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TWELVE PAGES THE S.TAR "The a S.festnBeachesIn Ithe WbfId AteaIn touIJ Countv- THITYtXTH YEAR / PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 T ftRDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 NUMBER 21 'tuesdaya' eintl not, the day for agencies: to come before the'Gulf CounyCrl-j s e.*on, mkeog nderse- Telit of~tbeu- pgt Projects. Two anDw;tleIY'ioon of Youtih Se'rdies*'and the Northw'ect Mond, ~Dueleiopment Councii-appeaie'd before the P61ird" Tuesday, night, ask- ing Gulf 'Cob nty to )cm in With other area countes in cer- tAmn ev'ice-,ndjecemmed ,a cold o-.sepk'on. j Thie D d.ismi of Youth ~ri~.re,rnF,r ss rite dby, Bill *Wilson Bi'jrs~i .olDetsuntic-n. T ;.:-A this, *pitch before frbt, .%. 6dt '3 e'pi-)ge 'F C izy '', e Yd th% 12 othe.!.r iri C i --e pg:tlur,- lp"a atio*, ~Ide- Syod~th ~i~,iitL'5 s Inb-.,w4, 3 :37'viiKyn tiec dujia~e~iyhave .'th '1'dtiub a ~Zit!'%to hwi)1te prjt1hful Ovffer~4ers! Eaim ro-;)t7 'Al pay itslpr~o- Nut~a Jzc 'rlt with t, St,Vl Opi'frui lip' h-iff -J he il ~oA:mIthe P~r-ram irg roAd ''z-t Gull ITi'7 'i7 rj tr Tn '.rjib fariw to cel'Wke 4P-loA mp rii*h r School Gets Fed., Iioney for Vo-Ed ftrogram Growth I~J-"'- r. y.tedo y td e : SLi'-tq i.i.f't o-t. *t.*f l*y ca.4ttB. Sb -r. t -.. r di haba d i'qi' t. d('i lu. ,'JI ,u'-r,: tin be t r.ad" T. r - t-t-iiy ~ L icrj nitJi a l taire- Swidel l-.,;l o'u of .,tabtl Ji 1oi ,t r Y"i'. -t IF..,b T;r *n;r ,In J.Oel hJ tifi,-d f'. a1 jtr- A i f ui^ trydAl- ,p a 4d tr.. r,,[ l.Al f .r. f( t, iu 1 i'. d 'i'r ,p', ip, l t.'-'.i H.sL!,c;tA 'nble thndu : June .3 LS33,n wV43 r .w i ip .A th tdi p.:..Lp.t-J ily r, l m Ls t, i- I, -'l , itdnis ;', aut me! ..lC.l e.' 6k i. ,,,,g:, t ld l.0 i.. S I l,- .. i ut i, t .l.',, '. West C- *titM The new" matching. f.t.,i3- .v-is , Enable, th *,l...il to eitid td o.ffi' ,,,' o f hinstn cri.i.p in .- 'l, , trdnitces, auto meu-hai.d,-'s i , S 'l i'j. iti, A rt ; Four Sharks On hasConferencei Team S. West Coa., C'i ,-,L,.: "al. ' conference, e rt .: ;last *,'>" ori.'. t , ",,'4 ,-.' ,- ~'. '.. .r ,, r 0-IA S i,- ,- +,.' -. he'u. - b ,,. .:, -' . 4 . te.i Au f_..e- on .offense.. and four on ,tf .: *' : : :' Sharks r. receiving honorable Mention Were Robert '.. "1 Brnue N!o.,,._S Ejddle. 'Sn-''".i: and 0 !y af. . placing offenders e ervisedstatus. Wilson's proposal v.-m'i an ai.ef" L' -ca, *c. am. LT r r~ -TV/ COUNCIL VIAN'TS1 -i' a non-secure 1 :',. w o- ,'. i'-: ]l:n of -.' a: :v-k for all areas of the e ..re or-less, under a sup- .. ,r : .,: :. i:. to -.-- ; Tuesday r.i thb : .'-* "' " r r.t 'h. .. its' I:: .:- T.. .k Roche, Richard Dunn and ... good and the Board, John McC7-to try aid puisuade the cotinty to .'. >c:, I ., .his way of iri.'. :" .ith the :.-n,I-They tried for an hour and a hAli but met who is also Statd Repre- I:/ th .t t'" c- success . )ke up .and 'told Wilson, The .: inted.out that a .: ::r.~'h.-t:.', plan is need- can forget the Staste tak- .:u:- any federal funding of :>c:- 1n the future. this program. 'I dcr t'. e' t .'. resented the,threat that if the county didn't if they haid done i.-r.- 'h.' own plan of what the -.:'r.t:' hi 3 afd '. r.:.e people, no ..'r, : l.'. .:-.: to do .". it in :.'; ::; the state o- S .. ri it for in a year ' .:' < :i .. .. b o. .L :, : cl : k ; 1 '. to have : '' :. i : :.',i: _",' ;.:,:' .:.: ',. Do .r1n '.:''. .?.' '2I r*e r9. '%.1 : to a DbI-. . PLANNING rly f '. ji.- :: -. .. .... ... I '.v*a m:u: 5 'c, ff. t .:. 'ttr a .: i' er r if-r ? y f 'j-ur '.:: :f m. i>: e r.r *: '' f -'. 'ti.' ::--/.L '.* -' *fGt t-efuh : s I 'Th ere^.- o. .! C -::CI ;.-* Ii :'- 0'. :. E''7p ^ -. DSA Winner Casts Ballot ,, ,, h . .;,. ,,,,.i, l ;.. :-. pr",i.:-.- '. aw ard Is. s a I 'i..ir..i .i Jayeees to give in *'- r,'i.r.'nf Gene f 'i las y r's ri. 1 .' .. t' rned . " J..l .= ? t ; .C .. j' : :; ". : J! .. m, A ,,bd " The avwa.rd 'it available 'for any' young mar, 2'I thrI.: fih 35, who. has .,:ie rii.jt-.i m.: -=t to Lu .-ommunity dUir-' in mg tia- .. year. :- :... .-will be presented Sat- ' l Ati i a' the an ,,anu -,- DSA Si .. he winnerwill be se- mo'L'l.1'__-A f~-'tble "p~,ballot- ,'C163 a dtfrOOr7 h~m~ ~ \y..AA ay make a nomin atin. rtunch, even u, ib '.1 `a''d n the Florida rt NX n' f T".rtAiK~:~I.u *'r;'hI I t4 rek.: Ili-, F rim~, ,~'.e irk,- Keep the Prch Light On for Mother ,--.h % r The annual Mothers' March on .--birth defects takes place in-Port St. Joe. on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, January 28, 29 and 30. S'Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Mother's March chairman,, has announced- 'that the Mothers' March cam- paign will be kicked -off at a coffee to be held at the Florida Power 'Lounge at 7:30 p.m., Thursday, January 25. Betty Parsons, District Chairman, will speak to the mothers and a film will be shown, after which re- freshments will be served. All , mothers -participating in the -march'are, urged to attend and pick up their marcher's kits. Mrs. Armstrong said that vol- .unters will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, January 28 and com- pplete the march at 9:00 p.m. the following Tuesday. Volunteers 'can be identified by March of Dimes badges ,and information materials.. "You are' urged to keep your porch light on, tie up unfriendly dogs, and- welcome your neigh- -borhood -canvasser," -Mrs. Arm-n strong said. Contributions are used for support of research and ,medical services sponsored by/ the March of Dimes at medical centers and teaching hospitals throughout the nation. "Funds benefit a wide range of medical service programs," notes Mrs. Armstrong. "Prenatal care programs for 'high risk' mo- thers and intensive care nurser- ies of the critically ill newborn are two of our expanding areas of concern. I "Genetic coun selng screen- ing for'genetic disorders, such as sickle cell anemia, 'and public health education 'about vaccines that can prevent congenital ru- bella and Rh blood incompatibil- ity, offer unparalleled, prQmise for improving the quality of life " at birth. "Please help," .she urges. "The task is mighty.. Birth defects are forever-unless you help." the *,i~r)f a- .. ':t;'] .. 1.)~ I,: 2.'. b eene rLIt Rhi wI C-AUlc y aF u. FL Wa~y A'tr'1rhj-43W h Gulf Co.ity. He blEdu PJA 11 Won 9.theLo' *n- m ghr;, y : ,ol. ts iF'" : C x h s6waop t. i.'2r aCI ur:caf :*7'j C' ~ ~71 1.4i Ykco on 000 Pool W' A Mr* 6 hf" Sid Brown, Mrs. Sid Brown, Bill Altstaetter, Jesse Stone and Bill Whaley tally the votes of the Chamber of Commerce Monday night in electing three new directors to the board to serve for three year periods. New directors elected were Bob Moss, mana- ger of Danley Furniture Company; Floye Brewton,. manager of the St. Joe Paper Company Container would. be simply another exercise in futility." Dunn pointed out'that p.";rnirng was just coming to ':. r, ..: Florida, "and it is being forced by South Flor- ida who have a op.:'It: ,mi. problem and a need for planning. In order for them to have it by law, the remainder of the state is brought into the process also." Dunn reiterated that planning was going to be required in the future. "You are going to need it in the future, because the magic word' 'Florida' is going t' cause continued 'growth to our state and' 1.: l."J:n' ,n- -.' i. the only place in' Florida :.0c-' an occur". Bth .*'.. .-'.' '* ',.,,. arguments for and S ': .r. i. *.'.' ...* T. Development people .-.J i :-J3 '.1 :'. on continued P *.. ', : : i: :. ^ f! *.., v. S.:rk'.," t,.r, '. -, the Council/ ' ,.' i, ; '-. ouit, t of the past negative re- . i's stemmed firc-it Ti.'f.-.-i that; Gulf County has too i-r a per capita -.u'. .. *l not enough -1..,'. : to qual- for either of thetwo : in:which the '".,:-..1i can :ire assistance. He expressed the opinion that this I.. d'not forever be so. . .-.','.:i *' ;'(. .'. i". : iiJf tJ " I. :it L'.-ri the old and, new : .. t,., ,;: ia the county GARBAGE DUMP hai' '; in-.. a resident If kiA.. _. L '-.-'t area, eae I. .. f .- .. ..!.. i'.. n eight . : ;-spot S ~. ,1 .;' .: i. fuI I ... r- '.;.," ( ; ". ',, "," i-.r ,i ..f ,r:. , ..: ..(. '_., ._...." L ",*', .1 b b ,J , : .'.:'",'.* i r :,:'u h' (1 m a , ,-'. r.r't f'o-r Jand fill 0'I *' ~'*'Ch ',. id ,il'v3.'n 'te *- ,.i'n-,: fr ..h dwur -taing p[rll x. -rowi .ng 'A. .. . ,,,- :'.:;.-.,.*j *instructed Co. E. : *,,-; .,cr. supervisess the pfo' ,,r,,. ,r" state approval .of .- -r.' then the 'Board ..'., i, '- forrAal request ". ". r.'- .'-, owner . -,.-.. from the White C, : 'L"-artment asked the' -.-.' them their mon- .r. of the St. Joseph Fi ., District Fund) so, Clerk Core -...1.,n,'d ..\l' lawv i .iuoi..t the money to be han- dled '.i.-'..,,, the Board since, it ,was derived from, taxes and must be, 'i .{.-,!''.ii through sources avaitible to state audit and by bonded, county officials. Schedule Changed for lssuin9 Food Stamps " Hir-, oi iis'Jirei USDA FoQd .la .P., d,, Gulf '-.'. ., .have been., *- ,_-,,,,-. it was announced "'tlis Week by administrators' of 'the '. ,r r r,n;' 'Thursday, January 25,. Food Stamps will be issued from 10:00 to .1:30 p.m. at the Food' r'' office on Third '.' A in the Thames 'Jewelry .Food Stamp .recipients will still be certified each Wednes- day from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. as usual, Division and Robert M. Moore, attorney. Directors retiring from the board after three years of service are Charles Brock, Wesley Thomp- son and Wesley R. Ramsey. The new directors will be installed at the annual meeting of the Chamber in February. The newly elected board will meet, probably the first Monday in February, to elect a new slate of officers prior to the annual banquet. -Star photo 10c PER COPY * -A '(- -A- *& ir Cold ou ld er to Programs ^ *f , DOT Representative .Says Contract Let for 98 Paving :'.'i..- ,.,a that occasion",.. could 4 '. t',r bitl. oni ::., .... ,, *. ,,ti e i w without 1 .1, t.h, l or0 -. Three Chamber Directors Elected +~~~ ~ , ~'- --~--- - I I I iYii~- : > "i I PAGE TWO - HE STAR, Pert St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 EDITORIALS... "Dixie" Belongs. iIt ieves us no end to see groups who do not wish to use the sa me yardstick" be reminded of the "Qid South" by the strains of "Dixie"' we sing in our curche S. and the "Stars and Bars". These are a part of ouir na-.-" rjimngm us that we are '1 tion and our particular r.-orner of that nation. -i td.o. w -, -dir ~y~ing_ bol of human ownershipp -'*,. True, the .old "oe -ii h~,Al t te stigma of slavery attached bol of h owne to it. But, that ,gmai wa-n't reer'ied bt WDixie alone. AJ",r,,4 th.-'ie.e k.e. w the 'entire Mntion bad a part n thdistasteful practice of ,-r- M" ,i.,."SqureG placing hu.rn.a, '3 be i n i l-i.. W ..t part of' the.na- track' te1amthat nf-even .-tion wasn't u*Moit ae' \ frwer humans, were :-ing 0ithot the playing of tlh tbem. H"tor7 L.o-k. tell u th.t ,.x'ny 0f those .:.g..'--. we- caA't see- the reason ly "freeing"; sl-ves wr, "il" ra.lity exploiting them for I,. w ..' Aj't hiu ro, ly --',1 their own profit '.*' :-Ar,,dy in our rn.t. .. ,Serre. ary o.f r;,. .-,.hsr,.r:t- .at.d t e .;. 2. ', J. ,-' h-':.r7- ...well r-cerntly ir a., :-.-...b b-.r. P.,rk. St Joe 'when he '"j l:i .:, r. r.. .., said, 'Tber-. nTev r w.i." a ''l,,.k in b ;, ,'t -: '.r r.:" t- e: r: "::.. -- . a. ge had i t': pr le s ar4 r ~..-; t r ..ndite l ur'w h ,.f- ..'.. ..'.'& no "d ,I. bhav- mrde". r -*r.i frr '-.' -srr -"cr s: .