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TWELVE PAGES THE STAR 10c PER COPY ** **** r* * .THiRTYSIXTH YEAR / "The Safest Bedches In the WrMld Are In Gulf County"' PPRT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973. Easter Sunrise Services n Scho- St adium Sunday '; 'Sft.Joe 'will 'greet the Easter . mopring W ith a sunrise worship servicee Spoas.rer1 'by the Ministerial Associa- "*o, p 'Smaay -Services will be -held in. the Port ESt.. ee Hligh School Football Stadiumi SAis yearT, beginning-at :6:30 AM.. Rev. Davfl DO'Shea.will be presidng,- music lby 'ai.igh school ban4 bIass, ensemble '"and ngregational inging led by Wes- MinIsf.t.eri on the program, other Si. e. O'Shea will be ev. Care an, ev P. Price, Pastea 't Zion Fair Baptist ChurCh, giving the Invocation and lead- ing the; -Lbis Prayer.'. Rev.'Dewitt Mathews, pastor of the First Baptist Church, wm lead the Responsive Read- ing.. Rev. L. B. P.r bar-on, pastor of the - .Tghland View Church bi God will read Ute Easter scripture an lead in' prayer. The Easter ~srr.oi will B:- given by Rev. J.-C. dui, p:.or ctf the Long Ave- nue ,Raptit Chu'rh. R', Cly'de Bow- 6m*era n u r'7 the Bei's ltionhe The "sunrise services are non-de- *.TYO mtanin fla,.' .'*'* .. Woman Shot In 130 MPH Chase Friday s. 'An A pi r,.'~i o' woman was .'shot in the head at a road blaok just, Eastof Port St. Joe-iday 'just after -noon while -fleeing a ., Fr,ri n County Deputy in a 4 .stolen. er i "t. ,i. 'af.i to . run the l.4'.,l.D .].. 'The woman had stolen a! Franklin County "L'.f"- 1. S.-Franklin" County i 1-.I i .- . SPrt St. Joe Police o .'ct .p 'the . blor'k- and stop the fleeing wb- rm an., , The -woman, Mrs Evelyn-MWhe-' J,- ..i .:.,., ... ,i th e ,.- .. .. :;: Id 130 Imdles put man ,A:' .i.-.i to shoot (ouT lr tires W ir it was .apparent : , was not ~ :,.;i stop. A' ..hot went astray and hit the woman Sin-the ..ii ',.. ',1i The incident is S-iu, u.,' t.-, .t.,l by State's At- torney Leo Jones. A .. ..'... .. i. t .,'rJi.,t County Sheriff Jack Tao lor, Deputy iu- ther Whitehurst ,'rk'-'i ii-. c1rui- ser in fiont of Sizemore's Hard- ware in Apalachidola at about noon Friday-and had entered the store when a women jumped 'into the car and drove away toward Port, St. Joe on Highway 98. After Whitehurst called head- quarters, the stolen patrol car was pursued by Franklin Coun- ty deputies at speeds up to 130 ,miles per -hour all the way to Port St. Joe. Port St. Joe city patrolman, Bobby. i ..',1-.,. ,, warned, of the chase, used his car as a ru '.v 1 near the Forest Hill Cemetery Last Rites Held for Esther Roberson, 63 Mrs. Ester Roberson, 63,' a resident of White City, passed away at 10 ; pi: unday at the Munici..d Ho'.iit. Mrs. RoBtrr.:',:, iv'.' been a resi- dent of White C]y'for the past nine .a : -b r,-.r. of. tkh.' W',T..r,- Cit lT. "rL .. L,'rih .',nd1 ,:n a l. i.',. the r!' ,,..: R _- t'-.. Lodge Number 22 of Port St Joe. ' Funeral services were held Tuesday afternooA at thr- Whiit- 1.ity Baptist 'Church. S.-rvces were conducted by. Rev. Douglas Burns, Pastor. Interment follow- ed in, the family plot of 'Jehu Cemetery y in Wewahitchka. Graveside rites were conducted by the Melody Rebecca Lodge. Serving as pallbearers' were Roy Jones of Tallahassee, Ed- ward Grace, Bert Hall, Roy Har- per, Victor Burke, all of White City anm.R. A. Skipper of Port St. Joe.. Survivors include one niece, Mrs. Anna Ruth Chambers of Wllsborough, Pennsylvania; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Inez R. Owens of Orlando and a brother-in-law, Homer Coe of Howards Creek. .i,,. A,. 'the wunr 'approached S ;, ,,I ;,:, attemptedd. t To aoadnid- ,thie W,.. ':.,,- at which time the shot' was !fired. "The .. r. *_ 'dr'.r,.- .-I-off into .thel woods- A'bir m. ~1 stopped, M..;: 'v,,.,., ,- --: -,'.;en. from IthM -.-rE.k t.v fkh;F'r "k '- Joe hos-' T,.PtA :l.id t ti'": d to Bay Me- morial .in Panama- City ,where . i : .' t113 in- critical- condition. The. entiree incident, from the theft to the' crash" at the road- 1' -i.:.', lasted less than 20 min- utes, ; r:.:; 'r.- Franklin Coun- ty Deputies. A Franklin Courwy woman ran this Sheriffs tDepartment cruiser 50 yards into the woods near Commission Turns Down Request of Contractor fo r Time Extension I-'-' isBring Spring to School Their three P.ort St. Joe Elemehtary School students greeted iN4 spring by painting this beau. liful mural on the school sign facing Long Ave- I - nue. The young artists are, left to right: Trip S.Barrier, Cherry Stebel and Phoebe Barlow* -- Star photoi .~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ / SSharks Came to Play' In UGames Last Week Port St. Joe after trying to avoid a 'roadblock, in a 130-miles-per-hour, ihese. --Star 1i The S.shi.,ts '.`r-r. tb"(--pla. ' S a'i;I., as 'i'-.y'banged -out ,a, aow, high of, 22. hits whifh, were good for 22 ruans. The vie- -tims of thi savage attack were the Marianna '-Ai who had' taken ani early 2-0 lead by 'virtue of two unearned runs in the-top half of the first inning. But the Sharks came right back with five runs in their half of the first and added eight more id the second, two iii the' third and seven in the fourth in a game that was- called-after five innings because of the 10-run rule. Ken Weimorts, Stave Owens, ._and Ron Herring each with three hits, lead an attack that saw everyone in the starting line-up (Continued On Page 12) Summer Water" Rates Offered The City Commission agreed Tuesday to allow summer water rates for the months of May through August, provided water customers sign up at the City Hall for the special rate. S'Summer- rates reduce .sewer charges, which are- figured as a. percentage of water used by ap- plying a charge for sewer ser- vice which it an average of the previous 12 months charges. The Board set May 15 as the deadline for signing up . c' A Li : to, the contract sche-. dule, Port St. Joe's new Waste- water Treatment Plant is due to be completed today. It isn't. As a result of this develop- ment, the Commission had. a clearing of the air understanding with Ie:,' -!. F r7, :n,- the pri- mary contractor, at their meet- ing Tuesday i' The contractor presented' two ,.,'; .' ~ for the Board to act upon. extend their completion date and allow them to proceed with construction on a schedule presented by the construction firm which called for them to have the plant completed by July 1, equipment checking- to begin by July 15 'and the plant deliv- ered and ready to operate b~ August 1. Extension of the completion by the Board would waive a $1,- 000 per n v (:.-t late charges. Allowing the firm to continue, even if under penalty, would keep the City from 'exercising its right to terminate the con- tract with Peabody-Petersen and' i ,n. : on their bonding com- pany'to finish the job. t"n.,,-q William J .-Rish re- -minded the Board that-' it .was costing the City .'* a day in interest and other charges for every day of -' -1. in comple- tion. He also n.i'.., that per- mission to -., .sanctions -against the present .. ,I sys- tem expired 1'I. 1 'and :the City would have to apply for an ex- \-i'.ir, from the Flbrida Pollu- Sti'h Con "trol:" ." r.', .. :. 1 ... A' .. l w h .o was present '-.1 against -ex- tension-because the ..'. -fi.L' oa Iunt, hn.l be,-, .t..nnd. hadhe'ie frori,. the, b- p htiumsijg -and , .' .. ,r,1 [*. ,. !o be :.- ,.( .r,,-h'r 'J "**,.h sen's.-manager of the job claimed their late, schedule was caused by problems in securing mater- lals and supplies; from vendors as promised. He said the firm now has commitments from all suppliers to meet delivery dates promised and he feels the job completed as per his new sche- dule. Cayo refuted the claim of slow delivery and the Board voted unanimously on Commissioner George Wimberly's motion not to grant the contract extension. Cayo recommended the con- struction firm be granted 30 days to see if they can perform as promised in 'the new -schedule (Continued On Page 7) .. ... 7 ;- -.. :+ 1 inwk Cons Will Counsel Kids In Pitfalls of Crime Students at Port St. Joe High 5 Lv,. will lve an unmustl op-' S',:-,i.r,,.: Tuesday. Several in- mates of Raiford Prison will be visiting in the school, all dy to Single and talk with the stu- dents ,-L'.: L -', them of the pe- . alties of crime and drug abuse. - The' pJ& ;r.n, named "Oppia- tion Teen-Ager" is being spon- sored by' the High School" andS involves several prisoners froa the Flrid ai L-on who have vol- unteere. th'' services 'to try and r. .a2d-. young people ,~ot to i,'Idl,': a life-of crime. Lt. Jim Richardson of the State prison is director of the program, which is going into sev- eral schools in .Florida. Tuesday night, April 24 at 7:30 the inmate trustees will be in the Commons Area of. the high school, to present a program to the public on the dangers of drugs and drug related crimes. One of the inmates is a for- mer heroin addict and a murder- er. The other is in prison for crimes performed under the in- fluence of alcohol. There* will': be. t:o -admiission -harged to the program. City Candidates Face No Election Opposition Port St. Joe's three public ser- vants coming -up for election in' .'., lte'. received no opposition to their ..- a. according to Clerk- Charles Brock. Frank Pate has qualified to seek the office of Mayor-Com- missioner and Tom S.- Coldewey and Robert L. Holland each qualified for Commission posts. Pate stepped down as Mapor the first of the year in keeping with the "Resign to Run" law. Commissioner Coldewey w a s named Mayor and the Board ap- pointed Pate to the vacant Com- mission post. Now they are trad- ing back. P.M. this afternoon. Sharks how T Tnd y o above are the Sharks who will be participating in the Sharks E ter Tournament Today play-offs. Front row, left to right: Russell Chason, Steve Owenh, Sandy Sanborn, John Owens, Craig Pippin, Bruce May, Carl Whitw Port St. Joe's baseball Sharks will begin play-downs this after- tie and Jim Moore. Back row, left to right: Bubba Harmon. m noon in Blountstown when they enter the Sub-District tournament. Whittle, Ronnie Herring, Mark Wimberly, Ken Weimorts, Lteo The Sharks will open the tournament with Chattahoochee at 4:00 Weimorts, Chris Davis and Jay Stevens. -Star photo NUMBER 33 -~ --~ - ; .THE STAR, Port St. Je, Flordd THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 EDITORIALS... SBeaches Terminal? It's depressing' to take a ride out the beach road and see the houses slowly clos7 ing in on the water side of Highway 98. It bothers us for several reasons: it ob- structs the view, curtail use of tbc beach . Sand water by those wishing to e. -oy the." beach and water. sports, it-destroys much 'of the vegetation which is holding the" .beach together and keeping it from wash- ing, away and it is taking part of the pull out of our main.tourist magnet, not to . mention the possible. p-oli-u'iori.. of the bath - ing'areas along-'the Gulf of Mexico. It's lard. to be against a person-devel- opin ghis property for which h~-. prob- ably: paid a .pretty penny. : Should- the County Commission every get around to exercing its :prerogative. and zone the . water i'je of, Highway 98 non-residential S(or any th ;r kind of bl.,di'nri .-- ,:', the County should prip-'rly 1)c rr,-'37 Fr'.41 7Filling to, reimhur.6 t,'ie yprp. rt. y for what he .shel led o'Jt.for his waterfront property. SThis 'doesn't reduce the need for pre- serving the Beacon HiTI and St. Joe Beach We A Peace-and quiet seem*, once again, to have been t,,-l.....h'-.,l at the 1! school. S.t's to the credit of our "-f i'jets and school people that 'ur di -tfb'i.n.r,-. don't la';L. v:ry long. This all leads us to t,-iv.'.,; we are learning to live together-whether -le .': ,- ..are getting ,i-. d:.'l :tn.'~ti to-.re- spect another person's rihth:-: w,,I ie r we like it or not, or because the students are afraid.to create a disturbance because of" the'consequences. S,,We asked a black student what tbh. v thought of the regulations signed by stu-. 'dents, p.a- r,,;; ;and the school %,-A. week.: e." ae a i d i i l i .; i t b ,' :. e ; i i .f ; ' on tonfinIng. The wbhit.e p .,rde. fl' the si.mwI. Mo:-I students ?* <.-r v.-ilinA g t., pur- p 'with' if I it will isintaiA order. S.-This 'u T! 'i .. f us .-*-' ',_'. The .attitude that the rules are too or'.fri,,im:'- just do i.-;n't !.:.I.d up. The rules pl ..1 ,,in Athe .