The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/01951
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: March 28, 1974
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:01951

Full Text



Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida

15 Cents Per Copy

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for Drive
Gulf County's Cancer Fund
drive is beginning to get.
underway this week as drive
chairman, Bill Versiga gets
his committees to working.
In the photo above, Versiga
is shown passing out cam-
paign supplies and literature
to team captains, Mrs. Rex
Buzzett, Mrs. Gene Raffield,
Mrs. Tom Parker, Mrs. L. L.
Copenhaver, Mrs. Comer
Powell, Mrs. Robert Minger
and Mrs. Jean Atchison.
In the bottom photo, the
- .f.5=iLdJatiop.,9(f lhe.drive is...
turned in from Florida Power
Corp. FPC manager, Wes
Thompson, left, presents the
check to Versiga and busi-
ness chairman Larry Davis.
The drive gets underway.i
next week toward a goal of

Revival Crusade At

H.V. Church of God


Nowell Made Capt.

by Sheriff Lawrence

In keeping with his F
to hire professional
nel, highly trained,
enforcement technique
crime prevention,

Dixie Leagt
Will Receiv
Trophies Sa
A meeting of all Lit
guers and at least
their parents will be
the high school aud
(commons area) at 7:
Saturday, March 30.
At this time, troph
awards for the 1973
will be given out an
rosters for the 1974
will be announced. A
drawing for the Little
donations will be m
this time.
Support your Little
and plan to attend.

promise Raymond Lawrence announ-
person- ced the recent appointment of
in law Bobby L. Nowell to the rank
ies and of Captain.
Sheriff. Captain Nowell, age 25,
began his law enforcement
career with the Bay County
uers Sheriff's Department in'1970,
after serving a tour of duty
e with the United States Air
t. Force. After serving in the
S capacity of Deputy Sheriff in
e Bay County for two years,
tie Lea- Nowell joined the Alachua
one of County Sheriff's Department
held at in Gainesville. While in
litorium Gainesville, Nowell worked in
:00 p.m. the investigative areas of
crime scene investigation
ies and unit, and armed robbery unit.
season While working in Gainesville,
d team Nowell earned his Associates
:season Degree in Law Enforcement
Iso, the from Santa Fe Community
League College.
iade at Nowell and his wife Renee,
have two children, and are
League living on Long Avenue .in
Port St. Joe.

Special revival crusade ser-
.vices begin March 31 at the
Church of God; located at
Highland View, where the
Reverend L. E. Roberson is
the pastor and where the
Rev. B. G. Bird of Marianna
is the evangelist.
A forceful speaker, Evan-
gelist Bird, is said to "tell it
like it is" as he applies scrip-
tures to world events and to
the pressing personal needs
of people today. He has been
especially effective in com-
municating the gospel to
human needs in a unique. and
distinctive manner.
The campaign locally,
according to -Pastor Rober-
son, is in cooperation with the
worldwide simultaneous
evangelistic effort involving
approximately 10,000 congre-,
gations of the Church of God
in some 90 countries.
According to the local pas-
tor, area families are warmly
invited to attend these special
meetings which begin nightly
at 7:00 p.m.

Fish Fry


New Park
A free fish fry Saturday at
12:30, Port St. Joe time will
officially open the new state
park on the Dead Lakes at
Wewahitchka, according to
Representative William J.
The fish. fry will be held at
the park, North of Wewa-
hitchka on the site of the old
fish hatchery and the public
is invited to attend.
The park was started by
a civic group in Wewahitchka
and was taken over and
improved by the State Park
System last year. ;.

FHA Office Makes Loan Money

Available Again for Oak Grove-

FHA State Director Claude
L. Green, Jr., of Gainesville
informed the County Com-
mission Tuesday night by
letter that loan money is once
again available for financing
of a water and sewer district
for, Oak Grove if the people
still express a desire for the
systems. The loan offer had
been withdrawn last year due
to the fact the District
couldn't sign..up enough cus-
tomers to adequately guaran-
te: the loan .under FHA
chairman S. C. Player not-
ed; that the City of Port St.

Joe is planning to survey the
area to include Oak Grove in
its water system under an
expansion program, if the
move is feasible, and he felt
the County should sit tight
untU the results of this sur-
vey is known. "We must
depend on Port St. Joe for a
water supply, anyhow, and
for disposal of sewage, so we
should wait and see what
they find out before answer-
ing FHA," he said.
Commissioner Walter, Gra-
ham stated, "The people of
Oak Grove have been built up
too many times in this matter

and I don't want them to be
slapped down again. I won't
agree to any plan until I see
it in writing."
Graham said he didn't fa-
vor the Board getting involv-
ed in any promises which
could not be kept in the
After a considerable dis-
cussion, the Board decided to
wait on the City survey be-
fore answering. FHA as to

whether or not they were
interested in the loan.
A letter from the Comptrol-
ler's office informed the
County its $21,000 debt for
payment of indigent Medicaid
payments had been withheld
from November through Feb-
ruary revenue sharing pay-
ments. The funds withheld
are being held in escrow by
(Continued on Page 2).

First Baptists Plan

Revival Services

: Revival services will be
held Sunday, March 31
through April 7 at the First
Baptist Church of Port St.
The visiting evangelist is
Rev. James H. Metts, Jr.,
pastor of First Baptist
Church, Marianna and the
Music Director is Eugene
Hattaway, Minister of Music
and Youth, First Baptist
Church, Marianna.
Services will begin nightly
at 7:30 p.m., and also morn-
ing services, Monday through
Friday from 7:00 a.m. to
Rev. Dewitt Mathews, pas-
tor, extends an invitation to
the community to participate
in these evangelistic meet-


Dot Williams, Chairman of
the third annual March of
Dimes Walk-A-Thon expects
a better and bigger walk this
year. Pledge forms have
been distributed and efforts
to surpass last year's contri-
butions have begun.
Those wishing to walk may
pick up pledge forms at,
WJOE Radio Station. Adults
are especially urged to parti-
ciipte; but if you cannot
walk please sponsor those
who can.
Registration will begin at
8:00 a.m. Saturday, March 30
in front of the high school.
iTe- route this year is the
-same. as, last, year-and will
proceed from the high school
to Highway 71, past the Gulf
Rifle' Range, and then on to
the Industrial Highway, back
through Kenney's Mill to
Highway 98, through the
downtown area down High-
way 98 again to Jones Home-
stead and back to the high
Rest and recuperation sta-
tions will be proviAed along
the route and a "Poop-out"
wagon will be along to return
those to the starting point
who drop out.
Prizes this year are as fol-
lows: First prize, a 10 speed


bicycle for the walker who col-
lects the most money for
their walking efforts. A $25.00
savings bond will go to the
walker with the most spon-
sors. Ten dollars goes to the
oldest walker and a transis-
tor radio to the youngest
walker. Certificates of award
wll be given to each walker"
who finishes the 20 mile hike.
Get' good exercise and help
prevent birth defects by get-
ting involved in the 20 mile
March of Dimes -Walk-A-


Country Club Ponds Ready for
Trish Tapper shows off a fine bass, left and The test was made for a kidsfishing
Vicki Barlow pulls in a hand sized shellcracker, planned by the Club on April 20 when c
right, as they check out one of the lakes at St. of club members and their guests betwi
Joseph Bay Country Club to see if the fish are ages of 6-14 will try for many prizes to b
ready for catching, away. Younger children may fish, a

Fishing Rodeo
g rodeo accompanied by their parents.
children .* All lakes on the Club grounds have been
een the stocked with fish and will be used in the rodeo.
e given Jimmie Herring is chairman of the rodeo
ilso, if and Bill Barlow is:assistant. Star photo


Hitting the Road

for Dimes March

inlK -CVMI lftI

W a


. .

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. .THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974

S-T AT H'E S -

PubMshe O ver Thursday at 30 Williams AveWu, Port. Jo, FerO',
By The Star Pubishing Company
Seeond-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Je, Florida 32456

Wsy R. Ramsey
Wililam H. Ramsey
Frechle L. Ramsey
WShey K. Ramsey


Editor and Publisher
Production Supt.
Office Manager
'Typesetter, Subscriptionp
PHONE 227-3161


IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.0
OUT OF COUNTY One Year, SS.O OUT OF U.S. One Year, $1.00

TO ADVERTISERS- In case of error or onmissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable
for damage further than amount received for such advertisement.

The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word Is t hughtfutff weighed. The Spoken word barely asserts;
the printed work thoroughly cgpylnces'rthe spoken word is lost; the printed word remains.
i- i^ .1 1 .....


Motorcycles Create A

Touchy Problem

The City Police and the City
Commission have a touchy problem
here in Port St._Joe.
The motorcycle craze has hit
Port St. Joe, just like is has
everywhere else. Police and City
Commissioners are not desirable of
being a "Scrooge" and forbidding
their operation in the City. Rather,
both bodies have encouraged their
< operation off the City streets by
those inelligible to ride on the
A big problem has arisen. The
kids of all ages on all size of bike
can barely be avoided at times on
any street in the City anyone
wishes to travel. The Police and
Commission are concerned about
this because it is illegal. It is
illegal because it is dangerous.
The Police DepRa
urally hesitant a.ou.L %" W
young children, even though they,
are disobeying the law and creating
a danger to themselves. Already,
they have taken steps on several
occasions to get the kids and their
cycles off the streets, only to meet

indignation from the parents.
As it appears to us, parents of
children with these motorized bikes
should supervise their operation by
the children or make sure they stay
parked. In many cases, where the
parent is not directly supervising,
the machines are gradually worked
to the roads, where the riding is
smoother. Either this is the case,
or parents are deliberately allow-
ing and encouraging their children
to break the law.
When some child of a tender
age becomes mangled or killed in a
cycle accident here in Port St. Joe,
the first howl which will be heard
will be, "Why hasn't the Police or
the City done something about this
before an accident happened?" The
answer is, of course, that the Police
and City can do nothing very
effective unless they have the co'*
operatiii of,T-ith i, parents, ,jp thj
matter. We know the kids get a
thrill out of riding the bikes. We get
no thrill at all out of writing stories
where they have been mangled up
or killed in a collision with an


Not to be upstaged by national
politics, Florida now has its own'
Commissioner of Education,
Floyd Christian is being investigat-
ed by the State for allegedly giving
purchasing favors to his friends,
former business partners.
Mr. Christian has been in
trouble with the people almost.
since he first took office. Now an
investigating grand jury is search-
ing for a reason behind some of his
There is a great difference
between the alleged acts pf Mr.
Christian and those 'charges being
hurled in Watergate. Those charg-
ed in the Watergate affair, to a
man, testify to the fact they did
what, they did to prevent a m;an
they felt was unfit to serve from
being elected to the Presidency of
the United States. However mis-
guided, they were at least concern-
ed with the welfare of the nation.
In the charges against Chris-

Kiwanians Meeting to
Planning for 'Re-Organize
Pancake Days Troop 47

The Port St. joe Kiwanis
saw an interesting film pro-
duced by the Ford Motor Co.,
on the manufacturing of steel
at their regular meeting
Tuesday at noon. The film
showed the entire steel mak-
ing process from mine to
finished product.
The Kiwanians also made
plans for their first annual
Pancake Days to be held in
downtown Port St. Joe on
May 4. Tickets are now on
sale for $1.25.

tian, one
every day

sees the common old
spectre of greed and

Maybe one of the reasons Wa-
tergate commands so much of our
attention is the *unusual motive
behind the crime. We're not ac-
customed to crimes being perpe-
trated "for the good of the nation".
We are more than accustomed to
crimes. being committed for the
good of the individual involved.
In Mr. Christian's case, he has
already decided he will not seek
another term. This is just as well
since even the hint of a crime being
committed in connection with a
public official leaves a bad taste in
the mouth of the voter, even though
the official be proven innocent.
Our school system in the State
of Florida has enough adverse
publicity to overcome without being
burdened with a Commissioner who
has had scandal linked with his'

At Last
We Have Our
Own Streaker

Port St. Joe is now in the
swim of things. We have had
our streaker.
Two boys made an unsuc-
cessful attempt to "streak"
around the high school last
Friday afternoon, but were
caught with their-pants down
before they made the safety
of a hiding place.
Principal Ken Herring said
both boys received their just
rewards for their brief exhi-

Parents interested in their
boys becoming active in the
Boy Scouts should meet at
the Scout Hut on 10th Street
JIonday ,night at 7:30 p.m.,
according to Sheriff Ray-
mond Lawrence, Scout repre-
sentative for the sponsoring
organization, the Rotary
Lawrence said a Scout-
master has been secured and
Troop 47 will be re-activated.
Monday's meeting is for
parents only.



