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TWELVE PAGES ."* ''*f ^ **t A THE STAR "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" THIRTTHIRD YEAR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 -Star photo Sheriff's DepOty H. T. Dean, Port St. Joe Po- door of Western Auto Saturday morning t* build lice Chief H. W. Gtiffin and: Sheriff's Investigator their case against a suspect. Wayne White look for tell-tale marks oHi the back FBI-Wanted Couple Captur Harold L. Jarboe, age 33 and Gleiida. Gale Jarboe, age' 21, 'bothrof troy, Iidiana, are being held- in Gulf County jail on -sus- picion of .trying to, break into the Western Auto store heie in Port St. Joe Friday night. After being arrestei d riday night, it was. found that the pair is also wanted by the FBII and' an" Indianapolice department on 'several charges :f robbery.: *" Special police B. A. 'Collier ana New Students Givenl Week-to Regist*r Registration for students who will be attending Highland View Elementary School for the first time will be held the week' of August 24 through 28, from B830 to 3:00 p.m. This includes stu- dents who live in Highland FView, Mexico Beach, Beacon Bill and St. Joe Beach,. Ray Ramsey found the rear door to Western Auto tampered with but still closed shortly after 11:00 . p:m.: Friday night. They. sum- Smoned Asistant Chief M. A. Kel- ley and Patrolman Howard' Ro- gers to the scene and began an investigation.. " Collier decided to go around to the front of the. building to Sharks Entering Pre-Season Jamboree. In Tallahassee On September Eleven Port St. Joe's Sharks will ini' tiate their football season on Friday, September 11 by enter- ing their third football jamboree' which will be held in Bragg Sta- dium in Tallahassee. Bragg Sta. rium is the stadium of Florida A&M 'UTniversity and will provide ample seating for anyone who wLyes to attend. The jamboree game. will be played in five quarters with the participants as follows: first per- iod, Rickairds and Quincy Shanks; second quarter, Godby and Leon; third quarter, Leon and Rickards; fourth period, Port St. Joe and Godby; fifth quar- ter, Port St. Joe and Shanks. Tickets fer the jamboree may be purchased alt Port St. Joe High School, as well as at the jambo- ree. Season tickets for the Sharks regular football schedule will go' on sale at the high ,school office the first of next week. The sea- son tickets provide reserved seats for the leaders. Judge Middlebrooks OK's the Closing of Washington U. S. District Judge David Mid- dlebrooks gave final approval to Gulf Counity's integration plan on Friday of last week and approv- ed the Gulf, County School Board's action of closing Wast- ington Elementary 'School. The Judge's decision was made known here Saturday morning when the Board's attorney, Cecil Register Monday for, Adult School Program Registration for classes for the Gulf County Adult Institute will be held 1onday,'August 31 from 8:30 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Cen- tennial Building. In addition to the regular classes for high school comple- tion, classes in electronics, sew- ing, hightschool algebra and pos- sibly other classes if there are enough requests and if qualified instructors can be obtained, will be offered. Adult basic education classes will be offered at the Centennial Building, Highland View School, North Port St. Joe, the fire hall in White City, Wewahitchka High School and at th .old Carver Eligh School site in Wewahitchka. Both the Port St. Joe and We- wahitchka centers will be certi- Eied fpr Veterans' education. For information concerning classes in the Wewahitchka area, contact Mrs. Betty Holloway. For information about classes in the Port St. Joe area, call 227-5321 or 227-4806. G. Costin, Jr., received a letter from Judge Middlebrooks approv- ing the school closing. ' The Board closed the Washing- ton Elementary 'School in a spe- cial meeting, Monday, August 10 giving their reason as a savings of some $50,000 a year in mka- 'ing the move. Last Wednesday, Middlebrooks was to have given his final rul- ing on whether or not he would allow the move by the School. Board. The final decision was de- layed when a group of Negro James M. Langston. Is Taken by Death Funeral services were held Tuesday from the Zion Fair Bap- tist Church for James "Malliie. Langston, 63, of 253 Avenue B. Rev. C. P. Price officiated;. Langston had been a resident of Port St. Joe for 25 years. He passed away Friday of last week at the Municipal Hospital. Survivors include two sons,- David and Norris Langston, one daughter, Mrs. Maddie Thomas and a devoted loved one, Mrs. Gertrude Jackson all of Port St. Joe; one sitetr- Mrs. Ethyl. Glenn of Ft' Ogdefi; two brothers, H. B. Langston of Orlando and Phenn- ias Langst&n of Old Town; .five . grandchildren, four great grand- children and a host of nieces, 'ne- phews and cousins. C & W Chapel was in charge of arrangements. parents filed an action in Mid- dlebrooks last Wednesday asking that the Board's action be de- nied. The Negro parents alleged the school was being closed on. a basis of discrimination. Judge Middlebrooks had ear- lier ruled that elementary stu- dents from part of North Port St. Joe and White City would at- tend the school. Jn the School Board's plan, which was accepted almost ver- batim by the Judge, about 60-70 elementary pupils from North Port St. Joe will attend Highland View Elementary School and the remainder-about 200-will at- tend Port St. Joe Elementary School. Jim Costin Setting the Pace for Bryant In City Jim Costin was named the cam- paign chairman of the Farris Bryant Senate Campaign in the Port St. Joe area this week. Costin was selected by Bryant's state campaign'chairman to head up the campaign here in Port St. Joe. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL DELAYED The beginning of,school in the Port St. Joe area will be delayed for one week, according to an announcement released yesterday by Superintendent of Public In- struction, R. Marior Craig. School was originally schedul- ed io open Monday of next week but several factors are playing a .part in delaying the opening in. the Port St. Joe area to Tues- day, September 8. Wewahitchka schools will open Monday as scheduled. The delay is brought about by delays in delivery and installa- tion of furnishings in the new Port St. Joe High' School. Anoth- er cause-for delay is inability to complete paving work around the, school due to recent prolonged rains. All Port St. Joe area schools will start Tuesday, September 8. This includes Port St. Joe fHigh, Port St. Joe Elementary and Highland View Elementary. 'ed Here see if any attempt had been made' to enter the 'building" there. As he came into Third Street from the alley he met a man coming toward him with something long 'and slender in his hand. Upon- seeing the uni- form, the man went back to his car and leaned on the door with his hands hanging inpide.'Collier Askedd, him, if. something was wrong. The man repted no. Then Collier heard a 'clinking noise like a tool being dropped and asked the man to Iturn around for inspection., As. the man, ,arboe,. turned he Put his hand under his shirt and started to' draw a giun. Col- lier drew-his gun and told Jar- boe to stand still or he would shoot. Two more special police, Benton and.Henton Hamm drove by and helped Collier get help to get the man and the Jarboe woman off to jail. The car was filled with radios, 'television sets, tools, appliances, and various items which caused .local police and Sheriff's depu- ties to begin .investigating. The pair is now being held for the FBI to pick up 'on bank rob- bery charge. Democrats Will Tell It Like It Is In Rallies The Gulf County Democratic Executive Committee has sche- duled two political rallies for Gulf *' County prior to the Sep- tember 8 primary. The first rally will be held Saturday afternoon in Wewa- hitchka at 3:00 p.m., CST near the Wewahitchka State Bank. The second rally will be held in Port St. Joe on Saturday, September 5 at 4:00 p.m. The rally will be held on Reid Ave- nue near the City Hall. Graveside Rites for McCleary Infant Graveside services were held Tuesday at Forest Hill Cemetery for the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCleary, 503 Main Street. The baby passed away Monday afternoon in a local hod- pital. Other survivors include the maternal grandmother, Mrs. An- nie Mae Cotton of Port St. Joe. Prevatt Northside Chapel was in charge of arrangements. SCivi Clubs to Host Congressman Sikes Tuesday Port St. Joe's dinner civic clubs will gather in a joint meet- ing Tuesday of next week for a noon meeting at Butler's Restau- rant w i t h Congressman Bob Sikes. Members of the Lions, Kiwan- is and Rotary Clubs will meet together for this special occasion. Congressman Sikes will ad- dress the club members after lunch. Citizens Promised Water Relief In 6 to 8 Weeks Citizens of Port St. Joe living the bay. East of Garrison Avenue were The Board agreed to hold the assured Tuesday night by the hearing on Wednesday, Septem- Gulf County Commission of re- ber 30 at 7:00 p.m. lief from. water drainage prob- Water Hold-Up lems which have plagued them County Engineer Max W. Kil- for over two years. bourn reported that the Oak The Board had met earlier in Grove water district was slipping the 'evening with .Charles Dunn, in priority for government fi- drainage' engineer with the De- nancing because the district is apartment of Transportation, pre- not ready to go ahead with plan-' senting the problem to him. The ning and construction. The hold- problem is a drain which is too up is lack of a signed agreement small passing under Niles Road with the City and the County which holds up: water drainage for the City of Port St. Joe to flooding the East side of Garrison furnish the water and sewer Avenue in heavy or sustained trunk line service. rainy 'periods. City Water Commisioner Bob Dunn told the Board that the Fox was present and said that DOT would install a culvert 103 the County was aware that the inches wide and 71 inches deep in agreement was drawn in a three six to eight weeks which would way deal with the School Board, allow the water to drain off be- the County and the City involved fore it became a problem. in the trunk line system. Fox Board Chairman Walter Gra- said that after all three parties ham warned several interested had reached agreement the citizens present that "We've School Board had attempted to been promised this before, so change the agreement and so had don't feel hard at us if the work not signed. Fox said, "The City isn't done in the time specified." cannot give an agreement until Graham said the Board would the School Board agrees to the stay with the project and do ev- program since they are so heav- -erything they could to see that ily involved financially in the it is expedited. feeder systems". Bulkhead Requested Kibourn warned that if the Tom S: Coldewey presented a agreement can't be signed so request from St. Joe Paper Com- plan can proceed, the project pany to advertise a hearing to may be held up another year. establish a bulkhead on St. Jo- .. .Voting Machines On Display seph Bay on their property ad- In other busine s,- the Board jacent to the North end of the agreed to display voting ma- mill yard. The bulkhead line chines in the Highland View would run from the old barge, Fire Station on Monday, August basin *Northward to the Gulf 31 from 10 to 5 p.m. to.familiar- County Canal. The bulkhead line 'ize' vters in this precinct with would be located just inside..the the. machines. The voting ma- present shoreline in this area. "chines will also be on display Coldewey said the bulkhead: in the White City Fire Station line was needed so that a con- on Wednesday, September 2. trainer wall could be built to con- The last rtght of way signature tain material the firm has been was reported secured for paving cited for allowing to escape into of the St. Joseph State Park *-Star photo Pucker up Miss Mac, George is politicingi Tapper prepares to plant one on Miss Minerva McLane as he met with his friends and fellow citizens here late Saturday afternoon. Partial Shipment of New Band Uniforms Have Arrived; 'Remainder Due Shortly A partial shipment of the new Port St. Joe High School Band uniforms have arrived, with the remainder of the uniforms ex- pected in just a few days ac- cording to Mrs. Dave Maddox, president of the Band Parents' Association. Mrs. Maddox said that all of the uniforms are to be here in time for the band's first public appearance this school year which will be on September 18 at the Port St. Joe-Wewahitchka football game. Mrs. Maddox said that several organizations and individuals have made pledges to purchase uniforms and they should send in their checks immediately. The uniforms are $85.00 each. Checks should be made payable to the Band Parents Association and sent to the Port St. Joe High School. Road. Work will. get underway in late September. The Board discussed heavy mosquito problems and authoriz- ed Mosquito Control C. E. Dan- iell to advertise for an additional truck and spray machine if he had sufficient money left in the budget year ending September 30. The Board authorized a reso- lution to be sent to Congressman Bob Sikes asking to be included as a member of the Coastal Plains Regional Commission, a three state organization designed to promote economic develop- ment. -- ' This young lad did his pblitic- ing in an unusual way Saturday evening as he circulated among the crowd attending the fish fry given for George Tapper on a unicycle with this sign across his chest and back. Tapper Shakes Still A Few More Hands Saturday About 600 people braved the threatening weather to attend a fish fry given for George Tapper at the Centennial Building Sat- urday afternoon. Tapper is a candidate for Lieu- tenant Governor of the State of Florida as a running mate with Earl Faircloth, who is seeking the Democratic nomination for Governor. Hosted by Port St. Joe support- ers of Tapper, free mullet, slaw and hunshpuppies were served during the evening to the guests who came to hear Tapper give an old-fashioned political speech in which he lambasted the pres- ent administration and pointed out that Northwest Florida needs some representation in Tallahas. see. In giving his reasons for ac- cepting Faircloth's invitation to run on his ticket, Tapper said, "Gulf County has been good to me and I feel I should try to re- turn the favor with some service to its people". Tapper emphasized all through his talk that "when you vote for the Faircloth-Tapper ticket, you are voting for me, and when you vote for me, you're voting for yourself". The candidate stated that if the team is elected, he will be in charge of the Department of Transportation. "I want West Florida to have an equal oppor- tunity at the road budget for a change", he said. Taper spaid he felt that thils would be the last chance for the next 100 years for this part of Florida to have a man in the "big chair" in Tallahassee. "Make the most of the opportunity", he said. "You know I will always stand ready to help this section of the state if given the oppor- tunity". 10c PER COPY NUMBER 51 lil PAGE .TWO S THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32454 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 Editorials.. -N W Florida Needs Tapper George Tapper made a statement at the fish fry held in his' honor Saturday afternoon that "Port St. Joe and West Florida needs me in Tallahassee for the next four years". Tapper went on to point out that it. will probably be, another 100 years before anyone from West Florida wil .make it to the Governor's or Lieutenant Governor's chair. Tapper wasn't just bragging or being vain about his statement. It has been a long time since West Florida has had any, attention from the Governor's office not since the term of Fuller Warren, to be specific. As Tapper pointed out, it's\a selfish thing with us to want our native son in a position to do something .for this forgotten part, of the state.. In years past, Gulf County has needed much and has, received little. One can look about the county now and see much need of a little attention. Our small size just doesn't pack the weight needed to get the, big jobs done. ' We realize that Wapiper's running mate, Earl Fair-. cloth, isn't the most popular person in this part of the / * state. But, it will be to our advantage to vote for hi we believe that with Tapper being on his gubern team, it will mean much to us. We believe Tapp do things for this area that have needed doing for time. To name a few items: there is a need for a bridge at Overstreet over the Intracoastal Canal. is need for major repairs to the span at Highland We also need Highway 98 4-laned or the complete Interstate 10 and 4-laning of U. S. 90 will funnel all traffic away from our doors. These are things ,( never get unless we have a sympathetic ear at the state government.. We won't say Tapper will get us these thing we are saying that our best chance to get them with Tapper in office as Lieutenant Governor. As we said, we know Faircloth isn't the most p individual in the world to West Florida, but we fi good Tapper can do for us far outweighs any ani we might harbor,for Mr. Faircloth. Integration Finally Settled After several years of sparring back and forth with the office, of Health, Education and Welfare, the inevit- able has arrived and Monday morning, Gulf County vill open its doors of education on a unitary, integrated school gether and resolve to cooperate with one another our children may have an education togeth without the distracting yelps of indignation fror parents. Dasis ,or the first time in history. Gulf County has done the best it could under' As we tried to point out last week, it is a pity that the cumstances. If the delays engineered, by the good white and black, citizens of this county ,hadd to .be' Board did any one thing, it at least let the system g pitted against one another in something that was nohe position to provide proper facilities for some sen of their doing. :-a .result of 6he. years pf.planing, re- of order to come out of what would surely have ot vising, receiving timatums and visits. from HEW, the hao people' of Gulf had to wind up asSuperitend benn caos. of Public Instru nrion Craig puts 'it,' "United If both races can now work to make the syst we are all disple_ the outcome". come an effective means of quality education as t Neither etn$ r 4his section of Gulf was suc- in trying to get things arranged as they wanted indi cessful in getting wh l i o wanted most. Both had to we yill all be the winners, rather considering th give ground. N b le q live together, work to- one has lost anything, Too Late To Classify By Russell -Kay Athelestan Spilhaus, president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, tells us that there is no such thing as "waste". We think of ourselves as consumers, but we do not consume. All we do is use .things and eventually cast them away.. According to the law of the conservation of matter, exactly the same mass of material re- mains. The material .we term "waste" remains in some .form -and must be reckoned with. We have centered our efforts in production of things. We use those things for our comfort and convenience but have given lit- tle thought to the problem of disposing of such things when we are through with them. Spilhaus feels that the time has come for an industrial revo- lution. We must give thought and' effort into channeling' our so called "waste" back into pro- duction, breaking down the ele- ments for reuse. As our standard of living goes up we continue to create more and more pollution of our envir- onment. The time has come to think of "waste" as raw material that can and must be' salvaged -for reuse. The substances that today are poisoning our air, soil and water must be transformed into useful products, even if 'it .means the expenditure of bil- lions and revolutionizes our in- dustries. In the next industrial revolu- tion, there must be a loop back to the factory from the user. If American industrial genius can mass assemble and mass pro- duce and distribute, it can and must find a way to reuse such materials. An example of the situation that Floridians can appreciate to- day is the problem of disposing of large quantities of nerve gas. We have been facing this pro- blem.for years making no effort to find a sensible solution. Now we must pay the piper., Nobody really knows what the results will be from dumping this material in the ocean. Will this gAs somehow escape to destroy -THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company - WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department PosToFFCE Box 808 PHONE 227-8161 I PORT ST. JOE,.FLOBIDA 82456 Entered as second-class matter, December 19, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MOS., $1.73 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $4.