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OU -" PAGE:S" --' ,:. ** ^ : / '- 10c PER COPY PORT ST. JOE,.FLORIDA 324$6 THU SD-Y, DECEMBER 14, 1972 S.. Crtsmas, Parade Float Winners Receive Prizes ' f U" ... ';/:. i) i -:'" ' tr. --ad'-Fl ,"/ / I.W,,R, .~~~r .., (,o i-.,-.= ., ', _ .. oh M/,:.;:; M,;-rrb. nts Division' Chair- .aaapr ta clhik. te--Christmas float Pits in '..i f,:ir.JaTy' pra4de. Next -to). s-c;i'.ll [t .n-;, K-miij:: president, -'firstj ev.aJmes (o.-nc'Penteco g- Bob Moore, .Jayg6 t ri, ."lu.r.,-, tal Church, .cerd pt. e and Mrs. Et he r. ..t ':winner's .. .*. '-.;.., ...-...i .Matiock, N aa he ( ircti, bf i"rd place I ',-.:r float entries..;, From left to right" ..winner. Star photo are Bil Humphrey, idtioti 76, first 'place; - '.Operation f H s . bubf;-1o tk.h ny G. ARC Organizes and Begins Pa The Gulf Association for KRe7 Sta r ir.d it hI.ti .1n i.j drgani- r,#r.3) ,.r' ... hi,.:11 -on ''i ... -. N o- .Va,.., r : iffiers of the' As- *-ur.k..,'ro. are:,-Beth Lawrence, '. .h n....0 -i,. Lyles,- vice-. ..'i.,ii. Glen1J 7 i1n. trea S rer iandlazel Ward, secretary. -Mrs. Lawrntice. stated: "The 9ulf ARC i-, ,' we have been yorldng I-or -since our ..... tarted with the r.-'r ..--I,,.i .ir,,.. Campaign. We are planning to receive our dha ter from the N '. ... tiu,'. .... ... for Retard- e0i ChiMndam n t v. "There is a great deal to' do, -. between now and >,-,,, but we 'hae the people,. interest, slip- pert, itliri:-!n and organiza- tion to get tf al d te Gulf ARC wm *, -rW.riv-.a * t"ded people 'in f ..n-l.. ma Sfpur ways. First, a pre-school education program ...*.... ":..--1 .with socialization and -. -'i, skills will .start in .I -, r:. This program j;i ,, ;. _- _are retarded children for school and. other group si Ma.3rs. Mil- lie Lyles is chairman of the pro- Star Will be Eaurdy With Next Issue you .-will receive your next- wqek's issue of, The Star ,one day early. The Star .will. go to press Tuesday afternoon with the. last run of 'next week's paper and it will be mailed on Wed-- ipepday morning.' S is is .to give our staff, one.. more day off for the holidays and will also allow you to read thf paper before it gets-lost in Sth holiday shuffle. This also means that all copy for next week's issue nust be: in our office by Monday after- noon. You cooperate with us and we will cooperate with you by seeing that your articles and no-, tices are printed in next week's issue. n of Action gram. Details will be i, -.t. -ing but she invites all. p *. -.i.. : childrien.to Sget in touch with her now at 6483512 o. 7-2426. S* I GARC. will provide vision. js* t. and ---.-. for retarded children tIrN!',;'. t to .need glasses. Parents who feel .eir .:'ni.r :i.- vision should be *-.. should call .1 i Johnson. i .-. Johnson and her special committee are ..'. ,*.- for this. service. 'Third, GARC will be serving .I. .........-. -. e effort with the Mental' Health .Guidance Clinic S .... v ..-, and ad., :!uative ser- vices for retarded children The ,- -person for this service is Beth Lawrence. t'-.'"r GARC will be 7..-:" , SChristmas parties for all. special .,.-.'. -. :. +. classes in Gulf Couin- ty. Parties will, be provided in "V,',,,-,Vu,:j-i .. and Port St. Joe ty,.. volunteers. Anyone ,':- to help should contact Mary Granger in Wewahitchka or Willie Mae Mason in Port St. Joe. Parties will be planned for the children at each =:. ,l sea- son. Post Office :pen All Day Satirday Postmaster ..:..: Costin announced ts week that, the, lo- cal post office would be open all day Saturday, December 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 'p.m., for the convenience of postal patrons to make their Christmas mailings. The Postmaster stressed that although many of the dates have passed for guaranteed delivery before Christmas mailers should continue to mail as early as par- eels, letters and cards are pre- pared, using air mail.. Due to area mail processing, the Postmaster stressed the im- portance of separating and lab- eling bundles of cards "Local" an4 "Out-of-town" and to be sure to use ZIP Codes on all out of town letters and parcels. ' -*-r a,-, weEk to th in k .-r ar ,fA r made / .A tfIi. y _k,-'h. e -ere t-r..i.ipr | i fT: h:" ':he P-,rt+ St-" Joe Cityv-oE m-* U' .e ri.i.1 <.p., -: 'r, 1- or..tJ a _. , Zr ,ri a : t t, 3 r ^ xi nission 'I do ,. _.er ~( enternn- a .l kt- w .- :- r e ''~J -" - S' ". "- ... it.jrn: A little from each 'jf'J r. " .' venture of th M , r' w-'. rith the City of Port .St, Joew.C ,, ,r 1'',.-*. ,-' .M.... . FPort St. Joe C -f Jf- -.,:.r.r, 'Tom (CJ).' -j,. i.r- C;' r 'y *, -id I 1-.. take this .' :, -, ^ s.b i.-:.i". :. and B. J.; -:.. .ert:. made ;" and was 'assurred by Attorney Wiliam J. th offer 'tthe County Board, with Col- Rish that hospital ..r ...- was a ,-. dewey acting as principal spokesman. mate county operation, -. ; '*I' p TN ;4 In -. r,*... *.l..'. tY financial difficul- ties at theb Hospital, the City representa-. tases ked for a cash contribution at the present time and full membership on the iF- .:r 1 I:..i, t.iqnow made up of the City Conmmissioners. *Comty Commission I'h *... i Lamar .. -..*. "How much of a contribu- . tion did you have in mind". Coldewey replied, "We were i! ,J '. ,- about -."' at the present time and fu- t-re .-.ri ,.,. il;. in subsequent years to be -..-.. i upon 'by the H..'..i Board, in- cluding the County .'._."... -', Col- dewey stressed that the -'.' ..''.'" 'u- tion, -.'2 3 lbe a .*--: .with. fu- ture contributions to be less. Conversation by the C.""- '-- . seemed to reflect a '-..~'i.. -:. to go :'.* the suggestion but :-'-" were also aware of the fact that :. .-:-: were no loose .' '. running r':--. J:.1 /. the '' ..'.- Money also\ :.'.. t6 be tion _l... 7Ci:,rnn4 Holland point- ed out-that ino ,.-r-';:- i,: '. ope ration :r,.. ,-J. ;. If it -,r':;,. ; 'even, we're, happy", i H.ll .i,] -, All of the r, ; '..- the desire to see the H-.... remain open and '.r -r -,i r.-I-'",' ---, of what ".i'.;: had to '-- taken. Cf. Li .. r. .Davis said, "We want to do .... I ;. i<.t .. but I feel we need more time to -*; .- the .-.r:-, and talk to some of the, T. .-.., of the Cj.-, .t7'. I have i'..'iy talked to :I:.--.- ri- and only one opposed the Coun- ty .' in its -.r -'. It 7.rj f;-'-y i.-4- by both Boards to, meet. i on ,','.'- .a :.:' L' -..:r,;.:. 20 at 10:.00 a.m. to further explore the offer and ascertain where the County could ceme up with .some money if they decide to take the City's offer. AlSmith, St.....-- .'* Company, +,d. place nad Mrs. elle iPi .--.. Happyland Kindergarten, .. pi.. ... Students Will Run School Friday is student government day at Port St. Je High ., L I,. Student government day is -that time in the school year whn, 'seniors get- ...t,.il' -y.. ', . operate + t tl' ' but 'I.' ,' V -', ,f .. w . - i :,. ,. ..-and. -. "-' .',- ; ,. ., All seniors lIA.L -v.-. a I .,/"i-ll ed .' - tional duties -for'" ,,i All. teachers; however, will remain - with the student .' .': thru- 'out the school diy. - Student, government day, is -.t,. sponsored by the Junior Honor 5,. -,o'y Mrs.o Maxiie Gant is dvior.., Port St. Joe's Tiger _-..: still have only one cage defeat marring their record thus far in the season, following two sue- cessfmutings during the past The Sharks pulled a 48-46 close one out of the fire in Blounts- town last Friday night and drub- bed Crestview 60-45 Saturday night. The Sharks were, idle on Tuesday night, but get a chance to avenge their only loss this season-to Paxton on the season opener-when they meet Paxton on the home court again Satur- day night. As Blountstown games usually go when played in the Calhoun County city, last Fl y's con- test was a nip. and tuck' battle with the Sharks ,- ..-Lc._ it out of the fire in the closing .seconds. Gary L : i-l. led the Shark scoring with 14 points with San- dy Quinn adding 13 and Tim Grandberry 12. Quinn had a 22 Points per game average going into the Blountstown game, but -the Tigers keyed on Quinn hold- ing his average down. : Tim, Grandberry led the de- fense with 12 rebounds and Quinn grabbed 10 off the boards. ' Ernest Caster paced the Tiger ,attack with 14 points. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe __ 12 .8 12 16-48 Blountstown 13 10 13 13-46 PORT ST. JOE---Bryant, 0-1-1; Speights 6-2-14; .Grandberry;. 5- 2-12; Quinn 6-1-1-; F. Russ 2-0-4; Hall 2-0-4. BLOUNTSTOWN Peterson 4-311; Durham 4-1-9; Milton 6- 0-12; Caster 7-0-14; Goodman 0-0-0. Saturday night, the Sharks started off slow, allowing the Crestview quintet to get a four point lead at the end of the first period, then roared back to out- score the Bulldogs 17-4 in the second half. The Sharks picked up three niore points in each of the two remaining periods to pad their lead, coasting to a 60- 45 victory. 'Sandy Quinn poured 19 points through the hoop followed close- ly by Tim Grandberry with 18 points and Garry Speights with 12. Speights was top man on de- fense with 12 rebounds. The Sharks used eight of their 12-man squad in chalking up their third victory of the season. Score by quarters: Port St. Joe _- 12 17 14 17-60 Crestview -- 16 4 11 14-45 PORT ST. JOE-Bryant 1-1-3; Speights 6-0-12; Grandberry 8-2- 18; Quinn 9-1-19; Hall 3-0-6; Dick- ens 1-0-2; Herring 0-0-0; Adkison 0-0-0. ,-/ Courthouse Will be Closed December 26 The Gulf County Commission gave its permission. Tuesday for offices in the Gulf County Court- house to remain closed .Tuesday,, December 'r, the i'day afte" Christmas. The '.--vr ~i:.i-e will-. be open all day Friday, Decem- ! ber 22. / The "' :,.i" closing was allow- ' ed at the request of the Court- house employees. The Court- house '.- ',. *;i -. takes its off time prior to the .,..' rather than after. . ^-*': ai ,t. '.,. William J. Khsh. who is also attorney for t..- Board alerted the members ff a visit to the old Fish Hatchery park near \'v ut.'i'l. i by Ney I *7 in'.r- who is in charge of all - Florida Parks. Rish, the Wewa- h*t. C'i.. : City Commission and the . Bohrd is trying to -get the: state Parks Board to take over the op- eration.,of the camping park at this site. The park was originally built y ._.-.i-tv-rc group s-. ... Rish ...r -. all Board -,rtd,'iil r,:; to be present for Landrum's vis- it ,-' -, is an 0' .. -, to "sell" the park to the site for upkeep .and ". * Get In Those Letters To Santa Quick! Christmas has slipped up on The Star an.,dhere before.it was *realizedit 'is time for ,the an- nual Christmas issue ,nei week. " As -usual, The -Star will print , all letters to Santa Claus re.-. ceived in our office by Saturd'ay . This isn't a whole lot of note bu *-all. i, are .r.iqOd to,- sit down i.~-hi nro .ind wnilf their 'letters to -Satn t, (.>-ur aiil binq , or, mail them: to The Star, P.. 0. Box 108, and, they will be print- * fed .in: next week's issue. All I'ttei* will be forwarded to Santa CItus in time for his Christmas, rounds. Showing of Film"Flip Side", Dealing With Teen Problems, At First Baptist "Flip-Side", a. new full color dramatic feature film which takes a candid look. t the youth of today and finds them differ- .ent, will be shown at the First Baptist Church on .Friday, De- cember 15 at 7:30 pmn. i Based on Look magazine's pub- Sication "Youthquake", "Flip, Side" begins in a coffee-house o~lled The Flip where Angel and Tami reveal the drug twisted world of the "hippie". Connie, a teen-ager seeking answers, finds herself trapped by sin's terrible penalties. Dave's permissive par- ents, substitute 'wheels" (a car) and "bread" (money) for the ,parental discipline he so desper- ately needs- at the time he turns to drink.. Norm, who runs The Flip, powerfully presents the an- swer to the hang-ups of modem youth with the songs of folk sing- er Ray Holdebrand underscoring his message. - "Flip Side" is a film with an- swers; for people who dare to, face the truth about today's teens and their parents. It graph- ically portrays to a generation warped by dope, sex, liquor, bro- ken communication, hippie phil- osophies and godless pleasure,. that Christ is The Way. Teenagers will feel at home as they view it for it is their world, They will be caught up in the story, and through the message of "Flip Side" learn that there is a way out of their hang-ups. Recommended for Junior and Senior High school students. CRESTVIEW-Fratangelo 1-2- 4; Coleman 6-2-14; D. Bell 5-0-10; R. Bell 10-2; Johnson 4-1-9; G. Bell 1-0-4; Eisenburg 1-0-2; Sim- mons 1-0-2. Ulysses Coleman led the Crest-'i view scoring with 14 points. Don Bell added 10. . The Sharks host Paxton Satur- day night and travel to Bay County Monday before the holi- day break. During the Christmas holidays, Port St. Joe will host a Christ- mas Tournament December 21, 22 and 23. Details of the tourna- ment will be reported in next week's issue. 