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a i THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, Number 37. -ndustry Deep Water Port Fine People- Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 Improvements Study Started Prelimaries were started Tuesday nit.by the Port St., Joe City" commission for work to be do;h in the City's sewer collectionriystem, and construction of a .new fire station. . Commissioner James Rob,- ert," said sewer collection renovation 'is badly needed on Seventh Street, Palm,' Marvin and arrison Avenues and. Avenues A and D. "Our biggest problem ..is on Sev- enth $freet" Roberts said. Roberts asked' for permis- sion ok.the Commission to get an inspetor into Port St. Joe to cheek the lines, in question with a :anera and,' see just what need to be', done- -to make effective ^i'"r Rob- erts and "Vater Superinten- dent, G. L\"'Scott will then make .., .. ., ,r to the Cit'y ',,ut tr.- '..rpe of work In the r*i-ir i,. ti.c City, will co, t'.,: t,.r. and Gillespie, i-q ." who made a 'jr--. *.f the system's needs several years ago and made reecobmenda- tiono for renovatiC work based on planning fol future- growth. The firm will be asked for a cost to update their previous recommnenda- tiofls. The engineers Will be asked to have a representa- tive at the June 18 meeting of the Board. The Board is 'also asked to think about what they wish to incorporate in a new fire station and present their thinking at the next meeting of the Board in preparation to getting plans drawn. SMeet Changed The 'date for the next regular meeting of the Port St. Joe City Commission has been changed. , S.The 'next regular meeting of the Board falls on Tuesday, June 5, but this is the night :.of graduation exercises for Port St. Joe High School.. The next meet- ing of the Board has been changed to Monday, June 4. Band Parents Meeting Set Band parents are urged to -attend a general ,.' -'.,,,'., of the organization, Tuesday, May 22 at 8:00 p.m...in the band.room. New officers will be elected' and installed at this time. I ~ s "I .,lul..on ,..r I',1. bl i" sight,, *';n! r iri p-,ny ..,, told 1.t (:'i .!. 't, .. .-.r r., 111 -1,, f .r 'g r, t n po .ll pesP 6 l, ,k a, ., 1 .)i-' .' ar'h hig pressure line hiwh will carry sewage ...t vaste water to the, y ny w $9.4 million treatment plant. Leaks in- the large line 'have plagued the City -and 'the construction firm, i'c..-!,.l, Petersen evei since it was, ir... .Ill.:.- a.sub-ceontractor. ",ii,. told the Board that continued .. p '..ir-... with the line andr'its leaks 'are also holding 'ipp further progress toward ".. '("r.-"k'"r of the plant .'h.~h already overdue. 'i ,- .. .1.. ,'r... .i power line v\. i,. will serve the static.r., '.,~ "' be instal- led until iii. Ie, "-. have been stopped?'" -- told the Board. IThe City Corrrrrr. ,i-.'.ers and their .engineers ha.,' continually -pressed the con- tractors 'to properly, repair the line after the first 'tests showed,' t to be leaking S ,n-,. rg like 200 -,i' .. per hour The sub-contractor re-- aligned two joints in the pipe during the:past week, where visual inspection revealed im proper joint, f ..;. ....i ...: A report from the :*.,".-. written .Tuesday said tests' performed Monday and Tuesday, after the -,. I.-,- were made, showed the leak to be worse that ever. . r :";.r : : ,' -* of Pea- body-Petersen were ;. .. at the -..--i 'm ; T -' .'. ' and l ,i.ir- ..-. future 'steps for e it..: r ..- line ....ier. r -i' E. D. Me- Farland, project foreman for Langsion Receives Placque Langston Recognized David Langston, wh'b was Herring recalled that in his the -spark for providing Port last game for Port St. Joe, St. 'Joe High School's first the team scored 68 points in state basketball champion- winning over its opponent. ship 'a few years ago was "Of their 68 points, David given special recognition Langston scored 38, had 1.5 Saturday night at the school's assists and captured 22 annual basketball banquet, rebounds." , Langston, who played last Langston received scholar- season with Drake University ships from Gulf Coast Comn- was presented with a plaque munity College and Drake of appreciation. by high where he starred on the school principal Ken Herring. basketball court. He was re- The plaque, expressed the cently drafted by the profes- city's apprection for "Your sional Philadelphia "76'ers". outstanding representation of Langston said he has not yourself, your, town, your signed as- yet with the pro school and youth, college". team. Sherriff Puts Out Cycle Warning Gulf County Sheriff Raymond Lawrence issued a warning this week that, in the interest of ; *. rules and regulations pertaining to the use of motorcycles and .,..-. will be enforced. The <:..i..' .- r*.- .:..: : apply to operators of motor-driven cycles in the State of Florida. Accord- ing to Sheriff Lawrence, anyone found to be in' ._ .. ,....-with these :-: .; -:: will be /' ' to the :.''. d:.': as provided by law. 1. All operators are REQUIRED to wear an approved crash helmet and a protective i,.: :. mask, safety goggles or safety g ,:: ; I 2. All motor-driven cycles must carry a tag if ridden on streets or highways, and the operator must have a driver's license. 3. No license will be issued to anyone under 15 years '. -- 4. Fifteen year old operators having, a restricted i: may not operate a machine in excess of 5 brake horsepower and then only in the -daylight hours. 5. Restrictions to daylight operation and '.,r -p .,,er do not apply to the 16 year old driver even if he continues to drive with a restricted ', ...*: *6. A r-,.eh is required for day or night operation, 7 ..' .. .- '.'' not be operated more than ... -. within a single lane on the. i. -. ,.'.' shall not drive ,. '.-.'. lanes of traffic or S vehicles .,.' ..,',. carrying a passenger must be '., '* with footrests for this passenger. r.u. *'r shall ride on any motor-driven cy'le except o a, seat permanently attached ~r 'J *:....i.. Ji,/ ci -.. t.d to carry the rider in a-.safe manner. hbe" brr'.F .id a, firrm was, t*, ,r.' ',(y",jir m 1o make S '-. .... -. :'" t fiUd. the leaks.. _y F ..-> said the firm was to~contact r today and .. a date for coming to Port' St. Joe. "They're the only firm we ,know of who ;,.rn. r. this, type. test" Mc- Farland said, "And we don't know if 1.- can, come here in a ** .. t -e.i, '. .'.;h of tim e or not. If Fi -.* can't, we have purchased an ',-!N"t .r.. de- tector of our own and .will conduct our own tests if the firm cannot get here in a reasonable ,'. of time. L' only other alternative is to' -, t ,t. ::,- ... start all over." '' - was a - McFarland went further to say .. his '..-. will take i steps in the near .' .- if the sub-contractor still .'-! to .,-r ..,'' r. to insure the plant being com- pleted by the last of July as previously ..'. '~ *. : .T. the -City is going to make '..t.'.i to the State '..',:'. e.. Control Board next week for an Board Sets Special Meet A special -'.. has been called for I :,.-.. .' the Gulf C.: School Board. The Board will consider three items i,:. ..'_.gt : meeting with architects on the pro- posed Vocational Education --.:.2.. ....:., administrative ap- pointments and .ip ',: r "ids for air conditioning. The Board is. currently planning for construction of additional facilities for the Vocational Education pro- gram '-,li>.:'. a $60,000 grant and matching local money. Additional '..-n. 3.:.al sub- jpcts will be -added to the present curriculum of auto mechanics, wood working and .electronics. ., Administrative appoint- ments were made in a meet- ing held Tuesday of this week and will be ratified at Friday's' meeting. All admin- istrative personnel were re- appointed. by the Board. Bids being received are for air conditioning units to be placed in the Elementary School. The coolers are being purchased jointly by the PTA and the School Board. fextensifotn to their operatling petm i fo: the old 'Js/,a plant without penalties bi rn applied. OTHER BUSINESS In other business, the City Commission was rf ornc',i t~ / Clerk Charles Brock that the City will now begin operating for the remainder of the year off money on hand and invested in. interest I...,nr notes. "We have very little other income for the remain- der of the year", Brock warned, "and we must take it easy with the -.-.*.-dh .. The Board agreed to operate its summer play program a. ,:r.: this year and offer employment to 12 ..'. who wish summer employment. The p: .p : cost the City ......"" last year. A request was turned down to purchase the old railroad locomotive located near the Centennial Building. A Jim Smith of F,. ,:.::-. Ala., wanted to ;. '.:r. '-, the locomotive to restore it. The Board said, "Not .' :- 'o, Several bids were awarded one to Thompson Movie -Service and ;.2,.A'. to pur- chase a projector and recor- der for $444.60; A-l '..'.,- ...r. ,..,, :. for fenc- ing a park area; St. Joe Auto Parts, $720.98 to furnish a motor analyzer to the A_. Hammond's F ..-.: ..'. and ., ..: Tank service, :", ': to install a septic tank at the Little League ball park; and Davis Meter and 4 ;*". $756.00 for 1,200 *feet of %/ inch copper tubing. Gulf Land Firm Is Purchased Gulf Timberland Company has terminated operations and its two principals have divided some 52,000 acres of property located in Gulf County. Jack P. Dyer of Panama City, general manager of Gulf Timberland Co., announced the termination agreement made by J. H. Whitney and Co. of New York and T. L. James and Co., Inc., Ruston, La. The James Company acquired the east tract and (Continued on Page 7) Paving / Sweeper Prepares 'Road for Asphalt Underway ri' g work has started on,' ., ... of Port St. Joe's r. ..s .1.. inder the state second-' ... r,,Id plan. The work is ip. f -if a five year plan I, 'I.iAd to resurface, all n. t hi.,o u-.,n'-t the city i.,,4 nty. Work is, no,,. -tliv isnd r.vay on the following NI,.I in the .,ty Dupont I '..*,. St. Joseph Drive, 19th 'n -.'. Sunset Circle, and Mm maAvenue, 'h., paving is being done ,tri, ,.r the direction of George S; I'.pper and Co., who hA] Ie,. ,,' bid price of $3.' :1 ,)00'J r* .... work has been in long .. .- ,.'.,: ,.4, as evidenc.l1 t.y the S "- ),,,' and bumps on the - srut. Being ci'rrently w,..k: on: The City.. has S''' ,., resurfaced '-.-ral! r rJ'. within the town l': t, ansive drainage work t;r t.. Long Avenue area., betwuen.20th Street and Allen Memorial Way is also sche-. duled for this year. This work. will also be d,~, - under the. secondary road program. Original plans, sub/ mitted caused this project to be delayed because of a large amount of utility re-location required. Revised plans for drainage work have been submitted to the City for approval after current plans have met with S construction difficulties. The plans are expected to meet approval'and the work to begin during the summer months. ' All of the resurfacing work is done under the state secondary road plan, and funded entirely by the Florida Department of Transportation. impactor Levels Asphalt Boa rd Oustsr 7 Pupils Gulf County School Board backed up Port St. Joe High School Principal :Ke.anr.'t }.',I ;.. last. T ., -. eve- ning' in a special :. in ."*.. '*.- approved Her- recommended expul- sion of seven students charg- ed with -.'i. -. ..,- ., destruction of property and .other '.. during a recent - r 1, incident at the school. F.,r .,., had, recommended the 'seven be suspended for the remainder. of the year and the Board honored his request after holding hear- ings for the students the first part of last week. The seven had been sus-. pended earlier ,but had been sent back to the classroom by Federal District Judge David '.,_.'