The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/01943
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: January 31, 1974
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:01943

Full Text


Industry Deep Water

Port- Fine People- Safest Beaches in Florida



59 Tires
Gidulf County Sheriff Ray-
mond Lawrence stated that
on# arrest has been made,
and another is anticipated in
the near future, in what can
be best described As the
worst tire slashing incident
Gulf County has ever wit-
The. vandals struck the City
of Wewahitchka on Thursday
night, and began cutting tires
all around town. By the time
it was over, a total of 59 tires
had. been slashed, including
the tires of school buses, log
trucks and the city garbage
truck, ;
Wewahitchka Police Chief
J. H. "Preacher" Glass trail-
ed the suspects in and around
town, knowing they were the
"right ones", but could never
catch them in the act.
-On Friday, Chief Glass and
Sgt. Tom Berlinger of the
Sheriff's Office gathered
enough data to obtain arrest
warrants on the suspects.
The investigation will be
continuing, until all suspects
have been thoroughly investi-
gated, said the Sheriff.



Port St. Joe High School's
baseball team started prac-
tice this week in preparation
for their 23 game schedule
which gets underway on Feb-
ruary'22 in Tampa.
Coach Gerald Lewter has
16 candidates out for the
team already with the expec-

station of a few more report-
ing after the basketball sea-
"We have a large number
of Seniors this year," Lewter
said, "and all of them have a
lot of experience with the
team." Lewter said the
Sharks should have a good

The team is'in for a treat
this year as they will start
their season with a week end
baseball schedule in Tampa
with Jesuit High. While in
Tampa the team will visit
some of the big league train-
ing camps in the area.

SPARK BASEBALL TEAM -Front row left to right: John Owens, Keef
Pettis, Chris Davis, Carl Whittle, Steve Cloud, Bruce May, Jim Moore,
Bubba Harmon, Back row left to right: Reggie Gilbert, Denzil Weimorts,

Lewter said this is the first
time such a trip has been
arranged for the. team and
possibly it can become an
annual event.
In order to help raise travel
expenses for the Tampa trip,
the team will be sponsoring a

More DST As Solons

Fail to Change Time


Presents Plaque to Montgpmery, Ray Watches

Jaycee 0 Y M Selected

Wewa Chief Glass Examines Bus Tire

Pentecostal Planning Revival

Revival services will be
held at the Pentecostal Holi-
ness Church on Garrison Ave-
nue beginning February 3
through Feb. 10. Services will
begin at 7:30 p.m. each even-
The speaker will. be Rev.
Rick Ham, a young evange-
list who is dedicated to the

spreading of God's word. In
addition to his i...:..'hr:.
Rick is a pianist who has
received national awards. He
also plays the bass guitar,
saxophone, and other musical
Rev. James Gosnell,' pas-
tor, extends an invitation to
attend these services.

Robert Montgomery
't.-..-.ed. the Port "St. Joe
.1 : ..es .' :'i..J.'. Young
M r, Award at .the .annual
., tds banquet :Saturday
hro '
ri', ..,,e was selected

Lfj -'..eral civic pi'...1' t dur-
!r he 'pst-',, <-v r e,-:l
,,.-, ,Ili'*,'. t w rt',- l- ..c e, ,
1 o e.. ry re. r -p\v..
fr,:.*.gnut,.,r for his. leadership
in on:. rr,,, ,' or, of a new'
t.on:te ssion. stand at the youth
baseball ,:,'mplex r. Forrest
Tne .a.i..-r was present to
Mto'n.fi n.:r,. by Port St. Joe
M'..: Frank,P'R,. who was
.n-e ,.f the panel of ..*)e T:,.,r,

.,i'.eee president, Al Ray
.-...e his awards to individ-
., i Javren- for their efforts
during '!- past year with
various ; .*p.cf. ,
-r:'.. *: .' : the
president's .award for his
work with the concession
stand pr"i"et- Joe Tar.'.xn,'
who ',-., ap the annual
"Arrive '.**. p. *.. Rex
Buzzett for -~ "-'! : the
fund raising r.- :.- .,. aid the
Mental Retardation pro-
gram; Jim Cooley, chairman
of "Toys for Tots"; Abe
Miller, hii;..'r, parade
chairman; Robert Mont-

The Star


Like Kahoutek, The
Star 'is rising higher-in
price, that is.,
Ec.,'* -. with the
first issue in Februafy,
street sales of The Star
will be 15c per copy.
[he .s,4bscIpion. price ,.
will remain the.same.
This sort of offsets'a
newsprint price '-in
crease and gives 'our
carriers more for their

gomery, and Brent Patterson,
OYM banquet arrangements.
Pres. Ray offered, a col-
lective award of .-:,;.re,:' .jr
to Jim Cooley,. Abe Miller,.
Rex Buzzett, Larry -,'_.1i l.-
Eddie *'li-r.,,; .m& ., Jack
Terry, Robert Montgomery
and Joe Trawick for' their
efforts with the Junior Miss
Ray also recognized Radio
-a',...i WJOE and The- Star
for their efforts in ",,bi.t:,r.,'
the various Jaycee a" '.-i
' ". 'i.' the year.

After what seemed to be a
sure, bet Floridians in the
Eastern time zone would set
.their clocks back an hour
after Tuesday's special ses-
sion of the Legislature, it
seems now -the controversial
Da.ig';l :..- Time will'
remain in force until October
of this year, at least.
It seemed Monday the state
was' destined to be the only
Southern state on standard
time after February 3, but
the Legislature began to take
several *.?. ;into consider-
ij..:,n -irdi failed to officially
,.... the clock back while the
-ezt of fte nation remained
: D i, t -. -
.t 1'.1. mnd of Tuesday's
l.pcia'i t-~-.ion, an-agreement
was worked out to come back
c-t .:. and agree on a
..' ':.4:- .'.hich would put
Mre f :iori. Panhandle on
E astern S'.afidard Time in
,:tobk ,:* this year until
\.pril,, I .., adopt, a resolu-
Frrn firg'..- school boards to
et 6ack c..jass hours; a me-
'.-I'lt *,'. :.gr.gr --.8,King that

::r, baw be chliteo
Gov minor R-eut.ri Askew
'ri-,d reromrfen.edj; r all of
rjc dhd rio.'. .:-r. Eastern
Tr:me Fr,, ta.:ik o Svtandard,
Time, which would also give
all: the State the same i r,.
ra'her ":an .having most of
t06: Par.har,.- on Central
T',rrife The purpose of the
Go er nor.s recommendation
0.a'6s to keep. ch.idr.nr tfrom
'a % i g '[r g '*t.0 _. .',.ol :n :..
The proposal, to request
,ri.-..h boards to change i.
.!school time .:.. :. the
:Governor's concern.
When .the Legislature be-
,gan to discuss .the matter,
problem's came up such as
,.confusion in business ,and
i.',dj,.- '.. between other
.states, transportation sche-
dules, television and many
other facets of thebusiness
The session was spurred by
the reported deaths of eight
Florida school children dur-
ing the-first three weeks of
D.:- ..,..t .' ', ; Time. How-
ever, a survey showed that 16
had died in a similar p.-.. ,.
last year with Standard

Contract Let for Bridge Repair

John T. Mapel Electric
r'-. r -. of Bloomington, Ill-
inois was the apparent low
bidder in recent bid openings
by the :;.-'' : of Trans-
.: ,-:. to ; -..: wiring
in the draw bridge at High-
land View. The firm bid

$56,400 for the job.
Continued trouble with the
bridge spurred the Port St.
Joe Jaycees to look into the
matter last year which re-
sulted in an extensive survey
by the DOT to pinpoint the
source of the problems. It

was found the wiring was
obsolete and inadequate with
controls being widely sep-
arated causing problems with
repairs. The DOT decided to
solve the problem by com-
pletely renovating the wiring
in the bridge mechanism.

Judge Smith Places Robe on Moore as Mrs. Moore Helps

Judge Moore Receives Robes

All the Circuit Judges of
the 14th Judicial Circuit were
present in 4he Gulf County
Courtroom last Thursday to
take ;,- in the Investiture of
County Judge Robert M.
Moore. The ceremony; in ef-
fect, .-'r :.r,'eJ Moore as an
acting *.l .:u" Judge here in
Gulf County.
Chief Judge Robert M. Mc-
Crary of Marianna pointed
out the appointment would
provide a much needed ser-
vice for the County and re-
lieve the load on the five
judges now serving in the six
county district. McCrary said
the position is conferred only
on County Judges who have
at least five years' exper-
ience in the practice of law.
Moore was helped into his
judicial robes by Judge Larry
Smith, assisted by Mrs. Rob-
ert M. Moore.
Attorney Cecil G. Costin,




Port St. Joe's Tiger Sharks
will enter the Gulf Coast
Conference basketball tour-
nament in Crestview tomor-
row night.
The tournament gets un-
derway tonight in Marianna
with Marianna and Chipley
meeting in the first round.
Friday, the tournament
moves to Crestview.
Top seeded Walton High of
DeFuniak Springs will meet
the winner of the Thursday
night game at 8:30 Port St.
Joe time, with the Sharks and
Crestview taking the court at
9:30, our time.
The championship game
will be held Saturday night at
9:00 p.m., Port St. Joe time.
DeFuniak Springs is seeded
first, Crestview and Port St.
Joe, next with equal three-
three conference records, fol-
lowed by Marianna and Chip-

Jr., spoke for .it'~-r..h:.g at-
torneys of the District de-
clared he felt Moore was
well qualified for the post and
would prove to be .fair in his
Judge Smith said Moore
would now have jurisdiction
over County judicial matters
and some Circuit Court jur-
isdiction matters as well as
serve in the Circuit Judge
capacity on all matters in an
In his response, Moore re-.
called he came to Gulf Coun-
ty at the urging of David Carl
Gaskin, "to practice in the

leisurely fashion of the small
town. Then I became associ-
ated with Cecil G. Costin and
found I was wasting eight
good hours a day-I was
sleeping regular. Cecil cured
me of that habit."
Moore said he considered
himself lucky to be in Gulf
County "where the Reople are
so wonderful and -patient to
someone who is learning and
making mistakes."
Rev. DeWitt Matthews
opened the program with
prayer and Rev. Sidney Ellis
gave the benediction.

Mothers Collect

Mrs. Glen Williams is shown as she turns in to Mrs.
Ben Armstrong, Area Coordinator, money collected for the
March of Dimes during the Mothers March Saturday,
Sunday and Monday of this week.
Total contributions collected to date in the Mother's
March is $857.64, with three outlying areas money still out.
Freida Jacobs was the Mother's March Chairman for this
area of Gulf County, and Rebecca Mathews is the March of
Dimes chairman for all of Gulf County.
All money collected in the'March of Dimes campaign is
used to help fight birth defects; in research, treatment and
cure. The March of Dimes primary fight in the past was
against polio, which has now been effectly eradicated
through the use of the Salk vaccine.

fish fry, Friday, February 18
from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the
High School Commons Area.
All money raised from the
project will be used.for the
;. :i trip.,
Tickets will go on sale
Monday, February 4 by
members of the baseball

Ken Weimorts, Steve Owens, Russell Chason, Mark Wimberly, Sandy
Sanborn and Jay Stevens.


Baseball Team Plans Trip to Tampa

I -

-T H "'A R-

Published Every Thursday ot 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, '
.eBy TI* Star Publishing Company .
Sqtond.Cras Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 324S6

Edlor and Publisher
P reduction Supt.
Office Manager


Bonifay Editor Opposes

Reduction in Tax Power

win~rw I.. KI--U7 'YPe1'ir UypU^JrUi, I hate to keep picking on
POSTOFF ICE BOX 308 PHONE 227-3161 my good friend, State Rep.
PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 Wayne Mixson of Marianna,
but we don't seem to agree
SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 on how to deal with the prob-
lems in the area of property
'IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREMEMOS 5ed so nh50
OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.0 OUT OF U.S One Year,$6 tioned in this column that I
did not agree with Wayne's
proposed constitutional
TO ADVERTISERS- In case of error or ommissions In advertisements, the publishers do not hold-themselves liable amendment to lower the 10
for .darpage further than amount received .for such advertisement. mill limit on property taxes.
Now Wayne has come up
The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word is tt~oghtfUlly weighed. The spoken word barely asserts;. with a new proposal, a billL to
the printed work thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. call for a vote of the people
Son any property tax increase
of more than 10 percent ,'that
I can't agree with either
Since I am printing the
SEDITORIALS publicity release about
SWayne's newest proposal, I
do not think it would be
taking unfair advantage of
him to say why I oppose.his.
bill. Besides that, public offi-
cials need a little criticism
ange W ould C nfu now and then just to let them
hange Would Confuse now we are watching.
First of all, let's put the
issue of property tax in its

Governor Reubin Askew says way of solving this very real proper perspective. The pro-
perty tax is not a major tax
he wishes to call a special session problem. to the average citizen in
of the Florida Legislature to repeal Gulf County's School Board Holmes County, and a 10
Daylight Savings Time in Florida. was right on top of the potential percent increase would not
The Governor is taking this action problem when DST was first de- amount to la lot of money to
on the heels of seven school chil cleared and set the starting hour of not own any property, thus
dren being killed throughout the school ahead one hour, this sending they pay no property tax.
State on their way to school. children off to classes at the same Others, whom I would guess
ho sbefore-by the sun. It seems to be in the majority, own
We're no particular champion hour as before by the sun. It seems only a home, so with the
of Daylight Savings Time except it would be far less expensive, less homestead exemption they
for the fact it allows us to get home confusing for everyone and serve pay a relatively small, tax.
before dark once in a while It does the same purpose if the Governor There are others, of course,
seem the Governor could take other would merely exercise his execu-and who pay the
measures, though. tive privilege and decree that lions share of the property
schools throughout the state would tax. These include companies
To put Florida on Standard start no earlier -than "9:00 A.M., such as Gulf Power Co. and
Time while the rest of the South- EDT' the L&N Railroad, as well as
east: remains on DST would be EDT. individuals.
We who live on the borderline The trick in-property taxes
more confusing than beneficial. of two time zones know how con- is to generate revenue with-
We, too, feel anguish over the fusing it can be. When the confus- out creating an economic
school children being forced to ion is spread over the entire state, burden that the property can-
stand in the darkess in parts of the we can see a period of chaos. Let's wayne feels that we have
stat .thus, ancrea g th'ir da ,,. keeper r.thod of keeping up with reached, or are nearing, this
from oncoming cars. It. seems. the time, compatible with the restof po'ntpV br perty iffidtf
though, there could bead better he nation. -nerate enough revenue to
pay the taxes along with the
other expenses and have a
profit left over.
I do not feel that property
taxes in Holmes County have
d d I* reached that point. The total
-' nf l tax levy in the county is 1.65
/*d d~l n percent of the assessed valu-
ation of the property. Consi-
dering homestead exemp-
There's a lot in the news today it would have been cheaper and tions, agricultural assess-
about whether or not the President more prudent to build a new one. assessed valuations are well
of the United States paid less taxes below market value, I do not
than he should in recent years. The It's also foolish to think that a believe that the actual tax
controversy was brought about by President would deliberately try to could exceed 1.0 -percent of
the tax credits taken by the Presi- cheat on his income tax. Taking market value. In my opinion,
dent for the donation of his papers unrealistic tax deductions would be on the owner of the property.
to the public and their value, cheating. The President lives in a Wayne's proposals to
How do you set a value on a glass house and can little affotd to reduce the property tax mil-
President's papers before they are leave any "T" uncrossed or "I" lage and to call for referen-
.. dotted We believe he had expert dums on increasing the tax