'THIRTY-IXTH YEAR / / Shar Defeat B unts and Cestview Sharks Defeat Blountstown and Crestview THE STAR "The Safest Bepches In the Word e In Gulf County, : I' i , NUMBER 1 c PAGE TW (ME STAR. Port St. Jo. Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 Editorials Something "- For. years, now, the various operations of the City' of Port St. Joe Liave gon" a:,esmooth as a Well oiled clock. Everything is takn I.re -of, needed services are id,.'p.'te.- ly provided and the fmaak.z-, of the City'have been v il .U S and capably ma Cg ';:.'ss-u of this, there is rarely any friction m the. City, and.the citienr seem to .be by and- large satfirA. with he wy things have beer' gAn. Because .of tn:, it.was s,.mrething of a .:"...1- t.re:, .past few weeks to find ".3t there ar.;,e go:,d-..i. . .problem in m the Cp'..rati. o 0f the Mun.iripal I-I"pit'i. T'-, *Hospital h:; O, 'n lo:-i-g .money like a t.rt.n.. a enri :,.'r." ,dowvnhill -- -f-tIr a. fid fOer -- .until jiu-. r:.-.cry Js, pace has b c s' ...... .., . Although. tre rA'4ie are ta;Jl ig abc'. tt H-i e .and its ,df .i' .iU .,, ... .u s *teem i:-. he us Adh-'-.' rj.r-.ed P;'t--. -performajrce: of < ,.ur ,vari,:.o City Comre..ioks has al- ways been effrO.tiv, an'd 'in te h.-;t it5ire'I t of the peo-: ple and tazpy'er ,o. bwhy :hboild anyone--get. :U. '%t'' * over this prob, , This 'new',:.papr br;: explicit faith in our City Com- mission an~d fed.i it. 7sithin 'irtf timie they will coipe up'with a sojst.ni1j ,j thF.- pr-,Abiem f.,i' therm n av. This does r0ot rjA.' U11J-.1. wvr. -ir h- ur.tnoncern,,d. W I any K. '' C -J. k -' th Wo -f ran.TJkly d",rL'" kyvc W 7;hbft the solution is t lothe r" f To&aVf l ndn- .oi in h .1 M I i< t "j Nliif,'i S ,' .. I Knuck'in -O < ,Or 1 ..f ,l- fr, .., 'c..--"l d.m'r.t'.k. go'l;- tho Ni.x -.n ad-.. i". iju:l'.r-'ilj L. :. ri d t". f, r...!t/.rati.n 'i Jd pre;..riat. .r of Slaw aid r.r. .- for an ;,.rJr.rmr iI,tn.: i<.n t.bu c'i.rFlit.t-d, it h:, *-t .,an' uri ,t-,pip r< ,: *,>:.,..,r ui. in i., ,-.r.-... 'i.L;-. ..tf g -.v r.. I :s .,t,..- y '. .'the lr.Itdir. *?i,, r:. ",,'.' h-;..' J r, d.a'liTA rd .l au 'l ,o tarized the .;Burea.u '; .x'h j A ..ta .r i-:uniLbng i W .hir.' tor' D. C I Ji I'- I.r .ti'.. ,r' i.." I r .-t...n t [..-. .t- xi ,n g"' : ; r '. . ;ti|d fh" i" .J'l '".tn ti. 1 .f it.- art oby.q :- rt;? .,' ,t, f'].''. a d t."v' ni. r,-'. -l i, a .:l-r.a w r n- i.'r t ;i ':- i T a ,ri..utr,-il aats wh .b v .i!.l :.; l. i i ,:; ,, tro. ia fully i.f :,.! ir.-. > ed by -' ',- .r ro .' .'r ...r r ,, : .;.:fk fo.r .au_, r:. '.' .rt.: -.. t):%' Jaot. .; : i.t ,: iy. .I'..a.1irul r .r.i 'n i-l'.I'- ilty a,' -I'tu..Uy r' v..,.i,.i ii. A ei',inrh tr.n..'p.rt.:,ti.p fund for the .h-- rir. t .1 5I riel : ,rf. -r:, .I*l.as ,iL:p.:-'fta.:, v.ih fth. bles- .I. '" ',ni -: i. :- ire't fr.oin tIhnbI.:ned violence. S Many-> i Tii i, b. piid the buiding for six days z h:'-.. I.. 'ithi.l''.*- IiL-..'--a'.nif tt.'maIrn.th'wkl and clubs from chair l- anud vowed' l;..' v.'nd.l- r. sr t :'tny attempt to evict. them 1.--fr il., d ii-r n.'.. h:Ivi been met. I I:, ,,1':..- 1. al..itl -. f..the invaders in many in.sta_. : A-. t.,i,,iir ,.(ibal records* -'~ vital concern to m ore : :.-..- I.i. !. i"'' .li .'.;. .: i. : ,', a nor ,-. l..,. -,.'., to L Winfv their .-., l.'--.n and, pose .s 1., ,l I,.,L '. 'representatives are w.,,:,'v resent- Perspective On ' Education by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida The -.t n- -.a is a box which is roughly the size of a typewriter. It. has a continuous roll of paper which turns slowly, and through slits in the top of the box the student cani read orie question at .a time. Each ques- tion is set in a careful sequence. r SH . -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Willame Avenue, Port St. Joe., Fierida, By The Star Publishing Company WmSEY R. RAMSE Editor and Fublisher Alse Linotype Operator, Ad Salesmam, Phestlraki. C mM. aG-t- S Reader, SB.,iaee ant e d Complaint Lepartment . POSTOFFICE Box 808 PHN 227-8161 'r POET ST. JOE, FLOBIDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456- SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF' U. S. One Year, $.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or ommilsions in advertisements, the publisher -Se not hold. themselves liable for damage further than amount received for smch tdvertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the prted word tho tfull eihed. The spoken word barely aestart; the printed word thoamrous on- rine. The spoken word i lost; the printed word raals. of a Shock - each- month, tL gi, we are aware.'"f the fact that a rea- sonable p'irnt i-.. ....-.* : nJ i : e ,it- .i.-. One can't ,p..- r;, ,~. :, : ..,l. b .-' r..irh with a' r i. '" t : of two to tin or 15 each iy7- It just can't be done. 'But why are there no patients in the institution? T.- is the ~* .'-,..r;.. the Commission hopes to solve. We don't envy them their i. .-- but, '.., ;we f, i' t'&;'.ean come up "--I" an an- swer. . Too, we ere; with the C:.nrsr-:..' ,. steps to secure someC'.;r,"..- ; ni nrtni.rt..i .n i .-. He :.-s ;":! The ,r:. -.: load--even ir.- iti n: dilisf.Thh-- i." usually S;.*-i up of T' .c frc-i thr.:.s.s.ut. th County .anJ. it ,-,, .rLt be th s- burden. .f the ,. t -:.-'ir. thIe.Gity of irT:'r :5 K To.r.the entire rjs.! p .' .ctvz Ti :";n'; C:r. s- .' ert r .e r.'- T i. of .it.'Z sit- .Lt pp' r lri -o. .' .. W e . n..:r.o'-., ,E, os-" ,'i.o C.i.-ty .'. I arti cipation S.. .. .. .. .. the C : ,';+ Co" ..-: . T T. poli- *..- *e.' .'.,T, and having an ,,t.' -e membership on HpitU boad ; '' S f. *tf Co... t Board decides, to aid financially, as it :- exos.'. t.'he7 y7-r.J1 decide to do at their mLweting this past S'i'.' ir-. will still have a Hospital problem. County r.'.r.ti Lor. -" only help to ,.;,y thA bills. Our problem "., t.'t L,.. :.'e until the Hospital once againmbegins to fC' r" ,.. io.f its own ,way,. as it-has done for many years :, tho' U ^. ..t. " ig Under de by more responsible tribesmen. Prs-...ent 'Nixon*,has spoken of the measures his ad- r.iotr;i.Uon has taken in furtherance of its attack on .ri.e u .se has spoken of stepped-up federal assistance to l ,,~r. law rforcerment authorities. What's reeded more r' htro .tngr local law e forcemeDt is some evidence of greater federal readiness to enforce the law4s in the, gov-v. ernmment's oW4. La&vck. ,. A .o&r,:ent. wvhic.h can't react, pr'r,,rtly a .d effec- tively t. the vintr,,r d'-stn.uction of pAblic. .property-what- ever the sour'.e .of mJ.wb vi nence---is suffering frrm, a moral :..-2r.=-':. v.hl; i'r-.:.. s should 'have been intercepted at W hbi-gt.'on's "...r i-: and interned. 'That iabt have re:.'.,r] in some head knocking, but ia gor.enlimnt which shrinks from an- '-. .ir violence with viorAey ce shriiks also 'from law en- forcement. '' '.In knuckling underhand handing out $60,000 of the 1 -rX.-.-r.' money i, travel pay to the miscreants, the administration was setting a pusillanimous precedent that may encourage other law-breakers purporting to in r...,'m 0. r aggrieved minorities to organize fIuAtr r' rc.e'. Son '-, fiatio n% capital. This i.- very sort of ;.rri.,. r',r."' that played a S. role in the. urban t3.l :-d "npus ".- : .. : "', ,.. nation was 1).. i to -!-*.'. .' 3 e T O T --e Too Late To Classify S, By Rusell Say Seems like the training of a Baby's toilet habits is a peculiar for columnn but: a new development along this line: makes an interesting' topic to ...- faced with the '-:.e:. -:.. to an article in '. : .: two yodng ::. :. S:- L'.-. r H. ASrin' and Richard. M. Foxx-have develdp- ed a system of training at the Illinois State Hospital that seems "V i .ri. the student has 'given the correct answer to the question he, proceeds to the next. ques- tion. If he gives the wrong an- swer the machine stops. There are all sorts of varia- tions of this simple model but in- essence this is what most teaching machines consist of. The-idea is that each step is logi- cally built upon every other step and that the whole process of learning is put into the proper sequence. It is important to realize that. fundamentally this procedure is ' no different from. a book or a pamphlet of any kind because the key to the whole system is the setting out in a coherent program the very careful series of graduations through which the acquisition of any piece of com- plex knowledge proceeds. As in any process of. learning the clue to work like a charm. They claim that :':':- can train the average youngster in two hours and 'they are' making, house calls to settle -down..:,-:.'. -v mothers who have been working at the prob- lem without success. The young -:': '' psychblo- gists look more :: :.. ...-.- 'thin : :.i else. E1 -: Si the door bell at a :-.-. home carrying a, potty chair along with a sack to the situation is acquiring the ability to' ask the right ques- tions. Once these questions have been posed the correct answers follow almost inevitably. It will at once be seen that the proper ordering of information to be acquired both in its logi- cal sequence and in the sequence which is adjusted to the ability of the child to understand the material which he is being, given is a matter of immense complex- ity, and will require a great deal of effort before even moderately correct procedures are. adopted. But, here again, we see the be- ginnings of a major revolution in educational methods ,similar toW the revolution which began when text books were first in- troduced which attempted to set out material in an orderly and attractive manner on the basis of observations of children who - Letter to the Editor i Dear Wesley: With the Christmas season coming up, I wonder how many so-called ':.-*.',, will go out and celebrate the birth of Christ by :-- ..- .; drunk? I'm sure the ?*.. ..did not in- tend for us to celebrate His birth ,r: ;'",- manner. This year, let's celebrate' real CHRISTMAS and not just an, .XMAS! Put Christ back into ,re' Christmas season and thank God for His great gift to usl SHIRLEY R. ; :P":. M.D. (I'm with you Doe -- E Seven Graduate From Gulf Coast Seven Gulf : ." '-"- r'.: are among Gulf Coast '.. .'.- :' Col- lege's .116 candidates for gradua- ton at the conclusionn of the. fall semester. The r:-; '.-* :- to include the largest fall graduating class in the history of Gulf Coast, will take place December 21 at 8:00 p.m. in the C.--D'-. Fine Arts -.,., Included from Port .St Joe will be i :'. ': r ':--" -- -'-* Peggy Jean BFrkett -and-1. Gene Griffin. Included from -.'-,"" ... be Robert 1-.'- ;.-- '. .' ' Sue McGill, JaM. --'. b and .- '' , of potato chips, candy 'and a six pack -of col0 drinks plus a thirse ty baby CleL Anxious, parents are urged to get lost for a couple 'of hours. Quickly making friends with the youngster, they clear the room 'of distracting to;': a .1.i ;'.. i. potty-chair as t*yj i.iintu, to Gain tf.,.- ch d's ,'..,.. "* -.and good 'aiS Thentl-. t '.) dres- sed in heavy cotton training pants ind is .'r. a soft drink' .'T d told he 'r-n 1 .. all he .y.\. ,. - Then the-J, i] i. .",,,r', a thirsty baby dof an .I to give. it a drink. The "';. ..'co,- ly wets' and she is .t.:.'. pl;.. :- on a dol l sized i '- t;.: ,plays' "Mary Had a r.1' n.. Lamb'S" to -..;" '"-;-?. I -?'r;. The doll is then rewarded wtih a potato chip 'by the child. The i: "i. rt'.~ out that-the doll really ats like .a big girl. That is why she is rewarded. The trainers then put their pa- tient-on*a potty and when he -'.{ :-:.: he is 7. .,.' reward- ed. Everybody claps hands. The baby is hugged and told what a big boy he is. Then, in a sort of m'an -to inan the trainers point out ' much more comfortable. - pants are 'The '. is asked, .- r. *: .wet his pants?" Of course not. '' trainers cheek' .. pa- tient : few minutes and are lavish in their : '- if the pants are found to be dry. Rewards in the form of potato chips, candy and soft ". :' -. the child. If :' -..'. .'.. proves .'