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FOURTEEN PAGES THESE TA R Si"The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" 10c PER COPY uqisWv.rixim v3&Wt W.i S PORT. ST. JOE, NUMBER 31 FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1Yi3 i ''x Youth Award, atio'Y -, trophy pir'i&atin day1 ,rid' OK? Bet. ,"- for the Liui' 7,,1t0h p ,r, Lere in Port TEAM AWARDS St. Joe, At 2 i0 pm nfli,,'-. ., the annual Team t'.~'r': v.., os o tibtw- H barbecue at the Centennial iahidix., 'Ben- i.i ':w I.*.. Chv-mp.r',: ,ti ,y Roberts presented 'trophies t 'ohastand. eralS, Savers, :'7'VA '.ir 'I ..- 'ing. players 'league champions and the tour- and-Westerni }'"v -: f192 .B,. I . nament-team 'which represented Port St. .ners. . ''Joe in the state] play offs last'y~r. Major League" champs- .,' I The .pr-. of; ,,' .' trophies tadition- presented individual trophies w ly opens the -,/j'- Yoith League season here Roberts, Jay Fleming, I.r. Weih ,in Port St. Joe ."' h Roberts; Randall Na',l, Stev INDIVIDUAL AWAS .. Ste1 LaFit.ev, M fr1ty Bsey. . M aj' ', 'i' '... u J y F.,ii i r_,., tl,.l F.',,iTne.H ,- Jeff ,' r-e' r f. .1J T . Valuable P .:- '-r, .i' a yne- I'nr n. I ' np,'.,f. :; a i":,(lr,, Hla I. r 1 .. -..... .. t:. Citize : rF','_ : 1 *-*. Tr ...'r , aman;, ;: ,,- -M -.,n, -ofi |,L ;.ir.'t ..,] 10. .,r. ac -,,ipsis r."r *i' l --' *'.". ,:.,: Minor'."l .,i e ,%-.. .. .)4 Le','.. M.,It T'-,',, (C' rt,, P'h' Lar-y.- R thb W/" ,.rl Pr, -, tt, l .~V.' d ? rtf[.,. ,z(. '.j f ..y, oaf M .b Se -ente s Presented '*ard- , ? '.'r' Fed- Champs ai. wiT- fjij Star; ere' Jim orts, Bas- ve., Allen, c y Stan- "ryl' Bax- r League ,.,lrw. Da- :Y. T r .-.., rt.n Mel- if'14)et, r n t If~.-r a l!~- 4KJ~ ~ Randall ani-1 r1 Torch VWIlL'.w--'-. Dmxe B La uLe.c'j n c -up~u Irophies -were aI;a~i -I WeI N' E!LiPMNorton, John Owehs2 Robet ~eu* aurn, A!;n Stick- land, ReySojeJA'I'kRandy D~eWitt, Ron m TLO're.' Randy PL~ilhp-,,Sandy ."sa-ibofxiand, Dicky .,Wager. .- Te'r,-jrarnezat team a-xardl wkie given' to Jim Roberts; Jay Fouorning, BS-ieveAllen, Craig Welmorts, Duane M".f',iland, Giez Chason, 'Buddi~y W ~a~i Wa.Pipttr0r4 Gi-g. T-Ad, H~alin H~d-Iql, r~, ully Ke~riedy, Wade *Stoutamire, Charles Crjstain. Jre-' Beaid*erj, F-obMI't Br'a'Lh a'id 'loirs vli, L'x~ Erys Skot Te T.u').j~.arnh'fawvards :I WVr41f~:tao Alen%.b irs-rd, B'ill N'4jrttn, Lizcia M-L&e Scott. gr-.fP.:A.Is, Kim DavF'. .J-Ani 0 u. ;H End tepv, CIow'. Auditor's criticism Not Deserved. The 'City Commission took ex- Scaeption Tuesday uo'bt to a rep- rimand, by- 'State. Aiditor hi..h . ard Ellison' who scored 'the Eo0 rd. f.r ni., ''., t.', r-rr C ed from 1,,+ "-r.'- to finance the Mayor .iTom ,'.J...' said, "The' Auditor 'hAs, chastised' us for using good sense". Former Mayo .Frank Pate, who signed Sthe papers for the loan said, '"If ,any criticism is due, it should be directed at, the state for. let-. ting us have all the money at ope time if they didn't expect us to use it wisely". :':The City has borrowed $,6.4 million from a 'state revolving loan fun ..created It rt ij po-6 Lf L.i-r u -, r. ,'-.'' ,.'l .. . ; get -...i j J, .t"i~i; r.n' ,' i. Stion c:tr...or.',; '. and ,." meit rin:;. The ,.' received 4' yea !, a t '.i l o. 'is the first of this month, on con- of'the bor.rowed-money with the ary and '- -es the -$2e $2,, 146 50 struction. costs.. [- .' T ,,., .', night, .showing interest over. the same period of City Auditor and Clerk Charles ..and st..' ...at . -Brock filed a financial statement .. ..'. on ,,:."- .. ,) more will be paid out-' p .said he -.ft the City i in '"".-,,L-i "We can't very well '.,",,''Jr a:r. for anapology from ,. .r h h. fund fil"' ..-,.. ,... t. e rn :, t,; w wasn't The l S I 'l '"' "'sid In' : "' n- + '. : had le' I e '*r," .I'..-.1u,, =he"'City. ha f,~ 'not'' "-'.,,h' the f'wd. in an Theyllosteal.,-'in 0.. .. Almost Anything :. i Mayor .ay pointed out .r "".. the $6.4 was a loan and not a M 'r... '- '*.... ** A :.f. y p out- Comniisloner Bob Holland *".... '.'d th. .-gift and he felt-the, City. was. provdo people will take any. 3.'.y I r.'.. :1 '.J ,toter- ,ci(:k -,, "r-. y thing not 'too hot or nailed ,tO. P-" t- ..s-"*> *S' r'W.breb to the City's best advantage. down Tuesday night. 1- .. '' 'Holland told, .the City Com- - mission that for over, a year a group of citizens has been seeking transportation to haul several'rold car' bodies out into the Gulf to, form an artificial .. fishing, ref. . .Permits' .had been secured .- and- old cars coltectmd in a E-' .-_. pile on the banLk of the inal. Last week, the s:--vics of a Sbar" were S,.,e4 Wh'n f .- -ew they, went to .-' the car bo- dies, they, were gone. Nobody ' knows where. _-- Spring Shw S, Highiand VView Thb Port St. Je Lioes' elup , an Spr Hors, Sow Churth in Reviva 'be .b atl ttne ih.-iw Ai en o High "y -.1 iSa'turdlay. .%pill ,. .. 1pr A worldwide simultaneous re-, it w c.* ]anndu Cred thas *k val is presently underway in S'proj l ch ren s r- approximately 10,000 churches ton anshow lwch starts at 1:00 of God in some 90 countries. L. p.m.he show; whve 2 eventars for all E. Roberson, Pastor of the High- p.m. wil hFive tr25hievents forwill be land View Church of God an- ages. iv tphies will be 'special evangelistic ser- awarded in each class plus a ves wi begin Apl 8 and c- SSenior High Point trophy and tinue until further notice, in co- Jumnwr High Point trophy. -,operating with. the nation-wide There is no: charge for spec- pogram tators,' but participants will pay an entry fee'of .P.......... Evangelist. Beatrice Stansky, The Lions' Club will-operate who has ministered in many a concessions stand during the countries around the world, will entire show be the special speaker for this special revival crusade. . All proceeds from the annual The Church of God cordially shows are used by the Lions invites you and your family to Club to finance their sight con- attend these special services be- servation program. ginning each evening at 7:00 p.m. City Remir of Water L J. C. B !.n, B-1t .1f TeOf J"Z the e.-6nditure. Jd e'Pp C:. :.Miv; p't Qt:*[ J; 'F. -':='F P.lt ti Mont- t0 any id.' ib: b ', ",. ':3!!,'"..--";:' l- i dei .-!':' of 12 ' 'r! r. .? or '-ar." '1-.' f ;S fi .h e l-bo ii ia1 2e-. i ..- i, tr: I : ..'"' il..: y i ity 7i i 4 rcat' y-- '.' ', bar n il ; ...The B id ,.i. : ';'...k them ST .... .... .,, ... .' i up n the '- 1 . *: :':. i: rL Pern TheBotrd also reimbursed the ]t- -t-. .-d-.; .i ,t Jaycees fees' charged for h cr- L:", Bo t, -..t..- cus .,.,e by the group re- SI, Paper Company last year of cu :; d b h e gpr a ; average 25e r .' "lb n c*i: -. a cetBy Board has made a month for the C.., I meant for non profit organizations Belin said 'he didn't know what mnt for nonprofit organizations future -needs of the City may be- .. nor -.1.: r: of any r.- OTHER BUSINESS industrial, or residential w'." *e The Board was toldby their in the -..'.:.'.': "But I do engineer's j- : T..: i.- .-. -,. Joseph -know the su-pply *%. ': z ; from "Test, it appears as. if the Waste-, the .:*: '-- .source is not with- water treatment i ...it :I be out r -1 about July 1' This is JAYCEES MAKE OFFER 'A :1'.:-: of Port-St. Joe. Jaycees appeared' before the Board Tuesday. night, offering .t6 build a new concessions stand at the little league baL... fields. The City has had requests, to construct a new concessions stand, but "other recreational needs has caused ,the City to study .the matter. L- fo. 4 closely. Another Round for Pitts and tee '.< Leo C, - will, appear on behalf' '.i ',-.: State at a hearing on a motion for. a new trial in the case of the State of Florida vs. Pr ..' Lee Pitts and Wilbert Lee., Jones has received notice that the hearing will be held before Judge D. RI Smith in the Marion, County Courthouse in' Ocala -on Friday, April 6, A Jackson County Grand Jury returned indictments on both men after -the defendants had scessfully moved for a change of venue last year. -A four-week re-trial of Pitts' S.-,'i e for the 1963 Gulf Coun- ty double slaying of Grover Floyd and Jesse' urkett was "then i..". ..- bby Jones in'the Jackson County Courthouse in ., a '. which resulted. in their conviction, in March of .1972. ready to prepare themselves to earn their living Stud s Study Careers or get more education. -The program is spon- SI scored each year by the Student Council. Special ..Jackie Arq and Benna Butts sign up visitors guests of the school were juniors and seniors from to Port St. JPe High School's annual. "Career Wewahitchka and -Apalachicola high schools who Day" TuesdayJ The annual event.draws represen- took advantage-of the knowledge and guidance tatives. from various trades, professions and col- offered at "Career Day". leges to counsel, juniors and seniors in getting -Star photo I '7 -,1*.-. Mrs. Harvey Is Taken by 'Death Sunday Morning Mrs. Lockie Harvey, age 87, passed away Sunday after an ex- tended illness. Mrs. Harvey was a native of West Virginia where hbe had spent most of her life. She moved here three and a half f' r a aia4and made her home with Mn ;and Mrs. David Ruck- Sman. She* was';the : widow of the late Rev. Samuel David Harvey who was. a retired Methodist minister. Survivors include one son, Tom Harvey of Baltimore, Md.; two daughters, Mrs. Espie Strick- land of Houston, Texas and Mrs. Violet Ruckman of Port St. Joe; one brother, John Rogers of Bea- ver, West Virginia; one sister, Mrs. Anne Buskirk of Beaver, West Virginia; 10 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct- ed Tuesday from the Nazarene Church with the Rev. Roy Smith and Rev. Millard Spikes officiat- ing. Interment followed in the Holley Hill Cemetery, under the direction of Kilpatrick Funeral Home. ided limitss beyond the contract limits and the City must decide what steps to take '.'- :'.:,' overtime pay- ments. S.The Chamber of Commerce requested the t 'y to place at- ; .'"- ,.'. -' i T.,, on the 'i....