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.THE STAR TWELVE PAGES 10c PER COPY **^ "/ The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" 'THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR SDoctors for Small Towns Aim of Rish Legislation Representative Billy Rish this week filed legislation which would allow the .State Board of Medical Examiners to issupa ' temporary; certificate to, prac-. tice medicine i n an ea of the state wheie there is. a cntical nded of physicians and th. pop. ' ulation of the area is less than 7.500 The Board- would a0so be Sallowed to ad nimst: aw oral examininahon, T.b e certihicte which would then -be issued, would be-valid only so long ab the area for which it was is- sue.d remained an area of crifi- cal ne.4- . Rich said this would aJ.k,w l-b :caJ communit ed tr, tr to othef ':states and. e-ik 'do'.tos to icome to Flinirnd' without requiring. an extens(, writteii u3ainau1 n He. firtbqr aid the ,b. b is am- pie s4,'fuards ,ins'e it w(,uld only al ow thb,',. 'ldo.,toZ to prae~- tice in. Jlorida wbo had been iractie'ng at lftl ten ar- in . another .tat. ' ions Showing. "Horses Sunday Th l e r rl St, Joe ions' (I;, i *:.ll^ 3 3 :"iiJ'/..' r. r jErn: ii. i .hoIr *?.'!Jl be b..iaI at oe, L[.:,' Afrmf-. ,.'0 lil:.i,/.,y 71 So..-i.y, Api l 15. - accoi 'i.".! t )." '1 : fEtxis:r ard. '11 hoe. w.' li h It u ;'t I nor I m a-. :.. ,d *, i'i. i:for ,il e. ri .. t. be.. SThe Lions' Club will operate a .,r..." f stand ; '~ o entire show. AAl, i-'..... .. f..,.., the annual h.. : are used by the Lions Club-to finance their sight con-. -servation program, .i ,T.,i..d Li',..( .of -.Schools Da- ,u.I '..i..:.l ..nd. H.'h .School Principal Kenneth Herring. Aj students' in 'the school'had -been .-..,i I'._ last tiiai':-idv S.:..... o'r Thurs- day's ,;. .'n. in effect, .-r .. -,- ed .-dI ud ut in the hool. The r,- ....'; -I.; tken. to involve. the ,- ';v: ,- attempt to. in- ..-* :.: b ;.l .:.*iii,-a ,-" r.*-.*a'.last:Thurs- S .t -: s..for an. or ri u ,-., classes '.i'. in n". re 'n& ra i .: ;rq.:u L1 a1 i T! ... .'_ .".i the school ~ign- e .r ,j3.:. ...." : _. ..+.*:: 7. t. s lhool rules and agree- ment 'to .:.. .- in the conse- quences should .i,:E:i disturb- anes oecur. Those ;:.; .: T 4',:.. will not be il.: to return .t n eth ? i sL.i :'.- have to 2f, -: :h. Z : .:'. do so pairEt or j;.-.l :1: to, -register an- :'.. ; '-".ic to. school until c. Each sta'l"., returns ,must sia i ':.-a .:.a t that "I agree that my primary concern in, attending school.' is for. the purpose of obtaining a construc- tive and useful education. In ex- change .for. this opportunity, I therefore agreed to abide by all the school rules." " The contract puts particular emphasis on nine rules of con- duct. According to the agreement fighting and use-'of obscene lan- guage will not be tolerated, nor (Continued On Page 12) -.. ''.; : '--PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 Bridge Threatened by High Water * 'o T i'.i theP' --- xa ' ", ,^ ., .'. .. .ri; -'- b -n t this year in pl'T.,^ ^ ^yr/^ h cor.^wxn l255 ki th f ir t baseball at.i t' -Cr ga mLe .p 1' f n or . Lodge Pr-.- : 1- the Florida. .I I r .A. P.r T~r.. e m .nteo. ..k~ S. .-.., ..' p.r r team .. hIn the ., ...t, :, di.,:.. '<..' d .w..y ' is f-. the new 1., .1?, td Florida P_.: ,',..her Bruce CoHinsworth while f.it.'h-r Tinm ui;t waits .. : 'i .'j. :.'Jior-,.rue thr..ugfh May with games "ch'.-Ji u ,k ry .afrnm.,nri Monday through Friday at the tirr,-i fN.,-: i ',r? t Park. Celebration Committee Meets Monday i.' r .%C ..r-'.. ,, i+- Stone said '. .meeting .to plan for the J '.f .will be to elect a permanent Gulf..County's 50th .chairman and other .officers and was. ': '. t ''*..-,' Ait ... to .. ,,' planning events for the 16; -.: : .,- 'toi '... .'.,. observance of the anniversary in man, .: *. Stone. 1975, I .;_l]y.~il( i.l~.-- - -As would .be expected, numer- ous requests were brought to the F .' Tuesday "asking for work on washed out roads following the recent heavy rains through- out the county. The requests covered everything frpm water running, c.: .g ardens ruining them-,to i-. up; culverts ', . The m: i uis 'e n d ,: r e aeei T. ,' pre .en ,J C)1 - .. .-ic oni..- d o- tb, : uct ire ruVi oner r. pU : .u5 ii n the Hr'iid o:ee,. rI' bei n peared to be in ing e- .:f col- lapsing. Whitfield said.. he had sent men to the bridge to keep hea- vy trucks off and limit traffic across the bridge and was ask- -ing the Board to take immediate action to curtail traffic and make repairs. "m'i.),ei!i, ', Whitfield said, "there's not too much traffic over the ,iiiF.-, but since we put up barricades nad limited traffic, everybody from here. to Utah has come down that road to find out why the barricades are there." KING RETURNS Robert King, a former employ-. ee of the county made good on a promise to return before the Board Tuesday, rU- z iq.i a fi- ,.:I answerto his request for :..'rt "; :[ ::,i ; ,f r ;his' disab-,: led .*'.... King had spent several months in and out of hos- - :.' .ut of work withwhat S. -i- r was a ill S g ..,, 't ['. *King 2. "- t cai me f-, fin answer" .:h Lamar Davis told him "There was ., r ir.-t;: noth- ing the-Board' could do unddr the law, 'i .-. being in viola+ tion". .,.. ..r '*,...*-. Walter Graham said, "What did you expect the Board .to do?" King '-I "I have big medical.bills -in Gaines- ville, and Tallahassee and still have a family t& feed and. I can't hold down. a job. I want the county to pay my salary un- ,til I can go back to work." Attorney Fred .Witten told the Board that he and- Board attor- ney William J. Rish had request- ed and received a hearing from the State Compensation board and evidence presented at the hearing wouldn't'allow the state Thursday Fire Burns Two Buildings _-_..:. ____ -_ ___ "- __- .... -_ -_- ......... Fire destroyed two buildings' ---._--_ --- _- and damaged two others Thurs- --:-- ---- ---- : -: :- day night and Friday morning. The two buildings, located on ---- --_ -- -:-- --_ --_- -- Main Street in North Port St. -- .... "-_----- "-:----- -- .-- ---- .." ..- Joe, were owned by I. W. Duren' --- ----- --- -- :-- ---- -- ---- : -and were completely destroyed' --- -_-------,- : in the blaze which lasted until- _---------------_ .-. :- -- nearly daylight Friday. Two oth- S -: er! neighboring buildings were _=- :- -- -- : ---: : .-. _-_-. : _-- .. .. damaged by the blaze. The fire started about 11:30' -m Thursday night from as yet un- S. .determined causes and kept all firemen and two pumpers busy -f -- or most ofthe night. Duren said -s -o S the buildings were full of tires, and mer andise" for a new store he building at Mexico -__ Beach. ead said he had no In- --_Fire chit Benton Hamm re-* -_- fused to go into the area with -... _-his.fire fighters until law en- -- --- forcement officials were present -- to accompany the firemen. Chief Hamm's decision was made because of racial disturb- ances in the high school earlier in the day. Hamm said in the past, when fires have occurred immediately following a disturb- ance, firemen have been subject to threats and some rock throw- A fireman is almost hidden by the dense early Friday morning. This building and a stor- ing. 'We're not going to be un- smoke as he pours water 'on the smouldering re- age structure to the rear were completely destroy- protected in such a situation mains of the old Duren Super Market building ed. -Star photo again", the chief said. Response Good to School Plan to Maintain Order Approximately of the stu- following racial incidents in th- sre .. .'in seeing that -dents of Port St. Joe High School school which resulted in the a- students y the rules of 'had returned to schoolIby Tues- rest of seven students and one .'_:.l ."',' ...-' to behav-. "day of this week; according. to .parent. ' Annual JC Bike iRod'eo Satfrday .P i't lJot .'slja'vce qar .i4 11n. Y 1'i \ .r.' l,:-; 'j 1yeaj, and vyoi.er t .> p.rtt.' pa m their 'Iwe Lc.d.. will be held at'tLh:-Port St. Joe Ele- 'mentar School parking lot and will feature bike 'riding skills, a safe bicycle riding rr:"v.m and re- fresF-bm-,ts,. The Rodeo is an annual event of the JTc.'.'cs to stress safety to boys and girls while rid-, ing their bikes, a safety check and equipping the bikes with reflectorized tape so they can be. sen: in the : dark. + tt. Prizes will be awarded in the riding skills con- test. Three prizes will be given in each of the three participating age groups. The age groups will be. broken down with 11 and 12 year olds competing; nine and ten year olds and those eight and under. agency to require compensation insurance payments. " Graham then told King, "If the doctors will release you to go back to work, we can put you to work. If .i won't, it's illegal. for us to put you to work or pay your 1 ": ou.,: who had sort of threat- tened the .Board in an earlier neett:', said, very calmly, "Th-.;t all I wanted to know" and then left the meeting. LONG AVENUE WORK'- Draining work for Long Ave- nue from Allen Memorial Way .to 19th Street was back before the Board Tuesday, with plans. being provided by the State on a revised construction Ti 'i -The plans were not clear enough .what the state planned to do to- work around existing sewer lat- erals in the path of the propos- (Continued On Page 12) Rish Wants To Aid the Bee Keepers , Representative Bill' Rish, 9th District, has ,t',T...- ,,'"*,f .legisla- tibn which would raise. the com-n *. i.'..i paid to bee keepers- when-their bees have to.b..e del *stroyed because of foul brood., T.'. bill ,:.--. ~aise payments ~,o $12.00 per destroyed colony. , ish' said the new bill .ii'l not be ,r' ..1'. h to *. i.'+ ', the'bee keeper for his, Il L,1 ,t *,*-i I* n ,in those. "t' ', ': I i. w' i-b a, v W. I-. 1* i ;:3 lf .I ish is w ac- * quainted withthe needs of the; bee 1 .- because of having' been in the heart of Ih-.* S; 1.. ; 1 1.[ L us 1 ,, and t ia,; 4 . come from a family with close connections with the bee jr'..., . try. .,...-,.1 the last session of fb,. i.,. :, .,,, .. Rish was instrumen- tal in killing 'a Bear Bill that. would have been extremely det- rimental to the bee keepers. The bill/was ':'i to require bee keepers to get permits or erect expensive fences in bear- coun- try. Rish said, "I hope that we will not have to fight this battle again this year, because such legislation would be an extreme hardship on one of our finest aiand cleanest industries in my district." I loll NUMBER 32 t' i 1'AG TWOTHISTAR Por St Jntoudm TURSDY, PRIL12,19 EDITORIALS... Amen To That S. The Governor talked about it in his opening address toj the Legislature and now the Legislature itself is in session t1i decide what, to do with nearly $300 mil- Slion in surplus money tucked back in the: s; tate's.old sock. : ," . Governor Askew wants to take $120- million of the money Iaj put it into roads -especially the completion of T-1 'It' was a brave Governor to make such ug-, '.gestion-since b.'L he, and I-10 'uJ be" in Pepcac:la w,1re h .'