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TWELVE PAGES THE STAR lOc PER COPY r* ***** i *** prinie contractor, Peaboiy.y-Ptair-' 'is credited with bringing the sen, still insists he will be, fin. yellow 'fever to old St. Joseph. ished by the contractural dead- "' The original headstone from his line ot April 15, but the CityC nr grave isin the Constitution- Mu- its engineers-are so c{tinisIe. " Tuesday, the City- n- ar-, Ae* .ii the bLds of A-i ;angdments to keep inaIeri'a F' ..r C .! y orf Pcrt i Jbe e rs on the, job i the- '..e ie f s aIrrd a i'base- midT. of June and'-, 't 'd t-Icit f t t 'uil' on the old, .e t a 42 :inch. high. ire W+ ...m'. Ic- h choo.l .proper- Sine, which w -carry materiall. :: n.d, C. Wer Treatment t-j bq reated.,to, the pllw.t *The Piit. i' ' ,. i, : A.k j been it,.. Heard a .: ::. froli City hbd leak. .The City- : pi .!n.E Judge M. P. T 'ai'ir:.r. to beire- .,t 4.drh."in writig that t '; ex- lieved of his duties or'.receive an ire.'t 't.. line to be':'.ispre-. ; increase in pay. Tomlinson said' T..i:t.e,.. at no .:.;: tl ,City' .the job I .'.uae: t o muqh his,. iwitil it operates as it :.- time for the $50.00 per month' d,to. .. .. ,.- .. alary.,-The 'matter- was delayed .' Other BUsios to the next .se,'me ri' 'The Commission also;. 0 Jesse Stone of' the .,t.. T,,' 'se h Historical ;" T1:.:' t?. .' Bordi:his 'jt .a:.r : i',n L'. ,a rp-.p-.L made of t he. h ',:. ' to Capt' Kruper's ~:.. '....!.- in the old' cem ---'. '. A ,--ea to' a, ;s'.\ by Commissioner George Wimberly to have Clerk Brock prepare a balance :',-T .l". 'a.l city ser- vices not pvi., .'its own\way to consider the p ,o':AiLty of nmak- ing them self supporting.. Spring is evident in Port St. Joe in. places other than flower beds and the balmy ,Weather, as Sthe City Conmission was -faced with requests at ,heir regular meeting Tueday night, toe:begin fixing up l.asebtall and softball diaim'n- in the City .parks. '* A krouirof TEime -Yruth Lea- .gue(ifrials. wibth pre.iet Tel, Cannn as .pok-'xiuan, ai-td for. & new r., s..n3 tiand cebetral. ly ,;,te-dt.4 ,. tjhe four diamond Dixie Youth complex in F'rit -alrk." ,.'ai.,.I ri the League, wi.shb t.> u'.r;e *e p.'eceIt co 'l.-.e ,rn : n asL, a a o ,-DIl. e r.f T. ie LeLo ne fi'E. -.:.. ask-. id ,: b '.t.i r., ,, ri::' i on ft"-' of'the fields," sr u tv.. t 'ad*dequ*iely lighted playing fields.. &FTy' MbFarland spoke for a ' ,groj.i ip.'.hi.o. the men's :.<U;Ja .e:4'. ,asked-for som&. repairs, to ie made to the field. The softball ,people also asked 'for more ,.i.,.'i ; of thearea'dur-" 'iag game time and forl the City to'-pay officials .at an estimated $650 -fr the. season. .Mayor Tom Cdldewey appoint- e4 C. -., George W9rm- berly to get aI both groups Sand .get their t ri,'-.-.I down int..: W-ajid ,4 i< 'A; o-4 t iaj" la.r. March, O- OdirdsFm. Adopled .I'i *>,..,f in 4'.l ,I x:i.tv f r ha L.-_ u i !i' -'r ".'J ~~"l ' lu '. .. ei_ ... '(,.... t,- .'-.y .JU they .','., ih a : tha ;,. lja: from 'tl ..,, to'M... 'Another .1u..rr. .- .1 ,, only a 60 day residence in the .state' and the City before a citiaihe er.ib.' to register to vote. The ..4d .. .-i.' required a residen- . ey- requirement of one year in the state .. six months in the. City. Treatment Plant As usual the matter eof he new Wastewater Treat ment Plant took 'up a large share 'of the ii-...-. ;,, with the Commis- sion now ,-viN.' -'i to gear u.p their ,. At,. for cnse tion to continue until June. T'De Sheriff Has A BusyMonth InFebruary "It was another month of hea- Vy ., ..! ,'., for Gulf County", Sheriff T..ani Law- ece .,l: ta 'o I ri-n week. .'At .i, Wewahitchka was hard- t ".t '.:' arid residences in. the O .:,. ,',',i J Iareas of the' northern" ".'rn..,' of the county are favored L L. of those com- th e.:h. i, r .e .: ,.* . AlM. in Wewahitchka, investiV ,r Ti r ,,. "into ,the sho i .;u.'-'its which took plaeP t ;u '." ..r.ound the.; Wewd RezrLura., ia In .*,e, a number ot boii;,' l'-. u'. u occurred and. confltvi i ~i.,er .investigation. Property-has. been recovered in some instances.o i "We l.a..I a total of 18; adults artr'-,. during the month of February. Three juvenile arrests were made. Charges ranged from aggravated, assault down to: the usual number of arrests for pub- Slie intoxication", the Sheriff re- Sported? "We wish: thank the citi-: .a of the county for their help and support in supplying infor- mation,". Sheriff Lawrence sta- ted.' "We hope that everyone will continue to be as helpful in the future." Are you h,-'u'r Ibut d4o .t t.loivett~&pr popI-. af I.n :k,!q&e pio.u'. in the b.ia. li' a -' at un~ni-'a 0 nd -a pij cpasl rJ7Jdl 's id~A n Lhks ta- -w.n~t iraI~~jn'A.1 bus servid!e bli~-.6n bhed In r-nU e' .. J' A; :-'Jr 'VoJ- y ta Lb.: Lotomq-1 t 4 he blank. ":. The Safest Beaches n the World Are an Gulf County" Want A Ride to Guf .Coast College Daily?, ** ~~ ~ jrr 7 .-,^ 1 e l'4itYJ' a e- h d ti11 NUMBER 27 r.. '-^ *l c.... o ey They Didn't Come li Worship Donkey Thieves Attend Churches .Sunday Bakt S-* -O- -M ght rue ira M-r u aid oM.- tiL t h urich all ,., ,rI.I I f, 1 i,.,." fr.,r pures, ':,-.,r,'r o ,t. Port St, Joe P'l.;iice sn.d th6e Lilf ci.f.t*. - 1'. ,L.-.tt E. D"-.,itmenl, hi P .'.. -* H W 6 ? ;-'. U' sald the .ehurhes rr I t, .sev- : ' eral purses i- .A 1.- in eah church. As far as :,n deter- This international group of engineers aind engirering it. lids separation and filtering apparatus under-construction in the dents toured Port St. Joe's 'new Wasle-ater Treasmeifn Plant T-es. plant. he 'group' we're hosted, on their'" tour" by 'plat opeiatr day afternoon. The group is shown %bovasrnt front of'a huge waste Bob Smon, "right, and Mayor' Toin. Coldewey, wcdba from right., Foregers Visit Plant O, ,, ;,. ,.,; T S:. IS y' Po t St. Joe's unique '$1 4 ml- i 'I programs, toured the plant lion 'Wastewater Treatment plant iu .. . now 'under construction. bas 'The group including ; ..a: 3 r- n considerable .w-tc engineers from such diverse na- SFlorida due to ts us as Israel and Singapore, n -th -Floridao t due to its. o A .,re brought to Port St. Joe by unique friction. of handling beoth, .Ron Sims, School of Public industrial and domestic wastes. Health, University of North Car- The project, the first of its ki. d' olina 'and Lathan Collins with in Florida,' has drawn many the Florida Board of Pollution groups :here *to see what is go- Control. ing on. Now, interest has spread world-wide and an international<' ' group of engineers, in the Unit- ed States to study pollution cone, ,. ,-1 .":-.. Taking the tour were: Zenon Baginski, Poland; Thean Chhong :Chong, Republic of Singapore; (Ms.) Leman Dogu, Turkey; Ez- zidine Jemaa, Tunisia;- Jong-Surk Kim, Korea; Vasile Popescu,, Romania;. Festus K. Quaynor, G' I,- .' Avinoamn Shenhar, Israel; SP-'.--P. Viray, Philippines;,. and Mas Afiat Wirjoasmoro, In, donesia. '- Th4 group touring the Port St. Joe plant was oine of two cur- . --rentiy-traveling- ver-the-United. 'States. Youth Team At first Methodist Church for Week End A team of youth from Hunting- don College, Montgomery, Ala- bama will lead the youth of Port St. Joe in a youth happening this week end in the First United Me- thodist Church. Services will be Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. The team' will be in charge of the regular- Sunday morning and evening ser- vices. The program will feature mu- sic, singing, witnessing and old time Christianity will be the theme for the week end. the thief or hityevs cot-- fut 'I l n 511 O in. cauh d., 't iLh '..5m of fwvr- -1:i -.., andd Sheriff's . ai are, ,,k iaf on ?i-- . l f.'.r l ;a-only a-f-air .'n: of a .suspect .. A* * Shark Five .Loses Bid for State For the second time in three years, the Havana.,. .. :: put a screeching halt to the Port St. Joe Sharks' rush to the state Class. AA basketball ehampion- ship. The Gladiators put a 6149' defeat on the Sharks in Crest- view last Friday night in the op- ening round of the Region play- offs.. Havana put it to the Sharks in the first period when they'out- scored the cold Sharks'12 to 5. .then. they put the cap r'on the ,victory in the last 'period 21-14, while, the -Sharks were.desperate- ly trying to catch up. Big Bend scoring champion, Kenneth. Robinson 'scored 20' points and -his brother -Alan 18 to .lead the. Gladiators over'-the- defending state champions. Tim Grandberry had 13 and Sandy 9uinn 10 for. the Sharks, who eritered the Region play-offs, with a' 22-4 record and ranked number six state-wide' in recent polls. Havana's effort went for noth- in'g, though, as they lost to Ba- - ker in the-finals thudaymight. Score by quarters: Port St Joe 5 16 14.14--49. Havana 12 18 12.21-61 PORT ST. JOE-Bryant 2404; Speights 3-0-6; Grandberry 6-1- 13;. Quinn 5-0-10; Herring 3-0-6; Russ 3-0-6; Hall 1-0-2; Dickens 1-0-2. HAVANA Jackson 3-0-6; Burns 2-1-5; A. Robinson 6-6-18; Bush 4-4-12; K. Robinson 7-6-20. D-,skey B,..L.'1 ,i is .' ,.,ifinL p-s-Putt St. I Je I&O.taL .at S:00 pm,. ia the Port St. Joe High .Se .,1. "A,'Ili a*,.undet thic spio- sorship of the Kiwanis Club., 'The I's *.aM.'.', l' .-r -'hi, will be- on board (li: jaekasses trying-to f. .a iiifr ,. s '-r civic clubbers, 'the Key Club, in- a game of basketball while try- -ing to-'stay mounted on a buck- ing or balking ., .---... A matinee will be t, -s 'led during, the. afternoon with -the Key Club and the VICA club on board. " Admission to the game will be Ii .i for. adults and $1.00 for students. Tickets are now on sale by all K.ur":-. and Key 'Club members and at the High School -.office, Smith's Pharmacy,-Florida. Bank and Sears. Kiwanis president and team coach, Bill Norris, says it should be worth the price of admission, just to see long-legged Dr. Bob King try to fit himself on one. of the diminutive beasts. Celebration . Meet Planned An organizational meeting ori- ginally scheduled for. Thursday, March 15 has been changed to .Wednesday, March', .14,-- ac.ird- ing to Jesse Stone, temptfary chairman of 'a committee being formed to. draw up..plans f' .a celebration Gulf County's 5th anniversary 'in 1975. The meet- ing will be held in the Cou aty Commission 'Roombf the (elf County Cdurthouse -'.04 P.. SStone said' some -trganizati ns may not have received a letter announcing the plans through error. He emphasized that every organization in the county,-civic, fraternal, governmental or, la- bor is-urged to select a member .to the planning committee and have him attend the organization meeting next Wednesday. The chairman says in view of Gulf .County's rich heritage and wealth of history, it is only pro- per that the best of celebrations be planned in observance of the county's milestone. "By starting to plan early", he said, "we can have a celebration which will be remembered for a long time to come." THIRTY-Sr IX YEAR PORT.ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 City Called onto F xPlay Areas Spring CohMes _- To Port St. Joe Three t -g wstry- ing to a r. in Port 1 uA t the signs now .r o: .'t to the coming of p i - Port St. .:. lle Loutise _ Porter wrote a't,,:.~6f poems once titled' "Pasque Vlbrida",- which, loose rt 1 _ says Florida is I]a.rI, cf _i'.-.4 k ers. F rit J I'.. up i1 end fh i :rut as an *a flo e of : of! : .-,b zort---: +'r ... iall; a3 Z''$. .-; 9 dr a 3 ie. r-'' to,Vt kon th~ iA - lall. , .coat * It's a pit, ~'..e'i. ci a rit * *b ack "and- e ,e i ,t'!je i-" pher toetkheir .ab, Seganto.-. N- ,.: . o a t-- _. . this shot.a 3 ao seemed to rt~ : of, all. It's a pit- cr r themn'-fin l 66t he - -black'and MFplktqjfi still er .-p .N hto r E 6 - preciate their t, W'na.the'sie -t-okip r is- f .idi"', 2elt in Choir. roi'ii4w7 Momrs. 'dis't Church &t"1 the First Bip-. . ,,I : A THE STAR, Pert St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 PAGE TWO EDITORIALS... Hopes For 98 For more than two years now, the t State Department of Transportation .has been promising to.re-surface -Highway 98 in Gulf County. But, so far, nothing,has come forth except the :promises, ld they I haven't smoothed the road out one. little bit. . *Now, it ldoks as if the DOT is putting out some conirit.e ide A- they really in- tend to re-surf ,. I-Wghway ,9S before-.it once a.'ain b .-rx.m i rutty shabd1 road lie- twee.unhre ar.o- Apala i.';'':oh. Last week work starr.rl on L in l.U.Bti -4f facilities a on the bnkv of t~he G.'if Cornty- Canal top bring in and, pi,-,r t1e l ,s'h.t tobe put. on the highway At last, it. ioks as if work will begin. SThe D(fOT Irn't getting to this .pri' a moment fcr; it was needed. One, has to drive. with xztr'me Lcre through Gulf SCounty on HIighV.ay 98 even in.a car *quipped wtih ) 'fr'-r rAA"rin1 which is pp~p .'O to t,. 'a re of i,,' of the itr- -reegilarwths binhwayr and iitomjbilis The'Atrt'i,th of 9' l,,:-.t.ns here .ad the SBay Coijinty Yi: in" -xtr. F";_rdo' to tra- w*, vel wbrn it. rai.ir4,, , '." : ; f ' .'illj' e'rJII~l 'wct 11, :ft-rx a fiv~ yii~ (.r(.r'lI i w t h1~"dat "'If, - Wf~i try V)ti') A 3 .ilu 'i.py, wlhci sti'I y -Tir' '3a'.d:. rld" '~T ilIIJ'i? Dr. Ct T';31' rlj rr -! the otb-.n 'l-7 fr o ..-i~,1 (I .hp I ai d'ri ib r 'f. aI cial'roles~-itIn int h` roup wereoccu l'II'i t. Twd atie I i that wip'as th n. n~rI ago. :flii 'V 'b'iii'% 11 *~ ~~~~~b~ the moiep~h iit h'gd ollthers pird and t he .-.j. 2Ang"o T o hat was .the u e: h ag ne ed bh m P Si S y d -t o 1 With this glimmer of hope, maybe ',weshould take heart and once again be- gin to punch for four-laning of thp coast- al highway. We see where the DOT has abandoned'plans to four-lane Highway 90 al O~.i.e I-i0. The four-laning of these two w it,-'-r. arteries has been ,a W ri-. excuse for not. four-laning 98. ..The. DOT people say it simply was not ncfl'c . A- ~:~ th,'decision rnot t" if,:ir-.,- 90, maybe we can coaxe some f-..u',-: n money down here on the coast. WJn t. -. .'"- lane trf''-*. vacuum cleaner 1-10 is '"' we. m&a as 8 .'.: :! A -': '- .... -'" c tb- e,. w t-rist dollar we have en- ... ir .: Tne lure of t.e coast Swill .iAf 1~~r.n' ,g E tou.,ri',~ .hi wa'.. but n', rLt I i'abr- t h. y hav l6,e co rxe ir. the past . A four-lane .coastal Yrte? v7. 'uli in- sure our -t....urs.1 ft1i.V. !V,; Njrt h Florida tw,,, -;.'7-it. :.r' ar. ..capable of 'handlir-. ka h,-.'