.:f.- who said the School Board had not -:7;:' adherred to the rules in applying the ,;-.:. '. of suspension. Opportunity for Parents Parents and citizens inter- ested in the' educational aspects of our schools and in an environment conducive to learning will have the oppor- tunity to meet together Tuesday night, May '22, at 7:30 for the purpose of exchanging ideas and making suggestions for better cooper- ation between the school and the home and the community. Controversial problems identified at a previous meeting on April 17 were: 1' ) Enforcement of rules; 2) Additional parent-teacher conferences; 3) Formation of a grievance committee; and 4) Teacher-Student behavior. Suggestions made as possi- ble solutions were brought before the group and discus- sed informally. The meeting next Tuesday night is for the continuation of this construc- tive exchange of ideas and .for more definite plans and commitments leading to the solution of existing problems. ..: area softball teams will gather in Port St. Joe this week end for'a softball tournament sponsored by the Quarterback Club. Teams from Northwest Florida, and South Alabama will compete. Play will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday night in the three day event. Port St. Joe's entry in the event opens play with Quality Car of Panama City. Forty ball games will be played during the week end with play going on in three fields simultaneously. The' tournament will be 'played in the softball field near the Centennial Building, the ad- joining baseball field and in the Pony League field in Forrest Park. Saturday the games will begin at 12:45, with the last game of the day starting at 8:15 at the softball field. The championship game will be- gin Sunday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. The Quarterback Club will have hotdogs and cold drinks' on sale at all the games and will serve hot fish dinners Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. ,Everyone is invited to come see some good softball. There is no admission charge. Honor Roll Students Named The names of those stu- dents making the honor roll for the fifth six week period have been released by Port St. Joe High School. Those making all "A's" are: 7th tirade, Keith Neel. 8th Grade: Sammy Parker and Judy Roberson. 9th Grade: Rita Casey, Cheryl Hatcher, Dicky Wager and Sandra Varnum. 10th Grade: Robert Blick, Rose Nobles, and Adele Ropelis. 11th Grade: Russell Chason, Charlie Carlsten and Eva Maddox. 12th Grade: Robert Cream- er and Talmon Sisk. Those making all "A's and B's" are: 7th Grade: Tenna Bouing- ton, Greg Chason, Donna Sue Casey, Joel Gainous, Suzanne Hammock, Julane McFar- land, Vicki Land, Tammy Raffield, Chip Pollock and Joe Wilson. 8th Grade: Charlene Cass- idy, Charles Howell, Ronald Maddox, Jim Roberts, Tony Rich, Sonja Roberson, Ray- mond Sewell, Elijah Smiley, Paul Ropelis, Dawn Whitfield and Bill Hughes. 9th Grade: Angela Barnes, Cindy Atkins, Terri Brown, Dennis Arnold, David Barton, Marcia Biggins, Debra Kerns, Cindy Hicks, Lisa Melton, Bill Wall, Richard Varnum, Sandra Tootle and Janice Walton. 10th Grade: Carol Antley, Fran Allen, Carol Barton, (Continued on Page 7) TEN CENTS A COPY o Solution In Sight for PIant Construction Problem ol Su "Shooting" the Surface Softball Tourney Planned - I --_ THE STAR, Port St Joe, Fla "THURSDAY. MAY II. 1973 -THE STA R- * PtuDfisOc Everi TnuirjO7 at 106 W tms Avenue. Port i SW Joe. rcra, By. Tra eStar Pu-bii~Snfng ComainywP Setord.Ciihs F stage P.oat FDO tSl Joe, FiiOrda 3245, Editor aM. Publisher Prodwt&ton Supt. Offiq A Manager Typesener, Suscriptions 40NE 227-.,31,i Floridians in almost every coun-r ty along the coastline are balking at letting oil companies explore for oil off the- 'shores of the State in the Gulf of Mexico. The people along the shoreline cry in .their soup, that a possible oil, - spill could ruin -the beaches. 'Wil', that may be, .but we have to say it now-..an oil spill would do no more to harm the beaches of Gulf County than the people of Gulf County have dne with. their irresponsible build-o :.ing practices and JAIa.,-,1i.' t.'t lud,.d1 ': i; codes. To, think, that oil companies are i. t rf;ti'3 in ,,i,,'. -multi-million d,.oll.i w,-ls out in the ocean and .-*'have the product they, have sought. 'for so diligently pour out uselessly O-u thet white sand l,,',h.-1 is asinine. F ,:E ; 'ie'.,t e-quit tit o and ." . essie:- with what ,oil was in the early part of the center, Thbr- were 'no controls, no fines (su.'iih a- the oil spill law of Fa.-,ri. :: 'r._ r' h regard for the other fellow. ":. -i'.' is a different matter. Where we. come tr..:', in Okla- honia oil, cattle and "'rt- ~ a I occu- l': sa w .tr""'. .. ... , m ess m ad.-: it ,:r..: ,,:... i s' ... ( ai,',: and L n<.:,hn:- ;, ;,.!' ," 'i ..., .;v to the baik. . We read in one :>.'.. -'* ^.. past week. where one ."r: ... Coun- ty would receive nearly a million dol- lars in oil severance taxes alonhe this year. What, could, Gu.f C..-uriv ... with that kind of extra r. r.-:-'" W'at could our port do with i h- k ind of revenue, coming in. fron" I -. .- '. : . crude oil out of here ? Or, i' could our people do with a refinery to pro-, vide more jobs? . Oil, black and messy? I looks freshly and green to us. .. cessity . It didn't take much figuring last week end to arrive at the con- S-elusion that summer is here. The .coming of summer (and air condi- tioning' season) came right on the heels of an advertising campaign by ,,. Florida Power Corporation to con-. -,.serve energy this summer by running *,*your thermostat one degree warm- er than normal. Reading further this past week we find that operating air conlition- "'ers at a degree higher and using pro- .per sized air conditioning units will From The Living Bible "Honor your father ana ;A mother (remember, this is a commandment of the Lord your God) ; if you db -so, you shall have a long, save the people of the UI.r'-1 'States over $500 million dollars in power bills. The energy +_: '. is no 'doubt short and everybody likes" to save money on their power bills, I,. I' when that hot weather really begins to roll, all the good intentions will go down the drain. The theme will be "Man, it's hot! Turn that thermo- stat down a notch or two 1and let's' have a little cool in here". We have come to consider air conditioning a necessity. Admit it! prosperous life in the land he is giving you. You must not murder. 'You must not commit adultery. You must not steal. You must not tell lies. You must not burn with desire for another man's wife, nor envy him for" his home, land, serv-i ants, oxen, donkeys, nor- anything else he owns. The Lord has given these laws to each one of you from the heart of the fire, sur- rounded by the-clouds and thick darkness that en- gulfed Mount Sinai. Those were the only command- ments he gave you at that time, but he wrote them out on two stone tablets and gave them to 'me." Deuteronomy 5:16-22 Religious Heritage of America ,Wesley R. Ramsey William H: Ramsey Frenchie L Ramsey Shirley K Ramsey ''. .' ,..; .,-u r:ci' fit. , '; ,.: ,,"- ::* p th ^ made. You raised the ;ir whether of not I t,;' tank' pu c, ur,, n I '' ,r."..: I do .have :-t. Permits for rw'. hou they. *u '. .:with a : ai. ..', at 'the , were issued ., r " houses on ti'1'; Et'," have. permits and inspected .;. :...- Nations took over. I a .anyone who has put . tank down in Gulf . had Mr. Trammell ,,, will r.. it is. by th Mr.. Trammell is experienced Health ..ment man and .... i... a -- :,: 'tank, for I ,,. .- if it '3.; pa S.. .. I feel th ments U':. :. were made :. ". to his ;. deserve an 'apology. I am concerned :..-. '. the ' beauty of this country prevent ;..::i ,.. also. been very careful in way in '. ., ..I these to make them as at as r.:',-, to leave a space as t..:;_i: . them, to leave the si all vegetation as neat ble as I found it, and the land and beach f clean as L.:-' - believe in i ..n J the right to own land this land for you pleasure and profit houses do not polu beaches in any way. I hope you see fit t this in your I. ;-p.-. Yours truly, Charles R. ::.- P.O. Box 182 '. Wewahitchka, FlS May 15, 1973 Letter to the Editor: In reply to your fro news article and edit last weeks Star, May It seems as tho therE number of facts which leaves the union readers with partial t During August and i ber of 1967 Mr. Richards, represent the State of Florida, r the Board of Commis of Gulf County request Board give the Sta County beachfront sul 'the State purchase privately owned bea SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAND .T PORT ST .~ j Fi',L' A O ';2 . SSUBSCRIPTIONS IINvARIABL.V PAYABLE N ADvACE ifNCOUNTT-ONE 'YEAR,S4.00. ,SUKMOnOS.125 TH .C :, '. OUT OF COUNTY- One Year $S.00 ,,,T ."' ,. -- P.T : 1 TO ADVERTISERS-- In case of error or omnmssions in ad 'er:,ise.nens. the4 .1'.r E s : .".? ' for'damage further lhan amount receive for such adver|teme"t The ooken word is given scant aellation, the nrinM ed orm e ia- tnIsr.n.gthJ.V e i wehj The : *i . the printed word thoroughly CornVinces The spoken word .s lost, ihe printed .o- re-,i ' Legislature's Activities Inconsistent? '.:-.'- We bhai' to' stand back and gape drink). We,: think this is .good law in awe at .the inconsistency of the' and will help more than anything to Florida .Legislature especially in .take the dangerous drinking driver t hs .session. The current, session off the, highways with, ,. a- i,'. ~ to' really has nttir.g to do of extreme prove he is "legally dr'im'k Thi's imprtportaincR except vote on the Equal law. has been .needed for vs:. Rightus for Women (which they h:iv But to turn right, around in the already'.,ti .)'write up ar appropri= same week and i.-. 18 '.. 21 year t'",ionr bi l for .t.hRe ':ri.in'year'/(wi.h olds the green light to buy ..JiA,-.r they probably won't do until the last i*J:; at least r i.,r r'.. <'..-p . 'day) and find some way. to spenrid for ,:.-: i .*. ;, tr-.., troo- .'thb.,t $300 nrJliir.ri urtiucsD 'iiW h ithy ..T' p r t,'1 .i. k to see if they r- 'been .are working on every day) ,' r:iir-', while drivi ,t. So for nothing h Itler tI do, the- We < i'. see the r':..n 'of COLegislature advertises and expoun:ds r the Legislators Even if we were a on its inconsistency biy A.akrk ir i drinking man ,' '.v,,:': we are o r, t. -.i' '.ful to drive while drinking and .there is no Way we- would W&-:dvy then turn right around and imake it :make it y .ib. for our 'bnidr-:. to lawful for about a rfulhon y'-.run Floio= 'begin *-ir'w -' : ': After t hy. idians to purchase the necessary min- are 21, 1. y ought to ib ;..-': .r gredients to m ak- them drut --iI .,- n : th L to r' If i:.-, there pile who had not pr:-vr.';ly h-l rl : '.' d 't be a .w .. 1A va ,; .' 1 l do ATLANTA., Ga. (PRN )" Americ a' s smaller communities, have been short, changed by federal urban programs, according to James Wright, urban planner and former director of the Atlanta Model Cities program "The residents of this country's small .:or. .. those with '.f' .'. -' of , .. : ,',,,," to ,', .. .: -... have very ra. ",.:,..r :... social needs ,in as housing, the : .; t. -;-'" and' -the ...- .. said in ", ,,.! ,;. ,n :., i . T, mited resources I ., ': o these small ... : however, make : ..':.-'. impossible for them to undertake an effective social program," he explained. "An effective- delivery system requires highly trained professionals and *an accelerated pace. that these communities just can not fund under current revenue :-; r; 7.*'-" .-R levels." Only the most basic 'arid -inimal programs are found in aInaller ."nerY.