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PAGE THRX& THE STAR PORT ST. JOE GULF C FLORIDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, l954 ' I , Visit In Mobile Guests of Roberts' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dandridge Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts were were the week end guests of Mrs. the week end guests of their son Dandridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward, In Mobile, Ala. Floyd Roberts on Hunter Circle. You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Church REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP --------11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .- .. 6:45 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP -.--- 7:30 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. Meeting In The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS Mrs. Marilee Perice, Miss Willa Ruth Miller of Panama City spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lee Williamson and daughter, 'Debbie. Mrs. H. F. Brock spent the week end in Marianna with her daughter and family, Mrs. Dee Brock. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Butts honor- ed their daughter Mavis on her 15th birthday with a party at her home on' Tuesday night, September 28. Refreshments of cake, cookies and drinks were served to the follow- ing guests: Denver Skipper, Glen- da Wilson, George Neel, Jeanette Spann, Ted Cannon, Doris Wilson, Bobby Neel, Dean Glass, Jerry Hayes Betty Butts, David Riley, Joyce Hayes, Buddy Hudson, Bud- SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY I Best Quality-Cheapest Price ! Ga. Grade 'A' FRYERS C lb. (Limit 2 LEMONS, 6 for I A - LIMES, 8 for .i.UC BORDEN'S BISCUITS can 10c Nabisco Premium Saltine Crackers 23 C Trend 4 Lg. Pkgs. Soap Powders 69 c PUREX BLEACH gal. 25 c Fresh Purple Hull Garden PEAS RED GRAPES The Best Beef In Town-Swift's Premium T-BONE and Sirloin Steak lb. 69c The Best -- Swift's Premium FRANKS .b.49c Swift's Seminole No. 1 Sliced BACON lb. 59c Swift's Premium Boneless Rolled Veal ROAST lb. 59c Armour's Star NO. 10 JUG Cooking Oil $1.39 Fresh Indian Pass OYSTERS pt.69c ' RICH'S BIGGEST BARGAIN Ga. Grade 'A' Medium EGGS With $10.00 Grocery Order doz S rs~j /"5'.~ . '-"'4 (Limit 5 Dozen) .it M. lb. 5c Ib. 10c Fine Bunches TURNIPS, COLLARDS and MUSTARD 4-Hr. Special, Friday Nite, 5-9 Lykes Chili E. J. RICH, Owner Port St. Joe, Fla. 19c Armour's Corned Beef 39c Last Chance-Large Can Tomatoes 10c Armour's Limit 5 Cans MILK lOc With $5.00 Olrder Quart Oysters $1.19 ABSOLUTELY FRE Nothing to buy! I' No cars to name! . No essays to write!~ A Attend Football Game Among those attending the St. Joe-Bristol football game in Bris- tol Thursday night were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Justice, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fleishel, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism, Mrs. John 'Blount, Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Taylor, Earl Atchison, Gordon Hallmark, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Munn, .Mr. and Mrs. William Chafin, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sexton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom (Parker, Jr., Mrs. Phillip Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferrell, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Ad- ams, MtS. and Mrs. A. P. Martin and Miss Alma Baggett. Attend Convention Mrs. Ethel Westbrook, Miss Ma- bel Williams and Mrs. W., M. How- ell returned the latter part of the week from Miami where Mrs. West- brook and Miss Williams attended the annual convention of Florida State Licensed Nurses. They were delegates from the 5A Division of Florida. While there they were ac- commodated by the McAllister Ho- tel where the main events of the convention was held. Elephant's Trunk The fingerlike end of the ele-. phaht's many-muscled trunk is so supple and skillful that this big, awkward looking animal can even untie knots with it. dy Love and Mr. and Mrs. Warren .Yeager. Miss June Chitty of Bonifay, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and daughter, Glenda and Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Skipper and sons, Denver and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chestnut and son of Panama City spentSGaturday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chestnut. Mr. and Mrs. Vester. Burke and daughter, Glenda, Mrs. G. W. Skip- per and Miss June Chitty spent Monday in Panama City. Pelham Revells and children, Joyce and Jerry and Miss Margie Rogers. spent Monday in Panama City. Mrs. Bob Raffield and- Mrs. T. J. Raffield spent Monday in Panama City. