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A Million Safe Miles -It takes, a lot of driving to travel a million miles and it takes a lot of careful driving to drive a million miles without an accident. John Strickland,-who has driven a truck for the St. Joe Paper Company, Container Division for 20 years, has done it. He has driven 1.2 million miles in THE STAR "The Safest Beaches In the, Jorld Are In Gulf County" the last 20 years without an accident. In recog- nition of Strickland's feat, Ryder Truck Rentals, which lease trucks to the Container Division,-pre- sented Strickland with a ring and a matching bracelet for his wife Monday afternoon. Shown making the presentation is Floye Brewton, man- ager of the Container Division (left). Looking on is Joe Williams, local Ryder representative, right. -Star photo Sheriff a ". : Lawrene an-o nounced. this week the : :. :, of Willard J. Watson of White City to serve as permanent Cap- .tain of the Gulf County i 3.'.::: i Auxiliary. The a p p o intent moves the organization onestep further toward becoming oper- ational. "I am pleased to announce that Mr. Watson has accepted the responsibility of leading and coordinating the activities of the newly formed Sheriff's Auxiliary in Gulf County," Sheriff Law- rence said. "He will be perform- ing a valuable service to the cit- izens of Gulf County and I. feel he is qualified to lead the Aux- iliary to high efficiency." Watson is a life-long resident of Gulf County. He served 12 years in the U. S. Army, attain- ing the rank of Captain. His tours of duty included two years in Vietnam, several years in Ger- many and varied duties at state- side bases. He is presently em- ployed with Florida Engineer's Associates .with offices in Port St. Joe. * Watson is .married to the' for- mer Carolyn Davis,' also a life- time resident ,of Gulf, County. She is the daughter of Mr.- and Mrs, Jennings Davis of Dalkeith. Watson ,his wife Carolyn, and their, three children, presently reside in,' i te City. Sheriff Lawrence further. sta- ted, "We 'expect- to' have a max- imuqm of-25 men.in the Auxiliary for the present. A few vacancies still exist and Mr. Watson would -* **< *&rL--f lOc PER COPY A'***^* ** - --. -- --~ NUMBRR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1Y/4 Si ' TWELVE PAGES THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR 3 :ity Faces Deficit by End of Budget Year It 'may noti seem to "e the "' political thmin to do 'v';f Mu- , aieipal elections right .around the corner, b'it the COty Comrn missionn began:taking a loni hard look at the ed.4. to.increase wa- ter, ..ier .and. garbage iaies _at their regular L,,L Tu. d Ti, id night .. . SA..month ago, the Board in- ,..''structed Clerk Charles Brock to "prepare'balande sheets an the, ..servi.-:, as well as. the Mulicipal "Hospital, for the past ,., *< years sd a study could be made. The. Commission knew. at the .-. end of the last budget year that 'the -present year. ('?b.j"'..h ends on September 30) would be a close on'e --e)r to a deficit. > C1Frf' EPo.: said: .'* ... night :bea.",y '.:-,.tr. 'f.,i.fi: '. the Munl.wpal Hoi:..;J .Ifr: -. the past fiv' or .six ,oirjIt, would put the City in the: po'o,'Ji' of Stunning about, a .$3,000 deficit this year, pri '/i'J. they followed.. -...he budget expenditures ;,d used all cash which has been put aside for .an e* *''g n'i." :Cr7 -"7' Brock re-tmi -I 'the, Board SI-_,,: still had nearly $190,000 put aside four years, ago to build a new sewage, disposal , plant which will" not be needed for this -purpose now :.with 'the present 'threeparty.. agreement for construction of the plant now under way. "If;we ..ivin'v, with'!present spending ins i e ,' havei to use this money" ..Brock safd, "to hold Qur deficit to the $3,000 figure." MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL Brock presented the ,Board Swith'the latest balance, :hL. , the Hospitfl with l rject.A' def- icits for the remain o-:., 't- year. Past heavy' ..rn-.t.rfl.:. 'to the' Hospital h;. ;'et t.i p 'C i_.':,', o. right oir p *.. subject- .. ,- The balance sheet tr R.'-. . ' future contributions .- .' .. i'3 the Hospital through 'th_ l. ip;t */year to' be $57,468.74 T"il ''.,- i has- already pumped `12 ,'.,. in- . 'to the' ital this budget 'year. , The key,, to the Hospital's big losses seemp to'be the fact there '1 no surgery being conducted at the ,7'. i'',"..-,. r'h. February re- port sh .' .-. :..r' room earnime :,. .' :z-.-n -, 'the month in': .i;' ? .'D' :'" g. the eu:;.t i-L :. : . WATER and SEWER On -". r [ Sew- er an. 1 it',',e -l].:',._^ de- apartments the past few years have show a climbing loss. The ;:' -.".-.have never paid their own way,' but increasing costs and wage increases have built the losses year by t;it Brock's -:": ---'showed that it cos the Cit 632 per. lUUU cost the City .6322 per .1,000 ' .r.',to '':.;'"..l' a customer with: treated water. It c6sts the City-.2565 to collect and treat each.1,000.-!: "' of sewage. Customers receive this 'service at a lesser figure.' The present .Special Olympics Set o Retar ed, .hildr by ANNE WALKER The Gulf C ty :p, -i.,.I i .,. S pit. 1: 1-]] be ,l ,i` ,.4 ,. r- .-h ' 26 -at 9,:30,.1 r .i ,a t ',,ri "- Joe ,High S, hn.4,I f ..ldl f--II The event i '. ,,oL'r.J.i h thy -,, G ,i f .'.,* .itf A .. ,.:r;ti., .a fa r 1'.- Ctarded :.ildren, 'The thKril nf Olympics competition -.Pi tr .I joy of athletic achievement to the, mentally retarded children Art Display to Mark State Week The week of March 26-30 will be designated "Gulf County Art Week". All schools in the coun- fy will exhibit student work in. their own schools or community. The show will be put up Monday and viewed throughout the week. The public is cordially invited to view the student shows any time during 'that week. Governor Reubini Askew "pro- Sclaimed March to be the "Month for Art in Florida." in Gulf County. Athletes ~ i.,,it r.i, rm' tbi O ulf r.. t Y. i_ ,.. ,- '.',- . the opportunity to co":i',te a. -hass'. ;.*,i,:h -.".U be- folly'.wed' f ": b. 'by t,- (. ll:.0A,vi .;:.- .: -i Olympics in G r- :.' Jil. Activities ill o..'i'ie. ':track and field everits, ,",' i,., ahd Bowling. Children are allowed, to compete at their 'own level .of ,LibuwI'm, in a wide va[".t/ .:'f !-:events. The Special ;~,B. [.': programm is: designed to encour- age mentally retarded, and other developmentally disabled ehil-' dren to build their I. . i(,, : ', physical .* *'. '. a-. find th'e joy of winning through personal effort. The' F.-.--i.1 Olympics is sponsored interna- T :, r, by the Joseph P. K-' S Jr., I [ t' j:- ', Mrs. William. .-: Gulf .'w.-.' Special Olympics, Coor- dinator estimates that nearly_50 children will be on hand Monday, 'March 26,for .the local .games. The public-- -.: .:.- -.', to at- tend the competition. . S Bob Moore, local attorney and chairman of the March of route which will be followed by marchers Saturday. Dimes and Rita Sanders, Walk-A-Thon chairman, map. out the hike -Star photo Big Walk Starts Saturday at 9:00 Rita Sanders, ..' '. ": '.f the second annual March of Dim'es Walk-A-TNhor, '.announced this week that she, expects good, par- *"i. 1.1 ...'. and high enthusiasm for this year's Walk-A-Thon, Pledge forms are distributed' and efforts begun to 'surpass last 'year's contributions. All funds collected. will, be used in the ' :"* against birth defects. These .':..- :-'to walk in the 20-mile hike may pick up pledge forms from-the Port St. Joe High School.I Miss Sanders urges all who feel they cannot walk to sponsor - ', : e -who can. When walkers . .come 'to collect, please...make checks payable to the March of Dimes. REGISTER AT 8:00 A.M. P : :' i... will begin at 8:00- A.M., Saturday,. March 24 in . front of the High School. The walk is expected to begin at 9:00 A.M. * The route this year is reversed from last year and will proceed from the High School to High- way 71, past the Gulf Rifle (Continued On Page 12) a e ? __ L-l IL -~--~IJIL- be pleased to hear from any who are interested in becoming a part of this most important or- ganization." ' The Auxiliary meets each Mon- day night at 7:30 p.m., at the Sheriff's office in.the Gulf Coun- ty Courthouse. Those interested In making application or in find- ing out more about the Auxil- iary may call Mr. Watson at his home at 229-6852 after 5:00 P.M., each day. *. L Sheriffs deputies narge LOCalo an itNI n Possession of Marijuana; Held On $500 Bail GuMlf County Sheriff Raymond- Lawrence said yesterday, his of- fice had arrested William J. Her- ring, age 20, of Port St. Joe on. a charge of possession of mari- juana, under five grams, which is classified as a misdemeanor. Herring was arrested shortly after midnight Wednesday on St. Joe Beach by Deputy David, Rogers and Chief Deputy Tom- Berlinger a f t er investigative leads produced information htat he was concealing drugs and narcotic paraphanalia in his car. Herring is being held in the Gulf County Jail under $500 bond. Surplus Money Will Ease the Blow fr.* f Willard J. Watson Picked i To Head Sheriff's Auxiliary ~ ..~ . water charges graduate from .75 per 1,000 gallons on a mini- mum bill to .25 per 1,000 for ;-,-'.' *' ,-*. users. The average charge lies .. : above the med, tian of the two rates. Brook's figures' showed the Water hnd Sewer" Departments lost $7 p: .,.i in 1968-69; $5,- 948.47 in 1969-70; $16,718.30 in -,: : .-, ,I in 1971-72 and projected losses at $49,- 440.00 in the current fiscal year. All of the .figures presented were for operation/ only and "did not include any capital expendi- - tures. .The r,,..- that worries the Board is a desire by Governor Reubin Askew to remove utility taxes, which support capital ex- -.-- ,*;' .- of the City's services as well as other areas. RECOMMENDATIONS Brock recommended several alternative financial plans to the Board, -which would alleviate the financial crisis which seems sure to come. He recommended increases in the minimum bill, up to a rate of $6.58 to $7.15 and that no customer receive water for less than! it cost the City to buy, treat aAd deliver it. The Clerk also recommended an increase in ,_ ,t and trash collection charges to $2.50 for ... ,. 1* -.- $4.00 for business of- i, .-., $7.50 for special users and, $20.00 for grocery, furniture, hardware and' industrial users. Ihd. it, r or not the Commis- "sion.-will adopt any -of Brock's- om.* -. -..., or not' remains to be seen after an extensive, study. One thing is for sure, they all, are in agreement that some chan- ges must and will be made. THE BOARD ALSO ",,.'ri to. meet jointly with the Gulf County Commis- sion Friday .evening to iron out several problems. The problems include engineering on a Long Avenue drainage project which could cost the City a pile of money and trouble; water for Oak Grove, Municipal Hospital, and several other matters which need the, attention of both Boards. Approved a tentative list of employees for the new Waste- water Treatment Plant with their hiring date delayed until the plant is nearer completion. Mrs. Anderson Taken by Death Mrs. Minnie E. Anderson, 95, a resident of 216 Seventh Street Highland View, died in Munici- pal Hospital Wednesday of last week following a brief illness. 'Mrs. Anderson was a native of Alabama and, had, resided in' Highland View for the past eight years. Survivors include four sons, Willis Anderson of Merritt Is- land, 0. B. and Rudolph Ander- son both of Ashford, Ala., 'and L. W. Anderson of Dothan, Ala- bama; six daughters, Mrs. Iris Harrison and Mrs. Ethel Lewis ;both of Port St. Joe, Mrs. Rosie ,Mae Moats of Marianna, Mrs. Martha Lewis of Orlando, Mrs. Emmie Lee Suggs of Marianna and Mrs. Zenie Adams of Cotton. wood; 52 grandchildren, 87' great grandchildren, seven great great grandchildren; five sis- ters Mrs. Collie Barrentine of Marianna, Mrs. Annie Harrison of Ashford, Ala., Mrs. Lillie Belle Barrentine of Panama City, and Mrs. Emma Mae Brackens of Arlington, Ga. Funeral services were held Friday, March 16 from the John- son Funeral Home in Dothan, Alabama. Comforter Funeral HIome was in charge of local arrangements. r .... ... . 