage of '.- -;-. .- -- from businessmen, conservationists, tourist offi-- cials and :' .on the federal : : --'- '.-:'- : pro- posed sale of offshore oiland gas leases in t~'! -..'."- P-, a :- ,.': in the sympos- ium e(.:. : :. the Florida Petroleum Council said the Gulf waters have ,. . for ';:'; :," : ':i of oil ; can be produced .' , of Id ly son of effield e, haes 'd the y, ..an , r an Jill, h the * joined 1971. Sn 'Crosby of 169 Rht-i.': A4., has leftNorfolk', Va., aboard Sthe' CirT .'_.. carrier, USS' John 'F. K..'.d. for an .'s ie"' deploymfient with Sthe U.: S. 6th Fleet in. the 'Mediterranean. He joined the Navy in -p ' 1971. Say You Saw Iti In The Star! ' Cities Service. Oil Co., said that more than 16,000 wells have'been completed in U.S. waters in the past quarter century and only three have had blowouts involving signi- ficant volumes of. oil. None caused any lasting environ- mental damage, Murphy .said. ' '_:.- said offshore drill- ing had accounted for only 2 percent of the oil .;::...:.- in the world's ,oceans while "auto crankcases" and tank- er vessels have accounted for 30 and 28 percent respec- tively. Other speakers included H. L. Wilhite, executive vice president of The Florida Gas Co.; Dr. Gordon Frey, senior . staff geologist for o'"r ., Oil Co., in New O0',_i.'-. and Robert L. Wilson, manager of safety and -environmental conservation for the .i:'.r- division of Shell Oil Co. * Yott Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH- Corne. Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M MORNING WORSHIP 1: 00 AM BAPTIST TRAINING, UNION --. 6:15 P3. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 P.. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday). 7:30 P.M.. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C.,ODUMA, Pastor Local Telephone Service Now Available to WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK Customers -.227-4222 In order to better serve our many friends .and customers in Gulf County, we now. have a direct- telephone line from Port St. Joe to Wewahitchka. This enables you to call the Wewahitchka State Bank from Port St. Joe and transact your banking business without long distance charges. Please feel free to use this ,service at your convenience. -( Delinquent Tax List ra,, is hereby giventhat on the Ist day of June, 1973,at 11 A.M. Gulf Coqnty Court House, County of Gulf, State of Florida, tax sale certificates will be sold on the following described land to pay the amount due. for taxes herein set opposite the same, together with all costs of such sale, and all advertising. Des. of Land Sec. Twp. Rg( Whitfield Acres Deed Rec'd. Bk. 35/282, 60 by 130 -ft. lot 5 7 8 As recorded in Official Re- cord Bk. 12, Page .678 Clerk's Office, Gulf ,...Jrt, Fla. 10 4 9 As recorded in Official Re- cord Bk. 13, Page .489 Par- cel 100 by 240 ft. -------31 4 9 A lot 40 ft. on Old Panama Hwy & running 285 ft. N & S & lying West of Holiness Church ORB 40/19 -- 23 4 10 All fractional inc. that por- tion o'fPig Island in Sec- tion 17 -.._-_-.._-- 17 9 11 Lots 1-4-10 Original -- 20 9 11 Lot 4 Original ----------21 9 11 e. Acr. Owner .18' E. L. Thomason Cecil G. Costin, .Jr., and 1. Frank W. McDonald 70.04 17.52: .55 Gulf Shores Dredging Company 42.86 34.4- 166.3 32.7' Homes Security Corporation ... Troy M. Deal, Jr. ------- -- Troy M. Deal, Jr. Et Al Troy M. Deal, Jr. Et Al --..-' f this DOUGLAS LANDING SUBD. Block 8, Lot 5 -- Joe Griffin RIVERSIDE ESTATES SUBD. Block 5, NIa of Lot 3 John W. Carter GULF COUNTY LAND COMPANY Block 7, Lot 21 Gulf Shore Dredging Company ...... 