"See Florida First"

TALLAHASSEE Governor Askew and members of the Florida Cabinet
were presented with token Florida Family Vacation coupons as part of a
presentation of the "See Florida First" campaign to be conducted by the
Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida Attractions and Florida Bottlers
of Coca-Cola this Summer. From left is Commissioner of Agriculture
Doyle Conner, Governor Askew, Comptroller Fred O0, Dickinson, Secre-'
tary of State Stone, Treasurer Tom O'Malley and Dick Hidding of The
Coca-Cola Company.

Postal Clerk Examinations
Scheduled According to Costin

Postmaster Chauncey Cos-
tin announced this week the
opening of an examination to
provide a list of eligibles for
future hires in the Postal
According to the Postmas-
ter, applicants who take the
examination and receive a
passing grade will be placed
on a hiring register according

One fine summer morning
in 1922, me and Jimmie were
playing catch down by Mr.
Owens' store; A young man
who had caught a ride on the
Charocola truck from Apa-
lach came: over and intro-
duced himself as Tiny Tony
Farentina and asked Jimmie
if we could get up a team to
play against his club. I was a
visitor here in those days and
Jimmie did all the negotiat-
ing and t was decided that
Tiny's teAm would come over
the following Saturday.
Our line-up turned out to be
the following, known as the
St. Joe second team. The
catcher was Stetson Prid-
geon; Chalk McKeithen was
pitcher, Norton Kilbourn,
first base, Buck Montgomery,
second, Jimmie Kilbourn,
short stop; Tommy Owens,
third base; Ed Pridgeon in
left; Chauncey Costin in cen-
ter and Orin Miller in right
field. Buster Owens was the
utility man on the bench and
could play any position.
I won't go into details about
the game but we were pretty
evenly matched until Acey
McKeithen got to teasing our
pitcher and when Chalk got
mad that left foot would go
up a little higher and when it
came down the ball he threw
would look like an aspirin
tablet and pop into Stetson's

(Continued from Page 1)


the State pending the out-
come of a suit by the County
against the State for the
The County received a
check for $1,720.75 in Febru-
ary for revenue sharing funds
In another report from the
State, the County was shown
to have a credit of $198.80 in
the Medicaid fund.
In other business items the
-Made $600.00 available
for use by the Panhandle
Alcoholism Council. John
White gave a report of last
year's activities by the Coun-
cil in Gulf County with 37
'persons treated resulting in
progress in 17 cases.
-Received a report from
the Department of Pollution
control regarding the Coiuni

to grade for selection when
vacancies occur in the Clerk-
Carrier complement of the
Post Office.
The examination is written
and will require approxi-
mately three hours for com-
pletion including filling out
forms. Persons 18 years of
age or older, 16 if a high'
school graduate, are eligible

mit and fry.
We had them eleven to ten
after eight innings and the
first two in the ninth struck
out. The next man up knock-
ed a grass burner through me
at first and went on down to
second. I was mad with my-
self and the batter and every-
body else.
Next man up hit a hot
grounder to short stop and
Jimmie scooped it up apd
instead of throwing it to pie
he caught the runner in the
traces (trap) between second
and third. I ran over there to
help and when the rupper
tried to get back to second I
caught the ball and ran him
down and hit him so hard
when I tagged him he went
down and couldn't get pp.
After a little fight that lBob
Nedley and Pop West stop-
ped, we all shook hands and
made plans for a game in
Apalach the following Satur-
Most of the first nine al-
ways watched us play and
never failed to give us helpful
criticism. They were a good
team and while I'n on' the
subject, the following was
their usual line-up: catcher,-
Henry Haven; pitcher, Hen-
ry Drake and Tom Smith;
first base, Bob Nedley; sec-
ond base, Alton McKeithen;

ty's land fill sites which
acknowledged the County's
progress in planning for elim-
inating the practice of using
areas where garbage was
buried in water and burning
at the pits.
-Received notice from the
Corps of Engineers that the
Gulf County Canal is present-.
ly receiving dredging main-
tenance. The fill material will
be placed along the seawall
at Highland View to replace
sand washed out by storms.
-IDecided to have the
Game Commission remove
an alligator in the stream
beside the Courthouse. The
Board members felt the gni-
mal would bite some child.
-Received a query frPm
the Emergency Medical Ser-
vice as to what had' I~n
done with the $10,000 given
the County to purchase- an
ambulance. The Board wr.ot
the Service that the county
needed two ambulances and
the money was being 1eld
until funds were available to
purchase two vehicles. ;,?'

to take the :examination.
The starting salary for a
clerk or, carrier is $4.65 per.
hour with periodic increases.
Civil Service retirement, sick
and annual leave, uniform
allowance, life insurance and
sick and health insurance are
some of the fringe benefits.
The closing date to make
application for the examina-
tion is April 10, 1974, accord-
ing to the Postmaster. Appli-
cation forms are available at
the local Post Office.

third, George "Pop" West;
left field, Frank Martini; cen-
ter, Acey McKeithen .and
right, Mike Smith. They took
pn all comers and beat most
of them.
The old ball park was
where the Colored field is
now. Saturday night after we
beat Apalach, me and Jim-
mie were celebrating and
swiped one of Uncle Max's
old International trucks and,
as it was bright moonlight,
we didn't bother to light the
carbide headlights.
We drove it to the ball park
and run it around the bases
about a dozen times. The
following Monday we were
shooting a game of pool and
Mr. West, who was deputy
sheriff of- calhoun County and
t. Joe town marshall told us
to get the hell out of there if
we weren't twenty-one and
jf we were, he'd "take us
down thar" and lock us up if
we didn't pay two dollars
street tax.
Needless to say, he won
that argument. "And one
more thing, boys," he said as
we were going out, "if you
buggars, had missed home
plate one time with that
damn truck the other night,
I'd a locked both of you up in
the callaboose."
We took off.

-The leak which has
plagued the Courthouse for
the past several years was
discussed again with no ac-
tion. The Board has agreed to
the fact the leak is coming
from the second story wall
where it joins the ground
floor and needs caulking, but
no order has been given to
have it fixed.

File Now For
Gulf County Tax Assessor
Samuel A. Patrick said this
Week that Sunday, March 31
is' the last day for filing for
homestead exemption on real
property located in the coun-
ty. Patrick said all persons
#,is thing to file for homestead
exemption for their property
should come by his office
during regular office hours' or
mail' in their application.
The mailed applications
must be postmarked no later
than March 31 or the applica-
-tion will be denied.

Watching a special on TV the other night, I
saw James Whitmore come on with his famous
imitation of Will Rogers. I only caught it by
accident, since it has been my experience that
most of the "specials" are nothing more than a
filler to fill up some time on TV which there
was nothing else to fill.
To be fair, we in the newspaper business do
that too. There are times when there is an
empty space in a column or on a page which
there is nothing to fill. We can't leave the space
empty, no more than TV can just let the.
network run blank. So we reach for a filler.
As I said, it was by accident I caught
Whitmore, and as usual, I enjoyed it, since I
enjoy all of the sayings and writings of Will
At the end of his monologue, Whitmore
quoted a favorite saying of Rogers' where he
says he has talked with, poked fun at and
mocked nearly all of the big shots and:
politicians of his time but he never met a
man he didn't like.
The point I'm getting at is this. Do you
suppose Rogers could make this same claim
about our breed of Washington politicians of
It would be a hard thing to do. It would
take some working at.

Speaking of politicians, I was involved with
one of Gulf County's best last Friday afternoon
for a little while.
George Tapper called me out to the
Country Club to take a few publicity pictures
for a kids fishing rodeo the Country Club is
going* to sponsor next month. George brought
one of the little fishermen, his daughter, Trish
and Bill Barlow, George's helper in the project
had brought another fisherman, his daughter,
Vicki, the poles and the worms.
George baited up Trish's hook and Bill
baited Vicki's. After a while, George tried to
deepen Trish's hook in the water by running
the cork up on the line. The cork was too loose
to stay where he put it, so George asked, "Does
anybody have a match?"
I know that you, like me, thought George
..only knew how. to make-.money.andjmane. vei
in the political world. I didn't think' lhereaiy
knew anything useful like how to stop a fishing
cork from slipping up the line, nor how to bait
a hook, or go deeper if the fish weren't biting
shallow. But, he surprised me. He knew all of
this. To show the vast scope of his knowledge,
he knew that a match stem was the proper
thing to reach for if the cork was slipping.
I'll never sell George short again.

We finally. got that shower we have needed
for so long. My luck must be turning, too, since
I had just put my tomatoes in the ground two
days before. Of course, I had also planned to
make my first trip after the shellcrackers
Saturday afternoon, too. It'll be easier to go
after the shellcrackers later than it will be to
either haul water to the tomato plants or plant
them over.

I saw a little article and picture in the
Milton Press-Gazette last Thursday of publish-
er Jim Martin holding an eight pound bass he
had caught. Martin said he had caught the bass
on an apple flavored salamander.
Willie worked at the P-G for a year while
he was going to college, and, among other
things, he described Martin as being sort of
crazy. Never having met the Milton mentor I
couldn't verify Willie's description. But reading
where he described the flavor of his bass bait, I
accept Willie's description. After all, when was
the last time you tasted your bass bait?
I use a sexy Yellow Sally or a colorful
Hawaiian Wiggler, myself when fishing for
bass, and so far as I know they are tasteless.

Notes from

"Killer K"

Play Ball



_ __

I LSPI~-i '- ----lr--- 1' ~--- ;


TIE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974

Say You Saw It In The Sta



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Savings and Loan


401 Fifth Street

Students to Attend FBLA Meet

- i r

8th Graders Hear Jones

Herman Jones spoke
recentlylv .to two..eightbh -gade.,

with a policy
written especial-
ly for your area.
Of Most policies are
national and co-
0 ver only major
points of protec-
tion. What about
hurricanes, tor-
nadoes,' etc.? Be
sure you: are


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gers. Not only can
they be protected in
your home, but also
those things you
take on your trips.

YOUR Possessions

from thieves and dents
and accidents. Also, protect
yourself from un-insured
motorists with our com-
plete auto insurance pro-
gram. You never know who
you might run into, or they

to you.

Be safe be






Tomlinson Insurance


classes at Port St. Joe High
School on. archaeology. Mi-r.
Jones, a former employee of
the Florida State Department
of Education, gave a splendid
presentation which proved
quite helpful to the eighth
Currently, Mr. Jones is
employed as an instructor at
Highland View Elementary
School. He is the first of
several resource persons
scheduled to speak to eighth
graders who are presently
involved in weekly guidance
activities at Port St. Joe High
The eighth grade guidance
activities are under the direc-
tion of Mrs. Sarah A. Riley,
Guidance Counselor.
Pictured above from left to
right are: Mrs. Jackie Feld-
mann. Social Studies instruc-
tor: Principal. Edwin G. Wil-
liams: Herman Jones: and
Mrs. Christine White. English

Mrs. Sherry WV. Lambert of
Jacksonville was the guest
last week (if her mother, Mrs.
Evelyn C. White of 1314 Mar-
vin Avenue.

Port St. Joe Is A
Great Place to Shop


Williams Completes
Recruit Training

.John l{ickey Williams, a
1972 graduate of Port St. Joe
Iligh School recently gradu-
ated fIroml nine weeks of'
reruilt training in (Orlando.
Rickey is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. John lvey' illiams
ot 20018 Long Avenue of Port
St. .Joe. andi enlisted, in the
Navy's electronics field.
lie \\ill be attending 201
weeks ol electronics school in
realal lakes. Illinois. and is
hoping to be selected'l for one
1more y (r 'i advanced elec-
tronics also in great t Lakes.