29 EDITORIALS .. '- / He's Been Busy Reading inthe Milton "Press-Gazette" this past week; we soaw an editorial, entitled "Shevin's Recommendations". In case you haven't been introduced to Mr.- Shevin, that's Attorney General Robert Shevin. The Press stated, that Shevin had un- veiled his 1973 legislative recommenda-. tions' calling for stiffer' perBai.e. for he- roin pu Tr. Tb3. Atto'-i"e!' Getil is 1 advocating a fir:4<'ff.ui. pernaJty fdi' the sale of hkr-:.Cu of 30 eU r axriannm' in prison aind pc,,-;u .Je hic.~ si sentence .for see- now five yer -.-: ...: . _. S n sa id, "The only way we can make a dear.t in thr e .o.r.mic.,ly iit rtive traffic of bard drug-;:!i to l.,/a: a he fi- nanciern Thockd u .' :pr-Ottygood and makes u. here ir,'Gf Cotunty'who 'have rather Strained u.irno trsa of Mr. Shevin's activi- ties think, '"Ma.yhe th',r'A some good'in the g)y after .ail". ,X ffr..:r you' juip fo any eonycusions, ' howr;evr i r. ao' at t)': nrez stugge- C onstituti :. h~' : i ;r all agog these da.. over whi., wlwt e'r I r,. r, ; r, r.rr'. sources of infor- :1 iiat.i.ir -ahau be r\.':'.U 'by law. Even rid-i': A(I .in..y General -is getting into th e F t, w:a.-Ivfi;: to ,make- the newsman's ,.,sfipurc:s sacred t,.rityiry. :. W,. :-Jl of this "need" for protect- r>,-' a. T.w ni.. : u ,r information W-,i br, >; -h. CLt n y ;-r,. ,l r r.-tw .r i"LI lthe- f ,.I. t.l."... .J irr .i. .i. 1", rp.rr ir! !a (: < i lii l ,r_ I'.,. v ,r:_..r.if!.; bA ,-rn S r,.p.,1 r.., a ', b. d. :-r:ir 1.J i :,.. *k th.. iIorc':: in tLr t I i l.1 ., 1. a r.y ijUn whv.'. e..' .r i, r. j.ir" r. r .- .ti'i!i :i i., t or a. rim ,,r -.. f t. ,;, . 1 *eya.-;ii *r d rl firhti.rig r fir." th, r,.i 1" r1.., d, i, ('Ih a]'" Ca. .j.It ficif'-.T to pr.-A. t 4I.f,,I This bi. .a, au.:-" laws can Spring Off i Tua" T -1. :y of this week' marked the be- .'. :..iti' ,f Spring (and marked the 1v-irf-. n1i.i; (, tof : Wi ,i .r too).- ' s rii-.')means new life, which is evi- S.-nt all around :us; .'it brings .,1. .I in A .'' a a .-'. -i of new life,w;armer '.*. 1.- tht"-. 1tK-r lli.?-,.[, Att L.- .,* ..... h* of 1,,, UT." '! ..- S.and .i.rn,: fever -il taxes. We witness the 1 V., ''a ', of' I..'Lt ih hope for : b.ith-r 1,-,'.- i,,," '. i', fl.re fum and * relaxation as well as _i',- i. :f:,' ti,,I of. our d, ., :. to get outdoors and.do things. Spr-i.n, comes every year, inviting men and women to-enjoy the 'delightful experience, to think about spring's mean-' ing and. the fundamental purpose and cy- Perspective On, Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON SProfessor of Education University of West Florida A prominent exponent of new ideas in education is Dr. J. Lloyd Trump. In his book "Images of the Future", Dr. Trump makes a good case for team teaching. He even suggests a plan for di- vision of students' time in the schools of tomorrow: large . group instruction (40 per cent), individual study (40 per cent), and small group meetings (20 per -cent). He conceives of the staff as a melange of teacher specialists, general teachers, in- struction assistants, 'clerks, aides, and community consultants. tion. Shevin would also institute tight controls on hand guns., Here in West Flor- ida, we still consider ourselves sort of pio- neer people, and we look at a haladgun as a tool .of protection, not a tool of crime. In that.respect, we are leery of thee hand- gun- laws. The versatile Attorney' G-:, f-. *,-:. ' also ir irt".-"rv to. state prisons to. make those ir Li Z'. ..r. a f.r-i '-. and the prisoners *r.' a source '" ,. i I H ..; J ''. -';. -r inr' .i 'l: from -s i. of' irm ni .*r (which :y .*..1 have 2 2.7Wr tU Corat'.tu n Ts-. A' ..rr. General would also r -,r a full f rn* T.,l .disclosure act .for :-i'. offfi'. .1: so 6'r e may know the source of their we, I . .. Mr. a.s-'" has been busy, -..:rdir 5 to trh U,;i1 in the Press-Gazette. How- ever, if Mr. I-h .n ,.'. r.'t mind, we would' rather: b h. '-dA.k .to ferreting out his 'mis" - ' '.' m n r !'g and leave the. Legislating to the e L i:b,.ture. cnqI Right .,.r. u ,j'.-..i': .: th',y can be. passed and .'.-: a law" is, no lasting' protection for -a r;,orf.r. Should, we continue, to rely 'on. the' Constitution, energies would be .hara'Iled toward sanctioning the of- Sf-r',lirj .reporter in cases of abuse of free- dom of a-.[--r.h' rather than,muzzling all r.ari-.-:r' for one's indescretion.' '.. wIl.u- '' ~rn came about in 1' Li7 .. ,y so-called reporters who '. ', ..l ;..i.I'.rn and muck-raking r' 0 -...--' r..v tring Logitimate S-.,r> ''.', like it one Hlilek hit and are .'., ,ri y to L .ht th.e real -. .-' i ,..'.'ir'-I 'the so-called' "r hi 'to FFi'ii. '- -';-ntuJl rf. r ortr(o.l.u of news -media and rl* *-nrue.tion of our freedom ofi r.r, "'- to report facts. i-cially Here ele of life, death and time. i. "i ,f :'.":.flt.' i r :. the hope of p:. i. ."' *.*,. .a -r. Last week,1 it was ., ... M-rch.' -The' wind was Si,'._.. *''r-' late this .month, the S!>. ; It's tmne. But, best o f '0'P ev e n t : '1' ....i '. b ';,'' - ,. .' ?,- : i.;" of the year, it is never .., '-.1 ". .' that it \cannot be ", E ..'..I.'. ..' when _. .r .'ws M _. r .. in F b' i'.na n n '. , nr. ', no.oW until the 20th of Septem- ber the 1 will continue to' get longer. With Fr.'-i.h ~-'.. 'r. Time next month, they *ill be 1v.. ,.r still. So, relax, .enjoy yourself. Winter will be back all too soon. must then. be retaught in the small groups The arguments that team teaching has the vir- tue of, flexibility comes in for some sharp i:"'- too. Advocates of the .elf-contain- ed classrooms wonder if team teaching a c t u ally militates against flexibility. They point out that it is easier for .ne tea- cher to change his plans, in ac- cordance with a sudden lively interest of the pupils that it is for a whole team. They add that moving from room to room and group to group each day is pos- sibly a deterrent to concentra- tion and creativity. -, In the case of elementary children, they maintain, team teaching has all the faults of departmentalization: inner con- fusion caused by many changes, the problem of adjusting to sev- eral teachers and groups instead of dne, a tendency to emphasize subject matter rather than indi- vidual guidance and subserv- ience to a clock indicating that it is now time to move on to another group. There are other questions about team teaching. Is it more an expedient than an experiment Doing It's Part .i.rt St. Joe is doing its' part in. fighting pollution in th,.' cor'rAr.a.., a .huge $9.4 million waste treatment SlnIt orL 300._ acre tract formerly occupied by the old St. Joe LrnmbE-r and Export Company. The. plant is now getting near the r l'oia, r stage and is expected to go S':to rip r p ,-rt.r. na.riiund 'July or August. In the, photo above.. cr,,e cn :r, :e t' ,a i-, .i of a htge three-. .trv d.' f-. ,ipl.,, S.',,ic.h wk -:rt of Lkre an, ,ld-tims milk ,:irdi. r in *.'rF rat '~oibi fr. _rr juj. and then i..r.m1pn.'. .1v sol- : ii inte, A.n ir inrt.A'.r f.'..r burning. The liquids are then f Lith e L' .':.: ... r.-.':!'. -'i: ," >; T h is ,re a ]h ni .. -'" r <.r r;:', i,, .." -: ,. ,* -:' ' . .t. :-:tp. it'. r,-. r.a. ,;f waste at the plant. "- -The.Star Home Decoration Course Being Offered by Gulf Coast College Spring is the time when home- makers, oi~:Ah*.: turn to thoughts *- ~~ .irA up-n. :-',-'"p and, often, com- pletely'~jedecorate. To' help then with their task Gulf 'Coast Com- munity College is offering a course in :tn-,r .. The class, i h consist of ix two hour = ... be held at Port. St. 'Joe VT-1. School beginning Thurs- because, of a shortage of teachers in the face'e of rising. .. en- Is' it, as, some .* ... T- 'a subtle way. of nitro- I'... e the "merit salary scales" that teachers' groups, have op- posed for so long? Do the pupils learn more or less? Do .',- de- velop' the right attitudes and work habits, or are these lost in' the shuffle? Like many other experiments described in earlier columns, team 'teaching cannot be truly evaluated as yet In time, the de- cision as to whether it is valid or vapid may boil down to a choice between two old sayings: do too many cooks spoil the S:. 'or are two heads better than one? day, March 29 at 7:00 p.m. in the Home Economics Department. The non-credit short course. in interior design is '-J' *:'*-.' to in- troduce the homemaker to all the phases, of interior aI'' a'.' Ir". All the elements,, of good '.', ..". 'will be covered with an *'.r.1' ,, on color and its '. *" to the home. Mrs. Jeanne MceDermott will be the instructor, . Anyone wishing further informa- may contact .Gulf' ;,I ,"' .1. lege' or call M.'. t ii',a r.,',. at 229-5991. -----.*- - -THE STAR- P.t.i.sped Every Thursday at 306 Wilffam Avenue, Port St. Joe. .Flhid By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher kIm Uneotype Operator, Ad Saleem, PMle4agrtm., Gei. k"mM Pit Reader, Bookkeeper and Complalnt ULDertment Posor mc Box 808 PHows 227-8161 PowT ST. JO, FMDRIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX OS. $2.25 THREE MOS, $W117.5 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.0 UT OF U. S. One Year, *$4 STO ADVERTISERS-In osse of error or oummislons in advertisement, the ibUellre AL not hold themselves liable for damage further than amoaut received for suek udwertlomeut. The spoken word Is given cat attneanst th printed wcrl to .ihthlIr **iced. The spok word barely asierte tt prto ted word m h- ta1es. e spoken wor Is lsot thepriated wad smalMs. The fashionable thing to do these days is comment on the plights of Tom Adams ... that is if you have a ,L i.:ik, t organ to do the commenting with. Most every editor in the State of Florida is busy as a bee dzigiL)- up a few v,.,:.,-.i of .wisdom to write about the only farmer in the 'State who is more famous and better known than Old M ..\ .'.. i,,A About the 'most effective \-:,in that ;;,uA.tion has ... to make Tom _A-,.s' name better known :, ;'-L-.-',. the State than the name of :.'.va, .d Ball. And that's quite a bit of IUl ,c and ; p-. .y well kr..'. Too, like Mr. FP.. it seems Tom Ad'i-ms is rid- ing with the punches and .i;- the pill.1.' hy around to his advantage rather than 1.4-ad it on the chin as so many less uraEi.- persons are prone to do. -. Adams is' taking advantage of the pubdli, itv and add- .g. a few jaunts around the State to the reams of writing while clad in his blue jeans, plaid shirt and-the red ban- danna hanging out of his 'back pocket, milking the pub- li.:i- 0for all its worth. It's no secret that he is going to. run for something next year. TWht is n,' s guess, Even .\ Aj just says, "I'm only looking for a place where I can be of service to the ,-. .- of Florida. That's all I've r tried to 'do"., ' I',. .. -. ..!-iT Jo lu-..r of the Tallahassee Denocrat A l to i i'-. ad few1 hii..1-.. to say about., A.i-I, this past week. .Johnson'' .v-. .A. j.--. like a f..i. 1li landed on his feet ':fIr- .--*-: raked over the coals over his 'farming experience -then being fired from his position as the head Sof the Department of. Cr ..r:,,a,'r, For the re dr.,l. Adams resigned, but, th just ;,..;ii.r-.- -.,-. for the word fire& Johnson declared Adams the winner in the flap over his activities, since, now he has been r 1 -I..I.1 to. doing I''. :- but drawing his $34,000 salary for being Lieuten- ant Governor and has no appreciable duties except to hang around in case anything should happen to Reubin Askew. That's some pretty good "h ra.!i.- around". Ev- Sr,'l]-.. dreams of being on a **-.- h-Il vacation and be paid for it -Tom Adams is pt...i.