-;i. tha thi ': .Using Stons io '.:.r Y. ... t t *con- : '. od away with these injus .cugaon that the tune "D/.ie" :-'.u".i be a :.'re-r -draa with.t es. e ou 'ind u Us rather than a tr 6 o1r be pla~ d-on the shelf andfor- r. l.y y.o. the g S.gotten, Of course, the song. 4.n 't mention slavery .or If we -ny ourelve the ' : anything connected yth, y.'.. One, writer has eve~l, we night well'forget whe ob served thatthe tune was -even written by a, Yankee an. d us of slavery, it b :. does r-.Aurgbut extolll t'. virtues, of living 'in the land .., ".r'.v. lives torei S, of oo lvng. : :. .- '..~i f, r. to abolish If v5 'r "- .rr tI. .n.:l'.h i T .' -. :,:-: .in some .,,w t 'i,., heJ to abolish remote way it may r'"'I 'j.-of ..-r '. we must I, .'' pi ,,'it our repeating .~~ -" 'l / .' 1 .' I ' -'- '-/ I,'- ***'* ,:~: . and :h&:.-h thi' 3,f -.the h.':,ntS each and every' S :i.:." for re- r.i.s'-,:.f siT. T. ?. would have s, ,r.'~:.'. the.' r.t: once a sym- e were ,..,.:-t see the mana- ardep tell members i.h' oylImpic ts would be hI] in the Gardep he Sta-r Spang4led Br-ner Again ing behInai' r-efuial tohonor the t -~,' .. r'~spr h. A a beef ut on i'be-i" h .'.-i d.. '. ,h :-and thPt :f /r-. .E I- r'f: Trh, t.inj, -i-''. ^"r:. .-1- A '.h.'. h r'. t..*: -- .4-' to . the fact tili"f,-.,' i ave been the, B:r:it.i -A-. But, againz Stone's a n.R;-k..% ; .', must IraMir d nation '7., ifc.d expressly to" tices. As a "il.t i. we are com- aking headway fal the while to- goal 'our fr f-ti J'r.:. dreamed of. reminder of Vbfr-:,- we have been, ere-we ar'e x'n. If "Dixie" re-, ecomes t:17',- ir important in mind us that this-nation, which slavery once ~i.-' '-.'.' the. very h., Daily reminders of thiswill g a dradfuIl f piT.A' / ' .r. r .. SRecipe For I 's not t),o lat in the new year of '73 to "cook up" S he following recipe: Take twelve fine, lull ,row months; see that they ,; re-thoroughy. fre, froni Al old memories of bitterness, rancor, and jealousy; ,' f,,is'; frrm every clinging spite; wash dff any p-:c.l. Pf pitlin;.e: in 4h.rt, have them as fresh and clean as whvi"r ih-y t L-, ,.ae fromr the great it.(,rei:l,(iiw of time. . , ..* "-.: ( .. I Cut, each of L.i,:-'. nr.thi itat. thirty or t.-ir -t.t.n*. equal paits. This, batch will keep for just one year.- Do not :a i i.ipt .t, make iip the whole batch at one time (you may spoil the l.uti' It t; -. way) but prepare one day at a time as follows: Into- each day put 'twelve parts of faith, eleven of Perspective _ Education. b DR. BOB M. THORNTON, Professor of Educatlon University of West Florida We continue to hear of .the guage is the natural setting in .great need to teach.foreign lan-., which that t,.ti.: *is spoken. guages in t h'e elemneitary Failing that,' many experts main- schools. One of my graduate pro- tain, th' next best thing is to be fessors, at Duke University was," taught to use and hear the lan-, fonad of telling of an Ar.'v-t In guage at .an early age. For cen- 'tourist who'returned fil.c. ."ui tries, that h>2il.-o;..h-. has per-. full of admiration for the eul- ,meated, the European schools. It : 'tural advancement of t'hw iteople fias had, its ups and downs in ; there. "Those i,.!?r -r are Florida and the rest of the Unit- really smart," he .-..: -i ed States "Why, even the little ',h*.. in One 0't...'aor for the intro- the streets speak better k'r-r 'b duction of a foreign language. in than I do-' a '-.A. school in the United No one qan;:deny thatithe b.et States has been'the desire of the "laboratory" for es iig a lan-, people to perpetuate the culture Published Every Thursday at 306 WIJlamsr'Avenue, Part'SL .Je, FIeOAK By The Star Publishlng Company WEREY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Als Linotype Operator, Ad Sae!rama, /diiheftta*W Op WA e & f ~ S SReader, Bookkeeper and ComplaIntlt eprtmnt POSTOFFICE Box 808 PEONE 227-8161 PORT ST. JOE, FLOIDA 32456 Second-Class Postage Paid at PErt St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX OS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 r OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $.O0 TO ADVERTISERS-In ease of erroor ommissions in adverttlaemeant, the published 'g oSmt old themselves liable for other t amomut rceived for a ch advertlisnent. The Spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word in thoilgh53& W6hd.Ih e o=an word barely asierta; the printed word thoroughly oon- g The gpop word 1. lost; thb. printed word reans. I T Good Year patience, ten of courage, nine of work (if -yoa omit this ingre'1ient you will spoil the flavor of ,the rest), eight of hope, seven of fidelity, six of liberality, five of kindness, four of rest (leaving this out is like leaving the oil'out of Salad) and: one well selected resolution.' Put in about a teaspoonful of good spirits, a dash of fai, a. pinch of folly, a sprinkling of play and one heaping '. ,pfiul of good humor..: tour into the whole love, and mix with vim. Cook thoroughly in a fervent heat;. gri Ti:sh wil h a few smiles and a sprig of. joy; then serve with qujt.r,;.=, unselfish- ness and cheerfulness; and a Happy New Year is a cer- tainty! ,- S. -Copied of the "old country". For exam- ple, many people of German V ., i .. ,',rr settled in Milwau- S].', :"..,n:i,, t ,ey wanted their * cl: '- ,n *, ",'. and understand -and, even love-the language in i ': they themselves ,had been reared. Aind so, in the lat- ter half of the r. .-.* r.'. cen- S'-',. ':. .n.' was a subject in the ..- .i,'-.,y schools in that i... The same is true& of Cin- .:.' .~.. St. Louis and I't.ia.:.. Similarly, Spanish emerged .....-:. the three R's as part of the, basic curriculum of many elementary schools in the South- west where the EeIati t.s of the conquistadores hid .e'tl.id. French. was offered. to young children in several NeY England cities in, post-Civil -War days and was taught in elementary schools as f;r west .as San Fkrancisco. B t tbifhr were-forces in Amer- ic- t.~r.t *i',lated. against the pop .,nthf oP foreign language fre r i r -. -' early grades. Na- h: 14 ;vy whieh eventually :. ~c: oven all ele- ,,- ,. .. h. ad '* advo- P, '* s. History and .... : L. .', and I , --'.... !L'"-,;'- and art-all ::e .1.-;* -.d their cham- i;f-c.?; w. to u *-.s- anyone who' ":,, deny them.to chil- dren, The- Industrial Revolution .: en and commer- cial subjects- to move into the r-.i ..'1:. : What room h.v trhes' ftr such an impracti- cal i-t. .: French or Spanish in 0 hol i Gulff County? /4 i. ' Too Late To Classify By Russell Kay / . While I am not. a native born Tampan, I have lived in the com- munity since 1914 and have; seen it grow from a small town to a sprawling metropolis of over 300,000 population., This fact makes the book "Yes-' terday's Tampa" by Hampton. Dunn a thrilling experience for old timers like myself to read. And I am certain those thousands moving into the Tampa Bay area within the past few years will also thoroughly enjoy the text and pictures presented so ably by one of Florida's most prolific writers. Hampton, an old friend of mine, is a native of Floral City, a small community a few miles north of Tampa. But he has liv- ed and worked in the Cigar City for many years and has estab- lished wide reputation as a writer, speaker and historian. Former managing editor of The Tampa. Times and later. a television-hpersonality in ithe Mi- ami area, bunn is now.vic'e presi- dent ,f Ieninsula Motor Club (AAA) and editor of the club publication, Florida Explorer. He has devoted many years re- searching the history of Florida and his accounts of the past ap- pear regularly in Flotida Trend Magazine as well as many news- papers. throughout .the state. Outstanding feature of "Yes- terday's Tampa" are the many photographs depicting the city from about 1898 to 1950. These pictures, selected from a collec- tion of 65,000 prints .and nega- tives preserved by Burgert Bro- thers, commercial photographers of long standing, tell the story of a city in a graphic, interest- ing manner. Hampton has also augmented the record with historical pho- tos from his personal, collection L 0 '4 oen KEEP GUIF 1 co:ullk- , j- -TW- Pru PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember The story is told of the great Dutch : -....'- who was commis- sioned to paint the ;..- -,'L,,o of a famous man of his country. After weeks of work the artist completed the p:'!-'.'",7' It was beautifully executed, wonderful in detail-vibrant in color, In the foreground of the pic- ture the artist had painted some tulips. The flowers were so beau- tiful and colorful that those who viewed the painting never saw the portrait of the subject-they could not take their eyes beyond the tulips. Sometimes we.all.tend to ma- jor in minors. In doing so we place importance on trivial mat- ters and fail to see the entire picture. It is, difficult in many in- stances to.'see beyond, the ''tu- lips". .OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: Those who look beyond small things-see more of the world. KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 Efaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY REV. J.' C. ODUM, Pastor - NOTICE- DELTA EXPLORATION CO. is presently conducting SEISMOGRAPH WORK IN GULF and FRANKLIN COUNTY For the Next 60 Days and will be crossing the following highways 30 80-A 98, 88 71 and 381 fro4i time to time. Delta Exploration is cautioning all motorists to observe "Men Working" signs when driving in these areas. DELTA EXPLORATION CO. and added a Writtef text that is a' capsule history of the city it- .self. The:book reminded me of such structures as the famed Tampa Bay hotel, Ybor City's El Pasejo restaurant and :hotel, the old. Court House, Sulphur Springs and the old wooden Lafayette Street Bridge. Pictures of the hurricane of 1921 brought back memories of the flooding of downtown Tampa while streetcar lines and seawalls were :-.: : along 7 '--: r- Boulevard. "Yesterday's Tampa" brought . 'k memories of fhe ,:. - ... :i. ,J World War I, WPA S :. i :. Florida boom. I also remember my .:"..' *, days when the popular .'.-_ to do 'were to picnic at Springs, tak yourgirl on a trip to -Pass-a-Grille on the Gulf Beaches on he4 steamer 'T. :.*. ite" and going for a streetcar ride to Ballast Point. 'I suppose this sounds r.' square to youngsters of 3.: but it was -for that period. S' .hardbound book of 160. pages.: .made up :... these old ..vided into : ..: before 1900, 1900 to 1919 and T I. since 1920. T '.i. :* 225 2 nn all The book can be .' ,ed at your favorite store for $7.95. " Once again, i-., unn has : a :.' work Jof .. importance and I, f.:. 'e.l: extend my thanks to him for these valuable old photographs to use. '- .'~ly! ..~ ------- I . 4 ; d** :.* /: x-. i ' I think maybe Mrs. Ouida Carter of 702% Monument Avenue ~. '- is:. f have ourselves in little bit of trouble. Last .. i:. }Mr.. Carter pT 1.. a classified ad with The Stari .:..z for a roommate in her home. She specified in the advertisement that .- specifically wanted a FE- ? -kLF roommate and I L ., think the Office of Equal Opportunities will let you .- ~ "ify male or female in a .:.i.-. any more. Consequently, either or' both Mrs. Carter and I may be in trouble with the OEO She because-she '.,-,'i-,-. sex and us ben .x we printed it. I uess, .:.-- .to the law, Mrs. Carter .'N .aid have *just advertised for a roommate and then turned away any male tr:.-. ., ".." 1i ,- '" to want hr. ,~.,in her home. . a # * We ran an article .last 1 -, sent us. by, Drake Uni- -"- '. ur own .1 -r.'l. would be plr'.ing -'i- 4 ,i. .-i- i. ., ~ .1 ,- afternoon. We had to take their word f.' it, "' ,. w.9. didn't have a TV sche- dule of j't'i 1 games and don't even know. if one was -','- ii At any rate, ..,".p called all week ',, tp find out what time I :.