juugedu y me passing of time?
Obviously at present they are more
' valuable to his supporters and
co-workers than they are to those
who are working actively to have
him impeached. Hence, the differ-
ence of opinion as to whether or not
the President paid enough income
We're no Presidential papers
expert. We're aware they have a
value to history and to the nation.
Where preservation of historical
articles are concerned, expense
seems to be no object. We see this
in the continuous repair and shor-
ing up of the Nation's Capitol when

counsel on the value of his papers
and acted accordingly. There is no
doubt the President had access to
the best tax lawyers and account-
ants available in preparing his
returns. Don't most of us rely on
experts in these matters and gov-
ern ourselves accordingly?
It may be that if we're going to
examine the President's worth and
his tax returns with a fine toothed-
comb it may be proper thing to do
to perform the same service for our
Congressmen and Senators. But

that would

Ideas Differ on

Landscape Plans

Landscaping means differ-,
ent things to different people,
but a simple definition is
"planning and developing
your exterior environment to
make the best use of space
available in the most attrac-
tive way". Your home
deserves the best setting you
can give it and your family
the maximum use and enjoy-
ment of their surroundings.
Most everyone considers
their family's comfort and
convenience when buying a
home, but it is equally
important to develop the out-
door living areas with the
same considerations.
Proper planning is the key
to landscaping. Every square
foot of space and every dollar

should be used to produce
maximum returns, .In many
cases, the skilled landscape
architect should be contact-
ed. But, if an architect is out
of the question or you want a
do-it-yourself .plan, consider
the following points.
Always keep in mind the
limitations you will face in
developing your landscape. If
time and-or money are limit-
ed, consider a minimum
maintenance type of design.
Remember, a simple but well
maintained lot is almost
always more useful and
attractive than a complex
arrangement which does not
receive proper maintenance.
.Secondly, inventory all the
features-good and bad--of

be meddling, wouldn't

One of my.friends and me
took a bunch of Boy Scouts to
Thomasville one time to set



your lot. What existing trees
can -be used as part of the
design? Are there good vistas
you need to keep open and
unattractive views which
should be screened?' Will
utility areas need to be
hidden?. What type of soil do
you have and does it need to
be amended with organic
matter, fertilizer, etc. You
can think of many other
points to keep in, mind.
Next, inventory your
family activities, presently
and in the future. List all the
recreational and personal
needs of the entire family, so'
that as many of these as

possible, can be included and
realized in the development
of the landscape.
A final point to consider in
the initial planning is the
time it will take to complete
your plan. You don't have to
complete your design all' at
once. Have a plan which can
be done over a several year
period, then, as money and
rmre'-permits fit these sec-
" io'i into the total picture.
The next job is to put on
paper what your design will
be. This most important step
will be covered in next
week's article.

by more than 10 percent
would tie the hands of local
school boards and county
. The property tax is about
the only source of revenue
left open to local govern-
ments, and when we restrict
its use we are restricting the
powei of our local officials. I
am of the opinion that the
best government is that one
which is closest to the people,
so I do not believe that we
should allow our schools and
roads to be completely fund-
ed by the state government.
As far as the referendum
idea is concerned, that is a
throwback to the old days
when we conducted govern-



ment business in a "town
meeting." It is the most
democratic form of all, but in
practice it is an extremely"
cumbersome way to operate.
Experience has shown that
more progress can be made
by conducting the affairs of
government through elected
representatives, such as our
school boards and county
There are a lot of problems
and a lot of confusion exists
in the property tax area just
I do not think that Rep.
Mixson's proposals, .however,
really deal with the problems
nor alleviate the confusion.
Holmes County Advertiser

Road Danger

Ater ARain,

few minutes of Florida's fre-
quent ',showers creates an
"invisible danger" and
increases driving hazards the
Florida Highway Patrol said
Colonel. Eldrige Beach,
director of the Patrol said,
"The first few minutes of
rain showers are the most
hazardous for driving. It is
during this period that, the
grease, rubber and oil com-
bine with water to create an
'invisible danger.' You should
immediately reduce your
speed and double your follow-
ing distances when the rain
The Patrol commander

up camp and compete with
those young Georgia Crack-
ers for merit badges.

The friend had been chris-
tened Austin but had long
since lost that name. I called
him Swabbie as he had
served in two kitchens in
the Navy. Miss Addie called
him Chatterbox and Skinny
called him Radio so you can
draw your own conclusions..

The boys were supposed to
build a fire with two matches
as quick as they could. I,
never did know exactly how
it happened, but Clarence
Jackson won that contest
beyond the shadow of a rea-
sonable doubt. He had an old
oil can filled with oily rags
and me and Swabbie swiped
a little high test gas and told
Clarence it was kerosene. He
struck a match to it to see if
it would, burn and that was
the damndest explosion
since the ammunition dumps
blew up on Tinian.

The Scoutmaster gave him
hell, so me and Austin had to
confess. They kept us in jail

said this combination
becomes mixed with rain
water during first moments
of a shower making a very
slick and dangerous road sur-
face. "As the rain continues,
this build-up is washed off the
road and actually becomes
safer in respect to the degree
of slipperiness," said Beach.
Beach concluded, "Last
year one out of five of the
state's accidents occurred on
slippery highways. This sta-
tistic alone should indicate
that driving in the rain is
hazardous and should be
incentive enough for motor-
ists to take additional safety
precautions when the rain

for two or three hours and
then let us out to see the
Parade of Roses. We slipped
off and found us a rose to
look at who was a stacked up
Redhead polishing glasses in
a little bar by the name of
The Bucket of Blood. We had
to -use his money as my wife
had took mine to hold for me.
*She was driving an old beat
up Ford pickup I still owed
Otis for with slick tires and
no brakes end when we left
the bar she had checked out
for home one minute before. I
said, "Swabbie, run her down
and get my money".
He came back in about 30
minutes and said, "I held it
on 85 all the way to Bradford-
ville and had to give up."
We were broke so we went
back to the camp and turned
in in one of the tents. I
dreamed about that Red-
head's smile and can see
her even now when I look into
a glass. Sure do wish I had
her for my secretary.
See you later.
Killer K.

One of the big mysteries of the Southeast
over the past years has been to find out what
or who was making outsized footprints in the
North Georgia-Tennessee area. The people who
live there had labeled the owner of the
overgrown appendage "Bigfoot".
It seems "Bigfoot's" occupation is leaving
footprints all over the place for people to find
and wonder about.
I've only read about "Bigfoot"- and the
figments of imagination used to ascertain what
kind of creature this "Bigfoot" was. Recently, I
saw a picture of "Bigfoot's" footprint in the
paper and, now I can offer a solution to who
"Bigfoot" is.
"Bigfoot" is my son Willie, the operator of
the press that prints your Star each and every
week. For proof, see the picture above which
shows "Bigfoot's" foot, shod in a pair of
I can explain the bare- prints found, also.
Ever since he was old enough to walk, Willie
has shunned shoes, evtn in the fr:t:,,zing
we-'ther His foot is so big he finds it.hard lo
-fiind comfortable pair' of hard shoes to wear.
So he goes barefoot or else wears a pair of
sneakers most of the time.
I'm glad I could solve this mystery and let
these people trying to unravel the mystery of
"Bigfoot" go on to other pursuits.

I read where the exhorcists, the new "in"
fad today, have come up with the revelation
that insanity and disturbances of the mind are
the presence of the devil in a person.
No kidding!
It seems I read that same thing several
years ago. In this story I read, some "cat"
named Jesus along and told those devils to go
dwell in a herd of swine instead of disturbing
the tranquility of the man they were bugging.
Learn something new every day!

I see where the price of beef is climbing.
So what else is new?
It has some good company. So is the price
climbing on bread, beans, rice, gas, electricity,
pork, chicken, clothing, paper, steel, automo-
biles, candy bars, soft drinks, hard drinks,
sugar, and, you name it.
It would be a cruel world indeed, if beef
alone was standing still in price.

Tennessee flirted for a while with making it
illegal to hunt coons, the state animal. A coon
to a Tennessee Hillbilly is a necessary thing
just as it was to their ancestor, Daniell Boone.
One Tennessee lawmaker has moved to
once again make the coon fair game for
hunting, declaring, "Watergate, fudge! You
don't know what political trouble is until you
try to outlaw coon hunting in Tennessee!"
I would imagine it would run a close second
to girl watching.

Rep. Georgia B. Peters of Salt Lake City,
Utah has introduced what she sees as some of
the most important legislation to this nation-
the banning of public pay toilets.
She says she is serious in her endeavor
since everyone doesn't have a dime when the
need arises and only a pay toilet is readily
available. The practice of requiring a dime for
use of a toilet in some public establishments
also invades the rights of some. "Not everyone
is small enough to crawl under the door", she
I hope the lady is successful in her fight in
this matter. If I ever get caught in the position
of needing a pay toilet and the nearest dime is
in the cash register of the establishment being
visited, I hope the door either has a flimsy lock
or there are some understanding people


THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1974
[b,-Other Editors

Wesley R. Ramsey
William H. Ramsey
Frqnchie L. Ramsey

Notes from

"Ki Yler K"

50 Years Ago


_ I_






Cobblers are a tradition-
al American dessert similar
to a deep-dish fruit pie. ,
Instead of the pastry crust,
however, cobblers are usu-
ally topped by a rich bis-
cuit dough.
S The, origin of the word 4
:cobbler is unknown, but it '
may have come from the V
expression to "cobble up,"
that is, to put together
quickly, since these desserts
are easy to make. Cobblers -
can be made with any num-
ber of fruits, but Cherry u
Cobbler is a particular
.This easy modern-day
version of Cherry Cobbler '
starts with canned red sour
pitted cherries, the syrup
from which is thickened
aniid flavored with -almond.
Topped with drop biscuits
made with skim milk and
Fleischmann's Corn Oil Mar-
garine, this recipe is suitable
for lo*-saturated fat menus.
Although niost vegetable oils "
are beneficial in a low-satu- .
rated fat diet, scientific .. "
studies over a ten year period .
show that none is more ef- :
fective than corn oil in low- VC
ring blood cholesterol. .Designed for low-saturated-fat diets is this Cherry Cobbler.
:Enjoy the old-fashioned Drop biscuits on top are made with skim milk and corn
goodness of this delicious
Cherry Cobbler made with oil margarine.
modern ingredients geared 1 tbsp. sugar to boil; add almond extract.
togood health. 2 tsp. baking powder Keep warm.
CHERRY COBBLER 1/4 tsp. salt Sift together flour, sugar,
2 cans (1 pound 14-ounce 3 tbsp. Fleischmann's baking powder and salt. Cut
each).red sour pitted Margarine in margarine. Add skim milk'
cherries 1/2 cup skim milk stirring to moisten.Pour fruit
1 cup firmly packed Drairn fruit, reserving 1/2 mixture into 2-quart casse-
brown sugar cup syrup. Combine brown role. Drop topping by spoon-
1 tbsp. cornstarch sugar, cornstarch and re- fuls onto mixture. Bake at
1/4 tsp. almond extract served syrup; add fruit.Cook, 475oF. for 20 minutes, or
1 cup unsifted flour stirring, until mixture starts until done. Makes 6 servings.


Values to $40.00 in B
this group. Labels fo
quality and fashion,
junior, missy and
half sizes.

Terrific Value

Ladies' spring and sum-
mer polyester double knit



Regular $20.00 to $35.00 values. Sizes
Junior 3-13 and Missy and half sizes.
Plaids, checks and solids. Colors to
lift you right into spring.

Save! Save!

Ladies Slips

$3.00 & $4.00
Reg. values $4.00 and $5.00.
Sizes 32-44. Our basic Phil Maid,
and Shadowline quality. Buy
now and save. .


Save! Save!

$1 .OOoff
on each pair


Shoes '

Polyester and
blended fabrics in


$7, $8 &

Values $13.00 to $20.00. Cuffed
and uncuffed, flares and
baggies, solids and plaids.
Buy today and save.

Purchased during our dollar
Mne'hs; Women's styles.

days sale.


222 Reid Avenue Phone 227-4261

Eva Interviewed
Eva Maddox, Port St. Joe's representa-
tive in the Florida Junior Miss Pageant,
chats with Pensacola personality Taris
Savell during a television interview at Pen-
sacdla's Visitor Information Center. She is


BAJ IW10 p

Nl8 WS '1

Ladies' Winter League
The Ladies' Winter League
met January 17 with Jimmy's
Restaurant taking two and a
half games from Ten Pin
Lounge. Dale Harper led
Jimmy's with a 169 game and
449 series. Bowling for Ten
Pin, Christine Lightfoot had a
160 game and Judy Lowry
had a 437 series.
The Supermarket defeated
Peak's Pawn in four games.
Sheila Baker was top bowler
for The Supermarket with a
178 game and 444 series. Ann
Peak led Peak's with a 154
game and 385'series.
Basic took three from St.
Clair Funeral Home. Elsie
was the top bowler for Basic
with a 177 game and 511
series. Bowling for St. Clair
Diane Terry had a 166 game
and 430 series.
Troy's Standard Station
took three from the Box
Plant. Bowling for Troy's
Norma Hobbs had a 168 game
and 406 series. Evelyn Smith
led the Box Plant with a 166
game and 456 series.
The Ladies. Winter League
met again in action on Jarr-
uary 24 with Troy's Standard
defeating Basic for three.
Bowling for Troy's, Norma
Hobbs had a 165 game and

one of 25 state high school senior girls vying
for the title of Florida's first lady of youth
and the opportunity to represent the state in
the American Junior Miss Pageant. The
week of pageant activities closes Saturday,
Feb. 2, with the naming of the 1974 Florida
Junior Miss. Eva is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. David B. Maddox, Port St. Joe.

161 game and Dale H. had a
450 series for A & N. Faye
Cox and Dot Williams led
.Ralph and Henry's with a 156
game and 414 series, respect-
Pate's defeated Margaret's
for four games. Ruby Lucas
had a 174 game and 456 series
for Pate's. Margaret led Mar-
garet's Beauty Salon with a
136 game and 362 series.
Top Dollar won four games
from Bowen's Cowgirls. Lou
Mork had a 166 game and 451
series for Top Dollar. Mae
Plair led Bowen's with a 120
game and 299 series.
Wewa Bank won three
games from Queen Bees.
Elsie Simon had a 177 game
and 450 series for Wewa
Bank. Elaine Jackson had a
178 game and 347 series for
the Queen Bees.
Standings: Won Lost
A & N Railroad 58 18
Pate's Shell 54 22
Ralph & Henry's 50 26
Wewa Bank 41 35
Top Dollar 4012 3512
Margaret's 2912 4612'
Queen Bees 27 49
Bowen's Cowgirls 4 72

Gulf County Men's League
The Gulf County Men's
League met January 21 with
Murdock's defeating Rich-
ard's Place in four games.
Wayne Smith was top bowler
for Murdock's with a 200
game and 570 series. Jimmy
Flint led Richard's with a 158
game and 447 series.
Pat's Roofing took three
from Chmpbell's Drugs.

