The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/01856
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: June 3, 1971
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:01856

Full Text





"Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachiola-Chattahoochee Valley"




City County Recreation Program Will

(rank Up June 14 with FltSchedule

The combined city-county sum-
mer"'recreation program will be-
gin on June 14, at all centers in
the Port St. Joe area,
Activities at all sites will be
approximately the same as held
last year. A complete schedule
and 'times of various activities
will be published in next week's
issue of The Star.
Sites of activity and personnel
involved in the program are as
Port St. Joe High School,
Wayne Taylor and Billy Versiga.,
Open6 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and
1:00 3:30 p.
Port St. Joe Elementary
School, Gerald Lewter'agd Bud-
dy Floore. Open 8:30 a.m. 'to
12600 noon and 1:00 to 3:30 p.m.
SSwimming, Monday and Priday.
morning and Tuesday and Thurs-
day afternoons. ':
SWhland .View Elemhentary,

Two Cars Collide
li Thursday Mishap

An estimated $1,250.00 in da-
mages was inflicted on two auto-
mdbiles at an accident at the in-
tersdction of Highwa j 8; and
*Memorial Way, accordidgit Port
St. Joe Police Patrolman IJames
'McGee, who was the inveftigat-"
ing officer. '.
The accident occurred t :t20
A M., last Thursday morning '
'McGee's accident report show-'
ed that ,an auto driven biiula
Mae Wilson, 320 Avenue ;'Dwas
stopped on Highway 98 waiting
for traffic to pass so she could.
make a left' turn into ADnn Me-
mtorial Way. Her car was struei
.from behind by a second auto,
drivenn by Marvin Lynn Barfield
Of Highland View, according to
the police report'.
Barfield was charged witAh
'failure -to have his vehicle 'under
'No injuries were reported as
a result of the accident.

Wayne Stevens. Open 8:30 a.m.
to 12:00 noon and 1:00 to 3:30

North Port St. Joe Gym, Clar-
ence Monette and Norris Lang-
ston, open 8:30 a.m. to 12:00
noon and 1:00 'to .3:30 p.m.
G6lf Course, Billy Barlow. Op-
en 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon and
3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Eighth' Street Tennis Court,
Allen Scott. Open 8:30 to 11:00
a.m. and 3:00 to Si:0 p.m.
STAC Hhpuse, Louise Parker.
Open 2:00 t 9:00 p.m.
Remedial or .developmental
reading will be heed at Port St.
'Joe Elementdry and' High School
and ligaind View Elementary.
A series of reinedial courses
will be offered at Port St. Joe
High School beginning June 21.

Softball Tourney
Being Shaped Up

The Tort St. Joe Quarterback
Club is making'plans tp sponsor
the largest so$ ..t tournament
ever held in POb Joe.
I kntts are being made to se-
cure 12 of the best teams in the
South 'to make up the field of
team entries. Two of the teams
will be from Mississippi. Confir-
mation should be received in a
few days from the 1970 National
runner-up, Jo's Pizza of Milton,
Buddy's Of Tallahassee and Per-
ry Sportcraft of Perry,
'The tournament winl be a
|wdk 'end affair o6*- ire 18, 19
;an'20. A minimumnk. S 2.games
will'be played with no admission
charge ifor any o6 the games.

Rifle Club Meets

'The Gult Rifle Club wll. bold
'their monthly meeting at ..the
Tarrish House Tuesday, .June 8,
at 7.'30 p.m.
All club, members. are urged
TO attend. All, interested persons
are also invited.

Seniors Proclaim "Its Our Time"

In Graduation Exercises Tuesday

It was a time for harvesting
82 adults Tuesday night, as Port
St. Joe High School gathered in
the results of 12 years of men-
ital cultivation and turned the
fruits out into society.
Steve Macomber quoted from
the third chapter of Ecclesiastes
"A time to live and a time 'to
die; a time to plant and a time
to harvest" in, introducing the
Seniors and their theme Tor the
graduation exercises, "A Time
for Us". And, it was their time.
Class president, Mike Wimber-

ly reminded those present,of two
other seniors--Wdter Gaffney
and Walter JbAin--who were
killed in an autonibile accident
and would not -> graduating
with their classmles.
Eight high ho.Ibr graduates
developed the Se ior theme in
short messages,' to remind the
audience that thSr were well
aware of ,what faced them as in-
dividuals and that they were
ready to meet the challenge.
Larry Copenhqver observed:
"It's time for usj to assume an

entirely new way of life. We
must think of the future and not
worry too much about the past".
Holly,Hendrix, who graduated
with the highest average among
her classmates, said: "Most Of
all, man needs a chance, cour-
age and the help of his fellow
man to make a success of his'
Patsy Roberson realized that
"creating castles in the sky isn't
enough. We must build these
castles on a firm foundation if
they are every to be realized."

Legionnaires o v War Dead

'Willis V. Rowan, Post 116, American Legson, commetnorating the war dead in every war 'since.
honrv.i|adff County's, war dead Monday, by plac-,' World Wer 1. Thirty-eight-of-the-crosses-gave-
ing .a ireoss aid' American -Fta -i"the-jnAdijjAt mute testimony-to Gulf's sacrifice to keep Ameri-
the intersection of Fifth Street and Highway 98,. ca"Free.- .--, -". -Star photo

Computers Now Used On Speeders
"' '' ': *," i< ,; ..

'Whe Florida Highway Patrol
can literally get you for speed-.,
ipg both coming and going how
with the aid of a new electronics
gadget being installed on every
patrol car in the state of Florida.
Ken Mirphy, veteran patrol-
man in Port St. Joe has the
new: gadget-a VASCAR (Visual
Average Speed Computer and
Recorder)--installed in his pa-
trol ar which he says gives the
patrolman a more accurate
check of a vehicle's speed with-
out mnany of the dangerous high
speed chases which were neces-
sary in the past. /
The mew gadget utilizes the
services of a small computer and
works by timing a car over a
measured distance for a period
of seconds; feeding the informa-
tion into the small computer and
returns an instant miles per
hour reading.
"In the past, we only suspect-
ed a car was spending which we
were meeting, and had to turn
around and give chase to verify
our suspicions" Murphy said.
"Now we merely relate the on-
coming car to any stationary ob-
ject in the road, from telephone
poles to dead 'coons, clock him
to his intersection with the pa-
trol car, measure the distance
from intersect to the stationary
object, feed the data into the
computer and we have evidence
which will convict the driver in
The device is also used by pa-
trolmen in their familiar "park-
ing observation" beside high-
ways. The trooper will merely
select hisa patming site, measure
to stationary objects in both di-
rections; and he, has a measured
course over. which to check cars
coming from both directions.
, "You can't cheat", Murphy
says, "By the time you realize

you :are approaching a patrol car
it's too 'late to start slowing
down.- You're already in his
sights' :and being clocked".
Mmrphy says the individual
patrolmen are required to check
the mew 'device for accuracy
every day over a measured

,course. "T2e 'had my machine
afr a oaufle off months now and
it's never 'been out of calibra-
tion", 3nrjily said, indicating,
the aezmaacy df the 'speed-mea-
suring device.
"Of course (our main duty is
encouraging safe driving habits

on Florida's highways", Murphy
.said. "The Patrol feels that it
motorists know they jan be
clocked accurately from any po-
sition or under any conditions,
we feel they will have a tenden-
cy to slow down and drive safe-

Carol Parker noted that "Love
is held in common by all genera-
tions. It is this cornerstone, be-
ing common to all, by which we
,can bring man and the world
Deborah Mallett offered the
opinion that the graduates "must
now remove the veil of child-
hood from our eyes and take
a realistic look at the world
around us."
Eddie Holland acknowledged
man's need for service by stat-
ing: "Where does one find life
truly worthwhile? By benefitting
our fellow man in whatever ca-
pacity we can."
Mike Wimberly said' "We
must all go through the fire of
tempering. We can' quit or hold
our heads high and go on to
Johnny Goodman paid tribute
to his educators and adults who
had helped the seniors saying:
"We must remember those who
have helped us with our educa-
tion and given us their support.
Then continue on to make our
lives an example for even oth-
ers to follow."
Marsha Player asked the ques-
tion: "What goals should we ac-
complish? They are many; but
until we find God in our lives,
all 'goals are impossible."
i In the presentation of awards
ceremony several of the Seniors
received recognition through
awards, scholarships and 'certifi-
cates of recognition. '
-Holly jlendrix and Mike Wim-
berly_received,.the Rotary. award
for citizenship.
Several American L e g i on
awards for excellence were pre-
sentedto- Ab- St.-John, science;
JEddie Holland, social studies,
English, math and citizenship.
Marshaa Player also received a

'Jonah and the Whale' Musical Drama

Being Featured Sunday In Local Church

The Long Avenue Baptist
Church will present, "Jonah and
the Whale", a musical drama,
this Sunday evening, June 6 in
their auditorium at 7:00 p.m.
This performance is jointly spon-
sored by the Ensley Baptist
Church of Birmingham, Alaba-
ma, and the St. Andrew Baptist
Church of Panama City. It is
being shown each evening, Tues-
day through Saturday, at Pan-
ama City Beach across from the
Miracle Strip Amusement Park.

Names Left Out of
Story Last Week
Due to an oversight in prepar-
ation of names of graduating
,seniors for publication last week
'two of the names were left off
flhe copy handed The Star.
Names omitted were William
J. Herring, Jr., and Margaret Ma-
The error is regretted.

The cast performs in differ-
ent churches in the area on Sun-
day evenings. The musical is a
presentation of the message of
Jonah from the Old Testament
in the language and music that
attracts the youth of today. It
concludes with an evangelistic
"Jonah and the Whale" con-
sists of the following cast:
Ken Flowers;, narrator and ar-
ranger of the music for Jonah.
Ken is a senior at the University
of Alabama where he is a pre-
law student.
Jacky Beck, who plays Jonah,
is a graduate of Samford Univer-
sity of Birmingham. Jacky's
plans are to enter Southern Sem-
inary in Louisville, Kentucky,
where he will be preparing for
the ministry.
Doug Bryant, who does a su-
perb job playing the part of the
whale, is a junior ministerial
student at Samford University.
Beginning their first year with
(Continued On Page 12)

Legion award for citizenship.
Carol Parker and John Good-
man received Gulf Coast Com-
munity College scholarships.
Deborah Mallet was presented
a $4,000 Southern School Re-
search Foundation scholarship.
National Foundation awards
to be used for medical education
or related subject, valued at
$200.00 each, went to Brenda
Redmon and Billy Rich.
A $300.00 scholarship was pre-
sented by Gulf County teachers
to Cathy Mclnnis.
Holly Hendrix received the
highest honor graduate award,
presented by Reader's Digest.
Norris Langston and Steve Ad-
ams received grants-in-aid from
Livingston State University.
A University of the South aid
scholarship went to Mike Wim-
The "I Dare You" awards
went to Billy Rich and Clara
Other awards went to LaNell
Chason, public speaking; David
Traece, dramatics; Chuck Rob-
erts, leadership and Richard
Combs, DCT.
In Baccalaureate services Sun-
day evening, Rev. Mill a rd
Spikes reminded the Seniors
they were living in a "souped up
age" and told them, "you're go-
'ing to have to run just to keep
Spikes advised the graduates
that "you do this by assuming
responsibility:. -Yon -can't-sit- be-"
side the road and cry'because
(Continued On Page 12)

Last Rites Held

For Mrs. Mims

"'f-uneral services were held
yesterdaY'aftenoon from the
Long Avenue Bapti rehfh for
Mrs. Lola Mims, age 64. "Mrs.
Mims passed away suddenly Mon-
day afternoon. Rev. J. C. Odum
officiated. Interment was in Hol-
ly Hill Cemetery.
Mrs. Mims had been a resident
of this area for the past 19 years
and was the owner and operator
of Mims Boarding House in Ken-
ny's Mill for a number of years.
She was a member of Long Ave-
nue Baptist Church.
Mrs. Mims is survived by
three daughters, Mrs. Robert
Whittle of Port St. Joe, Mrs. Ray
Ivey of Pensacola and Mrs. Adam
Mierzejewski of Clarksville, Ten-
nessee; one son, Ted Mims of
Columbus, Georgia; a daughter-
in-law, Mrs. Betty Mims of Port
St. Joe; two sisters, Mrs. Ruby
Clemons of Tuscaloosa, Ala,,
and Mrs. Sara V. Mills of Union
Springs, Ala.; nine grandchil-
dren and one great grandchild.
Active casketbearers we r e
Howard Epperson, Dot Haddan,
Jerry Barnes, J. 0. Lucas, Char-
les Smith and Abe Rushing.
Prevatt Funeral Home was in
charge of arrangements.

Suit Verdict Goes Against Gibson

Florida Highway Patrolman Ken Murphy
activates the VASCAR ,speed computation unit
in his patrol car.' The device was recently de-

For the second time in a six-
year slander suit, filed by pub-
lisher Joe Maloney of Apalachi-
cola against B. Roy Gibson, Jr.,
and the St. Joseph Telephone
Company, a verdict has been de-
livered in favor of Maloney. Ma-
loney was awarded. a $25,000
verdict last week against Gib-
son and the company.
Maloney, publisher of the Ap-
alachicola Times, based his suit
on a statement made by Gibson,
who is vice-president of the tele-
phone company, at a Rotary Club
meeting here in Port St. Joe.
Gibson's statement came in an

address defending the company
against charges previously made
by Maloney in his newspaper.
This was the third trial of the
suit since it was filed in 1965
and the second favorable verdict
for Maloney.
A $15,000 award in 1965 was
upheld by the First District
Court of Appeals but later rever-
sed by the Florida Supreme
A retrial last January ended
in a mistrial when the jury was
unable to reach verdict.

Last week, the jury awarded
$5,000 for compensatory and
$20,000 for punitive damages.
Maloney charges that Gibson's
statement alluded to an anti-
business attitude of the Apala-
chicola Times and its publisher
which resulted in Apalachicola
being the only city of eight ser-
ved by the utility firm which
had lost customers.
Maloney contends that a trans-
fer of 74 telephones from the
Apalachicola exchange to a new
Eastpoint exchange was the
cause of the customer decrease
in Apalachicola.

veloped for the Patrol to aid in checking speed
of motorists on the highway.
-Star photo





Sikes Would Charge Demonstrators

Congressman, Bob Sikes has introduced a bill to the
United States Congress that should sit well with every
law-abiding tax payer of this nation. He proposes to
'bring to account those who spread havoc and filth in
the streets, costing the taxpayers millions of dollars.
IHe would have them required to pay part of the bill for
the extra police work, the mammoth clean-up job follow-
ing one of' these "demonstrations", and take the load off
he taxpayers -for servicing these demonstrations that
thle, majority of the nation doesn't, approve of in the first
We think it is about time some such action be taken.,
The Congressman .estimates it 'cost the federal govern-
ment $3 million for extra work brought about by the re-
cent demonstrations in Washington, D. C. The sad part
;of it is, that it will probably cost us many more billions

to hold off our enemies who will surely lbe encouraged to
encroach farther on our interests by the so-called "popu-
lar opinions" expressed by the demonstrators.
In presenting his bill Sikes said: "These same trouble-
makers now have been allowed to proceed on their way
without making a single contribution toward the satis-
faction of an account which may well run even higher
\ than the amount estimated. It was obvious that few,
'if any, of those 'who were here have ever made a signifi-
cant income tax contribution or any other contribu-
tion, for that matter to the United States."
We applaud Mr. Sikes' introduction of this bill. When
you examine it thoroughly, it does seem a little unfair
for you and I to face a $100.00 fine for throwing a paper
cup, on the side of the highway and these oafs get by
scott free with using the Capital Mall for a public toilet.