. fjtyr,:-'w}_ o- Serning s'.r 'rrlio-y tLr,- t.hr--. ..- bfb.t Scoiifht of intere.- ih'., it. :. t.it of any conthet of .fter;-t, w,'-. -hrk 'th-e ( .'.'- , .emrnor's suggestion a .good oe F1ri.da. 'needs roads jmst like it has eirki~d vi-.ry: thing i. since 'Ei-nyWt ,9Wrld .t..rtfdI building d6wn state. The gotd part about Askew's .2'u.- tion is that the State will receive mo the money spent on roads back from Federal Government in matching m< which can also -be spent on roads. this pile of cash going for road bufldi who knows=-we may even get a mi] two 'here in Gulf County. The four ing of Highway 98 may be moired up 1. 8' i.f a, a;ii to maybe'1978. 'The Governor hr:-dy seems .to troubb': .'ith th'i'. a.' ggestion.1 h ,i: P'-.z'.'": w'..'~a.t r i of the money Sr.'1.td inr.:Atr ~rt, but we overhear -".'.e,2 ft"^!i ".: t: th. day, "A_ T, ". L'..1b rt'.. -d J.1r'.r:ey, I hIope t, G' n '.,s.ti.'.. for [utiv the $120 .lid 'rpl. in.t ro' .d&s is a. .:Cn- r j kno^ 7/'-, rd.el Th ' To which we. can only add, "Ame that, brother!" It's A Pit It' a p ti.y .r' i '* .U r 'ti be --p r- .: "ed, tht *-iliupF.:rt,.,. pr.r-, n,,., ,. .:. f t.rs .jr p!,r- ei t e 5 w. ysmwl.7 hi .'.:' .. ,; '- ,i',.. n'our ch 6-' b.e',- .r( .I.f C, Ui '~ and in all ' the nation. Many schools are, virtually an. armed camp, due to bh:;'to.r :, rid "advice" the stu- dents receive. at home i toward another race of people. -The white chbildrln hear :iit---"don't yo let that black so-and-so run over you"-T ie.; blacks hear, "You're j',,a.i i good as .h-'. .wh.iti.; "."'W!! so don't t ake anything oft ,f ,iro". As a c./.' .- quencei both irby ,i see how far they can go testidgz I,- ,'ith.rr nri. i,-h.r will give ri'ch. The -result riot!.. . Ti.:i;.' ., ,.'.-. i 'vpqd,relations at I',,t *. .I ,. i. h ;,, i,- T ri, .. ,-v yr year we hav :. ,1 .. ':" ,t cor ,r ,. i- i..'M like w e'- i .. .. '-T!- r- .;. l., t ,i-. i.1y -it'.= .. *v.', i jii. of days. T& it seems ,th- irc,- s are getting milder yesr. T',,. to the credit to the i..i n / nP r....P 'I. :. of the kids. Every t -zl. w have a .fis-,p of temn- pers. in our ,:h,..'., we get all kinds of ad- vice about how to prevent it. Everything' from kick the trouble makers out of school. to jail terms to, corporal punishment for those involved. Every idea is a good one :,and may do some gd ibvwiar' solving the prol'1r.a in the future:. - Ait:..".i thr. ,,.^Jy solution we can really count on, th.,,i;' is for the kids to decide t li.h';': w ,, Ir" t.,. go to school in harmony. Sh,., t. make this. -ie.,,:iF'i'n, we'll have i:; m ,'Y -.'- ror,, :. SAid Poses Questions The t-'ro.- I. rt b. .., p,,pi. (,! that the. United States give .....r .. '.,Y' aid in. the-amount of $7 billion to the countries -of Indchina- ..u' il' and N'-.-lih Vib .i Cambodia and La6s. Of th *&~i:. 11. ': billion, or one ihb.I. v.~i' .1 go t'4; Nl!t i SViti.i'in. the, I and most i iransi- gent enemy th. country has ever.,faced.. When Mr. Nixon submits this r.,'hi~l- ' it tion'and'modernizing bill to C,.r.:r--.. . ...'. ll b-. f ,.''.with Several '. -i".' First,' wilv-:the time be i.' to start giving vast help to ,an aggressor government with S- more'thanl',,, Ib'i troops in S...--ih Viet- nam?' Second, is it i.-T' i ,;'amvIy ,.r.' for i" TTlrd ,1'j SIt.. to rebuild countryy whose ,.','.,.'.t along with others is dedicated to the.-overthrow ..?' democratic governments all oVer the ,.*rl." The Marshall-Plan .in.: W.. :: ..Europe after SWorld War II was ,1 L i.J to.bolster free- dom and democracy -. v. sr'... t .expan- Perspective On Education 'by DR. BOB M. THORNTON 'Profesor of Education University of West Florida There are still some unan- swered questions about non- graded schools. How many of them are really fc; i.,nr, i'the old system under a new title? In oth- er words, hwo many have mere- ly- dropped grade nomenclature, .old-time report cards, and the -task of deciding each year whe- ther a child has passed or fail- ed? If they have kept everything else, it is asked, what is all the shouting about? sion. True, the USSR was invited t in that billionplan but refuse cause it could not -accept the rules. sides, Moscow did not want to see ' . Another r, i.- .r.t will be that ol is to -. the aid. The-PrI... advisors are '. .' the create an international commission for this S. '. that, -. .i.. U te tions :. Rehabilitation Adi tration? TP '..''the '. ...i.. ht The a of that are too fresh in mind for a r-. :..- of "- ":-r;. Let the U ' :.. administer its own ;. and be 'i' : T' ,"T.-' as such.. There is .- ..': feelings in Cong especially. in the House, that no aid s be given to North Vietnam unless it out of the South country. It is' f< that no ..,:- '.D' is widely shared in th tion. - At the other extreme, is it not logical under the non-gaaded system for a very bright child to- advance to the junior high school in four years and for a very slow one to'take as many as eight years? Further, what is . the effect on a child when he goes through a non-graded ele- mentary school and then enters a conventional junior high h school? The pioneers who have been . : '.-out the new idea do yet have all the answers t :..r' :c Perhaps solutic be reached in the present ade. Meanwhile,. to confu issue a little; the, dual progress, p has come to the foreground., Dual progress is the brainchild of Dr. George D. c.:.* -i. for- merly the .chancellor of New York University. The plan is de-- signed-to, provide individualized learning for the third to the . eighth grade under the guidance of specialists. Dr. Stoddard sug- gests that each teacher who is hired should be a specialist in one of seven curriculum areas: language arts, social studies, math, physical education, arts 'and crafts and music. The pupil's progress, accord- ing to Stoddard, is "dual" be- cause he is given Cultural Imper- atives (language arts and social studies) and Cultural Electives (science, math and the arts). All must master the former for so- cial. living; achievement in the- latter depends on interests and abilities. Stoddard would have Dear Wesley: A few weeks ago, without cost to the School Board you ran for Sstof Us an interest survey concern- S ing a, .* -... .for additional S'the education in Panama A'. money, With We do appreciate your gener- ous service, to the Gulf County g- School System. We realize this le or is characteristic of you and that r lan- your policy through the years from has been to assist school people in providing, good education for S all -.'u.hI ' e m I,.L ," We hope a -.l vs r-: *-: r/ ir. -. f or to receive wh ?,i'1. :. .,'rt. rd a ' '.u 3 rh BIDWELL ver- m-' Dearr r.:, *, God I am i-'; .. at The Star. y' y son, R dhald Miller earned n to the Arrow of. 'Light award' last month at.,' hi..", Scout pack meeting. HT i:.'- -'7: spelled Men's Softball Tourney Saturday, The six'teams of the Port St. Joe men' softball league will begin their ..'':-. '. ear with a tour name'.t .., r.. % .. April 14 at t. i. -J a*) : di. Tourna- ment i :,.: ..:;i n :t -9:00 arm.' and' continue through the day. The .tournamrit ',s or gnally scheduled for i.a:t St,.t,,' ;y"ut had to be '-,r. i d ;ie.to rain. Trophies -1iL bs awarded the * championship Ear~i airs the player with ,the highest .individual -bat- ting average. T, 'ualif7y ,a batter must have at Lfeat fi-. times .at ' bat. The six teams competing in the league -this .year are as, follows: Apalachicola Niftbe iR' Fidroad, Player Super rjKr-t, Fl,.i.ia First National Bank, North Port St. Joe, White City and St. Joe Telephone Benton Hamm, league president, invlt ,.'-,t ye. to come out Sat- ,r&'.' a,,l :Ar.,.r 'the day at the softball' tournament The conces- sions 'Ar.,' will be open serving hot dogs and cold drinks. S -the schools. work out grade place- ments, C.ovr:e- of study, nad pro- Oi motions only in Cultural Impera- joi tives: Noringraded grouping d be- would b'e permitted for -math, Be- science and the arts. Non-gifted' West- children 'would spend the same time in ',' .. three areas as tal- f who ented: ,. but their rate of w<,:t '"""u ^ .. ... :' differ. in _.- have on of been directed by Stoddard at 'pur- Beach and r'* .,:. N. Y., 3. Na- with. tihe support of the Ford *:., *'-',. Fund for the Ad- u .ses .. .. s-. ..of Education. Mixed buses ..r,t... have come from edu- such "ire+< United I' ,' sharply worded booklet let it entitled "The Self Contained L --:, : ', the Association for S: -:.. :': :..- and Curriculum De-. gress,' velopm.ejt '.-T, took up the should -"1-" -inst Stoddard's plan. S gets .i--. ".'..: .i_ ..: ',' ..-:m s'. feeling Such,. I :,. : are Lena- merely 'ihe old hat' called "de-. S, : programs" with ;. "" 1 {.: t:. .:. -:, it up." :. no ; ASCD .. : "to ". ..:' a number of the -'. *: : hda been gener- not as.; ated by "sindere bt' uninformed to such l '. :. :. 'fn.y took a s wIl' fifrnstand in favor of the self- it dec-. contained classroom. se the -- ' "Randall" instead of "Ronald". I know you know there is a lot of work to getting this ,award so you can imagine the disappoint- ment of a 10 year old boy when his name was spelled wrong in the paper, then the paper would- n't even print a correction when I called it in. You said the deadline for. the week's- paper was noon Monday. .'?, I called somewhere be- tween 8530 and 9:00 Monday morning and. the girl I .11 t..I to assured me it would be taken care of., In the three'years I've been In Scouts there have only been two boys to receive this award. We were so proud of Ronald. receiv- ing this award- and -. :- so excited about seeing his name in the paper til he saw "RP'dall". I feel if we were :.A:.-* -in this town we would have t.* the correction printed but since we don't count, we didn't need to be bothered with. I can understand a '- :., be- cause I don't know of anyone who doesn't make *0 but when they're told of the mistake and still don't correct it I can't -forgive them for '. .'... when that mistake hurts a child.. MRS BUNNY I (Everybody. in Port St. Joee "counts" with us, Mrs. ".'l:.- Our deadline. is Tuesday after- noon at 4:00 p.m., so your cor- rection was phoned in in plenty of time.. You. are just -one of those fortunate individuals who gets the privilege of beating us over the head with two errors M a row, Believe. me, this is ot our policy and all we can say is we're, sorry. -Ed.) Dear Mr.- Ramsey: Thank you for all the publicity you have given to the Gulf Coun- ty Special 01;. ,..i"3, It was indeed a special day faor the children and those of us who. worked' preparing for it. Sincerely, MILE LYLES Coordinator 'DR, JOE HENDRIX ATTENDING MEDICAL SEMINAR IN EUROPE Dr. and Mrs. ... .. P. Hendrix of Port St. Joe are .:'.' at- r-~.'