-l'. the only person in Florida ever to :,. *v,.. this status. .He can, take his 34 grand and live pretty ,-..r,. 1'. i. 1.i.hii,- having enough left over to tour the state i'in-:.i an ., ,:. .-i ,'-. and show- "ing the '. .- .' is 4 "r,'v .--.'r,,:. i,.." after all while : .. .rtAi; ,I to run for -",- ... iV :: else. He has to run for something else, since :,*.-.-. r,* '. Askew has al- r' ::lvy -' ;i A.'- n won't be the one *he will try to' '-rry into *.* ;. ,, for another four years of $34,000 annual paid vaca- tions. The only time I ever voted for Tom "". was when he ran for :'.;.-.rT, of State, so I -*i.'ir f11;,- have any '3:.p -. :.., ?.-'./ for the man. But, even so, you-have to .'r.his ability. Not only has ",,. like J'.-..r. 0 says, "landed on his feet"', but I . Not many .. ~ in power-let alone a.lame-duck politi- cian-can get <,.-., r, r. to pay their debts for them. Usually after the influence fades the donations stop. Not so with Mr. Adams it seems, 'since he announced the other day the last of the debt had been paid. .With Adams' ir;'r..-.~a bi;y it's going to be inter- r-- *,n; the next few months'to see just what he does. Who -:' ., with the Democrat's lack of presidential timber, he might just be trying, for the "big chair". After his past activities, I wouldn't put it past him. Henry Block has 17 reasons why you should come to us for income tax help. Reason 4. If the IS should callyou in for an audit, H & R Bock w p with you, at no additional cost. Not as legal epresentaive ... but we can answer al questions about how your ta mrtum was prepared. OIaISILOCKE THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 2296132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY - -____________ Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY But Dr. Trump and others have not convinced everybody that team teaching is the answer to an educator's prayer. Aside from the fact that most school plants do not permit the fluid ar-. rangement of large and small groups, the main objection is that team teaching features the outmoded lecture method. The same criticisms -that are leveled at instructional televi- sion may be applied here also. The lecture may be too elemen- tary for the bright children or too deep for the slow. They S'CHOOIS THF,'STAIL Port Sgt. Joo Flrida THURSDAY, MARCH 22, ign PAGE TWO~r sir' - ~ THE STAR. oort t5. Joe, Pleao THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 0- Minutes of The BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA February 6, 1973 met in regular session at.5:30 P.M.,. EST, on the above date. The follow- ing members were present: Gene 'Raffield, Chairman; Wallace 'Gull- -Ylot; William. Roemer, Si., Herman I Ard and J. K. Whitfield. The Superintendent and Board Attorney were present. The .meeting was opened with the nvocatfion by Board MeWber Guillot. This was followed ,by ,the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. W. F Dobbins appeared be= .fore the Board exproXsinig -concern about routing of the school bus in the Howards Creek area The Board informed Ma. Dobbins that; this area was being surveyed, .nid that a request bad been m.ad-.e t'o V.the Transportation .:rS'-1 n -Of thS' SFlornda Department of E iu-.ntion ,for a cou.plte-tpe tran'.r-icti'on sur- Con-cene were h.aIr-l fra-u pit- ,rons rega-dw,4 ,t rciat.' ,eb-wr.r on the bu zuei. The pattors pe'er-.At ? l income . Series No. 47 Chc k-A Month Plan Nuveen Tax-Exempt i Bond Fund DCLs i, .f a dlva y .'.if- J, TIM - '-'!. w f .: .\~.+t~e~r -eTw-A' .ri'tJifo ' 'rf t't.4 : ".. _.1 M '.).i-..-' .! ,r,;t.J ,r., r. Fund i ._ AdJi-/ 1 .-t,,iDt frnmin Fcd '" .-r < tnb,.uti.,l :',h rGoDttt. PAUL G. LEBLANC S.Box 216 Phone 229-6290 Prt SIt. Joe?. Fla, 32456 7-" I O e Urd1t, l .'r rat ,r 5th an.d i N];<:.J 'r'i? .t and fT'i Mor .-'0 i ,.. f .,..b et4or,tb -I INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Plr--iss q' n4I me (otu'co On i lbh ?14 Ji ,-I-Ti T.ty -K. ,p J_','.,! 1-Nind, Sw-hs NO .17 Cthe.k-A Mini Manr T4.jM- -;t f .... -- -.. City .- were informed that a county-wide meeting with the school bus driv- ers was scheduled fdr Wednesday, February 14, 1973, and all *these items would be discussed at that time. , The minutes of the meetings of January 2, 1973 and January 17, 1973 were unanimously -approved on motion by Whitfield, and see- onded by Roemer. Pertinent correspondence was presented. 'No action required. After discuz:Lion regarding the Gulf County Schrcl Poard's eff..-t: toward paymweLt for ye;tbook-s iA Bc-rdl requested thsT 7t the tEn'.C reg'i ar i n. 5it g e3':h :Prhoccj f i*- ntish a projected appr-cxnnat'e ctt for t.he 19"371. .;hool year. Tl,- Superiit.en'd,,t pre:reet.,-i 2,C .-' o f 5- u. v E ,in frt' H r.-, l ' H< 'Ji -7. 7 -.'T-i. W? W.$ 'ittr..2:, Pna,.i ,.l. P,. t :-.t '.E h S-':, -, -,11 5,.i'.)-,,i- j inf .- r '. -*e' th. e rIv ..: '. ly .c. t.l-ei,,.:. iJ',*'. : ,-_,f _' e- ktt.,_i r ar., fits tile in tu.:- Suprciiu&., 'i',.n3 .; IT5b '?7t."I4'4 L I 'tr ic r"t;"i i-f w.i' \. I ' . ,.'!sc:+-.s,. fr-'..r .-.h-:--:-l lfor the r'.- , r- 'A ,.f. th .. 0'.2!2 -, b .', 1 |r '..: .r.iriiom ly ,*'.Thitiut ;r.-. re'--' | .u;...? V r i, f- :C -1.". tird i ', rn : t i,., t;, ;, ,. V .. .. .' ,.' .7r- s p i i..' -, t,.* J.-'-- P S"'. li'..,. ',I ' ,. .. ... .. E .-:ry ... : ...- - ,. K'. t","*.;wr f- D.,;:. -f. - '. .. ;'i' i,. :" ', .. 'j J. ,,,..? ,. o. .... a E ,> W i. i t' Y'T. I. t7- ,'.'F L .M.-j r.- .,-tin '.',r,.. :.i.. : r ' f TA '* ": ,, I 4'. '.> t i.v.. J- a .-..." >3 ,, ?-...; j I r ." i ",'. rd. .'/ 'r .'h ."'! . . T; ,-, '.;. Tjr- *.,. |'"e? ". '- ,>- Ma', -l,. I",.' l J'- ; J'7iP,. "' S .. 0 ,- 4- .-... ;. .. ET- E rAGE TREaf .l.-'., ...t-'4 ,r3 i...;,.- ._ i _,-:. ESEA. Title 1 ; .NDEA mII . SAA .- .. o m .. d se- S U llgprograms -. .. : .i : .. t,. u nani- -r. .(rr advise Security Card, Shoui -.'. }" .:., .t .--r+... to this, re-- o i-," J -: r n.t-.:., change OU S-. nount ...Young. .. should for -.... ,. :. t. : -. .:. office. : .. -.t.,i, ..," ,,_ ", r -: r_.: .::..--. '.t--::r social security cards several i'- .rd -.' t- :': s, Ur.-- .-I -i. ""..;': weeks before they'll need a social -- : : .- : number for their i:: job, :,' 'here.-. .- "... .,, !c.:-- to David Robinson, So- r ..:.. :., efft .:.:.: ... Board -i-.: : agaim ecal -... i..* Representative for L.n- ri ti,:_ re a session on. March' 6, Gulf County. "They can apply at ::..- .' r. .- a.m., EST. any -: ..- :.: '.- .. office," he :.: '_: .'_ >'..: 7 .*"_," -. ...g .'. -. ,.- *. ,* 1 A test : . S_,. r.. .-' for J David Bidwell Gene Raffield said. ..- .. r ; .-rict Superintendent Chairman . Schools. PTA's are to An application for a social secur- available .. for PORT ,ST. JOE, FLORIDA ity card is '-,xiT liy screened So n or before'June 15, .February 15, 1973 against files at the r'-~ -:.:a- record 1- i Superintendent was di- The Gulf _.-.,., School Board center in 'f-a.uor: to make surei S rite the presidents of meta i' :-,: ,.-.-,' sessiononn the .above other social security number -.i.-':.,._-.--.,-PTA's. date at 00 & AoMo EST. The fol- no other social security number S...r ; Consultant lowing members were present: has been previously issued to the If:. r:.- F'..S'1; Department Gene Raffield, Chairman; Herman same person. "This screening can i. -., r.: presented an, over- Ard,.Wallace Guillot, and William take time," Robinson said, "but it's .. i -,,he Comprehensive Plan Roemer, Sr. * ... lobe undertaken by Gulf Board member.Whitfield was ab- important to keep your social .se- ,;. i- d all, other. districts inI sent. curity record straight." 'L:" i The Superintendent was present. A young worker builds disability, S option by Whitfield, 'and The invocation was given by survivors, retirement and Medicare .. by Guillot, the Board una- Board member Roemer. S,:.,.. .i :. -bids on Mrs. Roy Peterson- reported that protection fo himself and his fam- the Highland View Ele- her son. was kept in after regular ily by work and earnings credited mentary School and Port St. Joe school hours for one hour, and that to his social security number. Elementary School. she had not been notified. Mrs. "A worker should show his em- On motion by Guillot, and sec- Peterson .expressed concern about loer his social security card so onded by Ard, all voted to estab- certain discipline procedures at poyer social security card so lish April 23, 1973, for Easter Hol- district high schools. The Superin- his name -and social security num- iday and May 28, 1973; for Memor- tendent agreed to discuss this with bher can be correctly copied for the ial Day Holiday for twelve month the principals and clarify the poli- employer's records," Robinson personnel. As the schools will be cies. open on Memorial. Day, the twelve The Board met with Architects months personnel at the school Charles Gaskin, Norman Gross, and was appointed by unanimous vote ,centers must work this day and Chester Parker to discuss the pro- as architect for the initial phase will be granted a compensatory day posed vocational building for. Port of construction, of leave at a later time when it St. Joe High School. Architects There being no further business, does not conflict with the opera- febs were given as follows: the Board adjourned to meet again tion of the school program. Charles Gaskin-5% of total con- in regular session on March 6, Upon motion by Whitfield, and struction cost; Norman Gross, 1973 at 9:00 A.M., EST. seconded by Roemer, it was una- 5%% and Chester Parker, 6%. Attest: nimously agreed to approve Gulf Upon motion by Guillot and see- J. David Bidwell Gene Raffield County's participation in the ESEA onded by Ard, Charles A. Gaskin Superintendent Chairman for First Social Id Apply Early said. "You should never give your employer your social security num- ber from memory. For further information concern- , ing social security matters, contact your nearest social security office. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ............ EVENING WORSHIP PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 9:45 11:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. QDUM, Pastor C 0 Pt I Cylinder Head And, Brake Reclamation Service Valve and Sat 0'Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat Installation, * Disassembly Cleaning Inspection Testing S Head Crack Testing, Head Resurfacing . High Performance Services: Brake Drum and Disc 'Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Lonr Avenue Phone 227-2141 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6:30 PR EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" a i . !: I -- -------r:-:l Im m qu - ~I I ! ^R$e$fl 0@ 2s t$ssct flflt 4^ ,I Jo n the Easter Parade.. D3 VALUAION VALUE You an n.- . .p f Spring and Sn lm4 B POLYESTER SPANT SUITS 'i" DRESSES SLACKS I _, I.,.I SLACKS 20% to I L... 99 i -fl iT' I .7 I P. .i..;:t"1 ;-:, lb I y i' 1"A.,i S nt, *J**.* r } i'.i t U' .1 $20l $3 DRESS SHOES $900 0 g 9 !50 I. 1. 0 To COTTON SLIPS SAE 1 S. BVO EASTE SHOES $1.29 to $1.99 -I ,,,'.,.. BOY S EASTER SHOES I FA1rO'E" 1Y ".A 'L '- i : l.rL.. -P -i TO COMPLETE YOUR EASTER OUTFIT d i ..r. 0 *.-- 1 1r iU SiYLADIES PURSES T NYLON SATIN TRICOT PANTIES "-".:" iY"fJjtj.,' ., a $2 A3 D IES PURSSE -.H0ES SPICE | MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS +'rl- k r 41 -.-.. TERRIFIC CLEARANCE VALUES i ht .1 c --pr.rmn .rt [re tp 3, 7. -| Ad .i w Ladies Blouses and Knit Tops I pjI t ;.'+ t'i I +- 3.99 to. L0 33'3% off o. $4.00 Vlue $7.99 i-'-. : "rK.r y. ) ,/t.lby,, Q2 o $n 7. ^F a '. ;, -t i, : .. ..r o.,,t d. .. 1.,._... aI il or / .U U B-' u, .r. i r.r:,.,tt r.|< -. i L TANK TOPS 2PS99 d up .. .. ... '. S &,Sr a K-rik. rt a tw.r.rr. r- .