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TWELVE PAGES THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR' Industry Runs Out OfGas The gas-, shortage, which has played the Gulf states for the .past two or three weE.; h':s ,0:o been felt here in tort St. Joe. While residentiiil lj:Tr's hb.:e !,has, two li.al adtre'i hb'e had their probleir., b.-.i'use of i ck ,f f'el . TiB nwKio manager ofSt Joe Natural;Cas ; Company .i r 1'* t Jo'e's..ifrig'e bt ':,,0 'fro :t ,oub a ; tin ea:. vU, qcloted in the Gulf ,f MerJ.4 off ix .-: coast of Louisiana. '"All &,.r,*:, *. problems. S il;i relibl", 'iKa '' Pid, .FAnote, to r'i :.', and tp'r,>f riiu. pT -yAw-rji" r 1 -Texa'c is-fT!eld5;: ,,- n''e i,::t- two.'e4k Ti' "l'-;.'i. f.- t .r, '-tiOns K.have caused1 a weak<-iTi" pres~ie' with other :.'p,,'.l; , ,~w.' M 'malunetit onsu. .* > -l L d r '.m -A. l '.other pr'0 ,'A.L,.T' ,. J. n 1/ ,." week. -. Friday of last.wel, both Gld- den- and Basic ,Magnesia were cut ..off.orjr,ler v f.' gas daf- ter' r.pe ti. : at. r:. ... ca- aeity for two weeks. The com- plete shut-off ';,%A .f,., r:,, .,... ',7 a.ft.r- o.rr..o ';l..i,.',.t, '* t b.. k. t6o %i,"I" f .l l ju.t .- : 1,iJJ 70% . c Otil.d, a ....... .J.r ;, t ',.' !.'ree- ~' r ;-,,, .,:,.*aj bh., A.,,;..i the. ' i kvrM.T ". 'i 1, .f d. .t.. 'r ,ilr. - ,.r r xe i %.' ,<. L I.'.'- .. .-__ ,,,_ ^ _.a . Band Students Earn Good Marks In Dist. Contest 'Several Port St. Joe High School band students p i i II ed in'" the District I Solo and Ensemble. Contest in 'ii '. -Saturday. . Participating were. ) n n y .Hammond, French horn companies by De.'.- Michael Leavell, trombone' 4- accompanied by Ann .\1id ., Bill Wall, oboe solo, accoimpan- ied by Ann -i. .. .', SWhite, .,il.,.... .,.. acempan- '(ied '.y tIA Sva n .! ., ub. :*..'. -accompanied by. Ed '"Stewart; y ,-'., i,...-,i' ,:'.: solo, accompanied by Kiaen" Gos- ,nell; Donna Sue I;,ui.,d-. alto v-sax solo, accompanied by Juii-i Collinsworth; David. Barton te- nor tat 'solo, accompanied by .A nita Mamoran; K hntveth .Vc.oid S.eornet solo, 'acompan.e, by. Ca- rol Ramsey and- a,.clarinet quar- tet imposed of Nancy "..- . Srarh Ann Roberts, David Bar, tku .a,.:1 Sandra Tootle. : : Donny Hit-i T7. I. f'. h horn solo r'i, ,. .. r.-t quar tet received a'Division I '.,,i: Thils qualifies 'them for the-state .. contestt to be held in T..ill>, :.- on May 3, 4 anid 5. - Pentecostals Start Revival Revival services will be held at the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Garrison Avenue, b e g inning Wednesday, February 28 through. Sunday, March 4. The services will begin at 7:30 p.m. each eve- \ ing. Reverend Sanford Haney of -Port St. Joe, Pastor of Pilgrim Rest Assembly Church of Marian- na will- be the speaker. There will be special -singing in each service. Pastor James L. Gosnell ex- tends a special invitation to ev- eryone to attend these services. THE STAR r L* "The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" PORT ST. JOE,.FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, MARCH,1, 1973 mFess Fire .-ep. AiJme t IM,' % ando uoing ''In "" ato .' a .oi president of the Port St- Joe-Gulf der the same plan. -. - Chamber pr.esidenr- Berr ard' Pridgeon, ,.h. con--" -County- Chaimber of Conner rcMaonday night. "- .. ':-.. which serw. '. qgratllae- Floye Bre.won on his section and 'in-. ta. r i.-b' .. Floye Brewton Takes Over a.- es Leadership of amber !. /L' "!.y, l'U L .7 YA '* "- J "'.. . Floye o, 6.. ri r or St. joei P-aper o. LUm- S,',r .r ,.,, r I.i,'. :. r, wa j-.:i.4 as president'of the ',ri St. ,e.-u1if County :Chamber of Commerce .Monday !;bt at lthe~ 0lruriibe'I k 'p o d 'the 'Cosher held at the ., ..t j :..' r,.'-; L ,.y C-:uirry t .u,. ',,r.v g' a..,-,g with Brew- -, ,," -. i.t n, -p .'-..- t. B ;^ M ,, tjr,..a- ., ; [ .r. B 7Jke~s, Txl Cduw: a Roy --. ,i.i.' .-. .. . L' .Fi r -r w'.: s. :;.ti'. ': and -. ; ui jl.i-... progre s . S". arenow organized .-.,A :;, -r. _-t soe *6 ..i'ity" -, '.i a,..aid, i,...i.i.Ln,; to a d. I. Constitutionri .dd By- ' Laws which were approvedn J "v',1'; .of this year. 'Prid- geon ir.-. out the 'Li. Jk l.;.I made .several contacts for new industry ,i'.. p,,.f year; "But industry acquisition is a competitive i.b,:l- in this.area", he said.; Pridgepn ..,, .'-. ,i ..,"4. the.fact that other area communities had paid p.-. working full-time flagging .1 -... industry which, comes this way.. . The 4 .r- r.i,- in. i-.Th ',.1 to a need for a largr ,,i. .i" -r,.-[.,. base inm '...i' to".get ...' ., for .the com. ... t. .. .'- of h.. .' e -,- '.for our area., He.noted that! i. in this new .. .' ..7 1 i., :_ :' .been issued by the '"-: is a f:...i' ..i' Dr. Louis James Atkin of .-T, : ,'- .. the Chamber members and their .. .w*. for an hour after- the in'x.t with his 'r-., at F '-r. i'..-p. r-. poli-. ticians and Crackers. !. \ Dr.. Lewis James Atkins and George Atkins in, some of the skits they presented at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet Mon- day night. Tupelo, 'Fire Control ittct THE BOARD.ALSO with fire r',. !.:. wants a Heard from the S ,, *, the .,- will be :the .- :' will be ,, ..,.i Jayees to clean, is ouin rltheir one as p the rea on Highway -is out in .ral, areas 22 The Jayeees offered to help. .fires *A-. "-:. -- ... to..r remove the eyesore by Ilc.:ting rip f:o' '' another , e' receivedd from tiaes im the a .e . ". ,'... 0 ; -. v- ," ~1'" resolution-request- i, .ed r*tQre'eive about '?..' "a .caiing the State of Florida to ap- S-. J r':'. T.n'-. -rant- propriate money to adequately Uto4 mniain $3400'year for 'op- fund "pr' -l&'ort services ra- expenses. their tlo'.i"-' ,*ia-'1 oi'the county 'A C. L 71, ;,* ; told -to supplement te e pense. . : ',; '.- present,- withh ;i' "o n . Bo Jones as their to, Eldridge'Money' that' South Gr- ask their City .*. .:.,*-- .-' ,to. rison -' venue'n eeded attention -make a formal .!.l.- .of- the -ad agreed to fill all holes, and .-county-and .!- would see what,. p o. 'a new- asphalt aid-slag *.'.... be done. .. ..,i.. fror 16th Street to White Fire. Chief Curtis :' then, .. '. his 11.1 for a'water truck saying, "It's real Embarrassing to be '_''"."' but a fire and have to -'.*,i to go get !wafer only to come back and" find the fire's just as big as it was be. start *,,-'h '," fore you starting L-m. : it.". '-,," ,,. also expressed a. will- ingness /of White City fo repay the cost' of the truck oit of Fire District funds, maintaining, part of the money for nr .-i',i,,,.. Hardy told the Board they had a truck and tank trailer located could buy, but A tt .. RishA 0, ;,.. 1 ',the' f (, i that ...... ..,is.., .can't ", .; bhy -L. .1 .' they want I''. i- .L call for bids pnder the 146 ,. A i. -,l: *-'f a !--t, Ohy dis- ,,*1. i. T. r,--.-'.^ t-^ 1'!< ." .I'."I. I.':" J '.U.t- '!". .- a v.'r < .l'- , --agreed to eet. with the de- S" ', A', I .. night' and decide on what the department wanted and -", best way to get it. The Fire Control District in come is J..ir.f..roi a one half mill tax on all "proPerty south of'Ci. ,~: Creek with the ex- '.'-p'.._. of Port St. Joe.-The dis- trict was cri '., ii formed to pay Port St. Joe for fire protec- tion, but has since had the funds divided up with Port St. Joe re- ceiving. half and Highland View and White City each receiving a quarter of the revenue. This past year,-a quarter share was i; -.. Niles Road. r- ,',..' a claim of Bill Nel- son, ->,. Gulf that the Coun- ty had .'.-" !,.1 a road on his land unles Nelson., proved it with a survey. SGranted the Division of Dri- vers Licenses to locate a compu- ter in the Courthouse to issue driver's licenses on the spot af- ter examination. The only thing to be worked out is a place to put the machine. "* oDecided to indulge -in the Division of Youth detention S..11. on a limited basis. The county will nay for. the service- if, as and when 0., / use them.i it,,,. will be 6 ifn T' 4' y t t .. ; S,(. i ,. din.ind $750 for un- S-c. i detention. Sheriff Lawrence Will Speak to Merchants Gulf- Gounty Sheriff.- Raymond Lawrence will speak and show a .film ot the regular meeting" of the Port St. Joe Retpil Merchants tomorrow at noon. The Mer- chants will be meeting in the St. Joe Motel. -,-.r'f Lawrence will show a film to the regular meeting of should do until the police arrive after a crime has been committ- ed in his establishment. Sharks Shove Blountstown and Chattahoochee Out of Running An '. shooting offense afnd'a rugged :.-: : the tort St.' Joe Tiger ;'- on top. of the i. 1- :-., Tigers, 6448 ..' AA-finals -v.. -.:.' night , The Sharks -jumped off to an eight point .lead 'the first two 'minutes of t7i, .e' and held the J,:..-. t: .' 1 3 points for the entire first half,. while the S,,-; ...-.. ,t':,-: Sharks, were tak- -ing advantage of every oppor- tunity to get 28 r. in, the half. Gary .-r.', Sand.. -i:.r n and Kendrick'Bryant *-k:,tt the Tiger offense off-halance, all night long with their ball-stealing and court work. Ronnie Herring took' one side, Tim Grandberry, the 'other and Sandy Quinn the mid die of the goal to control the backboards.; The Sharks vigorous play was reflected at half time when only Bryant had a single foul to his credit. The rest of the team was carrying two and three mis-cues. But Bryant was in the thick of things stealing the ball time af- :*tet Itim'e from 'Tiger players and S :.:. the fast break 'which .: .. so ;': - against the Tigers. , Tim '". led the home team with '24 big points and 17 rebounds "for the night. Ken- drick Bryant. had 14 points and Ronnie Herring 12. -...:. Quinn added 11. Joe Ray Durham led the'Ti-, gers -7 i 15 points and Rose Gar- rett I. 1 i::-e by quarters: Port St Joe,- 18 10 18 18-64 'Blountstown -_ '6 7 14 21-48 PORT ST. JOE-Bryant 7-0-14; Speights ,:'- '.; Grandberry 12-0- 24; Quinn 5-1-11; Herring 6-0-12; F. Russ 0-1-1; Hall 0-0-0; Dickens b-0-0; Dixon 0-0-0; T. Russ 0-0-0; Adkison 1-2; Rich 0-0-0. BLOUNTSTOWN-Godwin 0-2- 2; Durham 6-3-15; Robinson 0-0-0; Milton 3-1-7; Caster 3-0-6; Pelt 0-0-0; Goodman 1-2-4; Garrett 5- 4-14; Peterson 0-0-0.' * Friday night, in the prelimi- naries, the Shark steam-roller made mincemeat of the Chatta- hoochee. .: Jackets trounc- ing them 77-47. The Shairks had ran 4up a; 9- 14 score by half, time 'andi had widened the gap' to 61-29 at the end -of: the third: period. Next. ,year's 'team took the floor for the, entire last' period. ,, Tim Grandberry chalked up .18- points in three periods of play to lead the Sharks. Sandy Quinn put 14 points through the. hoop and Kehdrick. Bryant added 11. Grandberry led the rebounding, with 15. Sandy Quinn added '14 and Ronnie Herring nine. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe. _. 17 22 22 .16-77 Chattahoochee 9 5 15 18-47 PORT ST. JOE--ryant 5-1-11; Speights 4-0-8; Grandberry 8-2- 18; Quihn 6-2-14; Herring 1-3-5; Hall 0-0-0; F. Russ 2-3-7; Dickens 1-0-2; Dixon 0-0-0; T. Russ 1-0-2; Adkison 2-1-5; Rich 1-3-5. CHATTAHOOCHEE Bald- win 5-2-12; Neely 0-0-0; White 3- 4-10; Wilson 2-6-10; Moore 2-6-10; Moore 2-3-7; Watson 0-1-1; Booth 0-1-1; Scott 2-0-4; Richardson 1- 0-2. The Sharks completely covered the rebound territory Saturday night, as Tim Grandberry is shown picking one off with Sandy Quinn right and Ronnie Herring on the left side of the basket ready should the ball come their way. -Star photo 10c PER COPY Is A Truck Region Tourney Starts Friday In Crestview Gym The Regional Tournament -h.iU ,L'j.,L: .d Saturday in C' i.es'.w '.%Ei decide whether c nnt :-a ic:'=r St. Joe Tiger Sharks take their second suc- cessive trip to the state tour- nament in Jacksonville. Tomorrow, night at 8:00 p.mt., Port St. Joe time, the Havana Gladiators will be try- ing to'st4p the Shark surge and avenge a defeat last year which sent the Sharks to Jacksonville. In the nightcap, Baker and Graceville will be trying to get into Saturday's finals. The deciding game will be played Saturday at 9:00 p.m.. Port St. Joe time. "`: NUMBER 26 r ,; -Star .photo . PAGE TWO THP STAR, Port St. Jo* Florida THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 EDITORIALS S. ie Economic Minefield Maybe we just don't understand. all we know about the situation, but it sees to us'that President Nixon has used-'sev- -eral choice and timely movys to increase -the value of the currency o6f.our chief trade coingmeti'tc'rs, rather than to de-value the U. S dollar. First, there was the agreement to al-; lowi tree market gold to sek it4 own price while ,maintairmng an, official 'pricr bak- ing the U: S dollar./ Then later, the-dollar. was allowed to float free n excharge val- ue; then more recently, the official. 