./ traffic load srl ease the brur.r.r_ 10'I10, whih w ill rely be heavily tra- yveled fr-r. the ftt dafy i. is open. S' - lahassee office, of the Commission, and be. available for review' and .,:r,'~'min ,: tlhe. five-man Com- n ::io.e.i :'rh 15-16. \ h ": t '5' S 'a -. ritr. of. their bwn .and were forced to a "life on.the streets". As a result, the mice ::i'.. r~ l mating and the colony, even- S ti.tJy dh.l 'out. . It scares you. doesn't it, especially '(rv'Fp 'you can .:fxe so many parallels ih * 'our nation today.- 6r th-e bgin.rg of a At no other time I hi',tory has .our to -:,i, il': pf .ie1.1 A t- rfain- *.,, .. our <,'ple r'-... asperirn on , our ,' T, Tr,'y u ro": louder for the SV:'r'i~.r!l. to .r,-.ide VtAal car' from, the i. r5.-.ll to'the :rT-.." We see our herige "' .' .being -.". ..k. and destroyed on every side. -Males and, females can't de- .:.idk whi.-h is which and each. is trying to, imitate th,- r.h'r, . Dr. Calhoun said the removal of the need to strive for everyday needs seemed to be th.i. ,:r v for-the failure to survive by 'the mice. He to j' u'd. -then, that the. criterion for ta .i-l health might include some un 1hap'PNis and frustration-some Dr. '' ::, ', :.-- r:.3.- be right, for ,-h.v.' .we T .' h ,' :I:t. the -_'I1 life i l.--- '.'i k6wn the bad by which to compare it? Too Late To Classify by ED RICK This is -the end.' The c.ctin .t :.'' 't .1vn that time' and coming, down .on,. era of d-',-.-;,- Ii .f -. the first pub- .:-:id tr;.:pr. .''':- These o lic r' :.r businesses in the "r!J m:.u'k t,: i ,'':'. ."-.1- state. H1e 1.*'t,;-. organize the mn th t e.il .irp.T.-ar ut,.,.. r the Florida i 1 .: -':.'.., : .. fading: "Too Late To '1 '-;: tion and was ; 1-" -.:'-. nam- familiar title for some 'exit- ed to the FPRA Hall of Fame. ig'writing that -".u 43 years writing that .. ear He established a national rep- Sstaedin { 190 when Ruo, iutatIon through his r-.i.. as It tarted iun 1930swena Ru he blasted politicians, praised ie aFloyda-o ess Asecretary o Florida tourism or told of his ex- ravelled to Tallahassee to cover periences at home, at work or ie legislature for the w ". 1 while travelling the world, His newspapers of the state. He mail- wife, "Mama" Kay appeared in. d a weekly report to each of the many columns, one recently PA members in the form of a Whih.was .a heart. rending tale reezy, informative column kid- of a lonely man following his iingly titled "Too Late To Clas- mates death. iSy." ,Personally acquainted with Russell's writings met with in- each governor serving Florida, tant success and at the end of for the past 40, years, Russell lie session the papers asked for also called 'Congressmen and lore. So he continued his mail- Senators and movie stars his ngs-at no, charge to the pa- friends, Yet, his columns were ers-as an extension of his' enjoyed by everone-sometnimes 'ampa businesses, Florida Clip- in prose, often in the form of ori- ing Service and Florida News ginal poetry and, many times, service. describing the antics of his vod- ka-drinking cat or his two dacs- Russell continued, his work hund 'puppies. ith the press group for 25 ears, serving-one year as presi- His publicity stunts were leg- tent, the remainder as secretary end. Probably the greatest was without salary. He also held the his ,joining a group driving officee of secretary of the Florida through the then-untracked wastes of the f-, !': to. ex- t..it the; necessity of. vM wjn the, Tamiami Trail. A o--k .,r of note, his tale of a Latin boy from Ybor City enjoying a Yan- ' kee .' e.;1 *w-t.:13 in.dia- leet-was famous f.r, *.:..a .' coast. He earned *h r.i:'',-i ~ of 'Pc:.":'" with his down-to-o -"'r r-.. for his fellow man. TF.i :i.; : retired from 7.. '.. 'business in 1958 but continued S :. .- his .:.:- rn until ':. : Now, in his mid-80's, h. .:.; .h. is failing a little and : keen concentration has dwindled. He. had decided to, give it all up. it is the end. The curtain is falling and many people through- out the state will note the pas- sing of "Too Late To Classify" with keen' regret. But Russell Kay will be remembered for. many years to come as a Cali-, fornia boy who made his mark in the Sunshine State; 'a gentle, W\\M Salvation Army Wants Throw-Aways To re we must ' d he Panama i te has rolled around nceagain, hesa. ._o l .*.- Army '- at 311 9ther r'i =: .were heldMthis Willams ". in P-.i St. Joe, Sf it; 'e -, .t .-... r" i.,, ior* n need of your ':... .' J:, .- ,b .,. Q .r_.y i 1. A ib ^ :' is :.'- i .... i;:' ,-.-. t '.i.. -.'.r show. A to- i ,Vn. .''.r. *. ;r in ,good re- al of 347 &i &ecr rd? the pair, books, a?!i l,.: al those pa- ix v tiri. .perbacks. Extension Line S (Florida Cooperative Extension Sereile of the UniveTr- i ty of.Florida and Gulf County Board ofCunty DoB- by CUBIE LAIRD AM COUNTY EXTENSION DIRECTOR' S 'T:.: : t grow poorly f,'r t., -,.".' reason.. A. ht ,]- tLy, .r.:. cr. be -0t ii' what ^e'-'. t[o.'e a good. soil, can re- cdiv'e ,T,C't'.V of, sunlight and wa- ter Trd ..' look sic-y and. per- '.form poorly .If youi have. areas around, your home where 'plants re;.,.t bTl; w'y, check for a.soil problem, especially the wrong soil reaction or pH. Now, your next question is--' what is pH? Well, pH is nothing, more t.i .' ,i: shorthand for describing- the amount"'of hydrogen in the soil. The capital letter, "H"' is the chemical sym-. bol for hydrogen and pH is a figure d' '.-.La,' the concentra- tion of hydrogen in. the' soil, which in turn determines the '. the soil A simple numerical scale, is used ,.:. express soil pH. The from to 14.0. The ..1'.h'i P ". is the value for pure '..' which is called 'neu- t-r'-- w'c- is neither acid ,,r ,,l F". :, : .,. 7 7'on S-. _.' ,. -. acid or 'sour' s".' ad the lower, the number the- more acid the soil. Each whole number drop. n pH de- -notes ten times the a'idity. For ,x.':-, I', a soil having a'pH of 5 :.: t:-n times more acid than one having a pH of 6. '.,ur tA above ,7 indicate :. .., e or '::'.' soil .A..:'" the higher. the r :r-t r the more alkaline .. a knack for ,'.|:, ", were appreciated :3 '".' years by millions of r .- *,.. r readers. . Publhed the soil. Tw.,, fro'." '.~,' of acid. and alk.sIIrL; liquids -.. orange. juice and 6 .water. r:n"- 1 ice :,; a p!H of abbut'? 7 (-ery acid) while sea water has a pH of 7.9 (slightly alkaline). Soil pH is- very important. be-, cause it influences several soil properties, which directly af- fect :'r,,wtL (.f pid-t ',,I1 pH af- fe :: -'il b;O,-i'. r,'ni.nt leach- ing and availability, and toxic elements. Most' plants have a range of tolerance to pH. Plant nutrients' are generally most : ..-i l"b' in the pH range of 5.5 to. 7.0. This. is also-a good range for soil bac- teria. And, .most important, this is the best range for most: 'Certain plants thrive best. on acid or alkaline Ir pH values out of .the usual ,'best', range. For ;-"...,.' azaleas, bou- gainvillea, croton, .*,, gar denia, I.." ;. holly and mag- nolia grow best in acid soils hav- ing a pH below 5.5. These plants grow poorly and many have yel- low leaves in areas where soils. are alkaline. In contrast, cabbage palms, yucca, sea grape ,and many 6ther plants grow quite well on alkaline .-'L., A pH determination will tell' whether your soil is within a range that produces good growth, but it is not an .:"';. 1'.:- of' fertility. If the pH,,is not opti- :mum, it can be raised or lowered' i.1::. chemicals :,'. :,,,i .' to all' homeowners. By nature, Gulf County, Flora- ida soils are acid in reaction,. ranging from around 4.0 to 5A.5. THE STAR- Every Thursday at 306 Wil"ams Avenue. Port St. Joe, Flwid. By The Star Publlehtng Clmpary Wrais Y R. RAMSEy Editor and PublfkWr |1so Linotype Operator, Ad Safesman, Pht9warstm OD u, bsl P st SReader, Bookkeeper and Complaint bepattmoit POSTOFICE Box 808 PHoNE 227-8161 PoRr ST. JoE, FLORIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIAeLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX 10S., $2.25 THREE MO.. $1~7.SW OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, M6i TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omnisinons In advertements. thea publisheie A9 not hold themiieves liable for damage further than amount received for suck udvertlmient. The spoken word Is given smat attentloang the printed word I ntthully weighed. The spokea word barely asieat; the prited word to e*i w .lanoes. e spoke word is lost; the riated word .rmaN. -I ,_ Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Sportsmen Will Discuss Next Season Tonight PANAMA CITY-An additional Garrison urged all persons in- public meeting to hear suggestions terested "in better observance of from .s 'r'. relating to the game and fish laws, and true con- 1973-1974 f;?-. -,-."3 ,LtiEg sea- servation of our game and fish" to sons has been set for tonight at be on hand for Thursday's meeting. 7:00 P.M., CST, in the Bay' County ----- C6urt Room in'Panama City, ,-i r ' T. L :' --.:":r regional manager, Ch k- U Ke Game -. rF-? 7, ...er Fish.Com- ec -p S -" : week. T c cer Cure Gi:. 'r ':,s ,i .the r*.' .ing, was : '? : of ;:r'trti.e Cancer can be cred'if fouid S.,,,. '.it, ,.h Representa- in time, was the theme of a ffim ., t1 i. ..n --*:nurring. shown the p'ry Club'kl st week .- .c., :r:.F: nt n.sfors by Roy Bobo, Ereetiva Director S.' ;~.~:: -T. ii:,: i.i sM:-.:.i-' E. of"the American C-rT C .-''p-.. torne could not be 'reached &t The film stl' ;ied pt r ee ..:: r : ;, for.* comment, but of an annual h-bi:-1.p asinraVe 1r r. 'i te '" .' against c.r:"r,'. r' ,efr cancer.. al football .' Jack Par" ,e., r-:iv ." i "'.- head :f.' *x .,>.v b.3eLf a cancer n" -'E, t in 7*' ?S. -i! that .f:- re.r, years, r. ",- in the film 'be-made to also hold a meetf-_ : r--_ a plea for everyone' to Panaa- Ci: 'if '::'.': for the adopt the practice of -a-.i .' -I- .',r.:c.:,.:,.?Iceal sportsmen. cal check-ups. "If. fund in time, Garrison that sugges- cancer can be cured", he said, "and tions made rf1 meetings must 'the check-up. is the best. way 'to : locate cancer in time". be r: ..ti;i ~ .. to the Tal- - L.an appiness Il1I r HenryBlock has 17 reasons why you shou ldcome tous for income tax help Reason 11. Our aa fee for / over seven and a haf mio customers last year was only about 12 dollars. [XIEBLOCIK THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 AM. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I I The Europeans still feel they have too many U. S. Dollars and are trying to convert them to a variety of cur- rencies. That's too bad. All these years the U. S.ttax- 'payer has been telling the world we're sending too many dollars overseas, but the Europeans wrung their hands, and cried, "No, no, don't stop the Dollar flow... send us even more!" Now they don't know what tq do with them. The news. F'ortcl the other night that some Euro- pean bankers were getting a little skeptical of paper money. TbLi.:k S 1.-i-iu a-l ca about for two r':Io&3n --the-.U.S. went off the g,,L- standard and the Europeans started 'trading at home thro 'uh the Common Market. They needn't be fearful of the U.S. going off the gold standard as a backing for its currency, however. I have it on good authority that it will be c'' a matter of months before we go on the "Beef ~'.jr !, S * The Sharks r'ic..'l my plans for a trip to Jackson- vifle. No doubt they .t -I'i do it intentionally, since they were probably 1. '.1T i'..: forward to the trip as much as I. It was ironic that Havana, once again for the third year in' a row, was the key to the Ihirk. going to the state tournament in Jacksonville. Two years ago, the Gladia- tors "defeated the Sharks in the Region tournament after several of the 'Shark regulars were suspended from the team. -' 1.-f-.'.- tournament time. Even, so, they nearly pJ:, .-T it out of the fire 'iht year, losing in the last minute of the game T.- ,vi y.-. the ," ,'Ls..- v.ith. their .500 sea- "- ?-._' T I.*',T i ;,.t of the gym n the Region finals at .,. ..,l '. li to'.l1h Colliseum. This year, the Gladiatory ;' .- i nc- .irk ba1 .in . S'..: .,,. 1'.-..- You '.:, had an excellent season and v.'. ?-'biii:,7 tobeb Ahameof. 0 . If a fellow owed min ',r person a fine day, he could have\ paid off last week. The w.--ither. was perfect. Cool enough to be comfortable and warm acnouliTh to start the sap rising. \ It's this sort of weather which creates the gardening fever and this p.I-r,,ow has taken over in Port St. Joe for the past couple of years. Almost every back yard has a' Garden 'patch. A few years back, a garden in Port. St. Joe was the <:.:':.. p..' rather than the rule. We have our . perennial _. :. t- : li." I. C. Lupton, Jimmy Greer, Moul- ton Fn.-.. T, Buck i Cifin and a few others, but almost every Tom,, Dick and ll-v now has anything from a few tomato plants to .a f,.il-i,,, "",' T .i patch growing somewhere. S: ome say it's the er: oast 'of food which'has cre- ated so.many neophyte greenthumbs, but I know this isn't so. I know this, because I {i:.i, ',1 up how much my last garden cost. Food is still '' 1 -' ,', to buy. But, it's not a's much fun, is it? . My brother Will .,,..T, < ,:. r. '.hee came down last week end and dr...r.,n] by the office. Will is the golf play- er in the family and he had to try out the St. Joseph's Bay Country Club golf course. He tolfT me I must have been the only one, in Port St. Joe last Saturday who wasn't on the *-:..: course. I get those reports from all over. I- town has gone. bats over golf. Since running this newspaper is a full time job, I -am keeping clear of that golf course' and its '.~.r. contamination, until we get through, with our ','..'.