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TWELVE PAGES THE STAR 10c PER COPY "The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" THIRTY-SIXTH YEAR NUMBER 21 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 1:*i Two Young Men Killed In Sunday Night Collision S', Two Port St. .:e? me~in were i for i 1. andl a lca oupae;injur-. L ST I S O .,.: might i a thLee earl Scident in Bay *.'.,jty Tin the Lamar Butts, Ti "": Air Force reservation. - F e !se i s foir C' 1 :. P atrol :. K en Sa 'idt he occur- F u n e r a l s e r v ic e s f o re ci t h e m l ea, st of.... Lamar Butts, 22, of ive miles east of the . .TStreet, Oak" main gate on U. S. 98. . O ..e. .'.. .' .rKilled were John J. Christian, 4:00 p.m. Tuesday 5l r: t 1 1I.-r. *,: '. , Grove Assembly of ,-'. -; ," Lamar Butts, 22. Butts died SiSunday .:bt nY I were., Mr. and Mrs. automobile accident. Rev Aaron Griffin .Mr. Griffin suf-.- Gillman and .the Reie. --aron ered a broken arm and leg and Wilkinson officiated. Interment Ms Griffin ,had a leg broken was in the t. plot of Holly and u" ,&u i 0..-t the head and Hill face. iSystem Connects City with County, State Ifoceinet Agencies City "P li-c Joqin Communication Net -.'Port St .um.- i:. Uknw -i6 .1l wal h law en- The 70-'.att syai. i beimg ,.ol by the City The new radio network., has tree'.,- ti'.. S fWreement i--in:-.t o: oir, ti. L-tt. f (. ,.,-1. ,y i.'(Tn, oW- sau.llit. .ta.tion, 1'_. 1 t wiith :t. n-y nw rd r ni.. li. ,e .ter d .r r i ,nits. '1b1eai c'.u of the riw whi.-h w, .< uto oteralm, n tis wt, i k. system w.:-. '7,4FA5 with the City pAying. *:' ThI iw r alio ? idquint w installedM in t ) o, r athirm- fauid-. T!e City of Port. ;.. t,..,- i,,n wiih te-iw ;.., A S:t." oe' th fie f law rnf rjr~,-a:.t agency in .ance. A.:l.iini'.r.d':tn, s y.1 i .. irogralm- u-y to go on the -state-wide nt.-.rk. to provide better law enforcement throughout. Both the City of Wewahitchka:and Gulf Coun- - the state by pLrr..-.'.. tk.- ;,. i...,i. toi on ty Sheriff's Department will be on the network suspects '.,.Il .i...iliL, constant communication in a short time, as i.,- systems are being in- -with other enforcement aganr s. .., .,3 now. S providing a iprivrih-'.rn f.r i..a u.f! . catioi.i a se!onnd. channel F.,r" ,r 1rm .,!L_..;1...?r:I wit t,4 Gulf County Shb.rin -, I .p-,i.r.. rt i'rl 'tkAthird channd for state-wide *nj.diriiaur.ationj,.' In the ph-' t aluvc Jr. Elkine lI-ar..ik Soe,..--.i the bay station in the City H.'I] 'for Cl-:.rk Charles Brock 'and. Pf-..ri, C...rri.. t. Frank Pate.- Ih the photo at'right, Patrolman Jl.nel, Graves shows off the new installation in the P,'.. Department office. -Star " Survivors include his parents, Mr. ..I '.r.. ',ir,. : A. Butts of Oak Grove; two b..h',", Royce and Wilbur Butts, both of Port St. Joe; '.. ;:.' .. Jimmie Mrs .iMelba Arnold o., **. Mrs, Mavis 'Agurasj' ,.,.%:izd, ,t' j.I Mrs. F.- i. Storm of Pan- ama City and Mrs. :...1 Vi- ega of Port Joe. *;. r_-. r were William Wil- sou, Louis Ray, Bill R D4 '. Hill Hey, Joe McCloud, K,.trtthu. I'il. pin, Tom ', '.' nl,- d i.. .... ". 3 ',. .* ', : : ; ; i , , ',i .... it. ,'. i" l H fia was .n charge of arrangements, Funeral Held Tuesd .-tun J.,ttI 'hfbristI.U age 20, ,; A1; r night ad the resillt *o. a3 automobile :.. He was a- native and i, '.n r. r- . delt 'of Port St: Joe arid was a 1970 graduate of the Port -St'Joe -High- School.- -. . Survivors include his mother rJ -.-f,.-. Mr. and Mrs. ,Patrick ..... of Port Stt.- -Joe; two T .-.'..- Patrick and Also injured was a Chipley wo- man, Mrs. Aleene :- x,. I!-j Franz .66, who was in critical condition The Griffins were. taken to 1 I.,.l ,1 Air Force Base hospi- a and transferred, to. Bay Me- r ,, I where ;-:. are reported to be out of danger. ,.. r.r', to Murphy, Chris- tian, Butts and the Griffins were headed toward Port St. Joe in a f.., :. ear with Chris- tian H.' He said r . car side-swiped an automobile headed toward Panama City, dri- ven by Cleveland Sauls of Pan- ama i', then struck the auto driven by Mrs. ;Franz head-on. rs. Franz was flowing the Sauls.auto toward. Panama City. ay for John Christian Reed- McFarand'ofP-.it St. Joe; tw., i.' .., ,Mrs. Cheryl Johson of Port t;. Joe and Mrs. Jane Hefrrign..of' Woodville. . .. 'Funeralservices were. conduct- ed i. -' '.- from the Presbyter- ian Church with the Rev. ih- ard Scoggins .ft, n.tin,. Inter- ment-: 1. :.'. in 1.. j ..1: Hill * i with services under the. direction of Kilpatrick. Fun- eral Home, Rish.Pre-Files Two Bills erha E Gerald Lewter DSA Award Winner A g 0 dConference Playt- A d Friday Night ter,Port StJoe Port 'St. Joe's member of the Fn.J' L' ,-;- l. 1 e, William J. F, iLi.h I~ d :.-...-'.hed his own t... i.E 't'f i' -. and said .., only way to reduce inflation is tj .-.,'.,u. the .-..'-P_,,ua of money fLt state has' to-spend. . Sh ii-ti >i J f bills which, if .' :' .ll.T ,. .l i': ' r -r. L.:.' T ,, .. " citizenss .- '.,'. ':'.. r. .j . hom estea). ......:,. .iA --- :... tag'purchases. -; ' S"And :this is" .,h Th.-. .' ung," said Rish. ri *... ed' that '' -i --. isu not new expensive state ;sp v.:i',2 programs but .1 he iith'. reduc- tion in the taxes ih` i-its. citi- ,;zens." "-' :'. : .One ,bill -lsh iJ.r J would. ,give .t ,:t.'.. 65 'and older a blain ket $10,000, exemption on their homes. The exemption would also include handicapped -eiti-' zens. Presently .homesteads in Flor-. ida have a $10,000 exemption for * school tax purposes for the el-: derly and $5,000 for city and county tax purposes. The other .!id;ter" bill pre. filed by .Rish would provide a" VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Volunteer workers are needed for Heart Sunday, Feliruary'25.. Anyone willing to give a few hours of their time to help fight the nation's number one killer ' is urged to call Mrs. Cecil Harri- son, chairman of .the volunteer workers. Those desiring to help should call her at 229-6686. flat '"'' automobile license ,charge for senior and handicapl- . ped citizens in Florida. "These taxes are often a hea- vy burden on people with :.. ., incomes," Rish said, "and they can be helpedn-more by a direct "ta&x '. 1-., ".0 ,,,,. than by some ex- pensive state program t.ir-' may or may -not da the 'job.' ... : '. ,'Forlugi Spann, 72 Lugi 7.,. 72, of 222 Avenue E died Friday, January '26 at the Municipal H.:.': ; following a shbrt illness. Spann was born in Georgia and came to Port St. "Joe .during-. the. construction !of St.. Joe 'Paper Company. He ser- 'ved as k',.;..w for the com- pany for a number of years be- :fore, his retirement .' He is survived by his wife, -Mrs., Mattie Spann of Port St. Joe; .three daughters, Gloria Spann and Penny Pope of Apa- Slachicola and Carolyn Brown of T-iu.;1e' four sons, Clarence :Nelson of Ft. Lauderdale, Sim- on Fain of Miami, William Fain of Tallahassee and James Jack- son of the Bahama Islands and a number of grandchildren. Funeral services will be held tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. from the First Born Holiness Church with Bishop R. D. Thompson officiat- ing. Interment will follow in the family plot of Forest Hill Ceme- tery. Comforter Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements. Port St. .Tger Tige arks will -be -,- ri'f.'' the week end . in Marianna' where they will par- ..':- inthe West '. Con- ference tournament t .'. and .' .. Saturday. :. -: and, DeFtniak open the. Conference play downs to- night *at 8:30 pm;,. Port St. Joe tim e 'i i . Friday .;i h'the -.::': i-:. the winneribf 'T.v'E:... ,:,.garnme and .i. :' and C 'h;i' ,ee action .m. r night-cap. The Port St. Joe gaie will .begin at 8:00 p.m., Port St Joe ,time and the second ga ;e at 9:30 .p.m., our I. i .r niht. I ;~~ Tn-1'--- *^:. Gri, Bquet Set ForA9 ruary 101 ine. ;r.iu.... t 5! J,.- Hi- School f'...:'.L banquet will be held Saturday, February 10 at 7:00 p.m, in the High School Commons Area, it was announc- ed this week. Parents and friends of the team may attend by securing a ticket at the school, Western Auto or from any member of the Quarterback Club. Tickets will be $4.00 each. Charcoal broiled steak is on the menu for the banquet din- ner. Speaker for the affair will be Dr. Hal Herring'of Atlanta, Georgia, a former coach for Au- burn University and the Atlanta Falcons. High School teacher, assistant f....', .il coach and head base- ball coach received the Jaycee's 'an ual- .' Service award at the annual Jaycee DSA .' .- '.. banquet Saturday night. Lewter was nominated for the personal concern he .gives his -, : .and athletic' charges i for the :... -: .example '. sets before, the rnany young people. he. works "with day by day. Lewter was presented the 'DSA plaque-byi Jaycee. president R obert .' .- District Vice-President John Hutt of Panama ', -.congratulat- ed the local club for being num- ber two in the, State of Florida 'in activities '-::;.:-'- .r: "This is A ., .' good re- r e, considering there are 188 J aycee clubs in the State of Flor- i ,. Hutt said. -i '.- M::. -: :.'..r:.: passed out several awards .to Jaycees -noting that "efforts by these, in- *.,_i.. in our many projects are the reason we were iecogniz- * ed by the state Jaycees". The awards went to: i.R L1- patrick, Highland View bridge project; Johnny Linton and Jer- ry Colvin, Labor Day "Arrive Alive" 'display and project; Jim Cooley, Political Rally fish fry; Jim Cooley and Jack Nedley, election tote board; Abe Miller, Junior Miss Pageant; Bob Moore and Al Ray, Christmas Parade; Virgil Daniels, shopping tour for underprivileged children; and Jerry Colvin, Jaycee Week and DSA .award banquet. Gerald Lewter, right, presented DSA award by Robert Montgomery i 11 PAG TW 1KSAPr' oFoiaTUSAFBUR ,17 EDITORIALS... Will Consolidation Solve Problems? -Mayor Herman Goldner of St. Petersburg said last -week Legislators should "bite the bullet" and impose con- solidation on local governments of Florida in 'an attempt to solve problems created by ils sprawling urban areas. Mayor Goldner is just using-a light twist to a, rum- bling winch has been present with us for the pit. two or three years to conrobdt ..i.at s ,i ounti? minto \brer por - litical eb~i nis. In *.-, tck of bi prorT....3.1.. Mayor Goldner ,,,y, hmself, b t-inng c-f this ry t ,l" ' S' But the Mayor unwittingly'9Pxpressed the. reason for larger urban ar aeas ha,-ig* problems th: ;':-. -. :f the :,..entity to 'be governe.d itsAdf. We malcr <.:',..tuiE.-: ?t 'ities do iye our prob'bi.n thei f ..are alio'-'t' TrdirLit.i- mal when r.sure d beside the robleas .of a ?t. P rer- ,jxg, a Tar.,pa., a Mao.mi or w--n ra Talai.,"-e~- 'r Pa'rairsa. : .ty. Our grovern ig rpr.:-..r.:...ive.::. mow their po,;ple personally., Theyknow, their prf.kbhm- and many utie-- : what it will take to- solve:thesle problems. S' G(oldner sug;--,st five regional areas Adtram 'i.y hol d be wrebt.d 'wthi th'ie state with 'hom.3kRe .-ni hr. i onr a regirai 1,'-'.r Lited of.:. -,.1 'JL]; Takiu M 9i r Gold- per's ai.ga -.ton w ul'i i..-'- r.. ,.t .s:-ny,'.-"y ,'l.v -Ier see -'of Gull ii. t,y, frr i.'it ..irey wo-uld A: :x.u ,i A .o .a dis- trict with at k Vast 1(0 .t.ti'r.touintie' a.nd p^*-bly q#en more strifc. there are. 'bw 67 (runtie 'in the state to be divided among these five districts proposed byMayor Goldner; Discounting the personal feelings involved over the loss-of our identity herein. Gulf C- -.v with such an inno- vationthe good Mayor could bring about other problems of ,a.*iv as well. If the consolidation works miracles as ..-.r Goldner seems to think it .'. what would keep the gov'.-:..:" :. -: -.,king further -t.- If five i "' :. v..:ri .: 3h ii 'i ,": . one district work I-.... t .. than five? To go even further: 'v, ., F'i-.'ri. become a. .'ri,.i u. '. L :it.-'h 'cnsoli- dation and our -great white, fatheips in '-. h r_.n see .with favor the example ,ir id has set, a. 'to keep. the -h7..-- United, -,U 7::. fr-,, bti-.A turned into just one big happy ,i.;:'. .'i all our .r..r:.;''*",. e7 It's. our 1.-l t :' Th .- : .'.r "..,- s 3 .: wish- ful r.'J-:. There was I:. .:.n f.- smaller p.jl-.'r.J.l subdivisions in the first ',..:e--.-.,..-t..tr serve the T. .-.ple through closer contact Troubles are caused by the '.pel not. bi, ".'r..e'] '-.ryv and .g'Ip-- about Sit. Th Mayor has the' right idea about i-.-.', to solve mu- "ir,.>] arAl c 'ri ...'