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Peters spent the week end in Dothan, Ala., with relatives. A didner on the ground was ob- served at the Highland View As- sembly of God Church. A wonderful crowd enjoyed a lovely dinner. Mirs. Kate Boyette, daughters, Nadine and O.arolyn and Miss Edna Wood spent Monday. in Panama City. , NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS John Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young returned to San Diego California Friday after spending a week visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young and friends and relatives. Mrs. Jack Roberts of Panama City was the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young for several days last week. We are sorry to say that Charles Hutch is ill and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Wir. and Mrs. Joe Burns and children spent Sunday in Eleven Mile visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ernest of Panama City spent the week end visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Minnie Ola Ray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray of Do- than, Ala., spent the week end vis- iting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and chil- dren spent the week end in Grand i4dge .visiting with 'the latter's -parents, Mr. and Mrs. Burch. . Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maddox spent Saturday in Marianna visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hicks and daugh- ter, Gail of Panama City were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis of Vernon spent Tuesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lovett. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley spent Tuesday in Marianna attending the District Sunday School Con- vention. Rev, and Mrs. Lloyd Riley and children attended the funeral of Mrs. Jim Taylor 'Saturday in Brewton, Ala. :She was an aunt of Rev. Riley. ---k - TRADE AT HOME F Iv ~. WW ,-W %WW w.- I Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED ' S GLASSES FITTED S HOURS 8 TO 5, S PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON* FIRST FLOOR .. RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA Phone 218 MODERN facilities assure you of our up-to-date service Like other exact sciences, pharmcay Is con- S tinuously learning advanced skills and new ,procedures Let our research program - keep you abreast of good health 'always, Campbell's Wulgreen Agency Drugs S"PRESCRIP ONS a Specialty" UI 210 Reld Avenue r for your Chevrolet Treasure Chest Ticket Your Chevrolet Treasure Chest ticket comes to you in the mail. So,, be on the lookout for it-and bring it in to us. It's your chance to win one of 40 NEW CHEVROLETS! IFUL ; LET. 51 4, .You can win the, new Chevrolet of your choice in the Bel Air, "Two-Ten" or "One-Fifty" series, and the cat, you win will be equipped with Powerglide Automatic' Transmission, Chevrolet heater and defroster, and tid CLLZJ i 0fl5azn q When your Treasure Chest ticket arrives in the mail, ! here's all ybu have to do. Fill it out complete, bring it: to our showroom, and drop it in our Treasure Chest / box. And here's one of the. best things! Once your; ticket is in, it is good up to the very last drawing I unless picked as a winner. So get your Treasure Chest ticket in soon and give yourself more chances SI7 Bring your Chevrolet) Treasure Chest Ticket GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williains Ave. and 4th St. .k PHON E 388 Port St. Joe, Florida WIN A BEAUT NEW CHEVRO Ib. 5 Sweet Potatoes Ib. Sc Red Delicious lb. 10 APPLES r1IIr s r~r ~~;-9-nId~eII 221 Reid Ave. - I I --' ~ ne ~--~~~ ------- -~lrl A little bdy said to his mother: "Well, Mummy, I ust look"Od u "Is it true that we are made of der my bed and someone tiers ii dust?" either coming or going." "Yes, dear." A glass measuring cup that fin "Well, is it true that we go back graduated below the rim fa fltS to dust when we die?" for liquids to avoid spilling. 'That's what the Bible says." Advertising doesn't cost-it payaS CASH $25 to $300 FOR TODAY'S NEEDS CONSOLIDATE BILLS HOME OR CAR REPAIRS DOCTOR OR DENTAL BILLS SEASONAL EXPENSES BETWEEN PAY DAY CASH Prompt, Friendly Loans for any good Purpose SEE FRIENDLY UNION FINANCE CO. Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 27 ' \! ',' ----* THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1 i T ----1 ,-1-- -. I THE ST+Ar ST ST. JoE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THE STAR Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man; Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as second-class matter, December 19, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port S.t Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -*f TELEPHONE 51 - TO ADVERTISERS--I case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received for suchadvertisement. The spoken 'word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. IT'S A GIFT, SON A host of communities in this state are clamoring at the doors of the State Road De- partment night and day to secure a road in their section to serve one purpose or another. Some of these communities are in desperate need, but they receive a deaf ear to their pleas for consideration. They want roads. The State Road Department complains about not having