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TWELVE PAGES ,& TW *&*VE THE STAR 10c PER COPY "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" THIRTY-THIRD YEAR PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 NUMBER 45 County Puts Sights On 10 Mill Levy for Fiscal 70-71 SRepresenting City In Dixie Youth Tourney This group of 16 boys and their two coaches; Daryal Strickland and Bascom Hamm will represent Port St. Joe in the Dixie Youth League District Tournament getting underway in Chattahoochee on Monday of next wek. The Port St. Joe team will open the tourna- ment with Graceville at 5:30 p.m. Monday. Tournament play will continue through the week. Making up the Port St. Joe team are, front row, left to right: Bill Norton, Sandy Sanborn, Jimmy Greene, Timmy Hamm, Steve Cloud and Buddy Hamm. Second row: Charles Branch, Mike Scott, John Owens, Greg Abrams and Alan Strickland. Sack row: Daryal Strickland, coach, Steve Lawrence, Kim Davis, Denzil Weimorts, Bobby Sanborn, Mark Wimberly and coach Bascom Hamm. Gulf County Commissioners be- gan working on a budget for.the 1970-71 fiscal year Tuesday and have tentatively adopted a bud- get which will require $81,181 more than the current operatifhg budget. Along with the budget plan- ning, the Board took a giant step toward cutting back to the state's required 10 mill levy by reducing millage from 13.4 of the current budget to 10.2 or 3 for the new budget. The mill rate is still Uncertain until a closer study ban be made of oth- er sources of funds available to Paper Company to 'Start Up 'Friday St. Joe Paper Company's paper mill here in Port St. Joe, will resume operations at 7:00 a.m. Friday morning, according to an announcement made yesterday by Tom S. Coldewey, vice-presi- dent in charge of operations. The mill shut down Wednes- day, July 1 for repairs and main- tenance. the Board. One of the main factors in the millage reduction is the increase in race- track tax receipts from the State of Florida. Of eight "funds" operated by the county, four came in for in- creases in money to be levied. The largest increase is shown in the General Fund budget with 'an extra $57,549 tentatively pro- Sided for this fund. The'Fine and Forfeiture Fund (Sheriff, Court, Judges, etc.,) will be increased ,$9,986 and the Courthouse Bond fund gets an additional $1,324. The Bond Reserve Fund will be hiked by $21,555. The tentative budget calls for levies by funds, as follows: General Fund, $536,772; Fine and Forfeiture, $127,386; Road and Bridge Fund, $238,251; Court- house Bonds, $81,538; Bond Re- serve, $62,220; Fire District, $11,- 400; Fire Station Bonds, $3,732.- 50; Capital Outlay, $50,000 for a; total of $1,111,279.50. Last year's budget was $1,030,098.50. Reductions were shown in the Road and Bridge Fund, $9,198;1 and the Fire Station Bonds, $45. Increases in the budget are due to increases in library funds, courthouse operation (mainten- ance), increase in salary for Su- pervisor of Elections, workman's compensation increase, radio ser-i vice, increase in Tax Assessor and Tax Collector fees and:an in- crease in salary for county em- ployees. Their new budget will be ad- vertised July 30 and a public hearing will be held at the reg- ular meeting of the board on Tuesday, August 11. If all con- troversy is settled at the August 11 meeting without raising the total of the tentative budget, it will probably be adopted on that date. John Robert Middlemas Announces Candidacy for Re-election to House School Board Has Until Tomorrow to Answer HEW Suit The drama of changing the make-up of the Gulf County School system is rapidly draw- ing to a head, with a suit filed > against Gulf and five other Floriqa counties late last week ordering them, to come up with an acceptable plan, or have a Roemer Announces For Fourth Term William Roemer, Sr., of Wewa- hitchka qualified Monday with the office of the Clerk of 'Cir- cuit Court to peek re-election as a member of the Board of Pub- lic Instruction in District One. Roemer is seeking re-election. to his fourth term as a Board member. During this time he has served as vice-chairman and twice as, chairman. "As in th+ past", he said, "I ask again for your vote and support, in the hope that my service in office has merited your confidence." He said he was grateful to the people for their assistance and cooperation. plan written for them. A representative group from HEW in Atlanta, Ga., was im Port St. Joe Tuesday of this week looking the situation over and "offering to help" where Ithey could in order to bring about an acceptable plan which fGulf st file with HEW by Frdiay of this week. Even though all of Gulf's High Schools have been consolidated into two wholly integrated oper- ations, there still is a bone of contention with the HEW or- ganization because of plans of the Gulf Board to operate the Washington Elementary School and Highland View Elementary School as neighborhood schools which would, in effect, keep them largely of a one race malke-up. The Board must file with the court tomorrow of their plans for the county system. If the plans are not accepted, both the Board and HEW may file addi- tional information before July 24. If there is still no agree- ment reached, the question .vwiE be decided by the courts during the week of August 1. Oak Grove Water, Sewer Project Ranks High In Necessary Points County Engineer Max W. Kil- bourn reported to the County Commission Tuesday that the Oak Grove Water and Sewer Dis- ; trict had earned 26 of ,5 points in a degree of need with the Farmer's Home Administration, from' whom the county is seek- ing financing for the system. Kilbourn pointed out that this has put the system in a very good position and "things look good" for approval of the sys- tem. Kilbpurn suggested that the County begin thinking about considering a sewage district for Highland Vfew to tie into the new City of Port St. Joe disposal system land help that system to receive more points. "This pro- posed system will be a boon for this area", Kilbourn pointed out. Attorney William J. Rish ad- vised that the County wait un- til the Oak Grove project is ap- proved to make any further re- quests so that this project will not be delayed. The Board agreed to abide by Rish's suggestion. The City of Port St. Joe made a request for fire control district funds to be paid over to them. After considering the request and the needs of Highland View and White City, the Board agreed Tapper Picked by Faircloth As Gubernatorial Partner George' G. Tapper of Port St. Joe, well-known throughout the State in political and business circles announced Tuesday after- noon that he would qualify Wed- nesday morning with the Secre- tary of State to seek nomination in the Democratic primary to the office of Lieutenant Governor of the State of Florida. Tapper will be a running mate with Earl Faircloth,'who is seeking election as governor. Tapper made the announce- ment Tuesday afternoon in a meeting of close friends and as- sociates at his home. "I wanted you to hear it first before you read it in the papers", he said in making known his intentions to seek election. Tapper has been in politics in one way or another most of his adult life. He has served as County Commissioner of Gulf County, as a member of the House of Representatives and as Senator of the old 25th Senator- ial District back in the 50's. He was serving as Senator from a re-arranged district when the Senatorial Districts were re-shuf- fled four years ago. Tapper was linked to the con- servative "Pork Chop Gang" dur- ing his service in the Legislature but was respected throughout the State of Florida as an able Legislator. Tapper said he felt it an hon- or to be selected and invited to lun for a major position such as Lieutenant Governor and he felt he couldn't refuse the invita- tion. to pay Port St. Joe up to $500 of what was left owing on last year's payment and pay an addi- tional $1,900 of the, $3,800 in the fund. The remainder of the money would be spent as needed on the other two fire depart- ments. Tax Collector Harland Prid- geon made two requests of the Board. He asked that his office be al- lowed to disregard all tax bills. W. P. Gilbert Taken by Death Funeral 'services were held at 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning for Willard Phonso Gilbert, age 49, who passed away suddenly early Friday morning at the Municipal Hospital. Services were conducted from the First Presbyterian Church in Port St. Joe with Rev. Robert Ca- ry officiating, assisted by Rev. C. Byron Smith. Burial was in Holly Hill Cemetery. Gilbert was a veteran of World War II and was employed by St. Joe Stevedoring Company where he had been employed for the past 32 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Soledad H. Gilbert of Port St. Joe; three daughters, Mrs. Di- anne Bussman of Tallahassee, Miss Gilda Gilbert and Miss Deda Gilbert both of Port St. Joe; three sons, Wilkie Gilbert of Gaines- ville, Victor and Willard Paul Gilbert, both of Port St. Joe; his mother, Mrs. Ethel Westbrook of Port St. Joe; grandmother, Mrs. Ida Lee Boswell of Port St. Joe; (Continued On Page 12) Golf Course Work Moving Right Along George G. Tapper told The Star that work on the golf course and country club project near Simmons Bayou is progressing. He reported that work will start next week on construction of two lakes on the course along with continued grading and clearing work on the 250 acre course. Tapper said that the course will be ready for play by June of next year but that the Country Club portion of the project will be completed before that time. of less than $1.00 "because it costs more to collect than the county gets". Pridgeon said there were about 30; to 40 tax bills in this category., The Board agreed to Pridgeon's request. Pridgeon also asked the County to set the fees for his office to collect City taxes, as now: pro- vided by law. The Board tabled the motion until they could re- search the law on the matter. The City of Wewahitchka made a request for $705.60 in Road and Bridge taxes due them. The Board tabled the matter 'for the time being since they had been keeping up Wewahitchka streets in return for the money and al- so because Wewahitchka had not yet paid its share of the Mosqui- to Control program. Representative John Robert Middlemas announced yesterday that he would seek re-election to the Florida House of Representa- tives from District 8, represent- ing Bay, Calhoun and Gulf coun- ties. Middlemas was elected first in 1966. He has been re-elected in 1967 and 1968. He is now seek- ing his third term in the House. In announcing his candidacy, Middlemas said, "since I was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in 1966 I have served in three full sessions of the Leg- islature, including the session of 1967 which was the longest in Florida's history. I honestly feel that the experience and seniority that I have gained over the past four years will be valuable to the people of Bay, Calhoun and Gulf counties. I believe that I have gained the respect of other members of the Legislature and because of this I think that I will be able to be effective for the people in my district in achiev- ing legislative goals." "I think that the measure of a man, any man, but particular- Watermelon? No-o-o-o-o, it's not a watermelon! It's a squash! Grown by Mon- roe Beck at his home on Fourth Street in Highland View. Beck estimates the big vegetable weighs about 20 pounds. To show that this one is not a fluke, he has two more squash on the same vine about the same size as this one. He's saving these for seed to grow some really big ones next year. -Star photo ... -4--- JOHN R. MIDDLEMAS ly one who dares to make laws for others to live by, is what he stands for when standing for something is the most difficult. I have tried to remember this when faced with difficult ques- tions in my legislative career. I have tried to base my decisions, not on what is best to guarantee my re-election, but on what is best in carrying out my respon- sibilities to the people. If re- elected, I shall continue to base my decisions on that." Middlemas is 34 years old and is a life-long resident of Panama (Continued On, Page 12-, Lamar Davis Is Board Candidate Lamar Davis of Wewahitchka announced this week that he will be a candidate for a Cqun- ty Commission seat from District 2. Davis has been a resident of Wewahitchka for 19 years and is employed at St. Joe Paper Company. He is married and has three children. McGlon Will Try for District Two Post Alvin McGlon, Wewahitchka City Commissioner for eight years, announced this week that he will be a candidate for County Commissioner, District 2 in the September primaries. McGlon has been a resident of Wewahitchka for 20 years. He operates an American Oil Com- pany service station in the North Gulf town. He is married and has a son and a daughter. McGlon ran for this same post eight years ago, against the pres- ent incumbent, James McDaniel. McDaniel is not seeking re-elec- tion this year. THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE TWO ME STA '" Port St, Jee, Fla. 32456 Editorials... Our First Endorsement With the "political season" just getting under way in Florida, and still considered young, not many have yet aligned themselves solidly with the candidate with which they will become associated in the hectic exercise called "campaigning". No other newspaper that we know of has yet endorsed a candidate for Governor and Lieutenant Governor. They must endorse both since the two candidates will be paired in the' balloting with one vote going for both men. Not to be one to sit back and wait, The Star will prob- ably be the first newspaper in the state to offer its en- dorsement. Certainly, we expect to be the first to offer our endorsement for the candidacy of Earl Faircloth for Governor and George G. Tapper of Port St. Joe as his running mate for Lieutenant Governor. It doesn't take a wise man to see that our decision is prompted by the fact that George Tapper is Faircloth's running mate. That may be putting the cart before, the the horse, but if that's the way it is, that's just the way it will have to be. Port St. Joe and Gulf County has never had a native son in a major political office in the state. We can very readily see the advantages of having Tapper as Lieutenant Governor of the State of Florida. One may call this sel- fishness, but what area doesn't support a Governor for selfish reasons? There is no need to tell you, our readers, that Tapper is a very able man in every sense of the word. To have any qualms about his qualifications for this high office hasn't even occurred to us. We believe he can ably han- dle the job and he has demonstrated his ability time and time again in serving Gulf County in the Florida Legisla- ture. George Tapper has proven to us all that he is a worker. VeP few projects started by him fall by the wayside for lack of enthusiasm or lack of his willingness to work for its accomplishment. The