SMail This Coupon
I 942 Florida National Bank
Jacksonville, Florida Phone 904-354-2684
NAM E ...............................................
I ADDRESS . . . . . .
S C IT Y . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... : .. .. .
S ST A T E .............................................
SMMMRoNONWE MNMNooo mnnann a

Five members of the Port
St. Joe High School Chapter
of the Future Business Lead-
ers of America will leave on
March 28 for Jacksonville to
attend the 24th annual FBLA
State Leadership Conference.
FBLA is the national youth
organization for high school
students who plan to enter
careers in business or in busi-
ness education. The national
organization has chartered
over 5.600 chapters in the
United States and has a
membership of 100.000 stu-
dents. The Florida FBLA
Chapter has a membership
of over 5,500 students. Appro-
ximately 900 high school
members and advisers from
all over Florida are expected
at this year's Conference.
The major business of the
meeting is the election of,
state officers for 1974-75
school year, a series of com-
petitive events between chap-
ters, and other leadership
development activities.
Events include public speak-
ing. typing, accounting, spell-
ing, parliamentary procedure
demonstrations and the selec-
tion of a Mr. and Mrs. Future
Business Leader of America.
Awards for state winners will
be presented at the special
Awards Program on March
Members of the Port St.
Joe High School Chapter will
participate in discussion
groups, business meetings,
and general sessions. Janet
Murphy will compete in the
talent event. Other members
attending will be: Traci Mid-
dleton, Dale Taylor, Brenda
Clements and Debra Burns.
Mrs. Sharon Watson, FBLA
Advisor, will accompany the
group to Jacksonville.
Pictured above are left to
right top row: Debra Burns,
Janet Murphy and Dale Tay-
lor. Bottom row left to right:
Sharon Watson, Brenda Cle-
ments and Traci Middleton.

T Roche

i Rambles
By W. C. Roche

One advantage of small cars is that you can squeeze
twice as many of them into a traffic jam.

The best some of us can expect on the day of
judgment is a suspended sentence.

Engineers are trying to build a car that will stop
smoking. While they're at it why don't they come up
with one that will stop drinking, too?

Diplomacy is telling your wife that her beauty
makes time stand still, instead of advising her that her
face would stop a clock.

A flea circus may be a good act, but it takes
termites to bring down the house.

Try shopping at Roche's. You'll be
glad you did.

Roche's Furniture

and Appliance
209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271

W. G. Braxton Earns

Juris Dr. Degree

Wayne G. Braxton. a 1965
graduate of Port St. Joe High
School, received the Juris
Doctor degree from the Uni-
versity of Florida College of
Law on Saturday. March 16.
Mr. Braxton received his
Bachelor of Arts degree from
the University of Florida in
Attending the cremonv

e V f '

from Port St. Joe were his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Braxton and Mr. and Mrs. W.
J. Ferrell.
Others a lending the cere-
mony were his wife. Lota
Kay: lDr. and Mrs. M. C.
Sanders of Milledgeville. Ga.;
and Mr. and Mrs. L. I.
Nichols of Tampa.


The Frigidaire Touch-N-
Cook Range. It puts
tomorrow's convenience
in your kitchen today.
This is what happens when General Motors
and Frigidaire combine their technology and
high standards for quality and dependability.
This Touch-N-Cook electric range from
Frigidaire has a smooth console that can be
activated at your slightest touch. You simply
touch cooking time and temperature and the
solid-state memory circuits will carry out your
cooking instructions to the oven or surface
heating areas.
What's more, cooking temperatures and
times are clearly shown in the Display Win-
dow which also serves as a digital clock.
That's the Touch-N-Cook Range from
Frigidaire, just one example of the way
Frigidaire and General Motors are building
new ways to better your life.

The Frigidaire Ceramatop
Range. Beauty with a
practical purpose, total
When it's time to clean up, you see the real
beauty of the Ceramatop cooking surface.
One or tw'.o swipes with a damp cloth is usu-
ally all it tikes to remove most soil from the
smooth, unbroken ceramic glass surface.
What's more, this cooking top is as flat as
your co'nler top and durable enough to pro-
vide extra work space when it's not heated.
Below. there's an Electri-cloan oven that can
clean itself, automatically, electrically right
down to the oven racks.

We Install and Service
What We Sell

Lowest Finance Charges
In the Port St. Joe Area

FRIGIDAIRE Dealers Since 1940

Furniture and

ROC CH. E Appliances

Phone 227-5271

209 Reid Ave.

PAGE villIl,,

_ ~6~a

- --~~e



PHONE 227-3201

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974

Photo Safari Offered

at Wakulla Spri" s,

Because of the immediate
acceptance of Wakulla
Springs first photo safari,
they are announcing a second
and third safari weekend-to
be held on Saturday, Match
30 and Sunday, March 31
along with Saturday and Sun-
day, April 6 and 7.
Down-covered limpkin
youngsters, bellowing alliga-
tors, an attractive array of
wildflowers and a variety of
vernal activities await your
imagination and camera.
A $12 entry fee will pay for
a full 'day of activities-a
slide program, two photo
instruction classes, an ex-
tended boat ride and a con-

Thursday, April 4. '
Please specify the date of
your choice. All sessions

begin at 8 a.m. and conclude
at 5 p.m. To provide a quality
experience for all, class size
will be limited to 20 people
each day on a first come
basis. For further informa-
tion, call Wakulla Springs
Hotel at 222-7145. -' 4 ,

ducted photo hike. 7TWMlF
may be enjoyed in either the
hotel restaurant or snack bar
if, you choose to leave your
owr nourishment at home.
'Reservations for the first
Saturday, March 30 or Sun-
day, March 31 must be re-
ceived by Thursday, March
28 accompanied by your
check or money order
made payable to Wakulla
Springs Hotel and sent to:
Stan Osolinksi, Wakulla
Springs Hotel, Wakulla
Springs, Fla. 32305.
Second seminar reserva-
tions for Saturday, April 6 or
Sunday, April 7 must be in by



Mr. and Mrs. John Buford
Griffin of Port St. Joe. have
,announced the engagement
and approaching marriage of
their daughter, Reba Wyvon-
ne Griffin, to Joseph Stephen
Hattaway, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. Hattaway, also of
Port St. Joe.
The future bride is a 1972
graduate of Port St. Joe High
School and attended Gulf
Coast Community College.
She is presently employed by

the Gulf County Sheriff's De-
rhe future bridegroom is
also a 1972 graduate of Port
St. Joe High School and
attended Gulf Coast Com-
munity College. He is pre-
sently employed by Sylva-
chem Corporation located in
Port St. Joe.
The ceremony will take
place Saturday, June 1, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Buford

__ I_



Sunday, March 31

to Sunday, April 7

7:30 each night

Morning Worship

Monday thru Friday
7:00 to 7:30 a.m.

Rev. James H. Metts, Jr.

Public Is Invited

to Attend

Eugene Hattaway
Music. Director

Nursery Provided


Miss Debra Jan Relyea and
Captain Peter Hanson Fox
were united in marriage
March 23, 1974, at the St.
Stephen's Episcopal Church
in Jacksonville. Arkansas.
The Reverend Gary McCon-
nell performed the impres-
sive double-ring ceremony at
8:00 p.m,
Parents of the bride are
Dr. and Mrs. William Polk
Relyea of Jacksonville, Ark-
ansas. Parents of the bride-
groom are Mr. and Mrs.
Robert B. Fox of Miami,
'formerly of Port St. Joe. The
bride is the granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Phelps
and great granddaughter of
Mrs. Anna Braden, all of
Jacksonville, Ark.
The bride graduated from
Winthrop College, Rock Hill,
South Carolina. The bride-
groom graduated from The
United States Air Force Aca-
demy, Colorado Springs,
Colo., and is stationed at
Myrtle Beach Air Force
Base, South Carolina.
Dr. Willliam V. Relyea,
father of the bride was solo-
ist; organist was Miss Vir-
ginia Stroghmeyer. The can-
dlelighter for the ceremony
was Sean McConnell, Cruci-
fer was Scott Johnson. Ring
bearer was Jim Pace of Jack-
sonville, Arkansas.
The bride, given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a
gown of white silk faille. It
was designed with a portrait
neckline featuring a wide
Bertha collar and long taper-
ed sleeves. Re-embroidered
alencon florets on English net
ornamented the bodice and

sleeves of the gown. The
attached train fell to chapel
length from beneath a row of
small self buttons. Covering
her train her long veil of
imported silk illusion fell
from a Queen Ann's crown of
alencon lace florets and tiny
seed pearls. She carried a
bouquet of white camomiles
and white roses.
Mrs. James Creel of Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina, was
matron of honor. Brides-
maids were Miss Kay Carson
of Lakelarid. Florida, and
Miss Nancy Stevenson of Col-
umbia, .,South Carolina.
Junior bridesmaids were
Miss Martha Parker of Win-
ter Park, Florida, and Miss
Robin Segrest of Port Gibson,
Mississippi, nieces of the
groom. Miss Alicia Creel of
Myrtle Beach, South Caro-
lina, was flower girl.
The matron of honor,
bridesmaids, junior brides-
maids and flower girl wore
gowns of' white quana jersey
designed with a dutchess
neckline, empire bodice and
long tapered sleeves. A wide
self ruffle ornamented the
bodice and reappeared at the
hemline of their gown. Their
headdress was a wide velvet
bow. The matron of honor
carried three long stemmed
red roses while the brides-
maids carried one long stem
red rose.
Captain Craig Johnson of
Davis-Monthan Air Force
Base, Arizona, was best man.
Groomsmen were Michael
Relyea, Jacksonville, Ark.,
brother of the bride, Robert
King, Winter Park, Florida:

Report Is

Given to


Xi Epsilon Kappa met in
regular bi-monthly session
March 19, at 8:00 p.m. in the
home of the president, Betty
Lewis, who presided. Gulf
Area Council meeting was
reported on by those attend-
ing. A report was given on
the State Convention to be
held in Clearwater May 25-26.
The Founder's Day date will
be decided on at a later date.
Martha Sanborn gave the
program on "How to Make
Friends," in which she dis-
cussed types of friends. She
used the analogy of friends
being as a pebble dropped in.
a pool making ripple-s in lh,
water. The program was
very interesting and was
enjoyed by all. Refreshment
was then -served to members
present: Dot Grossman, Bet-
ty Lewis, Mary Agnes Kil-
bourn, Martha Sanborn,
Greta Freeman and JoAnn


Norris -

Rev. and Mrs. Allen Norris
wish to announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Miss
Stella Norris to Larry M.
Rishel of Long Beach. Miss.
Stella is the granddaughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Nor-
ris and Mr. and Mrs. W. B.
Dykes of Port St. Joe.
Mr. Rishel is the son of
Lawrence Rishel and the late
Audrey Rishel of Long
Beach, and the grandson of
Mr. and Mrs. Marcey Quarles
and J. W. Rishel of Long
The groom-elect is employ-
ed at Crawford Advertising of
Gulfport. The wedding will be
held on July 20. 1974 at 2:00
p.m. in Biloxi. All friends and
relatives are cordially



The March meeting of the
Port St. Joe Garden Club was
held at the Garden Center on
Thursday, March 14. A pro-
gram on Easter arrange-
ments for the home was
ably by Mrs. Kenneth Bate-
Mrs. Ralph Nance present-
ed the schedule for the flower
show, giving a brief descrip-
tion of each class and what is
Hostesses for the occasion
were Mrs. Ethel Bridges and
Mrs. Harry Hallinan. Guests
of the club were Mrs. James
McInnis and Mrs. W. G.

Shop at Home

Z- -I 1

SFox Vows Spoken



Whatever your printing needs, wed-
ding invitations, baby shower, anni-
versary parties, we can print it for
you. We specialize in fine printing
for special occasions.