- '-... ,' '.:' .. at each en- trance to the City. Clerk Brock was instructed to get prices on permanent type signs. *.Several, complaints of in- CJ4. '..'L ,. "street lighting was pre- sented o" l:.:- aTl. Florida Power S. ill'be told of the' situation. A q i -meeting was sche-.,: duled for next Tuesday night to discuss a,. water purchase con- tract with St. Joe Paper Com. pany, the MunicipalI Hospital and .1 '. in treatment- plant ,'- t. :,.t i. ''SchoolBoard Sets Calendar for Next Year The Gulf Cointy School Board began taking steps Tuesday to maintain a tighter control .on students leaving the school grounds during the day-espec- ially at lunch time. "We're going to have' to do something about the problem", Superintendent David Bidwell said. "We don't mind the stu- dents going home for lunch, but we can't go on being responsi- ble for students'during the day when they leave the, school grounds." The Board is going to meet with the Student Council to set up some sort of regula- tions to better control the situa- tion. The Board also approved a calendar for next year which will reflect some changes from the usual school year. The new cal- lender features a Spring holi- day, which Superintendent Bid- well will be around Easter time. The new calender requires teachers to report for work on August 15 and students on Au- gust 27 for the next school year. (Continued On Page 10) Yes Indeed-It Did Some Raining -There's no denying ;the fact we've had a lot of - rain recently. .Since .thefirst of the year, Port 'St. Joe. i.. i..',1 nearly .lif of the p,'r,.- .ition re- *..'. .,il .r~ ear. A third of it.l aioiunt hAls fallen .iiri ti'r: p'-. . Last lyea, -17 .5 i, :.. of rain were recorded in Port St.. Joe.. 'T.: "'; ,,r l,.- ii reords show 41.5 -, fell. .l far, 1O, yai.,, th.. area has had 19.2 inches of rainfall- and 7 '.: ir'h---; of that was ex- p- r ;.'1.,. from W-'in.. 1 of last ..'0.-k through M.,'r-.y' night of this week. '.-. For those of you who think -it. "flooded" Satur- day night-it did! Bill Simmons' rain gauge at-St. Joe Paper Company. showed 3.5 inches fell during the ,;!-ht Saturday. During the big storm Monday ,Ti-bit, only 1.2 inches came down, inim-luding a-fair,. amount of hail. A rainfall of 7.2, inches in ~i.week may not, seem, like too much, but all of that water was given to us in only four days, Last W .l--:h:x.h,' 2.3 inches of' rain was recorded. Thursday, only .2 inch registered. on the rain gauge. Saturday's 3.5 and Monday's 1.2 accounted f~r the remainder. 'Tuesday night's precipitation added .8 of an. inch to the total for the week. nlnl "lvw .... .. I PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Flolda. THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 EDITORIALS ... Prayer and Faith Encouraged POW's 'Almost all of the returning American prisoners of war, are testifying to the power of prayer and faith in the prison camps, according to an American Baptist Navy chaplain stationed at'Subic Bay Na- val Air Station, The Philippines. "The key to their survival and to their *mental and emotional health Was a deep abiding, and growing, relationship with 'God,"' said. Ch.,pl,'.m Alex B. Aronis, an Amenri.,n 'B ptir iwivlve d in the Ainistry 'to retulr.inm POW's S "The story of the reblgiqus experiences of thrbe mtarei ins.-pirsryi beyond w-..rd," ,.says Chaplain Aronis; ".D'jr;r,.g' the -most. difficultlt the heot piiufil, the. -darkest hour .I i..i.id t.h'. r -and enabled them to get through / 'One r rrin^g FOW told "C-f.:l'h Aro.i, WiVth o;i Go.', I would nit have beern able"to survive". . "In other'.,wo:rds," Aronis' rpIiel, S,.'"God' re~-lly helped you.", - .. :. "'ll,," the returnee-said, "not merely helpedd. I mean it whe I.-:ay .I could not ave: made- it without: God p'ilr i' me t' h ough.". '" '- '. : ' The former POW's told Ch0 -i'n Aro- ri;, of worship ';.r.4w .,4 ,,,. scrip- ture studies, which occurred in most of 'I' .,..r ,. .f war camps. The' f-.-. .ril; }- ".-r o f 'f 'the ['r ...",..r- 1. '.-..-' -"In the .f...i.n", "You'll Never 1W'..d- *..n-. _ "Whait A Friend 'We" Have In Jesus" and .-"HT.ly, Holy, Holy". . The 23rd Psalm, l....'lir."rr' "The Trdl is my shepherd, I shall not want," was cited by -.the POW's as their major means of _scriptural support.' "'.- .ri-, should know the 23rd Psalm,'. one *re-. i.iujjr ri ,A,1j Ar-onis. Also memorized .,rjdl b,-d among. the men were the Beati- ".,idn',,*Mans 12 and 1'..r iiii ,13. *'iF;' r i :. r,-tI rj I1 whole sections of i il'10r dr' rL' r.f thf-r1 1 ,' ,. o 'he n .J.v :O i h} f V <'f l:-ii ,',' l .. Their byword, Aronis said, was "God Bless You." The greeting was addressed freely .to one another, even to those who professed to tbe 7" -.- ..:.-: or atheists. "You know," one POW said after his release, "now h_ we are back we'll have to remember F.I U;.-A. 4:13 all over again, and instead of, 'I cari do all things,' it should be, 'We can do all things, through Christ, who strengthens us.' " When the.returning POW's sat .down 'for their first meal at the Subic .Bay Na- val Air 'Station, a Navy dietician noted that she had rae-ir seen, so, many people bow their e"it ,to' sa'( Y .ts, e grace. t "The rel~'ig, '.x ri ~Te was so sig- nificant and so r.,e ; '' f.. .f-ome," C._-' lain Aronis -.. .;- t" that I kr-.", of '.:I-" .-. .." ;' had the xv ,,. :: experience. : *.::,'- what 'r.'e"- learned in term's of life,. --'.'.- and r.r. :.i-L s" One POW went so. far as to tell Aronis that. everyone 'v o,..l "'- .r'.fit from one or two years, in a. POW camp. "However", Aronis pointed out, "He didn't feel it was particularly -beneficial after- the second year." - SThe prison i '-.. m- .. made the -men '" .. t. ].- t cik. that the thankfulness ... I itself i ;.. :r.irt. of courtesy, graciousness and ,.....i. r r. ;" Aronis *--; "I was tickled I. the way one man ,'.t-e of C-.'.':. i. -'.'." 'The'moment my feet touched *l.'.' on North Vir.,rA,,'.e' 1. -.l. God was Lr.-j'T'ir next to me. He was' three buildings tall, the tip of His shoes came to my forehead,.and He said to me, "I'Tm going to be with you and rm going to take care of you.' " stories just- k pt. coming," Aro- nia: wrote, "not because I wag pumping , but because. they just had to be told It was the. kind of spontaneous sharing of. "(r''r] News that is apparent in. the New Testament," -Florida 'Baptist When the County Commission came up with its pl i"'-. to finance p"i b.i, :. of fire trucks for TT;_. ... View, WTi,, City and'the Tupelo Fire Control T'-.,i. t' they began to get a little stattic though, evi ' dently, not from- the 4reas involved. We must be t.,otfif,,ii and admit we had mis- v''i ':--' too. A i all, we rationalize, .people who 'live in these out-lying areas, knew when tl.:- 1.., ,., they :.."i.Li have no fire pro- tection, water works or .'. .- treatment .plants. As a matter of fact, many people move to these areas 'to avoid the taxes which must be collected to pay .for these conveniences and services. It's .- to use this argument to op- pose the County financing fir. trucks- muntil you lgt-I. to analyze the situation. In every area affected,, a fire ,'..,*t "' t..r,: of up to. one half mill per year is levied to pay for fire protection.. Uitil a '.*. years ago this was paid to the City, of Port St. Joe for 'providing the service. 'Now, the funds will be divided between Port St. Joe, Highland View and White City, with the Perspective On Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida Ungraded schools started' in Milwaukee in the 1940's 'and gained favor in the 1950's es- pecially in suburban areas. In rural- districts the setup became :a natural outgrowth of the tra- ditional one-room school. This movement has since picked up momentum. money received by Highland Vie White City going back to the Coun a period of years to pay for th trucks. So, in '. these areas ing I'.. '- '. to fire pro The, Tupelo .-. -' Dist the N,.- h end of ',- County is 7 in the same ;.r. takes 1l... turned to the .. r each '.. to loans with .b.ih to .i', 't fire f i l .tpi ri.' -, .- The only f.1> ,'%' It. bugs us, hope the County Commission will c this is, }r-' -' are no elected office VtI'..- Ci'.- and T,7:1.:.-.I View to sponsible for the care iand mainten the new -.'-i'.kr We don't "t-' will be :.= .:-. t.,. but what we're is, nobody is charged by. law to loo it. The. C -. :,' v.- has a Fire Distric missioner and presumably he will b ged with seeing that equipment perly cared for as well as his pasi 'of "serving as liaison between the and those living in the Fire Conts tricts. The non-graded system has many variations. In a great num- ber of schools it is used only at the, primary level. Grades 1, 2 and 3 are lumped; the ladder starts in the fourth year; Others have reorganized en- tirely, but keep the children in self-contained classrooms. Thus Dear Wesley, The :r'. .: of the people in this world are honest, law abid- ing pepole, and I have always 'I .-~. this, but from some of. the ''., :. we read in the news- paper, see and hear on televi- Meeting to Discuss Beach Sand Transfer A public :,-. '-, sr to discuss' pro- posed field tests' of an experimen- tal sand transfer system at Mexico Beach, will be held Monday, April 9 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mexico Beach Town Hall. The sand transfer sys- tem has been ', I'T.:'.i by ,the U. ..: of, r'n.:-:.. Wa-> terways n. .: -:, Vicks- burg, Miss The proposed testing would begin on or about June 15 and continue 1.., :. 12 months. Any interested :;.-:' !, are in- vited to '- *"- ',: c.z,'7 interested per- sons unable to attend should con- tact Johnny Ingram, Area Engin- eer, Corps of Engineers, Panama. City, Florida, for proceedings of the meeting. Beach Chamber Kicks Off 'Second lingDing The Mexico Beach Chamber of Commerce kicked off their second annual Ling Ding Fiesta Sunday, April 1 with a big fish fry. The fishing 'tournament will run through May 25 with 'Fiesta Day" scheduled for May 26. Ovek 260 people enjoyed a deli- cious fried fish dinner. Tom Hud- son, chairmnah of the tournament ind Doe Holiday, caught all of the fish and cooked the, dinner. some of .the classes cross age lines. Appleton features four- page folders 'called skill cards *lh+ qr, t *,e nf 4ith n^hil ; e:r.., pr,-reh. The cards are h.-,rd -r f. Am teacher to tea-, cher. The progress ,incidentally, is good. Under the non-graded system the young Appletonians are doing better work than their older brothers and sisters who had attended graded schools there. Whether this is because the youngsters were motivated ew and by being,"part of an experiment" Ity over remains to be seen. eir fire' In a few cases, the non-graded are tax- schools are also trying out team tetion teaching, The two ideas fit to- tection. gether' well because both give trict in -much attention to'-ability group- working ng, Carson ', in :," is r' rb- trying this .s.AA:. .'i.