*-:'74. T, 7 t:Fi; , said. The more severe arid far-reaching humane e e. of child care, 'care for'fhe aged, and economic begging I. .'. ,' ..' in r.'u r., , development and .i ,,- ... HUD ,..': r-: will help wthe ., ,,' ', .-i. noted, t 'even with these new policies the small. town still will' be unable to obtain sufficient funds to finance a major social Wright does offer a ...: ; r'- solution. "If a' number of smali communities could merge programs, and thus their: .resources, '.- could likely meet their combined .: .' - needs a coUlective social program serving all their The urban consultant is this concept in foul .- Alabama communities. Sylacauga, Tailadega Childersburg, and Vincent. These four small towns, with populations ranging from .10,000 to 30,000, are within 30 miles of each other and are 30 to 60 miles from the i -r. : .;, spread of Birmingham. Based ,in a rural, Fa:.- ;,!'... economy, the four towns are '--.'. :'- with I'.r :.:.. *- .,..r A paper mill 'and yarn producer dominate the area's .r,.;-,;'.. picture, and those residents who do not work- in the two mills,' or commute to the steel mills in "','r.'', farm, or get by as best they know how. ':, ,r. in fact, has ceased to b1 an 1 ..' factor in the economic :r'.," 'of any : ri. .-. :- ,_ r. *. ,:,- is the' cause. of many social T'.."..."i, ".',- the four local governments. In Vincent, for example, what I'-. ill be a highly These p*-.-t- here in Port St. Joe are the . :'..-social program for most persistent ~. -..,pi.- you ever saw.' the :-' .": :".'' inhabitants." For over two years a group hes been trying I concept does to build a secondfishing reef in the Gulf of ex prove out, America's small t buld a second fishing reef in e .towns mayhave a new chance ico out of old car h.,.. i 1- They reasoned the pro- to solve their '-.. ..bl: ject would get rid of all the old junk cars around the City and furnish, a ,-,...3 tihlin hole in.'Hi-.- taxes on was made on. ound Gulf of Mexico. They went all. ihrl uigh the om0 - business judgement. This ery of ,. ,!\. a *;',""' only to run .,; i.4' the only after talking to Mr. Richards and considering sizeable problem of -...,: ,,.: transportation to sacrificing in favor of public the reef site for the old car hulks. use. The "few people who First the Army pr'..- ':.l *to do it in their knew of this felt so strongly off-shore maneuvers. But the maneuver' were against the County giving it's cancelled. o T .ne the Navy p. -:-.1. to do the job property to the State so that dte. the State' in turn could buy and they had to back down. r- ."-'. "' property that they Findlly, the group got ,t"', i. i.ut 30 of floated a petition. A neighbor them-and went down to the bank, i: 1l a note, who signed the petition even and bought a barge to transport the old cars out ' e.e. 'n't 'urewha' t into the Gulf. When '.. get through. with the ,,. but the --^'. r, --..;... .,at t ". r sell the r.... / r ; q'. 1*, ,', ,...r. i. ,his. 6 W e ,i,,,',t ', ,,r,. tb ha e. a r:-' ,i, r who is years ago Gulf County had just itching-to own a :,.i hand the ..p.': ,.1. for the State just itching toown to T. ,-r... maintain a barge, do we? Beautification Project which " they did.. not want. Where I see by the papers where the supportersfor does the blame lie Mr. the "-.,r. t of L,.* i... .,. Governor.m Editor? .. do not know but to t ., t e n *' , certainly not with the proper- Adams, concede the t_,, t that they don't I i,- ..lit' ty owners as the proposal necessary number of votes to get the job done. never had a chance to reach That means old Tom will go right on 'Ir:, wi'.ji'; his them 'it. was stopped by the $30,000 a year for doing nothing at all. ._r.-v '. I remain, a land When you stop to consider it, Tom Adams owning; tax paying business en you s to consider i womani who helps bring is having it pretty r6ugh on this Lieutenant Gov- revenue to the area and also ernor job. Everybody ought to have something likes their county. to do to occupy his time even farming. The Jean F. Arnold (Mrs. Lucien T.) Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns Legislature and the Governor, however, insists on his doing absolutely nothing. When you consider all the people' who are TRYING to get paid for doing nothing,-it seems the law of supply and demand ought to alloww the State of Florida to hire a Lieutenant Governor for considerably less than $30,000 a .year. Perspective on Education by DR. BOB N. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida When the Russians put that initial satellite into the sky on October 4, 1957, they unwit- tingly brought to a head all the criticisms of our schools that 'had been seething slightly below the surface for a few decades. It was a rude shock to most Americans to realize that we were not first in everything. Where were our scientists and mathemati- cians? What was wrong with out teachers that they had let such a terrible thing happen? Were they neglecting our gifted youngsters? Immediately, a host of educators rushed to their own defense. Russian superiority / rI'' in Beacon Hill Beach Subdivi- sion as t ,i ., needed. more .' ': '.,,,,, than- .either the 'II '- a. ',-, "1~ as d..'r .the Presi- :; ... dency f L,.,. Johnson and .:.'f was to be used only, as 'a 0 '.p... Beautification -Project and not as a WV;-.. Park. I .i: listened as' Mr. Richards isesiand -., p .r to the Board his' 1l 'a ,rt. for trees, shrubs, ample pull ..di v 'r, ,- tourists A .: apd our own residents, trash ';".'" containers with the promise I Were that the State would maintain Steve the area and keep it clean. am sure The Board assured. Mr. a nd Richards they would pub- .'' and licize and hold p..f.r, meet- ,.'.-.: it ings to see ,.',,. the people ie Book- wanted. This seems to us to a very be. .-,.. ,what ... are Depart-. ... to be done with all the '. pAss property now. Why Mr. his own so ... shouldn't it ss state have been '.- ,.-J then. At 'e com- ',- time we were not ..r , e are. an for it but if the State could ,; and purchase the rest of the S : and .the "'. r. with would donate theirs then we natural would not stand in the way Sand to but be open to -..:..." :r tho . I have we would restrict our deed to n every no buildings, this we told Mr. houses Richards. Certainly you tractive would agree if it were wrong is much for us to 1 ., then the same between fact would hold true for all. mand and This Mr Rieiards agreed r possi- with as'he said they only to keep wanted the land for a ront as Beautificatin Project. Let us I also. fook ai the facts. rights; FACT: The Board of Gulf and use tC: ,- -,.. Commissioners was r own not interested in obtaining it My the beachfront for public use ite the nor to myknowledge did they inform the people or hol to print ".. ,.- meetings as even you Mr. Editor do not seem to have knowledge of. this tho the minutes of the Board ".'"::'"' was ..t. i ::..:. in 32465 your paper. 'FACT: At the Commission meeting Mr. Richards made the statement that by the C'-" C.: ,-.: letting the State have the County property the State nt page in turn could purchase the orialin private property this would 9, 1973.afford the county residents e are a and tourists with more missing access. The State Project formed would only work if the County ruths, would donate their land and Septem- the private property owners H. D. would sell. The Commis- itive of sioners stated that there was net with more than '.enough public ssioners beach front in Gulf County. ting the What has changed?, ate the FACT: Our decision to bject to develop our beachfront, not ing all yours, but ours which we ichfront worked and paid for and pay Mel Madgison, visiting this week grandparents, Mr. C. G. Costin, Sr. Jr., is with his and Mrs. in the space race had nothing to do with our school system, they claimed. We had many well-trained scientists to do the job. The real trouble was that the government had not allotted enough money to get our satellite program off the ground. Regardless of who was right, the fact remains that the American people were afraid for the first time that we had a "gifted student program lag" as well as a "missile lag." Nobody had paid much attention in 1948, when a U.S. Office of Education survey noted that only a handful of schools were providing special educa- tion for the gifted and that the number of classes for them ranked far behind those for crippled and mentally retarded. Now, however, citizens rubbed their eyes and started to point fingers as schoolmen immediately went into action to take up the slack. The.Conant Report on the American High Schools drove the point home,.Talented teenagers were electing .snap courses; hundreds of. high schools were conducting:, sub- standard programs that.gave young people inadequate preparation for college; we were putting far too .much emphasis on sports and too little on scholarship. - Critics of the Progfestives had a field day. Whether they beclouded the issue is a npot question. One of the nust resounding blows came fr6m Teachers College at' Colum- bia University, o-' all places! President John H; Fischer threw his weight, against the child-centered' school and urged educators to "give priority to intellectual com- petence." Another shot was fired in 196'0 by a group of professors who had made, a survey of the San Franqisco schools. They. stressed |that the "purpose of education is to inform the mind and develop intelligence." Simul- taneously, they insinuated that the schools were down- grading standards in orderto accommodate subnormal children. This raised"a hue and cry from the Commission of Educational Policy of the California Teachers Associa- tion. Chiding the professors. for weakening democracy by attempting to freeze educa- tional goals, that group supported "multiple-par- pose" schools set up ,to prepare youngsters for college, to help them to hold a job, or "even to drive an automobile safely." PAGE TWO t PO'STO F ICE i0X 308 PH( DOOT ST tAO F FLORIDA. 32456 Small Cities Short-Changed, Atlanta Urban Planner Says Visit With Grandparents pt'tvde'.,iV. I.~ga-dly'~a ~~p~I., we' fn e'ilrs i~t. it hal Lj... i urt A ." L 'u.~ i. *q v.iIJ iT'' ing (pre~suniaibi'uy aftp '~- '~ h-i ahd Looks Green to Us LETTERS To The Editor most' former farmworkers, have given up the uncertainty of farming for the security of a job.at the. mill. Any farming still done is just enough to feed one family, with no real income produced from the land, In many cases, too, the .. .. :..'of the mill job has proved.' to be a fantasy. S '. shutdowns and strikes have continually plagued the area, resulting in a heavy' burden on social and welfare programs. For Vincent,'-the smallest of the four tbwns, the burden is overwhelming. General revenue sharing funds to the j. o:..'r, will not even pay the salary of a social worker. S.:;.. ;-' the largest of the four communities, gets a bigger bite of the general revenue sharing dollar, but even this aid will barely pay for 'LfI- I'u.: effectivp'program -- housing, OR child care, OR social services. "But with a merger of the total resources of all four towns, we have funding of more- :: r.n $600,000," :-.:.::.. to Wright. "With this amount, and a 'division of labor' among the four r ,.. we have been ab~fle toi ..'i^ a vitable and I I by WESLEY R. RAMSEY I listened to all the reports I could stand of the shellcrackers eating it up in Lake Wimico. I had to go. 