-'I "; the trainers do not scold. They look hurt and sorrowful and the reward is withheld. -The psychologists explain that it does not take long for a child 'to realize, that he will get .more attention and love and be re- warded when he is dry. Dr. Foax. states, "This .is solization. This is what happiness is all about." When parents regain their child they are iistructed'in the system, urged to examine the child frequently and to always praise and reward him for achievement. There you have it. A solution to one of life's more perplex- ing problems. A problem that must be met by everyone, either as a parent or a child, sometime in life. are actually learning subjects in schools. The implicit assumption which underlies programmed instruc- tion is, of course, that the child will derive benefit from the ma- terial which is set out and that the less distraction there is from the orderly presentation of the material, the more economically and efficiently will he acquire the material. In fact it has been found that it is fairly difficult to sustain the interest of chil- dren beyond the early stages of programmed instruction. This is because much of their enthus- iasm to learn comes from the social environment in which they find themselves. Efaoin 'Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY --- .;i -~-~-ssB Sr... St, Joe's Jaycees, under the leadership of chair- man Bob Moore, ,can well be prod .of the Christmnas par- ade they produced last Saturday rmmning. Not only was t the klo.-T. parade in the history of the annual event, bt the-: t .iK-it ad floats were worth the time and effort of T % pIN-'t 13d emangto see. ' th LT..- it may seem to e an expensive amderiaking in time. and money for .'.T- 36 to 45 minutes" entertainment, the T:rr.?iT -T.'-'h t-.. : -. th large crowd present attest- ed to the fket that it was n- rv mth worthwhile. 4 *- -..:'- Gators came withfif apmnt of the ,;. -.r ,.r ,ir< 4.'_. r.'-- secomff..-.rm-Sf estate ; ." ':.5t'. ^.-tjr -, r;.'-' ii bhr, Ti t tfread. break was all' .:.-*'.. .'.'. nee to' sew the' t -- .T' the ....',J:.' :.. up' iM their. little ,' =. T.v.and' ceart it off home. " That's the, :,- it goes in championship' play. Two years ago, when thie Shiarks fT. to' score in' two golden opportunities i W .I'.-... the' Wfil dcts also" took .T.- ".... of that break to take- thLegame:. S The Gators are-t o be t ;.,I- uil:tl.J f ortheir- efforts 'this year,. They iad a -..ich. sedule-one tliat would have kept _..=f teams from 'v, gettmg a ,chance at th- state T.,:1.'-. That" ^' kind of kids you'rfind' Gulf ,* '..' :.1' _:, '1, r ....i.TI i competitors; I wish my little: .- .-l' .-u tlie e dsin Gulf S>-.i v li T -, I 'I. .. a ii" of iixtype' metal en ?.1. 1-i.'. toe 'f '. -,.1 .- ii. I admit it was *r_..~*u:B t.. make a k .e'.* **. cry; It smartedT TP. toe is broken, I- ilI The. t'I-* r liad to go out so I r',l get a chance togo to 0,.- doctor. There'is n..t..i.; they can do .. a1-. -..i bII, toe (on one's.only 1...... foot) -"'i..v .', >..' to "'-, "Yep, it's broken . $10.00 please." I was already elow.. 'IN.'-: added impediment has put me at about the : t..-.' of a crawl. But, do you think I got ,'y y ',"' y .I',.*i,', get any sympathy, any more. I had a few snide remarks ,.l.'.if "don't you have anything' better to do than 3'"'. 30 p .,'i- "1. of lead on your toe?" "What's the matter r' you pick up 30 pounds any- more :,'. it,,t. dropping You must REALLY be, over the hill". "You be more ii! of those toes, they're all y., /.. gonna get and you fUill have to make us: a liTi,". I even had an offer to 1i fi pair of safety. ehoes. SP ir r..o -.-'pof, Next .time: I drop a li'-h..' "'",i r"; think rI'l.lh, miss my toe .if. I'm n.At tiri, to' get " S .any... They did it on purpose. Weather forecasts for he moon shot last Wednesday rb i-. said ans k-.r.'..;, sky would keep people from the Port St. Joe area from t:.' hetrail of fie from the rocket as it shot toward the moon. But come T minua- one minute and I hobbled outside, to find the sky as clear as a 7-Up. I ,," ','-,-,? me a, spot where I could look East- ,ward ,t.-.'.L:;:, the pine iI':-'. and searched for' the tell- ".G.. tail of flame. But no '.. Back to the TV and'I found that the blooming' Ib"" was "holding" with 30 sec- onds left. T ,.i,"':,. at '..:... I'- ''-- y kept the rocket on-' the' :,...r. *' pad just k .' -:.h 'for the fog to roll in and'foi- , ever obliterate my }' ,. to see a moon rocket go off I think they ought to do it again, just so we can see' it go up. Classified Ads Call 227-3161 ' *> \ Em MP U) - 0 do z >1 CL 000 0 u L) bO %M. %M __ q C 4 2 LE '0 ON%' THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 rAGE THRE - ~I FREE GIFT WRAPPING Ladies ' ROBES and Hostess Coats $5.00 to $15.00 Values4to $23.001' 10-18,. Also half ,sizs. Regular or .full length.,, Girl's Nylon SatHn BIKINIS S2'pr. $1.00' 4- 4 14 White and as- ,rtf.d pjtel:. -"EE CANDY and BUBBLE GUM ,. .< 'Men'% Double Knit Polyester PANTS $6.00 and $13.00 Reg. Val. to $15.00 or more Choice selection of colors. Just arrived. About 500 pair. All sizes. COZY WARM SWEATERS for BOYS $4.00 & $5.00 ';:lv Iby rCrampwj,. Solids and stripes. Regular value I.' 9* Men's and Boy's JAlCKEETS 2 00OFF Wqr' washable. Styles by Cam- ~ ,, 4 ',ui :\l:., lightweight ., ,,jtb ak- . .; ;:- .'*, 36 to 50. PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remember There is a story from Arabia that is worth repeating. A -,uri, man came to a wise old sheik, and asked, "What kind of people live in El Kamen? I would like to move my family from our village."' 'What kind. of people live in. your village now?" asked, the sheik. "* Unpleasant, selfish- a .id un-m friendly," stated the .;yuijg man,. "You will Itrd .th:'u "X.* be the Same in ,El Kamen-they're un- i pleasant; selfish and unfriendz- ly," advised the wise old sheik.- Jn a few days another -yout man approached the old abeik with the. same question about EL. Kamen. "What kind of people live in. your village?" he again inquired. "Wonderful, thoughtful and S considerate the young man said. . "The people in El Kamen are the samee-wonderful, thoughtful and considerate," the old man smilingly replied. This is just a story-but, isn't it true tiat. iy ,our attitudes we make life just about:wh3t it i;. RAY KILPATRICK KILPATRICK FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 Port St. Joe, Florida *1 4-- $15.00 REGULAR VALUES TO,,$25.00Q Junior, Missy and Hai Si. lW hew fall and winter fashions and colors. . / E '.." Ladies' and -C.lii.rr:ns, FASHION BOOTS' \ $15.00 Reg. Values $7.00 to $25.00 Stretch boots,- zip boots, lace-up styles. Assorted black, white, brown 'or beige. INFANT'S and CHILDREN'S SWEATERS $2.00 and $6.0 Cory. warm, washable. Pastels, white, red. Reg- ular values to-$8.99... Children's Flannel and Brushed Nylon 'PAJAMAS and GOWNS $2.00 and $3 00 REGULAR PRICE $2.59 and $3.99 Sizes through 14 girls. Junior boys sizes thru 7. GIRaoS COATS and JACKETS .i $3.00 to $15.00 REG. VALUES $5.00 to $20.00 Popular ne'. styles. Fashion colors Wah.b.e, Sizes 12 to 24 months, and %4 to 14 SANTA EXTRA! Children's ROBES A Regular $7.00 Value Colorful quilts. Sizes 6-14. Sure to please. CHRISTMAS SPIRIT CAR to be given away December 23 Register at BOYLES Santa Will Love These Values LEEand LEVI JEANS $5.00 pair A REGULAR $7.00 VALUE Slim cut and some flares. Sizes 28 to 33. / l, M .fl n "' SAll Weather Coats $17.00 Values to $35.00:- Zip-out lining. Lined sleeves. Fash- ioned by Camps. Regular and large sizes. 36-46. Men's and Boy's SUITS and SPORT COATS i 15% off New stock. Polyester knit. Solids and patterns. Santa will enjoy one of these. i la M*~-~ -~ Santa Says Don't Overloo BOYS BOOTS ok These $8.00 REGULAR VALUE UP TO $12.00 Co'boy, Wellington or dress boots. Black or brown. New stock. All sizes Junior Boys thru size 12 and big boys 12% through 6. MEN and YOUNG MEN KNIT SHIRTS and SWEATERS Boy's Knit Shirts, sizes 8-18 20% off Reg. Val. $3.99 to $11.99 Sizes S,M,L,XXL. Solids, patterns, plaids and novelties. r7A- ATENTLSTRL RAY CA59 P~A b51.Z PRE- HOLIDAY SALE I aV ___ I I r- I _ I _ I I~ I~ ow I 0 I I1 I' PAGE FOUR THE STAR. Port St. Jo., Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 Rish's Observing Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. Rish, Sr., of Wewahitchka, will observe' their Fiftieth wedding anniver- sary next week. They were unit- ed in marriage at Fort Gaines, Georgia, on December 20, 1922. They are the parents of Roy P. Jr., Robert C., William, J. and the late Henry I. Riih. A reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Rish will be held Sun- day, December 17 from 3:00 un- til 5:00 p.m., CST, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rish, in W'- :' '. Roy P. oRish, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Rish and Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rish will host the occasion. All friends and *..i:. of the honored couple -are invited to call .....' *-' the appointed hours. II is i '' -: .:'.,;: that no gifts be '. : : : White City Church Sets Yule Program The White City Assembly of God Church will have a, Christmas program at 8;00 p.m. Thursday, De- cember 21, in the church, auditor- ium. -- 1 Everyone is extended' an invi- tation to 'attend. Mrs. WilliamHall, 40 3 Madi- son Strqet,: Oak Grove, was hon- ired with a birthday party at ehr horna Sunday. Mrs. Hall was celebrating her 77th 't. i.,,y. 'The party 'was given by the,' Senior High Acteens of the Long Avenue Baptist Church .and their .. sponsors, Mrs. 'George Holland and ,Mrs. Barnie Earley.' Those attending were: Nancy and Rose Nobles, Laura Rudd, Debbie Jones, Eva Maddox, Gay- S la Davis, Donna Maddox, Pat and' Christy Jamison and Mr. and Mrs. William Hal cuts birthday cake Honored On 77th Birthday Mrs. Barnie Il.'. ' 'Mrs. Hall was presented with -,f ,.. refreshments of birth- day cake and punch were served. Chiistmas ,,Program The Church of the Nazarene wel- comes everyone at 7:00 p.m. Sun- day, December 17 to attend their The program is in!two parts. The Juniors v, J d'q recitations and to., ."My Fl'rft' .,.i_ be presented |by li.- :iulfh rira. ltens. Special Meeting For Saddle Club There will be'a special meeting of the.- -.*.- :f.,t-i.t,- City Saddle Club 1I .,,, December 16'at 7:00 p.m. at the Union Hall on Sixth Street. All members and interested per- sons are invited to attend. Bottle Club Meeting 'Saturday At 7:30 * The Northwest Florida Regional Bottle Club will have their regular, monthly meeting Saturday at -7:30 p.m. in the Centennial,Building. All members and interested per- , sons are urged to attend. ,THAMESCHRISTMASSALE' STARTS DECEMBER 14- ENDS DECEMBER 24- 14,Karat WhIfe6-orYellow DIAMONDS Gift Priced at '' /.// ' / * S$19.95 up Friendship -...-- $22.95 up Princess $22.95 up Wedding Sets Solitaires - MOTHER'S RINGS $1000 plus $200 Stone $2350 plus $350 Stone $3000 plus $500 Stone RINGS 10 Karat Gold Masonic Rings 10 Karat Gold Initial Rings *. Birthstones, $25.00 up starting at $65.00 Diamond Earrings WEDDING BANDS 10: Karat G+.:.,: old 14 Karat Yellow Gold Regular $17.50 up 20070 VW 'OFF 14 -. ra For Pierced Ears EAR RINGS Regular $6.95 up 100 FF Mrs. Gosnell Hosts Dickson Says Cage Team Pentecostal Women . e W. A.as the "Most Potential" costal Church met in the home of Has the "M os Potential"" their pastor with 15 ladies present and six seniorG.A. girls for their "This basketball team has the shooting percentage hasn't been annual Christmas party Monday. Theannual Christmas decoparty Mons in and mot .:-. of any team I've the best". The other change, in The Christma decorations in and ever coached", Coach Bill Dick- Dickson's words was "the coaches' around the hme were beautiful son told the Port St. Joe Rotary tail mus remain in contact with The meeting opened with con- Club last ,.:- in' speaking of the bench while a play is in mo- cert prayer. The hostess, Mrs. Gos- the current Tiger .' i Mr. and Mrs. Glenn E. Waldo of nell, read- ',- .:--- of the birth of Dickson pointed to the slick ball Guests of the club were Ronald ort St. Joe announce the birth of the Saviou'i from Luke 2. She then handling of Fred Russ, the jump- Hodges, new' in Port St. Joe -and a son, Heath Matthew on NOwem- stressed 'a closer walk in the com- ing and :- ..:*.- of Sandy Quinn Jerry Gates of Wewahitchka. ber 3. ing year with the master, giving and Tim ::-. -::-. eas' being the Mr. and Mrs. Huey Huston 'all to Him' bright spots of the team. Mr. and Mrs. Huey Huston Ha '' e r n t h C i Beach Businessmen dy, Sr, 885 Hayes Avenue, Hfigh- Secretl.als were revealed and The Coach said the team "-. : :.: 1 land View, are the parents of a s gifts were. to wi and were very disturbed with GU words Huey Huston, Jr., born November names for the coming year was over their season opener loss to 5. held. Paxton. "This. wasn't exactly un- Evdryone present enjoyed the Dickson said "since we .*..- Christmas .- Mr. and Mrs. Gene H. Byrd of -: of cakes, had a blow-out on the bus on :' i~. -~_:i'-> -.. home of Mr. Port St.. Joe announce the birth of S..