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' IRTY-VNTH YAR. NUMBR 2 . THIRTY-SEVENTH YEAR. NUMBER 2 HIE STA Industry Deep Water Port Fine People Safest Beaches in Florida PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 * TEN CENTS A COPY ".- . i . *s . Left to right. Bottom Row: Mike Rich, Vic Adkison, Bill Norton, Bonnie Garland, Carl Bailey, Steve Cloud, Carl Whittle. Second Row: Tony Harrison, Robbie Sanborn, Mike Ethridge, Greg Abrams, John Shackleford, Randy Herring, Bruce May, Sandy Sanborn, David Ambrose. Third Row: Danny Fourth Row: Harold Cassidy, Russell Chason, Kenneth Weimorts, Mark Tankersley, Bruce Nixon, Wayne McKiernan, Andy May, John Owens, Wimberly, Martin Adkison, Eddy Rich, Steve Davis, Mike Todd, Tad Robert Dickens, Jim Moore, Steve Owens, Ronnie Kirkland, Steve Lawrence. Mathews, Ed Floore. Wewahitchka "Gators" First Sharks Open Grid Season Tomorrow Ever since last Nov'emberi, sportiIlovers in Port St. Joe have waited for September 14. On this date.tomorrow, at 8:00 p.m. the Port St. High School Sharks will field their newest version of a football team. According to head coach Wayne Taylor, that new team will be laced with five regular starting veterans from last year. Returning are regulars, Martin Adkison at end, Bruce Nixon at guard, Ed Floore at guard and backs Robert Dickens and Ken Weimorts. The Sharks will begin their season against county rival Wewahitchka here in the local stadium. Wewahitchka made everyone in this area sit up and take notice last week in their jamboree with their scoring ability. Coach Wayne Taylor said, while he thought the Sharks were stronger than last year and had more scoring ability, he had to remember they' failed to score in the Jamboree in Crestview last week. "Defensively we will be rough as usual", Taylor said pointing out, "We hit real well in our practice sessions and we have the manpower" Taylor again recalled the Jamboree when he added, "We didn't hit as good in the Jamboree as we did in practice." Taylor said the team reminds him of what people were saying about the Miami Dolphins before last year, "We're, a - -no-nante' team. We don't have anybody outstanding, but we're strong and we have more depth than last year." Taylor said he suffered no delusions the Sharks would parallel the Dolphins of last year by going undefeated. "'We still have to play too many teams larger than we are in order to schedule games," the veteran coach said. He pointed out many AA schools in this area won't play Port St. Joe and this makes scheduling rough This year's scheduling is a little better, though, with five AA teams on the schedule, Class A Wewahitchka and four Class AAA schools. "We're looking for a winning season," Taylor said "and with our schedule, we believe the fans will see some interesting football." Port St. Joe is again in the West Coast Conference this year along with Crestview, Walton of DeFuniak Springs, Chipley and Marianna. Starting line-up for tomorrow night's game will probably be: Martin Adkison, left end; Steve Davis, left tackle; Bruce Nixon, left guard; Mark Wimberly, center, Ed Floore. right guard; Steve Lawrence, right tackle; Danny Tankersley. right end; Steve Owens, quarterback; Ken Weimorts, run- ning back; Carl Whittle, fullback and Robert Dickens, tailback. SCHEDULE This year's schedule is as follows: September 14, Wewahitchka, Home. September 21, Walton, Home. September 28. Perry, There. October 5, Crawford Mosley, There. October 12, Crestview, There October 19, Chi'pley, There. October 26, Blountstown, Home. November 2, Marianna, Home. November 9, Chattahoochee, There. November 16, Wakulla, Home. Admission at all home games will be $2.00 for adults, $1.00 for students, $10.00 for season reserve tickets and $2:25 for reserve single game tickets. company, Unions Sign Contract County Board Anxious to BPA Opens Calendar Drive The Band Parents Associa- tion is sponsoring their annual Band Calendar Drive. The purpose of the drive will be to fund the Band's activities and to upgrade uniforms. One of the major projects is to purchase a few uniforms due' to the increase in height and. number of the senior high band students. This year, the band director found it very difficult to suit all of the larger boys with uniforms due to the shortage of large uniforms. Another project in mind is to repair, and in many .cases replace, the necessary band instruments, which average in age 20 years old and many are much older. Forms will be passed out to all students to be taken home and if interested, please fill out and have returned to the Band. The prices for the calendars are $2.00 for the family plan which includes birthdays and anniversaries or $1.00 for a calendar and 25 cents for each entry. Cheerleaders. Sponsoring Dance The Port St. Joe Varsity Cheerleaders are sponsoring a dance Friday following the Wewahitchka-Port St. Joe football game, September 14. The dance will be held in the Commons Area of the high school from 10:30 till 1:00. Admission is $1.50 per person. Music will be provid- ed by Morning Glory. A settlement was signed Friday afternoon by three negotiatating unions and the St. Joe Paper Company, agree- ing on a three year pact at the local industry. Unions involved were the United Paperworkers Inter- national Union, the Interna- tional Brotherhood of Elec- trical Workers and the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, all affiliated with AFL-CIO. The new contract with its wages and benefits were all effective August 1. The total amount of' the package increase was in excess of $1.08 with moderni- zation adjustments to be discussed later. Negotiations were conduct- ed under the shadow of the memory of the last negotia- tions of the unions and company which resulted in an eight month strike. Strike talk during negotiations just past had the entire com- munity jittery and anxiously awaiting word that a contract had been signed. Spokesmen for the Unions were Donald Langham, In- ternational Representative, United Paperworkers Inter- national Union, Dothan, Ala- bama; L. M. Fisher, Inter- national Representative, IBEW; Russell Hall, Inter- national Representative, UPIU; H. B. Lister, Interna- tional Representative, UPIU; Charles Davis, President Local 379, UPIU; James Jones, President Local 875, (Continued on Page 8) Approve Property Roll The County Commission wanted to set a date at their regular meeting Tuesday, to hold their Board of Adjust- ment hearing so the property rolls could be accepted, the tax rate finalized and the business of preparing the tax statements for the next fiscal year cranked off. The hear- ing is ordinarily held the first part of September, but usually stirs very little to no interest. This year however, the property valuations have been hiked 18 percent in the words of Assessor Samuel A. Patrick and the Board feels there will be some objections to be heard. The Commission wants to get it over with. Season Tickets On Sale Now Season tickets for all home football games are available at the office of Port St. Joe High School. School officials urge those wanting the tickets to get them as soon as possible and avoid a last minute rush. The tickets are on sale for $10.00, which covers all home games. Regular admission tickets for tomorrow's game will be on sale at all three drug stores in town today and tomorrow. Clerk George Y. Core told the Commission they didn't have a roll to adjust as yet. Attorney Rish then said, "You can't have a hearing on adjustment until you get a' roll to adjust, even if it is time to do it." Clerk Core told the Board Patrick wasn't to blame for the delay. "The state people came in to make the adjustments and they're still making them every day, tho they know it's time to get on with the budget procedure." Core offered the opinion the state people were delaying the completion of their job as long as possible so the roll would have to be accepted as is and possibly adjusted next year for lack of time to do so this year. Attorney Rish then piped up and said, "That's not right. The courts have agreed this is his (Patrick's) duty and if he lets them continue to drag out the deadline it's his fault." Patrick was then called to the Board meeting and told them the assessment roll had already .been sent to the State Comptroller's office for ap- proval, as is the usual procedure, and should be returned this week. Patrick said, "The roll is now complete and has been submitted for approval." The Board then appointed Commissioners EldridFe Mo- (Continued on Page 8) Juveniles Charged With Forgery Sheriff Raymond Lawrence stated that two juveniles have been apprehended in Port St. Joe after cashing checks which were stolen and forged. Lt. David Rogers, who handled the investigation and made the arrests stated that one of the juveniles was found by Division of Youth Services Counselor Jim Boze- man, and the other was caught by one of the bank officials at the Florida First National Bank, while attemp- ting to cash another check. The juveniles had cashed $175.00 worth of checks before being caught. Sheriff Lawrence stated that "we were fortunate, in that we were able to catch the pair the same afternoon the first check was reported. We could have had a deluge of bad checks being passed." Both subjects were referr- ed to the Division of Youth Services for further action. I Fill% Foe Negotiators Sign Contract Documents I II I I Ir n THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1973 -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company Satond-Class Postage Paid at Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 I Wesley R. Ramsey William H. Ramsey Frenchle L. Ramsey Shirley K. Ramsey POSTOFF ICE BOX 308 ' PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32 Editor and Publisher Production Supt. Office Manager Typesetter, Subscription. PHONE 227-3161 456 SECOND-CLASS POSTAGE PAID AT PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 *SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., 52.25 THREE MOS., $127.30 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U.S. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS- In case of error or ommisslons In advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed work thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. ,EDITORIALS ... Controls Relaxed President Nixon has relaxed the rules and regulations of air pollution controls to give some relief to the pending heating oil crisis this com- ing winter. The ruling has the effect .of allowing the use of certain fuel oils by industry formerly prohibited due to their sulphur content. It may seem sort of far-fetched, Y but we believe the obsession of the -United States for wanting the entire ,nation cleaned up spotless overnight 'is one of the greater contributors to .our run-away inflation and shortages of many items we have always taken I- for granted as being cheap and plen- tiful. Take paper for instance-the "taken-for-granted" item we are clo- -sest too. Newspaper trade journals ,,- (not paper industry controled jour- ?:nals) point out that over 500,000 tons *. of newsprint production has been .- taken off the market, due to the *.-shutdown of several old machines, 'rather than install necessary pollu- tion control devices. The machines - would still produce good newsprint, :.but they were too old to warrant spending the kind of money needed to make them acceptable in pollution control circles. Everyone knows we couldn't continue as we were. The recent cholera outbreak in Italy is a good arguing point for pollution control. One must remember, though, Italy has been densely populated for cen- turies and is just now. getting down to pollution controls. The United States, on the other hand, is sparsely populated compared to some other nations, and, to our credit, we are beginning to worry about pollution before we really have to. The only argument we have is that we have reacted too violently. Let's be a little more slow, but me- thodical in a goal to keep our nation healthful while maintaining, at leats, the status quo., In a nation which is accustomed to life getting better each Year, the drastic shortages-being ex- perienced today may -ause a rise of popular objection to pollution con- trols and do the cause of clean air . and water more harm than a hurry- up program will do good. - Drilling Favored A recent survey by an area daily newspaper showed that the majority of the average citizens in the Bend area favors drilling for oil off the coast in the Gulf of Mexico. A sizeable percentage of those giving their approval stipulated the .drilling should be allowed only if adequate safeguards were employed in the process. The most powerful voice against the drilling has been Congressman Bob Sikes. We can appreciate his reasons for opposing the operation, .'but really wish he was on the other side. Sikes offers the argument the drilling should continue to be allow- ed off the shores of Mississippi and Louisiana and save the off-shore Florida oil until it is needed more. Florida needs this oil and gas now. and so does the nation. Too long Florida has paid the soaring prices of transporting every drop of petroleum products and natural gas we use to our state. And, of course, -the nation itself is in the throes now of an oil shortage and a dangerous balance of payments situation due to a lack of domestic oil. The Arabs are beginning to flex muscles they think they have to put us in a box with their oil supplies- a situation, we know, Mr. Sikes can- not tolerate. We say go ahead with the drill- ing. First-hand reports we have had from Mississippi and Louisiana say it does nothing but good for the state involved. WARNING Property protected by permanent marking... CAN BE TRACED! OPERATION IDENTIFICATION This Label On Your Door Will Warn Thieves Engraving Your NameOn Your Valu- -ables Makes Them Less Attractive To Thieves -The Constitution of the United States of America was adopted September 17, 1787, ratified June 21, 1788 and went into effect March 4, 1789. On January 5, 1956, Senator William F. Knowland intro- duced a Senate Joint Resolu- tion declaring September 17 to 23 of each year as Constitution Week. This week is being pro- moted locally by the St. Andrew Bay chapter, Daugh- ters of the American Revblu- tion. Mrs. Charles Brown of Port St. Joe, is chairman of the American Heritage Com- mittee of the organization. Mrs. Brown asked Mayor Frank Pate to proclaim Constitution Week in Port St. Joe, and he signed the following Proclamation on Monday of this week. ..WHEREAS, September 17, 1973, marks the one hundred eighty-sixth anniversary of the adoption of the Constitu- tion of the United States of America by the Constitu- tional Convention; and WHEREAS, To accord offi- cial ,recognition to tiifs memorable anniversary, and to the patriotic exercise that will form a noteworthy feature of the occasion, seems fitting and proper; and WHEREAS, Public Law No. 915 guarantees the issuing of a proclamation each year by the President of the United States of America designating September 17 through 23 as Constitution Week, NOW, THEREFORE, I Frank Pate, by virtue of the 'authority vested in me as Mayor of the City of Port St. Joe, in the State of Florida, do hereby proclaim the week of September 17 through 23, 1973, as CONSTITUTION WEEK in the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, and urge all our citizens to pay special attention during that week to our Federal Constitution and the advantages of American Citizenship. