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TWELVE PAGES S* *& THE STAR 10c PER COPY "The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" -. Three hundred people braved' the wind, the chilly weather and threatening weather Saturday Morning to begin a 20 mile walk Moore. said if everyone .had gone the full .route and every pledge collected, over $5,000 'would have been collected. _to raise money for the march+ of *Acplat tbaion o Dimes. Nearly 200 finished the *A complete tabulation of col- -,, Dimes. Nearly 200 .fnisled the.. . long hike, earning nearly; $4,000 letion willnot be known until' for the orthy-calater in the week. M..,~ey col fortheWorthy, cause. e.. ected 'by marchers should be ;,Gulf; County Chairmanof. the turned in to Miss Rita -.zJer at. aMarich. of' Dimune-. Robert M. the'Poit-St. Joe 'gh I.r.:ol of-. Mrore ..aid.nearly tw:..ie a- many fice.'YMiss Sanders was in charge. wkiU: tired. sAt thr yar ,.as. 'of the Walk-A-Thon ' *. pir.t.pated m ld;t y o,'s event .' ' rto ., c I l t ir e., Moore and. Miss Sanders. : d'. r Fi. to r,p, rhtt U.. ":. t, A l.tJ 'r,: were kept ,'b.t1e.r .Mlake cCtt 'Ci' 1.r. ia'l!. :=ie ih-,.; .,,.:..-i..' and both .r -..{ ,' r. rh h e -t, .e. 13rr, It' last- ,ithe .i.t. '.-.Phi. These E-,, ;,n. Li,.w:. -, a,,; ( ,,: y A7 ,o.. ".' or,. i-.b '~,.,:. up..,/ M . Mrt. :* i.7 r I...: ii ;' I ", C r.,'' M rs. Alan '. turned up at 5:30 p.m. and Mrs., Milo Smith. .. Baseball Team WinsTwo and Loses One ..Port St. Je High School's baseball team picked up' two big ..ins diningg the past week, but dropped a close 7-5 decision to. I Chattahoochee Saturday'. after- noon. '.-.~' '. the Sharks drop- poed the Blountstown Tigers; 52 in a game which h), ; ...."-. t',,, :out*uesday. The Sharks won the 'game in' the, second inning with' 'thI. rI. ?i t runs- and added' insur- .o,- r o'', r .: third and-fifth j F. I ,,. I '[.W "! ,J;- -. '.. I,,, j tw i e ;ik the fifth.- .. i .,I.tl Harmnon '. -nt t.r route and r. T i- "r:1.,g v r) 'iik - a ty '.r~b" +' . two hits and Whittle had' two-' .-runs batted in. Jay Mark Wimberly Sand B bba Harmon shared pit- *hiig duty Saturday, tossing three innings each-in a 1-0 win -over Chipley. Wimberly receiv- ed credit'for .the win. The Sharks scored their lone 'run in the fifth inning when Ronnie Herring reached first on an- error. Chris Davis came in- ..as- a pinch runner, stole second, went to third on a passed ball and scored on a balk by the Chip- ley -pitcher. Russell Chason, Bubba Har- mon and .Kenny Weimorts each had a hit in the game. '- r'i'- two f 'f.-, by Jim .oore, which drove in foui Shark runs, the. Port St. Joe nine lost a 7-5 contest to Chattahoo- --chee $..,.J., afternoon. Mark Wimberly went the route' on the pitcher's mound and "w , I- ..:,' for the loss. He gave 4p,, -Lix hits and no earned runs. '' Friday, t SiL -hik tt W- .'-wahitchka bi bj nS,' :r -t:! *l. the team on the road'to. Marian-,, -na- and. next Tuesda, is a tra- ,vel game to ChipleyP. SNew Club Manager The St. Joi6eph Country 4 111b Restaurant will be closed, all day Sunday and Monday fpr VinventIry.. " The Restaurant will be open again Tuesday for business as usual by the club's new mana- ger, Gregory Creamer. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 The walkers stretched out for a half mile at the beginning of group was pictured'art .Hgh-' 71. near the Gulf RifiM Rang., their trek Saturday morning, with .a smile on their face- and a after they had frolicked for about two of their t.c-p ,j 20 milei. festive air, walking to earn money for the March of Dimes. This 'Star photos Sha-ring Funds 17 9 Are Going Fast -. .. ~ ** --.* . w . .* ,* When a girl walks for a while, she must stop and rest. There was no better place hart right beside the road in the hew spring grass. After a slight pause, it was back to the job. THe pause that refreshes was more than a welcome sight at several spots along the hike route. Here the group of ladies who furnisFed the refreshments tidy Up before moving' onto' the next stop. TI t shows you how far Ecd Rude (right, holding the cup) was behind the main marching group. The Gulf County Pommission managed to hang on to their revenue sharing windfall of. -$158,000 for~three months, in spite of r. ,,'. ', ". :t'f for 'a .share of. i ,'-. :-,, ,-.,, h't. Tues-" truck-for highland View has. ' ame loan plan a d a third. ,for ,. ^ i .e-T .. ,g ,..ur. -'-o tril t ..ii Vi ! dbj T-Ay the W iiteityd t ruck same loan plan and a third. for .was purchased Tuesday from St. Joe Motor Company for $6,847. Plans are being made Lby the .Commissioners now for expendi- ture of the rest of the money, and It's not likely any more. re- quests will be considered unless they fall within the Commission- ers' plans. .Sheriffs Auxiliary, The Board agreed.T.i .' :'; to amend the I. of Sheriff Ray- mond TI r. .. provide mon- ey for. ,'..-j "i ..,' r:. a Sheriff .,;, The. Board S ". "'. : '* :'. r. for the . S '' captain f- group : 1 .e request .-::.3 members of ..-' :-:.r. are . S .:. ...' '.:- .'" ,1.1 *iach t ard .: .- .if : and equip- '.: E i, i :;:.hi h.County to i,/ : 'r.;:: =.l '",*'*0 r ri- n, '" The ;c.-etr' r,.:e :ked for and 'i e led r's:I:, to .ipstall. a, ;sdio ijer on the . .' fi to ,'E. r i' Wewahitchka S ..a T r'. of the Wewa- Sr. radio shack for' their TL-1 P.?,, aEre-d to place a' r6ad ntai:' At t'e SP.-30 inter- ;''(,l,;,n of :'. -. :- .!-i.erhi Py, l 1 L ; Vgh'.v ," '8.' '; . i A : 1 t w de 1.7 the' .:: .. i'rra 3 s .i: for -repair tc ?,--ir *i i '. ; th,- bld C, Itt.':! : Te Bid1 agreed td t n .ii:ll two n.-,. vin-dow air con- ditioriers and' -. 31 Ler repairs as they could. - It was agreed to furnish MK -Ranches ,a Plat of.roads con- ed a revised engineering plan for sidered as. ,'.: ,) is which ,,. --work on *1-,,,' Avenue .have. been ,T r ~-,. by the n or two. The DOT had to .county for r :i' Th& Board in- a . tends to 'continue .,* ... -.. redraw :the project since the ori- l -roads- as : .. property -. n. al plan weit ', .. .... Lir-. , for 4. .1': 'L '... ... ... ,; .i ,i :' sewagee collee- '-* k .' 'i '-expect- the .area. Rish Invites Your Ideas Ot Legisqltion ' Reprnjt.vt-^William J. Rish will coaAxn t a public pre-Legis- lt6'Ve mnting tomorrow. night in the County Courthouse at 7:00 .:pm. The meeting will be held in their Commission cham- bers. Rish says he is holding the meeting to-get the feeling of his .constituents on coming Legis- lative matters. The general pub- lic is urged to attend. Following the meeting in Port St. Joe, Rish will go to Wewa- hitchka for a similar meeting at 8:30 p.m., EST. NUMBER 30 300 Walk for March of Dimes Coroner's Jury Rules Justifiable Homicide In Wewahitchka Shooting Fray MY. Gulf County neriff Raymond Lawrence stated Sunday that a shooting incident in Wewahitch- ka which resulted in the death of Frank Baker, age 29, has been ruled justifiable homicide. This decision was .arrived at about Inquest was called by Judge Sam Husband in the early morning hours Saturday. The Coroner's Jury interview- ed witnesses and examined evi- dence for. .about nine hours be- fore making the final decision noon Saturday, after a Coroner's not to charge Dorothy Baker,' also of Wewahitchka in the in- cident. Baker was shot four times af- ter he came into. the home '.of Mrs. Baker, against her wishes, and held a knife on her and making threats. Witnesses who testified at the inquest stated this is not the first time Baker had given her trouble. J. H. Glass, Chief of the Wewahitchka Police Department, testified that on, several other occasions he had to go to- Mrs. Baker', home and make Baker leave the prerm- ises. Deputies Marty Martin and Oscar Jones stated they were, also aware there was a rift be- tween them prior to Saturday's incident. Olympics Well Attended ,ticipants and spectators were on the scene in the ly ics Well Attended Port St. Joe High School Football Stadium to see the first event of this kind to be presented In The tug of war was only one of several ath- Gulf County. The :event was sponsored by the letic contests engaged in by the group of some Gulf County Committee for Retarded Children. 150 retarded children who participated in the They plan for the Special Olympics to be an an- Special Olympics here Monday. About 500 par- nual event. --Star photo THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR Robbery Suspect Is Arrested A young Port St. Joe resident has been arrested by the office of Gulf County Sheriff Raymond Lawrence on a charge of armed robbery of the Fashion Fabric shop on Reid Avenue. It was iort St. Joe's, first armed robbery in - years' , Arrested: was Jimmy "op'- - ter" walker, age 17, of Ad nue ,F. ..i-.-'i -,;i '- :'.held up the business about 4:60 p.m. o last S''.ir;". by I'. : ,he two , 1 ''- ; .at gunpoint and de- ,'..- .' money. Walker was arrested in Brooks-... ':, 'ville last Friday .:..,'**.-:. after it, was learned by Port St. Joe Police Chief H. W. ,z Ei' that he. was '.- .'i to Fort Lauder- dale .by bus. Brooksville police were notified that a. suspect Sil.r'... W alker's '-_,. '',. ,'.t' was on the bus which was soon to ar- rive in their city. They .arrested him after ti r.m:r,; him in posses- sion of a revolver believed to be" used in the holdup. . During .... ', Friday night :in Port St. Joe, after be- ing extradited from Hernando I '. .-I-,j Walker confessed 'that he was the one who held -up the *store.-This past Sunday, Walker also -confessed to '.,.t'rt,.r rob- bery of a Jr. Food Store in ,.i. r i. r ,, which was robbed only' a few hours after the rob- bery in. Port St. Joe ' Walker is 1 .'- held in the ,i '" t, I under ', 002 S rI.... and. rx t't l has '-also"' Sben"issued .in- Blountstown as a S. detaminer in their ease- ' "Rapport wasa" excellent be- tween the Sheriff's Department -- and. the Port St. Joe Police De- partment",. Sheriff Lawrence ..said. "'Chief Griffin, Assistant Chief Roy Robinson and Chief I, .T.i',,' Tom Berlinger headed up .. the investigation and have built an excellent case for prosecu- tion.'- P- _1 __ i i 1AiE STAR, Pot St. Joe. Flora THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 EDITORIALS A Pat On The Back It took a little more than a desire to participate in something different for the people who walked.in the, March of Dimes Walk.-A-Thon Saturday, 'to. get out 'inthe threaterdni we?,.ther and star trudging the 20-mlJle route ab.o.ut the p-..raB.irer of .- Port, St J.. ItI, t:ok a d,-iEre, to help: someone wlo c.O'idn't hLlp themielve.' Last /year at wasn't tco much of a sacrifice to go .r, the walk, m'in the .wea- ther was e.>,.d. II: wvsi spring The only thing to. fear were 'the bbs.-rsm and tired. legs, BEut this year was,' 5 something else. It was windy, blin.ery, slightly chilly and reatening rain Butn bterally h'iudreds Sof kid and adult, took off right' on time to.raie' money for the March of Dimes., I .. '' . It was evident to those who visited the hikers during their trek that they were having, fun, as. well as being of some help' to, someone even though the ,a i'-".- Wasn't the kind you would r'.,r:._..' :..o*- . .ciatea being conducive to ing . It was evident that the walking. ".- this year was even larger than last year.- Shi. testifies to .the .fa.t th.t t.. Walk- ... A-Tin.n ici is .h ijon.. Whoever thought up this *r. -.k d1'-r. 5 a pat .on the back. " sThose who ivs.lk and those who spon- , sored 'the wd.Jer1 2alsQ. deserve a pat" on the back. Cor ider .ycir Lck pa.ttl walk- .rs and.s pr'o', hke. . If wio wicre l iA.L ntu whirbh of c'wxr; wc'r, riot., w'-,,jnlght be, tract. of 4,'r i Ile rr4P~ial b7! Sen lav~i-bri Ch0.01 r>- T.1a ,that 1b,: arp-,, ijobtfm~rb o fd.r the;3 .rfni,J ' C -Ldl... ." a 1P1flifneri, dl.t banI ai. kItakin -m a ~' ~tW l' w hthi~t tl rn: ,- iluuj h lr a l s u ~al-ij'r fro m irin n Udw' ruil Gn kurn.',ml'.y f tw'.1 ro- ',-in n-go wvhi.r":, normw, :l((J'r l, to a Culrr-, al, own~f latw m.'tu.r1. IIudjin Pr1-j.r.?nnon.f of ~'~sLi';~real flmi; irh.log.pJilmhrlA. {Reed., tionf, Itr ~.i fil, u'-- iw: l~Vc~t"l (liath fbAi MiiJ:l 'ifl.ile~il~c Soul-p! r 11 di s r' 7v 1%. h A.'