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, FOURTEEN, PAGES' * * THE STAR "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for 'the Apalaehicola-Chattahoochee Valley" Voters Make Final Choice In Primary Next Tuesday Light Voter Turn-Out Expected Throughout the State n te Conley Welcomed to Clinic t he' v e e J H Gi . ome of, the officers of the Gulf County Committee for Guid- Shown in the photo above, are: John Howard, Guidance Clinic ate and Coun ellig, meet with Doctor Susan Conley at a reception president; D.ve May, director; Dr. Conley; Larry Davis, vice-presi- her hgnor'Sinday a noon, held in the High Schoq .Cafeteria. dent; Mrs. Raymond Lawrence, secretary and Mrs. Ted .Cannon, Dr. Conley is the Clinical Director of the Guidance -,rogramn and treasurer. - isan Port St. Joe on Th qsday of each week. She .is a member of the Approximately 175 people attended the reception which was held Bay Coulty Guidance Clinic. between 4:0Q0 and 6:00 p.m. Sui iay afternoon. --,Star photo * i," .. :' :. .- .' . Bass Critical After Howard Creek Shloting wrd:4)n BP ss, agq 32,4 ,. Wahitchka. is in critical con- in i ,;lonty, Wsp p.+i '* . Gult County Sheri.skIiep~xy., H. T. Dean, said that Bass hqd. gone to Howard Creek. to the. home of T. D. .(Doc) Whitfiled, on a.family matter. An argument evolved out of the meeting and-, Bass was shot in the right side- with a 32 caliber pistol. The bul-. let went all the way .through Bass' body coming out 'on his left-side. '. Roy B. thitfield, 27, sgn of- T. D. Whitfield, was taken' to thp Gulf County:Sheriffs office S#urday 'night and .charged with assault with attempt to com- mit manslaughter by Deputy Dean. Whitfield was released Saturday night on bail. Dean says the events thqt led to.the shoot- ing are still under investigation. Bass was taken to Municipal ispital and transferred to a County hospital Saturday night. Star Needs Ak Little Time to Prepare Articles Lately The Star has been pla- gued by too much 'copy arriving in our officeson Wednesday, the lay of weekly publication of the paper. The Star wants and needs all local news items available, but in order to get the items set up [n type, proof read and placed in the printing forms, it must be in our office by Tuesday after- zoon. We just don't have the time to do all these things on Wed- aesday and get the paper out on time. All pictures for publication should be in our office by Mon- lay of the week in which they are to be printed. This is not a matter of prefer- cnee on our part, it is a matter >f mechanics. Your cooperation in getting Vour articles in as soon as pos-' ,ible after the event occurs will ielp us tremendously and insure Four article being published. .,George T'appo,, of Port StjJoe, a candidath1fettel ant Gee- ot St.ate of Florid on i'ic t with Earl Fair th, 6it bt leubhin, .A ew's ,lan btSaxig Floridain a speech e.Satur ay .ftenoon. Tapper ,-poke befo-e a fair crowd. of local citizens on Reisd Avenue at 6:00 p.m. Saturday. Tapper changed ,that Askew didn't l~n6woigmpre taxes were needed yet,/and stated that Fair- clot. was against any new taxes until three is a reduction of;.the O.aministrative posts of state gov- i Taken by Death Wedlesddy Ernest J. Goff, age 50, was dead on arrival at Municipal Hos- pital at 9:30 p.m. Wednesday, September' 16, following a short illness. Mr. Goff was a long-time resi- dent of Highland View. He was anmember ,of the Church of Gad and an employee of St. Joe Pa- per Company. Mr. Goff is survived by his widow, Mrs. Bessie Goff of High- land View; one son, Gene Goff of Highland View; one daughter, Alice Marie Goff of Highland View; father, William Floyd Goff of Highland View; one brother, Homer Goff of Highland View; two sisters, Mrs. Evelyn White and IMrs. Jeanette Holman both of Bonifay. Funeral services were held at 4:30 p.m. Friday, September 18 from. the Church of God, High- land View conducted by Rev. Robert Cary assisted by Rev. L. E. Roberson, pastor. Interment followed in the family, plot of Holly Hill Cemetery. Active pallbearers included 'Steve Daniels, Dewight Minger, Fill Cumbie, 0. H. Register, Aub- ,rey Tomlinson, Smokey Smith. Honorary bearers were Athan Chason, Doss Kelly, Chester Ad- ams, Leonard Be 1 in, Ronnie Tharpe, Mickey Ward, Sonny Sherrill, Harley Roberts, Dan Griffin, Jerry Peak, M. C. Wood, Tom Levins and Gabe Wood. Services were under the direc- tion of Comforter Funeral Home. hes Out at- IX Program j ernmet '. : .i S.Tappe, wa making. ; l public appearance in Ppot Joe prior to Tuesday's second primary election. The 'beec ended a week end tour'bf thb Florida Panhandle in which h'1 alfpeared in virtually every' cit town and hamlet in the area-shak j ing hands and giving speeches: The- Port St. Joe ,candidate gave nearly 20 'speeches from -Thurs- day through Saturday. His tour wound up in Panama City Satur- day night. 'Tapper promised additional needed roads and highways in the Panhandle' if Faircloth wins election. He especially hit at Askew's proposed corporate income tax as being.unconstitutional. "Even so", he pointed out, "who pays these taxes? They are passed on to you, the consumer . Appeal Filed In Closing of Washington oAttonkey Ted powers of Pan.' "ia: City fiasifiled, an,,ap peal to the U. S. Fifth Clrcuit Court ot, Appeals in New Orleans, ii ,an attempt t' overtqrfih decision by Federal District Judge David Middlebrobks, allowing the clos- ing of Washington 'Elementary School. , Bowers represents several Port St. Joe citizens in the action. ,Middlebrooks upheld a. move by the Gulf County School Bdard -inclosing the school due to the', fact that the closing created full integration of the races in Port St. Joe area schools. Bowers' clients want the school re-opened on an integrated ba- sis and are charging that the school was closed due to discrim- ination. The School Board gave economic reasons as a basis for closing the school, claiming sav- ings of over, $50,000 per year. Gulf County posted what was probably the highest percentage of votes against registered voters ,n oi ' in the Septeimber 8 primary when ollin g . approximately' 62% of its reg- "istered voters went to the polls Gulf Cqunty v!rs will go to on September .. the following locations Tuesday While keen: interest in several to cast their second primary bal- local races wa's probably respon- lots: I J" . sible in .bringing out this high Precinct 'ne,.-j Wewahitchka percentage. bf'electo.s while the 'City Hall, remainder of ,thb State largely P: Precinct 'Two, Old Courthouse, ignored the contests; two COunty Wewahitchka. contests and two State Represen- Precinct Three,.. Crutchfield tive races are being depended Store, Honeyville. -upon to draw a- heavy -ballot on Precinct" Four;" "0 v e r'street"' Tuesday, for the second primary. Church. \ " Voting throughout .the state is Precinct Five, Highland View expected, once again, to be light. Fire Station. The two. County posts. to be Precinct Six, White City Fire decided Tuesday are County Comn- Station. mission, District Two and Board', Precinct Seven, Hannon Beach of Public Instruction, District Cottage, St. Joe Beach. One. Neither of the contestants Precinct Eight, Port St. Joe face Republication opposition in City Hall. the November general election. Precinct 'Nine, Stac House, For County Commnission;N Dis- Port St. Joe: Strict Two, LniM Davis, whb re- Precinct Ten, Scout House, ceived the 'largest number of Port St. Joe. . votes in this race on Sept eber .Precinct Eleven,. Centennial 8 will go down to the wire, with Building, Port St. Joe. Jimmy H. Helms. Botht #qndidates .All precincts will use voting are residents of wahitchk), machines with the exception of Both are employees4,of Se a. PJcicwt Three at. .neyville ahd Paper Company3t OnTy Da vi.ha.' Pedinct Four at Ovirstreet. They sought election before, and he ,will use paper ballots. was defeated by the incumbent, .. James G. Mc piel,, four years . ago. McDaniel elected not to.-seek a"tempt to upset two term mem- re-election.' -' .e '. ber,. hn Robert. Middlemas of Incumbent William Roeme, 'P. Panama City. was -0hmE gefTer me- '. Tlhr- Wlui of the Rish-Mid- her, Board of Public 'nst.ru.tida, d-omas contest faces opposition District One on' "pnmnbei He in'the November general election will have to test his yote-g.tig from Roert C. Maupin of ability with Danny (. Brodo Buntstown. who is making his ijtial b in- Joe Chapman, incumbent in the to Gulf politics. Roerher defeated N.ith House District is opposed Brogdon's father for thit same byj Wayne A. Brown. Both are post 12 years ago. -reqqents of Panama City. Chap- Representative Races : mancame close to a first pri- mary victory but was forced into The two Representative races, :-a rinkioff when 'Brown received Districts Eight and Nine, which an:, unexpectedly large vote. serve Gulf, Bay and Calhoun .State-wide Contests counties seem to have engender- :Foir categories will be decid- ed as much interest a' they",' ed, state-wide on Tuesday's bal- would have had they been strict-i' lot-decided insofar as the Dem- ly local contests. Both seats in ocratic nominee is concerned. the Florida House have been hot- Farris Bryant and walking ly contested and are of paticu- Lawton, Chiles' come down to lar interest since one GulfCd "tni ,tle wire in a' surprising finish. man is involvOd in the District Surprising in that Chiles was .so Eight race. strong a contender. Bryant will William J.'Rish, a Port St. Joe be remembered as a former attorney, and native of Wewa- Governor. 9f Florida aid a mem-' hitchka was high man in a field her of the cabinet under Presi- of three on' September 8 in his dent Lyndon Johnson. Chiles is a former state senator. The rinst interest in a tate campaign" has been evident in Gulf County ,in the governor's i race; mainly because a Port St. Jo? and Gulf County citizen and businessman, is on one of 'thb' slates. Earl Faircloth and Georgo Tapper 'were the state favoiitt in the September 8 election, .tt face fdr idable opposition in Pehsacool Reubin Askew and his.runnifig mate, former Secre- try of State, Tom Adams. In the Attorney General con- test, it'will be former state sen- ator Elmer, Friday against anoth- er former senator, Robert L. She- vin. The last race is the bid be- tween William H. (Bill) Bevis and Wilson W. Wright for Com- missioner, Florida Public Service Commission. Wright gained prob-. ably his most mileage out of the' first primry,,,by first ;being de-, clared, a loser and .then being' found to be the man "ho would' face Bevis in the run-o f. Revival At Beach Mission Week end; -evival services will be held from the leach Bap- tist Chapel next weeV end. at- cording to the pastor, Rev. Wil-H liam E: Smi.th. The special services will be. gin Friday, Oc- tober 2 and con.- tinue through' Sunday, 0 c to- ber 4. Rev.. James K. Solomon will Iomi be the revival..:.. omo - speaker. Rev. Solomon is a for. merpastor and missionary and is presently superintendent of missions for the Northwest Coast Baptist Association of Florida. Song leader will be Bill Davis. Services will be held on Fr4- day and Saturday nights at 1:30 P.M. Sunday services will be at 9:30 A.M. and-7:00 P.M. Sunday, a dinner will be spread on the grounds of the church. Am invitation is offered to all to at- tend. A nursery will be provided at each service. Sharks Skin Gators, 24-0, Friday Halfbacks Norris Langston and Kloskia (Stanky) Lowery carried the ball over the goal line for the Port St. Joe Sharks in the first period and reserve quarter- back Ken Whittle plunged over from the one yard line with two minutes left in the game to give the Port St. Joe Sharks a 24-0 victory over county rival Wewa- hitchka Friday night. Langston also ripped off a long 60 yard carry in the third per, iod which was called back by an offside penalty. Both teams were. plagued with the flag-itis in Friday night's game. The .Sharks scored with only a minute and a half gone in the game. A long pass from quar- terback Chuck Roberts who play- ed despite doublts that he- would. because of an injured elbow, to Charles Britt gave the Sharks a 30 yard gainer to the Gator 15 yard line. On the very next play" Lowery went through the line and scooted 15 yards for the' score. Roberts threw to' Lowery for the extra point to give the Sharks an early eight point lead. The Sharks took a Gator punt on the Gator 40 yard line with three minutes left in the per- iod. Roberts handed the pigskin to-. Langston on the first play from scrimmage 'and Langston. hedled straight for the goal line, scoring on a 40 yard run. Archie Shackleford bulled over for, the two point conversion, giving the Sharks a 16-0 lead. -Late in the first period, the Gators penetrated Shark terri- tory for the first time in the game for their initial first down. The Sharks were threatening with two minutes to go in the half when a Roberts pass was picked off by Steve Forehand of the Gators. Wewa's hard runner Curtis Branch broke loose with several fine runs, but a fumble on the 20 yard line recovered by 'the Sharks' Rex Elliott with only 20 seconds left in the half stop- ped the Gator drive. As the second half began, half- backs Lowery, Langston and Ar- chie Shackleford began to grind out yardage, but the Gators put on one of their several fine de- fensive efforts and stopped the drive on their 19 yard line. The Gators then put on their best and longest drive of the night only to have it clipped by Norris (Continued On Page 10) Norris Langston cuts a calculating glance at ear, so he can continue on his way toward a six Charles Britt (46), trying to figure if Charles is pointer. Britt did and Langston did. going to cut that Gator down breathing in his left -Star photo i4HIRTY-FOURTH YEAR - ., J* PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 10c PER COPY NUMBER 3 _ ,r PAGE TWO THE STAR, Port St. Joe, FlU. S2456THURSDA4, SEPTEMBER 24,1970 Editorials... Ct rol Twn 1 n theball game of politics here in Florida, the pit- ; ,cher (the electorate) is winding up to throw the second ball across the primary plate and see which of the candi- dates pops out on this second chance or remains at bat A for the third pitci which is to come on November 3. The voters will have to use all their acumen and guile on this pitch because there are some pretty good hitters in the box with their eye on getting a chance at that third and final ball with which to get on base. The electorate here in Gulf County needs to use every- tthing in its power to see that the man remains at the plate who will do us the most good when it comes down to the last out.' The man who is still at the plate on November 4 will take us into four years of the "world series" or he will relegate us to the "farm team" by favoring, the "other league", rather than carrying the ball for the home team S-which in this `instance is us here in Gulf County. Cast: your ballot next Tudsday and do it in the best 'interest of Gulf 'County. We believe George Tapper hass Seen in the big leagues long enough and has been; a mem- Sber of our team long enough to do us the most good. Tap- 'is a veteran of the political game and a staunch supporter of Port St. Joe and Gulf County. It may be a long time be- fore we will fin4 ourselves blessed with the opportunity to S" Th ere I Stewart Alsop writing in Newsweek magazine last week offered the opinion that things are settling down in th United States. - Alsop had just returned from a few weeks spent in' : Europe and he said that being away from home gives one a new insight when returning to familiar surroundings once again. This new look, he wrote, convinced him that the past few years of turmoil in our nation are beginning to come to an end. ., ; Alsop gave as signs for his reasoning, that riots in .the big cities-are tapering off. Disturbances on the cam- .:.pus have been non-existant so far this year. Even the SUT %W send a seasoned veteran to the plate again, who will be able to "hit it out of the park" for Gulf County. We des- perately need a win under our belt to stay in the game. We. would also urge upon you a rookie and a young player with a season under his belt. These two men are William J. Rish and Joe Chapman. Rish has had good training in the minor leagues, even though he hasn't hit big league pitching as yet. Rish has the attributes to make a good man for our team - youth, ability, training, desire (not to mention a suffi- ciency of wind). Rish may not be a home run hitter, but we believe he has the keen eye and the knowledge of the political game enough to give us those needed hits in th Florida Legislature to help our county and our district mightly in the game of progressing. We would urge that you join Rish's team as a, cheeri- leader and even as a bat boy, if need be. But vote for him to give our team a boost. Chapman has' had a term of experience and.'could well be termed "rookie of the year" in the ;Legislature. He swung a'big bat during the sessions in which he par- ticipated and made some telling blows for our district and the state at large. . Don't trade him off Tuesday; he has great potential. s Hope campus radicals are being shut up and held down by the "silent majority" on the campuses. 'He even noted a move to organize the majorities on the campuses to give answer to, the radicals. He also stated that these students are calling for college administrators to expell those raising cain so the classes paid for by students can be presented for their benefit. * Al Al Alsop says is true. Things are seeming, to cool down. It's with impatience that we now await the end to the crippling automobile strike and te :threatened rail strike so that we can proceed with utmost speed back to a normal situation in which we lcan once, again pursue happiness and the good life that this country has to offer. : '."'" 