.,: the M.. Medical Seminar of the Florida ',3 -. Association. T'e ....' co- chairmen are'Dr. William J Dean of St. Petersburg Di:: neys. Taylor of i will include session -Lu- cerne, t.- :,' .! -and '. : .. Spain. The group .- .. Tampa International A'. for direet flight to Paris. _ -THE STAR- Pubgished Every Thursday at 306 William Avenue. Port St. Joe, FIorai, By The Star Pubilshing Company WESLEY R. RAMSE Editor and Publisher .10 Linotype Operator, Ad Salesmin, Mo'ana a Maef Pt Reader, Bookkeeper and Caomplalt bep itent POSTOFMICE Box 808 PHON 227-8161 PoRT ST. JOE, FIOMDRA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 S SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR ,$4.00 SIX MEOS., 2.23 THREE EMO., 91227 OUT OF COUNTY One Yar, $.00 OUT OF U.. One Year, jM TO 'AOVERTISERS-In aae of error or oammsionu a in adertiemaa, the publiseU t ot old themselves liable for damage further than amount received for saab idvertUsement. The epoka word is given scant attetiou the prot reward Ie to uhtal i-hed. The -rken word barely assert; the printed word thor ly am- rinces. The oaken word is loot; the printed word resains. - U Efaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY The week of the meat -.,. .-.:. t has come and gone, and local grocers tell us '"',.- couldn't tell much differ- ence here in 'Port St. Joe. One grocery even said he sold more beef last .e': -. Ir1.'-'he had in the past -e%',lra I weeks. Port St. Joe grocers l..i :1.- I all their slack in beef sales to the current price and not the meat boycott. SI -'.'.- most -,.p. .- in Port St. Joe were like we were at the Ramsey h-:..-'.h.l, We started out meat boycott ',,.,-v. dinner with -*A...1i,. i-.i' boycotting the Sun- d'o- roast. lThe o:i1: reason we had -ytb-',ti. though, was because the G.;r., ,''? Club was serving it to raise mon- ey for the cancer i>.-r. Since Frenchie is a Garden Club '. ..: 1-'. we ate ..r h.1ci i and :'. -'.-t meat. %,.. night,., we *....l i'1t .-... it any longer. We -. to a i :' meat to eat, so a ham came out of the r:.-.: ,,.-.'r. S : v..:- 1 *-f the ;..tn right on the first .I.'. of the meat boycott week, there just wasn't any sense in fr.- to ,-.. ."* the rest of the week. To cele- brate our decision, we ate -.' Mond;". iriht just in celebration and memorium for meat Li ,.' -.t week, you -understand. So don't ask me to rLo.-. .'vithiir else. espec- ially if it's '.. eat. My resistance is low in that respect. Thel 1i % ,.of .-. .,. de ,.. smoked a peace pipe with the Ui S. Government the other <.'. Smoking S- ~pipes h4 become a habit -,i.th the 'i.ii.,iar but they The ,:1 ,'. Sioux .... :ip at Wounded .1, 7 ,,,.v, that the Indian '.-*... 1 a stubborn cus The question now to be decided is "'-. hi i -or not he is better at negotiat- ing a cease fire than ,I.-. 'N... Fi-" Vietnamese. If the In- dian "cease fire" proves to be of the same calibre, you'd .better start circling. up the 'v. ,'.:..' pard!. *' * Another hero shot out of the i... This time it was Paul Revere. One of the f .' ri'."- history stories for a young boy is the story of P ,i Revere riding through the night to warn'the '..,i:- that the P:rit~-,h were coming and they had I a f -.r get :rI ,l- to fight. Historian I: 1.. W.: O'Donnell, writing in the April issue of.' '..Li.i ...... ', says it isn't so. Paul Revere's historical and famous ride is merely a figment of the imag- ination of poet-TT -, Wadsworth T.r-,,f..11n,".o O'Donnell said -. ,'e was actually riding to get the Colonial soldiers out of the homes of their girl friends so they could report to duty and not get r.r-...r ..-.i.i for be- ing where they were not -.'',- .. to be. To his credit, O'Donnell said Revere did ride to warn revolutionaries :-r.i ,o Adams and John IT-',,,,.. to leave town before their imminent arrest. They're going to 'O.'ri on 1.,,'LTr the ]'-.'.. of our American heroes until I :. -l' 1, ,:ir, to believe the Russians invented chewing gum and pizzas. * The Equal fi .,-., I .. -r,,. ,. is having its week be- *..r / ~, ',,. Legislature after it appeared the contro- versial measure *.i. die in committee. I have mixed .'.. ,*,.. about bill. If it means I will have to get up in the morning' the same time as my wife; if it means I'll .-- totake my the washing, the dishes, and .": the *--., -'..-.- or not I want to, I'm agin it. If it means I'll have an equal vote in spending the fam- ily 1 ':y'.*.:r,_ or get an equal voice in such momentous de- cisions as where to hang a new picture, or if it means a worn out outboard motor draws same purchasing priori- ' ties as a worn out washing machine-I'm for it. We men * want equal rights too, you know. Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help Reason 2. We're human, and once in a great while w make a mistake. But if our rMor means you must pay additional tax, yomu pay only the tax. We pay any interest IEISIMBLOCIC THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Only 5 More Days to File Taxes 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 PM., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY - r ~ ' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : I PAGE TWO THE STAR, I Pwt St. Jo%*Plodd THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973_ CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are .You've got to keep on talking. An itch won't make. you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. O~ ne tle ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears way the hardest stone; By constant gnowin', Towser Masticates the toughest Bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid, And the constant advertiser is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 INSU A N C s An Exctin.. Scie LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR / PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH EXTRA CARE! There are about as n.,imn it f ferent tin s. of insurance as there are- specific needs. You can't buy them all, so it i 'r i mily lnop'rtant that you, consult with an expert Call on .us t my tme! a ,- it 1'/. , WE PUT THE "SURE"', N YC)-OUR INSURANCE f ' 2 4-Lets -take -an --example. Do -you know that YOU can be SUED! Some one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT ... un- less you'r-e properly insured! A~rn'i'v John MK Weso Airman Weston Sent to Keesleir SA AI an J -1,r 4v. j ARD OF TH. 7Ai,: T f2 l r',' EFJL-4- o h k u re n~, l; uig h hu: n E E T! hnce M. -nfToo!TFwd MEHE STAR Port St. Joei Flrida THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 AGE THIR IS. UII _J Boyles Big Easter S Dress SALE Continues. . Sa:,a',s, .. ty! -n's . ? a'. mon' ..:a'Br ey i Save $1 to $3.00 On Every Purchase Ladies Slips 2 .... $7.00 Lace. trimmed or ,id'.r. tailored, .,. si*. 1 :..:: Sizes 32 'to SO .I ''s-- Tc.I'-' anif tall :. MATCHING"PANTIES(reg. to $1.25) --- $1.00 pr. Panty Hose -PAIR , 2 $1.5 0 S r Me size fits all I' ij r sheer, gives i s .,,. L ,..,. t,. ..' toe. W hite, Savvy, t -.. ... n, ha',bad ntan. -fi'i00iiF : n- DEPATMENy^^^^KT ^STORE.^ 22Z Reid Ave. Port St. Joe. Phone 227-4261 Men's Doubleknit Dress Shirts Regular $8,99 Now $5.00 I 'tp7 .,, di b C.wy- SUITS $18.00 to Ie. '.:* Wide lapels and deep center . JR. 'BOY'S sUTS$1.00 off .' '3 JR OY SUT ------$-10of FREE! FREE! Ws in the Woild's Lotgest EASTER 'RABBIT Gigan~taic IV filed Ej-,t r Surnny. 8 feet lall, f.ilod with quialy toys l ip -N N.-) I it 4- To be given away Apral 21 VI;~~~--44 Specific Rles Dr-wn for Open Burning S +ecuDawn pn u TITLE- INSURAN C FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST Eddie Holland A major step toward .d r.'.. ,i,.""ri 1. i ,- will b permitted permitted.' Permission -to burn, ment of the *n., im H .nly h.er, there is re-asnable as- however, may be cancelled at any * aw as ten :b ...,'.. .;, si smoke w ll be properly time by either the Division of For--. ..of .P:/J:,*; C- : -" -r .. '., :i ,, v".n uo estry or the Department of Pollu- S ,..! ". .of a e ifi .' r t ; ri -' ,., t.,,, i;,-.,,, -,, h +,i, ,,, 1 A ,, ^ ., vn un n~oj na souncaem w. y wmaIs arj god upper air weather creates unfavorable burn- burnr2 wJ ;;m. a iy be ing conditions. fc' -- ii ^.1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell AvenUe ,REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastf GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE.. TRAINING UNIN ( y. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ PRAYER MEETiNG (Wednesday) .... 9:45 A.M. 11:00 6:30 P. 7:30 P.. 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship Gbd With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ........ EVENING WORSHIP PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 9:45 AM. 11:00. AM 6:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor I n O.vycflTIUfl *. o.open burning g. The Division of Forr; : :. r .i:' treasurer and sponsible for :. I agricul .r. :: the Phi.Eta Sig- ,..-i md fa.r. 't,. -tru 'a for the at -.. University, Department of ?;.:'.. Control. S"-.. national con- A .--. .; '..f the Division of .'.. '.'. the fiftieth an- rF...-;::, 'is Lr;,t 4 in every *i t' Pi Eta i .. the county. 'r -r : %'.-. -. oeiety, at the ., .. ,' Since burning permits are ob- i. -~-o-hIi.' hough 27 in he Division of P .F aFore founded at F sry the Divasion ,is request- S* ... wounded at ing that burning be done between 2? Ist 2 9T;- hours of 7:00 a.m. a2d 4:00 rship on "thei pr.. each day. This r iE;only d or a telephone call to the local Di K far-..thm -,d encouraging sion of Forektry office. These of- ;.,. .:r. ,. o t maintain a - t alnan a ficts are manned seven days a I academic average. eek. The Division person you con- Efddie toGol an active part in the tact will" need the following infor- ,.x:."ention as chairman of the mation: (1) date you plan to burn; Si L: :-'': and region 10 comn- :- :: (3) landone'r; (4) per. r son responsible; (5) period to be Highlights of the convention covered by the burning operation; were -thekeynote-address-by Dr. (6) purpose of burning; and (7) John D.,Millet, Vice President and the acreage involved. Driector of the Management Divi- sion of the Academy for Education- Normally you should have no al Development, Inc., and the ban- difficulty obtaining permission to quet address by William Karnes, burn. Open burning in connection Chairman of the Board and Chief with agricultural and forestry op- Executive Officer, Beatrice Foods rations will be allowed between' Company. 9:00 a.m. (standard time) and one Phi Eta Sigma has active chap- hour before sunset, provided per- ters at more than 165 colleges and mission is first secured from the universities in the United States Division 'of Forestry. Daytime -and initiates some 7,000 new memn- burning will be prohibited only bers' each year. Eddie is a sopho- when weather conditions are such more at Auburn University and is that burning will result In abnor- the son of Mr. 