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TWELVE PAGES .,,** '*A *^ T HE STAR 10C PER COPY " The Safest Beaches In the World Are In Gulf County" usuam Dia 5 May Need Commission * * Street Projects Due- for Bidding ; ~Ton alers" omimgBuck? ~ ~ 1'a t HOWfow h" 91n't-TV,47 ir, you, have' 11uJ' v-sahr ;Lvat h 1 o .i. ~a J,,krw, omit a kP-0-1 u r ..fj n r.' "Iu. t r,f i, f "t A. 'k n a' day' P-School Entlance Altoredi 'RodCon'stri t'r Of_ Nl k *l.: it..,, I f .it,,t ,.f .\ ,,X. . Jot R Olt i ".l' -J wa ..; -7 r.Jj er .constructioh. Wnu' th Co y'- tru':t; 1.: i. in !. ".-' -, fr':i int.r .,.. r : to the school :,'" .i., -will ndt 'be accessible by car, ait-l' school- traffic will be severely impaired. School authorities aare kd-., the help and ....'.("'i : ... of parents, teachers o ,. "-'...i't' in 'rl,,ta(-. out.; ,O p i y O j fic pattern for st. .'. U. of'F. Publishes Laird's Work On. SPineFertilization Florida' Cooperative Extension r .'S-. -Institute- of Food and, ., ,lu t. i ,t i:. :":" .-:.. e' ,-. r..". of 'Florida has jist released, a pb,,i. ,'.r written and re- Searched' by Gulf:' .' Cubie. J..',r. i. '1 'e .: label 'ed ". : 3uli ,378 and ... , "Fertilization *it .'13 A3 Pines on Poorly-Drained',ISils dih 'North- west Florida",, was 'released Oc- tober, of last year-and has just been received in ,Gulf 'County;. Laird's report, the result of 23 years of work and research is ".an official University of Florida publication., Laird accumulated the -data for his booklet from research projects at Camp Nel- -lie, Cypress Creek, Dalkeith and other locations. Very seldom does a County Ex- tension Service employee get a manuscript published by the University. It's mostly the on- campus personnel who do' this. S-. Laird comments' that the in- formation contained in his circu- lar can help wet-land. slash pine producers t,o grow more timber economically and to grow pines "-von land which otherwise would not produce these trees because of the poor soil drainage condi- tions. He says his wish is that his / publication will serve to help landowners increase their pro- duetion and citizens in the South- eastern USA -and elsewhere to live better. 1' .,, ,,, ; f ,'"-'i "' ,,'41 l. ,, '. i., l .i blt- frrm .' <'. Is ,; .. :-".1 * r ,, ., : .- i .ii. 1. .i ** ,i l IF,, . school. 'T,' '. r. ...- 1 .-,., '*, (i - ed, .-,' 'e,' with one lane in and one lane out -1. i load" t, J.. unload at the rear ef the school in the area now;used for faculty .'...- All parking must be .- "..' .,'..I. r 'estrited to the student parking lot locat- ed east of the gym. There can be no parking along th 'access ,road nor in the bus loading area. During construction, the pri- mary entrance to the s ool !. ., .... .. .the rear door 'c.,, commons area but stu- dents walking to school may.sill .r.-teF ,., i 'l the doors. .[ ,.. ,I' ..C,' a' \ .., i:+* rC+o m.i ed On Paq 17A SNew Mana.ger At Country Club The Board --. f the St. ::. Ba: ,. ;. Club announced this' '. k'- engage- ment 'of Ira W.' *:" 5. as man- ager of thhe i' Lounge. Damon served 26% years, in .the service as a diet supervisor. He has.worked in food .r.; . tion at the Four Winds Restau- rant and Mama _. .[-'.-. Res- Staurant in -...a City. H ser- ved as, restaurant manager mat 'the country club in Columbus, Ohio. His -nextensive background includes: one year of specialty training at the New Yorker Ho- tel in New York City. . In addition to American fare, Damon is adept in French and Italian cdisine. He is accomplish- ed in ice carvings and the cre- ation A of floral arrangements from edible vegetables. Assisting Damon will be his wife, Debra and son,; Donald, 21. The Damon's also have a daugh- ter, JoanmrfEnslow, living in Eng- land and six grandchildren. The Board: is very proud to present the Damons in their new position and to welcome them as new members of the commun- ity. CARL E. (Ed), RUDE, JR. Carl E. Rude Joins Costin Law Office Carl' "':. Rude, Jr., of Quin- cy, has joined Law Office of Cecil G -.. Jrn, as an assoc- iate. Mr. Rude and his wife, -- and their two sons, are temporarily :. ..:. at Mexico SBeach. Mr. : '. from Dav- idson : :.' North :,- ': : i. BA.De- gree and entered the military service as: a .. Lieutenant, serving with the 101st. Airborne. S'.-:,: "i and later the T1'73 Air- borne Brigade in Vietnani,' where. he was 2'.: r' -. Bronze Star 3'- their. A ; C :-.'L.:. .!-: .C. Medal fa .vi: H6 ) .-. -:L honorable discharge in' October of 1969, with the rank of Cap- tain, and is currently,in the Ac- tiv6 'Army Reserve,: :.-.r';n:_ as . .the ,.'.e';U. :'..:. and Tr :ir:n. Of- ficer of th.- -*,:,.h iii.,].p4"licee Prisoner of War -Camp in Talla- hassee. ' Mr. Rude'entied FSU College of Law in September of 1970, and among the various positions he held were: President of his freshman class, executive vice president of the Student Bar As- sociation and president of the Phi Delta Phi legal fraternity. While at FSU, Rude was. selected for membership in Gold Key, a FSU leadership honorary socie- ty, Omicron Delta Kappa, a na- tional leadership honorary soci- ety and to Who's Who in Ameri- can Colleges and Universities for 1972. During the summer of 1972, Rude was a full time in- tern with the Public -Defender's Office for the Second Judicial Circuit of Florida in Leon Coun- ty. - *The Gulf C .-r'it;j Co :,:"- was '1inotified i; iiiday tb? '-' State '-. :- Trr - tion that,'hids ?d eA n Ie '. . several road anid street' jobs in Of primary .., .A h n e Port A Jle area '.',: ?.- DOT's r.', .. b 1. .:-'. had L_.:-' let for the re- surfacing df U. S. Hhm.,-.., :;. through Gulf County and bids would be let. :,'. '- y for- the installation of drain pipe in-the i:-p .ij '.: on Long Avenue,. The Long Avenue project in- eludes installation of drain pipe.' and ,covering the ditch on the. east side 6f Long from 18th to S20th .Sreet and on the west side of t~Jm, :K.t from 20th .Street 'to Af.n Memorial' Way. i The ditches have been labeled 5* v ; ':1'd*i to hil- Too Much Garbage Ff-%s-i"? i..'-Ti.,' Lv.isions F'. f,, d ,A K._g.f .. i e .,- w"here .,r ', e 'i. s aere c'.- Doyl e, re'tcri 'atir a Pet:;.%n signed by 40 . re id.nt, equ,- J.t.: J .,,uri_ 'Chairira T.rx rr TJ'r: t-.A .A Doyle thL Eirf i hi Lr t>-/;fu .' i for over two years' to secure a. site for a '-,aid 1.d in .the.. area, but to no' avail. "Nobody wants. to give up the property for a land fill". ,D.oyle askdd that the county cover up a large amount of gar- "bage 'dumped in an old borrow 'pit on property owned by L. E. Browder of Gulf, Breeze. "The presence ,of the garbage encour- ages others to dump", Doyle said, "and the filth is spread- ing". .Davis said the County % re- quested permission 1, .f Brow- der to cover up the garbage, .but permission hasn't been. given in writing as yet. ." said would assist 'i. -. : .'i ,.wder's permission and 'see if he could be of any assistance in locating a land fill area. Davis said he would appreciate any help, since it appearsthe county has run up ..-r.;r a brick wall in the-mat- ter. Other Business In other procedures, the coun- ty:, Was told by Clerk George Y. Core, that the second and last Federal revenue sharing check 1' I: '" ',' E, had been received :'and -deposited in interest bear- ing acounts.. Received $7,238:07 in excess., 'funds fromii .Tax Collector Har- land Pridgeon. Agreed to pay the.'Port St. Joe-Gulf County 'ro-.".'-r of" Commerce $V',1' 00 for advertis- ing .purposes. April 9 Threat or Ultimatum? At least, one C c',U i C tc- "1i'.n~.j.":':"r. Walter. Graham, took the .'';::''k. a former -.,k"-. ,,,i (1c.'- as a threat on his life at the r- .:' lv meeting of the, B Tuesday r .: The ,TI'- :- ,i',i. -express such f.'., Z. but were .... as i ,' ir' a former employee of the Gulf County I. .'*. :. Control 'Department ..--'3. "I'll give .t i..*,'--1 90 to do .,. ,. about my situa- he tion-and -,-' that there ii 'be a new election in Gulf County." King was referring to'a recent release of his services by the county after being pronounced by his doctor as being unable to work. due to illness. King told the Board, "When I was 'a man', but now I'm a living vegetable I- !., 'on..'-: , iv there can't ..i', ...- say it was the spray, but 'T i, sick-af- ter getting into " King was an employee of the- Mosquito .i,:'. Department at the time he. 1 ,'",: more than a year ago. For the past few months he has 1 . o""ine sort of ..." i'. ' . county. . .'". went on to say he was going to -' the Board .*.".'. April 9' to make- a- decision, I feel, somebody owes me a. .;. ' i, .,,, r-,M ,.ob=. : "', f" raham t ," 1 I ' Two Fires Reported , During Past Week, "t..-' ..:'..-.. ..J .-. a.- S,.' 'u J ,'." ,, ', rs say T,., f,:^^^,is ^ Te-,ir-. ,, .- ,nth^-. W it 5 J,. V..dnteer Fire TDp,. F ,, said. "We .have.. nenti ., a fetrn F a. s ..a -. ... o e e .you thae h . S... afternoon, a small -." other employees. The con brush fire ..lr' the Port St. ty cant .. . Joe Elementary School ly, to keep people on the.: the department to action, who are not able to work At 4:00 a.m.. Tuesday. morn- E.r -r.-'.r',..-: a i'-. bag of ing, a flooded heater in a mobile pills and a Bible, King said, home on St.. Joe Beach rousted "My'back's against the wall, I the volunteers out of bed. have seen ',' .."' I had dis- Very little damage was report' appear. I have a wife and four. ed to the home occupied by Mr. children and I've backed as far and Mrs. Earl L. Burrows and as I'm :. -; to back. The doe- family. One of the '... chil- tor's won't say 'chemical' in my dren woke up and discovered the disease because they are afraid, r,',..'-,.,,,' heater. B ur- of getting into a lawsuit." rows quickly shut off the fuel Chairman Lamar Davis admon-' supply to the heater and dam- ished King for his threats and age. was limited to smoking up harsh words and had Sheriff -the .. Raymond, Lawrence sit hi m Merchants Name Officers goes over the reedrds with new president, Roy Smith, standing right and Secretary- New officers of the Port St. Joe Re- ,Treasurer, William Ramsey, .seated left. tail Merchants are shown above being Seated right, is John Wheeler, past Sec- shown their duties by the retiring officers retary-Treasurer. V i c e-President Leo after being installed last Friday. Retir- Kennedy was not present when the pic- ing president, Bob Moss, standing left, ture was made. -Star photo 7' -: in a chair,. when King re- fused to. be seated, so Davis ,could talk to him. The chairman, said: ."We have gone as far as, we can go by law. MThe county cannot continue, legally, to pay you a salary without just cause. Your only recourse is the insur- ance company. Any member 'on this Board will. be mole than glad to help you individually, but the county's hands are tied since your disease' apparently isn't connected with your job." King closed by t .*.~ by say- ing: "That's all I have to say. 'l1 be right back here on April -T -s-nature *of King's illness j ....,wasn't ,' -J,. iv',A -.r I.to , Arrest Solves SCouy Crimes An arrest Sunday morning hby Vi.f. t1,ii,' County -. ii Depart-. ia.- nt, seems to have solved sev- , oert breaking ,,..I entering in... r. ',', ;.i.-. ,i. according ,to- '--,.- : ', ...., Lawrence. Deputy Marty Martin arrested Walton Paul Montgomery, 21, of' Parker early "',, t.' .,'" in Wewa- hitihka after stopping him for a routine 'check of suspicious ab- tions. Montgogrery has four out- ,-L**Rin-l 10 warrants, against him in Bay County for uttering forged instruments. He had been a main suspect in many break-ins'which have taken place in the WeWa.- hitehka area and Panama City". during the past month. Sheriff Lawrence stated that approximately $1,000 worth, 'of stolen merchandise has been re- covered from Montgomery's pos- session and, that he expects to be recovering additional stolen merchandise during the next few days. Montgomery.-is being held in '.the Guilf Coufity'.jail on charges of',breaking and entering' -ano ':possession of stolen 'firearms., *'. or * Robert Lee Huffman IS Taken by Death Robert Lee Huffman, age 84, '2009 Long Avenue, passed aiay .early Saturday morning in the Port St. Joe Municipal Hospital after an extended illness. Mr. Huffman was a native of Mont- gomery, Alabama, coming to this area in 1960. He was a retired Church of Christ minister and' a retired school teacher. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Susan Huffman of Port St. Joe; two step-daughters, Mrs.', Marie Boone of Port St. Joe and Mrs. Mildred Fortune of Baton Rouge, La.; one step-son, Wade Allen of McAllister, Oklahoma; eight step grandchildren and seven step-great grandchildren. Funeral services were conduct- ed Sunday from the Kilpatrick Funeral Home Chapel with Bro- ther Ferrel B. Lawrence officiat- ing. Interment was Monday in the Rocky Mount Cemetery near Highland Home, Alabama with Brother Lucia Prizer officiating. Kilpatrick Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. 