funds to build these roads in a great number of instances. More hundreds fo towns are wait- ing in line for their turn at a crack at the State Road building' funds, waiting patiently for a hand-out from the state. This is not the case with Port St. Joe. They were going to get a surprise Christmas present. The State Road Department was going to play Santa Claus to the City of Port St. Joe. They were being generous and giving them a present, in addition to the State financed Apalachicola- Port St. Joe cut-off which the citizens of Gulf and Franklin counties hoped, cajoled and begged for for many years before it finally came into being. The State Road Department finally granted the road request and at the urgent plea of the citizens of Port St. Joe, re-routed the en- trance -of the highway into the city to save the SRD some $100,000 in construction costs. It must be that the SRD is so appreciative of this $100,000 savings that they are now wrapping up a surprise present for the people oi Port St. Joe in appreciation, it would seem, for this saving of funds. Somebody snitched! Before the SRD could give the people of Port St. Joe their surprise present, somebody sneaked into the "closet" and tore off the wrapping of the "present" and the naughty things peeked at that surprise pack- age that was so generously put up for the people of this city. But, the only fly in the oint- ment was that the "surprise package" was just. as welcome as a dose of castor oil to a child. And the "surprise package" worked on the people just about like a dose of castor oil when the contents of the "package" was discovered. This little "surprise package" was a connect- ing road from the future Apalachicola-Port St'. Joe cut-off to Niles Road.. Not so bad you say? Yes, but, the city of Port St. Joe had -entered .into an agreement with, the County to pave an extension of Garrison Avenue out to Niles Road to make for a short route to the new cemetery, after the new route of the cut-off was set to- join existing Highway 98 South of Oak Grove. THE SPUR FROM THE CUT-OFF HAS BEEN DRAWN TO CONNECT WITH THE NILES ROAD AT THE SAME PLACE AS GARRISON AVENUE WILL INTERSECT, thus, giving an uninterrupted avenue from the new highway by way of Garrison Avenue to town. The people of the City stated in no uncer- tain terms that they definitely wanted the high- way but that they desired it to be relocated off of a Garrison Avenue route. No.w,_whether the -people want it or not, the State is going to be generous and give'them this route anyway, in addition to the new route. Isn't that sporting of them? So generous. You can bet your bottom dollar on one thing though. The people of Port St. Joe are beginning, at last, to be interested in what is going on around them. They are taking an interest in things that are happening in the County and the City. They are going to protest this thing being designated as a highway, hot and heavy. They have expressed the fact, in no uncertain terms, that they desired the road to stay off of a Garrison Avenue route. Now it is being forced upon them. Gentlemen, this just isn't fair. The very fact that the project was kept so secretive smells. It smells'to Russia and back. It could be for no good purpose, or the politicians would he crowing, "Look what I have done for you". You can het that your City Government, your County Government and this newspaper will find out what is behind the thing and do all in their power to see that the desires of the people of this city are carried out. --------------- S ---- months (to the day) and traveling GOIN' PLACES 6,341 miles. Since lst week's col'mn dated By Col. W. S. Smith, Retired. Chester, Va., we've come down : V Mayor of Buckhorn through the Great, Smoky Moun- .w ...v- .-_-.w tains, and the scenery there was BUCKH.ORN, Fla., TU.S.A.-It's really beautiful, in addition to hav- really good to be iome again af- ing excellent roads, though coming ter.living out of suitcases for two down the western slopes, where the new four-lane highway has not yet been completed, the road twisted and turned so much that one time we had to stop and straighten out our car most places the right turns counteracted the left turns and no car-straight- ening was necessary. ~mopped for awhile in the 'Cherokee Indian Re- / Here's why in a nutshell. You save when you buy VW> f and you save when you trade. You'll stay proud YOU uO 1 l of its lasting good looks. You'll enjoy luxury- Scar features for finer motoring. And right now be glad you bought you'll get the deal of the year! Come'in and I let us prove it to you! Cht! YEAR AFTER YEAR, MORE PEOPLE BUY - Sa Chevrolet! Chevrolet THAN ANY OTHER CAR!I '" ' GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388 Port'St. Joe, Florida servation and picked up a few sou- of some kind. I really got a Kick venirs in addition to taking a gan- out of upsetting their staid and der at the Cherokees. iStopped in Rorpe, Ga., to visit Ex-Postmaster and Mrs. Henry Drake and were greeted with