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SXTEN PAGES i* 'A ^,f'ir* ^ THE SITAR NTL- C-Sl-_ _-- ---- -. ,_ AL-m I Uh-,lJl Ara I-_ n.,-*, l **'1; 0lc PER COPY *** 'sr^ ^ r ***^ Th* e Safesy Beaches In the fou Are I nm \uoviiy THIRTY-SIXTH ifEAR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 City an County Receive Federal Sharing Money SThe City of Port St.-Joe and the Gulf County Board of Com- : missioners received' checks last week end from the U. S. Trea- sury- Office of- Revenue Sharing. Port St. Joe's cheek ,amounted to '$15,490 and-the county cieck was for $80,000. / The City -was expecting in the neighborhood of $74,000/for the year anr the county ws, expect- ing $110,000. to $1". Or., -The funds rs"-.e :,-i ; week represent payment, for,the first: six months entitlement under the fiye year $30 billion revenue, nirn program signed into law by Pre.c;t'idr, Nixon October 20, 1972. Checks for the second half . '0of the 1972 entitlement will'- be ma R in- January of next year., Thereft.r, each recipient will get z '.hr.k every quarter of_ t - y*'ar ..:-' sing or.'f U 't, of its Port St., Joe .w'ill ee, a ii:.,- less than half ., v'.h. 'f i *.- i exp -'-r'np ant) *'-". I unt / S..i i 6' x"S..'50%Aire than it- w.x t .[, to ,.: p:,:e I , w. i f l 9 ; Five A'reCage Teams Competing In Xmas Tourney Five area teams will be par- ticipating in Port St. Joe's bas- ketball Christmass Tournament which gets underway Thursday' night at 7:30 p.m. In. the first -gaine, Chapman of Apalachicola will meet We- wahitchka: All other teams-in the contest draw a first round bye. Friday night, at 7:00 p.m., Blountstown and Marianna will open the second night of the tournament., In the 8:00 p.m, nightcap, Port St. Joe. will play the winner of Thursday -i;i : 'game. Saturday night, the consola- tion game will start at 7:00 :.*-, "wth the championship duel be-. ginning at 8:00.' " ,Admission to -the tournament ^ 'will be $1.25. for adults and 75c- for students. and local tax effort. Generally there are very fewv "strings" q attached to revemme sharing funds. Under 'the law funds may be expended for cap- ital .improvements or' mainten- : ance and operating expenses fort: the following: 1. Public safety, imWNd ; law enfQrcement, fire ,.t .. and building "code enforu mnt. 2. Environmental v'.':. ...r,, including sewage :! san-' "tafion and pollution -abatement. -,i,-.,i". transportation in- 6ui'ran., Lansit 'systems ,.and 0; ;t r a r. iA i . S5 Recreation. - 6 L b r z. .. : ., 7, 7 al x6se-'r-wn: for the poor -and :,7. 8. Financial administration, .Neither the City of -' '.. Joe nbr the '-i''. has *. ;.ed *. ~ a i -,' '' '. receiv- ,- ...'- B ,. w ex.-, t;. "- . Herb Brouillette Died Monday; F neral Tday T P Y. and 'h 1- .-, a resident oi this area for several years. H- wais a graduate of Manulus o' a.'. Academy, i r. N :'..: N Y.;,a .d i'' of Me- chanical kI.'r-, ..- '. from Mat- Gill 1 .-:c ; rtMontreal, Can- :.' 'a Masters of Finance from the University of London. He was retired from the St. Joe Pa- per *.'.-r.'.- retiring in 1971, where fo 18 years, he .was em- ployed :as Management Engineer.' He was a member of the St. James .. Church and a former President of the Layman .,.--,,. IiC* was a member of the St. Andrews Power Squadron and of -the Management Associa- tioni. ' Survivors include his wife, -Mirs. Lila, Sinclair Brouillette of St'.-6e Beach; two sons, Goftery *Brouillette of lYarina De Rey, CaIif, 'and Nelson T L7.. !. .; of ",.,'>,.t .-!.' Ohio-; one sister, Mrs. Jon Lewis -f Atwater, Calif.; one brother, Everitt Brou- illette of Huntsvlye, Ala., and Zack '7: '.1.hC ,'.ig ht, .shows, a big ment o g. school accreditation over to *- -'. *.* ..irfacti.in a: he turns the docu- principal Ken Herring, seated. two grandsons. ' Funeral services will "be. con- ducted today, WWednesday, De- cember 20 'from the. St'.. James i' :- .. Church with the Rev, , Ellis officiating. Inter- ment will follow in '*,;' Holly Hill Cemetery with Military Honors. 1' 1 .-:,: -2 A be mem- bers of the L;., .;, - The '' requested flowers .be omitted. Those .---,'<.L 'may i.r.:.. to the Amer- ican Cancer : .:. or their fav- . orite .. . .i [. o. a, r :. 1 H.: .. is in charge of. arrangements, Predict 35 Holiday Deaths Urging motorists to prove them wrong, the Florida High- way Patrol predicted this week that 35 people will die in traffic accidents in the State during-the long Christmas holiday period. "The countdown begins Fri- day, December 22 at. 6:00 p.m., and ends Monday, December 25 at midnight," according to Col- onel Eldridge E-.. :". director of. the Patrol. Last year 44 persons died as a result of traffic crashes during the 78-hour period, 12 of these being pedestrians. Patrol records" show that failure to have vehicle under control and rc ..-:,;:r rt were the' leading causes of accidents. The Patrol Commander said that a maximum number of troopers will be I. i ,:: ,r - highways and the FHP airpl will be used : a]-.'.., a with VASCAR. The Auxi 'Patrol will :. L :- :-1.; the to ers. "Beach conchluided .by say "We. appeal to motorists, to our h.. Ld .. i-,r-, efforts the concern and necessary ae to prevent rtaffic deaths., the lanes long fary roop- Paxton Iqs the Sha rks' Number Paxton seems to have.a wham- my on. the Tiger Sn,%ro... They came to town Saturday night and up-ended the Sharks for the second time this season, winning in an overtime period, 42-40. The Sharks had a narrow lead going into the last period, but could produce only two points in the last frame, while Paxton- scored six to tie the game up, The Paxton five : .. '-i the' game out of the fire in the ov- ertime .period, scoring six more points while allowing the .L -.. : only four. Gary Speights and Sandy Quinn led the Shark offense with 12 points 'each. Derrell Ash- ley led Paxton with 16. Paxton has -the only two wins over the Sharks this year, 12; Russ 3-0-6; 'Herring-2 0 4. PAXTON .. .,, 4-2-10; Ashley / .'. '. I on 2-2-10; Geohagan 3-1-7; '.-.. 1-0-2. , Port St. Joe went .-.to 'j-' dressing room Monday _-t e hind Bay High 38-25, 1 *'i. roaring back in the see ,.r. i ht. If to win 62-61 in a thriller. ' STim Grandberry pushed 17 points "\..- '' the'nets for thei- -t'- :: with Gary ';. '. add- ing a big 14 points and Sandy Quinn 13. Harry Gainer led Bay High's scoring with 22 points. The Sharks had their big spurt in the third period, out-scorig Bay 22-6, then held on to the end. Bay threatened to pull the g Score by quarters game out of the fire in the clos- ,ae Score by quarters: bat 'Port St. Joe 10 14 10 2 4--40 ing seconds of the game with a on "Paxton -__ 9 12 9 6 6--42 free throw and a-field goal, but ction missed them both. PORT ST. JOE-Speights 6-0- Score by quarters: '12; Grandberry 3-0-6; Quinn. 4-4- Port St. Joe __ 8 17 22 15-62 After Four Years Of Banishment A '. .-, CrT..hr..t.. gift ..,-in.. in.Port St. Joe over the week en'd when assistant principal Zack Wuth- rich *. .. uI'-.-i. Santa Claus a ir 'I arrived home from a ;' .- r: of the Southern A sociation of C, 11 :4 nd hy,: with a..,,. ,', in his hand v.hih stated 'that -'-' St. Joe t '.' i.- '. is once again on the accredited '1,. The school was notified early last week that it had .. .. .- : all criteria rand Wuthrich attended, the Association's meeting in New Orleans to receive the docu- ment. '..'. St. Joe High S, h.... lost its accreditation in 1968 due tolacik ': il I.-j'v and :'.h facilities and for hav- ing two t, i .' I t .,I- h.i- out of their field. Last year, a re-evaluation of, the school 1w ; in on a, -.i -. basis and by a team sent here by the -Sou- thern .. .." 1' 'Loss of the ..', .n. was one of the moving for- ces behind ,...1n'* .t" two new mi .ilti-iilli.ri dollar I'- '-....- in the "... l, j AL.it ;,,ration r f rpro -rqm to 8 .....' the ,r. I.ru' 1.,.j,., p r !onnel. ,' '] ""- I rji.r'., .. i, '"I hl.i i. a p re now fully ',..T-../ I', 1.,,ti, hi.i u:ai l iit,.td .- a. iof' n duetionl i',j 18 yt.. rr I g... ro p7Ti'. "o h1 'pl? fI.ts prei ,e"t gu n ",, H.I's -a ,.1 i ',t I l.d! t I' i..1 ', t I ill,- otre tinan 3,000 memberbr i .-... \\, .*>r,-, .'-r', ,'_,: ,..l j, r *. .... educa- Stbrs,,. t..L.,, .ai.. ; it,'''-n. wha bc efforts li i f i the S'', -i,:. t-r A, "'j.Tjr" h"' re h,.I.i'* ip: n i,,l. 'm0 il prove the South- rr A ,.: ... .,*.tn -.l:. ...r duality education." .. \' A., *,-,r'.:- to V. ,tiir'h, t0,- 'Southern A '.' iii',m of .h.f. .= i ', S i..-.5','is an .,r'. r,;.- .L .. was form- ed, min 1895 by a small group of ),,,'.: presiden.ts...who were interested in setting standards for high ... ',,] grad- -'. uates, It is the oldest and rr.. .st hirin.r-,.I accrediting agen- cy in the United States and has 'become a primary force in the establishment of quality standards for education at all levels, Schools using the -'A('S procedures of self study find ,h-.m' .-*-. *, in a constant state of analysis for purposes of improvement. Move Into New Rooms Along these same lines, the Gulf County School Board moved its Kindergarten operations over the week end into a new suite of rooms recently constructed on the North side of the Elementary School. The '" .,t. of Kindergarten rooms is actually one la-r; r- room utilizing room dividers to separate the individ- ual classrooms. The new Kindergarten area has space for five classes. The Elementary School is presently op- erating only four Kindergarten classes. Bay High -- 14 24 6 17-61 PORT ST. JOE---Bryant 14-6; 'Speights 6-2-14; Grandberry 8-1- *'17; Quinn 6-1-13; F. Russ 1-2-4; 'A *<.-.. Dickens 0-0-0. BA.V-Taylor 4-0-8; Mason 2-0- 4; ',ifvey 8-0-16; Alford 1-0-2; Gibshn 0-0-0; Gainer 10-2-22; Poi- rer 3-3--9 Golf Course Will Be Closed Christmas Doay The golf course of St. Joseph's Bay Country Club will be closed all day Monday, Christmas day., The course will be open Sunday. The dining room will be closed all day Sunday and Monday. Two Fires Cause Little Damage Two fires were reported dur- ing the past week by Fire Chief Bascom Hamm, with only slight damage resulting from both' con- flagrations. Sunday afternoon, curtains caught fire from a small 'bath- room heater at 138 Robbins Ave., and quickly burned up before they could set anything else fire. Tuesday at noon, an electric .range shorted out at 405 Madison Street in Oak Grove with dam- age being confined to' the-tange. - Port St. Joe High Put Back On List Qf Accredited Schools :. *' *. : ... - _ ' L I ; ! .PA"W T,4 T HE-SiAR. Port St. Jo.. -P.orid* WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 EDITORIALS. ri..... t W ith A .Fa ly n n st mas Beqan .... .. ,'l, In ',-:i. of all of the h,:.v mystery *... .: .. , the birth of Christ, God mad-. ..nre. thing beautifully clear when He caused HipSon to be born to a human SAlthough h -1 u,rt y was born with a Babe. . Christmas itself began with' a family. And now S li-hA, 2,000 y-~.. d f, 'a weary world pauses f-..r, it' strife to ,' i ; i ~ h! h, --<...{ N ...' \ and to S.pay at least ,-.i .~-' to the 1.t, i. .and the home. ...Would to God that- e'v.er i. i.il'. of man could be so .-- -.-.j this christmastime: .vgl ~. the, i-b,.' *. spirit of love and peace and joy that blessed the hum- ble trio in Bethlehem's rude stable. It could be so!. It would be so, if every IaiiA% would take to' i,:1f .' Perspective On . Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida-r, During and after WW I, auto-" ir .inin revolutionizedithe hand- Sling po..clerical and menial tasks in businesses, i i.uisi-,.;. anid. - governmental agen.pes. Now it Shas invaded the-rdliasrooms. Ed- 'ucators and parents in Gulf County as elsewhere are talking about teaching machines and are wondering what their effect will Sbe op -the' organization and cur- riculum of schools, So far, the revolution has been mild, indeed. Most superinten- dents and boards of education are warily refusing to invest in the new-fangled gadgets until their.worth has been established. Meanwhile, .the manufacturers of the machines arid those school - adminis '..: a ...:'jhave 'pur- chased r; a n Jpfious- -zre r :'.. l', t:.' r :.-e''i need: not c. N.; can . substitute foi his face-to-face contact with children. His role , my eventually )e a bit differ- ent, but his job -5 secure, As in the case of instructional televi- sion, a machine is an additional tool that a teacher may use to improve 'theIrate and the qual- ity of learning. Broadly ,pe making, there have always beW "teaching machines" -from flpsh cards and abacuses to lab euipment, radio, televi- sion, anA other audio-visual aids; but ciently, the term is em- :P.y:q' for any device that pre- "/ the lovely Person of the ChritA Ho.r .i What matter whetherihe home be palace or pup tent, castle' or cabin? ,'he real ingredients of a home are' not in the brick and mortar, the ".',J or steel' or stucco that *1rd it together. They are in the love of each member of the family for the oth- .t r ..'' ..e'-i':..rre,: i.,'.in for the r,,r the pure, i.-. ', *..t r.i.. *- a wholesome habitation. '. j. -. -...T.,,, ;.,tj .'.'d. !.1 this w ..~ be if all of -.. .i0r ;-. 'h:, "I- .imas season by .' .. _ ' : ,.- -, ',, '. -:- t.t.:. ,,r I,- '-:. ..:: ::, then w e .. d|i .i' -.''rI--. .a', ~.-' an with a .. .. Our -The War Cry S entg a question to a student I then tells him whether or S his answer .- : . Ssone of. the devices are simple S' ,:-.i or tutorial work- S.. the most popular type is Sa : :- *:: contriv, ance. Most teaching machines are based' on the principle of self- instruction. They u..- 'down the information material -into :. :.i steps, ,. called frames. The question and answer technique, or Socratic method, is used. Bit by bit,, the student progresses from the simple to the complex. His rate depends on his ability, If he has givyn the right answer to a question, the machine will allow him to go on to the next one; otherwise, he must try again until he suc- ceeds. Review tests are provid- ed at : .' intervals to serve as a check on progress. Some of the mechanized in- structors do not require the student to write his answer. In- stead, he is confronted with a row of buttons. Above each but- ton is a suggested answer to the question. The student makes his selection after reading each an- swer. Proponents of this multi- ple choice type of machine claim it permits faster reinforcement of learning. However, some' edu- cators feel that it rewards' recog- nition rather than rewafl. They claim that the act of writing the answer : _'-,-'.: the learning bond but a student who is ex- posed to a : .r''1. but erron- eous answer may. run the risk of remembering it later. S-:: I -- : the kids of ma- chines, all the people behind them agree that the material should be presented so : : and clearly that students rarely make errors. The step-by-step arrangement of a topic for use in a machine is called a pro-, gram, and this i..i;' topic for use in a machine is called a -program, and this sequential ma- terial i the real key to the value of the device Ideally, a programme should have a thorough knowledge of the subject matter, familiarity with autoinstructional machines, and a deep understanding of the learning process. This combina- tion is hard to find. in one per- son. Therefore, teams are often organized to set up programs. Today in.addition to the experts employed' commercially, profes- sors and advanced students at scores of colleges throughout the country are systematically preparing programs for ma- chines. We' will discuss how students feel about these "teachers" in next week's aslm.' Too Late To Classify Russell Kay When it comes to law and or- der you have to take your hat off to that section of New York called the Bronx. You at least .,must admit that the officer in charge of the 46th precinct of the borough goes by. the book which says no retail stores are to be open for business on Sun- day. When informed that Alexan- der's Department Store was open at 11:30' Sunday morning, the policeman in charge of the pre- cinct called Officer Kenneth Fis- cher and handed him a sum- mons to. be served on James Walsh, manager of the store. Arriving on the scene, Officer Fischer found the store filled with the lame ,the halt, the aged and the infirm, They had all been brought to the store in -chartered buses from 25 hospi- tals and nursing homes as guests of the management to do their Christmas shopping. Over 10 years ago Alexander's decided to ,do something for the unfortunates who were not phy- sically able to compete with reg- ular customers on crowded shop- ping days. This had become a special shopping day for the af- flicted andit has been going on for years. All purchases.made were care- fully recorded and the. store paid the sales tax on each item. While .the guests spent their .pwn ; money, records were kept shpw- ing the institution-they had come from,; and these funds were in. turn contributed to that institu- tion. In addition, each lady guest received a ...carf from the store: .as a-gift while. each man receiv- edt&a-wallet. *enjoy it .rv '.d the summons. as he ;,r 11.. made his way :.. whee'l chairs and crutches to do his duty. I won- der how the U.S. Supreme Court would react if Alexander's should decide to fight the case that far? Among the Sunday shoppers . were Jews, Gentiles and probably a few T^.i,, There were' blacks, whites, browns and yel-. lows and in: the alleys muggers and pushers and street walkers continued to operate unmolested, even on Sunday. They feared the law to a certain extent, but not the Blue Law that said a retail store :.'. not be opened. I can't '.e a benevolent Sovereign, looking down from his Heavenly throne, would agree that the record book should be :"'.*.-' and black marks should -be recorded against either Alexander's or *...::, as guests, who partook of this :.:: -. r ... kindness. Probably, if we searched., the law books, we would find that just about every state and city has blue laws still on the books that should be revised. Antd there is always the danger that some one in authority will go by the book in spite of common sense. But 1,._ particular case was completely uncalled for. New that I've gotten that off my chest about all is left for me to do is wish you a Merry Christ- mas andka Happy New Year. Have" a joyous Holiday Sea- son. And, if you can find a min- ute or two to ponder the sub- ject, try and remember the true meaning of Christmas. (The true meaning of Crst-" mas is recalling the birthday of Christ. While we are sympathe- tie with the example you describ- ed, Mr. Kay, we cannot but help Remember the words of Christ, who out-ranks the Supreme Court and taught, "Remember the .Sabbath day and keep it holy. -Ed) 7az Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Looking at the papers in recent days, we can see an exciting year 'ahead in 1973. A year of progress, and, I'm sure, some reverses. We have made some progress this year,. with the serious talk of peace in Vietnam, a growing economy,. some subsiding in mob violence and -'tiL- an inkling that crime will once again be punished, and a small diminishing of the dope traffic. Looking a\ the year aht a.1, we see a promise of: , Peace in Vietnam. President Nixon's traveling salesman, Henry Kissinger, says an gre eniw has all but been wrapped up. The only fly in the ointment that I can see is Kissinger's statement that "we will not let Soutn Vietnam veto the ai.'eenent". It's hard for us to see how Sc, ih Vietnam can be left out of any agreement for peace when thy are the onea doing the fighting now and it's their country involved. Governor Askew sees a curbing of the state bud- get to compliment what he terms "tax reform". Askew. said the other day the state has gone from a financially weak state to a $300 million surplus.- He. gives the credit to the Corporate Profits Tax anI other tax reforms. A tightening of the budget would be Lelcome to us tax pay- ers. , A dark spot on the next few 4ays to come seems to be the fact that former President Harry S. Truman is drawing his few last breaths., Truman will be remem- bered as a no-nonsense man who calls it as ,he sees it and a President who had the guts to fire one of the most popular generals this nation has ever ha4., The moon shots have come to an end, but a prom- ise has been made to put America's space, efforts to work for peaceful accomplishment for this nation. Space has meant a revoluii'-.u in our way of living and with a con- centration to broadening this revolution, we can see a day coming which will surprise even Americans who .no longer think anything of sending a man to the moon. Maybe in this year to come, J. Paul Getty, one of the world's richest men will find h.i i.pin.' He said last w,er-k th ... one of the tragic things, during his climb to riches is that he has ,. .'**-r been able. to keep a wife and he has tried five t i,.;-l y ... .., his business activi- ties have kept hih away from home, and as a consequence he- now has no home life at a time when he ,would like to relax and r,.i.,. ;,, 1ni&f for the rest of his days. What is it the Bible says :,onioJt g:i rihg the whole world? Christmas will be a "..' 'y at home" holiday for us. We plan to spend ,'Ir-f- or four days just lying around dd- ing u.J! i .':,,,v with a few fr- .i'h and relatives aind "."f:.r-j:..:, re.u, .U...U, from the drive to get caught'up iso we could-take a few days off. That doesn't make sense, does it work .overtime for two or three weeks just to get to take a few days off. I, - But we're L-',..1-.::- to enjoy our J,:. off and the Christ- mags I..:.lda-y. and we sincerely hope you enjoy yours. E,,94F4 We wish to thank you for your patronage during the past year and express our wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. SEARS Catalog Sales -sTHE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 W1lliams Avenue, Part 4t. Jo%., rieuij py Tnj, Star PtioishIng qompany A^ESLE, ^ R AMSEV -- -- U vr an JAubuhla Also Lnotyoe. ue a .. ... ,, S.-..,s -fc Reader. Bookkeeper and Complaint eitrmnent , Poiu- a bo.x 3b() PHONE 227-161 POT T. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Jo*, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Nt COUNTY ONE YEAH, $4o00 SIX MO&. $2.25 rTHHEEMOLS ,r JI OU' OF COUNTY One Ye.', ,5.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, TO ADVERTISERS-In e- of errorror mmi.lone In aldvertlAementa. the publiehM Snot hve d thmenmelveiablfor damage further than amount received for idvertisement. The spoken word is gven scant attention; the printed word is thbo o tt' welded. I be spoken word barely aesertv. the printed word thorongh oem nmcee Thbe poken word is loet; the printed word runailM. 1' - ~eE=-i :I s~-s~- I eHE STAR. Port St. Joe, Florkda WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 rAmi. TaIREl ... "Letters to p SANTA Sear Santa Clmas suit ,hat and guns, a dragline My name is isa Handley abd and a bunch of other toys. I am three years ,old. I haven't I have a little sister, Alison, been a real good girl .bt I have she is three months oqld, Please be a pretty good Please bring bring her a B&.,b and Betty dolls me a farm. a farmer says, a bike, and a lot of little toys. 