412 series. Eula Dickey was
the top bowler for'Basic with
a 161 game and 393 series.
St. Clair Funeral Home
took three from the Box
Plant. Diane Terry bowled a
178 game and 412 series for
St. Clair. Ruby Lucas led the
Box Plant with a 179 game
and 479 series.
Peak's Pawn Shop took
three from Jimmy's Restaur-
ant. Joan Banner was high
bowler for Peak's with a 142
game and 398 series. Bowling
for Jimmy's Connie Ross had
a 189 game and 410 series.
The Supermarket split four
with ten Pin Lounge. Bowling
for The Supermarket Chris-
tine Lightfoot had a 170
game and 430 series. Maxine
Smith led Ten Pin with a 170
game and 431 series.
Standings: Won Lost
St. Clair Funeral 41V2 301/2
Jimmy's Rest. 39V2 321/2
Box Plant 38 34
The Supermarket 35 37
Troy's Stand. Sta. 35 37
Ten Pin Lounge 34 38
Basic 32V2 39/2
Peak's Pawn 32/2 39/2

Ladies' Coffee League
A & N Railroad split four
games with Ralph and
Henry's. Dot Hamm had a

Bowling for Pat's, Garry
McNeel had a 159 game and
Tim Taylor had a 458 series.
Bowling for Campbell's Clint
Moore had a 177 game and
Clyde Parker had a 460
Shirt and Trophy took four
from Marvin's TV. Bowling
for Shirt & Trophy Daryal
Strickland had a 199 game
and 524 series. Bill Barlow
was top for Marvin's with a
204 game and 505 series.
Basic forfeited four to Tom-
my's Gulf.
On January 28 the Gulf
County Men's League was in
action with Murdock's T.V.
taking four from.Pat's Roof-
ing. Bowling for Murdock's
Ronnie Butler had a 184
game and Norman Bixler had
a 438 series. Tim Taylor led
Pate's with a 156 game and
453 series.
Marvin's T.V. took four
from Tommy's Gulf. Bill Bar-
low was top bowler for Mar-
vin's with a 209 game and 529
series. Bowling for Tommy's
Bill Besore had a 195 game
and 537 series.
Campbell's Drugs split four
with Richard's Place. Ralph
Ward led Campbell's with a
190 game and 510 series.
Bowling for Richard's Jim
Flint had a 198 game and 523
Basic took four from Shirt
& Trophy. Bowling for Basic
Donald Ray had a 203 game
and 497 series. Bowling for
Shirt & Trophy, Daryal
Strickland had a 203 game
and Preston had a 526 series.

Standings: Won Lost
Tommy's Gulf 56 24
Shirt & Trophy 54 26
Camphell's Drugs 48 32
Marvin's T.V. 37 -40
Murdock's T.V. '36 40
Basic 33 30 .... a. :
Pat's Roofing 30 50
Richard's Place 18 58

Gulf Co. Ladies' League
Wednesday night, January
23 Florida First National
Bank won three games and
lost one to St. Joe Kraft.
Faye Pope had a 185 game
and Eula Dickey had a 446
series for the Bank. Elsie
Simon led Kraft with a 169
game and 483 series.
St. Joe Stevedores won
three and lost one to St. Joe
Furniture. Melba Barbee had
a high game of 201 and Melba
and Eleanor Williams both
had 439 series for the Steve-
dores. Brenda Mathes had a
156 game and Jo Sealey had a
421 series for St. Joe Furni-
Dixie Seafood won all four
games from Bill's Dollar
Store. Shirley Hicks had a 152
game and Bertha Clayton
had a 401 series for Dixie
Seafood. Melba Kesner had a
158 game and 385 series for



Shirt and Trophy won all
four games from Campbell's.
Diane Terry led Shirt and
Trophy with a 173 game and
467 series. Helen Armstrong
led Campbell's with a 154
game and 418 series.
Standings: Won Lost
Shirt & Trophy 47 25
St. Joe Kraft 46 26
St. Joe Stevedores 44 28
Fla. 1st National 42'/2 29M
St. Joe Furniture 37/., 34U,
Dixie Seafood 32' 39'2
Campbell's 27 45
Bill's Dollar Store I11A, 60'?
Miss Charlene Faulk from
Lake Charles, La. was a
recent guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Peterson of White City
and while here she attended
the wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Perky White and enjoyed the
beaches and scenic points of
interest in this area.

Card of Thanks

To our many friends for the
cards, flowers, visits, food,
prayers and memorial gifts;
To the entire staff at Muni-
cipal Hospital for being so
good to our husband and
daddy while he was there;
To everyone at Bay Mem-
orial Hospital who were
always so ready to help on
his many trips there;
To the St. Joe Paper Com-
pany that was always ready
to help in so many ways;
To the pulp mill workers
for the visits, calls, love gifts,
blood given, and for serving
as honorary pall bearers;
To his boys that were able
to serve as pall bearers:
Charles Smith, Carson
Shores, James Timmins,

rt never

ft never

an body.

Ir lei IorsI

da tatios7

Joyce Husband, Albert Rick-
ards and Herschell Neel;
To the "C" shift-thanks
for everything.
To those who have been so
faithful during Tiny's entire
illness, especially our mini-
ster, Rev. Millard Spikes, of
the First United Methodist
Church, we do wish to
express sincere appreciation.
It has been a long year and
one week. Without your
encouragement, love and
prayers, we could never have
made it. Please continue to
remember us in your
Alma Jones
Travis Jones and family
Kitty Herndon and family



504 Monument Avenue -Telephone: 227-2551

L I I_



Carol Parer and James B.. Faison Are

IWed In Candlelight Ceremony, Dec. 22

Carol Lynette Parker and
S James Bruce Faison were
.united in marriage December
.,22, 1973 at 7:00 p.m. in the
candlelit sanctuary of the
First Baptist Church of Port
SSt. Joe. The Rev. DeWitt T.
Mathews, Jr. performed the
+ double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter of
3'-Mr. and Mrs. William. John
i Parker of 133 Bellamy Circle.
The bridegroom's parents are
Mr and Mrs Jamei. Lamar
Fal.on of 2i07 Long Avenue.
An arch of candles topped
Sthe altar, on each side the
scene was perfectly rounded
With four candle trees. Floral
- arrangements .of white
Z chrysanthemums with red
carnations and red poinset-
tias were. located at other
. points in the .ar ,ctuary. Each
window of the church held
SChristmas .wreath 'with two
ieandles; .
SBilly Joe Rich, Jr., organ-.
ist, provided the nuptial
-music and. accompanied
George Puckett as he sang,
"Savior, Like A Shepherd
Lead Us" and "The Lord's
Prayer" -
- The bride, given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a
. own of white satin. The
FnmpIr' bodice with long
sleeves .and high neckline
was Ienricrhtd with pearls. A
wide panel' extended down
the dress front. The chapel
, length train was finished with
*.-k wid bow at the back of the'
:waistline. Her veil of silk
-illusion fell from a Juliet cap
"'f white satin and pearls. She
-carried a cascade bouquet of
-'A4 white: roses and white satin
: Miss Patti Parker, attend-
v'bd her sister as .maid of
-honor. She wore an empire
gown of red velvet featuring
a high neckline and slight
train. She carried a white fur
manuff decorated with red
.aniniature carnations and
";holly. :

cousin of the bride, of Lan-
caster, S. C. The bridesmaids
dresses were styled identical
to the maid of honor's, only
in green velvet. The head-
pieces complemented the
dresses in color with tulle
attached to a white fur bow
at the crown.
James- Lamar Faison
,attended his son as best man.
Groomsmen were Tim Grif-
fin, Phil Earley, Daryl
Parker of Port St. Joe; Andy
Namynanik of Lynn Haven
and Jack Dunne of Pensa-
SFor her daughter's wed-
ding, Mrs. Parker wore a
floor length ggwn of yellow,
green and metallic gold
matte. Her outfit was com-
plemented with gold acces-
sories and a yellow cymbi-
dium orchid.
The bridegroom's mother
was attired in a floor length
._gown of pink chiffon. Her
outfit was completed with
silver accessories and 7:a
white cymbidium orchid.
The bride's maternal
grandmother chose a blue
knit gown with matching jac-
ket. The bride's paternal
grandmother was attired in a
rose gown of knit.
Maternal grandmother of
the groom wore a floor length
gown of blue knit. The
groom's paternal grand-
mother chose a white blouse
and floor length black skirt
with a complementing red
All grandmothers wore cor-
sages of red carnations.
Following the ceremony,
the bride's parents hosted a
reception in the church social
hall. Mrs. Robert Moore
greeted the guests. Miss Gail
Simmons- kept the bride's
book. Serving at the bride's
table were Mrs, Pam Puckett
and Mrs. Tillie McKiernan.
The groom's cake was served
by Miss Marsha Player.

Servine at the. coffee and

Serving as matron of honor punch table were Mrs. Bar-
was Mrs Judy Griffin. bara Parker, Mrs. Myra Lan-
.Br.d'.rs'naids were Misses caster, Mrs. Carol Dixon and
..Jer Rich, Debbie McKier- Mrs. Phyllis 'Murphy. Floor
nan, Brenda Faison, sister of hostesses were Mrs. Sharon
the groom, all of Port 'St. b'Watsbh,. Mra Rebecca ,Mat- 1;Pierce ,
Joe; Miss essa Mos)ey, -hvs 'and'MWs:s.; Charl6te i;ut-ofrtown
Joe I e1yA t-anow


S ; i .Parkb'rLFaisbn wedding
guests for the "included Mr. and Mrs, Glen'

We wish to thank everyone
for the prayers, food, flowers
SON and donations to the Beach
Baptist Chapel Building Fund
White, Mr Mand. Mis.; Billy ad sympathy extended to us
Moslsv, Meiissa and vi during the loss of our daugh-
s ey 0 ster, aid -ter Linda.
all of Lancaster, S. C.; Mrs. M Edgar Field
J. H. Faison and Mrs. L. G. and Mrs. Edgar Field
Sport of Dozier, Ala.; Mr. and family
and Mrs. Michael Namy-
nanik, Paula and Tony, of
Lynn Haven; Mrs. W. T.
Mosely of Kershaw, S. C.; 4"
Mrs. Ferris Tarantino, Joey
and Tommy of Apalachicola.

For traveling, the bride
wore a grey and pink pant-
suit with a pink blouse.
Accenting her outfit was a
Christmas corsage.

The bridegroom's parents
hosted a rehearsal dinner for
the Parker-Faison wedding
party and out-of-town guests
at the St. Joseph's Bay Coun-
try Club on Dec. 21. The
bride's chosen colors of red
and green were used in the
Miss Jeri Rich was hostess
to a bridesmaid luncheon for
Miss Carol Parker on Dec.
22. Individual tables for four
were set with red and green
floral arrangements, the
bride's chosen colors. Miss
Rich presented the bride-to-
be with a fondue set.
A white Bible ceremony
was held at the First Baptist
Church on Dec. 14 for Miss
Carol .Parker. Baptist Young
Women presented her with a
beautiful white Bible, in a
lovely ceremony. Refresh-
ments were served following
the ceremony in the decor-
ated social hall. Immediately
following, the BYW's gave a
gadget shower for the bride-


Plan Week

for Youth

The youth will meet at the
First Church of the Nazarene
each evening of. this week at
7:30 p.m. for activities.
A special youth service will
be presented Saturday even-
ing by Rev. Richard Water-
man of the Blountstown
Church of the Nazarene.
Sunday morning will close
youth week with the teens of
the church conducting the
service, including preaching,
teaching classes and choir.
All youth of the area are
invited to attend.

i ^': "


Meets at


Eta Upsilon Chapter 5845
met at the Florida Power
Lounge January 7 with host-
ess Barbara Boykin. The
meeting was opened with all
members repeating the open-
ing ritual.
President Mary Harrison
reported that she had receiv-
ed a letter from Mrs. Virgin-
ia '.-.e.:. co-chairman.
for the Valentine Ball. The
Ball will be held February 9
at 9:00 'at the Natrional
Guard Armory in Panama
The. ways and means com-
mittee suggested a bake sale
as a project. This matter will
be discussed later.
Freida Jacobs presented
the program, "Obsolete Or
Precious". She brought some
interesting points on an-
The meeting was closed
with all members repeating
the closing ritual.

Eta Upsilon Chapter 5854
met in the home of Mrs. Kay
Parrott with Mrs. Mary Pol-
lock as hostess.
The meeting was opened
with all members repeating
the opening ritual.
February 2, 3 and 4 have
been designated as the dates
for the Mothers' March of
Dimes. Service committee
chairman Freida Jacobs will'
be in charge of this project.
The Valentine Queen, Phyl-
lis Sisk, reported her pictures
had been mailed to the Val-
entine Ball publicity chair-
man Mary Huckaby.
Mrs. Frances Chafin pre-
sented a very interesting and
'informative program on
The social_ hour followed
with the hostess serving de-
licious refreshments.
The meeting was adjourned
with all members repeating
the closing ritual.


Mayor Frank Pate is shown cutting the building. Looking on are the new owners,
ribbon to. The Sub Shop, a new business Frank and Jean Swain, and Merchant's
opening on Hwy. 98 in the old Daisy Queen Association president, Lee Treace.

Learn How to BIBLE
Decorate Cakes

Gulf Coast Community Col-
lege will be bringing Gulf
County residents one of its
most popular non-credit short
courses in the coming week,
according to Bob McSpadden,
dean of continuing education.
Beginning cake decorating
will meet for the first time
Feb. 4 at 6:30 p.m. in the
Port St. Joe High School.
"A tuition fee of $12 will be
charged for this course and
students may expect to spend
approximately $11 for sup-
plies, however, these supplies
may be used in advanced'
classes also," McSpadden
GCCC President, Dr.
Richard Morley noted that
Gulf Coast is actively seeking
ways in which its services
may be expanded and that
such short-course offerings
could be just the beginning.
Persons interested in
enrolling for any non-credit
courses should contact the
GCCC Office of Continuing
Education .at 769-1551, ext.

I IX ^ I I It

To believe only salvation is
not enough! There are
preachers that are telling
their congregations to accept
the Lord as their personal
Saviour and everything is all
right. Some would even go as
far as to say all you have to
do is come to the altar and
except the right hand of faith.
Don't be deceived. The
Bible says to search out your
own salvation with fear and
trembling. Some of the pro-
moters of this doctrine that
sells the full truth of Gods
word short quote Acts 16:31
as full salvation. They fail to
read vs. 33 which says that
they went out the same night
and was baptized.
Some would say that bap-
tism is just an outward show-
ing that you believe and has
no bearing on salvation. Mk.
16:16 tells us that He that
believeth and is baptized
shall be saved; but he that
believeth not shall be

John 3:5 says except a man
is born of water and spirit he
cannot enter the kingdom of
God. Luke 7:30 says but the
Pharisees and lawyers reject-
ed the counsel of God against
themselves, being not bap-
tized of him. Gal. 3:27 says
For as many of you as have
been baptized into Christ
have put on Christ. 1, Peter
3:21 states The like figure
whereunto even baptism doth
also now save us.
Romans 6:4 Therefore we
are buried with him by bap-
tism into death. Baptism is
for the remissin of sins. Mk.
1:4 Lk. 1:76 and 77 Luke 3:3
Acts 2:38 and Acts 22:16. The
full truth of Gods word is
baptized every one of you in
the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins, and ye
shall receive the gift of the
Holy Ghost." Salvation is still
found the same way that it
was found on the Day of
Phone 229-2482 or write
P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe,
United Pentecostal Church,
10th St., N.W., Highland
View, Richard E. Collins,


Good Luck Party

for Junior Miss
Florida Power Lounge was after the presentation of gifts
the setting for a "good luck" to Miss Maddox. All present
party honoring Port St. Joe's extended their good luck
1974 Junior Miss, Eva Mad- wishes to Miss Maddox in her
dox. The party was given on week long activities in Pen-
Saturday, January 26 at 2 sacola for her contention in
p.m., by the Port St. Joe the title for 1974 Florida
Jayceettes and was attended Junior Miss.
by the Junior Miss contest- Donna Ray, President of
ants and members of the the Jayceettes encourages all
Jayceettes. Port St. Joe residents to
A beautifully decorated cak support Miss Maddox in Pen-
A beautifully decorated sacola on Friday, February
cake and punch were served 1, for the preliminary contest
and again on Saturday, Feb.
T h gs I 2, for the final pageant. Both
n1 1 events will be held at 7:30
p.m. CDT at the Municipal
H a ve Auditorium in Pensacola.