Our neighbors to the north, Alabama and Georgia
re making noises like they plan to take advantage of
Florida's plight.
'. Sicge a small but loud group of: Florida's citizens.
'have succeeded in stopping the Cross Florida Barge Ca-
'nal construction, our two neighboring states have taken
up. the gauntlet to have a canal dug from Georgia's Flint
River to the Ocmulgee River and thence to the Atlantic
'"Ocean near; Augusta.
Officials in these states are probably elated that
Florida's waterway, was stopped, since were it to continue
their, project wouldn't stand a chance of being approved.
'.Recognizing the, value' of such a waterway shortening
the distance fromn the Mississippi waterways to the At-
lantic Seaboard and the surge in the economy along the

27,931 Ways .0

Tom Anderson,, who writes regularly-in the Pro-
gressive Farmer, as well as lecturing;over the nation, re-
minds us that there are "27,931 ways" of making a living
in Anmerica without getting on welfare. Yet welfare is
,growing 18'times faster than our population; In addition
to the 63 million drawing social security and veterans
'benefits (which, incidentally, .vere earned by the recip-
ients), 11 million Americans are on public assistance,
'while ten mniojmifore receive free doctor's services 'under
jfedie .
Mr. Anderson quotes one campus radical -saying to
another: "But what happens to 6our unemployment checks
'when we overthrow the government?" Perhaps no one
has told-him. tlhat-in Communist countries everyone who


This letter is in answer to a
T letter by Mrs. Frederica Morris
SFreedmann, West Palm Beach,
regarding her- letter which ap-
peared-in the Panama City News-
Herald oil May 6. 'I wish Mrs.
Freedmann's letter could be re-
printed along with this answer
to her but I' know it would take


up too much space in your paper
but for me to get her thinking
like us "sandlappers," the only
one of the many slang names
she used on u's that we are proud
to carry around. We need to re-
write some of her thoughts and
give answers. In part here is
some of. those thoughts.

Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida,
By The Star Publishing Company
WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher
Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Proof
Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department
PoSTOFFICE Box 308 PHONE 227-3161
Poir ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456
Entered an second-olass matter, December 19, 19S7, at the Poetoffice, Port St. Joe,
Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879.
IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $4.00 SIX MOS., $2.25 THREE MOS., $127.50
OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $5.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, $6.00
TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or ommiielons In advertisements, the publishers
do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such

The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed, word Is thoughtfully
weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly con-
vinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains.

route of such a waterway, they have takln up the' pro-
ject Florida has had removed.
As far as Port St. Joe is concerned, the Georgia
canal; would probably do 'us more good than would the
Florida waterway. But, the Florida canal would aid the
entire state more. and Port St. Joe would not go lacking
in this instance either. Were the canal to be dug in Geor-
gia, Port St. Joe would be the nearest Southern ocean
outlet to the system. Already we are beginning to get
shipping from the Apalachicola, Flint and Chattahoochee
waterway -and we have promise of more to come.
VWe believe Florida should get badk into action to
reactivate the Cross Florida Canal by 'bne route or an-
other and not lose this valuable economic asset which
was at one 'time so near.

F Earning Liviig

is able to work must do so unless he ants to starve to
death. The government is not only living beyond its in-
come, remarks Anderson. "it is living bey.Qia&yours and
mine?, He compares it to a hungry sake that keeps on
swallowing more and more of its tail, "until there is no
tail--and no snake."
Perhaps we should champion an amendment to our
Constitution to parallel one in the Finnish Constitution
which would prohibit our Government trying to spend
more than it takes in each year. Maybe if we had to pay
as we go, there would be even more sentiment toward a
sane spending program by our government and, ulti-
mately less waste anid less taxing due to the public 'outcry
that would be generated.

"You, good people who cried
out at the injustice of Lt. Cal-
ley's indictment for murder, de-
spite the preponderance of evi-
dence and his admitted guilt,"
she wrote.
Lady, you put that shoe on
your foot and see how it feels
because it I can keep my think-
ing in line it's going to squeeze.
We good people are the ones,
who listened intently to the news
about Lt. Calley's trail. We list-
ened and we watched as it de-
veloped and it made us sick to
see the final outcome, but, lady,
we feel that justice took its
course in this case. He had his
day. The men who sat on his
courtmartial are the ones who
did the convicting after they
heard the facts brought to light.
They were the ones who had to
make the decisions and pass the
sentence. We feel about this
case, in which we rely on the
press to present to us, that Lt.
Calley had a fair trail, was found
guilty and justice will prevail.
Wait and see.
In your letter, mam, I feel that
you have relied on the press to
give you facts in which to base
your opinion and I can see that
you have been taken in. You said
we didn't care a fig about Pitts
and Lee. "Convicted murderers
in jail for the past eight years
which facts prove they may not
have committed, which they nev-
er admitted. Which another man
admit to years later".
You want to know the kind of
people we are in this neck of the
Lady, most of the folks in this
neck of the woods are good peo-

pie. We aie people proud to' be
sparsely settled. Most all of us

around here knew the victims of
this crime, and all of us know
some of' te kind folks of the
victims. We do dare about Pitts,
and Lee but we care about these
people t6o. We are good people,


Mrs. Freedmann, this is a per-
sonal invitation to you. If you
want to come to Port St. Joe and
meet some of the people involv-
ed in this case, I would be glad
to introduce you to some of the
jurors who heard this confession.
I'll go further than that I'll pay
the motel bill for you and a com-
panion for two nights here in
Port St. Joe. It would be worth it
if you would retract your re-
marks about us sandlappers.
I seriously doubt that this let-
ter well ever be published down
there so I am sending you a copy
personally, as well as a copy to
the other. news media about.
All with sincerity,
P. 0. Box 623
Port St. Joe, Florida


Corner of Long Avenue and Niles Road
N Y P S 6:30 P.M.
"Come and Grow With Us"

You Are Cordially Invited To Attend

Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street

BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ........... 5:45 P.M.
PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ...... 7:30 P.M.


REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor



Judy Herring Honor
Graduate from USM

of students from the University of
Southern Mississippi graduated
with honors during the Spring
commencement. To do so, a stu-
dent must maintain at least a 3:5
per cent grade point average out
of a possible 4.0.
Those graduating with honors
includes Judith Marie Herring,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J.
Herring of Port St. Joe.

Lady, who believe in justice even
and still.
You mention the man who ad.
mitted this crime years later.
You' don't say anything about
him admitting in a courtroom
under oath that this admission
was a lie and that he had nothing
to do with the crime.
Now, Lady, if that shoe on
your foot feels tight I'm going
to squeeze it. "Which they never
admitted." Good God! Lady, you
people down there have sure
enough been taken in. Didn't
your press ever tell you that
these two men (Pitts and Lee)
and also a third witness sat on a
stand and. freely, without any
signs of soirow tell and admit
to these two murders openly.
They did, in a courtroom of law,
before a jury that' they knev
were going to sentence them.
They told how one of the two
victims begged for mercy for the
sake, of his family, how the oth-
er was bashed in the head; and
both shot.
Lady, here is another quota-
tion from your letter: 'If Pitts
and Lee are truly guilty, then I
think they should be executed.'
Well, Mrs. Freedmann how a-
bout that? You think the same
way as us sandlappers do. You
feel as if justice should prevail
and it was about to. The Florida
Supreme Court was just about
to get the true story of the Bur-
kett-Floyd murders.. They were
going to read anl, 'pass judge-
ment on this stinkihg case along
came a brand new Attorney Gen-
eral and sold the "peQple'and jds-,
tice down the drain. I take some
of tha,'back. He hasn't sold j.s-.
tice' down the drain for jus4ce
will prevail. .We have faith in
our governmental justice system,
Our state attorney and his staff'
and we believe that if it becomes
necessary they can fight this
case and win despite' the press
and lawyers who keep stirring
and misleading good people like

Corner 20th Street and Marvin Avenue
Come Worship With Us Every Lord's Day
BIBLE STUDY ............ 10:00 A.M.
FT'IN,' WORSHIP ---------- .... 3:00 P.M.
WEDNESDAY BIBLE STUDY............... 7:00 P.M.



Of &atrk WhippedV

Sunbenm Read

if you find a hole 3/16ths of an
inch or larger in any slice of Sunbeam
white bread. It's a product guarantee
from the bread with no-holes texture.
'*Cg ludlUg A fMugIuW hhwgg

Grabbing At Opportunity,

.~,. ...

According to some of the advertisements we have
seen recently in magazines and on television, it's just a
miracle the Ramsey household is still "hanging in there"
since we do not have a tape recorder.
Frenchie can yell at the kids, "Why don't you ever
wipe your feet, when you 'bome in the house. If I make
you keep these floors clean, you'll think before you track
that dirt a'd sand through this house" .. and. so on.
All of this is lost to, posterity, because we don't have a
tape recorder. One of the kids can getting to fussing at
the other one with: "Leave my shirt alone. You have
shirts. You're liable to tear mine. I don't wear your
clothes ." and you know how this goes! All of this
original thought is just, poof!, gone!, because we don't
have a tape recorder.
Our grandsons can come visiting, and barrel through
the door, screaming, "I want, some candy". Twenty
years from now, we could re-live that moment if we had
a tape recorder.
But we don't have.
I thought seriously, at one time, about buying one.
That is, until the commercials began to appear on TV
,with a tone so true, so perfect, that it will shatter a glass
with its magnificence. There goes our tape recorder.
What with the normal wear and tear on glasses already
in our house, a tape recorder is just economically out of
the question. We can't stand the breakage.

We appreciate the researchers. They have given us
push button whipped cream, instant potatoes, and under-
wear that won't creep. The only problem is, that every
day we read of one more instance in which some of these
"manufactured" short-cuts and aids to modern living may
be harmful to the user.
The latest warning comes from the researchers con-
cerning deodorants. We are now told that the deodorant
sprays may be harmful to the lungs.
Nothing is said of the damage to the lungs of those
near you, if the deodorants are not used.
If we take all these warnings seriously about this pro-
duct and that one, I suppose, that in this instance, one
will just have to decide whether he cares more about his
own lungs than he does the lungs of his neighbor.

As the Legislature grows nearer to an end, we. are
beginning to get "more taxes" from every side. Cigar-
ettes, pipe tobacco, snuff and cigars along with gasoline,
lawyer's fees, possibly doctor's fees and automobiless are
being promoted for new or additional taxes.
Where will it all stop. Somebody once said, "They
tax everything but the air one breathes". It looks like
that will be next since it's about all that's left.

T s, S .TAK" ~ort si-'J*, Pledome

iHij;"bAY~, J41g' 3, 1971


TIlE STAR. Pert ~. .ea. U-Ia. 12456 THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1971 rAGE TRR~

s~mp~ Babig or Sr~

When warmer weather beckons the family outdoors, morn
eeda't belefbefitnd in the kitchen. he can do the baking and
S sill aveB tme to enjoy spring's many activities. The secrets
S lying on convenience foods when mang the family favorites.
For sour cream cake-at its easiest, start with cac cake mix.
Oomblne it with sour cream and eggs, and the cake batter is
ready for the oven. Plan on frequent requests for seconds of
tni moist and tender cake topped with chocolate butter frosting.
Easy Sour Cream ake
kes *: 1I cups sifted
0te UU-OL A Flake confectioners sugar
C uCat) MkIi 2 tablespoons milk
'A ebpdlstur ream 1 oz. (1 sq.) unsweetened
2 egg chocolate, melted and
8 tablespoons butter or '
S, margarine
Heat oven to moderate (850!P.). Grease and flour an 8-inch
square bkingpan. Place small amount of cup cake mix in mixer
S lwl; alternately add sour cream and remaining cup cake mix.
leading well after each addition. Add eggs. Beat 1 minute. (I
using mixer, beat at low speed.) Pour batter into prepared pan.
Bake in preheated oven (500F.) 20 to 25 minutes.
Let cake cool ten minutes or until cake leaves side of pan.
Loosen with knife or spatula and cool on a wire rack.
For frosting, beat together butter and sugar until fluffy.
Slowly add ik, Stir in melted chocolate. Frost top of cake.

Health Department Alarmed Over
Apathetic Attitude Toward Vaccine
.To V aV~ccne.

JACKSONVILLE Ar me d "physicians.
with figures released today' on "We know that most pediatri-
Florida's Rubella immunization' cians "pusl4" Rubella vaccine but
drive, the Division of Health an-' we have no way of knowing how
nounced a new -approach to im- extensive their programs are," he
munizing pre-school aged children said.
over summer vacation. I! "Realistically, we should have
"Quite frankly, we are disap- immunized 100,000 more child-
pointed to find -that our latest ren than we have reached," Dodd
data-show we aren't motivating-our said, "but half of these are in
most important source of protec- counties, where no school-based,
tion against'Rubella'and the birth program has been conducted."
defects it can cause-mothers of" Dodd 'complained that a 11ll-
the pre-schoolers," said Dr. Charl- publicized, well-staffed m op .-up,
Vton E., Prather, chief of the Divi- drive in the Tampa-St. Petersburg
sion's Buireau" b~"reventable Di- area recently just over one third
seases. j of the 65,000 children in the target
"What we are learning is that, population.
even with superb cooperation from "I don't know what the secret
,Joluntary groups, mass media, is," Dodd said, "but we're going
teachers and marching mothers, Iahead with our plans this summer
we aren't convincing mothers of for selective, intensive programs
the pre-schooler it's worth their conducted on a smaller scale in
time to have their children im- counties we know have low im-
munized," Dr. Prather explained. munization levels."
"So, we're just going tb have to -
Larry Dodd, the Bureau's Im- SCHOOL LUNCHROOM MENU
munization Program Advisor, said Monday, June 7, 1971
the vaccine has reached 657,000 Fish squares, buttered, grits,
children since September of 1969, seasoned collard greens, fruit jello,
when the first shipment of vaccine corn bread squares and milk.
was released to Florida. Tuesday, June 8, 1971
"Of the 466,000 children we have Turkey with rice, seasoned black-
yet to reach, roughly two-t4irds eye peas, lettuce and tomato salad,
are between the ages of one and sliced peaches, peanut butter
four," Dodd said. But Dodd em- cookie, hot rolls and milk.
phasized the picture is not as Wednesday, June 9, 1971
gloomy as it. might' appear since Hamburger on bun, tomato slice,
the Division's figures don't reflect, buttered corn, lettuce, citrus cup
Rubella immunization by private and milk.


