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HllE ST Industry- Deep Water Port- Fine People- Safest Beaches in Florida Port St. Joe, Flat THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 TEN CENTS A COPY ----- Deputy DAVID ROGERS . By Death Mr. William Lloyd Goff * ag"~.dr,, a long time rr.ident (of Highland Viet, passed a., ay at 8.30 pr Wersda Sight in Holn'es C.oPunty Hospital. Bomfay, Fla. he is survived by bne son, Mr. Homer Goff of Highland View, two daughters Mrs Evelyn White and Mrs .kjanette llolmarn', xth ,if tomnfay four grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren ,.ando two m:i.ters, Mrs Alic:. Hlender.on, Perysacola, a rinl Mrs Irella Rolt-rts, Lakc- '. land. ,. Funeral services will be held at 2:00 p.m (EST) Frida. at, the Hi~hland View Asts-rrbly of tkod Chur-"h ,edlui.td I.-,: The Rev. Jean.ShorLs, pastor Tr (eifrrent. will I.e ii. the family plot of Jehu Cemetery .of Wewahit(hkp The body il lh i in sla at t the (turch from 1P00 pm until service irne All servit", *,. wdi lhi, uder the direction o l orm forter 'uncr-i Hcmre Evangelist Dudley Hall will be the preacher. for "revival services that will begin in the Long Avenue Baptist Church on Sunday morning April 2N* and., .continue _.through "h- following Sunday, ay a Reverend Hall lives in o'drtt Worth, Texas. He is a nativ,. of Abbeville, Ala., and', attended Samford University in Birmingham on an athletic scholarship.' He served as captain of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, prior to becoming a full-time evange- 'ist. Mr. Hall served as a It's Sgt. DaVid Rogers Sheriff Raymond Lawrence announced this week the promotion of Deputy David ,Rogers. "Effective immed- jately, Deputy_, Rogers. is Promoted to the rank of Sergeant in the Gulf County Sheriff's Department. In thi 'capacity, he will be more :involved in investigative, and administrative. work.- Ser- .geant Rogers; in the period of time since he joined' the Gulf County Sheriff's Department ' has proven himself capable of accepting responsibility, and in many instances his performance on the' job has proven to be outstanding," Sheriff -Lawrence said. Sheriff Lawrence further stated, "Thpe promotion of Deputy Rogers puts the Gulf County Sheriff's Department a'. step further toward our ultimate goal of building the department up to highest efficiency; staffing it with, qualified andl well-traihed rnm-n anr> giving high prior. " to crime detection and prevention. It is o&ur hope tht we can quickly move this department toward becoming a competently staffed, effi- ciently functioning organima-" tio that will be operating not only "after t.he fact"'' but wil' t, ,.o vs.intly mong to tak ; prm.ventve :5tpps to combat` I, breaking ' Sergeant Rogers recently ju'ned the Sheriff's Depart ment, corring to Gulf County frirm four yv"ars with the Bay C.'.nft Stieriff's Departtnent Aside from hfs experience 1ii lawV ernf'-rcer.ent he i aid eight year veteran of Viet- Np.'i, living served four years in the .military police atid three yearn in rn.'ai l]_nillgerrce In 1971 'he %as th.n- ree-pient of the "Ofhfcer of the Ye;ar waro frorn the. Ray County Optimist Club Baptist pastor in Fort Worth' where he 'also' earned his Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Seminary. Mr. James Ray Brookins, a Baptist layman from Panama City, will direct the revival music each'evening, Mr. Brookins is choir director ,for the Immanuel Baptist .Church in Panama City. Pastor J. C. Odum announces that revival ser- vices will be conducted at the usual time on Sunday. The week day services will be at 7:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Repair Needs A Are Discussed I Here it is! Our first offset produced newspaper. After nearly six months of planning .andi purchasing equipment, The Star is now produced by the method of p, ,',ng ,'r.v. r. .: "offset". 'I'e ru, '.A rw-thod of printiaig is another step *-'., 1 I.- r -,. provide the people of Port St Rt '. ,h rke qi the finest weekly nevwpap~r s A.ij,'-l in north Florida. For S>.s~ ,. T. !n,, a, maintained one of the best ,'qiippe:'id pi intrii, plants in this section of th. : .e .t;t .-t..uw five to seven years ago r,- ,ff,'.r prnttirg method' began to come -m.e fi.' nt -with new' developments, e" .,. in photographic typesetting machines. The, Star is the only weekly its size printing by the offset method in its own Pioneer Resident Taken By Death Mrs. Mary Belle Forehand, aged. 84, died .ad-..:dl 'Sunday afternoon ori.n a , apparent heart a r.:k s Forehand moved t .hgarind View in 1937 where she was instrumental in pioneering the building of the commun- ity. She was a member of thq Highland View Methodist Church,- a member of the Eastern. Star and Rebecca Lodge. Funeral services will be held at 3:00 P.M. Tuesday 'afternoon at the Methodist Church of Highland View with ,the Rev. James -Morris officiating.. Interment Will follow in the family plot of Holly Hill Cemetery of Port St. Joe. The body will lie in state' at the church from 2:00 p.m. until service time. Two Arrested On Drug Count According to Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence of the Gulf SCoumity Sheriff's Department, a Port St. Joe city employee, William. L. Penamon, has been arrested and charged with possession of marijuana. 'Acting on. reliable informa- tion, 'Chief' deputy Tomr Berlinger and .Sergeant ,David Rogers made the arrest at a residence on Avenue D in Port St. Joe. Penamon was charged With a felony, possession of mari- juana in excess of five grams, and was released on $1,002.00 bond , Also facing charges of possession of marijuana are William P. Dugan of New York City, N.Y. and Daniel J. Marshall pf Hialeah, Florida. Dugan and Marshall were apprehended by Trooper Ken Murphy of the Fla. Highway Patrol. on charges of exces- sive speed. After taking the subjects to the Gulf County Jail for arrest, it was decided ,4hat there was probable cause for a search of the suspects vehicle. The illegal drug and paraphernalia were found in the suspects' car and they are being held in the Gulf County Jail: She is survived by two sons: Madison' B. Kenning- ton, Sr. of Highland View; and G. L. Kennington, Jr. of Port St. Joe. Two daughters: Mrs. A. P. Jackson of Por St. Joe and Mrs. Katherine Brown of Beacon Hill; three grandsons,' William T. Ken- nington, Sr., Madison B'. Kennington,, Jr., and G. L. Kenning ton,' III, all of Port St. Joe; five grand daugh- ters: Mrs. Thomas Wilder of Beacon Hill, Mrs. Barry McGuigan of Tuscaloosa, Ala., Miss Barbara Brwn. of Beacon 'Hill,' Mrs. James Gilbert, and Mrs. 'Joel Adams, both of Panama City; ten great grandsons, and three great grand daughters. One. sister, also survives, Comrel'a Marler of Destin, Fla. All services will be 'under the direction of the Comforter Funeral Home of Port St. Joe. Key Club Will Man Road Block The Key Club of the Port St. Joe High School will be conducting road blocks this Saturday for donations to the American Cancer Society. - Members of the Key Club want to urge you to please stop at their road blocks Saturday and, join them as they help in the fight against cancer. plant. Others make up their pages and take them to a central press location, usually in a larger' town to be printed on a web fed press. This week marks the first edition to come off our News King web here in our plant.' The Star's press in one of only four from Tallahassee to the Alabama line. Other weeklies in this area take their papers to Milton, Dothan, Ala., i Bainbridge or 'Camilla, Ga., for printing. , While the offset method of producing a newspaper is new to us here at The Star, offset printing is. not, since we 'have used offset, for 12 years in our commercial pritinir.i department. Mr ?, does offset mean to the people of Port St. Joe? To us here at The Star it will mean a complete new concept in printing the paper. It will mean the absence of'the familiar hot metal type, the handling of heavy lead. newspaper forms an hopefully an easier job of getting the paper out. To the reader it will mean an easier to read paper, better pictures and a wider use of pictures. All of this, of course, will come after we learn to use the new system and become irnflmi'a woii' i the many things which can be done. A changeover is never easy for anyone in any endeavor. While we have worked night and day for the past 'month getting ready for this and trying to plan for any eventuality, we probably will still have problems. We hope you will bear with us during this transition period after which you will definitely have a newspaper you can point to'with pride. Chief Griffin Appointed To NELE Advisory Council H. W. "Buck" Griffin recently received word of his appointment to the National Executive Law Enforcement Advisory Council for the period from March 1973 to March 1974. Council Members are appointed to the group and .selections are made from over 30,000 law enforcement administrators over the nation, Appointments. are made on the basis of service to the community in further- ing the cause of better law enforcement and equality under the law. The National Council, head- quartered in Montrose, Calif., a suburb of Los Angeles, works to better community relations with various law enforcement agencies nation- ally, through research and preparation of written and broadcast material for public. consumptiono. Council Mem- bers act in the capacity of advisors to the Council in gathering and preparing law .enforcement data to insure factual and up-to-date infor- mation is being disseminated.: Once again, H.W. "Buck" Griffin demonstrates his con- cern for community' welfare and progress, not only in' his own jurisdiction tut also the 'nation as a whole. In a five hour marathon session Tuesday night, the County Commission decided to call for bids to repairs the dangerous wiring of the. old Courthouse in Wewahitchka; re-affirmed the fact 'they were still trI' i; to get watqr and sewer services for Port St. Joe and ignored a 'warning from the state ri.ii.ii of Family Services '*i- county would lose state contributions if. the county did not pay up its share of .i..-.,. hospital and nursing home care. -The Board had requested Vr ne Gorham to inspect the .wiring needs of the old ;courthouse and central air conditioning units located on the site with the thought in mind of utilizing the units in the downstairs area of the lb .ldi'.: The units were originally installed to serve the up,'airs court room area. ,.ori rim reported the wir- ing in the building was adequate for what it was installed to do but was not sufficient for the load being t,.'edii ,on iernm t-y window .nr oonditistn,'rs. etc. He did %. .irn ..r .s d.,i 'ei-.u-i situation in the basement of the build- ing where an inadequate and ,i wn,,.. -I entrance box was in danger of setting the tmldii, on fire and possibly even an explosion "as power- ful as 50 pounds of dyna- mite". He recommended replacing the entrance panel and doing some repairs around the entrance area. ,Gorham reported that the air.conditioner, a 15 ton unit, was in good condition, though long mnctri1ay had caused the compressor to freeze up. He said the compressor could be repaired. Gorham made recoifmmendahons ,for more eliticit.t u,6s of. the. air / conditioner, which' he termed ,adf-qu.(I. tir> take care of the ti.rt; u gro'lin, floor of the hibldinig whin- houses several '.lic.s -. il as a library. The Board was of the .p.nor. they would have to bid tht" job and confirmation came later in the meeting this assumption was correct. The Board, will now attempt to write, up specifications for the repairs and call for bids.: WATIE-R F ND SEWER ser- i!. ;s f[,, Oak Grove and what the county was doing about securing it was the subject of a lengthy ,ibscu:,soion after former commissioner Leo Kennedy asked the Board, "What is the status of the system?" Kennedy was informed the only block to securing the system was money. Chair- man Lamar Davis said, "We can get a FHA loan for the systems in we 'only .had enough people in Oak Grove to make the federal agency reasonably assured of getting their money back. There is no' grant money at all available". Kennedy then set out to persuade the Commission to consider creating a water district with power to levy taxes in the district to guarantee the loan. "In this manner you could get FHA to turn loose the loan money because their money would be guaranteed by taxing (Continued on Page 8) Gulf's First Highway Fatality SAn 18-yer---old Apalachi- cola youth became Gulf County's first traffic fatality for 1973 .early Thursday morning. Bobby Gerald Lem- ieux was dead on arrival at Municipal Hospital after he was thrown from his car in a mishap at 12:15 A.M. 2.7 miles South of Port St. Joe in Highway 30-A. According to Florida High- way Pati'olman Ken Murphy, young Lemieux was ap- proaching Port St. Joe at a high rate of speed, when he lost control of his car on a curve, traveled for 401 feet down the shoulder of the road and hit .a powerr Dole. Lemiex w's thrown from the car on impact and apparently suffered a broken neck. .The car traveled for. another 48 feet after shearing off the power pole before coming to rest. -. s Bernard Bozeman, a pas- senger in the car, was also taken to Municipal Hospital: and treated for head injuries and released. FlP THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR, Number 34 Rev. Dudley Hall Evangelist Dudley Hall Preaching Baptist Revival I --. I I -- ' I `s I I' 1 w THE'STAR .Port St.' pE Florida. I'HRSIDAY. APRIIL' 1917 -T H.E ST AR- B,. Theim thr P4D Jfip.