Oren Segrest, Jr., Port Gib-
son, Miss., brothers-in-law of
the groom, David Segrest and
Scott Segrest, Port Gibson,
Miss., nephews of the groom.
Following the ceremony a
reception was given at The
Officer's Club at Little Rock
Air Force Base, Arkansas, by
the parents of the bride.
Hosts for the reception were
Dr. and Mrs. J. Albert John-
son, Jacksonville, Ark. Mrs.
Nathan Smith of Jackson-
ville, Ark. and Mrs. Max
Lambert. of Myrtle Beach,.
S.C. cut the cake. Mrs. Earl
Whiting of Jacksonville pour-
ed the punch. The bride's
book was kept by Mrs. Law-
rence Beene of Jacksonville,
Ark. The rice bags were
given out by Miss Karen
Ridlinghafter, Miss Tara
Johnson and Miss Delta John-
son, all of Jacksonville.
After the wedding cere-
mony and reception, the
couple left on aa hone. moon
cruise to Nassau after which
time they will be at home at
Myrtle Beach Air Force
Base, South Carolina.
The rehearsal dinner was
given Friday, March 22 at the
Holiday Inn in Jacksonville,
Arkansas, by the groom's



St. Joseph's Catholic
Church was the setting for
the candelight Wedding cere-
mony of Miss Terri Lynn
Middleton and Robert Mich-
ael Lyles. The Rev. Father
David T. O'Shea performed
the ceremony at seven
o'clock in the evening.
The parents of the bride
and groom areMr. and Mrs.
James Middleton and Mr.
and Mrs. William Lyles, all
.of Mexico Beach.
Traditional wedding music
was provided by organist
Mrs. Ferrell Allen, Jr., and
soloist, Miss Tavia Copen-
The bride was radiant in a
bridal satin gown, designed
in a simple princess line.
Tiny seed pearls were appli-
qued on each side of the front
panel. The drop sleeves were
very full and gathered at the
wrist with wide cuffs closed
with tiny satin covered but-
tons. A delicate lace pearl
appliqued tiara held a full
length lace edged illusion
She carried a colonial
styled bouquet of .yellow
roses with gyposphelia. She
was presented at the altar by
her father, James Middleton.
Miss Traci Middleton was
maid of honor for her sister.
Her gown was a soft spring
floral print in sheer nylon
i< voile over yellow crepe. The
gown featured a gently
rounded neck, trimmed with


a ruffle, long full sheer
sleeves, and a full skirt with
a wide flounce at the bottom.
Her headpiece was of soft
flowing illusion held in place
by a Dior bow. She carried a
colonial bouquet of mixed
. Miss Bonnie Treace and
Miss Brenda Guilford served
as bridesmaids. Miss Kath-
leen Lyles, sister of the
groom, was junior brides-
maid. They were dressed
identically to the honor atten-
dant except in shades of
Best man for the occasion
was Gary Gaddis. Grooms-
men were William Lyles,
father of the groom and
Ricky Armstrong.
Serving at the altar were
Steve Kramer and Andy
Mrs. Middleton chose for
her daughter's, wedding a
formal gown of champagne
colored brocaded satin. She
wore a pink cymbidium cor-
sage. Mrs. Lyles, mother of
the groom, chose a blue
formal peau de soie gown. A
white cymbidium completed
her ensemble.
The bride's parents hosted
a reception in the church's
social hall after the cere-
mony. The tables were
covered with floor length
white lace trimmed cloths.
Mixed floral arrangements,
candelabra and green fern
were placed at vantage



The families of Carol De-
Ann Austin and William Shel-
ton (Biff) Quarles Ill an-
nounce their engagement and
approaching marriage. The
wedding will be held in the
courtyard of Lookout Moun-
tain Presbyterian Church on
Lookout Mountain. Tenn. on
Saturday. May 11 at 2:30 in
the afternoon.
Miss Austin will graduate
from Bryan College on May 4
with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Elementary Educa-

tion. Mr. Quarles is currently
a student at Bryan College of
Dayton. Tenn.. and will con-
tinue his education at the
University of \West Florida in
Pensacola this fall. The
couple will reside at 308' 2
13th Street in Port St. Joe
during the summer.

No local invitations are
being sent. but all friends and
family of the couple are
invited to the ceremony and


Is The



and in Port St. Joe. This,
merchandise giant is as close as
your telephone. Buy any item
advertised by Sears anywhere in.
the United States, simply by dialing

Catalog Sales

Lee Treace,


points throughout the recep-
tion area.
Miss Patti Parker kept the
bride's book, while cake and
punch were served by Misses
.Debbie Hamm, Nancy
Money, Barbara Eells and
Mrs. Jeanne McDermott.
Out of town guests included
the bride's grandmother,
Mrs. Mildred Hussmann,
Maywood, Calif.; the grand-
parents of the groom, Mr.
and Mrs. Henry James of
Panama City, and Mrs. Peg-
gy Trolliet of St. Louis, Mis-
Other guests were Mary
Lyles, St. Louis, Missouri,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Middleton
and Debbie of Chipley and
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Allen of
Battle Creek, Michigan.
Pre-wedding parties for
Miss Middleton. included a
miscellaneous shower given

Mi sion



Mrs. Charles Browne was
hostess to Mission Group II of
the United Methodist Women
on March 18. Preceding the
business meeting. Mrs.
Browne served refreshments
to the 18 members present: .
Mrs. Alfred Joines gave the
devotionial taking for her
topic. "Today Gives Me New
Opportunities to Witness for
The program. "esus and
the Twelve." was given by
Mrs. George Subet and Mrs.
Nobie Stone. giving in detail
the qualities and personali-
ties of each of the 12 dis-
ciples, also -1. -i i(.. repro-
ductions of paintings of each
of the twelve. The program
was thought-provoking and
was followed by a group dis-
Mrs. Browne. Chairman.
presided over the business
meeting. Committee reports
were given and .members.
were reminded that this
group would serve the re-
freshments for the general
meeting held at the church.
Also a work day in the
kitchen at the Fellowship
Hall was designated.
The group will meet in 'the
home of Mrs. Charles Brock
for the April meeting.

Mrs. Blount
Hosts Group

Mission Group III of the
United Methodist Women,
met in the home of Mrs. John
Blount at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday.
March 19 with eight members
and one visitor present. Mrs.
Marvin Huie presided in the
absence of the chairperson.
A report was given from
the General UMW meeting
March 4, in which members
were reminded that in April
Mission Group III would be
responsible for the care of
the church kitchen.
Mrs. J. L. Temple gave the
devotional and program
based on the Phillipians from
the commentary by William
The next meeting will be
held in the home of Mrs.
Temple on April 8.

by Mrs. Wavie Gardon-of
Mexico Beach. A kitchen
shower also was given by
Misses Tavia Copenhaver,
Brenda Guilford, and Bonnie
A wedding breakfast for
the bride, her attendants and
mothers was given by Mrs.
Robert Whittle and Mrs.
James Tankersley.
The rehearsal dinner for
the Middleton-Lyles wedding
was hosted by the groom's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Lyles at their home at
Mexico Beach.

- Lyles Wedding

Mrs. 'A

Eta Upsilon Chapter 5845
met in the home of Dot Wil-
liams March 5, 1974.
The meeting was called to
order by President Mary
Harrison with all members
repeating the opening ritual.
Freda Jacobs, Ways and
Means Chairman reported
$32.85 was made at the bake
sale held Feb. 23.
Dot Williams reported help
was needed at Check Stations
for the March of Dimes Walk-

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974


Plan to


Mr. and Mrs. James Lamar
Hardy of Port St. Joe have
announced the engagement
and approaching marriage of
their daughter. Lee Anna. to
Jerry Michael Parrish. son of
Mr. and Mrs. Troy C. Parrish
of Port St. Joe.
The future bride is a 1973
graduate of Port St. Joe High
School where she was treas-
urer of Keyettes. She is pre-
sently attending Gulf Coast
Community College where
she is a member of Phi Theta
The bridegroom-elect is a
1966 graduate of Port St. Joe
High School and is presently
employed at St. Joe Paper

The wedding will be an
event of May 25 at 3:00 p.m.
at St. ,oseph's Catholic
Church, Port St. Joe.

No local invitations are
being sent, but all friends and
relatives are invited to

iams Hosts Sorority

A-Thon. All members present
agreed to help with the Walk
on March 30.
The City Council asked the
chapter to help with a fashion
show to be held during the
Golden Anniversary Celebra-
Dot Williams presented an
interesting program on lang-
uage, after which the meet-
ing was adjourned by all
members repeating the clos-
ing ritual.

The Chapter met for its
second monthly meeting on
March 19 at Florida Power
Lounge with hostesses Mary
Harrison and Elaine Jackson.
Two rushees, Pat Melvin
and Dereama Kent visited
the meeting.
A time schedule for mem-
bers was set up for the
March of Dimes Walk-A-
Officers for the 1974-75 fis-

cal year were nominated and
elected as follows: Helen
Armstrong, president; Freda
Jacobs, vice president; Phyl-
lis Sisk, recording secretary;
Elaine Jackson, correspond-
ing secretary; Kay Parrott,
treasurer; and Mary Pollock,
extension officer.
Freda Jacobs presented a.
program on recreation to the
members present, after
which a social period follow-

Jerry Parrish. Lee Anna Hardy



PAGE SIX THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974

Track Team Captures First

Gulf Coast Cohference Meet

Port St. Joe High School
won its first track meet of the
year after three outings last
Thursday, winning in a meet
with the other schools in the
Gulf Coast Conference.
Port St. Joe came in first
with 85 points, DeFuniak was
second with 721/ points,
Crestview was third with 70,
Chipley was fourth with 59/
and Marianna came in last
with 34 points.


' Opened 2

Short Orders

In the 120 high hurdles,
Dennis Griffin came in third,
Mike Rich fourth and Bill
Norton seventh.
.In the 100 yard dash, Rob-
ert Farmer was second in the
Carl Bailey placed fourth in
the mile run.
The 880 relay team was
beaten for the first time in
three outings. The team of
.John Shackleford, Jim Mc-


:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m.

Shrimp Boxes

Chicken Boxes

J&J Grill

106 Second Avenue Phone 229-6145

Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue
GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music
Sunday School 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship Service ..--....--......11:00 A.M.
Church Training 6:30 P.M.
Evening Worship 'Service ..--......... 6:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M.

"Come and Worship God With Us"
Day Care Center, Tuesday and Thursday 8:36-11:30

Neill, Danny Thomas and
Robert Farmer placed sec-
Danny Tankersley took
first place and Robbie San-
born third in the 440 yard
John Arnold was first;
Mike Rich, fourth and Martin
Adkison, fifth in the 880 yard
The sprint medley team of
John Shackleford, Robert
Farmer, Jim McNeill and
Danny Thomas remains un-
defeated, taking first place in
Thursday's conference meet.
Another unbeaten team, the
mile relay, also took first
place again. The team is
composed of Dennis Griffin,
John Shackleford, Darrell
Ward and Carl Bailey.
'In the high jifmp. Danny
Thomas was second with 5'7"
and Johnny Jenkins and John
Shackleford were tied for
third with 5'5".
In the long jump, Robert
Farmer placed second; Jim
McNeill, .third and John Ar-
nold, fourth.
Steve Davis placed fifth in
the discus throw with 102'.
Ed Floore tossed the shot
put for 38'.

The first meet of the year
was with Carrabelle, with
Port St. Joe finishing second.
Carrabelle had 91 points;
Port St. Joe, 87: Wakulla, 71
and Aucilla Christian, 1.
The second meet was at
Crestview with Crestview
capturing 100 points; Port St.
Joe, 70; DeFuniak, 50 and
Chipley, 34.
So far this season, John
Arnold has placed first in all
meets in the 880 run. Danny
Tankersley has lost only one
440 yard dash by a tenth of a


The next meet will be the
Kiwanis Invitational in Tal-
lahassee, a five team meet
at Panama City Mosley on
March 27, Conference Cham-
pionship April 4, Crestview
on April 11, Florida High in
Tallahassee on April 26.
District competition will be
held May 3 with the first two
places. to compete in the
State meet on May 10 in
Winter Park.

M.B. Auxiliary
Hears Speaker
The Mexico Beach Fire-
fighters Woman's Auxiliary
met March 21 with Firechief
Keiser as guest speaker. He
reported on the progress on
work on the fire house and
emphasized the need for per-
sonal equipment such as
coats and boots for the fire-
The Auxiliary is currently
conducting a membership
drive until May 23. All wom-
en are encouraged to join,
whether their husbands are
firemen or not. The Auxiliary
decided to tackle the problem
of personal equipment for the
firemen first: and plan a
bake sale on March 30 in
front of the Mexico Beach
Post Office to finance this
Anyone wishing to donate
baked goods or for additional
information, contact Bennie
Hunter at 648-4572 or Jeanette
Keiser at 648-5255.
Meetings are held the third
Thursday of each month,
with the next meeting being
April 18 at 7 p.m. CDT at the
Mexico Beach Town Hall.