4t5.3 RISH ADDITION TO WEWAHITCHKA UNIT I Block 1, Lots 10 and 11 James Franklin Whitfield WILLIAMSBURG SUBD. Block B, Lot 15 Willie Floyd and Dornthv Nobles Block B, Lots 20-21-22-23-24 David & Jessie Williams Estate- Block E, Lot 14 -- Cnarles Arthur Dean Block E, Lot 15 ------- Daisy Porter ___ Block F, Lot 6 Ida B. Wymes BEATY SUBD. Block B, Lots 7-8 William F. Dobbins Rnlr k T Lots 13-14. rnest Rhampes ELLE il 22, county, y are nands Estate county, Drt St. endear publi- im or led in ice of of the y the sy, or law. 1973. TON, 4t 5 *0 MONEY BAYOU SUBD. UNIT NO. 1 Block D, Lot 2 Robert Joseph 38.91 Block D, Lot 4 Diamond Hester 12.52 HIGHLAND VIEW SUBD. Block C, Lot 3 Mid-State Homes, Inc. 14.82 FOREHAND 1st ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW Block 1, Lot 6 Circle R Enterprises 104.28 FOREHAND 2nd ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW Block B, Lots 3-4-5 & Lots 1-2, less sold --. Odell Stewart 3.24 ST. JOE HEIGHTS SUBD. Block A, E% of Lot 24 and lot 26 Abraham Evans 20.95 CITY OF POR1 ST. JOE Block 23,1 Lot 10 R. P. Nedley Estate 420.35 Block 37, Lot 23 Wesley A. Pate 108.17 Block 42, Lot 13 Gordon Thomas 123.47 Block 1001, Lot 22 Robert Bewey 31.66 Block 1006, SY2 of Lot 1? Margaret Bewey 8.70 Block 1008, Lot 6 Abraham and Clara Evans ----------31.66 Block 1012, Lot 6 Robert Lee Farmer 20.95 Block 1016, Lot 1 ----------Leslie Hall 'I 31.66 Block 1017, Lot 12 & E% -of Lot 10 -------- George Bryant 33.19' HARLAND 0. PRIDGEON, Tax Collector Gulf County, Florida Two Are Petroleum officials WHEREAS vacancies for the office of the "'.. Commissioner, Group 1, Commissioner, Robert G. Group'2 and Mayor-Crommiss owner were to' be filled at a regular municipal Houston; Tex.,' Gulf Shield on the 8th day of -, .' only one candidate each of the prospective WHEREAS, under current Florida Seaman Sheffiel law no write-in candidate could be Kn lawfully electedto fill said vacancies, On USS Kennd and WHEREAS, the Attorney-General of Navy Seaman '.,( "the State of Florida has ruled that in ay eaman .f Such instances the law'dispenses with Donnie R. Sheffield, s the holding.of an election, M. and Mrs. Jack. Sh SNOW, THEREFORE, ,BE IT O a201WoodwardAvenu RESOLVED as follows: of 201 Woodward Avenu I ,That the city commissioners of the left Norfolk, Va.,' aboal City of Port.St. Joe, Florida, do hereby 'determine that one candidate h.as USS John F. Kenned' qualified for each of the forthcoming aircraft carrier fol vacancies, to wit: Tom 'S. Coldewey, extended-- *iepLr' ,.,rt Group 1, Robert Holland, Group 2, extended r, :Frank Pate, Jr., Mayor-Commissioner, the U. "S-' 6th Fleet i: . :' r ,- .:o ac, ~. sol- law. so other r.'l tei ; ,,e r , af'. :, '. -j L, : ,J .'/ *- ." office, 'i.t. r Ire ,-, n,,!'.- parties -.r udeit' of is. 5; "'.. i 'r- .e a e : fill the 'St. J,.'T < HT 1i .1 ,) - ,,,: hey the N 1 ,',! '.'.,.n .'A 1 ? .- rights, the ./ i ..'." vt .. f 3 '. '.!,," i' '. i.., 0 i-:, '. y being .," -.s.required by law, effective : '' 5, 1973. This Resolution adopted this ,st day' Seaman Crosby "Of May, 1973.S' CiTY 6F PORT ST: E, -J ''On Med.A Cruise M aBy, -' ." / ,, J O. B .. By ^'' '*.- :.:-? 1-,.. ; -., *i:*ir J l Taxes & Cost 41.61 192.11 907.20 152.45 28.58 14.82 51.07 64.40 3.79 7.93 3.35 3.35 1.87 2.70 9> *7 _ I k' -" r - .* "^ growth, as well as plantings of seedlings. .- ,Lieutenant Art Rummels of : the Game .and Fresh Water Fish Commission manned Station 4. He discussed with Mthe 'cd. en the effects of - environmental pollution upon fish nd wi'CW.! ac *u- mately on people Hids ospla. ipg f;shirng picture- as ,e! as Ter' * cn.t, cr polut 53, : T- r c 'r : u ' C h .i .-'e r' .', ., ,,, ," . S To,:- :r - Brown aind Le.n R. rr:n i F' ., ._ ,e.r ,k L 7 :: ".- -- F r, Forest Peo, .