~ ,fdl~ rnm:~jk~- ri-n excellent iih-'and so might .u" '..* We'd.1 1,nm~ prefer -711r10 impam-tial zwwup to n ul. '..~~r"i 0 ~of' We have never .iaste whc iv4"O,'(tt9 6,): ch .1 UO ',ti ~i nn Arsf i~, tl F.", e'l,( mt i*' ~, r4 r, i- C'n m of 1k!.1 ai e a r..',~ad f'rf~)i~'dyw~n~ra~r benefits _I accruee f -ir~o Ii0 rjns de- t. nminor~i ,Pn : lk"ji:~ nt~ll~arlhulalnd OnA '.r.' ,rr:ivied 1by th--t- e fed-, ~ *7''l~T~"ho)"]': .-.ffice fbnrinr oovl lbe-. b~zo"wukrihxri-wmro'onof the i 7 Scon-;, til..na~i th'- u~pj~~jyc~n~ ifs 'n T m'. ~r(-eit to r, vao hle r- v---al that a --l rorinatiori h', Jdet rr~ldb7 -I F1Iy1jaf!..'"I e'h nbear-d. but, the rn- C:irf fth :ird he i' v'oneI R rin te rthre s f ~f~~r, aljl 'rzuali-j, .we would frthe rators.'.or p1~2thvrepor RAW r i1 groupcom- pa,rA`{' f rmemrb-ei-,r scr ct. zOf the o~' f gov,rnor-, of theBr-FiAssociition, '.A~, er-~t~hlw Ach.*o dans- and the two! t na t,r s .pa rb (. i pn Th! oa:y not celiydnzin e proli' -ic com- pletedy. i-t cjzt o~rtny would upgrzide e 1:1vi 'if.,"r. f r r.omc- Esand end -what in some in f) h C natvn hv ~1'ut"' o Pork I t'~in uO~~mr osit in, L~epswa Journal Have A Nice Day OVO /-1 IW OL. y --, Ti,- i_,. : lj. n ;,i; Mn wlhc.e foun- r'" dbr l.-,- r':,' some t.- ,-nitktt w'ha'c-r- they may be.. .. , ... t. n.'t', I y .:I- r wh. Started it, b,.; ... lqilth,' fnh't iAn_, .",' v r,'i>,ou t.t(.rcd it wvas w:IM' we -;all.. Sniit,-h."r Airwvys for' a : reerva.iin 'and ti, .: 'wotrt. n 'ended with a person ,li.mv we' had rt". ir met or spoken to -before '.-:.-vii', "Hr.'e a nice daiy ".'Later, we t...tie..'-.. thit 'ame, sen- [i,.:t: pa.intd on the- T.l- of th&lr air- craft a.loug with a .i-' i _.l, ug fa.:-e. It is on their ua.Ins, in, all their rdr'.: tisirIg.1 eand tiw th- lip' noto lnAdtkct who mtyh yve C h.e.- cme into i,,tact -vith the Perspective On Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Profmessor of Education University of West Florid* The traditional way of doing things. is. not always the best. Simetimes its popularity is due, to accidental circumstances. Of- ten it becomes outdated. New discoveries are made, customs airline. We 6uk.- it Regardless, of the fro.i outcome t.f v te d-y there is likely to have been at TI- .' person Inri"r the day v.h :-. L given a fnrkiA smile and said, "Have a Jni. ... :. We have. heard it from bank tellers, 'service ,station at.te-a .n. v'.ra.- jisl and even from a burlk:, a,'.r..l at'the c.ts of it r.e- Field. If te rest of our day -.,- 'V.rn-rq. at least during - those brief encounters the day, is nice. ,So, to those who started the trend, and to all v,I ..o have' .do4ted. it we .say, "Have a,.nice day"'. ;. -Milton Press-Gazette and mores change; one invention ' alters the face of the world. Yes- terday's coffee grinder becomes tomorrow's antique. Today there, is a growing be- lief among educators that the di- vision of an, e'.': r'y scb:; into gra.ii- hc:uli have d'-i -with V':.::,- 'T-:'.. see no ir. son forthe first six rungs on ? educational ladder, and they. '." tu1.8 chopping away. Already 18' per cent of the elementary schools in the United S -.:: b-':.. instituted a non-graded system. This theory of continuous pro- gress grew out of dissatisfaction with' the grade-to-grade lockstep. The old plan had too many faults. It caused slow children either to fail in their work and repeat a year or to be pushed onward .and' upward to realms beyond their ken. In the first case, they would feel frustrated and stigmatized; in the other, confused and .oppressed. Mean- while, the. bright pupils along- side them were suffering from Dear Wesley, , We are having, a regular bliz- zard in dear old Michigan today. ^ all r.: .a -l, have been .-:.'1 and the State Police have requested that we travel" nee-. S. -*1 to stay in the house i p on read-. ing and .Noticed in .last issue' of 'The Star :"' '-. are in bloom: If all -. 2 we might Beach Chamber Kicking off ting Ding The' Chamber. of Commerce of Mexico Beach will have a fish fry ~.~: A,;. the Pier 7-".e- The fish f6y will be thek ick-off' for the L'., Ding Fishing 7 .:..- %l., ,,"; Mi -. l d .*. . begin. at 2:00 -pm., ST with $1.00 per plate for' all you ,can eat. , All i..':-...- ,will.go to the '.r, ...^ fo Commeree. narrow interest and. wide yawns. Grouping, child s7 : *I., i-. t-'.ir A,..' ,t at -: b ": ..1.- -might be. -iaA :' swer in Schools with t.* w""' 'r enroll- r_.-,, '; I. was, no' solution for small schools .h ...' 30 or 40 -.children j. ..s, ^' f-r age brack- et. 1I' ,(r, p, .. '. ':. ': had \..en --.'.:;," r"'. d over that E ,t :..". :,,', T r..c d not be made on b '. of age. A cer- ,tain .:s. 'i r.- be far . 4e' ,:.,J:B ,f r t he Ltt'., b.-. at.'ad .r. e .) f and b, f t, ..sge :i. asn t'z? m .- ,,d ... ..iv,' i- --it ad litt1Ik or T '6,rele -,1 r r. the r.ias':-rirjot . iAn .rher o.jet.onJ t., :t .e ' lin: cnei frmru th- ,.-,,:,: lumr maker: The .i:,3. fE. ~'.hedI to ments. A L.nt .o.-: . jtri.i. 4. d [o FsLumo; r.. ,:'1 be ' told: V/waii a ye;r r,r t., ra,'t now we re .J ,yin- ,'ir .cr'krf ,t. .ity.': Ad. a f.~n'ji IL'h-.tde teacher :,eiih have conniptions if she learned that down in. the pri-. mary grades'- fet: little genius-, es were 'i.r i fr.a., n:. 'What would be left for her to teach' them? In that i.'.. -'.i.*. the num- bered' ;. ..,.., received many a critical salvo, from administra- tive quarters., Too. '{- .they teachers came to re' ': a v: .. '-.' as their own S, became spe Sin second year or ffth -year. teaching and '." ..-.:: ,7 same. old ... f- t' ".,*,er year. '. . t '. ,r,., i or down- ward resnulta n .., r','.- sad be down in a couple weeks to ab- sorb a little of your sunshine. The winter here doesn't want to let go. Dianne will be graduating from Albion in a few' weeks, so have decided to *,.: .AI*' ; : -.: The Star until she is someplace in the teach- ing : :.:.- ; :. ' I- trust that this note finds you and yours all fine. Sincerely, Maurice and Virginia Dawson. , PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember I believe it was the late Will Rogers who said, "I never met a man I didn't like." If this is true-then you would .have a difficult .time finding i someone who didn't like Will Rogers That is the ivay it is! Love peo- ple, and you will be-loved. Find a person who- is constantly madr at .others, and yo-'i '.'I find' man a, few friends. . .In r re.a t ..1'_ 1, , world .of -,' r: -I .'j : ; ,I t <. item that is shared -. f'or ::,,;-. -- almost 100 per cent SOUR THOUGHT: TO REMEM- BER: "To be a, friend-one must be in I'.tdJ,." RAY KILPATRICK K ILP ATRIC K FUNERAL HOME Pione 22742401 Iters. Sognebody-I don't remember now who it was-stop- ped me on the street the other day and said, "Write an Editorial against this wind blowing and see if we can't get it .i:.--., That's a tall order even for a news- paper -.- : L'.I1 But, even so, we took the matter up with the wind i,.:,: '. and have assurances the' wind '. i stop t ..... -.i: next "',. -': some time after M r. b .,C3 . the way of F.-bn:'-.: We could in-o: '.gone even l-'.r up in our ',.- to ?'the wind from 1:.',-i.,. M1:. -; v:.- could have turned the .:.:. '- to' .,vr.:"her month to make Mother Nature think it was some month-other than M :,', That, how- *ever, v.c -i;-i have been an attempt to fool M b'.r NX.i t and you know "It isn't nice to fool Mother Nature". Food prices are on the lips of -*v.-" ,'.n- today. The news releases .*'.:'.*r''T fi-ur.-.' every dhy' where the .price of ". .... went up so many tenths of a percent last month 7' it :.in occasional reduction by so 'i ,y tenths of a tr . Being hnalimi. naturally I don't like to pay any more for r"-! i.,n than I absolutely have to. I'd rather have my steak cost in' the r, ....',r,..i,, of a dollar a' pound. The only .'..j,'1- is, when it was a dollar a pound for a choice cut, sometimes/1 didn't have the dollar so it had just as well cost iQ 1000. As bad as, food prices are, it's still ....t'-..rli-: to live- in the United States and pay "',6 for a pound of steak than to, live iii the i. ,.ti.ity of the rest of the World to- day and not b, a.. any steak to buy at any-price because' of the famine which is raging over most of the world tody. This is p"rb. ri." the cause of our i-:' "-r,...1 pri- ces. We are b'. h to feed most. of the world, who face famine because of crop il'.ir. This causes our food'pri-, ees to go up by supply and demand. .Hal Boyle was -. : in his column ,;' the other day. 'He was .... .'-* the five cent candy bar;, when more horses i men wore .il -r-' (except on ,.nirl:y); * when a girl's." r"i'" value was decided by the kind of f.'V- she made; when pornography was limited to an oe- ,c.- .-. -I nude 'on a calendar; ..1. 1, an .,L%.1:,:.- ride was an .lIL F,.i t .when only a -' .'' carried a pair of dice or a w ek of ,..'r.I-. 'in i*,; p*- .' .'when you locked the -front door and .4'-j..rd the key under the mat in- case .,,b,";ly wanted to get while you were gone; and you were ter- ribly busy if the phone rang more 1 i.r. twice..A ie.. a day. Those may have been the good old ,k. ',- and are prob- ably fondly remembered by many.,. But the f;.-:" .i years and nature's way with making men forget pain ,:i.. one forget that those "good old days" were also the i,.y- when. it was r 're.',:.?.ry to take, a r .n.. rr..: trip down a trail in back of the house, no matter what the ')w 1,1-,r, those horses '; ,. the collars ,].,I-_t''::, the w. ri.* had to be fed, s.K--.,, ,...',r ..* and their stalls cleaned out; there-were very few nickels around to buy that five cent candy bar; haircuts were only a quarter, but there were more people 'cutting their own hair then than now; the only time you were really warm was in the summer and the only time you were really cool was in the winter. i As far- as I'm concerned these are the good old days; even if we don't dare leave the front door key under the doormat when we leave the house. It looks 'as if Mr. L. Patrick Gray will never be the head of.the FBI. Not because the Congress fails to con- firm his appointment, but because President Nixon has evidently pulled the rug out from under him. . After Gray embarrassed the Nixon administration be- fore the Senate committee investigating the Watergate af- fair, it seems as if the President has removed his support .'of Gray by refusing to allow his attorney, James Dean, to testify before the committee studying Gray's appoint- .ment. I'm with the President on this one. I don't think Patrick Gray can fill the shoes of J. Edgar Hoover. -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, .FIr.ld By The Star Publishing Compny WESLEY R. RAMSE Editor and Publisher loeL Unotype Operator. Ad Salesuma, Ptw4miaM, suNw% Pfw Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Ue Mt t PoSTOFFICE Box 308 PHON 227-8161 Powr ST. Joz, FLOIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR $4.00 SIX *OS. $2.25 THREE MO $W7.M OUT OF COUNTY One Year. $3.00 UT OF U. O On Ye 4 TO ADVERTISERS-In caew o error or oumlaslone in advertinist.uat, the pUbehe do not hold themselves liable for damage farther than amoumt ecetved for t dvertoement. The pok wo rd I en t attest thi ltsntd w d I o r weighed. T e hea word barely asm rta i; the poanted woid 'as rimes. The mpokem word in lost; the printed word remai.n It -p' LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pork Barrell Judges Henry Blok ha 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 1. We specialize in income tai preparation. We know the wrinkles. We dig out every honest deduction. There Is very little cdiance we wll let you overpay your es , ODMGOaLOCKe THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE J .Only 19 Days Left to File Taxes 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 AM. to 6 PJ.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY FAGE TWO IL.; .-r?-- -- Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY 7 /i. ' ~..___._'_-I: ~-L_~..-.:__.