-i was going to play. Of course, as you know now, the regional .I ',ni-d game,was K .:. .:- and Tennessee. It ems a little, unfair t us here in Port St. Joe that we weren't .'..:*.-.I to ." .. -., -%. l- p-.-Rr, but you real- ly can't fault the TV network too much. There are prob- -;LE more ,T-,i.. in the .- r. c. .1 in the Ten- nessee-K.- .:. game than were -.. 1iWn for a li-c..ri ..-:-.- -Conference so our chance' was -I*i. i. That's what you call " St 'Joseph I .', *. ,. i'. president, Jesse V. Stone remins us that Gulf County will be 50 years old in' 1975. Really, that makes us a fairly young county when you consider the age of some of the other counties in -North Florida such as Jackson and qalhoun. It might even seem a little odd that the Historical Society would be interested in so "recent an-event" in light of our place in the history of the State of Florida what with being -the birthplace of- the first State Constitution and boasting the State's fir t steam railroad. Most of our more famous events go back quite a way in history, ,. we can't ignore the more recent events ,,which prompted our Golden Anniversary as a county. We're pleased' here at The Star that an organization is starting-now to mark U th-i date in-history for our .people.. Gulf County may be a young governmental subdivision compared to other c,..-,.u:-.: in the area, but few can boast of making the strides Gulf has in so few years. There was a time when one had to 'locate" Port St. Joe and Gulf County when you told strangers where you were from. But .not any more. We're beginning to make our mark through our accomplishments if not by our size. It's fitting that we observe the beginning of these accomplish- ments. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Scorner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .......... 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME I THE STAR, ort St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 AGE E S15. Brakes, vIcuum' 1hydaulic, 18. All other" "dmadad equip - 3", front, 15"x6" rer,- vacuum Vendors specifications and liter- l n d r Div Wo Sa birake boosters nature must accompaary bid for each I les fage i u i i 16. Vacuum reserve tank with fRem. Metric fastezers not accept- I NOTICE TO BID g eadl, extra heavy duty ed t supp mechanic's main- Eligible for Social Security Benefits BID NO. 1 cooling tenance mvnuils and parts catalog nThe Cty of Port t lorf 1. Mirrors, 6"' l western, R. ohB equirh din an envel- As of January 1, a divorced wo- ments based on his work record, following described vehicles: Ve- H. and Tow hookont ope and plainly marked Bid No. man no longer has to prove she according to David Robinson, So hides must meet or. exceed all 4am ernator 137. The City F Port St. Joe re- gets support from her ex-husband cial Security Field Representative ex ust e r a 2L 0 an -th rig aceeptorre- to get monthly social security pay- for Gulf County. exhaust emnion r giiations and 21..aerfroster ject any or &U tidP, waive any o ues t get i socia s ity - rules. Vehicles must be new and dard equipment and formahtt es.T to. co.3.: the bid "The support requirement is lef St d safety. features de tfa to meet the City's by SHANNON SMITH plex arrangement which does not eliminated by the new .social se- ready for 9p pon at time of de 24. Hyrauli power steering. eed. t. totheHome Grounds Specialist receive proper maintenance, elrity law," Robinson said. "How- l 25 Pqint-two.tone (black body, B nit e :.,t.itted to the livery Di e 1tev.ry mut be w te cab) City C!erk'(', :. PO. Box A,r .:. inventory aly l tle fea- ever, the requirement regarding sOecme O T p 26 .Du9o p Body specifications:A. rt J .: on or University of Florida tures--good and bad-of your lot. the length of the marriage has not Thru ckw,,', t e T d n Scwa to p bo-i~ th -r,. f 11'0 g, far 6, 1 973. Hi 1 -" T b be What existing trees can'be used as been- changed. They must-have ty 7d Ih t, .e 1 hd a he T : C: r art of the design? Are th-r pocd been married 20 years or more." Sp1 hmm an) 'high h.,drafl- :I,t 7 -., 15" sin ,. T / .8. ?' .. .vistas you need to keep open and j r.ic.c 1, a .' '. .:.e. woman 2 gkrAh.. "y -r :^0cl 11, '. ;r :' r differentt :Cl80 ;I..":-is :)n-1,and attractiveviewswhich!h-uldb"t who met the other requirements -3 ,A o3rUrthr k. .- ,,-.r .z y x ior environ screened? Will utility areas need for entitlement had to prove her : 4 T e T' ;4 I One new '97. P.Lk-. p n o -- -"*, -X.-_ -c me ,ttohe ... s .ea us be hidden? What t e of soil do .,-e, tW..a.,i was ..... -o at least 5. ,. r r e. = -.. 1- --, ..-.;. .r-"-. .p .. bn do she most dhaveo and does it need to e half her suppor-orthat he ,'xr':973, tive .. home deserve.the amended h torganicr: r,...,fer- was her substantialcontribu- =l-7"1 b ft 'ec o-a- pro aet ::.. you an give i and e Yo think a of many tions under.a written agreement o r. .. .. T 1p44. -. 4_ CD. ., p you a lythe x '' ad kep:in nd orwas nder courtordertodo.so. 10. Tr ) r'le.. ,~ 4-4 4... 2 NOTE TI B E D .t T; B e nyment of:..... :.:... N'<.. inventory your family ac -Some State laws make it diffi- ~. at 7.6 Fret axle 2750 lb&s The City DoNPor t. 1 oe,3 8 rida I a k : Moat everyone considers tIeO tivities presently anid in the fu- -12. Alternm ator, 55. amp. r nt... ,T ,u L I dZt,0.. P: !t:... aosv everyonee considers the . .. .. -ced. woman--ob 1-. t ry .rIp- arena amp invites,. bids on --ne -i *: o.e ."'N-. 2 Frac- : .. comfort and convenience tre onet al an .tin support from her ex-husband, 14. .- MAter ty 7 "A *p'--. ro F5 ria r1-o,-_ ''' / -1 Ti : Tbuying' a home, but it is r n o ,e to Robinson. "Many di- .10 o front .ii I'"... s'*- s :oimpotan o.othat as manyofI.as P forced women in financial need 16i. A~ ~ rh:-ar r. .- r. 't ^ [ o l d ... aes thesame' ca l-, hay been unable to social se- .,q e1t .t., t y ar.., "rn ii -o --- ... a e w h. the 1 '-2 t .. curit payments for that reason, wih removal r e-.i 4 i _r br G78,i 1 '-- e~': -Book- i n-,d r ,_ ............. .. th .. re ',b nam edd:.:-: Every square foot use fo of 1 :- th .b *', ... _,L: ...: .. n .x-- oo 7 ,018 ; ,* V r.rd p,, -15. -'j.=-". ... i ,-,. "r.- '-s,-. at time' of de- 1 .l er .' .m tb" 16th .space and every dollar should be .Ahqsib ,r, work reogla .ore pay. J7,1. ma'P t2-Rearhsprngs o1475rlbs.Properplanning,'thekey olr k to tai j iijh7 1e e 'a t dr r. r. ..e r . 4 j. rT j nAo a idA fin n ? a. : '. A *. wp. thntbt "w4 14.. ..,. -- ; 7 he p,- -"e pa t o t y int ,o lo ,n e or . )0 I, 'r 1973"r .. .. rs p.. ,. ..r,, : h o- ,: :. t .- le e t o .I te -wo ~lo 15 F M Ar.: L' 8 4-r o w tt con d e a m' 1 .n enoueh ud o l w, 7 ;,'6 h. .0 . .I t. err ; ..' a n -utenancetypeof 1 . I" P T w p7 1 4. I a 1 k 3 1 1 00 s. -lvI ..a.."--"butwel main- -I , 'tr .--...Whe i. ve-tan12 ':'c "r'"eter t .. tainted loo.is almost .n; Say Yolu Sw I"t In The Starp - -, -.' b a" ~1l ta r .b' *steel ,_' . t11 P. .,;r 1 7 capa 1V. outside rea .r. ,: .. ... .. y 1 ... ... a ..... ..... th.-o. tralerk '7)1 rr .us. of (o9r ',ttu!dbout, wel padded. 1 f 'I '-p-ed,.d'ir'doas,,0overs: contoureds--e:*.. s fore and aft ' n r.r ty 300 1 P L: bucket not ,irtf i R n i n heore'you r Bm uste t a fn- 8I' 1 Y. H whie top) t hA i; ',. capacity 1.1/8 7dd he..p-P '. .onm ..' .' no nde -* r a -r7 ter pik t hminimu m m u ,a .digging u n - SPA tubesr Blt, i.. #;:,,7h. 71 real a'ros i r:h uthed ig "r ,, r d iret 2 ply '. e'nlu,.^,> -, ore n ew- "i Clr Nnw lot is a ot Tin'wWu T.nS o P o w s .' .t e tio ful n po d attr e S .o -. p 1-Ok BOsr.. rimssTt, M-12.. n e fic 4 ?rar fedrame steeloalPmtu- 10 Spi: .rot"3 Th0 0 Lsp 19 3 r. I.dng e o : o 1-- 1ra., t .. _. oP t ,.ide re"aucketr- .,' ds. r .t wderi c U :- P,. f, ; i t u' c ...-. tI 1b trail.eraile ... of .' ,,.,!'1 bout wel p d iinRA.ING.ION,.. or m 'ar 1ax h swig-udow C.I fl. g *t'G P I P o F rL'... ', '0 ade r _,: b e t ,ma r er - S.. .a i to'...- .rv:e,,i ,:o--rv capac t 1/8 y ei ROoR G'WORhop S1aE"irwety '1:B0 A.kM. 1 oe : rear m an1te.r-eek ten po teal m n un edggnge10Po se e 4,-cnPeaMi-eog un. o1 bis ea bscalvepmalF two w7t1 se hed in anemed- 100 estrDessa elsep n ..1 .21.iftl .. ..:, amtaredype.o" ... n12ply A1 rtsA The 'CSt h oa ,-St. JIe re-ams Double Sprsaro 1 t1 Ihg us B0 -dergne, e Cyy.O. o et or roecksF ri BAYM0 tAb INE b:*Yd atd0 dM 'Kni'tsanda tb dsado 11. 98 a,.O.RSHC1E7b RAID 1 7: 5302PM r..-r ... r ....h n ' ".. ..er p n 2.ii tI N 92T8.R-.TO. O B D 13.m nd-Worshipmld-Wis pe" edcircanMc mainte n m angce manu als arid. An9d atenA d PateI1n 138The C:ty of Port St.Joe re-n orbae 17[;tfi otf)t :t*bmakedt Bd o ft c e to s l bids, waiveany`,capacty1a/8 ....".... ..-. '. )choo-s:f l ev the -.,d deem e r vasydcy At1t"c Po, ,oe ea' t ,,cn.' ,F, .I" M-T EASTBY ARNE .. :"-8 0:20 "'ria6l6 ,,0.9swoin.9 LOInvPM ATHE S' InPa l.. Eorida Gooong.aClerk',res1Pt s .T 9 VOAT A UC KE TT, Min'M r1Mutlcbe3durable .K 1-'. rr Ade SUNTDAU M ercu--B--s---e .-r---- SE""I.....-- --- 11:00 A.'M. wd eAVE.66i ydB.SdAock 9...ST..AY 7AgNEn la rj ".3LT.,-. 98e. an B ATRA E ...AtD' 8-.4.3. ' BY. re-..u b ?sald:. n a 1. Hr138. on 7 oP:-t f -Port.4rJ:ere- The 1,97age c, nt,'!. ." "_;.i'-D thbee -. .......bids onsClearance 'IncK. 1e rx b weight.'....'.i."o t '.. . At I ts. rest I", I.. ... ".l-sa C 79 ,,d .o Boat T':SClearance anydatenad S .et Florida- ECtt htlyraddedcBra "LDICIALACIRCUITOFOFLOR-I AIaA, ON AND FOR GULF Adjustab7e straps and stretch sides. Lace YOUR CHOICE NVI'TAT iONT O BIDfl..~A , r.r AVERY A. HOWELL, ' Plaintiff, Permanent Press Big assortment of styles, colors and THE IHCQME TAX PEOfPLE JERRY. HOWELL, Cotton Bra frc ..E ... .. TAX P.e. g.. J Defendant. Kodel fiber filled. Adjustable straps and NOTICE OF SALE stretch sides, 32 to 40, B, C cups. Notice is hereby given that I. 225 REID AVENUE ~ Raymond Lawrence, Sheriff of Gulf REIDt6P. aV hnU eCounty, Florida, under and by vir- Open 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132 tue of a Writ of Execution hereto- QUALITY COMES FIRSTTHEN OUR LOW PRICES Charge It OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY fore issued out of the above en- titled Court, pursuant to a Final Judgment obtained in said court ' oand county, dated December 19, L S- Shop Our Discount Specials - S.POUND PACKAGE or MORE . Ground Chuck TENcDER * C.bed STEAK Prices Effective January 24 99c All Meet' STEW BEEF 16b. Ib.e89c Ib. $1.29 FROSTY MORN SLICED BACON Everyday Low Prices Sunbeam K.nq Size Loaves. 8 READ Giant Size TIDE Grbr StrABY FOOD BABY FOOD -- Half Gt on b. 88c CL0OROX -.--' --- -- l- g 3 -lb.,can S3for $1.( Twin Oaks No. 303 Cans i 88c TOMATOES ----can 3 CANS- Viva Big Rolls 0 Paper Towels 79c. Robin Hood FL0 UR through January 27, 197 Economy Meat Specials Fresh Nekbones Turkey Necks Turkey Wings Turkey Drumsticks Hog Maws Pig Feet Pig Tail ib.3 , 4 '' .... 29 $1 100 : 3 rolls $1.00 5 lb. bag 22 r. Parade Liquid jar lOc DETERGENT -- btl. SNO. CAN4 PARADE PEACHES 3- Paxade O UIT -6 Oz. Cans COCKTAIL-- 3 cans 99c Double Luck Cut 16 Oz. Cans GREEN BEANS ,6 cans $1.00 Tei Assorted and Decorated-- Jumbo Rolls TOWELS,.- -- 2 rolls 89c NORTHERN Bathroom Tissue ROLL PAK 39c 59c 39c' $1.00 Dumncan HMues Cake Mix Butter Golden, White, Fudge Marble, Yellow or Lemon 18 Ounce Boxes $1 Med. Tubes Pepsodent TOOTHPASTE 2 tubes $1.00 Chap-Ans'- 10 Oz. Bottle Lotion -----btl. 88c C 3 Quantity Rights Reserved We A 3 POUNDS or MORE FRESH GROUND Beef S Georgia rade "A" and B" Frying Chicken Quartered Breast 1. *b. 49c W hole SQuartered Thighs- .. b.39c. Drumsticks .