-, :,I l "'. .., ., i" :..' o,,, ..] last w eek were the very same rules of behaviour and deparfimt,~'-iI rt '-i' .1 in the u.1'':.t Hand- area for recreational purposes. As a mat- tei' of fact, the attraction which makes the area valuable for a summer cottage makes it.dven more valuable to the county for attracting tourists to this area. Too, those building 'along the waterfront could 'he less interested ini tourists. 'The:y have 'found .a relatively quiet, -. .. -t-.-. *beach an& want to. maintain their privacy. We can understand that. We can also un- derstand the whole county's need for a rea- sonably, strong, tourist industry. The lots in question are so close to the Gulf,, we fail to see -how they can get a septic t._: .permit in the. first place, and how' they hope to keep from polluting the -'Gulf,bathing areas with their outfall' in the second phT.-,, There's riot much hope of removing ,the houses- ~.'' built (unless another Camille comes through here) but we feel there is much that could be, and much that should -L. done: to keep this cancer to our beach from spreading and becoming ter- r'inal. .- )plaud book at the rin ir.: of the school, year and a copy.placed in the hands of every student. Moreover, the rules and regula- tions were pri6mulgated by ,the Student -,..(nd1 --rep'r,;-...t.-ii-.r. of the ,urA-ri themselves. So, you see, the rules are rt 't They'.v wvr-e drawn up by the students ier,.:lve-, at the beginning of the school year. '. }i:'.ri that the rules be obeyed is probably something new. No doubt the f iud-ent' have sort of been on their honor to go by the rules in the past. This didn't work,, so now the school has set up an "or l..-" "'^i'.. of punishment for violating the -'.,..r.'' rules. The'students have only r;,:I', .'es to 'blame for- the hard 'line. We. hope they will react like the budding young men and women they are, and fqre- go a few of .0-r desires for the better- ment *-,f everyone. We at The Star applaud the line tak- en by the school management and hope '),,' stick by their guns. Several of the County Commissioners " have privately *.: .pi:'.'-., a desire to set' aside a po',rl;'e, "of 'the county's revenue sharing fluids to build a Ui,' -"f..-- Gulf County. The Feds who handle I:-- funds,. say they will be received for at least five years. Some of the rC'i..'i.;: -."i.- want to set aside a p r'f..., each year for the " lib!r-iy, so th-'V say. We can't think of a better use. Too,. the sharing money will necessarily have ,to be spent on programs which will not require continued financing. Operation of h library is already in the (.'.,, t reg- ular budget, so this item meets the spend- ing criteria. Under the budget, funds are Perspective On Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida O: nce upon a time, reporting to parents was a simple process conducted a few times each year. -On a stiff white card Junior's teacher put down, in numerical or alphabetical form, the marks that he had earned in each sub- allocated each year to rent library .', - This rental t,.-.r .-," could go toward, oper- ,.ation of an expanded .sV.-'rn in quarters of its own. The E-:. ..:1. usually keeps such plans quiet until f-:," make up their mind so those who are disappointed if they decide not to pursue a certain project, will not give them too much static. We r-- '.r,, al]: favor and feel we need a'creditable l'a.;. building l ~ c in Port St. Joe. If you think we are trying to paint the County Commission into a cor- ner by making their thinking public, you are absolutely right. ject and in the all-important area of "Deportment". Junior took the card home, received a lecture. or a quarter, and brought back a parental signature. Neither the school nor the home.conducted any correspon- * dence in the matter. In relation to the standards for his grade, he had passed or failed, and that was that. Seldom was there any Other interchange except on the occasions when the principal summoned Junior's parents prior to his possible expulsion, or when the truant officer paid a call. All is different now, and rightly so. Essentially, the old process was so simple that it was superficial. It failed to recog- nize the obligations of the school and the home in an adult-con- trolled world. Junior's chances for success, psychologists point; ed out, would be enhanced if his parents .and teachers met more often and shared their ideas concerning his unique problems and talents. Mothers who had weaned their infants on Dr. Spock started %S 'ANT TO WIPE OUT CANCER- : --- ^ ^:.. -^ \ -- ^ 1 -:* '^^ *^ I heard so much talk about the movie "Walking TalP' playing last week at the FloridaTheatre,. I had to go see it last Friday night. After seeing the film, I saw why peo- ple are raving about it. It has to do with flr bad guys getting their head busted by the :vcr-e citizen who runs for ?,.:'iffA '... : he is tired of seeing crime be allowed to flourish right- under the eyes of what- is s ..'.,' to be' law and order. It :. -?' proper, of course, for the Sheriff to bust heads- of those going against the law.r It is the wishes of most average citizens that those who flout the law and seem- ingly flT,.u-ih while doing it, could receive a good solid' clout on the d:."w. In "'Il_. : Tall", the hero vb1'th~ l him out a t.i- h..k-. stick and he use it to restore law and order. This T s ,ff. i and .-' < ih. attention of the crime aInal-T' r t, but of course, it is outlawed because so- many -.. TT ,. this c':1 but .-fr..i-,- tool. If '"T.- ;'r Tall" is still playing, go see it. You'll S i '-.y ]. * *' Lf T T E R TO THE EDITOR Wesley Ramsey, Editor that the local editor -has the op- The Stari v .* rA and ability to cope Dear Wes . Your it.:r;-;l last week about the problems at schopl reaffirms my long-held ..belief that the na- tion's greatest repository of com- mon horse sense is the nation's "home town" press. Over the years you and I both- have had'-the privilege of know- ing and a-sci+',tir with news- men from large metropolitan areas and small-rural areas. It has 'always been of interest to me the number of small town daily and weekly newspapers fudnd-in the big- city newsrooms sent either on an exchange basis or as paid subscriptions.. Those editor: .too :recognize obviously speaking up at PTA meetings and popping' up uninvited' at the school. They wanted to know more about the curriculum, the methods,. the classification of pt-, pils and, the criterion for those marks on the report cards. Simultaneously, -e d u c a tors were becoming *. :.-' _-' with the traditional ways of doing Progressive education put the emphasis on r. child ra- ther than the .,- *..-. to be learned. Attention to individual differences as has been noted earlier in these columns, become an impokant aspect of a teach- er's job., SL1-. ~;',. -under this -new " .do.i. 'the ':. felt com- pelled to set up a two-way com- municatibns system with the with problems of living without. pretentiousness or ivory tower isolation. May 1 commend you for using the same professional calm used' by Sheriff Lawrence and others in dealing with a difficult ,and emotionally tense situation. Hav- ing faced a similar situation in a nearby school' where my two, teen-agers are enrolled, I recog- nize the wisdom of your observa- tion that, in the end, it must be, the students who. decide whether .there will be harmony in school..' My very best rt- .':, BOB BROWN Court Administrator. 14th Judicial Circuit S(Thank you,,Sir, for those kind' , words. You made my day.-Ed'.) home. Thus, the two groups- of adults who supervised most of Junior's activities began to- work together for his benefit. Grad- ually the gulf was crossed, and one of the first bridges was the establishment of a new method for reporting to parents. . The ,::.' -.-., ho., s took the lead, as they have often done in other areas, The initial at- -tack r- t 1r- on the- r, -"'. , system of : r .. .. educators claimed, A it was .rL';-' hairs to -. Mary an 85 and John an 84 .They argued that the numberss game" en- couraged guesswork on the part of teachers and invidious com- parisons by ,..~ri2 and parents. The broader base of letters like A-B-C-D, or simpler numbers 1-2-345 soon gained acceptance. Say You Saw It In The Star 4Say You Saw It In The Star - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music A.M. AM. P.M. P.M. P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 TRAINING UNION 6:30 EV NING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 7:30 PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 "Come and Worship God With Us" SEE " WILMER THURSBA Y For Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS ,at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,Inc. 930 Harrison Ave. Panama City, Florida This- is ,, ,. the last issue of The Star you will see rK.--, the "hot '.-.j: method. "Hot '-p--" is the printing 1-'-'L.,I where type is -,- ., J irc.:,. molten metal into sluggor o whichh are < and fitted I.-'thr to make up.the r,-w.- ',..- page. It has been used for years S.* the r .. i i. smallest of newspapers and is still the' method by all I roger .1,.- papers to ,.r.min -- their UTlike other A-. "h. .:. "hot .... I ,-i-hhi..- .'..., T.. ,' weren't, v-.,- technicians -i'.i. ,Iwho knew how to make it work. In hin. to the -' PF-- "offset" method of printing, pi;',, .h..r also found out it was easier. In the last 10 yea's ..' ,- <'4'" of the f. T'-. v ,, L.ioi have ..i'.. I t~ offset and a larger number of small' to mediimn ,I-''in. For the last two- ri Ih..-, we have been topsy-turvy here at The Star .ht, set up to change over to offset r-rvi.1 ,*' of our n,-.'.v.r,. It- It'required more space, reno- vation of the little bit of space we had and locating and p.,-'r.. .?i different ii., Trin--. The process- has taken some iir '.* r from our regular duties and created a lot of nr'Tit work. All of this resulted in errors, delay in de- livery of printing % Ii ,-r and things left out of the paper. TT.ip flTy most of that is about- over. A technician came into our plant Monday to set up our new offset web press, align it,, tune it up and get it ready to start producing. If all goes well, we plan on put- ting out our first-"cold-. type"- issue next week. Everybody was talking last week about catching fish in the back waters of the flooded A'..ja.l,.h.rjI. and Chi- S'. ';- -r Such r--r.. .rt, were p ,-, 0 ,- hard on us, since ever waking hour has to be 7...,*m. working on our ..'- 'i. method change-over and I couldn't go V -" water .','. ,* er! years ago/I went back water i' :1in one afternoon with Police Chief "Buck" Griffin and I laid into a 13 pound bass I've been hunting his brother in the back water ever since, to no avail. Back water fishing causes some f-. It-..- :'. though, and I sure wish I could'have gone. Maybe next year. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend I LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION --....--..----- 6:15 EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 William Avenue, Port St. Joe, FlrMda, By The Star Publlhlng Company WEsEYr RI. RAMSET Editor and Publiher Akin Linotype Operator, Ado smalemu, irais. I--ukp W% pi Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint bertmeut POSTOFncE Box 808 PHONu 22743161 POTr ST. JOE, FLRIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Jo*, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE 2 IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, 400 IX OS THREE OUT OF COUNTY One Year, 500 OUT OF U.S -O'. Y 3 TO ADVERTISEgS-In cam of error or ommimlua advewtemesht. h pbu so got hold thfmaeniie hlible for damage further t aoun^ tried forS adv rdetment. The spoken wd gIyse eat ttetl rte d t w twde L E I rely sakp s wjabeh Efaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Painting A Corner A.AL A.M. P.M. P.A. P.M. Office Phone 763-6575 Res. Phone 763-9624 ISE , 1- ' :gAGIP, TWO -EF E: : STALL Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 rAGE THlB q 'a h&e didt feel ABlC tould provide any legal problems that arise. adequate service. Commissioner Commissioner Graham, repre- A* Minutes of The Graham then moved arid Commis- senting the -White City Fire De- I sioner. Whitfield seconded a mo- apartment in the St. Joe Fire Con- tion that the matter of ambulance trol District, moved that the :Board T O * J WJLF (XQiJj COv IIIS$IN service be tabled for further dis- advertise for bids to allow purchase J Sje W, cussion. of a back-up truck, pump and * *.. .' The Clerk reminded the Board couplings, per specs., and have the g L of the Division of Drivers Licenses county engineer design an approxi- f ll t PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Attorney the introducedJohn request a to house a com- mate 2,000 gal. tank o be built by -IMARCH 13, 1973 Macdonald and Dick Roach, of the puter. A small r oom adjoining Cu-ffered as theruck. Commsnunty a erid Player sec- .this sihep Boara- of .Croaty Commis-, Northwest Florida Development tbe only place where the Board onded the motion and the vote was The Florida Department of Pol- to receive testimony, evidence, and County firms, the pollutants they this dat snersinf Gular sessionda mwieth parCountmeil, Lonne tuder of the e- could find room. The Board dis- unanimous in favor of the motion lution Control will conduct a pub- public comment on the compliance emit and the date by which they he follow in embers present:and Jim Sayof the State Co cussed this matter extensively, con- I Commissioner Graham said the lie hearing in the Gulf Breeze City schedules for each source of air are to comply with air standards: aira, r avs; unity. Affairs Agency, all of siderng several different possibil- Dstrict will or th ucdi k Hall at 10 a.m. on April 19 to pollution permitted by the Depart- Basic Magnesia, particulates and missionersSilasPlayer,.T.