__~_ : I; .I ~_::: I THE STAR, Port St. oe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 rAGE TUJh II Social Security Will Provide Aid For Kidney Disease After July 1 "A recent amendment to the So- security to be insured. If you have, cial Security Law is of special in- not only you but your wife or hus- terest to anyone facing the high band or dependent children would cost of tre:-tr:,.rnt for a kidney ail-'be 1.K-; for assistance under the ment," David Robinson, Social Se- program. Unlike other Medicare curity Y ;.':'-*-'*e for Gulf benefits you don't have to be age County, said today.' "Some people 65 to get ,I :: i'., who need continual hemodialysis treatment for kidney disease, or No benefits can be paid under require a, I_-, transplant,, can this program before July 1, 1973. ". 1: get some rt; .T the For more information on this new " "cost from Y.orc cost from :,,:,,,'< program, .visit or call your local The t,: ..:j -r. for Medi- Social S ." t,; office. Frank W. Hlan'n, was present- ed an emhwmvA "'cyJJ O i Mur.b 21 by The Crtinaertal Ilncursrii, ._ . . -... Companies in honor of t- F Hn- A n Insuran Af gncy. 2 y':;: You Are Cordially Invited o Attend . LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street STTNDAY SCHOOL ':. ..... 9:45 A.M, MORNING WOR-IIP .. .. ... 11:00 A.AM BAl-.:T TLA[NIJN UN-ION .. 6;15 P.M. VENINiN WORSiHIP 7:30 PML. PRAYER SERVICE ( WedTila, sy).. 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME' -- REV. J.' C. DUM, Pastor , care hi. ~i- ..-. must have 7-c:k-; long enough under social Sam Alexander In Marine Reserve EL TORO, CALIF-Samuel Al- ,exander, 26, son of Mr. and' Mrs. Sami l A.:-':,. of 303 Avenue B, ; J:-, i enlisted in the Marine Corps Air Reserve here with the rank of. corporal. A veteran of : years active Marine ;;: service, i::r.:. ' combat duty' in Vietnam, the George V- L _i.r., High School graduate, nw makes his home in L..: Angeles. HIT has been-assign- dA fth 4.n. tpin - :^ar.^on was made by Lon- bt e t"i 8" nie B. Rucker, Production' Sup- Obervation, .,., 8. * rj.Tn t.rt, o t h~,l f tf he, As a Marine Air Reservist, -- 'c,:,r~p~i.h, 7;haid in prt: "Our'. ander will l:- oine week end a ra:f.i, h. Ftp'x'?ra and pro- month and two weeks each summer .,... your.period of as- :'i it -,'.i part Ve, th;rI. you for your loy- o '' :c..i. tri.-: that your .pl-nhd ',pre(.-eDta'ion of this Sco ipany wdi continue for many years to come. "Our agency force in the Unit- ed States and Canada now num- bers over 25,000. Of these, thou- sands have represented us for 25, 35, 50 and .more years "hWVh.;. 'h!e Tr., support ,f4 all <'.ric'.,tl Insurance ag- ents, our C'Impa-n-,r t.suld never h,, i th, r-..-,.n w THURS. FRI. AN hr.,n v:.,.j in bt" ind.ustiiy. ^ HJK .r .H k i Through This Week At... Boyles Is Your Easter Store This Year with Hundreds of Fashion Items at Prices Everyone. Can Afford! .... Quality r .:' PANT SUITS up to 50% off ;u1. Nylon Stretch SHORT SETS $2 and $3 Ladies and c'liiil', - DRESS SHOES 10% off w r D A,.M =S7ttE PAYCS A ES SK- nit Polyester ISLACKS pr. $9.00 B o y s -" S '. r " Easter Suits 1 9" up Sa-..: $10.00 Value Easter Shoes $8.00 INSURANCE Is An Exacting Science Too! LIKE 'A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH EXTRA CARE! There are about as many dif- ferent types of in:suranine as there are specific needs. You can't buy them 'all, so it is vi:aliy ijurtaqt that you consult with an expert Call oh us at any tuim. WE PUT THE "SURE" IN YOUR INSURANCE IL .-Let's .take .an.. example. Do you know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT n- LIAUT= INSURANCE TITLE INSURANCE FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST less you're properly insured! TOMLINSQN Insurance Agency tv p gem y Hannon Cited by Continental - I _J~_L -d_ I LI _._ _I ._II I' I~_ nil i - .l;.;..arub~ " I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) ..... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" - Say You Saw It in The Star- SGAg FO= HE tA fjl ,pt. J t Florde THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 Save With Our Discount Specials Piggly Wiggly Prices In This Ad Effective Througs March 31, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept U.S.D.A. Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly REGISTER FOR FREE 50 Pounds Fresh Lean GR FOUND BEEF To Be .Give Away , SATJUBDAY, APRIL 7 5:00 P.M. 50 lbs. FRESH FRYERS To Be Given A*ay SATTlP.DAY, APRIL 14 6:00 P.M. You Do Not Hhwv To Be Present To Win GEORGIA GRADE 'A' and 'B' Fryers Quartered Thighs lb. 53c BUN PAL Wieners 3 Ib. 46c Quartered Breast lb. 59c PKGS $59 TENDER LOIN END Smkd Chops lb. 89c We Have Genuine CALF LIVER SIRLOIN STEAK CUBED STEAK ROUND STEAK 1b. $1.59 ALL MEAT STEW GROUND CHUCK lb. $1.19 Fresh BEEF LIVER Lumberjack Lunch Pal BO lb. LOGNA 69c Why Pay More? Save Cash and Fill Your Freezer! WHOLE or HALF FRESH PORK LOIN lb. lY QUARTER LOIN PORK CHOPS --- --- lb. 89c TIME to BARBECUE , MEATY LOIN -RIBS-----------------I-lb. 89c LOIN END 4PORK ROAST .------------ Ib. 79c CENTER CUT . PORK CHOPS-_ b. S1.19 rr ."r"ty Morn Huerm liagt Sli'. e BACON Ib 79c B AC0 N ENDS ----- 41b. box $1.79 -Prade- Single Wrap Sliced MIESE ---.. ..- 8 oz. 47c -Pam&de MI4S C UTS,-.-~.-.- 6 pik 49C' ' Ol UNT. V STYLE PATTIE - Oleo O-v Ida Frozun 2 Lb. Pkgs. Crinkle Cut POTATOES GOri-n Giant .- 10 Oz. Pkgs. SCreamed SPINACH .. 8 O. 1 2pkgs. $1.00 3jg' Old South-Froien -10A Oz. PIE SHELLS '3 pkgs. $1.00 $1.00 ' el Monte Chunks, Crushed or Sliced No. 2 Cans PINEAPPLE 3 cans $1.00 Del Monte Light 6Y2 Oz. Cans CHUNK TUNA 2 c MABISCPO CRA KER 146 Parade -4or0z.. Cans Fruit DRINKS 3eans CATSUP -.-4 l. BAN AlAS lb .15 Tresh Crisp Green CABBAGE Rlb. l Oc RU TA-.G: S lb. tlc Fresh POLE fE AS ,lb. 29c Ins 89c FAMOUS BRAND QIE - 3 cans WHITE GOLD --imit ~1 8ag With $10.00 Order or More 5 Pound 'Bag' Giant Size Package DETER GENT DIRE '^ ; ;* ~~~.1''.*.'^ - a~~~~~i a L a -`II .I -- PIG GLY 1WJ.G1yL BUDGET M-A KIRS EveryFday Lowv, Ltow, Pricest P.etr Pant Smoolh and Crunchy Peanut Butter 12,oz. 44c Banma Crunchy Peanut Butter 28 oz. 99c" Famous Brand - Crisco Oil ------ 48oz. 99c -Quality Brand Wesson Oil 48 oz. 99c Famous Shortening Snovrdrift 8- 3 lb. con 83c Famous Brand Tide Detergent reg. size 34c Dish -Detergent Crystal.White -_ 1 2 Spray -Reg. and Scented LysotlDisinfectant 7 -Bama Apple Jely 18 qt. +6& c oz. 79c oz. 33c ! XCo~pai& ahd .Savet Ptuy .W N, Y.ell;w or, Lemon Pilitbur/yrCie /Mixes -,box Oual;tye,8taf-d Clorox :leach 'VA gal. Lacly Scott White and Assorted Bathroom ITissue 2 rolls 39c 32c 34c Waldarf Whimrek'diA~sre biahroon-e, T~e- 4,rolls'43c N~ew ,)'kexh Mint M~l Jfli'3oteen Oz.g 5% W ~ w gi... Quality Brand - 2Crfco Shortening 3 lbs. Van Camp 15 Oz.. Cans Pork and Beans -__ 2 cans I Parad C" I e o WHITE and DECORATED JUMBO ROLLS Hudson BigH H Paper TOWELS 3 rolls 91c 35c Delicious Parade Coffee Creamer --I_ 11 oz. 49c Big H White and Decorated Jumbo Roll Paper Towels ---- roll 36c Famous Handi Wrap 100' roll 33c Campbel's 104/ Oz. Can Tomato Soup ---- can 12c Famous China Doll Rice .-.. 3 lb. 59c Famous Jocko Rice ---5 lb. 89c Quality Brand Water Maid Rice-- 2 Ibs. 39c Parade Iodized Salt 26 oz. 10c Kraft Quality Mayonnaise -----32 oz. 75c Reg. and Quick Quaker Oats 18 oz. 35c Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter 18 oz. 63c Parade Cream Style or Whole Kernel 16 Oz. Cans GOLDEN COR N 5 cans Van Camp No. 2 Cans Pork and Beans ---- can 23c Hi-C -46 Or. Cans Grape or Orange Drink 35c Green Giant Niblets Corn 12 oz. 24c Showboat Pork and Beans 29 oz. 29c Famous Brand Le Sueur Peas--- 16oz. 33c Chicken of the Sea 6V2 oz. Can Light Chunk Tuna --can 47c Del Monte -- 6V Oz. Can Light Chunk Tuna -;-. can 47c Duncan Hines Devil Food, White, Yellow, Lem. Cake Mixes -- 18 oz. 39c Betty Cracker White or Yellow , Cake Mixes -----18 oz. 39c Betty Crocker German Choc., Milk Choc. Cake Mixes ---- 18 oz. 39c White and Decorated Bounty Paper Towels -----roll 39c Parade Cut Blue Lake 16 Ounce Cans G'RE EN SBEANS- 4 cans For Quality, Economy and Convenience Shop Your Friendly Piggly Wiggly Super Market Where Your Dollar Buys More! / $1 rBobin blood RPlain or Self gRising FLOUR 'o R BAG P~*' Famous Brand CRISCO 48 OUNCE BOTTLE C C CHEROKEE NO. '/2 CANS Sliced or Half PEACHESS Jw omm i _J Il I - -- -?---rr. I I a : ------ %kj% -W I- "MW Anti Consolidation k' Indignant Floridians. alarmed by: tonal rights. io-ernor Reubin Askew's division, The Florida Legislative and Re- of' teo' State of Florida: into, ten' search Committee, affiliated with l'sub-states" for the eventual elim- similar organizations in other ilnation of municipal and county states and coordinated nationally government, have launched a mas-.; by the' respected Committee to Re- sive campaign to inform Florida st6re the Constitution, is: exposing citizens about the imminent loss what'it calls a 'betrayal of public of their ;traditional' and constitu--trust invested in the governor and CZ 4 0 CONSTANT ADVERTISING SOne step won't take you very far, I ,You've got to keep on walking. r ,. One word won't ell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing., One little ad won't do it ial, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 FrAu lJM Forces Organize state officials by the people of withhold Revenue Sharing Funds' organizations, is the Florida Leg- delegations, political and civic State Legislature demanding, (a) Florida. from the region. Included in this islative and Research Committee, groups, to brief officials and the Rescision of "regional" bill, "Flor- The Committee charges that control, already determined by ad- Inc., whose president, Dr. John people on illegal actions of persons ida State Comprehensive Planning while the citizens are kept unin- ministrative i-re.c':P .,. is regula- Grady,, M.D., is mayor of Belle involved in promoting and imple- Act", (b) Rejection of a companion formed, the .governor and his ad- tion of developments formerly un- Glade. "Governor Askew", declares meeting 'regional governance' in funding bill, "The Florida State ministration are using the Florida der local authority, including air- the former Navy pilot, "seeks to Florida. Multi-County Planning Commision State Comprehensive Planning Act ports; s po rt s, entertainment, change the form of government in A direct mail campaign, reach- Act of 1973, and, (c) A full hearing of 1972 and the Florida State En- I'.. ..: or recreation : ,.- Florida with neither the know- ing 100,000 opinion leaders, will odr "regional ,governance" before vironmental Land and Water Man- ties; arenas, i'. race tracks, ledge nor consent of the people. uncover leadership for a network the Legislature. .agement Act of 1972 to transfer tourist attractions and amusement :'; :-- government is be- of conscientious citizens, say Comn- Dr. Grady stated that "When the control of private property from parks; electrical .-."--'- facili- ing transformed into FP'.:n-; mittee directors. The :..(-.:1'..? is citizens of Florida and the United the rightful owners and .'.:' all ..-; and )r.,,:.';. .r hospi- -:': ':* '' ", said *';-". "and to establish a political action r,- States become aware, of. what is state planning, programming and i-., i: manufacturing and regionalism means control, more ter at each o:urjly seat, and to de- planned for them under Regional budgeting in the hands of state and "" -"" .' L' mining opera- control and eventually total con- velop channels of communication Government their angry protest federal appointees instead of elect- office complexes; petroleum trol of the people by the .mrn for dissemination of action guide- will descend upon Tallahassee and ede aof ines, and 'n mo stsi storage and '. '.'>'-. r- .. ment." lines and ...:..'n on *'::. .- Washington with the idr#:esty of a. ed officials and bring most busi- dental 'developments; schools; Spokesmen for F* 1 .: r -" Corn- alism" to millions of misinformed hurricane." ness, production and. functions -u .-r. shopping centers. mittee, a private :: :' or- Floridians. --- der control of .i.:. ee funded Corn-w : -crt. r f-r the state- s.r '.