'with trainmg wheels, a cowgirl We ,nU leave you some cake -,. C --.hristmas . Blessings This season let us give thanks to God, who S gudesourdestiny, for vMHbb, N hs s blesings. I GULF SERVICE STATION Aubrey R. Tomhnson and milk under our tree. Love, Lisa Handley * Dear Santa Claus, My name is James R. Heath, Jr., and I would like for you to bring me a bicycle, electric train, dump truck, tractor, gui- tar and a pair of boots. And, Santa, I am going to kindergar- ten at Aunt Bell's and I really love school. Santa, I sure hope you won't forget my sister just because she .is in the 7th grade. She still -loves -you. . Love,. J Heath, Jr. * Dear 'Santa, I am 8 years old and have been' a very, very good girl this year. . Please bring me :a new. bike, a Hi Dottie doll, the game snip Knon.and .:.rc.,, doth.es. I'll leave y, -r, r.re hot coco and cookies, along with my bro- thers. Donna Carole Kennington * "..'' Santa, ' I amn 3 :-.: ,:'_' ,r have been a -- 'good boy this year, I would like to have an inch worm, p horn, a stuffed lassie dog, Mar- vel gum;,E" ... and ,:l sters and .,-:t. ml else. you care to leave me.' , 'll have hot coco and 'cookies ,w-,. ..for you when you get here. Kennington rA,,'. Kennin gton C , Dear Santa Claus, '' r- .,.ue !, P,..'b-' ~;1:-"r and S- '<.. *,". .oH I AveI.on *, *.*,, E .. '.Y.. .-'_;, I have l*-JA'h flI ..-1I *'( pist year ,; ",,',,H [ 'e frr yu, t'. bring 'r iA red, bh!'fi Etb;1 a foot- :-..J h'me,. .: -. :t, ..and S. of rr I will leave -.etJnp for 7' t..o eat and. Th_,. 4r k t',tr-.ee. S "Boby Plair Dear'. t. 'A;li' - My n &a e'i .r.. y Renee Creel, -and -am '.: 'years olkd. L live on St. Joe -'- nd nl my ~., ^r,. s am >1 hv-. Tben real good girl '::r ?- when yo. * .* to o0;:-, h '' el C1 Eve night, I would like for .you' Sto '! : '.h- f.'.',/." t .ijE3 uni der the tree *for me-A %.:, Beasley doll, a k. ." buggy, a bike, a telephone.-and surprise. Thank you Santa and .- will leave : ..on the table for Sherry Creel Dear Santa Claus ' My name is Stacy. Ann Creel and I am 6 years old and I live L J'' Street, at St. Joe Beach. '- ,." -Mrs. Robinson told mother I had a t:'o .d in .. ..hlo this year. I would I ( : ~b 'ag me'a baby Campbell's Drug Store HAS GIFTS for EVERYONE VISIT OUR GALLERY OF Glamorous Gifts! Anderson Dav~ises Will '-t of Gulf County for the Observe Golden Wedding _past 35 years. Mr. Davis has bc. . retired from St. Joe Paper Com- Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Davis of pany since September, 1965. , 61o Madison St., Port St. Joe will An open house, hosted by Mrs. be honored in their home on their H. L. Anderson and Mis. J. F. PAtbs Golden Wedding Anniversary, De- daughters and Mrs. L. C. Davis. member 31. daughter-in-law, will be held from Mr. and Mrs. Davis have been* 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. All friends and relatives are invited. ---------4 SPENDING LEAVE HERE Donnie Sheffield is spending ten days here during the Christmas holidays visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheffield and other friends and relatives. Donifie :is -stationed at Norfolk Va. doll that drinks and wets, a easy bake oven, a doll buggy, tea set and a h.gh chair tor me and my little sister both to share. Thank you for always remem- bering us at Christmas. I will leave something good for you to eat under our tree. Stacy Creel Dear Santa' I have t. n' good boy. I would :U.*.: i: 22 rifle and a bo:-' : :'-.' Super Star airplane an : '" of surprizes too. Don't i- my 'two bro- ..h : A. -.. .. I will leave.you some .. ,: Dear, Santa Cldais,. ! I lore you. 1 i been a good girl this 'year ,,- you please bring me a 6'-,' ` .: and a ba- ton? lease. i: ;i-.tE. .'my little sister, Cynthia. Love, S, :. Brantley Dear ; I".' jf. -. : k. : .and tiny tears baby i: .: to have a real pu.- ' How"are erves and your wife'? :' .. ' Please don't : and Ryan in .:. ', I love you, Eva Carole Collier CARD *F THANKS The 'i. of, .:: Graham wish to e ress t hanks to everyone for the'ine 'foods, flow- ers and '.J:,L,'. were given them ,u.y] t ,,, =.. *,,--. : : i . MI: M .t-.' .:. Thanka Gifts of Lasting Joy Artistic and Creative Gifts Fun and Fancy C Gifts for "Him" Gifts for "Her", Gifts for Young and old 7%" Circular Saw BLACK Jig Saw BLACK 3/8" Drill Cosmetic Sets Whitman and Russell Stover Candies9 99 99 99 Shaving Sets say, "Merry Christmas"9 Electric Gifts 1balanced gear & With a Distinctive Gift BigI HPMotor *Cut curves, cir- ctch from CAMPBELL'S Handy Trigr cles, etc., Timex Watches .. witch Fast silent action ith Campbell's Drug QUALITY COMES FIRST THEN OURLOW PRICES hrge 201 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-2511 1 8 rr ~I ~ pg Irsr r A Santa's Last Minute SUGGESTIONS I.Ipholbster I in Jesai y VnyI! Large Man-Sige RECLINERS $69.00 Holds 6 Guns GUN CABINETS $99.00 Sprwiel Qujeen 14 Lb., 3 'Cycle hi's Week End Only AUTOMATIC WASHER $209.00 TABLE LAMPS aslow ,is $10.00 ;{i". Wt.btigho-o -- Witi ,k'hii anIl .,!>. Tvn;r Electric RANGES $219.00 5' in.l O vers'- Soft by da l' (v, nl, ri.: iM.I: Bed at Night Jamison SLEEPERS $188.00 Mtfll'rraln.au Stylin; I . KNEE HOLE DESK $44.00 large Selection STEREOS Table and Cabinet Models C I w __ i 'We're never to busy to pause and wish you the best for this holiday season. Thank you for letting us serve you Driesbachs Cleaners PAGE FOUB TWE STAR, Port St.Joe, Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 Pretty Christmas Tree Can Also Kill State Insurance Commissionier. urged Floridians to observe the 1. After selecting a fresh Christ- Treasurer Tom O'Malley, who is following fire safety rules during mas tree, cut off the butt at an also State Fire Marshal, this week the upcoming holidays. angle to help the tree absorb wa- ter better. .. -. -. 2. Place tree in a stand contain- .?( Of S ing water, away from radiators, -- hot. air ducts or fireplaces. .- '|' 1 r I .ll,. + 3. For an extra measure of0 safe- ty, tie a length of rope to the base of the tree so it can be pulled out ;of the house quickly if it catches AV '' 4. Don't attempt to treat trees "AV -with an aerosol fiie retardant Ax jOYOUS spray. Covering the tree adequate- CHRISTM S -'*jt^i^ ,ly is --. enre j difficult. Trees S.. commercially* treated with U.L. VI RV listed fire retardant. compounds are-satisfactory. 5.'\ Use f .'-1-' -r-1 or non-conm- tible ::;.L.: Make sure S.' decorations are BEAMAN PLUMBING SERVICE ph; ss hat are U.L.-. or'F.M. approved. 7 hek for frayed wiring, bro- r :,-kets r c : ::: connections before vbiW' 'ip Ch t lights. -:a r frayed :f r is C.,Td sunder rugs are invita- io: tf.re because walking and vauumiing 'over cords wears and fry~,s irt;i.u,.or 9. Use extension cords sparingly. Many firbs ard caused by overload- ing electricall. circuits. The use of 1an octopus outlet" and extension cords r causes the overloaded wires to heat iu aid set fire to combus- f ;m. ;, ...... . " .y c ....e T -i ..... -. ~NN ErJI EEhita Beautiful Bavarian m Butterfly Pins made from real butterflies -i.d r.: forced with gold and silver strands. M -', lovely gifts for the ladies, young and old. Large and small. $3.98 and $5.00 ELECTRIC DICE For the games that use dice. No more lost- S dice. Fun for the family "Bobo" the Swimning Dog the kids will nejoy thoy. A sure-fire way . to, get 'em in the bath tub $1.69. .3 for$4.75 Fun for the Christmas partiess Brussels Boy Dispensers $6.95 Qlever . Egg Cutter------- ---69c Both for $1.85, Drivers Face Winter 'Danger S"Drivers face greater dangers of vehicle accidents during the month of December thin pny other month of the year," advised Colonel El- dri.e Eer-h, 6crector of the Patrol. Winter driving brings changes in road, weather and traffic condi- tions. To prevent accidents drivers should: . On wet pavement pump brakes to slow down' or 'Wtop. J.Tmif:lJng them can cause tibe wh'ee to I'lck and thrr.-vc.oi into: a drn.zgisus Follow other vehicles at.:- a distance, anticipating that the 'di,,,.r ahed ,,may do something u .pected ' SSignal intention to turn or :!'..p well in, advance giving ade- ,*ute warning to the drivers near Keep windshield and windows ., ".i,: sure. you can see J ',.'f:'r !i t'i_.ri- to V(.w trouble. .,: * /4 I and Cut 8 Different Designs Crystal Pendants $3.98 $2.00 each '"I- B Statues 4 for $6.95r 4 Different Pictures Children's Motiff Clocks Miniature Grandfather Clocks With supporting posts and enclosed pendulum oily $11.25 ' Psychedelic Ball Radio Totally new radio design! Rich, autiful Christmas: Decorator full circle sound. A riot of psy- indles ------$1.25 $3.00 chedelic color in high-impact -.... plastic. HAROLD KIRKLAND at PRIDGEON'S BOAT LANDING WHITE CITY P4one 227-8827 $9.95 plus tax I' 'II tible material. before going out or retiring. may become charged ind danger- low smoking near the tree and 10. Outdoor wiring needs water- 12. Metal trees are not a fire ous. Use only indirect lighting, wrappings. proof cords. hazard but may be a shock hazard. 13. Dispose of wrappng paper 14. Take down your Christmas 11. Turn off indoor lighting sets Lighting strings on a metal tree promptly and safely and don't al- tree as soon as possible. Sa-- hristtmas warmth and hristmas cheer, S- tend to you this time of year. ST. JOE FURNITURE and APPLIANCE COMPANY End of Year Clearance Clearing Out Our Stock In Time for Christmas Giving 1969 MERCURY STATION WAGON Colony Park . LOADED 1968 Camera, V-8 Engine 4-Spee4 Transmission 2-Door ;Hard Top $995 1965 CHEVROLET 4-Door V-8 Engine $395 1969 PLYMOUTH FURY III Air Conditioned, Power Steering, Power Brakes, Automatic Transmission, 4-Door Sedan, V-8 1970 TORINO 4-Door Air Conditioner, V-8, Automatic, Power Steering 70 Chevrolet Nova ,ou Choice 4-Door, 6 Cylinder $1495 IE 1969 MERCURY BROUGHAM '2-Door Hardtop LOADED $1995 1969 MUSTANG GRANDEE 2-Door Hardtop, V-8 Power Steering, Automatic $1595 1969 F-100 Ford, TRUCK V-8 Engine $795 1967 COUGAR 2-Door V-8, Automatic, $ 0 Hardtop 1971 F-750 FORD TRUCK COME SEE THIS ONE! CAB and CHASSIS Air Brakes. 391 V-8, 5-Speed Transmission, 2-Speed Rear Axle, 5th Wheel St. Joe Motor Company PHONE 227-3737 FO RD MERCURY Y 322 MONUMENT AVENUE -. = - THE HANNON AGENCY I pls l~r - Th e Co mforters PETE, HORENSE ROCKY As the holiest of seasons draws near;wewish our fine friends a blessed Christmas .. Itlof happiness. J. LAMAR MILLER, Agent STANDARD OIL COMPANY DRINKING -- 95c a. .Bird and Man---- Bea Cc ") __ I I i,, r I '. - -----.---- *I-----1 ~- --~s + . I I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 PAGE F1va gwe [e tbgosen AWwp* honn L ...--. A '.- U.U| coome your way. ; I MEXKO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE S Wtslhng y6g a Blessed Christmas aOd a New Year Silled with Peace and.appimsess. Kennedy Electric & Appliances IDLE HOUR BEAUTY SHOP .. ,.' .: r ~ , ; JOYOUS HOLIDAY, (Best wishes for a men hristmas 3 !o you, our fr-iens and patrons.. ALINE'S BEAUTY SALON Marvin J. Hamilton MarVin J. Hamilton " Celebrates 2nd Birthday Marvin J. Hamilton celebrat- ed his second birthday Decem- Ser 17. He is the son of Mr. and Mnrs. James Hamilton and grand- son of Mrs. -. -,;;L3, St. Joseph's Church Gives Christmas Schedule St. Joseph's 'Catholic Church an. nounces'its Christmas schedule. There' will be '2*' .Mass. preceded 'by a program, of .ChristV mas carols sung by the choir ., ginning at 11:40 p.m. The, proces- sion to the Crib will precede 1Mid- night Mass.. Morning Masses will be at 9:00 and 10:30. Baptist Chapel Youth Present "Unto Us A Child' The Baptist Chapel at St. Joe Beach will have their ChristmasI program, "Unto/Us A Child", pre- sented by the :,<.w'a this Sunday, December 24, at 6:30 p.m. Refresh-1 ments will be served after the pro- gram. Everyone is invited to at- tend. Christmas Story Hour At"Library Friday A special Christmas story hour will be held at the St. Joe Branch I of the Northwest Florida *:,.ia library. Friday afternoon at 2:00 Miss Baara Merritt will be the; .try: teller,- .'1" chilJi..