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, $5.00 TO ADVERTISERS-In ease of error or ommiosions in advertisements, the publisher do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word Is given scant attention; the printed word Is thoughtfully welghed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly con- vioces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains.m .h, marine life and mankind? The action our military leaders have taken in this case is no different than industry, and all of us have taken and continue to take as far as our environment is con- cerned. We continue to manufacture internal combustion engines. You and I continue to drive our automobiles. We continue to dump deadly, poisons in our lakes and rivers while we scream about dumping .nerve gas 300 miles at sea. It is up' to science and indus- try to plan for the future and determine when we make a new product and mass market it, what to do with the refuse that . remains after' use. If we have the brains and know-how to create more and more things, we ought to possess equal ability to figure out how to reuse substances and mater- ials, eliminate the dangerous gas- es and polutants, restoring the balance of nature. We are all in this mess to- gether. We who use the things that industry provides are just as much to blame as industry it- , self. When the public demands pure water and' fresh air- and make their wants knoin science and industry will come up with some answers. In the meantime its our world and we've got to live in it. he nd st le- aid I-r Efaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY ...: ...., t IF YOU DON'T SEE IT SK FOR IT! OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.H. Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 27, 28, 29 With $10.00 Order or More SUGAR 10 Ib. bag 99c Ga. Grade "A" Golden Ripe Small Eggs------3 doz. 89c Bananas --------lb. 12c Fresh U. S. No. 1 White Tomatoes ----- lb. 19c Potatoes--10 lbs. 59c CURED Whole or Shank Half b. 49c lb. 29c Copeland's 12 oz. pkg. Center Cut WIENERS ---- 2 pkgs. 98c Pork Chops -------b. 89c Blade Cut Fresh Ground Chuck Roast -------lb. 55c Mamburger --.. 3 lbs. $1.59 First Cut Full Cut Pork Chops-------lb. 59c Round Steak ------b. 99c WHOLE RUMP, BONELESS ROLLED CHUCK or SHOULDER BOUND BEEF ROAST lb. 79c Georgia Grade "A" SMALL EGGS 3 doz. 89c ROBERSON'S GROCERY HIGHWAY HIGHLAND VIEW HAMS Georgia Grade "A" Limited FRESH FRYERS COOL QUIET WONDERFUL Natural gas air conditioners, now available in "home-size" units, provide quieter, longer last- ing, safer, more economical and trouble-free climate control at moderate 'cost. And with special year-round heating-cooling rates, you'll find gas air conditioning cheapest as well as best! Call for a free, survey and estimate! "Your Natural Gas Servant" St. Joe Natural Gas Co. Phone 229-8881 114 Monument Ave Bill Would Foster Recreation Areas A bill designed to encourage t) establishment of fish, wildlife, an recreation areas will be of inter to residents of the West Florida R source Conservation and Develo ment (RC&D) Project." The law authorizes federal a to sponsors carrying out an RC& project plan, according to Kelly ia, for Swindle of Bonifay, President latorial the RC&D steering committee. The assistance is limited to w er can ter-based recreation, fish and wi r some life development that will be op a draw to public use. Under terms of t There Act, the federal aid can be us for up to one-half of the cost View. needed land rights and facility Lion of for such developments. tourist The West Florida RC&D proje embraces Calhoun, Franklin, Gad ye will den, Gulf, Holmes, Jefferson, Jac top of son, Leon, Liberty, Wakulla, W ton, and Washington Counties. "Since improved recreational gs, but cilities is one objective of the p jwill be ect, this is one more legislate wil be tool that can be used effective by the RC&D endeavor," Swin said. popular The Act limits copt-sharing eel the water-based' developments cons mosity ent with a plan found adequate: purposes of the Land and Wa Conservation Fund of 1965. It not available if assistance can provided under other authority and only one development can 'authorized for each 75,000 ac of the project area. Details for administering this distance to local RC&D. spons are being developed by the U. Department of Agriculture, Sw so that dle said. i i, er... . Their 'LewisRogers On thecir- Carrier Roosevelt School USS FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVE get in a Navy Petty Officer First Class wis H. Rogers, husband of the nblance mr Miss Clara A. Miley of herwise Third St., Port St. Joe, has report for duty aboard the aircraft car USS Franklin D. Roosevelt at tenm, be- homeport, Mayport, Fla. hey did The Roosevelt recently, return from her 18th deployment in vidually Mediterranean Sea and is curr at any. ly undergoing post-cruise main ance. F. We've been reading the inside pages of the newspaper again. of Like Hal, Boyle's "Mail Bag", when you read the inside pages , of the newspaper, one finds all kinds of interesting, educational and fa- entertaining bits of information. Several we gleaned during the Id- past week fit one or all of these categories and made us pause to en think on 'occasion. he An example we can quote was a headline which stated "Art ed Sculpture Taken for A Piece of Junk". The trend now is to take io a piece of junk for a work of art. We've drifted in this direc- ies tion. Such little bits of information make us feel good that there ct is' sane people in the world who recognize trash as trash. Could &- it be that we have thrown and strowed trash throughout our coun- sk- tryside, on our beaches, on our roadsides, in the woods, to such an ck- extent that it is beginning to .look normal-even good-to us; even to the point where we can describe junk as art. fa- Maybe this change in values is proof that the war on pollution ro- is beginning to work. ive * ely An article in the inside pages datelined "Isle of Man" brings to dle light just how much our permissive society today has contributed to our record deeds of misbehaviour',throughout the land. to The Isle of Man doesn't have a police force. The people elect ior a committee to punish the wrong-doer when wrong-doing occurs- which is rarely. The,punishment is dropping of the britches and a ter firm switching across the bare behind for everyone caught in is doing wrong, not just children. I really believe this punishment be would work here in this country, too. It should prove especially \ ies, effective with college or high' school demonstrators. be res But what punishment would you mete out'to the parents for the whipping they would put on the teachers for daring to touch as- their "little darlings" with anything so "damaging" as a switch? o r s I. ..* * S. Here's an article I really "took to". It was "my bag", you might yin- say. A Missouri Senator has proposed a bill to Congress to make it illegal for deficit spending by the United States Government ex- cept in times of war. A bill like this would prevent Congressmen from passing legis- lation of "giving to the people" on borrowed money (so it doesn't hurt right now) to guarantee re-election. Or, as they say in more crude circles, "buying your vote with your own money". Sounds gLT good, but we can't have anything as drastic as this going on, can Le-. we? What would happen to the ."American dream" if our country for. leaders put the nation on a cash basis? The dollar might even get 518, to be worth 100 cents again. Horrorsl rted * nier Al Hastings, the Negro candidate for U. S. Senate has a bigger her drawback to his candidacy than his color. Hastings claims, 'Tm not a conservation nor a radical I'm rational!" Mr. castingss, ned you might overcome your color and whatever bias it may'cause the among some of the voters. If it were just "color", you might ent. stand 'a chance of being Florida's new Senator.. But, Mr. Hastings, tenm very few people have gotten elected on a claim of being rational. Where would you use such a quality in Washington? '"^ I ] I -' 4 fHE STA'.Port St. Joe, 1la. 3,2456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 rAGE THRER I Clrk Stae House 3. 6:00x16, 4 ply El | A Clerk: Mrs. H. W. Griffin. Inspec: 4. 8:25x20, 10 ply L garpe, Mrs. Dan Hatfield, Mrs. 6. 7:00x16, 6, ply ,r Legal Ad5. .Ex ,4 ply College Courses Are Available Here .UM. a Jones, and (alternates) Mrs. Verna 8. 8:15x15, 4 ply ".- "* NOTICE Smith and Mrs. May Pierson. 9. 7:50x17, 8 ply -. ... The Board of County. Commise- Precinct No. 10 10. 13:00x24, 8 ply Four Port St. Joe and 11 Tyn. PSLS 113, Physical Geology; MS Wednesdays, beginning at 6:30 p. S sioners of Gulf County, Florida, at Scout House 11. 11:2x28, 4 ply dall Air Force Base courses are 110, Plane Trigonometry; HY 101, in., Wednesday, Sept. 2. its meeting of August 11, 1 70%,a0- Clerk: Mrs. Myrtice Smith: In. 12. 11:00x20, 12 ply pointed the following Electin in- sectors: Mrs. E. C. Cason, Mrs. G. 13. 10:Q0x20, 12 ply being- offered this fall by Gulf Western Civilization; and DP 101, BAN 215, Business Law; DO 103, section Boards to conduct the Pri- E. MCGill, Mrs. 0. M. Taylor, Mrs. 14. 8:00x16.5,,8ply Coast Junior College, it was an- Introduction to Data Processing, all Fundamentals of Computer Pro- mary Elections to be held Septem- Albert Blackburn and (alternate) 15. 5:70/5:00x8, 4 ply nounced this week. on Mondays begiiining at 6:30 p.m., gramming; and SCH 101, Funda- ber 8 and 29, 1970. Mrs. Mary Barham. 16. 23x8:50/12, 2 ply Monday, August 31. mn f Sch, 1Un Tun- Precinct No. 1 Precinct No. 11. All prices to include delivery to The four Port St. Joe Courses, mental of Speech, all on Thurs- Wewahitchka City Hall Centennial Building Port St. Joe, Florida. Bids will be all of which will begin at 6:30 p.m. BAN 110, Principals of Account- days, beginning at 6:30 p.m., Clerk: Mrs. Eunice Arhelger. In- Clerk: Faye Burkett. Inspectors: received -'until .12:00 Noon EDT, sectors, Mrs. Leona O'Neal, Mrs. Mrs. L. W. Cox, Mrs. Jesse Ander- September 1, 1970, at the office of (EST) in the Port St. Joe High ing: EH 201, World Literature; and Thursday, August 27.. Ruby Gay, Mrs. Alice Chason and son, Mrs. Glenn Knight, Mrs. Ev- the City Clerk, Port St. Joe, Flor- School, are English 102 and En- ES 202, Economics, all on Tuesdays, Tyndall courses ae open to the Mrs. Dollie Weeks. erett McFarland and (alternate) ida. The City Commission reserves glish 204, both offered on Mondays, beginning at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, public and interested persons may Precinct No. 2 Mrs. N. G. Martin. T the right to reject any or all bids Physical Science 153, which will be Sept. 1. register the night of the first class Clerk: Mrs. Wynell1 rate: Inspec- BOARD of COUNTY received. I register the night of the first class letrs: Mrs CosettaWalsenham, Mrs. COMMISSIONERS 8-20 C. W. BROCK,. 4t offered on Tuesdays, and History MS 101, Intermediate Algebra, on meeting. John Strength, Mrs. Bessie Nn- Gulf County, Florida 2t City Auditor and Clerk 8-6 101, which will be offered on **^ nery and Mrs. Milton Parramore. WALTER GRAHAM, Thursday. Precinct No. 3 C_ a-vm IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S Persons interested in enrolling Crutchfield, Store, Honeyville COURT, IN AND FOR GULF for or SEE Clerk: Mrs. Carmine Crutchfield; INVITATION TO BID COUNTY, FLORIDA for History 101 may do so Thurs- COUNTY COMMISSIONER Inspectors: Mrs. Thelma Vanhorn, BID NO. 95 IN RE: ESTATE OF day, August 27, for either English TM M C9N. ." / Mrs.. Dorothy Forehand, Mrs. Max- The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, WILLARD PHONZO GILBERT, course on Monday, August 31, and FROM DISTRICT 2 ine Coker and (alternate) Mrs. Bes- will receive Sealed Bids in the City Deceased. for Physical Science 153, Meterolo- I sie Smith. Clerk's office, City Hall, P. 0. Box NOTICE OF ENTRY OF ORDER f o sa S 1. eg TO M M Y I am a candidate for the Precinct No. 4 "A" Port St. Joe, Florida, 32456, OF ADMINISTRATION gy, on Tesday, Sept. 1. Registrar. office of County Commission- Overstreet Church Building until 12:00 Noon, September 1, 1970 UNNECESSARY tion will take place at 6:30 p.m. in er, District Two, subject to Clerk: Mrs. Annie Cook., Inspec- for 10,000 gallons of Semi-Pave Ma- All persons having claims or de- the Port St. Joe High School all the Democrt Primaries tors: Mrs. Raymond Hardy,, Mrs. J. trial provided with antistrip pro- mands against the estate of Willard three evenings. H U TCH IN S the Democratic Primaries to C. Hanlon, Mrs. L. T. Atkins. perties as specified below: Phonzo Gilbert, also known as W. be held in September. Precinct No. 5 Specification Designation, ASTM P. Gilbert, the above named deceas- Tyndall courses, the ight offered, A 31-year resident of Gulf Highland View Fire Station Test Method and. Requirements: ed, are hereby notified that an TOMMY THOMAS CHEVROLET County, I have been witness Clerk: Mrs. Wallace Guillot. In. Flash Point (Tag Open Cup) Orde of Administration Unneces- and beginning dates follow:anama City Sto its continuing development, specters. Mrs. Thelma Rhames, gree F. D-1310, 100 Min.; Viscosic h ben enered by the Hon- ... ... Mrs.........me..Mrsr21040-50-: able S. P. Husband, County want to b e ae Ceamer, s. l es o dee Jdkes; 'thhtthe total cash value of etatehas been- assigned by such New and Used Cars and Trucks S;l~ntto be amore active. &1ou ueamer. Mr,: o DW- ,, e"th" New and Used Cars and Trucks part in this development, to Precinct No. 50-55 Viscosity, 140 degrees PS, said estate is lessthan Five Thou- Order is as follows:CALL 785-5226 help sure that the. benefits White City- Fire Station D2170, 100-1500; Pen, 77 degrees .00), exclusive Soledad Gilber CALL. 785-5226 of this development is shared r s. R. F, e e de- stitution and Statutes of the State Port St. Joe, Florida 4t-8-13 NIGH 229-477 b al ough tors. Mrs. Bill Beachamp, Mrs. Bill ..ll price quoted to ide of-Florida; and that the name and S.P. HUSBAND, - by all the people---through Harper Mrs. E. M.Williams. 'livery FOB o Pot St. Joe, Florida. S. P. HUSBAND, long-range, careful planning .Precrnct No. 7 'e City of PorSt. Joe, Florida address of the person to whom said County Judge and through tight-fisted ex. ..Clerk: Mrs. Joe Pippin. Inspec- reserves the right to accept or re- - penditure of the taxpayer's tors: Mrs. Joyce Young, Mrs. Em'- ject afiy or all bids' received. ory Robinson,-Mrs. Wayne Creel. C. W. BROCK 8-20 money. P.ecinct No. 8 City Auditor and Clerk 2t I am a firm believer in gov- City Hall people; and, ifeete, w tors:. aughtr, AVERTISEMENT FOR BI SENSATIONA VALUE! basepm,. decision on the will Jack Sheffield, Mrs. J. A. Garrett, The 'Gulf Coast Junior College of base deci. ononrs. Ethelle Westbrook, .Mrs Ju- Board of Trustees will receive bids of the jorit.ia Johnson and (alternate) Mrs for insurance coverage as follows:ACRYLIC S Precinct No. 9 and Machinery Public Official 1 BO D D C Y IC Bond Public Liability. Bids must be received by 10 a.m., CST, August 28, 1970. Bids receiv- Vote for a man who is interested in our School ed r this time will not be con- BOYS CPO System and your child's education Bid forms may be obtained by JACKET contacting A. P. Jefferies, Dean of ,JACKETS Administrative Services, Gulf Coast __| il .Jll Junior College by phone, letter, or IV in person. /" '* The Board of Trustees reserves I D the right to reject any and/or all .4 SPECIAL I' B f bids or to waiver any informalities Sin the bidding. 3t13 our reg. $4.99 PURCHASE INVITATION TO BID 'Woven plaIds In 131 BID NO. 92 authentic CPO'styl. compare at 6 Board of Public Instruction The City Commission of the City Ilg. Anchor b ttons. opore oat $6.99 of Port S. Joe, Florida,. will re- Wool blends In Fall DISTRICT ONE ceive bids from any -person, com-colors. L. tylestohoosfrompleated pany or corporation interested in front, side tab or full skirt style. Remember our Vote Is Important selling the City the following des- Bondd to acetate for comfort and o, n Supprt, .Wu Voe G "praty e .. ribed' tires to be purchased as stay crisp look.Beautifullyfinished. Your Vote and Support Will b Greatly Appreciated needed: Choice of colors. 10 46, 1. 8:25115, 4 ply - '2. 12:4x28, 4 ply. NEW CRINKLE PATENT TRIM 0 o-on JUNIOR PETITES SPORT' MISSES & HALF SIZES One, two and three piece H h dresses in newest styles '>and trims. You must see this great new Fall select n tion. and$12.99 reg. $2.99 ea. Long sleeve styles with GIRLS SHIRTS new long point collars LADIES NO-IRON In stripes and fancies.N R BLOUSES Permanent press polyes- ter-cotton bnd 18. BLOUSES ,r r2 99 each SOLIDS-STRIPES-PLAIDS Permanent press tail- B YA K 44 ored and t.lace trim. reg. $3.99 ea. 14. - -1'styles. White and colors. Elect'A Family Man to Manage the EduCation of cottonknhtcresns Your Children BOYS SWEAT SHIRT s ,ls ,o RE-ELECT colors S . BIG NE I ene Kaftield SELECTION O EMB BOAP INSTRUCTION JACKETSe BOYS SHOES BIG BOYS MENS SHOES MEMBER, BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 0 LAY- areg. $4.99 1 S 1> reg. $5.995 0 reg. $6.99 $ 100A & $5.99 & $6.99 to $8.99 DIST. J RK ICT FIVE50 1 6P SDIST FIVEI AWAY Leather slip-ons or ox- Great new styles in New strap and buckle l 4 fords with new orna- leather slip-ons and o; treatments. Moc-toe Characterized by A Relentless Compelling Urge to Improve .-.W.... -wh youhave imnts nowestyles fords Groupclu sp-s andmany more. est choice Rugged PVC soles. Sizes favorite Monk Strap. 