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THE STAR Published In Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County THE A PORT ST. JOE SA Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive f Weekly Newspaper "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apclachicola-Chattahoochee Vallev" VOLUME XIX Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 3 Schools Set To Open Next Friday, Aug,26P 1Nan, -- 494.3 4 m 7 I Fla. Power Steps First Graders Must Up Voltage With Register Wed. New Sub-Station Gulf County school childrenwill ___ make that long march -back to the class room next Friday, August 26. Designed To Eliminate Schedules will be completed on this LOW Voltage Problem, first day and all books issued. A -short session will be held that day The Florida Power Corporation so that children can start to school switched over to a new sub-station Monday, Aug -;nt 29 and go the full yesterday afternoon to boost the day. City's available electricity to three First grade students in the Port t.mes what it has been in the past. St. Joe Elementary school are to The Power 'Company kept the register on Wednesday, August 24.' power off for about two hours in They are requested to spend Wed- the business district yesterday and nesday morning and Thursday for approximately four hours in the morning with the first grade teach- residential area. ers who will orient .them to their Local manager Richard Porter says that the KW capacity of the Port St. Joe sub-station is now 3.000 with a volt rating of 12,000 against 2,400 that was in operation before Wednesday. Porter .says that the power boost will eliminate the fluctuating pow- er of the past. He said that the power decreases were due to heavy loads being put on the old system which was not adequate to carry it. An all new transmission line has been strung into Port 'St. Joe to 'serve the new sub-station.'The new transmission line will carry 66,000 volts where the old line that served ".the- city would only carry 33,000. The old line came into the city .down Long Avenue with the sub- siation being located at the corner of Long Avenue and ISecond Stteet. The new transmission line domes into the city to the East of rlarri- ion Avenue Vith the sub-sta-iion at the corner of Tenth Street and Knowles Avenue. 'Porter says that Port St. Joe will now enjoy better electrical service and at no increase in rates. Judge Sets Bond On FEC Railroad Case JACKSONVILLE --Fed. Judga Bryan Simpson last week delayed return of reorganization proceed- ings of the bankrupt Florida East Coast Failway Co. to the Interstate new surroundings. I Allu1 I H City Accepts Tax Roll For 1956 At Meeting Tuesday Taxable Property Valuation is Up $1,268,090 The City Commission of Port St. Joe Tuesday night unanimously ac- cepted a tax roll composed of $7,- 369,1S9.00 in taxable property in ihe City of Port St. Joe to draw Lax money from for the forthcom- School is starting on Friday so ;ng year. that they may close down on L -, The tax rolls compare with last bor Day and still make up the ire- year's taxable roll in that last year quired number of attendance days. there was $6,101,099 in taxable School buses will run at the regu- property within the City Limits of !ar times for the school registration Port St. Joe. The net taxable in- day. "-ease over last year was $1,268.090. Faculties for the schools have Practically 100 percent of this in- Faculties for the schools have crease was on St. Joe Paper Com- been named as follows: pany and affiliates improvement of Port St. Joe Elementary Schotol property. FIRST GRADE: Avaryee Martin, This would indicate that the mill Aurelia Rasmussen, Alice Yeadin rate would drop somewhat under and Mary Ann Aide. the 14.5 mills assessed last year. SECOND GRADE: 'Minnie How- 'The drop might not be as great as ell, Juanita Gunn and Frances Ha- would ordinarily be expected since zelwood. the city is contemplating somnn ilm- ' THIRD GRADE: Helen Rollins, provements to the hospital and the Willie Mae Daniell and Mrs. McGee. purchase of some equipment for FOURTH GRADE: Betty Sue the operation of the city. The mill- Kurth, Yvonne Straughn and Vir- age, in all probability will go down. ginia Blick. Included in plans for improve- PIFTH GRADE; Esther Pybus ments at the Municipal Hospital is and Betty ?