- are,in.- vited to attend. Giffs of health and happiness we wish for you at Christmas. POLLOCK'S CLEANERS Joy To Tle World! S ingin our best w s f.r- to l our freely , West Auto Associate Store hirlrpool TRASH MASHER* COMPACTOR Fights pollution on the home front. Takes little space and so easy to use. Eveirytime you toss cans, bones, bottles or paper Into the'drawer just close It, push a button and the trash is compacted to its size. Takes the equiva- lent of three 20-gallon cans full of trash. (That's as much junk as the average family tosses away each week). A key lock keeps kids * from tinkering with It. The iough bag can be taped so Y litter won't blow. No lid for dogs to pry off. And, plastio- 22 lined bag is weatherproof. Tm, May the glow of candles warm your -. hearth and love warpnyour heart this holiday season. NEDLEY'S FLORIST Swing-out panel on drawer makes bag re- moval more conveni-. ent. Lets you slide bag out instead of lifting straight up. Entire drawer removes for easy cleaning. Chemical deodorizer automatically sprays a measured amount on each load of trash and garbage when drawer is closed to help con- trol odor. Spray can Is replaceable. St. Joe Hardware Company PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA PHONE 227-8111 To all our many friends and customex-. ay you enjoy the happiest holiday ever! JIMMY'S RESTAURANT q I - 203 REID AVENUE / LI 1 .1- i: = _ __-i 1 '-_ II 1-1'*~~~" I.` a I' I II I I r ~I I I I J I AGE SIX M THE STAR. Port St. Jo*, Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC, 20, 1972 I. .. I A |demand must be in writing and Clerk's Office, Municipal Building, S SS i piean. ts must state the .place of residence Port St. Joe, Florida, until 12:00 niV S3D Ie Us and poet office address of the clai- noon, E.S.T., January 2, 1973, for a h mat and must be sworn to by the theconstruction of a 20x40' Chain Eaore claimant, his agent, or hisnattorney, Link F ce Wit" W 12' nty M o arund IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'or it wil become void according the Sewer Lift Sttion In Miliew COURT IN AND FOR to law Subdivision Unit No. 3 with the "Starting in 19, people who COUNTY, FLOIDA. DAED" this 30th day of Novem- following specif ications: are working hie getting social In Re: The Es"tate of .ber, A.D., 1972. 6', 9 gauge fabric arew.rkng wnie getigoa R0AVID H. ON EVA B JONES, 3 strands of barbwire on 45 de- security benefits can earn more Deceased Adinistratrix of the gree arms but never lose more than $1.00 in NO, iCE Tp CREDIlTORS Estate of P.avid H. Jones, 2%" standard pipe terminal and benefits for each $2.00 earned," All creditors of thp estate of Da. S-., Deceased. gate posts in 36" cement benefits .ear $ rne," id H. Jones Sr, decesed, arCECIL G COST Jr, 2" fence weight line posts in 30" David Robinson, Social Security hereby, no tified ,d requyrel to 21 Reid Avenue of cement Field Representative for Gulf file any claims or demand which fort. St Joe. Flonrida 3Z456 4t 1 5, .8' sth.-.r.d pipe gate frame County, said today .. they may have against said estate Attorney-for Adnumstratrix 12-13 1 5/8" top rail in the Office of the County Judge .. The City of Port St. Joe reserves Under the new, law, social secur- 4#f Gullf County, Flonida, 'in the the right to accept or reject any or it payments will be reduced by courthourse at Fort dS Joe. Floda, OTICE TO BID all bis reeve. All prices F.O. 00 for every $200 earned over within Six (6) calendar months BID NO. 135 Bids shall be sealed in an envelope $1.w for every $2100 earned over front? the date of the first pblihca The Citvy of Port t Joe, Florida, Port St. Joe, Florida, Tax Exempt. $2,100 in a y.ar. Pie'.io.,oy. tion .f this notice. Each claif 'o. wll rec-.'ie sa.eibd- at the r and ]n. .rked "BID NO. 135". monthly pyrrr .' o reduced C. BROCK, 12-14 by $1.00 inb benefits for e $200 CityAditor and Clerk earned between- $1,680 and $2,880 FRS -6 ITEDI- EE MliST CHURCH in a year-and by $1.00 for very T111 14~ITCURCH-IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, '$1.00 earned over 12',80 kiterrectior, Mcoarrent and Conl-.tutio "-FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL er o Mte CIRCUIT OF THEt 'STATE People 72 and over will continue SREV R MLLARD SPIES. Miner ROF F DA IN AND FOR to get their full social sccu:.' Ch rch Sc l ..... ..................... .... 45 A. M. STATEGOF .C benefitss regardless of earnings. Morning Worship ....... .. ... 11 00 A.M. --VS_-- Under the new law, people under SM.-Whodist Yc.uth F i ... ... r..... 5 45 P'M. CHA._FLES ':D")ARDP CARROLL 72 can earn 'as much as 2,100 in S, ... IN RE: FORFEITURE OF TH. a year and get their full social Eenm.e /o p ............................... 7 P M O W G DESCRIBED security benefits. 'Different rules S- \ PROPERTY: "Where Old Fashioned Friendlines Stilt Sur iveg -. 1967 'Chb'~v't 4-dr S r. apply to people getting disability Serik '* lefl4 'Thi'A *l'e d benefits if they work. i- -.- 'One 'I.; r.rric w-,'lr .-: .._.... ... ..__-_. ---- ____. terMJ .Mr ',, 12 Gue -',. y'r In additioil ,starting in 1973, .. :.. 7.44'. full benefits can be pai4 for. any M. j -TEF. ora- month i whemicha oyeen ' S ..na ,'ronte, ihavanr or claiming ',wages are not more than $175-. Sn i~', r *r he r' the above or he didn't perfc-rm substantial' ::-did prS-oert'^ 'n r services in self-employment. Pre- e by, ni. d tha the above de: v'ously, the monthly limit was Tc.nbf. pr- rrt y haz been sezed, $140. -, : r, ,,. .f L r ;.*r Another change be_,.in : , k! F .... ou f:- *-..; 1973 is that only your rk i Ind r_/ irj ; t, e p f.inof the the months before you we reach 72. Florida Game and Fresh Water of-yo,,). ;:e .t'.-.by i 1.-n t I, r r,,-, .. fits are due y, f.r those see _,. that a Fr-h.,r undr said"Chan- Before, earnings in the entire year Ster, has been, fleain the _irc you reached 72 ere counted in Fl nd e i thr-he f,,rferture(,f months before you were 72. the .'i] pr.irt?, and 'ou. are A new feature of the law as- S ai'.n'l .. tsaures that the arn.:ngs exemption A W filde s ho r claim, on oy beforeJanie, forpeople getting 'social security and show cause, on or before Jan- S uary 2, 1973, if not personally ser- payments will go up automatically ved with process herein. why the 'in future years as earnings levels said .i.-rp.tty bh'lJd not be for- increase. The first year there can fittd" pursuani to aid 'Chapter,ca ... Pursua to aid 'Cha pter be an automatic increase is 1975 Should you fail to file claim has o atie increase is1975 .- .... .here',n ,iTer. ,, ent wil be For more information, visit or r .r. efrLt., h ag' yoiu i due ..honEde y.-'r local noial security of- S e a, irDe tot Say .r_ no rmay fe. The office for this area i lo- pes... er'we'd with,"OC.5 ,ocs may obtin eated at 1316 H AvePan- tht Y o 'Ow many friends ci'L -[^ @Ln c ? *fAve, Pan- and dCustOmers ast c rist .T S my hand and the sbeal- of the above raer.ti.: ed court, at Port "j..A.nr;.a th4 .- day GAY'S STANDARD SERVICE ,f f- CO u Si CI, ., of he Circit Co ur.t ' -* (Cort 3e^,. ;12-14 - LINDY SWEET PEAS or Stand White POTATOES- Yellow 0 4NG S-N B..IfEE PIRE I ' SHtOR1 GoApE "A".' Qlowi, TURKE Tener, D kcltHe PORK OAST- Fresh 3-Down PQRK RI*S Rump or Bonaleps CHUCK ROAST . Center. Cut HAM ROAST- WHOLE or SHANK CURED ROBER SON'S GROCERY ^ "PORE BOY'S CORNER" I IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEI OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS FOR ' Thurs., Fri.,' Sat., ' With $10.00 Order or More S UGA AR _5 lb. bag 49c Ga. Grade "A" . ,Smaoll EGGS- 2 doz. 89c ard TOMATOES 5 cans $1.00 Delicious APPL.ES --31b.bag,49c Pride of .Ga. No. 2Y, Cans PEACHES ------ 3 for $1.00 Frozen Morton MEAT or FRUIT PIES 10 lbs. 69c 21-b. Iaq 29c "do 39c tENINC s TEND1 12 to '14, Lb. Average YHENS F. resh Grm -- lb. 79c HifAMBI Choice Be lb, 69c Sirloin Ga. Grade lb. 79c tFYE Cured lb. 97c PICN lb. 89c BAKIN( HALF 17 to 20 Lb. Average )HAM I. I 3 LB. CAN 69c lb. 39c und URGER 3 tbs. $1.59 STEAK -- lb. $1.29 RS-------lb. 33c ICS ----- lb. 49c i HENS lb. 49c lb. 69c SERVICE CHARGE For Personal or Individual Checking Accounts as long as customer maintains a $100.00 minimum balance $1.50 Maintenance Fee should customer's minimum balance drop below $100.00 Effective January 1, 1973 The above Service Charge will be in effect provided you use per- sonalized checks which can be purchased at a nominal charge throughihe Bank. If there are any questions in regards to Service Charge and person- alized; checks, please contact the Bank. Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE TELEPHONE 227-2551 504 'MONUMENT AVENUE ~ 1 __I_ ~: 14 I - -- - IHE STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU... 4 4 - VInA g MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL,..AND TO ALL GOOD EATING! WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES _J GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR .O A G WA O %I' I J Vi&Ycwctq m] A', i107K I 1/1 _ SWIFT'S DEEP BASTED ARMOUR'S "BUTTER BASTED" I B1it e 22 10 to 14 LB. AVG.'i LB. AVG.. LB.49 t LB. 4V "SUPER-RIGHT' DELICIOUS Fl ROmG w VIRGINIA FARS OLD FASHIONED A-] AUGOOOD RAND SUGAR CURED SLICED B.BI4PuAt BacM a: 79 I U.S.D A. GRADE "-A" QUICK FROZEN '0 Bofol~ A ,,. Bk'U Ig L .49 '/, .-SUPER.RIGHr DELICIOUS COUNTRY REA7" WIkt&!eg 9oaqeq1 79t L 't , RESHLY ovau t Z LB. "SUPER-RIGHT" SKINLESS -. AM Mat Fwea PK.494 COPELAND'S ALL MEAT Dh uia-,,ia, ....... 794 OSCAR MAYER DELICIOUS PURE PORK (Bulk) Link CoastLe.........B. 994 COPELANDES SLICED Al Meait Belaq 69 BANQUET ASSORTED QUICK FROZEN MW.t DibNes5 .. .. 0 39 RIGHT" SEMI-BONELESS BEEF ^ibRwoat LB. "SUPE "RIGHIT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF RibCSt"if 9. PERCH FILLETS A&P BRAND DELICIOUS FRESH PimeA t ICK.Ea ..... BANQUET QUICK FROZEN I I-LB. TCA-N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN DELICIOUS sCkuno&til JARS CAP'N JOHN'S QUICK FROZEN BREADED SHRIMP 10 oz. , SUPER RIGHT HEAVY WESTERN Y PORK LOIN Sliced ib. *' ;* ' i8f 16 ,.r IL ;U SAIL 59c JUICE ORANGES SAC- 49' ~ w1e lURmOOS ,*QRc W ltlW WANT WHOLE KERNEL wl~ ~vlw m ,*****,..,** CANS GREEN GIANT MEDIM ShE GRE.N GIANT KITCHEN SUCED PURE VEGETABLE -" D gh, .1 I.I --4=6 . UNDERWOOD CO AP DOR DVCs BIs II.m.. .., C. ,,AN JANE PARKER u = 4f m kJN AKRSIllD WHT0 RA Pkg. of 12 rJDO $1.00 749 49t UNDERWOOD " VEGETABLE JUfC SSUONJYFIEL RE ULAR COUNTRY KITCHEN IUei CMbitG~AMAS6*660BZ. SJANE PARKER IONA SLICED SA&P BRAND . ._... ... ...... CAN 100% BRAZILIAN COFFEE ^i~atO'Ct*** A (Wl { .....5 3. PLAIN OR SELF-RISING GOLD MEDAL OR PiaL 1 IFlaa .... 5L. 4 .79t, q94 59, SULTANA BRAND 7- aS.D..MiaJAQ.. 43c 20-OZ. CANS MARVEL ASSORTED FLAVORS F .atD* r4 4 ; Caravan 13/a 0. 'Can MIXED 'NUTS ca - ASSORTED FLAYQRS. DESSERT AP& FROZEN DESSERT TOPPING IA, Wl ....... BETTY CROC(ER ASSERTED LAYER Cak. Mivuw 3S 22-OZ. SIZE COAST TO COAST MUSCATEL OR 1/5 SHERRY PUMPKIN PIES ARE NOT AVAIL S-S. FOR SALE ON SUNDAY. 41.19 PRICES OFFERED IN THIS AD. ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1972. ITEMS OFFERED IN THIS AD. ARE-NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL OR WHOLESALE DEALERS. 