Changed Driver

Things have changed in the C I a SSes
last 20 years. Dr. Bob King
illustrated just how great the ^
change has been by reading offered
from the files of The Star of
20 years ago to the Kiwanis Adults who are interested
Club last Tuesday. in learning how to drive a car
King found that 20 ,years are invited to join a class
ago steak sold for 69c a in driver education at Port
pound in Port St. Joe. Bacon St. Joe High School sponsored
was 29c a pound and oranges by the Gi:f County Adult
19c a dozen. You could buy a Institute.
pound of hamburger for 19e. The course begins at 6:00
Also, 20 years ago there p.m. Monday, February 4,
were five automobile deal- and includes behind-the-wheel
erships in Port St. Joe along training.
with a men's store and a shoe The beginning driver is
shop. Only one of the auto taught the rules of the road
dealers-is left and none of the and state regulations pertain-
others. ing to driving.
Dr. L. H. Bartee, a long- Instruction is given in basic
time doctor in Port St. Joe driving skills, precise maneu-
died 20 years ago. He had his vers, city and highway driv-
offices in the rear of Smith's ing, and special driving tech-
Pharmacy. ni.ques.
The County Commission If you do not. drive, but
agreed to allow Sunday sales would like to learn how to do
of liquor 20 years ago, but the so under the direction of a
move caused so much static, patient, skilled instructor
they met in special session plan to attend the class.
the very next week and re- Adults may register at the
scinded the move. Adult Education Office in the
Port St. Joe had two firsts Centennial Building in Port
20 years ago; a Republican St. Joe from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30
supporter and a woman for p.m. daily and Monday
Postmaster. Mrs. H. C. through Thursday evenings
brown was appointed by the at 6:00 p.m. for driver edu-
Eisenhower administration to cation and other courses.
fill the vacancy left by the For additional information
retirement of H. A. Drake. about this and other classes
Twenty years ago the please call 227-5321 or 227-
County budget was $260,000 4806 weekdays.
with a $7.6 million assess-
ment orn property. The City CARD OF THANKS
budget was $175,000. I would like to take this
Guests of- the Kiwanians opportunity to thank the
were. Pick Walton of Santa doctors, staff and nurses at
Rosafv.end.-..Ki y Clubbers there m*inicipal Hoipital for
Juanise Griffin, Jan Hpm- their irie treatment and care
mock, Mike Rich and Steve during my recent stay.
Owens. R. E. Downs

Creech-Cobb Wedding

Held In Pensacola


The wedding of Miss
Cecelia Creech, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gustavus B.
Creech of Port St. Joe, and
Patrick Thomas Cobb, son of
Mrs. William H. Cobb and the
late Mr. Cobb of Pensacola,
was solemnized on Saturday,
Janaury 26 at four o'clock in
the afternoon at Richards
Memorial United Methodist
Church in Pensacola. The
double ring ceremony was
performed by the. '.:
James E. T,:r" brother-
in-law of t.l-. ox:i
Baskets of pink ;',; and
white mums flanked each
side of the altar. Tall branch-
ed candelabra holding. -z k
tapers completed the setting
for the ceremony.
The organist played selec-
tions of nuptial music as the
guests assembled. .
Entering the sanctuary
with the groom, the bride
was lovely in a floor length
gown of white polyester lace
over satin featuring a scoop-
ed neckline, empire waistline
and long bouffant sleeves, t
accented by mint green trim- Feted
ming. She wore a soft, broad-
brimmed hat of white organ- Miss Patricia Hanna was
za and carried a nosegay of honored with a bridal shower
pink rosebuds, on Monday- evening, January
The bride's only attendant 21, given by Mrs. Carole Kahl
was her niece, Laurel Fillin- and Mrs. Dick Lamberson in
gim of Eclectic, Alabama, the Lamberson home on
who wore a floor length dress Westcott Circle. A color
of mint green crepe. She scheme of blue and white, the
scattered pink rose petals bride's chosen colors, was
from a white wicker basket used throughout the party
daintily trimmed with tiny rooms, and Miss Hanna was.
pink rosebuds. presented a blue and white
Ushers were Phillip Wither- carnation corsage by the hos-
spoon and Howard Young, tesses.
both of Pensacola.
Mrs. Creech chose for her
daughter's wedding a floor were on either side.
length gown of soft blue Punch, nuts, mints and
crepe. The mother of the hors d'oeuvres were served
groom was attired in a floral the guests from a table in the
printed floor length gown. center of the room, and a
Mrs. Creech, Mrs. Cobb, and corner table featured a light-
Mrs. Walter Johnson, god- ed champagne fountain.
mother of the bride, wore A fireplace with burning
corsages of pink rosebuds. logs and a background of
Following the ceremony, stereo music completed the
Mr. and Mrs. Creech enter- setting for the happy occa-
tained with a reception in the sion.
social center of the Beau After a short time of danc-
Clerk Apartments. ing, the couple left for a
The bride's table, covered wedding trip to New Orleans.
with a white lace cloth, was The bride wore a 'street
centered with a tiered wed- length gown of white double
"ding cake: Silver candelabra knit. Upon their return Mr.
-i'*:lii ifi ikfi tapers' ba"d and Mrs. Cobb. will be at
arrangements of fiji mimins home at 10 Oleander Drive,

8 I

at Bridal Shower

Shown above are Mrs. Dick
Lamberson, Miss Hanna, the
honoree, and Mrs. Carole

Several shower games
were enjoyed by the assem-
bled guests, following which
refreshments of punch, nuts,
cake squares, and date-nut
sandwiches were served from
a table overlaid with a lace
cloth over blue. Centered
with a punch bowl surround-

Out-of-town quests at the
wedding and reception
included Reverend and Mrs.
James E. Fillingim and
Laurel of Eclectic, Ala.; Mr.
and Mrs. James Cobb and
sons of Laurel, Miss.; Mr.
and Mrs. William Rice and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carr of
Panama City; Mrs. Milton E.
Hicks of Gulf Shores, Ala.;
Mrs. B. G. Buzzett, Mrs.
Jacque Price, Mrs. Jean
Atchison and Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Johnson of Port St.
Joe; Robert Fillingim of
Jacksonville and Miss Bar-
:"'bra Buzzett of Penshcola

ed with fern and blue mums,
the focal point of the table
was a bride doll carrying
white roses trimmed with
touches of blue.
Many lovely and useful
gifts were received by the
bride-elect following a wed-
ding devotional by Mrs. Kahl.
Miss Hanna will become
the bride of Danny Kirkland
on Monday, February 3, at
7:30 p.m. in the White City
Assembly of God Church.

The St. Joseph's Bay Coun-
try Club was the setting for a
luncheon on January 19
honoring Miss Cecelia
Creech, bride-elect. Hos-
tesses for the occasion were
Mrs. B. G. Buzzett and Mrs.
Frank Hannon.
The bride's chosen colors of
pink and White were used in
the decorations.
Miss Creech was presented
with two silver goblets as a
gift from the hostesses.
Other than the honoree,
guests were Mrs. J. A. Carr
of Panama City; Mrs. Wil-
:liam HI Cobb, Mrzs. Phillip
Witherspoon, Mrs. Sheila

Reeves of Pensacola; Miss
Brenda Faison, Miss Diane
Tripp, Mrs. W. E. Whaley,
Mrs. David May, Mrs. Rex
Buzzett, Mrs. W. F. Johnson
and Mrs. Gus Creech.
Mrs. William H. Cobb,
mother of the bridegroom,
entertained with a dinner
following the rehearsal on
January 25 at .the Bonanza
Steak House in Pensacola.
The tables were beautifully
decorated with pink and red
camellias entwined with ivy.
Those present to enjoy the
dinner were the honorees,
Miss Cecelia Creech and
Patrick T. Cobb, Mrs. Gus
Creech, Mrs. Gus Creech,
Mrs. W. F. Johnson, Mr. and
Mrs. James Cobb, Dr. and
Mrs. William Jones, Reve-
rend and Mrs. James Fillin-
gim., and ,Laurel, Howard
'Young) and ',Mr: and Mr's.
Phillip Witherspoon.

Square Dancers
Set Open House

The Sunshiners Square
Dance Club is hosting an
open house Thursday, Jan. 31
at 8 p.m. for all those inter-
ested in square dancing. The
open house will be held at the
First United Methodist'
Church's fellowship hall.
If you are tired of the same
old routine, put some fun into
your life and try square

We wish to thank eveyrone
for their prayers, calls,
cards, food and words of
sympathy during the illness
and passing of our loved one.
Also we thank the doctors
and nurses for their wonder-
ful care. May God bless each
of you. m .o.. .
Marh FamWly kf .
Mary M Wlfk"



Mr. and Mrs. James 0.
Middleton of Mexico Beach,
announce the engagement
and approaching marriage of
their daughter, Terri Lynn, to
Robert M. Lyles of Tampa.
He is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. William F. Lyles of
Mexico Beach.
The bride-elect, is a 1972
graduate of Port St. Joe High
School and is presently
employed at Sears, Roebuck,

and Co. at Port St. Joe.
Her fiance is also a 1972
graduate of Port St. Joe High
School and is presently a
student at United Electronics
Institute, Tampa.
The wedding will be an
event of March, 2, at St.
Joseph's Catholic Church at
seven o'clock in the evening.
No local invitations are
being sent but all friends and
relatives of the couple are
invited to attend.

Film Shown to Rotary

Deputy Sheriff Tom Berlin-
ger showed the Port St. Joe
Rotary some tips on how to
prevent burglary of their bus-
iness houses in a film last
Thursday. Berlinger and the
Sheriff's Department are cur-
rently in the midst of a
program showing several dif-
ferent: films on various
Berlinger told the Rotar-
ians they could be the most
effective deterrent to burg-

lary of their property by
taking simple steps to dis-
courage thieves. Berlinger
said, "The more you can
delay a burglar will discour-
age him fromhitting your
place in the first place:" Ber-
linger suggested such precau-
tions as strong locks and
doors, proper use of lights,
elimination of shadows inside
the building and precaution
about leaving valuables lying
out in plain view.

Phone 229-6969


By W. C. Roche

The way inflation is running now, senior citizens can
file for social S,0 t. and bankruptcy at the same time.

Our friend has two complaints about his car: the
motor won't start, and the payments won't stop.

Man to another: "I'm sorry I bought this cheap
toupee. I'm losing hair that isn't even mine."

TV will never replace the newspaper-it won't fit in
the bottom of the bird cage.

Heard about the teenage investment club? They
never trust stocks over 30.

Roche's Offers Sylvania Television

Roche's Furniture

and Appliance
209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271


J & J Grill

Homemade Cakes

Birthday and other special occasions.
Reasonably priced.

..... ... ..



Funeral Services Held for Mrs. Mary M. Weeks

Corn Meal Fried Chicken
Corn Ma e C

Funeral services for Mrs.
Mary Middleton-Weeks were
held Friday afternoon Jan-
uary 18, at 2:00 p.m., in the
Highland View United Metho-
S dist Church by Rev. James
Morris and Rev. John Harvey
Klein in charge of the devo-
tional service. Mrs. J. D.
Jamison sang "Sweet Peace,
The Gift of God's Love,"
accompanied at the piano by
sister Rebekah, Mrs.
S Emmett Daniell.
*' Mrs. Weeks, 76, was a
". charter member of Highland
View Methodist Church and

Melody Rebekah Lodge; both
in which she held responsible
official positions since their
organizations, in addition to
teaching the adult Sunday
school class until the past
year. Although she had given
up teaching and reading, she
attended all church services
until she was stricken ill.
Mary Weeks was the oldest
,of four children of Frank
Middleton and Shirley Jen-
kins Middleton of Larue
County, Kentucky. She
attended Larue County
schools and went on to gradu-

ate from the University of
Cincinnati. For a number of
years, she taught school in
Covington, Kentucky and
during that time she was
elected State President of the
Business and Professional
Women's Club for one year.
Her desire to travel was
fulfilled during the late
1930's, when, with a group of
her friends went on an auto-
mobile tour through practi-
cally all the states. They
finally ended their journey in
Tampa, where she and Wil-
liam Howell Weeks met and

on March 17, 1941, were mar-
ried in Perry.
After looking over several
prospective sites to settle and
start business, they chose
Highland View. and by the
latter part of June, had erect-
ed and stocked a two-story
general merchandise store.
Mrs. Weeks was .later
appointed postmistress; a
position she held for many
years. She was loved and
held in high esteem by every-
one who was priviledged to
know her. Her philosophy
was "love; mercy and grace"

and her aim in life was to
serve and help others.
Mrs. Weeks is survived by
one sister, Mrs. Curtis Spen-
cer of Hodgenville, Ky: two
neices. Mrs. Rosemarie Guy
of Hodgenville: Mrs. Hubert
Gregory of Glascow. Ky; one
nephew, Earl Middleton of
New Orleans. La: step-
daughter, Mrs. Merle
MacArthur of New Orleans
and a step-son, Bruce Weeks
of Chattahoochee.
The members of Melody
Rebekah Lodge gave a
memorial graveside service.

the people tire


.*Ftres~to n

Active pall bearers were
James C. Cox, Hosea Bar-
field, J. B. "Smokey" Smith,
William Collier, A. B. Pratt
and Harley Roberts.
Honorary pall bearers were
Gene Atkins, Herbert Burge,
George Y. Core, R. H. Sewell,
Melvin S:' :. ,; Roy
Hodges. Clinton Cox, Billy
Joe Rish, James E. Patter-
son, Curtiss Griffin.
P. T. McCormick, Sam
Patrick, Jimmy Smith, Car-
son Shores, Bob Young, C. G.
Costin,' Sr., Abe Milller, Clin-
ton Peterson. Jim Harrison,
Vester Hicks, Hubert Matt-
hews and Bud Williamson.
Comforter Funeral Home
was in charge of arrange-

Must Be



trians must increase their
alertness, even with the
reduced maximum speed
limit for motor vehicles,
before the extremely high
fatality rate is to be reduced
said the Florida Highway
Patrol today.
Patrol director Colonel
Eldrige Beach said, "With
550 pedestrians being killed
in 1973, which is an increase
of 17 percent over 1972,
everyone, both drivers and
pedestrians must do their
part to help stop these need-
less deaths."
Accident records indicate.
that the pedestrian, by far, is
usually at fault; however,
drivers can help by reducing
speed and keeping a sharp
lookout in congested areas.
About half of the pedestrians
killed in 1973 were in urban
areas and most were killed
while crossing without the
benefit of a traffic control
device' or stepping into the
Colonel Beach concluded by
saying, "While records for
the first two weeks of 1974
indicate a substantial
decrease in traffic fatalities,
including pedestrian deaths,
pedestrians can increase
their margin of safety by
walking off the roadway,
crossing at .crosswalks, and
at night wear white or reflec-
torized" clothing and carry a

A Day In History
Feb. 2 is a very function-
al date.
It's Ground-Hog Day and
Candlemas Day, and the two
may be linked, says World
Book Encyclopedia.
As for the ground hog,
that's the day when the
lurry critter sticks his head
out of his hole, and if he
sees his shadow, goes back
inside to wait out six more

weeks of winter weather.
If it's cloudy and he sees
no shadow, spring is on its
way--or so it's believed.
In the Roman Catholic
Church, it's the day on which
candles are blessed to mark
, the purification of the Virgin
Mary, mother of Christ.
The Virgin, in accord-
ance with the Jewish cus-
tom, went to the synagogue
to be purified on the 40th
day after giving birth. To-
day, to commemorate that
event candles blessed by the
Pope or a priest are given to
the poor, symbolizing the
words of Simon to Mary
that Jesus would be "a light
to lighten the Gentiles, and
the glory of thy people."
In ancient times there
were many pagan ceremo-
nies at this time of year,
says World Book, that in-
volved purification--after a
long winter. In fact, the
Latin word from which
"February" is derived means
Ground-Hog Day comes
to the United States from
Great Britain and Germany,
where for some reason the
"ground hog" was a badger.
And just to make it of-
ficial, the state of Missouri
established Feb. 2 as Ground
Hog Day by legislation which
doesn't explain why all
America looks to Punxsu-
Lawney, Pa., to get the
ground hog's verdict.