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida to be affixed at this tenth day in September in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy three and the Independence of the United States of America, the one hundred and ninety- seventh. SEAL At Least One We notice in the papers Gover- nor Reubin Askew had the opportun- ity in recent weeks to name a new member to Florida's Department of Pollution Control probably the toughest in the nation. Governor Askew selected a lady from Miami for the job, whose name escapes us at the moment. The thing that hasn't escaped us is the fact she was selected because she was one of the best known conservationists and environmental protectionists in the State of Florida. It may not be so in this case, but each time we see this definition given we picture a little old lady in tennis shoes demanding we wave a wand over all our wastes and make it dis- appear. The point is that as long as humans inhabit this earth, they will have need of its resources to sustain and protect life. In the process they will create waste. The problem is to arrive at a method of using the re- sources to the best advantage and dispose of the wastes in the most ef- fective manner. The arch-protectionists method of protecting by not using can't be accepted by the people. It would seem to have been the better choice if Governor Askew had appointed at least one member to the Department of Pollution Control who is interested in the proper 'USE of our resources and adequate disposal of our wastes. Thus Americans could continue with the good life and the protection of their future. From The Living Bible n "Brothers! Listen! In this man Jesus, there is - forgiveness for your sins! Everyone who trusts in him is freed from all guilt and de- clared righteous-some- thing the Jewish law could never do. Oh, be careful! Don't let the prophets' wprds apply to you. For they said, 'Look and perish, you de- spisers (of the truth), for I am doing some- thing in your day - something that you won't believe when you hear it announced'." As the people left they asked Paul to return and speak to them again Acts 13:g8-42 Religious Heritage of America Mayor Pate signs Proclamation while Mrs. Charles Brown watches. Opportunities for Musicians. I "Bandsmen"-just one of over 300 job opportunities offered by the Army Reserve. Why not join us? Signed, FRANK PATE, JR. PA:GE TWO The Gulf County Sheriff's Auxiliary is ready to begin "Operation Identification" throughout Gulf County, Cap- tain Emmett Daniell said Monday. For those of you who have yet to receive the pamphlets currently being distributed to all Gulf Countians, "Opera- tion Identification" is a concept designed to make burglary a harder crime to commit, by increasing the possibility of being appre- hended. It is a system whereby the citizen has his drivers' license number, social secur- ity number, or some other positive identifying marks on all valuables like televis- ions, stereo equipment and the like. This posts a warning for all potential burglars, in that if they get caught with property that contains these identifying marks, it will be a positive proof of ownership, and will make it easier to gain convictions when cases go to court. Sgt. Tom Berlinger, project coordinator for the Gover- nor's Help Stop Crime in Gulf County, stated that the program has been instituted in many heavily populated areas of the country and has met with much success. "We feel-that this project will hinder the potential burglar in Gulf County," Sheriff Raymond Lawrence stated, "he will know that it will not be easy to deal in stolen property which is so easy to idefitify later." Those persons interested in having their valuables en- graved free, may do so by calling the Sheriff's office at 227-2311 and making an appointment for any Satur- day in the future. p I was talking to a representative of MK Ranches the other day and he said the farming and cattle operation here in Gulf'County would begin the job of harvesting three-quarters of a million dollars worth of soy beans tomorrow off former Gulf County swamp land. If the weather is good, harvesting was to begin tomorrow on MK's fields West of Wewa- hitchka on State Road 22 and work its way down to the Howard Creek area holdings of the firm. The harvest will continue on until early De- cember. When you consider the soy bean operation is merely a sideline with the operation, one can see MK Ranches is making quite an economic impact on Gulf County, utilizing land that was considered practically worthless for years. In addition to the soy beans, the corn,-,thet winter wheat-and the feed grains, the firm is now:, grazing nearly 2,000 head of cattle in Gulf Coun- ty- and is busily building a breeding herd of its own of nearly a thousand young heifers. As time permits, we plan to get some pictures and do a story or two of this little-known "indus- try" changing the looks of middle and North Gulf County. If you need to find anybody Friday night after about 7:30, you'll probably find them at the High School football stadium. Friday begins the football season here in Port St. Joe, and nearly everybody goes to the football game when the Sharks are playing at home. And, a goodly num- ber follow them to wherever they are playing, as long as its not too far to get back to work by Monday morning. Almost everybody in Port St. Joe is pleased the football season is here again except per- haps, Mrs. Wayne Taylor, Mrs. Buddy Floore, Mrs. Bill Woods, and Mrs. Gerald Lewter. LETTERS To The Editor Dear Wesley, The Port St. Joe Jaycees would like to take this means of recognizing the boys who broke into the Little League Concessions Stand to help themselves to the drinks and candy. We would especially like to recognize the two boys who tore up the front d6or of the stand. We know who they are and actually we were sur- prised at these two boys. Why should they take care of the concession stand? After all, it belongs to them. The Jaycees are only building it. We have spent many long, hard hours to build this stand so they can enjoy it at their ball games. Why they want to destroy something which is for them we'll never know. If the two boys who damaged the door play ball as good as they tear up doors, they will be outstand- ing players. They did a good job and both of them play Little League ball. Hoping this letter will make them stop, think and appreciate what they have, I am very truly yours, ROBERT MONTGOMERY Dear Mr. Ramsey, The purpose of this letter is more or less to just say Hi to the Star and to the people of the Port. I miss the "Home of the Fighting Sharks" and it people very much. So far I have managed to keep in touch with St. Joe through the mail. Being stuck way up here so far from the area that I was born and raised in, one comes to know the true meaning of the value of friendship. Life at the Academy is quite demanding and is a drastic change from the life of a Florida Beach Bum but I guess I had to grow up sometime. I can assure you that Port St. Joe is on the map up here because this is one country boy who has ventured to the city and is proud of his origin. So here is wishing the people of St. Joe a wonderful year. Waiting on Christmas Leave, Midn. Robert L. Creamer, Jr. U.S.N. Sheriff's Department Offers New Identification Service Mayor Pate Proclaims Constitution Week Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Lt. Governor Tom Adams was married last week end to his mountain lass of 23 years. By now Adams and his bride are well into their hon- eymoon. I don't know where they have gone or how long they'll stay. But I do know that with Adam's $30,000 plus state salary and his respon- sibility to do nothing will allow them the money and the time to go where they want to and stay as long as they like. You can't blame Adams for this, though. He didn't set the salary, nor did he divest himself of his duties. Adams had his duties removed by Governor Askew for alleged improprieties in of- fice. So who is being punished for these so- called improprieties? Certainly not Tom Adams. There have been rumors that Adams will bounce back next year and run for everything from U. S. Senator to Governor of the State of Florida. The prudent thing for him to do would be to hold on to the gravy train he now has; but, Governor Askew has already announced Adams will not be his running mate next year. One thing is for sure, though. You can look out for old Tom. Any 56-year-old man who has the courage to marry a 23-year-old woman has the determination to try anything. So, don't be surprised at what race Adams happens to turn up in during 1974. * THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1973 PAGE THREE Historical Society Story One of Effort The story of the St. Joseph' Historical Soceity is one of dreams of long-standing finally brought to fruition through years of effort, appeal, study, investigation, and hard work. The beautification of the old cemetery, the building of the lovely gazebo, the install- ation of the fence surround- ing these hallowed grounds and the beautiful wrought iron sign above the,, entrance are only a few of the accom- plishments of this small body of dedicated citizens. Last week's issue of The Star carried the story of the "face-lifting" of the Museum in Constitution Park and the' installation of three new display cases. .This is the realization of another dream of long standing. For a number of years the St. Joseph Historical Society has kept in storage many relics and artifacts and other materials of great historical value simply because of the lack of display area. The group has been most anxious to put these articles on display and finally secured state appropriation for the construction of the most needed cases and changes in the museum to accommodate them to the best advantage. At last, they are ready for public view. .Among the things on displayin the new cases are household goods such as bone buttons, a milk glass drawer pull, 19th century table spoons, bottles and, part of a whiskey jug, a, preserve jar, a faceted tumbler, a ladle, bowls and plates and parts of a tureen cover, a small iron pot, a large iron pot and other things. There is also a whiskey jug found in Old St. Joseph and presented to the museum by Tomm Dees. Personal items include a gold ring found in:. this area'by Ted Richards of Highland View. A gold watch case, a U.S. penny of the 19th century used either as a watch fob or on a necklace. Many coins have been donated-an 1840 penny, con- tributed by Mrs. Herman Dean, and 1841 dime, the gift of R. D. Prows, and an 1822 .penny given by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harmon of Chicago. United .States coins (cop- per) presented by Jake Belin, an 1835 coin a very large penny given by St. Joseph Historical Society. Other pen- nies were dated 1838 and 1848. One of the new case is used for Spanish artifacts, including a Spanish brick. Mrs, Elizabeth K. Ehrbar, Supervisor of Exhibits of the Department of Natural Resources, who has been doing the work at the Museum, is hoping for more things for display-any relics, papers, maps, pictures, or other items pertaining to the Civil War, .any Spanish or Indian relics relating to this period, arrowheads. or any- thing else of interest. She is especially interested in securing items pertaining to the Signers of the Consti- tution or belonging to them. She is also interested in locating a table dating back to the early 1800's for the display of some most inter- esting articles-a gold ink- well, a scroll and other articles. Mrs. Ehrbar is planning to attend the next meeting of the society. Mrs. R. H. Brinson has been appointed by the St. Joseph Historical Society as representative to the Mus- eum and anyone in this area having any of' these items listed above is asked to call 229-4171. Any article given or loaned to the museum will be used in this museum only. Also on display is a picture of James Bennet Stone, father of T. H. Stone, first citizen of Port St. Joe. Mr. Stone was.,one of.. the. early legislators. FOOTBALL SEASON Ladies Pants Suits 65 Suits $8.49 to $19.49 S Original values $15.00 to $27.00. Sizes 7-241/V2. YEA TE MI Sweater Season Kick Off SAVE NOW Pants length capes, class- ic coat, pull over & turtle Girls Pants Suits $5.49 TO $11.49 Original values to $15.00. Sizes 2 to 12. Touch Down FALL DRESS VALUES $9.49 to $15.49 Jr., Missy & Half Sizes. Values to $20.00 or more Ladies Polyester Knit or Cotton Blend FLARES and BAGGIES $2.49 to $6.49 'A Sizes 7 thru Extra sizes. / Plaids, solids and stripes./ ' The Layered Look /j Men's i .