- r. rr, 4.E . I I I-- I PAGE FOUB HE STAR Port St. J Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 Save With Our Discount Specials PRICES IN THIS EFFECTIVE THROUGH MARCH 24, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept USDA Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly GEORGIA GRADE 'A' and B' Whole Fryers ,* . Ib. 46c QUARTERED THIGHS_ lb. 53c QUARTERED BREAST l b. 59c All Meat STEW Ground CHUCK -- MORE VALUES ... CASH SAVINGS I Drive Detergent king size 98c Clorox 2 61 Oz. Box Dry Bleach 61 oz. $1.09 Dry -p F, eP ,BS BRAND YELLOW ROSE QT ArIY, FLOUR S5, II F L l,. $1.19 Afax Giant Bottle Liquit Cleaner btl. 49c Silver Dust Detergent .. gt. box 79c All Flavors Royal Gelatin 3 oz. lOc B. BAG rfl iSiON'S BIG H White and Decorated PAPER Towels 3 Peter Pan Smooth and Crouchy Peanut Butter 12 oz. 44c Bama Crunchy * Peanut Butter 28 oz, 99c Famous Brand Crisco Oil 48 oz. 99c; , Quality Brand Wesson Oil L, -48 oz. 99c Famous Shortening Snovlirift 3 lb. can 03c Famous Brand Tide Detergent I reg. size 34c Dish Detergent Crystal White 11(2 qt. 69c Spray Reg. and Scented Lysol Disinfectant 7 oz. 79c Bama Apple Jelly 18 oz. 33c Delicious Parade Coffee Creamer 11 oz. 49c Big H White and Decorated Jumbo Roll Paper Towels roll 36c Famous Handi Wrap 100' roll 33c Campbel's 10Y2 Oz. Can. Tomato Soup-- ---- can 12c Famous a . China Doll Rice 3 lb. 59c Famous Jocko Rice- 5 b. 89c Quality Brand Water Maid Rice 2 lbs. 39c Parade Iodized Salt 26 oz. 10c Kraft Quality Mayonnaise -----32 oz. 75c Reg. and Quick Quaker Oats 18 oz. 35c Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter ---- 18 oz. 63c W_ 39c IJumoB Uons r -UT7 BUDGET MAKERS Compare and Savel Pillsbury White, Yelow or Lemon Pillsbury Cake Mixes box 39c Ovilty Brand Clorox Bleach --.- gal 32c Lady Scott White and Assortqd Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 34c Waldorf White and Assorted Bathroom Tissue 4 rolls 43c New Freah Mint Vel Dish Detergent 22m O. O Z 32S. L Reg. 59C "IR eg. 85e Quality Brand Crisco Shortening 3 tlbs. 91 c Van Camp 15 Oz. Cans Pork and Beans .. 2 cons 35c Van Camp No. 2 Cans Pork and Beans --- can 23c Hi.C 46 Oz. Cant Grape or Orange Drink 35c Green Giant Niblets Corn--- 12 oz. 24c Showboat Pork and Beans 29 oz. 29c Famous Brand te Sueur Peas --- 16 oz. 33c Chicken of the Sea 6Ya oz. Can- Light Chunk Tuna --- can 47c Del Monte 6Wa Oz. Can Light Chunk Tuna .-- can 47c Duncan Hines Devil Food, White, Yellow, Lem. Cake Mixes 18 oz. 39c Betty Crocker White or Yellow Cake Mixes -- 18 oz. 39c Betty Crocker German Choc., Milk Choc. Cake Mixes --- 18 oz. 39c White and Decorated Bounty Paper Towels -----roll 39c * K Choice Beef Savoy Broils - tK,$fig 5 Lb. Bucket Chitterlingst $ .6! 10 Pound Bucket Chiftterlings --- $4.89 Boxed Bacon Ends 1b. 49cd in'.ner 125 Ct. Box Facial Tissues,=-- box 23c Fresh Sliced Beef Liver lb. 69c A4 Loin Pork Chops Ib. 89c Lumberimck Lunch VIat Bdfogna -- -lb. 69c Bumn P, Wieners 3 pkgs. $1.59 Erosty Morn Hermitage' Sliced BACON I FL Kleenex Bbaique Assorted, tithroomn TISSUE 3 roll pk. 3T ECONOMY MEAT SPECIALS! STREAK-OiLEAN SALT FAT BACK PORK E NECK BONE TURKEY 'NECKS ,b.3 Turkey 'Drumsticks HOG MAW PIG FEET Our Own Pan SAUSAGE -- . b49 Green Giant Creamed-10 Oz. Old South Frozen-TO Oz. Spinach 3 pks. $1.00 Pie Shells 3 pks $1.00 FRESH GREEN Fresh Corn ear 8c Canadian Cabbage Rutabagas lb. 10c Crisp Carrots bag 15c LB. French's Country Style Potatoes pk. 69c FAMOUS BRAND TIDE Detergent GIANT SIZE= Sirloin STEAK Cube STEAK Sirloin Tip STEAK Ib.$ 59 Round STEAK Sirloan Tip ROAST I-------- mi P IGGLY WIG-GLY Everyday Low, Low Pricesd Coca Cola 6 BOTTLE CAUTONI With Bottle Deposit *Nabis~o Chips Ahoy CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES T4 oz. pkg. 53e Country Style or Buttermilk PILLSBURY CANNED BISCUITS 4 pok pkg. 39c SFOLGER'S MOUNTAIN GROWN COFFEE t I L .CAN Robin HiuoA d Plkinor SelfRtising FLOUR PST^ f r oc &BLB. BAG Colonial or White Gold Pre Came SUGAR BAG LM .. 1 Bag with $10.00 Order P Il - a ~ L Is II II I ' - I I r- I I S THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 FAU E Ilf Approval Australia Land of Agriculture, Cattle Basic Declares SOUry es State ApprVal And, More Recently, Minerals Dividends S'.2 1 is more than a land of of the United States but has only CLEVELAND, OHIO-Basic In- O, .F iv ^8'PvnJr g ra -kangaroos and kaola bears. 12 million people as opposed to' corporate this week declared Bi r I Geoffery Bath, of Hortham, Aus 250 million for the U.S. The na quarterly dividends of 62s cents ". I .-P I tralia, whS is in the United States tion was colonized by England at on the company's preferred shares, studying agricultural methods told about the time the Ulited States payable April 2, 1973, and 10 cents m Mber of e llf County 12. East Ird Street-Osceola to East 7th St. Hard surface. 44. Bay Street-Ave. A to Clif- the Rotary Club Thursday, that was gaining its independence. per common share, payable March reDrP ont Ave to R vepue surface.Srd s Hard surface. he "Land Down Under" s a ,a 31, 1973, both to holders of record Commsf ion et t Depwopa nt Ave to Reid Ave dStreet to ST. O45. Harbor StreetAve A to orrodurl Most of the land is' very flat and March 15, 1973. Sin C1.Pyeste rday to present Higbway i1 Usgurface. 28. Balboa Street Americus Clifford Sims Dr. H. :1 urfae wool and wheaa a ter of fact the major par of the Basic Incorporated is a diversi- 'their senpdcary pavipg requests 14, Cjpola Ave.-2nd Street to Ave. to Alabama Ave. Hard sur. 46, Broad 'Street-Ave A to wool and. wheat "As a matter of i ang -hne he rem ain f producer of stchemical, elee- for the next five ye4rs. Te pro- Highwayy71 Resuqrface. face. .J :.::. ..: ^"'r- 't.:-c and technical ceramic pro- gr am presented aid order of pri- 1tre-He Ave Magean StreeAmerus 47 .-. . Sority are as ola : 1 hEpola s s e Ave.aoKe rny Ia e.Hard r e. .4 ._ .. ..: .. '" -:a technical ceramic pro- .: -.- ; ... ..:, --, .. PORT ST. JOE. 16 Iol Ave -East 2nd Street DALKEITH . S1. install stonn sewer on Long to East 4th Street Hard surface. about 60 : t of its Aen.. A o 1th Street to 20th ST.JOE BEACH 0. highway ,81Hghway 7 1 '.- petrolen needs. ftre on.ad r 20111.,- to Wils La ding Road, Re- 'F : '" .. Street on East side; and from 20th e A Wils .Landg ...oad. Re- .... th said it was compulsory to Sol y on est to Allen em ,- ::- ... al Way on West. : i Australia. Failure to do side; pave sidewalks from 22nd AvetK t "o "Ge'." .r 31. Highway 38lA-H1ighway 71 : : uses one tralia face a month in Street to SD-34 no Esst side. fa -l,,m' ... ..5 rg,- a.t to 381 Resurfae -uses or ne to face amon th in IOUTH'WE' -H"T n ; '.;o"' '. -::""" .. . '- or a ." ." "..fine. SOUTH WEWAHITCHKA A to Geora Av; F..-r ',:e. HOWARDS CREEK guest of the club ws avid Carl 2. Extend Highway 386 from WEWAHITCHKA of... ..: n SIighway 71 to Chipola River. Hard '19" Church Street-Highway 71 "h i-'; 387-Highway 71 --------..---.----.-..- .... ... surface. '. t the, ll oad. Hard surface. H ,I,, Creek. Resurface. PORT T. ,. :. ": T. JP ST.JOE: ,T. BEACH " Westeott Circle. 'Resuiface:.PORT.ST. JOE ,. . '4. 13Th Street--Garri on Ave ? r.I St..--r, ..A%.t Ave. 33. --. tr-'-- ''1'. -"' S nue to Yar-ji .n::iarfae. P'?t:.i A ~e. Ps-.rf e '' Pi-7 A% -, H-l surfs ..e. 5. Peters StrWe.--Avenue G to. ._ Ste+ !t-- oar e.t Ave. WEWAHITCHkA ;Avenue F: eurfa,.. t ,, A/e l:'j, ce '. . 6. Battles Street- Avenue A to 2;tE Stre -- ";: street 34 East 4th Street-Chuich A.' i Av:inue F. Resurface. L..b y 9 Renf-,e t L- Grove 7..,c H. u.H.:. i - 7. Avenue D.-Highway 98 to, '. .-'.. r front "f.'-C.ennial, 35 Lake Grove Road-Hi'. ;Peters Street. RPepu irface, ,iB .iin F;.s fie.. ,' Ea t7st 7th ^ i d. / O.-Jto A4vnie G Recrf f:. p. ':ur. .:e to 1Q0 feet E.:1 Qt.ftB to. Avenue s -.-Ho'irkk Street 1 Cyprs AVy -26-h 'traet to 37. East 5th itc.-t--River Road: to Main Street. Rt.ii.uf.:- .: .,..- Har. .u .e. -, Chipolk Ave. Hard surfarIe WE WtAHITC HKA "' 2 Aind r St.., -H-I A. to A H ..10. East 4th Street--Lake Ave 'Ave Hard ..' KE to Coust Ave. I.,d srAfe. WEWAHITCHKA' '8. f*ghway 381 East to ,,ir6 IIlc. 7 I I A%- .i-d Str thsCreek Hard :.dL f R- .C 27 j. _. A' 4'h OVERSTREETP r ..... Sale[ Men s Permanent Press Introducing The 1973 Mercury o. ec San 50HP : Outboard ...,. : ES.Se S' "lnvot N iwI In Florida Boating ., I':..-.b 5S, Range 11W- .'At I tsE o. ir'J West along Section line for S .: .:;...- ...... -, ...',a _Z feet. Hard r fa e Mertu Boats r Per PnORT ST. Joe o Accessories 41 ..i : r Aye., to 1 EAST BAY 'MARINE e. Hevi, ve. ho.. u o w SCALLOWAY, FLORIDA 22nd Stre t .Har- -:".I; I a ltLo ALT. "'and BOAT AACE ROAD 7853m02 A/Ie. 2 C /ong Sleeve Shirt, lor,,ro ,, Sizes .:. 3 "- Yn *0-*42 oaive. zes "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW hRemember5 1W' Width 149 S-- 1 You Can Always WORK BELT Back Leather - _LSPECIALS FOR Charge it SmaII EGGS 2 doz. 89c T WORK BOO TS U Y.'".III S.-\` No. 1Iri -Ih" G .'ia Gr-.,deAj. *-POTATOES 10 lbs 89c .. *Inner sol cushioned for comfort CpL. bFiRYm Headb. 9zc *s 7to 2 LETTUCE head 29c BANANAS lb. 12c B *Spanish Brandy or HUNT'S'PR Dar BORnR STomato CATSUPTOWN 49c OSSA'OS.- With $10.00 Order or More Robin Hood Quality cOnStmcteI S U G AR 5 lbs. 49c F 0 UR 5 bs. 59c Work oot Coffee Creamor Sunshine. Coffeemate 16 oz. 77c SALTINES lb. box 39c - Liquid Detergent 28 Oz. Btis. PEPSI, DR PEPPER, 7,UP , TREND 22 oz. 39ca 2 SOFT DRINKS 3 Y3btls. 89c SHORTENING 69c Georgia Grad e "A" Tender, Delicious FR YER-S lb. 47c 7-Bone STEAK lb. 99c HAMBURGER lb. 79c RIB STEW lb. 69c', Save $5.25 On 8" Work Shoes e u GlAVE ne Jr I CUBED ROUND and Full Cut .Full grained leather uppers, oil resistant soles _. -" f A Sirloin Tip-----. $1.59 Round STEAK--- b. $1.39 *Spanish Brandy or Dark Brown, Sizes 7 to 12 $5.14 j Blade Cut Pork Chuck Roast -------lb. 89c Neck Bones--- lb. 39c SHANK or BUTT PORTION AHM 70 1 QUALITY COMES FIRST THENPOURLOW PRICES, HAMS lb 79c I E STAR, Port St. Joe, Flrid THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 *AM& W5b Sharon Robertson, Lee Sumner Wed The First Baptist Church of Port St. Joe was the setting for the wedding of Sharon Robert- son. and Lee Sumner, Saturday, March 10 at 3:00 p.m. The douti ble ring ceremony .was perform- ed -by. Rev. DeWitt T. Matews, - Jr. - The bride is the daughter of atnd Mrs. Emory' L. Robert- son of Beacon Hill. The groom is the -son of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoffman of Tarpon Springs. S: Te nuptial organ music was provided by Blly Rich, Jr. The altar of the church was centered with a wrought iron arch- entwin- ,ed with greener/i and flanked on either side with i-tngemerits of white gladioli and chrysanthe- MRS. LEE SUMNER Sintums. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white crepe with . eatpire waist and sleeves over- laid with lavender printed sheer. Her headpiece was a white satin bow with shoulder length veil. Her nosegay was composed of . lavender ,chrysanthemums and lavender satin streamers. Sherice Brooks, cousin of the bride, served as ,maid of ,honor .and was attired in a lavender street length dress. Her nosegay w. as composed of link carnations with pink satin -streamers. Rom Samuelian of Tyndall Air r-..; ` For, her daughter's wedding,- Mrs. P .,ert., wore a .re.te lrFnth ire. .f toast o p:ly--.i-r -nkzit i wh -tratlhig A-.".-, and a white carnation courage. The' bridegroom's mot her wore a pink street le!:tb dr.: of l~A.- b .<.t ng accessor- a.: and her .'..r-.age was also of :'hite carnations., SFto:io.E the ceremony, the bride's parents hosted a recep-' t ...in the Flt.Ahi. Hall of th~ c' huprb. Mrs. David i'$,r,]e, .'.r,t of the groom, kept the ),-,r book. Those who-assisted- ,.b .the serving were .Sherice, Sbhr .rA.