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*i '* THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR, NUMBER 39 Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 Summer Recreation Program Gets Underway On June 17 The City summer recrea- tion program will open for six weeks of activities beginning June 17. As of the time this article was printed, the School Board- was undecided as to whether they could fund .a program in the schools for the summer. A decision on the matter should be possible - by next week. Uncertainties over state and federal fund- ing policies has caused ,the indecision. The City program will con- sist of four interest centers r which will operate during the. time of greatest demand for these type programs. The center sites, instructors and tentative times are as fol- lows: -16th St. golf course. Golf instructions and play on nine hole pitch and putt course for ages eight through 17 by Billy Barlow from 8:30 12 and 2 - 5 each day. -North Port St. Joe gym- nasium. Clarence Monette and assistants will offer ten- .nis, basketball, checkers, dominoes, table tennis and other small group games. Open 8:30 12 and 1 3 p.m., Monday, Wednesday and Fri- day; Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30 to 12; night softball from 8 p.m.-.to 10 p.ni. -Stac House on 8th St. staffed by Mrs. Louise Par- ker and assistants. Billiards, volleyball, checkers, domi- noes, table tennis and other small group games will be offered. It will be open from 2 9, Monday, Tuesday, Wed- nesday and Thursday; and 2 10 Friday. -8th St. Tennis Courts. Tennis instruction and play for ages eight .and up by Allen Scott. Registration will be held for age groups and beginning instruction on Mon- day and Tuesday, June 17 and 18. Pupils will be sche- duled by time period after the first two days. The'tennis courts are open for play at all times they are not being used for instruction. The Bank ten- nis court is open for play at all hours. Tentative schedule will be 8:30 12 and 2 5 each day. A late evening or night class of tennis instruction will be held for adults beginning around the last of June or early July. Anyone interested in learning to play tennis, sign up for this class with Allen Scott at the tennis courts or call 229-5171. You will be notified when these lessons begin. TOURNAMENTS Tournaments will be held at the end of the program in golf and tennis. A men's singles and dou- bles tournament will be held in July for adults. Men who wish to enter need to sign up with Mr. Scott at the courts by the first week of July. A ladies tournament or mixed doubles will be held this summer if there are enough entrants. Hearing Set for June 13 A public hearing has been scheduled for next Thursday night, June 13, by the Gulf County Planning Commis- sion. The meeting, to be held in the Commission Room of the Gulf County Courthouse, is for the purpose of discussing with the public a recent com- prehensive plan drawn ip for the future of the County The' plan was drawn in conjunc- tion with the Northwest Flor- ida Development Council. Representatives of the Coun- cil will also be present at the hearing. Sea of white-robed Seniors await the moment when the hands. Star Photo coveted certificate of graduation will be placed in their Love, Honor, Friends Are Valued by Grad Orators James B. Roberts, Gerald Sullivan given oath by Clerk Brock. - The purpose of the com- prehensive plan is to coor- dinate growth of the county to better utilize space and Star Photo natural resources. The attributes of love, hon- esty, friends and keeping your cool seemed to be the formula high honor graduates were advising their fellow Roberts, Sullivan Take Office Two City Commissioners were sworn in to begin two year terms at the regular Loan Announced for Electric Co-op., Congressman Bob Sikes and Senators Ed Gurney and Lawton Chiles announce the approval by the Rural Elec- trification Administration of a loan in the amount of $1,332,000. to Gulf Coast Elec- tric Cooperative, Inc. of Wewahitchka. The loan will provide ser- vice to 800 additional custom- ers with 42 miles of distribu- tion lines and other improve- A ments to the system. meeting of the City Commis- sion Tuesday nightby Clerk Charles Brock. Gerald Sullivan was seated on the Board and James B. (Benny) Roberts re-instated for another term as the Com- mission began its business session. Ordinarily, the Mayor as- signs -each Commissioner to be in charge of a specific service of the.City at the first meeting of the Commission year, but Mayor Frank Pate was absent Tuesday, being in bed with a torn ligament in his back. The assignments were postponed to another date. Mayor pro-tem Tom S. Col- dewey presided over Tues- day's meeting which was taken up for the most part with receiving bids for sup- plies for the Wastewater Treatment Plant. The Commission received bids on a group of supplies which included a battery charger, air compressor, at- tic fan and various other small items. The bids were given to plant manager Bob Simon for study to see which met the advertised specifi- cations. St. Joe Hardware was the successful bidder for an out- board motor which will be put on a boat to take water samples from the plant's out- fall for the Department of Pollution Control. A bid of $35.00 for the old Ford fire truck was turned down by the Board. ' The Commission agreed do some needed work on the nine-hole golf course in For- est Park so the course could be utilized in the summer recreation program. Harmon Signs With Gulf Coast Bubba Harmon, 18-year-oid Harmon of Mexico Beach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam will join the Gulf Coast Com- a -- -- ~ -,,- - -m-niYT-----eIn -11.o1mo1-r1 munity College Commodores next season, Coach Bill Fra- _.4' 09 "Copyrighted MaterialS T Syndicated Content le from Commercial News Providers" . sier announced this week. Harmon, who lettered all four years as a pitcher at Port St. Joe High School, signed to the squad with a .472 batting average and an ERA of 0.89. As a senior, the 6-foot, 190-pounder had 41 hits in 89 times at bat, with .three home runs, 12 doubles and 41 RBI's. In 91 2-3 innings on the mound, Harmon, a right- hander, had 119 strike outs and allowed only 13 runs. His record of 11 and 2 included three no-hitters, one one-hit- ter, two three-hitters and three two-hitters. Harmon was also selected this week to the All-State team. He will play with the North squad in the All-Star game on June 14. The game will be played in Lakeland at 8:00 p.m., at Joker Merchant Stadium. "It's great to find such talent at Bubba's so close to home", Frazier said, "and with so many of this year's pitching and hitting staff graduating, we're going to be counting on Bubba to develop all the potential we feel he has." students to adopt for future success Tuesday night at graduation exercises for 121 seniors. Russell Chason said one must "Go placidly amid the noise and haste". Eva Mad- dox admonished her class- mates to "Speak your truth quietly and clearly". Reggie Gilbert thought it necessary to "Keep interested in your own career". Nancy Noble said, "Many persons strive for high ideals". "Be your- self" was the advice of Carl Guilford. Pam Reeves urged the graduates to "Neither be cynical about love". Tavia Copenhver gave the bene- diction to the talks by urging the students, "Therefore be at peace with God". AWARDS PRESENTED George Y. Core presented the Rotary Club awards for the Outstanding graduates to J/hi Grace and Eddie Rich. Roy Garrett, representing Four Are Caught With Pot Four youngsters, two male and two female, were appre- hended by Port St. Joe High School officials late last week, reported Sheriff Ray- mond Lawrence. The four, whose names are being withheld because they are juveniles, were caught smoking marijuana on the upper level of the gymnasium while cutting a class prior to lunch period. All persons involved were turned over to Sheriff's De- partment authorities who in turn referred them to the Division of Youth Services. The Sheriff also issued a warning to all persons using narcotics, stating that the gap between those dealing and using narcotics and get- ting caught is narrowing: The Sheriff expressed thanks to the school for taking an inter- est in seeing that young lives will be steered away from the use of illegal drugs. the American Legion, pre- sented their several awards to: Benjy Gibson for achieve- ments in Science; Carl Guil- ford for outstanding accom- plishments in English; Tavia Copenhaver for being out- standing in Social Studies and Mathematics. The American Legion award for the out- standing students went to Eva Maddox and Russell Chason. The Masonic Lodge pre- sented its first graduation award Friday night, with Bill McFarland, representing the lodge, presenting a scho- larship award to Mary Jean Whittington. Gulf Coast Community Col- lege Dean Frank Eisman pre- sented two year scholarships to the two-year college to Pam Shores and Reggie Gil- bert. ROY SMITH Smith With Hannon Firm The Hannon Insurance Agency announced this week that Roy Smith has joined the firm. Smith, a son-in-law of the firm's owner, Frank Hannon, is a graduate of the Univer- sity of Alabama and was employed for three years by Monsanto Chemical of Huntsville, Alabama. The Smiths, along with their one child are making their home here in Port St. Joe at 905 Monument Ave. The Kiwanis Club gave a scholarship grant to Mary Jean Whittington. The pre- sentation was made by Ken- neth Herring. Martin Adkison received a Citizenship Award, presented by the sponsors of the Senior Class. Superintendent of Schools, David Bidwell presented the diplomas to the 121 Seniors. Vet Will Innoculate Pets Sat. Dr. Wilbur Butts, Veteri- narian, will be in Port St. Joe Saturday to .innoculate pets against rabies, according to Police Chief, H. W. Griffin. Dr. Butts will be at the Fire Station between the hours of 2:00 and 5:30 p.m., to vaccinate the pets. Charges will be $4.00 for the rabies shot and $1.00 for city registration tags. Each additional pet will be 50c with a maximum charge of $2.00 being made to any individual pet owner, regardless of the number of pets registered. Pets not treated and regis- tered will be picked up and impounded if caught roaming the streets, according to Chief Griffin. School Starts Classes June 10 The Gulf County Adult In- stitute announces its schedule for the summer term begin- ning June 10. The Beacon Hill Center classes will meet on Wed- nesday and Thursday nights from six to nine. The Centen- nial Building Center will fol- low its regular schedule Mon- day through Friday nine a.m. to 12; and six to nine p.m. Drivers' Education for adults will be held on Monday and Tuesday nights from six to nine p.m. 15 Cents Per Copy Availab I -L71 I I I- I U I * THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 a I Weiley R. Ran .William H. Rai ,Frenchie L. Ri Shfirey K. Ran -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Willianft Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida By The Star Publishing Company Second-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 nsey Editor and Publisher msey Production Supt. amsey Office Manager sey "'Typesetter, Subscription. POSTOFF ICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY -ONE YEAR, $.00 SIX MOS., $3.00 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $6.00 OUT OF U.S. One Year, $7.00 TO ADVERTISERS In case of error or omissions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. ..-vfqj w;.. S- EDITORIALS... Report Could Be Misleading Anr article hidden deep inside last week's daily papers should. have caused those who supported giving 18-year-olds adulthood sta- tus in purchasing hard liquor have a twinge of conscience and gave those who opposed it more ammu- nition to fight for its repeal. At first, following passage of the law things went more or less as it had before the law was passed. Most kids didn't buy liquor since they had not been allowed to the day before. But things didn't stay like this for long. Those who fought against the law, warned that abuses and future trouble would crop up to haunt the supporters. Now we read in the papers where teen-age conviction for drunken driving is up more than 1,000 percent since the drinking age was lowered to 18 last year. 1,000 percent! That's unbelievable. It's interesting ,to-note that the- Presbyterian elder who sits in the Governor's chair and contends that he does not support such activities says "the report could be mislead- ing." This corner, which opposed the move, from the start says, "True the report could be mislead- ing the percentages could be bigger than reported." If more than a 1,000 percent increase in convictions has offi- cially been reported, think of the many who got away with it through a technicality. . Don Keirn, chief of the state's Bureau of Driver Improvement says the report shows an "obvious need for education programs aimed at teen-agers." We ask, "education to do what teach a kid to hold his liquor better or teach him that liquor and an automobile will kill him-and somebody else along with him." Lowering the legal age for liquor purchases was a mistake. The only way to rectify the prob- lems -which -will- arrive -with. this& mistake is to reverse the decision made in the first place. Same Old Maneuver In a day of unprecedented state money surpluses, the Florida Leg- islature managed to go through a session and still raise your taxes for the next fiscal year. They didn't commit the deed directly, but the results of their actions will mean more taxes to be paid by property owners. Governor Reubin Askew's pro- perty tax relief proposal created relief by placing an eight mill cap on school taxes levied within -the county; down from the previous cap of 10 mills. The purpose of the Governor was to have the State finance more of the school bill with the surplus now enjoyed by Florida. It won't work that way however, since the larger counties managed to get some changes made in the Cost of Living section of the education fund distribution formula. Last year, this proviso cost Gulf County near- ly $100,000 since the State people said it wasn't as expensive to live in Gulf as it was in, say, Miami, or Jacksonville. We're glad