10% de-valbation, .. : About tlIe only 'nes who are overly alarmed about the situation arei Japan aid West. Germany -- the two nationss who are giving our T.-ort-i import balance fits. Thpee two nations, viAorous indus- trially, have m'ied .cheaper pricerI through cheaper labor. to c..aptre:: more .nd more - 'of the world market --ind'-lding tb' U. S. -market . The rjmoow-3 'f I-Prfident. Ni:irn have-, in effect, made the ecurreney 'of thie two' nations nori. valuable in rTlti.k,-3hip to the dollar (which sr.re., as the ya.r!'Lt-k of 'roDetary value, "d -pite its "shaky"' .. .. :' J :. ., : "/ ", .. , Condition thr tough de-valuation). T make. their merchandise more- expqns Sin the United States..which, we read, bi more than any other nation in the wo: Evidently, the dollar isn't to!. sh!qky. si these tivo nations seem more' concern about losing out on a portion Of fbat I .rajtive American market t than they .a-r'- c the "d chinri" vahijn of the dollarnlbi: already '.' on hand. An..,.ri-'.-1 ->3,,,.are ext-:sre on world rn :i rket, of courKo.. becaN- the wag Spail t !r .ake .mr' + 'h.e lhe--t in t w'r, 1ori ..Th Pr-,l.it'.s m<'v-, have, S fr'-.ct, hi:- L'gb-priced American nm'.rch .dise br : i. t':. fompetid'n .1.r. n. .turer-. l,1 k in s V, .: ." ., S./ tic-r d.n't '.h.i -u ond of" 'iuat.iorn" whmn it, 'on.-ernci the di', but it appears. a- ,if the move has re Sinicre'.,'l th- value of other currency a reAlisi.c ratio rather than undercut o A', Avirnnriw .t Ievin P. Phillip- sta * it, Nixon-, ias ."threatening ,.ani' 'conoi'f mit,.fi'i!d" for those S- du'strial nations p back: in uine'. by A erica.n ai'i snrl n thr.ri'.a.nirng obr own irdu-:tri.l future. G -ettin -Educated /:!!i low Crity ~tiuiwrB'nnuy PRobert is alrewidy jgfj.1niga n '-diicati.. r t-a~f'a irs of government. Only f ive roonthxinofi'i.4 'and hehi- ias I., larnr thi- bvrd way fUiat gorvem rw ntmrnoyes in my;-Aliopow;ways. RohbeH-l, w who, ia hF-,'i put iin. (;1]if the pLajdnitbe XS~ltT) qyarln~nt' ofTas 13ottafarT1 0Uhto 'n. u r.de~rt ~-w :r rasjqo'm rl t I P9sL'irc'ni r iii.,.; Qfl I .) 11t end cof I n,, NAvenue. kh ipt'4 quqivkly rre-. in as Ir T ulr ,w'rI, uj ,zl 11t iir(.-'AIhe W ('ty nmo'.Trp hin swer and water hrg'-,"-q 1.ibn', the in- cost the Stateofi Flneri:- -- ~ -bl, "he w~'~:that ar'r] 4e Was el 'i'~~and s:)41 ~'.,I crrect thera with some revision in design. I thing that g; me is, why did he do that way in the first place, when' he kn if wV'ou.d Lhbve to be chang-d?" That's a .ood question, Benny, a if and vwh-. you come up vnth an ansv, y;.-u will qualify as a geriJus. An anit.vir to Roberts' question wo '-...w.r the. rea ions for building a road White (.ity and putting it up so high prra.t''Atilly ruinrd adjacent lots'by dra ing all thR- water from the ro.d acr I hero. Tt wr .uld explain design of a r i't W..w i'bk v.itoh drain-ae channf ;t t. T.',t Ai'.e wb-h-.n ri-ht of way: ton ... ".'.'- available for such dra :-' As a master of fact, it wc-uld erpl a lot of things. The, Raceas Begun! Bulletin! Goveernor Reubin Askew. * ha~ .itOn.---.dl that h will Pr't have Lieu- tenant C.ov,' -Tie.r Tom Adams as his runm- n" int TI, n.-t .:l .-.- r ot, ti' .t :'.:-, the, 197.1 C.ttvop-, 1.I tt..i ,,'.. i" 'ia8" .t r- .1. . alr.dv i- M'. w,, can see the r,',-'' ,.--! a already If- ip. the .'.'i!.-:tly -. .ry ' moves he must if hte oi t~, y-.: r-:-,' t.. While it has bee ibhT'r t i., our na-- tion that' a ,p..!i fi' ; .'-. best -t''.l, r'. -'t 'was that he w.i- "jior- a f 'ri t 1'.. this could bh b. 'i iH Mlit" i.n --'.t "rfn -* - ,W ith. Lict,',t crtrr G .,,'Ier!..r *A;,'1." exer else of the 'firin 1' 1i-..- -Il:,tf1" ,p it; eould be a. fifit.: 1 ity. l-Fi The Republican, o,', think ..,time to start running for Governor, vit h fc;r- -- '-.-- I-- -', mer ,,.'--. P'T- i1-'Lh Jerry Thomas tak-. *.,. ...a. at Askew for.'.ir'izng hbs S":,.. t of it-' :ry" forced by he i.',-.-~r .r-rs. : ~ :,. gave the n*jw-i-. S c credit t'. other day for expo ng the dirty linen in the v.zh:?- administration, h1. :..Yi---.lf should-be ferreting out. This 's.Ir4'- y T :",',-'. didn't'earn himi any T;- i.c from this corner, as we hap- Sp,.n t-, ,:,-E.'., Askew is n, h-r.,-.t man- Tf we ,-..'.. against him '- again it will t.'.':. he has f..iled to, -urr,,mld hih-- Tf with public' servants cu--ll'. h.:-.n'- Yessir, we do bl -:.e it. The G-.':'.- Srr's race has started '!7--. ,:I' a. 'it will get hotter as the weather does. Tapper Filibusters For Rotary Club George Tapper, who was pro- gram chairman for the Rotary Club last Thursday, had his pro- gram fail to show up,.at the last minute, so he "filibustered". Tapper, a former -state sena- tor, 6 conservative and a Pork Chopper, used his opportunity to .express his views of government rr .- ,ri: .n ar.-i the activities of the State Pollution Board.. ( ""Since your state ~ r...r .t was reorganized in ,- L --1S of economy, tb.? iW -:.I-.JI a. been increased by 116% with state -.:,..ri m. increasing by $99000,000,0' since reorganiza- :zt-' t.e. Increase was larger, his sive uys rld. nee ned ges' the in an- de- a r . l It' w': 'at. 1q') y.ai; a o that to Ifirst ce-sl :cpe rimen' with. our e Ed .t. rs thvt seemed S top indicate they possess: ESP: "7ith ,.bhe p ability to read a' ; ;::in'S rr"!: A,..'Tidt:n' to i:' experts, they s t'E.ilvy have feel- put irg: 'suc.h s'. fear an-i pleasure., ow7 L.:,'r [ r.u_ -.- U-t a f- -'T*in Ci f.;rn-ia '",", *E'-'nd a plan to t6st this idea. E .th ,_"* '.,_'; he v".''Md w '- *:. "-r ..'',., f ri-'.-_ and. cu.re a'vcther. .'1k. f.atr '-J the -.rate riiz<-'..ly. He talk- e ,1 t eseli Tr-.,'jp, t' lling those he blessed hoW` well they 'were S doing, and how attractive 'they looked. The rthr ':' plot.that he cursed he p'irn-ted out how puny and worthless they were. hne' He predicted they'would never; it amount to anything. As the ex- iew :perirnent progressed the blessed plants grew like magic :while those. degraded soIon. w-thered rnd and died. ,er, Next I read of a controlled ex- periment hereee a scientist wired plarnt. to detect their reactions.' uld He found that when be held the I m thought of destroying a plant it there was a sharp reaction' of '. fea. "- the; taoe. On the other ain- hard. when a wied plant was 'os5 praised for its gorgeous flowers oa,'l. abnd healthy growth. it recorded l]edl geWicie plea.ure. , nor', Ten I r-:4. J.:7. Baker's book, "Plants- Are Like P'.pk', uain whb.r' the same theory *,a ex-' lain pan-led. I b eAn to, think maybe the iLea Wasn't- as far out as I first thought I became convinc- ed" it's true and .I tried an experiment of my.-own. I had a plant that grew vigor- ously in my. garden but had nev- er bloomed. I began scolding it, than any comparable period be- fore reorganization. "As for the econologists", Tap- per said, "he is either, a retired person or a real estate man who has just sold all his land". Tap- per was less than complimentary ,of the ecologists.. The former law-maker remark- ed, '.': .: s the next ?rn :.'.,,- e..*. to do when we've turned all thne' I.-i a i2 land over to the A -' the bugs and the birds All of us are conservation minded, but there is such a thing as go- ing too far." / G -t: ,ci -" e .hs wet."r.- Je rry- Geist and Don (.:r;.:n. York, Pa. p..,tk out how much'time and I A.:-, I hbad s '-t on'it to no c.l "'h iio other .:,rbE.!sh, ,L'oomed in return for mry caie and atten-.' -tibri. I thought I mIgh, ?s well destroy the bloomless flower-o i!l plant '..thih, else in its plac4 .that would show some 'r.'r ,'--.' tion. And.I told it so I soon for- -got the incident and W*as later amazed to find my chastised flower t ,' *- 'r'o riotious 1 .-'. r-.'. It Was :.'. of fiwoers that, iavs in the freeze as if to say, "Look what I .- done!" The February issue of Read-' er's Digest has an article by ...James Lincoln Collier entitled,. 'Do Plants Have T-e.:,r-i To..,? " t substantiates not only my own experiments but, everything, else I have'read on the subject.' Collier tells how a. friend, Cleve Backster, hn expert lie de- tector r.'ertr.'.. A =h:. poly-,. -graph to a philr'de..n.. -;n d be- In a e- rlr P.- W ith a f rie a .. .. .. : 'V"What. year were. you- hi r'"" he asked. The friend replied, 1'1931". The r-c.-Odt'" needle, taci' J to the ti.nt, l'.. n to dance. '."The plant says you are: lying," Ba'iter said. The friend' prL'r V l ,d-,rij it, B'ctter I; '. nvinced that- Splants feel things and react like humans. They '. ,.'." r f ,e .'. :-and enemies. 1b -' '*.'.n,-,l 1 ..to love and gentleness, fear, abuse and brutal treatment.The flow- ers n .'-; B:-'...r when he is away and the polygraph records. theii pleasure when he thinks about *".!.T,, They ce::.'-.i when he talks to someone about them although he can be miles away at the time. TO THE EDITOR Dear Mr. Ramsey ' I am c,.ik:,r.r- a' check in the amount of $500 to renew my i for one year to The Star- from. April 1973 to April, :1974. S*We enjoy- reading your paper very 'much, especially your eedi- torials. , y ,pi6nin., i thb.:' are no ftr f-: -ir.:.;a:-s tnh-'in Port St. JoeA.My own life was enrich- edby.the particular association I had with many of them during' 'the illness of my late,- Dad, Nehi Gore, arid I shall' never forget their kindness to him and to me. Very sincerely Helyn,.G. Watson P. O. Box 484 Chiefland,' Florida S(Your letter made my day. -Ed) - Say You Saw It In The Star - Perspective On Education by DR. BOB A THORNTON Professor oft Education University of West Florida The spectrum of differences among individuals in any given school- is always a difficult chal-' lenge. Not only are there bright, average and. slow- pupils,, but teachers, too, are seldom cut from the same cloth. They range from the new and weak to the experienced and talented, with all varieties in between. More- over in a school organized along conventional patterns they rarely get a c)iance to work together. A veteran teacher may be as- sighed as a "buddy" to a neo-' phyte, but. the help he can give often consists of a few kind words in the hall while each is hurrying toward his self-con- tained classroom. The pt.c.d'eyr fhen ti; ba=' le i ldea'T., a :h.- b -J 3 - r ..- for i-.l eh d !.:. fILU.1 hi.. urlvieM --d ar ur-idr the t t :;.. --e :.f t. 0 .*:-'. beit t.:i .- ei'. _.- .:t t .*. r .3[.e* t.x e ar--. Zt. :-J.... t H a- r ard L'r...- t,. l.,-'e th."- have c-ome up with a p.:-.'e insv;e:-.:.'". t-achbng. Their i-de hba. been trie4 '.ut in EchDoIs, in Gulf Counts and all. c''-r the couLti' and it seems to work.. Indeed it has captured so .much interest that scores of schools are adopt- ing the idea in whole or in part. Team teaching departs in two essential ways from the ordinary organization of an elementary school. To begin with, no single teacher is responsible for all the instruction that a class receives; instead, he is part of a team. -.:' .Ii', 1: is not a r_'vu: in- L.:.-..-E. ipervising teachers and .other U.c -i,'- t: have often taken overef instruction in areas like music, art and remedial reading. Also, departmentaliza- . :. i ,not a total -stranger to the elementary, school. In that re-' se'ct, team' teaching' is merely ' a variation'., of. the old concept that each subject should be taught- by an- expert ih. tne field. But the. second difference is more startling. Class sie is not ' fixed but varies with the activi- ty. A- group 'of as many 'as 200 .r. iLs may assemble to. hear a leet'ure from, a team teacher or to see an education film. They may then break down into smal- ler.'groups ranging from fewer than 10 to clusters of 50. Often while the majority of the pupils are assembled, smaller groups may be receiving advanced in- struction or doing remedial work. Flexibility is the key to the program. Kaleidoscopic corn- binations. are .possible in the arrangements of groups not only in terms-of numbers but also. in the rr r tc r' of schedules, if .the-.buLAig f, .lit.es permit .; SThe Franklin School at Lexing- ton has three teams-Alpha, Beta and Onega. Each group has . a team; leader -nd aides to dT' the -,cleiical work. In addition;, 'the cc.-irpc:irti,.rn 'of each group is-- as follows:- Alpha, six teachers and 150 pupils (grades 1-2); Be.