6 Leathers andvinys. -'8-.6 ,-2 PAGEPB THE STAR. Port St..e, FFl. 32456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 feted With Shower ;:. /,. / . S Mi6)4g Wis tlhda !tl e was honored last Thursday,. Judy Herring, Jean Maddox and Carol Mapes. e vening with a -al' shower,.in the social room Seated are Mrs. A. P. Gilbert, mother of the of: the First Viesbt hian Church. brideelect, Miss Gilbert, andf Mrs. -W: J. Branch, Hostesses r'the'event are shown' standing in "- mother of theigroom-elect. - the above photo, left to right, Linda Rycroft, -Star photo I AM A CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Dist. 2 If I am elected, I promise to listen to each per- son who has a request and try to represent the in- dividual as well as all the districts in bringing their request before the Commission, so that we all can work together for the betterment of Gulf County. Your Vote Will Be Appreciated Jimmy H. Helms *~~~ ~ ~ ~ f _________ JACK and JILl KINDERGARTEN will have " REGISTRATION For five and four year old children friday, August 28 9 to 12 Noon BEML DuBOSE 2t Phone 227-4706 MARTHA FOX 524 8th Street 8-20 MISS SHERRY WHITE 'ON FLA. STATE DEAN'S LIST Miss Sherry White who is a stu- dent in Graduate School,at Florida State University. Tallahassee, made the Dean's List for the summer quarter ending August 14. Sherry made a 4.0, all A's, for a perfect average., She is working to obtain h6r Master's degree in speech pathology and audiology and is the daughter of Mrs. D. E. White and the late Mr. White. Miss White is a 1966 graduate of Port St. Joe High School. -K Dinner Guests Rev. and Mrs. Robert Cary and family, his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lovell Cary had dinner with the E. J. Rich family last Sun- day. , IN SINCERE APPRECIATION We would like to thank our many, many friends and neighbors of Gulf and BaW Counties for their k i n d expressions of sympathy through flowers, food and kind words. Especially, we appreciate your prayers during our time of anxiety and waiting and after the tragic finding of our daughter. May God's richest blessings be yours always. THE FAMILY of I H. S. LILIUS, H Miss Anne Mosely Wed to James B. Porter In Miami Miss Kathleen Anne Mosely became the bride of James Bur- nett Porter in the tropical gar- den of Mrs. Teresa Walsh on Hi- biscus Island, Miami; on Satur- day, August first, at four o'clock in the afternoon. The ceremony was performed by the Reverend Donald Willis of the Miami Congregational Church before an improvised al- tar and a background of palms, orchids and bird-of-paradise. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas Mosely, Jr., of Port St. Joe, and .the groom is the son of Mrs. William Andrews of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the late King Porter'. Miss Martha Thomas was Maid of Honor and Charles Porter, bro. theirr of the groom, was best man. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a pink" print silk hostess govi and car- ried a nosegay of mixed summer flowers. . The Maid of Honor wore ,a printed blue knit hostess gown and wore hibiscus in her hair. The bride's mother ch6se for her daughter's, wedding a beige linen, accented by pink embroi- dery, sheath 'dress and the groom's mother wore a pale blue bonded knit dress. The bride's paternal grandmother wore a blue and white floral print voile dress. h. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents were hosts at a garden buffet. After a honeymoon at Remuda Ranch Resort in the Everglades, the couple is at home at 275 North Coconut Lane, Palm Is- land, Miami. Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. William An- drews of Chapel Hill, North Car- olina;. Mr. anl Mrs. Ben Dickens of Tallahassee; Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dickens and Miss Jan Dickens of Jacksonville; Mrs. Terrence Dye of Omaha, Nebraska; Mrs. Letha Rester and Mrs. Floyd Lis- ter of Wewahitchka; Miss Cath- erine Durea of Atlanta, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Overton and Stephen Overton of New Orleans, La., and the bride's paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mosely of Quincy. -K Miss Sherry White and Miss Beverly Baldwin were business vis- itors to Valdosta, Ga., Monday. -[- West Florida's Economy NEEDS SIKES He offers experience, seniority and a proven record of responsible performance VOTE BOB'S FOR iIKES FOR CONGRESS Miss Penny Webb, bride-elect, was honored with a calling shower Friday, August 14 in the home of Mrs. Addison Prescott in Chipley.' Co-hostesses were Mrs. Billy Miles, Mrs. Hubert Cope and Mrs. Ronnie Hartzog. Receiving with Miss Webb were her grandmother, Mrs. Valrey Wil- liams and Mrs. Joel Lovett of Port St. Joe, mother of the prospective bridegroom, Captain Howard Lov- ett. Miss-Cory Webb, sister of the bride-to-be, kept the bride's book. The reception rooms were dec- orated with summer flowers. MisB? Sue McDaniel, assisted by Miss Gall Visiting With Parents . Miss Beverly Baldwin of. Iowa City, Iowa is spending two weeks' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Baldwin. Beverly. will be a tea- cher at the University in Iowa City for the 1970-71 school year. Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Baldwin and daughter, Beverly, spent the week end and several days this week in Columbius, Ga., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Millard Toole and family. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank our friends at White City for their ex- pressions of sympathy during the illness and 'death of my father. Your prayers, the' flowers and cards that were sent and the food that was prepared were deeply ap- preciated. May God bless each of you. .MRS. BILL BEAUCHAMP. and FAMILY hi Knight' served coffee and punch. and introduced them to Miss Webb. Mrs. Ronnie Hartzog was in charge Standing in line with the bride- of the gift room. The hostesses pre- elect were her grandmother, Mrs. sented Miss Webb with a gift of Valery Williams and Mrs.-Joel Loy- chinA. ett, mother of the groom-elect, p cOFFEE Port St. Joe. Miss Penny Webb, bride-to-be, Assisting in serving were Mrs, was the guest of honor at a coffee Ronnie Hartzog and Mrs. Billy Ver- ast Saturday morning in the home siga of Port St. Joe. Miss Coi- of Mrs. W. P .Atkins, Jr., in Chip- Webb, sister of the honoree, relj ley. Other hostesses were Mrs. W. istered the guests. P. Atkins, Sr., Mrs. Robert Ellis, The hostesses presented corsages Mirs.'Lrry Davis of Port St. Joe to Miss Webb, her grandmother and M'..S Ross Deal. Mrs. Atkins and Mrs. Lovett. They also gave usdd summer flowers throughout' a gift of china to the honoree. Ap- her h6o e. She greeted the guests proximately 75 guests attended. Pollock's Cleaners OPENING MONDAY, AUGUST 24 : ..'Service Is Our Business" r o OPENING SPECIAL 25 OFF On AlH Dry Cleaning Orders of $5.00 or more HAVE YOUR WINTER DRY CLEANING DONE NOW! 107 Second Street Port St. Joe COSTIN'S has many new items just arrived that are guaranteed to please the sfyle-conscious teen ager. You'll also find many close-outs at COSTIN'S that will be fine "school-wea'" for many weeks to come. ONE GROUP Boy's Long PANTS Yi Price Connies and Jacquelyn SH 0 ES for Girls Many Other Items You Can Wear for Months at CLOSE OUT PRICES COS TIN'S '"Your Store of Quality and Fashion" p -... IF -.~.-i--- '- , Bride- Elect Party Honoree BOB ~v"r I THE STAR. Port S.. .oe, Fla. 32456 "The largest organs are made in that the electronics still cannot Holand",rPendarviSsaid,"With produce the tonal quality of the Pipe Organs Have Lng History 15"Nwiethth rg p i ,generation to generation. Now pipe organ . Sover 40 firms manufacture pipe ipe organ can cost from $18,- otay speaker nington Pen- ient flutes", Pendarvis said, "when. big pipes and later pneumatics. organs in the United States itz-000 to $200,000", Pendarvis said. darvis labeled the pipb organ, "the some of the ancients tied several; Pipe organs today are driven by ing European craftsmen. "Only Butes from 13 to 14 months to et Lost magnificent instrument ever' of the flutes together to get, a bar- electric motors which drive pumps four of five of these firms make takes from 13 to 14 months to get kade" as he told the club of some monious sound". to produce the air to make the mu- outstanding instruments" Pendarvis an instrdered Each organ is custom built .the history of the pipe orgap at Originally pipe organs were hand' sic. "Some large organs have sur- said. to the facility it will serve. i meeting last Thursday. ; pumped. Then hydraulics were in- prisinglf large motors just to pro- I Electronic organs were introduc- Guests of the club were Tommy i %pe organs evolved from an- produced to drive air through the vide air for the instruments., led in 1947 but the speaker claims Dixon of Thomasville, Ga., and '- -j .RE-ELECT SMIDDLEM AS STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 8 ~1.. . .. . ' Claude E. Lister, Jr., of Wewa- hitchka. ATTENDING CHIPOLA Among the students enrolling at Chipola Junior College this fall are four recent graduates of Port St. Joe High School. They are Donnie Shoots, Glen Davis, Kenneth Mer- .ritt and Dale Little. WHITE FAMILY VISITS Rev. Tommy White of Bonifay was the guest Tuesday of Mrs. D. E. White'and Miss Sherry White. Mrs. D. E. White and Miss Sherry White were week end visitors to Jacksonville and Neptune Beach, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. David E. White and son, John David. We Guarantee SURE KILL MUST KILL All Your Roaches and Waterbugs or your money back CLEAN ODORLESS NO SPRAYING RICH'S IGA 'PIGGLY WIGGLY All'You Can Lose is Your Roaches! THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 PAGE FIVE Church. Covers W. Wiggins Funeral services will be held J ayVe er Saturday afternoon with interment Died Here Yesterday to be in Forest Hill Cemetery. Wiggins is survived by his wife, Clovers W. Wiggins, age 69, a Mrs. Idean Wiggins of Port St. long time resident of Port St. Joe, Joe; one stepdaughter, Mrs. Mad- passed away Wednesday morning, die Thomas of Port St. Joe; one following a long illness. Wiggins brother, a sister, five grandchil- was a retired AN Railroad em-, dren and four great grandchildren. ployee, a member of the Masonic! C & W Funeral Chapel is in Lodge and the Primitive Baptist charge of arrangements. Come First ' With Us... There's never any unnecessary' r waiting here to have your prescriptions filled That's because dispensing medicine Is our first oder of Jbusiness. You can count on us to fill your with only the finest of pharmaceuticals. A FULL SERVICE DRUG STORE Gifts Cameras Cosmetics Fragrances -. Tobacco Games Stationery Toiletries Drive-in Window for Prescriptions at Rear of Store 2 FREE PARKING SPACES AT REAR OF STORE Smith's Pharmacy John Robert Smilth, Pharmaceutical Chemist I PHONE 227-5111 236 REID AVENUE St Joe Hrdware Co. 71 '- - NEWS-BERALD, Panana City,- Fl., Saturday, August, i STATE AWARD Florida Police C h i e f s Association members presented Rep, Joe Chapman, D-Panama City, :(right) with a special state award Friday, denot- ing "his. outstanding achieve- ments for law enforcement while Chapman Statewide( serving in the Florida House of Representatives." .On hand to make the presentation were Pan- ama -City Police -Chief Tom McAuley (left), and Port St. Joe Police Chief Buck Griffin. (Staff Photo) Receives Award The Florida Police Chiefs Association. presented Rep. -Joe Chapman with a certificate of appreciation Friday "in an effort to thank him for the work he has done for us in the legislature," association member Tom Mc- Auley, Panama City Police Chief, said. ,"During the 28 years I have been in law enforcement, Joe Chapman" *has done more for us than any other representative .in my time," Port St. Joe Police Chief Buck Griffin asertedt As a freshman in the Florida Legislature Our State Repre- sentative has already distinguished himself as a leader. For the future of our area we need To Re-Elect - -taI. JOE CHAPMAN Representative District 9 I Poid Political Adv. SEE JOE CHAPMAN TONIGHT (August 27) AT 8:30 P.M., CST ON CHAN. 7 ~/ r'~ -I - ...... r ~ ~1 PAGE SIX rTHE STAR, RL t..Joe, Fa. 32456 THURSDAY, -AUGUST'27,-1970 _ _ ___ I IS 4 UPTO 5 Satur Now for the first time at tremendous savings. Just In time for the back-to-school crowd or those extra special gifme'events. Swing free with~Samsonite Saturn Totes. , outside pockets, ine pockets, zippers, latches.. . roominess galore-all ln-splendid washable vinyl. own Tote, a Floral Tote, a Tweed Tote. Colors available: Omega Blue. Misty White, Emerald Green, Barberry Red, Vivid Black. A.TOWN TOTE Ro 19.9s5 New 4.9s B.,FLORAL TOTE Reg. $17.95 Now $13.95 STWEED TOTE Reg. $18.95 New $14.91 St. Joe Furniture Co. Telephone Orders Accepted 229-1251 Say You Saw It In The Star - Procedures Set For St. Vincent Island Hunt Foremost Choc. Milk S' it Is Good!" Pick It Up from Your Favorite Grocer Close Out Sale Lawn Mowei '4* ,. *,. ' 10% off on all Power Mowers Terms Available On All Items Just Say "Charge It" rs Garden Tillers )kOFF ON ALL MODELS Reg. $149.95 With Power Reverse 3 hp. B&S Tiller---- $---- $134.95 Reg. $170.88 With Power Reverse F 5 hp. B&S Tiller --------$153.88 Reg. $235.95 8 hp B&S Tiller -----$212.45 Reg. $216.95 5 hp. B&S Engine- 1 Onlyl 25" Riding Lawn Mower $195.95 Reg. $298.95 1 Onlyl 25" Riding Lawn Mower --- $268.95 OUR NEW RIFLES and SHOTGUNS ARE IN GET READY NOW FOR HUNTING SEASON! s WESTERN AUTO Phone 227-2271 DAVID B. MAY 219 Reid Ave. made for the hunting permit. A legal game on St. Vincent Island No bridge or causeway connects St. maximum of 500 permits will be during these special hunts. The Vincent Island with the mainland. issued for each hunt period on a exotic sambar deer roams the is- No public transportation facilities first come, first served basis. Per- land; a special effort will be made are available. Participants must mits may be obtained by writing to avoid taking this species. Ducks arrange for or provide their own the Refuge Manager, St. Vincent should arrive before the November transportation across coastal water National Wildlife Refuge, P. 0. and December hunts, but will not to the Island. This service may be Box 447, Apalachicola. Letter re- be legal game on the Island. Wild I obtained from some of the Indian quests should include the dates of turkeys are sometimes seen but Pass of Apalachicola area fishing the hunt or, hunts for which a per- should not be taken. guides. Two rough, unimproved mit is requested. A Florida Game St. Vincent National Wildlife Re- campsites have been designated and Fresh Water Fish Commission fuge is a 12,358 acre island near on St. Vincent Island for those hunting license is required for the Apalachicola in Franklin County. hunts on St. Vincent Island. Hunting will be permitted on the Procedures are now set for 1970 bow and arrow and antique or primitive rifle hunts on St. Vincent National Wildlife Refuge according to Refuge Manager Charles Noble. This will be the first time a white- tailed deer hunt has been conduct- ed on St. Vincent Island as well as the first primitive rifle hunt in Florida or on any National Wild- life Refuge throughout the Nation. Three four-day hunts for white- tailed deer, wild hogs, raccoons and oppossums are scheduled. The first two hunts for bow hunters only will be held October 24-27 and No- yember 21-24. The third hunt which includes muzzle loading per- cussion cap or flint lock rifles and bow and arrow will be December 12-15. A hunting permit issued by the St. Vincent National Wildlife Ref- uge office in Apalachicola is re- quired to participate in the 1970 hunts on St. Vincent Island. .The permit is intended to avoid exces- sive overcrowding; no charge is informationn Made Readily Available ' TALLAHASSEE, August 2. - Need information? Have a question regarding your Florida DIepartment of Agriculture and Consumer Ser- vices? In order that response in the public interest from the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services can be, given to any individual more quickly, direct contact with Tallahassee officers is no longer necessary, Commission- er Doyle Conner said today. Con- ner suggested that Florida citizens or visitors desiring services or fol- lowup from the Department should contact any Division of Forestry district office, state. forest office, njrgery or division work center. The local Forestry Work Center is located at White City, telephone' number 229-2341. I Division of Forestry director John M. Bethea stressed that For-, estry officers are still open for business along traditional lines, especially where forest fires are in- volved,\ or timber stand improve- ment is'needed but can now handle and refer, requests for Forestry," Bethea said, "is better equipped in certain specialized areas than other state agencies. It is our desire to place these facilities in the posi- tion to openly serve the Florida populate however possible." sportsmen who wish to remain on the Island. For those not planning to camp on the Island, motel and4 restaurant facilities are available in Apalachicola and Port St. Joe. Leaflets providing information hunting regulations, and a map of' St. Vincent National Wildlife Ref-, uge may be obtained from the r' fuge office at 44 Avenue E, Apalf- chicola or by writing the Refuge Manager. POLITICAL RALLIES Wewahitchka Saturday, Ag. 29,3:00 P.M., CST On Main Street near Wewahitchka State Bank Port St. Joe Saturday, Sept. 5, 4:00 P.M., EST On Reid Avenue near City Hall All Democratic Candidates for Office are Invited to Speak Gulf County Democratic Executive Committee C. G. COSTIN, Jr., Chairman A Warning To Motorist SSTOP, LOOK and LISTEN | SCHOOL'S IN SESSION! MEMBER: Florida National Group of Banks Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. OBSERVE THESE SAFETY RULES: * Make sure the car you are driving is safe -- bad brakes or faulty steering, for in- stance, could cause an accident. Be sure and make a full stop at all inter- sections don't just slow down! Pay special attention to signs warning of school traffic and obey signals of special guards at all times. Look before you back out of driveways! THIS MESSAGE IS PRESENTED AS A PUBLIC SERVICE BY Florida First National Bank at PORT ST. JOE r Only those species listed will be entire island during the 1970 hunts. I II Snakes Moving Hubert Harrison killed this big five foot rattler on the Eastern edge of the city limits last week, near the Apalachicola Northern Railroad tracks. "The rains and high water has them out and moving" Harrison said. The snake is lying on the ground because snake is dead. --Star photo II~ ~ ` ` I II - PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDAr ^ RICHand SONS' IGA Compare...you'll shop I \ C I A Notebook F IL LER PAPER 500 Ct. Pkg. 77c Bic SCHOOL SPECIAL (GET 2 PENS FREE) Ea. 49c Assorted Styles SCHOOL BINDERS Each SPECIALSa IN THI-S AD GOOD AUGUST 26, 27, 28 and 29 No. 2% Cans Van Camp PORK and 4 Pack Hunt's Pork & Beans 29c SNACK PAK No. 303 Cans IGA Sliced BEETS 3 No. 303 Cans IGA Bartlett PEARS 3 Cans 49c 200 Ct. Pkg. Scotties Facial TISSUES 20 oz. btls. Hunt's Tomato Cans 89c CATSUP 59c Pkgs. 89c Btls. 89c 'No. 303 Cans IGA Med. Sm. Early June 2% lb. jar IGA P E AS 3- 69c Peanut Butter 99c Quart Jar IGA Ga. Grade "A"-With $15.00 Order or More Apple Juice 29c 1 doz. EGGS FREE Ga. Grade "A" LARGE EGGS 2 Doz. 99c $2.39 Ga. Grade "A' MEDIUM EGGS 2 Do.. ROBIN IOO] With $10.00 Order FRESH FLAVOR! With $10.00 Order or More MAXWELL HOUSE lb. can COFFEE 89c PREAM 20 ounce jar Dr More Coffee Creamer FLOUR 5 LB. BAG Pure Vegetable Shortening With $10.00 Order BAKERITE 42 ounce can TABLERITE STANDING RIB ROAS Tablerite Beef Blade Bone CHUCK ROAST --------- Ib. 59c Tablerite Beef 7-Bone CHUCK ROAST ----------lb. 69c Tablerite Beef Round Bone SHOULDER ROAST --------lb. 89c Tablerite Beef CHUCK STEAK ---------b. 69c Tablerite Fresh GROUND BEEF --- 3 lbs. $1.59 Tablerite RUMP ROAST------ ----ib. 89c Tablerite Boneless STRIP STEAKS Tablerite SLICED BACON ---------- Ib. 79c Canned BONELESS HAMS -- 3 lb. can $2.99 Tablerite Fresh Sliced BEEF LIVER- ---------lb. 49c Rich's Produce Is Fresher Because We Haul It In Our Own Truck Twice Weekly Old Fashioned Creamy Mountain Grown FIELD CORN Large Fancy PEACHES -----------b. 23c Good Georgia Red SWEET POTATOES---- Ib. -0c Good Quart Basket SALAD TOMATOES ------basket 39c Large JUICY FLORIDA LIMES -----6 for 19c C Luzianne Quart Jar Mayonnaise Pkgs. of 12 PIES Delicious Jumbo 3 Pkgs. 49c $1.00 IGA 48 ounce bottle Vegetable Oil 89c IGA Cake MIXES 3 IGA Canned DRINKS 10 Pkgs. 79c For 98& S BLACKEYES (with Snaps) Fresh SHELLED PEAS LARGE WESTERN SWEET CANTALOUPES GOOD VINE RIPE FRESH TOMATOES LARGE BUNCHES MOUNTAIN GROWN COLLARD GREENS BEST GRADE YET ELBERTA PEACHES 59c LIQUID DETERGENT 22 ounce bottle . PALMOLIVE 49c S DETERGENT With $10.00 Order or More I A AJAX GIANT IGA 6 Ounce Cans Orange Juice 6 Cans 89c Slim Jim Shoestring 1% lb. bags POTATOES ---------4 bags $1.00 Morton 8 oz. pkgs. POT PIES --------- 5 pkgs. $1.00 IGA FISH STEAKS ------ 2 lb. pkg. $1.29 Bags 3 For $1.00 $1.00 ound 23c Bunch 49c Basket ,Compare Prices & Take IGA Low Nat.Ad. Home the Savings Price Price You Save 1 Lb., 8 Oz. Sandwich Bread 31c 39c I8c HAMBURGER or 3 Hot Dog Buns 25c 31c 6c Whole Wheat BRE'AD 25c 34c 9c Brown and Serve ROLLS 31c 35c 4c Cinnamon Raisin ROLLS 33c 39c 6c French Bread 25c 33c 8c Rye Bread 25c 39c 14c BORDEN'S SAVE 30c BUTTERMILK HALF GAL. 38c Kraft PARKAY MARGARINE -----b. 29( Pillsbury BISCUITS---------4 cans 39< Supreme Round Half Gallon ICE CREAM _--_------ carton 79c $1.45 Completely Home Owned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons 59c ---- lb. $1.89 5 ears White or 6 ears Yellow 49c I THURDAYIkUUST 7,190 PGE 9LEVIM THE STAR, Port Wt. Joe.i'(lt SAVE CASH AT ItICW'S -- NOT STAMPS PAFGE EIGHI THB STAR, Port st J lore. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 PAGC ______ _n mile per hour per year since 1945. -- -U I o T h Florida's Vehicles Travel 37.6 Billio R nFurther, the annual mileage of each Minutes Of T lrida s Vehicles Travel 37.6 Billion vehicle has increased but miles I -p I 11 gallon have decreased with BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Miles in 1968-69; Up 18 Per Cent the increase in speed and the ad. O edition or such devices as automatic Motor vehicles travelling over portation problems," Spencer point- transmission and power streeing," GULP COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD R. MARION CRAIG Florida's highways, roads and ed out. 'For example, as vehicle- PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Superintendent streets ticked off 37.6 billion ve- miles increase so do traffic hazards. JULY 21,1970 B. J. RICH, SR. hicle-miles during last year, Ronald Most vehicles have increased their The Gulf CountySchool Board Chairman ___ S. Spencer Jr., executive vice pre- traveling speed an average of one met in-special session on the above -travellingspeed an average of one date. The foo members were GuLF COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD sident of the Florida State Cham- Wl i present and acting: Mr. B. J. Rich, PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA ber of Commerce said yesterday. Sr., Chairman; Mr. Gene Raffiel JULY 23, 1970 "This mileage represents an 18 | | i Mr. J. K. Whitfield; Mr. Waylon The Gulf County School Board per cent increase during the past Graham .met in special session on the above e ar cn pared with an 11 per Board Member Roemer was ab. date. The following embers were tw years compared with an 11 per sent. present and acting. Mr. B. J. Rich, cent increase throughout the na- YOUR The' Superinendent was present. Sr. Chairman; Mr. Waylon Gra- tion," he added. YOUR APPOINTMENT OF PERSONNEL ha; Mr. J. K. Whitfield. These are The' Board appointed Mr. Zack Board Members Raffield and Roe- An average of 9,652 miles per Wuthrich Principal'of Port St. Joe mer were absent. Florida vehicle during 1969 is cited Danger For Bay, Cat High School for the school year The Superintendent was present. in the state chamber's Weekly Readings For Bay, Cal 1970-71 upon the, recommendation RESOLUTION Business Review. In travelling this tteries of the Superintendent, effective The Board discussed a resolution average vehicle c or Batteries August 1, 1970. prepared by their Attorney, Mr. Ce- distance, the average vehicle con- .. 2 The Board appointed Mr. Hugh rilCostin, Jr., to be sent the United sumed annually 773 gallons of ,, Shipley as Bandmaster at St. Joe States District Court for the North- fuel to average 12.5 miles per gal- .? High School for the school year ern District of Florida. This reso- o1. .** 1970-71 upon tlhe recommendation lution is in answer to a court order of the Superintendent. stating that the Gulf County School Travel on the interstate system our VOTE and BIDS VOCATIONAL BUILDING Board is operating a dual school in Florida made up 16 per cent of What hot weather starts cold Th BoarTRADES system. The resolution presents the the total vehicle-miles although the weather finish battery power. But befoxtremes The Board accepted the lowest Bard's plan for integration the system accounts for only a smafi ah tSUPPORT the and best bids for equipment and system. It defends the neighbor- system accounts for only a small fillthe air with electrifying tools for a Vocational Building hood school concept applied to fraction of the highway mileage in oaths, see us for'a checkup of Trades Program to be initiated in' Highland View Elementary and the state. We'll fi nd the riea troub le, wth. Port St.'Joe -High School for the Washington Elementary by the The use of urban streets and out obligation wi September P r i - school year 1970-71. Board. . following '.companies, Sears Roe. motion that the resolution be adopt- per cent during thetwo-year per- your problem, weS ill barrye T bdw aaett Bas Fe 2and recommended will .buck & Company $9,606.16; and ed. iod. This increase in urban traffic 'finest NAPA bat- es Holley, Inc. $2,32500 'Board Member Whitfield second- was greater in Florida than in any sn't a fine er y Siy UNITED TATES DISTRICT ed it. state. Currently 55 per cent of the made and we can COURT ORDER Avoted YES. tal vehicle-mies in Floida are prove it. rec ted The Board discussed a court or- There being no further business, total vehicle-miles in Florida are appreciated der issued by the Unted State Ds- the Un ate Dis- the Board adjourned to meet again on urban and suburban streets and trict Court for theNorthern District i n regular session on August 4, highways. STJOE AUTO of Florida against the Gulf County 190 at 900 AM ESTion on Agust highways AUTO School District and R. Marion ATTEST- A '. "The measuring of highway traf- In Craig, Superintendent. The court R.-MAION CRAIG fic by state and federal officials is PARTS CO., Inc. order charged that the Gulf County Superintendent preliminary to grappling with trans- - Board was operating'a dual school B. J. RICH, SR. trans- system. Chairman The School Board maintains that Chairman . the school system is a unitary one and that Highland View Elemen- I R tary and Washington Elementary are neighborhood schools as initer- preted by-recent Federal Court rul- e The Board directed their attor n,.e, Mr. Cecil Costin, Jr., to pre- A R V S T F pare a resolution to be sent to the court defending 'the neighborhood . school concept for Highland View and Washington Elementary schools. There being no -further business, the Board adjourned to-meet again in regular session on August 4, 9 1970 at 9:00 AM, EST. - ATTEST: ,h- R. MARION CRAIG Superintendent 'Vote For and Elect WESTINGHOUSE B. J. RICH,- SR. | I I HOUSE Chairmail ,! i IiHB iiBiI ''- ELECTRIC 30-INCH GULF COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA / JULY 28, 1970 The Gulf County School Board met in special session on the above date. The following members were present and acting: Mr. B. J. Rich, Sr., Chairman; Mr. Gene Raffield; Mr. Waylon Graham; Mr. William Roemer, Sr.,; Mr. J. K. Whitfield. The Superintendent was present. The meeting was opened with a prayer by Board 'Member Graham. BUDGET The Board met for a detailed dis- cussion of the Budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1970 and ending June 30, 1971. Board Member Raffield made a motion that the budget be advertis- ed in'the newspapers of Gulf Coun- ty and tentatively adopted subject to a public hearing to be held at 5:00 PM, EST, August 7, 1970 in the Board's meeting room in the Gulf County Court House. Board Member Whitfield second- ed the motion? All members voted YES. Board Members and the Finance Officer will be present at the hear- ing to discuss all aspects of the budget with citizens of the county. A copy of this budget is on file in the Superintendent's office. There being no further business, the Board adjourned to meetiagain in regular session August' 4, 1970 'at 9:00 AM, EST. ATTEST: District No. 1 Subject to the Septe Primaries Your Vote and Suppor be Appreciated L mber rt Wi -ELECT-C n (Billy) Rish STATE REPRESENTATIVE houn and Gulf Counties -- District 8 Iso oi enugiuoo for your SUPPORT and co-operation while serving you If elected, I will Hotel-Motel Special by Jamison Mattress Box Spring Both for $59.00 Jamison Sofa Sleeper Choice of colors in heavy, long-wearing vinyl Makes into a full size bed at DANLEY'S for Only $188.00 AUTOMATIC WASHER SALE SPEED QUEEN , $199 $ 99. Single Speed Automatic washer 3 selection washer loads Gleaming white porcelain enamel top and lid Spin tub, porcelain enamel SAVE NOW AT DANLEY'S! 3 PIECES --Double Dresser, Mirror and Bed In Rich Pecan Wood BEDROOM SUITE $1 1900 Large Man Size In Heavy Vinyl RECLINERS ------ $69oo See Our Large Stock of Occasional Chairs and Recliners Closing Out Our Entire Stock of SAMSONITE LUGGAGE Reduced 10% Co^olW t IF Iruilh v A ROME!' Complete Home Fr gs... FURNITURE CO. FOREMOST MILK "Guaranteed Country Fresh" Pick It Up from Your Favorite Grocer RANGE Simplest to cook on, easiest to clean, highest in quality Lift-up Corox surface units and chrome trim pans lift up and out of the way for fast, easy clean-up e Infin. ite heat controls give you precise control of 1,001 surface unit heats * Surface signal light 0 Oven sig- nal light Appliance receptacle * No-drip porcelain enamel cook- ing platform Lift-off oven door * Porcelain enamel broiler pan with chrome plated grid 6 Stor-. age drawer. I' ---- RE-ELECT - Walter Graham County Commissioner District Number 4 I will continue to work for the good of Gulf County and help improve it in any way pos- sible. I will represent the taxpayers and voters, all on an equal basis. * .I. will continue to -work to keep taxes as low as, possible witohut hindering the growth of the county. * I will continue to work with the people you have elected, and will elect, keeping in mind all the time the best interests of the majority of the people. Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated I VALUEV.... I I 1 rCm r 1 S THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 * ^ ;.. f .,' vv-vyv '14 TV vvvv 7T TW v I A&PS REALLY LOW PRICES MEAN BIC TOTAL SAVINGS! I GOLDEN QUAR'TERS Save 22c This Y MIS:FILBERTrS3cnS8 WHITE or BLUE SAIL ,(Limit I w/$5, or more food ord( DETERGENT King 8 ET S N 'S La Choy Mushroom, Beef, Chick., Shrimp Bathroom Tissue CHOW MEIN 99c LADY SCOTT 2 : For Your Laundry / Comet. BORATE EM 69c CEANSER2, S nternationalF r -n Ann Page Grade 'A' Strawberry & Pineapple-2 lb. eek PRESERVES ar 69c Marvel STRAWBERRY -2 lb. jar ^ PRESERVES 59c 9C Hunt's S TOATO PASTE 6 or. can 3 for 49c TOMATO SAUCE 8 oz. can 'a1 4 for 49c, 59c GOLDEN RISE BUTTERMILK or SWEETMILK. S29c R euit 8rs 6o. 49c s 8 O.u ,l Frozen Vegetables by ye 2 PrS ,89( Nestles hoc Quick u .85c Sultanaa &DBk # 8 R0? 370CA PorkU&Beans -29c Ann Page Pourable 0Dressings 4 iBTLS . 4c OFF SOFT PAR KAY 2 Cfns 89c -- Cn. II , MER EXPIRESAUG.30.19 "H3Am1cZ Safe~guaqt1 YOU AY WWHOUTCOUPCN 23AH47c hmt? t ccWON 9mPURCHAW. THItS o"I0MO3 TWlU AUG,=3,19]IM00OffXA A TW dea" WMthmeofon CM. c. eeTr AeeeM X DELICIOUS LARGE Honeydews... m AW JUMBO RIPE Cantaloupes... THOMPSON WHITE - Seedless Grapes . FIRM RIPE Tomatoes.... L Prices In this Ad pro good through Solat urday, August 29, 1970. If unable to purchase any advertised item, please request a rain check., "QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVE^" S Ncwyouoonwintthihame25ale RJAN&WGNAILS SWANDARDRBENCE ENCYCLOPEDIA ^1.89 W'rM so confident that yoll wst the complete set after looking through ust one volume, we'r offering Volume No.1 alt the trialprice of k p avoIlomeryeachweekwhays "uop. s|IM Cc.lx. olll. i I 79c 39c1 JANE PARKER DELICIOUS VARIETY Cracked Wheat J 9 BREADl Whole Wheat lb. 4U.. 19c B p CPumpernlckel loave 99C IIR i PLAID PLAID Roacuh o STAMPS WmIi CUmpo! A urcl h o STAMPS SRoIch & Antm" _-I, Borden'sa c TNT ", B. l "remora 49c Sg. thuAg. 3,Pris good thru Aug. 30, 1970*8-29- Dance School Classes to 'Register Registration for the third, sea- son of fall classes for the Wanda Basham School of Dance will be held Thursday, August 27 from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the studio on Reid Avenue. Classes will be offered in tap, ballet, jazz, toe and acrobatics for children beginning at age four through teen-agers. The school is a member school of Dance Masters of America, Inc., and all classes are taught by Mrs. Wanda Basham who has taught dancing for ten years and travels here from Talla- hassee. All old or new pupils may stop by the studio during the appoint- ed hours to register. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE Port St. Joe, Florida BUDGET/FINANCIAL PLAN FISCAL YEAR 1970-71 .GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUE 301 Real and Personal Property Taxes $232,677.00 306 Tax Interest and Penalties 25.00. 307 License Penalties 50.00 309 Utility Tax (60%) 27,500.00 310 Occupational Tax 12,500.00 312 Admission Tax 25.00 313 Franchise Tax 11,000.00 314 Cigarette Tax 54,000.00 315 Fines and Forfeitures 4,500.00 316 Parking Meter Receipts 5,000.00 316A Parking Tickets 650.00 317 Road and Bridge Tax - 318 Permits and Fees 300.00 320 Garbage Fees 34,000.00 322 Miscellaneous 4,000.00 323 Holly Hill Cemetery Lots 1,200,00 324 Forest Hill Cemetery Lots 300.00 325 St. Joseph Fire Control District 650.00 327 Dog Licenses 50.00 328 Qualification Fees 140.00 344 Interest Earned 9,000.00 345 Purchase Discounts 350.00 Cash Carried Forward ----- 7. 109,672.00 TOTAL $507,589.00 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED EXPEtNDITURES 901 City Commission $ 5,600.00 902 City Clerk's Office 21,166.00 903 Municipal Court 600.00 904 City Attorney 1,500.00 909 Elections 385.00 910. Municipal Building Maintenance 10,155.00 921 Police Department 80,625.00 925 Fire Department 15,809.00 931 Streets and Highways Department 60,689.00 934 Garbage and Trash Removal Department ----------35,100.00 936 Parks and Cemeteries Department 29,714.00 981 Non-Departmental 31,865.00 982 Contributed to Hospital 15,000.00 983 Miscellaneous 1 6,000.00 984 Warehouse and Garage 18,835.00 985 Contingencies 20,000.00 986 General Depreciation 550.00 991 Interest - 992 Certificate 'of Indebtedness 994 Tax Discbunt 8,000.00 995 Transfer to Water and Sewer Department -------- 77,140.00 996 Capital 'Outlay 68,500.00 998 Amort. Bond Discount 356.00 Surplus TOTAL ... $507,589.00 WATER AND SEWER FUND ESTIMATED REVENUE 800 Water Service $ 77,000.00 801 Water Tapping Fees 1,500.00 801A Sewer Tapping Fees 50.00 802 Service Charge 300.00 803 Delinquent Fees 1,300.00 804 Sewer Service 27,500.00 805 Sewer Connection Fees. 10.00 806 Sewer Laterals 70.00 807 Hydrant Rent (40% Utility Tax) 18,000.00 815 Miscellaneous 500.00 820 Purchase Discounts 100.00 821 Federal Grants - 825 Transfer from General Fund 77,140.00 Cash Carried Forward 100,000.00 TOTAL $303,470.00 WATER AND SEWER FUND ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 950 Water and Sewer Department $ 36,357.00 951 Sewer Department 28,020.00 956 Water Department 71,573.00 957 Depreciation 3,700.00 958 Miscellaneous 300.00 959 Bond Interest 2,020.00 960 Bond Redemption 22,000.00 961 Capital Outlay 139,500.00 TOTAL $303,470.00 ORDINANCE NO. 45 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970/71 FOR THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FOR THE ORDINARY AND REGULAR REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970/71, DECLARING THE PASSAGE OF SAID ORDINANCE TO BE AN EMERGENCY, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that it is ne- cessary for the immediate protection and preservation of the peace, safety, health and property of the City and its inhabitants, and to provide for the usual daily operation of the City and its departments that this Ordinance be enacted and take effect immediately, therefore BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE: Section I. There is hereby appropriated the sum of $507,589.00 for the General Fund, and the sum of $303,470.00 for the Water and Sewer Fund for Fiscal Year 1970/71 to be used in the operation of said departments for the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, as set fo.th in the Budget and Financial Plan of said City on file with the City Auditor and Clerk.' Section II. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish a notice of this Ordinance as provided by law. Section. Ill. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 18th day of August, A.D., 1970, as an emergency Ordinance. Is/ FRANK PATE, MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ATTEST: /s/ C. W. BROCK CITY AUDITOR AND CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 46 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LEVY OF TAXES IN THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA, FOR THE TAX YEAR 1970, LEVYING AN AD VALOREM TAX OF 7.5 MILLS ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY, WHICH IS NOT EXEMPT UNDER LAW, FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING FUNDS FOR THE ORDINARY AND REGULAR REQUIREMENTS ' OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1970/71; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND DECLARING THE ADOPTION OF SAID ORDINANCE TO BE AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that it is necessary for the immediate protection and preservation of the peace, safety, health and property of the City and its inhabitants, and to provide for the usual daily operation of the City and its departments, that this Ordinance be enacted and take effect immediately, therefore BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF PORT ST. JOE: Section I. That there be, and there is hereby, Levied and Assessed upon all property, both Real and Personal, within the Corporate Limits of the City of Port St. Joe, not exempt from taxation by the Consti- tution and Laws of the State of Florida, the following Ad Valorem Taxes for the Year 1970. A. A tax of 7.5 mills upon the dollar of assessed valuation for the purpose of providing funds for the ordinary and regular purposes of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, for the Fiscal Year 1970/71; said valuation to be based upon the Assessment Roll of said City as previously approved and adopted. Section II. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon adoption. INTRODUCED at a regular meeting of the City Commission on the 18th day of August, A.D., 1970, as an emergency Ordinance. /s/ FRANK PATE MAYOR-COMMISSIONER ATTEST: /s/ C. W. BROCK CITY AUDITOR AND CLERK 7- I PAG;E NDME IFII--- -Y- AM mgvv- ammew ! 7411W q6TnS m AW THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 r | Thrift Shop Work Schedule Released Notat all...when you consider the alternatives! Your prescription is one of the biggest bargains In history. The average costof the nearly billion prescriptions filled yearly in the United States is $3.56. What do you receive for that average? 2. These relatively inexpensive pharmaceuticals may save you and your family hundreds of dollars and perhaps weeks in a hospital. 2.They can help prevent a disease from developing to its most serious and painful point. 3. You are up and around sooner.; .back to work or play. 4. Less time and wages are lost. 5. And, finally, these pharmaceuticals may have prevented minor, but bothersome, physical impairments resulting from the illness. Next time you have a prescription filled, consider the medical research and development whichwent into it... hundreds of years of progress serve you in each prescription...and then consider the altematives...where else could you buy a better bargain? For the highest pharmaceutical standards, low prices consistent with quality and the personal attention you -can always'depend upon, bring your prescriptions to OUR Cexa ) PHARMACY Buzzett's Drug Store 317'Williams Avenue , -Drive-In Window Service Phone 227-371 Plenty of FrAe Parking Announcing We are pleased to announce ' "" that - Glad s Brown Has iWin added to our staff " -r~0 " Ailene's Beauty Salon Phone 229-6262 402 4th St. 11.6 cu. ft. Economy Food Freezer * Keeps food on hand for unexpected 19 8 00 company, busy days, bad weather. 9 * Cook ahead, freeze whole meals, heat and serve later. * Lets you save.on "specials," Alsoavailable with 15. buy foodsinseason Also a vaiale with GETS DISHES CLEANER RINSES SPARKLMi * Portable * Power-Arm Washing Action * Easy Loading Racks * Silverware Basket * Detergent Dispenser 8 Model GGSP 099 $12995 ARNOLD'S Furniture and TV 323 REID AVENUE PHONE 229-361U League Awards Presented Dixie Youth League President Bob Freeman presented awards to several players Friday after-. noon at the annual Dixie Youth League hamburger cook-out, held at the Centennial Building. In the photo above, Freeman hands the Mafor League Most Valuable Player award to Alan, Strickland; Minor League Sportsmanship award to Duane Mc. Farland; Minor League Most Valuable -Player Award to Craig Weimorts and the Majof League Sportsmanship award to Buddy Hamm. Prices must be quoted delivered OVERSTREET CHURCH HAVING I V in Port St. Joe, Florida. Bid open- FIFTH SUNDAY SINGING Legal A dv. ing will be at 8:00 p.m., September 15,, 1970. The City of Port St. Joe The Overstreet Methodist Church reserves the right to reject any or is having its regular fifth Sunday' NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING all bids received. g undaniht NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO C. W. BROCK 8-27 sing next Sunday night, August 30 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN that City Auditor and Clerk 3t at 8:00 p.m., EDT. oni the 30th day of September, A.D. --' The public is cordially invited to, 1970, at 7:00 P.M., 'in the Gulf Automotive Vehicles For Sale attend. County Court House, Port St. Joe, INVITATION TO BID Florida, the Board of County Co Gulf Coast Junior College Board missioners of Gulf County, Florida, Gulf Coast Junior College Board will hold a public hearing concern: of Trustees offers the following ve- ing the establishment of a bulkhead hicles for sale: . line by the Board of County Conm- 1 Sedan, Chevrolet, 4-door, 1965, l missioners of Gulf County, Florida, automatic transmission, p o w e r in. the area of St. Joseph Bay lo- steering, air, s/n 154695D-184377. cated as follows: in the S.W. quar- 1 Sedan, Chevrolet, 4-door, 1965, ter and N.W. quarter of township automatic transmission, power 7 south, Range 11 west, Section 35. steering, air, s/n 154695D-184600. Plans for the proposed bulkhead 1 Bus, IC, 36-passenger, 1965, line.are on file in the clerk's of- automatic transmission, power r fice. steering, s/n FD105401G, Model E ve ir l Dated at Port St. Joe, Florida, 193RE72P346. .. e r this 25th day of August, A.D. 1970. 1 Pick-up truck, Chevrolet, 1965, GEORGE Y. CORE ton, 6-cylinder, s/n S/W K255A- FOR SALE: Lot at St. Joe Beach,. Clerk of the Circuit Court 020205, Mod4 C-6153. 150'x150'. Septic tank and water of Gulf County, Florida 1 Pick-up .tuck, Crevrolet, 1959, supply, $2,100. Call 229-6201 or 229-. (SEAL) 3t-8-27 %. ton, 6-cyliner, s/n 3A59A102766 6366. tfc-8-27 -. .. .:._. Model C-7817, 1"COURT 1 Pick-up i ruck, Crevrolet, 1952, FOR SALE: Landscaped lot, trees, IN TlE CIRCUIT COURT ton, 6-cylinder, s/n KBA108914. on private lake Como, south of FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL 1 Pick-up truck, Ford, 1958, % Wewahitcehka.-Large, like-new train. CIRCUIT IN AND FOR ton, 6-cylinder, s/n F10JOL-13203, 1 GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. Mdel^ C 9574% .'er,. deck, awning. Karlene Owens, KIYLER HAMILTON, JR., Vehicles may be examined at the j 5246. Plntiff, Gulf Coast Junior College Mainten- FOR SALE: 3 bedroom -block hope E M IE HAMILTON, ance. Building Mondays through at 613 Marvin Ave. Air condition, HELENMARIE HAMILTON, Fridays, 8:00 a.m..through 4:00 large space heater, fenced yard. NOTICE OF DIVORCE p.mdion. to be sold in as Phone 229-5301. 4tc-8-27 TO: HELEN MARIE HAMILTON, Each vehicle must be bid as a .. 3 be m b ,ous' whose address is unknown. separate item. FOR SALE: 3 bedroom block house YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED A Certified check or money or- on. 11th Street in Highland View. that a Complaint has been filed der in the, amount of ten percent Small down payment and balance. in theffabve -styled Court by the (10%) of -the total bid, made pay- like rent. Phone 229-2486. tfc-8-20 Plaintiff, KYLER HAMILTON; JR., | able to the Gulf Coast Junior Col- ' l and you are required to serve a lege Board of Trustees, must ac- copy of your Answer or Objections company-bid. Checks or money or- FOR SALE:. 3 bedroom air condi- to show cause why said Complaint ders will be returned -to unsuccess- tioned house, fenced back yard." should not be granted on the_.at- ful bidders' Checks or money or- 60' well. Located at 1906 Cypres;.< torney for. Plaintiff," Thoimas R. ders will be applied to purchase Ave. For information call 22915311.' Ellinor. 323 Magniolia Avenue, Pan- price of successful bidder. Balance or 229-6394. ama City, Florida 32401; 'and 'file of puirchase'price must le paid and the original in the Office of the vehicles removed from Gulf Coast FOR SALE: 3 bedroom house, 1309 Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County>, Junior College premises by success- Long A#enue. Phone 227-7181. "' Florida, on or before the 25th day ful bidders.'within ten (10) days af- tfc-8-13 of September, A. D. 1970. ter awarding of bids. Failure to ' HEREIN FAIL NOT or a decree comply will result in forfeiture of FOR SALE: 3 bedroom block house. pro confess will be entered against bid advance as liquidated damages. 1906 Cypress Ave. Contact after you. The Board fo Trustees reserves -5:00 pm. 229-5311. : WITNESS my hand and the seal the right to reject any or all bids, of said Court in Port St. Joe, Gulf and to waive any formalities in the FOR SALE: 2 lots and frame house County, Florida, this. 21st day of bidding, and the decision of the at 506 8th St., Port St. Joe. 3 August, A. D. 1970. Board will be final, bedrooms, den, giving room, dining GEORGE Y. CORE' Sealed bids must be submitted to broom, kitchen, kitcheving rooette, carportdining Clerk of Circuit Court A. P. Jefferies, Dean of Adminis- and utility house. Please contact Gulf County, Florida trative Services, Gulf Coast Junior Mrs. Bernice Conrad, Box 475, Wil,- (SEAL) 4t-27 College on or before 12:00 Noon, lacoochee, Ga. 31650. 4tp-8-13 CDST, September 2, 1970. Envel- BID NO 96 hopes are to be plainly marked 'Bid., e ^ h Sealed bids will be received by e and stucAo, carpet and a on- the City Commission of the City of .ter abovetime and date will dtioned. 523 7th St 227-3067. tf Port St. Joe, Florida, at its regular reconsidered. t-8-27 523 7th St 227-3067 t place of meeting in the Municipal FOR SALE: 8 room house on twoB Building in Port St. 'Joe, Florida, NOTICE OF INTENTION TO lots. 1 corner lot and house fur- until 5:00 P.M., EDST, on Septem- REGISTER FICTITIOUS NAME nits. 1 corner lot and house fur pushed. Across hwy. in front of ber 15, 1970, for the following: Notice' is hereby given that the school in Wewahitchka. Mrs. Rosa G 1. 500' 4" C. I. Single Hub Do- undersigned desiring to engage in Stevens. tfc-5-21 I mestic No. 1 Soil Pipe. business under the fictitious name 1 2. 25 4" C. I. Short Double Hubs of THE HIGH CHAPPERAL. at FOR RENT: Furnished apartments Domestic. Jones Homestead, Gulf County, R rE she aint 3. 25 4" 16 degree Bends Domes- Florida, intends to register the and trailer space. Bo's Wimico tic. said name with the Clerk of Cir- Lodge, White City. ?hone 229-241G. 4. 500 Ibs. Lead (in 25 lb. [bar di- cuit Court, Gulf County, Florida. tfc-8-13 vided in 5 lb. sections). : I/s/R. L. TULL 4t-8-27 ... 9 .. .. .. ... FOR RENT: Apairtmenti. 5J.U St. Phone Jean Arnold, 648-48 FOR RENT: Furnished beach stages. Reasonable monthly ral Phone 227-3491 or 227-8496. tf-8 FOR RENT: 1. bedroom furnish house. Apply at- Smith's Ph macy. tfc-7 FOR RENT: 'Unfurnished large room brick house with gara central heat and air condition . Corner lot, convenient 'to scho, Phone 227-8536 after 5:00 p.m. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom unfurnish- ed house, 1111 Garrison Ave. In- quire next door. Phone 229-4571. FOR RENT: Unfurnished nice large 6 room house with automatic heat, attic fan, chain link fenced back yard. Nice neighborhood. Phone 227-8536 after 5 p.m. tfc-8-27 FOR SALE: 1965 Chevelle, 4-door, 6 cylinder. In good shape. Phone 229-2092. 7-30 : SALE: 1966 Super Sport, 2- or hardtop. Excellent condi- SPhone 229-2092. 7-30 FOR do u LIu. A work schedule was released this week by the Hospital Auxiliary Thrift Shop for the September, Oc- tober, November quarter. Pick-up and marking committee members were selected for the three months and a Thrift Shop team selected for each week. The Pick-up and Marking Com- mittees are as follows: September-Mrs. James Tankers- ley, Mrs. Bill Hammock .and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr. October-Mrs. Joe Hendrix, Mrs. Robert Freeman, and Mrs. J. L. Sims. November-Mrs. Benny Roberts, Mrs. Robert King and Mrs. Al Smith. Thrift Shop workers for each week,,will be: Sept. 4-Mrs. J. C. Arbogast and Mrs. Lamar Hirdy. Sept. 11-Mrs. Wade Barrier, Jr., and Mrs. Gannon Buzzett. Sept. 18-Mrs. Thomas McDer- mott and Mrs. Ferrell Allen, Jr. Sept. 25-Mrs. Joe Dowd and Mrs. Bob King. Oct. 2-Mrs. R. H. McIntosh . Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr. * Oct. 9-Mrs. Leo Shealey apd'i Mrs. Robert Fox. Oct. 16-Mrs. 'Dick Lamberson and Mrs. Cecil Lyons, Sr. Oct. 23-Mrs. Wayne Hen rix and Mrs. Frank Hannon. Oct. 30-Mrs. Wayne Taylor and Mrs. Bill Brown. Nov. 6-Mrs. George Tapper and Mrs. John R. Smith. Nov. 13-Mrs. Cecil Costin, Jr., and Mrs. Dave May. Nov. 20-Mrs. Paul Blount and Mrs. Robert Freeman. Nov. 27-Mrs. Williston Chason and Mrs. T. F. Preston. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Long Avenue and 16th Street 'SUNDAY SCHOOL MORNING WORSHIP BAPTIST TRAINING UNION EVENING WORSHIP' SPRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) .. 9:45 AM. 11:00 A.M. 5:45 P.M. 7:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME REV. J C. ODUM, Pastor ssified Ads body Reads em" MUST SELL: 1969 60x12 3 bedroom WILL DO baby sitting in my home. mobile home. Carpeted living $3.00 a day-per child. Mrs. Bun- room. Furnished except for stove. ny Miller, 510 7th St., Phone 229- $150 closing cost, assume $81.98 a 5967. 2tp-8-27 month payments. Phone 648-4361. tfc-8-27 WANTED: Service station manager. I Must be high school graduate. THE SKATING RINK will be open. Some experience necessary. Refer- t' edach Tuesday afternoon from ences will be required. Above aver- 3 to 6 p.m. for children 12 years of age salary plus commission. &ust, age and under an4 for mothers. be ready to go to work 'September4i S 15. Phone, write or apply in per-! son to Vittum's Standard Service FOR SALE: 1965 GTO conv., 389 Station, 227-3056.tandard c ,.ktfri.power with 4-speed, newly re- -- - built engine, good paint, with good NEED JOB: Restaurant, housekeep- w/w tires. $900.00. Call 227-7871. 2. ing or taking .care of children., 5 ; or 6 days a week.'Phone 229-613q FOR SALE: 1961 Chevrolet pick-up tfc-8-o t truck; Phone 227-4436. FOR SALE: 1965 GMC %-ton pick- up'truck. Phone 648-7125. ltp S; LADIES I I,am now servicing wigs and hair pieces in my home. If you have human hair-or syn- thetic which you would like toa have serviced quickly at Joew prices .. CALL 229-3311 or 227-4853 THE COTTAGE SHOPPE, your lo- 'cal. dealer for PHENTEX YARN his a' large selection of yarn for your .knitting and crochet needs. We 'have many gift items at the COTTAGE SHOPPE, red and white building on Hiway 98, Beacon Hill. WANTED: Experienced motel ' maid, full time and yt ; round. F Apply in person only before noon. g Gulf Sands Motel. tfc-7-30 WANT WORK as housekeeper. By hour or day. Colored, mature, de- pendable. References. Call 270 Ave. B after 2 p.m. ltc FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE call Emory Stephens. Free estimate. guarantee on labor and materials. ow down payment. Phone 227- 972. tfc Our Number Has Been Changed RAY'S TRIM SHOP Complete Upholstery Service "We aim to please you Every Time" 602 Garrison Ave. Phone 229-6326 cot- tes. SEPIC TANKS pumped out. Cal 1-13 Biford Griffin. Phone 229-2937 01 229-3097. hed - :ar- ---- a.30 TOMLINSON e 7 I RADIO and TV REPAIR lge, PHONE 229-6108 ng. 1319 McClelan Ave. Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVER EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. WANTED: Good refrigerator for Garden Center. Phone 227-3102. CASHIER WANTED: Experience necessary. Apply in person. Da- vid Rich, Rich's IGA. tfc-8-13 FOR AIR CONDITIONING and ap- pliance repair call 229-6323. REDUCE safe and fast with Go- Bese Tablets and E-Vap "water pills". CAMPBELL'S DRUG. 8-7-2 rL 2 SERVICE. Tre ta ken da. and removed or trimmed. Call 8-8772 or 0IS840 Apalachicols. I-g-ap WE HAVE IN STOCK plenty of cy- press lumber, 2x4 to 2x12, nos. 1 and 2. 1x4 through 1x12 mostly no. 2. Pine lumber, paints, hard- ware and appliances. PRIDGEON BUILDING SUPPLY, Wewahitch. ka. tfc-6-11 FOR AMBULANCE SERVICE I In Wewahitchka and Port St. Joe -CALL -- Comforter Funeral Home. 227-3511 C. P. Etheredge I 518 Third Street Port St. Joe, Fla. Plumbing and Electrical Contractor Call 229-4986 for Free Estimate R.A..-Regular convocation on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R.A.M., 1st and 3rd Mondays. All visiting companions welcome. ROY BURCH, HL P. WALTER GRAHAM, See. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, . THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- iLg second and fourth Tuesday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8:00 p.x. JOSEPH J. PIPPIN, W.M. PERRY J. McFARLAND, Secty. FINAL Boat Clearance ONLY ONE BOAT LEFT 15 FOOT GFI BOAT with tri-hull design, swivel seat with single windshield plus 15' 900 pound ca- pacity trailer. Combination sold for $832.00 NOW ONLY .0 ON USED BOAT, as is ---------$99.50 Vittum's Standard Sta. tfc 0 RAGE TEN THOA, UI Ut2,17 SI Phone 227-3056 302 Monument Ave. Second etion THE STAR "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" Second Section n frn ,r ",AE letIM ICI elm U 2AS THRSAY. At 27C. 51 1970 NUMBSR 51 1% U sor to be furnished by successful I Leg The City of Port St. Joe reserves fcL ga jthe right to reject any or all bids INVITATION TO BID C.IW. BROCK 4t BID N0. 92 City Auditor and Clerk 8-6 Sei ve -d,. Bids in the City Clerk's INVITATION TO BID fficeieCysHali Port St. Joe,Flor- BID NO. 94 Ida, untl12:00 oon september 1, The City of Port St. Joe, Florida, 9i0p, for: hereby invites all interested par- :lem 1. ties tobid on all insurance arried L Gasoline, Regular by, .the City.DetailInformation is 2. Gasoline, Hi-test available in the City Clerk's Office, 2. High Detergent Oil (Cases of Municipal Building, Port St. Joe, 24/t quart containers) Florida. Bidders are requested to Detergent Oil (Cases of 24/1, quote one and three year premiunu Square containers) i rates. Bidder must possess City Oc 5. Non-Detergent Oil (Cases of cupational License. Bids must be 24/1 quart containers) in the City Clerk's Office by noon 6. No&2 Fuel Oil (Diesel) I September 1, 1970. The City re- i 7. Other related products / serves the right to accept or reject These products to be Used in City any ori all bids received. : hicles during the year 1970/71. C. W. BROCK, 4t Tanks, Pumps and Air Compres-i .City Auditor and Clerk. 84 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 'A Intersection Monument and Constitution REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister . S Circh School 9:45 A.M., Morning Worship ......... 11:00 AlM. Evening Worship ......... 7:00 P.M. Methodist Youth Fellowship .-r .--. 8:00 P.M. "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives" HAPPYLAND KINDERGARTEN For pre-school children Four and five years of age REGISTRATION August 28 9 a.m. to 12 noon - OPENS AUGUST 31 MRS. CHAR I BROWN MRS. CHARLES SMITH 2t 305 6th Street 8-20 . Food, Autos, Women's Clothes Take Money Food, automobiles and women's 25 per cent of the total. ings totaled $738 million or 5.9 p clothing, in that order, topped the Women's and girls' clothing a- cent of the.total. list; of retail purchases in dollar mounted to $725 million. Adding Expenditures for packaged ale volume in Florida last year, Ronald men's and boys' clothing and all holic beverages and drinks in ba S. Spencer Jr., executive.vice pre- footwear to this amount brought came to $588 million, or 4.7 p sident of the Florida State Cham- the total spent for apparel to $1.3 cent of total retail -sales volume. ber of Commdrce said yesterday. billion, 10 per cent of the total. Lumber, building materials a '"These items counted for half Sales of furniture :and furnish- hardware toted up $575 million. of all consumer goods sold in Flor-__ __ ida retail stores and outlets during sales reached $12.5 billion that year," Spencer said. Sales of groceries and food in restaurants and the like are pegged ' in the state chamber's Weekly Bus- iness Review #t $3.0 billion, or 26 per cent of the total df all sales. Automobiles, trucks, fuel, tires and accessories came to $31.1 billion, or the DOUBLE-BI Se equipment O '--V *. '- *' * When you buy the Ist tire at our loi s arsWARNING! This Seats TOUCH-N-GO, 10-Speed Blender in White May be Unsafe... 