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THIRTY+-SIXTH YEAR, Number 36 County Board Studies Pending Ambulance End With the June 1 deadline approaching when local funeral homes will no longer offer ambulance service in Gulf County, County Com-' missionl acting chairman Silas Player instructed Com- missioner, Walter Graham to make some recommendation the Board at their next meeting to, be held at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 22. Graham was appointed by Chairman Lamar Davis to meet with the. funeral direc- tors and try ti>s work out as program to 'Aaintain the service in the co nty. In. regards' to \.the ambu- lance service, Troy Jones of Port St. Joe was present at the meeting and stated he and Bill Saylors hadiformed the Gulf Ambulance 'Service" -and wished to make a proposal to the County for service as soon as they could work it up. Jones said both he and Saylors had training required by the state to operate the service. Jones pointed out the county has approximately 288 calls per ypar with only 80 to. 85 of these calls coming from the North end of the county. He said his' firm could not base an am lance in the North end of the county at a cost which would be reason- able. v In a previous meeting ABC Ambulance Serviqe of Pan- ama City had aeskd to be S considered to serve the county. Jones said the Bay County ftrrm would require- about $30,000 in subsidies and "would charge the people high rates". Mrs. Sally Malone, who was present at the meeting suggested the county consi- der operating the service out of the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital utilizing the trained personnel of that institution. The discussion resulted in Player's charge to Graham PUBLIC USE of the Court Room upstairs in the Gulf County Courthouse was an item for discussion at Tues- day's meeting. Commissioner Walter Gra- ham said he. had received complaints from the public that they were not allowed to use or entr_ the. Court Room (Continued on Page 6) Lite House Site Surplus It was learned at the meeting of the County Commission Tuesday that some of the property of the Coast Guard site at Beacon Hill is being declared surplus by the government in its economy move. County Attorney William J. Rish informed the Board that he has already made applica- tipn for the County to receive ownership of the property after it is abandoned. The site contains approximately 90 acres on the Gulf of Mexico. The County Board ap- -proved Rish's action with the' expectation of using the site for a park and camping area. The Port St. Joe Element- ary School announces regis- tration for boys and girls who plan to enter first grade and kindergarten in the fall of 1973. It will be held in the new kindergarten center behind the present Element- ary School 'site from 9:00 a.m. till 2:00 p.m. on May 18. Kindergarten \children must be five years old pn or before January 1, "974. First .graders must be six years old on or before January 1, 1974. Those enrolled in Mrs. 'Browne's Kindergarten and the public kindergarten will have already been registered and tested. Any child enter- ing first grade in the 'fall,' who has not been enrolled .in either private or public kindergarten, will need to: come in to receive the A small island in St. Joseph's Bay drew attention this past week when it was reported young boys were destroying the nesting places of sea gulls and pelicans. The island, located just West of the St. Paper Company docks was formed by the pumping of spoil out of the ship channel in dredging placement test we administer to all incoming first graders. All beginning first grade or kindergarten children are required by state law to have a complete physical examina- tion and have their immuni- zation records up to date. This can be done through the local health clinic or through your family physician. Appointments should be made with the County. Health Department if you plan to use their services. Children not having this completed by first day of school next fall will not be accepted. Note: Please bring a birth certificate on the day you register your child for first grade or kindergarten. Those children who are enrolled in Public Kindergar- ten will not come to school on May 18, 1973. operations. It has become a favorite nesting grounds for water birds native to the area. The island. and its nesting birds, has been under the surveillance of the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, The Marine Patrol and the Au- dubon Society for some time. HE STA 'SIIL Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY. MAY in. 1o97 No Septic Tank Permits Issued? What started out as a mere discussion of concern for buildings going up- along the beach side of Highway 98 in Gulf County at the Gulf County Commission meeting Tuesday resulted in the revelation that the houses were apparently being built and with the necessary septic tanks installed without the benefit of securing a septic tank permit as required by Florida law. The Board received a notice of a meeting in Tallahassee later this month to discuss utilization of a state fund for buying up environmentally endangered property when the conversation revolved to the subject of whether or not this fund could be used to buy up the narrow strip of land. between Highway 98 and the Gulf to preserve it for a public beach. Acting chairman Silas Player raised the question 'of how the people involved were meeting the requirements for septic tank installation.;., "How are they meeting the percolation-and area requirements?" Player asked County engineer Steve Nations. Nations said he couldn't answer the question and explained the state still requires the percolation tests and limits the tanks at one to the acre or at least 75 feet between the tank or its drain field and the water supply. On further questioning, Nations said as far as he knew, the houses in question didn't have septic tank permits in the first place. "I am the only one authorized to take the required percolation tests in Gulf County", Nations said, "and I have not performed any such tests in this area." Nations said he was the only one approved by the Depart- ment of Pollution Control to make the tests in Gulf County. To add muscle to their concern of the situation, Player suggested the Board write the Department of Pollution Control of. the suspected violations and also take the matter of the beach-side construction up at the next meeting, two weeks away. Five Men Arrested Five persons were arrested earlier this week, according to Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence, for conceal- ing stolen property. Arrested Monday after an investigation conducted by Deputy Martin was Thomas J. Nunery, age 33, formerly of Wewahitchka. Also arrested were James' Horton, Robert Fulmar, Richard Skinner and Robert Skinner, all of the Tampa area. The group was found to have in their possession, property .which had been taken from two break-ins of fish camps near Wewahitchka. All five were arraigned before the Hon. Sam P. Husband, and bail was set at $1502.00 each. Houses Obscure Beach View Decision Today On Status of Students Under Suspension r Hearings *were conducted Monday and Tuesday of this week by the Gulf County School Board on the disposi- tion of seven suspension cases atPort St. Joe High School. The seven were suspended from school following a fighting incident at the school recently. Last week, U. S. District Court Judge David Combined Bands Playing Friday A combined concert will be held in the Port St. Joe High School Commons area tomor- row night with the Wewa- hitchka and Port St. Joe High School bands participating, according to Band Director Thomas Odadzin. The combined bands will present a 45 minute musical program beginning at 8:00 p.m. No admission will be charg- ed but a receptacle will be provided to receive dona- tions. Odadzin urged everyone to attend. MiddlebrQoks ordered the local Board to re-admit the students to school following hearings. Middlebrooks based his ruling on the fact the Board had not followed proper procedure in the suspensions. Middlebrooks also admonished the students in question that order must prevail in the schools and Man Arrested for Concealed Weapon Arrested on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon was Charles Carpenter, age 24, of Port St. Joe, according to Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence. After being brought in 'for questioning regarding knowledge of a narcotics raid on Friday, Carpenter was found in pos- session of a long length of chain altered for use as a weapon. Carpenter pled quilty before .the Hon. Sam 'P. Husband on Saturday, and was sentenced to serve six months in the county jail. warned that there were procedures to be followed to expell troublemakers out of the schools. He charged the Gulf Board to properly follow these procedures. ' In presenting their defense, attorneys fbr the students charged there were other students who should also have been expelled but were not. Some of the students claimed they were not guilty as charged but were victims of circumstances. Superintendent of Schools, David Bidwell said four of the students were expelled after the schools .had been turned over. to Raymond Lawrence to quell the distur- bance. "Sheriff Lawrence was, in effect in charge of the school system for a period of time", Bidwell said, "and the four students were expelled for not obeying the Sheriff's orders". The School Board will meet this afternoon at 5:00 p.m. to hand down their decisions in the case which can result in acquital or suspension from one day to the remainder of the school year. Sewers Drain In Beach Sand Arrested JOhn Calvin Dickey On Drug Is Taken by Death Count Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence announced the arrest of Mike Segers, age 21, Rickey Kennedy, age 17, both of Port St. Joe, also Richard Knox and Marvin Fountain of Savannah, Ga. on a felony charge of marijuana Friday. Kennedy was also charged with concealing stolen property when camp- ing equipment he provided for the group was found to be S., taken from a break-in on the S'- beach. Acting on the information of a confidential informer,, Sgt. David Rogers, Deputy Marty Martin of the Sheriff's Dept., and Sgt. James McGee, Patrolmen Jack Davila and Howard Rogers stopped a vehicle containing es men- the above named subjects sted in along with almost a pound of eft alone marijuana. If sold on the area to streets the estimated value g their would be nearly $360.00. Florida. them to The four were arraigned anyone before the Hon. Sam P. and and Husband on Saturday, and bing the bail has been set at $2,502.00 each. John Calvin Dickey, aged 48, a resident of 1317 Marvin Avenue, died suddenly Satur- day morning. Mr. Dickey was a resident of Port St. Joe since July of 1945, and was a 5 Make All Star Team Five Port St. Joe High School baseball players were selected for All-Conference honors as a meeting of Gulf Coast Conference officials Monday night. Selected was Senior Ken Whittle; Juniors Russell Cha- son, Ken Weimorts and Bubba Harmon and Sopho- more Denzil Weimorts, who received honorable mention. Ken Whittle received a nomination to play in the state All-Star game to be played in Lakeland next month. Whittle is one of six boys selected to compete for a position on the State All- Star team from this area. Two of the six young men .