-D. (Doc) whom worked in .development of es. this office frequently. funds plus Fany 9reven sharing examine air i-o compliance ment," DPC attorney John-Bott- sulfur dioxide emitted :from a min- Whri Meloneyd, Walteher Graham and tto- the plans for the pu resenting Commissioner Graham said the funds given th by the schedules for 33 West Florida cher said. orals treating facility on Industrial y C Dn eDe n ctor, Con- St. Joe Beach, appeared before Board is in a quandary as it has to Ih: h .., .::.. companies (including two in Port "The Department will determine Road m Port St. Joe, January 1975 ultan, ,- it Co u trol Supervi- the Board requestin ld for,rc ovie s space. Commssoner u 5 '. St. oe) which"operate sources of whether the various schedules for a rotary kiln, October 1973 for r and Cduiy Service Officer reatioa faciities and a'commun Grahamsuggeted that the Board air -- comply with the provisions of the a : system and.January w e re p r e e rfe t, ity b u il d in g a t S t. J o e B e a c h C o i -n ec o m p ly w ith.the;-hu e t e c m t r n a o k a" ; .- i .. ..- :. -.. ,. .i nr The rnei cam. o order at ^ ssioner Davis, noting that this container so as to prevent perman- .. .... .- .. The DPC '- is a result of department's rules and EPA : 17'4 for i iner. St. Joe Paper 9:00 AMW The Clerk opened the group had previously appeared, as ent t ,f he room in ques- ..- -. .t ,'.. i-. the federal Clean Air Act of 1970 vironmental 'Tl:.- :. n.,'.1omaniv. ..ticulates and sulfur meeting with prayer. sured them that this project had i Aft ;-r ^ d iscussion, Coi- '' .'.' requires each state to t' .. ; ::: related to air ',ijhl did. iz .: .a ;pulp and paper Pur.;uar toinvt at,,oni to receive not been abandoned. T'3..ioner Graham moved and, : 'C o'. .-' ambient air .... Ti -..',n .: tion," he explained. m- uf"u .i -, :C: on U. S. 98 bids pu s tb Road Dept. Comm issioner Graham who i --r r Player seconndedeahbient.ai tha ". .. -. "o u-- -..., one'1973 "Vi-ton pii truck with been pursuing acquisition of land penun 'be to install C-: a comprehensive r Florida's Air T,' in Port St Joe, j,11 1975. utility body, per aspects the fol. for this project, said that the first the machine and ~ lockable : '" plan to achieve and maintain the Plan, submitted '. .. 27 197 lowing bids were received: choice of property, the Dozier Dro ion be built thi room to allowPl... sandards by July 1, 1975 o U .s and incorporated into f . Without P r ',r' T-,-r--- p Irty, s now tied i ...lT:- om u ,": ..:. : .-:.The Gulf : ..... is the eral laws, esa lis d air m DTV.S On, Tu ^:\t'kor7 A seEt .dther p a ^ T r 'p-'"; .* scond of seventh hear- 7..l,-aimed atsu h St. Joe ho..tG. C'r; 1 3 n. ) ... '],; e.. .- .ant Joe Paper Compa a i -any are-.ori.-.vard T.. .. -t and welfare." '- trion 1 ai S tST Whitehead F-r Inr '. 4:' 1 not interested in selling land. The e ounti urgi ng had tate and solving over 300 te t , With Pow.' ', -.- Too-. """ :,am suggested t a :-.'. of increased c ': u- -' past and .ources. '- e :.r:-! act en' ..., ALA.-Linard Craig Thc.mra C'he-r n io <, '2,. r i'-. bergrgaized to go with r ,... After -.. ..-' .: was not a process to ..., son of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. :Tucker Cb .'.err't 1I.: s...G./ i, ham as he attempts to bargain for : needed -- an privacy one ..,.. clean air, Florida chose toDavis of Port Joe, has been St. JoeMuLt[.. 'a ", .- the Dozier propertyassoonasthe -' -''' heldi'systems. The first w""as"lenar o1 chsoDavis of Port '- Joe, has been t Joes a -n' 6 '- to ~ oe Paer pn r o. e h-m T" -t. ....a.... t h ',y phaae and fanamed to the Dean's List at Marion Co A::.ner P- -- moved that Chairman Da"-vi"s, th. s- .adopted a resolution fa "'' The purpose of the hearings ed more stringent : -.. equ Institute for the fifth '. .'. per- the low b o Yf Frm / Thomas, in- ated that it was nott o-r f'e era request I .:":t e' tr' government's iod. cluding o .i-wer sti. ,.oi be dccept- a Beacon Hill site as' f: *.: i The Clerk then read a resolution that no such --. exists. :'- .. step," Botteher said. :'e. who appear on the e.d ,'.mr: ,cni r 'JAitfield see- and too risky for their ,:11.i.d-r. to from :- .: ,,;' :.-.r+ Commissioner .- said y e i eo he D who appear on the o rotr he voe was ravel. creas dementioned He pointed out that the Dean'sist are raised one privi unanimous .. iMrs, ; .'*= : = 'tih "'e eif :'::i F Hr:. '- :. :--t' a : : :: ir. need of a machine '-. determine whether or not each legeograde for r. next period. Attorr,.Vy Fil' Fish then pre- the Bc'Idr.! :i f,..:r rg + h sioner hr'' h t- rlr.'.' '.: -' .i :.. Coirn "-- .:: Player company can comply with 1975 ----*-- -. sented ;i_ t~e, 'i, public park back b'ach road (Alalba;mr F:-.i P : t :' .: -. ... road : '..', going to state emission standards by THANKS OFFERED o n p ro p e s t y a t ,- a l M a n 's C u r v e t o T x n -, l a-. 'hT .: ,J<' +t f T -e f .' ,; .1r- t w'o.'in-; r I r ,' r t- w o in n r 's b u d lo wgsh s T e pans w e developed by the shol buses roa o alsn r: r :' owing DPC shedul es. The hear- The Norh Port Joe Mer Attorney and Commissioners Mo serve the community in time of an fund this service. Afte -: sa The .,.. Agent and Vet ings will also .j : :.:-, the "rea- chants softball team offers its *ney and Whitfield in ",,r'i,,trr '-.*,?'-G..,. e-, added. Commis- discussion, ,. :'~ ..:.:.-., e -'' a ordinance :- this eran's i 1 -:'. ;:: sonableness" of the schedules and thanks to thesebusnesses for the .with the Northwest ',,r,,ia T':. ,.-e :..- 'Ahti.1 said he -r:.;.' t'6. movoe, Commissioner ." ;. : ... s e All ..... ': r month f ,. of progress. donations to the team. 'opment Council, The [i.r. .''-' 17 'n f -.r df'.this road. Comn- seconded and the Board a. a --. :. February, 1973, were approved, .. .- .. of Natural Resourcest, u' rj ,. : ',' '.-r ".'aihm. added that this mously agreed to adopt s resolu-h' .. much : ratified.as'paid. -- xaminer Louis F Ray, Peters Laundry, ',i ...' Gro. Agency of Community T n- ;-. -, ,. -,? ,-...,A1-. L. useful project and tio"'a ,: .,:ir 1.'l State of ,u-e:. :... ..'. ,." moved that the The Clerk reported on bank bal= Jr, a Pensacola ": -.= will sub- cery, Stallworth '2 ,. Mrs. F. Attorney told the Board that the right of way would have to be se- to i; ::.. r.i '.,.'-: costs. Board "..,' road .".'-.:.' in lances of the various county ac mit his ."...." and recommenda-, M 1:1 ,. King's -- .1 Service -property, now owned by the Feder- cured. Ha d- if the Dozier pro- The Clerk then presented the paed. .a : :_ at this point counts as of 1 3 1,' 197 tions to the Florida Pollution Con- '. :. i Cafe, Star- .al Government, would be given.to perty is *I-n' .'. the right of way following applications for employ- '1: --' ; "r' -*. and The bills were w exam trol Board at its regular r i Loun Gulf County, at no expense-to the might be available. ment: > ao-- t-e" Commis- mned,. approved : ..... I:- .i paid. Oar "i s regular un taxpayers if the. plans werd ap- The Clerk then read a letter.sent Clara ,ast',L "l .. asioner Player : -.-. i.j .I motion i There being no further iM',7= iain RAYMOND PETERS, Mgr. ,.proved. The -plans -are ,,i., to to the Board jointly by Mr. Kilpat- Schott (iT. |-:i :...r. r ., .h ~ l' and the motion'passed unaenimous- 1 the The is a list of -Gulf WALTER GAFFNEY, Co-Mgr. leave the area ir -. r,, r a natural rick and Mr. Comforter, local fnui- Gannie, ;%.' ,, ". I' d, -- ....... . state as possible. 'The plans include oral home directors, The letter.in- I-artford Lamr- '' "' T - a children play, area, nature trails, formed the Board that after June ...: greed to ,.'L.' ,i ,p'. picnic and swimming 'areas, and '30, '" the two principals would '.,_ 1. , room for a boat 'lip if needed, no -., ,. '.be able to provide am- .-: h', then :l .' . Commissioner 'Money urged the balance service to the County. following items to t? 1 '.rd i : Board to adopt these plans as pub- Charles Morris' and W. H. Brog- 1. Informed the Board -,.. r ~ ' lic' F;.. are at a minimum and don,. owners of 'ABO Ambulance crease in the "'"...' ; :. 'e' "'T ' they furnish a'servide to the aver- Service, l.r, ,''T,.'--, :- ..' I":. "" station rates for 1972 in h.' t..'. age man t., m ; '.;i..,.., Whitfield from the( .:.-...' .- L rt a pro- of $2,009.00. * also urgel i'.i *' the county posal for ambulance seri ,2 r 2. Asked the Board ab. .. will be -.,t: 2', property at Gulf '., i, The Board :. .: electrical meter on the rT .,h e' no expense + the t- .:r Comn- this request and the resultant additral e'-' missioner WVil, ., ,.D r': movey T K 2 n "I.T ,C mfort- trical billo.The Clerk w~. rh 'and Commissioner Money second-U .. "' 'lI 1 t-r "'`ant Ito ed to pay this bill. ed that the !,,. be ,-D 'W i,.,o',,T ,-, <, '."- t 3.1." ': a'i e. I Said the Sheriff has requested the it.n., q,, : ....r rthe [." .,'.', _,,'' ... ." ':" J se of< he ,L..au.' Commissioners ".. Ato ... :-. Federal official i; -'If r. t ....i Iw 'a room a t700. PM, arch 29 and a'. effort to f ~ii th ~ .... '... .'": '"' ''-.i 4Stone requests use of the' 'motion j'...' ",, .. 1 i".. study any 'proposals' ar .;' ,' at 7:30'P.M., on March 14, UR' STo-nyT card approved sale E'nd Call No. 485 Charter No. 14902 National Bank .-.. No: 6' 4 Reminded Board of the R' REPORT of CONDITION R tne 6 Piece / .... O 1973. o he"Board ;. a. the "lC l6 I iec e Sp cil CONSOLIDATING DOMESTIC SUBSIDIARIES, OF THE Clerk, Roa 9 and FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK ing 'HOME ENTERTAINMENT at PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA Conoley >7. the F.:.' f:. IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON the financial aid given to the Gulf' T R J Value I MARCH 28, 1973 PUBLISHED IN RESPONSE TO CALL MADE BY County Guidance Clinic. 9v V .luel COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY, UNDER TITLE 12, UNITED 6. Read a letter from Mr. Hen- STATES CODE, SECTION 161. dry ::.1-,.:'" -.vices ofthe F- _--- SuDerintendent in oa.r1, t.at BSR 4 speed turntable with dust *_ Cash and due from bans 1,978,717.88 co Reminded to hole board S 51tha14 he cover, holds 6 records & has auto U.S. Treasury securities .... .. 87,016.00 Chinola Avenue. The Attorney said shut off. t .. .. '.-.- U.S. Government ge es he thinkstheright of way can be *AM/FM stereo with AFC to give ,, 320,4799 ac uired for this property crystal clear FM reception (h,_' it'v.l .s ,-e.- ar,,i ..1, ,..4. ibdivisions---- 2,366,765.59 8.' Reported the Road Superin- crystal clear reception. I Other securities include:;,,, "' "-'.*":' r- r'rt' Ttock)_' 288,732.86 tendent had filed the following *Separate slide'controls for vol- Federal funds sold and ." 'r ir secondary road expense report for ume, bass, treble, &'o stereo bal- agreements to resell 2,300,000 00 r i',r-: 1973, $4,364.47, and from ance. Loans -' "=' '. October, 1971 to February, 1973, Bank nrrn!