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TWELVE PAGES THE STAR he 'Safes* Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" S10c PER COPY ****-'i A **** NUMBER 28 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 ''H.HIRTY-SIXTH YEA County Faces Loss f Ambulance Service C' nty" s ance f ;, .***:..^ '* Gulf County und Port St. Joe i. facing the treatment.. "Many of these trips are never i. i' s. mf ..':-.: for us to cperat ,under the law since S'los of -ambulance service for its citizens. '' for" Cmfor.r 'said, "and more frequent trips to we won't have personnel with the proper train- W. P. Comforter and Ray Kflpatrick, op P,'Pinama. 'i, are ., I.,'I:u our losses. ing. to meet state r '-z''i.-r-".r " .. erators of- t4 e two funeral homes-in the county W. have .j: up the service .about' as long as:,, Charles Morris and W. H.. Brogdon, opera- and'also the only ,ambulance servIce now provide.d .:we ,-n d. eitber Df 'us can continue o.or.eate -tors of ABC Ambulance -Service in Bay County ..otified the GulC. oCunty Commission Tuesday, ':,' r th. ,'..i.J-ar.. ,-,. .,,-.e ar. .-ri i.E. : were present at the TLc-.'et" .and offered their they will suspend the. service on'June 30 of thi' with r.hi' .r.e". ,... "ervices'tothe .:o;*..: .:4- .tehe, e:..r:~- r,: Year. ". .. .'..ari k.. at w t regains' be worked out between the county and their firm. !'`f Comforter told the Board' ambulances ser- fr .a-.t Luane .r'/rs a td tr.ntis is also a' Mori-' said hb:' firm was fully qu!. i:.1 -i met ,.-yice is ~~bioming a losing pro iUU'_ n with both. ft ..i .th ...'.s n.. "We an't ftrAd suffid,'. all. t.. *.- a" Sfunera hom.3 .and eppciavy ,fo tiry, with;-mosIt ,, hel. to.-.,t n-: s.it I',,u'4 te under: :':'.' 'y-r "':n Lamar Davis said j a,-i,,iD A ct vi q. m to..to *B i.7. County fwr "t pre.r.' ,r; it .',,..".. r'' T .. t-U ._E.i.r -the F'..-r.al ,-.. i -| .- ti o conaidir"th i s ;. .' ^ ; .. 11' .. .. Going to , TakeA20 It: 'tne ir.n' Thne" for all' phD l .,p. n, ,. 'Port St., :, Joe' T''4pl-e to grab their most citni.d-ta~'le working '::.l'. or" boots;,,' nr if unit.. t. stand the. strain .of a 20f nile iIk', .- i .ly open, their pocket "., .ai-,- ... I'., ..'r t .... h> < W w, 1. 'W U i-v' i! Pat. Joe wVJfci 'jjiwrn^ ivith a mighty pur--r .i- I Lko Year during ,the :'.:.'ni, ;.r_',a . March. of in ; '.,Ill. :,.tL,.,r, .;a' : A I.J ;.:They will ,ll- t.i help' tbQ ..La. ..f I f . " t. r i t. _ri.nt ..,f 1u.,ih *M[",,.t. tey S ll I h .. .. i. ,, : .. v, .:s S" IP, i- ". if it + .-l- ".1 .4. r ti fu f '1. I '1 rfl it- i.- SThe I72 Waik.. thon wa; on<. of kb'. n,:-Mt mj,.:,:.-f'jI ,m idV i r... B, S d art .. e',Eo c.r-,l.cHtr--l :n o. [T' l .i r ,..rtly h.,>.1 .*.: ,,f .th.:- ... elty and rt .: i ..,.. the competitive 1. ii). f.i fun tint prevailed before 'and 'Jur i.. :- walk. - (bi ,-.i. -".-i.- issued' to, var- Sius .eivic leaders. Bob Moore,d local attorney and March- of Sr' es Chairman in Gulf C.,'-, i'- made "the most valiant effort of' the, walk when, he .accepted a' challenge from Mrs. Raymond. Lawrence of WJOE. Radio to walk farther and collect 'more -.'pledges ,than, she !could. Mrs.. Lawrence pooped out' aftei 15 'miles but Chairman Moore ecros. ..sed -the-finish. line walking on;. th sides' of th- feet,. after the 0oles gave/put : , SThe most in i '..:.r finish, *th)eh by Rep. Bi fyJoe Rish who 6 an. he last 100 yards' of' : the- 20 mile endurance testy con ST fiscated 'a nearby. y~ unsm tr ", -',cycle and peddle t :- toun ' pace the. last 25 feet. Victor- Gilbert, son of Mrs. .beda hR.t- S, wa's the happy winner-'of the trip to 'Disney World, wH*en he collected more money 'than any of the other youngsters competingg for the ,prize. . The walk begins at the' Port ; (Continued On Pge 12) Iql bef-re making any further moves. "I suppose the county would have to furnish a subsidy for 'your firm", he said to MomT?, "and we'll have to give the opportunity to furnish service to others as well." Commissioner T. D. Whitfield remarked, "If we hav'- to furnish a large enough subsidy, one of the local concerns may be interested in continuing the o i*:"'. At Traie. 3 iR now stands, the County v.'i'.l I-.se it .iibilanr ricee June'30p a victim of Developers Must Now Construct Own Roads T, C, itof re'fty r orr'iAi-kr. M*lr At the Y Ct-u t T C.- S d- Eldr A .: M Mrn.yMy 4: n,- -yi ^.- Bagie'i t j B .i- ..p a:; ,.t n the ub"i. 1.T;,ns '' '.i'dU an'l pb(,tr.ht u ) to 'rad'Je th 'rouinty'3 T r. I(.i t "ry he..,, fresnj' C-j, trin..-:'.*i-i 1 :.a fr, "I k.ow it. t .. hee :. ..'E P.':,te of this BoE i in the ps'.t County Being Evaluated by C D Experts r e efforv it -' I- L s * rr : ; ..; 0.tL7: a t ,ea of :,:Lt 51.s; arin Fede'ra] Ci'il Defense office: t', a't:- , Gulf. .~ '.,- ;.'- spot in areas of disaster prep'.:]r;^:- and re'.:. rit..'', a o.r.1 '.y a im of im- provement after the ev-'. .i The t..' is .;ir- t;rI1y inter- .-..'.-"irig r -.-.i and ',. r .c ',, t.:- A 11 ''. week on their .ir 8,-,- i ,-- of ,he-' ,:e, i't - made for disaster' aid' and l ,- dangers .which face the '.., from ".'.r,' : '.: .' The team, headed by Bob Jones W est Area ,'.r,.;i ,.,' ....: of ',.:) ":. e. m et "&:i... (., with ,:, and county govern- ment leaders in O,.-. '. r.'. , to prepare th,.;. f., the week' ahead ... . Jones i,., "We -',t require you to do :-.' ,'",. We will draw you up a plan of what you need 'for effective disaster pre- pi.-, ,n f. ;-.L!A.n our inter- views, and you 'may adopt' all, 'none or any part of the sugges- tions." Jones went. on to say, "Whatever we recommend,: we can guarantee you that state and Si.-;r- resources will be avail- abkle. in the means of: money, " manpower or whatever help you p .epare to meet any I-:;.... Jones pointed out the fact tliat (Continued On Page 12): I ^ to accept 'new plats 'and then .. 'b the roads. I don't think it's right for this Board to take' tax payer's money and improve Si :::r: so 9'~:-cr owners can, make, money'.-:. the sale of, im- p.. ;.. k.t'. Other' counties don't :r, ,',. shouldn't either." , ,* 'r went on to say, "I'm not '' ;, about '."..-' of new streets, but we've been <:'.. . the street work in subdivisions. SWe should continue to pave the new streets under- our 'r '.', system, b '. !.b'. land,- owner and ,, .1. .,, -.. i ,, .- , ,." t ... .. ir .r ,' -of o f r-. A s a J' .,!' '*J .',',. ,: i, . !tio'n,e er eppi7 ; !.- -.,p , their .r,,ctkie ',/f' Y'.,^ .f 'n , arid er, .ne I -,.1 ,'..., .1 t , tabli h r.. t t, .I. .'.[ Is e. .'t.i' -. ., ;.'. -' : "for, the ,rr,.; '. : pre- SOTHER BUSINESS ,In other i.t':': of business,'the. County .Eoa.d: S.Told a -T'..-tvj...',m from St. Joe Beach the Board was trying to. locate 'a suitable amount of acreage to establish a. park on the Beach. The Beach citizens ob- ejected to a site at Beacon Hill since children ...., I be, forced to walk down Highway .08 to get Commissioner Walter Gra- ham ; .. --. --i the Board decide at the next v'.. i--,_. how to jut government revenue .i., n funds to work. The' on] i ... , / sion of .- to do with te .,'in. .y thus far, is to set aside a por- tion of the funds t.;', i' ,r,,. ,h , ..., '.', l *.,f 9i- several fire de- partmentp in the county. Agreed to s-t -i . ., of one room *-, ti .'. ture. ,' a suite. to ,,,-'_, h ,. -; ... f t'- 3 .,.,, - J Patrol. .. .: A ,,".;: ,u' = ; .:,. K.Ran ches to. quit *.,e.i' county and. Arainage.. with their "* ':'- to advertise for, the a a.. i.( a :.' .- White City Fire bT7..;- r. r, The coun- ty .will equip the truck -with a. 2,000 gallon water tank and a pump. The Fire Department will repay the county out of their share of fire district money and 'any revenue sharing funds they may receive. Vehicles Bump: One; C(dmes to Rest In Bay This car, owned, by Cleveland Riley of Port St. Joe, ended 'up sitting 'in the edge of St. Joseph Bay as the result of an accident Wednesday morning. -Star photo . No injuries were reported, but Cleveland Riley of 311 Avenue A had his car wind up. in the tide waters of St. Joseph Bay yester- day morning in an accident on Highway 98 just South of the 16th Street intersection. Patrolman James Graves, who investigated the accident said Riley was driving South on 98 followed by a truck driven by L. R. Mauney of Carrabelle. It was reported a pick-up truck was stopped in the Southbound lane just south of 16th Street and both, vehicles swerved into the other lane to pass the stalled pick-up. Mauney then attempt- ed to go on around Riley's vehi- cle, but met a car coming over the. Patton Bayou bridge and had to swerve back. Mauney's' trailer side-swiped' Riley's car, causing him to lose control and wind up in the bay. Riley's vehicle went down the embankment and stopped 180' feet from the roadway and park- ed in the edge of the water. SI park for visitors to see and will not be hunted. Deef ReleaSed in ParK In the photo above, one of the deer emerges from its cage. Looking on are Captain John Four deer were released last Wednesday Lynch (in uniform) Resident Ranger; Lt. Joe He- afternoon in St. Joseph's Peninsula State Park bert of the Game Department, releasing the deer; by the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish De- Representative William J. Rish and James H. apartment. The deer were released to live in the Chason, both of Port St. Joe. Commission Makes Request for Park Site Th,. r *O qunty .Commis- S" ,1 ..,,.t p..-s "Tuesday to se- cure rp.'.l q'.- for what could tuir out. o' be the, most popu- lar park in the county. The Board instructed attor- ', William J. Rish to file' an, - j ..- ,' ,'to -obtain a tracti , :. .'i j government pro-:' P" *, at" the intersection, of; *' ?TO and the St. Joseph's, .i Park 'road, near Dead M,,, Curve.. The 30-acre plus tract has frontage on both the Gulf of Mexico' and St. Joseph Bay and can -..1 : be obtained by the county at no cost. If the county is successful in securing, the property, plans are to construct a park, picnic and play area as well as provide access to a public beach, S'New Sign ...o.. .n,* .. : t, J.,-,. (, i- to cal .*. : !_., r _t .,j thi. s hand- ome. -ivl iia .at thie tirt: (f the O'ldSt. Jo-, S r, i .-t. week, 'i t>'- ':-i the City of Port .St. Joe. .., ., ,. -,, .. r-:, S,....- ha.s ..k- r. over the p .-t -..se eral -. '.: to' ,rn 1tb, .',ld btr:t'11' 'L .:'i into a beautiful park and 't -ir !. '.agraction. The "old Ceme- tery .- all that is iift of the;old it.v of St. Jboseph, : Sand .*:-u .:, i.'.; the 'r ': *:.e '..-t a i a G v'n r L. K ,pf- : who came into the -.id ciin a s' illog ',. suffering from yellow I:- .=r An i.-uil'o,,,f the r-'.- r was the first of -: .r' *1 idr,- ,i which ,4:.-. the end of what was once the fastest p.l.:h, eity in the new' State of Florida. --Star photo. I ( _________ _ r I a I ki SHE STAR, Port St. Jom, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 EDITORIALS ... Taking Your Land Area Lawmen, Attending Course On Drug Abuse Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Certain rights,' values and .relati6n- ships are fundamental to-human -freedom. :One of these is the right of private proper- ty ownership. Not so long ago, it was true t. hat a warranty deed was a valuable docu-, -. ment givinig the individual. right to statd Ofi his "property, defend it against all. comers, improve its vaie 'and benefit ' therefrom. *Government had. the right by eminent domain to condemn private pro- jr ftr "faiP*" o&inensitio to pei nit con- Sonstriietlon of such thbj.r,- as'.a highway or railroad. But short of this, the property owner us.ed to be proter,.tA" by tbh law in,- Shis ownership of a valusblei matrialassaet, Not b'o'i,6anmre The owner of pro-, .'-perty for "fai'" compensation to permit support of schools and cdunt.y govern- n*"ments, but to an increasing' degree he no longer has the right to- use his property as he sees fit.' A,robs:. the U. S,' cb.nging land use rules make. it *possible to sr,.nd4 S$10,000 or $15,006 or more for a piece of . land only to find that local planning au- i.thorities, operating under zoning aL] hdndi In reality, tbi,:lr': u::-, I.fn no real fight ag;iin:3t. ifll;lion. wov.