- oho P.F.d- 5. .. -. e c- '- -' ;-'- - the ia,: ',:nju r:, t i J:- and b3C.- i A C k .c..r- .-ere covered _ Afier n,, i:A l ritr c.t'r and ns'cc, s. T ,' 'r .i, +ei based, on Initiates ar Use the." members .of <. r. neac" spa''r,g Classified Ads i *'.* e:- s o ,. ..,dget Inr est,,e. s an. r.n ' 2. ,-. 3 .'. =,,e"r': Poll _S.( ..-;e a 1.6 average.. re selected by f r..,: Board e s '.., -:e' : r" i r'.' H e',ir.,\ i | THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1973 p donated by St. Joe: Paper THE STAR, Port St.'Joe, Fla. 1 Co pany. p r Fcrty-nme sixth., graders 'from Port St. Joe visited the Forestry Work. Center on , ...nda,.r May 7 h a.nig with O IO their teachers' Frank W. * Barnes and Virginia Harri- H end r Ix son.- Tuesday brought the larg- .. est group with 73 students nit ia te from Port St. Joe. accom- e p-,: c by their teachers B. D. Barlow, Gevan Ingram Initiates of Mortar Board and Jean Burns.: National leadership honorary ."e. e:"- .'ee sixth graders at Stetson University were from n-, r,,- ViewSchool presented May 10 at the' visited the- : :- Work chapter's annual spring ban- Center on' ,te-dnesoa along tiet in the Stetson Room of with *their teacher. Herman the. Carton Union Building. Jones. Thirty-seven :coeds were . Teachers .:' : Semmes, tapped into Tassel leadership Arthur Green' and rPa- bel!' honorary, including Holly from .: -..X Hendrix.of PC. St.,Joe. on Ti:.-' *. 'Membership into Tassel is PAGE ELEVEN i' I , or call collect 904 757-3601 , i 212 Sixth Graders "Study Forestry Care Two. hundred and twelve sixth grade students of Gulf County participated in the 23rd Annual Forestry Day at' Sthx. White City Worki Center' of Ute Division of Forestry on May 7--10th- The atuxents. and their teachers journeyed from Port St Joe Highland View and Wewahitchk-a for a day of in'.tructron. l'in fire prevent -tion. forest management and wildlife corniservation Forestry Day was initiated in 19.-0, 'Anc' is now jointly- St..apovjsored tby the Gulf Count'I Forest Fire Pieventionr Committee, St. Joe taper Company, Game and Fresh Water Fish Ccrnmissior, and the Florida Division of Forestry Six stations were used in a' county fair system. of irnstrc-. tion Instructors .ere pro- vided by the Game and Fresh Water Fish ComnTmi:-siron ar Florida Division of Forestry At the first si.t ovri, the students climbed the fire tower to learn novr fire are detected, located and crews disp-atcrhed to suppress the,7n Foi'ezt Rangeis Geraid BlacJ.well and Archie Mar- shall.manned this :taitoi Forest Ranger Miitor, Strength atresied the miport- ance of forest fire preveriiono at s.tator, 2 The causes .or wild fires and their etffect-s were explamed. EEach yiAa.- there are a fewv fires ir Glf County .rvnich are delberate- I. set -i-a d Strerigt. t-,jt many of our fires aie caused ty h,.Ar.an carele.:.'es; Count. Forester Ralph EdenhfieJd discus-ed forest management at Station 3 Edenrfield oemnonsfra.ted me'thds of measuring tree heights d;,arvi t.ers, and *1J r,5 48 VICTORIES AT a ;o.-. THE INDY *W ---- ON FIRESTONE RACING TIRES A -. . Strato Streak Sup-R-Belt tiresas lowas... " FOR S4 FOR I4 4 FOR 4 FOR 4FOR 106CIO6 '112 '127 135 0 1 g I .. ", ,, : r 1 1 it Pl $ W 1',' ., 3 31 S4 io 1 s 4 'A li i Blackwalls availableimost sizes St $3 less per tire. I V A-= LOWs in- a"t"h' T- : polyester .\_ e STEEL 4 i STEEL cord _.. BELT RADIAL w. ...* w ..fMi .r y S 0 8^ lit ..n~tnllh r.>,.I,-tl,.'t,.,.li ll..l, l i r. .. . . l wi a WH J 81ack t.. tt,d,) 1 .1, .lh,.n Ing,,.,.,. ,i i.*,i, .,,,l .l] 1. "nh..