gusto by this amiable couple in fact Mrs. Drake gave me a great big k ss that really startled me, for I've known the lady for 17 years and here I had to drive some 6,000 miles for a kiss- Seems a large segement of the St. Joe population has settled in Rome to work at the Rome Kraft -Company. just opened up by the Meade 'Corporation. There is H. A. "Captain" Kidd, plant manager and at one time in charge of the St. Joe mill; Dave Jones, Bennie Burke, Johnny Kirkland, 'Bud Gas- kin, Obie Maddox, Charles Smith, To-in Strickland, Duke Wellington, Bert Cox and Whaley Johnson . There are probably more, but that is all I know to be there. Went on down to Cedartown, Ga., to see Mr. and Mrs. George Colbert,' 'formerl1St. Joe residents, and they would hardly let us get away after a: 'two-day stay. 'Stopped off to see' Mr. and Mrs. R. F..."Doc" Coody at their farm near Eastman, Ga., and from there it was but a step and a jump to our Buckhorn dwelling Got a kick out of Robert 'Coody, Jr.'s son Ran- dy. I made comment on the fact that he was loading up with raw onions and pickles one day at meal- time. "He'll eat anything that does- n't eat him first," said his mother. I had had -some small hot peppers .with my meal and. a couple were left on the table. Randy got. hold of one when no one was around, and. you should have seen the ex- -presion on, his face! He didn't yip much about it, but he was consid- erably surprised. I remarked that that was one time something had bitten him first. . We'1, that about concludes "Go- in' Places", at least for this year, but would like to tell you-all an- other little incident: While in Boston killing time while Myrtice was having her overhaul at the clinic, I walked some eight or ten blocks down the street one after- noon when the rain stopped (rained most of the time the five days we spent in the baked bean metropo- lis) and .greeted some 40 or 50 peo- ple with "Howdy,. Stranger," com- monplace in the west where I came from. I received a few "hellos" and "how-de-dos", but the majority of those I greeted gave me a startled look or passed on hurridly . Probably thought, with my cruches, that I was looking for a handout INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be regeiv- ed by the City of Port St. Joe, Flor- ida, at the office of the City Clerk, until 5:00 P.M., EST, October 20, 1954, at which time bids will be opened and publicly read aloud,for the construction of Water Tradt- ment Facilities at Port St. Joe, Florida. The work consists of construc- .ion of water treatment facilities, including connecting mains; 350 G.P.M., water plant; and raw wa- ter intake, complete and ready for operation. Plans, specifications and contract documents will be open to public inspection at .the office of the City Clerk, or may ,be obtained from Smith and Gillespie, Consulting En- gineers, P. 0. Box 1048, Jackson- /ille 1, Florida, upon payment of $12.50, which amount constitutes the cost of reproduction and han- dling and will not be returnable. Bids must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount pot less than five per cent of the bid. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty days after the scheduled closing time for the re- ceipt of bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities:' CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FLA. SAVE NOW WITH LEON FEDERAL West Florida's Friendly Savings And Loan Association SAFE L:, CONVENIENT ', PROFITABLE *o SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVICE A U SVINGSi \ 1allahassee, Fla. $ A1 C (017 5005 1 stiff-necked respectability If more people greeted strangers with "Howdy, 'Stranger" I'm pretty sure that this old world would be a much nicer place in which to live. Star Want Ads Get Results IT'S WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EXPERT Electrical Repairs and Contracting PHONE 440 ;"Copyrighted Material 4 . -- Syndicated Content - Available from Commercial News Providers" quo--am *4 am 40 *q - 4ow- -4 - ~"MOP Closed Wednesday Evenings Walte Mr n iS UPERu, DIr eNSl MARKET SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONE DOZEN MEDIUM EGGS F R With Each $10.00 Purchase Argo Sliced PINEAPPLE No. 303 Can 25------ Argq PEACH HALVES, Lg. No. 21/ Caon.--- Reg. Size Cigarettes ar. $2.13 Allen Whole SWEET POTATOES, No. 2 Can 19c Blue Bird GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 46 oz. can 15c Pilehers SYRUP no. 5 can 45 WATER MAID RICE, 3 -Lb------------ 31c Pet, Carnation and Borden's MILK, 3 Cans 39c SESSION'S SALAD OIL, No. 5 Jug 79c AL BRANDS Per Can ------ -- All Brands CHEWING GUM, 3 For --- r Mayfield CORN, Cream Style, 3 For---- 33 Deico TOMATOES, No. 303 Can, 3 For--- TIDE or CHEER, Large Size ---- -- -29c Diamond Dee TOILET TISSUE, 4 Rolls .--------- White POTATOES 10 lb 39c Georgia Unclassified Every Egg Guaranteed Fresh l~~lA Small, 4 Dozen 1 Medium, 3 Dozen , EGGS;Large, 2 Dozen '1100 Georgia Dressed and Drawn LB. 38c FRYERS CUTUP,Lb.48c PICNIC HAMS, Lb. -------- HOOP CHEESE, Lb. ------------- Green Hill SAUSAGE, Lb.