-rurtrit defi- :eits and debt t.:bow IMit'! .; is o.f ;I. Fa ti'n.. The U. S- Corigrr s- re di'.:l' C.fforft to cut - spending, and everyone: w rst; to be the - last to get o,ff :the gravy train. Th',;'e upward prcssurce' virti.lly vua rante. that the nation's manis r,4.til dist ibuitor" will be bin for aTuloher ye:j r *f Iryin; to, -:xjpl:.ir to the ic ple why mri ri.-,--, hb'.w the . free anrl.l cronU .ic y'st-ni wr rks and the, reasons why cotisumrn:rs can m xipct the SfaiireAL po..i'ibl-- pric'rs under this syt,-m, in spite of inflation." i o As has h...-i pint .1 out i-iin.and ogai.n, one ha". ,.rey t- !.k at other econ- omic svsl'V.,.. around the wvi.'i]i to realize that A.nm.rk-. ir, .are a ,lu.k'." p. .i-- pecially is this true- when comparing the American. experience with the plight of people in. countries where there are. no free markets, no .,btr.iii.-lti,,n ::nql the state rulesthe b i'.ir tpl *.. For .re ,in Yugoslavia" where the average take- I ' Nothing brings people like working 1'.. fit.-r on.'a common project. -The people of iulf C.P'1ity now have a golden oiTpporili'it '.-i to j,-.in f .,.' ..' and ener- gies to work tt'li:. r- for some worth working for-the observance of the Gql- ,den Anniversary of the 'founding of our -county. Gulf County Was sheared off C-dboulri County back in 1025. Even, tltouth the County w,a the' location of the 'ni,,- of Florida's first Constitution back in .7, it had no ide#itity as a county until 1925. This piece, of history deserves to be cele- brated. Jesse Stone, president of, the St. Jo- seph Historical Society came up with the idea of the celebration anid has asked the Perspective On Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida Team teaching is a concept that has' caught-on in many pla- ces throughout the United States. One example is in the state of Connecticut. Four schools have had their own ,version of. team teaching since 1958. Their teams comprise three teachers-a lea- use ordinances, will not allow use of land * even for the construction of' a private home. This amounts to destruction of property values by ordinance in which the individual's,right to use his own r.....- rty is wiped out-.by. what is alleged to be the -'public interest: in aesthetic and, environ- Smental values and/i long-range'"planning' which maynever come to fruition. durir g. .the lifetime of many current property owners. . I'ltv- ownership of land is a funda- mental :of human fred .and that has a -very high,'- -vle, indeed.- ItW. w ',.l eeri- that the p:'ib,, interest I.-rl -be best -.. served if..< -/<'- effort were made to ac- comemodate new rhr. -in.- procedures, not only to ome long-range vision: of area-. .wide environmental aesthetics., but also with due regard for' the importance of preserving what, in a'fre, ociAety, must rer.-in a furnAw.mil right of the indi- vidual to own, develop .and preserve the value of real property. home pay is- the crquiva,1:nt. of $100 a month, the average family spends half of its income on food-compared to less than 15 (,-r.rnIt. for the :,*-.,3 fa-ily in the Suited S*a,-:.e." The same distributive ef- ficiency tI:.t apr.h to U. S. re a food 'U.rit:,.- n and food prices -alsc applies St, :~li other i..hi -7- of Inir,;h an irjg. U.S. - retail merchants in every field ar, -rdentri diw ipl -. of the 1i'-h volume, minimum Spri. r'hi].~sOrophy of co6-'mp'titive, mass dis- t tributi'jri. T. Tti ,.,i.iT:.~.itivC, free i- rk.t .hilJoo-, phy '.f IJ-.'-ribhutio.n is one ".f the '-tr6.rg>it '. o ,.n.ft- =, uj..:itou-,ed :,I rke rises-- fi-,,r tb- :irqple r,.rn t.-t nr.-'Ah-ting threa- t n i T .' su...:',- .. Af rr-s. : i -. i:.trit'..tioi m ore 1 'i- W ',. than inflationary price increases that 1-rif' customers out of the market. So when we hear about, the fight against Siifl:t'i, ni. we shoiiO.-, learn to i.'.-', fri, '.l from foes: 'The consumer's staunchest friend is the free market sys- tem. County C,',r-.i'.- ,i- to seive as a coordin- ator of the planning, calling on all organi- zations in the County to have a hand in S'the planning. The first meeting of this group was held 1vs W.-l!-- .e::". rJgift to begin a long and th,.'.?.',:-h examination of .,..:wht!itp for .-:-.b: rTi our anniversary. With v ;'eryon. in t hi county ha1.'iu. a hand in the observance, it should be a ve- hicle to weld our county together as never before. As important as it is to mark our county's milestone in Florida's history, we - believe this activity willbe even more im- portant as the cohesive force it can be for our people. We heartily endorse the pro- ject and stand ready to help. been converted to the plan. An 'excellentdillustration 'is the Rich Township High School in Park Forest, 'Illinois.. In that school several teams teach mathema- tics, typing, American history, and a combined ninth-year so- cial studies and English program. One interesting feature of the plan is that the small groups, or buzz sessions are conducted by, student leaders, immediately af- ter the introductory lecture has been given at the large meeting. As many as 11 separate groups, each having eight or nine stu- dents, meet in one room. They pool their information at the end of the session. The Rich Township High School was not built for team teaching. Consequently at first the cafeteria had to be used for the large groups. Although this makeshift arrangement involved Dr. Joel Fort, internationally- known "i, .. criminologist, and educator' and Bryce Brooks, National Director of Awareness, House programs, will be guest speakers at a *.--..:. region- wide drug conference, Operation -C'.: '- n',;'.: Awareness, which will be' presented in Pensaeola Friday, March 16. The confer- ence is being designed to raise, the awareness of community lea- " ders -and the .ri_ public throughout Northwest Florida as to the potential resources which are ,' .l'. .'- the local com- y' :"for,': .' vA'.- :. drug abuse issue. 9 ..r'.'".,'*:;1r leaders such as judges, councilmen, commissioners, business,", r-,' "e religious leaders, sheriffs, chiefs of : s-:. agency supervisors, and educators from eight North- west Florida counties have been invited to attend.'. ' Dr. J,'-,.t Fort, author. of the "Pleasure Seekers", is widely. I'. `.':,'r.- in the. areas of public health, social psychiatry and drug abuse.o ile is a lecturer-at four different '-- ,,'. :--* and uni- Sveisities and is a. .-.ii* ..c to nu- imerous. f r' ,, !., -the ':i.] Health '0*,': .*. Bryce Brooks is the 'Diiector and tb- .': f.1 o' f the Aware- ness House National Community Drug Prevention Training Center in Berkely, Clife nila, and is Assistant Professor of Communi- cations at J. F. Kennedy Univer-, sity. Operation C-..~- r., ,i *7 Av are- ness is orgapnii tL;. ['..:!d E. Jones, Region I '.r.". ,.r, ;. for the Florida Office of Drug Abuse, in conjunction with Re- gion II Coordinator Delores Don- ovan in Tallahassee. The Pensacola Operation Com- munity Awareness will be held in the Fine Arts Auditorium', Pensaeola Junior College. Attending from Gulf County will be several members of the Port St. Joe 'Police Dephrtment and the Gulf County Sheriff's Department / From the Livinr Bible efOa aythng else ex. Sther was Christ, od.He has always Salive and is himself God. He created every- thing there is-nothing exists that he didn't Make. Eternal life is in him, and tl .i life gives light to all manakid. God sent John the Bap. tist as a witness to the fact, that Jesus Christ is the true Light. John him. self was not the Light; he was only a witness to identify it. Later on, the one who is the true Light arrived to shine on- everyone coming into the world. John 1:1- 9 1 4 'Dear Mr. Ran',sey: . SEr,.r;,,;e' i che'.k; for the re- newal .of The' Star. e!iE :. the htp. "b-'ijt the statement was r:A .'d t *;.-"r former address in T a: then forwarded to our new address inmF ';H r ..i'-. ', .In- .ianna.'Would you please change the .."l'-.' address to our resi- dence .'. -. L..'. above. Our home 'is located in one of the i 'i:,i ..I. f, ,. of Fort Wayne. Henry works in F" ., for v' "-..' a Of' .-. of E- S, Inc. '. L.T.V.), T .I. Texas. In January; Hen- ry was named -'i of this I. -. I know some of his. friends .- about; it, .-..j his !.:..f, Doll and i but r"> *2 i : -'the experiment : *.. ; .:., -J value to Stimulate school ,n .:. :- to' build a new wing with -.-. :- ible classroom "- :, :~'.2 for team teaching. Large classrooms can be divided into two, three or four smaller areas by means of S i movable : : If the school .., to drop team .hl., this flexible de- sign permits easy conversion. S ne "of the mosi -widely adver- tised team-teaching programs is - Inducted at the Evanston Town- 'hip High' School, also in flli- nois. Approvimately '350 elev- enth grade English students are not all. I thought the people there, who knew him years ago, might be interested in the what and the where of one of their native sons. He is very, proud of his home town. If your, tourist trade has not improved, I can- not understand it--specially around the beach areas. Florida is the prime vacation and v-. i area for the resi-, dents of Indiana. If any one in the area is '.r- -.a vacation in the Northeast area of Indi- ana, stop by and visit with us. RS. IHNRY E. COLLIER 5322 C,,- .. Trail Kekionga Shores Fort v' .. Ind. 46804 taught by a team of four teach- ers, each /:.-: *, .i.?': for one as- pect of the work. Another team conducts a course in the humani- ties, for almost the same number of seniors. Evanston, incidentally, is also renowned for -its school-within-a school idea. Confronted with an enrollment 'of more than. 3,500 students, the administrators di- vided the school into four equal groups, each headed by a,.princi- pal wtih four assistants. The groups cross grade,lines and are- heterogeneous. The students 'in each group are selected at ran- dom from the total enrollment in each grade. -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday: at 306 Williams Avenue. Port St. Joe, Fleorid By The Star Publishing Company WVsLEt R. RAMSEY Editor and Publishm 'k1- Linotype Operator, At Saleamm, bsoetaffs M m FAiBHM vivo. Pn Reader, Bookkeeper and Cbmplalnt beprtmeant PosTOF BICE Box 808 PHoNE 227-3161 Poar ST. JOE, FLORDA 32456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS .INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, '$4.00 SIX 08., 0 225 THREE MOS, 51S7.56 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUTr OF U. U &- One Yer, .SE- TO ADVERTISERS-In oa= e of error or oninlons in advertoentae, the ubl ,e not hold heluives liable for damage further than amoust received for aek advetTement. The poken word t iven mt sttmntdou the prtate word INa tW ,uttuy welrbed. awpoken wd baly aert; the printed word fhoroglby eosi- hose. The epokmrn word IL loot; the Mrited word rnal1-. Those Sioux Indians were still holding out in Wound- ed Knee, North Dakota when this was written, determined to "hold out to the death" if they need to. Th-r': really notkmuch sense to the uprising, except for the fact the Indians have commandeered property which didn't belong to them. They want their tribal president, which they elected, replaced. Other demands ih \ve grown as a result of being on the run and besieged in *.und,.-ld Knee. The news media ih:~ made a lot out of the uprising taking place in the same locale where General George Custer '--.: .-. 1 a shearing of his golden locks nearly 100 3 -'s; ago at the,hands of the Sioux. The only difference-- then was that Custer and his men were holed up in a S-..-~El position and the Ti- wr v.re :itl:ic'i Either the white man has learned not to box bimo.lfI into a po- S:ti.mn wh:-' he cannot maneuver in a fihft or the Indians have f -'gtt-t how they d:k-,t. d the famous Custer. ul:k of Custer where is he now that we need him? z 'i...