success of his pfi- vate life proves this fact even more so than does his past successes in political life. Again, we admit, it is a bit early to assert ourselves. All of the candidates are not yet in the race. But, based on personal knowledge of the man, Tapper, and our faith in his ability to work for both Gulf County and the State of Florida, we will cast our lot with Earl Faircloth and George Tapper and hope that you will do likewise. Our words of last week concerning the rock festival near Macon, Georgia have brought many expressions of wonder about "where are we headed", "what is this nation coming to", and many other such utterances. About the only answer one can sensibly give is to say that our nation is headed in the direction we, as adults and as parents, point it. We saw a cartoon the other day that said, "I remember the day when 'mind your children' meant to care for them not obey them". We again have to recall that parents allow their children to roam free to find their jollies in such things as this or even openly aid and abet their at- tendance. From our observations, though, the kids are doing pretty well, by and large, even though they are left on their own now, more so than at any time in our history. To be sure four letter words are written, shouted, spoken and practiced in what is politely termed "society". In order to shock, the kids (the small percentage, we should point out) have brought the words out of the wash room into the open. They have always been with us, even though they were of a furtive nature a few years ago. Rather than seeing this situation as a status quo for the youth of tomorrow, we see it as a blunt warning to parents that they need to get back to the job of being parents rather than pals, bankers, housekeepers and a free meal ticket for their children. -I Etaoin Shrdlu by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Letter to the Editor Dear Mr. Ramsey, I have just enjoyed a tour through our beautiful new high school, and I must say I fel a 'little envious of those who' will attend classes in such comfort- able surroundings and of the teachers who will be teaching the eleven hundred and fifty lovely and talented high school students of this community. Since many of these students will be brought together for the first time when classes begin this fall, I feel( now is the time for all parents and, indeed, all students of our community to begin pray- ing earnestly for peace and har- mony in our school. I urge all students to.remember that each individual is a unique creation of God, with his own personality, disposition, talent, physical ap- pearance, etc. We must have, pa- tience and respect for one an- cther. I believe that within each of us dwells a spark of the love of God; therefore, if we offend one another, we offend God. I also believe the prospect for peace throughout the World begins with peace in our own hearts. I believe St. Paul's words to the Ephesians are just as relevant to us today as they were at the time of writing and I hope each student will consider these words carefully as he or she enters this new high school accept life with humility and patience, making al- lowances for one another because you love one another. Make it your aim to be at one in the spirit, and you will inevitably be at peace with one another. You all belong to one body, of which there is one spirit, just as you all experience one calling to one hope. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God, one Father of us all, who is the one over all, the one working through all and the one living in all Sincerely, ,MRS. W. F. ETHERIDGE While American railroads find themselves in serious financial difficulty add some of them go- ing bankrupt, it is interesting to find one railroad that is doing a rush business with tickets so different to secure it is advisa- ble for passengers to reserve tickets in advance to avoid disa- pointment. * Many prospective passengers approach the station ticket of- fice only to be told by the agent that he is sorry all seats are sold for the next two or three days. The train I am talking about operates in the Rocky mountains of Colorado between' Durango and Silverton. It is a branch line of the Denver & Rio Grande and was established in 1881 dur- ing the silver mining boom pri- marily to haul ore through the rugged mountain area. This little narrow gage rail- road is one of the most profita- ble tourist attractions in Colo. rado and operates with the same old fashioned equipment built in 1880, carrying tourists during the season from June 1 to Octo- ber 1 of each year. The train carries about 400 passengers on each trip, requir- ing six hours to huff and puff .the 45 miles up the rugged moun- tain right of way. You leave Durango at 8:30 in the morning, enjoy a delightful two hours or so in the ghost min- ing town of Silverton, and ar- rive back in Durango at 6 in the evening. j I It is a never-to-be-forgotten ex- perience. We made the trip sever- al years ago and thoroughly en- joyed every minute of it. The round trip fare is $6 and worth every penny of it. The first 10 miles is fairly le- vel but you reach the rugged .country when you enter Las Ani- mas canyon. The little ancient train, its engine belching bil- lows of black smoke, crawls a- long a precarious ledge where the ties are a bare three inches from the precipice edge, with the river far below and 14,000 feet-high peaks forming a jag- ged skyline. The visits are awe inspiring and keep passengers on the edge of their seats all the way. As the train twists and turns up the mountainside you can see the engine puffing away ahead as you look out the win- dow. To add to the thrill, the train is held up by bandits who dis- mount and hold passengers at bay in mock robbery. Arriving at Silverton you are given an- other taste of the old days as your train is met by plenty of gun play and shouting. You lunch at the "Bent Elbow" that swings with its old West and Gay Nineties atmosphere. Custo- mers join the entertainers sing- ing the old time songs in a de- lightful spirit of comaraderie. I sincerely hope that whatever may happen to other railroads, this old Silverton Branch of the D '& R will continue to operate on a profitable basis. h 7' 1 accident or arson...any wildfire is illegal. and any fire out of control is a wildfire. HelpPrevent Forest Fires in the South. CLASSIFIED ADSI Midaet Investments That Yeld bMnt Returns IT'S A FINANCIAL FACT w.... ....... . -P THE STAR- Published Every Thursday at 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Salesman, Photographer, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader, Bookkeeper and Complaint Department POSTOFFICE Box 808 PHONE 227-38161 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 82456 Entered as second-class matter, December 19, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Florida, under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTIONS INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE IN COUNTY ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MOS., $1.75 THREE MOS., $127.50 OUT OF COUNTY One Year, $4.00 OUT OF U. S. One Year, $5.00 TO ADVERTISERS--In case of error or ommissions in advertisements, the publisher do not hold themselves liable for damage further than amount received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly con- vinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. P.L L. ........ ....~.... .... ._ ...........................-.....- _ IF YOU DON'T SEE IT ASK FOR ITI OPEN SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M. Specials for Thursday, Friday, Saturday, July 16, 17 and 18 With $10.00 Order or More SUGAR 10 Ib. bag 99c Fresh U. S. No. 1 White Crowder Peas -- 5 lbs. 89c POTATOES -----10 lbs. 89c Fresh Golden Ripe ButterBeans -- 5lbs. $1.00 BANANAS --------lb. 12c Fresh Green Head Slenda Sue -4 Gal. Ctns. CABBAGE l--------b. 1 Oc ICE MILKK --- 2 ctns. 89c FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER 3 lbs1.49 First Cut Boneless Shoulder Pork Chops -------lb. 59c Cubed Steak-------b. 89c Center Cut Boneless Rolled Pork Chops -------lb. 89c Chuck Roast -------b. 79c Center Cut Trimmed Full Cut Chuck Steak -------b. 69c Round or Rib Steak l- b. 99c Sunnyland Tender Whole or Shank Half HAMS lb. 59c Georgia Grade "A'- Limited Quantities Whole FRYERS lb. 29c ROBERSON'S GROCERY HIGHWAY 9q HIGHLAND VIEW A Blunt Warning Too Late To Classify By Russell Kay We remember most people who are dead and gone for many and various reasons. Some of these reasons may seem almost com- ical when examined in the light of day. But the reasons stick with- us and cause us to remember. It makes one pause and think long and hard when you hold a conversation with a man in his office one afternoon and the next morning rise to find that he has died during the night. But dis- concerting as it is, when it comes my time, that's the way I want to die if I had a choice. Last Thursday afternoon, I was in Phonzo Gilbert's office hold- ing conversation (and he could and would talk on most any subject) when the conversation got around to newspapers. "You know", Phonzo said, "I never had many occasions to get my name in the paper, but almost invariably when ,1 did they printed it 'A. P. Gil- bert' naturally assuming that my name was 'Alphonzo' ". I knew he was shooting at me and readily admitted that I had committed this error on occasion. I assured him that I was now indoctrinated and would spell his name properly the very next time it went into print. I would much rather print his name wrong on many occasions, how- ever, than be forced to spell it correctly this particular week. But getting back to remembering ... The thing I will re- member Phonzo for, more than any other thing is that he built the very first house Frenchie and I ever lived in after we were married. Prior to that time, it had been apartments, I'll also re- . member how he bent over backward to make it possible for us to get in that house in our earlier struggling years. * Prince Charles and Princess Anne of Merrie Old England are scheduled for a visit to the United States soon. This will be their first visit to "the colonies" and we're anxiously awaiting this honor to our country. In spite of press reports of late, the Queen and her Consort must consider us civilized enough to trust with their royal offspring. While the royal pair is here in the United States they will be treated to a back-yard cook-out by Patricia Nixon and David and Julie Eisenhower. Can't help but wonder how Bonnie Prince Char- lie and the Princess will take to burned hamburgers and charcoaled hot dogs. If Patricia, Julie and David want to do their guests up proud, they should serve that old Southern delicacy of barbe- cued goat along with some Brunswick stew and corn on the cob. But, then again, if they were served this fare, they may never go back to England. The etiquette on their visit says one must not speak to them un- less spoken to and then they should be addressed as "Your Royal Highness". That could get pretty sticky. We can hear it now. "Mus- tard on your burger, Your Royal Highness pickle, relish, on- ion?" But, remember, one must not address them unless spoken too. They might just miss the best part of the hamburger by not knowing what to ask for. Somebody remarked the other day that he must certainly be getting old. The first of the year just went by "yesterday" and here he is already thinking of Christmas. Father time fleets by. It's amazing how fast that old rascal can run. It's a pity his ability for speed isn't shared by those marching along in the later years. ~ THE STAR, Port St. Joe. Pklortd THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE THREE That the 1970 census for Gulf Coun- ped-up and would save the tax ty was not completed; that the payers of the County. The Chair- Minutes of The original Instructions wee that the man said that the County has noCall Can Take enumerators would have until written policy for providing drive- e eTake Care June 30, 1970, to complete their ways; that many times a drive- GULF COUNTY COMMISSION work but that the area supervisor through ditch is provided rather came to Gulf County on June 2, than the culvert Mr. Nance then M a 1970, andepiked up all completed asked when the County plans to forms and announced that they clean out the big ditch in St. JoeQ questions were out of funds and therefore Beach. The Board said this will PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA /s/ George Y. Core the supervisor was notified that se- be done at an early date. Pa- JUNE 11, 1970 Clerk' veral areas of the county have not Upon motion by Comm. Player, "Your social security office is as located at 1135 Harrison Ave., Pa- The Board of County Commis- PORT ST. JOE FLORIDA been counted. That his answer was seconded .by Comm. Kennedy and hearings before the State close to you as your telephone," nama City 32401, and the office sloners of Gulf County, Florida, June 23, 1970 that: "We have spent our money duly carried, the following resolu.