-re, ,',- .: 1 f punch. way to Paxton and' 30 min- apd Mrs. Cares Guifford-and his a baby girl, Angelia Darline on No- -, utes after the game had started, lovely -..:'- j.. ,.for a Christ- vember 12. The team wasn't in any mood to mas party of the ~exico Beach Winners Announced play ball after that Businessmen's Associafion *.7.r- Mr. and Mrs. B., r".' Bryant, III, Ladies Gof Tourney I "Our only weakness may be in day night, December 9. 1316 Avenue C, announce the birth .Les. ourey a tendency to get wild in a tense Elegant horse d'ourves were the of a son, George, IV, on November The firs ladies monthly golf situation", Dickson said, "but we'- order of the evening as members 12 , tournament ras held; at the St. re working on that and also free celebrated the season and first year Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Lee Coat- Joseph's Bay Country Club on throws". of the Businessmen's Association. ney of Apalachicola, announce the Thursday,'iDbcember 7. Dickson described two rules A *.'.:.r.' group of members birth of a girl, Cindy Paulette on Faye -Coxe won low net score, changes this year. One is that no joined and celebrated MBBA's sue- November 16. Janet King~ and Zella Anderson foul shots will be maNe except in cessful year of --:r .._. :_.-. '. tied for -seeond. Margaret Costin a one and one situation, on a two and .':- = : that has given this1 Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Cain won closest to hole 'on number 7. shot foul and a technical' foul. town at the East end of their eof .p'4i u.-'-1. announce the ar- :.' i];i 5 '.q ui: won high net score "This should speed the game' up Miracle Strip a most' successful rival of Paula Michelle on Novem- -J Caroish high gross score .'and will help us because our foul year f:' her 29. I I Fantastic Savings Orp Our Entire Stock of Women's BOATS. Regular $799 S$11.00 -------- Reg. $15.00 ^ .$16, $8 ---- 1 . Reg. $26 and $28 -. g. All Fall and Winter SHOES 20% off: Girl's JEANS1 Reduced KNIT PANTS and JEANS Re $20.00 $1099 * Nw Only lu a R. o$1800 $9.99 Now Only -, . Reg. $16.00 $8 99 Now Only Reg, $12.00 $. Now Only CHRISTMAS Gift Values! OPEN EVERY NIGHT MONDAY, I .. VI :i'l: 18 THROUGH FRIDAY, DECEMBER 22? TML 8:00 P.M. Ladies" Fal Dresses Pant Suits REDUCED LADIES'COATS - 20% off Were ^ ;,,",i + Eoy' Boy's Knit Sport Coats Sizes to 20 J- P.'I .:.- and Huskies A $13.99 $18. S' Gift Certificates ,." In Any SAmount O CHAR M BR ACEL E T S .__-._ __ 15% off Thames Jewelers '30 -DAENEP E-2 COSTING'S ' v\^w ^\C TI KI/ \ ^V C^K 1 J 11 .^ ;.Pre -Engaenn ov 15' . ''I. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 -CCIN~:-I- x I Ill nil PAGE. EY6B THEl STA% Port St. Joe, Florida I -1 302 AIRD AVENUE , PHONE,227-' I s * )9 Mrs. Chason Hostess .To Club 22 Meeting Mrs. Susie Chason was hostess for the December meeting of Club 22. The meeting was opened with a ,prayer. . Officers elected for 1973 includ- 'ed: president, Violet Harrison; vice-president, E s t er Roberson;, secretary, Hazel Sims; treasurer,. Mamie Lou -Dare. The next meeting was scheduled for February 5. Mrs.. Chason ,served refresh- ments of Jell-o combination, dec- orated for the holidays to Mrs. Ha- el Sims, Mrs. Lois Daniell, Mrs. Jessie Owens, Mrs. Pearl Whit- field, Mrs, Aliene Hightower,,Mrs., Vi Harrison, Mrs& Ester Roberson, Mrs.. Mamie Lou Dare and Mrs, Shifley Webb. H. View Methodists Offering Yule Program T The Highland View Methodist Church will present their Christ- .mas play Tuesday, December 19 at :7:.700 p.m. at the church. Everyone is invited to attend. SOUNDS RECORDS and TAPES Coffee Tables Posters Black Lights Sew-on Patches Popular 11 Country and Western 112 ReidAve. (Reid-and Second) Campbell'. MARGARET ANN COOLEY Engagement Announced Mr. and MsClyde Cooley of Sneads announce the engage- ment and approaching marriage of' their daughter, .Margaret Ann, to Steve Russell Forehand, son bf Mr. ind Mrs. R. E. T',,-'''-.'n of Wewahitchka. The wedding will be an event of December 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the Shady' Grove Methodist Church near Sneads. .. No invitations are being sent but all friends and relatives are invited to attend. White City F. D. Bringing Santa The .White City. Volunte Department is bringing Claus to White City '. . ternoon. The firemen will have Claus at the fire house fr to 4:O0 p'.m ',.' -' to . all the children of, the area present them with a gift. . All White City .children ed to turn out'and greet Sa ser Fir Sant S$125.0 Lyler Kirksey Mrs. Taken by Death Dies Kathlee: Lyler Kirksey, age 72, of wife of t Money Bayou, passed away Mon- ders, diet day, December 4 in. the Weems November Memorial Hospital in Apalachi- ness. cola. Survive: Survivors include his wife, ters, Mrs. Mrs. Eva Mae Kirksey, two Warren, adopted sons, Willie James Pee- Davis of ple of Port St Joe and Junior ters, three Dale of Mobile, Ala.; -two sisters- Ms. Dore in-law, four brothers-inlaw and nooga, T a host of other relatives. TRobert O. *. "' -, WTenn., am Funeral services were con- Spring Ci' ducted Saturday from the Phila- burial delphia Primitive Baptist Church Spring Ci with the Rev. George Wilson f-. Tenn. ficiating .Interment followed in Forest -ill Cemetery under the direction of F:o i ast Home. Last Seasi lanai i 1Doe A Le l Adv. at 12 no 16 for t IN THE COURT OF THE phase of COUNTY JUDGE, G UL F season. s: COUNTY, STATE OF FLA. The h 'Estate of The t -FAIRO L. AMAN, SR., remain Deceased. L h NOTICE' OF FILING PETITION noon t FOR FINAL DISCHARGE OF noon to EXECUTRIX is 12 bi NOTICE is hereby, given that I , have filed -my final returns as Ex- .ecutrix of the Estate of Fairo, L. Aman, Sr., deceased; that I have 4 ',',. my Petition for Distribution and for Fin al .'. -1 and that on the1.7 '1r.'." of T-. ", 1973, -I will 'I-..' t one *r. G:e Judges of' the "' .."*..-'.. Court in and for Gulf County, Florida, for approval. ', -.. ,, returns and for an order of distribution and for final discharge 'as Executrix of the Will of Fairo L. Aman, Sr., deceased." December llthi 1972. JANIE L. AMAN, re Executrix of the Estate of ... Fairo L Aman, Deceased. :,i af .I IN. THE CIRCUIT COURT, F OURTEENTH J JUDICIAL om 2:00 CIRCUIT OF THE STATE . OF FLORIDA, IN-AND FOR n to- GULF COUNTY. and to CLAUDIA FLOWERS HADDOCK,-. Plaintiff, -vs- are urg- CURTIS '. -.OWERS, anta. Defendant. NOTICE OF ACTION TO: Curtis Flowers 509 Grady Street Thomasville, Georgia 31792 YOU ARE NOTIFIED" That an action to. T::":,h a Georgia Judg- ment of Divorce and,,. :'" f-, ne as *'.. ,, has been :i ,- '| t 5 you and you are .required to serve a. copy of. your written defenses, 5 .if any, to it on Honorable Cecil G. Costin, Jr., Plaintiff's Attorney, 0 whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, *:' *: on or before the'.5th day 7 :,.. A.D 1972, and file the _: :. a. ..i the Clerk 0 .of this -Court either before service on Plaintiff's Attorney or immed- 5 lately thereafter; otherwise a de- fault will be entered against you for the relief demanded in the -. :. r Petition. m.' y:' m hand and the seal 5 of this Court onthe 12th day of *1'B' 1972 Y. onI ,"..,.'Ad Yo CORE Clerk of Circuit Court (SEAL) 4t-1 14 % . Drug Store HAS GIFTS for EVERYONE VISIT OUR GALLERY OF Glamorous Gif s! Gifts of Lasting Joy Artistic and Cr.:-ati',- Gifts...... Free and Fancy Gifts Gifts for "Him" Gifts for "Her" Gifts for Young and Old Cosmetic Sets Shaving Sets Electric Gifts Timex Watches Whitman and Russell Stover Candies say, "Merry Christmas" With a Distinctive Gift . from CAMPBELL'S Campbell's Drug 201 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-2511 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 Harry Saunders n Arkansas Eta Upsilon Meets an as.A 'iPL n. -aI -- n P. ,(Browne) Saunders, he late, Harry H. Saun- d in :Warren, Arkansas, r 24 after a lengthy ill- AT rower Lounge The Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi held its fourth meeting of the year at the Florida Power Lounge with Mrs. Freida Jacobs as hostess. rs include two daugh- After the opening ritual and Kathleen- S. :-, <5. of r -.":.:g 'of the minutes the com- Ark., and, Mrs. Susan S. mittee reports were given by the Perry; four granddaugh- chairinen. It was reported that the *e gandsons; one sister, cook books' are selling very well othy haggard of Chatta- and also the two year calendars, enn,. and .two brothers, An : ..: program was giv- Phlips : en by Mrs. Dot Williams. It was :do Burton R. Philips of. tited- :r. .,'- and had many ty, Tenn -interesting points. was on.'- : 28, at After the program and closing ty C.:'-" Spring City, .ritual. : .:.:. :.refreshments were I served by the hostess, Mrs. Jacobs. = , *~ ~ ~ h '. **** * rnase ot Uove .n Opens Sat. hunter r ; :. be afield n on 7., D.: December the' ..--: : : the. third the 1972-73 dove ', a..r.r hird :'' f 7' phase Will open "r,. -January 8. hunting :'-: :. -- from 12 sunset and the -:::;. bag rds .. : *.. Tourney Sunday A "Scotch Foursome" golf tour- nament will be held at the St. "- .- ,Country Club Sunday, December' 17, ..-" to Code .-':. club pro. -Those wishing, to :. ., must enter by Friday afternoon. Starting times for the various t YO S W i I T St1ar flights'"will be posted in the Pro S- ::. at the,: : club Saturday. MW4WAM ?I-- -O s-* OW- 0 _I - O FFSE T PRINTING OUR SPECIALTY - TIe newest -and most '-.rlt -f! ,..*ry method' c. c i,-'. J'. is ..f J. It's :*:...",.' ;... and fast. ..." .. -. the : i'' we do to ...;.r : :,,.l'l. ..;? :* C .l us tob :.- THE STAR r ,o: '.2. ,- 1!: F I31~lP -s~ps All Types Golf Supplies Men's, Ladies' GOLF SHOES $19.9 Men's and Ladies' Lined Golf Jackets $12.9 Ladies' and Men's Boys -- as low as $20.0 CLOSE OUT! 'Ladies Pro-Shop Line Woods &nd Irons ---- - Puttingl'top, electric return $12.9 ST. JOSEPH'S BAY COUNTRY CLU GOLF SHOP I IPB o I THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, I 1 WE A CE TA- - U. S. D A. W=-,.3EI f TLRJ1hT10 CsmbA V QEItq WHERE ECONOMY ORIGINATES t~ft ft UW rAiu mon "SUPER-RIGHT" WESTERN PORK BnbuBant 1; LSSA IBONE E;64LB.,4 "SUPER-RIGHT" CENTER CUT ............................................ ~i. C N VIRGINIA'ARMS OLD FASHIONED COUNTRY, VJH~Ol BAGe SAUSAGE;.;.-I~. '.. SUPER.RIGH SKINLESS COPELANDS SKINLESS 79 A tM F 89 ........' 49t A.ILMad FL ain 5 Cap'n John's Quick 'COPELAND'S ALL MEAT SLICED 39c Frozen Fish Sticks 1 lb. 75c B O1 0 NA 1 lb. pkg. 69c SNUT MEG Soz;59c - H I JANE PARKER LIGHT ., FRUIT CAKE 3 g-$^ Ifnm^ PARA A;l ArF' I FR Ii T FRUITl ' I JAN AR BAKERY FRESH ENRICHEb SLICED JANE PARKER BAKERY FRESH BROWN 7-OZ. ,,A ',.O".: 22- Z. KG"S nr B LOAF GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL KRAFT Everyday Low Price! -NIBLETS CORN .......... 4.Si-$1.00 .MAYONNAISE .................JAt" 59c GREEN QJANT MEDIUM SIZE SULTANA BRAND SWEET PEAS .............. 41S.$1.00 SALAD DRFSSING .........Q... 39c GREEN GIANT KITCHEN SLICED 'UNDERWOOD CbRNED BEEF SPREAD or GREEN BEANS ........... 4 1.00 DEVIIED HAM ....A.......u... C. 4 9 DEL MONTE Check and Comparel A&P BRAND Everyday Low Pricel TOMATO JUICE.......... 3CMNS1.00 CHUNK LIGHT TUNA .........'CO 32c SAP BRAND Everyday Low Pricel 100%A.BRAZILIAN COFFEE RED BE AuNCNS ..FJ46E01 RED BEANS....,,,,,,,,,, .00 EIGHT O'CLOCK ..... a.... ... A 79c FLA UICE A&P FINE QUAlITY (All Night 12's 69c) NON-DAIRY COFFEE CREAMER ORANGES DISPOSABLE DIAPERS ..sDAY 39COFFEE-MATE .................. 79c MARVEL ASSORTED FLAVORS A&P pRAND Everyday Low Price! .. FRUIT DRINKS .........., 4 ,$1].00 PURE CANE SUGAR .......... 5449c A&P WHOLE: OR STRAINED A&R ,FROEN DESSERT TOPPING o CIF CRANBERR Y SAUCE ..,...... C 2 lC.HANDIiWHIP ................... 39c BETTY' CROCKER INSTANT POTATOES BLUE BONNET (STICKS) 1 Lb. Pkg. ,HUNGRY JACK i........&no...c 8 9c WHIPPED MARGARINE .... 39c UNDERWOOD Check and Comparel SILVERBROOK Everyday Low Pricel CHICKEN.SPREAD ...........A PURE B ER ......m.E E :179c CREST WOOD ALL MILK OR DARK ANN PAGE .ASSORTED CHOCOLATES.a2 S1.99 FILLED LUSTERS ............. ANN PAGE TIE TOP ANN PAGE MILK OR DARK (12 oz. Box) FRESH ROYAL LUSTERS .. ......... 79c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES 59.c CUCUMBERS LN PAGE MILK .OR DARK' ANN PAGE CREAM DROPS ............. ..' 35c GUM DROPS .................. 