'- -a




Short Sets
Perma-press. Prints or so-
lids in new bright colors.
Guaranteed. Sizes 6 mos.
to 6X.
now $1.00
Sizes 7-14, 2/$3.00

Boyles Is Headquarters for the
Finest in Men's Work Clothes


Shirt and matching
Pants in four colors.
100% cotton, sanforiz-
ed. Heavy duty brand.
Beg. $6.58 '

$5.00 0
Men's Blue

100% cotton, sanforiz.
ed and guaranteed.
Long or short sleeve.
Reg. $1.99
2 for


Too Late To Classify
By Russell Kay

sidents is carefully considreed.
While a few purchasers are
investing on the future increase
in value of the lots, most are
buying to use for permanent mo-
bile homes. High restrictions on
all phases of the development in-
sure that it will never fall into
a state of disrepair as has been
the case with somany other mo-
bile home communities .
Before beginning his mobile
home activities Scharft contact-

Women's Summer
77c pr.
Washable, cushi on
sole. Sizes S,M,L,XL
Prints or Solids, terry
or smooth. R4g. $1.29.

m '- 'I'

Men's or Young
Men's Casual

By Wright, or Campus.
Slim or full cut. Dac-
ron and cotton, perma-
press. Sizes 27-44.
$7.00 Value


Shark T-Shirt
White with Navy trim. Official Fight-
in Sharis M. L.

Regular $1.99


- $3.00

-~ rn

Men's and Boys'

New brassy styles with rings and things
in dark brown. Sizes 11 boys to 12 mens.
Regular $3.29 Pair

2 pr. $5.00

Boy's Knit


By Campus. Beg.
$1.9 9. Handsome
prints and designs.
Sizes 4 to 16.

2 for


ed manufacturers of the latest
types of mobile homes "aid has
been named representative of
such well known mobile home
manufacturers a s Crossland,
Schultz, Richardson, Ritzcraft,
and Cameron. All a purchaser
has to do is select the type of
mobile home they wish and he is
prepared to provide it.
Opportunity is not dead for
those with imagination, courage
and ambition.

gest, also the most luxurious
ocean front park in the nation.
Starting with a 50 acre devel-
opment, he has now acquired an
additional 100 adjoining acres.
The first unit of 50 acres was
not to be officially opened until
later in the year but 75 per cent
So the lots have already been
sold and work is planned soon
for development of the addition-
al adjoining acres.
To insure the development
will maintain its superior char-
acter, restrictions require that
all lots must be sodded or gravel
filled and landscaped. Areas are
reserved for residents without
children and every need of re-

\t~e I4
( OO4


a year while only a freshman in,
Graduating from'" college, he
looked about for 'iw worlds tb
conquer. He decided real estate
was the most promising and be-
-gan investing. Tis investment
prospered and his income: rose.
He found Florida'"a promising
and lucrative field, He became
interested in mobile homes and
mobile home parks 'and today is
developing the largest and most
luxurious mobile home park in
the state at Key West. His latest
venture is Tamarac Park, the
utmost in mobile home parks lo-
cated on the ocean, with canals
that give every lot 'a waterfront,
just north of Key West.
His, -ambition for Tamarac
Park is "biggest and best". No
details have been overlooked,
nor development costs spared to
insure that Tamarac Park .will
be in addition to the state's lar-

While the new generation
sneers at Horatio Alger stories
and contends it represents the
lowest form of "establishment" .
propaganda, we can look about
and find countless young Ten
who, by practicing the qualities
advocated by: Alger, have attain-
ed outstanding success.
One of those is a chap named
Robert Scharft, president of Ro-
bert E. Scarft Industries. Scraft
began his climb in the business
world at the age, of'14 in his na-
tive home of Kirkwood, Mo.
Needing extra money, Robert
began mowing lavns for neigh-
bors and friends until he had
so many customers he, couldn't
take care of all of them. He in-
vested in garden tools, mowers,'
edgers and other equipment then
hired schoolmates and taught
them how to do a bang up job.
He built a gardening service or-
ganization that netted him $7,500

100 Better Ladies

Top Vales. Many worth twice

I of Sizes

,PHONE 227-4261

First Quality PANTY HOSE
Reg. $1.00 pr. New summer shades.

2 e $.49
One Size Fits All!

$1.77 ea.
Fla map or floral.
Large thirsty terry
towels. Reg. $2.29.

Men's and Boy's Spring

White and Black and White in buckles
and lace-ups. Not all sizes, but real bar-
gain by Rand. Our entire stock now .
1 Off Reg.

/ Prices





lcl -

Wonder Bar

from 8:30 P.M. til ?



St. Joe Beach

THEB STAIL.Port 9'. .06, pi's !

THURSDAY-o JUNE 4 3, 197

. (

I ,


.PAG OU 114 ITR Pois Je Fl.3 HRDAJN ,17

I f -
Highway Patrol Gives "Arrive Alive"

Advice for Vacation Travellers

TALLAHASSEE Vacationn safety of your trip should be check-
drivers were given "Arive Alive" ed before leaving.
advice today by the Florida High- Florida's "Arrive Alive" traffic
way Patrolas Flor amsafety program directed by Gover-
pare to take to the highways for;
vacation tripp and frequent week- nor Reuben Askew continues and
end recreational jauns.' Florida drivers are encouraged to
show motorists of other states that
Patrol Commander, Colonel Reid they are dedicated to the preven-
Clifton said, "The first ana most tion of traffic accidents by setting
ipnportant consideration for the a 'good example as they tour other
head of the family in preparing for states.
a vacation trip is to see that hisossible emergencies
family will 'Arrive Alive' after Plan for possible emergencies
their highway travel." by having a first aid kit, flash light-
with fresh batteries and roadway
Clifton went on to say that fail- flares or reflectors. Driver's li-
ure to consider the hazards of high- cense, insurance policies and ve-
way travel "can change a happy hicile inspection stickers should
vacation into a nightmare." Any be checked to see that'they are
factor which might influence the, valid concluded Clifton.



Is An Exacting Scie




There are about as many dif-

ferent types of insurance as there

are specific needs. You can't buy

them all, so it is vitally important

that you consult with an expert.

Call on us at any time!
) -


Let's take an example. Do you
know that YOU can be SUED! Some..
one may have an accident on property
you own. That someone can sue you,
his claim can WIPE YOU OUT un-

Sloppy Joes Mexican-Style

0161 Sloppy Joes have gone Mexicanl It's the festive corn bread
base that takes this popular lunch and supper entree south of
the border.
Whole kernel corn and bits of pimento and green pepper deli-
clously fleck the crunchy corn bread. Preparation is especially easy
with convenient corn muffin mix. As the corn bread bakes, the
sloppy Joe mixture, seasoned with chill sauce and dry mustard,
can lazily simmer to a perfect blend of flavors. Serve the savory
beef mixture atop the golden, toasted corq bread for cheers of
"Mucho gustol"
Mexican Corn Bread Sloppy Joes
Makes 6 servings
Corn Bread: Sloppy Joe Mixture:
'One 12-oz. pkg. (2 cups) 1 lb. groundbeef
Flako Corn Muffin Mix 1/2 cup chopped onion.
1 egg One 8-oz. can tomato,
2/3 cup milk sauce
One 7-oz. can whole kernel One 6-oz. can tomato
corn, drained paste
2 tablespoons chopped /2 cup chili sauce
'1 pimlento e/4 cup hot water
1 tablespoon chopped 1 teaspoon, salt
green pepper 1 tablespoon vinegar
S z1/2 teaspoon, dry mustard
Heat oven to hot (425'F.). For corn bread, empty contentsof
corn muffin mix package into bowl. Add egg; milk, corn, pimiento
and green pepper. Blend only until dry ingredients are thoroughly
moistened. Pour batter into greased 8-inch square baking pan.
Bake in preheated oven (425*F.) 20 to 25 minutes.
For sloppy Joe mixture, brown meat In. a small amount of hot
shortening Tn fry pan. Add onion and cook about 5 minutes. Sti:
In remaining Ingredients and simmer 20 to 25 minutes.
To serve, cut corn bread into 6 pieces; split each hornzontaly.
TQast until golden brown. Top with hot sloppy Joe mixture.

Still Not too Late to Plant Summer

Annuals for 'Beautiful Garden Color

Think again! It's not too late to fairly easy to grow. If given a fair
plant that annual for summer co- soil, water and a minimum of care,
lor-not if Y.ou. try' the remarkable zinnias will reward you with some
zinnias. of the brightest colors of all sum-
Zinnias' claim to fame is their mer annuals. Their use as cut
m t Iflowers will add a burst of color
ability to withstand summer heat. to your home as well as garden. -
They're also very colorful and '
Zinnias are.available in an un-
:"[ believable variety of flower forms,
sizes and colors. Colors include
white, yellow, orange, rose, crim-
son, pink and white stripe and
other combinations. Flower sizes
range from the giant cactus-flbwer-
ed and dahlia-flowered types hav-
ing blooms up to 5 to 6 inches
ce T o o across to the dwarf pompon or lil-
liput types with 1-inch flowers.
Zinnias are easy to grow. Plant
seed directly in the flower bed in
a sunny location. Do not bury seed
too deep % to %Y inch is usually
adequate. In most warm soils seeds
will germinate in a week. After
seedlings are well established,
2 first time leaves developed, thin
them to stand 6-10 inches apart
for small-flowered types' and 1%
to 2% feet apart for giant-types.
Delayed thinning will result in
stunted plants and fewer flowers.
Flowers should appear in 7-8
weeks. If seeds are planted every
month, blooms will be available
into October and possibly Novem-
Depending on plant and flower
size, zinnias can be used for bor-
ders, foreground and background
plants. They also provide excellent
cut flowers' so your home should
,: never lack for flower color.
So 'many varieties are available
a complete list would require





less you're properly insured!

TOMLINSON Insurance Agency


pages. A. few of the outstanding
varieites in various plant sizes are
presented in the following lists.
Tall (2-3 feet): Giant cactus
flowered Tangerine, Lipstick,
Peter Pan Pink and Plunm, Fire-
cracker, Red Man, Emperor, Zenith
Mixture. Giant dahlia flowered -
Canary Bird, Polar Bear, Exquisi-
te, Scarlet Flame, Purple Prince,
Golden Monarch. State Fair Mix-
Medimus (1%-2 feet): Pumilis-
Canary-yellow, Fireball, Pinkie,
Peppermint Stick. Lilliputs or Pom-
pons Canary Gem, Rosebud, Scar-
let Gem, White Gem, Peach Blos-
som, Mixtures.
Small' (6-18 inches): Cupids Mix-
tures. Buttons Cherry Buttons,
Red Buttons, Pink Buttons, Mix-
tures. MiniSeries Mini-Pink, Mi-
ni-Salmon, Thumbelina.
SAll Florida gardeners should try
zinnias for summer color. You can
pick the size plant, size and type
of flower and most any color which
suits your taste.
Zinnias are truly one of Flordia's
most colorful summer annuals!

Students Learn To Lay Blocks

Block and brick laying was part of the build-
ing trades course taught in Port St. Joe High
School's vocational education program. In the
photo above, James Gosnell, left, watches and
supervises as Lavon Canington, Frederic Willis,

Roger Thomas, Larry Young, Jim Dodson, and Roy
Lollie practice what they have been taught. The
boys learned the fundamentals of block laying,
working on the new bleachers at the football
stadium. -Star photo

-- Say You Saw It In The Star -

The Mileage Specialist

i..,so. CHAMPION Tre


your size
6.00-13 Blackwall


Fits many Chevy I's, Comets,
Falcons, Mavericks, Cortinas,
Opels, Fiats, Toyotas,
Sunbeams, BMW'*, Lotusee

Plus $1.60
Fed. Ex.

Fit, many CometCor Dart, SIZE 6 195 16le..
Faecon., Special. and Valiant. = 11g zx. tal.
Fit many Vol.hwage.s, Chevy ,' 1 7 $174 or $2.01
Chevullee, Camars, Cougars. or 7. 1-14 7f F
Fairlan., Mustangs B15Fed.&N. tax
Fitn many Chevys, F85, Ford., 7.75-14 7 $2.14 or $216
Plymouthe,Specials, Tempest. B Fe d. s ax.
Fito many Chevy, Dodge, 85 22or$27
Mercury, Pontiacs, T-Bird. Blke l Fed. Bx. tax

Fits many Buicks,
Chryslers, Oldsmobiles

. 92095
Bh~d>a ^^n

#o& m ta

AU price plus tax ed tin oB your ca."d ^
W HITEW ALLS Add'83 "' fshiould l out of your size, n"richeck" wll
rbet sto pi, during future delivery at the advertised price.
Priced asihown it Firestone Stores. Competiitively priced it Firestone D"lIrs end It III service station d.sslaying the Feulon stn.

Pate's Service Center

Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station


-PAGUIIUI$ me TAR, Part st. joe. Fla. 32451

.?ii STAR. Pm St. Joe, Pie. 224!,A ThURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1971 PAGE 11Th

adies bowling Le

Awar s At Annua

The Gulf County La es Bowl- .and their guests were present.
ing league held the annual A seafood buffet was served to
,end of the season b quet Sat. those present.
Mirday evening at th Gaslight Following the meal, the pre-
etaurant ,pt Mexioo Bea'ch sentation of' awards and trophies
Sixty-two oflthe league members were presented by the president,

ague Passes Out

I Banquet Sat.

Loyce Beaman; vice-president,
Christine Lightfoot; secretary-
trasurer, Eula Dickey and ser-
geant-at-arms, Brenda Mathes.
Florida 'First National Bank
won first place; St. Joe Steve-

dores, second and St. Joe Kraft,
third place in team division. Tro-
phies were ,presented to each
sponsor and the individual girls.
Representing the bank team
were: Eula Dickey, Christine,
Lightfoot, Lois Smith and Verna
St. Joe Stevedores, is compos-
ed of Melba Barbee, Judy Bar-
bee, Dot Barldw anid Loyce Bea-
The Krafties team is made up
of Evelyn Smith, Ruby Lucas,
Mary Lyons and Anna Smith. -
The remaining sponsors were
presented desk sets.
In "A" Division, high bowling
awards were presented as fol-
lows: High Game: first, Evelyn
Smith, 254; 'second, Mary:Lyons,
251; third, Meliba ,Borbee, 243.
High Series: first Melba Barbee,
667;. Mary Lyons, 664; third, Ru-

by Lucas, 634.
High bowlers in 'B" Division
were: Highl Game: first, Dot
Hamm, 276; second, Marion Dee-
son, 257; third, Dot Barlow 243.
High Series: first, Dot Hamm,
696; second, Marion Deeson,
644; third Eula Dickey, 626.
In "C" Division: High Game:
first, Donna Hood, 226; second,
Marguerite Scheffer, 223; third,
Betty Varnes. 221. High Series:
first Betty Varnes, 614; second,
Marguerite Scheffer, 594; third,
Donna Hood, 585.
Two-hundred game pins were
presented to Dot Barlow,
Dot Hamm, Verna Burch, Mary
Lyons, Marion Deeson, Evelyn
Smith, Melba Barbee Eula Dick-
ey, Lois Smith, Ruby Lucas and
Eleanor Williams.
Five-hundred series pins were
presented to Dot Barlow Dot
Hamm, Verna Burch, Eula Dick-
ey, Ruby Lucas, Eleanor Wil-
liams, Loyce Beaman, Christine
Lightfoot, Lois Smith, 'Mary Ly-
jops, Marion Deeson and Evelyn
' SmiBbh.
Perfect attendance pins were
presented to: Dot Barlow, Opal

Gulf Coast Electric Coop Receives

$971,000 Loan from Government

The office of Congressman
Bob Sikes announced late Wed-
nesday afternoon of last week
that the Rural Electrification
Administration had approved a
loan of $971,000 for the Gulf
Coast Electric Cooperative. The

Howard, Nadine Aplin, Anna
Smith, Patsy Cooley, Eleanor.
Williams Dot Hamm, Edwina
Bowen, Ruby Lucas, Christine
Lightfoot and Donna Hood.
The WIBC achievement award
was presented to Faye Pope,
The WIBC league high series
award, was presented to Dot
Hamm, who posted a 696 series.
Stewardship trophies were
presented to Melba Barbee and'
Loyce Beaman.
Officers for 1971-72 are: pres-
ident, Dot Hamm; vice-president,
Melba Barbee; secretary-treasur-
er,, Eleanor Williams and ser-
geant-at-arms, Opal Howard.