- -ta, one or two senior teachers; four or five teachers and 160 pupils (grades 4-5); Omega, one or two senior teachers, four or five teachers and 170 pupils, grades 4-5). Each team leader receives $1,000.00 beyond the regular sal- ary. The job entails supervision of others on the team, as well as teaching. Senior teachers, who are experienced specialists, are paid $500.00 beyond the reg- ular salary. THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 0G Williams Avenue, Port It Joe. Fleorid, SBy The Star Publishing Cemnimmy WEsn R. RAMSE Edftor and Publishe 'Urn Llnotype Operator. Ad Salearsm, Phielwaetas gM 110l Plg4 Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint pDeartm"it PosTroMwi Box 808 PHONE 227-8161 Po-r ST. JOE, FLOmIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX 0&. $2.25 THREE Moe 1 7. OUT OF COUNTY One Year, '1.00 OUT OF U. &" OneYj. TO ADVERTISERS-In oa of error or o nialWoa in advertaSme the apubIHAe is ot hold theilied 1iUme for daage further than amomt racjld-fkro aldertlMiaet. e spoke n wr is e seat *tsmamic thb hterd oI -4 -lubed. rh ok. md barely 0a; the w tedt on rd m Tooe *l wk w~ 41 lost; the dated wfte a Too Late To Classify Br Russeul Kay I m I Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it .. a genuine use for the two-fingered peace sign. For years now, all of us have seen the kids going around w v,- the first two apendages on their right hand rbnit, heaven-ward in a spread-eagle fashion and for a while There, I thought they were t Fting to see which way the wind was bl,',wLit from and to (you 'know, one finger catching the inl ominng breeze and the other check- ing w.i:here it is going). -Last Thursday evening, I attended the Cub Scouts rn ii] blue and gold banquet. When I arrived all was pandemonium, wht P..m the kids d LIilg the wev.ithe'r and all, until Cubmaster "Smoky" Davis decided he want- Ned.quiet. I was si' th e i, L table with Mrs. Joel Gainous -and ".?u.:-y" waddled up and ,.'itn, d that right arm in the air, -, the peace' sign.. I told Mrs. Gainous, he 1-.I- a 1 1, to b ^*,\.: .'. ,:.f .h-. kid's'signs, but she informed me he was ..-kin f, quiet. Kids r,,e !i.t.in~ all' over the place; over and under t.-..h.; pl yin7 tag; snatching at one anihi.'r's caps; 'JA:'nie over l.i:jir', etc., and generally acting like'kids of Cub S.:.'.ut age will do only more so. "He'll never get quiet like. that", I told Mrs. Gainoui drawing on my past experience of raising six kids .who never learned the meaning of the word "quiet". Ima- *.,', expecting 40 li'.ely boys to get quiet just because some short _.!',-~l'!.: man ;raises two fiin-rr.in the air. But pretty soon, here and there, another set of chub- ,.by ~-i' pr:4 were thrust into the air. then another, and :rt'-. ,r Wr* ,, cn.j. u,> v.'7..i. r', wifliin ju:ii a few min- utes, the Commons Area of the Po-rt St. Joe ifi.h School was as 'i.. Ias a tomb.' Back during my child rearing years, when the kids would get a bi r,-owdy, I'd come out v. ih :,i "you kids get a little q'~uit.er now". Then, when that didn't work, a shade louder, "Settle down now, kids, that's too much noise".. Of **.:,u i.r that didn't work either, so I had to get a little stern and say, "Th:it.' enough now, get quiet". A,,s pan m tdui'n till reigned, I had to draw.on my see- rv. w, p.,ick up a yard stick, kept rle:a)tby for just that pIrT -,i,: ,l ed.p iI up against the wall real hard and yell, "S-l-U-T 'U-P-1'" Sdmetimes that would work and I Sf..l 'real isfi,,1 at having a formula which w,-.ildl ac- tually quieten down a- bunch of noisy kids. 'ith. r, all I had to was hold up two fingers! iSo, momma and. poppa, don't get all flustered when the kids get Wd:.-y. Don't feel you need to take a Bayer to, keep from blowing your top. You can even throw away S ear plugs, for we have found'a sure-fire method of .':..- the kids quiet. Just throw two, spread fingers toward the sky it works! One of ( ..,A-n' ., ;,nC' Walter (.*' -l. favor- .ite ploys when someone approaches .the County Commis- sion for financial aid is to tell about "when'he was a boy"' and how '^..y were poor and had to make do with what they had .. which was mighty little. Graham uses this example .. -,.fr .,:.i r and usually has the one seeking' Ashamed he should, even consider expecting anyone else do what he should be doing. \'. ., went too far the other day. When the Divi- sion of Youth Services was looking for help in setting up an arpa detention home for kids who -hadn't done anything Worthy of .imprisonment, Walter was first on the scene-' with, "If I threw a ball threw a window when I was a kid, my daddy took care of me!" I'm sure he did, but remembering Walter's past re- marks, I was just wondering where Walter got that ball 1 to throw through a window? They evidently didn't have it at a window where it might get confiscated. a ball was a prize and you sure didn't risk it by throwing it as a window where it might get confiscated. i ' (HE STAR Port St. Joe, Florids THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 rAGE THERK - --------- *- --- -----------------"~ \~~~'~"~ ---,------...--------- Party...ou're Invited Our Thanks and _.Appreciation -, -Ar P Ean-3 W TO EACH O~YOU fr r I, i'g -1 us and traded vWith us ,I,.., .. 27 years. e shall continue to offer you our 0,.t in service, .i. ,.- and savings Sat all times. T-1 KAA IV. MARCH 1, we will serve -.- BIRTHDAY CAKE and COFFE. Please come help us .r _.u with ,d w". coffee and the best values in this area. -.. _THE BOYLES -__-_= : and LoyalAssociates HE pf. RJl'LE A IBOYLES-standing, L lor, Erlma Boyles and Barbara F,. . to R: C"d' Viega, Mary Reeves, Mary' Seated-Frances Cross, Tom Culpepper Lou Fw :. Mary' Smith, Eddie Mae Tay- and R. Glen Boyles. . .' U, ,_ _____ 27th Anniverjary Special LADIES' SWIM SUITS $9.27 to $11.27 SPECIAL- BUY! You'll love them. Shop early for best selection. Lay away if you like. Other suits by Rox- anne, Robby-Len, Beach 'Party. Special Anniversary Buy! SURFBOARD TENNIS' For on the Go! $3.27 pair Ladies sizes 5-10. M, .:I' 3i., Heavy cushioned sole. Cushioned upper where the ankle needs it Advertised in, "Seventeen". 27th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL Exquisite Nylon T. --v Trim 'PEGNOIR SET For the Gown *6 2 and Coat . ~i.- pas ls .. '- tiLr.., Large ANNIVERSARY SIZZLER! "Leisure Tyme" ... : TERRY SCUFFS 97c pair c Soft foam lined. Sponge rubber sole. Sizes S, M, L and XL. 27th ANNIVERSARY VALUE LADIES' PALAZZIO SLACKS .$4.27 $5.27 and $6.27 pr. i Plaids, solids, stripes. Assorted fashion fabrics and colors. LADIES POLYESTER Pant Suits $8.27 to $15.27 So smart, comfortable and washable. Sizes 8-18 and X sizes to 22%. 222 Reid Ave. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Phone 2274261 Sale Starts March 1 W ORK S UITS Reg. $3.99 Pants and $2.99 Shirt both for $6.27 .pi, ,IA-, ri 't. k-, 1 l and shirts by Big It .- :..... 29 t6 ;ants and S,M,LXL shirt. 1 .I ,,, .'-.. guaranteed. Men's HANDKERCHIEFS 8 for 73c These handkerchiefs by Fruit of the Loom. A lot of blows for a little money. ,., ...I Hemmed edges. MEN'S SUITS and 'SPORT COATS S100% polyester double knit in :-rd., 11 :-, and designs. These come in sizes 36 to 48 regular and longs. These . . and sport coats are the finest quality by Hubbard and Warren Sew- ell. Buy now for spring and Easetr. Reg. $60.00 1 /0 to $79.99 -Now I off our regular low prices 'BOY'S "FOOTBALL JERSEY Y S Beg. $3.99 Sizes 8 to 18 $3.27 All. numbers .are famous football players' numbers. National and American League numbers and colors. SPORT SHIRTS Men and Young Mens Styles by Campus now $3.27 Reg. $3.99. Never iron tapered. 65% poly- ester and 35% cotton. All styles are new 1973 merchandise. Short sleeves and large collars and wide placket. Machine wash and dry. Sizes S,M,LXL. Men's SHOES and BOOTS -^ 10% off . Choose from our regular and spring and Easter styles and SAVE! We feature nationally advertised famous Rand shoes and boots. We offer B, D and Triple E widths. See our new styles on sale with new high heels and the new wide toes. Anniversary DRESS S ALE! Off Y Our Entire Stock S' of New S ;p.' and Summer styles. Ori- ginal prices start at a low $11.99. Junior, Missy and r-'.;f sizes. , BW BANK AccepltA BANK AMERICARD ~EI~PI ,il I I- [F-D-EPARTMENT STORE PA Y ASA/ PAY LESS ~1 9 -r ,-I PAGE FOUR THE STAR, Poit S. Joe, Florlda THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 Save With Our Discount Specials Piggly Wiggly Prices Are Effective February 28 through March 3,1973 We Reserve limit Rights We Accept USDA Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly SHOP PIGGLY WIGGLY SAVE! Fresh Slek-d BEEF LIVER lb 59c t-ound CHUCK lb. $1.09 iound ROUND Ib. $1.29 Round STEAK l b. $1.49 Choice Beef SAVOY BROILS Ib. $1.29 Clark's Chopped SSIRLOINS pkg. $1.33 ALMEAT' STEW POUND $119 CUBED STEAK POUND $59. FRYING CHICKEN SPECIAL org FRYERS Quartered Breast Ib. 63c Turkey Ne Pork Neckl Quartered Thigs b. 49c Meaty Sou Frosty Morn Hermitage Sliced BACON lb. 69c Sunnyland RED HOTS ------lb. 89c 4 Pound Box ' BACON ENDS and PIECES box $1.29 Cudahy $2.07 Value .' Al Meat FRANKS -....--- 3 pkgs. $1.69 Fresh CHITTE RLN GS 5 lb. bucket $2.69 Fresh CHITTERLINGS 10lb.bucket $4.89 Del Monte Halves or Slice&- 29 Ounce 'Cans DOMINO Peaches 3 cans $1 A Del Monte 14 Oz. Bottles V A Catsup 4f 4btls. $1 , Del Monte C. S. or Whole Kernel 5 i. 16 Ounce Cans Gold Comrn Scans $1 -I Del Monte Cuf'Greei * 16 Ounce Cans -Lit 5 Tbs. with $10.00 Beans 5 cans. $1 Order or More - g King ,Size Loaves , SUNBEAM BREAD 3 loaves $1.00 Limit 1 With $10.00 Order or More Robin Hood FLOUR 5 lb. bag 48c .a Grade W-' and ' 4 6 Pillsbury )LE o. Butterumilk., .-E v3 B ISCUIT 39 4 Pak Pkg. or nowmit Super Savings, Sea Pak Frozen Breaded 10 Ounce Package Shrimp. 10 oz. 99c Mr. 'G' or Taterlan Crinkle Cut 2 Lb. Bag Potatoes- 2 Ibs. 39c Adorn Ex. Hold 13 Oz. Can Hair Spray- $1.48 Extra Dry Anti-Perspirant Spray 14 Oz. Can Arrid 14 oz. $1.68 SEA PAK FROZEN FISH 'FISH^H SC STICKS _ GEORGIA GRADE "A" Medium EGGS 2 Dozen 99 Fresh Crisp Celery stalk 25c Idahoan 16 Oz. Bag Instant Potatoes 49c Fresh Salad TO 0MATOES lb. 29c PIGGLY WIGGLY BUDGET MAKERS EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Compare, Buy and Save! Shop PIGGLY WIGGLY'S BUDGET Compare cd' Save! Low Prices, Every Day of The Week! Hi-C Drinks 46 Oz. Can Grape or Orange Green Giant 1202z. Can Niblets Corn Showboat No. 2Ya Can Poik and Beans- . F;Famous Brand 16 Oz. Can Le Sueur Peas - Starkist 6 O'. Can Light Chunk Tuna- Del Monte, 6 2 Oz. Can' light Chunk Tuna Del Monte 20 Oz. Bottle, Tomato Catsup -._ can 35c can 23c can 29c can 29c can 47c can 47c btl. 35c quncan'Hine Devil Food, Yellow, Lemon or WIfte take Mixes box 39c Betty Crocker White, Yellow, Ger. Chor. or Choc. Cake Mixes-- box 39c Spray Reg. or Scented '12 Oz. Size Lysol -- -- 12 oz. 79c White, Decorated or Asst. Bounty-Jumbo Roll Paper Towels -- rol 39c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Compare, Buy and Save! Big H -- Jymbo Roll- Paper Towels rol Famous 100 Ft. Ro ll Handi Wrap -- roll Dc.ticiou Campbell's Tomato Soup -- can Famous Brand Parade 11 Oz. Canr Tomato Soup 3 cans 3 Pound Bag China Doll Rice bag 5 Pound Bag, . Jocko Rice bag 2 Pound Bag Water Maid Rice bag- Parade 26 Ounce Box Iodized SaltI- box Colonial or White Gold 5 Lb. Bag Pure Cane Sugar bag Regular or Quick 18 Oz. Box Quaker Oats -- box 36c 33c 12c 33c 59c 89c 39c l0c 59c 35c Peter Pan Smooth or Crunchy 18 Oz. Jar Peanut 'Butter -- jar 63c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Compare, Buy and Save! Peter Pan Smooth or Crunchy 12 Oz. Jar Peanut Butter jar 44c Peter Pan Smooth or'Crunchy '- 28 Oz. Jar Peanut Butter jar 99c Famous Quality Brand .4 Oz, Bottle. Pure Crisco Oil btl. 99c Famous Quality Brand 48 Oz. Bottle Pure Wesson Oil_ btl. 99c Shortening Snowdrift 3 lbs. 79c Regular Box Tide Detergent box 34c Tide Detergent box 77c Large: Box Bowerful Spic and Span ..box 99c Miss Georgia 29 Oz. Cans Peaches -.3 cans $1.00 Bama 18 Oz. Jar Apple Jelly -----jar 33c Parade 11 Oz. Jar Coffee Creamer ___ jar 49c EVERYDAY LOW PRICE Compare, Buy and 'Save! Pillsbury jWhite, Yellow, Lemon 18 Oz. Cake Mixes box 39c Y2 Gal. Plastic Bottle Clorox Bleach btl. 32c Lady Scottff 2 Roll Pkg. Bathroom Tissue- pkg. 31 c Waldorf 4 Roll Pkg. Bathroom Tissue- pkg. 43c Piggly Wiggly 12" x 25' Rolls Alum. Foil 4 rolls $1.00 Kraft Mayonnaise 32 oz. 69c Twin Oaks No. 303 Caps Tomatoes --- can 18c New Fresh Mint Vel Dish Detergent 22 Oz. 49 33 Oz. A Beg. 59c ]eg. 85c Van Camp 15 Oz. Can Pork and Beans can VMan Camp No. 2 Can Pork and Beans -can 15c 21c TO HELP COMBAT RISING FOOD PRICES IN PORT ST. JOE ... PIGGLY WIGGLY WILL DISCONTINUE GIVING S&H GREEN STAMPS ON SATURDAY. MARCH 17, 1973 SHORTENING 3 Pound Can 1 with $10.00 Order FreshForida ORANGS or GRAPEFRUIT 15 Lb.