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TWENTY PAGES W-E*t1 ' The- Port St. Joe Kiwanis '..' in an ..f to make a pro 'gram'for i -. aging' a :. :.'.. is sponsoring. an organizational 'meeting Friday night to organ- ize a .,-u' County Council on Aging. .The Kiwanians them- selves, will not operate the pro- gram, .but are serving as spon- sors to get the federally-funded program off the ground. The organizational meeting will, be held in the Port St. Joe Elementary School lunch room at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow evening. Rev. Millard Spikes and Bill Norris, -project- chairmen of the program, say that anyone inter- ested in providing activities and .services for the aging are invit- ed to attend. "We feel this pro- gram can be a big help in pro- viding certain needs for our ag- ing citizens, and it can be fund- ed by a federal grant, -if we so T HEI TAR A~N 'm V M A a- L A -- I - h ri. .. n'e',r :4.^ -'ated. 1/' B.. r. P.+. .iKi.s? _;'di'!t the < .:. .e would' o over .ae C' super- S. J ': .. ofhob- .:- A raf, community, .r i i: .i'sct .bunsel- ing, and o l. '.,at' t.,..... which 'Would.give tlies le2..- a3 con- tinued place in .r :.r.ctr.,.E Tentative plans .are to locate centers in Port St.:-Joe and We- wahitchka to serve the entire county. Men's Softball League 'Organizing 'Minday, Nite The men's softball league will pkeet Monday at 8:00 p.m. at Jake's Restaurant to begin mak- ing plans for the new season. All interested persons are urg- ed to have a team representative present so a schedule can. be drawn up. 10c PER COPY *&* *&** The Safes# Beaches In. the World Are In Goulf County" rImTY-SMXT-NrA PORT ST.'JOE, FLORIDA S2456 RSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 NUMBER 25 George Is A Port St. Joe merchants are featuring their an- 'hual Washingon's' Birthday .sale promotioif" -e- Y-!. 2gij Ring th-,mc&ijrog with city-wide participation S.i it.i big.:sl~ event.. "- "", Port St. Joe's- merchants are offering their t "'lasl big cle.p~asce : l- bdfokre the: Spring season i' -big 3.i.:.. i; ff.- r.a th.r i and wTiter mie- S"che.d.si at...da:t..: r -.,. :.: totheir customers in erd-- torget ,r-.,;.. fi; h-, new season., ', The 'WV.sI irgt. : i i;.vts y .v sr.'t '- tA. S popular-. 1 -1 v'ah-,'e -. h the,, .':- hi ': ail , people .o Pbe P-r St Je ;yi :s eri a s h;, butr".-" '-""o- known as i -.abi :,rr, ir a-,f r-f t n t .:.t ['- v'.?r':' ,for..b.:.o. wl'-h. --b t-..b jiy bv .in . A.-.yop it cherry pid' -I2. be able wto' get thebi-fill.;this week end, as all merchants BasebaIl Season IsI Beginning I o V, r "St. -oe's Sharks will open thei r hasebll -*sp'n Tuesday af- - :,r,, ;o t .'J.-,k '-. j.j.i',.. against Ttl.ia-':.,-- Godby. r. 'l". -e will be the 1Ir.',- J 2.^...fi tr.a. i afir ai .- i) base.- 41 ad. ),jil' ,' I-. .' Ory- of f t J. i. ..,. ..t:,:' The Sharks 1 be plasr' :a 22-game sche- N "- iih- 'A '..! ".0-, 1 -%,Il be played -' hi. tI'.rl .,..,;ifines.of Shark ',,,.- .-.r. 'oblems has - G .rd. ,t 1'. itt '.-. ,-." .rv fr-i-.- ..,rt. p ,,r t-,. ,r games -with ri-' w. e I ve -games will 't '--,!...- .- .A 4A .." .--- - ,;. .J i. r.. (r eri K. . - Ntjk.-i)'.-t'sw- *i ,.' iu h.'lo]i vtlj.i - L. j. :i,-',.' Only seven games' sye r,,a .' -' schools. These are 1 'T ', i N'.. I h ; h ,- ...C :.,.i M', l ,., T e Sharks ' will ,i -' .'. .:. ,.... .-Wewahitch- Vk ",f .L,-rienee will be.' the b;g-f..-t h,.r,,.N,. for the :. r .- : as* ojrly'?l.lor ,.f last year's .,-r. 'f. are Tctvml'J'. These are Ken .hitI... I. ...- at shortstop for th.- [i.rth "tl ..j.f-i,i eason; --i. .- Owe.s whb- r! t.. third last y-ar.; Ken -Weimorts who ri .,,..i -s',':'e .id .:,ri, ...fif ;. last'year and Bur a J -.i .K r .- *r,, posted -a 10-4 re oid-nthe mound as-a sopho- mord last year. Ot -'r '. .... i t r. ...'. include:" ruep Mqy,' i, Denril Wei- -r i.rt.'r i';i..h. _- Jim- Moore, out- f (Il,t, t b Davis;, ..-hb--r. Rus- i* J h, ,',pr *,ai< ..-; Mark Wi.- b' l,-i;, 0 'i:" i"i'nt, Jay Stevens, '('in Ai )-;- and n.a-. ... .. Spi. E- i.im Davis," first and / (Conutnued On Page 8) Graveside Rites .l Ii a Store L S. Bissett I' 1 i* .* 1 'r 72, a for- .n 'er ec-ul'.lIid.th St. Joe Paper " Coir. ai.:. -r,.1 .'4 resident of -Port St. ...e E., ,.,, past 20 ;, .: . -.; d, ..t .,ijaj-.',-d, y- last V .. .'. > . t., .,,'.t 'b'. enroute to a T.ilolhs.r!h. tt b,,,ri for a medi c-il q :re-21-iJE- -He *A .s 72. ; ,'B;0t was-'a member andan -der of' the First Presbyterian SChu..r-:h in Pe.-.t St. Joe and-a -. _inmber. and past president of '" the Rotary:-Club. He retired sev- '- en;years ago .as C.,"'.i-'...-i: of th9 St. Joe Paper Company Ac- Scoan1r.Wn Department. He was - active for many years as treasur- .er.i-for .the .Gulf County .Chapter of ithe American Red Cross. Bissett is survived by his wife, Adella Gray Bissett of Port St., Joe; one sister, Mrs. R. L. Hollanid .of Savannah, Ga'., and one brother, Richard E. Bissett of Palm Springs, Calif. Graveside services were held, at' Smyrna .Baptist Church in. Allendale, S. C., Friday of last. week at 3:00 p.m. , Burial was in the Smyrna Cem- etery in Allendale. other Year Oldr Sr.- ".:.,.''- .. *in the big sale a- ffering big eight-inch cherry pies for 22e..,e Some are giving the pies away with ap pur The mer- '. :,.-'have arranged with Dot's ry here in Port St; Joe to furnish.thei with. Md eds of the fruit pies, t:-; : .. .. Fre1parkingin dowwntdw in St. Joe will 1-'. .' 'P *-'? .y 'l hooded-and ;no ,-S feesare being charged -,.. For a,..,: :'. om'e of the' attgaihs being :iiei by' local .".-:'.-."..r during e .4-: end, just' .j.;T i'-through the 12-paged. pleent to this weeks issue of .The Star,. th urrydpwn-, town t1-. ,- the supplies of sae' shandise are"- .gone. ' S";ur 'starters return Ifrom last year'sSlilark Owens, Ken Whittle, Cen Weimorts ajd Bubba b6.cb.gli ,rquid. They ra,B left Joq right: jl'fevi Harnrs. .-- -tar ph'to Chamber Dinner Meeting Monday The annual ',.., -.a d'.i, m-' ner of 'the Port St.- Js'if County Chamber of ";.T.r'e will be held Monday night _:at St. Joseph's Bay ( ,' r, Club at 7:30 p.m. Out-going president 'Bernard Pridgeon, will install his succes- sor and the new directors, at the meeting. Guest speaker for the evening will be: Dr. Louis, James Atkins of "- .- '. . - All members :of'the Chamber have been mailed tickets to the .; '.. '.n.':.1- who wish to take guests -. ,- who wish to attend may secure a' ticket for S. at the .., office in the City Hall. Sunday Is for Hearts Sunday .has been designated aO "Heart :-.. ',.l when volun- tee's are scheduled to condutet. a residential :C-'! -.: from 200 to 4:00 p.m. for the Heart Fnld.o i Listed below ;'are neighbors --h: will be ; .-: ;. '',.c i- ht e,' door to door :4o .;'-' heart saving Iiri :'i:':, d i1 --:: : : l' -.: F '.' E :*; u i will 'be-; : ". r;,- those .:. n .. : eall.: -- .._.. -.t Ar.:_ .. -..; 5.: *' Fund "':,: '- one in Gulf C'-' ", become a part of the fight to "feat -.e Big One- Heart .'r *k .,- A,=-r ."r1.'?. are: Brock, 'area hairmadt; Matlene' Sewell. OAK GROVF'-- ,'ii.-: Webb, . Ethel T.V:t.-: Peggy Jo -.'P ling, Margie Boswell, Brenda Ma- thes, Doris Y .. !'- ;1~iA Knight and Mrs. Charles .1 ,' -. area - chairman. - SHIGHLAND VEW-Mrs. Billy' Branch, Mae Creamer, Mrs. Wal- lace Guillot, Mrs. Jerry ,Peak, Mrs. John Peak,- Mrs. Paula -Capps and Mrs. Hoke Glass, area chairman. PORT ST.- JOE-Mrs Cecil Harrison, area chairman; Bren- da Earl, Avery Howell, Elsie Griffin, Bunny Miller, Betty Walton, Shirley House, Linda- - Smith, Ann Whittle, .Jean Lam- berson, Mary P; --T. Be.th Lyons, Jeanie T- h ..- Francis Cha- fin, Annette Lowery, Hazel Fer- 'a, i:-.'. Rich, Trina'P"' 0 .. ' Jean .A-.,.. .-*, Pat' Costin and members of the Key,. t., lJames person Taken by Death : Funeral services for James H. Lu ,.-:*,.'_ 37, of St. Joe. Beach were held i..../ afternoon at 2:30 p.m. from the,-Comforter. Funeral- Home Chapel with !tA i Rev. William E. n't~ apd R ,' DeWitt .--'*:.h : Jr.,,ilftn3 Epperson'passed away Fr'e; .Alm i ternoon of last. week ,in a Pana-" m a i":.,. 3 ., i Burial was in Holly Hill 'Ceme- tery. S -. :" is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard .,,_ .., .: of St. Joe Beach; one -' David Epperson of Mil- ton; two sisters, -Mrs, : I.2 -.. -Watts -of .- and Mrs. Jose- phine -. : -. -. of Akron, 0 . nine nieces and nephews, Pallbearers were Ge'orge -,Toole,- Steve Derr, i.r ',-i; Joiner, L. Z. *: .. L. C. Carter and Paron R. Mims. -i .-. _.n-.--~--- .- ------r~- i Miss -..-i--. Gainous and Beth I'1. collect donations for the Heart Fund in downtown Port St. Joe -- .*... The Sharkettes and band members manned this and other .... i blocks '.5,i'',y to raise funds- f:.r the I...~ '.. cause. Others working a',' ,'. were M.r.T i Hvri..iv, ,#h I. ci s Susie : 1 '.. a Cindy j'. Bill Wl l. and Kenneth Arnold. -Star photo M M Changes Made In City Election Law Several changes -are in' the mriitk ian 11 Po ut t. Joe's election. i -of an- orin- a';.& S2i,3.' for. the first ie tliI* w'ek-. by the <-; '. K.. .. : ...-. " Election changes include' i- formal change in the charter to comply with the present election- month of May. Formerly Muni- cipal elections were held in Sep- tember, but the state has moved its primaries to "- '..-' -r..a-r so .the *'-' is moving away from the month to a May primary. Changes are also pending in r- ..i :.... '.r of electors. The old charter requires a *residence of a year in the state -and .six . months in the city.. The new or- dinance' will require a 90 day -,. .,: ,..<. in-r the -city in com- pliance with state- law. Clerk, Brock reported a recent purging of the -elector rolls and that over 200 had'failed to re- turn their cards, . Long Ave. Drainage The ..i .'-J..of a proposed storm sewer dir.,ptjir the en- tire sewage collection system on South Long Avenue has been taken up with State Department of Transportation eng ineers. Commissioner Benny Roberts said the engineer was aware of the problem he was causing but said he could provide a remedy. - "It -will be expensive" Roberts said.., The engineer suggested two (Continued On Page 8) William J. Rish, left, along with City Commissioner Frank Pate, JUSt A Few Extra Zeroes right, deposit this amount, borrowed from the State of Florida, with bank president, Ted Cannon, second from right. The money is' being As an extra added service, when you deposit $6.4 million in the used to finance construction of the City's new Wastewater Treat- Florida First National Bank, the president himself, helps you with ment plant. The check looked just like a draft for $6.40, except it making the deposit. City Clerk Cherles Brock and Representative had a few more zeroes on it. Sharks Start March for Second Straight Crown Port .St. Joe High School Tiger ...:. take, the first of three. steps to obtain the state -: .1 championship thi week end, when they travel to lointstown to -a .