The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/01828
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: November 19, 1970
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:01828

Full Text

'** ****

Port St. Joe-The Optlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley"


W N /

Four Arrested Monday With

Large Amount of Marijuana

S tr heaehre hippy young ladis*werl,,chosen left b right ar
:b, Ib pan-l bofjudges Saterday night for top hon Juniior Miss Hol
,TAli int o ikhej aycb Junior Miss competition. From Marsha Player.

Holly Hendrix .is

Oe's Junior Miss

s Holly Hendrix, daug ter r hn or from a field of eleven.
of Dr. and Mrs. J. Wayne Hen, pandidat.es whithincldded, other
was crowned Port St. Joe' tha .2'- three top participants:
S or Miss for 1971 in a pageat J 'Cathey,. Lynn .x Jan.
Id in the.commons areq:of thq Pe rs6n,' Midge Howe Delores
P St. Joe High School Satur Di p renda WeekI, Carol-
Sy night. P' J ar a Charlotte giaham.
First runner-up to the, Juo .P i Joe's new, reigning .
s title was Miss LaNeil C beau-'i luei 'was crcned by
daughter of Mr. an trs the r ng' nior Miss, Miss
Williston Chason. Secpnd Tn llfi daughter of Mr.
up was Miss Marsla Jf .apd > ~j Guilford. Miss,
daughter of Mr. and 'Mr.:IGrd[ He rt ,was resented with a,
SPlayer. crown, a .atge 'bouqUeq.of roses,
SMiss Hendrix. was chose for a trophy- a'd scholarship. The,

Christmas Parade Set forDecember

Fifth; Santa Coming by Parachute
a i ~ino

Attorney Bob Moore, Jaycee'
chairman of the Christmas Par-

Carges eig.

Filed On Report

Slieriffs Chief Deputy H. T.
Dean told The Star yesterday
that charges are .' being filed
,against a 14-year-old white boy
charging hit with makiq a
false bomb-report.
'Dean said that Tuesday, one
of the telephone operators was
told 'from a py station that a
bomb would go off in Port St.
Joe High School at noon. The call
.came abopt 7:30 A.M.
The operator then called Prin-
cipal Zack Wuthrich, giving him
what details she had and also
called the Sheriff's office.
City Police 'were called into
the investigation by Dean- and:
in less than two' hours, the in-
v.estigators: had. 'pin-pointed the
call to the boy, who, according
to officials, admitted making the
false report.

Your City Taxes Are
On County Billing

City Auditor .and Clerk Char-
les Brock told The Star Tuesday
that his office is getting many
calls questioning the absence of
a tax bill from the City.
Brock said the City tax bills
are:included in the bill tax pay-
ers receive from County Tax Col-
lector Harland 0. Pridgeon this
year. State law now requires the
County Collector to collect the
City taxes in his county.
Brock said that a close exam-
i"ation of your tax bill will re-
veal that the City taxes are in-
cluded in your bill received and
itemized as such.

ade' this year;; announced tis'
week that' the annual event will
be held on Saturday, December
5, beginning at 30:00 A.M.
Moore said there is still timb
for those planning to enter floats
in the parade to contact him,
and get 'started with your plans.
IFloat prizes this year will be
$100.00 for first prize; $50.00 for
second prize and $25.00 for third
Something different and uni-
que will be included in this year's,
parade. Word has been received
- that Santa Claus will come to
Port St. Joe in a light airplane
and will parachute into down-
town Port St Joe.
The parade .is an annual joint
venture of the Port St. Joe Retail
Merchants and Jaycees.

Port St. Joe Band
Earns "Excellent"
Port St. Joe High School's
Symphonic Sharks Marching
Band, directed by R. 11. Shipley,
received a rating of "Excellent"
in the District II marching band
contest held in Tallahassee last
Saturday, November 14.
This year's band officers are:'
Mary Jo Shipley, Drum Major-
ette; Vicki Thompson, Head Ma-
jorette; Donny Maddox, Band
Captain and Perky White and
Billy Stephens, Band Lieutenants.
The band wore their new uni-
forms for the first year in com-
petition and they would like to
thank everyone who contributed
to the new uniforms.

Name left off Roll
The. name of Susan Quarles
was left off last week's list of
honor roll students from Port St.
Joe High School. Susan, a sev-
enth grade student, was on the
"A" and "B" honor roll.

e, first, runner-up LaNell Chason,
Ily, indr& and second runner-up
.-Star photo

>ort St.

1 or 1971

runners-up each re4ived a tro-
phy of their ap'vieypen :
SJuwior Miss, Holly wiU ep-
sent Port ~t. Joe 'ti Febtiry '&t;
the State' Junior Miss ~o titi4o
which will be .held in' Pe 9cslaI
Presiding over the pagg. t jit
former State : Jayce4-' sde4t,
/JoeParroOtt. : '+,''
Judges for i the event weij'
Mrs. Pat G ia, ss .,'Be
'Wtght, Eirrol; 8e. an ;Slate
Representative J6e Chapman, all
otPanama City,

Rotary Charity Baol
Tickets Go O.t Sale

The annual Rotpiay Club Char-
ity Ball has been scheduled this'
year for Saturday night; Decem-
ber 5, according to Ball Chair-
man, Cecil Curry. .
The Ball will be held 14 thea
Centennial Budding and will get
underway at 9;00 p.m: MusIc wil
be by Louie Waver and his Or-
Tickets are no on sale by'

every member

the Rotary

Gulf County : Sheriff's Depu-
ties arrested four ;yodng adults
early Monday morning and char-
ged them with possession of mar-
ijuana. .
The three men and one woman
werd a-rested 'about 3:30 A.M.
ir ai house! in flie ,beaches area/
where over $250.00 worth of the
illg weId was found. Chief
Deputy I T. Dean, and Depu-
tie' tsc4r! Jons 'and John May-
n4r ade*the arrests.
'Dean sald he' had a tip that a
suspect was bringing .in some: of
thie drug, .d when he went to
Ie house looking for the man,
fI nd a paity going on. He notic-
edj a smoked marijuana butt in
an ash try and then began to in-
vestigate'for more, when he dis-
.--covered the cache in a knapsack,
lying in the room.
Arrested were Junious P., Bart_.
lett, a 21-year-old Negro, Johnb
Garcia, 21, Randy Cox, 20 aid
Toodles Soyster, 17; The other
three suspects were.white. Cox.
is from A.alachkcola and the oth-
er three from Tallahassee.
SDeputy' Dean 'Sid; that small,
amounts of the 'marijuana .has
been showing up in the Port St.
Joe area for the past few months
and his department has been try-
.ing to locate the source for some
ie. "We know ioiost of our lo-
jcil marijuana is cmfihg from the
idalahassee area'1' Deap said,
A'but how and when is another
:jestion". (
Dean said that.,as far as his
i investigation can tell, marijuana
;id its use is stili in the intro-
ductory stage leAte. '"We have
very little of it h ", Dean said,
"and we're going to. tro tp head
it off _a o It lues wide-
spread.-'- .
The four were arraigned be-
fore CountyOJudi* Sam P. Hus-
band Tuesday with bond set at.
$5,000 each.-

Star Will Come Out
Day Eady Next Week
The Star' will close out its
forms 'and go to press a- day
early next week in order to get
Into the mani before the Thailks
giving holiday and give our em-
ployees a couple of days off.
The paper will go into the'
mail Wednesday morning. This-
means that all news articles and
advertising must be in our office
no later than"Monday afternoon.,

Chief deputyy H. T., Dean and Depu- ing. Dean said the weed was probably destined
Sti. ,,ijd John Maynor inspect several for re-sale here, in the Port St. Jo. e a rThe
sags uana t'aien off four young adults four were charged' with poss lesson o tFh n'ar-
arerted b i! beachesarea early Monday morn. coI L weed.. ---- --Star photo

Brock Reports City Ends

Year With Money In Bank

City Auditor and Clerk Charles
Brock reported to the Board Tues-
day p-ight that fiscal "1970 has
been closed out' 'as of- October
30, and the City wound up with
-a-surplus- of $75,918.65 in. its, gen-
eral fund budget of $492,500.00.
. Brock said that the City"went
over its budget in o'ily two areas
that of the Police Department

Too Much Tiger for Sharks

Shark back Kloskia (Stankey) Lowery dives for a loose football
in Friday nights game here with the BIG Quincy Shanks Tigers.
-Star photo

Friday the 13th was a jinx for
the Port St. Joe High School
Sharks. The Sharks lost their
first and last game of the season
-to.,a big Quincy' Shanks squad
which- outweighed the Sharks by
over 30 pounds a man.
It might have been a black
cat. crossing the Sharks path,
those Quincy cats were just too
big or the Sharks own fast black
cat was unable to run around
the Quincy ends due to a badly
sprained ankle which cost the
Sharks the game.
The game wasn't an easy one
for the big Quincy eleven,
though. The Sharks were defin-
itely in the game and a 'threat
to pull it out until the last five
minutes of the game, when the
superior size of the Tigers be-
gan to tell.
The Sharks came out on the
short end of a 34-6 score.
It looked good for the Sharks
when the Tigers fumbled on the
first play of the game and the
Sharks recovered. They marched
to the 18, where Quincy dug in.
After a scoreless first period,
the Tigers marched to the Shark
two yard line early in the second
period, where Washington pushed
across from the one yard line on
(Continued On Page 12)'

; and the Fire Department. Brock
said this was because of extra
duty performed by Police and
usinsomie of the firemen as aux-
iliary police. "But even so",
SBrock' said, "these two depart-
ments didn't go much over their
budgets. The Police Department
used an extra $5,833.47 and the
Fire Department $1,699.65.
Brock pointed out that income
also. exceeded the budget. The
biggest item was in interest earn-
ed.on invested City money. The
City budgeted $9,000.00 in this
item and' earned $20,246.99 in
interest. Cigarette taxes was the
next biggest increase, going $4,-
- 612.92 over the amount budgeted.
Brock reported that the water
and sewer service went slightly
in the red by' $14,146.90 in the
last fiscal year. Brock said that

Last Rites Held for
James A. Whitehurst

Funeral services were -held
Friday at 3:30 p.m. from the
Church of God in Highland View
for James A. Whitehurst, age
55. Rev. Robert Cary officiated
assisted by Rev. Lawrence Rob-
inson. Interment followed in Hol.
ly Hill Cemetery.
Whitehurst, a resident of Bea-
con Hill Beach, passed away last
Wednesday afternoon. He was
born in St. Andrews, but had
lived in the Port St. Joe area
since 1936. He was washroom op-
erator at St. Joe Paper Company.
Survivors include his wife,
Mrs. Merle Whitehurst; four sons,
Jerry, Bill and Frankie all of
Beacon Hill and Wesley White-
hurst of Highland View; three
daughters, Miss Elaine White-
hurst and Miss Martha White-
hurst of Beacon Hill and Miss
(Continued To Page 12)

most of this red ink was caused
by a depreciation account the au-
ditors called for which was not
set up in last year's budget.
(Continued On Page 12)

James Robert Givens
Passed Away Saturday

James Robert Givens, age -75,
passed away at 8:50 A.M. Satur-
day in the Municipal Hospital
following a short illness.
Mr. Givens.was a native of Ala-
bama but resided in Florida most
of his life. He was a former ma-
chinery engineer at Sheip's Lum-
ber Company in Apalachicol&
Following his retirement, he
has been a resident of Port St,
Joe for the past sir years.
Mr. Giyens was a World War I
veteran. He entered service in
.1915 and served with the AEF in
Givens is survived by his wi-
dow, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth Giv-
ens of Port St. Joe; five step sons,
J. S. Wetherington, Jr., of Hous-
ton, Texas, Mark Paul of Santa
Ana, Calif., Victor Paul of St.
(Continued To Page 12)

Highland View
Church Dedication
The Highland View Assembly
of God Church will have dedica.
tion services for their new church
Sunday, November 22 at 2:00
Rev. Robert J. Gatlin, District

Superintendent, will be the
speaker for the dedication ser-.
Rev. Jean Shoots, pastor and
the church extends an invitation
to everyone to attend the ser-

:.~.' ; :, '~ ; ~~.*

rTH AR. P.t St. Jee, PlianTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 197



Most Dangerous

It's true that human beings are unique in that they caA
think, regardless of how som, pepje feel to the con-
trry. It's also true of hminan tt they are
creatures of habit and it's hard to change them once they
get set in their ways of doing things or their manner of
talking. ,any pple use atrocious, gh who know
better. any pe ple do a task a certain way even though
there is an easier way, strictly because "that's the way
they've always done it or said it".
This ij little latein the day,to become concerned
about the way traffic goes in and out of the football field
parking lot now that the season is ove6, but it cameito uS
the other night, observing traffic at the football field, that
we are doing it in the most dangerous way possible. We
have cars ,coming into the parking lot and peddstiians try-
ing to get to the field across the same entrance road. It's
a wonder someone hasn't been hurt, when you stop Pnd

think about it.
But, we've alvays done it that way, ever
field was built, and it's not likely that calling th
to our attention Wyl change things.
. Just for the sake of argument though, wou
much simpler an4 safer to have traffic enter, ti
lot next to the sqqool, leaving the road beside
fence free of vehicular traffic? This would al
trians to park their car and get into the stadium
having to run the gauntlet of incoming traffic
usually bumper to bumper.
Like we say, the traffic pattern at the foo
will probably remain the same, but at least m
people will think about the situation now, aad, 'w
maybe some day in the future we will work ou
pattern which will be a mite safer than it is now