85C~f $19c 88c, III OR YELLOW ALL NIGHT 12s 69' ST RUSSET BAKING POTATOES ,0o 99 Pkg. 79.00 i79c 394 $.PO R S T I i 4 B S 1 4. *ssf V w0'ta rd .101 I U CdCOAST I/s PA011P1".GOT WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florids Here's wishing you and your family a Holiday Season filled with joy and we hope that _k,973 will be a year of Ivapp0-1-fnd prosper-' patronage during 1972 and hope to continue serving you in 1973. U ZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371, 317 Williams Plenty of Free Parking Conyonient Drive-In Window Kiwanians Ponder Council On Aging The Port St. Joe Kiwanis-Glub has moved further into the investi- gation of sponsoring a Council On Aging in Gulf County. The -Club has,-fiet with represen-. tatives:of thle Division; of Family Services to examine possibility of availablee Federal sharing funds. Bob Freeman, in charge of the ' committee doing, the investigating, reported to the club Tuesday that * ederal matching fundts,are, avail-, .ibe for:a peiriA of three years. The Club -i.ec'.: t nt forr mer members oit U i' dfiirk:r Golden Agex:. C?-;F to > : .b, bthe . program will be received- before .going any further. SEASON'S GREETINGS from The Owners and Staff of the MOTEL ST. JOE THANK YOU for YOUR FRIENDSHIP and PATRONAGE IT OUR PLEASURE TO KNOW and SERVE YOU IN ORDER TO CONTINUE OUR MODERNIZATION PROGRAM OUR RESTAURANT WILL BE CLOSED . From 2:0o P.M. Saturday, December 23 through Christmas Day anddSaturday and<| Sunday, December 31 and Jan. 1 ..-. ^ ,i^ B ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ CII bowler ior mthe Ban wit a 178 game and 517 series. Bertha Clay- ton led Coniforter's with a 167 game and 517 sreies. Bertha Clay- ton led Comforter's with a 167 game and 424 series. , Standings , Shirt and Trophy Fla. 1st Nat. Bank St. Joe Kraft ___--- Comforter's---- St. Joe Furniture ... may your hobLay celebraton B filled: with much qaioty and happineu -KING'S GULF SERVICE STATION .1 l. Charlie Mae and -Jimmy ' _4y Santa's making his rounds again we hope he brings you your heart's desire. Merry Clhrifap from dl at *~ ~ ~ ~ a *-'' Wewahitchka State Bank "A Gulf County Landmark" -linTU I eanrw Ic W 36 34% -33 31 31 ly carpeted in living r one bedroom) chain lii around entire lot. 8-10 house included. See at Street or call 227-2711, 259. FOR SALE: bedroom-house) with den. Good neighborhood. Call 229-5821. tfc-10-29 FOR SALE: 1967 trailer, 12x44, 2- bedrooms, air conditioned, wash- -ing machine, TV. Call 639-2261 any- time after 6 p.m., CST. tfc-12-7 FOR SALE: 1967 Chrysler, loaded In good shape. $795.00. See at the Gulf Station in White City. Vic 'Burke, 229-2421. tfe-11-16 FOR SALE: Portable Hotpoint TO: Mrs. Helen Siples, General Delivery, Jackson, Michigan. FOR SALE: Chicago black shoe 'YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED skates. Size 9. Call 227-5701. That the following motor vehicle: 3tp-12-7 1968 Volkswagen 2 door, I. D. No. FOR RENT: Nice 2 bedroom house 118606539, title number 8494332, on St. Joe Beach. Phone 648-3466. will be sold at public sale at 9:00 tfc-12-7 A.M., E.S.T., on the 3rd day, of' - -January, 1973, from the, south door FOR RENT: One and two bedroom Xf the Port St. Joe High -School attractively finished apart- -hop building,-Port St. Joe, Flbpid e li Theb. proceeds of the sale will `_ u ents. Cool i4.. Iumnwr, Warm in applied first to the payment of, winter. Gas heat, -window lans.- ire-'r.:ig storing, and sale of said They must be ameu to be appreciat- motor vehicle and the cost, of pub- 4d. Contact M. or Mrs. B. C. Prince licationz oaf t,.,, of "e war 4ih.r St WIMCO LOOGE and TPAILER -,due under th (:e,r,te:t *A.ith Gu;f PARK. White City. Ph, ne '229241. Tea.h'.rs ,Frder .1 C:'rt Uni'n. or 64R31'l. tfe-10-28 P. .., iJ ..F .:' .!>: ." - tin1i--nS of -Sd ru'A,?o Y .rfi APARTMENTS FOR RENT: C'l. -Any -abrplu&. '-'J! t e r.-t i' you, ,. 'te.:' HoPlrida Mfr'.l ph,,rCe 64A: d '.,. will re.,'.' 1 '.U f1r any .'. i,'" 4..:' 2- 1 bala r.t remaumn paid under HELPWANTED C .d itrs L1' TEA'F-IER3 FE'IFAI A: .'. '.r- B;." .,120, CREDIT UNION 2t 12-21 DESK CALENDAR PADS fcatur- S.ing s.-,;: ,' tr,3 space pro- PUBLIC NOTICE vided i.. '.-:-'. day, January thru State of Florida Department December. Perfect for appoint- 'of Pollution Cbntrol '- .'' records and miscellaneous. Pursuant to Sec. 403.088 (4) (a, -': '-: $2.25 each. The Star. Florida Statutes, an application for ; . a TemporargOperation Permit has WANTED by individual. Approxi- benei filedyi th the Department mately 300 acres suitable for cat- for the following water pollution tie, cleared or uncleared. Some -ri nlow land would be okay. Phone 268. A rplitar Gliddeni-Durkee. 6874 or write' K. Dinkla, 11042 Looaro of Pollution Source: Scott' Mill Road, Jacksonville, SPrq S Jr.Florida 32217. 8tp-11-23 _,XRceiving Water Name: St. Jo- FOR RENT: Apartment, 510 8th seph's Bay. Street. Phone 6484800. tf-9-7 Receiving Water Cl. f'.:r et. Pn 6484800. tfc-9-7 Class III. FOR RENT: One bedroom house. Receiving Water Basin: Coastal St. Joe Beach. Furnished. Con- area between Apalachicola River tact Smith's Pharmacy, Phone 227- and Chocta'whatchee River. 5111. tfc-9-28 After consideration of the ap- - plication, any :;.1-' :'. informa- FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished . tion furnished, and all written ob- apartment. 522% Third St. Ph. sections submitted, the department 227-8647. tfe-12-20 shall grint or deny a temporary operation permit. No temporary permit shall be granted by the de- NICE CHRISTMAS apartment unless it -d'. ',: I- v -G IFT finds: GIFTS 1)The proposed discharge does O not ",. for an operation per- COLORED CHALK mnot ~ for an operaon per Assortment for chalkboard ( 2) The applicant is constructing, 2%"x7/16"-8 different colors I installing, or placing into opera- 12 to box 83c .-. tion, or has submitted plans and *' * reasonable schedules for construct- SANFORD "MR. SKETCH" ing, installing or placing into op- (Instant Water Colors) eration, an approved pollution .with wick-tip applicator abatement facility or alternate 8 color set $3.98 .waste disposal system, or that the . applicant' has a waste for which no feasible and .certlhe method ANFODeluxe Set of treatment or i'- -.. :J. -is known SANFORD "MR. SKETCH"' .or3 ec.r. rneI but is making a bona (Instant Water Colors) fide h:f;-. -hrough research and with 3 picture frames ,:.-hr .ieans to discover and im- 12 color set $5.98 pL.I.rni'. such a method;. 3) The applicant needs permis- THE STA'R sion to pollute the waters within the state for a period of tipe ne- Phone 227-3161 cessary to complete research: plan- ning, : n- ,':'! installation, .or operation of an approved and ac- - ceptable pollution abatement fa- .. eility or -- 4) There is no present, reasoni- . able, alternative means of dispos- Members of St. Joe Paper- ing of the waste other than by makers Federal Credit Union discharging it into- the waters of can- own,a new 1973 automo- the state. I -bile and. save money with our 5) The denial of a temporary op- new low interest rates. Only eration permit would work an ex- % % per mor, 9% annually. treme hardship upon the applicant; Plus, FREE Credit Life Insur- 6) The granting of a temporary ance. operations ermit will be in the public interest;or the Check the Credit Union 7) The discharge will not be un- tfc Office for Details 10-19 reasonably destructive to the qual- ity of the receiving waters. A copy of the application is | available for public inspection dur- ing regular business hours at DPC KILPA-EIACK Northwest Regional Office located at 1389 Shoreline Drive, Gulf Funeral Home Breeze, Florida 32561. and Residents in the drainage area of the discharge receiving waters Ambulance Service are hereby notified that objections or comments may be filed on or Prompt-Efficient-Courteous before December 30, 1972. These must be submitted in writing to Telephone 227-2491 the DPC Northwest Regional Of- fice. VINCENT D. PATTON, _t Executive Director It 29 27 25% 30% 4 52 Bottle Collectors Hear Bill Lester Bottle collectors met Saturday evening of last week in the Centennial Building. Bill Lester, president of the St. Andrews Bot- tie Club, spoke on the New Or. leans Bottle Show and presented several slides of interesting arti- cles displayed. The members and guests enjoy- ed a Christmas .party at the Sat- urday meeting. Bowling News Gulf County Ladies League Williams Alley Kats Wednesday, December 13, St. Joe St. Joe Stevedores -- Kraft won all four games from Williams Alley Kats. Ruby Lucas Bowen's Cowgirls --- rolled a 190 game and Mary Alice " Lyons rolled a 501 series for Kraft. Nroma Hobbs led the Alley Kats with a 151 game and 405 series. Shirt and Trophy and St. Joe Stevedores split four games. Doris Strickland led Shirt and Trophy with a. 178 game ahd 480 series? Melba Barbee tossed a 188 game and 473 series for the Stevedores. SSt. Joe 'Furniture woon all four' raes'. frn'm P. er7.." Cowgirls. J6 FOR SALE: 1969 Stingray S..i-iy b,.3 a 183 game and Brepda Call 229-9111. Mathis had 'a 476 series-for-St.- Joe FOR SALE:- Used roll-. Furniture.. L-ci Calhoun led the and double size matter Cowgirls with a. 1-111 game and 313' each. Call 227-7606. series. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom bath, fully carpeted, c Florida First National Bank fence, all electric. 1907 I won three out of four games from, nue. Phone 2296506. Comforter's. Lois Smith was high FOR SALE: 2 bedroom h Every Saturday Night Beginning December 16 8:00 P.M. AMERICAN LEGION HOME CHRISTMAS GIFT! Make it a very merry .-.:' Q for your stu- dent with a Smith-Corona Electra 110 portable typewriter. Full duty electric with full size keyboard, S* guarantee from date of sale. Reg. $177.50. Now only $157.50. The Star, phone 227-3161. A MERRY CHRISTMAS is a fuzzy black kitten with white stocking feet. Only one to go for free. Call 227-3161 days, or 229-2776 even- ings. 10 SPEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available. WES- TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15 WILL TRADE: 1961 Ford- station , wagon for fishing boat. Call 229- 6387. tfc-10-26 MEXICO BEACH TAVERI Beverage on tap. Oysters on shell. Pizza. Dancing. Fun. til 2:00 a.m., CST. PROFESSIONAL HELP with tional problems and/or cone Gulf County Guidance Clinic, St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Sidney Ellis, 229-6599., HELP WANTED: Experienced recappe-s or trainees. No e Jence necessary for trainee; permanent job and apply inh son at Panama City .Recapping Springfield. Plant located block behind Springfield City : Phone 7854470. tfc I WILL KEEP CHILDREN in home from age 3 and up. b and day care. Contact Mrs. Smith at 511 Woodward Ave. GEORGE S. COODY Electrical Contractor Residential and Industrial Wiring and Appliance Repairs All Work Guaranteed CALL 229-5777 WANTED: Man with service sta- tion and mechanic experience.' Apply at Ralph and Henry's Stan- dard Service. tfc8-3 FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate Guarantee on labor and materials Low down payment. Phone 227 7972. UNUSUAL ORNAMENTS CHRISTMAS GOODIES from around the -world THE HUMDINGER'SHOP' Motel St. Joe Upper Lobby DINNER COOK and WAITRESS WANTED dependable MOTEL ST. JOE RESTAURANT Port St. Joe See Mr. or Mrs. Lange No Phone Calls Please Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. C. P. Etheredge 118 Third Street Port St. Joe, Fla. Plumbing :all 2294986 for Free Estimate : SAVE at SHIRLEY'S FABRICS Factory Outlet Prices SHIRLEY'S FABRICS 106 Bellamy Circle Phone '229-2021 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair or syn- thetic which you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices... WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tie Port The Best Costs Lea Rev. TRY VARTUNG tire The Paint Mad, with xper- TUNG OR p. A per- Oil base, Vinyl and Latem Co., Orel and Bristle Brushes one See or Call -10-5 AL SMITH 5my Phone 227-7751 1 my Qight Nell Open Again Wednesday, December 27 with. "THE GODFATHER" Happy Holiday Greetings to Our Gulf County Friends! POODLE GROOMING Specializing in Puppy Trim Other Small Dogs Washed and trimmed For Appointment call 229-6571 tfe4- 18 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. ll Buford Griffin. Phone 2294106 or 229-2937. RtA.M.