- Sweater Vests - Reg. 6.99 $8.99 $5.88 To $7.88 Short tops by Campus of 100 pct. orlon acrylic. S-M-L. See the . matching, sport shirts for the layered look. Great with baggies and heels, Men's I'A I Dress BAGGIES $12.88 TO $14.88 - Plaids, Wright waist, .,- lengths. polyester Take a Coke break -. on the savings here i .- checks and solids, by j, and Levis. Sizes 29 to 42 in short, medium, long ii 100 pct. polyester and er blends. Reg. to $17.00 " , Men's SUITS Reg. to $80.00 14 ONLY Now $44.88 ; to $58.88 -_ 100 pct. double knit polyes- ter. 36 to 46 sizes, regular and longs, featuring wide lapels and deep center vents. DEPAT7ETSTR -0 VIU5 Emo c0 2 "- a) > JS ohm~ Did You Know We Stock Photo Frames and Photo Albums WEBB'S Port St. Joe VISITS WITH BRINSONS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bedwell of Montgomery, Ala. left Tuesday morning to return to their home after spending the weekend with Mrs. Bedwell's parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. R. H. Brinson. Mrs. Bedwell has been ill and was unable to attend the retire- ment dinner honoring her mother, Saturday July 28. The Bedwells also attended a business meeting in Miami. Film Scheduled At First Baptist Church Clint Lanier Is Two Years Old Clint Lanier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanier, celebrated his second birthday with a party at his home in White City. Coke and ice cream were served at the party which was attended by Clint's friends. Classified Ads 7-3161 "The Return," a new color documentary filmed in the Middle East will be shown at First Baptist Church on September 19, at 7:30 p.m. This film documents' the formation of the new nation Israel which, by all the laws of men and nations, is impos- sible. This ancient yet new nation now stands with both feet firmly planted in the very center of the world. Surrounded by her enemies and the sea,, israel is totally unique in history for she is an integral part of history. To a growing number of scholars throughout the world it seems her return to nationhood is the beginning of the fulfillment of her predict- ed destiny among the nations of the earth. "The Return" retells the events leading to the final hours of the world's history as the curtain opens and the drama begins with Israel the stage where mankind's most profound performance may be played. Produced by the Evangeli- cal Communications Re- search Foundation, "The Return" is being released through Gospel Films. Inc. of Muskegon, Michigan. The pastor, Rev. DeWitt.T. Mathews, Jr. cordially in- vites the public to attend. 4-H Clubs Are Being Formed Youth in the third grade through 12th grade (or 19 years old) interested in joining 4-H clubs may contact 4-H leaders during September for' enrolling. Leaders for various areas are: Port St. Joe and White City club, Bobby Stebel: Dalkeith and Wewahitchka, Otis Davis, Jr.; Countywide 4-H Horse Club, Kay Knee. Special interest groups: Forrest Weed, Wewahitchka High School, 7th grade; and James Rouse, Wewahitchka Elementary. 6th grade. Any others may contact County' Agricultural Agent Cubie Laird. . 222 Selling Cakes for Boy's Ranch The Port St. Joe Jaycette's will sponsor a bake sale on Saturday, September 15, at 10:00 a.m. in front of Campbell's Drug Store. Proceeds from the sale will be submitted to a statewide fund and used for the benefit .of the Florida Jaycee's Rodeheaver Boy's Ranch located in Palatka. Installing Officers The Vitro Wives Club is having their installation of officers and a covered dish supper on Tuesday, Septemb- ber 18 at 8:00 p.m. at the St. Joseph's Parish Hall on 20th Street. All members are invited to attend and should bring a covered dish. Sorority Met Fri. Beta Sigma Phi Eta Upsilon Chapter met in the home of Helen Armstrong, Friday, September 4. A business meeting was held. Mary Harrison led the Chapter in an open discussion on the body. A social period followed the meeting. Ave D. Bidwell Speaks to Methodist Women The United Methodist Womei of the First United Methodist Church met for their regular meeting, Tues- day night, September 4. David Bidwell, Superinten- dent of Schools, gave a most informative and interesting program concerning the schools of the county. He spoke of the many changes in the total school system for this school year, emphasizing the fact that the public will be better informed than ever before of what is happening in the schools. A Community Advisory Council will be organized in the near future, which will consist of interested persons outside the school system who will work with the school personnel to improve rela- tions between the schools and the public. At the end of the school year, an annual report will be sent to the parents of each child. This report will tell the parents what goals have been reached for their children. Fifteen members were present for this meeting. Bottle Collectors Meeting Saturday The Northwest Fla. Region- al Bottle Collectors will have their monthly meeting this Saturday. All members are urged to atte nd and help plan for a bottle show and sale. Discussion will also be held pertaining to participation in the Gulf County 50th Anniver- sary Celebration. The meet- ing will be held upstairs in the Centennial Building at 8:30 p.m. Visitors are wel- come. a Pl"ER W -E tLI \ANP) "TtE PVOLWA W/.-A..- vl- A '/ *a a loal to Doal r Savingsi. = I i,, L""- I ii I I II See the SHARKS In Actii Friday ht against Wewahitchka Kickoff at 8:00 P.M. This Page Sponsored by The Following Merchants Jake's Restaurant Buffet Steaks Seafood SEARS Catalog Sales The Sewing Center Third and Reid Western Auto David B. May Roche Furniture Frigidaire Appliances COSTING'S Quality at Savings BOYLES Pay Cash and Pay Less St.-Joe Hardware Whirlpool Appliances Dairyburger Come by for a Snack Danley Furniture Co. Make Your House A Home St. Joe Auto Parts Your NAPA Dealer St. Joe Furniture and APPLIANCE CO. St. Joe Motor Co. Ford Mercury St. Joe Natural Gas Gas Is Naturally Better St. Joe Stevedore Co. RICH'S IGA Fresher Produce West Fla. Gas Our Rolling Pipelines Never End Piggly Wiggly For Greater Savings Citizen's Federal Savings & Loan Assn. Debbie's Flowers Next Time Send Our Flowers Dixie Seafood Market Fresh Gulf Seafood Earley Hdwe. & Supply Hwy. 98 Highland View Florida 1st National Bank at Port St. Joe Hannon Insurance and Real Estate St. Clair Funeral Home Phone 227-2671 Player Supermarket Highway 98 Highland View Pollock Cleaners and LAUNDRY Raffield Fisheries Phone 227-3326 Gulf Service Station Coldest Drinks In Town Left to right. Bottom Row: Mike Rich, Vic Adkison, Bill Norton, Bonnie Garland, Carl Bailey, Steve Cloud, Carl Whittle. Second Row: Tony Harrison, Robbie Sanborn, Mike Ethridge, Greg Abrams, John Shackleford, Randy Herring, Bruce May, Sandy Sanborn, David Ambrose. Third Row: Danny Tankersley, Bruce Varsity Schedule Sept. 14-Wewahitchka, H .... Sept. 21-Walton Sr. High, H Sept. 28-Perry, T ........... Oct. 5-Crawford Mosley, T .. Oct. 12-Crestview, T ........ Oct. 19-Chipley, T .......... Oct. 26-Blountstown, H ..... (Homecoming) Nov. 2-Marianna, H ........ Nov. 9-Chattahoochee, T .... Nov. 16-Wakulla, H ........ 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 Nixon, Wayne McKiernan, Andy May, John Owens, Robert Dickens, Jim Moore, Steve Owens, Ronnie Kirkland, Steve Lawrence. Fourth Row: Harold Cassidy, Russell Chason, Kenneth Weimorts, Mark Wimberly, Martin Adkison, Eddy Rich, Steve Davis, Mike Todd, Tad Mathews, Ed Floore. Junior Varsity Schedule Sept. 13-Open Sept. 20-Wakulla, H ......... 7:00 Sept. 27-Open Oct. 4-Marianna, T ......... 7:30 Oct. 11-Blountstown, T ..... 7:30 Oct. 18-Open Oct. 25-Marianna, H ........ 7:00 Nov. 1-Wakulla, T .......... 7:00 Nov. 8-Blountstown, H ...... 7:00 7th & 8th Grade Schedule Sept. 13-Open Sept. 20-Wakulla, H ........ 5:00 Sept. 27-Open Oct. 4-Marianna, T ......... 6:00 Oct. 11-Blountstown, H ..... 5:00 Oct. 18-Blountstown, T ...... 7:00 Oct. 25-Marianna, H ........ 5:30 Nov. 1-Wakulla, T .......... 5:00 Nov. 8-Open I L---l 1 r- L - I ,I -- I- I The "Sun Shiners" Square Dance Club of Port St' Joe will be hosting an 'Open House Saturday. night, '.Sep- tember 15, at 8:00 p.m. The event will be held at the Fellowship Hall of the First United Methodist Church. The club invites couples who are interested in learn- ing to' square dance to come, and get a "sample" of the BI Mr. and Mrs. Walton H. Butler, Rt. 3, announce the birth of a son, Christopher Shay on August 2 Mr and Mrs George :-' Kinney, We% ahitchka, announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Ann on August 3. Mr. and Mrs. A. Chester Creamer, Apalachicola, announce the birth of a daughter, Margretia Diane on August 4. Mr.. and Mrs. Donald V. Keith, Sr. Apalalchicola, announce the birth of a daughter, Becky Jeanette on August 6. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Johnson, Apalachicola, announce the birth of a daughter, Wendy Kay on August 9. fun that is to be had in this pastime. The classes will be held every Thursday night in the church fellowship hall, with the first class'beginning the following week, Sept. 20 at 7:00 p.m. There are 15 classes and the fee is $8.00 per month. The instructor is Daryl McMillian from Panama City. Upon graduating from Mr. and Mrs. S. Alford Ramsey, 513V2 8th St., announce the birth of a son, Christopher Alford on August 8. -Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Zingarelli, Apalachicola, announce the birth of a son, Joseph Chad on August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Tate, Rt. 3, announce the birth of a daughter, Cindy Michelle on August 11. Mr.. and Mrs. Carl L. Vlute. -14Q Robbins A\enue, announce the birth 'of.' a daughter, Calondra Lynette on August 15. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby W. Pope, 715 4th St., announce *the birth of a daughter, Tammy Rena on August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde L. Gentry, White city, announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Hope on August 18. ,-o -. .. . Salmon are like trees.Their, age can be told by the number of rings on their scales. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third Street and Baltzell Avenue REV. DeWITT T. MATHEWS, Jr., Pastor GEORGE PUCKETT, Minister of Music Sunday School 9:45 A.M. Morning Worship Service -...-..--......11:00 A.M. Church Training 6:30 P.M. Evening Worship Service ......-----.... 6:30 P.M. Prayer- Meeting (Wednesday) .-- 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" the 15 classes, one is then eligible to join any square dance club in the. nation. Square dancing definitely isn't just. for "squares" anymore. It is a modern version to an old dance and is quite a challenge. There is no age limit. It is rapidly becoming one of the most popular and wholesome acti- vities one can participate in. Auxiliary Meets With Mrs. Todd The Women's, Auxiliary of the Pentecostal Church met in the home of Mrs. Rita Todd Monday night, Sept. 8, with 14 ladies present. Mrs. Bernice Gosnell led the group in singing their W.A. hymn. Mrs. Todd gave the devotion, reading the First chapter of James. Concert prayer .followed the devotiop . .' A Ib',inI'es.s 'esiori was held afterward. The meeting was closed in prayer by Mrs. Christine Dunlap. THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13. 