Poor Jerry Rubin., Nobody wants him. The United
States was-more than glad that he left its borders and now
England tells him to get oUt, be thrown out or go to jail.
The same goes for Timothy Leary, who left the United
States with the law hot on his coat tails and wound up in
Algeria, only to be asked to leave that country. Leary
was asked politely to leave, however, and not. givbn the
Simpolite bum's rush afforded Rubin. .
We can't shed any tears over the treatment and
lack of hospitality encountered by these two. The thing
that bothers us most about the situation is that they might
decide to come back to the. United States and the system
they hate so much. At east, heje, they are tolerated'and
allowed to move about as they please, as long as they can
stay out of ja.il ,
S Maybe these two w &l learn that there is no place in
the world where one can go, flaunt the society that has
evolved over hundreds of years and be greeted with open
Swarms. It might also open some eyes at home a~nong the

disciples of Rubin and Leary.that maybe the sy
isn't so bad after all: Many nations throughout
including Algeria, don't consider the rights o:
vidual. It's "play ball our way or you're out
. nations. In America we defend the right- of t
to say their piece even though we disagree with
heartedly. '",,
hRubin, Leary and their like should take a 1
tory and see that persecution is so rare in the Uin
that one of our most unusual historical bits of
"The Man Without A Country",,in which a.nian
this nation, asked to leave it and never b6e.rmni
.again. Even then, he.left of his.own accord; a
tioin ent to uncommon lengths to grant hin h
in this cise, the right never to see or hear of
States Iagain. /
Now, Rubin and Leary are "men without
but they know that it is in our nature 'Vilow
again to return to this country, even th ugh we
ticularly want them.

c-LIjr A U %

Florida to Use

Own Natural Gas
Florida will use some of its own
production of natural gas for the
first time late this year to help
meet the expanding demand for
this fuel in the state," Ronald S..
Spencer Jr., executive vice presi-
dent of the Florida State Chamber
of Commerce said yesterday.
"During the past ten years use
of natural gas,by Floridians has
oo the supply in.the state is aa' step. i -
e situation the right direction," Spencer point-
ed .out.
i The state chamber's Weekly Busi-
ldh't it be ness Review aeqged last year's con-
he parking sumption at 307 billion cubic feet,
e tle field 120 percent more, than a decade
low pedes- ago and 14 percent over 1968.
nith iout For some years Florida has pro.
Swithout duced natural gas but only after a
b which is new field north of Pensacola was
brought in have arrangements been
tbal field made to use Florida-produced gas
tball field in the state. The move is significant
aybe some but the amount available, an esti-
Tho knows, mated 730 million cubic feet an-
it a traffic nually, is quite samll as now in-
Electric power plants are the
principal users of natural gas in
Florida and last pear consumed 180
billion cubic feet. Other manufac-
turing plants consumed 91 billion
cubic feet; stores, restaurants' and
the like. used 20 billion cubic feet
and residences, 16 billion cubic
"The growing use of natural gas
system here in Florida is one indication 'of con-
the world, current commercial and industrial
f the indi. expansion," Spencer added.
;" in thpse
hose bums Responsibility for Fla.
h it whole- Statutes Changed
ook at his- of State Tom Adams announced to-
lited States day the transfer of responsibility
writing is for the mailing of Florida Statutes
and Session Laws from the Depart-
denounced ment of, State to the Legislative
minded of it Printing Committee.
nd the na- Effective immediately future or-
is rights'-- ders should be addressed to: Legis-
the United lative Printing Committee, Holland
J Building, Room 105, Tallahassee,
S Florida, 32304; Telephone Number:
a country" (904) 224-3957.
a cony Prices for the 1969-70 Florida
them once Statutes are $49.92 and Volume 1,
don't par- 1970 General Laws, $9.50. Tax and
mailing are included for both items.

s, they
I sick,
rn the
he in-

C'. :. -... .. .- ;...~ii-. .

Too Lte To Classify
By Russell Kay

I. have been reading' the first
volume bf 'This Fabulous Cen-
jtq.' published by TimqeLife
Books, covering the years 1900
to 1910. '
In 1900 the U.S. was composed
-of 45 states with a population of
76' million. 'The average worker
received 22 cents an hour for
his labor. Automobiles sold at a-
bout $1,500. Only 150 miles of
paved highway existed in the
whole' country.
A telephone was a status sym-
'bol and only 18 people in every
thousand had one. There were no
electric refrigerators. The iceman
delivered a chunk of ice to your
Iee box if you hung a sign in
your window reading "ICE".
There were no radios or televi-
sio. sets. Electric lights for the
average home consisted of a sin-
gle bulb- hung from the ceiling
qo a twisted wire. There were no
air conditioners and folks de-
pended on a fireplace, or pot bel-
lied stove for heat, using wood or
coal for fuel.
The government was financial.

ly .sound. President McKinley
noted in his State of the Nation
address to Congress that the
United State Treasury showed a
surplus of $46J380 above expen-
ditures. There had been no major
wars for two full generations.
Trains carried cross country tra-
vel while street cars. provided
transportation in the cities. The
national population, was primari-
ly rural with-more people employ-
ed in agriculture than any other
There was no income tax, no
social security, no medicare, no
welfare. There were sliims'in the
larger cities, occupied, for the
most part by ininigrants, who
poured into the country by the
thousands. Hardworking and am-
bitious, they soon left the slums
for better environment.
Gentlemen smoked cigars. If
you wanted a cigarette, you
bought a bag of Bull Durham and
rolled your own. But the prac-'
tice was frowned on.
While the average family in-
come was small, prices were cor-

Published Every Thursday at 306 Wllliams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida,
'By The Star Publlhling Company
WESLEY R. AMSE Editor and Publisher
Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Prf
Reader. Bookkeeper and Complaint Department
. PosToFrIcs Box 308 PHONE 227-8181
(y PonT ST. JOE, FLO1 .A .82456
-atered as seoond-clap matter, December 19, 1987, at the Poetofice, Port St. Joe,
Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879.
IN COUNTY ONE-YEAR, $3.00 8IX O $21.75 THREE MOS., $W.So
OUT OF COUNTY.- One Year., $4.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $3.00
TO ADVERTISERs--In case of error or ommisslons in advertisements, he publishe
da not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for sueh
The esoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word I toui ly
woed. The, spoken wiid barely asserts; theited word t, ___a
, l 1b s2po wvm tis lost; the printed worf
.-.- M-w 5

Kids Working During

Earning More Than IV

Young people who work during
the coming holiday season are
earning more than the money in
their pay envelopes.
."They may be building very val-
uable work credit toward social
security protection for themselves
and their families," according to
James C. Robinson, Social Security
Manager in Panama City. Florida.
Eligibility 'for social security re-
tirement, disability, survivors and
Medicare hospital insurance bene-
fits are based on quarters of cover-
age 3 month periods during
which a worker and his employer
contribute to social security. Peo-
ple in most jobs get a quarter of
coverage or work credit if they
earn $50 or more within this 3-
month period.

respondingly low. Spring chicken
was 7 cents a pound, beef 10
cents a pound, pork 12% cents
a pound. The butcher threw, in
a slab of liver for your cat and
bones for your dog.
There were no supermarkets.
Your corner grocer was glad to
deliver. Potatoes were 35 cents
a pound, oranges 20 cents a doz-
en, sardines 5 cents a can. Early
June peas 10 cents a can, salt 100
ibs. for 20 cents, sugar 100 lbs.
for $5.80, coffee was 15 cents a
pound and the grocer ground it
while you waited. Tea was 40
cents, hominy grits 10 cent, toilet
soap 3 ,bars for 15 cents, starch
10 cents, lye 5 cents.
If you ate at a restaurant ap-
petizers included half a can-
teloupe 10 cents, sliced oranges
10 cents. Your main course in-
cluded pork tender loin 20 cents,
cole slaw 5 cents, mixed salad
10 cents, jelly omelet 15 cents,
roast beef 15 cents, chicken 10
cents, beets 5 cents, mashed po-
tatoes 5 cents, tea, coffee or milk
5 cents, pie 5 cents.
SClothing costs were equally
low; shoes $1.50, tailor-made
suits $10.00, trousers $1.25, hats
$2.00, skirts $4.00, corsets 40
cents, shawls 50 cents.
So now you know what the old-
sters remember when they talk
about the good old days. But
were they?

Social security credit based on
holiday jobs could provide just
enough coverage to bring a young
family needed income upon the
severe disability, or death of a par-.
ent. A father or mother, 28 or
younger, protects the family with
survivors benefits after only 1%
years of work credit. A young work-
er, .disabled between 124 and 31,
needs work credit for half the time
between age 21 and the time he
had, to stopI working. If disability
starts before age 24, only 6 quarter-
years of credit are needed in the
3 years preceding disability.
Social security work credit re-
quirements vary according to age
and kind ,of benefit. "For more
information on building social se-
curity protection, call or write our
lobal office," Robinson said.
- The social security office for
this area is located at 1316 Har-
rison Ave., P'anama City 32401.
The phone nunyber Is 763-5331. The
office is open Monday through Fri-
day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
except on national holidays.

John S. McDonald
'Promoted to Captain
John'S. McDonald Jr., son of Mrs.
Chavigny McDonald, 1760 Ocean
Grove Drive, Atlantic Beach, Fla.,
recently was promoted to Army
Captain near Vinh Long, Vietnam,
where he is serving with the 214 th
Aviation Battalion.
Capt. McDonald, Financial Ad-
visor in the Battalion's Headquar-
ters Company, entered the Army
in October 1968 and was last Sta-
tioned at Ft. Benning, Ga.
A 1964 graduate of North Fulton
High School, Atlanta, Ga., he 1e-
ceived his B. S. Degree in 1968 at
Florida State University in Talla-
His wife, Ronnette, lives on Bea-
con Hill, Port St. Joe.
Midget investment wMlh
Giant Rehmsrl'


OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.

Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 19, 20, 21

2 Pound Bag Fresh
Yellow Onions -- bag 29c CELERY -------stalk IOc
Florida Fresh
Fresh Oranges -- doz. 39c CARROTS -------- bag 15c
Ocean Spray (Mix or Match) 4 CANS Golden Ripe
Cranberry Sauce BANANAS --------lb. 1Oc
Ga. Boy-No. 2Ya Cans U. S. No. 1 White
PEACHES W POTATOES----- 10 lbs. 59c
Argo Green 9 C Delicious
LIMA BEANS m APPLES --- 4 lb. bag 49c

USDA Inspected Grade "A" FAT


lb. 39c

Fresh Whole or Shank Half Whole
HAMS ----lb. 59c Rump ROAST ------b. 79c
Center Cut Fresh Center Cut--Lb. 1st Cut-Lb.
Ham Roast --- ----lb. 79c Pork Chops 79c 49c
Fresh Fresh Ground
PICNICS ---------lb. 39c Hamburger -- 3 lbs. $1.59

XJSDA Inspected Grade "A" Young Tender Hens 10 to 12 Lb. Avg.

TURKEYS lb. 49c

Tenderized, 16 to 18 Lb. Avg. Whole or Shank Half

Cured Hams lb. 49c



Men Withut A Country



Shrd u

Well, it finally happened. The Sharks have been Iefeated for
the first time in two .seasons in a regularly scheduled gamZ. The
team shouldn't feel too badly about it. though, since it took a
good, big team to do it. The Sharks ha4 ,to giyve up ap average of
30 pounds a man, and that's pretty good odds to overcome,
Back several years ago, when former Coach tjailg would ap-
pear at the civic clubs giving his views on the coming football season
he would always lament the fact that Port St. Joe was small and
would always observe that "a good big team will defeat a Igood small
but fast team, any time".
Nobody in Northwest Florida will argue against th4 fact that
Port St. Joe is a good, fast team even though they are a thite small.
This reputation has evidently spread state-wide, since Port St. Joe
is now number two in the state in Class B-C. That's pretty good
recognition, any way you want to look at it.
Quincy, however, would probably outweigh Florida 'tate and
they had la portion of speed to go with it. It's to the Shar ks' credit
that the bigger Quincy squad had to tire the Sharks out 4ith their
superior weight/before they could defeat the home team i i the last
half of the final quarter. Up until that time, the Sharks w ;re defin-
itely in the game. And, who knows, had Langston been ab e to run
on that bad leg he received in the Marianna game, Quindy might
be nursing a defeat at the hands of a class B school this we k, since
the Sharks would have definitely been faster and dangeron
You learn something new every day.
Did you know hawks were protected by the Florida Fresh Water
Fish and Game Commission? It's strictly against the law ,o kill
a hawk of any kind. Game Commission Information and Edification
Officer A. E. Runnells told the Rotary Club a couple of weeks ago
that hawks do considerably more good than they do harm. Owls
fall in this category too, and are also protected.

- -

Runnell's admits that the hawks and owls like people's
ens, and other domesticated fowl and small animals. He say
serve a very useful purpose in that they catch and destroy al
crippled and old game birds. They will not attack a' healthy
Most everybody knows hawks catch the sick, old and runty`
field mice, rodents and such, but did 'you know that the main i
hawks and owls are protected is because they help keep dov
snake population? A hawk or an owl loves a young snake.
nells blames indiscriminate killing of hawks and owls for t
creasing number of snakes to be found.
The Fish and Game Commission feels so strongly about prot
the birds that they will come to your home and trap one
bothering your chickens, rabbits, or what have you, if you wi
notify them of your problem. The bird is then moved to al
area and turned loose.
And that's the wildlife lesson for today.
And speaking about getting rid of pests, we read in the ]
the other day where a man in New York state was given I
prison for peddling dope.
Now they've got a dope in prison .. for life..