-r.*- -- ,'.?., .he-- i to take a 180 ..im'rnin tL:'. thn:ig and. .ra : -, .,.itic. l subdi- S-.:-.:, down into szmTler 'areas of r ,- ,a :.it to solve his Tr a,1s. The systeim didn't fail his city. His city ,.' t I -greYw the .zyvr-r, CountyOffered Good Advice Tlhi- cdiJtorial thought, b. .Jdn to the. orr.. ;ItL'e.ll.atly: prece.-,Iirng irn that if we dl,.'tl adequately pla.r for the fu-. tur, nmi.t', of our p,. i-, ,i'- gover .niet will come in and. take over t;.:,e re~rpori'.Ji ii,.:.. After they hbave a:-surriedri our dulti:.- and procee.td to bury our nr.eds under a mass of red tape, the-,governing body will be too large and curm- bersome f6r us to do anythiti.g about our problems or the Sunwieldiness 6f our g',vertoJnt. :. :. . We think the NorlTiwe;-t .lorida De.velwpriteunt Coun- l has, givf j the Couity (Co'u.ini:s-ion good advice in stres- sig th- rn,.ed fr a corprr.bn' rive plan for lhI- C'.. jnty and' its futur,. Already wv.'e Iv statn atenci,:. tlling u s we can't-dig a ditch' here br clean a ditch th iry: or cut, a.tree here or build a hail. n-.,.there. If we go against the grain Wi g,.t our st-t,. ,' ,is withbdrawn su i. a flood in- Sutran-,,. --tithin._ri fun'ls. pv,.'mfz.. r:oaid re air, harbor iair.i rc ri"! at h,,. of ot}, r iter' t, r,..mnerous to , T"i'j. NWVFI N' w.'-r'b1 ( .,'"'-1v'. : t. Iv:dU hi~"!,.? th.eih ,"r'vi, 0 .to 4q.i.- 1' .1 ',t .r t' th county's future, so it wn I'l- h a .t eniroy..''l.- surpr o W6-v uryh.. i.. wh n into'i' i li,' 1..,.... n..- brou- i h .l.. ut by growth in the future. 4.As5a *l* i:-;-1 '.' n in l.'- l.:inikiof' p1 h t'jr". NW 'C'is St;lri~'";.1'..t; tSt. ,Auini'n--ine- Would have streets you coulddrive two eirt d.,1V!n th. Spanish I i' aTi::w.'-n up a: p' a,' f ,, thl:.' ftir i ',- re T'.li. ut th.- uC"- Tr ,-l'ad,.. they |,mt :, b( .!,:i nc _. ,'.. a ,ijtlIni: f ..r-. *'1.w 6 r-, ,, Perspective On - Education .by DO BOB M. THORNTOM Ptofowr of EducffioA University of West Florldo In last week's column- we left asking the question, "At the turn of the century in this country, what room was,, there, in an al- ready over-crowded curriculum ,, for a foreign language in the ele- mentary school?" *The j.-:.'..t of all, the wea- -THE ;STAR - Published Every Thursday at 306 Williami Avenue. Port St. Joe, Flerlda, By The Star Publlshino Company WsiY Ba RAMSEY Editor n ubliher Ales Linotype Operator, Ad Salepamf, plitWWWea CUWS.u Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint epriment PoSTO ICE Box 808 PHONE 227-3161 PoRT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN .ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX OS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 SUT OF COUNTY One Year, 5.0 OUT OF U. S. One Year, W.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In cae o error or or mise one In advertimenta, the pimblUse to zt hold teinveB liable for damage further than amount received for such #drertimement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word s hed. The en word barely asert; the printed word thor = Tee. Th poken word Is lost; the printed word r malms E- between was the path you trod between the two... What the.NWFDC proposes is sound reasoning. We .hrh ild plan for growth to go where we want it to go and .notbe forced in the future to spend unnecessary tax dollars, trying to overcome the problems brought on by uncontrol- ]kd growth. ' .,.-One 6f the reasons the City of Port St. J6e remains solvent is that some. sort of growth plan has been forced on them by the principal land holder releasing land piece- meal for sale. This kept all the, City's services from being '-x-tnred. to -serve sparsely settledareas at a burden to the City. Many don't like it; but it has meant a savings in tax dollars in, the- p:t. .. Too, we understand the Cozhmissions pique with the .NWFDC: Commissioner Walter Graham wasn't far' from ' being absolutely right whe he. told'representatives from SJthe Council that Gulf had worked with them for years and' ':hadreceived virtually nothing in return.. This, iAf ,~,:r... J..r'i F.r ticr.. the Council's fault. G'iF ;.: just a ti.. too 'rich and not P ',..- ,n,- ,o,-. to receive the attention 'from the Council which their rules and regulations req idre. We think, however, the Council is doing us a service right now in. giving us a valuable piece of advice one that Should mean ar more to Gulf County in the future than S amallo9 mountof r: we invest in I :. NWFDC each pons of the .- ,.i.-.). was .. far across the Vi.*, from Europe. 'Also, -"wn.' of the .'..,.' were to be -. -. 'nto American life .-_w- 'I' to look back toward the lands of their birth. They reasoned: Let my children learn to speak Eng- lish, and let no study of another language interfere; let them be .100 .per .cent Americans. " i, iThis new. a :!_. :t_':'. ,. :. -.; of .trigl:- and the The outbreak of World War I proved to be the climax of such anti-foreign feeling. In the after- math of the holocaust, Americans reacted ::.- .': :,T,' against' any- S..;. _that suggested I.'.r.- ment with Europe., But foreign language teaching proved to be hard to kill. Although German was anathema, French still had its outspoken adherents. Had not France been our gallant ally in 1918? And so, the "language of .Lafayette and Foch" was allowed into the curriculum for superior children in 'Cleveland's elemen- tary schools as early as 1921. Several other school systems soon. followed suit. World War H had a different effect altogether. Although iso- lationists roared and raved, they were in the minority. Most Flor- idians realized that any event in any area of this planet could af- fect them. Then,, too, there were other facts to be faced; the Com- munists and the Cold War, the emerging importance, of the United Nations, the NATO pact, the Truman Doctrine, the Mar- shall Plan, the ..- t- Whether we liked it or not, our '' w as 't ', .'s: ,' .. Americans- fretted about their own inability. to : :. -: but. Pr ] .. as contrasted with the ti' -I S'.:x..,.i'-'-: of Europeans. Sol-' diers. and postwar tourists dis- ..'.i, '-. i :',- three'years of stu- dyizigafolang a ..: language in high school had done them no thei ,*-\. .'.=r They were unable to S: r. on the simplest terms *with 'the natives. .j:-I' something was wr6ng *L schools.: Perhaps the me- thQd was to blame. All that gram- mar, and so 1,itl practice in ::- Perhaps, too, the E. " : :- '. idea Be- S' .- ..::- when a child is :.'.::. ": high school is too late. The knowledge just doesn't stick when you begin so late. Such arguments led to an in- creased i'...-rest in the possibili- ties of conversational French or Spanish on an informal basis- in ' the early grades. Private schools and a few public schools began to try out the idea. These des- parate efforts finally received official blessing, and the rush was on. More on the "great lan- guage rush" next week. PINES Stand Tall In Florida's Future PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember It is told that a visitor a foreign country made this com- ment about America when he re- turned home. .- -_... '.'-..\ thing about the United States is every- one is trying to run away from themselves." It does appear that in our search for happiness, adventure and pleasure-we are in a con- stant race. To' .' i.it--we run, and :- r;r, -.A.. we appear to be, running away from 'ourselves. You can't be against modern- .i._'.-, it has made life much more enjoyable. You ican take time, though, to pause and "catch Up. SThe ,-;. ':i people are those who take time. Time to enjoy- time to plant a garden, time to watch, it grow. You are then waiting-and you can't run away from yourself if y6u, wait. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: The greatest rewards come to. those who wait. RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RA1SEY Increased Social Security Checks Due for Many Most-but not all-aged widows and dependent widowers will get increased payments from social se- curity starting next month, accord- ing to David P. P. r.: n, Social .- ..:Field Representative for Gulf County. ."Widows don't have to do ,any- ,-_ to get these i:'.e.-.'." Rob- inson said. The increases will be- gin with checks to be mailed early in February. "Some of those who get increases may not get as much as they ex- pected," Robinson said. "Questions --. *''*'* indicate "-::- s some confusion about -," -. .: benefits. Widows who get no increase under the new law will be -_':: sole. survivors whose husbands would .have qualified for minimum retir- ed benefits." Under the new social : : Saw, increases will go to 89 per- cent of the 3%. million . get ":". payments i" : on ". .: late husbands' social secur- ... -.r. :.... .-.i to Robinson.' "About two out of five widows will get 21.2 percent more than they were getting," he. said. : ': half will get increases ranging from about one percent to 21 percent. The 21.2 percent n.'*. will be paid towomnen r: .t -r widows benefits at ., or l---I "They are women ...'. -.. .. S- L.. i~d not take retirement benefits until '- or ever or had died before becoming entitled to retirement V..,:, '..rt ..i :.f -' ,. .. a bene- fit could be no more - cent of the amount that would have been payable to her husband at age 65., Smaller increases will be paid to widows who first got cheeks be- fore 65. "For example," Robinson said, "a widow who started getting payments at 62 will now get 82,9 percent. of her husband's. benefit. ; Previously, she got 82.5 percent" Henry Block has 17 reasons why y should come to us for income tax Iwlph Reason S. We we a yeamd service. We d.oe duart id r go back t..som. ohrrbiness after Aid IS THIOM AX PELOC THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE -A 225 REID AVENUE A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY h Open 9 OPEN i 'PAGE TWO rHE SsTAR, Port St. Ja& Florida T HURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 President Nixon's Revenue Sharing Fund seems to be creating more problems than it is solving in Gulf County. I can't help but wonder if other counties and municipali- ties are having the same difficulty. In GulfCounty, we can almost count up on our 10 fingers enough requests for services and extras to take up twice the amount of money the county and city has received from R'.--nuio Sharing. At almost every Commission meeting since distribu- tion of the ,fi.oi.-.--:.".'.:r ''and cv'-----i .-r-- has been a " ,..:?.' for some '_-:u or program "which could, be finan- ced '-ii the- E' r. f,'..-". That Revenue Shar- ing fund is taking a 1-:..t 'un here in our ciuriot, At last Tuesday ni'. County Commission *1one, there were two new requests for help ""' N can give us with your Revenue S~i'- .. funds". It's this way at every .': 'The -irz is, most of f requests -woi.4. be. : -:,.., ,.Y. 'as to I.:-: under .,rd,.:-, ; funding and .'..- 'i:-:' Sharing funds have ..fIa:ri.- strings at-- t h i'.. i 7 ': can be -t-"-it only for i,:- .,in things. One case of ri:i-. ',' funds nTu.-. ',: nili was the V1i- City Volunteer Fire- y, P .x.ir ', i came before the r .'p,b- Commission .'-, some riiTt'i,. for their 1. '-r, "You f''.l from your 1:. .'',._ Shar- ing F.*1 because it's I,- Lon the list of '-l::-.i!e services -hi'.,- ,n be funded 1"v- ,. money". They were absolutely correct. Fire :vl.'rr.-, *i *:,-,', listed as one of the areas in "~wi n the ,'i..' v*: could be spent on a sheet of items de- .v.'... one line each.'to the various services which could be f -.l ,,Ia the County C.r,, .. doesn't feel a ..-- volunteers I li .i... to fight fire in an .-. ., ,'. I area can i''f. : if.- under the *.:, ,,,.'.i .1- ,!..., of what is and ,.,.. ,t is not .e gible. The County Board is not going to.put the funds out until they definitely learn ..-i..- they can legally place the money. In this they are right. Another request was that the County place some of the ni..: .-y into a fund to help. needy people in the county who find themselves in destitute circumstances but who do not qualify for government assistance-county, state or federal-under present .guidelines. Everyone is con. ,rr,- d by. people who find themselves in this type predicament through no fault of their own. But if these people do not qualify for financial aid through 1A. ..i, sources, could the County legally help them with Revenue Sharing F,.n.1 even though v. .f... ,aid is one of 'the categories for **',i b the money can be spent? Gulf .County could do like- some other neighboring counties and put the v,..