-:. experi- pay for ment. The elementary school fighting -'' has no individual class- ighting rooms. Instead, there are clus- ters of open space, each about and we the size of four. conventional considerr classrooms. The team teachers cials in often ..'- .:. A : ... :.. -1 be re- program. Continuous evaluation, is being carried on to decide how ance of f ; -.r will be grouped, what L:,. it the team-teaching assignments saying, are; and what the ::.' ''. will k after be. at Corn Along with promotions and re. e char- ".. conventional report e chr- cards, have ben discarded by is pro- most :,:. .' :using' the non- t duties graded In. Instead, written des- county criptions.'of each pupil's progress rol Dis- are sent home 'or parent-teacher conferences are held from time to time, .Thist4has been true in some of the primary grades in a few elementary schools in Gulf County. a class of at: mighn nave i' aver- '---'.V -: ..:*Ii : ten 'bright seven-year-olds; and' the. 7e :. slow: rscve..zr4*'-i Tn 'such cases, .*.:--. a h.'.'.E r.t is of- ten. the keystone for grouping. A few schools' have carried the idea through to its logical -ex- treme. Grouping is done in every skill subject. A child who is ad- vanced in reading but poor in arithmetic may find himself sit- ting with older children in the one case and younger children .in the other. This system, 'of course, is the twin brothers of the departmentalized program- a phrase that is anathema to many elementary school leaders because they fear the disintegra- tion of both the topics and the tots. Appleton, Wisconsin, is lean- ing toward the mixed groups des- cribed above. All the elemen- tary schools in that city of 50,- 000 people are non-graded and sion and radio, sometimes our faith begins to waver. -This week, however, -my faith was renewed in the honesty of ,most people. When in Panama City, after taking my billfold out of my pocket to get a tele- phone number, I inadvertently left it (:. r.: on the shelf in a public :-'...."' booth. An unidentified '-"-::,:. upon it, gave it to a waitress in a :-1 restaurant, and *- 'i.: ut .: : ,r- -: his iden- tity, asked her to find the owner, which she did. .'. Thank you again, Eva Padgett, of 1119 Frankford Ave., Panama City, 'and a -; '- I. thanks to, the unknown 'r '.. who was so- honest. Robert 818 Marvin Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember A little :. ..' asked her father, who was an artist: "Draw me a picture of love, 'Daddy." "All right",' ..... the fa- ther, ."if you will draw me 'a picture of the .wind." The child took the pencil. and began drawing curving lines. She :.:--1.. "I can't. Daddy- I.;' can onr,' ." t'.e wind." ''That is '.--. -r..-, with.love," remarked the father. We wonder what kind of world this would be if A '-. had ,o be in black and. white, and '"f.._,'c' were not included. We can only imagine-but it certainly would -be lacking -some- thing. When anyone reaches a point 'that ''. have no f .lL;2: for ,others, -"- must be the most niiserable human living., OUR 7""-." .. ,V' TO REMEM- BER: "Our greatest contributions 'come from our hearts." RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK K IL P A T.R IC CK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 ~ I I .. -THE STAR- Publihed Every Thurady at 306 WIlliami Avenue. Port St. Joe, FierhW By The Star Publjlhing Company WESLE R. BAMSEY Edftor and Publisher 4lke LInotype Operator, Ad Salesman, PIte4antiw Oinslit e k, Pat Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint ueartmnt PosTrorMCE Box 808 PHPN 227-3161 PoRT ST. JOE, FLORw A 8246 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, t4.00 SIX NOS. $223 THREE MOS., 127M OUT OF COUNTY One Year. 5$.00 BUT OF U. 8. One Yedr, 41JM. TO AoVERTISERS-Iu cae of error 0 oauim on s i.n adereeta, theo Ipau s de not hold themeelve liable for damage further lanm monat reeived for eodi idvrtleement. The spoken wwd I sgienasct attnattou thl p* nted word t %U&e. Tim eoken word barely astt; the printed wnoM. Me spoken word Is loet the pratet wdod r taL' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY March has taken its blustery winds and skeedadled vigorous, rousing from a winter's sleep and start blowing' until the same time next year, when.it will be back, strong, and I.v,. -. "- off old Mother Earth again, gtticg ready for the ,. season to pop through. The usual cool .-. T' that almost without fail jumps on the S.... on V. :.-- week end, then it's a w.,,rikit trend from then on tbi. h September. For those who like warm ,': .',.sr. that's fine. For those who like a little nip in their temperature, itfs bad. One thin,- about the four seasons,ti -'-- is something for everyone. For those of u's with bad bones, the ., .,., of cold 4- S'.'- ,r and, i: -..rn;: barometers is a blessing. The cold and the '-:- weather makes life almost unbearable for those bad bones. S'*.,.T,' h i. come and gone. Are you r., dy% now . for the i h., .ers? Or, have you vr..,.Iv had enough in MJr.* * I'm 4. in Jane Fonda and her new husband. Tom H .* They .*3...-r '" so. long and Lr..1 J trying to -.*.. the I''\\" i released. They even went to North Vietnam to C.'. I. with their political lr-.s" r.. to let their '1, .-. go (or so ~.'-v. said). Now that the POW's are re- 1. .. T. Y.', .v: blurts out that th.", are all liars and hy- -..,. -., f. making the statements they have made dur- ing ,'. .. ... ,.. I 7, 1 .g0,.. 1j i 'i i.. at the hands of the Viet Cong and .:. Vi. i' 1'.. I ..i- ; says, '"i. were .iT' best- ,i'- .i prisoners ':- ... .. i '..,"" W hat .IT:- I,'' .-1 old '.. rirt-ov-up was I 1 \W'". <1 ,.* i;,- :- ff did more .1 r. ,..-. than -** did 1 I- .t i goes on to 'i,'.--.- t'.- IoI .4 by saying "They are '- :.' "r,. because 'i"A, 'are i,'*: to pose as heroes '.-. ', killed ,". more r1. ..l- than they *ri. care to .. n'' Trr p the 'T 'WV' .i .i! ,.. killed many people. The. last time I looked, that was the game of war. There was .,r ... ,-.'.. il;,i:' in this war, as Tommy says, but many contend-as do ',I*. .. IP t,.* ,,, of war-that it was his activities fl i*'.' '1,. the war; r-',r".ir,;' more deaths and not 1' of the POW's and those Americanis * who ,i ,'.. get *,. 'i i.l1 . Since Tom 1 i-. was never a prisoner of war nor n, ', 1,., 1 in a POW' r 'p ,.. does heI to second guess t'.- were and :.- -. *.. .,.1 to L '4, -- his claims. To me, the I.r-. (t ir*- ,. of TT ..1. r, and his ilk just, '.* my belief -, never knew what they were f T about. W&ve been so tied up here at The Star for the past month with our building and renovating program,, we just haven't b I,! .,i. time to get out and see what is going' on about us. Last Friday, though, I had occasion to ride out to the Beach for the first time in a ~' ii.., It was 'surprising to me, the amount ofTo.-1.Ur,., and). .n,', go- ing on in thl area. --~ 'i 'e ,'" had been built since I 'was, last out there. This of !-. r 'ii.. was named "The Last Frontier" a few years back and it now looks as if we have been dis- covered. T' r .. for those people out there, if they are now getting the growth they want. It saddens, me, though, to see more and more houses being built on the narrow strip of land between Highway 98 and the Gulf of Mex- ico. If we wait much longer before we get concerned over this practice, it will be too late to be concerned. You may regulate the building now, but you will have one heck of a time removing it once it's there. I I One Problem Henry Block as 17 reasons why you shuldm come to us for income tax help. Reason li. Our average fe fr over seven and a half million abfot 12 dokare k Oumms LOCle" STHE INCOME TAI( PEOPLE Only 10 Days Left to File Taxes 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ~3 --- ' -a - ,, THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 rAGE TBBER Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Kemp Taken by Death at Home After Long Illness Mrs. Mary Elizabeth "Granny", and Alva Kemp, all of Wewahitch- Kemp, 85, long time resident of ka; 33 grandchildren and 35 great- Wewahitchka, died at her home grandchildren; four brothers, Iob- Saturday morning following a ert Baxley of Doctors Inlet, Obie lengthy illness. Baxley of Orange Park, Lanzey Funeral services were held Mon- Baxley of Doctors Inlet nad Brant- day afternoon from Glad Tidings ley Burton of Eatman, Ga.; three Assembly of God Church of We- sisters, Mrs. Irene Beaver of Mid- wahitchka, with the Rev. Claude dleburg, Mrs. Ethel Hatcher of E. McGill officiating. Burial was Doctors Inlet and Mrs. Lillie Bur- in the family plot of kemp Ceme tton of Eastman, Ga. try- Comforter Funeral 'Home was in Mrs. Kemp's grandsons served as charge of arrangements. active pallbearers. .They are 'lon- - nie Tharpe, Mays Brown, Charles Estridge, Franklin Kemp, Juior Mrs. Annie Plant Bozeman and, Larry Kemp. Honorary pallbearers were B. E. T a b at Parker, Sammy Patrick, Harland I n b D a Pridgeon, Dewey Lightfoot, Joe Poole, J. L' McQuaig, Sam Britt, Funeral services for Mrs. Annie George Y. Core and Sam Husband. W. Plant, 74, of Marianna, were _Mrs.;Kemp is survived by five) held Sunday at 3:00 p.m. from the daughters, Mrs. Myrtle Brown of New- Bethlehem AME Church of Callaway, r Mrs. Mary Tharpe of Marianna, with services conducted Port St. Joe and Mrs. Minnie Blan- by Rev. J. C. Nichols. Burial fol- .kenship, Mrs., Daisy Bozeman and lowed in thie family plot of the Mrs, Willie Estridge, all of Wewa-1 church cemeteryp.l' o . hitchka; three sons, Allen, Archie Mr.sPlant died Thursday, while visiting her daughter, Mrs. Eva M. Gant' of Pbrt'St. Joe. 'Lasi ir She was'a 'native of Jackson County and a former -resident of David Gardner Tampa SSurvivors include .Mrs. Gant; one brother, C. 'C. White of Mar- Funeral services were held Sun- ianna; one' sister, Mrs. Cassie day for David Gardner, 62, 117 N. iBlackshire of Cdttondale; seven 'Park: Avenue, who died Monday of nieces and five nephews. last week in a Panama City hos Comforter Funeral Home was in pital following a brief illness. Ser- charge of local arrangements. vices were held fiom the Zion Fair _ Baptist Church with. Rev. C. T. ' Price, officiating. Mr. Gardner was a. former em- Infant Willian King ployee- of St. Joe Paper Company, a i A member of the Masonic .rs. 