Minvfw, of The


Port St. Jo, Florida Notary Public~ State bf
October 27, 1970 Florida at Large.
TheBoard of CountyCommi- my Commission Ep Sept. 9,
es' Die (rSi AL),. r Se
met this date in regular session. DieSteblorgt (Sl AL)
with the' following members pres- State of Florida, Gulf County
Sent: S. C' Player, vice-chairman; We, the undersigned County
lie Clerk, Deputy Sheriff Dean, County of Gulf, State of Florida, do
;Attorney, Rn a d Superintenent, I hereby certify thatw e hve care.
SMosquito Ciontrol Supervisor and fully examined the foregoing As-
Max W. Kilbourn, Consultant were essmnent Roll o f said Csounty for
Also present. the year A. D 17O0, as required
SThe. ete 'to order. at rby Section 193.29, Florida Statutes,
S m. Th Clerk opened t heo orer and find the same to be correct.
i. Oeprm. The Clerk opened dr. ote t 6 h Board of
meeting :with.praher. S. C.o m PYER
Stewart Lyle, Highlad View VoGl. e. .eP'NE J EDY
unteer Fire Chief, appeared before L. .. K N^ .D.i' _.
the Board and discussed the policy Stateof Florida, Gulfn'County__.
of. his department answering calls n hereby certify that the warrant
outside his district. He tol [the given, under the hand of Samuel A.
Board that his Fire Department an- Patrick, County Assessor of Taxes,
swerd a call from the City of Port to Hon. Harland 0. Pridgeon, Tax
St. Joe to assist in fighting a fiire Collector, and attached to the As-
his volunteers promptly answered Gulf for th year A.D. '9706, has
the call; that his men, while fight- been duly recorded on page 548
ing ttfiir"'were :'ttcked by'cer- of the minutes bo the eBoard of
tan .idzens that had gathered County Commisisoners in and for a
aroun to watch the fire; th fire; that one the County,.aforesad, as required
tf his volunteers was injured in the by Section 193.29, Florida Statutes.
i'ttack. He' then said that the law Given under my hand and seal.
officers refused to protect his men of office this 27theray 6dA octoberi
at that timed and that because of A. D. 1970. .. .. .
this incident, he would not answer GEORGE Y. CORE
another call in that section'of Port Clerk of the.:' frit Court .
t Joe'He then told the Board in and tfr ~ulf Cointy. -
Phralt e t'had received inforination (SEAL) .'
thate this Board would say where THE STATE QF-FLORIDA 'e
es department would answer oallU, To Honorable Harafid 0. Pridgeon
'*it that 'as long as he wair l sTax Collector ofothe County of Gulf
e 'he would be the only be to You are 'hereby commanded, to
issue orders for his men. Comm. collect out bof the real estaWte 'd1
Kennedy said that it was inferred personal property, and froih 'teach
h'at he made that statement but of 'the persons and corporations i
that he has made no statement to named in 'the annexed roll;' the
that effect. The Board agreed that site each name, corporation or
the Flre Chief would be, t1e only taxes set down in, each" roll pppo-
p0rson to direct his Fire Depart- parcel of land therein described,
ment. The B d t it would and in case taxes so imposed are
back Mr.r Iduf tions of not paid at the time prescribed by
the Hig ld .epart- law, you are to collect the same
ment.,~io ;'; ded by Levy and sale of the goods and
Pursuant. to notice to. receive [ chattels, landsnd tnements so
seal bids to sel'th one assessed, of the'person or corpora-
Inte dAiqbnal. Tracib' Mof[l 140; tion so taxed; and you are to pay
one 6 00Loader.' 'bucket to the legally qualified Depository
andP 'eN 6. Da hi rot-, all sums collected for County tax-
ar"y .tte .thefoUlil' -i were es, district school taxes and other
recent "ntenati ester, special taxes; and you are further
M arHbndf. l tional' required to make all, rolectibnsn :
Har er, i, $4,- or before the first'Monday in April;
269. A B if. Co., and on or before the first Monday
BBlot'S n mo- in July you wil" make a final re-
tionT dse ed by port to and' settlement with the
Conai(outse.y 'b c t 'unanimously Cofptroller' and. County Commis-,
Ce t County accept the sioners. i o
bPid r St Joes Eqmne .o., at Given under my hand and seal
$3$5 t-at plac-this the 27th day of Octobers, t p-
ed om Por eo ment. Year A. D. 1970. Pi-.-.
rep ommi. Assessor of Takes,
Pippea tsaid t oas em- Gulf County h
ploye odt l 5pr.S wn cut The City of Port St. Joe present- ,
and to'~d a a 'c 'd. ork. ed two resolutions requesting the
The Hnor&' uel A. Pat- County to pave sidewalks from the
rick, Tax Assese6r, presented his Port St. Joe Elementary School to
1970 tax roll showing the follow- the Port St. Joe High School, and
inw amounts to be collected, to-wit: to lay pipe and cover the dithal
County Taxes, $1,27,084.30; City along the South sie South side of ils road
of Port St, Joe; $267,456.31; City in front ol the Port St. Joe High
of Wewahitchka, $17,445.22 for. a Sbchool, charging both projects to
total of $1,542,985t83:"tJp6on motion the County's secondary road pro-
: by Comm. Pippin, seconded,' by gram. Upon motion by Comm. Pip-
:Comm. Kennedy and unaninioisly pin,seconded 'by Comm. tKennedy
carried, that said tax roll be ap- and unanimously carried, the Board
proved nd accepted. voted to request the Department of
-State of Florida, Gulf County Transportation to pave:the:sidewalk
JPersonally appeared before me, as requested, charging same to the,
Samuel A. Patrick 'Assessor of Tax- secondary road funds: The soalrd
es for Gulf County, who, being duly tabled the request for pIpe and
sworn, says the above Assessment covering the ditch until after a
SRoll contains true statement-,and cost estimate can be'made.
description of all persons and pro- Comm. Kennedy discussed the
party in the above County of Gulf unusual amount of mosquitoes in
subject to taxation or liable to be the County and requested the spray-
assessed therein, and that the val- ing program be stepped up to help
nation thereof, so far as they were in this emergency. The Mosquito
made by him, are just and cofrect Control Supervisor said that his
so far as he has been able to as- original spraying program was set
certain;.. up for $1B,000.01) and that he has
SAMUEL A. PATRICK jutN added another $1,100.00 for
County Assessor of Taxes, additional chemicals which should ,
Gulf County last unl- 'cold 'weather arrives.
Sworn to arid subscribed before ':Comm. Kennedy told the Board
me this 27th day of October, A. D. that he wanted to see the County
1970. do everything possible to take ad-
H. 0. PRIDGEON, vantage of PL 660 which would

Save timp ...trouble... money,



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Christmas cards
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Avoid the rush. Stop in today and browse
through a wonderland of Masterpiece
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for "you"-at your leisure.
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The Star

* ; ,,. -

help finance water and sewer ser- at the next meeting. ,' tically no time at all.
vices for Oak Grove, the Beaches Comm. Pippin'asked if the Coun- l r.-. For small packets of seeds, place
and White City. He said he has ty has received a report from the [aWmillllil Ipco tlei l tcdt ds t in
discussed this matter with offi- State on the cause of the fish kill l rUIld nllll* I II* l i a pinch of the protectant dust in
cials that administer the funds uh- in Walter Stafford's fish pond. Mr. .the packet with the seed and shake
der PL 660 and they assured him Daniell advised that he has not it vigorously until all the seed are
funds for these three projects will received a report as of this date. A beautiful garden is like the off organisms, coated. This coating of fungicide
be available next year. Mi4 W. Kil- The Board requested that he call.i
bourn said this was, good informa- the laboratory and request the re- vow for better or for worse Damping-off of seed and' seed- will kill or inhibit the organism on
Ition, but that it must be in writing port be completed as soon as pos- because flowers also thrive on love lings is the risk you run if you fail the seed, or in the soil, and pro-
as a commitment, sible. and care. to treat the seed or sterilize the vide temporary protection during
Comm. Kennedy reported that Comm. Pippin discussed a drain- So to keep from being divorced soil. germination.
the paving project of Avenue "A" age problem in the Clyde Bozeman
has been completed but that the Subdivisionand he state of repair from a living beauty, start off your There are two types of damping- Dr. Miller advises sowing seed
material' used in paving is not- sett- of the approach to the public boat romance of flowers quite warmly, off fungus that pre responsible for in flats rather than in the open. By
ing up as it should; that several landing at White City. He'inform- That is, bake the soil prior to poor stand or weakened plants, ac- using flats it is easier to control
places of this new pavement has ed the Board that he has instruct- filling the seed flats. Sterilizing cording to Dr. H. N. Miller, plant growing conditions especially
been ;damaged,-by traffic sliding, ed employees of the Commodity th
turning too sharply a d from the program to keepethe old courthousthe soil insures healthy seedlings pathologist with the University of during the cool days ahead.
brakes being applied. He said that yard clean, and the grass cut and for transplanting. Baking soil at Florida Agricultural Experiment Almost any shallow box can be
barricades were placed on this new to do the janitorial work in the 160 degrees for two hours will kill Station. converted into a flat. Be sure the
pavement to prevent traffic from building. nematodes, weed seed and damping- Pre-emergence damping-off rots bottom of the box has plenty of
entering; however, several vehicles 'The attorney reported that litiga- nematodes, weed seed and damping- m e as pny o
Sran around the barricades and used tion between Gulf County and Lu- the seedlings before the young holes or cracks to allow good drain-
the new road to "drag"" on. The cien T. Arnold was heard before Comm. Player reported that the sprouts break through the soil. age. Soil'for the flat should be fer.
Road Superintendent told the Board the First District Court of Appeal White City and Highland View Fire This phase of the disease is most tile, containing a fair amount of
that he used a new paving material and that said court ruled in favor Department should install heaters severe in cool, wet soils when ger- organic matter.
highly recommended for this type of Gulf County. before the November 3rd General
project; that the City of Port St. The Clerk reported that Dr. Jo- Election. Comm. Kennedy said he nation is slow. Before transplanting the annuals
Joe ordered and paid for this ma- seph P. Hendrix has informed the had two used heaters he would do- Post-emergence disease attacks from the flats into the garden, free
trial; that the company selling it Board that county employee, Alvin nate, providing the departments the seedlings. Succulent stems be- the garden soil of nematodes, fun-
had its representative present dur- A. Carpenter, had a pre-existing could use them. come blackened and watersoaked gi and weed seeds There are seve-
ing) the shooting of the road. Af- back injury at the time he was em- The Small Claims Court filed its come blackened and watersoaked gi and weed seeds. There are seve-
ter discussion, the Board advised played by the County. report for September, 1970. at the round line. Plants wilt and ral chemicals you can use. The
the attorney to check into this mat- The Mosquito Control Supervisor There being no further business, fall. The roots decay and plts die. most effective is methyl bromide.
ter. d informed the Board that the State the meeting closed. Treating flower seeds wt1h pro- .However, you may choose other ma-
The Board directed the Attorney will give the County a 19% match- WALTER GRAHAM, tectant dusts such as Arasan, Cer- trials. you 'may use. Waeni.g- Fl-
cal codes for the Coun in order ing fund for the.cost of,, construct- Chairman esan, Cuprocide Semesan or Ser low the dirtions on the chemical
to prepare; several sple electri- ing a new mosquito control ware- ATTEST: esan emesan or Sper low the directions on the chemical
that this Board can consider them house and shop. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk gon prevents losses. It takes prac- container.

' i. I


Pleasure Shop Piggly Wiggly for Swift's
Premium Butterbual Turkeys plus a L
Variety of Steaks, Roasts, Chops, Fresh
Pork 'Hams, Fryers, Hens, Oysters and all the Trim

down with high*+*
cost p living prices
PLUS S&H Green
Stamps at iggly
.Wiggly!-^., '


16 Oz. Can

First Out or Whole Slab Fresh and Lean
Slb. 09 PORK STEAKS--- lb. 59c
Fresh Sliced
BACON Te Ib, 9 .s, .3
Sliced BEEF LIVER- ..lb. 39c
SLAB BACON---- b. 49c imt cut
Fmrosty mornieed SALT PORK ----lb. i39e

BACON lb. 5i$c
Small Pork .
SPARE RIBS --------- b. 59c

Small Fresh Water .
CAT FISH Ib. 89c


Reynolds Heavy Duty WRAP ----..- .

18"x 25'

pkg. 99c
roll 59c

Fresh Pork


lb. 59c

Sunshine Whole 28 Oz. Glass Jars
Pickled Peachies 2 jars 89c
Parade Brand Bluelake Cut -16 oz. cans
GREEN BEANS _.-4 cans $1.00
Parade Brand Very Small Early 16 oz. cans
JUNE PEAS ...4 cans $1.00

Stokely 17 oz. cans
fruit Cocktail

Buy Today .. .
Tomorrow we
can's promise!


-4 cans $1.00


5 Lb.

Sweet Potatoes
lb. 12c
Fresh Cranberries
lb. pkg. 39c


down with high
cost of living prices
Stamps at, Piggly

Enjoy the
Veri-Best Fresh Produce!
Fresh and Crisp



Miss Breck Su
unscented supr hold, Ov
unscented supr hold gl
or regular
18 oz. can
68c 4
Compare at 99c Break!
with FREE
49c FLAIR PEN 16
Right Guard Kraft
Scan $1.38 rec
Compare at.$1'39 8

SLimit One with $10.00 Order


nset Gold
'en Ready
oz. cans

stone Cottage
oz. 45c
am Cheese
oz. 37c

or More

Limit, One Jar with $10.00 Order or More

Morton Frozen
Pie Shells
10 oz. pkgs.
3 for $1.00
Morton Frozen
Pecan Pie
16 oz. 69c
Morton Frozen
Pumpkin Pie
3 for $1.00
20 Oz. Size



This Week You Get Sheffield
Serenade Dessert

WITH $7.50 ORDER (2 with $15.00 Order)
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DESSERT OISH ('Reg. 59c) 9c
3rd, 8th, 13th Week With every $7.50 Purchase
COFFEE CUP (Reg. 79c) 9c
4th, 9th, 14th Week With every $7.50 Purchase
SAUCER (Reg. 59c) 9c
5th, 10th, 15th Week With every $7.50 Purchase
BREAD and BUTTER PLATE (Reg. 59c) 9c

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Georgia Grade 'A'



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Reg. price $3.99

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Stock up early. .
We will close Thursday-so
our employees can spend
with their families

Sidoins, Round
Cube, Savoy Broil lb.