'So I did Saturday morning. The shellcrackers started bi'tinrg again just after I left the lake. I got that report from a reliable source : .r', r afternoon. I got up at 6:00 S.t. :. This was a sac- rifice in of l..;:au-' iturL'd. is usually my day to lay in bed until '- o.'" or S O/f to the lake I went, with son, Willie, running/the boati This was to be a day of meat gathering for the week, but it didn't work out that way. We c-i7_-hit a wa., but by about 11:00, it was like an August afternoon out in the broiling sun on Lake Wimico. The fish 'weren't bhiti,. too good, so we started hui.uw'g for my. n*1 ," fishing-in a tree top. under a nice shade;tree. Ge.,-rg, Core-came out at the landing just as we did and iF'...rt.'."l the .A'hl:.i-ker started biting at 1'.1 ?.(', but he had to leave too, because it was too hot to stay with them. I -go shelleracker fishing religiously every Spring, but I have never found a bed and they usually bite the day before or the day after I ,go. Since I missed this "biting" by only 30 min- utes, I'm encouraged. I'm going again soon. *-, S I @ 0 I THE, STAR, Port St Joe Fla THURS[m*1r, 'MAY i PACE 'TIREF II I1i .2 SUE' HAF Join "Sa Harrison i .., L I', d' rIh4 s ga9reI iI. d $f*,Vikr Ijm Xiic, r' .t .o nd t njs t; ,'' N-jI vp(.-I Ai-Jit u.'-.lw dnk x I , Flur .avPL4.' 'i kil'--' wll tv-. rA(n~4.)I k Ly !:m.tfl.' i, .ter V.u% ;. fjMoori. Clo list c.. ,x '~~I-p~ he Iitjfur -ra S r-rilyf. stviui ii - If- l'dA. thei i ',k-. 'lair, W11~ .1u t Tto. y I1h- hat goal F(. a 'mV~ QtI' Coven Better Goes on Easier' Mildew Resistant. 'Fum Resistant 911 Base. Vinyl and Latex Exterior and Interior In Many Colors AtL SMITH Phone 227-7T51, Welcome Seniors of 1973 By Popular Demand Boyles Continues DRESS SALE RRiSON ,IISON .,, DOUBLE KNIT , S.e Short 'Fund" j Sets Discovery $2 88 of Fire e Greatest ' U 'C. :} 15 pct. Off .',.r,, ir U .,. S.6 r',-J '..i-. '.: t All Dresses $15 or more .44.-. K>i~ SENIOR FAVORITES! Our Entire Stock of JEANS considla-r '-;d iyoil f r t .',i*- in ;i s" - I'"irr j f .1vo ta .r.-. 6 khiNc1i 1%, p-7f b-i-iii.4t" T r rt traleD '.7 *i-iA jkb yodir h.'rw r -talI , *J Thu tyg k : *. ,, n:,'.' *r'., o.fl fL t rth ." ru e ect oth l '. I.u, t. ; ,o..rd .., i .' emen with the "l. f ,u.*.. t i 1,,0 1, '. ; Y O,. .j ' l. e.:...'e ,,, ,.. ,.i t h, r...i ' r n,,zliJ ,,'*;..', .1].n- a n"t e, I' 4fl y u ,, If the fire occurs in winter and does damagee to your Choose a competent, on- heating Iplant, you may wish t:.r: ,t. r to -do i. e repa, rk to arrange for emergency on your h us Arn unfxpei- heating to freeing .rr' i ed. contractor t ay over-,', pipes or wet walls. 'If water .- look' damage done to' the sprayed on thfe occurs in colletslecwintrcalsysterm., furnace or. ' between walls and freezes, plumbing.-, overall damage could be increased. Portable heaters At about this stagdo e you will tof varrangious types can be sedny on yurespecially appreciate having within te house to mfrnimize the inventory of household pipes Or .wet walls. 'If water-.:'look damage.s .done hto' the freezing damage, couand weep you should have made holes" can be drilled near the' before the fire. The smart baseboard to promote drying, homeowner makes an inven- Syg.tory of everything of Value in 'Make temporary repairs each room of his house, (keep records because your places copies of the inventory. insurance company will pay list with his agent and in a for these) to protect against safe deposit box, and is thus further damage from the in a position to prove to his weather. This may involve an insurance company the emergency patch to the roof extent of loss from a fire. or boarding a few windows to 'After a fire' it is difficult tq prevent wind, rain or snow remember all valuables from causing added damage. damaged or destroyed by the Popular Graduate Sleepwear Shorty Pajamas or Gowns Nylon or D Cotton Blend L88and $3.88 Gra u, at's. : -r . Graduate's Choice Graduate to Beach ' Beauty Men Labels of Quality SWIM SUITS $9.88 to $25.88 Reg. price S12 to 528 .4. Always a Graduate Favorite -f Dyed to match, lace trimmed nylon fPeignoir Sets M $6.88 .. 1 a. t 1 * -- t'l ." -' , Don't forget little sister Save Or0 Summer Dresses ,.34 ; ., 1 r ,,fll, C' ,r Men's Handerchiefs 88c a pkg. SUITS <= and Sport - COATS 20 pct. off 9 C. SeweOi new "ook for *sp ', summer in 10 F., .1,r -.A. -' -* : _,* ,,t .: ;. 1 ' P.s ).Men's and. f 'n .i .,'s..' .,' Tf. Sleeve Sport Shirts t *.'. n g "p o in t ,' I -. rn *,'.11.,- and .,-smar I nln Th -_ .hirts 'are .ih.:.r.-d' 'I; L'i pct., 'dPub'i' uklil ...'l ,, or orT6':, p6 t e"; ,r 35 pct. 't',' 'rt 71 J-I. ti-r -it." .I.. I Figt TWILL FLARES ' ,,+I I,._.f yl "." d ',.'ii ,ap ,jr 'l +" .- lli',..+.f fjl ,f'.i+ l, Itr-..r {!.ir n:' - '0. r j',:rt.. Llr-!f.b "Th,.-y'tt, rnrtd,. 0i" ,;m,', h.if.l' ; *'< -,r^dtlf. p'l(; / .=+le ,<+. ,,'r.I|.q + ',,,, l P ._-r r,.]tlit i i l l U '- .':' J. +'(:"'- "_-;i .'- :'' 1''- n','. b ,. 1 ,,,*- ', _.+.i r ,l; "._', N MEN'S SHORTS Cut-off jeans or basket-weave wilk, :..r.i, Cut at just th,< right lrq!.h S, T,;,od.r.,yir^nq wear all summer., 0.., J t. d O !11.r D pet; cotton. I : -r n.rr,.-rInll .; prssed. Size,28 to 50. $2.88 $7.88 \ ; VYouhg means spoof Tanker" ,'top .- .' *"Reg. $1;99.n6w ; . 2 for $2.88 . S-A, 7-L. un filled knits: Cotton & rayon blend. Machine washable, tumble dry. SMEN'S BOAT SHOES Ufpper.ot heavy ,navy d1kking, vinyl rubber long,wearing .soles. Sizes 6V/ to 12. A areat gift idea. Reg. $3.99. 1. ... ": /' '"' .... ", '5 perma-press or'8 cotton. High a sorbency,. ' P A M TI ., By Fruit of he Loom. ' : All Ladies and Children's 2 $188 Dress SHOES1 / 2 pr., r''S H 0 E SBEaB. .15 pct Off * ,r teguar fine cev.1,,5",.fsaftin ' :: a, price .+115 Sizes Personality, Joyce, Pol - .ny, Parrot, Active Age.. ,.. ,. ,White, navy, beige, Phone 227-4261 222 RedidAvenue va, *bWack. ' fire. However, if you have neglected to make an .inven- tory, it. often helps to flip . i..: a mail order' catalo- gue as a reminder of 'the various -items of personal property you did have. IN MEMORIAL In loving memory of our loved one, Edward Jerome Rouse, who departed this life May'16, 1972. A precious one from us has gone. The voice we loved is stilled. His place is vacant in our home. Which can never be filled. Gone but not forgotten. The Family of Edward Jerome Rouse Improving Search, Rescue The Coast Guard began implementing a plan on May 1, to improve its search-and- rescue (SAR) coverage of the eastern portion of the Florida panhandle with the deploy- .ment of an 82-foot cutter to Cai~rabelle during the peak% boating months this summer. The cutters Point Verde, Dauphin Island, Ala.; Point Estero, Gulfport, Miss.;. Point Spencer, New Orleans; and Point 'Lobbs, Panama City, will patrol the bay area- for 13-17 days each on a rotating basis. Those aware of marine distress situations should 'notify the, Coast Guard by calling 904- 697-2300. If the cutter is underway, the Coast Guard may be notified by calling thq U.S. Coast Guard Station Panama City at 904 234-2475, or to the U.S. Coast Guard- Loran Station Cape San Bias at 904 227-4001., The Coast Guard will then contact the patrol boat using voice radio. Vessels at sea requir- ing assistance should call any Coast Guard unit using 156.8 MHz-FM or 2182 kHz-AM. The deployment of the four cutters will reduce by at least six hours the Coast Guard's response time. It takes 6-8 hours to steam from Panama. City, where the nearest 82-foot cutter is based. While in the area the cutters will use government mooring facilities in Carra- belle, when, not- on rescue missions or scheduled safety patrols. Each cutter has an eight-man crew under the command of a chief boat- swain's mate. They have a 575-mile cruising range at a top speed of 15 knots and can patrol at sea for at, least three days without replenish- ment. During and after the deployment of the cutters this summer, the Coast Guard will evaluate statistical infor- mation gathered on the SAR incidents handled by the cutters to determine the necessity and feasibility for assigning Coast Guard SAR resources to the area on a permanent basis. Coast Guard forces are already thinly spread along the Gulf of Mexico with an average of one Coast Guards- man for every two miles of coastline and navigable waterway. They are assigned to such duties as SAR, merchant vessel safety, envi- ronmental protection, aids to navigation maintenance, law enforcement and oceano- graphy. M eA133 MIh CL V" n" r.~v7's nl 1 :- .. 31 tod-nn. im % R,nh, r,,-r,, -,.an,, ! .AT . 10 E . THE;_STA ) Port St' oe, Fla. THURSDAY,- MAY 17. 1973 . and Beaches How Many Pupils Are interested In Attending Panama Cit Christian Shrougch Grads 73-74 School Year K through 1ith Grades 1973-74 School Year, ;,*/ ' (T~ t~~JiI .*' MissBritt I Miss Midge Howell for Bridal '~-'aw 'k j~IPIP.. 4, -~ ~V '' r*r '' )y-,~ '. 'i'aRce ar: e of F~ee ertrI dues cnte mU .ru AITCK) ie rS 6g Pa1vr- Bnoned arock-ef u* ~kd-AecGod af) re y 1:sffl Thie an., *pjr. ai P'Myrnd Mr ,ErIg2 Fralrce~ P. ,r 61trA P: ri ChfArle -v 11ro' to fr r :yi GPfe I a eA av~ntr d i.s .Pjt ki ; L rr 197 atrteck m US 4 ,11VA t ) r-oPert. hr1e rlotStJ)i BAnelc~.mmsu o -to rda n':. '-r-- Mmd r qtZn m -aliA 3 Y. r~rxj !O-f. 0m y- p !!reepmr P a ftn t v..o 'vifrd-,.' sn a Mr od i- Er''r ,p~yr~c (~o'Ire~ ii of Pot St 1-- t d ] th n lary t(, ieir 'jli "jjCopyrighted Material s MY,-r n k Syndicated Content inaSdtD Available from Commercial News Prvdes Honored Miss Midge Howell, br elect was honored Saturd May 12, with a ,morn coffee at the social hall of First United Metho, Church. The honoree wore f.?r occasion a'summer ensem of white batiste embr.'ide with small var-.:ol.', flowers The sor.al J h ai ;a verted into a garden of p home OrcwI fi'ow'eri refreshntf me abl tM E ,win a qu.Aker 1.".e ci'oh h .ain arr g ,rt ..*,t A.:t ,aood tue, .Gne t-,r.dt'. : .; .:,''r Hy1rtange: i--. : anrd t-at.e: tr' th .i', dec-rated trg, Cpre. ,:"er ing the ., ,... ..h ra:. carndeat rum A- ',f.,:'e greed arqtIjqie iil'-r rL 'gcl-m3 New Enq'.gd aa Svr Tea Fetes Miss Altman Dilomas Offer e"d Au~t"l.7nuy -la Maydi h a J~'~p nirn I'e to:sr-Mr4j,*j j T v n, y "and '1e.rry Atbh~,.nt, Joubi- ALI(.rK Karf*r Bwirres, Alhs~r, rk'~t ("tins i~r Dean ahle-SHal- gr a 'ies., amer f's atr4, Lyon.,, T-1-1wu Mu.F'arlarnd, Rpfrl- McAarncr~d AnrMVrte M .Fad f~i Jla~bijSF 42GE 1FPP_4 MISS BURMA DIANE TRAWIC'K rl-I II 1IIIIIII Engagement Told. 1% i -,.d 'lo./r J'4ar,.'- v -Wit, Fi r i r Ix F1' ,a ti i ar i U r I ai('iCIUJ4 ~ '~~ rid appIud.-lAfr *~~~~~~~K'L. pga i' -.i;rd ~ ~tBRgaf.,bnft)An'oe I Jre 1 P.- it 19P, aI~9 g'ra":.Piate of L.eorn H,-gL SO.-rx)andO .'aIJ P.,AdiVte fi rim flor"'ea --if -,Iirdi:'i..r~fly it, Junut with a Mi~ ~~~~~r '7' '~~g~r.zt Port St Jo,. igh. Set., HeIs, 'a:1971 ~ ~ d~t~of da 0::e I CrjrO"'AnIT~v ColuEgqear d'will g:adup ine wJune fl 'aFoia tt l-gr,in r.atlal s i sudr',-educadtion.' 41'ie',,elm datte is pba~4r.efj for AmalSt 4. at 3I & ? fri. in the First Baptist Church. T'Aiahas"EE Nro iwrn;atpvrn are br-ing -ernt but all friends and relatives of the couple are invited' to atte ,nd., C oSTI N'S "YQur Store of Quality.anc Fashion" nspirafion, Shower Lee Johnson, Mrs. Margaret Neely, Mrs. Dorothy Nichols, Mrs. Lavenia Parmer, Mrs. Lorraine Parker, Mrs.. Estelle Peacock and Mrs. Shirley Rudd. - . The bride-elect was pre- sented a gift of -china in her chosen' pattern by the with Co f ee Miss Jeannine Britt was W 1 .honored with a bridal shower SApril 26, 1973 in the ide- Each/ window held multi-, Caar y Baptist Church lay, colored arrangements of '-.L1 h. ~l Chattahoochee. ring black-eyed Silsans, legru_- HwerseM for the occasion. the trum, pansies, sturrn were: Mrs. Louis Caloi.r, dist and-daisies. Eastler Diei_ u-j Mrs Fannie nariev. Mrs., old fashioned jardanieres a'. W "JrkI Gilley, Mrs. Jumrr, ie the placed at vantage p.-.ji; tite throughout the room. .red One hundred guft. .r. .v; . r.ed Yinrg mor.ng r ig.1'. ) T .