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'tE PAGES 10c PER COPY * *^ *** ^ ^ *i * "The Safest Beaches In tie World Are In Gulf County" PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 34&6 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 P_ .aers Charged With SArea 'Guilty' Opinion M 196 The only thifg agreed upon by Judg 'John Crews, defense at- torneys ,for Freddie Pitts and Wjilbrt -Lee .fhd State's Attor- ney J. Frank Adams after two days of, hearings Friday and Sat- urday was thad a; new trial for the two accused murderers will be sometime during the first of pecember-if 'there is a trial. Pre-trial he wings last week end, put more than a day of em- phasis on 'a. 'c ange of location for the possible new trial, indi- cating thot neither the, defense nor the statee' attorney feels that there"is xTBch of a. chance Judge Crews v11ll grant at least one of the" motlbns filed by the defense; a motion to dismiss the charges. ;' Ruling In-Two Weeks . Judge Crews 'has said he Will render his verdict on the five motions filed by the defense within about 'two weeks. The mo- tions included a request for a change of trial location; a mo- tion to suppress or nbt allow as evidence the defendants' con- fessions enterent as evidence in .tie first trial; ` motion to dis- miss the murdeO, charges against, -'the 'two; a motion ti allow de- fense attorneys fo examine all ev- idence the stabe has compiled and a motion to require Gulf V; CITY PATROLMAN Jamies McGee investigates son to, Municipal Hospital with chest injuries thle two-car accident which sent Mrs.iMa Pe ear- latd Monday afternoon. ; -Star' photo Woman Injured In Wreck )iMrs. Mae Pearson, 78, pf;f282 ^th Street was taken to Muni- cipal Hospital complaining ,of chest pains, following a two .pr accident in front of. her hoee Monday afternoon at about 7:20 p.m. Investigating officer James M1c- Gee, said Mrs. Pearson was thrown against the steering wheel of her car when it col- lided, head-on, with another auto driven by Mrs. Ida King of Pan- ama City. i The accident happened direct- ly in front of. Mrs. Pearsoi's home, where she had apparently Quarterbackers lakng Arrantgemnents For football Jamioree Next Thursday rt' ioi' no iwhere 'compneti S'Port St. Joe's Quarterback | ',ort St. Joe where completion Club' is in charge of local ar- oA a 2200 seat bleacher section rang fients,.for a seven period wauld allow ample room for the football jamboree here in Port game. St. 'Joe next Thursday night, Sep- l ember 9. Entries in, the jamboree in- The jamboree was scheduled de: Wewahitchka, Liberty for Wewahitchka, but due to lack Clunty, North- Florida Christian of facilities for such a large pro- of, Tallahasse, Carrabelle, Au- duction, Wewahitchka' officials Ila Christian of Tallahassee, have asked the Club to sponsor '! Apalachicola and Blountstown. the'pre-season exhibition here in Jaycees Promoting Highway Safety Port .St. .Aoe's Jaycees will be promoting -the' Florida Highway Patrol's "Arrive Alive" slogan all day Labor Day. The Jaycees will have ai tent set up next to the Florida First National Bank to serve coffee to travellers and furnish them with, "Arrive Alive" stickers, In addition to the "coffee break", the Jaycees are setting up a roadside display of a wrecked car, a dummy and an ambulance to cause motorists to pause and think, then slow down for a coffee break. * The Jaycees hope to promote safe driving during the danger- ous holiday period with their project. Game time.will be 7:00 p.m., EST and is 4fpected to last to 10:30. Admi on will be $2.25 'for adults aid $1.25 for students. The Quarterback Club will be selling fish dinners at the jam- boree with serving to start at 6:00 p.m. !and continue as long as there ,is a demand. ;,.- '-'- Gospel Sing At Highland View, Rev.' Jean Shoots, pastor of .the Highland View Assembly of God Church announces there will be a gospel sing in the Church Saturday night; Septem- ber 4, beginning at 7:00 p.m. Featured on the program will be the "Spirit Filled" quartet of Wausau. !lhe .church offers an invita- tion for everyone'to attend. Mrs. Ethel M, Hawn Passes Away Monday Following 'Lengthy Illness Mrs. Ethel M. Hawn, age 74, of Port St. Joe, passed away at 9:00. a.m. Monday at Municipal Hospital following a lengthy ill- nesi. Mrs. Hawn was a former resi- dent of 'Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The body was flown to Osborn, Missouri Wednesday for funeral services today from the Metho- dist Church of Osborn, Mo. In- terment will follow in the fam- ily plot of Osborne Cemetery. Mrs. Hawn is survived :by one daughter, Mrs. Mary Jane Tra- wick; one son-in-law, Robert Trawick, both of Port St. Joe; two sisters, Mrs. Charlotte Oz- merit of Marion, Illinois and Mfrs. Henrietta Zeisis of Peshtigo, Wisconsin; a sister-in-law, Mrs. Katherine Hankins; a brother- in-law, Clifford Hawn both of Osborn, Mo.; and several nieces and nephews. Local arrangements were un- der the direction of Comforter Funeral Home. pulled off the side, of the street into the roadway into the path of Mrs. King's auto. .Investigating officers James, McGee .and Dan Register, esti- mated 'damages to 'loth vehicles to amount, to approximately $1500. The Buddy Mathis "Back ,to School" revival will begin to- morrow night at 7:30 p.m. The week end meeting will. be non- denominational with an appeal to all, both youth and adult. Buddy Mathis is a ministerial, student with exceptional talent to reach and influence other stu- dents. He is a senior at Pasca- :oula, Mississippi High School. e has an unusual talent at both preaching and playing his trum- pet. Leading the revival music will be Sid Johnson and his guitar. Sid is a first year seminary stu- dent with. a major in church music. The services on. Friday and Saturday evening will be held in the auditorium of the Long Avenue Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m. There will be a city-wide service on Sunday evening in the Talks Resume Today At 10 Talks will resume today be- tween officials of St. Joe Paper Company and the mill's three op- erating unions; the Pulp and Papermakers; International As- sociation of Machinists and In- ternational Brotherhood of Elec- trical Workers. , The three unions struck the big pulp and paper mill a month ago today, after failure to agree for the most part, on fringe benefits for their new working contracts. Talks were to be resumed two weeks ago, but a death in the family of federal mediator Le- land Dean made it impossible for him to attend and the talks were delayed. Dean will be back in Port St. Joe today and the company and union representatives will get together with Dean today at 10 a.m. Port St. Joe' High School begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. A combined youth choir from several church- es will sing each evening. There will be a "meeting on Saturday at noon .for all high BUDDY MATHIS Evangelist The first West Coast Confer- ence Football Jamboree will be held at Crestview Memorial Sta- dium, tomorrow night, Septem- ber 3 at 7:30 p.m., CST,' accord- ing to Ronald Davis, principal' at Crestview Senior High School. Participants will be teams from Chipley, Crestview, Mari- anna, Port St. Joe and DeFuniak Springs. Team pairings are as follows: First Period-Port St. Joe vs. Marianna. Second Period-Port St. Joe vs. Chipley. Third Period-Crestview vs. Marianna. Fourth Period-Chipley vs. DeFuniak Springs. Fifth Period-Crestview vs. 3 Pitts-Lee Murder Case County to pay defense expenses for the pair. Defense attorneys Irwin Block, Dade. Public Defender Phillip Hubbart and Maurice Rosen de-' veloped the' contention that the two defendants could not receive a fair and impartial trial in Gulf or surrounding counties .because of stories published in The Star and the Panama City News-Her- ald pointing to the guilt of the defendants in past trials and hearings. Hubbart said "these stories have been published month after month and year af- ,ter year molding a public opin- ion of guilt". The state, represented by States' Attorney J. Frank Ad- ams and assistants Leo Jones and Russ Bower, attempted to show that a jury of 12 impartial people could be found in Gulf County : to conduct the trial. Jone, who did most:of the talk- ing for the state claimed "fail- pre to produce 12'fair people to, serve on a jury is the only just cause for a change of venue". "Feel" Fair Verdict Is Impossible The defense brought five wit- nesses to the stand, three of, which "felt" Pitts a9d Lee could not receive a fair and impartial verdict in Gulf County. . Assistant states attorney, Leo Jones countered the claim by pointing, to the fact that the twoo could get as fair a trial in Gulf County as anywhere in Florida. Jones introduced testimony to the fact that only about 21,000 people were subscribers to the two papers mentioned, whereas the Miami Herald had been pub- lishing the exact opposite view- point South of Tallahassee and Jacksonville; "So where are you going to find an area which hasn't been influenced "by news media reporting?" Investigator Arrested David Hellman, a Miami pri- vate investigator was introduced as a witness by the defense and testified that he had been ar- rested by Wewahitchka Police Chief J. H. Glass While making a. survey of the feelings of the people in Gulf County. Hellman said he carried two prepared affidavits with him for people to sign; one stating the signer didn't believe Pitts and Lee could get a fair trial in Gulf County and a second stating the signer believed the pair was guil- ty as charged. The defense law- yers entered 107 of these signed affidavits as evidence to their claim that a fair, trial could, not be had in Gulf. Attorney Jones in his cross ex- amination of Hellman heard him say he had no prepared petitions i, forfpeople to sign who.may think a f ir trial was possible. Hellman also testified that af- ter his 'arrest, Chief Deputy H. T. Dean had told him, "You want 'to" be careful bothering people like you have been, you could get shot", or words to that ef- fect. Dean -testified .his office had numerous calls that Hellman was "bothering" people with his visits and questions and that it was standard procedure for his office to 'investigate any such complaints. Publication of Confessions In his summation before the Judge Friday evening, Block made the point that the law re- quires a change of venue when a confession by defendants is featured in a newspaper. Jones countered in his summation that the law applies only when the confession is published before grand jury arraignment or trial. "This wasn't the case in this in- stance", Jones said. Confessions Attacked In their request for a sup- pression of the guilty plea, the defense used the arguments of Block and Hubbart, who argued points of law on every motion while Block questioned witnes- ses, to try and prove that the confessions were not voluntary. The defense called as a wit- ness Bruce Potts of Atlanta who was the Army CID man sent here in 1963 when the crime was com- mitted. 'Potts was sent here be- cause Pitts was in the Army at the time. Potts testified that the two were jailed on August 3, 1963 but that he was not allowed to see them until August 8. The two were in Bay County jail at the time. A second witness, Dorothy Martin who gave her address as Jamaica, New York testified she had seen the pair in the Bay County jail and that Pitts' face was swollen and his eye black. Under cross examination she couldn't say how Pitts' face had been injured. Miss Martin had been arrested for questioning at the time of the murder. Jury Selection Unfair The defense sought to have 'the charges dropped basing their argument on their claim that the Grand Jury who indicted had been illegally selected and that Negroes had been, kept off the jury. They pointed out that only four Negroes were in the jury box at the time along with 265 whites. Clerk George Y. Core test. field that the Grand' Jury was se- lected by Circuit Judge Warren L. Fitzpatrick by growing lots. Core said Fitzpatrick. drew num- bered slips from a box and he compared the numbers to num- bered juror slips in making the selection. In the request for expenses, defense witness asked for only travel pay for their witnesses. States Attorney Jones pointed out that the law has rules and regulations for defendants to fol. low in order for the county to pay expenses. "These defendants have private attorneys and do not qualify under the rules for their expenses to be paid". ------ Rifle Club Sponsoring Trap Shoot Wednesday The Gulf Rifle Club will hold a trap shoot at the club's range on Highway 71 at 5:30 p.m.. Wednesday, September 8. All bird hunters are invited to attend. Shells are available at the range. school and college .'students of Port St. Joe. This will be a "sack lunch" in the social hall of the Long Avenue Church. ,Each& young person is asked to bring his own sack lunch and meet with Buddy Mathis and Sid John- son for lunch. The Saturday night service will be "School Night". Special' recognition will be given to three' high schools in the area: Chap- man High of Apalachicola, Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka. Each school will have' a reserved seat section. Invitations have been ex- tended to each school through the principal, bandmaster, coa- ches and cheer leaders. Reverend J. C. Odum, co-chair- man of general planning, says that there will be no denomina- tion emphasis and it is antici- pated .that this meeting will make a spiritual and moral im- pact upon church, school and community. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone in the area to attend. DeFuniak Springs. The Jamboree is held each year to afford residents of the communities involved to get a first look at their local teams and to preview the caliber of football to anticipate from the newly formed West Coast Con- ference. ,Admission will be $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for students. Tickets On Sale Advance reserve tickets for the 1971 football season at Port St. Joe High School are now on sale. The tickets may be purchased at Port St. Joe High School. RETIRES-Parker G. Hart hung up his hammer this week and retired from his position as maintenance superintendent for Gulf County Schools. Hart had been with the Gulf County School sys- tem since February 1966. In the photo above, School Supervisor William Linton, right, hands Hart his first retirement check. -Star photo NUMBER 52 Buddy Mat his Here for Week End Youth Revival Sharks Entering New Conference Jamboree In Crestview Friday Night .. I .- : THE..STAR PAGE TWO THE STAR,"Part St. Jo, Florida THURSDAY, SEPTEMEPR 2, 1l EDITORIALS.... Honor The Verb Labor Day, the summer season's last important holi- day, is almost here. As with all three-day holidays, one primary consideration will be sheer survival in the press of traffic and other hazards of congestion. There is another consideration too of which we should all be acutely conscious. As individuals, we can each contribute mightily to pollution control during a period when lakes, forests, streams and parks are swamped with visitors. A leaflet, issued by Enterprise Publications of Chicago, offers the following questionnaire for those who are sincerely concerned about pollution. It asks, among other things: When did I last throw an empty can, bottle, cigarette butt, or paper wrapper out of the car window? When. did I last throw a cigarette pack, gum or candy wrapper on the street or the floor of a public building? When did I last leave a picnic table without cleaning up? .When did I last leave a camp site without picking up all the refuse? When did I last leave a public or private beach without picking up paper, glass, or other sharp objects? When did I last-when no one was looking- drop off garbage or junk by the side of the road-hop- ing I wouldn't be caught? How these questions can be answered by those re- turning from the long Labor Day week end will be a pretty accurate gauge, of public interest in pollution con- trol. *, * That's one side of Labor Day, but there is another facet of this end of the summer holiday that of honor- 71 ing labor for their part in making our nation the most affluent in the world today. While at this particular time we are recognizing labor, we cannot forget that industry played its part by providing the jobs which labor enjoys and reaps the largest paycheck ever paid to a man for his abilities. Another unique situation we find ourself in is that in many cases in the United States, labor and industry are one. Many laboring people own stocks in the corporations which turn out the products for the good life in the United States. In many instances labor is working for other laboring people by virtue of the fact that the money they have invested has built the huge corporations and made , them a source of even more jobs. No nation in the world, with the exception of maybe Japan has as energetic a people as does the United States. This energy is reflected in the super highways we travel, the fine homes we live in, the many pleasure-filling gad- gets we use every day to prepare our meals, furnish our entertainment and occupy our liesure hours. Labor is what has made this country great. Con- tinued labor on the part of our citizens will, keep it great. Labor day was originally designated to honor the or- ganized labor of our land, but we had rather think of it as the inspired labor, using the word as a verb, as due the inspiration of this special recognition. Holding The Line The governments of Gulf County,/are due the con- gratulations and thanks of our tax payers for their ef- forts in holding the line on taxes and public spending this coming tax year. From the city hall to the schools and on to the ebunty, some economies were put into effect to .either hold the line or reduce, taxation. Maybe this is a beginning of even further relief of a citizenry which is becoming 'excessively burdened by taxes from all levels. At the last County Commission meeting, Commis- sioner Leo Kennedy observed, that the coming tax year is the first year since he has been on the board-some 18 years-that the millage rate has been under 10 mills. While Kennedy's observance is good news to tax payers, the great relief which shows .on the surface isn't all dol- lars and c6nts. This is also the first year in history that a mill in Gulf County has brought in $50,000. This creeping up of valuations, plus a high millage rate is what was breaking-.the tax-payers back. . Many desirable public expenditures were deleted from all budgets in Gulf County this year. This is to the cre- * dit of the county, school and city commissioners who Too Late To Classify By Russell Kay When I crossed the Atlantic on the Queen Elizabeth a number of ' years ago, I recall the trip as one of the most enjoyable ex- periences of my life. I recall what a majestic ship she was, our comfortable accommodations, the service and splendid meals. At that time the old queen was in her glory and what a queen she was. Now she has been put out to pasture and a new queen reigns, the Queen Elizabeth 2, flagship of the Cunard Lines. She is a cruise ship, plying between New York and the Caribbean. Martin Deutsch describes her in the July issue of Argosy. The title of his article "World's Best Travel Bargain; $39.00 per Day." He recounts his experience on a cruise from New York to St. Thomas, in the U. S. Virgin Is- lands and St. Maartin (Dutch) and St. Martin (French). Seven days and the price only $275 minimum. You are really travelling on a luxurious floating hotel and your fare includes everything you would pay extra for if you THE STAR-- Putllshed Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department PoSTOmiCE Box 308 PHONE 227-8161 POrT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 82456 Entered a@ second-class matter, December 19, 1987, at the Postofflee, Port St. Joe. iN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $225 THREE MOS., $12750 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $6.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or ommislions in advertisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE The spoken word is given dcant attention; the printed word s thoughtfully weighed. The spoke word barely assert; the printed word thoroughly oo winces. The spoke word ie lost; the printed word remains. I r mL- I -pC realize that there just isn't enough money available to do everything everyone wants. Recently Representative Joe Chapman was speaking to the Rotary Club on the programs undertaken by the last session of the Legislature. In the question and an- swer period we asked Representative Chapman if there was a legislator left in Tallahassee who knew .how to write a bill reducing taxes. Chapman replied that it wasn't a matter of reducing. ' He explained that many people approh ',various Legis- lators with various projects and programs about half of which are rejected due to lack of funds. Maybe, after all, our high taxes are due in great part to our eyes being larger than our pocket books. Maybe we as citizens are too demanding of the services we re- quest. At any rate, it seems on a local level that we are beginning to realize that there is a limit to which we can go. Possibly we can effect even more economies if we as private citizens try to do more for ourselves or try tc curb our appetites for many of the things we can do without. flew, stayed at a hotel, went to night clubs, hired baby sitters, ate out or whatever. You will find your floating hotel has 11 decks. A city if you please of 2,500. The ship also in- cludes three handsome, dining rooms, three night clubs, nine cocktail lounges, four swimming pools two indoor and two out, a steam room, several shopping arcades, a 500 seat theater, ca- barets, libraries, card rooms and a large well trained staff under the cruise director. Top flight entertainers and name bands provide music and entertain- ment during your cruise. There are no pursers on the QE2. They are called hotel managers. When in port, you can eat and sleep on board or if you wish stay at a hotel. Through the ship's manager you may make prior arrangements for sightsee- ing, or desired shore entertain- ment. You can shop and sight- see ashore and reutrn to your ship for meals and sleeping ac- comodations. Every morning, a program is provided guests. The first item suggests that you jog a mile or so, pointing out that you can jog for two miles and never see the same place twice as the QE2 has 6,000 square yards of deck space. You can sun bathe, skeet shoot, play bingo, listen to a lecture, take dancing instruc- tions, patronize. a beauty parlor or barber shop, receive bridge instruction play deck tennis and betwqen meal snacks of one kind or another are continually being brought around to tempt you. Your favorite drink awaits you at a number of cocktail lounges at prices that will surprise you: On the U. S. Virgin Islands you have a duty free allowance of $200 which includes five bot- tles of liquor at free port prices. At St. Thomas you go ashore in jet propelled launches. At another port your ship docks at a pier where you walk off and on. traveling days were over. But if S. S. Officials Near As Phone "Bring the social security office into your home by telephone states David Robinson, Social S curity Field Representative f Gulf County. "Use of the telephoi to handle social security busine can save time and money." Robinson explained that almo any kind of social security busine can be handled on the telephone By simply dialing "0" and askil for WX-4444, you can file a clai for any type of social security ben fits, report a change of addre- report the death or marriage of beneficiary, report start or st work activity, and get assistant on all Medicare matters. Even those rare instances when yo business cannot be completed telephone, an advance call wil e able the social security people give you better service. Robinson states that the b time to telephone the social secu ty office is between the hours 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Calls du ing these hours are usually hai led more quickly because the fice is less busy at these times. Conduct your social secur business from the comfort and p vacy of your own home, Reme ber, just dial "0" and ask for W 4444: A telephone call may sa you the time and expense of a tr to the office. The social security office this area is located at 1316 H rison Ave., Panama City, and t office is open Monday throu Friday from 8:30 to 4:30, except national holidays. County School Lunch Menu Monday, September 6 No school. 