it isn't, but our kids need to learn just as Other Editors Say: bad, and they need the learning tools and qualified instructors just as bad. Stretching the dollars through lower living costs gives us the edge we need to attract com- petent teachers. As we see it, the new cost of living formula will further erode the state money coming to Gulf County. The eight mill tax limit will further reduce operating mon- ey for the schools. The schools must operate, however, whether on state or county money. Since the state money will be limited by the distribution formula, the county is the only place left to get it. The needed money can be had in the county, by simply raising the property valuation to compensate for the lost two mills and the cost of living money. Raising the valua- tion for the schools also raises it for other taxing bodies. So, dear friend, what started out to be a highly publicized pro- perty tax relief bill in this an election year, merely turned into the same old maneuver of raising your taxes. P' Etaoin (r f KEY BISCAYNE Cape Florida Lighthouse, located on the southeastern tip of Key Biscayne across the bay from Miami, is one of the historical sites included on the Florida Bicentennial Trail. Built in 1825, the lighthouse and the keeper's house have been restored and are open to the public. .ByI L Ever since release of the Nixon transcripts, a new phase which will endure has been born. It is called "exple- tive deleted.Y This, of course, refers to deletions in the White House transcripts where a curse word, that is, expletive, has been deleted. It only proves one thing: That President Nixon, in pri- vate at least, cusses. So what? Who doesn't? Now, before you start writ- ing the hate mail, think about it. (I once wrote a column indicating that a married couple who didn't fight never existed and got mail from couples who said they'd never, never had even a ser- ious argument. Poor souls.) But, yes, everyone uses ex- pletives. First of all, let's define the word. It doesn't necessarily mean a curse word. Webster says it's a word inserted in a sentence to fill a vacancy without add- ing to the meaning. An expletive could be a simple "darn it" (not mean- ing sock mending) as well as a stronger "dammit" (not meaning building a wall in a river.) When you say "oh heck" is it any worse than saying "oh hell?" There was a time when you rarely heard women use ex- pletives of the kind we THINK Nixon used, but even great grandmother used to say such things as "Oh mol- lycoddle" or some such. Her counterparts of today fre- quently use more salty exple- tives. According to a Time maga- zine survey, swearing ap- pears to have certain psycho- logicl and social benefits. Anthropologist Ashley Mon- tagu says it is freauentlv more satisfying than laugh- teen 'N Grassy Mike Beaudoin ing or crying. He also said "cussing is as old as man." Research, still quoting Time, shows that truck dri- vers, factory and construc- tion workers and men in the armed services are the most notorious users of expletives. Psychologist Paul Cameronr said that 24 per cent of the vocabulary of factory or con- struction workers on the job consists of "dirty" words. It is hard, Cameron notes, to put together sentences with more swear words than that. On the low end of the exple- tive usage list are white col- lar professionals who have just a one per cent rating in the office, but a three to four per cent rating at parties. This issue of expletives will surely bring forth as much hypocrisy as is evidenced by those who condemn drinking in public and do their tippling at home. One noted minister is already quoted as saying "One can't imagine that a man with decency would use such language, even sparing- ly, much less have it flow- and flow in the Oval Office." Oh, yes, most, if not all of us use expletives, even the little old lady who doesn't look the part at all. There was the demure housewife who never was heard to use an expletive as we know the word but she continually, when harassed, used the expression "horse feathers". Once, when she was real angry, she was asked what horse feathers meant. She said: "That's really a polite way of saying (exple- tive deleted). Support Your Local Merchant Shop at Home! LETTERS to the EDITOR Letter to the Editor: On Friday, May 24, about 5:30 p.m., my husband, -Hen- ry James, had a heart attack in our car on Highway 98. I returned to the service sta- tion in Mexico Beach, who in turn, called the Mexico Beach police and an ambu- lance. .When the policeman arrived, he did not know how to operate the respirator and, even if he had known, he could not have used it be- cause it was not in operating condition. In the ambulance on the way to the hospital in Port St. Joe, most of the cars travel- ing in the same direction would not yield the right of way to the ambulance, even though the siren was sound- ing and the light was flash- ing. Many of these cars had their windows open and must have heard the siren. Some motorists in cars with air conditioners running turned to look and saw the flashing light on the ambulance but chose to ignore what they knew was an emergency. I know now my husband was beyond help but not all people requiring the medical assistance of an ambulance are. Please let us all observe the law and yield the right of way to any and all emer- gency vehicles with lights flashing and sirens sounding. The busy season is here and the beach is full of vaca-, tioners. Think about them and yourselves. Someday you or a loved one may need the respirator and rapid trans- portation to the hospital. It would be disastrous if there were a serious accident or heart condition and the respirator was needed and not in operating condition. The Mexico Beach Police should be fully instructed in the use of the respirator. Mrs. Henry James Springfield, Florida SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR! Shrdlu by WESLEY Rt. RAMSEY A ',- *"^ .^ _*;' I 4:. ,.,, . :.- '- -.: .", Teachers Are Hired for Teaching Students Sterner disciplinary action may have to be taken by law against parents unless there is a change of attitude on the part of both the parents and school children as to their obligation with regard to the educational processes. Much of the time of the Colquitt County Board of Education in recent months has been devoted to hearing of disciplinary matters and making decisions. This means that considerably more time has been devoted than should be in the various schools of the system to dis- cipline and counselling of students on infractions of rules, because only a small percentage of the disciplinary cases are appealed to the full board. Education is costing tre- mendous sums of the tax- payers' money, all the way from kindergarten through high school and college. In- terference with the obligation of the schools-to give boys and girls the opportunity to develop their talents and in- crease their knowledge so they can compete in the world as citizens and work- ers-is both costly and unfair to those who wish to learn. To achieve the ends of edu- cation there must be discip- line and order in the schools, whether public or private. It is a basic requirement for educating young people so they can hold their own as future adults. Therefore the pupils must learn self-re- straint and obedience to school regulations. Parents, meanwhile, have an obligation to see that their children comply with esta- blished school regulations. It should be readily recognized there can be no satisfactory progress in student learning if a teacher must spend more time with discipline than with textbooks and lectures. The problem of education has become too costly and too valuable to allow inefficiency and looseness, either within the teaching profession or in the learning process. Educa- tors are trying desperately to improve their backgrounds, techniques and curriculum so they can give children maxi- mum opportunity for mental growth knowledge charge th ity, must role of di teachers education in their dealing matters. -Th Ad With TALLAHASSEE School * bells which ring for the last time signaling the end of another school year should and acquisition of warn motorists to be alert for e. Parents, to dis- fun loving youngsters begin- ieir own responsibil- ning their summer vacations t assume a better the Florida Highway Patrol disciplinarian so that said today. and the board of "The final school bell, will not be delayed bringing an end to classes for primary purpose- another summer, will release with educational thousands of children to swarm over Florida's streets e Moultrie Observer and highways and motorists face a great responsibility for their safety," said Colonel Ivertising Pays Eldrige Beach, director of increased Sales the Patrol. Some schools will close the last week in May and others will be closed by June 12. Drivers should be especial- ly alert for pedestrians and bike riders around vacant lots, recreation areas, parks and suburban areas where there are no sidewalks. Colonel Beach concluded by saying, "While the motorist has a responsibility for the safety of the child in the street, parents share in this responsibility to teach their children not to use streets and highways as play- grounds." PAGE TWO 2 II m When someone hands mie two free tickets to a dinner, I go. That happened last week, for the appreciation dinner given for Commissioner of Agriculture Doyle Conner held at the Admiral SBenbow Inn in Panama City Beach last Friday night. I went, even though the dinner wasn't supposed to start until 9:00 p.m., our time, and didn't actually start until nearly 10:00 our time. The dinner started late, but everything was going along well with a delicious rib of beef au jus (if my Italian serves me in proper order, au jus means "in juice") along with a baked potato and salad. We had some entertainment being furnished during the dinner by a musical group presenting Christian entertainment on the beaches through the summer and things were going along good. Then the air conditioner broke down. To be caught in a windowless room with about 400 people with no air conditioning last Friday night wasn't the most pleasant thing in the world. The air conditioner came back on about 30 minutes later, but overcoming the heat from that many bodies isn't the easiest thing for an air conditioner to do. On the way home, I saw my first streaker. In fact, though, it was a stroller rather than a streaker. About half way between St. Andrew and the Florida Theatre, there was a young boy, who appeared to be about 17 or 18 years of age, taking a midnight stroll in the altogether, merrily waving to the cars which were whipping by, on busy 15th Street. The boy was carrying what appeared to be a pair of cut off jeans folded up in his hand and was wearing a pair of sneakers and an old, floppy hat. A young girl tried to get him to come into a small restaurant but he walked up to the window, looked in, and kept going on his way up the side of the street. I've got ripe tomatoes coming off my vines now, but they are hard. Some of you "experts" tell me what's wrong. The hounds of Washington have President Nixon treed now, baying for more tapes, but the President feels he is up a tree tall enough to be safe and is growling defiance at the hounds and daring them to try and come after them. It's getting downright disgusting to read of the "case" being compiled against Nixon by the Committee for Impeachment. First, Nix- on's former lawyer, Mr. Buzhardt testified he heard, that a Cabinet official told someone else that the milk people were promised price support if they would make a sizeable contri- bution to the campaign fund. How much more explicit can you get? We could send a lot of our known criminals to jail on evidence like that, but only the President seems to be a worthy target of such unimpeachable sources as this. I can't see what the great hassle over the tapes is for, either. Taped evidence is not admissable in court unless the parties involved know their conversation is being taped. Such tapes wouldn't convict the murderers of the Alday family up in Donalsonville, if it were available, so how does a justice-seeking com- mittee hope to come up with an adequate case against the President which will stand up in court, through the so-called Watergate tapes? I read in the paper the other day where two men in Fort Walton Beach died from drinking too much gin. The two had a bet on as to which could drink the most gin in the shortest time. After about an hour the contest was called off when neither man could drink anymore. Along the way the "timekeeper" had lost count and knew only that each man had drunk between 32 and 48 ounces. During the night, one of the men was taken to the hospital from the jail where he had been taken on a drunk charge. He died 11 minutes later. The next evening, the other contestant's sister could not awaken him, so she took him to the hospital where he died the next morning. Who was the winner; the one who died first, or the one who died last? Motorists, Be Alert School Kids Are Out TALLAHASSEE "A people's program in state government,'' was the des- cription Florida Senate Presi- Sdent Mallory Horne gave in commenting on the results of the -74 session of the state legislature. "This ses- I sion was , more orien- ted toward the pro- I blems of the average Fl- ,' oridian than any other session in recent history," explained Horne, a veteran of 18 years of legislative service. "We provided tax relief for the elderly by granting them a $10,000 homestead exem- ption on property taxes. We rolled back school taxes for every property owner and we provided protection to those who purchase condominiums, he added. Home also pointed to-signi- ficant progress in public edu- cation. "We have given the impetus to a tightening of discipline in public schools and we have encouraged edu- cators to return to some of the more basic techniques of education so that students 4 leaving school will be able to read, write, spell and be bet- ter equipped to earn a liv- ing," Horne asserted. The candidate for the U. S. Senate, who has announced his intention of reforming congressional rules, said the legislative session just ended "was one of the finest from the standpoint of accomplish- ment and