Cooperative has home offices in
Wewahitchka and serves por-
tions of Bay and Gulf counties.
The funds will be used to pro-
vide for service to 665 new con-
sumers and will finance the in-
stallation of a new substation at
Dead Lakes. Included in the con-
struction plans are 115 miles of
distribution 1 i n e s, additional
transmission lines and systems
improvements. The new sub-sta-
tion will be 5000 KVA capacity.
B. A. Pridgeon, Sr., of White
City is president of the Cooper-
ative and Charles E. Roberts is

Stand Tall
In Florida's

Ladies Bwling League nners Sh Trophies

t r ,:




"'"T~;"I::,.:;iT :;'~ t"'Y:P?` I:


wns STAR. Pon ft. Joe, Fla. 32421


.34,-T SDAY, JJJNg 4--' ,19.71 -4

Eight Seniors Named to School "Hall of Fame"
Eih -Senior N' c me

Eight of Port St. Joe High
School's graduating seniors have
-been named to the high school's
Hall of Fame. The honored stu-
dents are: Jimmy Demmings,
Holly Hendrix, Eddie Holland,
Norris Langston, Marsha Player,
Billy Rich, Chuck Roberts and
Mike Wimberly. ,
These students have made
many and varied contributions
to their school during their high
school years, and they have re-
peatedly been recognized as out-
standing in inpre than one area
of achievement. The faculty
* feels that they especially deserve
to be remembered.

Jimmy Demmings was a mem-
ber of the Radio Club, the Arts.
and. Crafts Club and .the Gym
Club. For two years he played
basketball and for two years ;h
managed the basketball team.
He worked on the committee
combined of ?Washington and
Pdrt St. -Joe High students to
writer 4onstittiion for the com-
bined scioo6ls.'He served on the
Bi-racial Committee and he was
a'member of the lonor Society.
Jimmy will, graduate with hon-


Holly Hendrix, a high honor
graduate, has been listed in
Who's Who in American High
Schools Honor Society, has re-
ceived the D.A.R. Citizenship
Award, and the Outstanding
Teenage Award. She was a
cheerleader for five years. In.
her junior year, Holly was one
of 12 students in Florida to win
a National. Council of Teachers
of English award. In her senior
year she was named Port' St.
Joe's Jr. Miss, was a member of
the Homecoming Court and was
elected by the student body to
receive the Babe Ruth Sports-
manship Award; During her high
school career, she served as trea-
surer for the National Honor So-
ciety, for the Keyettes and the
Senior Class. She was vice-pies-
ident of her junior class. Holly
has received the Florida Board
of Regents' commendation.

Eddie Holland served very
ably for two years as president
of. the Student Council. He was
a member of the Senior Execu-
tive Board, was parliimentarian
for the Key Club, an&, was par-
liamentarian for the Honor So-
ciety. He played end and center
on the football team for four
years and was, a member of the
Letterman's Club. A high honor
graduate, Eddie is listed in
Who's Who in American High
Schools, Who's Who in Ameri-
-can National Honor Societies and
in Outstanding High School Stu-
dents in America. He won the
Star Student award in this nine-
county district and has received
the Florida Board of Regents'

Midget Investments -with
Giant Retwuil


Paulk Duren

Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Paulk of
Ambrose, Georgia, announce the
engagement and forthcoming
marriage of their daughter, Hil-
da to George Walter Duren, son
of Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Duren of
Port St. Joe.
The bride-elect received her
degree in education from Geor-
gia Southern College in States-
boro and is presently employed
with the Glynn County Board of

Education in Brunswick, Ga.
Mr. Duren received his degree
in business from Florida State
University, where he was a mem-
ber of the Pi Kappa Phi Frater-
nity. He is presently in business
with his father in Port St. Joe.
The wedding is being planned
for July 11 at 4:00 p.m. at the
home of the bride. No invitations
are being sent, but all relatives
and friends are invited to attend.

Norris Langston carried away
most available awards in three
sports. Lettering in basketball
for four years, Norris took hon-
ors on conference, district and
regional levels. In football, Nor-
ris was chosen to play in the
North-South All-Star game and
was named all-conference, all-
distfict, all-region and all-state.
In baseball, too, he made all-
conference. Norris was a mem-
ber of the Key Club, was vice-
president of the Lettermen's
Club, and served on the bi-racial
committee. He was nominated
for the Babe Ruth Sportsmanship
Award and was named an Out-
,standing Teenager in 1969.
..***~~~ ~ ~ ~ i .c. ** *'

Marsha Player had a particu-
larly busy senior year as editor
of the yearbook, "The Monu-
ment", and as president, of the.
National Honor Society. She rep-
resented the Senior Class on the
Student Council, served as par-
liamentarian for the Keyettes
and was named Outstanding
Keyette. Marsha was second run-
ner-up in the Junior Miss Pag-
eant. She was a member of the
Senior Executive Board and a
member of the Senior Pep Club.
A high honor graduate, she is
listed in Who's Who in American
High Schools, and Who's Who in
American National Honor Socie-
ties. Marsha has received the
Board of Regents' commenda-

Billy Rich, an honor graduate,
has been active on the school
newspaper, The Purple Wave,
first 'as business manager, and
this year as editor. Billy was a
member of the Senior Quantum
Society and the National Honor

Headed West
Mr. and Mrs. Foy Howard and
Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Benton
Hamm, Debbie and Rickey and Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Woodard, St., of
Chattahoochee, will leave this
week end for a grand tour of the
old West. Over the next several
weeks they will visit Disneyland
in California, Grand Canyon in Ari-
zona and Yellowstone National
Park in Wyoming, plus many oth-
er interesting sights.

: Chuck Roberts was vice-pres-
" dent of the Student Council for
two years, and he was president
of the Key Club. He belonged to
the National Hoidr Society, the'
Letterman's (lub, the Senior
Executive Baird and the bi-ra-
cial committee. Hd was active in
sports, playing football for four
years, basketball for two years,
and baseball ohe year. Listed in
Who's Who in' American High
wSchools, Chuck will graduate
with honors.

Mike Wimberly, .a high honor
graduate, was, president of the
Senior. Class, having served also
as Junior Class president. He
was active in the Key Club and
the National Honor Society and
was on the Senior Executive
Board. He was president of the
Letterman's Club. In football,.
Mike' made all-region, all-Big
Bend, and all-state. He played
baseball for two years. Mike has
been named! to Outstanding
Teenagers of America, is listed
!n wnos wno Tin i-a'er-ca_ 13-16

,- *in Who's Who in American Himgn
Changes Mailde In Time Schools, and has received the
for Catholi&' Mass Florida Board of Regents' com-
St. Joseph's Catholic Church has
announced changes in its Mass
schedule which will become effec- VISITS IN CHICAGO
tive Saturday, June 5. Mrs. Luverne Youngblood and
Mass will be said Saturday at- son, Gary Youngblood have just
ternoons at 5:30 p.m. and at 9:30 returned from a week's visit in
a.m, Sunday monings ... Chicago, Ill., with relatives, the.
--- Rev. and Mrs. Miriam A.' Browni
S CLASSIFI1D ADS While in Chicago they watched
"Midget Inv6stments With the Chicago' Cubs and White Sox
Giant Return* play.



Miss Janie Shealy and Miss Christi Coldewey bask in the sun at
poolside during an afternoon party in Miss Shealy's honor.

Miss Shealy Feted With Pool Party

Thursday afternoon of last
week Miss Janie Shealy, bride-'
elect of Gary Dean, was honored
with a patio pool party in the
home of Mrs. Tom Coldewey.
Mrs. Leonard Belin .and Miss
Christi Coldewey assisted Mrs.
Guests gathered on the patio
and around the pool which was
centered with a floating' arrange-
ment of lovely spring- flowers
topped with an orchid and gift
for Miss Shealy, which she claim-
ed with a swim.
Delicious refreshments were

served to the many firends who
/ The wedding of Miss Shealy
and Mr. Dean will be in July.
Red Oak Methodist Church is
planning for its annual homecom
ing Sunday, June 13. Church ser
vices will begin at 11:00 a.m. witl
dinner on the ground and singing
beginning at 12:00 noon. All those
attending are asked to bring a boa



Fabric SALE





Some 100% Polyester 1 ff
Double Knit 1 3 orT

See the New Items Just Being Added to Our Fabric Center


Trigger Prints
Reg. $1.98 yd,
SALE! $1.27 yd.

Kettle Cloth
Reg. $1.98 yd.
SALE $1.37 yd.





$1.27 yd.
Reg. $1.98 yd.

V.I.P. Cotton

Reg. $2.49 yd.
SALE! $1.47 yd.




.. ..mi:~ POW st-40-ftCIS~rft"

THE ElM. Pert S4. .Ieo, Ph. i2454 'tHURSDAY, JUNE 3. 1971 PAGE SEVEN

At a CourtMotfonor last Mon-- .the boys for their perseverance
day, four local Boy Scouts receiv- in attaining the rank of First
ed recognition for 'their work, .Class Scout ahai reviewed for the
and activities in Troop 47 of the., audience the requirements that.
Boy Souts qf America. ,Imust be met in order for :a
Steve LAwrence, Ray Law- Scout to be awarded this rank.
rence. and Guy Nelson were
-"awarded the rank ofFirst Class Wayne Gable was presented a
Scoutfby Sout Committee Chair.- Merit Badge inBee Keeping by
man,, Dave May. Scoutmaster Committee Chairman, Dave May.
Raymond Lawrence commended Scout Gable had met all neces-

sary requirements in his bee
keeping project. His Merit Badge
counselor was Charles Smith.
Shown in the picture, left to
right are Scouts Ray Lawrence,
Wayne Gable, Guy Nelson and
Steve Lawrence. Back row are-
Committee Member Ferrell Al-
len, Scoutmiaster Raymond Law-
rence and Committee Chairman
Dave May.

Dance Recital Collects $400

For American Cancer Sodeity

Mrs, Mde[dis
Honored of Tea
Mrs. Phillip Curtis McLeod,
daughter of Mr.. and: Mrs. Walter
L. Brown;, 815 MarvAiAvenuew was
feted with a tea shower on Satur-
day, May 22, in the social hall of
the First United. Methodist Church.
Hostesses were Mesdames Rob-
ert Freeman, Ralph Swatts, Jr.,
Kennethi Hurlbut~, James Harrison,
Robert Nedley, Jimmy Johnson and
Bill Rish.
The honoree, lovely in a light
blue pants suit, wore"a, white car-
nation corsage presented by the
hostesses. She was joined in the
reception line by her smother, Mrs.
Brown; by 'the g room's mother,
Mrs. Ji E. McLeod; by her grand-
mother, Mrs. Calla Perrmtt and Mrs.
Joseph C. Prevost of Panama City
and by the groom's grandmother,
Mrs. Johanna MrcLed.
For the, occasioirnthe social hall
was galr in pink- and' white with
silver accents.
Misses Paula Bbyett and Pam:
Burch served pink punch from a
large silver bowl which dominated
a table overlaid with pink ruffled
net. ,
Miss Terry Chason poured cof-
fee at a matching pink table decor-
ated with pink daisies and: silver
and offering a variety of dainty]
sandwiches, mints, nuts and cakes.
Miss Terry Brown-, sister of the'
bride, kept the brie's book at a
small table covered wiffr white ruf-
fled organdy and decorated with
pink daisies in a sffver bud vase.
Two hundred guests were invit-
ed to calT dhuritng the afternoon.

Miss Hamm Inspiration for Shower

Miss Becky Hamm, bride-elect
of Greg Weston, was honored
with a bridal shower Monday,
May 24 at the home of Mrs. Ken-
neth Bateman recently.
Hostesses with Mrs. Bateman
were Mrs. Wynell Burke, Mrs.

'Registration Open
For Dance Classes
Registration for the summer
schedule of classes for the Wanda
Basham .School of Dance will be
held Thursday afternoon, June 3,
from 3:00 to 5:30 at the studio on
Reid Avenue.
Classes will be offered for stu-
dents from beginner through ad-
vanced, aged four and up, in bal-
let ,tap, jazz and acrobatics.
The school is a member .school
of Dance Masters of America, Inc.,

Margaret Adams and Mrs. Hin-
ton. Hamm.
Lovely arrangements of spring'
flowers were placed at focal
points throughout the party
rooms. The dining table was at-
tractively decorated featuring a
silver coffee service, punch bowl,
nut compotes and sandwich trays
filled with goodies for the
Miss Hamm, dressed in a blue
pants suit with silver trim-, her
mother, Mrs. Bascom Hamm and
the mother of the groom-elect,
Mrs. Eva Weston, were present-
ed white carnation corsages.