Port St. Joe High School
Lunch Room Menu
Monday, April 1
Tuna salad, French fries,
hamburger with bun, lettuce
and tomato, pickles, peach
with cookie, 'bread, crackers.
Tuesday, April 2
Spaghetti, cole slaw, ham-
burger with bun, French
fries, lettuce and tomato,
pickles, brownie, bread, rolls.
Wednesday, April 3
Ham sandwich, dry lima
beans, hot dog with bun,
'potato salad, lettuce and
tomato. peanut butter cake.
Thursday. April 4
Oven fried chicken, rice
with gravy. Sloppy Joe on
bun. French fries, whole ker-
nel corn. cabbage, carrot,
and tomato slaw, fruited jel-
lo, bread. rolls.
lFriday, April 5
Homemade vegetable soup
with stew beet, cabbage slaw.
hamburger with bun. French
fries. lettuce and tomato,
pickles. chocolate cake,

Elementary Schools
I.unch Hoomn .Menu
.Monday. April I
Tuna salad, French fries.
lettuce and tomato. peanut
butter cake, bread, crackers.
Tuesday. April 2
Spaghetti, cole slaw. string
beans, brownie. bread. rolls.
'fdlin sday, April 3
llam sandwich. dry lima
beans., cabbage. carrot and
tomato slaw. peach with
Th u rsday April I
Oven fried chicken, rice
with gravy. lettuce and toma-
to. fruited jello with topping.
rolls, bread.
Friday. April 5
Homemade vegetable soup
with stew beef,. cabbage slaw,
chocolate cake, crackers.

Two More Wins

Port St. Joe entertained
conference foe Crestview last
Tuesday and came away with
a hard-fought 2-0 win over a
good Crestview team. Port
St. Joe was held scoreless the
first four innings, but pushed
across the go-ahead run in
the fifth.
Russell Chason led off the
inning with a single. He ad-
vanced to third base on a
passed ball by the catcher.
Kenneth Weimorts followed
with a base on balls. With
men on first and third, Cha-
son and Wei46rts executed a
forced balk play. When the
pitcher took his stretch,
Weimorts broke from first
base. The pitcher stepped off
and threw to second and
Chason scored from third.
This was the only run Reg-
gie Gilbert needed as he shut
Crestview out on five scratch
hits, while fanning 11 and
giving up two bases on balls.
The Sharks scored again
when Luke Weimorts reached
first on an error. Mark Wim-
berly ran for Weimorts, steal-
ing second, advancing to
third on a passed ball and
scoring on an error by the
Bulldog shortstop.
Leading hitters for the
Sharks were Russell Chason
with two hits and Kenny
Weimorts with one. The
Sharks had only the three
Gilbert picked up his third
win and has not given up an
earned run all season while
pitching 26 innings.

Port St. Joe traveled to
Apalachicola Friday and
came away with a 16-6 win
after a chance to play many
of their younger boys.
Leading hitters for Port St.
Joe were Kenneth Weimorts
with two singles and a double
and three RBI's, Denzil Wei-
morts with two singles and a
home run and two RBI's.
Bruce May and Russell Cha-
son each had two base hits
and Chason had two RBI's.
Mark Wimberly started on

the mound for Port St. Joe
and pitched the first three
innings, giving up three runs
on five hits and four bases on
balls. Jay Stevens relieved
Wimberly in the fourth. Ste-
vens gave up three runs on
three hits and three bases on
Wimberly picked up his
fourth win of the season to

run his record to 4-0.

The Sharks Saturday game
with Marianna was rained
out and will be played here
this afternoon at 4:00 p.m.
The Sharks meet Chipley
here Friday at 3:30 and We-
wahitchka there Saturday at

Barbara Joan Grace

Receives DAR Award

The St. Andrew Bay Chap-
ter of the Daughters of the
American Revolution an-
nounced this week that Bar-
bara Joan Grace has been
selected as Port St. Joe High
School's DAR Good Citizen
for 1974.
The DAR Good Citizen
Award is given to a senior
girl who possess to an out-
standing degree the qualities
of leadership, dependability,
service and patriotism. Being
selected as Port St. Joe High
School's DAR Good Citizen
qualifies her for the state
Joni is the daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. Wesley Grace who
reside at 135 Hunter Circle.
She has been active as a
Varsity Cheerleader, mem-
ber of the Monument staff,
Keyettes, National Honor So-
ciety and treasurer of the
Student Council. She was
awarded a Junior Class
Worker award; she has three
years' perfect attendance;
she was on the Homecoming

Court and she was second
runner up in the Junior Miss
The DAR Good Citizen Con-
test is endorsed by the Natio-
al Association of Secondary
School Principals and ap-
pears on its approved list of
national contests and activi-
ties for 1973-74.

Swim Club

There will be a meeting at
the Country Club Tuesday,
April 2 at 7:30 p.m. for all
members who have children
interested in being a part of
the 1974 edition of the St.
Joseph Bay Country Club
Swim Team.
This is an important meet-
ing and in order to have a
successful season, attendance
is urged at this meeting.

For the many acts of kind-
ness, the numerous visits and
the prayers offered in behalf
of Ida Lee Boswell during her
many years as a shut-in and
the flowers, food 'and com-
forting expressions of sym-
pathy extended to us, at the
time of her death, we, her
family, want to thank each
and everyone. She loved St.
Joe as much as St. Joe loved
Ethel Westbrook
Myrell Howell
Deda Gilbert & family

witn a 19 gami e anu ou
series. High bowler for Mar-
garet's was Electa with a 144
game and Mary L. had a 361
Top Dollar won three E
games from Wewa Bank. C O
Marian had--a 153 game and
451 series for Top Dollar. All Day
Elsie led the Bank with a 168
game and 479 series.
Bowen's Cowgirls won .,
three games from Queen Fr i a y, arch 29
Bees. Mary' Beaver had a 135
game and 360 series for the
Cowgirls. Elaine Jackson had for Posting Dividends
a 140 game and 354 series for
Queen Bees.
Standings: Won Lost
Pate's Shell 78 30
A&N Railroad 71 3izensFederal
Ralph & Henry's 63 45
Wewa Bank 59 49 Savings and Loan Association
Margaret's 49'2 581 2
Queen Bees 34 74 at PORT ST. JOE
Bowen's Cowgirls 14 94

SAVE $100.00
.,1 01 164On An 8-Piece Lane

Dining Suite,

P On a 2-Piece Early American
S with 100 pct. nylon fabric.

Living Rm. Suite

On a 2-Piece Maple
SBedroom Suite

St. Joe Furniture & Appliance
Phone 229-1251 205 Reid Ave,

SNew Open Hours

Attend the Church of Your Choice


309 6th Street, INVITES YOU

HOLY COMMUNION ...................... 7:30 A.M.
SUNDAY SCHOOL ...................... 9:45 A.M.
MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery) ........... 11:00 A.M.
HOLY COMMUNION (First Sundays) ...... 11:00 A.M.


I 1L Ill-L


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1974

Dean congratulated by Jackson County Sheriff Ronnie
Craven for appointment.

Dean to Attend

FBI Academy

Herschel T. (Sonny) Dean
Jr., investigator with the
Jackson County Sheriff's
Department, has been ex-
tended an invitation to attend
the FBI National Academy in
Quantico, Va. during the
April 1 June 21 session.
Dean was notified of the
honor this week in a letter
from Clarence M. Kelley,
director of the Federal Bur-
eau of Investigation in Wash-
ington, D. C. In Marianna
Wednesday to congratulate
Dean and provide instruc-
tions on his upcoming train-
ing was W. M. Alexander of
Jacksonville, special FBI
agent in charge of 40 of the 67
counties in Florida.
Dean, who was nominated
by Sheriff Ronnie Craven,
will attend the 12-week
course with approximately
250 dther officers from every
part of the United States. The
FBI Academy, formed in
1935, is located in Quantico,
approximately 40 miles from
Washington, D. C. Its purpose
is to train police officers as
investigators as well as
Those chosen to take the
course are specially picked
men who have had consid-
erable law enforcement ex-
perience but need more train-
ing and education.
Upon completion of the
course, Dean will return to
his duties in Jackson County
and will be equipped to in-
struct the other members of
the Sheriff's Department in
modern law enforcement
All tuition and other costs,
including meals, lodging, and
even dry cleaning, will paid
for by the federal govern-
ment. In addition, Dean will
be given college credit for the
hours he puts in at the aca-
Born in Gadsden County,

G ED Tests

Slated at


General Educational Dev-
elopment (GED) tests will be
given at Haney Vo-Tech,
Highway 77 at Baldwin Road
in Panama City on April 4
and 5, 1974. Successful com-
pletion of the tests will qual-
ify the person for the award
of a high school equivalency
Tq be eligible to take the
GED test, a person must be
at least 18 years of age. He
must be a resident of Florida
for one year, or own a home
or business in Florida, or
have filed a manifestation of
domicile with the clerk of
circuit court of his Florida
county of residence. He must
have American history and
government or American his-
tory and civics in high school
credit or demonstrate com-
petency through an approved
examination, GED officials
said. Credits must be verified
by transcript.
Cost of the test is $7.50.
Individual applications may
be made by contacting the
guidance counselor at the
Tom P. Haney Vocational-
Technical Center. Further
information may be obtained
by calling 769-3315.

ou AyA
iio ~
Redeemablee hou'Sun.,MMr 3l
imqw p U~a qw w or ~~--
E 'I, TE VI.Y:-I i rllq111J.1
h oP-n $ o.,ofdOh

Rrde,,mobl, IA,..Sun., Mar 31

Dean graduated from Liberty
County High School in Bristol
and attended Gulf Coast
Junior College iP Panama
Following a tour of duty
with the U. S. Navy, he
worked in the construction
and chemical business before
joining the Gulf County Sher-
iff's Department. He worked
712 years with the Gulf Coun-
ty department, the last two
as chief deputy. It was during
his employment there that he
became acquainted with
Sheriff Craven, who was then
a probation officer. Dean
became special investigator
for Jackson County when
Craven was elected sheriff in
Dean, an avid hunter and
fisherman, married the for-
mer Samantha Ann Redfern
of Bloufitstown and they have.
four children.




Students 18 and over get-
ting monthly social security
checks will soon get an atten-
dance reporting card that
should be filled out and re-
turned to social security as
soon as possible, according tp
Robert Latta, Social Security
Representative for Gulf
Social security reporting
cards are mailed to students
getting social security pay-
ments about three months
before the end of the school
year. "The information on
the attendance report helps
us decide if the student can
continue to get monthly
checks," Latta said.
Delay in returning the
reporting card can mean a
delay in future social security
payments, he said.
Full-time students 18 and
over who remain unmarried
can get monthly social secur-
ity checks'until they're 22 if a
parent gets social security
payments or if a parent has
died after working long
enough under social security.
"A college student who
hasn't earned an undergrad-
uate degree can continue to
get social security payments
through the end of the semes-
ter or quarter year in which
he reaches 22," Latta said.
"If the school doesn't use the
semester or quarter system,
students can continue to get
social security payments
until their course is com-
pleted-or until two months
after they reach 22, which-
ever is earlier."
About 650,000 students in
colleges, high schools, and
trade schools get monthly
social security payments.
"Any student in this area
who needs help with the
attendance report or informa-
tion about social security
benefits can call,. write, or
visit any social security
office," Latta said.
The office for this area is
located at 1316 Harrison Ave.,
Panama City.

Invest in Your Future'
Support Your Schools

- m


A pharmacist daily assists the sick
and injured by dispensing to them
the most advanced medicine in
the world. Through his product,
he eases the pain of tragedy, pro-
tects the health of our community
and helps make life longer and
more comfortable. If you're unde-
cided about your future, consider
a career in Pharmacy. It's a field
of importance, responsibility, ind
challenge... overflowingwith grati-
fying personal rewards.


P 2274371 317 W llamn
Convenient Drive-In Window
Plenty of Free Parkine


Takes Mrs


Ida Lee Davis "Granny"
Boswell, 96, died Thursday,
March 14 at 3:50 p.m. in Bay
Memorial Hospital of Pan-
ama City.
She was a long time resi-
dent of Port St. Joe moving
here in 1945 from Prichard,
Alabama, and is the widow of
George Thomas Boswell.
Survivors include two
daughters, Ethel Westbrook
arid Myrell Howell, both of
Port St. Joe; a son, C. T. Bos-
well of Mobile, Ala.; a sister,
Mrs.. Lila Brown, Spdurger,
Tex.; three grandchildren,
Mrs. C. H. Russel, Corsiano,
Tex., Dale Boswell, Mobile,
Ala., and the late Phonzo
Gilbert of Port St. Joe; ten
great grandchildren and two
great great grandchildren.
Services were-held at 11:30
a.m. at Wilson Funeral Home
Chapel of Panama City with'
Rev. DeWitt Mathews of
First Baptist Church, Port St.
Joe, officiating.