- r to offset printing of the, paper. I'm told by ,'' .r:- this will give me all kinds of time on the week ends to play golf, fish and piddle around. I've got to see it to believe it. Anyhow, it still may be a while yet before I get exposed to golf, since my. fishihg-and piddling are so far behind and have such pri- ority-over other activities. -- -- PL- I _ T THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florid THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 Services of Chiropractor SEligible Under Medicare ' "Several changes, in Medicare chiropractors could be covered un- s-are -contained in the new Social der the program as "physician's -Security Law," David Robinson, services," but only with respect to Social Security Field Representa- treatment of the spine by means of tive' for Gulf County, said this manual manipulation which the week. chiroractor is legally authorized to One change which affects many perform. The coverage begins July ,..older people is that chiropractors' 1, 1973, and claims must be veri- -charges may now be paid under fied with' an X-Ray showing the Medicare. Services furnished by existence of a subluxation of the I COM- P T. . Cylinder Head And Brake r Reclamation Se rv Vice Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat installation Disassembly Cleaning Testing ,j Head Crack Testing Head Resurfacing High Performance Services Broke brum and Disc Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work -- '_ Fast Delivery r. - ST JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer Phone 227-S141 ,01 Long Avenue * Inspection spine. Services of independent physical therapists (up to $100 in a year) under a physician's wr~it p.r l-.r ' can be paid after July 1, 1973. Up until now, physical t'Vir..: ser- vices given in the therapist's of- fice were not codVered 1,:: - a. .,;,a of the old i i -' r.;'*-- that p.,;, a therapy i '' ".' r, der the "supervision' : ' cian. The new roles also provide Medi- care coverage for the costs of sup- plies directly related to the care of a 'colostomy. i -?..A i: -.. -.. is effective with November 1972. * For more information on Medi- care, visit or call your Social !Se- curity Office. Langston Still Pacing Bulldogs DES MOINES, IOWA David Langston .senior from Port St' Joe, continues to lead -the Drake Bull- dogs in scoring after two fine per-' formances in .losses to ".*Tr. rh: State Tirn;:;' and Tuk '.* "- S ..r notched 15 points in ,'.-". ". loss, A .Tf ,T! Val-1 I,.; ,-j....:-ence leading Memphis added 19 in the Bull- minute 95-94 defeat at 1I,' C I guard carries a 17.2 S";.rng average. to lead the 12-7 He is hitting on 44 per cent if I;-. f 11,4 1 ."*-,'.- and leads 'bI _: .inassists with .87. Langston .s s.. the top free thrower, shoot- .: 7P per cent from the foul line, Lunch Room Menu Monday, March 12 Hot .'...- with chili sauce, r.t. to salad, tomato wedge, zpplesauce cake and milk. Tuesday, March 13 iR: :;' beefwith gravy, rice T - I i:h peas, sliced tomato, cherry .,, rolls and milk. ' Wednesday, March 14 .r...hetti .wtih meat saiice, t-.- 'I .-reen salad with French dre'.- Singarlic rolls, coconut cake 'A r. A -.: ., Thursday, March 15 Oi'.-n fried chicken, mashed, po- .! .: -, with gravy or rice, brocolli, i o.t. salad, graham crackers with ,,nut butter, bread andimilk. F friday, March 16 V: ,( .*,*; with bun, pickles, on- .n. .' .tom ato, ,,. m, rr.:.''ra?.-, ;., -.!> -; .l,. t. p.)-i ; cuB, :Wo r~ 'I's". -I,, office Supples..., THE STAR Is hli..dqii.artr~ for all your office supply needs. Wf-'tc a only famous brand names in quahty office supplies No need to,wait for'those everyday office needs. Call us today! * INDEX CARDS, all sizes CARD FILES, wood & POST BINDERS LEDGER SHEETS STAPLES * GEM CLIPS; 'FASTENERS * STAPLING MACHINES STAMP DATERS STAMP PADS and INK SFPILE FOLDERS FILE GUIDES * SCRATCH PADS, all sizes TYPEWRITER PAPER MIMEOGRAPH PAPEl DUPULCATOR PAPER CARBON PAPER And A Host of Other Office Needs - -THE STAR - "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE 227-3161 30B WUIL.AMS metal AVE. I I I' II 'U I .I' 222 Meid-Ave. Phone 227-4261 BOYLES Prt St. Joe, FloridaLES CONTINUES WITH ADDED FEATURES . A Fabulous 27th Anniversary Special' Briefs ..1 77c "pr Sizes 5-10. Ful cut. Heavy gauge' -_ wide crotch Never :311 f.:. less than $1.00 a pais.,, 27th Anniversary Scoop Our P.-'rJ..,r ',C..Pa n OurP s . 2 Pair $1 .27 Petite/medium' and medium/ tall. Customer's choice. A good hose. , 27th ANNIVERSARY SALE "YOU ALL COME" and SAVE :Barbara, R. Glenn and Erima Boyles cut the birthday cake commemorating heir, 27th year in business. in Port St. Joe. Boyles said on the occasion f'lfs been/a pleasure doing, b fu" '.n w"Ih the finest people onr erth." _~ __ __,_. ---11~_ __. -N P O.P ULAR . KNIT TOPS $3.27 and $4.27 Regularly, sell for $5.00 or more. New rib and other polyester knits. SM,L. Assorted coordinating colors for Palazzio pants ad- vertised a,:t t :. W- BATA BULLETS BASKETBALL OXFORDS or SHOES $5.77 In v ..,' or redo Sizes 6% to 13. N ew P .' .' J. -' ., : '- Men's WORK Reg. 3 pr. $1.29 3 Pdir 97c .\ i. r 'r '. Sizes 10-13. I; C '. p ,r '". All soft i ', t,U nn t.,ig i.r .,'i !t'.. 'i I SLACKS SNamous Name SFabuloUs i knit s of 100% P.-I . ter. .ri press comfort with Sfr," .,. 6 fashion colors.. Sizes 28-40. Reg. TI". FREE $27.60 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO BE GIVEN AWAY SATURDAY, MAR. 10 NO PURCHASE NL( -SSARY TO' REGISTER LILA S. BROUILLETTE Tires-900x15 4 Ply .f **.*' / or its equivalent. Executrix of the Estate of He-.;/ DLut Automatic Transmis- Deluxe Heavy Duty Safety Pump- Herbert J. Brouillette sion ,"A ".'. er (Rear). Legal A dv First publication on F 1,.r a iry 8, Minimum 55 Amp. Alternator Bids shall list cost of truck with : 1973. 4t Minimum 70 Amp. "..T. N.' and without power steering. ,P.TuH Snd WITTEN Western type R.H. and L.H. Rear Bids will be received until 9:00 IN THE crCJUITC .' .'[t''','*' .t J. lda 32476 View Mirrors A.M., E.S.T., -March 13, 1973, at SFOURTEENTH J U I LcL lr.t orida Heavy Duty Cooling System with the office of the Clerk of the Cir- T r ..- T : ?*- .1' T,,: Att,.: r. t,_.=J---r ,.., -. ,.ty Heater and Defroster cuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida. O. f'Lp.n .'; '' i :-' .*-.' Electric Windshield Wi The Board reserves the irght to S(; .' I '" NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS (.' :: *,,l'b Washer reject any and all bids. .' RE: The marriage of APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF P osive Traction Rear End BOARD OF COUNTY S'*.0" TV G ARMSTRONG ABANDONED PROPERTY Dual Sunvisors and Armrests. COMMISSIONERS bIs..-. T shall come equipped with GULF COUNTY. FLA. :i .;"LLA P', S F:G Pursuant to Section 13 of Chap- Swife. ter 717, Florida ... entitled ."Florida ....... of Unclaimed NOTICE OF SUIT, ?.. -' :,.r. ,' i: o: -n7 i : S T G .. .. :':.r. .-, ; :., the persons 5:',: .. 1:..:* N.: Terrace appear to be the owners of un- Nashville, Tennessee 37203 claimed personal. or intangible pro- ". I-T?: P L' i '' "..n,.. ,n- -erty presumed abandoned. .. -.-tso, : ,.,r @;3 b.:.ru r., Aect. No. C :7 '"'.' Gulf ':';- has' been' filed c";.'-,' Hardware & Supply Co., Port St. Sa '. J u are required t. ',. Joe, Florida. c; i your written defenses, .Acct No. C0042-0001, Lee Jackie .,-.: ; .. it on Robert. M. Moore, Box 135, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 321 .. Avenue, Port St.. Joe, Acet. No. C-0042-0003, William F:-- d file the original with Naman; 138' Avenue B, Port St. Joe, S.-.- '. f the above styled Court Florida 32456 ':..e March 29,.1973, .;':.- Information concern ning the -, ':- -,Idgment may be entered 'amount or description of the Pro- :* for the' relief demand- perty and the name and address of S, Petition. / the holder, may be obtained 'by any SV.T- my hand and the seal persons possessing an interest in said Court on this the 22nd day the property by addressing an in- SFebruary, '1973. quiry to Fred 0. Dickinson, Jr., -State Comptroller as Administra- GEORGE Y. CORE,, tor, Abandoned Property 'Division, Circuit Court Clerk Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida. Be (SEAL) 4t-3-1 sure to mention account number, S..name -and address, 'as published in .. this notice. Unless proof of owner- IN THE. CIRCUIT COURT ship is presented to the holder by OF THE FOURTEENTH .JU- May 8, 1973, the property will be DICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND delivered to the. Administrator. FOR GULF. COUNTY, FLA. Thereafter, all further claims must In Re: The, Etate of be directed to the Administrator. HERBERT J' BROUILLETTE, T Deceased. R, FRED 0. DICKINSON, JR. As Administrator 2t-3-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ao A-1. A~n D _fSE? 'fRB li T A-- creditors- 01 o ERTJ. BROUILLETTE, who died on De- cember 18, 1972, while a resident of Gulf County, Florida, are noti- fied that they are required to file any claims or demands that they may have against his estate in the Office of the Circuit Judge of iGulf County, Florida, in the Courthouse at Port St. Joe, Florida, within six calendar months from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and filed in duplicate, and must state the place of residence and post office, address of the clai- mant and be sworn to be the clai- mant, his agent or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. Dated this 8th day of February, AD., 1973. NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The Board of County Commis- sioners, Gulf County, Florida, will receive bids from any person, com- pany or corporation interested in selling the County the following described personal property: ONE (1) NEW 1973 Model % ton. Pick-Up Truck equipped with Util- ity Body with the following speci- fications: V-8 Engine not less than 300 Cu- bic inch minimum Minimum 133 inch wheel base Minimum 56 inch cab to axle Minimum 5000 lb. GVW Minimum 3000 lb. Front Axle Minimum 3300 lb. Rear Axle Minimum 1250 lb. Front Springs Minimum 1475 lb. Rear Springs Model 967-B Ut.ty Body A- L.-DAVIS, Chm * LEGAL and LETTER PAI). MACHINE RIBBONS DUPLICATOR FLUID PENCILS, ERASERS OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT AT WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK There is no service charge if your AVERAGE monthly balance exceeds $100.00, and then only a $1.50 charge for accounts with an average monthly balance less than $100.00. By computing our charge on an average month- ly basis, your balance could go below $100.00 on oc- casion and still incur no service charge. Write as many checks as you wish; there are no service charges. WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK A COUNTY LANDMARK FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS - --- -----7--------C---- --I~---.~ rAGE 7HIMea~ EAr HT ,PAGE EOU TFHE STAR, Port St. Joe Florid THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 PRICES 1 NTHIS AD EFFECTIVE THROU Happy Fan Time to Barbecue MEATYS LOIN RIBS Parade 16 Oz. Ca Fruit Cocktail IGH MAC nily Our Discount Specials H 10, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept Food Stamps Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly F ROSTY MORN BUDGET ib. 89 Sliced BACON Our Own TURKEY NE II Pan SAUSAGE 1'. lb. 55c Pork Nel Fresh Sliced 5 Pound Bu BEEF I UVER l-Ib. 59c Pork Chi 7 Bun Pal 10 Pound Bu WIENERS-- 3 pkgs. $1.59 Pork Chit 3' 3 -ans -99. Lumberjack Lunch Pal Fresh S cnsc BAL0NA--------lb. 69c Ground R Ib. 59c ECKS or Fresh ck Bones---- lb. 39c ucket itterlings------- $2.69 ucket tterlings -------$4.89 Round ------l Ib. $1.39 .Parade W.K. or C.S. 16 Oz. Cans Golden Corn -- -4 cans 88c Stokely Early June 16 Oz. Cans Small Peas ----3 cans,88c Parade Cut 16 Oz. Cans Green Beans ----4 cans 88c Parade 16 Oz. Cans Applesauce --- 4 cans 88c Famous Mazola Oleo ------lb. 49c MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE C CAN.. 1 LB. Round, White POTATOES Colonial or White Gold P Pure Cane SUGAR 38c 1 Bag with $10.00 Order,; 95c MINUTE MAID 6 Ounce Cans ORANGE J UICE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE- Morton Frozen Apple, Peach or Cloconut 20 O Pkgs. Fruit PIES 3 FRESH GOLDEN :BIP_ BANANAS Fresh Fres Crisp Celery stalk 25c Ca F- $1.00 I 10(c h Crisp rrots - 2 lbs. 25c FRESH SALAD Tomatoes 29c King Size Loaves - SUNBEAM BREAD---- 3 loaves $1.00 Limit 1 With $10,00 Order or More . Robin Hood FLOUR -- -- 5 lb. bag 48c Whole Fryers Quartered THIGHS lb. 56c Quartered BREAST __ Ib. 66c CUBE STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK $ 1 . Sirloin Tip STEAK 'lb. lo Sirloin Tip ROAST * SAVOY BROILS RUMP 'ROAST -___ ib. $ I29.A Ground CHUCK t1 1 All Meat STEW b. 1 PIGGYY WIGGLY Everyday Low, Low Prices! Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter -- 12 oz. 44c Bama Crunchy Peanut Butter ----28 oz. 99c Famous Brand Crisco Oil -----48 oz. 99c Quality Brand Wesson Oil------48 oz. 99c Famous Shortening Snowdrift 3 lb. can 79c Famous Brand Tide Detergent reg. size 34c Dish Detergent Crystal White 1qt. 69c Powerful " Spic and Span --I-- g. box 99c Spray Reg. and Scented Lysol Disinfectant 7 oz. 79c Bama Apple Jelly-----18 oz. 33c Delicious Parade Coffee Creamer --- 11 oz. 49c Big H White and Decorated Jumbo Roll Paper Towels -----roll 36c Famous Handi Wrap --- 100' roll 33c Campbel's 10/a Oz. Can Tomato Soup ----- can 12c Parade 11 Oz. Cans Tomato Soup 3 cans 33c Famous China Doll Rice -- 3 lb. 59c Famous Jocko Rice-- -_5 lb. 89c Quality Brand Water Mail Rice --- 2 lb. 39c Parade Iodized Salt -----26 oz. 10c Kraft Quality Mayonnaise ----32 oz. 69c Reg. and Quick Quaker Oats ----18 oz. 35c Peter Pan Smooth and Crunchy Peanut Butter 18 oz. 63c Grade 'A' EGGS Dozen 79C 2 BUDGET MAKERS Compare and Save! Pillsbury White, Yellow or Lemon Pillsbury Cake Mixes box 39c Quality Brand Clorox Bleach -..- gal. 32c Lady Scott White and Assorted Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 34c Waldorf White and AssortedI Bathroom Tissue 2 rolls 43c Piggly Wiggly 12" x 25' Aluminum Foil -4 rolls $1.00 New Fresh Mint Vel 'Dish Detergent 22z. O. 32 Oz. A& Quality Brand Crisco Shortening 3 Ibs. 88c Van Camp 15 Oz. Cans Pork and Beans 2 cans 35c Van Camp No. 2 Cans Pork and Beans ---- can 23c Hi-C 46 Oz. Cans Grope or Orange Drink -- 35c Green Giant Niblets Corn ----12 oz. 23c Showboat Pork and Beans 29 oz. 29c Famous Brand Le Sueur Peas----16oz. 29c Chicken of the Sea 6 2 oz. Can Light Chunk Tuna can 47c Del Monte 6V2 Oz. Can Light Chunk Tuna --- can 47c Del Monte Tomato Catsup 20 oz. 35c Duncan Hines Devil Food, White, Yellow, Lem. Cake Mixes -- --18 oz. 39c Betty Crocker White or Yellow Cake Mixes --- 18 oz. 39c Betty Crocker German Choc., Milk Choc. Cake Mixes ---- 18 oz. 39c White and Decorated Bounty Paper Towels -----roll 39c TO HELP COMBAT RISING FOOD PRICES IN PORT ST. JOE PIGGLY WIGGLY WILL 'DISCONTINUE GIVING S&H GREEN STAMPS ON SATURDAY, MARCH 17, 1973 Save With 49c Georgia Med. 5 tb. Bag+ Famous Brand IT C Giant Size Box, 28 Ounce Bottles Refreshing Shasta Drinks $ 100 Bottles _ II Ir I I , 1- mommmi [ .Minutes -orf The i h S l GULF COUNTY COMMISSION Students PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA to the Panhandle Alcoholic Coun- February 13, 1973 cil. The Board of Cnty Commis- The motion passed unanimously. Honor Roll students for the sioners of Gulf County, Florida, Jim Heisner representing the Di- first semester of school have met this date in regular session vision of youth Services, hereafter been released by the office of with the following members pres- referred to as DYS, returned to ent: a Davies, .C aman the Board concerning a tabled mo. Principal Kenneth Herring and SC. Player, 'T; D. Whiteld, Walter .