- A '1; ,,ouh. the Indians have received a pretty bad deal as the result of their peace treaty with the United States. Instead of being built into a rich and vibrant na- tion like we did for defeated Germany and Japan, the In&d' -n. are l-. r as virtual "pets" of the Government. That's no way for a man to live even though we have an i i .,i in our nation 'Iliv who want Socialism to ad- vance to the point in our nation, where everyone will be "kept" just as the Indians are today. Their plight and condition should be th'l best argument in the world against the Socialistic trend. * If testimony before '..i,-.. is any in.h,.ilinn. even Postmaster General E. T. lassen is getting pretty fed up with 'the .deterioration of mail service in this country. RP. ..r- all the in,,'1-t it,- .n (including ZIP code) one could get mail' t., '.'-r.-4 anywhere in the United States within thr..- ,]N.. Now it .1r'-' days, at times, to get a letter from Port St. Joe to Panama City or Tallahassee. It isn't the fault of your local postmen. Before innova- tions 'mail went directly from here to Panama City in the morning and to Tallahassee in the evening. Now it goes o' section post office for re-sorting and re-routing before it is ever started toward its final destination. J Recently, we here at The Star, received a letter on January 22 from New York City. The letter was mailed on January 3. General Klassen is incensed about getting his Christ- mas cards after New Year and, about the week it takes to get mail from Brooklyn to Manhattan Island-a distance of only a few miles. Maybe if General Klassen gets a little more late mail we will begin to see. an improvement in intra-city postal delivery. ', I had the scare of my life the other day. Frenchie will set a bowl of cereal before me in the morning, saying, "You need to lose a little weight so you don't need all that greasy -.-. and bacon" when really the problem is she's running a little late for her morning "hen party" at the drug store, which she always attends before coming to work in the morning. She just doesn't want to waste valu- able time 'she could spend with the "girls" who work down- town, washing breakfast dishes. S;-.- ... afternoon she came in with a load of gro- ceries and she unloaded a sack as large as a 10 pound flour sack, loaded with puffed wheat. "Oh, oh", I thought to myself, "I'm going to have to eat all that darned puffed.. wheat before I get any more bacon and eggs". I don't know what she did with all that puffed wheat or why she bought it in the first, place, but so far Tve been lucky. I haven't had a bowl 'fill for breakfast. yet. h r "Come and Worship God With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AJL MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 ALM. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ........... 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. DUM, Pastor r -. Staunchest Friend I E ET f R S TO THE EDITOR _' ., - Ready To Help FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor 'GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 11:00 TRAINING UNION 6:30 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE .......- 7:30 PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 der, 'a regular teacher, and an aide who is not a full certified instructor.' In one city an ele- mentary school was designed specifically for team teaching, thus committing it to this new type of program. Many secondary schools have PAGIO TWO -. . 46 0 AM. A.lkL P.M. P.M. P.3L q ] Historical Society A Gulf County's Gold f :.-r ., n grown plants, a, l- '.ure the root system is well established but not T:',.-'Au, 6 or growing' out of the containers. Roots -should-be fimly ineerporat- ed throughout the soil, but 1not protruding outside or penetrating. r.) the ground. Also make sure the plant is 'adapted to your, area. Will the plant survive the low or high tem- peratures in your -area? Will it flower and/or fruit properly? Is it tolerant to salt spray if you live in such an area? And, is it labelled properly as to species and variety? If you can follow most of these .:--;-: .-..-.r- on how to select a good plant, you will obtain quality and save money. Office Supplies..... THE STAR Is headquarters for al year office supply ;needs. We stocK only famous brand names in quafty office supplies No need to wait for those ry '.ay office needs. Call us today!. * STAPLING MACHINES INDEX CA STAMP DATERS .., CARD I STAMP PADS and INK POST FILE FOLDERS LEE FILE GUIDES ' SGEM CLIP . SCRATCH PADS, all sizes STYPEWRITER PAPER LEGAL MIMEOGRAPH PAPEA MAC DUPLICATOR PAPER DLu -CARBON PAPER * And A Host of Other Office Needs --THE ARDS, all sizes - ILES, wood & mretal SBINDERS DGER SHEETS STAPLES S, FASfENERS and LETTER PADt HINE RIBBONS iPLICATOR FLUID PENCILS, ERASERS STAR- Don't Forget to Shop THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1q73 rAi' E BBE, versary of the founding of Gulf S* County. It was Port St. Joe% foun- Picin s r-or der, Terrell H. Stone, who was Inen AIv sary largely responsible for the forIa- A .. tion of this county and it was he fl \f who gave it the name of "Gutl". en Anniversary The celebration is set for some time in 1975. Attending the meeting in addi- will be done immediately. rangements had been made and tion to the presMdent .were Mrs. It has been the desire of the So- the deer would be placed in the Herman Dean, Mrs. Billy Howell, ciety to sponsor the placing of spring. Jr., Mrs. R. H. Brinson, Mrs. Ralph deer.on the St. j3sErh Pi,? nr.ua I Plans are now in the !r,3i3In,' for' Swatts, Sr., Robert Fhlzey and J. Jesse Stone reported that the ar- the celebration of the 50th Anni- C. Belin. U Big 27ft Anniversary Sale! !I DEAT7N 57TO N At the meeting of the St. Jo- of the main ~ : -of the St. te s seph Historical Society, held Satur- Joseph Historical Society since its day afternoon, March .2 in the beginning. Mrs. R. H. '?:, . by SHANNON SMITH chamber room of the Municipal chairman of the Cemetery Corn.- SHome.- Grouds.p t Building, several projects appeared mittee, .s.n..d that a great deal nearing completion; some of them of work had been done in the Cem-. University of Forida new projects and others of long etery, including the ; '- :r of 25 standing. pine trees -. :.' had been donated h e c r 'f i. o oby Mrs. Herman Dean, the replac- r The care and beautification of ing of a number pf :'-". and the t t' khe Old Cemetery has been one r of new shrubs, .*::: at a minimun price. But, this is an I ---' .... etc., and exception to the rule,'not acoT guest bo had been--- mon occurrence. In most cases the *,~iL~etAh by the Florida ,. .. sta, a :. put on the best plants will be the, most ex. :of. PF1. Industry, your selk.:t nd w ge sprinker had pensive. But how do you-determine much easier. A plant grad ... ,end woland g l Thead best? Florida Fancy is an exceptionally Ceeen i n : healthy and vigorous plant which Cemeteryis. nd i a First of all, patronize a reputable is very well shaped, heavily branch- pride of the Society and of the nurseryman who has 'a neat and ,ed and densely foliated. A Florida "'m _', -D' m presentable place. A sloppy nur- NoI grade is a healthy vigorous, cmber, 9to F uary 1 sery often indicates poorly main- plant which is well shaped, well' toals 5388. tainted plants. branched, and well foliated. The Some time ago, the stone which Secondly, Inspect each plant in- .Florida No. 2 is a healthy, vigor- ri- the grave, of Captain dkvidually. Don't fal for the."hard oUs, fairly well shaped, with fair George L. T --. was removed sell" where you are not allowed to branching and fair foliage. Any from the cemetery and :; :-: o in se plant not meeting the above stan- the museum. The 'society decided, see all your pndards .is a Florida No. S. The last to place; a replica of this marker If the plants are tagged accord- grade is for culls. The lower the on the spot, the marker to carry ing to grades -and standards as es- grade at. te beginning, the lessthe same :. as the ori- chance the plant has of being .aj ginal. This marker is now being good one at maturity. prepared and will be in place in Ithe plas ar not tagged a the very near future. It was this If the plants are not tagged as to grade, then you must Inspect captain who brought yellow fever into the city. them closely. Here are some guide- .. - lines along a negative approach. For a number 'of years this ING ACCOUNT Downgra e ay planthaving the -group has to a beau- Aw M VUN following, characteristics: Lack '.f; sign over the cemetery gate.' health .and vigor or excessive sue- This t been a project of long r. .-; culence. An unhealthy plant is ap- "..,_.r',i and the members are .r,. in' most cases. Look for happy that the sign has ;.,' weak, poorly formed, ,scarred, been constructed and is ready for STlATE 'BANK cracked or peeling trunks or ia o. It is ta this' branches. Poorly' distributed bran- installaton. It is _r,.., tat this ches usually lead to "leggy" plants charge if your AVERAGE ,r. sr'.uM be avoided. A compact plant is usually more desirable. $100.00,.and then. only a Avoid plants having leaves of im- with an average monthly proper shape, size or color. Exces witsive yellowing of leaves is -an indication of a problem. Examine , leaves for insect, disease and me- ;i'.' damage. hte IF -AEO -OYSEI "Publishers of Your Home-Twn Newspaper" *IIM ,AV% .WA--WMI--W- PHONE 227-84161. 06.ILIA AVE. ..... Florida Garden SMany Florida. gardeners will bi buying plants during the next, few months as thiy ,nart the.r spring gardening. So lot's try to answer their common Je.st ion. What do I look for when' buying a plant? *' Plants, like all, goods ',and ser- vices, come in. many saes, shapes and qualities. It is just as import- ant to evaluate a plant before pur- chase as it is to carefully inspect a , garment ,or home appliance. A cheap plant, in most instances, lb exactly what the. ame implies. You may pay very little but you will probably get little -in return. ,~Nurseties will periodically have sales where they offer top quality OPEN A CHECK SA' WEWAHITCHKA There is,no service e monthly balance exceeds $1.50 charge for accounts -balance less than $100.00. By computing our, cuuarge onW. an average monm- ly basis, your balance could go below $100.00' on oe- casion and still incur no service charge. Write as many checks as yo-d wish; there are no service charges. WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK A COUNTY LANDMARK FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS 1IL I IlsslLI .. s sl II NEW FEATURES ADDED EACH WEEK! R. Glenn and Ertma Boyles are expressing their Appreci- ation for 27 years of good business with this big savings event. Especially for you!. REGISTER TODAY FOR FREE $27.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE to be given away Saturday, March 17 No Purchase Necessary to Register i ... IA*93 FOUR 11E 3lWA& Port t. Joe, Ulor*W THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1933 Save With Our Discount Specials PRIES IN THIS AD EFEC.TIVE THROUGH MARCH 17, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly GEQRGIA GRADE 'A' and 'B' SSHOP SPiggly Wiggly King Size Loaves PIG Y WI, G Everyday Low, Low Priced Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter .. 