'THIRTYSIXTH YEAR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 Another --!I -. ~ I NUMBER 1 10 PAGE TWO THE STARE Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 EDITORIALS... Makes Us Want To Change Happenings in the news during the past few days Vietnamese are concerned. s-hould cause many to wonder if the so-called leaders of the It becomes all the more sickening when we think back Democratic party, oni a national level, were really so aghast to the time when a Democrat got us involved in Korea- at the stated position of Senator George McGovern, after and a Re along and plled out, giving the all. Another thing they have shown is their ignorance- Viets the idea we '. :dri not stick to a f for very long e at least from our viewpoint) they have. So they have been iir for that r i to come ., -;. -*"* *"* ,* So they have, been '-.'. i.:= for that .-T ,r ,.ri,:'?, to come On the one hand, we have the President of the United true for the past 'ix or eight years. States ioiraig 'in a j-E2ramn sMsion with our enemies in .. . the Far Pacific. After a breakdown of talks, a devastat- The albng came two f.-: .' i got us involved ing bombing and a several weeks' recess, the North Viet- againm m Asia in a no-win situation A Republican has names have agreed to begin talking about peace once come along to try.and bring some .::.- :. to the mess again. Of course, as one area newspaper observed last which l, in some way, 'give the irq.- :l.:n that we in- week, the United States can negotiate no peace. It can -tend to oppose Communism, and the Democrats, kith and. merely serve as the go-between for North and South Viet- kin to the ,ones who got us o into the mesn the first place, nam which must come to ,peaceful settlement if all shoot- now can't stand it, Or, so it would seen. ing is to stop, The part which makes us vomit is that it seems to us S On *theother hand,Teddy Kennedy and his buddies all of this opposition to the conduct of the war seems to have jumped up out of their seats, raised their hands and be ba-sed on partisan politics rather than any real. concern c'ried, "Hold the phone a inutbuddy. There's no need about the War'or those.fighting it. It all seems to be only for you North Vietnamese to give up anything. Us Dem- a gimmick to get names in the public eye ,and oppose the ocrats are going to cut off the President's money in your- party in power. It's enough to make u's want to kiss our little troulble spot and the President will be forced to pull D' rofr.tic affiliation goodbye and we would quickly do : !out. Then whatever's left,.is yours by default. 'Just be so if it were not'for a stronger desire to cast a vote for Patientt" local candidates, who all run under the Democratic nomen- I. ,.T Ph.'n. i:;. the nrr- ,,Jf the game so far as the North clature. , ,:. .. ~~~~i ... < ,, A Return To Decency S.As we- enter the year 1973 there are encouraging signs that we- inigbt have a good year. And one bf the most encouraging news stories is the report that Grove Press, Inc., the notorious promoter and publisher of por- nographic and hate-America tert.ture, has been dropped .fgm the va-rl,~I;r-i-. t.'-r trading system because its net capital 11.1 ;dro.ppo'l to less than the $250:000 minimum .rquiird fnr islistJnd ; According to the last report -by. Grove Press to the " Securiih :,~ir,, E,., .rW Commission, for the year 1971;, the .:orr.or,t iu,, suff* i'.l,l .a loss of nearly S7 .iillio, and th" Grove*., 1, ,wi. h sold foi around $20 n(0 F h: re in 1968, can't bey',1, t',.'iy for even as mii**h :i .1.00 ,I sliar-. To put it :j rlohi r vwam, the investorss" who pai- S920 a.. ihare in the hope of .:P1iniri; sex an ith l*i- lost S1.9O Perspective On ' Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida "- In areas such as philosophy, art and I.:r,' I.' J, iit-~,~';. where generalizations and attitudes and individual talents are so- impor- tant, teaching machines are ob- viously -less suitable than in- the drill' and skill fields of mathe- fmatics and ,k-e, '>' Also, they seem' to be :better adapted to. high school students.than to pu- pils in. primary schools. Never- theless,-instances have been cit- ed in which tots have learned how-to read through the use of Machines. In fact, Dr. Skinner of, Har "vard Univetsity has recently en.i conducting an experiment i ,iV the use -of simple toachinr! machines by n .. -.' retarded . children with. I.Q's of :50. He. has not reached any definite conclusions as yet, .except to.. say that the machines keep the. chil- dten .t., it. < .o-:1 for t periods of time. . It was Dr. Skinner who popu- larized teaching machines ,in , i954. Acutally, the pTroot- p.. of current 'device? .-.per.-'l in the early 1920's% !t t1...,, .iid not catch the public fancy. Dr. Sid- .ney Pressey developed a ma- chine' back in 1926. at the Ohio State, University. Though origin- sT.. conceived as a t,.. nE de- vice, it had the same '.ctil. - ity for. i ',.:, t..". u-r as3 THE STAA- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Fleri. By The Star Publishing Company WksEiz R. BAMSEY Editor a n_ bliahe Also Linotype Operitor, Ad Sadesm.a, betw CinM .Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint bap timent FPosTOFrncs Box 808 PHONW 227-3161 S PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE -IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., 127.50 SOUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 BUT OF U. S. One Year, I.00 -TO ADVERTISERS-In cae of error or omminlsone In adverttemeats, the pbllsh ies Sot hold themelves liable for damage further than amount received for snh tayertlseeent. The spoken word Is given scant attention; the prInted word Is tho. wei!hed. The spoken word barely aeserts; the printed word thoro amcon- vies. The s spoken word s lot; the printed word remains. I", - in cold cash for every $2,000 invested. It was Grove Press, you might recall, that defied the law by publishing "Tropic of Cancer" and "Lady Chatter- ly's Lover" with the expectation that the liberal U. S. Su- preme Court would let them. off the hook which the Court did. 'The widely publicized case provided Grove with what amounted to millions of dollars in free advertising, and it, appeared '(at least, to some) that there were big profits to be made. Hopefully, the decline in the fortunes of Grove Press, which has blen one of the "giants" in the field of pornog- raphy, signals a lack of interest on the part of the Ameri- can people. -.It could mean that America will experience a return'to decency. present day machines. Perhaps Dr. Skinner's drama- tic flare was what turned the tide of interest toward teaching machines. In another experi- ment he taught pigeons how to play table tennis through the use of the reward and' punish- ment method. This same princi- ple, he claims, is at the root of teaching machines. The differ- ence is that, instead of getting a kernel of corn for the correct' movement, the student get s the' satisfaction of knowing that his' answer is correct. .' But at the University of Indi- ana Medical School, one psychol- ogist uses food as one incentive for schizophrenic children. When they push the proper button on his vending machines, they get a bar of candy. or a sandwich. Elsewhere in the room a toy starts running when a button is pressed. The experimenter's purpose is to make the children see that the' ame simple action causes the same pleasant result each time. Too Late To Classify By Russell Ka This is the season the psy- chics look into their crystal balls and! predict the happenings for the new year. Not. satisfied to depend upon one or two seers, the National Observer publish- ed the predictions of 10 leading psychics in their last issue. Predictions 'for the most part are 'general in nature. Earth- quakes are predicted for Califor- nia, Arizona and 'the, middle east. Florida will experience a disastrous hurricane., . Several 'seers agree on tur- moil and riots in Cuba plus the down-fall of Castro. They also agree that a new planet, as well as a cure for cancer, will be dis- covered. There will also be break' through in the' control of arth- ritis, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. \There will be a start- ling discovery of underground passageways and a hidden chamber that will provide the key to many scientific mysteries. President Nixon will be in great personal, danger, especial- ly in July. There will be a se- vere wave of violence in the U. S. Howard Hughes will come out of seclusion and announce a plan to devote enormous sums of money to aid the poor. Richard Burton will be involved in a narrow escape, either an acci- dent or: serious illness. Liz Tay- lor .'ill l iir be a robbery vic- tim. Prince Charles and his sis- ter Princess Anne will both be involved in romances. Angela 'Davis will announce a change in' her philosophy. There will be a Ah.A:?-UUo in the Pen- tagon and a new program of na- tional defense installed. The Nixons will. become grandpar- - ents t ";.,. i. E Pope will become. very ill and cause grave concern hr:.. .:.:. the world. Africa will experience numerous tribal wars. S'Th'-r.f vi' be a freak mining disaster east of the Mississippi. A tragedy 'in an American fam- ily will cause concern and mourning throughout the nation. High unemployment will con- tinue, especially for those with higher 'education. The govern- ment of South Vietnam will col- lapse late in the year. Johnny Carson will announce an entirely new format for his show. Jackie and Aristotle will experience a tragedy. Still an- other tragedy will strike the Kennedy family. England's Queen Elizabeth will become quite ill and her country will be greatly disturb- ed. A famous American singer will die as will two Hollywood Gulf Schools Get Increased Funds Gulf County School. received $153,973.00 from the State of Florida for the month of January according to a report released this week by the office of Comp- troller Fred 0. (Bud) Dickinson. The state contribution reflected, a healthy increase over the same month last year, when the coun- ty received only $112,242.00. Florida's 67 county school dis- triets received a total of $62.4 million from the Minimum Foun- dation appropriation this, month, Dickinson said. The money is distributed on a monthly basis for use in teacher salaries, .-,'t transportation and other current expenses. film stars. A militant group will attempt to take the life of. a congressman from Illinois and a physical failure will cause a halt in the career of Alfred Hitch- cock. A new lift prolonging drug for heart patients will be dis- covered. There will be a mass exodus from' over-corwded California. Earthquakes will hit Italy and Turkey. The American dollar will be valued. upwards. There you have it. You can accept or reject any or all of it. The fact remains, however, that all of the seers who advanced their predictions have r!' '..h. ! in the past such events, as the death of J., Edgar -'.... r Nix- on's trip to Chi,.. the Sharon Tate murders, the i .i.. of Robert Kennedy and many other events that came to pass. These 10 psychics quoted by the National Observer laid it on the line for all to see. We hope most of their predictions are false, 'however, for most of them. seem to lean toward the tragic side. PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember There was once a young man who worked as an apprentice un- der a famous stained glass ar- tist. The famous artist designed and made the most beautiful windows in the country. The young *; .-,' r,' -. :' . eA up and saved every tiny piece of glass the artist let fall on the floor. Then one day the young man took the' tiny bits and pieces he had' saved and began making .a window of his own creation. After months of labor-his window was complet- ed. To make a long story short- the window made from bits and pieces was acclaimed as the most beautiful ever made. The youngI man became famous in his own right as a great artist. There are many fragments of time and life that can be turned into great accomplishments. The bits and pieces are important, and the wise use them effec- tively. OUR THOUGHT TO REMEM- BER: Use every moment to its fullest-salvage the r agents of life. KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY No doubt most of you read the article in the Panama City paper last week about a Panaimia City man and his son, James M. Haisten and Jimmy, finding the bones of a mastadon in a spring fed creek South of Marianna. To most, the article probably didn't draw much excitement over an unusual "find", since mastadon bones have been S3.->ul in this section of Florida iTin-r'h.i;: around Wa- kula Springs. It wasn't too far-fetched to hb,2v they could be found in this area. The only d.iff'-r..:- isthat '.