%bl 4CAorlnpnV 1W.td-CHaIIIPOage POW at POrM ST Jo. Fi~rods Y24% Wesley R. Ramsey Wuiliam H Ramsey Frenchie L. Ramsey Shirley K. Ramsey POTTOFF IC E BOX 3O PH FORT ST JOE, FLOPiDA 32456 Editor and.-Publiiiter Production Supt. Office M-rkagir Typ~etter, Subasvriphnfso IONE 227.3W I 1ECOND.CLA.".POSTAGE P~AD AT PORT ST JOE FLOP-Dh "06 ISuE5CRiPTAC1uS NNVAOIfLV AVBL E N DVA ildC~ TW~V -O~E 'vFEARS. 'a A $ ilS)i ."09 OU'r OF COui~rf Oros Y'fea 63 Or.OulT QOFaoil S O- .~. vi T~O A6aJWDTvSVRS- i.r, aw. cf earc, Drr *o.lm~soons n "if.rt.~- .er C"'t Nh If.-' ..yr.'t I ', .:EDITORIALS... 18.Year Old Drinkers? -. Thp F'ilo~.L-~~~Ir- ~d1t~t~ hrs.ridid hh'word rive pal.ra -EqU4I Riglirs Ar]' fiaaj cAa'6flaI f r=.brtz~"i u.,I k 'wk-ring ihe 'uD a' a ~s last vj,-ek' hlar'gd"Ivy .-6n the W ai~ita-ijr f.r 1'11u0 1 it r--,a"r .. -r; i.- elrc I *Ruikh Wthd l'wSm~~"on he is7h~d 1U. W411 ind utS y md r ronson'r ik for keep c 4nnn asawmart.arnd no't. gra.'d..a' ho bi= th m j~t "rsoI)(- W~ti J rl z t IThat Ia'' a"raa'.' L' [-T IlL 5i'ai "ilyto Men-'-aenn 1y 'KV f 1i~rb*.. This. one '~e '~r are Wmpt~ritA wLDtheinm rf ii, p~[r ~'ali- r~:ik~I! u'.t~1Will r~~maI. ~~Pme aU. i f!."k W. iinthis, -"de W161t~he iqurnvoI.n oaf wbhi hu 'or t it~ ~. -. ,.,,, -- no bol. ta. (ki~'. ll achill .ighL". fo r young This ', '' : -.r ei jti.w'q.~. lJa'IV;t'rb -hJ. I S r 1iaIa tar' --'v with t, Do* yewI in Ilia'prrwnaso ad vr..'nvathema teaclv..r l, t.i -lu. ), j ,, tL 1'a- r'ld~ papjrrity w' l-z.iuii~ JSQ .Ia'ia IJ a:2(a D 'A hIt'~,V'rjnrj4, Atli i n gI.~".vb jL" .p 1fo ,d iivk whisky i' :ndIi'tthl IS Uhi:. lowers !,m,] _4-v 6ri'a"rp.. ha.' i - quivri g f Jravdaaa m tbe Wyoung or plac-w*- o2 erfa''a u ng i a''iJy tfaii iii n'theirto 2 BJ ridWi .~af~ '4.' "h. aaal tajacher -.p i-on LMY- 'W 'ikhwn h "NO1 ,'. ,~the. r k'*in!==_ ~ a'to vWm:tior' anl qaI:-ed al1~wvirn.'1,8 'to -OM At1v'va ~ ''l-jk. 'twarng j hiu 3'1~r~fqu I tv.0 isiu.a.' A wa s ia't,.'1I% l',ain A hoitoa10 No .toM M,- p:oh. it wui : t, . ;R 'i.rt I'r id-nt Nixnn' il rlii.. .o (*rim_ s And.11, i -_,l ainy h, r ..p'l-.,- 1 i ; i v-at radioo id'i-. ,.,. Presi- dci t Naii- !~iid "In recent 'days, thI i4 h.v e b, lja" ,'..:a to .I h:.--. th, a,..-'$.d.',,mq .ifd use of marijuana. The btI .ta;aaiiAt the use of ,a.;', i-'. ou- dr' is now. dr.ian ri'n tflhtI side o.f iv,.rijuana.: If we move'the line, t,. tid ,other side aoiat a., i pi I hI use of tlii drug, how -a.in r., 'dri ",. Iin.' a. i.'t other !,N-.:. aru." Or wI, %-:.. slide into an' il. rLa.i tt..'V of- "n u e, ao "W ', ,l "M y N d-tiii ,--iii lu .. is. care-.' fulv iw [,h-.he-d .thri 0l.i-t-r 1 l. have i' turinettd the statutes. We i';..- t:k,..-i th I. _ad in making sanctions t-iifi..sit hii' use of uti.iriin.ii a more tu .r't,.IL more rr .-'a l..Eil -, P iin.. - ly. trth':..t.,m' t0.,in 'iwere'often unreal- ist';llyh harsh Today,: 35 states f.RE IS THE ANSWER TO CANCER GIVE to the American Cancer Society Perspective Son Education h R i ev i. n s n , Pa.i,.rS ,., ,at [f. -a,,c ll-ar, I niai", r* ', ai t.a ( r ijna t.a .. '... schools 1n moved "t.a, ,ir' Ar.. 'iJo it,:, away r', n I 'i L .r r a t '" :do'u , 'cracked from the inside. A ..,.. > : r's 'm of the new -:''.'tar,,', re P-F idea- .'.'.,a'i r,ar F.:.id This evolved into S and 1i..,'.- *.f' ,a':!. or. U sH-i.i. l,.to.'/. One ( ,.-'.;Iie reason for the. d; -J-.'1, Z ,/ t P- ,,o r.,, " ., tF *./.o letters look so r ,. I',op .li'n tr: r, yopi, .,.'rent'I rfe' : n.,- t;.j.':_ r.t d a tu' ily . K AW:.'. ":d t.: t,.''/ r ,-' t .' .6 #,4'. r. .,,t, '.. ti r i.. + 'A~~~O jl NOa't "Pj ,' 4~' at .r,.j I ai urijuana -ap it was reasoned that have' ...-pP-. I our, r;, ,--ar .-t ,* ,' : ",-'. ..?.is i ii ".a i .. "B t- ,- mu. ,I ..; -' or use of no r Not everyone, of '' ii-" S'. the rP .1.,- Therea who say that marijuana:' I i i- that it is' ". .t. a, ,. ' and that it. t.i i'. ,,. -. ',.f':'o., But ih, Ls ,a ,'> ; dence e a~ .,.:i 'i., is ind . *liA' i, more than was ' ->.,.,'. I And the-i',..'. is not alone in its .v.--.*":'i. TU. .A ; one of 95'nations *1i' *.agreed to. r -'i the tion, traffic and use of -,. and its derivatives such i- Y '.r people have .... of messing up their 3r.,- wit use of r.t'.i i.'.i".. 'th "''. thb ip *.i: of permissiveness matter woull be a grave mis Doa Paddlina It's a. good sign to see the par- ents 6f Port St. Joe working through the Bi-Racial Committee to try and bring -some sanity and civilization to the beha\-iour of our children in our schools. .It's nice to see such paren- tal interest, but, sadly, it will prob- ably prove to be an exercise in futil- ity. This isn't, to say all effort should cease, in an attempt to guarantee harmony among our' children-just the bpposite--we feel no -effort should be spared Why'then do we say the Bi- Racial Committee's efforts will prove to be futile? Simply because, in, our opinion, the parents of the children causing the trouble and fighting are' not interested in any Bi-Racial Com- mittee., They are happy in the fact -.they managed to get in a telling blow .: H.k.ia'. "',Ah,,tt '" or those "'ti We, however, encourage forts of the committee, sincee cident or on purpose, some, may be found to reach those erant minorities on both side color line. In some way, t.h be a spark of brotherhood .;. which may spread. While the Committee'; just very well might prove t tile, we think it is worth the to function if for only the rea (we can be sure there will be provements in relationships ing at all is done. It's sort of like being thi the river. 'You may n'et kn to swim, but one thing's tor if you don't try you will drown. If you don't give may just accidentally figure to "dog paddle" and save yo ita;i on I .hope 'i .. be ., b .- ~' th pos- 'i-v :*.- :" ^ .: . 1'a.n of Insurance Agents . HIGHWAY FIGURES BAD- 2it., -' HDPE SEEN FOR FJTUIHE are some A 28 year old managed ' ," to ..,,- a '-,. a r rd ", ;v ]iil, in -0. years-w which '., ...-!-, :',".*;!";. convictions for hit and ,- . be .. '',"' driving;' .. ..' license.', :.' '.'' speed- .... ing, jumping .''. --. and eed very several other .' ,He ..r. ,., .was also .- i. ; in seven accidents.- * '"' '* a dnA 40 year. old from the T. 7 '" ''* together a '.-"cord in 19 cultiva- a a .a .... .nictions for h- 'iving 'while ; ways LaBar '. _. and 11 bhout the for driving after license. sus- way to pension or 'revocation. He ,:. .- bhad two accidents involving stake. These two: drivers are no longer on the roads. *.-t-. : saw to that under provisions of its .-', Offender Law. ,. ; .3 -. mb these are only '. .two, '" a group of ''" heedless or arrogant drivers -:.. .' who may number as many as five'million across the United *, States. -' Last year, Ar : .,r,,. es- e ef- tabfihed records for deaths, t# injuries,'"accidents and eco- '. .'* ac- nomii loss by the way they !;ieans drove.'The actual statistics se l- i..- are: ,' .- .'. .-' 5,100,000 s the injured, 2 35 million accidents S e and $19.1 billion lost to our :r may economy. cne ratet.l Partly due to the record carnage, 18 state legislatures '$ are considering adoption of S work Habitual Offender laws this o0be fu- year. These as in the, 15 i states which previously pass- i while ed them, are being sponsored s6nthat or actively supported by state eBo10 im- associations affiliated with the 'f t National Association of In- if noth- surance Agents. Similar to the strong meas- rivrK in ures taken in Virginia, the w new habitual offender laws 1OW9.hOW are aimed at that group of r'- sure- people who cannot or" will , surely not drive intelligently. They L surely are intended as a step to- Up, you ward protecting the rights out how of 110,000,000 conscientious ur life drivers to use our highways ur lfe. insafety. ar' child could :... marked Sr. ., e ., -,'. ': ,- "i -I.: the 1930's, and :-';." when the S-U ~' ., -. were ' pga ing p uop'uiuariy. -.i ; .-.'h v aihquaPe '.a-s ti ,.rE ._ : ..!*,,,: ,:int. '-the schools,. It, .too, stemmed .from- interest in "Wld .'t,t. (-o and ind vi- J'la, fii.j.' .:-1 The : . p i!,i- :,. r as that a ,.: 'she.,, a,. -,rs to 'A,'rro w ,*i,'t,, h.r', *. t. 1 not t..a ir.,t:. Teachers were P t ..- ach ; ,, i h i' I f I; r. ...i. . r li', lt", U"' 'arr Ai . o .1 0 .. 3 r" 4 yt z- r-. J she a3.% p3..r 'to do more and e.- -.. .*.,:,r'i than John with .his- i of 85 and 'his 1'. o effort to -'-rl,- a ou;ld receive, S-.ider the self, ', '.- I r. s his f' ,. t if r+.' o.~'' Ifto him?" often put 3 to ive tor., on ader wholesale -.-;;,r, :. ti '. *: v. *stem failures ....'-. a their .. a U fromate ials toeathe -'n, \ .',,: 8- .' *" ,.erA of ,, A' "-. ',ess s" set in. *?:ched a those. he.counter himreac tion came in the late 950's, and the entire subject is still .'. :debatedf .' t ou.;t., ..he' This is tuem?" theory on a sion of ' :: lorid maerialnd the those 'rda ext The coungterreach- erstion came inGulf 'County 950's, L, :.t ,:.. j! Florida. . Three Gulf Coast Commun-- ity, College courses, two in the first session and one in the: second session, wilJ be offered at.Port St. Joe High School this summer, it was announced today. Gulf Coast ends its regular spring semester with gradu- ationf ceremonies Friday, May 4, and begins its fist summer session with regis- tration-Thursday and Friday, May 10 and 11. Classes begin in the first summer session Monday, May .14, and end.on Friday, June 22. Registration for the two courses in Port St. Joe will be Gulf E $8,55 U S. E 3uys 1 JIn londs March sales of Series E and H United .. Bonds in J....' million - up $1 : ','. ..... March 1972. T ..... .r. 31.2 per cent 6f its annual Savings Bonds sales :. March' 31. Bond sales in the first three, r,,rt : totaled $41.4 million - up $6.2 A* :i.i. ,' over the same period last year. J. Ted Cannon, Volunteer Gulf ';' r",' Savings Bonds Chairman reported .March Bond :;O,-'. ,n the county totaled : 551. The county reached .' -per cent of its. 1973 sale: or_..' .n march. held Thursday, May .10, at 6:30 p.m. (EST) in the Port St. Joe High.hSchool. The two courses slated to be offered are Political Science 201 on Monday -and Wednesday evenings and Psychology 207 on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Under legisianon passed last year by the Florida Legislature, high school stud- ents who have completed their junior year and have 12 high school units op their record may enroll for college courses. The Port St. Joe courses also are expected to attract many recently gradu- ated seniors gwho want to begin their college careers. in addition to the two courses slated for the first summer session, Gulf Coast will offer a freshman English 101 course in the second summer session, which will be held from June 25 to August 3. Persons interested in en-' rolling for the two courses the first session are urged to attend a registration meeting foi both courses on Thursday, May 10, at 6:30 p.m. in the Port St. Joe High School. Say you sawiv I n -The Star! More Due Medicare Status Starting July 1, people 65 and over who haven't been able to get Medicare hospital insurance before may be ~:ti.. They can apply for the protection now, acccord- ing to David Robinson, Social :**. -...Representative for Gulf Counjy. "Previously, to get Medi- care -..;'.,'; insurance, you had to ..b. 65 or over and either eligible for social _.-c .,r-.- ;.- .'. ".'i orlhave a certain amount of social S- work credit," Robin- son said. "Under recent amendments to the social -.":i' law-T '.