-: -' in. the District 3, Class AA tournament. The V-;.' are.seeded. number one in the wr.r' -nmd are i-i1 -,' considered'. the "., best team i j .'.- -' sports writers. The, Sharks are the i-.- -. : Class AA state :i .. : Last year they i.f-: r. the with less/.-. a .500 sea- son record, but came on strong tlhe last of the season, to4 ri-Y up all the-marbles. 'L they take a 2244 record into :t: *Port St. Joe a '. :t. f'... at 7:.00p.m., Port Sf Joe S' Friday night, against :,..'- :- The .... . - chee team has had a ".' :- -. this ..' 1: close games to strong team Tl,~ .- ... *,-:' r-.-.r.-;. Carter- Parramore. of Quincy .: r4 ..... '- : .* 7. "' pm. The' -.... -.:. -. .-- wil be l .:-1 .t d -' at 8:00 p.m., Port St. J .-"' !. e.. :, - Admission to the games will'bt,e!' .; .-.il : for students ... . Meeting Caile for Friday In;An Attempt to Set Up Council On Aging ''' Sol;" - ~ - THE STAR Port St. Joe Florirda THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 EDITORIALS .. Road Work Welcome The County is in the process of bpild- ing one of the most needed roaa in this nd of the county, with the widerA~g a x , re-vamping of Niles'R6oad in fr:u't 'f thwe Port St. Joe High. School. Whiri ?NilVr Road was first built,, it was bt Iy "wi':e n i'outgh.to serve.its pr.r:'i. As riatti r of fact, it was barely wide'-~r..u'.h to quw- , ify for paving under the Secondary oad6 program. '. With the opening of Port St,.T. Wgh. .School on Niles Road tw and a alf * year- ago, traffic problems in the '-*a have be-n compounded considerably. $t's a wonder more accidents haven't 'occurred .on the .ro.ad than,bave been reported. It is due'only to c.a'.rr ira driv-i- f that the road ' .has'.anaged'to serve Ujth beavy traffic. : nee:l at' the ,ni xnlr.,g and co-inm -f- the -- *school day.. Widening of the road didn't come a Moment too soon and is lightly .yypleo It now seems the County equld t some attention to the St. -.:".h' I C iatry: Club Road. This r- i ' Fh.ap-?, p: 'I7 r hw" ram s QS we hav-- this tirie of t.e y'r, . .' County is trying to get the r T I: g f.&I y hthe Sf^ to serve as a ro4d while the state Works on I *; the meantime, we "t. the County co at least do something to that r. r't "r- .the road which runs to n'clii house The. C'.y Commissionerm -the selves are 'quick' to p-.irt out that '"b iess picks'up" where a road is built. W the traffic. ;.Ir.-I. I.rn;.' over f r*o itr- ra3 in its pr-,' 'r .'-i: tion, it should 1 r;-hi,'- ,1 (-.Vt'- r i, * road i's paved., New Social Security Law Reduces Waiting Time for Disability 'Payments The new social security law will viously his .benefits would begin reduce the six-month waiting per- for August with the check deliv- iod for disability benefits to five ered\in September." months, effective in January, ac- :: ..r.,l' to David .:.:-T Social he new provision will also af- Security Field Representative for feet disabled widows and depend. Gf Cot t en.ut widowers who are eligible for e fi r s'' e' fi w illb benefits on the basis of disability. The first benefit will be r.; ';>, . me, foe the sixth month of .';- In 1973, the new law will mean *t^y. rather :. for the -'-. 'rij -.orn.' $108 r' r %'-. ;" '.'-_1 benefits ' y of *i :'. as undue :t.' .i 'i, to 95'"'.'.ii ta.-ci wx:rke 5! ard4 * "F o r 'I : t 1 I : .' 'i : "* I I i ucih -2- ces"begiun T 1'.5Its.or IL ,s n . July : with the check for IT. "R oad delivered in r.w A gust. Pir ntA .rsl help to relieve on Of L-: or r, 1. ings Pr c-th.r re G inf i de hicluded'-.':or-w: In i Su ,' . udd Corps tuody Tith he It's Your Heart y 'Yes, it. is your hear, and w'i it there ,would be no you'. . This February, which is heart r.'j h, the Gulf County Heart A' '.i- l' is em- ',phasizing ry w:li- signs of heart .atf ,.k. 1 SThe Asseiation says Oti.t more than 40.per ,r-t of all l',--i ih Gulf County each-year are attributed to heart attacks and heat .disease. Physicians realize that 'more can be done by the f-P',ol. and the :-i.''-'id(al d. are asking the public to accept some.6of the responsibility for r.;,'li iin-, this rate by learning the early warning 'i of a ' 7 ,- . Pride In Airih' f '.'rom Vietnam,'. are f,Preside coming ' l" 'hpIe from Vietnam, after President Nix- on'asgsurred their release as a condition of signing the cease fire. As you remember, ..Mr. MN. I *r, 1. -k in his trc Ihg .1 dv:-- was all for -.ollb"- out of 'Vietnam and ..:.w"' the N.-i1- Vietnamese to give back our POW's. . The most heartening "'.. to us is the attitude of the returning POW's. Al- most to a man '1 have~. -p ,' .1 appro- valof Nixon's Y. t" r'' "11' '' ": ,I1"'.'- un.- ', u- --* ," ..1 a ,r .: in their. country. Most have "*-:' '. .. 1 their pride in being able to serve their country . S' In the r', ".:'''.'. President .' :' is S.just a little ,I' ") 1 i r', .j the doves and .'I - ers beating the drums to '' r r,. or POW's home"', have been strangely ,:;.. He feels, as do we, that there I-""I' V be just a modicum of I;''' i:.ti,-l' :--f 1 be- cause of the Po'\ return. Mr. Nixon has worked long and l. ;~,-il to i -''-- .-a cease- fire which would guarantee the return of our POW's and not just leave it ,up to the fair play of the Communists to turn them, loose. .. We .think the President is due 'our thanks. Since the POW's .are 'fr TI -. coming Perspective On Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida Although some educators de- cry the "faddish" aspects of for- eign languages in the elemen- tary school (FLES); the question . remain has it caught on despite criticism that: 1. Students are not able to S arid the.immediate emergency , r ... gre'. . The usual wa rning signs are. prolong- I: r,, '; i...: [Trr.; or squeezing pain in the center of the .h':t, behind the breast- bone; pain may ..r.i'] .to the :/.,".d.il arm, neck or jaw; pain or discomfort is ,often: ,.'.a ,rd-'-J' d" by sWeating-nausea, AP'-' and shortness of breath might also occur. If you think you are having a heart attack you must act at once. You or a member of your family should call your doctor. Qiiu-k action could easily be the key to saving your life. America home and are making, the public expres- sions they're we can't help but wonder how the Jane F.- r, .;.-i., and Rennie Davis's feel now.' They have. spent the last five to ten years co.: '_e out how terrible they think this nation is for allowing the Viet- nam situation to I., '" and -:,;*'' ; our p- i'-' r; to I1 .''' in Vietnamese jails. .. If the, POW's. apprC-. f the nation's .i.,. where does that leave the dissi- *I ... ". [ ". out in the -. egg all over 'h -i1' face. Now the attention of, the activists is t" to the draft 1..1 who' .',1'" '! to Canada. They '.' f -' who would shirk their duty. SWe say they' .i-, th i- on their own (,. l;.-,-knowing the consequences. They_ should now be made to face the conse- ';. : or stay in Canada. Maybe as a compromise, we, could let the I 'r ':: I T''-,V!' vote on ,.--* r or not to allow, T;-.' '.:. all of these points into con- sideration, and reflecting again on the at- -",: i.- of the P'' r "-. we must reflect on the *.-"-r. of Secretary of State. W21i.,," ..-,- "It's time :,r i ,'..-..,' ] a little r'.l0e in this nation." 1 ' language is not offered. 4. Not sufficient time in the school program to learn-a for- eign language; 5. Many foreign language tea- chers are not sufficiently skilled or competent; 6, Many students don't think foreign languages are -relevant to their needs; 7. Some say that one can al- ways find English speaking peo- ple in foreign lands that can as- sist you; 8. Foreign languages are gen- erally considered difficult sub- jects and therefore many stu - dents may not elect to take them. Other criticisms reported in pro- fessional literature are: 1. "Big name" schools no lon- ger require a foreign language for the AB. degree; 2. Even the traditional foreign language requirements for grad- practice a language once it has been learned; 2. There are too few courses in sequence to accomplish pro- ficiency; 3. Some students move from one school to another where o' r .- P"1 rm r e na Colonel Harry A & l. Army ehe'r f- "- I" M. b.e .I. verely d ad, i expe ted to. be iM; obile -; '1:- :". for iye'a r more., tion i's':"' -- -. urban st.i.: :.-, More tten 1.7 million .-:.' an -.' .. ':- of north-I workers Us: % ''-r '.I' Y.-i wes'. D f 4 : -7" ?- [i.L'. in the :' -J. : ; ". '-- '* TR ;' l. are e : :., Sa--.:; Rs osa, Oka- :-i. :i.' benfitt. " loosa, 'Walton, Bay, :* t c d- Gulf, Calhou -, ?' Liberty For further infrmator" oni.t - and i' .. .. ability. social .:-,.-,.rt en i. , Colonel .Griffith '.Said ttat the contact your :. ri. sii- s,1' Si'- urban study for 'Florida's panhan- ity office. dle region is the first such study to be assigned hi district/ and is a part of an entirely new minission " for the Army Corps of Engineers. R Aw r T: was *- b:. .' by a U. S. Senate Public Works Committee T X Oeductfo S' ?.-..,..-. ,-.. .- June- 19 1972, . at the request. of Senators T,'-. i J. Gurney and Iawton M. Obi':. "Too oft. .r.-.- are unaware Jr. of tax ,:-'; available to The study will include programs t-, : to flood control, flood plain management, navigation fa- cilities, :re s*a water supplies and waste 'management facilities systems, general recreation, en- hancement and control of water quality, enhancement and conser- vation of fish 'and wildlife,, aind other measures for environmental enhancement and. economic and human. resource development. Re- suIts of 'the study, Colonel Griffith said, will provide decision-mTaLers with 'practical alternative choices in the use. of water and. iTsated land resources' in the urban en- vironment. uate d"~ner atr~ being relaxed; 3. Mos~ Ph.D's don't read much at all in:-the foreign lan- guage they were required to learn. The arguments on the "pro side found in professional jour- nals are the following- 1. Learning a foreign language helps us to communicate with others of our time or the past- to ,overcome our 'personal exper- iencial limits and learn of a broader worldS; 2. The, world is shrinking '. ,','.'. and communica- .,, I .s.,-, now need to, know' foreign languages even more; 3. In the os I our ' service had ,'. one-half the "- in addition more foreign .language i. '--': people are needed by business and arm- ed services. . 4. We need increased foreign language ability to help in our. z: -, o. their na- : ~: *.:_ is some- times : ,5. At birth to -'two months- :' the first year a.child can mahke the sounds ',that f9rm the base ,for all our foreign lang- nages as well as our own. 6. Two and r -tr Year olds ac- quire ..::. -...; at a great rate 7-approximately 400 words every six .:.