1 '; ; " *, ^ ~ i * Panthers Want "Freedom" We, noticed' on television the other night where the :'Panthers captured in New Orleans were allowed to say their piece over the airwaves for, all the ,nation to hear and to see the,,absurdity of 'their reasoning.. ': One girl ranted that they wanted "freedom". What is freedom? A deliverance from or a responsibility to the \ ', " As we interpreted the girl's.remarks, she was wanting freedom to do what she-wanted when she wanted. Where -.in the world can one have this sort of freedom? No- Swhere but in the jungles.,with the aborigines and their free- .dom as they know it hasn't gotten them very far in life. A person has responsibilities .... even to tho0 he Too Late To Classify By Russell Kay Coconut palms are familiar to millions of Floridians and tuor- i.ts who have visited South Flor- ida. They have taken home car- ved coconuts with hidious faces as souvenirs, sipped coconut I milk drinks -at local stands and admired the graceful sweep of the fronds that extend over the roadway. Trash collectors have, carried thousands of dead fronds from streets to city dumps and / --THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Wlllams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Stir Publllthng Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor ard Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnlit, Reporter Proof Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department '. Posrom'cz Box 308 PHONEx 227-8161 il ," PorT ST. JOE, FLOW DA 82456 watered as eeoond-cl matter, December 19, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MOS.,$1.75 THREE M03., 127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $4.00 OUT OF U. 8. One Year, $0.00 TO ADVERTISERS'-In case of error or ommlalsons in advertisements, the publisher do ot hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for sueh advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word thoughtfully weiglhed. The spoken word barely aseert; the printed word thoroughly con- ncee. The spoken word Is lost; the prnted word remains. .. -- a a a s 7 9 *- 4- -g doesn't know, will never know nor will ever see. As we see it freedom is having a choice either/or to follow one direction or another without the direction being chosen for you. Freedom is reading what' you want, without hav- ing your subject matter decided for you. Freedom is wor- shipping as you want without having a god dictated for you. Freedom is seeking the top if you have the guts and the equipment to make it. Websters dictionary defines freedom as "not enslaved; not in a state of vassalage or dependence; subject only to fixed laws of a free state, nation or people." So. any way you look at it, the Panthers have freedom; if only they weren't such slaves of ,their own warped judgement to see it. cursed them as litter. Few realize what the coconut palm has contributed to man- kind. Scientists who have studied and researched the coconut palm term it "the most useful of all God's trees". For centuries it has served man! more abundantly than any other tree. While Florida coconut palms contribute little other than tour- ist appeal and souvenirs, those of other .areas such as Indonesia, the Philippines and numerous is- lands of the Indian Ocean. and the Pacific, contribute an amaz- ing amount of wealth to the world's economy and inpumera- ble products of every kind and character. Long before American horticul- turists and landscape architects discovered the advantage- of the coconut palm as a decorative plant natives of the South Seas and tropical Asia had been using them to construct shelters and for heat and light. Coconut oil has long been re- cognized as a perfect base for a variety of cosmetics from sham- poos to foot 'oil. Medicine men of the tropics have, professed its magical powers. Among the products developed from the coconut palm are furni- ture, mattresses, soap, toothpaste, cups, saucers. Natives use them to heat their huts in winter and as fans to cool in summer. Coco- nut oil is used in their lamps for lighting at night. Fishermen use them or materials they pro- vide in building boats, making sails, fishing lines and nets. The food value of the coconut is amazing. A single good nut has as much protein as a quarter pound of beefsteak.' A wide vari- ety of foods and drinks 'contain coconut. Like the cabbage palm, the coconut tree has a heart that can be eaten as a delicious salad. But if the heart is removed the tree dies. Coconut oil is used extensively in numerous food and cosmetic products. Coconut products are used in the manufacture of cars, cigarettes, kitchen items and paints. The unopened flowers of the palm are protected by a sheath - that looks much like burlap. From this material rugged items are made including shoes, caps and helmets. The open flowers attract bees and, like our orange- ,blossom honey, is very tasty and tangy. A sweet juice can be ex- tracted from the unopened flowers if they are bound tightly and pressed which is used in the manufacture of syrup or sugar similar to maple. It can also be fermented into a robust beer that is popular in coconut grow- ing areas. If someone calls you a "nut" don't resent it. Just assume they are referring to coconut and con- sider it as a compliment. CLASSIFIED ADS! Midget Investments That Y *ld Ilant Xatur nm S ta' WILLIAM H. (BILL) PUB. SERV. COMM. pd. pol. adv. G. Carefoot, Treas. PICNIC With $10.00 Order or More COOKING 0 Georgia Grade "A" SMALL 'EGGS 3 doz. 99c Bush No. 2V2 C ns PORK and BEANS.-. .5 cans 99c.' Our Value Household AMMONIA ....-- 2 qts. 39c 88 Ounce Jar 99c Bounty -- 2 Roll Package PAPER TOWELS pkg. 47c Double Luck Cut No. 303 Cans GREEN BEANS 5 cans 79c Castleberry HOT DOG CHILI ........... 2 cans 49cS Copeland 12 ounce pkgs. Fresh WIENERS------ 2 pkgs. 98c HAMBURGER 3 Ibs. $1.59 2 to 4 Pound END PIECES SLAB BACON First Cut PORK CHOPS SLICED lb., 45e lb. 45c Small lb. 59c T-BONE STEAK lb. $1.09 Center Cut Full Cut PORK CHOPS ------b. 89c ROUND STEAK -----lb. 99c First Cut Georgia Grade "A" CHUCK ROAST -----b. 55c FRYERS ------- Ib. 29c Center Cut CHUCK STEAK TENDERIZED HAMS Whole Sb. 69c R U M P R O A ST -- - b. 79c Shank Half lb. 49c Butt Portion Ib.55c Center Slice Ib.79c ROBERSON'S GROCERY BJOHWAY 9$ HOIHLAND VIEW IF YOU DON'T SEE IT ASK FOR ITI OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 24, 25, 26 - I ~ - I , Week End College Is Being Offered By Gulf Coast "Week end College", a unique offering of Saturday classes that met unusual popularity last year when offered for the first time, will begin at Gulf Coast Junior College Saturday, October 3, it was an- nounced this week. ' A total of nine courses now are scheduled for the Saturday pro- gram, with all eight being regular college courses carrying credit and applicable toward a degree. The courses are due to meet from 7:45 a.m. until noon from October 3 through December 12, excluding one day, November 28. "We were most pleased at the response shown the program last year," said Dr. Richard Morley, Gulf Coast president, who pointed out that more than 110 persons reg. istered for the Saturday classes when they were first offered. The program was developed, Dr. Morley 'explained, to serve work. ing adults who experienced diffi- culty in enrolling for regular col- lege courses offered Monday thru Friday. Courses now scheduled include Beginning Typewriting, Principles of Accounting, Business Law, In- troduction to Government, General Psychology, Psychology of Child- hood and Youth, Beginning Tennis, Introduction to Data Processing and Music Appreciation. Persons interested in enrolling for the unique program may obtain further information from the of. fice of the Registrar. 1, / Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Gulf County will make its mark this year in two school classes with its football teams and bands. Wewahltchka brought a fine though small football team to Port St. Joe Friday night and gave the big Sbark a team a run for its money. The Gator band was also a pleasant surprise for their Port St. Joe cousins.; Bandmaster Washington, an alumnus of Florida A & M University which fields one of the most famous bands in the nation, has performed wonders with what has in the past proved to be an exercise in futility to have a good band in Wewahitchka. The band was small, but it performed very well and had a good sound. They'll make their mark in the state festivals this year. Port St. Joe's team was expected to be strong even if only on the momentum engendered last year. They, of course, made the usual first game miscues which cost penalty after penalty, but they looked strong and ready to go. The band was another matter. After two years of being inithe doldrums, the band was beginning to make headway last year under the direction of James Clark. Clrk left for a better job and it was with apprehension that fans looked for the band's first performance this year. A new band master after only a' year of building certainly shouldn't promise much. But Reign Shipley's charges acted like veterans Friday night.' One of their maneuvers hadn't even been practiced, but all went well. The band has a fine sound and the new uniforms has helped their ap-4 pearance tremendously. It ought to be a good year. The University of Florida has put forth a proclamation that there shall be no more hard drink carried on the University's foot- ball stadium. Understandably the ruling has made some mad while making many others glad. It has always been a marvel to me that some drunk in a college stadium hasn't fallen and knocked several people in front of him down jhe steep incline that makes up the bleacher sections, injuring someone severely. It's a state-wide ruling that alcoholic beverages not be allowed in high school athletic programs and we think it would be the pro- per thing to do for local police and school officials to get, as serious about enforcing this ruling as has the University of Florida. It was reported the other day where another of those so-called musicians died from an overdose of drugs. In the first place, we didn't know it was necessary' for a person to take drugs as a requisite to making good music. But apparently, this, like a lot of other things, has changed. The thinking now seems to be that if a musician(?) doesn't get all hopped up on drugs he just can't "properly" feel the message or the rhythm. On the other hand, it's getting so hardly a day goes by that one doesn't read of one of these stupid young punks winding up on \ a slab in a mortuary because he just had to have the kicks that comes from the drugs: Or, maybe, it's sort of like the old kid game of "dare you". If, you're going to be a part of what's happening you've got to take a chance at killing yourself. Just how much proof does the foolish part of the .young genera- tion need to convince them that taking the drugs is a dangerous thing? THE STAR, Port S.-.,m, Fla.'32456 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 rAGE THRI GIGANTIC FALL LAY AWAY SALE , JACKETS and SUITS Down Holds Your Choice IN LAY-AWAY FOR 30 DAYS Butte Knits ;The Senior Class of Port "St. Joe. High Shool has elected the following officers for the 1970-71 school year: Mike Wimberly, President; Ste ve Macomber, Vice-President; Joy Parker, Sec- retary; Holly Hendrix, Treasurer; and LaNelI Chason, business ing: Mike Wimberly and Steve Macomber. -Star photo coming school year ,will include participation in the homecoming parade, operation of the basket- ball concessions, a class play and baccalaureate-commencement exercises. The senior class ex- ecutive board met for the first time on Monday, September 22 and made plans for a most suc- manager. These officers and rep- resentatives ffbm each homeroom will form the Senior Class Execu- tive Board. This organization has the responsibility of coordinat- ing and planning senior class ac- tivities. * Projects and activities for the You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHt Corner Long Avenue and 16th Streel SUNDAY SCHOOL 4 MORNING WORSHIP I l0 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .. 5:4 ,EVENING WORSHIP, 7:- PRA'YER ERVICE (Wednesday).... 7:3 VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J. C ODUM, Pastor COURTEOUS Wilhi MEMBER QUAFIED IQUAlIFIED RE ELECT iam "Bill" Roe R, BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUI District Number 1 Sincerely Ask For Your Continued SSiport and for Your Vote , S. E -.. cessful year. IR'H Mrs. Grossman SRCosts Sorority 5 A.M. Xi Epsilon Kappa Chapter of 0 A.M. Beta Sigma Pai met Tuesday night 15 PM. of last .week in the home .of Mrs. [ 0.. PM .I Dot Grossma1n 0 P.M. President, Mrs. LInda Sullivan, presided over the business meet- ing. Final plans were made for the fish fry on September 18. One high- light of the meeting was election of a Valentine Queen to represent Xi Epsilon Kappa at the annual Beta Sigma Phi valentine ball in --- Panama City in February. Congra- tulationsi are due Sorority sister, CAPABLE Mrs. Elva Jones, who is Xi Epsilon Kappa's 1970-7i Valentine Queen. Mrs. Martha Sanborn presented a. very interesting program on the Women's Liberation Mo ve ment S which took place in the larger ci- m er ties' across the United.States in August. A discussion period follow- CTION ed the program with members ; sharing their ideas and views of, this recent movement. The next meeting will be Octo- ber 6 with Mrs. Virginia Cannon as hostess at her home on Monu- ment Avenue and also presenting the program. EFFICIENT At the close of the meeting a social hour followed with refresh- ments being served by the hostess. Smm 3-PIECE SUITS and DRESS and COAT ENSEMBLES Values to $59.99 This Sale Onty $49.99 Dress and Casual Full Length COATS Mink fur collars or basic untrimmed $2.,99 to $59.99 Junior and Missy Wet look, corduroy, fun fur. STADIUM' COATS Moderately priced $17.99 to Gir's full length dress or casual COATS $10.99 to p Jy $16.99 9, Florida. The Board reserves the right Leg l, A* reject any and all bids. NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS COMMISSIONER, Gulf C The Board of County Commis- WALTER GRAHAM, sioners of Gulf Countywill receive Chairman 2t-9-: sealed bids from any person, com- ___ pany, or corporation interested in selling the County the following NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS' described personal property: The Board of County Commi One (1) 1971 Truck % ton sioners of Gulf County will recent equipped as follows: 4 wheel sealed bids from any person, cor drive; free running hubs; engine pany, or corporation interested i 8 cyl., 300 cu. in. min.; ammeter selling the County the followir and oil pressure gauge; fresh air described personal property: heater with defroster, western- ;Two (2) Leco Ultra Low Volu type mirrors swing-lock supports; me Cold Aerosol Fog Generators battery 66 plates-70 amp-hr.; al- with nozzle direction to be ad ternator 65 amp., shock absorb- justable from zero to 180 degrees ers heavy duty front and rear; vertical and 160 degrees horizon. springs front, 1250 lbs.; springs tal, at least four (4) pounds work. rear, 1650 lbs.; axle front 3000 ing pressure; Cab Control. lbs. ratios 3.50 to 1; axle rear Bids will be received until 7 c 3300 lbs.; clutch 11 in. min.; tires clock P.M., EDST, September 34 8:25x15D 8PR; transfer case 1970, at the Office of the Clerk c single speed; transmission 4 the Circuit Court, Port St. Joi speed; heavy duty vinyl deep- Florida. foam seat; heavy duty rear step The Board reserves the right t Bumper; styleside 6% ft .body. reject any and all bids. Bids will be received until 7 o'- BOARD of COUNTY clock P.M., EDST, September 30, COMMISSIONERS, Gulf Co. 1970, at the Office of the Clerk of WALTER GRAHAM, ,the Circuit Court, Port St. Joe, Chairman 2t 9.1 . .. Ll -' I Men's and Young Men's SUITS SSizes 35 to 52. Beg. and long Dacron and wool or dac- S on blends. Values to $65.00 $60.00 i' * Young Mens and Men's JACKETS C.P.O.'s and Bush Coats. Sizes 34 to 54 and S,M,L,XL. $11.99 to $24.99 Boy's Jackets and Bush COATS h Sizes 8-20. Washable cor- duroy. New fur collars. $6.99 to $19.99 Washable Children's Jackets Fun fur, quilted nylon, corduroy. Sizes 6 mos. to 14 years. $3.99 All Weather Fun fur, solid or tweed wool. Sizes 12 mos. to 14 years. Double or single breast lined, regulars or longs. New colors. Boys $499 to $ 999 Men $2499 and $2999 to i 7 '1* - -i Sesilor Officers: seated, left to right: Holly Hendrix, .LaNell Chason and Joy Parker. Stand- Plus Tax Seniors Elect Class Officers "U $2.00 OFF 54 lbs. feeds 7,500 sq. ft. Beg. $13.95 Now $11e95 THE NEW POLYFOAM FERTILIZER For St. Au- gustine, bahia, centipede lawns. Super Turf Builder provides double the greening power of its 'prede- cessor, famous Turf Builder. Gives prolonged (two months or more as growth slows in late fall) ferti- lizing action. Super Turf Builder contains plant-available iron, which fortifies grass against yellowing chlorosis. Clean, odorless, light-in-weight granules, ready to spread without preparation, mixing or measuring. Also, $1.00 off the 36 lb. bag, which feeds 5,000 sq. ft. Regularly $9.95, now during this sale, $8.95. St. Joe Hardware Co. Phone 227-8111 203 Reid Ave. To My Friends Who Suported Me In the September 8 Primary My Sincere and Deepest Thanks I EARNESTLY SOLICIT YOUR VOTE IN THE SEPTEMBER 29 PRIMARY To my friends who supported my able opponents; I will deeply appreciate your vote and support. I am yours for a progressive Gulf County. Jimmy H. Helms ' ' I I -I' I I L I -I ' I 'r' ~ ~ -; kne I!! Ti STAR. Port St. ,, ,Fkwd i THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 94AGE FOUR& 1 ?.- 25 Year Masons Rcognized. Port t. 'Joe! Lodge No. 111; their Joseph "J. Pippini. F.&A.M. had an open meeting The asternr Star-Chapter pre- Saturday, August 22 for the pur- pa4re,! nd sed ,swip per. pose of presenting 22 certificates Sh iov wife their certificates and 'piAs to those who had been are, left to right, front row: active in Masonry for 25 years. Wade Barrier, .Sr., George iW. The certificates were presented Cooper Jamnis Hayes G reer, Dur- by:.the Fourth Masonic Disafict derf, Pippin, -Purvis Howell, W. Deputy Grand Master, Right Wob," Lamiar Jordan and Byrd E. Par- shipful'in stern, U. V. Durden.The.. keri Back row, left ,to. right:: Bas- Ipins were presented by the ,Wor- corn Lewis -esnell, Stetsoi C. s hipful Master of Port St. Joe Pridgeon; Rev. .Roy Millard :Lodge No. 111, ',Worshipful Bro- Spikes and Flnnoi Talley. Sportsmen Will Meet Saturday, October 3 , The Gulf Jpounty Sportsme!'s Club will, meet on Saturday, October 3 at the Centennial Building in Port St. Joe. The meetinggill begin at 7:;0 pan. Supper. will be served. All members of the club and' prospective members are urged: and invited to attend. li-t, "I Gulf Rifle Club Offering Co sse The Gulf Rifle Club will have a beginning rifle instruction class for ,women beginning October 6 to be held at the St. James Epis- copal Parish House on 6th Street. The classes will, be taught by members'of the Gulf Rifid Club by NRA certified instructors. Classes will start at 7:30 p.m. COSTINIS Eta Upsilon Chapter Names Barbara PenteMostal Brogdon As Valentine Queen Candidate Women Meet The Woman's Auxiliary of the Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sig.' tion. Rushing was also discussed Pentecostal Holiness Church held ma Phi began the new year 1970-71 and it was decided the sorority their mdnthly meeting Monday, with a beginning day meeting Au-! would rush informally during the September 14 in the home of Mrs. gust 25 at the Florida Power month of October. Avery Howell. The meeting opened Lounge. An eager group met. and Barbara Brogdon was voted Val- with prayer with Willie Mae Lollie made plans for the new year. The entine Queen for 1971. This selec- leading. The Auxiliary song was 'first business meeting of the year tion is made several months in ad- then sung. Avery Howell and Bell was held September 1 at the home vance so that the picture of the DuBose put on a skit entitled, "Let of Mrs. Janice Johnson with the queen may be entered in the In- Her Burn". new president, Mrs. Mary Agnes ternational contest of Beta SigmaI- Secretary Sharon Everett read Kilbourn presiding. All committees' Phi. Everyone was very pleased the minutes of the last meeting were appointed and accepted. Mrs. with the, selection. Mrs. Kilbourn and gave the financial erport. The, Eleanor Blan then presented an ex- presented, a fine program' on various committees reported. A cellent program on oratory. Each speech. bake sale was discussed for Octo- member present participated' with. Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Sig-. ber 10. A delegate for the district a three minute talk on friendship. ma Phi has started the year on a conference to be held in the Shady The second meeting of the year good note and is looking forward 'Grove Church was elected. It was was September 15 at the home of to a year of friendship and service voted to give the Girl's Auxiliary Mrs. Mary 'Agnes Kilbourn. Plans with the community, $3.00 a month to buy materials for were finalized: for the fish fry held various projects. the night of the first football game | Each lady was given several September 18. Several ideas fobr a boxes of Christmas cards to sell, service project were also discussed The offering was taken up. and tabled for further considera- It was decided the ladies prayer group wol" i'dtrt back their week-, ly meetings on Tuesday, Septem- Mrs Parkerher 22 at 5:30 p.m. SPI The meeting closed with prayer by Avery' Howell. Feted at Shower ,Mrs. Sammy Parker was honored t with a stork shower at the Florida BUZZett Gr in Power Lounge on Thursday, Sep- tember 17 at 7:30p.m. W ddin Hostesses for the occasion were e ing ns Mrs. Evelyn White, Mrs. Shirley Mr. and Mrs. John Joseph Buz- Walden, Mrs. Hildridge Dunlap and zett of Apalachicola announce the Mrs. Daryal Strickland. 'final wedding plans for the mar. The room was appropriately dec- riage of their daughter, Mary Car- orated in the "stork" theme. Re- mel, to Arthur Franklin Griffin, freshments' of' cake,. punch, nuts sqn of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin aik, mints were served. -" of Port St. Joe. : Marly friends enjoyed the eve- Mrs. John H. Chafin, Jr. The ceremony will be at 4:00 ning with Mrs. Parker and she re- p.m. Saturday, October 10 at the ceived many lovely gifts. hr... -- ..... i -.... s,, .....i AR "Your Stoke of Quality ,, ,,Fashion , engagemenT Announced Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Combs of St. Joe Beach announce the mar- riage of their daughter, Lida Maxine to John H. Chafifi,' Jr., son of Mr., and Mrs. Jdhni Harold Chafin of White City. '' The wedding was an event of, September 17 at Donalsonville, Georgia. Both are graduates of Port St. Joe High' School. The couple will reside in At- lanta,, Ga., where Mr. Chafin, is employed by Management Ser- vices, Inc. Stripling Cumbie Wedding Sept. 26 'The wedding of Miss Jan Strip- ling and Billy Cumbie will be held Saturday, September 26 at 4:00 p.m. from the Oak Grove Assembly of God Church. All friends and relatives of the couple are invited to attend. Jaycees Urge Citizens To Vote Tuesday The Port St. Joe Jaycees urge everyone to get out and vote in Tuesday's primary elections. Af- ter the polls are closed at 7:00 p.m., local time, everyone is in- vited to attend the Jaycee Tote Board project on the West side of the City Hall to see the re- sults of the election as they come in. Committee Named by Hospital Auxiliary The Pick-up and Marking com- mittee for the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop for the month of Oc- tober is Mrs. Joe Hendrix, Mrs. Robert Freeman and Mrs. J. L. Sims. The Thrift Shop has an especial need of all baby supplies. Any merchandise offered to the Thrift Shop will be picked up by calling 227-4581. Jaycees Put Halloween Candy Bags On Sale The time is drawing near again when the goblins will 'be prowling the neighborhoods look- ing for treats and the Port St. Joe Jaycees are now able to pro- vide those treats. The Jaycees are beginning their annual Hallowe'en candy sale early this year to assure that everyone has an' opportunity to purchase a bag or two. All profits from ths project will go back into the community in one of the Jaycee projects. noe;,,o e. ii.riae parents, to 16th Street, Apalachicola. No invitations are being sent. Friends and relatives of the bride and groom are cordially invite, to attend. CLASSIFIED ADS "Midget Investments With Giant Returns" MISS MICHELE SUSAN ANCHORS Anchors- Cottrill. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Anchors of Port St. Joe announce the engagement of their daughter, Michele Susan to Christopher Lee Cottrill, ,son of Mr.' and Mrs. D. Lee Cottrill of Winter Park. Miss Anchors received her degree in education in June from Florida State University, where she was a member of Pi Beta Phi Sorority'and a Little Sister of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity. She is ,em- ployed by the Leon County school system. Mr., Cottrill will be graduated from Florida State University in June with a degree in accounting. He is treasurer of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, and a member of Beta Alpha Psi, accounting hon- .orary and Air Force ROTC.~ The wedding will be an event of December 19 at St. Joseph's Catholic Church -in Port St. Joe. S0To The People of GUlFt COUNTY Thank you for your wonderful vote, of confidence Please Give Me Your Continued Support by Voting and Working for My Election On September 29 _- -_ ELECT WILLIAM J. 'Billy' RISH State Representative 8th DISTRICT . THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 rGulCoast College Off ringCourse. n Pl Tere o 0 Joe Course College 4e :non' dt short' tobr 29 and will consist of 12 e -in golf will be for be- hou ,6f instruction on all facets in .ers,.both male and ale, onof gff. n itygol coure at S Stuents are urged to wear golf .on Thursd. m. 5.:00to ) '.-attifre r loose fitting sport'clothes ,m .The m iSe- wi gin t- nd. ng .7, 8 or 9 ron to the ,Morrow, Th day, September 24, ~eting' A golf glbve is rec. ^eet g oiw.. .week through Ocl y aaee ro' Instructor will be Herb Good, an ire T...OyS /001 experienced teacher and coach at SMeioBeach nk Gulf Coast Junior College. Fee for e', 7 o. k' .. .-- -the course includes $10.00 for the Fir oyed a tool shed coufste registration, which includes behind -ie of Mr. and Mrs. all materials and equipment. Regis- Losto er at Mexico Beach tration will be at the office of Con Sunday _i&oon. Port St. Joe's tintingEducation, Gulf Coast Jun- volunteer fire department was ior -Oge 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p m. called to the Carter hoine abou, or tilie first class meeting in 3:00 p.m. wheil the flames bega- Por Joe tomorrow. Thetfire isbelievedthoushave Equipment and balls will be sup- started from a sir.&li a battery plied by Gulf Coast Junior College charger which in the' tool if participants do not have their hed .. ,ii ..,'- ow .J Ai.e- ,-v ** , Gardening In Florida Pine by HERVEY SHARPE University of Florida Pine trees have high moral stan- dards. That is, they don't shed their clothes in the fall. This virtue will appeal to those who hate raking leaves. Pines also help you sigh in re- lief because they do their best not to litter your lawn. To prove it listen carefully and you'll not only hear sighs but distinct whis- pers. When checking sounds of pines refrain from entering in their conversations or the neighbors will begin checking on the price of a straight-jacket. Trees Have Morals... However, neighbors will.agree,. iper, a rather low, flat-growing - if you' tell them that pines beauti- type; Japanese juniper, one of the fy add dignity and furnish a fil- best prostrate forms; and the com-rn If your lot is in need of one of of the older homestead-type gard- U these qualities, then consider the eners. 1 slash pine. The -longleaf pine is The junipers are Valuable corni- ,fine except it grows more slowly.' fers because of the great variety i . The season for planting bare- of types as well as the shades of, rooted seedlings is in winter, but green that are available. These nurserymen sell potted pine that shades of color permit the devel- can be planted at any time. *'opment of many effects impossi- . The uses of pines are many. But ble with other plant materials. in general, ioate themess speci. The arborvitae are possibly the men piantingkin the front yard or most familiar of the conifers be- o 'm e' IFir A as background and framework cause they have been favorite Wi t U plantings' around home. plants for ages. There are two | | There;'are scores of other con- groups-.American and Oriental. W i i U S * ifers that you may consider in The American arborvitae group landscape g .~ e ioinmstead. contains many desirable kinds of If youi fear opieal storms and coniferous plant material. A tour There's never any unnecessary iate. March win,.Opant Australian of your local nurseryman's sales waiting here to have your prescriptions pipes. These fast-growing trees yard will give you an idea of how filled That's because dispensing soon form a winidbreak that will these plants will look in your yard. medicine Is our first order of business. protect you from the wild winds. Some of the more important Or- You can count on us to fill your However, some utility departments iihtal arborvitaes include: Aurea .. .. . frown on planting these trees, as -"golden yellow in spring; Bever- precription promptly, accurately, they are a menace to power lines. leyensis-pyramidal, leaves golden with only the finest of pharmaceuticals. The three araucarias, commonly yellow; compacta-dwarf and com- called the Bunya Bunya, Monkey pact; conspicua-compace, golden A FULL SERVICE DRUG STORE Puzzle and Norfolk Island pine, are yellow, suffused with green; stric- Gifts- Cameras Cosmetics Fragrances - well worth considering where there ta-dense and- compace pyramidal Games Stationery Toiletries is adequate space for top devel. type of growth with dark green Games- Stationery- Toiletries opment foliage; Bonita dwarf,, compact, Cedrus deodara is a landscaper's form of slow growth and 'beauti- Drive-in Window for Prescriptions at Rear dream plant. It forms'a beautiful ful green foliage; Blue-green--- 2 FREE PARKING SPACES AT REAR OF S pyramidal green .foliage tree that strong grower with a foliage that can be used as a single specimen retains its bluish-green c o 1 or i or in groups. The plant can also be through-out all season of the year. S m ith S P h a rm used as screens and windbreaks. Conifers are favorite, of'many.. The pl.nt has one failing-it likes because once well established, these John Robert Smilth, Pharmaceutical Chem to, grow in fertile soil. plants thrive on minimum care. PHONE 227-5111 236 REID They are ideal plants' for both On the other hand, the callitris busy young folks and retired gar- robusta will thrive on poor sand deners. dunes and .upland sands of south Florida. This plant, also makes a gracefiiul growth. There are several species of. Juitfperus, of which red cedar is a type, that can be used in land- scaping your home. Some of the most important, including red ce- dar, are: Chinese Juniper, of com- pact pyramidical form; Pfitzer jun- .I KE 47 \^ne An electric water heater goes anywhere no fire, no flue, no soot + sg i You Save Two Ways As a residential customer with an electric .water heater, you get our special low discount rate. aEownnc1 -, And you also get a $25 installation allowance for switching from a flame-type water heater. Ask your contractor for details. or call the Folks at Florida Power Corporation D AVENUE Is ) AVENUE .o ,, ,- i . "Demo" Discounts 1 1970 Ford Galaxi 500 S '' 2-1970QLo edL s Low Mileage Cars All loaded w'th extras for more driving contfort o such as air conditioning, p6wer brakes, steering,. etc. .. ,: all 3 20 off St. Joe Motor Company 3 on e veu *Ph 22' ..I ~e.. I~e -I -~Y-- p$ YlliBY~IP~-I-.-~-Yy_-: -I ~- 4 PAGE FIVB - .0 I i:; 323 Monument Ayenue, Phone 227-3737 b AG S THE STAR, Port St.jo0, cPrW h THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,.1970 nel at lesa than $60. S. Gulf County School Conner Minumizes Danger From Part inSate's"Tor Gulf County school children be- -U!nn ntween the ages of 9 and 15 years of MercryFound In Florida Fish I age, agewill draw "Why I like to live .. '.in Florida and in particular why TALAaTEFmafll traces of of State Department o Aricul- voters could frighten fish onsum Conner's remarks came five. days Gulf County" and take part in merury have been found in sev- e. ers, it is important for Floridians after a news release by K. K. Huff- "The Tom Sawyer Project". .&al species o"fmarketable ish sold "We have been aware of mer- t'r kiow that the Dertment f statler of the Department of Air throughout Florida but consumers'cu in our environment because Agricultre,and Consumer Services and Water Pollution Control whichI The dating will be on masonite should not tfearfu because te it as ways been there through has been performing trace.mercury told of a small trace omercury th8' e 67 ox 8' square (s to be painted traces are not armfnul., Commi- natural geological processes-and analyses for several weeks. I found in a small sampling of fish o rh7cs by two students, from soner of A tre Doyle Con- it always will be with us," he said. "Fish has been and will contin- from the Fenholloway River and ic by tw students, from n der. d this.week. "However, we. shall continue to ue to be an excellent source of near Port St. Joe. i, in creatively expressing their joy ." d sumerq should be aware of search for any industrial sources protein and other nutritional com- ffstater's reinarks were asfor living through art. The display alariists .who would use labora- that woula affect our food Infor- ponents for the human diet. ed on findings of a doctorate st- will be attachedto the construc- tory studies for extreme purposes, nation on this will be passed on "My staff has been joned bye dent at Florida State dUniovrsity, tion fence surrounding gthe build- Conner sai in- Detroit, Mich., to agencies responsible for regu- Department of Natural Resourc Anders Andren. Andre stated that ing of the new Capitol in Tallahas- where he is attending the annualI lasting the industries concerned., staff for some! time in obtaining thing was dconslusive that the see and will be on exhibit for ap. meeting of the National Association "But because would-be panicpro- samples offresh and salt water thing was meriusry ivwere thso minute seeproximately three years. and Jacksonville. they could have come from his lab- ,W and Jacksonville. noan d tg r rato, and t o es rather The Gulf County Art Council "We have found nothing alanrm- the fis. i takemet on September 17 at the Staff ig, All 'previous knowledge of a lot morechecking tobe conclu Development Center and plans are Fish and seawater composition has give," Anders said underway iin all schools to partici- *^ f ^ ^ If been used ih this study. Isolated "' '' Pate 'samples show higher' traces than Huffstatler said the mercury "- -- other. We kow, there are highs, evenly was containe d in mud 'Florida's Tom won't see the AB U ,T ..low and medians in samples, from paper mill outfall, since mills fence they're painting. They will SA K GOD Conner said. in these areas used mercury in do the artwork in their classrooms .. Many variables are involved in their,manufacuing process up un- and, the finished panels will be sampling and species to complicate, til 1960 Whei its use was 'discon- sent to Tallahassee for installation Sa situation of this sort, but we tinued, He also pointed out the on the fence surrounding the new Don't feel there is 'any danger. mercury could'have washed down- legislative office building construe. T e llIt- e I Is "-, Ie lare checkie g into every ie am frontim f saying operations, tion. , :t f Composed by Ralph Carmichael and Kutt Kaiser potential source to determine the in aur also an 'agent was just more expedient for cause of any- possible contain n agriculturalspra them to do it at home and ship tion. The consuming public is as- t an rate, according to Con Su sued that sampling will be contin- ner's statement, his department Presented by the Youth U horae ued," Conner said. knew of the mercury presence and CLASSIFIED ADS .; has declared that 'there is not Midget investment witli FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Panama City, Florida enough of the chemical present to Giant RernsWl \0o ia R IS ianworry about. 0. Errol Simmons, Dir ctr Fred Conral, Planst Florida' lg it s worry about. , Popular With Gi's LONG AVENUE 'BAPTIST CHURCH .The Forida flag program for military personnel serving in Viet , SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 8:00 P.M. nam has mushroomed, with demand 'e' oe m -: Hi H continuing to outstrip supply. I i.t .g. 01 SLieutenant Governor Ray 6. Os- l .. Sborne, head of the Florida Depart- C -o O t p 0 1 C10" Thank You for Your WondefuI Support In My Bid for Election For fair and Honest Representat'on ELECT Lamar Da is County Commissioner! District Nole T Yor Vote and Support Will Be Greatly Appreciatel GULF COUNTY COMMITTEE for GUIDANCE and COUNSELLING, Inc. VNow Offering DIAGNOSTIC and CONSELLING 'SERVICE i Available to citizens of Gulf County on a weekly basis. Appointments'will b'e theld-every Tuesday by the professional services of Susan Conley, PhD, Clinical Director. Services will be available to both children and adults. A fee will be charged 'based upon professional time expenditure aid dienit income level. No referral is necessai-ry but an appointment time must'be secured. Any. individual with school problems, behavior problems, emotional disturbances, or persons with marital, problems would be appropriate. candidates for this service, For Appointment Scheduling, Please Call . 