~tion of January 23, 1973. The D.YS contains the names of the follow- Graham and Eldridge Money. Alo is asking Gl Coiinty for $954, ing students: present were the Clerk, Attorney, whii would allow the County to ALL" A's" Road Superipafdent, Mesquiito Vaipa i' fhe reg.or r'! deter. Con 1ol Supeniae Eant and the Ci. tion en-ter located im Palww-.a Ci r *th GRAD --G-wreg Jh .w and vil Defense Director who acted as Florida. The center has as its pur: Keith NeeL the bailiff representing-- the'sher- pose, ie jgming ..f cdren 1n, ,1th. -.G. r-Sn:,oy P,'lKer iff's department. ned of cupervil4n, b'. swe 4 .Ji Ji ert. . The meeting came to order at and"no i secure facijlti re a~t th GdAD---R R, R- 9:00 A.M. Attorney Ls opened, able with pr. .eri ? i;.is h - the meeting with prayer. keep the children busy. Xr Heis- t"ai LJ'L., "'.re ': ,hery: The Gulf County dviso Board dier said the state is expected to Hatcher and Sheryl Robers6n. of tj(. parindlel5c. icpho'liCaunjii furid'tks entire !".ict -ft.r June Im GRkE-7'rmn Allen, was iritr'diced by oh White, 30, 1973. Cr. M.e a. TryBrow and DborahCarl- Chairmitari Mr. White then read a why should our cddrj n y to E jerry Brow an letter of introductionto thegoard County when oir iil hj .'eparfe steni. . which included a request for '$600 facilities f.r ths ~r.'rpc:.. jndl the l th GRADE-Belinda Neel. from the Board to be used by the Jackson County detention center 12th GRADE-Rhonda Gai- Comncil to combat alcoholism. The is available for ju'..ei e ;w-break- d Judy Peterson. S$600 figure is Wsed on an esti. ers. Comm. Mcn.y -dd- i that it nous an Juy person. mated 240 alcoholcs in Gilf Coun. seems the stte is'iveilr.pir its "A" and "B" HONbR ROLL- ty out of approximately 2,650 alco responsibilities. Mr. Heisner said 7th GRADE-Mary Margaret hob-c in the sixcounty area which the facility in By C..'tr/ es a nr- Er- y, Craig Besore, Donna Sue Scompr)se s the Pahasndle Alcholih( vention center 4.i the f.d:..r -, ,-,,, ...re Fortner, R ebec Council The other five counties, Jackson County is a rehabilitation I', T rtn 'e.c Ba], Calb:'iu H.fnes, J cksor. and center. Comm. Money t0, ..d '. R.'ig a, Joel Leslie Gainous, SWasingto ei wilU be asked to con- believes the children .r'-blemr is Esynr-;. Davis, Nancy Knox, tribute $9,400, based upon the es- really a parent probler-i ,s de.i- Kim Hicks', Rhonda Heath, Billy timated n imber f h,.'-h,. li h. line begis at home and he feels ', :ing in ea.c .ourt, a&i their share e a... a parental program '., u. i c nd of $10,000 The $10,000 will be used ste.ad Af a children program. Com. i.]w and until the law is changed Sby tl' .rcd.nil" ti ,tier.,t to aitri.: ione'r also feels the schools 4idU weintend to use our facilities. $320(P30 in Felral er4 &bd Sta S mc he giv more nmq orit to 'it'o.T- Mrs, :nul La?-renc% reprC- nies to be used to comnbat ak.tb.Ml Mne chui Af>-' ruh ,,.: ;fnl trhle 'lj C'--jr;; 'i ism. Cornr. Graham then skis AIion *t1,e. Bo.rd e'i .Ad t-ih CGm. ChiM, then appeare. before the V V&. R ,iT an .4 f'cer '- -I C 74D.re5- h-m/, h '-r- r D,:-";r Trh!i tD'irig tre. for their . cil, what Cdilf C.'inty i '4J gi.' t i ni-0 t ,73 E-'7' r w r, r Q!- ir r u.tls, rf 512.fg') .pr Bnu.-n for for its min'r)ly Mr itlr TrePlie whds Cr mm GrAb;r~ ther akrd the l,:t two yehi's anr asking forI thAt ku-f "jn *.:od Fret -6,rn the A r.'r-yr 5 '".f C t'' f n a dit:,ual ofti.me grant to be sel4,r on. day a ;x k t r l- r t Ik :ties e a iAr'A:'' Th 1- i r _.-T. ," : .b" cobolkis, arid that the Counr hsp t orne he iffri w'uid l Vno i t 'i ,n hW. o to...':..- i ed ,'; hir- a par trr."-, r.p"..-: to vA V n i H r'-r i's r'ivm,/?t.;- hae old St. Joe A'RtM r"tran-ort. ,i.OkFAj. .:. Bay AM-m-c fr .f i work l ''.- Ed.''d The Thr r. ' rial fHopital to dre.tox them Chbajr. R- ih rd L .Ater r.r'~ r,,iir' I .. 1',n .250 _j.r r ..h ,T n .r.. man irai'. thevivs hw '.i b: tho: SPQ.riff' i j rt t. in hope f purehasinc th-ir 0- n r I pil] sera-pe w. to iw'. pall fw. ,i:.r f G l C".Sr I'i u- tFi i..0 r.o rt his _xper/e 1. il Mr. Bull"'ne .ijd th-. charges woil reqiu x1 the ibe .l to' : .0tb .: h-rij r /.*- wou il bli pir.-rAtsd a,'ording to female m,--t t tbh' -'hrifr' lThe buJ.dir, along with the ar- the indivi.luas asbilty to pay, if staff if a fn.-.A-' 7,-d ,..-. .', ..:t':, f.es and renovation ex- he has to ncomre, then the Coun- trained. Com:. Graham then men- pense would require $42,Y0'. edi is' emp:cted to pay the f;,dl bil. tioned the financial r'. DrrA,r'ihtiy the Clinic would have to put up Crom. irAnam, Inqu.e-i a~s '... the: of the E.J~ r-l ~ ,' ro p .*.'f' -e *90, .of which it has $500, and expe.,'-ted t,,,'netA-r'growth 'of this 'before *the F."-r d a1. ir '- mr.t.v IL-1 Federal Government would fur- organize tiou and an '-tiaro-te of and the Poard h. to orer.j.te 'n a nish the balance of $38,610. The hb'ow mnu.-b (Wulf ( Coul/ wowild' be 10 mill !;:..~ ,rA .. !r'..r its Clinie then asked the Board for ,aA::ki, to dofiate in ftinur .ars budget. After more :-i 'n f'om. .790, .-hk-h wo.?i4 te returned SReve.rend SpitLo'; then 'guaranteed Player moved and Mr. Graham ee- to the Board if the construction th Rt. (Gulf Cowiuty would be asked onded, for the 'sal-, of a vote, t-,.t: 'rart was di:-5llowed by the Fed f0-Tr, n ,,n..- th ', '$600 per year. At -Gulf Counj r'iro.-- "'y-4 to the .l r ,! Gr uerntenit Th,' EPoi Q.': this pojit, Sher-iff Lawrence asked DYS to allow p.te.r.iiftir,r in this also inforMuRed that the building if his department is responsible program. Com. Player vp~t vqa, -would belong to the Board, if the for the jailing expenses of alcohol- Com. Davis yea,. Com. -'1ThA. d Clinic was ever, dissolved for any its. WhFr'.uprn Attorn.y Ri.'h an- nay, Co. Money nay:and Com. Gra- reason. Ssi,'r..j 4h.:! in .,,'., ,f re'fIt leg- ham nay. The.Chairman announ , is.-i.I n 1.....'d ,,r.:.O w -lli not be: 'ed nr. ..t f,.,- : ;.. 't. re After much discussion and recog- re..,,iii..' i'i *t .e~os'b of the 3 n-y;' and 2 yeas. C.G., t r; uf ion ,t the many services provid- true JC.Pbylhc (rnirn rabatdh then then :;ied for 0it, record tI .f,w by ihe Guidance Clinic, Con. noe.-d "n.1 Coit'rn Viithfi.ld sec-. 1 f ..,r.t-. fs*,+: g .,,* V''hitfi"' moved and Com.. Money oQ ,.,d ti .u th.. lih rdc J. r,b. T.60') rate .opr..' -".rr .* -, r.'. (Contlnued On Page 8) ROBERSON'S GROCERY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW )OPUN SUNDAY-10 A.M. to 7 P.J. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., March 8, 9 and 10 rGeoiqi Grade "A" Small EGGS 2 doz. 89c U. S. No. 1 Irish ' .. ..., POTATOES 1.. 10 lbs., 89c JACK MACKEREL --- 4 tal cans $1.00 Fresh Firm Head Fresh Florida CABBAGE --lb. 10c ORANGES doz. 49c PIKNAK MAYONNAISE QUART JAR 49c Bush's. MIX 'EM or MATCH 'EM! Sunshine Krispy Butter Beans Saltine Crackers----lb. 39c ilkeye P as With $10.00 Order or More BlkeyePeas 8.U6GAR N rty N ortH^rd SUGAR --- s. 49c -avy BnS. fO Robin Hood Self Rising rt. Northern FL 0 UR .-------- 59c All Meat Fresh Pork STEW BEEF ------ lb. $1.09 PIG FEET -- 2 Ibs. 78c Choice Beef Choice Beef Rump ROAST b. $1.09 RIB STEAK------ lb. $1.39 Tender, Deliclous Boston Boneless 1-Bone STEAK ----lb. 89c Rolled ROAST ----b. $1.19 Fresh Pork Center Cut Neck Bones -------lb. 39c PORK CHOPS lb. $1.29 BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST SHOULDER ROUND STEAK lb. 79c lb. $1.09 lool Sem Are Listi Kennedy, Suzanna Hammock, Jeff Norris, Julane McFarland, Patricia ?:,C'' '', Marion Mur- dock,' Linda Lynch, Karen Little, Vicki Land, Dianna Sealy, Dan- ny Peak, Carlton Rich, Linda Rushing, De b orah Stutzman, .?"*. G P_ DE-.,:.=e.. Cassi- dy, J"y F:m ir;i. Kton Gosnell, R" i 1 :: '"::- Knight, Bill Hughes, Steve :.. . Becky Ki!., lF. -nl. ] raddox, Jeraldine L '--.: --'.r.e .Pat- terson, Ronald St. John, Elijan S~,ne!y. Judy Roberson, Tony Rich, Paul Ropelis and Dianna Williams. 9th. G'PAE--An -'. 'Barnes, M rcia Biggins, Cynthia Addi- son, David PBrton. Cindy At- kins, Beth F -. SjT. Dupree, Mike Dean, Waylon Graham, Pamn Collier, Cindy Freeman, Debra Kearns, Lisa Melton, Bill Norton, Nan P-rkAner, Jcl-,rn Par- rott, Susan Qj3rrr. C'r.ie Red- mon, Gail Rg<.rs, Tarnr.,ny Rush- ing, Clff iEL..-.r, J --.2 :hwei- kert, F.,.:,! i.'-f,:rd, Joni Shores, Bill 7/-1,. ick" Wager, Jij:e T,' -:r. .* Srr,.. Tootle, Sandra Varnum, Rj.-. arid Var- num. 10th GRADE-Carol Barton, Dianne ..I'l Carrie Brown, Julie C .r- .:, Angie Dear- inger, Becky Gable, Juanise Grif- fin, t !'. Lila Gunter, Randy Herring, Jan .Hammock, Cuyler King, Bruce May, Donna INE STAR, Port St. Joa Fdrida THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1973 rAUl 1Vy ester Honor Roll Science'Fair S0 Coming Up ed By Principal April 5-7 Maddox, Mary McManis, Rose Larr Tate.Junior and senior high school Maddox, Mary McManis, Rose Larry Tate. Students in the immediate six Noble, Mike Rich, Sarah Ann Ro- students in the immediate six berths, Adele Ropelis, Robbie San- 12th GRADE-Raymond Addi- county area, who aspire to be the born, Mike Scott, Sandy Ward, son, Janet Antley, Kathy Ander- scientists of the future, have a aor MW be t, S ard, son, Robert Creamner, Phyllis month to get ready for the annual Mar Wimbery, Steve Parrish. Barton, Emit Daniels, Pete Eak- Region 2 Science and Engineering 11th GRADE-Martin Adkison, er, Antionette Fenn, Ruth Flem- Fair .to be held April 5-7 at the Martin Biggins, Cathy Carlsten, ing, Dianne Harris,. Lee Anna' Naval'Coastal Systems. Laboratory Russell C'. .:."'n Octavia Copen- ,'..- Johnny Hanna, Ronald in Panama City. haver, Maurell Cumbie, Gayla Herring,-Ghristy Jamison, Linda -A good many of the students, Davis, Dawn -.- n Linda Fields, Kirkland, Karen Lake, Cathdrine along with their teachers and' ad- Carl .;i J:d, Daniel Hand, Ray- Lyons, Debbie McKirenan, Patti visors, have actually been in a mond Hart, Eva M.dd.x,. Bar- Parker, Gary Pate, Richard state of readiness for some weeks bara ':rit Tracde ".:e i'th. 'urr:; Sirthb. Talman now preparing for par1M4patinn in Nancy Noble, Wendy PitzI, Pam Siaz. Chtvryl tuss, John Under- early competition leading to the v. '.:..' Eddie Rich, Frankie wood, Carla Winiers .Denise Wil- regional event, the'state fair, and Ritch, C :Ki' Robinson, L-.;'V '"- Vicki Thc'.r.won Shaun eventually the International Rudd, Pam Shores, Ilire Webb, Wuthrich, Deborah Wright and Science and Engineering Fair. Thigh Kenneth Weimorts, Mike Wood, Mitzi Hendrix, preliminary competition .gives these scientists and engineers of tomorrow an opportunity to be- come acquainted and comply with Funeral Services Are Held Saturday rules, ra e and procedures for '* .. stiffer competition later on. For Mrs. Casie Mae Robinson Held for the eighth consecutive Sm S. OSi O lSO yea at the Naval Coastal Systems Laboratory, the Region 2 event Mrs. Casie Mae Robinson, age 57, nephews; .three sisters, Mrs. Ola has grown in stature and scope. a resident of Dade City, passed Clemmons of Port St. Joe, Mrs. Last year there were 161 contes- Saway 'i.r,:,. February 25 in a Ethel P':.':: of' Vinegar' Bend, tants from Bay, Calhoun, Gulf, Dade City hospital following a Ala., Mrs. Mable ,Davenport of Holmes, Jackson and Washington short ilIness. 'i..' ;3:.-. Ir .-. 'th--. John and counties in the science-engineering Mrs. Robinson was a native of, n.,r.s Bell both of Port St. Joe and ci ;"'.tc.. and 12 more entered ..-.' and a former resident of Troy Bell of Dade City. in the talent search. The latter is Port St Joe. Funeral services were held Sat- held in ." with the She is survived by her h r,. urda. March at 100 p science fair and offers students a Nathaniel Robinson p9f Dade the First Born. of God in chance to give oral presentations one daughter, Mrs. Willie Mae Sim- ort StJoe with Rev L. Hand of technical papers describing their mons of Port St T---. four grand- berry .' Interment ,own investigations. children, Miss Louise 'L.- of ed in the f .. plot of Orange Last year Region 2 sent 25 con- Port St. Joe, Mrs. Louise Burns of testants to the Florida State :s -. ,. Roy '.T: Jr., l Cemetery, Chipley. Science and F,-v ,:.r, Fair and Michael D. tra rm.r:, both of Port., Comforter Funeral Home was in two to the I rl n4.i- ..l A Science St Joe and a number of nieces and charge of arrangements.. Fair. ~I-SL CARPS go-,pL Slores J9 - I P Ag SIX tH(E STAR, Port St. Joe Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 Gulf Chapter 191 Installs Officers Gulf Chapter No. 191, Order of the Eastern Star, held an open Installation of'.officers in the Masonic. Hall,, Friday, March 2. The chapter rooinm.was beauti- fully decorated' with arrange- ments of red, white and blue Flowers., An open Bible and lighted candle were arranged on a table in -front of the dais in the East. .Distinguished guests intro- duced were Mrs. Jacide. Hogan, Grand .I ntrs t-. T .-.f District 5; Mrs. Corene Dykes, Past Grand Pentecostal , Women Meet 'b. toiir.rh)l-, meeting of the Yit-:.:.M Hjrt::. Woman's Aur- ib.c.r, '.-: t.i IE.tvuary 12 at he ' home of Mrs. Ralph Plair in White City with 12 ladies in attendance. The meeting was opened with a concert prayer and a devotion on '"Following In His Steps", given by Mrs. Avery Howell. Old and new business was dis- cussed. A gift was presented to Willie Mae Lollie for the highest achievement of the day. Mrs. Plair served refreshments after the meeting which were en- joyed by everyone attending. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Larry Allen James of East Point announce the birth of a baby girl, Crystal O'Shanne on February 18. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee 'E:':..i' of Wewahitchka are the parents of a daughter, Sheila Fay, born February 15. Mr, r and Mrs. David Wayne Ha- !i:,'.':'y, of 'Apalachicola announce the arrival of a baby girl, Stephanie Carol on February 13. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawrence Nobles, Jr., of Port St. Joe, an- nounce the birth of a son, Robert Lawrence, mI, on February 10. Mr. and Mrs. William Mack Raf- field, Sr., of Wewahitchka are the parents of a baby, boy, William Mack, Jr., born February 11. Esther; Mrs. Bertha Smith, Past Grand Odah and Walter Cassel, O.E.S. Endowment and Invest- ment Fund committee. Mrs. Eixr.r- Brock, Installing Officer, was introduced and es- corted to the East at which she introduced those taking part in the -x t .. : .!.. v;,.: were: Mrs. Delores. Cassel -and Walter Cas- sel of. Gorrie ,"..: rr No. 192;' Mrs. Mildred 'T :rv of St. An- drews r 1.:. .r No. 223 and Mrs.. SLurlene Dabbs of Panama Cit:., 102. Special i. : of the incoming Worthy T:.t.r.. *'.-"- her,sister, Mrs. .-,i;:_. P..,, '., Wilson,.N.. C., wlv: s .g '1-u..: v Goodness and Mercy"; her father and step- mother, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ea- son of Rocky Mount, N. C. Other members of her family who at- tended were her husband, James Horton, Mr. and Mrs. David Ho- ton and son, Christopher, Mrs. Maggie Horton and Miss May ff. Horton and Mrs. Ella Mae Hor- ton all of Grand Ridge and Mrs. -v Shuler of Tallahassee. Miss Kari Harper and Dennis Harcus wert the' .-: "; n Wor- thy Matron's Bible Bearer, and Escort. The following officers were in- stalled for the ensuing year: V,.:.'.."y .i': n, Marjorie Hor- ton; Worthy F': rir't. Charles Ray Jolley; Aaseeiate Matron, MCfe& Weeks; Associate Patron, Ralplt A. Swatts, Str4 secretary, Aliene Hightower; Treasurer, Onnie Herring; Associate Conductress, Nita Vern Jolley;: Chaplain, Mary Jane, Trawick; 1Marshal, Clara Pate; Organist, Miaybel Swatts; Adah, Gloria Pippin; Ruth, Belle DuBose; Martha, DotiF Forrester; Electa, Catherine McDaniel; War- der,: Essie Williams and Sentinel 1f'entice Forrester. Flora Long, I:'i-hrT. will be installed'at a la- ter 'dte, The retiring Worthy .- r. , AlHene TH'rIv'-rt, was presented a:. --I as a' r'f' from the Chap ter -1 ffie. Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Britt .announce the engagement of their dau.ih'.'r. Jeannine toSte- "phen Erid' Rowan, son of Mrs. Lillian Rowan of Chattahoochee arid the late Oma Rowan. The bride-elect -is a graduate of Port St. Joe High School and Chipola Jumor College..-She. is employed as a. secretary with Chipola Cattle Company in Mar- ianna. The bridegroom-elect is a gra- Suate of Chattahoochee "High School and is attending Chipola Junior Co.-A.c He will continue. his education this fall, at the L, :-' ;. of West' Florida in' Ppnsacola. The wedding will be an event of June 2 at .3:00 p.m. in the Long\ Avenue Baptist Church in Port St. Joe. 14No invitations are being sent l,.'r~H '. but all friends and rela- tives of the couple are 'invited to attend"'the wedding and the reception., Ladies Selling Cakes The Highland View Methodist Church is having a bake sale Sat- urday, March 10. Cakes are on sale for $5.00 each and pies are $2.00. Anyone wishing to place special orders may do so by calling Mrs. W I Collier, 648-7465; Mrs. James Cne, 227-7206; Mrs. Mary Weeks, 22V-5446; Mrs. Mary Forehand, 229. 1621 or Mrs. Gloria McMullon 229- 3376.' Money from the sale will be used to put a new roof on the church, RETURN FROM VISIT Mr. and Mrs. George Holland ,and Mrs. Barnie -Earley have re-- turned home after'a trip to Fbrest SCity, N. C., last week end when 4'2mr W. R. Allen, mother of Mrs. il oand and Mrs. Early, had sur- 'tay because' of a broken hip. EASTERN STAR OFFCERS--Front row, left to right: Belle ;Back row, left to r.'ht' .e,. r-. McDaniefl (Rmind Pippin, Mam- DuBose, Merle Weeks, Ralph Swatts, Sr., Marjorie Horton, Charles ine Robinson, Aliene Hfgitower;' Essie. Wil\liaa. hnmie Herring, Ray Jolley, Nita Vein JoMey, Prentice Forrester, Dotis Forrester. Clara Pate and Mary Jane.lTawick:. -Star photo, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Evan 1il- lender .of Carrabelle announce the birth of a son, Richard Lamar, barn February 6. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Alen Da- .vis of Port St. Joe are announcing the arrival of, a daughter, Natasha Sheree on F.bruary 1. 1 (All births occurred' at the Port St. Joe .Municipal Hospital). E* MSS LLEN MARE SCISSON Betrothed Mr. and Mrs. Burke Briggs 4cisson of Tallahassee, announce ,the engagement and approach- ing marriage of their daughter, Ellen Marie, to Captain Bryan Bradley Paul, USAF, son of Mrs. Elmer Paul of Bloomington, Minnesota and the late Mr. Paul. The bride-elect is a graduate of Leon High School, Tallahas- see and Huntingdon College, Montgomery, Alabama. She is presently employed in the Mer- chandise Art Department at Dis- ney World. Captain Paul is a graduate of Edina High School, Edina, Min- nesota, and the University of Minnesota at Duluth. He is pres- ently stationed at Mather Air Force Base, California. The wedding will be an event of April 28 at 11 a.m., from Trinity United Methodist Church, Tallahassee. All friends of the family are invited. MISS ,JEANNINE BRITT Engaged TRANSPORTATION FOR ADDITIONAL 'EDUCATION !IN PANAMA CITY AN INTEREST SURVEY Have you considered attending one of the following: GULF COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE TOM P. HANEY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL U* UNIVERSITY of WEST FLORIDA CENTER But getting there was the big problem? Would, you be'interested-if your transportation were provided? The Gulf County School. Board and Gulf Coast Community College are .looking for ways to provide transportation if there is enough interest.. Please help supply this needed information by checking appropriate blanks below I am interested in transportation to educational v.d it- i- w', in Panama City: .--.- From Wewahitchka S __'..From Port St. Joe I am n;.(..' .l-i in taking: courses at; (Open to Adults . Tom: P. Ha'ney Vocational 'School and Post Grads)- Gulf .Coast Community College, ------.University of West Florida Center .. Combination of These I am: .--- 11th Graoe High School Student (Interested After Graduation) --- Adult in the Community S ------Now Attending One of the Schools Listed Above YOUR NAME ADDRESS i Return your completed survey by March 15 to one of the following: DIRECTOR of.Public Information, Gulf Coast Community College, Panama City, Florida 32401 PRINCIPAL, Port St. Joe High School, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 GULF COUNTY School Board, P. 0. Box 969, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 PRINCIPAL, Wewahitchka High School, Wewahitchka, Florida 32465 SWhirlpool 90c00BTU JE mAIR CONDITIONER B-r p I sPalc Bauttonfor Maxdimum Comfort Guard for balance s eIsta-Mount foreasy, Air Changer control S installation Dusat Air Direction to specific / 1 Decorator styling areas iMODEL AXM.090-2"Reg Summer price $229.95 L Whirlpool 21,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER a Panic Butto a Supe fr-low Exhaust removes Comfort Guard al air, drawoultde air 4 Way Direction contr lt a Insta-Mount t Big cooling capacity at rafa front MODEL AXL-210-3 Reg. Summer Price $329.95 St. Joe Harr 95*C St. Joe Hardware Co. r' Experiment Teaches Pupils Gulf uys$7,490 S. In Savings Bonds The Meaning of Prejudice Florida sales of Series E H A m. United States. Savings Bonds :n A film "The Eye of The Storm" there were no minorities in the The teacher pointed out the big- tanuar were 12.1 millionuary of shown the Kiwanis Club Tuesday, town for the students to witness gest change was in the privileged $387 thosand over January ofla graphically pointed out how one prejudice at first hand. She divid- group for the day. "They became year. The stavingse attained 9.2sales gof :'Zschool teacher went about combat-. ed the class up into two groups- antagonisti and nasty toward the ofts 1973 Savings Bonds sales gthemon ting prejudice by putting students those with brown eyes and those prejudiced group, where they were in the position of being the target' with blue eyes. One day, the blue fast friends only the day before". j Ted Cannn, Gulf rf.,,-,. V..l of prejudice. .*eyes were the minority group and y could take unteer Savings 'C 1. The teacher, who taught ,the the next the brown-eyes. hen told the y could take offses i third grade in all white Riceville dthe collars d f iinferiority at the reportedssales ns .e 4 in owa, used the' experimr-ent sce To drive her point home she. days end, some of those e s tm *' owa, use te eput collars on the day's.mnrt t wearing ier. tore them toshreds tY attain of-its 1973 s. group and denied them of cert in an exrssion of being glad . "M solOIC o0de to privileges such as drinkng.,at the, get rid of their ,:- . SFeatre Aiie s after fountain being first in fi and r O''S diKOFFERS THfNKS .e. .op...at.th lunch l'io -~ A that being "different i or ... V '. .. . .Port St. Joe Masonic Lodge No. e c bn gtolone r- ,,+- ; : 111 will have Am ericanism Night the day c stnt refer f 'ences' bein..ti- .. .. . Saturday, March 10 at 700 made to the inferior ty thoe to the w rkers who gave of ther with blue or brown eyes. Before o th l. re Key time and efforts to rgave o df All members and their fLmelim s u the day was over, the ,ioup who club were Key a nd efforts success to ''- r di are urped to t .-erd Supper wiU were the prejudiced grc i.L i,. "rbe; e: Tad Mathews, Steve.Da- a success. 'be served-. *. -' *. day actually were .iir achevers. vis, Jeri Rich and Ruth Femling. Mrs. Arnolid Rft.hi M '..ral o- day a ctuallyiL h '':"Jeri'Rich, * ~%9/O4%?C6~47 pression of" .--".: ) ;.. .' :*-. '- -';.?. t*. _.i. '?,,:.1:: h cause and reports, .-. .*:.; r: have exceeded $1,0,.' ,: If you were. ncr. ot.-:.t and would like to ma,, a d.r'._'i'r:n or memorial gift in rt:.=:-.' of Eme- dne, il-eh ;,',il i." to Mrs. Vir- ginia Arnold, P. 0. Box W, Port St. Joe, or call Mrs. Bobby Jack- son at 229-5861. THE STAR, Port St. Jo. Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 PAGE SEVE Singers at Church of God A special singing service is scheduled for Saturday night, March 10 at the Church of God in Highland View. Featured sing- ers will be the "Singing Disci- ples" of Crestview. The service will begin at 7:00 P.M., EST. Ev- eryone is invited to come and worship in this service. Members of the "Sgiing Dis- - i; l' pictured left to right are: Sue Adams, Howard Adams, John Barrow, Tom '.'-.tt. Sha- ron Terry and Ron Terry, front' center. - Say You Saw It In The Star - C.W. LONG Is now r,-,.rf.thite pur firm as a sales representative '"ii' the peaches area. Please call .r r"Tim f'.r your' automotive needs. St. Joe Motor Co. FORD -- MERCURY- Phone' 227-3737 322 Mon. Ave. *" .." u s" """ - yi7estonef o. STEEL.BELT Iowyoucanridewithselbtweenyonandtire Trouble toa worldfamous Firestone 500 res. The newirestone500SteBeldthastwobeltsofsteel cord underthe tread... steel so tough a single crd will tow a car. There's-805 feet of this tough cord in every Firestone 500 Steel Belt tire to give you -" :.i :' -~ ." i-- great protection against tirefalure due to impact S damage,..to hold the tread in place and keep tire mot ionfrom-serubbing"off thousandofmiles of Spread rubber...to hold the tread firmnn and provide excellent traction and cornering stability. You'll alsoenjoyasmooth andluxuriousrideonthenew SFistone 500 SOOStedBelt...atireitatwasbuatwith youiniind...tbhatswhyweca itTHEPEOPLE TIRE. Lotus show you this great new tiretoday! 3 ways to ,aaiN | Another great belted tire .a.- - buy! E78 -I4(5-14 *24.75 *28.75 " T'Firt tone str stik F7-,4-14 26.75 30.75 2- SUP R BELT 8-14(m5- 29.50 33.50 269 $7 47S-14(-8.5-i4) 32.25 36.75 2.93 . t. 7 198-15(a.55-15) 33.00 37.50 s . 'I- = Em -14,7 35-14 L78-15(9.15-15 43.25 328 n2...H off Y ow. fff. Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station -, t -. - Gulf County Ladies' Leagu Last Wednesday night,, Bom Cowgirls won three arid lost to Comforter's. Irene Burkett a 155 game and Lou Mork h 367. series for the Cowgirls.' .1t '. bowler Elaine Jackson : l l game and 400 series for forters, . S,'SU-t and Trophy won 1i ge.-r-*- and lost.one to William le' K Ats- Doris Strickland led1' i.-r.'! Trophy with a 184 game 4-14 series. Eleanior WLI1. -.rn: high bowler for the' Alley .':,h a 173 game and 448 seri 5' Joe Furniture won three of four games from Florida- rbotional Bank. Substitute b( SHel Barton led St. Joe Furn r.th a '180 game and- 483 se Eula Dickey had a 173 game Lr : Smith, had a 474 series t. Bank. , St Joe Kraft won'three of games from St. To St '.-d' Ruby 8Lucas led Kr-ft .'h 'game and 485 serin.-. -(.%"_'I land was high !r. fr, Stevedores with a 187 game 460 series. Standings W Shirt and r,'..0'..,/ " f- 1st Nat Bank -- ' St. Joe Kraft -..--.-- 55- St. Joe Furniture --- 54 Wilhiams, Alley Kats 46 St Joe J :',-.. 44% Bowen's Cowgirls -- .12 LADIES COFFEE LEAGUE February 27 Top' Dollar got hot' and three out of four .. .ru~ fio L Railroad. Marian had a ,high game of 150 and a big series of 435 for Top Dollar. Hazel was tops for AN with a big game of 167 and a high series of 404. Pate's Shell took all four games -from ..i,;'.-' ; -Beauty Salon. Opal was the 'best for Pate's with r,-. f I8~ -145 -atid 153 for a 468 series. Mary was leader for Margaret's with a. 131 game and 341 :.ries. Ralph and F-".T.' t r..'id Ser- vice took all four games from B&D Home Improvements. Eleanor was the big ball-for Ralph and Henry with a. 229 game and 531 series; Irene I e: ,.a a146 game and 333 series for B&D. Pollock's took three of four games from Wewa Bank. Lois Smith was on top for Pollock's with a .173 game and 446 series. Elsie was high for Wewa. Bank -with a 173 game and a big 447 ser- ies. Let's meet another team, Ralph and Henry's Standard Service. The .- .-:-" are: ..:., Cloud, Dot 0'- .'. Faye Cox and Dot Williams. .,6 I Standings W 41 AN Railroad ..-.=---- 75 4 Pate's Shell --------- 65% 44 c f and Henry- 61% 46 Pollock's Cleaners .-.. 49 P- Dollar 36 84 V~sa Bank ---------30 B&D 19 Si: ,:.: L.: Salon ------'16 took_ took - AN tax-free .income 'Nuveen Tax-Exempt S Bond Fund Series No. 47 Check-A-Month Plan ": : a diversified, pro- - K: .:.,.- *..' ,s,- .... 3 G,,tf ,:, of State asd ,' .-.