Celebrate an age-old culinary tradition this Sunday with a new
version: mouth-waiering. airy light Corn Veal Fried Chicken.
Prepare yourself. too. for the clamor to follo'A calling for this
chicken every Siinda\. .Jst one drumstick wi:' do it!
For ease of prcpairation as well as good nutrition, we use both
enriched self-risini flour and corn meal in this recipe. The salt
and leavening hli,\ve already been added by the miller in just-right
proportions to save \out time and possible mistakes in measure-
ment. You also can count on enriched self-rising flour and corn
nmeal for the essential B-vitaimins thiamine. niacin and ribo-
flavin plus tihc iincral.s. iron and calcium.
Corn Meal Fried Chicken
,' cup enriched self-rising I egg. separated
corn meal -4, cup milk
!, cup enriched self-rising I (2!", to 3 lb.) broiler-fryer,
flour* cut up
I package dry salad dressing Oil
mix (Italian. Onion or.
Stir together corn meal. flour and salad dressing mix. Beat egg
yolk with iiilk. Add milk to flour mixture, mix well. Beat egg
white until stiff but not dry: fold into batter. Dip chicken pieces
into batter: let excess batter drip off. Fry in preheated 3000 to
3250 oil about 15 minutes or until done. Drain on paper towels.
Serve hot.
"Spoon flour into dry measuring cup: .level. Do not scoop.

"Youth is happy because, it has the ability to see beauty.
Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows
old." (Franz Kafka)

I Attend the. Church of Your Choice


309 6th Street,- INylTES YOU

HOLY COMMUNION .................... 7:30 A.M.
SUNDAY SCHOOL ......................... 9:45 A.M.
MORNING WORSHIP (Nursery) .......... 11:00 A.M.
HOLY COMMUNION (First Sundays) ...... 11:00 A.M.


Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue
GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music
Sunday School ......... 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship Service .--...----........11:00 A.M.
Church Training .. 6:30 P.M.
Evening -Worship Service ............ 6:30 P.M.
Prayer Meeting (Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M.

"Come and Worship God With Us"
Day Care Center, Tuesday and Thursday 8:30-11:30

You Are Cordially Invited To Attend



Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street
SUNDAY SCHOOL ....................... 9:45 A.M
*MORNING WORSHIP .................... 11:00 A.M.
EVENING WORSHIP ...................... 7:30 P.M.
PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ......... 7:30 P.M.


REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor
JOHN WOODS, Minister of Music

Pate's Service Center

Jimmy's Phillips "66"

Port St. Joe, Florida,


/ Board of

County Commissioners

The Board of County Com-
missioners of Gulf County,
Florida/met on, January 22,
1974 in regular session with
the following members pre-
sent: Chairman S. C. Player,
Lamar Davis and T. D. (Doc)
Whitfield. The Clerk, Att9r-
ney, and Bailiff werd also
The minutes of the meeting
of January 8, 1974 were read,
approved and adopted.
The meeting came to order
at 7:30 p.m. The Clerk
opened the meeting with
prayer and then led the
pledge of allegiance. *'
Wes Thompson, Florida
Power Corporation, request-
ed the Board approve its
utility permit to cross the
Howards- Creek Road. After
approval by the Road Super-
intendent,: Comm. Whitfield
moved the permit be ap-
proved. Comm. Davis second-
ed the motion, and it passed
Unanimously. ,
W.. Royce Pitts and Bill
Phillips, representing the
State, Department of Trans-
portation, addressed the
Board about Senate Bill 367
and the authority it gives the
Department to delete roads
from the primary road '~ys-
tem. A map presentation
showed that all roads in Gulf
County would be deleted from
the primary system except
Highways 98 and 71. The
Board, and Attorney Rish,
- went on record ,as opposing
such action, as Highway 22,
between. Wewahitchka and
Panama City, and the Over-
street Road are both heavily
traveled by outsiders. more
than local people and the
Gulf County .taxpayers would
be hit with an unfair mainte-
nance burden.
Charles Dunn, State
Department of Transporta-
tion, reported to the Board
that a, new five-year second-
ary road program is needed
for the March meeting in
Apalachicola. He ,said that
sne .worki('bad be"doponQ'.
( te li..t 30 pioidies of last
year's program. He suggest-
ed the Board consider paving
with type two-gravel roads as
hot mix and other petroleum*
based products, have gone
sky high. Comm. Davis sug-
gested that City Commission-
ers be present when the
Board has a road priority
meeting. i
Dunn also reported that
Bridges 14 and 17, Money
Bayou and Simmons Bayou,
will hopefully be let in July
provided the money is avail-
able. The Attorney remarked
that Mr. Lee, District Engi-
neer, had faithfully promised
him this project would be let.
in December, deliberately
deceiving this Board with
such information, and tli
District Office will be called
to Tallahassee to account for
the deception.
The Clerk read a letter
from the St. Joe Ministerial
Association opposing Sunday
liquor sales. The Board noted
this letter was really meant
-for the City Commissioners of
Port St. Joe and would be
delivered to them.
After discussion, and
motion by Comm. Whitfield,
seconded by Comm. Davis,
and unanimous vote, the
Board adopted a resolution
expressing their gratitude to

the late Sam P. Husband for
his many years of dedicated
service. A copy of this resolu-
tion is on file in the County
Clerk's office.
The Clerk told the Board
that he had the bid specifica-
tions for the air conditioning
at the Health Center. He
added the architect had
pulled the advertisement for
bids because he' had been
misinformed as to what the
Commission wanted. Comm.
Davis agreed to check into
the matter and get the notice
for bids into the paper as
soon as possible.
The Board received an
annual report frpm the Hon..
Harland O0. Pridgeon, Tax
Collector, for the year ended
December 31, 1973. The
report included income of
$42,550.56, expenses of
The Clerk reported that the
state contract price on the
two radios ordered at the last
meeting had increased from
$388.00 to $601.00. The Board
.approved the purchase since
these radios were still half as
expensive as any other com-
parable radios ,available to
the Board.
After discussion, the Board
*appointed the following mem-
bers to the Planning Commis-
sion for Gulf County: Max
Kilbburn, temporary chair-
man; A. L. Hargraves; E. F.
Gunn; Hugh White; Sally
Malone; Nathan Peters, Jr.;
Laura Geddie; Claude Lister
and Eunice Arhelder. The
Commission is to meet with
the Northwest Florida Dev-
elopment Council on Wednes-,
day, January 30, 1974 at 6:00
p.m. EDT in the County Com-
missioners room of the Court-
house at Port St. Joe.
Upon request, and motion
by Comm. Whitfield, second-
ed by Comm. Davis, and
unanimous vote, the Board
adopted a resolution filling
vacancies held by holdover
members on the Gulf County
'Library Board. The folding
people were appoi dTo the
Board: Mrs. Betty McNeill,
chairman, 1 year; C. E. Dan-
iels, vice chairman, 2 years;
Mrs. Marlene Whitfield, sec-
retary, 3 years; Wayne
Biggs, 3 years; and Mrs.
Rosenia Kilbourn, 2 years.
A copy of this resolution is
on file in the County Clerk's
The Board received a letter
from the Division of Family
Services requesting renewal
of their office leases, in
Wewahitchka and Port St.
Joe, on a monthly basis.
rather 'than a yearly basis.-
The Board refused to grant
the monthly lease requested
instead of the usual' yearly
The Clerk reported that the
Ben Barnes family is request-
ing a Quit-Claim Deed from
the County on property
owned by them. The Board
suggested Mr. Barnes pre-
sent a legal history of the
property and the Board
would then make a decision
on the deed.
The Board received a letter
from the Chamber of Com-
merce requesting the Board
donate $750.00 to the organi-
zation instead of $500.00 as
had been the previous prac-
tice. After discussion, Comm.
Whiffield moved the Board


Is The.



Al 1

and in Port St. Joe. This
merchandise giant is as close as
your telephone. Buy any Item
advertised by Sears anywhere in,
the United States, simply by dialing

SCatalog Sales

. Lee Treace,

donate the $750.00, Conrm.
Davis seconded the motion
and it passed unanimously.
The Board Yrbeived notice
that George G.-Tapper Com-
pany, Inc. of Port St. Joe was
the low bidder' on Jobs No.
51503-3601, SR -S-386, and
51580-3610 in the amount of
The Board agreed to study
'..r'r.. a proposal by the
Department of Commerce
that the Board participate in
the Work Incentive Program-
Public Service Employment.
Comm. Davis reported the
School Board is requesting
the, County to place a gar-
bage can on the road from
Oak Grove to the .high school.
The Commission' suggested
the Board contact the City as
this falls withinithfir jurisdic-
Upon request .. by Comm.
Davis, the B6ard' approved
use of the old courtroom of
the Wewahitcka Library for
the purpose of sharing educa-
tional films.
Commissioner Whitfield
reported he had- received
complaints about the con-
struction of the manholes on
Long Avenue. Comm. Player
reported he had discussed the
matter with .the DOT engi-
neers and they agreed to
make alterations in the con-
struction of the. manholes.
Upon motion- by Comm.
Davis, seconded, by Comm.
Whitfield, and unanimous
vote, the- Board -agreed to
advertise for bids on one
welding machine for the
Road Department as per
specifications on file in the
Clerk's office. Bids will be
received until 9:00 a.m. EDT
February 12, 1974.
There being no further
business, the meeting
adjourned. '
S. C. Player, Chairman
ATTEST: George Y. Core

: School .... '

Port St. Joe High School
Lunch Room Menu
Monday, February 4
Chili with benas, green
salad, hamburger with bun,
potato chips, strawberry cake
with icing, lettuce and toma-
to, pickles, crackers.
Tuesday, February 5
Macaroni and cheese, Eng-
lish peas, cabbage, 'carrot
and pepper slaw, ham sand-
wich, French fries, fruit cup,
bread, rolls.
Wednesday, February 6
Fish square on bun, whole
Kernel corn-,.-cabbage and
carrot slaw, hot dog with
bun, potato salad, peach with
cookie, bread.
Thursday, February 7
Creamed chicken on rice,
tossed salad, hamburger with
bun, French fries, lettuce and
tomato, pickles, apple crisp,
Friday, February 8
Tuna burger, French fries,
hamburger with bun, lettuce
and tomato, pickles, peanut
butter delights, crackers.

Elementary Schools
Lunch Room Menu
Monday, February 4
Chili with' beans, green
salad, strawberry cake with
icing, crackers.
Tuesday, February 5
Macaroni and cheese, Eng-
lish peas, tossed salad, fruit
cup, bread, rolls.
Wednesday, February 6
Fish square on bun, tartar
sauce, whole kernel corn,
cabbage, carrot and pepper
salad, peach with cookie,
bread, cornbread.
Thursday, February 7
Creamed ,chicken on rice,
turnips, lettuce and tomato,
apple crisp, bread, rolls.
Friday, February 8
Tuna salad, French fries,
tomato wedge, peanut butter
delights, crackers, bread,

Enroll for


January 1 through March
31 is an important period for
many persons in this area,
Robert Latta, Social Security
representative for Gulf
County, said today.
The first three months of
the -year are known as the
General Enrollment Period
for the medical insurance
plan (Part B) of Medicare.
Most persons apply for medi-
cal insurance during their
initial enrollment period,
since there is a slight
increase in premiums at later
dates. Your initial enrollment
period consists of seven
months-the month you
become 65, three months

before and three months
Medicare Part. B is the
supplemental insurance com-
monly referred to as the
"doctor" part of Medicare
because it helps pay doctor
bills and medical services.
Sometimes, for various rea-
sons, a person will neglect to
apply for Medicare Part B
during his initial.enrollment
period, Latta said. When this
occurs, the social security
law provides for general
enrollment periods during the
first three months of each
Anyone wishing to enroll
should get in touch with the
social security office.

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Add the Charm of Spanish Styling

4- Piece Bedroom

If you've priced Spanish style bedroom suites, then you know this
is a truly fabulous buy. You'll love the bold, massive to-the-floor
design.....the antique, brass hardware...the, exquisite carved
base and mirror top mouldings...the mar-proof plastic top triple
dresser and chest...the center guided, dovetailed dustproof
drawers. All pieces superbly crafted with a warm brown walnut
finish. Here is furniture created for you, your home, your dream
of gracious living...and best of all, for your budget. Tremendous
Value... 219

tion ...are family capacity...
3-way lint and sediment removal
.. ge.m.lo wnhit porce-
lain enamel tWop 0fety lid switch
plus many oth ,greaatui


Complete Home Furnishings... \odelDA3500

Hines Is

George H. Hines, 20, son of
Mrs. Katie L. Hines, 1214 E.
Port St., Panama City, was
promoted to Army Specialist
Four while serving with the
197th Light -Infantry Brigade
at Ft. Richardson, Alaska.

Spec. Hines is a rifleman
with C.* r,.. A, 1st Batta-
lion of the Brigade's 60th
His, wife, Cherry, lives at
186 Avenue E., Port St. Joe.

Use the
Classified Ads
Midget Investments-
With'Giant Returns

It -" A ,k I:I t




To Inform a Veteran

Be Informed!
All veterans and widows of veterans are urged to
contact your local county service officer for a summary
of benefits which you and your dependents may be

Gulf County's Veteran Service Office is located in
the Gulf County Court House and is open (5) days per
week from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., closed from 12:00
noon through 1:00 p.m. lfor lunch, and is closed from
1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the second and fourth
Wednesday of each month. The Veteran Service Office
is also located at the old.Courthouse in Wewahitchka,
from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. C.S.T.

Your County Service Officer for Gulf County is:
Albert T. Thames.