12 z. 44c Boara Crunchy Peanut Butter _- 28 oz. 99c Famous Brand Crisco Oil ------ 48 oz. 99c Quality Brand : . Wesson Oil 44 9o. 99 ' Famous Shortening Snowdrift -- 3 lb. can 79c Fonqus Brad Tide Detrgpnt rqg. siz 34I Dish Diire _.n. Cryst..l WIte qt. c Spray Reg. and Scete 4 Lysol Disinfectant 7 oz. 79p Bama ' Apple Jelly-----18 oz. 33 Delicious Parade Coffee Creamer -_ 11 oz. 49c Big H White and Decorated Jqrbo Roll Paper Towels----r oll Famous . Handi Wrap l roll 33c Campbel's 10Y Oz. Can Ton.oto 5 --p 12c SFamou" .. Chinq Dollice lb 5 Famous Jocl? Rice ---k9. S 89 Quality Brand i Water Maid Rice _--1s. 41; Parade Iodized Salt --, 26 O. Ie Kraft Quality Mayqinnalse _--- 32 oz. 69c Reg. and Quick Quaker Oats--- 18 oz. 35c Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter -- 18 oz. 63c lb. C QUARTPERD THGHS -: 59c QUARTERED BREAST Ib. 69c Sirloin STEAK Cube STEAK Sirloin Tip STEAK Round 'STEAK Sirloin Tip ROAST All Meat STEW Ground CHUCK l Ib. $1.19 LY BUDGET MAKERS SCompare and'Savel Pillsbury White, Yellow or Lemon Pillsbury Cake Mixes box 39c Quality Brand '. .. Clorox Bleach -- V' gl. 32c Lady Scott White and Assorted Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 34c Walkorf While and Assortqd Bathroom Ti -sue 2 rolls 43c S-T. New Fmresh Mint " Ve pish Deterge , W Beg. R9c B eg. 8B 1 Oualihty Brand Crisco Shortening -3 Ibs. 88c Van Ca9Mp "- TS Oz. Cans Pork and Beans 2 cons 35c Van Camp Io. 2 Cano Pork and Beens -- can 23c Hi.C- 46 Oz. Cans pe or Orange Drink 35s, Green Giant Niblets Copp --- 1 oz. 23c Showboat Ppork qd Beans -29 o 29, Famous Brat le Sueur Peas--- 16 oz. 29c Chicken of tl SO* oz. Can gh t Chunk T.on can 47c ; Monte 6' Oz. Can light Chunk TUg --- on 47c Duncan Hines Devil Fop4, W4it, Ypllpw, .Lem. Cake Mixes -----18 oz. 39c iBetty Crocker White or Yellow Cqk.e Mixes I --- 8 oz. 39c Betty Crocker German Choc., Milk Choc. Cake Mixes 18 oz. 39c White and Decorated Bounty Paper Towels --- roll 39c Choice Beef Savoy Broils lb. $1!.29 5 Lb. Bucket Chitterlings- -- .- $2.69 10 Pound Bucket Chitterlings --- -- $4.89 Sunnyland Good Timer Wieners ----12 oz. 55c lb. F Fresh/ Sliced Beef Liver --- lb.69c /4 Loin Pork Chops-----lb. 89c Lumberjack Lunch Pal Bologna --.-- lb. 69c Bun Pal Wieners 3 pkgs. $1.59 Frosty Morn Hermitage Sliced BACON C S- qUAIJ'1Y BLUE PLATE M ayonase 32 OUNCE LIMf ... 1 Jar with $7.00 Order or More GOLD N RW lb.: 10c Fresh Fresh Crisp Crisp Celery stalk 25cCarrots -- 2 lbs. 25c FRESH SALAD Tomatoes I. .... f ,. "1 lb. 29c ECONOMY MEAT SPECIALS STREAK-O.LEAN SALT FAT BACK PORK .NECK. BONE b39 TURKEY NECKS . Turkey Drumsticks HO MAw JM PIG FEET Our Own Pan SAUSAGE --- lb. GEORGIA GRADE "A" MEDIUM EGGS 2DOZ. $109 ROBIN HOOD Plain or Self Rising FLOUR S\ BLUE BIRD (RANGE-GRAPEFRIT FROZEN JUICE 6 PAJ CARTON Ir I MAXWEiLL HOUSE COFFEE 1 eB. CAN 5LB. BAG Colonial or White Gold PURE CANE SUGAR 5 LB. BAG LIMT ... 1 Bag with $10.00 Order BANANAS FAMOUS BRAND TIDE GIANT S=ZE ,71^lr C TO HELP COMBAT RISING FOOD'PRICES IN PORT ST. JOE .. PIGGLY WIGGLY WILL DISCONTINUE GIVING S&H GREEN STAMPS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1973 1 I - 1 WRE STAR Port St. Joe, Florid THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 IrAm E u IV 1600 Persons In Gulf Over 60 Rotary Club Is Told Bill Norris and Rev. Millard Spikes presented the need for a Council on Aging in Gulf County to" the Rotary Club last Thursday and presented some ideas on how such an organization could be fi- nanced. Norris explained that there are over 1600 personsin Gulf County who are 62 years of age and over. "These persons need such services Lunch Room Menu as companionship, social activities to a great extent by a federal and small items of necessity such grant the first year, with federal as rides, some nursing care, hot participation diminishing each meals, etc", Norris said. "Many old year with the program eventually people who are by themselves fail being supported wholly by local to eat properly because it is too effort. much trouble to cook for just one Sikes said his committee is going person. As a result many are suf- to conduct a survey among those fering from malnutrition", Norris eligible for the services to see said. what the demand is throughout :s..: -explained that the organ- the entire county for a Council on ization is operating well and pro- Aging. "We are' asking f6r your viding a need in other counties. support if we see a need which is The Council helps the older people Or-, enough for our further pro- by seeing that they help one anoth- gress". er, Spikes pointed out. Guests of the club were Dave Monday, March 19 -UI '.- L '. ra_ p Awjr d. U U S *- a Sloppy Joe with bun,' buttered out the program could be funded Gates of Wewahitchka. corn, green salad with pepper rings, peanut butter chews and' 1 8-oz, package elbow macaroni milk. 1 1lb. can kidney beans and Tuesday, March 20 .liquid Chicken pot pie, green ..beans, 2 8-oz. cans tomato sauce tossed salad, fruited -Jell-o, cook- 1 cup water ies, rols and milk. 1 teaspoon chili powder Wednesday, March 21 y2 teaspoon .salt Lasagna, 2:':.- peas, spring cup shredded cheese salad, fruit cup, brownies, bread In a large skillet, brushed with and milk. cooking oil, brown the meat, on- Thursday, March 22 .K IT C H EN ions and peppers. Add the maca- Hamburgers with buns, I-:.. roni, kidney beans, tomato sauce, sliced tomatoes, onions, dill pick- H A T T E R water, chili t.-- :I and salt. Cover, les, potato chips and cherry pie. simmer ;- .'. for 15. minutes. Stir Friday, March 23 :.. i,.,1:; Top with cheese and Batter fried fish, i-t tartar by Florida Power Corp. heat until cheese melts. sauce, cabbage, carrot salad, peach Makes 4 to 6 servings. halves with whipped topping and For a luncheon dish that is so cornbread. very easy to prepare, just try this chili mac recipe. Your electric fry- PfNE pan or range will assist you with Jaycees, the circus promises to results. Stand Tall present a great array of acts and features ever -::.-rj....ij at j CHILI MAC I F-lorida'S Circus site at the corner of First 1 pound of ground beef ' Street and Highway 98, giving 1 medium onion, chopped Future! performances at 4 and 8 p.m. 1 isedium green pepper, chopped Famous Logan Elephants Featured In King Bros Circus Famous dancing, balancing and performing Logan .e'Rl;ant'! .are conceded to be the fastest working, most versatile and most thrilling herd of trained pachy- Sderms in the ,circus world. The- mighty monarchs of the ,circus world -are presented by beauti- ful girl trainers. The .story of -huiman's, might over brute strength is. clearly depicted when, every commandby fair ladies are PLETE Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation S service Valve and Seat 'Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat 'Installation Disassembly Cleaning 0* Inspection Testing 0 Head Crack Testing Head 'Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc 'Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic 'Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 - immediately executed in unison by tons and tons of mammoth, mastodonic mammals. --During the appearance of the King Bros. Circus in Port, St. Joe on Saturday, March 17, circus-go- ers will have .an opportunity to witness the tactics of Capt. Hill, rated by animal trainers as the most gentle handler of circus elephants. In the' past, so-called Smen"' with mar circuses have felt that rough handling of the lumbering pets with exces- sive use of bull hooks. and S.r. was a'necess- Actually, the animals were not being abused inasmuch as their hides are tough enough to withstand the apparently pain ful effects. of the hooks. Too of- ten, however, audiences felt their favorite pets were being subjected to unnecessary punish- ment. Capt. Hill has proved his that he can accomplish more with the '- '. through a .r! tap of the pole and a stern shout. When I. <-.P r, the entire herd of animals in their hind leg stand on the hippodrome track, Capt Hill's only concernn is with the .lead elephant. "Once I get him to go into his routine," he says, "all the rest will follow. A.\,.i :. ;.-.' >':. ; I :';t -,-..] , handle the entire herd, I have to transmit my command only to one." HAY BURNER AND CATERER SEarly on .:h .. 2':.. hundreds of senior citizens and youngsters normally rush to the circus grounds to ., '-: a sight that .is unusual In any city, the set- up of 'the big tent. Though the King Bros. Circus that is coming to Port St. Joe Saturday, has streamlined its physical might mechanically, the elephants Yet play a major role in setting up and tearing down a circus. They pull up the giant center poles, then repeat the pulling job by doing the same to the vast spread of can- vas. They push big' circus vans and wild animal dens into their locations and do jobs that can be done more quickly by brute fore than can be done mechani- cally. Lois, a four-ton East Indian elephant has the most unusual chore, feeding the elephants by carrying bales of hay to the ele- phant stakeline ,breaking the haywire band and serving each its allotted share. It might also be said, "She never forgets to take the lion's share for her- self." Sponsored by the Port St. Joe J; 1 I ,: THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY RCA 12" PortableTV SS I PolaroidCamera Reg. $89.88 Reg. $23.88 SAVE $10.04 SAVE $2.44 I akes big 2" x2" shots * Handy carrying strap *Crytstal clear. 4v ^^!. ?*''''-^ //' iillB ^ Bl '* v picture ightwelsht, sturdy !11 I' 1 Electric Fryer . 766 $9.94 1:I :iacK &1 uecKer 7" Circ. Saw Reg. 9 9 9 $19.991 * Handy controls *.1 HP Motor * Fry basket -Trigger-switch *5 Qt. Capacity "Safety cord portable Radio Re,. $22.8 : . I $37.881 ," *Standard keyboard *Lightweight, sturdy *Remington quality general Eleciri Steam, Dry Iron Reg. 58 $10.88 *Pushbutton control *Lightweight *Trouble free cord MO&e $2.95 U 7 *am*** *Batteries, earphoness charger Police AM/FM, Air, police, Weather bands ulltin Lne.Cord for recharging w * QUALITY COMES FIRST THEN OUR LOW PRICES THE STAR, Port St. Jo, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 Mrs. Zelda Brown Presents Program To March Meeting of Garden Club The Port St. Joe Garden Club were Mrs. Ethel Bridges of Apala- met for their March meeting at the chicola and Mrs. Wesley R. Ram- Garden Center last Thursday. A sey. luncheon was enjoyed by the Tem- Mrs. Zelda Brown of Mexico bers and their guests. Beach, a Garden Club member, Mrs. Kenneth Bateman, presi- was guest speaker. Mrs. Brown's dent, presided over the business program was "Flowers of the Bi- meeting. Hostesses for the day ble According to St. Matthew". Bib- W. C. Auxiliary Homecoming At Met March,7 White City Church The White City Volunteer Fire The First Baptist Church of Department Ladies Auxiliary held White City will observe Homecom- their regular ms.e-.r_- in the Cr..n.-. ing April 1. The day will begin at munity Building on March 7 with 9:45 a.m., with a goal of 125 in 14 ladies attending. The next meet- Sunday School. During the .11:00 ing will be held in t.hi Community ia:m. morning w.... lhip hour, Rev. Building on March 21 at 10:00 a.m. Walter Markhem, a former pastor, will bring the message., Every lady who is interested in wi bring the message. r. e "la 1 is< u e-d Immediately aft-.z'the morning the next meeting. New projects worship hour, everyone will enjoy will be tarted soon for the fire dinner on the grounds and renewal will be startedof old tifor the fre fr in the af- ,d.p.,tr ,, and other r:.rnt. and other in the ternoon will be a program entitled activities. Anyone i i .ab on th "Memories from the Past". During S y .I the program the youth choir from and help.m these worthwhile pro- cho fro ects. the First Baptist Church of Port S.Jewll bring the s eicial mu- MISS LINDA GAIL KIMBBEL " ErngC Mr. and Mr.. George FP. Kim r bxre] of Tillahb~ee, forynwrly of White City, announce the en- gagemerit of tiAr d.ugh i.., Lin- da Gail, to Jerry Lawrence, son of mrs. Willie Mae Sapp-of r- lando. The bride-E.l'ct was graduatf-. from Riekard.s High School and Sis presently employed by the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs. The bridegroom-elect was gra- duated from Taylor County HiA.h School lie is presently employer'l by Southern Bell Telephone Co. The March 31 weddiow will take place at 7:00 prm. in Oak New Bethel Men Having Their Day The. men of New Bethel A.EI Church, 146 Avenue C, are observ- *ilg their annual Men's Day Sunday, March 18. The theme of this year's obervance is "As A Man Is, So Is His God." sic. The pastor, Rev. Douglas Burns, offers an invitation from the ciurc.h to everyone-to attend the special services; iqed S Beginning with Sunday School at lCity Assembly of .Gd Church, 19 45 A.M., the men will have corn- City Assmbly of God Church, i t corner of Tharpe, arA Wet. Ten- _. c, ,of, .i functions of the r n.e-ee Streets, Tallahassee. church for that day. The 11:00 A.M. r Streets, Taahassee. 