-.. i :r.. Interest ince::.: Us Fund,'is ::-" t from Federal income ,:7+ ;, 'the opinion of counsel, and is dis- tributed each r : For a free '.:; -. contact PAUL G. LEBLANC Box 216 Phone 229-6290 Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 Mobile Unit at corner 5th and Reid on 1st and 3rd Mon., and Tues. of each month representing INVESTORS DIVERSIFIED SERVICES Please send me information on the Nuveen Tax-Exempt Bond Fund, Series No. 47 Check-A- Month Plan Name Address City _ State Zip-. __ Phone L 13 22% 26% 39 52 58 69 72 LADIES COFFEE LEAGUE February 20 Pate's Shell took three and a half games from Ralph and Hen- ry. Ruby was tops for Pates with a big 187 game and 533 series. Dot O'Shall was the best for R&H St: ":' Service with a 173 game and 472 series. Dot is a new bowl- er for Halph and Henry. AN Railroad took all four games from Wewa Bank. Hazel had the best game for AN with a 168 and best series at 448. Elsie led Wewa Bank with her 160 game and 406 series. Pollock's Cleaners cleaned up all four games from Margaret's Beauty Salon. Oddys had a high game of 150 and Sue had the best series at 392 for Pollock's. Mary was the leader for Margaret's with a 143 game and 344 series. Top Dollar captured three of four games from B&D. Marian was high for Top Dollar with a 143 game and 412 series. Edwina and Lou paced B&D with games of 125. Lou had the best series at 371. Standings W L AN Railroad ---------74 10 Pate's Shell ---------61% 22% Ralph and Henry ------57% 26% Pollock's Cleaners -- 46 38 Top Dollar ---------- 33 51 Wewa Bank ---------29 55 B&D 19 65 Margaret's Salon -----16 68 DINING IS SHEER PLEASURE . AT MOTEL ST. JOE OPEN SUNDAY ! GOLFERS -- Set your team plans over a GREAT Breakfast! SATURDAY and SUNDAY "SPECIAL" Steak and Eggs With the Works $1.85 CHURCHGOERS. GIVE MOM A 'BREAK! COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS :.r-.v.j' 11:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. Roast Turkey Baked Ham Fried Oysters $1.85 to $2.25 -- MOTEL ST. JOE DINING ROOM in PORT ST, JOE A REMINDER. During the Week COMPLETE 'DA1IILY LUNCHEONSS (Including Take-Out Orders) from $1.65 PORT ST. JOE PAPER MILL GROUNDS SAT., MAR CI AFTERNOON -'NITE' MIDWAY OPENS 3 7 'P.M. rlFi 0 If 'SHOWS 4- 8 'P.M. SPONSORED BY PORT ST. JOE JAYCEES ARENIC STARS ELEPHANTS CLOWNS-- TENTS-. r SAVE ADVANCE TICKETS AT REDUCED PRICES TICKETS ON SALE NOW SAVE * BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE THE SEWING CENTER CARP'S ANY MEMBER of JAYCEES Adults, $2.00 Children, $1.25 'RESERVE SEATS 50c 'EXTRA illp PAGEB EIGHT THE STAR. Port St.,Joe, FRew THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 GULF COUNTY COMMISSION (Continued from Page 5) two lot owners whose property would not drain and suggested that 0s6onded that the Board provide the ditch be deepened. The Board $2,000 from present budget and agreed and Mr. Daniell was in- $1,790 from next year's budget con- structed to proceedwith this mat- tingent upon the return of the mo- ter. ' ney provided the grant was not ap- Com. Player informed the Board proved. The motion passed unani- that the White City Fire Depart- mbusly. ment. septic tank is not draining. '* Rchaud Lancaster Civil Defense The Board agreed to fix the sewer '* irect'r. imtro.di..ed Robert Smith, and the Chairman then appointed .Aea Coordinator of the Civil De'. Cor. Money -as the regular Fire- funse Preparedness Agency. Mr. men's Commissioner to handle this Spiith then -asked for help from construction and all other county the Board in setting up 'a meeting. problems as they. arise, concerning of County official: *-: beinterview- the fire-department&, ed a, part of an on ite inspection Com. Graham left the nr,-..'itjng ; retested by the Boi"d. Mr. Smith this point to attend an irts il'-.'L-I iald that in the oist two years the eral in ,C-Ti.m Cwct I Federal GovernmertA has funded/ The CiLkrk irn c'.-:' that ._L Civil- Defense t.ow-T-.. disaster pre- January 1.; 173 -, ..f e i ,-l jplredneis of any kinrd Mr .Smith traded in in.i e.. r .e rr sid that his agen.- i-,ll brari a purchase in ,A ..' r-r y.' 1 (t o f Federail ;i at. f p.- o.:n a ne-' t.-* '-;tr r' r r lt ,t s enals into Gilf C .Wy to ,ntr. 120. view people i*l quey t ..f fhr'.owl..ix- The C.erk {nni'a&. tc l.'ri. - toward wa v the Wf. ry .an t eli.r we't F~ .' r.'r ,.-. ~..' QGulfl C--- 7 p-r.-.t'r. f& : r,', I ',-Yit k.t;'>,- ,t -i ,..,T' ti. .Q : -.r' dika.t0er Th- rg s':l, I?- e1 t-.. : c l A th h N "t upon thi i.r.t-.er -;;.'.,' w w st Flc.-- .. --,.:I.'.r, C:.- summary rd h:e f -'* .'rcrr' '-; : ins to the C.o'iuy If the Cri,-ni.tj .,.-The Ci reId 'i tt w re-.s. fy thet-1 ya-Trijrnendatfon: rfura Ly Att-:-;rT-'-j T' ?.,,at 5.' thfl.t sti-y -l :"IT-port the RVm t **' c--.' '" --; I.-'n i.; Mi" effort: ifn r ,yafg through Uit CZ ..-. T- .. .T the- r -'.r C,., M ,,-..-.. Tth.. E ,-. i ,, ..-, -, r ,-.-'i. JL r'..rW) ..t'2.. 1 ic.-n.-id *ie tc hr .e A .j ,'rpr- t}~ t B Q .' -r 1 -. Cr.ik, 'ertret j. FAi' t ;- ; a '. . View a'. i L,.4 &.ed of construe- r-A'5 *l .- ;,-.'.'.i . tion pric-nr in .:ie of a disaster, the Board t, vr' F-."; .-.. 'Aftr fiitbs.r d. i.ri r tle Board ment. Th- Bi? L.'.: inJa ,',;c '-t *1re C-;^ : *..:. i- '-' ". "'n -:-!" 4a I.. ., ttr -.'s,. ,'.:..E *'.' hC r l] ;ir..- '.if,.-..,n ,.n-i.: *'In G e r. n- J"'-", -'f ; tb -' ,.'.-,n ,. > ;C,, *-,' , uid >.t bt tine ,a. ,'i t 7:I p.m .-tji.-.'. 4 b--.s. .L .. . I J.;r-"b 1. mw I.th tfr. .-il s~:,.'m.. I 'a '{ r-z i' i: S..- ;^ >?.el i:z _. .r.i.- #, f ...- -.- ------'.- .-. -.---.-..--- ---.--.-- -- .------ *r- *?..?r , b9 --df.h, t r, nh x-: f._.'. i. a : r;' ,. .iv ,-n .i .. r: '.ay r. ; ". W" .- " fo h: ts lis8sJr. .. . .progrAm for a .. 11 -u.-,.. -,.f nJi )L.' 4,' .* .... .. - Curit.'/, 'rth ArsT,-r.,i., 1>, 9 l The Clerk read a letter fr '. C'sm 'M->., i.7 "'14.l,.,j-j.m.it t .. 'I"--' 'Tr,'o .. J Fr' -,- ''. 1 ,/ i F l O- .,eP G l of ti, e O'. -.: ._ '. .. '(- ,.i. **'. $ r *i harge0 h-r pth ut a4 Mr '-- -j ion ;- instrf j ChSonea *of t-. -. i t- or y I I mt\i; t'h elt:.4 U; r J.-' Joe virtviMn., to .-.-g -.r. i The Clerk read a letter fn-,- c.e tthe '..ur.rtyv ;,A-o ,s: tE ii 1r 2, .--' i Florida 7,'-s Association ;1: r. . tigo n i f pi.-#rirnmr.'. '.., ... .,.n ..s. i er vn-e E..t.:, B tuler, who ; d*,- Thie C~rk announced Leslie' ',:r-. ..'. -. :'i... ,_- riC . Pitt., E -PP a d I -i-. ,, f, ..l :-;:ni and Iv. -i f e f- ilr' r .. r- r .th. i,:l'- ,; .'." r ;. r .t ,._ 3 rep.v est for aid in h'," ,i *i. I 4' *I .- "..-,-.-.n f .1-i!-. '..-i.. I ii 'r'-y m ach'ni- f-.r \I er. witb. fHl nun'.. '-,m Player- rer ,-i.tI, the B :f':.; Pur- ,t.t i t' ir.'- I,, i c-; 1t ,r .' f- '-. were 1 l -.eeivebids-teo rrch .. f.,r the Mos this ti, .. oun the budget. Th., qui,,. eControl Department one 1973 Board. concurred V i4en i-.;.- p t- uek,1 p-r sr0', ..* -h ,r-' d,.- --- ',s.I 1 t 3 2 : n., fi.- T,7, pi.-.- r.jp r O p. i,. r .ji. i ,i.r;,;1. -4 'mar w i.-. I .1 n;' er ? 0 I th. The B r .-- -. .1 -I -fl1L'.winc bids wt,- ,., ,-,. d 1-:30 pOm. F,.r th -.'..n pickup C;- Trb -.. .,- ', ;....t- :. i , ;,. '- w t'"h1 x,n -.i,.P. Tz'p, '; "-", n" ,', i hp i "..in' -a r, i ..-.. J- .I.* .. ,, *." ; -..,r,. Ji -. M otor ,.) ,* :. ., ,., , Vk'kiik.bi.i 'II PY'Inc.,io L-;-T - T .ir. t 'i., ,'-rTr.,'f I .- T? ', I* 1. 'U .I u-.i '' S r tin,- r,,- pi f 4 wheel 'T.- '.. ., .- .I *_ 1.. ..-4 .'-..1' - dri.t" l, W hi ,hn-.I Pnrl. -Irr i',*f-J i. '. .- f '.* I. ll; 'w r 3 r I 'b..,*'.22 |, I i t*-. t H_.1 t l. ._. 'h .T - ; Trtv i v 'r I ilu'lt, It tll a -. -- if h 7 14 4'22---- -: 4ftf Adiscussionof the rvarious-: r. t bids, there was a motion -by (1- i, r, ,.,. '. f ,- t' C--vA : f.'. ( t I i f r,- J,. .f 4 .'7 '." .; -iI ty, u',:- ," Ti I -. .'-,"- ' frrD T :. r i.ni j 4 ..u *!( ?l,;' -. *- i. T '.r, o .* ', f .:- .,-' ,. --' pick p triju t b l 't 11 1 I - h. hiw Nd .! IP 1 11i 4- i was i' and was to - Wbite-h-I .. i .. .i..t q... structe soon. pikl-p u. .. ..- r ..-- The mo- The Board discussed -a ditch at -itin .1 u:sti '- -,'..u. 5' 1 th 'ir Marvin of . Pau -i.-.nt ,.. ,i,.t i-...- to receive b b.- i j 2 ' .bids for r I,.. repair. work on, a '. Mosquito ,.' r,.. tractor, the. fol- .. the .. 't- lowing bid's were received: Buford '-0 .'- . Equipm enl, ', ,,., i. ..r .... i .'.. has no .'. ,- imuch dise-" ..'iT t .-.j n,....- ', Cor .. ,'-.- asked the P.-Ard .ti>.,i hi, i if. ,. .i f ;, were aware of the bad r'- , : ..* e' 6r .r h .-..: 'and edition of thre : ', .h -. : Whif. -...--,.. that the l,.i .neet to the ;. i .. be -i. t The 1.1-,- a-* i,,nn Meeks Fish i- :.mous in favor of the _.,.i,6 -n said A. streets need -, ' :: 'o. wr-. by -.iar ,. Da The Board agreed to . ViS .*L.,i. ... t .' ,.' et .s t e .. '. fiel' t-i 9tV .n. I 2 ,sa.in.i-,- the nortlida it i ..'. ... -o he Dead Lak : C c' -cur, .-. p.t -," .. .. -.'.'. *- '-a road.. oIxxe (-6. 015 I-) ..' V. -r Ifi. v- '-o-"n. -Rish their ; .- TTk ...-.. on page 321 of' '- hs '- opposing . th---' .it'; .iy t the state of ..' 2 --- -. ' n i.r .r i .: a pub- which would *' - 1'.' -. i;'.-. on ',1". t f ., ties- i rh-: state. Corn Mone. - lt. 11 ".n ..l 0 '9:0.' lr"t- "'- trodgeed the Resolution which ing adjustm ent .-' t.. ,..'-f' .-t i.- ."-"-' 3 budget u*-.. put r. i f.or for I1 A eCy 'f ..'' . S i .4 1-, .- n t' I[,L t '. .. , Ar' err'!:... f *f. fn t 3f total i a -'. b u 'l tv j a v t _' I L.- S b i : __-. -, -'," ... zi c ui I. -' ,! :. ..1 ,. -' ,i I ct.- ws -i rb 'ir ih.- 'f.' ,...i' '''.. .1 u.; . S curit'v .> 1 rt- n p a'a U -r.l t- :-- t'l.3'nC m i D.. in .,..-J ,a Co,. m o T I .:-.. t ; A ', ..... :..- t ..- . W hhfild .C.;.o'rd.. 4 t r.-,: n fth t At B.t ... t. ,-tvi .. i .'- r i; the inc, .af e 4e; .y h.. Q.-' -.- 'a tb Fl-."-:.' .? E --m ., t', ,- tin pa...ed unuim.un-t'. .' ,. ltah W h.tnti'- C i. ','. .- uc- ;.,- Th1e Cloth then prsnrt.' i r,. *.r S'. n.t, r Ie L ifla ; f .,i.- que t of the Shenfh '- ,1-.-:'d k t S'Ailt b'.. 't u q-. ,"-..,.J ,: .. t : ',adget for the proper and d.lica. n brt art.lnz..t thtee? >'.? C:d i. oprhttio of thae ff ~a Aft'r ti- CT.:m. P1'.is ail .. *ih t:. *:' c .,iini, thd .-? 'it .' m ir n.a i t, Bin ..-' i -e -:h- W t:. '. , Cor ..t;jhw i. ,'ec-.._Jc.l t"- q, bi- i ked :.and the r.:.;..!' .* -.r..u. w' iith M E i t i J un7uuI,,,Lt.h.'. rrsi,, 4 at was. W. flJt- t :.- ,.- cl- r r. i that the .n'.-ud;.q x tn t.- bereb-. .. -dth. I, derred .-irdt seprceJ Sexeral Board ns. <:5 h.' ro. Corn. l"layer -. .v., and Ccrrr.n ceieed c:-..-uplikt'- -...-,..'( i.' t-L- - Metitey *'-'*.-i.de a tVU-- It-n tht '.dit-h -ic Av'itnu-? F rfi Ncrti Pt; 7, c 1 i distr'uted t ithe St .*,.,-- St. Joe. Th-. ,:r.: .- 't.L .: Ir. L.itr Fire Peparttinet: $1 Rt .be difrnt- sLaid that tb. a- .s idt.lit 'p.':. umed t.. ihe Ritghtn. Vitew'Fiue [', to drain. H.-:'e'.-.r. th, B,.ard partient: $1-.00 tFe dinb'tej t..- agreed to k-ok into it. the Whute City' F1T: Pepa-ntmct.' Attorney Rish n.in.'cned a AYl After dhcu.st.i..n, the mn'-.on pai.-.ed to him by C. M. Parker '.oDCtanL.f unanimously, a $50 (.': cLEck fcr fiarn.hi'e fit. The Clerk announced that Sim- th i had cleared the bank. Mi my 'Paitrick had filed his exT-ens-es Parker rejue:tei a refun- Tl..:-. for the pas-t sear and had returned Board di.-ivowed that they owed $64326 to ahe school 0oard aud Mr Parker a refund and said that, $3.25340 to the Board of Comunty mn fa:t Mr. Parker owed them Commissioners as excess fees. more money. After discussion, Comrn. Mvteivi The Board agreed to re-advertise moved and Comrn. Whitfield ;e.:or. .- *for bids on a truck for the Road ed a motion that Mr. Thomas, their Stperintendent that was iiadvert- County Service Office, be allowed ently omitted from the newspapers to purchase an IBM typewriter at and for which the Board failed to the state contract price. The md- receive any bids. tion carried unanimously. Upon a motion by Com. Money, Mr. Daniell, Mosquito Control seconded by Com. Whitfield, the- Supervisor, asked the Board to; Board unanimously accepted a typ- recommend a solution to a ditch ical section from the DOT on Job drainage problem at White City. I No.. 51503-3601, SR No. 71 to Chi- Com. Graham said that there were I pola River. I Two Complete Nite Stand $35.00 Colonial ttviina Twin Bed Outfits At An Unbelievable Low Price . ....... ll.....o.l e Ai iA HEAVY DUTY (16) Westinghouse * 3-Position Water Saver Con- trol 2-speed wash and spin selections-normal and gentle '* 14-pound capacity. 4ouble- action washing. 5 water tem- perature selections. Powerful non-clog drain pump. WASHER $239 DRYER $179 Buy the Pair for Only $399.00 PROPER FIRM SUPREME Madq Especally for Danley's 50th Am.,versaory Sale! Matt Box 2 PIECE SET .. -ress $99 O0 Springs Queen Size Set $149.95 King Size Set $199.95 Complete Home Furnishings... FURNITURE Ca 1923 was the year Mr. Horace D. Danley decided to open a furniture store in his native, home town of Opp, Alabama. It was his dream to not only profit but to build a community service here and in other sections of the country. At his death in 1958 he had establish- ed a chain of 12 stores in south Alabama and northwest Florida which had the respect and admiral. tion of each community. By sell ing home furnishings on long, easy payment terms, m a n y people could and did-improve their living conditions and enjoyed many lux- uries while they were paying for them. This created a competitive market for furniture through this area. Only history can contain the dreams, labor and love of this man. Ka mu V INCLUDES -Pi e ce Suite Spacious Triple Dresser Framed Plate Glass Mirror Q ) Full Size Panel Bed 5 Drawer Chest R '$21900 MMUMMON, Danley- 1923 -1973 Ready for Tomorrow S A S. the .. . ,'.. -.1 i *.... % *i;.'..,ii'-' t ar-n ,.,f, plastic top , .J :' .... _. J i. .. ), -i ,., .', k,..-I l,,.,., ii, ,] d ust- . *: ..' .... \ .''. .... ...,N i'.-.' ri-.i .! wit h w rTn brh r n. '. i. i ,* ; :i .( .,'j ",-4 i .i,.-. " -;-/ .: ." i,;- is i ."in.i b.I t ,'t I!., for \.,n hl i-,i i now*" L : THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Florlda THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 PAGE NINJ ,Mc, fr "hSHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! IGA Inst. Coffee 6 OZ. JAR 85c Sr IGA, Fancy Solid Pak 303 Cans Tomatoes =. 4 cans $1.00 wartha Wite 7 Oz. Pkg. Macaroni Dinner 5 for $1.00 Peter Pan 18 Oz. Peanut Butter jar 71lc 'Carnation --'Pkg. of,6 ... ... Instant Breakfast -pkg. 71 Luziane - Tea Bags 100 ct. 99c Clenaer 28 Oz. Bottle Lysol Liquid ------btl. 79c Ant and Roach Bomb 13 Oz. Can Hot Shot can 85c IGA Cake Mixes- 3 pkgs. 89c IGA WHEAT or FRECH 1 Lb.: 'laves I JGA Bread 2 for 89c Apple, Peach, Cherry, Coconut 20 Oz. Morton Pies 3 for $1.00 S(-,;.