--..,a 65 or over 'who were not' -..- before may now ,'.r.2... Medicare, ..: .. insurance ..... : To get this S: .,-.::. however, .- must also sign up for the n i.. -i,.surance part ofl Medicare. I .. new provision is '' :'. to extend t}-',-; ," insurance coverage to people 65 or over whQ have little or no work credit under social : Tr -r ,re' unable to get :: .:. r -.: -' insurance .-:' s. :,, private companies," I'. i '.. ,'-, I -,~.'' ium.' for .- $33 S.'. -...t i...,- 30 a month '"The '"? s. '.. *,;"... !,, :4 up I J'.- i. tobinson S"This r you can sign up '. -' '.. he said. dy ..... d py ; ,_. "', ,. 3pi ,, i ":, a:,. ;ast *t ".. '.'.} *- .. ,. ,,, -. ,) any -year." .- . Medicare .t ,.,-, _'! '5 insur- . ance helps pay for h.,i.-, .1-ai e i:,,...and many related expenses . The medical' I',r',.'_ par,' of ? ',o..: > .,A .. ti(nal...( i ,:I. and ,'h. r a-adicial expenses not *..* .a ,. .ti ..,. I.,i. i ... .. it is i, ,-.i by ,individual pre- o miums sand' by general , revenues. For people. who become .65 A,* ,. i "'. .'aa are not - i,. .' ,r .. -, ".t,-,f |S :; '., i unatA period to apply "for h both the '.r.':i and ed ical Insurance parts of '.r-,ij,.1;-o S"Youcan apply during the 3 months before you're 65, the month of your 65th -',t','ir . or the 3 f.':.,:. thereafter. But you '-,.^t ,i in the.3 months before -,',.a 65 to' get .: ":,_ ai 3: ';,. ,;ui with the month you beconre 65,'" Robinson explained, For t i fa ,.f .. information ,contact e ,'. social ".>". ' office . It's amazing to me what some people won't do to get their picture in the paper. Some of these people, you wouldn't do some of the things they do.. just to get their picture in the paper. You might not believe it, but Sid Brown is one of these people. I didn't know Sid was' so dead set on getting his picture in the paper. As a .matter of fact, with the maneuver he pulled to get his picture in the paper, he could have wound up ...:..s' i m't-.,..: -. just irim i,.rt.die''d in the p.ag,'- of The. Star. Wt.dr* .-.1.) ;f _! no-'o! while we were tr 'ing. to t. on the ir- .a 'i h the.last run of the paper. Sid br,-"i;giht his I- u', opportunity (for u-s) right .to our front 3 .:,r so .we ',,idni' miii 'the .i. and so it .*:wii be i:cu.vnt for us. Old Sid is so considerate. He "d.'-, a horse right up to the is unt of our 1,cJding. just across the r .-' where' the sand is soft and h..i the horse buck him off just so we I..'!il. take, his picture for the ; ,' 'tr Trouble was, t ,..<,''. .we were inside and never knew the horse .'u : ( hirm off. Sid was so addled 1- the fall he was too .i.;--.J to come get us and he had f. ,r-,: i, to tell someone ahead S ',,T: "T,, go .1 W; I'm going to ride this horse in ',,.T' of his office and get I.--.. k, .i off,so he can take my :s.rr He i','c: .to do that, so we missed the :r . S-'. times a day now, I go to the fi,-ni door and look.across the street jt.- in case Sid * comes back ..ar at i try at getting his picture in the ., I ..,d..l.'' have him go i ,-i.:h all i: again .'-" I .' .i it documented on film. S ... the i. .' -,years we have w'A..,tn and .l-hi -1 a lot of .,i','i ,.ik in thit-. newspaper and many ,,f th't'i drew comment. Much of the torhC :' r ..' .i 2 .."- a .:'...1- and i-.,..-'' A s a .matter of for..'. ur ..,,a-l ,., -2 h, r iiht ., - has a little scar tissue ',!- the ,.-.- wh iI,.' it. rh~-. hri-,-. burned i,.iht,:I on occasion.' And, too, .,- ,r., get,a few kind words of encouragement '.4.lu;h '.- W -Tv .,:.[, hi!i, .-...in- i agrees .m ii Ir. i A.. h .: v,-.,-- i.,.2I.l I don't think an.. .-. '.. 'I ," .,, t idle, has drawn the com- m er'. h..i. l:..t .. ,:.,ith.., ,i! drew 1,.r in.in. to i."nJtl:n.:. -ai -.." up on th1 w..,i. side of High- "way I found out ih., r. 'are scores of pfph- .wa,,. ,.<- T i3do about that matter, It shouldn't be hj.1', i : z 3 5i S- [ r. -i.,'ast*,-. th kI i l ..'i .rds..1 ... n,' ur ..... ment, but, i,-atr,,vi ,.. the iiiiluTi:' continues. It been i, i, like a bee hiv, at swarming sea- son :,",'i,.l-I The Star this week, trying to get all the last ,i:i.,:,, changes made to put out our first offset r-* ril.,-' newspaper this w. i' It's been' like a-bee hive for the past month to six weeks, but there were r.t. ,y ,inr- w .e *uti'l' wo until we printed the1 :,..' letter press editing last week. We had to leave all our hot metal japp-rar-I op- er,'Ui'-, and couldn't 'Ji-.,i-in. ',t or move anything -0'.1i last ,..,,k'.- -'r' was out. As a ,r..i--.'4 'n-, we got behind with some of our commercial ,rin.Mri and i :. fewpic- ture taking assignments, for which we are sorry. We -,!'!' leave things undone on purpose, it was just that we were so Wound up the time slipped by before we knew it. We promise to' get back in the groove real soon . ** , Jimmy Greer brought me, some of his own .hand-grown tomato plants last Thursday and gave me. explicit instructions on just how to pro- perly plant them. I followed his instructions to ;the letter, after which, according to Jimmy, I'm supposed to harvest a bountiful supply of the love-apples. Jimnmy didn't give any written guarantee with the plants, but from the way he was ex- plaining the planting method and admonishing me to follow his instructions, I drew the conclu- sion that Jimmy was going to furnish me with to- matoes this summer if the plants don't produce. SI may be wrong, but that's the conclusion I drew. From The Living Bible There is a right time for everything: A time to be born, a time to die; A time to plant; A time to harvest; A time to kill; A time to heal; A time to destroy; A time to re- build; A time to cry; A time to laugh; A time to grieve; A time to dance; A time for scattering stones; A time for gath- ering stones; A time to hug; A time riot to hug; A time to find; A time to lose; A time for keep- ing; A time for throw- ing away; A time to tear; A time to repair; A time to be quiet; A time to speak up; A time for loving; A time for hating; A time for war; A time for peace. Three Summer Courses Offered In Port St. Joe I_ L_-- -- ------ r II Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY I. RAMSEY -ibti-ip~lP~i rlteL~~ c :~.1~: SDANLEY'S (50th. OUR`,\ ANNIVERSARY CO- NCONGRATS To "' -..., H THE STA R On their new printing process being introduced this week, -. DA3100 AUTOMATIC 'i"" i, ELECTRIC WASHER E seR trN ER W SHER miuNrable Pre No rmalT Im an, l u 3?%. S. Pie .. 2 1 DRYER s59 h. S 59.jj .m F Sped* i SPEEDV UEE fn *il KING-SIZE Bedding Special! 1'11-Pc. KING-SIZE Sleep Set -. Including Quality Linens ...2090 YOU GET ALL THIS Fo',.. 2 2,- ,rf..i Shp ., '',;,,- h~1n79 PIqtr C., e P -ter. Fi ar, Pialio: ,TV:t. t r e al Blank#t.t 1 QurtIh-J C rerfOrtir Spread .9 : I n i :,., ,' r4 -'j r.,r P,,,;'l.t.;i 1 0(j isn..''j rut.riI I'"r ?', r.u .;h, P.Il' 4, 1 F, a.ii Phh'ilft Spr>Id 1 T'. .h. 'l' B/iank& .l Room too small for King-Size? Convert your ' double bed to QUEEN-SIZE with .- ,] ., -. 1..P. Queen-Size Sleep Set r, ' I_ I . f t' .1 ,, ,' .1 01-f. / I -. !. . 5 ^.[_, .. - "d Ps ly t -. 1 (Jtlnl nd r 2'r M ,bh nq Plo FI5 n Pln h- Spr- CaA 1 Thermal Blanket Room too small for King-Size?-Convert yo ur, double bed to .QUEEN-SIZE with : 10-Pc. Queen-Size Sleep Set ,:._ x. :.: -'O- + ?. I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1973 PAGE THREE' .--Driving Skills Needed I IT. 1 1 a a- n? 1:4.4 LI ~" apead -gi'd -,j kr9;. sdsA ,c K':r!;p Your IEyes fl~igfoe MCYoE 'e fuj.e1 ey vi the 're-.Ix Chairman Of School Program 'Sad: -" t. a r Guid- ance '..*,*-, .:.:r at Franklin Co. ,- .:' ,:, i d presi- *T-"."' Associ- . actionn : t r' .:' - logy .- ,.*,..;. servedd is As a .. efforts'of the Tennessee .e .".:r.:. ... Secondary, ; :;. Teachers, theTEA- has. -_, '- ._ .. . S.. k. :. fir . )A; .' - !, ro:. .' .. : : .. 4* ,,',.f_; ;r. ". +. '; ,'. I 1, : .- ;,,,,,,., :.* i ". i ,r ,,' .t',l ; '. .,,- 4_ r ,,','. : ,. j f ;' I,, t ' Local Post Office Observes Week Postmaster Chauncey Cos- lopes will be prepared in tin announced this week that advance bearing all 10 Postal the local post office would People -stamps. These "first i, -o'th the other 31,000 post day covers" as they are :...: in the nation in known to ..- *1 ,. :., will be observing Postal .Week, April .str I..'., b h and with the 29 ,:. Mr. 'A,ril 30. local p ,i.. ,post' mark ha -1 '..ostal and ., ,. ,..i for only the :-. : .,. 3 ., actual ci for the 10 a,- '... our. stamps, or .:." -n. .s long as dedicated e. '. employees 11-;:.. l i. for the- '. r they, are Tr, Postmaster and :.... to the more 1',. employees wish to take this two hundred million -,us- r, .. ank all of o r :, .ir, t 1," 9 ,.t., for .your F ', ... "., r E. T kindness and consideration -to ...". .. we' are in the :r. '' appro- p --. -.you, and .:. your visit ;.,.Tr ." .r '. -.,r ... W eek 1' Scheduled 1 ~ -*9.~iI :~.9~ h. ..f I 9ml. 17 .T, 91 s"' Arrives~ In Guamn 00, F.- 1, -:-P., 4.MIR . 99~~~~ j4i~ I4~7 4i,i d f Bottle Meets SCl u b, A,3 Apo.3..1 I.3j-.h.[J4I u.J p*259, - he itrong, mnusite .Iutacret of auwhentic Spoallih r~.ng can bg % oria ti esemoe %-s % njpr ice..sC')mpare rhts look 3fld q u.ift) 3m %here Cotered in wipe-cleanJurable tinl .Iso ea,.to =ae fr 50 eas) to bu:' Open 3n accont Tod&% ' 9.4 9 I,' i~ I-**'~'J. .4 4' 7 rI 4: 9. i"" 44. ~ * Cl 94, 4.1 4 .ii ~ '4 91 444 41 .!4~ I SAL i3l "Wandering Wheels" Visit Here iesday, Port St. Joe was vistled by fellow men. Most of the student, .are from Wandering Wheels, a'group of young' Taylor University, in Indiana, and ,wreron nt who' pedal theNr way across Ihe heir .spring aunt from Pensacola to ry. The group's purpose is to better Tallahassee. Pictured above are two of the- Christ through fellowship with thefr bicyclers. k spion -4Cxro-,zp 3 -A the nited Methbis stmomrg xroUct; jdfiy, A[ 17 at 7 .( in the fborne 6A, NMrs. sey' Temple hr-The meeting w" m-s -*..th pray er anid a dewdaion aU ~breWayn4E Tayivr &i- t f areof the bosmnfts, aI tu bibh ~rra lkcnnerlh ilerri rg! asntd LAe prig ha-m Lt.. $iv 1k ifid Atineprg in x, "LSh- as asi'it"41 by Mrs Billy well find,. Mrs -Way ne> ylor. -The 'narurituv Ab Im. the first chApter, .'Retfr hi. riwt. ,were sivited 'h howe I.'A Mrs Wpe.II e *'jGirFce, a't 1:6 ir-to OCree vJ, PAT KIILPAYRICK A AThought to SRempme k- vn hias .)Uw h.I r teeare ti%.., i-,xnt; %waot' ar eszenttat ainra per~wn s growth 'nhe% areif o'.F. kIcalf, *the Roul does rnvt c-~WA gr~ps arn anl xprlenac'A . lofl We arip noun-uned ahv'n .ope -hunger- fo'r tarint.j Subject. Beauty cx-nmlsc'd -when we strive to app e~te. or-Ire.re ,.he bes;utafaill Suffering as focirr~aq%-tevrm to .us as hasrd- rperot'rc't * buQ~iv e vyou not nxxz,.ed :L *tri~fl intent upon SpirIC0.11 chievernent h~av'e r..'.wil movie surely an r aptd wifeb 'suffering w.;Lstrieir v rather than %hen L1fe -m'gov alog like a song CTJR THOUGHT TO REMEMBER NO high tor hig~r stage in liti s reaclied witl~out de%;oit in KilIpatrick I Women's Group On Dean's List Momr thar. 2,7(~j jFlorjua Pr c.t i4e. 'o State Urav~ersitv students m-ka Ai iry eld th'itrquarter, arc~ordirig. *ver*ili-,'II'~l it to .ports ?,w'. released y ja thkt- Office the Recstrar 'Tne.ron', eto-ling xa To ,uvbhfY for th DenLi-A. t* meW A S-6rig," ioiad Sm-uft 7111StI acrhEV~ IR ncor.er' :r!prayer. Trl drJ %, -' of "A' or 'T 'a gra b-y Aery IfwI dw-nreg the teryn, '.-41IwIth -the title 'Tbe Three F'rdt St Joe students who. ~,55sJ~~1 rrade the Dean's List 'are. U'd a rd nei frer b.~ss was Jwli~n Storip, daughter cof hlr f -n cI~s 3 c-- d T,;e ftara n (,.io.I 6nd Mrs. Jesse Stonae and reporTt Was go',feoarnd a report CbreAle w~jte, datigrder'- o.4 mde wthe pr,rg'els sof the Mi' and MWs .Hug!- Wte. builamnp (,oTf tekot~c~nrk !3Rev. Stevens .Addresses Kiwanis' Club Tuesday Rev- William Stevens, Pastor of the H-ighlan-d View' Baptist Church told the Kiwants Cltub Tuesday that what this couratry need-, most is offective leaders Pm every averiie *of ouir daily coi from irrdistry, to i'hurch, te.- cvivc er'dea,'Prs. Ste-ven,: sa~d L -s~b: today greatest tI4-m i leader can ha'j. zrFj I!Eia' t'orm tut ht c~al:~ fa I e TI 60 VAL,*~o 4'' 4 'I t'ut~ fofeatAA '-Y ;'-ul pre~ernt and par' kadrs Wirrn P~actgcal r-..stan rid tl Asr-Mg lea- dersnp -yecar, msrLree!iec. tive~ly! ngec-t rur pY4obnerris. .r~rd %oe.err T h e '~p~e~e' iw n tYop iiii a n P Cvli -%, I ri !Ae Em O 'Ae;l:'o trp Thwors E (j ati rieornti r g mer-pyip p I~eD'An Thmrl'ras C Bianh or O nd Derns Gadistr~ 'or Port SDean'S We Open the Door to A Beautiful Season With After Easter Savings! All Spring A Merchandise Reduced! 