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! THrE STAR Published in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County THE PORT ST. JOE W V 4 Progressive Community With a S I Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper S r A F I-..-......... S"Port St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Ghattahaochee Valley" ......er..a NMIIMR 5R VLUME AlA ingle Copy So-PORTS. C -, - OTE ETAOIN SHRDLU by WES4LEY R. RAMSEY And so we have Health Clin- ics. We suppose you now see what can happen by failing to vote.. Our neighbor to the North, We- wahitchka turned out en masse to cast their ballot and their vote carried the issue. Irregardless of which way the vote went, the' people of Port St. Joe should be ashamed of their voting record. Little We- wahitchka, which has only about one third the voters that Port St. Joe has registered and Wewa- hitchka out-voted us two to one. That is not a fact to be proud of. Qh me, we have been to an- other barbecue. The County Commissioners had some big members from the State Road Board down to Wewahitchka Tuesday afternoon to try to find out what has happened to Gulf County's secondary road funds. Of course, this called for a bar- becue. We got there just in time to finish up what was left. Commissioners George Cooper and Parker Hart assured me that the Commissioners them- selves had paid for the feed and not the County. But that sounds suspicious who would credit them with 32 chickens and the trimmings? SLC 4-4..' .-. 4 - a 4. TEACHERS HONORED Pictured above is a portion of the teachers that will .staff the Port St. Joe Elementary School this year. The teachers were honored last Friday night at the Elementary School with a "Get-Acquainted party" sponsored by the Elementary PTA. Over 100 parents greeted and met the teachers. ( photo) Elementary Teachers Are Honored With Reception The lobby of the central build- ing o fthe Port 'St. Joe Elementary School was the setting, Friday night of the school and parents of the students.. The Parent-Teacher Asosciation from 8 until 9 for a "get-acquainted acted as official host for the occa- party" honoring faculty members sion. The refreshment table cov- dout nderi' t nty Commissioners Meet With State sounding off so much for'lately. MAU And no fires. It's because the Road Board Members About Gulf Roads mechanism has' been out of whack. The siren is blown by a Gulf County Commissioners call- invited Richard ;Simpson, Road button beside the fire number ed a meeting in Wewahitchka Tues- Board Member from this district o that the histmber became would blow day to find out why Gulf County and George Dickenson, district en- SOhen the phone wuceiver has not received any secondary gineer to answer the questions. The when the phone receiver was road work in the County for the meeting was called, when repeated er gets picked ff occasiook. lly past year. The Commissioners had inqueries to th eState by the County er gets .pcked off occasonllyhad brought forth no explanation. nuw ber. Then someone dials a rs ong Paper The question was put to Simp- the whistle and calls in to find PC Sign Paper son as to why Gulf was not getting tewheie teanca singd the n secondary road work. Simpson re- out where the fire is and the o th S w at p whistle' goes off again. While the To Use Large Bulk plied that theoSt-A in the county. poor firemen run around in cir- building Road 30-A in the county. cles trying to get through totheir Of Natural Gas secondary road and homes from dif- number to find out where the sec nda ,a three-alarmer is. Folks, how ferent funds). about letting the fire number be Natural zas has moved a step :Simpson reported that Gulf had for about five minutes after the nearer to interior Florida with the approximately $90,000.00 in secon- alarmi and give the firemen a signing of agreements between dary funds to their credit and could chance to find out where it is. Florida Power Corporation and the build approximately three miles of The fire department's fine re- Houston Texas Gas and Oil Corpor- paved road with that amount. The dA .... th. i, a ,, fewv ars has ation for the daily use of 47 million Commissioners stated that they ered with a green linen cloth, was. centered with a glass punch bowl. Coral vine and ivy surrounded the centerpiece and pink and green mints, in miniature dishes com- pleted the setting. A' background ,pf palrni sprays and Florida Reed was ued to accent the tabie. Mrs. Mar- viii Land had charge of the party. She was assisted in serving the punch by Mrs. Gordon Thomas. Mrs. rThunoev ,Costin 'an dMrs. Sharit Qualifies For Mayor With No Opposition Registration Deadline Is Tomorrow At 5:00 P.M. Joe L. Sharit qualified for the Mayor-Commissioner post la s t Thursday afternoon and as Satur- -day noon, and the qualifying dead- line passed, remained as the only candidate for that position. 'Sharit is a familiar figure about Port St. Joe having served as Ma- > or of this city for a number of years in the past. With the end of the qualification time both Commissioners positions have three candidates qualified for the two positions. In Group Number One incumbent Clifford Tharpe is again a candi- date and he is opposed by Jack Fowler and Terry Hinote. In Group Number 2, present com- missioner Watson Smith is seeking re-election and is opposed by Frank Smith and Oscar Roberts. The first primary is set for Tues- day, September 13. Registration of voters has been slow with but 53 persons qualify- ing to vote. If you voted last year however, you are eligible to vote. The city registration books for voters closes Friday, September 2 at 5:00 p.m. Negro Woman Is Seriously Injured In Cutting Scrap Walter Johnson presented the cro- Annie Lee Williams, 'colored, is sages to the teachers; Mrs. W. D. recovering .from severe knife Jones registered the guests; Mrs. wounds in the Municipal Hospital William Wager had charge of the following a .cutting scrape in the decorating and Clyde Fite printed o uarters Tuesday afternoon about the publicity notices. 5:,30 p.m. Each teacher wgas honored with ,Otis Caw is being hunited by the a corsage. Sheriff's Department in connection Faculty members who were in- with the stabbing. produced were-: Avaryee Martin, According to Deputy 'Sheriff J. G. Aurelia Rasmussen, Alice Yeadon, Hersey, the two had been fussing Mary Ann Aide, Mihnie Howell, and fighting during the evening. Helen Rollins, Willie Mae Daniell, The Williams woman left the Yvonne Straughn, Virginia Blick, scene of 'the. argument and Caw Ester Pybus, Betty Sue Anchors, pursued her. He caught the wo- Sara Fite, Royce Dickens, Ann Par-. man in the alley 9f Avenue E be- ker, Jean Hayes and Hubert Rich- hind the Dewdrop Inn and knocked yards. the woman down. He then straddled 'Not present were Betty ,Sue Kurth her and started hacking away with and Frank Barnes. a knife, cutting the woman several Officers for the coming year for come about by the quick answer cubic feet of gas each day in elec- were under the impression that the Parent-Teacher Association of calls and this cannot continue tric power generation, according to the county had about $150,000 to are Mrs. Ronald Childers, presi- 'if their line is not left 'open for Richard Porter, FPC manager here. its credit. Simpson said this was dent; Leo Shealey, vice-president; their information. Porter said that his company had used up when the county, was Mrs. Marvin Land, secretary; Mrs. signed letters, of agreement with .charged for approximately $60,- Cawthon Williams, historian and s Girls' \State Delegates the Texas organization to furnish' 000 worth of oyster'shells Acheck Mrs. W. D. Jones, parliamentarian. natural gas in the utility's Inglis 'of county