-, h I 1- 7. Conditioned learning ability them", Bert 'n.i wit thH & &t Block .. Rotary ClirThu - day. '1; *-... "'" many things are deductions 7V';-':r .:are noVt'. Mrs. Q' ..Q-i :said. The speaker suggested.that peo ple should examine\ every avenue' for taking allowed deductions so as. not to ..pay needless taxes. A deduction often overlooked, ; she! said, -.is' ability' to spread .tax losses over a tree, year per-, iod in certain cases. Also self-em- l(<.y'l. p -i.o: can aet aside 10%' ,,f tL',Ui earnings i a retirement. r .'i, n ., t v fr'e. 'TI"' r,, -. :, '' and ar'..n 'trr .rt .r.ji.k are also' !1?';3 sources of deductions. declines from birth while con- Sceptual learning increases-we' must get a child for foreign lan- guage ir':r. ';:..': at the opti- mum age "which i.l.-'l rlj1 is from 4. toG 8 years old; In last week's column I report- ed some national iL ''-,'regard- ing the teaching of foreign lan- guage in our schools. The per- 'ent of public high schools with no "foreign language, nistruction in 1954 was 57, in 1959 it was 40, in 1964 it was '23 and in 1965 it was 22. SResearch into the ". '-::-.' - literature demonstrates that, en- rollment in ., -1 .' I -.I- school - language programs has declined since 1966. In Escambia .: -l ..' I was unable to get from county officials any total foreign lan- guage enrollment :_ -:: How- ever, it was reported that there was no' foreign : :", as such in any elementary school in the county; there were however, "en- richment [: '. '. : and' the l [-.l'D: schools have appointed a committee to look into' these "new programs". At Washington High School in Pensacola, out of a total enroll- ment of 1,757 only 277 '.; .': are enrolled in a foreign language. At Escambia High School in Pensacola, out of a total en- rollment of 3,197 only- 625 pu- pils are enrolled' in a, foreign language. What 'are the conditions like in the Gulf County- schools? -THE STAR-- Pubgleted Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Part St. Jee. Fierld By The Star PoubllIshing Comnmmy WUSLEY R. RAU E Editor and Publisher kle LInotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Phie4,a ~mteadi. RaeU. Pr~@ Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint begartimet Posro~rFCn Box 808 PnMiO 227-8161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORiDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX 0OS.. $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, $G.A0 rO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or ommiselons In advertisements, the. publisher Is not hold theMfelves liable for damage further than amount received for snob tdvertlsement. The spoken word is fren scat attentlomi tie printed word Is tbov tteIy we*b*d. T1e spoken word barely an'ert; the printed word thorouugb oe. Afnes. The spoken word is lost; te printed word mis. 7' Etaoin / Shrdlu by WESLEY L RAMSEY Tom A..L-hi. now identified as the state's most fa- mous farmer, has (if you'll pardon the expression) had a little dirt !:.'-nin his face. ..,:,'. has had his hand burned 1y hi. i.; irJ ne "i iti., m ,.d.-Gn Coasty 'over '- past w -,\-. .rd h: "4 ::-,-'. a,.'." e r.,-Jght.y f fble a. to '",, people in his tate,office ',q ] to be working down on the flimr_ on occasion. --' back when Ad:.,un first took office as L:-rn ;;. vn. -.r He had his hands "burned" by tij f^'L -:**b. .r*i c ij ,]i:; e.J h is .flv i poli.O - tical campaign.' Ie spent" two months in an.OhiQ hospi- 1: over that one. N .:., it looks like he'will head back a.ny :l:-.now. '.; e' -:.s i',- 1 '"-. :, farm is "just a small op- eration. a sort of I. i e affair. ...,- r.' '. .'. ion as to hi '.. could be correct, but s;, -ih- a.1,000-acre farm is a "small .. ri ,i n'" is kind of .ireiching things. - Mr. Adams 1i been in hot water before and he has ". 'l '-- to' i 'to the surface bef'.?.> he is thor- ,".'~..-' cooked. What with' W now of.impeachment, he may find 1., latest swim just a little turbulent before it is over with.' S @ I see iy\ the papers that Senate President Mallory Horne has demanded s. r'n chairmen in his committees; who will ...,.' A,..iin a "no i.-i'.'f " manner and get their i' .r done without r" ,-r! ic to long, : ". which take I. :' r to -'..,..._.ili- their' S Home feels it's a waste of the tax-payers money for .........- go on and on v. i .*-r, I ,- : .,.i i. in the 'act. The 'Senate President feels an agenda, rn'.'-1 to be t .... and *. Il. : to so members' time can be di- vided among 'b.) .,-' *, ,,' items and also do a lit- tle Z. I : ttn! on, the side. Home's --;'*' -, could serve very well in Gulf Ci'.n;.'y, too. If you I..*.. ever attended a putbl. ."ri- ment r,- tih'', you would know what I mean.. Subjects are ltrr'hbt up for discussion, and before it is. decided upon, ,every .IHii. ; n has to do his politicking and we've j-. ~-. --,-.,' .-.r* h. from .he price of squid in Shanghai to the proper way to. de-musk a civit cat. Gulf C ,..jrit, could stand a little agenda-drawing and keeping all 1r,1.-..,!,"1 conversation to the ',r -... of mini- mums. -Many who must attend the meetings have other i -. they need to do ,at times. It also csem.' n ',s- th.: i.,.?.t decisions onii r tterpr'e- sented are given far better inspection and more intelligent1 decisions when the .-i ':'- is .-,'h. r' '1 to. At least it .' '.rL.. out that way here in our county. When unneces- sary discussion is .. r,-,it*; .1 often the officials become tired of the ::,b jh'. and make.not the best decision in order to get on to "'r. )}ii'" else. .* * Earl H-,l" ...- WJHG-TV '..n.-l I me some -.. r.---;;r"l .A-, ".'-. games on his'new ABC hook-up. The first game .'.. r.. shown .- of microwave diffi- culties. The second game was interrupted.in the middle of. the .r... < i--' rr by microwave- difficulties. 'Maybe ' '- we'll see a whole game. I can't get too disturbed ,- .... si. since I know how it is depending on something of a mechanical nature. They break down. To his credit, he has shown some good movies. 'Just try for a whole ball game, Earl! Say You Saw It In The Star - Henry Block has 17 reasoRs why you should come to us for income tax help. season 9. H & R Bw can slow you how that new government Short Fon you've heard about could cost you money.For example, if you have interest on your mwWtgag, medical expense or ccid care ded ,uclnsch ab up to forty t hundred dollars this year, you cannot Itemize them on the Short Fon. DUEIUBLOCKe THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY I Jn IA~dbrj TWO, -, Minutes of The BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION I*- PORT 'ST. JOE, FLORIDA budget; that the County changed January -23;' 1973- this project to priority No. 1 after -The Board of County Commis- other projects were being planned sioners of Gulf County, Florida met and it has required, this time to this date in regular session with complete these plans. He filed a te following members present: A. report on the remaining projects L. Davis, chairman; Eldrdge Mon- He then reported that U.S. 98 wil ey, Walter Grahai and S. C. Play- be resurfaced from Apalachicola to er The Clerk, AtKorney,- Sheriff, :Panama City. Comm. Player re Mosquito. Contoaa .Supervisor, -Ci- quested .that the Department o: vil Defense D,. rtor, Consultant Transportatidn consider martin ariid Rsad 'Suprintendft were al- with appropriate .igins, old U. S s-Present.-: r~. 098 .as. "Scenic U.S., 98' that thi ,Th meeting-cme' toI order' At sign be placed at each intrsectiog 7:0 p.m. The Attorney opened the of old U.S. 98 and U.S..98, tha meeting with payer, this sign also show,-a connecting meeting wi prayer link with U.S. 98nd that a sig Charles ..:Dum,,.. Department of T,. placed, at the intersection of Transportation "-,ppeared before ::j U.S. 98 *-1 the State Park the' -Board ,an&' discussed, ;future road showing the direction and roa,nieeds; and, problems with ref- nti to Apalachicola 'and Por 'erence, to the ext five year road St. Joe. The Board discussed the con structioh'tbudget. He. first in- proposed boat. basin for Simmons formed the Comission.. as to the Bayou and the .bridge being ele status of the present five year bud- :,+,, i 0 The Department of get; %,that the Long; Avenue -drain -r--.,' c:..--',."-,'r,,, agreed to apply foi age p rject plans are complete and the dredging permit necessary t( the.-bd wilL be let- in February.] complete this work. Othermatters He. was asked, why tills project has dis-ussed were . not be~- let At in earlier date and ' Ated that. other ;.r.jet bhad 1 Tt.i's rge.-r to r-s j-a r,! - higher pii-.n ti.;.. t.. n3]ng nal **. .i.- lt i .;-" *. ,'uti. :- .r.- ' i ---.... FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH I Co.mer Thrri Street. and Baltzell Avenue, DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL . MORJmItN WOCSITIP SERVICE ..... TRAINTNC UNION. EVIINING WORSHIP SERVICE ..... PRAYER MEETING (WAnr.-.')y ... 9:45 11'o00 6:30 -7:30 7:i30 A.M. P.. P.M. P.M. Come and Worship Gbd With Us" ' Lou Are CordaNily invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH ; 'Corner Long Avenue and 16th SSJNI)AY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP { .." BAPTT RAINING UNION -- EViTNN(G WORSHIP PRPAYEIR SERVICE (Wediday ...... SO eiet 9:45 11:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 AibL PMI II VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME SREV JC. cODU, Posaor I Pi TE Cyl under Head. And Brake Reclamation Service Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat Instadlation Disassembly * Cleaning Inspection Testing. Mead Crack Testing Head 'Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc 'Rotor Turning 40-To Hy rulic ress Shop Precision W6rk - Fast Delivery - ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 ?WE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 rAGIE THRE ,2. The urgency to construct a be installed across SR 30 the wa- new bridge across the Overstreet ter i the east ditch cold then in prison Sy Eugene Armstrong road pitncluand easementof r saidrd Piked 3. The possibility of speeding up problem. After .discussion, the Jr., David Wayne Meredith and buildings, fences and otherstrueon,- Pi construction of secondary road pro- Board instructedthe Road Super- Hartford Thomas Causey (in per- ures and impro vements r Enthereonglish Honors jets heretofore approved. intendent to set this up as a work son). utility relocations and for other Bill Wilson, Joe Ashbrook and project and give it a high priority.' The City of Port St. Joe'notified structures and improvements there- Honors James H. Heisner, Division of He then informed the Board that the Board that Tom S. Coldewey on, said righsements of way, borrow pitse o Youth Services, appeared before the Road Department provided a has been appointed Mayor Commis- acondeasemnaten, fromby proceeds of Car l Guilford, Jr, son of Mr. the Board and discussed the re- solid earth runway across a County sioner and that Frank Pate, Jr. condemnation, from proceeds of Carl Guilford, Jr.,son of Mr. r gional detention facility located in ditch to allow a- house trailer to has been appointed City Commis- State of Florida, Department of and Mrs. Carl Guilford, Sr., of Ov- d.Bay County is available to Gulf be moved across the ditch; that" sioner, Group I. G general Services botax funds Aor second- e street, has be en selected by the 0 County at a cost of $967.00 for the this has been accomplished; how- The Board discussed the "sick ary n gasoline tax the Florida Con Department of English at Port St. a period 'ending June 30, 1973; that ever, the owner of the house trail- leave" as set out in the Personnel titution 9 (4), ofandSJoe High School to the Floridaan- after that the State is expected to er does not ..'