25 to 1/2 ALL SALES CASH and FINAL! Come See... Our array of apparel for every member of your family all reduced for this event! COSTING'S - -- m "The Spping Store with Ounlity and Fashion" I -. *T77U 717M-.I BIG 5 H.E RIDER with All the Features You're Looking For, at a Price iou Can't Afford to Pass... Ruring ThisI sole *Briggs & Sitraton o-ngene ,w~sin teithc PuB-a nOlsaf.. hui 8.fume5 bih.-hnd you *Dr-,ie% like v tor auromac rcpower dr.oe gavi0 '0 1,6 MPH irh'r*oi ~ashli1rig 12-.Voil Electric Stant Model 2XC7222 427.77 Credit Terms Available at W.A. SAVE !j \ 6.96 ,bt.' Blriggs a Si ratio i 14191821 y Folding Loop Handle wilh L 'braill S I I ',''H '6 Rugged 5 H.P. Tiller with POWER REVERSE! A bsv^ Yours Now for Only... 1O4944 Solid 1 I-Piece Channel Steel Hrandt. eLoop Handle with Throttle Folds \ toSltore -W at-51a No-islip Instant Nhitw4d1jimn Chain Drivel fleight Adjtenm 3 H.P. 18" Mower 20-Inch Lightweight 312 H.P. 20-In. with POWER PROPELLED A ig99 3 H.P. Rotary Mower Worksaving Features 3'/2 H.P.21-In. Wizard S e.95 f. Deckhae bafeO88 B,9g, & S"roH.n 8, wheel'on DURIcNG boc 'o grne ,*4h easy fully baffled 1 3 C3 1 4 i Z for effc.ent d,- o vtcoIpu'loner deck.. Briggs Ou l charge made for grasi corcher Full, bolfled undcir dec6 Eao_ & Soarnon engine *.th easy verti. Our lightest, most maneuverable ThroIe conltofl on 7 handle ollA.g 7 n, loeeli cal pull starter and automatic mower with all safety fearesl 22", 3-i H.P. 2XC6222 84.88 With 22" Deck. 2;C6322 91.99 choke prow.des plenty of po-er. SWete _Autc- __ .A', Think About .Going into, Rear EOgine 5 H.P. Rider Automatic Drive H i Stingle- L*ver Height U Adjuister L Equipped with easy 9 5 access contrdis, de Ru pendable *recoil starter & floating XC7205 SR tufting deck for uniform cut. ; S I & Business for Yourself? Ask the Associate Store Owner Who Sept', Automotive type steering for "c \ 'easy operations A I fh .X LI1 Al onf these J1 I. i VI ii ,l mowers and til- lers are in stock, ready to' go at WESTERNAUTO LOW PRICED " i H.P., 25" Cut Rider Mower ugged Briggs & 8 tratton engine. Q f separate clutch x C720 I brake pedals. 22c7200 Free gas can with pouring' spout and' quart oil with each Wizard mower of r tiller. / L_ _ "_ _- --_ _ 1 m_-- - 5 Dependable Brigg- & Sraotlon engine with recoil starter > Adjuslable depth slake for constant operating depth > 3 dimensional safety line shield projects operator 0 Tough heai-treoted tines till from 12 to 26 in. wide With a Wizard MOWER or TILLER you are assured parts will be available years to come. We'd like to add 100 New Credit Customers In The Next 60 Days Won't you help us? ASSOCIATE STORE DAVID B. MAY 219 Reid Avenue THE FAMILY STORE Phone 227-2281 AND CATALOG.ORDER CENTER m U I \ a P!1 .. - PLEASURE SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY FOR SAVINGS A SMILE WIDE! -' .____ ______________ ^ ^ ~ t FRESH PORK SPECIALS Time 10 Cook OuP 3 Doi_,n Small Tender SPARE RIBS Lean Mealy LOIN RIBS Ibq CenPer Cut 1. PORK CHOPS $1.09 Ga. GraYe B Quartered Fryer iBreast Ga. Grade B WHOLE FRYERS QUARTERED THIGHS l.. .59 Family Pak Pork Chops SFresh Pork ib. .89 Back ga. Grade -Fryer Bone .79 Drumsticks B oob,, J.n9 Ib, .79 53c Loin End." . Pork Roast Ib Choice Beef -GROUND- CHUC K lb. Fresh Daily -GROUND ROUND lb. . Pyreh Pork .89c Neck 1.09 1.39 Bone .39 Choice Beef Cube STEAK Ibl.49. Choice Beef Ro"und STEAK Ib1.49, _~W NOW_ qAVE WE NOW HAVE Genuie Fresh Spnog Lantb LE.G-O-LAMB Lb. LAMB SHOULDER Ib. LAMB RIB CHOPS Ib. LAMB LOIN CHOPS Ib'. BREAST-OLAMB Ib. LAMB PATTIES lb. i"" GENUINE CALF LIVER rosty Morn No. 1 Sliced BACON Ib. 89c BUN PAL WIENERS' BLNCH PAL . BOLOGNA 3 pkgs. : .59 ib .69 banquet Frozen CUSTARD PIES S o or more Hudson Big h Jumbo Rolls TOWELS ' Plain or SSelf-Rising ROBIN HOOD I FLOUR 5..95 lb. bag... V. F!4 e M Piggly Wiggly i m 0 o. , PIE SHElLS pkg e m .e a? s1 0 1 r FROZEN WAFftLES059C SHR IMPN P6 S0i1 i" Pigsty Wigoly H PaElOde Sigle 2 a.Zi SLICED CHEESE pk, .07 khalh Poikal Ilb. pgk Af c | SOFT MARGARINE 41 WA Piggly Wiggly Green Xh. I CAB BAGE I Fresh YELOW SQUASH lb. c New Crop Fla. 5 II A RED POTATOES b0s'6'7C Famous TIDE Giant Size ICTMInfl' 77c" none sold to dealers M Peter Pan Smooth A ' PEANUT 120. 4 BUTTER i" t' Pete Pan (u5chy PEANUT 12oz < AK IRS BUTTER ir - reryday low, Low Piggly Wiggly $ ircesi, ,ALUMINUMB2, ,2's SFOIL! 4 t is S-S Van'.Caip AM 15 A -&% C Similot ,uA A .ty rand BABY 13 3 CLOROX 5 FORMULA BLEACH i Ga.)5 c HI-C 46-. BATH 4oKGL3 DRINKS A v TISSUE PKHG.3 HI-C 4,6, 46-x QUAKER ISoi. DRINKS M W OATS p'ig Oree Gint ... Famous Brand A NIBLETS n 2o. z LE SUEUR CORN to 4> PEAS (16o6Z. can) Miss Georgia Drink Refreshing Peaches DOUBLE COLA 2Y oz. cans Quarts Quarts 3For Murray's 00KIES 00 Plus Deposit W Lundry meach CLOROX4 2Ha If b'Ga. 2c. hi 0I. m !ITIjItl, ti ICE SLENDA SUE MI LK -Haf88 Gal.Ctns. 8c Georgia Grade "A" MEDIUM , EGGS 2Dz 109 2 1.49 1.29 1.39 1.69 ..99 1.19'i * A _ I I I__~__~_ 1 to,. iorge SPAN, AIwb ' "1 .RE ECOIOMYORIGINATsS mCK.p9TANTIFOR YOI A&P POLIc.f AIwa yv'dO h* I a hones' and fair' for AAIN CH ,EC K:. JI an pdvert,'sed smso 40!r' .e~sold q9jJ ask tme mari590 for a Ralnchelrmo..-ii enwi~tieSvu to .h6 ,ar-e.4Peff,,a' 'Ire a.aWejts all the 980,-e aSpecial P'W, GUARANTEE;. ,heK ijhaita. ') maifej VSPl 1-.a~~ u' i f "SUPER-RIGHT" WS B FLORIDA GOLDEN WESTERN BEEF FLOR16A )IF U.S. "I SIZE "A" ER HT" BONELESS SIQULDER SUPER-RIGHT SKINLESS SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT FRESH, FIRM, RtPE S$ STEAK.., .... 1m1.39 ALL MEAT FRANKS.. .o'z59c SLICED BOLOGNA..... < 89c ANJOU PEARS..... ...39c R-RIGHT" 'CAl-FORNiA STEAK % OR '"SUPER-RIGHT" OULCK FROZEN CHOPD '' AP DELICIOUS (Chi-ken Saild 6 oa. 49< #9 SIZE LESS CHUCK."' $139 BEEF STEAKS..... $1,89 POTATO SALAD".... cu49c HONEYDEWS....... EA79c 4BHEST!RN, F CHUCK" OUICrOZEN SUPER RI ST QUICK FROZEN MCINTOSH 40 -- A -; o APPLES 3,< e t, a 0 aI 3BA69C F STEAK... .... 1.59 PORK CHIERLINGS TURKEY HINDQUARTERS APPLES..........3..69c Fk."en l' lb. b. 59c LAWN FERT ER$199 1i.ILLETi 99 ,5 Ibs .5.95b LAWN FERTILIZER...o . m_....,'. Af,' . ... '---o-' .. -, Ie f,1--. .. .. . . ; I i 1. BREAKFAST SLICED BiRAN '"' D,''OUR QWN r ,. C' A8P BRAND (15 COUNT JANE PARKER PLAIN OR SEEDED TANT POTATOES.. 49c TEA BAGS ....B.... o 49c BISCUITS..... '...... .' 14c RYE BREAD.....3ov$1.O .1IVEI'CREAM'ST1.E A' ASS"ORTEDIllREGUlAR & DItT BEVElRAGES ENCORE SOiliD BLOCK JANEE PARKER IH'AMBURGERI lITE ORN... ..5c CA i SLASTA...4.I I ..3'i 29c MARGARINE..... 2 lbs. 39c SANDWICH ROLLS -K25c BOAT IDAHOAN A&P 46 O.Can JANE PARKER K BEANS... 49c POTAT FLAKES. 16oz. 49c Cann RINKS 3 for 95c FRANK ROLLS....... 28 PAG REGULAR HOSTESS FRO.N. '. (Pi-I Size 19) PURE JANE PARKER DANISH .NCH LRE,SI 60163. _89_'_,_RSA...__ 37 _E BEEOY...O __.6_ERIG......M-,__ _ :,BusCh Bavarian BEER 6 12 Ox. On Top Cans 99C IFF PlABEL I .. LIQUID.... WO ''bDISHES) 'TION.h... 32,0OZ .. SIZE 32 OZ. * SIZE I, PAPER I ELW A EARONP ~ -I TOWELS 'IND- l ,89c GILL11E (WITH FREE TRACK It RAZOR)i WONDERLON AP BtSRAND PURE 62c RIGHT GUARD...... CAN $1.19 PANTY HOSE....... P 9c CANE SUGAR ........., 53c SHAMPOO i 8 o'Size WHITE OR BLUE HEAVY DUTY 00% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE 38c HERBALESSENCE..... $1.39 SAIL DETERGENT59c EIGHT O'CLOCK..... $1.09 I VI, FLAKES 18 OZ. . t BOX ; CHEF.BOY.AR-DEE ARMOUR 39c MEAT BALL STEW.... 3c DEVILED HAM SUbS ANN PAGE ORANGE ...' 24c MARMALADE....... JA-. 39c RAND ANN PAGE IMITAONMAP A&P AP BRAND P AO TTO-NMAPEEASWABS , SFLAKES......8 oz. 22c HONEY SYRUP......* 69c FANCY TOMATOES... L 25c COTTON SWABS.... 50c SUGAR SUNNYFIELD BUCKWHEAT FROZEN CARROTS 1NBUTTER SAUCE CHECi & COMPARED L6 Cf.tPk. STED FLAKES...."O 53c PANCAKE FLOUR.... "25c GREEN GIANT.........' 38c DRISTAN CAPSULES 8...88c .Aimmy Corn 8 GILLETTE HAIR CONTROL I BELOW A YEAR AGO MUFFIN MIX 216 BELOW A YEAR AGO! DRY LOOK.......... $1.11 SBALLARD'S / CHECK &. QMPAREI CORNBREAD MIX... 41c QUID PLUMR...32oz. 9c L IEVERYDAY"BRTHROOM.-.OLL W PRICEYDAY AP BRAN BATHROOM PRICED lOc BELOW A YEAR AGOI PINEAPPLE JUICE... 20c ALL DETERGET...2. GREEN GIANT FROZEN ASSORTED RICE DINNERS .. .PKG 38c S.ANT COFFEE .... A 95c UIE ME JUICE........ BOTTE32c I 6WN iE TEA......... 99c SPREAD .....o. CAN 29c BALLARD FLAKY BISCUITS.....:9 21( MRS. PAUL'S FROZEN APPLE FRITTERS..... 56c A&P BRAND VIRGINIA SALTED EVERYDAY PEANUTS ......... $1.59AN . Heinz Candied 8 O. 35c OFF ABE ANTI c KRINK-L-CHIPS jar 47c SECRET PERSPIRANT PILLSBURY BISCUITS LA CHOY .....32oz. 38c HUNGRY JACK...... 'Coz12c FRIED RICE 86. Z9. S IZEMF 2 s.. :- LIQUID ..45c PEPTO BISMOL.....^BT sir.. with rhokidrt'i. '14-11 Kieet.*i-) I he went- up'.into a mountain: 'and when *'he was..set, his disciples -came unto him. ", .. "1 ,. St. Matthew.:l .: The' ermdn on the Mount. is the. acknowledged state-:-. mrent' of fhie ideal C'hfiraa'.: IVfP Howevt when studied, ' i ee'..ray 'well be a lack of ul i. inirig as to exactly wht o 'iu Lord set down . the' proper way oflife. For .icuampli. are, .'the. ,beatitiude t. bte ..;ker. iliterally? When: 4',. the Lord said:',"Blessed, arei.* the poor in spirit: for theits i> the ,kingdom of heaven," did he mean 4enuieiation of material wealth? 'It should ,be noted that a strange tradi- tion -of parting.. with one's pofi.sirn i has frequently teer. thf,ught of as the mark of Ctustiaruty. Is this part of' the meaning of that beatitude? An AuitraliaoW'minl'ster, the Rev. R. iH. Teed, who has spent over '60. years in the ministry, has written a detail-. ad explaiationa of' lme some-. times puzzlin... Sermon on the Moun.;'In-clear laniiuage " which is easy to understand, Mr. Teed unfolds the lessons which i ave4. so uch .man- ing for pnoder"'_nn.TFamous phrases 'uch as'.ah eye for an eye an4 a tooth for a tooth"' are explained in their, fullest meaning, That statement along with "judge not lest ye be judged" needs "qaree(ul, study in light of the: dontext. Too many of us iead without Srecognizing the Iepth of mean. ing-in passagesl'To fully un- derstand what the Lord meant by those phrases which occur in the same sermon, we need. to know the underlying truth. In his 89 page book SERMON ON THE MOUNT, Rev. Teen makes the limitless truths easy to comprehend. In a world torn by wars, social upheaval, bnd ,indus- trialization, this little book can be a. profound'source of strength--a "liglt in'darkness." SERMON ONTHE MOUNT is available for only $1.00 '(postpaid) at the Swedenborg Foundation, Dept. SM, 139 East 23rd Street, New York" N.Y. 10010 .r I Mir& I I ~ IMMMMR 6"Rmt BLADE CUT BONE IN LB.88t 'BONELESS CHUCK ROAST $1.29 1 IBONELESS SHOULDE-It ROAST CALWOMIA ROAST .1irOwMaT.M.TC14 PlwtgBwb)tj SILVERBROOK I LB. PKG. -- -----~- --- I, I L I__ Alt AW M Af ' PER-RIG'HT"-'fP'0SH, i THE STAR. Port St.; Joe, 1 la. THL kHDAY. APRIL .M6. 1973 Water Is EssentialI Whatever greenery *ytQU now have or plant in the future .the first essential ,n its life process is water. Nbxt.\ in importance in promotiihg live green grw th .is fertil- izer; "But doesn't'that add nirates to our ponds., -lakes and uadetrrounid uwateis'" you,~a-k Asi d on'i these nourish algae and other crc.-c tithat chk e& ..surface Ster r" The answer is,* "No.",: ? x t-oding ack. ia ve years demonstrate that - there .is no appre-iablp ',mo enient into, ground a even the hiibly jol- able .irms of mutrogen ' j,;%]:,? f-tc ri crops. C.oi.'r.ii 4 (hpi. C1. 61t of tfriiui r', .irnwr- could not * 'r-..,,r hf.ii 1ofu! 4%eIon I" .*i':--e i;." i' t-i &"!! tir t-. l.i.' : ; 0vh r quick ri-O aa zr"?,Ar -h _r'if-&A i'ir 4 'ili t' T j- .ve-prin i'_ n h&re.i ,,.' a l-, k .-. li' lr (ir 'tr. . I _tii', (,! "r ti U!ia h I q'.i C840t1'. 0% Bul C -jb FT.. J I i1 A JA 11 F W-1 V- 1. I Poetry Published, Dennis Hartman, editor of the National Poetry Press, recently notified Mrs. Mar- garet Biggs that two Port St Joe High School students have had-poetry accepted for publicationh in the 1973 edition of Young America Sings, a national high school antholo- gy8 Joseph Demetropoulos,. a senior, and Donna Sue Richard4,. a junior, were given Certificates of Accept- ance '-r T. in of their' achievement. Donna Sue is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. T. R Richards of St. Joe Beach. Dorina's-' entry is entitled 'Life." Joseph'is the son of MMr. and Mrs,: Alex L. Demetro- poulos of Mexico 5t -.:r Ju.er. e are i ,,." '.'The Ye Little More Love, !, : " 'U : I~~~~~~. 