-------.. Smoked BACON SLAB 49c SLICED 59c STEW BEEF Lb. 19c SWIFT'S SELECT _B_ 'Tr-Bone Steak lb. 59c imhaimb ngr Lb. 29c Round Steak lb. 49c .lUllN gr r 4 lbs. $1.00 Sirloin Steak lb. 49c n t I ---, I --- I--- ---- 1- --1-- 14 P ~PIP I ~ 'j I I II 1044i .~ I I ! I I TETA.PRSTE-GLCONYFLRAD_ I Slllc~AV- rTOER7. 1954 First Baptist WMU Names Circle Members The First Baptist WMU met at the church Monday for their regu- lar business meeting with the new president, Mrs. W. R. Scott in charge. The devotional was a responsive t -- ----- ... r - reading on prayer wil t- Mrs. W. Al Chafin leading in prayer. After. the Mrs. WV. M. Chain. :.rrs. Bill 3Mrs. George Davis, Mrs. B. W. business meeting the new circles Ricli, Mrs. Coleman Tharpe. Mrs. Wilder. Mrs. J. H. Johns and Mrs. were formed as follows. I.onnie Bell, Mrs. A. V. Bateman, N. E. Dees. Circle No. 1 I 1. C. Belin. Mrs. L. Z. Hender- Circle No. 4 Mrs. C. G. Costin, Mrs. Clifford "so Mrs E. '. aLandingha Mrfs J. J. Clements, Mrs. 'W. 0. 'Mrs. J. A. Garrett, Mrs. W. C. Tharpe. Mrs. Tom Parker, Sr., Mrs. Roche and Mrs. George Padgett. Nichols, Mrs. H. F. Ayers, Mrs. J. W. Plair, Mrs. E. B. Dendy, Mrs. o Roy Irwin, Mrs. S.'J. Taylor, Mrs. M. G Martin, Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon, Circle No. 3 W. B. Richardson, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. W. Ramsey, Mrs. Quarels, Mrs. Cecil Linton, Mrs. Charles Mrs. Thursby, Mrs. J. S. Hallman, Mrs. W. Byrd-and Mrs. Fred Mad- Gill, Mrs. W. L. Cox, Mrs. W. C. Mrs. A. S. Daniells, Mrs. Gus dox. Carden, Mrs..J. 0. Baggett, Mrs. Sempler, Mrs. Charles Tharpe. Circle No. 2 IE. C. Marlow, Mrs. E. C. Cason, Circle No. 5 Mrs. Elliot, Mrs. A. R. Tonnlin- son, Mrs. Otis Pyle, Mrs. W. SCHOOL ESSON Daughtry, Mrs. J. D. Lane, Mrs. C. SUNDA SL LESSON A. McClellan, Mrs Ralph Nance,! Mrs. Earl Chitty, Mrs. J. T. Comp- bell, Mrs. Rush Chism, Mrs. George TRUSTING IN GOD in their time. God was a just judge, Cash and Mrs. Shirly. Scripture: Job. 38:1-7; 42-1-6, 10a. and all troubles were his just pen- -- ,--- By Rev. CHARLES BOLAND alties for sin. "This idea still GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Highland View Methodist Church gripped the minds of men in the Job trusted .God, although he had time of Jesus. When he met. a man lost all the material blessings from who' had, been blind from birth, his God. Satan thought that Job was disciples asked: 'Rabbi, who sin- CHURCH God's Servant bceause God had ned, .this man or his parents ..? given him great riches. Satan ar- (John 9:2). ANNOUNCEMENTS gued: "But put forth thine hand "Since there' are still so many now, apd touch 'all' that he hath, ideas of God, often contradictory, and he will curse thee to thy it is good to know that full know- Highland View Baptist Church face." (Job 1:11). Yet, Job never ledge of God is not the secret'of Rev. P. G. Safford, Pastor cursed God. His wife questioned his a good life. Prayer Service, Wednesday 8:00. integrity and urged him to "curse "Neither Job nor his friends nor sn God and die." Although Job cursed the wisest man today understands Sunday Service the day of his birth (Job 3) he God fully. We may have depend- 9:45 a.m. Sunday School never cursed God, but trusted him able ideas of his character and 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship' through all his troubles, work, but they are far from com- 6:45 p.m. Training Union "If, as Jaques says in 'As You plete. But, like Job, we may trust 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service Like It''all' the world's a stage,' him when we do not understand. 7:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Practi there must be tragedy as well as We may be .sure of this much: Our 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Prayer Meeting come in human life. There are God is trustworthy." (Adult Stu- 'FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH people who are such confirmed op- dent). FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH timists as to deny. that tragedy Like Job we are likely to confuse Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor exists. There are others who see :rust in goods for trust in God. Do Sunday School, 9:45 ajn. little in life except tragedy. The we trust God because he is. a bene- Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. best attitude libs somewhere be- volent God or because He is a. Training Union, 8:00 p.m. tween optimism and pessimism. righteous God? We can be sure Evening Worship, 8:00 p.fn. "One of the best examples of where our trust is wheri we are Woman's Missionary Society, Mon- this better way of looking at life tested. day at 3:00 p.mn. is Job. He met trouble, but he "'Take an example of a young Junior R.A. and G.A. and Intermed- never ceased believing in the good- married couple. They live on love iate G.A. on Monday at'4:15 p.m. ness of God. and, trust for a few months. Every- Intermediate