(Continued On page 8) tour foreman for St. Joe paper Company. Mr. Dickey was a member of the Long Avenue Baptist Church, a member of the Port St. Joe Masonic Lodge No. 111 and also a Shriner. . Funeral services were held at 2:00 p.m. Monday after- noon at the Long Avenue Baptist Church conducted by the Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor. The body lay in state at the church from 1:00 p.m. until the service time. Mr. Dickey was accorded full Masonic rites. Active pall- bearers were: Cecil Lyons, Charles R. Smith, Ken Murphy, Clint Peterson, Bob Johnson, and R. E. Downs. Jnterment was in the family plot of the Holly Hill Cemetery. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Eula Dickey, two sons, David and Michael Dickey, all of Port St. Joe. Two daughters, Mrs. Marie Arnold of Tampa, and Mrs. Dolores Stukey of West Palm Beach, three grand children, two brothers, Paul and Ruben Dickey, both of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. All services were under the direction of the Comforter Funeral Home. This interest is what caused the concern when several boys were seen destroying the eggs and nests last week. The island has become an important nesting place in the past two years. According to Charles Nobles of the U.S. Department of Conservation. pelicans have been nesting on the island for the past two years. Previous to this time there were no pelican nest- ings in St. Joseph Bay or this far West along the Gulf Coast. Nobles said there has been no appreciable pelican nesting in this area for 20 years. All of these agenci tioned are interest seeing the pelicans le in their nesting cont nue rebuilding flocks in this part of This interest causes frown on boys-or else-going on the isl destroying or disturb nests or eggs. TEN CENTS A COPY Elementary School Plans Registration "-^ *^. ''*: ^' : .. .: ,_.-/ ..:':. .*_, -T 'I.M-F _ Birds Have Claimed Man-Made Island Bay Island Bringing Pelicans Back to Area ~~'~`--`'' 1, "' M I IV, 171J- S' AETWO 4n RAGE TWO S-T HE STAR- Psiouhiled Ejerv 7T i~avat M owav s s .6o,IfQ6Part SOJoe,. PN0FACID Setanid-C~es Pst CIage Paod at PrSOiet 5' orm ~aa321d36 . Wesley R Ramsey William H Ramsey Frenchie L Ranaeyv Shirley K Ramse/ nv. "w;1 *.: ./ r,, '/, "u/.h. a" ihu. happen to our beautiful beaches. Then the [,r'.','-r. of access. If we owned one of the waterfront cot- ,tages, we would not want every Tom, .Dick and HTirr'y fri'..cf, ...'.,.'. tJ- r,,,dl or ,ad. in, beside the. highway walk- ing across our property t.o -r to the beach. We I', A imagine th ..same S* ti,.rt. will be expressed by those who'i, .,w:r the houses.:.So, a valu-: able asset 'for Gilf C,.,uruty, which brLngs couch trade to the ,,,nr.ty will be snuffed out by l,.foj If a per- .son .'J..-'t have access t.. h. bea- S,.h: h,. vn I stop. t'fia i |.ai-,, ; tr. 11 Fi4-t o. J n i' ht ..it*nrt1.,in thi.e r'oi .,n f C tn '- .(',.,njil: '.isainx- .iii ex-,.*rn.,ing i': "nlr~i~r, .,.r .(,-.v'-.r t,':, ?''.,ri ,' d ,,:,,in-. These four members of the Livingston .University Tiger football team saw action in the Tigers' annual L-Day'Game Thtur.d'I., May 3. From left with Coach. Clemit Spruiell are Norris Langston and Perry Adkinson. Standing from-left are Steve Bass, Adrian Gant, and Larry McFarland. Gant is a three season-starter, a pro-prospect, and was an All-Gulf South Conference first team selection last season. University photo. 2 Progra m Perspective Planned on Education by% DR. BOB N. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida Today, in Gulf County as elsewhere, the parent-teacher conference is regarded as the 'best method of reporting on n,,pfI:' process., It, is not the only method, nor will it ever ..l': V .,,'- l r'. al f', i -- 'pr,.it r fr jhex-' t .'*_. r-. I. -.t. ,:t.,( I -Jr t4e -. ,bo eea c t'-' li,= R.-', h t f*^|FiliT.}]av'fintlt.-'J..' re. r ..e T (hA-tL^ oyif J .. ..i ..-. -.. *,, r .-r .U I .I; .r.& -',iintv .. 0 ).r..n all 'n'-t.,'. .-' enc.:. r- '-. tendency is t, .,f In,. n .:..|p-rtv by ti.:.. ,a .t1;.. to .':..-,'-: number of er, tI. r; then ...,. :r ..a. reports' per (O'ri-., .5 S ... .. percent of .7r', igr, schools take r .i..- .-'., P -.y fair price send home reports as infre- to the owner and using a portion of quently as two or PiU trr.-.: their Revenu.4 :'-i. r', funds to do a year. The .figure for junior .it. Itt ... I .r-,matter to find schools is 1.2 percerit Iao I .use for the a. n and for elementary 'schools it a- },, i. use for the t... is .4.2 percent. .. S--i we', :'i .-- way, in many elementary persuade' the State to i the pro- schools, 'the .. .-- is .to perty with- bond money set up .to employ one system for S. reporting the progress of a ""' .-' kindergarten children and areas. another for (. l.b in the There, may. be .(h.-. r.., at .:"-.' This .,:-. has our d,:..p.- ,t and .'i..,i th- ele- now extended to .include K-3, mental move would ,.- e.. .... all (the primary grades) in our, county as well as most avenues of stopping.rTh, waste of a others. Ti ..i. .there is L ,. r i,,4 -' ' less., formality and more dependence on oral reports in cor.',riufuni'.ain .. th mothers o, l, a..'.,, arid pri- r'Nir, r-_riadfr: It should also be ia s .w .d that .rar',, ,. the S. -.,r" 'I Ir' ;.,. j r. .,' .,' :- 4 jn Sta. e .. S .o (C ; e* *>; S \f. r4a,*, . sixth 1 ;1, .' To' summarize, the present b.e,., is that parents'should beinformed as often and as. .rc-.d.-!,':'.; as t... about WHAT and HOW their .Atd.ren r'. eI doing at school. American Err.t..': Week, or" ,.. School; Week, has become a nation-wide institu- tion. Personal talks with p re.-.t' are .;' *,:.' -, er..r r.t and J :. *. tions. The ',ir ..' . report of the has transformed or i' j '.J in most places. Junior may still .do f'..,i;, in school, but 'i-s. ; ,, is not '. to be the result' of adult i.. at home or in :.r}.:.", I: t's% no secret that we do r, rt hbk : the building of houses going on at our beac:bhs oin the Gulf side, of Highway 9 The- bh'liing not only spoils the ,',.- view of the.i Gulf from the highway, but it. al2ro d.nides access -to the beach, by thore who must approach the bachsi-i fr-.,rr. across the highway i. ::nd the. :- 1w-.p'. which.must be instilled i lh-.. hh.i.-.'s cannot -help but pol- lutf. the (Gull beaches with-sewage h.-,- the drain-fields from. the tanks. -w...-would naturally flow toward th+e wa-n Th h a.'he.ri. reasons for not hid- Sing the.-- wat.:r (fran view probably af- fIr-v tis mrtrir: pw-ple than a ny ,ntt.-r but A'n,,id '.- th'e l..ral'-.l to, d *:. mi i in 4 any .' llrt-r:pt to prohibib, furih, r con- i n 1 th a I. ( *1n.' .Ji .1 i r tI uit VR f l ItII.r r ' . Th,' laek :.,t property I.-ei w,' r the '_ al.f aJ in i-I.hway t 92. ri, '.- i al"-'. frm .'-t, I iiv ii .- 1 i '.- .iiw tank .- dr.iujig f.tid itWs v. n ., in.- ;.t' of M ..i ...rr b inrh ..:....r'' i h.-' I. .- : r Sedge, With -i..t r"il.V now set up 'by -' people inv,'.l' .d r. -..'.e i a septic F tank pt-rmit. If-they built .th.'th, , a permit we cannot see how .th.', are still out of trouble. t Provided the septic, tank per- m inits are all proper arid no v,.il..:.d:.. is now experienced from- the -septic L tanks, it can only be a matter of t iie--it the building continues-be-' fore pollution will be a definite pro6b Slerni Then as in the past,. we will. wrisng our handss in .despair and ask C i*ty rS . City 's Shar |Wisely ; We thin the City of Port St. Joe has made ,a wise move to spend a port ion of its. revenue sharing. "- fund_ o'n a nww fire, station and up- Sgrading the sewage collection system on the Eas't s&de of town.: A new fire station has' been a ,.need for several years, now, and the ; Board has been creeping in this di- Sre'tion a step at a time for the past four years. They have the property purchased and were starting to think seriously about what type of build- ing to begin planning for, when the revenue sharing bonanza came along. Thle present two-bay fire sta- -tion is becoming obsolete and- un- usable. even if the City stays with a two vehicle fire department for the simple reason that the storage bays ,are too small for new, modern pump- ing apparatus. The -last pumper purchased barely fits in the parking "stall., With a need for replacing the 1949 model Dodge pumper within the next year or two, the new pumper will probably be too large for the station. But .the department has equip-- Sment on loan from the Forestry Ser- Thirty-nine Girl. Scouts of Wetappo : '-,- :':or?- : (Gulf Co. and Mexico Beach) and six leaders spent last week- 'end at Camp Eleanor learn- ing to be resourceful in the out-of-doors. All meals were cooked on an open campfire. *They even baked biscuits successfully over an open fire. The girls, ranging in age from 7 to 12 were responsible for making their own beds, looking after their own clothing, building their own campfires, cooking their own food, cleaning up after 'each meal and cleaning up the camp before departure, All girls responded beauti- fully to these many -responsi- ibilities. The leaders were very pleased with r- .- ., :u.. . of the girls and happy, to have shared some very memorable moments with them. The girls participating in this adventure were as follows: Troop 245, Kathy Parrott, Cynthia Miller, Pamela Norris, Becky Ken- nedy, Sherrie Huggins, Deanne Smith, Christine Cur- tis, Pat Burkett, Tonya Cross, Kim Dupree, Stacy Barbee, Lynn Butler, and Holly Graham. Troop 247: Patricia Colvin; Laura Counts, Donna Cumbie, Katrina Daniels, MariJem Harrison, Lori McClain, Lindy Moore, Sandra Scott, Ann Ward, Cindy-Sullivan, Carol LeHar- dy, Lori .r, Lisa Paschke. ]T::--:. 187: Karen Kimmell, Kim Thursbay, Darlene Am- brose, Jamie Mims, Sharie Mims, Jewell Burkett, Bar-- bara Deeson, Vicky Deeson, Kathleen Lyles, Bonnie Sue Ayers,. Jerri Ann Parsons, Deborah Sue Smith,Robin Kimrmell. ..I &ve leaders who took rtjie ri. camping were: rr-.-' jur-. Miller, Mrs. 'Irene 'Burkett, Mrs. Judy ,McClain, Mrs. Virginia Har- rison, Mrs. Doris Kimmell and Mrs. Sally Malone. We wish to thank all of their husbands for cooperating and keeping the younger children so that these women could go. During the weekend the girsl-.hiked, lifted animal foot prints, observed wild ani- mals, wrote and presented a play, sang songs around the campfire and conducted their own church service on Sunday morning. The Wetappo Girl Scouts wish to thank the Rotary Cl't. io the equipment used this weekend.. With 'Memorial Day ape' S, 'the Gulf *: :.,J."- '.. '-. 'of the.- American Cancer :- ..", : planning special- -:. .-:, on its "Living" Memorial Program, it was announced today by '. Sh*ite, Simpson, Dr. Sr pir pointed out, "A contribution to. the Society's Memorial Program: serves a two-fold purpose., It provides significant means to honor 'the. memory of a ..:-..;.'2 -- i.-t. or friend;. the >,'.t L...' is then designated to' -. ... ,: 4 7 -...-''n i w o- s r .- -' '; ', o.'3 *" : ",.h'. '. '. '.r.t e !* ,..: ;.*. '- inf'-..!i . 1'icmuiy tr gin is made. :; r~r : .' :,r b :,'," t..* 'J -'e- meont. ,..; : goes to the don.r ,. .!.h a receipt for ,-' ,e .,': purposes. "The-e has been ipereasing p.. in memorial giving," ir m:r,. said, "but for *-'.,:. who may wish further 1:. ': they can contact ti G. County Unit of the LAmerican Cancer ,':.r.- .,. calling.me'.or they may -e.h Mrs. May Dell Pettis at 229-6144 Wins Writing ,Honors At Bryan 'College Rick Lamberson, a fresh- man at Bryan College, Dayton, Tenn., tied for first place in a tract-writing contest at the college spon- sored by its-Christian Service Association? together with Missions in Action. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde R. "Dick" Lamberson, Sr., of Westcott Circle. He tied with Debbie Baker, a' junior, "from Stanley, Va. Both received a' csh award of ten dollars. The contest was an effort to obtain quality tracts in the.. area of salvation and Chris- .tian growth' produced by a member., of'. the college community. The tracts were judged on 'the basis of effectiveness, organization, purpose, creativity, theology, and grammar. Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Ed'Oqcr arV-C Run.imrje POS TOF F I CE BOX 309 PHON E 2.W72116 11 T PORT ST jOE. FL'(RIDA 32AS6 -f FCGND.CLASS POSTAGE P-91,0 AT PORT ST. JOE FLPH0DA 11L 'IN COtJTY-ONE YEAR,S4.00 SIX'MOS.,S$2.25 Tnq55E U97,4 lt:7t1 OuT OF COUfnT w One Year, W.00 OUTC'Ofuj.One Year, $6t * TO AD ER?,5E~ In case of error or ommissIons in'advertisements, the p ,bil~shers do Oal for damage luritner than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is 91-Cn scan't neti"oi*. Me ,C r~teo l "' ~ .~ Tr., ,..-r.. ,*-.* thne printled .MUrd iho/Oughiv or,W cm Tre ;1POlf"-*V A-o, -V 'r-A P1IWI',t ,, -Mr 1EDITORIALS... I We Need h SA Wal Local Girl Scouts Camp Out. method we use, we should ,at least begin to search.for one. ing Money Spent - vice for fighting woods fire's. This is now stored outside, to '.t',e :.-n -. of the Forestry Service. Then, too, there is a need for more police department office space, and the present fire station is the logical place to put it. To those who live on the East side of town, the need for some sew- age collection revamping is-evident. This is one of the oldest lines in town and was installed when the people served was less than half those ser- ved in this area at the present time. Superintendent G. L. Scott says a new lift station is needed. Any pres- ent expansion of the City of Port St. Joe would have to go in this direc- tion, placing a further potential strain on the collection system. This project has also been in the City planning stage for a while, but has not been accomplished 'because of the amount of money' involved.. While we don't approve of reve- nue sharing, personally, as long as it is a way of life with us. for five years at. least, we are pleased to see the City using the money wisely. F Most SS Money Goes to Women Sixty percent of adults getting monthly social secur- ity payments are women, according to David Robinson, Social Security. Representa- tive for Gulf County. "Twenty-three million adults are paid social secur- ity benefits',' Robinson said, "and 13.8 million are women. n -- The Northwest Regional About 6 minwoU w Bottle Club will hold a monthly retirement benefits gigantic Flea Market Satur- based on their own social day, May'19 from 9 a.m. till. security work records-20 Anyone interested is times as many as 1950." encouraged to meet in front About half of the women of Chris' Gift Shop at Mexico getting retirement checks Beach. became eligible on their husbands' earnings records, he said. A working woman can retire at 62 and get reduced monthly payments on her own record. But if she's entitled to higher benefits as a wife on her husband's record, she'll be paid the higher amount. " "The working woman has both disability and survivors protection from social security," Robinson said. "If she becomes severely dis- abled and cannot work for a year or more, she and her family may be eligible for monthly cash payments from social security. And starting July 1, 1973, workers of any age who've been getting social security disability pay- ments for two years or more .may be eligible for Medicare. About 460,000 children get monthly social security pay- ments based on their mother's work records, Robinson said. "A child who ,is entitled to monthly social security payments based on the mother's record can get them even, though the child's father may be working at a full-time job," Robinson stated. THE STAR, Port St Joe Fla THURSDAY, MAy 10, 1973 IN LU GAME MAY 3 o Find y I I I I I I Jimmy Williams came by the office the other day to tell pne several young boys were boating to the island f rrj y dredging just \Vest of the paper mill 'docks in St. Joseph Bay and are .hc.i.:i'aly' irdAh~ir eggs laid by sea gulls and pelicans.' Ja.,'inr .V'.j disturbed by this practice and he. had a riglit to be. Too often we give the ecologists .the razz- berry about their way-out methods of "preserv- ing our environment". .MAinx times we claim they are going too far by depriving man of what has become a necessity to preserve a few birds and fish. In this area, ecology preservation can be prat:.i..,i' th'.ut hurting myon.-'x'e-;.pt for 'depriving a, few boys of what they term as fun. Only r-,n ,'ily the p-.:i.h :Miu have began to re- turn in any numbers to St. J ..- h Bay. For the past two years we have seen more and more of the i:-j.,-.vi ,-. a.wki'..ird. waterfront birds after an absence of a few years, ,' i-; which they com- pletely di.-.o.ji, ,--i from the State of Louisiana. The dredge spoil island alongside the paper mill serves no purpose except as a nesting place for t,, i'r .,'t birds, familiar-and .necessary- to the Florida, -..iir-. Not only ./d the birds serve a "j..,-.. as scavengers and a balance of nature;-ti. are also one of the sights tourists come to Florida to see. pr. *i. ,., of this nesting ground will ..igrp .,,..-i. of the --.. :, i.ppj. m of t i- property; it will not r.. nt ..ir -., :*,. work to l. ii., a mos- '.,'!.. .."lT!', it will not upset i:.,: temperature or i..ihor,. of the water. We thi.0l it would be a blow for bird-kind and the protection of the ecol- ogy if 1) the parents' of young boys cautioned them about .1, '.n:a this r, .4- ,r,: ground and 2) the ecologists would be as zealous in protect- ing this nesting place as they are in ,i in,,,g the wishes of man .to better his 'r..: in. . Have you. :..:-. enough about WXatergate? I sure have. True, the ones u- ..-i had no busi- ness mixed up in '.i-Q ... t.i.,--.. ,,. as we see it. this is standard i," r .. r"' "'-'.i' for presi- 1,i' -. a work groups. This one ..- the R, .,..1l-. in's '. .r.-- .* J to get caught. There's no doubt n. mny mindbut. vi.jhit the ,U..; nil,. n campaign ..*,, Ai ,. bi h ". Ilki r o/ tO be sure, but I can't see where 1"., ,r'.'. the at- t.- r,'. W A- r~,., is drawing=-to the point where the necessary ..ivit... of. government seem t,, have taken a back seat lid' we'try to prove something on the president..o Er,,ou.gh water has run over that gate and I'm ready for it to be turned off. I saw in the news the other day where the wife of an Air Force pilot doing some of the bombing in Cambodia was protesting .the fact her husband was being kept away from home by such an activity. I can't help but feel for the wife and her wanting her husband home. I can't stir up too much sympathy, -though, since' the job of the armed services, is to perform such ac- 'tivities. Whether the Cambodian bombing is proper or not doesn't enter into it. The Air Force marn is maintained in pretty good style-along with his family-to serve the bidding of the Air Force. If he doesn't like the duty, he should re- sign and try his luck elsewhere. / 'I Since nickels, dimes, quarters and even 50- cent pieces won't buy much anymore, men are increasingly burdened by having to drag their wallets out of their back pockets to reach for a dollar bill. As a result, the increasingly costly seats of the pants of evermore .expensive suits are being worn out in growing numbers. One columnist suggests with tongue-in-cheek humor that if the dollar bill were turned into a coin to be carried as loose change in a man's pants pocket where it belongs, this problem could be solved. .The government is always trying to solve our problems for us, and usually it fails, miser- ably. In this instance, by a little decisive action it could succeed splendidly. Everyone knows that inflation has us by the throat, and it is de- pressing indeed to realize that it also'is taking out the, seat of our pants. _ __ I ^ \r m . 4 ^' r - and' expretssfd confidencee that "communities-.: -n our a5kounty area will follow through in raising the full aruamount needed for first- cass faclbty " 'We are grateful to the many leading citizens, civic groups and organizations .....oh ushave con'ibifted the "Ithlin $200,000 raised so atid Mayo, "and we ,eare many more to it that our 4 -N n- l 9ot be a ot rtA g handc ap, ,ed r i :4r n i5!, $ e "o "' tcif'y &. i '~.e. -'r- c 'r t'. t ," a 5 Br, s,, .-r r r it' L f SL. L t.. T., '. .r L iy 1g F:c ]' A ;u t- '. 't . -Giuc'a Cout cookie C ar h 'to ibraise org'tfwarri then if ry A. q arkan Gi nil G h A S' Caob For Wood wardits cam In A d n s" t I n Sr.' .'A . i.6 n L fJ Graduate a. half. ens )q h n ing... ye s o.ogrig ii .y--.,,, .ing on-,,i0 ..r.n lia;.JIh ir p ,, ar J .th .lfiftSt. of v. takw k by t T .W O r dwaT l- i loirg ,act- v.i.wn -41, ti-,rb rjrw*,' .ri,|r :i,,j _1, . Teiwlai S aouthrooan ja" uncril '01-M of t Ay .rd tth'o i ric a r-ilo k o -Io n i f r t n I S'' .No theFa i acpo tes .r l 'in lheg pr ofrthe .arr uinp dem ist,- tjr. r, a ri M-r a, S s i ,..Eiqtl %rul orive raslo f ciy..rhich teaches- GrH'trin a.tr;, Ir.edtptts. "e'k.-g, at nf A'i of'Sh'.:"lp 'em :i'.; '. A .k*' ,t G ra d u a te.' r. -r 1' M . . t, .. .. -'. ,.. J., .. .. ,- thiqy fiv etso i t ched ,thy ,FlW W $4 .0Jti fori yebri or u id a4 knrwd rtrri err o frf ylae r -e- [iJ. Od ei. r"'.: r 1. *r, -a. ii n. eo r g dusa to ilj J ard ro icamprg 1' at ble s o rgbr Aza .Y'i i-~ a. ".t r-, t I 4 j- o .. ..ter t h.o facqdiotyhf d-a -acre camn ,ite step.with o the tumpco, ,th -ift. ,i trucks r .Mrs, .r wi h,,e "., r Mrs ] ra P.t .Gaht i at Lak_:- Talq Jn. ,, ch ngng-t ne whil- r, t l .r,. 1tr r.' '" ; ', .,ir -'her ,. PLeadr tr.b tJML inv,4 the tairunlsopi trihag teacesT r .l .-(o'C IttapnU t. V r 11 -M Ag4 a te a 'h ifwi y mark ,aCC,-ordnt. thaj'.. :14 rig the. t y.e r., _r s .. ". '',.'d ,:.. &t Esot.a n, r.,A Ha mprt i Wtiiar h's d- May> half man ate d haf at etrs of f-p I fd tJ a, 'a.nt airo. t, t. e -n I QAJas i n C t. he. fol 'Va -of the ca m la;igro' waeIs.;' to i-.,giLEot ug'girl.sa "ra. t r i'. t h 'i yth ,,t.ePh 1 A,'falatr.t- ,fi Maty 27. ',Y. $a4e0 by orfo -. .yt~i r qpe .. k- .n. tr,' 'ene. e rde rLidrtr.,er p ". thr'j 5 .. Mr d .' -" alt' fiac t n f6 r e cam''ite ste' 'ikh teatdp.4 t.. pa t i ,Mi> 'P st %h'v .R E.t i D ,'|bth ',Qu':y'g ,ridir .,'.a d a. arid a Vt a *'.'.- Sghwa, 2f 'rrA m Gal a~ re rrr- r. euder of Wo wardd Jr anid his ',ife former GirlI Scout ,t.erseif liae Laki & Talqth cairrpite tis 'city Both graduated .Juha, of Qumwic.y i .. Jua has,.ten a.merortner ofi Mayo s the d fromm tie frrrrjr George Tlh W oW ards it thi Councl : Baiis, ,'of rors''rtan, I)s -t:I largest Wbi' rt.n Hitgh School raLt hdes,dolf.ir..-fIor-dolalr., .,Dfr:ctori for f: r yar ...ar4, 3. ung donation. to tiee camp. ,Rayr_,,nd C. Garnt s te .on the ia'%nt I r G ir),.'Scutai, her' husband "Mr Bo ":' ,:' s d-s lohr id:ert" firn td dop" ofri.Mr s Lela Gant and Mrs., aI'.han Pe'eri 5r *i'lu St CARD OF THANKS ,ie shali a."'-,;s te -,.tef'j or rthe rrairny eeds' f ri'S, kindnes se; n There. -Aiere- s.. r:; -, xf,.r.ssifC ,s i.:f ?,nipart,', .:.rd O-.mT p'as ur', ?_'( .,r;. .u ..L - id:t' i-c i a .flap . ,'j ''; dually 1 .dt n i .* ,'. rni Our lh:qrt. .-.,I' ,, / e.a rr.!y E.i.