STEW BEEF------b. 29c
All Meat
STEW BEEF ------b. 79c

Choice Beef



T,4g STAN, pod Si jg*.Vli 314gATURSDAY, NOVOMELR 19, IWO


THE STAR. Port St..4.e, Fl. 32454 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970 PAGE ftI

Boy Souts Faced With Historians Recognize In

"Mystery O n Ca m p TrI Joe Schuck, Chief Bureau of His- St. Joe Paper Company.
*to t by and. m v igt torical Presentation, Division of Ar-1 Included iri the china retrieved
Mix equala work, eplke. "spoke 'd mving through thewoods. chives and History, met with the from the murky waters are pieces
Mad equal amounts of work uctpikes spoke to thebi s and cotn- um spotted another bo ,-. ae St. Joseph Historical Society at the which bear the labels "Belzomi",
adventure, add a pinch: Of misery ducted er.ch services. His mes- Scoutsspotted another boy, ..... ..ort St "aledonia", "Grecian Temple"
and they all add up-to Troop 47's sage was prepared aed deliveryy and formidable looking, dash across ont 3 to museum in the or and "SpCaledonish Convert", "Grecian Temple"
campout last week end. Port St. very effectively and Bad. a special the creek bank, wielding a large Joe, October 3 to evaluate the re- and Spanlysh Convert, whinamches of
Joe's Boy Scouts took to thewoods appeal for young boys. hammer in his hand. The wild cent discovery of artifacts relating reportedly famous brand names of
again- : Sunday afternoon the Scouts be. chase began. ..
Scoutmaster ,Raymond Lawrence gan to haye a strange feeling, as All 'afternoon the Scouts stalk- Johnny B. Whitfield, a resident Whitfield has a complete Cale-
and the Patrol -Leader's CouitCll, they went -about their activities, ed their prey with all the stealth of theAbeaches area of Gulf County, donia plate which has an apparent
made up of Wayne Gable, Steve that they were being watched. Now a gang of big-footed boys could has uncovered cultural relics which Scottish hunting scene painted on
rLawrence, Mike Webb, Bruce May. and then one of the, boys would manage. The stranger appeared experts are sure date back to the the face. The scene depicts a kilt-
and Jimmy McNeill, went to the 'catch 4 glimpse of a silent figure, briefly again and again. Each time first half of the nineteenth'century. ed,' clansman standing beside a
Scout's Camp Millergren on Wetap- gliding through the shadows of the he carried a new weapon; a club Whitfield, a former U. S. Navy downed stag amid the Highlands.
po Creek Friday afternoon to pre- trees or fading into a bUsh.' made of wood, an iron pipe and frogman, made the finds while div'- The depot and landing on the
pare the camp program in advance he Scouts began to feel a vague other frightening objects. ing with his sons and some friends creek were built by "The Lake Wi-
of the remininig scouts arrival on discdmfort. Their prey eluded them. The Scouts pursued their quarry, in the Depot Creek area, which is mico and St. Joseph Canal Road
Saturday morning. each time they tried to discover making sure they never actually situated about seven and a half Company". The purpose of the fa-
Assistant Seoutmaster Dewey who or what the silent figures were.'got close enough to catch him but miles west of the present City of cility was to allow steamboats to
Paterson and Scouts Lee Parker, Finally one of the 'Scouts saw a wildly curious to know what aw- Port St. Joe. come from the Apalachicola River
Scotty white, 'Guy Nelson, Dwayne strange boy, lurking in the bushes ful creature they were chasing. Dep ot Crek s named for the via e Jackson River, then through
Patterson, Ray Lawrence, Andy across the creek. The Scouts shout- Their new friend, who lived near- railroad and depot and steamboat Jackson River to Lake Wimico and
May and Eric Freeman arrived ed out to the boy, whereupon the by, claimed to have no knowledge ld built along the creek about up Bayou Columbus, which the
early Saturday, 'bringing a torren- young stranger jumped into a small of who the mystery man was. 1836, according to contemporary creek was known by at that time.
tial rain with them. bateau and paddled swiftly down First one Scout, and then an- historians which includes Robert At this point about eight miles
Misery is.- a Boy Scout sitting the creek. Two of the Scouts hur- other, would summon enough cour- R. urst, Jr., who did extensive re- from old St. Joseph, cotton could
in a tent waiting for the rain to tried to ther canoe and, pursued age to approach ,the stranger. It- search on the area in 1960-61 while be unloaded from the river steam-
stop. It finally fid! i hime They ally caught up with stantly and siently, he w0ehit dis. a student at Bay High School. ers, transported by railroad to St.
SSatuday was filled with cook- the swiftly moving bateau at the appear, only to reappear behind or ,Using schba gear, the group Joseph and then reloaded to ocean
,ing, swimming, canoeing, hiking creek's beni and told the strange near another Scout what was stand- dived in the area during a three- schooners to England and New Eng-
and exploring. bby they'd like to be friends. The. ing watch, scaring the daylights week period' whh included Whit- land states.
Sunday, at dawn, the Rev. Millard boysztalked together. Other Scouts out of the surprised watchman. field's two week vacation from the James owen Knauss, a Michigan
arrived in'their canee. The boys in- The long and scary chase contin- : resident, has written a history of
vited their new friend to accom- ued far into the afternoon, with the area which is being distributed
pany then and they all set out for the ierd intruder refusing o Eangch timehat he would screen door't.
the 014 railroadd trestle for sonee completely show" himsdf. Even-' Each time the old screen door

w- v ^of the strange and silent figures show himself, all the while hop old oue the Sois deod tht MARION, ALA.-Cadet 2nd Lt.
-h e e ntce .ba great distance be ween him and David C. Maddox has been named
t S them'would be more comfortable, to the Dean's List at Marion In-
SThey promptly treated! stitute for the second grading per-
The stranger never did let his iod. \
P of the approaching dusk grew Ion- 2nd Lieutenant, he is the son of
Sger, he allowed them one last Mr. and Mrs. David B. MaddoxNof
g U f WE I limpse of him as he stalked back Port St. Joe.
.alo rders NS ow! into the deep woods. He is a college sophomore at
The weary Scouts did, however, Marion Institute and will graduate
eventually solve the mystery. Their in May of 1971.
-- A Om IAST* 3u'u'u, rr ,, -- new friend, who -'had accompanied
AVO LA MIUTE ISA NTMINTS them on the chase, finally admitted CARD OF THANKS
that the stranger they'd been chas- I wish to express my apprecia-
ing was hisA'Ider brother and that tion to all my friends and neigh-
A A ty had plotted the entire episode bors and to Dr. Simpson and all
USE 0UW S IE LAY-AY PLAN together. the Hospital staff for their kind
1 feeling as though they'd come care and concern. I especially ap-
: ,. face to face with modern day preciated the flowers and visits
S' Tom Sawyer a id Hu' eerry Finn, pital.
P la Orders l Telplita v i the tired boys. returned to'dainp, during my recent stay in the hos-
f ceIour Or_ le S e ime: mulling over an advrenture these May God bless you all.
S- ''- will surely never tfoget. NEHI GORE

410 ed Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida

iportance of Artifacts
by the "Florida Department of Re- is hoped the valuable artifacts will
sources". Knauss describes the be on display at the Constitution
commercial rivalry between St. Jo- Museum here in Port St. Joe, at a
seph and Apalachicola after the later date.
completion of the railroad in the,
Depot Creek landing. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield, their sons
Mike and Rodney, Captain James
Knauss booklet, the history on Mock, St. Joseph State Park, Joe
old St. Joseph, "The Rise and Fall Schucks and Mrs. Dorothy B.
of Old St. Joseph", is now being Johnson, Department of Archives
sold at the Constitution Convention and History, were guests of the St.
Museum, here in Port St. Joe. Joseph Historical Society.
Mr. Schucks stated that discov-| Whitfield has donated the relics
ery will be studied further and it to the St. Joseph Historical Society.
r-For the Football Fadns
"W Give A Lively TV Party

Fame spread served with erackers, a tray of ham-on-biscuit sand.
wiches flanked by bowls of Chiquta Banana fritters and spiced
almonds. Mugs of Frigid Free are go-togethers formon-drinkers.
Professional football is more than a sport. To'its 81 million fans,
it's a way of life-with the gathering around the TV set the high
point of the week's social schedule. The more fervent thefans, the
hunger they seem 1-0 get,.Instead of the usual soggy snacks,
keep their appetites at bay (and win new fans, yourself) with a
snack array based on NFL Training Table Foods. The fact that
the players eat them, too, seems to make these foods even iore
special for football-watching.
6 Tbsps. Peter Pan Smooth Peahiut Fitter 2 tsps. grated onion
4 Tbsps. ;cmmetcia sour cream .6 strips crisp, crufibleafuioa
4 or 5 drops hot pepper sauce -U tsp. Worcestershire sauce
Blend peanut butter and sour cream together. Stir in'remaining gredieats 4di
m1*4x 'w. Spol Tinto b:oW? or crock and chill. Serve with Kisj-jo &c&.
Makes 2l U "u..' .... .'... _
4 Tbsps. naturalflavor Ovaltine ltsp. salt .
Scup wster' 2 tsps. WorceslersfiTresue
2 cups ice cdld tomato juice
Dissolve Ovaltine in water. Add salt and Worcestershire sauce. Stir in tomafr
ice.. Pour into mugs. Sqves R

O "' U

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T ? It showsyou how others like you worked
EX.. DRlcreatively to make things better around
n c T DO them. All because they loved thelc
In the first place, when God said, "Love Send for it. Today.
your neighbor as you love yourself" He And help change the world.

didn't mean only the man on the other
side of the hedge-who may or may not
be the easiest guy in the world to love.
He meant everybody. Everywhere. And
loving your neighbor doesn't just mean
'getting along" with people, but caring
about them, respecting them, helping
Now with billions of people in the world,
that's a tall order. How do you carry it out?
You have to start where yoduare.
Next step-how do you get other people
of goodwill to work with you to change
things for the better? Things like unfair
housing, dirty air and water, drug abuse,
violence and repression.
We have a booklet for you. It's called
"How One Town Put Its Faith to Work."
.And it's free.

---Our Love-Your-Neilghbor Coupon.--.-
Religion In American Lfe I
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475 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York 10017
Please send me your free bookletthatdeo.
scribes how some concerned people dis-
covered how to live their Faith, and how It
Started chain reaction in thelrcommunlty.
My name ali
State Zip

Advertising contributed for the public good'

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Awl 'm Adll AIML' ANN& AM, ARL As

THE yTAR. Port SL JOe, Flo. 24.4THURSDAY, NOVEMsBR 19, 1970 -

K.chen .Shower o

7 Miss Peggy Jones, November bride-elect, *as honored Tuesday
with a kitchen shower in the home of Mrs. Bent0on Hamm..
Red carnation corsages 'were presented to the honoree, her'
mother, Mrs.r,.Jean Jones and Mrs. Lawrence Burkett, mother of,
the groom-elect. Mrsg. Josephine Smith entertained the guests ,
with several games
Punch, coffee and cake were served 'to the guests by Mrs.
Hamm. ""'' ;
Pictued 'above, left to right, "are Mrs. Mary Nobles, aunt of
the bride-elect, the honoree andd her- mother, Mrs. Jones..

Mr. and Mrs. Penn:,\G. Holman, .. .
"Atlant, G Ia., announce the arrival Saturday night, at 7:30 p.m. the
of a son, Alan amsey lbhman on Gospel Airs, muSie group, will
November 3. Grandparents are 'r. be at the Baptist Chapel at St. Joe
and Mrs. Edwin Holman of Atlan. Beach.
'ta, Ga., and MKr. and Mrs. Edwin Everyone is invited to attend and:
Ramsey of Port St. Joe. participate in thi gospel singing.

S Spy You Saw It In The Star -

Call No. 475,' Charter No. 14902 National Bank Region'14o. 6

Report of Condition

Florida First National Bank at Port St. Joe
of '

Port St. Joe, Florida 32456 .

Cash and due from banks 848,148.19
U. S. Treaiury securities 1,228,137.80
Obligations of States and political subdivisions ---------1,719,023.98
Other securities (including $24,000.00 corporate stock) 24,000400
Federal funds sold and securities purchased
under' agreements to resell 800,000.00
Loans 2,106,687.12
Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other
assets representing bank premises 396,732i65
Other assets .54,065.80


Methodist Ladies

Annual Bazaar
Saturday, November 21 the Me-
thodist ladies of. the First United
Methodist Church will be busy serv-
ing the public needs with a variety
of gift* for every member of the
family. Special home made cakes,
pies and candies make the annual
Bazaar. a. must for everyone, to at-
tend. '
Mrs. Herman Dean is. chairman
of the bake sale and will take spe-
ciai requests for baked items.
Mrs. Charles' Brock is in charge
of the jewelry and purse sales.
These items came from New York
For the ladies who like prac-
tical and pretty things, the Christ-
mas aprons -and pot holders to,
match are especially nice hand
made items.
Everyone will have to have -the
colorful ironing board covers' to
brighten up the ho-hum chore, cf
weekly ironing. .Candles, fruit arr-
rangements, and napkin rings are
a must for your holidays.
Scarves are being made, some
featuring the school colors of pur-
ple and white. Children's and baby
gifts are among the variety of sur-
prises you will find at the bazaar
being held in .the church, Social
Hall from 5b00 to 9:00 p.m.
Supper Will, be served in a spe-
cial area ofthe bazaar from 5:00 to
9:00 p.m. '

Mrs. Adkins Hostess
To Stone Circle
Mrs. George Adkins was hostess
to the Annie V., Stone circle: of
the First United Methodist Church.
on Monday, November 16. Prior to
the meeting, Mrs. Adkins served
refreshments to the eight members
and one visitor present.
Mrs. Tom Thompson called the
meeting,. to "order and led the.
group in.prayer, then gave a 'brief
devotional. Mrs. Roy Taylor bre-
sented the program on Thaiiksgiv-
ing, as observed in the United
States and as. called for in the
Bible. .
During the business meeting,
there was a general discussion of
what each member was dblfg for.
the bazaar to be held Saturday,
Mrs. Thompson invited the CiroIg
to meet with her for the December

Mr. and Mirs, Jimmy Wilder of
D9than, Alabama, announce the
birth of a baby. girl, Marsha Lynn
91 November 12..