>z A'J".l : ,.' "e installation of window-air coln- SIX i I RA-,L. 1_ r, Fite, Frank ditioners in all the-rooms. The wih- Barnes and Royce Dickens. dows and screens in each room are LIBRARIAN: Ann Parker. In bad need of repair and in most PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Jean cases replacement. The cost of the Hayes. I job, including the replacements, PRINCIPAL: H. E. Richa:ds. would cost more than the installa- Port St. Joe High School tion of the air conditioners, which Mrs. Margaret DeVore, Mrs. would eliminate the need for re- Katherine J. Ivey, Miss Netta. Nib- pairs and replacements. lack, Miss Marjorie Austin, Miss Also included in improvements Floye O'Neal, Miss Alice Andrews, for the hospital are payments on G. L. Johansson, James C. Traweek,. a new x-ray machine recently in- Mrs. Eula Pridgeon, Mrs. Lillian stalled in the hospital. 1w7-Y ear-d Beoys Two Knew They Had Been .ims of Youthful Burglars A PORTION OF THE LOOT stolen by h\o 17- ': .:a-old bo\, is piSturid aboe. TI'i bo s hIad stolen nearly $200.00, cameras, guns, watches and various other pieces of jewelry and ar- ticles of -clothing. ( photo) City Enters Fill Agreement Plan With County, ewahithka Kennington, Herman R. Dean, Booth Poole, Iris `Poole, Mrs. J. C. Price Mrs. ISam iSims, Robert Craig, James Yeadon, Howard Blick, Miss Margaret Key, Mrs. Commerce Commilssionpendingui(;uS- Margaret Addison and David Ni- position of an appeal by the PE's c'holson. major 'bondholders. LRoy Bowdoin will be the prin- The judge set a $50,000 appeal cipal. bond for the St. Joe Paper Co. and 'Highland View Elementary trustees under the Alfred I. duPont Miss Alma DeWitt, Mrs. Ruby will, principal bondholders and key Bartlett, Mrs. Mills, Miss Mary contenders for ownership of -.he Bailey. railroad. 'H.F. Ayers will be the principal. Judge ;Simpson last month o:.- ___ dered FEC reorganization proceed- ings returned to the ICN for fur- Rev. Bedsole Will Preach their action under the Federal Bank- ruptcy Act. Previous ICC plans for Revival At FirstBaptist reorganization of the FEC have been rejected by the courts. One of ' those involves merger with the At- I . lantic Coast Line. . iSt. Joe and the duPont trustees ' served notice of appeal to the Cir- cuit Court of Appeals and asked .,- that return of the matter to the ,OC be delayed. Judge Simpson also set Oct. 12 as time for a hearing on a petition of 'St. Joe and the trustees for an order authorizing construction of new freight and passenger facilities and a new passenger station in .. Miami. Taylor Injured In Auto Accident Tuesday Eve The City of Port St. Joe this Health Exhibit Planned Engineers Calling i,,eek entered into an agreement ith the County Commission to For Gulf County Fair For Dam Bids contribute toward a county-wide Sanitary Land Fill program. Miss Elizabeth Reed and Her- The City and County have beeS. Army Engineers at Mobile,n bert Barnes, exhibit consultant of Alabama, advertised this week for the Florida iState Board of Health, bids of the first construction on Last Rites Ar Held will be in Port St. Joe, during thethe Chattahoochee Rover near Fort week of the Gulf County Fair, Sep-Gaines, Georgia, at an estimated For M. G. Lewis Fri. tember 12 to 17 to put on display cost of over $.86,000,000. -- their health exhibit already set u | o o 8 0 . their health exhibit already set up The Fort Gaines dam is a part of Last rites were held for M. G. from the State Board of Health current multiple-purpose de- Lewis last Friday afternoon at 2:00 jointly with the