---.._ed b*i h: -..iA. i?'j [,.; O'l as;:, .i r.i rno,. bade with'you away Tue lFam'iy i: Mrs Mary Bei-. Foi ehand THE STAR.-Port St. Joe, Fl-wida THIR'D.i. '\ 10, I:3. Dance School Show For Cancer Benefit. Shaun Q uthrlch In Program Tte Vrgiria Sweet Schobol of ElDance will present benefit performances enotled "The Magic ?of Hans Christian Anders.'n on Friday and Saturday: M.ay 1& and 19, at the Panama Cty Municipal Au.irorium Curtan timn- is '; 3') p m CDST (l'r .1.,,th evemngs Ak prect.ed; ir)m these perform ,1inc' sill )e donated {. the Amnricatl Cancer Cj ,' The how in Broadway pr ,Jl..tin ti .e. includes .d.ance presen; tc.ns i.cpip - iring v I .t tr Ernpr.,t .? C.'.(.nhe 'Theb t'gi' L'icki_. an.i rho $2 :, l',-r .. id +l ,W t''t c h il'. i C.3 n t,.r r, .'iti- : i , sPzr< : ou.r,?irI,1nh n a:: 'luj: 4%,'kj t:i will also be available at the door New Parents Mr and Mrs Jerry Lee Nichols of Panama City, announce the birth of a son, Kevin Lee Nichols, on April, 16 at Bas Memorial Hospital Kenn we.nl,@d j7 h i oz. Mrs. Nichuls is ihe former Eli:.tieth Youngblood The proud grandparents are Mrs Lint ,rn e Yoiungbood and Mr -ond Mrs. uford Nic-hols. both of Port St Joe Sa JIMMY KITLER / Custom Aluminum Wall Coverings, Custom Covering For Your Home n l ,-. r 'n.0 r .,.,r.n,3 m .-' ot-l.i _ I l i' 11'Ir et 20 Year Guarantee on Materials Phone 229-4481 ,or call collect 904 757-3601 I VE lITl-H [AV U TO $29!U * SAVErr SAVE lip TO $3.9 9 PAGE 'THREE THE STAR, Port St Joe. Fla. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 ,cisson a s Exhange..... MRS BRYAN BRADLEY PAUL i IVisits In Wedding Atlanta .. Plans Told SMrs Luverne. ymungb od" ",r..! '.eddi-g' plans. forV ,.as juist retuarr1d from -a,| soara Frai-ne:. Amtian .::c. .peeks visit in'Atlanta, Ga.,' Victr,. Fr'ederiC' Andeit,'jn wv.iti er son,, Gary. Young- ha, been, announced for -,iblood Among the- points of Jimne 9, 1973 at 11:00 a.m. in interse:t ,iAted .were, The -Our Lid, 'Queen of Peace 1Little White House of Warm Cathoic Chlurc irn New. Port prngs Ga.,, which W Was R F b-.cupied by President Frank- in D Roo-evel! at the time, All friends 'and relatives, if hi,:, death Stone Mountairi are invited to attend the of Allanta Lookout Mountain '-'nh rtgr4d exceptionn which h id. Ruby FalUs of -Chatta- will e del1l.,hiorne of *:.Yooga Tefin the btiL'e - D(:aRDO[ If Nf 'I take' this .,ppc.' " express my a prer-rp all Mhe acts. of r.,cr kindness shown he my recent 'rioD Each visit, card, Power and .prayer ep:. realize ro/ iat.i. f .h attet!ded,,m, need; Ba Meinprriir, Cial, ,ihldtp edChiof;r, The marriage of Miss Ellen Marie Scisson and 'Captain Bryan Bradley Paul was solemnized in Trinity United Methodist, Church Chapel, Tallahassee, Florida, Satur- day, .April 28, at 11 a.m. The Reverend Edward, Norman was 'i c4.*,' -. minister. Parents of the bride and bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Burke Briggs Scissdn of \,. Tallahassee, and Mrs. Elmer Paul, of E :.::L. r.. Minne- sota, and the late Mr. Paul. Mrs. Paul .:::" Tallas- hassee, organist.;'.; the Si '. : .: '; i m music , re'.- r'. i:: for the chapel were twor ?- 'i ,. urns f,: ,r,z. mass arrangements .. : :.i ,rpomn.:r* mtms, 1..:l...;.. ; tnd *'. ..-r,.. A special, feature of 'the cere- mony consisted of the bride and & b: .d.S.: ,r using indivi- i fi 'i, g. L i '. 'idi- -i to light .a lone candle, thus :.,r .r g trife ..,r. of -r,* ,b g '- ,o The bride's book lay on a table r T'. 3 ,ed .,th a >.,- l. *inen :: ..'. :o the table was a -.'.' '.' e of pOink roses. Mr' .i Arant of .r Al college :..-:. of 'the bride, i over, the' Lrd'e.' S Miss. Mary Helen Shelton, .' .:e attended -her a : .:;.o.d ef honor. She wore a formal Jr-gh eown of o. ~. i,r.- a -._ floral p .i n ps,',4 sliades over S ,',,, taffeta, with :i.., S *.,r, 'ribbon cr,,.iira the .- .. .' .-. ;,- She ..'. s r ...i a French nosegiy,. of mixed spring flowers. I{ir head- piece was a garland of mixed spring e . Given in rr.rae by her father, th'e bride wore, an ,to ',pire A-.~'e Victorian gown ,! for ,,tl ; .iab.e fll chapel ,j and length tia.in, 't,. tecdice .of Jd',Ig.-, tucked orgaiza inserted with Z:i'.,c* Irish lace. 'i.. at-u-d a high r, call stai'.i-up neckline..and long ae to' ied lace '-ig ed sleeves. friends The skirt ofpeau de soie was 'hose ',, with a lai'.:e tr u..,r,.A . 'he ,J' ruffle. The full train Ji and Was bordered, with a,. deep m c-. tr imm-ed 'uffle Her br..,Jfl~~t' ,rif-,t f,7 .W le ? r, Wa e , e Is Beiin Conducted In The Port Stf. Joe Highland View and Beaches .To Determine How Many Pupils Are Intereqed In Attending Panama City Christian Schools K through l1th Grades 1973-74 School Year For InformationXCall Saturday, May 13 8:30 A.M., C.D.S.T. - Report at School Business Office 11th Street Next to Central Baptist Church - Panama City, Fl6rida nosegay of. stephanotis, mixed spring flowers and babies breath caught with showers of satin ribbon. The bridegroom chose Cap- tain Ed Grillo of McCoy AFB, Fla., as his best man. Ushers were Edward Scisson, brother of the..bride, arid L.j"'re:.:- Parker of Talla- hassee. For her ..: .. : :. Mrs. :. :' selected a short .. : :-.'blue crepe ' Gaskin Speaks To Women The First United Methodist .-, had, their general n.c 'r..', at the church May 7. Daivid Carl Gaskin of Wewahitchka presented a rr,. .r r -r : S., to Managua, a:. -, gua,., and other' :. in ',. .- ., -ior, --o .their J ..-De-; ".!':. At the time of ", r ~ vi sit 'the volcano at Leon wa ,,"" "I,- storyy ' :te!dL-:t '*en litl -, .v&. ' Class Meel For Social dv' 1 of the Dorca School ;Class ,!of t: B ;>tt *'Ir., .-.!- m < [* j ,,..pe r social ApIk '24 at Jake's rant . Eight-members of were present to e social and busifiess Mrs.''-obby Davis, of the class, pre'dt the. meeting with Ani leair''.g the group in Those attending th were Mrs EBLt,', D; Hollfnd, Myra ,la T2-i v DA.'i: Virgin P',gg/ McF'ariard .l:,.rdl and Des Parker,- teacher of t PAGE FOUR as, erupt- I of this Fet 'At tle coun- : Luncheon ts ,Miss, Ellen Scisson, bride- elect' was"eA~tertained at a linen *" is .'.d"'.. Mrs. Gafinon '." '. and he First Mrs. Janetv Anderson were, et for a s,_:. *..:, ,,' the event. T',,. ., The 35: guests were seated Restau- attables .-in the den, i.:. % room and dining room of the the class home. Beautiful arrange& njoy the ments-of 'dogwood and spring . meeting, flowers carried ...: id".. president Easter theme. 'E during Miss Sc. sit the daughter.. n Holland of Mr. and-Mts. Burke Briggs prayer. Scisson 'r of. Tallahassee, he supper became the bride of Captain A.'; Ann Bryan Paul,. April- 28 in- inpaster, l. t e ., ... ' Ia Smith, M 0i,,. 'i.i'. and unusual Jewell gifts were presen' d ti. Li-i,. ssie Lee -along *.'t. best ,A st'- i'd,, he 'l;. lots of, advice. The rehearsal dinner enter- taining the Scisson-Paul wedding party was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Avant, Jr. Beautiful spring flower arrangements were throughout the house. Guests were members of the wedding party and out of town guests. "MISS JO BETHIHAMMOCK Engaged Mr. and- Mrs. Jack E. Hammock, 2511 Pretty Bayou Island Drive, Panama City, announce the engagement and approaching marriage of .',,.'-' ,.,-b r Jo Beth, to' .I rr;'_ ,hr( L-:ee McMillian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. McMillian, 2066 S. Claire .Drive, ,."Panama City. Miss Hammock-is the granddaugh- ter of. Mrs. H H. HiI.'l-, of, Port St. Joe. . -The bride-elect is a ,gradu- ateof' B. 'o :''High School and has attended Florida State University where she was a member' of ,iir..i Sigma 'Sigma social sorority. The groom-elect is also a graduate of Bay Co. High School and has served, a regular, tour of duty in the United States Army. He is presently- attending Gulf S'Coast 'Community' College and is employed; by Wall Enterprises, inc / A fall wedding is planned and. will be announced at a later date'. and Mom will believe if when you give her a gift from COSTING'S JUNIOR Spring Dresses. 1-3 off complete line of Boutique Wigs .. -3 off Full ,Line of Sprrig ondSummer, LADI ES SH OES' Keds and Jacqueline - New Line of " Ladies handbags ' EVERY MOTHER LOVER EVERY MOTHER LOVER . Lingerie AR EMIS PLAYTEX ' COSTING'S l- S ct One of Our DRESSES, S"orM .. .iLAMPL , N E. L LY DON ..... -" ,-'-"" ,,' .' For Casual and Dress'Wear Sport Clothes .,- .,Pant Dresses I : Pant Suits I S. Large Selection of IV" "- Handknitted SHAWLS Playtex Bathing Suits Support and Regular Hanes .1 PANT, HOSEV/ 99c to $5.95 A "Your Store of Quality and Fashion" matching long sleeve jacket. Her corsage was a pink Cymbidium orchid. Mrs. Paul, mother of the bridegroom, chose a .short pink crepe gown. Her corsage was a s white Cymbidium orchid. Following' the ceremony a reception was held in the .church parlor by the bride's parents.. The tables were covered in floor length yellow linen .cloths. Mixed, spring flowers were used throughout the reception. The punch was served from an heirloom yellow china punch bowl which .had. been used at -the bride's maternal grandpar- ents' fiftieth', wedding anni- versary. The bride's table held a fd6u -'tiered :.' . cake topped with a china bride and' groom from her mother's wedding cake, . ...:. vW 1. :.. roses. Those ,. -.:. in the parlor were Marbib Johnson, Jean Porter, 'Jo Anderson, Cindy Stinson, all. of Orlando. Rice was given out by Lori and -.. : : guests ,' .:. ..*: from Port St. Joe were: Mrs. Gannonr .' '.' Mrs.' Dick 1 '7.. : '~.r:- Jean Atchi- ?.1.: i Anderson, ": Jacque Price, Mrs. Gus . Creech, ,n Mrs. Walter Johnson.' r~4/ I ~- I E I`ct fd Girl ofA the Yea4 Lia Smith- was award&U the Beta Sigmia Phk Girl of the Year trophy at the tinrul Fewiders Da B4.n~uet t',At was held *Apral124, 1-9i3 Liia of the Eta JPS'>kn rhai.oaw Beta' Sagna, Pho kr f'uri Sm ;ku ITA P31!- ; Vvwrj*w A.icapi=he & Wer YOU: An SM r >0 M, - Bride-Elect Honored At Morning. Coff ee Mpss Jan Mere'd~n LetimnmvS PEdar giuesrs .'2Jf HU 'jnlsle Alabam3 Thne Car % r),)rr a pw-ci ibL~dr-Ie4ct cf Jamres Fens :* r d ipvurv o 1F. Lcre e 04afohurel at a rrorngigerz wi~h arr.4lermen k ~ *iS 5..rda-,Ma, --a.- ~'Yi';rj iaoA e M u an THE: STR. Port St Joe. Florida Mr., and Mrs. Fi'ak. J. Etrur ',of 5,3 Groff Strcet, Ktrpgikn. New York, announce teenagevrtn~t of Aixata 'T ka.r 3Uhr tr 4epdaugfier an hpc4ghk.rr, rt,;pecI~wlyl i1m y Dav-d Hrs ei the Visitors' Miss Carter, a 1971 gradu- ate of Kingston High School, is employed by the' Park Diner, Kingston. Her fiance is serving in the *U.S. Army with the 101st Military. Police Police Com- pany at Fort CamptL! Kentucky. Prior to his eiiisment, he is gr-aniai d frou r P 41rt i J,.? Hig, Mch,'-. . Sxouh F.r'; m -ai, iA -re h ,i'Wi 1; A '- 'OT-41,,Er ,oi MApha Tao Oi _i;r irir.t pia'rri ih (r %tn'. 7 6 ind Ln her hamp P4GE'FIVE MI~SS ANITA F C.RTFR -I. 'K, **'4l uK', -an Et J ~ ~ *. &. '~ F~J 5 in-ir), ;, - Cs~~mttarell' -trw.0 l irjC r .rH ' ~~ ~ ~ t j.. tG"- or j 1 A7 1r-sJ.i~/ .. 1-- -4, v.r~ b ; n t tjX Wufi thl Irp'rhi4lO rsjrY', y1.Jj .- 'xwt~h~~~'rruL. F~ ~ ;~'i'~ I II' ~. ~ k ub"'u j'J j do.,.f"Mi Wad.,fi- t~~~S ltjb.b bat B ea* ~evra1Grasses Grown in, Fla. Al HveThir,-nemies cjrMiss Hatta-way JHonored At party * m---. (, . AtlendinaIA *~' r.~ qn fat. t i; ,. rai ~ K. d T rJ ar 4 ~ nr 1 .* .:i*IDogiriZ.l "1* *V i 1 len. A Ii j ,4h- 5 .1 J r* .nr I4(P, ,jg''t I'ji ~r'l .2 -ry rIbd-n~i Ii~1 rbgtt .5Fu'l'l Lb01 Lb 0,010T.