14 4... ~ '' j N'.t. I le15 1 d'' Nh 'B-0n I ','mlj-.1' 1--- , Of t~hiht. C faj Pk *t j ri,,F ,,I &'1 Pjt -.#J. A-., I .- k' 2r-, It~. A~j.rfvuL'I U.I r-N. oll pb~ll it-, fj*1g. i 1 N. 'rlumi 'Ir. (pi'jr ' CA,1.'' IF,,: Arthur Boone In Exercise r n.. r*, ! F i..n \ n ..h F., li.. I i ,',.(h area,. -- David Smith. In Course Army 'Private Iu. .i 'Sinith, 'Jr., I whose wI.' h1 f lives at .221 -Aveme E, Port St. Joe, ,-, r '' .I ,u .'.I n.v .1 , 10-week ,# i ,.. q*. .r *, .. , course 'at the US.-,Army Medical I ir. n .,i. r, Ft' Sam Houstpn~ I 1 . He ,earned.. 'D perform routines patient care oand t1.i-e ii,'g,w duties in combat wrni -hospital ;rt .. .P, "- r6 '--. ..hI t 1 .'. I . Fa ,,. ,. Y *lj,F, i,.. -1 , received a. i... : ... in me rotn"'. o pien, f sikand. 'A ,r.2 ." * t t .q: No. 22 would S-, er' ,. member, Sister r but an- outstanding 'r.r,_,,'., She was a member ,rid i..s Past ~Chaplain of )i,, if.,-rr. "; .i nd w ent I,',. lend t-,..- r, hand.,- ii th, ,rr..-i of '.'- 'd, * ;' r' y hor:.r .. 'i ,iii 'iT... D.p.,.. t -,-.,:t l.,i the Sent' to The Star for ... minutes of the lodge. j II .I I ,,. .- i, ,v r ; ': Dale I. .... of ,Kissimmee, I- 'i 1., i [, ,t- V ] dy :., i l .I t f '. ," -' r .. ,., r , Movie Shown To Rotary Club S. ,, ou the . i.. ..m i.', ., drivers .pod NU ," present wo the '.:, .- iblic was shown t-.'.I. i ,St. Joe The film ., with a '_ ..- r.~ .. t.. ,. by the ... 1. !'..T.r entitled,v e 1 Afil IT Therot ram or Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,lnc. 930 Harrison Ave. Panama City, Florida Office Phone '63-45751 Res. Phone 763-9634 You Are Cordially Inviled To Attend LONG AVE. BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL . MORNING WORSHIP .. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION. :z.- EVENING WORSHIP ........ PRAYER ,SERVICE iWednesday)v 9:45 A.M., 11:00 /A.M. 6:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:3.l P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. GDUM, Postor FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH t'..rr Th SoKw and Baltzell A'rzme REV. DaWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School 9:45 Morning Worship Service ............11:00 Church Training 6:30 Evening Worship Service ......... -------6:30 Prayed Meeting (Wednesday) .... 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" -----...---_ -- ,L "- Spring Cleanin Now's, the time to give that old chair a new look! Johnnie's Trim Sho Furniture and r .: ', . Now Open FulJ Time RANDALL WALKER s' now back with his dad and is 'Now t..'-. he shoD Contact Randall or Johnnie For Free Estimates All sizes Poly-Foam For Sale Ui Johnnie's Trim Shoi ,'A P~n N ~r Fourth stIeA _______________________________ U I..mmm ......msinmrmmm~ K. I ' rqnwn 0 -...- charged with . ... ... ,.t to enroll in a , .*.,r... :',.. ;.,.*grahm set up by the 'state. Those who refuse- to partake -in the program' or who start and .- .,. have their ,.. .. .... sentence or .i ,... ,.;. li.'.j i:* ,. '. was intro- .'i. in face of.20,000 deaths which were recorded oon the, .nation's L1. the year ,r ,.:; ,i ., 1;: 17. . I8888 Truw.F!,jJIre I' i.*.'t r r ~ .'.d .j i- ',:1*'.1Yp *1t " 'I''. F -' F.i: '? ^ik !N it( ,Ir,.t T .l...r. S I' IF F F F'""'F Fir 3 r - ~:.,;A:.4,ii ~: ~'ii "-4-,' j' 11- 400 q F 43M Buy,a Frigidaire 15.0, 15.2, 17.0 or 23.6 cubic foot - top-freezer: refrigerator-freezer anytime during April-and get a big picnic basket at no extra charge. Inside this sturdy, handsome basket you'll find four sets of stainless steel eating utensils, four unbreakable place settings, a colorful checkered tablecoth plus a "Picnic Fixin's"' booklet containing picnic menu ideas. See how you can have a picnic buying a Frigidaire refrigerator this month. Frigidaire Spring Picnic Time Buy a refrigerator and have a picnic. ROCHEFS FURNITURE and APPLIANCES We Service What We Sell Terms ToSuit You 209 Reid Ave.' Phone 227-5271 - F RESOLUTION "of RESPECT i; :L=~ u :: : : , Local Telephone .Service Now Available to WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK 'Customers 227-4222 In order to better serve our many friends andi customers in Gulf County, we now have a direct telephone line from Port St. Joe to Wewahitchka. This enables you to call the Wewahitchka, State Bank from Port St. Joe and transact your banking business without long distance charges. Please feel free to use this service 'bt your convenience. BnlYPZbay.u -; 11 Phonr ..N.l IC I I IGHT The Star, Port St. Joe, Fla THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 197? ad Dnggt too indis." i nm In your counuriity elaborate on your health s. In tim of sickness they Wost important men in your air soI assures you that I safe hands. Placyour Doctor anlDruggist When 11 both fe" up to Make: L Brng youl Doctor's pie. Sto our Ruexall drug store, YOUR ZZETT'S )RUG STORE :311 317 Williams *t Drivw-hi Window P of FrP Parkin F~B Once again. -you' have expressed your confidence in me .your Mayor-Commissioner by $turning me to another two- rar term of office, unopposed. I want every citizen in Port, t., Joe to know' that I appreciate us confidence more than you, II ever know, .Our City is progressing readily and with the continued pport and cooperation of tizen, we will continue ogress. Once again, ThankE You! the to: Thank you, FRANK PATE Ei (Continued From Page 1) County Board power" Commissioner Walter Graham pointed out that the proposed system was ir worse trouble than ever since the City of Port St. Joe had been notified by St. Jo< Paper Company, supplier of water to the City of Port St Joe, that the water supply was limited, The Oak Grove system would be lied into the City's system ,under present plans. Graham said he had personally checked the vali- dity of this claim and found it -to be true. Graham reported that the transportation sys- temr bringing water to Port St. Joe from the: Chipola River is now operating at about 92' percent capacity, Sand it isn't even summer yet". . THE DIVISION of Family Services hit the Board .with a bombshell they have known was coming for the past year. Each month the Division bills the county for Medicare patients in hospitals and rest homes all over the state, but giving a Gulf County resi- dency The Board has refused Ito pay the bills since th.y rd nr.t beer, notified .f tte patient s ad'rirision. to : tie Now the bill has. climbed to the sum of $18,222.25 and the Family Ser 'ices wants pay- mrerit of the bills whid;, go .back as *ifar as l")i0 'The.y threatenr to -withhoid count' INVITATION TO BID t BID NO. 143 A The City of Port St. fPoe; Florida, t invites bids on a chain link fence to be constructed around the Little League SBaseball Park in Port St. Joe with the r following minirm,-'m ;..:e' : -'~ S1) 603' of4', 'i i ,, '" -,i- 3i.'r fabric; 2) 1% oW S tlu jr, i ,, ,! ) rail; 3) 2'/2 W .0o5 ;e;',..r'., a,. a ,-:' posts; 4) 1%W W ...Ei p' -, .--. cement; 5) 1- 12 .drive ;-ie- ' I- *' walk gate; 7) 1%" I" w," semi-steel or galvanized, mall. line posts caps; 8) tension wire around Bottom of fence, fastened with hog rings. BACK STOP- 9) 45' back stop with 25' back and 10' 45, degree wings on 'each side, 16W high with o 45 degree over hang at top; 10) 2'6" standard pioe oosts not to enxeeo 10'- 'ii I'II' ?t",rrsl ,'.,, and e.-'-r rail; 12) bottom'fabric 6' x'9 *e,.- x 2",. rest of faSric 11 gauge; 13). fabric to overlap and fasten, with hog rings; 14) all posts to be installed in a minimum of 30" cement. All. bids should be F.O.B. Poat St. Joe, Florida. The City of Paot .- J.'. reseorves'the right to accept ,r rqt 'any or all bids received. .. SBids must be submitted I Wthe 'Cpty r.'cr'". + .f+';ePO ,":-./ "*." ',' .. ' J a ., H 'l ej f e 3 2 4 56 s., "' Qrl . m, fG 7 ,, r ob; ,i I '; ) El ',, j "., ay 15, 973, at p. P i. E G T n,' the Municipal Fr'jil'iti",, Pai i j JA Florida..:,.' ,t.':rsftui o,oo1,er1 .,ust qave City of S'. License. -s- C. W, 'BROCKI City Auditor and Clerk P- 's.'. s. I- Model No. 'I i i- I ''.Jl, ,.n .. i, ar sC.'.' a- or.i'; o- r.,f'.',i. -ib- Mode No: '* TAA,Y" j fr.t r i ,-+, f ,1 6A P'. -,, .' ,, P -,I I ., ir r, ,tA: M U B O re i-. i f..- 1 A1 '.' 1, ROBERSON'S .. GROCERY. Iv PORE BOY'S CORNER" UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW: OPEN SUINDAV 10 A.M. to 7 PJ.L' SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 26, 27, 28- U. S. No. I IRISH PotatoesL 10 lbs. 89c Chiquita " Bananas .---- lb. 13c lead ICE Northern 4 Roll Pkg. head 35c Bathroom Tissue pkg. 39c 0.00 Order or More PAR _. 5 raclo - 18 O0 Glad Ibs..49c Trash Bags- pkg. 59c, Morton Frozen - .. lb. 39c Cream Pies .- 3 for 89c M,,a d ldw , imeaW Vow ol Sauce 39c ICE'CREAM V gal. 89c - SEVEN-UP DR. PEPPER Ad Drinks 28 Oz. BOTTLES 3 for 89c Cured Picnic RIBS -----lb. 89c H A MS -.-- 69c- Delicious ie STEAK Fresh Ground _- lb. 99c HAMBURGER 2 lbs. $1.49 ut Ga. Grade 'A' K ROAST lb. 79c FRYERS -----lb. 49c TCHO )RK CHOPS Ib. 69c ulder Center Cut ST Ib. $1.09 PORK CHOPS lb. $1.29 * Haf Fresh Pork BACON -- lb. 69c NECK BONES 3 lbs. 99c rI r e Legal Ad NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners of GuHf County will receive sealed bids f, rom an+y person, company, or corporation interested in the repair and renovation' of the air conditioner and electrical system located at the courthouse in Wewahltchka ./,,n-, ; n i .'-.'I !]A ," ',. ,"r S I',, T -. ,-r: -. -1 -: .-- "., ci' v .* ; ''- E 'j . cr'ecr ZN 1SF1 ^ !. -. '" A 'epacement o faulty wiring 's needed. BidsM will Ob received until May 8, S1973 6i 9, ,.o,, (EST)'at the office of "e '.M~C :1-: i Court, P.O. Box 968, -*" :es, F'rioea 32456. 2:e"d ..res the' right, to I ; 3.\v c ,, & ,' ,, ; r",i'., ; Board of County Commissioners' ulf County, F~orda 32456 By'A. L. Davls, Chairman 2t 4.26 NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The B' A i -,,n f.r. is,..oers .ec? any ad a b*id*.i bids i r w5S ow^sf. IM.r .r'- (.A I '*in *the mI air .'.F '. '.. 6 o .i. rrier r '.' ':'w--tt as per ,. 'c;% in-the ,0 : : : ,.I ks,n r e. , Bids, will be received until May 8, .173 at 9:00 a.m. (EST) at the office of the Clerk Circuit court, P.O. Box 90, Port St.' Joe, Floridao3245. x The Board reserves tHe ,rlbht to reject any ind all bids. Board '.0 ''ri, n.''-'r - t 4.26 shares of state -reveni'e sharing funds if trie County doesn't pay up 'Commis- sioner Walter Graham made a" motion to tabte the Divi- sion's request, wlicn ir- effect told them to go ahead and withhold the state funds due the county until the debt Ls cleared up. DOT OFFICIALS informed the Board they were going ahead with plans to replace the Simmons Bayou and Money Bayou bridges on SR30-A The bride at Simmons Bayou woil be Legal Ad raised one and a half feet and work will be delayed on the. Money Bridge until condem- hation proceedings can be taken to secure a temporary by-pass route. Work should begin in July the DOT said. SA DEADLINE was given the Board to present plans of what it intends to do with with its federal revenue sharing funds. The Board has until June 20 'to make the decision., THE BOARD agreed to let another county in the 14th Judicial Circuit be host to court headquarters during the next year. It was agreed the headquarters' would be rotated' each year. THE BOARD will invest- gate an offer by -a state agen- cy to help the'c'urnty draw up specifications f,''r 5n exam- ining board to test and issue licenses to contractors in the county. , Local youths. Caught Gulf County Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence announced Tuesday '"afternoon that through follow-up on' investi- gative leads, Sergeant David Rogers has been successful in breaking up 'a ring ot, juveniles who were breaking into houses in the Oak Grove- area recently. Four. youths, all under age 16, 'were found to have .commiitted six 'house break- ins rin Oak Grove, one break-in of an automobile, and numerous shoplifting. .offenses in the downtown area. "Some of the property taken in the shoplifting cases has been recovered, and the I ht,: ..' ...A, .-r.;. are not ".,. aware f wh* t has e', I ' .. ',' Snier0f Lawrencei Si' Jqtr I.t.ed '"'we have also r'ece' s.i e mu:h of the l(.t.-ptrty a'.ei'r, from the S '.e rep..rt r vil be turned ',or *D tie D,-i-,n of Youth i .er',:;-. 'h ,,"i niandle any I." ,.'C,, eierw ag ir'st the four It ;.s L D'. .', a state Sheriff Raymond I a f- n:t- i'.:.said Tuesday, that tlu. e *I Wewa Shop , Entered J SheriffRaymond I,.',..r said Tuesday, that ths tUsa PFr.:'p ri. Shop was broken itr.. .:r.'un. between about one a.m. :a".. d- and early Tt1 3,', .lt.r.;, i'. entered t &l.,e.g.':, r,;: ,_,i ,;. !"h the ,[ '.,Ui' i'.A T?. le .,A.er, Don V. dl'ama.