invoices showed only Over 100 attended the affair. Speak Before Legion Meet plant, the Avon Park plant and two small purchases of oyster Sthe George E. Turner plant at En-' shells, both to make small parking SRD Reports Work Will elegates to the 1955 session of terprise. areas adjacent to the beaches. I Resume On State Road 30-A e lerda of Scout Troop 47 wertate Sand service is to start by January 1, 'Simpson said that he thought the members of Scout Troop 47 were 1957, if the gas company gets for- shells were put under the Garrison The .State Road Department this guests of the local American Le- mal approval of the Federal Power Avenue extension and charged week reported that work should gion -a Ted Auxeiaty a: thee r regular Oommission to build the transmis- against the county's secondary begin on or before September 7 meeting Tuesday evening. sion lines from the Texas and funds. Simpson said that an item- on construction on State Road 30-A SGi l' State delegate, Mat FraCos- Louisiana oil fields. ized invoice would be drawn up and in Gult County between the Frank- 'tin, was introduced by Mrs. Fran- It is understood that the prospec- forwarded to the county to account lin County line and a point approxi- ces Henley, 'local auxiliary presi- tiv' suppliers of gas for Florida an- for the discrepancy in funds. lately one mile southeast of Port dent. Miss Costin briefly told of tivesuppliere odas or Florida for the discrepancy i fd mately one mile southeast of Port dent. Miss costin briefly told of ticipate a demand of at least 3.50I I t. Joe. her experiences during the week million cubic feet a day in the Flor- Red Crss Asking For A contract for the job to cost of mock government and stressed ida territory they plan to serve. Itt for the ob to cost the important job that this organi- s expected the demand will even- Emergency Disaster Funds $206,909 has. been executed with nation is doing to educate youth in tually grow to 450 million cubic --- George G. Tapper Company, Inc., of the responsibilities of citizenship feet daily and the suppliers state Earl D. Atchison, Gulf County Port St. Joe and the firm has ap- through the Girl's State program. that at that rate of use, they had Chairmhn of the National Red proximately six months to complete Boy's 'State delegates, Walter provable reserves to last at least Cross received a telegram this the projects. The contract calls for Wilder, Gene Raffield, Oliver Har- 20 years. week from National Headquarters grading, constructing a 160-foot per and Grover Holland, were, in- ___ of the Red Cross appealing'tfor funds concrete deck bridge on precast produced by Legion Commander, 'to aid .people in the disaster area concrete piling and other drainage Pete Comforter. Each one, expres- Rev. Iverson Returns To in New England who were hit so structures. This project will par- sed his appreciation to the Legion His Pulpit From Miami hard by recent floods. ticipate in Federal aid and its total for 'the opportunity to participate--- The telegram stated that there length is 7.3,27 miles. The George in such a worthwhile program, and Returning,from Miami, Rev. Iver- were approximately 10,000 people G. Tapper Co., Inc. was the apparent desire, for its expansion. The boys son is resuming the teaching mes- expecting Red Cross aid and the low bidder on the project when bids recalled many amusing and memor- sages each Sunday morning on the number of people was growing each were opened on July 28. able experiences. book of Romans. This Sunday the day. The Red Cross estimates that -- A group from the local Boy Scout message will concern the practical it will take $8,000,000 to meet the Troop 47 then told of their trip outworking of Christ's life in a be- needs of 'New England victims MASS MEETING OF SHARK this summer to Washington and lever, 'Christ, The Secret of A alone. BOOSTERS WILL BE HELD Nw York. J. T. Simpson, scout Holy Life". Gulf County's share in this mat- A mass meeting sponsored by the master,, introduced Scouts Travis Each Wednesday night at 8:00 ter comes to $300.00. Those of you Shark Boosters will be held Fri- Tones, Jackie Griffin, Franklin there will be an important and who desire to help your neighbors day night September 2 at 8 p.m. Fletcher, Ed Bobbitt and Johnny helpful study of "The Second Com- are urged to get your donation to in the High School Auditorium. Price who narrated the highlights ing of Jesus Christ." You are in- Atchison so that it can be forward- All interested persons are urged of their trip. vited to come and bring your Bible. ed to the 't. : to attend. times from her abdomen to her head. Deputy Sheriff .Hersey hap- pened on the scene and Caw broke and ran. Hersey said' he did not try to stop the negro with gunfire because of large crowd's around the .scene of the cutting. The Williams woman was taken to the Hospital and wasn't expect- ed to live Tuesday night. Reports from the Hospital yesterday after- noon said that she was in fair con- dition and expected to live. The Sheriff's Department and the City Police started a search for Caw Tuesday afternoon and search- ed on into the night with no avail. Wednesday morning he was ricked up in Panama City. Gulf County officers transported the Negro to Wewalhitchka where he is being held in the county jail. -( Paper Mill Shifts Are Honored With Barbecue Shifts B and 'C a- the paper mill were honored with a barbecue last Monday afternoon at 5:'30 at the Centennial Building when they com- pleted the halfway mark in a safety contest at the mill, with no lost- time accidents. The contest is being sponsored by the Safety Department at the mill with the four shifts participatet ing as teams. The first to complete 90 accident-free days is declared the winner. Shifts B and C have just completed 45 days with no accidents. \dverl'i i |rir)'.. n't cost--it pay St. Joe Polls Only 276 Votes 'Gulf County voted practically two to one to accept Government match- ing funds to build two Health Clin- ics here in Gulf County-one to be located here in Port St. Joe and one in Wewahitchka. Wewahitchka turned out an un- Sharks Enter Third Week of Training The St. Joe Sharks go into their third week of practice with the sights -set on the big opening,game on September 16 with DeFuniak Springs. ' Many big gaps have to be filled due to graduation. Robert Nedley has moved over from tackle to end and has looked good in the pre-' season drills. Frank Fletcher anai W. L. Smith are battling it out for the other end berth. Walter Wil- usually large vote and voted prac- tically solid for the measure .to as- sure its passage. Port St. Joe. polled only 276 votes. 80 of those votin gin Port St. Joe were for the referendum and 1.96 were against the plan. This was offset by the heavy vote of Wewah'itchka. The plan as is called for in tihe bill' provides that Gulf County will' set aside $10,000.00 each year out of race, track funds to pdy off bonds that will be sold to finance the project. $1,000 of this money will be taken from Port St. Joe's shire of the race track money; $1,000 of Wewahitchka's share and $4,000 from the County and $4,000 from the School Board. The School Board was counting heavily upon extra money from the race track funds to do some needed work this year but face a $4,000 reduction instead. The County money will be match- ed dollar for dollar with Federal funds as near as available funds der has moved from halfback to will allow. quarterback and is expected to do In a meeting two weeks ago the a fine job at that position. Be' Gulf County Commissioners met in Munn, Travis Jones and Buddy special session and agreed to spend Hudson are running the haflba.'