Telephone number: 229-6125 Veterans Service Office
After 5:00 p.m. on holidays and weekends,
and fn case of emergony; Call 227-7311 or 229-6816
or Albert T. Thames



For over 5,000 years, RX has sym-
bolized man's weapons against
S disease. The ancient Egyptians
....used the magic eye of Horus,
God of Day, as a charm to guard
them against ills and suffering.
Centuries later, the eye reap-
peared in a form similar to our
S' "4" and evolved gradually into
its present RX. But your doctor
doesn't depend on Horus or
Jupiter... he relies on your Rexall
Pharmacist and the improved
drug products your pharmacist
S' stocks. You, too, can rely on
. ..-. Rexall brand products.



Ph. 227-3M71 317 Williams
Convdenet Drive-In Window
SPlenty of Free Parking

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla:. TIHURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1974

Sharks DropTwo

The Sharks were evidently
saving their big guns for the
Conference Tournament this
week end when they went
into last week's scheduled
play. They lost to Marianna,
Mosley of Panama City and
defeated perenially hapless
Apalachicola by only 11
The Dogs nor the Dolphins
ran over the Sharks. Last
Friday night, the Bulldogs of
Marianna, tough this year,
edged out a 60-57 victory on
their home grounds.
. It was all even during the
first period with the Sharks
taking a three point lead at
half time. Again, the two
teams scored evenly in the
third period, then the Dogs
came up with a six point
bulge in the final period to
take the victory.
Ricky Hamm, .who has
found the scoring range the
past couple of weeks led the

Sharks with his 16 points, rally.
Big Robert Dickens added 14 The Dolphins worked up a
and Danny Thomas, 12. 26-21 lead at half time, but
the Sharks came right back
Ronnie Myrick scored 28 in the third period to scorch
points to pace the Bulldogs. the nets for 22 points while
Score by quarters: holding -Mosley to only 12.
Port St. Joe 14 14 12 17-57 The Sharks ran out of steam
Marianna 14 11 12 23-60 after this effort and managed
only 10 points in the last
PORT S JOE-Adkison, 1-0- .period while the Dolphins
2; Rich, 1-0-2; Thomas, 6-0- were exploding for 19.
12; Dickens, 7-0-14; Todd, The Sharks scored only
4-1-9; Hamm, 6-4-16; Quinn, three points in the second
1-0-2. : :. a low point
MARIANNA-Myrick, 12-4-- production for any period of,
28; Douglas, 4-0-8; Johnson, ..': *. in history for the
0-0-0; Barrentine, 4-0-8; Med-
lock, 0-0-0; Davis, .6-0-12;
Chaney, 1-0-2.

Saturday night, the Sharks
fell to the ,o::.. High Dol-
phins, who are, scaring the
pants off large teams in the-
area. The Dolphins won 57-53.
The Sharks were at home
for their first meeting with
the Dolphins, but were unable
to overcome a last period

Lot for sale or rent, suit,
able for a trailer. Easy terms
small down payment. Phone
229-6604. B. Anderson, Madi-
son and Cherokee Sts. 4tc 1-10

Good Investment-2 houses
on 2 adjoining lots on Monu-
ment Ave. Live in one; rent
the other. One house is 3 BR,
2 bath with den. The other is'
2 BR, 1 bath and sewing
room. Will sell both for what
most are selling one for. If
interested call 229-6147. -
tfc 1-31

Garage Sale, 510 7th Street,
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 1
and 2. Itp 1-31

Key Clubbers Man Roadblock

These members of the Key Club and the
Keyettes of Port St. Joe High School are
shown with the money they collected for the
March of Dimes at roadblocks around the

city Saturday. Back row, left to right: Tad
Mathews, David Player and Eddie Rich.
Front row: Dawn Anchors, Dale Taylor and
Traci Middleton.

Bruce May Selected Girls' Tennis

for English Contest Team Practices

Bruce May, a junior at
Port St. Joe High School, has
been selected by the Depart-
ment of English to compete
for the 1975 National Council
of Teachers of English
The number of nominees a
school may enter is deter-
mined by the number of
students in grades 10 through
12; therefore, Port St. Joe
High School may enter only
one student in the competi-
. Bruce was selected., because
he hasdemonstrated superior
ability in the field of creative
writing. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Dave May of 105
Allen Memorial Way.
To compete, Bruce must

submit a writing sample,
write an autobiography, and
write an impromptu composi-
tion whose topic will be given
to him by the NCTE.
National winners will be
announced in the winter of
this year. It is a singular,
honor to be nominated for the
highly competitive event.

Two Get State
Grid Honors
Port St. Joe's Sharks had
only one loss for the football
season, but failed to place a
single man on the first All
State team. Two Sharks were
placed on the second team.
Tackle Ronnie Kirkland was
selected for the second, of-
fensive team and end Eddy
Rich was included on the
defensive team.
Blountstownm, the only
team'to beat the Sharks this
year, placed three on the first
All State team, with Rose
Garrett, Amos Milton and
Phil Johnson being picked.
Quarterback Gerald Good-
man received honorable men-
Other Northwest Florida
players on the honor team
were: Chipley lineman Den-
nis Carter, Pensacola Catho-
lic lineman Phillip Sanchez
and Baker running back
George McTear on offense
and Century end Larry Stuc-
key and linebacker Buddy
Scott and Monticello line-
backer Waymon Gilley

The Port St. Joe High
School girl's terinis team
practices on the Eighth St.
courts on, Monday ;'Thursday
and Friday from 4-6 p.m. and
on Tuesday from 7:00-8:30
Their games will be held
during the last of February
and March at times unknown
as yet. The public's coopera-
tion is appreciated in having
these courts open at these
times for the team to prac-

Case No. 73.136
a Florida corporation,
Notice is hereby.given pursuant to a
Final .Judgment of Foreclosure dated
the 15th day of January, 1974, and
entered in Case No. 73-136 of the Circuit
Court of the Fourteenth Judlciai Cir-
cuit, in and for Gulf County, Florida,
in the above styled cause, I will sell to
the highest and best bidder for cash at
the front door of the Gulf County Court-
house in Port St. Joe, F orlda, at 11:D0
a'm. on the'4th day of February, 974,
the following described property, in
Gulf County, as set forth in said Final
Judgment, to-wit: ..
Lot 9 Block 4 P'neridge Addition to
Wewahitchka, Gulf County, Florida, as
recorded in Plat Book 2 at page 8.
Dated this 16 day of January, 1974.
-s- George Y. Core,
Clerk of Circuit Court
(SEAL) It 1.31



For Yqur New or Used



One 40" .electric stove,
nice, everything works. $60.00
cash. F. T. Kirkland. 227-3561
ltp 1-31

Carport Sale: Friday, Feb.
1, 10:00 a.m. until. 1607 Garr-
ison Ave. Itc 1-31

18 ft. fiberglass "Cobia"
boat ..with .65. hp. Me~Ocury
motor and trailer. "Call
229-6225. 3tp 1-31
Does your piano need
tuning? Call your local piano
tuner. 648-5283. 3tc 1-24

Must Sell-Sylvania console
stereo unit with Gerrard
turntable and am-fm radio.
In like new condition. A beau-
tiful piece of furniture. Best
offer. Can be seen at 1619B
Monument Ave. or call 229-
6903. tfc 1-10

For Rent: Fenced trailer
lot, call 229-6730 after 4:30.
tfc 1-24

For Sale: AKC, Reg. Ger-
man shepherd female puppy.
Good blood lines, call 229-6057
after 6 p.m. 2tc 1-24

100,000 BTU oil furnace and
air circulator, can be used
with or without air condition-
ing. In excellent operating
condition. Can be seen at 610
Monument Ave. tfc 12-27

For Sale: 2 lots of land, gar
garage, small house :.a;ier
with screen porch. No collect
calls. 1-762-8184. Rt. 1, Box 46',
Altha, 32421. tfc 1-24

Kenmore Sear's best sew..
ing machine with stretch, zig
sag and decorative stitches.
$150.00. For information call,
229-6856 before 2 p.m. tfc 1-10,

River lots for sale. Donna,
E' Fuselier at 229-6138 &p
229-2941. 4tp 1-1.

For Sale: Wooden stor-
age buildings, complete on
slides, 8 x 11 x 7, equals.
$195;. 8 x 14 x 9, equals
$295; i4 x 17 x 9, equals
$695; aluminum 8 x 12 x 8,
equals $395. Drop frame
truck body, 8 x 30 equals
$395. New electric type
writer, $45; 30" electric
range, $85; 42" metal sink
cabinet and fixture, $35;
Double bed, $25. Call Buc
648-3038 tfc 1-31

10 speed bikes in stock.
Men's, women's. Racing
style. Touring style. Credit
terms available, western
auto, Port St. Joe.

S.. JOELOYDClassified Ads
AUTO PARTS 90 ]Harrison Ave. Offlee Phone 763-6Md ii
201 LONGAVEUE, orida Bea. Phone 7689 Mdgret rnvements
Port St. Joe, Floridal d With Gint urns
Phone 227-2141 2

_ I

Four room furnished cot-
tage, 416 First St., Highland
View. $2500.00 cash. Bring
your clothes, move in. C. T.
Laws, 408 Madison St. Phone
227-6747, 227-8658 or 229-3086.
2tp 1-31
For rent: one bedroom
furnished beach cottage.
'Smith's Pharmacy. tfc 11-15

For Rent: 3 bedroom house
.1607 Garrison Ave., large
fenced yard. Call 229-5671
after 7 p.m., all day Sat. and
Sun. Itc 1-31

Two bedroom furnished
house for rent. Canal St., St.
Joe Beach. In first block
from beach. See owner at
house, Sat. a.m. til Sun. noon.
2tc 1-24

For Rent: One and two
bedroom attractively fur-
nished apartments. Cool in
summer, warm in winter.
Gas heat, window fans. They
'must, be seen. to be appre-
ciated. Contact Mrs. B. C.
City. Phone 229-2413 or
Furnished beach cottages
at reasonable rates. 227-3491
or 229-5641. tfc 12-27

House moving, mobile
home moving and set up,
with or without axles. 648-
3035. tfc 1-31

Highland View Auto Wrecking
Eighth St.
Highland View
Guaranteed Used Parts
See Odell or
Dewayne Stewart
3tp 1-31
Ready Arts and Crafts, 228
8th St., Material for all types
of hobbies. Large selection of
beads, chenille bumps and
stems, fake fur, art foam,
styrafoam, paints, books, and
.much more. Come and see.
Open 9 a.m. 5 p.m. A few
gifts already made up. tfc 1-10

Professional help with
emotional problems and-or
concerns. Gulf County Guid-
ance Clinic, Port St. Joe, Fla.
227-2691 or Rev. Sidney Ellis,

A chance to earn nice gifts
for home and family. Contact
your Stanley Home Products
dealer, Betty Gilbert (648-
7534) for further information.
Horus 7-9 a.m. and 5-7 p.m.
tfc i0-4

Custom Upholstery
Fabrics & Naugahyde
Reasonable Rates
Let Us Save You Money
20 pet. off
on All Fabrics
Phone 229-4481 tfc 1-3

648-6153 Home Phone
Consolidated Repair
& Service Co.
House Painting, Remodeling
& General Repair Work
No job too small'
Free Reasonable Estimate
St. Joe-Mexico Beach area
Call 229-6132
Charles Brown 5tp 1-3

Beautician: Call "Margue-
rite's Beauty Shop" 653-3331
Apalachicola to set up per-
sonal interview. 2tp 1-31

If you're retired, call us
now. Retired people make
wonderful Avon representa-
tives and Avon offers a real
earning opportunity.
You can sell quality pro-
ducts on a flexible schedule
and become more involved in
your community too. For full
information call Mrs. L. ,Z.
Henderson at 229-4281 or
write Sarah Skinner, Avon
manager, Rt. 4, Box 868,
Panama City, Fla. 32401.

Help wanted: Mobile home
service man, top pay; exper-
ienced only need apply. Call
for appointment, Mobile
Enterprises, Inc. 526-3667,
Marianna. tfc 12-27

An investment of $595.00
will return $125 00 per mo,
with three of your own
Snack-Pak machines. Top
locations provided by Co.
Investment guaranteed.
For info send name,
address and phone to
Golden Days, Inc., 843
Alderman Rd., Suite 392,
Jacksonville, FL 32211.

All T, ',:..
229-6482 or 229-6447
tfc 9-20

St. Joe Accounting Service
106 Monuiment Ave.
Phone 229-6132
H & R Block Representative
tfc 12-6

For the best in Television
and Sound come by 301 Reid
Ave., and see our line of tele-
visions, components, stereos,
radios and tapes. We have a
repairman available only. K
and D TV and SOUND, 301
Reid Ave., Phone 227-2071.
tfc 9-27

For Welding see James L.
Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd.
tfc 10-4

Color & Black and White
TV Repair. Call
Phone 229-2782
All Work Guaranteed
4tp 8-a


kills bugs for
up to six months,
and saves you about $100 yearly
in costly pest control services, on
Use of Sprayer free with hot
purchase of Rid-A-Bug
306 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida A

Sharks with 22 points, follow-
ed by Ricky Hamm's 14. '
Sherman Thomas had 18
points for Apalachicola.
Score by quarters:
Port St. Joe 16 17 10 17-60
Apalachicola 14 11 12 14-51
PORT ST. JOE-Adkison,

with cars to inspect houses,
talk to debtors, collect
money, pick up credit cards,
investigate,. skip trace, etc.
No experience necessary. No
selling, pleasant work, good
pay. You can be our agent for
the area where you live. For
application and full details
send your name, address and
phone number to: TRAYCO,
P.O. Box 800, Indenpendence,
MO 64052.

Needed: Someone to clean
house, one day a week. Must
have own transportation.
Phone 227-3597. ltc 1-31

Wanted: Bookkeeper,
experience is necessary.
Good starting salary, retire-
ment program. Write to P.O.
Box 308, Port St. Joe, Fla.
32456. tfc 1-24

1 .197-O'Mustang..at, 'a, .302
eng. Gas mileage 17t. $1500.00
Call 227-8241, after five 229-
6129. tfc 1-24

1967 Chevrolet pick-up, V/2
ton. Boat trailer, tandem
wheel, electric 12 volt winch.
Winch has to go with trailer.
227-7396. tfc 12-6

Septic tanks pumped out.
Call Buford Griffin. Phone
229-6694 or 229-2937.

Mobile Home Owners
Is now open for business,
across the street from Ski
Breeze Camp Sites. Beahc
priviledges, game room,
washer and dryer. Gift shop.
Located on Hiway .S30, 9
miles southeast of Port St.

A New Service At

For Information, Come by
or Call
107 Second Street
Phone 227-4401

In Wewahitchka and
Port St. Joe


Port St. Joe
Franchise Service
Repair to.all
Home ApDliances
GEf Hotpoint, Westing-
iuse, Philco, Kelvinator
and others.
Call Day or Night
229-6953 tfc 9-6
dl Work Guaranteed

1-1-3; Rich, 0-0-0; Thomas,
4-0-8; Dickens, 4-1-9; Pitt-
man, 11-0-22; Todd, 1-2-4;
Hamm, 6-2-14.
2-1-5; Carr, 7-1-15; Tolliver,
1-0-2; Thomas, 7-4-18; Tur-
rell, 2-2-6; Williams, 2-1-5.

1966 Comet, 2 door, $250.00.
229-6153, 711 Long Ave.tfc 1-17

Wanted: Used postman's
type bicycle or used three
wheel bicycle. 229-5967. ltp

Machine Work-Welding
506 First St.
Phoen 229-6803
Machinist on duty all day
Every day

R.A.M.-Regular convoca-
tion on St. Joseph Chapter
No. 56. R.A.M. 1st and 3rd
Monday, 8 p.m. All visiting
companions welcome.
Willie Lee Griffin, H.P.
E. William McFarland,

There. will be a regular-
communication- of Port St.
Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M.,
every first and third Th-urs-
day at 8:00 p.m.