39c ANN PAGE CHOCOLATE COVERED(4 Ct. Tray) ANN PAGE CHOCOLATE COVERED MARSHMALLOW SANTAS ....o. 29c THIN MINTS ....................o'.39c ANN: PAGE ANN PAGE PEPPERMINT HOLIDAY BAKING ORANGE-SLICES ............. .,cSTARLIGHT K ES............ 55c WHITE OR BLUE SAiL 3 lib. 1 i GIANT" *" - SIZE W 0107 Get A&P's Fabulous New Christmas Album Vol.3 13 Great Stars Give.You. the Magidc of Christmas Musically 't1; B!arbra Streisand. T.ony Bennett nnlv Soft Shell Almonds --I-b. 89c PORK STAS S9c 4 to 8 LB. AVE. GE GRADE "A" FRESH FLA. OR GA. | AINU DEI PKG. OF - 12 FREEZE DRIED INSTANT COFIFE TASTER'S CHOICE WITH 8 OZ. $ A- WITHOUT COUPON A" *" COUPON JAR I $1.99 THIS COUPON IS EFFECTIVE THROUGH SUNDAY, DEC. 17, 1972 Z FRYER PARTS COMBINATION PACK Orummisticks If am. Tbg7hrs, Lb,. AGOE SMt I I- II W : ,. ff. AVI I I , r. F f r ..MB STAR. P St. Jo. PO m THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 G the excessived-spongX d bris) is very desirable. Anyway, remove as if uch of the dead or browned grass as possible. L oBroadcast ten to 20 pounds of fresh, weed-free seed per 1,000 square fe t of surface area and rake lightly to get the seed through the bld. sodc and in contact with the S s so wil. A fertilizer spreader can be by SH NNON SMITH ured to apply the seed. For best coverage apply half the seed in' i ome Grounds Specialist one direction and the rest at a right angle to the first application.- University of Florida A more uniform stand can be es- ,-bA1-'d this way. It is not ab- ....Yn.... ,e ecessary buit possible, to-. ;'sE: the seed with about t one- Are yu., ashamed of how bad will provide color and cover the eighth. inch of soil to cover the your lawn looks in the winter? Is rest of the. growing season. The ee'. The trick in :'. the it brown; except for those winter ryegrass will have td be reseeded ryegrasi gi p-nr..p: watering. The weeds Then think about overseed- the next winter when the perman- ~c m'.s. e kept mostr, not flood- ing for a winter lawn. Color it ent g lfss again browns off and ed, for proper,. : i ahnd a-green this winter goes dormant. :c ,Th of the seedlings; This may Cou M'on ryegrass is by far the Est.abhahmernt of winmt.er .-er:: meArn glig t watering several times most popular cool-season grass for i a fairly simple procedure. It is a day especially during mid-day. winter law-ns It. has many "com- best to 'iaat unthl the bpi'rj- ersnt Water just enough to keep the men" names behn riberred to as lawn grass is approaching or has eed moist, Continue requent wa- Ita-ban, American, Orer-on, import- reached its dormant perio(l T m' te Ing until the plants are well i:- ed, dome:-tic, native, annual rTe or rmeAs Jin around mid to late tablished. - just pOlin ryegrass' Common rye- November in central and inrth -n Beginm g when the grass i gl.ra i 'wdely adopted, duoe w e l Florida. South Florida is usually tal e.n yough .lo n-bt roan one In either sun or shade and toler- o waim tlit t'be lawy grasses f t o enough to ibe cut-around one te frPrque ient closure ,mowig. If don't go do;nt owever,the: o two inhes. Maintain this height e.eded be:Aiy an4 mowed close-, n& diolor enough h to Just~by welter. Wter when nieces' r i .'. Jy, it :.. 'ro a viry denze ue of ryegr .: for winter color, winter. Water when necessary t- and attractive law-n throughout tb "Te lawn should be mowed low.nn a doftern h and ces or m Since it IF: an annual it will 'to the gr~nd, raked and rthei- -7 die out)t Ln .1.t. :.prinag or eirlyl wise triromned to remove. as ru:h iDront leave yourt.liwn brown and Osinm.r. By the bPtme the ryegrass deL;n a p.:rible. Close-n.,l ng, un,,ghti this -:. Color it dieo, the permanent lawngrass: uis.Jly the most homeowners ,green- with ryegrass and go hfu: should be actively growing rudI ..a do but-de-thatehing (removal. dass with gra:i Chtana.e MAhd In. Flina. FPr Social Security Disaility Funds Congressmen Announce Funding Congressman Bob Sikes, along with Senators Edward J. Gurney and Lawtc C:hii'eand Congress- roan Do'- FTI :,, ennaunci .his week the- r..:-- ci $1',",:, by the I' rm T' f?? F egina study in -.' ". .--. .. Northwest Ti :': ."This is wll. have far : I- i 'impact on every citizen of the area," Sikes s a i-d in his announcement. "Flood control, navigation, wa- ' ter supplies and waste manage- ment :facilities will be studied and proper guidance developed to control these problems.". The counties involved in the study include Escambia, Santa Rosa, Okaloosa, Walton, Bay, Washington.. G ul f, Calhoun, Franklin, Liberty and Wakulla and the adjacent coastal areas. The study will include approp- riate consideration of the needs for protection, against floods, wise use of flood plains lands, navigation facilities, regional water supply and waste water management systems, general recreational facilities, enhance- ment and control of water qual- ity, conservation of fish and wildlife, and other measures for environmetitl purposes and hu- man resotrcei developmit44 Now that the money has been released by the Department of Defense to the Corps of Engin- eers the study will begin within a few weeks. It is anticipated 'that it will take three years to complete the study at a cost of abOuft $1.5 million. The area encompasses 8,128 square miles with nearly 500,000 residents. - ___________'__ Applications for disability b ai t'-h.le three i nt, after a disabled death but for some reason didn't fit.; ma-y bh fled aftr a worklr'sr worers drle-th .t file a applica- appl for benefits. death under new provision.; of the fi or for 'his retroactive disability "If it's found that the worker soCial l.e kir binIs, ciJ Se.iurfTiy Field uit an 'apih.it.'iao must be to get retroactive disability pay- R:.pr ntiv, for Gulf Cointy. fJrd- bcf're Feb,'r ,y, 1, 1973,; if ments as well ag any lryvi'-onr "''PJis h aj:l.' w,'rj't affcri, many tht. wolkekr Aie in OFtober 1972 benefits tbh-t r, iy be ~pavarle n~,vs people bi At .',, be imp'.rfant to or '- .'J.r,' e :-n or in the future," Lir,:on said. rotie f:iamli-,," Jobhinrson :said. 'Pr-'io.ly, Ly ~ :.: fcr di:: To ge more iFr,,rl;n &b'.i Th.vpTrovi irr wi.ll only aply in ab.i' ter.'nt' "f'i '.*., te- fl ed; payments for.a:. .> cf di7bihty ..:. ,, ~, i .nrrif.i' a r 7 : th: .lr-,IN C: : ..r ,a- .tL! I or. the :.' : worker . H, 'ir.,l,.r hi ly,?.. *, l;o n-.,, it -i'- ,,i ,i i'' .r t i, y ii lji .t:: b-r.fc l :.; .o.=] *-.' ', Sf 'e ch.u. rj the av' wii "~:- or,visit th sootal. ecurity i.ffice ,t '" 1"-i lh' ." a d' rJlin -for f .,',l ,' b.or- fit; t(. th 'utvi;'or. ,f 13.J16"' r .::.r A ,.i; .u F"ii.,, ".lt suI ,pplitrlion t," he said. iw>.ri~-rs w %h were severely di Ci- " in-'Wtt future, ulrvivhrs ,wf abled for six months before their' CONSTANT "ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover A Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 hirlpool TRASH MASHER* COMPACTOR Fights pollution on-the home front. Takes little space and so easy to use. Everytime you toss cans, bones, bottles or paper into the drawer just close It, push a button and the trash is compacted to V4 Its size. Takes the equiva- lent of three 20-gallon cans full of trash. (That's as much junk as the average family tosses away each week). A key look keeps .kids . from tinkering with It. The tough bag can be taped so f2 litter won't blow. No lid for dogs to pry off. And, plastic- 2 9 lined bag is weatherproof. *Tmk, Swing-out panel on drawer makes bag re. oval more :onvent. ent. Lets you slide bag out instead of lifting straight up. Entire drawer removes for easy cleaning. Chemical deodorizer automatically sprays 'a measured amount on each load of trash and garbage when drawer is closed to help con- trol odor. Spray can is replaceable. St. Joe Hardware Company :r~:- -----~~s ;----.----. -.---------- ~ PHONE 227-81U I 1 20.3 REID. AVENUE PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA i 1 ' - TA .S 4, 1I7 2 VAUK 8xvivA Kiwanis Hears Talk On Money Control Paul LeBlanc of Investors Diver- vestment and investing for growth. sifed Services told the-Kiwanis people are either over- Club a person has his 9inances,wellpeople are either oer- under, control if he has adequate insured or under-insured and over- control over four phases of his in- premiumed" LeBlane said. He urg- come and available cash. ed close inspection by everyone of The four areas of money inan- agement include "Put and Take" money for current needs; adequate insurance program; fixed dollar in- their insurance coverage and put it up against their insurance needs. "Many people carry insurance cov- erage they don't really need mere- THE TELESTIA Musical Group Appearing At Oak Grove Assembly Church Saturday The Telesial, A singing and mu- From A Tiny Seed SMrs.-RuUIh4ewrlShows3 off the giant mustard plant she grew in her back yard at 152 Avenue C. Leaves on the plant measiied 31" long and,22" wide. Mrs. Beverly said, "I didn't do anything special. I went off to take care of a sick sister for two weeks and when I got back, there it was.". -Star photo ly because it's cheap". Every person should have a fix-' ed dollar inveetme t the speaker contended to prr'we a.eady source of accessible money incaie` of .,ergetey *'.d as a hedge against retirement. "ThistA i e't e.- ., :; r m.'- y-rmAking invest- ment", LeBlaneic sa, "but it can provide r;:e,.z:.ry ach at times when it ti re.-ded. Mort saving and -. c ,rnir: In the rea... of investing. fr growth, the speaker wared this can be risky and adi-ed that no- body invest in these areas unless they could afford to lose the mon- ey invested. "It is a speculation-.,, and speculations can be wrong". LeBlane 'again warned that those seeking investment counsel go to an expert. "Beware of wild claims -for making fast money because such claims can often be .accom- .pied by fraud". . 'By 'wise management of the ."put and take", money and seeking :expert advice in the other three areas, one can have, a .sound.jfi- nancial future", he said. sic Egri.p from 'QuiAlmsn,Georgia, will-be in a proernar t the Oak Grove: Assembly'"of God Church Saturday, December 16' at 7:30 p.m., according to the pastor, Aa- ron Gillman. The band consists of Tommy Stanland at the piano. Darrell Wil- Jori;i\\ A F ort Joe), ba'3 and Roger Ilme-s .-d gui- tar. *.' *;.. *: . The Te ';iali ve presented, a 6unid of gr.sel music t, much of ,th.me United State. Last June the group signed a contract with Cal- vary Records of Fresno, California, only to be followed with a book- ing, contract with "Nashville Gos- pel Talent Agency" of Nashville, "Tennessee. The Telestials could almost be called a family affair. Beth Glass sings also and her sister, Betty Gay sings tenor. Singing bass is Beth and Jimmy Glas' son, Sammy. The outsider in the group is Jim Woods, also formerly of Port St. Joe, who sings the lead The Oak Grove Asssitntly of GodT .Church invites everyone to attend this special gospel music program. U. S. No. 1 Irish POTATOES --- 10 lbs. 69c With $10.00 Order or More U G AR 5 b. bag 49c Flor da 5 Lb. Bags ORANGES----- 2 bags 99c 2 Pound Bags Yellow Onions ----bag 29c Standard Tomatoes Lindy Sweet Peas PAL Pure Vegetable 88 Ounce Jug COOKING OIL 5 cans $1.29 Grade "A" 10 to 14 Pound Average TURKEYS Ga. Grade "A" Small EGGS --- 2 doz. 89c Georgia Grade "A" FR Y ER S ------- lb. 33c Fresh Ground Daily HAMBURGER 3 Ibs. $1.59 Tender, Dellelot ) ,. mA. vw'.., 7-Bone STEAK -----__b. 79c Shounder Round STEAK lb. 99c lb. 45c Center Cut Chuck ROAST- Ib. 79c Choice Beef Sirloin STEAK -lb. $1.29 Brisket STEW BEEF ----3 lbs. $1.00 Center Cut PORK CHOPS------lb. 99c Cured PI C NCIS l-b. 49c Fresh TenderN S BAKING HENS lb. 49c ROBERSON'S GROCERY S"PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec. 14, 15 and 16 Youth Filts Presents Color Film December 15-7:30 p.m. ken communication, hip- FOR JUNIORHIGH a SENIORIGHpie philosophies and od- Graless pleasure thatying irst Batisto a generation warped Church THE ST~a Port St. Je Florlde THURSDAY, D~P ECEMUR S.17. THE StAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 PAGE NflT Parish ha a 446 .series for Shirt Comforter's I --- 30 22 2 Kilpatrick's took three out of Roberson's Market ------17 27 Bertha Clayton had a 463 series I and Tfr.c.h. Berth Clton led St. Joe Kraft d------ 29 23 four from Creech's. Patty Holland Creech's 12 32 for Dixie Seafood and Addys Hicks Com foster's with a 160 Wgame... as the best for Kilpatrick's, with ---- ---- had a 438 series for Players. all foures. St. Joe Furretj~e 27 25z her 361 series. Elaine Jackson's LADIES WINTER LEAGUE St. JoeFurniture won all four St. Joe ... 28 series was topfor Creech's. eam No. 1 took three out of berson'swon all four games games from St. Joe Kraft. Jo Sea- Bowen'.? C.g.-.ii ---. 4 48 four games from the ox Plant and from Kilpatrick. Marie Davis was ley led St. Joe Furniture with a, ---- -- Player's also won. three out of he Bo xPlant managed 'ust one high bowler for Roberson's with 187 game and 490 series. Evelyn' LADIES VWINTER LEAGUE four games. leaving Team No. 1 h T s.ay ang.e Loi SmT h a 364 series Pat Kilpatrick rolled Smith had a 155 game and Ruby Car-,?r-i '-: each only a single game. WMary Whit- T .. N a 329 series forLher team. was high bowler for Team N., a 9 i fe1a Lucas had a 419 series for Kraft; won t- '..; r..t was field tossed a 438 series for Play- 4 rie Rub Luca Standings 'W Williams AlleyKatswon-allifour high :- with a 'ers and Lois Smith rolled a 420 bowled a 438 series for the losercas tam s28 12 A-l, --as__ ur ql. howled a 438 series for the loser&. Campbell's Drugs------- 28 12 I "." ,.. '. .