one of the smooth- est from the viewpoint of operations." Horne had pre- viously been successful in altering legislative rules. The changes he initiated are cred- ited with creating a more efficiently run legislative pro- cess. Another accomplishment which will benefit the aver- agew person, Home said, was the law which gives "people some power to avoid control by the 'phantom government' of the bureaucrats." Horne started a movement early in the session to pro- mote legislative review -of the rule making authority of state government agencies. "We found top echelon and even middle level executives indulging in rule making without legislative authority. In most instances these rules were not needed or were re- tarding commerce and the economy. Under the new law, government executives will be required to have specific statutory authority to impose new rules and the old rulks will be periodically reviewed. "In summary, we had a session in which the people, of Florida were in the driver's seat. We didn't accomplish all that we desired, but the progress was significant," Horne concluded. ID Change Made for Post Exchange St. Petersburg-If you are authorized to shop on an -Armed Forces Bse, the base exchanges now must have positive proof of your Social Security number if it is not shown on your individual ID cards, says W. B. Mackall, Director of the State of Flor- ida's Division of Veterans Affairs. This new requirement according to the Army and Air Force Exchange Service is designed conform with the recent switch of military re- cords to a toal Social Security System. The action applies to both active and retired mili- tary people and their depend- ents and authorized civilians The action was necessary, because ID cards issued prior to mid-1967, do not show a Social Security number. The Army and Air Force Exchange Service advises, that those people who hold ID cards issued before the mid-1967 date, request new cards, through the appro- priate military channels. Mackall stated, for depend- ents, exchanges will accept ID cards showing either their own or their sponsors Social Security numbers, or other documents showing their numbers, such. as Social Security card, medical card or. drivers' license. For further information on the above or any veteran matter, contact either your local County Veteran Service Office, any office of the Vet- erans Administration or write Mackall at Post Office Box 1437, St. Petersburg 33731 (including your VA claim number, Social Security num- ber, service number or any means of identification). THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 People Progress Comes from the Past Session Cool Comfortable Washable Cotton Shifts & Sleeveless Dresses $4.88 to S$9.88 Missy and half' sizes. Solids, denims, pastel ginghams and pique cords. Save! Save! Cool! Cotton Blouses $2.88 & $4.88 Sizes S, M, L: Colorful checks and prints to coordinate with jeans and shorts. Popular, carefree Girls Nylon Short Sets i $3.88 Asst. prints and stripes. Sizes 2-14. Children's Swimwear $1.88.to $5.88 Bikini or one piece prints or solids. Sizes .' 2-14.' [NM'] r~At, Beach Coverups $7.88 to $14.88 Colorful terry or lace coats. Short or glamorous long coats. Sizes S, M, L. Ladies' Swimwear $8.88 to $11.88 Bikini or one piece. Sizes up to 44 in one piece. Solids and prints. Washable Terry SCUFFS $1.00 pr. Cushioned sole, asst. colors, S, M, L and XL. BOYLES M Cool, comfortable clothes for those hot days ahead! Campus Quality Knit SHIRTS for men $2.59 to $7.88 Cottons, polyester and blends. S, M, L, XL. Men's SWIMWEAR $2.88 to $5.88 Enjoy the water, keep cool. Sizes S, M, L and XL. FOR BOYS ON-THE-GO Keep Cool, Have fun in the sun Boys and Youth Swim Suits $1.88 to $3.88 Boxer and stretch. Asst. V1 colors and fancies. Sizes 8-16 Boy's Cool Sportshirts or Knit SHIRTS $2.69 to $3.88 Sizes 8-18, "Campus". *Asst, solids and fancies. Working Man's Bonanza Famous Lee Chetopa Twill Permanent Press PANTS $7.88 pr. Save! on every pair. Sizes 29-52. Khaki or green. Canvas Stepper Oxfords $3.88 Brown or blue, sizes 7-12. Heavy crepe sole, soft and comfortable. Buy two pair now and save. / DEPARTMENT STORE "PAY CASH -- PAY LESS Dr. Henry Nehrling Had Good Advice By: Shannon Smith Home Grounds Specialist University of Florida One of Florida's most out- standing horticulturists was Dr. Henry Nehrling-orin- thologist, botanist and plant breeder. The horticultural writings of Dr. Nehrling were originally published by the American Eagle of Estero and covered a period dating from the early 1890's to the late 1920's. The famous plant explorer David Fairchild. once wrote, "Dr. Nehrling's writings should be available to the young people who are making gardens around their houses; for they not only give the facts regarding a host of interesting plants from which they may choose, but they tell in narrative form how one who learns to recognize plants can explore for a life- time the unlimited variety of beautiful forms which com- pose the plant kingdom." For the young and old who have not had the most plea- surable experience of reading horticultural notes by Dr. Henry Nehrling, I offer a selected few of his quotes. His advice seems to be need- ed more today than when it was written over 50 years ago. "Show me your garden, provided it is your own, and I will tell you what you are." "In both cultivation, and enjoyment of gardens, is peace, rest and contentment. Pleasure is not a luxury of life, but one of its necessities, and ornamental horticulture is one of the truest and most stimulating pleasures in life, and may be enjoyed by him who possesses only a window box, as well as the favored mortal with acres in abun- dance." "Florida is the land of almost unlimited possibilities as far as ornamental horti- culture is concerned. We are able to grow in the open af- hundreds-no, thousands-of species of exquisite tropical and subtropical plants which farther north can only be grown with much difficulty and with considerable trouble in expensive glasshouses. Nowhere, have I found such a wealth of beautiful native and exotic plants s in Florida, Wall Speaks On Vocation very aptly called the "land of flowers" and the "paradise of ornamental horticulture." Even if we were deprived of the exotic vegetation, we would b" able to form won- derful gardens by using only the material found in our woodlands apd along our water courses. There is no more beautiful evergreen tree in the whole plant world than our glorious evergreen" magnolia grandiflora bedeck- ed with its noble lustrous foliage and embellished with Charlie Wall spoke recently to Port St. Joe High School seniors who are planning entering immediate employ- ment. The presentation con- cerned careers in the rail- its snowy-white, deliciously fragrant flower-chalices. How picturesque are our broad moss-festooned live oaks! I do not know of a more .charmingly delicious per- fume that that exhaled by our swamp magnolia or sweet bay. Scarcely any of the exotic trees can vie in beauty with our loblolly bay, with the American holly and the dahoon, with the laurel cher- ry and the American olive." "It is always the greatest mistake to plant exclusively. road business and many use- ful hints in adjusting to to- day's changing society. Mr. Wall's presentation cul- minated this year's guidance or even predominatingly exo- tic species, as is usually done. In preparing a location for his home, the settler almost always removes the wonderfully picturesque old live oaks, the tall magnolias, the towering pines, and replaces them by camphor or the like. This is a grave mistake. The quotes could go on and on but of necessity must stop. Thanks, Dr. Nehrling, for some good advice. activities of resource persons. Such activities are under the direction of Mrs. Sarah A. Riley, Guidance Counselor, Port St. Joe High School. Men's Comfortable Polyester SLACKS $13.88 Dr. Extra nice, labelled qual- ity, sizes 29-40 W. ~q~ THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 Miss Austin and Mr. Quarles United Marriage MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM S. QUARLES III in Outdoor Miss Carol DeeAnn Austin became the bride pf William S. (Biff) Quarles, III, May 11, at 2:30 p.m. at a double ring, outdoor ceremony held in the courtyard of Lookout Moun- tain Presbyterian Church with Rev. Robert Hill offi- ciating. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Kenneth Lasure of West Terrehaute, Ind. and Ivan Austin of Paris, Ill. The groom is the" son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Quarles Jr. of Port St. Joe and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Quarles Sr. of Port St. Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Basil.E. Kenney, Jr. of Lynn Haven. The bride was given in marriage by her father, Ivan Austin. The organist was Dr. James Greasly and soloist was Miss Sherry Hill. The bride wore a gown of white organza and peau d'ange lace with a fitted em- pire waist and high banded neckline of lace. The gown had shepherdess sleeves with cuffs of lace. The skirt and train consisted of soft gathers with a double row of lace around the hemline. The skirt and bodice were accented with three panels of lace down the front. The bride's headpiece was a mantilla edged in matching lace with a brimmed bridal hat over- laid with pale yellow flower- ettes and silk illusion veiling. She carried a nosegay of white roses. Mrs. David Kinsey of Den- ver, Colorado served as matron of honor. She wore a long yellow print dress and carried a nosegay of yellow and white daisies. Serving as bridesmaids were Miss Bon- Ceremony nie Boyd of Columbia, S.C., and Miss Sherry Hill of At- lanta, Ga. The bridesmaids dresses were identical to that of the honor attendant. Serving the groom as best man was his father, William S. Quarles, Jr. George Mc- Lawhon, Jr. and Richard Lamberson, Jr. of Port St. Joe served as ushers. RECEPTION The reception was held in the courtyard of Lookout Mountain Presbyterian. Church. The bride's book was kept by Mrs. Linda Searfoss, sister of the bride. Miss Barbara Austin and Miss Debbie Lasure, sisters of the bride, presided at the punch bowl. Miss Susan Quarles, sister of the groom and Miss Sarah Ann Roberts, cousin of the groom, presided at the bride's table. Others who assisted in serving were Mrs. James B. Roberts and Mrs. Judy Parker. Rice girls for the occasion were Miss Laurie Smith and Miss Anne Quarles, sister of the groom. The bride is a graduate of .Bryan College, Dayton, Tenn. with a B.S. degree. The groom is a graduate of Port St. Joe High School and has completed two years of un- dergraduate study at Bryan College, Dayton, Tenn. He .is presently employed by St. Joe Paper Co. and intends to attend University of West Florida in the fall. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Quarles, Jr.; parents of the groom entertained the wed- ding party and out of town guests at a candlelight dinner party in the Missionary Ridge Room of the Holiday Inn. Whitfield Family Is Getting Together The 23rd annual Whitfield family reunion will be held Sunday, June 9, beginning at 9:00 a.m. in the Wewahitchka Community Center. All family members and friends are urged to attend and bring a well filled basket of food. Door prizes, music and talent contests will be featured. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The family of the late Vic- toria F. Price wishes to thank the many friends for their kindness during the long ill- ness and the death of their mother. Women's Auxiliary Meets Mrs. W. S. Quarles, Jr. and Mrs. W. S. Quarles, III Tea Fetes Bride In McLawhon Home A tea honoring Mrs. Wil- liam S. (Biff) Quarles, III was held May 28 at the home of Mrs. George McLawhon, Sr. at 1202 Monument Ave. Assisting Mrs. McLawhon as hostesses were Mrs. Ferrell Allen, Mrs. Cecil Costin, Sr., Mrs. Tom Ford, Mrs. Martin Bowman, Mrs. Elmore God- frey, Mrs. Dick Lamberson, Mrs. Joe McLeod, Mrs. Kay Parrott, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs. Edward Wood' and Mrs. Dick McIntosh. itar The bride's chosen colors of yellow and white were used throughout the house and lawn. The serving tables were covered with white cloths adorned with arrange- ments of yellow roses. The punch was served on the lawn by Miss Sarah Ann Roberts, Miss Fran Allen and Miss Anne Quarles, sister of the groom. Coffee was served by Mrs. Rick Lamberson and Mrs. Mike Kahl. The guests were registered in the bride's Photo book kept by Miss Sharon Bowman. Sharing the occasion with the bride were her mother-in- law, Mrs. William Quarles, Jr. and her grandmothers- in-law, Mrs. William S. Quarles, Sr. and Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, Jr. The Pentecostal Holiness Church Woman's Auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday, June 3, at the home of Mrs. Pat Atkins. The meet- ing was called to order by the president, Bernice Gosnell, with a concert.prayer follow- ing. Final plans were made for the W.A.