^1 BagV I Ir I III d I' I LLLII I I I P IIL -~ i I THE STAR Port St. Joe, Florid' THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 l Cub Scouts Presented Awards In Annual Blue-Gold Banquet Thurs. Susty May, son of Mr. and Mrs. David B. May received the highest Webelo award a Cub Scout can achieveat the annual Blue-Gold Banquet of the Cubs la-st Thursday night, held in the Pbrt St. Joe High School Com- mons area. Dusty received the - *. * Arrow of Light. award (compar- able to a Boy Scbut Eagle award) from, Robert McDonald, District Scout Commrisioner. Cubmaster R. D. Davis pre- sented awards to several other ,Cubs during the presentation .ceremony. Receiving Wolf Bad- ges were Jake Tankersley, Roger Tootle, Billy Merchant, George Thompson, Troy Taylor and Mi- chael Burch. Bear Badges were presented to Michael Curtis and Bryan; Burkett. Webelo Colors were presented to Charles But- ler. Receiving special awards were: Jeff Wood, Sportsman; Rick Taylor, Naturalist and Dusty May, Citizenship and Outdoors- man. In addition to May's award, Commissioner McDdnald present- ed a new Cub.. 'Charter to Ted. Cannon :-.;.- :n:~ the spon- soring :; '.: the Rotary Club. The, $..-. -r~': '. also presented :: .. Keys to Mrs. An ..,, :':.:, i ;. e i'o r Tay- lor and Mrs.',May Dell Pettis. Fr:,';.:..m ,r D.;'is recognized .eit S..rut :; r: FPer, Mrs., r' P.r:- M'L.r, MY.s. Bairfbia Hal- nlin, M&s. rIKb.ie TE.vkerley, ,. dM; D -'-. i L'E.n,,'.lIh M;:s Rath' L':.cu. r.: DL..:l ..' :.'. ., Mrs. riro Melton,r.. Mrs.- An..nete Hinson, Mrs. 7'. i rLn. .r A,*c --c.rI. Mrs. Edith Claiki, 2 J. IFi,. Br7ant, =d :.L.:,;.. El .i, -. : ': ; Leed- *,: i'. t ': ..*:.r.. ,.a :tr,' hle Cub Scout "* o d.r r past year. Three Teams Win Golf Tourneyl Three evenly matched teams Uir were able to subdue the St. Joseph -_-_-_ ~Bay Country Club course and tied _for first place with identical one under par scores of 35 in a selec- tive shot golf tournament played last Sunday. Members of the three teams received equal shares for their efforts. The teams were: Captain Billy Barlow, Frank Hannon, C. W. Rob- _=erts and Louise Coldewey; Captain Bernard Pridgeon, Wendell Whita- ker, Wes Thompson and Naomi Brock; Captain Ashley 'Costin, John Howard, Janet King and Es- telle Mosely. zSixty-eight golfers participated. This is the largest group yet. With ... the prospect of more favorable Weather, the next tournament on March 25 is xepected to draw an er"- ',a larger entry. Those interested are urged to make their plans to enter now. District Scout Cornmmnisioner, Robert McDonald, r gh, presents Wlm s A ..e.. 51 41' Williams Alley Kats __ 45 43 a ne'w Cub Scout charer 'to Rotary reproe"nt.ti Ted Cannon at St. Joe Stevedores 43% 48% the Blue-Gold banquet Thursday night. I--. r ;h.:, P,. Co irls 9 83 7 1 1 + B,,, -.,- -. Cowgirls -.... 99 83 The ~:r~fiAr gi-ven aY~~ C, a''8and ~:Tr li. Commissioner Rob-ti McDonald pI"Is flthe ", Arrow of Lighi award to Dusty May. This is the S.highest award available in Cub Scouting. "Look. I K;^ *^.' ";':J .:*; CUB SCOUT AWARD WINNERS i'-...., , row, left to right: .' r ~ jlr; 1 hade.1,iCh, 0 George Thompson, Bo n Bu kett' R 4r Tootle, * ai on are Bury' pamrnts and grandmother,, -01 B. M. .Mrs. Bs. se May of Tonawanda, N. Y., arid Mr David B. May. -Star photo '. Taylor' P.I.L r>w, left t.:' :ibt Dusty Ma ST..:, ."..! Curtis, Billy Merchant an L. ..._; y. -Star pho Suffice Supplies.. THE STAR Is bh3dta td r al yo u r office ipPi:.' needs We stock. '. a"riuiy la mns brard a esnir m quw tN office supplies No '; I -.s wAt for tbh. ewvvr.(-'day office. needs.: Cal us to. ay * STAPLING MAC)4146r STAMP DATES '*. -5tIAAMp '.AbS adtdN *0flU FO ES SSfA-CTCI PADS all fsz STYPEai'E APER SaMIMOGRAPH PAPM SDUPLtWOr PAPER SCARSON PAPER * INDEX CARDS, all sizes CARD FLES, rwood metal POST' BINDERS L EDGER SHEETS SSTAPLES G EM CLPS) FASTEIfES M* LGAL andg ETTR PAO DUPLICATOR FLUID SPENCILS, ERASERS - And A host off Oitr OffiO ..eeds - - THE STAR - "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE ?-,23161 06 W UlAMSM AVE, IV *ltc.I ky, md oto, -. O-l O * a) I' Q- '0 0' Jul o0 0 I SGulf County Men's Leage :--: D-l2 A n i Joe Lanes, took three points D OW Ii.,g-, Basic, Mi :.iB this week. SI# -_ "'" .. ries. Top man for 'St. Jde'" S-- Lanes was Harry Lowry, with 538. Sp A J-.- Roche FTir r and Shirt and i f\ISh* Trophy split ;each taking two S -ea points. Jerry Colvin had a 536 and L M{ Red Todd a 529 ~or Roche. Troy Gd' d Shirt and Trophy with his : 531. Gulf Co. Ladies Bowling League *ana, 477 I-. *.!. f.r 1. -l .-:',. TV split with Tom- Last We.naesday. night, St. Joe Shirt and Trophy was Mary Whit- iny's Gulf Service. .Bil Besore's 'Stevedores won all four games field with a 187 game ai'l 41-1 460 was the best for Tommy's': 'from Bowen's Cowgirls. Loyee Bea- series. ., while Murdocks. had B.'. Richards ^^ 'man led the Stevedores with a 170' .,inr,.'.' '.n i all four games inthe lead with a 490. ganib and 471 series. Sherry Day- from St. Joe Fin.u.'-ire t-I ,t,,i Marvin's TV grabbed all four' O ridson'was high bowler for Bowen's Polay._ :i h.. r ~.'. 1.l -and points from f'' pat-Jl'., Pru.-.. with a -151 game anid 379-series. Faye Pope had high .. r..: f. 409 Clyde Parker had. a 439 t6 lead St. Joe Kraft won three and lost for C...u i i'. ... *' ':;.,. <'i._,-'. Bill Barlow. ,as the O -e 'rSuat r, u Ti Tr;.- F-h t. #-.L-lerfor St. Joe *mt.riji Ig no i for Marvin'swith a 494. .-th .i i. t. iD, a 177 r- ':vh 117 game and 398 series. 'Standings W . .... Fl., iih First National Bank.,. MiVrl- -'< TV ---- 24 12 1A.dlr' f;ui ~ Cy .t .'..-.. fjr fb: Vijt.iL. Alley. Kats a...- I~trt..1 I,,hA Furniture ---- 23 13 i fre. ..: 'ing chicken) and n ;.i t.i: games.. St. .e Lanes -17 15 well. Add tomatoes and r aSuaings, W L iMarvin's TV 19 17 bcOk, itilkmixtdire comes > a i .;'.. an. Ti..,..u '57 35 Shirt a" '"ri-Y-' A 16 i !' fd h*..f rr P... over' iu,, r-. n :. N .t. P.rik "..'.. '1 ,. C. a ,.-,'l < .s D 1I 21 S! r p.- :. -, :; r f 4--,i- j. .. -1 -'_j. .i..:.5 14 22 t" l ^n-^:.-~ ~-:. 4 ,cl *. Irc\*l;'z*= 'il 41 T~.- <*!? lf ^I ---- 12 24 z I V 0) 0~ I- VI Cl) 0 E E 0 0 E 0 -) - .sw 0. - ~dam . .ROBERSONS I GROCERY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW Am.N SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 PML. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., 'Fri., Sat., March 1, 2, With $10 00 Order or More SUGAR R Georgia Gradp "A" -a- 'Smai EGGS c- IfLTN M CTU. To ato CATSUP 5 lbs. , 3 49c 2 doz. 89c QUART BOTTIS 49c ,Golderw Rip Fhii Hea BANANAS --------lb. 12c LETkCE head 29c Fresh Ripe A Fr QAh F-orIda TOAtOES .--- b. 39c ORANGES doz. 49c MAYONNAISE T- 49c PAL. a CO OK NG O ------ ,88oz.jug $1.29 Tender, D.ilcju Chdiu we 7Bone SfK -- lb. 89c T STEAK .. Ilb. $,49 Fresh Pork ,'i I $" NECK BONES- .- Ib. 39c PORK CHOPS l--.--l. I 79c All Mait Bd t"SIM rain ip STEW BEEF -- Ilb. $1.09 STEAK or ROAST .. Ib. $1.49 SHOULDER BEEF ROAST Ib. 99c WOOLFE or HALF SLAB BACON Fresh Ground Every Day Hamburger Ib. 69c 3 Ibs. $1.79 r- -- I II rAIES IlEi / THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florda THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 ,AGE INX -- MISS PHYLLIS BARTON Engagement AnnounCed I'l -Mr. and Mrs. Philip- L. Barton, Michael is a graduate of Port -d. .".rt St Joe, anneuncee the .t. Joe High School and' is pres- . engagement' of their d,,'-r. i-_, .'-s;:-iA.r .,.Y, the Contam- ,Phyllis Sue, to.Harry Michael r Division of St de P;.. h S4urphy; son-nof Hanry Mi, Mr- Company. pHy and thelate Janie Murphy. SI'h_ l .. j .,-nior 'at ,,rt v'^ ..'t'' "-'' bi be announ- S3c',' ih '. ,, ; ced at a later J ^ M-S DOT WILLIAMS Sgt._ RollinsSTS SOROTY MEETING T ra t !.. ''r of Beta sipm a.i-. -..'i ,' usi meet- Transferred ir ,,fthe year':, o.. of . .- ". :-"( / .*., :A..i ].,, lliamns. The.iprogram was M 41J," ..,.I_', -L.TJ ?yff." "'."J.,, Mrs. Elaine 'JAckson Stren Mnf 1-.o,1 T. collins, whose on :i,1'. 9,A.,.-.t. "You and Your- u- vwif. ,ii, '. iits; J:,r.j'hter ofMrs. "', .. - C(lA, '.;v-ji.. r'* <.no. A,.Port 5 ..t the program and business J~oe, has n ,S',-,'i for:duty at MJ1i ... I.r the .social hour was held Valley A Force,Station, Calif. ,,,t delicious. r7 ,e .wet':. ser- ..,Seregant Rolins, -an aerospace the hostess, Mrs. Williams. (,r.trol. and warning operator, i,' __ ..-_--_" / Sa. .ir.d. to a unit of the Aerospace GULF CHAPTER .1 ", 1 - S\,, -~ ,-i-.,.,r .rd which 1.1 ../.. t WILL INSTALL OFFICERS the.b US. :-'. ,,r hostilee. ,,j. : .r: The installation of officers of' So,, Trijs..i1c. Ir pr.vi ,.u.1y served Gulf Chapter 191, Order of Eaa-i ;A i K ', J -.:d,,i_ Airport, '- l,. t.-,, Star '.will be held Friday, '.rd 12 rs,..nitt in Vietnam. Lijh 2 at 7:30 ,pn. at the :,'4 .rc, S: The'sergeant is a 1954 j'.:ii.,ti.t Hall in Pdrt' SJ.oe. "' ' of John J. Wright -High School, All members .;'nd friends are in- Sp'ty-viti..Va. vitedto atnod. Ivi ttt Sheriff's PoSse Mounts Up The 'f r: step was 'taken in creation `of a Sheriff's Posse in Gulf .. when -22 men met with Shriff Raymond 'Lawrence to discuss the matter. Lawrence had members of;the Bay County Sheriff's Auxiliary present to 'explain the-actiities of a posse. Sheriff .Lawrence says he is" planning to organize a 'group of . 25 men throughout the county to serve as an emergency force and assistants to. the. Sheriff's Department. , The next, and 'organizational meeting of the Posse will Tbe held Monday, March 12. Teens Operating Road Block'Saturday Teen agers will a road block Saturday in downtown 'Port 'St. Joe to raise funds for the .Voncile Bouington fund. Mrs. Bouington is currently .. ..'. very expensive can- .cer treatments at the Mt. Sinai T citizens are urged to give generously to the fund. Men Playing Round Ball for Cancer Fund i' ll be a championship ''. -" L. -.*, the two top men's ,-,, tennis of Port St. Joe, S ".. _,.;. 7 :3 0 p .m . t ne will be played in the -' ., School Gym with ad- Ii f- ,; $1.00 and 50c being S.... Proceeds will go to the' .::.ri cer society. School Golf Team Places Second Port St. Joe High held its first .golf meet :, with .Bay High an4d Marianna ;':' L :. Bay High won with low total of- 190. Port St. Joe was second with 197. Marianna had a 203. - Barry ousea f Port St. Joe was low medalist a low.of 41. Donkey Basketball Next Thursday r .-Y Basketball is coming' to Port St. Joe Thursday, March-' 8, under the sponsorship. of the Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club. The Kiwanians will meet the Key Club in the High School Col- iseum at 8:00 p.m.-all aboard the jackasses. A matinee will be : presented during the afternoon with the- Key Club and the VICA club on board, or on the boards. Admission to the riot will be $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for students. Tickets are now on sale by all Kiwanis and Key Club members and at the High School office, Smith's Pharmacy, Florida Bank and Sears. Sorority 'Meets In Power Lounge The Et'a' Jpsilon Chapter of Beta: Mrs. Biggs Hosts Xi Epsilon Meet The regular meeting of Xi Ep- The "Chuck Jackson Singers" from Panama City, will- present a program of favorite hymns and gos- pel songs at the Church of the Naz- *arene Tuesday, March 6 at 7:30 in the church auditorium. Church -of the Nazarene is located at Long Avenue and Niles. Road. The members of the "Chuck Jackson 'Singers" are all accom- plished singers and musicians from well-known singing groups, Their travels take them thousands of miles each year singing in many of the largest churches' and audi- toriums across \America. , , In addition to, their personal pa- pearances,, often the '" -'' Jack- 7- r T r T- heard-an na- . ... r -l-. radio, '. -' their re- '.:'. or the group may be seen' on TV. The -.ir.k t Jackson rr.ir.5 " person i ;:.'..-';,i Chuck... k ;.r.. -', .in ,.; and lead :;'.,, Ch -::' 7if.i Mary, alto; Dave Leidy, bari- T...:; Dave St. Clair, bass guitar- ist; and Doyle Head,'pianist The fresh new sotnd of this.combined talent..,*"-.' vary from the well - known. Hymns to the new gospel songs .that depict the age in which we're living. Rev. Roy Smith, pastor of the church, -t r.a;c! invites all to' hear the "'. i r. Jackson '.': The "-.. ": "'.Ri' SINGERS Introducing The 1973 Mercury Sheriff Lawrence Tells Kiwanians It's Easy to Discourage Burglars Sheriff Raymond Lawrence told icala '.-' operates. the T'-;: ... Club ':?.'y home Gfet the clu 'burglaries hadincreased by 210% Clubbers Russell in the last 10 years with most of the crimes being committed by thews, Ruth Fleming a amateur or part time .n'J-.