- ..: ,.,.4 Y4 .." , R '- . , fit t _..i an_," ._., 4s...i.:S .' :. t F'.r- '.i ,. "jul F F L-i.r r P: p .. ;. ".. . ,y 3 E1^^ ;.;'* H-;;^ Lar^ -- Th wedQi ^r ~r- *,*n ^ ^ Hi ti Tr.. 7.'dlj ;: *;: B^ H lfti* Hc'..m' or3 \;n F-p- R..: ^ ^ ^ ^ lB' .. -' .. SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ..... EVENING WORSHIP PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday). 9:45 AM. 11:00 AM. 6:15 P.L 7:80 PJL 7:30 Pi VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME atV. J.C. ODUMi Pastr Knit Suits Sport Coats , : / '4~ It Knit Pants s Were $12 $16 now $9.00 Mens & Boys SHOES Jarman, Sandy, McGee & Red Goose 1/3 off BY'F~ Historical Society Met Saturday o h H I. I I'.-.-. >.:'s k -v :S i ... l ; .. .. . 'with.'esse ?,'ii president, Minutes were read and approved. The 'r-;i:Ar.i report was submitted by Mrs. H firnit .n D : ,. :" . ,-A S;'v- '.. read from R ,ip B,;q ,, 5 .Es *x, '-,t; that cp.'.: t '-< ,Forbes Pur- chase could be had for $13.75. Mrs.'. r i': i Brown moed that a copy be purchased to U'.' ,.'.ved by r.. ', Mr; Hubert Brinson' gave the !- .*" on,- the Old StC Joseph .,--,. The Ceme- tery L.,i,'i;. '.', will work ,ru :- 't,,,.-! V adden, -'. ,- :intendent of Public Works, for.:further ,r*,p: '.,';* : of the St. Joseph cemetery. 'Mrss Brown wvi requested to 'Af*'.e a let.- I ,-,f f ,, ;ti r, ..:, M rs. t'd!;r !" t i,,.' , f.:i her efforts.:i rhli ..h .: the ..Museur" Mrs. Thomas Gibson 'was' welcomed in:'o ie .)', ,, .asS a new rem'nt-r 'Mt er.,H:" You Are Cordially Invited To AfteI. LONG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 161h Street 9. Is Being Conducted In The Port St. Joe Highland ,View To Determine For Information Call 229-2076 227-4611 ( ' hostesses. Miss Jeaie Britt, June ride-elect _Ws honored May -a, 1973 a bridal calling shower at.the home -of Mrs. W. E. Morris, Chattahoochee. Hostesses for the occasion were: Mrs. Till Morris, Mrs. Wynelle Morris,. Mrs. Ger- trude Purcell, Mrs. Leona McAlpin, Mrs. Maggie ,Cook and Mrs. Esther Wiggins. For the occasion, Miss Britt chose a pink -knit ensemble. Mrs. M. L. Britt, mother of the bride-elect- and Mrs. Oma Rowan, mother of the groom-elect, received the guests with the honoree. Miss Britt 4Ail tbec;:r-- the bride of Stephen Eric Rowan, Junr 2, 'at ith'. I or,r, Avenue Bapot ..,L urn * STHS Mr. and Mrs. Claude D. Creamer, Apailachicola, announce the birth of a son, Steven Walter on April 8` Mr. and Mrs. James T Johnson, Apalachicola announce the birth of daughter, Donna Kay on April 11. Mr. and Mi-N Fdaard D. Smith, 1.1I i :.'.! St., announce :he w ,ifh of a daughter Cr% 1..l '.T.% in on April 13.' Mr. and Mrs ddM. iT Blountstown, alinounce the birth of a son, William K.itii, on ..r 13. - Mr. gnd Mirs. H:ii''y Lee m.ie1.A?1, Mexico r nh., announce the birth of a son, jyler Jackson on Ap~ri 18." Mr. and Mrs. '. .r R. annotince 'the 'ir i *. .r . Carl Raymond, Jr. on. 1,ril 20: Mr: and. Mrs.. Thomas E. Stansel, 1603 Marvin, .jifo"u. the birth" of a son, Tracy Thomas on prl 20.- Mr... and Mrs. Wesley \!kEun' '1014 Marvin \,-not', announce the birth 'of a daughter,- Lisa LaTrelle on April 22: ' Mr. and Mrs; Rodney Hall, White Ci ,, i .no.i,:', the birth of a da4Pgh!tr. Laurie M,'h*:Ie- i'-n April r4. e Mr... andst Mrs,_ Larry E. Pate, 3021 12th St., announce the birth of' a son, Victor Lamar on Ar,,i 26 ' Mr -:'and Mrs. E. Albert '"ri f i l't- A ilt r. i i *.1.i, daughter, Iti .i .r, ,.in. ,.11 ,\priH l' Soul]*n "I' o., i'i ni t r.' fton k I'.m i f .nl.-nl II I -- ~ ---- i ~F 7 I -1 T"T >;' .. e d L- -'<; -V : tt,, f C Sur .;6 I. . HE PrtS. 1 THURSDAY,.MAY 1 3 "- FI Miss ion Group Me PROUD TO HA. V" 13E OLOTEP TORESENT-. - FREg,.LAMNE KEPPSAKE C HEST S T o 6N'SENWOGlRLS' 'NTHE FOLLOWING' Ca...~ le A plal~ioa I.74 I ," t. e o -, ., YOUR CHOICE: EARLY AMERICAN.. CONTEMPORARY. ;, MEDITERRANEAN SWEETHEART CHESTS BY * ~ Ap~ia-.iai~.jr 4~ tt~a ~ '8' ~ N ~4O9~*04 .Map~. VI~a'~ COn-lmporary '48 4 16 % I61i H #43064". W&!frul olee S Medlterranean 48 x 16;Yi x18 H.. ,#4309-23 Oak veneers* "-,Also avaiiabl.e, 4309-88 Pecan veneers*- ST. J OE 'FURN. & APPL. Reid Ave. Phone 229-1251 *arid select'hardwood solids. t : ,%'Jim -/ ~F L .3~ -r a'C U /-I I I Mission Group 1 of the First United jMethodist' Church met May 14 at the home of Mrs. Herman Dean. The meeting was presided over by co-chair.%omana Zella Anderson in the absence of the chair'vhmar. tthe program egreh by Mrs Edna Spik.ke 'Aith the a-i of Mrs Gladvs Browp.. MNr, R.jtl Ramsey, Mr' Mar?,rh, S6anb',rn, and Mrs Zclla Avdr-on 'Aas on :'1*, '"A Vr- '- Women's Role in Missi there were nine men and one visitor present CARD OF THANK We would like to tha o.ur many friends fo irn r'y car.r. i, isers: fi.:,wer., and eapepiall prayer during: our ac.de-a. arid hospitall in Ba Me'mi.rial Ho we; ouklij iLs !.like to e our appreciation for the constant and kind care given.. us by the doctors and nurses. We would like to offer a on. special thank you to Rev. and mrbers Mrs. Bowers for their many visits and prayers for* us during this trying time. S We would also like to express our appreciation for nk all the many visits and prayers r the we received from the other lovely ministers in the area .1 the May God bless each and recent every one ization Ljnau and M'r'ie oFa '.4. V SShower Honors Mrs. Griffin T tit F I !n al *.Fy.-JJSa . Pink bt-,e 'LUL. F. .v c .t. .- q Dennis Kevin Bradley E Enterta in.ed at Party 'i. n n' e a a a 1.~Ajaailh P ip. Ip~a- I ii': .ll e A rk. r: l~in l1' h.i"j 6 1- H V. EwGrii~ y,, "~ Nli -N ~'Bai~' d Bottle Club S-s unjar' o S~ * i',cl r r I*'J~ pa:, Prt:cr -nar~di~jf.-JjF a irr bo.U., 1 . IV~ Garden Club) Of ficers Seate-d I-' 1 o ;4,-1 ,,M ;J p 1. 1 1m 1 .- I., rna Ihe on" : pi ~.. ~ .~j~i i~a;. ~ ha ~i'a~ a~' ff,~.'I~~ ~ .> P~['~ 1'. j-lI~a a.aa'v 1 n~ ~~t ,Ll I- IIjny;. I~,~aj31 I. P.:A *a~i..~ V I Iloqr-ag oi.1 .*A .1 1 .1rr F -f 'MpijNa r~. M' AriL5,12 u .ViMr f it.At B--ii. I .r Ihea;n Mr riri Pdr Lg;*i' '.x o-A Kt'r. -. 3SOLOTION i'4. ~ *.r f. O. N.- T.'t "f-=,Ft p'.Ep CD-. 7. .,. t, 31;rir: r IL-.s. A ~r i r' rj -ea:., *r~ . * Nvcr -; C-btb.PasttMatron, 4,.:.a~r~ ~ Past MatrcnL Sister of Paul Fensom Dies Mrs. (Dr.) Jean Fensom, Ragsdale of Greenwich, Conn., -sister, of .-Paul *S. Fensom, of Port St.-Joe, died of cancer May 14 at the age of 51.. She leaves her husband C. W. Ragsdale, two children, Ruth and Smith at Greenwich, and a son Cliff at M.I.T. There will be no regular funeral as she requested her body to be given to cancer research but 'a memorial service was held at First I Presbyterian Church in Greenwich on May 16. BIRTH ANNO.iNCEMENT 'Mr. and Mrs. Steve Manieri announce the birth of a daughter, Cheyenne Renee, 6 lb. 5 oz., May ., 'at Tallahassee Memrorial Hospital. Maternal grandparents art Mr. and Mrs. George McLaw- hon of Port St. Joe. Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns 205-207 -- I PAGwil FFIVE, T.HE STTAR, Port St; Jep, 'fla. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 low, _ - f \ 2u~1~ ~c~~ 11 iua 1 PAGE SIX THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 College Offering Course S.UPERRIGHT'~HEAVY WETERI BEE! ;SANDWICH STEAKS...L 1._59. '.SUPEll,' HEAVY WESTERN ,: UU. .BEEF,... OVER ..89c SSUPE!R. OUI&K FROZEN CHOPPED 'B iTEAKS...... os$1.89 T rkey Hindqurters lb. 59c .COPELAND DELICIOUS COOkOED I I', 0 6 .. . -k o o. ,. ' i erilgs. -' 5 lb. $2.9 "SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT MARKET STYLE" sBnqu P rozen 8a 0O SPotPies ea. 20c aSlitBeoimu Smde"BI' 1:I LB. PKG. C Cokes 6 BolTi% -E LB ; o7A OLD MILWAUKEE. .Beer I Experimental-minded freshmeri entering Gulf Coast Community College next fall will find one new program. that emphasizes the, teacher.- student relationship, inter- disciplinary 4rudi and the integrated curriculum, it was announced this week." Although Gulf Cbast will continue. to offer its. trasi- rP:nal courses and programs, Earl Cochran, vice president- of irItutondiin a(1Mira said that' the rteir ient"l pro- gram will t.e )fflered for P pr.'ni.ea .100 students, "The' program, is- one that. should ioerct the general ,; .iii.-., ,iuWdenIt for all of I I .'airi, udll ipp1] to the Associate in Arts degree," Cochran said,. U k hr.ijugh the pr-agram uti- ii'.-' trajrhtl nal cur'Wt- at 'Gulf .ca, it differs with the p- in 'hat, a hhit'ry and u, nH, '. .t a'r ... '.ill b. ct as One- package j rr'e LN .hnur i cr*-i(. rather IJ'ian a twi different *rrljrw.'e ,cjrrmng Iliree hoijur C The i.rne i ill be true of a 'rti ,I End it ] S M P-*'im"'lln- and rt-lding L .rM a-,.t .'ht,1-in e orta n ed ( ,t." ln- n- Idv 1--11-I. lo t .k -l 5 ;, io.1#r :-,a I lo tid, iri. ' 4, 4hre.' iont o4-r.r i d c.r - Itr.- -t ., laa l >hl rh at f)lit I, bout, 41 f ih (irbiiafli Ail1 2 ..'isr-dnts r wi-r )iaegt threat H I. n -r"ft 'tieh*'-r. uilnrw sis Slnii Itoger i wtil c. inis tu . V.t .n-("c. i ti-wi nefW pro i Cimhan ;idaed, rf St-i.rthe fthe temra kdiefr work Ioglefhrl.1 wll har shouslo Ssaid. ir For example, the. histry- 7 '(ocR ltr- -appm;rai. :,rai~hu: r ris gn Hirrn aduel aind 1.a fr'.a humanities ounuI'- whichti ii.r. .)A prp-ro. 1 he S ll be meeti. g for tw ethreehur blocktIs ineach week, to reienforre materialreadn %Un textbooks pae U in acis thed, 'class.I 'Ia ilejt'Ip sedul- Iani, Caxhran said.. "The fact that teachmrs-and students will have a greater block'of "time in which to C work together will allows beingto C do, certain things, that' we could not dore "Bundern the starringle-course concept heon C ^ said. For example, the history- humanities cong thrses, which S *a1beot", starring for two three-hour blocks each week, plan on showing a number of Harristand depimotion picturesly lifto re-enfore materialgn ofread Kin Textbooks and disc"The Agonssedy and class. Amonghe the films being sought are ."Ben Hur", starring Charleston Heston in the life and depicting the conflict programetween ancient Rome and Sharlyon BaChristianity; "Camlot,chran staid, adng Richard Harris and depicting knightly life under tache reign of Kingnt the on campthur; and The Agony andch is rather Ectasy", starring Charleston Heston in the life of testichelangel and advisor for students enteach ring the experi- progrental programat Gulf Cochranst are Cochran said, adding that theid. said. FOR YOUR LAUNDRY 1 CUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUANTITIE LOROX BLEACH GAL 62c THIS AD. IS EFFECTIVE IN AL A&P STORES IN ALL OF THE C tLORX .... D AUL 6k 510 Fifth Stre PRICES IN THIS AD, ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, 5 I f MAY 20, 1973. P7 m TOOTHPASTE i ,P PEPSODENT.........TUE55c 5 GRAIN ( A&P ASPIRIN...... OTTL 25 PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL OR WHOLESALE DEALERS. 171 Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns, A&F FUSH 'IMENTO CHEESE I LB.. CUP 79C 89~ ''' 4' ": '. ... : " IProgram Offered . Port St. Joe High School will again offer a program for students who want to improve their reading ability.. Students, who'are making low grades in. social studies,. English o other subjects requiring a'. great, deal of reading may find there are some skills -that could be picked up in -this summer program. Classes will be available from 8 until 3 each day between June 18 and July 13. It is recommended that students attend at least one, hour a day for the four week period. Several out-of-town field trips are being ar', i.-,-: for those who attend on a regular basis. For information or' to irg''." contact Mrs. Clyde A. Fite at school or at,home after r r ,c.i hours. THE STAR Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 FI'Y -E %E'EN 'The' Ladies~ Trio from pqjr rt,.