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TTWETY PAGES THETAR "7k.Saes Re.. a ches n theW44dWr4eJ In Guff Countv". .r .. -,- .-- --- HIirTYAITU -YEAR - / PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 NUMBER 14 r-II.r City Hospital Faces Formidable Difficulties Of prime concern to. the peo- from an annual p tent load IA".1.'. 4--0 2'?~' U~ y~. 'I,- -n de- Ws e , Gant Parade Will Welcome Santa s to Port St. Joe Satrday at 11 Clus to ,Port St. Joe Saturday at ! I. *" * Old Santa t~h--, will pay a-i :' 1 ' to ... Pn. ..- .* .- ''i.11, when he will. .. r y 1. at 11:00 A M. in the ."--. _'.. ..-, area. S *. '.visit b' been :by,"- .-. the Retail Mer- S.. Association and the big .'..- "- arrangedd by the 7J'. o':. Parade chairman, Bob M: .-**.--, .::,:' the event will be bigger this year than ever before. Moore, he. ra .'. has over 50 entrants committed for the . big annual'event "and some entrants :.' *..: ,' -. v ': in the r. ", M' ....*" said. In addition to the col-- orful F'-.. _rq'.* i--. :. units and special events, the parade will -. r .,r .l' units of the i.' .i .. and :. bands; .',. J that in addition to the 1- St. Joe l .'.t -'. ,'..i- 1 ,..- will be two *.. from -',-- ama C', ,'.r i-ki.' Schools , The big ~_,i-. .7.- ,.-; led on Reid Avenue by Port St. Joe a'nd, Gulf. ...', p.- .:.-ff-i,. :' cars with sirens .',:.r,.-' The U. S. Coast '-IT -. t Cape San Blas will [.'.,11,.' bearing the: "' Then .will come the Sfl.i. A 4 arid Santa C ."'' The- ''..ees will be parading with their famous, blan- ket out-stretched to catch the c.h tossed by the by- *A-1,' *rh al .will be used '.', 0 ..:.-. joy for , ur: r.'.r vfi':-,.A ''hiJdr- 0. in the- Count.. I :,,r the Jaycees t.'.k <. '4.r;iIJr<.n on a *h-. r." tout'of City and r.-.'~-J a Christmas party for them- ... i' .I fir .'.,:,bl by J11'i: h -.r -e r ,]..., ., *,.'',.r various .'S; 'rA ets of the r.i k. "rip throughout th' y.r * Pre-CChristimas .sld 'a 'I M .r,-r..t; in Port St. Joe 'are "e. : in '.r:t.- mas season with a big.Pre-Cbr. .'', V Sale .... '-3j.- and climaxes 'tuir.,l j 'i..'l the entry .. S: *' . onto the festive scene. The :.l f', -r ',: ,l,. j,-' foth some of their savings in a ",r.c9il 12 page section -,.,r*lI into this week's edition of The St; r,' In addition to the big sale; the merch--.7.Yt --' rr': r7. - ed for free parking throughout the city i2.nrii,'r today and continring,through -t..f :,. December 28. Both the annual parade and the big C.hr1.t1.': sale promise to be fun for ..--a- 'r.,e and the merchants and J.-4 r.r':. join in .-itin; everyone to Port St. Joe ti-, week end for fun, --.i'.Aip and savings. City Receives Approval of $7.4 Million Loan ple of Port St. Joe right now is the .-":;- t' .r problems, at the Municipal H :. l Not only the citizens' of the area are concern- Sed, however, as the City Commis- 'sion has held numerous meet- ings during the' past .three months' to ferret out th cause' for the deteriorating fc.?:_: of the institution and trA to take 'steps to correct it. .The ;.,':.. 'in a .. '.1 is lack of -,' load. Over b4. past. year, i. '--n: load has been dwindling with a resulting lack of income and increasing' defi- cites. During' the past three months the, -..'.-' .... 'has prac- tically become a crisis with the ..orced to pump in- to thie l '-ie .. 1 account since October I to keep the i, '. 1 .The :' load, . isn' : a. "' new. It has been SVr. off .: since 962 Episcopal Youth Sponsoring "Sing In" The ., i .. 'l Young P d i ,- -.:ansoring a December 10 at.3:00 p.m. at the Parish House. The i-tv' .' A,.'" U be -Guy Garrett 'of. ',: - whose current record release is' "The Best of Times The Worst of Times'. ,.All: of the community ... :r .'.- to .,"'.,.* and any who wish.may, bring their., own ,-I. ".' ,]l-,l., ,, _. '.' of **nJ. 1).W I,' to e.7" this year. Part of this reduction has been caus- ed by ;,sc.:'. ,- .o' t i but not all of it. The City Conmmission has been .,-: with the Hospi- tal administrator and doctors al- most 1 .- .i over the past three months to try to come to a sor lution of the problem. SPart of the -.' i. was a.n approach to the '..' Commis- sion to try and gain financial support from that governing I .,. since over half the patient load comes to the !i. '-"t.91. from outside the '*. limits. This ap- *: : will i.r-.'. come to a head Tuesday at the regular County Commission meeting . The City Commission will meet again with the 1.. r i 1 Board-,, this week and \present their fi- nal case to the County Tuesday. The V o*;-;% has been faced with a tight financial condition for about a year now, with the City subsidizing -that .'.p.- im -.' 1 contributions, of', 9.P-1 nn .over the; past year. The *. , i .,.,, in h.,- ,- t oad over the past thre.-: '.' spurred the Commission into more t'. action t .t..i .- of this week, there were only two :- '... in the 50-bed '-,. "' .i but by later 'in the;week the i.. ,, load had ', i, ..*-.1 '..-mnine. ' The Commission and the Hos- pital administration have reduc- ed forces !.'. .r t'i1. and cut back on other operations-and-4e- clare !' will not stop with their activities until some nor- -, ,i 01*-r"''.nn is reached, Funeral Services Held Yesterday Afternoon for Milburn S. Smith, 54 Funeral services were held S:..e- ." afternoon at 2:00 p.m. from the First .: r.,- Church for :"," S. Smith, 54, of 1023'" Long Avenue. Smith died Sun- day morning in a Tllahassee hospital i,.- :- a lingering ill- ness. Rev. DeWitt' Mathews of-' ficiated. Burial was in the fam- ily plot of H-,ji, Hill Cemetery. 'Smith had been a resident of Port St. Joe for many years. He was an employee of St. Joe Pa- per Company and a veteran of World War H. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Edith Smith of Port St.. Joe; two sons, Larry Smith of Port .St. Joe and Bill Smith of Talla- hassee; two daughters, Pam Smith of Port St. Joe and Mrs. Kathleen Stevenson of Cham- bersburg, Pa.; two grandchil- dren; three sisters, Miss Reta Smith, Mrs. Freda Brown and Mrs. Kathleen Tilkington, all of 'o:.<-:., Mass., and two brothers, Austin Smith and Ashton Smith both of Boston. Comforter Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. The City of Port St.. Joe was *.notified three ,weeks, ago '.-. a $7.4 million loan had been ap-e proved by -the State of Florida for financing' its new $9.2 mil- lion Wastewati T.rea t.ment Plant now under construction. This past weeK, the Florida Cabinet-made the lo.n approval official by ir.'hlu-jj,, r Port St. Joe's application, -along with, four other applications. The mon- ey is provided by a $58.9 million loan fund authorized by the state for implementing Department of t .:iir orders to many cities -' ""* has been received in in the state to improve their sewer treatment facilities. The Port St. Joe facility will ..tf. -:,,- treat ;, sewage, St .....- Paper -. .. ... and Glid- den-Durkee waste water to',meet Poll~ition Control standards of 90 .percent 1. " While Port St. Joe has until 'January 1- to ,-,,; ,j .: the plant *,: ,. 1..:.... incurring the wrath of ithe Pollution Control Board, the City has '.. :'J'i, received an extension of their time limit. as of this date. At any rate, ..: ;-.:.. of the treat-' ment plant will not be complet- ed by January 1. The contractor has .received an amended com- pletion date of March 14, but it appears even this 'deadline won't ,be met. / ; yF.. to the City could amount to $500 per day for fail- ure' to have the f -,.'. operable by '..r ..*-.' 1. The-City also has thepower, to ,.-,i'-'-- the con- tractor i'- per day. for not * -.