'Tuesday, September 7 Baked macaroni and cheek turnip greens, tomato slii orange Jell-o with whipped cre. cookies, corn bread and butte Wednesday, September 8 Barbecue beef on buns, gr limas, cabbage and raisin sal yellow cake with cocoa frostir Thursday, September 9 Open fried pork chops, masi potatoes with gravy, green pe lettuce tomato and pepper sa' peaches, corn bread and butte Friday, September 10 Braised beef with gravy, r collards, citrus cup, apples, gra] bananas, oatmeal cookies, rolls butter. I. traveling days were over. But I had an opportunity, I wou like to take one last trip as passenger on the QE2. I c think of no more delightful va tion at such small cost. ce ," re- or ne ss : Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY The best show of the week was playing at the Court- iss house this week when Assistant States Attorney Leo ie. Jones and Miami attorney Irwin Block tested each other's ng knowledge of the law in arguing the five petitions filed. im by Block in the case of Freddie Pitts and Wilbert Lee ,e- who will be tried for murder in the near future. SS, a The fact of two men facing trial for their lives was op heavy drama, it's true, but. the arguments on the ques- in tions to be decided held the rapt attention of everyone in ur the crowded courtroom for two long days. by If a TV network had cameras in the Gulf County to courtroom on Friday and Saturday, they would have pro- duced the best trial program you have seen on television est in quite some time. Both men, their associates and Judge iri- John Crews kept the drama moving and there just wasn't of any "dead spots" during the entire proceedings. ur- nd- It was fascinating to watch attorneys and the judge# of- weigh every word they said in order to produce a desired&' point or effect, without talking themselves into a box ity from, which they couldn't come out of. m, Block and Jones were pretty evenly matched when rx- it came to recall of the law. Both had done their home- ive work well in preparing for the two days. When it comes riP down to the actual trial, the drama should equal any contrived story designed to hold one in suspense by the for best of playwrights. far- the * gh In watching courtroom productions on television, it has always fascinated me how the attorneys can get the answer, they want from a witness, even though the wit- ness doesn't want to answer. I have always put this "ability" to the playwrights who write the script. But, after being on the witness stand Friday, I find that one has to stop and think after being asked a question by a competent attorney, in order to answer the question in the manner which will give your version of the answer and not the lawyer's desired version. ese ces' The defense, attorneys Block, Dade County Public am, Defender Phil Hubbart and attorney Maurice Rosen spent er. the two days trying to prove that the defendants, Pitts and Lee, could not get a fair an impartial trial in Gulf aeen County, due to the fact that The Star and the Pananma ig. City News-Herald had carried stories almost entirely al- luding to the guilt of the pair. .-The three said. these hied stories have served to convince everyone in Gulf and Bay eas, of the guilt of Pitts and Lee. lad, er. True, the two newspapers published stories of the proceedings as they happened, which did .point to the guilt ice, of the pair. We contend, however, that the guilt aspect and was brought about by the evidence produced. We firmly believe that should defense!attorneys find themselves able to prove that the pair are not guilty, they will be released if by a Gulf County jury. ald Gulf County people may not bd a lot of things, but a we have found them to be honorable and fair. We firmly !an ca- believe they would be fair in this instance, also, and ren- der a verdict based exclusively on the evidence. PRICED TO SELL REAL NICE 2-BEDROOM HOME Completely finished. Located in the Highland View area just off Third Street. For- more information call . JOHNNY JONES 205-792-4138 Collect DOTHAN, ALABAMA i TH E STAR, Port St. Jo, .Florida THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 A2 T mA The speaker for the first reg- ilar meeting of the Port St. Joe Garden Club on Thursday, Sep- tember 9 at 3:00 p.m. will be African violet authority, Mrs. Frank Huebscher, of Panama City. The meeting will be held, at the Garden Center on Eighth Street. A lifetime member of both African Violet Society of Amer- ica and Dixie African Violet So- - city, Mrs. Huebscher has grown violets for 34 years. She is an African violet judge and an in- structor in judging school for African violets. She is a past president of the Dixie African Violet Society and is the current president of the Miracle Strip African Violet Society. The guest speaker will give instructions on "The Ten Things To Do To Grow Violets". She will demonstrate the dividing and re-potting of African violets. Visitors are invited to attend ,this special treat and are always welcome at programs at the Gar- den Center. Members of the club are urged to attend the planning meeting lie- ing held today at 3:00 p.m. at the Garden Center. Mrs. Louise M. Porter Elected To International Platform Association The Board of Governors of the International Platform Association announce the election to IPA mem- bership of Louise M. Porter of Port St. Joe. The International Platform As- sociation is a non-partisan organ- ization of distinguished and dedi- cated persons from 55 nations. Its ancestor, the American Lyceum Association out of which the IPA evolved, was 'founded 150 years ago by Daniel Webster. Recogniz- ed at the beginning of the century by Mark Twain, William Jennings Bryan, Carl Sandburg, President Williatn Howard Taft, Governor Paul Pearson, Theodore Roosevelt, tong Avenue Church Planning Picnic The Long Avenue Baptist Church will observe its annual church-wide picnic on Labor Day, September 6 at the West Florida Baptist Assembly Grounds. The Assembly grounds provide an ideal setting for a picnic. Various types of sporting activities can be en- joyed. Among these are basket- ball, ping pong, horse shoes, vol- ley ball and swimming in the olympic pool. Many mammoth oak trees provide shade and comfort. SEach year members and friends of the .church attend this gathering for food, fun and fellowship. Each family provides the food for the picnic. The deacons of the church serve as host for the occasion. There is a charge of 50c per per- son to pay for the use of the grounds and equipment. Reverend J. C. Odum, pastor of the church and L. D. Davis, chair- man of Deacons, encourage all members to attend. An invitation is also extended to all friends and non-members of the church to join with them for the picnic on Labor Day. The picnic dinner will be served at noon time. The West Florida Baptist Assembly Grounds are on Highway 88 just beyond Tyndall Air Force Base on the bay. and other orators and celebrities Chairman Glenn Seaborg, Lowell' son, David Brinkley, Clark Mollen- of the old Chautauqua, the IPAIThomas, Lyndon Johnson, Con- hoff, Fulton Lewis IH, Jack Ander- has included 'among its members gressman Gerald Ford, Jeane bix- son, Senator Fulbright Roy Wil- most of the U: S. presidents since kins, Senator Wayne Morse, Aver- Theodore Roosevelt, including Mr. on, Hubert Humphrey, Governor ell Harriman, Senator Percy, Ann Nixon and his. two predecessors. Nelson Rockefeller, Secretary of Landers and of others of Its present. membership lists Housing and Urban Development er caliber many celebrities of the press, TV George Romney, Mayor Lindsay, similar caliber. radio, movies and the theatre as Senator Muskie, Martin Luther The IPA is the club and trade well as a leavening of those who King, Senator Barry Goldwater, association of those who appear listen, who are interested in fur- Senator Hugh Scott, Ralph Nader, before audiences in all media and thering IPA's objectives. "Dear Abby" VanBuren, Secretary of those interested in oratory and For morei thantwo generations, of State Dean Rusk, Drew Pear- the power of the spoken word. IPA members have been instru- mental in improving the quality of the American, Platform, particu- larly as it relates to the important BY PO PULAR D E M A ND field of assembly programs avail- ba le to school children. Every summer the IPA holds a five-day convention in Washing- ton, D.C., which last summer was attended by some 1400 members. The most pressing national and in- ternational problems of the day are presented by nationally prom- inent figures (most of them IPA members) who, because they hold the levers of power, are in the best position to argue informatively on one or the other side of every question. Among those who have appear- ed before our last few conventions are U. S. Attorney General Mit- chell, Atomic Energy Commission VISITORS HERE Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lane and son Brent of Baton Rouge, La., have been visiting Mrs. Lane's mo- ther, Mrs. Verna Smith. Mrs. Smith will accompany the Lane's home. CARD OF THANKS w wish to offer my heart-felt thanks to Dr. Joe Hendrix, the staff at ,Municipal Hospital, my pastor and my many other friends for their services, prayers, flow- ers, visits and cards in my behalf while I was ihi the hospital. A most sincere "thanks". FRANCES GIVENS PFC Terry Bishop Serving In Vietnam PFC Terry Wayne Bishop, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Newton Bishop of Beacon Hill Beach, has taken his basic training at Ft. Campbell, Ky. He had 12 weeks of Signal School at Ft. Gordon, Ga. Wayne left August 17 'for a year or more duty in Long Binh, Viet- nam. His wife, the former Linda Folz, and son will be making their home at Mexico Beach while he is over- seas. CLASSIFIED ADS "Midget Investments With Giant Returne" ) BOYLES STRIKE 'IT RICH CONTINUES THRU THIS WEEK. .SAVE 10% to 50% ON ALL CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR IN OUR HUGE STOCK Thousands have come! Thousands have bought and saved during htis un- usual "Profit-Forgotten Sale". Thursday, Friday and Saturday last days! Come Join the wise shoppers at BOYLES, "The Store With More!'" FREE PENCILS for School Children ... BALLOONS and BUBBLE GUM for the Little Folks! BOYLES 222 Reid Ave. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Phone 227-4261 pp4 ll ', 'I ~EA77 African Violet Expert to Present Lecture, Instruction to Garden Club Back To School REVIVAL FEATURING Pascagoula, Mississippi BUDDY MATHIS Evangelist September 3, 4, 5 At 7:30 P.M. Friday and Saturday Evenings In Auditorium of Long Avenue Baptist Church Sunday Evening at 7:30 In Port St. Joe High School Revival Music Led by SID JOHNSON of Milton, Florida Revival Organist: Harold Brampton Revival Pianist: Billy Rich SPECIAL FEATURE: "School Night" on Saturday S -a ...AGE FOiUR THE STAR, Port St. Jo, Florda THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 Williams Garcia Vows Told Miss Linda Williams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Walton Williams of Graceville, became the bride of Joe Garcia, of Port St. Joe, August 21 at 6:00 p.m. in the First Baptist Church of Graceville. Mr. Garcia is the son of Mrs. Jennie Sirmons of Port St.,Joe and Jose Garcia of Tampa. Rev. Joseph R. Nanney per- formed the double ring cere- mony. . Mrs. Walter D. Draughon, or- ganist, presented a prelude of' sacred music., Mrs. Hal D. Ben- nett, pianist, accompanied Miss Dorothy: Wamble who sang, ."We'll .Walk With God". :.The sanctuary was decorated with white' flowers, greenery, and candelabrum. Behind& the altar was 'a large arch candel- abra, flanked by two large, ca.n- dle trees. All held burning white tapers; Inside' each candle tree. , was an arrangement of white gladioli, chrysanthemums, car- ; nations and greenery. In' front of (the arch was',an arrangement . qf white gladioli, chrysanthe- unims -and roses., Garlands of greenery decorated the enclo- sure around the organ, choir sec- tion and piano. The bride, given in marriage by 'her father ,wore a gown of silk organza over peau de soie, with a matching cathedral length coat of sheer silk organza. The ensemble was designed by the bride. The neckline, bodice and train were accented by scalloped re-embroidered alencon lace. The train, featuring lace, appliques in a flowing design, fell from a round yoke accented by a ruffle and lace appliques. The sheer- ness of the deep cuffed bishop sleeves was accented by re-em- broidered lace' appliques. Sewn into the underskirt of the gown was an heirloom handkerchief, over 100' years old, loaned to her by Mrs. Alva Hudson. ; Her cathedral, length veil of sheer illusion wag attached to a double crown of iridescent pearls accented by thrde organza flow- 'ers. Her bouquet was a cascade of summer flowers' and yellow, pink and red roses centered with ,a white orchid. She presented her mother with a red rose dur- ing the processionial and her hus- band's mother bne, :during the recessional. Honor attendants were' Miss Efathy -Hudson, 'of Cainpbellton, maid of honor;' Mrs. Jeff