'and Mrs. George mally high air pollution or dan- Holland of Mexico Beach. ger of wildfire. Sale Continues With Added Items TOMLINSON Insurance Agency i THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 THE STAR Port St. Joe. Florld Save With Our Discount Specials Piggly Wiggly Prices Effective through April 14, 1973 Quantity RightsReserved We Accept USDA Food Stamps . Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly w w U, FREE! FREE! FREE! 50 Ibs. FRYERS FREE 'REGISTER EACH TIME YOU ENTER I / OUR STORE . To B;, Given Awiay '.-dainday, April 14 5:00 iP.M. YVcu Do 'Not Hdv to tK fPrf.;nl to Winl PASTul, iiWTl I,(';RATE> Hudson's Big H TOWELS / -j Choice Beef ROUND ** .i '1- !.*.*' ^ Whole Hickory Smoked Wat, r Addfl PICNICS NILLA VANILLA WAFERS DiAl Sc*.ntid and Un.Sc-nted--6-Oz. Can Anti-Perspirant can 88c or CUBED $1 Large Frozen T )UND cK SUNT'S WESSOI OIL 48 b-ce Jar 99c 5 to I Pound Average Weight Baking Ib. C lb. -r12oz.pkg.o 39c Fmo, Br t irid Colgate-5 Oz. Tube Toothpaste i tube ,64 ALT 1EA STEIN Fresh GR( CHU * OUR ('OWN PAN Fri'd'. Mi Bologna End ("ut SB (HO Del Mr.nti TOM.vrTO SCATTSUP 14 Ounce Bottles 4btls. $1.00 I. '. Loin $ 09 Pork Chops lb.79c LB. Frosty Morn No.l Slied Bacon 89c 39c 49 39cs HUNT'S Whole TOMATOES 28 Ouncmee Cans 3 Cans $1.00 BRACH'S EASTER CANDY - Piggly Wiggly has an Egg-Citing Selection of well filled- and decorated Easter Baskets. Select the basket tor please your Easter Egg Hunters. Brach Candy 9Y2 Oz. Pkg. CHICKS and RABBITS pkg. 39c) Brach 7 Oz. Pkg. HIDE and SEEK EGGS 7 oz. 39c Brach 1 Lb. Pkg. JELLY BIRD EGGS Ib. pkg. 39c Fresh Ripe SALAD TOMATOES -lb. 29c Fresh Crisp GREEN CABBAGE lb. 10c, Crisp RED DELICIOUS APPLES -- lb. 25c FRESH , CRISP LETTUCE head 29cc S",*i PIGGLYWIGGLY., r SAVE 1 8c WHEN YOU BUi *IB. CAN of * FOLGER'S COFFEE SPECIAL PF 279, 00 Without Coup S' Coupon cash value GOOD THRU APRIL 14 RICE )LJPON Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly! S "PIGGLY WIGGLY'S SLBUDGET MAKERS ,. Del Monte sva Oz. Can. TUNA- --can 47c PVman Camp PORK &- 15 Oz. Caus ' Pork & Beans 2 cans 35c '* Kellogg's 12 O. Box. .: Corn Flakes ---- 28c 5' Watermaid -- Lb. Bag ; RICE----- bag 41c Peter Pan Crunchy-12 Oz. Jar Peanue Butter 47c Peter Pan Smooth-12 Oz. Jar Peanue Butter -- 47c Similar Liquid-16 Oz. Size Baby Formula 33c Famous Brand-16 Oz. Cans Le Sueur Peas 29c Famous Brand-Large Box Spic & Span 99c 2 RoU Pkg Softweve White&- &Asst. Bath Tissue--31c 12"x15' Rolls Piggly Wiggly Alum. Alum. Foil _.4 for $1.00 Domino-- Lb. Bag Cane Sugar ----59c Colonial-5 Lb. Bag Cane Sugar ----- 59c DAIRY FOODS Velda Orange, Grape ADE 1 gal. 69 Parade 12 Oxz PJk. CHEESE FOOD __ pkg. 69 Parade Whipped- MARGARINE l-Ib. 43 Banquet Egg or Coconut CUSTARD PIES c 3 for $1.00 1 8 Treasure Isle B. AIT SHRIMP c 8oz.box 69c GEORGIA GRADE "A' Med. EGGS D*Z7' Shop YourFriendly Piggly Wiggly n Port St. Joe .. Wher Your Dollar Buys More,.. and Where You Can BeSure of Quality! I NORTIlKN IATnlR(I)M Bathroom Tissue 4 J4," 39c l-I(G9. SAUSAGE b. ra' PKG. SIBLOIN TIP Slb.79c ROAST $ moked 1, 1. Sth. IN T'I LB. PS 79c STEAK FR NECK ESIBONES - PORK NECK BONES t lb. MARTI'I1A WlllToE PIIN r SEF'-RISIN., FLO UR Ci 51b. bag .ENJOY DEUCIOUS Double Cola is ,, ,1 11 c~i~BIPBWI I __ -- ss u s THN STAR, Prt St. J, F hl THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 MFAB 1i,1 Core Sa"s Court Refoi Offer A 'Speedy Tril bdt They Gost More, too Fourth Period Hon " Clerk of the Court George Y. -In the 14th Judicial Circuit, Honor roll students for the. ver, Carl Guilford and Belinda C're. told the Rotary Club last which includes, two additional Cir- fourth six-week period of school' Neel. aThuriday statb-wide court reforms' cult Judges have: been added by were named this week by Port 12th Grade-Rhonda' Gainous. designed tro speed up trials and the change, in addition to eight St. Joe Hligh School Principal 'A" andi -B" HONOR ROLL reduce pcu r-cots was speeding .assistant state's .attorneys and five Kenneth Herring. Included on 7th Grade-Valerie Brown, up the court prodecure but it was additional Public Defenders in ad- the list' of honor students were Craig Besore, Donna Sue Casey, also causing increased .court ex- edition to additional clerical per- the following names: Greg C,.:.. .-' r-...: .:.- penses to the counties. sonnel. As a result of the change, ALL "A's" Joel Leslie ;': -.-. Suanne ..... .. ..... .......__ IJudges Larry G. Smith and W. L. 7th. Grade-Keith Neel T :: F. 'Kennedy, Jul- Bailey to the bench. Judge,Smith 8th ,e .- F.-...:. ane :.i.ri.' Vii :.r. "l l S H ':is charged with serving Gul and Jii Eoberts. Jur.. Du-' Couityi 9thi Grade-Rita Casey, Regina u' .Y u.-- l 1 . Core said Judge Smith comes to Elis, Cheryl Hatcher, Susan Tr I ,-" Tammy Port. St. Joe-every Friday to hear Qi rl: .-~] Roberson and Raffield, -'.- 'i Sutzman, Scases- and .preside over matters ai P...3gi arla ,- T ar d Mano ;. which must be presented to him :10th Grade-Deborah Carlsten head for 'ratification. He said Judge and T:"- Brown. - Smith usually has a full day ev- 11th -.' :.,:' ren .r . ery Friday. Ronald 7 The new, ud, -; set-up has ,.. Keef placed an additional burden on a g F r' Sonia t ....he istrint"This level AowiS C the Cr..^,t C,',,t. This level cf gS tC, 1Ower Robinson, and Paulr : the. court system now handles all . probate matters, juvenile cases 9th Grade-Marca A ff violations. ... . P AT KIL'PAT|iCKI, "#The new .system has also pla- Ste.v. E.' .' S". ed an additional burden on the -District i: of the Florida Feder-. Mike :'-:'_- UU' &Clerk's office," Core said. "The ation of Garden Clubs will stage a W '; A nOUght to encil pushing is' killing Ius. Addi. r flower, show at' the Susar .:- ..::i. tional paper, work required by the Panama City Garden Center on ReK me r mnew system is .'.r.., .ai ar-. '-r-'' ." ",: ,;. April 14 and a.earr.__. _. _, .;.n ., S., mous amount of paper work due 15., Whe .Go' wants to do. any- to thee necessity of more record". cuPlants and blooms from bethe 14 - 'V ,.Go'wimt to do..any- The'new system has, created clus Dinsttric ii P Athng He prepares for it by J,.,to. traffic violation notices .. .. Jom .. sedinga little baby into the ,, hestat Also apor-owis n to a amateur /world-'" '. "tion of the youth violations; are g Anyone havin a o t- 10th Grad '-Rober Bk Every time we see a newborn handled by the Division of Youth gardeners.Anyoner havig 10thBik 'baby we should recall this above Services 'Many duties form te o m o show equal Dawn AnhorsJue Collins- stateme.ot t., Tnrd. performed by the County Ju -may ente tshow. Contactt t, Carol Bto Fy Ha- God. *,,r to abolish slav- are now in the jurisdiction of the -Garden C lub member. ris, Lila ; '-, 'n -Iammock, ery, so He. sent a little babe to .Circuit' Court a Kentucky cabin -the great Ab Core said a report must 1 ...... ' raham Lincol. with the state immediately ; " Whoen'God waited the light of a trial is over by the ne.w pr civilization to 'shine' in darkestI dure. ,- . ar Roll Students Susie Garrett, Juanise Griffin, Angie Dearinger, Randy Herring, Donna Maddox, Sandy Miles, Rose Nobles, Sarah Ann Roberts and Adele Ropelis. 11th Grade-Russell Chason, Martin Adkison, Martin Biggins, Vie Adkison, Gayla Davis, Dan- ny Hand, Linda Field, Ricky Hamm, :. :. Hart, Donna Sue Richards, Carolyn Robinson, Barbara Merritt, Lester Reeves, Pam Reeves, Eddie Rich, Ken- neth Ritch, Nanicy Nobles and Pam Shores. 12th Grade-Kathy Anderson,. Sarah Armstrong, Phyllis Bar- ton, Benna Butts, Pete Eaker, Jo Hobbs, Connie Knox, Gary Gaddis, Dianne Harris, Mitzi Hendrix, Ruth Fleming, Debbie MeKiernan, Chester Miles, Ca- therine Lyons, Ray Little, Patti Parker, Judy Peterson, Gary Pate, Karen Lake, Carla Win- ters, Vicki Thompson, Debra Wright, Talmon Sisk, Bonnie Treace, Shaun Wuthrich and De- nise Williams. Deleted from 3rd 6 Weeks A and B Honor Roll 7th Grade-Tammy Raffield. Deleted from 1st Semester All A's-7th Grade, Tammy Raffield. A and B-Ronald St. John *- * Friday the 13th. Plus This year Friday the 13th ushers in a few days of worry and' cre, says Weeki Wachee mermaid Bar. bara Smith: bad luck on Friday, federal' income -tax on Monday. You may changeyour luck on, the 13th, ibut not' your deadline on April' 16th for filing tax returns. -* *' *^..- . Africa, He sent a ..a l %' a Scot- tish home-this child was David Livingston. The list of great people could go onu and on .. the' many who seemed destined to make the world a better place' to live. They say we now have '200 million people in the' United States. Out of this vast number of .d : .,.'. -,.r, .. great asks lie ahead for many. o, -)ii THOUGHT TO REM!M BE" i'r- i ,. is made better **. ll'- iri~n ni~ .'ll*I I,. '} i'f";,jrj .. ,* * RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 . Also, under the new systerI -, person mustt, have-his, charge. T'V., k.j to trial. within 90 days or the charges -are dropped unless an s' reemet .is reached 'by both the; l'- o.',i and the state to de- i< .the trial for some good rea- son. . Guest: of 'the club was Bill La- tham of Niagara Falls, N. Y. Mrs. Jacobs Hosts " BaOckwards Party,. m an, of ~' I "i .. .: '. , " P. ^.-* u rj atback- S:.j !.r..-. i.-r her sisters in the PF.,_ ; ., '. ..1 Lounge. The. : r..- was carried out in'the :' '.i -.:i.:. .,. .,. .. and each sister was dressed in her .. -'. of "back- S. Mrs. Kay Parrott won thi prize for her costume. A most interesting time was had by everyone in attendance. ' White City Auxiliary Having A Bake Sale I The Whitp City V. .~ ,r Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will have an.Easter bake sale April :.-, and 21 in 'dJ '... -- Port St. Job. Anyone ,'..hr,,: to i. .. special orders for their favorite pie or cake may call "' r-". 229-6878 or 229-6697T Classified Ads Call 227-3161 EASTER SHOE S m JSF~ AGE X .-THURSDAY, APRIL 12 T973 M STAR, PrSt J. (,FHrid Methodist Choir Slates Cantata Debbie Tankersley, choir direc- tor; Elizabeth Tomhnson, organist; Hilda Duren, pianist and the Sanc- tuary Choir of the First United Methodist Church will present ."The Glory of Easter' by John W. Peterson. The Cantata will be Sunday eve- ning April 15 at 7 00 p r. This is a movig cantati of the last week of the life of Jesus It unfolds anew bow He gave Him- self in His communri.an. passion, teachings, triTl sd c.'.cixion.j The cliaj cAc.me- in the Is.erre tion on E-irttr mrn'rjtjrn Everyone : irA-'it.i .1 ,:hr. in this untiqj,..- -.,' ..,;si eif m ,:..t e i There wil 1..; a rL..-..t, IU t i e o ,cil hall f.lrLI.