- inpublic hearings before lans for said James C Robinson, Managerlephours are 8:30 a.m to 4:30 p.m. etth.. date in special session and we are calling it off." The tion was adopted: adopts standards and plans for said James C. Robinson, Manager hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ith this date in special mbsespion The Board of County Commis- d expressedits concern as to RESOLUTION quality air control. He assured the of the Panama City Social Security Monday through Friday. sJa: WalterBordrahamthChaatmner.ype r s.on.compannth n called to r coloration wil h ave an oppor- S R. Player, F. R. Pippin, Jr. and me this date in regular sessn S Census as been handled and the attention of the Board of Coun- tunity to be heard and to express fice can assist a future claimant in Leo Kennedy. The Clerk, Deputy wnt: Walte Gra o am chairman, I advised in this matter. ty Commissioners of Gulf County their views before the State sets determining whether .he has the I.W GIVen On Sheriff, Attorney, Consultant and .t: er a"rnd Leo Kennedy. The Mr. Ralph Nance questioned the that the structure on Niles Road its standards. necessary proofs available when he ad Superintendent were also pre- Deputy Sheor, Board as to i ts pisy in granting at George-Washington Branch, in TheClerk notified the Commis- read toclaim benefits. Our em- r Skiin se~it. Clerk, Dp Sheriff, Attorney, or providing driveways for homes Port St. Joe, in undersized. sion that the Florida Engineering to claim benefits. Our em- W after The meeting came to order at ol upersor andCounty Ser- andtrailers in St. Joe Beach. He NOW THEREFORE: be it resolv- Associates, Inc., requires certified ployees can check on necessaryater kiing 1:45 P.M. The Clerk opened the v Officer were also present sad that enoe inst byri ed by this Board that the Depart- copies of the agreement between proof s and how you can acquire meeting with prayer tice g er.c re o order at way thaterednstaued be ment of Transportation is request- the County and the City of Port them if they are not readily availa- Skiing has become the second The Chairman announced that ee gm,, o dert Countyhaterved nopurpose ed to take necessary action to re- St. Joe for charges for water and ble This means that payments will most popular sport in the waters sTheChairman announced ht :00 P.M. The Clerk opened the. cause they become stopped-up af- hr-raaa place this structure with one of sewer services to Oak Grove, which this meeting was called for the meting with prayer. ter the first rain, but that if the l a t ei caact, whih hsbeisre uirv ce th Oak Grove ap- be made quickly when the individ- today. However, operators should erp oo f sing eMrsvn Frances Garrett, CrewLead-county, provided a drive-through estimated would cost approximately I plication for Federal Assistance. ual decides he is ready to claim his take note thatpersons being towed the City of Long Avenue in er, and Ed Wood, Enumerator for ditch it would serve the same pur- $10,000.00 It is further requested The Chairman requested the at- benefits by their boat are a responsibility City of the the Gulf County Census, appeared pose boe culvertadrivewaysserves,$ 0isib eDistrict Enginer, Stati e MrDepart.bb e outy ensus, apred pse the vt i w ees that funds necessary to replace torney to attend to this matter. nRobinsoan also stated that the of the operator. If the person ski- ment ofrTransportation. Mr. Webb efore the Board and reported plus the fact ltthis structure be taken from Gulf The Clerk read a letter from the entire claim can be completed over becomes r th informed the Board as to certain County Secondary Funds. (End) Monroe Co., reportin on its in- speed and fun of the sport, they requirements to place said project RAFFIELD, administrator o Honorable Harland Pridgeon, section of the County building inmates a telerip to the office unneces may actually be putting you, as the on the secondary road system, af- the estate of SARAH JULUR Tax Collector, presented his list of Wewahitchka. makes a trip to the office unnec operator, in a very serious posi- ter which it will be paved with pri- BURCH; HENRY EDWARD errors, incolvencies and double as-sary.Thinomtoisaenv mary maintenance funds and then BURCH, MINNIE BURCH WIL- sessments for the 1969 tax roll and The Chairman requested Comm. sary. The informal i an tion in regard to negligent opera- return it to the secondary system LIAMS; JAMES BENNETT; requested that he be released from Player and the Clerk toattend a the telephone and the claim form of your boat. for maintenance. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT EVA WOOD; LOIS MARIE said rolls. After examination of meeting in Blounstown concerning is mailed to the beneficiary for tion of your boat. -i Whereu on, an agreement and IN AND FOR GULF COUN- SMITH; THEODORE R. WIL- said list in the total sum of $796.35, Chipola River being designated a signature. He can return the neces- Skiing too close to docks, other resolution was duly adopted: set- TY, FLORIDA. SON; GEORGE BURCH; BILLY and reviewing a statement as to wild river., t scary documents with the applica- boats, in congested areas, and in ting forth a Project Agreement of NOTICE TO DEFEND BURCH; ESTER MAE BEN- the total collections of the 1969 The Department of Transpora- sary documents with the applica- boats, in congested areas, and in the Secondary Road System Ment D.A.C. NOTICE TO DEFEND E SWANS ON; ALDA tax roll in the amount of $1,263, tion notified the County a "No tion for benefits by mail, and never swimming areas may result in the the Seorandumaryof Agreement on the INC., a corporation former FAIT CARNLEY CANNING- 782.49, there was a motion by Passing Zone" on U. S. 98 in the make a trip to the office. operator being cited for negiligent Long Avenue Paving extension ALL SOUTH MORTGAGE, TON; MARY LEONA BURCH; Comm. Kennedy, seconded by Oak Grove area does not meet operation of his motor boat, which ag enINWILLIE J. BURCH; BRYANT Comm. Player and duly carried the criteria for a no passing zone. This is a boon to many of our operation of his motor boat, which agreement laintiffumay result in a fine of $2,000 and ATESTm Plaintiff, F. CANNINGTON, JR.; and that the list of errors, insolvencies There being no further business, old people, Robinson said. They or one year's imprisonment. Is! Walter GrahamPlvtfDEPARTMENT OF HEALTH and double assessments be approv- the meeting adjourned.,an d Chairman B.F. CANNINGTON; GENE AND REHABILTATVESER- ed and ordered that the Collector ATTEST: no longer have to drive to the of- Let water sport be a sport and ChairmaCNINT N VICES, an agency of the State be released from the 1969 tax roll, /s/ Walter Graham fice or get a friend or relative to not a possible means for death or of Florida, subject to an official audit by the Chairman bring them in. The office telephone injury. Common Sense Afloat Is Defendants. Legislative Auditor General: /s/ George Y. Core number is 763-5331. The office is A Must FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO: Willie J. Burch, Billy Burch Mrs. Jane Patton, Director, Clerk number is 763-5331. The office is A Must. FI T U I ED M ETIS URC and George Burch. Northwest Regional Library System Intersection Monument and Constitution YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED and C. E. Daniell, Gulf County Li- REV. R. MILLARD SPIKES, Minister filed against you in the above budget for the next fiscal year and Church School -------9:45 A.M. named Court. The nature of the discussed the cost of operating urch School .............. suit (the title of which is set orth the Gulf County Library. This bud- Morning Worship- ...........-...--11:00 A.M., above) is one in 'equity to for close get requested $21,652.68 from Coun- Evening Worship .....-7:00 P.M. a mortgage upon the following des- ty funds. The Chairman said that Methods Yot el.low....hi.p--.--- M cribed property, situate in Gulf third request would be considered ' Methodist Youth Fellowship .................. 800 P.M. County, Florida, to-wit: at the time the County budget is '" ' ,,LSixty (60) feet of North end of adopted.T "Where Old Fashioned Friendliness Still Survives" Lot 4, Block A of Highland View, Comm. Player said that Jac Florida, a subdivision of'Gove l- Brogdon, Ron Scull and Wallace 'r ment Lot 3, Section 26, Townshp Tillery, all of St.Joe Beach have re-. * 7 South, Range 11 West, of Gulf quested driveways. He said that ot, Florida; oil is washing ashore along the County, Florida;.beach. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH The South 35 feet of Lot 4, Block Comm. Kennedy informed the FIRSTA of Government Lot 13, See- Board that the equipment being' Lir is# Ation 26, Township 6 South, Range used by the contractors for the St. h,_ inHighland View; Company has caused some damage Tiin an ,to the Jones Homestead County TRAINING UNION 6:30 P.M. said mortgage being recorded in Road. The Attorney was directed SENSATIONAL VALUE! SUND-Y SCO L9:5A Official Record Book 38, P'age 299 to contact the proper party to have SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M. of the public records of Gulf Coun- this and any other county roads--- -.. Men's Short Sleeve MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE -...- 11:00 A.M. ty, Florida, and for sale of the damaged by said equipment repair- UNBELIEVABLE EVENING WORSHIP SERVICE :30 P.M. a descrieb oneddiedatno expense to ertheES DRESSES SPORT SHIRTS V NH E E.You are hereby summoned, di- The Chairman instructed the L DE 'SPORT PRAYER MEETING .(Wednesday) .... 7:30 P.M. reacted and required to fileyour Road Department to begin using answer to said complaint wi serve a the fill dirt stockpiled on the Lin- Juniors,( Misses, Half Sizes "Come and Worship God With Us" C lek of said Cu r tandp iiea VALUES TO $10 0 Sizes S-M-L copy thereof upon the plaintiff's on property ihas Sizes S-M-L attorney, W. A. Swann, Jr., 309 wnerfthisprpertyhasntified $ s Plaza Office Building, Town and the Board that the easement to re- While They Last R5 33..st. Country Plaza, Pensacola Florida, move hairman reported on Reg. $3.99 not later than therthin a day oo trip to Atlanta, Georgia, attending August, 1970. Herein fail not or a conference conducted by the Na- S _E the decree of this Court Will be en- tional Air Pollution Control Admin- tered againstyouby default. istration. He said that Gulf Coun- ENTIRE STOCK .. iMpublished once during each week LOOK AT THIS! Men's SE- W...U U-EiUE l for four consecutive weeks in The ida, with others from Alabama and Star, a newspaper of general circu-ferencei whererall agreed on the LADIES SW IM W EAR Msispi r ee se ne at sad con LADIES' SWIM WEAR SWIM WEAR nation, published in said Gulf formation of a quality air control, 1ad2PcStl ty, Florida. I and 2 Piece Styles iHWITNESS MY hand and official region, which includes Gulf Coun- H U TCH IN seal of said Court at Port St. Joe, ty. He said that his primary inter- Sizes 32-38 Sizes S-M-L- Reg. $2.99 Gulf County, Florida, this 26th day est in attending this conference was to see that both the citizens Entire Stock Asst. Styles E TOOMMY THOMAS CHEVROLET o une, ORG CrORE and industry in Gulf County would Reduced 4 TOMMY THOMAS CHEVROLETClerk of Circuit Court have an opportunity to participate Panama City of Gulf County, Florida r 4- '$2.44 (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) 4t-7-2 New and Used Cars and Trucks IN HE IRCUIT COURT, CALL 785-5226 FOURTEENTH J UD ICIAL '***, WHAT A BUY! SAVE ON NIfGHT 229-3477 CIRCUIT OF THE STATE W**.AT A SV ON NIGHT 9-3477 F FLORIDA, IN AND Tese Ladies Jamaica Sets LADIES' HEELS FOR GULF COUNTY. These are CASE NO. 70-109 D nger Sizes 8-to 16 . -- NOTICE OF SUIT n Reg. $4.99 Entire Stock Spring and Summer CHARLINE DEBORAH dinl Sizes 510 Reduced to RHINEHART, Plaintiff Special Price! '$ OSizes 5-10 Reduced to COOL QUIET WONDERFUL JAMESA EHART, for Batteries Reg. $7.99 $588 S .RNEHART. .$5.88 Defendant. .* TO: JAMES A. RHINEHART, 420-..* 66-7572 HHD, 53rd Trans. Bn., APO New York 09067. ** -I YOU ARE NOTIFIED that a Big Sav On This Item Complaint for Divorce has been What hot weather starts, cold Bihortg S a filed against you, and you are re- weather finishes both extremes u , S- quired to serve a copy of your an- drain battery power. But before inS Sh t Sets sweon ther Plaintiff's toAtrney, R Compl u fillsthe us airfora checkup trifyi a ANDs Asst. LADIES SHOES S Logue, Bennett and Williamss, 303 ei t al tro t. HOUSE SHOES, SANDALS Magnolia Avenue, Panama City, out obligation. Slack FOLDING SHOES 0O Florida, and file the -original an- It battery trouble is Sswer or pleading in the office of your problem, we carry- Sizes 5-10 . the Clerk of the above Court on inst A FAPA bLah t ,* Reg. $ 1.0 0 A -or before the 10th day of August, series. There simply AA .!omeseby default will be taken against prove it. oReg. $3.99 $ you for the relief demanded in the . Comnlaint. _--_- WITNESS MY HAND and SEAL ----- of SAID COURT, this the 6th day ST. JOE AUTO GIRL'S LOOK AT THIS! July, E, PARTS CO., Inc. SCOOTER SKIRTS 0 Clerk of Circuit Court ONLY A FEW LEFT LADIES' SAN ALS (SEAL) 4t-7-9 ONLYAFEWOLEFT --Sizes 3-6x Sizes 7-14 Sizes 5-10 While They Last Reg. $1.49 Reg. $1.79 Asst. Styles $ 2 .8 You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Values to $3.99 0 Natural gas air conditioners, now available in LONG AVENUE BAPTIST CHURCH .22 .44 "home-size" units, provide quieter, longer last- .... . ing, safer, more economical and trouble-free Corner Long Avenue and l1th Stree JR. GIRLS and JR. BOYS FINAL CLEARANCE! climate control at moderate cost. And with SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 AM. SO T special year-round lieating-cooling rates, you'll MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. PLAY SHORTS ENTIRE STOCK * find gas air conditioning cheapest as well as BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ... 5:45 P.M. Sizes 3-6x Spring-Summer Material 0 best! Call for a free survey and estimate! EVENING WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. Great Value at 69c . you G S a PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) ..-.... 7:30 P.M. Unheard of at only 44-49" wide 69 "Your Natural Gas Servant" I Val. to $1.00 yd.-yd. St Joe Natural Gas Co VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME 2 pr. $1.00 REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor ____________W L___W _ S114 Monument Ave Phone 229-S81 I lb'M a I "-ALOIIJA q-k lb""A =4fA A j-141016, PAGE FOIR TN! STAR, Port St. Joe, Pie. 32464 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 $1.00 Ex Dry Deodorant 4 oz. can (Reg. $1.00 Arrid 79c Headache? f~ry Bufferin BtL of 36 Tablets 65c COPE for Women Btl. of 15' Tablets 44c IGA RICH THICK CATSUP 2^ 14 Oz. b2 o39C Btls. O .9 Duncan Hines CAKE Reg. Boxes Mixes 3kgs.$1. 3 Lb. Can Digestible Shortening-With $10 Order Crisco 69c Mountain Grown With $10.00 Order L FOLGER'S Coffee Ib. 69c Showboat PORK and No. 2k Cans Beans 5 Cans JOE, FLORIDA GIANT SIZE PACKAGE /Atom $1. UULD With $ 10.0 0 AA c fv Order nr Mnr [GA Sliced or Halves No. 2% Cans ' P -IGA -12 Ounce Cans Peaches 3- ns1. eCn IGA Evaporated Tall Cans Cannea Milk 7- ans$1.00 Drinks U SV 0JALUJ. 10Cans "Stake Out" a claim to a succulent, tender steak at your IGA's great "Steak Out" Salel You'll dis. cover fine quality in every variety and the IGA lower price means a bonanza of savings when you take your' sf-k out past our checkout. When those steak-eaters assay the results, you'll know you've struck it rich in value tool TABLERITE BEEF STEAK A POUND OF TABLERITE BEEF IS A POUND OF PURE TENDER EATING PLEASURE! Tablerite Beef T-Bone Steak $' 2 Non-Dairy Coffee Creamer Pream 20z. 59c NBC -Lb.Pkg. 2Graham Crackers Armour Vienna 5 Oz. Cans Sausage 4Cas $1. IGA Liquid With $10.00 Order Bleach %oGaL 29c Ga. Grade 'A' MEDIUM EGGS 2 Doz. Ga. Grade 'A' SMALL EGGS 3 Doz. IGA Strawhi Tablerite Full Cut Ga. Grade 'A' Large With $10.00 Order or More pkg. 39c ROUND STEAK Ib. $1.09 1 doz. EGGS FREE ., GROUND CHUCK-- lb. 88c NEW! Soot Kraft Soft Parkay SCopeland- 12 oz. pkg. Margarine arri c rnnifFRm MAM nit. 1 90 TIrWTTg ain 10 Ouncee Package 29C VVI~i1 *IAUBII -- p- rt *J Copeland 12 oz. pkg. WIENERS -----2 pkgs. 89c Tablerite Fresh D'DI/ CTEAIK lb 68, 8 Handi-Pak Shoestring 1% lb. Pkg. rurK r1 i CA ------ U. u01 89c POTATOES---A4p .$1.00 Frosty Morn S POTATkOES 4 pkgs. $1.00 SLICED BACON ---- Ilb. 78c a.. Pa.k 8 nz. nkg. Lb. Pkg. T.... ... ITablerite Fresh IN 2 BEAUTIFUL 89C FISH STICKS ---pkg. 39c BEEF LIVER------b. 49c ALUMINUM CUPS 39c. Supreme Round Half ICE CREAM Hal79 Gal. 79c Now Is the Time to Fill Your Freezer... Check Our Low Prices Large Fresh Fort Valley, Georgia ELBERTA FREESTONE 'PEACHES FRESH RIPE Red Plums Red Grapes lb. 29 9 Guaranteed Sweet Bushel $ 90Ripe Watermelons Fresh Tender Shelled Fresh Every Day Cello Bag Butterbeans, Blackeyes 49 EGG PLANT EACH SAVE CASH AT RICH'S NOT STAMPS Completely Home Ow C Crowder PEAS -----b. 19c Calif. Sunkist Lemons --- doz. 39c Green Boiling PEANUTS 25c Large Bags CUCUMBERS or Bell Pepper ------ bag 23c Georgia Home Grown TOMATOES------lb. 19c All Purpose I mrWmf POTATOES-- 10 Ibs. 890 Tender 'v* ] Frying Okra ------lb. 23c SPECIALS FOR JULY 15, 16, 17 and 18 'ned and Operated by E. J. Rich and Sons RICH and SONS' IGA PORT ST. DELICIOUS IGA C. S. or W. K. Golden No. 303 cans Fruit Drinks Corn 5-ans 89c 9( 98 I I I , THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE FOU HESA, at3t oe l. 25 I THE STAR. Port St. J.