R. A. Tuesday at 4:00. "The question for us to consider thing is fine. Then comes the first Preaching at White City Mission today is this: What does trust in quarrel. Is their trust in each other ,Tuesday at 8:00. God mean? Evidently it doesn't sufficient to meet this trouble? If mean understanding God fully. so, the marriage will be woven to- ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC "If there ever was a puzzled gather with a finer web of love af CHURCH man in trying to understand God, ter they have met the trouble, for- 8th St. between Monument and it was Job. Continually he was. given each. their, kissed and made SLo. A ene. asking, ln why God allowed such trou- Rev. Robert O'Sullivan, Preist 1st Sunday of each month. Mass 8:30 a.m., Confessions, 8:00 to 8:20 a.m. Other Sundays of each month. Mass 10:30 a.m. Confessions, 10:00 to 10:20 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation. Mass 7:30 a.m., ConfessiOns 7:00 to 7:20 a.m. LONG AVENUE BAPTIST J. C. Odum, Pastor Meeting in High School Auditorium 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 p.m. The Baptist Hour, WDLP 6:45 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service Nursery open for all services Public cordially invited Highland View Methodist Church Rev. Charles Boland, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship : 6:30 p.m. Methedist Youth Fellow- ship. 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service Tish Series of Advertisement is Contributed to the Cause of the Church By the Following Merchants' McCOY'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Your Family Shopping Center" 308 Reid Avenue FULLER'S SUPPLY COMPANY Fishing Tackle Sherwin-Williams Paints Phone 231 213V2 Reid Ave. J. LAMAR MILLER, Agent Standard Oil Company Phone 127 1 st. and Garrison COSTIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE "For Service and Quality" Phone 148 208 Reid Ave. ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Hardware, Paints, Building Supplies Phone 14 203 Reid Ave. BOYLES' DEPARTMENT STORE "Pay Cash and Pay Less" 222 Reid Ave. Phone 252 ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE Phone 291 DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY "Make Your House A Home" Phone 56 309-11 Reid Ave. H. S. LILIUS, Jeweler 25 Year Experience In Watch Repairs Phone 162 322 Reid Ave. MOUCHETTE'S STYLE SHOP 316 Reid Ave. Phone 288 St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co. Low Down Payments -- Easy Terms Phone 239 205-207 Reid Ave., AUSTIN-ATCHISON COMPANY "Exclusive But Not Expensive" Phone 65 410 Reid Ave. PIGGLY WIGGLY SUPER MARKET Home Owned by E. J. Rich and.Sons Phone 306 205 3rd Street West Florida Gas & Fuel Company "Our Rolling Pipelines Never End" Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 342 FOWHAND-HALL, Inc. Phone 99 328 Reid Ave. MODERN FURNITURE CO. "Go Modern With Us' Phone 181 232 Reid Ave. Kenney's Mill Baptist Church W. B. Holland, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Midweek Sa'-vice 6.45 p.m. Baptist Traifing Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship Everyone invited to all services Oak Grove Assembly of God Lloyd D. Riley, Pastor 10:90 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. (Fri.) Christ Ambassa- dor Service. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Thomas Miller Minister In Charge 7:30 a.m., Morning Prayer 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship and prayer. 9:45 a.m. Church School 7:00 p.m. Young People's Servici League. BEACON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John T. Dudley, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 a.m." Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. B.T.U., 7:00 P.M. Evening Service, 8:00 P.M. Hour of Power, Wed., 8:00 P.M. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Fred L. Davis, Pastor 9:45 A.M., Sunday School 11:00 A T.T M Mo Wrnig ,oin ble to come to him. "The three friends who tried to help him were even more igno- rant .of God's ways. These men, whom Job called 'miserable comn- iforters,' thought they knew the answer to Job's problem. Since he had received unusual punish- ment,the must be unusually sinful. up. If not, mistrust, ill temper, and infidelity will spread like a poison, and another divorce is on the way. "Not all' suffering is the result of sin. But all adversity can be used to arrive at higher levels of life." (.Bible Lessons for Adults). Let us trust God while we are prosperous and we will be prepared "Their idea of God was orthodox for the day of trouble. WSCS Continues Study Of Book Last Monday The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service of the -First' Metho- dist Church met at the church at 3:00 p.m. Monday afternoon, for the continuation of the study, "Un- der Three Flags" by .Stephen C. Neill. I Mrs. Roy Gibson, 'Sr., called the meeting to order and presided over the business meeting. The devotional was given by Mrs. Rob- ert .King with a