. ditch opened Policy Staituto es, ands amended), which- nual awards given byfor the Natonal Spay all of the costs on thereis facility again. The Boar said that it must on Samuel A. Patrick present- ever is available, under conditions' Council of Teachers of English. o After dscusson there was a mo- e re-opened ed his check in the amount of $6,- set forth in the contract, of which Stion by Comm.,Graham,. seconded The .*..5 : ., --:.. .,:.. .: :. 820.77 as. a refund on commissions this resolution forms a part; and To compete, Carl must submit f by Comm. Money to table th rnt- of not ai- : :. i..ovide paid. to him by the County for as- be it further, an oreal niece of rose or verse, g ter for further discuss -.. access : -; : The sessmfents made for the School RESOLVED, that said County an original piece of prose or verse, c ter meeting. Motion '.r p.r-...- Chairman said he has-been inform .- through its Board of C: .,-' Corn write an autobiography, and take s carried. ed that one. Bpard member, has received a letter from err. comply '- re- a written test io. ir teacher sup- Jesse V. Stone, President of the been promising for the above ne *. cing that water and : id TI.;r and ervision SSt Joseph's Historical Society re- purpose and he '. : -.----. all waste ": and .planning grants _ir rnvey ?r %.. t' aid '7 .... ^ Minded the Board that @ulf Coun- Board members this have been terminated by that De --. i N' clear and unencumbered The number of school entries is n ty will have it- policy and not mak : om- apartment. title to all lands necessary, for said based on pupil population. Port f in 1975; '", .. mitments ,for pipe The Board ". the require- .-. aid Section, and deliver St. Joe High School was entitled to i" "-' .. :' : ,. Comm. Money -told the'-Board merits for a building to house an .. of Florida P- -t ake one -.' .-"' The nomi- .. .. '- t he Calhoun Com m is- em erge, r -. r .. the Court f -:, said 1i ... nat deed a high o f r a n co n ha r Itn nation is indeed a high honor for S. e ~ uggest'-d cor sion has '.. :'- Board to house c. -.' ::.. ,-,..: ..: the '.. -:, '1 :cupants tenants, oI e e nutteebe -.:.' :. a date set endorse t. ,., ..r :nty Nurs-, .- Defense Director to secure :- .,- :. and/or other Carl. s for its firs' r- .. "I 'that each ing Home I": '. request- additional information as to costs, structures and improvements sit- The NCTE does not give mone- . organization in the County be : ed me ,-: : .:e an en- The Sheriff requested an in- uate upon or' encroaching within t wrds hut provides a list of f resented on s:. ...r ... :,, : ;.'- crease n 'his budget to allow the the limits of the lands required tary awards, but provides a list of r that said .: -.. : with ,- and an- incentive program for those of his for said :: of said Section its winners to colleges and umver- o a :.::r r, .: : i t cele- .:,, ,Board :'" manda- officers that are qualified. After 'and that the Chairman and the sites who in turn offer outstand- s bration. After disission thn e mBoade story r-. -. ",cal, sub- consideration, there was a motion Clerk of the Boprd be and they are 'ing :,4.. i-. ., 'r:r to the winners. said a lath .. '.:-:: .i D'e state planning -as proposed by by Comm. Player, seconded by hereby authorized and directed to | The a lathe -'-- ,..... James Tate, Director of the Local Comm. Money and unanimously! execute and deliver on behalf of C SThe .:. T? .r Gove'nment : --:.:- He carried, that a :.--"t a s' said County to said --:.'-. the Chairman said this plan would be from the property '. :: .. z ed to any get be : : Contract in the form' hereto at considered .", .', the near future. L :. r. lead to a public hearing :. : -. tahed. -. -There being no, further business, n.'. ave '- officials ary 13, 1973 at 9:00 AM The Commission received a letter meeting .!i .,. '*.1 '.. r Glenns Gulf .... :. unty gov .-: 'motion by Comm. Money, from the Governor'with reference ATTEST: - 0 b'o'' bat.".t"'he"- th. e. enmient' n.*:.r ntion by Comm. seconded by Comm. Graham, the to the .' ..- r -the George Y. Core. A.L.Davis ... boat ann'ou"' -aned'.'n Money, ---.- > Comm. Gra a :.:. resolution was adopted: County Commission '.,:.r The Clerk Chairman I r he is ih esent,' and carried a resolution RiESOLUTION is in the present, -bove. WHE AS, the State of Florida ervice h, D~a~'a v-eO be~! ~ .. e need ".' of -' '. :.has y -.-.. -e har Gus C ch, Division G Syy Y Snaw It In The Star - ..- e befo a ..,.. ,:-. Ch ir- County to furnish the necessary .d rcal e B ..i ard man, said this. has heretofore been rights of way, borrow .: and ease- ' her tha i etdo to have this work done. ments for t. -:. of 'Section ., -de forht fudnedos .Dalasked ab&it the furniture :-' from State rged the- Boardto pay a in the old Courthouse; that a Introducing The 1973 Merury d 1, 1 for thi familyl .in church wants' to purchase a cabi- Avenue 3800. feet amount o p ; oml .. e which has been surveyed and lo = Board i 's '.-iitor ed the ated by the State of Florida De. 150 HP Outboard d a t I -. : :, ... .-: .artment apartmentt of j- .' *-- as -, i '. i at Lr '.. '-. "- : ,'; r or .- :. = for an shown byara :' ma Of- Invest Now In 114r1d:1 Boating this, a mel -' d'l .- : 't-moved that Hartford fice of. the Clerk of the Circuit At t BIt this faml .. -,' than led. .. ausE .. employed for Court of said '-._ ..4. ,. :; the the Boar fundi for 30 working seconded by office of the :: .'' "' -' at Traierc Comm. e'dnn'. and unanimously Tallahassee, and Boats Trl Tommy arrived WHERE AS, th said is fOt Accessores I me m .The the d nablat this time toWOutboards ....... .. e B.....j.-, : t- r',- "" =" provide the necessary funds' to ac- F -., .. ",,.., .. r'':.'. ,r *,:' his permissicr, fm, t s .-s : ,f-- to quire ,said, rights of ---. o- .. ... ofItheI.r-'.informing.b'.uryo.l ecked cari's or. o-" pit and easements, :' A BAY ARIE ommio way maintenance on the Co RESOLVED, that the State of CALLOWAY, FLORIDA enit a meefic Brogdon road arid t the home of Florida Department of T' -:.A:. d 785-02- SRichard Davis andti be and i is h ALT. 98 and BOAT RACE ROAD 785023 tr ,sf ; o4r-.'- their The i n .F r wIr- to pay for the .,. o-1 bills could .', -- 'i .'oner and .- to pay for the -_. o would relieve t0.- Cr'-'`:', office of' fhi duty. They requested that 211 F-e .-culvert be installed at the o-" use r:'-nr'T7' t') F., .. se f old 1942 ri.-ft ,,'- -.. '' i removed from the pro-' -... ___ the Boa d con ci'rfaur-s F. and 1 j. '. Dvsum y uro I .,%, !,,' .Le T';l. J,:, ,. ^pft .I ir '"i.,v .its bills that the culvert . .".'.: ",', Department api ' i that the request for . neuw ''--' -." ir Enjoy your electric appliances, but for '..,r i.r. upon me- tion ': seconded ue them wisely. by Comm. oneray and. ': I l of b Comm dMo truck We have a whole'booklet of per y h- om he pro helpful hints on using your electricity Cha E more efficiently. We'd like you to t- C ton' of thhe ctizens of have Copy of thls booklet. that the Browder Just stop by our Florida Power s used as a Ssit be office In your area. d d up an and a re- And if you're interested in budget- f S clear" ngup Ing your electric bise each month, I ... infor-onsider our Equal Payment Plan. e!e trc .o e ior a t eliminates the Inconvenience . 'e o eou t hat a o higher seasonal bills by letting you l in ated B a. S R e,- pay the same amount 0cht month, eussion, the BoardH..'. :'i the a intr ., .M, rol e his ac er and win r. . .in..... : to check this loca- if youre a year round residential rm.m.-,-, ion for approval by the -If yoU'ga and State. The Board thiked Mr customer, We add your electric ll0c bli cum" o r ;, du for the past 12 months to determine m' u. s .ns e or o sine ,., What yur total will b for the ,, , to"t .to hold a ':'.*. enfowrcment 1 ., on.o r n ..12 V oo by+ moh ., ,s ..- - [ "secondea b Com.- r. .e n, we dtvtde by 1 and I an.d duly carried, permission . -:, har un you for ,that amount each.month. v.r +.p. efore b' --n At'the end of the year, any differ- __ _ '. 'hat 7 . *. -*.. ...pean ,; :. ence between What you paid and _ __.:, ,, r. '-' what you actually used wIl be fiuM ' She county s s% of M our payments for the the t oal cost of the consultant' s- fee, which is not known until ,a o Woing y'Vear. .... ... . ontra' s te if idIIke to wwhat your s+ado ,'". monthly payments would be un der 1 fo ad" t Bo OUr Equal Payment Plan, just callI a no : .r -'f OffCe and .-..:,.' T = After idsoos- ofie :.h ia ....O.- .. Or inquire when you pick up your ,:,.-,,-. i t.,: this truck on "= "Oke. -n { free booklet. - F. 'T~-- ,'F..i':_7 D _.oe D in- . formed the Board that ',. ''. S. '- Civil Defense personnel wil1 ap- pear before the Board at one of the next meetings to discuss Civil Defense requirements. The Chairman authorized Susan E. Bigelow, Deputy Clerk in the Clerk's office to be custodian of his facsimile and to use same on r all County checks after approval Florda bv the Clerk of Circuit Court and the Board. Comm. Player discussed the con- Pow er tinued drainage problem at Sim- CORPORATION mon's Bayou. He said, that it has been found that the bottom in the e e.