-(er-rn BiM. College in S,,r r;ph ,. '..'w, will pre- .rhony at the. ,Faith Bible Church, 8801- 20th .'"Street, '' ., i', -.,.r : r.',r ; -' : '' ir ,ii ..'fi .;t,, .,,,',< 1, Jubilhires' are J, jiri.i' i.', ,: ; r'..it .r t .i- Dala ''.. : h ,from r d i i W ";i'' .r', ..t e from Birmingham, Ala.; Francis ,Brazeal, a sophomore from Birmingham, Ala.; and Rita. Zimmerman 'par..' a sophomore from F1 i J a ' Ill. Traveling with the group "" R Hugh Huguley, S~ .in .. of the Department i' ..."rj at Southeastern. The public 'is, sincerely invited to attend the concert., SEE SWIMIR T'HURSIAY .... '' our Now or U sed PONTIACS and, CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADLLAC ,Inc. .AamumsCty, Fipria Office Phone 7T63-07t Re.. PhOne 7"3962A Honor Roll (Cotitniped from Pageo I) * l'f r ,' h' rE ir c T C ollisC * ....,, t,, r-.'A,. r. l,' Carlsten, Lila Gunter, J' H-r,'r'.. Angie .:> .Gar- ",+ 3'i -,, '.: ,_.' Sudan Quarles, Jolyn Parrott, Gail ).,. :. Katrina .p.o Nan S':r -sr, Janis Schweikert; Jomii '-r..-r: Bill Norton, .Bruce. May, Steve- Reeves, .Charlotte Phillips, Sarah I, :. :.t., Sandy Wafd, Robbie . Sanhorn, Mike *Scott, Mark Wimberly and ChrWr e R'ed' Kir'c lint Grade: DIawn Evans, Martin Bigginss. Martin Adkison, Ga'yla. Davis, Maurell Cumbie- Ricky Hamm, Linda Fields, Ken- neth Ritch, Donn'~,'Richards, ;:.,.. Nobles, Traii Middle- Oton, John Rich ~'ad Lester Reeves .12th "'rid. E Daniels, Benna o,\ ; t Antley, Bbar aymond A- Barton, Peter D. Hidalgo Is Promoted to Lti Col. .Peter D Hidalgo, Director of Industrial Operations at Pine Bluff Arsenal, exchanged gold oak leaves Smony took place' in the headquarters, c onferen'ce room. at the Arsenal with vari ous Arsenal staff mem- bers, the ir:. :., and friends present. Prior to his assignment to the Arsenal last August, he ,was a staff officer- at headquarters, Department of Lt. Col Hidalg-o the Army, Washington, D C. -Ii addition to various state-, land, Rhonda Gainous, side assignments,' he also lip Hunter, Diann Harris, served in Hawaii, ad Viet- Linda Kirkland, Connie Kn nam. His military awards ondH irklandgConnie include the Bronze Star, Air, Ronnie Herring, Jo Hobbs, Army Commendation and the Leroy Henderson, Mitzi Hen- Army Commendation adth drix,. Wendy. Pitzl, 'PattiVietnam Hazandous Service Parker, Catherine Pitzl,Patti Medals. r C e He is married to the former "Debbie McKiernan, Gary.Pat Wilder of Port St. Joe. Pate, Belinda Neel, Debra The Hidalgo's have three, Wright, Denise Williaims hMFrjr. Valerie, 13, David, John Underwood, Shur a Wendy 7- The family W iz ht ir In r, .... T. r %.... a,.jJ" W endy .7. The 'fam ily -" "'h "lhv, e ir, quarters on the Carla W .t .-t "a-id C r ,--- - Russ. ... Check Presented Gulf ACS -The Ir\l -t: Joe Garden Club ;;:. ; a check for $100 ti, ,r "iirley Qi ," for the '..ir..: -. S ... --- This money was. the pr.'-' made from a ;,. ,,. -.g, Students Will Be Recognized May 21 has been set aside for Student '-Recognition Day at Port St. Joe High School. The N-ivinr begin at 8:00 pom. m .d all interested persons I tht, (-.rnmunity are invited t'. ei i'arf rj:- ir, the past have expressed a .desire to be at : ri-. a'rt.,, ., this year it T..ikl be'heapJ- ad bright which .the Garden Club is Mrs. ..-. r. i' t.' , -. .:...,.: I on Cancer a r -.:,.. president of the Garden Club. Mrs. David Jones is shown r' .':ng the check to Dr. ''r v,-.. Or, Mrs. Jones right Mrs., Jones servedd as special events chairnian in April for the Cancer ... 1. , FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITt T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School Morning Worship Service Church Training . Evening Worship Service ....... Prayed Meeting (W. ,In. .,--y," 9:45 A.M. 1 i ii" A.M. 6:30 P.M. .... 6:30 P.M. ... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" ,71 -~- Comforter Funeral Home-1947 We pledge to continue serving Our Appreciation We Wish to Express Our Appreciation, for Your Confidence We Now Have Served You for More Than A Quarter Century 3 you with human Humility. understanding, dignity We ask God's blessings- be with you. We humbly ask to be remembered in your prayers 0 PETE-HORTENSE-ROCKY CO FORTER HOME 601 LONG AVENUE Company Sold (Continued from Page 1) plans, to continue an agricul- tural operation under the Circle J Farms, with the same management and em- ployees who were operating. Gulf Timberland. Co., Dyer said. J. H. Whitney and Co., acquired the western portion of the tract and have conveyed the property to Hamilton. G. Kenner of Panama City ,and G. A. Robinson, Jr., Memphis,- Tenn. A spokesman for the Circle J Farm said T'.. :'. the .: : 2- ". share of approxi- mately 26,000 acres in the Wewahitchka area will be j-."-l:.: 5 into -: ... and soybean : .~ .:'. :- with some ''t. ..-- Dyer said Circle J Farms plan further development of the Gulf County acreage in June. Ladies Trio Appearing At aible Tonight -TinI* -.4 -'is S '1.-- and FUNERAL R-A Comforter Funeral Home- 1973 I I---r I i ~ : I t W~.Ar..V FW.HT THE STAR, Port St Joe, Fla THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 BaM W d Druggist.to Indis. -pMe maie b IsYM ourc muity Wag mdwtab aeen your health F"M&biE n timeof, sickness ,eel -& the M. mos jpwrtuimen in yokf* f.'w Tweit Iwo ssur"a ma.,~t zo b see thead.n& .. vo w - Is oem' and UrugglL Whim .-*@ wailmeI ym 6w ts pm ioult EU Z Z T T' S :DUzzETTS S DRUG STORE Pb 2273371 317 WiI-a 1 Cpeiwnt DryveF-h, e P',**y of Pr*e Pe Gas Still powerful CCommissioner of A 011l tuir- Doyle' Conner, t',d.-y assured motorists that- the iIl.tvy of -.r.,'iiin. has not d fb". I jm.urp t. r *' "i ri'f, 'lufiim t^ I, (. I 1 Fi r -.I. oI'. r.,rr, Wre -ib c' _i ,io,, v.. ;.i. ,,Io u'jt1. - i "ro'ui'h t"njrr f( ..i r. r( '" r (l. ,-' lj b>...,. ..,' a h ,.'V, hut ,;. 1,,frer 'stocks of high test v- ., hr Connersaid.. 1iI ..i} V' ...' -. l;' ..:f fru f.l Ij ..ftIr to.. ; i-ib 0 111.1r c..t ] 1 H o ..I- t'"' L (."."!r:lli>-.j 1utl 'b.:i Idt"- mod"'el .A) I,.io ii, i:< .:.re t.,ii t (O us.e rf jI'i. fr( i .'.. I h f u. l,'e n", J .d Ir., a lo.-Ari 0 to If .. rv.. r ( ] o ,id I r .,1 i ,, . QUART BOTTLES Plus Deposit Double Cola Basketball Awards Presented Clinton Johnson, head bas- and :'- number available to ketball coach at Gulf Coast play: Community CtY .'e present- Coach Johnson also left ed an interesting history of 4...::. -.',l for : ..:; as he the game, to members of the posed several !- .i. ':. the Port St. Joe High School bas- guests and team'" members ketball team at their annual .r "their .'. ". to be-., banquet, e;- c, .' night come good team members. Johnson ,r~,li- the game's progress and evolution from Awards were presented its invention in the early during the evening to the 1890's to the present'day. several team members who It wasn't until 1913-that the gave ,outstanding perform- ..,st open baskets were used .ances during the past season. in the game. Previous to this The awards were given by time, the ball was trapped in head coach Bill Dickson and the basket when a score was assistant coach Bill Wood. made. Originally there were Tim Grandberry, Sandy from three to 40 men on a Q,Quirai and Kendrick 'Bryant team, decided upon by the received awards for being size of the court played upon selected to the conference team. ' Ronnie Herring earned the "Best Foul '.:.::",; award for his 63_percent accuracy during the year. , Kendrick Bryant was rec- ognized and presented an award for the most assists in the season. . Eddie Rich was selected by his teammates as being the most improved. Sandy Quinn, with his ball handling, ability and highest point production for the season, received the' "Most \Valuable Player'" award. Coach Bill Dickson congra- tulated the team for its ex- cellent record during the- season,, "I thought we would go all the way .*..'; p, "' season and another state ,'" : '". ; Dickson *. t. we didn't do it. We did have a fine season"' Dickson told the team 1.. '; teaches one an important lesson -and it is necessary to learn .to'lose and try again, but, winning sure feels better".' The team and their guests were served a steak ..i. r during the evening. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. V. .-., White announce the birth of a son, . .-,,., t, 1Mack, on 1 I 10 in .the Bay Memorial 4l. i. .',' Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments- With Giant Returns AAA A-C, r .i ,,'-t. i.,-a Washers. g. ^:e .:n & l ,-' l.. t.. ('- 229-6953 Factory .A ii.ru,4i s..trvice Nk. -,ii.,;i:, .! :. GE, Philco .-1p--i. & others 24 Hour Service A'll..-,- Guaranteed Kendrick Bryant, Most a assists, Legal Ad ga. WHEREAS vacancies for the office of Commissioner. '-.. .-9,e Group 2 anrid t.{., "' '...s'r .:r to be filled at a regular municipal election to be held on the 8th day of May, 1973, and ' WHEREAS, only one candidate qualified for each of the prospective -F.Pi rC-'. under current Florida ,,, ,. ,', candidate could be lawfully elected to-fill said vacancies, and / . WHEREAS, the Attorney-General of S .1.- .' .i i ia t In S ., ,., r : w ith' S r, '- .. BE IT I ,, ., 7 . " Group 1, 'Robete Holla.. ':.'. candidates can qualify f 'I -- 2 That th -i parties shall assume all of' their rights, obligations and duties upon being sworn-in as required by law, effective as of June 5, 19731 This Resolution adopted this Ist day of May,; 1973.. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FI ORIDA By Frank Pate, Jr. Mayor-Conmmlisioner ATTEST: (Seal) C. W. BROCK City Clerk 3t 5-17 REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES I','l-', .- '. ; -:1 *".-" *.>, 1 m orn, do .' I e business or profession carried on uhder the name of CARR,'S AUTO SALES, 311 Monument. Avenue, Port, St. Joe, Florida, and the 'extent of the interest of each is as'ftolows: W' H. Carr, Jr., - Owner. W.,H. CARR, JR. -I ROBERSON'S GROCERY ? "PORE BOY'S CORNER" UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW SUVNDA1 -10 A to 7- / SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri.,'Sat., May 17, 18, 19 U.S. No. 1 S Irish Potatoes 10 lbs. 99c Chiquita BANANAS-- ---lb. 13c 6/ $1.00 Libby's CORN or Standard--303 Cans Piknik Tomflatoes 5 for $1.00 Mayonnaise 32 oz. 49c Kraft 18 Oz. B0., With $10.00 Qrder or More Barbecue Sauce btl. 39c SU G AR -- 5 bs. 49c FRESH GROUP HAMBURGER 2 b. .9LBS. 2 lb. $1b49 Tender, Delicious First Cut 7-Bone Steak lb. 99c Pork Chops -----Ib. 69c Choice Beef Smoked Shoulder Steak lb. $1.19 Pork Chops -----lb. 79c CURlED SHANK POR.-LB. HAMS 59c BUTT POR.-LB. 69c Georgia Grade "A" Center Cut FRYERS-- ..---b.49c Pork Chops -- Ib. $1.29 Choice Beef Fresh Pork Sirloin Steak -- lb. $1.49 Neck Bones -----lb. 39c Choice Beef Blade Cut CHUCK ROAST ---- pound 79c Foi Sale or Refit. ; bedroom home in Woir, City, unfurnished on 2 lots OrW H'ir , 71. Contact William Ra'-,rro sen, Dothan, AL 794-3830., rtw Rent or Sale Fot'u e.edroorn- house, carpet- ir. bedrooms, 3 bath,, dr:hangr room., very reasortabily pice0, 22"-692. For Sale: 3 bedrborr Excellent. rondiiorn wall carpe, Fuor ari ',onH W7fl House for' Sale:,. 1 View Dr., Highland Warren Whitfield. *C 3071 or 227-7201. "HUI.HE One : bedroom house for rent, St. Available June Pharmacy. For S.I. 1 Rheem 28,000 BTU oil heater. Complete. .x: '.', -Mexico Beach.. tfc 4-12 Large .p,4;":". piano for sale, $150. 227 8952.tfet 4tc t-10. biraettle with ,6 r.hairs, rrz.-,.tiag hutch and bu,!f-t. Formica top. Call 227-8891. Itp 5-10 3-c 5- Used Conn cornet with , h, case, in good condition, W r iu e .' ,:.*,: priced. For info6r- mation call 227-4491 after 5 r rri itx.Fr. p.m. __ ltc5-10 t(c .-'*" Reduce safe & fast with GoBese Tablets. & E-Vap 06 Bay "water pills'! Campbell's 'ale 227 Drug. 6tp 5-10 New improved "Zippies",' 'I,'. !" ,, ;.....'