229-3621 This Message Sponsored by Florida First National Bank SatTPort ,St. Joe -Member: Florida National Group and FDIC ment of Commerce (FC), the state agency charged with administering the flag program, announced. thi week that within the past '30 days, 37 Florida state flags have been sent to Vietnam at a cost of $222. Osborne made another appeal to veterans, civic and fraternal or, ganizations to contribute either money or flags so the FDC can continue its overseas distribution of Florida state flags. . The Department of Commerce Is prohibited by'laW from purchasingg the Ifags and has set up a trust fund to receive' donations. Labor organizations in Florida have thus far contributed the most to the FDC Florida flag trust fund. Those wishing to contribute to the flag fund should .contact Allen Robinson at the 'Department of Commerce. The 3' x 5' flags cost about $5.77 each in lots of 100. REWARDING ROLE' [ Teaching moral, values in this crazy,,mixed up world-that is the rewarding, role of the Girl Scout leader. If you'd like to give some volunteer, time where the results 'count for the future, contact your Girl Scout Council now.' Call Mrs. Baynard Malone at 227-5536. i_--- s As "Am IU U M 330U1 %llllUIII I I UIVIIIl "TheyU' nave to scrounge it up somewhere," Mooney said. "It's SSawyer Project" not in normal county funds,' When Tom Sawyer whitewash it up here," commented Depart- ed the fence, just about any kid ment of Education consultant Neil who came along could get in on Mooney. the fun. But, Tom Sawyer project "Yo get a thousand little chil- participation will be limited to two dren running around, and these in each county. big piledrivers going-it could "We'll leave it up to the local drive a contractor up the wall," people how they want to do it, but he said. w, Ie suggested to the local people Christian's letter to art superin- that they do not make a contest of tendents estimated the cost of it," Mooney said.' "We definitely painting each eight foot square pa- don't want it to be competition." THANK YOU CITIZENS of GULF COUNTY For your vote of confidence in my bid to be- come your Gulf County School Board member, Dis- trict No. 1 in the September 8 primary. I sincerely ask for your continuing support in the September 29 primary. Danny C. Brogdon VOTE FOR and ELECT , DANNY C. BROGDON To GULF COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD District Number 1 SUBJECT TO THE SEPTEMBER, PRIMARIES I Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated ELECT.... iR F- Your State Representative, District 8 i m I i On September 29 Vote; For To Be Your LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR ti'0 ~1~u~" ci~ ~0~~1~~ and MAN IN TALLAHASSEE ~ TLEl~raw Toellwn I _I: __ THE STAR, Port St. Jo, Fla. 32456THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 PAGE SEVEN NJOY THE BEST MEAT IN TOWN- SBEEF STEAK BONANZA Specials For SEPTEMBER 24, 25 and 26 (Limit Bights Reserved) FRESH 3-DOWN TENDER-PIG SPARE RIBS Jackson Hot and-Mild Roll Jackson Tenderized Sausage b. 49c Ham Steak - Bob White Sliced Bacon ---- lb. 69c Fresh Ga. Orade "A" Large Hens lb. 39c Butt or Shank Porthi HAMS --- Whole or Half HAMS -- GOOD TENDER CHUCK STEAl Full Cut ROUND STEAK lb. $1.09 For Tender Broiling SAVOY BROIL 'lb. 99c Delicious SIRLOIN STEAK lb. $1.09 Tender CUBED STEAK fb. $1.09 lb. 69c All Meat lb. 69c STEW BEEF ....l--b. 79c MI Meaty lb. 49c RIB STEW b. 39c, Brisket lb. 59c STEW BEEF ---- lb. 29c lb. 69c Boneless TOP ROUND .b. $1.19 Eye of ROUND 'STEAK Ib. $1.49 Broiling Goodnes RIB EYE 'STEAKS Ib. $1.79 New York STRIP STEAKS lb. $1.79 Semi -Boneless RUMP ROAST -------b. 89c Round"Bone POT ROAST --- Ib. 79c Boneless Denver OVENROAST--- lb. $1.09 Boneless RUMP ROAST -- b. $1.09 EYE of ROUND ROAST ---- b. $1.39 This Week Get Your Sheffield Serenade SAUCER IC Each week apiece of Seraenade .. delightful new dinnerware will be featured for just 9c. For each $7.50 grocery purchases, you are entitled to one piece at this low price. There's no limit with a $15.00 purchase you can get two pieces and so on. With Every S__$7.50 Purchase 1st, 6th, llth week Reg. 99c With $7.50 Order DINNER PLATE 9c " ^j2nd, 7th, 12th week Reg. 59c With $7.50 Order DESSERT DISH 9c 3rd, 8th, 13th week Reg. 79c With $7.50 Order I COFFEE CUP 9c 4th, 9th, 14th Week Reg. 59c With $7.50 Order SAUCER 9c 5th, 10th. 15th Week Reg. 59c With $7.50 Order Bread and Butter IPLATE 9c ROBIN HOOD PLAIN or SELF RISING FLOUR CAMPBELL'S TOMATO .. SOUP MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE LIMIT One with $10.00 or More Purchase SLENDA SUE ICE MILK 5 lb. Bag 10% oz. Can 1 Pound Can 2 Half Gal. Cartons 49c 10c 79c 89c SELECTED SPECIALS - Yellow Rose AJAX Giant Bottle Cake Mix 3 B-xes 89c Liquid Cleaner 56c Monarch -46 Ounce Can Tomato Juice 39c Monarch 14 Ounce Bottle Tomato Catsup 25c Monarch Halved or Sliced 29 Oz. Cans Peaches 3 Cans $1.00 Carnation 16 oz. jar Coffee Mate 99c FAB Laundry Detergent Giant Box 69c White or Assorted 200 Ct. Boxes Kleenex 4 or $1.00 Veri-Best Produce BOUND WHITE POTATOES 10 Ib. bag 59c California RED GRAPES Pound 231 French Country Style POTATOES 16 oz. box 49o Georgia Grade 'A' LARGE EGGS 2. $1.19 Georgia Grade 'A' SMALL EGGS 3 DOZ.- $1.09 Dairy Foods Department 8 Ounce Cans Ballard Sweet Milk or Buttermilk BISCUITS 4 pak. ctn. 35c 35e Pillsbury extra light 8 oz. cans BISCUITS 4 pak ctn. 47 Yellow Rode MARGARINE 1 Ib. carton | 7 ULTIMATE HOLD Compare at $1.50 Adorn PALMOLIVE S A BATH SIZE 1 C SOAP -. Ic. Schick Plus Platinum Injectors 7 ct. pkg. s8c Compare at $1.29 Pepsodent Toothpaste Giant tube 48c Compare at 65c Frozen Foods Department - Blue Bird Frozen Orange Juice or Minute Maid LEMONADE 6 pak. ctn. 88C Patio Frozen Mexican DINNERS 15 oz. package 6o Sea Pak Frozen FISH STICKS 14 oz. package 68O DISCOUNT PRICES ON ALL HEALTH and BEAUTY AIDS Spray 8n- 9C Helene Curtis Creme Rinse 12 Oz. Bottle 92c $1.59 Value Helene Curtis Plus Lemon Shampoo 12 Oz. Bottle 92c $1.59 Value Helene Curtis Plus Egg Shampoo 12 Oz. Bottle 92c $159 Value -' YOUR PLEASE RE IS OUR POLICY - The NEW CROP Rutabagas lb. 10c Compliment with pepper sauce Hair r I THE SI AR. Port St. Joe, la. 32456 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 CLARA PATE WINS THE FIRST PRIZE Miss Clara Pate 'was presented with this firm. The ice box was the i camper ice box Monday by Frank McDbnald, of promotion. Miss Pate exclaimed West Florida Gas Company, as the grand prize in thing I ever won in all my life! a month-long promotion sponsored by the local Aley 1Chatter I _ --.-.-...-- F GULF COUNTY MEN'S LEAGUE Some good bowling is taking place so far this early season as the events went as follows: Lanes 1 and 2 had Campb~el's Drug taking three points from 13 Mile Oyster Company. Ralph Ward led Campbell's with his big 580 series and 229 game. For 13 Mile it was Wayne Ward with a 486 ser- ies. On lanes 3 and 4, Hess Oil and Basic Magnesia split, each taking two games. Jerry Colvin was again the -big gun for Hess Oil with al 540 series and 222 game but re- ceived help from team mate Da- Ivid Roche who rolled a 506 series. David Lee again led Basic with a first. prize in the d, "That's the first -Star photo 400. leader for Shirt and Trophy with Shirt and Trophy Center battled very good series of 561 and 22 with Team No. 4 on lanes 5 and game while Joe Davis added a 51 6 with Shirt and Trophy taking all e four points. Jim Beaman was the series and 214 game. Leon Polloc led Team No. 4 with a 440 series. Lanes 7 and 8 had Costin's De- partment Store taking all four points from Team No. 1, with Ash- ley Costin leading the team with a 491 series. High man for Team 1 was Ricky Armstrong with a 450. Standings W L /Shirt, and Trophy--------_ 7 1 Costin's 7 1 Hess Oil 5 3 Basic Magnesia __----- 4 3 Campbell Drugs ----4 4 13 Mile Oyster Co. -------2 6 Team No. 4 1 7 Team No. 1 1 7 LADIES' WINTER LEAGUE In the Gulf County Ladies' Win- ter League last week, Williams Al- ley Kats took three games from Swatts Motors on lanes 1 and 2. Eleanor Williams was high for the Alley Kats with a game of 158 and series of 406. Doris Strickland had high game of 14f for the losers and Patsy Cooley the high series of 374. . On lanes 3, and 4, St. Joe Kraft took all four games from Basic. Krafter Ruby Lucas had high game of 160 and high series of 471. El- len Sidwell had high game of 153 for Basic and Greta Freeman high series of 398. On lanes 5 and 6, Florida Nation- al Bank took all four games from St. Joe Furniture. Christine Light. a 4 7 k foot's high game of 166 and Lois high for Wewa Bank with a 393. thes made the 4-10 split. She is also Smith's high series of 479 was a Glidden and 13 Mile Oyster Co. on Pates' team. big help for the bankers. Dot Hamm split the four games with two each Gail Hinote bowled the all-over of St. Joe Furniture had high game on lanes 5 and 6. Gail Hinote bowl- high series with a 469, and the of 1P0 and high series of 407. ed high series for Glidden with 469 high individual-game score of 178. On lanes 7 and 8, the St. Joe and Ola Jean Silva with a 448 ser- (Div. A) W L Stevedores won all four games ies. standings 5 8 from AN Railroad. Melba Barbee Dairy Burger and Pate's bowled Glidden 4 4 had high game of 169 and high on lanes 7'and 8 with Dairy Bur- 13 ]ile 4 4 series of 466 for the winners. Mar- ger taking three games to Pates' Dairy Burger 3 5 guerite Whitehurst had high game one. Evelyn Smith took high ser- Pate's Shell of 148 and high series of 367 for ies for Dairy Burger with a 465 Standings (Div. B) W L the losers, and picked up the 5-10 split in the Wewa Bank ------------ 7 1 Standings W L process. Ruby Lucas bowled high Sears 5 3 StFla. Nat. Banks W8 L series for Pate with a 465. She pick- Carps 3 5 St. Joe Kraft 8 0 ed up the 6-10-7 split. Brenda Ma- Roche's 1 7 St. Joe Stevedores ------5 3 Swatts Motor Co. ------- 4 4 St. Joe Furniture ----- 3 5 Williams Alley Kats -- -- 3 5 Basic Magnesia ----- 1 7 AN Railroad 0 8 The Ladies Morning Bowling League met Tuesday at St. Joe Bowling Lanes. On lanes 1 and 2, Carps took three games to Roche's one with Lois Smith bowling high for Carps with a 452 series. Jo Ann Wuthrich was high for Roche's with a 336 series. On lanes 3 and 4, Sears played Wewa Bank with Wewa Bank tak- ing three games to Sears one. Bet- ty Barbee was high for Sears with a 334 series and Ann Suber, bowled A Far Shake For The Consumer HE WILL FIGHT FOR SInstalling a "Consumer Action Line" so the public can call complaints directly to Tallhassee without coat. * Re-examining telephone nd utility rates, to insure fair rate an equality of service for all. A consumerrepresenative to conduct independent investigations and report all findings to the public. * Making the Utility Companies provide quality service without harming our natural environment. * More open bearings, on weekends and nights, letting the workingman and housewife participate in discussion involving rates. WILSON WRIGHT WILL BE THE CONSUMERS VOICE ON THE PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION FLORUXAMSt KNOWV YOU-CAN'T 00WRONG VATH PAID F'OR SY CMWMGH TR~EASURER Wright PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION DEM. SAMPLE PRIMARY BALLOT REPUBLICAN PARTY SEPTEMBER 29, 1970 GULF COUNTY PRECINCT NO. To vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot make a cross (X) in the square at the RIGHT of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. STATE Governor and Lieutenant Governor (Vote for Group) JACK M. ECKERD for' Governor ROBERT H. (BOB) ELROD I for Lieutenant Governor CLAUDE R. KIRK, JR. for Governor for Lieutenant Governor SAMPLE PRIMARY BALLOT DEMOCRATIC PARTY GULF COUNTY SEPTEMBER 29, 1970 PRECINCT NO. To Vote for a person whose name is printed on the ballot make a RIGHT of the name of the person for whom you desire to vote. CONGRESSIONAL United States Senator (Vote for One) State House FARRIS BRYANT LAWTON CHILES STATE Governor and Lieutenant Governor (Vote for Group) REUBIN ASKEW for Governor TOM ADAMS for Lieutenant Governor EARL FAIRCLOTH for Governor GEORGE G. TAPPER for Lieutenant Governor Attorney General (Vote for One) ELMER FRIDAY ROBERT L. SHEVIN Commissioner, Florida Public Service Commissmon, Group 2 (Vote for One) WTTX.TAM IA -, (RTT.1 ARV WILSON W. WRIGHT r I Eighth (Vo cross (X) in the square at the STATE Member, of Representatives House District Dte for One) JOHN ROBERT MD)DTXVilMA4 WILLIAM J. (BILLY) RISH Member, State House of Representatives Ninth House District (Vote for One) WAYNE A. BROWN JOE CHAPMAN COUNTY County Commissioner District Number Two (Vote for One) LAMAR DAVIS JIMMY H. HELMS Board of Public Instruction District Number One (Vote for One) :DANNY ,Q. BROGDON - WILLIAM ROEMER, SR. I .1. i~ To My Friends In Gulf County: THANK YOU S. for your vote of confi- dence in re-electing me your County Commissioner in Dis- trict Four,. Thank you and God bless you. Wal`ter Graham YOUR AMERICAN HERITAGE, PROTECT YOUR FREEDOM BY EXERCISING YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE OF YOUR CHOICE. SPEAK OUT AND LET AMERICA HEAR YOU OR- THERE MAY COME A DAY WHEN THE CHOICE WILL NOT BE YOURS. Florida First National Bank Member: Florida Nati POnal Group of Banks andT FD Member: Florida National Group of Banks and FDIC `I - Ir y * : *1- .\,. . 1 . wW' F-T w pv v Mww'%, - I"Super-Right" Corn Fed WeStern Pork . E^, Boston ButtsL 49 "Super Righf" SHOULDER , ALE! PorklSteaks 59 ...L B. 49c s'rc .$1.39 'ANNPAGE (Limit w/$5.o more order) EXTRA SPECIAL! 10-112 Ox. C kg. 69 Tomato GELATIN DESSERT EXTRA SPECIAL. Jell 0 ASSORTE 10.3-Ox. 909 :LAVOR 59 CASLPkg ,. KA LEENEX PAPER SA Swoutique and Jumbo TLBuIssBoutique Print 2 Roll I or Deep Color Pkgs. iiNapks 0for 2 c if $5. or more food order excluding cigaretteArmour Canned 5 oz. Vienna Sausage or 51/2 oz. Drive Detergent 59 POTTED MEAT 4/D1.00: A&P CHILLED EXTRA SPECIAL! Ann Page Pancake and Orange Juicei 2. 59 WAFFLE SYRUP 2z 49o Orange. *n ed 2 Special! V-8 JUICE ... Dal Mone Light, CUlNK TUNA , 46 oz. qC Cans 9C 62 oz. Can 4 1 2 off .abel Pillsbury Extra Light I' i PANCAKE MIX o W' W A6with Thi$ 9, C without coupon , IH coupon ;M bl -L Coupon Good Thr Sop,. 27, 1970 Jane Parker -Deicious Angel Food 6 -O COUPON ANDPcViTilleOPO NDP STAMPS iB Si.e Bug Bomb 3 9- 1' m1 Insect Spray : 1.C75C Scoogood Hin Sept. 27, 1970, 9-U-70 couroPgood thru Sept. 27, 1970 9-26-70 Ismailuia -bonom," rna n Prices in this Ad are good through Satur- day, September 26, 1970. If unable to purchase any adver- tised item, please re- quest a rain check... "QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVEDD" .... -all iL BL -11U WI COUPON AND UCAS9 STAMPS SImperial Reg. I. :Margarine c." 51c [I Mo o.,~, 9o 5 97 -..o W h"'Ohe Sea Light SChunk Tuna Sc II THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32454 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1970 PAGE NINE .-t * LAMe S ' "Super-Right" Delicious Lamb SHOULDER ROAST.... "Super-Right" Delicious Lamb SHOULDER CHOPS.... "Super-Right" Fully Cooked Shank Half or WHOLE HAMS...,. All.ood Sugar Cured - SLICED BACON ,,,. Copeland's All Meat SLICED BOLOGNA P . ap'n. John's Frozen Fried FISH FILLETS', " Fresh Ripe Delicious .Special! Cantaloupes... 3/89c 'Fresh Ripe Special! Honeydews...,,. 69c Round White Potatoes...10 ;. 59c 'COOL QUIET WONDERFUL Natural gas air conditioners, now available in "home-size" units, provide quieter, longer last- ing, safer, more economical and trouble-free climate control at moderate cost. And with special year-round heating-cooling rates, you'll find gas air conditioning cheapest as well as best! Call for a free survey and estimate! "Your Natural Gas Servant" St. Joe Natural Gas Co. 114 Monument Ave. Phone 229-3831 ~-~ aC~~4-SAVE 7c ' VA-i-- t ., iA- ,4~ I utr~ac~ ILT ~twf~b~: - - I S w Sheriff's Boy's Ranch Celebrating Birthday LIVE OAK 'The Florida S. iSheriff's Boys Ranch will throw a Party to celebrate, its 13th birth- day on Sunday, October 4, and th public is invited. K ITCH E N A free barbecue will be served at 12:30 p.m.; and a special chapel C A T T R service will follow at 1:30 pn. with CHA TTER. i ..oe.w es oow .,,-o ++, , l State Representative Ed Blackburn, B Flr :Pw: Corp .rao Jr., of Tampa, as the featured By The Florida Power Corporatin e s. re srv Her a v ne ad speaker. Blackburn formerly serv- e -a very f recipe to add ed asSheriff of Hillsborough Coun. to your treasured recipes for the t and a th ft ever popular Fondue pot or your et o f ^ sthe Bost c , electric rypan. of the Bs Ranch. BEEF FONDUE WITH BERNAISE Visitors will have an opportunity SAUCE | to inspect facilities valued at over 2 pounds beef sirloin, cut into 1' $2 million, including a new 100,000 cubes e gallon elevated water tank, and a 1 cup butter just completed "radio shack" for 2 cups salad bil the amateur radio club. Arrange cubes of meat on a large 'Located on the Suwannee River serving platter. Garnish platter nine miles north of Live Oak, the with parsley sprigs. In an electric Boys Ranch is a home for needy Buffet Server heat the butter and and worthy youngsters. It is spon- oil to 300 degrees F. Long handled scored by the Florida Sheriffs As- forks should be provided for guests, sociation and supported entirely by Spear meat with fork and cook in voluntary contributions. Ihot. fat. until browned and desired The Sheriffs Association has al- doneness. Takes 'approximately 3 so cl f rtered The Florida, Sheriffs minutes to s have meat done to me- Girls Villa, a similar institution for Sodium doneness stage. Meat should girls, anid is looking for a suitable be turned often. Serve with Ber- building site. naise Sauce. Meat will serve ap- proximately 8. Cook over LOW heat, stirring con-' BERNAISE SAUCE stantly until mixture thickens. 3 tablespoons tarragon vinegar Makes about 1 cup. (Recipe may be, 3 tablespoons water doubled.), 1 small onion, sliced 14" thick Serve the Bernaise Sauce in a 4 egg yolks serving bowl. Guests then dip the % teaspoon salt pieces of meat into the sauce, or 1/8 teaspoon paprika serve a small amount in individual % cup butter bowls' to each guest. SIn a small saucepan bring' the - water, vinegar and onions to a boil. Discard onions. Beat eggs slightly MSed WILLIAM H. (BILL) in a small bowl. Gradually stir in some of the vinegar mixture in or- R I v rii der to partially cook the egg. Grad- 9 ually pour egg mixture into the remaining vinegar mixture' in. the PUB.SERY. COMM. saucepan. Add salt and paprika pd. pol. adv. G. carefoot, Tre. 4 ct '.' 70 r Ii .I Klrm, lt -1 :F- t- -, Ko Banquet held in Gainesville recent- ly. The service' each year honors Sits employees, whose services in Immediate Coverage Nowr f or Floods Garrett was awarded in reco-I Buzzett's Drug Store 317 Williams Avenue Drive-In Window Service Phone 2274371 - _. Plenty of Fr e Parking I SAW IT IN THE ST A i . ,r r " A IAVE MADE YOU. A eQ 'b 4iodrdless of rumors, uns bstantiatcF' s i'. r.es the most important .actor inh.hisJ. N 'THE BASIC ISSUES IN THEt LAST, St.SS SS YOU DON'T LIKE THE -S I f N iNNIER DID I. I voted against the Legisgi to uphold the Governor's veto. 2 0, YOU DON'T LIKE THE $ CANE POLE FISHING LICENSE NEITHER DID II I Voted against the $3.00 and 'will vote to repeal it. 0O, Y DON'T LIKE THE- 3. "CALIFORNIA INSURANCE PL NEITHER DID I! In the last Legislative S the "California Plan" anif I will vote to ab 4 SO, YOU DON'T LIKE HIGH I ;NEITHER DO I! In he last Session, I cons, new taxes. 