*, Fl., 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE flV1i~ Gideon Case Put On Film This area's famous "Gideon tried and found innocent of his was the cause of Florida's recently Case" which prompted a Supreme charge. imposed Public Defender service. Court decision providing legal The case now stands as prece- Guest of the club was Vaughn counsel for those who come to dent over the United States and Hughey of Bettsville, Ohio. court and' can't afford it, has been made into a film, "Our Living Bill Mocha Ice Cream Pie of Rights". The film was shown to Mocha Ice Cream Pie the Kiwanis Club Tuesday. wh Gideon, who was tried without F.";T - Baptist Student Union Team Coming to Port St. Joe Special Youth Emphasis At Long Avenue Baptist Church A team of eight young college students, members of the Baptist Student 'Union, will appear at the Long Avenue Baptist Church Sunday through Tuesday in a youth-oriented program, sponsor- ed by the youth committee of the church. The team will be composed of V Miss Kay Clark, graduate student at the University of South Flor- ida; Timothy Harden, Miss Jenny James, both of Stetson Univer- sity; Miss Jan e t Kauffman, Charles Powell and Miss Eliza- beth Weaver, all of University of South Florida. The youth team will arrive Saturday afternoon and join lo- cal young people in a covered dish supper in the church social hall at 6:30 p.m. All area young people are invited to attend. Sun- dty night, the team will have charge of the services at 7:00 p.m. with a fellowship period af- ter the services. Monday at noon, a luncheon will be served with eight through 12 year olds. Mon- 'day night services will be con- ducted in the church auditorium at 8:00 p.m. with fellowship af- terwards. After Tuesday night services at 8:00 p.m. a bonfire will be held on the beach. Other activities will be provided during the day on Monday and Tuesday. During the various program sessions, the team will present, the Christian message in a dy- namic way through drama, music, and the spoken word. The youth of the church will also partici- pate in the program which will be interesting to adults as well as to young people. The church invites everyone to attend these special services and hear what the Christian youth of the times have to say. .~-- I I a I II I-j S- 2- benefit of counsel and convicted to five years in prison for a fel- -- ony, was from Panama City. After his imprisonment Clarence S Gideon petitioned the State Su- S_ preme Court for release from pri- Sj- .. son and a new trial with counsel. S At that time Florida provided coun- sel only in capital punishment - __ i =-- cases. His appeal was denied. Gideon then appealed to the U. quently released from prison, re- St. Joe Paper Company Is Turning Waste Into Useable Paper Products tion in reclaiming what was for- from getting into the outside world merely trash, waste and garbage and causing a disposal problem to manufacture paper, Ken Bate- and to conserve trees. "St. Joe's man, project engineer with the operation of reclaiming pulp saves firm told the Rotary Club Thursday. annroximatelv 420000 tres nn- The firms which formerly burn- ed or disposed of as waste paper and box plant trimmings are now utilizing the waste in reclaiming it for manufacture of pulp and pa- per. Bateman said the reclaiming operation is just as expensive per ton of pulp produced as manufac- ture from virgin trees. nually" Bateman said. The local mill reclaims approximately 100 tons of waste per day from its lo- cal mill and various box plants. "The biggest expense in the re- claiming project", said Bateman, "is freight to transport the waste to the mill and sifting foreign par- The main reasons companies are tides out of the waste." MOCHA ICE CREAM PIE I For a glorious finale at your next dinner party, serve Mocha 'Ice Cream Pie. This impressive creation is quickly prepared in advance and stored in the freezer until serving time. Simply swirl miniature marshmallows and chocolate syrup -in a sea of softened coffee-flavored ice cream. Pour into tender, flaky pastry shells and freeze. Presto! You have elegance with very little effort. And using enriched self-rising flour in the pie crust offers you extra convenience and nourishment, too. All self-rising products contain leavening and salt preblended in the correct propor. tions to make. baking easier. Enrichment provides nutrients necessary for good health the B-vitamins, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin, plus the minerals, iron and calcium. MOCHA ICE CREAM PIE One 9-inch pie !/ cup shortening 3 to 6 tablespoons cold water lY2 cups enriched self-rising Mocha Marshmallow flour* Filling Cut shortening into flour until pieces are size, of small peas. Sprinkle with water, a tablespoon at a time, mixing lightly until dough begins to' stick together. Press into ball. Roll out on lightly floured surface to circle y-Inch thick and fit loosely into pie pan. Trim pastry and flute edge. Prick bottom and sides to prevent puffing. Bake in preheated 425 oven, 12 to 15 min- utes, or until lightly browned. Cool. Fill with Mocha Marsh- mallow Filling; freeze until ready to serve. Mocha Marshmallow Filling: . 1 cup miniature marsh. 2 tablespoons chocolate mallows syrup 1 quart coffee ice cream, . softened Fold marshmallows into ice cream; spoon into pie shell. Drizzle chocolate syrup. over ice cream and marbleize with knife. *Spoon flour into dry measuring cup; level. Do not scoop. NEW MATH for HOMEMAKERS Westinghouse Freezer plus Quantity and Seasonal Food Bargains mean . $228.00 25-1.E. CAPACIY-15.0 Cu. Ft. (NEMA). SUM-WALL INSUlATION-store % more food without Increasing floor space. BUILT.IN TUMBLER LOCK-as- sures maximum security for your food. RECESSED CONTROL KNOB- eliminates accidental movement. PLUS: Accurate Temperature Control Counter-Balanced Seal- Tite Ltd, Westinghouse Built-In Quality. Sylvania - PORTABLE TV Stand $159.00 184 Square Inch (19-inch) Portable TV from Sylvania. Bigger 184 sq. in. viewing area (19" diag. meas.). Illuminated channel indicators. Choice of Ebony or Beige finish on high impact plastic. Deluxe carry- ing handle. Big out-front 5" oval speaker. Jamison Vinyl covered Sofa- Sleeper ---- $178.00 Made for Danley by Jamison Reg. $89.50 Mattress, Box Springs $75.00 Lg. Double Dresser, Mirror, Panel Bed 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite -- $115.00 Foam Rubber Channel Back, Foam Cushion Vinyl 2-Pc. Sofa Bed Suite ---$149.00 Speed Queen Single Speed Automatic Washer -----$199.00 SAY YOU SAW IT IN THE STAR Lower Cost Meals Studies show newspapers to be the most effective medium e& advertising your business Build Your Business In Port St. Joe by Advertising In THE STAR Phone 227-3161 for Courteous Help In Your Advertising Program -Ii TH~E STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE: FIVE; THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE SIX THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 St. Joseph Catholic Church Scene of Hannon- Smith Wedding Ceremony 'The marriage of Miss Betty Frann Hannon and Jasper Leroy Smith, IV, was solemnized on Saturday, the eleventh of.July, at four o'clock in the afternoon in the Saint Joseph's Catholic Church of Port St. Joe. The in- spiring ceremony was perform- ed by the Reverend William Crowe. Acolytes were Dennis and Steve Atchison.: The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hannon of Port St. Joe. The bridegroomin is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jasper Leroy Smith, MI, Of Guntersville, Alabama. The nuptial vows were spoken before a beautiful white marble altar, centered by the Holy Ta- bernacle, and plated on either end of the altar were- seven branched brass candelabra with burning white candles. Two bas- ket arrangements of white Kil- ian. daisies, white chrysanthe- mums, white gladioli, gypsoplii, lia, and emerald fern were with- in the chancel rail of the high altar. Arrangements of white Eng- lish daisies and satin roping de- signated the family pews. Win- dow recesses of the sanctuary held single burning candles cen. tering sprays of sweet summer clematis and bell-flowered snap- dragon clustered into deep green foliage. Mrs. Ferrell Allen, Jr., render- ed a soft prelude of nuptial mu- sic. Included among the numbers were Schubert's Serenade, "Tra- meri", "Bridal Song" (Jensen), ."Andante" (Tschaikowsky), "Ada- gio" (Beethoven). Mi s s Dot Smith, vocalist, sang, "One Hand One Heart", "Wedding Prayer". The traditional Wedding Chorus from Lohengrin (Wagner) was played as Processional and Men- delssohn's Majestic Wedding March as Recessional. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in an exquisite A-line gown of import- - ed Irish linen. The gown was sleeveless with a white Venise lace collar forming a bertha type bodice, extending in scallops over her arms and to the em- pire waist. The back draped from the shoulders into a full chapel train.' Her headpiece was(a cir- cular cut of Venise lace over a small pill box type frame and falling in graceful scallops fram-. ing her face. The bride carried a crescent bridal bouquet of Snowsong roses and lily of the valley sur- rounding an orchid entwined with Renaissance pearls and sa- tin streamers mounted on a sa- tin covered Bible. For sentiment she chose the Bible which be- longed to her late maternal grandmother, Mrs. Otto Ander- son. She wore a sixpence in her shoe that she brought from Lon- don and carried a Belgium lace handkerchief which also be- longed to her late grandmother. The bride those her sister, Mrs. Edward Smith as Matron of Hon- or. She wore a dress of yellow linen of A-line style. It had a small stand-up collar with" small bonds of embroidered roses and green leaves outlining the neck and sleeves. The back was ac- cented with a panel train with a flat bow at the top. The bridesmaids, Miss Ann Style( Unsty Dutch Boy Brush and 2 Ounce 100% Hum' Helene 315 Williams Avenue suite. The emphasized decor in the living room was the mantle centered with a fan-shaped ar- rangement of yellow and white chrysanthemums a n d dahlias with lace fern. The bride's table in the din- ing room was overlaid with an imported embroidered 1 i n e n cloth with circular insertions' of old English lace. It was center- ed with a four-tiered wedding cake. In each division of the cake graceful swans held the delicate tiers in place. The fourth tier of the cake held a bouquet to be thrown to the bridesmaids. This bouquet was made of real sweetheart roses, white carna-. tions, lace,. pearls and ribbon streamers.. Crystal candelabra with crystal prisms holding ar- rangements of bride's roses and gypsophilia graced either end of the table. Serving the. bride's cake were Miss Michelle Anchors, and .Miss Christy Coldewey. The groom's table in the den was overlaid with a yellow linen cloth and held a bachelor cake decorated with a top hat, cane and carnations. Presiding at this table were Miss Ellen Scisson and Miss Cena. Douglas. The mantle in the den fea- tured an old fashioned bouquet of yellow Elizabethan daisies. Fragile tracers of crab apple branches formed a background for this arrangement. In the sun room punch was served from a table covered with a chantilly lace cloth. A can- delabrum holding an epergnette MRS. JOSEPH LEROY SMITH,. IV Smith, sister of the bridegroom, Miss Cecelia Creech, Miss Cyn- thia Denton, Miss Susan Stroller, and Miss Delores Dean wore gowns identical to that of the honor attendant. They carried glossed white wicker baskets filled with white marguerite dai- sies with yellow centers, blue corn flowers and baby breath.. They wore Edwardian picture hats of yellow Milan linen edged with yellow ribbon that formed a graceful bow in back of the hat. Master Ward Smith, nephew of the bride carried the rings on a white brocade satin pillow with satincord edging. This pil- low was used by the bride's sis- ter in her wedding. He wore a white button-on suit. It was fea- tured with small buttons in the front and ruffles, complete with small tucks and knee high socks. The flower girl, Miss Trish Tapper wore a dress of white or- gandy. It had short puffed sleeves and a V-shaped mock bib of tucks and lace. Mifniature pas- tel hand rolled organza roses etched the waist. She scattered rose petals from a petite basket made from white lace leaves, ribbon and pearls. Her headdress was a crown of white rosebuds with satin streamers that reach- ed the hem of the dress. The bridegroom chose as. his best man his father, Jasper Le- roy Smith, Ill. The usher grooms-- men were Edwin Cooley, Tommy Barry, Harry Douglas, Steve Ta- bor and Edward Smith. Bruce and Andy May, nephews of the bride, served as Junior ushers. The bride chose her fie- phews, Dusty and Patrick May to serve as pages to attend the family pews. They wore knee length white pants and a white shirt with a, vest front of pique eyelet and a wide collar. The bride's mother chose for her daughter's wedding a street length dress of yellow silk li- nen. It featured a jewel neck- line and the short sleeves were also edged with matching jew- eled braid. Her hat, shoes, gloves, and bag were also of yellow li- nen. Her corsage was a green cymbidium orchid. The mother of the groom was similarly dressed in a. street length gown of soft green crepe. The bodice was of mint green lace and the skirt featured a band of the same lace bordering the hemline. Her gloves, hat, shoes and bag matched the green in her dress. Her corsage was a white orchid. Reception The bride's parents entertain- ed the wedding party and guests at a reception in their home. The guests were greeted and introduced to the receiving line by Mrs. David May, aunt of the bride. Mrs. W. 0. Anderson, grandmother of the bride direct- ed the guests to the bride's book which was kept by Miss Carolyn Carr and Miss Nancy Abstein. The table held the traditional an- niversary candle, encircled by sprays of yellow forsythia. Summer flowers in brilliant clusters of yellow and white snapdragon and daisies intersper- sed with hemlock placed in Eigh- teenth Century vases ornamented the spacious rooms, opened en- ial Limited Supply of Kanekalon Wigs (Wash and Wear) . $21.95 led. .. $17.95 Go Perma Style -------$24.95 an Hair Wiglets ------ $9.95 up 's Beauty Salon Phone 227-7616 arrangement of white and yellow ruffled daisies and maiden hair fern was on one end of the ta- ble and an early American cut- glass bowl graced the other