-., thing into the Road Depart- ment. Road building is one of the p. Tr.,. .. areas in '..'.'.h the money may l- spent. I ..-'.. think the ., ...-. 1 *,, r:.. -, of Gulf C.. .. has '' money- without giving .. ,i .it ... '/,,, ...i ;., I thinkthe money can be spent to rr.-.! J. _. ,1 feel the Com- mission `. ;.'-' "-,,," I '.by not ,.'i'.,, into every sugges- tion which comes their way for .... '.J, .this windfall. I oppose ,..,-r ,..i But as long as we have it -. 1 i.-. .r-','ing p.r'-, ". of what to do with it, we i'- ..j .. it .,' ,-., where it will do 'the most' .. .i The money has created a. problem, but it is' our bi,.- we adequately meet the problem. Say You Saw It In The Star - . (HE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 fAGE THRE1 LDIA ESWIN TER LEAGUE Jackson -had a 418 -series for Campbell's and Team No.- 1 met Creech. The Box Plant had Evelyn on. lanes 1' and 2 Thursday and Smith'as their top bowler with a SCampbell's won three of; four 517 series. games; Dot O'Shall was high bowl- -Kilpatrick's and Dixie Seafood et. for Campbell's with a 413 ser- tangled with Dixie. Seafood reeling ies.-Lois S~inth was I--p bowler -for in three of four ganies. Pat Hol- Team No. 1 'with- a 474 series. land bowled a 392 series for Kil- Creeah's ,'o.k there, out of four p.tii-.k's and Bertha Clayton was games from the Box Plant.. El&aine hji.h bowler .for Dixie with a 481 S-Le. b A dv all four, games to F;''i LMarie Davis bowled a 431 SLegau l LU:.-n. *or' Robersons and Mary 71ytrf...i-. had -a7 473 series for IN THE CIR.UIr COURT Standin.ig' W L OF TIE FOUR TF i- ne seafood 46 22 DIAL 'CTRIT (OF FLOR : '.*A, J.r.J ANTD FOR GULF P, M .Mi. ------- 44 24 S COV .NT' H a .p n4 IS": Drugs ------9 29 AVERY A. HOWEL,. Box Plant ." 37 31 ... Plaintif, Team No. 1 32 36 JERRY D- H (W Kilpatrick's 28 40 Defendant. ,undry -- 24 44 S NOTICE F SALE .r.-, Super Mkt. -_ 22 46 Notice is hereby given that 1,- _____'__ Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff. *, ; f ny Mn's Lrage;i County, Florida, under and t-7 vr ulf County Men's League tue of a Writ bf Execution brret.-. Shirt and Trophy got back on fore issued out of the above en- te. winning track by taking three titled Court. pursuant to a Final pints from .;-fpbL: Drugs. Joe Judgment obtained in said court and county, dated December _9 Davis led Shirt andTrophy with a 1972, in .the above entitled cause, 503 series. Campbell's had James having levied on January 15, 1973, Hi-ks with a 510 total and B. B. upon the following personal Pr Richardson with.a 503. perty, situate, lying ad 'bi, in Gulf County, Florida,to-wt n St Joe Lanes downed Murdock's Undivided- one-half interest' in TV for all four .points. Wayne- Lots 1 and 3 in Block 29. af Port Smith led St. Joe Lanes ith a 517 St. Joe Beach, U.t N. s p while B. J. Richards led Murdock's tonal Section .. T.',-..hb . South; Range 11 W i, p.1j with a 507:. "County, Flerida, .n :- i.. it,' Tommy's Gulf Service took all Official plat recordedin the :of 'four point from Rohe's Fc n- -flee of the Circuit Court Clerk, ure. Bl Besore led Tommy's Guf Gulf County, 3-1n'j r'a, recorded in Plat Book 2, a Pd. : with a 509 and Jim Beaman had a as the property of the above named 500. Roche's had Jerry Colin high, Defendant, and that upon the 16th with a 495. i day of February, A. D. 197, Mearvi' TP took tre d the e o J Marvin's TP took ,three Poits; tween the legal hours of dale, -namely, 1 00 o'clock in the after- from Basic Magnesia. Ashley 'Ce-. noon and 2:00 o'clock in thb 4-, tin's 476 was tops for Mahin',s ternoon, on-' .'di-'c, :,i. the "nrr, johnny Linton's 425was theest door of the '"'.n it -.' in ',r for Basi. - 'St. Joe, i :,r" :-.,,( Flori I will offer for' .. I sell f Standings W . htirtl't 'n.:f ftr ,h r., .ad, Drugs ---. 11 5 the ahoyv de-; rn I" .>.... I t :.- .-R-"1..F.t. T. TP I 1_ " th" pr,,p['" y ...- rf 'li lFf. .,it. to St. Joe Lanes 9 7' **n -tt.. .4*-. rr.-.1 -r .r, r -..-- 8 8 I will be --- ---l -*t-.a i .-ii M '.. ,, a 8 Le rirt'it: I. Rophe's Furniture ' iSherl.f, TAWRENCE Sh rt and Trophy --- 6 Sheriff, 1-18 - Gulf County, Florida 4t Tommy's Gulf Serv. 5 CONSTANT i-- *1 An Ideal Valentine Gift Beautiful "Cling Free" Nylon Satin Lace Trim SLIPS Beg. $2.99 Reg. $3.99, STARTS FEB. 1 "IDS FEB. 14 DOLLAR DAYS Men's Dpuble Knit SUITS neg. so.ol $45.00 10 Only. Better hurry and save. Sizes 38-42. Reg. and large. Cuffed free. 2 So5.00 2fol$7.00 32-50. Assorted colors. For the young, the active... A great buy 150 PAIR Ladies Jeans S$3 0to $6 regularly sell $4.00 to $14 '0 Blue Denim, Corduroy, Cawdhed Velvet, Dacron- Cotton blends. Some Pa- lazzio (wide) legs. Terrific values. Sizes 7-1,8. FOR JUST A REMEMBRANCE Grab Table $1.00 SHIRTS, BLOUSES, UNGERTE, SHOES, HEAD SCA'RPFS, HANDKERCHIEFS (Boxes) SLIPS, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING The bargains are terrific Free Gift Wrap- ping! ALL SEASONAL CLOTHING AND SHOES 2!Jto o00 ff * Your Special Man Will Love These Perma-press ROBE eg. $5.00 Pajamas 2 pr. $7.00 Reg. $4.00 pr. "Man colors" - SiZs A, B, C, and D BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS Regular $2.99 Sfor5.00 onyi1V New Spring arrivals. Buy 2 and SAVE. Solids, pattern or stripe Perma-press by Campus. Sizes 8-18. TO SOMEONE SPECIAL WITH WEMBLEY TIES .-. for$7 AA I.II 1 only * 10(., Polyeste, Solids, stripes, palterms .in -reg. or clip or snap on. 'Wash it, crush it, knot it .. it still looks great. Men's Double Knit SLACKS Reg. $14.00 $10.00 Bergundy, navy, brown, black or white. 28 to 42 FAMOUS NAME waist. Our best buy ever by Campus. SLACKS If h is riceconsious If he is price conscious- You can SAVE on Quality Shoes Values to $20.00 S$7.00 Labels of quality. Rand and Randcraft, Hush Pup- pies. Loafers, buckles and lace. Sizes 6V2 to 12. Black brown and white. Sheriff Lawrence Says His J. W. Miller Family Rescued from Ofi'e W i.ll Be S y F r Gulf After Boat Motor Breaks Down bu' B e F r i F a 11 a 'ir by HELEN ST. JOHN The Miller family was taking a pleasure ride when the incident Mr. and Mrs. 3.W Miller of took place about 3:00 o'clock Sat- New Sheriff, ~ .: .- .. Law- law enforcement agencies in 1h. jail. Nobody will be. allowed in Por St. Joe and their four chl- afternoon, J anuary 27. The rence told the Port St. Joe Rotary county and the area and build a the school area during a disturb- ren, ranging in ages 4 through 10 a Miller osnd January 27. The Club last Thursday there would better image for law ,:* c.-"-. ,ance and those not leaving when were taking a pleasure ride in ers rese at 510 Seventh Stree be some changes made in the officers through better citizenship. I told to, will be jailed. We intend their 16 foot outboard motor boat in Port St. Joe Gulf County Sheriffs .office. %"All ato be fair inthis.area,but we-..also '-in- he Gulf of MeAlo, hen the of these changes will be aimed to. Sheriff Lawrencesaid his de- intend to be firm," the Sheriff motor stopped and would not start. ward our one intention-we In- apartment is now enlistng:a Sher- said. tend to arrest, jail and prosecute, iff's Posse to serve on a part- After frantically waving to attract *M any person breaking the law. This tie basis. "These men will be se- "Another target of our extra ef- attention of someone on shore, includes students who break thlected on the basis of their con- fort will be drug abuse", Lawrence they were spotted by a passing law in school disturbances". cern for preserving law and order said. "It'shard to prosecute drug unidentified telephone man, who in our community". The Posse will users and handlers, but we are go- called the Port St. Joe police. The Sheriff Lawrence said he had a be organized with 25 men. ing to take advantage of every tool P.olice notified Captain Joe's Ma- three point program in his plan available. We are also going to rma. to make the Sheriff's office a In the possibility of disorders harrass known pushers until they Joe Large and Tom Hudson re- more effective force for ,preserv- at any Gulf County school,' Law- get tired of being annoyed by the sponded to the call and located the i *ing law and order in Gulf County. rence said an alarm system has Sheriff's' Department. If we can't frightened family drifting about "We intend to promote a personal been set upof what to inform the Depart-hey get the goods on them to convict 100 yards off Beacon Hill shore- 0 interest by our deputies in their arrive on the scene. "We will first them, we're at least going eo make line. The boat was secured and work; offer improved services arrest the leaders of the disturb- life and business miserable for towed from the Gulf waters thru with total cooperation with other ance and they will be taken to them." the canal and into the Marina. Your BankAmericard and Master-Charge WELCOME Tune in to WJOE each morning- at 8:00 for headline news from BOYLES! 222 Reid Avenue Phone'227-4261 Port St. Joe, Florida ADVERTISING, One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on "walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking.- An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR. Telephone 227-3161 -- / A Great Valentine Pleaser Ladies Double Knit Polyester Pant- SUITS $14.00 -A rgeular \$20 value. Sprint fashion colors and .tvlI4.' Sizes 10-20 and 16V to 2Ya. LII _ _ _I _~ __ L _Z I ~aeSehi~eb II '-I s'fi1- Pmmomm Y-. dagm, - -s Isrrr-~- _ I _1__11 1 L11 I L I 0 I - Key '73 Sweefheart Styles Save OnNew Spring DRESSES Sizes for Junior, Missy and Half Sizes. Fashion firsts that will thrill that special lady infyour life. 1 / VALENTI, F PAGE MFIB THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - Shop Our Discount Specials - Prices Effective January 31 through February 3, 1972 We Reserve Limit Rights We Accept USDA Food Stamps Happy Family Meals Begin At Piggly Wiggly Fresh S ' BEEF LIVER -- lb. Clork's Chopped SftiOINS 59c $1.29 Why Pay More? Registrar's Pure Pork SAUSAGE Ib. 89c SBest MMeats I In Town Our On PlMan SAUSAGE-- Ilb. 49c Apilack Fr.hi Shucked OYSTERS 12 oz. Choe Bef Te'nder CUBE STEAK Ib 3 Pounds or More Ground Beef 1 owls Shoulder Round Steak lb. All Mp.t STEW I'kl M.mnte or ii C TOMATO CATSUP $ 00 I t l s 't l . j OrrF Ib $1.19 i. $1.29 b. 65c $1.29 Q'iiit Br Irostv Morn Hermitage Quartered THIGHS and SLICED BACON 6lb 6 9c l"b"m . .rosty M.jrn s$.07 Vailue All Meat Franks Quality Brand DETERGENT T I E N T ID E BOX LIMIT 1 Box with $10.0M Order 3 P. $1.49 COLONIAL or WHITE GOLD PURE CANE SUGAR ' , LIMIT 1 Bag with $10.00 Order Quartered BREAST th. 49c Choice Fryer , Thighs, Drumsticks lb. 59c Del Monte Fiesta I1,1 MUM h" JUICE DRINKS -46 M,.. Cans 3 cans $ 100 Crushed or Sliced-No. 2 Cans tDEL MONTE cans $00 PINEAPPLE thr1 Monte Out 16 Oz. Cans * EEN BEANS C.S. or W.K. DEL MONTE CORN cans $100 Golden-16 Oz. 5 cans $100 Del Monte Early-16 Oz. C as Garden SWEET A cans $100 PEAS Robin Hood Plain or Self-Rising Quality FLOUR bag with $10 Order Famous Brand Northern Paper Towels umbo$ 00 rolls Everyday Low Prices Maxwell House COFFEE Vegetable Shortening CRISCO - lb. 88c 3 Ib. can 88c 4 PUOZ. CANS --C PUNCH Sunbeern King Size Loave' BREAD - Gerber Strained BABY FOOD --- 3 for $1.00 jar 10c Half Gallon CL OROX --- jug Twin Oaks No. 303 Cans TOMATOES 35c can 18c 3- $1.00 Viva Big Rolls Paper Towels... 3 rolls $1.00 btl. 39c NO.;2V2 C N PAADE PEACHES 3AN rO ., B..fV'-i PL s tD Fresh FLORIDA JUICY GRAPEFRUIT ORANGES 2 5 LB. BAGS $ 00 SMinute Maid Frozen Orange -Grapefruit JUICE 679c Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade, 6 pak Pkg. 88c Slim Jim Frozen Potatoes 1V Lb. Packages 89c Pet Ritz Egg Custard or Cocohut Custard PIES 4 Pies $1.00 4-, I I . : :22 Oz. Pairade Liqusid -SPORTSMAN'S CLUB WILL -, MEET SATURDAY NIGHT The Gulf County Sportsn Club wfilmeet Saturday nig Wewahitchka at 7:30 pm., Th.. ,' wil beheld i REA h a:T.. t:,: '. Club men s aoGftes m hr i. -- personss are Instructor, 1iss CaroliGoff'outlines. a problem to her students ": , High School Math Department Being Developed to Meet Needs of Students Through the ,past few years tbe mv th ; pFtr t-M at Port St. Joe High W O ..'ll he.: lbee '.d,-. Opni; it, urri -.z. rht1 '* 0 0,e widespread ,-E... ;.j' f>.;; of our -students can. be met. Sffesr.t level 'of materials iand c ;ie t1 '..'rit fli th Juiiorr Higih from a basic individ- ualized' program to regular Alge- -bra, L Continu is effort to chal- Ien e tli J.iJniorf Hia students is inade throughout the year. SIn the Senior High 'paa u, students are free to choose from a vari'et'J f cAr::''. :.p.' . not choose the college tract pro- gram because of fi, i.l.,i' r' interests, there ,r,- U : r ,: -.:r ' to- m eet i.h.