-- Ib. 59c Fresh Sliced Beef Liver S .,.Loin Pork Chops lb. 69c 4 Loin Pork Roast ---l. 65c CUDAHY Get Acquainted Specials ; Cudahy's- 1 Lb. Pkgs. Bologna- 2 pkgs. $1.39 Cudahy's All Meat FRANKS 3 pkgs. $1.59 Cudhy's 1 SAUSAGE PET RITZ Egg Custard or Coconut uCstard S- $1.00 Pas Fresh Florida ORANGES 5 LB. A ^. BAG 49c Freezer Queen Boil In Bag Meats. 29c. Lb. Roils 2 pkgs. $1.29 lb.59c I LIMIT... 1 Pkg. with $7.50 Order Minute Maid Frozen Orange Grapefruit PA79 Sea Pak Frozen 8 Oz. Pkgs. FISH STICKS 3 pkgs. $1.00 Fryers lb. 36c ccept USDA Food Stamps You'll be More Satisfied with Piggiy Wiggly Fresh Meats Fresh Shucked 12 Oz. Can Apalach Oysters -- $1.19 End Cut Salt Pork lb. 45c 4 Lb. Boxd Bacon Ends pkg. Pure Vegetable CRISCO Shortening IMT... 1 Can with $7.50 Order or More $1.29 SAVIN' COUNTS -.0s The Veri-Best Produce Fresh AVOCADO Pears 3 For Idahoan INSTNT 8 Oz. Bag Potatoes Fresh 1 Lb. Bag Carrots Fresh Salad Tomatoes Ripe Bananas $1 29c lOc< Ib. 29c IWI~loc" Here's Where You Get MOREy SFor Your Money! Mayiwoll Holawo C0VF FE E: VegeItsblo Shorlening C RI SCO0 *4 CZANS PUNCH p The Pause That Refreshes COCA COLA 6 BOuTTtLE ,CARTON Plus Bottle Deposit Colonial or White Gold CANE SUGAR BAG, LMIIT. ., i ag with $7.50 Order America's Favorite GIANTS SIZE ~ I r m I rWE STSAR, Port.f. Joe, Flodda THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, -1973 ,VIAGZ TOUR'. I +? 1 p gi THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 IrAF E M iJ iMusic Program Teaches Appreciation Of Fine Arts To Pupils, Grades 7-12 SSinei primitive times man has sought to express his emotional experiences 'in some beautiful form. Edward Howard Griggs has said, "Beauty is the most useful thing man knows, for it is the chief instrument in deepening the =pirt The ideal as a little more than anything else on eaith, " because it is the dynamic ener' gy behind all coifduct." MusIl education i' x public schools is greatly needed to sa' ich life by brdadening emotional and spiritual expression. The. philosophy of music education \in Gulf" County has been. pre- partd to e6mplement further the general philosophy of education 'now in existence in this school district. Our facilities for learning are available to each child in our school system. In addition to classroom expenrnces, in. music, children' axe encouraged to take an active pift n the various mu- sic activities of the school. Our program is-designed to meet the' needs and challenge the inter- ests of all students at various grade levels. Pleasant, experiences, gained through music- education and ac- tive participation in various mu- .sic groups or'individual projects, i ill :serve the' student \with a healthy and broader appreciatiqn for aesthetics ,and moral and so- cial values and prepare'hiin for his adult fpart p.?.:.,:,, in music activities' in t;~. 'or avo- The music program is divided into three main arias. The- vocal, program, the i"r'trI.'r=t. pro- gram, and\ the ger.rsr,. music program. The band program has thr Is.-:' These' levels are B1?'r-U :r 7th ': n: In- termediate or P9', rade Band and Advanced ,c'r .;i,:, band. The ultimate ."' ;'"f *'.- Senior band is a wotking performable knowledge of all :t- of music. It is also ':...:l tjr. student will develop his creative and ex- pressive :' ,'',- :: satisfac- tion and meaniT- .2.n : musical experience and e to recog- nize -','. '.., in music. .The Choral -. program at Port :T '' :. :- botlr : -. -. '.p well as the full credit courses. The enrichment chorus offers an introduction to musical under- standing to seventh' and eighth grade'students and introduction to elementary theory and har- mony. Music appreciation traces the progress and advancement of music from the, prehistoric days through today's music. Through a study of the composer's life and historical happenings at the the time of writing, it is hoped that the students will gain ap- :. -o:.': f the different ideas of music brought about by the % .4'*.- of that time. Concert chorus is offered to students in grades 10-12. This is the performing chorus. Plans are being made now for tryouts and auditions for a 'select con- cert chorus for next year, which will perform and perhaps travel. mi, r 'e c.:,-:, ; ,:/ ?.'' Ar:! A1- :, ,: K :,f ) _: .., r:_ r Gulf Coast College Dean Lester Morley Named to State-Wide Committees Lester Morley,, dean of career experience, and in light of the de- studies at Gulf Coast Community velopments and attainments of College, has been named to two your program, it is felt that you state-wide committees, according will be a most valuable asset to to an announcement by college of- this committee," said Henderson ficials. in making the appointment. Dr. Lee G. Henderson, director I Morley was also named to the of the Division of Community Col- Special Area Certification Commit- leges in Tallahassee, appointed tee, which will rewrite all certifi- Morley tothe committee of the cate requirements for all junior Division of Community Colleges college certified personnel. and Division of Vocational-Techni- W aw cal ind Adult Education Joint "We. are always .proud when our Committee on V.-.::o.-.i.T .:,' ,iA personnel are asked to serve on Education. The committee will face policy :-r -' ." said Gulf Coast many problems shared by the voca- President Dr. Richard Morley. tional and technical educators, in- "This is usually a good indicator :., the study df curriculum. of the 71a'. of our own pro- "In view of your background and grams." Say You Saw It In The Star - Traffic Crashes Take lives of 2,489 Floridians During 1972- Gain Shown Traffic cras-,: [n Ir.n;'\. hilgh- influence of alcohol and -: .. i. ways during 'f' ".., lives or a combination of both . of 2,489 person. a five Careless acts, such as failure to - and one-half :.:: _jt '*-.:e over give proper stop and turn signals, , 1971 said the Florida Highway Pa- changing lanes without an: a r s.iL s I' trol this week..' H h. P 'passing at intersections, f.:. !.. - According to Patrol records, too' closely or. driving' in the wrong nearly c"5 ,-.r. .,i'r.r:. were injur- lane are "highway irritants" , 6d-in -auto accidents during 1972 lead to accidents. which is over 10,000 more than the "The alert driver knows that in- I previous year. the total traffic safE* .- "A of.. < -: o all acci- there ae no minor v 'i dents investigated by Patrol only ."" :.r consequences " cers result fron . aIs :. .said Colonel Eldrige *:. from a major con- "", Bea h, P: director, '. ]' a cluded beach. large percentage *; A t "" are caused by *,l'-.r'' L.,' -r L ____ Scotch Foursome Listen.vury imbd Sunday At Club bmIo e m SThere will'be a Scotch four some Sunday,, January 28 at' th. n V health atal or .elk Weahui.30tBJJ St. Joseph Bay Country Club. s Knw u imsM 6 i6ni-W iiid Uiyo -^ Tee-off time 1will be 1:00. Those toeAk0a tA fkf 10 wishing to participate may sign up | in wdm ofhrtfS- lwim st .- (o now in the Pro Shop. All entries must be in by Friday, January 26. a .4NA 'Excellent prizes will be award- i VEHEAR FUND ed to the winners. rW ROBERSON'S I NT GROCERY S "PORE BOY'S CORNER" SIN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. 1 SPECIALS FOR .Streak Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 25, 26, 27 e. Concave design . S' INo. 1 Irish A POTATOES---- 10ibs. 89c Chiquita B mmagaisos'e Georgia Grad ,"A" SMALL EGGS- Pride of Georgia No. 2/2 Cans PEACHES------ 3,cans 89c Firm Head Lettuce --------head 29c 5 Lb. Bag Robin Hood FLOUR 59c lb.- 3 10c Dozen 89c Pal 88 0. Jug Cooking Oil jug $1.29 Standard TOMATOES -- 5 cans $1.00 5 Lb. Bag With $10.00 Order SUGAR 49t PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station JUMBO 'OLLS0 BOUNTY TOWELS Rolls $1.00 Full Cut 1. Blade Cut Round Steak l-----b. $1.19 Chuck Roast -------b. 69c Tender, Delicious Choice Beef 7-Bone STEAK -----lb.' 89c Sirloin Steak lb. $1.39 Shoulder Meaty Rib Beef Roast ------- lb. 99c Stew Beef --- lb. 59c All Meat 3-Down Small Stew Beef, lb. $1.09 Pork Ribs --------l Ib. 89c CURED HAMS Ib. Fresh Ground Every Day Hamburger Shank 59c IT1 Portion Butt Portion lb. 65c 3 Ibs. $1.69 .AGE SIX E STAR, Port St. Joe, Ftroda THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 .LaFrance-Russell Rites Held Miss 'Donna Ann LaFrance, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald E. LaFrance of McClelland Avenue and Robert E. Russell, IH, son-of Mr. and Mrs. Elwood' P. Russell of Largo, were married. ..Satprday, December 30 in. the. ::";'First United. Methodist Church" [ ..:of. Port, St. Joe. The .Rev.' Millard Spikes per- formed the 2:00 p.m. ceremony. The bride wore a gown' of chif-. '. fon in an empire A-line silhou-.. ettes. Venise lace formed "the'. ""small standup collar and edgd ithe sheer yoke. Venise lrE' ip- . phqu~a were sprinkled .oV'er the. bodice and a.ppeare'i at th-e'~ -. pire waist. Wide .pf:. br -derTd .:.. in' lacec r. e.r tb, fU Ei:.h- op, sleeves.. Soft g-srtn ifll' Tofrol .the back ,flowing into ', ', eep .bp: train. A cap. of Venise lace held her elbow length veil and she carried a bou- quet'of yellow roses and white mums. Miss Donna Beasley of Atlan- ta, Georgia was maid of honor. SElizabeth LaFrance, -sister of bride, and Lisa Russell, sister of the groom,'were 6:;.3'rai. ,. 'Mr. Russell served his son as best man. \David and. Richard. , Pope 'of .DeFuniak Springs. ush- Ser d. . h, e bride's parents were hosts follow rm g th. :ase ;_..r:,::" Mr.nd' Mr- RusselL-.will.liv .,' :,- ::-,- R' e is a . .at fl..ir h.i .e University ma- . .r rin in ~- r n and is .em-. ',, j,.".' by Montgomery, ', -;,.. .MR~and RS.I~'~',LFT ~ fU. J-*Y.[II' .,V hY 0?,M' c3 etioBa ch W hy Three of I'*IiA.It"tI rp Iis r' inexc usable and r ra-i.-Prtoitoi.as 1' oit Jainuary' .~.~~I'; i ilu-ib- t a reguai~r 3tvX "u, i) t.b READ THESE FACTS' (CAN TMSHISA~PEN TO YOU? DEATH Threats! VICIOUS Vandoliv' Aspersion on CHARACTER'. I f, :..A,_ Missler was the. target ** : *. anonymous and. vicious phone.call : ..- bI" I '. ' January.9, 1973. The .il '.peatld 3 times -t,- '..-: hisk band wup Ii..- KILLEDO iF h ti .fCd d ti'. r-al.i.r CciImil AK-et- ing that night! . Mr. Missler has been active in h: to have HONEST .~d' FAIR Government in the ..' .f v.;: :. -... The V.'. !-.'-z havebeeni long time residents :f .: M...,::'.: -. e ." r_.r r in 1959. i / '" i Mr. Edgar A Z tvie minded, r; *,>'; rd : .. : citizen was -:... .:.. to H. M..LAT." and r. cr. his good character and integrity when during '..:.,, meeting, Mayor Charles Guilford' 'I.. the, following state- ment to Mr. Field. -rOT "ItC r'I .l::. tQ me by * man Lightfoot that Mr. Field was ...' ,to bring a.wea;' :, t..-, the meeting tonight. Now -Mr. Field, f wduld'ask you, have you. brought a ,v.,.'p.:. to the meeting tonight?" Such an irresponsible i 701.i statements, tend to" nipugn in the reputation of the person to whom it is directed. Mr. John Philbin, ,owner- nad' operator of the' i ' Motel in Mexico Beach, another prominent, outspoken and active, citizen, in civic affairs; trying to correct im-. proper and -questionable practices of the city government found when he left at the end of the council 'meeting that his red Cadillac (which was parked, in front of the town hall) had been [ spray-painted with green paint; an .irresponsible act of van- dalism. FREE SPEECH?? Obviously all these reprehensible ac- tions were not the work of one person. What has happened to the right of FREE SPEECH, when civic minded citizens are subjected to such outrageous actions when they attempt to speak out at council meetings? THINK ABOUT IT! Mr. and Mrs. Citizen! A series of Public Announcements and news stories are being planned to enlighten citizens of Mexico Beach. Also suggested is that you attend every council meeting you can. (Paid Adv.) '^^^* ^---* Mrs. Sanborn Hosts Meeting 9 Gulf Students On Dean's List Nine~~ ~ GufCunysuenswr Of Xi Epsilon Nine Gulf County students wareI Church of God among the. 319 Gulf Coast Com- lUrI O 0d '.' The Xi EF.ilr. Kappa chapter munity College students receiving t S, of Beta Sigma Phi held its regular recognition for academic accom- PlanS Revival bi-monthly rel;. g on January 16 plishment during the fall semester, at .ms cf '..