~ .. I.. .4 at v.?k jiUb. are under several f-- i of water in the d ~, rin.= while part- of the Haisten's bones were found sticking up out of'the small creek and showing above the water. M A'-e the article didn't interest v,-, too much in the c i.. of an "unusual" find, but it did interest Roy Irwin of Port St. Joe, who lived in Marianna .3 -: ,i- his childhood a long time ago. Mr. Irwin says he d ..n'( ir '-'.w the bones are of a ma stadon, but of an elephant and goes on to give good back-up to hip theory. Mr. Irwhi says he remembers well when he was a small boy (which is a pj'rf I'. good memory considering Roy's age) a circus came to Marianna. His father'took him to the circus, which had arrived in sev- eral rr-.1' cars and was -.li.-,i,,: in a field South of Marianna near a-spring fed creek which --iipi.:.,,-] into the ^i .: !-: I- r Entering the circus, the,audience passed t Hr. "'. i two rows of'cages ',- r .' off the circus animals, which included two huLge -V r.-n Irwin said ,t.-r the : ... i,... 'h* cam e a ,.. .-, r' ,,i an som e- one ;' 1 that one of the -L..li -. hadgone lr-er',-k. 3In the l' -lo,.ub that followed. i,. '... audience went under the tent f! q :in one direction and the I t.01 i i took off in another direction toward the rp :.'1 creek. Men of the town went out '}ii i:fn," the elephant and ran up on it beside the creek and, shot it to death right there on the creek bank. Irwin says, in his opinion, the mastadon bones are really that .big elephant shot on they creek bank nearly 70 years ago. That ought to create some interest in those "masta- don" bones. ) I've always been interested in :rlih;,cw-; published in the Reader's Digest. The T,( '-I usually, month after month, comes up with a "digest" of some of the most in- -. r--tj: publications around. The month' of January was o i..- .. -.interesting to me especially two articles. One of the articles had to do '-. 1. our power crisis. Of course, the heart' of America's power is its oil produc- tion. Between the : ;.-x'A -'...-.,], the opposition to environ- r "-..i .~lj'i., .*,. ,r.:' tapping the Alaska FE.,<]: with a pipe- line and. reluctance to allow orf r .i-u, along with P ,rJl 'JrI control devices on automobiles making them gas- guzzlers, our nation must depend on the unstable Middle - East for .a large share of its oil. Another article had to do with the digging of the Pan- ama Canal. From reading the article we gathered the digging of the canal wds just as much a strain on the U. S. economy as the space program has been. Now our na- tion is toying with the idea of giving it away to Panama. I'd'heartily'recommend the reading, of these two ar- ticles so you will understand when some of the things that are done in the future must be done. As a matter of fact, you will probably clamor for their doing. Henry Block has 17 reasons why you -should come to us ifor income tax help Reason 3. We are a year-round service. We do not disappear or go back to some other business after April 15. i O KGeBLOClK ',THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE 225 REID AVENUE Open 9 A.M. to 6 PM., Mon., thru Sat., Phone 229-6132. OPEN TODAY NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY ~ai~iE~Zi~F ~ i PAGE TWOiwt THE STAR, Port St. Jm~ FlorlisTUSDY AURY1,17 THE STAR, Port St. Jot, FloridM THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, T3S rAGE T1HE Superintendent, the following per- MINUTES ... HE.. sonne matters were uathorized: a GUlf Nearly Reches S- MINUTES 'OF THE St. Joe High School--accepted e t s A fNeay Rac s Coach Wayne Stevens' resignation Savin sVBondue nal ttF lUNTY SCHOOL BOnARnD s M tbOunty A J StU ents Are Savings Bond Goal G I U r ,U T S Ol1972; appointed William Lane As- L Florida sales of Series E and H Assistant Jr. High Basketball Coach United States Savings Bonds in No- PORT- STtS e hSho eeffective November 29, 1972; grant- l I I a I I I i vember were $10.7 million-up $1.2 PORT ST JOE FLORIDA at St Joe High Schoo He disus-' ed Miss Ann Alddge asupple- million over November 1971. The DECEM1ER 5, 1972 sed Pre-Vocational units for Jun- e o $0.0.state attained 1121% o its 1 l i or High students also. The Super- spent on the Vocal Music Program Students in grades 10, 11 and 12 trants will be r.,I1 by letter if Connie Knox, Barry Richardson, sales goal November 30. Savings mThe Gulf County nchoole Boardve intndent called atteion to theand assisting the Band pro- District H are submitting art their work is selected for the tra- Willie Quinn, Catherine Lyons, Lee Bonds purchased by Florida resi- date. i. ... .. fmac t.be that the ptresenhou b. esng w Tha e Superintendent discussed a work to be judged and exhibited veng show or scholarships. Anna Hardy, Keith Timmons, Thel- dents during the 11 month period SThe %. terf.iocint w esBreset who. core e-- r -la n G in a First Florida Art p.res enHatHoloway, Ann iish, Tonptte ty residenTs prchad 0.00 in Sl mer Sr., pro grams'and t hat expan sion of request from Kenneth Herring, in Panamther grotyanuary 3 through teachers of the wi wland Jan Gasn. n Patricia Peaales goal the end of Novem their homes' as possible during -ment t ie debt that e en Bofls the amount o $270,..... toate 4 m tional water colorist; Jean Mary Chairman; Gene Baffield, J.,K.'the programwouldentail construe-..Principal at St. Joe High School, .5 Coun tes nDistrictH include Students whose work is I..-m.. totaled $124 million-up $17.4 mil- rtfinb waher, The Boar nd agreed. eoardoT was taclty for the wa-to700.73 were exransprtation to Nodrth I the event a hshow is F *,--- authHor of "Art Of Wn-ionoverstyear. tha thM !b.iy b done and toea w. se ..' Ba .. sCalhoun, Waships graton, ted, der me and A World", on o Florida's . .thbn eo thisfa. ,.e o e b h o ..:.. l nmst likely be adopted texts; .Dr. Ivan ,hr,, n all concerned.port.Stn ': ". be worked ou ,; .-,r i '... on January 2, on tour fr up to two years. En- interior designer and renowned art K ler at coun- o r a ,' + t, .r ,b' ,J ,., -- e ,n e.- .,_ 'A o o .T .. ..'.., and Dr. 2.: --. Feld-/ Te. u trintndt ftdw ... 'L -- rTnt; man., author of t:' ex:-. and Ideas" Gulf ." r "" oa dcue trUorn rig e aH hi ,fP mrm I anther one of Florida's A TA A TI WThe meeLinton, GeneraBl.Super- Creek- B .a J 'Alet Conrad was i s is al th first h *- artas ,010in Svisor, dicussed -possible expansion temporarily suspended by the PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Monday, January 15 d ... .. IS ',- '. .:.i. idn Sof he vMocmye programs within Board for refusing to pick up twoa DECEMBER 12, 1972 Sl Jod on bun, buttered ate nation This isR rdduringNovember. fielth count T 'Board authorized students as directed by Sammy ire to was receptive to the an effort to recognize the talented D l Hagans, JanlcThe c. of its 0h1the adnistrative and supervisory Parker, Transportation Coordina- The Gulf Cun.ty :he-,:. Board norn, green spolad with Pes PPr students of art for Florida. Teach- eSsISe-VOl APH WORK Sstlaffs to proceed in planting for tor. The Superinteendt was di- met i due te 'eni n t::e. above, rings, peanut butter chews and sutPatriciaPea- ifies goal the end of Nove- expann e vocational pro- eted to noti Mr. Conrad i date. T c members were milk. S te Ta pa on Feb- theira homes as possible during me. -. of this' action. The Bard resent: 7 .. oemer S., Tuesdy Jnuaonr 16 ar nvter colorist; Jean Mary *Kenneth HerriTg, B oard agreed Boarized oa special Boardt meeting Chair-an; .Geew a d- I Herman he event a ow is wing author acceptance of Wonthe stu- Joe igh. Schoolno met with the to be held at 10:00 A.SM., Deem. Ar, Wfaee a, ere !t g 3n K. puot pie, green beanie entsss work in the exhibition by For t N MBoard and discussed the possibili ongter 11, 1972. Mr. Conrad wthe site bThe tWhitte. t eg tossed salad, fruited Jell-o, coob t ado J Thi wi I another N O T Iy i ty of reserve 'Offeer training asked to appearand present his The Superintendent : :- rolls an ilk. up to twoyearsEn nuaryteordesigr and renotherd a eCorpLin T, ." ,.r ,:t f..r :; ..f te .r h,.-:. Wednesday, January, 17 milestone in he Florida Educa and will be .. ir the following highway Tr-.n..... ,-r:l th.ntation _r:the Howard. e Srg na .Chairma. nom en Ranoth_. r one. Joe* High.School, met with the to be held at 10:00reA.M.,rDeceen-A, WAAee h he ,, enbeas, dents"worknin.the i'on by For the Next 60 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue SDeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor -GEORGE PUCKETT, Mihistec of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL 9;45 A.M., MORNIT1C, WOi..-HIP E'iVICE ....... 11:00 A.M. TRAINING JUNON 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ....... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesddy) 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH' Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL '9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ...----... ---6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ..... 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME P REV. J. C. DUM, Pastor i , "-nerning a controversy h -rig Ms route to pick ninal students. He in- j aEard that ':; need .'- t -the job. i._ rd S:.. :: r r> Mrs.,Tho- S to drive ,.-. .r breek bus. T -. ', :,.. .t discussed F.. t hat lames ,- ,, Adult :1'.'",: ,Coordinator.'for the Cr.,- As making $10,230.00 f, 1r .-,'-..- (12) months a year Snd this was considerably lower than a coordinator of like size counties in Florida. The Superin- tendent recommended that Mr. Mc- Innis' salary be set at $11,000.00 per year for twelve (12) months. Board Member Raffield made a motion 'that the Superintendent's recommendation bb adopted. Board Member Guillot seconded the mo- tion. All voted YES. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again in regular session on January 2, 1973 at '9:60 A. M, EST., ATTEST: I. Marion Craig William Roemer Superintendent Chairman OPEN HOUSE JAKE'S RESTAURANT 412 RED AVENUE UL NE M 0 UCHETTE Invites Everyone to Visit PAULINE MOUCETTE Her New Restaurant Saturday, January,13 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Free Ice Cream Treats - MRS. MOUCHETTE and her Courteous Staff Wm Be Ready To Serve You MONDAY through SATURDAY 5:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M. - Cake and Coffee BUFFET BREAKFAST EVERY DAY BUFFET LUNCHEON EVERY DAY A LA CARTE MENU. ------ Specializing In ---- ,Fresh SEAFOOD and STEAKS Delicious DESSERTS COMPLETE SODA FOUNTAIN salad) fruit cup, brownies, bread and milk. Thursday, January 18 H', .,,. :: lettuce, sliced to- matoes, onions, dill pickles, po- tato chips, cherry pie. F.d.','. January 19 Batter fried fish, grits, tartar sauce, cabbage, carrot salad, peach halves with whipped topping and, ... .. , COUNTY PARTICIPANTS' Those students entering work from Gulf ..- are: Port St. Joe High . teacher-Belinda heal, Jan Hammock, -'.. King and .Lila Gunter.. Port St. Joe ,' School,- Clau- dia F..- -'.,--: -.. 'teacher- Joan Sehoells, Vickie Boyd, John Under- wood, Carol. :- Wilson, 'I mt owa. WO( 001 ii L.5 U 0 I time to ie. Delta Exploration is cautioning all. ,. .. to '. "Men Working" signs when ET.A in t- areas. DELTA EXPLORATION CO. I:~ r 1 I tl sI _is___ I__ '- i 1 .. I j p PAG FOUB 1E STAR, Port St. Jo. Florida THURSDAY, JAtIsY 11, 1973 S- Shop Our Discount Specials 3 POUND PACKAGE or MORE FRESH Here's Where You Get No n6 so .to S flM O REty i7 For Your Money! Specials Effective January 10 through January 3, 1972 We.Accept U.S.D.A. Food Stamps Colonial or White Gwld CANE 5 5 LB. SUGAR BAG IMM 1. wit $.pofM4ore Pumrcase Selected Sp ial's Lyke'-, 15 Oi. Cans CHILI with Beans 3 cons Texize Pink Lotion DETERGENT 32 oz. 39c $1.00 Comet 14 Oz. C ans CLEANSER 3 cons 45c Bl.il.bufn No. 5 Jar SPECIAL SYRUP PAr Aie Buttrmk 2 Lb. Boy PANCAKE MIX Si Yoiur Pleasure Is Always Our Policy At Piggly V CUSTOMER'S CHOICE RICH TEX Brand,- SHORTENING LIMIT. 1 with $7.00 O4rder or More SNOWDRIFT Brand SHORTENING LMIT .. 1 with ,17,it or More Purchiase 31 iar box 59' 39 c i;iggCyA Ground Beef 3 POUND PACKAGE OR MORE GROUND CHUCK Ilb. 89c ALL MEAT STEW BEEF----- b. 99c " TENDER BEEF CUBED STEAK --- lb. $1.29 FRESH SLICED BEEF LIVER -- lb. 59c . ESY MORN " Sliced BACOr .4 Pound Box BACON ENDS ------- box $1.29 End Cut SMOKED CHOPS lb. 69c Shank Portion ' TENDERIZED HAM __ Ilb. 69c S..'nl; rSt:d3 Good'Timer WIE1N'ERS3,-.