-_ furniture and fixtures, and other assets $37,280.04. *8 track stereo tape deck has auto !q.,*. .','bank premises ..74? The Board then discussed the and manual channel selection Real estate owned other than bank preinises e. 1 ', A., Fire Control District and & channel indicator lights Other assets ; [its need for a new fire truck. Co- channel ndcator lghts missioner Graham said that if the *Walnut wood grain matched TOTAL ASSETS 11,497073.36 Fire Commission recommends the speaker s. of a 'fire he Al' LIABILITIES thcit,; Demand of individuals a,-, a.... b co beuite ,. butn cor b d ,- o, '- 'p :: th e re d u es ',:' : '. -1 c 1 at w I ' Time and .. i ..i.... a of : "7 partnerships ., ed Commissioners te -,' and .. as a meSmber of the "l t o h 'et- ' .tatesGovernment .' ; Commiss3R $ . TOTAL DEPOSITS A recommendation of Tef...; l ''"' (b) Total 'ime and ;. ." -' n''' '. Commissioner Gra r,"!. Other liabilities 1." -. Clerk '' ." .' .'... ..." 1 (i" r t TOTAL LIABIL TiES .,",'~ .1 i> 6. ber of people. = e. " RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES diningg vreenu a a :.- .ac om nes pursue a to IRS ....-'' .'1 7' '(7 ures lakin from the I yur ht lets you se'ect the largest rol- TQTAL RESERPES ON LOANS, AND ,-F.9r -- -- ., "- -.ig. ht f itrenth .ers 1 7 7 6 'J,-, ,'' ~ easy ,,d' ng *Bowl detaches *Four heat set- capital tot CAPITAL ACCOUNTS ..... I":: ", $18,88 .for washir; Reg.$11.88 tings Reg.$19.97 No shares authored. 16,000 "=F P:-' rhu. M:. i2'' .L ._' , No shares ..,,.,t.+' 16,000 6 0 installer of the boiler '. r' .:, = a"I . 3650,403800 h:.,; in 7<' .- ... recom . Undivided +,,..-._t: 36,438.91 mended that cero n work be : / Reserve for contingencies and other -:: ._, reserves 181,775o93 in the boiler. The Board told ,: . TC4 Player "tst this equipment has .i 4 TOTAL CAPilTAL ACCOUNTS 1,268,21484 cently hi l a popoff valve installed i I for safety and the boiler was re- 9 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND ently passed on inspection by there . CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 11,497,073,36 ',:, Fire and Insurance Commis' 7-Pc. Tef Il Cookware CorningWare Duet Set Realtone Portable 'sio."e After discussion of the county 7 A M- AC/DC Radio N MEMORANDA maintained roads on MK Ranches *Procelain ex. *2-Qt. Covered AM/FM AC/DC Radio Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar property Commissioner Graham erior withTf. saucepan .*Operatesonb - days ending with cal date 10,074,684.98 moved and Commissioner Money' e no r .wt" osucre tperies or house Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days seconded that the Clerk 'send MK Ion II- *10 covered teris or house ending with call date 2,233,316.59 Ranches a letter from the Board *3 colors, Avo. skillet current Interest collected not earned on installment loans included requesting that MK keep their road; cado, Gold & *Matching glass Reg *Completewith in total capital accounts 82,786.39 maintenance equipment off of Poppy Reg. $16.88 lids AC converter Reg. $17.88 county maintained roads and dis- I, J. Ted Cannon, of the above-named bank do hereby declare that continue any maintenance of these this report of condition is true and correct to the best of my knowledge roads as the county has and always and belief. will maintain these roads. WJ. TED CANNON Commissioner Graham also in- We; the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this reportstucted the road superintendent QUALITY COMES FIRST THEN OUR LOW PRICES Charge It of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the and the Mosquito Control superin- best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct. tendent and all other county em- /s/ B. 1R. GIBSON, JR. ployees to act and see through on '- ... /s/ J. LAMAR MILLER Directors any instructions given them by the I- /s! GEORGE Y. CORE Board and the Board will handle _________________________________ ^ Save With SOur Discount Specials ^A.Y^a-ve.Q^ it". eci s .... Prices Effective Through April 21, 1973 Quantity Rights Reserved We Accept USDA Food Stamps Happy Famil Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly -+ +.++19,, , Whole or Half 'PORK LOIN Ib. PORK LOIN SPECIAL! Chops CENTER CUT am" Pak 7Meaty Pork All Meat SPork Chops b.9c Loin Ribs lb. 89c Stew Beef lb. $1 Sl I I Pork Roast lb. 9 Neck Bones .lb. 39c G roud Chuck lb. $1 SI :Lr U UL __..__ 'Fresh Pork Fat Back -For Seasoning oa nU . 'Batkbone lb. 9c Salt Pork,. lb.39c, Ct"BED 29 bO. Cam Parad&.PEACH 22 Oz. Whitfield Whole Dill FBiOS MOn l NO. MR Sa Io l 3c CiU Halves 2 cans 75c \ Dill Pickles 2 for 89c O iST A I EA K, Reynolds HeavyDutV 18-X25 290Oz. Dc-I Monte Whole Spiced GROUD) SAlum. Foil 59c Peaches ----- 67c Sliced lacon b. Famous 100 Ft RoIl 20 Ox. Treasure i 0 .: II Handi Wrap 33c Kleenex Dimr .- SO Cht. Dinner Napkins 31c 22 O. Jars Wht4iel t S-wet Relish 2 jars 89c 22 Ox. Jar Whitficld Hamburgor Dill Chips 2 for 89c Pineapple 4 cans $1 16 Oz. Parade CiLanbwrry Sauce -- --. 25c 25 Cot 9 Oz. Dixle 1 Cold Cups -----39c, 100 CI. 9 in. Dixie Whi Plates .- 64c Piggly Wiggly Has A "Himniiu Erfilly Egg-Citing" Solc(:tion of Beautilully Decorated Braw;h Candy l.ilJed Ea'str BPaskets. Select YVouir Coice From Piggly Wiggly's Complete Variety. Brach Jelly Hide & Seek Brach Candy Chicks N BIRD EGGS BRACH EGGS RABBITS 1 lb3, 7 oz.39/4 o Pkg, Pkil. Pkg, " 4 1 Serve 00 FAMOUS -IltanMLDIIS Shampoo PARADEI)1 7 Oz. BtL $1.29 Shampoo 78c H W..DSOSN BIGH,'- JUTMBO SoLL s - Towl s': : rolls $1.00 Famous Brand Le Suour-16 Oz. Cans Early Peas _- 29c Del Monte-6a Oz. Can Chunk Tuna -- -47c Duncan Hines Devil Food, White, : Yellow or Lemon-18 Oz . Cake Mixes -- 39c 12 Oz. Reg. or Scented Lysol Disinfectant t--- 79c 11 z., Cans Parade Tomato SOUP .--3 cans 33c 29 Oz. Can Showboat Pork & Beans - .~. - 29c 28 Oz. Jar Peter Pan Crunchy Peanut 'Butter 99c 28 Oz. Jar Peter Pan Smooth Peanut Butter 99c 4 koll Pak Scott Bathroom TISSUE------39c 18 Oz. Glasses Delicious Bama Apple Jelly- _. 33c BORDEN'S ICE Mul -Half, Qliou Cartorns e lb. .09 .09 iAIoin tip STEAK lb $1.49 Lumberjack LUNCH PAL BOLOGNA $ 09 Choice Beef Round Steak lb. $1.39 Sirloin' Tip Roast Ib. $1.49 i$ 39 Ib. Choice Beef Rump Roast lb. $1.29 tlb. 69c Lumberjack BUN PAL WIENERS --- 3 pkgs. $1.59 FILGER'S -Limit 1 Can with $10.00 Order or More SCoffee 68c B'IRDSEYE COOL WHIP --- 9 oz. 59c 0 Order Ole South 10 Ounce Packages FROZEN PIE SHELLS 3 pkgs. $1.00 Pet Ritz FROZEN FRUIT COBBLERS -.--.- 2 lb. pkg. 89c -Del Mont s. S. or W.1 K. GOLDEN 16Oz. 0ans 8c CORN 4 $1.00 7 B.16 (Oz- Cans Parade Cut Green I77CBEANS, 16 Oz. Cans Stokley's Garden PEAS 4 Cas 4 Cans , II- 46 Ounce Cans Fruit Drinks 88c $1.00 35( 29 Oz. Cans Peach Country Yellow Cling PEACH Halves 3-1 Kraft Deluxe-12 Oz. Kraft Ph Sliced Cheese ---- 79c Cream 1 Lb. Pkgs. Crisp Fresh Gi Carrots ---- 2 bags 25c Cabba Georgia Grade "A" ')DIUM EGGS 2 U. S. No. 1 WHITE POTATOES 10 McCormick Pure VANILLA EXTRACT 2 Ounce Bottle .5o $1.00 iladelphla-8 Oz. SCheese 39c ge ----- lb. 10c 99c S99c McCormick Assorted FOOD COLORS 4 Ct. A1- Package 41 White Gold Pure Can 5 LB. BAG LIMIT 1 Bag With $10.04 Sunbeam Brown and 12Ct.- Pk- , Laundry Bleach LX "0 C 1 GALLON ~iI ^":-^ " FaTous Brand Detergent Giant Box TIDE Enjoy Refreshing DOUBLE COLA 5$00 1 Quart otiles i Bottle Deposit ]PIus BottleDeposit THE STA, PortSt. JowF~w sTHURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 PAGE FOURiw THE STAR, Port St. Jo, Florid~ THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 SVget ble Protiens Can't Si jMayns Needs Must tve /S . A q 01 CD) a .,,,0 IO I~a) U I0N- U. 8. NO. 1 IRISH POTATOES Lindy . English 'Peas Standard TOMATOES -- 5 cans With $10.00 Order or More SUGAR 5 lbs. * ~ n GROCERY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 PJ.L SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., April 19, 20, 21 PIKNIK MAYONNAISE' -- qt. 49c 10 lbs. 99c Ga. Grade "A" Medium EGGS Golden Cello Bags CARROTS $1 49c Bone In Choice Beef Rump ROAST Fresh Ground HAMBURGER 2 Ibs. $1.49 1 lb. bag 19c Sliced No. 2 C(ans Pineapple 4 'cans $1.00 Viva or Kleenex Jumbo Rolls Paper Towels -- 3 rolls $1.00 lb. $1.09 Tender, Delicious 7-Bone STEAK -- lb. 99c Cudahy Choice Tender Beef ,Cnned WAMS 3 1b. $3.99 Shoulder ROAST lb. $1.09 Fresh Pork Neck Bones --- 3 lbs. 99c Full Cut ROUND 'STEAK lb. $1.39 Choice Beef End Cut Sirloin STEAK ----b. $1.39 PORK CHOPS ------lb. 69c TENDER CURED HAMS Shank Portion-Lb. 69c Butt Portion-Lb. 75c . 2doz. 99c Ippl A Ifc i-'- reexpensive animal foods like milk, Granddaughter in Music Retl uly A ll egg, cheese, fish and meat to get Granddaughter In Music Redtal P P I more protein for your money, Mrs. L t Walsh advises. Meat is high-quality,- complete Miss Stella Norris, Biloxi, Miss., loxi and the granddau Protein, but it's expensive. Protein high school senior, presented a and Mrs. Hansel Norri Srom pant foods like dry beans program of vocal selections to hte Joe. She recently rec from plant foods like dry beans, lacksBiloxi high school students last bum with her family, edg. fcear20-yeartold man. es and pes cerealf and nt lacks week. The proceeds from the pro- Family Sings". She has To eat enough baeon or bologna to certain essential amroteins. But on gram were turned over to the numerous programs Provide these 20 grams, you could only in animal prote But o March of Dimes campaign. the Biloxi area and' w 0.! spend :more money '- you would a amount of meat irecent son a;,oequivaolet -r of qrb needs to be added to one of these I Miss Norris is the daughter of ternate in the recent e roast boreround .'. o,. r plant foods to give you a low-cost Rev. and Mrs. Allen Norris of Bi-' Pageant.She has ben e roastor round ak. prote i-complete meal. the Mellowteets at B Thr- E-le. t ls the u.i P complete, of pn appeared with the me SThere r ': 3 t.:-,..-the quality These inexpensive meat alter-1 lentils; 4 tablespoons of peanut gras for civic clu g, :--:. ,:. an still keep nates are about equal in protein butter; ; -;-;2 ounces of cheddar food" :' dowvm Cbmbine -- content to one serving of meat: or processed cheese; or a half cup groups along the Coas Sr.-:-r.r. h .'.~ .' f s with more 1 cup of cooked dry beans, peas or of cottage-cheese. high school career. By ALMAi.WARREN ,Assistant Editor U. of iFla. Food and Ag. Science GAINESVILLE-Are you w-n dering- how you, can get the .bes value for your food money thes days, especially at -the meat coun ter? You canisave money by selection meat by the cost per serving ra their than the" cost per pound, an usifg p ,,r,' .t c' plant foods as -hper' oteinative to **' say ,J3f.b WAl-b foods specialist, Flo: ida Cooperative Extension Servic Selecting meat on a cost-pe serving basis is a more realistic way 'of evaluating its actual cos M1rs. Walsh. says. Some cuts meat-even -expensive ones-hav a lot of waste. Loin steaks an chops of beef, pork, lamb and vea for instance, all have a lot r t. cr and: fat on'them. This mears~ -.O, ,:.Ct even more, when you fl,,.J 'u',. how many servings .'.': -.. :m. a pound of one :f ': cuts. On the other ,I ;".,%:;t .ger, beef liver and'fi:: f : Li very little waste. .As i: : :.:1 of meO out- bone gives three t f" .- Ings. Meat "A. :*..s bone ;nii (like chuck 5..*;-': or chicke n. two to three servings. Ve:y b'.n meat such as .spareribs '.:-; ' I.only one serving a pound. ConSumers-who want to '.. .- costs should' remember th; . they are buying meat, says Mr Walsh. ., Turkey and chicken are amor the best protein buys on the ma ket right now. Whole chicken us -ally is more eenomical-than ch cken pieces in terms of the amoul of meat you get for your money Large turkeys are often. bette buys ,than the smaller size. ThI have more meat proportionately i the amount of bone. You can hay the turkey cut in half or' in qua ters and freeze part of it for late use, if a large' one is too much f your -.'.*'2 ': immediate needs. Some meats and meat prodie wr; 4:- .; :L.;. not protein barjirt A three-ounce .:'.g J. r,f I r r, 1- *hird of the A,.fi : .,:,,i j" ', wowd 4W~ ughter of Mr. is of Port St. orded an al- "The Norris s apperaed in * throughout as second al- Junior Miss d a solist for BHS arid has eulowteens in .bs and other Ist during her MAI M In1V .a Bs r- e. ri- ie t, ey 'yl, ir- U-s nt , S. r- u- i- ir-' r is '< :, * t ., ~. , .. SS A MWis Watson, Mr. Snellgrove Wed In Tqllahassee April 7 SMiss Judy Kay Watson, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Wat- son of- Tallahassee became the bride of Larry Michael Snell- grove Saturday, April 7 in a can- iedlTeght ceremony. at the First 'Baptist .-Church in Tallahassee. Mr.