-:"' are currently engaged County commissioners and oth- 'CLASSIFIED ADSI state -:.:. Coercion may be wide' : --''. claims par- in a series of appearances before er officials are.urged to adopt a Midget Investments That Yield tr 'L .to bear by threatening to c .i.pa r. by .-oL -1 a : patriotic county commissions, -' I.<:t resolution f;i r : '- t i'..; n to the Slant RetuM * I BIGGEST SALE IN DANLEY'S HISTORY I C p KING-SIZ Bedding Special! ? CO 11-Pc. KING-SIZE Sleep Set ".'. II lilAll l I ,Mll y i,,le I A ..^74 El'^^^^ I I I* *iI i n i4 A(-m erican $209 .00'a Colony YOU GET ALL THIS In Handsome, Heartwarming, A.* 1 Qiuil ed King Jize Ma es S2 Founidations'. Hand-Hewn Oak Finish! 2L Y 2 No-Iron Sheets i 2 Matching Pilliw Ca e * 2 e~ elCme. 2 Polyester Foam Pillows 4 .1 .n 1 Thermal Blanket ' a 1 Quilted Comforter Spread 1 -- 1OFPTECE SLEEP SET, 'BrQUEEN SIZEoo .... i'l. Suite 2' No ro Sh e e. Double Dresser, Mirror, -.---., 5-Drawer 'Chest, SpinOle Bed 2 L ter1 Qu cited Comforter 2 Matching Pillow Foam Pillows Spread Cases, 1 Therm IBlanketI0 $199.80 Trim styling on this contemporary 69" Sleep-Or-Lounge includes a standard double mattress, luxuriously filled polyurethane seat cush- ions, sasters and handsome Naugahyde, a fabric backed vinyl uphol- stery or Herculon. Get extra space at an extra special price. CREDIT TERMS ALWAYS AVAILABLE at 'DANLEY'S Speed Queen Automatic WASHER This Speen Queen Automatic I Washer has automatic cycles ... normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cycle, Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature se- lection large family ca- pacity 3-way lint and sediment removal system . gleaming white porcelain enamel top ... safety lid switch plus many other great features. Time and durable press cycles... delicate and normal heat plus air fluff seeing. $219 Speed Queen Matching Dryer $159.00 SOFA SLEEPER AO E 1 THE STAR IP ort.-iJo, Flidd THURSDAY, MA CH, 29, 1973 I Gulf Adult Institute Joins Nation In Observing Adult Education Week Next week, April 1 through 7, will be Adult Education Week in, the nation. This past year, over '341,300 adults enrolled in Flor- ida- adult schools, 'graduating ''6.923 students and awarding.-7,- S237' GED "diploma.3I. "This courinty' is experiencing, a crisis of underlearning and an. Eta Upsilon Meets At Power Lounge Powe -L-,' '*'*' *';*" * opportunity for adults to con- tinue:to learn must be provided. This is a. public necessity and a public responsibility", President Richard M. Nixon has said. The Gulf County Adult Insti- tute is proud of its role in. pro- viding educational op.pp.:rt..r:trE for. adults in this area. The Adult "School "hasi" 'its. headquarter# in the. Cent..r_,iiil 'Building. There, classes .in A.;t. General Educa- tidn are tautibt General, educa- tion classes leading to a high school diploma are alsb .taught at the'Wewahitehka High School Classes in Adult Basic Educa- tion are offered in the following communities; North Port St., Joe, White City, Highland View, Bea- con Hill and Wewahitchka. Classes in typing, bookkeep- ing, shorthand, auto mechanics, basic art, oil painting, wood working, electronics and sewing are offered at the Port St. Joe High Center. Taping, :' -, 3, ,-.' r'-,.-F art,' sewing and auto mechanics are offered. 'at the Wewahitehka High School center. .d For details of classes in the The Et; Up.do-. .Ch.iFpt-r eFrf it .- and the Beacon Hill- Center. Port St. Joe area call 227-5321 Sigma Phi held mit March 20 meet. or 227-4806 or come by the Cen- ing in the. Florida-Power 'lounge with Mrs. Tillie McKiernan as hos-. S-r it e' m ers *At; . -.te s Specia guests-'for the meet- so 1 e r At -r^ffAs. U ^or ., ing inere new r-i-4 ;_, Phyllis Sisk 0'P ScOl Metnoff e Ho r - and Donna Roberts. - SFrO-ioent Li a Smilth opened l B d,'of theEt Bi'd.. Elect the I,:.r r,;~,t.ing with roll. call, I, 4 1 attend a I.. . f-.. ..Y r .,. It was '. ,,,,. D:, ,., .- .: r ..'. coffee was' held at that the izerr,1ier would n.K 1 t ,., -h i' P in ola '" o Mrs. W. 0O C ':---. Jr., a,,,,e pcl. i, ;.-- ,-A 1, ,1 ..... :,' ., i ..,. --":"*,, *M arch e.l pAon/,-t. d -flr,.- t '-._ ". A ~' -n '{,. --1 ri. the Down- of r Thon beld Saturday, M .areb a ,T4 C,a"L' Inn and was attend- 24, ', IC:: Judy.Watson of .E .. r rl r i. *::-g a 'y ,:, 3 '' C- I, .- ,- bride-elect ,.f Larry nd :%t r.. .. ;:" .- i ,. .-. r '. Port St. :"' Hostesses for the .oc- Afti r. b-r::, ,.r-a.r: -,-" L-Ja Smih, Freida Ja- casion were Mrs. C.,', Mrs. pIoa1O p .,- *p.,r .-...' ,x. ..f. .1., .-11.en Armstrong, Mary Hara Elizabeth Thompson, Mrs. Ray- '.Elue .k'.', ... ': .'d T ,r L'.. t V,'iii .'., and .Elaine ':,-1 Hardy, Mrs. George Holland w as Fr, '-. '' J. .- .." .'. 0 1 n ; '; .,. .::-.I by M rs. Ca- '. e .'.1 r.,.in,,,;.td,'-.d. with the "' they, and presented to Miss Wat- tber : ." l l son, Mrs. Alton Watson, mother of A *l i py and Gar lub Setlling :.. .. )....' and Mrs W. A. 'ry t ^, I r, BSpaghetti for Fund, e .-. roeatc -,s,.. e rv.,l to. tb,. :-tr t. MI-.s Janie Cathey served atid guc..ts coffee and MTi.-- NiL' Holland pre- ........ ... The Port St. Joe Grden Club sided at the punch bowl Refresh- S wil .,have. "a :' ""~t i~.hTeb.t ..' .' 'of. dainty sandwiches, petit S" .April 1 'from 1. i'.,' '.r. ,, i.,.r and nuts were served. Sorrty Members o' 2:00 p.. at the d.'r r Approximately 40 guests called non Eighth Street -:.,g, the appointed hours of "Attend Conventionh T'1. s fcr'the luncheon may be. 10-30- to 12:30. wedding l VoIV..l.llI ,(,,.,re from r..r- /^r-jn .Olub :The Watson-Shellgrove wedding r,';xr>,br. All proceeds of the-.ur.b '- 'i.- ~ in event of April 7 in .Tal- Xi Episilon .t(,p.i w, .''tr- 'V..ri will g to thei C,'rcer Aind itie'. sented tat the Hi, SiFmrna Phi ulf ---" -- ----------- ------ :'jhia C mr!':J r'.'etinw. brid ijt1ro I . Ar nn1 Kick-off Breakfast Well Attended SWutb rich ad targaret, Biggs ' S... To Lay Plans for Cancer Crusade Drive A. rthe 14 I' -.in I ..ri. r -..*. AhT-mft r y ..,i ''k :fif '-,f,.n how funds were used :por-t ,.f area c h .-i.r .3..--,r+I. h- Fi,,:T.. w.- ..l-' T\-'.7 in. Gulf County. Some money I f, i.- service ..... .. i .., -,- '- fl....- ; '.1 r,.,r_ goes to area tumor clinics, some- and. means wer ".' t ., ..r ..- .. -, ..^. ,:, r ,- .to r..t r~.'t,,: .who need help get- S...!...i : :i,ee buffet i ,, ., '. < Jake's'Bestaurant. t :,r-:. .. ..-r to. and from " t,. I ,-n..-.. '. i' ,t..,ru i I' '. ,,,est .speaker was Roy T." I ,' of treatment .i : drugs, hospi-' -School entertained the "'. .- ". p, r-,i 'City.. Mr. Bobo is the tal beds needed at home,-crut- with art songs and songs fr.n r .-, ,; .-i. ,' t.- American-. ehes and other items' ... ."'. Florida 1''.-...'. Bobo. gave the area captains' S' wn.the The.,f r .. r instructions and folders of o,. r. Wh J / drive tools were given out. Four- I. ,I week end. v.. ..t. r .- v.* ., J. Rih. teen people were present. ,-- Beach. I It was pointed out at the Crusade chairmen this year- _I ............ .... .. ._ "... .... .... _ SMiss Jane Ellis Married to John Low a a I ,o W .are rs. Jean Atchison and, Mrs. THANK YOU NOTE Ir --. n imnIpresives eremony March I. ... f wn w t e y show n our . 'Miss Jane E .'. r of the ;r:,. Graham with the U' S. the recent death of my sister, Mrs. Rev and Mrs .i.' ., is of '. in -. Tennessee '- K ellyof . Port St. Joe,- T .,,T. f '. ....- Mrs. I MRS. H. L. FORD *;;:. ,]$ o ..., ;.h! "L ... .. ., I .' ,ft .,-: _; f ti .- .:, 'of .' .. .. r ,:'-K .-., -.=? " Swood were t o;".rr VISIT WITH COSTINS S.w d ;.-re : ;. tg,, .roo is .1.'-o -mby Pea- .. Duane Williamson and son .Uniedi 'LJ' u-' P or& it Peterson Compa ny and is Tommy of -i.- ..;- Ala., and' .St. J..' The Re. M llar Sr -. 1-:- -.r "to. : '' .' J- Naney .. .. .;'. .-.- Kar-,- 'officiated.. aven theend of Mareh. VTW'. '.:. of r Ala, The bride was given in .. the'State -. 1::- '.- ed with Mr. and' '"by her father. Ms. James Buhan- '' of Services. Mrs. C. G., Costin, Sr. an of s-e.- l,.... '.... served as M at- ron of T.. i'". 'j of Mexico "- :. served the room as bMst man. A reception for'the ,'.. close friends of the bride, .. 1., at the home of the 1. .- -, in St James' Rectory. Out-of-town guests attest r_' lrh ceremony were the bride's "ro Special Day at - W.C. Baptist The, First Baptist Church of White City will observe Homecom- ing April 1. .The day will begin at 9:45 a.m., with' a goal of' 125 in Sunday School. During the 11:00 a.m. morning worship hour, Rev. Walter .Markhem, a former pastor, , will bring the message. Immediately after, the morning worship hour, everyone will enjoy dinner', on the grounds and renewal of old friendships. Later in the af- ternoon will be a program entitled "Memories from .'he Past". During the program the youth choir from 'the First Baptist Church of Port St. Joe will bring the special mu- sic. The pastor, Rev. Douglas Burns, .offers an invitation from the church to- everyone to attend the special services. ' Bride-Elect Honored With Coffee Miss Joan Altman, fiancee of Fred Anderson, was honored with a morning'. coffee, Friday, March 16 at the home of Mrs. Dave. May. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Frank Hannon, Mrs. Gan- non Buzzett and Mrs. Jean At- chison. The refreshment table was cov- .ered with an -Army-Navy cloth centered with a beautiful floral arrangement, and spring flowers' were placed throughout the home. Welcoming the guests with the honoree was Mrs. Janet Ander- son, mother of the groom-elect. Assisting the hostesses during the calling hours were Mrs. Wil- liam Whaley and Mrs. Lamar Hardy. The bride-elect was presented with a crystal cream- and sugar as a memento of the occasion. tennial Building -and discuss your needs with James. J. Mc- Innis, County A. 2.;it Director. For informtien about classes in the Wewahitchka area call 639-2749 or, 639-2892. Gulf Draws $90,01 March from Race Each county in Florida reaped the benefits of pari-mutuel wager- ing ot the tune of $90,000 this month, Comptroller Fred 0. (Bud) Dickinson said this week. Dickinson'mailed state warrants of $90,000 to each of Florida's 67 .: -: as their share of the huge paralmutuel 'pie. Florida law requires that each 00 In Month of Yates Family 1 Track Revenues Gets Together county receive an equal share of The six brothers and sisters of the tax collected from betting on the Yates family, sons and daugh- . horses, dogs nad Jai-Alai. To date ters of the late John and Elzoha this fiscal year, each county has Yates, gathered at the home of received $334,500. Ross and Eunice Collinsworth for State law also specifies that each a two day reunion Saturday and. SSunday, March 24 and 25. Every- county ..will receive no more than one was present with their chil- $446,500 during a single year's dis- dren, grandchildren and other tribution.' This leaves a total of family relatives. $112,000 due each county. By nightfall Saturday, 44 had Dickinson said that each county arrived. By noon r.." 95 mem- -'I. receive its full' share a a few friends. month earlier than last -,r "AHll eoections are far ahead of The six '': and sisters are tlas year ne r a. e a oEu nicese and Liie last year," he .. 1. "Bee Mae Rexford of DeFuniak Springs; of this, we should have the entire ,-*.:. of Winter Haven; Aubrey, S..: to each county by the end 'of .S' ;r:-. Ala.; Cecil .of Orlando of 6.1; and James of Port St. Joe. Of the thr ee generations represented, Last year's ~.. atn were dis- only three children and six grand- tributed through June, the end of children were absent from the re- . the fiscal year. union. Say You Saw It In The Star - f for Girls Dre! Buy these beauties now for E selection" is ,''.A and the pri 2 to-14." i* sses Easter while the ice is low. Sizes ~fI Every and w ing pa to we make ;UITS 'ANT body's wearing them e have them. Flatter- tterns and solids. Cit ear- rrit.irl.jt,!, and you look good. ". % OFF PFF 2 Join the Spring Swing with DRESSES from COSTIN'S :, .. The most names init ,,::'. world are right here in our huge stock., Come ] rk around. -". / Ladies Wigs 1/3 off Varied selection of .'