"Mrs. A. S. hason, right, presents a Garden Club history scrap-
book td club historian, Mrs. G. S. Croxton, left.'

Mrs. Chason Presents Scrap Book of

Garden Club Activities to Historian
: -Y '

A scrap book of the activities
of the Port St. Joe Garden Club
for'the year 1959-1960 was pre-
sented to the club historian, by
Mrs. Susie ,Chason. Mrs. David
Moon was president of the club
Sthe year the book was assembled.
The club did not have a historian
at that time.
Mrs. Chason kept the book as
a personal Avor for Mrs. Moon
and as a gift to her. The book
contains many pictures and arti-
cles other ban. those relating to
Club aciivjes ':rs.' ,Moon lost
Usher eyesi'; ,fore seeing the'
book. ,
. Thp boolvwas presented to the
club in meiryof Mrs. Moon and
other former members of the
club. In addition to Mrs. Moon,
they are, Mrs. Marie Tapper, Mrs.
Lula Bellow, Mrs. ,W. J. Belin,
and Mrs. Margatet Thomas. All
.wedeactive: ~embers and contrib-
uted much to. the club.

Mrs. Neva Croxton now serves
as historian and a book of his-
tory is being kept each 'year.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin,
whose marriage was an event of
October 10 in Apalachidola, were
honored at a lovely reception
Thursday evening at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. King. Co-
hosts with Dr. and Mrs. King were
Mr. and Mrs. Gannon Buzzett, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Brock and Mr.
and Mrs. William T. Mosely, Jr.
Mrs. King greeted the guests who
were presented to. the bride and
groom and to Mr. and Mrs. John
Joe Buzzett, parents of the bride;
and Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin,
parents of the groom; Mrs. James
Adkisson, maternal grandmother
of the bride and Mrs, Margaret
Buzzett, great aunt of the bride.
Mrs. Gannon Buzzett directed the
guests to the dining, room for re-
freshments. The entire reception
area was decorated with the bride's
chosen colors. The dining table
was covered with green linen ac-
cented with an imported white lace
cloth; a silver candelabrum holding
green candles and an arrangement
of yellow mums was in the center
of the table with crystal punch
bowls at either end. Cakes, canapes
and mints were in 'the bride's col-
ors of green and yellow.
The coffee table was covered
with a floor length white linen
cloth. An arrangement of yellow
mums and green candles was the
focal point of this table. ,
Presiding at the punch bowls
were Miss Jenna Kay Farris and
Mrs. Eugene Griffin. Coffee was
poured by Mrs. John Joe Buzzett,
Jr., and Miss Rhetta Jean Melvin




- '~',176,795.54

Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations, 4,234,519.01
Time and savings deposits of individuals,
partnerships, and corporations .' 50,690.41
Deposits of United States Government 123,393.04
Deposits of States and political subdivisions 1,031,361.17
Certified and officers' checks, etc. 2,426.20
TOTAL DEPOSITS : $5,942,389.83
(a) Total demand deposits $4,605.260.28
(b) Total time and savings deposits $1,337,129.55
Other liabilities 134,823.62

Reserve for bad debt losses on loans
(set Uip pursuant, to-IRS rulings) 22,261.66
Equity capital-total 1,077,320.4$
Common Stock-total par value -. 400,000.00
No. shares .authorized 16,000
No. shares outstanding 16,000
Surplus "400,000.00
Undivided profits 97,654.50
Reserve for contingencies and other capital reserves 179,665.93
CAPITAL ACCOUNTS -. ,176,795.54

Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar
days ending with call date ..---6,316,979.62
Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days -
ending with call date 2,099,096.24
I, Walter C. Dodson, Sr., President of the above-named bank do
hereby declare that this report of condition is true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief..
We, the undersigned directors attest the correctness of this report
of condition and declare that it has been examined by us and to the
best of our knowledge and belief is true and correct.
:, IL B 1GIBSON, Jr. Directors
....'.;. L,.-AXA MLUE

a. I .

*' C

Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Bratcher of White, City announce the en-
gagement of their daughter, Kathy Paulette Bracher, to Jack Ed-
ward. Medley, son of Mrs. Joe Medley and the' ite Mr.' Medley of
Miss Bratcheris a 1969 graduate of Port St. Joe High School,
and is presently employed by the Department of Highway Safety
in Tallahassee.
Mr. Medley is a 1967 graduate of Chattahoochee High School,
and is presently serving a year of duty with the United States Army
in Vietnam. ..-"
A December wedding is planned and will be announced at
- later date. .

for personalized
Christmas cards
There's no need to run all over town, front
store, thumbing through album after album
find the right Christmas card for yourself. Mc
has hundreds of top-quality cards available
imprinting-from traditional to religious to
cards, and cards that are "Now". Masterpi
range from beautifully simple to very elabc
from budget-priced to luxury-class.

Save yourself time, trouble and money b
through the Masterpiece albums first. Besid
just the card you want, you'll get a bi
Masterpiece's 49-year tradition of fine ser
cards will be delivered to you perfectly i
any time you specify, for --:r, convenient
dressing and mailing.
Make your selection early!
Avoid the rush. Stop. in today and browse
wonderland of beautiful Masterpiece Christr
Select the perfect card for yourself-the o
"you"-at your leisure.


kept the guest book.
During the appointed hours, a
host of friends called to greet the


Jackson Adams

Final Plans
Final wedding plans are an-
nounced for Teresa Dale Jack-
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.
P. Jackson and Joel Denny Ad-
ams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Adams. ,
The wedding will be an event
of December 12 at 4:00 p.m. in
the Long Avenue Baptist Church.
Rev. J. C. Odum will officiate at
the ceremony.
All relatives and friends are in-
vited to attend the wedding and
a receptionh which will follow in
the social hall of the church.




m store to
trying to
for name-
piece cards
orate, and

y looking
es finding
g plus in
vice. Your
ice in ad-

through.a "
mas cards.' .
mnethat is '

mas cards



Mr. and Mrs. Frank Griffin Honored

With Reception In Dr. King Home

- -=- -

SNow showing

S the world's most beautiful Christi

THE STAR, Por f FlI. 3245 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970


Holiday Arangements Dsplayed

At Garden Club Meeting Thursday


The .November meeting of the
Port St. Joe Garden Club was held
at the Garden Center Thursday,
MNovember 12.; Mrs. W. 0. Ham-
mon, president, presided.
S Reports were made by all stand-
i:g committees. Mrs. David Jones,
chairman of -the building commit-
tee, stated that -work on the :rest
rooms was inder way and asked all
members to look at the progress
being made. She also stated that
the club had been given a 14 foot


I *

Gulf County Ladies League
Basic out-bowled AN Railroad on
lanes 1 and 2, -taking all four
games. Ellen Sidwell bowled high
game of 155 and high series of '381,

Cub Scouts Meeting
In High School Tonight
Cubmaster Joel GainoUs announ-
ces that Cub Scout Pack No. 47
will hold -its November Pack meet-
ing tonight at 7:30 pan. For this
month only, the Pack will meet in
the new High School Commons
area. -
Boys of eight years of age, or'
in the third grade, wishing to join
the Cubs may attend this pack
meeting with their parents..

We wish to offer our sincere
thanks to Dr. Shirley Simpson and
the Municipal Hospital staff for
their efforts' and.care during \the
illness and death of our loved-lone,
James A. Whitehurst.
We als9 wish to thank Rev. Rob-
ert Cary, Rev. Lawrence Robertson
and; our many friends for their
kind words, thoughtful deeds, de-
licius. food, visits, flowers and
prayers. It -was appreciated so
SThe family of i
+ James A. Whitehirst
A o- .

refrigerator. A vote of thanks was Association. ,
given the donors. Donations are being taken on a
.M h oI beautiful .hand 'made afghan made
Mrs Milton Chafin, chairman of and given by Mrs. R. H. McIntosh.
awards stated that she was apply-Proceeds will be used to make
ing for an award for'the anti-litter other needed improvements to the
posters made by children of the Garde Center.
Elementary Schoo. A highlightof the meeting was
Mrs. Ralph Nance announced that a talent show of floral arrange-
slides on day lillies will be shown ments, suitable for Thanksgiving
at the Flqrida Power Lounge Mon- and Christmas made by the mem-
day night at 7:90 p.m. The -slides bers. Those exhibiting arrange-
are from the National Day Lily ments were Mrs. Velma Hinote,
Christmas arrangements featuring
the Three Kings of the Orient. The
statuettes were very old and bought
f. as souvenirs in South America. Mrs.
Milton Chafin's arrangement was
__ __ for Thanksgiving featuring a boun-
tiful arrangement of vegetables and
fruits in shades of green and gold.
Mrs. Ida Copenhaver's arrangement
S- of fresh vegetables was also for
S vThanksgiving. Memories of sum-
-mer, made by Frenchie Ramsey wa.
made of dried plant material spray;
for Basic. Sue Moore had a 143 ed white and sprinkled with silver
high game and 391 high series for glitter'. An arrangement of ceramic
AN Railroad. fruit suitable for dining table for
either Thanksgiving' or Christmas
On alleys 3 and 4, St. Joe Furni- was shown by Sarah 'McIntosh.
ture took ihree out of four from "Florida Thanksgiving"' a Thanks-
Williams ,Alley Kats. Bertha Clay- giving arrangement of Florida fruit
ton bwled the high game of 156 with palms and a hand-made can-
and Brenda Mathes high series of die was shown by Mrs. Elsie Griffin.
422 for St. Joe Furniture. Norma Another lovely arrangement suit-
Hobbs had high'game of 179 and a able for either Thanksgiving or
462 series for the Kats. Christmas was of pastel tints of per-
manent type flowers frosted with
Lanes 5 and 6 had St. Joe Steve- glidder. "Dinner for the Birds"
dores taking all four games from made by Mrs. Ruth Hammond, fea-
Swatts Motor Co;,Dot Barlow tossed tured native red berries arranged
the high game of 204 and high ser- in an antique bread tray with an
ies of 455 for the Stevedores. Good accessory of a cardinal. Unique and
bowling, Dot. Patsy Cooley's 162 unusual were the "Three Kings"
game and 412 series were high for of the Orient made from Aunt Je-
Swatts. mima syrup bottles decorated by
Florida National Bank took three Mrs. Dudley Vaughan. These show
out of four from St. Joe Kraft on how inventive and imaginative club
members are.
alleys 7 and 8. Lois Smith led the Elaine Jackson's abstract window
bankers with a 191 game and ,526 or wall ornament was also a good
series. Ruby Lucas rolled a big 197 example of the, imagination and
game and 486 series for the Kraf- talent applied to commonplace
ties. things as codt hangers resulting in
a most attractive ornament. Mrs.
Standings W- L Neva Croxton's Christmas arrange-
St. Joe Kraft ----- ---33 '7 imeut.eatured a candle, native red
Fla. Nat. Bank --------- 31 series and an elf. A beautiful line
St. Joe Stevedores ------'31 : 9 arrangement of native material in
St. Joe Furniture --.---.23 :,17 a n unusual container by Mrs.
Williams Alley, Kats .'17 23 Ralph Nance decorated one window
Swatts Motor Co. .---- ---5 2 ad the,other featured an all white
Basic, Inc. .------------ 10 30 hrstmas scene with a white dOer.
AN Railroad ---------- 40 Several members brought more
than one arrangement. Mrs. Velma
Hinote assisted the program chair-
N .TV. Iman, 'Mrs. J. C. Arbogast.
Two guests, Mrs. Don Lewis and
^ :. T ^yMrs. 'Margaret Shirah, were pres-
Phone 229-6324 Hostesses for the meeting were
Mrs. Kenneth Batemap and Mrs.
'EPAI'R for B'EST PICTURE RobertV.aliski.



Come First

With Us... "'

There's never any unnecessary .
waiting here to have your prescriptions
filled That's because dispensing
medicle is our first order of business.,
You can count on us to fill your
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with only the finest of pharmacea leo e .

Gifts Cameras Cosmefcs Fragrances Tobacco
Games Stationery Toiletries
Drive-lp Window for Prescriptions at Rear of Store

S with's Pharmacy
S John Robert Smilth, Pharmaceutical Chemist
PHONE 227-5111 236 REID AVENUE


* ..

Mr. and Mrs. James R. Purswell,
Jr., of Wewahitchka announce the
birth of a son, Gary Wayne on No-
vetnber 4. .
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Lee, 606
Madison Street, are the parents of
a son, Tommy Eugene born Novem-
ber 3.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward G. Clark of
Donalsonville, Georgia announce
the birth of a son, Charles Edward
on November 2. i
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Vathis,
1209 Monument Avenue announce
the. arrival of a baby, boy, George
Jamison on-October 31L
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Lauri-
more of Wewahitchka announce the
birth of a baby girl, Lana Lurleen
on November 6.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Gibson,
1003 Woodward Avepue announce
the birth of a son, Russell Wayne
on November 2.
(All births occurred at the port
St. Joe Municipal Hospital.)

vWe Guarantee

All Your Roaches
and Waterbugs
or your money bac

All You Cani Los is
TYu Rtachesl. "

40 Third Street



Service Is Our Business Not A Sideline

9.95 up



--- L I ..