-.'i:: his deadline. The City has hired Robert Simons of Orlando to operate the new plant. : is in the process o4 moving to Port St. Joe now and will report for duty on January 1. Sharks Lose Opener to Paxton; Then Go On to Demolish Rutherford Rams DOT Finds Funds To Resurface 98 Representative William- dRish-hinounced this week that funds are now available for thq resurfacing of High- way 98 through Gulf County from the Bay County line to Franklin 'County. The Department of Transporta- tion had promised to make repairs to the .major highway earlier this year, but their budget for Northwest Florida had already been committed and funds were not available for the-job, according to Rish. Rish expressed appreciation to all local government officials and civic leaders for backing him in securing this needed project. Bids are scheduled for letting this month or January for the resurfacing which should be comple- ed before the summer traffic causes undue congestion. The resurfacing of 98 has been needed for several years-especially in the Beaches area, and local interests have been working on the project for some time. Paxton. 59, Port St. Joe 51 Class A power .Paxton, with five games of "seasoning" un- der their ':.. slapped down the Class AA champion Sharks'in their season opener, last Friday night in Paxton. The Shark foes lost only one game last year and that, was to state Class A -Ponce De Leon. Paxton jumped off to a four point lead and still held on to their margin at half time. But the Sharks, behind the shooting of Sandy Quinn, Tim Grandber- Gary Speights, Kendrick Bryant and Donnie Herring closed the gap in the third period and had. it tied up 36-36 going into the final stanza. Sandy Quinn hit for eight of his game-leading 18 points in the big third. The Sharks grew cold in the last quarter and managed only 11 points while Paxton was pil- ing up 21 for the win. S -. : Quinn and Tim Grand- berry led the, Shark attack with 18 and 13 .'points respectively. Earl Ashley paced Paxton with 21 points. -, PORT ST. 'JOE-Bryant, 3-3-6; Speights, .4-0-8; Grandberry, 6-1- 13; Quinn, 9-0-18;'F. Russ, 1-0-2; Herring, 2-0-4. PAXTON As hley, 8-5-21; Campbell, 2-4-8; Gomillion, 7-1- 15; Geoghagan, 3-3-9; Washing- ton, 3-0-6. Score'by quarters: Port St. Joe 6 14 20 11-51 Paxton ____-------10 12 14 21-59 .. * Port St. Joe 79, Rutherford 56 Sandy Quinn put 24 points through the hoop and Gary Speights grabbed off 14 rebounds Saturday night as the Sharks coasted to a 79-56 home opener against the Rutherford Rams. The Sharks had three players (Continued On Page 8) Emergency Power This huge crate being unloaded by County and Port St. Joe crews, contains a 60 KW generator donated to Gulf County Civil Defense through the Federal Excess Property program. The generator, which has a value of $61,347, will be hooked to the Gulf Coun- ty Courthouse to provide emergency pow- er in times of disaster. The Courthouse is the headquarters for Civil Defense and the Sheriff's Department during times of emergency. Civil Defense director, Richard Lan- caster said the generator will alleviate many of the problems experienced during times of emergency. --Star photo 10c PER COPY --n aey e ca s-wrnr %N o 7py wpfo~ Il . I SMerchants in downtown Port St. Joe report good Christmas business here at the .beginning of the holiday ''season. This, of course, pleases the merchants because ;, doing business is what makes the wheels go round for them. But it's also 'satisfying. that so many people are now shopping in Port St. Joe. Even so, the number of people shopping here could be .more. This week end, Port St. Joe merchants are going to do a little more persuading of people in this area to trade ....here, with their annual Christmas. Parade, bringing Santa Claus. to town to thrill the. kids' and grown-ups alike., his parade may not compete with' a 'M U '-, a.Gimble's "'or May :Brothers, but considering everything, it:. pr'r.i.,y - costs local merchants more money thanthe huge Thariks- giving offerings of those giants in the "merchandise busi- S. ess. The. total bill for candy, prizes,, Santa- Claus,'etc.,' will probably come to around $5,00,for the merchants in ...... addition to the :.oney spent to build floats, etc., by the various exhibitor: ; : ansm.iyou .y? Sure. B1t, just try to, get that many' "pea uts" together on any one given day to use rWe. tk know.exactly why, but an editor out i Co- tulla, Tx.a: I...,.k,.. it.o the, question, "H,.v, much .. * cowreat. irI lr a Jy]" JlhIr .I1,- we knwy ....- .-., y 'found t,'e i,,ffrtJ, but this i4" what they r-,'..- A seven eai old Holstein will consume i..i. 40 .fir r. -r. :...r. .'j. range ..'w, can be xp~t: ". '., i' consume about 30 pounds i .arlry .v. for- .: f. ',rr'j,. .i.. <, l.. ,' '.. i 'L. .r .f. ~ it "':.u 'r i rt tf .1.. -30 p,..i:. -Ir.,'-:: Gomr eswt+.- I 1om; three f... t: .i 'r . : .:: f'..t i.r, d' .. A ,:.. '. graze gra. t.- ; .r ineh frbm the yr.pujn, '-.dl r-,.,.'spends ontb; ~ '.rn.. f . about, ,. 9 onr:.i da;, rrazin7. Perspective S.On Education' by DR. BOB M. THORNTON Professor of Education University of West Florida Clearly the development of educational research (which is progressing at a rapid pace) is altering the way teaching is done in Gulf County as. 'else- where. Indeed, the development of" educational research is fun- damental to the development of education. It has been argued in. other columns that the scarcity S .of' resources-especially trained- teachers-is, such that .the only way -by which effective develop- ment of education can be under- taken is by developing new tech- niques of teaching and learning., The schools and colleges of the S world have lagged desperately behind the hospitals in this re- spect, in the last 30 years; re- search has-revolutionized medi- cine time and time again; edu- cation has progressed but slow- ly. Yet because progress is gla- cierlike it would be-idle to argue that it does .-." r lu .. Ove a :long period- :' .-.: and univer-' sities have changed profoundly and are iAb:..,." '_ ," more rapidly now than ever before. In future columns we shall seek to ana- Y lze some of the ways in which change is incorporated into edu- .:ti..:. and to relate the inter- actioi of schools, the economy* and society, mentioned earlier, to this change. The philosophy that underlies "the new education" is import- ant. It is 'ooted in psychology and in a whole series of socio" logical studies and it' is imbued with the ideology. of child-cen- tered education. Thus we have seen an. interaction between techniques and structure; be- tween what is done and where it is done. -Obviously the way in which -THE ST AR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Willamrne Avenue Port St. Joe, FloriL By The Star Publishing Compmny WEsIzY B. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, -Ad Saesman, Phla .ra".iu, jd.61l. .Ait.~' Reader, Booskeper and Complaint department' POSMTOFICE Box (18 PHONE 227-8161 PorT ST. JOE, FLORDA 82456 Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX 10$., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In cae of error or ommisslons in adveirementa, the publishers Ie not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for suchb advertisement. The spoken word Is given scant attention the printed word I* tohouoght3 weighed. The spoken word barely asert; the printed word thorough en VInces. The spoken word is loot thoMprinted word rmais, for the enjoyment of someone else. The merchants aren't "buying" your home towni loy- alty with their parade. Don't' get us wrong. They are happy to do this thing each and every year and most even look forward .to it. Nor do they feel you owe them anything for their part- financial as' well as active-in producing the fine parade we enjoy each year. But, we do.' You don't owe them just for the ': .;. but for the myriad of other things which come up t.-,. the year which need "sponsors" to make successful.. We know you will enjoy .:'t,.r*. Christmas par- ade. We know you enjoy the various .: :..: the mer-. chants. p :.r"..: such as Little L.g,;'-, bowling, shows, and many ,other events too numerous to mention. We know you appreciate it. .IT almost goes without saying the merchants -'. .: -. be. tickled pink this Christmas if you would give them a chance at your Ci: .'-.~ .. They i,.t-h j-ust be able to save -you? some time, money and worry. I certainly costs : .. ,.r, 'to try them. - i\ '/ . '. a cow has a mouth about three inches wi takes from I .r to 70 bites a minute vi'. grain 'easy to see that it is hard work to puit in a full S'. , "C'.''