-. ----- '"They're easy to di .rurage", Sheriff Lawrence said "All you need is a strong lock, a watchdog or leave your home looking as if someone is home to discourage most burglars. A professional will get in if he waits 'in, but he is only a minor problem in burglary circles". Lawrence advised calling the Sheriff or police if you see a stran- ger or, suspicious around your neighbors house when you know they're not home. "One of the best defenses", Lawrence said, "is to mark all your valuables with an Adtitiu,- mark.such as your dri- v .'r 3 _tc .. T. .'L 'a c b .. y o u c a n rdrJiLr' .y"r t .i,1e when they are located". Sheriff I4wrence showed a short film, which illustrated how'the typ-. b were K, y : Tad .- and Jeri )3 .". Former Residents Are Marking 50 .Henry and Beulah Ayers, who lived in Port St. Joe for many years . will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Sunday, March 11 at -,their home in '-" Arizona., Mr. and Mrs. Ayers'were married March 11, 1923 in Pisgah, Ala. They have two children, Colene and Bill,. seven ',* r -,'bl.3-' and two1 great t' .'?.,'-:. Colene and her family live in *-rt'dlke and Bill and his family have re- cently transferred from Scotts- dale to El Paso, Texas. ALT.98 and ALT. 98 and 150 HP Outboard invest Now In fIirila Boating At Its Best Mercury Outboards' Boats Traier Accessories 'EAST BAY MARINE CALLOWAY, FLORIDA 785-3 0 You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SOOL 9:45 AM. MORNING, WVOI.:IllP 11:00 A.M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ...... 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 PFM. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) .... 7:30, P.- S -VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME . REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor forecast March Winds, April Showers and ,Income lax , It may be that with Tax Time bearing down, you will find the need of extra cash to meet 'all' your current obligations. If so, remember you have friends at Florida SFirst National Bank. See any of the Friendly Folks at .. Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE MEMBER, F.D.I.C. Phone 227-2551 504 Monument Avenue BOAT RACE ROAD CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep orn talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it aN, You've got to keep them going. A constant 'drop of ,water Wears away the hardest stone; SBy constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 Music Group at Church of Nazarene I ~1 Ip -~ pl- s r L 1 ; ;; - ~- " Sigma Phi held its eleventh meet- sfitoa, appa was held at the home' ing of the year with a joint.meet- of arXggahrt Biggs February 20. ing held in the Florida Power F ng the opening Ritu, Lounge. Hostesses' for the occa- rMlaowing the Openeing RituhI sion were Mrs. Elaine Jackson of Maryo Agnse Kdilburn called .the the Eta Upsilon Chapter and roll and read the minutes of the JoAnn Wuthrich of the Xi Epsilon last meeting~. Kappa, Two cancer I-. ':n films President E.-v Scott called for were shown to the chapters. committee x r .'Several ways After the program, refreshments and means pr.. Ir,, .t were disTus- were served by the co-h6stesses, sed. A major project to be held at -- the Gulf Area Council muets i fi owd" r P Game March was announced. PuAt the conclusion of the busi- Set for Tonight ness session, Martha Sanborn ypre S'sented a "...;: .'. .. pro- T'.;.:.'. March L/the aT'. l ; gram on service activities. Mar- -Junior'girlswillmeet-the :- g r0- t divided-the tre'entaFion into ior ,iiT- i' .~a Powder Puff .''*" three .areas:. community agencies, game beginning at 7:30 at Shark church work.and I, .:-rAl service, Stadium. S .. .. m Program. chairman, .r--"' Lewis. ".'. .r'. the half-time ceremonies, ': .':.: that Greta Freeman there will be a crowning of the" be hostess during the ftst S:';j' .1 Powder Puff King. .'..':** in March and th ii Elva .A ,:..-r A'ions stand will be op- Jones will have the program. ated. The price is 25c for students A social hour followed the busi- and 50c for adult's. meeting. (: I Driver Ed Students Learn Basics highway transportation in the __ .so. United States is a huge loosely co- Students are required to, obtain ordinated complex consisting of their Florida Restricted Operator's millions of vehicles operated b License as a prerequisite for Dri- individuals with varying degrees ver Education. This is required be- of' driving skills over a vast net- -cause the License Examiner can no Work of the-multi-type roadways longer come to the school and give traversing America. It is estimat- the examination. ed that th6 average driver spends' in.excess of 300 hours p year be-, During the assroom r n of hind the wheel of a motor vehicle. Driver C.:.:. students ar This. xpenediture of time, -the t e- taught from the fifth edition F endous expenseof owninghe andis modern covers areas such operating 'a vehicle, and the i e-is d o r portance of learning how to safely .as : interact with other highway users 1. The -. ., combine to form a strongg ration- .-: .- the driver. ale for qpallty programs wmchqre- 2. the river pre. students to become safe, autoinobile. s d drivers as. well as active. ... -. and .iupporfjers of sound traffic safety program.' ic al conditions of y es, o hkc. ,ient from Statem to eeway and Philosphy 3. Acquire knowledge. and T i-..'i oK l theft nation. L 2 ' We believe thatDriver ,MUM- respectfot-'13)"an."St ate Strive a vehicle rom one place 4. Take pride in tbhe .'. purpose of making thp more cap- .4. o . toe.another (fom aeros s the br:. ,t of defensive dri ls ale of eiin'", a ve und e in such 8 T eenage and r " stao across the c ty, ion across It' -5. Develop respect o the rights aman ner o -5 ta 'eo dgt e o fr L mn i- . tate, to aross te nation of drivers and pedestrians; ceausifig at z rd to '.. Behind. -, '- 2 .:. of Dri- out ,, g or being ry';-.,or- g 6Ac courteously i ill d'4rv~n accidents that could occur as a ver.!d" ..-b i.: an aver- -directl'd or sot e-..I. y for an mac- situations. 'result of an error in judgement, -: of six hours for, each student, come, through ... ..jectiv; s for Driver attentiveness, or lack of knowledge students are l.-h . o m e t h rp h t b: ." d c. t d e t o n t he p a t o f a n ot he r d rfv e ror driving, the mistakes made by pe- Educati n. Students on.of another rir to om- 1. Controls, gauges and, equip destriai,: other drivers and r, er i1. To. bring about, desirable .4 To "-."i t un h rn.-. meant . m.sers of the road, in all types of changes if the o.r...e ,f .he ffet the dvin. 2. P-.t and star g pro- road and ,b ," ,r,. l diidual toward ,s. r driver' and r eedures. "- is '. n n relation to, ',f. ,' automo- 5, To teach students the dangers 1-- ;. ,", m ovng, ---S. Th-. teacher should. encourage bile, fe in .r -- of driving while under "the influ- and .. *'. ::II n ir rto: / 2. To present to the student, ence of alcohol or drugs (both 4. Left and right trns. 1. Mavd .desire to become pro- driving rul, '-. ,,. 'regulations. .as prescription and :'- t," 5. Bac ing. ldient drivers; they ,,I'ej 'to :the public' r,.. T teach e effe f 6 Turn around . S. at Port S. Joe High School... 10- ' S .. l E L E .. of 30 hours of classroom H::-.;' 11 L .. .driving " FA O'f r, I T..' -P We. sell with no over- . -,head, I';r.rg:.ir';j ya '-AVNI.; iJP TO 50%. I,'. i g ;1o 1ty, iJi.lr. i.,n .. ,rl.,.l : installation. NKHOLS and SONS Carpet and Contracting PHONE 648-5245 ''.'j and six hours practice drivii plus observation .time. This is tl traditional 30 and six'program. Driver Education is a one seme ter course and is offered each s .:t':r and during the summe ' t" -"': that successfully passe the course receive one-half credit and it is also required' to gradual from Gulf --om-" Schools. Ever student has the opportunity to tak Driver Et.'u.. :',, provided he ?,.k: l, d m4ntal i fit to'd .INSURANCE Is An Exacting Science oo! LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT \TOGETHER WITH PBXTRA CARE! There are about .as many dif- ferent types of: insurance as there, are sp~eifie'needs." -You cvn't buy them all, -~it is r-' aily' important that you consult' with an .-xp,,rt. Call on us at any time! WE PUT THE "SURE" - IN YOUR INSURANCE . LAt, tak In. a L. know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT un- TOE STAR. Pert St. Joe, Florida tors relating to ownership and op- eration of motor vehicles as well as the principles for safe. and ef- ficient driving. During the actual behind-the- wheel driving practice, students are exposed to various driving sit- uations to enable them to begin to become acquainted with actual driving situations which face all drivers today in traffic. The course only lays the ground- work for the future development of efficient drivers and practice d helps' students begin to be- c- quainted with actual driv- ing conditions. This point is very important and is emphasized. The instructor has only scratched the surface in developing a youngster's driving .' continued driving : and years. of experience can a young- develop -... proficiency.' THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 Accepting Appointment to Academy Robert Creamer, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Creamer, Sr., is one of 10 nominees selected to compete for appointment to the U. S. Naval Academy by Senator Ed Gurney. Robert didn't accept the appoint- ment, but he'has qualified for ap- pointment to the U. S. Coast Guard Academy at New London, Conn. Candidates are selected for ap- pointment to the Academy solely on the basis of an nual nation- wide. *i" r examination. .,. are no Congressional ap- pointments, state .quotas or special categories. All requirements have been met by Creamer and he will receive his appointment to the Academy by May 1. Local Jaycees Gain State Fame for Year's Activities The : Jaycees held their Jayeee President ,Robert '- who have .... t their Jaycees. state winter conference' this past gomery said that'to '. ...- '.:- .. ,... it was a won- week end in Pensacola. It was a this was the first state award-ever derful i.. and marvelous ex- very good, conference' honoring received by the Port : .'. club. perience to be called on stage be- '- -. .':. five outstanding young He- said this plaque to all 'fore i'.- from '... -'.. state men and Florida's outstanding the Port St. Joe Jaycees. for work-' of Florida to b, presented an young educator. ing so hard in their .' "' .. and I award for something the club had to all the people of the c .,', ... j... done to better their ....',..,. 1} The :,'''2i young men were: Robert :'' .'- ., a Panama City insurance ,' Richard Aek- ert, a Ft. Myers banker; Larry Lit- te,, ,"': '' -.,' : < .'' Terry . V Lake City r...' and James H. Pugh, an Orlando con- tractor. The ..* ',', young ed- ucator was Louis Alvarez a teach- er at Seth McKeil Jr. High in Lake- ig 1. 12. .1-. under adverse con- land. Alvarez, is a 1961 refugee ie editions. from Cuba. Within the very W',: r. ,: :-. stu- Guest speaker for the awards es- dents spend in the driver educa- banquet was Major General Dan- se- tion course, they are presented in iel'"Chappie" James who brought er. classroom an di .i) .tr instruc- dynamic speech on Americanism. es .tions, basic rr. :t-,t. on traffic Local Chapter Winner it, laws, the effects .of .alschol and Among the .award winners for te drugs on driving,1 economic fac- ;, ,,...r, were -. : : l, Apa- .ry ilachicola and Port St. Joe clubs. e Port St. ,Joe brought home a i plaque for first place for a project o from Division IH They won I r.. r ,trq..i ) 1of calling to the .- .' '4 tiv. State Department of Trans- pqrtation, in:'- !.A,:,-: of the :" -: on 98 . Hilhtand View and, their persi: tence in having repairs made. Legal Adv. PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember The president *- -f a ... ' stands before a thousand stu dents who have .. i. their studies and are present to re- ceive their '.'...,. ... "I confer upon degree recommended 'r.'- -. .'", I ac- cord you its i- -. and I re- mind you of its duties." -' carries with it a duty. It is sometimes hard for us to understand this. We are free-not to do as we want to do but to do as we ought to do. Freedom. J '.: not mean' 1. it means 0' opportuni- ty to do what is ,.r When per- sonal r.':". are increased-so a4e personal .- At this par- ticular time in .t, ..,,-,a Ii need to be -:.-' '_: fact. OUR THOUGHT TO REME- BER To be really free-one must 'accept the .': ;?