-.ng t.li- e tat The re;ceptiuii will hotn-r the choir or ginist and ,..i-nat CorMe aId .;Ere' members ofn 'chntur,.h. Sorority Meets At Florida Power Lounge The fta Upsilon Ch. -r of BTta igma Phi hold ii'tregils.r ,-.ehp , i the Florida P'p'wer: uLrjiTe. tL rr. Mary Da Lt'on a& 5.is *. Pi _-.r', d.e -~_'el for the _ ' oindr'e a; Bi'ia'ip, et tr; hf hild at thM end ,f April Tb' hn.,uie-' Sa RBt: a S!(a f1i tr.tiflin'i oand. hI held cTieo a w''r nuth the *A trr chapters. At thl c r ': ,'lf w .l t. j t' '.(tinD IAr'n Fridli .lfb nb : .., the .i.trem It .wa-; tt<-J., -_t.iy.ig Music!", and WA!. p .*.nt'Jd a J with yT-. ',or'li aid lib .. '..'f 'w orri'!F -. Bottle Club Members Plan 'Flea Market' jn, "Jh:t' rls b J r ', '.. n itgo ,,!'i.!nt flea make t Saturday. April 14 in front ofhlr' g"ift Sihop i-t ,Mes- ic, Tlie.wb :it .906 trn,1;M8'[" Table, ,,r,. ._.(i for u (.eoers intFr,- l.,di IM ,y t~ ,Ca1.ct lIavid Bar- field. " ThR-.' n.rf'i.tri tein_" io f the club v,aillii.'- h A r l April 429. Engc t'r.Jr,. .( fVhkwah#A k a aD - tJiic.tJW i-ne~r~ime:iLmt andbp Fr.Tae1hmu! Mqi-Tw'- f thE ir nah'r. Srh.toi Chazleg Ar- r.,ni., skn of Mzs.3. J. %",Arrant of Du''imiaJ SpriLnv:vA (i te hlae J. W. Arraut Tir i-rik c~ti~a grvd jate rof erieIk 1ffgh Scho(A. s h'-ldsi a BS de~r.-e in 1~.).-l tL. Grulf C':iur.ty School P..P.rd in Port St. kl~ie. 11cr fiance 6s a craduale of woalWTpa Cqi'unt'- u: vh S'olin IDEFuni.4.Spricg lie, ia i _:,- Joy Clubs are St, elementary '- ch *drn meet- :- M" ..... : .. .. ..ling "rthi .:: : homes. The:. a .I t-e .ministry j Mrs Jones Hosts -- i Xi Epsilon Meet _. f.h' ., ( Xi Epsilon Kappa. Chapter o' P':t Je: r-i- the bt:th .f Beta Sigma Phi met April 3 in' & b.L .oy" P trk Jermine cn the home of Elva,. Jones with presi- ,!.tb 5 dent Betty Scott presiding. '.r-' .nd .L1 J.iE S....ef. JoAnn Wuthrich, chairmhn\of ':. P"r .. ",tr"-""es "- bi '. th ~f the social committee, discussed Sb.-. : ., r:."-y D a" l-,plans for the annual F..ort he - *-.-' ,u. ~6. .Day Banquet to be-hed .f :... .'4" r,. .&iL: JL' ..,l". April 23, at the 41r4 Center. .... ... t i tIt L Th e Garden lur, will-be -r g Si '' r a .. ., .: Tht,t Jr., the event with turkey. i .- -. .i r. Lt. ch e dL Myers are .artfia Sanborn, c chairman of ........ son, Daryl Ray the, ways andT means- committee,. to d .u ch 12 arrnn ced final- plans for the n ar am ,lson am 2b C w, sh o w t _. ;' h E- A L ',.. Sobett a on Ma rch 1 7. P e r u 'aT71 rm" par- I.... A "t-h -. on;March 17 r, ,, ,-hrpa r Fir!. Bapti-s Gbuxch of Wewa- ,.,rj'i r- I-ey AdkinsofAp- I..heparents of a't cptig in Project Che-a this : s ;f ,: ^ r .. T P-n .. a n- ; r d a ,. ,.x o r I". la ies "rch to att.... _,rbotae-March- c b. .. e f:s. V,- -Jabm io n Scott on 't'- .'M r tha"7.h.re"b"r I- .ti. . CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Phiip Gentry ae ift for Ldy. Te Lfts wre rthe pr jreit of a a'htr, Ia 'c -.ed.r .wilL. eT sent to the" , I w ch to ~ ~r-- n-: d -.w t Lo i a.,,-ebor March 26. :,- t aol wt be srent to I '. l .'h .ispital Ln 111We for E rte I a i t -:. v t. ,e f.OL r t. :r' '. ;4 -r JmP.e = -U- M mbers att r -inr th r4.Vting' c~~c.s, calls, :.r,-sr;, '.'it- and of E P,-..t p ir, a..rmonce the arri- - S.J.tO.... were B-.tI.y Scrlt. JoArn Wuth-I pra.yers k I ".'/s in the h ,.spi- V;.. Soc I f0,i ;.,,.n.(in u El' A U ys yu all. iuAll biLh occurred at the,.or .t Gsmn ad M' A- PE-GGY HF.ACOCK St. Joe M nicipal Hospltal. "t' bourn. SARP'S apartmentt Stores Thursday, Friday and Saturday GIGANTIC Pre-Easter , Girls, Boys, Ladies, Shoes S ,' ,i . $ 00 YOUR CHOICE r With Big Rally club and a junior high girls group. If you would like to have a tt which meet each week and the in this ministry or want to know senior high club meeting once a more about it, please call Mrs, month. Jacquelyn Quarles at 229-6236. MISS "", .'.' ,,U... f CE 'OWJIL ap Mr., .sl M.rs Wdl.,lt H Htow- ell of PFrt St..hi.-. anli ,u.e the *engagement and apri.r,:,t li.io n marriage of their di:bIu-:Itr. Mvlar garet Brute, to Page Mason Hi- iml, Jr., of Panama City. : Mr, Himel is the son '.f MIs. Pe ~'Ol.on tLm'!l. Sr., ard the . late Page Mason Himel, Sr. The wedding will be -an event of May 26 in the First United Methodist Church of Port St. Joe. Irii.ir i iir are not being sent, but all friends and i-I..-iv.., s of the- .'.u k t r'- ivO i. ii -- -I~ IIIi I Sw for Easter and you can sew for less with fabrics and notions from the SEWING CENTER! 100% Polyester Double Knits, Single Knits, 60" wide, machine wash- able. No ironing needed. All Spring, colors. Crepes, prints, jacquards, fancies, screen prints. P prices Y a . tart 1.98 Yard Full.Bolts, Finest Quality 45" wide, 65% dacron, 35% cotton seersucker. 45" dotted swiss, 65% dabron, 35%' cotton 45" 65% dacron,. 35% cototn floral prints.. ' *: ,* a.*' ';. Make Your Own Smock Tops, Jeans and Jackets Assortment of Colors and Fabrics to choose from M2 O F ON ALL REMNANTS Special Group of BUTTONS ------- --- 2 off SEWING NOTIONS and AIDES -- SIMPLICITY PATTERNS HIDDEN and NON-HIDDEN ZIPPERS WARM and FRIENDLY SERVICE THE SEWING CENTER PHONE 229-6895 229 REID AVENUE VALUES TO $6.99 ASST. STYLES Joy Clubs End Yea SJoy Jcy Clubs. Inc., will end its sev- Bible study, verse memorization enth year of activities with a rally charts and club contests will be Sat the Port St. Joe Elementary on display. : S S-:col auditorium, Saturday, April P:re_,* pastors, friends and, 14 1 t 2 r, Fm. 'persons interested. in the Joy Club J .. J t '::'.rs from Port St. Joe, ministry are invited to attend. H'a : :,k, St. Joe Beach and Joy .Clubs, Inc., is:a non-denomi- -R-LI! nhi V:--,will ineet, together' i t. .il organization with direc- S -r ;e' 'nr- i' :.r1 and tors,. teachers, co-workers 'and IA." i .: ce- a .i- he ree- prayer warriors from ml.?. every S.-.rt.-A .,f ,. h.- .- Christian group in the Port St. Joe --- ... '- '-:t B "a ible II-'. e Its purpose-'s to reach chil- S dren, for :Christ and then to' en- Sa .. n BN? .; them in C ai: fl-..h -" 7" .'..* i" ~' r. 'b, :" .:' .'3 %.. -.h .- !,..' verse m e- mark to. . i / 1~~-11 TH.. STAR. Port St. J*e, Floldd THURSDAY, APRIL, 12, 1973 16 #80 6 qb- _ - domb "%:ro 4Dd- -mww ot -- f 0irn I I m- 0 0c0 mom Bowling News 0Ils- 4 - LADIES WINTER LEAGUE Kilpatrick's won three games from- Player's Super Market last Thursday night. Top bowler for Kilpatrick's was. Lou Mork with, a 142 game and 414 series. Mary -Whitfield led Player's with her 181 game-and 457 series. . Creech's, Laundry took all four games from St. Joe Lanes., Electa Dockery had high game .of a nice 154 and E~h' TT.arc':' ir, .took high series.with a 434 for Creech's. Deb- bie Hamm led St. Joe Lanes with her .338 series and Bonnie Stevens rolled a 138 ? e. " Ro drson's :. -. e- tt e.t+o (TF,:,-i L.. 7 -', 7 Mu4. F turned in wto gto e cf 1" and a 492 series for L;:'-A.- " St. Joe Container Division apd Camnpbell's 'Drugs : .*it two and two. High game for the Box Plant went' to, Hazel Barton with her 174 and substitutebowler Ruby Lucas had -, tgh 46, series. Connie P.o:-:- led C -'. -.i-.with her 168 game and 424 series. Standings W L. Dixie Seafood i--71% 36% Bo .P.ant e.' 42 Campbell'rs 64.. 44 Player's .Market --- ---57 51 St Je. T .u-------- 48% 59 i...:.-" G .,ry __'45 63 ; .-: ': ---- 43% 64W% :r".'.f Lysr------,38 70 Pridgeons Observing 60 Years Together The many friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pridgeon, are invited to stop by the First Baptist Church educational build- ing in Wewahitchka Sunday, April, 15 from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m., CST, to congratulate the honorees on their sixtieth wedding anniversary. They request no gifts. Mr. Pridgeon is a former Sher- iff and Judge of Gulf County. CLASSIFIED ADtI *Igat Investments That Yield giant Returid Last Rites for Mildred Miller Mildred Juanita Miller, age 59, of Mexico Beach, passed away suddenly Tuesday at her residence in Mexico Beach. She was a na- tive of Oklahoma and had been a resident of this area for the past 12 years. Survivors include her mother, Mrs. Margaret Moore of Oklaho- ma City, Oklahoma; one sister, Mrs. Earl Garner of Sun Valley, California. Funeral services were conducted in Oklahoma. k.. i .nti -.1 'Funeral Home-was -- charge of local arrangements.' - Say You Sw It In The Star - SANDRA JOLLEY .assists Coach Wayne Taylor in the. High School AIthk-tic Department, while training in secretarial 'work. She is under the suoervisioi of Athletic Director Wayne Taylor. DCT Trains Citizens by JO HOBBS The L'.- J C, p- i- I' ~~ ~ ~ I I.i. s I .. Ir Training program i's :, 2 to give the high school student an opportunity for experience in the vocational field of his.choice. This is j stone of the many vo- cational programs offered at Port 9t. Joe High School. This program aims at produc- ing better citizens by . them with a feeling of confi- dence and accomplishment. The student therefore becomes an asset to not only'the school but also the community with the skills acquired through this pro- gram. The coordinator for this program is J. Lamar-Faison. He has been involved with the pro- gram since it first originated nine years ago. BENNA BUTTS is employed by Mrs. Sarah Riley and Miss Rita Sanders in the Guidance Office at Port St. Joe High School. She is training in the secretarial field. Here Benna receives )an assign- ment from Miss Sanders. Madder A Than Hen About being billed for a bill already paid? Then find your receipt if you can-and promptly open a checking account at Florida First National Bank. Paying bills by check provides a legal receipt and has many other advantages. Letus 'show you! NO SERVICE CHARGE 0 For Personal or Individual Checking Accounts as long as the customer maintains a $100.00 minimum balance. * $1.50 Maintenance Fee should a customer's minimum balance drop Sbelow $100.00.; * No Service Charge made to customers 60 years of age, or older, re- gardless of balance. * Service Charges will be in effect provided you use personalized checks which can be purchased at a nominal charge through the Bank. Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA. Member of F.D.I.C. 504 Monument Ave. :i~l;.`: ':: ::1::l~. n ~ _*4: PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station Wet e s.t ~I ~ ~---- a i MOB, IBh ;I, :. Phone'e 227-2551 A Chester C For Retai a .- -"Copyrighted Material --- e- Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" - - 4 SPAt EIGHT HE ffAIR, Prt i. Jo Pl~i THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 April Saving Showers KING-SIZE Bedding Special! 11-Pc. KING-SIZE Sleep Set U. S. NO. 1 IS POTATOES Crisp, Firm Head Baker LETTUCE head 35c SHO Northern Bathroom, Black TISSUE 4 roll pk. 39c Busl Georgia Grade "A" Medium EGGS ROBERSON'S GROCERY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A3L. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS F Thus s., Fri., 'Sat., Api Robin Hood . F LO UR - With $10.00 Order or More SU GA R FOR ril 12,13, 14 5 lbs. 59c 5 Ibs. '49c 10 Ibs. 89c ite RTENING 3 lb. can 69c eyes, Butter Beans, Great Northern, Navy h's BEANS ....