-: unborn, according to College officials, The Church of God in PJF- A- irng h ..l ,, ;s as pres- The students were honored by ,land View begins revival series' ,i.e tf.. ?:.ty S.. .-i r. Opening being named to the Colle' Prp- Sunday night, January 28 at 6:p0 F'.f dent's ad, Dean's list. Tc . p.m. The services Will :..:,' :. *- .-'.. s : List stude' each. night.at 7:00 pm. .reports achieve at least a 375 g -,. Evangelist Anne Barfield wll .,,...' .. on a system wh . be ministering in each service. .'. '... ." P, a '4.0for all A's, To Rev. Barfield is an '.. : ...' : an. L.. -' ... a 3 --inister in the Church of God. ~,- ,; 'r;-,,-* I Samuel Grace of Port . She- '...:.',, resides inm ., :. ... cumulated the -' .*' :-- where her .'*. ', Rev. .' the studen6- : Barfield, is pastor. d .. -.- .... '..... t. o the .: 1-. 1 T,.chturch-and its past-..' ? ; .'"* -.-l, '' ". -.' -1_ o7 .;.::, offer ,a .' : .. .. .. ." .11 '. -E . S,',' -:.,'., ryone to atten . Those r Port St .j. L ay' m' en'- ,_" "- .... .. z. "-' to the -D-ea,.s_ list ,. S ,'"laymen..S:.peak''.'ing. t''**' t n ji .:.-:*,," ",, Atlong Ave. Church -s "s tc i, iv z-,'-.';': f ,w ill _place T., .- .:... '.-..7 -;t i :' .: :.: r- ,E. : = :T.: .... .. .. an. .. . phasis on the nen of the church leg ):....:r ':.. . . as '.r-< ,. Avenue Baptist Church ,. 'I F. e of ' join M o her '' .': in t. -- r : '. 7. .. the r--. ,* r,-' ,. in recognizing 2- m t.g ; _', '- .:.,r .:--: ti i .-:'. r.fr- ay. which involved all members pres- Lst ".a 3 23 average A '.: ,Myers, a -, ent , City automobile dealer will fill *-.::1 -.ss e Cl: Piiu e tL' f/';-,t Sunday morning, F.'.t.IF ar t,' c;ps, members FD People .L-...:- j.!:r an insurance ifcp-I enjoyed social hour. T. t l1PIE .....- enoed social, hour S : f the Long Avenue E'.r.-. JoAnn V : ,the hostess. o ' will fill the cho i ot for the P.-uiary 6 ..'.'' and The White Departwr " '- '-- .-" : ,. po :r, ,- : -:'. this week issued a v T' .' i for . -- ---....._ ....._ ...- ..... ..-....-., in the area to, sty ., 0:.(-" fire and firetru. First Baptist Church 'Plans full Day 'o o. S' closer and in cases where . Of Events un ay to Honor Their en P don't heed the request, the' S. : :. Department will be called. T'' F .r:t. r 't 'hj1 .r Port singing gthe: 'Christian tes- Hardy aid the move is being *St. Joe t.,1l 2o ob 7' 'n E p:t tItro., b' m-'eral men. Rev. made to protect on-lookers from ft..:.'. Day, Sunday, \Ja r,,.' i .r I De.'/.'~t T fMl .u:v, Jr., pastor, en- pssiblq *harm and also to give the Th:'..'..' of churchesti...', 'L n ;[,i c-'I "-' to l firemen ample ropm to .do . the, ';:,.fhrx Ba.:t Convent.on -a he ,sea .r','Ier;. Iwor . ,-. re'gnue their .me.n duriDg ..........- ,"'.A.a .nLi t .ii' d,, Th( &r"l, I- .sef aside wEor.Aaly fo ericomJrJ.ge .churches "to' hoor- the Lord t, ag-if, i,.t Vto the life and ' -.',L'o of th ih ,':L .trch.- at the church with SoT',,' 4/ ..r 'Z of Kendrick-Meyers Oldsmobile, S .;-.a (. ,' as guest speaker. The' *' ,.:.r-:KL. service at 11:00 a.m'., will find the choir.loft of men only:sing- : 1 ' ing 7,';.'1e: to God's name. .'es :..., a ,. : 'of the'7 ,.r .will be bringing the lay- man's day. message during the ... worship hour. In the ',ve- ning worship ':..' which begins at 7:30 p .mo, there will be special Teachers Attend Sorority Meeting Final -. V. St: -Joe1 Jnuary .e ... r .of, .- ' ..of Clearance SAhonorary ll ladies, Girl educators, which was All e, "Tewahitchkt HighI Se;: * nuary 20. 'Apprc- "F.- S .60 members 'a e. ' .,: luncheon which was , -.-.' the Wewahitlka 7 .'M ERC H Meditation was give r Fite. The program. "'Ir - S hat Fuse A i" by. Fay Ramer who I t I --;with other members portray- . -.1.--ientities 1 /4.-:.; ,^. .' Sour culttire. A token-of appreCatibn'.was pre 5A. to :-'" Laid for her lea- i SAL.ES CASI :':'.and hard work toward __. ....'. ma mg a .great success. of the . chanter's exhibit at the Jr. Museum in Panama City. The most "- ' gift was a large art print', -'. . Which Work for' Others" ' It was announced that the exhi- ' bit on pioneer life in America will .. remain at the museum until March "Your Store of QL 23 where it may be viewed by .. Sr o * groups of school children on week- ' days and is open to' the .':. i: 'on Saturday and Sunday afternoons . from 2 to 4:30 p.m. VICA Club Selling Fish Dinners Saturday The VICA Club of Port St. Joe figh School will be sponsoring aa the Centennial Building. The club will be serving a fish plate consisting of fried fish, cole slawo bread and drink for $1.25. Serving will begin at 11:00 a.m. Those not able to attend or pick up a dinner may have them de- livered by calling 229-2222. Two Local Studets On FSI Dean's List More than 2,00 Florida State academic average fo "A" or "B University students earned Dean's during the term. List honors in the fall quarter, ac- cording to reports just released by the Office of the Registrar. To qualify for the Dean's List, students must achieve an overall Port St. Joe students making the necessary qualifications to be in- cluded in the Dean's List were Ronald L. Cox, 409 Madison Street and Carole S. White, 1008 Garri- son Avenue. Shirley's Fabrics Would like :-to take' this opportunity to! Thank all of their Customers We' would als' like to ',arhounce WE WitLL BE OPENING THURSDAY, JANUARY 25 S' the new name of THE SEWING CENTER 1. A. -1 at 225 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe We extend an invitation to all 6f you to visit us at our new, convenient location. You will be pleased to discover we still offer warm and I-' 1 service, ,"i.:' fabrics and Factory, Outlet Prices. When you think of sewing, think of THE SEWING CENTER. ... l! I l f i:.1 -i. SMARY KENT i Owners and i -c,:.,1.r . ./ " : i .. / I r ".9 - THE STAR Port St. Joe, Florida THURSmAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 , 1 , REBEKAH LDODGG OFFICERS- Standing, left -.. s Wynn, Elizabeth Joned- E aIor- ailiams .w L^ - Roberson, .F -;i Gar.dner Fa nie Mae .i L Lois L Samuel G. Hendrix About Mexico Taken by Death Samnel G. Hendrix, Cassville, f yGeorgia, died Monday, January 15 Sh following an extended illness. Survivors include three sons: Dr. by HELEN: ST. JOHN Wayne Hendrix, Port St. Joe, Dr. Paul' Hendrix. of Wytheville, Vir- ginia and Hugh Hendrix of Carters- ville, Georgia; seven grandchildren Becky, Holly and Judy Hendrix of Lt. Xichardson of- the Depart- the Dstdict Corps of Engineers in Bky, Holly and Judy Hendrix of r_ !-i ,. ", ..e ...r,'. regular maintenance programs. POrt St. Joe, David, Sammy. and r. ?1 -0.. : ; .1 regulhr maintenance programs M ariann'Hendrix of -'. --.lle. Center connected with the Corps lrariann Jilendrix of .'..' tie. Center connected with the Cos Lt Richardson suggested. the Va., and Jane Hendrix of Carters- of Engineers, is in the process of of. g equsipmienth to solve tshe o townm not do away with the current ville, Ga. - -..: -E"equipment to solve the in-m. n enhance iRichard- :* :-.. Il were .. *"d let samd erosion problem that isa m ; Rh wr prevalent on all the astlines of son stopped by Mexico Beach on at 2:00 p.mo Tuesday of last week prevalent on all the coastal hines of way to Tallahassee to obtain from the Cassville 2 Church the united States. ; ,- necessary clearance r- with the Rev. J. A. Hollis officiat- 14 7._ ":. :.::* .was here to in''.mitK He informed local., tfIL:; A ing. Interment was in r'.r -Moun- : -.- ,' ,. 1J. :r. r ;a- i'". .x ':. I equipment to be installed ',. -::'.. Cherokee OCi'.t . ica Beach' car. : : t r" ,- e-. -." undergoing model lab. Mr. Hendrix was born November :z.'ed as one of the test sites i:.r' oratory at the Engineer's 27, 1882, a son of the late Mr. and this cl..:.pmr-.: type .y ...::.. research and .. ...'i center Mrs. .: .r' Hendrix. He was a re- KHe also said they expect to start ii V 'ur i. Miss. -~ .businessman. installation procedures June '' SGuilfordwas told th Gulf Association for Retarded Children not be a project that will en! x* 1 sure permanent' maintenance t W ill Mee Tuesd daCy 1 liniC ,i "'::.-. but rather a test, of and procedures. Ti The. new. : .. Mrs. Lawrence Marie ., JeanetteLee, Sims n A.i ,-e -. :-., Seated, left to organization is : and devel- .Ester ; : Kgi'.,e ,: '.i: ., Margaret Shirah, VC',i'. Hs rrrioT Pearl opment ,part of the Corps of En- S ', '-. L -',L i -.. and not associated, with .. ',* y 1 n o t ahs Seat New Slate of Offiers by MAPY ..T .P.,.. t..A .....t .. Lodge Mr: Pearl Whitfield was seat- ',r o ".'.he:..-.,,: Legion ed i N;AL 'f M i:l "ILe- : *I *. bak'ah L/. ili;^ .I.:- Ly 4E j. ;. ,; .. V/ ;*'' ;* ^ ^ / , Join us for SUNDAY DINNER I 11 .0 AM A o M 10 P. M featuring ... ,_ ROAST PRIME RIB of BEEF au j BAKED CHICKEN with our Special Dre FRESH SELECT OYSTERS (Or your cbhnck of S.-.food& Steaksor Chops fron R: qular Menu) , SERVED IN i bl, NEWLY Yi',-,:AT' 1' 'i;t i fr AT MOT EL .ST. JE in Port St. Joe The ':.'., other van- tagiv o' : -- ,:, dec- , ', in red and white flowers, a.i red roses, Mrs. 7' '..i .. *id*. ~ ,' d. Misses I- 'i' '. S,'... -the. u C Mks. Marie: Wynn o *d the .- -.- : officer' and o td'A Mr' Shirley 17k ,. District D '.,,' President 'of L.-,'-U 2 anda her staff. The staff '-r":t:I ci Deputy Mar- / hal, Mrs. Stei aChe :'Dmf. Dep- .. 'Wirdeh, T.'r: .G .rr T-'.Tker, ., .',. ut ., '- ,' r Secretary, us- y C' Dean; Deputy Finan- S ." .' .L-:" r1.s.,.t.';".t ',, Mrs. Reba Bass; ssing i, ML A :c' -i._ :; :"' Deputy Musi-' cian, Mrs..Lois r=,- 1E, Deputy ..d ,,-;r ..:.,,. M s. Hazel. S'l. .. ,'' ',. :::.ds Guardian, Sour .Mrs.' Estella Parramore. ; 1'"72 officers surrendered to the ers. . ,Miss 7. ni. n Jones was Bible ".-.:.. :; Mrs: J Webb S- .' '.. Ceremonyto: the :r, E J off Noble. :'' Mrs. T1' W*T-...' '.:': Vice, Grand, Mrs. Violet H r.''.- =...: :*- -.... r. Co .r. SMrs ..- r Williams; Financial Secretary, Mrs. '.- 'ikv . er, Treasurer, Mrs-. A 1 i '. son. The f..": Z ..' 'bffi- cers were then called to the floor Conductor, Mrs. Flora *Long; .T'' o, 7o H- : , SChaplain, P:3i Faye Gardnesi;..' Musician, Mrs.. Lois D'.aniell' SC'Alo: E'r-r, Mrs. Fannie Mae McMillian; R. S. to Noble'-Grand, Mrs.. Jessie Owens; L. S. f6 Noble Grand, Mrs. Mamie Lou. Dare;. R. .S.'to. 'Vice Grand,' Mrs. Jea- nette Lee; L.. S.-to Vice Grand, Mrs. Ester Roberson; Inside, e..,x ,? Mr, n s.' lI. : ,.i t Sho rah! Sahd Outside G'Jai an M Eli- zabeth Jones.., Mrs. Whitfield's: acceptance speech was orA. of gtatiude anid concern for ieriing and claim ing, new rner-nh'd : for ?~ l~'Ay, Lodge.'She 'u..A bti- r:-an; children and g r a n childrenn'' along with Lady Ina,Dan Rijs-' sin from Holland. Mrs. Marian '.. ';'..l sang, "He Touched Me" and dedicated it"to1 her mother-in-law. -. * Mrs. Violet Hi~:Lon r n. y -1 ed her husband, daughter a r,d son-in-law, and p1.g.'d l.y...7ty and support to MiT. 7,'tfiE "i I- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r -.