Wil- liams, Jr., Houston, Texas, ma- tron of honor' and bridesmaids, Mrs. Randy Mosser, West Palm Beach; Mrs. James Peacock, Pen- sacola; Mrs. Mack Miner, Jack- sonville; cousins of the bride, Miss Carol McDonald, Bonifay; Miss Linda Hooteni Graceville and, Miss Nadine Sirmons, Tam- pa, sister of the groow. They wore full-length aqua crepe pants J6 with bishop sleeves and' Imandarin necklines. The waistlines .and ,necklines were trimmed in white Venetian lace. Their veil,.were of floor- length aqua illusion attached to a satin dior bow." Their bouquets were white daisies against, a background of white and aqua, .with flowing streamers. Jeff Williams, III, and Jody Davis Williams,, nephews of the bride, 'of Houston, Texas, car- fied the rings. on decorated white satin pillows. Jose Garcia served his son as best pan.. Usher-groomsmen were Jeff Williams Jr., Houston, Texas, brother of the bride; Nor- ton Kilbourn,'Billy Versiga, Bob- by Guilford, all of Port St. Joe; Wayne $pence, Macon, Georgia; Billy Carr, Albany, Georgia and Charles .ibson of Donalsonville,. Georgia.' At this point in the ceremony, the soloist sang, "Walk Hand In Hand", as the couple approached the altar. The soloist also sang, "The, Lord's Prayer" after the vows were repeated. At the close of the ceremony, the bride and groom joined in lighting the unity candle. Mrs. Williams, mother' of the bride, wore a mint green crepe dress with an overlay of chiffon, with matching silver accessories. She wore a corsage of yellow roses. Mrs. Sirnons, the groom's mo- them, wore ,a white lace dress with complimentary accessories. Her corsage was also of yellow roses. Reception Immediately following the cer- emony, tlhe bride's 'parents enter- tained with a reception in the church's fellowship hall. Mrs.' Bernard Williams and Mrs. Jiggs Williams 'directed the reception. Mrs. Randy Ellis of Tallahas- see presided at 'the registry ta- ble. Miss.: Penny Williams pre- sented the ,guests to the receiv- ing line, which included the bri- dal couple,' their mothers and attendants., The bride's table, covered by a white floor length cloth, was decorated with a candelabra ar- rangement 'of pink carnations and white tapers, the wedding cake, and silver compotes of nuts and. mints. The four-tiered cake was topped with the tradi- tional miniature b r i d e and groom. A chocolate cake, topped with a miniature bride and groom in a swing and a seven branch can- delabra decorated the groom's table. The punch fountain, surround- ed by the bridesmaid's bouquets, was placed upon a table covered with a floor length white cloth. Bill Tobias, pianist, provided music for the reception. Floor hostesses were the Mis- ses Barbara Patterson, Margaret Patterson, Lynne Miller, Leslie Miller and Brenda Revell and the Mesdames Henry Ezell, Ray- mond Butler, Elbert Franklin, Tom Crutchfield, F. L. Tanton, T. J. Harris, Mary Clyde Mixon, Lester Kitching, Sidney Polston, E. B. Hinson, E. D. Patterson, Jr., Jack Miller E. W. Ware, Ray- mond Hudson, Cecil Davis, Grady Babb, Johnny Markham and Gladys Harrison. -Rehearsal Dinner Joe Garcia, the groom, enter- tained the wedding party, fol- lowing the rehearsal August 20, in the Candlelight Room of Buie's Restaurant in Dothan, Ala. The groom gave each of his groomsmen a gift. The bride pre- sented a gift to the organist, the Pianist, and the soloist. Approx- imately 45 guests attended. Bridesmaid's Luncheon Mrs. Cecil Davis, Mrs. 4ay- mond Hudson, Mrs. Bernard Wil- liams and Mrs. Jiggs Williams en- tertained Miss Linda Williams, her attendants' 'Mrs. Jeff Wil- liams, mother of the bride and Mrs. Jennie Sirmons, mother of the groom, with a bridesmaid's. luncheon. The luncheon was held Sin the Tea Room of Leon's Res- taurant, August 21. The bride-elect presented her attendants with a gift as a me- mento. The hostesses presented the honoree with a piece of her chosen- silver, Barbara Sue McCormick, James Hilton Richter Married In Miss Barbara Sue McCorMick and James Hilton Richter .were united in marriage August 28, at 2:00 pm. 'in the White City Baptist Church. Rev. Allen R. Price officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and, Mrs P. T. .McCormick and the gr-ooin is the son of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. L. Richter, all of Highland 'View. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a street length dress of white peau de soie overlaid with chantilly lace. It featured an A-line skirt and White City Church an empire waist. It was accent' with a sweetheart neckline am Juliet sleeves of chiffon over laid with lace, which were .deel cuffed and fastened with satih buttons. Her headpiece was o. Chantilly lace accented with dai sies and seed pearls. $he carrie a nosegay of yellow and whiti carnations with satin streamer! tied in love knots. For her daughter's .wedding the bride's mother chose a blui knit dress complimented with ! white carnation corsage. Thi groom's mother was dressed ii (Continued On Page 10) MRS. JOE GARCIA I ~ 1 THE STAR, Port St. Joo; Florida THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 PAGE FIVb MRS. WILIAM REX BUZZETT Miss Nancy Elizabeth Abstein and William Rex Buzzett were married Saturday in Saint Paul's United Methodist Church in Tal- lahassee with Father William Crowe and the Rev. Ray Finklea officiating at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barton Ab- 'stein, Sr., of Tallahassee and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. . Bernard Gannon Buzzett of Port, St. Joe. Mrs. A. Byron Smith, organist and A. Byron Smith, soloist, pre. sented the nuptial music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore, a floor Length Empire gown. designed on A-line featuring a detachable chapel train of silk organza trim- n.ed with Venise lace and daisy niedalligns. The bodice was fash- ioned with a standup collar with yoke effect design and long full Bishop sleeves. Lace and daisies enhanced the skirt and train. Her headpiece,' a profile of Ven- ise lace, was ;lbow: length bouf, fant illusion netting. She carried a cascade bouquet of white dai- sies, yellow Sweetheart roses,' and light blue baby's breath. Mrs. J. A. Reese, sister of the bride, of Tallahassee, was matron of honor. She was dressed in ,a long blue chiffon gown featuring a standup collar and long full sleeves. Swiss embroidered rib- bon trimmed the neckline, sleeves and waist. She wore a matching picture hat. Other attendants were Mrs. J. B. Abstein, Jr., sister-in-law of the bride, of Jacksonville; Miss Barbara Buzzett of Port St. Joe, sister of the groom;, Mrs. Mau- rice E. Fuller and Miss Debbie Hough, both of Tallahassee; and Miss Kitty Kern of Coral Gables, cousin of the bride. All attend- ants were dressed like the mat- ron of honor and, carried white wicker fireside baskets of mixed pastel summer flowers. Bernie Buzzett qf Port St. Joe,. brother of the groom, was best man. Ushers were Al Cathey.ofl Mexico Beach, Maurice E. Ful- ler of Tallahassee, Gil Shealy of Port St. Joe, Tommy Dixon of Port St. Joe and J. B. Abstein, Jr., of Jacksonville, brother of the bride, i The bride's mother wore a pink silk chiffon ensemble with 'embroidered Itrim for the occa-, sion. Her attire was street length ,designed with jeweled neckline and straight lined with a high- waisted band of Alencon re-em- broidered floral design creating an empire waistline. The dress length coat of the ensemble was long sleeved and cuffed. The bridegroom's mother wore a coat and dress ensemble in soft yellow with full chiffon sleeves encrusted with beads. A reception, hosted by the bride's parents, followed the cer- emony in the fellowship hall of the church. Mrs. Buddy Gridley of Tallahassee kept the bride's Abstein Buzzett Wedding book. Misses Kathy, Lynn and Terri Tully, Miss Maribeth Tully Sand Mrs. Bill Tully presided at the punch bowl. Mrs. Sarah Alli- son, Mrs. Earl S. Payne and Mrs. James C. Tully served at the bride's table. Others who assist- ed in serving were Mrs. Gil Shealy, Mrs. Tommy Dixon, Mrs. Al Cathey, Mrs. Leslie C. Ab- stein, Sr., Mrs. A. G. Kern, Miss Martha Forster, Mrs. William Warmack, Misses Debbie, Elea- nor and Kathy Warmack and Misses Laura and Jan Tully. For travelling on a wedding trip to the' Bahamas the bride wore a sleeveless street length Receive Exemplar Degree The Xi Epsiloni Kappa Chapter of Beta Sigma ,:Phi celebrated the Sorority's annual Beginning Day August 29 at the home of "Elva Jones on Constitution Drive. In observance of 40 yeais of life, learning and friendship, Beta Sigma Phi has chosen as its international theme this year: "Life Begins at Forty". The an- niversary theme was carried out in decorations provided by chap- ter member Greta Freeman. A highlight of the day was the induction ,of three members ad- vancing from the Ritual bf Jew- els degree. President Margaret' Biggs and vice-president Ruth Patterson conducted the ritual which conferred the Exemplar Degree upon Janice Johnson, "Mary Agnes Kilbourn and Jo Ann, Wuthrich . To qualify for the Exemplar Degree, a member must be- in good standing for at least four years of Ritual of Jewels mem- bership. She must participate in the regular chapter activities in- cluding the four years of requir- ed cultural program work. Each of the members advanc- inp to the Exemplar' Degree brought with them impressive re- cords from the Eta Upsilon chap- ter of Beta Sigma Phi. During the 1971-72.year, Janice Johnson * will serve as "Extension Officer as well as Civil Defense Officer; Mary Agnes Kilbourn will serve as' chapter Historian; Jo Ann Wuthrich will serve as Publicity Chairman. .During the brief business ses- sion, committee chairmen gave an overview of the year's plans. Outline books for the year's cul- tural programs were distributed. This year's study will emphasize, "The Home We Make". A social hour concluded the day's activi- ties. Wewa Couple Pledge Troth Nuptial vows were exchanged by Miss Brenda Lewana Davis ,and Fletcher Crockett Patterson, Jr., on August 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the First Baptist Church of We- wahitchka. 'Reverend R o b ert Johnson officials at the can- dlelight, double ring ceremony. The bride, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' Andrew Lamar Da- vis of Wewahitchka and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Crockett Patterson, Sr., also of Wewahitchka. Mrs. Robert Johnson, organist and Bill Davis, soloist and bro- ther of the bride, presented the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor length gown of georgette over satin peau de soie. The gown which extended into a chapel train featured an empire waist and virago sleeves. Appliques of Venetian lace accented the bo- dice, neckline and )train. The floor length veil,, featuring ap- pliques of daisies, was attached to a small fitted cap. She carried a formal cascade of white carna- tions and baby's breath, centered with a white orchid. Mrs. Rodney Herring of We- wahitchka was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Misses Kay Patterson, Hazen, Arkansas, cou- sin of the groom; Carol Leonard, Wewahitchka and Didi Wilkes of Graceville. Kay Lane was flower girl. The 'attendants wore floor length yellow floral gowns of silk organza which had an em- pire waist and full Bishop sleeves. They carried bouquets of yellow daisies centered with a lighted taper. The flower girl was dressed similarly in pale yellow organza and carried a white wicker basket of rose pe- tals. Fletcher Crockett Patterson, Sr., father of the groom, was best man. Nick Davis, brother of the bride, Jerry Gaskin and Hal Holloway ushered. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Davis wore a dress and coat ensemble of yellow silk shan- tung trimmed with matching lace. She wore a corsage of white carnations. The mother of the groom wore a dress of blue silk shantung accented with a large flat bow of self-material at the back of the empire waist. Her corsage was of white carnations. The reception followed the ceremony in the social hall of the education building. Mrs. Bill Davis, sister-in-law of the bride, kept the bride's book. Mrs. Fred Greer and Mrs. Edward Gilbert served as floor' hostesses. Assist- ing at the 'punch bowl were Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. Kenneth Gilbert and Miss Mala Ross. For traveling the bride wore a pink and white polyester knit dress with virago sleeves. An or- chid corsage and white accessor- ies completed her ensemble. After a wedding trip to the mountains the couple will attend Arkansas State University in Jonesboro. ., Out of town guests included: Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Davis of Mar- (Continued On Page 10) MRS. FLETCHER CROCKETT PATTERSON, Jr. dress of knit with a white em- broidered bodice and A-line skirt. She wore white accessor- ies. The couple will reside in Gainesville. The bride graduated from Leon High School and Chipola Junior College. The bridegroom graduated from Port St. Joe High School and Gulf Coast Community College. He is a sen- ior in the College of Pharmacy at the University of Florida where is a member of Kappa Psi, professional pharmacy fra- ternity, in which he is the chap- ter treasurer. I ~ 1TE STAR, Port t. Joe, FIorida THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 o "tifying boards because it offered JSr p* P' Hendix Named Char no "grandfather clause" which al- i. J ep en r arter, lows doctors practicing in the specialty when a board is created Dipo ite, Board of Family Practice to become diplomats ofthat "" board without examination. To KANSAS CITY, MO. Dr. diplomate of.the American Board.qualify for the examination each Joseph Paul Hendrix of Port St. of Family Practice as a result of doctor completed a '3-year family Joe, has been.-named a -charter passing a certification examination practice residency, or has been in administered -under the aegis of family practice a minimum of six th' e .A.. years and has successfully complet- Ae RnM thef ABFP. ed 300 hours of postgraduate me- rA rmnl ker To achieve diplomat status Dr. dical education. SHendrix through an intensive 2-, The list of charter diplomats re- Completes CoIurso day written examination, proved leased by the ABFP, the twentieth his ability in the areas of internal RANTOUL, ILL. Airman medicine, surgery, obstetrics-gyne- Donald R. Baker, son of Mr. and cology, pediatrics, psychiatry, pre- N Mrs. Weldon A. Baker of 1312 ventive medicine and other tradi- McCellan Ave., Port St. Joe; has tional specialties and now is cer- N ine Coll e graduated at Chanute AFB,. Ill., Itified in medicine's newest special- from the training course for U. ty Family Practice. The 3,285 O offered B cialists. their diplomat distinction, are y ie redBl ` Airman Baker, now trained to the vanguard of a new type of fight structural and aircraft fires highly competent "people doctor" A total of nine college courses aitT repair fire fighting equip- who accepts responsibility for the will be offered through the Uni- ment, is being assigned to McCoy. patient's total health care and versity Systems Center in Panama AFB, Fla. His new unit is part of serves as the natural point of en- City by the University of, West ,the Strategic Air Command, Ameri- try into the complex medical sys- Florida during the fall quarter. ca'., nuclear deterrent force of tern. The quarter begins Sept. 20. long range bombers and intercon- tinental ballistic missiles. These specialists must continue Two of the courses, Teaching of b'he airman graduated in 1970 to show proof of competency in the Art in the Elemtnary School (ART- froni Port St. Joe High School. field of comprehensive, continuing 344) and sMusic for the Elementary His wife, Sheila ,is the daughter care of the family by taking an- School (MC-350) are required for of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gay of Port other exam and being re-certified the undergraduate degree and "St. Joe. every six years. No other specialty State Certificate in Elementary Ed- requires its diplomats to prove ucation. CLASSIFIED 40' their competence on a continuing Accounting for Managerial Con- Midget Invostment. That y basis. trol (AC-314), which carries five Wlt ieturni The ABFP is unique among cer-. quarter hours credit, deals with In7. ,. - 5AI3U' BIT School Is Open; Drive Carefully MA __ I W MUM ZPJ1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Third St. and Baltzell Ave. SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE --- TRAINING UNION EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 9:45 11:00 6:30 7:30 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Intersection Monument and Constitution REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister Church School 9:45 Morning Worship 11:00 Methodist Youth Fellowship-.........-----......---- 6:15 Evening Worship 7:30 A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives" You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG. AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street A.M. A . P.M. P.M. P.M. I the roll of accounting as a tool in the decision-making process with- in the economic framework of the firm. It is also required for the un- dergraduate degree in accounting and may be used for a foundation course in preparation for the Mas- Sters Degree in 'Business Adminis- tration. -' A five hour undergraduate course, The Teacher in American Society (FPE-310), is required for certification as well as for a bac- calaureate degree leading into the teaching profession. Foundations of Educational Ad- ministration (FPE-510) is a gradu- ate course whjph deals with the structure and administration of public education with emphasis on basic principles "fid emerging con- cepts of Educational Administra- tion. It is a five hour credit course. Two vocatioitial education cours- es will be offered. 'Principles of Vocational-Technical Education (E DV-325), to be taught in Panama City, is designed to provide. oppor- tunity to develop philosophy of Vocational and Technical Educa- ti.cn through an understanding of basic concepts and principles un- derlying education for occupation- al competence. Course Construction for Voca- tional Teaching (EDV-326), to be taught in Chipley, deals with the organization and instruction for vocational teaching. , Both courses carry five quarter hours of credit and both are re- quired for an undergraduate de- gree as well as certificate in Vo- cational-Technical Education. . Another graduate course, Tech- ing Science in the Elementary School (EDE-645), will be offered. This is a five quarter hour course and can be used as a required course for a Masters degree in Ele- mentary Education. History of the South to 1877: Geography, Economy, Culture -and Ideals of the old South, will also Ibe offered. This a five quarter, hour course. Foi further information contact the University System Center, P. .0'. Box 820, Panama City, 32401 or call 769-1431, ext. 220. Extension Line CUBIE LAIRD COUNTY EXTENSION DIRECTOR (Florida Cooperative Extension Service of the Untver- sity of Florida tad. Gulf County Board of County Oem- All sick hor~. showing signs has been of encephalitis (sleeping sick- ly in sub ness) should be reported immed- iately to a veterinarian, county extension agent, or state or fed- eral animal disease control offi- cial. Some animals may have been moved from the Texas out- break area to Florida prior to the establishment of' the Texas quarantine on July 13. Florida is i. the process of vaccinating all' its horses against VEE but two weeks is required after vaccination to develop solid immunity. Duipng this period, VEE could develop if previous exposure has occurred. Horse owners should be aware of the signs of VEE. These in- clude fever, depressed attitude, drowsiness, and loss of appetite. Some animals may have increas- ed irritability' muscle spasms, cross-legged ,gait or braced stance. In severe cases, circling, convulsions and death may oc- cur. When these sigris occur and are reported by horse owners, state and federal animal health workers are prepared to investi- gate as a safeguard against the possible spread of VEE from Texas. Laboratory tests may. be needed to distinguish VEE from one of the other sleeping sick- nesses found in Florida. Eastern and' Western sleeping sickness are commonly diagnos- ed 'in Florida reaching a peak during the summer months. Horse owners are required to keep horses on their premises for 14 days after vaccination against VEE. Horses may be moved within the state after the 14 day period if accompanied by a vaccination certificate as long as a state quarantine is in ef- fect. Unvaccinated horses will continue to be under quarantine. For interstate- shipment, check with veterinarians and regula- tory officials for additional re- quirements. The VEE outbreak in Texas has been nearly brought under control by the use of a wide- spread vaccination control pro- gram. As of Monday of this week, 65% of Florida's horses will have been vaccinated. Vaccinations in Florida were undertaken as a precautionary measure against the introduction of VEE from Texas or Central and South America, since VEE SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP ..........-..--. -.. 11:00 BAPTIST ThKAINING UNION ..........--. 5:45 EVENING WORP .....-.....-------...---- 7:00 PRAYER SERVICE ('Wednesday) ...... 7:30 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor ... / .. .. . knowhk td spread Tapid- -tropical climates. _ . r le Courses Are Being r University Center Now is the time to let your money work for you. We pay tribute to all those citizens who so generously contributed to the growing economy of our great nation. Our country has become a leader in the world today due to the efforts of an industrious people. We welcome all to make use of our financial counseling. Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE specialty board approved by the American Medical Association and the American Board of Medical Specialties,. includes successful candidates fmrom the first certifi- cation examination given in 1970, as well as those'passing this year's examination. Most are members of the American Academy of Gen- eral Practice, the national associa- tion of family. physicians head- quartered in Kansas City. The AAGP is the organization chiefly responsible for securing specialty status for Family Practice in February, 1969. especially. alert, reducing speed % for groups of children waiting for school buses and busy areas surrounding schools. Manyi, school children will be attending school for the first time and may not always remember the safety ( rules so drivers must think for them. Clifton concluded by saying, "Parents should teach their children fundamental s a f e t y rules with detailed instructions on how and where to walk and cross the street. TALLAHASSEE The Flor- ida Highway Patrol today plead- ed with motorists to "help Flor- ida's school children complete their education" by protecting them from traffic accidents as they return to classes when schools open throughout the state. Colonel Reid Clifton, Patrol Director said, "Drivers are re- I minded to be alert for the in- crease of pedestrian, bicycle, mo- torcycle and automobile traffic congestion before and after school hours. Watch for school zone signs and obey the speed limit strictly." Patrol accident records show that last' year in Florida there were 84 pedestrians of school age killed and 1,984 injured. There were 36 school age bicy- clists killed and 1,636 injured in traffic, accidents. Motorists were cautioned to be THE STARe: Prt St.:I liFl. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 197-1 J4~q RICH and SONS' IGA PORT ST. JOE, RLORIDA LL05ED All Day LABUK PA T - MAXWELL HOUSE With $10.00 Order COFFEE lb. can BIG ROLLS KLEENEX PAPER TOWELS 3For MARTHA WHITE 5 LB. BAG With $10.00 Order or More GEORGIA GRADE 'A' WHOLE GEORGIA GRADE 'A' Cut-Up Fryers Fryer Quarters LEG or BREAST lb. 39c Fresh Grade 'A' Fryer LEGS -. THIGHS BREAST ,..59c Tesh Grade 'A' FRYER BACKS--4 lbs. 88c t'ablerite Lean GROUND BEEF ----- b. 59c Copeland All Meat 12 Oz. Pkgs. FRANKS 2----- 2 pkgs. 88c IGA No. 303 Cans BARTLETT PEARS -- 3 cans $1.00 Armour 5 Oz. Cans VIENNA SAUSAGE --- 3 cans 79c Armour 3 Oz. Cans 'POTTED MEAT ----- 2 cans 29c Briquettes CHARCOAL ---------20 lb. bag 98c IGA Medium Small No. 303 Can EARLY JUNE PEAS ---------can IGA No. 303 Can - APPLE SAUCE -- can IGA Detergent 22 Oz. Btl. PINK LIQUID- Rainbow STRING MOPS 23c Ib. Ib. 37c1 Swift or Hormell Boneless COOKED HAMS Gerber Strained Reg. Jars BABY FOOD ----------5 jars 59c Sugar, Rings, Cocoanut, Cinnamon 12 Oz. Pkgs. Nabisco COOKIES -----3 pkgs. $1.00 Blackburn No. 5 Jar Corn and Cane SYRUP ---- jar 69c Perfection R C------------E 3 b. bag 47c Gulf Charcoal LIGHTER FUEL ---------- quart 43c 16 Oz. Jar 18c COFFEEMATE ----- jar 79c btl, 39c SCHOOL SUPPLIES NOTEBOOK PAPER 500 ct. 69c Barbara Dee Assorted ea. 59c COOKIES ----- 3 pkgs. $1.00 IGA ICE MILK ALF GAL. 49c Kraft Whipped Parkay MARGARINE-------- 1 lb. pkg. 49c Breakstone COTTAGE CHEESE -----1 lb. pkg. 39c IGA STRAWBERRIES k FROEN FODS I SIGA LEMONADE 6 69z ans 10 oz. 29c -10 oz. 29c Sara Lee POUND CAKE ----- 12 oz. 79c COOL WHIP ----9 oz. pkg. 59c SHOWBOAT Pork & Beans 4 Adorn (Reg.