.-'; and colors. You're bound to find just the right one to suit your fancy in our large 'stock. COSTIN'S Your SPRING and EASTER Store! Men's Spring Knit Coats and Suits Easy care polyester knits in the lat- est styles. Choose from a large selec- tion of solids or patterns. O OFF Land of the Double Knits PANTS $900 Famous name, first quality double knit polyester 'slacks. Light weight and they stay wrinkle free. Leading fashion colors. , I/r Crusade for Christ Group In Wewa .. .- ;. r. :. '. '6con- electric violin with their v: : t.:: '.., to sound. They sing selections from i::;_; i P..t: :.i.ilh-. 1 T.."'; Y'OLKithe'top country-rock charts along .' count ... 2:: with original compositions dealing by Cami u ', ;: f .: r : .: with love, social and personal prob- ternation-:L; : -. lems, war and other issues. enth :tour cr I fr, ..:- . will peri:r-, .t tohe 7.*,:,:.;,. Among the group is Allen Weed, 'r Calhoun '. r product who C.S T. ~n ., ."I -.''... from Blountstown m HT , ." "l":' 5*-. :* m in 1967. / Above a bass :;:. :rhy- thm, .the. ;.: ;-,:b team' v. Everyone is invited. Donations of bines ~'-i:' electric piano ..-Li 50c are being accepted. THE STAR, Port St. o, FIkerwd THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 .United States Daughters of 1812 Visit Constitution Park Daugbers of 1812 Visit. Museumrn Teacher's Sorority Meets Here Forty-seven members of the Beta Beta Chapter of the Delta Sf Kappa Gamma Society attended Mrs. Kilbourn Hostess for Regular the March17 meeting which was Sf \ held at the Port St. Joe High Meeting of Xi Epsilon Kappa Sorority School. The Chapter's member- ship is composed of women edu- Mary Agnes Kilbourm was host- responding secretary, Mary Agnes cators from Bay, Calhoun and ess for the March 20) meeting of Kilbourn; treasurer, Betty Scott; Gulf Counties. Xi : -.2'- .7:r '.. extension office, Greta Freeman; Port St. Joe members .serving President Betty Scott opened civil -*f:_r.- Lynda Sullivan. as hostesses for the occasion the meeting and called for com-1 Following the business, Martha were Janet Anderson, Dorothy mittee reports. Sanborn presented a program on Barlow, '1 Costin, Nellie Plans for the chapter support the effect of mass media on think- C-',' -. Sara Fite, Laura Geddie, of the March of Dimes Walk-A- ing. Particular emphasis was given Jacque Price and Jo Ann Smith. Thoun were finalized Ion the effect of watching violence Highlights of the "*...'- ; in- M~ary Agnes iK.!'--ri was ap- on television, eluded a committee' report on pointed to be the chapter's repre-| a Jones will be hostess for personal growth and develop- sentative on the council for the the next.r: -: and Greta Free- ment by Jo Ann Smith and a celebration of the city's 50th an- man will present the program, study: "The Expressive Dimen- Eiversary. sion of a Culture: We Thought, Members voted on the Girl-of- CARD OF THANKS We -.,,i-,; We Created" present- the-year award. They also' -.: I want to take this means to ex- ed by Eloise Ramsey of Blounts- the slate of officers presented by press my thanks for the prayers town. the -- :r.1-T. committee. Offi- and many acts '.f kindness :,.j At. noon the group went to the cers for' the 1973-74 year are: concern during my recent stay in -St. Joseph Bay Country Club for president, Betty Lewis; vice-presi- the I.'. .l.tI It made the days inore luncheon and from there the dent, Dot -Ir-, recording T:,r.1 Thanks again. meeting was ~*"- by the Jo Ann -. r Lcor-. L .. ... president, Ruth Ayers of Bloiints- to"n. Friday, Marhel 23 in Port St .Joe could not have been a lovlier day. In town colorful azaleas, -dogwoods in white splendor and the new reds and greens oi"oaks and maples were enhanced by the clear waters of St. Joseph's .Bay sparkling in the sunshine, Film Shown to Rotary Club the taitzi decorated %o,', h, an .i roads lined with sprnP- wi i flowers. Members' of the '. r' '-. ety of the United '[. t.-t- '' ters of 1812 holding.their sixty- second annual State Council at the .: ,r.-.."r MotorInn on Pan- ama City Beach chose this day to visit Port 'St. Joe's Constitu- tion Convention Museum, Me- morial Marker and Park and the ,,,,';2f,,"y landscaped- Old St. Joseph Cemetery. . Mrs. Hubert Brinson, historian and curator of the local museum Gulf County Can Have Full Time Drug Counseling for A Nominal Sum Sheriff Raymond Lawrence preo Gulf County can provide a full Guests of the club- were Les -sented a film produced by 'the time drug counselling service for Meyers of Tallahassee and Chris Governor's Commission on Crime, only $450.00, Dr. Pat, Patterson, -King of Port St. Joe. -to the Rotary Club at their regular director of the Bay County Drug meeting last Thrsday. and Crisis Treatment Center told BEACH FIREMEN CALL The filn shows; how easily it is the Kiwanis Club Tuesday. A SPECIAL MEETING to burglarize li, .,-r^' I,.r.; and Dr. Patterson 'said, "Federal There will be a special meeting steps: which may. be taken to pre- grants are available to finance 90% of the .1Vexico Beach Volunteer Sent burglary.. of the cost and we will be glad to Fire 'Association members to vote The. n irr.it-rr of the film point- train a counsellor for Gulf County on the :.-::.' .Y'i. of turning the ed ..u* ll' ~h ,- l < -. most if some "group wishes to .sponsor fire truck and .-',.. ;...'-'t. over to 'burglars if. they have any.. trouble it and put up the $450 matching the. city. All members are urged at all i' -i.j"-' i.. l..-. or at- *:s- ,- to attend Friday, March 30 at:'700 .tracting vi,.-,. ,.-, t-,..ings as Dr. Patterson told the kiwanians p.in, in '... Hall. 'locked doors,, watch-dogs '- that drug abuse has been a prob- Sing marks or "'rands" on valu- lem for many years, but only re-' CARD OF THANKS * ables will deter most burglars. The cently has been recognized as. a[ I would like to- express my ap- film also stressed the part neigh- national problem. "We had more .. for all kindnesses and bors could t(.i I...*.* '"' ...- b'; drug mis-use' back in ..-.k early expressions of .-,.'" *.: extended laries by r t... .tti',.,' ...,, unusual ac- 1900's than now, but we are more to our :*.- during the illness tivity around a r. iF-'-t .home concerned about the ..problem and recent death of my father, Jes- by strangers. *'. se J. Williams- A special word of Ed Rude was taken into thd club The speaker "_ to mtnri-1 thanks go 'to Mrs. Elaine Barnes, as a new member.'Rude is ffiliat- juana as the biggest drug' .: 1rs. Charlotte Paschke, Mrs. Dean- ed with the law firm '..r. :J 3'... now and '. the future because, nie Daniels, Miss s. T.. Graham and many years by ....-d ; '... '..Jr. is e- Bill : richly Jim Loftin of Port St. Joe was a cure and many consider bl ess all-of you. guest of the club. less, drug,.while in fact, it is n'". MS. UTH W. LUCAS Office Supplies THESTAR Is I.. ',.t.r. .- for .i ,,i r .Otfr.'e -.. O\f needs. We stoec only f.tt.,i.-,.-" brand a.-nus hin r.i tyv office supplies No need to .:-it for th,.i ) cryiday tff~.:' needs' .Call us today! SSTAPLING MACHINES STAMP DATERS STAMP PADS and INK FILE FOLDERS FILE' GUIDES * SCRATCH PADS, all sizes TYPEWRITER PAPER MIMEOGRAPH PAPER DUPLICATOR PAPER CARBON PAPER INDEX CARDS, all sizes '. CARD FILES. wood & metal POST BINDERS L- LEDGER SHEETS STAPLES * GEM CLIPS, FASTENERS U EIGAL, and LETTER PA"c MACHINE RIBBONS DUPLICATOR FLUID PENCILS, ERASERS - And A Host of Other Office Needs - . PHONE 2274-61 THE STAR- "Publishers of Your Home-Town iN eWspaper" 806 WILLAMS AVE graciously.-conducted the group -. -". tr Ii t; history represent- ed by these memorials. of chapters of the '.;". *i .', '.ur came from all over Florida. Three Notch Trail Chapter -::. '..bL.e. come from Flor- ida's Panhandle was hostess for the convention with, Miss Cath- erint Martin of'Panama City, chairman. Mrs. Paul Fensom, chapter president, was in charge of tour arrangements including a luncheon at the new St. Jo- seph's By'y Golf and Country Club. Mrs. Wesley Thompson, secretary, was registrar for the convention. Both are from Port St. Joe. , " The United States L-.:h,'s:.. of 1812 is a patriotic society which emphasizes the history of the United States during the years 1784' until the end-of the War of 1812. ,T'S A Beta Beta ('*, ., i'.. at C'. ..ii :. ', Club HIT! The Many Friendly Services Offered by Our Bank Are A Hit With Everyone! *- Financial Services for any Legitimate Need ' Safety Deposit Boxes for all Your Valuables Title I Home Improvement Loans Free Checking Accounts for Average Monthly Balance of $150 or more. No Charge On Any Balance for Students or Citizens 60 Years of Age or Over Join the "Winning Team" at Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE Z/ MEMBER: F.D.I.C. I PA GEAMXM5 ---- i I m' IC ^' II r~ I - -4iQ' .`;... - HUe STAR Port 9t. Joe. Flrida- THURSDAY, MARCH 29,.1973 Surveyors Making Intense Search For Markers, Monuments of Early Engineers T e-':ber C'if. Brown (center) and students .Ronald Daniels, Ricky Summers and TP ;my Steve Lawn.nc..-Robert Dickens,' AMp,,- Barnes, ;:L.,i "Get A.-.~ :=.ire.d" in a special program Eddie r.a.er, Sheryl Robersos, !; ai' Tn ller,. at the :.;.-'.i : :i : l :." "' night. , Get Aquainted Hour Held At PSJHS GetALuan'"'d' r' H ,. Last TbLn'Ir"Y ii -,i1bt 'A6, Acquaixit'd Hoiu ''..r ;eh'-,f and parents A 111 ~ -,r, are experersis .in-; , deinkall'ay A Pr,,t.) J'e-(' School Parent; were er rr,' a tWe'e ,.Przs 044knt W Student'; Fad" vbp'h ~. rt tnby Mr, S A hIWEV, iw! Couns.&rdo.. MPJFkC fr)Tr Vk: ;4at-r .. ,- f'~n; b.:*i by the. 'r:': De- ..,,rtir, t ;|; r':r the i':'A.. -A' of Tir i odzinf, bai : director. W-.'i,'<. V''..i"b, Curriculum Cc- ",.,r of W'That.Can Be Done" . .--,u ti lent' failure. Ken-/ r_,,tb H-r. i'., Principal, gave. a .b i. i, .7- :,,k cirg eom- !L-.rs ,:' ;.vf b.' rj.a tre 5a :. : . t, s'-,i .Bf.'. j' ..'tmii ,t': v/bto are ' .>.-'. ..difficulties. Mr. H -i" '-,i. also made teacher intro- SRefreshmnents w.ix :pi'.i.d awid parent and t.a.'..,-r .conferences culminated the affair. . Port St. Joe High has a genu- i it.er,.:t i. each student. This .i sTri. ".: : sponsored, for re- fn'.rcing the concept to parents. Randall Miller Earns Highest Cub Scout Award -The Arrow of Light At the March Pick meeting .of, Cubs earning the Bear Cloth and ,.' Scout l-jk 47, Randall Mil- pin for March were Brian Burkett, ler was .-..' the Web'.,' ., ctiA.7 Curtis, Scott. Lucas and A,-; 'r.* .1G-'5 Ir ,h. 'The It- ], A, ; son.. ' 7,... i. .,,-rj..r s -;, wbich! 'r .',.v : Davis presented 'We- '" i n b.-,J b' a '.'u i' ,,,Jt. I A.: .',.iel Curtis an Athlete ,,- ..,,: .r.. .' ". a Ronald Miller the Out- S, .- f" ; Cr;',, .-,,- ;. Troy S*,1 .'1 P.. ..I' I in .. I~.~; 'Is- ti' ['V,,.'.-'i earned a Gold Arrow. Brian "*!i., i.,ii,:,, *' p,, ,. earned one ..i and two S..R. :ii "; i r- kD r' ,' t', it,- i ",* ,,' mArrow s.. ... to ''.' 'i held a *cni i i .. ...! i. ., R c,-.r T- .*.. r' ay. ' '..,. ..... and ;-.. i ,.' '~- -Y ..r ".-' were served the ', ..i :**' .. :, : .,' .2 *;. .; fit-r.i]2.J In surveying r,:i of way for Then the real detective work be- stump, or for charcoal remnants hish-' .-: of the future, location gins for surveyors, above or below ground. Sometimes crews of the Florida Department Sometimes monuments, the phy. the remnants of the roots, com- of T'i:,r:.:.rt.i. also, are seek- sical object used to denote a cor- bined with other evidence, will ing out remnants of' hte past, ori- ner, will be found above ground;' help the surveyor accurately locate ginal corners established by the occasionally more than one such the original .bearing tree site. :-: Land Office of the U.S. monument will be found. FI --, t-:,_'. -'' efforts by'DOT sur- .'".-.-." -..? in surveys performed Then the surveyors must try to veyors successfully have revealed from about 1825 to l10. --' .- .-,-,r .- trees, the trees corner sites under .': .. 