-Sneflgrove is tfe son of 'Mr. and Mrs Wdiham A: Sngelgrove of Port St. Jos. Dr. Robert M. fMillan performed the cere- Smony. : ' Bob Sneed.was soloist'at the ceremony, bc-:pl,.riL by Eva- .1yn Mcore at tt. o .rgan 'The bride, *given-in nr-isag. -by her fthc.rF w'.: 3ti,-d ir n a ' 'Victorian .:wn A. ri.-AO'i n. with a chb;sel r.t tm Ji;r, , bodice, featTnriT a natiurazl waist- ,line was ~A~.phqud with Venice lace and fatjurvJ. i high neck-. .line' outlined nth i!.ila.e nd long , Juliet sleeve, --".tb ruffled trim.: The' .hemline and train were trimmed with lace edging. Match-- ing her go'wy Av <.-vir JulietV cap with c.b.p'J l.r,.thb boliffant Sllu.sion V Jjing Sh' carnife a. cascade bow jut -tA.tu t:lea or-. chid, yellow m weth :irp rcses, pink..baby bret r.;rntions 'a:nd stepbI-r7't' with satin strea- nfers. SMiss Sit-an Hartwd tUl f . hai-ee servl', the hrde- .' mnI' "- #)f bonior. Hpr ]ong 6fc'> empirple Ablne' gown wa,; fJ or.hid a.repe " trimmed with white, lae edged . S.collar and cuffs. '"he wore, r iaj,-,At- chig' garden bai. wibh white rib- bons and carri.d- a nosegay of spring .flowers; ' .Brdenrr~a, d wmeo Mir Marsba Ba;er IRohr of M r j,. Mr.-f Syl- via Vau'e L.'wi of Taflfah.iaepp,. Miss Cher vl Bo:, .brg, ..f Taila- bassee. Miss Cf-rii DWin of De- troit, Mich., and Mi bf:tie Lee Patton (if Atlarf]ta 'a. liy werre dressed identical to tbe maid of honor i iiemuoadist uroup lot A ran. CLemsan S ~III MIU jnUW ... Mission' ": of :.e Fir. " United -"k7',' v:ch r .*. .;" '- bulbs, orchids, ril 16 S ". *-with y :. a- t? n-: and cut specimens in cey, Costi~ :. '; .'i e and 48 artistic de- Mrs. -Costin I-.. -- *-:: -:re- .* -:. ':';at the Dis- : *it. .,.- L:: held Saturday Mrs. Elsie, Griffin rer.:.r-i ,.'n ;r.d-, April 14 and .5 in the 'success of the cantata he Pr_;".y' Gardet Center. Mrs. Alfred Joines p e.-n.ed i A~ 14 cl.A in the district .par- the ,program. Devotions were. ticipated. r,,'re: from the Port taken from Mark 16 "At the Rising St. Joe Club who won ribbons were of the Suai" and an Easter rs;,idr, 'M .TJ.o C. Arbogast, Miss Gertrude from "Leaves 'of Gold". E:: Mrs. Ethel Bridges, Mrs. Twelve ieit-r:: were present. W.esley R. Ramsey, Mrs. Kenneth The r et T'--, r'ill be, held Bateman, Mrs. W. D. S:,.-s, Mrs. May 2'' it'p h. ore(f Mrs. Estelle- Ralph Nance, Mrs. Louise Kessel, Mosley. andMrs. J. W. Clements. ..... _. Serving on the show committee ., from Port St. Joe' were: Frtri.te. Mrs. Elva Jones and Mrs. Kenneth Lady Golfers In -Bateman; Placement, Mrs. Wesley Rp Ramsey and Mrs. Louise Kes- Spring ourney sel; Classification, Mrs. Ethel Bridges. Mrs. Ralph Nance was The Ladies Golf Association of general chairman. the St. Joseph's Bay' Country Club sponsored a nine hole Spring Tour- nament pn April 10, II and 12. ..' A Ul ..J Lu. r^V'S Oft af J Las I. MRS LAPR7 rIl7C Fo et gui wo.wM.. :Sbhayn(n cpinwsoni h l' Jcrdan daughter of M~r and Mrs. a j wi ian~.tkj f JohnJordn.. Lod~e in Talbah.n~ee by the par- NWaiA 'Ie'u~ nts of The br'ile. 2rClark 61 S 'm'-Asbost in-4nCU-3.hof.Lr81e. .. Jach on of Taflahassee greete.d P~ill Smifilt ~.r P1 ,n,.,- ',l a ? '.: i .Pat't'iL .- ..f T i~ lh~hur. or.,f '- ~%g ~f- of tbrM cridv .. .Sn pjd1~l w, '.. I, tji- wmevnw tr mrp r--..Lyle AEL SIELLGROVE ' M~ ss Gail, Getzel. Miss Carrie Cl'r'om and Christie Roceo pas- sed rice bags. ' For tr velln on their T,.r-dd;iv' trip' to St. AIJE.= IeI, t? r1 bride 'rore a na"ry r.d ..hje -.knit dre s withh watching P"e* Her .corsage" was a white orchid. '.The couple .are now ri*ain, their home at Mexico' Beach , .where the groom i: e'riployed by C: ,Ai:t .n Engineers. Winners were: ,;Championship flight, Katherine Floyd, first; Ful- la Draper, second and Ocyle Munn, consolation;. First Flight, Meta Buzzett, first, Bobbie Watts, sec- ond and Cleo Gunn, consolation; Second nEht Mary Wall, first; P.ut Hendrix, second and Clarice Posey Ard Vows Told ur "l*I Luurse euereu y Adult Institute The Gulf County Adultiitifht. is now offering a course in water and sewage treatment. The classes! are meeting in the chemistry and math ,department of Port St. Joe High School. The successful completion of the course will enable water and sew- age plant workers to pass the state, examination for their licenses. For more information call 227- 5321 or Mr. Simon at 229-6395t Mum Honored At Reception Adrian Gant, son of M.. and Mrs. Adrian Gant, Sr.,. of 149i Ave: A, Port St. Joe, is all- smiles at a reception held for Livingston University Concert Choir members after the group performed' with the Birmingham. .vyniphbny Ochestra recently. With Gant is LU Choir Director, Prof. Lawrence. Gupton. Mrs. Charles Browne Hostess to Methodist Mission Group No. I HAGGARAGi I SLACKS WGit'-the gent (.t,[e. .eher . plapaFg or specta5ing. hI-den asistbibnd with qicglqtO stretch offers lthe ultimate in comfort wNw"O bending, r *.- otin r sitting. textured pattern In total 4o~ rt, total fashion SOQ% Dron poly- .esteor doubleknit. $20 k s Costin's Mission Group I of the First United :Methodist 'Women met in the home of Mrs. Charles Browne '/tlb 11 ,.' urdj '- r.ra''.r, it "''fee .-*n, F." r ,i.:' ',, *,' r, -;: as 1 :-tn. .-pj L. V. t. P1t I ... M, F I t 'l:' for h M,.. *,. .' v. hill ,,, ', l ',, P, i t.' ,,; L ik- ' r?. ~rVow7'.e fwa 1 itf r -e TiAting re- 1t 1 I&nd ,*r.* i, r'i .,:, ,'- ; fi-t..:' the i i rT'- t.,: i ;! rr i. t 'L. .'- : ,.'ngy Ne ,-1ice Added Vro l "lLibrary 5L A rl.'.. .. _-. :i-cc a'iled *. .-'r r ,,in ,: :,mm .' : h a cal- .*r se .t* wzth ai re....s . It. is also now possible to call ~.~ ~;h e and find out the sta. .f ill. The public is invited take advantage of this service an,, keep up with your isgislature at the Northwest Regional head quarters library in Panama Cityuse .through b.inch ibraries in Por? t. oe, is also pley, Lynn Haven, We wahitchka and Blounttownhe GUESTS OF CQSTINS r. and rsill. ThMel Magublic is invited SDebbaie Clark, Gary Magidson, Mervice Madidson, Jr., and Miss Helen Clay and seep up wither students troe the Univers library of Alabama spent last week end as guests of the C. G. Costin, Sr., family at the Costin cottage at Beacon Hill. Mrs. ,Spikes gave a 'most inter- esting program assisted by Mrs. Floyd Roberts, Mrs. Herman Dean, Mrs. Ed' Ramsey,. Mrs. Hubert T'i':, .,. and Mrs. George Suber, entitled. "Empowering Women' for MIseions". The meeting was elbsed' with the benediction. mHissmDonna Sue Posey, daugh- ter of.-Mr. and Mrs. Charles W .i Pbsey Lof Highland View and P.: key Ard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Myers of H -ir-I View, ex- changed '.', vows on Thurs- day, April 12 at 9:30 a.m. P.it N. Stephens, pas-i tor ofltbp P-.. -,-- .l View Bap-o tist Ci ir., .performed the' dou- ble rinF -.'remony:at the home* of the -.r. f ''. r rty . :'.i!.:r .. .:'- returns from r ,_,r ,,-,.... in'Atlantay GaM, 0:. 13, reside in Port St. Joe. Thinking of Owning A BASS BOAT OAST BAY MARINE HAS SKLLED PERSONNEL TO ASSIST YO WITH JUST THE RIGHT RIG TO FIT YOUR P iONALITY. SO, LET THE EXPERTS BE YOUR GUIDE TO BETTER BOATING! "EAST BAY MARINE Highway 98 at Boat Raoe Boad in Oallaway TELEPHONE 785-8023 $1,000.00 RE WARD- For information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the burning of WALTER DUREN'S SUPER MARKET located on 'Main Street of North Port St. Joe. ALSO - $500.00 REWARD For information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the burning of WALTER DUREN'S other store building across the street from the Super Market building. also on Main Street. ALL INFORMATION MUST BE GIVEN TO SHERIFF RAYMOND LAWRENCE AT THE GULF COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE .. uM m fE sTA-R-po"ft. Je, Forid THURSDAY, APPRIL 19, 1973' Pass"oer, Easter, Both Signify Freeing Men from'Bonds of Slavery The ori of the Jewish .Pass- sacrifice of the unblemished i*adbi over and how Christians have ap- Father O'Shea said pointing out plied its mieil.g to the Last Sup- the Jews require an unblemished per v-- outlin-d to' the Kiwanis lamb for their sacrifice and God Club Tu.-.d.ay by' Father David O0'- required an unblemished sacrifice Shea, rpstcr :.f Ft. Joseph's Catho- -his Son, Jesus Christ-as the lie Chure" in observance of the ransom for tan's slavery by sin. Easter season. "Easter reminds us of our free- Father O'Shea said the Passover domn from the bondage of- sin"; and Easter which, are both obser- Father O'Shea said, "and calls us ved at Q! ~. q i time of the year, to walk in a new life". tl.r.f : CC B "- .:"-..*. "-' a i ':.: '. rit .-. , ,.. .. -. ,". Passover is an Guests of the club were Steve -,:.,.. ,: ., being T~~-: the Key Club, Jim Cox of .! *"-' th e. Last p. Chipley, Oris Andrew of Port St. -,, ... ..r : q ., *, .'-:sato free and- and an inter-elub group from S, the East Bay Club consisting of Os- "Both observances require the ,Barnes, C Cooper, Hank Mrs. (ostin Hosts Garden Clubbers I ;. Garden Clu .ers Joey Capps is One Year Old Joey Capps, son of M,. and MN, Freddy Capps, 226 Eighth Street celebrated his first birth- day April 13. Helping yting Joey to ,cele- brate his adftfltig years were Tracy Levins, StiS' Levins, Kim Levins, Chuck Cla* Mike Rich- ter, Cathy Keels, agos Click, Bryan Click, Pelo LindseY, Ken- ny Owens and various relatives including Mr. and 'Mrs. M. L Lindsey and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Brannon. Dixie Youth Schedule -Ladies Bowling League Finishes season; Trophies Given AtBanquet I g.. j, 'ie Ladied 6 W ^ awarded Dot Willifi, at O'Shal, voti 6bf e teammates of the eii- Buirikte, L iI r6 Afkia Smitfh, Lea'e-s concluded t ibib I ,fM 1Betty-Cloud, Faye Cot Aind Fbon- tiri lAHi0 Opal Howard, 4 uii Mai~tes, Ruby "*with a-utiet dinner Sattdiay at sors Ralph Plair and Henry iii- League mffibra who bowled a Lucas, Dale r, i4dia Wil- 4Jake's pRetaurant -Guests were ford.L ... .... 200 or. over scratch game were liams and Dot ifltl . -the bowlers\busbands and Pon" Pate's hell on third place tro- presented .pins 'as follows: Faye WIBC r:i. f'4i~'ro.>jY t op.a s. or.. .,' ; 'phies 'and receiving were Opal Cox, .ue Parrish, Ruby Lucas, pesenteJ .: -.->ne well for. S: residqt~Lot\lrk and seere- Howard, Anna Smith, Ruby Lucas, Brenda Mathes and Dot Hamm. 20 pins. a B"s"da .Mathes -esented tro- Brenda Mathes and sponsor, Frank 500 scratch series ping were pres- Officers 'e' f 14r 73-74 Shieg,awrds and pi .to the fol- Pate. ented to Sue Parrish, lby Lucas, season are: F1 .'.'. .,t m; ,_wang s anat. .pae f ~-Dot Rnam and Brenda Matlles, Betty Fain, 'I.;- ". "r. Brend 1wig:. .. ". Pollock's fif pleed fift l Perfect attendance pins were e:.: '. .' t :- r and, Apalaieiuola Northern Railroad Top Dollar. fiflI} bW hitchk w ared o Edwina Bowen, Irene Hazel EIn -- ..-at-arms..' team; Date Harper, Jowce Swe.zy, Bank, sixth; B & I fiil&e Improve- *Dot Hamm, "Hazel B'aton and ment, Inc., seventh afd Margaret's - -Wayne" Parrish, sponsor; .WIBC Beauty Salon;.a th .. . league 'champion patetes ,,and Recei-Aing' p!..-:- trophies sponsor award from Women's -w.re Mr a.,' P-h'"h r' Doe k.d ltern-ational Bowling Congr" a ,,rf,, .'\Avrfll ....- .......r & Tirt. place trophies from the ecd pae. ,-e trophies "A' Division, Brendd Mathes ' Second place.trophies we n first ,~pce .with a 25; Dot - SHamm, second with 251 and * 'Basic Men Toke n. B vs n games-Sue .Par rish won first plaeM with a 243; G. Tlecl Course Dale Harper was eco-d with 238 i STe Couand Hazel, Barton third with 226. by SHANN6 SMITH In "C" Division, berry David.-V.