-h,,1ll- ] P us 2 22 F E T i ... ". .. h. a l .. I 11 .i. l b i Priced s shown at Firestone Stores. Compietitively .priced ot Firestone Dealers ond at oil service stations dsplaying the Firestone sign Jack Nicklaus GOLF BARGAINS ON WIDE TRUCK TIRES FOR Jack Nicklaus Pickups,Vans and Campers All inew from MacGregor BALLSTRANSPORT NEW -Ili-],l pirpc-.n NEW-Surtynic.,vir ty dtS riW-I ,tit,5 500 thn t r than s l- tt n prv s rttyntp l ti.iih.iirtiiir. E OV AL W Nifrta0. modelsI__ 0 t6p piitt +- -j f l $p w Lh 13 -t1h, I6 rpyl t ,, - Ad9407a 459 7- L.-II . SAdditonal bialk P 4.18 Pate's Shell Service Jimmy's Phillip's "66" Nobody needs to tell you that Florida, in the summertime, is one of America's air conditioning hot spots, We use a tremendous amount ,of energy to keep us cool. That's why none of us can afford to waste it. And that's why we ask that you set your thermostat at the highest possible temperature y( find comfortable. Just as we do at Florida Power You'd be surprised what a big difference a few degrees can make in your electric bill. And how much energy it can save. These savings alone should make you feel more comfortable. S CORPORATION JIMMY KITLER Custom Aluminum Wall Coverings Custom Covering. For your Home Cover all eaves, window casings,-complete siding with long wearing, maintenance free aluminum. , 20 Year Guarantee on Materials- Phone 229-4481 ii -- r- --Vapp:ga *55. I.-- mi, Your adotliteTV stations are featuring PIGGLY WIGGLY'S sparkling NEW household hints for your ,iewing pleasure and convenience. USDA Inspected Fresh FIRS " All PIggya WilyIr ya t P I r s t fi. Smoked Picnics ,' ALABAMS.ICED BACON with $3.50 Meat Order AGUH Q i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b '_____________ EVE 71 Ib. 63c k Endi & Piec.--4 tibboA BACON End Ckr Smoked CHOPS Our O..s Pan SAUSAGE Center Cut PORK CHOPS Hormel 6r Cudahy-12 oz FRANKS. bo: x S1.49 Fri-h -';^3 BEEF LIVER lb. 79C ~T,r ,,THtH, a , DRUMSTICKS lb. 59c lb. $1.09 pkg. 59c vnI^ , BUDGET MAKERS P rte. Pa. Smooth Or C SUTTER ' g. or Oalik btAKER is oz. ATS b, ,ox Ptiode ' IODIZED '26.. 1 box 0 , Siml.e With Ito. 3 BABY 33 o,. _l FORMULA <" 3 Similar Liquid Reg. A BABY "13 oz. FORMULA can33 SMA Liquid BABY FORMULA Reg. or Scented LYSOL 12 oa. .on DISINFECTANT s13 3 Size 33 79' Parade TOMATO' o, -dr SOUP 3 ca os Pared . COFFEE 11 o1. __0 CREAMER i*r I Famous CLOROX BLEACH ,' gallon 32t Del Monte TOMATO KETCHUP ...26 ox. bottle... Q394 Del Monte TOMATO - SAUCE ...8 oz. cans... 20o29f SLENDA SUE ICE MI LK HALF GAL. 9( I sDairy Foods I Delicious HI-C GRAPE 3Cr DRINKS 46 oz. can" Delicious ' HI-C ORANGE 35c DRINKS 46 oz,.an Welch Chilled Grape Al DRINK 64 oz. !ai S rozen Foods Minute Maid Frozen 6 AOj9 LEMONADE fit Morton Frozen 16 oz. 7 lJ PECAN PIE pkg.7 94 Eggo Frozen WAFFLES 13 oz. pkg. . TURKEY Breast NECK BONES LOIN RIBS lb. 6 Ib. 7 lb. 9 lb. 3 lb. 8 15t COL Mlkaxzwell Hose .1. COFFEE ho! 3o, with Good at Piggly Wiggly 0one tpops p a-JE3 anE3! I Fresh Produce Fresh Yellow CORN Wagner IFruit DRINKS 5 ears ,49' 20. 89< Golden Ripe b l390 BANANAS -1 , Fresh. 2 CARROTS 1 lb. pkgl PARADE CORN 4 303 -4 cans 88 Stokely Party PEAS- S303 89' cans "~i0~ -t SUNBEAM--KING SIZE Bread Your Friendly Piggly Wiggly Prices Are Effective thraugh May 26, 1973. YO laueI OrPlc tPigyW l! iaut ~ ~,~T" :'~if~~~ m~e~pw~~~s~~ala~,~NONE i~~H~~ pocked 2 9c Oudf' d Fryer BREAST lb. 69c 9c OQua TI'r.d 9c Fryer THIGHS lb. 59c 9c F,,r, 9c DRUMSTICKS Ib. 79c VW- No.% Have Full Line of Mrs, Strarton's 9c Fresh Pizzas and Salads LOAF UPON 6 684 with i.opo1 Stire MOT 26, 1973. lr family Rog **--" Famous with $10.00 Order - GELAT IN 10C The Big Job Cleaner large size fl SPIC & SPAN 77 Parade Dry or Oily-16 oz. plastic SHAMPOO bottle Parade Dry or Normal-16 oz 00 SHAMPOO bottle Ga. Grade 'A' Large EGGS 2 Doz.$1 29 fl *i^- *- \- ^ r-9, %I |