~r J ~ t~rtg i a r aIps PLUq r'. Aj~'' :~aig Per P erson. P.er mv 1 eP1p x'241 Hj~cver don',Jvr- q't. 1. Wr. . i,*L Ir!ecj Friday Satur May.. Hours: and: na- waier a ey gras Eeu nr day a t wt e =Ip -U a --" '...'. '. ,Wawer to appi)!, 'i-B own ,f ' *fw1t 't nations per i I I.'I'2 m e awn. T hs :encourages S- ; halow root systems ,.. .::. Fert t0iato is .necessary for best growth, nd color of 10 to 1 bahiagrasses. :A minimum program would be .a splete 2 to 5 fertilizer applied i spring Sa fall A maximia... woold S be the' above' plus supple- mental ntrogen applica.rns each month belteen corn- plete fertliz attins excluding the winter months. SDiseases and insects are k I I only, minor problems on S I bahiagrasses. Dollarspot is the principle disease affect ing bahiagrasses. ftr ; IP'RTMUIT OF THE TREASURY OFFICE OF REVENaUE SHARING- 1900 PENNSY LVANIA AVE.N W. WASHIING-TON,D0C-620226 1- M I EXfCtjTIVE Pk-DPOSAL CNPqck this 'b VbC0 ~ dO -~ ,Tf40)SOON To A II.~YEN t~tsTif 'tPc E'IOCT Efftcl A. '~iJ//t l iji..h i shai'01 FufIo' 1.1 iJt *II Lrd t axeli ge, 4F. i' / iAt n14l RAw 1 -J FLf -A U :1)T i 14 x L_ I tIC- f-A 01An4 ~ .7 iN*FPEA S-. i -~OPERATul MAoTf~A!4CE EJXPEtiOTbRES M 04o-i P 4.1E 4RA~ 'VS111 -q- 1 E.XPET~nITUPr- iAFENDIT"'PIE I h %EAI. Il P,0 k .1C :FIE! I S 4 ;s 41EA~LTH REt iE01.:C14 ccLASF'Ir~I 9 FOR AGED&PX~~ T OTAL ,IA~ftlYF Iaj I'. ,,j&3 a Ic'~al neebsp3pef rd ta he news media of MeO cdnlats. 3O thgsap oOr E Funlet~inri-ore have recC.dA dOLu~nin~lfg the tc-r,,tnt& of W1h6 wep(~T anid they ere open fof pubhC and 116104Srfkedqa fr.1UtLilV Tqm P94lur Nqw- kAME &? T TL E PLLMSE RiN-T ==9"D 197 DATE PuBLtI IED mT St", NAE E WI~A3.PAPER "---- p S T I.0E ri OWN PLANS TO EX.PkiD TS R CVE'W SHARAING ULLOCAMtNiO FOR M4E EwV%?EMENT Pt~RIaD f8EG~i~NNG- ANDO EOING JON Se.1.9, U4 THE FOLLOWING MANNER BASED UPON AN ESTIMATED TOTAL OF PORT STf JS. 535 ACCOUNT NO ,'jQf: TOU4 JOEf FLORCIDA 32456 LA.JOA I Ax i T, kirCAPITAL EXPENDITURES mw IF DITREPERCENT PLANI*6. FOW E.%INK CATEGOMiES EXPENOIT-URgS uN ** UUa~MM STRWIItrE A~do~jL,41EMENT L^LE. F a if.J PURPO-A AND. :s- GEONERqM GOVI 3450. - IMuCATiOn 112 SOCIAL DEVLOu~PMENtaT '5 OU- taG COMMUF44TY M LO'unfPMENT 16 16 k 7 18I~AM4A SPU3LIC SAFETM 635 RECREATION sI * 20 OThERS jSpec4J $ . 21 OTIIERSISpcI5 22. OTHERS(SPMc'V -'. 23 OTHERS ISp..*1 OTHiERS fSpec6d'% 1% 25 PLANf1ID CAPITAL EXI~eD'- s =-am-r % Carter- Davis I CHRISTO'S 5 ' .. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA I o -'I ''1' 11'1'' 111' 11'1i1T Y1''1iI11 T:UNES ''//~I//I~"" ---- - - I Irr(N 19? r. I %1. ,, !- % 77 % % % oo % %, I ,' mF I :. O' tE.0 60, I,'.i ,r 0'1lf N i Kleenex Towels 3 =S.00 wlt .i. BC&.':&:D'E MIi'i o Ai Orl I0 Bathroom Tissue 3 89c Chiffon.....4 $1.00 viiff'iE s E iO'OIrE! o'0.Ot i s a ASPi Facial Tissue. 5 ; 's1.00 A&P BRIAND Ie'y daf Lowr Piel Apple Juice..... U 39c CLECK & COMPARE> W"Y PAf MORIE? French's Mustard ,:: 39c ANN PAGE Everyday Laow P'ICl Barbecue Sauce. 'T 37c KOSHER DILLS Save at A&PI Heinz Pickles *3 59c ANN.. PAGE CHEF STYLE' or 'REGULAR French Dressing. 'z.29c CONTADINA STEWED; Save at. API Tomatoes ... 4CANS$1.00 'PAGE six THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. PTURSDAY, MAY 10, 1973 County ed B e 'Contiued From P.age 1) on orders from the fCircuit Judge Graham said he could see the reasons for putting the Court Room "off Jimits" but he felt hmted use CQQld be mniade of the room oni occasion Graham suggested the Comnssion use the room Il on clsion for ofItch ai C-- 0* 0 ee0 tigs of tie Count% and 3n merf l ,. ,of' -lr.. tnuake *,Mh ,1I IP. r sit ,'llrt i oT kn ban i0 Sliced Bacon .Ca**a*89c ,d ,: , Sliced Bologna... h 89ce "" Skinless Franks 69c rv Fish Sticks 59c < 'I"" e5 ''" C_ Wi...lT ild tdiLrhio. fish & Chips 69c t l" 'i 1 tii' Quick Frozen '!inn...- MN ,i'. i. Turkey Hindquarters ,r.,. ..,c'. [ . lb I *5 c ( : ":h .'r, f.. 7~1 9 C.1 l1-"1 t i.j *- .-I. r'0jin'1 *cliiln : I,. ..]. ..,i ,, ,, f .. i ,,' 7I'l i ',, in'4rt II, .I I 'i,i i r ' \' ., ...- ,.t! -,'.r..-.! .?1 re p-' .t ii r *EC K TH ESf 1.. f 'A 'I *'J Ii I" I., C H Ii tI ,' !.-ll t t ..J ti ','1 *.AI ,1 !,i tl T-I,,,,Vr *PI if.I,>i' .,i .. .5l'' -li.t il ,' lTo i i.V,-i II' I .I u iN rt K'o mAI i .'< 'It.. ,.nJ !i,t ,, b ill" i t 'lt l.. r ,i It 1. 1L" im, I1' 1.'0L t.s1i: k dy i'.-. rl .fr I nke ftj into 'r it.hf o.1' -el t f i r ib ithe i I.. I aI fll' t ti.illl ,drjt e ,: I'I I, o li i l -of 'l l nB1 1 ,. '. .% It,y r -' .lr' .liA C e d ( h m ti ndi ifri t i. inii r ta 41. J.- I t in. v w,.' l -as k.d' 4 Tl ti't I Ii rI -S) s ', trillh. a.i," g ,ran by -2 It y- p hrr a JANL PARKf'l .IRv 1r, _p "l-,.. DORN PUFFT 'Reeiv Deg""l11 reeut Chtdda.rlUr Cbe.-se Flaiaorid 1.11Wi,,rsk 91 Adni tak.: .criakc 49C, rnrm-h a'', )M000 grant' by. HUJ to perform a f.easibihty "u"dy fr tie County The Board agreed, to' table the SAI, LAUNDRY I LDETERGEVNTCU afEULAR OR SUPER Saes At AiPI Kotex Napkins... : 79c AP REGULAR AND IARD 10 HOLD Hair Spray...... o 59c REGULAR UNSCENID Ot POWDER Ultra Ban 5000... 69c ASSORTED FLAVORS BEVERAGE MIX Tang ........... JAR97c CHECK & COMPARED Everyday Love Price Heinz Ketchup.. ':r 32c. CARNATION ASSORTED FLAVORS Slender DIET .oz20c FOOD e..ee000CAN ANN PAGE (WITr TOMATO SAUCE) Pork & Beans.... "39c CHECK & COMPARE Save at A&PI Lipton TYEA 100CT$119 LiptonBAGS'..... ox A&P BRAND Everyday Low Prtc#- Prune Juice...... 49c ASSORTED FLAVORS Everyday Low PrMl- Friskies AT 6C.Atl. N PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE' HROUOH SUN., MAY 13, 1973 IN ALL A&P STORES IN THE CITIES LISTED BELOW. ITEMS IN THIS AD. ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAILERS OR WHOLESALERS. I 510 Fifth Street i)j miil n quarterr have eeniil announced by President Haiold B. rosby ... i, ' Of te i tr ai. 49 wmi receive, dgree' bearing honors, designations. E'glgiilty for honors desigr.atmor requires a student, to 'have carried at least 60hurs in' graded .courses and have a grade point' average of 3.9 "'for, Smma Cum' Laude; 3.7. for Magna Cum Laude and' -'.5' for Cum Laude. ' Those completing require- mients included. 271 under- graduate "students and 19 graduate students. Area students receiving degrees are: Eugenia Traweek, Sparks; Cum Laude, B.A., of Panama City, and Clyde Whitehead, Jr:. B.A., of Port St. Jbe. ,Mexico Beach Will Organize RFD. There wilt-be a meeting with the Councilmen at the Town Hall of Mexico Beach Saturday morning, May 12 at 9:30 C.S.T. fdr the purpose of organization of, the Mexico Beach Fire Department and alpointing a fire chief., All interested persons are urged to attend. 1OF EAIO The Educational fraculities Center in uncago prouvies euucators with ,a unique opportunity to share learning experiences. Will kindergart4~ children This resource center for learn faster if the'y-sit dn the the exchange of information floor rather than at desks? about educational processes If audio-visual equipment and products goes beyond the is used, which vijce-will "'sink learning environments, how- in" better--that of the teacher ever., Its staff also develops or of the recording? in-service presentations, work- What new methods can be shops and seminars to give used to maximize the abilities educators ongoing profession- of pupils? .; al growth programs. And the 'Questions like these -are latest innovations in educa- being studied; d.nd answer- tional materials, and products ed in fascinating ways, at are centralized in .a Product the new Educatiqnal Facilities Information Center where Center in Chicago where opti- they cap.he closely examined rmum learning. environments by the visitor. for students ranging from pre- The Center is.growing into school age to teen age are be- a permanent, 34-floor com- ing discovered and recreated. plex, scheduled', for com- The Center staff first iden- pletion- in 1975. A publica-, tifies outstanding 'instruction- tion available to educators al programs throughout the at no charge, THE CENTER country,' and them invites the FORUM, provides updated in- designer/teachers of those pro- formation on the latest news grams to further develop them and innovations both at the at the Center in fully equipped Center and in the education learning environments. world. . In this way" ekeceptional Educators can schedule a teaching rtno.od ,. programs, visit .to the Center or sub- materials, equilimerit and fur- scribe to the FORUM at no nishings are centrahi..r4 for charge by writing to: The visiting educators. No fee is Educational Facilities Center, .charged for :an orientation 223 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, 7,05;t P.- hUc enttr .* t. 1. :312,'?,-.113 2 3?C.; Legal Ad NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS - The Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County wIll receive sealed bids from any person, company, or corporalo, In'a,-stec' selling the County Ine tolown.a pers.r.a' property: 1 HorizoRa. ;,i;.l se Double Suction Sing!e i ta -e j-np as per specs in the :'s.'E 3 ,'-:e Bids will be ; r e..,. .. *' May 22, 1973 at 9:00 A! v. -O'.F a *"' eofficeOf the Clerk Circ-, .'1. -= Box 968, Port-St. Joe, '-, .'i -" '.The Board t". .,i p right to reject any an 'I.'I , Board of C v " Gulf Coun'. : BY: A. L '- "r-'-. NOTICE TO BID BID NO. 145 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the-,instalation of a septic tank to be f4cated In the City Park near 10th Street between Woodward Avenue ihVMarvi Avenue, with the following minimum specifica- tions: ' 1050 Galton Tank 238' of 4" clay r""- :- perforated - plastic drain pipe 2 24" trench. 4".gravel base '.- The City or r.:;- ;, % ., Florida, reserves the '..' -e*" or reflect any oreall bid': "' . Bid opening will be in the Municipal BuIlding, Port St. ,: '..'. i May 15, 1973, it 8:00 P.M., r1 must be submitted'to the City Clerk's Office no later than'S:oo00 P.M. ED.T., May 15, 1973. Bids must be totaled and approximate delivery.date be stated in bid. S'-n l:' ;n envelope and ,. '--,"';' I : 1 "4 *s- c W. BR6CK. City Auditor and Clark 2t 5-3. IN THE 7'.' '. ., -. " OF THE r' '. E'ri JUD.C1Au ," ", r., /.-,- In Re: The- " MARY BELLE FOREHAND, deceased. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS ..All creditors' '.' a, t- BELLE FOREHAND, '."'-. '. '' '. - 1973, while a *-,.", C" '+, ., '..** required to file any claimsi.or demands tha they may have'against her Estate In the Circuit Court for Gulf County, Florida, in the Courthouse at Port St. .'oe, Florida, within six calendar months from the date of the first publi- cation of this Notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and filed in duplicate, and must state the place of residence and post-office address of the claimant and be sworn to by the claimant, his agent or his attorney, or .it will become void according to law. Dated this 4th day of May, A.D., 1973. -s- GEORGE L. KENNINGTON, THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1 JR. -S RYI - -s- .6. P. JACKSON combined choirs under the Co-Ecuors otheEstate Recital direction of Mr. George W. MAR'u" BELLE FOREHAND c.........e RaS FRED N. WITTEN Rish and Witten 303 Fourth Street Port St. Joe, Florida At Church. On service, the First Baptist Church will be presenting a graduate recital of the Duiiii i) 0 .