--a 'Bo6bby L. Burkett, maintenance son won, first *^b a 231; Home Grounds Specialist foreman and 'Sterling P. Wingate, Aril McKenzie, ':..r.d with 224 U i e f d -shipping 'foreman, Basic Magnesia, and Joyce Sweazy,, tbllr with 223. University .'l F i .d Inc., attended a general supervi- In "A" Divisioni' series, Dot :sors -short course .at Georgia -Tech Hamm won first, place with. a 655; . -on Mardh'19'through p3. Ruby Lucas, second with 605 and The -course "is ... i.n btd i blp r'r... Mathis, third with 90. Last week we covered the base shoots and leaves per unif Wspace. t'he supervisor 'or foreman under- In "B" Division series, Sue Par- reasons' for pruning-maintena*ee The second @ asic prunitg tdch- stand his ilace.in the management rish won first place with a 673; of plant health, to encourage new nique is called thinning. TBlfning picture, to 'improve his daily rela-' Louise Schweikert, second with a growth and to maintain or develop' is the complete,.removal of b=anch- tionships with those'he supervises, 1610 and Dale Harper, third with a desired size or shape 'of a plant es back to a side branch, the main and, to prepare him to assume- 592. Today we want to cover how. to trunk, or to th'e ground. Thinflfiig greater responsibilities in his coam- In' "C" Division series, Betty prune'to achieve the desired effect.. -; :: a plaint an open and natifral -pany. ; u was first with a 588; Oddys appearance and encourages health ' 'It is, sponsored by the Georgia H:T. eP,,T..I ,,t a 587 and Joyce e new growths. Tech Industrial Management Cen- Sweazy, thiTd 1 ith a 572. are easy to grasp once we under . -ter 'and conducted by the Depart- Best Sportsman trophy was pre- stand how plants grow. The plant So, there are the two 'basic' aneht of Continuing Education. sented to l(,.y I.uc- by a secret part we are most concerned with is technique$ used to shape and form _, seate_.d- t.. by. s e the bud. A bud is simply an unde- plants. Cutting to a side branch or S. e.. vled branch, tightly packed and. twig usuailv thins. and does not protected by bud scales. Spirit of Easter The spirit of Easter arrives at Florida's Weeki Wachee as a 'mermaid Carol Bates breaks through with best wishes to one and a all: '"Happy Easter, everybody" it il cause exce sr'branching. Cutting, ... .- to a oua d(as in pinching), were At the end of each branch is a .. p I Ithere are no side branches, usu- erminal or tip ,id.. As a new I. S t A a n ally increases the 'number of twigs mb grows,:leaves appear at in- or "breaks' after priuning. Hed- rvals along thde .ranch. The prduc a den er plant. aves grow from lateral or aux- , iary bud~.. Here are a few summarized tips a .ed..-... to follow when pruning. Purting-,has a tremendous in- .. uine -oh'thej gro:,h and develop- -.To reduce plan t'leihbt- remove 'ert ,f-t use lateral buds, but a part of the oldest branches t'j the i"r.InI? cut afe'.t- v.ainly those vro'ju* arnd priune ,Mrg bI.':he7 'dA- m' the 'immT-.diite vicinity of to a side branch. he cut. . STo increase plant density-prune "Pinching" is .a type of pruning branches to a bud. which most gardeners are familiar . ith and which illustrates how To decrease density prune :'.: p:'ning..To produce branches to a piler side branch.' :,hi'-,-",r..:hi, compact petunia To train or cbntrol plant shape r chrysanthemum plant, the gar- -select branches to be pruned and. ener will pinch off the terminal or cut to a side branch to thin and' p of the young plant. This prac- clip to a bud ot thicken. Pru"ingg ee'. : the normally dcrmarnt is best I '-r.'ed through practice teral buds to begin growinzs, d ; and now is a, good time t' start ow the plant has several branches learning. stead of one single stem. Once . Iese lateral, branches are a few inches long they too can be pinch- Baes all In 0 and will .0,r.c-...rl', branch. .. proceduree can .be f. <-red *it i the plant is very '1' :by" s.'.! mpaet. This same response is i. shrubs and trees. When Coaches Jerry Lewter and Kes- :. ':'.. peinchig is called ley Colbert .w~ llhold a i,-".'.?= ,; .:-- .:.;.back bran-' ,li-inc Sit'ud 'y, April 21 from 9 :e -.-. buds. This !-b:.i e le- ,.'. .I AM ntLl r.',o, for ..b boys in Lit- stub but heading p .:-duce' t League ~5 p,,r League. more bushy appearance b. caus The boys ar a..:. i to bring their usually increases the.,uumber of glo.,e and sh...-, T e '2"r: "~i- "t held at the h'" :'-.:... baseball field and the S. ,/ "c cacehes yii be assisted by mem- be-s J.f tLE h;i. : t: :1 team. T d tse il' '::. on hitting, *; rig and' base running. Covers Beiter,;Boes on Easier Mildew Resistant Fume Resistant. Oil Base, NVinyl and Latex Exterior and Interior In Many Colors AL S M ITH Phone 227-7751 .. April 201, bdrs ts Westerri *April 20: MardfSte; btiffrs *Apl SS: Rotary, R aHMsM April S-,Boxers, DONes April 25: op.rd.Westernm, 1VrfUia *April 26: Rotbfrfy3'oer9 April 27: i-, s Dorers *April 27: Ford Western, H'dstars A aril 30: Boxers, Ford Western \MAy 1" D,.., R:tary er. .My.. 2;': f.,r<,., Krafties *May 3T For: Wes'. rn, Rotary SMay :T-' : ?.--- .- . M*0'7:-z :0 :: 1- : 7 May r.-: r :-::- Dozers' 2.: 9'" : t'R' rafties *May 10 t- Exers S 11: 'f" rord Western iMay'11 H3Yd :*- *Maiy 14: '": _. Kirfties May 15:. Rotary; ,:-"-v 16:' HardstarsIFod Western a 17 : : i: Do' d',? *May i6 CFord Western, '#6rs 1ia,2' a. '' 25 ' June 5: 6iod W eteti, Krafties AJne 6: Boxers, Dozers *Jtee 7: Ford -.t-, *H'dstars June 4; Boxefr, -Rot*y *June 6: ftafties,, iters *June 11: Hardgtatg, Kfifties 'j"ne 12: Dozers, Rotary SJu~e,13: Boxers, Ford Western *Zune d Dozers,"H--dO'5 June 15: K Boxers *June 15: Ford\.1."' Rotary .' 'I S 18- F ord " June" 20:' 7.:- r* ' June. 21 : Krafties, Fort Wst,- June 22.: Har stars, .ry i .: : ,. : oxers (*)Night games-7 : 1M.. Day*'.: ; PM JDI~B -YOUTH BASEBALL S,: WEKLY RESULTS P :, 14 Prd Western, 3 '.. 13; Dzer 4 S8;: ..- esern,6 Kraftleg 9O Hr'; 4 t .. 11 9" I-< *5 A"JS ..rWeek LEAGUE STANDVINGS *May 28: B ary, Fdfd Western W May 2V Hard~fars, DOters K' ties 2 i. '' 30: Botrs, Krafie 7. 2 I *May "1: Dozers,; 6rd' Western Boxers 1 June,1 Hardstars; I'Rers Hardstars 1 * une 1:" Krafties, Eat y Dzers 0 Sne4^: Wtary, Hardshs FdF4 Western 0 City Turns Down (Continued From Page 9i before exercising the privilege of terminating Peabody-Peter- sen's services. Commissioner Wimberly point- ed out that Peabody's man on the job had assured the City the job would be completed by fto" -C.. r' as two months ao didn'tftey then of hi.: inability to meet the <:'.,lhe"? It was a reluctant decision on the part of the Board, but they :,,pe. to abide by Cayo's sugges- tion provided he keep a close . ---h. on progress during the' 30 day r,'-,.'1,' The Board is.re- Si'mt ,' put the firm off the S b; .:- :* it would only result in more 1.. Cayo said he had notified the firm of 'three areas which need correction 1,*"., .-li.t'r, and if they fail to perform satisfaetor- ily in the next 30 days,' the City will have four points to use in terminating the contract. The Board instructed their engineer to apply for an exten- sion of time. from the State Pol- lution Control Board until Jan- uary 1. 'I New CLASSIFIED RATES EFFECTIVE APRIL 23 First Insertion $1.00 Up to 25 Words EACH INSERTION THEREAFTER -------75c CASH PRICE There will be a 50c Service Charge for each month's billing Theme Low Classified Rates Send Your Message to 2,100 Homes In the Port St. Joe Area Each Week! ,] The Star Phone 227-3161 NOW DOMESTIC LAUNDRY CLEANERS Offers Free Pick-up & Delivery IN ,THE PORT ST. JOE ARIA Every Tuesday and Friday, Docestic toundry\ and Cleaners Picks Up and Deivers iff th e Port S Joe area CLAUDE COWART A NATIVE OF PORT ST. JOE, is the DDMES TIC' routeman and would like to provide you with convenient, dependabfe, professional laundry and' dry cleaning service picked up and delivered' at: your door! For Free 'Delivery Service call Panama City 785-6116 or send a post card to Domestic Laundry and Cleaners, 417 Grace Ave., Panama CWy, Florida 32401 Ibl I II A'd its~ k kA U~. Plorlds HURgD1*I(, APRIiL 19, 1973 U I ` i ` ', B~L~ ~LPF~VI~BI~' r~ -,.'I *PBO~.acBk u~bet W1H STAR, Port t. Jo*, Firid THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1973 sIlices cm.,,,. :cu a q 0 0 -41 -WA--. Iwo lip - - 4 I IC, I E *amp d- "lop S. -m - - d o _ Port St. Je. Families Needed To V.-. u. -to A.* .mi r** ^ .i.j* 1 I.. _ and 1 cup more preserves.. Top with remaining batter., Cut down .i'r.' ih batter and jam with rub- ber spatula, swirling batter to mar- belize. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes .Cool five minutes in pan and turn out on rack. Cool. Ice witA icing made by mixing one cup Y:-'. :.; sugar with one ';rr i..''.r.i ,-';5i :-,re and one ..2...,..:. hot water. .'Decorate with caidied fruit as desired. Letter to the Editor. -In an i ,icl last week on the front page of The Star concern- ing the fire at"No'th Port St. Joe you named TFo as .Fire Chief and also 'ytif'.d me as making a statement in'" yo third para-. ?r.,..i' I have never been Fire Chief and'have not talked .with y.',u t. any time concerning the fire so I would appreciate a re- T,.;., and an apology.,You and ,JI ,are .wJ.r .two oldest members of the fire department and never" b, 'r* .- A 5,: *"- as fire.chief can't II.I, ...- .'r.,6 *:.y you wrote 'uch I'r] iJ -t ' In -..- r years of serving S.i T:,. m-o I have never re- f ..*i to g to a fire any time or place., To the people of. Northli PIt St.. Jo I apologize for Wes- S Scerely yours, SBENTON HAMM : -Ast. Fire Chief (Of, course, you're right, Ben- ton, YoU" and I both knew the ar., iele cet,''L have quoted your Lt -.~'.-.- -, IB.:.:. The proof read- Sr ,:'i.n't catch the mix-up in' Same. Since, I set the type I shouldn't, have become confused in the", first place, since it's -ob- viou u your brother is uglier than S.you and 'it's easy to tell you a- j- p rt.:- d.). * NITE TABLE _= $35.o00 KING SIZE '' . Motorists Responsibility to Yield the Right of Way for Emergency Vehicles *C TIIIf Z IThe Florida Highway Patrol this other warning devices are' urged to entertain VlSlling European ITachers o o o:n:o. o do NL ULliE Ei V bU week reminded motorists of their proceed to the closest edge of the responsibility to yield the right-of- roadway clear of an intersection More PortSt. f.r ". Am or two weks to intrude the way to emergency vehicles which and stop .until the emergency ve. More Port Sti Jee:d e. -o e iE os n t".: o rt wo weeks t o introducethe may be on a life-saving mission, hidcle has passed, Pedestrians are are still neededto eertain Eng- can Host b :...... to et- guest 'to .:- neigh bors and.. lish speaking European teachers in ter understandig for. more than perhaps fellow teachers. "With our evergrowing t.- n alsd required to yield to emergency their. homes-for one .or two,. weeks 4,000 a pn. 7hn e.:.':. have.. American .Host arranges all problems, : :. in cities and vehicles. this summer, it.. was. announced passed -:.. r -. r :transportation. 'Host families :...: areas; ambulances, fire and "Do not turn your' head to look this .week by The American Host of America to their students, a -i to meet their guest upon ar policee vehicles'find it difficult to for the emergency vehicle since Program. ... *'." Mr. Y :.-: a rival in their ::.*- .i._.': Teachers thread their way through traffic the traffic ahead may stop sudden- According- to J:.3 tur31. Petki.-- 'family" -open td'ijanyone and host families have an-oppor- n other drivers do not move ly," cautiens the director. Board Chairman of theI Host .P. ,,,:, has .. E. o increase un- ."i'.- to correspond for at least a said Colonel 11.:- Beach, gram, who .is Fr". i -t of Volks- dersfta ihngug ~ -~ ...,..: be. month before meeting. 'Patrol director. This is one time when the Gol- wagenof America,' American Host tween'Americans and' r r --. Arrangements for -- i' upon hearing a siren or den Rule should apply because it is one of the few non-governmeno Al American Host requires, he as a host f.-.u'- can be made by could be you or one of your loved tal programs designed t9 show the said is ?.:..' ,...--. private room writing to: The American Host 2100, New York, New York 10017 ones requiring emergency assist- tmerican way of life to foreign for a guest and free time for one Program, Hotel Commodore, Suite or call (212)683-6567. ance," concluded Colonel Beach. teachers by pairing them with American families. ' QUEEN A1 MA U SIZE 1 9------ ce upplies so.... THE STAR Is headquarters for all your office supply needs. We stock' only famous brand names inlqualH y office supplies No" need to wait for those vv Orydd.iy iife needs. Call us. today! %CHINES INDEXCARDS, all sizes ERS CARD FILES, wood & metal ADS and INK POST BINDERS ELDERS LEDGER SHEETS GUIDES STAPLES G GEM CLIPS, FASTENERS )S, all sizes R PAPER LEGAL and LETTER PAD DAPU PAPER .A. MACHINE DIBBONSMC DUPLICATOR FLUID PENCILS, ERASERS And A Host of Other Office Needs - -THE STAR-- i "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE 22-8161 06 WILLIAMS AVE. "U Easter Bunny Buys $199.95 SOFA SLEEPER 50 y\ YEARS OF U SERVICE ::,...,~ ~. ... F '..-: : .'.,.. : .. -*. .'* 7' : &l~ ; .. 1 '-^ .^ '- .. r-: ^' "-'*...-..- -,,':"; --' r' -f . "'. -- -' -' : ..^_ .._. .\ : fc- -. ^ '. .--y . .:. -. -" -*:.'-., :,- ',.L -,:- ** '-' ': ,.-"-. .; -r V 1'" -,I : ,.-. .. '. . "' ". . $199.80 1T-. :*. oir,.