'Passed Away Sunday Eastern Star and a member' of the Christian Benevolent "'..'.. i. t.,, Funeral services for William of'Zion Fair l .ki-,h:._1(t.sr.-h.' Gregory King, Jr., weie bl.-il Interment was in the fiLr' I] plot Monday from the' graveside of of Forest Hill Cemetery. Forest Hill- k -,.,.tv. He was; Survivors include his wife, Mrs. born Friday, April 30 and pas- Ethel Gardner of Port St. Joe; one sed away early, Sunday morning. daughter, Mrs. Thelma- Lewis ,of Survivors 'n-,.'' his parents, Port St. Joe; four sons, 'i.:.-- ,r, Mr. and Mrs. William r: .-. ner, of ,- 1',. -, Tex., David Gard- King, Sr., ot Port St. Joe; his ner,' JR., Miami, 'John Gardner of maternal grandparents, Mr. and Pensacola, Tommy Gardner of Port lih Eugene Parker and pater- St. Joe; 13 grandchildren, and one nal .1-ro, ,ri.t Mr. and Mrs., great -30. .1"i.i1, one biotherI'an Cheste s ,. and maternal great. Daniels and Mrs. Cora Collris, ,r.'b .. .,r.h. Mre and Mrs. Wil- of 'Summerdale, Ala. lie King. Comforter Funeral'Home was in k;i,.,ifr,-,4 Funeral Home was charge of arrangements. ii Jn of arrangements. .,.U.i r..o r~ee~& Later PRICES GOOD THROUGH APRIL 21st Super Saving Easter Girl's Easter Men's Easter DRESS SALE DRESSES SUITS $1 599 t$1 0 OFF by Warren jf-li $1,.99 to .AA O Hubbard and Monarch $24.99 .o00 OFF Our Prices Start S$25"99oo $.0 at -a low $35.00 $w OFF - Choose from our entire stock of new Easter styles in douoff on $4.99 up I ble knit e4*+r :' i Sizes 2 to 14. Choose from 100%' 100% 1 r uble knit :- ,.- 'fin Kim polyester double knit or polyes- it w .. i.t,'el" and deep A ge Vie \','y -7 ., Tres Pe- ter blends in colorful feminine center -: :- to 50 in tite 'i- ... w Pat Per-' 'tN.l. By Peaches .'N Cream, / reguh. .. Free al- kin, iS. Tr'1, L;:i: Lura, Arlene Airess, Mary Jane and r. ',i and free matching '../i Young and many more. others. Wembley tie. LADIES EASTER DRESS SHOES eo. $9.99-, . to $15.99 ..... $1.00 FF Reg. $17.9 e and up ----------------- R A MPO Choose from new dress ,"., s.ada'; or shoes. Styles by Joyce; F-' :n.Ljly, Keds, , Condados and Delmar'Debs. Sizes 5 to 11, AA, A,B' and C width. - .- - WOMEN'S EASTER PURSES $1.00 off On Regular $5.99 or More See the new T'-,.',I'. and Soft Straws in r .rn4' and summer :.t;.',.. New leather- like '/. '*.*?Ms-' :.A1-> to rk.'Oi our spring and summer shoes. Leather and .,'.". straws for the young at heart. GIL' EASTER SHOES i $I f ^oln o s899 m t 11andp Up Smart'.and ... p~r+intq in sizes 8% to 12 1. -.. : 1., w .. '. .. ih b V . give' you a fir every. .- Pp ., * from Active i Parott or '.F Master shoes. Baby : .. '. f, styles. II Palazzo Pants $3 to $6 You save 99c or more on each pair S.: -.: 5 to 18. Machine washable and dry- able. Needs no ironing. Solid ai,,.l Iattrrc. Low-rise, new belted styles .-.' -:.' Bells. Cuffed- and uncuffed models. SP SPECIAL VALUE PURCHASE . KNIT SHELLS Reg. $4.60 F-O0 Now Only FOR I l I : -.: and with sleeves in assorted new stripes and .I: .- Sizes S-M-L. L% Popular PANT DRESSES _- $5.00 : S Reg. $6.00. You'll get a lot of wear out | of these. Solids and prints in smooth Sbroadcloth or seersucker. Big zip front ... matching trim. Reg. and a one-half sizes. MEN'S SOCKS Beg. $1.50 --Pair-NOW 1 i.UU Super savings on famous Colons Hose and Jeffries. Includes or- lon crew in solid and new pat- terns in orlon and argyles in 100% stretch nylon. Sizes 10 to 13. MEN'S SPRING HATS Reg. and long ovals of the .... genuine Abaco Milan ,!ji ''. straws by Wright. Sizes, ,' ."; to 7Y. Regular $6.00 Now ,Only ....- $5.00 -BOY'S Dress Shirts 2 for $5.00 i .. 8-10 in new print styles. Famous Now Breed by Campus. Never iron contour shirt with the fai- lored look. 65% polyester' and .. cotton. MEN'S SHOES Blucher style in lace-up or loafers or style lead- ers for the young man in two tone lace oxfords with new "+ ,,-. toe and high heel. Something for everybody. Sizes 6% to 13 in D and E width. ".*..-... leather uppers. Reg. $13.00 A Pair NOW $12 BOYS EASTER SLACKS Flares and Baggies in dress styles. 100% polyester double knit by Campus, Levi, Wright, Lad-N-Dad. Sizes 8-18 in reg. and slim. Solids and new patterns. Reg. price at $7.99. Your Choice w1.wm OFF Our Regular Low Prices FLARE JEANS and BAGGIES For Men and Young Men 10o OFF Flares by Levi, Wright and Wrangler, boot-cut by Lee. In- eludes blue denim and popular velour, cut corduroys and brushed corduroys. in Baggies. Sizes 25 waist ot 42 in short, reg., and long length. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ HII 227^^- ---- ---- -4261 222'REID AVE. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. DA . FREE! FREE! SWin the ri,f. Ir.aIh. EASTER RABBIT Gigantic toy-filled EIer Bunny 8 -feet tall filled -wuth quality . toys-too many 4o count. It's Easy To Win! Get your Free Entry Blank at B 0 Y L E S To Be Given Away April 21st COM- Cylinder Head And Brake' Reclamation Service Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat Installation Cleaning Inspection SDisassembly 0 Testing 0 Head Crack Testing Head Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS YkAV4 1d.._ '* W A., LADIES PANTIES Pinhurst lace trim ny- lon in sizes 4 to 10. $1.00 pr. Save 15c to 25c pr. Assorted pastels, white, black and red. i I ~1 s -- 1 -~ THE STCAR, Fort St. oo, Flod& PHONE 227-4261 -PAGE FOUR ,(HE STAR, Port Joe, Floid THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 .Be Se Vows Said March 24 Bond Sales Climb In. Gulf County / Fedbrary sale of Series IE and Dr. Tom Gibson Reveals Fo Things Money Cannot Buy for Rotary Club The firstt Methodist Church of 'PortiSt Joe was the setting Sat- urday, March' 24, for the wed- 'ding of Mairy Ann"Belin and Jo- seph Terrell Salter). She is the daughter of Mr. and-Mrs. Leon- a r* Belip of Port St. Joe, He is the son ofi B. SP. aer of Ever- green, Alabama -and the late Mrs. Gwendolyn Powell Salter .of MqnroevJlle, Alabamaf. The Rev. illard Spikes per- formed the. 11 c'ckdck A M. cere- mony. The church was decorated with large arrangements of-mix-. ,. 'ed. spring flowers against a bvrk.- ground if 0'ot rt sn'dl.ight. U-_ ;. .( ___ Prices Start, at Miss Gall Pearson of brewtoni, Alabama, organism, played the Traditional weddig music-. She also accompanied Mrs. -'James Tankeraley, soloist. " Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the l.ride .ware a finm'al go.wn of whlt' chiff'n'n c'ver pe.iu de sole. The chiffon bad'..:-. and *yoke, scalloped, in hand embrol- de:ed aesc.. I:-ce, featured a we.ling ring neM.i' sn..- trim in t hi,. a ,oft Aiinf: skirt wlh a the lL t ^'r st ed :t cir. - ~ ` - jw for Easter and you can sew for less with fabrics and 6niqrn*om the SEWING CENTER! 1OO~ Poyester, pu nl S, S'qi L.1.r1:?. [:60". .l. eree pii tad, 19 YarA 1 i' F, l.,ih Finest Quality 4'," wide. (Z5" d.,n 35% -cotton seersucker 45" dotted swiss,'.l 65'- daicr rn. 35% cotton. ... .45" 65% ddacron, 35Y cotton floral prints. : O, .', Make Your Own Smock Tops, Jeans and Jackets ALorliw ai. .t Colors :a3 Fabi,:. to choo,,-"-m ..... ," ,.'^. 01 O0FF ON ALL REMNANTS Special Group of BUTTONS ---- -----1/2 off SEWING NOTIONS and AIDES -- SIMPLICITY PATTERNS HIDDEN and NON-HIDDEN ZIPPERS -- WARM and FRIENDLY SERVICE THE SEWING CENTER PHONE 229-6895' 229 REID AVENUE < brid's cake' was served by Mrs. 9 United States Savings Bdhds in Dr. Tom Gibson adopted the role Bob McKnight of Melbourne, F10M were $16.3 million-up of the "kindly old philosopher" cousin of the'.bride.. The choco- $4.2 5'I.,- over February 1972. last Thursday, in presenting the late groom's eake;,was served by The fe ;cMel e -' of" its tr:sram to his fellow Rotarians. Miss Melanie McKnight, also a ,1973 in sl m .Gibson started his dissertation- cousin of the b !idet-, b : '.5 million--Up 'by listing some of the responsibili- A silver antique baset with r t Me re. l ties and pleasures of being a grand- a mixed, ".-'- :.. i : father. "There is. no generation ed the p .' :. :ff:.' .. gap between ,' ,'.,r nts and table: The punch was served by Gulf County S r'O PEnds sales grandchildren", he -.stated. "Ap- Miss Linda Lewis 'd :'f 'by in Ty'.ur-- .vr $, ino;iiirdi preaching senility and adftetscencee .Mss Gail Pearson 75 Mrs. Joe o J. Ted. Cannon, -V. N'-P-.r Coun- have much in common". *hanson w r -a .rI-v 1I 'i n LU S I e' SAA fi: i -a TLong lace sleeves, also embroi- dered, c mine i.) a. point over, he~r Hands and were closed with tiny COsVr~ed butt- ru: ;-S the back a f t~egown. Her r c'i~ 1ffen Pe'~w length vI] 9 SIh-0.1'!. a .7r* ris oiraes of !v .'xe:* r. uJ-t0 v .'- ---nwh T ~~'-C';I 'spe f-C r lk' .' rei o4Kfh f!ONJ [ from.i x, ryj er. 4xmp h;P' hers w~ th sett~r o ther lnio ta'i~'dwitha Lffet L ;.Auh Th T-Irg-, B'iqi~Aa lresm the recept onoarea TEvrrvl'sr. AU, a: rvrm hern a S.m e ttj 6 1; centhered wpith rwiu- the brieNs paefonts en.ther Susan Sorrell' of. Alexander City, .i'-' tId'. r rrnat of the bride, kept, the t1I,'- .^w ,, ... ; .. . 're:.o assisting were Mrs. T. S. ~'W'awy. B~rs-..Lee- Shealey, ,Mrs e WCLI:n,;r- 1CI:3 Mrs. W. ,Rie ', -- r'" ':': Anclda H-- :r~.:-Lesley ilder ..and Jennifer 'I.?' - T ,L-i "'.: i .;' r,. "'he was hel' a'' '' .E: '-L C-oun- try. C: aH'. :-,: "-' Mrs. -'.'.:r. Anchors, Mrs'.Tom Par- ker, Jr Mr" s W. Simmons and, Mrs. Hubert ?-. S 'The i ::'- .Irn.r enter- taminig the E-In-t sr. wedding i prT r was held in the. Hime of i.m. and Mrs. T. S Coldewey. As- '1 ":: were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liston Chason and Mr. and Mrs:; George Core. Guests were mem- bers of thc. -.''is party and' ,*' of town guest. : Brother-In4-aw of tocal Men Dies Wesley R',a;ey and.Ed Ramsey were called to Tulsa, Oklalhoin. T :b;;' 'by the death of fL'eir tr',- ther-in lawv, W. B:',. Bill" R ese. Reese 'died T'esdayr morning in a, Tulsa hospital. He had suffered a s tros.ke Ist month P.oe o i s we.l knw,7,n in Port St. Je He had] spent part of the winter here for th-. past several years. I Funeral services 'will be held to day from the First M bhod,'ist; Cbhirch of Tulsa.' Cpl. Cleve Beachum Completes;Course Sportsmen Meeting S.C -ln, Ind Wow... SCAMPL J .. ."4r piurMiay in, U aWM Lanice Corporal C;ev,:Iand Be' chum, Jr sr)r of Mrs. F.,1 Ia Bea- The" Gulf County Sportsman's chum of 188 Avnur- F Port St. (Cli vwi have its next meeting Joe, hs completed the -Miarine tudxr.'y Ap, l 7 at 6:00 p.m., CST SCorps Phy'.cl Ptn T:t at the at tbE Gulf Coast Electric Co-op Marine CA. : La:.e here. building in Wewahitchka. There SThe test consists of pull-ups, sit- are a number of items of interest ups 'and a three mile run in 28 to be discussed including, turkey SA 1967 ,rcduJ.t -. of -.