-. r,-pre'id that 'r., undiit'tI*.e1 M irtLt of pre- scription drugs. a number of watches atid .rre cigai.e-e.; were among the items missing, Sheriff Lawrence has al sor issued a warrrirg 'to those 'ho have the goods olerni in. ttser porsessian, b, starting that sorrie CA t.te tabletS. takerv, are deadly pfivjsor, and would probably be fatal ii taken. For Sale: I?' 'h'i-vy truck .Los. Weight with. new Help Wanted: b.eneral has 6,000 miles w th camper Shape Ta blets and Hydrex. clerical, must be able to type top, $2600.00. .Aftr 5 p.m. Water Pills. CAMPBELL'S and do some shorthand. Full, phone 227-7396. Itp DRUGS 5tp 4-12 time,. Send resume to Box CAM, c-b of The Star, P.O. For Sale: 1965 Pontiac ., For Service without delay, Box 308. Tempest 4-door sedari.Auto- calTKENT SERVICE todav. ,' I' M+, rai.-:, air, radio, vinyl Ir,.'.e -i( $495 !,1rn p A s \'.964 VW Beetle. R,-ur' g:o.,. $395 firm. 575 .i .r;inii Rd., Apalachicola. Phone 653-8419. 2t" 4-19 For Sale:, 1 lot, 50 feet M.,. 75 feet long. $1250. For. iw ri.r information call 639- 2205. t. I hr. k For i- 1- 1 a,r cn 2,Cj'(i, &ib *oil heater r..r',;-p ... 648-7358.1 Mexico E-ar' rn tfe- 4-12 For Sale: Peanut,. candy and gum vending business in' Port St. Joe'. Good income 6 to 8 hours weekly.' Total price i- 2'-3 0 ..ii Write TEXAS i,,:N[,'' KG,- '. ,V, 'Inc. 1."'7 1 1(0 RA . TX 78212. Include your number. For Sale: 1972 Hon minibike; 1970, Che pick-up truck,, 6 cyl., trans.; 18'5" Thompsor -2,.aft E'nru .J- pmoto. ,M ,[. ,r rita'TTr. I' ,. ca. 4255 after 4:00 p.m. ( MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP SFor Sale: Window fans, air' conditioners, 8-track home stereos and recording sets, car tape players and many other items. 102 5th St., Highland View. 229-6193. 3-29 ' For Rent: Furnished beach cottages at reasonable monthly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc For Rent: Nice 2 bedroom furnished house at St. Joe Beach. Phoen 648-3466. tfc 4-19 For Renit: 1 bedroom furnished house, Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 4-19 Help Wanted: Pollock's Cleaners. Phone 227-4401. - tfc 4-12 Guns Wanted: .243 Reming- ton automatic, 1903 Spring- field army rifle and others. Must be in first class condition. Jess Clements, 648- 7766, 2nd St., Mexico Beach. 4t 4-12 Plu rb ro e, r electrical, applthaccs and air condition- 'r.. Repair sPhone 229-6895. tfc 3-22 Reduce,safe and fast with Go-Bese Tablets and E-Vap. "whter pills". Campbell's Drugs. 12tp 2-15 For .-hana Link Fence .call Emory .v, I. '. Free i-s,,rria'e. G.r ie,. on labor and materials. 'Low 'down pa'vrfirt. Phone 227-7972. Wanted: 40 acres or more. Road' and' power. Please draw map and give price, terms, and send to P.O. Box 952, Lancaster, Ohio 43130 10tp 3-22, "'"r.' Ii' For' P'-r. One :and two phone bedroom a i i."- .1. fur 4tp 4 nished apartments. Cool in 4tp 4-5 summer,, warm- if'. winter. da QA Gas heat,;window fans. They *vrolet e must be seen to be appre , auto. ciated. Contact 'Mrs. B.C. n boat, Prince at WIMICO LODGE horse- and TRAILER PARK. White r For City. Phone 229-2413 or 11 648- 648-3101.. ' tfc-10-28 tfc 3-29 FOR THE BEST In Tele- vision and Sound come by 301 Reid Ave., and see our line of televisions',; components, stereos, radios and tapes. We have a repairman available daily. Ki and D TV and SOUND,! 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071., tfc-3-1 10 speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available, western auto, Port St. Joe. tfc-6-15 Sewing Machines: Dial and Sew. See at K & D Television and Sound4. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071. tfc-3-1 Professional Help with emotional, problems and-or concerns. Gulf County Guid ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev: Sidney Ellis, 229-6599. For Welding Needs see James L.Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. tfc-9-7 REWARD! $1,000.00 reward for information leading to-the arrest and conviction of the person or personsmresponsible for the burning :of Walter Duren's Super Market loc- ate4 on Main St. of N. Port St. Joe. Also, $500.00 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the 1,(-f 4(,n ,r persons p,:,'.'ht.!if for the burning Ai Wilt'le Duren's other store hjiin *. ,across the. street from the Super Market building also on main St. All- information must be given to. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence at the Gulf County Sheriff's Office. GARAGE SALE Saturday 10 a.m. 147 Hunter Circle Septic Tanks pumped' out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or 229-2937.. "Ithink it was ,omething I o,.. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 , ly handcuffed the Blounts- town Tigers, holding their usual potent hitters to only three safeties Friday and allowing no earned runs while' picking up a 2-1 victory in the Sub.-' district finals in the CalhoIn County seat. harmon, depending on his good fast ball, was never in serious trouble. Kenny Wei- morts. gave Harmon all the runs he needed for the win in the first inning with a big two run single scoring. Russell Chason and Denzil Weimorts,. who had s'ir,,'kd The big Shark bats were silenced for the, remainder of the game. Leading hitters were Ken Weimorts with two RBI and a single. The Sharks will be shooting for their third straight District title when they travel to Tallahassee to play North Florida Christian School at Florida High field on Friday, April 27. North Florida Christian advanced to the district by virtue of a 16-7 win over Wakulla and a 3-2 win over Havana. They posted a 15--2 regular season record. The. Sharks will plAy Muiarnv April 30 in Mar- ianna. Mark Wimberly and Bubba Harmon pitched the sharks to a Sub-District tournament victory last week. In the first game, Thursday su0.ph.i more .Wimberly tossed, an 6--4 in- over .Chattahoo- chee. Wimberly showed a good fast ball ,and a sharp breaking curve, throwing a six-hitter while giving up no earned runs. The Sharks committed six costly errors allowing the Yellow Jackets to score' four runs. Big hitters for the Sharks .were Ken Whittle, S..t'. .'e Owens and Russell h -ssv.p with two hits each. tAui.' and Ken Weimorts no.d two runs batted in. RIGHT HANDER Bubba Harmon, the 'IraC.tCrAe :t the Shark mound staff c:rrpiete- McMiillon Rites Held Mrs. :.'i2,sa McMillon, aged.- a fi..Lier, :'. 'P r. ;. Joe, p -._ i.d a' ita', it ,r',i".i pal Hi ,i pi,. i "VE.,r,:-'i.i , Palnw ni .' 'H -. She -i a ma ,La ic .'.i .I rq . Bethel A :t E Cr,,i.,-', SJ'. all of rnp F,.a ., i i McMillo .',e.f,.- .,f, .r,, J.C. MO H ii.-l,;l f -i',, Fi . She also is survived 'l"-.. three .eibt. .- s Mrs .1, i ,7!,.irr ,e .=. i i <,, i, 5 .: 1 au".d .'r U, He rr. i r u f i be rt I i:"r .ru n '1 ,. grandchildren and 32 e,. grandchildren. - "Funeral services will d'ri at' 3:00 p.m., Sunday -- at Elizabeth A.M.E, Church, Bonnie Hill, near Greensboro, and will be conducted-by'The. Re S Jones Interment 'em il f .'l:.' in 'the iarrndiI plot., f the ,hiir ih ,.mnekr ,. All services will be 1ifd(ae the directioh of Corn- for, rt i uri A ira Home. ti he Jaycees 'got started Ii-r, week : on the new ,.r,".: : .-. ,. stand for' the .'3t,,-' League ball park. The concession stand is being built by the Port St. Joe Jaycees with the ,:*., of Port St. Joe supplying tve cost of materials. Jaycee President and Pro- ject Chairman, Robert Mont- gomery, stated bhe hopes'to have the concession stand in operation by June in time for the invitational tournament. The' new concession stand " Wanted: Need par employee to do book posting and general work. Experience prc Apply St. Joe, Paper Federal Credit Unio Third, St. , Attention Bargain Hunters: Come to the big TRASH AND TREASURES GARAGE SALE at 1302 Constitution Dr., Sat. May 5. Sponsored by the Altar Society of ,St. Joseph's Catholic Church. New items--Used items, Gifts at the Craft Corner--Food at the Bakery Nook---Something' for everyone. Ya'll come! Western Auto has the pew Davis Steel Belted Tire. One week only- Free installation. Credit terms. 2 for 88.88. Any Size. Over 60 million Davis Tires Sold. tc A N6w Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street - Phone 227-4401 Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or synthetic which you. would like to have serviced quickly at low prices.. WIGS FOR SALE--- CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfc for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 will be larger than the old one with, windows on each i.;d," r,1.i fron 'This wiPl allow c.ra. .- .n, i .t.in. workers 'to see ball games on each field The: new" stand .will also Ih : roVlq T iO 1 t.cilao s. ." ei t , SWAN TED CUSTOMERS TO-Shop at THE SEWING.CENTER "'ie e,,l Avenue Phone 229-6895 No Experience Needed! rt time R.A&M.- Regular convoca keeping, tion on St. Joseph Chapter office N referred. No. 56, R.A.M., 1st'and 3rd makers Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting on, 302 companions welcome. WILLIE '-LEE GRIFFIN, tfc 4-26 H.P. WillieLee Griffin, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. " Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meeting first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American legion Home. There will' be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge io. 111,,F. & A.M., .every firstand third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. E.C. Bailey, W.M. Herbert L. Burge, Sec. -DIVORCE KIT- For the no-fault law.. For Free details, write: Joe L. Stupica, Box 791, Pomr pano, Florida 33061 lOtp 3-8 KILPATRICK Funeral Home and - Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 BINGO Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 7:30 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVlN EARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO., 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida fio Sharks Bats Carry Team 'To District Pictured left to right: Al Ray, Milo 'nIMh. Jim Cooley, Robert Montgomery, and Don Brown. Jaycee Abe Miller took the picture. Jaycees Start Work On Ball Park Concessions Stand `--- Specials "fr April OP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! -.3. through 28 SHOP H--,. ,-r St DOMINO CANE-M ..' .,With $10.00 Order or\More S\UT SUGAR SPRING HOUSECLEANING SAVINGS! HEINZ Lemon, Onion, Smokey BARBECUE SAUCE .-- --- [GA * COFFEE CREAMER -- FRENCH'S IVIUSTARD .--------- PENNY DOO FOOD---.... JOHNSON (Regulir or LAmon) PEIDG 1 --I IOHNSON RUG CLEANER GLORY FOAM----- 2 16 oz. 39c 16 oz. 65c 24- oz*' 39c ss o;. i1 So $1.29 4 oz. TOOTHPASTE (Reg 89,' Vaiuei CLOSE-UP --------..... 4.6 oz. BAYER C(-rILDREN 'Reg 43c VaJ. ASPIRIN ---.-- 36 ct. BAYER TIMED RELEASE 'IRT $1 05) ASPIRIN ------------ 30 ct, ;., i'\ i $1.59 66c 33c 87c r ,i au1ri"r s m{ trAhLkE-rTE BEEF, BLAL' S Chuck Roast Lb. P E AIN U Wit B t IGA APPLE JUICE qt. 35c I,' B- PCans Bartlett PEARS 3 cans 89c PEANUT BUTTER 18 oz. PORK and BEANS ---can SKEG-0-CATSUP 69c 31c oz. 59c C 41ci(KFROAST- .C: Ib 898c< I -klRF: WIEEFB WOUND BON- E fAbLURITE S[I' dL' SHOULDER ROAST lb. $1.28 PORK LOIN CHUCK STEAK-- I-- 98c PORK ROAST - I fmr D A I R Y U S lKHAFT itRA-LP Xi-STICK MARGARINE 2 Ibs. TABLELITE 8 OZ. CANS BISCUITS -- 6 cans Tablerite American or Pimento Cheese Singles I- 12 oz. 69c 53c 69c r ~\TL;hi, BEEF RIB STEAK Ib. $1.68 i':, T !iT BEEF SHORT RIBS--- lb 78 GROUND. -BEEF SLICED Ib. 88c BACON ---Ib. 88c A . lb. 88c -- IbJ 88c ; ORRFL PTIDE S'MGKLD (L.TLLIAT : ,. PORK CHOPS Ib, $1.38 WiENERS -2 z. 79c BOLOGNA----- b. 99,C :Breakfast Links kg. i. Breakfst, Links,' g.$18 1-1INTNE CAKE Mixes r S''ROBERTS All Van.ti Cookies 4 rE;.NT JOY 32 Ounce Joy Liquid NN l., Chek ur ries'Before You Buy: 1- BARGAINS- Eve.ry family camrbduce their con? of l1ift'ng b eaing more fr"ih fruits and vegetables. AM*"gour bargo~nS lire Oranges. Grapefeull. Lemona. Sweet Poetbow'. 0'..', Cabbag.e, LatiumCo.Clery, Carroti. TomatesI, P619 Be.ar,'i.ailow Squash, Radishes. Pirneeople, etc. FRE5SIT NEW SPRING CROP MORTON'Chte.- T. .:. -3 4Oz. CREME PIES.- 3 for 89c [GA ORANGE JUICE 1 6oz., IGA FISH Yellow SQUASH 4f NEW -RE 49c STICKS 16 oz. 79c 1 HALF PRICE on all Hanging Baskets $1 From the Rose Capital of the Worlk ROSE BUSI In Quart Baskets Fresh Ripe 10 Good Tc I POTATOES 1o0-89c Extra Fancy Double Red .98 Delicious APPLES 11 for 89c d Thomasville, Ga. HES EACH $2.50 1 imatoes 49c b.19c Large Bags Fresh SQUASH Pkgs." Pkgs.