- games from Bowen's Cowgirls. Di- 413 E .: M.; -. .;. .s the series for Team No. 1. A .' / "' L'EA GU"E' ,h.. '. gn .eba ane Terry had a high game of 158 best ,:: .- r. r 375 W L GULF COUNTY LADIES LEAGUE an had a 166 Me and Melba nd Eleanor W, Zias had a 434 series. Wednesday, D.ecember 6, Flo.n4a B.iherS h.d a 45.0 ser-es for the series fosthe Alley Kats. Lou Mork Dix -.:.: out of,' I .' .::..- ..... 30 14 First Natiordri p'~r-, w'j three out Stevedores Eiala D.kiey ;:.ed ut edit'db Cw.-i.- with a 142 game fobr g.- ':- Box Dixie Seafood _--------- 29 15 of four games from Stc Jo Steve- the 2-7 split. 3 :.-.: E .' .-: Market --- 25 19 -dores. Chjisitne Lightfoot had a Shirt and Trophy won all four. Sfarni gs W -L .Dixie .... : series ? :-. Box Plant 23 21 192 ~ame and .os Sm ith had a 52 game5 from Comforter's. .May .t X.>.r i Trophy 34 18 Barton had' -. : : ,for .- No. 1 20 24 series for thie 1 nk Lce Ba.. "Whitheld lid a 175 game and Sue Fur,.. : : t'; Bank 31% 120%. Box Plant. 20 24 SaPntas Suggestions a .e....f oo m, IV v y .I"-~~~ ~~~~~~~ i :2,:9 N, :",>:., HEAVY DUTY (16) Westinghouse * ,'r. i, r, Water Saver Con- trol 2-speed wash and spin SI-(.c ji :. tnd gentle. S 14i .. : .- .,' .* double- ,,.t,,,, a .i, C 5. i water tem- pera?.mi c. tlclzk3s F Powerful non-clog drAin pump. WASH $239" DRYER $169 Buy the Pair for Only " o n with Heat Vibrator and Massage locker Recliner Only $00 S. .f ' G UN CASES i. $99,00 .Famous Lane SWEETHEART CHESTS $69.00 With 1', Pi Radio 8 Track Stereo; SEVERAL STYLES M-IRSE STEREOS '"The''.,.*.i t .Goes In before the Nr Goes On"' ZENITH PORTABLE TELEVISION SETS SSet of : BRAIDED RUGS -. set $55.00 OR 2 Headboards 2 Footboards 2 Mattresses 2 Box Springs S..--,s' SWestinghouse Automatic 30"Fre Standing RAN GE Easy to Clean Simple to Cook On WVtrT.'NH'OUSE TASTEMAKER 30-inch LTRIC' RANGE, wiifh AUTOMAT C Ti ING CENTER $WDO. Large ManSize RECLINERS S'A Iow As $69.00 DES S ,,' : ^ .: \.'_ _:r ,.,, y * C'-: := :' -,. ,. .._:',:. O {- ', .' Lar-f: Vinyl Covered OTTOMON $6.50 S : met with Creech's Dixie Seafood ---------26 14 with I '::. walking away with Box Plant '2 18 all four games. Dot O'Shall owied a 406 series for Campbell and Eula Dickey had a 420 series for Creech. Dixie :- :, ,i won three games and Players had to settle. far one. Player's Market 22 Team No. 1 19 K itri .'s' *,17 Roberson's, Gro. 5 Creech Laundry 11 Complete Police St.andards Course S '-..,' ,.of Investigation .. -.,. ';' A. "'' pre+ S of .'.. to RoyEar, Robinson (center) and/ Wayne .. -: 1 (right) of the ? .',:' St Joe Police Department. -. Both, w ere gaduates of Gulf Coast- Community (..-l":. Ninth S ... elass December 8. Spring Adult Ca ge d ".>i- '@t".mr' 20, which is the sgnup .11..- Le ue or ed Players may/sign up teh the high school '.1', P,-, body Peterson, Police Station and A ."=:' "L :1 league, is being or- Elementary Gym at night p.-'itice Sanized' under the -.'..*'an of sessions. ..- . Ken :,, n. 'The league will be, The coaches will meet December composed 6f t.-.r,- with a 10- 20 at 7:00 p.m., to select teams. man limit plus the coach. Six coa- 0 have, been selected as fol- CA'ID OF. THANKS James. McGee, Bill .Wewish to extend our deep ap- S.'.- Ei-.-. Thomas,- Davis 3. :. ,n ". .ia .. '* i -.' ed :,, ". .' .. .of I ., '." A l- l ... '. f;.. .. .... . "i ._ It I: . E Cylinder Head And Brake Reclamation Service Valve and Seat 'Regrinding Valve Seal, Guide and 'Seat 'Installation Disassembly Cleaning Inspection Testing Head,Crack Testing 'Head 'Resurfacing High Performance Services Brake Drum and Disc 'Rotor Turning 40-Ton Hydraulic 'Press Shop Precision Work Fast Delivery ST. JOE AUTO PARTS Your NAPA Dealer 201 Long Avenue- TWiN SETS Colonial or French Styling ONE SET 79 N. T-'$79 2 SETS -. . ... rr --------~p ~- ~r~liP~-S~P~I ~' - ~ -- : ` CO --t Phone 227-2141 --: d'HE STAR. Port St. J.o, Florlda THURSDAY,, DECEMBER 14, 1972 . .Art Association Names Committee j ~To Head Organization's Activities participate individually in the Serving on the Board of Trus- Only members whose dues are cur- i&g' Ding at Mexico Beach next tees for 1973 will be Mrs. Thomas rent will receive the newsletter. summer. October was set as the Mitchell, Mrs. Ed Ramsey, Mrs. All members who have not paid4A time for an annual art show and Darryl Sikes and Mrs. John Sowers. their dues for the coming year, or ,exhibit, possibly juried. The exact They will neep members informed anyone wishing to join the organ- date and place will be announced concerning activities and business ization is urged to contact Mrs. Ed ilater.. by means of a periodic newsletter. I Ramsey, 227-7471. Gifts, Christmas music, and art all added to the festivities at the 1. ulior Ie -M eer t a b' evmilmS, Id M d SKndrss tiy 0 med ipoitant mb i yourm EL Ilik s assures you at M IN e h safe hands. Place your Sald Wfocto and Oruist. When Sam M bot team up to make m wel Brin your Doctor's prm- MWioe to ow Reat drug store. YOUR O I BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 22q-3371 317.,Villiams . Plenty of Free P.rk;nq Convenient Drive-in Window last Rites for Sylvester raham Funeral .servie.s for- Sylvester Graham, age _1,,318 Avenue C, were held Sunday, December 10 from the First Born Church of the Living God with Bishop R. B. Thompson officiating. Inter- ment followed in the Forest Hill Cemetery. Graham "was a t:f' =:,ig. resi- dent of Port St Joe and passed. away Thursday in a Tallahassie hospital after an extended ill- ness. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Effie C. Graham; his mo- ther, Mrs. Letha Chester of Ohio; one son, Gary Lee Graham of Pqrt St. Joe; a'sister, Mrs. Ma- halia W-' r f y '21 ,"r, Ane .bro- ther, : Famous Graham of Pensa- 'o.l. five,, -ir~ i', six ro ',. --i arnda i, 'i. of nieces and nephews. Kilpatrick Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. - ~'~Pf~I (fEA 1a-9--.ENVELO1'ES -BM 4 EADS S- M SCADS BROCURE -socmry PRINTING DJGi AVJING4 --THE STAR saw= A annual Christmas party f'r the Gulf Art Association. Members of the group met for dinner at 'But- ler's Restaurant MIonday, Decem- ber 11. at 7:00 p.m. Each member had been asked to bring a recent painting and an informal critique in which everyeoe participated, was the highlight of the evening. A new plan. of organization was explained by Mrs. Th-omas M+- .chell, outgoing president. Instead of the, traditional strucctmf' Pf sr- ganizatinl. the Art Association. will be adr .',ie: -: ,- ~' ;,.:- of four trustees and will'meet .:,nrl:.' for planned activities ,such ,I as art shows, c-r.- -.':-, : : 'd paint- outs, etc. The only regular meet- ing will be : ,:r.'ca. 'anniversary on and dues will be collected. Flans for the following year will be out- lined. By 'dispensing with the monthly meetings, it is hoped that members will T- to' cooper- ate more full occasional activities and that prospective members who "' .* .- '-:r + Classified meeting -to attend" burdensome will be encouraged to join. BEAUTIFUL PUPPIES in time for'APA S Cristma Call 648-4431 after I t A paint-out and possible demon- 4:00 p.m. Itp 9201 stration by the representative of -- -- an art,supply house is planned for FOR SALE Brick home. 3 bed- FO0 rooms, carport and utility, 1% 1 early spring. The group plans to baths On 2% lots. 116 Hunter St., hood -- Oak Grove. Phone 229-5262. .. ... 3te-11-11-30 O Beach Merchants FOR SALE: 3 bedroom, house. 1 ta Sbth, fully carpeted, chain link Pho' 'El I fence, all electric. 1907 Long Ave- Elect Officers n e. Phone s29-.,T- tfc-11o- 30 and Christmas party meeting. in *'. . Decenmhr tf ach ar. Thay meept: t FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house (ful- December of each year. Tha meet The' Mexico 'iBeach Business- ly carpeted in living room and ing will be held on December men'sAssociation elected new of- one bedroom) chain link fence next year. At this meeting each men's AssocIaton elected.new around entire, lot. 8-10 storage year new trustees will be voted ficers for 1973 in -a meeting held house included. See at 515 4th last Thursday. Chairman is Tom Street or call 227-2711, extension Hudson; .::cha.r ,nn Ed Wy- 259. tfc-11-9 Dr. W. Grace song; secretary' SAl e Rudson and FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house with CHR treasurer, ^,'r:, Atb.o den. Good -neighborhood. Call dent SA 229-5821. tfc-10-29 110 Will Attend The .et mbers dis- ---ec l chssed .f: ---.* ..-1 f.: the annual FOR SALE: Reasonable 7 room l LinAng-Di i -g tr forr 1973 and house on 4 lots. Inside WewRa eg LCOnVentilo egDi; F -t fr 1973 and city limits. Room for garden. Ph.he Convention !heard. i.'::' on pr..gress of a 639-5339. 2tpT12-7T Dr. Wesley Grace, Port St. Joe, Corposed assumtionf restudyonpro- FOR SALE: 1967 trailer, 12x44, 2- A is among those 'registered for the eI a .mt of responfr te ye bedrooms, air conditioned, wash- bl 50th Annual Southern -Congress of a tenan eof te Mexico ing machine, TV. ...'639-2261 any- feet. .50th A.nual outheBeach nCagnal Ts A ~ .ciation also time after 6 p.m'., CST. tfc-12.7 227- Optometry, February 2-6, at the discussed .. .- t rf f. a --ings. Mariott -Motor Hotel in Atlanta. on of a- .' ":- a FOR SALE: 1967 ~ .0 loaded s ro tion of a In'.... ...- .'.. good shape, i5,".' See at 10 Sl Dr. Grace will have the oppor- of Commerce. Plans were made for the ,Gulf Station in White City. wE tunity of selecting from a total of the new :year..,' ': Vie Burke, 229-2421. tfc-11-16 styl I ,A lecture hours to be presented .... 'ne a FOR SALE: Portable Hotpoint h.. rLhe program, including, such to- .r ,.. e dishwasher r. Good condition. $100 W h r i Cthre ., r. l Bubba Mrs. Richard Porter, 2273331. 1tp wa as....as contact lenses, practice p~<. ". B l87p .management, visual training and FOR SALE: Chc.;go black shoe I care of children's vision.' ,. k ;kates. Size! 9.- Call 227 5701. . tp-127' Re Special occasions and gala fes- s shell. i . tSeviaes o"ca Lsri and glfor the v Wives Have FOR RENT: Nice 2 bedroom house til 2: v e" r f t ~0o n St Joe Beach. Phone 648-3466. r.C:r.:'."Golden Jubilee" anni- Tuesday Meeting tc-12-7 versary. More than 2;500 regis-O tio trants from 40 states are expected .. FOR RENT: One and two bedroom Gulf to attend. TheVitro Wi';v. will riet Tues- attractively furnished,. apart- St j S C s day, D r,.her- t 7 3i p.m. in ments.. Cool in summer, warm in Sidn TheCongress is .. M-5;- '. : -''/ the home of Mr.-; Rar.. i MeClain. ,winter. Gas heat, window fans. 'Southern Council of Optometrists They must be seen to be appreclat.- ELU which 1.2'l; '.ft ,' .~ -.r in 12 All Vitro w'ae are turd to Jd. Cetart Mi. or Mr .B C. Pr ice ree *-,: .- .... h rf ..f.',h, re i bnn g&.f. for .chaeo by. the at WtICO U3o.1.,nd TAILR ,z .at~.,,r ,,u.-....,f-r. nal .i, member and a -maull flt for Ca-I PARK, White City. Phone 229-2413 wr' a S '.-.' .. ._ blo k I FOR RENT- Furni]bed 1 bedroom PPhon Apartment. Call 229 -8 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~f-O1 1 W .:' "; -. I *! ". '* K h / = - =A' you need extra money? Don't let your holidays bog down because of a , lack of cash next year. Join our Christmas Club plan to increase your holiday pleasure 'and ease the January blahs. Don't let money become a problem with your holiday season when a small deposit each week during the year will take care of this problem. ji SFlorida First For yow'i- Winkiing needs, see National Bank at Port St. Joe WANTED by individual. Approxi. mately 300 acres suitable for cat- tle, cleared or uncleared. Some .low land would be-okay. Phone 268- 6874 or write K. Dinkla, 11042 Scott Mill Road, Jacksonville, Florida 3221:,. 8tp-11-23 FOR RENT: Apartment, 510 8th Street. Phone 648-4800. tfe-9-7 FOR RENT: One *.' riw: house. St. Joe Beach. Fu'nished. Con- tact Smith's P rrm-,cy, P.' ~ 227- 5111. tfc-9-28 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment for retired or r,.-"-11-'--l'. cou- ple. Phone 229-6774. 617 Wood- ward. 2tp-12-7 NICE CHRISTMAS GIFTS COLORED CHALK SAssortment for chalkboard 2'%"x7/16"-8 different colors 12 to box 83c SANFORD "MR. SKETCH" (Instant Water Colors) with wick-tip applicator 8 color set $3.98 Deluxe Set SANFORD "MR. SKETCH" (Instant Water Colors) with 3 picture frames 12 color set $5.98 * TH E 'STAIR Phone 2274161 WANTED Automobiles to Finance Members of St. Joe Paper- makers Federal Credit Union can own a new 1973 automo- bile and save money with our "new low interest rates. Only %% per mo., 9% annually. Plus, FREE Credit Life Insur- - ane. Check the Credit Union tfc Office for Details 10-19 nILPATRICK SFueral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 and Smith ARTMENTS FOR RENT: Con- act Hollanday Motel, phone 648- 0. 