-.hl '. r' will 'be served. Each High .Schoidr Pr.'Prt St.o Joe, he member is urged to bring a new joined the Maie Corps in. June .* .' member. Door prizes '1969. ,wi'lbe given. - Mis -'-' lived' most of her. = ~i', .'~ in P'rt-St. -Joe. In- 1969, she-- ;r .."-' ffrom-, Mir.' ,.,' of1 W'the O,, ., ": Girls' Preparatory in South Orange, New'Jersey, as. St- dent of"the Year' and' won many award:' -, ', : b,:. T-r,.'isuici as: Schol- astic "-,.-'.'rnr', Award, Corona- tion Queen and .A' ..f' the Year award;' Mr. and Mrs. Peters, Sr., are very proud of'. their' "r ]irc. -l r-. Darylynn's sister;, l'y )'d...i- i - presently a junior at Spemnan Col- lege in-Atlanta,, Georgia; majoring in ':ln:i.'.::'' and Education. This -year 'Fay Alexis. was honored as 'Queen o the Alpha PMhi Alpha Fra- ternity. at Morehouse College's honiecoming, her father's alma mater,' in Atlanta...Georgia., : As sort of a thought to remem- ber, Dr. Gibson told the fable of a rich man wanting to learn of at least four things money cannot buy, As a matter of fact, he of- fered $1,000 for each suggestion of something money can't buy,. His friends presented him a list a week later, 's'ft!i;' "'A baby'l i_'be*". .''**h,'-* tb'ri it has gone", "The love of a good woman" and' "Entrance into Heaveni" ,as four. 'ti money can't. fw. Thr- *'-b man paid' o .... ... A guest of the c'fr was Hugh White of Prt St. TJoe. Anniversary Meets Monday - TIe o,' .ir' i, .i' I f the'. Guilf' ,~"v' r 50th Anniversary- Celebratfon P1i j -,ipj Comimit- . ti,, wffl be" held' Monday, April'' 9, .-. 708 p.m. in rij Directbrst' meeting room of' the Floridia First' National Bank at' Port St. Joe. Tiiir will be the regular' ,,-.l. place of the committee' /v r,.:' "will"meet regular1ir on'the' second Moniday of each month'. The- agenda for Mbnday'as t. -'"' has been set as follows: Election of permanent offt-- cers ;1l",ir:-._, vice-chairman;.. - secretary, treasurer, finance. of ficer- and" publicity chairman, ' 0* Determination- of a'. Hoard.- of Directors: Appointment of member.- ship committee. Selection 'of.name for the- celebration. Discussion of- projects where state or federal fufiding will be needed. New : ideas for possible events., All organizations in Gulf County and Mexico-Beach are in- vited and, urged to be present. Interested individuals are invit- ed to represent the general pub- lie. Apologies are offered to any organization .that has not receiv- ed 'an invitation. You are invited. S E . WILMER THURS A Y / For Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,Inc. 93.0'-HarrisOn' Alve. Panaama, City-,. Mldrki OffiMec Phone 763-6575 SRes.. Phone 763-9624 Sears Now at Sears *,O LIMIT: 1 Per Person-2 Per * Additionad Subjects $3.95 * Groups $1.57 Per Person * No Appointment Necessary S0 Full Selection of Pose No Age Limit 410 Reid Avenue Famil~ /, I' 's 59c Plus 50c Film Charge 8X10 inch Living Color Photographic PORTRAIT ~, 7' Sears 1 April 6 and 7 Photo Hours 9:30-1; 2-5:30 Port St. Joe, Florida I r I i I I a I Dbrylynn. Patricia Peters in'v -.'] 13% 4.t#w.l173. rr'e", he tatd "and w 9we' Granddaughter of Damon Peters' Graduating from Smm s College Mr. and Mrs. 'e.ma P..Peters, r i"f h :r ar L-'ty .'to announce -the '*i was Seretary,of Irf'r . r,:':, aI,. l ... of their grin-.. T.T? *', =. ",-43 Miss Peters, also -.n [,*- 'yr na Patricia Peters, ; "I'ed -r-tfie and. summers '* rt- ';.f Mir .aBd 'h:- D:'o'n : i. i'..'ru at the Roxbury'5DO- F' P-i:.: 'r f:.rerly".' fP.:it .'. f-r.d3e: : '. -'ite a-legal aid of- Darylynnw -l.l : a.F:e vb '.i'-e P ,'.-- .'where' Oii .. of Arts_ degree fr:'. ': .. '" .' :d-'.in. ..-e le- .':.... ,';..,: in E :'. I; :... -: As' an intern 11er'- on May 20. Darylynn major. i- f .r'r':, r'.drated a radio/ ,r',- F :' .'., Sciepep, i' S .mmcnVi C,'.1- i:'. "';i i- I.., ideas once a .:( :an..all wom ens' .: .:! ; .'_ ,,' if-rE I n - S ''". i: t _. M i ._ P'c'-; ". *-,; ":.r. ".. ,, -,r .. ,. .! L .: : -'..- acte e in many rs~n, ''.r 1 M s r ''; .- as: Presdient's Council of ... ., 'r-' f.'., f.'w She has-ap :r..' ....r '..' A r',.. tb 'several law schools and ''l Science Club 'and thb '. ...' 'r .' ." '* to-hear from them. OVO j. = TlB TAR ..Port St. J%. Florida THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 rAUi lbTh Former t MarineTransmitter Being Bowling Men's Softball League Starting A Taken by Dea New Season with Tournament Grtveside services were held IIed for Gulf o ters News March28 for Dr. William A. Lewis 1 .S o 1u The six teams of the Port St. Joe The six teams competing in the who died Monday, March 26.at the men'S softball league will. begin league this year are as follows: Tallahassee MemorialHospital af their season this year with a tour- Apalachicola Northern Railroad, ter a short illness. The United Sttes ewi armea t in eather n nation accord. 28,e b oa mereal and pleasure LADIES COFFEE LEAGUE nament to be held Saturday, April Player Super Market, Florida First S...... of Commerce wll install a high ing to..n aniuncement.this week boats in the Panhandle area, many 0E7 at the softball stadium. Tourna National Bank,-North Port St. Joe, Dr Lewis was w a native of Bris powered r&dio transmitter at Pan- b .Cogressmn Bob Sikes. of whom.are c ~ -unawares B and D Development and Mar meant play will begin at 9:00 a.m. White City and St..Joe Telephone tol. He had served as 'a dentist' at ama City this summer to provide "Thii will be-the first 1,000, watt when d ;.. r suddenly erupts great's Beauty Salon split two and r ." ia through the day and. Telegraph land Traliing Cefiter at Mar boaters with ip-to-theb-m1ute ma VI marmetansmitertobe i e u. games 'each i bowling action thisTrophies will be awarded the Benton Hamm, league president, lanna for.the ,past. several years .r. on ':t. Gulf Coast,"' Sikes "Thi ,<. wf l.be *a ar pst wek. Edwna was high for championship e and the player invite one to come out Satp Tahg opra ste .w or c'ampionshptemand the payer invites everyone to come out Sat- and was apast dental director of said, "And it should be in opera- step. .r B&D with abig ame of 138 and with the .-. individual bat- urday and spend the day at the -n"j. by ^bv y eal'y' -. .ith :- .h entire Gulf ,- a 343 series. Mary was the best for. g average To.. ,...-*,-,1^.. a' btter sofba11 turnament- e ounces. was a ,ontiet i' Port .t Joe dr- .IH.IIUD IUI'HIIiH V hI ts been pressing -- ,' '. r xt step .1.- th a 131 game and must have at least five times at son stand will be"ei~i '?rvvng ing the late Wes. Dr. Lewis was a. 'the D' r t of'Coit.erce for now isto the coverage 344 series. t hot and cold drinks. Presbyteran Church of Orange. Mr. and Mr. W. C. Miles, was kill- wer information broadcast -- with .a 157 game and 44 series . e Tuesday, 1M.- t n Iacurn. weat rer In ofota 'on br..o-adcast -..* w :the big ball fe-* a 44 s i s He is survive y his wife He r Lc.lr.' rf A.-. of. *,: aon d..- ,- -, i 1k : 45 ghame anhd 7 series. ,nora johnson. Lewis; two son., the T"i .r i.quer ..ore wre vi O,,U ,, .C. f1S Brzay andu Kim; o daughters, .t of a D eluti'o .' e r~urder. I ;1 ..7 ,e* 3, :" ,Heny's p'lit with AN ,Fran and Alice Ain of BristolS robbery. .eo o s t udiets ade tooonevyt he e h. ' five w .ster ', Ruth f ir.dk Wair o f '. .. '.. .a. ."t f r I. f o -u'rr:. had a 'r.3P c.' e ofT Jacksnvile' Catherine Cstang Miles, just dut ofa the Any, waM t Cyi rMs *' the next a18 ansd8 Faye a 463 series for Ralph o Bristol, Alice Bowle of MraDnnaI, 'rrthd iat Maron .Jlnior ..llae. *tittr .il- leiV' agpi Florida's .7 school dis- an Henry. Dale was tops for AN Erminde Parramore of riami and and"orlked'at the i,.i :,'.I,'to. t, t l: t '.,v -age of t, 6 rea. sa.. r."-. "' :.--. f $56.5 mil- with a high..game of 197' and a 469 - PEleanor B uldn of Chattabongchee PMl-ad VJt .Witb .CMi's'- wa' keil. we aerinftmat bf Ct'ricamce aff 4'ler fet, s..; foundation '" :s. '4 :.e: ._._ Cd_.Ma_.r- Bt: .Lty., week_ _Wea Bank with Ruby having ZFFbSET PRlINTING I.'.e and Fr' i M .'.r i :t IL ver; -ar!]jll "at ie he e' Dickinson the mone is a I12 game and 480 series. Elsie CARD OF THANKS of .Macdi; hs r. :r Mr mo. '.... -. e. fo, rolled a, big 14 game and 427 ser- v E' .'ou F Tik A NK e ,n adrrd a'ae as isoro. ..... i.*. s o is fr Wew a Ban */ OUR SPECIALITY '-'tha to m fel and eh. T e i..r, another current Let's meet another Mar . bas nforthr n, fri odnh St Ter, andt. ,. f 'an,. i..,"" n --r I *.- -: Beauty ::: "eEBlen The. newest anda. moFt' sa!tisfactory memo 1w,. f- 5r t .'i 'i op,: l r ; : pal:,-!!f "ig t' wo' -gamesrBur ch . entire hop ita z inf for othe r 0.,r th irsti in i M .,, :ew ei. ew s :- student .- in . J d:-n, v IE'J. E M,'Tc hn t. finr ".d.. s. si e ain F ye daily grades o o adHe 7r .. R . ----ri i .-'As --i _-..- --...I-, -: t .... ..-c o.. ,. f- r ;." K-e'ean .D lew a Dopsk'or o-n Its eo r on5cal and fa ,. th.irA'= g<, Vi Dr. Jo e Hea- ix, Dr. I Ai' k 'I' +t tli i" : ri+- : .. .. funds 1Sta s w We gu$ar2nt.e, al "" ,'," .e ie do to your ,. ored ?'t' S. a r i'7 'sa3' rAJ. Gulf .Hto rif'' 'EA $127 it, g amef_ j' 4 61 -indi ? ie.ron f ?prt.hed .819.0( f $f March B.5' "- -ank :- 69P *.:h f,:.. ., he. month by year. i.n.' *i March, the B & D "O .2 2 '4 80 27-3161 .,rr 1'j.Ho r '.5:pl: : thro ughout s i $112,242.00. M argaret' s Iaon 20 84 . OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT" r a o a-r .'7 '12- F -n-aton WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK timely adnd sd wH seTA, |i l sons, national holidays and both mAL M' . oeJe-'ri4 and Christian religious oh- There is no service charge if your AVERAGE '*'The distribtittrs of "Thoughts"' S moJhly ba:n. :p, :d $100.00, and tl.i onliy ,a i.. be P .'