~- ~~- _I_ _ -If you can be comfortable a few degrees cooler, you can save good money on heating. It's dow'l iiht v- mzing what you can save in heating costs once you set. ,your rPind to it. It's simply a matter of setting your , thermostat at the lowest temper- . ature comfortable to you. 6" Check our diagram. Then check :5c your thermostat. o' And if you'd .like a whole book- . ful of-ways to use electricity : more efficiently, pick up our 07o Hclpful Hints booklet at your . nearest. Florida Power office. /- o It's not only helpful. ,700 It's free. e '-..- Florida Power CORPORATION arice speech. Mrs. Jeanette Lee gave ;the Junior Past Noble tn,r..i . charge to her ,. : Mrs. Marie Wynn and pinned the Past Noble Grand's Pin over her '. ', " A '. A t .'*. style dinner "was. served to guests from Port St. Joe," '-. ... ., . Panama.' City Lynn Haven and Amsterdam, Holland. nation or '.: *,, : .k i .. ,, l hold its meeting at'-7:30.'-'Weneed ..* *..:'..- who will' p.m. 6niT,.::,' r.. :re- is'a job for all. the :' '. :.. : r e an ac- offices; IV.-'. : J.".." t, '. r b .s- like to Port St. 1:: : .L.- 'r' is an inactive mem- tS F '. L .r- ".-Vr : -.-..,,- .. i', t'. only $5.00 mai has ", ...... r 11 .. interested- in in : Ii I for H .* I w e. w .e still have only a few ,/members' And .. ....r' ot forts .. that. the r ,; .. .,, ', .. be carried "' .' ... .' .ih 'the needs of the S,,' ... retarded are urged to to : r;on January f ,: Mrs' Mille Lyles or S '.. Lawrence said. A CLASSIFIFD ADSI Mi4g0t Investmesan Thit YIeld Giant Retwo l S FALL a .d WINTER S! ': U2I Clearance SI of Our Fine Fabrics Taffetas yd. $1.19 Cotton Broadclot-h -----yd. $1.19 Polyester Linings --------yd. $1.49 1\00% 'Polyester Interfacing -yd. 49c DOUBLE KNITS I,: i .; 2\ a 0, f , YAI. $1.98 Crushed Velvet yd. $2.25 Double Knit .-- yd. $1.29 I,'i', .l.aquard ;rid Plainm . DOUBLE KNITS P.g $4.25 and $5 25 YA $3.49 r. ,..Lr'l- d abie Corduroy yd. $1.97 Acrylics --- yd. $1.69 tL? f 1 y'Id pieces Sculptured Velvet yd. $2.39 100% Polyester Reg. $4.50 Yard Bonded Crepe yd. $3.47 Reg. $2.25 Quilted for Housecoats 100% Polyester yd. $1.89 Just Arrived! Spring and Summer Knits ON DISPLAY TODAY FOR THE FIRST TIME! VERY LARGE SELECTION OF TRIMS .. ALL COLORS! Thames Fabrics 304 EID VENE POT ST JO PAGE SEVEN I.. S,.;- 7 c *t-a % ,,d Fake Fur Bonded Knits I .. r.,'.3 '-. .i F ', i .; yd. $yd. 4.50 yd $1.49 Fr- .t <' ,IaI .y Double Knits - F.e,s 13, S O' Yard -3c inch ---~ ~ ~ I I ~ . " 304 REID AVENUE PORT ST. JOE , ,-i THE STAR. Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 the Bank with a 172 game and 4741 Series. Mary Alice LonBlind Workers Will a W *Ing "series for St. Joe Kraft. , it .00 Changes In Social S -. StC Joe Furniture won three and lost on eto St. Joe Stevedores. Con- ta gratulations goes to Brenda Mathis "A worl i, who is blind or sta _____ _________ -who went completely wild for St. tutortly ti' i h will benefit from a Joe Furniture with a big 240 game recent chage in the social secur- "- !and 576 series. Loyce eBaman led ity law,"- David Robinson, Social the 'Stevedores with a 174' game : J '..: -- -:"-. for. ,L.....* '" *' _and 476 series. ': ,. -- ::-. 3aid this week. S ourf utLadies Leagu .'ames from Bowen's Cowgirls. n W L Robinson stated that a person W et dr n -t J n : .. M ary W hitfield was high bowler, F .. "ank 45% 26% r ': -,. .. finition of blind .. r h Janudry T .. .. ,. .. Ma ch ky WAIltm Allay I as won, three, game and 77 .seres. Irene Bur1 r and Trophy ------45. 27 .. or a heck gAi tes. nd .5 .s onet Cot o.rt-r -ett had a 135 gane and Sherry t. Joe -Furniture .'2 ;30 - Nor Hob,: -ed the A.y Kats ; s 1. d a, 345 series for the, 2 ----. 38 34 If is or statutor with a big 'i,,`1 gm9rnv and 471 ser-"- ,,--': St Joe Kraft --------37 ...' to be i~s Mry r,.,;*r, a-shigh.bowler .-" Joe ': ---r::6 -- 3% 35% insured to. receive : . Ei Ca.frtr: ..ti a 170 ,gme --Florida First National Bank -;a: .'illiams': Kats -_ 36 36 : ; he will need to and 4 .: ,;; fs.. S :.oe Kraft :.:t. with each. ti-em Bowen's Cowgirls ----- 64 -: -. ne quarter of social_ 'Shit a r T.. took all four t'rng two games. Lois Smith lea / f- : :- .. .:/,.:. :. for .: -. elaps- -"-- *---...--. ." -'- ." i'4 -.r D', 1 up to :- year he L ADIES COFFEE LUEAGUE. -: u :. ':led:. I the person Apalachicola ..i'.:r. took all reached age 21 : -.: '5, he would four games from Margaret's Beau-count the quarters needed by be-' *hrcm q ty, Salon in bowli g actlom.this ginning with the-year he reached _. .. .. w .', week. Hazel had a'high game of age 22 and ending with the year 171 and she also had the high ser- 'ie became ::::-' He could iesfor AN'of 4W. Electra lhad a. ,v-. with as little as six quar- * ,... high game of 131 and Aril a high 0 :. .140.. series of 352 . SPte's' wa all gassed up, l ch O Men .. and-ready to go as they grabbed all . v fi'ir ?-'-,;frcr:. Top Dollar. Bren- .. '*- :..*^* ^f ,a^r *da M.,was hot and bowled high .Monday, January 29 ...- . Benefit from Recent Security Laws ters of'coverage. For more information, visit or call your local social ::-.-- ; of- fice. The office for this area is located at 1316 Harrison Ave., Pan- ama '.;.'. and the office is open Monday h*."h .-i'n Friday from 8:30' a.m. to-4:30 p.m., except on na- tional Ibi h , Judy Hendrix On Oxford Merit list Oxford College of Uni- : announced this week that Miss .. E. :-:-:. of Pbort St Job, made the Merit List for the Fall Quarter, 1972. This is ,a ': academic achievement, equivalent to what is' known as the Dean's List on some campuses CARD OF THANKS Our hearts are overflowing with words we cannot express to all of our friends in all -of our churches Chili con care, cheese toast,. yur yers MI ur .ajness. game of 177 t:- the high ser- .. ies of 470 for Pates. Faye Pope was carrots, raisin and' spple slaw, We want to thank all who sat hour high for Top Dollar with a gaie ols with white I r. after hour with Emmett The con- of. 166 and, a 425 series. i ~ ,,n lk cern of Dr. Wayne Hendrix and of. 16 6 and a c sei es. -4 5 j I Tuesday, January 30 the good nurses here were appre- On lanes five and ix, Pollock's ti '. f -.,'-i ifsh, tartar :<--i coated. The care of the doctors and took three out of four 'games from grits, cabbage slaw with mayon- nurses in Bay Memorial, Dr. S. A.. Ralph and } =r;r' Mary Whitfield naise, fruit' cup, 'cornbread and Daffin and his fellow doctors who had the high game for P,',.'. :: of milk. : worked with Emmette were very I 9 *:' -iJso hIad the 'high series of Wftesday, January 31 ,. patient and conscientious. 418 Erye Cox was tops foir Ralph i '." fE. .t mixed vegetables, God is a great God and 'we do and H-i :..' : with a high:- game of .:.nro' 4T1ii-. with .mayonnaise, thank Him for His mercy and love. 159 and also hda a big. series ~f .r:':.rs '.L aad, lemon pudding The many beautiful cards, flow- 447. r. e A:':.r:.' and milk. ers from our friends were a cheer " Wewa Bank and' B&D. had to Thu,.dy.. February 1- to our hearts. May our Lord bless postpone. P 'i.. ''-u., pink or lima each and every one of you. The Standings W L tn.,, r....ration salad with food that been brought, to us since A N Railro d ----- 58 6 Fr.na i,' :irg, fruited Jell-o, we've been home was most apprec- Pate's Shell 46 18 cookies, rolls and milk. iated. Ralphand Henry's ld 46 18 Frida y. February 2 Thps.- from the bottom of. our Cii." Claeners -- 34 30 Turkey with dressing and gravy, h'. ,- 'r every one of you who. Wewa Ban '24 ,36 cr.rhrry sauce, : t.'..,?:- tomato have been so dear to us during all Top Dollar --- 19 '45 th ayonnaise,broccoli, apple- of our trials. B&D rl'.' 1'_ .. ------- 313 47- sauce ".t ,-t- ... .7 Jell-o, bread BELL and EMMETTE ;, ',, E'A..------- 12 52 'd L.,,ilkL - 'SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR - Truck- Load Buying Is Living rProof THAT ROCHE'S nd FRIGIDAIRE ARE ACCEPTED for QUALITY MERCHANDISE and SERVICE In the PORT ST. JOE TRADE AREA lill lIIIIIIII IIri l*IlAlla iII II"ll*l i l~ll *I *1 1 ,,,,,.n.n,,,,,,,,,,,, n..I '' n....I. . It reduces normal household trash to about one quarter its original volume. For 'safety, -it won't operate until yoduinsert the locking key."- :,iti-.' push button controls and a glide-out drawer. Only 15" wide and counter high. ROCHE'S is Gulf County's only dealer with full-time factory-trained service men and a full line of parts for everything we sell. ROCH'S FURNITURE and THE FRIGIDAIRE LAUNDRY CENTER Washes and dries family -size loads in just two feet of space, safely and dependably. M Yet it runs 'on conventional 120 volt house- -e hold current, plugs right into any 3-prong wall outlet on a separate 15 amp branch cir- cuit. So you can put it to work wherever you have adequate plumbing and venting. APPLIANCES Your FRIGIDAIRE Dealer for 32 Years 209 'REID AVENUE I. _ I I -- ---- ---- -~ ----~~~ --- -- -- I Build one yourself. ..... ...... - I, i ,. Jet-age mechanics is just one of many technical skills the Air Force can teach you. The Air Force offers many different career fields, froni Medical to Missile Maintenance to Music. The point is, the Air Force can train'you in a skill that the whole rd finds useful. Your Air Force Representative SGT. TED PER'RIN Has the details See him each Tuesday from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Post Office or call. Panama City 763-1301 . PHONE 227-5271 PAGE~i EJGBT rHE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 PAGE NINA Specials for Jan. 22 through 27'" FROSTY MORN SLIC M LI K Tau, . Cans. 5 79c Pillsbury -8 Oz. Cans- Biscuits 4 Kraft M., + 6-Stick D - 03 BACO0 Eton Butt Pork Roast Bosto P.u'i Pork Steak Pork Loin -Tablril.U All Meat Franks lb. 78 For Sale - |13 Bedroom House Located At Wjittc City . Approximately 2 Acres Land With Barn anl Large Concrete Block Store 'Building $18,500.00 i 41 Acres of Land For Sale, .huck- nt C Chuck k0 SSteak Ib.OOC b. 88fst Links $1.88 lb-. 98c a us Q..r ';Smoked 2 LB.BAG The 9Sausage $18 *' < I*- Pl . 58c It o Cans 99 99" m : 3 pkgs. 29c Sea Pak -or -.. 4 ., . SHRIMP DINNER -- pkg. 69c IGA CLING PEACHES 3 C 2ans 89.- . Ga. Grade 'A' G G S ^FREE 1doz. EGGS FREE MARGARINE I lb. pkg. 39c SQUASH- OKRA POLE BEANS CAULIFLOWER- STRAWBERRIES, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES SGOLEN r-IPE Bananas C Lb. 2 Doz. Free with $35.00 Order' STI DE GIANT'PKG.58c DETERGENT Ivory Liquid 32 Oz. / Bottle49ci S, CO 1 Lb. P . Crackers 39 BAMA Mayonnaise QT'ARP JAR 58c 2 Lb. Can Max. House (COFFEE SWith ?1' f'OOrder orV More 4$ i $ 1 . I, TOMATO JUICE can 39c LYSOL SPRAY 14 oz $1.19 Pork and Beans 4 cans V .; '.- :' -- No. 303 Cans' . GREEN BEANS 3 cans G Early Juie No. 303 Cans IGA PEAS 3 cans LuiTEA BAGS 10 99 TEA BAGS 100 ct. 99c COFFEE 4oz.jar $1.19, F 1 t E. 4 o I . Peanut Oil 88 -.: JAR $1.99 2 L.! U P:... I '.,,, Bathroom IGA O GE 12 Oz. Cans Tablerite Lean ( I OUNI Chuck lb. 98c Juice W WA F L ES 3 A I.:R,; T Hold $. V ., HAIR SPRAY 13 oz. $1.69 Reg. or Lemon F $125 TAME RINSE 8 oz. 88c White Rain -:. Lemon or. T.. Val) SHAMPOO 014 oz. 88c TISSUE 3 89c LISTEN TO WJOE RADIO for WEDNESDAY SPECIALS from 2 til 6 FRESH JUICY FIPI!:ll'A i emple Oranges Tangelos DOZEN 1. 1L'OZ. N BAG TANGERINES 39c * ITALF BUSHEL BAG ORANGES T AN G E 1L0 S Navel ORANGES *2 . 1% Lb. Bag JUICY KUMQUATS bag 29c 'Complete Line of , Flower Seed, Garden Seed, Seed Potatoes, Fertilizer Potting Plants Plastic $ . HANGING PLANTER $1.59 QUARTER BUSHEL BAG TANGELOS 1 ^^ T A G$ R I.NE S ORANGES-- *0 GARDEN FRESH CORN HOME GROWN FRESH TOMATOES 559c 5 Ears 9 lb. 29c CompIei y Home OWned Wd iiprated by E. J. Rich and Soirins SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY!I 99c 79c 69c IGA EVAIt01'OIATr-,IK -- ---- --- ---- -- I, I 1__1 DAIRY BUY - A-;6vE cjisH Atf Rtch~'SvL-;' '-':wor:~t~rj~ f THE STAR. Port ft. Joe, Florid. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 SEAL YEAR PAGE TM l al Adv. David Langston Still Drawing Honors; gm : Ad ow Conference Player of the Week IN THE CIRCTT ..CnT, ,l CIRCUITOF THE TE' David' Langston, Drake guard last week. ; OF FLOIDA, IN AND FOR' fom Port St. Joe,. was named the. .Langston, senior co-captain of CLAn IA ~~TERS DOC sasMIorin Valley Conference's play- 'the squad, enjoyed his best game LA i HADDO er-of-the-week Monday for his -r- of the'season in the EjjMogs' 91- -vs-fr-- formances against league foes New 79 victory at W.t-~ Tex-i SSte .... e CURTIS F WES. Mexico State and West Texas State 'urday. He scored 27 points; includ- Defenda'iL -... m-TLrake-" lurs*,,t,. t.,t-, hRi- NOTICE OF ACTION a --, ,,* '. ; . TO-: Curtis Sowers you in the above styled Court and i-g on 11 tf .:hos r~c o, : 50 Grady Street you are required to serve a copy of field.' Langston, i;.:-imer star for T l-W.dlee, Georgia 31792 your wntten defere'. if any, to Gulf C- ?.. unior oile-s in Pan-. S A NOTIFIED That an he Fetitiol on the Ptitioner's At- O- fit also h.- defensive Sactio ,- P1h A Georgia Judg, t rney, Fred N Witten, whose ad- ..- ,. .- t, Buffaloes' I.n1 t j e dE.nd .odJ saSide d; s j. P..O .0 B.. 87, Port St. Joe, - .as'Ga. &5cust M nas in d'against FiAi$da M2456, ',- or before -Feb- jL. -u. :-C'-cin Tommy Jordan . ..fot pa dd, 'u se uirMe o .'serT ru lfl73. and file the original .-:.. .in the secondd b'i-Ji :- ''i a cbpy of y.'uir, 'wIteh'ef'isws.f with the Clerrk. of thP Court either for the game, be:ow ir:: ,.,:: - 'any, to-ni on fon C.cil-G. C.din. before .eric. r, Fettioner's At- averae Jr. Blaintfi AMtorney, whoge v.-rmy or imm ,;itely thereafter, a 'v Adis 22- .4 Aenae, Fort v...ie a default wll be enter- Earlier in the week at New Mex- oilzrida -op 'r before 'the' ed against you for the relief de- i State Langston scored 17 f py of.Febrpary AD 1973, and ma.,';,d in the Petition. .: S .', to n s r . file- the d4inmp with the Clerk of Dit. his 2nd day of January, f.. h ile .! -.: .. Drake to -a 75-- i This Court either before service on A.D. 1973. ". In, its first road W'~y, in :Plaitiff's Attorney 'r imr"mdiat.- GEORGE Y. CORE ; played anothe'iout-I "l1,.thrfjter. tlhe:,i,:,r .* fefa.lt Ce, .Nrcoit'Court : defensive game and was Yll be entered.ag iu tL. o-ru fr, the 'AL A( 1 4 rele'f define in the, CoFml.paint a- with six assists in each or Petition.. OTICE'TO BID contest. SI0.h a3d tdayof C BID-- NO. 136 Langton continues to lead the JuTy (A %':71 ay .The Ci of It St. 3 -: scoring with a 16.1 aver- GEfR,;F, V. COR ...i.s. r -- :..'. ;,::.- : with 56. Clerk of Circuit Court V r It. ? kcs t d U~r.-e hos 't: -' Texas State J r rIninh'urT rtiP.ctifrn?' |Thursday and Wichita State. Satur- .- 50 i4ler'Tarkl--.r' 'f 4" clay day i'' a 'pair of league games. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT q' '-' i pea :p are 9-4 on the year S.. F TiE FOURTEENTH J ,r: ae in L t h.- ... ' DICIAL. CIRCUIT IN AND 'Th ,s; of P-.. S. Joek Florida ain: 2-1 in Valley play. 'FOR GULF COUNTY, l""- r ):. t seept.or re- F RO DA : 1.. '' s, r '..a iiAl Ie r-.ceived. ,._ ____ In RB- Thi M r..,ge of- F' orirp -'il l.. in ... --- J .T-i JAMER5S. f ". PA Es N ESJ and BESFP MAE JAMES, 0 T J. T'4 : be "itt- Stand 'Tal Wife. ., e'i'i ft-the City Clerk's of! *.,1. fStad Tall: NOTICE OF ACTION later than 5:00 P.M. ES.TT, i'.i) l I Floridst' TO: ERNFiT .JAMIES ary 5, 1973. .-., be -e-i.-A L'i1 Addro's. unknown '*.- 'I cT-.i y I ;uture ; YOU M.FE i'FRFY OTO-E',D "J" H 10 w ?Il F- uure! thaL a Pqtb.i,'n, ft,r Di* .i' a i of C-W. M K I8i NMariigae has' hfe. tfi b i'ainst City And' ..r? & ciak 'i T wo Basic 5uperintendens i akmng Management Course At Georgia Tech ATLANTA-Arthur O. -: r sia, Port St. Joe, are S .. ... and a General ',.. - Bruce L, Parker, ': t..'r Course at Tech. supervisor, both with Basic *. END Clearance Choose from medium firm .i reg. for much more. Hundreds of, steel coils. Durable, heavy weight covers. Here's medium firm support budget- priced. . Twin or Regular $ 9 Your pick ,f firm Sealys Added a .i-r.: and a more luxurious feel. Famous Sealy qual- ity r. '.-"-' and custom ...d decorator covers. Super savings!- .Queen Size S$149.00 Top quality extra firms Extra fY-,.s2S and deluxe covers with layers of puffy cushion- ing. Limited quantities available in this group. They'll go fast at the price! King Size 99.00 $19& e91000 attend- Short week. These "recalculation funds" rep- resent an -iiu'i. r. in the mini- mum foundation funds for opera- tion of .' kindergarten thru 12 in : -'.! schools, Dickinson The course is Jr .i,' :.-1 to h ip. said. The minimum foundation the supervisor or foreman 'i- funds are based on each district's stand his place in the management average 1 I.-,. t' i.:r, during picture, to improve his daily rela- he previous year. * t.'. r w ith th ose h : ,>' ** th p.e,.- and to prepare him to assume When current average daily at- greater r. ""-. l.iWi. in his corn- tendance is determined during the pany. first two months of the present It is sponsored by the Georgia school year the appropriation is Tech Industrial Management (-, ,- ter and conducted by the Depart- recalculated and additional money ment of Continuing Education. to cover increased enrollment over Th our w % r. bi last year's average is distributed. Feb. 12-16 and March 19-23. Since the i.r"i'r u,"'. ,,i. in .1963, more than 1,400 foremen and supervisors have attended. Say You Saw In the "recalculation of funds", Gulf -'.jnini. Schools were made eligible to receive an additional $9,456.50. It In The Star - @$its costs * ~ *- 0~ .0 I- .) c- 0 Cf) I- CD, V W Cn - 1~. 0 - -o -~ ~ o 1~. - O- ~ cn~ - o _ z Cu - 1~. O - E '0 C-) _ pO. 1~. 'I- 0 Cu - Cu - COM- PL ETE Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation ,.Servi.ce e Valve and Seat Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat 'Installation Disassembly Cleaning Inspection Testing 0 'Head Crack Testing Head 'Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 IM2 I~ i-,Arm,, Bowling " .. . -LADIES' WIN-TER- IEAGUE 'for Dixie -Seafood. Standings W L Players Market took three out of ieSeafood 43 21 four games from he 'Box Plant last 'fr ket.-------- 4 24 T.hr:.u.b. night. ?.qry "h e I Box a 6 28 was high bowler for Playeis ith ampb s Drugs 36 28 a.498 PeggyH..et.,-bow.'.ampbe 's Drugs.------3d 28 a 498 ..- Peggy H.:: bowl- Tearrm No 1 31 33 ed a 469 liigh series for the Box Kilpatric.'s 27 37 Plant, Roberson's Market ......22 42 C:. '.. won of four Creech's Laundry -------21 43 games from Kilpatrick's. Dot '- Shall bowled a 434 series for Campbell's and Pat Holland had a 423 series for Kilpatrick's More 'Kids Bring Team o. 1 won three out of a0 four games from i M r;e. :, .. e Money Market. Lois Smith rolled a. 484 series for Team No. 1 and Marie Increased attendance in 52 Sr'.--.: was high bowler for Rober- Florida school districts :',lIed in son's w. a 382 series. an additional J .n:. :. 1 payment of -. :: ': three out of four more than $3.5 million in "recal- games from Dixie Seafood. ,'i. ,A :Jl ,i funds" from the state,. Dickey had a 42 series for Creech while all 67 ,liVIri-t, shared in a. Mary Brown .. a 473.series 42 nfllion -nr:',A;',',-, capital B, e ie .;.' ,;. ..... ._ for the -first quarter of 1973, C. r i. r..U. r -Fred S0 C... I I.',. Dickinson reported this r LL I S -- THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1973 PA]G ELEVEN WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINAL ES M v d ,' Spl is everSoldoutask th rtsed BsPeca 1 it "titites you to the D he So io h gyI give you . o Itern tihe sapm Ca' prC e' SWE GLADLY ACCEPT U.SD.A. FOOD STAMPS I DOUBE YOR, MNEY ACKI Tha 's igt Dul e ou onyb ack t ,z Iif you,'reno cmpi ( lete' ly s tisfiedi wth any mea t pu rchse a AP WEO / G1JAFANTE7 A&P al o er anunconditional m oyney b aC f 3 ar- O antee. 140 matter w~ti s omie h make ~t ifA&PselS i. Ap uaraptees It ASUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK ROAST OR Chuck Steak. -.. 7 "SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS FRESHLY Ground Chuck AND "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK Cubed Steak- S"SUPER-RIGHT" FROZEN CHOPPED A0P BRAND DELICIOUS Beef Steaks...... $1.59 Pimento Chees ALL MEAT SKINLESS (12 oz. Pkg Fr Copeland Franks ,... 59c PmentoChees Market Style Cuban BACON-- Ib 79c SANDWICHES - n.RIEnTT U INB lro CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK F Meat Dininers........ 39c Fish & Chips.. 8' 8 8 $1.38 e..... 19c e8 oz. 49c/ -ea. 49c/ 'RO ZEN I .. ". 69c bf&I *_A WEO DRUMSTICKS QUALITY MEAT DESIGNER OR ("'.'iNFX BATHRqOM TISSUE 2 ROLL PKG. 2Qc Kleei rex 1 owels 3, , *SUPER RIGHT SLICED ALL MEAT BOLOGNA --- 69c PKG_:6f : .c CREAMEP. REAMER 16 OZ. JAR 59c) BLden'sreora 69 ANN PAGE MAYONNAISE. Qt. Jar 49c Kraft Mayonnaise ...... 59c SULTANA / Save at WEOI Salad Dressing....... JA39c ANN PAGE KETCHUP 26 oz. Bouie 39c Hunt's Ketchup0...,... .%28c A&P BRAND TABLE SALT 26 or. Size 9c Morton Salt........... 13c PURE VEGETABLE Why Pay More? Dexola Oil,........... 79c AP BRAND PURE Sav at WEOI A P BRAND PURE ,s5 oLB.we Cane Sugar.....0...... G49c ALL GRINDS VACUUM PACK Maxwell House......... $1.75 100% BRAZILIAN INSTANT COFFEE Eight O'Clock...........J $1.09 A r Carnation Evap .MILK oz. AP Evap. Milk '3 F. Oz. can 15c A8&PFROZEN Why Pay More? K 6-OZ. Orange Juice......'. o 6S$1.07 -CHEK AND COMPARE!- Why Pay More? Hormel Spam...........' ,65c -- '.-,- B 1-0- ? Gerber'Strained 4Ya Oz. Jar BABY FOOD-- --jar Oc DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Save at WEOI Daytime Pampers .... $1.59 A&P BRAND Why Pay More? Disposable Diapers.. D. $1.39 REGULAR OR SUPER Why Pay More? Kotex Tampons.......o... $.1.5 ANGEL SOFT ASSORTED COLORS Paper Towels......4,= $1.00 Pillsbury s Flour 51b. Bag 59c CHOCOLATE, VANILLA OR NEOPOLITAN Marvel Ice Cream.....'AL 58c RICH'S FROZEN (Qt. CtO Coffee Rich.......... SILVERBROOK Why Pure Butter.......... SOLID BLOCK ave Encore Margarine...... n..,.47c) c24c Pay More? I-LB. O. 79c e at WEOI PK17c OUR OWN TEA BA;S 100 Ct. Box 89c Liplon Tea Bags...... OO $1.19 CHOCOLATE BEVERAGE MIX Nestles Quik........ CHECK AND COMPARE! Kelloggs Corn Flakes 'NABISCO SPOON SIZED Shredded Wheat.... Save at WEOI ,...M./ 78c * CANIQL S 8 Oz. Pkg. 20c Save at WEOI, 12-.Z. 37c ... "ox 37C Abi ASPIRIN 100 Ct. Bottle 19 FOR YOUR LAUNDRY Why Pay More? Cntac Capsules....$1.15 Corox Bleach.......,. 59c CHECK AND COMPARED Why Pay More? A&P BRAND Save t WEOI Alka Seltzer........... 59c ldBleach...... "39c iE LAR OR LIVER FLAVOR DOG FOOD FORIYOUR LAUNDRY 5 Lb., 4 ox. Box Ken-L-Ration........ o 6 1.O 2 Drive etergent..... .. 99c ALL DIET Save at WEOI FOR YOUR LAUNDRY 8 Ib., 1 on. Box Daily Dog Food'........""'10c Tide Detergent... ... 75c ,PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THOUGH SUNI, ,JAN.L2L1973. IEMMS 11 I Hi AD ARE NO AVAILABLE TO_ OTIHLR RETAILERS OR .WHOLISALERBSCUSTOMERS WILL BE LIMITED TO REASONABLE QUANTITIES QP ANY ITEM. *UIlWI1 Ir 9 4 OR E CHUCK SHOULD I ii M' ), 1411 THE STA Port St. Joe, Foridl THURSDAY, JANUARY 25,1973 Jeri Rich to Try for State Jr. Miss Title Sharks Win Again so s m abel"Up biuW*asa.ow wiuaftikadbo and run through Saturday, Feb- ruary 3. Along with 22 of the state's loveliest and, most talented ,Ihigh school senior girls, Jeri' will be vying for the coveted title of Florida's ideal teen age mis and Sa full tuition scholarship Ito 'any college .r ,:l-: :'i; ..