-Regular convocatlaon B 9L Joseph Chapter No. 56, RAM., 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. WALTER GRAHAM, L. P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. -THERE WILL BE a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 11i, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. FOY E. ADAMS, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGER, Secty I DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Fla. Friday and Saturday Dec. 22 )and 23 NOT OPEN I issifi ed Ads+ y Corvette. T SURPLUS TRUCKS FOR SALE: Up MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP 2t-12-20 through 1969, conventional trac- FOR SALE: Johnson CB radios, I b tors, some sleepers, White, Mack car and home 8-track tape play- away bed and Ford. Many to choose from. ers, rings, watches, assortment of ess. $5.00 Cummings diesel engine, 10 speed dishes and glassware, 12-in. pony transmission, tandem drive and tag saddle, radios, portable TV's.. Use house 1 axle. Priced to sell. From $2,350 our 30-day lay-away plan. 102 5th haomuse to $5,995. For information and lo- St., Highland View. Phone 229. Station call Schwerman Trucking 6193. ong Ae-' Co., P 0 Box 25, Bainbridge, Ga. tfc-11-30 '912-246-2455. 3tc -1220 FOR WELDING NEEDS see James --- ""--" L Temple 1302 Palm Blvd. house (ful- FOR RENT' FLunished beach cot [ tfc-9-7 oom and' tages. Reasonable monthly rates. nk storfence Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfc A 515 4th -- WANTEDI extension tfc-11-9 B I N G 0 300 WOMEN to. SHOP and I %- NO. Seio2 SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY!- tc rough 23 '" h ~ ~.iX 1 '44. j~ .4 1 'r- ~u ............, II-'I .-" i ,i 71 o, r Wll tj K i : ":, ," .i ,, ', L' ' rA l U i i . i Tf I IGA lcALe' ikLONL Ice Milk -4-U-T T141 / TABLERITE BORDEN VELDA MILK GALLON With $10.00 ; Order or More o . */_. IGA Sliced or Crushed Pineapple b-.Imi*m Mi CT49c 1l'b. 79c" MARGARINE .. 1 lb. 49c CREAM CHEESE 12 oz. 49c STobmato Juice 3 -No. 2 I, r.. Ei,. :. Fi,,- Lake No. 303'Can GREEN BEANS can 29c ' T...*i: Early Jun6 No. ,303 Cans' ElWGLISH PEAS ... 5 cans $1.00. Brach's Polyb . C HO COL ETIS 1 1.ib.79c PICKLED PEACHES jar 55c MIDGET PICKLES 2 I z. 55c Lh,"i,',' M!7 ,?:: n l.4 Ounce Jar .. STUFFED OUVES ~.- jar ALUMINUM FOll 25 ft. roll Kleenex DINNER NAPKINS -pkg. of 50 -k !| A i M f a' y 'k ' Franks pkg. tP r k .biri' lfb r.f ;... Pork Loin Ib SIGA Fetite 4 A % 4f4 DINR OllS . .88 5kc Vikg. of 14 IS, 1 LGA -uxe - COFE 1 Lb., .C. ade '~er or More 1 doz. Eggs Free 2 doz. Eggs with $35.00 Order SAVE CASH AT RICH'S MEPIES i4E SHELLS #VA BEANS cranberryy Ti' 9 t6c 7 S 8 qze.,41i, 'ft D eikuk U~b~mmol..5u IDn 3 3 .,rl ullu I-ur , 6 Bottle Cartons CLLMB E s o LL Peppers 28 Oz. Bottles - NOT STAMPS ;p 1.ovu 44 SAtTINE CRACKERS -. Ib 29c CHOCOLATE CHERRIES 10 55j S ft'- D COKE aind SPRlTE 6; 7"^o 1 $1.00 Christima Fruit! SBuy It by the Box! M MIXED 8OX E TfRUIT T,, $4.90 JUICE RANGES---------- $3.50 TANGERINES --.-- TA N G ELS . $5.25 $4.50 JUICY APPLES (138 size) --- $7.50 cr'I 'sp..."ta' t C EL ELRW------:._.2 fr 25c SmOittuges by the Bqg O$12nrv9 t100 do. 39c Eh. ., Lrge Ears Fresh 5 Cor n 12- $1.00 12c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons *- '' 5 t t ,- $100 79c 49c 29c &igCRIS.C COCKTAIL* Ci .a 8 91 POLE BEANS 31bs. $1,O00 S' Bushel Bag ..Large NAVEL So r '$2. 95 AVOt~btA t." t. 1 Oranges Kiln Dried SWEET POTATOES ------------pound ;i~llllrr~earrr*rrrrr~lr~~ __a~~._--- - r IMM STAR, Porit St. Joe, Florida WEDNNESD)AY, DEC. 20, 1972 " .1 g hL -L*1I4i;:i - 4~T~.~F~i~ ; '*', '' -. :Z` ' ;- YC ra THE STAR, 4ort St. Jo*. Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 classrooms at their respective Grandberry as a custodian effec- tractor on the new St. Joe High S'MINUTES OF THE schools. Not'to exceed $3,000 dur- tive October 17, 1972. Hired Fred- School building, inspected the S.... ing the school year 1972-73. Board die Dixon as a substitute custodian leaks in the building. He stated UNTY SCHOmember Rich seconded themotion effective October 2, 1972 and as that his company would correct the GULF ...UNTY SCHOOL vBOARD The motion was unanimously car- a regular worker effective Novem- leaks at an early date. S. tried. ber 20, 1972. Terminated E. L. 'The Board accepted the bid of .. ... -. ". Je' L "b te Fleming as a custodian effective the Davis Exterminating Company I Mrs Jewel B rktt met wit he October 3, 1972. Hired Kyler Ham- df Panama City for pest and rodent PORT ST JOE, FLORIDA school. The Superintendent was di- Board to d.is.:u:.3 he r Eg r te- iltoi, Jr., as custodian effective control in the schools within the NOVEMBER 7,1972 reacted to-contact the principal and ing s'., -rm r,4.. at 5 October 3, 1972. rentice county for the school year 1972-73. The Gulf County School Board work out a solution to the prob- ighlrd Vi v lty Sc Forrester's : ..- .. as a bus A copy of- this bid is on file in the met in regularsession on the above lem. The `at. "- E ,.'.- driver effective October, 31, 1972. P-:-n:r-..., office. date. The following members were The Superintendent reported to I..:..-: .- :.t... vth ,. Hired Ms Linda. Green as .a bu The E,: authored the Super- present: Wdham R'ener, Sr., that a special board meeting pl-n. p.i.:.-i .of .. :.: :l : driver effective October 20, T?2. intendent to purchase two 66 pas- SChairman; Gee Raffield J. K. ned for October 1, 1972 was n Board member Raffirld brought County Wide-appointed s.: enger school, buses through. the Whitfield,, Waylcs Grabam and B. held due to the fact that the Sup,- Si .m an.B. heri edudee the tact tdha theaSSat u the future status of Bidwell Administrative Assistant State Pool Purchase Plan during 'J" Rich, Sr. '. ,erintendent had to. attend a. State _".... [ e. .:" .:- :,: -''-. .... te1972 shol year. The Superintendent-ws present. Superintendents' meeting-4n .Jack- .." -of- : 4, 19 72 .e 7273 oved the audits The meting h epan.ed with a :,., . -.Board :-: theis of the :::. FoodService account prayer %ty. Boand ir .-l.tr Gra,, j',. Board ::..,i:.-. the St. Joe : ,. nee of bus ,;. ,.: ,-::- the ol andof the Internal Accounts forvice acollun The mm zt: aof the -.m.itng ,of E f en ry PTA's request to have .1-.;-:, : .-- ; Y. : ida y Plair, Mr. Liunda Green an Mrs. schools wand ithhe the county for the Qetober 3, 19.2 wese i.. ;, and a .' .: ,rd'match fund amounting d "" '' :" .- Plair, r Linda Green an s s hools thin the ounty for the tobr 19d a E d match uns amount Katie Mangum. for the 1972-73 school year 1971-72. These audits -provedas read, r1 -o0.00 on n conditioning The :::. Board Qf -: .Y-' school ear. will be forwarded to the State De tMrs. He r M~rst rp ene, '.I'.j:'t for classrooms:- Board .-;... at its ow .:: .. The, Supgrintendent reported apartment of Education for their Sthe W abit'.rb- a Eieev.otary FTA r..i.r P.:. iL. made a motion grant-to a person.wh has -:-;', h.a A ". : Griffi,. a .:.'. i approval...The audits were prepare, met Wth the Ee.irl t., h-i:u:, e L r,,, '" Board. match the $3,000. .t-,r..ci_: :., {i.: 5.-.:'.of. as.:_- Kirkley ani Williams ed by W. T. Mosely. need fo.r replviig fthe -'i..r .'.'.;i.i a .t Joe '..:-,' ,... .School ,nd atnd, at, :.i..1.-,:f .:'vice as Construction- ..:. the con- The Board discussed the use and ..er in tbe haUll,'y and tbe lavator t .o r tlt.h fb d. ri:'d- b" '?iny oth- ; ;.. -r.i. a : r-.._i con- ' ies in the g Ei I ,t ro in A : ..:.. :: -. .,,f it., tract as .;. ,-. ':- 5 cher. Ser- . ., .. -0 -* -l vice as .'ip. ~T : shall' be - ;. '& f S ^cornstrued as continuous . ..'ei s e-. -::. *in t h e p u b li c -'-. ". . goo m R! a motin" After further discussion, . .: 1-:'.. *member Raffield made ay moone *. gtoaot Sperintendent Craig be $ !granted a continuing contract at S: the 'y: th ofhi, s term, sub- ,. : ; ,-.*his, :- n valid teach- -. . ing certificate,. withF e - .7,-to be made :. e new Superi nten- S. Board .ember Rich :-. r. I ed the motion. The motion -was lir-i'l'i4 *1' 7 carried.. FOE; Ri - TI *" |.: read letters 0 rom Harrell Holloway and Ken- H-erring, principals at Wewa- : respectively, suspending students for Xta. ti o,,n of the rules and regula- - S ,... a.t these schools.. Copies of S. these letters are on.file in the Su- - perinten dent's office. . S' Thie _Tard .discussed' a recom -. . We wi sh ou lve friends a very s'.M i- b9 F Harrell BSMerry Christmas. Let s mallxnou h. O-:W,; of. Wewahitehka Hi gh y,%rjor,,l ?r,. dismiss Rose MaryoTney S"the joys of this most holy sason r thexreoaindert ofur e 197273 BEST W SHES'- . .-* .. year'sI.-h,,.,.l :.'1 for flagrant Vio-at'* "~ H I Sof m and rr ,flatkos rf t e " fAvco F '*es S school UI.' t-_.. r.S.or.o.;;._vdaUtin t Santa Claus' takes 'time out from, his busy Christmas schedule VtO 1r .1 rVCeS r !rof-the iiv rs B:., ard rm- to christen Congo Belle V at Florida's Weeki Wachee. Recently hber Wh'Iet. i ., 'a 1...' ton tLat commissioned by the U. S. Coast Guard, the new jungle river cruiser _va : .=d :,n' be 4orp:. dismis- .is now ready to receive passengers. Captain Sta'te .S-nbe stands .- sig R Mary .ey r the re- by to take the helm on her maiden trip. M.asquerading as Santa is ifiainder of the 1912-17 acRedl year Robert D. Smith of Brooksville', S.... Board member P...minr c..,nd:d, the motion. The n r'tfor iws unas I -- ruffi'o / carx.i.1.-A -copy of this - ",M jerry Fc t is on file in the'Supf (.r- PINES SUpon the recommendation of the Stand Tall S Superintendent, the following per- In FIorda's '. nel changes were made: Wewahitchka' High School -b Futu re . granted Mrs. :-MT;r. Jo Patterson ," er, ', leaVe effective October - Returned Mrs. Mary Jo -..._ to duty as a teacher ef- S" T Iovember 6, 1972. Appoint- . r ?1', Lockhart as a teacher ef- I november 6, 1972. Suspend- ed Michael Santaniello fiom his vbpositionr 9 2. October 9, 1972without pay.LL! St Joe High School-terminated George as a custodian ef- fective October 10, 1972. Hired Tim "County Receives T, rac ey .,Each of Florida's 67 counties, in, t. n.D Gulf- Coun ty,.received I 500 this i :nth in racing tax allo- :.:.1 Comptroller Fred 0. (Bud \ --' .:.: annonhned ths week+, ' .. .s".c'a m. "+It brings to $139,500 thde a nount '.,* .May this Holy Season brin received by each county thLs year. This is the .-r:h <" + ... you an abundance of happiness alnobations, which v-a, th-: 1' S neere good wishes 1* r .. .. .xt May. All county -. re:-.. n you at Chrtstmastlde. equal share of racing =""-" :. '' up ot a 1ota of $446,5.. ? : :: This ceiling on location ing tax onr. : i HUMPHREY'S 1971 Flori&: :-.'i.: -I is. the " Debbiu's F-I; t"S:,m : can Union 76 .. ;.. :a receive. over the course of a fiscal year's I 5 ,. '- -" possession of narcotics by students the new regulation. within the 'system. A proposed State Board of Education Regula- tion, pertaining to dealing with narcotics violations by students was given to the Board Attorney, Cecil Costin, Jr., for his study. He will report to the Board at the next regular meeting concerning Bills in the amount of $82,555.91 were examined and ordered paid. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meet again in regular session on Decem- ber 5, 1972 at 9:00 a.m. EST. ATTEST: R. Marion Craig William Roemer . Superintendent Chairman You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY ~~7-C.[, M T.',NING WORSHIP .................... .r-'y '1 -: iNING UNION ............ EVENING WORSHIP PP.AYT P SERVICE (TW.,1;,-d,. ...... 9:45 11:00 6:15 7:30 7:30 A.M. A.LM. P.M. P.M. P.M. V1I O'CRS ALWAYS WELCOME PEV' j. C. ODUM, Pastor MOMM - The blessings of this glorious -Christmas Season be yours now and throughout the coming year . Seaf od Market :. 7 Home Economics Offkred for Boys SThe societal roles of -men and women are changing. In, the past, home economics has been con- sidered as a program for girls only. Today's vocational program must be offered to both boys and girls, men and women, Almost half,of all women, 18 to 64 years of age, are in the labor force. As women enter the labor force h-r Prma ing is no longer the ex- clusive province of women. More in4 more men' are .assuming .their fair share of homemaking duties as the women take on wage earning responsibilities. As men and women assume re- sponsibiXtines in homemaking and wage, earning, the need for cour- ses in management of human and material resources become THE STAR, Port St. Jo*, Ptlrida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 F!RST BAPlS;Y ChbR^H Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music SUNDAY SCHOOL --- 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION -.--...... 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ......--- 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) -.. 7:30 P.M. "Come and V'orsi'p G-d With Us" imperative. *The vocational: department at Port St. Joe High. School this year offers a semester course- es- pecially designed for boys. This Bachelor Living course .- r- has thirty boys enrolled from grades 10-12. Some of the areas they will be I.:: -.i during the semester are nutrition, food pre- paration, clothing, textiles, con- sumer economics, management and family relations. The Homemaking Vocational class -is under the direction of Miss Karen Price. C e ~for Your Christmas Poinsettia S oy Colorful Foliage Longer To enjoy your Christmas poin- Keep the plant warm-between throughout the '.:i sea- 65 and 75 degrees. Keep it close to .son, keep it watered, warm and the window, but hot in direct sun- near a sunny window, says Dr. E. light. And keep'it away from ra- W. McElwee, horticulturist, Flor- :.: hot air registers, fire ida Cooperative Extension Service. places, outside doorways or win- Poinsettias are very sensitive to dowsills, ... k .h iften' res ts 113s dyingg, whch often resut iloss he real flowers of the poinset ising you and your family the best for this f leaves Keep the soil moist by tia are small and inconspicuous. holida season and all of the nwyearto come. a no to oak to the bright colored parts of ,he bottom of the poto bloom are modified leaves, called Rt WheA the watedrains out of bracts can be red, white or R oche 's fri r i off the excess. Never let the poin- When you select a plant, look. settia st na in v,&ter, because the ior good bract size and olor to give our thanks for ndne rotos nede good aeration. Bracts expand dnd color b.. e- fore the flowers open. A plant.;,putandtowishyou ,'mm m "r !with flowers :. to open, vwill last longer in the home than! Christmas joys.t t last and last. one that is shedding pollen. Pollen from the flowers appears a a 6 ;.l ,, powder. If L is 2na good amount of this, the flowers aredtoo farr along, and will begin Ws l n aa o to deteriorate. I Buy a plant that is just begin- ning to flower, da n ond ger. IW.you're u. An.: one as a gift, make it special by ', di-. SAY YOU SAW IT N THE STA-~ - ~~~~SY O .S WI -Agr Lgur ,oi:6n sagt .. .... re,,*f. r.,:L,,',_ for L-'a.r. ceNof it._-' iMay the world extend the spirit of the season into the New Year and bring peace to all nations.i. Let us pray for lasting Peace, in our times. APALACHICOLA NORTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY 'As we make joyous preparations for the holiday season, we'd like to take this opportunity to greet our many good friends and patrons. We sincerely hope your Christmas is filled with the best of everything. ST. JOSEPH TELEPHONE and TELEGRAPH COMPANY - --. MgPTAR Port9t. JoseIorida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 Sodal Studies Helps Youth to Carry On Ideas of Our Society The. Social Studies program of Port St. Joe High School is fe- veloped around the following ob- jectives: to help yoting people learntq 'carry on the, ideas of' -the American society which they ,have inherited; to.make what- ,ever changes modern conditions aemana or creative imaginauon .suggest that are consistent with its basic principles and values; and to hand it on their offspring better than they received it. In 'accomplishing this. broad, ulti- mate aim of social studies, the curriculum is varied, offering * 2 k otu rh equi m ana eecuv ecur- ses for grades nine through 12 and two required courses for grades seven and eight... . "Justice In Urban America" is required of all seventh grade students. It is developed around six broad subjects relating to i1 i nin cera time tia are nine central themes that are common to all areas of the world. They are as follows: the rise and , decline of civilization; world gov- ernments and the development of democracy; the contribution of science and technology to c',h- nation; how man has made a liv- quired course for all students ing; the fine arts and education who may schedule it during their as they effect civilization; revo- sophomore, junior, or senior lutionary movements; religions year. American History is taught . of the world; war and peace; and with primary emphasis being pla- the influence of e-;~-' .:ced on the period after the War "mer :.an Hi.0;.ioy s a re- (Continued On Netx Page) WIE RADIALS .GUARANTEED 40,000 MILES Ses*tone RADIAL SVI Our 40,000 mlile guarantee b ,U.Al ntaftnL., give. yoo i L ef:~2If d GItMe4. Ince thetdre witb a new one and kp%* i,, u.rodit 'n the %A e~ ereos4~~e b ad. ?r,r.,: -t 1b"ei eveb ) yry 5O2U0 me! z @wundcar, rc~perly !'CHARGE-IT! E Take a 7-day teat ride! 70d2 oU ti m S on s aab ad dudof D~and we'Ll uuL Free Fireston. e hristmas Records With Each Purchase of 10'Gals' Gas q More .qt Jimmrnys "66" Stq tion ' P a t e erv Ce: n Pates Service Centor Jimmy s -Phillips "66" Station / A strange silence comes when snow has fallen. The quiet of natures outdoors is broken only by\ the flicker of cheer from a yuletide log at home. -Everything is ready for a season of good chee,.o lt+Tk a;imrarl arel Plantiva emir- eleventh and twelfth grades. This study is centered around contemporary issues. This pro- gram is being offered for the first time this school year. Spe- cial efforts and :-: .: :-, are being made to improve this pro- gram for the next school year. r ;.i of the United States" is required of all eighth grade students. This study is concerned with the major periods and for- ces which have shaped our na- tion. Particular emphasis is pla- .ced on the period from "Discov- ery -.':; r -"." to "Reconstruc- tion 1870". elective program for students in .the ninth grade. This study is, ,designed to facilitate develop- ment of the individual student's ability to think clearly. It is a two semester course, one semes- ter being devoted to the study of ?:- -.,:-': -. aid the ohter to the study of T',-ic.-r, -. ,It is the hope of this department that after having : ,. :.L: u : completed this course, 'the student will be better t.. :-.. :' to take his place as a fully functioning member of society. , "World Geography-WorldI His- tory"' is an elective program for students in the ninth grade. In the first' semester .a broad study qf basic geographicc concepts is made. Topics niclude population, food production, mni'ifacturing, urbanization and''the develop- ment of a geographic model. The second semester is a broad study of the earliest ... L.. '-.- :. of the world from the River Valley cul- tures through the Reformation and early development of nation states. "World History" is an elective course for students in the tenth, MEN : -- ------- ~, is : Ir ~ ~ ~ -Ir -i~; -i ~ .;T ~ I I ~ I Christmas hring 4A all the bet for you, s' - and your family and follow you thru the new year. Glidden Durkee Division SCM Corporation ,'* -(. : % / -9 111 THE STAR, Port St. Jo., Florida WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 i oling News Shirt and Trophy blow their chan-, Sces of .a play-off by dropping alfl four points to Tommy's Gulf Ser- vice. Jim Beaman was top gun for Tommy's Gulf wl:h a 547., 'Tal I Preston's 493 was all Shirt and GULF COUNTY MEN'S LEAGUE place by receiving four points by Trophy co:ok doc This year the men's bowling forfeit Murdock's will be in the St Joe Lanes took all four points league went i to something new, play-offs at the end of next half from Marv n I, Harry Low- a plit ses o. Monday night wound season, bowbhog the winner of that ts.,, .g hig a -. .h ., 556y Mar- up the firM oalf of'this split sea- ha.f vn Shinfeszel's 445 was tops for son with MVdoekq's TV taking first Other bowling Monday might saw Mariini's * ~ --1 - RPche's Furaiture split ..with Cam'bell't' Drugs each taking two., Calvin Todd's 538 was tops for Roche's- ~Aded by Jerry Colvin's 509. Lary PParrish's 487 was tops for Campbel's. Standings W L Murdock's TV --------__ 36% 19% Shirt and Trophy------ 35 21 Roche's Furniture -35 21 Basic Magnesia --- 28 28 Tommy's Gulf Serv. -- 26 30 Campbell's Drugs 21 31 St. Joe Lanes --------22% 33 % Marvin's TV 1 36 Social Studies Helps Youth (From'Preceeding Page) . *,:..r ti- States. This course is designed to provide ''ulit. with a historical background as., ,. : events of to- us.:. .d ..:rd. t .r students ,to have a better.understanding of the society in which .;. live, "AmericanI C. in .r!,'.r' is a required course of all students who may schedule it during their :r or senior year. The pro- gram is designed to study hte : -.-l :: r.t ;' role of the fed- their problems Iuh ,st.diaigs. skills, and, concepts needed to, Ai ; i ~ Ie r:L in pub- lic affairs is stressed. "Ameri- S Left to Igf arr Lly aDnnyEtheridge Temple Watron SEa He- i 1!' canism vs. Communism" is a state required offering and is in- corporated into the second se- mester. The purpose of this .stu- dy is to provide students with an accurate comparison of the two countries and governments. It is hoped that this process of judging strengths and weaknes- ses w l create the formulating of hypotheses about social af- fairs, The Social Studies faculty con- sists of seven teachers. Seventh grade instructors are Miss Sarah Norton and Allen Scottu Eighth grade teachers are Kesley Col- bert and William Dickson. Ninth grade teachers are Miss Sarah Norton and Mrs. Judy Poole. William Smith and Temple Wat- son are instructors of courses de- signed primarily for students above the ninth grade.. " COM- p!L T E Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamatione 5. .. ,'. *s.-- 1 Valyv -and S~ait Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and 'Seat 'Instaliat;on Disassembly Cleaning *. Inspection;.-". Testing Head Crock Tesling H.e-ad R-surftcing High Performance Services B. akr Dumn arnd isc 'Rotor Turnil.g 40-Ton Hydraulic Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 B-- -- --- -->*^~--^- ., -__-I--O "3 M .