0* *0 .. " The official record in the House Journal and itself! I want to continue to represent you in Tall that my record and my performance wai support. VOTE FO Joe Chap REPRESENT BAY, GULF and CALHOUN C The U. S. Department of Hous- ing and Urban Development an-' nounced this week that local pro- perty and casualty Lagents can start selling HUD. national flood insurance in Port Sti. oe immed- iately. - The National Flood, Insurers Association has designated the Travelers Indemnity Co., 1516 East Colonial Drive,. Orlando, as, the servicing company for the City of Port St. Joe. Agents should contact this company immediately to obtain policy forms, rates, flood 'insurance- manuals and any other neces- sary information. come effective, after a 15-day waiting period. ar Besides providing coverage ,G rre| Honored Conservation t against loss, the Federal flood insurance program helps pro- mote sound flood plain manage- Wiley C. Garrett, District Con-1 Blountstown, was honored at an ment and land use control. Mr. servationist, with headquarters in | annual Soil and Water Conservation Bernstein explained that "in be- I coming eligible for food insur- ance, communities pledge to 'adopt land use and control mea- IT'S EA sures, which vary according to the characteristics and specific ORDER BY PHO flood threat &f the individual F S community. These measures.are e a r s410 Reid Avenue generally designedtoguide fu-41 idAvenue ture development away, from flood, hazard areas and .set con- nation of performance substantially exceeding the requirements of his position as District ConservationistL of Calhoun, Franklin, Gulf and Lf-I berty Counties. He was presented" the Service's certificate of merit and a cash award. iSY NE IE TO ... TRY IT! Port St. Joe, Florida According tofederal urce struction standards such as. min. s ao n e imum foundation and floor ele. A ENTION SEARS BUYERS! Administrator 'George S e -'v ATTENTION' SEARS BUYERS! stein, "now that the community o imber of flood has established its eligibility, Te homeowners and ow', ers of prone U. S. Compunites eligible Compare Our Catalog Prices With Sears Retail Prices Before h en n"w Bo O 2 .i n h You Buy ,FoD finite "Savings! Softi ia 'Official maps identifying the..,. ' insurance 'protection." He point- O. i ia maif.. idntufyngte+ ed out that an a U. S. proper- area in which flood insurance tydamage result from nar- may be purchased can be exam-. al: disasters averges $I billion- ined at the Offie of the City and that about 5,00 communities Clerk in the Port St. JoeCity JfOr:stop in -our. stl u inthe nation have some kind of i, s pie ' ino threa. lood insurance polices may flood threat. mal ' ~'he National Flood Insurance be purchased from yb2r local Act of 1968 specifies that any-, property and casualty agents and '.,2 2 7 Sone who does not choose'to buy ".._. -: i / flood insurance in a community .. which is eligible will.not be able Yoth Pro m At tq.get Federal financial disaster 410 REID AVENUE : : aid for flood losses that occur': ptit B6 MISSion after one year from the date S Wil Be Available eek n Oct this community became eligible',. CahaBaps I3stsSuWeek,..ionlofOber to the extent that the loss would The Baptist Student Union of- . have been covered by flood in- Gulf Coast Junior.College will .. surance, present a special music program Cw" Insurance policies issued thru tomorrow night at' 7:00 p.mn at October 11 will be effectively the Baptist Chapel on St. Joe immediately al tlued. Insurance. Beach.l h p program Wd t illo be b esy L s A d s Spur hased a#t* the first 30 days' Peciallyqriented tothe youth ;' i ,of m ii -the area. ^ .. b e G e d SEveryone is invitedto attend. " Following the program a beach . .l I '* *party with' game's and'refetsh-' 'r i Rs: 0:-I f " ; mentkswillbe provided for all v "eds r e young peope. e'* 1 S'' FOR' SALE:- 3 bedroom house at FOR Alt CONDITIONING- and ap- SharksKlin 206 10th, Street. $4,000 down, pliance reair call 2-923. BICYCLE REPAIRS '' A+! -Sk3 i nllln +. in. owner will finance balance. Write I RRUILT I e S 0' Ait *1 "; _"'Ms. Charles Gill, 1269 McLendoni FOR SALE: Trombone. In good -e-,n e ' S(Cnnu AvI., Atlanta, Gd. 30307. Itc condition. PhoT48-4265. tp Tke In trad. .Connued From Aage ,U., .New and Used, SALE: 6 lots with 3 bedroom. SKATING: Tuesday30 p.m. to JOHNNIE'S TRIM SHOP Langston who picked off a. a ll', % Good aen spot. At ,104th St. Ph. 27-2001 S ..tor aerial. Chuck Robert White ty. Near Assembly of God at S G.. as- e : u er A T E..... AT V tossed a lonog pas on his first Chrch. $6,00. First come gets it. pri t REP S Mmlig, Rt 1, Bqx8, We- .. W ANTMO BUY: od u"ed corn Gator Alfped Forehand .on the" ped tr, pee ear ,- Dg- 1 d minute Shark 20. Curtis' Branch carried FOR ,PALEt 2 bedroom block Hasbeen us d yve m bbe SEPTIC IANKS pumped out CaH ,o O F I VOTE to the eight, then to the four, tus ity and storage rooms, ho,,s. Wayne KUy, 3,..Bo t. .riffi. Phone 2-27. .p -" where the Shark defense stop- Huntr Crce. haor ec3a3d 12 RESEARCH l e ervie w- .Hunter Circle.Phone 227-3346. 2t RESEARCH lIRfnoediu~ervew ped the only serious Gator threat ers for part ttme e g tele- WANTEb God rfri of the night. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house, 1309 phone work. Short term ssignment. E f rator o. Y Midway in the last period, Aene. Phone 227- 13 No sen ful Center.Phone SNorrisngstonbroke loose' f or. 3ot Ple n 4 CLERK WANTED: Male. as R rg I voted his long 60 yard run onlyjto have FOR SALE:2 b lo red.bPlerase malOr repaeri pcehelpful. ;Apply and se et and 1& ,nunher, county and q'A leaia pRcrsen t it nullified by a Shark offside dit staed ,7thS 22e 0a7. td o RESEA CH '- t David Rich at Ri s .. penalty. 'The Gators recovered 22, Silver Springs, Md. 20907. ,It9 the Sharks only fumbleof the FOR SALE: 8 room house on two DUCE safe and fast with Go- 4., lots. 1 comer lot and house fn bese ,Tablets and E-Vap "water ght on the next play, then lost nhed. Across hw. in front LAIES ps". pe's Drug "; "N their, advantage when 'Charles 'school in Wewhitehka. Mrs. Rosa I am now servicing igs nd n /"- ... Britt intercepted Pete Rhames' Ste'ens. tfc5-21 hair pieces in my home. It I GH*FATIGUE with Zippies, the '; toss. t b t paou have huma.tn hair wr.syn- 9,Preat pill. Only $1.08. Ca - Cane' P l.i .g License toss w theist play by the. Ga- FOR RENT: Beach front cottage. tic which you ,would .i's ,pro. 2tonw. 'Can Pg Lcense tors. With 2:58 left on the clock St. Joe Beach. bedrooms with to have serviced q u4ely .t' ,W SShackleford ran for ,34 yards to automatic washer and carport., Wa- low prices w D:,. Prt -time secretary the Gator one yard line Whit- ter furnished. Phone 648-4860. CALL 229-3311 or 2274153 or elurdh. Send name address, ,. a "tfc-9-24 9-24 JANICE STOKE'S tfe. Pa gbe number to box 266, Port St. tie dove over for-the score and ItJoe. tfc-B-3 ."., ', ,. '".. Lawrence Bowen carried the ball FOR RENT; Furnished apartments -- \ ...C s a .. over for the two point conversion, and trailer space. Bo's Wimico THE COTTAGE SHOPPE, your lo- REDUCE safe and fast with Go- Sa Lodge, White City. Phone 229-2410. cal dealer for PHENTEX YARN Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water AN giving:the Sharks a 24-0 victory. tfc-8-13 has a large selection of yamn for W' CAMPBELL'S DRUG. 8-7' YARDS1TICK your knitting and crochet needs. session, voted to abolish PSJ Wewa FOR RENT: Apartment. 5108th- We have many, gift items at the TREE SERVICE: Trees taken dow lish it in the future. First Downs'--------- 12 6 St. Phone Jean Arnold, 648-4800.. COTTAGE SHOPPE, red and white and removed or trimmed. Call Yarshds.Rushig-- 179 63 FOR RENT: Furnished beach cot building on Hiway 98, Beacon Hill. 653-8772 or 653-6343, Apalachicola. A Passs 1 Phoane 227-3491 or 227-8496. tf-8-13 WE HAVE IN STOCK plenty of cy. TAXES Passes--- --5-12 4-11 press lumber, 2x4 to 2x12, nos. FPOR Interceptions 2 2 FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished 1 and 2. 1x4 through 1x12 mostly istently voted against apy ,Punts 2-34 2-24 apartment, downstairs. 522% Third no. 2. Pine lumber, paints, hard. AMBULANCE SERV.CS umblesSt. Phone 227-8642. tfe ware and appliances. PRIDGEON - Fumbles Lost" '. 1 2 S P ,BUILDING SUPPLY, Wewahitch. In Wewaltchka and Port St. Joe _- 16 0 0 8-24 FOR RENT: 1 bedroom house. Ap- ka. tfc-6-11 SWewahitchk... 0 0 0 o 0 ply at Smith's Pharmiacy. Phone Port St. Joe 227-5111. tfe-9-17 +FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call CALL - TRAILER FOR RENT: Furnished Emory Stephens. Free estimate not rumors speaks fr I A with heater and air conditioned. GlYtwt on labor and materials. Comforter Funeral Home not rumors speks or Would like to rent to- couple -or Low down payment Phone 227. S single person. Can be seen at Cantfc 2273511SI White City. Call 229-2103. _ ahsse atFOURTEENTH JUDICIAL equity and assume payments of RAY'S TRIM SHOP C.P. ere e h s TandE CsRubmtIT COTU RT FOR SALE: 2 bedroom trailer, $300 Our Number Has Been Changed C P. Ethe'rd ahassee,and submitOFTHE STATE $60 per month, or $2800 cash. Ca Complete Upholstery Service 18 Third Street ontiued OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR 229-4261 after 4:00 p.m. "We aimhn to please you r Ste grants yourEvery Time" Port St. Joe, Fla. GULF COUNTY. FOR SALE: Twin couches with bol- 602 Garrison Ave. LINDA HADDOCK REEVES, ters. Dark olive green. Can be Phone 229-6326 Plumbing and Plaintiff, used for twin beds. Call 229-5251. < Elerical Contractor Tu-vs- tfc-9.-17 C on co Thank you JACKIE FRANK REEVES, Call 2294986 for Free Estimate Defendant. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom unfurnish- NOTICE OF SUIT ed house located in Port St. Joe. TOMLINSON TO: JACKIE FRANK REEVES Also unfurnished houses in Beach RADIO and TV REPAIR R.A.M.-Regular convocation on St. P. O. Box 101 I area. United Farm Agency. Jean PHONE 229-6108 oseph Chapter No. 56, R.A ., Grand Island, Louisiana'70358 Arnold, Rep. 6484800. tfc-9-17 1319 McClellan Ave 1comt and 3rd Mondays. All vsitin YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED an Ave. companions welBcome. that an action for divorce has been FOR SALE: 1966 Ford Custom 4- ROY BURCH, H.P, . filed against you, and you are re- door, V-8. Air conditioned, pow- WALTER GRAHAM, Sec. quired to serve a copy of your er. Runs good. $895.00. Will sell Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 11 Written defenses, if any, to it on or trade. Phone 229-2092. tc PAINT Dealer in Prt St. Jo THE AMELICAN.LEGION, meet Honorable Robert M. Moore, ofA FOR SALE: 1964 Volkswagen. Re- ir.g second and fourth Tuesday Costing and Moor e, 221 Reid Ae" built motor. A-1 condition. $600. nights, 8:00 pn.m. American Legion ne, Port St. Joe, Florida See at 524 7th St., or call 2275041. Home. and file the original with the ab t Clerk FOR SALE: 8' cab camper. Gas of the above styled Court on or stove, lights ice box. Sleeps 4 V THERE WILL BE a regular com. before October 23, 1970; otherwise, David Rich, 229-2575 or 229-4562. TH munication of Port St. Joe Lodge *TI / V a Judgment may be entered against EARTH No. 111, F. & A. M., every first you for the relief demanded in the FOR SALE: Medium size upright and third Thursday at 8:00 pta. T B E i Complaint, piano in excellent condition. P. T d a WITNESS my hand and seal of E. Forester. Phone 648-4231. A said Court on this the 10th day of OUNTIES September, 1970. FOR SALE:-14' Century boat, trail- HURLBUT FURNITURE GEORGE Y. CORE "r and 10 hp. Evinrude motor, and APPLIANCES JOSEPH J. PIPPIN W.M. Circuit Court Clerk $150. 129 Hunter Circle. Phone 227- 306 Reid Ave. PR F c l ,,i-- (SEAL) 4t-9-24 3346. 2tp-9-17 PERRY J. McFARLAND, Secty rAGE~"TEN 1~'~'' tHE STA" Port t. Joe, Ma. S24S6THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 _ L P 'PAGE-TEN ME STA Pirt-M. Jvs, Ple. 324.%THURSbAY,' SEPTEMBER 24,1970 !," o :. IecFonU ..THitTY-FOUR .TH YEAR Corner Third St. and Baltzell Ave. Second Section a.. ....f Si NUMBI'. / 'PORT ST. JOEA' LORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24,1970 Time Now to Begin Making Plans for Your Blooming Fall Fltwer Garden "Marriage .is. like the mortgage front of a back drop of green foli- on your home-- it is a lifetime pro- age. This will make the colors show position. < up vividly. it 'pr ,. commitments prevent For best color most annuals must mnirikag, you' can at least fall in have a full five-hour sunbath per. loye ivith gaxening, because grow- day. So, select a sunny plot. iglo~rs oni make you a big- Next comes the vexing problem togrde. 'w on teof what to plant. Choosing plants .. Also, cense to garden won't re- by heights is one approach. Some tqira bloo; test, but once you taller growing annuals for the back get ugdeniing iuA your blood you areas of the garden are delphinium, Snever become divorced from larkspur, cleome and hollyhock. hobby. '-In the center rows and toward Se=arss oj your,.amorqus sit- the fro you may consider the me- i-Ation, it you're going to have a dium height plants. Petunias, cal- i.topnotch flower garden this fall endulas, ageratum, didicus, gypso- .'a winter,. Ow's the time to plan philla, liharia and -carnation are "the' planting layout examples. For low edging you.j ' For best posing of color, locate might use allyssum, verbena, phlox te annual flwprs so they bloom-in or some of the dwarf nasturtiums. With up to 100 annualsto choose from, it shouldn't be a problem to fill the'garden with many kindsof colorful plants. After sowing the seed of your choice in flats, and while you are waiting for them to reach trans- planting size, prepare the' flower beds. First turn the soil with a spade or other tools. Remove all weeds, sticks, stones and other debris and then rake the area into a loose mix- ture for good aeration and drain- age. *- . If available, it will pay to work into the, top six inches of Ahe soil some grass clippings, compost or other organic materials. While do- ing this, you might also add 5 lbs. .i of superphosphate per 100 square feet of bed arep. Transplanting from the flat to the bed, is a test of your green thumb: To. make the honor roll, pick a nice cool, cloudy evening, .after a rain if possible. Use care in hand- ling the seedlings. Break off as few roots as possible;.don't expose them to direct slinlight pr the air for a long period; don't set plants too deeply,'and give them partial shade until they ,have a' chance to re- cover from the transplanting shock. To insure 'best possible growth, keep the soil moist. When two or more true leaves appear, feed the plants with about 3 pounds of 6-6-6 (N-P-K) fertilizer per 100 square feet of bed area. In some cases you may need to make a second fertili- zer application prior to flowering. For detailed information on growing fall flowers, contact your county agricultural director. He has several publications on the sub- ject. FSU Offering TALLAHASSEE Florida State University is offering a .variety of- night courses for ts in the Tal- lahassee area r the ear. The School ,Service. Center at Florida State University, located in- the Division ofpinldnuting Educa- tion, is coordiMnai' g fle programs which will be taught by University' faculty members; Most of the courses are designed for school teachers bpt there re- albo courses in business, andecrimin- ology. Innovation in Elementary School Science (SCE 50),'will be.-taught in Gulf County at the Port St. Joe High School, every Tuesday from 4 to 7 p.m. Official registration will be held at the first class ,meeting. Any stu- dent who fails to register at the first class meeting will be permit- ted to'register at the second. S-ADAMS THE BEST TEAM FOR FLORIDA! New, growing problems demand new, vigorous solutions. Here are the ingredients of the ASKEW- ADAMS program for a better Florida: REFORM of TAJ STRUCTURE NEW VIGILANCE against CRIME CONSERVATION of our RESOURCES BETTER EDUCATION PROGRAM IMPROVED ROAD PROGRAM THE ASKEW TEAM provides what Florida needs most for the '70s -, a refreshing blend of action, experience, youth and dedication 'that will preserve cherished institutions while meeting head-on the many areas of concern. Between them, ASKEW- ADAMS share a quarter-century of service ot Florida, in the legislative and executive branches. AND - their service is packed with accomplishment, progress, integrity. They 'ARE the best team for Florida! THE "EXPERIENCE" TEAM CAST YOUR BALLOT FOR Rubin Askew -Tom Adams GOVERNOR LT. GOVERNOR (Dem.) I 1 II I III II "1 I I I^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^ ,l/ U Historical Society Discusses Artifacts IT S, 0 The St. Joseph Historical Society met Saturday, September 5 at 3:00 p.m. at the Constitution Convention ifIuseum. )'resident Jesse Stone pre- sided. Mrs. William Howell, Jr., trea- surer, reported dues in the amount of $10.00 were collected bringing the ,bank balance to $282.00 with $200.00 of this amount earmarked for a historical marker. Mrs. Brinson reported contact has been made with the schools to ernicourage and promote the teach- ing of Florida history, with empha- sis on our rich local history, in the fourth and fifth grades. The members discussed a gift membership and subscription to The Florida Historical Quarterly being made to the Port St. Joe High School as has been done in former years. his matter was tabled pend- ing fi-ther discussion. the year 1840 is priced at $6.00 ra- ther than $5.00 as thought and should 'be received within the month. He also instructed that ad- ditional organization stationery be purchased. Mrs. Porter reported on meet- ing with Mrs. Brinson regarding the Olda St. Joseph Cemetery and The president stated he vill re- stated the City is keeping grounds port later on the legal aspects of in fine shape and some shrubbery the artifacts 'ind made by John and palm replacements have been Whitfield and called upon Mrs. made. Ned Porter to invite Mr. Whitfield to display and tell about these in- Mrs. Hubert Brinson, cemetery teresting artifacts at the October chairman reported that 304 had meeting, visited the Old St. Joseph Cemetery Mr. Stone stated area census of from'August 1 to September 5. I FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Captain C. B. Petty Completes Course FT. EUSTIS, VA.--Army Cap- tain Charles B. Petty, son of Mrs. Madie E. MWAnulty, Malone, recent- ly completed a 30-week transporta- -tion officer advanced course at the Army Transportation School, Ft. Eustis, Va. Students receive instruction in the duties and responsibilities of a transportation offi cer. The course entails a thorough survey of all modes of military transpor-\ tation. It is the movement of troops, supplies and equipment whichh is the primary mission of the transportation corps. Captain Petty entered the Army in October 1961. He holds two awards of the Bronze Star Medal, 24 awards of the Air Medal and the Vietnamese Gallantry ,Cross. His father, Alton B. Petty, lives in Port St. Joe. His wife, Doris, lived in Newport News, Va., dur- ,ing his training. SBuy today! 