5 roads, in Accurate 1. ..;, the old cor- to which the monument originally roadside ditches and in cultivated ners, .:'. basis for was referenced during the surveys fields ro groves. r-.,'.' every survey in the state, made as long is 100 years ago. Once the corner is 1 :.. .-.-i field B..: beeme .t :I important .'*_.: in a few rare cases the notes .-i-.A :' the site are pre- as,- :.. values have soared in the tree itself still remains, more often pared. These c ; are -.r ,. : 1, state and .. ..,-.'" 'le : '. than not surveyors must look for a by DOT r--- .:.:1.,., and are marked * *.'.: have J. ::R.. _- important. DOT surveyors h become "de- -- .- S in : i ,the cornersL J. proper methods Sfor sue,'. :. .,, in schools : .. and he marked the first agencies for such a program = n - ,-_ I. Work on corner recovery begins Si' before, the :..7;.;! survey as field notes are' prepared prior to the seach.at the c.. . Data researched ;i: .: field notes and' the platfs f 'n the ori- ginal, : r-* survey, plus all subsequent surveys, county maps, U .S. ; ,... ; service ....-.... a - maps, subdivisionI plats, old and new aerial- pli.'t.j :.p-, highway -,, -.' s f 'way-maps. Other' L:.'l. f.i s.i'..ry;.t.,;r is ob- tained from land use maps, land atlases, county taK maps .and-in- formation from' p i';' surveyors, land companies: pspsr companies andp private 'p-p..,it. owners., All these materials :must be or- ganized and ., 'ym.dJ -for' notes be- fore the field survey can begin.,' In their '.." ib for the past, survey crews use one of the im, 'o. I w," .' a f^;-\'l.n l +f /.," U .T:-., F.,,:.." 1 . 2 ,.I-.=. Cortelati....t r.f .:. r... - . : .:'; ,,; place: the .'. 'party ';.t' 100 feet' of the cor- ner. In addition the aerial photo- graphs can show the io'te tk. the site. ' Forest Rangers Iii the ;.' son of y'' 10s;i ust now meet t. I-. .7 Fire ', .; [ l ,, ^. *to -. ,.,,,' for .. .-. Tri means .. ,.' school for 200 hours, 30 hours' of which con- .i..e .' ,.,' stc : o fire i..s : "iie .'-u:-.. school'of this type ..... :,'.,,' held at rte L ..'. .: of i ".T training room on 15th Street and at the Panama '' *.' *'.. training on.Beck Avenue, I. 4'. .-fr- fornthe course were. Lt :.. '* with the Panama City Fire Department; . '.-. ,,. Ceeil Pittsa d .. : ,.... with ..the of "Forestry from Panama W' Mil- on right of way maps, once again becoming part of the, public rec- odr. Following completion of high- way construction, survey monua ments are set using materials in- cluding plastic or other durable materials, identifying the corner. Recovery of the historic corners is proving an invaluable tool in later surveys either by the state or private surveyors, and should save many property owners from needless l.t. '"ti'.. involving lost corners. ton and J..,r.:[,y respectively. Shown in the picture above from left to right are: Rangers Chester L. I ',. Wausau; Gene Hanlori,. .. I rr- -: Mich- ael D. 'VT.._. Odena; Michael L. S.1-1 .. ,_,'.', City; Douglas W. ', Laurel Hill; Richard E. Norris, f .'-,,.!;, ',o' WSlli.n N i: .,.!,',. St. James. *ROBERSOONSY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" II UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 PM. SPECIALS FOR Tus. ., Fri., Sat., March 29, 30, 31 Kraft Miracle MARGARINE ._- I 39c Sixth $10.00 Order or More U G6A R 5 lbs. 49c Uis. O. 1 IMSH POTATOES Standard TOMATOES Lindy ' SWEET PEAS 5 cans Northern Jumbo Rolls PAPER TOWELS 3 rolls. 89c All Flavors I ;AMBU'RGER HELPER -- pkg. 49c Piknik MAYONNAISE qt. 49c NORTHERN 4 ROLL PKG. Bathroom TISSUE 10 lbs. 99c Georgia". Grade 'A' SMALL 'EGGS 2, doz "89c Fresh b. 10c CABBAGE lb. 1c 8 Ounce Morton 'POT PIES 5 for $1.00 Turkey, Chicken, Meat Loaf, Salisbury Steak MORTON DINNERS ----- 11 oz. 39c Cheese, Pepperoni, Beef and Cheese Chef Boy-Ar-Dee 'PIZZAS 18 oz. 69c pkg. 39C Georgia Grade "A" Whole or Half FR YERS ------- lb. 47c SLAB BACON ------lb. 75c Pork NECK BONES lb. 39c Tender, Delicious 7-BONE STEAK lb. 99c Blade Cut CHUCK 'ROAST lb. 79c Full Cut ROUND STEAK Ib. $1.39 FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER Sirloin Tip BEEF 'ROAST lb. $14A9 Center Cut PORK CHOPS lb. $1.39 Shoulder BEEF STEAK lb. $1.09 Shoulder BEEF ROAST S2 APPLY NOW We Train Men to Work As LIVESTOCK ~.BUYERS If yu hve ~m lves-tcck sqpodunc we will train you WW ujcattle, iupa" " For a ?atooztmInterwwvolts - %Wm voyw bockgroiaL Includeyour cmlt d drm umA mg"nu~w CARlIE BflRuys*INC, 4410 M~mdmIgg mon m 01 Mew~h64111 Rangers Meet New Qualifications gers e--~t-,-N Q al af lb. 99c LS. $1.49 I I-- r -- el1 AE IN M71 T. -- u, r I, ;I A C 29, f- PAG7.E7 1 fHPR!CHS Por St Jo SAVE TIME and MONEY!w 2.6tql tLihrog 1. Duncan Hines Blueberry MI FF!- A49 MIX-- 13oi3 t7C Duncan Hines Family BROWNIE MIX---- 23 IGA- 12 O Cans NE CE-3cans 99c TABLERITE BEEF FULL CUT OANGE JUICE cons 99c IGA Round FJSH STICKS 16 oz. 79c IGA ; ... '-' *. STRAWBERRIES =16 oz. 49c .IGA Whip Topping 10 oz. 39c McKenzie Blackeye Peas 14 oz. 59c- Pound o,59c DONALD DUCK Orange Juice 12 0z$100 Tablerite Beef Boneless (or STEAK) SIRLOIN TIP ROAST -- Tablerite Beef Boneless RUMP ROAST - IGA Tablerite Lean instant Coffee 6,oz. 89c Tb GROUND CHUCK MARGAIE 2pkgs. 89c ROUNDb. $1 ON STEAK b. $1.58 COOKED AM 10 Showboat N E : Tp i Beef Sunnyland All Meat 'Pork& ens -3 cans ,79c RQUND ~ -- lb. $1.58, UB STEAK lb. $1.68 WIE NERS Medium June. No. 303 Cans IGA Peas 3 cans B 6RE EE :! lb. $i.48 lb. $1.28 lb. $1.18 oz. $1.55 12oz. 75c -'. Beef b. Bottom Tablerite Beef Tablerite 69c RUND ROAST ---lb. $1.48 T-BONE STEAK Ilb. $1.78 Sliced BACON 2 Ib. pkg. $1.98 FU" jLL SELECTION OF EA COMPLETE Easter BASKETS $2.10 and $2.75 MAXWELL HOUSE COFF EE 1LB.BAG 58c ALL FLAVORS JUMBO Moon Pies MMgg gEORGIA PEACHES 3 No. 2% 9 Cans 8 c ^^^ ^^^~ ^^^^P '. ^ " Downmy ~J FbcSofteneir $1.39 Alka$.ltze Plu T 1 C. irV4.) Cold~ ijukeps-- 9;.,~ NosolpISqy-L c $9 IGA ,Tn IALTINES -----lb. 9 il --- ,~-.s r Hot Dog" F~,1 ,NE NAPKINS (New'O -r'o.'. or Feirn+' + -. +, ,, ,, .* 4fBtill~i~f SWEET Potatoes SLB. BAG 39c SWEETAE 12 POTATOES---Jb. 12c SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPf S Check 01 r Price Before You uy BARGAINS: EYve yjf?my on reduce thedi cost of 'living by eating more fresh fruits and vege- .-,5 *" -. A ~ .g~ 'r aMs are Oranges, Grapefruit, Lemons, 'Sweet Potatoes, Green Cab- ,;ibge,4 .IMe C.,Jy,,Coarots, Tomatoes, Pole Beans, Yellow Squash, Radishes, Pineapple, etc. S.:gECi ipilM AcY PA Cy STRAWBERRIES $0 , ' (CRRY $9MATGES Fresh ,GARDEN REAS ------ Ib. 39c -'Fresh Crisp" CELERY ----- stalk 23c .Fresh; Green ..... ' ALA4KEYE IhEAS lb. 49c Fresh Head CAULIFLOWER ----- each 69c Firm Ripe TOMATOES l--------- b. 29c Washington State Delicious APPLES (Red or Yellow) -- lb. ,.---- 33c ,pletely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 3 BOXES Cello Bags RADIO S.H ES 2 hgs ^19c Cello Bags SC&AR. 0T S 2 bags 25c Fresh Green CAB AGE lb. 12c From the Rose Capital of the World Thomasville, Ga. ROSE BUSHES. E $2ACH50 LARGE, RED POTATOES 10 LB.BAG89c FRESH Yellow SQUASH FRESH TENDER LARGE BAG GREEN BEANS T -- i THE F;,fyLPl itr Jew Florl THURSDAY MARCH 2~9, 1973 PAGE -NBL ' PAGE TEN Legal Adv. S': : NOTICE . :. After the date of the first publi- Seation of this notice, Thursday, March 15 1973, I will no longer be Responsible for any debts bther S.than those approvedd by me per- sonally. 4t-3-15 CHARLES A. OSBORNE *' L -- .- * '*' IN THE CIRCUIT COURT S OF THE FOURTEENTH JU DICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLOR- IDA, IN AND FOBR GULF COUNTY. SVERA LEE WASHINGTON, S Plaintiff, . ;. -vs.-- 1 ' L E. JACKSON and wife, MARIE JACKSON, - ..:' ,Defendants. e; :, NOTICE OF SALE Notice ,is hereby given that I, THE STAR, Port St. Jo ; Fo.ol THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 RAYMOND LAWRENCE, Sher of Gulf County. Florida, under an by virtue of a Writ of.Executa heretofore issued out of the above entitled Court, pursuant to a Fin Judgment obtained in said cou and county, dated February 2 1971, in the above entitled caus having levied on March.8, 19' upon the following personal pr perty, situate, lying and being Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: One (1) 1971 Two (2) Door' For Maverick Id. i No. 1K911i5037 1973 Tag No. 661-427 as the pr perty of the above named Defen ants, and that upon the I7th da of April, A.D. 1973, between th legal hours of sale, namely,.1:0 o'clock in the afternoon, on sai day, at the front door of the Coui House in Port St. Joe, Gulf Count Florida, I will offer for, sale an sell to the highest bidder for casi in hand, the above described pr< perty, as the property of said Di fendants, to satisfy said execution Said property to te .iold at sale a WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK '. .' .* There i.l, ..'-,r'u. ebarg i' yrjtr AVERAGE ErjOnth] kLa-bA~r;/. 65Ec^-'.e:L lO,.OO, aDn1 th*;Q only:.a $1.50 h) arg for o''., tins with an j.'.vrage rronthly balance- lwe. t h;,r $1)0.0 ; . By compunLiug our 'harge on an average month- ly basis, your brdanc'e could go below $100.00 on oe- casion and still .incur no Bervic e charge. Write as many checks as wish; there are no service ch 1.rges WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK A COUNTY LANDMARK FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST. LAST AND ALWAYS =' -- I ...' iiii '.. '^ 1-... ;'- ---- ;. -. -i *^ ^ .^ COMA PLETE Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation Service / Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat installation Disassembly Cleaning Inspectoen oTwiing 9 Mead Crack Testing - """ 1 ead Resurfwing High Performance Servicea Brake Drum and Disc Rttr Trning 40-Ton Hlydrlauklc 'Press Shop . Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Deaer ..U01 lng .Aveue Phone 227-2141 if 'd al rt 11, e, 13 o- in Career Day Plans For PSJH Finalized S Plans are being finalized for rd Career Day Tuesday, April 3, at 2, Pdrt St. Joe High School. Career - Day is that timne during the school year when juniors and' e seniors are exposed to&'a variety O0 of F. ."orii'1 who are actually , id employed- in various careers. rt Career Day will begin with a d general assembly in' the colis- h, eum at 9:00 a.m. The invocation o" will be given, by Rev. Millard e Spikes, Pastor of the First Unit- s ed Methodist iu: 'b: ;''..d.g of ,AU.m[ i-.- by Cathy Cr;i .'-., ; ': yS.V:'i t ,^:L P. '., ." : A YW S:.R E . ; : "'ii "'.',.:::.y, Florida-': .. S IN THE C .CUIT COURT, S N 'AND FO GULF COUN-. : TY, FLOPJDA I IN 1P'E'.'EATE he dE 'Te o E.z:,t:.. of, b ; ' "IrLLBT T. ROWELL, 1 "Deceased. .*; *' NOTICE TO CREDITORS the d ".at of :..... .. .r :t .'..i Vi.:f Lhl5 ntc. j.3.rhe 6:ton Od m s t. be ,?..n .r i .. *.:n fc ,it.' S E '. r l, at Arei r. i. t willh- " beco e 'in :'1 ';..r'. rd i tA- law * .4 "f .jAi ," ,;-* .; E i;./. .;.; ;n th-e F. TA i l... lIA S, Administ'atrix of the Edaa e of Willie T. , R- -:ie deceased ' CECIL '. COSTIN, Jr. 922 Ps: P.. .n, . Pr St b, in F*i.' .d: 32;56 4t-3-22 REGISTATION OF ELECTORS FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION The ,ru, Re t jzson 'BOokLs q,./:,1Afj, .r ?c.r:' a'3 9 (i;J AM.-, ... ft .' 1i offce* of t.he C, 'r.. .-,' < i ,'; Z c1 a, yl l.Trho 1 '-,". ;. g1..!,;.,] '.:'t: h^.t'irj? Fo:r' istwl t '$-6,. !; o "A :,, 9 t,'' lC ,I!J? bcome **'aJ'.' ..f 00, l9 3, F n d&T, Apo1-7, 137 T F.t V/wbiU tim ,.~ q ~ F.,:.1.,;. 1 '..,: ;,, edl aso e II*r di' rtri of Pr t St. Joe b., .E 4 -. .5 d "eri - fb,.r 'l LX i o'- t.n di Februsry, 1.' : n. r- ,.ee a sd r .-re is- I .'. .='. I,.. ?T.. 'S jndcr the C L,. C Or '., .~,e i. Stesi ,' V. P. 2'CK 3-22 7 eCity A.u.ht I'.r iud Clek 3t t. x-free income Serres Ns. At C4chtl;.AAonth Plan Nuveen Tax-Exemnpt Bond Fund C ,.-: L-t, ftf .: ii'.' r ., r:5, pro- f-.-i'.r: r. ::r.e.c'.--! ,. tfolio of State asd Municpal bonds. Interest income from this Fund is' totally exempt from Federal income taxes, in the opinion of counsel, and is dis- I tr-b-i.3 each snith, for a free Prospectis, contact PAUL G. LEBLANC Box 216 Phone 229-6290 Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 Mobile Unit at corner 5th and Reid on '1st and 3rd Mon., and .Tues. of .each month representing- INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Please send te information on Sthe Nuveen Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Series No. 47 Check-A- Month Plan Name * Address City State---------Zip---....... Phone Ito a T. I: .