The third annual recital of the cock, Linda Herring, Becky Ken. Eva Maddox, Lisa Melton, Carolyn and all parents who are interested
Wanda Basham Schobl of Dance nedy, Nancy Knox, Vieki Land, Petty, .Leanne Parrott, Laurie are asked to stop by the studio to
netted over $400 for the' Gulf Lori McClain,.LouisefMcInnis, Mar-. Smith, Melody Smith and Cristie White CitV Churegister or fdr information during
County Chapter of:the American garet Mclnn'i, Eva Maddox, Lisa Taylor. Shaun Wuthrich received the appointed hours.
Cancer Society at its presentation' Melton, Shawn, Morris, Annette an eight-year certificate.. Recognzes Grads
Friday night. The show, entitled, Minger, Lisa Paschkd, Carolyn) Following the show, Mrs. Bash- R i 'o i z.UUA :
"Here's New York", played to a 'Petty, Jolyn Parrott, Leanne Par- am was presented a gift and a bou- :, *
full house and topped last, year's rott, Beth Pollock, Cathy Rish, quet of roses by her students and The graduates of White City anl Un On ICarier
goal for the school. Pam Sanborn, Sandra Scott, Lau- the American Cancer Society pre- First Baptist (hurch were honored
Participating were Fran Allen, rie Smith, Melody Smith, Cherry sented her a certificate of apprec- Sunday, May 30. Dring the wor- Koosevel W
Dawn, Anchors, Cindy Atkins, San- Stebel, Leslie Sweet, Trish' Tap- iation and gift. She also introduced ship services, they were recogniz-
Dy Basham, Beverly Beard, Mary per, Stacey Tharpe, Christie Tay- Terry Chason who managed the ed by the' astor, iev. Alien Price.'
Margaret Bray, Karen Burch, Sha- lor and Shaun Wuthrich. backstage help and Jerry Smith They were present copies of the Navy Seaman Daniel Hanlon, There's
ron Burch, Ginger Burge, Vicki Third-year certificates were pre- who helped with sound and light- book, "How to Live 365 Days A son of Mr. and rs. ames filled
Cannon, Leslie Costin, Marion Cos- sented. to Fran Allen, Beverly ing. Year" by Mrs. Nell Neel, youth on of Wewahitchka, is aboard the
tin, Katrina Daniels, Regina Dean, Beard, Leslie Costin, Mary Margar- Trophies for high ticket sales director, and corsages and bouten- attack aircraft carriers us F.* You canm
Teresa Fortner, Diane Freeman, et Bray, Teresa Fortner, Joanne were won by Vicki Land, first neers were presented by Mrs. Phy- Roosevelt, which is participating You can
Joanne Freeman, Terri Gilley, Lila Freeman, Nancy Knox, Vicki Land, 'place; Eva Maddox, second place liss Price. in the North Atlantic Treaty Or- prescrip'
Gunter, Jeanine Hanson, Lori Hea- Louise Mclnnis, Margaret Mclrinis, 'and Cherry Stebel, third place. Following the worship service, a ganizationtraining exercise "Dawaiting
______ reception was held in the educa- Patrol 71 in he Mediterranean with onl
tional building. Everyone was ser- Sea.
ved refreshments of punch, open, The exercise involves more than
C li M I U ... U Vface ,sandwiches and cookies after .60 ships, ranging in size from air-
H R IcE passing through the receiving craft carriers to fast patrol boats, Gifts
line. Mrs. Eva Weston and the so- and 300 aircraft from the U. S.,
cial committee were in charge of Greece, Italy, Turkey and the
refreshments. United Kingdom.
Honored were: Elwanda Harcus, During the exercise, the combin- Dr
Lanette Hicks, Johray. Goodman, ed NATO force will perform simu-
OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Steve 'Adams, James Hersey and lated wartime air strikes, anti-
Ronnie Peterson. They were joined submarine warfare tactics, air de-
p ials for ursatura June 3 4 and 5 by Clara Whitfield., fense, surveillance and amphib- i
Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June 3, 4 and 5 Also honored were Mary Lois ious operations.
Peterson and Lois Peterson, grad-1 "Dawn Patrol 71" is designed to
uates of the adult high school. test the skills of ships crews and PHONE
With $10.00 Order or More evaluate the reliability of their

Sugar 10 lb. bag 99c equipment.
Double Luck-2V2 Can 4 cans Georgia Grade "A"
Green Beans 4ans Medium EGGS 3 doz. $1.00 ft c

Pork and Beans TISSUE-----4 roll pkg. 29c f ice SL
No. 2 Can Sliced 7 Kraft 18 Ounce
Pineapple Barbecue Sauce-- btl. 39c KITCHEN THE STAR
Fresh Young Golden Ripe H TT A
Squash----------b. 19c Bananas---------lb. 12c H A TT E Rs headquarte
Tender Fresh U. S. No. 1 White By The Florida Power Corporation only famous
Pole Beans -------- b. 19c Potatoes ------- 10 Ibs. 69c Baked foods must be cooked need to wait f<
thoroughly and evenly. Cake pans,
cookie sheets and muffin pans STAPLING MACHINES
So e"A" Limit 3 to a Customer, P e made of light weight aluminum
Georgia Grade "A" Limit 3 to a Customer, Please should be used. Ceramic and glass STAMP DATERS
W hole FRYERS Ib are best for pies. If using an alum-
W hol F YE c inum pie pan, select one with a STAMP PADS and INK
dull outer surface for good crust FILE FOLDERS
browning. Bright surfaces are best FILE FOLDERS
Fresh Pork Boneless for baking cakes, biscuits, rolls "' FILE GUIDES
Spare Ribs ------- lb. 59c Chuck 'Roast ------ lb. 89c muffins and cookies.
Fresh Ground Blade Cut % cup shortening A' SCRATCH PADS, all sizes
Hamburger -----3 lbs. $1.59 Chuck Roast -------lb. 57c cup sugar TYPEWRITER PAPER
Semi-Boneless Semi-Boneless 2'A cups sifted flour".,
7 'Bone Steak lb. 79c Rump Roast ------ lb. 89c teaspoon baking powder MIMEOGRAPH PAPER
teaspoon soda DUPICATOR PAPER
Fresh Center Cut Rib First Cut Brisket % teaspoon salt DUPLICATOR PAPER
Pork Chops lb. 69c I lb. 45c Stew Beef ----- --- lb. 39c teaspoon g d cloves CARBON PAPER
By the Piece SLICED, lb. 37c Full Cut ROUND or Y teaspoon ground cloves
olb. 3o Steak cup seedless raisins
Slab Bacon 33c Sirloin Steak -- b. $1.09 cup chopped nuts And A Host of
Cured Whole or Butt Shank Portion Tender, Delicious Blend shortening, sugar and egg.
HAMS----- 49c lb. 45c Rib Steak 1L--- b. Add applesauce and mix well. Stir
HAMS lb. 49c __ b. 45c Ri Steak lbI. 99c in combined dry ingredients, rai-
sins and nuts. Drop by teaspoon-
fuls on ungreased baking sheet.
Bake in moderate oven (375 de-
grees) for 10 to 12 minutes. Yield:

TV Program. .. See "Homemak- "Publishers of Your
ing Today The Modern Way"
[IGHWAY 9W HIGHLAND VIEW presented each Sunday afternoon PHONE 227-3161
at 4:00 P.M., Channel 11, Tallahas-
see, WFSU-TV.

'Last Rites Held'for
James Troy Holmes
Funeral services for James Troy
Holmes, age 53, were held at 3:00
p.m. Tuesday from the First Bap.
tist Church of Wewahitchka. Dr.
James K. Solomon officiated, as-
sisted by Rev. D. E. Corley. Inter.
ment was in the family plot in
Jehu Cemetery.
Mr. Holmes was dead on arri.
val at Municipal Hospital Satur
day afternoon.
Holmes was a long-time resident
of Wewahitchka. He was a mem
ber of' the First Baptist Churce
and was an employee of St. Joe Pa
per Company for the past 20 years
He was a member of Papermaker:
Local No. 379.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs
Willie Holmes of Wewahitchka
six sons, James Troy Holmes, Jr.
of Tampa, Roy and Bruce flolme
both of Dothan, Ala., Larr,
Holmes stationed in Vietnam, in(a
dall Holmes of Biloxi, Miss., an
Pat Holmes of Wewahitchka; tw,
daughters, Mrs. James Mayhani
of Dothan, Ala., and Mrs. .Brend
Mann of Wewahitchka; eigb
grandchildren; one sister,, Mr]
Evelyn Smith of Altha; two brc
thers, Thomas Holmes of Wew,
hitchka and Oscar Holmes of Da;
keith. .
Comforter Funeral Home was i1
charge of arrangements,


- Cameras Cosmetics Fragrances Tobacco
Games Stationery Toiletries
e-In Window for Prescriptions at Rear of Store

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227-5111 236 RB1D; AVENUE


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"* INDEX CARDS, all sizes
CARD FILES, wood & metal


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That's because dispensing
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THE StAIL' Poil St. ois ph *2454

*AUM~dDAY, jUNE 3` .1971'




About Mexico


will include discussions on street
lighting, pest control, committee
assignments, beautification and
other interests of the people.
All beach motels were filled
with happy tourists and the over-
flow went into Port St. Joe. This
was an exceptionally good begin-i
ning for thq 1971 season which
lasts for three month or more.
We expect the best year ever.
Guests were well behaved and
enjoyed the peaceful and fam-
ily 'setting of 25-year-old Mexico .
Beach. One Atlanta guest re-
. marked: "We- are hoping to get
in as. much relaxation as ,we can
in this short period of time and
look forward to spending ,these
place;: and. seeing you all: again.";
Visitors were from Georgia,
Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana,
California,' and Missouri. Many
visitors were' from 'Tallahassee
and -Painama City! ,
Dr. and Mrs. I. Wexler enter-

We now have a two man police,
force. Bob Lightfoot of Port St.
Joe, will be working for' the
,,next three months with Polite
Chief Jim Long. Bob,' who is a'
st! dudt at Gulf Coast Cdmmun-
ityc 'College, is a very likeable
youlg man.
Dici Schweikert's 'South Wind
I' has been making trips into
the Gulf as a charter boat.
If you are reading this column
Smnd are not a subscribed to The
Star, why not1 send your check to
Mr. Ramsey, the editor, to be as-
sured of. receiving this publica-
tioii each week?
; The lchickeh barbeque, spon-
Ssoef by the 'Volunteer Fire As-
sociation, on.Sunday, was a: huge,
success. The local and out of
town gourmets reported a fine ,
Meal with trinmin's.
A regular meeting of the Towi
,Couidi will take place on Tues-
day, June 8, at p:00 p.m. in the ,_
Town Hall. All residents are.
. urged to attend as the agenda,

,THYUtDAY', -JUNE, 3 1071..

You live only once. If you love what is beautiful--we believe you should
try to have a beautiful home. A lovely home isn't essential to family-,
happiness.. There is no 'question, however, but that a family that enjoys,
its home, and has pride i" it, has- something "extra" toward happiness.


Ends Sat., June 12

Gulf County Ladies' League
Last week was the, final week in
bowling for the Ladies League.
FloridaFirst national Bank won
two and a half games from Basic.
Eula Dickey bowled a big 194
game and'530 series for the Bank-
ers., Dianne Terry had- a 163 game
ad, 399 seriesfor the Basic team.
St. 'Joe Stevedores won three of,
,fui, games from Williapms Alley
Kats. Loyce Beaman 'had a 173
gante and Dot Barlow a 73 series
for the Stevedores. Norma Hobbs
bowld a 175 game and 414 series
for the Kats.

St. Joe Kraft took all four games
from AN Railroad. Evelyn Smith

had a 208 game and 522 series for
the Krafties. Nadine Aplin rolled
a 128 game and 355 series for AN.
Swatts Motors took all four
games fromnSt. Joe Furniture, Don-
na Hood had a 169 game and 435
series for watts. DotHamm threw
a 162 game and Joe Sealy a 445
series for St. Joe Furniture,
Standings W L
Fla. Nat. Bank -------96% 43%
St. Joe Stevedores 941 45,%
St. Joe Kraft --- 93%'44%1
St. Joe Furniture-- 86. 54'
Swatts Motor Co.- -- 74% 65'%
Williams Alley Kats 74 66
Basic, Inc. 40% 99%
AN Railroad ----------1 139

M MMM -i



If the lovable creatures of the world, notapll children and sometimes pets, have found., ,1:
place in your heart, then you should find & place in your home for warm, inviting, comfort-
able Early American furnishings. Bryant knows all about how you like to have your family
enjoy every minute they can. Without nagging, without fuss.


Living Room Suite

S-OFA and $11940
"oo ..$119.00

Mediterranean Styled

Bed Room Suite


Glider, Rocker and Chair
BUNTING SET --------$65.00
66" King Size All Steel
DOUBLE SINK -------$135.00
Jamison "Embassy" Mattress and Box Springs
BEDDING SET --------$75.00


9.1 Cubic Foot Capacity




Deluxe 15 Cu. Ft. WESTINGHOUSE

Deluxe, 15 Cu. Ft. WESTINGHOUSE

Apartment Size by Magic Chef
DIXIE GAS RANGES ---- $119.00

Apartment Size by Magic Chef

Speed Queen



2 Complete Cycles
0 3 Water Temperature Selections


Matching Speed Queen $159
Electric Clothes Dryer ----

r1 11 IaI,



and that's the selection of a bank to handle
your financial transactions. That's why sit's
important to bank where you get the best ser-
vice, the most competent banking professionals
in the State of Florida. We ,invite you to
check our services; our record. You'll find
them nothing to laugh at. And, your account
is insured at Florida First National up to

Florida First

National Bank

at Port St. Joe
Member: FDIC and Florida National Group

tainted their daughter, son-in-law
and grandson, Mr. and Mrs. N.
E. Brown and Stacey of Hunts-
ville, Alabama. The Browns are
engineers at the Marshall Space
Center; little Stacey is two and
a half years of age.
Mrs. Max Stacey (Cordy) was
pleasantly surprised when she
had a strike while fishing in the
surf at 20th Street. This was at
6:30 p.m. on Thursday of last
week when she reeled in an 11
pound redfish, using a 10 pound
test monofilament line with a no.
2 hook. We were as excited as

Cordy was and took a dozen
snapshots for proof!
We are very pleased with the
number of property owners who
are complying with our clean-up
campaign. Lawns are being
mowed, lots have been cleared
of decayed vegetable matter,
dangerous trees;,, rubbish or
trash,- making Mexico Beach a
more beautiful spot in Florida.
Dr. Wexler, M. B. Municipal
Judge, and Mrs. Wexler, Town
Clerk, enjoyed a evening with
secretaries and their husbands,
their bosses and bosses' wives, at
the Holiday Lodge, Panama City,
where the Panama Chapter of

II Ll~e'- I II -- I sIl ~


TM FfAIL Ped. -4% 32M

the National Secretarie Associa-
tion had their Bosses' Night Ban-
quet. Mrs.- Wexler has been a
member of NSA for the. past
nine years.
Nan Parker, 13-year-old daugh-
ter of Mayor and Mrs. Charles
M. Parker, is now recuperating
at home from a tonsilectomy per-
formed in the hospital in Port
St. Joe.
Our thanks to everyone who
cooperated in making this week
end a good one for Mexico
'Beach. And be sure to look for
us again next Thursday in The


I- -I .- -- ----------



-` ~e;yQ~i~: r~Cj~A;6i;'~:

Thrift Shop Names Marking Committee
The June marking committee Freeman Exterminating Company,
for the Thrift Shop consists of the Mesdames Wayne Taylor, B. C.
following ladies: Mrs. Lawrence Gaillard, Albert Blackburn, Al
Bissett, 229-1551; Mrs. R. Hightow- Smith, Cecil Lyons, Minerva Mc-
er, 229-2711 and Mrs. Bob King, Lane, George Tapper, Joe Dowd,
227-4581. Kathleen Dowd, Billy M. Johnson,
These ladies will be at the shop Emmett Daniell, R. Hightower, W.
on Thursday mornings at 9:30 to 0. Cathdy, Jr., Gus Creech, Jean
mark donaitons. 'Atchison, Evie Smith, Ruth Wil-
The workers for this Friday af- liams, J. C. Arbogast, Grady Play-
ternoon are Mrs. 0. M. Taylor and er, Laurie Anchors, W. D. Sykes,
'Mrs. Tom Smith. Ben Watson, Temple Watson, L.
The Hospital Auxiliary wishes Bissett, Frank Barnes, Ruth Nance,
to thank the following for dona- L. Copenhaver, John Blount, Joe
tions during May: Rich's IGA, Hendrix and W. Chafin.

Specials for June
2, ,4 and 5





Barbecue SAUCE


Evap. MIL K





Sliced BACON

S l Tablerite Beef

STEW BEEF 3 lbs. 69c
NECK BONES --3 lbs. 69c

Copeland 12 Oz. Pkg.

-- lb. 69c

Tablerite Beef
SHORT RIBS ---- lb.
Morrell Pride Center Cut Smoked
PORK CHOPS-----lb.

"9. Tablerite Fresh
2 pkgs. 89c GROUND BEEF lb.


1% lb.


Frosty Morn Swift or Hormnel Boneless
Sliced BACON -----b. 59c Cooked HAM 3 Ib. Can $2.89

Ga. Grade 'A'- With $15.00 Order
1 doz. Eggs FREE

IGA No. 303 Can
Bartlett Pears -----can'31 c
TREET ---_---12 oz. can 59c
W. K. or C. S. No. 303 Cans
IGA CORN 5. -Scans $1.00


S100 ct. 89c

Layer Crumbles or
Layer Pellets 50 lb.