3 WAYS TO CHARGE L.Z M | Pate's Service Center Jimmy's Phillips "66" Station C. Byron Smith, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ..-...... 11:00 A.M. TRAINING UNION 6:30 P.M. EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE .--...... 7:30 P.M. PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) --.... 7:30 P.M. "Come and Worship God With Us" FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH "Intersection Monument and Constitution REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister Church Schol......... ....9:45 A.M. Morning Worship ........... 11:00A.M. Evening Worship ....... 7:00 P.M. Methodist Youth Fellowship ...-....... 8:00 P.M. "Where Old Fashioned lriendliness Still Survives" HAurry! ile pt miss this your AL Hurry! Don Y miss this PAIR SALE! - I .THE STAR "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee, Valley" IPA=!T~V l STA.Pod J. kl6SY,-SUPTUMSER 24, 1970 PROPO CONSTITlTINAL AMENDMENTS PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL each om ed o one county or contig. (f) The power of removal conferred by AMENDMENTS TO BE VOTED ON, ous oun i and containing a population this section shall be cumulative to the pow., NOVEMBER 3, 1970 of not lwes than one hnllthousand w- er of impeachment and to the power- of '-- I cording' to the last deennl census or suspension by the governor and removal by NOTICE OF ELECTION other ceuets authorized by general law the senate as to d of oun cou rt WHEREAS, The' Legislature of 1969 end except, the County of Monroe:.shall nonsti. and judges of magistrate courts. 1970, under the onetltution o te State tote oe of -the circuits. (g)' A justice or judge removed from l, o orida, passed Joint RBeoltions (b) CICUT COURTS.-Tere sa be a office shall be subject to diolpline as a log amendments to the Constitution oft Me ciuit each coun attorney for famonl conduct prior State of Florida, and t did determine' CIRCUIT JUDGES.--iThere sha e torair dTring tenure in office. . and direct that the sal4 Joint Besolt at leat lne circuit judge or each fifty SECTION 16. Prohibited activtiies.-Ju-.u be submitted to the electors of the State thousand inhabitants r major tionthere. toes:of the supreme court, jues of di- of Florida., at the General Election to. be of in each circuit acco to the last rict courts of appeal, judges of the court held on Nw ".1970; decennial censu or other asenus authorized of review of administrative actions and Nw, T RFO 1,TOM by law. Each circuit judge shall be a judge judges of circuit courts shall devote fall Seareary of State of the State of Florda, of the circuit court in each county in the time to their judicial duties. They shall not do lereby give notice that a Oeneral 119l circuit, except as otherwise provided herein, engage in the practice of law or hold of. "tton will be held n each County in Foinr The county of residence of a circuit judge ice o inany political party. Similar prohi- JdqIon the 'Finst Tuesday after the Fi may be fixed by law, but hall not be chan btins with respect to judges f other onday in November. which date n ov ed with respect to an incumbent during odurta may be provided by law. b 8, ;970, for the ra.tlo Us or continuous tenure, in office without his SECTION 17. Judicial salaries-Justices KON of the Joint Baolutlon proposing consent, of the supreme court and judges of district endments to the constitution o (d) JURISDICTION.-The circuit courts courts of appeal, the court of review of. of Florida, via: shall have all original Jurisdiction not vest. administrative action, and circuit courts ",0., NUMBER 1 ed ino their courts, and sush jurisdiction of shall be compensated by salaries fixed by 'A Senate Joint Resolution No. 171 aprealF from other 'tial coUrfA as is pre. general law which shall not be diminished A JOINT RESOLUTION props ig a an cibed by law They hall have power to during the terms for which they have been amendment to section 2, article of the, iee writa 'of mandamus, n er- elected or appointed, unless as a part fi natitution of the state of Mlorid, tiorari, prohibition, quo waato, habeas a general reduction of salaries applybig ting to electoM.- corpusa,,and al other writAi ec sary or uniformly to all salaried officers of the Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the proper 'to the complete execis f their state. No circuit judge shall be paid a sAl- tate of Florida jurisdiction. They shall have Phe .wer of ary equal to or greater than the salary pad i That the following amendment to seo- direst review of adrmnistrati' action, pre- judges of district courts of appeal nor shall i 2, atole VI. of tho..Coastititon a1 ascribed tby la. n udge of a district court of appeal bea ha state ,] Florida is here agreed S TION .8l County .'courts.- paid a salary eoua to or greater than the "Ud shall 'submitted to, the electors (a COUNTY COURTS.-In'each county salary paid to justices of the supreme state ratification 'or ootiOn a bavlag a population gotin epoess of one court., Judges of county courta~n imagns- t ,o general eecttonto be heldV- 1970: hundred thousand according to the last trat, courts shall be compensated by sal-. j,'Section 2 Electors.-'Every sotteM of deacenal census or census authorized by artes fixed by law, and may diso be co* .- 'Jle United' States who is at lest eighteen general, law, and in other. ounty there pensated for nonjudicial servicesas provided ars of age and who has been-a', erman shall be a county olrt ntid that court by ,la. ,nt resident for one year IW the state and s ll have been abolished, an 'not reestab- SECTION IS Grand Jurlep,.- sIT 'months In a county, if rpistred a' limsed, by vote of the electors pursuant to ()' The composition, length of services ovided y law, shall be ele r of law except, a county court in counties with. nd number of grand. juries shall be pr-b . at apunty, Provisions maybe b=made y out a magistrate courexercising..county- ascribed by general law. For these purposes, fw for other bona ide residents of the wide territorial JUriadbttion shall not be counties may be reasonably classified on ' state who an, at least eighteen years of abolished. the basis 'o oulatio. t vote- .e the election of presidential (b) COUNTY JD .-- aereB hall be (b),A gran jury. shall be con ened t0 etOc ,provided by law one more Judges for each county at least once in 'each yer . N BR2 (c) J SDICT.oNut ,'".-uty" outa. :., l (a) The proceedings' of grand jurin _- NUMBER 2 shall be'reculated by rules adopted by the I Conference Committee Joint Resolution have then be'ibed by general upreme oures aopt y f 2 ... law.ny lre povided by law, the county Judge (d)Except as a reasonable incident to ia me A JOINm T RESOLUTION propoitg an of any. Bfa y ihe ex officio j o report Of it fintdii relating to the ad- amendment to the Constuon ofthe u t.s ,magoilstrate court within he count y. on. an iand care" npubllc property aandJ of Florida, adding new Seion 14 to Art. ldtions upon which chartered counties or facilities, the conduct f public business or ea t b leg ina munlcipalies may authorize county courts theper ormance dut es public icers e X, relating to legahL .gl atre W proesly t'rythe performance o duties by:public officers Be It Resolved by e are o issue process and try violations of the or employees, no grandJ shallmake ate of Florida: 'ordinanes may be ptsrd by law. prentment, other than a normal charge That the following.amendment adding SOCTION 9..Magltrate courts- of crime, which is 'derogatory. 9f any per- section 14to lArticle I X of the onstitu- ()COURTS.-Thire shall be a mag- eri"hon. o. a ; ton o the State of Florida s hereby rate in each county or, if the county SECTION 19. State attorneys-In ean agreed to and shall be submitted to te be died by law in state Court il circu a tle attorney shall be tUv or district strate ia ircuittate e tto attolbey shall' be lecto of this state for ratificaton Or districts, t each magistrte coutrdIs40t, lecied for a term of fouryears to pet geection at the general eleton to be held unless that court shall have been abolished, form duties prescribed by aw. State attor-. t 9 70: ... M.in and not reestablished, by vote of the electors ys sha appoint such number of assistant Section I,., Legal Maj or .,,. pursuant to -law except, a magistrate court ate attorneys as may be authorized by Every prox shall reach ofsteas a ut E y pn d e ga .exercising. countrywide territorial jurisdiction law the .ars of state attorneys -a Supon attaining the age o e eighteen in une without a l y court sha ll. a te l aw oeyasaube xed years, and thereafter sal hal ave all the tnoct sicourls. wto t asinti saei atoret ysi shual be fi by ights and responsbities of an edO O Ne SECTION 20. Attorneys; admission' sail rights and responsibilities of an adul te e ayrbea b o aish d. t d orna ng d beou lar t gene raln ,-lra w. eIe, ab i e io e NUM BR n: (b) NUMBER OF JUDOES.--There _hall discipliae.--The supreme court shall have Joint Resoluton No. 5312 b e one or more Jugs or each magistrate .xclusive jurisdiction to regulate, in such A- puRESOLUTIONne propelos a ren. courts proviTdded by. law. manner ntd through such agencies as may S A roINT esofUTi M (c) JUR DIo N.i-Te judges of mg- hbe prescribed by its rules, the admissio.b 'elang to ,Athe udicialdeartm t of the trCate ourts sha perform such duties of' persons to) the practice of law and the airing to the judicial department of the and exercise such jurisdiction as shall be discipline of personal admitted. eo t Re lv the b b elatere of the prescribedlby general law. Conditions upon SECTION 21. Trial by jury. -Eve ry charge aBte o tori sc byc whichChartered counties or municipalities of violation of a county or municipal or- (b efliodaa utoidte vte .. or t t ou f oanutin ohaed uy p olao s t at the following proposed revisionof may authorize gistrat o to issue dance which is also a option of state Article V of the Slate Constitution. is agreed Anurros of t r eid the oin lawu ina court In whichia 'jury trial ies not rd the t eio oee n laed shall be tran re pon demand'. to- and shall be submittedtothee s ma y e resribed-cboyn tla perr adsoshall hanea ot 'Florida for ratifaton reectionat authority shall be given to a magitrate of the defendant, to i an apthproi ate court the nexr general election to be heldi court to 'violations 'oflbounty, ordinans wceri hicha trial by jury sh ay be secured., November, 1970. 'vSECTIONeioeions of c orl rdineancheecouION-2b.tic o( Te5u antal rewording of article. For unless authorized in the 'charter of the rtial, exhsatce url redi placing aeo" b stnt text s e Articlea dministrae nti county, or'aptved by vote of the electors (ca. r Ti l ae san enu in o c all .5 e t e ofi the,- county. A-rte t on stitti of 1 ealed (b h einL V e e Se EC.TIO.N 1- hAdd ion 'membar oAddN amnoded, which shall then stand repe ale ARIC Et in al'jg s br for any cortcept theen y r. Except 'to the extent inconsistent' , SE CTION' 2C l.Al m ,ational-' -edge'forh a ny lourd cept thep pnre o ith the o'prote d visionf this article," all incudiNg .Jstigr .. preme c ourt may be authorized by law upon r ic l w re o t e SE TION. 0 'Cr Ts. ee supran courtso th bf redtr bve da (1) ourh stirle bepame eof etieshall shall ne vested a supreme court, 4W SECTION 11. Specialized divisions ofn the tec e _date ou thi eartcoe shall tlct courts of appeal, circuit t courts, county crclt courts.-t inue in effect until superseded I courtS; =ae (ate jus-,c.. ..* s ,a rses So uri. m aai rnt, c t ot tea courts courts.-is fors, the co f str Ftie C u ts e soe ua J (a) DIISIONS; lJU o mSDICTION.- uiom ann tric et th e jurized by the constitution.' est d for the trial ofofesThe s aginustrb oi e otr system of established by division of the ) On the effective cate of this article 'olf mde assor chartered counties, and f ir me seste of s ai she dibyelneral and until changed by general law adopted.u ests of ished ub laws a court of re view theft hreaft tre shall be ie t is ei f.a.isa olv. ,dctio. Ad minseta lawtive o T l con 1 es havingoa population in co; ..h. a whichb the o ab l trat ve eAing o. e m r arive t d u codin icuit court i, each u county in which the f.sb or oesmaytue o e geerae a esces of onee hundre.d. thousand jurisdiction excess of one hundred filers. or wories mayteg acnnted quad- to the last decennial ceniuS ,or'Other census it ,,sIo .laton a"Ixcs tud cal power in matters o e on dwitohh to r e of ir by general lo s each division thousand according' to thjudgeast decnnial - the f tionk of their offis, and their or- xer the sp ic iclon fixed by census or other census, authorized by general ra shell be review ed as provided by law. .eer ll t s action' S m d ee b -law, a juvenile thein domestic relations dli -: and preds re-t suprmecourt law one or more circuit judges fo r each o'e dsion.lt( ntd l provided byo general law asl adopt rules o a qu s T onceren t ,o r e v .e. e e 'astalised.to b y b required s to section 11(a) herein, each suche (a) the a Istatp e supervision of specialize d division of a circuit court division aseallti cases eeineach o courts except courts isitablmbel for the triai shl] Tbe judges only of ali their te urista b circuit court c f o e against onohersdinarnce courtno ethe county ineshich oteir respective pursuant tio rules adopted d by the supreme of offenses againstpordinances ofal "u.dia- in me' to Juac ori ecalisg court.. c ...... pealtes orof tch arordurs pon the dea divisions are situate.. Judges o o o of speiaize otll pl tie ohnr to ou ties divisions shall bMe. uielted to their re pe c- (d) After this a ticle' becomes effective, Se(b) the aignmente of justices an d Ju t]ginsy the t s edto g ra of the cous n. and, until changed juh law consi ten wie Including consenting retired justices skid ve divisions by there dtltors of ste c ho n attilcg y lw c w Judges, to temporary duty in. any eourtso ty' r which th eitr diviins are ite rt supreme court shall ave the (e) practice and 1rcedure, In hall couta, ) ,JURISDITION eaOF JUDGES -All ectieon em unediate yer te th tal eor the Including the s tima e 'or. seng 'a ppellatej ofr ofth tirec it court in s cisunty sdiction ia theretofore exer review; n including judges' ofi pi lzed divisions, tD se court ict ceis ouappea ll jugave I (dl the or eteria fc r hoofing cobtn shall have e aurqisdicu tionto hear ami stit courts s oappe shall he e the transferof any matter t he within the jurisdiction dof- the Cirut co exercieed"by the, thero proper court -whenthe jurisdiction of a com m in. that county. m Eldbit A. or ties or () )t ireuit course i shall have othe curivs a cas been tonorlihenty l voke t of Eshell be a ci ien and e lec tor'of the diction immediate ely theretofone exercised yh ad SEC ION o. aef Justice.--of su-o re st at a u r de in' the territ corial in them and by th the courts abolished by this (a l t or) The chlofi 'Jstice of the judgpre supremee artmle, except the jursdictio nvestedby, court shall be the ch.4ef admiustrative' -tion of his court. A justice of the e this article,othercourd he j save bu t b) At the bemegin of eac gu e a" peal or aourt, 'of review of administrative (4) lf "additiOndto the'trial of mris ea- S pean oo 'tthbe .eginnlrem oa o rengul theae- action must have beecoun a member of 'the nors, each County 'court shall have iell ofa shl bfthy league in re.r I th e .n i tice bar of Forda for the preceding ten yers the jurisdiction lmmeaditely ,theretob o ex-t shl. qeh io by message ndm may itsofthe wonritson A tfa ion baufd curtmustju s've e ercised by the county eudge s court;te of the Judicidl system and recommsen mesta- judge of a cireauit court u o' mushe veherenby cu l the t court, an theany sures fort the urov ist ment of thi e acni sa a ember of the bar of Florida for there unty cou t, he orpren i te courts andte trateon of justice. v I ceding live years. Each judge o f a county n jg ca im s court esh ide o b'a the SECTION 4. S hreme Court- court or- agitrate court must, be a mem~ cnt therespective ioun styh medatea ly beforit (a) OROiAN lONe,- e supreme court erof the bar F lorida unless otherwise e r te unre yd c m e effective. eor Shell oisit 'yen 'judgstices. one of whom provided by general or special i(5)agst rae courts in eah cout ns shall be chosen chief' justice by the men SECTION 1i. Vacaincies.-The governor a oz MagistratcorsI eah county ha eers of e o r Fie juties hy allt con'shall fill by appointment each vacan-cyin exercise in their' respective counties and ote of the ceort Five justices s and shl can- oefie. ,, dical omlnatinF coms districts the jurisdiction in civil cse, acond stitute awtsorui' ceTheiConcurrence of four judicial offie.. Jumdocia no minating cimo s thtl ab n r To onadei ie of missions ma' 'be established by ,law and the trial jurisdiction in crmin al\ eases ex Ssha l tse cessary to a N ec mon. c appointments o judicial office ay be erased by thale respeil ve somaroug claims courts, (b) JTh e supreme court: so fin ju dg lmit-edb to ine of suc commissions All whose judges held no other office, small (insetof trial courts niposlog be ide th appointmentsto judicial-nomin atingfsuch o- claims-magistrate courts, magistrates court (1) Saeris hearaeas lops fromefinale be. appointment bt oejbe om e indmiialc q onre- of record of o ounia on -, enlts of rmis r court mposl the d ea mte missions shall be subject to onfiration of Brev ar Conty, traffic court of Hills- l-penalty and from orders of tral of s tr court n by the Sena te. t borough County, and Justice of the peace atially and directly passing on the validity SECTION 14. Elections tere bms.-e courts imdatd od the aerce bcte fA a' *t statute ora federal statute or (a) Justices a nd judge shall be chese effective, each udge being limited to the trbate or e donstralicng a provision h diction of their respective courts In the same court of which he was judge Ai judges of Ste, o tr e te a eder can uttutone a state o uts eeo shall e coroners aon '() May review by certiorari any decision manneraas other state and county officers to th rte ors oh e circuit a of a district court of. appeal that affects are elected or, when provided by generalcommitting magistrates. a class dtcottuton eal state offcers, law, in nonpartisan elections;' except, the (e)lWhen this article becomes effective: t t eaass onstutional o state offid the rsmethod of seletion of judges of the court (1). All courts not herein authorized shall bthapses upon a queston ertifid by t u of review of administrative action may be cease to exist and jurisdiction to conclude d distri ct cW of-appeal to be of great pu- ... ortt. d all pending cases and! enforce all prior li' inte At, ord'that is in direct 'conflict a slet, o. f an drct c f (h) The terms of all jstices of the judgments shall vest in the court which, ithe a isionf a other m district o 'm supreme court, judges of district courts of under this article, would have jurisdiction udappealn orof the s upremea court on the.saum appeal, judges of the courtof review of of the cause it thereafter instituted. All o. question t r law, and omay issue its' of administrative 'action-and circuit judges shall records of, and property held by, courts cr t to review, and allritisn ecesary to count ty-courts and magistrate courts shall proper ofcer of the appropriate cout undef the complete exercise of its Jurisdiction. e prescribed by general law The terms ,of In nle vin outo (3) When provided by law, shall hear justices of the supreme court and judges of (2) In counties hav idng a populationin appeals from'fialJudgmentsandOr the district courts of appeal shall e ap excess o oune nd re ousn accorn Strieal co~rs' imo sifngal ife antiprisnornst or propriately. staggered. to the last decennial census or other census entered l proceedings for the pralidatioet SECTION 15. Disciplne; retirement; re- authorized by general law, judges of county bnds4ocertifas oinbted andmoval.