1973 PAGE FIVE Carol Fowler And Donald Schweikert Wed In Orlando Miss Carol Elizabeth Fowl- er, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Fowler, Orlando, became the bride of Donald Eugene Schweikert, son of Lt. Col. (ret.) and Mrs. N. C. Schweikert, Mexico Beach, August 12 at 3 p.m. in St. Lukes Lutheran Church. Officiating clergyman was Pastor Lance Netland at the double ring ceremony. Ruth Bellhorn, organist, and Peg- gy Baisch, soloist, presented appropriate music for the ceremony. The church was decorated with large arrangements of yellow and white daisies, yellow mums, greenery, pot- ted palms and lighted tapers. Given in marriage by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fowler, the bride wore an Alfred Angelo original formal length gown of imported white lace' over silk organza with appliqued lace flowers, and seed pearls on the bodice and skirt. Similar appliques and scalloped lace adorned the hemline that formed the cathedral train. Her shoulder length veil of imported French illusion was secured by a tiara of handrolled white organza petals and seed pearls. She carried a cascade bouquet of yellow roses, white daisies, carnations and baby's breath. Maid of honor, Miss Janet Fowler, wore a formal length gown of ,flocked nylon over, mint green with long fitted' sleeves, ruffled neckline and a white pciture hat. She carried a nosegay of white daisies and green tipped carnations. Bridesmaids were the Miss- es Sharon Syme and Judy Schweikert. Their gowns were styled identical to that of the honor attendant in lavender and blue shades with flowers and ribbons to. match the color their gowns. lChuck Summers was best man and serving as ushers. were Charles Schweikert and Randy Armstrong. Julie Battle, flower girl, was attired in a miniature replica of the bridesmaids' gowns and ring bearer was A Complete Barbeque Menu Fresh As All Outdoors MR. AND MRS. DONALD E. SCHWEIKERT John Battle. The bride's mother chose a floor length fitted gown of green polyester crepe with white accessories and a corsage of white daisies. The groom's mother wore a floor length tailored gown of blue polyester crepe, matching accessories and a corsage of white daisies. RECEPTION The reception was held in the social hall of the church. Tables were overlaid with scalloped blue lace cloths over white and decorated with pastel arrangements of flowers and silver candela- bra. Punch was served from large crystal punch bowls, and silver and crystal app- ointments were used. Mrs. Jack Syme and Mrs. Ray Seifert cut and served the wedding cake and pour- ing were Mrs. Carl Lang, Mrs. Evelyn Smith, Janis ,Schweikert and Mrs. Charles Scheweikert. Kathy Staley was in charge of the bride's book and rice bags of multi- color net were given to the guests. For traveling, the bride chose a long white dress with blue embroidery, matching jacket and blue and white accessories. The couple left for a wedding trip to Highlands, N.C. and their new residence will be in Pensacola, where the groom is employed by Shell Paint Co. OUT OF TOWN GUESTS Out-of-town guests included Mrs. Nancy DeRaud, Denver, Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zapf, Lincoln Park, N.J.; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Scott, Jacksonville: Mr. and Mrs. Doug ;Layman, West Palm Beach; huck Summers and Steve Sweeney, Pensacola; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schwei- kert, Panama City; Dick Schweikert and Misses Janis and Judy, Mexico Beach; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prevatt, Tampa; and Mr. and Mrs. Shep Johnston, Miami. Mrs. Sullivan Hosts Sorority Xi Epsilon Kappa Chapter of Beta- Sigma Phi met Tuesday: night, September 4, at the home -of Lynda Sullivan. The business meet- ing was!- presided over by Betty Lewis, president. Greta Freeman presented a most interesting cultural pro- gram br WF'"\hat Is Life;, totdhihg bn the scientific, physical and spiritual as- pects. Refreshments were served by the hostess during the social hour. CAR D OF THANKS Words cannot express our gratitude for the prayers, visits, cards, flowers, and especially the many blood donors who gave so generous- ly in my behalf while in Bay Memorial Hospital. Thank you for taking time to help and for caring. Mildred Chafin J. H. Chafin Just Arrived Fall and Winh .Fresh is best and at. no time is this more apparent then when p 1 ann in g nutritional menus. Today's rising food prices make this menu es- pecially valuable not only because of its nutritional con- tent but for the money you save buying fresh produce. Fresh fruits and vegetables purchased in season are always a good buy. This menu is based on a bar- beque theme and, except for the salad, it can be convenient- ly cooked on the grill even the dessert. Insure the fresh- ness of the food by packing everything in various size Food K e e p e r s from Rubbermaid. These containers are airtight so focds won't leak, and pro- duce is kept at its peak of freshness. When the barbeque is over the Food Keepers can be used as caddies to carry home leftovers and picnic ware. The complete barbeque menu features: Fish Kebobs (sk e were rolls of a white fish, cherry tomatoes, peppers and mush- rooms) Bacon Wrapped Corn On The Cob (imitation bacon bits work too) Marinated Vegetable Salad In a large round Food Keep- er, break up into small pieces one head of cauliflower and one bunch of broccoli. Add one cup of fresh, sliced mush- rooms. Marinate overnight in one 8 oz. bottle of Italian salad dressing to which one diced garlic bud and one teaspoon of oregano have been added. Re frig rate until ready to serve. Serves six. Banana Boats Pull down a strip of banana peel, being careful not to strip off. Scoop out a small moat the length of the banana and stuff with nuts, tiny marsh- mallows, pieces of chocolate nut candy bars or chocolate chips, honey or coconut and orange juice. Replace peel, wrap in foil and place on hot coals for 10 minutes, turning once. Serve one per person. SEE WILMER THURSDAY For Your New or Used PONTIACS and CADILLACS at LLOYD PONTIAC-CADILLAC ,Inc. 930 Harrison Ave. Paanama City, Florida Office Phone 763-6571 Res. Phone 763-9624 S Roche 1 Rambles IIL. By W. C. Roche 40 is a wonderful age. Especially if you're over 50. If you think old soldiers just fade away, try getting into your old army uniform. We can all profit by mistakes, particularly if our competitors make enough of them. Heard about the elevator operator who got fired? He couldn't remember the route. Most folks count something-dollars, worries,. accomplishments or calories. WE COUNT YOU AS ONE OF OUR BLESSINGS AT Roche's Furniture and Appliance 209 REID AVENUE PHONE 227-5271 Mermaids Accepted ._ . r4 . ~-'-,.,'. V. ',1 "V ' -''5 (FPR).,...So well have the Mermaids at Weeki Wachee, adapted to the underwater world life, that even playful fish, the natural inhabitants of the spring have accepted them. The hundreds of playful bream found in the spring are the Mermaids' pets and they feed them daily as part of the under- water shows. New Selection of Suits le models with two pair pants From $95.00 to $135.00 This Week End Only _2OoA Soff Cash :AR Only Kirby Trio Debonair, urbane, suitable for every occasion A winner by h.i.s. And an extra pair of pants to boot! Merit sports coats. Correct in style. Correct in quality. Correct in price. Come in and correct your appear- ance. With Merit. COSTIN'S "Your Store of Quality 15k "Sun-Shiners" Cut A Rug And A Do See Do WEDDINGS - ANNOUNCEMENTS Whatever your printing needs, wed- ding invitations, baby shower, anni- versary parties, we can print it for you. We specialize in fine printing for special occasions. THE STAR 227-3161 -- I "rrg 44.^^ I RED DART STANDARD g CANS LUm i mi ----i m rn r -i U Th IY his coupon 4f worth "TU4 Toward the purchase of 13 U Smmmm- m --m mm m--- m mm m I A&P UNSWEETENED '46 O Z.yr I CAI I , 1n--- ..1 I This coupon dc tjr Toward the I worth 30 purchase of | I I I D Limit one coupon per family Redeemable thru Sun., Sept. 16 -a. -- I m i Vaporette Flea Collars I For dogs mI & cats 99c \.-9C- r A&P BRAND DISPOSABLE i I 30 CT. OVERNIGHT'S I BOX f4 12 CT. * 1 Box I 8 I L' _, ___ ____ ___ J . Polaroid's Big Shot I the First Color Polaroid m Camera under $10 only $9.95 Easy Focusing ( No Batteries Needed Built-in Development Timer II Now you can get beautiful, close-up color I portraits in just 60 seconds. Be a big shot. | Pick up your Polaroid Big Shot camera I today at A&P WEO. - .- m m - iS a E YOURCHOICE :I 89Ca 'my, II ifr IN celly vl= 400p AN m ! Bowling m News . The Gulf County Ladies Bowing League began their bowling season Wednesday night, September 5. Bill's Dollar Store won three games and lost one to Team 8, Melba Kesner was high bowler for Bill's with a 169 game and 131 series. Debbie Hamm led Team 8 with a 129 game and 334 series. Shirt & Trophy and Florida First National Bank split four games. Patsy Cooley led Shirt & Trophy with a 190 game and 521: series. Lois Smith led the Banker's with a 179 game and 478 series. St. Joe Stevedores arid St. Joe Kraft, 'also split four games.. High for the Steve- dores with a 177 game and 521 series was Melba Barbee. Elsie Simon led Kraft with a .179 game and 483 series. '.Dixie Seafood took three our of four games from St. Joe Furniture. Mary Brown led Dixie Seafood with a 178 game and 494 series. Brenda Mathis was -high for St. Joe 'Furniture with a 190 game and 452 series. Standings: Won Lost Dixie Seafood 3 1 Bill's Dollar Store 3 1 Fla. 1st National Bank 2 2 Shirt & Trophy : 2 2 St. Joe Kraft 2 '-' St. Joe Stevedores 2 2 St. Joe Furniture 1 3 Team 8 1 3 'Gulf County Men's League bowling resumed Monday night after. the Labor Day weekend. On lanes one and two, Murdock's took three of four points from Basic Magnesia. High for Murdock's was Wayne Smith with a 495 series; Johnny D. Linton led Basic with a 440. /On lanes three and four, Shirt & Trophy 'took three from Pat's Roofing, with 0. P. Strickland leading the Trophy team with a 502. For Pat's Roofing it was Tim Taylor with a 472 and a fine 202 game. One lanes five and six, Marvin's T.V. took' three games from Jim's. Jimmy .Costin starred for Marvin's and Jim Flint was high for' Jim's. On lanes seven and eight, Campbell's Drugs took three games from Tommy's Gulf. The big gunr for Campbell's was Barry Richardson with a whopping 554 series and a season high game of 224. Leading the way for Tommy's Gulf was Bill Beasore with a 504 series. Jerry Colvin added a 495 and Jim Beamn had a 201 game. Shirt & Trophy Marvin's T.V. Basic agnesia Campbell's Drug Tommy's Gulf Jim's Murdock's T.V. Pat's Roofing Won Lost 7 1 6 2 4 4 4 4 3 5 3 5 3 5 2 6 A baby alligator enters th "- . world only eight inches . long, but it will grow about - a foot 'a year until it reaches ;the average adult length of 6 to 8 feet. -- SD..... a .. ...- .- L.. .a .. a u m x, .J. .1 1f7 I f AJ .J. FLORIDA WILDLIFE e COMMENTS ON E OUTDOOR Boys, Its Punt, Pass, Kick Time Boys I : i B Dr. O. E. Frye, Jr. On Monday, September 10. Director registration began for the /,, -. 1973 Punt, Pass & Kick .,,', GAME AND FRESH WATER FISH COMMISSION Competition in the showroom f.-- .. of St. Joe Motor Co.- The local competition is being sponsor- TALLAHASSEE-A grow- families around a campfire in ed jointly by St. Joe Motor ing group of Florida out- outdoor Florida. The hours Co. and the Port St. Joe Lions doorsmen have turned back spent in the quiet of the Club. the pages of history to redis- woods and the escape from In making the announce- cover the American .frontier, our hustling, hurtling way of ment, Otis Pyle, president of The Florida State"Muzzle- living is the key to the in. the dealership, said: "We're loading Associatio it made terest 'in an earlier simpler looking forward to a big local up of sportsmen who are way of life. PP&K competition in Port St. trying to re-establish tradi- In addition to the days Joe. We hope all the tions of our past and recreate spent in the woods, many youngsters eight through 13 the aura of adventure and muzzleloading fans "roll their years of age in this area will individualism our forebearers own" at home. Starting with come in to register and take displayed. This growing in- parts purchased separately or part." terest in a truly? sporting in kits the sportsmen can Pyle pointed out that PP&K adventure has prompted the build a rifle or shotgun that -throughout its six levels of Florida Game and" Fresh will deliver bragging size ac- competition-is free of Water Fish Commis!Ai to set curacy at the range. He can charge, and that youngsters special primitive "Weapons mould his own bullets and need only have a parent or hunts on selected"'game man- work up loads to fit his gun guardian accompany them to agement areas around the and style of hunting. The the showroom to register. state. muzzleloader craftsman is ."Our competition here will Hunts are schedffied for limited only by imagination *have first, second and third the Apalachicola and J. W. and availability of parts. Also, place trophies for contestants Corbett Wildlife Management many of these new pioneers in each of the six age groups, Areas in October ari for the go all the way and build their or 18 trophies in all," said Citrus Wildlife Management wardrobe as well. Pyle. "Increasing each ent- areas and the Lake Woodruff rant's chances of winning is and St. Vincents Isglnd Fed- With buckskin or tan flan- the fact that youngsters eral Refuges, in- cember. nel, cow horns and sheets of compete only against others Visitors to these as may leather many families spend i their own age group," said Visitors to these'areas" may pleasant' evenings putting to- intheir own agero suddenly be confronted by a eh vein n tog the Ford Dealer. modern day Daniel 'Boone. gather authet. frotier out-.