IGA Fancy Solid Pack No. 303 Can
TOMATOES--------can 23c
Showboat No. 2% Cans
PORK & BEANS ---- 4 cats 88c
POTTED MEAT 3 oz. can 15c
OREO COOKIES-- 15 oz. 49c


IGA Cinnamon
of 8 33C

Gulf Charcoal
LIGHTER FUEL --- qt. 43c
Gerber Strained Reg. Jars
BABY FOOD ------5 jars 59c

TABLE SALT 2 boxes




Vegetable Oil

LB. 23
2 ZJ

Fresh Home Grown
Fresh Home Grown


Pt. Bskt.

PEAS ------3 bs. $1.00
BEANS ------------ lb. 29c


Nectarines --- b. 39c
Home Grown
PEACHES-------Ib. 29c
Cello Bags
RA DISHES--- 2 for 25c
White, Yellow or Zuchini
SQUASH------- b. 19c




Hard Head





Ice Cream
TABLERITE 10 Count Cans


1 LB. PKG.

6 Cans


C A B B AGE --------- b. 7c

New Crop Large Red
NEW POTATOES-------10b. bag 49c

Shelled Daily


Fresh Tender Frying
OK RA -------lb. 49c

Large Bunches


Field CORN

6 EA49c
H Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons


SHalf or










I _I I IlI I 11




:AQE ~ 1W lIAR. Pes1~ St i.e Pt.. 21454

Joe, received his Associate in known and recognized. Libraries
Arts Degree from Marion Institute, 'throughout Oklahoma .and select-
Saturday, May 22, at the school's ed public libraries in Wisconsin
129th Commencement Exercises. are also threading the maze with
: '; "'' Florida.
He is the son of Dr. and Mrs. The magic begins June 7 and
JosephP. Hendrix of Port St. Joe. will continue until August 27.
S.Dr. Norman H. McCrummen, Children are invited to vanish
president of Judson 'Cllege, de- down to their public library to
slivered the Commencement add- sign up for a summer of reading
press. fun.

'Notice is hereby given that on the 7th (seventh) day of June, 1971
at 11:00 A.M., at the Gulf'County Court House, Port St. Joe, State of
Florida, tax certificates will be sold on the following described land
to pay the amount due for taxes herein set opposite the same, to-
gether with all costs of such sale and all advertising. 4t-5-13
Description S T R A Owner Taxes & Adv.
Whitfield Acres, 2nd Add. to Howard Creek
Block 1, Lot 8 Bob Holland 6.19
Blick 5, Lot 2 Raymond E. Rhodes 81.06
Block 6, Lot 9 0. C. Dykes 10.96
Kentucky Landing Subdivision
Bloek1, S. 75 ft. of Lot 2 -.. Ewell H. Mills -,- 25.94.
Block 1, Lot 5 Sudduth Realty Co., Inc. A 63.36
1 Acre 'per 'deed rec'd Bk
,,Pge744__-___-1 4 9. 1 B & P, Inc,------63.54
Riverside Park Subdivision
Block 2, Lot 14 Jack T. McKiney -. 14.36
Chester May and
Block 5, Lot 10 Willie. May 20,40
Blok t Douglas Landing Subdivision
Block 7, Lot 6T James L. Carpenter -... 32.06
I *Midway Park Subdihision
Block 3, Lot 156 ft. E&W by 282
oft. N & S in SW cor. of Lot 2 --. Bessie King 26.61
Comm. at NE cor of NW% i
of NWYA of Sec 23,'Tp ',p
4S, Rge 10 *W, run W a-
long 40 line for 170 ft .
then S to Old. Panama '
Hwy- being approX. 285
ft M/L; th run W a1 ng. ,
N side of said road for 40 :.
ft; th run N for 285 ft '
M/L to the N line of said .
40, th E for 40 fifto P.O ,..
This lot lies W of Holiness
Church lot and. Annie ,
Mae Gregory & having a "
40 ft frontage on old Hwy,
said lot lying & being-in
Sec. 23, Twp 4S;,Rge 10. H Home Security
,W 23- 4 10 Corp. 55.87
Per deed rec'd ORB 4/206,
a lot of land 40 ft on Old.
Panama Road & 'running
back 285 ft to the N line
of NW% of NWA% 23 4 10 Alfonzo Baker, Jr. 7.23
Hanlon Subdivision
Block A, Lots 10-11 -Henry" C. Dean -- 7.56
50 ft by 100 ft ORB 17/ Mid-State Homes,
904 : 23 4 10 Inc. 4.08
Per deed Rec'd Bk. 12/
592, less sold to George
W Yon & Jonathan Rouse .
& S Huntley & Viola Hut-
chinson 23 4 10 1 Lee G Beck Estate 4.51
Riph's Add., Unit No. 1
Block 1, Lots 10-11 James Franklin Whitfield 79.51.
Block.2, Lot 7 Eugene Armstrong -------.. 42.21
Block 3, Lot 39 T R Muldowney ------- 17.33
Harden's Subdivision
Block '1, Lot 10 Mrs. Donald Strickland __ 11.12
Lot 50'ft X -100 ft ORB S .1
35/644 26 4 10 Bryant Hand Et Ux 4.08
Lot 50 ft N & S x 97 ft
E & W Rec'd Bw 2/510 26 4 10 .22 Emmerson Addison 4.08
Williamsburg Subdivision
Block B, Lot 12 Minnie Ash & Elizah Quinn 6.19
Marie Williams &
Block B, Lot 19 Roosevelt Larry -..-------.. 4.08
Block B, Lots 20-21-23-24 --------David Williams .--------11.63
Block E, Lot 15 Daisy Porter 3.48
Block E, Lot 14 rCharles Arthur Dean --. 3.48
Block F, Lot 6 i Albert Addison ----- 29.33
Block F, Lots 16-17-18-19 -------- Charles Baker ---------34.78
Block G, Lot 3 Rebecca Willis Est. -- 6.19
%Block B, Lot 14 Home Security Corp. ---- 47.02
Pine Ridge Subdivision
Block 1, Lot 1 0 C Williams -- 27.70
Block 2, Lot 1 Jimmy L. Frazier --- 9.04
Block 4, Lot 11 Emmerson Addison 9.04
Port St. Joe Beach Unit No. 1
Block 12, Lot 12 Blois Wade Nobles ------ 9.09
Lot 84, Blk 1, Rec'd Bk.
-1/445 33 5 11 .36 Darrell Adams 14.96
Beacon Hill Subdivision *
Block 21, Lots 1 & 3 Costa Vathis 10.47
Yon's Addition to Beacon Hill
Block 3, Lots 18-19-20 ---------0 C Dykes 25.74
Port St. Joe Beach Nnit No. 2
Block 24, Lot 15 ------ ---Charles F. Anderson.... 11.85
Highland View Subdivision
'Block A,'Lots 4 & 5 Julia Burch Estate ------56.29
Block D, S% of Lot 5 George M Hunter, Jr. __ 13.24
St. Joe Heights Subdivision
Block B, Lot 25 Roy Simmons ----------16.69
City of Port St. Joe
Block 11, Lot 16 less W 50 ft -- Robert L. Holland ------114.14
Block 15, Lot 6 Miles K Hurlbut -------319.66
Block 15, N 21 ft by 90 ft
off Lot 14 & W 9 ft by 45
ft off Lot 14 & W 45 ft
of Lots 16, 18 and 20 Miles K. Hurlbut --------488.00
Ralph Swatts '&
Block 25, Lots 1-3-5-7-9-11 ------ Sammie Parker ------- 674.60
Block 31, Lots 2 & 4 & W
20 ft of Lot 6 &N 10 ft of
Lots 1 & 3 & N 10 ft of
W 20 ft of Lot 5 Miles K. Hurlbut, Jr ..... 1,428.78
Block 37, Lot 7 and E% of Lot 5 James Tankersly ..-------53.90
Block 42, Lot 13 Gordon Thomas -------202.72
Block 50, Lot 1 Bobby Lee Huckeba -_ 45.04
Block 49, Lot 10 Robert L Holland------- 30.87
Block 89, Lot 23 0 C Dykes 25.55
Block 1006, Lot 26 Jimmy L Frazier -------- 18.47
Block 1009, Lot 13 & W 23 ft of
Lot 15 Elijah Williams-------- 136.00
Block 1015, Lot 23 Willie Lee Borders ----- 36.18
Block 1017, Lot 13 Frazier Miller 53.90
Block 1017, Lot 15 Jaries Shackleford ----- 18.47
Block 1018, Lot 29 Roy Simmons --------- 18.47
Cape San Bias Subdivision
Block 5, Lots 35 & 36 -- ------... William Baggs ---------- 14.63
Tax Collector, Gulf County'

Electronics Taught in School

. Hugh Smith, right, instructs John Scott, Bil-
ly, Stephens and Michael Murphy in repairing a
television set funer. The instruction, is part of


Line up the makings and help
yourself to a treat on a skewer.
:1. Make sure you have enough
skewers to go around and select
meats and vegetables that cook in
about the, same tme., t may 'be.
more desirable tp place. meats
which require longer cooking
ties, separate ftip skewered ve-
.., Cook vegetables on skewers
about the last 10 minutes of cook-
ing time for the meat. -Tomatoes
need only about 3 minutes cook-
ing time.
3. [Do not overcrowd. Heat
should reach all sides of the food
on the skewers.
4. Marinate meats in desired
sauce,about 2 hours before cooking
or brush with a sauce or melted
butter while cooking.
5. All 'meats should be cut in-
to cubes about 1 to 1% inches.
Make sure' that all cubes are as
nearly the same size as possible.
A very hot grill is best for kebabs.
6. Plug it in, "it's hot", begin.

Legal Adv.
IN RE: 'Estate of
TO: All creditors and all persons
having claims or demands
against said estate
QUIRED to present any claims and
demands which you or either of
you may have against the Estate
of Lester Allen, deceased, late of
Gulf County, Florida, to the Hon-
orable S. P. Husband, County
Judge of Gulf County, Florida, and
file the Asame in his office in the
County Courthouse in Gulf Coun-
ty, Florida, within six (6) calendar
months from the date of the first
publication hereof. Said claims or
demands to' contain the legal ad-
dress of the claimant and to be
sworn to and presented as afore-
said. 'In addition to the required
filing fee or said demand or claim
shall be barred.
DATED this the 27th day of
May, 1971.
318 Reid Avenue 4t-5-27
Port St. Joe, Florida
Attorney for Administratrix



All The


the electronics coursee taught in the new Voca-
tional Education course at Port St. Joe High
School. ( i --Etar photo

'Attractive combinations, for ske- Scallops, bacon' and blanched
wers include the following: pieces of onion .
Scallops, shrimps or oysters with
or wrapped in bacon,and firm min- Bef Kebabs or Beef on Skewers
iature tomatoes.,- 1% lbs. better or grade round,
, Chicken livers oripieces- of calf cut in 1 to 1% inch cubes
liver or kidney," alternating with 1 can (4 oz.). parboiled onions,
cocktail sausages and mushrooms. miniature size
or squash, A cup firm cherry tomatoes
bl c ed sm egg.olnons, irms l large green pepper, cut in
tomatoes anched small on 12ths, parboiled
tomatoes and bacon. 4 cup diced eggplant, optional
Shrimp or diced' lobster, diced 4 cup melted butter
cucumber and stuffed olives. 1 teaspoon salt
Pieces of fish, sections of blanch- % teaspoon pepper
ed celery and bhcon.' TV Program... See "Homemak-
Pieces of sausage and pickled ing Today The Modern Way"
onions. :presented each Sunday afternoon
Bacon and pieces of unpeeled at 4:00 p.m., Channel 11, Tallahas-
apple. see, WFSU-TV.

L.nrary urges vacation neuuers TO
Explore "Magic" of Local Facility

Florida Vacation Readers will ans that can rehd are eligible to
look, into their crystal balls and join.
see a summer .packed with magic, ardedas
hocus pocus and all sorts of super .There are n. pe aware d as;
sorcery as they begin another sea- tis rnot l compete v program
son of reading forfun a the North. :but their il be plenty of surpris-
west Regional Library. p, and magic around.
,The' theme "for this year's pro- Magicians (children) may regist-
gram of mystical messages is er with the sorceress (librarian) at
"Magic Maze" and all little magic, their House of Books (library) or
S- 'on the bookmobile. Free magic
buttons, bookmarks and member-
William N. Hendrix ship cards will be a part of the
extras conjured up for all partici-
eceives M. L$. Degee pants.
cev' s M panThis statewide program is fund-
MARION, 'ALA. Cadet Wil- ed under the Library Services Con-
Ham Newton Hendrix of/Port, St. struction Act, and is nationally

Church School 9:45
Morning Worship ..........---. 11:00
Evening Worship -....--..... 7:00
Methodist Youth Fellowship .-..........----------....... 8:00


"Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives"


C. Byron Smith, Pastor

Corner Third St. and Baltzell Ave.

EVENING' WORSHIP SERVICE .------....... 7:30 P.M.
PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) ... 7:30 P.M.
"Come'and Worship God With Us"

SYES Maverick is America's lowest-
- ;-0 priced V-8. Yet it's still the "simple
machine," saving you money on gas, oil,
repairs. And now it comes in a new 4-door
family version, too.

you get special savings

on special new Mustangs

and Torinos.

YES the

Ford Team offers savings on

any car or truck in stock.