-'. ,:' of freedom - :.j 6k MUM= -LNS=A%C MON FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST less you're properly Insured! TOMLINSON Insurance Agency -- - RAY KILPATRICK K IL PA TR I C K FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-401 ..IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH J JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF TE ;'"if, OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GUIfT COUNTY. IN RE: The marriage of , husband and IDELLA ARMSTRONG: ,wife. NOTICE OF SUIT S... Armstrong r ; ..> ,.- Terrace Nashville, Tennessee 37203 YOU' AR HE'Y :-,''t.?D-[ that an' action f.r ,.. *..'; ..._ .* f marriage has be-.: ,, .' i, -. t you and you are i.r.- I ':. a ,- -, F., '." .- .% '. I .. if any, to t. *', Robert M. Moore, -. i P.'-. i Avenue, Port St. Joe, f,:, ,: ,..:i i. ,r....... ':.;.' with 4' o of the above styled Court on or before March 29, 1973, other- wise, a T:',,-I -r't may be entered against you for the relief demand- ,ed in'the Petition. I WITNESS my hand and'the seal r, said Court on this the 22nd day of February, 197&- .- GEORGE V.'BORE, Circuit Court ,' -.: ., 4t-3-1 NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY Pursuant to Section 13 of Chap- -: ". Florida Statutes, entitled .*.;-' ::.:t: of Unclaimed %..... s..: :. s hereby giv- '.. the persons listed below appear to be-thr owners of un- claimed personal bor r z .i!;*-. pro- . presumed' abandoned. Aect. No. C-0176-0004, Gulf Hardware & Supply Co., Port. St. Joe, Florida. Aeet. No. C-0042-0001, Lee Jackie Box 135, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Acet. No. C-0042-0003, William Naman, 138 Avenue B, Port St. oe, Florida 32456 Information c o n c e r'ning the amount or description of the Pro- _perty and the- name and- address of- the holder may be obtained by any persons possessing an interest in the property by addressing an in-, quiry to Fred 0. Dickinson, Jr., State Comptroller as Administra- tor, Abandoned Property Division, Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida. Be sure to mention account number, name and address, as published in ' this notice. Unless proof of owner- ship is presented to the holder by May 8, 1973, the property will be delivered to the Administrator. Thereafter, all further claims must be directed to the Administrator. FRED 0. DICKINSON, JR. As Administrator 2t-3-1 DIING IS SSHEER PLEASURE.. AT MOTEL ST. JOE OPEN SU.NDA Y! GOLFERS -- Set your team 'plans over a GREAT Breakfast! SATURDAY and SUNDAY "SPECIAL" Steak and Eggs with the $1.83 CHURCHGOERS.. G.VE MOM A BREAK! COMPLETE SUNDAY DINNERS .'* -.-.i 11:30 A.M. ; P.M. Roast Pork Baked Chicken Fresh Oysters $1.85 to $2.25 MOTEL ST. JOE DINING ROOM in PORT ST. JOE A REMINDER ... During the Week COM PLETE 'DAILY LUNCHEONS (Including Take-Out Orders) from $1.65 PAGE EVW OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT AT WEWAHITCHGKA STATE BANK There, is no service charge if your AVERAGE monthly balance exceeds $100.00, and then only a $1.50 charge for accounts with an average monthly balance less than $100.00. By computing our charge on an average month- ly basis, your balance could go below $100.00 on oc- casion and still incur no service charge. Write as many checks as you wish; there dre . no service charges. WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK A COUNTY LANDMARK FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS I . r I THE STAR, Port StJo, Florida, THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 ________________m !I- Another Big Turnip -do it better. L AWI:Fk,,C,mry(Aon m C~mh!:iomrnLamr ,7 ~zDiijasrb, u ed 4 -off his five -powel turn~ip. -A:. !F'tl -E-,'thS F-ra~n kl w u Tpn Oth Kirkland 41 -y 'ith thiki -1tvi n ondthi b~d a~owm In hi L-ack yard i:aJ~nO. C, v-. --:1,y e, lu-, A.-4,L-, rw nip, boia he W;: lin-d ~ ~ A *~: n~ :uAr. " Gulf County Experiences Reduction 'in- Schopl f Onds from State Sou ,rce' ph~u in L- oratbr- Miilnlin mFoan .~~.~w . Dickiwion sai JLLb 4r tWi. ~~.~ '-1 ~ I~I~6i WW~l share 'about f 1 01" "~ i~7~ 7 addffoj~bj 1rjA 11vL OW i.t[1Dthi. VIC - Tinder tbA Will Organizek Program, wibo.Nu1 vt e atiotatt a 'W'. 41ir.-., -A; "' rn- PrupOrilOnatC eWi-IhrF',- o 'ct.o 1 .ILL 0AEi 1i1'5dU .. for Lthe Lie t ~r j(r AIi ." A ';' Alli I. ai i C.". 1,2!j VE~ -C r u-t tioii ftund L-3d '.iwe'n_ ti, n,*'i in be tb*: rc. Th jj -- L -~ the. IJA creased -MS do tsJuto Lat#eadi-aco nl m 'f'l. '1.o CO M- Valv Seal, Guide and Seat in sallation Disassembly I Cleaning tlipecien Testing iead'Cack Tet ing Heod Aesurfacng High Perfetinc Servic Brake Drum and Disc Rotbr Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer (50)9 Danley--1923 -1973- Ready for Tomorrow INCLUDES Spacious Triple Dresser Framed 'Plate Glass Mirror Full Size Panel Bed 5 Drawer Chest 219oo00 ~.- ''; .' massiv.. ' * -I tv il, iova warc 1. du From the Makers of the Famous SEALY POSTUREPEDIC \ Proper, F!rmSuprm .Made Especially for DANLEY'S Nite Stand $35.00 Designed in cooperation with leading -or- th6pedic surgeons for comfortably firm \ 50th ANNIVERSARY! Posturepedic Mattress and 0 aP0 nrM Imperial Fill. or $99.95 Dox Springs 2 PlECE -SET $99.00 WESTINM3HOUS-E '30" Electric RANGE Ove Look-In Window 0 Automa- tic TimiVr.' '. th 60 minute timer Ai -. rceeptacle .*( 't.' Three 6", one ?' 0 . U ,' .- L '.- -Oven 'or' .:' i.l F. Interior oven light '.. .'.. : . racka i. r1 $259 [. ,I, DOUBLE SI NK COmpleteit Water er Readylto InstaIll $139O00_ Make Your Purhase OnANtLEY'S EASY TERMS TWIN BED SET' 2 Headboards 2 Footboards 2 Box Springs 2 Mattresses 2 Pair Rails 10 PIECES FOR $148 DANLEY established their first store in 1923, with a strong tradition of customer service and guaranteed satisfaction. Since then, we've blossomed into one of the leading furni- ture retailers in the 'industry. A pioneer in the furniture, showcase concept. A concept that enables the customer to see completed rooms (over 300) of furniture in the stores. Featuring nationally known brands at tremendous savings and free immediate 'delivery from readily available instock inventory. DANLEY is your assurance of lower prices due to vast volume buying. and better quality for less Speed Queen Automatic WASHER This Speed Queen Automatic Washer Time and durable press cycles.. del- icate and normal heat plus air fluff setting. has automatic cycles ... normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cy- cle. Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature selection ... large family capacity 3-way lint and sediment removal system ... gleaming white porcelain enamel top ... safety lid switch plus many other great features. $239.00 Speed Queen MATCHING DRYER $159.00 9ri J - II - I . _ re '-~ r --i '' -r~ ~..L~~.. -...~~~_~-~~~- --- -;--- M0 l~ng Avenue Phone 227-214 Specials for Feb. 29 thru March 3 THE STAR, Pert St. Jo, Florida SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME found STEAK Lb. $IU THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 and. ..... GA BROWN and SEF\Y *l Dinner ROLLS ~389 : -W of 2 . . *HAI, -BLLKi': P!- ., 8 HOTDOG BUNS pkg. 27c l-a~bi rate,, e k ]: Rib Steak lb. $1.88 i'iT ta B $1 il ,68 Ti.M IAAt 1k ^1~AR Tablerite Beef Boneless Top LB. U .. .' -- Round Steak $1.68 I A So. S8C S'ablerite Beef - Rumnp Roast $1.38 .. ;TableriteT^Ai' nP 1 ,....-. is- ",: [J "* LB. RB o l gn n a Round Roast $1.58 L ru Tablerite Beef r '* L" B.- YO h . Sirloin Steak $1.68 Chuck lb. 'Ga. or Fla. Grade 'A' - FRESH EGGS Dozen- f t LARGE :MEDIUM 9 cI Dozen ^f SMALL 8'89c '*' t% ( ' Ga. Grade 'A' .' >.-i. r or More 1 doz. EGGS .., FREE Morton (Chicken, .. M-re .._' "l"- . Dinners 2 MecKenzie Frozen BIACKE. 'E 24 '*Sea Pak' 'l. --.i ; *. */ ,,. ;* SEAFOOD DINNER 4 [... 9 Fox (%hee e H*pb'c. r $ause:: " X PHxZ A :: 1 * w'. ~9c ~I. 5ff~ 0'. 69i OL'Z91 P =~ 3~1ff^i yvjSl ROBIN HOOD ' FLOUR -p_ ^ ^SLB ^BAG 7C^w^ Ib. 88c c KRAFT MIRACLE 6=STICK MARGARINE ,2 769c VaWM Hes 2 Ibs. $1.39 '' = 8 S 6 cans 49c" 81S I TS 6ceans 49c Large Trayas Petunias 69c Check Our Price l t 'E TFIF: HEAD LETTUCE PAGE N NB MONEY!- Maxwell House With $10.00 Order COFFEE 2LB.8 $.58~ w "^ O " ^piJ i H h H rl.j 1 Hamburger 16 Oz. Jars DILL CHIPS 2 jars RIC. 3 .b. ag RICE- -3 lb. bag Corn .iil Cane Blackburn SYRUP no. 5 jar 59c '* ,.. ,. No. 2V Cans PORK & BEANS 3 cans 79c IGAPLE JUICE qt. 35c APLE.E JUICE -- qt. 35c IGA COFFEE CREAMER 16 oz. BOPORNO 19 oz. PEANUT BUTTER --12 oz. Morton's Round Box Iodized SALT ..26 oz. HI HO CRACKERS 10 oz. Palmolive Liquid 32 OZ. W 5 9c * J 7 ,jr^ Before You Buy BEST FLAVOR STEAK TOMATOES a,' IGA '. Kernel or C. .-,.- A CO RN ^!yy *POUND I'ICS Gold C 0RN "" Gl CO. R N Large Bag Cello Bag 3 No. C0 BELLi PEPPER -- bag 19c RA'D ISHES -- bag 10c -wo ao --~-'-^^ ^I K ^ ^ ": "-**' Cans 5 7, -- Fresh Florida W ^ ^ ^i CABBAGE-- lb. 10c GRAPEFRUIT---- ea. 7c V V P- 1 9 FI'IDJL'A RED. With $10.00 Order or More SYOUil 6oz.$1.o9 POTATOES 10 69c '-'tN...n-7'-' .... t .. . S oz. 99 O BAGS COMPLETE LlNE OF r. B, .0 4 F8GRAPEFRT Flower Seed Garden Seed ^ VAP'QUB 1.3oz.49c ORANGES 2bags95c Sd Pott Fertilizer l \ si.Sa fe h lAniiK ( egS $1.29 Val) l t . SFORMULA 44 3.4 oz. Crisp Red Delio Po 'tting Plants Potting Soil fRMi 'tiW .. A P P ES BAG 59c ' 0r '. xi n n n01 ,.Ord You'll be More Satisfied with RICH'S Produee FAB 84 Ounce King Size 99c SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS Quarter Bushel Bag Best Florida $129 Oranges GOLDEN RIPE SINGLE We Haul It Fresh to You Twice Each Week In Our Own Truck! Baby Okra Cauliflower Squash Pole Beans Mustard Collards Turnip Greens BANANAS Ib. 10c - Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 69c 59c 65c 39c 49c 13c 39c i I I I r~i~tisi~RY v v "\ PAGE TEN-. EK STAR. Port St. Joa Filod THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 S 8. Tension wire around bottom I of fence, fastened with hog rings Back Stop 9. 45' back stop with 25 back INVITATION' TO BID and 10' 45 degree wings on each BID NO. 140 side, 16' high with 6' 45 degree The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, over band at topno invites bids on a chain link fence 1 .' 2 standard pipe posts no. to be constructed around the Little to exceed 10'. League BasebaU Park in North 11. 1 5/8" tubing top and cei Port St. Joe with the following min- ter ottom ra6' gauge Jmum specifications: 12. Bottom fabric 116' x 9 gauge 1. 653' of 4', 11" x 21" chain2, rest of fabric 11h gauge link fabric 13., Fabric to overlap and tasten 2, 1 3/8" .065 tubing for top rail with hg ings 3. 2%" .065 terminal vnd gate 14. All posts to be installed in a S .065 terminainimum of 30" .cement ,L 5/8" .065 line posts in 30" ( All bids should be fob Port St cement Joe, Florida. The City of Port St 5, 1 12' drive gate Joe reserves the right .to accept or G" 2 4' walk gates reject any or all bids received. S7.'1 5/8" x 1 3/8" semi-steel or Bids must be submitted to the FIRST BAPTIST CHURCHH Comer Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE .-.11:00 TRAINING UNION 6,30 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE: _,, ._: 7:30 PRAYER MEETJTNG (Wednesday) -.. 7:30 AML A.L P.M. P.M., P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" enry Block has\ 17 reasons why you should come to us ffOr 1w0e- hdp \f Reaso mi. tax i he l preparation. Wo know the wnkkes We dig out everyhonest dedpuctionTheree is very lilechance we wZlletyoovepayyour taxes. . City Clerk's office, P. 0. Box "A", ia Port St Joe, Florida, 32456, no la- s ter than 5:00,P 'M, EST, Maich 6, 1973. Bid opening to be held at the k Regular City Commission meeting i March 6, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida., . t Successful bidder must have City of Port St., Joe Occupational Li- - cense. C. W. BROCK 2-22 x City Auditor and Clerk. 2t S f INVITATION TO BID BID NO. 141 The City of.Port St. Joe, Florida, invites 'bids on a chain link fence to be constructed around the Wa- Ster Treatment Plant site in the r City of Port St. Joe with the fol- lowing minimum specifications: 1 1103' of 6', 9 gauge chain link f .n,:.f- :m ,% 3 strands of 4 point barb wire on 45 degree arms. 2. -15 3" x 10' standard pipe ter- minal posts with 1 5/8" brace and 3/8" truss rods for braces 3. 2" fence weight 1r' r ;.:, 4. 1 5/8" .065 tbp ril 5. 3 6' gates of 1 5/8" standard pipe framess 6. 1 12' drive gate of 1 5/8" stan- dard pipd,frame S 7 1 14',, drive gate of .1 5/8" standard pipe frame ,8 All posts to be set in a mini- -LU., of 30" .cement A.: bids :, .be fob Port St Joe, Florida. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or re.iet,any or all bids received.' E:. must be submitted to the City ..:" office, P. 0. Box "A", Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, no la- ter than ,? P'. 