end. Attending this table were Mrs. Wayne Hendrix, Misses Holly and Judy Hendrix and Miss Le- anna Hardy. On the piano in the sun room baskets of yellow daisies that the bridesmaids carried in the ceremony were placed against a profusion of magnolia leaves. The guests were invited to the garden where punch was ser- ved from a beautiful milk-glass bowl surrounded by yellow gla- dioli and mums. This table was covered with a white organdy cloth over yellow. Giving an elu- sive touch of garden magic to the setting were yellow painted daisies frozen in circlets of ice floating in the wedding. punch. These represented the traditional wedding rings. Assisting at this table were Mrs. William Whaley, Mrs. George Tapper and Miss Brenda Wall. - Escorting the guests to the room where the gifts weer dis-, played wNere'Mrs. Gannon Buzzett. and Mrs. Jean Atchison. Small dainty rice bags made of yellow tulle were presented to the guests by Misses Lissa Whaley, Renee Marzoni and Les- lie and Marianne Costin. The bride is a graduate of Vir- ginia Intermont College of Bris- tol, Virginia and the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala- bama. She has been teaching in the Fort Walton Beach Elemen- tary School. The groom is also a graduate of the University of Alabama. He has been serving on tour of duty with the armed forces. Mrs. Smith chose for her tra- veling costume an ensemble of sky blue linen with matching Pentecostal Women Meet In Home Of Mrs. Bernice Gosnell Monday The Woman's Auxiliary of the Pentecostal Holiness Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Bernice Gosnell, Monday evening at 7:30 p.m. The meeting opened with prayer led by the president, Mrs. Bell du- Bose. The woman's auxiliary song was sung with Bernice Gosnell lead- ing and Jean McClamma at the piano. Mrs. Gosnell then gave the devotional. The president read the names of the new officers and committee workers. The secretary, Sharon Everett, read the minutes and gave the fi- nancial report:. Old business was discussed af- accessories. After a short wed- ding trip, Mr. and Mrs. Smith will be at home to their friends in Guntersville, Alabama. Out of Town Guests Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wall, Jack- sonville; Mrs. L. G. Buck, Mrs. Frederick Sawyer, Mrs. Francis Sawyer, Mrs. T. E. Austin, Mrs. Louis Anthony, Miss Marjorie Austin, Mrs. Raymond Anderson, Dr. and-Mrs. Photis Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson, Mrs. V. G. Sangaree, and Mrs. Joe Mc- Donald, all of Apalachicola; Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wall and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Reasonover of Mo- bile, Ala.; Miss Amelia Martin, Miss Linda Mason, Miss Dorothy Smith,.~fiss Linda Yates, Capt. Robert Browning, Capt. Joe Barn- ,hart, Capt. Robert Parker and Lt. Jack Shick all of Fort Wal- ton Beach; Miss Cynthia Denton of Anniston, Ala.; Miss Carolyn Carr, Atlanta, Ga.; Miss Idelle Murphy, Miss Mercedes Murphy, , ter which the chairmen of the var- ious committees reported. The meeting closed with prayer by Marie Wynn. Those attending were Pat Atkins, Jean Mclamma, Avery Howell, Mae Plair, Maxine Money, Maude Fer- rell, Bill Summers, Leona Stouta- mire, Sue Parrish, Myrtle Bishopj Christine Dunlap, Rita Todd, Willie Mae Lollie, Ruth Hearn, Sharon Everett, Jeanette Lee, Marie Wynn, Katie Atkins, Bell duBose, Bernice Gosnell and Mrs. Downs. A surprise stork shower was giv- en for Mrs. Gosnell at the end of the meeting. She received many lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hannon, Mr. and Mrs. John Schuessler, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hannop, Russ and Saxton, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Scis- son, Miss Nancy Abstein and Miss Ellen Scisson all of Talla- hassee; Mrs. William J. Mills, Blakely, Ga.; Mrs. Bryan Sanders, Orlando; Mrs. Jim Fillingim, Pin- kard, Ala.; Mrs. Ted Gortemoller, Jan and Gina, Marianna; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deen, Mrs. Hugh Ca- meron and Miss Delores Deen of Bunnell; Miss Susan Stoller, Columbus, Ga.; Mr. and Mrs., Jack Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Berry and David, Tommie Berry, Edwin Cooley, Harry Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. James Cooley, Miss Sue Johnson, Miss Cena Douglas, Steve Tabor, Mr. and .Mrs. John Nelms, Miss Margaret Isdell, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Farabee and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Berry all of Gunters- ville, Ala.; Mrs. F. E. LeGallee, and Miss Beth Crosson of Pana- ma City. 9' ST. JOE HARDWARE I ^"Now you can wa wrinkles away! NL..D $21888 SATURDAY 1 ONLY... 1 ST. JOE HARDWARE( CO. ay 1ool WASHER I1 care for Press. ng SUPER WASH regulars and i fabrics speeds ;er temps level selector dispenser * agitator for power and n care for brics with Lelp prevent CO. ow . . . .............. ............. ... OWL * ' d Golf, Tennis Tournaments Scheduled for Recreation THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, FlorId* Gary Maddox; second, Kevin Watts; third, Joey Whitehead. Older boys, First, Ronnie Maddox; second, Dickey Wager and third, Buddy Hamm. Girls: First, Cindy Baxley; second, Dee Dee Gainous; third, Mary Adkison. Wrestling Grades 1-2: First, Joey Whitehead; second, Gene Floore; Grades 3-4, First, Lenny Whitfieldl and second Victnr Gil. Golf and tennis tournaments are Shirley Dawson, :Jeraldine Davis girls, girls and boys shuffleboard Davis; third place tie between Len-' bert; Grades 5-6, First, Jay Flem- to be held in the City Recreation and Beverly Leslie defeated the and boys "heads-up 21" basketball. ny Whitfield and Bruce May. b e Fs ay F The bridegroom is the son of Program beginning Tuesday -of "Graduates" consisting of Maxine Tennis tournaments for boys and Grades 1-3: First, Keith Johnson; ing and second, Dewayne Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Dickens of *ett week. Those who wish to par- Leslie, captain, Jean Whitley, Ze- girls will begin Monday. Students second, Gene Floore; third, a tie Ribbons were given to first, sec- Milton. ticipate are to contact Mr. Scott at lene Boyd, Gloria Thompson, Vel- enrolled in tennis classes will be between Todd Wilder and Bryan ond and third place winners. The bride was a graduate of the Eighth Street tennis courts be- ma Hall, Mary Clark, Annie Ceil eligible to participate. Ernst. Girls, first, Cindy Baxley and Milton High School, attended the tween 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon or Martin, Freddie Woullard and Dru- On Thursday, July 23, the an- second, Dee Dee Gainous. Features for the last two weeks Providence School of Nursing 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. and sign up for cilla Henderson. The score was 8-. nual trip to Miracle Strip Amuse- 35 Yard Dash-Young boys; First of summer recreation include a and Spring Hill College in Mo- - the tournament or see Mr. Monetta The adult men's team, better ment Park will be made. :All per- Gary Maddox; second, Lennie Whit- field trip to the Marianna Caverns bile, Ala... _" at Washington High School between known as the "Birthdays" after a sons interested in making this trip field; third, David Fowler and Ke- his w Th wiin the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. three game winning streak lost to should contact David Jones or Al- vin Watts. Older boys: first, De- Friday of this week. The swimming The bridegroom g r a duated each day., .the "Jitterbugs" Monday night, July bert Wynn on or before Wednes- wayne Jenkins; second, Dickie Wa- program will continue on Monday from Milton High School and at- The tennis tournaments will be 13 by a score of 6-4. The "Jitter- day, July 22. The bus will depart get; third, Ronnie Maddox. Girls: and Friday mornings and Tuesday tended Pensacola Junior College. set up by age and grade groups bugs" teinm consisted of- Johnny from Washington High School at First, Cindy Baxley; second, Jan- and Thursday afternoons. Many in- The newlyweds will make their -- with winners in each. age grade Thomas, Kloskia Lowery, James 11:00 a.m. The trip is a part of ice Walton and third, Dee Dee t4restiqg games )are offered at home in Port St. Joe where both group and, a grand champion for Bouie, Robert Boykins, Billy Quinn, the regular summer program. No Gainous. the elementary school. are employed. the entire summer program. Only Norris Langston, Gary Speights, charges for 'transportation will be 50 Yard -Dash-Younger boys: those who have participated in the Sandy Quinn, Tarriana. Lewis and made. First, Gary Maddox; second, David daily lessons and/or supervised Bobby Martin. The "Birthdays" Fowler and third, Lennie Whitfield Cu play for a total of three -sessions team consisted of George Davis, ELEMENTARY RECREATN Older boys: First, Dewayne Jen- V ire eligible to enter the tourna- Ronald Leslie, Frankie Fennell, MENTARY RECRAT kins; second, Dickie Wager and u b Pack 4 7 Places First in T rack inents. ".: .. Rawlis Leslie, Willie Otis Smith, Elementary recreation partici- third, Leslie Gainous. 'Girls: First, Persons who wish to enter the Fred Jones, Samuel Stallworth, pants took a field trip to Snakea- Cindy Baxley; second, Janice Wal- golf tournaments mUst play two Clarence Monette, Al. Smith, R. torium and the Deer Ranch at Pan- ton and third, Dee Dee Gainous. Cub Pack 47, Port St. Joe, was place, Steve Gibbs, Jerry Shores, close with a picnic some time dur- hr alifyig roundsatthe Dunbar, R. Brooks, Charles Tiller, ama City Beah Friday. Fi- Shoe Race-First, Jerry Lewter; host for the Lake Sands District an- Perry Burgess and Curtis Skipper, ing the month of August. Plans three usafro eysgn t Johnny Gainer, C. Ash and obert ty-one boys and girls left the ele- second, Ronnie Maddox; third, Les nual Track Meet held Saturday, Troop 307. are being completed by the Den T6th Street course after they sign Johnny Gainer, C. Ash.and Robert m are .eing completedsby theTDen up with Code 'House for the tour. Bryant. Softball games are held mentary school at 9:00 a.m. and lie Gainous and fourth, Mike Black. July 11 at the Port St. Joe High Shoe Race--First place, Gary Mothers and all parents and Cubs ament. Qualifyingscoresmust be every Monday and Wednesday returned at4:00 p.m. on rn School football field. Maddox, Troop 47; second place, will be notified later of the de- ttir ied in to Mr. House by the end night at the ba park oachBill Frazier of Gulf Coast 35-Yard Sack Race Younger Based on a point system of five Steve Gibbs, Thoop 307. tails. of the day Monday in order to A beginning at 8:00 p.m. college, ducted a e- boys: First, Gary Maddox; second, points for first place, three points Tug o War-First place, Homer A re-organization meeting of par- count in the tournament. Players In basketball action on Fun ball clinic, at the Port St. Joe Lit- David Fpwler apd third, Joey for second place and one point for arv Ktf R eti d. s', ents will be held as soon as possi- will be placed in flights acord- Night, last Thursday, the fihal te Le Sixy-ve tehe lder ys:ague field July 8. Sixty-five Whitehead. Older boys: First, third pla, Pack 47 was again the Thompson, Bo Culpepper andble after school starts in Septem- ingto age, physical maturity and game of a one round tournament boys, Little League age through Dickey Wager; second, Ronnie Mad- overall winner and will host next Charles -Atkins Tro op er 47. and ber. Many boys were unable to par- the scores of the rounds played was held. The "Knicks", after win- High School tookt a agntage of dox and third, Mike Blackburn. year's event. ticipate in Cub activities this year to qualify. nngtheir first game felltothe this opportunity. Frazier discussed Girls: First, Janice Walton; second, The Cub Pack offers its thanks due to an acute shortage of Den Attendance at all areas in the "Soul Six" 64-59.The "Soul Six" and demonstrated the basic funda- Cindy Baxley and third, Mary Ad- Hiland Park, Pack 301, was see- to the Eta Upsilon Chapter of Beta Mothers. Any mother that can City Recreation program contin- team consisted of George Davis, mentals of baseball such as hitting kison. ond place and Mexico Beach, Pack Sigma Phi for their operation of a spare at least one hour or more ued to be a little below par, last captain, Ronald Lesie,Rawlis Le fielding and throwing. Standing Broad Jump-Younger 07, p refreshment stand during thea week for this very worthwhile week as many families took vaca- e, E. Smith Charles ittan and Several tournaments were con- boys: First, Gary Maddox; second, All boys in Pack 47 who were event. I program is urged to contact Cub- tions away from the City during rankie Fennell. Rawlis Leslie and ducted the second two weeks of David Fowler and third, Joey present participated in the meet. This year's Cub activities will master Joel R. Gainous at 229-5316. the mill repair N HI the "Six" with 17 each. James summer recreation. The results Whitehead. Older boys: First, Ron- Winners and their pack numbers, WASHINGTON HIGH Bouie was high for the "Knicks" were as follows: nie Maddox; second, Butch White- who received appropriate ribbons W he aT n Abst Photos In-softball games held in the with 17. Drawing-First place, Tommy head and third, Leslie Gainous. were: W healton's Absract Photos Gomg Washington IHigh area last week, wDavis; second place, Gene Floore Girls: First, Dee Dee Gainous; sec- the "Bell Bottoms" consisting of Beginning tonight, tournaments and third, Cindy Wingate. ond, Cindy Baxley and third Mary Fifty Yard Dash-First place, O 'itt hsni tit Debra Addison, captain, Gloria Fen- in three divisions will be held. I Carooms-Grades 4-6: First place Adkison. Leslie Gainous, Troop 47; Second n Exhibit n Smithsonian Institute nell, Sonja Lewis, Beverly. Larry, 'They are: table tennis, boys and Buddy Hamm; second place, Kim, High Jump-Younger boys: First, place, Vince Bradley, Troop 301; third place, Ricky Tipton, Troop Stephen A. Whealton will ,have otherwise modified by hand tech- 47. his work in abstract photography niques. Standing Broad Jump First displayed at the Smithsonian Insti- He is on the faculty at the Col- place, Gary Maddox, Troop 47; sec- tute, Washington, D. C., from July ond place, Johnny Fadio, Troop 47 16 through October 13. The exhibi- lege of the Potomac, Washington, and third place, Mark Tate, Troop tion will open on Thursday at four and conducts seminars on such 307. o'clock, Hall of Photography, Na- subjects as film making, music, tional Museum of History and Tech- communication in the arts and LL_____ARunning Broad Jump First nology. science-fiction. '"OlSE PAIN Interior Latex Wall Paint Long-lasting quality at a real money-saving price Goes on easy, dries fast; brushes, rollers clean up in soapy water. Stock up now for your summer painting. SALE JULY 20 through 25 NOW ONLY $ 98 per gal. Reg. -5.98 BANKAMERICARD ^Scsmm~ Sale prices do not apply to contractors SDeluxe One-Coat Latex Wall Paint SA VE$3.00 Per Gal. .., NOW ONLY ,RE$8.4 $8-.49 * Easy, lasting, one-coat