-G.A. conference to be held at the Bloxem Heights Church in Tallahas- see Juhe 12-13. Jean McClam- ma was elected as the voting delegate to represent the local chapter. Officers of the local board will also be at- tending the conference in Tallahassee. Officers are president, Bernice Gosnell, vice president, Maxine Money; secretary-treasurer, Sharon Everett; and Board members Rita Todd and Wil- lie Mae Lollie. The following members were present for the meet- ing: Belle DuBose, Rita Todd, Jean McClamma, Eli- zabeth Raiford, Christine Dunlap, Bernice Gosnell, Sharon Everett, Pat Atkins, Margie Everett, Mae Plair, Katie Atkins and Willie Mae Lollie. Refreshments were served following the meeting. Open All Day Each Wednesday for your shopping convenience NEW STORE HOURS Open. 9 A.M. 8 Close 6:00 P.M. Monday through Saturday Western Auto 219 Reid Ave. Phone 227-2271. Square Dancers Elect New Officers Slate In Women of St. James Report On Their Recent Activities The Women of St. James held their regular business meeting at the Parish House last Monday. Business included reports, on various activities since the May meeting: the Baccalau- reate reception for the 1974 Port St. Joe High School graduates; the luncheon meeting with Mrs. Belva D. Moffitt and Mrs. Jackie Han- The Sunshiners Square Dance Club has elected a new slate of officers for the com- ing year. New officers are Allen Scott, president; Tal- madge Preston, vice presi- dent; Ruth Patterson, secre- tary; Joan Wuthrich, trea- surer; Virginia Harrison, his- torian; Mary Baxley, badge bunny; Greta Freeman, tele- phone committee chairman; and Louise Beard, Melissa Pridgeon and Kay Parrott, social chairmen. Plans are being made for the next square dance class. Anyone interested in learning to square dance may contact Allen Scott or any member of the Sunshiniers Club. It is hoped that young people and teenagers will also enroll for the class during the summer months. There are 15 classes, in which one learns the 50 basic square dance calls. The "Callers" and instruc- tors for this class will be Chester Gay and Daryl Mc- Millian of Panama City. Classes will be held in the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church. Bible School at Dalkeith Dalkeith Baptist Church will be holding Vacation Bible School June 10-1.4, 8:30 through 11:30 a.m. Prepara- tion day will be Saturday morning, June 8 at 9:00 a.m. Commencement night will be Sunday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. The church is located on Route 1, Hwy. 381, Wewa- hitchka. Every child from preschool age through sixth grade is cordially invited to attend. The church's goal this year is 80. According to Mrs. Clara Foster, the school director they want to make this the best school they've ever had. GCARC Puts Meeting Off The Gulf County Associa- tion for Retarded Children have postponed their monthly meeting from Thursday, June 6, until Thursday, June 13. On Friday, June 14, eight students from Gulf County Schools and their chaperones' will leave for Gainesville for the State Special Olympics, which will be held June 15. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Captain and Mrs. Bryan Paul of Mather AFB, Califor- nia, announce the birth of a son, Bradley Briggs Paul, May 21. Mrs. Paul is the former Ellen Scisson. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Briggs Scisson, formerly of Port St. Joe. cock of Wilmee Hall; and the diocesan children's home in Mobile.' The women voted to "adopt a child" at Wilmer Hall for special events during the year. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. Paul Johnson, presi- dent, with Mrs. R. H. McIn- tosh giving the devotional. * * Roy Smith Now Affiliated With Our Firm Smith has joined our firm this week in order to help. us offer a broader insurance- service to the Port St. Joe area. HAN NON INSURANCE AGENCY 221 Reid Ave. Phone 227-2011 We Manufacture Boat Trailers Cycle Trailers Utility Trailers Tilt Flatbeds We will custom build to your Specifications Trailer Parts Boat Trailers Reconditioned Hardware and Building Supplies l COASTAL SManufacturing Co. Phone 229-2763 Carley -' HARDWARE AND BUILDER'S SUPPLY PAGE FOUR MEET LAM M I Custom Built Cabinets Highway 98 Hiahland View - ~--- ---- - -- I ----r I I I I 'I----~II L s r IIIL ,o/^ 4 Judy Graham, Gary Rowan Wed in Highland View Church THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 PAGE FIVE MR. AND MRS. GARY ROBERT ROWAN Miss Judith Ann Graham and Gary Robert Rowan wete united in marriage on Saturday, April 13 at 4 p.m. in the Highland View Baptist Church. The Rev. William N. Stephens performed the dou- ble ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Gra- ham of Port St. Joe and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rowan of San Antonio, Tex. The bride, given in mar-, riage by her father, wore a formal gown designed in white silk embroidered or- ganza, featuring a natural waistline. The bodice was de- signed with scallops and tiny covered buttons down the center front with a stand up lace collar. Her veil of silk illusion edged with tiny lace daisies, fell from a Camelot headpiece edged with daisies and flowed into a chapel length train. She carried a cascade bouquet of delicate pink roses centered with a cattelya orchid. Miss Susan Johnson of Daisy, Tenn. served the bride as maid of honor. Other attendants were Linda Wood of Port St. Joe and Charlotte Colbert of McKenzie, Tenn., sisters of the bride; Sandy and Debi Rowan, sisters of the groom, of San Antonio, Tex. Robert L. Rowan served his son as best man. Grooms- men were Larry Boatwright, Jerry Wood and Robert Gra-. ham of Port St. Joe, and Lavon Spoon of Niceville. A reception hosted by the bride's parents was held fol- lowing the ceremony in the church social hall. Mrs. Deannie Daniels and Mrs. Ruth Lucas presided over the bride's table. Mrs. Lavonia Gibbs attend- ed the groom's table. Other refreshments were served by Mrs. Marguerite Tootle, Mrs. Leo Kennedy and Mrs. Katy Mangum. Mrs. Helen Gilley assisted guests in registering. Rice bags were passed by Misses Lisa Rowan, sister of the groom, and Holly Gra- ham, sister of the bride. The couple are now resid- ing at 44 Scott Circle, Waco, Texas, where the groom is attending Texas State Tech- nical Institute and the bride is employed as a secretary in the Aviation Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Rowan, parents of the groom, honored the wedding party and out of town guests after the wedding rehearsal with a seafood dinner at the Gold Room, Officer's Open Mess, Tyndall Air Force Base. Feted at Cookout Miss Brenda Faison and Lt. Jack Dunne were entertained recently with a cookout host- ed by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Joines and Lt. and Mrs., Wayne Pate. The affair was held in the beach home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Pate at St. Joe Beach. After an evening of dinner and fun, the hosts presented the honored couple with a gift of carved teakwood consist- ing of a salad service for eight. The gift was chosen by Lt. Pate during his recent stay in Thailand. Others enjoying the even- ing were Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Faison and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Faison. The mar- riage of Miss Faison and Lt. Dunne will be confirmed at the First United Methodist Church on June 22 at 3:00 p.m. Mrs. Sidney Anchors, Mrs. Lamar Fai- James Harrison, Mrs. Wade Barrier, Jr. son, Mrs. Fred Sutton, the honoree, Mrs. and Mrs. Jesse Stone. Star Photo Inspiration for Shower Miss Brenda Faison, June bride-elect, was the honoree at a lovely coffee shower held Saturday morning, June 1. For the occasion the Meth- odist social hall was decor- ated in the honoree's chosen colors of yellow and green pastels. Magnolia, fern, ivy and flowers in the windows and on the piano were rem- iniscient of a summer gar- den. Daisies, day lilies and gladioli gracefully comple- mented tall slender yellow tapers, silver service and ecru lace over yellow cloths. Mrs. Jim Faison tended the -,bride's book at a dainty round table covered with ruf- fled'yellow tulle. Miss Faison was resplen- dent in a long dress of yellow, green and white picque. A daisy corsage completed her outfit. She was attended by her mother, Mrs. Lamar Fai- son, who was lovely in pale green and white plaid. To- gether they greeted some 200 friends who came to wish her happiness, and who presented her with many useful gifts. Hostesses were Mrs. Wal- ter Johnson, Mrs. Fred Sut- ton, Mrs. Sidney Anchors, Mrs. Robert Nedley, Mrs. Charles Norton, Mrs. Carey Floore, Mrs. Jesse Stone, Mrs. Wade Barrier, Jr.. aid Mrs. James Harrison. Garden Club to Plan New Year's Projects Next Thursday, June 13, is an important date on the cal- endar for all members of the Port St. Joe Garden Club. Mrs. Ethel Bridges, newly elected president, has called this meeting to get the assist- ance of all the members in planning the club programs and projects for the coming year. The meeting will be a pot luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Ralph Nance, Columbus Road, St. Joe Beach at 12:30 p.m. A covered dish should FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School .............. 9:45 A.M . Morning Worship Service ... .11:00 A.M. Church Training ........... 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service .... 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting (Wed.) ...... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" be brought by members. Everything else will be fur- nished by Mrs. Nance. All members are urged to attend this special meeting and enjoy a pleasant after- noon at the beach.t VISITS WITH FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Donald Adams of Hampton, Va. visit- ed last week with Mrs. Anna Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sheffield and other friends in Port St. Joe. MISS PINKY PICKRON Couple Engaged Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pick- ron of Kinard are proud to announce the engagement and approachiirng marriage of their daughter, Pinky, to David Earl Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stone of Wewahitchka. The wedding will be an event of June 14 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Holiness Church at Kinard. No invita- tions are being sent, but all friends and relatives are in- vited to attend. A reception will follow at the church. ,: , Carolyn Young Completes Training Carolyn Young has com- pleted her training at the Gulf Coast Academy of Hair Design in Panama City. She received proficiency certifi- cates from Clairol Institute of Haircoloring and Redken Scientific School of Cosmetol- ogy. She also received diplomas from Pivot Point Internation- al in Hair Designing and from M'Lord International Inc. of Chicago in Male Hair Styling. She will be employed by Aline's Beauty Shop of Port St. Joe. .I . I Inspiration for Shower Marks Birthday Helen Jeanette Petty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Petty who reside at 520 3rd St., celebrated her third birthday June 1. She celebrated the occasion with an, outing at Petticoat Junction. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Petty and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDon- ald, all of Houston, Tex. Miss Wyvonne Griffin was the inspiration for'a miscel- laneous shower given in her honor on May 21 in the home of Miss Phyllis Thomason. Miss Debbie Hamm 'assisted Miss Thomason in hosting the event. Mrs. Buford Griffin and the Yellow, the bride's chosen prospective groom's mother, coloowa thusbrde houen Mrs. J. B. Hattaway. color, was used throughout s the party rooms. The hostesses nroepnted the Enjoying the Occasion with the honoree were her mother, I IIU 11w)Lubbub Flubuinvy U1. honoree with a silver tray as a memento of the occasion. Eta Upsilon Meets Eta Upsilon Chapter 5845 met May 21 in the home of Donna Roberts. Preceding the business meeting the annual salad supper was held. Ways and Means Chairman Donna Roberts suggested selling calendars as a good club project. Helen Jeanette Petty Lemon Velvet Tangy lI.emon Velvet is the perfect topper to a sunner dinner parlv. This luscious molded (dessert is rich enough o dress lip simple mealn yet light enlou.glto he served on hot summer days. (iain time to spend outdoors while taking advantage of the time- saving bonus of enriched self-rising flour. The baking powder and sail are prellended into the flour by the miller in just-right propor- lions, eliminating nmeatsurillg and mixing steps. Enriched self-rising flour also has ;anl important nutritional bonus. The essential B- 'ila;nins, llhiaimine. niacin .and riboflavin, plus the minerals. iron ;ind c iinm. have been added to the flour for your family's daily good health. Leimon Velvet aboiit 10 to 12 servings 2 cups enriched self-rising I package (6 oz.) lemon- flour* flavored gelatin I .' clips stigar I cup whipping crearn ,"2 cup shortening .'I cup sugar I cup milk Whipped cream, sweetened 2 egg.s 'Shredded lemon peel 1 tablespoon lemon extract Sliced almonds, toasted Stir ogetlher flour and sitguar. Blend in shortening and 2% cup milk. Heat 2 minutes with electric, mixer at medium speed. Blend in remaining milk. eggs anlld lemon extract. Beat at medium speed 2 inuinles. I)our into 2 greased and paper-lined 8-inch round cake pans. Hake in preheated 350 oven 25 to 35 minutes. Cool 10 minutes before relmovillg from pans: break into small pieces while warm. Prepare gelatin as package directs. Chill until slightly thick- cned. Whip cream gradually beating in sugar. Fold into gelatin. F-'old in cake pieces. l'our into 9-cup mold and chill until firm, at least 4 hours, preferably overnight. Unmiold: top with whipped cremn, lenion p, I and toasted almonds. ::Spooin flour into idl'r measuling cup; level. Do not scoop. CADILLAC PONTIAC LIMANS FIREBIRD WILMER THURSDAY NEW AND USED CARS LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC, INC. PHONES: 930 HARRISON AVENUE Bus.I 763-6575 PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA RKa. 763.9624 the members of the Church of Christ Invite you to meet with them: Sunday Morning Bible Study 10:00 Sunday Morning Worship.... 11:00 Sunday Night................ 6:00 Wednesday Night............ 7:00 Comer 20th St. & Marvin Ave. James Brantley, Minister Phone 227-2521 The chapter prepared the 1973-74 yardstick. The chap- ter rated a Two Star Chapter with a total of 278 points. Elaine Jackson presented the program entitled "The Beautiful." The meeting was adjourned with all members repeating the closing ritual. An enjoy- able social period followed. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Aveqrue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL ............ ............ 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ....................... 11:00 A.M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .............. 6:15 P.M., EVENING WORSHIP ...................... 7:30 PM. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) .......... 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor RE N FRO AUTO PARTS 401 Williams Ave. Complete line of Auto Parts and Tools /Willard Batteries Gates Belts and Hoses Rebuilt Parts Telephone 229-6013 WEDDINGS - ANNOUNCEMENTS Whatever your printing needs, wed- ding invitations, baby shower, anni- versary parties, we can print it for you. We specialize in fine printing for special occasions. THE STAR 227-3161 Attend the Church of Your Choice ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL CHURCH 309 6th Street, INVITES YOU HOLY COMMUNION .................. ..... 7:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL ........................ 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery) ........... 11:00 A.M. HOLY CObMMUNION (First Sundays) ...... 11:00 A.M. RECTOR: THE REV. SIDNEY G. ELLIS 229-6599 III I I _I EXPLOSIVE SAVINGS LIKE THESE EXPLOSIVE SAVINGS LIKE THESE f Thil Coupon Toward the I worth 9 4 purchase of YOUPAY 96c I a Limit l coupon o l$7.50o r d I I d.ma.d thru So. JUNE 9 L------------ This C.oupon Yo~ord the worth 30 Purohosnof l! OPAY L~imi oupon w $7.50orde 2 F. o z. hr on $1UN 9 Mn~E~a~B9 L I I L -* L1 LaWS-1-fta rI ,&7 Smith Returns to Nazarenes The Port St. Joe Church of The Nazarene was represent- ed at the newly formed North Florida District Convention at Gainesville by Rev. and Mrs. Roy Smith, David Ruck- man, Margie Bennett, Ethel Matlock, Bulah Knight and Glena Knight. In the Pastoral Reports, Rev. Smith, pastor of the local church, reported gains in almost every department. All local, district and general budgets were paid in full, with the greatest accomplish- ment being the paying of the indebtness of the local church and property. Rev. Smith also advocated the importance of The Church of The Nazarene be- ing more ecumenical. He stated all denominations should work together to pre- serve and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Rev. Smith has been elect- ed to serve as pastor of the local church this Assembly Kiwanis Send Kid to Camp The Port St. Joe Kiwanis Club has agreed to send an underprivileged boy to Camp Bali Hai this summer, after an offer was made by camp operator, Walter Wilder to cooperate with the Club in sending a boy who would otherwise find it impossible to attend a summer camp. .Wilder said the boys camp is growing in popularity and is now offering the program Jfor underprivileged children along with their regular camping program, with spon- sors selecting the camper and furnishing him with the necessary items for a camp- ing experience. Guests of the club last Tuesday were Curtis Lane and Key Clubbers Jim Mc- 'Neill, Bruce May and Mark Wimberly. year. Gainesville's First Naza- rene Church hosted the visit- ing delegates from 40 church- es in the first annual assem- bly of the Church of The Church of The Nazarene's newly formed North Florida District. Dr. Jonathan Gas- sett was. elected superinten- dent of the district arid chal- lenged North Florida Naza- renes to add at least 400 new church members next year, to bring district membership to 4,000. Planning Group Is Meeting The Board of Directors of the Gulf County Golden Anni- versary Commission has cal- led its annual General Mem- bership meeting for June 10 at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T. at the Commission meeting room in the Port St. Joe City Hall. Due to its large member- ship, personal notification of each member is not feasible. Therefore, the Commission is using the press to advise the membership of the meeting. All members are urged to be present. An invitation is ex- tended to all others that are interested in the celebration. The main purpose of the meeting will be to give a complete report to the people of Gulf County and Mexico Beach and to receive new ideas for the celebration. Two Names Left Off Honor Roll Two names were left off the honor roll published re- cently. Simona Williams, a seventh grader, made the A & B roll for the fourth six weeks and the "All A" roll for the fifth six weeks. Linda Rushing, an eighth grader made "All A's" for the fifth six weeks. NOTICE Dr. G. W. Butts will be at the Port St. Joe Fire Station Saturday, June 8 2:00 to 5:30 P.M. EDT for the purpose of vaccinating small animals (dogs, cats, etc.) against rabies. The amount of $4.00 will be charged for each animal treated. All persons are urged to have their animals treated at this time for the protection of themselves, their families and the community. All animals will be registered and License Tags obtained at the Vet's office during the above time. License tags are:$1.00, First Animal $.50, second animal; $.50, third animal. Max. fee of $2.00. H. W. Griffin Chief of Police Legal Advertisement NOTICE Please take notice that the Depart- ment of Natural Resources, through the Division of Marine Resources, pursuant to Section 161.053, Florida Statutes, will conduct a public hearing on June 18, 1974, commencing at 9:00 A.M. in the auditorium of the Larson Building, located on Gaines and Monroe Street, in Tallahassee, Florida. The purpose of this public hearing is to continue taking evidence for the establishment of a coastal construction setback line along the gulf front of Bay SCounty. Copies of aerial photographs upon which the location of the setback line is shown, are on display at the following locations: County Courthouse-Room 102-Mc. Kenzie and 4th Street, Panama City, Florida City Hall--City Meeting Room-High- way 79 and Backbeach Road, Panama City Beach, Florida Mexico Beach City Hall-Highway 98, Mexico Beach, Florida Any interested parties may attend and give testimony at this public hearing. Clifford A. Willis, Director Division of Marine Resources Department of Natural Resources 2t 6-6 BID NO. WWP61 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, Invites bids on the following described items: 1-Ford landscape root rake S-N 9901 Series 784 Model UAR 40, 7' wide or equal 1-Disc harrow Taylorway model 200161 S-N 11892, 9' wide or equal 1-Ford flail mower series 917 S-N K403795, 88" wide or equal Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP61". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept o0 reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., June 18, 1974. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commis- sion Meeting June 18, 1974, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Build- ing, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 2t 6-6 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOUR- TEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. Case No. 74-58 IN RE: The Marriage of MARY H. DUNLAP, Wife, and MICKEY K. DUNLAP, Husband. NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Mr. Mickey K. Dunlap P.O. Box 2174 Williamsburg, Va. You are notified that the above- named petitioner, Mary H. Dunlap, has filed a Petition for Dissolution of Mar- riage in the above-styled Court and that you are commanded to serve a copy of written defense, if any, on Stephen H. Kurvin, Petitioner's attorney, whose address is Post Office Box 2313, Pan- ama City, Florida 32401, on or before the eighth day of July, 1974, and file the original with the Clerk of this Court either before service on petitioner's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default may be entered against you for the relief demanded in the petition. WITNESS my hand and seal this third day of June, 1974, of this court of Panama City, Florida. GEORGE CORE, Clerk of the Circuit Court By: -s- Margaret B. Core, Deputy Clerk 4t 6-6 The Board of County Com- missioners of Gulf County met on May 28 in regular session with the following members present: A. Lanrar Davis; Walter Graham; T. D. (Doc) Whitfield and Chair- man S. C. Player. Sheriff Raymond Lawrence, Clerkl, George Y. Core, Deputy Clerk Jerry Gates, Mosquito Control Supervisor Emmette Daniell, and Road Superin- tendent Lloyd Whitfield were also present. The Clerk opened the meet- ing with prayer and led the pledge of allegiance to the flag. The minutes of May 14 were read, approved and adopted. Frank Graddy, James Lynch and Lafayette Warren, representing Provident Insur- ance Company, reported to the Board that the employ- ees' hospitalization insurance suffered a loss ratio of 117 per cent for the past year as claims paid were $9,253.41 in relation to premiums re- ceived of $7,924.97. He added that the loss ratio would nec- essitate an increase in pre- mium of $3.61 to $21.55 for each individual policyholder and an increase of $11.00 to $53.58 for each family policy- holder. He recommended the Board pay the employees' Bike Hike Is Big Success The Gulf County Associa- tion for Retarded Citizens recently held its 1974 Nation- al Bike-Hike for the Retard- ed which was met with good participation. There were 26 adult and student riders who completed or nearly complet- ed the 25 mile course from Port St. Joe High School to Cape San Blas and returned. W. D. Holten, Chairman of. the Hike, and Association president, Millie Lyles, ex-, tend their '-appreciation to Rich's IGA, Thames Fabric, Jake's Restaurant, the parti- cipants and the bikers'" spon- sors for their efforts in help- ing to wipe out mental re- tardation in the nation. individual policy as to in- crease participation in the plan or else it would be diffi- cult to find an insurance company to insure the em- ployees. Commissioner Gra- -ham moved the Board insure all county employees as of June 1, 1974, paying for each employeess' individual policy in the amount of $21.55, with each employee responsible 'for paying all additional cost to insure his family. Comm. Davis seconded the motion and it was passed unani- mously. Comm. Graham then moved that Board employee policy be amended to provide that no employee hired after May 28, 1974, shall be eligible for the insurance benefit until he has been employed for 60 days. Commissioner Davis seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Robert Montgomery of the Port St. Joe Jaycees asked the Board to support the Jay-' cee effort to have an over- pass bridge across the canal at Highland View. The Board agreed to furnish copies of resolutions adopted at past sessions of this Board. The Board agreed to attend and support the Jaycee ef- forts with government offi- cials in Tallahassee. Jim White of the Port St. Joe Jaycees, presented the Board with a copy of the rules and regulations govern- ing the regulation of public water and sewerage systems in Seminole County. He urged the Board to study and adopt a similar set of rules to help preserve the natural beauty and environment of areas in Gulf County such as Cape San Blas. The Board told Mr. White they had entered into a contract with the State De- partment of Community Af- fairs whereby the Northwest Florida Development Coun- cil, in conjunction with a group of local citizens (Gulf County Planning Commis-' sion), has developed a coin- prehensive growth plan for Gulf County. The plan is to be adopted or rejected upon pub- lie hearings duly advertised in The Star and the Gulf County Breeze. Preston C. Simpson appear- ed before the Board to pre- sent an easement for removal of dirt from his property and requested the Board remove such dirt before 11/ years had elapsed. The Board dis- cussed this matter and told Mr. Simpson. that present Board policy was a three- year removal period and, in consideration of other ease- ments, it would have to ad- here to this policy. After dis- cussion, Comm. Graham moved the easement for dirt from the property of Preston C. Simpson be accepted. Commissioner Whitfield sec- onded the motion and it pass- ed unanimously, said ease- ment being recorded in OR Book 57, pages 445 and 446. Upon question by Mr. Simpson, the Board stated that the reason for delay in construction of a ditch at Butlers Bay had been the failure of property owners to supply the Board with the re- quested easements. After presentation, Comm. Graham moved an easement to remove dirt from the pro- perty of J. C. and Sybil Laur- imore be accepted. Commis- sioner Davis seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously, said easement being recorded, in 0 R Book 57, pages 447 and 448. The Board received the fol- lowing employment applica- tions: Douglas Gray, Davis Hysmith, Marion Francis Parrish, Sybil Hathcox, Nita Pearl Collins, Helen Marie Nunnery, Terry Ann Arm- strong, Tony Vincent Harri- son, William Wayne McKier- June 6 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, .1974 PAGE SEVEN nan, Albert Ray Strickland, Billy David Parker, Dallas Presley (in person) and Charlie Presley (in person). Don Averitt, president, Uni- versal Security Patrol, intro- duced himself to the Board and requested the Board con- sult with him concerning future ambulance service. The Board received the April billing from the Divi- sion of Family Services in the amount of $393.27 for medi- .caid services. The Clerk was instructed to file this bill. After discussion, Comm. Graham moved that Em- mette Daniell be allowed to investigate these bills as the Board has no way of knowing the legal residence or health status of the patients. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unani- rhously. - Pursuant to invitation to receive, sealed bids for one tractor and grass cutter for the Mosquito Control Depart- ment, the following bids were received: J. F. Swearingen: tractor, $7,583.74, bush hog, $1,095.00 for a total bid of $8,678.74. ' Big Bend Tractor Compa- ny: tractor, $7,067.00, bush hog, $925.00 for a total bid of $7,992.00. After discussion, Commis- sioner Davis moved the low bid of $7,992.00 from Big Bend Tractor Company be accepted. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. After discussion, Comm. Whitfield moved the Board accept the following execu- tive proposal for the planned use of revenue sharing funds: Multipurpose and General Government, $148,396.00. Comm. Graham seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. The Board received official certification from the City of Port St. Joe that James B. "Benny" Roberts was elected City Commissioner from * Group Three and Gerald L. Sullivan was elected from Group Four. The Army Corps of Engi- neers reported that repair work on the dike and drain- age system was needed be- fore dredging could be com- pleted in the Gulf County canal. The Board, having just completed repair work on the canal, requested the Road Superintendent meet with the area engineer to investigate this request. The Board was notified of the annual general member- ship meeting of the Gulf County Golden Anniversar-- Commission on June 10, 1974 at 8:00 p.m., Port St. Joe time, in the Commission Meeting Room of the Port St. Joe City Hall. The Board received notice that Senator Mallory Horne will be guest speaker at the Wewahitchka Rotary lunch- eon, June 12 at 12:00 noon. The Board received a re- quest from the Honorable Sammy Patrick, Gulf County, Tax Assessor, for a 1974-75 budget in the amount of $57,550.00. The Board agreed to consider this request at its annual budgetary hearings. The Board received a letter from Andrew F. Thomas, Division of Family Services, on behalf of worker's in the old courthouse in Wewahitch- ka, expressing concern over the deplorable condition of the courthouse. The Comm. in charge of the building was instructed to investigate the condition of the building and grounds. The Board received a pro-' posed typical section for Job No. 51560-3168, streets in Port St. Joe. After discussion and comparison with the Board's five-year road program, Comm. Graharp moved the Board investigate their five- year priority list with the Department of Transporta- tion before the section is approved. Comm. Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. The Board discussed the proposal by the Department of Transportation to remove 41.765 miles from the Gulf County primary road system as recorded in the minutes of .May 22. Comm. Graham moved the Board hire some- one to count vehicular traffic on SR 22 for one full week and record the county of resi- dence of each car to prgve that the road is used more by out of county traffic than local traffic. Commissioner Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Commissioner Player re- ported that Mrs. Jean Arnold is requesting the Board open up Fifth Street in Beacon Hill. The Road Department Commissioner agreed to check into the matter and report back to the Board. There being no further bus- iness, the meeting adjourned. S. C. Player, Chairman ATTEST: George Y. Core, Clerk July 7 I U The Office of Dr. John V. Philpot Located in. Port St. Joe Will Be CLOSED Looking for office supplies? Come see what we have in stock. PENCIL SHARPENERS HT /WIRE LETTER TRAYS HEETS ACCO PAPER FASTENERS 4*.. SFor binding correspondence, orders and alLU.other class of papers. Standard two-hole punchlnq. Complete wllt base and prongs. THE STAR PUBLISHING CO. NDEXES 227-3161 304-306 Williams Ave. LEDGER S LEDGER I ---- ---- ---------- -----ii; ` --~~..' .' I.i -- I- ---- ;-- -~--'~-~- ~----~~ ` ~ 1-~'~11111111111111Irr~r~~ rMEOW Protection For over 5,000 years, RX has sym- -I bolizedc han's weapons against , disease. The ancient Egyptiahs used the magic eye of Horus, ' God of Day, as a charm to guard them against ills and suffering. centuries later, the eye reap- peared in a form similar to our "4" and evolved gradually into its present RX. But your doctor doesn't depend on Horus or Jupiter... he relies on your Rexall Pharmacist and the improved drug products your pharmacist. stocks. You, too, can rely on Rexall brand products. YOUR &/t' PHARMACY BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-N371 317 Williams Convenient Drive-in Window Plenty of Free Parking Beautify School Grounds In order to make the school sites more attractive and as a by-product to prepare school property for the Gol- den Anniversary Celebration in 1975, the local school board has decided to begin work on all school grounds. Some schools have already been planted in new grass and others will be planted in the early summer. In the Port St. Joe area, the three schools will add some facilities for grass watering. Grass will be sown in bare spots, and shrubbery will be added as much as possible. Soil samples have already been taken at the schools and sent to Gaines- ville for analysis. In addition the School Board is purchas- ing new equipment and hiring additional personnel to work on school grounds this sum- mer. If any local citizens have shrubbery that needs remov- ing, and would like to donate to the school system, please call Allen Scott or Harry Her- rington at 229-3221, and ar- rangements will be made to pick it up during the sum- mer. Please do not bring shrub- bery to the schools without Completes Operators' Course Star Photo The men shown have successfully completed their Cer- Anthony Maige, Larry McArdle, Bob Simon, Plant Opera- tified Operators examination as licensed Waste Water tor, James White, William Ebersole, James Handley and Plant operators. From left first making arrangements with either Mr. Scott or Mr. Herrrington, as the ground crew will not be working full time at any one school. All donations will be greatly ap- preciated. Shackelford On Med. Cruise Marine PFC Arthur L. Shackelford, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Shackel- ford Sr. of 322 Avenue D, Port St. Joe, left Camp Le- Jeune, N.C. May 22, with the 34th Marine Amphibious Unit, for a six-month Mediterrean cruise. He will participate in train- ing exercises, and visit sev- eral Mediterrean countries while the unit is deployed. Legal Ad REGISTRATION OF FICTITIOUS NAMES We the undersigned, being duly sworn, do hereby de- clare under oath that the names of all persons inter- ested in the business or pro- fession carried on under the of RENFRO AUTO PARTS at 401 Williams Avenue, Port St. joe, Florida 32456 and the ex- tent of the interest of each, is as follows: Willie W. Renfro, Owner. -s- Willie W. Renfro Cylinder If the idea of someone setting fire to reclamation a forest burns Vyo up Service do something Valve grinding abOut it. Valve seal, guide * and seat installation Stop wildfire. Report arson. Disassembly Help prevent forest fires Testing in the South. Cleaning Head resurfacing WESTERN AUTO High Performance 219 Reid Avenue Services Port St. Joe, Fla. Precision Work will be Fast Delivery OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY O EST | ^Beginning Next Week I* J For Your Shopping Convenience AUTO PARTS NEW HOURS 201 LONG AVENUE Open 9:00 A.M. Close 6 P.M. .Port St. Joe, Florida Monday through Sat. Phone 227-2141 Closed Sunday MOVIES Thursday, Friday, Saturday June 6, 7 & 8 "Jesus Christ Superstar" No. 1 Drive-In Theater Apalachicola, Fla. to right: Charles Barbee, Fish Camp Special or eff. apt. stove, sink, refrigerator combination. All in one unit. 48" long, stainless steel, $125. Roberson's Store Building, Highland View. ltp 6-6 A Daniel White Transit T Pot and target in excellent condition. 229-6080. 2tc 6-6 If you are healthy and don't mind work and have a desire to get ahead, then buy this good going business. Burke's Gulf Ser. in White City. Rea- son for selling is bad health and other interests. 229-2421. It 6-6 19' Amana freezer, deluxe baby car seat, swing set. 227-5461. It 6-6 1970 Altair mobile home. Small equity and assume payments. 12 x 80, 2 BR. 648-6001. tfc 6-6 USED FURNITURE SALE All good merchandise. Stove, sink, refrig. combina- tion, 48" over all, ideal for fish camp or apt. Desks, dressers, chairs, box spring mattress, frames, complete, $30.00. Roberson's Store Building Highland View Ping Pong table, heavy duty, practically new. 229- 6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 6-6 Rabbits for sale, $2.00 each. Phone 229-6118. tfc 5-16 Large landscaped lot with 3 BR Peacemaker mobile home, garden spot, White City. 229-6094. tfc 5-16 1973 750 Suzuki motorcycle, 10' cabover truck camper, sleeps five, fully equipped.' fully equipped. See David Rich in Wewahitchka. 639- 5343 or 639-5456. 4tc 5-16 Brand new automatic Zig Zag sewing machine. Makes button holes, sews on buttons, monograms, plus many more useful fancy stitches. Only 12 payments. $5.50 per month. Free service, fully guaran- teed, free demonstration. 229- 6782. tfc 5-30 1974 Yamaha RD 350 c.c. motorcycle. Like new, under 2500 miles. More information call 227-2071 days, nights 229- 6108. tfc 5-30 1973 Kawasaki motorcycle 250 c.c. trail bike, $400. See at; Burke's Gulf Service in White City. 2tc 5-30 10 speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available, western auto, Port St. Joe. tfc-6-15 Curtis Lane. For sale: Fryers, see Elmo Ford at 1316 McClellan Ave. ltp 6-6 For Sale: 312 x 7 pool table, like new. See at pool room in White City. .. tfc 4-18 THE SEWING CENTER, Headquarters for all of your, sewing needs. *229 Reid Ave. tfc 2-28. Call Walter Duren 229-5931 for Black Dirt, Fill Sand, Builders Sand and Gravel. 16 tp 3-7 House Building from the ground up. Remodeling cabinets, painting, no job too large or too small. Call Grady Mathis, 229-1406. 4tp4-4 Start living Southern style. Own your own brick home built on your lot or ours. All the home fea- tures and service you would expect from a quali- fied licensed builder. Call James Floyd Southern Home Builders. 794-6711, Dothan, Ala. tfc 4-11 Two bedroom unfurnished apt. for rent. Smith's Phar- macy. tfc 6-6 FURNISHED APART- MENT. All electric, newly decorated, wall to wall car- pet. Near the Gulf. Call 227- 3151 during the day or 648- 3157 after 6:30 p.m. tfc-5-30 For Rent: One and two bedroom attractively fur- nished apartments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appre- icated. Contact Mrs. B. C. Prince, at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 or 648-3101. Furnished beach cottages at reasonable rates. 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc 12-27 Two bedroom furnished apt. (no linens) at Beacon Hill, waterfront. Couple only. 648-4842. tfc 5-9 Wanted: Person to share ride and expense, etc. for Federal jury duty at Mar- ianna, June 24. Call 229-6387. Lost LOST: 2 female Irish set- ters in Woodlawn, Panama City, "Girlie", 5 yrs. old, 'Zoey", 1 year old. $100.00 reward for each dog. No questions asked. 234-6457. 2tc 5-30 Wewa, for sale: 3 BR frame house on approximately 1 acre, a-c, w-w carpet, built- in kitchen, ceramic bath, and carport. $9,500 cash. 639-2776, Wewa. 2tp 6-6 For Sale: 3 BR, 2 bath 'house, Call 229-6655 for.infor- mation. 2tp 5-30 -For Sale: By owner,'three bedroom, 2 bath, living roem, den, storage house, garage, boat shed, double lot. If interested call 912-768-2361 during day only. tfe 2-14 Trailer space for rent at Jones Homestead. R. L. Tull, 229-9677. tfc 5-2 Needed immediately, wait- resses at the Top of the Gulf Restaurant at Mexico Beach. Experienced or well trained. Phone 648-3023. 3tc 5-23 R.A.M.-Regular convoca- tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. J. L. SIMS, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. There will be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurs- day at 8:00 p.m. William McFarland, W.M. Herbert L. Burge, Sec. For Rent: nicely furnished one BR house. Suitable for one person. 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 6-6 For Rent: Furnished 2 BR house, laundry and storage room. 229-6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 6-6 Northwest Florida Struc- ture Cleaning. Kill mildew and fungus on eaves and homes, Improves looks 95 to 100 per cent. (1)-769-0333. 5t- 5-30 Ski Breeze Camp Sites For your summer joy, rent a camper on the Gulf. Two campers for rent by week- end, week or month. For re- servatiOn, call 229-6622. 18t 5-9 VW Owners-James Pad- gett, a factory trained and proven VW mechanic is on duty to serve you. Call or stop by. Complete rebuilt ser- vice. American auto repair service also available at reasonable rates. Mexico Beach Service Center, Mexi- co Beach, 648-3985. tfc 1-10 Custom Upholstery Drapery Fabrics & Naugahyde Reasonable Rates Let Us Save You Money 20 pct. off Son All Fabrics Phone 229-4481 tfc 5-2 ST. JOE ACCOUNTING 106-Monument Ave. 229-6132 Income Taxes Bookkeeping tfc 3-21 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 1969 Corvette Stingray con- vertible, good condition. 229- 6097. ltp 6-6 1971 Chevrolet pickup truck excellent condition. 648-5160 or 648-6367. 4tp 6-6 1965 Ford Econline van, mag wheels, carpet, panel- ing, new paint. 648-7945. tfc 5-30 ASHE BRO. Paint & Body Open Seven Days A Week 8:30 a.ri. till 8:30 p.m. Avenue C 229-6984 or 229-6614 tfc 4-18 Professional help with emo- tional problems and-or con- cerns. Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Fla. 227-2691 or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-6599. Septic tanks pumped out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or 229-2937. All makes sewing machines expertly repaired. Over 25 years of experience. All work guaranteed. Parts and. sup- pies for all makes. Free esti- mates. 229-6782. 4tc 5-30 D & M Construction, Inc. Painting, Carpentry, Roofing & Septic Tank Work Free Estimates No job too large or too small Call Wewa 639-5483 5tp 5-16 "Ithink it was something I ate." RId.a.Bug kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free With purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida COLORADO 40 ACRES, $7,975! $85 down, $85 monthly. Fam- ous San Luis Valley, Colo- rado. Beautiful, cool, high country. OWNER 806-376-8690 For your Spring painting needs around the house see or call SCOTT SNYDER at 229-6059 after 5 p.m. tfc 3-28 Retired carpenter and boat builder, can fix anything. Call 227-5611 after 5 p.m. LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work-Welding 506 First St. Phone 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every Day MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Phone 64&-510' 1.th St. N. of Hwy. 98 Complete Beauty Service, GLADYS NICHOLS 'M-21 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue Port St Joe, Florida Going Fishing? Stop here first for a complete line of Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. " '' PAGE EGHT THRSDAYJUNE..,17 THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. SERVICES I SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! - 1I __ Specials for June 3 through June 8 Shop & Save with I $Lf SKraft Noodle With 7 Oz. Pkg. GA Chicken Dinner 53c Petite Whitfield Sweet N Hot or Sweet Relish 12Oz. ar39c Nabisco Snack 91/2 Oz Triscuil Sunshine 12 Oz. Pkg. Vienna China Doll 24 Oz. Pk9 Blackey z. Pkg. Wafers Fingers Fe Peas 59c 59c 85c IGA Apple Juice 320z.can 47c Limit One with $10.00 Order Crisco Oil Gallon $ Rolls 100 Canning Supplies Jars, Lids, Spices IGA Giant Loaf Sandwich Bread 24 Oz Loaves IGA No. 1 Can Vegetable IGA Thin Saltines 45c IGA Cane SUGAR Limit One with $10.00 Order 5 Lb. Bag BBC Soup, 17c 1 Lb. Pkg. 43C IGA 25 Ft. Roll Aluminum Foil Blackburn Corn & Cane Syrup China Doll RICE Suntan Lotion (Save 50c) Coppertone Lotion (Save 50c) Quick Tan Aerosol (Save 60c) Solarcaine 25c 40 Oz. Btl. 83c 2 Lb. Pkg. 89C 4 Oz. Btl.