'r.orrJurg worship will feature as All friernd and reiaftvj,, are gucit speaker, Revj J. L. Savage itrvited to attend. of Pentacola. Rev. Savage can be -' :. ,------ he each 'Sunday morning over radio station WBOP at 9:30 a.m., VI(TRO WIVES WILL ith "A ,si.': for modern irrn." MEET WITH MRS/ EARL Moses, Job ard Judas Iscariot The egulai monthly meeting of will be the fo .l poir t cf the three .Vitro Wive will be held in the: gue.t speakers in the evening wor- hime 4,f Mv,. Brenda Earl at 526 ship serve. , Seventh StretEveryone is invited to c'..me and The meeting will be held Tues- i worship at INew Bethel Sunday and dly, March bT at 7 30 pM., with all help makp this the most successful Vitro Wirc, imit:ti to atted. Men s Day ever. Mrs. Sybil Pitzl Heal scriptures were quoted to field at the Garden Center, April The annual caladium bulb sale familiarize members with flowers, I from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. All is still in progress. Any member shrubs and trees indicative of that proceeds wil go to the Cancer may be called to purchase the era. Fund. Tickets may be obtained bulbs. They will be sold this week A spaghetti luncheon will be from any member, end in front of your local grocers. Mrs. Nichols Honored With Shower Mrs. .r:- Nichols, second from left, was honored with a Stork Shower Monday evening in the Florida Power Lounge. Showni with. Mrs. Nichols are, Mrs. Margo Marion, left, Mrs. Tal- Dr. Susan Conley Mrs.Milo Smith madge v: ~ne and Mrs. Charlotte Cushing.. Mrs. Nichols received many useful gifts from many of her-friends who. attended the occasion during the 'evening. --Star photo Road Block Raises Funds for Cancer Victim A road block Saturday morning for the "Voneille Bouington Can- cer Fund" by the Port St. Joe High School Cheerleaders, collected $82.60. Managers of the fund offer their thanks to the girls who gave their time: Patti Parker, Gayla Davis, Toni Grace, Eva Maddox, Ruth Fleming and Tanya Jefferson. Anyone who would like to make a donation to the fund may mail their check to the Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe. VISIT PARENTS Douglas Baldwin, Jr., of Houston, Texas and Miss Beverly Baldwin of New Orleans, La., spent last week here visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Baldwin. Youth Rally for Christ F IR ST BAPTIST C HU RCH Saturday, March 17 7:30 P.M. Rev. Jimmy Smith, Speaker of '0:ar., Ailbalmnt Dr.,Sue Conley Sorority Speaker Dr. Suian Conley, Director of the Gulf County Guidance Clin- ic, was gu' :, 'I pker n A. th- j~ meeting of Eta Upsilon and Xi Epsilon Kappa chapters of Beta Sigma Phi, Thursday evening of last w ek.'.Dr. ('. -"_,l -;.'-, f.'- r the Chapters with a'description of her duties as a psychologist andf held a d. ::i.n after the program to answer questions asked her by the sisters. After the program the co-host- esses, '. SyL,, Pi" and Mrs. reta,.Freemaiin, served refresh- ments to the guests and sisters. Following the program and social hour, the two chapters' held their ..rT !-..,tL,; business meetings. Sikes Makes Appointment Congressman Bob Sikes announ- ced this week the r,:r:r.;;:>. of Robert Lee Creamer, Jr., as one of his principal nominees for appoint- ment to the U. S. Naval Academy in 1973. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Creamer, Sr., Indian Pass Beach. Selection for nomination is bas- ed on a screening, examination con- ducted by the U. S. Civil. Service C o mm is sion, participation in church, school and organizational activities, recommendations, stand- ing in the. community and all- around qualifications. Bottle Collectors Meeting Saturday The regular monthly meeting of, the Northwest Regional Bottle Club will be held Saturday, March 17 at 7:00 p.m. Guest speaker for the meeting will be'Dr. Don Fred Gant of Quin- cy. He will have a display of pontil bottles and soda water bottles. Visitors are welcome. U I I I AGE SIX BOB'S TV Repair Service 'Phone 648-4800 ,. 1 ,. QUA 'LIFIED 4 T (EC HNI CI AN ANY MAKE or MODEL TELEVISION Black !and White or Color RADIO and STEREO Located At United Farm Agency BEACON HILL BEACH With Five Good Reasons for Shopping At Costin's Department Store :. You get vast assortment of styles from which to choose 2 You get thoe selection of well-known brands with no guess-work ,as to quality S3 You get friendly, personalized service by people you know and who know you 4 You get the fun of browsing around our complete selection of the season's newest apparel 5 You get the solid confidence that comes from shopping at Costin's Yes, you get more than the high quality at Cos- tin's .. It's the things that make Costin's one of Port St. Joe's smartest apparel shops COSTIN'S ~ . THE STAR, Port Sh J, PFlorida THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1.973 garet's. 1 Standings W L Po in. I KlAN Railroad -- 14 l :. Pate's Shell 68% 23% S: -:- ^. Ralph & Henry Stand. 65% 26% S. Pollock's Cleaners _-- 49 43 Top Dollar 37 55 Wewa Bank --- 31 61 .:,-- :, .... Margaret's Salon------17 75 Gulf County Melns League Shirt and Trophy forfeited four LADIES' COFFEE LEAGUE three out of four games fom points to Murdock's TV. B. J. Rich- Ralph and Henry's Standard Ser- Wewa Bank. Edwina was high for yards rolled a 573 series for Mur- vice took all four games from Pol- B&D with a 151 game and 372 docks. lock's' Cleaners. Faye Cox was on series. Irene BeAman had the big St. Joe Lanes took four points top for Ralph and Henry *th a game for Wewa Pank with a 144 from Campbell's Drugs. Harry 155 game and 444 series, Sue was /and Elsie led with her.high series Lowry,,Jed' St. Jop Lanes with a the best for Pollock's with a 159 of 403. .' 53 and ayne mith added a 531.. *game.and a t se ues On lanes v. vn an d eigt. AN -. r -'C..r,-I: Drugs it was Bar- Pate's took three' ou of four took thiee feur gam-.s from Marp r? R.'.-z-hr.: with a 531 ser? games from 'Top DoUar. Puiibv as gret's Eeaut,':i ,,'o1n T,,.. It T ,LaI .-.be F;niture took 'ii.- the best for Pt with6 3 al 1. nd'rolled the bi, lall for AN with a it fr r.-?.m TV. Glen Wil- a fine-502 series Maxim had a fine'S7-) gat 2,, PE ,m... .i'56Dr. i.'i. t*o gun. for Roche --7. high game of 14 and Lyndis a al.o '.lk.d p 'the, 4-1" p.spit. M-r-, : -'J *r..- Leon Pollos 07. 365 series for Top Dollar. Elh-n h,;4 a hij~. .i f 137 and '-"' '-' led Marn's team B&D Home Improvem-er.t took Avrp had a "81 eeric. fir Mar W"' 3 , r '.',-j-I. If Service took "'.% ' .U"-5 led Tommy's Gulf. Henry Block has G w as.Will W L 17 reasons why you w --28 12 Funiture--- 26 14 should comne to s\ Lanes--------- 21 15 ---------------------- ------------------------16 2 for income tax help. GulfSec 16 24 S. Campbell's Drugs -- 15 25 SReasw.n0.H&RBlocutaxprcparp 16.1 R s?4 have. rEM ived spewa training on the S ug o fthe new taxfoms for rhis year. We wR use tfie fonn thai best o High School Golf fwn personal sluasion so that youT a pay c' s. P. 0i .e Hgh School golf S : '. Munroe for '.'.....:'.- *^ B m ^ ^ R ft : '; '" < ^1 l i ;. '': fl -' e'*:"'* -'* l*"rL-24 *'" hoho e Ma A , h:,. "- P'. ,r r. 'r t Joe Bnd i,, r,..' i i~,~ 180 total. Mar- '.-1-i wa:i t(hi]rId with a 191.' TlFrry B'" 4.1 Port. St.Joe was .'t. J .b a 36. ., .( ~ ~ -- - CARD OF THANKS We lo 'express, our thanbl3 and gr:t .f' appreciation to Rev. DeWitto Mathews and all other friends for the cards, calls, food, fo.' ':. visits, etc., given us in the r .,:,it loss of our' dear mother, ,1 ;L J'. Crutchfield. May I ,.'..] ',ne of you. Mrs. Evelyn C. White and Family 1Mrs. ". L' E ,Mib and Family, Misss MW ''. Cr'i4 hfield * dder Than Wet Hen About being billed for a bill already paid? Then find your receipt if you can and promptly open a checking account at Florida First National Bank. Paying bills by check provides a, legal receipt-- and has many other advantages. Let us show you! NO SERVICE CHARGE g For Personal or Individual Checking Accounts as long as a ,:,.:. L maintains a $100.00 minimum balance. * $150 Maintenance Fee shic-ild a customer's minimum balance drop below 51 00 , * No Service Charge made to customers 65 years of age,: or older, re- gardless of bank balance.. * S rice? Vtargesr vil l b i1 effect provided you use E.: r-.... .i' checks which can be purchased at a rnominal charge through th,.- Eank. .. - Florida First 'NationalI Bank atPORTST. JOE, FLORIDA Phone 227-2551 Member of F.D,I.C. 504 Monument Ave. DINING IS SHEER PLEASURE AT MOTEL ST. JOE Dawson Retires Jesse Dawson of Port St. Joe retired from the Apalachicola ::-. I-: v F1-Yl: recently after 50 years of service with the line. Dawson went to -: r; for the Railroad in 1923 as a Hostler Helper. In 1924 he': ..: : t to Th: j::A-h and served in that capacity un- tl his recent .: -Star photo Bus Drivers Instructed n How to . Recognize Effects of Drug Abuse E .:': t r .-' .. Gulf Coun- ty School Board'. *.-. c :-1 .': f Tuesday in a :"' .h,,' on drug abuse, in the .'..i: Staff De- ',.-,! :.- : .- *4 at the ,C6urt house. The' workshop was pre- sented .,' ,.A PF P :- and John Abbott of Gulf Coast Commun- ity College. .T:-i..- ,. :'e *at the session were types of drugs, characteris- tics to look for in drug users, state laws drivers u can use con- cerning drug use and disorderly PAT KiLPATRICK A Thought to Renemiber I wonder how many apples had fallen, from the .trees before Isaae Newton came to his certain conclusion regarding the law of How r' ;'y ?" i. had watched a boiling kettle on a stove, with the 1', being lifted by steam ri:"-_ One .-by: t ,-" hr. eyed. Watt saw 1..z and .;.,'. j. about a steam engine. What ability did Newton and Watt have that millions before them did onot possess? Did they just use the ability t-.' had? ' Little ability does not. mean little opportunity. Many great services to mankind have been rendered by persons of little ability. No gift is small if we make' good use of it No oppor- tunity is insignificant if we use "it : : .: .: ..- ! OUR THOUGHT TO. REMEM- BEE: "No matter how little we have, triumph follows its sincere use." RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 r by ;'7 on ., bus. Records and reports were dis- cussed to be i1'' J on .. I ,', students to be turned in to school principals. I i. i'f County Sheriff ...-....' Lawrence spoke briefly to the drivers of better communication between drivers, schools the Sheriff Department to combat the illegal use. of drugs by stu- dents. The drivers were shown film- strips, slides and 'hown samples of 'drugs in common use.. Last Rites Held For Mrs. Givens Mrs. Delores Yvonne Givens, 35, a resident 'of Port St. Joe, was pronounced dead on arrival at Municipal Hospital ; '? Mrs. Givens is survived by her husband, Josephous Givens, Jr., of Alexandria, Va.; five children, Alfreda Givens of Alexandria, Va., Deanna, P .--. Danny and '-Iv r ',..,..:. all of Port St. Joe; mother and step-father, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Wright of Port St. Joe; *7i -r..!h,.-, Mrs. Susan Patton Beach and Mrs. Mary P-.. '' '., both of Port St. Je; four uncles, one aunt, sev- eral nieces and nephews.. SFun'_ services, were held at 2:00 p.m. Saturday, March 10 at New Pr'-. -t AME Church with Rev. S. Jones, rr, officiating. Interment f '. in the family plot of *Forest Hill Cemetery. Comforter Funeral Home was in .!,;- of arrangements. Father of Ivey Cooper 'Is Taken by Death ,.';. services for Perry 0. r :_r.. '83, of tOchlockonee, Ga.; who died Monday, March 5 in Arch- bold Memorial T -.. A :i, in Thomas- ville, Ga., were held Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. from Ochlockonee , .