., only $48,000.00 on the measure, The) posts with Wayne Taylor, back Legislative bill, which called for again ait fullback. Glen Woods has the referendum allows the County looked.; good iin the fullback pst to pu uip to $60,100 into' the build- too. Jimmy Marlow, is back agair. .t ing witthe '_unds to be matched center with ,Char'le Boyer who has 'by Governmeant monies. been looking mighty good. Port St. Joe went against the Probably 'the strongest position measure by nearly 100 votes. We- on the team is the guard position wahitchka and outlying districts with Billy Milton Johnson and gave an overwhelming nod of ap- Charles Smith slated to do most proval for the project. Rumors of the work there. These two boys were falsely spread in Wewahitch- are. both three-year men and will ka Tuesday that that city would be mighty hard to cope with. The realie a 12 bed hospital out of the tackle position has a couple of hus- bill. kies in Gene Raffield and Oliver How the County voted by pre-. Harer and some or f the "B" souad cinc ts. linemen are expected to put up quite a battle for these positions. East Wewahitchka West Wewahitohka ,Coach Craig says he has 45 boys Dalk.ith. out for football and actually all Overstreet these positions are open to the boy Highland View who shows the most aggressiveness White City and really wants to play and he ex- Kenney's Mill pects to find out September 1 when North Port St. Joe the Sharks don their pads for some South Port St. Joe really rough work. ,Totals For -206 155 30 6 61 1 33 19 61 572 Against 22 18 0 12 19 19 3 '3,8 168 289 TALLAiHASSEE The Florida Highway Patrol this week served notice that it will put all available personnel on the highways for the long Labor Day week end in an effort to duplicate the life-saving results realized on July 4 when 66 per cent fewer people wer_ k-!kod in vehicle crashes than dur'.ig the same holiday the year befo,'s. Records show that eight persons died in vehicle wrecks last Labor Day, Comdr. H. N. Kirkman said. but predicted that with tha coor- dinated efforts of all law enfarce- mert agencies and the "haa'p of pedestrians ana motorists", Florida ought to be able to reduce tb:,lt number this coming Labor Day. I He cited the Patrol's July 4 ac- complishment, as an example, only four persons died during that lengthy holiday period, compared t with 12 the year before, a 66 per cent reduction. "If we can do the same on the Labor Diy holiday," declared Kirk- STAC House Will Be man, "only three people, or maybe two, will die in automobile wrecks. We hope and pray that the reduc- tion will follow the July 4 trend, at any rate," Kirkman declared. In an all out effort to save lives, and keep the 195'5 total running as far behind record-breaking 1954 as possible, Administrative Assistant, Capt. Tobe A. Bass said that all safety education men have been instructed to contact press, TV and radio in an effort to "get all the advance notice possible that we want people to drive safely to save lives." The Labor Day week end will start 6 p.m. Friday before and last through Monday midnight. "It will be the last summertime fl'ng that people will have to crowd the beaches and their favorite fish- ing and recreational haunts," said Kirkman, "and the flow of traffic will be somewhat terrific, to say the least." State Troopers will be on the highways around the clock, and "every effort will be made to com- .pel those with that don't-care-atti- e Closed For Two Weeks fuide to take heed so that the lives "- of others might be spared." Mrs. Paul Fensom, chairman of "We will need the full coopera- the STAC House Committee an- tion of not only the motorists and o ounces that the STAC House will pedestrians, but all law enforce- be closed Saturday, September 7. ient agencies in our intended La- be closedbor Day drive to save lives even if and Saturday. September 10 be- we have to jail offending motorists," cause of the County Fair. Kirkman declared. Pt)Pr q~r- IOF- FLORIDlA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1955 S Highway Patrol Will Work Full Force Over The Long Labor Day Week End R $3.00 Per Year Uni ....AC YTY I I. ^ t t T 0i iTAN, PORT IT. JO, OULP COUNTY, PLORIDA _ _ _ _._.. ....... ~a. ~ W W Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches Mrs. OCYLE MUNN, Editor Dial 7-5461 High School PTA Names Officers and Committeemen For Coming School Year The Port St. Joe High School bert Ward, Mrs. John Blount, Jr., IParent-Teacher Association's presi- and Mrs. W. D. Sykes; Budget and uent, this week announced his com- Finance, Joe Dowd, chairman; Mu- ivitee appointments-for the current sic and Art, Mrs. Charles Brown, schooll year. chairman; Hospitality, Mrs. Fennon The elected officers of the PTA Talley, chairman assisted by Mrs. ,C : Harry McKnight, president; rs. P. S. Fensom, first vice-presi- out; J. Lamar Miller, second vice- rcsident; Mrs. J. C. Price, general secretary; Mrs. Herman Dean, cor- ,.sponding secretary; J. A. Alli- .,od, treasurer; Mrs. Rush Chism, i rliamentarian and Mrs. I. C. Ned- y. historian. Standing committees are: Pro- ,; am, B. B. Scisson, chairman; ,i.emibership, Mrs. Chauncey Cos- tin, Chairman assisted by Mrs. Al- WITH * West Florida's Friendly Savings And Loan Association SAFE CONVENIENT PROFITAEBLE SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVICE -a fah ee Fa I. o t 11 Tallahassee, Fla. $1t0 /N---^ lie, Charles Gill, Mrs. J. L. Miller, Mrs. Carl Armstrong and Mrs. Joe Dowd; Character and Spiritual, Mrs. Fred Davis, chairman; Health, John Robert Smdth, chairman; Publicity, Mrs. W. T. Mosely, Jr., chairman; State and Congress Publications, *./^-s Mrs. W. B. Richardson, chairman. IRonnie, Mrs. L. F. Adams, Mrs. ,Special committees are: STA.C Ralph Macomber, Mrs. Leo Ken- House, P. S. Fensom, chairman and Frank Smith, Rev. Fred Davis, Mrs. Rush Chism, and Mrs. Bert Munn; ' outh Director, W. P. Gilbert, chairman and Marion Craig, Rev. William Tverson and Mrs. Rush Chism; Grounds and Beautification Ben Williams, chairman. The first regular meeting of the High School PTA will be held on Thursday, September 22. With in- creased enrollment, including a larger group of seventh grader? than before, the PTA anticipates a very bnisy year. New projects are underway and more are in the plan- ning stage. One which is already being undertaken as a carry-over frol2last year is a civic center for alf ages. It is widely agreed that this is one of the most felt needs of our city and the committee is already at work securing plans to be presented to the city fathers at an early date. Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! COMFORTER Funeral Home 601 Long Avenrs Oxygen Equipped Ambulance :~ar-U -Lr~u io ~~.IhJ~ifo Hur * S irn~ * ',' as seen in MADEMOISEL Shimmering acetate matte satin by Bloomsburg. Jewel of a dress, caught in the excitement of the new bateau neckline, sweeping sunburst skirt, sparkling rhinestones. Vicky Vaughn purposely plots it for romantic evenings in. periwinkle blue, artichoke green, antique rose, mink or peacock, Sizes 7 to 15. $7.95 COSTING'S nedy and Mrs. Homer Echols. THE FOUNrJATl,'C'?I FOR Mr. and Mrs. Billy Ray Nobles of Highland View announce the birth of a daughter, Bobbie Raye on All- gust 30 in the Municipal Hospital. M.rs. Nobles will be remembered as Miss Dorothy Bowdoin. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hatfield of Highland View announce the birth of a daughter, Vickie Danette, on August 30 in the Municipal Hospi- tal. Mrs. Hatfield will be remem- bered as the former Miss Gwen- dolyn Lee of Highland View. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitehead of this city announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Lynne on Au- gust 29 in the Municipal Hospital. Highland View WMU Meets At Church Monday The Woman's Missionary Union of the Highland View Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at the church. The meeting opened with the singing of "Higher Ground". Mrs. Homer Echols read scripture, Psalms 16. Mrs. Bobbie Davis and Mrs. A. D. Roberts, counselors for the Sun- beams, presented a program with 14 members taking part. The chil- dren told of what they have learned this month by giving their Rally Cry, Watchword and" songs. Mrs. Davis closed the program with prayer. During the business, a date was set for the installation of officers for the coming year and also recog- nition of the auxiliaries. The date set was September 21. The meet- ing closed with prayer by Mrs. L. F. Adams. Those attending were Mrs. Billy Richter, Mrs. Lee Watts, Mrs. L. r j i. ai clnl DON f 6F I i'vERT1IRD * DON'T 'ti ICHILLED DION 1 1.11 '11 H NElJtv P01.1tF; BU OIEPI A TB and Health Association Publishing Articles To Promote Better Health "Who ever invented a holiday to or not. He must do things in a cer- celebrate .going back to school?" tain way at a certain time, depend- the boy groaned. To him, Labor Day ing only-as far" as he can see- meant the end of vacation, not a tribute to the working people of the nation. Fortunately, the groans are rare- ly from the heart. It's chiefly a ptt~ nf fashirn Manv are really lmaI.er oL i.tlasllUon. i anJ a... aAJ glad to be getting back to school. An increase in STAC House at- If only they didn't have to hide it tendance is presenting more prob- like E. guilty secret! This attitude lems daily to the committee and can be the cause of much reluc- they are hard at work trying to tance, even fear' on the part of meet the needs which arise. This young children entering school for center is made possible through the the first time. They're led to expect generosity of the American Legion, nothing less than a fire breathing Willis V. Rowan Post. The city is dragon for "teacher" and a work -1- 0-- --II- +--+ ,,that couldn't be borne bv an being canvassed for a place in which the Junior High students, might be able to have ah .r uwu center as the present facilities are sorely overtaxed. A move to improve the play- ground area is underway and it is expected that some real progress can be made here. A study is in progress to find ways and means to raise funds to finance the PTA work during the 'current school year. elephant. on the "teacher's" whim. It's hard enough, but worse if older children have frightened him in advance. / Getting the full cooperation of older children in the family and zn the neighborhood is an important part of getting Junior ready for school. If appealed to-on the basis of their superior age and experiaice they will usually be glad to help. They can take him to the school for prevue visits, so that on op su- ing day the trip and the building itself will not have the terrors of unfamiliarity. And, on that opaaing da-, there will be nothing so com- The first school days mean tre- forting to him', a's the warm hand mendous changes in a child's life. of an older friend, or brother or He has to get up, dress, eat his sister leading him into the class- breakfast, and cover the distance room and the reassuring words, to school in a *certain space of time. 'I'll be just across the hall." He can't stop to dream or listen A good emotional adjustment to to a bird or watch the carpenters school life may take weeks-but building a new house along the it's worth all the patient effort the way. He meets a group of strange family can put into it. children in a strange place where I This column 'is sponsored, in the he must stay whether he likes it BILL'S PLUMBING SHOP Phone, day 7-3091 Nite, 7-7846 We Repair Any Model OUTBOARD MOTORS 203 Third Street -- Beside Piggly Wiggly You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Chucrh REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP -------- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION -- 6:15 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. Meeting In The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME To The Citizens fo Port St. Joe. .. Having qualified for Mayor-Commissioner of the City of Port St. Joe too late for notice to appear in your local newspaper last Thursday morning, and time for qualifying for Mayor-Commimssioner and Commission- er expiring Saturday noon, August 27t3h, "leaves me without opposition. I sincerely thank the wonderful people of our City for this opportunity to serve them, indeed it is very gratifying to be accorded this high honor again, after having served in this capacity for fifteen years and out for the past six years. It will be my purpose to serve you diligently, faith- fully an dhonorably, trusting that our service will inure to the best interest of your city. My vacation has been planned and since that is the case and no opposition, I shall be away for a few days. Sincerely, J. L. SHARIT interest of better health, by Gulf County TB and Health Association. --- -9-- -- Guests From Alabama M.r. and Mrs. Harold Prim have as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Patterson and daughters, Syl, -ia and Debbie of Auburn, Ala. TRADE AT HOME IT'S WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EXPERT Electrical Repairs and Contracting DIAL BA 7-4331 *. 3Lqq" st Voi9A' SCHOOL PENCIL SHEAFFE RS SD75 Buzzelf's Drug Store I i i M_ ', W. McGUIRE . McNALLY M U i' 'I ;*H Y 1' ' BUDGETT BUDGET" CHAPTER 9 of SERIAL "ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN KID" Chadlon Dor., " HESTON REED b _ "COOKN WIT G-- A "COOKING WITH GAS" ' AoT TWO Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results / BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW STARTS 8:00 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY TUESDAY GEORGE MONTGOMERY TAB HUNTER "GUN BELT" Color By Technicolor A REPUBLIC PICTURE SUNDAY and MONDAY E]3IG C?.OSBY GrpAC VELLY *WILLIAM HOLDEN in A PERLBERG-SEATON Production ICKUNKT.YC',. A Paramour.t Picture "The Game of The Stars" HOLLYWOOD PLAY EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT ~0 Ii I__ *....*.*****.*.. WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY JOHN LAHA WAYNE -URER pimtsBNTefl my WARNER. BROS. ICINEMASCOP9 WARNERCOLOR. J1EopHOMSOuND AMS ST" ING DAVID FARRAR- LYLE BEIIGER*TIA HUN~ WITH IAUES ARIMIESDIRECTED By JOHN AMRWI ~lam NLII~SAMUM MRUAMOWMNI &* Wt'a' ra'r I;** 0 000* 0400S'"f THE ~NE~W FO.LIO VM'2-CIP'JE -d~'plc'ppd vnith your :,f i iri f Dimfunds-has li n.' v the U.S. mi :b)u Iiiydo lr r~e~~A AL 9~ -C-r ~b. L _1 Il tHURNGlt UPTOMOO-A il 10166 , R 1,, i8 IE S R, P i J. 'RDAA DAY -,- UonUay, aep oL ' MAXWELL HOUSE -- Regular, Drip or Fine Grind MAXWELL HOUSE Regular, Drip or Fine Grind ArlsAWL Slim OpCull A''ll owMEL" LAm BOIII I w UAM-Aaftujr elm 2 Tall Cans CAMPBELL'S Vegetable Soup 29c 3 LB. CAN JEWEL Shortening 85c 3 TALL CANS PENNY'S Dog Food 29c NO. 2 CAN SUMMER ISLE SLICED Pineapple 25c 8V2 OZ. PACKAGE LAY'S Potato Chips 49c 3 ROLLS COMO Toilet Tissue 25c 28 OZ. JAR -'BAMA PURE Apple Butter 27c QUART JAR BAMA Salad Dressing 49c Uf) a U) CL 0. 0 0 z U) 0) 0 0 GIANT BOX TIDE 65c EELBECK LONG GRAIN RICE 24 Oz. Pkg. 29c KRAFT WEINERS 2 Pkgs. 29c PERFECT BISCUIT FLOUR 25 Lbs, $2.39 ARGO LIMA BEANS 2 Tall Cans 29c BURCH'S WHOLE GREEN BEANS Can 23c ARMOUR'S CANNED MILK 3 Tall Cans 37c OLD SOUTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 3 Tall Cans 29c I// / COCA COLA Carton of 6 23 C Plus Deposit on Bottles PURE CANE ,SUGAR WITH $5.00 ORDER OR MORE 5 LB. BAG 39c TALL CAN FROZEN McKenzie's Frozen 4 Tall Cans LIMEADE 10c Strawberries $1.00 ., / SLAB SLICED FREE lao0i LB. 49c FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FRESH FIRST CUT ?ork Chops LB. 49c BUTTER BEANS l---b. 15c PEACHES lb. 15c SWEET POTATOES -- .