- "Of course there is no body This apparition complete fits. This family will be seen contact in PP&K. It's punt- with buckskin clothing, muz- later at a muzzleloader field ing, passing and place zleloader, powder horn and day or in the hunting season kicking for distance and shot bag is not..a ghost of camped together as a pioneer points, just as the name says. some dear deparie6d Florida family. To visit one of these First place winners in each Cracker." He or-imiybe she camps, you'might wonder if age group in our competition will be a member of the they ever find time to hunt will go on to the Zone around the talking and brag- w igo on to theZe growing fraternity of hunters going. The truth is thatal- competition. And from there, who are trying to escape the tuh the ma not bg top winners go on up the high-power, hig'hzpressure though the may not bag ladder through- District, much game' they certainly modern way of life. The gun understand what the "sport" Area, Division and National carried by the new old hunter ou s a ot Finals," he said. . will not blow a freit" car off Thiof hunting isallabou year, the National the tracks at 500 yards, nor If you find yourself start- Finals will be held at the will it spew 600 rounds per ing to wonder how to enlist Super Bowl in Houston on minute from a n't. molten in the ranks of muzzleloading January 13. Naturally, we gun barrel. It ,Will in the sportsmen.,just drop a line to hope some of our Port St. Joe hands of a good sltoj" cut the the Florida Game and Fresh PP&K winners will make it X ring consistently with' Water Fish Commission office all the way to the Finals," smoky shot to smoky shot. nearest you 4 in, Lakeland, Pyle said. These new pioneers will Ocala, West Palm Beach, Lake The Ford Dealer further tell you for hours at a time of City or Panama City. Ask for explained that each entrant, the thrill of adventure of the address of the club or upon registering, receives a trying to be woodsmen association closest to your free PP&K Tips Book. In the enough to fool a. wise, old home and 'what the seasons, 1973 edition, there are compe- mossy-horned buck into laws and regulations are con- tuition tips by NFL stars wandering close enough for a cerning primitive weapons Jerrel Wilson, Norm Snead clean one-shot kill. They will hunting in Florida. and Chester Marcol plus stress that it is the hunt and Get acquainted with muz- all-round suggestions from not the kill that,.t- meat lelga'ig and you may' dis- hiad coaches Don Shula and s Tovi' t7it yours 4- .Devine,. iis &bbL,a 'ii of thr pnri amilfithat will enjoy being. alo includes complete PP&K itive weapons buffs and their new old-fashioned pioneers, rules and helpful conditioning exercises for contestants. Sharks Tie Twice In Jamboree Chipley, Port St. Joe and Marianna failed to score in a West Coast Conference foot- ball jamboree in Chipley Friday night. Chipley, ranked second in the state Class AA preseason poll, fought to a scoreless tie with Port St. joe in the third quarter. Then in the fourth period, Chipley and Defuniak Springs Walton ended 0-0. Port St. Joe and Marianna went scoreless in the opening quarter as neither team threatened. In the second quarter, Crestview and' ,1Marianna deadlocked at 0-0 .as again neither team coulffgenerate any momentum. The only score of the night came when Crestview quar- terback Warren Byrd passed nine yards to AuSe Eisen- berg in a 6-0 "win over Defuniak. Mexico Beach Registers Voters Mexico Beach voter regis- tration will begin on Septem- ber 7, 1973 and continue until October 6, 1973 at the Mexico Beach Town Hall. Registration will be con- ducted at regular Town Hall office hours. Office hours are Tuesday, 3-5:30 p.m.; Thurs- day, 9:30-12, noon; and Saturday, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. PP&K registrations will 5 close at St. Joe Motor Co. on September 28. This is the 13th anniversary year for PP&K. From its inception the youth activity has been sponsored by the Ford Dealers of American and the National Football League. In that time moe than 9,350,000 youngsters have taken part in PP&K, making it the largest and fastest growing activity of its kind in America. Rifle Club Offers Trap Shoot Sat. The Gulf Rifle Club will hold a trap shoot on today, September 13, starting at 5 p.m. All bird hunters are invited to come out and get in some practice for the upcoming dove season. Shotgun shells in 12, 16, and 20 gauge are available at the range. The Rifle Club will hold trap shoots every Thursday during September. Plan to attend one or all of these shoots. I Sears IS The BIGGEST SHOPPING CENTER IN THE WORLD and in Port St. Joe. This merchandise giant is as close as your telephone. Buy any item advertised by Sears anywhere in. the United States, simply by dialing 227-2291 catalog Sales H. Lee Treace, Owner Hurry! There's only a few days left to sign up to win the 1973 Punt, Pass & Kick Competition. You could win one of 18 local trophies, and compete at three NFL games including the Super Bowl in Houston. Phone 227-3737 ATION: Football Field It's free. Just bring your parents (or guardian) to register, get your free PP&K Tips Book-and start practicing! Remember, your chances are good. You compete only against other young- sters your own age. 322 Monument Ave. Isn't saving nicer where you can borrow? " FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANK AT PORT ST. JOE 50 Monument Avenue 'Telephone: 227-2551 YOUNGSTERS 8 TO 13 HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO WIN BIGIN PUNT, PASS&KICK .- . ..a r. .M ... a .. ., . ". .c CONSTANT ADVERTISING One step won't take you very far, e got to, talking.. One word won't tell 'em who you are You've got to keep on talking. An inch won't make you very tall, You've got to keep on growing. One little ad won't do it all, You've got to keep them going. A constant drop of water Wears away the hardest stone; By constant gnawin', Towser Masticates the toughest bone. The constant, cooing lover Carries off the blushing maid,. And the constant advertiser Is the one who gets the trade! HARD TO BELIEVE? MAKE US PROVE IT! THE STAR Telephone 227-3161 SIGN UP WITH US NOW-IT'S FREE! -ST'JOE MOTO R - IT PAYS TO SHOP AT HOM 3 1 I = --- THE TAR.Por St.Joe.Fla THURDAVQlR.PTvi n,7 PAGE SEVEN 1 :,. .. ' THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1973 IN TOUCH WITHTODAY! O'Shea Gives History ...g .v;cl I lnaelt . VT, I~IF bi JlhI 'ZI : ...that'syour Rexall pharmacist. His vast professional knowledge of medicine-particularly drugs --makes him a vital member of your community! He is an ex- pert on their proper use! And, he has available many sources of information on drug abuse... and its prevention yours for the.asking! Visit your Rexal pharmacist and talk with him about the safe and proper, use of drugs... : soon! - Father David O'Shea, pas- tor of St. Joseph's Catholic Church and a native of Ireland, gave the Rotarians a short history of what's behind the unrest and fighting in Ireland, at their meeting Thursday. O'Shea said the root of the problem goes back in history to the 1600's. At this time in history the British conquered the Irish when lords in the country began to get too strong for British comfort. The lands were owned in large parcels and the owners rich and powerful. The British broke up the large land holdings and passed laws making it illegal for an Irishman to own land and instilled several other harsh laws against the Irish, who were mostly Catholic, while the English were Protestant. The British turn- ed land ownership over to Protestants. This, naturally caused resentment. Early in the 20th century British subjugation was sof- tened and the Irish were then largely a contented people since they could see a gradual bettering of their situation. The people would not marry young and :stirt families because they could see no future in the largely agriculture economy. In the 1950's and 1960's things began to change again. Ireland began to attract new industry with its tax adva- tages and the economy changed to about half and half, agriculture and indus- try. The resulting better wages made the Irish restless again and they wanted more relaxation of the civil rights laws to allow them more of the good things of life including land ownership. The working class was now able to earn money and they wanted something permanent to spend it on. Even so, O'Shea said the troubles were caused by a small minority, the majority seeing continued progress children." THE BOARD ALSO -Agreed to build a short road at Howard's Creek when a right of way was available to enable Gulf Coast Electric to better serve several electric customers. -Instructed Attorney Rish and C. E. Daniell to contact Cook-Whitehead Motor Com- pany to see why a four-wheel drive vehicle, ordered in February, has not been delivered. -Agreed to grade the air strip at Jones Homestead. -Studied a recommenda- tion from the Department of Transportation that several bridges on dirt roads in the County needed repairs. -Received notification from the DOT that speed limits were being changed on U.S. 98. The new limits will be 45 miles per hour from June to Labor Day and 65 miles per hour from Labor Day to June. .. -Received notice from the Division of Health and Rehabilitative Services to pay bills for indigents placed in hospitals and nursing homes in the state. The. State says the County now owes $18,222.25 and the County says they owe nothing 'since they weren't even consulted on the expenditure. The State says they will sue and the County has said, "Go ahead and sue." -The regular meeting of September 25 was moved up a week to September 18. ney, Silas Player and T. D. Whitfield to represent them on the adjustment board, along with Herman Ard and Wallace Guillot, of the School Board. Rish was instructed to set a date as provided by law as soon as the assessment roll is returned from Tallaha- ssee, without having to wait for another Commissioner meeting to come around. LAND FILL AREAS Mosquito Control Supervi- sor C. E. Daniell has been telling the Board for some time they are running out of land fill area in which to bury the County's garbage and trash. We need fills now in order to begin preparing them for use", Daniell said. Commissioner Walter Gra- ham decided the Board could catch more flies with sugar than vinegar and offered the suggestion that the County erect appropriate signs at each fill area telling the public who had supplied the land for the fill area:. "After all", Graham said, "We have been in the land fill business a long time and we . haven't had to pay for a foot of land as yet for this purpose. Land owners have always donated its use free of Girl Scou Last Rites Held for Leaders Assistant Leaders Wanted, Too. Why be a Girl Scout Leader? HBecause you arnre about girls, and girls care about you. You want to share good things with them. I ".it' youii are Leader, what do you do? You work with girls- little girls and big girls. You show them the many thingsii you know. They le'aii from you. and you learn from them. I You have ideas. The girls have ideas. You make plans. and the girls make plans. The plans turn into action. You work on projects. You go places and see things. You have troop meetings and meetings with other Leaders. You make friends. And you receive help whenever you need it. Thousands of men and women have brightened their lives as well as the lives of others by becoming Cirl Scout Leaders. Be a Leader, and make some girls happy. It will make you happy. too. About the Girl Scout Movement The Girl Scouts of the i'.S.A. is t he largest voluntary org'ani- zation for girls in the world. It is open to all girls 7 through 17 who subscribe to its ideals as expressed in the (irl Scout Promise and L.aw. Founded inl 1912 and( incorporated in Walsh- ing ton. DI.C'.. in l1915. it was chartered by the (Colgriess of tile tl'nited States in 1950. Girl Scouts is a growing or'gallniZa- tion. But in order to continue to grow, it needs Leaders-like YOlU'. If you can spare tile tie, You n albecolle i a Girl Scout Leader or an Assistant aLet.ider, Helpers are also needed. Tio find out more. just mail tilhe coupon below. Mail this coupon for free literature. "1 Phone Port St. Joe 648-4373 or 227-5536 Mrs. Sally Malone Without obligation, please send me free literature telling how I can become a Girl Scout Leader, Assistant or Helper. Name -. - Address -... City State- _. Zip . Telephone -__ For quick information, telephone your local Girl Scout Council. W. King Willie King, 63, of 103 North Park Avenue, died Thursday morning in a hospital follow- ing a lengthy illness. He was a native of Alabama but moved to Port St. Joe where he operated a service station for a number of years. In recent years, he had studied with Jehovah Witnesses. He was worshipful master of the Masonic Lodge of Port St. Joe and was an active brother of the Knights of Phythians. He is survived by his wife. Mrs. Charlie Mae King. Port St. Joe: two daughters. Mrs. Billie Frances King and Mrs. Maxine K. Gant: three brothers. Henry King and James King. both of Buffalo, N.Y. and George King of Jupiter: one sister. Mrs. Elizabeth Williams. Riviera Beach: six grandchildren. one great grandchild. and a number of nieces and nep- hews. Graveside funeral services were held Sunday at 11 a.m. at Forest Hill Cemetery with the Rev. Raymond Rogers officiating. All arrangements were under the direction of Com- forter Funeral Home. Consolidated Repair & Service Co. House Painting & General Repair Work No job too small Free Reasonable Estimate St. Joe-Mexico Beach area Call 648-6153 (Charles ru'.% i %p *.-2 charge." One of the main problems of the Commission in. this area are fill areas for the area north of Wewahitchka and in the Beaches area. Daniell said new areas will soon be necessary for the Port St. Joe area as well. PLAN ORDINANCE, The County Board has been reluctant in the past to exercise its new powers of passing Ordinances under the new Home Rule law of the State of Florida. A problem at the last meeting of the Board prompted Commissioner Graham to call for an Ordinance against animals which are harmful to persons or property in the county. The Ordinance was prompted by a complaint of a dog in the Highland View area biting children, and there was nothing the County could do about it under their law. The Board instructed At- rorney Rish to prepare a sample for their next regular meeting. Rish said, "I'm ashamed to say the State law provides for the killing of a dog if it bites a sheep, but has no provi- sions for dogs that bite PAGE EIGHT New Coleman gasoline camp stove. Kirby vacuum, attachments, good cond. Screen house, 7 x 8 nylon netting. Call 227-7461 for appt. ltc 9-13 Lose weight with New Shape Tablets and Hydrex Water Pills. Campbell's Drug. 5tp 9-13 Garage sale Saturday, Sep- tember 15, from 9:30 to 4:00 at 301 20th Street. tc 9-13 10 speed bikes in stock. Men's, women's. Racing style. Touring style. Credit terms available, western auto, Port St. Joe. tfc-6-15 ST. JOE MACHINE CO. Machine Work-Welding 506 First St. Phoen 229-6803 Machinist on duty all day Every day The School Food Services are trying to meet the needs of every individual that eats in the lunchroom. Act Now-Sell Toys & Gifts Party Plan. Work now 'til Christmas. Highest Commis- sions. Call or write Santa's parties, Avon. Conn. 06001. Phone 1 (203) 673-3455. Also Booking Parties. 