---- 3pkgs. $1.39 S/4LOIN . PORK CHOPS TF'ESH LEAN SLPORK STEAKS -.P EAS Ib. 49c FRESH' FRYER Quartered BREAST ----lb. 49c FRESH FRYER Quartered THIGHS ----- lb. 39c GA. GRADE "A" FRESH Whole FRYERS---- lb. 36c FRESH FRYER DRUMSTICKS lb. 59c Slb. 79c S'unsiylnd RED HOTS- .b------b. 79c Clark's .... . CHOPPED SIRLOINS pkg. $1.19 Fresh PORK BACKBONE b. 59c Our Own PAN SAUSAGE -Ib. 49c Ib. 69c ib. 69c 3 LB. CAN Everyday Low Prices Maxwell House COFFEE Mlb 88c --------- 8 Vegetable Shortening. CRISCO 3 lb. can 88c 46 OZ. CANS PUNCH Sunbeam King Size Loaves BREAD --- 3 for $1.00 Giant Size ,; . TIDE --- pkg. 79c Gerber Strained BABY FOOD ---- jar 10c NO. 2V2' CANS PARADE PEACHES Half Gallon I E R CL0'ROX .ug 29c t1',O'R-0X ~------------jg29 Twin Oaks No. 303 Can TOMATOES can 18c 3 $1.00 Parade MAYONNAISE qt. 49c Robin Hood 1T F L 0 U R--- 5 b. bag 59c 22 Oz. Parade Liquid DETERGENT ------ tl. 39c 3 ALL BRANDS MI LK CANS 9$1.00 GALLON 97c Shop Piggly Wiggly and Save 2 Ways t * F THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 R. H. Brinson Ends 47 Year Career R. H. (Red) Brinson, 216 Sixth Hagen, deorgia, later lived in Street, made his final train run Brooklet, Georgia where he at- . December 31, on the Apalachicola tended and completed school in Northren's engine No. 709. Upon 1923. During his school years he his' retirement he had completed worked part time in the postoffice 34 continuous years service with and as night telephone operator the Apalachicola Northern and a and later, for a short while, tried 41 year railroad career. his hand at saw-milling. - Brinson, the son of a railroad He began his railroad career in man, the late ML T. Brinson, of August, 1925 as a section hand in Port-St. Joe, was born in 1904 in Egypt, Georgia with-the Savannah If you're' looking for p delicious, yet easy to mi . mded dessert for tonight dinner,here's an excel ore chocolate co ee cake, the perfect ending to any ... Chocolate Coffee Cake cup butter, softened %, cup boiling 1 cOap n ily-paed caps floutw SAsugar % teaspoon ba }egg soda .. apoon Neseaf, teaspoons a Sioszp. (l cup) Nestl6'8 Sem!-Sweet Chocolate S heat oven to 50*F. In large mixing bowl co and brown sugar. Blend in egg. Add NescafM %o bo] nd stir. Add to creamed nfiture and blend. Gra F lour, baldg Boda, and saltP mix thoroughly. Stir in " ocolate models '.nd spread In greased and floutq Bake atu &.P. Tneso 80 minutes. Cool and SCffee Idng ; . 2% ops slfted 4 teaspoons n onfectioners sugar 1 teaspoon % cup butter, softened Nescaf bowl combine all ingredients and beat unWtil oas ^i 8sgna~cake.. .', division "of the Central of Georgia golf game. It also seems that he Railroad, now a part of the giant and Mrs. Brinson have friends and Southern Railroad. In 1926 he lo- relatives in every town in South cated in Climax, Georgia and was Georgia and they plan to renew employed in the freight office of some of these old acquaintances the Atlantic Coast Line. Railroad now that time permits. as a transfer clerk and was a stu- dent telegraph operator under the tuteledge of an uncle, C. A. Cook. Marianna Ditr t It was in Climax that he met and alul I.strict married Miss Eunice Hester on Oraa--a' on o- June15. i .Ora nization, of M In late 1927 he was transferred to the Atlantic Coast Line's bridge building and repair department and was assigned to the Montgom- ery, Alabama district for 10 years and rose to assistant foreman. S These crews built and repaired bridges frdm Climax to Savannah, Georgia and as far north as Harts= *. ville, Sohth Carolina, east to Jack- sonville, and from that point south to Orlando and west to Mont- gomery, Alabama. 'During this per- S ./. the Brinson's made their home in Climax and began to raise their family. One vivid memory Mr. Brinson recalls was the six week job of repairing a railroad bridge at .Elba, Alabama washed out in 1929 by the flooding of the Pea River. In 1937 Brinson-was furloughed from the Coast Line 'due to a re- duction in personnel and came to Port St. Joe in Augurt, 1937, as an employee of the Apalachicola Nor- thern Railroad. His first assign. ment iwas to the bridge crew as a 1i-.t r r-7r operator. In March, ake budget 1938, he tr1.3. to the trans- lent recipe: 1, ..:,-*'1 '*- ; r : and was em- meal.' I'.. -'. :. at f ;.r..L He was pro- moted to conductor in 1945 and wtes 'has served in this capacity until ldng his recent retirement. S ','.', his r, '+.:- irs. ."i was pre- ilt -' sented a gift by his V.krirre'fel-' SMorsels low employees. Later in th~e eve- 'ebut& ning he was the honor guest at a dually add supper held at' St. Joseph's E/ semi-sweet "',.try Club by hi. tLhei' 4 uhv% 18' area *[\.. -'Ws, Tt;:*i1 At- E<.wl frostmwith I *w~wrs, A.!- Ar'- B 'al, 'ro'Te, Ir7.inrton, ,Georgia land lk. ] ",. ',:iA.c Smith of Blakely, Geor- gia, -i '. Of. late Mr. Brinqa has become .* Ma "- an avid golfer and new plans' to devote wcrr tjno e Li tih pin his INSURANCE Is An Exacting Science Too! LIKE A PRESCRIPTION, OUR PROTECTION PLANS ARE PUT TOGETHER WITH EXTRA CARE! There are about as many dif- ferent types of insurance as there are Ycti:i.t needs. You can't buy them' ill, so it is vitally important that you consult with an expert Call on us at any time! WE PUT THE "SURE" IN YOUR INSURANCE LIABILITY INSURANCE TITLE INSURANCE Let's take a. a .mmi.,. r y. know that YOU can be SUED! Some- one may have an accident on property you own. That someone can sue you, his claim can WIPE YOU OUT un- ' --K * FIRE BONDS MAXIMUM COVERAGE AT A MINIMUM COST less you're properly insured! TOMLINSON Insurance Agency PAGE uIWZ You Paid $50,00 More In State Taxes Last Year Each Floridian paid nearly $50 in 1971 and the Florida State Tax receipts from auto tags, dri- more in state taxes last year than Chamber of Commerce said the vers licenses, business and occupa- state now ranks 24th in the nation tional licenses and other permits in per capital tax collections, issued by the state were $245 mil- In its Weekly Business Review, lion in fiscal year 1972, a gain of Will Celebrate the State Chamber said total taxes $34 million over the $211 million collected- by the state from sales, the previous fiscal year. tIlodist W omen licenses, corporate income and Receipts f rom documentary S -- -" other tax sources amounted to more than $1.9 billion in fiscal The Marinna District celebra- i. *" Youth :,r _;,--. of Trinity year 1972. This was an increase of tion of the r..:- -" ..'. of United United Methodist CL..: _. Panama $409 million or 26 per cent over i,=+;...' Women, will be observed .. -.: by Mrs. Wilburn the $1.5 billion collected in 1971 at 2:00 p.m., _'r *. .- 14, Tiller. when the state ranked 32nd in per in the i' .--..!-.i -.1" of the First B- :*-. speakers will be Mrs. capital taxes. United Methodist Church in Pan- J. B. Nichols of F.- ;: .: "- 3, retiring Florida's increase in tax revenue ama City. .:.:- .1 instrumental and Alabama-West Florida Conference Florda's icreaseitax revenue vocal music will .be provided by President of Women's Society of was the second highest in the na- the Reverend C. 1 J.:-;i and the ',- r. Service and Mrs. Opal tion, outpaced only by Montana's Barrow, Crestview, retiring Ala- 35 per cent increase. bama- West Florida Conference' "Discounting thd $23 million,re- At .Chairman of Wesleyan Service ceived from the corporate income Bible Study At Chirman of Wesleyn Service Guild. The Rev. John Lane, Mar- tax which ent into effect January S: anna District Superintendent of '1, 1972, the state still had a size- Methodist Church United Methodist Churches will able increase in tax revenue last t serve communie n to those in at- year," commented Ronald S. Spen- serve communion to those in at- cer, Jr., Executive Vice President -The First United Methodist tendance. of the State 4 . ., .-r, ts .:-.1-... -: a four week Mrs. R E. Brown of Panama The Review .:.: that without Bible study course on the book of City, retiring Mariahna District corporate income tax collections Romans. .n-: of Wbmen's Society of the increase was $381 million or The classes will 'be held each" ...:'- : Service and Mrs. 0. Ko 24 per cent. Thursday evening' at 7:00 p.m. at Williams of E.:_.: retiring Mar- Taxes collected on retail store the church with Mrs. Wayne Biggs ianna District Chairman of Wesley- items, fuel, '.- *: alcohol, -...:_ the study. an Service Guild will preside over amusements and other commodio E..-.._ is invited to attend. 14,. business meeting. ties amounted to .-. billion in *- Officers for the. newly' organiz- fiscal year 19" "'. million BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT ed Marianna District United Me- more than the $1.3 billion collect- Mr. and Mrs D. W. K.'J' f:-i. Jr., "' Women will be elected and ed .in 1971 of" Savannah, Georgia, an-ounce installed. A special .offering for "The increase in and use the birth of a daughter, Susan Vic the United '.-r.-.. _-'. Committee tax revenue reflects not only grea- toria on January 1. The for ReHef will be taken, ter buying F on the :" of ,,. :.. six pounds, seven ounces. The Marianna .-.'-:t is composed, : ." residents, but also the buy- Maternal k' ..'.. ..are Mr. and of P: '. :",. Gulf, Holmes, ing '. of the minions of tour- Mrs. R. F. Maxwell, Jr., of this .... .' and *- V..1-.,i ists in Florida last ': ." Spencer city. :,, ., added. stamps came .to $88 million, $30u million more than 1971's $58 mil- lion. Receipts from all other taxes including the corporate income tax came to $140 million, a gain of $85 million over the $55 million re- ceived in 1971. IRS Has Tax Forms Readily Available Do you need tax forms from the Internal Revenue Service? If so, you will probably find that they are easier to obtain this year. The Panama City IRS office has installed a new Code-A-Phone sys- tem for handling all requests for tax forms. Panama City area tax payers can now reach an automa- tic recorder by dialing 785-3222. "These recorders", according to A. J. O'Donnell, Florida IRS dis- trict director, "ask the caller to state his name, mailing address and zip code, the specific tax forms needed and .j,j +.. .-. of each".' An -.. -ti;,'., benefit of the S'....',- r K.,- number is that a person need not call during nor- mal IRS office hours. The record- ers will be running 24 hours a day, seven days a week ;j., [l int' the tax payer to order at his conven- ience. Size. BJpckwalls Whitewalls Fed. Ex.talc PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station I I Tre~ton __ J uut5.0' VA9 fe. ..AGE IX WE STAR Port St. Joe, Florlda THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 Florida Banks Set Merger With Ellis Banking Corp. Announcement has been made by Chauncey W. Lever,' Presi- dent, Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc., and A. L. Ellis, Chairman of the: Board of Ellis Banking Corporation, of a pro- posed merger which has been agreed to in .:.,:,'. .::.'i ..t to approval of the respective Boards of Directors and of the regulatory agencies, under the title of "Florida. ::- Ellis Banks, Inc." It.. was agreed that Mr. Ellis will be Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Lever will, be President of the consolidated *banking organization with direc- tors, officer' and employees be- ing combined in the operation. Upon -.:' :: of'the mer- ger, the\ resulting -"." com- pany would have consolidated re- sources of p:.;.:.. 'r $1.9 .. .'with '- : F: of ap- ... .-,, v y: -. ac- :.. .- !. -: r L .--- .' figures. . The .:'-.". r_ -: hold- ing company wodid .be the larg- .est in the : i. :'. tof'the largest in the nation with capital funds placing it the fourth larg- est 'in the 'nation with capital funds placing it the fourth larg- est of all multi-bank holding companies. With this merger and the com- .. :. of .; r : :i , 52 banks will result in the con- solidated banking :-:ri:.;. r Florida National Ellis Banks, Inc. All major marketing areas of the entire state from Fernandina Beach, to Key West, to Pensacola will be represented in the organ- ization. 'SS' DELO JEAN MAJLLE 50 Years Together : ., ,: '* : ? '. ^ ' : / ' coball4c0 fit"I.i a Af~' o1Seby N', r bhI -"7.J'1 tb*"' itliof and ~f I-r n.r't' f b"r t t '~b~p I Iv.1! .T 1 Coj "Ri ~' im j '~~r'~rr,~!. ~,~livwtix -Q] * Flourikfil by r ,: al .. .i'd~, 1' ,era fr,,Avick,.: ..ilowand pers 'f-- ts"~tiered c j ~ '" '5 .1' ., r q '* a : ,r ''it. s''.nt;ant : : ul' ,J1 c 4- -Mrs. 11. P S A, ri uaa ci~~~I ii''vri-j-6.F'[' N lb r. nd -' :''A-Id iii M .dll lJLr Tr Thrift Shop Names Eta Upsilon Has Weekly Workers Christmas Dinner CONME JEAN BOONE f.l r,..i y. W ,.'"... will r:,'.t' rt dinner'.m : .L ngagem ent S .,. (F.t.. "* I-' I r" '' :'i F eem n .: .i "" I r "+ |'1 A nnounr ed l l.,y 11" Ps r,- .: -, -.i ,rI -. .i. *' D Mrs. Jack Boone, 308 nd M .. ... .,- .. ,.-'. Avenue announce the. e- S M _. E J ,_-v i ,, .i. h ,'. .r ...* r .....; ... '.1 of I ',ment a .. ... r : r',' Je ,a ., V R ., .' .h d :to Sgt; o iD -" 'C ,"' 'ion 6..i ," .i r" ..... ', ,-,'. .;h'; ', '- fthe .late M r. '*', '. .-, 'h M., M.... i te tiAe- i6....; : try Hurl.. .lbut Air Foree Base; M + f "- .'" '' 'The, r' be an event 1, ., .. ,. ... of anuay 21 .. l S .S F ~D ADS- .... 