St. Joe Motor Company


inn W&P. f.' im 14w 32454

AGE InEwlc~~ll

Series E and 'H Bond Sales Total

$8,784 In Gulf During Month of April

April sales of Series E and H recently taken by the Treasury.
United States Savings Bonds in The Treasury has granted addi-
Florida were $10.5 million up tional 10-year maturity extensions
$2.9 million over April 1970. Flor- to Series E Savings Bonds pur-
ida 1971 Savings Bonds sales total- hased from May 1941 through
ed $40.4 million April 30 an in- January 1957, and to Series H
crease of $6.6 million over the Bonds issued from June 1952
same period last year. through January 1957. Also, Fre
Florida reached 41.0% of its an- through Janures, sold May 1967 through,
nual sales goal at the end ofApril.June 1970, have been given a 10-
The state is 3.7% ahead of its ex-, year extension beyond their origin-
pected sales accomplishment for y ear extension maturity.
this four month period.-year maturity.
Gulf County sales in April were He commented, "This means
$8,784 according to Mr. Walter C. Savings Bonds owners can continue
Dodson, volunteer County Savings to count on their older Bonds as
Bonds Chairman., The county at- part of their long-range financial
stained 32.7% of its annual sales planning for retirement security,
goal at the end of April. children's educations and new
goal at the end of April. homes."
The County Chairman reminded homes.
local residents that all outstanding CLASSIFIED ADS
Series E, and H Savings Bonds and CLASSIFIED AD5
all Freedom Shares continue to Midget investments with
draw interest, as a result of action Giant Rstum r

Intersection. Monument and Constitution

S. : ... P rt St J k4

:' .* '.' ; and may require frequent stops t
| ... A r c g. A g a clean windshfids, lights, grills an
|k le.t~fr^ HB Q JA I 'r't 6Al Sradiators. Populations are equally
Love Bugs Are Smooc ng A ain high over fields, woods, and lake
as they are along highways.
GJEsVLLE -- Call them ter. Love-bugs product two gbner- black bugs neither bite nor sting, love-bigs over long distances. Infestation occurs over such
S vloveJugs," honeymoon flies, tele- nations a year. Their flights will but they dq get in your way and Since ,1965, :high. populations of wide area that any chemical con
-. phone-bugs, united-bugs, double- last from three to feurl weeks in nmeps pg;yur ear; this fly have occurred over. the trols are impractical. To avoid th
headed bugs, or Marth flies. North and Central Florida. They are now at their peak of northern half of 'peninsular Flor- flies, travel at night. The flies si
S- They're back again, plastering Research shows that adult feT production. Because of humid sumn- ida. This is a native insect that on vegetation and rest'during th
i windshields and radiator grills. males lay grey, irregularly-shaped mer, temperatures, they develop has" apparently: .been present in hours of darkness and do not re
Love-bugs emerge in Florida twice eggs in or on the soil under partial- much faster. Most of their breed- this area in, insignificant numbers, sume flight .until 10 a.m. the nex
a year, right-on schedule,;# May ly decaying, vegetation. Eggs per ing 'is "along highway margins. The reasons for the current "popu- day. Travel at a reduced speed
and September, Dr. Lwrence A. 'female vary 'from 152 to 602, the From there they take off to at- lation explosions" are unknown, Place a suitable-sized piece of win
Hetrick, University of Florida .en- average being about 350. tack towns and cities nearby, or Dr. Hetrick says. dow screen' dehind the grill an
tomologisthays. '. Love-bugs are scavengers, .and not so nearby. They can fly long As motorists travel Florida high- in front of the radiator to pre
,. The scientific ;name for' ilve- believe it or not, they are helpful distances when assisted by winds, ways, the vehicles strike the drift- vent clogging of the cooling fan
a .s 9iitable environm6nt-'for devel- ials back into soil components, Dr. '1000 to 1500 feet. Prevailing winds flies spatter and stick to the fronts Clean off the splattered remains
.. opmeat, feeding on decaying mat- Hetrick says. Harmless, the pesky at these altitudes can .carry the' of vehicles. They are a nuisance which' are 'mostly "scrainbled egg

-we care-

"Super-Right" Country Treat Whole
"Super-Right" Stick :.
i "Super-Right" All Meat

(Whole o

I g.

."Super-Righ't Al Meat Cap'n John's Quick Frozen "Super-Right" Heavy Wes
69c SLICED BOLOGNA .... i 5c Flounder Fillets ---- b. 89c BONELESS ROA0
tPioewl AH Meat Skinless Quick Frozen 'Super-Right' Heavy Wes
r Sultana 'Quick Frozen Qulck Frozen Bulk "Super-Right" Quick Froze
59c TV Dinners 11 oz. 49c PERCH FILLETS .. ... 59c BEEF PATTIES

Instant sSpecial! Marvel ChoQlate bevis Food or Banana Specie Formula 409*- 1C
NESCAFE COFFEE ... $1.63 MARSMALLOW PIES. 3 i$1.00 Instant Breakfast -- 49c Bathroom Cleo
A&P (with Amonia) 8 oz. Btl., mber. Red or Green Special! Cabiin forme Speciall Ann Page 102V Oz
Window Cleaner __ 29c i&PMOUTHWASH....3. $1.00 CORN MEAL ...... s 59c Tomato Soup.
4c off Label!Kraff Special A&P 22 'OuncS Bottle Substitutiq A 46Oz. Cans
WHIPE'A1RY1.1 Jl .4k Sug'e: Substitute LA&P 46 OZ. Cans
WHIPPED PARKAY" ... 3c fSpraiy eaner.. 49c SWEET H LOW .... 93c Fruit Drinks .

Jane Parker Delicious
Jane Parker
Jane Parker Orange',


Golden Corn CIOny69
Ripe Tomatoes LL 39' Yellow Onions L 10'.

Assorted Colors Speciall
5c off Label .Special!
Assorted Colors Speciall
Wax Paper Special!
CUT-RITE . 2 35c
Jumbo Special!
VIVA NAPKINS .". 3 / $1.00

Swith L C. witou, W ith LB J
This CAN Oco-,, This BAG R CA ul 8
1 Coupon B- 69 Coupon .5 c out This 0% PKGS. ouponp
Linit I w/Coupon And $7.50 o.r .,or order o4 Im t, 1 w/Coupon And $7.50 mo oder Coupon
Coupon good through June 6, 1971 g Coupon good through June 6. 1971 C,.pon ood through June 6, 1971
^?^^ s^^ ^ y a y^ v~y ~^f ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^j

p -


THURSDAY'. 'JUNe '3; 1971



SIt battery trobble Is
your problem, vWe cirry
and recommend the
finest NAPA bat-
MOM, t.Aeries. There simply
Made and we can
1 ofe improve it.

On good Ihrough Juno 6. 1971
auamms--in U -ST. JOE AUTO



to ward for the highest average in
d 'David Maddox Gets freshman Chemistry and the Com-
ey fro Ma n mandant's Medal for Best Citizen-
1s Degree from Marion ship.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
a MARION, ALA. Cadet David David B. Maddox of Port St. Joe.
.- Cornelius Maddox of Port St. Joe Dr. Norman H. McCrummen,
e received his Associate in Science president of Judson College de-
it Degree from Marion Institute, livered the Commencement Add-
e Saturday, May 22, at the school's ress.
. 129th Commencement Excercises.
t Cadet Maddox received the A
. Chemical Rubber Company's A-
a- dtLegalAdvi
d as soon as possible, to prevent
e.- damage to most automotive paints. NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS
s And don't paint the exterior ofI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN
e: buildings in May or September that the Gulf County School Board
, when adults are in flight, Dr. Het- will receive sealed bids up until
, when adults are in flight, Dr. He- 9:00 A.M., EDT, on June 8, 1971
's' rick says. for the purchase of the Washing.
ton school site, including buildings
and equipment located on the. fol-
lowing described property in Port
St. Joe, Florida, to-wit:
The land involved includes 11.64
Commence at the Southeast cor-
ner of the Southwest quarter of
Section 36, Township 7 South,
Range 11 West, Tallahassee Mer-
idian and run thence South 00-
07' East 188.5 feet along the Sec-
tion line, thence South 89-53'
West -30,0 feet to a point which
0 \is the point of beginning; run
thence South 89-53' West-810.0
feet, thence North 00*-07' west-
750.0 feet, thence North 89-53'
East 443.6 feet thence in a
Southeasterly direction along a
curve to the right, with a radius
of 1,282.49 feet, said line being
150.2 feet Southwesterly from,
and parallelled to a center line
of the A.N.R.R. Belt Line Track,
a distance of 848.9 feet to the
-f point of beginning; lying and be-
ing in the Northeast Quarter of
the Northwest Quarter of Sec-
tern Beef tion 1, Township 8 South, Range
S cut.fro 11 West, and in the Southeast
f 'T .? v. t ". C Quarter of the Southwest Quarz
Ster of aforesaid Section 36, and
stem Beef' Bone in containing 3.42 acres, more or
AKS. 99c less, in said Section 1, and 8.22
S* *... 77acres more or less, in said See-
en Manned tion 36, comprising an aggregate
Ib box $1.49 of 11.64 acres, more or less.
l. accept or reject any or all bids.
Superintendent 5-13
CASE NO. 71-57
PORATION, a Florida corporation
TO: Roy E. Bradford
105 Kirton Street -
SCan Rome;, Georgia-'30161
SThe above named Defendant is
aner -----49c hereby notified that an action.'to
foreclose a security interest in all
z. Cans inventory, equipment, furniture,,
furnishings, fixtures, appliances,.
6 cons 79c s u p p lies, licenses, accessories,'
parts and accessions now attached
to or used by Defendants in the
3 cans s1 00 operation of radio station WJOE,
3 cons $1.00Port St. Joe, Florida, and the lease-
hold interest of said Defendants in
NO the premises occupied by said ra-
Rdio station in Gulf County, Flor-
* ida, and for appointment of, a. re-
ceiver to take possession of and
to operate, control and manage
said radio station WJOE, and all
eS property sought to be foreclosed
against herein, and to receive all
income, commissions and profits
Special from the operation of said radio'
S"" 49c station, has been filed against' you,.
S and you are required to serve a"
Special! copy of your written defenses, if
1-tb., 6-. any, to said action upon the law
ES 59c firm of Isler, Welch, Bryant, Smith,
Higby & Brown Plaintiff's Attor-
Special! neys, whose address is 434 Magno-
1 3-. 49 lia Avenue Panama City, Florida,
0* *". 4I 32401, on or before June 11, 1971,
and file the original with the Clerk
of this court either before service
upon Plaintiff's attorneys or im-
mediately thereafter; otherwise a
41 ^default will be entered against you
for the relief demanded in the
Complaint or Petition.
WITNESS my hand and the seal
/of this court on this 11th day ,of
May 1971.
Clerk of the Circuit Court
SGulf County, Florida
(SEAL) 4t-5-13

l.y's These are
Potato Chips .-29c Danger "
Pillibury 24 Serving IR dsant
Potatoes.. '. .59c Readings
Frosting Mix. 45c s.. 3

onda Brush : What hot weather start ld
UP LINT, DUST, DANDRUFF, weather finishes -both extremes
HAINS FROM CLOTHING, drain battery power. But before
EDE AND UPHOLSTERY you fill the air with electrifying
KEACH oaths, see us for a checkup of
, 9 EC C your starting and charging system.
We'll find the real trouble, with.
out obligation.

W r j7. *~VULV


SPanama City Jaycees Lay
"riV ^ 0 n .... _n

As Registered Pharmacists professional men, we don't sell
our wares "door-to-door" nor do we solicit prescription
business through the mail. Though we wear the hat of a
retailustore owner, selling other merchandise traditionally
related to the drug store, our prescription service is the
heart four business. We have a responsibility to maintain
if we'reto retain the professional trust of your doctor. Be-
cause of our experience and integrity in compounding and
dispensing pnly the freshest drugs, with the most mod-
ern equipment, you need never fear an impersonal, uncon-
cerned, nor irresponsible approach to the filling of your
prescriptions. We are mindful of our responsibility and, repu-
tation, always anxious to earn your complete confidence.

For the.highest pharmaceutical standards, low prices
consistentwith quality and the personal attention you
can always depend upon, bring your prescriptions to

Buzzett's Drg Store
317 Williams Avenue Phone 227-3371
Drive-In Window Service Plenty of Free Parking

Walter Dodson Talks to Kiwanians

About Money, Interest and Changes

S ir ase B efore Kotary Walter Dodson used a subject interest charges. Simple interest
I close to the heart of everyone, in is usually the cheapest even tho
presenting a program to the Ki- the percentage rate may be higher

Port -St. .Joe 'Rotarians were openings at the dinner", Gerde lieve in a free and accurate press anis Club Tuesday. He talkedhan the add-on rate. "Always ask
given a first-hand report last said. "The happenings were noth- strong enough to stand with our about money. for the total interest rate per
Thursday of the fued currently in ing like what was reported and denunciation of Bay County media Dodson compared the size of the year as set forth by government,
progress between the Panama we used this example to point out for their failure to exercise re- dollar printed in 1929 with the bill regulations", Dodson advised.
City Jaycees and Panama. City the inaccurate and non-profession- sponsible journalism" Gerde went currently in use. The old bill was Dodson also said a few words
news media. The report was given al manner in which news stories on to say that the Panama City nearly a inch larger in width and about the new corporation assum-
by Panama, City Jaycee. president are handled in Bay County". Jaycees have written to Sikes and length than today's bill. Dodson ing ownership of the local bank.
Jerry rGerde, who stated that the Gerde emphasized that their Boggs apologizing for any embar- said, "In 1929, there was only $18 The new corporation, Florida Na-
fued was not directed against Con- resolution was aimed directly at rassment they may have caused billion in circulation. Today there tional Banks of Florida, Inc., is
gressman Bob, Sikes and Congress- the inadequacies of the news me- the Congressmen and asked for is over $50.96 billion in circula- exchanging shares with Florida
man Hale Boggs, as was reported dia in proper reporting and was their support in demanding re- tion. National Bank shareholders at the
by some Panama City media. passed unanimously by the Jay- sponsible reporting in their coun. In talking of interest, Dodson rate of 5.23 shares of the ne'w cor-
Gerde said, "The Jaycees have cees. ty. gave the Kiwanians a little insight portion for one share of the Flor-
been disturbed for some time con- Gerde stated that after local Guest of the club was Bob Saun- to interest charged by various ida National Group. Dodson said
cerning reporting practices of Bay pressure was applied against them ders, incoming president of the lending agencies and showed the stock in the new corporation would
County media and the Panama City to apologize to Sikes and Boggs Panama City Jaycees. difference in add-on and simple go on sale in the very near future.
News Herald in particular. The for the language of the resolution,
Bob Sikes Appreciation Dinner the Jaycees again passed a second
and its happenings was merely a resolution re-affirming their first
vehicle to point out the Jaycees' resolution, demanding accurate re-
claim", Gerde said. porting, which was also unanimous-
"Over 100 man hours was spent ly adopted.
by the Jaycees in interviewing 16 "All Jaycees are in a precarious
who were present at the dinner position to pressure being ap-
to get the true' facts of the hap- plied", Gerde said, "But we be- Ca mi A

Cigarette Tax Collec

Again during March, the cig-
aret tax collections have increas-
ed in Florida according to the
'office of Raymond E. Beary, Di-
rector of the Department of
Business Regulation, Division of
Sales of cigarettes increased
by nearly 10'. million packages
over March'of last year, bringing

:tions OnIncrease

in an increase of 13 percent
more tax revenue than the same
monti a year ago.
As their share of the cigarette
tax collections, Gulf County re-
ceived $108.706in March to bring F
the year's tptal receipts to
$498.69. Gulf received $139.84 I
in March of last year.
The City of Port St. Joe rea- 1
lized recent nof $5S054192 in the 7

March sales, for a total of $52,- I
627.83 thus far this year. Port
St. Joe received, $4,457.16 in
Legal Adv. March of last year.