\ 12 Oz. Ca , Orange Juice ---.- can 33c SUNNYLAND (Water A-diJ.i." Shank Portion Whole or Sh -Portion Smoked Ham 6 C Lb* % Gal. Tablerite (Choc., Vanilla, Strawberry and Neopolitan Ice Cream 59c Kraft Whipped Parkay 1 Lb. Pkgs. MARGARINE 2 pkgs. 89c T r-.1r.t American or Pimento 12 Oz. Pkg. CHEESE SINGLES -- pkg. 69c Sunnyland-12 Oz. Pkg. All Meat WIENERS 75c Sunnyland Pure Pork Roll (Hot or Mild) Sausage lb. 88c Economy Smoked 2 LB. PKG. __I -m s r -ry .d Hotel Sliced Sunmnyland I.utt- F14rt .n ,V'.v-r Added) SBAC N .1-2 0 78kg. M ge $1.59 mok n lb. 65c B A C 0 N 78c ausa Smoked IPm Ib. 650 o ..l Meat Sunnyland t or Slices ad Fr sh Pure Pork -- 26 Oz. Pkg. Smoked 1Ham l.99c Breakfast Links 1.98 Bologna Ib. 98c GALA PA-PER TOWELS 3 8 9c Pr.es erves Preserves ;* JAR 49c Chunk Tuna . No. 2 [ . *299c ROBIN HOOD S FLOUR G LB. BAG -- With $1"%QOrder-or-More Peanut Oil 88 0Z. $1.88 IGA Fruit Cccktail No. 303 89 13 a8 9c pkg. 79c Medium Small Early June No. 303 Cans IGA Peas 3 cons 69c Tablets (Beg. 69c VaL) ANACIN ------ 30 ct. 55c Nasal 15 C.C. (Beg. $1.39 Val.) Dristan Spray -- $1.09 Gillette Cartridge Pkg. of 5 (Reg. $1.10 Val.) Trac11 --I pkg. of 5 97c Detergent With $10 Order BREEZE 38 Oz. O6 9c SAVE CASH Check Our Price Before You Buy .k. GOLDEN RIPE Bananas Ib. 1Oc CRISP RED DELICIOUS APPLES- --. bag 59c FLORIDA GROWN With S 10 C Order or More RED POTATOES Quarter Bushel Best Florida Oranges- $1.29 10 FRESH FLORIDA LARGE FIRM HEAD Lettuce 1C 4 POUND BAG BABY BAKING SWEET Potatoes 49C SWEET POTATOES---------b. 15c 5 POUND BAGS LB. BAG 69 GRAPEFRUIT 95 ORANGES------2 bags STRA W BERRIES--- box 39c CELLO BAGS VINE RIPENED LB. 2 c RADISHES H-----boag 1 -TOMATOES -. c FRESH FLORA R AETOMATOES FRUIT---T -ea. AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS Completely Home Owned and Operated by E COMPLETE LINE OF FLOWER SEED GARDEN SEED SEED 'POTATOES FERTILIZER -- 'POTTING PLANTS POTTING SOIL LOc FRESH FIRM CABBAGE Ib. 7c 7c . J. Rich and Sons SIGA 16 OS. kg. Fish Sticks -- - I I -' '-- ` ~" -- r L I I ~ j- ; BEST FIVOR STAK AM - PAGETEN THE SIAR, Port St. Jo, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 Spanish Only Foreign Language Taught Here S; Spanish Is the only foreign.lan-' To provide a broadening edu- - guage taught in Port St. Joe ligh national experience that will con- School. Foreign languages are im- tribute to the liberal education of portant in the curriculum for both students. -- - the- pre-college students and for' To provide a progressive ex- '" .those who will complete their for- perience in acquiring a practical ,mal education in high school. With oilerdge infor exchanging idea - boih types of students in npind, the in a second language. - objectives of the foreign language To develop in students an in- - program are: terest in the geography, history, ownswown *s 2-... Mrs. Price Teaches S ra -- 0M) ( be* Imp .0 ,M .0 .00 43ww *AM .0 sno- = W U - March Set Aside As In Florida Aske The month of March has been proclaimed the "Month for Art In Florida" by Governor Reubin As- kew and art students from Gulf County schools are participating in the special observance, according to Mrs. Lila T:- .iL:.- art super- visor for the county.' Already '28 students from grades 10, 11 and 12 from both county high school have entered activities such a' the Florida High School Fine Arts Exhibition held recently in PanamaCity. Six pieces by Gulf -County students were : '.. ". Beach Church 'Plans Lent Service social life, i:-.. and'. culture .:: .: 7'--'"':. The Rev. Charles -.. r of countries other than their own '.c.l-s..i: :, and speaking thru of the 'Mexico Beach .- .:t To develop an awareness of the audio-lingual r': ': The see- Church announces special services the aspects of a foreign culture. ond year is an extension of the lis at the church during Lent. which are different, as well as tenifng ':.i...-:;', and speak- Beginning thi Snday, March 11 tL:'. which resemble their own, ing iJ!l' ." r:--::.I- empha- 7:00 and continuing for and in so .:;. .to better under- -z on leading and writing. Tapes each Sunday through Lent. A spe- stand American culture. and records recorded' y native cial program of : :-.- .: r :- Achievement in; a is. i n lan- Spanish speakers are emphasized singing of the familiar old Gospel guage will be in yr'.ort.on to th. in instruction and private. songs that have given solace and time and effort devoted to it. First Mrs. Jacque Price is -feign comfort to Christians ., ..u : the year Spanish has emphasis on language instructor. ages will be-featured. The singing of the songs in this '"'.I"'.-m Along" with Dick Bojer as song, Jehovah Witesses Will 'Participate eader and w Mrs. Maurice id v h" W l ... Bold at the organ wil help to make an 'a ..;. -..', evening for everyone In Bible 'Education Conference who attends The Mexico Beach Methodist = L... m ~paam a. A v n X H L10, 11 and 12. The actual painting Art Month in acrylics will be done by two sen- uiors of Wewahitchka and two of W Pro iaims It Port St. Joe high. Mrs. Brouillette will supervise the final drawing. Gulf County Art Week Exhibition to. compete in judging The week of March 26-30 will be at the Florida State Fair in Tampa. designated Gulf County Art Week. A mural depicting Gulf County AM schools in the county will ex- will be done by selected senior stu- hibit student work in their own dents, on a wall of the County Sup- schools. An exhibit will be placed erintendent's office in the court- in some public building in the house. The drawing will be done county for viewing by the public by studenUt selected from grades' tihrl- r.ir the week. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUDAY -SCHOOL MO :N rTNG WORSHIP SERVICE ....... TRAIN EG UNION EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ PRAYER MEETING (W lEes-iy' ..... PA It was announced this week by emphasized '. .. '.i a variety of Church is located on 22nd Street the Watechtower Bib...~and Tract talks and E.BI, discussions, nclud- in Mexi' Beach just off Highway ..- of New York that mem- ing the topics "Keep Your Word", 98. The church is easily '*--".i .-1. bers of the local congregation of "Do Not Give Up'In Doing What Is by the 1. -, cross atop the' Jehovah's-Witees q,3 il be wmo~g Fine', "progressive Parent d'Train- church tower. lcfgas ^i. area Eor'ice:.a- in," f'H!.'.r:g Faith and a Good All visitors ad residents of tons h:i.h6. dl .r- -.'. .-onver,e.in Pan- Conscience, to God's Glory", "Be- Mexico Beach nhd the entire beach-: anma "'':: ui..L- Auditorium ing Holy 'jn All Our, Conduct",' area -are urged to attend. A very f.r a Bible, e,.cat.'n conference, "HavetIntense Love for, One An- special invitation is : to eva v; rc.h 10 and 11. their "Pursuing A -Course of eryone in the Port St. Joe area. fhe (ar:.':.*, t--. program 7-ill Loyalty and Humility",' "'We . carry the theme,- "Do All Thin. Walk in the Name of Jehovah Our to oor ministry. for God's Glory", which v:.W be God Forever", and the featured ChAiies Sinutko, gr., 'district ov. address, -"Decide Now for Divine erseer for Jehovah's Witnesses in o th e Fuoe:tBhii.'. the tri-state area of ., 'Geor-! .... -' According to the Watchtower Bi- gia, and Alabama, will be the pro- -- ble and Tract Society,, sponsor of gram's i .'r-' speaker, along the meeting, .r,r.*.r :.-: of this with C: O. Mossor, who directs the type are held simiannually to en- ministerial activities of the congre- courae Spp, f'. .or, of true Chris- gations represented. Several local tiann r' ,-r,. to further in- Witnesses will be program partici- structi tre '. ::: in their door- pants. 9:45 AM.. 11:00 A.M. 6:30' P.M. 7:80 P.M. 7:30' PM. "Come and Worship God With Us" I lntroding The 1973 Mercury '150 HP Outboard Invest Now In Florida Boating At Its Best Mercury Boats Traiier Outboards Accessories EAST BAY MARINE CALLOWAY, FLORIDA ALT. 98 and BOAT RACE ROAD 7854102 You Are Cordially Invited To Attend tONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH I Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street S I).\Y. SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WOi.I SIP ........---....... 11:00 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ........-.. 6:15 EVENING Wu :'ll' 7:30 PRAYER .Si:l:\'!1'"i; Wr-,ii -,.:,, -..... 7:30 A.M. A.X P.M. P.M. P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor I PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember There is- an old proverb' that has been in existence for cen- turies. It goes this way--"For a swift arrow 'l hard on the r ;,:' .:. there is no oth- er way' :' ::'. a swift arrow. * There are few things of real' importance in life that 'are not S'.-1 : ? without the "hard pull." .The geologist will tell you- ; , it takes a million, years to make a ruby. Imagine-a million years this beautiful 7.; :- is in the for- mative stage. - If a' ruby could be made over- night it .- .'i'- i'-. s little value. So it is true with most every- thing we do' The real and sin- cere, efforts of people are most always e ;~i:e The "hard pull" of accomplishments is what makes them important! OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: Qir 0 .: '.,t rewards come from tte difficult tasks we ac- ,: .i'r.; .:h RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 1 Those foreign oil tankers in Florida's ports are earning a lot more than our gratitude. They're earning very high prices As of January 1 of this year the *. o for their oil, as well. cost of oil to Florida Power increased - You see, environmental consider- by nearly 50 percent. aftionhavaforced-us-to-bandon coal This means 17 or 18million dollars as a fuel to produce electricity. rhore than last year, just to produce .-' And the supply of natural gas is last year's supply of electricity. Inadequate. We desperately need fuel oil to Which leaves us fuel oil. And since continue supplying you with electric- domestic supplies of fuel oil are dwin- Ity. And we're grateful to have been dling too, power companies must now able to negotiate a long term contract . rely on foreign sources., that assures us a supply even if we Flo Prices from these sources are not have to pay the rapidly changing mar- -Orida regulated except by the natural condi- ket price. y I tions of the market, which happen to a We need the oil. P w er be driving prices up. Because you need the power. C ORPORATION F ____________ CONSTANT. ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall,' You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got toi keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 I 'i' -- ~ - ---~ rHE STAR, Port St. Jo, Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1973 ,IF YOU'RE NOT (OP.I.T.i SITiSifIE V--- M4 MEATri.'H41;D AT WHE ECONOMY OROF COURS) i1!lDUolel ^-n sq8- -Ment' S^*R A&P POLICY: Always do what is honest and for every customer. RAINCHECK: If an advertised special is ever sold out ask the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitles you to the same Item at the same special price the following week. Or 11 you wish we'll give you a compar- able item at the same special price. GUARANTEEt A&P offers at unccndilional mncne back guarantee. No matter what N l. nho matter vwho makes iP if A&P sels it, A&P guarantees it. "SUPER-RIGHT" EAVY WESTERN BEEF Shoulder Arnm ". . "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF lifornia ......19 GRADE "A' FRESH FLA. OR GA.cOMBIN~ 't PAACK Fryer Parts '.S...o68c "SUPER-RIGHT" ALL MEAT SLICED Bologna ******..... K- 79c CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN FRENCH FRIED Fish Sticks......... 9c BANQUET OUICK FROZEN Pot Pies 8 oz. 19c A&P BRAND' Apple Sauce.......2 c39c -WWM "SUPER-RIGHT" HARD CORN FED WESTERN Whole Pork Loin. 9L"AV "SUPER-RIGHT" HRD. CORN FED WEST. PORK Shoulder Steaks.... .99c .'SUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS (12 oz. Pkg.) All Meat Franks......59c . ASSORTED QUICK FROZEN Banquet Dinners ... ..39c CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZ. FRENCH FRIED Fish Sticks........ 55c MORTON FROZEN 20,Oz. Pkg. Spaghetti and Meat 89c GOLDEN CROWN * Lemon JuiceB 4... E 9c "SUPER-RIGHT" WHOLE OR SHANK HALF Smoked Ham..15. AO.L.68: c "MARKET STYLE" SLICED Smoked Bacon...... ..89c COPELANID PURE PORK Bag Sausage...... : 87c A&P BRAND DELICIOUS Pimento Cheese.... C 79c CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN Fish and Chips 16 oz. 69c "SUPER-RIGHT" FRESH '1 Pig Feet--. --lb. 49t / ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS Hii- Drinks ..., 4.32c I *~ T- ifC HIGHLY UNSATURATED DEXO SHORTENING 4-LB. 69c CAN 7 CANE 85 C SUGAR Of AY MOR) (SAVAT 4lll I 52c RICH'S FROZEN (Quart Coaton 47c) Coffee Rich '...... -4cr PASTEURIZED PROCESS CHEESE SPREAD Kraft Velyeeta.. .,^ $1.49 SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY PANUT. Peter Pan.... ,c COFFEE MATE 6 0r, Jar Non-Dairy Creamer 79c SULTANA MAYONNAISE (Qt. Jar 45c) Kraft Mayonnaise... .,59c BETTY CROqKER , BISqUicK *,.too .. Bo lt ' ANTISEPTIC MOUTHWASH Listerine........ o $1.19 REGULAR OR SUPER (24 Ct.Box) otex Napkins...... 89c t -SORTED COLORS (Jumbo Roll) Bounty Towels.... 3/$1.00_ SARDINES IN OIL, TOM. SAUCE OR MUSTARD Underwood..... 4 N.$1.00O CHUNK LIGHT TUNA (6'/ oz. Cani Chicken od Sea.... 45c ;GERBER 4Ya Oi. *Jar Baby Food ------ jr 1lie A&P SHARP Ounce Cheddar Cheese ---59c ENCORE SOLID BLOCK Margarine. ..:.2 Ibs. 3 JANE PARKER HAMBURGER -- '-1 Sandwich Rolls... *'25k* JANE PARKER ..." UmChe. Pien **.** si. 59c GOLDEN, SUGARED OR CINNAMON DonutsPARKER ...'$1. JANE PARKER PKG. OF I Hot Cross Buns...... 45' McINTOSH APPLES. "49' RFA. SWEET CORN 5-59c WHITE OR BLUE SAIL SDETiRGENT 1 Lb.,-, POLEBEANS *. .. LB 39 BUTTON MUSHROOMS L 99C 165c S LB. SM D I 1911 (HEMKCOtAPARO 0" fiM.k _ j i_ PAGE RLEeVwr - I lib ., I flGE TWLETUSA.Pr t oFlrd HRDY AC ,1 Samer*/"a p esae ou d Ie oft- V agpoesr Mo b docofew spoosftes p V4t o sb t helf ud noil- -I t ba oteosWe m boi ' BUZZETT O f Pb 7f-ll1 bott.t W lldam. Cnvninlf DtIov-t. Wndowo PDiAy of Free Parking' DRUG STORE rPb 7'Ii zi 7 Williams. tCqnwsnirntl Drinv-in Window. Plenity of Free Parking' r Sheriff s ave New Look Sheriff Gulf County Sheiff's Department took on a, new look last week, with the delivery of three new patrol- cars by St. Joe Motor Company. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence and Deputy Marty Martin 'are shown with one of the new cars .in the photo above. The new cars have6a'udistinctive new style of green decorative' stripe.running around the car, -Star photo Sharks Tae Double Heder; Lose to Godby Port St. Joe's baseball Sharks - trounced Monticello in a double Sheader Saturday;' winning the Thanks for 0 Co0eration, The Amerean Car '..r '*'..". n '; ;and Gnf .".'; 1i tl 4t I f.r v'i'UM ,, p,.' rh, ir tud. .ri ,' l c f. frtis t'"-make Februar 13. Free P: Smear Daysuech-a .;, . Mfarti.a Sanborn,. .,A. 1 Ui ' .ro.l 14-. h, A-1 ...1 ID.. vi BunnyI MT Sier, Greta Freeman, Eloise Wnrrit, Do ma Roberts, Donnie'Lage,:Jo Ann Wiihi.ih,. Marian :Mmsq, El_;tdjtLh Carlysle, Evelyn .'nith, ivr..>i..- ainrihi;, V -May Dal. ; !',.,.. Ann i E.!,;,?*. Elva jones, S t. t,- ,..., i,,-:t. t, *~"..:.-' Brown and CailI. r l.- M1 .,i ; " .We would like 'to thank the Xi Epsilon Kappa and Eta VUp it.f. - and the six nurses who helped Dr. Skros. -u. Two hundred forty ladies were checked and of tr. -seven r' t-,i.- .4 abnormal cells and 44 in- feetions on other than normal find- ings. All have been notified , IOffi THE _ *9" ST *, SGRA T? first game 11-0 and the second, 16-1, in Monticello. Bubbi Harmon '.. p.r-.0"..' .,,, i ., *. : r-,; in the first game,. ,;.'..;c 14 strike- outs and .5)!",.j-irg; only four hits. M .ri.Wimberly was on the mound for the ''4I in the ., '. i.'a- :"giving up only one run before the game was called atthe end of the fifth inning. Swinging the .big Shark bats in iii' f- i t h i. .,-'re Ken "b'Ll.,I :who b-. 3h a r r.'" feet day ..-th four hitW in five: tvil to the' plate. Ken also bat-: tel in'.four rns. Ken W.,.','.t SBruc- c' y and Russell 'h. :..n each collected two hits 'The F'ha.: ,.-.'i, one time In (,tlh and f eur times in the sev- enth. In the second game, a big sev- en, run third inning started the t..,,i Th- Sharks went on to put four runs across in the fourth and five in the f .h Monticello :.' I.'.! one run in the fifth in- ning. - .Steve Owens and Ken Wei-. morts each had three 'hits for four times at bat; Bruce May and fice Suppiji Mark '"T.1 'N-y/ had two for four. Both' May :and Wimberly knocked in four RBIs. | Tuesday afternoon, the Sharks traveled to Tallahassee to meet Godby and met a 5-0 defeat. Bubba Harmon started on the mbmund and gave up five hits in three. innings. Mark Wimberly tossed the last three, blanking Godby and. allowing no hits. The Sharks could manage only: two hits,)with Denzil and- Ken Weimorts'each picking,up a sin- gle. i * The Sharks now have a 2-2 re- cord. Friday afternoon at 3:30 the Sharks will be host to Blountstown and Saturday after- noon at 2:00. p.m., Quincy will come here to meet the Sharks. Next Tuesday, Port St. Joe .will 'meet DeFuniak Springs at 3:30 here in Municipal Stadium. Dr. Judith Greer, Daughter of Jimmy, Promote to xfor AssoateProf Dean Bond Fleming of Oxford sit7. cf Ceortia in 1972. C!.f.:', of Emory Unia(: ',ty as r': ,. 1957 I I 2, she was amem. O,n,, :L. T: :r.t...*on of Dr. Mar- her of the .Oxford College faculty tha Judith Greer to Associate .Pro- and Women's Assistant Residence l h t~ w+ "Jj, I XeCr9 %,UounseLorV.,.e fl o WaS. '. - ...... CT-1Ie fror, 1962-65 and rose to A 2 .C:; of Cusseta High the rank .6f Assistant Professor. School near '"1 .,.'..us, Dr. Greer . receive,4 the A.B. degree from La- returning to Oxford College in Grange College in 1957, the :: 1903- 96 as Assistant Professor, she of Education degree from i.' t .. her doctoral studies in 1969 i ,r.,, ".,in 1961 and the Doctor I:i : .'' the doctorate in of Education 1 -'I-& ih Health and 1972, Z Ph' .i r,.u.-.-o at the Univer- In 1967, Dr. Greer received a government grant to ''''. Stu- dent Personnel at : -."..' 1:1 Col- lege in Massachusetts. In 1970 she received the International Berneta .,,: .. Scholarship, from. Delta 4 4 I i .. .,.2,'n"'' pdrhapls the larg- est '.- : .... .. of women educa- tors in the world. . Dr. Greer is the :.2 -L -" of Mr. STAR -s h,...i,,,.'rt. 1 iT Atur off.i6 mpply needs. We stoeK . only fimaw- ts brau:,t hibes in qrihfty. office.supplies No0 need to wait for thI e everyday office needs. Call us today!. LING MACHINES INDEX CARDS, affl sizes LMP DATERS CARD FILES; wood & metal STAMP PADS aied INK POST BfNDERS FILE FOLDERS LEDGER ,SHEETS - SFILE GUIDES STAPLES - f GEM CLIPS, FASTENERS -" TCH PADS, anl sizes PEWJrTER PAPER LEGAL and BETTER PAOC MIMEOGRAPH tAPER MACHINE RBONS DUPLICATOR PAPER DUPLICATOR FLUID ',-CAOlOM,: .., PENCa$, ERASERS And A Hostof Other Office Needs - -THE STAR- "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHOME 227i-811 SO WILLIAMS AVE. and Mrs. 'J. H. Greer ,and the sis- ter of Mrs. OJ. Herring and Mrs. Carl Zim'merman of Port St.. Joe. Former Resident Dies 11n Baltimore, Md. Mr, sla '78, of P.r..*, .'.-.~ .and a former s.iJiEnt of 1-:t St. Joe. and ', ,.mj to,.-r '.-id February 25 in . .. -:r r- an- extended ill- ;a.'::- .. A. .k.man' was born in . W .h C.mnt',. Georgia. She moved I ts hflnd- in 1926. to live several in Calhoun County before 0,, Port'S 'Joe in 194 She r.1 '"InIe Iher home on Duval St., it P.r.vt St. Joe: for '25 years; .Funeraf services were held Fri- day, March 2 at 2:00 p.m.' from the '. L ; Home Freewill Baptist 'hu- h with Rev. James Pelt and Rev. Royce Coy officiating. Inter- ment followed in the family plot of Nettle 1F --s Cemetery. Survivors include two'daughters, Mrs. Ellen Bryant .of .Blountstown and Mrs. Ruby Crisson of Balti- more, Md.; six sons, Woodrow W. of Blountstown, Thomas M. of Mar- athon, James W. of Marathon Shores, William D. of Panama City, Oscar L. of Ft. Lauderdale and Marvin J. of Vicksburg; two sis- ters, Mrs. Mary Davis of Cedartown Ga., and Mrs. Lizzie Edwards of Sylvester, Ga.; six brothers, all in Georgia, 22 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren. City Firemen Aid Apalachicola In Large Downtown Fire Early Saturday Onme cf the largest fines in years which threatened all of downtown destroyed a 1andImark in down- Apalachicola. town Apalachicola early Saturday A two story brick building next morning, and ,badty damaged an- door,. housing George Martina's ether .dMisg. antique shop quickly caught fire Destroyed was the old wooden on the roof and inside from the in- structue known for years as 'the tense'. heat.. Heat also damaged Gerrie Furniture Company. 'More business buildings across t h e recently the '. ir,-'Pi. has been 'us- str4t; The Martina building was ed as a warehouse for a styrofeam t :' .:, 'a but was not de- manufactuinig firm- The fire was discovered bout The Port St. Joe Fire Depart- 230 an., and at 3S M a.m., 1 th'-erf" -""'.. a t.d into service im- Port St. Joe Fire Department ":;-i i' iinM",', arrival to help called to bd "in m fit.r the U3a, tt mnhtr blaze... Sy You Saw It.in The Star - + Classified Ads + FOR SALE I 'ncol# Continental.4- FOR THE BEST. i T-.i.Mda and FOR FUN,'travel -dventure and a ''iT ~-. t'P Fully So)rd tnoe !,'. 3'' J oid A.,'-. .-',. I ., .;. see Petty Of- S- ,;..e. White i.-."-r s Nes. New and see our line ,'-. .-rl n-. ".-r Tack Lodtt at the Post Office exhaust -t New| : .;i-- r,1. n r.i!jd .;r T ,. '. at 11.:011 \ V or call ,.:L:': 5Q95. Paul P :-.r" 1283 t .pe V.' have .a .repairman a' ,%: i ... the Navy .lF ,'i'i,'tg Sta- H, H;: r .ircele. Phone 2294401 ..K'!e dl-. K and D TV .,. :' .;, .. Harrison Avenue, Panama OR :"R e '. ?"1 Reid Ave.,.Phone --27. ", 7'.-5582. 4tc-3-8 FOR SALE:' Red *-j3 We've, 7. .. tf3l 3 - got 'em by th r. l, :. a ' -hundred. Dan 'T -,'." 223 9th HEATH RADIO and TV Street. ELECTROPHONIC Black and white Color IAt prELECTRO-PHONICa FOR SALE:. 14' fiberglass ,-,,,,, boat with 20 hp Johnson .' . and trailer. For information call' 229-5511. tfc-3-11 FOR SALE: 20 foot fiberglass sail boat.-Phone 648-3934. tfc-1-l FOR RENT: Furnished beach cot- tages. Reasonable ti. vly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfe FOR RENT: Furnished'apartment. Phone 227-3261. tfe-2-8 FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house with den. Good neighborhood. Call 229-5821. tfc-10-29 C&G O ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. Residential and Industrial Wiring and Appllan etepalI Air Conditidning-, eating Oiln. Bit,.'-r Techuieand CALL 2294843 or 229-5777 FOR SALE or LEASE: Guf Service Station ., ." r over ite .. _*.' ..d 'upng ..ti'on. Reason for selling, otherI Lrt r-!. .,: ll t I :'.. 1 or 6 53-5 11 STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS See the Large :'. .,' at ST. JOE HARDWARE 4t COMPANY 3-1 I All Wor Guarantd PHONE 229-2782 SEWING MACHINES: Dial and Sew. See' at K&D Television and Sound. 301 Reid Ave., Phone 227- 2071. tfc-3-1 WILL KEEP child-',, i- ,. 1,....:. PROFESSIONAL HELP with emoe By day or hour. I': .i:.n Ilill. I;o :. tional problems and/or concerns. 6542. 1,.; Gulf (C,.u'iy Guidance Clinie, Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev. REDUCE safe and fast withGo- SidnJy Ellis, 229-159. Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water, S ey 22,59. - pills". Campbell's Drug. 12p-2-15 SHRUBS FOR SALE- A, .1 ., hy- INCOME TAX SERVICE dranu 'r-, Tr''i 'i .1-... %...). te. by Young plants to 4 y;,'- .0!' 11] in BERNARD 0. WESTER cans, 10e to $1.00. (,;1I 2: i... ;. 3p 813 Marvin Ave. WANTED: New and used car sales Phone 229-3107 i-an in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo- tor 'Co., Port St Joe. tfe-215 sAWN and PHO F OR CHAIN LINK FENCE eat FOR SALE: Guns, radios, tape- Efrir- Stephens. Free estimate I rfl'ycN, 8-track tapt' players, Guarantee on labor and material $1S6..6 "I. Johnson Messenger 122- ;'tow down payment. Phone 27 CRB, 23. crystal, new,, $125. Use our- ... 30-day lay-away pln..1. th St.,: ,.INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert Hlad iew. lhrt 22-M1 - ....Montgomery..A05.-3rd..Str'eet: '. Phone 2274811. 8tp-1-18 FOR WELDING NEEDS see James - L n 13 Pm02I PaIm L Apalaehicola. .' 3te-22 .... - FOR RENT: One and two bedroom SEWING MACHINE attractively furnished apart- REPAIR SERVICE ments. Cool in summer, warm in H.,... and Industrial winter. Gas heat, window fans.' 2t PHONE 6395357. 2-8 They must be seen to be, appreciate : ed. COutaet M. or Mrs. B. C. Prince - at WIMICO OOGE and TRAILER CALADIUM BULBS: Place your PARK. White City. Phone 2292413' or' T no'w from these Port St or 64-10l if-lO2F1 J' Gir'l' n Club members.Call ........ .. .. .'Mi. I. Ck Arbogast 227-5201; Miss: FOR SALE-960Falco -i 4 ,i,' I..-yer, 229-3671; Mrs. FOR SALE: 1960 Falco, 4 ir J ,- ,ri 227-5851; Mrs. J. W. Run good. Call 227-74ald. tc fClements, 648-7766, or any member FOR SALE: Lowry organ. For more ,of the Garden Club. tfc-1-25 information call 227-8701 after INCOME TAX SERVICE: Monday 5:00 p.m. or 220-4303. tfc-3-1 through Fid Sy 8 A.M. to 5 P M. FOR SALE: Truck camper, 10 ft. Phone 229,dll for appointment. -,er. : i tove, ice box, gas and N -.tu .; Sunday and after 5 P.M. a ., -".,. ,r... heater and .` 3; *I 229-3296. Shirley T. air s.', ...' .r 1 .':- 7 very little. Hicks. tfc-2-8 Can be seen at 805 Woodward Ave. or call 227-5746 after. 3:30. Sp-3-1 B BI NGO FOR SALE: 1964 D':- -. Dart. New at a NiNht tires and new seat covers. Runs Every Saturday Night S Call 2296786 2tc31 Be ginningDecember 16 7:30 P.M. NEW IMPROVED "Zippies", the AMERICAN LEGION great iron pill now with Vitamin HOME C. Campbell's Drug. 6p-2-15 DOES ANYONE KNOW the where- abouts of quality fabrics and fac- 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's tory outlet prices? At the SEWING women's. Racing style.Touring CENTER of course. The Sewing style. Credit terms available. WES- Center, 229 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe. TERN AUTO, Port StL Joe. 6.15 HELP ANTE: npnencu44r -NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Friday and Saturday -March 9 and 10 -BIG SHOW- "GONE WITH THE WIND" "BLUE SURF-AR1" also - ,rHOW TO MAKE A DOLL"' ;-- DIVORCE KIT - For the, no-fault law. For free details, write: Joe-. L. Stupica, Box 791, Pompa- no, Florida 33061.. Otp-3-8 -- I PATRK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt--EfficIet--Courteous Telephone 227-2491 HELP WANTED: Experienced utre recappe-s or trainees. No exper- ience necesary for trainees. A permanent job and apply in per- son at Panama City Recapping oCo., Springfield. Plant located one block behind Springfield City HalL Phone 785-6470. tfc-lOS INCOME TAX SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 pa,. Phone 229-281 ter SHERWIK-WILUAMS PAINTl.Denisl In Portlt. Jo. HURlEUT FURNW RE &M ,w iC S Soo Red MC A' New trvc A POLLOCK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTAIUS For Informati-n Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 2274401 MEXICO 'BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair -or syn- thetic, which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices .. WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 2274853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfde FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewehltchka and Port St. Joe CALL Comforter Funeral 227-S11 Home SEPTICTANKS pumped 0m Call Buford Griffin. Phone S2294 or, 229-37. d R.A.M.-Regular convoeotmok0 s. 'Jose 'Chapter No. &AXM. 1st and 3rd Mondays, & p.m. A visiting companions weeo WI E LEE GRiFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARAND, Sec. WILLIS -V.. -ROWAN,-PtOST 114 THB AMERICAN GLON, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL a regular corn- mwraiqatnof Port St. Joe Lodge No. In, F. & A. M., every fira and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. E C. BAILEY, WB . HERBERT L BURGE, Secty _I I r i 10 ST4R Potb St. Jm Fiftift THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 194i I a PAGE "TW=VlE Last Rites for Mrs. Crutchfield Funeral services for Mrs. Susan Jane Crutchfield, 88 of Graceville were held Tuesday at 3:00 p.m.. from the Damascus Baptist Church in Graceville. Interment was in the Damascus cemetery. Rev. Davis Black and Dr. J. D. Allen officiated. Mrs. Crutchfield died Sunday in a Dothan, Alabama hospital. Mrs. Crutchfield is survived by:" a son, Walter Crutchfield of Nice- ville; three daughters, Miss Maude Crutchfield of Graceville, Mrs. N. D. Baldwin and Mrs. Evelyn C. White both of Port St. Joe;' seven grandchildren; 11 great-grandcil- dren and one. great-great-grand- child. P nds |