-6 cans 89c 2 I IIECE 4 Italian Con S I N I Iin beauriful new Florentine Pecan ROOM $219.00 Comfortable Sofa and Chair . z 99c Tender, Delicious 7-Bone STEAK- Blade Cut lb. 99c CHUCK ROAST lb. 79c Full Cut Bone In Round STEAK lb. $1.39 Rump ROAST lb. $1.09 Fresh Ground Every Day HAMBURGER Rib or Brisket STEW BEEF-------lb. 69c Pork NECK BONES------b. 39c WHOLE or HALF SLAB BACOr 2 -. $1.49 Choice Beef Shoulder Roast -1lb. $1.09 Lumberjack Bun Pal WIENERS- .- 12 oz. 49c S Ilb. 69c Standard Si~e Modern SOFA BED' In Handsome Naugahyde $199.80 5 YEARS OF U SERVICE HEAVY DUTY (16) Westinghouse 3-Position Water Saver Con- trol 2-speed wash and spin selections-normal and gentle 14-pound capacity. double- action washing. 5 water tem- perature selections. Powerful non-clog drain pump. WASHER $239 DRYER $179 Buy the Pair for Only i$399.00 ..Ono~ at the Port St. Joe High School and the .measured course ,ant Will Head Bike Hike" ooooo School to the Wewabitcbka Ele- mentary School. Check points will d | Go be set up at intervals along the route, to accurately clock miles rded Chldre s Group ridden by participants. "Walks and rides have been very Chester Gant has been named in this worthwhile event. We hope The Bike Hike campaign calls on successful in other parts of the airman of the Gulf County 1973- everyone who can, will join us in volunteer citizens all across the country", Gant stated, "and have itional Bike Hike for the retard- the Bike Hike, either as partici- country to "bike" for the retarded, raised thousands of dollars for the , it was announced this week by pants or sponsors". Gant pointed over a measured course. Busines- mentally retarded. I know we can rs. Millie Lyles, president of : out that the ;: ..',.-: r-i1 Association ses and individuals are asked to count on the citizens of Gulf Couhere an- alf County Association for Re- for F .:"Children has named pledge so much per mile for each ty tomake the campaign here an rded Children-. 117- .. .: ni g ac of mile ridden by participants. outstanding success." SInterested riders or sponsors "On May 5",Mr. Gant announc- the Dallas 'C;: : as national Riding is theevent chosen for Interested riders orntat the Gusponsors , "Citizns of Gulf ~: : will chairman of the 1973 Bike Hike for this area. The -ride will take place County Association for Retarded *ve an ..' o tao ke part the retarded. on '' 5, at 9:00 a.m. Bikers will' Children at 648-3512. * s SI".'.~ OFFSET PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY The newest'and most ; metno. of printing is offset. It's economical'and fast. We guarantee all the printing we do to your satisfaction., Call us today. THE STAR PHONE 227-3161 _ 1 1111~_1 1 L-- ~ -L-- ~s ~ - I . Specials for April L9 through 14 Vk. w SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, THE STAR, Port St. Ja. Florida THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 SAVE TIME and MOI FRIENDLY ,FOLKS. PAGE NTNP VEY! N WHAT ABOUT CARAWAY SEED? About 2,000 years ago the Romans brought back caraway seed from its home In Asia Minor and marketed it to most of the known world. North Europeans, especially the English and Germans Shave been using it for many centuries. It is a plant of the parsley family most abundantly grown in the Netherlands. It is used in rye bread and other baked goods. It Is the principal ingredient.of kummel cordial IGA Caraway Seed is excellent. espe. IT rbtle ie f Beer nekl -" TABLERITE. BEEF FLL CUT Cay when sprinkled over pork and sauerkraut dbhos, sou , SIRLOIN TIP ROAST lb. $1.68, j met a s te Tabklnrte Loan 0AUHN GROUND CHUCK b. $1.18 e .' IGA 6 Ounce Cans PORKA STEA U8K .ORANGE JUICE 6 cans 99c 0*nd Turk 1t I Steak) POrk in In.l. OR- .FROZEN DINNERS 2 for 89c Sork ': 8Beef '-. Brand gliced : nENAEu, S IROIN STEAK l.Ib. $1.58 BACON lb. 59c VEGETABLES 24oz. 49c W*I ErWEO1,24oz.75c *'' -BON1E1r nt* S Ab 1IJ 'Beef r-r Top Kr i II.- EI. lb88c STEAK ROUND STEAK lb. $1.58 SALAD DRESSING 16 oz. 67c A US, A E.]r .:,.:i .+ Ulb 'A-, _, RO:U D EA --- "' 1 CA ,I 1.,- , S+ : ,' r B" R oa 'i'tr eef Boneless Bottom Giant SCE CON 12 oz. 79c Rump Roast $1.38 ROUND ROAST lb. $1.48 SPIC and SPAN pkg. 97c DETERGENT With $10.00 Or.r r Fi'l. 'r--- W hth $10B j Order COFFEE FOLGER'S tant Coffee 6 Oz. Jar Riceland Long Grain RICE 3 LH PKG. 48c SFh Size Ivory Soap BARiO c Blackburn Corn and Cane SYRUP " '. ',N.JAB 49c ' i.. I+.. .. . SCOTT DECORATOR Paper Towels -t a lp ^B Kleenex, rF 25. . Facial Tissue 2 pks.39;c Tablets (eg. '88c Va). Excedrin .36 ct. 69ce liair Tonic le eg. s"e Va)-- Vitalis : 4 o. ,79c SDeodorant (Reg. $1.19 Val.).l!5.oz Ban Roll On 1.5 oz. 88c -Sunshine '10 -Oz. Pkg.:'. , Hi Ho Crackers- 10 oz. Nabisco Nilla,- ,10 Oz. Pkg. Vanilla Wafers pkg. Feminine Napkins Kotex SPkg. of 12 39c 29c 39c . . Apple Juice' ..-.- - ,, ,.* ; < , 35c SParkay M- rgaorne 1 lb. 33c Kraft American Cheese Singles I lb. 99c .. 28 Os. iquid Cleaner btl, 49c Fox r- .<. --:a i-i' Hamburger) C 7,p PICKLE I U.O. I' c1 mlL'UJ i~z 43c With Super Truk-Camay SOAP 5 Bar Pkg. 89c Chck Our Price Before You Buy BARGAINS' Every family can reduce their cost of living by eating more fresh fruits and vege- tables. Among our bargains are Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, Sweet Potatoes, Green Cab- bage, Lettuce'Celery, Carrots, Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Yellow Squash, Radishes, Pineapple, etc. k-.-i NEW SPRI . Yellow SQUASH lb. 19c SLarge Bags g 49 Fresh SQUASH ----.bag 49c ' resh Tender STRING BEANS-------lb. C Crisp RAD'ISHES ---' -2 bags ,Fres, New Crop BLACKEYE PEAS .-- lb. Fresh Shelled with Snaps BLACKEYE PEAS -- bag Fresh Florida Juicy Sweet TANGERINES doz. Fresh Crips Bell Peppers, Cucumbers bag 29c 19c 39c 69c 49c 39c TOMATOES --- qt. basket 39c Cello Bags Fresh Yellow Carrots 2 Bags 2 5 NEW RED POTATOES WW 10- 89c FRESH TENDER SPRING CROP POLE BEANS Ib. 29c From the Rose Capital of the World Thomasville, Ga. ROSE BUSHES E $2.50 FLORIDA FRESH JUICY STRAWBERRIES --- 3 boxes $1.00 ~AV ~Xn A RII~' ~~~or5?AS~Coie~7f~(wne & piidf~ by.Jffichdhdfiohs 'f '' ~Ar RIC~~3 ;'"~-~;Z~~'S~Ar~Ci~PS`i' ................. ....pose in the home or apartment Even smaller plants like pepero- L e l i mia, prayer plant, pots and ot- ~ 1 ers are well suited as accessory *'* ,*.. *decorations such as dish gardens. NOTICE TO RECEIVE Light is probably the most im- The Board Bo I Sunl Crmmis- a portant factor to consider when se- sioners, Gulf County, will receive G lecting a plant for interior use. sealed bis 'from any person, com- Without ample light, plants deter- pany on corportoniin te d- iorate quickly and-must be replae- . ecing the. County thp foe o g O e S ed. Many foliage plants require SONE (1) NEW FIRETRUCK moderately highTU-'-f -- -but (Class "A" Fire Apparatus) .as, by SHANNON SMITH, those native to tropical rain for- per specifications on file in are injured when placed in the office of the Board Home Grounds Specialist f,:l sun. Desirable light levels are County Commissioners, Gulf : Lin d near ows an may County, Florida. P. B, Odxl968:, University of Florida ned near windows and may SPort St. Joe, Florida 3 A ..range from 50 to 2000 foot-candles. ce df s i neat, sacif-cat Og. y,, Plants Which tolerate low light b obtai nedaetsad lT3 areas, say 8. to 19 feet from a win- T pril 73 t ... .. dwinclde agoanema (called office of the ClerkCait 6 F Itelllad f5 iig plants and Cthe large variety of plants e ;Gulf .Comty CourthoUe, ? ,_i, j ':i_ x -'.rri,_,increases as gives us the opportmty to select nes e end cas ir e ; r : B r. v becomes more and species that will serve as attrae- am ,b bo ra., pa ., The Board reserves the ri to urban ..teor use of plant tive additions to interior decor. ..pl a s vy, several eject 1,oan ad ,olersr decor. ,a......ns" and sansevierleas S BOARD of COUNTY ato naea arge-leaved species suha The a plant, Norfolk-island S I. -.' -4 .-5: '%L. -f_ .e d"..re. most of raber plan, stera, dumb- pine, ct:- .c T: i plant, vel- t t i,; ive i in anenviro ne otaaree eec- soo -eAve al nu r- with rej-green p!9u a ^ o llis .>- : a I(*IOTIe 6F vOCAt -1hr JeA;- n'i: Th-v the :-ze Lr EGISLA.T ON V' h ,.-. ... .a e they are t f f -. ,t T O 7 /1 1 1 0 1 4 r T ? A _/ 0 1C NEm a .., .. b v. r ( a T. ', ,' 1.. . .-, '"" " .e-t-o; T,^ '.' :.,* ,...,,,a t m any ..r 1 . . .... .. .. .... .. ... : .. . t si C o m.l iS sone.r t si of t r.f is ". an impo..aT.art o-. f, or-.,i,;r ranklo.in o l or- d id' eoo. ,,a fatler- r 2 '; isil AND F CG p! u, h.s aer ideal e-lpu- .s i'. L "pa .. ..; -"- .I d '-a, foliage plant . i-N RffOB A &T r ArrI -H'e"B popularr foliage Cpa tb DeceasedP 0!n15gTro Aw oliae!I lose o tI;e 5 T. s ., .ed : giinat i the trepics cl terms i rrli: ulf i...t,.,.an j" .'-. -;"-. by plant 'cl ers in F- *rr ;, A1- .I .77.4-- .f- re ,,J O 0 7 DO. letwee'fne Ce'prk of r i'f (r ^f Jo i .-'t *' these areas., County .ian1 Cap- St. '.>rr ij F';^ -Aans' t. i-0 *f Gu l ri. .k'rim, VIP". T 1 e -.- -_l .osha t ai'-t -.ffi .t y l... l i '-'' -,r:t.. but about 1925 a law; and the purpose ofn this act eommereial gwm. .:w.i] Min s .to ..conserve a vital natural re-1 [ K ,.-,, Sales and co -'..r.;: ,..,.H source, t6o-wi: mp. ,,- have inerek. r-' r ., "* ... .CECIL IVAN ES, Chron. .. ... .. ..e Board of County 45 yea suntl now the foliage ndus- Commissionersof 4t try is. an important part of Flor- S Franklin Count, Florida- idea's economy. Annual sales ex- - t.wenty-fie mieion dollars., h AlacNed of Ce UIT C '-est -- 1.,Af -, ha. sa ne ari .deal e 1N AND FOR GULF, ,f:11.' e clii TY, LORIDA. l.' u .xi production and is IN PROBATE e ...i.. *., .i toliage Capital' IN R The Estate of, .., of the .World." ' iDeceasednI. ". .I r Pr .eang r cn o w foliage " NOTICE TO CREDITORS J, ',.i th4tte effort if ..- T t ,-,n ,,.-,( ;', { d.t- (". ="" E ate'- f W T. I wit l f it All creditors of the est-if, aI M o :.i. ; ed i the eotifield a ,I r Ar, I, Cit.! r'! -e s eof live-foliage have aga ""-'.I ,.l- in id''.. f- I ,...;or e of e lice of the C >lerk 1 ..i ..; i iCourt of Gulf .'(",., lt 'i,.,A.. in. 'te "eourthousr : ,,,rl I. '. nh. '. r,..n. void :,c',,i to law. with i six caendlr'L .-il 12Efr F r'.L! '101S. lhii r, ,,pi,- i.,,h ,;r'u ,, d. ,, tate of Wiie T. the place of r g ,,!s F, 4. 