3tc 9-13 BINGO Every 0 Thursday night. $100.00 jackpot. Door Prize, bonus games, little jack pot. Refreshments. American Legion Hall White City Man Is Charged for Assault (Continued From Page 1) Sign Pact IBEW; R. E. DeLoach, Grand Lodge Representative, Machinists and Ollie Stutz- man, President Local Lodge 1435. Company spokesmen were Tom Coldewey, Vice-Presi- dent; L. L. Copenhaver, Industrial Relations Manager and W. P. Shannon, Produc- tion Manager. Commissioner Leland Dean, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, also assisted in the negotiations. The local unions voted for acceptance by a large margin. through legislation and largely content to let Legisla- tion be their battlefield. Guests of the club were Sam Beinkeke and Jim Pea- cock, both of Panama City. White miniature poodle pup for sale. $30. Call 229-6975 or 227-8601. 2tc 8-30 Reduce safe & fast with GoBese Tablets & E-Vap "water pills". Campbell's Drug. 6tp 8-9 New Improved "Zippies", the great iron pill now with Vitamin C. Campbell's Drug. 6tp 8-9 Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns For Rent: 1973 2 bedroom mobile home, unfurnished, at St. Joe Beach. 229-6734. tf9-6 For Rent: One and two bedroom attractively fur nished apartments. Cool in summer, warm in winter. Gas heat, window fans. They must be seen to be appre ciated. Contact Mrs. B.C. Prince at WIMICO LODGE and TRAILER PARK. White City. Phone 229-2413 or 648-3101. tfc-10-28 LEWIS FLOOR CLEANING All Types 229-6482 or 229-6447 tfc 7-26 STANLEY HOME PRODUCT NOW OPEN. Elaine's For all your "Mini-Greenhouse". Ferns in Housecleaning Needs hanging baskets $5 and up. Contact Betty Gilbert Boxwood 75c and up, put your Phone 648-7534 order in now for fall plants Free Delivery and azaleas. See at 139 2tc 9-13 Bellamy Circle. 4tc 8-16 ST. JOE ACCOUNTING SERVICE offers you any part of or complete bookkeeping service. Personal and busi- ness check books balanced, payroll records, etc. For information contact WANDA H. BROWN. 225 Reid Avenue, representingg H&R Block). Call 229-6132 or 2?9-6673. 229-6673. tfc-9-6 NOTICE As of this date. September 6. 1973. I will not be responsible for any debts made by anyone other than myself. 4tp-9-6 J. L .HARRISON R.A.M.- Regular convoca tion on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56. R.A.M., 1st and 3rd Monday. 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. Willie Lee Griftm, H.P. E. William McFarland, Sec. There will, be a regular communication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A.M., every first and third Thurs day at 8:00 p.m. E.C. Bailey, W.M. 1ierbert L. Burge, Sec. ATTENTION Mobile Home Owners SKI MEADOWS PARK Is now open for business, across the street from Ski Breeze Camp Sites. Beahc privileges, game room, washer and dryer. Gift shop. ,Located on Hiway S30, 9 miles southeast of Port St. Joe. tc 8-9 A New Service At POLLACK'S CLEANERS UNIFORM RENTALS For Information, Come by or Call 107 Second Street Phone 227-4401 for AMBULANCE SERVICE In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe. CALL -- COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 227-3511 revolver was found in his possession. Walker was released on $854.00 bond on Sunday. Classified Ads 7-3161 Did You Know We Stock Rug Runners Broadloom Mats Throw Rugs Bath Sets WEBB'S Port St. Joe For Sale: Unfurnished mobile home. Call 229-6797 after 5:30 for more informa- tion. ltc 9-13 For Sale: 3 bedroom house. Excellent condition. Wall to wall carpet. For information call 227-8305. tfc 5-10 For Sale: 2 bedroom house, bathroom, living room (car- peted wall to wall), dining room, large kitchen, carport and screened in porch, with 168 foot well and utility building on 11/2 lots at 215 4th St., Highland View. Phone 227-4393. 2tp 8-30 Three bedroom house on 11/2 lots, $7,500. 227 7th St. 229-6549. 4tp 8-23 One bedroom' house ffur- nished St. Joe Beach. Smith's Pharmacy, tfc 9-13 Furnished small one bed- room house, ideal for one person. Automatic heat. 229- 6777 after 5 p.m. tfc 8-30 For Rent: Furnished beach cottages at reasonable monthly rates. Phone 227-3491 or 229-5641. tfc Use the Classified Ads Midget Investments With Giant Returns For Welding Needs see James L.Temple, 1302 Palm Blvd. tfc-9-7 Septic Tanks pumped out. Call Buford Griffin. Phone 229-6694 or 229-2937. PAT'S ROOFING Free Estimates No job too small Call Day or Night 227-4713 .i or'229-6898 tfc 8-23 AAA REFRIGERATION CO. Port St. Joe Franchise Service Repair to all Home Appliances Service on GE, Hotpoint, Westing- house. Philco, Kelvinator and others. Call Day or Night 229-6953 tfc 9-6 All Work Guaranteed Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe HURLBUT SUPPLY CO.,. 306 Reid Avenue Port. St. Joe, Florida -"'"w , ,ELEMENTARY PTA ,MEETS MONDAY NIGHT The Port St. Joe Elemen- tary PTA will hold its first meeting of the year Monday, September 17 at 8:00 p.m. in the school auditorium. For Sale: 1961 Falcon. Fair condition. Good on gas and oil. Will be excellent mill car or for around town. Call 229-6505. Jeep 1968 CJ5, V6, top, 2 sets of tires, roll bar, Warren hubs, tow bar, trailer hitch. See Jim Fensom or call 227-5661. 2tp 9-13 Pontiac GTO 1970. Full power & air. vinyl top, bucket seats, trailer hitch. $2300. See Jim Fensom or call 227-5661. 2tp 9-13 Wanted to lease or work in percentage Bryants Land- ing Fish Camp. Good oppor- tunity. Located on Lockey Lake on Chipola River Cut-off, 10 miles south of Wewa, Hwy. 71 & 381. 639-2874. 3tp 8-23 Wanted: Someone for in- terior painting. Call 648- 3121. tfc-9-6 Help Wanted: Experienced cooks and waitresses. Apply in person. The Top of the Gulf Restaurant at Mexico Beach. tfc-9-6 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR! For Chain Link Fence call Emory Stephens. Free estimate. Guarantee on labor and materials. Low down payment. Phone 227-7972. Professional Help with emotional problems and-oip concerns. Gulf County Guid aice Clinic, Port St. Joe, Florida 227-2691. or Rev. Sidney Ellis, 229-6599. Custom Upholstery Drapery, Slipcovers Fabrics & Naugahyde Reasonable Rates For limited time 20 pct. off on All fabrics Phone 229-4481 tfc 8-16 C&G ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Residential and Industrial Wiring and appliance Repairs Air Conditioning-Heating Oil Burner Technician CALL 229-5777 Fishing Tackle Hurlbut Supply 306 Reid Ave. All parents are invited to attend and take an active part in PTA, Guest speaker for the evening will be Supt. David Bidwell. Fifth grade students will present a program. HEL WATE Wanted: Experienced cash- ier, experienced stock clerk, experienced butcher or mar- ket manager. Apply in person to Bill Rich at Rich & Sons IGA, 205 Third St., Port St. Joe. tfc 9-13 Wanted: Man for pruning and raking. 227-7396. 1009 Monument Avenue. ltp 9-13 Earn $3 to $5 an hour in your spare time. If you qualify, we'll show you how. For interview call .648-5186 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tfc 7-5 Wanted: electronic techni- cian with digital background. Call (904) 283-5202 or (904) 283-5201 between 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. 2tc 8-30 Construction workers needed for Gorrie Bay Bridge repairs in Apalach- icola. WELDERS Paving Breaker Operators Contact Charles Hall at job site or call 670-4967 at night. Goodwyn & Mur- phree, Inc. An equal opportunity employer. tfc 7-M Manager for Union 76 station on Monument Avenue. Call collect Blountstown, 674-8222. tfc 6-7 St. Joe Bottle Club will meet this Saturday, Sept. 15, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. GIGI POODLE GROOM- ING. Bath, clip & groom. Dogs of all kinds. 324 1st St. Highland View. Call for appointment 229-3571. tfc 5-10 Color & Black and White TV Repair. Call HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR Phone 229-2782 All Work Guaranteed 4tp 8-9 MEXICO BEACH BEAUTY SHOPPE Hwy 98 Phone 648-5116 Complete Beauty Service GLADYS NICHOLS "Ithink it was something I ate." RId-a-Bug kills bugs for up to six months, and saves you about $100 yearly in costly pest control services. Use of Sprayer free with purchase of Rid-A-Bug HURLBUT SUPPLY CO. 306 Reid Avenue ,Port St. Joe, Florida David Walker, age 64, White City was arrested Saturday evening on an assault charge, and carrying a concealed firearm, accord- ing to Sheriff Raymond Law- rence. The Sheriff stated Sgt. Tom Berlinger took a com- plaint from Bruce Nixon of White City that he had seen Walker with the gun under his shirt at the pool hall in White City. A warrant was obtained, and Sgt. Berlinger and Auxiliary Deputy David Hor- ton went to White City to make the arrest. The suspect was found on the bank of the canal west of the draw bridge at White City. A .32 caliber WEIGHT WATCHERS Trims Your Shape While It Trims Your Budget For class information call 648-3576 ....Toll Free 1-800-432-2041 6tc'8-30 (Continued From Page 1) Board Anxious to Approve Wanted SERVICES Miscellcmeous For S-a-le BUZZETT'S DRUG STORE Ph. 227-3371 317 William Convenient Drive-.n Window Plenty of Free Parking -- -- 0-w E SIN U TE S Board of County Commissioners PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA August 28, 1973 The .Board of County Commissioners met this date in regular session with the following members present: Chairman Lamar Davis, Si- las Player, Eldridge Money, Walter Graham, and T.D! ( Dooc,-Whitfield. The Clerk, Attorney, and Bailiff were also present. The minutes from the meeting of August 14, 1973 were read, approved and adopted. The meeting came to order at 7:30 P.M. The Attorney opened the meeting, with prayer. The Board received em- ployment applications .,from Dorothy Leonard Cain, Susan Elaine White, and Ernest Childs Harden (in person). The Board.d thanked Mr. Harden for his:, personal S appearance. S Mri. Henry Chason ap- peared i before the Board requesting $250.00 to be used in preparing a Gulf County float, anad exhibit for the October 6, 1973 dedication of the new courthouse in Cal. houn, County. The Board felt that since 'Calhoun County was, the mother county of Gulf County, this would be an appropriate advertisement : for the county. Commissioner Graham made and Commis- sioner Money seconded a motion, that $250.00 be provided to6 Mi. Henry Chason to, be, used for Gulf. County's participation in the ' October 6' dedication of the. Calhoun; County courthouse. The:' motion., passed unani,- mously. The Attorney informed the Chairman that the tax-adjust- ment board meeting cannot *be held- until the tax roll. is approved by the Department. of Revenue. The Board discussed the recent revalua- tions' of property in Gulf County and the general consensus was that the people want to know what basis is being used to appraise homes and property in Gulf County. The Clerk read a resolution from Okaloosa County oppos- ing. House Bill 1331, which has allowed the Department .of Revenue to take over the office of the Tax Assess. The Attorney informed the Board that the section of the resolution stating that the Tax Assessor has the author- ity to set County ad valorem- taxes was inaccurate. Com- missioner Graham said he felt the Board should take some actions to see that the. average person is informed about the' methods used by the Department of Revenue in assessing property. Upon motion by Commis- sioner Graham, seconded by Commissioner Whitfield, and unanimous vote, the Board accepted a right-of-way for a ditch easement from Roy Lister and Benny C. Lister in the EV20f the NE4 of Sec. 15, T 4S, R 10W as recorded in 0 R Book 54 page 690. Upon motion by Commis- sioner Graham, seconded by Commissioner Whitfield and unanimous vote the Board agreed to accept a ditch easement from J. F. Fenster- maker, in Meek's Subdivi- sion, as recorded in 0 R Book 54 page 688. .The Clerk informed the Board that it.might hold title to certain property next to Beacon Hill tract in Sec. 31, T 6S, R 11W, now being occupied by, others. This title was discovered during re- search of county owned property by the Clerk's office. The Attorney was instructed to research this title and determine the ownership. The Clerk read a letter from the Health Department requesting replacement of ,the' air, conditioning. system ,at the Health Clinics in Wewahitchka and 'Port St. Joe, to be paid. for from' money in the Health Depart- ment's budget. The Board . felt that proof of the availability of funds' 'should be furnished before the Board considers, bidding on this project; The Board received a statement 'from the. Division of Family Services .in the amount of $152.48 for Nursing Home and In-patient Care for July 1973. The Clerk was instructed to file this bill.' The Board was notified of a meeting on the subject of Emergency Medical Services Legislation at 9:30 A.M. on Thursday, September 6, 1973,. at Bay Memorial Hospitalin Panama City. . The Board received an annual property report from the Division of Forestry for the year'ended June 30, 1973. thM pople r e The Board received a request from .Joe Land to abandon a ditch easement in front of his home. After .discussion. Commissioner Graham moved that the Board advertise to abandon this ditch easement. Commis- sioner Whitfield seconded the motion and it passed unani- mously. The Board was notified of a public meeting on Prepared- ness for Natural Disasters to be held at 10:00 A.M. on September 13, 1973, at the' Conference Room of the Sheraton Motor Inn on Panama City Beach. The Board received a request from the Florida Kidney Foundation to provide funds in the 1973-74 budget for Gulf County residents with end-stage kidney dis- ease. The Board felt it would be unfair to provide funds for one type of disease without including funds to aid persons with all types of sicknesses. Mr. Arthur Atwell appea- red before the Board request- ing pavement of Ward Street in front of his home in St. Joe Beach., The Board agreed to consider this road during the development of next years 5 year program. After discussion, the Road Superintendent wag granted