:The major industries of
Gulf County will add much to
the festivities of the Gulf
S County Golden Anniversary
''Celebration June 6-14, 1975.
Bob Freema n is chairman of
the lndustr il Dispaly Com-
It is expected that each of
the major industries will pro-
duice an exhibit that will be"
designed to promote gbod will
toward industry. It is antici-
pated that each exhibit will
probably tell the story of how
That particular industry con-
verts raw products into the
finished product and show
how that particular industry
relates to the community and


. IN RE: The Estate of
WILLIE T.'ROWELL, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the under-
signed, J. Ted Cannon, as personal
representative of the above-captioned
estate, underhand by virtue of an order
entered by the court on the 11th day of
March, 1974, in the above-captioned
estate will offer for sale and sell at
public outcry to the highest and best
bidder for cash at the front steps of the
County Courthouse, in and for Gulf
County at Port St. Joe, Florida. Said
sale will be held at 11:00 a.m. EDT on
the 11th day of April, 1974, to sell the
following described property situated in
The Southeast Quarter of the South-
east Quarter and all of the South.
west Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter and lying east of State
Road 71, formerly State Highway
No. 6, in Section 11, Township 4
South, Range 10 West as contained
in the records in the Clerk of the
Circuit Court's office in and for
Gulf County.
said property shall be sold with all the
tenements, hereditaments thereto
belonging. The estate will furnish good
and merchantable title and title insur.
ance to the buyer and the cost of such
title insurance shall be paid for by the
estate. Sale is subject to confirmation
by. the court and personal represent.
SDATED this 12th day of March, 1974.
Personal Representative 4t 3.14

the arba. 'Along with the
manufacturing elements of
the area economy, the com-
mercial fishing industry is
expected to provide a very
interesting display.
All industrial displays are
to be on display in the Port
St. Joe area and will be open
to the public during the entire
nine day birthday party. See
these beautiful and instruc-
tional exhibits' and you will
certainly have a greater
knowledge of industry in this
area and a greater apprecia-
tion of their impact upon
each of us.
Also on the agenda for the
Golden Anniversary will be
an agricultural program.
"Body" Lister of Wewa-
hitchka is chairman of this
committee that promises to
provide a true story of the
agricultural contributions to
the welfare of the people of
Gulf County and the sur-

We -the undersigned, being duly
sworn, do hereby declare under oath
that the names of all persons interested
in the business or profession carried on
under the name of SUB SHOP, at 401
Monument Avenue, P.O. Box 413, Port
St. Joe, Florida 32456, and the extent of
the interest of each, is as follows:
Frank Swain, Owner.
-s- Frank Swain
4tc 3-21

The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
One 20" Drill press'to the following
A. Spindle speed variable belt-
less, 130 to 1300 RPM with.
speed selection, 1200 RPM
B. Quil Dia. 23/4"
C. Spindle No. 3 M.T.
D. Base working surface 13.5" x
E. Stroke 6"
F. Height floor model (max.) 75"
G. Front to rear 33.5"'
H. Working surface 15.5" x 18"
I. Column length 66"
J. Column Dia. 4" x 12" wall
K. Adjustable work light
L. Drill press vise, tilting not less
than 33 lb.
M. Not less than 1 2 HP, 230V.
460V, I1 PH, 60 CY
N. .0 to 32" Chuck with adaptor
for No. 3 M.T.
The unit shall be equal to Power-
matic Mod 1200.
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope
and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP54."
All.bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
Florida, and approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids in item sequence and totaled. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bids,
waive any formalities and to choose the
bid deemed best to meet the City's
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's (Office, P.O. Box A, Port St.
Joe, Florida 32456, on or before 5:00
P.M., E.D.T., April 2, 1974. Bid opening
will be held at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the
Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Flor-
City Auditor and Clerk 2t 3-21

IN RE: The Estate of
All creditors of MARY M. WEEKS,
who died on January 16, 1974 while a
resident of Gulf County, Florida, are
notified that they are required to file
any claims or demands that they may
have against her Estate in the Circuit
Court for Gulf County, Florida, in the
Courthouse at Port St. Joe, Florida,
within six calendar months for the date
of the first publication of this Notice.
Each claim or demand must be in
writing and filed in duplicate, and must
state the place of residence and post
office address of the claimant and be
sworn to by the claimant, his agent or
his attorney, or it will become void
according to law.
DATED February 27, 1974
-s-William Bruce Weeks
-s-Merle Jordan MacArthur
Co.Executors 4t 3-7

rounding area, and will be
displayed in Wewahitchka
during the nine day celebra-
Highlights of the agricul-
tural program will probably
be displays by pine tree
farms of Gulf County, the
Tupelo Honey producers; and
the cattle ranchers of the
area. Farm produce should
also provide a very interest-
ing part of the overall pro-

St. James Women
Set Garage Sale
Women of St. James Epis-
copal Church will have an
indoor Garage Sale Saturday,
April 6 at the Parish House.
Sale hours will be from 9:00
a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Mrs. R. H. McIntosh is
chairman of the sale.
Cancer Society
Offers Its Thanks
Members of the Gulf Coun-
ty Cancer Society wish to
express their appreciation to
the Sunshiners Square Dan-
cers for their participation in
this year's drive to combat
the dreaded number two
cause of death in the United

Sealed bids in duplicate will be
received until 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., May
7, 1974, City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
and will be publicly opened and read
aloud at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., for the
construction of:
for the
City of Port St. Joe,- Fla. Wastewater
Treatment Plant
The Contractor shall furnish all
labor, materials and equipment and
shall be responsible for the entire
completion of this project.
Plans, specification and contract
documents may be inspected at the
Office of the City Clerk for the City of
Port St. Joe, Florida, and may be
procurred by General Contractors upon
a deposit of $25.00 per set for plans and
specifications, of which the full amount
will be refunded to each General Con.
tractor who submits a bid and all other
deposits for other than one complete
set of plans and specifications will be
returned less deduction to cover cost of
reproduction. All documents must be
returned in good condition within ten
(10) days after date of opening of bids.
Cashier's Checlk, Certified Check, or
Bid Bond for not leSs than 5 per cent of
the amount of the bid must accompany
each proposal.
Performance, Labor and Material
Bond and Workman's Compensation
Insurance will be required of the suc-
cessful bidder.
Right is reserved to reject any or all
proposals and waive technicalities.
No bidder may withdraw his bid for a
period of thirty (30) days after date set
for opening.
City Auditor and Clerk 3t 3-21
In Re: The Marriage of
TO: Jimmy Granger
Rt. 1, Box 145
Orange, Texas
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action
for dissolution of marriage has been
filed against you and you are required
to serve a copy of your written
defenses, if any, to it on Cecil G.
Costin, Jr., Plaintiff's attorney, whose
address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St.
Joe, Florida 32456, on or before April
15, 1974, and file the original with the
Clerk of this Court either before service
on Plaintiff's attorney or immediately
thereafter; otherwise a default will be
entered against you for the relief
demanded in the petition.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of
this Court on March 12, A.D. 1974.
Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County
4t 3.14

Episcopal Bishop Tells Rotarians Energy

Crisis May Be A Blessing for the Nation

Active pallbearers were
Matthew Russel, great grand-
son; Waylon McEachin, nep-
hew; Larry Branch: Glenn
Grimsley; L. C. Davis; and
Marion Craig.
Graveside services were
held at Mt. Olive Cemetery,

Club Thanks

The Sunshiners Square
Dance Club would like to
thank the Port St. Joe High
School Key Club for their
help, and to thank all the
dancers and spectators who
attended the Cancer Fund
dance and' attributed to our
being able to raise $105.00 for
the 1973-74 Cancer drive.

Words cannot express our
sincere and heartfelt appre-
ciation to all our many
friends and relatives for all
the prayers, visits, food.
flowers, and other acts of
kindness shown during the
illness and bereavement of
Robert A. "Stig" Ward.
May God's blessings rest
upon each of you.
The Family of
Robert A. "Stig" Ward

Call Walter Duren

Rev. Murray pointed out at
the beginning of his talk that,
three-fourths of the 20th Cen-
tury was gone. "This was to
be the century of utopia for
the American people. Instead
it has been a century which
introduced rioting, assassi-
nations, declining morals,
drug abuse, economic prob-
lems, government crisis. It
has become a century in
which we begin to ask, 'Can
Democracy even survive?' "
The speaker suggested that
maybe the American way-
free enterprise, representa-
tive government, and other
goodies have something to be
thankful for in the energy

For Sale: 2 lots of land, car
garage, small house trailer
with screen porch. No collect
calls. 1-762-8184. Rt. 1, Box 46,
Altha, 32421. tfc 1-24

For Sale: House and lot at
Mexico Beach, excellent loca-
tion, 20th St., 3 BR, bath & 1,a.
Central air and heat, partly
furnished or unfurnished.
Phone 648-6411. 2tp 3-28

For Sale: By owner, three
bedroom, 2 bath, living room,
den, storage house, garage,
boat shed, double lot. If
interested call 912-768-2361
during day only. tfc 2-14

For Rent: Apartment at St.
Joe Beach, inquire at Smith's
Pharmacy. tfe 3-14

crisis. "We have received a
warning that our natural re-
sources aren't forever. They
have their limits. It should
tell us something, when we
consider that the United
States, with six percent of the
world's population, consumes
35 percent of all the world's
production. We are entering a
new age-the age of short-
ages of natural resources."
Rev. Murray observed that if
the environmentalists did
cause the energy crisis as so
many claim. "I think they
did this nation a favor."
The big regret of the
speaker was that scores of
-billions of. dollars are spent

1972 Datsun pickup, $1500
or $300 down, take over pay-
ments or will finance. 648-
6348 2tc 3-21

For Sale: Repossessed 1972-
Ford F-100 pickup. Reason-
able, easy financing avail-
able. Call Port St. Joe 227-4222
or Wewa 639-2222. Wewahitch-
ka State Bank. 4tc 3-21

1960, '8 cyl., 12 ton Dodge
truck. All metal body, call
after 5 p.m. or on Saturday.
229-6803 or 227-7972. tfc 3-28

Use the
Classified Ads
Midget Investments
With Giant Returns

for "luxuries" such as tobac-
co, alcohol, travel, air condit-
tioning, two homes, multiple
automobiles, etc., when ne--
cessities such as proper and
adequate mental health care,
proper medical care, housing
in some segments, food and
clothing are sadly lacking in
certain areas. "There is the
danger of government step-
ping in and regulating spend-
ing and production when
money and production is mis-
The speaker touched on the
American axiom that growth
is the only yardstick of pro-
gress. He pointed out that all
growth caused problems. "A

Wanted: Job for 17 yr. old
young man. Has had exper-
ience in service station, gro-
cery store, painting and car-
peting work. 229-4481. it

As of the first day of publi-
cation of this notice, March
28, 1974,' I will no longer be
responsible for any debts
other than those approved by
me personally.
J. F. Rogers
4t 3-28

municipality can only ade-
quately care for a certain
amount of people without
eroding its quality of living."

R.A.M.-Regular convoca-
:tion on St. Joseph Chapter
No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd
Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting
companions welcome.
J. L. Sims, H.P.
E. William McFarland,

There will be a 'regular
communication of Port St.
Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,
every first and third Thurs-
:day at 8:00 p.m.

William McFarland, W.M.-
Herbert L. Burge, Sec.

Free Puppies-Mother reg.
Cocker Spaniel, father un-
known; pups look like cock-
ers. Call 648-5258.

For Sale: Two black poodle.
pups, 1 male, 1 female, $50
ea. Call 229-2941 or 229-6138.
tfc 3-28

Garage Sale: March 28, 29
and 30 at 6th St. & Hwy 98 in
Highland View. Brown and
white mobile home. It 3-28

For Sale: One ladies' 26"
bicycle and 40" electric
range. Call 227-3561 after 4
p.m. It 3-28

Decoupage classes starting
soon, Redi Arts & Craft, 28
8th St. For more information
call Maxine Robinson, 229-
6850. Insttruc'tor, Jean Mc-

Decoupage supplies, sealer,
thinner, finish brushes, base
coat prints, plaques, hangers
and wax: tfc 3-28 *

For Sale: One color T.V.,
like new; 75,000 BTU central
furnace, 18,000 BTU air con-
ditioner. Call 229-2482. tfc 3-21

16 tp 3-7

Choice water front lot at
Mexico Beach, high and dry,
66 x 80. Contact C. M. Parker
648-3111. tfc 3-14

Pepper plants, tomato
plants, Rogers Nursery,
Wewahitchka, Fle. 639-2600.
3tp 3-14

Reduce safe and fast with
GoBese Tablets and E-Vap
"water pills". Campbell's
Drugs. 4tp 3-7

or any of the other Stanley
Home Products. Free deliv-
ery. Contact Betty Gilbert
648-7534. tfc 10-4

Mexico Beach, Special Sale
before the season, one lot, 75
x 100, 15th St., 697-3981. 4tp 3-7

Headquarters for all of your
sewing needs. 229 Reid Ave.
tfc 2-28

Lose weight with New'
Shape Tablets and Hydrex
Water Pills, Campb'ell's
Drugs. 6tp 2-28

For itching, insect bites,
chapped hands and face use
Norwalk Vitamin E. Skin
Cream. 6tp 2-28

10 speed bikes in stock.
Men's, women's. Racing
style. Touring style. Credit
terms available. western'
auto, Port St. Joe.