-,,, ).i., v.j I ..', i The college tract atpr'i.s:>_ oon- sists of pre-AIgebra, A l'.hra I,- Alge .1 T. n, .*..- b *, : Algebra Other *.,.u. iftf:r I ar: Ap- plied C. consumer Math r. 9th and 10th grades. Business Math nan's ht in CST. n the mbers invit- Ground Hog Supper Planned The Grace Methodist Church lo- cated between TelogiA and Hosford is again offering their annual ground hog supper Saturday, Feb- ruary 8 at 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the church fellowship hall. The menu will be sausage pat- ties, backbone and rice, hoghead cheese, chitterlins, corn bread, beets, string beans, sweet potatoes, cup cakes; coffee or punch. Postmaster h'yJ ur'.-.7 Costin an- tion would be .- for employ is offered for OrT:... anfd Sen- nourced this week that an exami- meant for a : of :one year from jors. -i addition, a ehfr.he.r i' would be held in th near date of -. and ciuld, by math course is offered'for Seor o fu.lij r for applicants to q! lfy for notice, have their ;. ':' ex- High students whio 'weed more in Port St. Joe tended for an additional year, also basic and applied sactice. -t Office .for elerk or carrier. -: .- ..,; may be transferred to Lhe .th t.. hers at Port St The closing date for making ap- another post office. Jo(.i :. ..,.. are .. .. d" be Febrary 28. The he formal examination an- evaluating 'he gam because forgh : .,..- to the Post- of-the ever changing and grow- 16 years, and for nonhigh master, is posted in the lobby of ,g p af. ra Ca.- e limit. ,, '" -. P '-', the city hall St hef : -- a hrri' i i7r age the U.S.A. and high .school s h th e : ,. a nd : .. rl e m. T he^ S A i ." , guidance, counselors to answer ..' o. thte same. The. ."..e, -, .-"they may 'have Icon- for 'b.rtie em- cerning their present and futu'tere oyees is$4.14 per hour with .! ...- inmathem.atira, '-.Iy, increases and. nther f'i- JIM FAISON INCLUDED IN ,onsideration for r:.W- i-. GULF COAST DEAN'S' LIST t ,i ,. *regard to rae, reMgion, T*;. ,.u P;,2 sonof Mr. ,, natitrnal origae, sex, politi- James -.... r *r.-a was .,r,* .* c:i or. r any other non- the t. = f- ..tr7 dtadents v,- i'nkri. factor. \ on ,the Gulf :.. :... .," .7" PS' Form 2479AB is the required ..' '.-.~- '. :r i .. List for the Fall form for making .application for S,,r1 .. ame was .. .,, .... .t. i t'p..;.iri at the Post Office. I I.... Li-, t ..u. r-A. .'The Po..irL'-.ter said that appli- ,U U . I d last we.-', by the aologe. cants qu ,fying on the examini a- -- ... :--- .. .... : .. .. .. . ... .. -- -- ---..,_- _, - ROBERSON'Sr GROCERY "PORE D80Y'SCORNER" SIN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., Feb. 1, 2 and 3. CFresh Cabbage Georgia. Grae "A" SMALL EGGS White Potatoes Sunkist Morton's ,14 Oz. Fresh Lemons doz. 49c CREAM PIES .- 3 for $1.00 Chef Boy-Ar-Dee CAKE nadfROSTING MIG Frozen Pizzis 15 6z. 69c Jiffy 'Mixes T 10 for $1.00 orton's 8 OZ. With $10.00 Order or More POT PIES 5 for $1.00 SUGAR 5 lbs. 49c PIKNIK MAYONNAISE Cudahy Frosty W1ENERS ----12oz. 59c BAA Fresh Ground very Day Hamburger 3 T-BONE, CLUB or SIRLOIN STEAKS - Shoulder Whole Beef Roast --------b. 99c P I (C Tender, Delicious 7-Bone Steak Ib. 89c ok Blade Cut EC Chuck Roast l-------b. 69c PIG FULL CUT ROUND STEAK qt. 49c Morn C ON ----- lb. 79c t Ibs. $1.69 .----- CUT TO ORDER Cured NICS S-------b. 59c K BONES FEET-----lb. 439c Ib. $1.19 .Gulf Coonty Men's League Roche's 'Furiture took, three points from Murdock's TV with Jerry Colvin's 526 leading t- way for Roche's. David Roche added a 524. For Murdock's it was B. J. Richards with a 506 and Wayne Ernst with 502. - Basic .. took three . from .* .' Drugs. Bo Bou- S. .,";. 494 led the way for Basic SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAJI l- NINGUNION ....... EVENING V.'s ..-;!' PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... THE STAIR Port St. Joe, Florldt THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 FAtiB] BIT1 Bowling Senator Gurney's Assistant Will be In OPanama City Today to Hear Citizens S ~ *a Senator Ed Gurney, the senior tiation of a program designed to S-' United States Senator from Flor- bring his office and staff closer to --ida, announced this week the ini- the people of Florida. SjThe Panama City area has been for CampbelPs with 485. selected for the first meeting be- Shirt and Trophy split with Mar- tween constituents and a member LADIES COFFEE LEAGUE game honors for Pates with her 159 vin's TV with each taking two' of the Senator's Florida staff. To- Ralph and Henry's Standard Ser- and Ruby had the high series with points. Bob Munn's 492 was high day, the Senator's Executive As- vice took three out of four games games of 157, 158 and 146 for a for Trophy Center while Ashley sistant, Kevin W. Wadsworth, will from Top Dollar on lanes one and 461. Lou was the best for B&D Costin led Marvin's with a 463. be at the Four Winds. Restaurant two. Faye Cox was high for R & H with a 125 game and a 345 series. St Joe Lanes took three points in Panama City to meet with citi- with a high game of 165 and a 437 Lou also picked up the 6-7 split. from Tommy's Gulf Service. Steve zens having complaints or diffi- series. was high for Top Dol- Pollock's took three out of four :- tops for St. Joe Lanes eulties with the federal govern- lar with a high game of 148 and games from AN Railroad. Sue had with a 46L Bill Besore's 500 led ment. Citizens are urged to bring a 345 th best game for Pollock's with '": "- for '.:: .* Gulf all I "'.-.t. r::r.i...a. mivolv- .r. ..- B Salon took a 153 and Marlene had the top ser- Standings W L ing their personal complaints. tIe' f D" ie of 403 Dot H was leade r .'-',':i"; Drugs ._____- 12 8! Wadsworth will be available to three "- -, nes from We. ies of 403 Dot H was leader for 12 8 the publi in the ed oom of the wa wa h iAN with a big game of 178 and St Joe Lanes ---12: 8- the public in the Red Room of the wa '. :: was i game Murdock's T ---- ----11 9 Restaurant from 9:30 a.m. until for -: --' : -.- a 157 game 450 series. tBasic Magnesia --------11 9 4:30 p.m. and expresses that he, and .:h f 454. Louise' Meet the teams-AN team mem- Marvin's TV 10 10 and the enf.L'.or, look forward to was '..: !. ".-: Bank with a bers are Dot Hamm, Dale,-. Mar vt-h was Bank with a bers are Dot Hamm DaleRoche Furniture --- 10 10 :,.;..;g those people who may 16~, i .- *: r 6 series. Joyce Sweazy andHazel Barton. Shirt and Trophy ------8 12 have problems with federal agen- | Pi-'s '".'i :::- all four games Standings W L :,.. Gulf Serv 6 14 cies. from B &Z .- took the high AN Railroad 59 9, . Pate's Shell 50 18 Ralph and Henry --- ---49 19 S Pollock's Cleaners ------37 31 You Are Cordialfy Invited To.Attend Ex am2ations for 840 ns 20 48 LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH riks, Carriers: Beauty-----15 53 S" Wc IB &&D- 14 54 .j.- ,. --. . Post Office Offerin 'Positions of Mail C 9:45 11:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 A3IL A3L P.3. P.M P.1L VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME EV. J C. ODUM, Pastor ______ HIimi t^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^W IS FPS S. ~12 - lb. lOc -..----- 10 lbs. 89c 2DoWn 89c 0' -lp~~~9;4: .I .- =~~~-L~ Il... ~~III I- I II - - Cornerp Long..AvbVnue and 16th 5a reet whil~Be R&. B. was.r~~I~~.. F AGE M Ritual Held by Beta Sigma Phi The Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its Ritual of Af- firmation January 2'in the Florida Power Lounge. Hostess for the oc- cation was .Mrs. Mary Harrison. I To receive the Ritual was Mrs. Frei- da Jacobs, Mrs. Eloise Norris, Mrs. Sybil Pitzl, Mrs. Helen Armstrong and Mrs. Tillie McKiernan. After the itual, Mrs. Lila Smith -presided, over the business meet- ing. It was reported that the two year calendars and cook books have sdld very well. At, the close of the business *r .oni ng. eryon4.enjoyed the re- freshments served by the hostess, SARAH JANE1 ARMSTRONG,? 4x. Harrison. Armstrong-Byr Engagement Mr.. and Mrs. Walter Arm- storig of I-Lghlnd View an- noeunce the engagement and ap - eproaching marrigge of their to Gerald Edward Byrd,,son of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Byrd also of Highland View. The couple is planning a June wedding. Further plans will be - announced at a later date, j4- Engagement Y A ,u e SUSAN DIANNE WHIIAMS Mr. and4 VS James J. A tr. of New Port Richey, announce Cou le Announce .th e w edr ,,. uzl.- ar a Appr.. fbir . marriage of their daughter, Jom En aement Frances, to Victor Fiederick An .... derson, son of Mrs. Janet Ander- son of Port St. Joe and the late Mr.. and Mrs. B. R. Williams Victor R. Anderson. announce the engagement and The bride-elect is a graduate approaching marriage of their of Gulf High School of New Port 1r -r.. Susan .; r,,r.- to Har- Richey and received her degree old Francis Thomas, son of Mrs. from the College of Nursing at Bertha Mae Thomas, all of We- the< University of Florida in wahitehka. 1972. She. is presently employed The groom is a graduate of at the Gainesville Veteran's Hos- 1972 and is noiwa student at Gulf pital in Gainesville. Coast Community College. He is The bridegroom-elect is a gra- presently employed at Wewa duate of Port St. Joe High School Auto Parts. and will receive a degree from The wedding will be an event the University of Florida School of March 3, at 8:00 p.m. in the of Pharmacy in June. home of the bride's parents. The wedding will be an event All friends and relatives are of early summer. invited to attend. Feted at Birthday Party Miss Vicki Clair Cannon was honored on her sixth birthday with a party given by her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Cannon, Saturday, January 27 at their home on Monument Avenue. Those helping Vicki celebrate her o', were: Julie Allen, Brad Bowen, Allison Costin, Ka- trina Daniels, Kyle. Grossmann, Church Planning Banquet Feb. 12 The First Baptist Church will hold it- ?ir. ll Sweetheart Ban- quet Febujary 12 for all young people and' guests. On February 15 there will be a banquet for all adults. Both' affairs 'willstart at 7:00 p.m. The theme for the annual banquet and program is, I'Td like to teach the world to sing". Tickets for, the banquet may be purchased for $1.00 each from Miss Patti Parker or Mrs. Bob Moore. Reservations should be made by February 7. Guest speaker for the adults will; be Rev. James.. Metts. Monica Hodge, Richard Jackson, Cecil Lyons, Snawn Morris, Brad Pridgeon, Cathy Rish, John Sul- livan, Trish Tapper, Matt Wal- ker -and Vicki's i .'. h-, Greg Cannon. Bake Sate Saturday For Cancer Society Need a cake or' other baked goodies? Come by Campbell's Drug Store Saturday, February 3 and choose from a large variety of goodies prepared in the kitch- ens of many of Port St. Joe's best cooks. The sale will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will continue until ev- erything is sold. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. ---- - MASONIC BANQUET Masons and their wives will be honored with a banquet andi fun night at 6:00 p.m. Saturday eve- ning February 3 in the Masonic Hall on Reid Avenue. All Eastern Star members are urged to bring their husbands. Those wishing further informa- tion may call the Worthy Ma- tron.' EDDIE HOLLAND ON DEAN'S LIST AT AUBURN UNIVERSITY Mr. and Mrs. George Holland have been notified that, their son, Eddie, who is a sophomore at Au- burn TrVr.i:1 .;Iy, has. been placed on the Dean's List for the Fall Quarter. Guidance Counselor Taking AF Tour TALLAHASSEE-Miss Rita L.I Sanders, counselor at Port St. Joe High School will be among approx- imately 15 high school educators from throughout the Florida pan- handle, southwestern Georgia and southeastern Alabama who will de- part here Monday for a four-day tour of various U.S. Air Force training facilities.' Sponsored by the U.S. Air Force Recruiting Service, the tour will provide the educators with a first- hand look at training centers avail- able to young men and women en- tering the Air Force today. First stop on the tour will be the School of Military Science, Airman, at Lackland Air Force Base, San An- tonio, Texas. In addition to visit- ing the various training centers at CARD OF THANKS I would like tOtale thiL means to thank my friends for the many acts of kindness shown me when my brother, Robert T. Brown, passed away. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. MRS. KENNETH BATEMAN mV (M) %M %M Ii I' I Is K p I p C.' ?Y6 a) fE% *0 LM- Lackland, the educators'will attend a dinner sponsored by Brigadier General Conrad. S. AlV :. Recruit- ing Service commander. From Lackland the group will be flown via Air Force aircraft to Keesler Air Force Base, Biloxi, Miss., for a tour of one of the lar- gest Air Force technical training centers in the United States. Kees- ler, and the 3380th Technical School have become -,.,r.' ;, sy- nonymous with electronics training over the years. Now training young men and women in electronics and .administrative duties, the school is the nerve center of activity where thousands of military men and women annually receive their first instruction in the basic prin- ciples of electronic commumnica- tions, radar and electronic data processing system. In addition, un- der the Military Assistance Pro- gram, the Air Force Pilot Training School at Keesler trains hundreds of foreign students from around the world to pilot aircraft in the defense of their homelands. -ILIE HOLLAND ON GULF )AST DEAN'S LIST FOR FALL Julie Holland, freshman at Gulf ast Community C,'e,JE has been eluded on the Dean's List for the 11l Semester. Julie is the daughter of Mr. and es. George Holland of Mexico ,ach. Lr -r Po.s -c4- PE Classes In Kegler Tourney Port St. Joe High School Physi- cal Education classes rolled a bowl- ing tournament Friday afternoon, with trophies being awarded to the winning teams. Coach Taylor's fourth period class of boys won over Coach Lew- ter's classes, while Coach Lewter's second period girl's class won over Coach 7'-., -:' girl's fourth period class. Barry Richardson had high av- erage with a 160 average in the boy's tournament teaming with Willie Quinn and Clinto Moore. Ann Peak led the girls with a high average of 143. Her team- mates were Pat CI-.-.n and Lib- bie Lake. Mrs. Williams Hosts 'Eta Upsilon Chapter The Eta r-r.i~-n Chapter of Beta Simn Phi hed its seventh meet- ing of the year inr the home of Mrs. Dot Williams. After the opening ritual, Mrs. Lila Smith, president, presided over- the business meet- ing. The Preferential Tea, a Beta Sigma Phi tradition,. was held in r- L:.:.,.'. of Mrs: Eloyse Curry with five members and two rush- ees present. MA fr tb.: closingritoal the guest speaker, the Rev. lIeWitt Mathews wag's introduced" BylNrs;. Sybil Pitzl. After ,. ofthe -, ,HI gave a talk- and3 group discus- After ,, ,-on love and maae. ' stint, the group will be airlifted on love and mar.iage. ' ...... ;.At the, end of- the program, re- back to Tallahassee and on to their freshments werwserved by the home towsm hostess to the -sisters-. and guest. JOIN US FOR SUNDAY DINNER 11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.. *. * Featuring Our Specials at $1.85 to- $2.25 Roast Pork with Scalloped Apples Baked Chicken with our Special Dressing Fresh Select Oysters, Deep Fried or On Ice Fresh Gulf Shrimp (Or Your Choice of Sea Foods, Steaks or Chops, from Our Regular Menu) SERVED IN OUR NEWLY DECORATED DINING ROOM. AT MOTEL ST. JOE In PORT ST. JOE DON'T FORGET OUR COMPLETE DAILY' LUNCHEON (Including Take-Out Orders)) from $1.65 CHRIST IS THE ANSWER JOHN SALVATION .-.......----- for the SOUL HEALING for the BODY PEACE for the MIND REVIVAL CRUSADE with Evangelist John Todd, Tallahassee, Florida "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." Heb. 13:8. HIGHLAND VIEW ASSEMBLY of GOD EVERYONE IS INVITED TODD Begnining January 31,1973 7:00 P.M. Nightly m ME MaR,. Port St. Jo*, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Floride THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 PAGE SEVJ Highway 98 Association Plans Publicity Program Signing of. a contract for the p' publicationn of one million, bro- 'chures extolling the virtues of the upper Florida Gulf Coast as a tourist mecca was announced this week by the Scenic Highway F98 Association. The a t t r active brochures, -which feature that sector of U. S. Highway 98 from Pensacola to ' Perry, will be-distributed at 10 major oil company service *sta- tions located on Interstate high- ways throughout the. Southeast, according to Association Presi- dent L. Charles Hilton of Panama City Beach.. The brochures will have a map showing all the cities along Highway. 98 between Pensacola and Perry. Also included will be a listing of all major public at- tractions and recreational facili- ties in and around the various communities along the Scenic Highway 98,Route. Included will be historical points of interest, national and state parks, mu- seums, wildlife refuges, general ..information on fishing, hunting, 'and other 'outdoor sports. The world-famed sugar white beaches of Northwest Florida's Miracle 'Strip will be given prominent play. Known as "D" Tour and "Dis- ,covery" brochures,, the Scenic Highway, 98. Association promo- tional material will be inserted" inside large Travelaide maps of ,the Southeast to be passed out to Interstate travelig motorists. NEIL and VIRGINIA, ARNOLD -WOULD LIKE TO WELCOME YOU. TO COIE BY THEIR NEWLY. OPENED BUSINESS Kn Dd T TV and SOUND SWe Feature .a . ELEVISION COMPONNTS- STEREO 8-TRACK RADIOS- TAPES SEWING MACHINES . We Offer Service SOn All TV und Sound Products Come by Today or Call. for Pick-up and Delivery 301 Reid Avenue Phone 227-2071 On theft back side of the big Tra- velaide maps will be a listing of commercial attractions such as mntel accommodations, restau- rants, etc. Scenic Highway 98 commercial attractions will occupy a sizeable portioxi of the large Travelaide maps. The 'Scenic Highway 98 brochures will be the only pro- motional material inserted inside the Travelaide maps. All north- south Lr.,T' leaaling from In- terstate Highway 10 to lT-5 *, ; 98 will be 7.- ,- " on the Association's one '. ,. :: brochures.. ' The Travelaide maps and Scen- ic Highway 98 brochures are be- ing prepared by the Natiohal Advertising Company of Chicago, a -.,.i::_;:- of the 3M Corpora- tion.. The Travelaide, maps and I . Scenic Highway 98 brochures will, be prepared and distribut- ed in time for opening of the 1973 summer tourist season. Scenic Highway 98 Association officials; :73 out that the Tra- velaide maps' and upper Gulf Coast brochure inserts serve a two-fold purpose. The big Trav- elaide maps show motorists on interstate ..- which han- dle a :: .. : of the travel- ing- '. how to reach any area in the Southeast And the .prime -: -" '."".-r -' bro- chur : --...... s off the "-.. : ': rppse of r--,7r '"',! Coast "We. believe the 6ne million brochures the Association has ordered for distribution through- out the -. *,,-:' will provide a, major boost to tourism and re- Gulf County Ladies Lagu, i man led the.- .. ,:,: with a 207 Wednesday night of last week,. game and 468 series.. Florida First, National Bank won t three games from a;., and Tro- St. Joe Furniture i three phy. :.-- ULightfoot led the of four games from Williams Al- Bank with- a;180 game and 478 ser- ley Kats. Dot r .,:. led the win- ies. Mary V"'".,- .-. was high bowl ners with a '- :.. ies. Both Dot' er for Shirt and J.' with a 177- and Brenda Mathis rolled 182 game and 484 series. games. Helen Armstrong led the S' Katz with a 173 -game and 465 ser- St Joe Kraft won all four games ies. from Bowen's Cowgirls. Ruby Lu- cas led Kraft with a 191 game and Standings W L 478 series. Irene Burkett led the Fla. 1st Nat. -------- 48% 27% Cowgirls with a 150 game and 376 Shirt :'-r.i 1. -.",- ;..-------46 30 series, t. S Joe 'Furniture -- 45 31 Comforter's t: L i out of Comforter's 41 '35 four games from St. Joe Steve- St Joe Kraft --------41 35 doreso Bertha ,L .,,r. was high St. Joe e.-,iE,; 37% 38% bowler for Comforter's with a i81 Williams Alley Kats -_ 37 39 game and 497 series. Loyce Bea- Bowen's Cowgirls __- 8 68 m haven't seen thnew Fords haven't seen what's new for'73. Ford LTD Brougham 2-Door Hardtop Options shown: Power-operated Sunroof, WSW steel-belted radial ply tires, remote control right-hand mirror, front cornering lamps, deluxe bumper group, deluxewheel i covers and vinyl top. ' Ford Gdade 500 4-Door Hardtop Options shown: Steel-belted radial ply white idewall tires, bumper group, wheel covers, rocker panel molding, vinyl top and Ford Motor Company exrclusve Power Mini-vent W'mdows. FmIiti~arftheY3car @M-shzcSedan of theWcarin The doser you look, the better we look. A close look shows why restyled Fords (LTD's More for '73. A glove box bigger than any of andGalaxie500's) won top awards. MotorTrend Ford's standard-size competitors. Options like said, "The clincher was Ford's stock in trade: a remote control right-hand mirror that'sdriver a super-quiet interior, isolation from noise." adjustable. Power Mini-vents on 4-Door Fords. Standard luxuries scored big: 35i V-8, auto- An improved electric rear window defroster. matic transmission, power steering and brakes, Power ventilation, bodyside molding, and more. You'll like the spacious Ford Front Room. Full-length door armrests. Plush carpeting. For drivingpeace of mind... optional steel- New instrument panel for maximum drier belted radial-ply.tires. Standard safety features passenger convenience. .- .. include side-door Steel GuardRails, an Energy Optional betterideas: FingertipSpeedControl, Absorbing Bumper System, and more. And SelectAire Conditioner plus Automatic Temper- there's a new optional Anti-theft Alarm System. nature ControL AM/FM Stereo Radio with Tape So much is new we invite your close look. Player and dual speakers front and rear. Road Test calls the '73 Ford "the finest family car to be found at its price in showrooms today." QUietistMe Mundofaiid**madeca New super-size Remote control right-hnd glove compartment, mirror. Power Mini-vents. FORD FORD DMSION St. Joe Motor Company Port St. Joe, Florida I I lated industries along the Scen- ic Highway 98 Route," said Hil- ton. "The Scenic Highway 98 Association also is attempting to raise funds for an additional one million brochures for distribu- tion at such important locations as Florida Welcome Stations, tra- vel clubs, the Disney World area and for direct n-.,.'. " Along with promoting High- way 98 as Florida's No. 1 Scenic Route, the ':: : is making an all-out' effort to hae the * coastal thoroughfare four-laned from Destin teo Highway 98 already is four-laned. from Pensacola to Perry. In addition 'to Presiderit Hil- ton, Association officers include First Vice-President Wes Thomp- son of Port St. Joe; Second Vice- President, James Shaffer of Pen- sacola; :- : -:,:.: Joe. Patterson and Treasurer Larry Gibb, both of Panama City. Besides the : slate .of officers, Association directors include Roy. L. Hess of Pensacola, Roger *: I: and Joe Guidry of Fort Walton Beach, Ross Marler of Destin, Al :' of Walton County, L-1::..-- "':1 :' of :4[ .: :, Beach, Jimmy Nichols of Apalachicola and Finley McMillan of Panacea. The Scenic Highway 98 Assoc- iation is a T, :, .