.r how much work .i, vt. ,aid take to c h'. -' a pile of grass three feet high and six fee' if ou .had to do that. in eight hours w.it only a lawn mower," commented the'Texas editor. "If the was short, you'd have 'to move pretty fast." And. ihat if, in addition to that,, you had to t of that grass into milk? SAnd what if you had gone the rest of your lif out Tf i'riri./ out this 6 it.r:.k-ing bit of information Too Late To Classif By Russell Kay According to a recent press report a. case challenging the, right of schools to paddle a youngster without parents' con- sent was carried all the way to the supreme,' court. The court declined to make a ruling on the case. I do not have the details of the case. It is my guess, how- teachers and i'r. are used in education' will change 'very rap- idly in the near future. This we' might call a change in the tech- *nology of education and the changes that may beexpected take a number of forms.. First, there is the, better utilization of the teaching force. . If you look at the thing histor- ieplly, teachers have been used in' different ways. For example, in the middle of the :'..i :..* century, when skilled teachers were particularly scarce, a sys-.. temnof pupil teaching came into operation. E. a c h professional teacher had a number of pupils aged between 14- and 18 who themselves taught, the youngest children. Another modification of this system was the use of the class monitor as a person who kept or- der and who also instructed the younger children by rot. It will be clear that in thin kd of teaching the emphasis must be 6110 1 l i memory work, and the disastrof 60ionsequences 'of this method have been a- common- place of textbd.ok oci teaching for many years. ChbMiera would ,learn stock answers 0 stocek questions and if asked the W16g questions would give a ludicrGUo reply. Yet in the circumstances of the time given the acute short- age of skilled teachers, this sys- tem indeed made sense. It was only as the number of trained teachers became great- er and able to cope with the flood of children in the late nine- teenth century that the system gradually went out of favor. It is still in use however in those parts of the world where there is an acute te'aecex shortage. ever, the teacher or ,alleged to have' done th ling had ample justifica the action. Parents today want schools. They want ,bet chers and improved ed They' expect their chil learn to cope with life ceive an education that v provide' a good living able them' to find their the world of the future Yet, these parents se: children to' school .' ,,' -i. with no' re-nect for and with! a resentment kind of restriction. The nothing 'of the meaning '..'_.oil.i.T. When the *i'1,:LA,:c.- they scream t.:',.h. f-'-r using old fi methods ', and disc . PAGE TWO Editorials against their son' or daughter. They feel their child is above such common punishment as a ; .' when misbehavior is. involved. de, and When I was a student and got g, it is out of line my teacher '..'.-ni yiV of give me 'a crack over th'e knuck les with a ruler. The first time this happened I made the mis- ut and take of telling my liarents a ,f( t -'i '- it- Then, I e-:Ji- got z, .:b .. 3 inch Instead of going to court with a r '-,1;-:Y". .against the'teacher e grass my mother would visit her the next day to express regret for turn all the trouble I had caused. She also '..,:.; .. -the teacher to notify hdr. ..,' _i., I re. e with-' behaved, ,-r i *'. -- ? '" again, I w :. ..i .t . even more -' -1, I was .1 r,* t PiA '., r-. , my elders .n, i wai ..' ait' i ito *, v I -,'_ .." "" , G'-, i'o ,' pt, i;. .; -.' o[h..:.. argu-.. l r,'int IM' cho.,, ;le.L ai 'anged S f-)E -,iEara,' I e *.:'p.,:t.i" ror reward for doing them. If I failed to pick up my clothe; or if I left my bike in the drr,E'.vay or ig- nored some other' "no no"' I was promptly and properly pun- ished -for it. principal As a 'result I stayed out of ie padd- trouble most of the time. I lov- tion for ed my home nad family and. worked to attain good grades better in school as I learned the value tter tea- of respect for the rights of oth-' ducation. ers. It served me well all 1dren to through life and it contributed and re- to'my success and happiness as will help I progressed through life. and en- i learned the meaning of place in 'working for the things I at- tained. I respected the value of nd their money, of :r'.'..' ". and the im- ,-r. 'r"1 portance of personal responsi- "' bility..I was able to take my 'of any place in society and take on the ey know responsibility of any job I g of re- tackled. I am :- ..-'"' thank- child is ful for this early training I re- at the ceived. These values are just as fashioned important today' as they were ": ,:. -. when I was a child. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue DeWITT MATHEWS, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE .-..-.. 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ..-..-.... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. "Comns'and Worship God With Us" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP VAPTIST TRAINING UNION ......---------...--.. EVENING WORSHIP PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) . 9:45 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 6:15 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor I ~ U THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 The ti.ir; that i .- i. us is to talk -ibii the kids about 1-'-:'i i :<....rand what it .-1 the United '9. ..- in suf- fering, 'and tl.-, shoot ,'.' :, "I know all ..fiul that . I '-. ..1 it in'the ii i., 'book". My -1'-..'.iti-.II of"history"' now. i," .: 'i.'i, -1. It was formerly, "..rri I,~rn that ',.r'.i.,A a long time ago" and could hardly- include an event which I vividly r.-:.,-nJ.1'r, I *- soon it'll be too ,r..I r....u to get out of bed for. : : -..-.I'; to r.;:l: it and the Goverment will render usa ..i--.. I care much as you would a baby or siok child. You L,',.*. how *- .'.r:-t.'. we do today is threatening to' our h.-.Plth We. can't eat :i .rr -.r charcoared meat, u.'.t-r, rrc.ulk etc., nor can we wash vith detergents, spray- our underarms with deodorants, use certain creams and salves on our skin, all from fear of poisons, cancer or birth defects. Now comes the warning that we shouldn't lick Christ- mas seals. They aren't sanitary,. Heavens to Betsy, what is sanitary that hasn't been sterilized and wrapped in -an air-tight container? Money is supposed 'to be the dir- tiest and most germ-laden thing going, but we have had no public warnings against it. Probably, because it . wouldn't do a bit of good.' We would all stay- hot in pur- suit of that' filthy stuff. Saying Christmas seals are dangerous to lick is about like telling a kid there is no Santa Claus; you just should- n't do it especially right here before Christmas. - Say You Saw It In The Star - No.1 EXHAUST SYSTEM SUPPLYCENTER 0 mUFFEa mi * ST. JOE AUTO PARTS CO. 201 Long Avenue Phone 22-1-414 I Letter to the Editor Wesley R. Ramsey Editor, The Star Dear, Mr. Ramsey: We thought your editorial and news article in the November 22 issue .of The Star really great. Library construction funds are frozen, due to the President's Veto, but there may. be funds available by other means to the City of Port St. Joe. I will en- close an interesting article that describes a temporary sort of building that wouldn't be expen- sive at all. Let me compliment you again on your promotion of this very important building need in Port St. Joe. Sincerely, JANE PATTON Director of Libraries 'Edward M.. McFdriand Gets Degree from PSU More than 1,100 students are :.... for December' degrees from Florida State University. The fall quarter ends December. 15. C. ,: M. McFarland, 123 West- cott Circle will, be one of the grad- uating students, receiving a BS der gree in Social Welfare. Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Tickled Pink A Lot of Grass r: I _~__~ __ __ ; -i About the time we finished printing this week's is- sue of The Star last night, the United States sent its last manned space ship hurtling toward' the Moon. Many may think an era has come to an end and there will be no more manned space probes. Scientists are promoting .strictly instrumented' space packages. But Werner Von Braun, the man who had most to do with putting"Americans on the Moon first, says we will have colonies: on the Moon by the&turn of the century. As we have commented here before-, manned Moon shots are becoming commonplace now and' aie hardly noticed.' Even the :-. ,L last night, wi'hi. h was'supposed to be visible all over North F'r T and ,S.: -'i'h Ge.-'gpt, prob- ably drew scant attention. The Moon walk is now com- monplace and is only a step to greater things with which to capture the imagination and wonder of Americans. Even io, the current trip to the Moon is probably more :-..:.-: to lh,.: 4 r. the trip than' the first shot was to most Americans. We wish them- luck be- cause even if the .'.-,f is every day fare to. us, it is still a t.: j:.,.. technical and dangerous trip. Thirty-one years ago today, the news,-media blared forth with the news that the "Japanese Have Attacked S1- .. !, F.- .r.- the day was over, everyone knew ' where ."I 'i- was. P-..r,-r- the attack, the .pres- ence of this- i -,! naval I'- was known .-,E t- those in' the Navy : J. '.. i i.n-'i there -..i those who lived in the T T 1. ) 1 ..", i .r -I ~ Like the .M, ,. .. h December 7 will' I'.r.i --,lly S'. .'.i on by with ,'..1, a notice by many '-I., , I., . :LADIES COFFEE LEAGUE For Williams Alley Kats, Helen Ralph and Henry's won all four __ games from Margaret's Beauty Sa- ....... lon and also tied Pate's for see- ond place in last week's play. The', -winners were paced by EleanorW. With games of 164, 184 and 169 / for a fine 518 series. Mary L. was tops for .Margaret's with a 123 .game and high series of 349. Top Dollar robbed Wewa Bank of three games. out of four. Lottie. had a 149 game and Sherry a 364 series forr Top Dollar. Louise was high for Wewa Bank with games, of . 143, 143 and 124 posting a 410 ser- .A ies. AN Railroad kept rolling' right along with a four game victory ,Over B. & D...Dot H. was high for AN with a 165 game and a 427, s-ries. Lou M was the best for B&D with a 117 and a 322 series. PoUrll.k : cleaned Pate's for four E -c game; with -Sue rolling games of , 164, 152 and 150 for. a 466 total. Ruby was the best for Pate's with' her 174 game and 479 series. general Standings W L AN Railroad 40 4 Pate's Shell. 34 10 Ralph and Henry's------34 10 Wewa Bank '24 20 Pollock's Cleaners ------18 26 Top Dollar 13 31 B.&D 9 35 Margaret's Beauty ------ 4 40 Gulf CoIunty Ladies League Wednesday night, St. Joe Kraft won thee 'games and lost one to Bowen's .Cowgirls. Ruby Lucas led& Kraft .with. a 160 game and 477 **series. Lou Mork rolled a 153 gameand 401 series for the Cow- gl girls. S St. Joe Furniture and Williams PriCe j Alley F .. r. split with each team - taking two- games. .Jo. '' -'1- was high bowler for St. Joe Furniture with a ,180 game and 459 series SExtra large h CoIipn t; fo Christmas Musical I *C a. f At Gulf Coast phristmas' songs, will. ..,, much 'of the f.o. r l for I J(1 COaSt '.Ca '.st fl( ilJ' '; t,:.V, i " fall concert .)e6ember 8 ,o, th.' I College's Fine Arts rt,.,.iii The concert, a two pairt :,- '. station including the .Collei-" I i ,I and the College Singers, a.,-.. Reg. $32.88 some 100 students.. The singers SAVE $3.02 are directed .by 'j.r. .,r Hair, - while the ,band is directed by Pren- Complete wi tissa Melder.. tools e 'The program will include the e Disposble , singers in the first half, perform- g ;solos, ensembles and group e Lightweight, selections. The second half of the pact program will .,:!' i;. je the band. The finale: will be a, Christmas se- lection including both groups. The public is invited to attend without charge. Legal Adv. NOTICE TO RECEIVE SEALED BIDS The P )ard- of County Op,,n - sioners, Gulf County, Flori-d.1, .: receive sealed bids from any], r"-t' son, c.ir',. or corporation inter- ested L !-,Ikti, County the fol. ealto00 lowing described personal proper- , ONE (1) 1973 TRUCK witli the AM/FM C followir; '** ..0 ;,: -: B:,,,,_. ' Cab .~ .J ,'n -. '.I,;'..LL.L 146 in. wheel base V-8 Engine 360 cu. in. mini- . I mum Tachometer 5-speed transmission Pr C Rear axle 17,500 lb. minimum, 2 speed Front afxl 6,000 lb. minimum Lighted Front springs 3,000 lb. minimum. Rear springs 10,400 lb. minimum 60-MlinU Auxiliary springs 2,250 lb. nmin- Solid St imum Tow hooks on front Cist spoke wheels Two (2) 8:25x20 10-ply front tires 6.5. in. rims Four (4) 900x20 10-ply tires on rear, 7.0 rims Reinforced 'frame 36,000 PSI- 19.2 S M minimum Full air brakes with tractor . package including air and electric lines ' SHeavy duty cooling system Heater and defroster Western-type mirrors (6 in. x 16 in. minimum) right and left Air horn SFontain no slack fifth wheel ONE (1) 1955 Ford Truck to be Stranded on above specified truck. Bids will be received until 9:00 A.vL, EST, December 12, 1972, at the office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, ]. O. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Florida. The Board reserves the " right to reject any and all bids. / BOARD of COUNTY - COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLA. By: A. L. DAVIS, Chairman 2t-11-30 Armstrong bowled a 202 game and 516 series. Congratulations Helen for your first 200 game. Shirt and Trophy won three out of four games from Florida First National 'Bank. Sue Parrish led Shirt and Trophy with a 157 game and 434 series. Lois Smith was high bowler for the Bank with a 186 game and 430 series. Comforter's took three out 'of four 'games from St. Joe Steve- dores.. Mary Brown led Comforter's THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 fAG]E T]BFI , with a 172 game apd 449 series. GULF COUNTY MEN'S LEAGUE Basic. Lanes. Tal Preston's 514 was the Melba Barbee was high for the On the make-up game Friday Murdock's TV took three points best for the Trophy Center. Wayne Stevedores with a 179 game and night, Shirt and' Trophy took three from Campbell's Drugs with Wayne Smith led the Lanes with a 556 458 series. 1 points from Camub-ll's Drugs. 0. Ernst leading the way with a 553.1 and Harry Lowry added a 528. Standings W L D. Strickland led the trophy cen- C:r: had James Hicks high Standings W L Shirt and Trophy --- 30 18 ter with a 569. Larry Pairish was with a 458. Shirt and Trophy -- 34 14 Comforter's ------- 30 18 tops for Campbell's with a 510. Tommy's Gulf Service split two Roche Furniture -- 33, 19 St. Joe Kraft --------29 19 Monday night, regular bowling and two with Marvin's TV. Bill Murdock's TV ---- 29% 18% Florida 1st Nat. Bank __ 28% 19% saw Roche Furniture take all four Besore's 490 topped Tommy's Basic Magnesia .. 28 24 Williams Alley Kats 25 23 games from Basic Magnesia. Leon while Marvin's had Bill Barlow Tommy's Gulf --------22 30' St. Joe Furniture .---- 23 25 -Pollock was top gun for Roche's with a 495. -. -. Drugs 19. 29 St. Joe Stevedores ---. 22% 25/v with a 516. Johnny Linton had a League leader Shirt and Trophy St. Joe Lanes ----- 18% 33% Bowen's Cowgirls ---- 4 44 577 and Bo Bouington a 514 for dropped three points to St. Joe Marvin's TV ----------16 32 .. I II ] I I I 1' PAGE TOUB .IwE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH i Intersection Monument and Constitution REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister Church School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. thodist Youth Fellowship -.... ... 