-Ha mm a m _3 lb. can Tablerite Beef N. Y. Boneless STRIP STEAK --- b. $2.99 $1.98 Taberite Beef CHUCK STEAK------Ib. 69c Tablerite PORK STEAK -------b. 59c o 29 2 % rd to Hold) (Reg. $1.59 Val.) 6.3 Oz. HAIK SPRAY .-can .29 Gel (Reg.-Hard to Hold) (Reg. $1.35 Val.) 8 Qz.Btl. DIPPY D 0 btl. $109 Rinse (Reg: or Lemon) (Reg. $1.59 Val.) 8 Oz. Btl. TAME CR EME --- btl. O C Georgia LARGE CHECKED EGGS 3Doz Ga. Grade,'A'. SMALL EGGS 3 Doz 88c ...... KRAFT Bar-B-Q Sauce 18 OZ. BOTTLE IGA With $1,.00 Order or More Canned Drinks 1Ca 88 IGA With $10.00 Order MAYONNAISE QUARTS 49 c IGA Potato Chips 49c BUY! LOOK WHAT 12c WILL Golden Ripe Single BANANAS------ b. l Tender Frying Okra -------- b. Green Garden Cabbage---------lb. Green Pascal Celery ---------stalk Golden Carrots--------- bag Crisp Radishes -------- bag Green Onoins bunch VINE RIPE TOMATOES Green Boiling Peanuts-----4 lb. bag $1.00 Red or Green Delicious Apples ------ 3 lb. bag 49c Rich's Brings the Farmer's Market Direct To You. We Still Have Quality "' VEGETABLES FOR FREEZING Fresh At Prevailing Market Prices. Peas, Butterbeans, Okra, Yellow Squash Fancy Peaches Bags SQUASH, OKRA Bagged for your Convenience Cukes or Green Peppers --- bag. 29c RED RIPE Delicious APPLES Make RICH'S your Headquarters for Fall Garden Needs. Now arriving, Variety of bulk seeds and onion sets. Commercial and Lot Fertilizer. 5-10-15, 8-8-8, 10-10-10. Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 39c Budget 1 Lb. Pkgs. SLICED BACON 3 pkgs. $1.00 Ga. Grade 'A' With $15.00 Order or More ____ 1 Idoz. EGGS...FREE -- Ilb. 23c lb. 23c ---- lb.49 Ib. 19c PAQ ft All I ~S!fEEVBn'' SAVE CASH AT RICH'S -NO'T STAMPS f in 4MKTHUIJRS4YSE '-59PTEMIEOR .2,- 1971 they returned to Nashville, Mr. B. all meetings concerning this ion- returned to Mexico Beach with his ing. We are very grateful to him young brother,. Jeff, to pick up the for his assistance. He has been car which, the Staceys had given assisted by Lt. Gatlin, a volunteer to them. This was Jeff's first trip who resided in Mexico Beach', bit . to Florida, and- he was delighted now lives at the Base; with the opportunity of swimming On Monday morning the tem- in the warm Gulf waters. perature was down to 72 degrees, An accident caused by his lawn and it. seemed like an early fall mower put M-Sgt. Golden T. Ball day. But the' summer days aren't all gone and we'll have many more sunny days., M rs. Williams- Lacey and Juanita Robbins of Arkan'sas, who were once resi- STak n *by aD th dents of Mexico Beach, were re- T cent visitors of the Harry Youngs on Seventh Street. Mrs. Eva C.Williams, 58, passed ' away Tuesday of last week in a Panama Ciy niirsing home. She had been a resident of Wewahitch- Thrift Shop ka since '1925 and-was employed by. Owens Drug Store in Wewa- om e s . lhithka for a number of years. a ,,. Mrs. Williamns is survived by her husband, Thomas 0. Williams of The pick-up and marking com- Wewahitchka; one son, James H. mittee for September will be Mrs. and a daughter, Mrs. Myrtice Dean L. Copenhaver, 227-5556; Mrs.,Roy both of Wewahitchkai three grand- Gibson, 227-7421 and Mrs. Wes children,. Philip Dean, Mrs. Diane Thompson, 229-4492. Anyone de- Redman and Mrs. Jeanie Flowers; siring to make donations of arti- two great grandchildren, Monica cles to the Hospital Auxiliary Redmaii and James Canter; three Thrift Shop may call one of these step grandchildren, Steve, Larry ladies and have your articles and Anthony Canter; four brothers picked up. You may bring them Manuel, Fred, Mason and Grover to the Thrift Shop on Thursday Collinsworth of DeFuniak Springs; mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. one sister, Mrs. Beulah Alford of if you wish. DeFuniak Springs. I The Auxiliary welcomes all do- Funeral services were held at nations of good, clean clothes and Glad Tidings Assembly of God small household items. Church in Wewahitchka last Thurs- The Thrift Shop gives its thanks day afternoon at 3:00 p.m. Ser- to the following people who gave vices were conducted' by Rev. merchandise during the month of Claude E. McGill. Interment was August: in the family plot in Jehu Ceme-; Mesdames Hughie Patterson, J. tery. 'A. Garrett, Ray Kilpatrick, John Services were under the direc- Lewis,, Tom Coldewey, John R. tion of Comforter Funeral Home. Smith, Leonard Belin, Barbara .- ,. ,- - - NO.1 EXHAUST SYSTEM SUPPLY CENTER Meeting exhaust system needs Is a demanding business - you need your muffler now, and it has to be right in every way quality, price and fit, INSTANT CAPABILITY la meeting exhaust system needs is a large part of our business. That's why INSTANT AVAILABILITY of mufflers, pipes and accessories for all types of vehicles FAST witl the right quality, right fit and right price has made us the No. 1 exhaust system supplysource in this area. (4NAPAI Ioudmser MUFFLERS PIPES ACCESSORIES, DISTRIBUTED IN THIS AREA BYl ST. JOE AUTO PARTS CO. 201 Long Avenue Phone 227-2141 SEE YOUR NAPA SERVICE DEALER GET YOUR FREE COPY OF "CAR REPAIRS...,, FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOQW". SHOP DANLEY' lle" Shows Her Joe Rotary Club "Lady Called Camil About Mexico Talents to Port St., n The film, "A Lady Called Ca- SB ea chJoe Rotary Club at their regular by RELLA WEXLER meeting last Thursday. The film showed the strength S. .and destruction of the killer hur- ricane "Camille" as it his the On a recent Saiturday the'bright (retired) into the Tyndall Hospital Mississippi coast two years ago early morning sun shone on a for four weeks. While cutting his in the Biloxi and Bay St. Louis sparkling (tulf and on a fleet of lawn, Ball inadvertently came too areas. The storm carried the about 16 small boats, making it close to the blade and amputated winds ever known in a hurricane Seem that a regatta Was in evi- two of the toes of his right foot. 'striking the coast at 200 miles *dence. This was a pretty scene, al- The Mexico Beach Zoning Com- most like a picture postcard 'of mittee met in the Town Hall with Watts, Sidney Brown, Wayne Hen- Mexico Beach. Don' Hine of the Northwest Florida drix, Lamar Hardy, Wes Thonip- Registration books are open aSOd Development Council and Lt. John son, .Red Pari "r, Selma Lamber. will closeon 'October 2, 1971. Be'Gatlin, representing the Town of son Myra Lancaster, 'Billy Rich, sure to register for local, county, Mexico Beach. Councilmen Pollye Wayne Taylor, Tom Parker, Ralph state and national elections. Hays and Ernest. Thursday are Swatts, the American Legion, Pol- Four of our young people, 18 to committee members. They corn- lock's Cleaners and Carp's De. 21, have Baready registered, and pleted their plans for the zoning apartment Store. we are happy to have Ab St. John, of M. B. and will now present them Ed Holland, Chris Earley and the to the Council and the citizens for youngest Mrs. Hays on our regis- adoption as an ordinance. It is tration rolls. hopeful that all plans for the zon- Mr. and Mrs.a John (Linda) Brink- ing will be completed and adopted ley of Nashville, Tenn., visited her before the end of the year. Don parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Stacey Hine resides in Panama City and for several daJys. Three days after has been in constant attendance at Nk, Extension Line by CUBIE LAIRD COUNTY EXTENSION DIRECTOR (Florida Cooperative Extension Service of the Univer- sity of Florida and Gulf County Board of County Comn- Crossbreeding cattle is one of throughout North America. In theb the quickest and most effective Gulf Coast area, back in the early methods for improving the lot of 1930's Braham-British crosses were the beef producer and increasing common h o w e v e r elsewhere total efficiency of beef production, throughout the 1950's profession- It is one practice from which the als and breed associations still cattle industry and consumers a- generally discouraged crossbreed- like can profit and one of the few ing cattle. They gradually realized effective things that can be ac- that there is no conflict of interests complished with little or no in- between the purebred Industry crease in economic input into a and crossbreeding for commercial beef cattle enterprise, production but rather that they Planned crossbreeding programs are dependent one upon the other. for commercial beef cattle pro- Likely most important of all, the duction are spreading rapidly concept gradually dawned that hy- S THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY FOR EXTRA SAVINGS ENRICH YOUR HOME WITH THE SPLENDOR OF 1 D2ITERRIAEA5 SYXE In Villa Oak Finish 1" ';'0 I"4 1111Tim If you've priced Mediterranean styled bed- -room, suites, then you know this Villa Oak finished group is a truly fabulous buy. You'll love the bold massive lines, the antiqued brass hardware, the exquisite design over- lays-on drawer fronts, plus protective tops of mar, stain and scratch resistant plastic. Construction is excellent quality too with center-guided, dust-proofed drawers. With this suite you really get so much in beauty ,and quality for so very little. 1% CA f77 JV ' We Finance Our Own Accounts WE WILL BE OPEN Monday, Sept. 6 LABOR DAY 10:00 to 4:00 Shop Danley's Monday for Special Discount GIVEN EVERY HOUR WE ARE OPEN ON MONDAY Complete with FREE STAND Sylvania 18" PORTABLE TV------ $169.00 In Easy to Care for Vinyl Upholstery Solid Oak Frame Foam Reversible Cushions SOFA and CHAIR-- --$159.00 Vinyl Covers Molded back Choice of Colors SWIVEL ROCKER----- $59.00 Speed Queen Automatic Washer 2 Complete Cycles 0 3 Water Temp. Settings $199.00 MATCHING SPEED QUEEN 15. ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYER ............ $ 59.00 I *'I Day Week End Specials Jamison Sweet Slumber Supreme Sleep Set Mattress and t Box Spring Set bi pi I' per hour and leveling everything in its path. Tides of 20 to 30 feet above normal devastated the wa- terfront, ot add to the wind's havoc. The storm lunged inland and caused destructive floods in Ken- tucky and Virginia, before blow- ing out into the' Atlantic where it finally died. At the meeting Thursday, the Rotary Charity Ball. announced a gift of $500.00-to the Troop 47 Boy Scouts for the purpose of renovating the Scout Hut on Tenth Street. Guests of the club were Jack Peeples of Jacksonville, Sam Scott and Gale Golvin of Monti- cello and Harry Faulk of Apa- lachicola. ~ I 1 brids (crossbreeds) actually do out- perform straighbreds. It is inter- esting to note that this concept ras an essential feature in the development of hybrid corn also. It is predicted that some of the new breeds such as Simmental and Limousin will be used to a signi- ficant extent in crossbreeding. Improved purebreds are to pro- ducing improved crossbreeds what better designers are to producing better cars. Slow Moving Vehicle Emblems Some sources from which the slow moving vehicle emblems may be obtained are: 1. Florida Tractor Corp. P0.0. Box 2500 Jacksonville, Florida 32202 2. Safety Director N" Florida Farm Bureau 4350 S. W. 13th Street Gainesville, Florida, 32601 3. Ag-Tronic, Inc. Hastings, Nebraska, 68901 - a a I~~er r11E STAR. Pot.~. ,*, Pta. 2454 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1971 PAGE NINW d Adv. IN TH CIRCUIT COURT, t1- URMTIENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA,: IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. CASE '.O. 71-59 LLBANY RiMtHOMAS and wife, ,OPAL L. TBQMAS, Plaintiffs. 