- ":: Church. Burial was in Ochlockonee Cemetery. z." '. :- includeihis wife, Mrs. -' -": L. White Cooper; three sons, Floyd 0. and Preston L. of Ocs- lockonee and Ivey J. ,Cooper of Port St. Joe. Other survivors in Gulf County include a brother, George W. Cooper; a nephew, George L. Cooper both of Wewa- hitchka and nieces, Mrs. Juanita Gentry and Mrs. John Rich; both of Port St. Joe. Captain Peterson is Sunday Speaker Captain' Gerald A. Peterson, USAF, Chief of Social Actions at Tyndall Air Force Base, will pre- sent a program on drugs on Sun- day, March 18, at 5:30 p.m. in the Social Hall of the First United Methodist Church. Captain Peterson is a very inter- esting speaker with a first-hand knowledge of the drug problem. He will also be showing a film to make his program more real. All adults and youth in this area are cordially invited. OPEN SUNDAY! GOLFERS -- Set your team plans over a GR'EAT Breakfast! SATURDAY and SUNDAY "SPECIAL" Steak and Eggs With the Works $1.85 CHURCHGOERS GIVE MOM A BREAK! I COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS ': -i 11:30 A.M. P.M. Roast Beef Baked Chicken Fresh Oysters $1.85 to $2.25 MOTEL ST. JOE 'DIoNING ROOM in PORT ST. JOE A T n'.' t L', During the Week COMPLETE D DAILY 'LUNCHEONS from $1.65 S ij. -: Take-Out' i ' Say You Saw It In The Star - Government guaranteed mortgage-backed certificates. now available from IDS. Businesses and individual investors can now buy G.N.M.A. Mortgage-backed certificates from M,,r<.i > ..--. 1.- ~l1 certificates from IDS Mort- I ;-'. '.;.,,i certificates from IDS Mortgage ('ip. with a. minimum investment of $25,000. These certificates provide you with a monthly income j.-'. i on both the int.+ r, rate of 6%% per annum and a portion of the original invest- S ment. For your prospectus, call your IDS representa- tive today, or clip -.r.l 1 .-. irl the coupon below. PA"'UL ,G. 'LEBLANC Box 216 Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 Phone 229-6290 :..,t.. Unit at corner 5th and Reid on 1st and 3rd Monday and Tuesday of each month I-' ':. see that I receive my free prospectus for the IDS. G.N.M.A. Certificates. Name Address Phone .. - City State .....- . IDS MORTGAGE CORP. PORT ST.'JOE PAPER MILL GROUNDS C AT AFTERNOON-'NITE MIDWAY OPENS 3-7 P.M. MARCH _,I'7 SHOWS 4-8 .M. SPONSORED BY PORT ST. JOE JAYCEES B I WORLD FAMOUS WILD ANMAIS AERAUSTS | ARES OF | SAREI STARS ELEPHS CLOWNS- TENTS-- SAVE ADVANCETIETSATREUmPRICESTICKETSONSALENOW SAVE ' BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE THE SEWING CENTER CARP'S ANY MEMBER of JAYCEES Adults, $2.00 Children, $1.25 RESERVE SEATS 50c EXTRA i KDIQi BLOCIC; THINCOME TAX PEOPLE. 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I PAGE 8MM~b L 7. 7- - -NW- Methodist Assembling In Lay Retreat Laypersons from the Marianna District of the Alabam-West Flor- ida Conference will assemble for their annual lay retreat at the West Florida Baptist Assembly Grounds in Parker, March 23 and The Port St. Joe High School Media Center, Material Center, 'Resource Center-Library- is a popular place for students to go to 'meet their friends, a .comfort- .able place to, spend the lunch hours, but most of all it is a storehouse of materials-both print and audio-visual. A place that strives to be of service to faculty 'and student in their quest for information-either for their classes or for pleasure. The staff is composed of Miss Netta Niblack,, head librarian. o media specialist; .Clarence Mon ette, head of audio-visual ser 4 'ces and media specialist; Mrs Bernice Wager, library clerk and 12 student .assistants, who, eace work in the Media Center one period each day. The Media Cen ',- isk n 1 school day from 7 4' in the', rr ning until 3:15 each afternoon' Students are ailI(J ': to cheek out as many as three books at time (more if needed for class assignments). No fines are char- .', for ..'- books. The Cen- ter ask *hf;. ~I overdue books be returned before checking out additional books and that stu- dents, pay for any books lost., The Center is increasing the book collection each year. The library -now has 8,500 volumes. r ast' spring $1,000 (170 books) r was added in addition to the reg- ular budget. Since school started this year, 410 books have been S nid d Many of the new books r are biographies of famous peo- ple, books on. current problems - in American life and some fic- tion. The library has just recent- S -ly -received several new refer- h ence sets and other books on a e variety of subjects. It Among the services offered by r the "%'-, -j Center most used by .the f -.,il;,- 'is: ordering films- k both free and rental for all the a teachers and notifying them of arrival and scheduling equip- - ment so everyone has an oppor- tunity to use his materials at the time he needs it. Gulf County is-a participating member of the Apalachee Film Library-a cooperative. made up of five northwest Florida coun- ties. These counties w'port. and maintain the film.library for its members. The center also rents films from Florida State Univer- sity Film Library and borrow free films from many sources. The center has a collection of more than' 1,000 35mm filmstrips. These are used by the teachers .with entire classes, or by small .groups and by individual stu- dents in the study carrals in the media center. In addition to books, magazines, 16mm film and filmstrips, the' media center has 8mm loop films, slides, records, tapes' ,pamphlets,, maps, globes, and, overhead transparencies.. The media center houses and .. ROBERSON'S GROCERY P"PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS, FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 15, 16, 17 Georgia Grade "A" Small EGGS 2 doz. 89c U.- S. No. 1 Irish *wv...i.-W .saM POTATOES--- 10 lbs. 89c 28 Ounce Bottles PEPSI COLA, 7-UP or DR. 'PEPPER 3 btls. 89c Fresh Head Del Monte W.K. or C.S. Golden CABBAGE- lb. 10c CORN-------5 cans $1.00 Hawaiian 46 Oz; Cans Navy, Grt. North., -Beans, BE Peas P U N C H --- 3 cons $1.00 Bush's BEANS 6 cons $1.00 VY GAL TUB 89c 10 $1.00 Tender, Delicious Rib or Brisket . 7-Boie STEAK-- lb. 99c STEW BEEF -------lb. 69c Choice Beef I Center Cut ,Sirlin STEAK Ilb. $1.39 CHUCK ROAST---- lb. 99c Choice Beef : All Meat Shoulder ROAST- lb. $1.09 STEW BEEF------ b. $1.09 Fresh Pork i Boneless Rolled NECK BONES ----- lb. 39c CHUCK ROAST Ilb. $1.19 2 LB$1.55 Ib. 49c R. I ger fo phone will b the Fr sions. schedules equipment required Bon to use these materials; 16mm mo- the So vie projectors, .b, ',:*;p and er an slide projectors, record player, layma tape and cassette '- .*- i:, over- United head and opaque projectors, and of La 8mm loop projectors. ferencLa Located in the media center is ved as a small professional library and of the workroom for teachers. Here is equipment for dry mounting, laminating, ~. .in. and dupli- 'ine v eating. tive m Also in the media center is a Fund,. periodical storage room where A c the back issues of all magazines ties wi which are indexed in the "Abrid- *womer ged Y.'. :=:' ,Guide" are kept for at least five years. variety '*" '- -T .. .- : . A -. ":.:..' area is lo- a, rec cated in ': .-'. part of the. 'i'r -*media center with o50 current are de magazines and five newspapers pant . *his kn A 's.'.''.. room large -. enough *i:; :i.:: to use but Grou designed to be divided into two ..,,, small '.: ": for /smaller groups w'il' that need to work together on willbe , projects, or ,:..:-.---.'--: is part of Bru of the media center, also. ful ::" H. "Red" Bond, plant mana- or South Central Bell Tele- Co., in .Dyersburg, Tenn., be the featured speaker at iday night and Saturday ses- d is well-known throughout southeast as a dynamic speak- d an outstanding Methodist n. 'He is a meinber of the d Methodist General Board y Activities, a former Con- e Lay Leader, and has ser- a delegate to every session United Methodist General 'ence since 1960. He is a Ma- eteran of WWII and an ac- nember of Boy Scouts, Heart Masons and Gideons. complete program of activi- ill be available for men and n at the retreat, including a Y of small group :* .t :. sessions will be under the on of a group leader and .signed to give each '. an : ';*:d : ; s ae. o ,: -' powledge and share .-'. tion of Rev. Si Mathison of Panama City; and "How To Teach The Bi- ble", with Rev. Ed Henne of High Blood Pressure S..can really bring you down. You can have high blood pressure and not know It... untfl ft Leads to heart attackstroke or r Ry -:1..: ut your doctor Vp session topics include' can detoet hlgh blood pressure and,1 ;'.;-.,r.\'.; -for '. which checkup...ano follow your doctor's orders. Y :-..' for .:' ,. which again, ,ur th T; ir won't. led by Rev. Billy Alexander ce;a .M... .: a eaning- Ask your Heart Association. a Meaning. GIVE HEART FUND : I- .1 .", under the direc- .. IAGE fiGHT ThE STAR. Rod St. Jp~ torld THURSDAY, 1 lARCH 15, 1973 Blountstown. There will also he a1 special group session for certified lay speakers. Media Center Responsible FOr A Variety Of Services It. So get a ou'll be up Meadow Gold - ICE CREAM NOTHIERN Singlt Rollsk . Bathroom Tissue FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER GEORGIA GRADE 'A' Whole FRYERS F i Tieson PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station I 1... .r. 9 ii ~-- s I I I II 'P sir Is~i' r; THE'STAR Red St.'Jo&, Fh*WS",TNURSD)AY, MARCH 15, 19" RAGE ttORTB~B~B)~ Eai~ .,I SHOP _RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! ,ablefre, Sadwc S t L. oae Family Favorites GRADE 'A' "A 1A ALA. WEAVWT -IM.t -I oz. 89c KRAFT SANDWICH SPREAD 16 oz.. 49c Blackburn Corn and Cane SYRUP -. -- no. Siar 6$c TEA BAGS 100 t. 99C tGA .LAUNDRY BLEACH 45L Platinum Hlus (Reg.1l.I/1J) VJ- Gillette BLADES 5 ct. 87c GJl.tte Adju,. Mt.e E $1. 10 Val.) .,' , Tecmatkc Bands ct. 88c Trac II RAZOR e .M Nabisco reiao San,'Jicb OREOS ... .14oz. ( IGA IlitL , COFFEE Kraft Deluxe Maearogi and Cheese Dinner. 14 OZ. PKG. 49 A I a .. ...- A -" IGA Potatoes Chips twin pak 49c 14 Oz. MTrtoiu ,he. Lemon, (C.r-oorAu) Creom 'Pies fhr 89c IGA Mixed 10 Ozs. .-O Vegtables 3 pkgs. 89c (WHOKI) Lb. FRYER QUARTERS . ., ". ,,r'y <' l:,.-.- LP l:.t'l:MIS_ .00 lb. 88c With $10.00 Order or More SUGAR .5 B. BAG 8 *- \: -- Riceland Long 'i ,p RI CE 3 lb. bqg Kraft French 1 Oz..lRU. Salad Dressing b. 04Q dA FLA., ALA., GRADE'A' FRYER PARTS, FRYER BREAST --- lb. 88c MARTHA WHITE FLOUR 5 LB. BAG 10 UI. L;:AG Tablefresh Sandwich 1% Lb. Loaves IGA BREAD --------3 loaves 8% HAMBURGER or HOT DOG IGA BUNS pkg. of 8 27c Kraft Paryay MARGARINE--------3 lbs. 89c Kraft American CfiSE $INGES--------12 oz. 69i 5 Oz. Jars Pimento, Pineapple, Olive-Pimento Kraft C"E -- 3 jars $1. T*e'ie Lean GROUND CHUCK 1b. $1.19 PORK LOIN--- lb. 98c PORK STEAKS- ----lb. 89c Morrell Pride Smoked PORK CHOPS ---- Ib. $1.48 Morrell Pride All Meat WIENERS 12 oz. 69c S1';.tt Sliced BAC ON --- b. 99c Tabl e rr ..n 8 Lb. Can COOKED HAM can $3.68 Lykes 1 Lb. Pkg. STEAKETTES pkg. $1.19 KRAFT (All Flavors) Bar BQ Sauce 18 OZ. JAR1 No. 303 Cans IGA BARTLiTT PEARS 3 co 89c Check Qur Price Before You Buy ,* * 4 FRFS: SwRIDA JUICY 49c STRAWBERRIES 3 BOX$1.00 Tender Baby Okra Lb. 79c I-:R RAT NE 69c 20 Oz. Bottle Del Monte CATSUP SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS umnbo Head CAtiFLOWER ------- head 69c ' *Yellpw Summer SQ ASHH- ----h. 39c .:Crisp / CE-LRY -- stalk 23c Firm HIead LETTUCE----head 19c BEST FLAVOR FLORIDA FRUIT' LARGE RED POTATOES 2 BAGS 98c 10 lbs. 89c GOLDEN 1RPE U. S. No. 1TATOESbs White POTA TOES------ 10 l bs. $1.9 BANANAS Best Flavor Cherry SBANANAS TOMATOES-------- 3 boxes $1.00 0 POLE BEANS ------------ b. 39c *~O *Crisp Red Cello Bags LB RADISHES---------2 bags 19c COMPLETE LINE OF Flower Seed Garden Seed Seed Potatoes BEST FLAVOR STEAK RED VINE RIPENED Fertilizer Potting Plants .... Potting Soil -- TOMATOES b.C __ Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons I_ I- IU11_1~-f m ' ',- E> ir ' PA I g I PSTA Po S J9.Joe, Flord THURSDAY, MARCH 15. TW3 ....or Legislative Information Distractions While Driving Can Trap Tollfree: telephone serve for. citizens to obtain -legislative infoV6 -m.ation was so successful in the 1972 session of the Florida Legisla- ture that it will be continued this session. . SBy direct-dialing 800442-8014 .