5:45 P.M. Evening Worship 7:00 P.M. "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Stlt4 Surnives' Say You SOw It In The Star - .CONSTANT ADVERTISING "/' One step won't take you vey fir, -i You've got to keep on walking. One word won't tell 'em who you.are You've got to keep "on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, d You've got to keep on growing. one little ad won't djit all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 b slIIrssd i. I DARK GREEN . LIGHT GREEN PINK First Baptist Men Church Women Eating Chicken Tonight at 7:00 p.m. the men of the First Baptist Church will be meeting in the Fellowship Hall for a barbecue chicken supper. Fellowship, food and inspiration is the order of service. Professor Gail Moul of Baptist Bible Insti- tute of Graceville, will be the fea- tured speaker. Rev. Moul will be giving his per- sonal :','":. concerning the bombing of Pearl H.' :.r on De- cember 7, 1941. All the men of First I i7 :. Church are invited as well as their guests. Mrs T'roy '" i..: mother'of honoree, Miss .:r., o.; Linnie .. of honoree Miss Chason Honored Iss h 0'',. / Miss herry Chason, bride- elect of William Byrd of Colum- bia, Miss., was the honoree at a miscellaneous bridal shower t.., -:. November 30, in the social hall of the Long Avenue Baptist Church. The honoree's chosen colors of red, white and green were 'used to create *a festival mood h1 .: .the evening for the ,guests who came by during the Stone Elected President of Historical Society In November Meeting of Group hIn '* -. i;L-+ of the Ellezy r.."i,"r Others in attend- Joseph Historical Society, Mrs. ance were Charles Smith, J. C. Be- R:H. Brinson, chairman .of, the lin, Mrs. Chs.': Browne, Mrs. B. Old C.v.G.i project, reported A. Pridgeon, Sr., Mrs. Herman that '-.'.: .:.. between October Dean, Mrs., H. Brinson and Mrs. 15 and Ndvember 11. numbered 54. Ralph Swatts, Sr. Of this number 28 were Florida, Plans were .:, i .~.d at -the visitors and'. 26 were from other meeting for A'the" annual dinner areas. From !icu b,.'r 12 through meeting which usually scheduled December 5, tte \i '' ..been 12. for Febt-,;irr;, but to suit the con- ,- ;. visitors and 12 other visi- venience of the Honorable Rich- The total' since -.1 Er: 3, ard Stone, Secretary of State,- who 1969- 5,: is to be, he guest speaker for the occasion, the data. has been set for Since the Old Cemetery was first January 16, Te meeting in to be '.-.. to visitors. a number of held at the G.if Sands lMotel Rest ;, :: ; union and many foreign countries .r te. t frc h: and there have been many inter. nor,,natmng committee and the fol- esting notations in the guest books, .ng officer.- v.'~eA elected: pres- One of the recent guests Was Hen- dent Jss Stbne; vice-president, iy A. Drake, a former resident and Charles Smith; recording secre- postmaster for a number of years, tary, Mrs. W. Howell,, Jr,; core r,: .. .i', in Tallahassee, and the responaingisecretary, Mrs: Charles c..:toL 2. registration lists Mr. Browne; treasurer, Mrs. Herman aid Mrs '*~mi Bright of London,. Deon;, chawinman of. Old ,Cemetery .L project, Mrs. RL H., Brinson with The December meeting of the Mrs. Herman De'an'as assistant;. tel- Society was held Saturday after- ephone.chairman,.Mrs .B.,A. Prid- ,noon, December 2, in the Munici- geon, Sr., 'ad'd publicity "chairman pal '?..,' with president R. H. Mrs. F-,1,:;' ,,.:, Sr. WE STARTED LOOKING AT MICHAEL AS A MAN 2 YEARS BEFORE HE WAS BORN,. It was back n 1966. i . That's when we started planning our, new nuclear plant up at Crystal River. We knew Michael was coming. And more like him. More Michaels and * Gregorys and Susans than Florida's' ever seen. , In fact we're growing so fast In this part of the world that by 1980, well be needing twice the electric power we need today. That's why Crystal River, and other plants to follow, are so Important. And why we just can't afford the _ delays and red tape, the unduly long time required for approvals, that we've experienced in the development of - Crystal River. . Because when Michael, - the boy, becomes Mike, ]if the man, his family and r v 1 thousands of others / will be needing us. Flrida 00K .a~i o appointed hours. Hostesses for the occasion were Mrs. Wayne Martin, Mrs, Fred Perry, Mrs. Neil Arnold, Mrs.:Gene r.-. Miss Cather- ine Ramsey,'. Mrs. Danny Mad- dox, Dr. Shirley .. Mrs. F'. 'Waltn-and Mrs. Wesley . amsey;. The ''i". 0 q,, *..... will be an event of .,: Decem- ber 16 iin the Long Avenue Bap- tist Church. Color Sponsor Bazaar ! The Women's Missionary Coun- cil of Oak Grove Assembly of God Church will be sponsoring their annual Christmas bazaar. Featuring shell crafts, along with many hand-made items. Fea- turing also delicious baked goods. Hot chili, coffee and cake will be, served all cay. The bazaar will be held Satur- day, December 9 from 9:30 until everything is gone at the Ameri- can Legion Hall in downtown Port St. Joe. Phone YELLOW TURQUOISE RED WHITE IVORY BEIGE ORANGE AQUA BLUE LIME GREEN YOU NEED ONLY TO PAY A SMALL MONTHLY EXTENSION CHARGE OF $1.50 PER MONTH FOR RESIDENT EXTENSIONS OR $1.75 PER MONTH FOR BUSINESS EXTENSIONS Contact Your Local Telephone Business Office Today for More Information St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Company - NOTICE - DELTA EXPLORATION CO. is presently ;,,,..:;,. SEISMOGRAPH WORK IN and will be crossing the i'.'.:.1. highways ;.O ;; .;.i motorists to observe Working" signs when driving in these areas. DELTA EXPLORATION CO. Effective During December THE ST. JOSEPH TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY WILL INSTALL A Extension (Desk or Wall) For Their Subscribers Without Service Connection or Color Charges Choice of Color Phones Include: -L --~I -I. YI I ;i~i-~-~----~ I 11~ ~3b~ ~C-------~i-~ 1 ~111 1111 IP I I I I~i I~i --i I I I L. I ~ t THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, J972 PAGE DM VA Kennedy In "Who's Who" - It was announced this week by; tion of County Commissioners, the where he lives with his mife, Er- Capitol Hill Publishing Company V.F.W., and the Baptist Church. ma, and their two children at 315 that former, Gulf County Commis- He is a merchant in Port St. Joe, Duval Street. sioner Leo Kennedy, 51, has been -- selected to appear in its 1973 edi- tion of, "Who's Who In Politics in the South and Southwest". m Assembly of God C A's Set A Record The Christ Ambassadors- of, 'Oak Grove Assembly of God en-' .gaged in a fund-raising program -for Spepd-the-Light, which ik d.-- signed to provide vehicles for missionaries as they reach theit fields of appointment. The Oak Grove Assembly of God youth this year of $3,200 a The $3,200 offering earned them a trophy for the'most mon- ey given by any individual church among the,Assemblies: of God churches throughout tht. West Florida District. They also wotn the trophy for most mjney gave only $90.00 last' year, but given per capital, which amount- set a new, all-time high record \'ed to $133.33 per C.A. The Church atid the C. A.'s ex- tend their 'appreciation to each one in the Port St. Joe area, who helped make this a year of suc- cess for the :~o'. of tfhr church. There were many in thi. irt SEL, Joe and Oak Grove communities who responded in the programs that the young people launched this year.' The church thanks the merchants who .-:p.n]ded gra- ciously, and offer a tAig "thank you" to WJOE, who gave, time on the air. Added to their accomplish- ments, Mike L -.'-, won thP first place trophy in the instrU mental solo division of teen tal ,ent contest. All of the youth activities Size 6.50-1 3 5.60-15 7.35-14 7.75-14 7.75-15 8.25-14. 8.15-15 8.55-14 8.45-15 "Who's Who in Politics in the South and Southwest" is a publi- cation which annually extends hon- or and recognition to outstanding elected officials whose background and service to theii communities are worthy of note by their fellow citizens. The publication contains the biographies of approximately 2500 outstanding public servants in 17- southern and southwestern states and includes Governors, U. S. Senators, Congressmen, state and local officials. K. ennedy is a Director with the State Association of' County Com- missioners and chairman of the re- solutions committee. He is also a member, of the National Associa- have been speAr-headed by the newly-elected officers pictured on the front row: Ron and Joyce Weddle, presidents; Jan Cumbie, vice-president; and Desda Har- per, secretary-treasurer. Pastor, Aaron Gillman, said, "These people have done a great job and we appreciate them." Beach Volunteers To Elect Officers The Mexico -Beach Volunteer Fire Association will have two more 'turkey shoots before Christ- mas. Everyone is invited to come out and shoot Saturday afternoon and get your bird for Christmas. A A10 shotgun will also be given away by the reorganization at the last turkey shoot. Block work on the new fire department building will be com- pleted this week. Membership let- ters are being sent out this week. The regular meeting of the fire- men will be held this evening at 7:00 p.m. Officers for the new year will be elected. Georgia Grade 'A' Small EGGS 2 doz. 89c oDulone yourself. 