*, organiza- tion with a membership repreo ,- r,-''r-= the entire area between Pensacola and Perry. This odd .. tu' cactus [ r t wa's enticed into growing in the odd shape shown by Mrs. Louise Kessell, records clerk at the Port St. Joe Municipal .,.. i';ta She has the cactus growing in 'a planter I.,:,,- 1 like a cat. Could we say this is a "cat '....h nine tails?" -Star photo FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ,',rri r Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT; Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ... TRAINING UNION EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ... PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 4;. *ti P.M. 7:30: P.M. T:30 P.M. ________ "Come and Worship God Wit& Is", INSURANCE Is An Exacting Science Too! LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH EXTRA CARE! There are about as many dif- ferent types of insurance as there are specific needs. You can't buy them all, so it is vitally important that you consult with an expert Call on us at any time! WE PUT THE "SURE" IN YOUR INSURANCE Le&f take. ai.. sx3.a.. - know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an, accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT un- LIABILITY INSURANCE TITLE INSURANCE' FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST less you're properly insured! TOMLINSON Insurance Agency I `I r I II I Cat With Nine Tails WV- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 FAGE EIGHT ThESTAR," P~b1:St. -JG,"FIodda Scotch Foursome Winners 'Named The twosome of Wally Dunn and Punkin. Britt. shot. a 47 to take I first -place 'honors. in the ,Scotch Foursome played Sunday at St. Joseph's Bay Cou r'try Club. Only two -strokes back were the teams of.: Barry: House and Cuyler King, Marvin Shimfessel and Betty Otto . May elach "with a.'49.AThey tied for second and ipli. :-;c'- and third place prizes. .* 'Over ."' f: playing under advers,: .-,.:: .. : n- and thier scores were: Gannon Buzzett and Dot Barlow 66; Bill Mosley and Faye Cox 56; Bill Barlow and Phil- lis Altstaetter '54; Milt Anderson and Alice Bowen 66; Bob Munn and Zella Anderson 55; Bob Moore" and Y. -'r n i c.d 77;. Charles Breck and "Estelle Mosley 51; Bill Brown and Flo .Melton. 71; A:.11 -, Costin and Charlene Brock - 6.;BflA :* -r.r ii Jean'- Gn:. der 53; Jimmy 0..:", and '.h, : SBrown 59; Larry Davis and Meta r'P-.t. 64; "T.' : '- and' SAen .' .4;. C dii'C ;: ': * ;t. C ':. .-" Davis 64; A Nort n 'and' Louise :. ., Bb nd Monica. Stone 65; To=a 1 .":t:y House r 'Vil. ,-.- :? Har- , line ., r" a.. '' ,.' Pit r.Yr 9" Bill Whaley and S.. White 58 ;Joe '-,.21 ,:.i ' Amy 'tapper 67; : TapperI and '- :, Hendrix .65;,. George Sniall and Naomi Brock 60; 7J- ' my -if .. and Claiice e ph'. - Men's Shirts $2.00 Back In '52 Dr.' 1'.,b K '.j Tr.r.inded -..r.. *y, It., i f,..1. ., the happenings tin k i -1-, ;'shirt selling for' $2.00 *th- ia.. ,,,o. '. tu' mbersa 'i.,r'. 20 years ago were news. each. "They went up to $2.95 by of thl Air 5,. happened back Some,, of, the more important e-' 'J of 41 :-.Tr. *ir. I' 2 ..) ,_ ,rt St Joe. To -events ~.c '"-" b_ .v, as Manhat- ..Home mai:i- .1Ery .tat.d NOTICE TOT AX PAYERS ",. t,.1, ditch to the- S' r.: ...... .. "'. t2', _', 1 .. ... :1 i ,. ., -. .r., Jode. St Joe "Paper's box SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET Gulf ,. ... ,': payes bAr.A. BOARD OF COUMTlY cCOMMiSSiONERS ... p GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA *..- ,-li,, a property own-, For fiscal .v'*' ...,r.u" ,.rr.r.,. i 1972 and ers association to oppose ?s::r n s.-ir, .., .,.tr '. '. ... county taxes spawned by .a $286,-' FINE AND FORFEIrURE FUND 919 county budget ,' .. .. Ori.n.il Budqti Spplemental i coun get .".A/C'Noi. as St plren.id d Budget i.-...- Pridgeon was elected - RECEIPTS: T Tax. Collector for Gulf County in l."- Reser..- .h T~ I'', .. $ ,.,. ; $.1 66420 -1952 in-a- -.. I 'i i;...a He suc- Total ss '6,447. ,00 -L f i.eeded his father,'who died while .e:s' .. .. .. 6.. 44.. ..*in office, ;. :;-'.: ', has served in 95%. of Estimated Receipts 1 -- 1"3 Ir, 124,068.20 that .-. ".:'. ever since and been Balance Forward: Cash ''; 10,953.00 n:.;.., f.:.r ,- i. only once. Transfer ", I In. '. of P o St. Joe, the .~... ,_.".., had.4 ... -', f ;.1.431 in TOTAL ESTIIATED ,': ,"'; ;*', !,' and '" ..t ''. Avenue was .EXPENSESM ..-. p. .,, .,r ans 72996 "- .. -' oad Depart- i'l lo A d : r.")r.. .r 1 i stants 72 699.6 7 !, 1 -1 nation was .i" ,, l'l l ..,,.w.r-: f'r.; 8:,.,.i-*.' &.FS. 7 ) '*;,7>-." *, remsluton was S ,I ,, ',". -' '.,. '& o move the CountySeat Total Resert.; t ,'. ..%Ai ,.'? :h. u. ': >...i '.'. ... rt. St Joe-a move which I successful until 1968. 'T.. -I Bu ,:.'. %,i .,,,77.16 154832 16' 0 (NO .-'-",-i E,.. OF ,L[ ,JV1 i:.i' -, ,' ..-.t .I 11 i,, ,. 1A T`, SI.,R 1'Ae CLASSIFIED ADSI BY: A. L. DAVIS, Chairman Matt Investments lhat Yield ."ATTEST: ant Reta. I/s/ t.i V-'.rY. CORE, '1.', 4 Fj. Reg. or Twin Size $99.00 QUEEN SIZE SET 60" x 80" Reg. $169.95 SAVE $20.00 $149.00 KING SIZE SET 76" x 80" Reg. $249.95 SAVE $50.00 $199.00 in' Villa ,Oak Finish of mar, stain center-guided, dust-proofed drawers. With this suilo you really got so-much in beauty and quality for so very little./ Clearance Sale OF FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDiSE INCLUDING: COATS, JACKETS, SWEATERS, 'SHOES, 'LADIES and GIRLS BOOTS, PANT , 'SUITS and MANY MORE.; SHOP NOW! SAVE BIG! ON THESE and MANY MORE ITEMS' THROUGHOUT THE STORE 0. M. Webb Stores, Inc. 234 REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE AVAILABLE/ wo twin beds, plus two superb quality innerspring mattresses. .. plus two matching foundations. The ever popular Early Amer' can style bed is in Mellow Maple finish. For one unbelievably low priceyou get t al -w ~h~dmEd~ ~ - -o -. -.-..~ Cu -. w - -~ -~ Cu U:- -. >1 * If you've priced Mediterranean styled bed- room suites, then you know this Villa Oak finished group is a truly fabulous buy. Youll 'love the bold massive lines, the antiqued brass hardware. the exquisite design over- lays, onw drawer' fronts, plus protective tops Two Conmplete Twin Bed Outfits At An Unbelievable Low Price I"E"STAIP. ,'Pblt -St). ldswFlolida _ . AGErYEIGlH1 Sealy Year End Clearance .2 piece Set Mattress and'Box Spring THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, Sa SHOP RICH'S, Port St Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY!- U .*.,* **'* ** . Cake Mixes Open All DOy ednesdsay GRADE "A", GA., FLA, AL. SIG orBR ', Fryer Quarters S.- , Grade 'A' Fr ,v*tr Parts ' Fryer Breast lb. Fryer Thighs Ib. TAlOrit 1i.;d Vac Pak BACON " A'-. No. 303. Cans E ,. .. r -i IGA Petite Pkgs. of 24' Dinner Rolls 3 pkgs. GA T E) .." -.r i White Bread ~2lo0ave $1.00 ,, .ve^ APPLE JUICE qt. rot- :JUC Ds 5Yc S *,' nt, ... r .. . Rib Roast Ib. $1.48 DETERGEI- ,* Tablerite Beef D Rib Steak Ib. $1.48 Lux Liquid 39c PAr ,.' d Pork Loin lb. $1.28 BTL. 4 58c (JPELTAN r) *^ J A A_ 'M ** .*. - ALL M...A, Tablets (Reg. 88c Val.) Franks 5X BiUFFERIN pkg.of36 L 52 O. P Way' Oz. Bt. (Reg. 98c Val.) 12 OZ. PKG. .. --- ----- I A* n L 98A W i Order or More $1I8 1 doz. EGGS.. fFkEE NALAL IKAT -------l. 5 Oz. Can (Reg. 98 c Val.) Ultra Ban "5000" 1 .can 69c 69c IGA Whole Kernel or Cream Style No. 303 Golden CORN 3 cans 59c IGA. .J Pack No. 303 Cans TOMATOES 4 cans $1.00' BAMA (or (.r Base) APPLE JELrY 18 Oz. Glses 3 jars K -. it 1000 Isle Salad Dressing 8 oz. Libby Beef or Pork 15% Oz. Can SLOPPY JOES -can 65c Penny -...r. TJI Cans DOG FOOD -- 9 cans Kotex Pkg. of 12 Feminine Napkins pkg. 39c IGA 64 Oz. Bottle Fabric Softier bt BLACKBURN No. 5 Jar Corn & Cane 4 9i S Y RUP 49C 99C *l#i r "'-. A -A PR ..EME or s- : ALTES-T HALF GAL. 8 cc Parkay MARGARINE 1 Ib. pkg. 33c Tablerite 8 Oz. Cans BI SC U ITS---- 6 cans 49c 2 STablerhite .1rcsdh Ground Beef lb. 68c S'Morrellfnik Skein d ,'1 BeefLiver lb. 6 SHORTENING 3 '10.00' Order or More, doz., Free with $3500 Order -, f, A~~p~~F f -'.T"' I.'ZUVOf ~~~,l Morton Pies 20 Oz. Fox Del ri e u' 1 I 7- J A.= 39c .c~ger. Sau~9'ge) S1 Oz. 79c 'Q &CPOLLAPID r 3 pkgs. 89c ; a*/'*' I \"'.. AL i -.2- C O: P '- . tima'. IGA BOTTLED (All Flavors) 28RIN O KS -28. $O0 0 HOME GROWN FRESH TOMATO El .. Florida Ju Grapefruit EACH Sweet Florida Tangerines DOZEN 39c 39c^ Ib. 29c Golden Ripe Single Bananas C Fresh Pole Complete Line of Flower Seed Garden Seed Seed Potatoes Fertilizer Potting Plants Beans QUARTER - AA a A BUSHEL BAG m.1 Aft 0 Ib. 33c T A N G E L U S i. - ORANGES $.L27 ' GARDEN FRESH CORN 5 Ears "% , 59c Completely Home. Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons Specials 29 thru for Feb. DETERGENT BREEZE KING SIZE' 99r P ^ I, H :o ^..*' 1 Cut Up lb. 37c ''I 3 pkgs. 89c , M- I 0 C U7t 39c 89c 39c 99' 89c Turnip Greens - i;' I II BAKERY BUYS, I I ' I '' FEBRUARY 1, 1973 PAGE NINP ,SAVE CASH AT RICH'S -NOT STAMPS ;; PAGE] TE THE STAIR Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 reject any and all bids,. BOARD of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLA. A. L DAVIS, Chmn. 2 NOTICE TO RECEIVE -, SEALED BIDS REGISTRATION of,FICTITIOUS The Board of County Commis- NAMES sioners, Gulf County, Florida, will We the undersigned, being dul receive sealed bids from any per- sworn, dohereby declare und so comn o oran oath that the names of all pei f described l e county, sons interested in the business o follwin described personal p profession carried on under th FOR REPAIR ON 955 i' TRAX. name of THE SWING CAVATOR, FR ONT9END LTAD 225 Reid Avenue, Port St. Job CAVATOR, RONT END LOADER d, and the extent of the i rTYPE,--dATERP1.^ R teretf each is as follows: Shirle 1. Two (2) sprocket ;segment Ann Danie;, and' Mary T. Ken groups, installed. o, n er, a Mr 4t 1- 2. Two (2) tracks replace pins owers S LEY ANN D NI and bushings. -. S E RRA Y K NT 3. Two (2) roll frame guards re- A. Y T. KENT place parts of the is.embly that RECEIVE .-'re needed. NOTICE 'TO RECEIVE , 4.'Clean and paint tractor and SEALED BIDS reletter with decals. The Board of- County Commi 5. Repair cab by welding places ,ioners, Gulf County-Florida, wi that are heeded. Replace glasses -receive bids from any person, com that are.'broken. pany or. corporation interested i For, bid estimates, the bidder selling the County the following may .' this tractor at the Gulf described personal property: County Mosquito Control Building, ONE'(1) 1973 Model '%-Ton Pick 1001 Tenth 'Street, Port St. Joe, Up Truck with the following spec " Florida.', fixations: Golf 'County Msquito Control 4 Wheel Drive ..will delihr the tractor to-any bid- V/8 350 Cu. In. Min. der's b.,,p within one hundred- Brikes: Front-Disk Rear-Drum m :' r o .f Pi.rt St Joe. Tra mission: 4 speed or 3 speei i1, will b. received until 9:00 with 2 speed transfer case AM, E.ST., February 13, 1973, at Battery: Standard. th'e oifi. odifthe c lrk of Circ it 'Alternator: Standard Cnurt P O. Box 968, Port St Joe., i' C.,... Har Duty Florida '... y.:' or Fleetlide 61 '.The-Et rdvi% ul -!v.i r V !-, FIRST BAPTIST .CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITTMATHEW$; Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music 'SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE .-..... 11:00 TRAINING UNION EVENING' WORSHIP SERVICE ......' PRAYER MEETING (W. ''lt) ..t 6:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. I "Come and Worship God With Us" SIntroducing The 1973 Mercury 1? ALT. 98 and BOAT RACE ROAD 150 'HP Outboard Invest Now In Florida Boating S ".At Its Bet , Mercury Boats Trailer( Outboa rds Accessories EAST BAY MARINE CALLOWAY, FLORIDA 785-3023 COM- E T E PLETE, Cylinder Head .And. Brake .Reclamation Service Valve and Seat Regrindhng Valve Seal, Gifide and Seat 'Installation Disassembly Cleaning Inspection Testing Head Crack Testing, Head 'Resurfacing High Performance Services ' 'Brake Drum and Disc Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 o k green or enw Transnission-3 speed before 12:00 Noon E.S.T., Febru- ARC 185 degrees, load height min.- Office, P. 0. Box A, Port St. Joe, Color: DIark green or Glenwood 6. Front axle 2750 lbs. ary 6, 1973. Bid opening will be imum 11' 4" lift capacity to full Florida 32456, no later than 5:00 g after Fresh7. Rear axle 3300 lbs. held at the Regular City C.- : height 2006 lbs. P.M., E.S.T., February 6, 1973. Bid Heater: Fresh air 8. Alternator-55 amp sion Meeting February 6, 1973, at 12. Canopy: must be durable ma- opening to be at the Regular City Steering: Power GasTem 9. Battery-70 amp 8:00 P.M., E.S.T. in the Municipal trial and standard to mfg. model Commission meeting 8:00 P.M., t Gauges: Oi, Amp., as, Temp 10. Shock absorbers, front and Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. 13. Stabilizer Pads: street model February 6, 1973, in the Municipal Reai Step Bumper rear All bids must be F.O.B. Port St. 14. Backhoe Buckets: 1-18" Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. Es- Oil bath air cleaner 11. Front sprin~"1250 lbs. Joe, Florida. wide, 7 cubic feet 560 lbs. rock timated delivery date is requested. Tires: L-78-15 B 11. Front springs 1475 lbs. Bidders are requested to submit type. 1-36" wide % yard heavy C. W. BROCK 1-25 SA.Bid ., bereeived 13973at 12. Rearsprings 1475 lbs. bids in ite sequence and totaled duty. 1-Fork lift attachment. City Auditor and Clerk 2t A.M., E1S.T., February 13, 197 a 3.t Tires--5 G78x15 belted C. W. BROCK 1-25 the office of the Clrk of the C 14. Rear bumper, step type City Auditor and Clerk 2t Vendors specifications and liter- NOTICE TO BID cult Court, Port St. Joe, Florida. 