worship setting of an Indian scene done by Mrs. Lindsey Temple. The program is a special study made of the pover- ty, technical assistance, land and health of India, Pakistan and Cey- lon as well as the Syrian church at Malabar. Mrs. Robert E. Bring- man, ,study chairman, was assisted in her talk and study by Mrs. Charles Brown. Each member was presented with a treasure chest from the Wo- man's Division of Christian Service for the widening of Christian Fel- lowshu in 28 countries. Plans were made to have a luncheon Monday, October 11 at 1:00 p.m. in the Fel- lowship Hall of the church, with Highland View WMU Names New Officers The Woman's Missionary Union of .the Highland View Baptist Church met for their regular monthly business meeting at the church on 'Monday afternoon. The main feature of the meeting was the installation of the new officers for ,the new year. Rev. P. G. iSafford acted as installation of- ficer. 'The meeting opened with group singing, "To The Work" followed with prayer by Mrs. 'Leo Kennedy. The new w watchword for the year, John 3:14 was repeated by all- "And as Moses lifted up. the ser- pent in the wilderness, even so the Son of Man must be lifted up". After the .business session, Rev. Safford, pastor, presented "Candles For The Lord". 'Officers installed were Mrs. Ho- mer Echols,-president; Mrs. C. A. Phelps, first vice-president; Mrs. Ruth Burch, second vice-president; Mrs. T. 0. Richards, secretary; Mrs. Lillie Richter, treasurer; Mis- sion Study Chairman, Mrs. Clayton Coker.; Publicity chairman, Mrs. Clayton Coker; 'Social chairman, the thi'.d lesson of the study, "Un- Mrs. Gracie Van Camp; Steward- der Three Flags".. The meeting ship chairman, Mrs. Leo Kennedy; closed' with the benediction. Literature chairman and correse '-- ,- "ponding secretary, Mrs. Clinton St. James Auxiliary Meets Peterson; Young ,peoples' director, At Parish House Monday Mrs. E. R. DuBose; Counselors:* Intermediate Girls, Mrs. Carlos 'St. James' Womans Auxiliary Harbuck and Mrs. Archie Floyd;, met October 4 at 8 p.m. at the par- Junior Girls, Mrs. Ralph Macom- ish house with the president, Mrs. her and Mrs. Ruth Burch; Royal Basil Kenney, 'presiding. Eleven Ambassadors, Mrs. Wallace Guillot members were present, and James Littles; Senior Sun- 'Mrs. Tom Coldewey presented beams, Mrs. Charles Davis and the devotional followed with the Mrs. A. D. Roberts; Baby Sun- auxiliary prayer. During the business, Mrs. W. D. Dare showed a sketch of the sign to be drawn by Mr. Clyde Fite. Mrs. Dare and Mrs. Otto Anderson were appointed chairmen of the Harvest Festival dinner which will be held in November. Mrs. Albert Ward, Miss Hazel Burnette, Mrs. Tom Alsobrook and Mrs. Otto An- derson were appointed as a Inom- Inating committee with Mrs. Ward as chairman. beams, Mrs. Huey Parker. The service closed with prayer by Rev. Safford . HIGHLAND VIEW WMU MET AT CHURCH MONDAY, The Woman's Missionary Union of the 'Highland View Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the church at which time Rev. Safford will continue with the Bible study. All members of -the organization are urged to S A.........m ....... .. u It was announced by the presi- attend. 6:15 P.M., MYF, Senior., Inter-dent, that St. Margaret's Guild -------- mediates, Juniors. would be hostess fpr the Coffee HIGHLAND VIEW WSCS 7:30 P.M., Evening Worship Hour-this month. The Fall District MEETS AT CHURCH WED. 7:30 P.M. (Wed.) Prayer Service. meeting will be held October 28 in The Highland View WSCS inmet 8:00 P.M, (Wed) Choir Rehearsal Tallahassee at St. Johns Church. at the church on Wednesday, Sep- :00 P.M., (Thurs) lass for Pri- Mrs. Tom Miller was the speak- tember 29 at 8 a.m. with Mrs. W. 3:00 P.M., (Thurs) Class for Pri- maries er for the evening. She gave an H. Weeks president, presiding. maesery open on Sunday interesting talk on the study course Four members were present. Nursery open on Sunday mornwhich the Auxiliary will study dur- The meeting was opened by sing- ings. ing the year. The first chapters on ing "The Kingdom Is Coming". A You are invited to worship with the study of Luke was her theme. business session was held and the Hostesses for the occasion was meeting was ended with prayer by GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY 'the members of St. Mary's Guild. Mrs. J. T. McNeill. Frigidaire Appliances 209 Reid Ave. I -II PAGE FIVI TH5. STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA ..,. '-tl -. - 3 I THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 19541 FOR SALE: Model 'A' good condi- in bed. Why not own a good one. Keys MadeWhile You Wait S C A* Quick tion, $200.00. See Raymond Parish Your credit is good at W. C. Roche. Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Resuts four miles from White City on the TURN THAT USELESS article 35c EACH old Whitfield place. 