OReIN THE CIRCUITn COURT, A nn Varsity-Senior
AND FOR GULFCOUNTY. otball Gaie friday
CASE NO. 71-55 -.
LEONARD R SMITH, The a n n u al varsity-senior I
Plaintiff, a u al soeoeh
M -VS.--%LOUSMTH, S C -- WS football game will be played on
MARY LOU M TH, Friday evening at the local foot-
Defendant. stadiumm acrdg to
NOTICE OF ACTION ball stadium, according to
TOry L. : Smith, defendant, Wayne Taylor, athletic director.
whose address -is unknown.' I The game features graduating
YOU ARE NOTIFIED that an ac- senior boys against next year's
tion for divorce -has been filed varsity football team.
against you and you are required _hnr The game wial begin at 8:00
to serve a copy of your written de-- .m A dm i -n bein et a0
senses, if any, to it on Hon. Cecil p.m. Admission has been set at
SG. se drecei tiffs attorfiey, $1.00 for adults and 50c for stu- "
whose address is 22oRlid Avenue, dents.
Port St. Joe, Florida :245'ei tor a.z ,
before July 6 1 -'7 and file the P
original withiie clerk of this court Qtbc uterbak C
either before service on plaintiff's uaterback Club Meeting
attorney or immediately thereaf-5 -DL o u or e rguarm ont
ter; otherwise a default will be en-V a o. Tof"the regular te onthly: meeting
tered against you. for the relief, of the Quarterback Club will be
demanded in the Compla ints. held Monday night, June 7, at a
'iVTthESS my hand and the seal -7:30 p: at the High School. M
Ofs Cbourtson June 1, 1971. 0 t
3 EORGE Y. CORE 1 All members are urged to at-
Cie. *' qio Court tend, since several important
At Co ty, p a items of interest are to be dis- a

The Board of County Comjpi- 6 Grad ati2n
ti n GO wiuilli receive T Traoingaee M F
kSaild bids from any person comr. (Continued from Page 1)
Pa-Y, O ortiation interested in thg. dontise m o e g
el1i t.he county the following things don't seem to be going F
eskibed personal property! 'yoto way."
. 2T 4g CEMENT -l prolerard enneth Small checks a customer's order Wn the cash register. your way."
e 1 with the following ee. in Carp's Department Store, where Kenny is a DCT student in In closing his message Spikes F
ifications: Silicon Dioxide 2.1%, training. Looking on as Kenny rings up the sale is store manager If H ou achieve anything you
Aluminum Oxide 4.3%, Ferri Charles Arant. --Star photo la
Oxide 3.2%, Magnesium Oxide will have to give it all you have. R $
.7%, Sulfur Trioxide 2.1%, Loss If you give it your all, you are s
-on Ignition 1.0%, Insoluble resi- Sstill bound to fail some -of the
due .1% Tricalcium silicate Senior Class Honored With Spend time". Spikes reminded he Sen-
61.3%, Tricalcium aluminate that many ofrman'sSusefu
6.0%, Na20 Eauiv. .50%. iors that many of man's useful
quote price per bag delivered inventions came about by men c
and unloaded at the county Road The Day Party at St.Joseph Parkfailing to find what they started S
shop in Wewahitchka or to 'Mos- out to seek.'%
quito Control warehouse in Port o e a
St. Joe. The Senior ,Class ,of 1971 was er, Charmaine Kramer, Shelia 5-
LOT 5: All tires and tubes for the honored with a spend,the-day pie- Humphrey, Elwanda Harcus, Suz- 2:
period, 7-1-71 to 71-72. Specifi- nic at St. Joseph's Park on Wed- zette Bateman, Joann Harris, Deb- 'Jonhl
the Clerk's office. nesday, May 26. orah Mallet, Mary Jo Shipley, Ab F
LOT 6: All petroleum products for Seniors attending were the fol- St. John, David Treace, Billy Rich, rContinued FrOm Page It
thle period 7-1-71 to 7-1-72. Spe- lowing: Brenda Adams, Holly Hen- Perky White, Steve Macomber, "Jonah and the Whale" are Bar- I
cifications mav be obtained from drix, Jan Peterson, LaNell Chaon, Andy Wilkinson, Steve Adams, na Gant 'and Joy Carol Christ- a
the Clerk's Office.G.C r
Bids will be received until June Janie Cathey, Dolores Dickey, Ca- Johnny Goodman, Dennis Nor- mas. Both are music majors.
8, 1971 at 9:00 o'clock A.M., Port rol Nance, Brenda Redmon, Ly- wood, Mike Wimberly, George Wil- The youth choir of the St. An-
St.' Joe Time, at the office of the nette Parrish, Clara Whitfield, Ce- liams, Jimmie Demmings, Eddie drew Baptist Church will pro-
Clerk of the Circuit Court, Port St. celia Strange, Joy Parker, Brenda Fields, rFelto-n Lewis, Tim Kenn- vide the choral background fdr
Joe. Florida.
The Board reserves the right to Weeks, Charlotte Graham, Sharon edy, Joey Blan, Billy Quinn, Nor- the performance.
reject any and all bids. Wilson, Sharon Bowman, Lanette ris Langston, Ronnie Peterson, This Christian musical was
BOARD OF COUNTY Hicks, Velma Hall, Cora Wyatt, 'Charles Britt, Kenny Small, Larry written by Bob Curlee, pastor of
Gulf C ounty. FloridaS, Mary Alice Lowe, Dorothy Wil- Copenhaver, Jim Dodson, Kloskia the Ensley Baptist Church in
S. C. PLAYER, Chmn. 2-5-27 liams, Drucilla Henderson, Lena Lowery, Chuck Roberts, Eddie Birmingham. In addition to hav-
Bewey, Valeria Dawson, Velma Holland, Benny Sherrill, Donnie ing written "Jonah and the
NOTICE TO RECEIVE Daniels, Charlene Thomas, Delores Maddox, Bill Herring, Raymond Whale", the Rev. Curlee Ias
SEALED BIDS Simmons, Midge Howell, Carol Atchison, Jimmy Lemieux and written "Daniel and the Lion's
The Board of County Commis- Parker, Lynn Knox, Marsha Play.' Marvin Barfield. Den", which is being produced
sioners of Gulf County will receive
sealed bids from any person. cam- Parents attending were Mrs. in Gatlinburg, Tennessee and
pany, or corporation interested in ity: plus-minus .0005%, Output Dave Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. "Noah and theArk" in Fort Wal-
selling the County the following Impedance: 50 ohms. Modulation 'Herring, Mrs. George Holland, Mr. ton Beach.
described personal property: Deviation: 16F3 0 to plus-minusand Mrs. Grady Player, Mrs. W. The Long Avenue Baptist
LOT 1: 83 rolls 30 pound felt. 5 KHZ. FM Noise: -55 dB. Audio and Mrs. Grady Player, Mrs. W. The Long Avenue Baptist
83 rolls 15 pound felt. Response: plus-minus 1. -3 dB of H. Howell, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Bill Church extends a cordial invita-
100 lbs. % roof nails. 6 dBl octave pre-emphasis 300 Rich, Mrs. Lawrence Copenhaver tion to all to attend this unusual
LOT' 2: 342 gal. mighty plate roof to 3000. Hz per EIA. Audio Dis- and Mrs. C. W. Roberts. performance which has a very
coating. portion: Less than 5% at rated'
146 gal. mighty plate cement output. Receiver: Narrow band. The party was sponsored by the special appeal to youth and
coating. Bids will be received until June following parents: Mr. and Mrs. young adults.
30 gal. fibered aluminum roof 8, 1971 at 9:00 O'clock A.M., Port Tom Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
coating. St. Joe Time, at the Office of theSherrill Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pe- Mrs. W. J. Herring, Mr. and Mrs
120 gal. mighty plate primer. Clerk of the Circuit Court, Port Sherrill, Mr. and Mrs. Canton P- Mrs. W. J. Herring, Mr. and Mrs.
300 ft. of 36" glass-web patching St. Joe, Florida. terson, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gra- George Holland, Mr. and Mrs. Gra-
material, or the equivalent of The Board reserves the right to ham, M. and Mrs. Johnny Adams, dy Player, Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
LOthese five items. ile Radios reject BO any and all bids. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Maddox, Mr. How411, Jr, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rich,
Transmitter: Min. of 100 Watts, j COMMISSIONERS 2t and Mrs. Tom Parker, Jr., Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Copenhaver
Narrow Band. Frequency Stabil- S.C. PLAYER, Chmn. 5-27 Mrs. Wayne Hendrix, Mr. and and Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Roberts.

FOR SALE: 3 bedroom tri-level FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY
house on corner lot. 2 baths, apartment, downstairs. 522% MAN OR WOMAN
fully carpeted and large game Third St. Phone 227-8642. tfc-6-3 Reliable person from this area
fully carpeted d to service and collect from automa-
room. Also beach cottage at Mex- FOR SALE: 1957 GMC semi-truck tic dispensers. No experience need-
ico Beach and one lot at St. Joe with 34,000 miles. See at St. Joe ed we establish accounts for
Beach. Call 229-5911 or 227-2434. Materials. Phone 227-2434. you. Car, references and $995.00
to $1885.00 cash capital necessary.
FOR SALE: New 3 bedroom house FOR RENT: Unfurnished 2 bed- 4 to 12 hours weekly nets excel-
at St. Joe Beach. Call 648-7681. room clean b.ouse. Laundry and lent monthly income. Full time
tfc-5-27 storage room. Large shady yard. more. For local interview, write,
Automatic heat. Phone 227-8536 include telephone number, Eagle
FOR SALE: 1968 Cameroa.. See after 5:00 p.m. tfc-5-27 Industries, 3938 M e a d owbrook
is Kin tfc-5-13 O Road, St. Louis Park, Minnesota
Chris King. FOR RENT: Newly decorated large 55426. Itp
FOR SALE: Furnished beach cot- 1 bedroom apartment with sep-
tage. St. Joe Beach. Call on con- rate dining room, furnished. PIANO LESSONS: Open for new
;act Nonis Williams; Panama City, Phone 227-8536 after 5 p.m. tfc-4-22 pupils starting June 14. Contact
now, Mrs. Linda Long, 1307 Palm
785-3511, P. 0. Box 10439. tfc-4-29 FOR RENT: Apartment at 510 8th Blvd. 229-3733. 4tc-5-27
FOR SALE: Nice home close to Street. For information call HELP WANTED: Home Address-
schools. 3 bedrooms, living Jean Arnold at 648-4800. tfc-4-22 ers, commission mailers, enve-
schain 3in bedroomslity vousi lope stuffers. For details send
room, den, central air andheat, FORRNT: Trailer spaces. aterself-addressed, stamped envelope
chain link fence, utility house, furnished. Cable TV 'option. St. to: David Faulkner, P. 0. Box 46,
timing 61poo L *1907 Long tAve.' Joe Beach, DeSoto St. Phone 648- Key West, Florida 33040. 4t-5-13
lay. After 5 p.m. call. 229-2201, IS E LANDiNG: Bas bai
tfc-4-29 FOR RENT: Furnished apartments, and cold drinks o en bu
SSALE: and trailer space. Bo's WInico der new management. James E
FOR SALE: Nice 2 bedroom house Lodge, White City. Phone 229-2410. e is
on corner lots at White City. 2 tfeC-2- 6tp-5-l
ots. Phone 227-4436. tfc-4-29 FOR YOUR carpentry or roofing
2be dFOR RENT: Furnished beach cot needs. Call 229-1406, Grady Ma-
FOR SALE2bedroom house, block ages. Reasonable mouthlyrates.his. All work guaranteed. 4p-4-29,
and stucoI carpet &ad air on- Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tfc
Itliud. 523 7th 8L t274m tifce TREE SERVICE: Trees taken down
FOR RENT.: 1 bedroom furnished and removed or trimmed. Call
RO F apartment, air conditioned. Ph. 65 M or 653843,0 Apalachl ola.
ROOM FOR RENT 2274261 day, 6484600 night 4-8 ..
Attractively furnished 2 b i SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. CaBll
Special Weekly Rates FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished ord Griffi. Phone 229-2937.
MOTEL ST. JOE house with carpeted den. House 9z 22-304M.
Phone 229.9021 is wired for air conditioner, wash-.
er and dryer. Will consider rent- PROFESSIONAL HELP with emo-
ing partially furnished. Call 229-I tional problems and/or concerns.
POR 3AL.: Red brick nome. oz0 6211 227-7636 after 5:00. tf5-20 Gulf County Guidance Clinic, Port
Garrison. -3 bedrooms, central FO CHILDREN St Joe, Florida 229-3621 or on
air and heat. Can be seen by a!).WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN 'in St Jld 2-
ir and heat. Can be seen5by ap- y ho. Phone 229-6190. Ip emergency basis, Rev. C. Byron
ointment. Phone 785-3511 or 783- ome. S. Smith, Port St. Joe, Florida 227-
564, Panama City. tfc-3-11 THE TALLAHASSEE-V DEMOCRAT :5041. : tfc-44-
SALE: Dining .room suite, summer replacement agent is
heaP. Stereo. Also, furniture Gail Hicks at White. City, You an : ..FORSALE-. Chewolet
finishing and repairs. Furniture contact her at 229.1133. 2-TON TRUCK
built to order Picture frames. e FOR SALE: Horse fertilizer. Call good condition. New engine,
t, shop, 403 Madison. St4 Oak 229-2601 or 227-8541. ; tfc-6-3 WA .m Refrigerated body.
S- i FOR APPLIANCE, heating and re- 0 *
OR SALE: 45oaanp er. Seuryith frigeration repairs call 229-6323. 1 and SNWS IGA
t Stafford's Grocery, White City. WE HAVE IN STOCK plenty of cy- Phone 2294562
press' lumber, 2x4 to:2x12, nos.
FOR SALE: Calladium bulbs by 1 and 2. 1x4 through li12 mostly
Port St. Joe Garden Club. See no. 2. Pine lumber, paints, hard-
t home of Mrs. K. Bateman, Phone ware and appliances. PRIDGEON FOR
OR SALE: Gentle pony and sad- k tfc1
die. Phone 229-6298. .2tp-6-3 In Wewalitchka and
OR SALE: Hanson surfboard. Phone 229-6532 Port St. Joe
$35.00. Call 648-3121. tfc-5-20 Corner First St. and Reid Ave. CALL
OR SALE: 1965 10'x58' house Color and BA&W TV Repairs r r .
trailer, 2 expansions, $2200. Boat Antenna Repairs Comforter Funeral Home
totor and trailer, good in Gulf or antenna Repairs
ike, electric start, ready to use. 227-3511
400.00. 1969 Honda "160" in goodour
shape $295.00. -See Vic Burke at THE COTTAGE SHOPPE, your o- -
hite City. Ph. 229-2757. tP cal dealer for PH]NEX YARN
hite City. P57. pha a large selection of yarn for C. P. Etheredge
OR SALE: Typewriter, reels and your knitting and crochet needs. Strt
rods, clarinet, guitars, watches, We have many gift items at the 18 Third Street
cameras, stereo tape cartridges, COTTAGE SHOPPE, red and white Port St. Joe, Fla.
.K. %" socket set, 1 1/16 to 1 5/8, building on Hiway 98, Beacon Hill. Plumbing and
Y" heavy duty electric drill. See
t McCormick's Pawn Shop, 102 RAY'S TRIM SHOP I Electrical Contractor
th St., Highland View, Phone Ale trySevice Call 2294986 for Pree Estimate
29-6193. 4tp-6-3 Complete Upholstery Service .
"We aim to please you
We aim to ry yoe" R.A.M.--Regular convocation on St.
OR SALE: Baby bed, mattress 602 Ga7rlsonmAve. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.AM.,
and matching chest of drawers. hon02 Garisn Av326 st and 3rd Mondays, 8 p.m. All
n good condition. Will sell separ- vi JOSEPH PIPPIN Home.
te. Phone 227-7661. tfc-6-3 FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call H. T. WEST, Secretary
Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS Emory Stephens. Free estimate
PAINT Dealer in Part St. Joe Guarantee on labor and materials. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116,
Low down payment. Phone 227- THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet-
7972. irg second and fourth Tuesday
Sights. 8:00 p.m. American Legion


306 Reid Ave.

1 m now servicing wigs and THERE WILL BE a regular comn-
hair pieces in my home. IU munication of Part St Joe Lodge
you have human hair or syn- No. 11, F. & A. M., every fst
thetic which you would like and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m.
to have serviced quickly at
low prices .
CALL 229-3311 or 2274853