permission to hire an addi-- tional full-time employee.. Commissioner Player asked the Board the status of work on a project involving a contract between the Board and George Armstrong. Commissioner Graham said that as; soon as weather permits that portion of the contract requiring work by the Mosquito Control Depart- ment will be completed according to the contract. The Road Superintendent also agreed to compare the contract with work completed by his Department to insure compliance with the contract. Commissioner Player -said that he 'has received com- plaints from persons in Highland View having been bitten by dogs, and would like to know what the Board could do about it. The Board was advised that according to Chapter 767 F.S., owners of dogs are .responsible for all damage done by their dogs to livestock or to persons. Commissioner Money asRed the Board the status of the White City Fire Depart-: ment Pump. He was in- formed that the- pump was ordered and the company had not furnished a definite delivery date, but expected delivery to take 90-120 days. Commissioner Money added that other items for the truck were being requested by members of the Fire Depart- "ment. The Board instructed Commissioner Money to check the minutes of the Fire Department meetings for authorization for purchase and installation of these items. Commissioner Money said he had also received a request that the ditch be cleaned out on Long Avenue, between 14th and 16th Streets The Road Department Super- intendent was instructed to handle, this matter. Commissioner Player told the Board he had received a letter from Floyd Brewton containing a drawing pin- pointing an area requiring fill dirt on a County easement adjoining his property off Highway 98. The Chairman 'instructed Commissioner - Player to inspect this site and THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1973 report back to the Board before a decision was made. tised for the fiscal year Pursuant to advertisement., beginning October 1, 1973, the Chairman called for and ending September 30. objections or complaints to 1974, be approved, the tentative budget. As there There being no further were no complaints, there business, the meeting was' was a motion by Commission- adjourned. er Whitfield, seconded by A T Commissioner Money,. and 'ATTEST: *unanimously carried, that the A. L. Davis, Chairman tentalive-budget as adver- George Y. Core, Clerk Season Hunting Calendar Listed TALLAHASSEE--Florida's .hunting calendar for the 1973-74 season as set by the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission is as follows: September 1--Rail and gall- mnule season opens. (No open season on Purple Gallinule.) September 8--Archery sea- ,son opens. September 30--Archery season closes. October 6-First phase dove season opens. Deer hound training season opens. October 28--Deer hound --tiaining season closes. November 4--First phase dove season closes. November 9--Rail and gall- inule season closes. November 10--Deer, turkey, wild hog, squirrel, quail, snipe, woodcock and second phase dove season opens. -Season open for turkey gobblers only in northwest Florida. Bear' hunting in Baker and*Columbia counties and special hunts in' desig- nated wildlife management areas only. Wild hog hunting in specified counties and in designated wildlife manage- ment areas. November 22--Ducl and coot season opens. November 25-Second phase dove season closes. December 15--Third phase dove season opens. January. 6--Deer, turkey and wild hog season closes except northwest Florida. Bear season closes in- Baker andd Columbia counties. January 7--Third 'phase dove season closes. January 10-Duck and coot season closes. January 12--Special scaup (bluebill) season opens. January 13--Woodcock sea- son closes. January 20--Deer, turkey gobbler and wild hog season closes in northwest Florida. January 27--Special scaup (bluebill) season closes. February 24--Quail and squirrel season closes except in northwest Florida. Snipe season closes statewide. March 3,-Quail and squirrel season closes in northwest Florida. March 9--Spring turkey gobbler season opens south of State Road .50. March 23--Spring turkey gobbler season opens north of State Raod 50. March 24--Spring turkey gobler season closes south of State Road 50. April 7--Spring turkey gob- bler season closes north of State Road 50. Shooting hours for all, resident game are from one-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset. Shooting hours for migratory birds other than dove are from one-half hour before sunrise to sunset. Shooting hours for dove are from 12 noon to sunset. Sportsmen are urged to check their summary 'of hufiting rules and regulations for bag limits, special regu- lations and local exceptions. (AFNS) The rule for numbering boats is quite simple. Any boat that is mech- anically propelled by a motor in excess of 10 horsepower must be numbered and licensed in the State of Florida. A motor boat is numbered for the same reason your car is numbered, to identify it; and boats are registered and numbered in much the same manner that a car is registered. Just as the weight determines the cost of registering a car, the length and class determines the cost for .registering and licensing a boat. Once your proper forms are obtained from a state agency, fill out and return them with the appropriate fee, a certificate of numbers will be received, and these numbers must be put on the bow of your boat in a certain way. For further information on registering your boat consult your local Tax Collector. The numbers and letter must be permanently attached to the forward part of your boat close PAGE NINE Safe Boating rk^*' j No Accident Florida Department of Natural Resources 3rd in a series to the bow. They must be in block characters, in a color that contrasts with the background,, and not less-than three inches in height. Mount them on both sides of the bow, always reading from your left looking at the appropriate side, to the right with state letters first. Make, sure you leave a space between the first letters and numbers and the last number and letters. Fancy, and-or oddly placed letters pnd numbers will not be accepted by the Florida Marine Patrol, and would just delay you when you are on a very pleasur- able fishing or boating cruise. Always carry your certificate of numbers when you are using your boat, that's the first thing the Florida Marine Patrol will want to see when inspecting your boat. If you sell or transfer your boat, you have to turn in your certificate of numbers, and if the' boat remains in the same state, the same number is issued to the new owner. continued next week - You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street SUNDAY SCHOOL ....................... 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP ................... 11:00 A.M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .............. 6:15 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP ...................... 7:30 P..M. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ......... 7:30 P.M. IMOBILE IIOMESJ :Specials for Sept. S10 through 15 SHOP RICH'S, Port St. Joe, SAVE TIME and MONEY! 43 Lykes' Sugar Creek --Wieners ---- ---12 oz Tablerite Lean Pork Loin Roast -.. lb. * Tablerite Lean Country Style Pork Ribs ---- Ib. Tablerite Lean Sliced 1/4 Loin Pork Chops ------ b. Lykes' Smoked Sliced Bacon -- 12 oz. [GA Tablerite Canned Hams 3 lb. can Fresh Dill (Whole or Icicle) Claussen's Pickles -- qt. Feminine Napkins Kotex -_ pkg. of 24 Cartridges Pkgs. of 5 Schick Super II pkg. Skin Treatment Clearasil ---- tube Fasteeth 2 Oz. Denture Powder _- _ 93c 88c 77c 77c FRESH ICE PACK GRADE "A" 1.08, Fresh Ice Pack (Grade "A") Fryer Quarters -----lb. 69c IGA PINEAPPLE JUICE 3,100 Cans 0 Pillsbury CAKE. MIXES 3 ..s. $ 00 A1 Blackburn Corn and Cane Syrup ----- 40 oz. 69c Supreme Ice Cream -- V2 gal. 89c Kraft Miracle Bowl Margarine ----- Ib. 49'c Kraft 16 Oz. Btl. French Dressing 59c Pillsbury Ready to Serve-16% oz. Cake Frosting __ can 55c Sunshine-10 Oz. Hi Ho Crackers -- 39% [GA King Size-20 Oz. Loaf Sandwich Bread -_- 33c [GA Brown and Serve (Split and flake Rolls _--- pkg. of 12 33c SAVE CASH AT RICH'S -- NOT STAMPS Fresh Ice Pack Grade "A" Fryer Legs ---- Ib. 98c Fresh Ice Pack Grade "A" Fryer Breast : b. 89c Chef Boy Ar Dee 15 Oz. Cans SPAGHETTI (with Meat Balls) 3-C $00o Produce Prici The Price On Produce Is Dropping Every Day and Rich's Has More With $3.00 Food Order Potatoes S10 LB. BAG 50 LB. BAG 89c $429 [GA Plain or. Iodized Round Boxes Salt --------2 boxes 19c McCormick Black Pepper ---- 4 oz. 49c Carnation Coffeemate 22 oz. $1.19 Meat Sauce A-1 Sauce ---- 5 oz. 39c Morton (Apple, Peach, Cherry, Coconut) 20 Oz. Fruit Pies---- 3 for $1.00 IGA 10 Oz. Pkgs. Broccoli Spears 3 pkgs. 89c McKenzie (for Stew) Vegetables --- 24 oz. 49c Sea Pak Seafood Dinners -- 9 oz. 69c IGA Whole Kernel or Cream Style No. 303 Golden Corn -----3 cans 59c IGA No. 303 Cans Fruit Cocktail -- 3 cans 89c IGA Cut Blue Lake No. 303 Cans Green Beans 3 cans 79c Folger's With Food Order COFFEE 1 Lb. Can HH 88(C es Dropping! Now Is the Time to Fill Your Freezer with the Freshest Vegetabls In Town We Have Peas, Butter Beans, Okra, Squash. Fresh Ripe RED GRAPES PRUNES PLUMS Fresh OP1S Golden, Crisp E lfa 4 CARROTS ------2 bags 29c Sweet Western Fresh, Ripe, Mountain Grown Cantaloupes Fresh WatermelIons Baby OKRA Small Alabama Best Flavor Shelled PEAS T For Delicious Pepper Tomatoes 29c Hot Peppers lL PEPPERS or Large Bags Fresh BELL PEPPERS or Okra CUCUMBERS----bag C O kra Large Bag WHITE or S 1 a1 Yellow Onions --- bag 49c Squa Red Radishes ----- bag lOc = Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Ses l. 39c 3 Lbs. $1.00 -- 3 for $1.00 -- b. 29c S----bag 49c Sauce BANANA or -- bag 29c or h 49c Detergent With Food Order CHEER 49 Oz. Pkg. Liquid Detergent Deal Pack JOY Total of 56 Ozs. $0.9 a_85 Kleenex Facial-200 Ct. TISSUE 289 Pkgs. 8 9 C Bama Grape-18 Oz. JELLY I I ~ I I I I r I Legal Ad 'sID NO.150 The city Commission of the City of Port St. 'Joe, Florida, will receive S'sealed bids, until noon E.D.T., ,September 18, 1973, from any person, company or corporation interested in pelilng the City the following described 100 level blackwall tubeless tires to be purchased as needed. Prices to be effective October 1, 1973. :1. 4:00 x. 12, 4 Ply S2. :5 x 24, 4 Ply 3. 13:6 x 28, 4 Ply 4. 8:25 x 15, 4 Ply 5. 12:4 x 28, 4 Ply 6. 6:00'x 16, 4 Ply 7. G78 X.15, 4.PW 8. '5:70.5:00 x 8, 4 Ply 9. 7:50 x 17, 8 Ply 10. 13:00 x 24, 8 Ply 11.'8:75'x 16:5, 8 Ply 12. 7:50 x 16, 8 Ply 13. 8:25 x 20, 10 Ply I3. 9:00 x 20, 10 Ply 15. 11:00 x 20, 12 Ply 16. 10:0 .x.20, 12 Ply 17. 9:00 x 20, 12 Ply 18. G78 x 15, Belted All prices should be quoted F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and bid prices should be extended by item and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reflect any or all bids received. .- C.W.Brock, by leh ,City Auditor and Clerk IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN SAND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN RE: The Marriage of' DONALD 0. DIDRIKSEN, husband, and GLENDA GAIL DIDRIKSEN, wife, NOTICE OF SUIT TO: Dpnald 0, Didriksen c-o Hotel Greenwich Room .768-E Room 768-E 160 Bleecker Street New York, NY YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an action for dissolution of marriage has been filed against you and you are required to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to wit on ATTORNEY: ROBERT M. MOORE, "Plaintiff's Attorney, whose address is 321 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, on or before September 24, 1973, and file theoriginal with the Clerk of this Court either before service on Plain. tiff's attorney or immediately there- after; otherwise a Default will be en- tered against you for the relief denmanded in the Petition. WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court on this the 10th day of August, 1973. Circuit Court Clerk George Y. Core 4t 8-23 NOTICE TO BID.NO. WWP35 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described items: 1-Steamn Cleaner Out-Put-minimum of 100 gallons per hour pump capacity; Electric Requirements-115 volts, 60 Hz. single phase; Fuel System-tank capacity minimum of 12 gallons with metering valve to control' fuel flow to burner, with fuel proleceo daga.n'i carbon deposits. et size to be 2 31 gallon per hour, heating coil to be a three section spiral-wound pipe with the outside winding serving as a insulating water jacket; Ignition System-to. be automatic with. a continuous electrical spark provided by a transformer, ignition electrodes to be self cleaning; Solution Tank-shall be a minimum of 12 gallons With metering valves and check valves to control the amount of solution added 'to the vapor spray without b'ackflow; Gages & Controls-the unit shall be ecuipped-with an outlet pressure gage, motor switch, relief valves to protect against excessive' pressures, fusible plug at coil outlet, adjustable float valve to maintain water in float tank; Electric Motor-shall be a minimum of one-third H.P., the unit shall be equipped with 25' of wire-wrapped extra strength vapor hose 3/a" I.D. with an angle grip swivel cleaning gun equipped with round, 2" flat and 4" flat nozzles and nozzle control. The unit shall be portable mounted on 4:00 x 8 (16" OD) Pneumatic tires. Pump-The pump shall be of the -duplex reciprocating piston type with replaceable check valves. Disc type with stainless cage seats. Crank bearings to be life time lubricated. The unit 'shall be equal to Jenny Type 760-OEP Custom as mfg. by Homestead Industries, Box 348, Coraopolis, Pa. All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, Waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed alest to the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., September, 18, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting, September 18, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida./ 'C.W.Brock, by jeh Citv Auditor and Clerk 2t 9-6 NOTICE TO BID NO. 148 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on insurance to cover all activities, equipment, buildings and systems. Prospective insurance agen. cles are invited to survey all areas and departments of the City in order to estimate rate structures and bids SDetailIsare available at the City Clerks Office In the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida, from 8:00 A.M., E.D.T., to 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., Monday thru Friday. Bid opening has been continued until 8:00- P.M., E.D.T., September 18, 1973. Bids must be received by. 