-it ditch is 10" higher than the I west ditch; that if a culvert could " I I -I ` RAGE FOUl THE STAR. Port St. Jo., Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 MR. and MRS, ALFORD RAMSEY Mrs. Taylor Hosts Thrift Shop Will Mission Meeting Close Its Doors Mission, ..r3. of the United The '0,. !0 Shop is announcing Methodist Church met Tuesday eve- plans for their final sale and the ning'. in the home of Mrs. Wayne closing of the shop *this Friday Taylor. between the hours of 2 and 4 p.m. A short business session was con- ucted 'by Mrs. Taylor including Any member having items that the treasurers report by Miss should be picked up are being the treasurer's report urged to do so. Clara Pate- urged to do so. Clara Pate. Mrs. Betty Herring presented the This is a final sale. Items left program on "Our Commitment to will be donated to the Salvation Missions", with the scripture taken Army. from, Joshua and John. The group , sang the hymn "Oh For A Thou- ADUCT ART CLASSES IN sand Tongues to wnr- followed by OIL PAINTING MEETS MONDAY reports from the mission fields. Mrs. Herring closed the meeting Adult art classes, in oil painting with prayer, after which the host- will meet Monday night in the Art ess served refreshments. Room of Port St. Joe High School The next su'tir..' will be held in at 6:00 p.m. The basic art will meet the home of Ms. Marvin-Huie, 1027 Wednesday n i g h t s. Mrs. Lila Woodward Ave., March 20 at 7:30. Brouillette is the instructor. Wedding vows were exchang- ed Friday, January -19 by Miss Laura Rudd and Alford Ramsey. Reverend DeWitt Mathews, Jr., performed the double ring ceremony in the' home of the groom's parents. The bride chose a street length dress of white crepe featuring a turned down collar fashioned by her mother. H6r shoulder length veil was a bow covered with white lace and net. She carried white roses and streamers atop a lace covered bible, Attendants for the couple were Mrs. Ralph Chandler, sis- * ter of the bride and Wesley R. 7:, -: father of the groom. The couple will make their home in Port St. Joe, where the groom is employed by the Apa- lachicola .Northern Railroad Company. Methodist Group Meets Mission Group II of the First, United Methodist Church met Feb.- ruary 19, at 3:00 p.m. with Mrs. Altstaetter on 18th Street. Mrs. Marie Costin, chairwoman, presided over the '.-."'. i. Mrs. Susie ChaSon gave the [.;.,-; -. Mrs. Ralph Swatts, ,district presi- dent, summarized the enthusiasm and i,,.;r, -' of the new dis- trict woman's society. Mrs. Alfred Joines presented an :.-,. ',ri' program "God Loves Us" and we answered a. question- naire.. ',: on faith. Sixteen F,. r, and one guest were present. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. SusieCha- son, 20th Street and Long Avenue March 19 at 3:00 p.m. Slurp Spaghetti for Catholic Church Fund 'Thei~e will be a fund-raising spa- ghetti supper, Friday, February 23 from 5 to 9 p.m. at the St. Jo- seph's Catholic Church. Tickets are $1.25 a plate and are available at Buzzett's Drug Store and at the door. There will be take-out plates, but no deliv-y ery service. M. ISS MARY ANN BERLIN Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Leonard Belin announce the engagement and approaching marriage of' their daughter, Mary Ann, to. Joseph Terrell Salter, son of 0. B. Salter of Evergreen, Alabama and the late Mrs. Gwendolyn Powell Salter of Monroeville, Alabama. Grandparents of the bride- elect are the late Mr. and Mrs. William Jacob : Belin and the late Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Man- ual Johnson all of Port St. Joe. Mr. Salter's grandparents are Mrs. Eva Woodcock of Monroe- ville, Alabama and the late Jo- seph Powell of Blakely, Georgia, and the late Mr. and Mrs. Em- mett Salter of Castleberry, Ala. Miss Belin is a graduate of Port' St. Joe High School and received her 'B. A degree in Medical Technology from Hunt- ingdon College. Film "Change by Design" Points l Out Auto Requirements to Kiwanis A film -,._. by Ib,-- ri", will withstand a 50 miles-per-hour ... by the Ford Motor Comr- crash and. still be desirable and' S., the Kiwanis Club, comfortable for the owner. Tuesday, some of the involve- Guests of the club were Key ment of ', .. ... manufacturers Robertreamer and Tal ..''- ew government safety a Re ." ,, man Sis . ,,"Our primary a na- Tom McDermott and E.'. .., rator said, has been t turn out Hogrs w a product :- and me..'b.e .rs to the. consumer. .Now our basic problem is to turn. out a product CARD OF THANKS %,.- by the - -: and acceptable in appear-. Words cannot express, our ap! ance by the buying ... our thanks and our gra- -e ,h ui. t :"- '*. our friends who,' ememr The industry has-been given, 100 bered us while was confined to different standards of -safety, set- the 7.:.1. .,' :-for the cards, ting up a time limit on each. For letters, phone calls, beautiful instance, by 1974, automobiles flowers and visits and your con- must possess design allowing dri- tinted prayers. I. thank, God's vers view of three lanes of traffic greatest ':"::.:. .to live, with behind him. By -1975, the driver Christian people. We pray God's must be'able to view five lanes of blessings on you all'. traffic to the rear. S' MR. and MRS. '"Our problem isn't to meet the GEORGE W.' COOPER Sid th' narrator." t MISS BRENDA NELL MITCHELL Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Sam W. Mitchell announce the engagement of their daughter, Brenda Nell, to Byron Richard Lovett, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Lovett of Port St. Joe. The bride elect graduated from Vernon High School and Chipola Junior College. She is presently attending Troy State University as a junior. The prospective bridegroom graduated from Port St. Joe High School. He attended Talla- hassee Junior College. He is presently employed in Thomas- ville, Georgia as an air condition- ing technician. A June 23 wedding is planned at 8:00 p.m. in the Vernon Me- thodist Church. .7 1... 1, Me saRU Me !LUI U U to meet them .in a manner accept- able b... the '.'"., n producing a desirable product. The new require- ments will add weight to cars of the future, reduce gasoline mile- age'. and cost more. The final" re-- sult -will be a few years from now when the public decides if he really wanted a safe car when he con- siders the cost". The goal of. the industry now is to .produce an automobile which MONTHLY BIBLE STUDY CLASS MEETS MONDAY A community bible study group will meet Monday, February 26 at 7:30 p.m. in the Commons Area of the Port St. Joe High School. The study leader will be Rev. Sidney Ellis. Everyone is invited to attend. This will be the second in a ser- ies of regular monthly meetings. Lunch Room Menu Monday, February 26 ,Chili with beans, cheese toast, cabbage, radishes, carrot and on- ion salad, chocolate tapioca pud- ding, cookies and milk. Tuesday, February 27 Creamed chicken on rice, Eng- lish peas and carrots, tossed green salad, fruited Jell-o, cook- ies, rolls and milk, Wednesday, February 28 Ham, lima beans, onion rings, rice with tomato gravy, fruit cup, rolls and milk Thursday, March 1 Shepard's pie, green beans, lettuce, cucumber and radish salad, peanut butter chews, rolls and milk. Friday, March 2 Pizzaburger, lettuce, tomato and pepper salad with dressing, French fries, whole kernel corn, peaches and milk. .Mr. Salter is ,a graduate of Monroe < :,'t:.' l-h School and attended Patrick Henry Junior College. He is retired from the United -: Air Force. Both are :.; i:, in,; Montgomery, Alabama. The wedding wiB be, an event of March 24 at 11:00 a.m., from the First United Methodist Church in Port St. Joe. No invitations are being sent and all friends and relatives are invited to attend& Ramsey Convention. Mrs. Ehrbar was also .ni--' .1 in :_,- replacements' for coins missing from the Museum * .: She asked for donations of artifacts r-'!.'".: to the Spanish .: -'--.. of this area. The So- ciety agreed to assist Mrs. Ehrbar in these projects. Mrs. Brinson reported that 25 Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. G, L. Duren of R f .rf .-.., announce the engage- ment' and approaching 'marriage of their daughter Caledia Lenora 0' .! 1, Duren to J-..,'- J. Hill- house, .son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Illlhouse of Live Oak. The w..'md,n" will-be an event of March 2 at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Rev. Marvin Odom of Beachville. A .' -- will be held at 4:00 p.m. (rI!.. 'i. the ceremony at the Woman's' Club in Bran- ford, for the f nfruly and friends of the bride and groom. No invitations will be sent, but all, family and -friends are invited. Long Avente F,-. :*' Church ob- :-".*.' Focus Week February 11- 16. Activities for the week were 'i.. : ..^-I with a breakfast'on Sat- -.:. i., morning at the home of Mrs. .: .,.,. Earley at Mexico. Beach. hosted by their leaders, Mrs. Ear- ily .-'14 "1.ts George Holland. Those '.-!-, d ing were Eva Mad- dox, Gayla DIaviK Donna Maddox, S:.. and Pat Jamison. MISS TONI DUREN - Rudd Vows Told Historical Society Making Plans to Restore Grave Marker, Coin Display Members of the St. Joseph His- pine trees donated by Mrs. Herman torical Society met February 11 at Dean were planted in the Old Cem- the City Hall, in the Council, with etery. The roses have been feiti- Jesse Stone, persident, presiding lizd and the entire cemetery area at the meeting, is well kept by the City of Port St. Plans were: submitted by Jake Joe. Belin for restoring the grave mark-! Jake Belin has said that he will er of Captain George L. Kupfer be responsible for replacing the and were discussed. Captain Kup- missing coins. on the panel at the fer was historically the bearer of local museum. the :. I .'*, fever plague which ravy- A replica of a French map was ished the City of Old Saint Joseph, 1 received from Francis F. Escaffer and the replica marker is to have' of Mobile, Alabama, showing lo- the original wording and to be in- cation and dates of the French Fort stalled at the original grave site in Crevecoew. This information will the old St. Joseph Cemetery. be he1ful for further research. The 5 :...:l received a request from Mrs. Elizabeth Ehrbar, Exhi- bits supervisor of :L- Florida De- Baptist Acteens Mark apartment of Natural Resources, for u week assistance in locating items or me- Annual FOCUs Week mentos belonging to each signer: of the Florida State I.'. ,itj.." The Senir. High Acteens of the More to be desired than great riches... A GOOD NAME INTEGRITY is the greatest outstanding lesson and . heritage passed down to us from the life of George Washington. Complete honesty and fairness in every word and action these are the qualities that make a good name and make it the most valuable asset any man possesses. It cannot be bought it must be lived. A AA iNASHINGTON'S HIRTHDA Z Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe Member of F.D.I.C. ~EE THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 I PAGFE FOUR THE STAR, Port 5t. Joe, Florld6 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 Entertained With Shower Legals INVITATION TO BID BID NO. 141 The City of Port St.. Joe, Florida, invites bids on a. chain link fence to be constructed around the Wa- ter Treatment Plant site in the City of Port St. Joe with the fol- lowing minimum specifications: 1. 1103' of 6', 9 gauge chain link fence with 3'strands of 4 point' barb wire on 45 degree arms. 2. 15 3" x 10' st.-..-rI pipe ter- minal posts -'" .'5/8" brace and 3/8" truss rods for; braces 3. 2" fence weight line posts *. 1 5/8" '-,11 :, rail . 5. 