-. no tmB PucKett, Minister of Music and Youth. The program consists of three different parts by the church choir featuring a male quartet and the youth ensemble. This recital is also, being presented in the R. G. Lee VISTA \ The meaning of Linda -is,.e : .. : .' ". "; : : these romantic bedroom designs PAGE SEV" Memorial dhapel on campuil. of Baptist Bible Institute,,' Graceville, Florida, Thurs- day, May 10 at 8:00 p.m. ~ Mr. Puckett is a candidate for: the degree in sacked music from Baptist, Bi, Institute. The community-.is cordially invited to atteid this sermon in song. ', ('I 4. Gulf Coast Is Offering Community Courses Gulf Coast (rimrnur.-, ',le:;'.- 'will begin three non-credit ...,,rn niiir, t service ,short ouf t'O-St ,fos' ne t v.. k r qIdirIO.fb V.* vrpSPN,-I-(i The course& ,;are H C: i. injn i' ke [i ..e r.-iti '( , '** 4l ,'l t- l'.'*P n l ll.hn '4 M Tv '7, and "Floweri Arranging" 'and "Creating R eadiness In Preo Schoolers .To -Learn, To Read'a, both. of which begin on Thi'ii-d. y, Mr', 10. The. cakeJ de,;,.. r in. course, which will be taught by -Mrs. Carol Carpenter, will. meet from ri J p..r to 9:00 p.m. 'for six,. consecutive M'.'.v- ,,y- e er. ." ik .:i '- the course : ,. .. and - readiwx .,-- .' r.i tb y i,r 5 .' to 0 "- ,. " Mrs. L- To' uchirtie '. ii ''-t. their Fjvn f54./ . meet i ",l ; i Both' day. '..E. ," '- "*'/:', and --,'..-'r'"', '. % *' - The FH,',--: -'i ;a "i p50 rents to "'.'.- ;,5r.br This is elegant Linda Vista, the connoisseur's collec course,. the oa' new one of prrate high with leading decorators and knowing hon .*r bRchildren. "to -,. .. :-,, means "beautiful view." And it's sheer magic the v be. *-iJunt.: M' ',1rr~, which ha.': 7. ..,:.i- 1",'.. into decorator right settings. When you see the el Porter and i ee6 r-jL m have me: .e h ,tI:. suc- ficent finishes ... you're sure to agree .. this is lu 7:00 p.m, to 9 00 p.m. for six cessful ro..re' in solid oak, oak veneers, and other cabinet hardwood evening Thursday previous ,.= "',- '- Selected parts of simulated wood: Storage-rich pie Topics to be covered under Person: .', r; t rather designs. Crowning all this with beautiful hardware the flower ..course pare information .:r ~ err-.:.!i -,r century. This is the legacy Linda Vista offers.for y mechanics and, containers, any of the 'r:. :- n . .principles of design/ and contact the ,'., ': ', r.,;,r.. - color, color and *texture, arid ing Educat...' ') ,Jf .'..a':. - ,-,,'-.ie designs. Fee for 769-1551, Ext. 280. l" Delinquent Tax List *. Notice ioY hereby given that on the 1si day of June, 1973 at 11 A.M. Culf House, Couniy of Gulf, State of Florida, tax sale certificates will be sold on described land to pay the amount due for taxes herein set opposite the same. all costs of iuch sale end all advertising. 'Des. of Land Sec. Twp. Rge. Whitfield Acres Deed tRec'd Bk. 35/282; 60 by 130 ft. lot 5 7 8 As recorded .in Official Re- cord Bk. 12, Page 678 Clerk's. Office,, Gulf. County,. Fla. 10 4 9 As recorded in Official Re- cord Bk. 13, Page 489 Par- eel 100 by 240 ft. .... .31 4 9 A lot 40 ft. on Old Panama Hwy & running 285 ft. N & S & lying West of Holiness' Church ORB 40/19 23 '4 10 All fractional inc. that por- Acr. Owner .18 E.- L. Thomason Couwnly Court We] felfoiueng togelhor werh TOAV5e &Cost' 70.04 t'en Ihat' s dle si t-d s ,is , iemakers alike. The name- way it transforms rooms egant .details and n7~i.ogi xury. Constructed of s,'both solids and veneers.. ces with deeply carved translated from the 15Sth . our home. 5 Pieces 72" Dresse Twin Mirrc 2 Door Ch Queen Sizm S. Night 1 ors able .... 79 rm 'Slrin'rp1Tm ade Expecially for Danley's *.,!'.. .C'-it' Jr and 1. Frank W. .-.. .... ...----. 14.52 .55 Gulf Shores Dredging 'Company 42.86 Homes -:.:;: uiy Corporation C 41.61 tion of' Pig Island in Sec- , tion, 17 17 9 -11 3414 Troy M. Deal, Jr. 190.11 Lots 14-10: Original --. 20 9 11 166.3 Troy M. Deal, Jr..Et Al 907,20 Lot 4 Original ---- 21 9 11 32.7 Troy M. .Deal, Jr. Et Al 152.45 DOUGLAS LANDING SUBD. ' Blok 8, Lot 5 Joe Griffin 28.58 RIVERSIDE ESTATES SUBD. Block-5, N% of Lot 3 John W. Carter -. 14.82 GULF COUNTY LAND COMPANY ' Block 7, Lot 21 ', Gulf Shore Dredging Company .- 51.07 RISH ADDITION TO WEWAHITCHKA UNIT 1 Block 1, Lots 10 and 11 James Franklin Whitfield --- ----- 64.40 WILLIAMSBURG SUBD. Block B, Lot- 15 Willie Floyd- and Dorothy Nobles _. 3.79 Block B, Lots 20-21-22-23-24 David .& Nessie Williams Estate-- 7.93 Block C, Lots 6-7 Emma Williams Estate 7.93 Block E, Lot 14 Charles Arthur Dean 1' 3.35 Block E, Lot 15 Daisy Porter 3.35 Block F, Lot 6 Ida B. Wymes 187 S BEATY SUBD. Block B, Lots 7-8 William F. Dobbins 2.70 Block. D, Lots 13-14. --- Ernest Rhames 2.70 MQlNE4 BAYOU SUBD. UNIT NO. 1 Block D, Lot 2 +'' '' Robert Joseph : 38.91 Block D, Lot 4 Diamond Hester ___ 12.52 HIGHLAND VIEW SUBD. Block C, Lot 3 Mid-State Homes, Inc. 14.82 FOREHAND 1st ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW Block 1, Lot 6 Circle R Enterprises 104.28 FOREHAND 2nd ADD. TO HIGHLAND VIEW Block B, Lots 345 & Lots 1-2, less sold -- Odell Stewart 3.24 ST. JOE HEIGHTS SUBD. 'Block A, E% of Lot 24 and lot 26 Abraham Evans 20.95 CITY OF PORT ST. JOE Block 23, Lot 10 R. P. Nedley Estate 420.35 Block 37, Lot 23 Wesley A. Pate 108.17 Block 42, Lot 13 Gordon Thomas 123.47 Block 1001, Lot 22 Robert Bewey : 31.66 Block 1006, S% of Lot 12 Margaret Bewey 8.70 Block 1008, Lot 6 Abraham and Clara Evans ----------31.66 Block 1012, Lot 6 Robert Lee Farmer 20.95 Block 1016, Lot 1 Leslie Hall 31.66 Block 1017, Lot 12 & E% of Lot 10 .------- George Bryant 33.19 Block 1018, Lots 10',& 12. Gus Miller 31.66 OAK GROVE SUBD. NO. 1 ' Block 2, N. 30 ft. of Lots'24.6 Howard T. Neel 2,70 \ ... .. .. ". 50th. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! Healthfully,Firm Support Luxuriously Quilted For Maximum Comfort Cushioned with Luxurious Sealy Foam 312 Coil Innerspring BSR record changer, diamond stylus, eight duocone woofers and four duocone tweeters forthe ultimate in sound reproduction. Fea- 2 tures AM/FM stereo radio and 8-track tape player. 279 For Mother Lane Sweetheart CHESTS ^n~~ CI ONLY ONE Westinghouse Portable Dish Washer Floor Sample One Owner Capacity for 14-place -Setting Reg. $229.00 $129.00 DA3100 AUTOMATIC DE3270 ELECTRIC, , WSHtERI DRYER * Durable Press, Normal Time and Durable and Pre-Wash Soak Press Cycles 4 Cycles Delicate and Normal Choice of Water Heat plus Air Fluff Temperature and Spin Setting . ,Speed Easy Access In-A-Doot *Porcelain Enamel Tub-' Lint Scree- and Agitator Washing Permacote' Dryer .? Action Drum - Swivel Rocker Velvet Cover U Kiroehler Signiture Swivel Rocker $99, U I_ _ Large Selection I ----- -- --. -- I-~C II f I i -- L mmwm I I I ,q --+,, ~1 Aswl%k 2m mlmoEE==!M- ,'THE STAR, Port St Joe, Fla. THURSDAY MAY 10 191 '4 '1 C: Thwbu to thne grn-unog polo a~ gof t athe ti s, doclrs "E bgw Weto &4theiino- bfktt toete00 many dwsesi or pI u soeCII 11" b ootl&,ThitIon" of i oVs. wft. Wric n usto lewp -o outo bettor befth gi loiwo va DRUG SlO~lt 227 .11I1 317 Vaol-iuvq . nen' p 'f"fh4IDrivwe- inclnd~aw SPlenly of Fr*Pie Prii Has Best 'Term paper SAI ~ ~, r '1, -l E. '' F r .',i 1r. .. Band Pa~re4nts Meeting Set Il zk -q u rtx "' I 1; i'u ".'kf1, 71, 'i i viol no 'a'a .If / '%7,iv If ~ All Stars M~a "'i No*.. e~i t A- :. k ; .. .4' -s" I I- ." 1 44.,-: a.j., WILLIAMS INSTANT POTATOES 18 oz. can 49c Pork Tender, Delicious ,'' * NECK BONES --- Ib. 39c 7-Bone STEAK b. 99c First Cut Choice Beef Pork Chops -- b. 69c Sirloin STEAK lb. $1.49 Ga. Grade 'A' No. 1 Whole FRYERS Ib. 43c Center Cut Smoked Pork Chops lb. $1.29 PORK CHOPS l- b. 79c -Choice Beef Full Cut Shoulder Roast _- b. $1.09 Round STEAK lb. $1.39 Choice'Beef Fresh Ground Rib Steak -----b. $1.39 'HAMBURGER 2 Ibs. $1.49 TOMATOES S 10 Ib. 99c I- -1 89c 5 cons. $1.00 Gulf Coast College Schedules Registration for Tues., May 14 TODA Y'S2flJ PRSCIPTIO OUDV -YWL BETOk RO ' Plans are under way for Gulf Coast Community, ,College's summer registra- tion which begins Thursday at 6:30 p.m. for evening students, according to Harold Conrad, registrar., "Students taking evening classes will register 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Thursday," said 'Conrad. "Day students, and any evening .students who don't make it Thursday night, will register 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday." Students .-... register for both III-A and ;' -,, I this registration period, .> ....I : to Conrad, or students who plan to attend only III-B can wait until it starts to register. May 14 is the last day for ': : -. for III-A,. and is also the last day to drop or add classes. Fees for' both. summer sessions will be based upon the number of hours taken by :he student, computed at $9 per semester hour. Out-of- state students pay, $18 per semester hour. The summer sessions' are each approximately six weeks in length and, classes meet more i.. than. during 'r ,;."- semesters. Three-hour day classes meet every week day for one hour and twenty minutes, while three-hour evening classes meet twice a week for three and one-half hours. The first summer session-- III-A-begins May 14 for both day and evening students. It continues through June .22. The second session-III-B- begins June 25 and ends o. i 3. Five Rated Excellent T-..' Nobles, Sandra 7 Sarah Ann . Carol Barton, and 7. HammOnd received L I lent" i, : at the State Band Contest : week- end. The. State Band Contest is organized by the Florida Bandmastei Association for all students who qualify. To .:. a student must receive a : : - at a .-:: Contest. Florida ..has 14band : The range from I to V .. : .. .. : in order," ,..-.:.. Excellent, Good, Fair and. Poor.' Legal Adv. INVITATION TO BID BD NO. 44 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described equipment; 1 Eong ine Systems Analyzer Bali kamp Super-Pro 4-4745 .or equael). A complete ngrr e analyzer center in one highly mobie, modern and rugged cabinet. Sequential engine system teosing makes it possible to check ae engipe and electrical system perform. mance chaeracteristics In-a matter of minutes. The pre-programmed sequence of tests .cheeks *dividual components, exposng problems ever. looked by tria and error testing methods and saves good pearts from need less repa.ceme-"- - connections 'mad to .' : . Includes the maser car harness assembly, individual analyzer con- necto ead .s-and al necessary operating accessories and instructions. ) 4-4735 Primary Analyzer - 1) 4-4735 ignition Analyzer U 4-4737 Charging-Starting Analyzer 1) 4.4739 Combustion Analyzer S4-4742 Timing Analyzer U 14.4745 Rack Ony 1) 4-4749 Car Harness Assembly. All the above Included in the Analyzer Super-Pro. I AK prices 7.9,', Port St.. Jo, Florida, tax exempt. Approximaed delivery date and any discount offered' must be stated on Bid. The City.reseves the igh t to accept or reject any or ea SBas must shoW price per itemn and totaled "'. . All bids must be sumitted to the City . Clerk's Officel Municipal Building, Port' Pictured above are Dot of Local 3171 ', AFL ,i''. Howard Neel, Chairman -of the Committee on i *. ''"1 Edu- S.... and ;-:* Raymond Lawrence. St Joe, i ro la,'n 4ta'-than 5iii PM, ET, May 15, 1 971 d Open05 to be a ~ a t omm~sa Metng at i i0 PM., SITMey 15, lie3 MU theffAun5U u~ S Ig Por't St Jas F~r~a B~s saH e eaed oilan A .. ', _. was held to determine the winner of' a $100.00 savings bond, given by Local 3171 of .The '. Workers. The winner was i'i I. - :,.o-. -; ..' %of Carrabelle; ene0 p and Meary ,ma~rked :118 NO. 144" eC,** 'Y : Cerc HOSSFOSL For Sale: bedroom . wall cZrpet. For infoi call .227-8305 . house. Wall to rmation tfc 5-10 For ,L 'or Rent: '2 bedroom' home in. White City, ,r,.''rir. ,iI, dr.