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., September 18, 1973. Bids will be considered as a total bid or any portion thereof. C.W.Brock, by |eh C.W.Brock, by jeh City Auditor and Clerk 2t9-6 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP36 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described emergency lighting units: 1 each-101-581-107-Model LSS Exide Lightguard Emergency Lighting* Unit (or equal) 3 each-101-581-504-Model FSS Exide Lightguard Emergency Lighting Unit (or equal) Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP3'". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any. or all bids, waive any formalities ahd to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, PO Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:oo P.M., =.D.T., September 18, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting September 18, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Elbrida. C.W.Brock, by jeh City Auditor and Clerk 2t 9-6 NOTICE OF FICTITIOUS NAME This is to give notice that the under- signed will engage in the business of heating and -air conditioning sales and service under the fictitious name of Gulf County Heating & Air Conditioning ,Service, whose principal place of busi- ness will be 712 Woodward Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida; and who will file an affidavit to this effect with the Clerk of Circuit Court, Port St. Joe, Florida, upon presentation of proof of publica- tion of this notice on Friday, October 5, 1973, or thereafter. -s-Ernest W. Gorham BID NO. 151 . The City of Port St. Joe will receive sealed bids until 12:00 noon E.D.T., September 18, 1973, for the furnishing and laundry of employee uniforms for Fiscal Year 1973-74 and 1974-75, beginning October 1, 1973. Uniforms to be furnished under the following conditions and specifications: 7 suits per man 3 clean uniforms furnished per week 21 personnel furnished green cotton shirt and trousers 3 white-cotton shirts and trousers 2 dacron-cotton (or equal) light green shirts and trousers 3 white blouses and blue skirts 22 personnel furnished white cotton in.rls ano blue Irbusers ' t-.AlI', spitls 10 ,thcib e nam6 with GCty ol Port ST Joe label se*n above left pocket. Weekly laundry service with all clothes on hangers and good quality press job free of wrinkles and folds. Sizes to be designated by City of Port St. Joe. A variation of six personnel to be supplied uniforms is required. All uniforms to be furnished and owned by the bidder. All bids must be extended by item and totaled. The City of Port St. Joe reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids received. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk It 9.13 NOTICE TO BID NO. WWP37 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, invites bids on the following described tools: 1 each-Ridgid Tools No. 300-Power Drive. 1 each-Ridgid Tools No. 1206-Stand' 1 each-Ridgid Tools No. 311- Carriage. 1 each-Ridgid Tools No. 312- Carriage Lever. 1_each--Ridgid Tools No. 360-Cutter. 1 each-Ridgid Tools No. 340- Zeamer. 1 each-Ridgid 'Tools-Universal Die Head. 1 each-Ridgid Tools-Universal Right Hand Pipe Dies: (Va'"), (11" x %"), (V2" x 34"), (1" through 2"). Bids shall be sealed in an envelope and plainly marked "Bid No. WWP37". All bids must be F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date shown. Bidders are requested to submit bids in item sequence and totaled. The . City of Port St. Joe reserves the -right to accept or reject any or all bids, waive any formalities and to choose the bid deemed best to meet the City's needs. Bids must be submitted to the City Clerk's Office, P.O. Box A, Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, on or before 5:00 P.M., E.D.T., September 18, 1973. Bid opening will be held at the Regular City Commission Meeting September 18, 1973, at 8:00 P.M., E.D.T., in the Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, Florida. C. W. BROCK City Auditor and Clerk It 9-13 *Read the Classifieds THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAY, SEPT. 13, 1973 State Chamber Executive Urges Off-Shore Drilling be Allowed The Federal' Government's proposal to lease areas in the outer continental shelf off Florida's coast line for oil drilling purposes should be allowed as long as full and complete efforts are made to protect the environment and control any ..development which may come about as a result. This was Florida State Chamber of Commerce Ex-, ecutive Vice *President Ron- ald S. Spencer's advice to a panel of U.S.. Department of Interior officials who con- ducted a hearing into the question lasFC':week in Talla- hassee. "Certainly the importance of protecting Forida's coast- line from environmental damage must be of prime importance but the impact of producing oilwells and sup- port facilities ofithe economy, of Northwest Flbrida cannot be overlooked,"!'Spencer not- ed in his testimony before panel Thrusday He said "Th-e economic impact which-' would come about if oil 'explorations are successful in the offshore areas would create a need for new wharf facilities, tank farms, separators and pos- sibly Florida's first oil refinery. Effects of the new development would stretch from Tampa Bay to Pensa- cola with a good possibility for emphasis in the long depressed Port St. Joe area. "Some residents of Florida will view this prospect with delight while others will be quick to push the alarm button calling forth all forms of no-growth efforts," Spen- cer said. . "But the true question involved in this& proposal is not over the old growth-no growth problem. Rather, I believe it is one of survival.... can Florida remain at the end of the oil pipeline and still survive; 'can our country continue to increase purchas- es of Mideast'oil indefinitely withoutt increasing domestic reserves and still survive? In other words can we afford not to drill for oil offshore and still survive?" he added. In appearing before the federal panel, Spencer pre- sented a report prepared ;by Dr. William Johnson, Energy Advisor to the Chairman of the President's Oil Policy Committee. The report was in answer to ten 'questions about the offshore drilling problem prepared by the State Chamber following a symposium on the gasoline shortage in July. "This report does not hold the production of oil from offshore drilling up as a panacea for the gas and oil shortage. But it does point out the extreme importance it will have in answering the demand for petroleum which is increasing at a rate of four per cent a year in the United States," Spencer said.' Subscribe to The Star McLawhon, Quarles Enrolled at Bryan Dayton, Tenn.--Two Port St. Joe residents have return- ed to Bryan College .for the current school year. They are George McLawhon, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. George B. McLawhon,- 1202 Monument Avenue and William (Biff) Quarles, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Quarles, Jr., 209 9th Street. McLawhon, a returning sophomore, is a graduate of the Port St. Joe High School, where he received awards in band, math, science and won' rotary awards. He served as president of the senior class, the honor society, the execu- tive board and was a representative on the student council. At Bryan he was on the Dean's list and won an award for the best term paper in English in his freshman year. Quarles is a graduate also of the Port St. Joe High School, where he was a member of the honor society, was recognized in Who's Who In High Schools In America, was vice president of the Maranatha Bible Club, and participated in baseball and basketball. Bryan College is a liberal arts undergraduate school with an evangelical Christian commitment which offers bachelor of arts and'bachelor of science degrees. Its graduates are found in most of the states and in more than forty foreign countries as teachers, pastors, mission- aries, business administra- tors and social workers. Now in its forty-fourth year, Bryan is continuing' to expand its facilities for the student body of over 500 on its wooded campus, where a new chapel-auditorium with 1,000 seating capacity is the next major building project. Benefits Are Paid Residents Social security benefits were being paid to. residents of Gulf- County at a rate of $170,000,00 a month at the close of 1972, Robert M. Latta, Social Security Repre- sentative for Gulf County, said today. Of the social security benefif~iries living in Gulf -County, 761 are retired work- 'ers and their dependents. Another 410 are receiving benefits'-as the survivors of workers who have died, and 244 are getting benefits as disabled workers or, their dependents. Latta. pointed out that although most social security beneficiaries are older peo- ple, about one out of every four is under age 60. In Gulf County, 514 people under age 60 are' collecting social security payments father or mother has died or is getting social security disability or retirement benefits. Most of the 38 beneficiaries in Gulf County between 18 and 22 years of age, are getting student's benefits .under a provision in the social secur- ity law permitting the contin- uation of a child's benefits beyond his 18th birthday, and up to age 22, if the child is attending school full time. Also in this 18-22 age group, Latta said, are some other types of beneficiaries, illus- trating the broad family protection that the social security program provides workers of all ages. Some are children of retired, disabled, or deceased workers who became disabled before they reached 22 and who will probably never be able to work and become self-sup- porting. The monthly benefits of these young people, severely handicapped by physical or mental disabili- ties, will continue indefinite- ly. Benefits are also payable to the mother if the disabled son or daughter is in -the mother's care. Latta said that another relatively small but signifi- cant group of youthful social security beneficiaries are those who are receiving benefits as disabled workers. Want To Invest ' In Your Future? The Navy has unlimited opportunities for ambitious high school graduates in the nuclear field program, or advanced electronics field. Up to two years of class room training with a chance for $15,000.00 reenlistment bonus after three years. Interested? See Jack Lott Any Tuesday ar 11:00 at the Port St. Joe Post Office Or Call 785-5582 in Panama City. nmn mm-mmmm mmmmmmmmmmm-m We also handle all kinds of trusts . FLORIDA FIRST NATIONAL BANKAT PORT ST. JOE 504 Monument Avenue .Telephone: 227- 255 To Inform a Veteran Be Informed! All veterans and widows of veterans are urged to contact your local county service officer for a summary of benefits which you and your dependents may be entitled. Gulf County's Veteran Service Office is located in the Gulf County Court House and is open (5) days per week from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., closed from 12:00 noon through 1:00 p.m. for lunch, and is closed from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month. The Veteran Service Office- is also located at the old Courthouse in Wewahitchka, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. C.S.T. Your County Service Officer for Gulf County is: Albert T. Thames. Telephone number: 229-6125 Veterans Service Office After 5:00 p.m. on holidays and weekends, and Fn case of emergency: Cali 227-7311 or 229-6816 or Albert T. Thames PAGE ELEVEN E Slice LB. Fresh Sliced BOB WHITE BEEF L IVER d BACON Ground 29 Sliced Bancon BEEF b 21b $2.79 BiE lb. 79c Family Pak Pork Chops LB. 99 Ga. Grade "A" Fresh Hens LB. 79 Chug-A-Lug All Flavors Round Cubed Steak Steak Sirloin Tip Streak-O-Lean 79 LB. Salt Pork lb. 79c Bun Pal WI EN ERS PKG79c Lumberjack Pure Pkg. Beef Franks 99c i Quartered . .eserc SOBreast lb. 9c PS Thigh Ib.69c DR 5 Ib. bag I -u. - King WITn l6oz, ,cons, Ib. quantity rights reserved Tray Pak USDA Inspected TURKEY lb. D DRUMSTICKS U o Doz. Ga. Grade "A" LARGE ggs C Bluebird ''FROZEN arto ORANGE JUICE $ Pet Ritz s Cozy Kitchen Parade ( > S Frozen Frozen Frozen $ % >PIE SHELLS| CAKES WAFFLES | S 10 ooz. pkgs. pkg. 77 no.2 cans 0 29 oz. can Peter Pan Crunchy 12 z. jar & BEANS PEANUT BUTTER YJ' Piggly Wiggly 12" X 24' rolls Peter Pan Smooth 12 oz. jar ALUMINUM FOIL I PEANUT BUTTER 4fr U. S. No. 1 White OES SGreen Giant NIBLETS Parade Tomato SOUP 12 oz. can CORN 3 4 Similac Liquid Reg. or with Iron 13 oz. 244, BABY FORMULAWO 11 i SMA Liquid 13 oz. size cns 3 BABY FORMULAti3 Kellogg's CORN 12 oz. box FLAKES S Clorox 2 BLEACH Bama 18 oz1. oParade APPLE JELLY glass 3 IODIZED 2 Ogalln 3 2 26 oz. box SALT 10o Waldorf White Bathroom TISSUE 4 roll 45 - WIVKI Kitchen Kaper 4 Potato CHIPS twin 55, pak 5 t s^A 0400 .45 Hunt's Tomato SAUCE 15 Colgate Punch DETERGENT: box 74< Del Monte Chunk Light TUNA 26'/2oz.Q Spi Your Fr WigglfoSoeguNmBrdF sTaSvYuM y Showboat PORK 10 POUNDS C * oil 0 Prices Effective Through,',Sept. 18 1-973. "'o IT Ti |