- judges' courts, juvenile courts and uvenile u writs of dcerifisatieoa o ethes c o (a)a There shall be a Judicial ualifieations and domestic elation courts shall bedom prevcribew 'of amntirati action and commie- of mission compared of"ao judges of the circuit court in the county rieou "estabished tbyelaw and wisof C') two Judges of district courts of appeal in which they reside. The judgesof the civil niudgin e antab e warra by to ate w ri s of a pp oie b the judges of' those courts course of record of uade and utsohorough (4) Thre supreme court t or any justice may bYthe judges of. e s ad wuv oug, Monroe, Oangne, udget' l uhrtof. o pr or any judge thr'e- action a 'ppoitd by the judes of' that the civi and drsooat crcour t of record of B Kf "tir dsteict courts of appeal ed by tejdges of those courts and-one Broward, Brevard, Escambia,' Lee, Manatee, t r ... 4,,,,.^e+e4,tt in the county In which they reside. may issue writs of mandamus, certiorari, (d i) .'-"- .nn. a ......on not prhibition, quo warrato, and other writ qualifications commission, concurred by (8) In count ties having a popular on not necessary to the complete exercise of Its two thirds of its members, the supreme In excess of one hundred thousand accord. jurisdiction. To the extent necessary to court may order that any justice of the su- ng to the orizlast decennial census or other dispose of all issues In a cause properly preme court, judge of district court of census authorized by general law, judges of befdspose of all issues trict a cause prort of apperly appeal, judge of the court of review of ad- the county judges' courts shall become judges before it, a district court of appeal may R e.al judge eg of the coun court in the county in which exercise any of the appellate jurisdiction ministrative action, judge ofa circuit court, of the conresdety court in the county in wtion of the circuit courts, and when provided by law any judge of they reside. In counties having a population SEo ON 6. Court of review of admints- a county court or. judge of a magistrate not in excess of one hundred. thousands ac trative action.-There. may be established court, may be disciplined by private rep. cording to the last decennial census or other by law a court of review of administrative rimand; removed from office, with termina- census authorized by general law, judges 'atIon composed of'n ot less than three tion of compensation, for willful or perais- of juvenile courts who hold no other office judges It shall have appellate Jurisdiction tent failure to' perform his duties or for shall become Judges of the county court to hear, appeals from uch administrative other conduct unbecoming a member of the in that county, and for the remainder of action as may be prescribed by law. Three judiciary; or involuntarily retired for any their terms, they shall receive a salary not j. judges shall consider each case, and the disability which seriously interferes with less than they received as juvenile court concurrence of two shall be necessary to a the performane of his duties and which Judges immediately before the effective dat :,decision. The Judges of the court shall be is permanent. of this article. The Judge of the court of subject to Impeachment. ) ju c o judge shall Dot serve record of Alachua County shall become a S iOMN.7. iOrcunts ourts..-- after attaining the ageao f seventy Y jud of the county court of Alchuac County. fa ) UDICIAL OIRCCITS- te state by except to complete a term half of which (4) 'Justices of the peace, judges of the ... i. ...rn..,,a I.w ,mn tAmnoortarr assinment, small iams.magistrate courts, magistrates court of Brevard County, traffic court of thousand doording to the d e fe6la 6I c 't f di " smalbl0 Count, a the dg of or other census authorized by a l law credit of t&e StatedofbFlorid. f ceamsh out h old no thr ta e t s a t comeseffec (b) No such bonds shall be issued unlessI s bemejdsoofmagitatetive shall become a judge o f the circuit a state fiscal agency, created by law, has 3 cOurts, each serving, or the remainder of court in that county for the remainder of a made la determination thcreated in no states hi term, a magiamte court district Iden- term expiring with the term of other cir. sc a termination that si no state o .. shall be assigned oth al .year will the debt servicebrequire-I tical with his forner-teriltorial jurisdiction. cuit judges and shl e sned by the mets of the bonds Proposed to be issued (5) Until otherwise provided by county chief Jsatice of the supreme court to service and all other bonds secured by to be plsuedged charter or by vote of the electors pursuant In an appropriate specialized division of revenues exceed on secuventyfivred by the pledged to law, there shall be a constable, elected the circuit court in that county of the pls eeed seventyfive (s. ) per cent or term o tour ears, to each magistrate '(in) CL S F COUT After the (c) The state may lease any of such. court district succeeding to the territory .effective date of this article, clerks ^Of facilities toa l e any ota suchy, of a justice of the peace district existing courts shall continue to serve a follows underle to a-py urocal governeemental orgency, Immediately before the effective date of (1) Except as hereinafter providedt periods and undeagreement or such other tAns and this article, clerks of th circuit court will continue to conditios and under such their t ually and (6) When no provision has been made serve in such offices in their respe conditions as may be mutually agreed umay pledgeon for the judge of any court abolished by this counties. er respect ve The local goverivmental agefrom such leasypledfa- article, such judge shall become a judge of (2) In counties having a population not tie revenue served from such leased f ta- the, court in which is vested the greater in excess of one hundred thousand accord- paymentie of rentals thabe funds or the part of the jurisdiction of his previous ing to the last decennial census or census addition, the l fa reuh anderdit and, n court lor the remainder of hie term or, in authorized by general law the elective taxing powthe r of such angov credit and the event he becomes a circuit nd for clerks of the courts abolished by this article agencies may be such pledged for the pay movement the remathder of a term expiring with the who are in office immediately before the of such rentals be pledgedut the paymention of terms of othert- circuit judges. effective date of this article shal serve the freeholder electorals withor qualified election ofrs. (f) SIC,-IAL d -o PROV ISONS.--The remainder of their term s ipclerkis tof the (d) The state may also isaue such bonds following special provisions shall apply to county courts in their reepeotive counties fo purpose of loaning money to local he designated court ,a nd, counties super with. alaries not less than the were re- go vernmental agencies for the o undil siste ijt general proevisi.ons iingimmediately beforeethe effective date of such facilities to ond or o (1) For purpo of this article, with the of eths article. by any of such local governmental agencies exception of section ,lahua County shall (8) Except as hereafter vided, in h loans shall obear interest at not mores. be considered a n a population ,not counties having a population in excess of than s ne-hal l of one per cent per annum in excess d o ro nu:tie-d-" thousand until one undored thousand, the elective clerks greater than the last preceding ssue' of after the l1980 'dn al eennia ,census, of the courts abolished. y this article statebonds pursuant to this section, shall .(2) In Esc j' Conty until otherwise are in office immediately before the be secured by the pledged revenues, and provided by law ,aprored by vote of the effective date of this article shill serve the may be additionale secured by the full 'electors, eid.in Boward Contil,.un-t 'oth,- remainder of their term is deputies to the faith and credit of the local govern-ental wise prdvi ded'b .lawthere halle a county cle*k of the circuit court' il their respective a 1 : he o clerk who shall clerk'of the board tetinties with salaries not .ea than, they e Te total utstanding principal of of county .com t iaoe county recorder, wete receiving immediately before the sta bos issued pursuantto this section and ex office addito- itnd shall perforMn fective date of this artc. 14 shall never exceed fifty (50) per cent the ute prescribed by law. () In Escambla and. ro rd Counties of the total tax revenues of the state for (8) In Escamniba and Broward 'Counties 'thi persons holding the offices of clerk of the two preceding fiscal years. unt otherwise revided by law, ,the clerk the circuit court immediately before the .. er.. of the ce it t shall serve as clerk of effective' date of this article shall become, NUMBER 5 all magistrate courts in the'respective coun- for the remainder of their temn, the co House Joint Resluti N 792 ties. an perform, duties prescribed by law clerk of their respective counties A HJOINT RESOLUTION proposing, an I ) Polk Count the clerk of the criminal offices are established in section' 2Z f) (2):. to JI icl's u eas aX Ie'urt oflk'cota bhllc, unll otherwise pro. of this article. am endmentto Section II of ArticleJ of v14e4 by law, smrvtas clork' oi all magis. ((5) In Escambia stal Bowara Copnti the s foridale onstitn ovidnge audtor rate courts and" perform duties prescribed r te onsr holding the offices'of'- rk h for seF oi'noveueigcnty submerged lands only by.. law. of the court of record immedatel befoe when in the public interest and provdin (4), No magistrate court shall be estab- th effective date of thiarticle shall' become subhority for use of sveregnty listed by this article in any counl y in the clerk of the cireul court in their. rds- s meped a only when not contrary to Which Immediately before the effective ate pective counties for the remainder of, their Be t Resolved by the Le re of th of this article 'there ws:no jusrice of theS teem. t State of Forida p a peace court, maglihtatacourt, or small 4 'DELETION OF. OBSOLETE SCHo Stat e 0nstttin. ment of calms court whose judge' holds no other D ITEMS.-The legislature shall h ave Section 1 of Artil eiof the Onsttdtion offiCe, .except a magistrA court- shall e the power, by concurrent resolution, to OftFlorida rteed -to and shall 'be subtto established in Pinellas County upon the lete from this art ele any subsection of the is fitted to the;'eleoto fs ofthe -tatef ti- effective date hereoef section 22, including th ise subsection, b hen at B It rejcone e wheeatre or ra-t "(g) L13TED" OPERATION OF SOME all-events to which the subsectionto ben tob held in November, 170: ction fLL mPROVIS.IONS,- 'le ,deleted Is or could become applicable haV S 5 So veogt .... I title (1) The qualifications for appointment or occurred. A legislative determination at fa to lands und overignty lands-, within titlhe election to judicial office fixed, by' section made as a basis for application of this, .leandrs of 'ra ae, waichUw n ot 12 shall not apply to the future election subsection shall be sdbject tol judicial re- b undaiesaf-, te state, which have not f persons to judicial 'offices hel d by them view' e a high water lines, is held by to e immedately fter this article becomes effe- (o) EFFETIVE 'DATE ess there mean gh water lines held y tie. l wihs i bse provided herein, this rtcle shall b- 'state,,by -virtue of its sovereignty, in trust (2), No justice o judge holflng office come effective at 12f01 o'clqerk A.. East. tr a11 the people. Sale a tUch lands may immediately after this article becomes ef el Standard Time, July 1, A D., 1971.- the public interest. private use of portions festive who held judicial of on June 0, of such lands may be authorized by law, 197, shall be subject 'to retirement from, nt NUMBER 4' but only when not contrary.-to the public judicial office pursuant to section 15 (e). Committee Substitute for House interest. (s) Except as provided in sections 1, 2(c) p, Jont Resolutions No. 35 and 4040 ur th 8, 8(c), 9(c) and 21, this sgticle shall not A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing an NUMBER 6 apply to courts having jurisdiction for the amendment to Article VII of the Consltto- Senate Joint Resolution No. 1592 trial of offenses against ordinances of mu- tion of the State of Florida adding section A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing an nicipalitIe cor counties. 14, permitting the issuance, when author- smeni fent toi he State Constitution; amend- (4) The court authorized by Article VIII, ized by law, of state bonds'to finance the ing Section 15(b) of Articej iM; providing sections 6,(e) ad.-6(f), of the Constitution construction of air and water pollution for four year terms for e0 nbers of the as amended in 1968 shall not be affected control and abatement and solid waste dis- House of representatives. by this article except as provided in ecposal facilitiesto be operate by the state Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the tons 1 2(c), 8, and 1. or by municipalities, counties, districts, State of Florida: I ' (5) Notwithstanding the a provisions office tho Thates thand other governmental agencies, That the following amendment to Section section 7(a), and until otherwise provided to be primarily secured by a pledge of 15(b) of Article III of the State Constitution by law, the one year jda tel circuit as con- all or any part of revenues or rentals to s agreed to and shall be submitted to the stituted immediately '..prior 'to" the adoption be derived from operation of such facilities, electors of Ilorida for rutificatlon or re- provided hereof to the. ele orsof Florida for rati e settion or A -JOINT RESOLUTION fcti ono f this ar DICAll DUontinue to constitute special ass the ssents, and other revenues held- ameetion at the next general election toe VIIbe JUDGES.-circuntilt. galy available forsuch purpose, ndprovi ad- held in November the State Constitution to authorize s970:chool the) onjudicl JdutiES- reqUntil chang- ditionally secured by the fupollaith and Setion 15.o lTerms and qualflorem tationexcess of ed bdgy esw tshall be erormd bgey ofthe ir- judgcredit of the Staltof Florida; providing for legislators.-en (10) mills fcu th court courts uit shountl e that certification by a state fiscal agency, created (b) year ESENTATIVES. Members of that office exists, and action countic), increase fby aw,that sufficient of thevenues 'will the house of representatives shabll be elected bythere n o ounty cojudgert of other courts be r-svalable to pa all debt service require whfor terms of four ears Tholdse from ven formed y the officer'.to whom they may construction of air and water pollution con- .exempt from taxatio- becomingcired byuit udgesproclamation of tnhe gover s ments for such abatement hands; providing for the numbered districts involved by the yeargislathe numbers section, with or.e additional judge in the pledge of the full faith and credit of coun-S'of which Lre multiples of four and those circuit in hi SOLIIted Dual County ties, operate municipalities, districts, authorities, 'from odd numbered districts in even num- and one a .dditnal' judge in the circuit inded adis agencies thereof for payment of rentalsof heed years the numbers of which 'are not which is located' the state capital. -' to the tate'unaer lease-purchase agreements; multiples of four; except. at the election by law,() ELEouTION O JUDGES or-Shouldnty prose- (hprovidereing efoerre lo as to local governmental is agreed following and shall brtionment some rep- vision he maq by,,'aw for the nonpartisap agencies. ', rIsentatives shal be elected for terms of election ofattorneys, justicen those offies in odd- agencit esolved by the Legincy nature of the t years he necessaryy tion or re-m.n numbered years, the first such law may Stateof.to'ida: staggered terms. -. proby lavide, that the term of each diclasses office That th bollowng amendment to Article tion at the general election to be held ginning ne jurisdicxt the first such elective a pledVII of the State constitution, addingmriee-ly NUMBER 7 November 1970. oicesall be one year sorter then adate otherwise on 14al agreed to and shall be subittede- ouseTI Jont. LResolution No. 1262 prticle herein to th rived ors'of Florida for such tifacii tions, or A -JOINT R schOLUTION parts, aingd mu- cou(j) NONJUDICIALtor or coDUTInty OF COUNT rejection a the general election tobe held amendmentieto s section 9 of Article VIImay, they onjudi elect duties required. of county Set-purchaseon 14. Bonds for pollution erovided boards to levy ad valorem taxes in /excess juany costy eept by rorvote o the electors or, and abatemet ctiher revenues. tha)t may be legallof ten (10) mills forperiods up to ten of that county courts counties in wable hich or suchtate purpose, including the (10) years for capitals, improvement pur- that office exists, and in counties in which full faith au uv dlt of the statewmay be poses when authorized by vote of electc"- there Is no county court they' shall be per- issued without an election to- finance the'who, are owners of freeholds not wholly forme(1)by the officersON to whom they may con struction of ar and water pollutiany con- exempt from taxatio.es on be assilgied by proclamation of the gover- trol and abatement and solid waste disposal Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the nor. facilities (herein referred to as "facilities") S8tate of Florida: (k) dCDUNTY SOLICITORS, PROSECUT- to be operated by any municipality, county That the following amendment to' Section ING ATTORNEYS.