- Diane' Hays- Sarah - a,j...i Herzin :and Mrs. W. J. Herring. F'.' their wedding trip to r _-....h I the .bride select- ed a pink pant suit. . The brid 'is ha 1963 graduated of Port St. Joe High School and OPEN SUINDAY!I GOLFERS Set your team plans over a GREAT Brealksf s SATURDAY and SUNDAY "SPECIAL" Steak and Eggs Wiu Ithe works $1.85 CHURCHGOERS GIVE MOM A BREAK! COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS " Served tl. A.,M. -2:30 P.M. Roast Beef Roast Turkey- resh Oysters $1.85 to $2.25 MOTEL ST. JOE DINING ROOM in PORT ST. JOE A Uo1 VJ' i ; .: .. 't11 : !the,.Week C'OM'PIL'ETE DAILY L U NCHEO NS Sfrom- $1.65 . l;.u.l"i' -O Take-Oit Otders) 'attended Lively Technical School ' of Tallahassee. She is employed by the State Revenue Depart- ment in Tallahassee. The bride- groom is a graduate of Tarpon Springs High School. He is in the United Air Force stationed at Tyndall Air Force Base. Out of town- guests included Mr. and Mrs. David Schroder and- children, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Sumner all of Clearwater; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Sumner, New Port Richey Mrs. CQ. D. Bor- ders, Wewahitchka; Mrs. Lee Demovey, Mr. and Mrs. B. Con- rad, Panama City; Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Mather, Bill Baxter, -Robert Brubac, all of T,.-- .i. Air Force Base; Miss Diane Hayes, SDon Currie, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Robertson, all of Tallahassee. Mrs. Huie Hosts Worien's ,Group. The March meeting of Mission Group Three of the United Metho- ,dist Women of the First Methodist 'CTh'u'.h .met ni' the home of` "'-: Rena Huie' Tuesday night at 7:30. Mrs. Wayne Taylr,; chairwom- an, opened the meeting with the l, ** fr^iI*r* iby a :L.:t b':" :,:'. :::-:.r' Plans were made for a project for the group. Mrs. Kenneth Herring presented a program tJ.I .-A, "God Loves' -,', stressing faith in God, with 'L r',-mbers rs: '*.' The S...- rT was closed with prayer. Ilieieihments were served to those present Mission Group Met Monday Mission Group II of the First SUited Methodist Church met Mr,''.**/ afternoon at 3:00 PXM., with Mrs. Susie.,Chasoh on 20th .Street. Mrs. Marie Costin, chairwoman, presided over the meeting. Mrs. Chason gave the devotion. The group will hostess the Eas- ter Cantata April 15. Mrs. Alfred Joines presented the ', p-'.-m "Living and Acting -in SL-:C.'" :sisfed by Mrs. Calla Per- j, M: .: Elsie Griffin and Mrs. Ivey Williams. Fourteen members and one visi- tor were present. The next meet- ii.-: ;.,i be held with Mrs. Marie r.. -f 1 at her home on Monument Avenue, April 16. Association Meeting Tuesday U U I Engaged Mr. rd.-: J. B. 4 .'. -.:- of Port St.'foe, announce ,the en- gagementsand approaching mar- riage. .f th' d',P h.:' Debra Lorraineyto. Christopher Allen Earley ,s9n of Mr. and Mrs. Bar- nie Earl&y of Mexico Beach. The' bride-elect 'is a graduate Sof Port St. Joe High School and Gulf Coast 'Junior College. She is presently employed as a Den- tal Assistant by Dr. George -Goodreau in Panama. City. The groom-elect is a graduate of Port St. Joe High School and Gulf Coast Junior College. He is Penteostal Women Meet The Pentecostal Holiness Church Woman's Auxiliary monthly meet- ing was held last Monday in the home of Mrs. J. R. Vandevender with 13 members present, . The meeting was called to order with the Woman's Auxiliary song and concert prayer. 'The devotion was given by Mrs. Belle DuBose on the :jb,b].f of "Temptation". Mrs. DuBose took her scripture ref- erence from Luke 4:1. The financial report was. given dr ld dA" bp hiirp di-q The Gulf County Association of wu "n w imsne ua - Retarded Children will hold its sed. regular monthly meeting Tuesday, Plans were made for Woman's March 27 at 7:30'p.m., EST at the .' I-" on March 19. Gulf Coast Electri Copp .-ir. efrements ere ..... by in Wewahitchka. / everyone after the Highlights of the meeting will be the election of'two new officers, " membership drive .;a* 1 r, 1.a re- port of the Special OiTr:.;',. to be of Thanks lh Mon da da SThe Banana Grape Now Has A Complete Service Department for A TELEVISION ,1 - STEREO lII Makes'and Models - RADIO Specializing In Color TV Service Call Rates for Beaches and Port St. Joe Area COLOR TELEVISION, $8.50 ACKand W Apalachicola and Wewahitchka Areas H' TE, $6.50 Color or Black and White TV $12.50 MR. and MRS. BO MULLIGAN, Managers Beacon Hill Beach Telephone 648-4800 Located in United Farm Agency Building Words are,.inadeqdiate to express the humble gratitude I feel for the :-r. cards, it.:: prayers .and'.-:.r.: of love that I have re- -ceived during my hospital stay. To the many who have shared their material blessings and to the ones who a s-; to' share but were un- able to do so, I think maybe this - poem by Kay Daub will express my feelings and that of my family. A FRIEND If sorrow, never happened And t.:..- never came The only thing you'd know about Your nE.'.- is his name. Time v: 7a., u s ;d to nod at one Who L- .-i -t ass the way; I knew his face and he knew mine.'. . 7'.'. i-.raed the time of day. E t r.-.,t~ did he mean to me, .d n.-ihing I to him, Until one day sorrow came And All the" vw.rld was grim. I saw h i. z:E I felt his hand .':.A.i kn.'. he'd come to lend ThE s,':.rt'.b J needed, and right then I found I had a friend. / We cannot tell what lies behind The hasty nod or smile, Or what of worth will come of it In just -a little while. We only know that when we face The cares that life must send, We realize the passerby Has changed into a friend. Sincerely, VONCELLE BOUINGTON 0.. -rf.: in his senior year at the 1, j.- : if.; of West Fibrida .in' Pensacola. The -., will be an event of June 16 at ,8:0' P.M., in' St Joseph's Cathblic Cuhrcl in Port St. Joe. No invitations are- being sent --;y: hut all friends and rela- tives of the couple are invited to -attend the wedding and re- ception. = I I#~. I0 0 L Sao~ 4m_ U V? 0 a) O O .) E 0 E 0 0.. E- 1 0 3 0 m *1 dm WS 4 sum so 4b OW th as4 Lm 4!100~ -4 Gulf Leads State In Sales Increase For the second in a month, ulf County has shown a hefty t',- ,":' in sales tax collections&. Figures for the month of Jan- .uary returns, show the county- Ind: the state in increases with. its 94.80% climb over :... ,'_,.., during January of 1972. Figures released this week by .', h .- w ... Fred 0. (Bud) Dick- inson show Gulf collected $107,- :"," ;, in -. taxes during the month of January this year as compared to $55,099.00 during the same month last year. ;i. The New Frigidaire Trash Compactor Cuts Trash Down To Size Reduces normal household-trash-to about one quarter its original* Reg. $269.95 volume. For safety, it won't operate until you insert the locking - key. Features push button controls :and glide-out drawer; deod- $239 orizes trash with a push button aerosol deodorizer. Build it in under ,a kitchen counter with an accessory conversion kit (avail- $ able at extra charge) anytime you like. It plugs right into ordin- ary household current. Available in choice of decorator colors. Special This Week a- -- _---- 1.. ,^.: ^. .- g_ .. / -:2 Works in the kitchen the garage the basement anywhere you want it RH fS FURNITURE and ROC E E APPLIANCE STORE i Ilib Ib E i psl sl 1 I ~- - *1b . 209 IReid IAve. Phone 227-5271 AGE] sS, m THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florid THURSDAY, MARCH' 22, 1973 PAGE SEVY~ Mrs. Brown Hosts Tax info IsAt Last Rites for Mission Group Your Fingertips Frank Campbell Karen Go I Mission Group No. 1 of the This year Panama City area tax- Frank Edward Campbell, age 70 nUiited Methodist Women met payers donot need to make a spe- of Wewahitchka, passed away Sun- R nTuesday, March 20 at the home of cial trip to the local Internal Rev- day morning, after an extended ill- :Mrs. Gladys Brown. enue Service office for tax forms. ness, in the Port St. Joe Munici- Miss Karen Gosnell and little Mrs. JanetThe Panama City IS office has pal Hospital. Miss Patricia Raiford were nam- Mr:sided over the meeting, chairman, pre devo- installed a new telephone record- He was a native of Danville, ed Queen and Princess. respec- tiona was given the by Meetin rs. Elsie ing system for handling all re- Virginia and had spent the past 30 tively, Sunday in the Pentecostal tBlount and taken from First Ephe- quests for tax forms. Panama City years in Miami, before moving to Holiness Church on Garrison .Blount and taken from First area taxpayers can now reach an Wewahitchka four months ago. He Avenue. , ians., automatic recorder by dialing 785- retired five years ago from Pan Miss Gosnell, an eighth grade The program, entitled, "Living 3222. American Airways, where he had student at Port St. Joe High -and Acting In Love" was given by aitial benefit of the beeh associated for 24 years. He School, is the ,u..htr :f Fev. Mrs Edna Spokes, Mrs. Martha And add al benefit of th was an industrial engineer upon and Mrs. James L.-Go ll 106 SanbornandMrs.ZellaAnderson. telephone recording stem is his retirement. He was a member 21st Street and M-A Pnfdord, a -It consisted of 'an interview be- a person need not call during nor- of the Pan American Management third grade sndent t Port St. teen first-century Christians and mal office h ours e recorday, Club, a member of the Masonic Joe Elementary School, is the oe day Christians, ho they seven days a week permitting thes a Lodge, a member of the First Chris- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry odiffern day Christians, how they te t a week permittingvthe tian Church of 'Danville, Virginia. Raiford, 127 Hunter Circle. differ and how they are alike, taxpayer to order at his conven- He attended Lynchburg College, Sunday was the day to ob- Thirteen members were present. ience. Lynchburg, Va. serve the National Woman's Aux- Survivors include his- wife, Mrs. Frank Campbell of Wewahitchka; ROOM AIR CONDITIONER a daughter, Mrs. William HowellHearing Se On Campbell of Hollywood; two sis- ters, Mrs. Cecil Barker of Martins- Lakes 'Drawdown ville, Va., and Mrs. Harvey McDon-' n Serv ce ih-Ak ald of Axton, Va.; his mother, Mrs. A public e,g. "is !ern -:h- T.Sprin A .g Service Danville, Va., duled by thF da D tnt and one grandchild. of Natural b Ry?.ri.ss for Thirs- We will Inspect Controls and Electrical Con- Funeral services ere conducted ay, May10t 7:00 p.m., CST in Monday from the Irst United Me- day, May 10 at 7:0 p.m., CT i sections, Clean Filter, Condensate Drain, thodistChurch with the Rev. Mil- the Wewaohitchkae nign is.l au- Condenser and Elvaporator, Oil Fan Motor, lard Spikes officiating. Interment orn. The meetin.-s ing Check Line Voltage and Evaporator Temper- followed in Holly Hill Cemetery. Dead Lakes and the'aquatic weeds ature, Pallbearers were Ferrell' Allen, Dadi pa es n t ie a e.e Jr,. Ted Cannon, P. A. Howell, R. causing problems in the lake. $ 6 9 ~ W. Smith, T. E. Parker, Jr., and to discuss pn t ate Page Himmel. to discuss plans for a proposed S p 1 page m funeral Homewas in drawdown of the lakes to kill offi : Kilpatrick Funeral Home was a t weeds $charge of arrangements. the aquatic weeds. S r aan ens Several state officials have been invited to the meeting from the Second Unit, $3.00 State Department of Pollution t csondRlUate .0 r E rClaSS Of 1963' Control and staff of the Trustees Parts and Related Labor Extra R *Ion of the Internal Improvement Trust Planning 'RUe IOn Fund concerning upstream pollu- Avoid Expensive Repairs and High Operating Cost Members of the 1963 raduatng tion permits and emergency repair permits for dock; boat ramp re- class of Port St. Joe High Schoolpair during the drawdown. Also Call Today Phone229-6895 are main ns or areuon invited are the Corps of Engineers the 10th anniversary of their gra- Mobile District and part of the A duation. I staff stationed at Chattahoochee. S' A planning meeting for the class conducting the meeting will be SKent Service 1 reunion will be held in the Ele- R. L. Lazor, and Chuck Williams, mentary School Cafeteria tonight tanists with the Department of PLUMBING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCE REPAIR at 7:30 p.m. All class alumni liv- Natural Resources. ing in and around Port St. Joe are. urged to attend. PAT KILPATRICK V. hirlpool -d9000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER Pua~oleUN=in aMazimm Comfort Guardfixr tdUhnm4 wai1momd o a, O~ii *,Dsatwdybq hg are" MODEL AX4M.002 Ba, Smnrprim$29 9 vWhilpool 218000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER WVf,2* M A= -1-2Ia.3 E =g. Stmm ri$329S5 Pz~.1M~"1 ~e'deal~ St. Joe Hardware Co. A Thought to Remember Most veeryone you see has a 'job-they go to work and do this job the greatest part 'of' their lives. Most of their lives! That is a pretty big statement. If you are going to be doing something most of your life-it should be something you love and enjoy. I'm sorry for the boy or girl who picks a job simply for, its monetary rewards. Pay is cer- tainly important, but the job will eventually make the per- son. A person who finds the job that leto him 'feel he is doing something-gives him satisfac- tion-will be a happier and b better -' : : J,; !', If you are spending your days wondering about your' "voca- tion," then veiy likely you have the wrong one. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: "Not only life-but abun- dance this is everyone's need." RAY KILPATAIFCK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-24011 ,snell and Patricia honored' by Church iliary Day in the Pentecostal Holiness Church. The morning service was under the direction of the local chapter of this or- ganization. The members pre- sented a program entitled, "Fol- lowing On to Know His Pattern for Our Church''. The Girl's Auxiliary is a. branch of the Woman's Auxil- iary and, the local chapter has three groups, of Girl's Auxiliary, which are divided according to age. Miss Gosnell represents Group HI and Miss Raiford rep- resents Group I. The crowning of the two was a part of the pro- gram presented by the members of the Woman's Auxiliary. These girls will represent their groups for the entire year. To become Queen or Princess, the girls must work to earn points in a prescribed program which includes church attend- ance, bringing visitors to church, scripture memorization and rais- ing money, which is used for- various functions of the girls. Miss Gosnell was crowned by last year's queen, Cindy Atkins. Miss Raiford was crowned by the pastor, James L. Gosnell. Each girl was presented an arm bou- quet of yellow carnations, and were robed in the traditional purple and gold robes which rep- resent the Auxiliary colors. The Queen was given a charm, en- graved as a memento of the day, and the Princess was given an engraved necklace as a memen- to. Other ladies participating in the crowning of these girls were, Mrs. Elizabeth Raiford, Mrs. Claudine Vandevender, Mrs. Av- ery Howell, Mrs. Maxine Money and Mrs. Jean McClamma. The first runner up in the Queen contest was Miss Debra Lollie and the first runner up in the Princess contest was Miss Ruth Plair. Each of these girls were presented a corsage of yel- low carnations. MISS RAIFORD MISS GOSNELL TRUCKLOAD CARPET Low Factory Direct Prices on SHAGS HI-LOWS INDOOR-OUTDOOR Many Name Brands COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE! Thursday, Friday and Saturday 303 Monument Avenue NEXT TO HUMPHREY'S UNION 76 Nichols and Sons CARPETING'- CONTRACTORS I I I \ Y__~_~ ___^ Cc 0 .OC : Q) elm) LMm ** CC 1o10 ) > 10 LM 'C.) LM. a)mm E 'E .0 u E .0 -S Bank. Mary Whitfield was high liams had a 164 game and Norma Joe Furniture with games of 189, Kraft with a 192 game and 458 1 -. bowler for Shirt and Trophy with Hobbs -had a 440 series for the 213 and 183 for a 585 series. Loyce series. a 165 game and 463 series. Verna Alley Kats. Beaman was high bowler for the Williams Alley Kats won three l Burch had a 172 game and Lois Standings W L Stevedores with a .197 game and and lost one to Comforter's. Nor- -1 "' .--I S-Ba.. Smith had a '446 series for the Shirt and .Trophy ---- 68 36 482'series, ma Hobbs had a 169 game and S- k.. Fla. 1st Nat. Bank B 63% 40% Shirt and'Trophy won all four Eleanor Williams had a 433 series St. Joe Furniture won three and St. Joe Furniture 61 43 games from Bowen's Cowgirls. for the Alley Kats. Faye Pope led lost one to Williams Alley Kats. St. Joe Kraft --------59 45 Mary Whitfield led Shirt and Tro- Comforter's with a 164 game and _.. Dot Hamm led St. Joe Furniture Comforter's ------ 56 48 phy with a 153 game and 442 ser- 416 series. *' with a 113 game and 443 series. Williams .'-:::* '.:: 50 54 ies Betty Fain had high game of Standings W, L S. Helen Armstrong had a 168 game St. Joe Stevedores -. 45%. : 147 and Lou Mork had high series jShirt and Trophy .- 64 36 S...., and Diane Terry had a 430 series Bowen's Cowgirls _-- 13 91 of 392 for the Cowgirls. Floridt 1st Nat Bank 59% 36% '- ; for the Alley Kats --- -Florida First National Bank won St. Joe Furniture ---- 58 42 ,Gulf Count L~adles League 47,2' .ser.~~ o ., Po' eespn. ,ed the 44 W.df niougi h .t Mcsh 14 ue Coswt a 7 a In a make-up -match, Florida Gulf County Ladies League three and lost one to St. Joe Kraft. St. Joe Kraft--- 56 44 Wednesday sn te o r wt a 197 gam n First National Bank won all four Wednesday night, March 3, St. Verna Burch led the Bank with a Comforter's ---- 53 47 Comfoe tr won th.ee t or .esL game. ;i.r ,m ;-. Kats. Joe Furniture won all four games 189 game and 489 series. Verna Williams Alley Kate -49 47 gOdes rI Cs had_ e a e ,dores Shirt and -r-.:n:, .... all four Lois St: ah .d-" he '--_: '1hi 182 fy-.%-, St. Joe Stevedores. Brenda also picked up the 3-7-10 split. St Joe Stevedores 44% 55% .Berths C m had a .games from .:. l N: game : .- L :,. WiMathis, had a great night for 'Mary -: Lyons was high for Bowen's .- ----- 12 88 fromforter Loyce Beaman, led Si. j eraft won three a 'h tcir rqwrs RIb A 1 tab'-'.po'D t"'eet pi'E' I F 'hl 1%' teaspoon lemon iice I t ,Po 'n salt In la wge ,twl combine all ingr,:- .(.iehif?... 7djil i.r-'e.0 [on ,jnip'r -:k.l bread, if desired. THE GOOD JO (Not Sloppy) . ,r.,p ,..,-- .,.d paste 2* .. ,,' .J b.!" f S. !r' e. .!T sauce n .4li~~ wat'~r * 'jr".;j.~' ~r'i CL., ki~te.. i&!izcbrrn. PI'NES- I' "~Stand 'Tail! S-I CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking., An inch won't make you very tall, You've get to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them gomig. A constant drop of water Wears'away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE ITI THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 p C p L maid. Danley -1923 -1973 Ready for Tomorrow '' - ZKING-SIZE Bedding Spe It 11-Pc. KING-SIZE Sleep Set American Colony In Handsome, Heartwarming, Hand-Hewn Oak Finish! 4 piece Room too small for King-Size? Convert, double bed to QUEEN-SIZE with .. . 1O-Pc. Queen-Size Sleep Set Take ;. :'of P: : .;" ,' *,, offer . on Queen Size Mattress & Box y:. rr You "' .. '- '-" 2 Foam r-Z '.,:' ;. .. Comforter, 2.Pil ow Cases, 1,'Therial : ', Queen size 60" x 80" t>.: will fit.w your present double size bed or -:. a'. your ,7: -.; ONLY ' SM49. Bedroom Suite Double Dresser, Mirror, 5-Drawer Chest, Spindle Bed $21900 You getgo much f..- .-'h a. mod- est f,-'.-- with this charming suite. It has all the enduring characteris- tics that make it a fine investment. Strong, classic styling, richly grain- ed oak' finish and matching plas- tic tops that stay beautiful with, just wipe-clean care. All cabinets feature dove-tailed and center- guided drawers. Visit us sooi . see for yourself just how beautiful and easily affordable this suite is! OUR TERMS LET YOU ENJOY IT NOW! N EAVY DUTY (16 Westingho use 3-Position Water Saver Con- Strol 2-speed wash and spin ..o selections-normal and gentle 14-pound capacity. double- action washing,. 5 water tem- perature selections. Powerful Anon-clo drain pump. WASHER $239 DRYER $179 Buy the Pair for Only STANDARD S99E IN T MODERN WANNER $990" Trim styling on this contemporary 69" Sleep-Or-Lounge includes a standard double mattress, luxuriously filled polyurethane seat cush- ions, masters and handsome Naugahyde, a fabric backed vinyl uphol- stery or Herculon. Get extra space at an extra special price. -7 - CREDIT TERMS ALWAYS AVAILABLE at 'DANLEY'S ,.d ..memo. ft a AMIML -- -- 991- I IA JUC . .SpetcilsforMaich SHOP RIfb 19 through 24 16 o. FRIENDLY SFOLKS1 Ar" I A P a' o f 8 0 + -; TABLERIT SAPPLE JUICE ---- qt. 39c IGA e Pg. 2 I COFFEE CREAMER 16oz. 69c .0 'S "howivboat No. 2%' Cans PORK and BEANS 3 cans 79c Bl EA CH- -.. gaL 45r, 10,.A Package of 80 SANDWICH BAGS pkg. 29c IGA Petite Pkgs. of 24 pgLb DINNER IOLLS ---3 pkgs. $1.00 [IGA Tabletreat found Top 1A Lb. Loaves WHITE BREAD 2 loaves 59c WGA Chick. w/nwodle,w/rie,. ehiek./noodle-=No. 1 CHICKEN SOUP 4 cans 59c Supreme or Sealtest . SICE CREAM i gal. 89' CHUCK TABIERITE-I isbry 8 O Cnsns RIBRO BISCUITS -- 4 cans 39c RIB , Lady Scott and Delsey Bathroom TISSUE 2 R o ll -I-. DETERGENT Bold- Breeze . $.09 **~ THE STAR, Port St. age, Plridaf THURSi AY, MARCH 22, 1973 'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and EcBEE BLRDE ick Roast C 0 .* BEEFw '7ONE - ROAST lb. 98c BEEF STANDING AST ---- Ib. $1.48 M.A XXWET.I. HOUSE and FOLGER'S COFFEE 2LB. CAN. $189 Ba ma Strawberry PRESERVES S18 OZ. ./ .,^153c * PAVE NISN LYKE'S FROZEN BEEF STEAKETTES Ib. $1.19 ', i" i' 1 Skinned and Deveined Sliced Beef LIVER Ib. 8& T- E-, L BEEF CHUCK STEAK lb. 88c TABLERITE BEEF ROUND BONE SHOULDER ROAST b. $1.18 TABLERITE BEEF RIB STEAK------- b. $1.48 Maxwell House Instant COFFEE 99ct DEL MONTE TOMATO CATSUP 320 99Oz. 99yC S.. i MEAT Franks 12oz.68c Bacon lb. 88c BETTY CROCKER Hamburger Helper 7 OZ. PKG. IGA Yellow Cling PEACHES $100 A*2^ No. 2% *^l~llCans' SDetergent ; SMuchmore liquid 64 oz. 69c Suptr Chrom. Dbl. edge (Reg. $1.00) Schick tBlades 5ct. 77c Schick Super Chrom. (Reg. 89e Val.) Injector Blades 4 ct. 73c Floor Shine Mop&GI Popsrite Popcorn 2 Lb. Pkg.29 2.9 0' keg'. c '- Alka Seltzer- 25 ct. 65c Sunshine Krispy Saltines lb. 29c Nabisco Cookies Chips Ahoy 14 oz. 55c LUIANNE. Tea Raas FRESH FLORIDA JUICY STRAWBERRIES CHERRY TOMATOES , I -- w ub I- a Jumbo HeadA 9 CAULIFLOWER ----- ead 69c LA Yellow Summer P1 100 SQUAS H----b. 29c S... GOLDEN RIPE Libby's TomatoAN AN AS J UICE I.c J BEST FLAVOR STEAK RED VINE RIPENED Ca4 c TOMATOES Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons $ BOXES RGE RED POTATOES 00 Fresh POLE BEANS lb. 29c Sweet Western CANTALOUPES 3 for $1.00 Guaranteed Ripe WATERMELONS each $1.98 10 lbs. 89c LESS THAN 10c PER POUND Swt. Potatoes 3 LB.BA28c Tender Baby Okra Ih 70a bI 7Qa bags 19c .* COMPLETE LINE OF Flower Seed Garden Seed Seed Potatoes Fertilizer Potting Plants lb. 2 3- PottingSoil - SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS Check Our Price Before You Buy Crisp Red Cello Bag RADISHES---------2 I ) MONEY!- Del Monte 20 Oz. Bottles TOMATO CATSUP ---- 3 btls. 99c IGA 6 Oz. Cans ORANGE JUICE -------6 cans 99c [GA OCEAN PERCH -- lb. pkg. 79C Fox (Cheese, Hamburger, Sausage) DELUXE PIZZAS ------15 oz. 79c Cairo Beauty 12 Oz. Jars SALAD DELIGHTS ------2 jars 69c lDi,- i n ... J g Size FABRIC SOFTENER ------ btl. $1.39 Comet Plastic Bottle CLEANSER. ---17oz. 25c TABLEITE BEEF Short Ribs lb. 78c BLGround Beef b. LE88 Ground Beef lb. 88c 1 ' O S-T t. Plos i -t.2 aSt. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 ,.J- o'vw 2,- hOs; oo o Coordinators Busily Recruiting Science Legal V-;C. g-tc. ho ..o; CU L Florida Students for'Region 2 Competition sp a .a*baeed; 8 c9 C alD. V tSchgme; f 2ul L C NOTICE '- e; anchorlock spring set parking -- After the date of the first pub. brakerear; 70 p alternator; IN THE FCIRCUIT COUR County science fair coordinators this week and next as they bear ch5 173 In wil no longer be 400 lb. rear main spring; i2250 lb. DICIAL CIRCUIT OF LOR- uin Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Holmes, the responsibility of devising response for any debts other reaux. spring; power steering; DA N AND FOR GULF Jackson, and Washington counties means of selecting entries for the than thse approved y me per- speed lack mi session; dual, air WASHINGTON, have their work cut out for them Region 2 Scoience and Engineering 4 3- CHARLES A. OSBORNE x 20 12-pldual rear; cast spoke PlainLtiff, N ...r Fair from among hundreds of par- . t3- 7.515" rims; w_ ase ap o. v -- or, texture, ease of maintenance NOTICE-TO-RECEIVE axle approx. 