'i I. t C It, Jr , flee address of I l. I, *,i .,,,.l.. t. A A tratri h.. is agent. br h1. -;., .r it. v','il i t % ..... '!.j 32456' 4t-3-22 " 1 I B-ll r n -- I,_ -.:V w Social Security Payments Higher for Retirement at 65 A worker who doesn't get any curity Field Representative for additional benefits to some work- social security benefits before he's Gulf County. ers already getting social security 15 and delays his retirement past .payments, Robinson said. "If a that age will be eligible for higher Benefits increase 1/12 of 1 per-worker alreadyon the rolls quall payments when he retires, accord- cent for each month-or 1 percent fies for higher payment because ing to David Robinson, Social Se- for each year-after 1970 if the. of the change, he will get an auto- worker doesn't get social security, ^ . worker doesn't get social security matic increase in June, and it will benefits between age 65 and 72 be retroactive to January 1973"; he dows are :v-- -:? for these' because of his earnings said. plant However, even if a worker does .. Dozens of other foliage plants to o pastretirement Over 5 million workers will get grow well in medium light areas he should sign up for b- $18 mlon in scasecurity in-e 4 to 8 feet from windows. Included care two or three ', 0c" before i proiin 17 here are ferns, dracaenas, many reaching age 65 He doesn't Al figs, 1: '- :::, begonias, pep. to be retired to be .i for eronies, r'.7 a reca, Medicare. palm false aralia wax plant'and h benfi can beP many, many others. i. ,- hgher bener can be a PINES ny,, mamy e .. .. paid to :,- J .workers under a| .. .. Pro'' ei&f tf f.;'.. ii.:,---, *i^f ?*TI,-.--r S^^^ tand ral) w fok fi: f i ' 1 --1 1.- tIn FloridAaa '5 i~i. Buy the most efficient air conditioning and you'll not only conserve energy. You'll save money. Hl ; anything's rrce u. uOac these da, s than the mrcnef a d electrical energy ' ; es3 to f n your .osa .. .. ... i'ereaS h ,ow to save r: *'rb by/ * . 6!f CC, nC:i:, '. .g, .- , What type do you need? Ths deperds N e'susse a mran av:i o lefrt, or one For one rocm, you cs" use a room unit. FoP 'arger areas you c,-, c e bet,veen a rcC- LV.'. and a cen::.-; ,::em. What size unit do you oned? Th.is depends on several tih : '.'ei slated, well insulated areas require minimum cool- Ing. As low as-20 BTU's per square-foot. (More about BTU's' in, amnute.) Unshaded windows and poor insulation can double the amount of cooling needed. /A reputable air conditioning dealer will heckk your home and recommend the proper size and type of equipment for you. Or Florida Power will be..glad to help you if you are unable to getthe information. Which air conditioning units are the -most conomical to-operate?- Just-remem- ber, the higher the efficiency of a unit, the lower the operating cost. There's a simple j formula for this. All air conditioning manufacturers rate their units In terms of British Thermal Units (BTU's). And the electricity required for the unit In terms of watts. To find out the efficiency of a unit, just dividethe BTU's by the watts. The unit that g.,es ihe most BTU's per watt has the high- est et'f'er.cy ratio (EER) and Is the most- pconomical to operate. The more efficient units today produce from 7 to 10 BTU's per watt, so make sure the unit you're considering falls as high in this range as possible. I Take this form with you to | | your air conditioning dealer. | I To determine the efficiency of any | I air conditioning unit, dMivde - watts Into BTU's - i The higher the result, the more effl- I dent the unit. The more efficent Units . will produce between 7 and 10 BTU's -per-watt J L mmM-M-mNmJ, What else should you consider to get the most economical cooling? .First, be sure the system Is properly Installed. ' Also be sure that walls, ceilings and floors are properly insulated. And that aln conditioning ducts are tight and, well Insulated. Close openings and .eal cracks around doors and windows as well as openings into attics and fireplaces. , Use properly sized wiring. " Place the condenser wifere it can get: free air flow. And avoid putting it In your garage or other improperly ventilated areas. Do. these things and you'll have the most efficient and most comfortable air conditioning you can buy, without spending needless money or wasting valuabippower. We want to do. everything we can to help, so If you've any questions at all, call or come in to any Florida Power office. -- Florida Power CORPO RATION COM- PLETE Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat Installation Disassembly Cleaning Inspection Testing Head Crack Testing Head Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAfA Decle 201 leug Avenue Pha. 227-2141 ~~~~~__ ~_~~~~~~~_~ ~ Nirt St. J" Flor~ THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 r I- I) PAGE TM SmE B.Ar Port St. Ji, FipOlet TI.URSDAY, APRIL 12, 1973 PAGE XLgrVSN Y- " r I I CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN FISH & CIIIPS. ...i.. ,,. CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN SHRIMP COCKTAIL....3 A$1.19 F CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN .,," LB. SHRIMP CREOLE z. 57c "'SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN BEEF BOTTOM "SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS *SUPE .!-RIGHT" QUICK FROZEN CHOPPED BANQUET FROZEN Z'a'a ' ROUND ROAST......129 SANDWICHES...STYLE AH49c BEEF STEAKS...... x DINNERS... I .s9O,..N "SUPER-R GHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OR GA' A&P DEUCIOUS iSUPERRIGHT" WESTERN BEEF MINUTE BONELESS STEAK] BOTTM s$149 FRYER QUARTERS ". 59c PNMENTO CHEESE ... 9c CUBE) STEAKS...... .1.89 "SUPER-RIGHTBEEF SANDWICH or "SUPER-RIGHT" SLICED 'UR 'i RESH "SUPER-RIGHT DELICIOUS FRESHLY CHIP STEAKS... .....$1. ALL MEAT BOLOGHA.p. 89c PIG TAILS lb. 39c GROUND ROUND......1.49 2 fRS BA :Y 1 : ApL El &! JANE PARKER Piced Lower Than A Yeqr Agol APPLE PIE i.-, ,'. 49t JANE PARKER Piced Lower Than A Year Agol WHEAT BREACDKED LBidS89c A&P BRAND Save at A&PI HOT CROSS BUNS:.... 45c JANE PARKER CRESCENT MARBLE OR GOLDEN. POUND CAKE.... ... 5,4 A&P BRAND SALTED OR UNSALTED TOPS SALTINE CRACKERS . > ~ ~ YA PM.ffi m w ^ L MIX OR WATCH 'EM SALE! A SS C'. iS NON-DAIRY COFFEE CREAMER - FRESH FLORIDA STRAWERRIES........ BASKE39 U.S. #1 SIZE A BULK WHITE POTATOES..........i10c LARGE SIZE HONEYDEWSCANTALOUPES. EACH69C FRESH, FIRM, RIPE ANJOU PEARS..... .....939c LARGe FLORIDA RED OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT........6FOR$1.00 S THA0 A wYEAR W "Iv LAUNDRY DETERGENT 9 5 LB4 OZ. t YiNNY"SIZE REGU(tA, CREAM, COCKTAIL or PALE SUNNYBROOK FRESH FLA SHERRY WINE.. COAST $1.09 LARGE EGGS...... ANN PAGE ASSORTED FLAVORS REG. A&P ASSORTED COLORS PUDDING ....... 2 25c PAPER TOWELS.... BREAKSTONE P -- 46 0Z. CAN STAY IN SHAPE., 12 oz. 39c TOMATO JUICE - : I 9EOWAN PI ANN PAGE : *S r *" ""StCykle Chickln Noodle ?Soup .., *;..Vegetable 10/2o." T * 0.chi BV:egetable 8CANS 89 ,VEGETABLE: FLAVOR / CAMPBELL'S SOUP 6'c $1.00 OUR OWN LOOSE TEA.. ...... 4BO99c EXCEL ASSORTED MIXED NUTS ...... O89c PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH 4/15/73. -CUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUANTITIES OF ANY P. QUAKER ; r' QUICK GRITS........ l21c BETTY I.CROC CHECK & COMPARE LIPTUON .GTEAS *C. HAMBU VIM'BAGS" e ,o, BOX. INSTANT ICED TEA MIX PANCAKE S UCCTYA :WITH LEMON 12 OZ. LOG CA NEEA..A &SUGAR ee JAR C DIET DELIGHT 8 OZ. CAN CKBURNV GRAPEFRUIT SECTIONS. ..26c SYRUP. FLEISCHMAN'S CORN OIL FROZEN PEA MARGARINE ....... :51c GREEN GOLDEN QUARTERS MARGARINE BIRDSEYE FR MRS. FILBERTS....... 39c COOL W PILLSBURY BISCUITS HUNGRY JA HUNGRY JACK....... 12c .PANCAI EVERYTHING SHOWN BELOWIS PRICED 10 OZ. CANS GRADE A 4Vdr, A0 EON - DOZEN 59C J (2can 39c ply) 'can 39c A&P FROZEN REGULAR OR.CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES... (,AWT 98c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES.......BOX 39c POST RAISIN BRAN....0 ...6\Bo 2c CALO ASSORTED FLAVORS CAT FOOD ..... ..6' LOO ALL ITEMS IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE NOT AVAIl. ABLE TO OTHER RETAIL OR WHOLESALE DEALERS. L LOWER THAN A YEAR AGO 48iiLC. L.... SKER-ASTED S;UNNYFIELD HUNTS ASSORTED IG ELPER .:57C PANCAKE MIX .2 lb. 43c SKILLET DINNERS YRUP PURE VEGETABLE CREAMY (12 o. J BIN .........~81 CRISCO SHORTENING..-C88c JIF P-NUTBUTTER......52 A&P DEXO ............. 69 'SHORTENING 3 lb. 75c S WITH ONIONS SAVE AT A&P DIET MAZ OLA GIANT....... 38c MORTON SALT....... 13c I MARGARINE OZEN DESSERT TOPPING A&P HAWAIIAN 18 OZ. CAN WITH PKG. OF VcJ THIS THIS 2-8 OZ. COUPON HIP......... bP. 34c Pineapple Juice 18 oz. 19c coUPON Dow ,,1 CK BUTTERMILK E COUPON GOOD THROUGH SUN. 4/15/73 CK BUTTERMIX 2 Ib. 57c REALIME JICE........ 3 K(E MIX 2 lb. 57C LIME JUICE ....!..e.BOTTLE"2c. 1 _ --ir. 19 ;' .* / '' : r lr; ) 8~K I THE-STAR, Por St. .G, P'rIM THURSDAY, APRIL 12, 197I Pitts, Lee Trial Motion Is Denied A motion for, a new 'trial in the two men were appealing a state prison at Raiford, the two a case of the State of Florida trial which ended March 15, 1972 won a re-trial from the Florida rsus Freddie Lee Pitts and when Pitts and Lee were sen- Supreme Court. ibert 'Lee has, been. denied, tenced for the second time to Defense attorneys charged .a hearing Friday in. the Mar- die in the electric chair for the the two men were denied due I County .', r ih.-i. in Ocala. 1963 slaying. process of law in their second lhe two me.n r. iy choose to They were first sentenced to murder trial, which resulted in. peal the decision ,. n.le 'First die on August' 28, 1963 in We- their conviction on March 15, i;,: Court of Appeals, and, wahitchka. After eight and a 1972 in the Jackson County. t-- tinK : ir.i;.:~e ..3 Fri-' half years on death row in the Courthouse in Marianna. Mrs. Estelle Cobb, 80, 1 MrnF."Estella Cobb, age 80, a resi- dent of 410 Main Street, passed away Monday, April 2 at Munici- pal Hospital. ' H: i.:x r; (.: .. ? S J.:.: a J S-, .e :- '. -ra H C.;- r. .. f S I kLI., P% .ir.e brc.'Ahe, JYidL. E':LLb i S.e s;- raken by Death April 2 nine grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services were held Sun- day at 2:00 p.m. from the Little: IL :n Churct r.duct..-d by Rev. A. Ira erint folc.'.we in the am,-i,- tT, r i:-. of i he .:rpurzh ce.metkry. C.r, ti- r F-f-ertt Hoi- e wa3s, IT *b2-rdee ci-i l -2 ai. raoge iapts. day *,' i .r'.t 'di ly i'. 'an: a ""' 'i, .,' -' ; to State's 'A ...'- ''Leo-C.. J.r.r-.; ci. .Pa4l- ama City.' '; ' Pitts.and Lee have con- -victed twice in'the 1963 Gulf County murder, of Groyer_ Floyd and Jesse Burkett r..h1:h has . J-3dg-e R Strrt, ,-..-JE t-h., r .On ,,o aHl 47 a .'J''C 1gr a. .r-. hi' AAe State* doctor ad Druggist two ind.s- pensIaleo men In your community *o collaborate on your health problems. In time of sickness they ,ari the lost important men in you ie. Thfr skill assures yoJ tfif School Plan wilU'l ,y letb.! *.:9,.,nrc .A, ,.. pistol: and rnve , not rn, speAif ,rriil7, t :c l c r whjlu:-.Ue t. be in class on 'b tme, ar, t, ; )t.. :p, ..tfl r., ,Ir. pl ,ii'uv ,l rpot to ,Lip .cl 4< T, b4T.- out ..f' pr, and -.. .