coverage * Acrylic latex formula resists mildew, blistering and peeling. $ 5,L49 S... the paint with the woman's touch! MARY CARTER PAINT STORE ECON-0-WASH LAUNDRY BUILDING place, Keef Pettis, Troop 47; sec- Whealton was born in Port St. Attending the opening of the ex- ond place, Steve Wood, Troop 301 Joe August 13, 1943, graduated hibition will be his mother, Mrs. and third place, Bo Culpepper,from Port St. Joe High in 1960, at- Allen Whealton, and his aunt, Mrs. Troop 47. tended the Massachusetts Institute R. W. Smith, 215 Ninth Street. An- Wheelbarrow Race-First place of Technology in 1960-61, Florida other aunt, Mrs. J. H. Geddie, 1018 Vince Bradley and Chris Bradley, State University, 1961-63 where he Garrison Avenue, will see the show Troop 301; second place, Steve received a BA degree in mathema- on July 18. Wood and Eric Feldman, Troop tics with a *minor in chemistry. He 301 and third place, Kevin Pettis pursued graduate work for five CARD OF THANKS and Bo Culpepper, Troop 47. years in the Institute of Child Stu- Al McGlon reports that his in- dy, University of Maryland. In jured left knee is much better and Three Legged Race-First place July, 1968, he began experiment- appears to be on the mend. He Keef Pettis and R.D. Davis, Troop ing with abstractions in Polaroid walks without crutches now and, 47; second place, Kevin Pettis and Polacolor Land film and Polaroid at the doctor's urging, exercises Gary Maddox, Troop 47 and third Corporation- subsequently encour- the knee at every opportunity. He place, John Wood and Eric Feld- aged his work with a special grant wants to thank his friends for their man, Troop 301. for sensitized materials, many kindnesses during his better Sack Race First place, Gary Whealton's photographs were in. than five weeks in the hospital- Maddox, Troop 47; second place, eluded in a group exhibition at the for the cards and flowers, and vis- Gary White, Troop 47; third place, duPont Center of the Corcoran its, and above all, their prayers. Steve Wood, Troop 301. Gallery of Art, Washington, in Relay Race-First place, Chris January, 1969. Most of the prints CLASSIFIED ADS Bradley, Eric Feldman, Mike Ivey in the present exhibition, his first "AMidget Investments With and Steve Messer, Troop 301; sec- major one-man show, employ Pola- Giant Returns" -_ -1- (1 A1- __ color orncess Many are nainted or onu place, unares AtKins, Rnex Strickland, Wesley Thompson and Ricky Tipton, Troop 47; third Miss Hannon Is Party Honoree Miss Frann Hannon, bride-elect, was honored Tuesday, July 7 at a swimming party given by Mrs. Tom Coldewey, Miss Christy Coldewey, Mrs. Joe Hendrix and Miss Mitzi Hendrix at the Coldewey home. The patio and refreshment area were decorated with yellow and green flowers and a bride doll cen- tered the grill where the bride's book was -kept. Coffee, Cokes and tidbits were served to the guests. The honoree was presented a hibachi grill by the hostesses. CARD OF THANKS - The deepest gratitude of the family is extended to all who have found so many ways to express friendship and sympathy during their bereavement. The JOHN LOCKE Family CARD OF THANKS May I express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and relatives for the love- ly flowers, cards and most of all their prayers during my recent ill- ness and confinement. I know God answered the prayers and I am I home again and improving. May God's richest blessings rest w.th each one of you. CHARLEY GASKIN PRESCRIPEIO S Come First With Us... There's never any unnecessary waiting here to have your prescriptions filled! That's because dispensing medicine is our first order of business. You can count on us to fill your prescription promptly, accurately, with only the finest of pharmaceuticals. A FULL SERVICE DRUG STORE Gifts Cameras Cosmetics Fragrances Tobacco Games Stationery Toiletries Drive-In Window for Prescriptions at Rear of Store 2 FREE PARKING SPACES AT REAR OF STORE Smith's Pharmacy John Robert Smilth, Pharmaceutical Chemist PHONE 227-5111 236 REID AVENUE Bonnie Faith, Jack Weston Dickens United In Marriage Wednesday, July 1 Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hartley i of Route 5, Milton, announce the marriage of their daughter, Bon nie Faith, to Jack Weston Dick- ens, Jr., on July 1. o t -~`-~ '------~~1~ ~~-''~~~~~~- -- ' ' THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE EIGHT THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 Looking over maps for planting chufas and Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Dr. improving the turkey-carrying capacity of the Ed Robert King; and Clyde A. Fite of Port St. Joe Ball Wildlife Management Area are (from left) and Boyd Weaver, also a game manager specialist. Tommy Jackson, game manager specialist of the -Game Commission Photo Chufas Planted In Ed Ball Game Reserve For Turkeys PANAMA CITY Chufas are a to Dothan, Alabama. type of grass cultivated for their An additional 85 miles of the edible, nut-like tubers, and are food-producing chufas have been Legal l, V 'praised as being a prime wild tur- planted also in the Gaskin and Ed key food. Ball managed areas, but these two IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Turkey hunters will find over tracts will not be open to turkey THE SECOND JUDICIAL 85 miles of thriving chufa plots in hunting this season, he said. All CIRCUIT IN AND FOR the Point Washington and Robert plantings total 120 acres. LEON COUNTY, FLORIDA. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Brent Wildlife Management Areas Turner explained that the chu- OF FLORIDA, a body corporate for the season opener November 21, fas are planted in six foot strips under Section 2 of Article IX and according to Charles Turner, re- in lanes well-prepared and highly Section 9(d) of Article XII of the gion wildlife biologist of the Game! fertilized, and that an acre ex- Constitution of the State of Flor- and Fresh Water Fish Commission. tends in length one-and-one-third ida, as amended, I mile. Plaintiff, These two plantings alone, mea- T-vs- sured along highways, would be I Forty acres each have been plant. THE STATE OF FLORIDA, et al., an unbroken stretch of top turkey' ed in the Point Washington and ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE rations reaching from Panama City Ed Ball areas, and, if the lanes TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND were placed end-to-end, each plant- THE SE V ER AL PROPERTY' June 1, 1970, all bearing interest ing would reach from Panama City OWNERS, TAXPAYERS, CITI- at not exceeding the maximum le- to Bristol. The 20-acre plantings in ZENS AND OTHERS HAVING gal rate of interest at the time of the Gaskin and Robert Brent areas OR CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TI- the, sale thereof, and all maturing would each reach from the Och- TLE OR INTEREST IN THE in annual installments on March lockonee River on State Road 20 PROPERTY TO BE AFFECTED 1 or June 1 6f the years 1973 to BY THE ISSUANCE BY THE, 1991, inclusive, said State School to downtown Tallahassee. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Bonds being issued by the State Planting the 120 acres required OF FLORIDA, A BODY CORPOR-1 Board of Education for and on be- 3,600 pounds of chufa nut's and ATE OF THE STATE OF FLOR- half of the School Boards of the 30 tons of commercial fertilizer, IDA, OF $7,800,000 S TATE School Districts in the Counties SCHOOL BONDS, ISSUED FOR named below in amounts and Ser- he said. Planting was done in late AND ON BEHALF OF THE ies as follows: June. SCHOOL BOARDS OF THE County Series Amount Turner said that chufas are a SCHOOL DISTRICTS OF THE Levy A 5-- S475,000 high-nutrient food and are a bonus COUNTIES OF ALACHUA, BA- I Baker--- B --- 8150.000 KER, CLAY, COLLIER, GULF, Hardee-- B -- S175,000 food or supplement to good natur- HARDEE, HENDRY, HILLSBOR- Gulf B S225,000 al foods available in the managed OUGH, LEE, LEVY, MARTIN, Okeechobee B S300,000 areas, and were planted by theI OKEECHOBEE, ORANGE, PAS- Hendry C --------C S100,000 Commission as a wildlife manage- CO, POLK, AND SANTA ROSA, Collier---------D S350,000 FLORIDA, HEREIN A FTER' Martin ----- D --- S300,000 ment practice to step up the tur- MORE PARTICULARLY DES- Clay E .--- S575,000 key's food supply in late fall when CRIBED, OR TO BE AFFECTED; Pasco--------- E 500,000 natural foods become less plenti- IN ANY WAY THEREBY: I Polk F _- $1,000,000 ful. The State of Florida, through the Alachua -------- G --$350,000 He said also that while they State Attorneys for the First, Sec- ,Santa Rosa ----G $300,000 e said also that, while tey ond, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Ninth, ILee H .... $300,000 will eat practically anything, tur- Tenth, Thirteenth, Fourteenth, Orange --------K $1,500,000 keys, are primarily fruit and seed Nineteenth and Twentieth Judicial Hillsborough P -$1,200,000 eaters and that with more food sup- Circuits of Florida, and the sev- and li th chfa t rks will gral property owners, taxpayers, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that plied by the chufas the turkeys will Citizens and. others having or this Order be published once each be of better quality for the hunt- 9laiming any right, title or interest week for three consecutive weeks ing season ,and will be in better in property to be affected by the in a newspaper published in each health and condition later at mat- issuance by the State Board of Ed- of the Counties of Alachua, Baker, ing time in early spring. ucation of Florida, a body corpor- Clay, Collier, Gulf, Hardee, Hendry, ate of the State of Florida, of $7,- tHillsborough, Lee, Levy, Martin, He stated that the 120 acres of 800,000.00 State School Bonds, Okeechobee, Orange, Pasco, Polk, food plots are on land taken out, hereinafter more particularly des- Santa Rosa and Leon, Florida, the of timber production by- St. Joe! cribed or to be affected in any first publication in each of said Paper Company and International 'way thereby, are hereby required newspapers to be not less than to appear before the Circuit Court twenty (20) days prior to the date Paper Company, owners of the of Leon County, Florida, in the hereinabove set for the hearing, tracts on which the managed pub- Second Judicial Circuit of said in form, times and manner as re- lic hunt areas are located. State, at the Courthouse in Talla- quired by Chapter 75, Florida Sta- He lauded the timber firms for Jhassee, Florida, on the 13th day tutes. of August, 1970, at eleven o'clock DONE AND ORDERED, at Talla- their cooperation to assist the Com- A.M., and show cause why the hassee, Florida, this 8th day of mission to increase the turkey- prayers of the Complaint filed in July, 1970. carrying capacity of the areas, and the above proceedings should not W. MAY WALKER, said that with more food turkeys be granted aand the $7,800,000.00 Judge of the Circuit Court , State School Bonds therein describ- of the Second Judicial will tend to multiply. ed and the proceedings heretofore Circuit of Florida, in and Game division personnel at pre- had authorizing the issuance there- for Leon County. sent are planting a number of of, validated and confirmed, said ATTEST: I SEAL) dove fields to brown top millet in State School Bonds consisting of PAUL F. HARTSFIELD the following described issues of Clerk Circuit Court 3t-7-16 preparation for the dove seasons, bonds, all dated March 1, 1970 or Leon County, Florida beginning in October. New design. bigger capacity! Holds up to 518 Ibs. frozen foods! * Exclusive "'floating" lid closes andl seals securely * Self-leveling on uneven floors Fast Freezing! Gleaming white interior Tumbler lock- 9 posi- tion temperature control W-I Chest Freezer Model CB15DL 14.8 cu. ft. $214.95 Arnold's Furniture and TV 323 REID AVENUE PHONE 29-3611 - I I Now see >w much n we'll take c more ff 41100 St. Joe Motor Company 322 Monument Avenue Port St. Joe, Florida Ford cut $110* off this special Ford 'j 4' 1, ' 'low^^V And that price cut came after we added vinyl roof, deluxe trim, wheel covers, much more. Come see our new $200t lower-priced Torino, tool *Based on Ford's former suggested retail prices for these car comparatively equipped tBased on co'mparlson with Ford's former lowest suggested retail price for a Torino School for the school year 1970-71. The following companies were Minutes of The awarded bids in the amounts list- ed: Wewa Auto Parts, $10,657.72; Of BINSTRUCTION Snap-On Tools Company, $6,346.65; BOARD of PUBLIC NSTRUCTIONSears, Roebuck Company, $1,225. The Board authorized their land- scape architect, Sam Hand, to so-, licit bids for shrubbery for the new I St. Joe High School. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA The County Commission proposed The Board accepted a osal JUNE 9, 1970 that the County Commission pay by the Florida Power Corporation The Gulf County School Board S c .5^, T ad % ofpTheandpr ox to install lights on the parking lot met in special session at 5:00 p.m., imately $33,000.00 cost involved. A at the new St. Joe High School site. EST, on the above date. The follow. ively $icuss0on ensue A copy of this proposal is on file ing members were present and act- du u s ioensuedsl. areed in the Superintendent's office. ing: B. J. Rich, Sr., Chairman, J. K. to pro-rate the cost of hl system There being no further business, Whitfield, Waylon Graham. as proposed ,subject to a legal opin- the Board adjourned to meet again Board members Raffield and ion by the Board's attorney. The gular ses on Ju 7 1970 Roemer were absent. County Commission will pay 42.5%, at 9:00 a.m., EST. Mr. Tapper will pay 15% and the ATTEST: The Superintendent was present School Board will pay 42.5% of the R. Marion Craig B. J. Rich, Sr. and acting. approximately $33,000.00 total cost. Superintendent Chairman This will relieve the Board of be- The Board meeting was opened ing responsible for the payment with a prayer by Board member of the full cost of the project as t Graham. previously agreed upon with the Don Beltrepresenting Federated City Commission.of a Insurance Company met with' the The Board accepted a bid ofa Mil l_ Board and presented a proposal for 5.75%interest rate on a loan of the Workman's Compensation In- approximately $30,000.00 to be used surance carried by the Board. to purchase four school buses and two service vehicles. This loan is Mark Tomlinson representing the authorized by Florida Statute Providence Washington Insurance 237.27. Company, the company presently The County Commissioners pres- ,l ' handling Worlman's Compensation ent agreed to expedite the paving for the Board, presented a propo- projects at the new St. Joe High sa!. School in every way possible. .