2tp yGou have in the attic or garage into cash. We buy anything of va- Bicycle Repairing All Makes ~________________ ___ ^FOR SALE: '34 Dodge in good con- lue. W. C. Roche. oom apartments. All new equip- edition. New upholstery, 4-door. Reel Parts and Repairs FOR RENT ment. Phone 9102. Reasonable. Phone 2540 or see at Star Rt. 3, FOR RENT: Furnished cottages at FQR RENT: Furnished house. S03 Box 1. 2tp WESTERN AUTO St. Joe Beach. Rates by week or Garrison Avenue. Three bedrooms. NEED TV OR month. Special rates for perman- $65.00 a month. Phone 366-J. HELP WANTED A ent tenants. Anderson Cottages. RADIO SERVCE? LODGE NOTICES Call 37 or 9-2321. tf ROOM FOR RENT: Completely WANTED AT ONCE: Older man For a quick, expert check-up furnished. Private entrance. Pri- not subject to military service for of your set's performance (no WILLIS V. -ROWAN POST 116, COTTAGES and apartments, for vate bath See Mrs. Otis Pyle. 511 ood Rawleigh business nearby. of r st's performance (no THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- rent at Beacon Hill by the month 7th St. tp Stop working for others. Be your matter what the make Call ing .first and third Monday night from $45 to $75. Furnished. Costin's Iown boss. Good profits. If interest- us. We offer free prompt pick- 800 p.m., American Legion Home. cottages. Phone 2412. 9-9-tfcj OR SALE ed, write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept. up and delivery service. All R. A. M.-Regular convocation of FOR RENT: Upstairs and down-[ FAJ-10I-AA, Memphis, Tenn. work and parts guaranteed. St. Josepn Chapter No. 56, R. A. stairs apartments. Upstairs fur- FOR SALE408 Madis-roon Sutility., Oak Grove. See WANTED: Salesman. Must live in TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED U.. 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit mished, downstairs either way. 223 408 Madison St., Oak Grove. See Guaranteed salary ag companions welcome. J. B. FOR RENT: Furnished apartment.! of $60.00 per week. Apply in writ- PHONE 2413 3riffith, 11, High Priest; H. R. Couple only. 522 Third St., Phone FOR SALE: 1 lot on McClellan ing only to Drawer EE, Port St. vlaige, secretary. o108, 2t Ave. Freeman Allen, Palace Bar- Joe, giving full qualifications. YourSAM- ARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. b her Shop. Itp application will be held strirzly SPECIA'L SERVICES SAMARITAN LODG No. 4 I. 0. FOR RENT: Room. Ideal for work. confidential. I tc 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- inr man. Call 68-J. ltc FOR SALE: Scratch pads, ditto onfde STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All in man. paper, second sheets, sales books TRADE US that useless aritcle for for your used furniture and ap- members urged to attend; visiting FOR RENT: Wimico Lodge has guest checks. THE STAR, Phone something useful. W. C. Roche. pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone rethren invited. R. E. Williams, nice furnished one and two bed- 51 for delivery. YOU SPEND one third of your life 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tife \. G. H. H. Shirley, V. G. Bill Car- Foot-And-Mouth Disease False alarms have become an en- couraging omen in the battle against foot-and-mouth disease in Mexico. Several times during the past few months, Mexican stock- men and inspectors have urgently reported animals affected with symptoms of this disease. In every instance, however, diagnosis has shown some other infe/tiorf to be the cause, such as foot rot or vesicular stomatitis. The fact that no outbreaks of foot-and-mouth dis- ease have been seen in Mexico since the end of 1949 has given new hope that it eventually may be eradicated. 'ill, Secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Meeting night ev- ery- other Monday. Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth iSt. White City News (Continued from page 2) The Sunbeams met at the Bap- tist Mission Monday at 3:00 p.m under the leadership of Mrs. Bud- dy Bridges and Mrs. Robert Dan- iels. The G. A.'.s met at the church, at 4:00 p.m. with their leader, Mrs. Stets. Pridgeon with six members present. Bill Pantrall, student at Grace- ville BBI served the Baptist Mis- sion here Sunday. Mrs. Will Ola Upshaw spent two days in Port St. Joe Visiting her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Martin. Mrs. Clyde Gentry, Sr., of Grace- ville is visiting .her son and daugh-, ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gen-' try. ______-((__ urniUor. Two-Tone 7 Piece Group in SARAN Plastic ANOTHER FEATURE IN THIS SPECiAL SALE OF WONDERFUL VALUES i ! STURDY CONSTRUCTION AND FINE STYLE AR COMBINEb TO YOU THE UTMOST IN PLEASURE AND SATISFACTION ! 00 $10.00 DOWN EASY TERMS *.DAVENO,, 2 END TABLES CHAIR COFFEE TABLE LAMPS GIVE Plus DAVENO MAKES INTO A FULL BED 18~r~ .. 4 ... -Poster Bed Group designedd for Beauty and Years of Service this Massive bedroom group s finished in Trugrain Walnut All the drawers are dovetail construct- ci ... -d, giving you a sturdy, easy sliding drawer. The mirror is extra large Furnish igsi CO. th lovely etched designs. I THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA -AGE SIX LO 11' |