'Only Model 663.82235 In white, sold since last December, 1969, is affected. Check Model Number i printed on label under blender. In order to prevent injury to any user we are request- ting lhe term of all blenders with this model number. SThs blender was old pri ar1ly tugh the gSearsm S 1970 ;1ing, mmer catalog. It also was sold S though om Sea al stores. THEE IS NO PROBIiM WiTH ANY OTHER COLOR OR MODEL SEARS BYPTNn lI. We -a not certain that any aof those sold are Aua e. But an supection of factory inventory 140 famd a anal number of these blenders was hmprop- || <' ergy a.seble; creating a potentially dangewos shock hazard under certain conditions. If you have this model blender, please return it ? ^immediately to the nearest Sears store or catalog facility for exchange or refund. For Any information Call Your SEARS Catalog Sales Store in Port St. Joe Place your back to school Orders 227-2201 227-2291 All Display Merchandise In Our Store Is Available for 'Immediate Delivery Order Now On Our Store Lay-Away Plan Sears 410 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida order by phone p ii V' REMEMBER r 2 I f C WAYS CHARGE 3er co- ars per nd Cosmetics and drugs came, to $572 million; major appliances, te- levision, radios and musical instru- ments to $450 million. Hay, feed, farm supplies and equipment totaled $223 million; and cigars, cigarettes and tobacco came to the same amount. Ranking eleventh in the princi- pal categories were sporting goods and recreational equipment with sales of a round $200 million. The balance of the total was accounted for by a variety of merchandise ranging from home fuel and ice to jewelry and optical goods. at these prices! ) DIluxo / Clamp/oi 'TED tire that's original Smany NEW1970 CARS w everyday exchange price (Plus F.E.T.) Read how this great tire gives you better performance and years of extra mileage eTWO STABILIZER BELT PLIES reduce tread scrubbing- major cause of tire wear- to give you Thousands of extra miles. '. --'" > ,*-" I . *LARGER TREAD FOOTPRINT gives extra traction where you need it most on wet, slippery pavement. - *LOW, WIDE 78 PROFILE gives you quicker steering response and the new modern look of to- day's sleek low cars. *GREATER PUNCTURE AND IMPACT RESISTANCE double belted construction gives S almost twice the impact resistance of ordinary tires. All comparisons relate to previous Firestone Deluxe Champion Tire's. INOW SAVE 5u' S282APER PR. Blackwae Whitewalls Ex. Tax Size 1st Tire 1Tire, stTie 2nd Tir (pertire) C78-14 $37.25 $18.62 $42.50 $21.25 $2.15 E78-14 2.35 E78-15 38.75 19.37 44.25 22.12 2.43 F78-14 2.55 F78-15 41.00 20.50 46.75 23.37 2.61 G78-14 2.67 G78-15 45.00 22.50 51.25 25.62 2.77 H78-14 2.93 H78-15 49.50 24.75 56.25 28.12 2.98 J78-15 55.00 27.50 62.75 31.37 3.08 L78-15 57.00 28.50 64.75 32.37 3.22 All prices plus taxes and tires off your car. CLASSIFIED ADSI Midaet Investments That YelId Want leturnis fet WILLIAM H.. (BILL) |> tL 1 '^ ^ PUB. SERV. COMM. pd. pol -adv. G. Carefoot. Troas / Why buy an unknown... when you can buy with CONFIDENCE at Firestone! Priced as shown at Firestone Stores. Competitively priced 6t Firestone Dealers and at all service stations displaying the Firestone sign. PATE'S SERVICE CENTER JIMMY'S PHILLIPS "66" STATION L --1 Is I POTS.JEFOIA =4 rU*IAAP71lAA1 ......... _ I \ r:~' ~: . W. 1 4,- 8`\ :AGE TWELVE THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 324 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 Faircloth Enters Suit Against Paper Company TALLAHASSEE Attorney General Earl Faircloth last week accused the St. Joe Paper Com- pany at using "the beaches and waters of St. Joseph's Bay and the Gulf of Mexico as a dump" for industrial waste and asked the Gulf County Circuit Court to order the giant paper company to pay damages to the state and "clean up the mess." ,Faircloth also charged that the COURTEOUS CAPABLE RE-ELECT William Bill" Roemer MEMBER, BOARD of PUBLIC INSTRUCTION District Number I I Sincerely Ask For Your Continued Support and for Your Vote QUALIFIED EFFICIENT VOTE FOR and SUPPORT Alvin L. McGlon County Commissioner Dist. 2 Honesby is my policy. I would like th work for the improvement of our Gulf County. You can help by voting September 8 to elect ALVIN L. McGLON COUNTY COMMISSIONER District 2 paper company's industrial pol- lution "has so glutted the waters of the'Intracoastal Waterway -of the Gulf County Canal and St. Joseph's Bay that a land-like mass hlas formed," and is asking for more than $50,000 in punitive damages and in excess of $8,000 in compensatory damages "to reimburse the State of Florida for damages to her beaches and shoreline." St. Joe Paper Comlpany is con- trolled by the vast duPont Es- tate, with which Jacksonville fin- ancier Ed Ball is closely associat- ed. In his suit, the Attorney Gen- eral charged that the huge paper company negligently allowed the accumulation of bark and other industrial wastes after being no- tified that the company's hand- ling of such material was inade- quate. "As a direct result of the negli- gent accumulation of bark and other wastes which the (St. Joe Paper Company) generated and failed to control, an estimated 3,000 tons of bark littered ap- proximately .50 miles of beaches along the Gulf Coast of Gulf, Bay, Walton and Okaloosa Coun- ties on July 17, 1969," Faircloth said. A second incident if indus- trial pollution occurred a month later, this time involving fifteen miles of beach coastline, Fair- cloth said. - "The St. Joe Paper Company cannot, and is not authorized to, use the beaches and water of St. Joseph's Bay and the Gulf of Mexich as a dump into which (the company's) industrial waste bark or other fibrous material may be directly or indirectly dis- I I I PUT SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT SUNSHINE LEWIS SAYS: "DID YOU KNOW THAT THE COST OF STATE GOV- ERNMENT HAS INCREASED 53% FROM $1,203,- 977,000 TO $1,846,790,000 IN THE LAST FOUR YEARS?" "PUT SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT" SUNSHINE LEWIS SAYS: "DID YOUR SALARY INCREASE 1,000 PCT. LAST YEAR? YOUR REPRESENTATIVES' DID!" "PUT SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT" SUNSHINE LEWIS SAYS: '." .-f. "DID YOU HAVE A SAY AS TO HOW YOUR REP- RESENTATIVE VOTED?" - "PUT SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT" SUNSHINE LEWIS SAYS: "YOU CAN TALK TO ME I'LL BE YOUR REPRE- SENTATIVE. "PUT SUNSHINE IN GOVERNMENT" VOTE FOR. L. D. 'SUNSHINE' LEWIS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES DIST. 8 A WEST FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVE charged or deposited, accidental- ly or otherwise," the Attorney General said. The paper company, Faircloth said "has negligently failed to control, store or handle the in- dustrial bark and fiber. and as a result. the State of Flor- ida and her citizens have suf- fered a continuing trespass by (the company) in failing to con-. trol and contain its industrial waste and other fibrous material to its own property." Florida's chief legal officer said the giant corporation- has, by its conduct, "displayed a gross and reckless indifference to the common law rights of the people of the State of Florida to the free use and unrestricted enjoyment of adjacent waters bordering its property,, both in St. Joseph's Bay and in the Gulf of Mexico, where tides .and winds could sea- sonably and have repeatedly cast Defendant's bark wastes on dis- tant shores. "Such reckless indifference to the rights of others entitled to protection from deposits or dis- charge of Defendant's industrial bark, waste which interfere with access, bathing, fishing and navi- gation, warrants a ward of exemplary or punitive damages, resulting directly from the im- proper and negligent dumping or storing of industrial wastes in and upon the foreshore and water areas of St. Joseph's Bay," Faircloth said. He also charged that the con- tinned build-up of industrial waste material has created a "land-like mass of pollution which constitutes a continuing trespess upon state lands and public waters. Such accumula- tions, daniages and trespasses .are, and will be, of a continuing and permanent nature, constitut- ing a public% nuisance and each day threaten, irreparable injury," Faircloth said. "To prevent such unconscion- able acts from every occurring again," Faircloth asked the Gulf County Circuit Court to: ***PERMANENTLY ENJOIN the St. Joe Paper Company from further illegal trespass, and dumping industrial wastes, upon state lands. t r u ***ORDER THE COMPANY to remove at its own expense all illegally deposited bark and other fibrous wastes upon and over state lands. ***DETERMINE THE COR- RECT boundary lines between the paper company's property and state-owned lands. / ***DIRECT THE COMPANY to restore the submerged lands and public foreshore to its original condition prior to the illegal trespass. ***ORDER ST. JOE Paper Company to pay more than $50,- 000 in punitive damages and in excess of $8,000 compensatory damages to the State of Florida. "The people of Florida have a right to have their land, beaches and' waters protected from en- croachment by private interests. At a time when environmental safeguards are vital to the well- being of our state, we must make absolutely certain that the public interest is protected. The action I take today is directed toward protecting Florida's natural beau- ty. The people of Florida deserve no less," Faircloth said. Stece WILIAM H. (BILL) PUB. SERVE. COMM. 44' L PC6 poL a" 6. LUoToOat. n. p FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corer Third St. and Baltzell Ave. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 11:00 TRAINING UNION 6:30 EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE ........ 7:30 PRAYER MEETING (Wednesday) .... 7:30 "Come and Worship God With Us" Claude E. Lister, Jr. "Sandy" Is Interested Express Yourself by Electing Him A Member of the GULF COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD DISTRICT TWO Subject to Democratic' Primary, September 8 (Paid Political Advertisement) ALL ALL A During August Only!!! * INSTALLATION (up to 50 FEET of LP GAS LINE) * VENTING OF GAS WATER HEATERS AND GAS SPACE HEATERS I No need for extra, expensive wiring to make your home modern and safe! C. Byron Smith, Pastor A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. . . off GAS iances WORTH MORE THAN $80" ALL NAME BRAND GAS APPLI ANCES fBoOWt SOas GAS GIVES YOU A BE TTEOR DEAL! STOP IN TODAY TERMS ARRANGED TO FIT YOUR BUDGET west florida gas 418 REID AVE. PHONE 227-4291 PORT ST. JOE I i 7 r 000PRD THE STAR. Port St. Je., Fla. 32456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1970 PAGE 'THumTJl PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH AUGUST 29, 1970 Quantity Rights Reserved USDA Inspected Wholde Never, never frozen . Piggly Wiggly fresh Ga. Grade"B" IV FrAR ,^ pound SUNNYLAND BOB WHITE SLICED -FREE- A whole month's menu .. computer-matched to your family size and budget C lb. 39c lb. 37c 1 II pk! USDA Inspected Grade "A" Fresh FRYER QUATEI USDA Inspected Grade "A", Fresh SPLIT BROILER Cubed Steak lb. 99c c HUNT'S For The Very Best IN BRAND NEW EASY POUR BOTTLE. ENJOY HUNT'S THICK, RICH 'N TASTY TOMATO 20 oz. bottle New Crop Rutabagas California Grown Plums Ib. 10c lb. 25c New Crop Sweet Potatoes lb. 15c 25c SELECTED SPECIALS - Save 3c Hunt's Tomato Sauce ------8 oz. can 10c Save 30c Hunt's Whole 17 oz. cans Peeled Tomatoes ----5 cans $1.00 Save 18C Blackburn Syrup ----no. 5 jar 49c Yellow Rose Quality Pancake Mix 2 lb. box 39c Lemon, Yellow, White, Fudge Marble and D. F. Yellow Rose Cake Mix ___-18 oz. 33c Creamy White, Lemon, or Creamy Fudge Yellow Rose Frosting Mix 13 oz. 33c Lara Lyns Chocolate, Vanilla or Duplex Creme Cookies-- box 49c Lara Lynn Crisp Vanilla Wafers ----- lb. 29c FROZEN FOODS - Save 13c Morton Frozen Chocolate, Lemon and CoconUt Creme 14 oz. pks. PIES 3-or 89c McKenzie's Frozen 18 oz. pkgs. Turnips (with roots) 3 pks. 89c Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade ---- Tree Top Frozen Apple Juice - 6 pak 89c 12 oz.39c PALMOLIVE MILD GENTLE NO LIMIT BAR SOAP DAIRY FOODS - Save 4c 8 oz. cans Ballard Sweet Milk or Buttermilk 4 Pak Ctn. BISCUITS 35c Save 10c 8 oz. cans Country Style or Buttermilk Pillsbury Biscuits ---- 4 pak 35c Kraft Single Wrap Cheese 12 oz. 69c Pure Wraft Orange Juice -_ / gal. 77c DISCOUNT PRICES On All HEALTH and BEAUTY AIDS Compare at 99c Hair Spray Regular or Extra Hold 12 oz. can STYLE 58c Gillette Anti-Perspirant Compare at $1.19 Right Guard ------ 5 oz. can 74c Dry, Normal Super Lather Compare at $1.98 VO-5 Shampoo -- 15 oz. $1.19 Petite, Med., Tall and Ex. Tall-Beige or Taupe Peeps Panty Hose -- pr. 99c SAVE 9c CHUCG-A-LUG CANNED 12 Oz. Pull Tab Cans s 10c DRINKS 12-- $1.00 -Let Us Help You Stretch Your Grocery Dollar- Ga. Grade "A" LARGE EGGS 2 --1.09 The Finest Whipped Shortening Ga. Grade "A" SMALL EGGS 3 "-* 99c NEW FOR LIGHTER BAKING, PURE VEGETABLE WHIPPED SHORTENING 100 EXTR S&H GREEN STA With $10.00 or more p (Good htrough Augus a uuumgrnum COUPON I MPS urchins. st 29)5 LIMIT. ... 1 with $10.00 or niore purchase Smoked-V2 or Whole Hams Ib. 59c C large head Vine Ripe Tomatoes 42 oz. Can ~llr~rl .1 ~--'^rcrn~~bCr~ll~lll~Ri~l~ -- "Judge of the county court of Alachua County. term expiring with the term of other cir- periods and under such other terms and held in November 1970: 1(4) Justices of the peace, judges of the cult judges and shall be assigned by the conditions as may be mutually agreed upon. Section 15. Terms and qualifications o l!.- .. .. **,* **** t f small claims-magistrate courts, magistrates chief justice of the supreme court to service The local governmental agenses may pledge legislators.- i~ra~nA /'Afl&tCTITilTIt AI A~ MnM FNTi ]court of Brevard County, traffic court of inan aIproprat specialized division of the revenues derived from such leased a- ( b)REPRESENTATIVES. Members o ROPOSED CO NSTITUTIONAL AM ENDM ENTS Hlsborough County, and thejudges o th circuit court in that county ities or a y other avalbl unds Tor the the house ofrepresentatives shall be elected *i ea -/I/ /I I i imall claims courts wbho old .othe. (m) LERKS OF OURTS.-After the nPaymnti onf rentals thereunder; and, in for terms of four years. Those from even office, shall become judges of magistrate effective date of this article, clerks of addition, the fll faith and credit and numbered districts in the years the number -" r ........gtT a T]h. .t by ttii the age o f seventy years courts, each serving, for the remind}ereno courts shall continue to serve as follows: taxing power of such local governmental of which are multiples of four and those I0 haJU 5 The statelbyaftermh n e agenci esmay be p ledgedtfo rthep bered districtsni ntre s e PR ~OSED =3 NSTITUTiONA L I" (a) JU DI L CIRCUITS. t.. . ..er h of w ich l with his ,zfo m r t ri torial -- ct-- .--.1 E ce"a n es m y b pld d fo th p y e t whichl^ eS CiS^ ^ hr hias term aV magitrat cor district (1) e except a heeiaterpoieteo uhrnaswthu ayeeto fbrdyaste numbers f which ar R 0 = o m l V O T D O N law sh a ll be divided into judicial cir cu it s, excep t to com plete a t. i e i h h s r e e rter miallfhOf by c tounty cl (, )s of pth e asci rcu i n at erou rt w l co nti nued, theo fre uehold er en tlec wtors or u alified e ectorrom ul i l sofdfoum b r ;e xcdis t ,ritthn evenu . AMENDMENTS T B V T ED ON ac o)s e f o e o n y o c n iu h e ~ er e r u on tem porary Rass~ entm (6) Until otherwise p o i ed bsou t erve ins uhoffi es ne their cor eswplcn n etiv fe e o d r e ct s r c a| ', b ed y rn he um rs o w ih a e n t NS OTImC F E T I- TO i of noat al ennan ioring so hlatl o e the anrdm o t eptoer of rt e ai wnhreshall of he a cois peioursnt ss w sulaae oo fes an theyr wresetv .re eoyl s t r..e by ..e smult ips H ou lf voreceL u to es f elcsio Mobzi a thee Elction t o f nb es hne hund R r medr othousn th ise. 1 b_ n~~ivet ties.-- s of tialaw hr u s hal l be a1 eontheble, rlce dontes o t ioth tre'e e .o s taaeon s uraya a a. isseschtiondshl anex t folwn t oeappor tionet soe rep- --. o oT.- St. ned a o madina [ en s oto the last decennial ceasus or e ofe a0p al jg o the for a term of ao der ofbs ten or, in saeiv (2) immediately before the effective date pui einng e credn t oa the local nrmetal f oen t ) millt bcrs perdu upto tine WHR S The a o19 d --.- d-- lner lc w byy U goveror aandsremoval nb y. a c judgeisicmncaeia torg in mes acscleo of one hunre tor accovd. do be heddieach Coun~ty Flow.;ofthe circuit court in each county in the judges of circuit courts shal .devote full the remainder of a term expiring with the (3) Except as hereinafter provided, in (e .The total outstanding principal of pose when authorized by vote of electors 2son ,,as e afit ter the Frt atcult, except as otherwise provided herein. time to their judicial duties. TheyM shall not .ds scer circuit judges. counties having a population in excess of state fonds cilitissued Pursuant to this section wo are owne of freeholds not wholly i n e whch date Jt ovem. T he county of residence of a circuit audge engate In the practice of law orun hold of- (a juSPECIAL LOtheAL PROVISIONS.-ct e o n e hundred thousand, the elective clerks 1or censu shall never exceed fifty (0) per cent exempt from taxation. lr, p0 ss e nt e sonlutions propose ged with respect to an incumbent during bitions with respect to judges of other designated courts and counties super- who are in office immediately before the the two preceding fiscal years. State of orida: I ng ena e to he Constitution of the s c tinuous tenure in office without his cotrts NA. be providcbe fao t hic s a riconsl stent genra l e p th e rkefthe da t s of tbthitsh aarticle sth n seo he o ne ---- 5 Th r a uouwin g t aResod ntinto. 2 2 Staten ofFlorida, &=It uheydiddetermine (b) OIRSUI COURTS.--There shall be a (g) -todis. cJu ipli nrces a- s an i artile.o vi, has hme rwh of theinoffrte alshe bthis imtiorcle te ot the .... otonmreNUBR Stae otr' e a o (d circuit court in each countyhe circuit courts of the supreme court and(jeel osdistrn exception) h eton 7, Alachua. County s.ae l clerk of the circuit court in their respective s Hous e Joint Resolution No. 792 rseu of ton holt be suction tos ti a ndtat'to" sa. t Resolutiono o. 171 shall have all original jurisdiction not vest c courts of appeal, the court o. reie o be onsidered oas nyhaving a population not coustie s with salaries not less than they A JOINT RESOLUant.ION proposseiog an ele ore od the t o rri nRoLArtiOcN p Iropo be sub mi tted to the e lectrs of the S tat t least one circuit judge for e~a ch fifty to or d during his ten ur~e in offt ice ,t o ju article, such judge shall become e a ju age o f" re main~ der of th.eir_.te m as clerks of the be secured by t~h e pled ged rsevenue, sa ndmte nt Sta eCon tttion t0autof rti z clIoo of lor d a, at" th'G e era E ect on19 e0 I tho usan d Inhab itan ts or m ajor fraction m ere- S E C TIO N 1 6 Po hibi ed a t-v. el. -- us the co u rt in w which is vested th e gr ea ter coun ty cou r ts i n t eir respective coun ties m-- _- ad itio allyecur d by-th e full b o t e Sar s t o e vyonstitu t o re m tau th ori n eecsch o e o NT Ro E 807UON roposg an ed n other court, and such jurisdiction othe ad ministrative action n jud c fcut ,co in excess of ontej i h hundred thousand until were receiving immediately before the ef- amendment to Section c II of Article nX of t ea tenar th eeamllsoreiom ta e n e amendment to econ 2, art e VI, f the appeals from other trial courts as authorized trite- ba courts of apeal, judges of h r the 1980 federal decennial census, fectivi immediate l of this article, the Florida Constitution; providing authority Noember SNOrary o R State o T OM AD.....