^^.,. ^. The Board received bids on A detailed discussion of the equipment, tools and materials for S plans followed. The Board unani- the Vocational Auto Mechanics ." . mously agreed to continue the Program that is. being initiated at /i Workman's Compensation coverage St. Joe High School for the 1970- Z with the Providence Washington In- 71 school year. Bids were received 'j_ surance Company. from Sears, Roebuck, Snap-On County Commissioners Walter Tools Corporation and Wewa Auto Graham, Leo Kennedy, Silas Play- Parts Company. was4 R C OF4 H ITIAACo er, representing the County Corn- The Superintendent was directed CA WH.A IT A mission and George Tapper, repre- to tabulate and compile the bidsRST14ECOUN1YWi11 OFWSMME . senting himself, met with the for future consideration by the W* 516NALS'THE BOAT Board concerning the usage of the Board. cREw T STAR e water and sewerage system servic- here being no further business, NGNENABLIN, ing the new St Joe High School. the Board adjourned to meet again SKIM-TO RlI5r OIOF . in regular session on July 7, 1970. "0H W4IBR. ATTEST: R. Marion Craig B. J. Rich, Sr. Superintendent Chairman PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA JUNE 19,1970 S de a The Gulf County School Board - met in special session on the above date at 5:00 p.m., EST. The fol- ' lowing members were present and acting: B. J. Rich, Sr., Chairman, Weylon Graham, Gene Raffield. / Board members Whitfield and Roemer were absent. 0 The Superintendent was pres- A ent and acting. The Board accepted bids for the 0 Auto Mechanics equipment, tools, 0and materials for a new program to be initiated at St. Joe High Drive Safely All The TIME! ,doors ~nc THE STAR. Port St. Jo,, Fl.. 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE NINE PENNY PINCHIN' PRICES... GEORGIA GRADE "A" and ui.nmin-.. m ? *.....1n*. VALUABLE COUPON EXTRA BONUS 100 EXTRA S&H GREEN STAMPS With $10.00 or more purchase (Good thru July 18, 1970) __________ ________ SUNNYLAND BOB WHITE BRAND SLICED I . Duncan Hines- white, yel., lem., golden or D/food Cake Mix $ Limit 3 pkgs. with $10.00 Order Blue Plate Brand "salad and sandwich perfect" Mayonnaise 32 oz. Limit 1jar with $10.00 Order Limit 1 jar with $10.00 Order "B" FRESH Slenda Sue Delicious "a summertime treat" ICE MILK 2 Half Gal. Cartons $ Shop and save at Piggly Piggly today! SPECIALS FOR JULY 15,16, 17 and 18 We Reserve Limit Rights Quartered THIGHS lb. 31c Fryer 1 Drum Sticks lb. 55c Chicken WINGS 3L.- 89c Chicken lb.33c NECKS SLbs. CHOICE BEEF SPECIALS Choice Beef CUBED STEAK --------b. 99c Choice Beef GROUND CHUCK ----lb. 79c Choice Beef All Meat STEW BEEF ------- Ib. 79c Choice Beef Tender BEEF LIVER---------- lb. 59c Large Tender BAKING HENS l--------b. 39c Frosty Morn SLICED BACON--- lb. 79c 5 to 7 Lb. Average Weight Quick FROZEN LAMB LEGS l--- b. 69c Quick Frozen . LAMB LOIN CHOPS ---lb. 89c Armour Brand 3 oz. cans Potted Meat 8 cans $1.00 Armour Brand 4 oz. cans Vienna Sausage 4 cans $1.00 Armour Brand 12 oz. can B Sandwich Treet ------can 59c Armour Brand 15 oz. can Corned Beef Hash ----can 49c Yellow Rose 4 oz. box Delicious Tea --------box 29c Kleenex Assorted or Print Botique 2 roll pkg. p ARMOUR Bathroom Tissue -----pkg. 29c Kleenex Assorted 280 count box --- Double Dips Tissue -- box 39c aL~ 4 At ",i'-* 5-A i 1'JIh-- kI. ' 20 Oz. Cans Del Monte Sliced or Crushed PINEAPPLE 3For 16 Ounce Cans Del Monte Cut Green Beans 4For 17 Oz. Cans Del Monte Whole Kernel or Cream Corn 5For 17 Oz. Cans Del Monte Quality Brand Sweet Peas 5 For 6'2 Oz. Cans Del Monte Quality Brand 'Chunk Tuna 3For 14 Oz. Bottle $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 00 00 Enjoy The Best Produce In Town LARGE FIRM HEAD Fresh Delicious Alabama Grown 00 PEACHES lb. 19c Fresh Grown 00 Green Cabbage Ib.12c U , 00 Del Monte Rich and Red Tomato Catsup 22 17 oz. can Del Monte Quality Brand Fruit COCKTAIL 22c Dairy Food Dept. Ga. Grade 'A' EGGS SMALL 3 doz. Fleischmann's Oleo Margarine --- 99c lb. 39c Merico Cinnamon Buns --- pkg. 29c You'll save more at Piggly Wiggly Frozen Food Dept. Flying Jib Frozen 10 Ounce Package Shrimp 79c 1V4 lb. pkgs. Ore-Ida Froben Shoe String Potatoes -- 3 pkgs. $1.00 Chef Boy-Ar-Dee 13 oz. Sausage Pizza --- pkg. 79c Morton Frozen 2 lb. box Chicken In A Basket -_ $2.29 Health and Beauty Aids Ex-Dry Beg. or Unscented 6 oz. can Anti-Perspirant ARRID 84c Compare at $1.29 Alberto Born Free Protlen Shampoo ---- 7 oz. Compare at $1.29 84c Listerine Antiseptic ---- 14 oz. 84c Compare at $1.19 QUARTERED FRYER BREAST BACON 1 th. SPkg. 29c W 2 1 M-k A-A- Ap a- .-- -. A r A r v%- -% - I I rAGE] NINE THE STAIL Part St. Joe, Fla. 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 f I -f PAGE TN THE STAR, Port St. Joe, Fla.22456 Gulf County Will Join In Program To Beautify Road Sides, Ditches Twelve panhandle counties, in-' "One of our major RC&D pro- cluding Gulf County, are set to' lect objectives is for Gulf County make a coordinated attack on road- to capture a larger share of the side ugliness, tourist dollar," Semmes con- tinued. "People come to Florida "Surveys are now being made to o enjoy themselves and there tell us just how large our problem is no enjoyment in looking at a is," Hugh Semmes of Wewahitchka, guis no enj roadank, or driving President of Gulf County Resource through mud on the highway. As Conservation a n d Ievelopment I see it, we cannot afford not to Committee reports. "We know we beautify our roadsides as quickly have many miles of roadbanks that as possible, if we are to compete are bare and eroded, and many old for tourist income." borrow pits that are nothing but Ugliness is not the only damage eyesores. This survey, which is be of roadside erosion, according to ig made as a part of the West Wiley Garrett, District Conserva- Florida RC&D undertaking, will tionist for the Soil Conservation enable us to make cost estimates Service. and schedule a reasonable program of rehabilitation of these problem "Soil losses from roadsides in- areas." flict serious damages to fishing * streams," Garrett said. "It also fills Barnes said. "SCS studies show culverts, ditches, and channels, and that a cubic yard of soil can be must be removed at a cost to the held in place for about 10c, but it taxpayer. can cost $2.00 or more a cubic yard "We estimate that roadbanks cut to remove it from a roadside ditch." in our coastal plains soils here ini Barnes said that plans call for Gulf County can lose 200-300 tons the roadside work to be proposed of soil per acre per year," Garrett on a matching basis, with the coun- continued. ty governments furnishing labor John Barnes, of Bonifay, Projecti and equipment, and RC&D funds to Coordinator for the West Florida, pay for seed, fertilizer, and mulch. RC&D effort, says that a program The 12 counties of the West Flor- of vegetating roadbanks and bor- ida RC&D project area are Cal- row pits will benefit taxpayers in houn, Franklin, Gadsden, Gulf, many ways. Barnes calls sediment Holmes, Jackson, Jefferson, Leon, "a good example of a resource out Liberty, Wakulla, Walton and of place." Washington. President of the or- "You can hold a ton of soil in ganization is Kelly F. Swindle, of place a lot cheaper than you can Bonifay. Other local RC&D Comn- move it after it gets out of place," I mittee directors are B. A. Pridgen, \ _: Sr., of Port St. Joe, Vice-President, C. W. Brock of Port St. Joe, Secre- tary-Treasurer, and Emmette Dan- iell, also of Port St. Joe as Area Representative. KITCHEN CHATTER By The Florida Power Corporation Here are two great recipes for ham with distinctively different flavors so good and easy to prepare. Try them today! GRILLED HAM SLICE WITH Greek Girl To Visit Girl Scout Troop On Miss Lynda Page of Tallahas- see was selected by the Girl Scouts of the U. S. A. to hostess an International Visitor, Miss Tsaknaki of Thessalo nika, Greece. Miss Page and Miss Tsaknaki are in New York now at an orientation and planning session. They will return to North Florida on July 20th to conduct a joint service project entitled "Community Service through Folk Songs and Games." The two Scouts will visit all 15 North Florida counties which make up the Girl Scout Council of the Apalachee Bend. They will Sp4 Douglas Richards Receives Army Medal C u' E" e GLtL"A CAN THO, VIETNAM Spec- 1 center cut of ham sliced %-1" ialist Four Douglas Richards Jr., thick son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther J. Ba- % cup lemon juice ker, 248 Ave. E., Port St. Joe, re- % teaspoon ground cloves gently received the Army Comn- 2 teaspoons soy sauce mendation Medal while serving 1 teaspoon dry mustard with the 224th Aviation Company * 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder near Can Tho, Vietnam. 1 cup brown sugar I Spec. 4 Richards earned the a- Trim the ham slice. Combine the ward for meritorious service as a remaining ingredients, heating un- teletype operator with the com- til sugar is dissolved. Grill the ham pany. slice about 7 minutes. Brush glaze over ham slice; turn brush with the Cloves glaze and broil 5 to 7 minutes. Salt and pepper to taste Serve with remaining glaze. De- In a large mixing bowl combine corate serving platter with Cheese the ground ham, ground pork, Apple Stuffing Puffs. Makes 4-6 b r e a d crumbs, Worcestershire servings, sauce, milk and eggs. Blend to- APRICOT HAM LOAF gether the brown sugar and mus- 2 cups ground cooked ham tard and spread on the bottom of 1 lb. ground lean pork, cooked a loaf pan. 1 cup fine bread crumbs Place cloves in the apricot halves 1% teaspoons Worcestershire to form a decorative pattern. Place sauce apricot halves on the brown sugar 1 cup milk mixture. Firmly pack the meat mix- 2 eggs beaten ture on top of apricots. Pour 1% cup 1 small can apricot halves, drain- of the apricot juice over top of the ed; save %4 cup of juice meat. Bake in a 350 degree F. oven 1% cup firm packed brown sugar for 1% hours. Add salt and pepper, 3 tablespoons prepared mustard if desired. Port St. Joe iAugust Third be in Port St. Joe on August 3rd. Miss Page is a member of Sen- ' ior Girl Scout Troop 45 and a student at Florida High in Tal- lahassee where she participates in Student Government and the Civinette Club. She recently re- ceived an award for being the most enthusiastic supporter of the Sports Program at her school. Her hobbies are playing the piano and active sports. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Page, Jr. of Talahassee. Miss Tsaknaki writes that she is interested in studying law and enjoys hobbies in classical music. PO Robert Taylor Back from Viet GULFPORT, MISS., Navy Pet- ty Officer First Class Robert L. Taylor, husband of the former Miss Zola L. Ray of 111 Duval St., Port St. Joe, returned to Gulfport, Miss., after an eight-month deployment in Vietnam with Naval Mobile Con-4, struction Battalion 74. He is now undergoing the early phase of an 18-week training period at the Naval Construction Battalion Center in Gulfport il *Wen *0044 ~~ia~~~~sy~~~~r~~ ~ I-u.r~7~ ; ea~lnJBPP~E pr - FREE TIRE FACT BOOKLET / This fact-filled 16-page booklet answers all your questions about tire construction, fabrics, etc. Get yours today...ow cost or obligation - Priced as shown at Firestone Store. Competively priced at Firestone Dealers and at all service stations dispkying imfitstomo sign. .j PATE'S SERVICE CENTER JIMMY'S PHILLIPS "66" STATION Don't look back and wish you had looked into a Total Electric Home. Contact your nearest Florida Power office and find out just exactly how much more you get with Total / Electric and save money at the same time I Here are some of the ingredients you get for happier, healthier, easier and less expensive living. FLAMELESS HEATING and COOLING ELECTRIC RANGES and SELF CLEANING OVENS Complete comfort automatically. Clean, cool cooking. The only oven that No burners to adjust. No dirt or smoke. completely cleans itself automatically without excessive heat escaping in the kitchen. QUICK RECOVERY ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS Fast, economical and odor-free. ELECTRIC CLOTHES DRYERS You get the advantage of our new, low water Cost less to buy. Gentle electric heat heating discount rate, tool is easier on the clothes. For complete information on TOTAL ELECTRIC HOMES, contact our nearest office. 4 ^/Al helping build better communities. nm~m WE HONOR aster charge HE iNTER9ANK CARD In THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 /VE~ THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 PAGE ELEVI~ S* Assigned points are as follows: Duck Hunters Will Have To Recognize Species 60 point ducks; hen mallard, ida mallard, black duck, wood duck, redhead, canvasback and hooded TALLAHASSEE Duck hunt- allowed a total of 70 points which be identification of birds in the each, plus one 10 point duck or merake mallard, greTwen-wty joined teaks; ers will need to know their ducks they may accumulate for a daily bag rather than birds in flight; any combination, but lust stop and ring-necked duck. Ten point during the 1070-71 hunting season, bag limit. however, hunters who are able to hunting when the last duck harvest- widgeon, as an experimental waterfowl point | Ducks have been classified in identify birds in flight will have ed reaches or exceeds 70 points bluewinged teal, shoveler, pintail, system will govern the daily bag three separate point categories, the opportunity to harvest more "Exceeding the total pontsby b luewnged tealneye, shobuffvelehead, rud-pintail timit, and proper duck identifica- with some ducks valued at 60 birds by selective shooting. The part of a duck will not e consider- scaup, goldeneye, buffehead, rud- tion will be the factor that deter- points each, others have been as- new system will encourage duck ed a violation", Frye said, "for in- dy uck, American merganser, red-and all other mines the hunters daily take. signed a 20 point value, and a third hunters to become familiar with stance, should a hunter bag a 20 created merganser and all other The new point system bag limit group of birds are valued at 10 identifying features of flying ducks. point duck and then shoot a 60 species not allocated a specific adopted by the Game and Fresh points each. Frye explained the system by point duck, he will have exceeded. point value. Vater Fish Commission places a According to Commission Direc- saying that a hunter might harvest the total by 10 points, but would Frye said, "A hunter will be 5oint value on different species of tor, Dr. 0. E. Frye, the key to tab- seven ducks worth 10 points each,! not be in violation unless he shot able to tabulate his points only if waterfowl, land hunters will be'ulating the new point system will! or three ducks worth 20 points another bird." I he can identify the ducks in his bag, and the responsibility for ta- bulation will be that of the hunter. We recognize the difficulty for identifying birds in flight, but feel that duck hunters should re- cognize the bird in hand, and de- termine its point value." low reproduction, and at the same time allow sportsmen an additional harvest of the species that are in good supply." He continued, "Species manage- ment for waterfowl is nothing new tn duck hunters. and in the past The new bag limit system might W -, ... ..