3 6' 5/8" standard pipe frames 6 1 12' drive gate of I 5/8" stan- dard pipe o 1 / 7. 1 14' .- f 1 5/8" standard p. ;- S. All pc- k -it-in-a mmin- mum of 30' ' S .. bids fob Port St. Joe, Flori' :' St. | r,: an7 I th e- reJ:* ,.. .. the i ....* 7aler C'. '. r.. . .. .A", :' for ". -" he Regular:." ..: :- ng March',6, -" .'.. F' the *- .. ,, "22 (r:, .A .': .ru: I,' : 2t Wayne Hendrix, .-. and 7 z.'.:. ai.-,:'. ad- Mrs. Raymond 7.-..: -, second from left, mire their awards. -Star photo receives plaque from Dr. Susan Conley. Dr. Mrs. Harden Will Head Gulf Guidance Clinicn 73 u 1 `7ni I' M Irs. Alford Ramsey was'etter- Mrs.- Ramsey chose for the yellow daisies accented by white tained by a miscellaneous call- shower, a mint green tunic pants candles. ; INVITATION TO BID ing shower at the home of Miss suit. Her corsage was small yel- The guests enjoyed chicken BID NO. 140 Tavia Copenhaver on Februars low daisies with a yellow rib, salad sandwiches and small The .:. ,, t :., Fl-orida, 8 at 4:30 p.m. Hostesses for the bon. cakes invites .- chain link fence occasion- were Miss Ruth Flem- The centerpiece on the re- The' honoree was the recipient to be around the little io': i.Ld Miss TaVia Copenhaver. freshment table was white and of many lovely gifts Port St. Joe with the : '": -.'min- 1. ~ 'imum :. : ,- 1. 65' of 4', 11%" x 2Y" chain M e Cage ,eague .. fire Damages Owens link fabr rai SCacer Home last Thursday Aunt Of W alter 2 3. 2 "7 .. *, gate yTo`fli forMilcer posts Fire, lightly damaged the home ie s 4. 1 5/8" .065 line posts in 30" Thereg'il bei a championship of Dorothy Owens at-164 Hodrick ran m ement play-off between the t-vo top men's Street Thursday .r'.: ,, ..at 1:30 12 drive gate basketl.all teams .,of Port St. Joe p.m., last week. Mrs. : 'we, E Tucker Shiver, 7. I 5/ '' semi-steel or 'Thursday,. March 1 at 7t30 p.m. Fire chief Bascom Hamm sail 66, a resident of Kinard, passed galvanized, mall, lr :.:': ,:,_. i game,will be played in the it was believed the fire started at her home Monday of last 8. Tensiontre thhog..rings Elementary :.,. o,l! Gym with ad- when children moved inflamm- week. Bk with ho g rings *mission .of 11 ," and 50c being able ,.bI.-.t too.near a heater. 'Funeral services were held at 9.- 45' r.-. :B.9 with 25' back chair. Proceeds will go 'to the _.~-- 3:00 p.m. Tuesday from the Cyp- and 10' 45 degree wings on each -cancer society. I ress Creek Baptist Church with de, 16' hndigh with 6' 45 degree Masofic 'Lodge Sets Rev. Claude E. McGill officiating. 10. 2%" standard pipe posts not WEEK END .GUESTS 'Meeting for Degree Interment was in the Cypress to exceed 10' . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robert Creek Cemetery. 11. 1 5/8" tubing top and cen- Coody and daughter, Dianna of Port St. Joe Masonic Lodge No. ter rail TIawkidnsville, Ga., were the week 111 will have a special meeting Survivor include a nephew, Wal- 12. Bottom fabric 6' x 9 gauge x end guests of Mrs. W. S. Smith. Friday, February 23 at 7:00 p.m. ter Graham, of Port. St. Joe. 2" rest of fabri c 11pad fasten The Coody's also visited with Mr. in the Entered Apprentice Degree. I Comforter ,Funeral Home was with hog rings and, Mrs. George Coody. All members are urged to attend. in charge of arrangements. 14. All posts to be installed in a minimum 'of 30" cement. All bids should be fob Port St. Joe, Florida. The City of Port St. *, ..... Joe reserves the right fo accept or reject any or all bids received. 5rR JBids must be submitted to the City Clerk's office, P. 0. Box "A", R r h P S r Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, no la- ter than 5:00 P.M., EST March 6, 1973. Bid opening to be -'i at'he Regular City Commission meeting March 6, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, GE Y Florida. .\ Successful bidder must have City of Port St. Joe Occupational Li- "PORE BOY'S CORNER C. W. BROCK 2-22 .N UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW City Auditor and Clerk 2t NOTICE TO RECEIVE I oP.EN SUNDLiJ.IAY. LU A.il. tol I L SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 22, 23, 24 4 --- lb. 27c lb. 33c CANS 59c Chiquita Standard BANANAS lb. 12c TOMATOES -- 5 cans $1.00 Cello, Bags With, $10.00 Order or More CARROTS bag 15c SU GAR A -- 5 Ibs. 49c Hard Head Frosty Morn All Meat CABBAGE b. 10c W'IENERS 12 oz. 59c HALF GAL. TUB 89c Center Cut Blade Cut PORK CHOPS -- lb. $1.19 7-Bone STEAK lb. 89c Choice Tender Beef Register's Pure Pork ROUND STEAK lb. $1,29 SAUSAGE ,lb. 89c Choice Tender Beef / Tender, Delicious RUMP ROAST lb. $1.09 Shoulder STEAK lb. $1.09 BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST Ib. 69c Fresh Ground Every Day Hamburger 3 Ibs. $1.79 SEALED BIDS The Board cf CnCr-- Cramis- sioners, Gulf, '.'r... ,. I j-I will receive bids from any person, com- pany or, -r -..' ,.-, interested in S-' the County the i. u. .:. described personal ~-p'- ':- ONE (1) NEW '-,. .. % ton - '. Truck equipped with Util- ity r- with the f speci- fications: V-8 Engine not less than 300 Cu- bic inch minimum Minimum 133 inch wheel base S .. :.'...'ch cab to axle -"' .... '.. Ib. GVW Minimum 3000 lb. Front Axle Minimumi3300 lb. Rear Axle Minimum. 1250 lb. Front Springs ... '..1475 lb. Rear Springs Tires-900x15 4 Ply (five) ) -- Duty Automatic Transmis- sion (4 ", :. ,' A new slate of officers was in- stalled by the Gulf County Guid- ance Clinic at their annual din- ner ':-'. -: Tuesday night held at the St. Joseph Bay Country Club. Out-going president, Mrs. Ray- mond Lawrence, presided over the: :.- and awarded plaques of .; to out-going di- rectors, Dr. Hendrix and, - Fletcher Patterson of Wewa- hitchka. Dr. Susan -., pre- sented a plaque to Mrs. Law- rence for her .- ::'...' with the Clinic. Mrs. Lawrence told how the. clinic had grown from a once a month treatment clinic to a full-time operation out of its own quarters on Reid Avenue. The clinic now maintains a full-time staff. The clinic is now attempt- ing to secure its own building. New officers installed during the evening included: Mrs. E. C. Harden, Jr., president; Zack Wuthrich, vice-president; Mrs. Purvis Howell, secretary and Da- vid May, treasurer. Directors in- Minimum 55 Amp. Alternator Minimum 70 Amp. Battery Western type R.H. and L.H. Rear View Mirrors Heavy Duty Cooling System with Heavy Duty Heater and Defroster 2-Speed Electric Windshield Wi- pers with Washer Positive Traction Rear End Dual Sunvisors and Armrests Truck shall come equipped with Reading Model 967-B Utility Body or its equivalent Deluxe Heavy Duty 5: ft:f, Bump- er fT ,it Bids shall list cost of truck with and without power steering k-. ', will be received until 9:00 A.M., E.S.T., March 13, 1973, at the office of the Clerk of the Cir- cuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD of .' '-; COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLA. A. L. DAVIS, Chmn. 2t elude John 'N.4:.' :,-.- Dewey Pat- terson, Jimmy Costin, and Jim McNeill. A plaque of '. -'*:. was also presented to past director Cojean Burns, but she was not present at the v'.' ,-* Guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Pat Patterson, Director of the Drug and Crisis Treatmeyt Center of the '.,. ,:. .,-.- Guid- ance Clinic. Dr. Patterson urged citizens to help in the f ;-t against .. abuse by i'i'. rtng lawmakers, law, teachers and the mental health clinics. Mrs :--,:.' Lawrence (left) congratulates her successor, Mrs. E. C. Harden, Jr. --Star photo k ' DOUBLE 'LUCK CUT GREEN BEANS MEADOW GOLD ICE CREAM NEED SERVICE WITHOUT DE L A Y ? CALL KENT SERVICE TODAY! Plumbing Electrical Air Conditioning Installing and Servicing Appliances Kent Service Co. Phone 229-6895 Corner Third and Reid OPEN A CHECKING ACCOUNT AT WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK There is no service, charge if your AVERAGE monthly balance exceeds $100.00, and then only a $1.50 charge for accounts with an average monthly balance less than $100.00. By computing our charge on an average month- ly basis, your balance could go below $100.00 on oc- , casion and still incur no service charge. Write as many checks as you wish; there are no service charges. WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK A COUNTY LANDMARK FOR GULF COUNTY, FIRST, LAST AND ALWAYS q rAUE IVA -Ag SIXT THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 Save With Our Discount Specials Prices in This Ad Effective February 21 through 24, 1973 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept USDA Food Stamps jypHappy Family Meals Begin at Piggly Wiggly 1SE 2 Oz. Jar . .IMI, 1 Jar reth S$10.00 Order or More Colonial Pure Cane THE BEST MEATS IN TOWN ARE I're-h i'eor Frosty Mlonm Hermitage H SFLIED HAM BACON, WHOLE or. HALF --O3-. r -- rouND -- 69c 69c , Register SAUSAGE ---b. 89 Beef and Pork LIVER ----lb. 59c Our Own Pan,SAUSAGE -- 49c 1st Cut SALT PORK lb. 49c $2.07 Value A Mea. i . Cud"a" All Meat FRANKS 3pks. $1.69 TURKEY NECKS ---------b. 39c FRESH NECKBONE-------- lb. 39c Meaty SOUP BONE. pkg. 69c FOUND AT YOUR P Fresh Ham STEAKS PO9ND - 89c IGGLY WIGGLY Georgia Grade 'A' FRESH HENS POUND - 49c S'Pmnd'SugI LUM... I Bag BOX UL1mm1T FRESH CRISP HEAD LETTUCE Fresh Salad Cello Pkg. Tomatoes- pk. 29c Fresh Green Onions.- bch. 10c Fresh Cello Pkg. Radishes -pk. 1Oc SFresh ESCAROLE or Endive bch. 15c Wdahoan Instant 8 Oz. Bag Potatoes bag 29c C TVU < ^ ^. -^- ELi' " $10.00 Order or More Laundry Detergent HEER 69c . .1 Pkg. with .., Order orMore SPECiALS M AX Vli HOUSE 1 LB. CAN COFFEE 8E MORTON FROZEN CHERRY 20 OZ. PKG. .PIES. 22 Morton Blueberry, 9 oz. MUFFINS 4 Morton Froz. Mini, 9 'oz DONUTS 4, Downy Flake froz Waffles 4 Ic !c 9c ?c )C Everyday Low Prices Robin Hood C FLOUR---5b. bag69c DETERGENT TIDE ---giant pkg. 79c NORTHERN PAPER TOWELS PARADW tCT' TATFR T1AKERE Half Gallon CLOROX ------ ug 39c Twin Oaks -- No. 303 Cans TOMATOES ------can 18c 3 BIG $1. 00 New Digestible CRISCO 3 LB. CAN New Fresh Mint Dish Detergent Beg. Price 59c A 22 Oz.49c ,eg. Price 85c 32 Oz. 69c Pillsbury Sweet Milk,. Butter Milk or Extra Light BISCUITS 4 Pak Pkg. GREEN BEANS 4 o $1.00 Sunbeam King Size Loaves Parade W.K. or C.S. 16 Oz. Cans BREAD----- for $1.00 Golden CORN-- 4 cans 88c Gerber Strained Parade Very Small Early June 16 Ounce Cans BABY FOOD---jar 10c PEAS------- 3 cans 88c Famous Brand Kraft kAYO :"; WHOLE FRYERS lb. 44c Quartered Fryer THIGHS lb. 45c GROUND CHUCK Ilb. 99c GROUND ROUND lb. $1.19 ALL MEAT STEW BEEF lb. $1.19 CUBED STEAK lb. $1.59 SAVOY BROILS Ilb. $1.39 Tenderized Ham Portion Slices lb. 69c Georgia Grade "A" Med. EGGS Dozen s I I o 17 1. 