*wOfain eachr thveact ourtnd ...agencies. (10) years for capital improvement put. ont on of te state o nForida, re- cried by law hcirct judge shall have power to general w which shall not be Esmbia ounty until otherwise In Escambia and Broward Counties or sale of sovereignty submerged lands only SECTION 9. Local taxes.- for of th article. d to he lbygie issu-ofthe circuit court n each county the judges of circuit courts ha de o ie approved by vote otexpiring wth the (3) Except as hereinafter providedrk of when in (e) The totapublio interest andg provincipal e (a) Counties, scaut ho rized by vote of electormu tien wil e eld ner edaachCunyinF. rcrtd a~rw "'m u,, ''+ ~t xetas otherwise provided. herein. time to .their judicial. duties. They shall not... .....terms of other circuit, judges counties having a population in excess of state bonds issued pursuant, to this section rho are owners of freeholds not wholy Itda,.n the Fisotd the Ledalatur ot the tiorar, prohibition, quof warrant, habease eeagcted or appointed lawes or hold electors, and in Broward until until other- the circuit cthourt immediately beforend, the authorityelective clerk or private use of sovereignty nicipalities shall, and special district may, State oflorldas corpdast and el other, write necessary or a general reduction of c alart es i ar g i provided by la there shall be a county effective date of this article shall become, submerged lands only when not contrary to be authorized by law to levy ad valored .M on day i n N ove~m ber, ".hich --rteo ay be fixed by law but se6 l otfollowinge i an spiecialry. provisionso shaill- apaplreysons sha l0a poyf theth e cou tsabo ish dax th seatieeufese toaftatre en u stoate s a feoorB e t eso vedoy. the Le isituraoft1 h+er 8 170 fru te raifiation, Or rt 'e .wIthrsett nicmbn uigbloswith respect to judges os thoer thedesignated' courts and counties sulper- who are In office immediately before the the two preceding fiscal years. aeo Foda ' ,on j oint us m p hi cotinouste "e n "ofic wthout his curts mybe provided by law. edire.. inconsistent tgenoneral hs oninoa teur m ttcprovision_-s:... .... -effectiedveicnsstetdenrtep ofn: ttae hifshi aair eshlcseee hshaTltlhefoloinerenmet otehio Tatm thenm ollnwing amendment to Bea. proper to the complete exercise ot their uniformly to all e 1. clerk who shall alst be clerk of the board tor the remainder of their term, the county sthe public interest taxes and may be authorized by general law at" of F-- ridets v s. I cnsent. sC~ +..Jumtua,, == (1) For purpose of this article, with the remainder of their term as deputies to the NUMBER 5 9is fagredticeVIo and hale sumtated tostithio I 0, NU+M B.IER" I (d)' JURISDICTION.--The circuit coura Of the supreme court and judges of itr.is~ct exception oi section 7, Alachua- County sliali clerk of the circuit court in their respective House Joint Resolution No. 792 ageledtorsaof shale staebmrraiittedtion the tn 2 artle VI, o the ontitaton. of Jurisdiction. They shall original jurisdiction not vest- ourate. No ircuiappeal, tjudge cosurtO be pv ea of be considered mmiaisoners, county recorder, nlerk ot counties with salari es not less than they A JOINT RESOLUTION Legislaturesinanect of the eto t te, for theit respectiv st Sf Lorida o s hereby a need to direct reewr courts, administrative addiction pre-of administry equal to or greater than the ry in excess nd ofo udrd hafuntil were rec establishivingImmediately before the e(2)- amendment tFlorida: purposes, except ad valorem taxes on in- .a v ,, = th appeals from other trial courts as is pre-. hllb omested .by .salarisfix~ed by eth 90feea ecnilcnss feiv aeo.ti rtce ee lrd Xtttin uvdnatOf tin November 1970. and shall be submitted to the electors o( bribed U law. judges ot district courts of lsnoreal be fte duties prescribed byr.law. of this article. That the forlowing'proposed amendment of tanyible personal property and taxes proa amengene o section te l o : ribed by law T e y shall have power to general lawry equal to e mse uneu l otherwise ri County until othe rwis e ) persons holding the offices of untierk of Florsda is agsvereigned to and sha umergdlandsub (b) Ad valoremN 9. Local taxes- ive of taxes Section Elecr.-Every citizen o ssue wr hav ing a population not in excess on one salary paid to c of the circuit courby law approved by as clerk of of the court of record immediates of clerk of emitted towhen in the public interest and providing ed or the payments bods and taxes the United States who rq at least eighteen hundred thousand according to the last court. J app oionted, oun tos d sal. all magistrate courts in the respective coun- the effective date of this article sha become ficaAon or rejection at the general election levied tor periods not longer than two (2) e oit Re and who has been atperman- decennial census or census authorized by trte courts sha be cop s a b .le ties and perform duties prescribed by law. the clerk of the circuit court in their refore to be held ority November, 1970: years, or not longer than ten (10) years entresodenttoraone year n the state and general law, and in no other county, there es gned by law, andmay asr aeb aer In b Polk. County the clerk ot thl criminal pective counties lor the remainder of their Section 11. Sovereignty lands-The title in .the case ot taxes designated by a school Saix months in a county, it registered as, shan be a county court unless that court pensated or nonjudicial services a wise provided by s there shall be county efective date of this article shall beerm. to lands under navigable waters, within the board for capital improvements, when ale- tvied y law, a be amn eletor ose shall proer to the complete exercise of their uniformly to \all salarie ce c lerk who shallaw erve as clerk of the board for the remainder of their term, the county the puboundaries of the rest ate, which have hot theorized by vote o the electors who are aat ountr. Provig:onu may be made by wished, by vote ot the electors pursuant to SE.TION 18Nc rc anut juu dg.e h ot service trate courta ld perform duties prescribed DULE ITEMS.-The legislature shal have been alienated, including beaches below the owners of freeholds therein not wholly S or her bona tl ide residents oo the law except, a county court counties with (a) The composition, e .a.p be, o un by i ew. the perofe b c oncurrent resolution, to de- mean high water lines, is held by the exempt from taxation, shall not be levied tote who ar mt leet eighteen years of out ea magie w of administrative action prety- andry equal to or greater an the ap (4) Nd ex offito rate court shall be estab. lete from this are estbcle any subsection 22(of this state, by virtue of its sovereignty, in trust inrpoexceso, except ad valongrem taxesuon in age to vote the election o presidential wid itorial jurdiction shall not be scribd by ner o e e nycoty in etion th so n, when tr all th eole. e nma s eof al tateand bl d mttd to the electorsS-There shall be the basOfscribed law. udgesof disi of population ne o th article there was no justice of the deleted is orticould become applicable have That the fopublic interest o Private used ame of portions ten (10) mb ls for salrtl municipal purposes +. -.-'. --7 ;:L + .at I SCTON 8. County courts-- any Judge ef a ditarict court q f appealbe (3 IEcamia, and Broward Counties (5) In Eseamoia and reward Counties ISection 11 of Article X~am r +u 3 nEsaa of the Constitutionhiidbytscottuo tCorhins ere .Comm rtee Joint Reolu"l a ON .-In each county pa h d a salary equal h.or gr a e r than t he until otherwise provided by l a, the clerk the rsons holdg the offices of clerk s of Fly when not contrary to the public (b) Ad al ore ta es exclusive of taxe t genT RELTION proposi an e h ursI(ctCOUoNTYC OU RT y eerl Sl b ltedb rules adpee d n ine -le as ca magistrat coi ae feur nt sha b iew .biection shall oe tubject ele jt It e | l P <- or t hoiayen owterof o free old txi me ieto ite o W-- o ff having'a population not in excess of one salary p aid to thiesjustices On de tar e.of the circuit OPERATION OF SOME sofao.e dco oe r rato itore jtonatN. ec torsn Noe. 1592 r rati- levied tfor peGd not bonandtw(e e ,Uie dS tate s e osatle ast eighteen hu anlraed t mhg rt.e odtgses ounycout end man a m istrate court in the respective coun- the effective date mof ths l article shalbecome am on o re t th enerameecin eie fer odnt a o n ie t a dd yeas of age and who hasbeent adpierman-_decwm nnial.census or census aut iozedbythra te co u ts -mhall obe mpensabltedbyer etieso nd operformdutieprescribed by lahw.trheecilerkofthecircuit co urtinmtheir re to be heldain November, 1970: r. ... years, or not longer than ten (10) years n ddnd 1 o n e h e oi nnohercounttereag i es- f ixedy awrm ma alsnhre bc...In o -County thedclerkothe crimbe e ountes fuo n he main d er oeethei Scon 11.Soveregnty slands.-The otitl inthe cuse of t axes designated by a school re sin o r oe e tar htoni t hh sbetaatenty counIgeort unless that courtbpenTsted for nonu atoernes e arv s e8e our of rico ll, uerwise epro-dterm.n n to lands under navigable waters, withi-mthe board for capital improvements, when ac *n 190dsrcs nec istrdand nout dirieetaudiby aw.ci\cui--a(n)aDELETION OFtOveOLETEheldEjuiboundarieseofnthenstate,1whichrmiveinotte isanancebywheneaofhore eleceorsowhhall Section 14id Lesal Maority- beanunless thavet court shall have been abolished, elected or a term of our y ears to per- d by law serve as clerk of all ag retirement from ized by law, of state bonds to finance the elet s of te a le chseobmitted t o the TOMf h ldAMSwho t -cu nt.ve "r e son-- maybe made brity i s hed, by vote of the el ecorrsPelectors fou adnt s prcmribd b o tSrt at judr a ioalts an p e d )c onstrue F a.Te ndwatd er pollution aeti'on a te ned ine a n oelow tE ownr oRETARY OFt 2hAoll2 law for other bona fide -aid lar te w except, a county curt in co untie "wit- (a)Thecomosiion engh fshlbervc h pwp ycocretresoylution.. ........... y, to de-meanhigh. water lines, is. neld.by the exempt from taxation,; shall not be levied stte h r at eihen e ofutheout a emagistrate.courtexercising county- and number of c grandjuoreseshall a, p ()e- a magistrate court shall be estababefromthisarticle any subsection of this state, by virtue.of its sovereignty trust i excess of the following villages upon th- years, and tereater sha have a the exerisg ountywide territorial JuJturisdiction state attorneys as may be a 8(c) 9(c) and 21, this article shall not posal facilities to be operated by the state rights and responsibilities ol an adult in couecntones without a county court shau law. The salaries trea ably classified On apply to courts having jurisdiction for the or by municipalities, counties, districts SI b .abolished. Magistrate cour districts assistant state attorneys shall be fix y nate evns w te against ordinances of mu- authorities and other governmental agencies, authorize by law but only when in personal property: for all county eetr .. .I(b) CO)UNTY wJoUsDGESr.-Tbereushalueas this basis f o puOlsation.oveediof this articlec there was no justice of the odeluted isAOrecouldiv beoerappn~llcable have the public interest. Private use of portions ten (10) mills; for all municipal pupss NUMBER may be consolidated or changed by law. general law. niialiti r ntis to be primarily secured by a pledge of House Joint Reoluon No. 5512 (b) NUMBER ON J -County course shall (SECTION 20. Attorneys ado In phand )epe tcour to esrized by Artaicle VIII, s etony abrt of revenues or rendiitalrs to Fe r Fair and H est Representation ELECT A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing a revi- be one or more judge tio presc for each magistenerat e discipline.-The supreme colt ontitution be derivedfrom opatedion o establishletor e wruch facilities, ol en of Articl V o the State Constitutiofthe n court as henprovided by lawthe.c t exclusive jurisdictn in c as amended in 1968 shall not be affected special assessments, and other revenues le-sother. NUMBER 6 therein not wholly exempt m taxation relstn tok the judicial department of the (cJ JRISD ITIN. The judgeshotdmag manner and throughtssuma^ ies i by uhs ,article exceptd as provided in sec- B1^ available tor such epurpose, anhd ad . to vemmeor itany county shall beex ffor juchdgtes b.f ()x ta esnbl niett FSM ie preovidbedbyertsinesise adtissln "Jh l b"e. Acoudn1ydifurnishiseuredubyciepallsearthcads*may, of Beloitd aReddolve by the Legislation re to the and exercise such jurisdiction as shall be o persons to p"rati o a and the () LIITED OPEwthstanding the provisions ot credit of the State of Florida; providing Sena Jit l.or -State o int .tleoridaty prescribed by general law. Conditions upon discipline of persons admitted. a sePRon V 7a and until otherwise provided certification by a state fiscal agency, created .'A INTRESO--LTO .... an ouentyf uri z ylaev Tat the following proposed revision of which chartered counhte or municipalities SEor qua TION 21d 'careaof public pr-pery b ,the' ations oraointmentrcursStandardTimeJuly AD,1971.o t oni n tote tn thlcon- by law tdat sufcient pledged revenues will Article V of the State cmumcpalonstitution is agreedte may authorize magistate courts to issue of violation ot a county ic p le stituted immediately proffie fixed b sectionni be available to pay all debt erice requirepurposes. to and shall be submitted to the electors processes process and try vi olations of their ord the perdmance, which is b io .r1 of this article shapply continue to constitute men t NUMBER 4 for fourauch bonds; providing for the . of Florida tor ratification or rejection at ances may be prescribed by law except, in law, in a court in which a jury a or employee ersonstodicial offices held by pledge of the full faith and credit of coun- I IM I he nexti enteral etecton to be hd in the case of chartered counties, no p such proved shall be transferred upon demarId da tN U tER g JUDGES-Until cJangoin ties, municipalities, districts, authorities, .i.OU. I TM IOnRSSIOxelGr e e o aNovember, 1970. authority Fhaa be given to a mabe a mtrate of the defendant, to an a pproprate coure oedi w h f number of jia udees of the cir- and agencies thereof for payment of rentals t d : (Substantial rewording of article. For court to try violations of county ordmances in which a trial by jury may be secured. cuit out i ah^ circit all be that to the .state under lease-purchase agreements: I^ B present text see Article V, State Consti- unless authorized in the charter of the SECTION 22. Schedule.-re^ all of number required by section 7 (c), increased provding for loans, to local governmental ,^--- i *~tr~ *A T totion.) ARTIOLE V con* oe dproe by vote of the electors rB Thi rti u^ s tierepace885 as themgnum u dy othran do agen Resolved by the Legislature of the DIStinct NO. TWO JUd IARY SECTION 10. Additional judges-Addi amended, which shall then stand repealed econ t al de of the State of Florida at T llahasseth cts of this state fo r ratifjudicia power tonal judges tor any court except the osu- (b) Except to the extent c(2)nsstent i Nouwhich is located Dal County That the following amendment to Article V t , ej section at the general election urt, bedis- premld be dividcourt maybe authorized by lmagistrate court SECTION 19.von S tate attorneys In each tion of the State Constitution, adding sec- YOu Vote a d Support Wll Bo trict courts t appeal, irdisit c courts, county certification of need .by the supreme court provisions of law and rules of c r shall be immediately e the state capital tion o eSteilFodad14 ,ien thors agreed to and shall be submitted t th To 70 court agltrate cou, courts esteablushed SEssION 11. Specalzl h ave been abolished, elected for a term of four years to per- leciuhall wi chO ht oDejue roml o oewe, to. t he electors of Florida for ratification or Greeed ApprecOiatelS etor the tr eal of offenses against aordinances circuidot coureestablished, by vote of the.ee continue in effect bnl upe .d a vision be sde by law for the nonpartisan fro etiao at tb general election to be held cto F eral ctionto eCT o municipalities or chartered coh ties, and, (a) DIVISIONS; JUISDITIQNi.-A uni- manner authorized by the constitutions election oon juices and judges we odd- e aNovember 1970: iu established by law, a court o- review form system of specialized divisions of-tthe (c) On the effective date of this artic nu(a)re x cep asp re irnsuch law may S(on ),. Bonds for pollution control years, administrativeacti on. Administrative of- circuit court may be established by general and until changedys by general aw adopted be () c tept of each judicti ofsce a, acbteoend t facilities.-(d When s ta rights ondirsonsiblities of an adult. Inlou in ties tountie s'a county court shall law. The salaries of state attorneys and 3, t (c),9 9(c) and 21, this article shall not poril ed by the state judialpower in matters connected with excess of one hundred thourtsan districts assistant courstate attorneys shall be fixed by apply to courts having jurisdiction oer the or by municipal ities, counties, districts, the funcons o their ofice, and their or- to the last decennial census or other census population s n excess of one hundred e e sued without an election to finance these, nders shall be reviewed as provided by law. authorized by general, law, each divtoion thousand according to the last decent al ) NONJUDIGIAL DUTIES OF COUNTY coetruption ofm air and water pollution con- EVOTE FOR a ELECT 'SECTION 2. Administration; practice exercising the specific jurisdiction fixed by census or other ceness authorized by gendia JUDGES.-Until;othrwise! provided by law trol1 and abatement and solid waste disposal and proedurI supreme court shall gene oldated or changed by law. general e -aw. d t. ialetondc o ties ed et ermrered t al House Joint Resolution No. 5512 (b) NUMBER OF JUDGES.-There shall SE pION 20. Attorneys; admission andu p nole'any, or ou ties Re rs O) teaLm U tive supervision o all by law one or more circuit judges for eachmagistrate divisione.