'L -: T -r- ',h t We Appreciate The fine business you favored us with during 1972 W e ll Contin ue to bring you the freshest and finest Seafood In Season during the coming year FRESH GULF SEAFOOD IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES Raffield Fish Market T. J. and MERLENE RAFFIELD LOCATED AT RAFFIELD FISHERIES ON THE CANAL Telephone 229-6595 I 1[ -- I I**1T 'l I .. ,1 *j ... '1 S Carol Denise Fenn SYear Old Carol" Demfie Penn, celebrated .... :, ithday Friday, January I:. -A.h party at the home of her Sr. .,.. .. Ann Fenn, 2X. S C--- Leo C. Jones Announces Appointment Of Six More to State Attorney Staff Leo C. Jones od Panama City, vision, the State Attorney's Office State .' .::;. .:- the 14th Judi- now, prosecutes all felonies, mis- cial Circuit, of 'Florida, :. :.r-.r demeanors, juvenile crimes and Bay, C .r: ;' i H.H : J ;':' .:-. : : : Prior to .'::. -"' son a "- i. i' -:. .an- 1, 1973, only felonies were handled', ounces the appointment of six ad- by 'the' State Attorney. Therefore, ditional assistants state attorney to additional personnel was needed his staff, to handle the increased volume of cases. They are Rowlett W. Bryant, Al- The other assistants state 'attor- ton O. Paulk and Clinton E. Foster ney e Jones' staff are J. Paul of P :,. ; ':; Philip J. Knight Griffith of Marianna, who has been ... Blounttown; Jo .. ..'. an assistant for approximately 12 I '. .r LlThomas G. '-...:'I, and Russell Bower of ,+'_;1..'..,j). _! of: these men are,.... who, has been with well-known, '-.r.P... experienced the State 0.*. .r Office for the attorneys and will be valuable da- past two years. editionss to.the State Attorney's Of-- fice, Jones stated. The primary ..:':raL:Aa /' of Bryant, Paulk and, Foster will be in Bay County; Knight in Calhoun -..ad Gulf Counties; Roberts in J ckson County; Holley in Holmes i.ad 7/a:h-in-.',n Counties. Jones -nmp.asized,' however, that all as- sistants would, work. anywhere, in ,he circuit when they are needed; that.each of them ,is an assistant te tto'rry and as such is HilITITl a.ubject to. duty anywhere' in circuit. :Under the A.,.ice V Court - ASSETS Mor, ..-.. T.:. r and Other Liens on Real Estate All Other Loans MR -an MRS. W. R. AL1EBM Engaged Mr. and Mrs. 4'.,i 1. Mallett of Port St. Joe announce the en- S- ._. and .; .' r,,.. ,.. 'riage of ,their daughter,--Delores Jean to -Larry David', Griffin, son of.B. BR. Williams of ";' - City. The wedding will be an event All friends and relatives of the couple are imnrted to -t0 ..*1 the ..-. + .---- " SVi ro Wives Will Meet 'fi Bowman Home The Vitro Wives will' meet I1JT2U-- T.---, 19 LO ~.t. nf w : .. .. i y, Janary 16 a, t 7.;ou30 p.U ,,f Saturday, January '20 in the- ,n i. bome: af Mrs. Elsie Bowmam. .Church-,. at -7:00 AM Vitro, Wives are urged., to Say You Saw It In The Stard. Say You Saw It In The Star - $5,674,766.61 70,471.09 SReal Owned and in Judgment - '. Loans .. ''.: ". IMade to F. :..t.- ;. Sale of Real Estate ........ 36,721.29 Cash on Hand and in Banks 814,377.63 Investments and Securities 45,300.00 Fixed 'Assets'less Depreciation 5,647.00 i .e f-,- r .-i :r- and Other Assets .---...----....... 56,383.57 TOTAL ASSETS $6,703,667.19 LIABILITIES and NET WORTH ..i; : Accounts $6,149,925.99 A ,: ":.:. from Federal Home, Loan Bank Other Borrowed Money Loans in Process - Other L i.,', ./ 28,2931.5 Specific Reserves General Reserves 337,472,42 Surplus ---- 187,975.63 TOTAL LIABILITIES and NET WORTH. $6,703,667.19 OFFICERS C.. G. COSTIN, SR., President; CECIL G. COSTIN, JR., Executive Vice-President and Attorney; DWIGHT I. MARSHALL, SR., Vice-President; FRANK HANNON, Secretary-Treasurer. OTHER DIRECTORS W. 0. ANDERSON, GEORGE 'G. TAPPER, E. F. GUNN, M. BROOKS HAYES, FOREST A. REVELL and W. L. FITZPATRICK CHARLES J. STEVENS, JR. __----------Manager ELOYCE PRATT Bookkeeper BETTY LEWIS Teller DOROTHY WIMBERLY Teller Member: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Member: Federal Home Loan Bank System SAVINGS ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $20,000.00 CITIZENS' FEDERAL SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION Port St. Joe, Florida STATEMENT of CONDITION After the Close of Business December 31, 1972 . i '. '. ? ,. *- ', - Physical Education Part of _Well-Rounded Curriculum Physi4fl education is learning Not every student who engages open to boys and girls. through physical activity. By par- in physical activity will become an Some of the individual sports tincpating in various activities, stu- olympic athlete or even a memberr being taught are badminton, bhwl- ,dents. will improve their' physical, of the varsity athletic team,. How- ing, golf, tennis, tumbling, weather social and mental well-being The ever, there is a' place for every ball and recreational games such goals of the physical education student; By're&ding and learning as paddle tennis ,table tennis, deck program are to increase the stu- about sports anrd by practicing the tennis, shuffleboard and hvise shoe dent's physical strength, develop skills, a student may, improve his pitching. motor skills for sports participa- playing, ability 'and his enjoyment Through the coperat of the tion, gymnastics and other forms as a spect.tr citizens of the by of efficient movement. ,The Ph :i.-luA riftki. De.nart- lowig th_ e of local facilities In games and pports- a .student meant has irtroduc~d .a phas of such as the golf course on 1th learns to work with others and cb- physical .,eve-..pm,,t into the pro- operat with them' They learn to lgrai Tini s i the lifetime activity the eocth BowlingnLais hts help- "take. it d give i without sports m :r is avaibleto ed' to L., the new program. complaint and .to show sportsm3a l-y "itualent w#ha has completed like thavior in the form of coir. their .to-year requirements and The Physical IT.,.i*, i.n tru`e- age, persevqran.ce.., honestr;' l.yal. 6ulId iVe'-to further develop in- tors'include ~ : -' ..'.:-..~ ..Bar- ty and fair. p11i'/ *'*sse q~uatres dihvidai' skiili- or take tan .-,.lt bara Eells, ,e Taylor, 7;T'l will help a student get along '~dl for enjoymient- T. :.e cl :e:, .-. Lane and .'-i LrVter. with others cc-recie3tional- ,n th at they *. - S i r .. Mrs. Norris Hostess Hospital Auxiliary Acknowledges To Eta Upsilon Gifts ot Articles, to T hriftt Sho~p Th-e Hospitd 'Adxaibax Trit /nra !1La2 Mrs W -Y-r*.e -*-* 7 .t E.f Shop, aekn~wledges re'%eipt cof ardA -rjr Ur kez17eyO" exp,ses liiz appctv~t-,' I fob,!S*~~ ~ *~' 1 foUorwrn.g OTtIAbIR~tor to ~h~oIM3~WiO~,MclfiHn I~ :;Y2i~i -dur:ng. the n--',r~th of O T. rrb' di FaA "lrhl fU irn.-..,- -~ a"d Dpmmbe-i-. .A~.:P.' Mr: ;Pi:,-u Fsrr~'- Mr L'' "~*F er, T/Ir-. J C A-'shogar.t. Arsr Tom h I d r~o~~Iy, Mrs Glnn N P For; n, r,-- J ANfi-. Its iec.~;r~: vr~~I o Torm Sr[,th, Mr Jimrn-i/ ',tin Prb !hi z *1;;iL'-r.- r -u r 1.-Sayr- ~ Nkuhit, Mrz. W E Wb;JyMs"n * ''- *.- . ... .. , CHAR GE 1 I' / ' For Personal or Individual Checking Accounts as long as customer maintains a $100.00 minimum balance $1.50 Maintenance Fee should customer's minimum balance drop below $100.00 / . No Service Charge made to students or customers 65 years of age, or older, regard- less of bank balance. Effective January 1, 1973 The above Service -Charge will be in effect provided you use per- sonalized checks which can be purchased at a nominal charge' through the Bank. . If there are anyquestions in regards to Service Charge and person- alized checks please contact the Bank. Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 504 MONUMENT AVENUE - -.~ THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 PAGE SEVFR Earn Physical Fitness Citations x~'erf~ Ctst. nf-:.r FhI--`, : z.I Fitness last ;m mcw. !tr~,11 ton ht.re: Gene Mlore, I': ''~-.c ~ r Y~~h P; Rod Wilson and Mike. 'T :-..,": -' ..ti : left to .0'i are: Brenda Daniels, YT .i Wyatt, Paula T-r.i. r K. v. Vicki Sapp, La- von Pace, ', ,r.ir Davis and Yvonne (.' -"1" -Star photo City Cage League Kicks off T .ie -.1 7 F. -.;'i.. League got The third ga e :' McGee leading the winners with his 14 *,.,' ,,.:.. :;. night with and Hanson,,.with h ** '.,"' points. Winfield .... i 12. Han- 'hi games on tap. by a score of 40 to 38. Shackleford son had Weston and ...,., !. Fr.rd The first game pitted' Kiwanis and Weston :. the winners with with 14 points each. S..:t Peabody---in !r, -*.-:.'; win- 20 and 10 '. McGee was led In the ?,; j .. Davis nipped m :. '.:' 52 to 49. Butts ,'" ., ,'. Knox and Jenkins ,- Jones' 4035. Ashe led the winners ;a C, i. ,the charge for Pea-.. i ', 10 and 10 points. with 11' .',.'". and Haddock added body *tl, : and 14 points respec- i Monday games pitted Kiwanis eight. Jones led the losers .with 10 .'.' Kiwanis was led by Mongul against Buie; T, '.- vs. McGee points followed by Dodson with and Thomas With 20 and 10 points, and Hanson i ..': T' eight. .Lus added eight. ,Kiwanis-'nipped Buie 40-39 in - The second game pitted Buidie the opener. Sims.and Martin paced against Davis Buie,..i 1is 1[:.;:-j4 ] .'. i the winners with 13 and 11 points. S'K b' lot. 1 vi .*f :- 4 "Buie led his team with 16 and , i r'. i .,.u l f; t.: 't.h 7, In the s. .-.5.1 t. 4 Ca, tPeabody . ,', I.T-I, 10- &ot.: rH.*ia'-,',:t''y downed.Hanson 51 to 46 with.Craig owng News Gulf 'County Men's League St. Joe Lanes Campbell's Drugs toqk three' Shirt and T,'.l-;, .---- points '. Marvin's TV in bowl- ..,.,. ; TV ing action last week. Clyde 'Par- Tommy's Gulf Serv. ker's 516 led Campbells. Top man for Marivn was Bill Barlow with a 475. '. Murdock's TV whit e-washed Tommy's Gulf. : Murdock's had, Wayne Ernst tossing a 492. Tom- my's Gulf was led by : ': ". with a 553. St Joe Lanes took three .... from Basic 'Magnesia. Harry I ,>.r 492 was tops ': the Lanes. * had Jerry Tuttle in front with a -., t and '.. dropped three ,,. ''i to Roche Furniture, Roche. R ed *.' tossing a 508 and -" *?,1 k, r, a 500. Bob S-ed T with in,. W -- Drugs 7 1 -::'*., I -. r'nmiture .---- 6 Basic Magnesia --------- 4 lately All The j TIME! , 6 2 a i LETTER 1EADS ENVELOPES -- BILL HEADS CIRCULARS FORMS BUSINESS CARDS BROCHURES SOCIETY PRINTING ENGRAVING -THE STAR - A NEW SERVICE AT POLLOCK'S CLEANERS Uniform Rentals For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 TELEPHONE 227-2551 II PAGE EIGHT l*E -STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY. 11, '1S Mexico Beach by HELEN ST. JOHN -TH HE is right. Our American heritage, is based on every man having his say, and that is as it should be. Mexico Beach is young, and hav- ing growing pains, but let every man know it is growing, and with God's help, when we are through, thpei will stand a town we ,can all All of the residents of Mexico town care. Thank God they care! be proud of. A town with a good Beach are peoplewho care for Nothing is sadder than a town so foundation, built by loving hands theirtowp We are grateful so stagnant, as to grow up in weeds, out of the ideas of all its people, astol fight for i towork so hard because no one would, .take the not always agreeing what is best as to fight for s Iurt, to g th a- time to really bother to change .for her, but always working to bet- Sande v.er stand. After iMexico anything or better themselves. Not ter her. and .ill stand..After'Mexico so in Mexico Beach, Florida. We Beach has outgrown its boundar- so Mexco Beach, Florida. We Ask 10 men their ideas on gov- ies& and is bustling with new faro-ern not grow up mnweeds. -Too erment or procedure and you get lies 'and found its rightful place many footsteps, going- to many 10 different opinions. a as one of the loveliest resort towns places, to ever form a cobweb. 'in the world, we will relax. As the pilgrims fought their way Let all men know no matter across this land. in the beginning, Dont be misled, whenyou readthey surely did not agree on how about our town, we are all good ariile After article about a town or where to begin to grow. That Gj1 f" r,. people, who are work- whose citizens seemingly bic'ker 'attitude has been passed down .ng to make it a better tqwn. And over first one issue then another. from father to son, in our very thisis a privilege we are all hum- 4YOu know, that the people 'in that genes-to fight for what you. feel bly grateful for. Office Supplies 0@@@* THE STAR Is headquarters for all your office supply needs. We stocks il. y famous brand names in qua.Bty office supplies No need to wait for those everyday office 'needs. Call us today. SSTAPLING MACHINES ^ STAMP DATERS SSTAMP PADS and INK FILE FOLDERS FILE GUIDES * SCRATCH PADS, all sizes i' TYPEWRITER PAPER L MIMEOGRAPH PAPEr DUPLICATOR PAPER CARBON PAPER INDEX CARDS, all sizes CARD FILES, wood & metal POST BINDERS LEDGER SHEETS STAPLES ': GEM CLIPS, FASTENERS LEGAL and LETTER PADF : MACHINE RIBBONS DUPLICATOR FLUID% "* PENCILS, ERASERS A ST AR- I "Publishers of YQur, Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE 227-3161 8006 WILLIAMS AVT New Books At Port St. Joe Library Several new books have been ad- ded to the Port St. Joe Branch of the Northwest Regional Library. The books include: Adult Non-Fiction "A Horse Around the House", Jacobson. "Sea Fever", Marx. "The Creation", Haas. "Open .7. -: ', O'Niel "Becoming Partners", Roberts. 