~4. Ao !'i.. *- HERE'S HOPING SANTA FILLS YOt FONDEST WISHES THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON AND FROM ALLt OF US, TO ALL OF YOU, WE WISH YOU THE MERRIEST 0F HOLIDAYS. ,/ S 1 1 B 1&' '* I l Your NAPA Dealer .J I-I THE STsAR, Part St. 4o* Florida YVEDNESDAN, DEC. 20, 1972 '' '' am THE STAR Port St. Jo fIorwie WE6NESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972. Defendant. TAXATION THEREIN, AND ALL Il ilh.paplyado one of the Judges' NOTICE OF ACTION ,OTHERS HAVING OR CLAIMING of the- Circuit Court in and for TO: Curtis Flowers ANY .RIGHT, TITLE OR INTER- I AGulf County, Florida, for approval 509 Grady Street EST .IN .PROPERTY TO BE AF- of said returns and for an order of I Thomasvfile, Georgia 31792 FECTED -BY THE ISSUANCE OF distribution and for final discharge YOUTT ARE NOTIED That an THE REVENUE BONDS DESCRIB- IN THE COURTW OF 'THE (asExecutrix of the Will of Fairo action toestablish a Georgia Judg- .ED HEREIN, AND- ALL OTHERS COUNTY JUDGE, GUI L. Aman Sr. deceased. merit of Divorce andmodify same TO-BE AFFECTED IN ANY WAY COUNTY, STATE (OF IIA. | December-11th, 1972. as to custody has been iledagainst HEREBY: .Estate JANIE L. AMAN, you and you"are required to serve You, and each of you, and the FAIRO L. AMAN, SB iEecutrix of the Estate of a copy of your written defenses, State of Florida, through the State Deceased. Fairo L. Aman, Deceased if any, to it on Honorable Cecil G. Attorneys of the Secon[, Fourth, M rOICEOF FILING PETITION 41244 Costin, Jr., Plainffs Attorney, -Seventh, Fourteenth, ard Eigh- FOR FINAL DISCHARGE OF whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, teenth Judicial Circuits of Florida, S' -X U "*r ,IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, Port St. Joe, Florida on 'or .before, are hereby required to appear be- -, .E. FOURTEENTH- J U DICIAL the 15th day of January, A.D. 19.72, fore this Court in the Chambers of "NOTICE is hereby given that 1 CIRCUIT. OF THE STATE and file the original with the Clerk .the .undersigned Circuit Judge at reft'fledi.myifinal retum in a s OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR of. this Court either before service the Leon County Courthouse in ecutrix of the Estate of Fairo L GULF COUNTY. I on Plaintiff's Attorney -or .immed- Tallahassee, .Florida, on the 18th Ama t,.8. deceased; that I ave' LAUDIA'FLOWERS HADDOCK," lately thereafter; otherwise ;a de- ,day.ofJanuary,1973, at 10:00 A.M., filed my Petition for Distribution Plaintiff, -fault will be entered against .you d.nd .show-cause,. if any you have, and ifor Final Discharge, and Iha -'s--- 'for the. relief demanded in :the why .the.prayers of the Complaint on tthe 15th day of January, 1973 CURTIS FLOWERS, Complaint or Petition. .filed in the above-styled cause ...- .-- WITNESS my hand and the seal .should.notbe granted and the rev- of this Court on the 12th :day of enue bonds and proceedings vali- December, A.D.. 1972. dated and confirmed as therein SGEORGE ,Y.COBE -prayed. The Bonds to be issued by Clerk of C1i',.ut'Court the Plaintiff, Division of Bond Fi- ]r IrBvT"',rBl: (SEAL) 4t-2-14 nance of the Department of Gen- fJ^(JV K 9eral Services of the State of Flor- J O Y I IN, THE CIRCUIT COURT ida, are to .be designated, dated, OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL in, denomination of, and to mature CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, N .as follows: N m AND FOR LEON COUNTY, "$58,900,000 STATE OF FLOR- J ^. *FLORIDA IDA, FULL.FAITH AND CRE- CIVIL ACTION NO. 72-1803' DIT, POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION OF BOND FINANCE I BONDS, SERIES .A" of the DEPARTMENT OF GEN- to be dated July 1 or.January 1 of ERAL SERVICES of the. STATE the year in which issued; in denom- OF FLORIDA, a public body cor- nation of $5,000 each; to mature porate, as provided in the resolution au- Plaintiff, thorizing the issuance of theBonds -vs--- not to exceed 40 years from the STATE OI' FLORIDA, and the stated date or dates ,of issuance, several Taxpayers, Property aggregating' the principal amount Owners and Citizens thereof, in- of Fifty-Eight Million Nine Hun- Seluding Non-residents owning dred Thousand Dolars ($58,900,000) rrope.rty or subject to taxation and bearing inteest,,payable semi- ,*i-r:. .and All Others having annually on the first'(1st) day of or claiming any right, title or .January and on the first (1st) day interest in property to be affect- of July of each year, at the lowest b1 'ed by the issuance of the Bonds rste obtainable when the same are *. described in the Complaint, and sold, provided that such Bonds All Others to be affected in any shall not bear interest at a rate Sway ir.-e:1'. greater than the highest.rate per- S"' -:, mitted by Statute; a more particu- Wishing all our friends and patrons a IN RE $58.900,000 STATE OF lar description of said Bonds and A, FULL FAITHholy and merry holidayAND the projects to be financed with holy and merry holiday sa CREDIT, POLLUTION CON the proceeds them Appearing by S. TROL BONDS, SERIES A reference to the .authorizing reso- SORDER lution, as amended, a itmte and eor- ST IJ E B.A "NOTICE TO: STATEOFFLOR-rectcopy -:.f w is attached to .* JO V B AR IDA, AND THE SEVERAL TAX- and made a part ,of the Complaint i -and ;PACKAGE .S70 E. ., PAYERS-.PROPERTY.OWNERS herein as Exhibit, 1. PACKAGE T E AND C ZENS T REOF, N- The Clerk of 'this Court is di- GLUDING NOPN-RESIDENTS OWN- rected to cause a ~opy S. for three (3) coneentive weeks, , commencing with the first publica- k tion, which shall not be less than twenty (20) days prior to the (date set for"-Ite said hearing hefein, m in newspapers of general circulation published, in Bay, Duval, Gulf,' Leon, Seminole, and Volusig Coun- ties, V'orida. DONE AND ORDERED in Cham- R -rbers in Tallahassee, Leon Cbmty,' Florida this 8th day of December, d A.D. 1972. ' May you find under your tree the priceless gifts of Christmas ... Peace,, Good Will and' Abiding Happiness for yon, your family and all. CO STI N' S I- 'i^r " 7, " /' ,' wife 7 %V 1 -.1. . Let thejoyfulteong of Christmas ring out for all to hear andpeace andgoodswilil abound through outthe world tyear. St. Joe Auto Parts, Inc. Circuit Judge A true copy Attest: PAUL F. HARTSFIELD, 'Clerk Circuit Court Leon County, Florida By: Joy Gold, D. C. -CERTIFICATE It is hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing Order, to which is attached a copy of the. Complaint referred to therein, has been fur- nished to William D. Hopkins, State Attorney for the Second Ju- dicial Circuit of the State of Flor- ida, and to the State Attorneys,for the Fourth, Seventh, Fourteenth, and Eighteenth Judicial Circuits of the State of Florida, by mail this 8th day of December, A.D. 1972. / ARNOLD L. GREENFIELD and ROBERT E. NIRO, Attorneys for Plaintiff Room 622,.Larson Building Tallahassee, Florida 3t-12-14 &(^II B^ ^(jPI Is' 00^ to our many friends and paf'romi HURLBUT Supply Co. I~u II. S, i it's that time of year when homes are aglow with festive decorations and sounds of Noelfill the air,, a time to pause and think of our many wonderful friends. Merry Christmas to everyponel Danley Furniture Company _ -u The crunch of snow beneath your feet... happy faces around the hearth... young voices singing Christmas carols... these arethe joys of the season we wish to you! Basic Magnesia Inc. ~~i~L~ll~lr~B~BR1;~M1*PLo~rrqp W ME STAR, Port St.JoerFlorldan WI NESDAY, DEC. 20, 1972 Save With Our Discount Secials -D s ia WE o U.S.D.A.3 H 0 R IEPA Each week a different, item will be featured at only 99e with each $3.00 purchase. You can build your set as rapidly as you like! Choice Pct Sirloiqn Steak lb. $1.39 ANC 31X ANriADO GLASSWARE 9 INCH ROUND CAKE PAN Matching Co- pa nioa i2iecas At -il "i Money Savi_- Prices ONLY 9, 1 with eaeh $3.00 purchase .' Eachweek a -ff:- i.tem will be featured at only 99c. with each and ,every $-q 0flrYhu' vT!. .. .A n:i .lo ,w. y Ro w ike LV'ERY DAY LOW PRICES Maxwell Hozse Half gallon COFFEE Ib. 88c CLO ROX----ju Colonial 5 Lb. Bag Twin Oaks No. 03 Can Sugar 58c Tomatoes Prices Effective December 20 through December 23, 1972 at Your Friendly Piggy!Wigg'y Super Market GEORGIA 'GRADE "B" Bob White SLICED BACON- --.l. iZ Fresh PORK STEAKS ------ b;. 69 Family Pak PORK CHOPS i---- I & Small PORK SPARE RIBS; Ikb. 619 Fresh . MEATY NECKBONES I.. 4.9t: rers 2 33 Poundi IPdmage or More W30B BEEF IL. 49k 3 Pound Package or More GROUNDo CHUCK -- IK, 89- STEW BEEF ----------- IL. 9aE 11 'STeaA K f- CUBED STEAK --------lb., $T1.9) Ri STEAK e-$.2 ROUND STEAK --------- Lb.M $ GEORGIA GRADE "A" Large BAKING HENS Parade Strain'ed 2 CRAKn ERRY 18c SAUCE 46 Oz. Cans HAWAIIAN Punch ' 'r - Suntbeam King Size Loaves- READ. 3fkr Giant .ize: i T IDEi g. Gerber Strained BABY FOOD jar $1.00 79c IOc Cans iQoI Robin Hood -'L-O-UR .5I bs 5 9c Tort3iem Big Bols TOVEIS F 3ff'r9c9 22 Oz. Parade Liquid PETERGENT _: ' btl. 39c No. 2/2 Can Del Monte Peaches t6Q~Cm~ Famous Brand MAXWELL HOUSE COFFE 1 Lb. Bag, :LIMIT ... ALL BRANDS - MILK GALLON MALLON 97C Pet Ritz Apple, Peach, Cherry Fruit Pies Egg Custard and Coconut COistard Frozen Banquet Pies 4 4 ^ Golden 1 Bag 'with' C lb. 49c *Quarttered Cricken Thighs -_ Chicken Breast _-_ Frms Fiaer Brumsticks --- lb., 29c Ib.. 39c lb. 49c WE HAVE Swift Butterball Turkeys Copeland Tenderized Ham Cudahy Fully Cooked Ham Fresh Pork Hams TURKEY NECKS TURKEY WINGS TURKEY DRUMSTICKS Ib. 39c Sunnyland Family Pak Fresh' Breakfast Links pk. $1,99 Christmas Candies -Bach Milk Chocolate Covered Cherrie 3 Lb. Box Brach All Filled -11 Oz. Bag Attorted Baga 59c 49c "Brch CC hoclate -24 Oz. Box SCreme Drops 69c L I. Ripe $7.00 Order or More Banan as , i$1.00 $I0u Pure Vegetable Shortening SNOWDRIFT C VVn TOMATOES lb9c Sp. ei i : e le ted F. o id" u ", '\ ... . Specially Seleed Fres Floridt , Pillsbury - CAKE 18 Ounce Boxes MIXES ------3 boxes $1.00 Del Mite Cermzhed or Siceld No. 2 Cans P INEA'PPLE E 3cons $1.00 WE APP1E---- Del Monte 14 Ounce Bottles TOMATO CATSUP 3 bottles Del Monte Czea-n Style 16 Ounce Cans GOLDEN CORN -------.5 cans Del Monte WLole Kernel 16 Ounce Cans GOLDEN CORN .------- 5 cans Del Monte Early Garden 16 Ounce Cans SUGAR PEAS------4 cans Sunshine Whole 29 Ounce Jars PICKLED PEACHES ---- 2 jars $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 Durkee's FRESH COCONUT ---- 14 oz. 47c Del Monte 16 Oz. Cans FRUIT COCKTAT-------t cans $1.00 Gala DINNER NAPKINS ----- 50 ct. 33c t'^ 4< 3 Lb. Can LIMIT... 1 Can with $7.0Q Order or More FreshC risp CELERY -----stalk 19c 3 Dozen A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL! '- :' a *- L * *-"' . mtsIi "L Fri-%Ih Firm FDI I. . I 444444 ~ U ".I I A*' V...,7 n ~ I -; 44 (~f~S fl U~U. 44 ttI. ~ nfl i~,r.*-,':. A . r4..I4:t1 ~ ~ 0-~~-. ,r- Cr' bo-,91hr.as"' ~;4I . - it' lii 1.,~ 4 A ~ 4444~4. 4 '.4 - .. I -. 3~ Al j'g' it9ti flg tip, >.454 -.* I 44t.. d 4 r ~4*'~4 - CThUSV'.. - * :. t 90kc , 4 44. revtenle .. a tinie .of ' ref leton and ab ve 4. *4544.,5, * .%\ ~4.~"'tW*.~fl 9.44 4. all- itufie'of O' 'We ieagMd every I 4A'oor60manywonder - -- !. fieglds.. 4, ,4 4 * (*- 4. t4. 4 4 .i . 4i44 ~ ~ wi I 4 .4 4.44 -~.51(- ~4.4 44 K' .1~-A' .4t; .ts-aa& 4444 4 -~ b, & . r - .4. -4 . 444 .4. 4 .4 .44 4' 4. 4 4. 1.44 71~ .4 1 L i 4~. '44' ,444h...F0 , 4444 - * ~444.5 9 .4 ~44~ 4454 5444)! .1 4 *1 ~ 4* 4 "s-; ' ~' * a '1774 4 t~ ~t 4-s. 4 I,. - _.^ *. - 4 ". --. . . **' L " Air, " i.4.4 i, 4.. , .4-' 5444 4 W~.4I..4L4~.I4iS..s.4..44A4W.4.4.4L,4% &44...t~Sk4I 44: 7. .4, 4,5' "4,'5 .r. . .4 ~. ~4'' .4~ .4 I 5)! ), : ,' '. iN , '" .- * fi' -, - wish *jt ;!' *' Ft . ~~IC, Nia 4...I l -, 4; 45 v '~ 4, St. Joe Paper Company B Lmm m ~BF .bl \- i'- '' -"i * '. ..., i * "' ;* . . .u s^' SKig^A a ' 1 '- *'.> - j zdeirlT '" ' Xxi |