$1.29 2 Oz. Tube $ 1 .09 4 Oz. Can $1.59 Shell Flying Insect Spray with Child Protector Top 9 9 121/4 Oz. Can 9 9 C Detergent Ivory Liquid 48 Oz. 78Cl Tetley Tea Bags Pkg. 0 of 100 99C DAIRY FOOD Kraft Miracle Whip Jar 88c IGA Ice Milk Tablerite BUTTER Tablerite Biscuits Tablerite American or Pimr 1/2 Gallon 59c 1 Lb. Qtrs. 69c 8 Oz. Cans 6 79c nento Cheese Singles' k79c Morton Frozen 11 Oz. T.V. Dinners IGA 16 Oz. Can Orange Juice IGA Spears Broccoli 10oz.Pkq. 2 Mrs. Smith's Pie 20 Oz. Boston Creams. 59c 49c 69c 89c Year Around Blooming Flowers 3/$1.00 Good Buy - Bananas-- PI c White or Red BLACK EYED DPAS , Potatoes B? Potatoes Large Bag \With $5.00 Order Sq h 10 Lbs.Squash ' Tender P#0' 1U 1 A *# l 6/29c bUA, 2 Tender :CKLING Large Basket . ucumbers $1.19 O K RA T _ Green Tomatoes neaa Lb. 39c 49c Large Bag LB. 19c Onions 29c BELL b. 4Peppers Large Cucumbers 39c t.49c LETTUCE 39c Qt Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons U. S. POSTAGE PAID Sec. 34.66 P.L.&R. Dnrt St .Ino. F.la BOX HOLDER RURAL ROUTE Permit No. - ---- =--- II rorl 31. jut:, via. PAGE TEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1974 0 0- 0 0ccc FLORIDA WILDLIFE COMMENTS ON T1H OUTDOORS By Dr 0 E Frye Director GAME AN ID FRESH WATER FISH COMM TALLAHASSEE-Have you eves watched a youngster as he watched a dancing bob- ber on the water, hoping a nice fish would come along and nakl that cork dis- appear? Or do you remember your first trip afield in the fall, with anticipation riding high that you would bag your first deer? Or could you possibly have forgotten those thrills, which by no means are lim- ited to .the very young. Outdoor recreation is a fine catch-all term to cover just about anything outside your routine job which takes you. out of the office or home, but to tha licensed sportsman it also includes that rare opportunity to re- capture your youth by. taking a youngster afield with rod or gun, and teaching him the proper practices of the out- doorsman. It's the opportunity to demonstrate to a willing audience the proper method of roll-casting a dry fly into the lair of old bucketmouth Florida Bass, or the chance to show a little one the proper method of keeping your bear- ings. while hunting a new strand of woodlands, or showing your new and admir- ing audience the secret in shaving a piece of wet wood down to the tinder and bring- ing the cheery warmth of a campfire to life on a rainy afternoon. Can that novice hunter dress his game properly, and will the son or daughter un- MISSION derstand the biologically sound reasons for observing game and fish laws, and will that youngster complete his journey to the wonderful world of the great outdoors with the feeling of wanting to return again and again, even as you do? The parent who shares this world of hunting and fishing brings his own offspring the pleasures and enjoyment of absorbing nature to recharge the battery of life all through his or her years. It permits some of the memories of your own introductory years in the outdoors to be re-born as a growing youngster goes through the same trials and tribulations of meeting him- self away from the "progress" of civilization. You can look back on your own first fish, first game stalk, first meeting with a wooded glade where you were alone in the world and both glad and proud of it. By sharing this with your own youngster, you not only offer him the opportunity to go through this activity himself and begin his personal book of outdoor memories, you can watch your own develop- ment as a sportsman roll past your eyes one more time. The sparkle of water as a big Bass jumps, or the still crackling of boots on autumn leaves, bring different reac- tions and memories to many sportsmen. It can be both a remem- bering and rebirthing of yours, simply by having a small version of yourself by your side. Sears Is The BIGGEST SHOPPING CENTER IN THE WORLD and in Port St. Joe. This merchandise giant is as close as your telephone. Buy any item advertised by Sears anywhere in the United States, simply by dialing 227-2291 Catalog Sales Lee Treace, Owner -- t Charles L. Lindsey Lindsey Sent to Chanute SAN ANTONIO Airman Charles L. Lindsey, son of Melvin L. Lindsey, 1905 Long Ave., Port St. Joe, has been assigned to Chanute AFB, Ill., after completing Air Force basic training. During his six weeks at the Air Training Command's Lacklan'd AFB, Tex., he studied the Air Force nmis- sion, ..organization and cus- toms and received special instruction in human rela- tions. The airman has been assigned to the Technical Training Center at Chanute for specialized training in aircraft maintenance. Airman Lindsey was grad- uated in 1973 from Port St. "Joe High School. His mother, Luquita Lindsey, resides at Bristol. Students On Gulf Coast Dean's List Gulf Coast Community Col- lege has released the names of Port St. Joe students who have attained the honor of being placed on the Dean's List for the spring semester. Port St. Joe students are: Marvin Adkins, Kenneth Bowman, Robert Collier, Clark Downs, William Ethe- ridge, John Fadio, Judy Snellgrove, Phyllis Thoma- son, Bonnie Treace, James Williams, Shaun Wuthrich and Alan Hammock. Cattle Ranching New Count' Gulf County could have a new blooming industry coming along, based on what Jim Patton, manager of the Circla J Farms near Overstreet told the Rotary Club last Thursday. That new industry is cattle, with literally thousands of beef cattle currently being bred, raised and fattened on what was formerly thousands of acres of Gulf County swampland and has since been cleared pasture land. Circle J started operation as a small grains producing venture. Then they got into a winter pasture program to keep their lands busy between grain growing sea- sons. Now, the plan calls for full-time cattle production with nearly 2,500 cows al- ready on the ranch. Plans call for increasing the herd size to over 7,000 during the next couple of years. Currently, according to Patton, the Circle J is in the process of building up its own herd through controlled breeding. What started out as a calf operation will become a cow-calf operation. Patton said the farm is even producing its own bulls through select breeding. He said it will require about 150 bulls for the size operation they plan and through the selection process, only about 50 of 150 bulls produced each year will be kept for breeding purposes. The huge ranch is being broken up into 1,000 acre units with around 1,000 cows to the unit with a manager over each unit. Constant re- cords are kept on the breed- ing stock. "If a cow fails to produce a calf a year, she is sold to the slaughterhouse: if a bull doesn't sire the type cow we want, off to the bologna factory with him", Patton said. While the ranch is operated in a modern' manner, with extensive record keeping, scientific breeding (the ranch also uses artificial insemina- tion freely, along with nat- ural breeding methods) the operation is old fashioned in one respect. The cows are still herded on horseback. Patton said, "The- pick-up truck or motorcycle cannot and converted into lush hope to compete with a train- ed cutting horse and cow dog, "when it comes to working cattle," Patton said. "The trained cow horse knows which cow needs attention and what to do and the dog is the most effective method known to keep the straying cow in line", he said. The ranch will raise much of its own grain for feed. Plans now are to grow the calves to about 600 pounds then sell them to the grain feeding lots. "Eventually we may even put in our own feed lots", according to Patton. The ranch manager also took the opportunity to point out where the fault lies for high food prices. "It isn't the fault of the farmer or ranch- er," he said. Patton pointed out that the price of every- thing used by the farmer has risen tremendously in the past few years, "But the farmer and rancher is still at the mercy of what the mar- ket will offer for his produc- tion. It's a gamble with every crop." Patton pointed out that far- mers have met most price increases with increased effi- ciency. He pointed out that in 1900, a farmer fed himself and two others. NoW, a far- mer feeds himself and 60 others. Only six percent of the population of the nation is engaged in feeding the coun- try. Patton pointed out that ranchers were receiving only 64c per hundredweight more for cows today than they were receiving 22 years ago. "What other product has risen so little in this period of time?" he asked. Circle J Farms is owned by the T. L. James Company of Ruston, La. If you're getting your home ready for another Florida summer, here's help. If you re planning to buy air conditioning, or if you already own it and are planning to use it, here are some things you should know. What type do you need? This depends on whether you intend to air condition your entire home, a major portion of it. or one room For one room, you'll want a room unit. For larger areas you can choose between a room unit and a central system What size do you need? This depends on a couple of things. Well shaded. well insulated areas require minimum cooling. As low as 20 BTU's per square foot. Unshaded windows a o- poor insulation can double i .. . amount of air conditioning A needed. A reputable air conditioning dealer will check your home and recommend the proper size and type of equipment for you Or. Florida Power will . be glad to help you if you're unable to get the informatic - What's most economical to operate? Just remember, the higher the efficiency of a unit. the lower the operating cost There's a simple formula for this. All air conditioning manufacturers rate their units in terms of British Thermal Units (BTU's). and the electricity required for the unit in terms of watts To find out the efficiency of a unit. just divide the BTU s by the watts The unit that gives the most BTU's per watt has the highest efficiency ratio and is the most economical to operate. The more efficient units today produce from 7 to 10 BTU s per watt. so make sure the unit you're considering falls in this range, the higher the better Selecting the right unit is just the beginning. Next. be sure the system is properly installed Keep the outdoor section clear of plants and obstructions Also be sure that walls, ceilings and floors are properly insulated Insulation can pay big dividends for a long time Air conditioning ducts should be tight and well insulated. Fan and thermostat. A fan setting of "Auto" conserves energy and gives best humidity control. "On gives more uniform air motion, sound level and room-to-room temperature. Thermostat: avoid using more electricity than necessary by setting the thermostat too low For maximum economy, choose the highest comfortable temperature. Filters and return air grill. Replace filters frequently. Clogged filters make the unit work harder than it needs to And don't block air flow with furniture or drapes. Doors and windows and wiring. Close openings and seal cracks around doors and windows as well as openings into attics and fireplaces Use properly sized wiring. And place the condenser where it can get free air flow. Avoid putting it in your garage or other improperly ventilated area Away from home. One day or more. turn the unit off or set thermostat at 5 to 10 degrees above normal summer setting with fan on "Auto" for mildew protection and quick comfort when you return. In these days of rising prices and energy shortages, it s important that you use your electric eqLuipment as efficiently as possible. So if you've any questions at all, just call or come in to your Florida Power office. 7f" Florida CA Power C' : (CORPORATION Ind Summer Show You "This summer a great number of young people will be working and paying social security contributions for the first time," Robert Latta, Social Security Feild Repre- sentative for Gulf County said this week. To be sure you get social security credit for the work you do, show your employer your social security card the day you apply for work. The importance of having proper social security credit is even greater now for young people because of recent change in the disability pro-. visions for persons under 31 years of age. A young worker may need as little as one and one-half years work under social security to be eligible for disability benefits, according to Latta. If you have lost your card or never had a card, be sure to get in touch with the Social Security Office now so you will be prepared when the time comes for you to apply for summer work. For a social security card or more information, resi- dents of this area should con- tact the Panama City Social PATE'S SHELL SERVICE Jimmy's Phillips' "66" Now ElIzey Earns Now B. A. Degree at Va Idosta u s t r y Valdosta State College in Valdosta, Ga. held com- u s tr y mencement exercises June 1 at 8:30 a.m. This was 'the college's 60th graduation and'1 was the largest class in the history of the school with 620 members graduating. W workers R. H. Ellzey, Jr. received a Bachelor of Art's degree dur- Card ing the commencement exer- |r Card cises. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. (Bob) Ellzey, Sr. of Port St. Joe. Security Office. The office is located at 1316 Harrison Ave- Use thf nue. The telephone number is . 