1 ST, March 6, 1973 for T .p ,:r, held at the' P 'v.";:.' (L' Commission meeting ":., l''".d at 8:00 P.M., in the 2 i-,i' E ,.'!r--. Port St. Joe, Successful bidder must have City of Port St. Joe Occupational Li- cense. " Disabled Now Eligible for Medicare About 1.7 million disabled peo- ple can get Medicare health insur- ance under a change in the social security law-the first people un- der 65 to become eligible for this : :' .- since the Medicare pro- gram began. in 1966. Starting in July 1973, disabled people who have received social :-. or railroad retirement dis- S -.--.. for 24 consecutive :. or more can get help from Medicare in paying for their hospi- tal and doctor bills and other cov- ered services, .: : 'I: to David ': ..-r, Social' :'.,A. Field Representative for Gulf County. Those '.i 'will include dis- Pedestrian Trafifc Deaths Decline T ALAHASSEE Pedestrian traffic deaths lined in Florida in 1972 while ::: h. from all kinds of traffic accidents increased by more than 100, over 1971. Last year there. were 422 pedes- trians killed in Florida. ,J ,ii.- this represents a ten per- cent decrease from the'previous year, 422 pedestrian deaths are .' .!: ; too many, since most of these could have been prevented," said Colonel Eldrige Beach, Patrol S C..W. BROCK 2-22 director . SCity Auditor and Clerk 2t .. a l The Patrol urged pedestrians not IN THE CIRCUIT COURT to trust their judgment too far OF THE FOURTEENTH JU- in estimating the speed of an ap- DICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND preaching car by its headlights at FOR GULF COUNTY, FLA. night. In Re: The Estate oof ni - H ERB T J. BROUILLETTE, I in doubt, wait before cross NOTICE TO CREDITORS ing a street or highway. ,All creditors of HERBERT J. Always use lighted ' BRO LLETT, who died on De- .whn .osil . member 18, 1972, while a resident when ossible,and c of 'Gulf County, Florida,, are. noti- fic signals placed fied that they- are required to file protection, any claims or demands that they wt v have against his estate in the Walk c Off 'rc ,L'- Circuit Judge of Gulf .. Coi r.. Florida, in the Courthouse ' at Port St. Joe, Florida, within six facing . C ,'.I ..1 .. -.. r ...-i .3 from the date of , .Rt:.-Jo ', rT '.o-..t of this Notice. "Reme. .. in dark E,, E ci : e r-, ''. a *'',. -.nd must be- in clothing are for motorists wTar': eml a ti. i t duplicate, and to see. When :. ing at night, it SraBit 5' b' ih e of residence is a gon idea "ar .btC'' *:..i r.nd i... t L,.i': s'i.ress of the clai- : ,,t --, I d' worn to be the 'cla-i. dtAhnt. cairy a fla.hJight or . r,;f. In ",t or his attorney, or someth~n~ white or ref.lto.ized," it '.-U bt-_:".e *void ac-c'iA. to conclui!P BE i.. law . Dated this 8th day of YFrry, , L.. A M S. BROUILLETTE Exetatrix of the Estate of Herbert J. Brouillette Stand Tall First publication on February 8, 1973. t in Florida's RISH and W]TTEN 303 Fourth Street Future! Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 Futurel Attorneys for Peitioner , -Jfc.. JI W after bilds better buy MEERYiiBf iees sa n' money, a6ui Iiki t ivif iey 6ii yoi r ii is .1_1 years lnii newhome? Nw you cn! You can bui hi telit 6aan j .' t r i h. -1 0,. *OVER 9 BETTER and save a W t of money. You don't ha tU W ',-eatjer .. I .- r .- -- . with a few simple tools. Here's how! JMt Water wi .,. ..Ir,.Lua J>ta t eti Jim Walter offers INS buy" home of your choice-more thl 20 models avaimable-finishing the owners... and,to save exterior in every detail down to the last naif, the shutters, and the final coat rents, the whole tran! of paint. The inside will be'finished to almost ANY stage of completion, de- .ome builds e your pr pending onhow much of the work you want to do for yourself. Of course, the for your home ...- -:- more you do, the more you'll save. And to make It even easier on your bill- St by, cal or write fold, the cost of materials can be included in your mortgage give you complete info Here's something else you should know'.. the building materials we use property ... and expli are especially selected for low maintenance and long life. Heavy duty roof- all or part of the insid ing, aluminum windows and hardboard "wood made better" siding that "better buy" home by !^MORTGAGE FINANCING to q&Uaal/ adpropeify owners PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA 32401 P. O. Box 246 3303 West Highway 98 Telephone 769-2381 / OPEN 8'ils8 OPEN 8't;I 6 Weekdays Sat. & Sun. 'er mma. ..i- sidtig to meouon a ew. SBUY" MODELS' *BUILT ON YOUR PROPERTY TANT MORTGAGE FINANCING to Za I 2a property Syo the time.a ndtrouble of making your own arrange- macton can be handled in one office. Jm Walter cus- operty... Jim Waltv provides the mortgage financing d j s.. a--&a;o the interKr work anda SAVE. your local JIm Walter Homes' manager today. He'l rmation and the *Sow cost of building a home on your ain more about how much you can save when you do e work for yourself, It your move ... movep to/ Jim Walter. '^^^^y^^^^ I JIM WALTER HOMES | (Mo to neorest office) I would ika to have more SbuIdng on my property. I I understand there would be * that you would give me Ihose " NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE- ------ I Tolcphone (or neighbors) If rural route please give directions I own propertyin oun -1= abled workers, disabled widows and disabled dependent widowers between 50 and 65, disabled mo- thets 50 or older who get social se- curity benefits because they have young or disabled children in their care, and people who get benefits because they were disabled before before age 22. : "The protection has been ex- tended to severely disabled people under 65 because on the average they require seven times as much hospital care as other people-and tnree times as much service from doctors," Robinson said. "Many severely disabled people can't get private health insurance for financial or other reasons," he said. .: .: who are : I''_ ':r:', r' social .:. : r payments because they are : .-:i will be notified if they are ..i':' for Medicare. But widows 50 or older who have been severely disabled the last two years but haven't filed a claim based on their disability because they're getting checks as mothers caring for young or disabled chil- dren will have to apply for dis- abled widow's benefits to be eli- gible for Medicare. For further information on. any social -. :.'.. matter, contact your nearest social security office. the people ti I people GUARANTEED BATTERIES PowpNOW forwiletrdrivng MOTOR KING FITS !$1766 24IMIONTH, MK 22F, MK-24, MK-24F mtomld EXTRA LIFE $2395 MOST $ 3 CARS .2. --- .12-volt L-22F, L-24F, L-22NF, L-24 EXTRA CAPACITY AS 9 AS 29 L 42-volt : -: exchange; SUPREME AS $3495 AS ,34 / c xch 9i I S-22F IFETIME Replaced FREE anytime it fags *_ S as long as you own the carl UFETIME GUARANTEE 7hU Guarantee will tb humored by an Wheelome dealeeb a rmaa w diowemie hm taAd a Thestone SUPREME BatteryIsmd guMrateed ae warkmammip 81!*Wd the SUPREME Battery bat4any Urns to hed a c wi U h a Ime .1"af a t0 21d't lwbatteay in that car, Cakger dw iAdawi abCearM-r- a G-uarateeCetfflb" Th.seluaentee.t.applyswJ B l Fal dure deto abuirs. eua. ` ue o hsghor than L.266 aphes sgraity ulerislttee. bat aejuearBtaes" or "patemled ecttoops, voda ts guarantee. MONTHLY GUARANTEE TOu Guatee win be hmoredby lumdau I .a -te 'asn e stne sm aler.s.U Firetone battery i guaranteed g t dcta rnianeMhlp and sru anld f2l. norgmatwl e uen car se r tet d paiod e at date of f m Sp01" smd charge ath 0 rwntet nt _nge After 80 dayt y _wi. aea y.w- anmeaomwimhe made against thePr Priesntdw t e e.1 adsaPltmbid m eqidbaratie Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 PM. Mon. thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I virestoner t L 9,' THE STAR, Port st. Joe, Florldl THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1973 SMOKED "MARKET STYLE" Sliced Bacon......... Cc ASUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS All Meat Franks ..... Ib 79c "SUPER-RIGHT" Slob Bacon ..... Ib, 89c D LICIOUS COOKED SLICED Copeland Hanm......' $1.58 ASSORTED QUICK FROZEN Banquet Dinners..... 39c -4 ,CA A&P FROZEN MIXED VEGETABLES, CUT CORNi or S*eet Peas..,..S 3: 19c FROZEN 6 o. Can Minute Maid" ORANE .. 2/55c A&P BRAND FROZEN Orange Juice... 9 6 $t7 'A&P FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING Hand lip......... 39c A&P BRAND FROZEN Frenib Fr-- PRGULAR OR CRINKLE CUT .. 39c CHECK & COMPARE Lipton Tea Bags... ,olsc$1.19 CARNATION I.ON-DAIRY COFFEE CREAMER Coffee Mate... ..z 79c, 100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE, 0 Eight V'Clock..... $1.09 AiP NON FAT INSTANT Dry Milk.....MA d0....$229 CHOCOLATE BEVERAGE MIX Nestles Quik..... 85 "SUPER-RIGHT" "COUNTRY TREAT" GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OR GA, (CombinatlonPalI Whole Hog Sausage.. 89c Fryer Parts G"H"s 68c A oSASIS e***i. UA&P DELICIOUS Pimnento Cheese..... C"79 Swanson's Quick Frroen Chicke or Sallhbur Steak SHungry-Man Dinner $1.15 2CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE QUICK FROZEN S. UPERot, Cheese Pizza...... fS 7 9c C lb eS ndwihLe A49 CHEF-BOY-AR-DEE FROZEN SAUSAGE OR nPepperoni Pizza. eo. S 89 c ASSORTED ASSORTED FLAVORS REGULAR OR DIET Underwood sAA 4$1.0(0 Shasta Beverages.....09c A&P BRAND i ASSORTED FLAVORS REGULAR OR:DIET Vienna Sausage..... 25c Yukon Clu..0...*.....'o 8c CHUNK LIGHT TUNA ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS Chicken of the Sea..i 39c Hi- Drinks.........i32c ASP BRAND LIGHT MEAT THIRST QUENCHING Chunk Tuna...,.. ...' 32c Gatorade.......... ,.32c FRESH YOUP CHOICE! POMAINF Isffn',i.M u hrooms 99C Endive, or Fscatolfl... 19C PEPSI 6pak ctn. 39c y^ m Diuf t. HIGHLY UNSATURATED DEXO SHORTENING i C 69c HIG14L'Y ULII.AlIRLYrn Chocolate Bft Ii. m- A BETTY CROCKER SULTANA BRAND . Blsqu ck 73... ... c Salad Dressing. ASSORTED FLAVORS / SMOOTH OR CRUNCHY Jell-0 Gelatin....... 2o ,39c Peter Pan 'T, .,... 76c A&P ,BRAND. SULTANA BRAND Apple Sauce........2 39c ?eanut Butter....... 8 ASP BRAND SWEETENED OR UNSWEETENED APPLE-RASPBERRY OR APPLE-GRAPE FLAVORED' GrapefruKn Juice. .-41c Marvel Jely..y..,. "59c RBER'S -.4V o, 2. CHECK. ,COMPARE Baby Food. r 1 Deli Monte Peas...4 $1.,00 READY"TO-USE ABY FORMULA Enfamil p Similac.. 63c WI.SPOSABLE DIAPERS rP Paimpers DA 1s t 8 5-Lb.,4-oz. Box REGULAR OR SUPER Kotex Napkins ....... 89c ',"" 99 ANGEL SOFT ASSORTED COLORS WHITE OR BLUE HEAVY DUTY Paper Towels.... 3 rols 79c Sail Detergent ...z.$ 59c ASSORTED. COLORS FOR WOMEN SHEAR STRETCH) Scott ^,HROOM N......" 7c Panrty Hose.. .. A49 GOLDEN CROWN Lemon Juice ..... .. R49c ANN PAGE ELBOW Macaroni.......... 2450c COMPLETE PANCAKE MIX Aunt Jemima.........57c PANCAKE SYRUP Log' Cabin..........iM73: CREAM STYLE OR WHOLE KERNEL Del Monte Corn... 4 $1.00 A&P (ALL VARIETIES) Air Freshener....... 39 CHECK & COMPARE! Listerine ANTISEPTIC LDis neI MOUTHWASH 32-aL $1 s.oin$u 1 5 GRAIN 25 A&P Aspirin........I25c CHECK AND COMPARED Contac Capsules....$1.15 SPEEDY / .'' . Alka Seltzer. "=9 0- 59c CHECK & COMPARED Maalox Liquid..... $1.21 I RANGE CMINON 4 ,I 49rL JANE PARKER VIENNA ANDLAIN OR SEEDED Rye Bread..........131Tc PASTEURIZED PROCESSED CHEESE Iraft Velveeta..... m$1.39 ASP BRAND CORN OIL Margarine..... 1 b. 37c STICK MARGARINE Blue Bonnet........ 37c ASP BUTTERMILK Biscuits............ 10c ENCORE SOLID BLOCK Margarine...........17c I PAGE ELEVENb r ~II, .......-`. ~.:~ . .. ..: w02 Syrup,.* fckN rvrrroz Abula ol 51 'W11 VI P9 u THE SlAR, Port St. Joe, Florda THURSDAY, MARCH 1,1973 Make Study o Survival Equipment The Chairman' of .,the 'Gulf'. disasters. ! County Cbmmission, A. L. Davis,': TL-: '11 '6 Bi :. .-.':.- i by:' bit. -r'. {iij.t. the personnel of e. Ir'': ;v "u tr;: 'la i -ern- -the State Division of. Emergency -, merit .r.,'r 'cl1']i". t.-.:' -'-oups, Government and-the Office of. religious groups, j':'.r:::- r I.,.- CiVil Prepire'eVIs news media and others. The or- A 0acy, Region Tr'"a ty o::ft ganization will then determine to .i _County 'im the preparation, the best of their ability the exist-, of a master plan for'all types of ing capabilities, of the county 'Errnrs Cnct otnt lca NOTICF TO RECfIVE WWE -E".. U SEALEDBIDSAgainst Godby Hig I, / .',f '"'" in Four ..... :. errors, e.,,r 'r. *'.,.:i. ,,, '. ,:, ., '.!:,a ...I,, i,..,.rj>, four big runs in the sixth inning .I .. '. ,' cost the Port'St. Joe 'Sharks in Si-, .. ,their season opener against -"F iv ',,i Ji ,! .i. '' Godby of Tallahassee 'r.'l. 'lay, ." l.