. iron pill now with' ,Vitamin C., ...;." :. Drug _ 10 speed t.. .* in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. western auto, Port St. Joe. tfc-6-15 lurnish. ed , tfc 5-10 For Rent: Furn -r. '.;. *, cottages at r- .:'" " S i -Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc mUfrnsed;H uss S. FR E Adults only, 1 bedroom, living room, bedroom, bath, kitchen and dinette. Call' 229-1352. tfc 5-10 One bedroom fu apartment at' 1506 -Ave. for,' rent. 229-6688. For Rent: One z bedroom attractive nished apartments. summer, warm in Gas heat, window fa: must b6 seen to b ciated. Contact Mi Prince at WIMICO' and TRAILER PAR] City. Phone 229-2 648-3101. Wanted: Man to state auto inspection and.train as auto m St. Joe Motor Co. rnished Long S. .* .;- Machines: Dia Sew. See at K & D Tele and Sound. 301 Reid Phone 227=2071. PAT'S ROOFING Free Estimates No job too small Call Day or Night 227 or 229-6898 al and vision Ave MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP For Sale: Window fans, guns., r r,:1 home stereos and recording sets, car tape player. and many other items. 102 5th St*, Highland View. 229-6193. 5-3 For Sale:. Reconditioned used appliances, guaranteed. KENT SERVICE CO. Phone, 220-6895. - tfc 5-3 . pony. ssories 2451. tfc 5-3 For Sale: 'Shetland Complete with all acce& Reasonable, phone 229- .Five drum set, silver with cases. $200.00., 229-6601. Sailboat, must sacri O'Day Sprite. Main, ji trailer and car top For info call 648-5159 .Beach. Septic Tanks pumped out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-6694-or 229-2937. For Service without delay, tfc-3-1 call KENT SERVICE today. Plumbing, electrical, appliances and air condition- ers'. Repairs. Phone 229-6895. tfc 3-22 '-4713 Itp BINGO E.i : Saturday Night Beg inning December 16. 7:30 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME Phone R'.A.M.- Regular convoca tion on, St. Joseph Chapter Itp No. 56, R.A;M., 1st and 3rc Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting and two companions welcome. ely fur WILLIE LEE. GRIFFIN, ,Cool in H.P. winter. Willie Lee Griffin, H.P.. ns. They E. William McFarland,' )e appre Sec. rs. B.C. LODGE Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, K. White THE AMERICAN LEGION, 2413 or meeting first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. tfc-10-28 American legion Home. There. will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. perform on autos mechanic. E.C. Bailey, W.M. tfc 5-3 Herbert L. Burge, See For Chain Link Fence call: Emory Stephens. Free estimate. Guarantee on labor and materials. Low down payment. Phone 227-7972. GIGI POODLE GROOM-, 'ING. Bath, clip & groom. .Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Higfiland View. Call for appointment 229-3571. tfc 5-10 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe f FARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO., 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida 65 VW, condition. offer. Call p.m. engine in good $495.0 .or best 648-7932 after 4 1968 *Dodge Monaco, 4 dr., air, ps,. pi'. auto transh o Wi .See af ],, yW''.-'.,;:. C" lt_ : (( caY, '3 'L,"J't ' itp 5-10 1973 ..-. truck' with camper top. $2600.00. Phone' 227-7296. Itp 5-10 er tone, Phone- For Sale: 1972 Honda QA minibike; 1970 Chevrolet Itp 5-17 pick-up truck, 6 cyl., auto. .trans.; 8'5" Ti.,:.,r !,-.,,., ?,,:. , fice 10' heavy duty ,,, ,i '. .r ,,,' . b, spin, power Evinrude motor. For carrier, more information call 648-' Mexico 4255 after. 4:00 p.m. 2te 5-17 tfc 329 For Welding Needs see James L.Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. -tfc-9-7 Professional Help with emotional problems and-or concerns. Gulf County Guid' ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev. Sidney-Ellis, 229-6599. LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or synthetic which you. would like to have serviced quickly at low prices.. -WIGS FOR SALE- CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKE. tfc A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 -DIVORCE KIT- For Florida's new no-fault law. Simple-low cost- legal-just. Only. $20.80 (tax included) "This is something we've been impatiently await- ing." -N.O.W. For free details, write to: J. Lawrence Publications Box 791 Pompano Beach, Florida 33061 5tp 5-10 For Sale: 1972 Monte Carlo, $3500.00. For more informa- tion call 227-5171. tfc 5-3 --N---T- - Wanted'? 40 acres or more. Road and power. Please 'draw map, and give price, terms, and. -'1i to P.O.,Box 952, I J,, _.',* Ohio 43130 10tp 3-22 WANTED CUSTOMERS TO Shop at THE SEWING CENTER 229 Reid Avenue, Phone 229-6895 No Experience Needed! FOR THE BEST In Tele vision and Sound come by 301 Reid Ave., and see our line of televisions, components, stereos, radios and tapes. We have a repairman available daily. K and D TV and SOUND, 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071. ,tfc-3-1 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 mm- "Ithink it was ,omething I at."': Use of Sprayer tree with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPP 4Y 0C. 306 Reid Avet2e Port St. Joe, Florida innrne Autm : lte. I THE STAR, Port St .Joe, Fla PAGE EIGHT THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 17, 1973 PAGE NINEr 01O of 'CSt? People to VoiceView Say You Saw It In The Star! O f f t 1The' public meeting on of the New Orleans Outer '.off-shore drilling in the Gtdf Continental Shelf Office of Oil Peop (Panama City) --. The - waters of the Gulf, of Mexico off Florida have potential for providing large supplies of oil and gas which can be prod.'aced without harm to the ! environment , This was, the message presented to Northwest .Flor- ida area' community leaders' Wednesday in a'. syrrposium on marine drilling. The event was sponsored by the Florida Petroleutm Council 'in cooper- ation w'itt the Florida State Chamber o. 'Commerce. Four oil, and gas industry speakers made presentations concerning '..the federal Sgoverrnment'. \prop, e.: r.l~e 34 cfshorpe oil d g. ; ;<, .; 1 -,' in t ne GiAf -o. M1e1 :..-: :f SFlori d a, Mi-isippi and,. Ala a - H., L Wh t PA l. ,-'e'-.-. & * nce -pret-:.'rmt ot F6-.ci G at Compiry. 'Wktrer PaF'r explain, t .. U'- _:: .'.O cur. health of Florr. ia dr the nation, are def erfdtridt ,,r. .r! "ade-qu.Wte supply o( ere, 0 t o.s2l f ri gd0. H H new reserv'-: of ijrr..IeN 4 Share rn e'.d, t .o p.i 'i.e theo hiulk of t,.atio,1, ener/.y needs t.o 1985. *belrr ohf ,er e v sources mty be .-,' ,- i 'I ~. r,. a feet .. A, .' "n ,!i r "..' '.. o f 1' ,, .II -o. Or Frr'..e a ,,6 hn ,. r,.: '" r f, A: tr,r ir V- tp.f ', I '.- ', i,, _Y Nril ** '. *,**' le Say Mexico. '"We believe the favorable rock. formations that pro- duced oil and gas at Jay in 'the Florida Panhandle and at Citronelle in Southern Ala- bama may extend to the Southeast and cross the Northeast Gulf," he said, Bob G. Murphy, Gulf Coast engineering manager for Cities Service Oil Company,, in Houston, traced the history of marine' 'drilling and production and described the various kinds of drilling units and. equipment which would be used 'to probe .the Gulf. waters. "Drilling has -been con- d.uicted in coastal waters for, vl ar"' in' smu,n areas .as A A ska3 Cs.,c I; i,.-t, off :c!r-et Ca, .r ,, '. iin the Q'u ,f -i Mei:,:- Murphy Ssid "In fa-.: ,.Iji nd gas are t.t, saa el, trsie in ra. o q'uar.t.t .es from marine. wells.- all over the world." ' M"iiphi, noted that 'more, .'n 16-,5 wells have been. complete' in U.S. waters in tlr. pf-'it quarter of a century with only three blowouts A rwn devicr ... :.. .., ,, ..', . j ,, .;, l \ W-, r."t' '. .'. ., , . r a part of .: f'. ;: .i 'f (i '' C.''0 .1 ' ,.- t r ...... r.;.' '.-. ,,.' I i.i n No Harm Probable V of Mexico, announced recent- ly by U.S. Senator Lawton Chiles, will be held on May 24 at the Panama City Beach Civic Center. Sen. Chiles said today the symposium has been sche- duled to begin at 9:30' a.m. and invited everyone who has information or questions on the oil, drilling subject to attend. The senator disclosed last month that he had obtained, agreement of 'the U.S. Department of the Interior to participate' ih the public meeting He noted that 'it is a departure from' the depart- ment's standard procedure to participate in. a public --.z.- IT even before those tracts are selected which will be '.. : for pL i.' 'i ,- said a :. ', that- the Interior Department has now. S z:: .: the environmental : : team. which will Survey those area. oil and. , 'gas companies have' shown an interest in. The team is made up of Donald Truesdell, chief of the Branch of Environmental Analysis, Division :.'.': i-: -. Minerals, Bureau of iLand .Management,. Interior MiD- WE STE R.N-GU EMT Jksrriy 0Gartril. Okr.':of Mr anid Mrs. Neal Garreti oF Highlaknd Vi*',J .how, WF!l 1w-q Iormid load% found in a I longer garden al he.hef;l&.f WE-P' Th(r- horny lizards are..natilv(-%of IMe Mud Mw.-o a~ndi ,hojr.up ocratimon,,lly this side of the Mi~isi'ppi rtf r arod.., D E Don Mad f l,, l. -.11 : r7duaLUdTe Idox PankEAt' Jr USA TJ JIirCr j' r thce r~ri If r. re Ids 'h'In r ;j i .a ir) n12J'.t re~ ~~ ~ ~~ .l. r .'5'0 P P ji an 'Jir rr Ir I .Fm a.- eft N: r'- % ',d r? .3r; lthrrIgu RESOLUTION I. in.. 11 .......- ,. .--, .' - -- e ,- , JIMMY KITLER Custom Aluminum Wall Coverings Custom Covering For Your Home Cover all eaves, window casings, complete siding with long wearing, maintenance free aluminum. 20 Year Guarantee on Materials Phone 229-4481 or call collect 904 757-3601 juogeo "The Fresh One!" 1. 41:p 2 -5v> K 1irII-j'iIto 1 Pre'holiday DOUBLE FOR LONG Strato-Streal SupARBelf Tir Low, wide 78 series tires built for long hazards. Made with smooth-riding rayon Sizes C78-14, E78-14 Blackwalls 4 FOR 1 Pl us $2.11 to $2.31, per tire, F.E.T. and 4 old tires. WHITEWALLS ADD $3 PER TIRE Sizes H78-14, 15 Blackwalls 4 FOR Plus $2.94 to $2.96 per tire F.E.T. and 4 old tires. bco~tie~I tire bargain! -BELTED MILEAGE S.". Sizes B78-13, C78-13 Blackwalls Plus $1.90 to $2.01 ' s F and 4oldtires. Whitewalls add $3 per!tire ,.,- 'r-, .d extra protection against road belts nahd cord body. Sizes F78-14,15; G78-14,15 Blackwalls 4 FOR Plus $2.50 to $2.73 per tire F.E.T. and S110 4 old tires. WHITEWALLS ADD $3 PER TIRE Sizes J78-15, L78-15 Whitewalls only 4 FOR \- Plus $3.12 to $3.31 per tire F.E.T. and 4 old tires. WHITEWALLS ADD $3 PER TIRE COMPARABLE LOWPRICES ON AND PAIRS Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sigi Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" \ Port St. Joe, Florida, "i Spring Cleaning? Now's the time to give that old chair i .a new look! Johnnie's Trim Shop v F rr I _** i 1,, I.,i r - Now Open Full Time ---- 1. RANDALL WALKER .* i- r,,,V. !S '. H I ,, .( I' '*''r". N I'. t ,f-T nr,, i fh. .O ' S Contact Randall or Johnnie SFor Free Estimates All sizes Poly -Foam For Sate Johnnie's Trim Shop Port St. Joe Four Ph svri, t Local Telephone Service Now Available to WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK Customers 227-4222 In order to better serve our -many friends and customers in Gulf County, we now have a direct ,telephone line from Port St. Joe to Wewahitchka. ,This enables you. to call the Wewahitchka State Bank from Port St. Joe and transact your banking business without long 'distance charges. Please feel free to use this service at your convenience. MOW the Bureau of Land Manage- ment; and Harry Sieberding, head of Environmental As- sessment Team of Bureau of Land Management, New Orleans, " In d .,:. >-,:; the meeting last month Chiles indicated "People want and deserve to know what's going on aid how it will affect them and such things as commercial and sports fishing, tourism, military, r.:,'.::.