'The "'.., 'J .i:ty, v.Monarch of. KITrCHEN CHATTER the Sea", Cousteau. - "Great Religions of the World", National Geographic Society. "Practical Handbook of Concrete and Masonry; Electrical Repairs: Plumbing and Heating", Day. "Sylvia Sidney's Needlepoint", . "The Story Bible", Buck. "The Complete Book of Patio Gardening", Kramer. -. Toa y", McNally, Rand. Fiction "The Odessa File", Forsyth. "On the Night of the Seventh Moon", Holt. . "To Serve Them All My Days", Delderfield. "Speak To Me of Love", Eden. Free Leaflet Explains New S. S. Changes by Florida',Poweri Cprp. Try a "b'.4 f: -,t brightener". Copies of a payroll envelope leaf- See a change in your family's let .ep':i'.g recent changes in mood when you serve them a new the' social security law are avail- breakfast idea. able to employers at the Panama SAUSAGE-EGG BAKE City Social Security Office, accord- pound bulk pork sausage ing to David Robinson, Social Se- 1 cup sifted flour (all purpose) curity Field Representative for 2 tablespoons sugar Gulf County. 4 teaspoons baking powder Called "Your 1973 Social Secur- A% teaspoon salt ity Deductions," the leaflet ex- 1 cup yellow or white cornmeal plains how payroll .:,.. L...i..nc to 2 eggs '" social ':-.:.: .*. in January 1 cup milk : 1973 will build increased retire- 3 Lwr : .r A eggs, .I,.'.r' ment, .;:.:l survivors 'r 'r1 4 Brown pork sausage slowly in dicare .T.' -.,.: ..'. for employees, electric skillet; drain, reserving %4 employers and self-employed peo- cup drippings. Set aside. In mixing ple, Robinson said. bowl sift -.' .-. :".: ;. flour, Fr' -.:'. with under 1,000 em- sugar, v,-- ,? powder and salt; stir :ployees can get up to 1,000 copies in .,"eb. or white cornmeal. Add of the leaflet free on request, Ro- the two eggs, milk and reserved binson stated. drippings. Beat with rotary beater The Panama City Social Security just till smooth. Fold in browned office is at 1316 Harrison Ave., and sausage and chopped hard-cookel the phone number is 763-5331. eggs. Pour into- greased 9x9x2 inch ---- - pan. Bake at 425 degrees till done, CARD OF THANKS 20 to 25- miintes. Serve warm We wish to offer our thanks to with rm rgs:rne -1L maple syrup.; the Port St.Joe Fire r.-'.t: -rt, Serves 6. :for. their prompt and timely re-! *. sponse to O ;t' .- morning fue BERRY GRAPEFRUIT CUP in our home o4n St. Joe Beach ear- 1 cup sugar ly r-' -.. morning. 2 cups. .ranbernies EARL L. BURROWS 3 grapefruit, peeled andl. see- and FAMILY tioned In 'saucepan combine sugar and 1 cup water; stir to dissolve ,sugar. 'Heat to Lo'ir,, boil 5 minutes. Add cranberries; cook till skins pop, about 5 minutes more. Re- move from heat; chill: Pour cran- berry mixture over r ,.(:': .'at sec- tions in individual serving bowls. Makes 6 servings. WIhat do you van.. 'a low cost 4 bedroom home ? Mj- OR 0 -Ir - Jim Walter builds a better buy! Some families need a four-bedroom home,,. others time enjoying your home and your family while your even furnish the materials and include the cost in just want one. Some don't need or'want'a home quite neighbors are fixing up and painting. That's because your mortgage if you ike. .L .. ... n ..-= N E -- .---- .-- .. . that large. But, at Jim Walter Homes it doesn't matter what needs or wants you have... we build them all...four bedrooms. three... two or just one. Whatever you want. Jim Walter "better buy" homes are custom built on your property in a wide variety of sizes and models... and they all accent comfort and functional beauty with special emphasis on LOW COST. What do you waon? We'll build it for you. I And these custom built homes conform to high stand- ards of quality to give you years and years of low maintenance upkeep. You'll spend more of your spare we use building materials that are especially selected for long life aluminum windows, hardboard "Wood made better" siding that holds paint years longer than ordinary siding and heavy duty roofing, to mention a few.. . Now, to keep the* cost of your home even .Jower, Jim Walter will build on your property, completely finishing the outside-down to the last nail, the shutters and the paint but stop at almost any stage of inside completion .. you do the rest and save money. The handier you are with tools and the more interior work you do, the more you'll save. We'll A LoMite LM of SecoIwdl-Howte fagef 'rMORTGAGE FINANCING to ouaffied pr operty owner, PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA 3240,1 P. O. Box 246 -- 3303 West Highway 98 Telephone 769-2381 ( OPEN 8'til 8 OPEN 8'til Weekdays Sat. & Sun. U OVER 20 "BETTER BUY" MODELS a BUILT ON YOUR PROPERTY Call or 'write your local Jim Walter Homes' manager today. He'll give you caomplts information and tha low cost of buildhiig a four-bedroom, two-bath home for you...or any other home you want or neld... and explain how qualified property owners 'an get INSTANT MORTGAGE FINANCING. Isn't it time you moved up to a "better buy" by J..,'7' .l ,,*Sure it is. JIM WALTER HOMES (Mofl to nearest office) I would ike to have more Information and the cost of building on my proper-y. I I understand there would be no obligation to buy and tha you would give me these facts free of charge. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE_______ Telephone (or neighbors) If rural route please give directions I own property in county. "Smouldering Fires", Stevenson. "Michael's Wife", Millauser. "The Boxwood Maze", Plageman. "A Game of Statues", Stevenson. "Lighthouse", Price. "Mrs. Starr Lives Alone", God- Children Stewart. "The Headstrong Houseboat', Anderson. "Emma In Lobe", Arundel. "How Paper Is Made", Cooke. "Gospel Stories," "Stories from Canada", "Old Russia" and others, Dolch. "Benny's Animals", Selsam. I The Library is open from 1 to "Magic Across the Table", Sev- 8 p.m. Monday and Thursday; 10 ern. a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Tuesday and "Catch A Whale by the Tail", Friday; 10 a.m. to' 5 p.m., Saturday Riccuiti. and closed'all day Wednesday and "Mary the Little Broomstick", Sunday. Winter Time Delights E'' ' or t e active sports enthusiast, nutritious soup zonowed by energy filled two-tone spicy brownies and black and white shortw bread chocolate bars are a must for these wintery days ahead. Two-Tone Spicy Brownies , % cup butter egg -. 1% cups sugar .1 teaspoon vanilla 1 84-oz. can (1 % ups) / extract shredded coconut 1% cups 1our 2 6-oz. pkgs. (2 cups) Nestl4's 1 teaspoon cinnamonlo Semi-Sweet Chocolate Morsels % teaspoon baking soda' ' Preheat oven to 875*F. In saucepan over medium heat melt 14 cup butter and stir in % cup sugar and coconut. Blend i 1 6-oz. pkg. (1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate morsels and heat unt morsels are melted. Spread on bottom of greased 18" x 9"V x pan. In bowl combine % cup butter ,and 1 cup sugar and beat until creamy. Beat in egg and vanilla extract. Blend in flour, 80 minutes. Cool and cut into 2" x 1" bars. Makes 4 dozen bars. S' Black and White Shortbread - cup butter, softened 1 teaspoonalIa S cup firmly-packed I extract- ia brow n sugar 1 Sc p flouP ( 6-os. pkg. (1 cp) Sedmi-Sweet Chocolate Moors.~ .. 'reheat ove to 8S0*F. In bowl combine butter, lbro~ and vaSla extiat; beat until creamy. Add flour and blend St I aeri-eet chocolate morsels. Spread in ras ed Wquare p Bake at: 85*SF. Time: 20 mtiute Cooand ct into 8" x lu._xs. Makes 1 dozen bars. ROBERSON'S GROCERY L "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 11, 12, 13 'With $10.00 Order or More > SUGAR----5 Ib.bag 49c Jiffy .,Cake & Frosting Mix 2 for 25c 2 Dozen 89c Georgia Grade "A" SMALL EGGS Fresh Hard, Head U. S. No. 1 IRISH CABBAGE-----lb. lO0c POTATOES -- 10 Ibs. 79c Golden Ripe Del Monte Cream Style BANANAS ------lb. 10c White Corn -- 4 cans $1.00 KLEENEX or VIVA ,- Jumbo Rolls PAPER TOWELS 3---- rolls $1.00 Georgia Grade "A" Smoked FR YE RS------- Ib. 35c P'ICN i CS l--- b. 49c Fresh Ground Every Day Hamburger 3 Ibs. $1.59 Shoulder ,, "r Full Cut Round STEAK -----Ib. 99c Round STEAK- lb. $1.19 Tender, Delicious Beef 7-Bone STEAK -----b. 89c RIB STEW -------- Ilb. 59c Blade Cut Fresh Pork Chuck ROAST -- Ib. 69c NECK BONES ---- lb. 39c Standing Choice Beef RIB ROAST ---- lb. $1.19 Sirloin STEAK lb. $1.39 Full of Flavor Choice Beef RIB STEAK ------lb. $1.29 T-Bone STEAK lb. $1.49 Whole or Ha l Aq flON SLAB BACON lb. 59c - And A Host of Ofter Office Needs-- - s ap4l -c~p~ 1 9i1~4`1 sl I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 PAGE NIN. ,thriog "-3 SHOP RIH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! IGA VELDA -BORDEN GAL. JUG Milk ". With $10.00 Order or More . RobertsAll Varieties COOKIES '.IGA No6 303 Cans FRUIT COCKTAIL 3cans 89c IGA ritWel'. E" 'oI ,i Cir-,ir, Style No. 303 Cans GOLDEN CORN 3 cans 59c IGA Fancy 9.IVI P`i: No. .'3Carp, TOMATOES 4cons $1.00 IGA No. W Ca- 'L-,7 ; 5" ," :. APPLE SAUCE 5 cans $1.00 toffee Creamer 16 oz. 69c Laundry Bleach gal.' 45-c IGA Pink or -Lemon Liquid Detergent --32 oz. 49c Kraft 1000 Isle Salad Dressing 6 oz. 69c Kraft (with ire .'j- e)- 1913/'r, SPAGHETTI pkg. 59c Penny Tall Cans ,' ;- DOG FOOD 10 cans $1.00 China, roll Large LIMA BEANS 24 oz. 59c McCormiek Black 'Pepper -4 oz. 49c 'Popsrite (In: Oil), POPCORN 19 oz. jar 39c Now Is the Time to Plant Petunias Pansies ONIONS ::; BERMUDA )WE HAVE THE SETS! .Lifetime Plastic 10 Inch Hanging Planter $1.59 q. F'I 1.U: TABLFjIE E-7 BLADE CUT IGA 1% Lb. Loaves SANDWICH BREAD 3 for 89c Chuck KoaSt IG A (SAVE 4c) Pkg. of 24 PETITE ROLLS '- pkg. 37c Bama STRAWBERRY -18 Oz. Jar Preserves 48c Lb. Mayonnaise QUART-JAR 49c :ROZEN FOOD -.s. Orange lf JUICE 6 an7 C VEGETABLES --- 24 oz. 49c SSea Pak ' FISH STICKS ---8 oz. 49c P. k. Lb. Pkg. Margarine 33c Tablerite.- 8 Qz. Cans BISCUITS 6 cans 49c Kraft American, CHEESE SINGLES 1 lb. pkg. 89c 'Ci; .,-- 14 Oz. Cans Comet 5 c 69c FABRIC SOFTENER & DOWNY 32 Oz. Regular 69c Value BAYER ASPIRIN -- pkg. of 50 49c Pepsodent Hard, Med., Soft (Reg. 69c) TOOTH BRUSHES --- each 49c Listerine Asst. Flavors (Reg. 79c Value) Throat Lozenges ----pkg. of 18 59c Hygiene Deodorant (Regular $1.49 Value) PRISTEEN ---------2.5 oz. $1.19 Tablefite 7-Bone Chuck ROAST Tablerite 'Round Bone Shoulder Roast I, r i All ?.1 d WIENERS LB- Tablerite :., Butt 88c Pork L%. ROAST yoc O'z-. Pkg. '58c 78c T A With $15.00 Order or More Chuck STEAK 88c doz. Eggs Free Ground Beef 78c IGA kg. of 20 Tablerite LB. ITRASH Pork STEAKS 88c BAGS 07C U FRESH J ICJ' FLORIDA Oranges Tangerines CO, FRN CORN Dozen 5 EARS 49c Listen to WJOE for Wednesday Specials Extra Special Values at RICH'S from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. 1 Bushel Bag NAVEL TURNIPS MUSTARD COLLARDS Oranges $1.29 Lg. Bunches Greens %Bushel Bag NAVEL Fresh Florida Oranges $2.49 Grapefruit Firm Head Lettuce Med. Hd. 19c Lge. Hd. Hard Head 29c Cabbage HOME GROWN FRESH TOMATOES I EAC Ib. 29c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 1 --ao r SAVE CASH AT RICH'S -El NOT STAMPS rpl- PAGE TEN-. KnREIT, rujLAMu:iuNr C. AO I. 17 TROL BONDS, SERIES A W MAY WA ,JER ORDER Circuif Judge NOTICE TO STATE OF FLOlR A trbm e py Attest: IDA, AND THE SEVERAL TAX- 'PAIJL F HAPF'I-'ITE.L PAYER',7. PROPERTY OWNERS Cltr Cir-out Court AND CITIZENS THEREOF, IN. Leon County. Florida CLUDING .NON-RESITLJNT3 OWN By Joy Gold. I.. C. ING PROPERTY OR SU-BJECT TO CERTIFICATE TAXATION THEREIN, AND ALL It h hereby certfi- that a .opy OTHERS HAVING OR CLAIMING of the foreg-.ing Or.er. to wbich is ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR INTER-' attached a co.y tbh C, i.t =.int iFSI .N PROPERTY I0 BE AF I referred if, tu.rti io, ,; nE fur- IFFCTED ?V THE ISSUANCE QF | Wi U. Ika'. "TE REVE. -rJE IiONT; DiSCRI- Ste ...,:. f ,r < 'c.',,d 3;J- i-: HE:.Ei. A-1D ,,T.LL O'THE.RSi dicial u, t ;.,f t-I :*.. ',f 1.rr- O BE. A.FECTED f? AIN Y WAY '.Vi', 'a. l -., .'.'. , TI -I BY. 'the T-irt, e. r.. ,...;..- , you, -lid .each of you, and the andj Eite'nth J.u.'' '.,u State of Florida, through t Stat'e f the Stei1? -f FJ.r'. t-by ir il' Attorneys .of the S.S'!ud,. Fourth, of- b. ,;.