-'on "'this contemporary 69" Sleep-Or-Lounge includes a. standard double mattress, luxuriously filled 'polyurethane seat cush- ions, casters and handsome Naugahyde, a fabric backed vinyl uphol- stery or Herculon. Get extra space at an extra special price. CREDIT TERMS ALWAYS AVAILABLE at DANLEY'S Speed Queen Automatic WASH E R This Speed Queen Automatic Washer has automatic cycles .. normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cy- cle. Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature selection large family capacity 3-way lint and sediment removal system ... gleaming white porcelain enamel top ... safety lid ' switch plus many other great features. Time and durable press cycles ... del- icate and normal heat plus air fluff setting. $219.00 Speed Queen MATCHING DRYER $159.00 2-PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITE Comfortable Sofa and Chair In Striking Mediterranean Styling $239, - ~ __ - Yoi Don't Have To Searh for Bargains Here at Banle a t c"-s Home F ITURE CO. PiOPER FIRM SUPREME by Jamson 'BEDDING 2 'PIECE SET MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS $9 9O 9 Ic ,A STAPLING MA *, STAMP DAT STAMP P) FILE FC FILE , SCRATCH PAD STYPEWRITEO SMIMEOGA SDUPLICATOR PAPER * CARBON PAPER I i = ? Add the Charm of A Spanish 4-Piece Bedroom SUITE INC;1.I.DF.S: Spacious Triple 'Dresser *" Framed. Plate "Giass Mirror Fdit-Size Panel Bed S'Roomy, 5-Drawer Chest 21900o ft#4r" rAbr4l;n APRIL 19, 1973 PAGE NEC Special fApriSHOP RICHS, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! 16 through 21 AJAX Detergent With $10.00 Order or More '84 OUNCE PACKAGE. ' Sugar Wafers 13 oz. 39c BRACH'S (large or M4 dinm) Marshinallow Eggs 39c BRACHS . Coconut Creme Eggs 39c McCO-MICK Vanilla .- 2 oz. btl. 49c KRAF MINIATUTED 10( Oi Plgi Marshmallows 2 2pks. 49t NAPKINS 50 ,. 29c IGA HEAVY -25 FOOT ROLL Aluminum Foil roll 55c ^^^^ ,DEL MONTE WHOLE NO. 303 CANS GREEN BEANS can [GA TOMATO JUICE can C 29c 39c 1 EBY THROWN Stuffed OLIVES 10 oz. 79c WHITELD Sweet Gherkins 12 oz. 49c KING PHARR CUT -'NO. 2% CAN Sweet Potatoes can 37c 17 OZ. PLASTIC COMET CLEANSER btl. 25c IGA CAKE Mix 389 IG A Mr n,' SMATA. EARLY INE 303 Ca pa 3-Ct6 [GA STRAWBERRIES IGA Whip Topping -- 10 oz. 39p. SSA A 'I L ' Pound Cake 1 oz. 85c [GA SPEARS 10 OZ. PKGS. " BROCCOlI 3 pkgs. 89c, Robin Hood Self Rising FLOUR 1 Lb. Bag. With $10.00 . Order *7-rl' A...r,:A E.'A' FROZE ROASTING HE I,. ji r Ij FP. ; END PORK ROAST Sgarl. 59c BUTTER I b. 79c *'T.rAPELFT iA ... ' Cream Cheese 8 oz. 33c. BREAKT SWISS 2rfF.gs -4 - YOGURT 2 pkgs. 49c uMiss Brdek ,ip- rBalsam Creme Rinse $1.39 VaL) 8 oz. Btl. Antiseptic (Reg. $1.39 Val.) Listerine 14 Oz' Bottle99L fiLb. ' ;' '' GT7 ;C, ET FE N pTtb ;NS lb. 58c SLICED BACON b. S' T.. ABLR=TE UIEIA -b lb. 98c SLICED BACON b. S i.1 ik IM P FKT STANDING TABLERITE BEEF BONELESS RIB ROAST lb. $1.48 STRIP STEAK lb. IRH rFI BEIF TABLERITE LEAN SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. $1.68 Ground Chuck lb. 59c 98c $2.68 $1.18 EVAPORATED IGA MILK Tall Cans 5 89c "^~ ^ Check Our Prices Before You Buy BARGAIlNS Every fdil'ly c-an reduce their cost of living by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables. Among our .Atqaians are Orangei. Grapelruit, Lemons, Sweet Potatoes, Green Cabbage, Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Yellow Squash, Radi'she. Pineapple, etc. FRESH NEW SPET:G CROP Yellow SQUASH lb. 19c S Large Bags', : Fresh SQUASH ---- bag 49c * Fresh Tender STRING BEANS lb. 29c Fresh Crisp RADISHES- -2.b2 ags 19c Fersh New Crop BLACKEYE 'PEAS------- lb. 39c Fresh Shelled with Snaps BLACKEYE PEAS - bag 69c Fresh Florida Juicy Sweet TANGERINES-- doz. 49c Fresh Crisp Bell Peppers, Cucumbers bag 39c Firm Ripe Best Buy In Florida TOMATOES _-- qt. basket 49c HALF PRICE on all Hanging 'Baskets ----$1.98 A ''Cl B ag " 'Cello Bags Fresh Yellow Carrots 2 Bags 25c NEW RED1 POTATOESS 10 89c CLOSE OUT PRICES on Colleas and Hot Pepper Plants From the Rose Capital of the World Thomasville, Ga. ROSE BUSHES -EACH$2.50 Quart Baskets Florida Fresh Juicy Strawberries -3 for $1.00 Completely Home-Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons l16 oz49c 'ICE CREAM TABLETS (Reg. 88c Val.) Bufferin Pkg. 6 of 36 iK- MEOW "Powwwwwow- ON6= -- 1'14.11 STAR. Port St. Je& Florida THURSDAY, '> M A 'K HALF i SAVE CA H-,-AT- RICW-S,.-!.-. NT STAMPSS '1 ! - / ~A~fl *)NTHEt~Ai SW t.-itql4 -M ~RSDAYAPRIL 1?,, 1973 te0 Mv ~ill"Would Provide assistance' ll TEHF4CIR'CflCOURT, "o l.i :GULF C)YIM 71, FLGRMA S CASE, hools mARGARET PJUjA BYTTwOOD i&enate: Pr-i~ideint Ma_'1qiy E., an-A t'--.n -~ .:,.fthe-vd c- constuio. RUSS, e Pi~tiff, ulff CountyCurhus, .rt St Hore, D.Ti L a: e ~ ~ ~nd r:~ Te '1 'CORRINEC.UX711GS,-et '1, TeBor eevsthe, ngbt to .t 1L-.* ~4ousp C T~nnn.Tree.,or d reserves d Iids ciauendanz .Cl:r on 'and Alrvi NOTICE OF ACTION *BOARD, Of COUNTY: sa -for anraannual' ITO. COAREINECUM!01INGS, DO- CMISOES [l R~l~c1:~:i~.~ '" 'Hu",iII~ 'RAIZEE, PACE, O DESSA' BEN'T'- GULF COUNTY, FLA. '?. 1 '~' LEY, ImLLI-LEE BARNES, A. L. DAVIS, Chairman 4 r LOUISE fgLL L.UK2t4:19 ~~ ~f:a~L~I~ P' ~u eSI~ BROWTN, Mr1~DE. '.-ESS, ,SomeAth ~":! I~ ~ . CATHEERNE _ROWN, -POIRIS NOTICE HILLOWAY, DOW I'D Absentee Ballots f-c-r the Regn "'j-:r i~': 1 o~ty~t>.'*~~f- ~' 'F M, I- ben app'ed f ay TheirS( POSE RUNTM, D(2F%.- 3-r1 cintbb'IT-~a9 - E74ORY 1XII. :SMIT ffBV!TFV bymai from the Crk.4).E Some adopti A14DZELL,. Lk -i61 : LK'.c..:,Fort St. Joe flni. a, b'r f -V xmtl FT t."fol~ y Wt'aJ "L. F!L YJ.Ii~..m~~1jI V -~. eo Wceae4, aid 9-L4 TXb Psdr. 1 c r .At/Ca .'! .'s (rfj 1.) 11 '.. .fore inter st ~ .;i r'k.; L _'xi Li. -J1. .. ..or. in/ F, ? Al~ ~ ~ f'~a~. Iv InTO 1't '-% 11 --M 74 K~ 1 O IC FL~Lte er i: ~ 44 ~ oa 'YO U lf A ji.FX IM11tP t ta ,fl"A7 kL!r AIO a a a .rj LQISMIN ERLE GUE -Sani' aret M L aoptingon a i ab~ia to pato.J~4 n lh, W. FP-',T*7 fT AY-C-NCER-:71re40on I'was i Dahese are prOr-W f ~ 5t~in *P~ rA*:J; t1 1 5rII7 a ind Cl erk r a e4;.n,3. sr Xaes.! -X N ,. A4-.dptdatr onrroe rYv'.d .; .f' Viq-r'nl.~~ ~ ~ Drgwnal ~r. 44 receiving socia Town, NOTICE-v O1',*ryj 1' F the assage ofnners 7fro ,:'ii efodLo1 ~ ~ "-~ -- i LEG~t 4AT410 At.'r''.rr ~ b TA, M' lv ] 'Rk ONC( MMee for" obero',wsMr Di eDams, tion~~~~ With her 154~~c' ~t "''~ a aihg game,- of 1347 a t 43 IF .~r ltt ix I i r I.iA''F.p f s ~ a ris f r r e h. P aeri s.!' ofrT t17jrt* t"-.r ~ 9T ktr..i c a .4jtf~r "til on wq-'. 44I".* u...7..--*** aF y Po e T~~u 6 (SAL b. ~ ~ i: ~.Ths et Campell'448seDruges, alfu SEALD ~ ~ t.~R] t'omi: 4i fsrom,* B eSettyod. Dot- Mr4:Al );-T, 2 ;j;. an Fa7sein ed Th- '~.;uJ~ :.,'~..' '~rr iB"~i '' ~ theA 41 X -_m t e r 2 amdn seli ,.s.r.. ;'n.',r1 JI';rar1. St c z I.r. e '.J a for Dis, Ple (* 1. I. r 1h.'q, pF.0" 'I fi andu~,r~t4-~ b6 ____ ..63c a, j w a e ac .T u CONSTANT ADVERTI SING' One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears Iway the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates -the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 mm.. PAT KILPATRICK A Thoughtto Remember Whether-or, not we, approve-. we are all- governed by 'laws. Laws that control :1"1:., ev- ery aspect of our lives. For -'*: .:" in order to have .- ; we. need to be governed laws You .'. think so? a Well, there is a very important law hlat is essential to, fri'end- ship.. It is tne law of association. Two people can live next door' to each other-become the, great- est of .friends. One moves far away. For' months they corres- pond. ` ;,. they lose con- *tact One day they come t6 the realization that they haven't heard from each other in years. "., ;..:..-: 7 old, un S.. law of association. was broken maybe 'you can't really call it a K.' but :::. : -- is the part' of : .. n * OUR THOUGHT TO }L: ". BER: Go often to the house of your friend-lest weeds grow up in the path. RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 for 715,204. It would be distributed to the 67 counties under a formula which provides that no county would receive less than $10,000. The officials of the school dis- fwrit.f wmrwidn nrnni^.ff,vk- nr ornmi> .a, A~ Ancient .Baby Bottles Studied 11 pro pe toese prod a s twi o Dr. Donald S. Lafont, a pedia- Smeet their andiv approvnalees with trician of Jackson, Tennessee, will S:r!'i .-,. and approval by the present a program about antique S of Education. The nursing bottles to the St. Andrew programs would be subject to an- Bay Bottle Collectors Association hieh was ref. r=.1 to nual review. Bay Bottle Collectors Association h was rerr: nua review.at a special v i-.r- April 19, at .ir R.t.ee; n D1Pi._ Gff o.r'.y is one of the school 7:30 p.m. in the Bay County Pub- 7.-..pr .'.ro .Frt.v '-_..' n : injine to receive not less lie bi .; at .the southern end of '.-. ,.r. of:$3,- ',than $10,000 from the bill. Harrison Avenue in Panama'City. The public is invited to attend. Free refreshments will be served. Sh e l 0 Dr. Lafont will show slides and have a .' '-.. His collection dates ia ec t li ilitfrom about 500 BCto the present. ElEUI rHe is a member of the West Ten- nessee Bottle Club and r., :e -'l ted -.-n r an this ril 30, 1973, can go back no fur- is helping establish a national club or :.:,- A- .i'. will their ,l, ,t October, 1972, Robinson for nursing .- collectors. unless an :rT ';I' *i :;.r: I out. I-'1, 1973, accord- - -.-.: nr. Social -. In .:'" for these *::':1 7 h i l ' - u fodren t -e i >1.-must have Peters Son, Is .started with the '- ; be- ad a e: age 18. Also, the A M Graduate amendments made. 1 must have -" 1. ~' the benefits to be paid .,:.' '., during the year . who were before the worker became entitled Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Peters an- : .. :., .. ,j;-. and the *' ...,-.-. nounce the graduation of their son, ant under i :' ...i. "j .ve been supporting the 'i.: I Pythis Peters who re- children ..-.. I '.r.. this period. ."' his BS degree in political the .: :.i- science from Florida A&M Univer- ,: --.: '.. i,; ok..L :on .: r... I :.1 by "'...r sity in Tallahassee in March. anyone having a .- ., or wish- He and his wife, the former ,r t r, .,, -',; ',. ,,,:.' ,: ,,^, \ ,;. p ",'. ", )V'- tw o ch l- / teson SPATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station I~ rri I -rl I TH STAl P&rt St. J, FlorMif THURSDAY, APiiL i 1973 It I "SUPER-RIGHT" FULLY COOKED TENDER SMOKED CENTER SLICE HAM STEAKS...... .$1, Q"SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS - COOKED CAIN EDHAM......... .t$6 "SUPER-RIG IT" SKINLESS'. ALL MEAT FRANKS o..*...-.s. e ..'P CRANBERRY SAUCE C2AN53 ) i A IANK HALF L B. p 4%0Z.* ^ 00 2 FRESH, BUTTON , {16F :--. F MUSHROOMS.........- ,.99c SLARE "7 SIZE A BULK JAVEACOMPLETEHELECTIONOF[4 r T 7.nil bt L CHOCOLATE COVERED 1 ''" VI.-LLBI p REH I EHn:T , s W R B : ASK"TL 12 MUSHROOMS;,,... LB.99C AVE COF SILARGE -27 SIZE- -A -.. .. C.. CANTALOUPES...... EACH 69c Er-, P lfl lLulfl IN FOIL WRAPPED POT S PRICEDll 'l OM L PRICED FROM POTTED MUMS A&P 46 OZ. CANSI FRUIT DRINK -- 3 PICKLE 'PATO -t 122 OZ. } DILL PICKLES ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE...... SiULTANA E '- :0 ( SALAD DRESSING... GREEN GIANT GREEN PEAS.....4 CH4OCoATE BEVERAGE MIXD NESTLE'S QUIK.... O0c BELOW A t A YEAR AGOI Busch Bavarian BEER 1z O41ce Tab Top 99 $2.59C for 95c jar 49c JAR (1 Va Q,. Jar) 49c .8 O8., 2. L. ;-^ i-J MARKET STYLE SLICED 1 SMOKED BACON.......... iB GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OR GA. 1 FRYER ROASTING CHICKENS. "SUPER-RIGHT" SLICED ALL MEAT BOLOGNA........ QUICK FROZEN DELICIOUS (BULK) WHITING FILLETS.......... CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN DELICIOUS SHRIMP CREOLE........... QUICK.F.ROZEN DELICIOUS (BULK) COD FILLETS........... A&P DELICIOUS PIMENTO CHEESE....... TURKEY HINDQUARTERS t 6- 4 - *--^CAR-----L-- F A JAN ARKE ". ... , EASTER CAKE.........99c JANE PARKER BREAD BUTTERCRUST..... 37c JANE PARK ', - DESSERTSHELLS 3pks.$.00 JANE PARKER CINNAMON, SUGAR A& . GOLDEN DONUTS. 2 pks.69c JANE PARKER . iQT CROSS BUNS.... .45c JANE PARKER /BROWN 2& 12CT. SSERVE PKGS. JANE PARKER 4 OR40Z. L RING ^yIJI .. LB...89c (3 LBS, AND UP) . ..LB.SBC . KG. 07:89C * ,* *LB. PGZ. 1 IB. * CUP SIb. SILVERBROOK PURE BUTTER.......':79c HOSTESS FROZEN (Pint Size 19c) COFFEE CREAMER.... s 37c A&P BRAND FROZEN STRAWBERRIES......CA 53c A&P FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING HANDIWI,........ CUP39 BREAKSTONE YOGURT SWISS PARFAIT...4'CUPS1.00 pr lTJeh Il ilfl CAN39 RICE KRISPIES....6 oz. 32 QUAKER CEREAL 10 OZ. BOX Vanity Crunch ---- 56c OUR OWN LOOSE TEA......... 'sB99( BETTY. CROCKER ASSORTED (8 oz. Box HAMBURGER HELPER....57c c A&PTWO PI.Y JUMBO ROLLS BLUE LABEL 0 Paper Towels 3 rolls 89c KARO SYRUP.... ..B" I36c JIM DANDY 25 LB. BAG PILLSBURY DOG RATION i ag $3.09 PANCAKE MIX........ o5 ASSORTED COLORS AnCRISCO Ko EcX FAMILY 60., KLEENEX... NAPKINS PIK17c SHORTENING __ 3 Ibs. 88c PILL.SBURY-9Y OZ. CAN: PLAIN OR IODIZED Flake Biscuits- 2 cons 49c MORTON SALT ......* W, 1 i I I 1 I COAST-TO-COAST =M DR- SHERRY WINE.CRA .$M1I ANN PAGE PLAIH OLIVES..o.....o PICKLE PATCHI WHOLE KOSHER FRESH DILL PICKLES........1A ,79c MULTIPLE VITAMINS ONE-A-DAY.........%$1.89 'p -- r~ I11 ~-.!Pe~laGe.a~ B 1a2-d PniL93C 04L14,41 ~I .Cl 29c to 49c 4lii ~A Ji 79c 6 -~9-.. '1,. ; , o.I I GI E P Came ta Play (ContinuWd Fro*m Page 1) Sit satsy. Bdbba. H arm 6n pitched a "'strong 'game giving up one hit. and:riLJg Em .it n five. ThiFs wa.s a b-i conference win for '.the -Sharks -ho &re B',w I i3 -rtr. the i 4 C'.,:- R..-er- ence with a 6-1 rTiCrd. rTo Sharks have ',, r~rmrin'. coz. --ference gameni .~ .'V- ] be played next "*: n the ic..i at Mai anaa. *' *.* '.t *'"'' '' , The' :~.rl .:. n .-.h one on the road ,"- ,.~-,E to T -:.!: -t::e "h,- 'e -"v by Rikkards 3-2. h E'-s 'I. in'the top of the wf.'i r ,:,'P, Ken' Wei- morts wort'ed f ,: Rdksin pit- cher for'a r .._ t ,:-'" Bubba :a:m:* th'sn .;wEanl dcwn on :nsii: for the 'q:c'.? of'the inning, but o E Li i jG .h a k :*';.3'. i angle. ',Talk W,,t.!.z tfce~ un d,:ubl. ,si Egin V. L''.I .E .t'J sin- -A;* 7i H'.L : tle sEcond 'The ,a,- .. w^ turn- : =. *;*. n' ', r-"', ; ,D-one "r .I) ;. D -is, ed s-. L I. 's. ._-':g l.-, : iissin i t I oah t-- passed S.lls. He rt.ds. a.ss -J.2 the alhi-mt,:-t i:t y.-zd o;r- "-;- Steve left.. aTV c -pe 'v ".~LTnht- i d t y a couple ,of .?. kr:-lin; def-nm'.v. .. 8 YEARS and UNDER--Le t right, E~ldie Beamap. third place; Donna I, Cume, s-econd a l'Kathy'Parrott, first place. ;. -- 9 and 10 YEARP WINNERS -Left :bi, Jennie Maddox, third i.'-,: ep.a -' .r., -.'nd place ,and Ronad Miller, first 1. 'f *i. -,.c a . r 13Pound Catfish Harry L.Wry went fishing Saturday morning in, Lake Wimic and came homewith thisbig 13 pound catfish (plus' afew other s mailer ~o). Harry said he caught ithe cat on a trot line sit ou nqthe niht-e-.S.' -r v I t: b.'. I and 12 YEAR OLDS-Li q i D ,a. c ar4 Da S 40 Kds Partiipa 1 Port 'St. Joe's .Jayees helk their! am-1l Bi.e1 R0 deo Sat urday nr.mrino. The Rodeo was field at th I !Port St. Joe Elementary ShoRh ,parking. lot and featured bike S1Air ,:-ki,:;,. a safe bicycle rid- ; (.ing program' and refreshments -. The Rodeo is an annual event of S.the Jaee. to stress safety to g li.1" ':' ;" .-'' "' wne riding.their .' '., a safety check and equip- ping bikes, with reflectorized tape so tILh..' can'be seen in the dark. o Prizes .were awarded in the r l u-,, skills'contest. Three prizes it *g"*r eiven in. each of the three ., I .1 ..i, s .; D:";i^ T ,e __ i :ar2, .".; 7fc^.- b'...: r-i <," ,a I wqnf to F OR ,' : i R 'R. 7 *. . Nw ard Use Ccir Salesman at St. Joe. Moto C mc cmpan 22 Monument Avenue 7-161 Vhowe .27-3161 it to right, Lynn Besore,'third id.Lawrence, first, e 'In Bike Rodeo I Long Avenue Church Plans Revival Conference play and 11-9 overall. Christian Athletes during his college days. He -attended the university on an athletic schol- arship.. His theological training was received at Southwestern Bap- tist Tho'. Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He earned the Master of Divinity degree in 1972. Since that time he has de- voted his life as a pastor and full-time evangelist. The revival 1'7. :i7; begins on Sunday, April 29 and e6ntiiiiue through the followig Sunday, May 6. The Sunday services will be conducted it the usual time, The week day services will b at 7:00 A.M. and 7:30 P.M% James Ray .Brookins, Minister of Music at the Immanuel Bap- tist Church in Panama City, will direct the music during the eve- ning services of the revival meet- ing. The church nursery can take care of children ages birth through three years. + Classified Ads+ FOR. SALE- i 'r;.:'.:r -'n.'.i FOR THE' BEST in Tel.:-; dtn iad 10 SPEED BIKES INSTOCK. Men's S ',-L i -c.xid .:nta.imn. X3'i).. Sound coi.e by 3'l1 Reiud Av.c., women's. Rating style. Touring ,V i.t. ~i il *,tB-j.o. :-.-r .t re .'r ln, .f Jie .-in.,i, style.'Creditterms available. WES- 4.j P.: I rmp.:n--,t,. '-eoT. r.A): s ad TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 L ... .......... t:, t. W e a'. C r1 p'LP( .in fiil" . FOR SALE.: i'5 F,:"eli: 1e ',7, t. ',le d.jl-". 'K .an. D TV n . 4-.. s-- -eda .vx..;. ;-. &L: -a. ; OUN31 t1 "ea Ave.. Phone 27-. .;-, -.-I- :r. ,:tM 1 fri. '.. 2071. tf- : BURKE'S GULF 1 9 t V 'I '. E .- .e -:' g oa d .'. .. - fn-. 5 i -n.,,vie Fr., A. FOR RENT' *:. : ..., ..r SERVICE Sch L.L.-. =h,- r .3. 19. 2' : :o ,- _'. .. W hite City SFOR SALE e, : 3 \.R N : O I Now Open 6 AM to 8 PM , .9ht. ':.e v- .. .. "': E PhamaPe tf 1.> Bait Tackle Ice Beer FOR SALE. 'E;y Groceries 31C1. *. ELECTRO-PHiONIC STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS Tires and Tire Repair FOR SALE: le. STERO TAPES Yourpatronage appreciated Shep -rz i 3. .. r... See. the .i.,. .l.-'' ri 2p' VIC BURKE 4-19 Not t-.it. '.. at ST. JOE HARDWARE FOeet ong: $12o50 For feether, i- 4 COMPANY 3.-1 SEWING MACHINES: Dial and. feet long.-$1,250. -For further in-, .Sew.See at VLD Tail P iqa formation call 639-2205. Wewahit- chka.. FOR SALE: 1 Rheem 23,000 BTU oil heater., Complete. 648-7358.. Mexico Beach. tfc4l12 FOR, SALE: Pe~rnt, csndy and LT1.-. -.8211. Include o.ij,0ut V., TOR SAL.E! 12'.1 A r~' ~kr 2 t ii- .i y m M We ~ti.L ; l I,1 1'(A 4 55 after 4 A', 1-7' tfe-3-29 ; With 11 iand 12 ye Ad, c eboAnpeb- MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP *..ng;.'n i. i r'"teni year olds and -FOR SALE: Window fans, air con- those' e r:T, nA imde_."'The ditioners, 8-track ,home stereos names of the'various winners are and recording sets, car tape. play- sh-n 'under- thef theen p e iers and many other items. 102 5th shwn under the three photo- St. ,Highland View.' 229-6193. 3-29 Graphs ,- this arti- 1 c. -g FOR SALE: Lowry organ .or more Se. information call 227.-701 after S Cbef Depity-Sheri Tom Ber- 5:00 p.m. or 229-4303. tfe-3-1 linger gave a ..s.d.y talk to the c- 40 tr ytnsfers FOR RENT: Firnih beach cot- 40 Zo ,pt y0ng tages PReasonable monthly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641; tfc l WANTED: 40 acres ormore. Road S V And power. ? :-: draw map and. g a.. A ..V.i" price, terms, and. send. to P. S. Box 952, Lancaster, Ohio 43130. ,',' TN TQ tT. CDO T 1_tp-3-22 7 F : Is1 'T r 1FOR RENT: One and two bedroom 'l'l_'" '. .. ai' rm actively furnished apart- SIn.- L" ( f, '. rrtr, Cool in summer, warm in, .11 ,'.:!' J. .L7, .ir Gas heat, window fans. deei. ,. I They muj.ito seen to be appreciate NOTICE T'O CREDITORS Prin A:J r.I: Estate .a or B ce 7., r .' ,-r. deceased, are lt WMICO LODGE and TRAILIR heE.tby -L 'f:l ,. i '1 W L, PARKI White City. Phone 229-2413 f. r; i .,5 : .- .- .'.b or648-3101. tf.l-028 in the .,. ,.f lht (.':. ,..:.t WANTEDTO BUY: Cancelled pdst- rf ith F.,:.,'.e, '-'~ ..r.'.: age 'stamps. Any denomination. '.n -.. .Lr :-L ":'.'7. i '..'i.d, in Stamps must be whole. le for 5 : ,:,r..=....,: '..P.rt St. Joe, i stamps. See Robert Mount at Ken- inr., ..'t1'Jn '.n ix ,-:'.;ndar. months nedy Electric., 4te-3-29 froom t'e d.it.i f thie f.rst publica- ,n .in .h'i, rti,:e E. :th claim or WANTED: Trailer space to rent at d.tL-d rrust li ..i ting, in dup- the beaches.. Phone 229-6391. 2p 1lnt :- .-. i-:r the place of ri~. t ..' s -..:'-'ice address ol the :.L inmtt and must be sworn C & G t- Ib thefclaimant, his,-agent, or ELECTRICAL CONTRACtORS his 't'nt&', t will become Residential and Industrial voi d ;: :::d-' 1 r. law. Wiring:and Appliance Repairs Fi p'u:''-..:;., on April 19, Air Conditioning Heating 1973. 4t OiliBurner Tfecmhnician S 'GLADYS E. GAN CALL 22946863 or 229-5777 Exe'bit ri. bf the'Estate of "dV'rs Y. Miller, deceased CEClL G.'COSTIN, JmR' '21 Reid-Avenue ; Port St. Joe, Florida 32456' DIVORCE KIT - Attorneyfor Executrix S--- For the no-fault la . N&TI CE OF INTENTION TO For free details, write, Joe .INTRODUCE LOCAL L Stiupica, Box 791, P(npa- LEGISLATION no, Florida 33061. 10_-3-8 Noti .'; hereby given .of inten-' 'tior to introduce into the 1973 ses- sion of the Florida Legislature a. bill which will change Section I of Chapter. 7578, Laws of Florida, KILPA SICK 1951, to provide that the. minutes FMeral H of the 'Ctquty Commissioners and me School oard of Gulf County, Florida, be published within five Amfbutlaace Service days after the date of approval ra- Prompt-Efficient-Courteous their thah within five days after the meeting, as is now the law. .Telephone ,2272491 DAVID BIDWELL Superintendent of Schools .Gulf County, Florida lt NEED YOUR.LAWN CUT? '( r. ienced young man needs -,.L.. Call 229-6856. 2tc4-12 HELP WANTED: Pollock's Clean- Sers. Phone 2274401 tfc4l2 WANTED: Domestic help for small m... i Full-time I.' .* t. ' ..., T : .. ., ,; .i i .' ; 4 1 ROOFING Aifu Epn'AI lJR': Xt- ,, ,,, ,h : I. . -I : !.,2 GUNS WANTED: .. I'-.. ita.:ail riflh nt.' ,l,. h. : ;:.3,, t ; ill ) _* ., I '-; C0 '.",'-i J ". .. 1. ; POODLE GROOMING. ; t M 2tp412 LOSE WEIGHT, with New 'Shape Tablets and I,. ,.' Water Pills. CAMPBIlL'S L'_.''- .p412 FOR SERVICE without delay. Call KENT SERVICE today Plumb ing, electrical,.ir,, sud air conditioners. f;,i,-v;. Pb',r,'. 22- 6895. tfe3-22 REDUCE safe and fast wth Go- Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water pils". Campbell's Drug. 12p-2-15 WANTED: New and used car sales- man in nGulf County. St. Joe Mo- tor Co., Port St Joe. tfe-2-15 FOR CHAtIA LINK FENCE ,call Emory Stephens. Free estimate Guarantee on labor and materials Low down payment. Phone 227. 7972 . JOYCE'S CERAMICS S' 'NOW OPEN! Mon., Wed., Thurs. 7-9 P.M. FREE LESSONS Supplies, -r,-- a',wre and Firings 1801 MARVIN AVE. 20 ACRES, $4,9751 SCOLORADO. High Mlountain Valley Hunting, fishing area $60 down, $60 monthly Owner, STEED 911 West 10th Amarillo, Texas 79101 806-376-8690 BINGO Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 7:30 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION ,HOMB Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVER EARTH HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida * ouwva oce'^v au SV&.f xeiiA i a m - Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227- 2071. tfe-3-1 PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- tional problems and/or concerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 22903621 or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229590. FOR WELDING NEEDS see James L. Ianpie, 1302 Palm Blvd. tfe-9-7 WANTED Customers to Shop at THE SEWING CENTER '229. Reid Avenue Phone 229-6895 No Experience Needed! , A New Service At POLLOCK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 2274401 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I- am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. It you have human hair or sm- thetic which you would Ile to have serviced quickly at low.prices... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe FOR C AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - omforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-406 or 229-2=37. RA.M.-Regular convocatica on 8L Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.AM. 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting' companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, See. WILUS V. ROWAN, POST 116 THE AMERICAN LEGION, meetV ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home., THERE WILL BE a regular com* municationof Port St. Joe ,Log No. 11l, F. & A. M., every first and third Thurdday at 8:00 p.m. E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGER, Scty I I *AG TWLV 'A young man who is a native of Abbeville, Alabama and a 1969 -graduate of Samford University in Bpmingham will. be the evan- gelist for a revival meeting- to begin. in the Long Avenue Bap- tist Church on Sunday, April 29. He is Dudley Hall,. Rev. Hall was captain for the Fellowship of plays by Bubba Harmon and Carl Whittle. Mark Wimberly got the win with the relief help of Babba Harmon.. The Sharks are now. 6-1 in Sp TAR. Fed St. 414 hiiii 'a -H" RSDAY, APRIL 19, IM1 |