114"; frame to ex- MAPRIE JACKSON, SEALED BIDS tend approx. 73" behind rear axle. Defendants. Home Grounds .'rc-ist use pebble rock which can be fixed Junior and senior, high school The Board of County Commis. Bid, w11 bte ree- nd unt'J NOTICE OF SALE with This surface is ery students in the slx-county area.are sioners of Gulf County will receive March 27, 1973 at 7 30 P.A,. (ES T) Notice is hereby given tbt I t ..Tiy; of Florida ssuace is ven now involved in .y r- com- sealed bids from any person, com- at the office cf the Clerk hCircmt RAYMOND AWENCE. Ih.i a desirable and is porous, so 'that now involve in 'hl n.ry con-y pany or corporation interested in Court P. O. Box 968, Fort St. Joe. of Gulf County, Florida, un.r ,<,.1 water easily passes and science fairs in preparation for hte selling the county the following de. Flrida. by virtue of a Writ ,of science fairs in preparation for hte snrbqd personal' property: The Board reserves the right o 0hr. fr.,'n -it of the above into the soil. 2 Science and Engineering One new 1i73 truck with the 0lo., reject nEy and .I!!U bids. I e5M'l, 'ti,;ntto a F: Fair to be held .-rI 57 at the rOne,- w .;with efol/.-rect a .. '. ,: : ',.aid nr-ases the pleasure Or will guests have to pas sh-.:.h And don't ," ..: a wooden p., .._ aa Sstems Laboratory ,r .i '. February. -. outdoor ..- a much as -a the kitchen or other working areas or deck. These beautiful v ; are in Panama ity. Som 11 high t s A,.,de ,1.. -r1-ao h th ...:' not as g'~r._ 'as you might schools'and 13 junior high schools b- !.a :: S ,' a Test the site for tI' bt. h think. If you ;, : :elf. they are involved. QPEN AiCHECKING AC'OUNT the year before cotrutn if concrete. Of course .: A Te on event i the big OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT" t:".117'. : r-1 "1 :: ". r ^ o; ,^ -.. .. OPEC '--1 5.2 r....:. An area that's c presss, 3 or ce ar ste p toward wide .. n I. n for ",.. .- '. ." .- '. in, summer but traps -the '' bw- use .t:"'. I t SAT' 4s-y t'i.lm "-''- .... A beused, the State Science and Engineering AT lrt ..i ..'..:' -- :; ,d'.:Ksun is preferable. Place' shade Be i,; ,.<:..' in creating the Fair to be held in .'. .1. April 26. ;A ,ITjA STATE AN n' T b- Ai .. the time ofydayou wi be usir nad effect hant a Fair in San ;i,--. May 6-12. WEWAHITCHKA STATE 'BANK"nri.,, ,nt c'rj un th i da ,, tre to oti shade to '' es gn e e.or.2.h WEWAHiTCHKnA .D if^ L- *-5 neartt .-rectangular arrangement. ' t J f. C .- plans toensure ma :out leaving a hole for Bay;,FrankGui- ffor We : 1. ,: -, and .T.a.. T A row .. or buit the [. around -' Calhoun; William H. Linton, T br i no riA th the. h et hL e for 'b .: ,... .,. ,..-_... -- I; :"l ': argue shrubs or an a' tree? Plants can also be added '' IRobert .i,. ]';.'*- : Hodges cThere o rin Charge it yoa AVERAGE nh, *hg i ':ati .,d lr h ', .. attractive@ fence may be needed to via large planters, tabsa or just .'.' Jackson and J. B. Ward, Srt,~ ~h..t e.6ty .f ut fi -aneeded privacy.,.Washngton, as .," bieordina- rint.- ybh1y la';e 'xc IF eds $100.0(0, a d then ory a ^. utif "1 a -It:-:'fm you --' small pots tors will send about 160 junior S' ..r ., .... : sill : c .....u' :,,...' ... .. -. r ...... '.- you cY OU .. tors will send about 160 junior r a.50 car- f.r acrusV with an a-hrage monthlyy s, h ol i41 itn \ tC. I t'. '.. 'nthe siz e, 4,esign and ;' 7 senior high '.i" students to ] c 'r h- i 2.. L. ._. .- '. 4 i. "'-" :':-: F'. 2.:.r, r'I:r.v ehoiee 'areh e any, think it compete in the regional affair. baladace t. lan $1A000. A O LA 'E:;E i, ., --' ,:. ... beginning con- Frominthese 25 to 30 students vill SSfPFT y 4t Fb 7, ; f'-' ..., tile, colored '- ''. '- -' Your patio will be -a be picked to compete in the state By a.mpiuting our barger oni an average month- .- -' --ia Fe. : '' ': de srabl, 4. -. ource of consant pleasure and air and,at least one, possibly two I 'THE CIR"LT_ CO1'T. CLrco u C k :G -. -- -- 1 It,-n t1he intcr- ly baWsis your balance could go b-elow $100,0( on oc- roURT '.-n IJ U DICI.SEAL, 4 -. .! .. -... , ir.':UITrr 2F THE STATE -__ ----_ caiion and still incur no service charge, OF FLO.TI-A,. -IN AD FOR - Gi'Ly COUNT rY. Write as many checks as you vih; there are mAYi 4 A, rT.T'NG ff G .' S..1 and ' no service charges. T I I.LA ARMSTRONG -wife. AOL.A.'dwife. NOTICE OF SUIT Ie pi TO: Tommy G. Arr tr ong EW E EIA AS709 Neal Terrace Ncb'iI 4 Trn-tler 37203 YOU .A Hf**pY NOTIFIED ' 09& a l you ar4 rc'quir'-d to serve acqxy of youer written defenses, `ST TE BA K f s -rr, tit en t Pbert M. Moore, A COUNTY lANDMARK s:,ri f., 4t0- ,r1g.. with : :j rt. :.Y.-: l.*.. yled C'U, t rpo r b tLf-w March 2t 1973. ther..ii FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST. LAST AND ALWAYS 'sA ,- r. J'Itri mny he entered Si i DISCONTINUED STATO- STREAK ,i t-yN Py han d -d the sea ; I AY -SIZE LISTED -INSURANCE L K ITEWALLS sAn Exac ng S enceTo 878-13thruH78-14 E78-15thru H78-15 LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT 1 TOGETHER WITH N RA CARE IThe are about as many4di - ferent types of insurance as there are fts ecifi- n a. You can't ~ b ag, 'soit.is ilult J78-15 and L78-15 2 forU0 thm allo i s vity nportant ."Plus $1.81to $3.13 pertire F.E.tax and 2 tires off your car, Call on us at any time! WE PUT THE "SURE" DESIGN IN YOUR iNSURANCE ra ) Let's take an example. Do you know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue yoth his claim can WIPE YOU OUT.. i. less you're properly Insured! TOMLINSON Insurar a E78-14 LAF78-14 T= InERAsuuRANC Lt aPOW *78-15 b AS M Backwacls FIRE BONDS G78-14, G78-15, H78-15, 2 for '54 Plus $2.22 to $2.80 per tire F.E. tax and 2 tires off your car. priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competltvely priced at.FIretons . D ers eand at anl service stations dapieyIg the Firestone s!in. MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST -- a m -- ice Agency I, I '1 PATE'S SERV IC LENTERIK Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station r THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Floridf THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 ri Im~r I ,l Ip~ 4 91 .GERBER TRAIN W* A .. JAK BABY FOOD ... jar 11c READY-TO-USE SIMILAC or ENFAMIL......... .3 63c| CURITY TAPE TAB DISPOSABLE DIAPERS... DA 1.69 ASSORTED COLORS (4 Roll Pkg.) WALDORF BATHROOM 39 TISSUE 's *0 9* ASSORTED COLORS VIVA TOWELS 3uo$1.0D ASP LAUNDRY BLEACH GAL. JUG 45c tL0ROX BLEACH.. JUG .1 I A L! .ROMAINE (NEW CROP RED POTATOES tb. 12c BULK) Endive or Escarole...."BU JUICY (RED DELICIOUS APPLES 3 Lb. BAG 69c) Red Grapefruit...5 BAO 59c ,100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE Eight O'Clock o 79c .l*09 PURE VEGETABLE Crisco Shortenina ... 0 85 *' OLD FASHION 20" SFRENCH 16 OZ., * ITALIAN 20 OZ0 YOUR CHOICE! ENCORE SOLID BREAKSTONE PLAIN OR FLAVORED Margarine 35c Yogurt... cu-23c KRAFT MARGARINE QUARTERS KRAFT AMERICAN (SLICED SINGLES) Parkav... 0: 39' Cheese .. .K83c ITEMS IN THIS AD. ARkE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAILERS OR WHOLE- SALERS. CUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED) TO REASONABLE QUANTITIES., IQ PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, MARCH 25, 1973. IN ALL STORES IN T A VER0c E THE CITIES LISTED BELOW. I TASTER'S CHOICE g FREEZE DRIED COFFEE WITH THIS 8 OZ $0 W1THOUTTHIS SWITHTHHIS 8 Z WC1 UPON S COUPON JAR 6.U $2.10 @THIS COUPON EFFECTIVE THRU SUN. 3/24/73 ----- ------ *m o PEPSI COLA ^^R-.m i __ -,^ ^ K *-* ANN PAGE REGULAR OR THIN SPAGHETTI.2.....2'Ls45c iANN PAGE (2 Lb. Jar) SPAGHmTI SAUCE ... 63c GOLDEN CROWN (Quart BIt.) LEMON JUICE.......49c ASSORTED REG. OR DIET BEVERAGES " YUKON CLUB.10 'CANS89c REG. OR LIVER FLAVOR DOG FOOD KEN-L-RATION.. 'A$1.05 DAILY ALL DIET DOG FOOD....... 10c 11~0E...im*:* -A ;; :-: :- .. MARKET STYLE" (SLICED) BULK *^ ; . PAG~E EsLmraM .. ~~ -71~ I imp V TI t'AOE TWELVE ThE STAR, Pert St. Joe, FIends THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 'I EELT' INURNC .': ithanksto the, rm'kifllng pow Ser of the 'antIMtcs, doctors. bve'been able fcut t he moar. tality Rte On mar,'y disease. ThIs'Rexl :.drug sore carrier Sthe most Importan t lines of Shark Bats Silent In Two Losses During Week's Play Port St.' Joe High School's Sharks spent the week on the road. and suffered a. disastrous Week end, losing to Quincy and - Crestview.. . Friday afternoon, the Sharks 'were the victimi,of an 185 shell- ing in Quincy.. 'Three hurlers went to the- 4mound for Port St. Joe' with Mark,,Wimberly being credited with the loss. Sandy Sanborn and Craig -Pippin. relieved. Quincy banged out a big nine, run first inning, which proved to be enough to win the game The Sharks managed two runs in the first inning and, three in tIfe second before they were shut off. Russell Chason was the Sharks leading hitter with two hits. *. *- The Shark bats were relative ly-,quiet again Saturday, scoring only two runs in a 6-2 loss to Crestview. Bubba Harmon was the losing Bb Brown, 14th Circuit Administrator Chosen to'Participate In National Meet yo- 7 A5t sord'w andu w twO. 1- 6' you to beer heaim at o ; ..:.' .A ost l' 'to Fb i en .. Bob 'E ." ."u't A.ir : - _t J Lvr` to i i-m.1, .. I.. + ... , YOUR g DRUt R'STORI ,, ,..- t, i. t,.,n e-.-.;.t S. : one of 4'.. 4 ..*..:4 iE.t. from 0, -hjo, ";;-!',:..q t U. S. fo f .i t, Ln -..', .; "stitute fo, Court _'".. rg '.t DROUG STORE ...lection ws made !.iy FP. T Wi. Ph 227:7 31 Wi iams s ssocite' Co ..i .- -3 tor f IP"- 4. following-a ..-- Convenient Driveln Window ti- Plent "I P .:.. earlier this month of e inst Plenty FreeParking tute's Board of. Trustees. 'Nb .in its oulrth year of oper- ,- .. ,r .,.'.r joint o .:r:o-:i.,.i" of U L erica *Bar Association, vg k 1 T,:, .,tute for Judicial .'.,'. + .' "-.. .'. ;, S o'"',: ",.' .andS the', American Ju- .'?,M.- r _. Fr -o Q 1 i .. .. n aSociety,' = T ,holds , R sra e a ,I t~her.n c i, f* ,- ,','r '\ V '" : ' :r trial Hih-a' bz.r: t1 r ..' . :/ Kenney's' Mill to Hifh. . .through thbe rk.,A,'teton -' area di',wn Hijhway '; giai, to Jones 'Homestead and back to the High S'-.ool. - Rest and recuperation -stations willbe provided, along the route' and a "Poop Out". wagon will be along- to return, those to' the stat i.,ig point, who 'b ;',I ,tj BIG PRIZES A 'trip to DisneyWorld is be- ing offered again. this year for. tbc person who collects the m. e:,Bi money for their marching -.effrt. A $10.00 prize will be 't,'given, to the' walker *.; it, the ojr,;t sponsors, and ~,' 'to'. the :organization ,.t.1 '1h the most money. 'Miss Sanders 'said, "Get in- volved. Have a good. time. Get good exercise and help prevent and treat crippling birth .:1.- .. .. all at the- same time. Join in on the' 1973 March of Dimes Walk- A-Thon. Local Industry Receive Awards St. Joe Paper Company stand Basic Magnesia, Inc.,, of Port St. Joe were two of 50 manufac- turers, *_ ,r.. .',. ,..5, L ,, :,., ' ,;r, .b,.j !iA.,1:,h and individual sew- age 'treatment plants receiving awards fr6m the Florida Depart- ment of Commtrce. The awards. were given for environmental T, ,,.: efforts. ' ,The awards are" ' .i ''.:!. o or ' facilities '.': exceed '.' . 4ards isei b7 f% ,,J:. '.,ip'.,,.+, laws or ,'..',i.y *. ii abatement, requests well ifi advance, of legal deadlines. The awards, presented, this week, were given to 32 private firms, six municipalities, five military installations and seven private treatment plants. \, Sr,; .t.r .is. L A t .