I_ I i ~_1



.THr STAR, Port St. o. PkwI THURSDAY NVMBR 19, 1970
;,-. *,< .- ? *-* **. -~ ** f' ','

It'j the way of things in St. Joseph Bay that
when the coo weather strikes, the' a~cklddi trouti
move 1. And, 6 thW6 atW*, d ; rut m ove In,
so do e pe-p r toi Aabeni an 8Georgit, to
catch tem. I,'rOhis ce, f Jse~i frvom Tnpes
see caIie to P4 St.do ind ht./tl Tlct t
oS speaks last Pid y^Morpin. Frnom'elft to-ygItt

Bag Specks
are Horace Moore, Dean Roberts, Dr. Gil Gilchrist
and Clarence Carter, all members of the faculty
of the University of the South, Sewanee, Tehnes-
see. The four were accompanied by Coach Shirley
Majors andi Waltey Wilder, former principal at
pler St.. Joe High School:
-Star photo

Say You Saw

Historical Society Gratified Over Find

Of Artifacts In Depot Creek Area
The St. Joseph Historical Society at the Constitution Memorial Mu- Board that headstones lying on the i City have agreed to move the palms
met in regular session November seum and that Port St. Joe will be ground in the vicinity of the old and the-City will care for them.
7 pt 3:00 p.m, at the Municipal "home base" for them. An agree- St. Joseph Cemetery could be mov- The Old St. Joseph Cemetery vis-
Building. ment will have to be made between ed, but that those standing should itor report was given covering the
- The president, Jesse Stone, ad- the Society and such organizations be left alone. The headstones in months of July, August, September,
vised that Johnnie Whitfield has as may desire to so. display the ar. question, date back to thd early October and through November 6.
agreed to give the historical arti- tifacts. The legal advisor, Attorney 1900'.' Remarkable interest was shown by
facts he and his two sons found Cecil Costin, Jr., is drawing up( Mrs. Brinson reported that St. outside visitors to this restored
and dove up at Depot Creek to The the instrument necessary for con- Joe IPaper Company had donated historical site. A total of 2,905 visi-
Historical Society on that condi- veyance to the Historical Society., some palms to be planted in the tors had registered at the ceme-
tion that the Society dispose of The Society has made arrange- old Cemefery area. The County and tery during this, period.
them in such a manner that they ments with the St. Joe Paper Comn-
will be kept and properly displayed pany for preservation of the iietal
artifacts to prevent further deter- Gulf COaSt JunIOr College Has Come
David Jones. Heads ioration.'This treatment is expected
avi Jones dto take about 30 days. These rti- Al ng W Since ItsBe innn In 57
Troy State Fraternity facts were turned over to Harold A ong W ay Since ts Beginnin I '57
Quackenbush, chief chemist, on
David Jones, Jr., son of Mr. and November 3. The items were: two Gulf Coast Junior College has a plant of 11 modern buildings on
Mrs. David H. Jones, Sr., 1301 Con- ancient iron frying pans with legs, come a long way since its founding its campus.
stitution Drive, a 1966 graduate of one small iron pot, one large iron in 1957 when it first began meet- Good said the school is more than
Port St. Joe High School, has re- Dutch oven with lid, one heavy iron ing in the old Wainwright Ship- serving its primary function of
ceived the honor of being elected stove having brass .knob ornameni- yard buildings in Panama City. This presenting a parallel college edu-
president of Gamma Gamma Chap- station. contrast was graphically illustrated cation of two years, equal to what
ter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity for The corresponding secretary was to the Kiwaris Club Tuesday when students receive in the four year
the 1970-71 school year, at Troy instructed to send a letter of ap- Herb Good, a dean at the college institutions.
State University; preciation to the St. Joe Paper presented. a slide presentation of The speaker said that presently
He had previously held the of- Company and Mr. Quackenbush, for .the "then and now". college is pushing to establish
fice of house manager and rush .their gracious help towards the pre- From a first year enrollment of the college is pushing to establish
chairman. servation of these ante-bellum sig- 357 students, Gulf Coast has grown a program of graduate which in the
In his pledgeship he was presi- nificant historical artifacts. each year since that time except Panama City area, which will allow
dent of his pledge class and re- Mrs. Brinson reported, that she one year, to a present enrollment degree in a particular subject.
ceived the best pledge award in his had, received one roll of microfilm, of 2,500 students. d egree in a portion we arsubject.
class. He is also a big brother to census film of 1840, which was Good said the present school oc- ceiling, we operation we goare re
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. purchased by the Society from Gen- eupies an 84 acre campus on the giving, we believer near future"
eral Services Administration. She shores of St. Andrews Bay. The be realizedin the verynear future"
also gave an excellent report on original plan for the institution Good said.
I e Star other items of Society business to lacks only two buildings of being Guests of the club were Key
In The Star which she had attended. complete, according to Good. The Clubbers Barron Abrams and Mike
Attorney Costin advised the educational facility presently boasts White.

pI I -

Teen spirits are high after the mg' Q .u gime, ana
y a warmly informal gathered
ener chunks dipped in corn eal batter, fried crisp and
wn and served with cheese sauce or dipping, appeal to appe-
tit's .sharp h h airn excitement. And the teen hostess
like the xienEM o| rton, too; the corn meal batter
erve Corny Wiener P s to armchair quarterbacks who en-
j the games via TV, too. They'll score with all the fans!
SCory Wiener P ;
4 _-Makes IS serving
Wiener A e ti es L oiTblespoon all-purpose
'L-Two .l 'pkg.wieners flour
One 12-oz. pkg. Flaho teaspoon dry mustard
Corn Mufin Mix teaspoon salt "
1 cup milk V fiaspoon pepper
1 egg qa e.p milk
Sauce: One-oz. pkg. processed
2 tablespoons butter or ch we spreacutin cubb.
margarine "
For wiener appetizers, cut each wiener into 4 pieces. Place corn
mhuffin mix, milk 40%,"M p dry ingr y
i y. lnts are thori oa be slig Drop one
py.) Place wwwiwi s cd i Drop one
tfa time into hot tRJJl illi~tl browned,
out 1 minute. aJ"lJ wdeB sauce (see
: For cheese sauce, melt bu in medium-sized saucepan. Grad-
nally stir in flour, t-iB. Mi#iBa pepper. Add milk
d cheese, stirring coin l'until cleese is melted and sauce
#thickened. Keep warm until ready to serve.
$OTE: To keep wiener appetizers warm, place on rack in a shal-
lvw baking pan in preheated warm--oven (200F.).




Mediterannean Style Double Dresser, Framed Mirror, Chest of Drawers, Bed
4-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE------ $149.00
18 Inch Sylvania
PORTABLE TELEVISION, & Stand --- $168.00
In Heavy Vinyl Upholstery
SOFA and MATCHING CHAIR -- $158.00
Used Only 3 Months
8^ cubic foot REFRIGERATOR --- $99.00

* Single Speed Automatic
* 3 selection washer loads
* Gleaming white porcelain
enamel top and 1d
* Spin tub, porcelain enamel


Here are the- Sofa Sleepers that really
do something for your home

Long-lasting Sinyl covers for easy care
Regular $229.95




Box Springs

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Man Size, Heavy Duty

Buy or Lay-Away Now for Christmas

ONLY $58 00

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greatest invention
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No flame-no flue-no soot--no fuel storage-no "getting It ready
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Many ways to install so you can't even see it-or notice kt
Different rooms-different temperatures-exactly as you want it

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Open House Planned By Sunland

Training Center In Marianna

A special invitation is issued to your part will enable you to be- land Training Centers at Fort
all interested persons to attend the come better acquainted with the Myers, Gainesville, Miami and Mari-
"Annual Open House" at Sunland care and training of the mentally anna, as well as the Sunland Hos-
Training Center, Marianna, on Sun- retarded and what they are learn- pital at Orlarido and Tallahassee
day, November 22, from 1:30 p.m. ing to do for themselves. The an- The public is invited to attend any
until 4:30 p.m. nual "Open House" is being ob- of the Open House program and
S. .. i served simultaneously at" the Sun- will be open to the entire family.

.Li e peU louuse will bjiegi wita
a welcome program in the audi-
torium at 2:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
A special feature of our program
this year will be the recognition of
many of our former residents who
are now living and working suc-
cessfully back in the community.
There will be a variety of activities
and our Center's staff will be avail-
able to tell you about our programs
and to answer your questions. You
may tour the Center on your own
or ride one of our special busses on
a conducted tour. Refreshments will
be served continuously from 2:00 to
4:00 in the new Cafeteria. -
A special effort to attend on

Two from St. Joe
InUSM Band
Port St. Joe students at the Univer-
sity of Southern Mississippi will
perform as members of the Pride
of Mississippi Marching Band twice
on national television.
Camille Carter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis C. Carter, and Wal-
ter Alan Richardson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. B. Richardson, will appear
with the Pride on Nov. 22 in New
Orleans when the Saints meet the
Denver Broncos and on Jan. 9,
1971 at the Senior Bowl in Mobile,
Miss Carter is a sophomore music
education major- who plays bas-
soon for the Pride. She is also a
member of the .USM Orchestra and
is playing for the second year with
the Pride.
Richardson, junior music educa-
tion major, plays the Ituba. He is
also pledged to Sigma Phi Epsilon
social fraternity.
"oth students are former. mewr
bers of the Port St. Joe High
School band.


Corner Third St. and Baltzell Ave.,

PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) ....

C. Byron Smith, Pastor

9:45 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
.6:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.

"Come' and Worship God With Us"

Intersection Monument and Constitution
Church Schoof .... ..... 9:45 A.M.
Morning Worship ..... .. 11:00 AM.
Evening Worship ..-.......... 7:00 P.M.
Methodist youth Fellowship ...-------. 8:00 P.M.
"Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives"

You Are Cordially Invited To Attend

Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street
PRAYER SERVICE (Wediesday) ..... 7:30 P.M.

REV. J, C. ODUM, Pastor


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F -4


AGE TEN THE STAR Port St. Joe, Fla. 3245 TI
S N -S


Open All P

Large Assortment of
On Display
Qt.'Jar SHELLED Fresh
Pecans 1.49

LeSeuer No. 303 Cans
TINY PEAS -.2 cans 59c
Sugary Sam Y. C. No. 2% Cans
Del Monte No. 303 Cans
PUMPKIN -- can 19c
ICA No. 300 Cans
Ciaben Sauce 2 for 39c
nwo i ? o3-:- .
Sunshine No. 2, Jar
Pickled PEACHES-_ can 49c
IGA 46 OUICE .2 ans 69c
Toito JUICE 2 cons 69c

None-Such- -18C.- -" Friskies
ViNCE MiAT ,~ pkg. 494 CAT
Beat the Price Increase .Buy IGA :
Bakery Products and Save!


McCormick Pumpkin 1% Oz. Can

ay Wed., Nov. 25
These Specials Good November 18 through 28

SHOWBOAT No. 2% Cans
Pork & Beans 4

Cans $100

KRAFT With $10.00 Order or More



IGA Heavy Duty 25 Ft. Roll
ALUM. FOIL-- roll 49c

'Planter's 13 oz. can
MIXED NUTS -.. can
Kleenex Dinner Pkg. of 50
McCormick 4 Oz. Can



L & M 2 Lb. Jar

-2 lb. pkg.
FOOD -- .. pkg. 39c
rail Cans Carnation Evap.
Milk 6 Cans 98c
Ga. Grade 'A' Lge-With $15 Order

Ga. Grade 'A' Large
Eggs 2 DOZ.1.09


IGA All Purpose With-$10.00 Order


5 lb.


3 Lb. Can With $16.00 Order or More



IGA 303 Can
Fruit 0
Cocktail 7(

: *r 'r w l T

Morton's PUMPKIN or

Mince Pies

3 89c

COOL WHIP --- 9 oz. 59c
,McKenzie Midget
LIMA BEANS------18 oz. 59c
Mrs. Smith's Golden Deluxe 9-inch
PIE SHELLS------. pkg. of 2 39c
Supreme Ice Cream
CAKE ROLL ------.... each 48c
BUTTER --------- Ib pkg. 89c
CREAM CHEESE --- 8 oz. 33c

Fresh Slaw

V .AVE 10c! 1% Lb. Sandwich Loaf
NBCC "' **** "'; :'"1^ ^ "" -"
DETERGENT -- With$S10.00 Order




Lemon Fresh Liquid Detergent,- 22 Oz.
Joy Liquid 49C
Tablerite USDA Grade "A" Frozen

lb. Garden Corn 12Oc
.L,.- Garden Corn 12.

lb. IUc

Fresh Crisp
CEERY --------stalk
Cello Bag
CARROTS ------- bag


Cello Bag
RADISHES ------- bag lOc

BELL PEPPERS ---- 5 for
Georgia SWEET
POTATOES -------lb.
No Strings
Tender EANS----lb.


AVACADOS ---- ea. 19c



.. Looi


Florida Oranges
Red Apples
BEST FLAVOR Florida Home Grown
Fresh Tomatoes

Fruit 3

BAG $1.