- from anywhere in F1orida citizens "-Wll be able to make long-distance calls to the cepitbl in Tallahassee t. find, out the status of legislation in which they are 'interested. Calls will be handled by staff of ,the Legislative Information Divi- sion who,, through a computer, re- cords. actions on all bills as they .occur on the fleor of the House and' Senate via on-line video terminals. Specific' questions on how var- :ioUs Senate and House of Repre- sentatives -members voted 'on' spe- cific bils in committees or on the f1Or of the two bodies .will be re. fe1r'Ad to appropriate- -ommittees or member's offices. S" The staff is prepared to provide extensive information, not only David Nance aboivt the legislative process but * L,1 about the F' r-la Constitu, p for Degree Winter Commencern*. at A. - ea l Aul burn 1 ,is-rP; is sh'i'edl for, ). Th'r.-~I" March 15 a. 2 *'2 in Memorial Coliseum SIN I, CIRUIT COURT, A totalof1,064 arc '.. ** N FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL receive"their ': :.. J T CIRCUIT OF THE STATE President Harry M. 1 .1 ,t ". D' OFFLORIDA,.IN AND FOR wi ,-r.; thel total r' w. :,t- O,,J, G Cn eating from Auburm :.*.'. -- - I KT -:The m age if " TrI'AM7 G. A STRONG to 2,303. bt.rl and' N e andidat- e.r :.-: IDE I A ARMSTRONG will be David Todd N-r,,p.( './ v,,j Sfe.NOTICE OF SUIT Mr. and Mrs Ralph :P Tonrmvy G. A strong Joe Beach. Nance will rec ~.iv: .. . 17 'YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED be honored at the tradfti.i t- ' th..t an action for 'dissolution of ho r d- a -h e -a "ii .n i--. _..irrt.'.:, has beent filed. Ptn by Dr. and MrsW ti y6o And you are r Vi4qlrd mto rv- 'I t -' .nt this quarter V. i10 x , a copy of your writUn rjdefrrsi-:, .h. .1 1the newly complet.-i db*z If any. t.eVit on Robert e.M. .re-, ,' -be'.] on Samford Averue fr.PA--. 321 Rf:il Avinit. Po.rt St i1a.o. 123 p.m roif ,r fni or>. t100 a.m...to 1M30 pm., th e_ -l ri nf :,t,,f -.tvl,-: vk ,.,.rt , on or befrro-r Marh ,L! 1Q973, oth.- r CARD OF THANKS wisena J9.3 I-Ir b: In- '..-re.i i would like to thahk everyon-.r gedinsthe0Petition- f I-man for the cards, prayers, flow. WITESS.my I- Kn. and EhIN, f .i. nI andwords'eif ti'.i,rwi.'r . of said Court on 01 iJue 222nd' .iv ywhi I was in th" bh .riil. Voi, of ,February, 1973.. made the days-t erc I. t,.r. Circuit L-rt F-. ter. May God bless you all. -(AL) 4t-il *, -BETY LEWIS Danley - fiec? tion. Pull off the road and stopfor The waiting time at stop signs any action that takes your hands or red lights might be used to save off the steering wheel, your feet some off-the-road stops, suggests away from the pedals, or your the Institute. eyes off the road long enough for Control distractions-don't let you to lose control of the situa- them control you. Introducing The 1973 Mercury I 150 'HP Outboard Invest Now In Florida Boating At Its Best 1 LJ ii | rr Be wary of "distraction traps".' For example, Z-.!v,.-; 21your v *T & u 1 *, *When driving, you ilay be dis- mirrors. Or adjusting your seat traced by someone or something and buckling your safety belt. tlon and the various state agen- followed by Jacksonville with 16 for a critical second or two.The third group consists of cies. And: it will "assist callers'in per cent; Tampa, 10 per, cenit;. I When, your-attention returns to things that should be done only contacting appropriate persons in North Miami.Beach, 8 per .eenft 'the traffic scene, you my find the when you pull off the road and state government for additional Fort Lauderdale and Gainesville, car that' had been n. f .:' '1 stop. help. 1-perv,..t, S. .P T-rg i. H:.!- ahead has its brake s "1' on and .Th,'nmberillbe' e same a ywood 4 per c.t; L.e.I and you are :roaring.. toward a collision S -.; into or out of a coat, The number bethe same Orlando, 3 per cent; and Pompano, or an. un-n'ervng near-miss, sweater, or jacket. Checking your used last session and wl be oper- West Palm Bach, Clearwater,, appearance in the rear view mir- ative March 19 through June 30. Pensacola and Cocoa-Cocoa Beach, Mnor. .t' :. i".' I; fall ror. F...- or drinking.' 'Cb iei for the wide-area tele- 2 per cent. into one '-'r categories says phone service (WATS) wilL be paid the for Saferiving of How can you avod station by the Legislature. Most individuals who ..-t ~ian Mutual Insurance trapsl? Mrs. Bunny Van Brunt; director fT.'.'.... were well informed. '..: Before you start driving . of the Legislative Information Di- '.''t matter, but in many. in- iceall items you might need in .vision, rported that in' 1972 the stances wi-: : h, t Firsthere are those an eay-to-reach location. : pro- average number of calls ranged bill number. The '.--i: ... ,_ "'.,--' could be avoided with a little plan- I cedure allows you to secure the from two and a half a day at ti't '"i'r: 5 I'vidual copies ning or irprtion, items without requiring a visual outset to 110 a day toward the end n how b be- For .: ;'.-e :.::.5r- for atoll search. of 'the session." The-most calls re- comes iuvoived within the -.- :-.. Or iir ,.' the right map. While you're driving use ceived during one day reached 142. ture, .. of the Florida Consti- The i.t '.i group of distrac- common sense. Is it sensible, for A total'f 4,09g calls were received" 'no : r.i xte iiof contacts 'with- tions are .._:: '.t can be avoid- example, 'to grope for a coin or for the entire session. i a : tE ^. ^ft : and' ed by your actions before. <1':: r ob't on the floor . The' highest percentage of calls .agVe ez,-. zIh r'-rdiJ:-, sought. out on a i, you're manevering in heavy traf- -24'per cent-came from Miami, Rocr( Trafitepr ._ r iu i w .. .. . - Outboards Accessories EAST BAY MARINE CALLOWAY, FLORIDA nd BOAT RACE ROAD 7854023 1923-1973 Ready for Tomorrow ,w -- .. "-,- ,~-s '-- - SOFA SLEEPER $199.80 Trim :I,g on toh.-, contemporary 69" Sleep-Or-Lounge includes a :,.'-3 .double mattress, luxuriously filled a.r. t' .seat cush- 'ions, sasters and handsome Naugahyde, a fabric I.,.:' vinyl uphol- stery. Get extra space at an extra special price. PROPER FIRM SUPREME Made Especially for Danley's 50th Anniversary Sale! PIECE SET. Box Springs 'Queen Size Set .-- $149.95 King Size Set .---$199.95 Add the Charm of Beautiful Spanish Styling to Your Home! 4-PIECE Bedroom Suite S'Spadous Triple Dresser Framed Plate Glass Mirror F-ull-Size Panel Bed Roomy 5-Drawer Chest $NITE TABLE2 19$35.00 NITE TABLE -----$35.00 BiWj O OiUR: EASY TERMS Westinghouse 30" Electric RANGE With Automatic Oven S$209 S* Automatic Timing Center hlatnv: heat controls Plug-out surface units SInterior oven light Model KF330M TWO COMPLETE TWIN BED OUTFIT At an unbelievably low price! 2 Twin "Beds 2 'Mattresses 2 Foundations SSEALY $148.00 Speed Queen Automatic WASHER This Speed Queen Automatic Washer Time and durale pre cycles ... .del- icate and normal heat plus air fluff setting. has automatic cycles normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cy- cle. Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature selection ... large family capacity 3-way lint and sediment removal system ... gleaming- white porcelain enamel top ... safety 3ld switch plus many other great features. $219.00 Speed Queen MATCHING 'DRYER $159.00 ALT.98 a CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've "got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it alU, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates' the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser, Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BEUEVE? MAKE US PROVE ITi THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 --- ; ... I = I; L 11 1 I -----~prcc~ -. I -- 1 * ,(.--; * mu,, THE STAR Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 15, 1973 Me--Bit SIked 16 lifceCECA9KA COMPARE I" -ASSOTED COLORS . American Cheese 12 oz. 75c ELMER'S GLUE....... 49c VIVA TOWELS....3 O$100 SHARP OR EXTRA-SHARP 8 OZ. SHEER'STRETCH FOR WOMEN '! SCOTT OR LADY SCOTT A&P CHEDDAR CHEESE...59c PANTY HOSE........ A 49c FACIAL TISSUE..... 29c CHECK AND COMPARE 4 PAK 8 OZ. ROLLS SHAMPOO (For Oily, Normal or Dry Hair) d PILLSBURY ''UITS......43c HERBAL ESSENCE... ,z-$1.214 l A&P BRAND SPEEDY NESCAFE MARGARINE O ".. ` ,37c ALKA SELTZER......<.559c INSTANT COFEE. 59C WITH THis 6OZ.S. WITHOUT THIS SOLID EXTRA-DRY (Regular or Unscented) .-cOiuPoN JAR 9 COUPON $1.15 W ANTI- MARRI 2 s. 3 RIOPERS PNANT! 1*4T z.S S C'T ENCORE MARGARINEI 2 lbs. 35c ARRID PENT CAN ...... $1.49 iSiC ou ,.P o1o.,, a~dsw~ $10~ PAGE XLEVNNe T Sharks Lose Two, Win One In Week of Baseball Play 'Doctor and Drugist, two Indis. peable men in your; community who collaborate., on '.your' health robems. In .time ,'of suit n' riee are the most mpo'rtat rmen' n ow life. Their 11il amuutes osu tI0t1 1y are in safe lband. Paie socui trst in Doctor and D ijtL .li joa are ill both team up Io im.ks Syou'weIL I your Doctoers p-m . if0tio to6our Reau drug ,tre. i,, ouR BUZZ TT'S DRUG STOOE Pb 2273%71 8317'Williams' Coanvaienit i Drii-.In Window Plenry of Free Pt.rkinq 20 Mile Hike (Continued From PageU I 7 'St. Joe T-b '.. ?, s..1 as -.'-, . bdbut will 4 {. rIA .T-. fk' ' site to tb:;?t .' i :y r i: ti person f.v' ':,,r,,1 .p r' ., 'W/-,itl,. 'vthon ,ad! .lk t ., '- otl>i.ij pledges .for .. / .i. i . ". ,Get y o.:.-.P out, wirit, your armsi, and .otr; :i.:oi.i-: f.t o br -justas doctors -tell yo. t~udo, , said' Rita dj .-r ..h r .t Port St. i14.1 n m ,id Mx' chairman df.tji-.. -. '"Y..u'll Port St. Joe's baseball team suffered two defeats during the past week of play,, one a narrow 5-4 loss to Blountstown, which went five extra innings. The Sharks had a big four run first' inning against Blountstown last Friday afternoon but were' held scoreless- for the remainder of, te game. * The.Tigers, pushed one run rv: ~5in the first inning, two in. the second and tied the game in, the seventh, the last of the regu- lation.game before scoring in the t:.p ..f h.- 12th to win the game.e 7iilliUe A'1*l1f."-s i.14 the hit- N. .r ihr .:r '',a" ) C.. i .' ':, ' ;;P ,,.iM H aT,? F -, ', e I '- , ,.\ :- "" "* r n in ,: r -the. -qr i ;'- He' t'... r',, ', t-.'r- ,.,' ". r. : : .'n scor,1 -.'. r,-, r"-'. ..'f .h.e ,i.7. H ee : be b."!:,..'',^ ,,n...O'f while you soae- '250,000 babies who are L. T r' each year with birth de- f.ects.. i .. A ll ,.,.... i -'._ i ; a, _:-... -, _._.m ay. . 'pick :,,. '-.... from Miss Sanders -.', school'and begin' now to ., --. -.. :' .. ' tion Will at.8:00 am. 'at the ]' : .I o l '.4 .A ..,' L o '." of March.24. It is. .-.'--. . .,, troops will move out at ,:00. i-Somei n hardy :'... finished ,' ..., : ,,,, pnm. last .year, but f',- ...' it was 5:00 p.m.. '.r.1!|, to make your' plans, V '.,' to -. ,'. or .;. :..-:" those S i I. ', .' next ..., ', f,,_ t '. .- iJ , gave up one hit in his five in- nings of mound duty. Quincy scored their 10 runs on eight hits and four Shark' er- rors. The Sharks had six scattered lits, scoring their lone run in the first inning. Bubba. Harmon gave up three Shits and threw ,nine :' *:,,. as the Sharks defeated DeFun- iak Springs Tuesday, 11-0., Steve Owens had the big bat, collecting a double and five runs batted in. Bubba Harmon and : :'i:: .h-::. 'ia had' a hit .and two RBIs.K E r '4.1T "-'e had, J ,1 f' F '" H i '." .'." ":1 i;- h e:- t' i, e -'rvies of a, +... : : rii h.' s been retained by the Sheriff to ,'work in'the P6it St Joe area.' Other thari his experience with the Ei-v '"/c,,r ". Sheriffs, Depart- -ment, .-. r',' eight and a 'half years in the T1,: .;x' States. Navy, four of, which were in mil- itary police. During his tour. of duty "-. ,h the Navy, R':s ser- ved three years, iin Vietnam'" Working in conjunction with Na- val' Ltel :d1L e' .. While he was a Deputy Sheriff in Bay County, he was chosen as "Officer, of 'the Year--1971" by the' Bay County. Chapter "of the Optimist Club. Rogers has three chAldren, and is .':.n--a/ residing with hi wife, Shirley, t-, Joe. Brb,' sequences of a tornado dipping down into St. Joe Paper Com- pany's woodyard and ,making deadly missiles out of pulpwood. He also pointed to industrial ex- plosion danger-especially in the face cf the fact that-one indus- try uses chlorine gas and the present danger of falling air- planes or drones from Tyndall Air Force Base. The team-like the local Civ- Ul Defense-put their greatest emphasis on the need for pre- parations against floods from storms. Their prime example of what could happen was last year's hurricane Agnes which caused extensive flooding along the coastline, even though the storm didn't hit here. Conducting the survey and in- terviews of officials this week will be Hal Miller, CD Region P#GE TWELVE~ + Classified Ads + two big hits in three trips to the plate. The Sharks now have a three .win and four loss record so far in the 'season. . / Friday, the Sharks travel to *" ..