't Jet-age mechanics is just one of many technical skills the Air Force can teach you. The Air, FPrce offers many different career fields, from Medical to Missile Maintenance to Music. The point Is, the Air Force can train'you in a skill that the whole world finds useful. FRWdwsedin to USaod NsAkFome Your Air Force Representative SGT. TED PERRIN Has the details See h::m each Tuesday from 3 to 4 p.m. in the Post Office or dall Panama City, 763-1301 ROBERSON'S GROCERY "PORE BOY'S CORNER" IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW OPEN SUNDAY 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. SPECIALS FOR Thurs., Fri., Sat., December 7, 8, 9 Bakerite SHORTENING 3 lb. can With $10.00 Order or More SU G A R-- 5 lb. bag 5 Pound Bags Florida ORANGES 2 bags 69c 49c 99c Jumbo Rolls Fresh Bounty Towels 3 rolls $1.00 BANANAS ----l- b. 10c Cremola 1 U.S. No. 1 Irish Coffee CREAMER 16 oz. 59c POTATOES -- 10 Ibs. 69c PRIDE of GEORGIA No. 2V1 Cans PEACHES 3 CAN$1.00 FRESH GROUND Hamburger Center Cut PORK CHOPS--- lb. 99c Georgia Grade "'A" FR Y E R S -------- lb. 33c Choice Beef RIB STEAK------lb. $1.19 Tender, Delicious 7-Bone STEAK ------lb. 79c Choice Beef Shoulder ROAST l-- b. 89c Blade Cut Chuck ROAST -- lb. 59c "Dumpling Special" Turkey Necks --- 3 Ibs. $1.00 3 Ibs. $1.59 Whole Rump Roast All Meat Stew Beef - 97c Budget Sliced BACON ------ Ib. 49c Cudahy Pure Park Pan SAUSAGE .- ---lb. 59c Full Cut Round STEAK ----- Ib. $1.09 Choice Beef Steak Speciall Sirloin STEAK Ilb. $1.29 Choice BLSef Steak Speciall T-Bone STEAK ----lb. $1.39 Why buy an unknown when you can buy Firestone tires at these prices! From C8ast*to*Coast FireuLasau Champiln tire - $1ESfl AS SAS H eal add Full1=Ply Blackwall. $13.50 17.95 17.658 18.65 19.40 20.76 21.50 22.78 23.50 D RI V E INY ieasllothrcss in accordance with the terms of our All prices PLUS taxes and tire off your car. p rintd guarantee Inclduig ROAD HAZARD, purchaser , DRIVE IN TODAY! " ; I Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. - FREE FIRESTONE CHRISTMAS RECORD With Each Purchase of 10 Gals. Gas or More at Jimmy's "66" Station PATE'S SERVICE CENTER Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station Virestoner- Awl - s I --- -- -- uleaur Jr. -- ___ 'A ~: I~. i~q Is *1 -1 I''. x Ri J~7' I... I, PORK CHOPS- -- Ib.- Boton Butt _ PORK ROAST l------ b. Our Pan PORK SAUSAGE lb. Fresh Pork BACKBONE lb. Fresh " PORK STEAKS- lb. 46NOR U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS 'Each week a different W item will be featured at only 99e with each .$3,00 purcaUse. You can build your set as rapidly as Anchor Hocking Avocado Glassware Onb udti Ofie-Haif Quart CASSEROLE and COVER 69c 59C 49c 594 69i FRESH PORK ' SPARE RIBS Fresh Beef LIVER Save With Our Discount Specials Bob White ,SHee Bacon ONLY Matching Companion Pieces At Special Mioey'Sa.ving Prices! c 1 with each and every $3 purmi;se lb. 69c G orgia G'GRADE 'A and '' IRSING CHICKEN FRESH CTLATR'EED.D FRYER BREAST. Ou.rCHICKEN. CHICKEN THIGHS lb. 29c lb. 49t 59c Y c Choice Beef SIRLOIN STEAK----lb. $1.39 Fryer , DRUMSTICKS----- lb. 49c- Choice Beef SAVOY BROILS lb. $1.19 S3.POUNDS O R MOBE ORANGES or GRAPEFRUIT 2' $1,00 < ^ l.U U DELICIOUS APPLES FRESH RUTABAGAS Green CABBAGE Idahoin Instant POTATOES -.- 8 oz. ba'g 29c b., 10c .. -:.... ... -- lb . 10; 29c Ground CHUCK 3 Pan ,d or More Ground BEEF lb. 49c STEW M EEFb. 99 STEW BEEF lb. 99c' Ib 89c CUBED STEAK t. $1.19 Chio," Be ROUND STEAK .T. $1.29 Quantity Rights Reserved. None Sold to Dealers Pondts Dtram Flower -Dosting M B trck Prohtin Univnted Super POWDER 5 o 88t ilU'm. R'4-o o" Hol'" p'.ilU Anfi-Prspiran 5 o. Can 5 AIR 13 RIGHT GUARD $1.02 PRAY oz. p. Your Pleasure Is Always Our Pblicy at Piggly Wiggly LMAXH1IJ. HJOUISEJ COFFEE COLONIAL 5 LB. BAG SUGAR LB. CAN' HALF G LUJ.ION 88c CLOROX TWIN OAKS No. 303 Cain 48c Tomatoes .IwD.l REFRESHING 46 OUNCE (CAN i Hawaiian Punch SUN'BEAM KING SEE LOAVES BREAD 4LINT S TIDE 3 For $1 79c GERBER STRAINED 28c ROBIN Ht.IID 5 LB. BAG FLOUR BIG OLLS. Towels 3 22 OZ. PARADE LIQUID 29c 18c For 59c 99t Baby Food 1Oc Detergent 39c NO. 2V CAN DEL MONTE PEACHES 3 CANS $1.00 U PIGGLY WIG(Lk BRAND. , MAYONNAISE' QUART JAR 38c LARGE 28 OUNCE BOTTLE DELICIOUS, REFRIESmUNC Royal Crown Cola 19c Ro C',i BUTTER-N BAN BROWN AND SERVE ROLLS 4 PURE VEGETABLE 3 POUND CANM 1i COUNT PACKAGES$ ^ri^* Crisco Short'ning 75c ALL BRANDS MILK gal 97c Prices Effective December 6 through December 9, 1972 at Your Friendly, Convenient Piggly Wiggly THEi STAR. Port St. Joe, Florida THURISDAYV, DECEMBER 7, 1972 9c First Cut Ib 59 SLAB BACON ----- lb. l. Whole or Half SLAB-- ---lb. V't f'rfn .dgg ""iiard and 'Ct, ii"iil 'E i ti PET RITZ PES 0 Oz. Size 3F99c Cut Corn Cut Squash Spinach Mixed Vegetables 10 OZ. COUNTRY STYLE PATTIE OLEO BANANAS .- 1 c TL r I I -~ - a I a Ilrl Ir--- ""'' i a I L I1I~ -AGE SIX c c c C C I; ~ fy - '''' PAGE SUEV"E IMPORTANT ..FORYOU, A :A&P POLICY:' IA wa ws ado is honest and foir for e ve CUStomer. , L RAINCHECK^ 2 f an aeepec ever s out ask th manager for a Raincheck. it entitles you to the same item at theek. same special price the follow. g week. r if you wish we'll give you a cor. parable item at the same special price. 49 .. GUARANTEE: A&P offersan u r moneyac guarantee. No matmr .e it n y-bactk who makes it, if A&P sels it, A& i atter COPELAND'S ALL MEAT Sha o fcq :-...... ..... GRADE "A" FRESH fL OP GCA COPELAND'S PURE '0ORK Bag Sausage 1 Ib. I, 'i b. 58e bag 77c "SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS FRSHLL " GHxd Cthe ........ OV "SUPER-RIGHT" DELICIOUS FRESHLY eakfa .o ... ....... ALLGOOD. l UAG.& CURED SLICED Breakfast BaconI 1 UFEX-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF L. 8, F S LB.. Banquet Quick Frozen . 99 POT PIES 8 .. 8oz. 1 9 P DELICIOUS ' lb. 79c Pimento Cheese nI , - 1 b. cup S "SUPER-RIGHT" BONELESS CHIP STEAKS OR S.Ittl, BOil ..........E. .LB. "SUPER-RIGHT" QUICK FROZEN 9c Ck lpptA Be C a iM t |.9 Cap'n John's Quick Frozen 79c FISH ST ICKS __ 0 oz. 49c I Fl1 nNr 'Prr ,IIA IlAYR CAKE MIXES S3ox a89r y14 fIIl] ,AgP Fr'p Etl HANDI-WHIP DrE, r TOPPi'rJG 'Cp 39c a I ORANGE JUICE 6-Pack 08 6-0z. Cans. A22n59C 149 FRES 'Ai BROWN &R 6EKVYE FLAKY ROLLS Ukve 29' GREEN GIANT WHOLE KERNEL Ni Mi LaC n ....... 4 GREEN GIANT MEDIUM Swe Pa ........ 4 GREEN GIANT KITCHENN SLICED SBe ...... 4 fANS 00. g -. *4 A&P BRAND WHOLE OR SLICED # f. .. _r Cm*AIwuftq S 4. 22 ZESTY Check and Cpmparel a alimb o, K* BO TTLE ANN PAGE Everyday Low Pricel P/ < Kdp Mit*................. 0 1* 0 LBS. 9 JIFFY- Everyday Low Pricel % -- ; -a. 6 P.. I ii^ "g iOXGia amwo '4m",.,m " Cw AL MVE T...,.Sr ..... -- -- --- ..____". .. u .r_ ,., ALL VARIETIES Everyday Low Prices TL "+ L $1.00 PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT ARE EFFECTIVE THROUGH $UNDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1972. MS OFFERED IN 1 |SP ...:......0.. AD. ARN NOT AVAILABLE TO OTHER RETAIL OR WHOLESALE DEALERS. t. REGULAR OR HOT (WITH BEANS) SA a hdSOWNWHIT ECORBLUE.....ageS e* (GOOD ONLY AT AP W iO) e t DOG FOOD 2 BJA Ii.u 295 IESTEA I ,,A&P BRAND Everyday Low Pricel ereaAM im OPcNstw.....5 O. s 49t 80' AT 1 CARNATION NON-DAIRY COFFEE CREAMER JA WPKO! O*16OZ. withEthis coupon 7i9.t OFFER EXPIRES DEC.,10. 1972..-...M -" - '4 l B6IWud S100%. BRAZILIAN COFFEE Eiht O'CLBAG 79t, ., 3-LB. BAG $2.29 KELLOGGS,SUGAR Everyday Low PrIce' F; F&15-..C....... 5 DOLE Everyday Low Pricel Ptnmppl, J uf ...... Sz$ BLUE-BONNET (Sticks) , NwEppw M afiM IC: "I SILVERBROOK Everyday Low Pricel PN ibButst ............... : 79 1 A&P Everyday Low Price! Eqq N0........ ...... 69A ANGEL SOFT ASSORTED COLORS PpJT.we ... 