769-8471. The office is open ClassifieQ, Ads Monday through Friday from Midgetnvetments 9:00 to 4:30, except on nation- With Giant Returns al holidays. With Giant Returns rI Fashion Career? Like to Own A Dress Shop? All Name Brand Ladies Wear I Factory Fresh Latest Style I I Save Up to 50 pct. COMPLETE INVENTORY BEAUTIFUL REDWOOD FIXTURES I COMPLETE TRAINING PROGRAM VISIT OUR STORES I TALK TO OUR OWNERS i- I Very High Earnings I I INVESTMENT $12,500 I Other Choice Areas Available Call Collect I Mr. Todd 904-396-1707 8t 4-25 Or Write: S -St. le Shoppe P.O. Box 26009 I y*ll l Shoppe JJacksonville, Florida 32218 am-mm-mm-mm------m----- -Treslone I THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JUNE (6, .74 PAGE ELEVEN Vaccine Levels .Vaccine levels in over 200,000 preschool age children in Florida are dangerously low say health officials of the $ Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS). "A recently completed sur- vey of vaccine levels," said Wilson T. Sowder, M.D., Div- ision of Health Director, "re- vealed that about 25 per cent of the state's pre-school chil- dren are not protected against such diseases as polio and diptheria, and almost half need protection against measles and rubella." "Children of day nursery and kindergarten age are especially deficient in their immunizations," he said. Health officials are work- ing for 100 per cent immuni- zation of Florida's preschool age children against diph- theria, polio, tetanus, whoop- ing cough, measles and rub- ella before the beginning of the 1974-75 school year to pre- vent possible outbreaks and to insure full compliance with the state's Compulsory Im-r munization Law which was passed in 1971._About 15 per cent of Florida's children entered kindergarten and first grade in 1973 without being completely immunized against these dread diseases. Approximately 81 per cent were completely immunized. Around four per cent had no record of immunizations. "The survey also pointed out that almost half of the children vaccinated by public health departments have not completed their immuniza- tions. Consequently, they are only partially immunized," Dr. Sowder said. "The partially immunized as well as the unimmunized children pose a threat to their communities for they are potential sources of out- breaks. "The potential for out- breaks exists in middle, jun- ior high and high schools today in Florida," he said, "because children are reach- ing these grades without hav- ing been properly immunized in mass immunization pro- grams held in the 1960's. Also, children who were first immunized at nine months of age or younger and children who received gamma globu- lin with measles vaccine in those programs may need re- vaccination now. Parents should consult their physi- cians about this." Health officials expressed Low concern over the findings of this survey compared to a survey conducted in 1973. The comparison showed that there has been a slight de- crease in the percentage of preschool age children who received vaccine in 1974. A man who claimed he was wanted by the F.B.I. turned himself into Deputy Jimmy Williams late Friday night, and is awaiting extradition by the U. S. Marshall's office while being lodged in the Gulf bank robber in Seattle back in the early '60's, and was released from a federal peni-. tentiary in 1972 after serving nine years. Recently, he failed to re- port to his parole officer, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. Endicott stated to Federal Agents that this past m m vU % *I UI - WINS LAS VEGAS TRIP County Jail. A r r este f ol t res I sti David Roche of Roche's Sheriff Raymond Lawrence r Furniture & Appliance Store stated that Williams called has just returned from Las the Sheriff's office to verify The Sheriff's office re- could not find the shotgun. Vegas, Nevada where he was that the man was wanted, ceived a call about 9:30 p.m. The youth began shouting the guest of Sylvania Tele- and a routine check turned last Tuesday night that a shot that he was not going to jail, vision. David won the trip to up that Charles Walter Endi- gun blast was heard among a and then picked up a cold the National Sylvania Con- cott, age 38, of Seattle, Wash- crowd of youngsters on Third drink bottle for use as a wea- vention through outstanding ington was wanted there for St. in Highland View. Sgt. pon and began to flee. Ber- sales and service of Sylvania violation of federal probation. Tom Berlinger arrived on the linger chased the suspect on Television and Stereo. Endicott was convicted of a scene and found the boy, but foot for 2'2 blocks, until he two years is the longest period he has been out of jail for any one time since he was nine years old. and Capt. Bobby Nowell sub- dued him in a wooded area. The suspect was charged with Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest Without Vio- lence, and was released from the County Jail after posting $300 bond. Legal Ads NOTICE NOTICE NOTICE Dr.. G. EButts, D.V.M. will be at the Port St. Joe Fire Station, Saturday, June 8, 1974, from 2:00 P.M., E.D.T., until 5:30 P.M., E.D.T., for the purpose of vaccinating small animals (dogs, cats, etc.) against rabies. The amount of $4.00 will be charged for each animal - treated. All persons are urged to have their animals treated at this time for the protection of themselves, their families and the community. All ani- mals will be registered and License Tags obtained at the Vet's office during the above time. License tags' are $1.00 for the first animal, $.50 for the second and third animal, for a maximum fee of $2.00 to any one owner. C. W. Brock for H. W. GRIFFIN, Chief of Police SCity of Port St. Joe, Florida 3t 5-23 PROPOSED CONTRACT NO. AP-CXties-1 INVITATION FOR BIDS PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of the Clayton Antitrust Act that Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company requests Bids on proposed Contract No. AP-CXties-1, providing for the purchase of 15,000 concrete crossties. Bids in the form prescribed should be submitted to: B. R. Gibson, Jr., Vice President Apalachicola Northern Railroad Company Post Office Box 250 Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 no later than 12:00 noon CST on June 17, 1974, at which office and immediately there- after the Bids submitted will be received and opened by the above officer. Apalachi- cola Northern Railroad Com- pany reserves the right to reject any or all Bids and to accept any part of any Bid. Specifications, Form of Bid and other details of the pro- posed Contract No. AP-CX- ties-1 may be obtained from the above address. Apalachicola Northerri Railroad Company 4t 5-23 BID NO. WWP59 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: 2 each-404-3" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N-Disc. (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, IPT 4 each-424-r1n" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N-Disc. (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet solder ends 2 each-908--a" 125 lb. WOG swing Check Buna-N-Disc, IPT 2 each-908--1'2" 125 lb. WOG Swing Check Buna-N-Disc, IPT 2 each-690--/a" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Hammond solid disc. RS Gate Valve 2 each-690-3e" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Hammond Solid Disc RS Gate Valve 4 each--690-1/2" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Hammond Solid Disc RS Gate Valve 2 each-690--l" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Hammond Solid Disc RS Gate Valve 2 each-690-11/i," IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOC Hammond Solid Disc RS Gate Valve 1 each-690-2" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WO3 Hammond Solid Disc RS Gate Valve 2 each-609-3" IPT 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. NRS Solid Disc Gate Valve 2 each-404---3/'" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOLG Buna-N-Disc (Swivel type) screw over bonnet, IPT 4 each-404-1/2" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N-Disc (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, I PT 2 each-404-/A" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N-Disc (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, IPT 4 each-404-1" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N-Disc (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, IPT 1 each-404-2" 125 Ib. WSP 200 Ib. WOG Buna-N-Disc (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, IPT 2 each-404--2W2" 125 lb. WSP 200 lb. WOG Buna-N.Disc (Swivel type) screw over Bonnet, IPT ABOVE TO BE HAMMOND, POWELL, CRANE OR HANCOCK VALVES Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP59". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., June 18, 1974. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commis. sion Meeting June 18, 1974, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Build- ing, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 3t 5-30 BID NO. WWP60 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described laboratory still: 1-One (1) gallon per hour, electrical- ly heated still to produce water of not more than 1 PPM total solids, with a Ph value of 5.4 to 7.2 with an electrical resistance of not less than 300,000 ohms at 25 degrees centrigrade when the still is oper- ated on any potable water. Nor use more than 9 .gallons"of cooling water for each gallon' of distilled water produced. The evaporator shall be a vertical double wall type with air-insulating space. The shell shall be of polished stainless steel, the inner shell shall be fabricated of copper, brass and bronze and all surfaces that contact the vapor and distillate shall be coated with pure tin to prevent metallic contamination. The con. denser shall be of the horizontal type slightly inclined and atmo- spherically vented for final eli- mination of volatiles and all sur- faces that contact the vapor and distillate shall be coated with pure tin. The still shall be provided with a deconcentration to continuously deconcentrate impurities from t-e evaporator to retard scale forma- tion. The unit shall be provided with a constant device with hot well arrangement to provide for evapor- ation water level control and pri- mary elimination of volatile impur- ities and to preheat the evaporator feed water. Electrical powered immersion type heaters to give maximum heating efficiency voltage 115V- 230V, 60 HZ, single phase. Still will be furnished with a drain valve, deconcentration valve and capable of being equipped with a low level automatic cut off on low water. The heating element shall be easily replaceable 0 ring sealed. The still shall be a Barnstead MOD A1011 or approved equal. Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP 60". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to sub- mit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accc or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00-P.M., E.D.T., June 18, 1974. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commis- sion Meeting June 18, 1974, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Build- ing, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK, City Auditor and Clerk 3t 5-30 7- ,.Confidence! Chest 169.00Desk -139.00, Chair 44.00, Hutch 95.00, Door Chest 94.00, Corner Desk 110.00, B. Chest 94.00 Hutch 85,00, Trundle Bed -179.00, Mirror 44.00, Dresser -C149.00. Sunset Oak From the manor in the mountains to the townhouse by the bay, SUNSET OAK adds a feeling of warmth and permanence to any home. Executed in a combination of solid oak, oak veneers and other cabinet hardwoods (both solids and veneers), this sturdy masculine design adds new dimensions of beauty and comfort to 0 casual living. Selected pieces are handsomely accented with simu- lated slate, simulated leather, and decorative fabrics. Right: Double Bed 119.00, Chest 199.00, Dresser -189.00, Mirror- 88.00, Night Stand 75.00. OPEN STOCK PLAN YOUR ROOM! The look of an $89" Posturepedicon this Sealy Health Guard for only $5995 TWIN SIZE EA.PC. Full size each piece *79.95 This quality mattress "sleeps" as great as it looks! Besides the designer cover from a S30 more expensive mattress, the Health Guard has these fine features: hundreds of specially timipered coils plus a patented extra firm Dura-Gard* foundation. Take advantage of this super value today! *urethane foam NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS In accordance with Section 129.03, Florida Statutes, 1969, NOTICE is hereby given that the.Board of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida, has adopted a tentative supplemental budget for the Fine and Forfeiture Fund for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1973, and ending September 30, 1974; that said Board will be in session on Tuesday, June 11, 1974, at 9:00 A.M. E.S.T. for the purpose of hearing complaints as to said budget and for its final adoption, to-wit: SECOND SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA For fiscal year beginning October 1, 1973 and ending September 30, 1974 FINE AND FORFEITURE FUND A-C No. Original Supplemental Budget Budget RECEIPTS: 1313 Educational Assessments ........................ 500.00 Total Estimated Receipts ...................... 164,823.22 Less 5 per cent................................ 8,187.09 95 per cent of Estimated Receipts .............. 156,636.13 Balance Forward .......................... 46,248.18 1,473.00 $165,796.22 8,187.09 157,609.13 46,248.18 Total Estim ated Receipts .................. Total Estimated Receipts ...................... 202,884.31 203,857.31 EXPENSES: 3101:320 Educational Studies................ ........ -0.- 973.00 Total Budget.................. ............... 202,884.31 203,857.31 (NO ASSESSMENT OF MILLAGE REQUIRED) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: S. C. Player, Chairman ATTEST: George Y. Core, Clerk (Seal) A~ Sea*. BIGGER BUYS IN MODERN SIZES Queen Size King Size 60x80" 76x80" 20% roomier 50'7 bigger than full size than full size Sale! Only Sale! Only $219 *279 Each Piece 3-Pc. Set FBI Fugitive Surrenders Here NIYII-r~III~ C I g9 QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED, NONE SOLD TO DEALERS PIGGLY WIGGLY SELECTED SPECIALS ^ ^ '/1 A All Meat Stew Ground Chuck Ground Round Lb. Tender Beef Lb. $1.19 Sirloins $1.59 Lb. $1.19 Lb. $1.29 Full Cut Round Cubed Steak Lb. $1.59 Lb. $1.59 Fresh Sliced Beef 9 wift Tender Lean Pork Loin LIVER 59< Meaty RIBS 79t PIG FEET NECKBONES TURKEY NECKS lb. HOG MAW Beef Tripe Shp ig3 WiglS o r-h eiB rs rd c. 1 11 d 3 -:* S . Selected Fresh CORN SELECTED FRESH PRODUCE SELECTED FRESH PRODUCE Selected FRESH LEMONS dozen 49; Selected YELLOW ONIONS 3 lb. b, 39t in i.--1ho1 'n ..m ISave-H infI I u'd -YIIo:4I'''1*I Crocket Farm Branc STRAW I Frozen BERRIES. iJnute Maid 6 pak FROZEN LEMONADE pkg.88 Parade Cream or Whole Kernel 15 oz. 79 GOLDEN CORN ca9s 7 Sara Lee FROZEN POUND 10 oz. ctns. $ 12 oz. pkg. CAKE 994 Parade 15 oz. FRUIT COCKTAIL c3 s 99 Your Shopping Pleasure sOurAtWigg Parade RGARI Country Style or Buttermilk PILLSBURY BISCUITS 4 po 2aL 1 Chunk Light 6hoz.L STAR-KIST TUNA 2 cs. Limit 1 with $10.00 Order Ga. Grade 'A' Large EGGS MEDIUM Doz. 39 C Colonial CANE SUGAR Lir $10. 5 lb. bag lit 1 with .00 Order 394 Ears Kraft Mayonnaise Qt. Jar .-w a |