~ i.2" h ,';. "' rode six base hits V;" ~, ~ 11; than 300 Cu- and the four errors to a 5-2 win bie inch minimum. Minimum 133 inch wheel base. , D1i.,,,,,..4, ',. 1 ,,,. -. '. D i1 uin.'i"rs and Armrests .j.'.i,'t-, i *;v .'.1", i' a.kI'. i hei -omme equipped .. r M MkhI ,.,,, '. F r. A :le i.', ', ... ,, 9a7b-B 1 1f ." ',. !I M, ,. u ., f 1'. L, Hear uil i.'. r :i, r .. - - I,, .' .;', I l. h. ...! of truck with I.- 'MI'.rn -'r r r. .' i .. westeering i l : -p. Bids '.., L-. ;- until 9;00 i' ...t. i",, ,, I! ,..1], i ou t, Port St. i pers with GU,' ".,-. FLA. S ..- ,. u... Rear End A. L. i e.:,. Season's Opener, h of Tallahassee over the Sharks. Shark harler Bubba Harmon gave tip the six hits, struck out, seven batters and gave up no earned runs. Godby's hurler, *"...i. held the 'L. ; L to 'live hits i[id t'r. runs. The :'',,', i:A;il Golden f,.r two.runs in the first and held two run lead until the fifth when dodby *.* '.u* .:in1-; run. The 'disastrous six cost the. Sharks th game. ' IL;,,- .f, for Port St Joe' were Denzil '.'.af .'. and Bub- b4 4,r n :t two hits F:`,b and Ken ..le with one lu'. Weimorts and Harmon each col- leeted a' RBL ' JPort St. Joe will travel to Mon- ticello. l .i-.:... for a double header beginning at 1:00 p.m., + Classified Ads I C. ... and .r .i: a nt: '.:* rz- 'spone d, to .I e.n. n- . ' cies. , l' .r.i .-_,-- .w step ,with a .;..':r.:': approach, that will increase the .:,-'.-.q ,: of dis- iaster preparedness.-'-. 9, ..? a sequential plan of action to improve local. .government, '.. './., within Gulf "'n. to respond to all' i;,.-. of disaster with a . Sated '-U1i :,'.. devising a pro- gram- -of ,'i '.i.. assistance whereby ,' -. and Federal'agen- cies may support Gulf County's Plan'bf Action. The State-Federal assistance team 'will ,be ..,'L-v' in Gulf County '.during the 'period of March 12 ~ ...v'hi March 16 in- terviewing elected and appointed .f,'*e -' ,. ,.i.'':i;' c. county and T'P:!ni,. l kc .p ': f i, Lr, 'it" ) '., Q or-. , i,.-. r L, f ,' .:; ., and p.ri/voat ',.,. ,'. ,:, ., - S ; .. ..'. to de- velop aii --,' i. '';-. *1 disaster pre- paredrai;- 'rln i..r this county. ' A brier meeting will be htld w e e.. . survey-,Yj ti 12 'I "j-: .',4 ,,.;' ,..- .',.,.. at which time a full ~ : -...of the pur- pose .,f ,,. ', and proce- dures .'-.. i will be clari- fied.- .. FOR SALE: 4 bedroom frame FOR THE BEST in Television and' home. For information call 227- r, ,i come by' 301 'Reid Ave., 3756. Located at 254 Ave. E; 4t-2-8 and see our line of televiions, i1'iiiwt-n" stereos, radios and FOR SALE: 24'x12' l.~ .: .,,. ',. ,- ,ave a nr'-irb' avail- barge. Excellent' for is ,..t. -.', .,,, K ar. ', V and Reasonably priced. Call ." ; -K, "'. .'.*, Reid Ave., Phone 227- t.i. -. t 5 ,, *tfe-3-1 FOR SALE: 20 foot fiberglass sail- boat. 'Phon:e 6483934.' tfc-1-11 ELECTRO'PHONIC STEREO and TAPE PLAYERS FOR RENT: Furnished beach cot- See the Large Selection tage& Reasonable monthly rate. at Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfe at ST- J H.0 1ARDWAIC FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. Phone 227-3261.. tf-2-8 FOR SALE: 1957 Chev. 2-door hard- top, 3-speed with 409 engine. Has many extras. $500. Call 229-336. FOR SALEs3 .bedroom house with den. Good neighborhood. Call 229-5821. t e-10-29 4t COMPANY 3-1 WILL KEEP children in my home. By day'or hour. Beacon Hill, 648- 6542., 1 t REDUCE safe and fast with Go- SBse Tablets and E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug.- 12p-2-15l HEATH RADIO and TV Black and white Color All 'Work Guaranteed PHONE 229-2782 SEWING MACHINES: Dial and Sew. See at K&D T,-.-,i.;, and- : ':. 301 Reid Av- i'i.' 227- 2071. tfe-3-1. PROFESSIONAL HLP with emo. tional probit,. and/or concerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic,' Port St. Joe, Florida 2294621 or Rev. SRidwy EUllis, 220-M59. INCOME TAX SERVICE S by BERNARD 0. WESTER 813 Marvin Ave. S Phone 229-3107 S- HRUBS FOR SALE: % hy- S ', 'i e. MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP LC &'G .- .... ,, .. ,, FOR SALE: Guns, jdi,-_. Ipe ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ,~[. t I"c I., I I'. ,*:: ,.'." "... i players, 8-track L'Ope pla)-rs. Residential and Tw in-i 41t:. '1l up; 'Johnson M.- .-eit:,.r 2~ Wiring arld AprTi]ner- fR usil WANTED: NI-A' ,.'i- n.-' < I .. *' 'Ct 3 crystal, new, $SI.'. Use our Air "-r..'ti*-c .r --- 1 .ting I'rn' i. n1 .; j ; .r4 0... 3*' ,0d l.,y [ay-away plan. H'2 5lh St, Oil Bur_,-' TI..O.mir4n t o prt .ISt JoI-, if215 H.Ail'and View. Phone 229-6793. CALL 229.863 or 229.-5777 FO CHAIN LINK ,.ENCE tf tf L r Flon' S' lris Fric t FOR WELDING NEEDS see James FOR SALE or LEA$E 'ASE .-,- ,: Guaran c (s ,iv -boar ar"-ri.. rtc,.'* L 1302 Palm E ' Station ,- us. n'T r rr "'"' l Lw d'-wn paNa!rni Phone 2 1 m interests. Cal'22"711 or t - in s ,Cl"226711 or i','4.'--.l-, A New Service At; ,.LL^1 'SEWING MACHINE ANe Service e POLLOCK'S CLEANERS I FOR RENT: One and two b.rdutrn REPAIR SERVICE. . attractively furnished apart. Home and Industrial UFIFORM aiRENTAI ments. Cool in summer, warm in 2t PHONE 639-5357. 2-8 For Informaton, Come.by I I or Cal winter. Gas heat, .window fans.' 7 Second Street They must be seen to be appreciat- CALADIUM BULBS: Place your Phone 227-4401 ed. Contact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince order now from these Port St. at WIMICO LODGE and .TRAILER F...e Garden Club members. Call PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 Mrs. J. C. Afbogast 227-5201; Miss MEXICOBEACH or 648 3101. tfc-10-28 Gertrude Boyer, 229-3671; .Mrs. MEXICO BEACH Ken Bateman 227-5851; Mrs. J. W. BEAUTY SHOPPE FOR SALE: 1960 Falcon ,4-door, Clements, 648-7766, or any member Runs good. Call 2277481 tfc of the Garden Club. tfc-1-25 Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 FOR SALE:-Lowry organ. For more INCOME TAX SERVICE: Monday Complete' Beauty Service information call 227-8701 after through Friday, 8 A.1% to 5 P.M.' GLADYS NICHOLS .. Phone 229-9811 for appointment. 5.:0 p.m. or 229-4303. tfe-3- FOR SALE: Truck camper, 10 ft; Sleeps 6, stove, ice box, gas and electric light, intercom, heater and air conditioning. Used very little. Can be seen at 805 Woodward Ave. or call 227-5746 after 3:30. 3p-3-1 FOR SALE: Electric stove. Good condition. .':'"',- Call 229-6191 Ip FOR SALE: 1964 :. il Dart. New tires and new 'seat covers. Runs good. L". ., Call..229 786.- 2tc3-1 NEW IMPROVED "Zippies",V the great iron pill now with Vitamin C. Campbell's Drug. 6p-2-15 DOES ANYONE KNOW the where- S::abouts of quality fabrics and fac- tory outlet prices? At the SEWING. : i.:E of course. The Sewing L ,29 Reid Ave., Port St. Joe. NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Friday and Saturday March 2-and 3 2 BIG SHOWS - "WITCHMAKER" "THE GHOST" Next Week S"GONE WITH THE WIND" This newspaper 'ad admits driver of car free. -FNCdME TAX'"SERVICE: Robert L. Montg&'mery. 505 3rd Street. Phone 227-4811. 8tp-l18 Kendrick Bryant goes over the outstretched arms of a Tiger guard for two points for the Sharks. Sandy Quinn comes up for the possible rebound. -Star photo "Double Zero" Sandy Quinn goes up high for a fast break lay-up in Saturday night's regional tournament championship game against Blountstown. The Sharks rugged defense and, ball-hawking oom-r pletely demolished the Tiger attack. -Star photo KILPATBICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 Saturday, Sunday and after 5 P.M. weekdays 229-3296. Shirley T. Hicks. tfc-2-8 BINGO Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 7:30'P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's women's. Racing style. Todiuring style. Credit terms available. WES. TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 HELP WANTED: Experienced tire recappe-s or trainees. No exper. ience necessary for trainees. A permanent job and apply in per- son at Panama City Recapping Co, Springfield. Plant located one block behind Springfield City Hall. Phone 785-6470. tfc-10-5 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact' CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00' p.mn. Phone 229-5281 Ybur SHERWIWILLtAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe THE COVR EARTH MURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Retd Ame. LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or syn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-458 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewehltchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 2274511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out Cal Buford Griffin. Phone 2294 or 229-2937. R.A.Mt,-Regular convocatiom o at. SJoseph Chapter No. 50, A&.M. 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 pa. All visiting companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, H. P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, See. WILLIS V. -ROWAN, POST 116. THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet. ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL W a regular com. munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every firal and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L BURGE, Secty BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE. Ph. 227-3371 17. W;ili-(]. 4 Convenient Drive'in- Window S Plenty, f Fr... ar'king. Legal Adv _i S:Baseball Schedule Third Semester Honor Roll Released Bsebal Sch March 3, Monticello (DR) 1:00 -OT' r a\ March 6, Godby, 3:00 ----- T Port St. Joe High School prelci- Belinda Neel. Cynthia Addison, David Barton, Bruce May, Donna Maddox, Mary son, Benna Butts, Janet Antley, March 9, Blountstown, 3:30 H- pal Kenneth Herring released 12th GRADE-Robert Creamer, Cindy Atkins, Dennis Arnold, S.u- McManis, Cuyler King, Rose Noble, Sarah Armstrong, Edgar Addison,' March 10, Quincy, 2:00 ------- the .following list' of names this Rhonda Gainous and Judy Peter- san Dupree, Mike Dean, Mike Eth- Sarah Ann Roberts, Vicky Rich- Phyllis Barton, Kathy Anderson, March 13, DeFunak, 330 ---- H week, as students who. had, quali- son. eridge, Steve Cloud, Pam Collier, ards, Robbie Sanborn and Steve Barbara Anthony, Kendrick Bry- March 16, Quincy, 3:30 T fied for the third six weeks' honor A and B HONOR ROLL DeeDee G.;: .'- Freeman, Parrish. ant, Pete Eaker, Linda Kirkland,' March 17, Crestview, 3:.00- T roll at the school. 7th GRADE-Mary. Margaret Debra Kearns, -T: Hatcher, Sandy Jolley, Josephine Hobbs, Maren i'-..1:.,n 0I T ALL "A's" Bray, Donna Sue Casey, Greg Cha- Lisa Melton, John Owens, Nan 11th GAE-Dawn Evans, Gay- Sarah Herring, Timothy Grand- March 23,. 330 .. th GRADE--Leslie Gainous, son, Nancy Knox, Kim Hicks,'- Su- Parker, Susan Quar- a Davis, maure Cume, berry, Ronald Herring, Mitzi Hen- March 24, ,.1" 2:00 T and Keith Neel zanne-Hammock, Julane McFar- les, ConnieF- r. Gail Rodgers, *i. h: Br t .x, Leroy Henderson, Lee Anna .rch 27, .,-.'.3:-30 _- H 8th GRADE-Sammy Parker and land, Karen Little, Vickie Land, Tammy I Cliff Sanborn, :,- "' '1:. H Johnny Hanna, .1 r.,. Hun- rch 30, 43 T Jim Roberts.- Teresa Register, Deborah ~' ;" "-zell Shak le- .' C r :" .- R ter, Barry House, ..l Ja- Jamison,March 1 .. ------ 9th GRADE-R#ta Casey, Regina man, Brenda ..;:.-, William "ford, i..C a.s" o ice ::. h n Elaine Ru h .Fleming, -' Lyons, i: '. 4 00 Elb.., Waylon Graham, Sheryl Ro. rah, Donna.Pital, Joe Wilson," arnum and Lowery, George .:. ., Ca Debra '.6-;.-~ r : .:-i Lewis' B. : -------T1 T personn .andDicky Wager. .Whitehead and Delores. ..- ..G., fchard -ck m ad-. Chester Miles, Charles I' Apr- -. -- -H .10th.-GRADE_-Debra' Carlsten, 8th *- E.- .":,-" '..:::-' h x Tr i'..- h. -- ,x. :..?. .-1. Patti Parker, Gary I, '. Ky, 330H Al,"-. Billw -'. h -- '. '.-. : Les Reeves, Pam T P Kare Lake ."'I 10, 0. Kyf, 3:30_-H. F'.;a Allen,' Julie Collnsworth, Kar.n ::. Bill ,'-. .,. Anchors,.Di- Donna Richards, Barry DonKaren Lakel R :n : .., 14 -.:'. -i 1:30 H 'Terry Bro ,'Jan t hammock, A "r.- i '-." '.... -. ,"-. .- Carole A F ankie Ritch, Caro- Done- 16i'" .. : Roman : ------, 0 T" .o..e.:" Mike. Stt .i. C.i. ^..r. P .:: ', .... non,Laura Ram.ey, Pam .... Talman Debbie April SubDistrict Tourna- Fs .. ..: .'- ..r- .. Weinorts, -.-. ": Shaun Wuthrith, John Un- ment Blountatown I I GRADE--- o* H 'i ri j A': L K M .. Er. :....a. : ..:' B .,: .L: .i-..ir_ derwood, Denise Williams, Carla .'- 27, District Tournament Terrace Id 'id, Lr:y T-e. Winters, Ken '.'. Doug Wat- Florida High Tallahassee S' r 'r Russ, Anita Raffiel 4, Regional Tournament TBA Sail I .d C irc Leaders to 1ih ..L--F.. .*..' -Addi- :. Richard Smith. May 10-11, State Tournament TBA r 'I II e ^ PAM TWXdrVB r |