15c Heater and defroster N C a cioDan i e- re The Board reserves the right to 16 All en standard equipment NOTICE TO BID fu idder required to supply me-TheCiPortStoe, Florida, BOreject any and all bids. and feat oes BID NO. 138 chanic's maintenance manuals and The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, CO ONERS 1-25 white cab) The City f Port St. Joe, Fl partscataloginvites bids on the installation of S GULF COUNTY, FLA. o one In us Bids shall be sea led n an envel- a setitak to be located on City A.. DAVIS, Chmn. IT IV, (hew 1973 Four Backhoe and-Front End Loader, ope and plainly marked Bid No. Water Plant property with the fol- t,, e.. :,., !on Wagon, with. speci'ications lsted l ..,133. The City of Port St. Joe re- lowing minimum specifications:' MOIC T OD'IqEIVE-Machine must-meet or exce i i' -evest he right to accept or reject e750nGalln Tank-l10'tOf 4" claY NOTICE TO RECEIVE D VW.'0.' Iseavy) Federal and Stae ,. orall e:, waive any formeali- pipe in a 24"x24" trench. 4" pea The Board of Co y Commis- G. 300 s emission and : and to choose the bid deemed gra 'base in trench.f The Board of County Commits 3.Wheelbase 92" machine mut e new and oi he b- to meet City's needs The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, u oridad w 4 Alternao 55 amp n of the rervesthegto e orre- ..,. ,r '1, ds from ani per-n a-rr 57 am ply. :- .... availab1 com Bids must be submitted to the reserves the rght to accept or re- corporatioaCity Clerk's Office, Pco0 Box A, ject any or all bids received. S .. r corporation ner -6. Tres 5-J:brL78xl, 4 ply. and serviced City Clerk's Office, P Bo.eBidopening will be in the Mu- Is- i -..i-'rN the County the fol- 7. Air cnditioner ap 'o"r st tiie of de Port St. Joe,u Flot on or d oenBuling wil b it Mu- Slowing described personal pro- 8. Automtic transmission Date of ..- must be before 12:00 Noi .--. Flle b ripi Building5, 9t 3 .t80 8. peAty: mt 9 Powersteering smary6,1971Biwill'be r 5, 1973, at 8:00 S ONE (1) 1973 model -TonPick Radio -. (minim ) hed at he eg .i P.M., ES.TBids must be submit SONE (1) 1973 model %-Ton Pick- 10.R i..... n: (minimum) son meeting Februar 6, 197, a t ed t o the City Clerk's office no g UP TRUCKwith the followinsion meeting February 6, 197, later than 5-00 P.M. B.S.T., FebrU- ,g Up TRUCK 'with the following 11. f -, Ef :ser 1. Engine: ._.-.; '.: (JEMC) at 8:00 P.M, EST, 'n the Muncip later than 5l00 PoM. EoS.T.,Fb specifications: ".- : 2100 rPM 4 *IE 5' main 00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Mu salary 5, 1973 Bids shall be sealed in k- V8 30 C In. n T: ,, fuel tank bearings Bds mus be F Por St an envelope and plainly marked, SBrakes. ,Power ,,:1.. -tes 2. Gauges: hour meter, tachom- Joe, Floridat SFron-Disk Rear-Drum to- 14 R and L.H.. outside rear- eter and all standard gauges Bidders are requested to submit C.W. BROCK 1-18 Rear Axle-3-5 to,.1 or 3.40 to view mirrors *." 3 ': '. ._-:*. 6 seed dual bids in item sequence and totaled. City Auditor & Clerk 3t 1 ratio 15. is .- .'r with ball type range with 3 speeds in each r::-" C W BPOCK 1-25 d lternaor 42 amp. mmin. trailer Lt.h- with load c;:p:v of constant mesh gears of heat :. City Auditor and Clerk 2t Steering-Power. 280 '. ed -.i- steel with torque conver- ____ ____ Ti :-.;::tL--3 ..speed autotna- 16 .. F~L-,"" h ..,.,,' ,r-"rl .r 17o Feti "w' "'tetp ) body 4 "..... INVITATION TO BID S- body, .. BID NO,139 .- '.or Fleetside white top) 5. '7 : -. e. BID NO. 139 iv 6% min., 18. All other .: ,: equip- closed wet daisces to conformtd o SA The of Port . S ,..--,-;.:. green or Ge r-.rt ,' -., features .:.r; ... : 237-1971 invites '. on the 1 .. VS S- V-jo ..): and r. as stated in.. '-. F :; one .:: 12 two r . 1.-Heater and Factory A. .C-r.. ,'; :r :d r' an.: id ,. for each Act of 1969 garbage containers hi . ",.' r' ... i t' if, :, fasteners p ot accept- 6. Fram e: integral frame e steel .cr? :: , Gauges-Oil, Amp., Gas, Temp. able. Successful bidder shall be re- Welded, not less than 2625, lb. I 1 -'. to Heil and Rear Step Bumper quired to .supply'mechanic's main- 7. Front Axle: rated capacity rear :":- .:., garbage, trucks. Safel Oil Bath Air Cleaner tenance manuals and parts catalog 12,000 lbs., .- -.:1* 48000 lbs. 2. Minimum 12 gauge steel. I Tires-H78-15B o' n equipment supplied. 8. Tires: front 8.25x20 truck 3. Minimum 2 x6" casters; two A Seat-Deep-foam Cushion Knit- Bids shall be sealed in an envel- type, 12 ply. Rear 16.9x28 4 T rl swivel and hf *.. 1 minimum an t, Vinyl Covered ope and plainly marked Bid No. 9., Seat: turnabout, well ... :..', lbs. weight 1- ;...- Cooling-,Heavy Duty 137. The City of Port St. Joe re- contoured, ..-1. fore 4. Minimum pamt . Tinted Glass serves the right 'to accept or re- up and down' zinc chromate primer with f e E-;*..:--,--4 Plates-70 Amp. Hr. ject any or all bids, waive any 10. Loader: .,,. not wider coat of weatherized machine ,.M will be received until'9 formalities and to choose the bid than 78" d heap mel or equal ... I ... wil received unti 9:00 deemed best to meet the :City's ed, 'self T. ., ..-. ;, All prices ... 'I' : Joe, '. E.S.T., February 13, 1973, at, needs. with bucket tilted 9' Florida. The deserves the right I officeof the Clerk of Circuit Bids must l. .. to. the 11. Backhoe: rear mounted, een- to .accept or -. any or all bids. C' ("', P. O. Box 968, Port StJoe, City Clerk's j 1ifti. P Box A, fr T -' r ..'" ', digging Bids must be itemized and totaled- l *, ." Port St. Joe, F.. ': on or -J..-.... t .' 16'.6", swing and submitted to the ' The Board reserves the right to ''. an and all, bids.o________________ Fv1%'PJ), of.COUNTY GLv'L.F ,' jITY, FLA. t Pico* We A. L DAVIS, Chmn. 2t NOTICE TO BID BID NO. 137 ,"____ The City of Port St. Joe Florida, i !'._': bids on any or all of- the following described vehicles: Ve-, hicles must meet or exceed all F T.m,,, .A~ 1-1 h dghway safety .~ :. .; T i.gulations and 1 iP r,.n ,, ',ir.bi.t be new and' ,uf ~.c". I ,,a'..D- year available, .' .I and serviced 8 f'.,r '..;'. e,'uaet :time of de- SI ,1973 One Ton T... ,,-.I 'th dual rear i. .,o b la. d e t ody with cab. 1 U ,,,,,_':". extra heavy) 2. Wheelbase 137" C/A 60" D 3. G.V.W. 8300 lb. . 4. 3800 lb. front axle 5. 7400 lb. rear axle 6, 1700 lb. front springs 7. 2850 lb. rear springs 8: Tires 6 -750x16, 8 ply 9. Rims 6.0" t . 10. Transmission, 4 speed 11. Engine 8100 C.ID. 12. Alterna t or, 55 amp. 13. Battery, 70 amp. ATEVERYDAY LOW 14. Mirrors-western type 7" x 15. Heater-Defroster 16 All other standard equipISCO U N ment and features o.d.. .... -odel 108 -'r", equivalent ;.:,r .! with removable ladder r Y-r _': movable v vise rack and pipe .., ... ... ,,; ,, front (black body DOUBLE-BELTED ne 1y satos STRATO- STREAK t' 'I- av,> AS LOW AS i Undercoated (exta heavy) .2 Wheelbase 156", C/A 84" 4. Fron ale.'.: '7 7000 lb. 5 Rear axle .0 "y 17500 lb. 6, ...'. reinforced 19.70 SM 36000 PSIo5 7. .: 825x2o 10 ply with 't, ;1. '8. :r 4 900x20 12 ply wth tubes ,nB78-13 (s.10-Ia ) 9, S oke wheel s-?of' 0" LACKWALLS 10. Springs, front 8700 1be capa- Pus 8178 1. ".' .r,.: rear 11670 1be capa- and.t.re * 12. A, '., .?.. rear springs 2250 ou r. lb. WHITWALL ADD M.0O 1: Tr n -anion, 5 apead, dBrect 14A: hea0 du UBLE"IELUEBT -3fl *u'mm i heavy .:,..v frame mounted 15"x S, under them 279 10 3' mont 15"x6" rear, vacuum Two tough S,. dod . brake boosters 'ebs Y I1'1" 28.88 t.10 17 ::. :. extra heavy duty the tread firm for gret,.7r a|ese. 4 .i 5, hLe 18. Mirrors, 6"x1s" Western, R. .o a 39.li 30.11 44k78 34.38 Le1 19, Tow hok, front 0 46.76 35.16 2.76 aet23.'Allandard equipment and --a *22. HeaterDef3o0ter.1 e4. Hydraulic power steerng CHARGE'EMI M M s is 25. Paint-two-tone (black body, Pwsad*.e use .. 26. Dump Body specifications: A. Prices as shown at Firestone Stores. Compeitiveiy priced at FIrestone De al and at all service stations displaying the Flreatone sign. Scow type body, length bottom 11', top 13'; width 95Y2"; floor, 10 ga. smooth steel; sides 10 ga. steel 30" high hydraulic hoist 7" cyl., 15" stroke; lights ICC regulations; col- ITEr -Onn13PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Src.C:P::ihillie""661"S1 Station 2. Wheelbase-117"Jim m y s Phillips 66 a ion 3. G.V.W. 4550 lbs. 4. Engine, 240 C.I.D. I . 1~ -- r - A.M. A.M. MWE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 PAGE ELEVEN CUSTOMERS WIL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUANTITIES OF ANY ITEM. _1 WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES Ail.orai do Customer. THIS AD ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER WHOLESALE OR RETAIL DEALERS GRADS "Av gIESH-FLA .OR 'W 3 C1, Box-.Chicken.. 04"A ..J GRADE "A" FRESH FL.A. OR Sk. Split Broilers...... GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OLOGA(COMit PACK0 4 n Fryer Parts........r "SUPER-RIGHT" DEUCIOyUS Ground Round........ $1.0, A&P POLICY: . vwhol is honeio ond ki fL e.ery RAINCHECK: * If h a j'1-n ,- 'special, is ever, ssld out ask the Manager' for a P6andieck', It- entitles you to the same iem kian he some ,spe.GCa pfrce the following week. Or if you rish w.e'l,giv 'you a ,.rrvale item at the some special price. , GUARANTEE: ASP offers an unconditional money I-ock guaran- tee. No matter what it Is, no moiler who makes It, MifA&P sells it, A&P guantateesit : Kglv-3 ___ T.- | FOR YOUR LAUNDIk NEEDS Clorox Bleach.........' 59c FOR YOUR LAUNDRY NEEDS A&P Bleach 39c BRIGHT SAIL CLEANSER 14 or. Con I c Comet Cleanser ...,... ,,O19c ASSORTED DESIGNER OR BOUTIQUE Kleenex Towels,. .1.00 KLEENEX BOUTIQUE 8 ASSORTED COLORS Bathroom Tissue, ...,.,.. 29c DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Why Pay More? Daytime Pampers..... '$1 A&P BRAND 30 Ct. Box Disposable Diapers ...... $1.39 REGULAR OR SUPER Why Pay More? Kotex Tamipons...... ..'$1.15 A&P ASPIRIN 100 Count Bo1lle 19c. Contact Capsule .... ..O$1.15 TOOTHPASTE Scive ato WEOI Close-up..... a.....0 69c 97 Size Lge. 8 for $1.00- L BG BA S TH1ES EAE NOT SPECIALS.... SY JUST EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! -r& 4B O. OJar BABY FOOD . _jpr lOc CARNATION ASDRTED FLAVORS tnstant BreakfaSt 6 PKGS 67c ALL VARIETIES 1 Hormel Spam......... 65c HUNT'S ASSORTED Why Pay More? Skillet Dinners ., BOX 1 9c ANN PAGE PORK & BEANS 21 oz. Can 21c 111 & 21OZ. ampbels BEANS ....... 22c A&P WONDERFOIL 25 Ft. Roll 25c R eGcU L Reynolds Wrap ..,.... o 31c ASSORTED FLAVORS 15 oz. Can' Friskies Cat Food....... 7/$1.00 REGULAR DOG FOOD (Daily 15% oz. CanO10c) , Ken-L-BRation".. ....' 6 $1.02. ASSORTED FLAVORS 15% o2. Can Friskies Dog Food....... 7//$1i.00 EVAPORATED /Save at WEO! Carnation Milk........"3.. o16c REGULAR OR ELECTRA-PERC COFFEE Maxwell House ........ 1.83 100OO' BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE Eight O'Clck......... $1.09 RICH'S FROZEN Wht Pay More? Coffee-Rich...... .... .CARTON CHOCOLATE, VANILLA or NEOPOLITAN Marvel Ice Cream ...... *L.58c A&P FROZEN Save at WEOI Orange Juice...... 6 A,$1.07 PURE PASTEURIZED Save at WEOI Tt ORANGE 9QURT 00 iopicana .e.c.. JUICE UCARTONS.9ic SILVERBROOK Why. Pay More? Pure Butter............0 :79c SOLID BLOCK Why Pay More? Encore Margarine...... .: CU RE BASa COFFEE CREAMEK . 16-oz. 5 ASSORTED FLAVORS LAYER CAIX MIX Betty Crocker.......... 37c ASSOPTED FLAVORS LAYER CAKE MIX Duncan Hines O. .43c A&P BRAND PURE Why Pay More? Cane Sugar......4...... 9c PLAIN OR SELF-RISING (5 Lb. Bag) Gold Medal Flour......... 59c .PURE VEGETABLE Save at WEOI Dexola Oil. .*z...... O 79c PURE VEGETABLE Why Pay Move? Wesson Oil............. A&P BRAND TABLE SALT 26 oz. .. 9c Morton Salt............. 13C ANN PAGE Save at WEOI Ketchup.......... T39c7L ANN PAGE KETCHUP 14 oz. Bottle 2/45c Hunt's Ketchup........ 