- ,nly in h i j- ir . S>I.. il.. w'.3 ~ rr ,'~. ,-ty .,f is prohibitJ. ,. sI bneT .b' ^f-.tpt,,,| :)nfi a l lw -, as . t an d sAid. .I g U r. to obey -..!., and the tr~ .,T ages to- ,cooperateinh its enforcement ,to m ant. .n order. MONDAY MEETING While ,he agreement was. drawn up to enforce and Lain-, i n ..., ',meet: with and the 'p.r'.. agrees r tone. cooperate hits .e it tcii-o thei 5mA.. Board Monday afte. noion. One groni.tt. r f.:... the S.resignation of :..,i;:i ,'-'.,; " , a ..' ,,,; Bidwell for; fIr i. ti.u- ,t r -u- ent on them.' HURLBUIMSUP * 3`X-~ He44 Alf i I 930 Harrison Ave. Panama City, Florida New rjs Arrives at, The Star ., - Torn W.;IFIms of Moon Machinery in Atlanta, Saturday. In the picture, Williams. is checking Ga, s per Ai-s the unloading of a News King off- the position of the folding and culting section of so"t niwwpper plrea. at the plant .oF The Star ihef Iwo-unit wfb-fcd' press, before bringing into Publishi.pn Company. in the photo above. The The. Star's building. The new press will be put to Spr%. 9mrrved and was unloaded in a driving ran v.ork within the next two weeks. Star pt;,.., Sharks Turn In Four Good Performances Last Week .P e ,"' "" :'.'.. ,.. : .". .:. . SPort 9t .-, .:'. p., ', o .,., .. ,.,r. :, P .' l' .-. ,') ,. i' .:- - ; ,l t .-,, I i'.,.r_,.'.;, J: ;, '.:. a hom i ,.K,';. ..t:-.,K. c 'f. ','>.i- ^,^ ',',,.. A . o 1., ,...20t. ,' i .. ovevr i ... i while :.,- eight ,',... uL', A.. '*:: it t . Close 2-0. win over i i.'r.,.:, Sprngs t6 -run their onfernce reeord.to tel. t 1 ' S Bubba Har mon 'was the win- ! ;' T .O,,:P .,., ,.-.:. up six .i . while o- L '1, eight i_ ut.i" L.-5...i hitter was ,Ken T.nil'.' with, three -hits. *' SThe ._, -:., -.ored. their two runs il thO t.p .of ;theL seventh , on a two-out base hit by Whit- tie, a base 'on balls to ',,... * Chason, a ...1 .:,'i bael and a:. game winning single by Jim . Moore. L , .3..- :- Sharks dropped a 9'**. -5 contest to lit;: ,Qut of the. rawd, of: over a. hundred present-from all.-ver' the county-the E a-i .a.d sch' '-[. t. =.,:,U 1. ."i about, The general f-..a.. g of the cooperate ;wi h"_ P.or'.i an - KiT..:.:i i :. r jkt.:,r, c'. o 'o.?.; ,phrc *it the t(hp ..,.Ai. .iro;;thh V,-y -.'t prticu':rIy il-%-. the. ,n:r. hl.ren ut: school, P. IL't Ii-rLa i Bidwilt fe"I th, iLt r i'- ,c. the stud tis weeI rv-rei-t.trred on .. bh s ',.a .i'."i.iir.Lcatlon ,,,f . _- TI. .r K .K "..' '- ... -+ I, ] .... Tr- ,r-.. f'was' tagged ..th the 'loss, ...-.- into the game in the 16th tI, r ; .. rr.' ('t L T '.:" r Owensboro, Ke n- V c adught the Sharks bats so- lent nd was tapicked wup an 8 victory to ake inbackthome with them.. Costly errors andboro, 'Ken -- cauht the Shas bats si -.;-, ...-. Sharks were held to six 'i three by Jim Moore and two L r P -- Har- S- ,- up nine hits and eight runs. Bridge Threat (Continued From Page 1) ed drainage..' ..' : :. a f ' :. I r:'-,: .. ,' ai few minutes to cAli .OT bt-dquar. reri ;a I Lt;k. y and v rt-,ir r an. ' '..,,=.- 1, ,. ."...* S'_.-.,- Vi r'-i,. . i : : 'ans as I. H ,, ,,. : -, A; ;.:,i .;:, "u', =: ". ; _-;r. bp tj up a .:&.- eii -, .:i i :.: L : .:.i -the : with r.-i. work. -' " In other business th Bod: : 6* ID request of Sh ' line c.r t,: L ?-..,:k ..t Gr b .i ... -- w., ld would i.-,'.- a. mixing oftde- partments of government and: .their budgets which the state auditor would frown on. Sheriff Lawrence announc- ed that Emmett Daniell had been named Captain of the Sheriff's Auxiliary replacing Willard Wat- son, who is accepting other em- ployment out of the area. 0 The Board heard a discus- sion of electrical wiring deficien- cies in the old courthouse in Wewahitchka and decided to call 'for bids to bring the wiring up to safe standards ' L~. *'y~ dT-,*...15 iw e Vaj t -, I". A "oIt 'J ,"-ceg will result, in- ir, ['r 2.'. Th~'i: will tow-twn ~l r~.Crr; . ner r'.''. ,.A will in Tallahasse. Office Phone 763-6575 Res. Phone 763-9624= i,,,.' 'A s ; Wassified Adsp' FOR SALE F." ii,.EirN INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert FO Z SALE7 T-_ L '"E" .. ELECTRO-PHONIC L Montgomery. 505 3rd Street. Son. STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS Phone 227-4811. 8tp1-8 o. .- __ -: STEREO TAPES' SEWING MACHINES: Dial and FOR SALE ; P.7' .-, ;4 ". .-' Se t.- ,Large: Selection Sew. See at K&D Television-and .--.-, i. at ,. Sound. 361 Reid Ave., Phone227- . r, ; .... ST. JOE HARDWARE 2071. tfce3-1 5275,ed i" '... 4 COMPANY 2.1 PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- tional pr.1il,i.-rn,.and/or concerns. FOR SALE: M oora '1, B radio' NEED YOUR LAWNCUT? Exper- Gulf Uojt r;V id m.jo..- Clinic, Port h aninetc. $13A.' .. : ,'ienced young man needs work. St. Joe, Florida 2293621 or Rev, hp motor^in:-i6 0Call 229-6856. 2tc4-12 Sidney 'Ellis, 2296590. tl..:,a $30.00. Call 229-6858 5.r 5 ._ _._ p.m. ., 2. p. HELP WANTED: Pollock's Clean- Sers.. Phone tfe4-12 INCOME TAX SERVICE FOR SALE: Pe-,i'it, cip S.. T'y.11 -- i cioj' 'J,"ila butan eh .. i : i:.:t ;.: WANTED: Domestic hib- -r by J.~e. G,.od irc:e' 6 ", l.:-q J ; motel.- Fu-time. ,. : I BERNARD 0. WESTER ,"7.e / T.. p, ) < Must have : .. :. "'4. 813 Marvin Ave.. W. T.L.'. r... .O..,, -,. hone 64.3 Phone 229-3107 In.. 1327 E:r l, Sl 5 Ani.L R". OOFINGo.tnJ EPIR B &. Wil 4 1-T 7 s L V -.FOR WeLDING NEEOS see James .. S --.E. r ..',! L ; l sanlg= 1. 1c3"2 Palm Blvd. FOR SALE: :, 2 1 ;' . S r .,, ; ..' S N W ANTED- ..... . ..4.. i. 'r.9 ,. ,- ., No Exper nce Needed. MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP LOSC WEIGHT .d an"d rt'E-rin- -r r--" t;.\-,'Iy ,. W A New T Serv e At er-s aid many t r.' "' :02 I WANTED r-o" f.r nesti POLLOCK'S CLEANERS b. ),rA ( -. '. 'I w'. ~- ? 1 r 3 week. Phon 6 h, FOR SALE: L.- .r i ..n : .Ir" : ..- For Information_ Come b LtI I' cst' ; 12787 FOR SERVICE without delay. CalNor Ca Ri T.:r r ,43, ., fc 1 YX..T POOOLE iR.OJE today. Plumb- 107 r ." dU n'. -.c h -,an-< d1'7 eco dpr '.;, .! i a i SFOR RENT, : FwL'-bir ,. t. 'c. w weei Phone 229- Phone 227 4401 SR2 : ie ,."t .rates. t,f, .pai. Phone 229 Phon 2274401 F'--- h., '~:.. 227-3491 or 22'. 4l, tfc S- ---- REDUCE safe and fast with Go- WANTED; V u~' r Road Bese Tablets and EVap "water. ",|Leg,,dV -. idw taIA r and pills". Campbell's Drug. 12p-2-15, *"a Q '... ". '...- a. .r,, .('ta' ;o P. S. P. I2, m.ter. Ohbi 43130. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Monday '. ".,.', ~ ~1... 6tpy3-22 through Friday, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. S.. i <-.-,T t. P hone 229-9811 for appointment. i -;sICIAL FOR RE NT: EbOe .p.' two bedroom Saturday, Sunday and after 5 P.M., I"" r' t'. "'. .::'' attractively .furnished. apart weeKdays 229-3296. Shirley T. 4,','.' ',, -:., ; ments. Cool in summer, warm in Hicks., tfc-2-8 S ', j iI' t i'OOD winter. Gas heat, window fans. WANTED: New and used car sales- I. ,. T* ihey must' be seen to be appreciat- man in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo- ad. Contact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince to r Co., Port St. Joe. tf-2-15 S.,, et al at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE cal) no, PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 Emory Stepnens. Free estimate or 648-3101. tfe-10-28 Guarantee on labor and materials NOTICE OF ACTION Low down payment. Phone 227 TO, CORRZI CUMMINGS, DO- FOR THE BEST in Television and 7972. A TJri F^ ET Scuwi come by, 301 Reid Ave., Fl. 'LliI. W (JlIi .!: :,*-..':;L4-. :,J .i ,ra line of televisions I N G O -.Tr W L' (; -.1 'io., :. ?tr.;. stereos, radios and i' ..jiEE vie. rye w have a repairman avai- Every Saturday Night ._TltQJ';r .-.e ...y... DF.j. ^Eb 4 K and. D-.TV and Beginning December 1 * !U V'.';V L'.'", ";)B BO';tN .~iN.' D, iU1 el.d Ave., Phone 227- : 7:30 P.M. 2- C F..,Tr T;. ?. t e31 AMERICAN LEGION NE..S,- RaA'; AM!.E ...... HOME", 1 4L'T .1 L I li -AT5 Iy-H WANTEO TO BUY: C nc-.f'l -.t V/',-,: [.,'-" [ L age ta'l-'. Any denoa u.-a .. ,'T E. buF ., -' c.7'; "3..T1 .- ..c-, L. .,, .. f.r.r 5 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. K men's -H.',,, *fET.p E' .i''. .e R;: M,:.int .. Ke-J women's. Racing style. Touiing ';v ",,-,P, ,, ) ; 2 iT /T, e-.y ,, 4 ...::. 9 style. Credit terms available. WE.- S. .... .. TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. *. '. .' ,W ANTED: T' ,,ir -, i -, to !-nt t S. BF ; ,.- ------------ INCME TAX ,ERVICE u .... _.'L IT. '- ,,1, '... ELEC1*ICAL CONTRACTORS .* EcontactB- "..r C" ;. ,:.., ... .-. R detl ani IndstrMiaL CliYDE WHITEHEAD u .' : ". nand Appliance.Repu 901 Garrison Ave. S 4r.. '.... ;n th,, *.4-prPft.. h-,. i Cr n.. t-1...eag ftm g y c... s.. .. A.... .. .. S i 1 r' O 1i.Buer Technician Sturdjys & Sundays All Day :'Tn' that I CAL)229 or 229-7 day thruFriday,' 't I'."' ''after 6;00. p.m. I r. i lif *" .;, (. i - Tit Z *' 2 -- DIVORCE KIT Phone 229-5281 *T^1u ,.. : For the no-fault law. h'.: ,.-r. .i;_ ,.. -..i ,. For free details, %rite: Joe .e i..q-;:. .-.,d :-. -. ,, :,:, c,- L. Srupica, Box 791. Pompa- Your SHERWINWILLIAMS your,wiLrn defenses, ii any, to Lt op, Florida 33061. 10tp-3--8 PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe on Hon. Cecil G. Costin, Jr., 221 * 'Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or.before the 14th day of / May, A.D, 1973, and file the ori- 8 ginal with the Clerk, of this Court KILPATRICK c/ovTes 8 either before service on Plaintiff's .H / Attorney or immediately thereaf- Funeral Home EAR H t ter; otherwise a default will be en- and tered against you for the relief de- N ic manded in the Complaint or, Peti, Ambuiance Service a tion. Prompt-Efficient-Courteous HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on April 10, 1973. Telephone 227.2491 306 Reid Avenue GEORGE Y. CORE Port St. Joe, Florida Clerk of Circuit Court, (F* Gulf County, Florida4t-4-12 (SEAL) 4t-4-12 MEXiCO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or sn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices . WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 2294311 or 227.4853 9-21 JANICE. STOKES tte FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE SIn Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL- Comforter Funeral Home 2274511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Cali Buford Griffin. Phone 2294M4 r 229-237. "A.M.-Regular convocatiaon, f Joseph Chapter No. 86, 2M.. st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. AlR 'isitlag companions .welcome. WILLIE E GRIFFIN H. P. E. WILLIAM MFAL Se VILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 11& THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet, ng first and third Monday nights, :00 p.m. American Legion Home. HiERE WIIL SE a regular com- munication, of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first nd third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L BURGE, Secty the ver Wi in ,ion app .3. .:i-r W lMER THiURSBA Y For Your New or. Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,Inc. T~ WELVE I n II |