- 2 lots, on Hwy 71 :Contact William Rasmus- -' :,. ..... AL 794-3830 . 4tc 53 l.;.,.f r ..f\ f i .,s; 'S.- .' i ,.ir i'.A t: ..art p t l, :,,..,f. 3 baths, dining .vpr~n,, very rebs,.nably priced 22W6692, . For Sale: '1972 Honda QA minibike; 1970 (.,,. ,... : p-.,r-ip truck, 6 .cyl., auto. s' ~1. 18'5" Thompson boat, heavy duty trailer, 50 horse- power Evinrude motor. For more ir. :,,rrat4.r call 648- 4255 after 4:00 15m. tfe 3-29 MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP For %./*.. Window fans, guns, 8-track home stereos and recording sets, .car tape p,:.;,'. and many other items. 102 5th St., I, I t.:.r.4' View. 229-6193. 5-3 h; f+ h _ 3tc 5 3 cubic ft. chest freezer, good :condition. $75.00 cash. Ken nore ',. .'i:'-.- machine, like new. $75.00 cash. 'Phone 227-3561. ' One 'bedroom house for rent. St J Available .-. . Pharmacy. For Rent: T . cottages at re '...i, rates. Phone or 229-5641. Unfurnished 3 house. Jones Ho Phone 227-8716. Adults only, 1 furnislied Joe Beach. y,'.*, '- Free cats and kittei deliver. 229-3328. tfe 5-10 Large upright pianq for sale, $150. 227-8952. tife t10. *, ,- i ',-= ,' :'1 se 2o491 Mother's Day .. ... Ex- tfie .' u.. s ... per . S'.100 and $1.50 ? :-. .... ';....:' [.,,:, ,' ".ston, .r, ,:..i S :, I. ., r springle, :I r t' c .'-.. ;1 in hanging. .. ..' urns. ':. lilies .... .: .' li. allies $1.00 per bedroom' Jks n's a: -edo 1707 Drake Avenue, : -' mestead Look fo, the sign on corner of 15th St. and Drake, one mile west of Panama bedroom,Plaza ': :.' '. Center. bedroom, I room, bedroom, bath, kitchen and dinette. 229-1352. tfc 5-10 L--Wm-- A One bedroom -furnished apartment at 1506 Long Ave. for rent. Phone ltp For Rent: One and two, bedroom i- fur nished apartments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appre ciated. Contact Mrs. B.C. Prince- at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK White City. Phone 229-2413 or 648-3101. tfc-10-28 40 Acres COLORADO High Country $7.975! Only $85 down, $85 mo. Beautiful high mountain valley, accessible on year- round road. Owner, STEED 911 West 10th Amarillo, TX 79101 806-376-8690 a m BINGO Every Saturday Night S ,-.-. i' December 16 7:30 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME R.A.M.- Regular convoca tion on St. Joseph C,.'. ; No. 56, R.AM., 1st and 3rd Monday, 8,p.m. All ..... companions welcome, WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H.P. ,',:.e L;. Griffin, H.P. E. "!William McFarland, Sec. Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meeting first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American legion Home. There' will be a regular' communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m.- E.C. Bailey, W.M. Herbert L. Burge, Sec. ".-i'.- Friday and Lose :.. with new ......,l-., May 11 & 12,9a.m "" Tablets .-' I., ,.. til 6 p.m. 523 7th St. ..'t-: 4. Pills. '"J-I1.i I some :-.' .. household '.. 412 items, bric-a-brac. p For Sale: 1972 Monte' '... r,.. more informa- .. .._ .. _. -* ..r -5 m L i0 speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms ;. ', western auto, Port St. Joe. tfe-6-15 Sewing Machines: 'Dial and Sew,. See at K & D Television and Sound. 301, I' ..I Ave., phone 227-2071,' I-.- ; tfc-3-1 For Sale: 1 Rheem-28,000 BTU oil heater. 'J.,.p,'-. 648-7358. .i' *.... .- 4 '. tfe 4-12 FA-T S -i'.BF INi-. ns. Will.' Free Estimates No job too mall tp 5-10 Call J;-' ... f.p227-4713 Itp For Service ,. .t. delay, call- KENT SERVICE. T" bbing, electrieai, :, c .. a n d ,air ,_t ....r. erS Repairs Phone 2 29-895 tfe 3-22, FOR THE BEST In Tele vision and Sound come by 301 Reid Ave:, and see our line of televisions, components, stereos, .. :',:- and tapes. We have a 'ii -- -. available K- and D TV and 1: .',, ..01 Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071., tfe-3-1 C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS t-;: '.- -.', i r.h a': ^l S- Wiring and appliance Repairs Air C.:.i; .... : -- r .. Oil' Burner Technician. CALL 229-5777 for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or synthetic which you. would like to have serviced quickly at low prices.. -WIGS FOR SALE-- CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe tfe 5-3 For. 'Reconditioned used ;I.. ,. .- guaranteed. KENT '-IV-, -I -. CO. Phone .,229-6895 tfe 5-3 For '. Shetland pony. f.l ..- -. t,1e d l,,, -,c._ iw iJ.if.s tfc 5-3 WANTED WANTED . CUSTOMERS TO Shop at THE SEWING CENTER 229 Reid Avenue. Phone 229-6895 I.. ..<-s ,,. Needed! g-t.,, Tanks pumped out. Call' Buford, Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or 229-2937.' For Chain Link Fence call. S.. Stephens. Free estimate. Guarantee on labor ,and. materials. Low down payment. Phone 227-7972. Professional Help with emotional problems and-or concerns. Gulf County GuidA ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-6599. -DIVORCE KIT- For Florida's new no-fault law.. Simple-low cost- legal-just. Only $20.80 (tax included) "This is something we've, been impatiently await- ing." --N.O.W. For free details, write to: J. Lawrence Publications Box 191 Pompano Beach, Florida 33061 5tp 5-10 MEXICO BEA'ti BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phope S- -1k6 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe EARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO., 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Wa inted acres-or more. Road :' power Please 1 !,j mrn' 'Ind, give price, terms, and, send to P.O. Box 952;-.Lancaster, *n. 43130 '. t 10tp3-22 Wanted: Need part. time employee to do 1-... .4. ,i *: f..r, .:'1,, j ', c ,,i ,.' . .,..,i t .|.-'( ,.-i ,. ,1. ', , Apply St. Joe Is, - Federal Credit Union, 302 Third St. tfic 4-26 Help Wailted:' rol...k s "leaner -1 o, '.,17 -041 U1-12 ;'V.,. I VM an to' ,.i .ir '., state auto "-. '.in on autos and train as auto mechanic. St. Joe Motor Co. tfe 5-3 ,;,,. wanted, apply in person at Bk.,-i Restau- rant F, T ,11: - 2te 5-3 For Welding Needs see James L.Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. tfc-9-7 GIGI POODLE GROOM- ING. Bath, clip, & groom. Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Highland View;; Call for appointment 229-35.71. tfc 5-10 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 2274401 KILPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous ' Telephone 227-2491 Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida .EPAGE. Emin Wins Savings Bond Principal Ken Herrom Prse.nts war STAR Student - -" ROBERSON'S GROCERY v "PORE 80Y'S CORNER" F UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW UPF.N SU NDA% 10 :-ML to 7 PIM. SPECIALS FOR T hu is F., Sal Mvy 10, n1, 12 CARROTS Ll. No i I-RIS-HPOTATOES Yellow CORN A* itra -- 2 Roll Phkt. Bathroom TISSUE pk9. 29c SRobin Hood FLO OU R 5 Ibs. 59c CAKE MIXES .' 10 for $1.00 10 Oz. Bottles Plus Deposit PEPSI COLA -..--- carton 39c Bale.e,L, Pirutes Bnrrbceas G.C North. Bush's Canned BEANS 6 for 89c With $10.00 Order or More - SUGAR 5 Ibs. 49c Maxwell House Instant COFFEE .-- 10 oz. $1.59 ~_~~_~__ __ ~;,~ Eur.u~rru 0 I I- tA iHOUSfS- FURN IS I "Ithin it wot somnhing I oe.": Cpl. Thomas Hand Leg I Ad Reports For Duty BID P40 14 O4:r7:7.0'.VI, C .." 7is c" 7-5ar ~ .T9 -i'' IE*44 'r :e a Cec' 7,1," r -r I. a., W'i- ,.,.'*D,4E,- .7S4 4 j 3 "7'' I.. 0 C Marine Lance Corporal Thoma; R Hand, son of How'Aard R. H-and of 1111 Garrison Avenue, has rep-:.rted for duty at the INVITATiO4N TO BID BID N"O 133 .:r: "a 'e- le,7 4 ~ ~ M 1 .1'*3 ' 7 :aAt v 2 o.~ .- 7 .t. '47 F a ' 31 J'2 5 THE: STAR, Port St Joe, Florida Marine Corps Air Station New Ru,'er NC A former student of Shanks High School Quinc, Fla he joined the Marine Corp >in March 19y1 ACRD OF THANKS Wie wouldd i hke i,: exprei.s .ojt 'hankr s to all th. friends and rneihbors for food and flower d.iiur.g the loss of our loved one A special tanks to Conmorter Funeral Home The !farmiiy of W L. Go( .O''CE TO BID BD0 NO it ,,.. ~ - '*44 4'.. .4 ,."7* .4 72: 7..':. Ii .. *.'4,.4 .4' C'.7 '1,7-F. -7 .4 7 7.4 ,. .7'' ~ 7,7 4'..: 71 7.4. THUIRSDAY, Mau its, ig93 P.GE NINE Say You Saw It In The Star! FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Correr Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS. Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School ............... .......... 9; 15 A.M. Morning Worship Service .. ....11:00 A.M. Church Training ........ ..... 630 P.M. Evening Worship Service ...... 6.30 P.M. Prayed Meeting (Wednesday) 7"30 P.M. I "Come and Worship God With Us" SEE WILMER THURSBAY For Your New or Umed PONTIACS and CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,inc. 980 Harrison Aye. Panama City, Florida Office Phone 763-6576 Res. Phone 76S-9624 * I J :Representatives Meet Miss Sunbeam I .. I ; , Batte Whipp'.d .Siiub'arn Thomasvilie. Georgia 'Ihr Darea to Be CO'spdre ad was arinual event was enjoyed by the theme of Flow:i-, Baking over' 200 sales department Compaoiy, Bakers of Batter employees and their w'eis Whipped Sunbeam bread at' The Sunbeam repreier.t',er their annual spring saes that seri'e this are;; ae meeting held r-fuertl.y in shown with Mi'ss a.ter LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS .4 4 ~ 4~4 ~ 1 I IN 'H 1714r c'' G'. JLr I" CLJN T Y Is'4jL r14A OFI W VI14. I, Irip aoriplior7 04 1 APPr~Y.J01nraiJia IL a r~in4.r NO'TICr olf ADOPTION 17.7 i ow4 4.174Worod, '41 7 T imliI I I k- E '~o i I r) 7. 447~ t a, (r 7mi.. Two-711, h74.4'. i4'441; ... .. fe ..oo7i4 77 I'm 0,ir,1nilY-11..r4 444 Pei~i ar.4r.r':aftome, e44.Ca" 221 P aAver-Y Pori '1,v.os-,r 'r, or' before 'e4-sit. aa4nojun 1i'I "'fld -ri e "6 Wolg~ .' e t'.r, f 44 7 Cr' lorney C7 ,4 4,.44.? l17'-r~af~er: r,!berwi4'e a CaEP7.7..7 f4.?7775( e-j 7.ga4'71 jI you for In.- VWPf',fdFOi?0 94.44' P~tijOn VV4-Vi'E%' ,,my ranct aend 7.7.4 ' %:Our f On %M3V2. '7 3E7.L 4'.. EOPEre*'y FE 1.Ier" Of Clrrcj.i :rp 444C13u4ly, I774'7a '7 '.7' 4. .4-. '~0 4 .'47.. .4. 4.~7 I ~7i 74 '4.' 4... 4, Whip i'af LI..or~fy iFlwcrs Lef t to rtgtA .af e pistrict Mariqger F~, S' k T, 'Mss Batter Vahn, ro irrotby FHo-ers. Pete N7(k,~ g~r ~4~ksManager .~ r7. jI'r f "7 N.OT NCE 6r zcr.op ir 7. 44 -, 0 P 'r I ; C r, P p4. E 3. t ,,. .i I 'L. '.' E"7I- L j "4 '.--.. .. .. '" ,r ; i , deceased '. ?Tl"CE TOCREDlTO'ls All .-. .' :r -.udred J. Miller, deceased are erec : S- ;, against me. '7 ,72 'n, ;.7"i -"e Clerk of -. .. ''- Judic S3" c county ... within six .. ', ". "- -."'' ,of * -. 4.,,'c. A ', :* :'+ "c ,the pace of 7." '37-+4'- ? i : .:: address of z' e sworn to' by Ao *:hs attorney, .*r*: .-: '. i'1a :rding to- aw. Cecil G. Costin, Jr." 221 Reid Avenue 4. ; Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Attorney c.,- E..ac 1- : :,ladys E' Garner Ex.T.utrix' of '[he Estate of Mildred J. Miller, deceased. ,4; i 9 "I -* "*r*'g .ot 4-19 Buy the most efficient air "L e a 'Unit.. areas choose between a roo a ceritral system, aWht size unO do you need? This' r 1 Well shaded, i ..... r-in jm cool- -- .. ', square foot.' .'' .a ..nu....... ..) ... :- ; areas.' :. -, h poor insulation can ch :-:ong needed E dealer will roo. a central commend the Wh and type do you need? t for you.is power .. : : if ou are,- r :; ?; : : : i r. Which air conditioning units are foothe most economical to operate? Just remem- ber, the higher the efficiency of.a unit, the lower the operating cost. There's a simple. formula for .or insulation formula for this.4 I REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES I, the so'eirca being duly sworn, do hereby declare under oath that the names of all persons interested In the business or profession carried on under the name of CARR'S AUTO SALES, 311 Monument r'Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, and the extent of the interest of each Iss follows: W. H. Carr, Jr., Owner. W. H. CARR, JR. 4 t 5-3 conditioning and you'll n You'll save money. /- a .' '. : -... i r iTaruJfaoilur rale i".