4vs-' p. M. McCLAMA and wife, ORACLE L'.McCLAMMA, DAVID ABARBANEL and wife, FRANCES E.' ABAANEhL, and CITY OF WEWAAITCHKA, a municipal corporation.. Ilk ULa- iuaAu. . NOTICE OF ACTION tTO: DAVID ABARBANEL and wife, FRANCES E. ABARBA- NEL, P. 0. BOX 84, STE. AGA- THE, DESMONTS, QUEBEC, CANADA. You are notified that an action to establish a public easement on the following property -in Gulf County, Florida: Commence at the Northwest corner of the Southwest %A of the Northeast U% of Section 36, T4S-R10W ?n Gulf County, Flor- ida; thence run North 27.38 feet . to the center line of a graded road; thence run N 89 degrees- 35' W 99.9 feet to the "East fight of way'.' line of S. R. No. 71 10c Sto -the "Point of beginning";- thence run S 89 degres-35' E 782.9 feet'along the center line of said graded road, to the end of said graded road; said road having an average width of 27 feet, and 13.5 feet lying right and left. of the center of road. has been filed against you and you are required- to serve a copy of your written defenses, if any, to it on CECIL G. COSTIN, JR., plain- tiff's attorney, whose address is 221 Reid Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida on or before the 20th day of September, 1971, and file the original with the clerk of this court either before service on plain- tiff's attorney or immediately thereafter; otherwise a default will be entered against you for the re- lief demanded in the complaint or petition. WITNESS my hand and the seal of this Court on August 13, 1971. /s/ GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk, Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida (SEAL) 4tc-8-19 NOTICE TO BID BID NO. 120 The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, will receive sealed bids on the fol- lowing item at the City Clerk's Of- fice, City Hall, Port St. Joe, Flor- ida, until 5:00 p.m., EST, Septem- ber 21, 1971. NEW 1972 MODEL 4-DOOR AU- TOMOBILE TO BE USED AS A POLICE PATROL CAR, WITH mounted on left side front door' SPECIFICATIONS AS LISTED post with inside control. BELOW: 13. Oil filter. 1, Battery,-70 amps; Alternator 14. Engine: 8 cylinder with min- -42 amps; and Amp Meter and imum 390 cubic inch displacement, Oil Pressure Gauge. 2 barrel carburetor. 2. Undercoated. 15. Heavy duty springs and heavy 3. Heavy duty Police seats, all duty shock absorbers. vinyl. 16. Electric 2 speed windshield 4. 15" wheels. wipers, minimum. 5. -Tires G-78-15 4 ply. 17. 119" wheelbase, minimum. 6. Automatic transmission. 18. Outside rear view mirrors- 7. Body type 4 door. R.H. and L.H. 8. Directional signals. 19. Power steering. 9. Color-black with white top, 20. Power disc brakes heavy white rear deck and upper one- duty fade resistant. half rear doors and fenders. 21. Heavy duty cooling system. 10. Factory heater and defroster. 22. All standard safety and pollu- 11. Factory air conditioner. tion control equipment for 1972 12. Spotlight, heavy duty type model cars. I~~~ ~ ~ I -~ --I _- -- -- - PrI ces good through Saturday, Sept.4, In the I , .following stores 510 ifthSt. PortSt. Joe, Fla. "Quantity Rights Reserved" . CAVE $1.24 ' %MARY&E ICE MILK (imit 1 w/Coupon & $7.50 or ignore order) Coupon good through Sept. 5, 1971 . QFwww SAVE 30c ^T^A^^X "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY WESTERN BEEF (Cut & Wrapped For Your Freezer At No Extra Cost) Whole Beef Rib A-:8 88 GRADE "A" FLA. OR GA. FRESH (Consists of. 3 Breast Qtrs., 3 Leg Qtrs., 3 Wings, 3 Necks & 3 Giblets) Box of Fryers..... 28c "Super-Right" Medium Size Pork SPARE' .: OcA RIBS b. 5 -> DON'T MISS THIS VALUE! S .'. Whole or Shank Halt LB 48c No Center Slices Removed All Flavors Yukon Club Special! BEVERAGES ... 10' 79c 4c off Label! (Kleenex Family Napkins %* o 4/$1J KLEENEX TISSUE .... 89 Sanitary Napkins (Boutique Bathroom Tissue k2 3/89c) K 0 TEX ... o. 79c SSTOCK-UP ON THiS NE All Flavors Special I Process American or Pimento Sliced Special I FRISKIES DOG FOOD 7 ,. $1.00 KRAFT CHEESE ..... '. 39c * Vlasic Mild 4c off Labell Kraft Special i JUMB ' Sweet Pickles qt. jar 59c MIRACLE MARGARINE..c 35c ROLL Lemon Juice Special Musselmann's Special ! REALEMON .. .. l 69c APPLE SAUCE ... *. 39c Underwood Corned Beef, Chicken Spread or Cat Food (Meat, Liver or Fish) Special! Jane Parker Freshly Baked DEVILED HAM ... ... 49c PUSS 'N' BOOTS.. 6 a $1.00 DUTCH APPLE PIES *i A&P 5-Hole Filler Paper.... .Pg. 88c A&P Ruled Canary Pencil Tablet.'c, 39c A&P Wirebound Composition Book Ec6 49c A&P Typing Paper Ta: .. 5sol. 29c A&P Steno Book . o-l. 29c Filio 3-Ring Nylon Binder ..... 49c A&P Lawn & Leaf Bags...... 59c A&P Trash Can Liners ..... 40-C.. $1.99 A&P Sandwich Bags....... so-.. 2/49c A&P Plastic Wrap .. . 0,2/49c Hefty Trash Can Liners ..... o. $1.49 Hefty Trash Can Liners.......2C. 1. Oc Glad Sandwich Bags . coa, 2/65c Glad Garbage Bags . o-. 43c Glad Trash Bags o-. 69c Glad Yard Leaf Bags ... 5-. 69c Glad Wrap . . 200o.-t.R 53c S SAVE 29c Special ! S. Sit 49c Jane Parker Frank or Special I SANDWICH ROLLS .....12' 33c Jane Parker Regular, Sandwich or Extra Thin Sliced WHITE BREAD ..... 4 o$1.0 Ann Page MAYONNAISE Jar 9c c I -- 23. Twin two beam revolving bea- cohs mounted on roof cross-bar in- stalled on car. Beacons minimum, 8" high, 8%" diameter, color blue, 12 volt. 24. Siren, 12 volt; enamel finish; underhood mounted; minimum 8" long, 7%" high, 6" diameter, high pitch. 25. Heavy duty steel wire mesh safety cage installed behind front seat extending from floor to roof of car. 26. Latest model 100 watt mobile radio transmit and receive, fully transistorized and installed in auto with adequate aerial. Radio to be same as or equal to "Master" or "Motrar" with "Extender" circuit- ry. All bids must quote total price F.O.B., Port St. Joe, Florida, and approximate delivery date. Bids must be marked "Bid on Police Car." The City of Port St. Joe re- serves the right to accept or re- ject any or all bids received. C. W. BROCK 8-26 City Auditor and Clerk 4t Cycles Must Burn tights 'During Day TALLAHASSEE Florida's daytime headlight law for mo- torcycles should help save lives or riders the Highway Patrol said today. "Beginning September 1, the new law will require motorcyc- lists to have headlights turned on at all times while in opera- tion during daylight hours," said Patrol Director, Colonel Reid Clifton. A study made by the Patrol re- vealed that motorcycle accidents increased 36 per cent in 1970 over the previous year. Clifton feels that the new law is for the benefit of motorcycle riders by making them more vi- sible to other drivers. Motor- cycles are more difficult to see than larger vehicles and. their speed and distance are often hard to judge. A Clifton concluded by urging motorcyclists "to comply with the law in order to be seem and not hurt. A rider has little chance of escaping injury when struck by an automobile." Bond Sales Up In Florida and Gulf July sales of Series E and H United States Savings Bonds in Florida were $10.2 million up $3.9 million over July 1970. Sav. ings Bonds sales in the state to, taled $70 million during the firsi seven months of the year ur $13.1 million over the same period a year ago. Florida reached 71.1% of its annual Savings Bonds sale! goal July 31 which is 9.4% abov( its projected sales attainment foi the seven months. Walter C. Dodson, Gulf Count, Volunteer Savings Bonds Chairmai reported July Bond sales in th< county were $10,025. He stated tho county had achieved 54.4% of it annual sales goal July 31. The county chairman noted tha the Series E Bond, which smal savers can purchase through thi Payroll Savings Plan where the: work, represented 93% of Florid& Savings Bonds sales this year. Thi Series H Bond accounted for thi remaining 7%. CLASSIFIED ADS Midoet Investments with Giant Retur il BE A DO-IT-YOURSELF EXTERMINATOR Kontrol- A-Bug GUARANTY NOM M NO STAIN Kite a3l Cmwbsesctl ,TrEataEftn Hme k EftTnSt MINUTES! DIXIE CHEMICAL COMPANY 0K 5188-.JACXSOVILL,. FLA. 32207 available at St. Joe Hardware Rich's IGA Otis Stallworth Grocery Roberson's Grocery Ferrell Building Supply -we care- A&P STORES WILL BE CLOSED LABOR DAY, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 6 'Super-Right' Extra Lean-3 lbs. & over Grade 'A' Fla. or Go. Fr. Legs, Thighs or Brst. w/Ribs. CLOROX BLEACH Fresh Ground Beef lb. 63c FRYER PARTS ... ,C 58c Gih G 1/ I c al. C "Super-Right" Beef CLUB, CHARCOAL or "Super-Right" All Meat (Limit I w/Coupon $7.50 or more order. RIB STEAKS . $1.48 SKINLESS FRANKS .. o'. 48c Coupon good through Sept. 5, 1971 Swift Quick Frozen-2 lb. pkg. A&P Ready Made (Macaroni Salad 14-oz. 394c t SAVE 19c Turkey Roast pkg. $2.99 POTATO SALAD ... 49c ARRID SPRAY DEODORANT With Extro Dry -9z. c wIthout c Coupon Isplr an S 1. ^ (Limit 1 w/Coupon & $7.50 or more order) Coupon good through Sept. 5, 1971 SISAVE 45c Vw ' OA&P H Ie FILLER PAPER With 300-Ct. c W Coupon Pkg* -2 9 59c (Limit 1 w/Coupon & $7.50 or more order) oo t SA V E 30c moo DON'T MISS THIS VALUE! ,q Large Firm Ripe Special!I FRESH PEACHES .. .. 5B$1.00 All Purpose Yellow Onions 3 lb. bag 39c Fresh, Sweet, White Special ! SEEDLESS GRAPES 39c Firm, Ripe, Mountain Grown Fresh Tomatoes ----lb. 29c SunlhMn. .oKal Kon B.ee Chunks Hydrox Cookiesrh. "69c Dog Food 31 c Sugo, Subltltuf. KaI Kan Md c..n rarm Sweet 'N' Low ;;. 89c Dog Food 29c Thlt Q ncing Koi K. n Beef Chunk 24.. Gatorade 3'". 3/$1. Dog Food .2 45c e"..ri -Bapanas A GOLDEN RIPE I Til gTA*ftrO t.t S46. Jwd" MTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1 71 ., WHATYOUHOULDRIKNOWN jP ABOUT YOUR PRESCRIPTION: Over one million accidental poisonings occur yearly. A frightening number, overone third, happen to children under five. The National Safet Council Report lists over 1800fatalitesfromaccidental poisonings in a recent year ..practilty 296 of all accidental deaths in the home. By observing a few simple rules you can prevent one of these tragedies fromp happenng't6 your family. Prevent acciden- tal poisonings by kieelngpolsons out of the.reach of chil- , dren and clearly label all poisonous substances. If poison-. S .ng doJ d occur, call a doctorimmediately, then administer S emigency treatment. If you're unsure of the proper first-' ,al fo'poisonilng procedure, now is a good time to learn it. -- -... .,- .w -_' *.af j_^L-.St.. fl,.*D ,,.lI bhnr,*,'at"f Ic f olfree oisonnuaetdoteChartatouur nexa" arma y pouithern Florida can be 'fotind-----d -- the necessarily high toll of tragic nowhere else in the United at. species of plants and the Edison udeai hbodue t accdenrtl polsoningl Botanical Gardens in Ft. Myers. " Here are just a few of the many long with thL Edison home you'll Fbr th. e h-igheS.tpharmaceutical standards, low prices places you can go to see impres- see fiveactbsof gardensand nine q disilays of 'orname nta' acres of experim ental, and obser- .ithquayandthepersonaittntio yousi dislaysofornamentallants. vatonal eplatings' o lants from FOR SALE: C Cornet., Practically FOR RENT: One bedroom and WANTED: Students for piano Salys depend UpOn bring your prescriptions to Killearn Gardens in Tallahassee all over the world new. 106 Beamy Circle Phone bath of trailer available to male sons. Phone 227-3411. 2t- h a n bn yr displeay oaens Talplanss a 229-2021. 2tc-9-2 renter in Tallahassee. Phone 229W OUR P ARMACY adapted to west Florida. If you .tropical plants, the 2636, motr. Johnson or- uEvinrude, 4 are on th east coast don't miss area is unsurpassed. The Fairchild FOR SALE: Uped high chair. $5.00. h - re on t east coast don't miss Tropical Gardens in Coconut Grove Phoine 229-2621. ip FOR RENT: House at St. Joe Beach to 6 1. p-8-2 the Oriental Gardens in Jackson-has over eighty, acres of tropical 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. On the wa- uzzett s rug eThe specialty tre here is aza l;tro ts Iomall,, FOR SALE:2 bedroom house, block terfront. Call 229-6225. 2t-8-2 tADIES UIS h & .e~ .a st leas and hydrangeas. ropcc, :tt, carpaeta r. ... Ta ai _sv______ 1 w servicing wigs and over the world including many litioned: 523 7th St .27-067. tfc FOR RENT: 1 bedroom furnished bair pieces in my home. It 317 .'Williams Avenue .o hFis4ne 227-33S i.' Moving down -state you come to rare and-exotit species of palms, and 2 bedroom furnished art ou have human hair ar syn- .ve-.n Window .Service i Plenty of Free Parki the University o Floridarin Gaines. orchids, bromeliads,., etc. Also in FOR SALE: House at 416 First St., ment. Phne 229-6168. tfc-9-2 et ha y s iko ville. The campus itself has hun- Coconut Grove is -the U in Highland View. 6 rooms and low prices dreds of ornamentals planted -in Plant Introducti Gardens which screened front porch. Hot and cold FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished WIGS FOR SALE S. .a natural setting of native pines are similar to Fairchild Gardens water ,shady lot, 40x150 feet for downstairs apartment. 522%Y CALL 229-311 o 227-4853 is Pa-tterson ,Kiwaniis Club Fete and hardwoods: The Ornamental but contain many mature speci less than $2300. 