.It.lo'. t.ta e f h Areri- 'O C k I. -- I.",frit'r"ta ated in W 'hiIg- : ; $1 50 'hSr ; f'3 r a count' wirth 'i, average rf.Qnthly t'n t..C. -n DS SA" RT balan e les han '.4-,. t ?S II 1 L Ir C:i- !' k .am and 43 o-r CADFHANKS of-Macd s' ,r''% H-''M of Ar.1erica By computing our charge on an average mnunth-,o"a '- ai fo b.: :rl era Slyba isl', your balance could go I -liv.u $10.00 on os- ;;1 '.... ... : F ,rs of" .. ScasioQn sd a.tiU incur. not service charge. -. .one, Pre -e a t n Write as many checks as you wish; there are ecutive Committ ee; Pat B oe Wesh BiS. '* : n. nLawrence Welk, aJohn or, .L.t. . no service charges. Norman Carrigan. and Harold M- SIt I.'. : J. Te .nw et a mt'. Naughton. Ha nsen said that the- . organization is dedicated to& pre- .... .nr B rich, diverse religious SW EW A 'HIT nlKAw -i M'.c^ezi "e'IcDallrypec .t1 !Ww A r a uf,.1Er ..Ivr e l s sl and tea IAI ,DA.ed sigeI -to be " SSTE B l; & e^l adigo^loo^6 range -^ 2 C esterh foooka. s"y e' eA fCOUNT'Y J.ANDLf1PRK N Po''ts'F: '.L. i-Z-e I _. -' ' FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS ....- .,- . -0 any graGids-JPant '"-i I Sleeve ei Her Girls Jeans li j The 9i iasw -" $2, GOLF TOURNAMENT T- -A evsed r ave and in ol direct from the beauhtifuL. / copaslge7".f4t. gf, as ee5 o and -N.red I "I Choo~fmmsolis $I .... s: I e- p e J '--- i--- -,. ..a. oo, Cowb oy 0. Sai W Wens shoe.ikiniPanties 0Leatheran Hdgm 94 8 ~tosfo l rubbes( 0 8'.6oldedsole t wm Hannon Insurance Agency .o_+ o.,^ *S"u O jj elze 221 8Eid Avenue a Phone 227-3491 Ji4 eeSueus -mans I'--* QUALITY COMES FIRST THEN OUR LOW PRICES Charge It m asseblack colorst pesbrw Ta Rg.69 Hannn, Isurace, g'eny OSMS-1"- .... ---- .;~E . : .i+ ,(,? :E.iX T STAR, Port SM Joe Pord THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1971 U -I ADVERTISING One step wont take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em Who you are You've got to keep on talking.' ': An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to kep qn growing. .One Aittle c. n~t do it ail You've got to keep ihem going. 'Aconstant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, 'cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE MIT LTHE STAR Telephone 227-3161 .... --.. -M- 0 --0 .-- " Say You Saw It In The Star - ROBE ... -N ... ^'..... -- helping establish two other fine chised store in /the deep south, Se businesses in Opp-WAMI Radio was opened only six years ago. Station and Mizell Memorial Hos- This changed the entire concept't T degy fpital for the Company and pans were SHorace Danley, the founder of immediately laid for the entire r '* .Danley's died in 1958, but left a chain to become a totally service S'OB ft u re B Uu sin e ss strong organization due to his oriented business. Danley now op- Y Ore 1 ;' to plan into the future. crates five Ethan Allen stores and .. T .. he roaring sixties brought 13 regular stores. Lewis Johnson, president of Dan- now operates furniture stores in South Alabama and Northwest about many changes in all types Bob Moss, manager of the Port ley Furniture Cbmpany in Opp, three states. Florida making a total of ten stores of t-i .L-. and the shopping cen- St. Joe store, said it has always Alabama, .has announced that the By 1940, the company, had put in the growing chain. ter age was born..All the Daniey been a policy of Danley Furniture company is completing a $600,000 stores in Panama *' '. Port St. Joe Later, in the early ~.i".- anoth- stores were in need of remodeling Company to satisfy their custo- expansion program in several and Marianna. Even though Flor- er sre was opened in Ft. Walton or enlarging. An extensive build- mers. stores in the Danley 'chain. ida was now the trade area for the ,8eaeh ing program was necessary and "We shall continue to bring our company ;r .. [...il o t .. .' .. s era the 10 stores were customers the best values at the Among, the expansions in : ,, ,, ,.. ...- ..: ,...- .- rebuilt or..relocated and :,. .lowest prices. We are indeed grate- '.. ,include the '-. .... .- I much of stores were added. ful ot our many friends and custo- Georgia store' whi i is e9ng :-r Georgia store which is w,,,. r I, fie '.. ; rsonal '. to helping I ., .. ,*' House of T..- mers for making o&ir Golden Anni- :..:, fo a l line.tore L res were opened in Opp grow by serving as Mayor and ', the first Ethan Allen fran- versary so successful," Moss'said. ,,in -n se- .;T, store. In this type of store, I. : Is ar- ranged in separme, modern room ,. ..: which show off the furni- ture just as it might appear in the home. A i;.'.. ',expansion is taking place in the Cregtview store. where te. company -has p, i '.-e p' r- ty and built a 14'',0 foot display complete- with' rooS settings :and all the accessories. i. In Enterprise, Alabama, the Dan- , y ." hainis s.ow in the process of 4 1i.:i- and setting up room f with accessories in 20,000 : feet of floor 'space. In Andalusia, Johnson stated the 'oip .y .had leased a larger build- iri :'.is i in the process of reno- S : :.'..: ,be comn- _r,.. ,, ,:'.:- -'r and more than '. .,'. size of- the. store.' .. i .for Port St. ji with the' wok 'to be done late ) in the year. Johnson stated that this yew Danley.is :4i '^ i,.;f1_ its 50th an- niversary and that all stores in the chain would be promoting spe- cials and sales. Danley Furniture Company was I .'.' ,in Opp in 1923' tnder the lea- t'.- Lhip of Horace. Danley, one of L. 1.y/ t.y leaders and' a pat . .'0'r r.- .fOpp In wlthDanley. -er .,', l,,r'T.,ers who .,,pi ,,'Jt d out a i,,,:," .*r- t.w ; *-f.i .f operatee t.br ' ', ,-.rr*?l ;-.ars,,the companyI : ,' _..i 'k'A e i. 'f". finally in a t U''. ;t'fic n '. v. ;' .', < 'n t, ' RSON'S, )CERY '.PQRE BOY'S CORNER" IN 'UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW. r.N slN-lAY -10 AL. to T 7PJ.," SPECIALS -FOR" - Thurs fri., Sqt,, Aprl, 5, 6 and 7 ft ~ Juit~bo -a"BOXc Of12 marshmallfow- PIeS,-.pkg,. U. S. NO. I 1UISII POTATOES Cello Bag .. . CARROTS bag 1 Chiquita BANANAS lb. 1 Hunt's SNACK PACKS.--..- pkg. 4 ' Georgia, radeA" Medium EC P I- M,, Fezen . rri B my -m .. CRIAM aP'IES ' 37c 3fi $1.o0 S10 Ibs, 99c 46 Os. Cini Hawaiian; ' 5c PUNCH .. 3 cans $1.00 KlWeenex 3c PAPER TOWELS 3 rolls 89c Maxwell H e. 9c C0FF HE .-.I lb. bag 79c ^GS Che6i Bee Blade (Ct C UCK ROAST - Tender, Delicious Fre 7-Bone STEAK --..- 9'4 N1 Choice Beef Chb Shoulder Steak $1.09 S5 Choice Beef Ce, Rib Steak .------- t $I.59 FCH Georgia Grade "A' Whol- All FR Y ERS -.--- lb. 49c ST Fresh Ground Every Day HAMBURGER FUM CUT U Round STEAK 2 Z 99 Y-c^ ^ sh Pork 0( IONgS ---- b. -- 3 ,odker Roast --lb. $1.09 iter Cut ' lVUC ROAST L Cb: Meat EW BEEF --- Ib. $1.19 $1.49 Ib. $1.39 Apl Saving Showers t .oe Funshins 'TUR Co F, qTTIIRF CD PROPER FIRM SUPREME by Jamison 2 PIECE SET- MATTRESS and $99.00 BOX SPRINGS QUEEN SIZE ---- S149.95 KING' SIZE ----- .w99Wa YEARS OF S SERVICE .1 it 0 '01 04.L WA, I I x -, 95 4f.. ', Sl ENRICH YOUR HOME WITH THE SPLENDOR OF f)EDIERRAIEM STYL \in. ... .... in Villa Oak Finish S4 PIE S... W4.. i DOUBLE DRESSER FRAMED MIRROR ' 4 DRAWER CHEST *PANEL BED S.49 ~-. i f-y)'C'ic d Mediterranean styled bed- of mar, stain and scratch resistant plastic. Spom su.'os. t? en you know this Villa Oak Construction is excellent quality too with Inishh 3'd r ?..s a truly fabulous buy. You'll center-guided, dust-proofed drawers. With foove the bar massive lines, the an!"qeOd this suite you really get so much in beauty brass haid ti. the exquisite design over- and quality for so very little. Iys on 'drawer fronts, plus protective tops Standard Size in the Modern Manner Sofa Sleeper Trim'L s.-l iz on this con- temporary 69" Sleep-or- Lounge includes a standard double mattress, luxurious- ly filled polxturethane -seat 6', eusi.d, casters and hand- some Naugahyde, a fabric backed vinyl upholstery or Herculon. 199.80 As Spanish As iOL E! at low-low prices! 2 PIECE LIVING ROOM GROUP Compare this Spanish styl- ing look and quality any- where. Covered in wipe- clean durable vinyl. $259 Speed Queen Automatic WASHER This Speen Queen Automatic Washer has automatic cycles # normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cycle. Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature se. election ... lage family ca- pacity ... 3-way lint and sediment removal system . gleaming white porcelain enamel top ... safety lid switch plus many. other great features. Time and durable press cycles. delicate and normal heat plus air fluff setting $219 Speed Queen Matching Dryer $159.00 I r. ~-t --~ -r -s 1 2- I - i Save With Our Discount Specials PIGGLY WIGGLY PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU APRIL 7, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept USDA Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly SMOKED PICNICS -WHAT A BUY! - Pork CHITTERLINGS Frosty Morn Extra Meaty HAM HOCKS Ib. 59c Frosty Morn 4 Lb. Box BACON ENDS box $1.69 PORK NECK BONE or TURKEY NECKS -- lb. 39c Ib. 59c $2.99 Value' $4.99 Value 5 lb. bucket $1.99 10 Ib. bkt. $3.99 Frosty Morn No. 1 Sliced 'BACON Ilb. 89c Sr.* N, rn m All Meat BALOGNA --- lb. 79c Frosty Morn FRANKS 3 pkgs. $1.79 BEEF SPECIALS ALL MEAT STEW lb. $119 GROUND CHUCK *. $- " CUBED or ROUND STEAK lb. $1.49 CHOICE BEEF SAVOY BROiS lb. $1.29 RUMP 'ROAST * GEORGIA GRADE "B" Fill Your Freezer Whole or Half Pork LOIN lb. Family Pak Pork CHOPS lb. 99c 79c Time to Barbecue Meaty LOIN RIBS lb. 79c Fryers (whole) bI. 42C CrEN ChTR bCUT . Pork Chops lb.$1.09 SHOP and SAVE EVERY DELICIOUS GOLDEN RIPE BANANAS ASK.ff Gleem 5 Oz. Tubes' TOOTHPASTE 2 tubes 99c New Herbal Scent 7 Oz. Bottle VO-5 SHAMPOO 7 oz. 79c DAY AT YOUR FRIENDLY PIGGLY Del Monte 14 Oz. Btls. Catsup 4 for $1 Libby Crushed or Sli. No. 2 P'apple- 3 cans,$1 Del Monte Fruit 46 Oz., Drinks 3 cans $1 -Loin End Pork RO CLOVERLEAF BONELE5 WIGGLY Del Monte Cut Green--16 oz. Beans 4 cans $1 Del Monte Fruit-16 oz. Cocktail- 3 cans $1 Del Monte Sugar-16 oz. Peas __ 4 cans $1 Hudson Big H Assorted and Designer Jumbo Rolle PAPER TOWELS 3 rolls $1.00 Nabisco Saltine Crackers lb. 39c Borden's Ice Cream Sandw'h 6 pak 39c Fresh POLE BEANS. lb. 29c ,Fresh Green Bunch Onions bch l0c -i Budget Makers Showboat 29 Oz. Can. Pork & beans 29c- Famous- Le Sueur 16 Oz. PEAS -- can 29c Del Monte Light-dya Oz. Chunk Tuna can 47c Duncan Hines D.Food, White, Yellow or Lemon 18 Oz. Pkg. Cake Mixes .