- Until suproved by genert shall have (4) The court authorized by Article Vii, adist or atny part of revenue y agency thereof r icounrts except courts established or the trial specialized division of a circuit court who required in section 11(a) herein, eachsuch taios amende)t and 8 Contie t tin e d (heremi referred to as "local govrmentald * ofting to the Judicial dnancest of mnici- sha be judges only o Judgth es of i iag- manner and l through scaes ass e om in this anr inc 1cpt h she l be a ero species nt agency of, the State galities or chartered counties; in the county in which their respective pursuant to Bles adopted by the supreme 1ormed b officerss to whom they may of loida Such bonds shall be anecured by (b) t he assignment o justices and dges, divisions are ituate. Judges ot specialized court. be ass ed b roclamaions os the ehallb a ofperonsto f and Shall be payable primarily including consenting retired justices and divisions sha l be elected to their respep- (d) After this article becomeseffectives by artigne ece a prol o o- gaily aalabe f revenues to be de- judges, to temporary duty in any courts; tive divisions by the electors of the coun- and until changed by law consistent with or"'k) coUiNTY SOLICITORS, PROSECUT- rived from operation of such faciities, special O UrJ (Ste) practice and procedure in all courts, ty in which their divisia law. on s are situate.pon this article: f persons admitted ig' ATTORN S -Until otheprwiserovidedi aossfcsments, renostals to be received under Thatincluding the tfollowingme por oposed reking appellateof which chartered counties or muncDGES.p-All ( 1) The supreme coTial by jve the t uil iri ur l hare stil ri ee- rchatse agreementps hegrenu provided Article V of the State Constitution is agredmay authorize macircit court in e ounty, jurisdie of violation immediately theretofore exemunicipalOr- ti aotmen t h iorth c asp forn any hla b reveta ues that may be e reu wll to and shall be submitted to the electors Procand essudg j udges of specialized divisions, od isdnaice, which is also a vio lationofustate ti iced te tothe ao ptite available t or such purpose, including reve- of Flprope r court when the juriediction of a courn t withnes-may the jurisdictions of the eciriet court the juridicon whimmediateljury theretofore i is ot a judicial circuit.p othef h ncoectively referred to has been improvidently crinvoked. in that county. s exercised by them. e t upon de d le as dp d revenues"), and shall be ad- Cis SECTION 3. hieral justice.- SECTION 12. Eligibilityheldin-A justi e or (3) Circuit courts shall have the jus article becomes effective. The offices of ditionally secured by the full. faith and Novemb(a) The chief justice of the supreme judgethority shall be a citizen o a magistrate o f the defictio n im dant, to an appheretofore exercised by couty solicitor or county prosecut r- at ed the for idpayment of rentals. * court shan be thechief administrative of state and reside aon the territorialnances in which a trial by jury may be se r edy. ected, sha not be abolished in () No such bonds all be issued unless O DISt CT 6 ier of the judicial system. o tion of his court. A justice of the supreme article, except the jurisdiction vested by any county inexcept by vote of the electors a state fiscal agency, created by law, has pres(b) At the beginning of each regular se es court or judge of a district court of ap this article in other courts o ade a determination that no state ion of the legislature theounty or approved by vote of nthe elcrtorse () Thi articleon to tha r eplace all of number required by ANGES.-Each judge fiscal year will the debt service require- sha by message intrm it of the condition action must have been a member of the nors, each county court shall have all of of a county court era county which at- ments of the bonds proposed to be issued Democratic Primary, September 8 .ele+) ARTICLE V of the county. rrepealed -.. ...ig "rut -Stteo ord: of the judicial system and recommend mea- bar of Florida for the preceding ten years. the jurisdiction immediately heretofore ex- bing p ulton inexcesby oane hundred and all other bonds secured by the pledged ures Cor the improvement of the admY S- A judge of a circuddit court must have been erised by the county judge's court, te sa according to the decennial census revenues exceed seventy-five (75) per cent traction of justice. a member of the bar of Florida tor the pre- county court, the juvenile court, and any or other census authorized by general law of the pledged revenues. SECTION4. Supreme Court.- ceding five y onal judges for any court except the' su- ) court presided over by the taken neruxt after twhichs locarticle becomes effec- countyy That the following amendment to Articlemay lease any of such YOUF e nd Supot Wi B Appreciated (a) ORGANIZATION.-The supreme court court or maybgistrate court hizeust b e a mem- county judge, wherein such courts existed l e shall become a judge oin the circuit i f aciities to any local governmentaln agencyVoe d Suppor W e shall consist of seven justices, one of whom ber of the ba o t Florida unless otherwise in the respective county immediately before court in thet county or the remainder of a under lease-purchase h agreements or u tried courtssof appeal, ireusitcourts. countyhcertification of need by supreme court. provticle siollwfawn-itch..socated thecstate.capital iton-the rel e dtorso aFlordasralesbmttedGr l oubers of the court. Five js, courts tices shall coni SECTION 13. Vacancies.-The governor (5) Magitrate courts in each county shall ) CTION OF UDGES--Should pro- for stitute a quorum. The concurrence o c four shall in by appointment each vacancy oninueinee tl exercise in their respective counties and shall be necessary to a decision. judicial office. Judicial nominating co- districts the jurisdiction in civil cases and o of mniuicipalities, or chartered counties, and, (a) DIVSIONS; JURISDICTION'.-A-- manner-autorie-z~ tedaby theconsthitu ation. 'election of _jxu*46s and judges in momdad-in November 1970:1. if established by law, aITION-The supreme courtof : missions may be established by law, and the trial juridiSction in14. Bonds for pollution tol f(1) Shall hearati appetion. Adm finistrative ofjudg- appcircuit court may be established by general ised by the respective small claims courts number year, e s iments of trial courtdie s imposing the death- limited to nomineties of such commission Ins. All whose judges held no other office, small e iter e ch clie penalty and from orders of trial courts and appointments to judicial nominating sou- claims-magistrate courts, magistrates court judecipsions owe district ters connurts of appeal ini- miexcessi ofons shall be subject thousand aconf irmation of Brevard County, traffic court of Hill-maybe tially and directly passing on the validity by the Senate borough County, and justice of the peace of a state fun statute or aofies, and theiratute or- to the last d Elecnnia census or; terms.- courts immediately before this article becameissued without an election to finance the tre shall be reviewedng a providedsion of the (law. ) Justices and judges shall bea chdiosein effective, eaccorh judge being to the lasimited to theennial prodded herin.OT FOR d E T ... .... ..ns s -lit orized b y general ( ) OJ) U~ D ICIAL l U I S O O N Y c ntr u tol nd fab a em nt and s l dw a ster o du i son saon state or federal cons tration; practice, by the ele actors w within the territorixed j uris- jurisdiction theretofore exercised by the (2) May review by cerdorarm any decision diction of their respective courts the same court of which he was judge. All judges of of a district codure.- pe t o pe affects manner as other state and county officers magistrate courts shall be coroners and fcoty te ere ncilit i a class) the administitutiveonal or station officers, are elected or, e judges for each division. Until provided by general lawacommitting magistrates that passes upon a question certified by the law, in nonpartisan elections; except, the (e) When this article becomes effective: district court of appeal to be of great pub method of selection) of judges of the court (1) All courts not here in authorized shall ort e i ourli e interest, or that is intabishe fct conflict trial review of administration of a I cirction may be cease to exist and jurisdiction to concludeithatoffceexistsand counties whch eie r a ag O eta ofwith a decision of another dinancestri cort of prescrihabejudgesOnd by law. all pending cases and enforce all prior eis no unty court they shall be per- , appealtes or of the supreme court on the same (b) The c ounty in which their respective formed by the offices to whom judgments shall vest loa ndshabe e the court which, r y questionn of lthe assigned may issue writs oand s u preme court, judges of district courts of under, this article, would have jurisdiction asged by prcmaton of the gove prohibition to courts and commissionse tn appeal, judges of the court of review of of the cause it thereafter instituted. Allm Sf]^ f / \ incauses within the jurisdiction of the supreme administrative action and cirbe elected to tjudges shall rec- wordss of, and propertyle held by, courts I from all or any partOfrevenues tobede courtdges, to reviewmpor and all w rits necessary to be for division years. The terms of thjudges ofun- abolished untilhereby changed be transistferred to withe or. . theincluding the time for seeking appeation c) SDICTIO county courts and magistrate OF UDGES. All The supreme court shell have the IN TTORNEYS.-Until otherwise provided e re t erei de d () When provided by law, shall hear be presretoforeexer-IbYcribed by general law The terms of this article. a h reent h ee appeals from final judgments and orders of justices of the supreme court and dges of (2) In counties having a population in ... r (d) the locations for holding court; and including judges of specialized divisions,omien" -by It. I ip' al v' boutlawng halltporesecuteentheolases offcimes available for such purpose, including reve- (e)trial c ourts imposing life imprisonment or the district cohave jurisdiction to appeal shall be ap- exces (2) Dis of one hundred thousal according ese e uesfrom Other facilities, or any combina- proper court -when the jurisdiction of a court within the jurisdiction of the circuit court the jurisdiction immediately ur~mevm n utmto terrsectiv ion thereof (herein collectively referred to.. has bentered in mprovieedings or the validation thpropriately staggered, to the last decennial census or other census a icecto.theoiesthnias" e crevnb y"tf usllb ea d an of bonds or certificates of indebtedness, and SECTION 15. Disciplity.-Ane; retirement; re- authorized by general law, judges of co fiuty ie diate rio.Theoaes tis a lldgedrev he fhll. b a ad isue write of cerfJustiorar i to the court of moval.- judges' courts, juvenile courts and juvenile by county solicitor or ounty prosecuting attor- credit of e State of Forida. -courte hal be the chieview of administrative action and commis- (a) T her e shall be a judicial qualifications and domestic relations courts shall become y, elected, shall not be abolished in (b) No such bonds shall be isued unless m District Five ion established by law and writs of commfission compourt. A justice of the supreme article, except the circuit courisdiction the ounty cty elctors a state fiscal agency, created by law, has (b)manda tus athe beginning of each ficers (1) two judges of district courts of appeal- t which they reside. There courtges of the civil AT c ounty ASf a E i n , and state agencies. appointed by the Judges of those courts courts of record of Dade and Hillaiborough IIB fl H \ St sin of(4) T he supreme court or any justice m peal ory and two judges of circuit courts appointed Counties, the criminal courts of record of ao y OUtin o unt. chl er will t t ad a d eer tir tac n ssuha by message inrwrits of habeas corpus returnable t emust have osbeen a member of then Dadeor, Duval, Hillsboroug, Monroe, all of h at- ments of the bonds proposed to be issued tore the supreme court or any justice, a provided by law, not more than two judges Palm Beach and Polk Counties and of the lk f/ JH BI*Ii! ofdistriet court of dici eal orsyste any judge there- obar the court of review of adming istrative felony court ofn immediately theretofore ex- tas a population in excess Of one hundred and all other bonds scored by the pledged ures for anythe improvement of the adminis- A joa i by the judges of that the ercisvil andby the criminal court of re's court, the thousand according to the decennial census revenues exceed seventy-five (75) per cen I SOtration of Ju Distice ourt of appeal.-, courtmember one Jtudge barof Florida for the pre- I county court the juvenile court, anecord any or other census authorized by general law of the pledged revenues. (a) APPELLATE DISTReme Court.- eding ive years. Each judge of a county eai laims court presided over by the taken next after this article becomes effe- ()The state may lease any of suc Your Vote and Support Wil Be Appreciated ()by law shall be divided into not mosupre than Jcoudgert of a magistrate court mustappomted by and Sarasota Countiesrein suchall becourts existed tie shall become a judge o f the circuit facilities to any local g Avernml tal agency, our shall consist of seven justicesof one county or of the barjudges o f Florida unless otherwise inof the cirespctivet court in the countyct county for the remainder of a under lease-purchase' agreements or such contiguous counties. There shall be a district (2) two electors who have resided In the they reside. AIl judges of various courts V L L 1I- I|| / I U LL II^ Yl S court b e chosen chief judistrict consisting state anprovided by gen members of the bar of l law th is articlewho become judges of circuit courts p effective. ersof not less than thrtFive justidges. Three judges state or eight years, appointed by the sant to thistrate ourts in each county shall serve as circuit stitute a qu orum. The concurrence of four s hall fill by appointment, each vacancy in es the ir respective counties andIf All shall be necessa ry to a decision ju. (ci) three electors who have resided districts term s of other circuit judgcaes. All O n -ectric moe- (b) JURISDIOTION.---e supreme ourt: tor fy e eas m sl d hhdjudges of tlhe ris to criic ourts of record of O .ECONOMY It l et 4 (1) Distrhallt courts oa appealsfrom finally have jud icial office or been membersjudiial offi the may be ercised by the respective small claims ourts Wi cU y COS yOU ess TO operate an A -Eletri mobile mentjurisdicof trial courts imposing the death limited to nominees of uch commissions. A ll wh ose judges held no other offic the emallony 0 takenatys and from ordaatter of right, from f inal (b) The mentmbers of the judicial qualting .m claims-magisourt of record of Volusia County and an Ometes ourtan TO us combination f and electricity You eno mo rn judgmentsios of rders of trial courts of Iencluding catins commissions shall b s ubjerve appropriately appropriate number of judgesBrevard County, traffic the court Hills- . those entered on review of administrative staggered terms not longer than six years of record of Broward, Brevard, Escambia, and electrFic lying, and Save tool! action, not directly appealable to the au fixed by law. No member of the Senacommite. bo Sarasota Countyies shall be assigned of the peace I preatyme or a c ircuing a provision of the (a) Jsion ust ices and judges shal be chosen effective, he supreme court to service CLEANLINESS With flmel lt statreview intor federlocutory orders in such cases to oronstitutionbyh except aors provided he territorial juris- juoffice criminal divisions thereof thor e ecircised by the i r ee S n\ SOO OUr mobile home \ 2)the extent provide by certiorariues anydopted by The commission of their respectiv one of iur ts in the sam. he county o which they reside. Judges of I f athe supreme court of appeal that affects manner as others tate and county officers maguvenile division of the court of record S oun TO stand leaner, longer! acata +wOf eon~tituttona or state officers, are elected',or,, when provided by general committing magistrates. that passes upon a question certified by &h law, in non~partisan! elections; except, the (e) When this article becomes effective: III di(2)tct court of appeal the power of direct pub ( c) The supreme co judges of the court (1) Ai outs not herein authorized shall . review of administrative action asret conflict ofmay be regulating proceedings of thtrative action may be mission, ease to existurts and juri domesdictio c relation con s I Cclude JUST plu in to get the eectricty you need Ther' n n prwith a decision of another dstricco t of prscribedlln of vacancies by the appointing courts who become judges of orceuit courts . appeal or of the supreme court appeal or any authorities and the temporary replajustices ofment shall be signed to the juvenile and domes st put a card in the indwourt whichWhen you need fuel N n to t th qudge thereion of law, and may issue writs of habea supreme ourts of disqualified or incapacitatrict courts of under .this article, would have jurisdiction o rpu s returnable before that comm surt or any After recommendationhe court of revOfany in of the countyse i n which they reside, and c aned or relihted whn l th A l causes within thereof or before any circuit judgpreme juadministice or judge, the recorve action an d circuiof the pro udges of county judgess'all recordscourts who bcome We er comes roun. -ectric Is mobile in that distort A distort court of appeal ll n necessary to be for six years. The terms of Judges of abolished hereby shas of circuit courts shall be assigned h hemay issucomplee exercise' of tmandamus, certiorari shall be ma nd magistrate courts shall proper officer vision of the appropriate court uome vin t ITS est...and Int cost deryou less prohibition, qu e warrant, sad other writs (d) Upon recommendation of the judicial of the county ic which they reside. . pnecessary to final e complete exercise of its qualificatice ons commission, concurtrend judges of by (3) In counties having a population not T e f ks t Florida ower vte you to See the new A -Eectric mobile ho turidal courts imposing life imprisonment or the birds of its pp members, the sureme excess of one hundred thousand accord dispose of all issues in a cause properly court may order that any justice of the su-- ig too the last, decennial census or other On dis at our r's nw before it, a district court of appeal may preme court, judge of district court of census authorized by. general law, judges of nOW. exercise any of the appellate jurisdiction appeal, judge of the court of review of ad- the county judges' courts shall become judges A of the circuit courts, ministrative action, judge of a circuit court, of the county court in the county in which SECTION 6. Court of review of adminis- and when provided by law any judge of they reside. In counties having a population trative action.-There may be established a county court or judge of a magistrate not in excess of one hundred thousand ac- by law a court of review of administrative court, may be disciplined by private rep- cording to the last decennial census -or other \ action composed of. ot less than three rimand; removed from office, with termina- census authorized by general law, judges V S IT YO UR M O BILE HO M E D AL judges It shall have appellate jurisdiction tion of compensation, for willful or persia- of juvenile courts who hold no other office to hear appeals from such administrative tent failure to perform his duties or for shall become Judges of the county court action as may be prescribed by law. Three other conduct unbecoming a member of the in that county, and for the remainder of judges shall consider each case, and the Judiciary; or involuntarily retired for any their terms, they shall receive a salary not concurrence of two shall be necessary to a disability which seriously interferes with less than they received as juvenile court decision. The judges of the court shall be the performance of his duties and which judges immediately before the effective date --------- ---- "* +' ri-nioTli inio- nfthl. m* f.ir,/ni rigilm!-_afrm --!ia~a-Hsa-f -^ '^^iV-lSSII~^ f 1 d Is kr n ie u n ,e PAGg FOgjRgjBE THE STAR, Port St. Jo*, Fl 32456 THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1970 |