4 = 1.oo00 5 GRAIN Everyday Low Pricel A AootPApwa8 .......... -,19 REGULAR OR SUPER HIS "of1 *gSg.e.. JANE PARKER FINE QUALITY LIGHT t 43.69:4 -? SIMIS 5C)NELESS lip S1 LAP. $1.38 oil ROASI "MikA 'M~p~ [ FRE S H F L LOJRIDA (IDA JUICY GOIDIN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 ft (4(., PAGE EIGHT THE~S1AR, Pert St. Jee, Florida THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1972 m i kuls tue hdb .e dl..MatgM kam r I -M *as % lIAboa -1 nyo ur elth 'e m OstW ImWortant eaIkor m a n ji.,jm t yo th 6Wt odor 4and iggStwhn 1 w bo*li te VP I A M*a e WS iOft rr Dgto's V& OW. tb ow eMai daugte..St YOUR BUZ ZETT'S DRUGSTORE Ph 227-'T;71 317 Wdliam Plenty, of Free Parking Cenvenieot.,Drive4ln Window Church Bowling League Discussed' 'All chu,'i ,'e in- Port' St. Joe, White City and the Beaches 'area interested in a bt. .i..B. f.-agwj. Lp tween the churches are invited to send a representative to meet at the Oak drove ^, .m,,, of 'God Church Monday night ;,. 7 30 p.m. Plans are being made for both youth and adulf l.Agu'. z Beach Businessmen Will Meet Monday. Mother of 0. E Griffin 'Is Taken by Death $3,761 In State Funds Are I i I U I *1 Drug Abuse Program I Speaker to Demonstrate At 'PTA Meeting His Power of Memory At PTA Meeting Arthur T. King, a teacher at T. Sgt. J. D. Grutchfield will be Port St. Joe High School, will be Mod ddd omp e elr resented Local Libr Funeral ;services were held ia o a I Da Fthe special speaker at the regu- s oftt Monday afternoon from 'the Beth- I I L I I I lar meeting of the Highland View nlg services of the Beach Baptst ,any Baptist Church near Bain- Elementary PTA Monday night at Chapel, Sunday. fina Ge7 wor ds e dy i- Secretary ,of State Richard Stone said. thy, deserving and effective peo- 7:30 p.m. The meeting of the or- King, a science teacher, also has Seminole Memorial Hospite l n (Dick) Stone has delivered $500,- By law, the Ser- 'r of State. ple-oriented programs in state ,n':.in will be held in the the ability to memorize. He has *aTin ge.M r i pia w 000 worth of state library grant- administers th.. hbry grant-in- government, and we hope for Highland View Elementary School, put to memory the entire books Bainbridge. Mrs. Gnffi r was a- in-aid checks to 41 library sys- aid program'. The State Library continued strong support from Auditorium. Sgt. Grutchfield will of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John life-long resident of the Georgia teams in Florida and'expressed a and the Division of Library Ser- our legislators," Secretary Stone speak on drug abuse and show a and w from memo Andng the survivors is a son, wish 'that the program will be vices are re.: of the said. "They are the ones who 15 minute film. the story of Jesus from the books Oer E Griffin of Port St. Joe. even larger next fiscal year." Secretary 6f -'. office, made these grant-in-aid checks at the Sunday services. Other ri in r Se "We are most pre i ti'e to The s- -i d f v: are dis- possb ." The publicist vited to attend. Everyone is invited t attend nd, their su-vr, a include her hus- our. #state legislators- for their tribute' to library s y.s't ems possible" Everyone is invited to, attend6 tand, a son,ia daughter, hercmo- Iupport of thegrant-in-aid pro- '%.which meet .iiter i that are their, two sisters, eight graridchil- h'tis pIa c t a The f drn an one great grandchildren ny again. seek full funding of the are d' or- fr ;-,,:r, system Int er met r was i B e anyprogram for next year and this by a formula, ?bt, in the -law . ,.j ~ er -, -. would mean not f' --. but In the distribution of grant-in- - over $1 million for our deserv- aid funds, Gulf County -received o Lead ing jb;y e :e rctar7 $3,761 for opera ation of its North- Youth to Lea i west Florida Regional branch. Long Ave Service Other libraries in the branch re-. .d A S f b i ceived simil ar 'amount s. Bay... ' The people of e' Gulf Libraries County,' with library headquar-f FOR SALE. House and one acre of IFOR RENT: House at Simmons Ba- FOR WELDING NEEDS see James The on"ini people of theLong ters received $6,289;' V:ba-r"' lnd S-.'Ei,' down payment,-and you. Call 227-2181. tf-10 19 L. Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. A-ri artist Church iFOR RENT: Furnished new small :Tharg ef "th Sunday evening ser- 'The :t.,te L brary g :n .:. I --. bedroom house. Nice neighbor- WANTED: Man with service sta- , .-ir. to, prf FOR SALE P hme. 3 bed- hood. Call 229-6777 after 5 p.m. -tion and mechanic experience. P.:t.r, .. J. C-Oim. ~he twa libraries in Gu.if Co;.un- f -:.3, tiC ardi utility, 1% t -9-14 -ply Rslph ana Henry's Stan- The ~evemrg services- of the -y wall -.hae- ~l I bats. On 2A l t. .116 Hunter St., OR RENTt Fuanished beach cot Idrd Service. Ltfc83 .hurr'h :%art .7:30 p.m. Everyone t.l fLr an tl, thee.pil3e in Del A l '" tage's. Reasonable monthly rate ---- -- - inv u t t! attend this special wber Cnhrd with br -hl VICA luP Will --o Phone 227-3491 or 227-8406. tie MEXICO BEACH .r'-g^m. s** : o: r-'' ':cl^ra^ t1 COTJ- Setl ^ FOR SALE-, 3 b"i c. bou-. 1 tries, "Festival Ja.ir,", anrd "Viva lathW 7SiWS ,. ftii ca rpi;ed h;iK L-h:; B I N o B'AUTY SHOPPE *Mexico" will be at 'h. Pirt St.J Joe fence all ele-:trL -67 d A v Every Saturday Night. 'wy.-98 Phone ,848A11 Shtarks L0se, Wklt L'.' e^gegr y.1.3. The' /-.:8 P.:i Industrial BCt M.. In Evr. BeginigD Nmber 16 8 CompoletenBeauty Se48vice of Port St. Joe High School will FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house (ful- 8:00 P.M. ADS n (Continued From Page 1) 'Shadow of Progress", an inter- sell oysters on the half shell for ly carpeted in living room and AMERICAN LEGION GLADYS NCHOLS national film concerned with world 75cp oen one bedroom) chain nk fence HOME -- ______ "- orinn ig:idouble figures with ,progro. in many areas of our after th hrim a' around entire lot 8-10 storage FOR CHAIN' LINK .FENCE call "o r 127See xtei1 i. Emory Stephens. -Free estimate a.'n G i'r.. technologyca l soety, and "'OneaTheaoytertmarWlbsetdupd4.h10SPEns,721,rtsintraEDBsKESINSTOCK. Men's Gron oeaeras S10. Grandberr also Turn f the Earth", which tells- on the vacant lot beside Top Dol 59 tfe-11-9 women's. Racing style. T-,i ,t, Lo down payment Phone 227- hauled in 2 reboundsandQuinn of the inedible amount style. Credit terms available. WES- 7972 .kA. off .10 from the boards. Quin f t,: oft~, e. ir be accomplish ar Store on ,Reid Avenue. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house with TERN AUTO, Port St. Joe. 6-15: The Sharks picked ip -a.20-12, ed in a 24-hrni day, will be at the "CALIFORNIA VISITORS 229-5821. nehbohoo 2 WILL TRADE: 1961 Ford station r. in i the first 'period and ,Wv-ahitchka Library December Mr. and Mrs.ud Taylor of Clo wagon for fishing boat; Call 229- LADIES u-E Rams for the entire 1,2 A %h.dl of local showings r. ad r dTloo oFOR SALE: Reasonable. 7 room 6387. tfe-10-26 I am.now servicing wigs and ',-d : Rams" for the. en e I. ;2 A ITo..6r I of local showings- verdale, California visited with house on 4 lots., Inside Wewa hair pieces in myhome. If game. The. Rams had a -three is obtainable from either of these his brother and family, Mr. andcity limits. Room for gardenPh MEXICO BEACH TAVERN have h n hair o 'point scoring margin in the see- two libraries.. .. S J Talor last weBeverage on tap. Oysters on half thetie which you' would like ond stanza, but the Sharks roar- M Taylor last shell. Pizza. Danig. Fun. Open to have. serviced quickly at ed back after the'rest P.d 1to FOR SALE: 1967 trailer. 12x44 2- til 2:00 a.m., CST. 10-19 low prices.. . _'w,,. 22 points .mo :b the i.-.Ak.t while holding the Ram's to only seven. The Rams were led by' Swilley with 13 points, Tubbs, *12 a4d tA. :U 10. - ST. JOE- HryarOf 2-1-5; h an berry .- -' Speights 5 'i ' Quinn 12-0-24; ,F. Russ 4-0-8; Herring 0-1-1; Hall 4-0-8: T. Russ The exidco Beach Business As- -0-0; .Dickson. 1-0-2;. Dickens 0 sociation will have its regular 0-T0; LAdkison 0-0-0. 7:00 pim., CST at the Mexico l13;_J, bb ..1l4_: Farn- 2-4-8; Beach Town Hall., Mitehell 5-0-10; Jackson 4-0-8; All members are urged to' at- Moore 1-1-3; West 0-2-2. tend and participate in the nomi- Score by quarters. - nation. and elec.n officers for Port Joe r2019 22 St1-- 1973. 