---b. Sc YELLOW SQUASH .. ...... lb. 8c OKRA lb. 15c U. S. NO. 1 10 LBS. PoTArueb 39c THuR86AY, 40gpap"M 1, 1.9'a: iki STgAR, POR-i i. Jlia, %AwtO COUNTY, FLORIOA PAQ!5r4HiR~R~t' 06 9% round 'Atlt POUR~ !NIK S1AR, OORT S$T, JOA. GULF COUNTY, FLQFRIDA -__ THLbDAYp ,ISTPMM1iR i, 06 THE STAR Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper entered as second-class matter, December 19, 1987, at the Iostoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 DIAL BAll 7-3161 T0 ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver. l;sements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for images further than amount received for such advertisement ]'he spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word ii thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts: the printed word thoroughly cnovinces. The spoken word i, lost- the printed word remains. DON'T BE LULLED TO SLEEP Weekly newspapers receive any number of c )mmunications each week keeping them in- formed of the news of the world in general. Last week we received an article that we think should be published throughout the nation. We quote it below: "We hope you heard Paul Harvey broad- casting over the ABC network from Chicago on Sunday night, August 14th. But whether you did or not, we think you will want to have She gist of his report to the nation on the Soviet's "new look" and to set it before kour readers in col dtype: "I am going to repeat Mr. Manuilsky's words once more," said Mr. Harvey. "I have such a NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS Mrs. Gene Ernest was honored Thursday evening at 7:30 in the! I.ome of Mrs. Pelham Revells. Hos- tess for this occasion was the Wo- :en's Missionary Council. Several 1. How much'more we can allow you on your present car-based on our high-volume sales. 2. How you can get a big, super- powered Mercury for less than 13 models in the low-price field. * *Based on comparison of monufacfurers' suggesfi ST. JOE ] Port St. Joe, Florida ( few minutes here. There are so many hours and days and weeks that you will be exposed to the smile and the hypnotic soft talk and the lullaby. "Twenty-four years ago in Moscow he said: 'War to the hilt between Communism and Capitalism is inevitable. Today, of course, we are not strong enough to attack.. Our time will come in 20 or 30 years. To win we shall need the element of surprise. The bourgeoisie (that's you and me) will have to be put to sleep. So we shall begin by launching the most spectacu- lar peace movement on record. There will be electrifying overtures and unheard of concess- ions. The Capitalist countries, stupid and deca- dent, will rejoice to cooperate in their own des- truction. They will leap at another chance to be friends. As soon as their guard is down we shall smash them with our clenched fists.' Endquote. "The Dmitry Z. Manuilsky who spoke those words before the Lenin School of Political War- fare in Moscow is the same Dimitry Z. Manuil- sky who subsequently became the Chairman of the Political and Security Committee of the United Nations. "Once upon a time a man named Hitler wrote a book called 'Mein Kampf'. In advance, he warned the world that he aimed to make it his. And he described in detail the strategy and techniques he would employ. "So brash was his plan that we sat in stunned disbelief. Then, incredulous, we shrugged and yawned and went to sleep . "Until just a few million lives too late." The foregoing quotes are recommended for pasting in the hat. and Mrs. Ernest Lightfoot. Refresh- but unable to attend were, Mrs. ments of potato salad, cookies and. Willodean Leavell, Mrs. W. C. Wil- cokes were served to the following son, Doris Wilson, Mrs. Leslie Gay, guests: Mrs. Pitts, Mrs. Minnie Mrs. Allen Norris, Mrs. Stella Nor- Gay, Mrs. Tom Levins, Mrs. Rich- ri.s, Mrs. Connie Gay, Mrs. James ard Hanlon, Mrs. Kenneth Ellis, Bass, Mrs. Mary Levins, Mrs. Carl Mrs. James Lovett, Mrs. Ed Wynn, Deese, Mrs. E. B. Young, Mrs. Bill *Mrs. Bufford Griffin, Mrs. Ernest Payne, Mrs. Lizzie Gay and Mrs. Lightfoot, Mrs. Woodrow Shoots, Elma Lansford and Mrs. Lonnie Mrs. Eddie Tub'berville, Mrs. John Gay. MoKenise, Mrs. Lloyd Riley, Mrs. | Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deese and chil- Nelson Gardner, Mrs. Curtis Gwalt- dren Betty and L. C. spent Satur- ames were played and prizes were ney, Mrs. Charles Scurlock and day in Panama 'City visiting .with _. yarded to Mrs. Nelson Gardner, Miss Helen Norris. 'Sending gifts friends and relatives. 3. How Mercury's famous -prJJiI-JLviyt c i-(nTn t1 Q l d low us kee Mr. Edgar Deese and son. Stevie Navy Recruiting Team of Panama City are visiting with Will Spend 2 Days re friends and relatives. Spend ere Mr. and Mrs. Welsey Smith are A special Navy Reeruitign Team the proud parents of a baby girl from Tallahassee will visit Port St. born on Aug. 22 at the Municipal Toe for three days. The purpose Hospital. of this visit is for the convenience aMr. and Mrs. Lamar Aultman of young men and women interested and children of Tennessee spent in the Navy. the week end visiting with friends i and relating visiting with friends A Navy Recruiting Team will be Mr. and Mrs. West Wood and in Port St. Joe from 8:00 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. West Wood and daughter, Gail of Milledgeville, Ga., Tuesday the 20th of September returned home Friday after spend- until 5:00 p.m. Thursday the 22nd ing a week visiting with Mr. and of September. This team will con- Mrs. Edwin Haskin. sist of Chief West and Chief Mr. and Mrs. Sam Bradley of Browning and will be able to com- Panama City spent the week end pletely process papers for young visiting with friends and relatives. men and women interested in en- g wh fred an rl listing in the United States Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ellis spent 1"sing -the week end in South Port visit- Persons contacting this team will ing with friends and relatives. not be obligated in any way and Mr. and Mr,s. M. J. Aultman of, are urged to ask questions concern- Panama City spent Sunday visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ard spent the week end in DeFuniak Springs visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Nelson Gardner and Miss Leona Ray motored to Panama City on business. Mr. and Mrs. Roma Miller of Apa- lachicola spent Tuesday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Norris. Mrs. Dennis Norris and children spent a week in Mobile, Alabama ,isitig with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and chil- dren spent several days in Tampa visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lovett and daughter, Paula .spent Thursday in Vernon visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Elma White of Ocala was the house guest of her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lindsey. Mr. and Mrs. John White of Gainesville visited their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Lindsey over the week end. --dvertising doesn't cost. it PAYS i Advertising doesn't cost. It PAYS' ing life in the Navy. Men enlisting with this team will receive their recruit training in a period of nine weeks at the Great Lakes Naval Training Center near Chicago with- out the necessity of going all the way to San Diego, California. The team will be conveniently lo- cated at the Post Office and will be in addition to the regularly sclic duled recruiter. --------(--- - Veterans Service Officer Plans Periodical Visit- Veterans of Gulf County w'ho need assistance in obtaining bene- fits under the GI PI I :i',y receive . xpe- guidance fr r '- reston L Nicholas, Assistant State Service Officer. Nicholas will visit this aria next week for the purpose of helping veterans or their dependents in filing claims for 'Compensation Benefits or solving their Insurance problems. This free service in- cludes assistance to employers of veterans under the GI Bill, Voca- tional Training, ,Subsistence or other problems. During his visit in this area Ni- chiolas may be contacted at the City HIall from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. IT PAYS TO OWN A econoe my, s amu na, anjm. pVw >psm u help reduce maintenance costs. 