( .'; '. I'.. A.D. Seventh, Fourteenth, 'ar'd Eieb. .1972,. teenth Judicial Circuits(,i F' H'i-r 1, d ,\ i f.: I, r :'FVirLD are hereby required to appear be- and. ROBERT E. NIRO .foe this Court in the Chambers of Attorneys' for laintiff the.undersignede Circuit Judge at R mI 622, LArson A '.., 'the Leon County Courthouse in 2-,., .., 'l,,, 3t-214 STallahassee, Florida, on the 18th l___r e day of January, 1973, at 10:00 A.M, andshow cause, if any you have, INTHE CIRCU1T COURT " ,why the -prayers of the Complaint OF THE FOURTEENTH JtU .filed in the above-styled cause DICIAL CIRCUIT IN'AND should not be granted and the rev- FOR GULF COUNTY, Senue bonds.and proceedings val- FLORIDA, 'dated -and- confirmed as therein In Re: The.Marage of prayed. The Bonds to be issued by ERNEST JAMES, the Plaintiff, Division of Bond Fi Husband, nanep of the Department of denI. and BESSIE MAE -JAMES, eral Services of the State of Flor. Wife. - Ida, are to be designated, dated, NOTICE OF ACTION in denomination, of, and to mature TO: ERNEST JAMES as follows: Address unknown "$58,900,000 STATE OF FLOR- YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED IDA, FULL FAITH AND CRE9 that 'a Petition for Dissolution Of DIT,, POLLUTION CONTROL MArMane- /has been filed against S BONDS, SERIES : A" you I[, tf.-.,i. 've styled Court and to be dated July 1 or January 1 of you are i- jd I,, .(.rvP a copy of 4-thesyear inhwhich issued; in denom- your -'v.t, '.fe. if-stfy, to. nation of $5,000 each; to mature the Petition on Il. l.,iilrr": At- as .provided in the resolution au- torney, Fred N. Witten, whose ad- thorizing the issuance of the Bonds dress is P. 0. Box 87, Port St. Joe, not -to exceed 40 years from the Florida 32456, on or before. Feb- stated date or dates of issuance, ,ruary 6, 1973, and file the original aggregating the principal, amount with the Clerk of this Court either INIAL VVENCt ENTIRE STOCK REDUCED TO SELL! Some Items One of A Kind...Some Floor Samples Some Slightly Used REDUCTIONS up .to 50 W~e,-p7lemmon Fvlsh -wf auR ANNUAL RY r I PLETE c ,/ P. L, E T! Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation Service Valve and Seaf iReguinding Valve Seal, Guide and Seat 'Installation Disassembly *, Cleaning Inspection Testing Head Crack Testing 'Head 'Resurfacing r High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc 'Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop decision Work st Delivery . JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 -~d EU 2 T.' r k The k PIECE SOFA and CHAIR 169 ,, s for :. to r--,-'- now you can have a wide r' .. the molded back and thick chai r and sofa. This suite .. ideal for .' rooms or dens. ids can't harm, it's covered '.-r easy to clean, -.:- of : to ... from at this low, low sale price. Speed Queen Automatic WASHER This Speed Queen Automatic Washer has automatic cycles normal and durable press plus a pre-wash soak cy- cle. Hot, warm and cold wash water temperature selection large family capacity 3-way lint and sediment removal system .. gleaming white porcelain enamel top safety lid switch plus many other great features. $219.00 Speed Queen MATCHING DRYER Time and durable press cycles del- icate and normal heat plus air fluff setting. $159.00 I Sealy Bedding MATTRESS ard BOX SPRINGS Single or Double Size $7900 2 SETS $148.00 $79 MTATL TEAa dsevrabli h C1~i~~ Def941nddntge.shvn uLnIY, p--a WtobaffI11A' I Di Pre Fas ST 201 1 I4 PIECES Spanish Styling Dresser, Chest, Mirror, Bed Beds, Mattresses, Box Springs Bedroom Suite $189 Twin Bed Sets THE S'AR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 S. ing off into the bay. The expelled of Fifty-Eight Million Nine Hun- before service on Petitioner's At- water will be 90% pure. dred Thousand Dolars ($58,900,000) toey or immediately thereafter, l a n. | c ir n te ati ei s said. oh - and bearing interest, payable Semi- .otherwise a default will be enter- a tIme nt HIuIg' l A I In describing the size of the op- ar .thirst(1,st)1da of ed against you for the relief de- ag il IantI H'ge VII eration, Tiest sa inc Jamniy adb the first (1st) day ,nianded in the Petition. ines will carry waste waer to e SofJ fe.oe ear. at the west. Dated this 2nd day of January, nt and treated water from the I B -wnenthe Me W, ,'A.D.-973. .....plant and treated water from.the r a s ch1 B GEORGE Y. CORE Port St. Joe's new Wastewater Treatment Plant will be a huge ids will be settled out of the i- plant Two clarifiers, 225 feet in ot .interest at a rate .. Clerk, Circuit Cot operation, according to a descrip- quid, pumped over into a second diameter wil receive the waste ret d th te a m r ate st rate -Q_- (S AL) .v C T .efenses,i enter will receive the waste greatf'fi ,thd highest rate.- (SEAL) ,, O. TP :y of y w to, defenses, if ti of the plant and its operations settling tank for skimming and for the initial treatment stage. Pro- mes -.u more fOP 3J IAL ,: -3; t -~' H.. -. -, G. Costin, given the Rotary Club last Thurs- then to a third operation for pres- visions have been made for adding e with CCUI ~ F TIi STATE' J r, P S : -" y, ; whose day by Joe Tiest, resident engin- sing out even more liquids. The er lariier later. roee there a.ag by OF FrLO1tA,.IN AND FOR '-'e t eer on the job. residue, containing some 40% li- an t e f the plant will be nea CLA D 1_ 1- e in e te will be put into a kiln for el h 1. .. '.... C. ......r *: r.,,, 7. ..... ..efore. the .eer. thejoest, residtheuoerct"abngnin4.41.5.Million g ons per day with a oi nd 'PA-., ctf C ; ,,., .-,^,- : t buthrt ng, 41 5pte start-up load of 34-9 mil- fn :- 4 *h of the new. f i17 expected.,t ae of t .S Cn '~..'.'... .7-te waer be collected at Ash from the kiln will amount on per day, which will Cl* 1 t'i'] .i t i if .-.'; i nstallation now underconstrue. to about two truck loads a day, ac- diminish as St. Joe Paper Com- 'to a c op th izO NOT ce OF ACtION 'i .. u est of the overpass on *. to and wll result pany installs water saving devices er to be-. "S- -'', ., 98. All '.S will be chlor- 7' .. from residue from the St. at their ; Of the input, St. t T 2 ..T'. the -. '- at this sit and .u;'. to Joe Paper **" Joe P.per Compaiy is e I tn tion,.whi-h shall not be ihia YO R .ikTTiTE Th n 3e ..,i3rd day of the 350 acre treatment site in All water extracted from the Tpi "p t iW sll" o was ity 1, Ft, ,_' ;.a .' | ..... f"' *, -. i 1 T , i ie o ,Id.-..,a-, C 14 A the main treatment site, sol- aereater thoroughly. drain-denDurkee 270 OR)EIRED in Chanm- beS MTl .,- iCn.y ,'..a County,: r v.- I R. ,.;.:;. ecembe doo. m r I Al i I *il mr l I ~ _ m ri j I THE STAR, %ort St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 PAGE ELEVEN tl I ,I HERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES A&PPOLICY: Always do what is honest and fair for every customere. RAINCHECK: If an. advertised special is ever sold out asr the Manager for a Raincheck. It entitled. y.ju to the same item at the same special price the fol- lowing week. Or if you wish weT''give you a comparable item at the same specl ptes GUARANTEE: A&P offers an unconditional money- back-guar- antee. No matter what it is,. no matter who makes it, if A&P sells it, A&P ~qarantees it. IMUM UvIiii4IW YMWA I HIAvIN99PTI m~2J -"SUPER-RHT" HEADED CUT WESTERN TENDER BEEF BONE IN LB. PRICES IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, JANUARY 14, 1973 ITEMS OFFERED IN THIS AD. ARE NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAILERS OR WHOLESALERS. "SUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS.-. BANQUET QUICK FROZEN ASSORTED AlL Met Faka 120. 49I Meat ............ o39. "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF CHUCK COPELAND'S SLICED Cuiul&Steh s ............. ..1-8 AllMeat....... 8.69 - "SUPER-RIGHT" QUICK FROZEN CHOPPED COPELAND PURE PORK Super-Rightea Bq a 4aaqe .. .. 7 SupA eg h R r Super-Right Market Sliced CUBAN SANDWICH ea. 49c Sliced BACON- -- lb. 79c ,AN.Y ,+ -----.7-t S"UPER-RIGfIT" "COUNTRY TREAT" 34LB. W 1L AppbA BAG 4 tW.b BAG' RED OR WHITE SEEDLESS "SUPER-RIGHT" SLICED BEEF, HAM OR .FIt. .m.. 10 9 i C k.Sedu ....... 35P K, RED 69t "SUPER-RIGHT" SLICED TURKEY, PASTRAMI OR DAs~sA po f ................ GS.5 LARGE SIZE ZiPPER SKIN Super-Right Fresh Rg, Twan~ 1~2/59* Pori NECK BONES-- lb. 35c GRADE "A" FRESH FiA. OR GA. Bw,'O' Ckieku CONSISTS OFR, - * S BREAST QUARTERS 0 W" * 3 E QUARTERS" - *3WINGS LB C , .* .NEC KS 3 GI6BLETS ^ ^ ^ ," ;: fp S"SUPER-RIGHT" " CHUCK Over GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. or GA. .- B **& R WITH BACKC Splio BmUlrs .. L^ . A & P BRAND DELICIOUS PhW eCh .. t 790 SEFOODDEPRTMET : CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN FRENCH FRIED APNO..S...Q.UCK.oF.RC PKG. CAP'N JOHN'5,QULCK FROZEN FRENCH FRIED JiLidSLfa ............ KG. 79ti Cap'n John's Quick Frozen Shrimp Creole j1c CHECK & COMPARED WHY PAY MORE? K^ Ma meunid i JR590 SULTANA BRAND EVERYDAY LOW PRICES SCaW SDMII "" 394 CHECK & COMPARE! EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! I Wi ei Ka......... ,O29 PURE VEGETABLE EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Di aOil, ......... 79 EIGHT O'CLOCK CHECK & COMPAREl EVERYDAY LOW PRICE!; Ow -OwVT WB W, 89W V Anti-Freeze and COOLANT and COOLANT 1 GALLON FOR YOUR LAUNDRY EVERYDAY LOW PRICE, C 'we Be $tk ....... t* 590 A & P BRAND EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! FOR YOUR LAUNDRY EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Ti Deto u t 3-o z", r m 75 ANGEL SOFT ASSORTED COLORS Pa p Tw 4 'T 1$O.4o A & P. BRAND ASSORTED COLORS FaeiaLTiuma 4BOXES REGULAR or SUPER EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! KoftTmepo ... '790 DISPOSABLE DIAPERS EVERYDAY LOW PRICE I l ipeu ..................DA 30's A&P BRAND DAYTIME DisposeableDipam 3n C39 Gerber Strained 4/2 Ounce Jar BABY FOOD ------ jar 10c I 4 READY-TO-USE EVER S... .... *0 *0 0901 00 YDAY LOW PRICES 32-oz. t CAN yT Trqpicana Chilled Fresh ORANGE JUICE 3 qt. ctn. 89c FROZEN EVERYDAY LOW PRICEi ASPOaOnqeJule '6 PACK1 MARVEL ASSORTED FLAVORS nF utDam 4 a t 1. I LUNCHEON MEAT EVERYDAY LOW PRICES Ijfoa Cim ........ 65* Infant Formula Ready-to-Feed EN FAMIT ---32 oz. 63c A & P BRAND PURE EVERYDAY LOW PRICES CaM S0 5.............5s 4 9' FOR RELIEF OF COLDS EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Conet Cap. ACula ,o:O. W REGULAR FLAVORED DOG FOOD 6-PACK K --Rt ... .....CANS ALL DIET EVERYDAY LOW PRICE! Dai DoIFe. ........ 0/CAN A&P BRAND SALTED OR UNSALTED Salt9C.Neh M B 290 JANE PARKER ENRICHED REG. SLICED ..... LOAF JANE PARKER DANISH PwftRi ....... .... i 5iN JANE PARKER BAKERY FRESH Cedctu Oe u.PPI 49* JANE PARKER BAKERY FRESH Pim ppl Pi........ 22-Z 490 o o o o e iti SILVERBROOK EVERYDAY LOW PRICES PN But .........o.. K79. SINGLE SLICED AMERICAN Kw#tChm ........ KG. 77 ' ENCORE SOLID EVERYDAY LOW PRICES M &** ........9........6. ?G: W DARI COUNTRY PASTEURIZED PROCESSED Imitation Chme L4 .......... ....LOAF 69 BREAKSTONE YOGURT SPa .......... oz. 29 .... ir~ +. g .... .. ! T :S. ARE N PE(lAL5 SAW Otsk -,jusT EVERYDAY LOW PRI(ES I A, I Alwml ft iA'GE TWELVE THE STAR, Port St. Jo. Florida THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1973 So-So %to in a m a *e" . a~m a In % a m pol a t b mb." 4Wm 1 -m I6 pm b"uq. km &aft fuw duftL Ntop mba v Id vDMUGso.ht"" Sellng Cak esinto =b~oom Church ThmewipIjx toi o rIac .ela P~'e w .11 of W 166 mod boom Ph's o~. 227-3371 or317 .Wibam Pipyo f Free P ark'~lu tting -Reof Church %Thd ShgethdIjrd Vie~w MfIremn- 10003irda "l 4i)av p, .~rs .oabarday. cjling Mox. 2We:. i1,r Mr. -il ora .-va "6r;4-.~-5 _v d~ira Gi antb e tuckr m! ls t t i Week In Tw Cage Victories The Tiger- Sharks had only a so-so -week on the hardwood court this, past' week which',cost them" a third loss in their rec- ord for the year. The Sharks rode a hot 'first half to a 53-45 victory, over the Walton' County.. Braves of De-. runiak, Springs last Friday af- ternoon. ' Eight Shark- :w, a'ctio, in the game "'u.ci~iC saw Sandy quin toss 17 points through the hoop to: lead the. Shark' scoring. Gary,' Speiglitsadded 11 points for the; hiirfk: WaGiAr j6g!is.or. paced the. Brayes with 12 points.' ,Score.by'i q 3 1a3 -: -, Port St. Job 16 19 8 8--53 Walton Co _-,10 .,8 9 ,8-45' PORT ST. JOK--Bryant 3-3-9; :2e..gt: 3-5 11; '.hardITherr, 3-0- 6 Qutnn 7-3-17, Hall 40-6, Russ 0-0' H,-rinwg 0-0-0;,Dixon 1-0-2. WAi.LTON- M;Alard 1-0-2;-Hug- ,',s (.,4, 9 .,..r. ?.-'.12. Flour- iju wi 0,, L i" 1 1 I, Blackman, 21, r1 d l : F0-0-. ' '6 . A rrAId thd period r b:6 the, Shark- cl -, 5i-54.'loss to the ilarianna: B ull dogs Saturday ,h[ ':.r he 'Sharks' .in ~t loss of the yar, , T'.Qi~ .. :ra;'i.fa d -ledthe Shark :ce.. hrh .I-Li .- :-'A.g,2 ,L,' A pnirt 't bad b*fie, Ihen t: '( r along, ad saw them fail 'b .iind %.even ir.re t: A ir'triod 'iAge, when they out(.cored the C ;_"-, ,,,...': l. 9 .-' sn q a Tri t e eDnouah to pull the game uut. of th,_ frit'. . r3,t by 'Mja 3't.Crl: -I'it; :*. Tex, 15 15 9 14--5- 1 Ma.'ri-.a- ";_-J It: 16 9---54 Pt-p'P -ST. JOF, Bryint 3 t"6; '-.*.*Lhr : 2-1 S; G anl r ry 7-1- 16.; t nn f.a10-; Hill I <-12 TI.-rrr 1-1; IR s "-0. . MARIANNA Brendemuehl 1-2-4; Jackson 3-0-6; Myrich 8-0- -16; Pruitt 3-2-8; .hillips 0-1-1; 'Iorne 9-1-19. Tuesday-night, the Sharks got -back in the groove and d mol- 'ished 'the Blountstown Tigers af-' 'ter l ?... 