- 'the'itate. The college prep senior at Porf. St'. Joe' High will also .be -seeking the opportunity to rep- resent the : E': h State in the ArS-. i L.. -":.s ~SL:L 0:. ,i'W .' iter 1 .- .; 1: 'r. '. .0. Ah'. 'B.-U ZE-TT'S DRUG STORE. Pb ?7V~~~' ~~ rotvloInW ndovw Plenty of Firee Park:Ift BandStudents Participatingn Clinic St. Joe 1;'i:% ;m ii,~~'.; b.r; 'toi b l~~brut J~g~t- .o'~ ~r 1F:'t~.c;' '~ 3' -r c;~ A i ra~, tII~ ;e~"''~ is'~tL'i'.o~for 4:00 ~'0'mtz i'~l :1ed~are invited, to At'juI. rfdt t right: . D oniet.h Ain SDonnie Hanri mond Carol Ramsey , Donna Richards -7t a.:..y Ward .- - -~~"-~- Ir~,--~ - SALE! SALE! SALE! 1/2&I/4off PANT SUITS and DRESSES 1.,, t_ ite., i -. j-:,re 14b\ '.s. -. OJ ;'thni I1 -- SMOCKS /4 off ,.? nd a.5 n- .>. ....... HANG TEN und 2 off I* SHIEWNK, 0 POT H6MDERS ' PANTS PALAZZOS S*- SKIRTS 1/2 off .i"A g J A S'. -NICK rtwd ISABELLE'S Cash Economy Store 159 Coxinmirce Street .Apalachicola, Flrida p - Added incentives for all-out competition among the 23 teen age beauties are trophies,I sav- ings 'bonds, ,mounted -color. por- traits and 'awards by three na- tional sponsors. A :-,:Er- of thd First i-:[:1 , .'. ,"h-:ih :f Port St. Joe, Jeri is a member of the National Honor Society and Keyettes. She was elected to the 1972-73 Homecom- ing Caurt, serves on the cheer- leader squad and is editor of the Annual staff. She has been a'wa.i- .d a certificate in Practi- cal/Yearbook Procedures at Fur- Cancellation of a game by Ru- therford High School Saturday, left the Port St. Joe Sharks with only one coritest to be played during the past week. The Tiger Sharks trimmed De- Funiak Springs here last Friday afternoon, 6749. Port St. Joe's Tim Grandberry just coaster mthe rest of the game. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe -- 16 25 13 11--67 Walton Hi -- 11 8 16 14-49 PORT ST. JOE-Bryant 3-0-6; Grandberry 7-4-18; Quinn 7-4-18; Hall 1-0-2; HiiT.r,; 2-1-5; F. Russ rt*e' i. tlfl ". Tf5 A *I1 0. Jaritza- "Jeri" Ann Rih is one (Of 23 Florida teenagems -whb .is, beginning to experience "but terflies"-the jittery stomach kind-as the countdown lFegins for the week-long Florida Jun- -,ior Miss Pageant in Pensacola. The ,'daghter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fich, 1N9 Ajenr Memorial Way, Jein wil repre-entrtIe city in the colorful pageant hoc.ari-ng i the state's firt l -ies of youth. 'This year's pageant, -the 14th Swigil X.ck-aif ,'urriL, .Tianmry ;": Mxjj aYVW-AL ' man : :. and received and Sandy Quinn led the potent I '' b 1- * 1 1 Merit's Who's Who in American Shark attack with 18 points each T. Russ 1-0-2; !-' 0-0-0; Rich S L I AUdV. igh School Studets. o in a game which saw the entire 2-5. S' The -:.r series of events squad -,- .. the action. Grand-, WALTON-Mallard 3-1-7; Hug- IO T.. -.. V. .. 'to the .. ".:' of the berry also grabbed 10 rebounds. =. .; ,, ,, ,. 1: Jack- S NOTiLE TO RCEI 1973 F~orida Junior Miss n FFeb- Mike Davis le the Braves with -.;1 r, ,v.. ,,1- F.'. ,",- The ..; D .., r1 3 "- :'...the arrival 12 points noy 2-1-5; Davis ":-' 12 Black- sioner:. Cui. '.: i ...-' f the contestants in Pensacola Port St. Joe rolledup a whop- man '0-0-0; Price 0-0-0; Friend .. : : per- n .. 28. ping 41-18 ead at. half time and. 0-1-1.. .:.... .. .. . .- :ornpany :.r :.'2 inter- 7"..p:,'-., : '" ersonal pro F,,R F EF.AE-. *--2','9,55 H. TRAX- A ATPr F T ` LOADER 1 rr 2; .' i segment ass i ied s i 1 2 u. "S I l--.- ".- ;.:.O.. 4 :.r o SALE: '-. WANTED: Female roommate for'CALADIUM BULBS: Place your ;! e : ','. .-, ".I : 2 bedroom hotise. '*:.' -. ... '-1 now frim thesePort St. S :-- ". '- '" ^ :- ; l *-: .' ._.-. + ,-. *- -.-- '. ; :. ;. Call after 4:S '-, ..- en' : nem bers. Call F:r bid. "'t:.T, ~1..:, +he t : OR RENT: One and two rm ...- -,i .: 7 ':. M rs. J. W. S, ..e th: :-..'... .the Gulf| FOR SALE' i.':'. .: 'i "- ., attractively 'furnished aparil "'i_.. ".. n7 .V<* i;y numberr ..c.r. ...:.E .. .- : :.- meits. Ch l: in .smnm r, Ir I .I t..n, tfe-1-25 F'.. ::.r '..:'. :. .- : :. "r .., heat, n', u P OFPESSIONAL HELP ,ith emo-' ,j' Cc r y :,+: :.; .:, t *".:..-i_ :,,l .:::,:.,; "1 ::.-, .-.*._, *" ..- Thr-y a ,';t ie Aeen-t. -be appr.n-iit. .! pr,-,bhi an.dror coneerw s. ..' ,r n i- ~ "- '' .. .:.r .c:. etd ( tat Mrt or Mrs,B.+Prince Gdulf County 4<,rii,~.l. e iirur.. Port .. i ;i,...- !t.WWIlCO LODGE and TRAILER StR Joe, Florida 2294621 or Rev. .r r'-' 'r'.,'-l r,, *:00 .-,.. PARK. White City. Phone 22-241K Sidiey Ellis,. 22 -590 . S'A E IST F- ; : at .... .. 4 01 tf-1 28 S .'. P. J. h .. .'. ide 'FOR RENT: Furnished house trail INCOME TAX SERVICE 'r... .. '98, Parker. Alex Parrish;, .' -. .. -ir .- and by T-. IB, .r' i ,'..',: e I i-,It to .heat F.. ..r .: see BERNARD 0. WESTER BOAJ-.b 'Jf CO.UTi FOR -SALE: Barrel ber. Fr 8. Ave. COMrI-D.t'Ef3 .. more information. -: 22' ,1 FOR RENT .' i.: ... fur. Phone 229-3107 GL-Y ,'.,TR".07'rY FA. A after 5. nished. '-:: 71ih '648- A. L L'AVC', hr 2t 4255. tfc-1-25 HELP WANTED: I'Fit itnt Jf .r- ----.____FOR SALE: 24'x12' LLr.:;:: MOT 'REGISTRATION of FICTITIOUS barge. Excellent for -:.,.-r. i FqR RENT:. Nicely furished up- ohoneclls easet R NAMES Reasonably priced. Call 229-6583. ?t& p1X rtment. 2 bedrooms. one l pease . We the unier,..., being duly v tfe-1-25 10 ..-. :; S i.'7. ltp FOR CHAIN LINK. FENCE call ..r., do, Ea..~ r .;. :n FRs.r ALE 3 -*- F R. ., l ---1 FInry Stephens. Free estimate alh that .nhe no.t -. ...... FOR SALE; 2" f-,fF :" *' i.-l :. i- POR RENT' :Z -,..., foijrr:A ,llGtuarantee on labor and materials. sirs umters ., i.n .the sL.-- rl b. -,u Th,, :; : j..l -.]1, hou. ,..i. on '. (.. fhll Low' down payment. Phone 27-. "'r 'r,. d ..jri t"'i. .'. --- 229-66888. tfe-I-13 '1. 7 ' name of THE SEWVING CErT FOR RENT: Ap.'mentrl, 510- 8tbh 25 FiAd .Aer .s Prt St. Joe, St :L n'bni 6434,:,. (fe.97 PIANO LESSONS ..- i m my MC.s PAWN and SWAP SHOP Flor^da, and th.- r'--t z f ~ .' -f .- ---. .- home. L-...r... .,, a 'y ii -'- FOR SALE: Guns, radios, tape- ter.;?^ f *h j% i .FOR SALE A 2776 fh.I1.8 PIyer ,. TV's, tools, jewelry,. A'li, DariAf13,? =d yad w TI t -.'P H-. : ., _I I's '" .- '-- .. .i glassware.' Use our 80- S- '. --- FOR RENT: One bedroom house., .. .y away plan. 102 5th St.,. SHIRLEY 'ANN DANLI'Lu- 1", St Joe Beach. Furnished. Con- I,'. ,1,-1 yiew. Phone 229-6193. MARY T.-KENT ... .... I. Smith's Pharmacy, Phone 227- t.l-4- FOR SALE. Nice,' 3 .. ...... :L e" "i- 5111.tfe7928 S.. S *... it co r 1 'tt28 FOR WELDING NEEDS see James 'NOTICE TO RECEIVEr .' N 'Fu' -' U RN bod 1-h toi L T le, 3802 Palm Blvd. SEALED BIDS '1. 4.pl0 1 4I.K tr.Naluih mAithly rates, ' The Board f C <...r ........ -- ... Phone 227 W 1 'r 2'74(.. Lfc :,irrir, Gulf C'ou ty. F'lt., "".:d WANTED: Hi".: '... f" ,"i - p1,.c',",0 birid's ,r ,, arm .ri 'b --; ? P ,, r A New Service At ! p,':, or g, .... r ,"4!;I, t '-Bo -' ... -. M .. .ihe Best Costs L.u POLLOCK'S CLEANERS .-l mg..e .'-.7 e A. fo m g ".:.411-;'? .4 7-1-13 1RY UNFORM RENTA de'::' L.d pe : ;, ...'--- "-: .. ......... '-" i f,:.,.~. o m e bY `I OtfE 1: "*~,~7.I ,-Tno .V: TOR SALE: U' ., 'r ho u"- sC V A 'ft T U 'NG ome by Uc, T' k wr .e f. .,.n,. ..e i D .' St. Call 22' :. The Paint Made with o Call . S:'iw r .:. In '. 455; aP.er 5 p.n;. 2tp-'l TUNG Olo7 Second Street A el t;e TU O Phone 227-4401 /I % C' In. Min. FOR SAL!E; 8 bedroom hose with '.Oil base, Vinyl and Late Brakes: F,.ar;' L.r ; Rear-Drum den. Good. 'e ,bho:rod. Call Orel and Bristle Brushes 1Tr- --;,?r .r.. 4 :-eed or 3 speed 229-5821 tfe-10-29 INCOME TAX SERVICE: Robert T :--.,d 4 :eer case ed 229-52. 1-29 .ee or Cal' .:L. Moritgomery.-505 3rd Street. Batted ...d FOR SALE: 12x60 ;:h.... mo-' AL SMITH Phone 227-4811. 8tp-1-18 AHicni'1 n r-i r-ard bile home. 1972 model. Cetral. m 227-7751 4.'ty heat and air. Call 229-6901 after M EXICO BEA I EL.' i r6 jFleetside 6%, e-i h rT 2tp-1-25 CO ACH. ift. min., .-..-- .------. -.-- --- BEAUTY SHOPPE S .., : green or I r,.'. :-..'. FOR SALE; 20 acres ofi .i1 r. B I N G O, o P e i green r,, ''. 'LofI'w -8 P-. $300 Every Saturday Night Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5118 *. --.p+ ";.'-' '. ,- per acre. E. Tom Pridgeon, 227- Beginni De ember 16 Complete Beauty. Service G..,,Gas, Temp. 8402, -..,' St. Joe. 4tp-1-25 AMERICAN LEGION GLADY NICHOLS HOME. A.: *,j' '....- ..n...,.- 9 --00 *ELECTRICAL CO NTRACTORS ....13.17.3 at Residential and IndustrialC 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's LADIES A '; -.. 131973, at sdntal and ndRepairsl omen's. 'Racing style. Touring I am now servicing wigs and t: f:'t the Cir- d Air' .. ,.l.. -Heating style. Credit terms available. WES- hair pieces in my home. H '... `, i :.... e, Florida. Fo +Of Blnr T eatn TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 you have human hair or sm- -i the right to Brner Technician thetic which you would e ':.. -: CALL 229-6863 or 2295777 HELP' WANTED: Experienced tire to have serviced quickly at r' "'T.- recappe. i or trainees. No exper-. low prices . S- 1'.L. 1-25 LOSE WEIGHT with New Shape ience necessary for trainees. A WIGS FOR SALE S* I G Ti.'-'7.T FLA. tablets. 10 day. supply only $1.49. permanent job and apply in per- WIGS FOR SALE - A L D \'. r -nn. 2t At CAMPBELLS DRUG STORE. son at Panama City Recapping Co., CALL 2294311 or 2274853 .'i* :1 r5tc-1-11 Springfield. Plant located one: 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe NOTICE TO RECEVS h block behind Springfeld Gity Han. / OTIA TO' VI FOR .SALE: German Shepherd Phone 785-6470. tfe-10- ' i i : i .. -...: pups,r..-.p ~p range and, refrig- Serator. Call 229-6191. 2tp,1-18 .. ..-. perw INCOME TAX SERVICE -FOR r .ey corporation intar- .o ,. rit ?.', he fol- NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE contact AMBULANCE SERVICE S : pro 'Apalachicola, Florida CLYDE WHITEHEAD 7 e" t P mrt- A--- 'A A W 901 Garrison Ave. In Wwhitchke a .. T ". %- To Pi ,. :-. O4DYS -- Saturdays & Sundays All Day o ".. ,' Wed., Thurs., Fri., & Sat. Monday thru Friday, CALL - 3" ':.' ., Min Jan. 24; 25, 26 and 27 after 6:00 p.m. -. .. Comforter Funeral Home : -D.. : -T "DIRTIEST GIRL I EVER Phone 229-5281 .. ,.t -- r o.40 to 'MET", 2274511 1 ratio .-Also - S !i" r 42 amp. min. "GHOST IN INVISIBLE Your SHERWINlWILLIAMS SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. CaR .ir-F .speed autma- PAINT Dealerin Port St. Joe Buford Griffin. Phone 2298694 tic speed Next Week! or 229.37. .. i-- or/^.-e r .Fleetaide "MARK OF'THE DEVi." '-, - .. -- i'. r:.i Horror Show Also R.A.M.-Regular eonvocatin ea 8t : : .i.--D erk .:een or Glenwood "99 WOMEN" Joseph Chapter N.. B6,i A.., green 'c 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.a. All Heater and Factdry Air Condi- GARAGE SAILE: Saturday, Jan. 27, \_ visiting companions welcome. toning froni 10 a.m. til at 208 10th St.,' WALTER GRAHAM, K P. O h 5 leaner and ladies. Everything must be I Seat--Deiep-foam Cushion Knit- -sd .BUAI. THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet ted Vinyl Covered | 306 Rad Ave. ing first and third Monday nights, Cooling--Heavy DutyI 8 :.00 p.m. American Legion Home. Tinted Glass KILPA1tSK m attery--66 Plates--70 Amp. Hr. 1 oBe f THBRE WIL B regular or m o -,_ ^ .. '1 ^ Funeral Home C.P. Etheredge oPo St. T eLdg. Bids wi1 be received unti 9,00 3ad i . the ofie of the 'Clrk of 'Circuit Ambulance Service Per, at.. d, ITh at &0 p.m. Court, P. 0Bx B 88, Port St. oe, Promple-Efficent,-GourteB naKig (J The ward reserves the right to "eIcdftc Colratdor ;IO 2NTY T 29499er E HERBERT L URGE, Secty 'PAGE, Cl 4-u - 1 I |