4. How Mercury's resale valueE R (consistently highest in its field) is FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER like money in the bank. ed list or factory rtfill prices, using a Mercury Custom 2-door (not illustrated). MOTOR COMPANY Corner Fourth Street and Highway ~8 L BAll 7-3737 Azalea Circle Will Begin two Local Students Make * Year With Supper Meeting Dean's List Honor at FSU The Azalea Circle of the Port TALLA-HAiSSEE The latest St. Joe Garden Club will la inc'a Dean's list at Florida .'State Uni- ., the new years work with a covered versity was announced by univer- dish luncheon at th' rome of Mrs sity officials this week. Buck Griffin on Thtii day, Septarm- .B average in academic work is ber 8 at 1:00 p.m required for undergraduate students The program will' be a group dis- to make the Dean's list. Students cussion of what can be planted on-the graduate level must make now that will give early spring correspondingly higher marks to bloom. Especially plants that will 'be named on the list. bloom in March, as plans are being Students on the list from Port made to have the flower show at St. Joe are John S. Barrier and that time. Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax Beverly Duperrouzel. will act as discussion leader. Each member is asked to bring an arrangement featuring the cres- .EGAL ADVERTISING cent line. IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. -- IN PROBATE. IN RE: Estate of Mrs. Costin Hostess To N E: Estate ofBBS, First Baptist WMS Circle NOTICE TO CREDITORS SAll creditors of the estate of .C.N. Hobbs, deceased, are hereby notified and required The WMS of the First Baptist to file any claims or demands which they Church met Mo a may have against said estate in the office Church met Monday afternoon in of the County Judge of Gulf County, Flor- the home of Mrs. C. G. Costin. ida, in the Courthouse at Wewahitchka, Florida, within eight (8) calendar months Mrs. J. 0. Baggett gave the de- from the date of the first publication of this reading Proverbs 31:10 notice. Each claim or demand must ba 'n votional, reading Proverbs 31:10- writing and must state the place of re-.i- 31. Mrs. W. C. MeClellan led in dence and post office address of the clai- mant and must be sworn to' by the clai- prayer. mant, his agent, or his attorney, or it will Mrs. W. Ramsey presented a love become void according to laE HOBBw. gift from the WM'S to Mrs. W. R. Executrix of the Estate of C. N. Hobbs, Deceased. Scott, president of the WMjS, who /s/ Cecil G. Costin, Jr. 4t Attorney for the Executrix of 9-1 is moving to DeLand, where Mr. teEstate of C. N. Hobbs, Deceased. - Scott is entering Stetson Univer- I First publication on September 1, 1955. sity to study for the ministry. NOTICEOF REGULAR During the social hour, Mrs. Cos- MUNICIPAL ELECTION oNotice is hereby given that the First tin served delicious refreshmentsPrimary Election for theelection of a Ma- of sandwiches, cake and punch. yor-Commissioner and also two (2) City % Commissioners one (1) in Group 1 and .The WMIS will meet at the church one (i) in Group 2, will b eehld at the on Tuesday next week. City Hall Fire Station in the City of Port o esay next wee. ISt. Joe, Florida on Tuesday September 13, ------------ 1955. The Polls will open at 8:00 o'clock A.M. Week End Guests and close at 7:00 o'clock P M. Eastern Standard Time. Where there are more than two Candi- Mrs. Charles Teague and son, dates for any one office, and neither shall receive a majority of the total votes ,cast Robbie of Fort Walton Beach and for such office, then another election snall Mrs..W. R. Teague of Panama City blehctione ptember 20 date of.iiwhihrs were guests of the B. H. Munns, the two candidates receiving `'L rircest, e g o t H u number of votes in the former elect.* ,- Monday. Katie Teague who has be voted on again. . been visiting her aunt and uncle I. W. HENDERSONerk for two weeks returned with her Ci -A n Olerk mother to her home in Fort Walton | For a "Crick" in your neck-See Beach. a Chiropractor. (adv) I Good This Week Only 9.1 FRIGIDAIRE SRF17-26 Just Look What You (g?'. Large Freezer Rustproof Shelves Rustproof Hydrator 5 Year Protection Your Trade Is Worth Up To $70.00 OUR SALE PRICE Plus Trade-In $20.00 More For Porcelain APPLIANCE'S STORE APPLIANCE STORE How to save up to 50 per minuteI 11 MODELS, 3 PRICE RANGES TO CHOOSE FROM: 3 four-door sedans, 3 hardtop coupes, 2 station wagons, a two-door sedan, a con- vertible and the transparent-top Sun Valley. All models have new SUPER-TORQUE V-8 engines-188 hp in the Customs and Montereys, 198 hp in the Montclairs (hardtop shown above). All Montereys and Montclairs have dual exhausts at no extra cost. Spend 10 minutes in our showroom today. Let us show you: ~-~RS-~Euiz~~-~;rc~-~L~ ~lrjn=-1Y-i-Y bi~u%-sr:qa~P~ca~i~~~e~is~$~81~11~sl~ I L_ ~gW11~318~1rBs9~v~p~ao~RI~.: **< DIAI -, 'g- ....WAVM S V- r tiA CTAN, PORT ST, JOtE ULF C UNTY. FLORIDA-..- ."'vi -rl !lP M lR -O ... -- ... -I .. . .- .TOOLATE TO CLASSIFY BY RUSSELL KAY $5.00 DOWN / Faced with mounting opposition public water supplies from thou sands of citizens who recognize thE DELIVERS ANY SUITE dangers that attend such practice DELIVERS ANY SUITE the Florida State Board of Healti held a hearing in Jacksonville re cently for discussion of the quest NO OUTSIDE FINANCING tion. Contending that the addition o fluorine to public water supplies ): will help reduce tooth decay ii children, proponents have been urg ing Florida communities to adopt the practice. This amounts to con pulsory medication as it means tha ." 'rr every person or animal using sue water supply must accept this po sonous substance whether the vat it or not. We are told that the quantity o harmless, and since it may reduite gill/G fluorine used is so small that it the number,of cavities in Johnny teeth, all of us should take it an OOlike it. ORD It is a matter of record that flu rides have been tried as drugs r peatedly and have been discarded A 1as too dangerous when given ine fective dosage. When added to or drinking water, even in small qua cities, no one can definitely sa it is "safe." Some people drink very litt water, a glass or two a day; othe drink 10 or 12 glasses a day. Ea( glassful contains a certain amouw of the poison. Isn't the person drin ing the larger quantity of watE getting a much larger dose tha the individual who drinks little When little Johnny has a stole __ _ache and your doctor prescribe some medicine for him, he does ..:put that medicine in the. fami --. .drinking water and say, "Now th .&. ,F ,, ....- medicine may help Johnny, so .want all of you to take it in yoi '.."drinking water for the rest of yot .."'