For Rent: Unfurnished 3
bedroom masonry house in
White City on large lot. Call
after 6 p.m. 229-6721. tfc 3-2
tfc 3-21

For Rent: Unfurnished large
two bedroom house, laundry,
car port and storage, large
screened back porch, central
heat and air. 229-6777 after 5
p.m.' tfc 2-7

Furnished apt. for rent, all
electric, Mexico Beach, near
water. Call 227-3151 or 648-
3157 after 6:30 p.m. tfc 3-28

One bedroom furnished apt.
for adults only. No pets. 510
8th St. 229-6094. It 3-28

Furnished beach cottages
at reasonable rates. 227-3491
or 229-5641. tfc 12-.27

For Rent: One and two
bedroom attractively fur-
nished apartments. Cool in
summer, warm in winter.
Gas heat, window fans. They
must be seen to be appre-
ciated. Contact Mrs. B. C.
City. Phone 229-2413 or

Accountant Tax.Consultant
321 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida
4tp 3-21

Machine Work--Welding
506 First St.
Phoen 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

Income Tax Service
Bernard 0. Wester
813 Marvin Ave.
229-3107 after 5 p.m.
10tc 2-7

Mobile Home Owners
Is now open for business,
across the street from Ski
Breeze Camp Sites. Beahc
priviledges, game room,
washer and dryer. Gift shop.
Located on Hiway S30, 9
miles southeast' of Port St.

VW owners-James Pad-
gett. a factory trained and
proven VW mechanic is on
duty to serve you. Call or
stop by. Complete rebuilt ser-
vice. American auto repair
service also available at
reasonable rates. Mexico
beach Service Center, Mexico
Beach, 648-3985. tfc 1-10

Professional help with
emotional problems and-or
concerns. Gulf County Guid-
ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Fla.
227-2691 or Rev. Sidney Ellis,

Septic tanks pumped out.
Call Buford Griffin. Phone
229-6694 or 229-2937.

For the best in Television
and Sound come by 301 Reid
Ave., and see our'line of tele-
visions, components, stereos,
radios and tapes. We have a
repairman available only. K-
and D TV and SOUND, 301
Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071.
tfc 9-27

A New Service At


For Information, Come by
or Call
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401

Color & Black and White
TV Repair. Call
Phone 229-2782
All Work Guaranteed
tfc 3-21

Various Events Planned

iOr Golden Anniversary

Driveways Paved
Concrete or Asphalt

C&G Construction Co.
C. W. Roberts Phone 229-6570

Black Dirt, Fill
Sand, Builders s
Sand and Gravel. Houses-Unfurn.


PORT ST. JOE. FLA. OR 229-613B

Describing the United
States as a nation which has
provided and wishes to pro-
vide even more of the good
things of life for its people
than any other nation in the
world and is still beset by
what seems to be insur-
mourftable problems; the Rt.
Rev. George M. Murray, Bi-
shop of the Gulf Coast Dio-
cese of the Episcopal Church
sounded this perplexing prob-
lem to the Port St. Joe
Rotary Club last Thursday
and ended his talk by posing
the question, "Can the people
as a whole sacrifice their self
interests in favor of the good
of the country?"


106 Monument Ave.
Income Taxes Bookkeeping
tfc 3-21

For your Spring painting
:needs around the house see
or call SCOTT SNYDER at
229-6059 after 5 p.m. tfc-3-28

Retired carpenter and boat
builder, can fix anything.
Call 227-5611 after 5 p.m.
tfc 2-28

House moving, mobile
home moving and set up,
with or without axles. 648-
3035. tfc 3-21

All Types
229-6482 or 229-6447
tfc 9-20

Phone 648-511'6
15th St. N. of Hwy. 98,
Complete Beauty Service

PAINT Dealer in
Port St. Joe

306 Reid Avenue
Port St Joe, Florida

-- --

p I THURSDAY, MARC i M.1974.'

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.

.*< .

Specials SHOP RICH'S, Port St.
Ma r.25 3u

^^^^fi^q^p^ -BI a^^^^-^^b ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^

IGA Thin

Sa Itines

China Doll Baby
Lima Beans
Swansdown ,
Cake Flour
Luzianne 6 Oz. Jar
Instant Coff

Ant & Roach Bomb

IGA 46 Oz. Can

IGA Pkg. of 20

Juice 39c

Liners $1.19

Whitfield Hamburger 32 Oz. Jar
Dill Chips
al Toilet Bowl 16 Oz.
Lysol Cleaner

Detergent 32 Oz. Btl.
Muchmore L
Kraft Lo-Cal 1000 Isle 8 Oz.
Sa lad Dress.




3/1 no

Tablets (Save 16c)
Anacin Btl. of 30 59c
Antiseptic (Save $1.10)
Listerine 32 $1.39

1 Lb. Pkg. 35c

24 Oz. 69C
2 Lb. Pkg. 49c
ee 79c
oz. Can 79c
lets (Save 17c) of 36
ngespirin 69c
dorant (Save 31c)
n Roll-On 88c


~6 0SB

-. / Sunnyland Mild Hickory Smoked (Sliced Free)
Cleaner Shoulder Pi
Fantastic 59c Shoulder P

Tablerite Lean 1/4 Loin
Pork Chops lb. 88c
Tablerite Lean

Spare Ribs
Tablerite Beef Full Cut
Round Steak
Tablerite Beef Boneless Bottom
Round Roast

Ib. 98c
lb. $1.48

39 Lb.


- S.87

Supreme 1/2 Gal.
Ice Cream




Sweet Sue
24 Oz.


Temple Oranges

Fla. Red With $5.00 Order


Florida Home Grown

SIb. 39c

l0c Ib.



We have a complete line of Seed, Plants, Fertilizer, Peat Moss and Potting Soil


2 Cans 79c
1 Lb. Pkg. 79C

Prairie Belt
9V1 Oz.



Ba nana

5 Lb. Bag


Completely Home Owned and Oper

Rourid Red Bag
Golden, Crisp Bag
Green Bunch
Big Bag
Bell Peppers
Large Bag


Sweet Onions L
Large Bag
Yellow onions
. I u. I. WBAox r

rated by E.



B. 29c

Sec. 66 P.L&| CRAi N
I Port St. I Permit No. 30
J. Rich and Sons

- I~- I



-I I' -P I


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28. 1974

-. .-


from the
Port St. Joe

High School


Not too long ago, anybody
caught painting on a school
wall could have expected to
severely reprimanded, at the
very least. But things hav6
changed and now a whole
class of students is decorat-
ing a wall of the Student
Activities Room with a some-
what different and very

You Are Cordially

colorful creation. You've got
to see it to believe it. When
finished, it will represent all
of the various student activi-
ties here at school. More
power to you, parties!
Janet Murphy, Debra
Burns, Traci Middleton,
Brenda Clements, and Dale
Taylor are very enthusiastic

Invited To Attend

Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street
SUNDAY SCHOOL .......................... 9:45 A.M .
MORNING WORSHIP ...................... 11:00 A.M.
BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .............. 6:15 P.M.
EVENING WORSHIP ..................... .7:30 P.M.
PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) .......... 7:30 P.M.


Rev. J. C. Odum, Pastor
John Woods, Minister of Music

about the Future Business
Leaders of America state
convention. The convention
will be held in Jacksonville
beginning Thursday, March
28, and ending Sunday,
March 31. Janet is competing
in the F.B.L.A:.state talent
competition with singing as
her talent. She won district
competition earlier in the
year. We all have great con-
fidence in you, so get out
there and do it, Janet!
Everybody knows that the
Senior Class of '74 is the
greatest ever, so why not
help us have the best gradu-
ation ever? The Senior Class
is in desperate need of funds,
so we're sponsoring a basket-
ball game between the senior
girls and the women faculty
of PSJHS. The game is guar-
anteed to be a million laughs.
and the admission is a mere
$1.00 for adults and 50 cents
for students. Come on out to
the gym and see all the
thrills and excitement of a
lifetime packed' into one bas-
ketball game. :.The Senior
Class of 1974 needs your
support, and so do those poor
teachers that are going to be
battling it out with the senior
girls at the high school gym
tonight at 8:00. Everybody
If a child comes up to you
and says, "Will you sponsor
me?", he's talking about the
March of Dimes Walkathon
to be held this Saturday.
Prizes will be given to the
children who get the most
sponsors and collect the most
money for the March of
Dimes. The cause is very
noble and the children are


._ T__



. By
Dr 0 E Frye.

willing to walk 20 miles for
the fight against birth
- defects. Won't you please
sponsor a child, if only for a
penny a mile? So little does
so much.
The students in Diversified
Cooperative Training are
holding their annual employ-
er-employee banquet this Fri-
day night in the high school
commons area at 7:30. The
theme for the banquet is "An
American Dream." The Hon-
orable Billy Joe Rish will be
the guest speaker. The ban-
quet is strictly a student
project, which is probably
why it is always such a great
The Port St. Joe High
School Band is having a fish
fry to raise funds for their
banquet. The fish fry will be
held in the commons area on
April 1 from 5:30 7:30.
Plates are only $1.00, and the
band will deliver them to
your home. Just think of the
fuel you can save: you don't
even have to pick up your
Students from Florida A&M
University will be here Wed-
nesday. April 3. to present to
the school a concert choir
with a jazz feature. The con-
cert will be in the morning at
10:00. I'm sure that the hour-
long Concert Choir and Jazz
Lab will be a very interesting
musical experience. Sure
beats singing in the shower!
Speaking of jazz music, the
Key Club is co-sponsoring a
square dance to be held in
the commons area on April 4.
The Sunshiners, a local dance
group, is helping out. Admis-
sion is $1.50. When was the

We don't


Jr to burn.

'.- r-.

Think about it. Next time
you burn anything.

last time you square danced?
In case your feet are reck-
less, come on out and .swing
your partner. The dance
starts at 7:30 p.m. Don't be
Our track team deserves a
standing ovation for its per-.
formance in DeFuniak last
Thursday. The team came in
first place with 85 points
defeating DeFuniak, Crest-'
view, Chipley and Marianna.
Not only that, but the meet
was a conference meet. Con-
gratulations and good luck,
trackers! Maybe someday
you'll get to go Greyhound!
Well, we had a chance at
fame, but we blew it. Per-
haps this school could have
been the only one to refuse to
succumb to the now old-hat
fad of streaking (there's
something distinctly Indian
about that). Now those hopes
have been dashed. Anyway,
we've had our quota. Encore
performances could be not
only embarrassing. but also
boring. Like the old saying I
just made up, "Two is
humorous, three is a drag."
But then, perhaps streaking.
is the answer to the fuel
There will be a Parent-
Teacher night at the high
school on April 8. Parents of
students in grades seven
through nine should come
between 7:30 and 8:30. Par-
ents of students in grades ten
through 12 should come bet-
ween 8:45 and 9:45. You'd be
surprised what you can learn
about your child from just a
ten minute talk with the
Students will be glad to

he same long mileage
tires that come on
many new 1974 cars!
Hurry... Stocks
limited in some sizes!

4f mI

2 cord body plies of


double belt under tread

4 I

milar low prices for singles and pairs. I f we should sell out of your sze, we'll give yoU a
lackwalls in most sizes S2.50 less per tire. "ra check" assuring later delivery at the advertsed price
I as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sic

The Firestone STEEL RADIAL 500 can give you up to

tths30 Extra Miles from every tankful of gas!
-tf1 This gas savings is based on a car with 20-gallon fuel capacity and currently
averaging 15 miles per gallon. Naturally, your savings will depend on how much
stop and start driving you do. SEE THIS GREAT TIRE TODAY!