4tc-12-14 R RENT: Furnished new small bedroom house. Nice neighbor- d. Call 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc-9-14 Ads+ MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP FOR SALE: Johnson CB radios, car and home 8-track tape play- ers, rings, watches, assortment of dishes and glassware, 12-in. pony saddle, radios, portable TV's. Use our 30-day lay-away plan. 102 :5th St., Highland View. Phone 229- R1 o. RENT:. Fusaished beach cot ges. Reasonalile monthly rates. FOR WELDING NEEDS see James ne 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfe L. Temple, 1362 Palm Blvd. tfc-9-7 Every Saturday Night WANTED! Beginning December 16 8:00 P.M. 300 WOMEN to SHOP and AMERICAN LEGION SAVE at HOME SHIRLEY'S FABRICS Factory Outlet Prices ISTMAS GIFT! Make it a very jerry ". t ,3 for your stu- with a Smith-Corona Electra portable typewriter. Full duty trick with full size keyboard. :p guarantee from date of sale. 1 ;C ', Now. only $157.50. 't'. .,' .., 227-3161. ERRY CHRISTMAS is a fuzzy iack kitten with white stocking Only one to go for free. Call 3161 days, or 229-2776 even- PEED BIKES IN STOCK. Men's omen's. Racing style. Touring . Credit terms available. WES- N AUTO, Port St. Joe. 61'5. L TRADE: 1961 Ford station, agon for fishing boat. Call 229- MEXICO BEACH TAVERN average qn tap. Oysters on b -i- . Pizza. Dancing. Fun. Open 00 a.m., CST. 10-19 FESSIONAL HULP with emo nal problems and/or concerns,. County Guidance Clinic, Port oe,' Florida 229-M21 or Rev, ey Ellis, 229-6590 , P WANTED: Ep. ienced tire cipie.a- or tr"iDes No viper. r-V',!-. k fo rairvu-l A ar, tit jh and apply in pe at Panama City Recapping Co.,. g'1v lJ:,nt ineated one bfh.nd Spangti i, C'ity' Hall e 7856470. tfe-10- LL KEEP CHILDREN in my ne from age 3 and up. Night day care. Contact Mrs. Nell h at 511 Woodward Ave. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Reliable ..-',ri from this area to service -,rd .r.rjllect furi auto- mr J. ",; No -experience _; we establish accounts for you. Car, references and $995 to $1,995 cash .a.i,;-t. necessary. 4 to 1.2 hours weekly could net g,0:ri p.,ri ttinml income. Full-time more. For. local 'interview, write, include telephone number, Eagle Industries, Department BV, 3938 Meadowbrook Road, St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426. GEORGE S. COODY Electric contractor. Also oil burner te nician. Gas burner repairs.. years in the field. House wiri old and new. Appliance 'repa Free estimates. Call 229-6777, 2 6th St., Port St. Joe. WANTED: .Man with service i tion and' mechanic experience Apply at Ralph and Henry's St dard Service. tfc. SHIRLEY'S FABRICS 106 Bellamy Circle Phone 229-2021 MEXICO BEACH- BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy. 98 Phone 648-5119 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate Guarantee on labor and materials Low down payment. Phone 227. LADIES I am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you havW human hair or syn- thetle Ahich you would like to have serviced quickly at low prices .. WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 2274853 9-21 JANICE STOKES teic T he Best Cots Lea TRY The Pa'In Made witt Oil base, Viayl and Lter Orel and BrisItle Br shes See or CaH At SMH , Phone 227-7751 em I~ I. ,UNUSUAL ORNAMENTS CHRISTMAS GOODIES from around the world THE HUMDINGER SHOP Motel St. Joe Upper Lobby DINNER COOK WANTED dependable MOTEL ST. JOE RESTAURANT Port St. Joe See Mr. or Mrs. Lange No Phone Calls Please Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer In Port St. Joe HURLBUT FURNITURE ana APPUANCBS 3Sn6 Reid Ave. C. P. Etheredge 118 Third Street Pert St. Joe, Pll. Plumbing f(nd Electrical CorMractor :ifl 2294986 for Free EstHmaft POODLE GROOMING Specializing in Puppy Trim " Other Small Dogs Washed and trimmed For Appointment call / 229-6571 tfe-5-18 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511., SEPTIC TANKS pumped oat, Call Buford Griffin. Phone 2294M or 229-2937. R.AJ.M-Regular convocatioa as L. Joseph Chapter No. .6, LJL, S1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All *visiting companions welcome. WALTER GRAHAM, 1L P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 114, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion H&m6 THERE WILL BE a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. FOY E. ADAMS, W.M. HERBERT L. BURGER, Secty Is THE THESO REASON 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Fla. Friday and Saturday Dec. 15 and 16 NOT OPEN Open Again Wednesday, December 27 with "THE GODFATHER" Happy Holiday Greetings to Our Gulf County Friends! ___ ~I mm _ L~~-' mam wmmmmeme I I I I j ff-. " c- PA M THE STAR, Port St. Jo P Florda THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 PAGE ELEVIO Legal .IN TE. CIRCtJUIT COUR C 1OF THE SECOND JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF -FLORIDA, & AND FOR LEON COUNTY FLORIDA S CIVIL ACTION NO. 72-180 DIVISION OF BOND. FINANCE of the DEPARTMENT OF GEN- ERAL SERVICES of the STATE OF FLORIDA, a public body cor- porate, Plaintiff, ... -vs-- ,' . STATE OF FLORIDA, and the several Taxpayers, Pro perty~ Owners and Citizens thereof, in- eluding Non-residents owning property or subject to taxatiqn therein, and 'All Others having or claiming any .right, title or interest in property to be affect- ed by the issuance of the Bonds described in the Complaint, and. All Others.to be affected in any way-thereby, .'-* Defendahts . <.IN RE $58,900,000 STATE O0 FLORIDA, FULL FAITH AN] S'Build - gou 1 .t4l FMQhIw cS Is il k Itis theANr-Porter~cn- offers many different car to Mislile Maintenahce to ir Force can train'you World finds useful. Your Air Force SGT. TEO Has the details ... See him ea the Post Office or dall -_ _-'I-p~'-- S Office Suppliest... . THE STAR Is-' .... ,: --- for all your office -,i'' .. needs. We stoec only :..i brand'names in ,,;iiJty' office supplies No need to .'. for those everyday office needs. Call us today! STAPLING. MACHINES r STAMP DATERS SSTAMP PADS ancd INK FILg FOLDERS FILE GUIDES SSCRATCH PADS, all sizes STYPEWIWTER PAPER SMIMEOGRAPH PAPER DUPLICATOR PAPER CARBON PAPER *. INDEX CARDS, all sizes CARD FILES, wood & metal POST BINDERS LEDGER SHEETS STAPLES GEM CLIPS, FASTENERS H LEGAL and LETTER PAI)c MACHINE RIBBONS PENCILS, ERASERS DUPLICATOR FLUID . I -THE STAR- under and by virtue of Chapter if not pr o .ys 562, Florida Statutes as: amended y 973, if not personally ser- ... M * and is now in the posses-ion o- the ved with process herein, why the BaSIC- magneSia Announces 62 /2c Dividend Florida Game and Fresh Water said property should not be .for- Fish Commission and you, and each feited pursuant to said Chapter, CLEVELAND, OHIO-Basic In- and 10 cents per common share, of you, are hereby further notified Should you fail to file claim has corporate this week declared both payable January 2, 1973, to that a Petition, under said Chap- herein directed, judgment will be quarterly dividends of 62 cents holders of record Deember 15 ter, has been filed in the Circuit entered herein against you in due onthe company's preferred shares 1972 recor ecemer Court of the. Fourteenth Judicial course. Persons not personally on e company's preferred shares 1972. Circuit, in and for Gulf County served with process may obtain a Basic Incorporated is a diversi- Florida, seeking the forfeiture of copy of the Petition for forfeiture Port St. Joe, Florida this 8th day fied producer of steelmaking re- the said property, and. you. ,are filed, herein from the undersigned of December, 1972. factories and of chemical, elec hereby directed and required to Clerk of Court. I GEORGE YCOREmic and - file your claim, if any you' have, -. WITNESS my hand and the seal Clerk of he Circuit Court tromc and techmcal ceramic pro- and show cause, on or before Jan-:of .the above mentioned court, at (Court Seal) 3t-12-14 ducts. II I II CREDIT, POLLUTION CON- enue. bonds and proceedings, vali- TROL BONDS, SERIES A dated and confirmed aS therein ,ORDER prayed. The Bonds to be issued by NOTICE' TO:' STATE OF FLOR- the Plaintiff, Division of Bond Fi- IDA, AND THE SEVERAL TAX- nance of the Department of Gen- T 'PAYERS, PROPERTY OWNERS eral Services of the State of Flor- L AND .CITIZENS THEREOF, IN- ida, are to be designated, dated, N CLUDING NON-RESIDENTS OWN- in denomination of, and to mature I, ING' PROPERTY OR SUBJECT TO as follows: TAXATION THEREIN, AND ALL "$58,900,000 STATE OF FLOR- )3 OTHERS HAVING OR CLAIMING IDA, FULL FAITH AND CRE- ANY RIGHT,. TITLE OR INTER-' DIT, -POLLUTION CONTROL EST IN PROPERTY ,TO BE AF- BONDS, SERIES A" FECTED BY THE ISSUANCE OF to be dated July 1 or January 1 of THE REVENUE BONDS DESCRIB- the year in which issued; in denom- ED. HEREIN, AND ALL OTHERS nation of $5,000 each; to mature TO BE AFFECTED IN ANY WAY as provided in the resolution au- THEP2BY: thorizing the issuance of the Bonds You, and each of you, and the not to exceed 40 years from the SState of Florida, through the State stated date or dates of issuance, 1 AMorfevs of the Second, Fourth, aggregating the principal amount Seventh, Fourteenth, .and Eigh- of Fifty-Eight Million Nine 'Hun- teehth Judicial Circuits of Florida, dred Thousand Dolars ($58,900,000) are hereby required to appear, be-' and bearing interest, payable semi- i fore this Court in the Chambers of annually on the f. -- tIt. dy of SIthe undersigned Circuit Judge at January and on th.r :s :. : day the Leon County Courthouse in of July of each year, at the lowest Tallahassee, Florida,' on the 18th r&te obtainable when the same are day of January, 1973, at 10:00 A.M., sold, provided that such Bonds and show cause, if any you have, shall not bear interest at ,a rate why' the prayers of the Complaint 'greater than the highest r,.s pr=- F filed in the above-styled cause mitted by k,.. ,:s: a more' p;: .- D should not be granted and. the rev- lar description of said BodL; ird the projects to be financed with the proceeds thereof appearing by S. (-. .: to. the authorizing- reso- S' .., ,as amended, a true and cor- rect copy of which is attached to n .. and made a part of the Complaint herein as Exhibit 1. , -.-The Clerk of this Court is di- rected to cause a copy of this Or- der to be published once each week for three (3) consecutive weeks, commencing with the first publica- tion, whiqh shall nt,be less than twenty (20) days prior to the date set for thb said hearing herein, in newspapers of general circulation S rLL in' Bay, Duval, Gulf, 1 ="'i"s- nL '"r.',,:' and Volusia Coun- S-- ties, l orda. DONE AND ORDERED in Cham- b.er: in Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida this 8th day 'of December, SA.D. 1972. W. 1 MAY WALKER Circuit Judge 4 copy Attest: T'Fi F. HARTSFMELD, .1- '6. Circuit Court Leon. County, Florida By: J6y Gol D. C. CERTIFICATE It i-s hereby certified that a copy of the foregoing Order, to which is '. ,.- a copy of the Complaint .rde~.: to tr.i-, has been fur- i ,.to WGIL.-rf D. Hopkins, State- r,r_.a. for. the Second Ju- d icial Cr, of the State of Flor- Sda, and to the State Attorneys for the Fourth, Seventh, Fourteenth, and Eighteenth Judicial Circuits of the State of Florida, by mail this 8th day of December, A.D. 1972. ARNOLP L. 'fJA "-ILE.U) and ROBERT E. NIRO, Attorneys for Plaintiff Room 622, L, r. .Hijupiirn Tallahasse%; E1,rvl a t-14 -IN 1T-E CTVATFi zr2Ifjr;it 31' '" -: ( .' (-F r--i': STATE., Sone of m1ny IOF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR reer fields, from Medical vs-, o Musl. The point Is,f t CHA= S F. 5 _T ,CARROLL in a skill that tie whoe vWo FOLLOWIIG DESCRIBED PROPERTY: S1967 :- 4-dr. Sedan Serial No.e164397DIO1819and S_ Ak N o One (1) Reminton-Wingmas- ter Iodel- 870 12 Gauge Ser. Noo 784467V. Representtiv THE STATE OF FLORIDA TO: A -:: : f- ms and corpora-. ) PERRRIN' tio: having or claiming ch T,..--.f from 3 to 4 p.m. in an .- : or lien on the above I Panama' City 763-1301 described .4OrO:. YOU '%,V ,'11 OF YOU are hereby notified that the above de- scribed property has been seized, - And A Host of Other Office Needs "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE 227-3161 8006 WILLIAMS AVE. - rl_ __ REG. $99-83 94 83!: f i PAGE TWELVE HnE STAR, Port St. Joe,Flooida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 ,Ho, U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS item.will be featured at only 99c with each 3.00 purchase. You can build .your set as rapidly as youlike! Anchpr ftr kim iooWassware CASSEROLE I > . ONLY C * a1ttding Coroni'ani'jfn Iie~ At Special M.,:ney-. having Prices!, 1I wit~h e.