17 ll "T" ) ,7 r, I- I - I - - k I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 PAGE SBEV St. Joe Lanes split with Creech Laundry. Maxine Smith was high w in wler for St. Joe Lanes with a SN. OP high game' of 132 and a 35S series. s *. Elaine Jackson led Creech's Laun- dry with her 153 game and 402 seresm. _ _Standings W L S611 W Dixie Seafood -- -- 53 27 Player's Market 40 31 Box Plant 46 34 Campberls Drugs: 44 38 LADIES WI T'ER LEAGUE tripl, eore. g&bi owrer r Rob- a ea s r ._ 3 CampbelIM ~ gs t three, Wswas m wi a ReBerso'saket---32 48 games'tq the B -lnt i action ee and- Davs Kilpathidk's 30 this week. RItu" Luwa was'hig lugi g~;e of If6 Iiie Seafoed Creech Launry--- -----2 51 bowler for the CXPlant,; with a Fertha Clayton aelffM a IN _ gapie of ana ries e GULF COUNTY. LADES LEAGUE Conaie -os we top for amp I.. ypr's Super Market, swept all Last Wednesday ni iiN C.,: nfr' bell'as Drqg, w 4a big 143 aam gm f1m gwrIo Kilpat- e"s and St Joe Krafi *1-Ht i %h and 407 series. lts.'a3y Whi)fii lesd PwZer eac team takm two e. ar. Roberspns' ,,*iper Marke tet 'th l ~ -' w,"h :, b: ttha Claytoa was high .wlae1 f!r three games from Di ie Sgfood. Tops f~'~JE.IEPi- a w. Pai E,.- ... :- I Z. .; ..-.e 5 ! Barbara. Keeki-lukeda'up wita land with-a 147 game- adiS 44a ab Lwe,. I.sd. Kraf% with a 151 game and 420 series. Shirt and Trophy won three games and lost one to St. Joe Fur- niture:. Mary Whitfield had a good night for Shift and Trophy with games of 167, 179 and 186' for a 532 series. Jo Sealey had a 186' game and Opal Howard lhad a 452 series for St. Je Funmite. series for the Cowgirls. Standings Shirt and Trophy -- FIa. 1st Nat. Bank --- St. Joe Furniture --- St. Joe Kraft------- Coinfiorters- -------- Williams Alley Kats - g [r,-,A(E ^ffvlfn fi W L 56 32 55% 32% 51 37 49 39 47 41 45 43 39% i48.4 ies. Lou was high for B&D with B & D 18 62 a 156 game and a 405 series. Margaret's Beauty ------ 16 64 AN Railroad took three out of 1- four games from Pate's Shell. Dot Gulf County Men's League Hamm was high for AN with a' Campbell's Drugs and Tommy's 174 game and 471 series. Opal had Gulf Service split each taking two the high game for Pate's of 172 points. Bill Besore's 521 led Tom- and she and Brenda both had a 417 seires Anna h with a 416 William's ,Alley Kats won three Bowen s Cowgirls -----9 79 series. uat of frw games from St. Joee .-* Ralph and Henry and Wewa Stevdwores. Beane Terry had a LADWES COFFEE LEAGUE Bank had to postpone due to ill- high game of 194 and Diane anda took all fou gaes ness. xbm' H '"i' 'tl, t 472 ser- D tok all four games noth rteam B&D .. .. from M arg aret s BV e au ty S alo n H-.m .. r a ieosf eAl, K-. f eeBeeak r.. gare. s Beauy Salon Home .,,v-. Edwina Bo- man went wfEd for the Stevedores thiswee. Sherry washigh for Top wen, Irene Brenda Col- aes of 1p% 181 and Dollar with a high game of 138 lmsworth and Lou Mork, r- games, a I5 and 180 aa series of 37 Avril had orh ad Lo M ,i o.... a game of 129 and Mary L. Standings W L Fterida Fr'A-Nat nal r'.-: ".- had a high series of 342 for Mar- AN Railroad 70 10 e'i- games -'d .:' :* : -et'~. ,Pate's Shell 58 7 e2ts Cowgirk r '.) '- frT: Pollock's Cleaners took tb'' ..'r, and Henry --- 53 23 the Bank "- i'" :a Eame and out of four games from B&D. Od- ".,-. Cleaners -------. 42 38 -'s .l.' :I' had a dys was h'. for Polloek's wth a, Top "Dollar 30 50 &: ."-1e ynd ,6 L' ..r. a '^ .. : .-.. .- 155 and a 429. ser-Wewa .1 29 47 my's while R. B. Richardson was high for Campbell's with a 498.' Murdock's TV took four points from Miarvin's TV. Murdock's had Wayne Ernst with a 549 and War- ing Murdock a 523. Top hand for Marvin's was A:,' ...-.'u with a 500." ' Shirt and T. -pli.- C-enter took thr-. po. rT: f-r.1. T i-,, k.-'; Ia. T' '. I ." 1 : t ain. T,'.phy wirh .4 O'S. D. V ticklead o r-d a -'- .- "'T i ": i w'3, ."- , for BiEasic. IA A lurnue t.,ok fo.ur p,,ira Sr,'-, St. Joe L.n:es Roche'5 had 7Glen \Vltalms ~i th a:-.,, Leon. Pollock with 52' and J cnTy Colvin with 519. Tr7 for St. Joe Lanes was Harry Lowry with .",' and Wayn6 Smith with 500. Standings W L !.,:.'.: TV ---------22 .10 Roche T'lur'T, _------ "- 1 11 St. Joe' Lanes -_--.- 14 14 Shirt .nAl Tth ,pLy .. i 14 M r iu'e TV .: 15- 17 Campbell's Drtfgs _L-L 15 17 Basic Magnesia 13 19 Tommy's Gulf ---------. 10 22 County Schools Get Compensation 'Funds Funds to compensate Florida's 67 v" i school districts for tax loss from the F ',. C Homestead. I':.. iT' .-r f,.r senior citizens have g r :. -by l'' -,,, 7.:r 11 T Fred' 0o (Bud) Dickinson. Dickinson said all counties are sharing a '* million state pay- ment to make up for revenue lost because of the additional $5,000 Homestead 1 .. .r.. granted to persons over .:..* '. of 65. .Gulf .', school district re- ceived u-"' in the .iiii- tion of funds. PAT KILPATRICK U HCH'S FROZEN (QUARIT CARTON 47c) i Coffee-Ric2............" c SAP FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 PAK 6 OZ. CANS $1.07 Minute Maid ....002 55c A&P BRAND 5 GRAIN ASPIRIN 100 CT. BOTTLE 19c SContac $115 C CAPSULES ,*,**, *** e o * CHECK & COMPARE Everyday Low Price! Maalox Liquid..........s o$105 WHY PAY MORE? Everyday Low Prical t* | -- ANTISEPTIC $ .1 LISteie MOUTHWAS....... $.19 READY-TO-USE BABY FORMULA Saveat WEOI Enfamil orSimilac........C 63c Gerber's 4% Oz. Jarr Strained Baby Food jar IOc A&P O'nite Disposable Diapers 12 et. 79c Pampers Overnight..... '.85c A&P BRAND LIQUID BLEACH GALLON JUG 39e Clorox Bleach.........*W 59c FOR YOUR LAUNDRY (5 Lb., 4 or. B o4 iDrive Detergent........99cWe WHITE OR BLUE HEAVY DUTY (3 1., 1 ox. Box} Sail Detergent.......... 59c ASSORTED COLORS 3e OFF LABEL Ch am :in BATHROOM...." 4c C hlairmin TI SUE ".*** 4q ASSORTED COLORS Save at WEOI Bounty Towels ........ 3'O$1.00 FRISKIES BUFFET CAT FOOD 6V% .& Can 7/$1.00 Friskies O ..........C7-$1.00 ALL DIET DAILY DOG FOOD 15V Oz. Can 10c riskies FOOD S$1.00 'g OD ee . ... --=w-.- _._. -- . [CITRUS 39 A&P BRAND Saltine Crakers......... 29c JANE PARKER GOLD OR MARBLE CRESCENT Pound Cake. ............ 49c JANE PARKER BAKERY FRESH Why Pay More? Frank Rolls............, s025c JANE PARKER CRACKED OR WHOLE Save at WEOI Wheat Bread. '.. oL2k SOLID BLOCK Everyday Low Pricl Encore Margarine........ 17c 'SILVERBROOK Everyday Low Pricel Pure Butter ........... 6 88c SAVE AT WEOI Save at WEOI Breakstone"S ......... 73c A&P BRAND I Lb. Pkg.. Corn O0 Margarine..... 3/$1.00 ITEMS IN THIS AD. ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL DEALERS OR WHOLESALERS. __ A Thought to Remember We read a bit of good, sound logic the other ,'. Y..r*. ,,no had simply written these words: "A smooth sea never makes a skill-" ful mariner." There is much truth in this statement. A sailor becomes skilled only' as he guides his ship through raging seas and stormy voyages. Anyone can plot a course through a calm-but only .the best can face a storm, wea- ther it-and bring the ship safely to harbor. It is through the storms of ex- perience that the mariner be- comes skillful. Isn't that true with life? The hard and difficult days tend to make each of us a better person-better fitted for life. Everyone's life will be filled with many calm voyages, but there are sure to be storms and gales, because they are part of life, too. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: Life is, a sea-both calm and stormy. RAY KILPATRICK K I LPATRIC K FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 - I ~ -- ; : 'I F.1,. ~II ~~~\; r;:.61 I.;- 1 .. PAGE EIGHT (THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1973 SSharks End Cage Season With 22 Victories, and Only 4 Losses -w Whee you he a Prestupiloin filed d 6you-take ,a f ..O Jeo fMa iiiyour wth. th Itnte- t A l a Pmfo" otfon^The!n go back to you docor. He'll tell your wht S rtp to. av to het resurof f failed. Three otoo Inasftay 8hests,%mutetestinllythatYW pi for y doctor's advie and didn't f.01w It You might a well frfileti you l motor's Doctor's PscPtptlft Your moit --.tun4 $b fi$taking it. . BUZZELT.S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371 317 Williams COnvenient' Drive-In Window Plenty of Free Parking RETARDED CHILDREN ASSN. WILL. MEET TUESDAY -. The Gulf County Association for Retarded Childreni will meet Tues- day, February 27 at 7:00 p.m. at the Guidance Clinic office at 323' Reid Avenue. *, 'Fun Started to Aid'Cancer Victim A special fund was started this week to help pay for very expen- sive treatments for Mrs. Vohcile (Pug) Bouington, who is suffering from a .rare type cancer in Mt. Sinai T 4..-...: r - .Anyone who wishes to. help Mrs:- Bouington are urged to mail dona- tions to the Voncile (Pug) Bouing- ton Cancer Fund, c/o Florida First National Bapk, where a special ac- count has been set up. Olympics for Retarded Scheduled for March The first annual ..: 01 pies for mentally retarded Gulf. County will be -... -'' .. ,I1.'Stadiui '. Port St. Monday, March 26. The Special -" .. .:' are be held in March 'all over state and are designed for mentally retarded people. Florida from eight years of or older. All persons .'.'.-- in I -,. ...:.' in the 6 -..] . or parents who would like t, roll members of their :f ., .. contact Mrs. Millie Lyles a: 3512 or Mrs. Willie Mae '' at 227-5766. Walter Wilder will be games director for the County Special Olympics, 19 fl lym- Port St. Joe's Tiger Sharks closed out their regular season Saturday night, suffering their fourth loss of the season against a good Headland, Ala., team, 60- 45. Only the night before, the Sharks had thoroughly demolish- ed Apalachicola 72 to 36. The Alabama team ,'u'- .'' .the .:- in every quarter and had A six point lead at -half- time. The Sharks gave them only 1 :- ,' e period, but the outside shooting of the Headland squad rolled up an eight pcmt .iige in the final stanza to hand'the Sharks their f,' .t, .': .:'" 22 wins. Sandy Qu-mn ..;:-: 14 points :o;., .*.*; ",, -.5 ..: I -4 "' e b.,?. ..; -Ai-.." Kendroek' .i.t.'' was ad- Wi i- rp hy quzajt 7r:' Port St. 7 -7 13 7 12--45 " :- "1 .. .. : ' Wewa Resident Last Rites Held Drowns In River for Mlls.tUrimore ates C.. ,, 35, a resent of s. V. Laurimore, -,'-.,i:~.. ..cidentally drown- 83, a long ~,r-. resIdcrt of Port i .... a t.-.,.gt accident- in the St 7. die. -t:,:'-; .February .. .. river. e was an 8 'ina- i '. : .- il: H ; ='t af- E-,k"':; s'f' St.'Joe Paper '-' ter. a lengthy illness. " in Pany. ... She is :., i ., f- :..' . at. Funeral 'services were, held at J e i -u. I '['. Joe '11:00 ':' .eday.of 'last wp'ek James C.;, .... cf v'- from -'.F, ".1" -,.:. Church of w eahitchka A'-rw-*, L;"... r .- .7-f to Wewahitchka with Rev. Harvey White : Ci : -A F.:' 1 :'i :' .. 'the ? -.::. assisted, by Rev. Har- of Tampa f/.: i::: -. the v' E-:i-: ../.:.-.- 'K Interment ster Lee Taylor of Port St. Joe, of was in .: i :. plot of Jehu Mrs. Emma Griffin of Abe age Cemetery ,-'/.; f:r." Springs, Mrs. Clar6 Gay of Tam- ,.'-" Survivors include his wife, '.: pa and Mrs. Al 9 Allen of Port Joyce Ross of We6ahitchka; mo- St. Joe; 26 j ,rJ ]. .. I ,,.'-' v.,. Mrs. Winnie Ross bf Marian- number of :..t ,:'. .:..".