- . appear a bit confusing at first, Frye regulations restricted the taking said, "but after a bit of study we of certain ducks. The major dif- feel that duck hunters will recog-' ference under the point system is nize the system as an opportunity that the hunter does not have to for additional shooting. The sys- identify the bird in flight, but will tem is actually a form of species be required to identify and know management for waterfowl, and be required to identify and know is designed to reduce the harvest the point value of the ducks in his of ducks that may have encountered bag." Supermarkets all carry the famous National Brands. A&P does proudly. These days many supermarkets have their own brands. To some, selling price is first in importance, quality second. To A&P, it's the opposite. Quality comes first high quality that we can control because we produce in our own plants so many of our own brands, So A&P offers you the choice .famous National Brands at prices we believe will 'save you money, or quality-famous A&P Brands at prices we KNOW will save you money, without having to sacrifice quality. Few other supermarkets can offer you this quality choice this chance to cut food costs. SIF UNABLE TO OBTAIN ANY ADVERTISED . Prices In this ad are good through Sat- 5 LB. SUNNYFIELD 'Flour 390 10 LB. SUNNYFIELD Flour 890 3 LB. A&P Long Groin Rice 490 6 IND. BOXES A&P Instant Breakfast 590 32 OZ. Pink Liq. Deterg M20 FT. bClear Plastic Wr QT. Bleach QT. Ammonia. QT. Laundry Starch 16 OZ. Spray Starch s oz. Air Freshner 7 OZ. Spray Disinfecta, Detergent 14 OZ. Cleanser 26 OZ. Floor Wax 8 OZ. Window Cleaner 38 OZ. Dexola Oil 32 OZ. Salad Corn Oil -m GOLD MEDAL J630 A24 GOLD MEDAL 1.23 1340 MAHATMA 570 | 180 CARNATION 1690. 1100 -- --- -U A&P LUX LIQUID ent 590 850 1 260 A&P HANDI-WRAP ap 450 1550 C 100 A&P CLOROX 170 1230 60 A&P PARSONS 170 | 270 100 A&P STA-FLO 390 490 100 A&P WIZARD 390 590 200 A&P LYSOL nt 690 930 24C SAIL TIDE 1.19 1.49 300 BRIGHT SAIL COMET 2/250 2/390 70 BRIGHT SAIL GLO-COAT 790 950 160 A&P WINDEX 290 330 40 LESSON 01. 790 930 140 ANN PAGE MAZOLA 790 1870 i 80 90'S A&P Q.TIPI Cotton Swabs 390 E590 '4 OZ. A&P VASELI Petroleum Jelly 250 450 6.75 OZ. W/FLUORIDE A&P CREST Tooth Paste 49C 880 7 OZ. A&P RIGHT GI SprayDeodorant 890 1.39 14 OZ. A&P L1STERI Mouth Wash 590 930 100'S A&P BAYEF Aspirin 290 9 870 I 35 OZ. Apple Sauce 29 OZ. Y. C. Peaches 20 1/2 OZ. CHUNKS Pineapple 20 1/2 OZ. CRUSHED Pineapple 15 OZ. Seedless Raisins 1 LB. CAN Bartlett Pears 1/2's Chunk Lt. Tuna 15 1/2 OZ. SU Corn Beef Hash 80 Z. Tomato Sauce 0 1/2 OZ. Sweet Peas 1 LB. CAN Whole Tomatoes 1 LB. CAN Spinach 1 LB. CAN Golden C.S. Corn A&P 490 A&P 350 A&P 390 A&P 390 A&P 370 A&P 350 AUP *340 IPER RIGHT 450 A&P 100 A&P *180 A&P 270 A&P 200 A&P 200 EVRDYLO .RC 8 OZ. French Dressing -8 OZ. Italian Dressing 20 OZ. Ketchup 18 OZ. Barbecue Sauce 1 LB. CORN OIL Margarine 8 OZ. Whipped Butter 8 OZ. Cream Cheese 1 LB. Margarine ANN PAGE 310C ANN PAGE 350 ANN PAGE 330 ANN PAGE 370 AUP 350 SUNNYFIELD 490 A&P 370 iUTLEY *230 1 LB. SUPER RIGHT All Meat Franks 690 8 OZ. SUPER RIGHT All Beef Bologna 49C 1 LB. SUPER RIGHT All Beef Franks 790 1 LB. SUPER RIGHT Sliced Bacon 890 mm MUSSELLMANN I 530 1| 40 DEL MONTE 370 20 DOLE 430 40 DOLE 430 40 SUN MAID 390 20 )EL MONTE 370 20 HUMBLE BEE 370 30 ARMOURS 530 80 HUNTS 140 40 LE SUEUR 230 50 )EL MONTE. DEL MONTE I 250. | 50 DEL MONTE I 290 I 90 KRAFT 350 40 KRAFT 390 40 HEINZ 390 60 KRAFT 390 20 MAZOLA 490 1140 IREAKSTONE 510 20 KRAFT 390 20 PARKAY 350 120 -O SWIFT PREM. 7900 100 SCAR MAYER I590 1100 OSCAR MAYER I 990 1200 SWIFT'S 990 1100 "Super-Right" /4 Pork Loin Sliced PORK CHOPS "Super-Right" Bone In Chuck Roasi CHUCK STEAK "Super-Right" Shoulder $ 0 LB. 79( SWISS STEAKS L.09 * or "Market Style" Smoked e. 59c SLICED BACON LB. 59c "Super-Right" 6 oz. Salami, 6 oz. Spice Lunch., or 8 or. CUBED STEAKS LB. $1.29 Sliced BOLOGNA 3 is.98c -*- - INSTANT COFFEE (Limit 1 W/$5.S or more food order) Maxwell House %o 99c DRINK SALE I kjlY IMID k ATCHi EM I A&P Extra Special Apple Sauce 6 1ns 00 4-: I Hawaiian Punch 46 oz. Welchade 46 oz.. $ 0l I Welch's Fruit Punch 46 oz. I Tropi-Cal-Lo Orange 64 or. mqm -f ""we I.I OAK HILL OAK HILL Yellow Freestone PEACHES 1 lb., 13 oz. cans 3For 89c ' This item multiple-priced at the store for even greater savings. Single unit price used for easier companion aIr V Tr 5' T- T '- Luclous Golden 'Ripe Special! Jane Parker Lemon' or BANANAS..... lOc PEACH PIE.... Fresh Vine Ripened TOMATOES Special! 0. t Jarie Parker Cinn., Pine., or Jelly LB. 33c Sweet ROLLS..3 Special! Jane Parker Delicious Special! 22 oz. size 39c Special! $100 Special! 39c 10,oz. pkgs. U -' -aC e-- -W--I IAl I I --r SSlAVE, 1 I jW7ffVTrPM LOOK FOR] THESE SAVE SIGNS WHEN YOU SHOP THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 "Swenrr-Rialit" Bonelesse THE STAR. Port St. Joe, Fla. 32456 THURSDAY, JULY 16, 1970 The human body is an efficient organism. It runs like clock- work with each-vital part doing its job. When one of these parts breaks down or a foreign substance attacks, the body reacts to the blow in a way all its own. Chemicals in the dis- eased area begin immediately to repair the break. Often these are not enough and chemicals from other parts of the body are utilized. When this happens a chemical imbalance is caused. Your doctor examines you to determine the amount and type of chemicals involved. He may feel it nec- essary to add chemicals to your system in order to defeat the disease... this is a prescription. By his diagnosis he can determine which chemicals will do you the most good. Some systems are stronger or better equipped to handle disease. They require less medication. Others need more outside help. Each person is different. That is why you should never use another's prescription nor allow someone else to use yours. For the highest pharmaceutical standards, low prices consistent with quality and the personal attention you can always depend upon, bring your prescriptions to OUR (E_ PHARMACY Buzzett's Drug Store 317 Williams Avenue Drive-In Window Service Phone 227-3371 Plenty of Froe Parking ?AGE TWELVE irEL Harris Harvey Dies In Georgia Harris Harvey of Jakin, Geor gia, formerly of Port St. Joe passed away suddenly Friday al his home. Harvey had lived in Port St Joe for many years and was fire chief at St. Joe Paper Company at the time of his retirement two years ago. He was a member of the White City Baptist Church. Funeral services were held Sunday at 3:00 p.m. from the Jakin Baptist Church with Rev. Hall and Rev. Joe Fort officiat- ing. Interment was in Open Pond Cemetery at Jakin. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Pryor Dunning Harvey of Jakin, Ga.; two sons, Graham of Jakin and David of Port St. Joe; one daughter, Mrs. James Rod- gers of Lexington, Va.; one bro- ther, J. Q. Harvey of Jakin; three sisters, Miss Dot Harvey, Mrs. Winnie Hudson and Mrs. Hubert Dodd all of Jakin and seven grandchildren. Vitro Wives Will Meet for Beach Party Vitro Wives will meet Tuesday, July 21 at 6:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Peggy Whitfield at St. Joe Beach. The Wives will enjoy a hamburger cook-out. Those who want to swim should bring their swim suits and every- one is asked to bring a lawn chair. I Gospel Meeting at Church of Christ A gospel meeting will be held . at the Church of Christ, 20th St., and Marvin Avenue July 19 t through July 24 with services to be held each evening at 8:0C p.m. James H. Bridges of Athens, Georgia will be the guest min- t ister for these special services. Vacation Bible School has been scheduled by the church to be- gin at 9:0 Oa.m., July 20 and con- tinue through July 24. The Bi- ble School classes will be held until 11:00 a.m. each day. The public is cordially invited to attend. W. P. Gilbert MContinued From Page I) "a sister, Mrs. Norma Russell of Corsicana, Texas; one'grandchild Miss Laura Bussman of Talldhas- see; an aufit, Mrs. W. M.' Howell of Port St. Joe and an uncle,.Cor-: ven Boswell of Mobilej Ala. Serving as pallbearers were L. C. Davis, Hubert Miller, Dave Maddox, Ralph Branch, Glen Grimsley and Marion Craig. Prevatt Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Middlemas (Continued From Page 1) City. He is married to the for- mer Kendall Hood. They have four children; Rob, 10, Mary, 9, Davis, 3, and Kendall, 1 month. He graduated from Bay High School and from Emory Univer- sity with a degree in history. In 1968 Middlemas received& the Jaycee Good Government Award and Outstanding Young Man of the Year Award. He has been nominated by the members of the press covering the Legislature in 1967, 1968 and 1970 as one of the outstanding members of the House of Repre- sentatives. During the past session of the Legislature Middlemas served on the Appropriations Committee, Public Lands and Parks Commit- tee and was vice-chairman of the Higher Education Committee. He is presently serving on the im- portant iterim committee on edu- cation which is charged with a review of Florida's entire educa- tion systems. a 16-3 record for the season. Shown in the photo above are Kraig Weimorts, Greg Cloud, Charles Howell, Don Howell, Tim McLeod, Leroy Dearinger, Tony Dandy, Victor Gilbert, Stacy Price, Ricky Mannes, Bob Jones, Hal Lewis and Steve Gibbs. Not shown is Sammy Sweazy. Coaches of the champions are Ralph Walton and Leroy Dearinger. Say You Saw It In The Star - I Classified Ads I HI "Ever FOR SALE: Three bedroom home with living room, den ing room, kitchen, carpeted, c air and heat. Furnished or u wished. On two well shaded li Garrison Ave. Contact Mrs. Williams, 763.0261, Panama C FOR SALE: Cover for Datsun up. $150.00. Phone 648-425 ter 4:00 p.m. ti FOR SALE: Riverfront lot wit bile home 10x50 just across Dead Lake Dam at Wewahil (See sign) Price $6500.00. ' can be arranged. Harold Dy 1245 Brandt Dr., Tallahassee Phone 877-7423. FOR SALE:.Landscaped lot, on private Lake Como, sou Wewahitchka. Large, like new bile home with deck, awning. lene Owens, Phone 639-5246. FOR SALE: Block house on Street in Highland View. PI 229-2486. FOR SALE: 2 bedroom house, 1 and stucco, carpet and air ditioned. 523 7th St. 227-3067. FOR SALE: Dwelling and two at White City. Contact Citi Federal. 227-4646. tfe FOR SALE: 8 room house on lots. 1 corner lot and house nished. Across hwy. in front school in Wewahitchka. Mrs. Stevens. tfc r body Reads 'em" I brick FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house. Cor- FOR CHAIN LINK FENCE calL , din- ,ner Palm and 10th St. Inquire at Emory Stephens. Free estimate. central 208 10th St. Itc Guarantee on labor and materials. unfur- Low down payment. Phone 227- ts on FOR SALE: ,2 lots on corner at .. tf. Ben St. Joe Beach, $1,650. Also a% ton ity. 1958 Ford pick-up truck, $225. Call TREE SERVICE: Trees taken down Vie Burke, Phone 229-2757. 2tp-7-16 and removed or trimmed. Call pick- BOAT FOR SALE: 18' fibreglass 5-8772 or 5-343, Apalach a 55 a-_ Glastron with 90 hp. motor, elec. I- c-6-11 start. Trailer. CB radio, convertible LOST: Black Chihuahua dog. Wear- h mo- top. All in extra good shape with ing red collar. Last seen in St. rmom tags and fees paid. See at Gulf Ca- Joe Beach area. Call 229-2486. from banas Motel at Beach or phone tcka. 648-3121. tfe-7-16 FOUND: Social Security card made rerms o ut to Charles Ellis Ragan, Jr. ybdal, WANTED: Good reliable couple Found in vicinity of Helene's. Own- Fla. to operate popular boat landing. er Imay have by picking up at Tlte 3t-7-9 Living quarters and salary. Call S. Star and pay for this ad. trees, C. Pridgeon, 229-3352. 2tp-7-9 ith of REDUCE safe and fast with Go- WE HAVE IN STOCK plenty of cy. Smo- Bese Tablets and E-Vap waterl press lumber, 2x4 to 2x12, nos. Kar- pills". CAMPBELL'S DRUG. 8-7-2 1 and 2. 1x4 through 1x12 mostly Kar- no. 2. Pine lumber, paints, hard- 3t-7-9 THE COTTAGE SHOPPE now has 'ware and appliances. PRIDGEON new polypropylene phentex yarn, BUILDING SUPPLY, Wewahitch. 11th machine washable, and double knit ka. tfc-6-11 ?hone polyester fabrics. Also many gift items. Shop at THE COTTAGE SHOPPE, red and white building FOR block on Hiway 98, Beacon Hill. tfc-6-11, con- FOR AIR CONDITIONING and ap- AMBULANCE SERVICE tfc pliance repair call 229-6323. In Wewahitchka and lots FOR SALE: Selmar-Bundy clarinet Port St. Joe zen's in excellent condition. $85.00. ( c-6-18 Phone 229-1581. tfc-6-18 CALL - two FOR REORDERS of Beauti-Control Comforter Funeral Home fur. cosmetics. Call Mabel Baxley. It of 229-6100. 1109 Monument Ave. 227-3511 Rosa . -5-21 FOR SALE: 3 bedroom brick home. 1% baths, built-in kitchen. Large lot. $1,000 equity. Phone 229-4261. tfc-7-16 FOR RENT: Apartment at 510 8th Street. Phone 648-4800. tfc-6-25 FOR RENT: Available June 29, one bedroom and private bath at 528 corner of 6th Street and Wood- ward Ave. tfc-6-25 FOR SALE: 26' self-contained air conditioned 1970 model travel trailer. Call 227-4261 or 648-4600. FOR SALE: 2 beagle male puppies. $20.00 each. Phone 229-2009. lp FOR SALE: 1969 Kawasaki 90. Good condition. Call 227-4771. FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished apartment. Phone 229-1361. Our Number Has Been Changed RAY'S TRIM SHOP Complete Upholstery Service "We aim to please you Every Time", 602 Garrison Ave. Phone 229-6326 C. P. Etheredge 518 Third Street Port St. Joe, Fla. Plumbing and Electrical Contractor fc Call 229-4986 for Free Estimate RA.M.-Regular convocation on St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, RA.M., 1st and 3rd Mondays. All visiting companions welcome. ROY BURCH, H. P. WALTER GRAHAM, Spc. WILLIS V. ROWAN, POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION, meet- ing second and fourth Tuesday nights, 8:00 p.m. American Legion Home. THERE WILL BE a regular com- munication of Port St. Joe Lodge No. 111, F. & A. M., every first and third Thursday at 8,00 p.m. JOSEPH J. PIPPIN, W.M. PERRY J. McFARLAND, Secty. Elberta Freestone Peaches BY THE BUSHEL or POUND DUREN'S ECONOMY STORE The Glidden-Durkee "Oilers", shown above, won the championship in the Minor League Divi- sion of the Dixie Youth program this year. The championship was decided the last game of the season when the "Oilers" defeated the Masonic "Patriots" on the last day of the season, 25-8. The Vitro "Rockets" were tied with the "Oilers" go- ing into the last week of play. The "Oilers" had Minor League Champs In Appreciation for Your Past Patronage We Are Offering This a 'DRY CLEAN SPECIAL ALL 'NEXT WEEK ONLY Pants, Sweaters, Shirts -55 Ladies' Dresses, Men's Suits .---- $119 Ladies' and Men's Long Coats $1.40 Dry Cleaned and Pressed MARIE'S CLEANERS 107 SECOND STREET t = SEPTIC TANKS pumped out. Cali Buford Griffin. Phone 229-2937 ot 229-3097. TOMLINSON RADIO and TV REPAIR PHONE 229-6108 1319 McCleUan Ave. FOR SALE: 1965 Cadillac. Has 29,- 151 miles. Call Mrs. Tom Owens, 1110 Long Avenue after 3:00 p.m. tfc-2-12 Your SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT Dealer in Port St. Joe COVER EARTH HURLBUT FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 306 Reid Ave. I~ r 1 I g I I 'Is |