1 dining table, all Third St. Phone 227-8647. tfc-9-2 9-24 JANICE STOKES tfc VaIS FSOerson l *MWIUU | IW Horticulture Department has plant- mens and a wide variety of'palms. oak and cedar, beautiful block top --. . GuestS at Cookout ings and research plots of many Also in Miami is te P arrot Jun- with turn" top, $55.00. See at 16 FORRENT: Unfurnished 2 bed- S 5 Mer Coniue from Page,5)subs tre ad smsoemn-efiamioiswearrotJun-eroom clean house. Laundry and FOR. SALE 45 hp Mercury with, (Contiued from Page5) ubs,trees and sometime flowers. gle with twenty acres of tropical Firs t. Highland View. tfc8-19 storage room. Large shady yard. Sportscraft boat and trailer. See anna, radar .ts of the bride T P J- e K i' 'l TheWinot MemorialGarde'has I Automatic heat. Phone 227-8536 at Stafford's Grocery, White City. Mr.and rs. dldais Pa enoye a cook uesd a .extensive' collection of holies, in a natural hammock set- FORSALE: Nice bedroom house after 500 p.m. WANTED:At least 500 persons at- Cherry and Lisa also of Marian-. noon at Raffel's Fisheries on azaleas, camellias and other na corner lots at White City on 2 FOR RNT: Furnished apartments tending each service of the Bud- -,a; Mrs. Don Patterson, Sr, of the banks f the Gulf Countyi 'and nonnative ornamentals lots. $5,500. Phone 227-4436. tf4-29 and taier space. Bo's Wimico dyMathis revival meeting..in Port Little Rock, Akansas, grandn- canal. I further south, in the center of rae Kitchen FOR SALE Two bedroom home, White City. Phone 229-241 t. Joe Septeber 3-5. 5t8 erof-the groom; Mr. a Mrs On the enu .was fish chowder, the state, is Bok Singing Tower and l* JlJ.a T0AI Air conditioning, carpet, furni- FOR SALE 1961 Chevrolet with WORK AT HOME and make cash D.on Patterson, Jr., and Mu ie of 'tfrie nmullet, -hush puppies ad Cypress Gardens. The garden at UV ture, washer,. dryer, water softener o 14 r mon inyour sare time Sen azen, Arkansas; Mr. and rs. otato salad. Chefs wre Kiwanians ]'Bk Tower, in, ake ale Waeis s eoachlaie tX fence, tool hose. pace eoio ne tor. 196 H- sona' insy o r s i. J. M. Huize(, Marianna; Mr. and Walter Dodson abid Gene Raffield. reniftyat'its finest and the lakg Miss Deborah lene Graves, for gar eh..Contact C. D..Harvey, ley-Davidson motorcycle. 74,cu. n s.-tamped self-addressed envelope - ., .Mr -5c-D- u 1965 Mercury motor withL elMaiers, s. George Cre, d rs. The Kivtanianh invited about 15 tree 'ferns are magnificent. Cy- daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wiulam fiberglass boat and two sets Road, La Grange, Texas 78n45. Newton Petty and Carolyn of guests to meet with them and en- press Gardens, near Winter Haven, i. Graves 'of Hopewell, Virginia, FOR SALE or RENT: 3 bedroom of s allI 229-6619 tfc-9-2 4tc-8-12 Port St. Joe. 'joy the delicious seafood dinner. is famous for it's ski shows but formerly of Port St. Joe was mar.; house. Dining room, living room, 1. C 2 .- -- I ^^^, ,, ,ried to John Addison Kitchen, Jr.,, kitehen, breakfast Inook. $800 down FOR SALE: Barbara's 1965 Mus- IHELP WANTED: Waitress an% of Prince George, Va., August 14. and take up payments of $76.40 tang convertible. Excellent con- bar maid. Apply in person at# seRendLtakeussepastor i..."Inpttc The Rev. Llian Russell, pastor, for nine years. Fourth and Beaty, edition. New tires, new paint,'1972 'Bhtler's Restaurant. tfc--2 C O'n I'"' *' of the Blanford 'Methodist Church in White City. Call 229-4094. tfc I tag. Reasonable price. Call B. G. :, ,. .,. .;: :', :; officiated. Buzzett at 227-3371 or 2293261. HEATH RADIO & TV REPAIR The couple will make their home FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. FROR'"CALE30 Frigidair-stove .Color Specialists" i.PiSALE: 30" All Work Gu aranteed P E I, Geirge Virginia. nFrigidaire kefriger tor, 2'painted PAlWork Gu ,_________ Y .-du .elt... chest of drawers, gas heaer, 7 ,29-.8. 5 S.fc-7-29 .condi FOR APPLIANCE, heating and rec Eta 'Upsion Observes tian blinds. Items in good condi-I frigeration repairs call 229-.623 . IN UPTOWN HIGHLAND VIEW 1 "P :FOR. RENT: Furnished large one tion 1502 L Ave., Phoe 229" -- STheir 'Beginning Day bedroom apartment with pepar- 420. 2tp-8-26 TOMLINSON RADIO V i OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 700 P.M. ate dining room, auto. heat and FOR SALE: 1969 Parkwood 12x60 Phone 229-6532 The Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta large yard. Phone 227-8536 after 2-bedroom mobile home. Phone Corner First St. and Reid Ave. Specials for Thursday, FrdaySatur Sept. 2, 3 and 4 Sigma Phi held their Beginning 5:00 p.m:; tfc-85 229-3686. f729 Color and B&WTV Repairs DayT and Ritual of Jewels Sunday o nlyOR SALE: Stereo. "Also, furniture Antent Repairs SM ; afternoon, August 29, at the Flor. FOR RENT: For adults only. Fur- FOR SALE: StereO. Also, future Antenna Repair With $0.0 Or r or e ida Power unge. nished apt., living room, bed- refinishing and repairs. Furni- 9RAU15 AThe pledges for the year were chen. Phone 229-1352. tfc-8-5 See at shop, 403 Madison St., Oak Buford Griffin.. Phone 229-2937 lI P Helen Armstrong, Sue Crawford, Grove. William Hall, 227-5906. 7-15 or 229-3097. S, 4 97 CFreida Jacobs, Tillie McKieran, OR SALE 1967 Camp -- Tel Eloise Norris and Sybil Pitzl. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR SALE: 19 amp.PROIESSIONAL HELP with emo- .III a r n 1 0Y .2 ofeeton.. pr ..e. an '/or4conce--s. Our Value With Order China Doll Shortening 3 b. can 59c Baby Limas ------ Ib. 19c Hormel' White I Chili with Beans 3 cans $1.00 POTATOES -----10 Ibs. 59c China Doll Fresh Blackeye Peas 12ioz. 15c CARROTS --- bag 15c ' Fresh Grade "" Limite Whole FRYERS Ib. 29c Fresh Good Beef PORK RIBS -------- b. 39c Rib Steak -- b. 99c Fresh Center Cut Rib First Cut Sliced Ends and Pieces Pork Chops .lb.77c 1 ib. 47c BAC ON ... 4 b. pkg. 79c Fresh Home Made Good Heavy Beef Panitiysage------- lb. 69c Rump Roast-------lb. 89c Delicious, Tender Fresh Pork 7-Bone Steak ------b. 79c Neck Bones -- 4 Ibs. 79c All Meat Fresh Stew Beef --------b. 8c PIG FEET-------I-b. 15c Boneless Trimmed Fresh Chuck Roast -------lb. 89c HOG MAWS -------lb. 29c Shoderoud St . Round Steak' Ib. 89c ROBERSON'S GROCERY HIGHWAY 9R HIGHLAND VIEW McCormick-Richter iContinutd from Page 4) a burganlyIknit dress which she wore with matching accessories and a pink carnation corsage. The bride's parents hosted a i reception 'in the social hall of. the church following the wed- ding. Mrs. Pat Hartley, sister of the bride, kept the bride's book. Mrs. Louise Richards, sister of the groom, Mrs. Betty Folsom, sister of the bride helped serve the guests. For' traveling the bride wore an A-line dress of pastel pink knit with white accessories. The bride is a 1967 graduate of Port St. Joe High School. The groom also attended Port St. Joe High School and is presently em- ployed at Great Northern Paper Company in Cedar Springs, Geor- gia. The couple will reside in Ja- kin, Georgia. NOTICE CHANGE of MEETING DATE Public notice is hereby given that the Board of County Com- missioners of Gulf County, Florida has changed its regular meeting of September 14, 1971 to Septem- ber 7, 1971. BOARD of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLA. S. C. PLAYER, Chairman attractively furnished Special Weekly Rates MOTEL ST. JOE Phone 2-9021 FOR RENT: One bedroom and pri- vate bath. 528 corner of Sixth Street and Woodward Ave. 2tp9-2 FOR RENT: Furnished house at St. Joe Beach. For more infor- mation call 648-7915. tfc-7-29 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom apartment. 1317% Long Ave. Ph 227-7772. tfc-7-22 FOR RENT: Furnished .beacb cot. tages. Reasonable mouthly rtes. Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfe Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe ( EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. KHILPATRICK Funeral Home and Ambulance Service Prompt-Efficient-Courteous Telephone 227-2491 p .... tV ... .. ..-L ional problems and/or concerns. ton truck. Now on- trailer, can be Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port remounted. Call 648-6455. 4tp-8-12 St. Joe, Florida 229-3621 or on emergency basis, Rev. C. Byron FOR SALE: AKC reg. German Smith, Port St. Joe, Florida 227- shepherd pups. 2 white. 6 weeks 5041. tfcA4-18 old and 4 silver grey pups 7 wks. old. Phone 227-8536. tfc-8-5 FOR FOR SALE: AKC Irish setters. $50 AMBULANCE SEIRvic each. Have shots and wormed. -' Call 229-4094. tfc-7-1 In Wewahitchka-a" l FOR SALE: 14' plywood runabout' boat. 12 hp motor and trailer, $225.00. Good fishing outfit. Call Apalachicola 653-3201 or 6538789. WANTED TO BUY: No frost deep freezer and Volkswagen motor for '67 VW. Call Bill Carr, 229- 6474. tfc-8-26 NEEDED: Two paper boys for Florida Times-Union. Phone 229- 6109. tfc-9-2 We Specialize in 'Re-Roofs Shingles Build-up. Guaranteed - BILL MAYO ROOFING CO. 17 Years Experience Phone 785-1608-912 Kraft Ave. Panama City, Fla. RAY'S TRIM SHOP Complete Upholstery Service "We aim to please you Every Time" 602 Garrison Ave. Phone 229-6326. FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate Guarantee on labor and materials Low down payment. Phone 227- 7972. -Port St. Joe -CALLU-- Comforter Funeral Home 227-3511 C. P. Etheredge 518 Third'Street Port St. Joe, Pla. Plumbing and Electrical Contractor Call 229-4996 for Free Eatimlet RA.M.-Regular convocation on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.AJM 1st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All visiting companions welcome. JOSEPH PIPPIN, H. P. H. T. WEST, Secretary WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, STHE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- 'ing first and third Tuesday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular emu- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every Mfrst and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m. -Af CHARLES R. JOLLY. W.M.| PERRY J. McFAPLAND, Seeft I IBI r IIL -~-I "" '" "~- ting and the University of Miami H D t campus with it's plantings and ex- HighwayPatrol Predits 24 V 1/ Flori a Uperimental plots of tropical and Highay Patrol Predicts 24 Deaths Florida out to Miami Beach and see the annual flowers along the streets, the effective use of plants at Lin- TALLAHASSEE The Florida last year revealed that speed Gecoln Mall and the plant conser- Highway Patrol today predicted the greatest single cause in the a rd e atory near the convention center.I that 24 persons will die in traffic fatal accidents investigated. Twe r h convention cent. accidents in the state during the ty-seven persons died during that, Nl i If you are interested in tropical 78-hour Labor Day holiday period. Labor Day weekend with 18 o o t s fruits, try the area around Home- The official period begins at the fatalities occurring in rurat stead, Florida including the Sub-16:00 p.m., Friday, September 3, areas. by SHANNON SMITH tropical Experiment Station. Theoand ends at midnight, Monday, The Patrol has made plans to use ..fS ^ Fennel Orchid Jungle is nearby September 6. every available trooper and auxil- Home Grounds Specialist and you can see their thirty acre Colonel Reid Clifton, director iaveryman, unmarked patrol cars, University of Florida display of thousands of species of ^ Patrol^ said, "The last real aircraft, raaar and 400. VASCAR Orchids. holiday of the summer will find speed computers on Florida high- If you will visit just a few of the a tremendous number of families ways hoping to reduce jhe traffic placesmentioned you'll agree that on streets and highways traveling fatality prediction. - For the horticulturally-minded don't leave without seeing the gar- Florida is a paradise for the tour- to weekend vacation spots, beaches hlida weekend visitor, Florida is a real plant par- dens. When t.the azaleas, bougain- ist interested in Ornamental Hor- and parks. Past experience indi- ."Enjoy the last holiday weekend adise. We have so many gardens, villeas and flame vines are bloom- ticulture. All of you Florida re- cates that some of these people of the summerbdut don't let your parks and other plant display ing you won't find a more color- sidents should have already seen will not reutrn from their outing guard down -drive at speeds that areas that months could be spent ful spot. They also have numerous these gardens but if you haven't of fun. They will die in a traffic are reasonable, watch out for the just studying ornamental plants. other native and exotic plant ma- join the crowds. You just might accident." other driver's incorrect actions and The array of species is truly fan- trials. see some plants you' are not fa- A study of fatal accidents oc- Arrive Alive," concluded Colonel asc. A trip from north south Over on the. west coast you will' miliar with. curring during the holiday period Clifton. Florida will show the visitor plants find Sunken' Gardens in St..Peters- commonly growing temperate g with -subtopicalflowers, northernstates to plants common shrubs and trees,the Ringling Art only to the tropics. Many of the shu inarasnta wi th irty-a- ' subtropical and 'tropical plants in Musum in .arasota with thirtya- re ottirgninhin vrr* three hundred. _O . |