- 39c Parade FRUIT 46 Oz. Cans Drinks _3 cans $1.00 Famous 100 Ft. Roll Handi Wrap-_ roll 33c Parade TOMATO 11 Oz. Cans i SOUP 3 cans 33c Quality 5 Lb. Pkg. Jocko Rice 89c Peter Pan Smooth or Crunchy-I8 oz. X wnaut Butter 65c, Peter Pan Smooth or' Crunch-28.oz. P'nut 'Butter -_ 99c Famous Brand 48 Ounce Wesson Oil 99c Shortening 3 Lb. Can Snowdrift .Famous TIDE-Giant Size Detergent 83c 77c Delicious Bama 18 Oz. Apple Jelly 33c Quality Kraft 32 O. Jar 75c S- SHOP YOUR FRIENDLY PIGGLY WIGGLY DISCOUNT STORE - Franco American, Beef Raviolios, 26 oz. 67c Fresh Crisp Green Cabbage ib. 10c -. Fresh Cello Pkg. Radishes pk 10c AST -lb. 79c Fresh Pork BACKBONE lb. 69c SS ROLLED LOIN ROAST -b. $1.49 IN PORT ST. JOE! PARADE CREAM STYLE or WHOLE KERNEL CORN 16 Ounce s u I Cans Parade Parade BUTTERMILK BISCUITS 6 Pak Pkg. 4 c -ParadexRegular MARGARINE ib. 25c New Sweden Shoestring POTATOES Iry4 Pound Bags 4 bags 89c Green Giant CORN on COB 4 ears 65c Miss Sally Frozen DEVILED CRAB 4 oz. 29c Chun King Beef Chop Suey pkg. 59c GEORGIA GRADE "A" Med. EGGS DOZEN C Robam Hood P:aimn or Self Rising FLOUR 5 POU'NI-1 BAG QUALITY LAUNDRY DETERGENT nrMl 1U1 GIANT W I7! 0 CANE SUGAR 5 LB. BAG C LIMIT... 1 Bag with $10.00 Order or More Plus Bottle Deposit COCA COLA CARTON S c 31 1 sl l~r fP i' 'I -- ~ - --p,----------,j----- uu~lllllr~ ~9 a I 1 .-", lo PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, Port St. oe. Florida THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 Legal Adv. NOTICE After the date of the first publi- cation of this notice, Thursday, SMarch 15, 1973, I will no longer be Responsible for any debts other than those approved by me per- sonally. 4t-3-15 CHARLES A. OSBORNE -------- L REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION The City Registration Books will be open for registration of qualified voters. at 9:00 A.M., March 29, 1973, at the office of the City Clerk at the City Hall. Those ; wishing to register as voters for the Municipal Election Primary to be held on May 8, 1973, may regis- ter between the hours of 9:00 A.M. and 12:00 Noon and from 1:00 PiM to 5:00 P.M., Monday through Fri- day beginning March 29, 1973, and continuing through 5:00 P.M., Fri- day, April 27, 1973, at which time L- SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .:........ EVENING WORSHIP PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) the Registration Books will close. All persons'who have registered as Electors in the City of Port St. Joe since February 4, 1965, and veri- fied their registration in February, 1973, are not required to re-regis- ter. Citizens of the United States who are qualified voters under the State Law, and who have been resi- dents of the City of Port St. Joe for two months and who are 18 years of age are eligible for registration. C. W. BROCK 3-22 City Auditor and Clerk St IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, IN AND FOR GULF COUN- TY, FLORIDA. IN PROBATE IN RE: The Estate of, WILLIE T. ROWELL, Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Wil- lie T. Rowell, deceased, are hereby notified and required to file any claims or demands which they may have against said estate in the of- fice of the Clerk of Circuit -Court of Gulf County, Florida, in the 9:45 11:00, 6:15 7:30 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Park Admission Set M A& I I- U -- -- At 25c pe courthouse at Port St. Joe, Florida, within six calendar months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and must state the place of residence and post of.- fice address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. BERTA F. WILLIAMS, / Administratrix of the Estate of Willie T. Rowell, deceased CECIL G. COSTIN, Jr. Attorney for .":ir ..::'ti.. . 221 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 4t-3-22 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JU- :.: ;.'L CIRCUIT OF FLOR- IDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. VERA LEE WASHINGTON, Plaintiff, -vs- L. E. JACKSON and wife, MARIE JACKSON, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that I, RAYICOND LAWRENCE, Sheriff of Gulf County, Florida, under and by virtue of a Writ of Execution heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, pursuant to a Final Judgment obtained in said court and' county, dated February 21, 1971, in' the above entitled cause, having levied on March 8, 1973 upon the following personal pro- perty, situate, lying and being in Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: One (1) 1971 Two (2) Door Ford Maverick Id. No. 1K91U150372, 1973 Tag No. 66D-427 as the pro- perty of the above named Defend- ants, and that upon the 17th day of April, A.D., 1973, between the legal hours of sale, namely, 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, at the front door of the Court House in Port St. Joe, Gulf County, Florida, I will .offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described pro- perty, as the property of said De. fendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens.RAY ND LAWRENCE RAYMOND LAWRENCE Gulf County, Florida Dr. Joseph P. Hendrix Completes Requirements for Assn. Membership r V isi to r KANSAS CITY, MO.-Dr. Joseph 150 hours of accredited continuing SIPaul Hendrix, M.D., of Port St. Joe, medical study every three years. has completed continuing educa- Members become eligible for re- T -. .& ad- tion requirements to retain active election at the end o fthe third S..TALLAHASSE-A 25ent ad- membership in the American Aca- year following their leection to mission fee will be charged at St. Joseph (T. H. Fe- Peninsula demy of Family Physicians, the na- membership. The Academy, the State Park, Fred Gannon and Gray- tional association of family doe- country's second largest medical ton Bona tors The Academy formerly was association, is the only national ton Beach State Recreation areas called the American Academy of medical group that requires mem- ges, executive director of the De-eneral Practice.bes to keep up wth:, edro apartment of N:.I'ir Resources, The requirements call for mem- gress through continuing educa- announced this week. bers to complete a minimum of Academy founded in in Hodges said the :: .' fee is The Academy, founded in being charged so the parks, located the sand dunes, and headquartered in Kansas in northwest r',- and be par-' Fred Gannon, a short distance Mo., was instrumental in the es- ,:Ti .,;' as required from the Miracle Strip, is located l...h':r;,.* of a new primary by the Le. 7" five miles from Niceville on medical specialty in fir praec "- to the charge will be Road 20. The 632-acre park is with- twice in 1969 The new -: 1is holders of annual "Sunshine Tick-'in the glin Air Force Reservation expected to increase the number ets", 1:%::' These decals'on Rocky Bayou, which is an arm of family ;C' 1 1" to allow entrance to all 'CC nt3; of of Choctawhatchee -": i- .: to serve the in the future. The a vehicle. School groi :' *nlI the Gulf. Within the park is Pud- Academy's t, '- education be ccrr':-- if prior -.,: : din' Head Lake, noted for its {'f-' program is the :* -'.+ : of ,** have been made by the educators., ing Other recreational Gr :'.'. Beach, located on State i ': are camping, Brewto. IP{ PR Mfn Road 30-A "'. i of U.S. 98 between swimming,: and rewton 'IPC PRMan Fort Walton and Panama St. Joseph Peninsula is located Harry L. Brewton, Jr., son of Beach ,has a of sloping near Port St. Joe off U.S. 98. It Mr. and Mrs L. Brewton of' sand dunes characteristic of the has 20 miles of sand-duned beach- Port St. Joe, has been ,,, famed beaches of the Miracle '-.'--:. es and fronts on both the Gulf and administrator of :,'. relations Inland are pine woodlands and St. Joseph Bay by International Paper 7.._ r mil scenic Western Lake, -. fish- .Besides a picnicking and swim- MossY^ F -_-* paper mill ing and boating are '-:':A The ming area, the park has two de- park also has a scenic nature trail veloped camping areas and The :' ." was announced leading bh. '. .,.. a hammock where ties for boating and fishing. A cot- last week by mill manager H. C. submerged trees are seen '* tage may be rented by families. Herring. ability for family doctors now in practice who apply for certification in the new specialty. tax-free income Series No. 47 Check-A-Month Plan Nuveen Tax-Exempt Bond Fund Consists of a diversified, pro- i ",-. *;i selected portfolio of State asd Municipal bonds. Interest income from this Fund is totally exempt from Federal income taxes, in the S '....n of counsel, and is dis- S'. j'.: .-' i month. For a free Prospectus, contact PAUL G. LEBLANC Box 216 Phone 229-6290 Port St. Joe, Ffa. 32456 Mobile Unit at corner 5th and Reid on 1st and 3rd Mon., and Tues. of each r'i-.,irilii INVESTOS PIV RSFI1ED SERVICES Please send me information on the Nuveen T r [ V nI. or'i1 .Series ';.: -' Name State Zip--------- Phone the people re people DI DESIGN STRATO-STREAK 78 St. Joe Hardware Co. PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE........ 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ....... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday)' .... 7:30 P.M. "Come and.Worship God-With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor 3 --L?FPr~i-li~Cn~FEEi =i~--E I -- s -~P~I~- IsP-L ~I~ I irtrestone I PAGE ~E THE TAR, Port St. Joe, Flored~ THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 9SUPER-RIGHTI" HEAVY WESTERN TENDER BEEF RIB STEAK OE. 1 STK KGS ' [OSUPERRIGHT" lCHUCiKO SHOULDERi SWISS,, P -CK, BONELESS STEAK......$1.39Joh-*Qiroen 8 Pk S,.r..o.. h witen Shrimp Creole ---.$c BEEF LIVER ----- lb. 69c iER TOASTER ~ ~~ini a m d tem @Mt [il 1 : k:VhCh LB99c 6 0 S ELW R P.Cb TH A NA YE A A G0 SALAD SUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS ALL MEAT FRANKS.. P. 59 BANQUET FROZEN 1R'oo 1. PKG-) DINNERS".... .... 1 39c "SUPER-RIGHT" QUICK FROZEN CHOPPED BEEF STEAKS ........ $1.89 OF MfAARKET STYLE SMOKED S SLICED BACON L B A&P .INSTANT, POTATOES 1 Lb. Box ~~r C FRESH TOMATOES ... 29c FRESH 3 9 FLA. STRAWBERRIES.. B ET 1ULK U S, 1 SIZ A . WHITE POTATOES e*;.Is1c SWEET CORKs e5 49 LARGE GRAPEFRUIT .6 1 00 FRESI STRAINfEDO GERBER'S JUICES.... 1CAN CHOCOLATE BEVERAGE MIX NESTLES QUIK...... '189C ASSORTED PUDDING O FRUIT HUNT'S SNACK PACK -PAK63c CHEERIOS. ........ 36c Snera.l Mills ,. T|TOTAL12oz. 67c /', i A SAVE AT A&P I LIPTON TEA BAGS. .'o?67cT A&P BRAND APPLE SAUCE.... 