1028c SULTANA BRAND Why Pay More? Salad Dressing.......... "39c DEXO SHORTENING 3-L69c Can MAYONNAISE Quor 4t Jar45 WE ACCEPT U.S.D.A. FOeD STAMPS I IMPORTANT PAGE TWELVE ITHE. STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida IIURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1973 Sharks Win Three During Week Sandy Quinn poured eight points through the nets .in the last period Friday night, as the Sharks came fromn behind o de- feat the Marianna Bulldogs 65-60 here in the local gym. Marianna was one of two teams which had beaten Port St Joe earlier in the season and looked like they were going to repeat the accomo .iL :,et. until. Quinn "got hot" in the last ; ... :. when the Sharks scored 22 -". : to gain the .. Tim ~ "- .... .:, was the lead- ing ],:.-,, ;.: : Lf the Sharks . t-' 20 while Quinn added 17. and Herring i" Edgar Piuitt scored 21 for the Li"J :-.* The Sharks had a ,35-28 lead at . half-time, but saw it vanish in the third ; ': : as :hs .b a came back .th apu llr'- _ *,.-.;' I > h L .--;-t'- pull- BUZETr DRUG STORE "Pb. 2.7 3371 .7" ,gl17 Wild , convenient Drive-In Window SPlent of' Free Parking Funeral Services Monday for iMrs. Eva Allen : Funeral services for o Eva .M e ^J ', age 40, 'of. Money * ,'. were conducted' '.. '4 j Sfrr... "the :' '.'- ': odist . n ,, b with the Rev. S. Jones . ,.ffi ,.>'. ,|.'' term ent ..." . ' in the Forest Hill ^. .. r;, ' ', Survivors -. i':.. two sisters, NM. i, Belle Bonner of ., 3 *.. ... .... 'i ,. and M rs, Corlne G .4ll- of Mobile, Ala.; ,,I a ...,,' ,. A. C r I -..,., "of .Md. AI.. Wdlie and Fred I. 1, .h- '" ,.i 0 .-a Golden Young al1, of i .:.', Ala., and two .,. 4i'i:.rT (: Funeral Home was ''- lu .- f. 'arrangements, SAV.IOU SAW IT IN TH( STAR i ' Chairman Produces Big Turnips SCounty *".,, ..:.,,::....: CL. ,* .,, Lamar Davis gfows turnips when he isn't taking care of the County business or working at St. Joe Pa- per Cominpany or '. -.'.;, his dry cleaning establishment in We- wahitchk, La-t week he tr .,:i t'ri big .;..' ..r his labors by the office to show it of. The turnip *''t': *: .' t under six pounds., ,.. '.". : '. .- '. "* --Star photo t .i r '4 T ' l-vf~J'l^ nium 70 ",:" L .' L e g -ls l Westentye e RH. ..i L.I. rear S. NOTICE TO RECEIVE H, -..' 'l',7 ..'.U"-- systemm v,;h1 SEALED BIDS *r d d'rf r ..r The Board ofl Jr',-i y 'c*:. j- 2s fadtv.-; ijtifl.hb:!' 1 ^'i. - c" Florin- 1 afmrents ,, 0 j li.r, *t' ), '..- ..'-- r.i,. ; i'-,- .-..** ;?.:' i -., :.: :,', .m e '"-. I ',, w ith :."" '!**" ..'i it, :-t ". '*.' i, 'jl',.1. ,,.;. :,. .i=] 'gS o^^ 'y 'ity body I. <^ ,:. ^ *. ?'-., ,','' i > ".:... '.. **! _,* ,., ) 11 ..,< ~ ', ,' *-* .. *. .... .. ' | r. i' ,.. .. t'i *, .',. t' ..'..., :,.".: safety bump- _./ .. irr -;. ,] 1 '].,,* *.,, I i :' *> ,: s *. i ,'r ,.,'. v-~ h "' i. .. *, f ',',' ,' ... : r a 1, i ': i.th ii f '', !... i :.. .. .'-.. ,' 20 3 J. ,.;,.v i ,. : ," ,', : .. .''. ...* ,^ .: ii .i ', ," .i K '', *(at ir M,,,i ,;: r .. ,. ;* ,,v .;.' ,.,.w.; ,o,." .. r .. *,T'' rida. | !list H '<- 1 .- :' to >,-.,i. ,, ih (,..-f ,:.;,. 1 *- 2. .N '.and ,a 3. t 4 .C y_). .i' i L, }i ', !' : r ,,. i ,_' = !'. }. .'. ., n .j ,.f *, :. V'>I .'l"', =. L.. .. i -, ".' i; ; : -.f ; o ON. W -\ l : 2 t j_'c.-" -,:" "*.- ,"" ** ,, _;J' "-ii.".\ ; r ",- 'i i ,. .; ." *.]J e l t a ,r, ". '-- A T- .. ',. "r ; :,.. 2- ed the: game" however. * Th: J>. 1 Port : .'..:. ,- Marianna._ PORt ST J '7li v6.ri.]',4., ',' i,).!i 3-1 7; He 1-2-4; :; .MARIANNA. Myrick 6-0-12; lips 2-0-4; Ho 0-1-1. ST. JOE MOTOR'S BETTER : Used Car Speci .als. 1969 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR "V-8, Airf ,,.,i Automatic T1r .-'...': I| ,, ., . $1,295.00 1968 CAMERO 2-DOOR RALLYE S -. :-g .-' "l "r ., ...., R :,, ,..,, Heater $995.00 1970 FORD TORINO 4-DOOR ''V-8, Air C,.,..., Power S evi., : l A -. Trans, R & H $1,495.00 1969 MERCURY 2-DOOR HT Marquis Brogham LOADED! $1,995.00 1969 MUSTANG 2-DOOR GRANDE V Autom atic ....:" ",.' .' ..,. ..:, $1,495.00 1967 PONTIAC TEMPEST 4- :,.; A: Cond.i ...... .. Radio, Heater' $895.00 1968 CHEVROLET PICK-UP 6 Cylinder $1,2 9 500 1970 DATSUN PICK-UP S See This One for Only $1,525.00 ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY ONUMENT AVE. FORD MERCURY HONE 22 7-3737 Caesar 1-0-2. * Tuesday night of next week, the Sharks will be hest ito Ver- non. This week end, they enter the West Coast Conference Tournamentyin Marianma. S* * Port St. Joe's Sharks made it a. -: -" week Monday night by .:. ...- Apalaehicola 8S84Dn the local gym. The Sharks ev:ts.'. -. Apala- chicola in every quarter to com- pletely dominate the game. They had a 33-13 lead at half time, with Apalachicola being held to only three points in the first period. Sandy Quinn led both the of- fense and defense for the Sharks, scoring 14 points and hauling in 11 rebounds. Ronnie Herring was second in both departments with 13 points and eight rebounds. 7- *:-:.. Williams paced Apala- + Classified chicola with 14 points. The score by quarters: Port St. Joe 13 22 12 19-66 Apalachicola 3 10 7 18-40 PORT ST. JOE-Bryant 3-1-7; Quinn 7-0-14; Speights 1-1-3; Her- ring 6-1-13; Hall 3-0-6; F. Russ 4-0-8; Dickens 2-04; T. Russ 0- 0-0; Adkison 2-04; Rich 1-5-7. APALACHICOLA Williams 1.' 4-14., Johnson c0-0; Edwards * 5-3-13; Joseph 1-24; Baucham 4- ',0-8; Rodman 0-1-1. Ads + '1 IFOR SALE or RENT: -'. -' .. WANT TO BUY or rent .** ,". ,-"" NO WOMAN NEED EVER LOOK } for i'.trailer: .ds.E-'r, and Chero- t"' 1"? 2 bedroom home, hard- 40! For a r, $t, show or private _-.y. -: *' -.. dak Grow: nq;.:' .- at trailer I :i ... :-. ~ -.1 inotown neigh- facial call I ..' ,e Dady, 229-6607, _- :.., 22--65 .on corner. B. Anderson. '." *' :. : -.,., full details to Mr. :..' Mary Kay Beauty Consultant. S 16' 16 -60 -' ifA::a. 2913 r. St., '.]. '.:., 4tc-2-1 --4 r.FOR *SALE: 1968 Nimrod -': '" Va. 22302. ) 1 ' T *"r1-2-4; l* .....' leeps six. s,: .. refrig- CALADIUM BULBS: Place your '. *:". i. 8-1-17;. e-r'. :.: 229-6255. 3tp-2-1 WANTED: Female roommate for ordr now from' these Port .St." ming 4-.-.B, Rusa 1 0 h 2 bedroom house. *;:.'" .rI ,JT. '- ar.4n Club members. Call 1.-2 FOR SALE: Searos 10 hp. garden furnished. Call after 4:30 2.,;4; Ti.r. J. G. Arbogast 227-5201; Miss Stractor with 38" .mower 2 f.. i. ....,' Boyer, 229.3671; Mrs.. -Jackson 4412; disc harrow, 10" turning -...- ." -' Ken Bateman 227-5851; Mrs. J. W. Jrlitt 8-5-21; Phil- =' : 3 point hook-up -, rear FOR RENT: One and two bedrooiJ Clements, 648-7766, or any member. rne 4-1-9; Lovett whee weights. Call days ". .-'7! .,, ,,] furnished apart qf the Garden Club. tfe-1-25A o r ;] -- .. ''.*. ....' ments. Cool in summer, warl i -n PROFE-SSIONAL ... P.with e.o- *FOR SALE: All steel utility trail- .wt. eGa h.r aund w f' r A r wirCe with 1 1. .. ;... .mCu 2 must be seen to be. ppr -t r,;o a d ,. r t'n e, Port'. ...3 the Bay or 2290-6108, (tactlr. or Mrs.B. C. Prince t J ,,. lonlda 2-l3-" or Rev- - into a ,:.'- ORSALE: 1965 .'r 4-door. at WIMICO LDGE and rAIl.tR Sdr." Eiib, 2~t.....,. e ,- .:, New paint .,b, new steel belted PARK, ''- City. Phone .1. ...... ... rnadoes 79.49. tires. Excellent condition ..V .' or 648-3101 tc-1 .28 ir.r 1.i J an 11 Call 6484532 after 5 p.m. St ,.1 ,INCOME TAX SERVICE ".' ,.. .. 'Beach. 4te-1-25 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished by 20 points by half- FOR SALE: 1963 Owens cabin crui trailer on BeaconHil BERNARD O. WESTER .,:.j home with ser, 28'^ .-.' .".. -, '. ... ;..* 813 Marvin Ave. in of the season ..e .. 'rau._g' e"'- PI ANO LESSONS given in my Phone 2293107 '- ' .. ..condio. 185 hp. 12 r. since ov- home Beginners only. Call 229- - losses erhauL. .1 screw engine, bottom 2m, tfdift' ,-, was ,-:. man serai.i,, (.r'Ta.,,.r.-- p ~t ... _...._c.- HELP WANTED: Part time after-. i. c.t in a row .... T's : '' FOR I6NT -'.r ",,. noon atLr..,.. MOTEL ST. JOE. '". Sandy Qui ad- .. ... St. Joe ,. .. phn calls please. , nnie Herring 10 to n ,,p- i. ,.,," ,,r. .., ,, I_-_ -.... .' FO~ CHAN LINK FENCE eall cause. r.... Gib "- ;. c all 6 44532 an FOR RENT: 1 bedroo,' -.ry .S .phen Free eanatd. gh with O pots Parker Alex at 1506 Long Ave Ib'. o-w *., ton p o anP .y ..i:"- ,or ." __ .. I,- . .49 2 17 V[; "' FOR, SAI& .'I ;" {i, _' ..'.... i a:- .. .... - _19 26 17 .. .4 .... v, ,.,r ,, FO RENT" One hbrdr,.m house.I MC' PAWN and SWAP SHOP -8 17 8 '16-49 ', ,'''" '-"','"", .. "'"' ; J,. ReI-h F rather Con-'FOR SALE: ;urnu, radios. tape- i" ei Sn-tinh-'7arninricP. Fhnrie 227 Naycrs, TV?'. trnfis. Jewelry, 91 ,l i (-c428 dishes anri P]laswaie. Usc our 30- -.- ,:,:','Ia.'[ 9oly PI-.- ... ....S.. . .- FOR SAL ,' .. ,' ,,.!.v lay.aw:y pil 102 Sth St. ..... .' ,R ENTI ,.a, .d IthA .t .g.a, oi View. Phone 22941.03. -,- 3 t.. ,,. -, ... '-, tak' Ies.e nable moUly rate te, -4. ';i "',. FOR PENT; Ap et? ,rd. 510. 'iPh. ne 7491 at 227.8496 Itc' -- ---.. -A.^.^.h-^. -,,t^ hnr-W ;1tt --==- -=----- --- ---- FOR IW HWW WELIN NEEHM se , -,;,,.-( 1,^ o -, --:-.-:--.....-_- ..- L... --.[- Ig m pl 1302 Palm Blvd. I '; ,i .- FOW SALE '. ,- hi'. ih ,, C _. .L . ! .' }..ir-f 1 trp,3.sT el ,it r_. ,,-*rK "Ie ............ --- f \-'-_ p. 1 M.l y .-t.1 r- .. ..i~ ..:-.-*". .tT l M / V; Wi*f. ] 1-0-2;... tic 5 VAf IUNG A New Service A -- -' The Plains MA.e with POLLOCK'S CLEANERS .. ........ .. TU'NG O I----, -, ... .. LOL OC R L's.. A JS "--- ... ..... FOR 'AL.: N'i : ~' ~ .' j .il, 'i1 m KI A .~ ,t l'. -. .. .r *, J 2. Otil bas., Vioy and Iat F''r lef,',aro ,';.,n. Come by 4 1 ,[H O? *ip rtS', Br-u*e :or CAnI I V'IANTED. ..':- ':, ..i U' .- S. r r aOi, 107 Second Street I .,' .X J. I- AL SM.ITH Phone 2274401 3354 or 482 3884. 4tcl1-18 Phone 227.7751 --- KFO SALE 8 bd ho with = - *H-.n Good r.o- u e.r.I}:',d Call 2:9 3821. r tfh-10-29 FOR SALE: 12x60 Champion mo- *e home 1972 -,.. Central and air. Call 229 6801 after 6:30 p.m. . FOR SALE: 20 acres of land in r *;' '. of Wewahitchkao $300 per acre. E. Tom 2'. .'. 227- 8402, Por t S Joe. 4'. , C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and Appliance PF. p.j Air Conditioming 11.':;- Oil Burner Technician CALL 229.6863 or 229-5777 LOSE WEIGHT with New Shape tablets. 10 day supply only $1.49. At CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. 5te-l-11 NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Florida Friday tand Saturday February 2 and 3 ' $ . "MARK OF THE DEVIL" Horror Show Also "99 WOMEN" PIANO IN STORAGE Beautiful spinet stored locally,. Reported like new. Responsible party can take a big saving on low payment balance. Write Panama Piano and Organ, Inc., P. 0. Box 1101, Pan- ama,City, Florida 32401. It INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert L. Montgomery. 505 3rd Street. Phone 227-4811. .-8tp1-18 KILPATRIUK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 BINGO Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 - 7:30 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. WES- TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 HELP WANTED: Experienced tire recappe-s or trainees. No exper- ience necessary for trainees. A permanent job and apply in per- son at Panama City Recapping Co., 'Springfield. Plant located one block behind Springfield City Hall. Phone T8-4470. fc-104 INCOME TAX SERVICE contact CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday & Sundays All Day Monday thru Friday, after 6:00 p.m. . Phone 229-5281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe -uis"- HIRLBUT FUJJRNITURE and APPLIANCES 806 Reld Ave. C. P. Etheredge 118 Third Stret Port St. Joe, Pl. Plumbing :all 229-4986 for Free Estimate BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 6485118 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. It you have human hair or a thetie which you would Ike to have serviced quickly at low prices... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tie FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wwahitchke and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 2274511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Ca Buford Griffin. Phone 2294--4 or 229-2937. R.A.M.-Regular convoeaton ema It Joseph Chapter No. 56, 3AM, 1st and 3rd Monday, 8 pan. All visiting companions welcome. WALTER GRAHAIL H. P. H. T. WEST, Secretary . WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST .11& TE AMERICAN LEGION, meet Ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular con. munica on of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. E. C. BAILEY, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGE, Secty. 322 M I - s ~T~F~sss1113~-i~ss~ IIII |