-e, f Ie -1 c. o. :. 'i"; t - "... Yr, hbr(iAr'- of -pers,'.- eebirg S .f' ".....' i' '-e ^J t, ;A.,,ng in . .. r_-' ,:.' i 'n t i ... Fr '.4, n n;.r an .::;.,' ! Panama CI',Marianna, Chipley and Graceville, all cities within the .14th Circuit,. served four years as county judge in" Jack- son County. He was appointed C'...' Administrator 6. January 10, this year by Circuit Judge S- ,.. L. +.'Tf i' ." of .Marianna, I of the Circuit. Cancer Breakfast A breakfast 'Tuesday, March 27 at 7:00 A.M. has been sche- duled by the Gulf County Ohap- ter of the American Cancer So- "-ciety to kick off this year's fund drive. The breakfast will be held at Jake's Restaurant.. Mrs. Jean Atchison and Mrs. Larry Anchors, driveL chairmen, are asking all drive., captain's to be present. Mrs. Raymond Law- -rence is i 'charge of recruiting drive workers and volunteers. Trap Shoot Set " 'The Gulf Rifle Club will conduct a trap -shoot, ion' Saturday, Marcl 24 t:..., at 2:00 p.m. at the Ri fle Range on -..:1, : 71. ,.,,.:. shells will be available at the range. All interested shooters are in vited to come out to shoot o watch how many are missed. + Classified Ads+ d pitcher, giving up five hits and -- M striking out 12. Errors by theio FOR SALE: Truck r' 10 ft. FOR RENT: Furnished beach cot- SHRUBS FOR SALE: Azaleas, by. SSharks proved ei :r :. o addition Sleeps 6, stove, ice .x and tages. Reasonable monthly rates. drangeas, English dogwood, ete. to their'' to hit safely.- eleci- :" 1, 'ercomn heater and Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfi Young plants to 4 years old. All in e' Harmoe was also the leading air .... ,: '. 1. very little.' TED TO BUY Exerciser bic ans, 10 to $1.00. Call 229-6806. Sp hitter with two, and four REBIs. Cae 2-seen ater 3:30. 3p-21 Ave Call after B :0E pe bi S' .... 6274. -- .. HEATH RADIO and TV FOR SALE: Toastmaster deluxe NEW IMPROVED 7tl-ie.' the Black and white Color Friday tp the Sharks push button broiler-oven. Phone great iron pill novw *vh i V in All Work Guaranteed will host (-..! 3:30. Satur- 229-4881. it-3-22 C. Campbell's Drug. 6p-2-15 PHONE 229-2782 day, they travel to Chattahoo- HOUSE FOR SALE: 1 WANTED: 40 acres or more. Road chee and i:n. T ,: ', Crest- :h- ,-_ room, -'_. ..m and power. Please draw map and SEWING 'MACHINES: Dial and view .:: ** r .-' for a 3:30 game. and kitchen. Hardwood floors. Bath give price, terms,, and send to P. -.'Sew. See at K&D Television and and kitchen has I r- #4 0. Box 952, Lancaster, Ohio 43130. Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227- --- --- remodeled. Hous :-., .:- "' "' 2. 2071. tfc-3-1 pletey rewired. : to be included in-." ... FOR RENT: One and two-bedroom PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo. al ment, call 229-6549 after 5:00 p.m. attractively 'furnished -apart-, tional problems and/or concerns. e ga W 212 9th Street. 2tc-3-22 ments. *Cool in summere, warn-iin (.1 u1 County Guidance Clinic, Port S .'R SALE' house, St winter. .Gas heat, window fan j.St. .Joe, .Florida 2293621 or Rev. FOk. They must be seen to be appr t Eis,2 `7 '" X "I' A., i',. : Fi r2 n ,j t29-4556 after ed.Cantact M r. rs. B.C.Prce -- -e SIY; F' '.' '. ends. 3tp-3-22 at WIMICO LODGE and TRANIR S' r PR A m' re | PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 INCOME TAX SERVICE' IN 0 -- SA Ef, FO $AL -. re -- j T' '- L. -'- new" b.ridle .r I .0 P..2 .". : by b e o-, : .J- o .48 6986' F THE BEST in levision .ERNARD 0. WESTER NOTICE TO CREDITORS ,- nd om by 301 Reid Asio .-n --813 Marvin Ave. All redirs.of-.th estate i .- ,.. our line of television, Phone 229-3107 -. .. .:- ., .- : e -., c. .. stereos, radios and r i",, aLi -,. y _. ta o pe .. V',: have a repairm '3 - _" .: :1.- r.z-~.,-.1 '-."iy raay,' FR SAL H- -, *- ,. *. ,-b able daily. K and D TV ai FOR WELDING NEEG S ee Jame I j ... .'. u. ht-.-.. .., ,d- .SOUND, 301 Reid Ave., ne. L pl 1302 Palm vd. f w* r3 f u rooms. Close to 'T- :.irra 1 2 71. Ic3! tfc-9-.7 ,+ 3;J:, idah available. $7700. See owner, 1t LOST: Ring of keys. -". -. -. X <- e r 1',:- r.3. i from St. -6446721. 2P yeow .dsc. S* .... ,f. '..... .3. of FOR SALE. Dinette suite in very The tar tp ECONOMY CASH STORE i i ,e :..3 t,.. T..-.., .*.. .'3 nd good condition. Table and 5 FOR SERVICE ,i '-. m- Apalachicola, Fla. st. -r ,n .i. ate chair- T. has ".. and white KENT :.' 1 New = .,t,. Brand Grocery ;""" '" r :" _of- form-C ::.; Chairs are black tub ing, electrical p- -r d :TRE SCALESnd Grocery00 i., ,, an .d th ",r i ,, onditioners. R-! r ..- -.. STOR E SCALES $335.00 I. !-i.,,..I'. Ii, c1i3;!.1urt Quality material Must 6895. j : New 4-burner electric Sir.. .. ,,. t.u**.,...., or it will 895y C' 4 1. tfc'. STOVES $139.00 PFr. T olaw._, F OR S, -,. +n. New 4-burner gas E rtA V: *, FOR SALE T. "T rr 1 ELECTRO-PHONIC STOVES $125.00 S .* .E'. tiir- .. .. ._.i ..'. .. ,'.. STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS New 5 Hp Outboard Bowell, deceased 2600. 2t-3-15 See the Large ih-l.ci MOTORS $149.00 CECIL G. COSYTN, Jr. 20.. at 1 New 7 Hp outb.,,,. Aisorr..: for Administratrix FOR- SALE:. 1969 .Rambler, A/C, ST. JOE HARDWARE MOTORS $189.00 221 %d Avenue take up payments, $37.64 month, New Maytag Port St.oe, Florida2456 4t bank financed; '67 GMC Handivan 4t COMPANY 3-1 AUTO. WASHERS -- $225.00 panel truck, good running condi- New 15-cu. ft. GE Automatic REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS tion. Call 648-4976. 2tp-3-15 defrost, NO-FROST REGISTRATION OF ELECTORS CALADIUM' BULBS: Pi '., your REFRIGERATOR --- $295.00 FOR MUNICIPAL ELECTION ANTIQUE BOTTLES FOR SALE:. order now from these Port St. Men's The City Registration Books Claude and Ellen Tate. Beacon Joe Garden Club members. I ,il WORK PANTS pr. $2.98 will. be open for registration of Hll Beach 2te-3-15 Mrs. J. C. Arbogast 227-5201; 'Mi , qualified voters at 9.00 A.M., Gertrude Boyer, 229-3671; Mrs Lerio Electric Water Pumps March 29, 1973, at the office of the- FOR' SALE: 1969 ,.*!' .' 4-door Ken Bateman 227-5851; Mrs. J. W. onl o ricW'.f pump on the City Clerk at the City Hall. Those sedan. Air t. .i...,. 1. power Clements, 648-7766, or any member only fa t pu wishing to re.i ter s voters for steering, power brakes. Good run- -of the Garden Club. 1 -, market the M ..,_,::.; '.:.IrI.oo Primary to ning condition,. ,.. tires. ,*:'" ,r, : Special Price be l~.ld '., ,;,-: J.3 may regis- equity, and assume r pay- FOR FUN, pa..1 ...y..enture and a 'a ter between thehours of 9:00 A.M. ments. K. C. Mashburn, h..-. 229- tehnical *....-,. ; wee e '. ,v Of- HANG TEN and 12-00 ,' and from 1:00'P.M. 6592 ~,'-r Jack Lat Post Office and other ladies and girls fash- to 5 rO PM p .., l4ay through Fri- T"*-', at 11:00 A.M.. or c-ili ,i-1. clothing at our store at rdW 1-: ':-.r z, 7 '*.:h 29, 1973, and FOR SALE: Lincoln 4.*.r...-ia 4. .!1-A to the Navy 1:.* -r! Sta- *uif.rLkt., low prices. i .rr, : ;i 5:00 P.M., Fri- door, White vinyl top. Fully !'- 565 Harrison Avenue, Panama d.', A. L 7 1973, at which time equipped. White leather seats. New '1.,,, 785 5582. 4te-3-8 A visit to our store will h Tooks will close. tires. New exhaust system New REDUCE ai and fast surprise you! All. persons who have registered as shocks. $995. .Paul Blount, 128 F.' f, and E-Vap "water et Electors in the City of Port St. Joe Hunter Circle. Phone 229-4401.. Ca h since February 4, 1965, and veni- pills". Campbell's Drug. 12p- 2 .15 fled their registration in February, FOR SALE: 14' .fl,-^I ...n, fishing INCOME TAX SERVICE: M,.n.I'.ey S1973,r re not required to're-regis- boat with 20 hp Johnson motor through Friday, 8 A.M. to 5 PM. A New Service At te who are qua itiz ed voters under the and trailer For information call Phone 229-9811 for appointment. POLLOCK'S CLEANERS State Law, and who havare qe ubeen resi- 229-551 tfc-31Saturday,'Sunday and after 5 P.M. UNIFORM RENTALS State Law,-and who. have been resi 229-5511. tree3-1' weekdays 229-3296. Shirley T.K dents of the City of Port St. Joe for days 229-3296 Shirle-2 For Information; Come by two months and who are 18 years FOR SALE: 20 foot fiberglass sail- cks. tor Call r of age are eligible for registration, boat. Phone 648-3934. tfe-1-11 WANTED: New and used car sales- 107 Second Street C. W. BROCK 3-22 man in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo-" Phn 227 City Auditor and Clerk 3t FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house with tor Co., Port St. Joe.. tfc-2-15 Phone 227M4 den. 'Good neighborhood. Call ...... ..... ... 229-5821.' tfc-10-29 FOR SALE: Lowry organ. For more information call 227-8701 after 5:00 p.m. or 229-4303. tfc-3-1 REWARD OFFERED Your reward will be the tremen- dous savings offered by The Sew= .ing Center. ,'j:- :1, Fabrics at Fac- tory Outlet. Prices. .THE SEWING CENTER, 229 Reid Aye., Port St., Joe. ltc-3-22 C & G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and Appliance Repairs Air Conditioning Heating Oil Burner Technician .CALL 229-6863 or 229-5777 NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Friday and Saturday March 23 and 24. 2 BIG SHOWS -. Clint' Eastwood in "PLAY MISTY FOR ME" "KING KONG ESCAPES" Next Week. "FRENCH CONNECTION" "VANISHING POINT" S WHEN YOU'RE A POWER COMPANY IN THE SECOND FASTEST GROWING STATE IN THE COUNTRY, YOU MUST HAVE PLANS FOR THE FUTURE Florida is growing at the astonishing rate of 4000 people a week. Halfnewcomers. Half newborn. And half of this spiraling population will be served by Florida Power. By 1980 well be needing twice the electricity we need today. .. -. That's why we've been planning for the future for many years. And why it's so Important to you that our building program continues. We can't afford needless delays If we're to get the job done. Florida Power CORPORATION :DIVORCE KIT - For; the no-fault law. For free details, write: Joe' L. Stua1ca, Box 791, Pompa- no, Florida 33061. 10tpU3-8 KILPATBRIK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficent---Courteous Telephone 227.2491 FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE eall Emory Stephens. Free estimate ,Guarantee on labor and materials Low down payment. Phone 227 7972. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert L. Montgomery. 505 3rd Street. Phone 227-4811. 8tp-1-18 SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE Home .and Industrial 2t PHONE 639-5357. 2-8 -B.I N GO Every. Saturday .Night Beginning December 16 7:30 P.M. ' AMERICAN LEGION HOME, 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK..Men's women's. Racing style. Touring 'style. Credit terms available. WES- TERN AUTO, Port St Joe. 6-15 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 p.m. Phone 229-5281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe "Ol" F" "E 3614 Avea = -' I MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or syn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices ... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 27-4853 9-21 -JANICE STOKES tfe FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Jo CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-694 or 229-2937. R.A.M.-Regular convocation o St . Joleph Chapter No. 56, RAX, .1st; and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All vsitjag companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, See. WILLIS V., ROWAN, POST 116 THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet. ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL4. a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every fira and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. 'Af E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGE, Secty I I u~i-_~-_~_. ._.~ ... 1 THE'STAR,- Port 516jeop loirda THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1973 PAGE TWELVE 1, i: . I |