'AfO OUAKER QUICK GRITS.... .24 .26c Kellogg's SPECIAL K- 15oz. 81c RAISIN BRAN..oZ. Ox 49c -JJ!;'jjjj'& e& oeeop ald& i l ill VaIL, Chb~ adii Ne politm JANE PARKER LARGE GOLDEN OR SUGARED VNiIUIS............, DOZEN JANE PARKER PLAIN OR SEEDED RYE BREAD.............o,0 i31c JANE PARKER BAKERY FRESH a HOT CROSS BUS..KG. OF A&P BRAND CRESCENT ROLLS...... PKG. 33c S:EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE W". I, L.3 L.'* WITHOUT COUPON ... RG. RETAIL THIS OFFER GOOD THROUGH SUN., APRIL 8, 1973, LIMIT 1 WITH COUPON *M *9e^ #i^y9F&te^^w94 w 7100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE BAG, WITH COUPON 3. LB. BAG (wMWo )o ... $2.19 '7 IfI 5 LB. 4OZ.; KING SIZE. 3 LB..I GIANT OZ. SIZE Prices in this advertisement are effective through Sunday, April -, 1973 In all of the stores listed below. Items in this ad. are not available to other retailersi.rwholesalers. Customers will be limited to reasonable, quantities of any item in this advertisementt. ENCORE SOLID LB. PKG. I MARGARINE.... PURE PASTEURIZED ORANGE JUICE TROPICAA ... 3 C A&P FROZEN DINNER MACARONI & CHEESE.' '25c '* AtA&PIFOZEN ORANGE JUICE..... 2'C 539c I KRAFT JET PUFFED 1 LB BAG MARSHMALLOWS 29c A&P BRAND FRUIT COCKTAIL....' I 29c SILVERBROOK (QUARTERS) PURE BUTTER......' :85c MARGARINE (QUARTERS) , BLUE BONNET...... K:39c Ann Page Drink 1 Lb., 11 Oz. Jar Instant Breakfast $1.255 BALLARD FLAKY BISCUITS 2 cans 49c PILLSBURY BISCUITS HUNGRY JACK......A0I12c ARMOUR VIENNA SAUSAGE... Q %z31c L&M FILTER CIGARETTES VOID WHERE RESTRICTED ... FOR21+ YEARS SWI TH THIS TN 99 Req. Retail $4.19 COUPON KINS Without Coupon WARNING: The Surgen General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous To Your Health. lKng! 19m g. "ar," 1.4 m. nicltinet Supr King 19mg."tar," 1.4 o. nicotine av, per cigarette, FTC Report (Ag., 19732 fr vyi wpf w'lfvy~ 9.* I I" i \ ,, . .. , 41HE STAR, Plrt St. Joe Flrid THURSDAY, APRIL 5, 1973 Sheriff Reports Another Busy Month Sheriff Raymond Lawrence announced Wednesday that the Stbff's Department kept up r ,'U..er busy month in March as had been reported in the two prf.-ious months. . "-n. ported during, the month . five ,r- ;_ .:, five grand ', .- .ies, one ',''/ -.: ? and.one ' -r 1 robbbpr, -i- l as the " S -, number of i'r'.';-. S Lairenee stated.- "In dol- ir '.'lue, over -of the ;. ,, *-t .' ? the ,'," ; ;r' been r : ,*.'. The Appointed to Coast -Guard, Academy- Rob,pi- reai r. Jr-. wcn fl.)m rjhtis 5iaj RalvoyPriiinc.EA -en-th HI~irrnq and Gusd* presented with an apponiniment to thq U.S. Coast m. -- C*Ppjrr.dIIqo.Y M!c; ir Svd.-i-.Thi.- ppol-nt- Guard Aca.demwy in Nev H.'ven. Conn Th-e pivr- Tklefb '. 1 wl;d-llo'-s Io 4K, %tfso by Gy~n. seatation was masde FueMdayby k-ftota .ght. Mrs. neizs Mal. cFirmdClas'sJmuines MKWdisarm. right. -Off'ice Suppli'es.....0 k-LV h rlIO'U9 bi1311d1 g& l i.? lik1~d~v or1ic 5uppPNk'S No, DNd a~ 'atfor those --rVi :x raeci~s ~t1. Call us today! -STAPLINGO NACtfNES *STAMAP DATERS ~ STAMP PADSt-and INK ',,,FILE FOLDERS_ -FILE GUIDES SOW6 CRCHPADS, alsizes t l~ YPEWRITE9PAER &MIMEOGRAAAN PAM~f DUPLICATOJR PAPE& . -~,CARBONI PAME .:: INDEX CARDS, all sizes. : :CARD FILES, wood & F POST BINDERS L LEDGER SHEETS SSTAPLES SGEM CLIPS, FASTENr LEGAL and LtTTER PAP9 ,. MACHINE o RIBBONS DUPLICATOR FLUID PENCILS, ERASERS were 26 males and five females arrested during the month' of March. These included charges P : .7'r A copy of ." -''' " be obtained ,at said office S Bids will e --.'nt 7?.? 'I L 'U4 439?, '. :.. reserves k' : r- it: to I r- 'any and all bids. S BOARD iof COUNTY i 3 4-' S. ri: Ia 2t 'r. L ,D . S NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION' " TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. '* notice is hereby given of intend to apply to- thie-Legislature of the State of Florida at'its regular ses sion of 1973 for the page of a S local bill, the substance o uuf contemplated law is as follows: To close to. shrimping' 'the out side Gulf waters between, Cape San Blas and Cape St. George three miles offshore from- April 1 through June 15 .The area .to be closed is the Gulf of Mexico wa ters in Franklin and Gulf Counties between Cape San Bias in Gull County and-. Cape St. 'George it Franklin County. No bay areas are to be closed by this act. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law; and the purpose of this adct is to conserve a vital natural re- source, to-wit: Shrimp. CECIL VARNES, Chmn. Board of County 4-5 Commissioners of 41 I Franklin County, Florida of two cases of sale of marl the clvie minded citizens, we juana, one case of possession of have been successful in appre- marijuana, one aggravated as- ending many violators and re- sault with intent to commit mur- covering stolen property, and der and one charge of armed we appreciate any and all in- robbery. formation that is submitted to "Again, through the help of our Department." + Classified Ads + K a at enas.0R ALEC I K deluxee FOR SALE: Sm7-~1 ~ :~fvWANTE:Sme !rdmet, :I--*".to which %1 n i.cj .1r, Phone. located on M(-.': L.,7 1, -- In work. 1 day a [%Phue 648. .Itc4-6 1~5Bu mess lot. A% :tij.. h- *~1 6232,, t., ~ I FO SALPhone 2tpW-3e-2. I FOR Shere .1 7 2 iWin hoet'e 4r 2p3-9FOR SERVICE vy-hou! delay. CallJ ere D'....-, FOR SALE: L 11JX ~iwua3 4-KENT SERVICE, today. Plumb-I -- ----- ___ ___-.7,1: 7 J".T .' F'- do'or. VhEte v1r.'l top. FN!I1' ing, electrical, appliances and air -~ :~ C ~] .!,j 'UjpreA. Wbjtr 1k:uI, P %v N coz'iti~mers. Repairs. Phone 229w -- l~c~ ~ Pa~: P~iL'j~fe, 1:4095. _____tfc-3-Z Bus Driver's GAAGE SALE I"; tz k-iATlil7, _11r 401 REDUJCE9fad wae I __ c I FOR SL: F41bore',-3fL; Iti n!dN1" rg ~-4 Get Training FOR20 lip r, r.,61r 1or ~r ] 1ff ~FOR S' LE'. -*i -*.w a nd after 5 P1,51 4FOR SALE: 210 f'-t fiktir- 'ioz -j : -~ '-4 2i Sbrley r. -~ q~'~ ~ ~n ~ .,,[ T' 4' FOR SALE:L- :-.-,~~ "n 1c ...WANTED- Nrw'3nu-_NJ ear sale'- ~ ~i~t~ in- ff.-rr.ji~titfl I.A[ 11 67to l 41' 1:'r, iin io q2i o tv. St. Joe AV) ~ '- -~ar 4 .'7,n OrRIFO ENT: h1 r ~~or) .'4' .'... P- .~I ii U I~ lL-21 upe~ u 1 .... CHAh4 LINK FENCE call ';r- 't :r- .i.~ ~ 1 nm r ~ ~ F r Eft.-L O 11. *', K ni, St -w, .F'ret, tjwLmke C!", 3 kp z n c 5 44. o I'jhr a n'sirsterials. = 4, ~ ~ .~''~ ~' LL '~' -'.'~ ~ ~'FOR RENT. .a, .1-4N ~w dMAD Payr'm'-n, Ph'lne '"'72 -..' '- r rr -INCOME TAX SERVICE: Rob~ert FO OR -. R RENT- P* ;!..Iwl .1 1.; tb c.-( I M *z r0ory. 50'5 3rd Strpet. '' *.- .51 EWiING MACHINES! Dial and, INCUBATOR SPACE; WAN T r n j ,i.:,,. .iK&~r'~~ on ,b I V IAt Poe27 nir v.1POFPESSIONAL II6IP with emo., .rJ-~ II-r ORc tional problems awlI. nr euncterns. FO.:,,i '" ~ R SALE. T y FOP. RENT; One ,o i i t'4 b'droomoi Gulf County Guidance Clilnice, Port ,, ,. ~, ~ --- J T ~ .* B*~ hii~hd aartSt. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rtev. ~~. .:~~ A' 'SALE!--- -- f- --. f, 31 I 9i i) IrJ.(- Irk" SldSidney Ellis, 2 M9- 90. ~7~t-2~ 'iz~f~. Vr~~r a~:' '~~.~~ .. 2'T.: A-- INCOME TAX SERVICE (3e~x ~ B~ ~ ij~c~'1r~,' .~a:. ';'~ ~ 'd; Csact-Kr, or Mud. H.C. I'r-tce ;'- L.'TA R; U. 'A-i-FA", j s ~ t WICO LODGE end TSAILER 'by 'rrJ~c~t4t ~:'*z1. ,'~t~t~PARK. UIj Wqt~ ,I v. i'tj..nj' _Z.22 24.1 BERNARD 0. WESTER I 'E L r I.AR?:Ii tlq.>I1 zi ~813 'I..nAve. ~',~ I. ~ AC's PAWN SWAP SHOP .---~-.-*.~-Phanc -_"_q107 ij; G A T-1 F! 3. 'r;'j FOR SALE. V, i FOR THE BE ST r _9 vi.- *-t2 zir., Jf T4 .3Ih~ '.'K --- W~Lc~~4r'C.l I. qL.,. s~unii cOorn-I- ),y ,1dII I~ii O ~ ~T~--.'~i ~: .~ ~... .* .Ot Ii' ~~'iY .' i. -i I~ ~ I Mi .jr low .i,.k FOR -- WELDING NEEDOS jse e Ja '~'~' ~ H UFOR SALE T- l ,i.a k, Ae -l ,1'Ir!r." 22. tchoolBoor~ :12. j r ion. 1 1:A WATEDto1U:I.; SI-'-a n -od From Page SEEOad AE LYES OLOKS LANR .. jl. w:. -- ~ h~ i,--- *-. i2c.ioFo LkfICi~il.., oeb HOUSE FORSAL- LE. ~ :'r;.4% ;, 1 .U I J.~ ~;~'~il',' uNo. E'ii ater ator Call ed our,,,~* r C '~1..~h '.-- J A NYLADIUM BUL lc orimEXC EC ~,r E1' JLJ;":.'A CPT:iPOPH758IC As N.. CopewtervieauyAeric ''T-h STERE'O and487Ji3'TAnEPLY mmERS GOLADYS NCLEAES' STEREO TAPES4p U 15 EWIMGMACAIN 'AG. nd Industrial,-,uIhatorhuanlarorl n Ut. jd j'. :-r.I!/, UC 1om.h rpicesinmyhoe.at ELECTRICALrig ONTr;94-,P aCtOrS S. O HRWAEePt ScndSret -ot C~~~ eta n nutil 1 PONEP639-57. 3.128Ph~ one woul74401 an FOR SALE ..'J!' andrpi, .3 Rp tavi~vle~ uckya own ., uf :A'~ '~ ':''. i n dtinn .lwpie Oil Burner Techmeian CALL 2296863 or 2295777 NO. I DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicole, Florida FridAa and Saturday April 6 and 7 10 "CARRY ON CAMPING"' st: "DAGMAR S HOT PANS" TI -- NEXT WE -- "SWEDISH FLY GIRLS" "3,,IN THE CELLARf "I ii SBINGO : Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 .7:30 P.M., 'AMERICAN LEGION HOME SSPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's women's. Racing style. Touring yle. Credit terms available. WES& uRN AUTO, Port St Joe. '6-15 INCOME TAX/SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day o - CAI 9-21 AH Com SEPTIC Bufoi r 229- Monday thrt Friday, D---,DIVORCE KIT -- after: 6:00, pm.R RA.M.- Fo? the no-fault- law Phone 229-5281 Joset For fee details, write: 'Joe lsta. L. Stupica, Box 791, Pompa- visiting no, Fleida 33061. lOtp-8 M WEL Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS E. PAINT Dealtr In Port St. Joe WILLIS STHE ing firs KIPATRICK ^ 8:00 p. COVER Funeral Home TH ERE and muni No. 11I Ambulance Service and thi Prompt-Efficient-Corteous - HURLBUT FURNITURE Telephone 227-2491 and APPLIANCES E. S306 led Av. E.H WIGS FOR SALE - LL 229-33t0 or 2274853 JANICE STOKES tfe FOR ABULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe -: CALL -- forter Funerali Home 2273511 C TANKS pumped out Call rd Griffin. Phone 2294694 2937. -Regular convotio aa St h Chapter No. ft RAm. id 3rd Mondays, 8 pjm. All Companions welcome. LIE LEE GRIFFIN, ELH. P. ILLIAM McFARLAND, See. S V. ROWAN, POST 116. AMERICAN LEGION, meet- st and third Monday nights, im. American Legion Home. E WILL 1E a regular cow- cationfof Port St. Joe Lodgo 1, F. & A. M., every first ird Thursday at 8:00 p.m.- C. BAILEY, W.M. ERBERT L BURGE, Secty 7 / .'h 2 I 2i.u1-.J ~r *.' .~ - .~ I ' '--I "~ 4~'~~~~ -' '.11 mei l I II 'And A Host of Othr Office Needs -, -THE STAR "Publishers of Your Home-Town, Newspaper"[ PHONE 227i-8181 .06 WLIAMS AV j I / 'I i r 4 1 :. :PA( ~. II |