$1 55c Cel Bags Cello Bags Fresh Yellow Carrots 2 Bags 2 99c -- bag 49c Ferth New Crop BLACKEYE PEAS ---- b. Fresh Shelled with Snaps BLACKEYE PEAS------bag Fresh Florida Juicy Sweet TANGERINES -- doz. Fresh Crisp Bell Peppers, Cucumbers bag Pint Baskets Florida Fresh STRAWBERRIES 2 for 89c 39c 69c 49c 39c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rch and Sons IGA SANDWICH BREAD 31% 1Pound Q Loaves 89c IGA HAMBURGER, z or'HOT DOG " PAKGU N' PACKAGE OF 8 27c ppp- --qqq I I 32 SAVE CASH AT RlGirS -NOT STAMPS* PAGE TEN THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida, THURSDAY I School Board A ""-the Gulf County School past year was approved for Board met in regular session payment. Warren Whitfield, o .'n March 6, 1973. The Maintenance Coordinator, r following members were verified the time earned for ''present. J K. Whitfield; payment. *' ,ermah Ard; Wallace Guil- Upon recommendation by '* ,,;ot, and William Roemer, Sr. the Superintendent and Board member Raffield motion by Roemer, seconded as absent. The Superinten- by Ard, the following person- ent and Attorney were pre- nel changes were made: Port .) 'sent St. Joe Elementary School - S- The invocation was given appointed Miss Diane Tripp 'by Board member Guillot. to a teaching position effect- This was followed by the ive February 21, 1973. Pledge of Allegiance. Wewahitchka High School - ; Upon motion by Roemer, accepted the resignation of 'and-seconded by Guillot, the John Colvin effective Feb- minutes of the regular ruary 5. 1973: appointed meeting of February 6, 1973 Jennings Davis to fill this 'dnd special meeting of vacancy in the custodial staff S'February 15, 1973 were effective February 26. 1973: unanimously approved, appointed Edna Davis to .pertinent correspondence was read. No action required. George Cox and Clarence Monette met with the Board to (discuss the approximate projected cost of high school yearbooks for the 1972-73 school year The information furnished will be reviewed by .the Board in determining the amount the Board can contribute toward this pro- custodial staff effective reb- ruary 26, 1973 Upon motion by Guillot and seconded by Ard, it was unanimously voted to supple- ment Wayne Taylor to coach interscholastic golf program, and Sara Fite to coach the girls intramural tennis pro- gram in the amount of $200 each on a trial basis for this school year 11972-731. gram Letters were presented ' The Superintendent pre- from Kenneth Herring, princi- sentea a proposed mainte- pal, Port St. Joe High School nance reorgamnzation sche- and Harrell Hollow ay, Prin- dole. Upon motion by Guillot, cipal, Wevahitchka High and seconded by Ard, this School, regarding the suspen- program was unanimously sion of students for infrac- adopted. Upon motion by lions of the rules. Copies of Roemier. and seconded by these letters are on file in the Guillot, overtime earned by Superinmtendent's office maintenance men during the Mrs. Mary A Jackson has Y, APRIL 26, 1973 Bi-Racial Committee Meeting Sinutes Parents *brougni to the Superinten- S t I e n t dent's attention that there is an effort to provide students and parents with information A meeting was held at Port concerning schools and St7Joe High School Tuesday of student suspensions night April '17, 1973 'by a The Superintendent pre- group of parents from the sented a letter from Miss Port St. Joe area. Netta Niblack regarding her This'meeting was'presided retireme t at the end of this over by Rev. Millard Spikes, school y r. Co-Chairman of Gulf County The Superintendent pre- Bi-Racial Committee. sented a list of activities for Many parents -expressed the month of February and their feelings regarding Port march St. Joe High School, especial- Upon motion by Guillot, ly student conduct that led to and seconded by Ard, it was the disruption Thursday April unanimous that the Board 5, that caused the school to would sign an agreement be dismissed early. with the City of Port St Joe Main topics of discussion assuming responsibility for were: 1) Enforcement of any damage or injury while rules; 2) Additional Parents- the Port St Joe High School Teachers Conference; 3) uses the city tennis courts Grievance Committee; and 4)- Teacher-student-behaviour. The Superintendent pre- It was agreed upon unani-, sented prices on three types mously that they wanted of buses for the Boards' rules enforced and student consideration Upon motion conduct themselves in an by Roemer, and seconded by acceptable manner at all Guillot. the Board voted times. unanimously to purchase two When students violate the buses at a price of $8 158 20 .rules they will be dealt with each. Efforts will be made to- Bills were presented, exa- identify and rectify the nined and paid instigator and" offender., The There being no furthel object- being to keep the business the Board ad- student in school if at all mourned to meet again mn reg 'possible and at the same time ular session on April 3 19;y. bring about order and har-, at 5-30 PM. EST money in a rood .ay.'i.r.g .a2%- ation. The parents expressed a ATTEST J. David Bidweij. need f6r more time set aside Superintendent, and J K for Parent-Teacher Confer- Whitfield, Vice Chairman ences. Many felt, although Discuss Unrest report cards give a report at the end of a six (6) weeks period, they wanted a confer- ence before the grading period was completed. A need for a PTA was expressed. -'A lengthy discussion was held regarding a grievance committee. Many statements were made of the advantages and '-.~ -. t~aes, it was fi,..Ty decided by a small ,.9 .. r*. that a grievance .:-.. .'..:. *: was not needed: They stated we already have legal and proper channels to follow if we have a, grievance. namely the School Board, Superintendent, Principal, -teachers, and student council. -'s group related they -,.'*v',, students ,to show respect to their teachers at all times, however -they expected 'the same respect shown students by the teachers. In this manner the. teacher would' be creating an atmosphere conductive to a good learning situation. It was expressed by the entire group tfat they' did not want Port St. Joe High School to, be closed for any, reason. They showed strong support ,to see that. the high school was -not closed this ,year. In fact, their feelings were so , strong against closing ih ,, school they stated we did not want to the sch6ol .to: be Legal Adv. NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commissioners, Gulf County, will receive sealed bids from any person, company or corporation interested 'In selling the County the following described per- sonal property: , ONE' (1) NEW FIRE TRUCK (Class "A" Fire Apparatus) as per specifications on file n the office of the Board of County Commission- ers Gulf County, Florida, P.O. Box 968, Port St. JoeFlorlda 24S&. A copy of said :. :- maybe obtained at c :- Bids will be received until 90: A.M. (EST) May 8, 1973, at the office of the Clerk Circuit Court, Gu f County Courthouse, Port St. Joe, Florida. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Board, of County Commissioners Gulf County, Florida BY: A. L, Davis, Chairman NOTICE TO RECEIVE I The, Gulf County School B receive sealed bids on one School Bus (body only) until JEST,, May 8, 973 in the Gu School Board office in the Co6 This vehicle is-located at th Joe High School, in Port Florida. '' I The School Board reserves to reject any and all bids. .s- J. DAVID BIDWEt L Superintendent i:.;i ip,r-- and closed future date. As a result of this ' efforts,'are being madE up Parent-Teacher ences at an early d date -will be annc through the news med : Plans are btw m have another rr. ,-' this same gro-;;: . BIDS koard wi8I NOTICE Absentee I Balots for the Regular Election to be held May 8 1973, may be applied for in person or by mall from the City Clerk's Office, Port St. Joe, Florida, at any time during 20 days prior to Election until 5 days before the Election, (15 days) April 198, 73, until 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., May 2, 1973. If there is a Run-Off Election, Absentee Ballots may be applied for from May 9, 1973 untfl -5:0 P.M: t E.D.T. May 6, 973. , Completed Absentee Balots must be in the City Clerk's Office by 5:00 P.M,, E.D.T., May 2, 1973, for the ReguOar Election and by 5:00 P.M., E.D.T, May 16, 1973, If there is a Run-Off Election, s- C.W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk 4tc 4-12 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. 73-49 MARGARET JULIA BYTHWOOD RUSS, .. Plaintff ---vs-,. CORRINE CUMMINGS, et a., Defendants. NOTICE OF ACTION o9" Fr E TO: CORR NE CUMMNNGS, DORA S9:00 AM, LEE PACE ODESSA BENTLEY, ll County LILLIE LEE BARNES, LOUISE rt House. MtTCHELL, LWUS BROWN, GER- ie Port St.. LDNE BESS, CATHERINE BROWN, St. Joe, I DOR'IS HOLLOWAY, DONALD BROWN, ROSE HUNTER, DORA JEN- the right NINGS, CATHERINE SAMPSON, EMORY LEE SMITH BYTHWOOD, FRANZELLA,- DeLANCEY, ODESSA BROWN, ALLEN BYTHWOOD, PHIL- ; 24-19 LIP BYTHWOOD -' LULA BELLE BYTHWOOD, and parties claiming interests by, through, under or against WILLIE MAE BYTHWOOD BROWN, Deceased, (a-k-d Wile Mae McDon- at any ad) and W LLS BYTHWOOD De- ceased; and all parties' having or ':I.r claiming to have any right, title or e to 'set interest in the property herein described. Confer- You ARE NOTIFIED that an action late. A' ,to partition the following property In bounced Gut-County, Floria: The sV/ of SWa bof Section 20, lia Townhip South Range 1 Mde to West, tulf County, orida' . with has been filed against you and yoo are ,. required to serve a copy of 'your written defenses, if any, to It on Hon.- Cedl G. Costln, Jr., 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 14th day of May, A.D. 1973, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plantlff's Attorney or Immediately thereafter, ,otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re lef demanded In the Complaint or Petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on April 10, 1973. -s- GEORGE Y. CORE -Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida 2 . .(SEAL) 4tc 4.12 Covers Beter, Goes on Eastr Mildew Resistant Fume Resistant, Oil Base, Vinyl and .Latex Exterior and Interior In Many Colors A L, SMITH Phone 27-7751 Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" Port St. Joe, Florida I I I I 1 THIS YEAR, ENJOY THE VACATION OF YOUR LIFETIME This year fulfill that promise you made to yourself and your wife...to take that vacation to faraway places with strange. sounding names. Perhaps the money you've already saved won't reach as far as you would like to go...well, we'll match you dollar for dollar to get you there. Re- payment won't start until two months after your return. So this year, go where you want to go! Florida First National Bank Port St. Joe, Florida SERVICES Safe Deposit Boxes Bank By Window Service ' Money Orders Savings Bonds FDIC vlre stone - I I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida, Six Flags <4 To Buy Tract . News of another upcoming Central Florida tourist at- B traction was disclosed this past wo& week when Six Flags Inc. reported contracting for seven acres and optioning five others Sin the Orangewood site, located southwest of Orlando near Walt Disney World. Six Flags, a Los Angeles- , : based firm operating tourist attractions in four states, said a $4-million movie-wax museum would be constructed on the site near Sea World, which is currently under construction THEII MUSEUM will include 150 wax figures of stars and film clips of the, history of movie- S ak.ri, It could open in the fall of 1974, a Six Flags official said The purchase price of. the tract was not revealed. The sale is contingent on zoning obtained from county commissioners. The tract is owned by Florida Land Co:, a subsidiary of Floiida Gas Co., Winter Park. The land company is developing Orangewood, a new city south- west of Orlando projected to house 48,000 persons. SIX FLAGS' acreage will be located in the southwest quadrant of Orangewood property fronting Interstate 4. Sea World is being built in the northwest quadrant of Orangewood fronting 1-4 and the - Martin Andersen Beeline Ex- t pressway. A subsidiary of The Great Southwest Corp., Los Angeles, Six Flags also has an option with Florida Land Co. to pur- SAhase five adjacent acres for possible expansion. .1JOSEPII F. Prevratil, vice I president and general manager of Movieland Wax Museum and Japanese Village, two of Six F'a.