'Rutherford 12 21 7 16-56 CARD OF THANKS Tuesday .night's game with CA* r D O NWewahitchka was.postponed be- 'We 'wish to thank-the people of cause of the Gators participation this area for their expressions of 'in the state football playoffs kindness during 'the recent death Fr:-d',y rni-'nit Port St. Joe, goes of our brother,Marlin Odom. Your ito E.o-w t:I.... Saturday,' the kind deeds and expressions were Tiger Sharks will host Crestview very much appreciated. and" next .- -' ir,- will bring MR. dnd MRS. J. E.OQDOM Paxton to Port St. Joe for a MABEL BAXLEY chance to avenge the opening JAMES ODOM defeat. Janowski In Gunnery Course FT. BUSS, TEX.-Army Speial- ist F.;T' Boleslaw M. Janowski,, III, whose parents live oni Route 3C, Port St. Joe, recently complet- ed the Redeye Gunnery Course. at Ft. Bliss, Texas. During the course, Spec. Janow- /ski learned the techniques of fir- ing the weapon and also became acquainted with the characteris- tics of the system and visual ,air- craft -IO;L'fit.:.frn. The Redeye is a man transport- able, shoulderr fired, all armed air defense guided misile system. Spec. Janowski entered the Army in November ceived basic training Kentucky. A 1967 graduate of School, Atlanta, Ga., old specialist receivE gre' in 1971 from' tl of G'eor;. .m. Office Supplies O.. THE STAR Is headquarters for all your office supply needs. W only famous brand names in qudMty office supplies need to wait for those :.ver day office needs. Call us 1 STAPLING MACHINES STAMP DATERS STAMP PADS and INK * FILE FOLDERS S FILE GUIDES SCRATCH PADS, ll sizes. STYPEWRITEfR PAPER *- MIMEOGRAPH .APER DUPLICATOR PAPER CARBON PAPER - And A Host of Other Office Needs STAR "Publishers of Your Home-Town Newspaper" PHONE 227-81i61 806 WILLIAMS AlT PAT KILPATRICK A Thought to Remeinber 1971 and re- The story i's told of a man at Ft. Knox, walking' d.--.' a hbe street with a friend. They stopped to buy a Gordon High newspaper from a very iude the 23-year- newsie. The purchaser of the ed a BS de- paper .was exceptionally nice he University and, courteous to the newsie, but he didn't v.en acknowledge their presence. '"He is like that all the time," shrugged the man. "Then why -.' you continue to be polite to'him?" asked his 0 friend. "Why not?", he inquired. "Why should I let him decide how I'm going to act." How many'of us.react to peo- ple when we 'should act? We of- ten let. others I dictate how we will be-"Get an impolite re- e stoca ception-offer ,an -impolite re- ,s' No action." today! After all is said-the greatest today! people rle those who do not let others decide how they are go- S ', ing to act. A little' kindness :3i -,'-, metal breaks down the barriers of in- difference, THOUGHT TO REMEMBER-- "You alone 'can -decide what kind of person you will be to- day." S ,.- - PAnc -.-- vS "-__ RAY KILPATRICK KI LPATRIC K FUNERAL HOME Phone 227-2401 Port St. Joe, Florida bedrooms, air conditioned, wash- ing machine, TV. Call 639-2261 any- time after 6 p.m., CST. tfc-12-7 FOR SALE: 1967 Chrysler, loaded In good shape. $795.00. See at the Gulf Station in White City. Vic Burke, 229-2421,. tfc-11-16 FOR SALE: 1968 Opel, standard, easy on gas. Call 229-6573 after 5:00 p.m: FOR SALE: 1968 Ford Torino GT. $700. Phone 229-6791. Itp FOR SALE: Portable Hotpoint dishwasher. Good condition. $100 'Mrs. Richard Porter, 227-3331, ltp, FOR, SALE: Chicago black shoe skates. Size 9. Call 227-5701. 3tp-12-7 WANTED TO RENT: Clean 3 bed- room unfurnished house. Prefer central heat. References on re-. quest. 648-5221. 2tp-11-30 WANTED TO RENT: Nice two or three bedroom house, unfurnish- ed. Call 229-679&. 2tp-11-30 FOR RENT: Nice 2 bedroom house on St. Joe Beach. Phone 648-3466. O tfc-12-7 FOR RENIT: Onea andit iTtwo bedroo~ynm PROFESSIONAL HILP with emo- tional problems and/or concerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Pert 'St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-590. HELP WANTED: Experienced tire recappees or trainees. No exper- ience necessary for trainees. A permanent job and apply in per- son at Panama City Recapping Co., Springfield. Plant located one block behind Springfield City Hall. Phone 785-6470. tfc-10-5 I WILL KEEP CHILDREN in my home fromm-age3 and up. Night and day care., Contact Mrs. Nell Smith at 511 Woodward Ave. GEORGE S. COODY Electrical contractor. Also oil burner tech- nician. Gas burner repairs. 26 years, in the field. House wiring, old and new. Appliance 'repairs. Free estimates. Call 229-6777, 224 6th St., Port St. Joe. ltp UNUSUAL ORNAMENTS CHRISTMAS GOODIES from around the world THE HUMDINGER SHOP I aj-i-I C I~. -- Motel t. Joe ... .-. .. ........ Upper Lobby attractively furnished apart- rments. Cool in summer, warm in wintr a hat windw fa. MC's PAWN and SWAP SHOP winter. Gas heat, window fans. FOR SALE: Johnson CB radios, They must be seen to be appreciat- car and -home 8-track tape play- -ad. CeQmtact Mr. or Mrs. B. C. Prince ers, rings, watches, assortment of. at W MICO LODGE and TRAILER dishes and glassware, 12-in. pony PARK White City. Phone 229-2413 saddle, radios, portable TV's. Use S- 2 our 30-day layaway plan. 102 5th or 648-3101 tfc-10-28 IS., Highland View. -Phone'. 229 -. -.. ........... ...... 6193. FOR RENT: urnished i bedroom apartment. Call 229-6688. tfc-10-19 WANTED by individual. Approxi- . matel 360 acres suitable for cat- tle, cleared or uncleared. Some low land-would be okay. Phone 268- 6874 or write K. -Dinkla,' 11042 Scott Mill Road, Jacksonville, Florida 32217. 8tp-11-23 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment for retired or middle-aged cou- ple. Phone 229-6774. 617 Wood- ward. 2tp-12-7 FOR RENT: Apartment, 510 8tb Street. Phone 648-4800. tfc-9-7 FOR RENT: One bedroom house. St. Joe Beach. Furnished. Con- tact Smith's Pharmacy, Phone 227- 511-1. tfc-9-28 WANTED AutomoANiles to Finance Members of St. Joe Paper- makers Federal Credit -Union can own. a ne.w 1973. automo- bile and save money with our new low interest rates. Only - I%.% per mo., 9% annually. Plus, FREE Credit Life Insur- ance. Check the Credit Union tfc Office for Details 10-19 KILPATRICK I Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficlent--GCourteous Telephone 227-2491 DINNER COOK WANTED dependable MOTEL ST. JOE RESTAURANT Port St. Joe See Mr. or Mrs. Lange No Phone Calls Please- WANTEDI 300 WOMEN to SHOP and SAVE at SHIRLEY'S FABRICS Factory Outlet Prices SHIRLEY'S FABRICS 106 Bellamy Circle Phone 229-2021 WIGS FOR SALE - CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 9-21 JANICE STOKES tfe The Best Costs Less TRY VART UN G The Paint Made with TUNG OH. Oil base, Vinyl and Latem Orel and Bristle Brushes See or Call AL SMITH Phone 227-7751 POODLE .GROOMING .Specializing in, Puppy Trim Other Small Dogs Washed and trimmed For Appointmeit call 229-6571 tfc4-18 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe CALL - Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 SEPTIC TANKS pumped out.Cal Buford Griffin. Phone 2294694 or 229-2937. . HURLBUT FURNITURE ard AP.IANCES 306 eid Ave. C. P. Etheredge 118 Third Street Pert St. Joe, Pia. Plumbing (i f Electrical Certractor Zall 229-4986 for Free Estimate R.A.M.-Regular convocation St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.AL, 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. WALTER GRAHAM, H. P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing first and third Monday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular com- munlcation.of Port St. Joe Louge No. 1I, F. & A. M., every firs and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. FOY E. ADAMS, W.M. HERBERT L BURGE, Secty NO. 1 DRIVE-IN THEATRE Apalachicola, Fla. Friday and Saturday December 8 and 9 --- 2 BIG SHOWS - "BORA BORA" Love Story of South.Seas also "CRY OF THE BANSHEE" horror show Next Week - Not Open Open Dec. 27 with "THE GODFATHER" This ad admits car driver free Happy Holiday Season to our Gulf County rfiends 5. * INDEX CARDS, all sizes CARD FILES, wood 8 POST BINDERS LEDGER SHEETS STAPLES * GEM CLIPS, FASTENER LEGAL and !LETTER I MACHINE RIBBO? S PENCILS, ERASERS S* DUPLICATOR FLUID -THE - amem mm _ ~ .__ I-I _ I I I ii PAGE EIG1 THESIAR, Port tt. Joo, Flodda THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 197t O I - |