1 ;. ,.: '*', a !'vic- tory-. to ie' earlier in the season. The Sharks coasted to a 51-36 victory .. , The Sharks had piled up a 10 .point' lead b., h' b~rz.? then ad- ded to their lead, .,: 7 : 'r the -'Tigers 16-8 in the third period. Sandy Quinn puTped 17 points ,throug-" ..r .e.t ..Iqwed by 7 Tim ,.r',r,i",irre 'A-. i 16 and University of West Florida, Chamber Of Commerce, Offering Business Course - Beginning ,Monday, January 15 The Uni-J-. euit. of West Flor- :ida in o:iti,:n with the Port St. Joe-Gulf C 'r..t-,r Chb-rtc:" of Commerce and the SBA will pre- sent a course-, on ,small, business ,management. The course is free and eve.. .r,' : invited whether . in business, or just interested in t';': r.e -; r.:-r 0'c1't The ma- t.er.n J p eo.r.:le'. -~',1i not only im- prove the managerial abilities of owners and Irp-..;,',e but will'. be of benefit to ...'': e: in learning skills for job ,-'.p, - ment. ' -The :':,i':.: to be presented. are as follows:' January 15, "Sue- cess 'i. Failure Factora ; J;t.'- ' ary 221 "Why .'tr 3r Buy (And.'"'5 o They tr ja. i Shoo l Entrance 29, T :It ,on FEbrviar:i 5, . : :. r,;.4 ag ,o ,:.."'i : ;,'..;. r-* 12, F~ rff i',Lr,'= L,.-. ini h'I'S.rt Term Ie :: s.::-;7 1' F-.-.cords and' Credit"; F.'t-i.b-,'y 26, "Safe- guair-:U '/.- The c --.I... ii'be r:i.ante in Panama City at the' Gulf Coast ':' -r.:: College, Room C-106 on Monday evenings. from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., There is no regis- trtoinr, ust show up for the "class, and yc.u do not have to be present at the first class to at- tend subsequent classes. You need 'not have prior "knowledge or experience in the subject areas, they will' be in-- teresting and, informative to 'all who attend; A certificate of com- _pletion from, The University ,of West Fin'ida and the'Small Busi- ness. Arkr.i:r- '.n will be awarridi thr,-.- ecor.mnletine all VIM f A~.a-rt t n i~ ~'o CARO OF. THANKS. 2.id "'A" 6Ke askiin thb'i public Vie w-t~ud hk-e t(otake this means rrid.'Iimpt,-smni a one! and offers of he'l'wh~en hui' ryhme. viz :ilv~ T,,zrn1rn' mY i ')P -Au hdnot-k-r~, rAand weI cW'i~rn at "l."(~o~ arw:AE.appu we iat ~~~ 1l~]4f~i; t' ~ ~ '~Y(traffic iin; THflE V[C BTIRK.L' ha~ ~ ~ ~ 1 -6'x '~~'We '~e, Ik' ______ iag. how's;er that rpuenls tli'-,r ypmgstc _p_. hat ., ia-6 '* fi-i ell & b Vperby ~ sI A y a .' i- t r. 4,tlear lo-i'f V/e would r 'W" Ie've;LtvP4'-1F; a fk-1' NOTICE TO RECEIVE m,'.'j It~eWinhae a ac ISEALIED BIDS "" nji.: ,' .'~: o :,- T.~ ~':~ of jnary mmin '~,i~~ i dj'. irisr~ I re qiv.i ,-.ied bhids,-'lrm any per- "It '/ '! be necessary to'move traffic one-way out in the after- noon because of the large num- ,ber of vehicles, involved. There will :. traffic in -r out be- tween 2:30 and 2:55 p.m. except School buses. Crs will not be able to leave the student park- i,-. lot between 2:30 and 2:55 p.m. r .r. rt '. P to pick :v.. jt: in, the afternoon '.: E!, 'I r wait until around' 3.:00 p., orn make arrangements for the youngsters to o'. '. to an agreed-upon 'accessible a-re a, such .as the *i .'6j lot of the football field and meet them there.", Wuthrich said further, "We have'every '...fI; :,.:.I .'.it the people'of Port St. Joe :v, Jl coop- .erate, ias they have many times in the past, to help us insure the safety of our children." son, company or corporation inter- f,c LL ;.r fg rlie County the fol- lowing d r b:, personal proper- ty: ONE (1) DISC HARROW and ONE (1) SEEDER to be used with a size 5,000. FORD DIESEL TRAC- TOR with the .Atio.'/irig specifica- tions: .' i TJ'.i'DW Sht.. be at least nine feet six inches' with at least twenty- six-. .-.- "rh ;.L : "'.I blades and at ]-1 *:.( a rin foot spacing front and "t !e :-s. a. seven and one. half foot spacing rear. Equipped with : point lift type hitch, ST,' F P One five foot, culti- :,;:;-: ','', seederr attached.'Equip- :,j' '', ",.h t.h; <; point lift type E. -; will be received until 7:30 P.M., T M~,~.: ?2, 1973, atthe of. fice :i '-. ,' : of Circuit Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Flor- :; The Board reserves the right .to reject any and all Ld-. BOARD OF COUNTY \ COMMISSIONERS GUILFX, COUNTY, FLA.. t1 A. L. DAVIS, Chmn. 2t-l-ll11'' r 0rr Gary Speights with 10. Garrett led the Tigers with 13 points.' Score by quarters: Port St. Joe 10 18 16 7--51 3i;.^ -n 19 8 8 10-36 PORT ST. JOE--Bryant 1-1-3; 'Speights ',"-l'_ Grandberry 6-2- 16;. -C,..i'.]n 8-1-17; Hall 2-0-4; ,Rich '-1-1. BLOUNTSTOWN-Peterson 2- 0-4; Milton 2-1 4; Caster 4-1-9; .Goodman 1-0-2; Garrett 5-3-13. . During. the coming week, the Sharks will be at home to Chip- ley Friday r i_-:. travel to Crest- i',i' S;,tuIrdLiy n'd host Wewa- Shl*:.:!.M:.l r.ext Tuew-.ii/ Results CARD OF THANKS unites a: Though I feel very 'sbngy 1that time ag2 a public statement of gratitude creed.. M who in can never replace the personal brother expressions, I want to say "'thank -worthy you" to all the friends and a- deed. quaintances in the Port St. Joe Sinen area who have so freely given so much to me in material help, phy- AIn sical assistance and spiritual up- lifting, not only during the recent death of my mother, but through C the years past on many occasions. It 4 truly heart-warming to be. a' pa*t of such a community that . N NOTICE THE ST. JOE PAPERMAKERS F UNIO O Will'holdts .iriru., a,..etiu at the Papermakers Union Hall loc The time will be 7:00 p.m. M-:nb.:r register, at the door for a 30/30 Rifl at the c:!le f he '* 'n ng A repress Insurance Conaniv 'lv l be present t of isurs-nce as'-aihble to members. C has also byen asked to attend. + Classified, Ads + FOR SALE: 4 bedroom h.:-). 'fl f FOR RENT: Apartment.- 5i0 8tb WANTED: Man with service sta-- ly carpeted. 2% baths, 12 r Mtre ._ Pl.rh.oce .i.840. tfc-9.7, tion and mechanic experience. Large living room, lar, ,tR-RE Appil y at Ralph and Henry's Stan- In Oak Grove. Very .' ,:... I. IFOR RENT: OC edrm hou at r and He 's tan t: ?.". ,:; .,_:. .' r l '.i > ,, P,; ,.'h. Fur' s.hed i. Co d-1 dard Service. tfc-8-3 It .'i Sumith s ."armacy. Phone 227-. .. FOR SALE: 20 foot ..i. sail- 5111. ltfe9-2 .boat..PPhone 648-3934. Itp T bech GEORGE S. COODY 'FOR SALE: '62 "T1" .': station Il t ea lienat3bl mn,.tyhl rates Electrical Contractor wagon. Auto, radio; heater, good Flne .227-4f~ I r 22784,. fic Residential and Industrial mill car, $100. .Phil Barton.. Phone Wirinv and Appliance Repairs 229-6203. .ltp The Best Costs Less All AWork Guaranteed FOR'SALE: Lots ,suitable fortrail er and, trailer lot. Oak :Gire. See A R T U 'N G ' Brooks Anderson in trailer Oak The Pait Made wi FOR CHAN LINK FENCE ,oSs :TU OILry Selphs. Free e hate, FORS.... TU O Guarantee on labor and materials. FOR SAhEM 1V2' C bcn o mn 1 Oil base, Viny and Lates Low down payment. Phone 227. heat and air. Call 229-6801 after 0pri. 21p-4 See orCa MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP ....>- mo- Cta a. ri'sMtl "s FOR SALE:-. Guru radios tape ,FORSAL: 8', ta- e ith --players, TV's. tools, jewelry, Sces,..e: 123 Phone-22 2t7691. Ph. 227.7751 dishes and gla_.watr ourr30- ..p-14 _- _. ..._. day lay-afay plah. 102 5th :St., SURPLUS TRUCKS FOR SALE: Up -Highland View. Phone 229-6193. FOR SALE: Barrel hore. For Luu(.., h'1:; conventional track tfie1-4 more mforo.-ii'on .al 721,2441 tor, some sleepers, White, Mack "4- --. -- - *.: 2 '((03 ft- r 2 '1 4 and Ford. Many to choose forn. FOR W Ni G NEEDS we James S- Comjrib-,:3 <3ied rti ^L, 10 spe-, L i, 1302 PalmI Blvd. FOR SALE: 2 btJioomn hou-.e (ful. trasm,:,on, La'lemn dive aod tagI _07 1l ly c0ipeted in living -rcrm-and al- ',,: 'to sell. F:.,-m $2S0t - one bi-droom) chain link fence to 5,9 For information and Jo- around entire lot. 8-10 storage c.bon ;J Schwerman Trcking h,.use !nclued. ee at 515 4'h C,, p p.,,. 25, Bainbridge, Ga. 101/ ff Street or call 2=72711, extension 912242455 2 3teB12n20 1r 0% of 259, tfe-11- 4 3 2 FOR SALE: s bedroom house with den. Good neighborhood. Call 229-5821. '.. tfec-10-29 FOR WENT: One and two bedroom attractively furnished apart- ments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Contact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 or 648-3101. tfc-10-28 APARTMENTS FOR RENT: Con- tact Hollanday Motel, phone 648- 9200. 4te-12-14 HELP WANTED: Cocktail waitress. Apply .Wonder Bar. 4te-12-20 WANTED by individual. Approxi- mately 300 acres suitable for cat- tle, cleared or uncleared. Some low land would be okay. Phone 268-' 6874 or write K. Dinkla, 11042 Scott Mill Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32217. 1 8tp-11-23 WANT A HOME for a German Po- lice dog. Good watch dog. Needs. room in country or on farm. See Loran Kelley at Highland View. LOSE WEIGHT with New Shape tablets. 10 day supply only $1.49. At CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE. 5tc-1-11 NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apaiachicola, Florida Friday kand Saturday January 12 and 13 2 BIG SHOWS! Popular Youth Show "FRIENDS" also - "BAD COMPANY" Mighty Fine Western Next Week End "PICK-UP ON 101" "DR. GOLDFOOT and the GIRL BOMBS" KIUPATRICK | Funeral Home6 ' and I Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227.2491 BINGO Every Saturday Night Beginning DeCember 16, 8:00 PJM. AMERICAN LEGION HOME 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms availabe.'WES- TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6415 PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo- tional problems and/or concerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 2294621 or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 22-659. HELP WANTED: Experienced tire' . recappe-s or trainees. No expert ience necessary .for trainees. A permanent job. and apply jin per- son at Panama City Recapping Co., Springfield. Plant located., one block. behind Springfield City Hal. Phone 785-6470. tfe-1O I WILL KEEP CHILDRENin 'l home from age 3. and _up. N,, t and day care. Contact Mrs. Nell Smith at 511 Woodward Ave. INCOME. TAX tSRVICE SRI contact . CLYDE WHITEHEAD 901 Garrison Ave. Saturday Sunday, All Day Monday thru. Fday, after 6:00 p.m. Phone '22-5281 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe COVER EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE and AIPQ LANCES 300 Sai Ave. C. P. Etheredge i18 Third Street Port St. Joe, Pla. Plumbing :all 229-4986 for Free Estimmit ON gALL FABRICS SHIRLEY'S FABRICS 106.Bellamy Circle Phone 229-2021 A iteXCO BEACH 'BEAUTY SHOPPE *vy- P8 Phone B y11 Complete Beauty Service G&ADYS NICHOLS - ." LADIES SI m now 'servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. 'I you have human hair or syn- thetic which you would lie to have serviced quickly 'at low prices ... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 2294311 .or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewakitchki and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped oLt CaD Buford Griffin. Phone 2294004 or 229-297. R.A.M.-Regular convocaton oa St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, &Ax, 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. WALTER GRAHAM, IL, P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 11&6' THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular coin. ,.ai.a.teonof Port St. Joe Lodge No F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. FOY E. ADAMS, W.M HERBERT L BURGER, Secty nd proves itself tilne and. min-regardless of race or [y prayer .is that my God His wisdom created the ood of man may make me' of your each and every ely, RS. W. P. (Deda) GILBERT" CLASSIFIED ADSI Investments That Yield Giant R*thIWA FEDERAL CREDIT z J.uiiar, 23,'1973, ated on 6th Street. . will be eligible to le to be given away tentative from Cona to discuss the types )ur Federal Auditor CONS-TANT -' " ADVERTISING" SOne step won't take you ry far, O ne, st. 0 Y U r. S You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. SAn inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going., A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towserr M asticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. -< '* '. . And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE ITI THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 THE MARINES ARE LOOKING FOR A FEW GOOD MEN WHO WANT. TO LEARN If you're a high school man, you may know how tough it is to find a good job these days. Even though you're interested in something like automotive maintenance, metal working or data processing, you y..- don't have the skills to qualify. The Marines are looking for a few- -. -&-4:. LEA."I good.skils. That's right- the Marines will TRAIN you in fields like Aviation Maintenance, Electronics, Radio C:.rrn,.u r*:.ro.i. and many, many more. .Talk to your Marine representative. He's looking for a few good men-who want to learn good jobs. GEORGE- BE LL will be at 565 Harrison Avenue, Panama City, Fla. Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Be sure to ask him about the new guaranteed training program, PHONE 785-3501 collect |