- operations in. Buena Park, Calif., said the museum I 'built here will cost "in excess of $4 million." The Buena Park -museudi 'with 40,000 square feet draws between 800,000 and 900,000 persons a year, Prevratil ad- ded. ft ~ ~~.. 26, 1973 PAGE ELE'I -o2- =cn l/ ow .mob Move On to Construct Area Girl Scout Camp TALLAHASSEE- Every as Commission chairman last participation of each mem- citizen in a 15-county North year r M. a. said. Florida area hasr a vital We need the support of all Mayo swd he is serving as interest and stake in the 15 "counties," said Mayo.. General Campaign Chairman outcome of a campaign now "T) i support of citizens in all because of his belief in the imderway in those counties. '15 counties is what will give Girl Scounts and what the The slogan of the campaign this campaign meaning and organization does in molding is A Camp For All significanrff... This is a team young'women. ' Seasons.". The campaign effort, and a team needs the' needs to raise $388,000. 'The cuni.ties ar- Bay, Calhoun, Frankhiin, Gadsden, fsn L fte,L Real Test Coming or Funding of i Gulf Holmes, -Jackson, Jef- | T Person, Lafayette, Letn,' Lib- g w .i erty,. Mardson, Taylor, Wa- m l kulla, and Washingto TheseFloridas Libraries StoneRep rts 15 counties are the member F d e counties of the Girl Scounts Council of the Apalachee 'allahassee National Lib- hard with cutbacks, then the Bend. rary Week ha.s iust ended 'lcal library systems are ihc Cuncfl is-'curreitly; bjt .-ow- begins the real test hu t too;-.' Secretary Stone c "A Camp For All Seasoqs" Richard (Dick; Stoni.. traveled 'to Washington re- on 60 acres of land on. Lake "The word from Washing- cently and talked with Talquin, leased to the: Girl ton is not good. The official Congressmen He iad he was Scouts by the, State of, word is that federal funds for told that President Nixon Florida. libra ries re bi--,g mrii ff for would veto any Lt, nr. funds The land is located 12"miles moi program for 1973-/7, voted by Cor,r.s, srjd that west of Tallahassee, almost and this 'means bur local if the yeto was overridden in the center of the Council's .irry syslern..will be hit," then he would impound the 15-county area, and the Secretary Stone said library funds. developed camp would be Stone is responsible for -The message from Wash- used yVtar-round by Girl operations 'of th.- DeM.ion of ington is very clear.. Libra- Scouts from all 15 counties. State Library services and ries will need to look to the The camp also would offer the, State Library, which state tind local governments spe ,,,l p1 ,.grams' for the coordinate with local library for.'0re uppor..rt n.13-74," handiwapprd and for other systems'in Florida in scores Secretary Store said grou< of .i% l ages, interests of programs and library loa National Lit-r ry Wek was and t,..ickground's. projects. ol-. -r .!'I .Ap1' i,' 8-14. State "This is one ;of the most "The 'cutoff of federal L brary Day in FlTlria was impqrian' and worthwhile library funds means an hr1.. Apl 11 ,fundr.,nsing campaigns this immediate loss of $2.4 million , North Florida area will ever for:our State Library. This is .Judy Hendix On set 1 involves an investment a st ge rirg loss, and we are Oxford Merit i in our young people. This hoping the 1973 :Florida O.r ieri st camp-will play',a big pairtin Legislature will increase Of ijCo:w- ,f Emrory determining t' ch.iracter stai. support so the LR i'rary L -..'er: :. p-.:e.i to and quality of out young can continue to be eiiectlv announce th.i .liidy E. women idnd mothers of and meaningful, Secretary Hendrix-of Port St. Joe made tomorrow,"',said Wilhamn T. Stone said. the Merit L.r i.,i 01i' winter (Billy) .Mayo,' General Cam- Secretary Stone said. that quarter 1973. paign Ch.,rman an essential part of the State This is a signal academic M.ivo ,.:rves ,"tn the three- Libr rv is its work with local achievement, equivalent to member elective Pubhi Ser- library systems, what is known as the Dean's -:vice Commission, and served "'If thie State l. -r.itr is hit List on some campuses. NOW DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CLEANERS offers Free Pick-up & Delivery IN THE PORT ST. JOE AREA Every Tuesday -and Friday, Domestic Laundry and Cleaners Picks Up and Delivers in the Port St. Joe area CLAUDE COWART A NATIVE OF PORT ST. JOE, is the DOMESTIC routeman and would like to provide you with convenient, dependable, professional laundry and dry cleaning service picked up and delivered at your door! For Free Delivery Service call Panama City 785-6116 or send a post card to Domestic Laundry and Cleaners, 417 Grace Ave., Panama City, Florida 32401 Buy the most efficient air Hardly anything's more valuable these days than the money and c'' energy, it takes to run your home. Here's how to save both when ./ .a ir :: .- -,-r ' What type do you need? This depends on whether you intend to air condition , whole house, a major oc..':.-, of it, or one room, -or one room, you can use a room u-i'; For larger areas you can choose between a room unit and a central system. What size unit do you need? This depends on several '-. s. Well shaded, well insulated areas require minimum cool-.. ing. As low as 20 BTU's per square foot. (More about BTU's in a minute.) Unshaded windows and poor insulation can double the amount of cooling needed, A reputable air conditioning dealer will check your home and recommend the proper size and type of equipment for you. Or Florida Power will be glad to help you if you are unable to get the information. Which air conditioning units are the most economical to operate? Just remem- bef, the higher the efficiency of a unit, the lower the operating cost. There's a simple - formula for this. conditioning and you'll not only You'll save money. All air conditioning manufacturers rate their -:'." in terms of British Thermal Units (BTU's). And the electricity required for the unit in terms of watts. Tofind out the efficiency of a unit, just divide the BTU's,by the watts. The unit that gives the most BTU's per,watt has the high- est efficiency ratio (EER) and is the most economical to operate. The more efficient units today produce.- from 7 to 10 BTU's per watt, so make sure the unit you're considering falls as high in this range as possible. | Take this form with you to | | your air conditioning dealer. | To determine, the efficiency of any I 1.air conditioning unit, divide i watts into BTU's The higher the result, the more effi- cient the unit. The more efficient units I will produce between 7 and 10 BTU's | * per watt. g L M -M -NJ conserve energy. What else should you consider to get the most economical cooling? First, be sure the system is properly installed. Also be sure that walls, ceilings and floors are properly insulated. And that air conditioning ducts are tight and well insulated. Close openings and seal cracks around doors and windows as well as openings into attics and fireplaces. Use properly sized wiring. " Place the condenser where it can get free air flow. And avoid putting it in your garage or other improperly ventilated areas. Do these things and you'll have the most efficient and most comfortable air conditioning you can buy, without spending needless money or wasting valuable power. We want to do everything we can to help, so if you've any questions at all, call or come in to any Florida Power office. Florida Power CORPORATION _ _________ Architect's Drawing ofGirl Scout Camp \ e e -. I II Believing the old--:adage, "One picture is wotiff 1,000 words," the Governor's Highway Safety Commission, .originators of Flor-i& AR' RIVE ALIVE program, has sent its mascot, the-O)range Blossom Honey Bee' into thousands of school ,rooms all over the State of FiOida A coloring book, -featurir.i the Honey Bee, approved b;; Floyd Christiar., Cornmi-.. sioner of Educatior:, hasi r. n distributed throughout F7o'r ida's school syiten, in r;n i K through; 3 Accor'ing *. .. I W[' Jr. director.:' '.f the G., ':r- nor's Hjghw'a. ^t'- mission Ithe ta T' " been rerrie'ndo's '*If- '* appeal to the youL i r., r 'i,. Its Honey Bee diepict.- ,?.t (p.ru: of-dit obeyiig '.rsi, ,7., and reg, t.ltiora ; W' e feel that t-y draAig a picture of te H.ey B.ee Lr, situations that every +;,rg- ster finds hirreli rn- eery day, we co jld imprns uporn children the '"Do' .and Don'ts' of traffic: .fety, said Wright ."Inls "s see the Bee, r t, abaa .'yc, , using an arrm l.l.a, t, turn He also cautihonischldrer,,n not to run fromrr between parked cars, and not to play 't nthe streets " The books ha'.e hrad warm reception Or.e teacher, seeing how tascirated rle. children were witri tje EBr., and how the ilinstrat,'rn_' stimulated ,their 9. ra0 1 tons, conducted p rr.s.t .t among p.uptls to "Norrin the Bee" The nornirmations were. F 0 j P T E E.NI t CirCPJIT OF 9:6F' FIP C 'loF '~ ;'Pe E~.etesi o NOT iCF TO C Fi A 45 .5 ,,*rE..r C.. r r7,4 ,co r l7,*" ,E.* .',.'. -I,, si J'uOCIA voluntarily sent to the Governor in "thank-you" letters., .; One young correspondent confessed; ."I was not mind- ing your rules at first, but I will now." Another confided that somee boys in my ,class were not following the rules as in theI boc.k' and then d .ded 'NruJth f'l "i .r, t.nu -s .,'I *k'i" t (' .ii.T 'th r" . A ~'.,,r .e p:t*,: A bh the children wa;- t.e- peure captioned IL'e Y, ,r ,. -j .: .-;,: ,.,:,'. ru the Bee "' : ": : 'rto the windshield S., ,ji use his) and Names, suggested 'for thei Sranve BlosE:-rnm HorE. Bee rbruve from Bu2y Bee to B.oz; Bee, rnd one rk tter s.teo frankly that '.ne reare he .'chie .a; "Birg Bane / Ricochet Be-. 6ut Scott :To,dE me, so I changed r eAciaue I didn't 'v,ant to rha-, ar..e rIarre ' The Go-er.ror 'irrr.s;.f /.a. s'r io-arr dv ti.ce on: :es'er.;I *:*:a.jor r. orue little girl sarg ..it if he "'didrit like :. t ne ror'e <,4 the Bee, she ?>,;jlf change it The pfAlti.anr of th'-e group stated she ;,j'; re the book would rr ake Florida a better place to h ,'e .n ,"W'J rthe r-sponse we 'tav;' gotter, t.,roiujh the use rf Ihese coor ok's'- said M Wrrght, "'e ha'.e real hopes that &.s car, rteac ttw,., (h'ildren rgood safety habits ' ,th'y will carry *Aith inem right io to adulthood not later, than,'5:30 Pp0, EST 'May' 8, ',t' 'r i"s Ffni'.c f th Superintendent 0. '.'v.,t, G'jif .cr'j't/ Court House, *iP WCojC l~r.TE P I E 1' '.ere e operate' '-, 2 -'i* .8 ,- ._ '/., r 3 '".,'I' r, i.'n-. .atile - ,r.,- :l ,,;r t,,. I4;' "' j.1 '. .'" fi .ju, 740 ,.ale c -i ' L- f: ; 0 p e "one --3 V PA, "" r': a S: rp' W questing 'that these p- '. :,- *i 'a period of one year 7r:P' 'M: .1a frj rae a. 'e3' cr, 3 **' *- and rtrs' p.jIi a- t l-erature. * Bids must meet or equal ,the S'.:' .r1' -ove, or.your bid will Awards "r.sCS ", f'he lowest responsible ,-i r Delivery '.r- "u;' oe shown and length of time this bid is valid. Please, mark-your bid envelope. as S "SEALED BID FOR AIR CONDITION- ERS TO BE OPENED May 8, 1973" $ .The, 6uf County, .Scbo 'l &...,d '.: e' ,' : .*eser.ves the right to. r6ect:'any ,r,-' al S ,' ', ', hi 'ds -, 2t 4-26 TWELVE THE STAR, Port St. joe, Florida,, THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1913 Range .Blossom Honey Bee promotess "Arrive" Program Sunbeam's finer, tender texture tears evenly. ,. Ordinary bread can't do this. Batter Whipped Sunbeam dares to' be compared! Why is Sunbeam called "The Fresh One?" " Because it's madpedifferently. For finer texture . velvety softness. Sunbeam is Batter Whipped Bread. Mired in small batches.Actually whipped,li.ke cream.Air hoies(.'here staling air can hide) are whippedd out Result, bread that looks fresher Feels fresher Toasts fresher. Tastes fresher. 7/1. : -'* ' fM - Flowers Baking Compay, i Compare, Batter Whipped Sunbeam with the bread you're now using.- Let your eyes, your sense of touch and your taste'-convince you that Sunbeam is a truly '.up-erior bread. Try a loaf, today. '- Thomasville, a Division of Flowers Industries, Inc. / "Copyright, QuaBlty Bakers of America CooperatIve, nc., 1973" " Can yoJr bread pass this test? Tenderness. Test LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Long Avenue Baptist Church April 29 May 6 Services 7:30 P.M. Each Night , 7:00 A.M. Monday Fridayc Rev. Dudley Hall, Evangelist Fort Worth, Texas J. R. Brookins, Revival Music Director 'Panama City, Florida Church Nursery Open Each Evening for Ages to 3 Years _ I; I I_ II I II _~ _1 L_ I~- ,.,, ' f . |