- to meet the Shanks Ti- gers. t. -.., they are on the road again to Crestview and next T '7 travel to Blountstown. CD Team Here "Gulif Count r the sixth county in i :' Florida to r' c : fr:'.. .. program Ie.'. '-;'e 2any .^. ',h:'? !, '.. t.. ...... '. ,-;! of th list. Cw F CDANGER, cr ", '. '"' '*' ; : .: .',.:; a r e n o _. . Of course the 'main :-* were those of '..-.:., hurri- cane's, -: :-:: and flooding as a :,:" of the storms. These are very common dangers to the area and a prime target of the 'energies of :J Defense. The CD official went on to point to the dangers of 'explosion, air- plane vwreeks, and 'train wrecks. The' train wrecks'he ,..,, .. ,:.. prime ''..: r Because one local industry uses chlorine gas which is shipped in .y i-d7i. "This is a -very present danger"',+ he said. The uncommon dangers, not us~ially considered by local res- idents, included: the lethal con- L LABORERS WANTED to travel 2071. te-31 by .with King Bros. Circus. Licensed BERNARD 0. WESTER L. fl A V drivers.preferred: E r.'.r ....'. ELECTRO-PHONIC .813 Marvin Ave, . Le g-al A "*:and board furnish.- .'f'. ',.' STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS Phone 229-3107 r at circus .', See the Large Selection N O T IC E I '.- 'i.: G ro u n ds .,:, 'i. 3. ... : e .... . After the -1 tIhe fut puL ,- '", ,' 1, only. ; MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP catieoi of i .. n' --: :'*, .' L -- -.- ST. JOE HARDWARE FOR SALE: Guns, radios, tape- March.15, 17.1. l.w^l '..~~-.r :FOR SALE .I".:, ._.' .:. 4t COMPANY 31 players, 8-track tape. player, "r,.-',.or ,k: rI,r a y d'bU. "o.,_T'r -..,r ..1 '' a. r, .";S" ',i,; Johnson Messenger 122 U i,. !',,,e ,.it.'. bl by ;- rp r-. R'. o r-.. r *' .. .. .. < ?I crystal, new, $125. Use our, s y '' N''. .:. : '' ,'". N '; REDUCE t af(; Zn.j f..t th (;.- .I !ay, ..A ly plan. 102 5th St,. 4 "1 ". .* A 0 i5 ', .- 95. B 1," 1. i -.r: '.J. -.. I n. '. ".,I:h-r lhitiland 'i:-v. Phone 229-6793. -._ __-- ... ;. ^ -.- l Ci>... i'.''-: -.2; !. *ptij.-. ('amir il,'.. 1nr.'. : / "i -. tf?-2-1l NOTICE TO RECEIVE FOR SALE: PAe J ". .i-[J7 We" e INCOME TAX SERVICE: 1,ndv FOR WELDIN NEEDS see James SEALED BIDS .e, c by tL. ms.!i.r. i r ai ,i,. Fritd:y.h Pr 8v A.M. t i l M,' L Templ 1302 P1lm Blvd. The B,,a-l n", C.C.' niy Cnim bmir. Jr'.' Da, H1'-ie`1 i. 223 9>.f.'F a 22.9'll IIr :p.HiMI,,t te9,-7 ;, f ", '/.if ty .... r-: ". Street. '. atur.t-;.. S "i,.'i.!y .n.. i,! t r 5 P.M. :e ).'-i)c< b; Iorir L." 'y per.. r /Or^-i| .. .. . p. o cor.r..i, .n *te-.d i. '. FOR SALE: 14' fiberglass fishing Hicklrs. .tf-2-8 A New Service At i.Wh," t.e ".;rty '1ri fatfo, g .-' boat with 20 hp Johnson motor *',.' t,.ei p.': :.,r ]..r-.p.erty: and trailer. For information call' WANTED: New and used car sales- POLLOCK'S CLEANER One new 1 .r, -;.an tb fol- tc man in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo- UNNIFORM RENTALS lowing specificais: s; 2295511 tf 1 tor Co., Port St. Joe. tfe-2 45 For Information, Come by froti. GeW 27,500 bsr 0 FOR SALE: 20 foot fiberglass sail- FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE all or Call speed; 391 CI D. V 8 engine; full boat. Phone 648-3934. tflc-1 .:inamory Stephens. Free-estimate 107 Second Street air brakes; "mechanical tachome FOR RENT: Furnished beach ot- arantee on labor and Phone 227-4401 ter; anchorlock spring set parking stages. Reasonable monthly rates. down payme on.e 7972Ml brakes rear; '70 amp alternator; Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc .'7 ' 192 S.M. frame 36,000 P.S:I.; 10,- INCOME. TAX SERVICE: Robert MEXICO BEACH 400 lb. rear main spring; 2250 lb. I ,Montgomery. 05 3rd Street. rear aux. spring; power steering; C & G Phone 2274811tgomery. 8t1-18 BEAUTY05 3rdStHOPPEreet. 5 pDoi L-,,f,, .','r, dual air ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Phone 227-4811. 8 BAH E *rr, H black vinyl seat; 10:00 Residential and Industrial wy. 98 Phone 648-5110 x 20 2 ,1:' ai rear; cast spoke Wiring and Appliance Repairs 7.5" heel base -." *,-' Air Conditioning Heating SEWING MACHINE.Complete Beauty Service 188"; -., from cab to rear il Burner Technician REPAIR SERVICE GLADYS NICHOLS axle approx. 114"; frame to ex- CALL 229-6863 or 2295777 Home, and Industrial tend approx. '": behind rear axle. 2 PHONE 639-5357. 2-8 Bids will be received -:, SMrr _I. 27,'1973 at 7:30 P.M ". LADIES a i:- office of the Clerk *: I am now servicing wigs and I. .. ,Joe NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE hair pieces in my home. If S.. Apalachicola, Florida B I N G 0 you have human hair or syn Sreservesthe. right to Every Saturday Night thetic which you would Bke reject an and ale s the right to Fridy and Saturday Beginning December 16 to have serviced quickly at r BOAnRD. OF COl NTY March 16 and '17 7:30 P.M. low prices. ... ., r, O ,.O- 2 BIG SHOWS AMERICAN LEGION WIGS FOR SALE- t ". FA "BLUE SURF-ARI" HOME WIGS FOR SAL- L b ".. iLAhno Ski show CALL 229-3311 or 227-485 2- L b. ", "HOW TO MAKE A DOLL" 2q- 'y rm ..10' PE'E,, Bn KE"InSOC Man's 9-21 JANICE STOKES tIC , St. Joe Hardware Co. SIN THE' CIRCUIT COURT" OF THE. FOURTEENTHX JU- r'. OF "','. ITA_ I- AND r'.. GULF VERA LEE P. **-/ " Plaintiff, L. E. JACKSON and wife, 0A ,i: : . ]1 NOThCE OF SALE g.,'., hereby given that I, P.'. LAWRENCE, 'Sheriff '.f :, i : '.j.i lorida, under and 1 ,'it a' .:4 :. '.rit of Execution h:.'af.:r. is, e out of the above eI' i.d, :-i: ',.C-. .' z.rsuant ,to a Final 'Judgment obtained in .said court and county, dated February 21, 1971, in the above entitled cause, having levied on. March 8, 1973 'upon the following personal pro- perty, situate, lying and being in Gulf County, Florida, to-wit: One (1) 1971 Two (2) Door Ford Maverick Id. No. 1K91U150372, 1973 Tag No. 66D-427 as the pro,- perty of the above named' Defend- ants, and that upon the 17th day of April, A.D., 1973, between the legal hours of sale, namely, 1:00 o'clock in the afternoon, on said day, 'at the front, door of the Court House in Port St. Joe, Gulf County,. Florida, I will offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, the above described pro- perty, as the property of said De- fendants, to satisfy said execution. Said property to .be sold at sale as subject to any and all existing liens. SRAYMOND LAWRENCE SHERIFF 4t-3-15 Gulf County, Florida -- Next Week'- Clint Eastwood in "PLAY MISTY FOR ME"' "KING KONG ESCAPES" COLORADO 10 Acres, $2,9751 $35 down, $35 monthly, 6% interest Beautiful, high country. Owner, STEED 911 W. 10th Amarillo, Texas 79101 806-376-8690 DIVORCE KIT - For the no-fault law. " For free details, write: Joe L. Stupica, Box 791, Pompa- no, Florida 33061. 10tp-3-8 KLPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt--Efficlent-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 iv .tfr en.WU~teW 1sm meiUs women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. WES- . TE R AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 HELP WANTED: Experienced tire recappe"s or trainees. No exper- ience necessary- for trainees. A permanent job and apply in per- son at Panama City Recapping Co., Springfield. Plant located one block behind Springfield City Hall. Phone 7854P70. tfc-10-5 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 p.m. Phone 2294281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe COVER EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE nd APPIvANCiS 306 Reid Ave. FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahltchka and Port St. Jog ComnforterFuneral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out., Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229604 or 229-2937. R.A.M.-Regular convocation RB 1t Joseph Chapter No. 5 RAZm, 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. - WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, See. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST' 116. THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL op a regular corn- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A."M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. k E. C. BAILEY, WeM. HERBERT L. BURGE, Secty I I I )m THE STAIL Fort It. Joe, PlaW 'r~dltDAY, iMARCH 15, 1973 FOR SALE House at Mexico Beach. FOR. SALE: S bedroom house with' SHRUBS FOR SALE: Azaleas, hy. ?.itmrl built,. masonry, 2 bed- den. Good neigbborhood-. .Cal dt:.lU: .i E ea:;lish dogwood, ete. " .. ':lose to beach. Extra. lot 229-5821. tfe-10-9 Y.,,ii n1; 1.i: t, 4 years old. Al in S' :- :.'r Z r 1''h. -'--- -- cani; li to S1.00. Call 229-863p ..L .: FOR SALE. I,-.-' r. c n i.r i- .. + . inf. r. *-.ut, y- ?._-i .. Aer CALADIUM BULBS: Place your IFOR SALE: r'.int' r' -.: :" '' 2 ~." 3" .' 3 fe-3 I ,:,:'.r -et n'- from thbee Port SLt. " -0AL- ,-- i .ni : l i r: r.. n.. .e ,rdc Club'. ir'ber. Call L,;:- : ', ,. t "-. i ..- N. J C. ,\rbasat 227".5;UiI;, Miss f n... .. .. ia ,, ] C ;L CM., '..c' 1, '",1, it229-3671; M rs. -''l"" 1. '; .-, "5, r.: .5.L ... .... i t .:,2r. 1: Mr" J. WW . P ... r-- '" :'R .-- O a Bac, and hite- CIlor , ". t'a a"n:d 1." :". --'t. l -- .,- r .. PH~O N;,t or 29 y mer7er2 FOR SALE- *r.. NEW IMPROVED "i',". t' FORFVN-. ir.i.,'a. a,'.ti'htur al4 a- 'eda.in^ Ai U:; ; .i '..E-' gred _,,:n pai r..',m .Pr% V tince Se !lt *.,'.&.'.n Tele P aty.'Op - e ,i-:n. i- -r o "r c, C'amrt'el' .-, "Dpl "1 R .'" 1 e A'e t OeffC 'DOES ANYONE KNOW i".'. -hli.re- ,- i'r' t,, "'F", _t.',ijtith.g Sta- FOR SALE! l -'i",' .,t.h r, A r .. ab,:.u -f -iol.-it!y f.Pi': -, f{ac-. ..' ,'.-" I rit.c..-, A',..:: .. Fa 3nia b'. -.K .C. :.-i :','1 H1 ..... ; -",2-.8 P ,S ..L., T-3 .' ,: - r._ -:-. 'r' .. r -;.i I' HEATH RADIO and TV | p.b.. .. o t ,FOR RENT .One a a tu o b re-r B l,,-ack and white Color ANTIQUE BOTTLES FOR'SALE .attractively furnished apart. All Wbik Guaranteed | Claude and .en Tate. Beaon meonts Cool in summer, warm in PHONE 229-2782 . Hill Beacho. w' .r .' .o Gas. h... Goa- N Ia a FOR SALEm ;-. i-., doorr They*must be"een to be appredat- SEVIN MACHINES- Dial and sedan. Air, M.L'. !. .., I power ,d. aCmtt 1k. or ,rB. B C 6pe Sew. See'at K&D Television and ' steering mnwer. brakes. Good run- IMIC WOO and TRAI Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227- r ,,' :"" .... i ",-i i ti ,..,- ,, ,' WIIKI ,,,, MMy rh.1 1 2 71. tfe-3- e ',' and, assume ''. PARK, Whte City. Phnne 229-2413 , n_,. K. C. :'~.',+. '-,:. .:'" u: 6483101, tfo-10-28 PROFESSIONAL HKIP with emo- 6592. .. 4tp-3-15 tional problems and/or concerns. NSOLESPINET PIANO Re FOR THE BEST in Television and Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port CONSOLEUSPINET PIANO Re- Sound come by 301 RMW Avg. S o, Flrid- er Rev. Ssponsible person to' take over andseeout lne ofb 31..... -. st.JoeFlorda 229-3621 or Rev. payments of $24.20 per month. components, stereos, r...,,-, .1A Sidney ElliM, 229B599. Please write before we send truck, tapes. We have a repairman avail- . Joplin Piano C.o., P. 0. Box 103, able daily, K and D TV and Panama City, Florida 32401. SOUND. 301 Reid Ave.. Phone 227- INCOME TAX SERVICE 3, )Thomasville, Ga.; Herman Stokes, Division 'of Health, CD coordinator, Jacksonville; Nor- man :Scowthon, FSU; Ernle Knight, American Red Cross, Thomasville, Ga.; Rex Wright, Department of Education, Talla- hassee; Charles Pozarnski, Divi- . sion of Family Services, Jack- sonville; Al Mackey, Division of, Emergency Government, Jack- sonville and.Jones. |