-t i.-.; '.r na; one ".: Rev. Harvey Ross three sisters, MrT. Annie Brew- 1'- :' Myrianna; two sisters, Mrs. Les- ton of Frink, M'L:; Maggie Dan- ". T Knee of .* I L. -i and Mrs. iels of Lake City d Mrs. Sarah h Hazel Foran of .f;?. r. .Mayo of P1'.c' C' .:, two bro- the .- -. were under the;diree- -:. Bill John Pitts and George -;if tion of'. Con~forter Funeral Home Pitts, both of Frink. }73, of Port St. Joe, were held at .., Funerarl services were held at TIRE LICE? iedivaaenet***i***me**e**O**OOnOe**i*ea*****aee**o***O*e********e*********ies@l DOn drive another mile on worn or unsafe tires! Pried as ,shown at Firestone Sltoas Compttively pvTied at Fkrestone Dealers and it all service station dispaying the Firestos asin. Pate's Se'rvice Center Jimmy's Phillip's 66 Station 2:00 p.m. 'Saturday, February 10 .from the Comforter Funeral Home Chapel with the Rev. De- Witt Mathews, Jr., officiating. Interment was in the family plot of Holl Hill ,Cemetery. Grand- sons acted as pallbearers. (-'.: .iritr Funeral Home was- in charge ',.d' ,. r.. tr., : ;,,. Comforter Funeral Home was in charge of a' r.n.- Wr?3. = fi i.fifi --- - Gulf Shows Huge Business Increase *Inforination released this week by the office of .. - I".. :,.,) *' .' : ,,:, reflect- ed '$22,000 increase in sales tax collections in, Gulf. County during the ,r.h 'of December over December of the previous *year. In December ofi 1971, after four months of St. Joe Paper .* Ci '-*" strike, -the county col- lected i sales taxes -just more' '"- in- crease this past December. In. December of 1972, after the strike had', been over for nine th .. :.'- collected S.- in sales tax, showing a 7711% gain for the highest in- crease of ... in the state. As good as December.was; No- vember was even better for Gulf t ..' business*. Th r :' col- lected in' sales taxes :.'.. .' of 1972 . Dickinsofis r' :- "t.:- the '" ,i.:' bells" of Christma cash p. ;; pushed "> state sales use tax collection for Decem- ber to an all-time, .high, state- .wide. DiCkinson said alpiost $83.2 million in sales tax .,poured in during i I ... 1. ,.i ,. -, "gain' over the same :-~ '. "' 1,71 7 "i., . Help your Heart.. Help your Heart Fund LP fibudbp*AhbMA P,',.T .7 .'*"-%---:: 'at 3-4-10; "T. : ^. --:, .st /r.t-,rr 3- .-9: ' .", 7"- 4: Herring 1-3-2; Hall 1-0-2; Russ 1-134. HEADLAND Hollin 2 -'. Culver .- -" Werren 4-2-Wi; .Mec- Glone Oates : 1. Dan- ford 1-2-4-, a ,'a "'- night, every -h.T t into the game and the scoring column in the 72-36 rout of Apa- lachicola.. Tim. Grandberry led the way with his .12 points and E'.', Quinn added. 10, for the only Sharks to score in the double . fj ;,' .P . Ronnie Edwards led Apalachi- cola "- ', 11,points. bv y garters: Port St. Joe'- 14 22 16 16-72 A;:.-ih '?'.i 4 11 8 13-36. PORT .:.T JOY,- ~.~ *7 3 . Speights 2-44t 6 ; rlbrr". 5-2- 12; Quinn jJ'-61 Herring 2-15; Ril 3* ',: F. 4-0-8; Dickens . 3-1-7; Dixon 2-0-4; Adkison 2-0-4; Rich 1-0-2; T. Russ 24-4. APALACHICOLA-Johnson 3- 0-6; Joseph 0-1-1; Edwards 5-1-11; Baucham 2-1-5; Clay 1-0-2; Thom- as 0-0-0; Thomas 4-1-9; Robinson 1-0-2. Baseball 'Continued From Page 1 Willie Alexander, outfield. The Sharks lost Eddie Sum- mers, a catcher on last year's team. He will be out all season due to a -.:'. n'wrist. The Sharks have been district champs the past two years only to be beaten in' region play by 1971 state "- ,v '.:--. Earnest Ward of Walnut Hill and by Cen- tury, 1972 state runner-up. Coaches Jerry Lewter : and -7.:.=' Colbert : ': have a young squad r.' t.;.iih sche- dule ahead, The players have -worked hard ". "-..' -- wea- ther conditions and are Iap- proaehing the seasn'with great enthusiasm. The coaches .. I conduct a baseball clinic for" boys nine years of age and ,i ; at a date to. be announced later. +Classified FOR SALE: 1968 Nimrod -'" ": NO WOMAN NEED EVER LOOK cw-nr ". -t. six. Stove, rft:.' 401 For a I .- i, show or private or:; .r *, -.rs 2296255 '," I' facial c1ll '. + 1 y, J. ,,'7, Your Mary !4, 3' :'i, ",,--I ,t. FOR SALE: All steel utility trail- 4tc-2-1 er, 1,000 lb. .-. ...'.'. v complete with. tail lights. Call 227-2071 days WANTED: New and used car sales- or 229-6108 nights. man in Gulf County. St. Joe Mo- tor Co, Port St. Joe. tfe-2-15 FOR SALE: 4 bedroom frame home. For information call 227- SPECIAL: A tree toihato r ia ), 3756. Located at 254 Ave. E. 4t-2-8 free '. each "-i, r. ', m ixed i '. f s i .? FOR SALE: 24'x12'L.fiberglassed red, .:* ,,'... i ..r'.--t:h,', barge. Excellent for houseboat. .. '.;i',, 3 doz. for .-. 1~.. .:. Reasonably rr.-. Call 229-6583. ,') ..o,. .... ,f red Salvia 75c doz. tfe.1-25 i,.l'be;. ....'- and 11 "'an. Home- stead, Rutgers and S i,,, ?. T.,,'.,-, FOR SALE- 20 foot fiberglass sail- tomato 1 -,..- 25ec a doz or $1 per bo'. Phone 648-3934. te-1-11 100. Pretty ferns and vines and FO rFrO AT ., .. .'t cot- hanging baskets. .Lots of. shrubs ; .. .c T ,. ...,h:,. rates. and azaleas. Look for the sign at , -27 34 91 or 22- 4 tf 15th and Drake, JACKSON'S NUR I I 1707 Drake Ave., Panama FOR RENT: Furnish ru-.i 'm.o ,,. .tc : ..'. 227-3261. '-... CENCEcall FOR CHAIN LINK PENCt' all FOR SALE- 17 '. 2 1J',.'.-: bh i top, 3-speed with 409 engine. Has many extras. $500. Call 229-3356. tfe-1.25 FOR SALE: i bedroom house wit den. Good neighborhood. Ca 229-5821. tfc-10-2 FOR SALE: 12x60 i ",Oi'!'i :. bile home. 1972 .rr' ''.f: heat -and air. Call 229-6801 after 6:30 p.m. 2tp-2- Emory Stephens. Free eirnmaIr Guarantee on labor- and ot.ierlab Low down tieymient Phone 227 7972. SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SERVICE Home and Industrial PHONE 639-5357. WANTED: Smart, intelligent girl CALADIUM BULBS: Place your to work in Marina Tackle Shop. order now from these. Port St. Apply in aer-.m Capt. Joe's. Ma- Joe Garden Club members. Call rina, -.c., L-,. :"' tfc-2-15 Mrs. J. C. Arbogast 227-5201; Miss Gertrude Boyer, 229-3671; Mrs. C & G ],'- B-..man 227-5851; Mrs. J. W. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 1 -:', rt,, 648-7766, or any member Residential and Industrial of the Garden Club. tfc-1-25 A.ir, .." ''. INCOME TAX SERVICE: Monday Oil Burner Technician it..: .'.. ti Friday, 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., CALL 229-6863 or 229T/777 Phone 229-9811 for appointment. --,o.:''' Sunday and after 5 P.M. ... -'. .. 229 3296. Shirley :T. FOR SALE or LEASE: Gulf -. Hicks tfc-2-8 Station : ... _vernite '. .Reason f "- other B I'NGO 0 interests.Call 229-6711 or 653-5111,. Every Saturday Night .. : ,'32o22 *i-.rirjria,' December 16. FOR RENT: One and two biorom 730 P.M. - attractively fAu hied apart AMERICAN LEGION ments. <,..'.A in Wummer. warm.. ." "" winter. Gas heat,".:widow""'fan&. They Must be seen to -b eepp t- 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's Thd, CDbst ..s. women's. Racing style. Touring, , i Cnct Mr. w:rs. B. --,.IL.,e style. Credit terms available. WES- ' at WMwICO LOWE@ and "TRAL.RI TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6.15 PARK. White City, Phone 229-2413 r 6 1 City1 h tf-108 HELP WANTED: Experienced tire or .recappeis or trainees. No expert. NEW IMPROVED lp.pi" the ience necessary for trainees. A' grNEW IMPROVED .nowi. wi in permanent -job and apply in per.u C. Campbedll Dr g. 6p2 .15 son at Panama City Recapping Co., C. Camp ..be "Drug. 6p-2-15 Springfield. .'Plant located one -. block behind Springfield City Hail. NO. 1 DVEZ-IN THEATRE Phone 785-6470.. tfc-1- A l la..( Flortda Apa icicoiov Bnue Friday arnd Saturday ' Feb. 23 and 24 2 BIG SHOWS -. Robert Mitchum in "WRATH OF GOD" .also Patreia Neal in "NIGHT DIGGERS" Next Week -- "WITCHMAKER" "THE' GHOST" INCOME TAX, SERVICE: Robert L. Montgomery. 505 3rd Street Phone 227-4811. 8tp-1-18 HILPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227.2491 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact . CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 pin. .. Phone 229-5281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe COVER EARTH 4URLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 300 Reid Ave. Changes Made (Continued Fro6t Page 1) avenues-the DOT building 'a box around all the sewer laterals involved or the City installing a complete new main on the west side of the street to accommo- date those customers. The sewer main in this area comes down the' east side of Long. Roberts said the engineer was going to go back to' the County Commission with his new rec- ommendations. -,, S In other business,/ the Board gave their approval.for, a radio hook-up, between :the? City Police and Gulf C..'.r.': Sheriff's De- partment. A direct -emergency line was also approved 'between the .,' : ,.:. rTt1 and 'Po- lice Department. NOTICE There is a list posted in the City H.)il 'f those persons who' did not =f'." their --' '-tr. ,'',n for the Iu.r. --0 of ..it in Election ,,.,,,.' the ..1 of\ -, if"l L u December ,i.iT',.h Fru-1'-,. 1973. Those t:: -' t.,:4 ..t v .'-f Port St. Joe who have not '. '-r, ft.e their *.'- :, '*i ", e .-..-: i to do so ,','. BROCK It City Auditor and Clerk S- .uperi ',i'r i.f Elections Ads + PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- ilona problems ani' 'ir ctnrran. Gulf County Guidance Clinie Port St. Joe, Florida 229-3621,or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-6590. INCOME TAX SERVICE by BERNARD 0. WESTER 813 Marvin Ave. Phone 229-3107 REDUCE safe and fast .with Go- Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water pills". I'itrpbll's Drug. 12p-2-15 MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP FOR SALE: Guns, radios, tape players, 8-track tape players, $16.95 up; Johnson Messenger 122 CB, 23 crystal, new, $1.12 Use our 30-day lay-away plan l,".' th St., Highland View. Pho:ic 2"6 W93, tfc-2-1 FOR WELDING NEEDS se eTames L. lTmple, 1302 Phm Blvd. ,- , A New Service At POLLOCK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTAIS- For Information, Comesb.y or Call .. 107 Second Street Phone 227.440.1 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. I you have human hair or' yn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices . WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-46 . 9-21 JANICE STOKES te FOR AMBULANCE ,SERVICE In Wewehitchka lnd Port St. Joe S-- CALL -- Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 2294694 or 229.2937. R.A.M.-Regular convocation on zL Joseph Chapter No. .56, RA.M., 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8:p.m. All visiting companions welcome. WILLIE LEE GRIFFIN, P. E. WILLIAM McFARLAND, See. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 11 THE AMERICAN LE(ION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m -A? E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGE, Secty Irtrestone -- -1 rrr _ _~rcq II, II -la~ ! " the eopktir |