^'- '-,' -, ; '., =_.;',l! i Thsm- al L.rit[ -, /- '" -.,r' '' eq' Ireq c or the .i o ef!, c oi_ C I --If' NJSt .- J E tts The i n;l thal g., i-ri. mosl ,c- w ia! rias the high- e'":.. .a7o (EEIF and s the most sec,:",- c:, al t, ope ate Tn mor e ef-iLient units toda.' produce from 7 to 10 BTU's..per watt, so make sure, the unit you're considering falls as high in this range as possible. r m=.- --- m!1 STake this former with you to your air conditioning dealer. I To determine the efficiency of any i air conditioning unit, divide Watts into BTU's____ I' The higher the result, the more effi- , client the unit. The more efficient units will produce between 7 and 10 BTU's * per watt. ' L J lot only conserve energy. What else should you consider to get the most economical cooling? First, be.sure the system is properly ,sla led. Also be sure that walls, ceilings and tloots are properly insulated And that air conditioning ducts are tight and well insulated Close openings and seal cracks around doo0s and windows as well as.openings into attics and fireplaces. Use properly sized wiring. Place the condenser where it can et, free air flow. And avoid putting it in your garage.or other improperly ventilated areas. Do these things and you'll have the most efficient and most comfortable air . conditioning you can buy, without spending. needless money or wasting valuable power. We wapt to do everything we can to help, so if you've any questions.aft all, call or come in to any Florida Power office. Florida Power CORPORATION - J ,. I I" I -I .I 4,1 .4 You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL ......... .. 9:45 A.M. MORNING :WORSHIP ....... 11:00 AM. BAPTIST -TRAINING UNION 6:15 PM. EVENING WORSHIP :.......... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 P.M. VISITORS. ALWAYS WELCOME REV.' J. C. ODUM, Pastor Local Telephone Service Now Available to WEWAHITCHKA" STATE BANK Customers ,'227-4222 In older to better serve our many' friends and, customers in Gulf County, we now have a direct telephone line from Port St. Joe to Wewahitchka. This enables you to call the Wewahitchka State, Bank- from Port St. Joe and transact your banking business! without long, distance charges. Please feel free to use this service at your' convenience. I / [ i I !1 ." - ----q -- ------ --- on I II ' RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY!- Potato Chips twin bag 49c Pork and Beans 4 cans $1.00 .Aim F b? E4B',,c,,,,:, --' /" ,,' *. 'i, c',",' ,:.*:; S"G A R :| q " .. '.".'.-_ J _ GATORADE :,FLA GF.AL'E 'A N ''", ' *h'U~~jLE 2 bls. 69c PEANUT BUTTER j"r $109 Coffee Creamer Saltine Crackers DRINK MIX' 1601 65c Ib. pkg. 43c -- pkg. 24c ~l* *)*~', VI '-i. *~4 16 CUVTUP FRYERS .- bri S tIt r DOWNY EEE$1.39 ,. I 4 A ,DETERGENT ;kP 49c A SCADE SCADE 79c For Your Fua-r Thwg,.i IVORY SNOW 93c d4orton 8 (1z Pies POT PIES ---5for $1.00 GA iTRAWBERRIES -------16 oz. 49c MHIP TOPPING 1---- 10 oz. 39c Slb. 49c COOKED HAM 3 Ib. can $3.78 Sb. 4 .r.IN A Mea Slb.54 WIENERS_ lb. 78c BOLOGNA ,lb. 88c Sliced BACON FRYER QUARTERS FRYER BREASTS FRYER LEGS .'..., ; : .:-- '. t l. .. i .N d , RIB ROAST .. I ,,',1," -,,' : F I_' %; ': *I STRIP STEAK GROUND CHUCK.. SPARE RIBS , PEAS 3 MARGARINE -3 lbs. 89c .3sJ c -.1 1n ; 0sr BI SCUITS 6 cons 55c iirh A a o Pimento CHEESE SINGLES-- 12 oz. 69c Pepsodent (Hard-Med -Soft) TOOTH BRUSH each Forr Those who Ate the'Whole Thing : ALKA-SELTZER ,, 36 c . ,Aerosol Can BACTINE SPRAY----- 4.5 oz. $1 IGA, -, LAUNDRY BLEACH :- '.l SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS 12 oz. 78c lb. 98c . --b. 88c ,.. r r .. : ay -- CLOSE OUTI All HANGING BASKETS. $1.00 ROSE BUSHES ' o CLOSE OUTI ea. $2.00 -b. $1.68 Check Our Prices Before You Buy lb. $2.68 BARGAINS fini vif4. CIA- rodujte Chir cost' OfI liV h14 be eal rn4 MOe1rvh fi.it..art4 vegetables,,'Among our )Van.axvOT~nqp" v pt~f vL-fm-ol Green C 'ibbage. L-ticc-C&IeI'y Cafrois, Tomatoes; Pole Beans. Yellow Squash Pjff P,:,T B13.te# ~Care, PP.-per- Cucumber%. Ib. $1.18 - Ib 98, ORANGE POCATOE S.. 2 10 BAGS . LBS.' 69' B ac e -, Pea 3 *\ \ : LBS. '" g'1!; i ,ir'. -:,... BAG 49c - Beans, Squash 3 AGS 396 BAG Bell Pepper, Cukes 3BAGS La~ y' Plastic Baskets of FRESH In AAATf) 0 FOR r~ivur' I ~ You'll Like Our Fresher Produce Hauled Direct from the Fields to You In QOur Own Refrigerated Truck! You'll Like Our Low Produce Prices, Too! 49r %A[.ACA * ..l. 'I-' * I, I, w; 'I,. I' '* " ,- LOK AT THIS PRICE! Fresh YELLOW 88c Onions Ilb. 29c Squash .9 Si3CING CUCUMBERS and 39c Bell Peppers 4 for 29c Completely Home Owned and.Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons lb. 19c II I~ , I _. 'I 2 Z vc I , -/Ii THE SIAR. Port St. Joe. Fla T-L:RSDA'. Na% 10. 147.3 P AGE ELEVEN" *r- Information Dept. 0 LMn 'cc >~EA p U ..7__ -D. OEM& %no m sof - 41ft 1 ol -ow c da b Gulf Coun"ty S-chools ,Rec-e'iv,.e ;State M-,,.oney rid ~ itiajrtyt~9rhE ~ rj ~ra-,. Sifflkmzerut riper.- q1ij XorJ' J-1o cd) .si .d Lrmv f iis'. ,Ea!hch .ojuut v IN' 7, hatldi? fAlt p tiu !- thE LJ starf, 13 basd ctra st'udeFrJ i'd.I)a d lt kj* i- pi'ku~, .1i .1AriJoly. teDepart~mer.E pa.- ti it'',eit. 'A 1ittS.' iepfo -,i 7-~r - ~. ~ ~In ~ fApr i l 1w r-'in bays Mcr6wave Thr~~&-.1l ofcfeR d a. .Itet j T uuif-rnfl:jt,'.n vwas pro -andq,4a repr discusvson ..*.,opcerning the habPV!,dt' gr-e- '5~Ail-,~ ~ d- ~k~r ~ tv sotto safety of pc qerauprs s 'r~ns;8.) Dt~ u~.n fr r.--tr~.i4 H.: Dei Dre':- since Man since oi--dhq, Ors5 Unrion thc p' D e Lre-n -.1rn-4r,1 i r t.4: or ire 'The accer relates Nt SUOO ~rIt~ir.dq~a~ ~ i~..~"aIt~'r~tno'e and t- o N d~ott br- fr 't~~~~t*~ C ~tr 9c 1,5 charges ; m,4el~' r~r~b'BUT-f u .a~ of F-!k t- ~ '~~,, 'A The c- *1.sa-.1 e ~ Jrpd~slr',;n~~~i-and V~~~j'* ~ ~' ~-th an ;41r namrper rg ~ ~ff:. nd miagthe. reg,(tha n1.0 r tj;,Bidt.L~ 10. 'Ak~~:~eirpre ~ ~ It5 ~~ ~ ~ not fii CTJ~f~t r-, pr's ri *rr I -*.e r-ae I -trar ')Fi~- '~.r~j j '. eJ rr Z4 1 crt .-Xare .3 rrdt~.. .ttr~ ~ ,n~ttr- A i. P u*e 1As fTing ~u*. I- -~~dtC~~- f~it~'~r~ ,IT,1,~j~ r-, -w-Q loL- Ji 1C.- raar. he,,.-."hiti e, t 1 *1l a. w og fh., rrrc.. tht r hm-.V t~at~tA. r ., j.t ~t &, -- -. ,11-. evey? B,1r-ph rsijw VmvTjri g-,IV if . A~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ,pt.lt rr -t-i'A trcn tos Li.my o n "'.. L Wruje Fr,: ;orA A t sevc-rrai radio fr and AM NIruetonnfmiue ~ ~ "MPr~, .anntekerewstha dmin ra. 1 Toehuir~n rt p.tt."! ra ot ,r su1? ..stope maemaer M irty u.-& ~ r~ ~.,..t a~i~ads ~r jllCC .5 ar-n ,w t 1p "0 iAi-t .~ff t4/-iiia e t. Itt hi W o a~n I 'r 11 r ,' n icir- r. Ld U"If,. PT. .A-ru '*ie.'11; .ab-jw rrhAc'-Nra -lar,. The- q' 'ii. . fia rn.rce- d ter 1: iwr U. Saju-I~rdr i~~ni TI u.: itu; o qq7,4S-t r ? i'..j tio .p r.t n ai l fcthp. gt- I tr e t i'/i, r r, I 1, i : ~t.i -2 ej-l- fI- arFOn .,Ii itt'. Io Oven Safe presentative of the n of Home Apphi- nifacturers, said piance ot specula- ulns 5 tlantitated concerning micro- .e. cat seveely "icr.r.,aave use In -alcl: tnedicine. and broadcasting as well as, home use .of microwave ovens' .. Microwave ovens have opened up a whole new range of kitchen experiences Pri- marily a boon lo busy people, microwave cooking i- keyed to time not temperature For people who like frozen food, itk. is a perfect partner for there' freezer, for people who like to cook from scratch, time can be saved on some of the . initial steps The portableS:. mici'yaave oven compares 10 an electric fry pan in the amount of energy consumed. 116 v I L1 U r1616 I IniII -9 .-i'4 " PLASTIC uSH CA LINERS "In many respects it's the finest car at any price.' Roa S ou offer mcre than the coipetiitn rei S and offer it at the fairest price possible), ci let," .the experts take notice. That's how Ford '--offered *'v won-the title of, Road Test's "Car of the See hii Year.",And those experts made a,point of talking about the value built into your Price-fighter's big cars. Family-size room, . -w Limit one pkg. - .of 50 Additional $2.49 ad Test Magazine GREAT TIRE BUY! I, i, . r--d, economy, solid comfort and rhe 're ail, part ci Ihe oreat deals d by your price-fightin' Ford Dealer . m soon and see for yourself ,r i Now~atyour k Frd Price-fighters ST. JOE MOTOR CO, FULL 4-PLY FIRESTONE CHAMPION As kIdw as '5 6.00-13 Blackwall Plus $1.61 Fed.. 'Ex. tax and tire *, " off youircr. Whitewalls add $4 si f F.F.T. Size F.ET. t sPrie PCenter 6.50-13 513.85 $1.73 8.25-14 $21.25 $2.24 5.60-15 18.40 1.74 8.15-15 22.00 2.27 7.35-14 18.00 1.96 8.55-14 23.30 2.43 Ifwehoulselloutof your 7.75-1 19.85 11. A us size, we 'll give you a "rain- te check assuring later del Wiv- ewkadS3. andtireoff yourcar. ery at the advertised price. AFBuytoday.- Priced as-shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Fir estone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66'" Port St: Joe, Floriaa, '> 1 the people e people '-I- ____ 9 I_. F NN . -1 r per,.'pksg.,, Frosty Morn Sliced, CO I IWsole d Fresh I FlI. Grade 'B' packed 2 to bag Figgly Wiggly Fryers are Choice ' BEEF LIVER End Cut . Smoked Chops S Cent-r Cut : Ham Sleaks , 69c 89C 99C Yu Plau re I Alw ys ur oiy Georgia Grade 'A' Sr e. a irt Q rereF BUDGET Greu Giant- o2 oz ' Faiop.s ', anr ,. ,T , LE SUUR.PEAS ''L7 ~Cimpbell's S10 :2 '1cIsl2o7A TO4MATO .SU 11 ISIFtCTANT 9", i z2c Pa'de 26-ol A 'AP.PL-E.JEklY glas33'JIOD'IZED SALT. b.- ox 4 finp6us Corqzx ~ Rqc 1 z5 BlE a.-~ ?a'h Beut Ais- Gleem S TOOTPASTE oz. tube 6C Scope , MOUTHWASH'I 8" bott. 0l Secret 8 oz. r ,ANTI ,PERSNRANT / cn O88 Q Shampoo 4 oz. btle. or 2'/2 oz r HEAD & SHOULDERS tboe00 POTATOES Fres YioiilourFindlyP Fresh. Florida ,Large Ears, Ani Center Cut 1 Ham' Roast . Center Cut ' Pork Chops S ,Family Pak ' S Pork Chops Meaty LOIN RIBS' Fresh Neckbones Fresh EorL Pigs Feet We Now Have Full I SMRS, STRATTON'SS A 97C," Tender Beef S ',"UBED STEAK Choice Beef S All Meat Stew C choice Beef ' ', Ground Chuck Choice Beef -, Runp ..Roast Borieless Savoy pven ROAST F ~.'.Choicepeef ,' iGrodhnd Roun ' morton rbolen 8 MACARONI & Sea Pok Frozen FISH & CHIPS S99c $1.19 89c 39c 39c Line ' LADS $1.19 $1.29 $1.29 $1.39 oz. pkgs . CHEESE f5fr 2 b. pkg149 SHollowy House Frozen 12 BAKED POTATOES A49 Minute Maid Foezen ORANGE JUICE 12 oz.55 ..55 Mrs. Filbeits Regular 1 b1.4 MARGARINE 3pkgs. Pnfade 8 dz. pkg 17r SINGLY WRAP CHEESE q/" quantity rights reserved none sold to dealers DOUBLE COLA DRINKS Qiuar ts IDAHO BAKING 4.G___ --WParade POUND I AIARI.E 1 lb. plg.25C Vow favorite TVpstaptions are *.. fl Ig frr your viewing Ie .on. pleasure and ..' :: S;. A -n n , ,,..' ..- "" ; .STAM PS ".. Mother's Day, Sp I Colonial or White Gold SU6AR bag Nl - 1 with o10.0o0 Order Clorox I3BLEACH Hai ua. 32c , Mothers Day Sp"a! Giant Size TIDE h $7.50 Order Famous Comet CLEANSER decorator can L.264. S Mother's Day Spc -! Supreme or Meadow Gold e Crea Round Half Gal. 79I Parade Whole TOMATOES 16 oz. cons &A$8 - 00( Plus Deposit F'Mother's Day Hudson Big H Jumbo Rolls oweln jumbo roll Limit 3 Rolls With $7.5QOrder 303 cans Parade Corn 4 cans 88c I I Iu -Piggly Wi'g-g*t Prices Effective Thro"ugh May 1.2, 1973. y , ,' 'iJ . I . "~ i ~ C |