Includes NEW Firestone linings on all 4 wheels, rebuild all 4
wheel cylinders, arc lining, turn and true drums, repack
front bearings, install NEW brake shoe return springs, add
super heavy duty brake fluid, inspect complete system and
road test car. Any parts not listed above, extra if needed.

CARS except Drumdype.
luxury cars. Includes
$10 extra all parts listed;
for luxury add $16 for 4 NEW
cars. wheel cylinders.


Jimmy's Phillips' "66"'
I L---l^i--iii-i--i----

well have begun in Genesis, or
maybe even before. But the
simple fact is that snakes have
never had a decent break in
the press.
This is not to say that the
average snake is particularly
appealing, and it almost goes
without saying that most of
us would find a close relation-
ship with one of these crea-
tures beyond the realm of
But it is, nonetheless, a
fact that most of us harbor
many untrue notions and
many unreasoning prejudices
against one of the most useful
of Nature's creatures.
Exothermal is a ten dollar
word meaning "taking heat,
or losing it, to the environ-
ment". It is the scientific
word that describes those
creatures the layman usually
classifies as "coldblooded". It
is interesting to note that
Florida may have more ver-
tebrate exotherms than any
other equal area in ithe world,
with 333 kinds of reptiles,
amphibians, and fish.
But while there are no
poisonous lizards in Florida,
and no poisonous am-
phibians, our state does host
four poisonous reptiles, and
all four are snakes. These are
the rattlesnakes (three kinds),
the copperhead, the cotton-
mouth, and the coral snake.
Yet, while the words "poi-
sonous snake" generally
r. strike fear into the hearts of
most of us, it is a fact that, of
the 2,400 different kinds of
snakes known, only some 200
are dangerously poisonous to

Yet, most of us with any
good sense would like to
avoid being snake bit if at all
possible. But consider this:
during one four-year period
of study, 215 people in the
United States died as a result
of bites and stings. Of that
number, 86 died as the result
of bee and wasp stings, and
71 died from the bites of
venomous snakes.
The question seems to be,
is being bit by a snake as
terrible as time and legend
have made it? Your answer
might well be different if you
were talking objectively
about snake bite, or if you
had just gone through the
agony that is usually a part of
any venomous bite. But, in
either case, you would recog-
niz/e that your chances of
dying are not nearly what
folklore have made them.
For example, it has been
estimated that probably over
75' of bites by poisonous
snakes are not fatal in any
case, and that perhaps 98% or
more cases recover if ade-
quate treatment is given:
So what does all this
prove.' Just that once again,
mankind has turned a jaun-
diced eye toward an un-
deserving object of scorn.
When the good is weighed
against the harm factor,
snakes deserve to be con-
sidered as a valuable natural
resource, and not the devil's
advocate. It isn't easy to
recognize personal prejudice,
and it seems almost im-
possible at times to change it.
But it can be done.



401 Williams Ave.

Complete line of

Auto Parts
and Tools

Willard Batteries

Gates Belts
and Hoses
Rebuilt Parts

Telephone 229-6013


Remember when it was

a dirty word?

Several years ago we
converted our Crystal River
plant from coal to oil for
economic and environmental
Then came the
international oil crisis. Less
and less oil available, at
higher and higher prices.
And the higher those
prices go, the more practical
coal becomes as a fuel to
generate power.
The problem is, with so
many utilities having
converted to oil, mining

companies cut back in their
We are now engaged in
a far reaching search for low
sulphur coal. When we have
located an assured supply
and arranged for its
transportation, we'll
convert Crystal River
back to coal.

Whatever we
can do to lessen
our costs and
reduce your bills,
we will do.


learn that there will be no.
school Friday, march 29. Jud-
ging from the sunburn cases
around school, I'd say that a
bottle of suntan lotion would
be a cool idea if you plan to
take advantage of our beauti-
ful beaches during this three-
day week end.
There will be a Jesus
Revival in the park by the
Florida First National Bank
on Saturday, March 30,
beginning at 1:00 p.m. and
lasting until 7:00 p.m. There
will be music to everyone's
liking, including contempor-
ary rock, gospel and folk.
This should prove to be a
very enlightening experience.
Just a reminder for all
those guys that have yet to
make arrangements that the
prom is April 6. That's a
week from this Saturday,
men. It kind of leaps right
out at you, doesn't it?
With the end of school
drawing near (hallelujia!),
there's bound to be a lot
happening out here at the
high school. If you'll keep
reading, I'll keep writing,
and we'll both read about it
in Port St. Joe's biggest
newspaper, The Star.
FLASH-Congratulations to
Joni Grace for being the re-
cipient of the D.A.R. Good
Citizenship Award for 1974.
Joni and I have been friends
ever since I can remember,
and believe me she deserves
the commendation. Good ole
Joni-I knew she'd make
good someday!

is -I --



W, F-.,o- -

Henry Block has

17 reasons why you

should come to us

for income tax help.

Reason 5. If the IRS should call you
in for an audit, H & R Block will go
with you, at no additional cost. Not
as a legal representative... but we
can answer all questions about how
your taxes were prepared.

Open 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Mon. thru Sat. Phone 229-6132



THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1974

49 Years in Public Relations



A. E. (Art) Runnels, informa-
tion education officer of the Game
and Fresh Water Fish Commission,
Panama City, has announced his
retirement, effective March 31. He
will be 72 years old May 30, this
Runnels transferred to north-
.west Florida from a similar post in
the South Florida Region, Lake-
land, where he had been employed
by the commission in' early 1962.
A veteran of 49'years in public
relations and organization work,
Runnels formerly was for 30 years
manager of chambers of commerce
in Oklahoma, Georgia, Alabama

Retires from

and Arkansas, including employ-
ment both in Birmingham and
Little Rock. He was manager of the
Marianna-Jackson County Cham-
ber of Commerce in 1954-1960, and
an organizer of the Jackson County
Community Development Program.
Prior to entering the executive
manager field he was a. news
reporter and staff member on a
daily newspaper in Oklahoma City,
and was associated with Radio
Station KFXR there.
In his capacity as information
education officer, he has been in
charge of commission programs

to inform the public in proper
conservation methods and prac-
tices. His activities have included
news releases to newspapers, radio
and television, fair exhibits, outdoor.
photography, lectures, public
speaking, film presentations, an-
swering information requests, lia-
ison with sportsmen's organizations
and conservation clubs, and other
Commission-related activities.

In 1970, he was presented the
"Florida Governor's Conservation
Award" for "talent and experience
in furthering conservation educa-
tion in Northwest Florida."


He is married and he and his
wife, Cleopal, live at 312 South Palo
Alto. Avenue, Panama City. They
have eight children, four boys and
four girls, and 16 grandchildren.
They are active members of the
Baptist Church, and Runnels is a
member and former officer of
Florida Outdoor Writers Associa-

Although making no announce-
ment at this time about his plans
after retirement, he is expected to
remain active in natural resources
conservation work in northwest


Blue Denim In Hot Demand; Makes Strong Bid for Market

denim is "in":
Miss Nadine Hackler,.cloth-
ing specialist, Florida Coop-
erative Extension Service,
Institute of Food and Agri-
cultural Sciences, says blue
denim is one of the most
unique fabrics on the market
"Produced primarily in the
United Srates, it. was origi-
nally manufactured as a low-
cost, durable fabric for work
clothes. Now it is in hot
demand around the world for
high fashion garments and
accessories. It has become
the universal fabric of our
times," says Miss Hackler.
In the U.S., demand for
denim far exceeds supply. An
estimated 450 million yards
are produced each year. The
fashion industry demands
more, but manufacturers
have no plans to increase
The cost of denim has also
*remained stable throughout
the years. Top grade denim
can be purchased for 76 cents
a yard wholesale. This is a
price that few if any compar-
able fabrics can meet, Miss
Hackler points out.

Denim-bleached out, re- .denim has been around for a stiff when new, but it higher prices than new ones clothing expenditures. It has still has a great future. A denim dungarees are one of
cycled, hand-painted, em- while. But blends of cotton becomes soft, supple, and in many parts of the country, also been a boon to the cotton Denim Council has been ,the hottest items on the black
broidered, sequined, or just and synthetics have not been more comfortable the more it says Miss Hackler. industry, for blue denim formed to promote the ute of market in Iron Curtain-coun-
natural-is going into the as highly prized as all-cotton is washed. Old denim is so Blue denim is rugged and accounts for 8'2 percent of the fabric in new ways. tries, and in Russia you can
newest spring designs. There denim, highly prized that recycled inexpensive, and can cut the cotton market.. Worldwide markets are open- get as much as $75 for a pair
is also some denim jewelry Blue denim, is somewhat jeans are to said to bring down on the college student's Experts think blue denim ing up. It is reported that of American blue jeans.
being shown. 1.111 .
Indigo-blue denim remains
the most popular color, but
now prefaded denim is avail-
able and in demand. While | 191
production and cost of .denim
remains constant, the look
and use has changed radi- DANLEY'S
cally in the past few years.
Counterculture movements O O e vny
brought denim its popularity
with students and it has been T o I
adopted into high fashion Our Objective Is To Help Every Customer
gear for all age groups. 1.. A M ma. U ..... .,. rw --

Denim, a sturdy washable
cotton twill, first made in
Nimes, France over 200 years
ago, was originally woven
with indigo blue warp yarns
and gray filling? It is now
seen in various weights and
colors for sport and casual
wear, as well as work
We may begin to see blue
denim used for home furnish-
ings, auto seat covers, lug-
gage and fashion accessories
as well as apparel. Knot


Green is one of the least common colors in the flower kingdom,
and yet it is one of the most popular colors with flower gardeners.
Green as a color is uncommon because most flowers must contrast
with green foliage in order to catch the attention of insects for
pollination. For this reason blue is an uncommon color because
blue is th, color of the sky,
and black is ,almost, non-exis- cup-shaped flower clusters) and
tent-, .)hougl some scabiosa Envy Zinnia (a lime green
and pansies are almost black, dahlia-flowered zinnia). Both
White, yellow and red are most 'are extremely easy to grow.
cornmo-n as flower colors. Bells of Ireland are best di-
Gardeners like green flowers rect-sown into the ground after
mainly because of their decora- all danger of frost in an open,
tive value indoors. The two sunny position, and Envy Zin-
most famous garden flowers nia likes the same. Both will
with green coloring are Bells of mature in mid-summer to help
Ireland (growing long, slender create stunning flower arrange-
flower sp kes surrounded by ments.




LF!B 17,L-S A

Prices range from S70.00
to $180.00 for total ceiling
insulation depending on the
square footage of home.

Member of Bay County
Home Builders Association
FOR FREE 769-34







Contemporary or Colonial

Queen Size Sleeper,


You will love this roll arm queen size sleeper covered in easy to clean,
,durable, feather like vinyl. Deep cushions and button tufted- back-for
great comfrot. Casters for easy moving and smart look. Choose with


t you've priced Spanish style bedroom suites, then you know
;,ts is a truly fabulous buy. You'll love the bold, massive to-the-
p;oor design the antique brass hardware the exquisite
Oarved base and mirror top mouldings the mar-proof plastic
iop triple dresser and chest the center guided, dovetailed
t:ustproof drawers. All pieces superbly crafted with a warm
brown walnut finish. Here is furniture created for you, your
home, your dream of gracious living ... and best of all, for your

Night Table...'35

It's Easy to

Buy From


Sweet by Jamison

STwin or Reg.S I u m ber
Size Firm

King Set


WASHER has automatic cycles ...
normal and durable press plus a
pre-wash soak cycle. Hot, warm and
cold wash water temperature selec-
tion large family capacity .
3-way lint and sediment removal
system .. gleaming white porce-
lain enamel top... safety lid switch
plus many other great features.

e- -



', Vy

Prcs Efciv e.,M rh 7truSt, ac 0. o r Ulasr-I urSlic


Family Pak
Pork Chops
3-Down Small Pig
Spare Ribs
Whole Picni

End Cut


Whole or Half
Slab Bacon

All Meat



Ib. 89c
lb. 89c



Ib. 69c
lb. 75c
lb. 1.29

Chucklb. 1.39

100 Pct. Lean
Grnd. Roundlb.



11 oz. 59c

Ca pbell's Cream or Whole Kernel

Fresh Sunbeam


Grade "A"

E lls


8 Oz. Pkg.

onli 65t




6- *7-