- in the are :1h,' "h. basic marine life." : . S,:,-,, emphasized the rp --, e .f the : <-:.nT is to ':.'' two-way flow of "The Interior Department, team .Ji outline in detail how it -.*L :. about studying the i.: f ';- w ill .. ",. "[ ,r. "i i-:5 in. ,.. and to .;---> iany concerns ,*. After- fi *; -; . , ; "' r r, .i .' A state- ments and anaylses will be S,,;, ,. The draft ,. , ;I --< t'- wiP I-P ini .T.,L-. then i..1 *'- 'r".. : .' ,' f, r,..... before any d ..-:,,: .' r- 'nade regard- Sir ,' '.. .' :i. r,-. for _ MMNMW6MVANMMWWMM=bM I w~I_ __ Q -- - I ; b~,d:?li!M/ |m .14 through 19 .,,pPLE JUICE- 1ED T A.. Pr, SIEta.n,. SALAD DRESSING SHOP RICH' S, Po S . - qt. 35c SIlb. 75c --8 8oz. -6 Oz Can UNK TUNA can rablernte Lean GROUND BEEF: IL P.ET BRAND Han.bur Ler 0o Hco Dog (Rep. 3 lwi IGA BUNS --------.. pkg. of 12 29c B1 1 ,11 , ICA Pkas. of (ItReg 25e each DINNER ROLLS -.... ... 4 pkgs. 89c ANTI-PERSPIRANT ------. 5 oz. 99c R" s ihjA- F'Ltinun Plu s Doubl- Eite I 3 RAZOR BLADES -----plg. of 5 73c L Schick Plaimumn Plus Injector RAZOR BLADES .. pkg. of 7 $1.09 iGA-6 Oz.uCans' Orange Juice 6 CAN 99c lic~ezie fiAe V~UIADC~------24,oz.' E -.Pkgs.. .2. PIE SHELLS -- Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! IGA DELUXE COFFEE fal, N 1 LB. CAN Vegetable Beef SOUP ----- can Sunshine Krispy Saltine CRACKERS l--- -b. Nabisco Cookies 1 O- Oz. Pkg. NUTTER BUTTER ---. pkg. 37c 45c Vaseline BATH BEADS IVORY SO -arP IVORY SOAP . iant Pk. iSPIC&SPAN pkg. 97c TARLERITE BEEF BLADE 2 burs 43c c 18c 39c 49c 79c BATH SOAP Safeguard REG SIZE BAR l0c JOHNSON (Lemon or Regular)-7 Oz. Can Pledge 79c p* 9^' y~?',0 i ' c 8 OZ. CAN Lb. w~lYCiiC~ '1r W W IL I& r~iet-Ee on -SLICED: BACON '.- .. lb.. 88c -' I 5 _4 A rabi- "BefSI ED "BACON .88 [GA HALF GALLON CHUCKAS 98c Tabl.t r.. eIk .d V HUKOAT PORt :-i:Ma 1:886 ICE ,MILK 9c raieiite Beef R8uid Bone SHOULDER ROAST -1lb. $1,18 Morrell Pride Sliced, Skinned and Dev ni Led BEEF LIVER& r , IabJlete Beef '' :, i.unn ar CHUCK STEAK Ilb. $1.18 WIENES ----- 12oz. 78c /,: o iJibury c 8'Oz. Cans BISCUITS'-.,-..-..- 4cans 39c lMat_ Whke P,_ped2 Piks. MARGARINE .- --, 2 lbs. 89c Check Our Prices Before You Buy BARGAINS: Every family can reduce their cost of living by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Among our bargains are Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Green Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Yellow Squash Radishes, Peas, Butter Beans, Corn, Peppers Cucumbers, Fresh i[., Florda Grwn TOMA T ES: POTATO ES Ib. 88c .1 -58(c ,Fr~ s BELL Pepper Cukes Ho: 49c 10Lbs.89c Fresh 429c BIackeye Peas forw 3 L$ me Grown' 3 100 SQUASH U Close Out! ROSE BUSHE 49c 3pkgs. $1.00 Only 00 Pound 19c Home Grown String Beans Pound 29c Large BELL PJPPERS or CUCUMBERS BAG 39c< Fresh Florida STRING Beans Af Squash' bag 'T7C Sea Pak FISH STICKS 14 oz. 89c in Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons Would You Believe This Low.Price? ONIONS lb. 29c SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS, 10c r'iblerite Beef SHORT RIBS lb. 88c I ~I I r II L\ pi 1 ' ----------'i -- -18 oz.' I ,88r 89c + , Dr. E.Vans Speaks to i d. I L Dr.Georgea Evans of 'tjahzaissee defended the Amenan Me~ical. AssocJ8 t~n laiThursday Ln a spcech before -t)ePort St J30-- -1 fr the Asscm ing hugh 'itmn44td5 kr z e tr~ainiin~gof. IY~ctulor ad requDireii~r'ntt- tO 1wffner m th*Saea L~~~.'fs4 liarming j,,op Dr E.;wJL* ia,d , an 4'' L..1 w -'0Q'f, 1, . lit Ea r.u, a, We4ra2k J CD JP. -tJ',r.- cd tr ngezi.'- Uri#I, V n c, i yat. we UOM1 2,7 P wt rn~a~fd-~ NICE CATCH .~;~y r~'i~ --'-r. Herman .Jones Sibo A ~ff a 60lb 4qrUupfF. i h u Cdin he i .~r :~~ Gull 01 MOrS11CFow~heilt.%pea.r 1 i.~nq 'andava. m.v 6 RA'OT' 109-RCEaTO A LG I E L A'VERTIS.EMENTS Y2 KK'2 IN,*, .q '.f- MV IVA ,ULFEs ,THI STAR. Por tSt Fish Tournament Should Whet Anglers' Appetites iiytr t" L. fl yi of* 3-1 lufJrent ~s vr.r Dr Env: saw no u lit ~, %P*..IA r,tqa, ; 4-1 e A *-' A F T. 3 i *C-it r~ T~'ra.- ti lam, own, um cr '5 m a mnd YSUoh r(. do bes~d-e.;the Cmi%prds day. May 'th, rh~orn will be 3n arts and erJt !Aa ;, t Th~ e Caurjr-~ Pu.~r r.:ad vruia a fiea markO.f LT~ig ua! l I -twAI 'ijd and T F 'v r e % r rur .j:l. s 14,pli.WAd kS ~'A P'IPI simmm 'ad! yi'A th a. -"* *~tie.1':r i PAGE ELEVEN YOUR A ROSE.GOUARDENOSY ROSiE. YOU ARE MV POSY Rsavred ind a~if youiL %n1 Mm' ~ ~,~ to emytat wae~y, tt- hn a ciihiet.i,.~:ra '-druified. and WIFl.TI.~r~imei '11?'A' Ie'crnto be !CAP r.iC5 0rITrI:F *Inr - ot-e. t.Ar01 'r-:i.*nd. r..a-. l pIt, I i~k w .: a i-cc r .! i th j 1i.i." ' 4SE V.i r :;' A J 1.a'~ 1~ a st re, ch at c-ond r1he earth Fcvulate!, here sawide: ly used inelthciLe that not .'nli, kaks aptIA5, but more zhan I11 knceitra garden van "Copyrighted Material~ Syndicated Content AviI13ble from Commercol N ewis Providers- nt Co,* *jr,:anor rd blj .(UPEPi AlIj Iqv no-Toll To I few!, tint /IL/?~ 7 Cape Cod .Colonial Match a handsome ,ota and lo-:seat i n the Kiochier Gitatibn Cape (Aod roanner. The button tuffed attached high back pilUows and the generously padded roll arrs complement the deluxe seat cushion for that famous& Kioehler Citatior total balanced comfort. ' Sofa Lovesen't' Chair 's299. $249" ',159 liependahle Kroo-be-h i osi:rt~ruct .on, Ii aid wim- Kijia D)ried Framers WOthPeprtormraom Ie 1o Ff 't u~n~m Dependable ervier. 2-. - a4cTICP oF AOOpt.0a4 ..........ry, via.,- p.-p" .3q4- iii,' .iI~i' a r. rM ~ L,.ar'a I .*' fi,,vii,.ii, K r 3.--.i' 1.1,.,.. .t.bIrPPP3. 3...IJ .- , *v .- 1 Say You Saw It In The Star! E-:..L Q f .. a' li Delinquent Tax List Nte sheftby gsve-n Ihot aonthr1he .- I Ay of Junv. 1973 61 11 AA&. vdf C*Qeoy vCovr' HoWsWCOUnITyOf Gulf. Slait 01 FlOrIdda. Ixle Ga04l a"t-iwill be suld o roa l.HvIowing d*Uribed*Iaa ft pay Ttsasmount divu'e FImmola..hervin wt oapowst rho b me ogqurbai.r wa' oil fots of Such sale, amidall advertw19.a. D*& .ef Land Sec.. Two, Not jut ' As euid. 0 ffjaaj 3t.1 juvh~kW-i mce. Gulf CuI1s1nt). Flip low.4 eel100tky 21d4o I = 114 !9 hn l4u P I o'n iOld NPauaa. lIW h )i & nR B 40. H, 2-1 4I.1 f7 OCd~ U RFI sifMC lii 13 4 lr t"!:10- dl ut iSVC .:Ar Owner rI.- L f ~ r' I .~1j- -T .0!J AL. - Ta. was A Cowl' 14 5 lo wi- ., Expanded Metal For Cool, Cool Comfort '4HL 'I-: Th glia riiog .ri..teelamel Fi, h S "- G Op i iPipirpfled r make t'hiu Areta weather .ra- ,r iooksigood for years and years, .. rr, e Summer .un ae-,fi 4 rA i oc*s r the yard, patio, coh .'_hy. _- arn. I wa i.e- p,- ond.cB metal .- ,p',. Westinghouse 12.5 Cu. FL Capacity Refrigerator 12.5 cu. ft. capacity 61-lb. freezer Frozen storage tray S* Special 2-position shelf *. Ful 'width crisper Handy egg shelves Butter server, * Spacious door storage . interior light in refrigerator * Magnetic door gaskets. *239 1i t 17'. --. -_ r- ; 4 4 r, S ;4. J - -,- - !. 14-10 On inal ...... 2 16 l63 rr,:l M -, Jr Et -... .. i 14! 4 On st ....- -..- Z1 O I -L."; '. M I,' Jr ,El A, ,. -... ... i5 4 DOUGLAS LAfNOING SUBO Block 8, Lot ---- .. ... Gr itff -. .. 53 RIVERSIDE ESTATES SUBD, Blck N% o Lot 3 .f.. -- .. ;. -. ...... J ., ,r '. .._. 4 b6 ,i GULF COUNTY LAND COMPANY Block 7 L t ...- .. iS r e ir s ito pJ s ... ' RISH ADDITION TO WE WAHITCHKA UNiT. 1 Bicek 1. Leti 10 abd Il t .n. . .. Jaw F, ini Vhatf'id .. ......, 4. WILLIAMSBURG SUBD, ' BlockE B. Lot 15 11- i tr Floi..d ar Df(.qbb N;Ub : Block B. Lots 24021 2223-24 ..... L' & N-s~ie Wiliam. E'ate 793 Bldi C. Lots 6 ........ i,. W ms Estate .. . Block E, Lot 14 ....--- -.. ar!- A.rtlir Dean .. ... 3 3' Biock F, IAt 6 .. ... ., W ...... .. BEATY SUBD. Block B, Lots 7.8 William F. Dobbins -.....- 27,) , Bloer D, Lots, 13-14 F.- rest Rhames _............ 2 MONEY BAYOU SUBD. UNIT NO. I Block D, Lot 2,--- Robe-rt Jv-eph ... 3-891S Block-D, Lot 4 .---..... -. -. -i.... -:i rd Hester ...... .. 1252 HIGHLAND VIEW SUBD. Black 'C, Lot 3. --- -..-.-_. .... !- j.d-satt Homes, Inc.- -- 146 2 FOREHAND lst ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW SBlock 1, Lot 6 .... .........- Circle R Enterprises --.. ---. lt 28 FOREHAND 2nd ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW Block B, Lots 3-4-5 &-Lots 1-2, less sold '- 1 Odell Stewart -- ---............-.. 3.24 ST. JOE HEIGHTS SUBD. Block A, E% of Lot 24 and lot 26 'Abraham Evans --..-.............-----. 20 95 CITY OF PORT ST. JOE Block 23, Lot 10 R. P. -Nedley Estate 420.35 Block 37, Lot 23 WeVey A. Pate 108.17 Block 42,Lot 13 Gordon Thomas r 123.47 Block 1001, Lpt 22 ---- ....------... .. Robert Bewey 31.66, Block 109, S% of Lo't 12 -. -. -. -- Margaret 'Bewey 8.70 Block 1008, Lot 6 Abraham and Clara EVans --------L 31.66 Brock 101, Lot 6 Robert Lee Farmer 20.95 Block 1016, Lot 1 Leslie Hall 31.66 Block 1017. Lot 12 & E% of Lot 10------- .... George Bryant 33.19 Block 1018,'Lots 10 & 12 Gus Miller 31,66 BlockOAK GROVE SUD. NO. I Block 2, N. 30 ft. of Lots 24- Howard T. Neel 2.70 Po ei eFirn' Supreime SMade_ Expecially for Danley's *realtnhuy rirm Suppon \ Luxuriously Quilted For Maximum Comfort ANNIVERSARY Cushioned with Luxurious Sealy Foam At 312 Coil Innerspring Open An Account Today M ii.. _ lour - F I a a_ ____~_JI___.-_~I- ~ .-~;_~---------1----la--~-i~e~--- -- ,t jv aTHLRSDM M' Yt 1-.311: I ' i K/g40 with $3.50 Meat Order USDA Inspected Fresh lb. FR YERS pa.me*d 2 to.bag Piggly *iggly Fryers are Fla. Grade 'B' II Without Order Whole FRYERS Quartered F'r er BREAST 49C 59c Quartered THIGHS Fryer Drumsticks US.D.A Ernd & Pieces 4 Ib box BACON 3 Down small tender fresh Spare Ribs Meaty Loin Rib End Cut Smoked Chops Out Own PAN SAUSAGE Center Cut. 49c Pork Chops 79c CUDAHAY All Meat W8c value 12 FRANKS $1.49 89c 89c 79c 59c $1.05 or pak' 59c Fresh Sliced BEEF LIVER Fresh Neck Bone Fresh Pigs Feet Thighs & Drumsticks USDA Grad' A Turkey Breast We Not Hake Full Lpn, r Mrs Fresh Pizzas A& Frosty Morn No. 1-with $3.50 Meat Order II b. ,0 179 19c UI -ly -Wigl -iting "HAPPY A ly Wiggly's exciting "HAPPY FAMIL' none sold to dealers featuring interesting & useful "HOUSEHOLD HINfS." 1' I Sunbeam King size loaves ,,or Meadow Gold - IY~) $1' oWR piHg A7 WRAP CHEESE 4 MARGARINE i'b. p 25 c 3'with 57 or nore PoR HAde LVES 3 PEAR HALVES vtnn994 Porode 'MAYONNAISE i, Nabisco Bisco Sugar WAFERS ilNbisco Oatmeal '. COOKIES I Plain or Self-Rising PILLSBURY QUALITY FLOUR II 32 oz. 157 jar 8'/2 oZ. pkgs. 89' Johnson's, 12Y2 oz. $128 BABY SHAMPOO bottle. Adorn Extra Hold 13 oz. $168 HAIR SPRAY co $n Alberto Balsam 5 oz. size ANTI-PERSPIRANT 098 5ear __ 3 Wagner 32 . FRUIT DRINKS il ors Y Golden Ripe BANANAS Fresh CARROTS 49c Fresh Florida CORN Aunt Jemima 9 o. 59 FROZEN WAFFLE pkg8- ApalacheO Ba FROZEN S10. o.115 SHRIMP pkg I. * Blue Bird S Frozen Orange Jl~lC 12 Or can Bluebird' 12 oz. ORANGE JUICE ca. 3 bs. 39t lb. pkg. 12t Nabisco BiscoWaffle 10,oz CREAMS pkgs,,,8 Breeze $130 DETERGENT king size $ none sold to dealers DOUBLE CO1 quantity rights reserved Quarts 00 Plus Deposit Giant Size ' Delicious HI-C GRAPE DRINKS 46 oz. can Delicious HI-C ORANGE DRINKS 46 oz. can ,Green Giant ' NIBLETS CORN Famous LE SUEUR PEAS 35t 35t can 24 Reg. or Scented LYSOL 12 oz. size DISINFECTANT Campbell's TOMATO SOUP Fomous PARADE IODIZED 79C 1 bY2 ,o+.,.' 1 26 oz.*1 SALT box ,, ,,- Delicious 16 oz. C0 BAMAit 18. can 7L9 APPLE JELLY l ss33 J Famous DEL MONTE 14 oz., CATSUP bottle 2 9 4r Famous CLOROX BLEACH 2 gallo32 69c 39c 39c 79c 99c Saraion s Salads V]iki:i I Porade SINGLY hnip AhKj Perch Fillets 10 oz. 79 0974y 16 oz. 89 . pkgs. 8 9 39c fO IKS IIw I II . ... Prices. Effective thru Mav 19, 1973., . ,,. -* .* , SXOP PIGGLY WIGGIY, 'Your Pleasure Is Always Our Pol'icy! E:1 ~c~S~ YorPesreI u olc tPggyWigly hpYu Finl igl igy.icutFo ult AdEoo y p pk LA`- |