-cb and cv&ry $3.00i puxrchase, MAXWELL, HOUSE A LB. CA LIHAL1 GALLON COFFEE 84c cLOROX COLONIAL- 5 ,,.l IlN OAKS + o 30.3 Can, SUGAR 58c Tomatoes RED, REFRESHING 6! z. 4 z.an nHawulan Pchi SUjNBAM KING ^IE LOAVES BREAD 3 GIANT SIZE ' TIDE GERBER STRAINED Baby Food' St $1 79c 6 c ROBIN HOOD 5 LB. BAG FLOUR NORTHERN -.BIG ROLLS Towels 3- For 2' OZ, PARADE ULilD Detergent Prices Effective December 13 through December 16, 1972 at Your Friendly Piggly Wiggly Super Market TURKEY .WINGS TURKEY. DRUMSTICKS TURKEY NECKS l- -- 39: ~~~~ ~ ~- _______________ GEORGIA GRADE 'A' LARGE BAKING HENS lb. Bob White ' Sliced Bapcon ----- b. 69c BACKBONE ,_ __ b. 49c Our Pan SAUSAGE ------- b. 49c All teBeef 99c Stew Beef b. 99c Ga. Grade 'A' Fryer Quartered Thighs b. 29c Frying Ch. ken Quartered Breast i /. Chicken Wings --, b. J C DRUMSTICKS lb. 49c G, Gr Gfjs.a ". A WHQLE FRYERS ---.-- lb. 33c 3 Pounds or re -, .Mbr. Ground Chuck lb. 89c ,3 POUND PA (Ew OR N EE GROUND BEEF lb. Cubed Steak -----lb. $. 1.19 Round Steak Ib. $1.29 Sirloin Steak lb. $1.39 Your Pleasur Pillsbury-18 Oz. Boxes CAKE MIXES 3 for $1.00 Del Monte Crushed or Sli ed-No0. 2 PINEAPPLE 3 cans $1,00 Hunt's 14 Oz. CATSUP 4 btls. $1,00 Lindy Cream Style-16 Oz. Gold Corn 6 cans $1.00 RT JARS BAMA QUA ii -_-j __ C Family P SPARE RIBS Pork Steaks Pork Chops Ib. OYC First Cut Slab Bacon lb. 49c Whole or Half SLAB BACON ---... Ib. 59c Sunnyland Good Timer W iENERS '3pkgs. $1.39 Fresh ; BEEF LIVER -lb. -59c BUY TODAY FOR CHRISTMAS! SWIFT'S BUTTERBALL TURKEYS COPELAND COOKED HAMS FRESH PORK HAMS e Is Our Policy Del Montei Whole ernel-16 Oz. Gold Corn 5 cans $1.00 Del Mdiote Larl d.s 0i- Oi. SugarfPes 4 cans $1.00 Bounty Assorted or White-Jumbo TOWELS- 3 rolls $1.00 Sunshine Whole Pickled-28 'Oz. PEACHES 2 cans $1.00 29c 18c 28c 59c 99c 39c NO. 2V2 CAN DEL MONTE PEACHES 3- cans $1.00 PURE VEGETABLE SNOWDRIFT 3 LB. CAN SHORTENING Limit 1 with $7.00 Order or More MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE Limit 'l with $7.00 Order or More. 58c 1 LB. BAG 48c Save With Our Discount Specials PeL Rit.z Appl., Pe.cb, Cbhrry FRUIT PIES. 4for $1.00 Egg Custara and Coconut, Custard BANQUET P IES, 4 for $1.00O .risp, 'FRESH CELERY stalk 19c Fresh Firm TOMATOES lb. 25c' Specidlly Selected Fresh Florida Oranges 3 $1 (OI.0DFN RFPE BANANAS I. lOc MAYONNAISE 49c DELICIOUS REFRESHING Pepsi Cola, 7up A Io or R C COLA .OZ .LE 00 ALL,BRANDS MILK gal 97c ~--s -1 I . I II I'' II I ''' - II C I THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1972 ,You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH .Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL ..... 9:45 AM. MORNING WORSHIP U11:00 A.X BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .-.--. 6:15 PML EVENING- WORSHIP 7:30 P.M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) .. 7:30 PM VSITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. OMU, Pator I '|! [ ....- I ( 1 l .T"I NOTICE - DMA ORATION CO. Spresently' conducting SEISMOGRAPH WORK IN GULF wid FRANHLN COUNTY For the Next 60 'Days and will be cro,,ing the following highways 30, 30-A, 98, 387, 71 and 381 from time to time. Delta Exploration is cautioning all motorists to observe "Men: Wr'rhku"' signs when driving in these areas. DELTA EXPLORATION CO., NOTI( Legal Adv. IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT IN AND.FOR GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. In, Re: The Estate of DAVID It. JONES, SR., Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AlIl cdiTors c ithe det of Da- vid H. ones Sr., deceased, re hereby ratified and required to Ale ar-y claim or demand which' they- may m ave against said estate in tie O-:Eice .of' Fie County Judge (i.f Gulff'Couty, FIorr.i in the .courthouse. t For, S, J-m Florida, within Six (6) 'sI-encir months from the date Q5 thie fizt public *'tin of this n' -...:- E .& h r';. *.:- demand musc b must state the i3ace of .eI.id'n'e and post office address of the clai- ,:r .. A .i leef sworn t.o b' tL-. .; .- : 'A, or his tt. ni-n, or it will become void acodir. to law. S DATED.. this 30th day of Novrm- ber, A.D.,1'972 ELVA B. JONESa ir-'n. a: -ai of the Estate of David H. Jornes, Sr., Deceased. *CILi G. COSTING, Jr., 1. Reid Avenue hit'St. Joe, Florida 32456 ,4t Attorney for Administratrix 12-13 NOTICE TO BID BID NO. 135 I ' STht "ityof T- r Florida v,, i. -r--.ive :;. i .1 '. t : .. the City *ik- Office, irJX. \ Building, P*prt St7 Joe, Fl0"id9 until 12 00 i -. 7 J '? f- 7 ,7i.r24 of a .q r_ ILiAnk Fence with 12' Cr"e al.&Ufl' I L e r lift Station a- Mi '; ;'- 1 i.. r Unit No. tt he i. r -' specifications: E., 9 c Enge fabric 3 strands of barbwire on 45 de- gree arms 2%" standard pipe terminal and gate'posts in 36" cement 2" fenco weight line posts in 30" of cement 1 5/8" standard pipe gate frame 1 5/8" top rail The City of Port St. Joe reserves- the na7 : ., r reject any or all tcrciE All prices FOB Bid., i.Ahl be -ealed in ani elepe . Effective During December THE ST. JOSEPH TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY WILL INSTALL A Color Phone Extension (Desk or Wall) For Their Subscribers Without Service Connection or Color Charges Choice of Color Phones Include: DARK GREEN LIGHT GREEN PINK YELLOW TURQUOISE RED WHITE IVORY BEIGE ORANGE AQUA BLUE LIME GREEN YOU NEED ONLY TO PAY A SMALL MONTHLY EXTENSION CHARGE OF $1.50 PER MONTH FOR RESIDENT EXTENSIONS OR $1.75 PER MONTH FOR BUSINESS EXTENSIONS( Contact Your Local Telephone Business Office Today foi More Information St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Company, ~err~lll~lllll~sllll~~l~llUEr~;lllllllllllll111 IF . 4 Game Commission's Responsibilities Expanded to Include Other Duties -. -rr.. en are a rather loose: serves not only the hunter and steward of the public's wildlife re- has insisted on progressive con- knit lot when compared to other :m-.-. .7-.:r. but the entire public. sources, financed largely by sports- servation and has been willing to interest groups, but they have one, For example, the Commission is men, but the real champion of con- finance the program," Peacock force ~0.--. f:' them' in .- involved in -::.. safety, inspec- :--.,- -,r ti th outd orsman who concluded. conservation efforts. tion of animal exnibits, importa- ____ _ "This fdrce is th.i f h and game! tion of foreign fish and wildlife, deparment of ,.- '-, ste P. ', control, youth conserva-j, ' d t n ot ,io o d eo ,-FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH governments. No matter t they, tion camps, egi dredging, fire- irReT BAPT I CHURCH ?re r :. t work these arm safety, environmental inspec- Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue .- .. ;. .: -. "-..the :,: tion of constitution projects and er Trd Street ndBaltell Avenue of .the sports. i.'- fish and riot control in addition to its' wild- D eWiTT MATHEWS,, Pastor game department is the hunter life and fishery management fune SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A . and .-- .L L action", said C -G WORSHIP SERVICE 11:00 AJM. *. '-:". u- .' of the Game i The majority of the Comm:'s- TI IAN. G TNION 6:30 P.M. .iI, U'resh -'iU tt Frfh Comnmission, sion's activities airc still di.re-ctlyi lix WH',1-'-G U1M N 6:30 P M . Ey the e.nd of World War I, most related to hunting and fishing, 'and WORSHIP SER E ........ 7:30 P.M. fish and game agencies had been revenue from the sale of hunting PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. formed, at the insistence of-sports- and fishing licenses provides the ,"Cone and Worship God Wiih Us" men. Their first efforts were lim- ; -:. '.-. budget. But, its work ited to enforcing a few game 1a.-; t.tmenit- .more than just hunters and attempts at lzt. .orn fish anl. ard fishtri.er,, and many who n wildlife. ,ver .;r .:. i. a license share .* Progress in areas of: e L of a progressive con- Say You Saw It In The Star - managenmnt nd"' The passe of ;r -.dion pL..gi irn better : isp i.. .- ,' :.:. iend much .i ---- -- -- ... ed by .:. ': :;t-rC,,LC..-C I 'T!;,],'E; ,, ,.:" -ic L-':],=:. w ildli, 1._-- ~" L-- ...' i 'j ...4C ...of1.. Of tcmi :": ]-. of: n Intersection Monument and Constitution bro-.. .... .. .to..su. d su REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister :rserva .; .' i p, ." ....... 9:45 A.M. ment of ldie ha sion also. exrnd. tonon-gairr ,.. -------------- ---------....-.... 11:00 A.M. Today, '.. Florida C.-- --.. .and the Cr '.:, -.-: '. --- Youth ..'-.',. ..-.......... --- 5:45 P.M. Port St. Joe, Florida, Tx E gie' may ,.pi'-,' r .'T- i ,aag. I ; W.- i 7:00 P.M. and plainly r -. IrD m- er J.-c:t ec. to species such .'C. ..-.K ;Y C :i.:. 'and song birds '"Where Old .h,.... Friendliness Stil Surtives' City. A. a I IDE RADIALS GUARANTEED 0,000 MILES 7trestone RADIAL V.' Our 40,000 mile Take a 7-day guarantee .., test ride ,r. lourt VdlaV. Is guaranteed to give you 40,000 mIles of trea Tade iyouroldetirgonsU etlfVtrlori w ear in noal fpamsenger usa on the same car. If lt doean t, tak IRadal V-is. Drive on themanyfof . your guarantee any Firestone store or participating dealer. He. ou don't like the way they handle or ridA iY.iprlace there with a new one and give.you creditonthe etn them within 7 days and well put rentt exchange price plus Fed. Ex. tax for mileage not received, your old tires on again and refund your (A sall serve charge may be added). Tires must be inspected money in full. d rotated by us (free) every 6000 miles and ear properly CHARGE ITI M FREE FIRESTONE CHRISTMAS RECORD With Each Purchase of 10 Gals. Gas dr MUr1 0a Jnmmy's "6'6" Station PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station PAGGE THWTFAE i A PAGE FOURTEEN ThB TAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 172 Specials for'De. RICH and SONS' IGA - SI - USDA GRADE "A" FROZEN YOUNG TBLERITE TOM 16 to 22 LBS. / PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Robin Hood FLO URX 5lb. Swansdown . CAKE FLOUR -- -1- 2 lb. Pillsbury ' I CAKE DECORATOR ---5 oz. bag 59c bag 49c can 59c McCormick's COOKIE DECORATIONS ----pkg. 29c Baker's I . CHOCOLATE CHIPS 12 oz. Lb. STORE HOURS 8:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Monday through Saturday SCOTT VIVA Paper Towels 3 59c Baker's Sunset Flake COCONUT -----------14 oz. 59c WE HAVE A COMPLETE SELECTION OF FRUIT CAKE MATERIAL Tablerite Beef ei.-- ft!I- hort KIDS 11s USDA Gr. 'A'Frozen Young Tablerite Hen-10-14 lb TAblerite ARl M-c ya.-12 Oz. Pkg. Turkeys lb. 49c FRANKS USDA Grade "A" Frovri ' S 49 Tablerite Fr -.-'GROUND Baking Hens b. c E F II b. 49c 58c b. 68c Tablerite or Cudah.v Bod 3 \Lb. Cai . 'US" Grade 'A' Frozen Younig Tablerite. COaked Hlams $ BA.:TE E-Z 10 to 14 Lbs. ablerite Fresh GROUND b. CHUCK Ib. 99c Turkeys '' Tablerite Beef Chuck Steak lb. 78c IGA VEGETABLE-48 z. Jar OIL 79c 3BRA9T 6-STICK -I 1 Lb. Pkg. OLEO 2 For 69c Tablerite Quarters BUTTER-------- Ib. 79c TABLRITE VELDA BORDEN GAL. 9c With $5.00 Grocery Order IGA ORANGE 12 Oz. Cans Ga. Grade "A" With $15.00 Order or More I doz. Eggs Free JUKE 3 Ss Morton's 14 Ounce 2 doz. Eggs with $35.00 Order CREAM PIES --- Cans -99 -3 for 89c SPet Ritz' -. Packages of 2 PIE SHELLS ------2 pkgs. 69c ROBIN HOOD 6% OZS. PANCAKE, CORN MUFFIN, BISCUIT, CORNBREAD !Mixes 2 Regular 88c Value BUFFERIN TABLETS.-- Big Rolls IGA Thin Crackers SALTINE CRACKERS l----- b. 29c Riceland Long Grain RICE 3 lb. pkg. 49c Disenfectant LYSOL SPRAY ------ 21, oz. $1.49 Nabisco Nilla VANILLA WAFERS _-- 12 oz. 37c IGA 16 Ounce Coffee Creamer 69c IGA Medium Small Early June No. 303 Cans Peas IGA SANDWICH-1% Lb. Loaves Bread IGA Brown & Serve ROLLS -89c pkgFor8912 33c Spkg. of 12 33c 3 ns 69 IGA No. 303 Cans Fruit Cocktail 3 Cans Christmas Fruit! Buy It by the Box! MIXED BOX FRUIT-----$4.90 JUICE ORANGES-------$3.50 TANGERINES --------- $4.25 T A N G E 0 S -----------$4.50 JUICY GOOD SINGLE RIPE BANANA Crisp Stalk CELER ------2 for 25c Fresh Tender Pkgs. I POLE BEANS pkg. of 36 69c Ponds (Regular $1.25 Value) DUSTING POWDER . Platinum Plus Injector (Reg. $1.29 Value) SCHICK BLADES --- -pkg. pkg. 99c of 7 97c 31bs. $1.00 APPLES----- $7.50 kS Ib. lOc OCanges by the Bag % Bushel Bag Oranges $1.29 Bushel Bag Large NAVEL Fresh Florida ange CORN -------- ears 49c Oranges $ ,95 SWEET FLORIDA Oranges or Tangerines doz. 39c Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 89c 89c IGA EVAPORATED MIL K 5 Csic I r -- rr II I--I I I ISAVE, CASH AT RICW'S -- NOT STAMPS I - . |