William McFarland, W.M.
Herbert L. Burge, Sec.

VW owners-James Pad-
gett, a factory trained and
proven VW mechanic is on
duty to serve you. Call or
stop by. Complete rebuilt ser-
vice. American auto repair
service also available at
reasonable rates. Mexico
beach Service Center, Mexico
Beach, 648-3985. tfc 1-10

Phone 648-5116
15th St. N. of Hwy. 98
Complete Beauty Service

PAINT Dealer in
Port St. Joe


306 Reid Avenue
Port St. Joe, Florida

Going Fishing?
Stop here first
for a complete
line of

Fishing Tackle

Hurlbut Supply
306 Reid Ave.

Sharks since the old "freez-
ing" days of coach Marion
Danny Thomas put a big 20
points on the scoreboard for
the Sharks and Ricky Hamm
added 15.
Bill Shields led the Dol-
phins with 14.
Score by quarters:
'Port St. Joe 18 3 22 10-53
Mosley 14 12 12 19-57
9-2-20; Dickens, 2-3-7; Pitt-
man, 4-0-8; Todd, 1-0-2;
Hamm, 6-3-15..
MOSLEY-Kohler, 4-0-8;
Shields, 6-2-14; Jenkins, 5-2-'
12; Gibson, 3-5-11; Caesar,
4-0-8; Long, 0-2-2,; Hill, 1-0-2.

Monday night, the Sharks
put their Apalachicola cou-
,sins down on the short end of
a 60-51 contest.

I _,



The Sharks had an eight
point lead at half time and
coasted on to another win
over the oystermen.
Apalachicola out-scored the
Sharks in only one period-
the third, when they gained a
two point edge. The Sharks..
led all the way.
Ernest Pittman paced the

For Sale: Two bedroom
masonry house on Marvin
Ave. to sell for only $8800.
Can buy owners equity for
$2000 and assume $6800 mort-
gage bearing 5i2 percent
interest. .
Registered Real Estate
221 Reid Ave. 227-3491
3tc 1-31

Child Care Center

Opening Monday, Feb. 4
8:00 A.M. to 5:00 PM

1017 Woodward Ave.
For More Information
227-3937 or 227-3657

Mrs. E. H. Vittum
Mrs. George Padgett

ouantiv r/qhts reserved

Bob White j
Fresh Sliced
Beef Liver
3 Down Tender Pork
Spare Ribs
Our Own
Pan Sausage
Tender Beef
Cubed Steak

All Meat


Sunnyland Goodtimer


lb. 79c
Ib. 99c
lb. 69c
lb. 1.69
b. $1.29



YorPlaur sOu
Poic At 3 *l Wigly




Del Monte


Ib. 101

Soleded 15

Ga. Grade 'A' Large

Eggs doz. S8


- 'sbi~ II I I 'II I'm~,

piggly Wiggly prices Effective January 30 through February 5, 1974.

yl I I II e I I ~a I II


iSpes or an. SHOP RICH'S PortStf Joe, SAVE TIME an
28 thru 'Feb.2
C-0OZ( oofa

!GA- Pkg. of 100
Tea Bags pkg. 99c
IGA Thin 1 Lb. Pkg.
Saltine Crackers-- pkg. 35c
IGA 6O Oz. Btl.
Fabric Softener--- btl. 89c
Mueller's Elbow 8 Oz. Pkgs.
Macaroni --- 4 pkgs. 89c
Van Camp No. 2% Can
Pork & Beans ---- can 43c
Antiseptic (SAVE 42c) 14 Oz. Bottle
Usterine b---tl. 97c
Intensive Care (SAVE 56c) 15 Ounce Bottle
Vaseline Lotion --bt!. $1.19
' Yery Dry (Reg. & Unscented) (SAVE 41c) 5 Oz. Can
Dial Deodorant --- can 88c
Hytique (Assorted Colors) (SAVE 20c)
Panty Hose ----ea. 79c

II TGA No. 303 Cans I




id MONEY!-


Coupon cash value 1/20 of 10
AGood. T A. .. u Feb. 2 A .
V vJV ^. "* Feb.


Tablerite Center Cut Smoked
Pork Chops. lb. $1.58
Lykes Dry
Salt Pork-- lb. 98c
Tablerite Lean
Pork Steaks- lb. 99c
Tablerite Pork ""'
Boston Butt n

Fresh Fla., Ga., Ala., Grade "A"
Cut-Up Fryers -_ b. 49c
Fresh Fla., Ga., Ala., Grade "A"
Fryer Quarters -- lb. 49c
Fresh Fla., Ga., Ala., Grade "A"
Fryer Legs ----- lb. 88c
Fresh Fla., Ga., Ala.. Grade "A"
Fryer Breast ---- lb. 78c
Oscar Mayer (Olive Loaf, Liver
Cheese, Cotto Salami) 8 Oz. Pkg.
Luncheon Meat pkg. 68c

Lykes Vac Pak 10 Oz. Pkg.
Cooked Ham, -pkg. $1.77
Lykes Vak Pak Sliced 1 Lb. Pkg.
Bologna ------b. 88c
Lykes Sugar Creek
Wieners 12 oz. 78c
Hickory Ranch 12 Oz.
Sliced 88


Beans 4 Cans 89c

Detergent 49c


Temple Orar




Juice 7 Cans$1.09 St'berries 2 98c
Fresh, Crisp
IGA 10 Oz. Pkgs. P BA 3
Broccoli Spears --------._3 pkgs. 89c POLE BEANS---- lb.39c
Breaded Shrimp ----- 1 lb. pkg. $2.39 CUCUMBERS----- bag 39c

Margarine 49c
Tablerite American or Pimento
Cheese Singles ---------12 oz. 89c
Crescent Rolls --------3 cans $1.00
Sweet Milk, Buttermilk, Extra Lite 8 Oz. Cans
Pillsbury Biscuits --------4 cans 49c

TOMATOES -----basket 49c
Fresh Firm
Egg Plant ---- b. 29c
We have large bunches of fresh GREENS
Turnips, Mustard and Collards
Large Heads

iges C

. doz. 59
1/4 Bushel

Oranges $1.59

Round Red


Golden. Crisp A 7 1
CARROTS 2 bags L 7
Fresh Tender
Yellow Squash -----lb. 23c
Live and Healthy
Red or Golden Delicious

Apples Bag 79c

Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons

SUNSHINE Chocolate Fudge 16 Oz. Pkg. Quart Jar With Order
Cookies 49c Pecans

IGA Sliced or Crushed








Legal Advertisement

BOD NO. 154
The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
Invites bids on the following, described
police car::: ,
New 1974 Model 4-door Automobile to
be used as a police car with follow-
4Ing. specifications:
1. Battery 70 amps; alternator 42
amps; and amp meter & oil pres-
sure. gauge
2. Unldercoated
S3. Heavy duty police seats, all vinyl
4. I15" wheels
S5. Tlres-G78-15 4-ply
6. Automatic transmission
7. Body type--4-door
Dilrctlonal signals
"9, olor-black with white top, white
rear deck and upper half rear
doors and fenders
10. Factory air condltlpgner
11. Factory heater and defroster
12. Spotlight, heavy duty type mount-
ed on left side front door post with
SInside control
13, Oil filter
14. Engine: 8 cylinder with minimum
390" displacement, 2 barrel car-
15. Heavy duty springs and heavy
duty shock absorbers
,16. Electric -2 speed Windshield
.wipers, minimum
17, 119",wheelbase, minimum
18. Outside rear view mirrors-R.H.
& L.H.
.19. Power.Steering
20. Power disc brakes--heavy duty
fade resistant
21. Heavy duty cooling system
22. Twin two beam revolving beacons
and siren mounted on roof cross-
bar Installed on car. Beacons mini.
-mum 8" high, 8W" diameter; color-
blue, 32 volt; siren 12 volt, enamel
finish, minimum'8" long, 7V/" high,
6" diameter, high pitch
23. AM car radio
24. Heavy duty steel wire mesh safe-
ty cage installed behind front seat
extending from floor to roof of car.
25. Factory installed fast idle arm
26. Public address system with
speaker wired through siren
27, Include all Standard equipment
and safety features
28. Equal or better above specific.
29. Request approximate delivery
30. Against the purchase price of this
patrol ar, the City wishes to trade.I
in one (l1) 1972 Plymouth Fury 1ll'
Sedan 4-door, which.is currently in
use as a patrol car and may be
seen at the City Police'Stationr in
Port St. Joe.
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope
and plainly marked "Bid No. 154". Bids
must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida,

woven roving ten-ply hull bottom,
average thickness .57" (one ply i4-oz.
mat, one of 2-oz. mat, six alternate
*plies of 24-oz. roving and 2'V-oz. mat,
one of 24-oz. roving and one of 2-oz.
mat). Six-ply topsides, average thick-
ness .31" (one ply /,-oz. mat, 2-oz. mat,
24.oz. roving, 2/2-oz. mat, 24-oz. roving
and 2.0o. mat). Bottom stiffened with
four /" waterproof plywood stringers
encapsulated with four plies of mat and
roving. Deck Is a mat-and-roving lami-
nate stiffened Wj" plywood as required.
Safety features: bilge blower; hand
bilge pump; electric bilge pump; sea-
cocks on through.hull fittings; nonslip
weather decks; grab rails; fuel shutoff
valves; grounded fuel system; battery
secured and covered; and include
United States Coast Guard required
equipment. The propulsion unit shall be
equal to GM3-53MN, 318 cubic inch,
equipped with:
1. Heat exchanger cooling and raw
.* er ijnrp
2. Engine lifter hook and bracket
3. Flywheel housing SAE No. 2
4. Water cooled exhaust manifold
5. Air cleaner
6. Fuel injection pump
7. Engine' mounts
8. 12 volt, 35 amp .aternator
9. 12 volt Delco starter
10. Tachometer drive.
11. Inboard-outboard drive, similar
to Stewart and Stevenson
12. Primary and secondary fuel
13.'Water Inlet filters
14. Other standard 'equipment
The unit shall come equipped with a
heavy duty galvanized trailer of proper
size to handle the unit and shall be
equipped with a heavy duty electric
All equipment shall be of domestic
manufacture. '
Bids shall be sealed in an envelope
and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP48".
All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
Florida, and approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids in item sequence and totaled. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right
to accept or reject any or all bids,
waive any formalities and to choose the
bid deemed best to meet the City's
needs. -
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office, PO Box A. Port St. Joe,
Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.D.T., February 5, 1974. Bid opening
will be held at the Regular City
Commission Meeting February 5, 1974,
at a:00 P.M., E.D.T.., in the Municipal
Building. Port St. Joe, Florida.
City Auditor and clerk 3t 1-17

and approximate delivery date shown. BID NO. WWP49
Bidders are requested to submit bids inPort St. Joe, Florida
.item sequence and totaled. The City of
Port St. Joe reserves the right to invites bts on tne following described
accept or reject any or all bids, waive items:
any formalities and to choose tlie bid 5 lengths--/4" pipe galvanized
deemed best to meet the City's needs. 5 lengths-" pipe galvanized
Bids must be submitted to the City 5 lengths-/-V" pipe galvanized
Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St, Joe, 5 lengths-4" pipe galvanized
Florida, 32456. on or before 5:00 P.M., 5 lengths-i" pipe galvanized
E.S.T., February 5, 1974. Bid opening 5 lengths-1 e" pipe galvanized
will be held at the Regular City Com- 5 lengths-1/4" pipe galvanized
mission Meeting February 5, 1974, at 5 lengths-2" pipe galvanized
8:00 P.M., E.S.T., in the Municiptl 3 length,-4" pipe galvanized'
building, Port St. Joe, Florida. Lengths are to be in 21' sections
Bids shall be sealed In an envelope
C. W. BROCK and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP49".
City Auditor and Clerk 3t 117 All bids must be F.O.8., Port St. Joe,
; Florida, and approximate delivery date
BID NO. WWP43 shown. Bidders are requested to submit
BID NO. WP43bids in item sequence and totaled. The
The. City of Port St. Joe, Florida, City of Port St. Joe reserves the right
invites bids on the following described to accept or reject any or all bids,
boat: waive any formalities and to choose the
at to the following- fictions: bid deemed best to me tl City's
Beam not less than .rdo i oe soormltrd to, he City
Free board forward not lessClerk's Office, P Box A, Port St Joe
Free board oward not less than '5" Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P .M.,
Free board aft not less than-35b E.D.T., February 5, 1974. Bid opening
Accomodatdons cabin with m3550arine will be held at the Regular City Com-
head, helmsman's and. companion mission Meeting February 5, 1974, at
ead, helmsman's and companion 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal
Standard Equipment: complete inter- Building, Port St. Joe, Florida.
national rule navigation lights; freon C. W. BROCK
horn, dry chemical fire extinguisher; City Auditor and Clerk 3t 1-17
engine compartment ventilation sys.
tem; electric bilge pump; 12 pound
anchor with 100' long, "I/" diameter BID NO. I155
nylon rope; four 25' long, V" diameter The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
docking lins-'--aluminum bow rail; invites bids on the following described
deck hardware includes chrome-over- items:
brass bow cleat-lifting, eye, two 8" 5-6" gate valves
quarter cleats; 20 /I" x 21" forward 700,-2" galvanized pipe domestic
hatch; aluminum-framed ventilating 300'-11'i" galvanized pipe domestic
windshield with safety glass forward 1001'1" galvanized pipe domestic
and plexiglass in side panels; Gem 126'- / galvanized pipe domestic
wiper: 15" diameter automotive style 28-2" x /4"tees
wheel 21/4 turns hard-over to hard- 13-i" x 3/4" tees
over; steering system, engine controls; 4--1" ,, x tees
instrument panel with electric fuel 40- '-" sleeves
gauge, tachometer, water pressure and 40-sprinklers (Nelson model no.
oil temperature gauges, voltmeter, 2032SGS or equal)
ignition shut-off choke, ignition switch 2-2" x 1 2" bell reducers
and starting button; switches for lights, 1-1" cap
bilge pump and windshield wiper; 12 v 1-11 cap
electrical system with four i5 amp 2-1' gate valves
glass fuses; boxed 12 v 90 amp battery;
minimum of 47/ gallon aluminum Bids shall be sealed in an envelope
alloy or stainless steel fuel tank; and plainly marked "Bid No. 155". AII
soundmatfoam-and-lead acoustic insult, bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
action in engine box; bow and stern 'Florida, and approximate delivery date
eyes; first aid kit; the- Unit shall be shown. Bidders are requested to submit
equipped with electrolis protection; and bids in item sequence and totaled. The
shall be furnished with antifouling City of Port St. Joe reserves the right
paint below the,water line, the paint to accept or reject any or all bids,
shall be Woolsey or equal. waive any formalities and to choose the
Minimum Construction: fiberglass bid deemed best to meet the City's
hull, deck, hand lay-up of mat and

Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office. PO Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.D.T., February 5, 1974. Bid opening
will be held at the Regular City Com-
mission Meeting February 5, 1974, at
8:00 P.M., E.D.T., Inp the Municipal
Building, Port St. Joj,. Florida.
City Auditor and Clerk 3t M-'7