S 19

Ib. 23c

Fresh Green Bunches
B 1.00 Onions 2For


Tablerite Sliced
Tableite SDA Grade'A' Baking Tablerite Center Cut Ham
hENS' I- 3 Rost lb. 89c
Tablerite Beef Standing Rib reh Apalachicola 15% Oz. Can
Rost lb. 98c Oyerss 98c
Tablerite Boston Butt Pk-':i Tablerite GROUND
Roast !4c. Be 49c

Tablerite 3 Lb. Cans

$2 ,ablerite Boneless Strip
$2.88 Steak lb. $1.88

Tablerite Smoked (Whole or Shank %) Tablerite Lean Ground
HAMS lb. 59c Chuck lb. 88c

Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons,









In' bIt TrItfic Aide
'Hunting Fun, ighuwy 1
.AW aA pting kq use
m a4 Ve don't let pter
. .1 t i g or pulon mig- .
p il yoqr aa. ia of getting The p
"S one".tfe Florida highway $d pAr
Said today.
-, the

SSawthe thri
,vt ror in

Sqa te Saw It In.


efrm NoV. 19,througli Nov. 2S
r Pri in his Ad ae off"
St. following sta
Port St. Joe, Flo
"*Quonmy mgns xe"vea

S Plain or Self-aising Fler
Gold .Mec
, Ann Page Layer 't

Gain Det
Dates h.l.d obg....e, Ita..
Shave Cream."' 3f
.. ., H.T. N M U..I. i ,sp
White Rait Mc

Chicken Tasty Beef Treat
Chicken & Fish
E* Kidney & Chicken
liver & Chicken
6 'e 79c

-Msnl Juicy White
Washington State Red Delicious
Apples 1.23c

itdaaae 4 0. j e q.
Baby Food 9c Cranberry
AllVited uicst S4 8 .. urSCooks
Strained Juices "Sc Cookies

iHE S7A t rt. Jo*.. 31G M.. 4 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970 PAGE ElCWim
ntS S Il conservation, represented the State measures Where RC&D Project cost.
i" commissioner of agriculture at the sharing funds are to be used in
S1 Pution, Floodin et TL meeting, carrying out the project. President
I at An application from Bay County Swindle said this was necessary be-
St A ITI to be included in the West Florida cause of the limited amount of
in rough terrain while t RC&D Project was read to the steer- funds. "We want to start surveying
use old care and' small _*, O f T | n a ing committee by President Kelly and designing those project mea-
.A ttRt I r I F. Swindle of Bonifay. Swindle said sures where we know the local peo-
atrol 4rm intds all motorists, n ion If T T h e a the application was unanimously ple are ready to start. This means
ticulat hunters, that it is i approved. "The application will things like having the land right-
1 to atop or park a vehicle now be forwarded to the Soil Con- of-ww, high local interest, and
paved portion of the high The West Florida Resource Con- that the measures were for a wide welcome. Those that are found im servation Service for final USDA local cost-sharing obligations ready.
nters ,were also reminded servation and Development (RC&D) variety of needed improvements, practical will be weeded out." authorization for the Bay County The priorities can change rapidly
ire their guns on or across Project officials adopted their pro- including flood tention dams, Hamptonurns, who heads Soil inclusion. This is a necessary step one project measure starts lag-
i ghwas. pollution abatement, community fa- to effectively coordinate the USA ging, and one of lower prioty in
ject work plan at a regular meeting cilities such as water systems d conservation Service work in Flor- effectivey coordinate the SDA gg, and one of lowrcation really gets going.
ing the 'big one' c be in Bristol Thursday. sewer systems, and many others.,ida, spoke to the meeting and out- the many oer agenc President windle welcomed
in spoltlal some wy to the sitting in carrying out project ob- President 9 w i n d I e welcomed
Sa lifetime, but an er- The project work p included lined some ways to ca out the jectives. SCS has promised im- James Snowden to the West Flor-
judg of a lifetime bt or v erati Thf more project work p included "The steering ottee evaluate proposed project measures. The mediate action on this application Ida RC&D Project staff. Mr. Snow-
udgement or violation o more than 400 suggestions for pro- these individually," Barnes said, SCS has U.S. Department of Agri- and we will be able to give our den was assigned to the project as
concluded colonel ton. measures that have been sub- "and we will seek ays to finance USDA) leaderhip in Bay County friends a final answer Forest RC&D Coordinator in Octo-
S mitted to the steering committee ac- those that are included in the pro- ordinating assistance to the 12- soon."r ber by Staff Forester, John Bethea.
The Stplan is open-end county organization. Robert N. Nor- The steering committee establish- Since about 80% of the Project
T. Barnes of Bonifay. Barnes said; and other suggestions are always ris, coordinator of soil and water ed priorities on proposed project area is woodland, w e expect bigs
.. .. ..thing... from.. this proven profes-
sional forester," Swindle said.
A & PU.S.D.A. Frozen Grade "A" SEIF-BASING -Project Coordinator John Barnqs
Introduced all the guests and thank-
T u kel. O% ped them for their fine cooperation
T turkeys. l in helping make the West Florida
.RC&D Project successful so far.
"Iupe.r-lght" WHOLE or SHANK HA P FULY The guests included representatives
1 o kH=5from all USDA agencies and many
SH.5 5 other State and Federal agencies.
c oked Ham 55c "There are also many .people not
here that have contributed greatly,"
P "Supi~t"r D Barnes said. "After explaining the
S1 1 l00o objectives of RC&D to groups and
a u a g e63c50p01kindividuals, we have yet to find
Sg 3 anyone not very willing to help.
P" CopelomnlsAN Meat *" Our experiences have been most
Copelan's All Mea gratifying to date, but we realized
BJ0g re Lthe work hais really just started."
__E 'Counties in the West Florida RC
*up ''F &D Project are Calhoun, Franklin,
*i p Middle C a 3F u 1 pJ Gadsden, Gulf, Holmes, Jackson,
ana j,10 Is.and up Jefferson, Leon, Liberty, Wakulla,
Rib Roast.. 99- Walton and Washington Counties.
PAYkORE! Super-Right" Done AM E por
Grade 'A' Quick Froz. Baking

/ HENAS lbFo. B 6kcBeef Stew 2 '1 69c
H 6 n /.' tpnJown'sFsh k.Si c pak Chil wiBeans 3 s$1 W
Oysters ol Potted Meat 2 27
Virginia Fanns old FashionedClPe C ey K ITCHE
Cig~e~ugired Hans 9 .Corned Beef Hash 39%
ed- Cured ams CHAT T E R
1' L BS'aconu 597
.4vsi" oe m, Bb ChII I, or uBy The Florida Power Corporation
al 5 49 *!111..cho w ove. s
.. ShIr 1 1A&y SaBenSdWh.lI. 25c Chic1k e oSkmn Ro2. Preheat oven.
r tra Special I e, o C fLoo,43. Select glass or shiny metal
s4 S Su 9 how Me pans of suggested size.
xes 4 C ab r. .' 4. Position pans to allow 2 air
29.c. "&-.'mo II circulation on all sides.
r Ve eabeS3 CA 5. Stagger pans so that no pan is
ft -'**w ^* -No'odiess'^w 29 Ve etables3'" tr'
S a u e directly above another.
Scott Paper Sale! t Se ...nu r f

B"rimiu Am e. Yi.a.pa"4 3 $1 a y Tissue 5C STRAWBERRY COFFEE CAKe
S Pure Vegetable ShorteLing. aC' li.i w/$5 or more fd order) V Towels i 8 Scoie s 3' .79. upchopped nuts- o.)
N OW D R I FT 1 69 M bi:Rs (d each)e
I Can Oyidc Rigs Cit. 6 9 cup melted margarine
d*lod. Pais., Mit or Cbe S.h"at Detergent 6,olSug aM Cth.. chip, Sug or nout eter Spread preserves oven bottom of
Pickles -" 49' Joy Liquid 49 Cookies 2 49 pan and sprinkle.with nuts. Separ-
Aluminum Foll Hunt's Snacd Pack Hm's ate biscuits and dip in melted mar-
SReyoWrap29 Pudding 59n Tomato c.'-11 Lround outer edge Of
AR0A's S-nnyll3dd$r1n A Pbottom of pan. Use remaining 6
Tomato Jc.3$1 Waffles 0c Egg Nog 69 lapping biscuits.Bakenat 425
A P i Ca Ann t. Jr Nabisco Mint Sandwich upside downCi
1 r 1f.l> Ma o n 5 C0 k i 53 upside down immediately.
Sw.Peas4/89c Mayonnase59c Cookies 53 NOTE: Peachf preserves or anybe
oz. Jar Strained aby Food 2 no Jane Park Delous Speca3 x substituted for strawberry preser-
Gerber 6 for v 69C Cin l O A Special Cooking Demonstration
Al a n B 3ui l9 will be held on Dec. 3rd., at 1:30
A|a 2 cake p.m. at the Home Service Center.

Special Let P laid Stam ps ..... .
bt. Plae 1 2ou These are bsut

Fresh Crisp Pascal Speciatl Doraomer
Celery Stalk 19 Readings
Cold POWer Detergent n ta ,*.e.3
,REG. 5 OFF BREEZE E i...***
RE pkg.32c OsFpk. Plaid will mail your Plaid .****.
SWith Faceloth J .holiday gifts FREE to your What hot weather startsco
Liquid ALL home Or to the home Of a weather finishes both extremes
W IS K Detro t friend or relative. f mor than drain ahe power. But before
A1 I 1h. cIOIK Jeternent i friend or relaSdve. If more than r yod fi. the air with electurfyin,

SQt. 8 '- .. :.....oaths, see us for a checkup of
Bi. 49 oz. 63C 25 miles from Me your starting and charging-system.
83nl c Plaidland Rdemption Stre. he'll find the real trouble, with.
i Y Dishwashing Deterg ent PaiaanO pU Ore. out obligation.
3LuffYb oAL wThis offer expires Dewose2, 1970 oI baiterrble IS
F F -Ic LoX LIQUID ----- yourprobltem, wecarry
120z iA i-m1~UIP I ______ I series. There simply
liquid Detergent AJAX "" quia sn't a finer battery
e.. cMna --- DO VE Detergent .409 Clea Sweeteaer "l89c made prova we
Sce.'M 33c MiltMorsels *33c D OV %terg ee- nt n 111. a*.: r -un my w
a 114..61..9c. ,22 Oz. O63z Si 89c LST JOE AUTO
. 69Choc. Morsels 65c. 63c 3 lb., 1 oz. ST. JOE AUTO


tAflu~ IWkL~
/ ~

E frTARsPort.St. Jo, Pl..,3456 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1970

SBiKacial Committee

Makes Suggestions

Buzzett Drug Store
317 Williams Avenu ?Phone 227-3371
Drive-In Window Service / Plenty of :M ParMin

The bi-racial committee which
has been formed to discuss prot
lems generated by integration o
races isn Port St. Joe schools hav
made the following recommend
tions for fostering and maintaining
harmony in the schools.
1. The Principal and, Assistan
Principal operate the school with
out interference from outside agi
station. That they assume the re
sponsibility of fair and impartial
discipline without equivocation
That this be done in unity of en
forcement to everyone violating
normal school procedure. Tha
this be done in a fair and impar
tial manner to whites and blacks
That this' be done jointly where
blacks and whites are involved and
the same disciplinary measures be
given both whites and blacks. That
'a student government Ib formula
ed as soon as possible to promote
harmony among all students.
2. A student organization be for-
mulated now composed of .both
races to. coinbat pnd relieve res-
ent tension. This could be leading
students ..in i I o class of both
races. Thes4 students' wouldd or-
ganize themselves and play down
and control,rowdy students of-teir
own race- .wen and where an in-
cident might occur. We hope' this

Guidance Clinic Reports
onc e s

Growth In Patier

he Board of Directors of the ten and a half months of 1970.
Gulf. County Guidance Clinic re- The Clinic's new director, Dr.
ports that, though the financial Susan Conley, has made, along
struggle is a constant, one, the with the Clinic's Speech .There-'
Clinic is growing and successfully pist, Mrs. Janice Cathey; 22 vis-
meeting the goals set up by the its to Port St. Joe,; bringing 268
' Board. Community service is, of workers to see 107 clients. All
course, the Clinic's. purpose. A this has been since August 1,
review of the Cliniic' aipse load 1970. -
since its -beginning in 1967 indi- The Clinic's case load has been
cates substantial growth and. con- drawn principally from Port St.
q, timing utilization of the Clinic's' Joe and Wewahitchka. However,
services, .... some clients come. from Apala-
In 1967, a total of eight pro-, chicola. *'' '
..fssional workers saw 24 clients. ., Collection of fees', from clients
thI 1968, 35 workers making 12' of the Clinic has been moderately
visits to the county, treatbd.109-'" gopd. However,'ttheClinic is still
people. The year 1969 ibmought a' dependent to a great extent upon
reduction in the case load. Thirty- financial resources other than'
'one professional workers treat-' "client collections 1 .Until the
ed 96 people. The Clinie's expand-: Clinic can become totally self-
ed services in 1970 'resulted in sustaining, community support is
213.-people being seen by 57 vitally necessary to the Clinic's*
-'workers in a4etal of 32- isits in continued services
-' -A of

federal Prison Director Speak to

-Rotarians Thursday On Operation

It was a surprise to Rotarians this bit of information and; also
to learn last Thursday that there that the U. S. Bureau of Federal.
are on6y 35 federal prison facilities Prisons was established as late as
iit'the United States, with a popu- 1930. Cage said that the median
nation of less than 25,000 inmates, age of federal prisoners is 28,3
E. M. Cage, assistant superinten- years. He said that 95% of the
dent of the Federal Prison at Eg- Federal prison inmates return to
lin Air Force Base, told Rotarians society with about 65 to 70% 'Of,
these never returning to prison.