. a:"."life," on his assurance that it won "",hurt" you and may do Johmn some good. Yet, that is just what the pr ponents of fluorinated water a: saying when they advocate the u of fluorine in our drinking water c -. : ,. the ground that it may benefit : ,iW. per cent of the population and cou ... prove disastrous tq 85 per cent. : 4z 6Any parent who believes th fluorine is good for his child and will reduce tooth decay, s'se-ur& it from his dr igist, just hE can get any other tlcatioi v hy endanger the heal: of t "n-" community on the gamb --that such treatment of your chi: Chocechild might possibly be helpful ar S25 probably won't hurt your neighbor While our health authorities te us that there is no danger fro: Styles fluorinated water, evidence fro: r-P. Dnette eputable physicians here and i1| O Oac Se other states indicates that in ti In Black Steel case of some individuals contiaup v 6" 11ide-72" Long Iuse of fluorinated water has cau 0* Exten. Table, formica top ed serious illness. What result "Scroll' Table Legs mmm. be over a long period of :in Smart Convex Apron J is only a guess and many peopi SCurved Chair Backs medical authorities among their SBox C ushior Seats contend that any benefit, children might gain through tb a use fluorine would be more than offs 5A by the damage it would do to adul $ 95 and elderly people. $1 99 a-. ... .,% ,Speaking before the hearing .Jacksonville, Dr. Frederick B. ". :c- :' ner, radiologist of Seattle who h m.. ade a comprehensive study of t flurinatio n uneftinn snirl her w MAAKE ff SS[YO HOUSE! Copee om Fwsm~.. S A HOMEI /fR7=7/W Ci _I_ r tMA S TAR, PPT S. J0E, GULFCOUNTYi-?LRi DA~ 1H"URSDA', SPTIM~t~ip 1au - . N; CRYSTAL ALP Beautiful Tea Glass 20 Oz. Glass , JELLY Coca Cola 6 Bottle Carton Plus Deposit, Tender Leaf TiA RAGS A6 9cunt 57 c Le-Seuer SWEET PEAS Tall Can 27 C Your Choice JELI-O 3 for 25c Yellow Bird SWEET POTATOES No. 2V2 21c Del Monte TOMATO JUICE 2 No. 2 cans 29c, .A-1 TOILET TISSUE 4 for 25c Supreme ICE CREAM 1/2Gallon 89c Bleberry MUFFIN MIX box 35c Aunt Jemima GRITS lb. box17c Peni ly DOG FOOD 3 for 25c Star, Kist. TUNA FISH All Brands Regular Size 35c CIGARETTES. FREE with purchase of any product of Johnson's Wax e WILL Be Closed Labor Day We Wish Everyone A Pleasant Holiday and Urge That You' Drive Carefully. The Life You Svae May Be Your Own. GA. GRADE "A" F R E RS lb 49c GOOD AND TASTY PICNIC H AMS Ib 39c SUNNYLAND EL IN ERS pkg 39c GOOD AND TENDER GOVT. GRADED T-B ONE Ib 59c GOOD AND TENDER GOVT. GRADED 59c Mad Ga. Fresh SQytU AS H Ib Ga. Fresh Ib Ga, Fresh ,OKRA Ib Your Choice, MILK IGA - ~ gpxc ~'aa rn~la~HFitu~.& ''i... r .,Is -. Ga. Red oc Sweet Potatoes Fancy Fresh 15P PEACHES s15 lb Armour Star 380 PURE LARD Ib 1,90 Nabisco Tomatoe Juice 46 oz 29 R I T Z THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 1, 2, 3 1 Ib *MPI 3iU C carton $215 U. S. No. 10 Lbs. 10 3 tall 15c 35, wme -W I C ~----- I I ~I : ~s ~- ~e~~ Ilas~a~sp -- --- I ~89 -CC-UIC I ~B~e~b~L~B~ B la~RBP~BI~ eklm~rps -- ~- I ~ I~il~ i ' sb, --~ ISBBL-~-III C -r III I ~Ga. Re ppkn ; -----~ -IIIII ~-- --- ---- - I ATC PEAS tilRLOIN'STEAK lb "SIFIED ADS U MALv E ; -. ^ FORt StALE PHONE BAII 7-2221 401 Williams Ave. T MO OtAO, 060? tr JsT \ 46 P 2,UN1'; TLOftl5 look for the sign lhat sdys NEWS FROM Highland View S,-w-- ---- j ( By MARTHA RAY FOR SALE: Underwood standard / typewriter. $40. R. L. Fortrer, Meidco Beach. Ltp Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orell FOR RENT Ildl el:II J Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Coppedge I as their guest over the week e FOR RENT: Furnished bedrooms f dep d le Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Stewart and apartments. David's Motel, fo depe dablehter, Jan, of Tazwell, Ga., 22 Monument Ave., Phone 9-9161. daughter, Jan, of Tazwell, Ga., ENT droom furnPRESCRIPTI Mr. and Mrs. James Posey FOR RENT: 1 edroom furnished ^ VICE -- 'children, Linda and Joe, also M --apartment. Private bath and en- -.children, Linda and Joe, also trance. Located on Long Ave. Con- R.. D. Hall of Thomasville, Ga. *tict Mrs. C. A. McGowin. Mr. S. R. Linton and child FOR RENT: Furnished apartment.' I.indcl, Johnny, and Franklin w 228 Eighth Street. Itc You can be sure alt pharmaceuticals vacationing at the caverns in M FOR RENT: Unfurnished house. St. used are fresh. pure, efietlie. You anna, White Springs, Waku Joe Beach. Circulating heater and can rely on the knowledge asd Springs and also visited frie water heater, See Mrs. J. C. Arbo- skill of Rexll pharrmacists who fi ll ad relatives in Mobile, Al.a. -gast, St. Joe Beach. voui presrripiori,`. ". i Ernest Rhames of Blountsto WANTED TO BUY spent the week with Mr. and M Rexall Pharmacists Edgar Strange. good condition. Cheap. Phone work for Better Health. Mrs. Levetta Wilson and daugh 9-9051. Itp Everywhere! of Panama City are visiting her SALESMEN WANTED their, H. J. Foster. $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIME Refilling and collecting money from our five cent High Grade Nut machines in this area. No Selling! To qualify for work you must have car, references, $640 cash, secured by inventory. Devoting 6 hours a week to business, your end on per- centage collections will net up to $400 monthly with very good possi- ilities of taking over full time. In- rome increasing accordingly. For in- terview, include phone in applica- ,on. Write Royal Distributing Co., 1c., 1001 Chestnut St., Phila. 7, Sa. Itp g SPECIAL SERVICES KENNEDY'S ELECTRIC and RE- FRIGERATION SERVICE. Li- censed electrical contractor. All kinds electric and refrigeration service and installation. Phone STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters 2-,or your used furniture and ap lances, 213 Reid Avenue, Phone 1. WE BUY AND SELL. tte [eys Made While You Wait 35c EACH STERN AUTO epalting All Makes ,Tti and Repairs DGE NOTICES ROWAN POST 116, ERICAN LEGION. Meet. Buzzett's Drug Store PHONE 7-3371 ing first and third Monday nights 800 p.m., American Legion Home. MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; 'Isiting brothers welcome. W. L. Jordan, W. M.; R. H. Trawick, secretary. SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs. days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting rethren invited. H. H. Shirley, N. 4., Alden Ferris, Secretary. R. A. M.--Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit- Ing companions welcome. Jimmy Greer, High Priest; H. R. Malge, Mr. and Mrs. Lynwood Rham and son of Albuquerque, New Me co are visiting with his mother, M A. B. Rhames. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bur and children, Linda, Leland, La: of Pensacola spent the week e with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Burke a daughter, Glenda. Miss Evelyn Rhames spent t weeks with Mrs. R. E. Davis Pilot Grove, Missouri. Mrs. Clayton C. Raffield and M Sue Wesler and son, Donnie, M: Barfield, young son of Mrs. Jew Don Raffield, all of Tallahassee a Creed Van Oner of Detroit, Mic were dinner guests of Mr. and M A. B. Pratt Sunday. 'Sam Edward's of Camp Ne spent Sunday with Mr. and M W. W. Garrett. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wright a children, 'Sister, Ken spent t week end with Mr. and Mrs. A Brown of Dothan, Ala. " ---- -------- I Trs. ike 'el, ,nd 3h., rs. Ally rs. nd the .da secretary. Mrs. Fannie McMillan spent the LOYAL ORDER day in Panama City Sunday. ,OF MOOSE Mr. and Mrs. Chris Strange of 'Meeting night ev- Panama Citr spent the week end ery other Monday with his brother and family, Mr. Meetings at Moose and Mrs. P. G. Strange. Hall, 310 Fourth Sit SJohn Hennings of St. Petersburg ('They act like royalty since they got their OK Used Car!" k the Tagl '54 CHEVROLET 4-Door, Extra Clean, Iow Mileag $1395 '53 PLYMOUTH, Cranbrook, 4-Door, Hydrive, One Owne-r Extra Clean, New Tires $1195 WE NEED LATE MODEL USED CARS! Give Us A Chance To Trade Treat y-ourself ro ally at an easy-to-pay price, %\ith an OK Lised Car! OK Lised Cars are fit for a king because they're thoroughly inspected and scientifically reconditioned. Though OK Used Cars carry popular prices, they carry our written warranty, too! Sold only by an Aulthorized Chevrolet Dealer '53 CHEVROLET ge Tudor, One Owner, Cream Puff $1095 '52 CHEVROLET Club Coupe, Powerglide, Radio, Heater Spotlight, New Tires $895 GOOD SUPPLY Two-Door and Four-Door NEW BEL-AIRS Six and Eight Cylinder Whi te. Mrs. Delany Duke has been vis- iting with Mr., and Mrs. George Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Dudley visited with Rev. and Mrs. John T. Dudley, Thursday and Friday, while enroute to Elposko, Texas. Jasper Lee and children Patricia and Larry of Wewahitchka spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pettis, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Hayes and son Den- nis of Bonifay, spent the week end with Mr. .and Mrs. Connie Pettis. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Douglas and daughter Mary Ann and F. M. Dan- iels spent the week end in Fort Walton, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Tee Watts and family and Mrs. W. P. Coleman, Newcomb's Hardware. Timothy i- der and'Rev. Wm. T. Iverson have supplied the pulpit most of the sum- mer. The Sunday School is at 10:00 and morning worship at 11:15. Each Thursilay night at 6:4.5 Rev. Iverson teaches a Bible class at Newcomb's Hardware. This is regu- lar, systematic and practical Bible teaching. It is designed so as to enable those who come to have the basic knowledge of the Bible, and to know how to use it. A cordial welcome is open to all who will .take part in these services. All service times are on OST. CUB SCOUTS WILL RESUME REGULAR MEETINGS The Cub Scouts will resume their meetings with the Pinewood Derby vMearl andu elvin oeawrignht spent on September 15.-All the Cubs are Lue day in White Springs Sunday. urged to finish the race cars for The R. A.'s of the Highland View this big event. Boys between eight Baptist Church met with eight boys and ten years who wish to join present. Thomas Adams, opened may come to this meeting Septem- the meetingg with prayer and after- ber 15 it the Presbyterian Church ward, had the Pledge of Allegiance, a. 7:30 p.m. For their handicraft they are lear-n. ing to splice ropes. Those attend- ing the meeting were: Billy Cam- bie, Gene Cox, Thomas Adams, Roy Woods, Kenneth Evans, Ronnie Thomas, Lewis Rogers, Ward Rich- ards and two counselors, Mr. Little and A. D. Roberts. Mr. Roberts closed with prayer. There will be a "Get Acquainted" party at the Highland View Ele- mentary School Thursday, Septem- ber 8 at 7:30 p.m. and also an open VOTE FOR JACK FOWLER CITY COMMISSIONER, Group Number 1 Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated VOTE FOR OSCAR ROBERTS CITY COMMISSIONER Group Number 2 Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated' RE-ELECT CLIFFORD THARPE CITY COMMISSIONER Group Number 1 Your Vote and Support Will Be Appreciated Buzzett's Drug Store uw ihll tllih iih..li, il, i.i ih ibtliii ilIliliilltllit. w rw. '~AGN IRvIN 1 1I g PI- Ia- 1 I ,. --". -. 1 - C- Catch of the season! The figure flattering, long torso date dress . its skirt a whirl of dancing pleats that can't come out. Glorious yarn-dyed acetate taffeta in siren-black or high- voltage red or green. ' Young-in-heart sizes 5 to 15 $14,95 COSTING'S Desk Outfit School Days Means Desk Days You get the complete desk outfit at the usual price of the desk alone, because we made a lucky, large quantity purchase from the manufacturer. CHECK THESE FEATURES: * Handsomely designed in a classic style in "maple or mahogany finish, it blends well with any style of fur- niture. 9 4 spacious drawers one of which is a double-depth file drawer. Smart Colonial drawer pulls. Plenty of stor- age space for papers, books or clothing. * Desk is full 34 inches wide and 20 inches deep, giving a large writing surface at ...... the scientifically correct height for student or adult. * Quality construction fea- tures throughout. Built of selected kiln-dried hard- woods. * Compact enough for use in bedroom, den or smaller . living room. 3495 $1 Delivers /SS I ~b MAKE YOUR .1A .1wI HUTCHINS-THURSBAY CHEVROLET CO. spent thd waek nd ith 1tM. And house. 11 parents are urged to at- Mrs. P. G. Strange, tend. : | Billy and Betty Blanchard of Misa Barbara Gay spent the week YVefiice, La., are sjendiiig two weeks with her father, Lewis Gay of We- I with Mt. and Mrs. James Mash- wahitchka. Ibutm. The Modern Club of Highland Mr. and Mrs. Bill Blanchard and View had their weekly meeting at children of Venice, La., and Miss the club house Saturday, August and Shirley Rooks of Bruce were guests 2'( at 4 p.m. The club planned a had of Mr. and Mrs. James Mashburn picnic at Wayside Park for Sat- nd, Sunday. urday, Sept. 3 at 10 a.m. The Mo- and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Skipper and dern Club invites all women who and daughter were vacationing in Mar- will help with the youth center for and ianna, Chattanooga and Nashville, Highland iew, to attend these meet, rs. Tenn. ings. For information call 7-5976. Rev. Douglas Newsome is attend- Miss Shirley Duval of Don, Tex- ren, ing Pastor's Training School at as is visiting with her father, Jeff ere Blue Lake, Ala. Duval. iar- William Jordan and daughters, Dave Gaskin of Panama City is ulia Sylvia, Malinda and Stevie Lee of visiting with his daughter and famn- nds New Orleans, La., are the guests ily, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Williamson. of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weeks. Mr. and Mrs Pat Patterson and )wn Rev. Otis Guy of Marianna has daughter, Patsy, visited relatives in irs. just closed a very challenging ser- Westville Saturday and Sunday. ies of services at the Highland View Mr. and Mrs. Rhoden Presnell and iter Methodist Church fPmily spent the week in Quincy, fa- Mrs. Luckie Borrow, Mr. and Chattiahoochee and Bainbiridge, Mrs. Cliff Miller of Carra'belle were Ga., visiting relatives and friends: aes week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A-B Dan Hatfield, Jr., of Lack- exi- Clinton Cox and family. land Air Force Base, San Antonio, Irs. Mis R'anza and Jimmy Cox and Texas, is visiting his wife, Gwen, Jimmy Whittington visited friends and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan rke and relatives in Sopchoppy Sunday. Hatfield, Sr., for a few days. rry IFriends of Mrs. J. ,K. Williams ---- --- - end will be interested to know she is Church Services Being .nd home and doing nicely. Conducted At Beach Mrs. Palmer and daughters, Ca- onucte At Beach wo therine and Margaret were week Mexico Beach continues to have of end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne chMexiurch services each Sunduesay t ki 'k Scho'oltiZe ""k m'li 0 w*0 VALUE 160 --- -- F:ord Low Pr'icc ~._---...* **cH~l kASL m THIS STAR, PORT ;s. Juv, uu-..r coUNTY, FLORIDA 1. The S & H Green Stamp Company cordially invites you to attend the opening of our beautiful, new, mer- - chandise store at 308 Harrison Ave., Panama City, Florida. Sept 1 U' This Merchandise s NotFor Sale YOUR FILLED S & H GREEN STAMP BOOKS ARE ALL YOU NEED TO OBTAIN THE ITEM OF YOUR CHOICE. - S & H GREEN STAMPS ARE AVAILABLE TO YOU AT NO COST FROM THE FOLLOWING PRO- GRESSIVE MERCHANTS IN PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA. PIGGLY WIGGLY SUPER MARKET ST. JOE FURNITURE & APPLIANCE CO. COSTIN'S DEPARTMENT STORE FULLER'S SUPPLY COMPANY PATE'S SHELL SERVICE STATION LILIUS JEWELRY COMPANY WOOLFORD'S STANDARD SERVICE STATION LILIUS LADIES READY-TO-WEAR CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE / .2 / p. Your Pigg r Jiggly Super Market IS THE ONLY FOOD STORE IN PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA GIVING 4 / N STAMPS : , .-' I A' 3 ~eSperry and H nutchinson CampafY1 13~F~j~C~i~~~d~Bllu~;~~ i Il I sk- ~--~po~-p~ua-~.~on.ara~~~f~~~ ~~16~~I~ AGE EIGH- -%ir |