- 3;-- by Rex Buziett, -a recent pharmacy graduate of Port St. Joe. Music will be furnished dur- ing "break time" and lunch by Tom ,' ::;.::. Band Director. Many local business men and women are participating in this Vice-President, Student Council; Welcome by 'eineth Herring,. Principal; Remarks by Zadk Wuthrich, 7,iirc:,:.;,ri Coordmina- tor;' Introduction of guests by Tavia '...r President, i- _ Student ','- .. :-<.,:.: speaker -:-:-^ _|| will be R. L. :'-,,;,..:" Consul- -- - tant, .P. .:... ,-:' :-. Voca- ._ 1: ?.. T 2. .....- :, :._. Adult Edu- .: ,. ...,.2 :i-'^ Department - of Education;:.. H -- ." ,, i ..i ,-'' ..-. ', students --- i j r:, .,.l i : .I- ... ... " *-r-- ._ ,, i -' : -.-:" s- ar'i .A'.- :, ,^ -7 .''r'' ; *' y b es;y' ::v 1 4S 't r ( 1 r : ^ -i" -, :-; '. -.. ;-. ;' i; C a r r a b e lle '., ~ .',,b ,;.. .: -. '. L -' ..: :. .:r \,:,q r *.; .. ..1"':, -* : .r .- ". - r",:.:.:= ^ *:- F:: : ,. ,':. :; Car ab -. l* -i C ;..; .;, M ; . 'i. .: .: t. :,i..-- .: i-, ^ .'r ;i:. -:j ? .: ^ ; .. annual program. The Career Day program is being sponsored by the Guidance Department and Student Council. . '-'" :l'* r; -'.,', Ir r j S J" .i j < '.* .r ..- ",;i ," 1" l'rii !,^ : ii S t.]i- .... .: -= __ _' .*;! ; i ? i- i 1 ,r i p P u . if pBL7^ f I iI# EVERYDAY LOW DiSCOU Low priced Wide Radial RADIAL V Thisb70erlestelsbuilttodeflverthe l ong mileage you expect fro a riUal dret Featuring a wide, masshe 7-rib otreaddssgn t o pw a pot ivtata sad a good hol~d o AftpawMment. Als lre ilpdivtiduafly graded a the factory to gie you a smooth ride. And.,.k costs so it. to own a et of P'Ruoe L No le. , ., je KNew Ps R70-14 L8UO 639M5 P 170-14 640 M4s.75 . 170-14 66. 01 4.0 3. 170-18 i85 M A au 170.11 6840T M 50. J 170-15 77.75 5.75 3. ?risuhmlaI'UshnesIsadhff9 Mr Eu. 08 M U M 10 f 0] HI 01 m HI Ji PRICES S40,000 mile Radial RADIAL V-I Designed, developed and belt for the American motoring pubacliete's 70 saolimaal re you'llbe proudto on! Buat ih a aggressive uropean-type aIg design, Iads 4CW00 tmlp tire ba s m aodi ide, sk l enz mit league, thannllag tracdo& knpact man..oe Mad eoom~y .. coabiadog you 1- 0104 06* Mar M r HIB0S. g6.06 MM 8.88 GRBH-IS IM 5M4 3.0 W0S45 6.78.5 06.55 8.88 GRWJt0 16. 0 6.3 * O*-SM 7.3. 6 9. 3. W KM 9M a STEE RADIAL 500 k'a-Z :, al Pirestone puts it an together Io the STEEL RADIAL 500... he &e Tough sted belts onaradtloefdbod. It's a oambimtlondthat provides emop. tionalatt-aKonadteadpetsi^-Jiugfw* ArdmIh ai.d f 9 s memvydaylhe aBioad|f,. ft dMa driving a pkmuan aplia.. S ir a er and aeg assues 3SM-S 48.70 20 3S79-14\ 46.80 845 '3RTD-65 61.15 .06 W78-15 T65*5 3.2 IB7S-lu 7US <83 [1W-iS 149 348 Vinslmffs *****WVMrsaV IBuy today...Chage em U IS I Priced a shown at Fietone stores. Conmpetite ey period at FIrestone dfee mnat er ei cseltegon. dispfayfrg the Firestone alph PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT: S' AT ), ::" .AT ' I I --- ---.-I -----L- ~_ __ IL I __ ~__~ I ; I -- .' I'V * THE, STAR, Mert t. Joe, FIorfd THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 PAGE ~JIZVE A&P POLICY: AlwaYs do Wat is honest an Customer. AINCHECK: 4 : an adv-etsed special s ever sd out sk the fan ad + ,rr',' .'r yua tothe l - same Item at the ne sh w Ye O a,e -o SA. Nl,, o r. -, at price. GUARANTEE A p o fe~rS 8, ,/r..- r~r,_ .. ., 1.ba'- guar- makes it, if A &P se"'' ,t- 'F "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK CUBED STEAK......... $1.59 A&P (S GRAIN) ASPIRIN 100 CT. BOTTLE 25c .. 25 CT. 59C ALKA SELTZER. ..... 59c .TAPE TAB DISPOSABLE CURITY DIAPERS DAYoIME.$I.5 Fumrntfur and Wood Pin, I Corfr 14 Oz. Can One Step with Lemon I $1.09 __- Lb1, I"9x Tide Detergient box 79c ASP LAUNDRY DETERGENT CLOROX BLEACH. ....JUG"65c SHEER'STRETCH (FOR WOMEN OR ITTrE GIRLS)J, PANTY HOSEPER... .. 49c CHECK AND COMPARE Rl MER'S ...... '..49c 'SUPER-RIGHT"I DOCIOUS FRESI4LY I~DfhI~f i'uirv 3 LBS. & GROVUND CHUCK lOover Lb$1.0 CHECK AND COMPARE Everyday Low Price! KRAFT MAYONNAISE.. A59c SULTANA WHOLE GREEN BEANS.... 4 s $1.00 ARGO CUT GREEN BEANS....5 CS1.00 SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY, I PIAI,0ANUT is0oz. PETER PANBUTTER ** JAR ANN PAGE GRAPE JAM & JELLY........ 89c JIFFY (8% oz. Box) CORN MUFFIN MIX.. 2/21c WITHOUT BEANS (Regular or Hot) HORMEL CHILL.......'N 59c MEDIUM AND WIDE (10 oz. Bag) yuI E MlDGOLDEN RICH w MUELLERS MODL,, ..3R 3C IUL.UI~j NOODLES ...... rnc KRAFT FRENCH DRESSING.. z.34c ANN PAGE ... , KETCHUP......... of.43c Gerber--4oz. - BABY FOOD je.r 11c Reay.To-Je Baby Formula . SIMILAC 32 oz. 63c "SUPER-RIGHT" SHOULDER SWISS OR C'iUC% BONELESS STEAK ... LB. $1.39 COPELAND PURE PORK BAG SAUSAUSGE.......i 95c A&P DELICIOUS PIMENTO CHEESE.... 7 9c Cap'n John's Quick Frozen i FISH and CHIPS l b. 69c Fischer's Brand, Quick Frozen 5 Lb. Bucket Pork Chitterlings $2.95 SSUPE_-, 'T" ALL MEAT. SLICED BOLOGNA.... :-79c CAP'N JOHN'S OUICK FROZEN FRENCH FRIED ' FISH STICKS. .W' 55c :. 79c Quick Frozen i PERCH FILLETS 1 lb. 95c Banquet Brand Bee, Chicken, Turkdy Frozen Pot Pies -8 oz. 20c ANN PAGE ASSORTED CROSS AND BLACKWELL SALAD DRESSINGS 3o,: $1.00 SEAFOOD COCKTAIL..,,o ,41c ViuitOwul F~WPh6wmckaDop~afbstmaa ASP BRAND PINEAPPLE JUICEe. .^A38c. GOLDEN CROWN LEMONJ IICE2.....,. Z59c OUR OWN LOOSE TEA.......... B 99c A&P BRAND APPLE SAUCE....5 BS1.00 ASSERTED COLORS FAMILY SIZE SCOTT NAPKINS,. .. ENCORE SOLID MARGARINE .....2 35c A&P FROZEN REGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT FRENCH FRIES... A^0 098c BIRDSEYE FROZEN CUT OKRA ........o 32c A&P BRAND FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING HAND WHIP.........OZ39c O EZE ceo..(... CUP. RICH'S FROZEN (Qt. Ctn.... 47c) COFFEE RICH...... CATON K A&P Assorted Fla o 46 Oz. Cans FRUIT DRINKS 3 cons 89c v 1CcIOFF.COUPON f 1 ,^ PALMOLIVE ' CRYSTAL CLEAR DISHWASHING DETERGENT WITH- 26 OZ WITHOUT S g_ THIS c,| ,.'A l c THIS' THIS SIZE*48-CON COUPON ONLY COUPON COUPON GOOD THROUGH SUN. 4/1/73 PurnDO CHOW 50 s. $699 DOG CHOW.-.. 50 ibs. $6.99 ASSORTED, FLAVORS REG. OR DIET BEVERAGE Y IKON CLUB ..101~ h89c U SIZ (ASSORTED VARIETIES) M&M CANDY BARS.. '.79c CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL DEL MONTE CORN 4 AN $1.00 SWEET EARLY GARDEN DEL MONTE PEAS 4 's $1.00 AOISN AGEG -25c" ANN PAGE VEGETABLE BEEF OR O STYLE gCASENN ODLESOUPKNc CHICKEN VEGETABLE. 5B89cS VEGETABLE FLAVOR (10% Oz. Can) A&P NON DAIRY' CAMPBELL'S 50UP...6/$1.00 COFFEE CREAMER... AZR69 SALTED OR UNSALTED A .R. 53C A&P SALTINES...... 29 CANE SUGAR...... 5 B ~ - L "* (* :. i. PAGE TWELVE THE STAR, Port St. Joa. Flria THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1973 L J S Th anks to the gqm-kiflitg pow, - S-r of the ant 'otics, doctors . have been able to cut the mior- :tality rate on many diseases. .,' This Reall drug store carries the most important lines of antibiotics. Trust in us to gve you s.wft seeke aid 'to help - yo to better health at lower Cst learn to deprid on ... IOUR DRPUG STORI BUZZETT'S . DRUG STORE Pb .27"M31 317 WJi.ham Conwv'nitl Drive-In Window S Plenty of..Free Parklin Honor Society Sets Book Fair The Port- St. Joe Chapter of .-,',the .National Honor .'. i/ is stwi' sj:rro,. a book fair' d',,ruj, -. tb -,,V of. April 2 through 6.. IBooks will be on display in the 'M..1,,. aCenter- Conference Room of-Port St. Joe High School from I 2, 15 a.m. to,. 245 p.. .... t ..! . S i'ri'..-... -" ''" *,." project will "be used -for a, National Honor r. '* .** if 17p*f t, l :, and a "'/"i law enforcement * 1fa: i ', -.*. --- - LADIES' COFFEE LEAGUE -Let's meet another team:' Wewa ) Top -Dollar took 't-.. out F. --I :' t,,. ". .Paula four games from '.'- Bank this :.':- Elsie *. ',and Irene Bea- week.. Marion. was high for Top man. , *'.... with a high game of 165 Standings W L and a high series of 372. Elsie was AN Railroad -- .-- 84 16 ..high tor Wewa Bank with a high Ralph and Henry, ...-- 73% % game of !. _.,. high series of 386. Pate's Shell __ ___- 73 27 Ralph and Henry's to6k al' four -5.. -' 54% 45% games from Margaret's P-i ,v Sa- .Top ..' .40 60 lon. Pay had a high game of ;174 Wewa Bank __.--. 35 15 ;and Patsy rolled a 458. series for- B & D 22 :78 "Ralph 'and Henry.. Mary and Av I '.':... ,. Salon ------ 18 82 had big games of 144 and Avrl threw a- 411 'series for M,.u.. ., GULF COUNTY LADIES LEAGUE Pollock's. Cleaners ni- ...I ,- Shirt and ...:, clinched first- PIait'. Shell Center for three ,and. place' by winning' all' four games ,a half games. Sue had a'high game from Comforter's W e d n e sday of 207 and a fine 565 series .for night. Mary .'," ti. led q.', i Pollock's. Brenda Was high. for and Trophy to victory with a 2131 Pate's with q. 189 game and' 506 game and 459 series. .: ',',,- -series. .. bowler, Mary Brown led Comfort- On lanes 7 and 8, AN Railroad er's with a 145 game and 417 ser- '.took all four games from B & D. ies. Bertha .lJ.-',:. also bowled a 'Dale had a high game of 157 and 145 game. Dot Hamm posted a 413. series for Florida First National Bank was .AN. Irene had a top, game 'of 141 S.i,'t 1 o..f .:. place by win- and bu rolledd a. 388 -series f-r rir '-17 %ur games from St. Joe., D- -----'... ,... : Christine ..Ltfecit. " officer who -..' r- the fine art ef using bloodhounds for crime detectiond work at- Ocala -'. *i. working, as a .: -' deputy for the 'Marion County Sheriff's .De- partment, said "Good: law .en- forcement will always 'depend upon dedicated people. working !,: .ti r-, and .',, ri each other in whatever way 1 :,;.-'. to com- bat crime; My wife" and I wanted .to make '-. -s ., She- S'Mn i t "..;t nd feel tfiat "e -- "* o - S ..'t. is, par- It .' '1 i, Sher- iff and 1 7 L.-. .. native i ,1,1,] 0 ,'o ,,r;. ," ..,;, " I. -,-' a great deal of time in odr county over the years and we feel we know them well." I. .- a former .-'..'.,l of 'the Washington ,..r''/ i'f'' * Ti'-'.. -';. and his wife, Ruth, operate a. restaurant in-Verionh. Ruth, also involved in law en- S.' -' .!., is a license examiner with the florida 1.-'. ,i, Patrol. When one stops in for a bite to eat at the P.-'..;..,.:; Restaurant, law enforcement is I'. aI, to be- come the 'topic of :. ..' ,.It takes, a special kind of man to be a ..; .'.'... : i- dep- uty. Haddock is that kind of man. He has a scrapbook, filled with memoirs, that he is some- times persuaded, to share. *' soon realizes, that not ev- eryone could get the results that Haddock- gets .from the bloodhounds. He is a ,., . master who gets ,.. from the dogs by becoming V'-. _.- bud- dy. He always 'took personal charge of their Y. ., and care. He is quick to point out that most n!:.: : ). j_".j; are gentle creatures who do 'i,'.-:' job and show no particular malice..As a matter of' '-..it. once they've i;.-:-- their preythey are like- ly to walk .up for approval, and 'et..; i from the criminal and must be held.back by the deputy. When asked if he still does that type ok'.work, Haddock re- U.'-J.-J. "No, not so much any- more. I've retired' most : of my bowled a 202 game and Verna Burch rolled a 502 series' for the Bank. Connie Kirkland led the Stevedores with a 184. game, and. 506 series. SWilliams. Alley Kats won, three dogs and won't I '.hose. long, hard runs anymore unless it's for. a lost r, L or woman, or a Special case thatJ- -: death matter. I'm not as 'young as I .used to, be and I've got a bad knee and it's a little hard to run + Classified Ads + FOR SALE: .2 -gijrs bicycles. Call FOR RENT: Nicely furnished fully Elmo Ford. 227l3q=Z8. 2tc carpeted, one bedroom house on St. Joe Beach. 229-6663. afc-3-29 INCUBATOR SPACE: Bring me youar eggs and I'll hatch 'em. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house trai-I Any kind except trich eggs. El- lert with screen porch on Beacon mo Ford. 227-3786. 2tc-3-29 Hill. ::229-6688. tfc-3-29 FOR SALE: 12' x 60' trailer. 