James Robert Givens
(Continued From Page I)
Simons Isand, Ga., Stuart Wilson
and, Scott Wilson both of Crest-
view; eight step-daughters, Mrs.
A. L. Paul of St. Simons Island,
Ga.,*Mrs. John C. Sowers of Port
'"St. 'Joe, Mrs. Ray Wilson, Miss
Sharon ~Tilson and Mrs. Danny
Tate all of Crestview, Mrs. Larry
Dean Smith of St. Simons' island '
Ga., Mrs. Russ Overby of Houston,
Texas, 'Mrs. William McRae of
Mobile, Ala., and a number of
nieces and nephews; three sisters,
Mrs. Nellie Ruth Kirk of Axis,
Ala., Mrs. Emmie Barfield Branch
of Panama City, Mrs. Bernice Lee
of Fort Pierce; two. brothers,
Frank Givens 'of Panacea and
Lonnie Givens of West Palm
Funeral services were held at
3:00 p.m. Sunday from the Com-
forter Funeral Home Chapel,
conducted by Rev. Millard Spikes
Assisted by Rev. Talmadge Ken-
nedy. Interment'followed in the
--, family- plot of Holly Hill Ceme-
Active Pallbearers were E. C.
Harden, Jr., Homer Atchison,
Billy Suber, Jerry Suber, L. C.
Davis and L. D. Griffin. Honorary
bearers were Bob Phillips, Bobby
Taylor, Kenneth Ellis, ,Curtis
Hammond, Leo Kennedy, John
McKenzie, Robert Merritt, Leon
Dearinger, F. E. Trammell and
Pel Etheredge.
Services were under the direc-
tion of Comforter Funeral Home.

The most common cause of in-
mates being, sent to a Federal Pri-
son are assault crimes. Second in
offenses is narcotics violations.
Cage said there are 310 inmates
at Eglin. Most 'of these inmates
work on the base at various jobs
and some are learning trades by
which to eari a living when they
are released from prison.
Prisoners are eligible for parole
after one-third of 'their sentence
has expired. If the parole is grant-
ed, he is kept On parole for the
remainder of' the time of his sen-
Cage said that Federal prison
programs have been changed from
that of regimentation and incarcer-
ation to rehabilitation.
Guests of the club were John M.
Brock of Pensacola, Harold Wil-
son of Barrington, Kansas and Mar-
ion Craig.

James A. Whitehurst
(Continued From Page 1)-
Carolyn Whitehurst of Naples;
and one brother, Edwin White-.
hurst of Naples.
Active pallbearers included
Joe"'Hewett, Clyde Page, Chris
Linton, Marshall' Flowers, Rich-
ard Lancaster and- Johnny Wal-
ker. Asked:to be honorary bear-
ers were Herbert Zipperer, Rob-
ert Creamer,,Vester Burke, Jake
Peak, Thomas Adkins and Carlos
Prevatt Funeral Home was in
charge of arrangements.

it Load

Too Much Tiger
(Continued from Page 1)
the. third try. Washington passed
to gernard:Powell.for the'two ex-
tra points and the Tigers took
th6 lead. -
The Sharks took the kick-off
on: their own 45 and marched to
:theione foot line on passes to
Liowery and Langsto.n. On the
Sfurth down, 'AMchide Shackleford
Sdove- over for- ihe score. The '
extra p'oinf was no good, but the-
Sharkhs were oA the board.
The Tigers managed their only
other score inthe firsthalf with
48 seconds left to play. Big full ,
Back George Bell ran over frodi
the four. wi the extra point
attempt blocked.'
.The tIird period also was a
scoreless see-saw. It was during
this period, though, that the
Sharks were' rced to' punt for
th' fisrt.timein the game. The
kick'came'with four minutes left
,the .perod. On every other oc-
easion thi.:Sharks would get the
ball, the Sharks would getwVth-
in smelling distance of the goal
when the big Tigers would dig.
On the second play of the last
.period, Bernard Powell took a
Lonnie Pete pass for 17 yards to
score. Then the ball was turned
over to big George Bell who be-.
gan to niake .big yardage against
the tired and battered Sharks.
The Sharks received a lift with
three minutes gone when Kloskia
Lowery stole a Quincy pass and
gave the Sharks a chance at
catching up. But the drive stalled
on the Quincy 41.
Quincy quarterback Washing-
ton did something no other run-
ner has been able to do against
the Sharks this year.; Ie scamper-
ed 35 yards through the middle
of the Shark defense for a touch-
down with about three minutes
left in the game.
The last Tiger score came on
an intercepted screen pass from
Port St. Joe's Chuck Roberts.
Lonnie Pete ran across with the
TD. Washington passed to Mit-
chell Hall for the two extra
points. -
Even though the Sharks were
badly outweighed, the game was
a rough and tumble affair. The
Sharks tough defenders, strong
all season long, didn't back down
from the odds. Archip Shackle-
ford arid Mike Wimberly led the
Shark defenders with 15 tackles
each for the night.
Quincy St. Joe
First Downs ---- 13 11
Rushing Yardage .-- 237 56
Passing yardage ------113 99
Passes 8-25 11-21
Intercepted by _.-- 1 2

Fumbles Lost-------
Yards penalized ......
Score by quarters:
,Quincy ..-------- 0 14
-Port St. Joe -- 0 6

1-26 2-37 i
1 3
65 20

0 20-34 |
0 0- 6

;h would encourage both races to
b- build up pride and self control on
Df the part of all students of both
*e races. These students be consulted
a- in any incident for identity and
g fairness in administrative diqci-

lt 3. We earnestly feel that all pa
1- ents of students in Port St. Jc
i- High School should exercise se
c- control in our present situation
al We are aware of the concern an
n. parent has for their child, however
n- the tension is caused by student
g from homes where parents can rei
t 'der a great service in instruction
- the child in decent conduct before
. he .gets to school.
e With a thousand students in on
Skgilding, there are bound to be ir
cidents of misunderstanding. Whei
t these thinps do occur we feel tha
- parents should restrain themselves
Sby weighing t 0 incident for wha
it may be*'an iot bhlow it up ou
- of proportion Vd st-ir away fron
school unless .lled By the schod
- office. i '
P 'We ho6mm d the' teachers o
SPort St. Joe High Sbfool for the!
dedicated -sernce in, tying to do
n job of teaching-in t face of dif
r ficult circus aheesi '
We hope tlaseAnible and rea
sonable students ani. parents wil
soon alleviate these conditionss s(
that the school can do 'an effective(
job of teaching. -"... r..,*'
Committee Members:
Jean Etheridge
Chester Gant, Jr.
Jimmy L.;. Frazier.
Dorothy Daniels
Rev. O.. T., Stallworth
Rev. J. R. Bowers
D. P. Peters
Ted L. Whitfield.
Jackie Reagan
Troy W. Jones; Sr.
Ih 'Millard Spikes
Col. Raymond Long

Has Moneyt left
(Continued from"Page 1)
In reality, the wate. and sewer
department paid its iown way.
The City gave help b4 directing
40% of the utility taxor $19,211.
into, the department, The Board
had set hp' a. fHo' of $96,371 to
put into the-dep0ptment for capi:
tal outihy, but the amount was
not heQ ed, .
(omissionir Tom Colde ey
presented the, Board with a, list
of unpaid hospital bills and ask-
ed -the Board for authority to
pursue with collection action.
Coldewey told the' Board that
the Hospital has been running in
the red for the past tw6"inonths
due to a low census at 'the fa-
cility. Coldewey said, "I believe
there are six patients in our 50
bed hospital today, and we can't
make it like that".
The Board considered the bid
of Leary" and Owens of Mobile
to furnish the City with a new
dragline for $31,000. Since the
Board had included only $25,000
in its budget for a machine, they
rejected the bid.
The City had been offered a,
nine-month-old machine for $25,-
000-a discount of $10,00 on the
new price for this particular
make-and Mayor Frank Pate
:asked that the Board consider
purchasing the machine before
dismissing completely the pur-
chase of, a dragline this year.
Street Superintendent Dot
Hadden said the present 16-year-
old machine needs extensive and
expensive repairs before it can
be used any more.

Legal Adv.
CASE NO. 2011
6815 Town Bluff Drive, Dallas, Tex-
as 75240.
that an action for a Contempt Or-"
der has been filed against you. A
hearing on said action has been
scheduled before the Honorable W.
L. Fitzpatrick, Circuit Court, at
the Gulf County Courthouse, Port
St. Joe, Florida, at 9:00 o'clock
A.M., CST. ..
WITNESS my hand and the seal
of this Court on this the 6th day of
November, 1970.
Circuit Court Clerk 11-19





Cecil Ray Pippin, 1602 Garrison Avenue, cen-
ter, was the Lions' Club lucky winner of the free
Remington shotgun 'being presented to Pippin, by
project chairman Jimmy Prevatt. Looking on is
co-chairinan John Braun. Pippin pushed aside a

|OR "Everyi

FOR SALE: 5 year old mare. Good
pe, gentle. $17$.00. Call 229-
4858. Itp
FOR SALE: Nice home at W'bt.W
City. Corner lot, 140'xl65' Good
neighborhood- New paint and roof.
Phone 22a-4436. tfe-10-22
FOR RENTo Funrphed apartments
and trailer sMpaee. Bo's Winlco
;Lodge, Wh4te City. Phone 229-2410.
S' tfc-8-13
FOR RENT: Furnished cot-
tages. Reasonable monww rates
Phone 227-3491 or 227-80 tl-13
FOR RENT: Trailer spaces. Water-
furniShed. Cable TV opion. St.
Joe Beach, DeSoto St. Phone 648
4351 .tfc-li-v
FOR RENT: Unfurnished large,
nice, room rick housp. Ventral
heat awd pir a pnditioned. Nice
neighborhood. PRone 227-36 af-
ter 5 p.m. fc-10-29

FOR RENT: Furnished, nice two
, bedroom house. Phone 227-8536
after 5:00 p.m. tfc-10 29
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished
apartment. Phone 229-1361: tf-5
FOR RENT: Large 3 bedroom block
house in Wewahitchka. $60.00 a
month. Call 639-2331.
FOR SALE: Sets .of drums. Com-
plete trap set. Phone 229-4881.
: tfc-11-12
FOR SALE: 1962 Fairlane Ford V-8
Good condition. Call Charlie Wall
227-4331. tfc-10-8
FOR SALE: 1969 50cc Suzuki mot-
orcycle. Good condition. 1308-Mc-
Clellan. Ph. 227-7972. tfc-11-5
FOR SALE: Small business and
Gulf Service Station. Will fi-
nance. Half down and $50.00 a
month.. Call 229-2106 or 229-4481.
FOR SALE: 3 female collie puppies.
$10.00 each. Phone 229-5696.
FOR APPLIANCE, heating and re-
frigeration repairs call 229-6323.
FOR SALE: 40 hp. Evinrude motor,
boat .and trailer. Electric shift,
starter and generator. $500. 707
Long Ave. Itp
CAR SACRIFICE: By missionary
returning to Brazil. 1965 Dodge
Polaro with 318 engine. See at St.
Joe Auto,-Parts, Port St. Joe. Ph.
227-2141. $495.
Camping, campers, tents, adult
training union picnics, youth train-
ing union picnics, boy scouts over-
night, girl scouts overnight, picnic
for families, f a m il y reunions,
church covered dish socials, surf
fishing, wsiniming, fish fries, bar-
becues, 'smoked oysters, smoked
fish, gill net fishing, nets for rent.
Please contact for price and reser-



tent; a washing machine, a lboat, a dryer and sev-
eral other prizes to get to the shotgun when it
was announced by/the club he was the prize win-
ner. The gun was presented to Pippin Saturday
afternoon. --Star photo

ssif led Ads .

body Reads em .'

WANTED: Baby bed in good! con- CHRISTMAS CARDS: No, it's not
Sedition. Call. 229-1956 after 4:00 too early to buy. Stop in- and
p.m. .Itp browse through the famous Master-
piece line. Star Pub. Co. 306 Will-
S..... *. Ave .

I a3 BOW servicing wigs and
Shair.ieces in mry homa e If
.out hibive human hairor.syn-
thetic which you would like
Sto have serviced, quickly at
low prices ... -
CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853'

cal dealer for PHENTEX YARN
hae" a large selection of yarn' for
your .knitting .ajd crochet needs.
We have many gift items at the
COTTAGE SHOPPE, red and white
building.,on HfiwaY 98, Beacon Hill.

Large or small tracts
Paying top dollar for stumpage
CALL 6484847

WE HAVE IN STOCK plenty of cy-
press lumber, 2x4 to 2x12, nos.
1 and 2. 1x4 through 1x12 costly
no. 2. Pine lumber, paints, hard-
ware and appliances. PRIDGBON
sa. tfct-ll
Emory Stephens. Free estimate.
Guwantee on labor and materials.
Low down payment. Phone 227-
W7L2. tfe

Complete. Upholstery Service
"We aim to please you
.Every Time"
602 Garrison Ave.'
Phone 229-6326

PHONE 229-6108
1319 McClellan Ave.

PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe

IWANED: Sewing to do. For in-
formation phone 227-5793. 2tp

LOST: I. lemon-white and ene Hliver-
white urd dogs. Each have col-
lars. One with 'T. W. Hnote 9-6368
and ether, "C. G. Costin, Sr., 7-
811" ngraed on collars. Finder
call 22-3626. tfc-10-

Take In trade
... ew and Used ;
310 4th St Ph.227-2001

SEPTIC iTANKS pumped out Call
Buford Griffia. Phone 229-2937.
a. 22407.
TREE SERVICE: Trees taken do a.
'and removed or trimmed.. Call
os-8772 or 653-6843, Apalacilc6la.

In Wewahitchka and
Port St. Joe
Comforter Funeral Home


C. P. Etheredge
518 Third Street
Port St. Joe, Flae.
Plumbing and.
Electrical Contraecor
Call 229-4986 for Free Estimate

R.A.M--Regular convocation on St.
Joseph Chapter No. 56, RAM.,
1st and 3rd Mondays. All visiting
companions welcome.
i-g second arxl fourth Tuesday
nights. 8:00 p.m. American Legion
THERE WILL BE a regular com-
munication of Port St. Joe Lodge
No. 111, F. & A. M., every first
and third Thursday at 8:00 p.m.

B*. m. JanowsKi1 zz-ii6. aend APPLIANCES JOSEPH J. PIPPIN, WJt.
SDead Man's Curve, now 06 Reid Ave. PERRY J. McFARLAND, Secty
i's Curve. 229-1156. 2t PERRY J. MFARL

They Get Results I

Pippin Wins IShotgun