-t"Vlntil otherwise provided ] district 'or authority, or any agency thereof 9 of Article VII of the State Constitution Slaw, county scoulicitors or county prose- tion therein referred to as "local govmentl is agreed to and shall prope submitted to the taing attorneys,ion ien those office ne hundrexist agencies"), or by any agency f the State hbelectors of this constate for ratification or reon. by law,"shill prosecute the classes of crime i of Florida. Such bonds shall be secured by ,Jeotion at the general election to be held within the jurisdiction of their respective a pledgerof and shall be payable -primarily in November 1970. offices immediatelyprior to thei date this.from all or any part of revenues, to be de- I SECTION 9. Local taxes.- article becomes effective. The offices. of rived from operation of such facilities, special It(a) Counties, school districts, and mu- county solicitor or county prosecuting attor- assssmebtIs, rentals to be received under nicipalities shall,,and special districts may, ney, if elected, shall not be abolished in least-purchase agreements herein provided be authorized by law to levy ad valorem any county except by vote of the electors for, any ether revenues that may he legally taxes and .may be authorized by general law of that county. available for such purpose, including revs- to levy other taxes, for their respective (1) POPULATION CHANGES.-Each judge I nues fromn other facilities, or any combina- purposes, except -ad valorem taxes on in- of a county, court in a county which at- ition thereof '(herein collectively referred to tangible -personal property and taxes pro- tains a population In excess of one hundred I as "pledged revenues"), and shall be ad- hibited by this constitution. p Ia- (b) 4d' Wafote iti ewluulspof laWes levied -for the payment of bonds and taxea levied for period not longer than twol",)-. years, or not longer than ten (10) ..ars' n the case of taxes designated by a school board, for capital improvements, when ac- thorized by vote of the' electors who are the owners of freeholds therein not wholly exempt from taxation, shall not be levied in excess of the following villages upon the assessed value of real estate and tagibl personal propriety: for all county purposes, ten (10) mills; for all municipal purposes, e ten (10) mills; for all school purposes, ten (10) mills; and for special districts a village authorized by law approved by vote of the electors who are owners of freeholds therein not wholly exempt from taxation. A county furnishing municipal services may, to the extent authorized by law, levy addi- tional taxes within the limits fixed for mu- nicipal purposes. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have here- ento set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Florida at Tallkhassee, thb Capital, this the 20th day of' AUgust, A.D., 1970. TOM ADAMS SECRETARY OF 'STATE (SEAL) 1 .27 9-24 Legal Adv. NOTICE OF ELECTION Be it know that L Tom Adams, Secretary of State of theiState of Florida, do hereby give intice that a GENERAL ELECTION will be held in Gulf County, State of Flor- ida, on Tuesday next succeeding the first Monday in November, A.D., 1970, the said Tuesday be"nt the THIRD DAY of NOVEMBER to fill the following offices; United States Senatog... Representative in Congress for the First Congressional Distrikt Two (2) Justices of the Supreme Court. Two (2) Judges of the District Court of Appeal for the First Ap- pellate District Groups A and F. nor. Secretary; of State. ' Attorney General. Comptroller. - Treasurer. Commissioner of Agriculture. Commissioner of Education. Two (2) Members, Florida Pub- lic Service Commission: Group 1 and Group 2. Members of the State House of Representatives for the following House Districts: 8 and 9. Judge, Small Claims Court. Board of County Commissioners, Districts 2 and 4. Members of the School Board, Districts 1, 2 and 5. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto est my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capi-, tal, this the Fourteenth day of Au- gust, 1970. TOM ADAMS SSecretary of State (SEAL) 4t-9-10 *000 1 ...aallableto bitonourpropey anywhere...outin 8 the counlhy, at the beach or lake ... the mountains ... almost anywhere In more than 30 states... not a temporary place to live, bt a permanent home, con a buit Suing higb quality materials and construction .. onthatisal certantgain In value Instead of depreclat- gIn... a good Invesment for your hard-earned monqy. Panama Cit P. 0. Box 246 Unit No. ***qualified property owners get... MORTGAGE FINANCING 0 *4 U1m Lme f o Mm&mCOM9Xge s& I WOd Me. a gom pmpmmNrsi.lu nd. stand the wouk bno mto 6W. and that yam WOW9ld svs y, Fla. 32401 : 1 Phone 763-4282 I ar-.L n a I'14-^, *M,..J..I - I lwnpprepetrtn Israt I I--- -J .~ at u~uy imcina~r THE 5TAR. Pd.' if. .. P'Vid THURSDAY, SEPTEMBEA if, PAGE THIKiWIPf1t .... W claim if the bill has been-paid. The odueSSaes out S Wt itiVe MedicareT Doctor Expenses yReceiveRobinson concluded by inviting anyone who has questions or needs Alost 40 per cent of tfipermon- Observation of a few simple safe- There ire, two ways to receive paid bills. Both the doctor and pa. from Me~eare showing what was tor's statement should show the pa- assistance in filing claims for reim- Ii&fa e of Floridailas I erived ty rules is essential to safe fuel. payment for e penses under the tient have to agree on this method paid. tient's name, date and type of bursement under Medicare to con- ,rom. trades add services, as com- ing of pleasure craft, says the U. doctor bill part of Medicare, accord eore it can be used When the the doctor does not e as. treatment and the aount oct the social security office. The Switch Siper cent nationally, S. Coast Guard Boating Safety De- ing INo James C. Robinson, Manager 4Qctor does accept assignment from signment, it is possible for the pa-. bill. This will help insure prompt 763-5331. The office for this area is Ipresde S o the lr ve taehment of Mobile, Alabama. O t teOffice., patient, the payment is sent 'tient to file a claim before the doe-. Whe e n thm located at the rear of 1316 Harrison president of the Florida State endePatrentgetsthe money _.. e of Commerce reported First -and most important of e t way ior the doctor directly to the doctor and the pator bill s paid. A paid bill is not from Medicare, he can use it to Ave., Panama City 32401 and is S dy. all put out that cgaret while file the claim or payment on un- tent receives a statement form I necessary. A that is required is a his doctor bill open Monday through Friday from ,'."This relatively high proportion fueling, along with all other flames, claim form with a copy of the doe8:30 to 4:30 except on national ho- O.trades andavices in Florida as and shut off spark-producing ma. -- "' w tor's statement attached. The doc- Of course, the patient can file the Idays. income hrpduoers is a characteris- chinery. Have a filled fire extin- . tic of the state's tourist-oriented guisher handy. Keep the ozzle o'r B.... Economyy' Stncer said. fill can in conitact-withthe tank n ""' A breakdown of the direct source to prevent a static spark. Avoid; .... * of personaincome of Floridians spilling fuel, and I don't ,y to fill n. l? *ll bar's Week Business Review and Aboard outhoards with reinm a- lhows t& establishmentss at the ble tanks, these containers should ' top of t istince they accounted be taten from the craft and filled. .PP ....D D OlNlTINA for 20 per cent of personal income on the dock. > 1 7 ' h se business accounting. h 'PROPOSE DISC NTINUANCE 19 On craft of closed construction f 1. .,t th, ith permanent tanks, close all' WOMEN'S WINTER LEAGUE series of 34. Dris Strickland ad T :m_-tint' ridx for 16 per catches and ports while fueling. The Gulf County Women's Win- the higher game forSwatts of 137 od natkikrfor 30"per cent. Then open the hatihes and ports er Bowling League started their While Patsy Cooley and Betty , and natiotllyfor 30 per cent. for ventilation, and run the bilge 1970-71 season last week with all Bouington tied for high series with Oe ..o rda vr.. o led. blower for at lea five minutes. eight teams complete and bowling a 356. Grieta Feeman picked up . 4 orf i o cauon, eaver- St. Joseph Telephone & Telegraph Company has requested the Florida s .t. -.o.. aver Sniff in the lower part of the tank exceptionally good for their first the 4-10 split. Good bowling girls. t ph Company has requested the -~o SIn. M dora, government con- and engine compartments if you night.We welcome all new em- LEAGUE STANDINGS W L Public Service Commission for \authority to discontinue its telegraph service as of tects at a provided 15 per cent smell gasoline, don't start! ers bowling their rst year,.in a Fla. First Nat'l Bank .... 4 0 Novembei 30, 1970, in the following towns: f the incbine contact constie- DON'T, BE A STATISTIC ON league St. oe Krafts 4 0 ior 9 P coNEXT YEARS BOATING ACCI- On Lanes 1 and 2, St. Joe Furni- St. Joe eFufltUreW Co. 3 1 Altha Florida Greensboro, Florida communicationo nf ancepublc utlities DENTS! tire took three gams. from the St. Joe Stevedores-------1 3 Ahh, Florida Greensoro, Florida fr8 per cent; finance, insurance Stevedores. Brenda Mathis Was 'Swatts Motor Co.------3 1 .. ........ e. fo T Apa" achicola, Florida Hosford, Florida tre for 5 ,er c enndt m rinp rests; extra heavy duty 4 for- high bowler for St. Joe Furniture Williams Alley Kats -----0 4 4 lda h ms 5ell ous for 1 pe r cent.and w a r d automatic transmission: with a high game 154 and high Basic 1 3 gether these sourceositive traction rear end; rear series of 457. Bertha Clayton pick- AN Railroad 0 4 5gether9 billion o these e personal in btoper; 15 signal lights and res; cole- ed up the 4-6 split. Captain Melba, Bri stole, Florida Sumatra, Florida come of 1lorhians last year. This redand white. Barbee of the Stevedores ba4 a 4ia Flor og ia, , coine of Florians last year. Thisrda iDbedreceived until Sep eamoe e h eC ClarASsVlle, Florida Telogi, Floridf amount was dee fa Bids will be received until Sep- high game of 159 and a high'series C SSF LADS ,Vgori amount was denied fromparticipa- member 30, 1970 at 7:00 o'clock of 436 "Midget Investments With orda tiosioxi the current production of P.M., Port St. Joe time, at the Of- 4. Giant Rturn Wewa tchka, Florida geoam nd the retirement program flee of the.e Clerk of fie Circuit O Lanes 3 and4, loda FirstGint Returns" nouating to A.4 billion, bringing Court, Port St. Joe, Florida. National Bank took all jya games the g to .4 pe nalo g The Board reserves the right to from AN Railroad. Bafiler Lois .The Florida Public Service Commission has directed that a notice of the -fre so e incie reject an ad a ll 2 Smith boiled a terrific high game proposed discontinuance be, posted: in the involved telegraph offices and also pub- "1 / CO)MMISSION, Gulf County of 191 and high series of 499. Mar lishgd for two (2) consecutive weeks in the local newspapers in the affected areas SALTER GRAHAM, ertWh urt had a gam D oastoinsure the public isawareofthe proposal. Chairman, 2t49-17 of ll and high series of 331 foraD rroe Sa the A ilrad Company. Le 'l NOTICE TO RECEIVE On. anes 5 and 6, St. Joe Kraft If there are any objections to the proposed discontinuance, the Commis- The Board of Couny CoImmis took ll four games from Williams a sion has requested that such objections be filed with it by no later than October St NOTICET RECEIVEDS sioners of Gulf County will receive AlYty KatE. Krafter Evelyn Smith 30, 1970, at the following address: Th BorSEAED BID Commis sealed bids from any person, com- bowled the high game of 191 and ** .* sionerd ofGulf County i pany, or corporationintered.in,igh series of 521. Her handiSap isC OMMISSION, signers of Gulf County will receive selling the County ,the .f. owmg 5; sorry Evelyn.`Eleanor Wifl- sealed bids from any person com. described personal property: i. only 5; so Attenton: B. H OVERON, puny, or ctrpoution interest f in One (1) Typewriter with 15.5" lhams bowled high for the Kats with Attention: Ml. )I OVERTON, telling the County the following carriage, single element-non mov- a game of 177 and a 474 series. T i IE Director, Rate Department Ones e pe rs9n pron truck ing carriage,, two: type styles. On Lanes 7 and 8, Basic lost three I700 South Adams Street, with custom cab; fleet side body; carbon rbbon and choice co- gamesto Satts Motor Co. igh TATAA ASSEE, FLORIDA 32304 V-4 I engine, not less than 283 4nter one .bid 'for cash sale, game for Basic was Wanda with a inch; heavy duty cooling sys- and enter one bid for lease-pur- 137 and Ellen Sidwell had the high _stem; heavy duty heater and de-: chase on monthly payment plan. roster; oil ba type ait leaner; Bids will be receive until Sep. large western type left hand re member 30, 1970 at 6:30 o'clock P.M., y mrror; 2 speedelectric Eastern Standard Time, at the Of- .wmadshield Wipers with wash- flee of the Clerk of the Circuit ers; dual sunvisors and -arm Court, Port St. Joe, Florida. .The Board reserves, the right to .COMISSIONGu] Couty anle ys Fall Value Spr... ,.....\ BOARD OF COUNTY Chairman 2t-9-17 'These are IN THE. COUNTY JUDGE'S Dager. COURT, G, ULF COUNTY, Da ger FLORIDA. IN PROBA.TE. A M MA WHI: Al: Readings :IN RE:Estate of AUTOMATIC WASHER SALE for Batteries INEZJANDESON, "0 NOTICE TO CREDITORS ....*I' .All creditors of the estate of II*** : Inez J. Anderson, deceased, are S r QE ,." t herebynotifiedand requiredtofile, any claims or demands wjich theyI- ...----- ."What hot weather starts, cold may haveagainst said estate inthe weather finishes --both extremes office of the county judge of Gulf t 1 Imn l, nn I ss "'. s.o- dr.ain battery power. But before County, Florida, in the Courthouse, lSOFA SLEErPE RS THAT LuUl LIKE SOFAS you fill the air with electrifying at Port St. Joe, Florida, within six | oaths, see us 'fdr a checkup of calendar months from the dateof your starting and charging system. the first publication of this notice. -* rmfort b-- i$l, S We'll. find the real trouble .*with. Each claim or demand must be in I lil c moltl-Tea ty ay out obligation. writing and must state the place of SI tro i residence and post office address ,S' pini ghpfot-luxur b ge eed automatic ,yaw tpr roble r 'owe carryL of the claimant and must be swor '/ee1flfln Comronup ,UxL uni.r. ; S S A m and recommend the to by the claimant, his agent, or waser finestt NAPA bat- .his attorney, or it wi become void 3 selection washer loads a liner battery according to law. I k ,ir1 de adnd we can September 10. 1970. ; .I* Gleaming white porcelain prove it. *W. O. ANDERSON, enamel top and lid AdministratoiY of the Es-. T A T tate of Inez 3 Anderson, Spin tub, porcelain enamel STI. I AUTO- deceased. SAVE NOW AT CECIL G. COSTIN, 4R. -' ;-. DANLEY'SI Port St. Joe, Florida 4t-9-17 Attorney for Administrator r 1 V' c-N NOTICE - * COUNCIMEN of MEXICO BEACH "WHY SPENIP $35,000.00 SPECIAL o S WE DON'T HAVE $168 Smart tailoring assures lasting beauty Jamison design and construc- FOR A DRAGLINE THAT YOU tion assures easy double duty with an extra bedroom literally at your ADMIT WILL NOT K E E P fingertips. Big sleeping comfort for two on the separate Jamison Sleeper THE CANAL OPEN? Inner-spring mattress. Choose now from our wide selection of colors and fabrics, VYO I Are ig SU 'Obligating .AROUND THE CLOCK SPACE MAKER by JAMISON pend OUR MONEY Wisely Includes 2 Spacemaker Studios and Decorator Table INTERESTED TAX PAYERS Complete Set $198.00 MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS Made for Danley by Jamison Reg. Price $85.50 for the Set ISAVE $14.90 $7 *0(V I' 3-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE early American with plastic tops ed, Dresser and Mirror Rich nutmeg maple finish $ 15 9 LARGE SWIVEL ROCKER The perfect relaxer for the Fa 5 5 Television football viewing -15 season. V I 'S _I _ I j \ S.GE IETI STAL*Pot St. J i e 3245THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1970 RICH nd SONS' IGA S..idB Y fB +Tnl n til+l TNI B+ - PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA =,...._ -= a = -- With Low, Low Prices, a. Grade 'A' With $15.00 Order' POZEN ?GGS. FREE S Detergent W Giant s .-'e it -1 **'' '. ROBIN HOOD With $10.00 Order FLOUR 10Lb. IGA Tall Cana vap. Milk 7 : IGA FRUIT No. 30 Cans ' COCKTAll 44 SHOWBOAT -- Nd. 2% Pork&Bea 1.' IGA -f46 unce Can Orange Ju "'THE MLGHT ONE" - Crisco Oil Cans ins 5 a$1.000 48 Ounce Jar $ $100 or Mo Bag Tablerite Pork oiSliced Bottles $100 -F98c ,re Tablerite Center Cut Rib LB. Tablerite Fresh $1.00 Pork Chops 88c Pork Steak 58c Tablerite Center Cut Loi c$1 t00 Pork Cho| S:Tablerite Center Cut P <. 0 n Loin Roas $10. Tablerite Country -Style' * / SPARE RIBS-- in LB. ps 98 Tablerite Beef Chuck .."' um a -:+ + + e ,- m .,- TE" JibAK lb. 68C I / 0 ]Frosty Morn Sliced Little sizeris e 12 Ounce Package 8 Bacon. I 6b 9 HORMEL SAUSAGE pkg. 49c Copeland Smoked PICNIC Shoulders lb Tablerite Fresh 43c GROUND BEEF .- 31bs. $1.59 :AsSeen On hTelevision SFabuo.uss All-Metal SLAD MAKER SHREDS-SLICES -CHOPS-GRATES-EVEN SHAVE ICE LIMITED TIME ONLY Exclusive Offer A ,+O aY... + ^Sj. o Available Only At IGA Georgia Grade A SMALL EGGS PENNY Tall Cans Dog Food, Pkgs. $1.00 -$1.00 HEALTH and BEAUTY AIDS Campbel's No. 1 Cans .LOOK AT WHAT 10c WILL BUY! TOMATO SOUP can $1.00 Skin Tone or Vanishing Cream (Reg. 98c Val.) FI D PEAS Swift's -4 6e C CLEARASIL 88c Meium Yellow ONIONS VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 cans $1.00 Geora-Red Reg. 89c Value 'WFT fPnTATnFq li Swift's 8 Ounce Cans ' POTTED MEAT cans $1.00 Delicious Boxes of 12 JUMBO PIES 3 boxes $1.00 Stokely .j> GATORADE 3qts. $1.00 DelMonte 46 Ounce Cons FRUIT PUNCH 3 cans $1.00 Blue Bonnet 1 Lb. Pkgs. 0 L 0' 3 Pk.$1.00 Butter-Me-Not CANNED 'BISCUITS---------6 cans $1.00 C . I E AV FEE A 01 L I U MIE t-------Il rA-IEEin --I------ uz o,,acn i,,c Mouthwash (Reg. 79c Value) LAVORIS --- 7 oz. btf. 69c FRZE OOS : Morton Chocolate, Lemon or Coconut Cream Pies 14 Ounce Pies $1.00 IGA 6 Ounce Cans LEMONADE --------9 cans $1.00 Morton 8 Ounce Pies POT PIES--------- 5 cans $1.00 Fill Your Freezer Fresh Shelled Frying OKRA ---lb. 19c P E AS / 4/ Fresh BELL PEPPER 5 pods 19c Guaranteed SWEET ONIONS lb. 19c 4 LARGE BAGS TENDER OKRA YELLOW SQUASH Cello Bags Fresh Ripe APPLES FALL Planting Time - S Is Here We Have All Kinds FALl. SEEDS ONION SETS, 'Etc. Lot and Commercial FERTILIZER Bags $100 3 Bags $1.00 Georgia Grown As Long As They Last Turnips, Collards, Thanks for Shopping RICH'S IGA We Save Cash Every Day On Top Quality Merchandise! 39c Camaletehl Home Owned and Oaerated by E. J. Rich and Sons Specials For September 23, 24, 25 and 26 ith $10.00 Order LD "i0 1o-oorol )~oC IGA 14 Ounce Bottle Catsup IGA CANND DRINKS 4 10 IGA- No. 303 Cans Apple Sauce 6.o $1.00 $1.00 LeSUEUR Shoe Peg Corn S"12 Ounce Cans"$.0 'Freh Flavor All Grinds r With $10.00 Order or More Maxwell House CAN , i o.: +" + ,o1 Can. s . . *_* r11 Cans $1.00 IGA Bathroom 4 Roll Pkgs. TISSUE 3 KRAFT JAM or 18 Ounce Jars Grape ,Jelly 3 2 You 'i __ __ mmmm I Our Own Pan- 't+ . Doz 3- i,+ ..o > .;^ ! SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS I |