2-bed- FOR RENT: Furnished beach cot- room and 2 '75' x '150' "lots. St. tages. Reasonable monthly rates. Joe Beach. 648-5176. 4tc-3-29 Phqne 227-3491 -or 229-5641. tfe FOR SALE: 1972 .Honda QA mini- WANTED: 40 acres or more. Road bike; 1970 Chevrolet, pick-up and power. Please drawmap and truck, 6 cyL auto. trans.; 18'5" give price, terms, and send to P. 7T-:.. : 1: --. heavy duty trailer, 0. Box 952, Lancaster, Ohio 43130. S r.: Evinrude motor. lOtp-3-22 For more Informnnatien call 648-1 4255 after 4:00 p.m. tfe-3-29 FOR RENT: One and two bedroom attractively furnished apart- FOR SALE: Small duplex centrally ments. Cool in summer, warm in . located on Mexico Beach, 31st St. winter. Gas heat, window fans. Business lot. Available : wnter as heat, wdow ans. Phone 648-5256. 2tp-3-29 They must be seen to be appreciat- LOT FOR SALE or RENT: SuitableedCt Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Plce Sfor trailer. Madison and Chero- at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER kee, Oak Grove. .Easy terms. B. PARK., White City. Phone 229-2413 Anderson. Phone 229-6604. ltp or'648-3101 .: tfe-10-28 MC's PAWN & SWAP SHOP :F FOR THE BEST in Television and FOR SALE: Window fans, air con- Sound cohi.' by-301 .Reid Ave.,' S-;...is 8-track home s -:.: and see. our line of televisions, ., -..:..i -.-sets, car tape play- components, stereos, radios and r '.7 ."2, rleny r ci i iems. 102 5h tapes. We have a repairman avail- H. .H.i .- \.. 229-6193. 3-29 able- daily. K and D TV and, FOR SALETruck camper, 10 ft. SOUND, 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227. si,.ps 6 .: 'e, ice box, gas and 2071. t .l3:s 'ele;'.: h ,t.. ercom, heater and WANTED.TO BUY: Cancelled post. '.c .... .:E'- Used viry. little. .'"age stamps." Any .- .'.: n' .;.i Can be seen- at 805 Woodward, Ave. :,,... must be w 'i i o- r 3; or call 227-5476 after 3:30. 3p 3-22 stamps. See Robert "I.. at Ken- HOUSE-FOR SALE: 3 *1 -7 T.1 'nedy Electric. 4te-3-29 l'." i .-,", room, m'.--" '. r FOR SERVICE without *i..v. Call .... .;-.. -.. .... Bath KINTt. :..,.today. Plumb- Gulf County' ISheriff Raymond Lawrence, 'all seem hap!ab~t the new home which has "Minnie, PiI-VI and Mr. and' Mrs. Olen Haddock been arranged for 'Minnie Pearl". un in Minnie Pearl Finds New Home With Gulf Sh eriff .I. electrical, appliances and air . ... .. i. .. 0. ..;. Phone 229- ',.;-. tfe-3-22. "ELECTRO-PHONIC STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS See. the Large Selection at ST. JOE HARDWARE a dog '. ... .the swamps and FOR SALE House at Mexico Beach., 4t COMPANY 3-1 fields for eight or ten miles." .Custom built, masonry, 2 bed- rooms. Close -to- beach. Extra lot One gets a distiret feeling, available, $17,700. See owner, 15th CALADIUM BULS: Place your . however, that O'.n Haddock, a St. 648-7621. 2tp "order: now from these Port St.. tough, dedicated l... ,r, would OR SALE Dinette quite in Jo Garden Club members. Call not rs.'rA too nuch persuasion good condition.. Table an 1. J.. Alt-r'ast 227-5201; Miss ".to put his, wiry hands to- L. r Table has black-andvt '781; J.: frh gatp, ansl..'.,.r...h.7.,,o anfQrymea top, Chairs are black imber 1avqh again and ..- .I-,ee I.th white (:" <--" ti-.7 6 6'6r anymember u ar.st6i with whue .%1!',i 1" ,' i.,;,i m ,-, ,i. 1Wel z. ,.. the i -'.', of friend .or uali material with whites ....- tf- ir r ." Y ii-y Call 648-3121. 'tfe OR F N r ',, venture and a FOR SALE: 1969- Chevrolet -1 '.- r *'.: fr~3. Jk IAo ., lh tP'at dift.-c,, sedan. Air .conditioned, p. '-,r .,, T ,-., ., .I .I M.1 or c.ijl Last 'Rites Held steeri" ;. brakes. G +,,.. :,, .. ..ui t1 lles e ... i, ,, .,T good .ti,-. .... .. i.,, , For Frank Bake "' -.: a a S35, 41tp4.15 REDUCE 04f.: ,rll ;.jt wltt W" li; Frank -,i."-,, 19 a:. ... ----- B T" r ,;.. ..:. i .. at s2 3 & .. FOR SALE. Lincoln Continieis.. 4- pilLi". (C'rmpL'li. Dcw:_. I'..S' i , ,,.: ;.in .. ...i. n ,.tr White .r ",W INCOME TAX SERViCe: l-n.l- He was a truck driver for the t'g,,r ,, .. exhaust system. Nhew ..ouih triddy, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. .,', ., .r 99 Paul Bloun'. 12 Ph ne 2' 9 I for f ,' uIr.iu ,,I-. , T ... "" I '[ ,. '_' -... 1 ";iHu tper. Phone 229-=4'4'iI *..* 'i,- Sr i.'l iu'l f"t r 5 Pl.M He is survived by his widow, Mrs.unter one_ 2 ,.. ., "ley T. Ida Baker; one r i.,,,;1'r .Wanda; FOR SALE: '14' ti'-.".. i,'. ri~ HI ", fe-2- two sons, Frank, Jr., and I.r ., oat with 20 h Johnson .r:.r' WANTED .' ..r .. all of Wewahitchka; ..:..v -and -,r..ji ;,.;. r For information call man in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo- father, Mr. 8:.. Mrs. OQscar Baker .2:- i tfe-3-1 tor Co, Port St. Joe. tifc2-15 - of 77- f..' *.,. one brother', Rev. .' I I E cl Luther Baker of Port St. '. three FOR SALE: 20 foot !, ..' sailf- o ,ry S'. ph,. Free estimate sisters, Mrs. Inez Lockwood of boat 'Phone 648-3934. tfe-1-11 Go arflniE' ,'a i hr an materials: Blountstown, Mrs. Marvel Myers Low down payment. Phone 227. and Mrs. r.:27 .,; .n both of FOR SALE- 3 bedroom house with 7 ,-..- .. ,r, ; two -;i,,..,.rs den. Good neighborhood. Call INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert. Mrs. "; .. Barnwell of Blounts- 229-5821. fC4-10-29 L. Montgomery. 505 3rd Street., .town and Mrs. Alice Perry of We- Phone 2274811. 8tp-1.18 wahitchka. FOR SALE: Lowry organ. For more .. '. IMonI information call 227-8701 after Funeral services were held Mon 00 p .o 2294303 fc SEWING MACHINE day ..... -at 3:00 p.mo at New.500 p.m. ok 229-03. tfc-3-1 SEWING MACHINE Hope ., -Church- lof Wewa REPAIR SERVICE '.." -.. conducted by Rev: N. Bow- C & G Home and Industrial ,ers. Interment f... '..2 in the fam- ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 2t PHONE 639-5357. 2-8 Hy plot of Ri-::e. ,.i Cemetery' sidental and Industrial, P 1mereL. Wiring and Appliance Repairs in ..: .' Air Conditioning Heating , Pallbearers were L. C. Williams, Oil Burner Technician Gus Russ, James RRouse, Walter' CALL 229-6863 or 229-5777 B I NGO Wright, John porter and Charles .Every Saturday Night Gray. Beginning December 16 Services were 'u r i:. the diree- 7:30 P.M. tion of Comforter f.' -.i: Home.' INO. DRIVE-IN THEATRE AMERICAN LEGION S Apalathicola, Florida HOME. NOTICE Friday .and Saturday- Perso"ns Z. ,- March 30 and 31 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's dPersonsr,. :, B G.. ws- women's. Racing style. Touring W. _. 2BIG SHOWS style. Credit terms available. WES. e ele i 11 ... k 7.- 'f r .'_ ,,-- fiee of-the .i' ..' one 'I Commissioner, -or, .': ' in Group One :. i i";: C.. missioner in Gr... '-..: i t City of Port St. -J: f c.'.:. r... .' do so on or before .A _7,. -LI,. Fcrm.? f-r filing' are available in c '-.'-. Clerk's office, Municipall F'.d.in iIPort St. 'Joe Florida. and lost one to Bowen's C :.':: ... C. W. BROCK 3-29 Helen Armstrong was high bowl- City Auditor and Clerk 3t er for, the Alley Kats with a 180 game and 497 series. Sherry David- 'NOTICE RECEIVE a 1 The SEALED, BIDS son le4 theCowgirls with a'.10 Board f County Commis- game and 440 series. sioners, of Gulf County will receive St. Joe Kraft won two and a half sealed bids from any person, com- games and lost a game and a half pany, or corporation interested in toSt. Joe FurnitureEvelynSmithselling the County the following. to St. Joe Furnture Evelyn Smth personal property. led Kraft with a' 182 game. and I Fertilizer per ton in '50-pound 493 series. Opal Howard had a 175 bags, to be picked up by the County game and Jo Sealey had a 448 ser- at seller's warehouse. State price ies for St. Joe Furniture. for the following: 8-8-8; .10-10-10; 13-13-13. Standings W L Bids will be received until April Shirt nad Trophy .... 72 36 10, 1973 at 9:00 A.M', (EST) at the Fla. 1st Nat. Bank .... 67% 40% office of the Clerk Circuit Court, St.- Joe Furniture' ___ 62% 45% P. O. Box 968, Port 'St. Joe, Flor, ida. St. Joe Kraft -------- 61% 46% The Board reserves the right to Comforter's ---- -----56 52 reject' any and all bids. Williams Alley Kats -_ 53 55 BOARD of COUNTY -St. Joe .Stevedores 45% 62% COMMISSIONERS, BoGulf Coufity, Florida 3-29 Bowen's Cowgirls ---- 14 94 A. L. DAVIS, Chmn. 2t "FRENCH CONNECTION" "VANISHING POINT" NEXT WEEK "DAGMAR, Inc.". "CARRY ON CAMPING" DIVORCE KIT - For the no-fault law. For free details, write: Joe L. Stupica, Box 791, Pompa- no, Florida 33061. 10tp-3-8 KILPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient--Courteous Telephone 227-2491 TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 .Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 p.n. Phone 2295281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT. Dealer in Port St. Joe . THETA EARTH 306 ead Ave. HEATH RADIO and TV Black and white Color All Work Guaranteed PHONE 229-2782 SEWING MACHINES: Dial and Sew. See at K&D Television and Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227- 2071. tfc-3-1 PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- tional problems and/or concerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev, Sidney Ellis, 229-6598. INCOME TAX SERVICE by BERNARD 0. WESTER 813 Marvin Ave. Phone 229-3107 FOR WELDING NEEDS see James L; Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. tfe-9-7 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN or WOMAN Reliable person from this area-to service and collect from automatic I,,-'T.3 No experience needed. We establish accounts for you. Car, .- .r !i id $995.00 to $1,995.00 .'- necessary. 4 to 12" -.; : could net good part- *,-; ,ri,...i^ Full-time more. For local interview, write, including telephone number, Eagle Indus- tries,, Department BV, 3938 Mea- dowbrook Road, St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426; Itp ECONOMY CASH STORE Apalachicola, Fla. LERIO WATER PUMPS Pumps and parts. Only freeze- proof pump on the market. Only pump that can be re- paired for .', worth of parts. New Sanitary Brand STORE' SCALES $335.00 New 4 burner GAS STOVES ....... $125.00 'New 4 3urr' _ELEC. STOVES ------ $139.00 30 Gallon Round WATER HEATERS ____ $65.00 New 15 *cu: ft. GE automatic Defrost No-frost REFRIGERATOR ____ $95.00 also - Latest Ladies and Girls' FASHIONABLE at lowest prices A New Service At. POLLOCK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227.4401 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5110 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or syn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices . WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES t' e FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 22743511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped ouat Call Buford Griffin. Plfone 2294694 or 229-2937. R.A.M.-Regular convocation on 9L. Joseph Chapter No. 56, A - 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, Sec. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 11& THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 pan.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL a, regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge ao. 1ll, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGE, Secty Gulf C. ,t 'i is the recipient of a. fine ...', .i'f-- .1 gift from Washington County. Olen 'Had- dock, long-time law man,' and his;' wife, Ruth, are shown .present- ing Gulf. County ir.-' i1 Ray- mond Lawrence with "Minnie Pearl", a '....:.:.,'' .d puppy'that will be trained for use in the G ulf r..",, ..'., r-l - ment. Haddock, a L i .. of Vernon, and kitchen has be.' ... remodeled. House '.-..-'.' S. *ebuy. By .-- all 229-654a after 5: &0 : "th Street. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house, St. Joe Beach, 1% blocks off water. Priced right. Call 229-4556 after 5:00 p.m. or on week ends. 3tp-3-22 O F SET PRINT N G OUR SPECIALTY The' newest and ,most Satisfactory metnou of printing is offset. It's economical and fast. We guarantee all the-printing we do -to your satisfaction. Call -us -today. THE STAR PHONE 227-3161 . J , I I I I .;-.; -'~ -~- ':.1' _- ;.:;;;.;--'.`-;- --- --- I I-- 1 l --xi |