BID NO. 156
The City of Port St. Joe, Florida,
invites bids on the following described
72-LL 1500 Watt 240 Volt WFL (Wide
flood) fixtures, weather proof
100-1500 T3Q-CL240 1277 volt quartz
iodine.cycie iamps
72-1500 WB
72-RCG 110 (male cord grip)
72-14.3 rome 50 cord
Refer to Par Light'Accessory Group
Sheet Form PF.63-1
Bids shall be.sealed in an envelope
and plainly marked "Bid No. 156": Ali
bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe,
Florida, and approximate delivery date
shown. Bidders are requested to submit
bids in item sequence and totaled. The
City of Port St. Joe reserves the right
to accept or reIect any and all bids,
waive any formalities and to choose the
bid deemed best, tob' meet the City's
Bids must be submitted to the City
Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe,
Florida 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M.,
E.D.T., February 5, 1974. Bid opening
will be held at the Regular City Com.
mission Meeting February 5, 1974, at
8:00 P.M., E.D.T., I .-.the Municipal
Building, Port St. Joe, Florida.
C. W. BROCK '.'
City Auditor and Clerk 3t 1.17
You are hereby notified that Dorothy
Abbey Austin and Vernon L. Abbey
Intend to register the fictitious name of
the Wonder Bar with its principle place
of business at St. Joe Beach, Gulf
County, Florida. Said 'eglstratlon shall
be filed by Affidavit with the Circuit
Court Clerk, Gulf County,' Florida, with
Proof of Publication of this Notice on
Friday, February 8th, 1974, or as soon
thereafter as may be practical.
-s-Vernon L. Abbey
.s-Dorothy Abbey Austin 4t 1-17




Cash and Due from Banks
Investment Securities: T
U.S. Government Obligations
U.S. Government Agency Obligations
State and County Municipal Bonds
Other Securities
Federal Funds Sold and Securities
Purchased Under Agreement to Resell
Bank Premises and Equipment (Net)
Other Real Estate Owned
Interest and Income Earned-Not Collected
Other Assets

Total Assets

$ 214,057,143



$ 1,449,410,494

Army Recruiter

Opening Office

The U. S. Army Recruiting
Service will be opening a new
office at 106 Reid Avenue in
Port St. Joe with over 300 job
opportunities available.
Office hours will be Monday,
2 p.m. 5 p.m. and Tuesday
through Friday, 10:00 a.m. 5
For the next few weeks,
Spec. 5 Robert Taylor will be.
enjoying living at' home while
working for the Army. He
has been assigned to Port St.
Joe as part of the Ft. Bragg
Unit and Station of Choice
Recruiting Program.
The Station and Unit of-
Choice F. : .- is one of the
newer options available to
, r'.. soldiers for the Modern
Professional Army. Men
entering the Army under the

The Board of County Commissioners
of Gulf County will receive sealed bids
from any person, company or copora-
tion Interested in purchasing the follow.
Ing described personal property which
has been declared surplus:
One (1) used 1969 Evinrude Motor 115
hp Outboard. This motor may be
Inspected at the Sheriff's Department.
Bids will be received until 9:00
o'clock a.m. E.D.T. February 12, 1974
at the office of the Clerk of Circuit
Court, P. 0. Box 968, Port St. Joe, Fla.
The Board reserves the right to
reject any and all bids.
Board of County Commissioners
-s- S.C. Player
Chairman 2t 1.31

Station of Choice Program
can select the post they wish
to be stationed at upon com-
pletion of their basic and
military occupational train-
ing. The Unit of Choice Pro-
gram allows a man to select
a particular unit he wishes to
be assigned to, after he com-
pletes training. Personnel in
the Unit of Choice 7.:--:--
are guaranteed a tour of at
least 16 months, with their
:' : i unit, Station of
Choice .. : --- ; can count
on staying at their chosen
-* :. at least 12
:- :. Taylor, who was
interviewed and selected by
his unit and screened by the
Ft. Braff e::.'. Depart-
me.t, completed a training
course prior to leaving Ft.
Bragg. He is available to
.answer questions about his
unit and can provide up-to-
date information on the edu-
cational, recreational and
medical facilities on Ft.
Bragg. He can also tell you
what to expect in the way of
training and Army life at Ft.
Bragg, and some of the many
advantages of joining the
Modern Professional Army,
Spec. Taylor will be work-
ing with SFC Evans and will
be located at the Army Re-
cruiting Station at 106 Reid
Ave., phone 229-6011.

THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. TlURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1974

Fourth Grade Class Makes

Study of Grocery Business

The Highland View fourth
grade class completed a unit
on learning to count money
this week with a visit to the

grocery store.
Each student had a list of
items found on most grocery
lists to get price listings of.



Total Deposits
Federal Funds Purchased, Securities
Sold Under Repurchase Agreement
and Borrowed Funds
Interest and Income Collected Not Earned
Provision for Taxes, Interest, etc.
Total Liabilities
Reserve for Losses on Loans
Minority Interest in Subsidiary Banks
Capital Accounts:
Capital Stock, par value $12.50
per share Authorized 12,000,000
shares Issued 9,829,392
Retained Earnings

Less.Excess of Par Value of Stock Issued
Over Underlying Equity in Subsidiary Banks
Total Capital Accounts
Total Liabilities, Reserves,
Minority Interest and Capital


They also talked with differ-
ent people who worked in the
grocery store.
The purpose of this learn-
ing trip was to help the
students better understand
values and careers in the
grocery business.

Legend has it ihat when ian Arabian mullah, or holy man, observed a group of goats
eating, the leaves and berries of a coffee bush, and them gambolling about energetically,'
lie infused some into his monks to keep them awake during evening devotions.

$ 589,777,561



$ 122,867,400
$ 155,493,565

$ 152,545,548

$ 1,449,410,494

OFFICERS: Chauncey W. Lever, President / John H. Manry, Jr., Vice President / James C. Robinson, Jr., Vice President / Robert M.
Ulsch, Secretary and Comptroller / Robert F. Stamp, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary. DIVISIONS: AUDIT DIVISION, Jack M.
Geitz, Chief Examiner and Director / BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT AND NATIONAL ACCOUNTS DIVISION, Howard G. Tietjen,
Director / COMPUTER SERVICES DIVISION, Peter P. Hetzler, Director; I~alph L. Wolfe, Jr.,- Assistant Director / CONSUMER
Director / CREDIT ADMINISTRATION DIVISION, Robert F. Stamp, Director; Barry H. McLean, Assistant Director / GENERAL
Richard E. Kennedy, 7.'. -.:- of Bond Portfolio / PE SC.'" E!'L DIVISION, Ernest J. Snead, Director / TRUST SERVICES DIVISION,
Charles S. Beck, Director. DIRECTORS: R. Hugh Daniel, Chairman & Treasurer, Daniel International Corporation, Birmingham,
Alabama / Harry A. deButts, Former President, Southern P." .'. -" C- ..:r 7, Upperville, Virginia Charles H. Dolson, Chairman,
Executive Committee, Delta Air Lines, Inc., Atlanta, Georgia /'Richard E-h lis, President, Florida National Bank at Lakeland / 0. P.
Hewitt, Jr., President, Florida -" :.; .' Bank at Orlando / Fred H. Kent, KIh t, Sears, Durden and Kent, Attorneys, Jacksonville /
Chauncey W. Lever, President, Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc., President, Florida First National Bank of Jacksonville / John H.
Mlanr,, Jr., President, 7. : -- :.. Bank & Trust Company at Miami-/;'Allen H. Neuharth, President and Chief Executive Officer,
Gannett Company, Inc., Rochester, New York / Dr. Alton Ochsner, Founder, Ochsner Clinic and Ochsner'Foundation Hospital,
New Orleans, La./ Dr. Stephen C. O'Connell, Former President, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida / J. J. Parrish, Jr., President,
J. J. Parrish & Co., Inc., Chairman, Florida National Bank at Titusville / James A. Rhodes, Former Governor of Ohio, President,
James A. Rhodes & Associates, Columbus, Ohio / James C. Robinson, Jr.;,President, Florida First National Bank at Pensacola /
W. C. Smith, Immediate Past Chairman, Standard Oil Company of Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky / William C. Swain, President,
Florida National Bank at Coral Gables / Stanley A. Taylor, President, Florida Bank.& Trust Company at Daytona Beach.

Florida National Banks of Florida, Inc.

and Subsidiaries

Thirty-Two Banks Statewide Total Assets Approximately $1.45 Billion
Florida First National Bank of lacksonville Florida National Bank & Trust Company at Miami Florida National Bank at St. Petersburg Florida National Bank at Orlando
Florida National Bank at Coral Cables Florida First National Bank at Pensacola Florida National Bank at Lakeland Florida Bank & Trust Co. at Daytona Beach Florida First
National Bank at Ocala Florida National Bank at Gainesville Florida First National Bank at Vero Beach Florida National Bank & Trust Co. at West Palm Beach* Florida Bank
at DeLand Florida First National Bank at Bartow Florida First National Bank at Key West Florida National Bank at Arlington Florida National Bank at Lake Shore Florida
Bank at Ft. Lauderda c Florida Firs. National Bank at Fernandina Beach Florida Bank at Fort Pierce Florida Dealers and Growers Bank at Jacksonville k Florida First Bank at
Chiply For ida onaB ank at Titu svil* Florida Bank at Starke Florida First National Bank at Brent Florida First National Bank at Madison Florida First National Bank
at Op.-I.ocka Florid.a National HBank at Perry Florida First NationalHBank at Port St. Ile Florida Bank at Bushnell Florida Northside Bank of Jacksonville Florida First
National Bank it Ble Glade Mce nmLers-F.D.l.C.'


Consolidated Statement of Condition, December 31, 1973

Henry Block has

17 reasons why you

should come to us

for income tax help.

Reason 14. We're human, and once
in a great while we make a mistake.
But if our error means you must pay
additional tax, you pay only the tax.
We pay any interest or penalty.
We stand behind our work.

[L U[E,\ LOCl


Open 9 a.m. 6 p.m. Monh thru Sat. Phbne 229-6132


r I I I I Ill L ~L











THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, JANUARY 31, 1974


"fD Dr O, E Frye. Jr.
/A, Director


you ever talked with an in-
dividual who was dead set on
using' lands, water or other,
outdoor resources to serve his
own whims and selfish pur-
poses without any apparent
regard to the .effect his ac-.
tions would have on wildlife,
the environment, or on

human experiences and en-
: If you have, likely you will
agree that he stalked out on
you when you disagreed with
him, or else he banged down
the telephone with a dramatic
claim to the effect that, "I
love wildlife and the outdoors
as much as you do."

I have my full share of
such confrontations and tele-
phone calls by petions con-
testing the sound manage-
ment, conservation and en-.
vironmental safeguards
espoused by the Game and
Fresh Water Fish Commission
for the protection and man-
agement of our lands, water,
and fish and wildlife. Too
often, the unresolved dis-
cussions end with that ex-
plosive outburst about
"loving wildlife arid the out-
doors as much as you do."
It might be well here to
get this empty-sounding asser-
tion out in the open and
examine it r._. :*. more
particularly since some well-
meaning folks also are tossing
it around, mistakenly.
At the risk of sounding.



preachy, I confess to having a
hangup about this word
"love." I go all the way with
love of country, love for the
family and, the like. But I
raise an eyebrow at in-
dividuals who, by merely first.
avowing their "love of wild-
life and the outdoors",
appear to believe that they
have a license to do as they
please, even though their
planned action would destroy
the very thing they profess to
*Trouble is, too few people
look either for the fallacy of
the statement, or else the
error of those who are mis-
guided or ill-advised in the,
Hopefully, to contribute
constructively to our mass
thinking, I offer my defini-
tion of "love", making the
key word "concern." I've,
applied it in many facets of

out properly weighing these
values; when one's hunting
style disregards seasons, the
rearing time of young wild-
life, or the rights of others to
use and enjoy the outdoors
equally in their favored way.
4To continue would be-
come tiresome. The gist of
this whole matter is that

my personal. life and, among
other discoveries, found these
to be true:
That my love for, pride in,
and respect for my country is
matched by a "concern" and
dedication to preserve its
freedoms, bounty, happiness
and opportunities.
That, along with my affec-
tion for my wife and chil-
dren, I have a "concern" for
their health and welfare, and
for their security in the
That I can even live with
the "love your enemies" bit,
since (if I have an enemy) I
am- :.'- "concerned"
that he and I may yet see
When an individual would
pollute, misuse, destroy, and
undeservedly commercialize
habitat in which wildlife
exists and reproduces itself, I
will openly challenge his


therq must be an "evident
"concern" to keep and en-
hance wildlife and the out-
doors these loud voices claim
to "love", or else their
dramatic soapbox style ora-
tory promises to lose its
creditability even with the
masses, as it lost its credit-
ability long ago with true

claim of "loving wildlife and
the outdoors He doesn't
have my brand of "concern:
about these things."
Facts prove that nature
lavishly produces wildlife un-
der favorable conditions.
When touted "animal lovers"'
oppose scientific harvest of
surplus wildlife (no faster
than it is able to reproduce
itself), I will challenge either
their "concern" to keep the
birds and animals numerous,
in good physical condition,
and geared to the balance of
food and cover .- .- :.: ,., or
else : i". 1 their know-
ledge of proven biological
research and lack of facts to
support their mistaken
Likewise, I will challenge
all others', ",concern" when
they seek to change a river or
stream. from its natural state
and original pure water with-



EIqt O'C4

31LB B





m m

ih,, o T.owed h
,th 20C p-chor of


c,~, one WITH $7.50ooRDER
Red-nmable Phu SUN FEB 3
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Ths coupon Towod Ch |
woh ..44( purchos of |


SRe deermable r Iu SUN FEB 3 -
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Ann Page
* Thin Mintse
I Ib. box9C I
5-~l -----i--- -- n im -

Thke.e ADE YA w ,SoiiNqA


YwtqTv k

10M.to14 LB

Breakfast Bacon ...................L. 991
Ground Chuck .................. LB$1.29
Skinniess Franks ............. .,o 69t
Sliced Bologna ..................... 99t
Cap'n JBhn's Frozen 16 oz. pkg. ,
Fish and Chips 99c
Banquet Frozen Buffet Supper 2 Ib.
Beef Stew pkg. $1.69

"SUPER-RIGHT" Hard Corn Fed Western

"SUPER-RIGHT" Hard Corn Fed Western

'/4 'D4o i.l.,


Fx / ^Legs or
Uaa/ite/iA B'


L qRpTim*t** .... 3

Cherry Tomatoes .B...9C

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LBS $1.00

Pole Beans

Fresh Mushroo


LBS* 100

0 lb. 39c

ims ts*LB 99C







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(Reg $6.45)



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ThFl,, copo Towoed ",e3
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OU PA 1~~ %~ i
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The family of James Duane
Watson acknowledges with
grateful appreciation your
kindess, love and prayers
given to us during the time
when we needed it most.
The loss of our son and
grandson was a tragic loss
but was heaven's gain. A
special thanks to our pastor,
Rev. Jim Gosnell and wife;
also to Dr. Shirley Simpson.
God bless each of you.

". .Cow iAAU CE&t !

"Super-Right- FULLY COOKED





In memory of the late
Lugie Spann who died one
year ago when God saw fit to
call away the one we love.
The blow was sudden, the
shock severe to lose the one
we loved so dear. You are
sadly missed by your wife,
Mrs. Mattie Spann and chil-
dren, sister, nieces, nephews
and friends.


'L ~



s ), I




~ ", RS"Ti