sanitation depart- the current multiple-purpose de- Lewis last Friday afternoon at 2:00 meant. velopment of the Apalachicola-Chat- p m. at the First Baptist Church. Mrs. Madaleine E. Whitaker. tahoochee-Flint river system. It will Rev. C. Byron Smith officiated. Fair manager says, "We hope to create a 9-foot navigation channel Mr. Lewis died last Wednesday show all five cars sold in the city. In the Chattahoochee River to Co- morning at 1:55 a.m. at the age St. Joe Motor Company and the lumbus, Georgia, and generate over of 77. Wimberly Pontiac Company have 400,000,000 kilowatt hours of elec- Burial was in Magnolia Cemetery already contracted for their space." tric energy a year, which is enough at Apalachicola in the family plot. An ornamental department will to serve a good size city. Pallbearers were George Size- show art objects from at home and Colonel Harold E. Bisport, Army more, Marion Wing, Arthur Lup- foreign countries. District Engineer at Mobile, said ton, Pete Comforter, Stetson Prid- ____ __ .. that construction on two other big geon and C. G. Costin, Sr. dams in the same river system is Honorary pallbearers were T. H. Hubert Harrison Injuredlalready far advanced. The Jim Stone, Dave Gaskin, Roy Connell, Woodruff Lock, Dam, and Power' J. L. Sharit, Charlie Mahon, J. P. In Motorcycle Accident house on the Apalachicola River Kilbourn and Will Proctor. I near Chattahoochee, another navi- ,Comforter Funeral Home of Port A. L. Johnson and Hubert Harri-I nation and power .structure, is sche- St. Joe was in charge of arrange- son, both of this city were injured duled for completion in 1956 and ments. 1 last Wednesday afternoon in a mo- the Buford Dam and Powerhouse '.torcycle- auto accident. Harrison on the Chattahoochee Rover north- Members Appointed To had broken down on his cycle just east of Atlanta, which will provide Dead Lakes Commission ,north of Mexico Beach and was flood control, power production, -- being -owed toward Port St. Joe and stream flow regular for navi- Gov. LeRoy Collins, appointed by Johnson on another motorcycle, gation add water supply purposes, five members to the new Dead m otorcyc 11-1 .1.V.. .-....... .... ... . .... ..... ...- 1 k S. Harrison was struck by a car dri- is scneduled ror completion in akes Commission established oy 0. H. Taylor of Highland. View Rev. Adolph Bedsole will be the ven by an airman from Tyndall 1957. the 1955 Legislature, on Monday was slightly injured Tuesday after- guest evangelist for the revival to Field and knocked in the ditch. He Essentially the Fort Gaines pr)- of this week. noon about 6:30 when the .car he be held at the First Baptist Churca stuffed from a compound fracture je, will consist of a powernou.se, a Members are C. L. Morgan, E. was driv.ag ran into the back of a August 21 through 31. Rev. Bedsole of the left leg and is being treated ico; c ete gated spillway and a ,' va A. Bandjough, W.. C. Roche, David car driven by Mrs. Lee Williams. is the pastor of the Immanuel Bap- at t Municipal Hospital 'in and adjacent to the present C. Gaskin and Max W. Kilbourn, Both'cars were traveling groward tist 'Church of Panama City. at the Municipal Hospitalriver channel and earth dams con-' al of Wewahitchka. Port St. Joe when Taylor st-uckl Rev. Bill Roberts, associate pas- nesting these structures to high The chief mission of the com- the Williims car from behi'id at tor of the First Baptist Church of Negro Injured At Paper ground on both banks. The job be-! mission is to investigate and pro- the Ways'de Park near M:;-xco Panama City, will direct the con- Mill Monday Morning ing advertised at this time is for mote means of constructing a tum- Beach. I gregational singing. ---- the construction of a non-overflow bler dam at the base of the Dead Both cars were traveling toward! 'Services will be held each day Sylvester Andrews, colored was earth dike on the Alabama side o' Lakes to insure an ample water down a steep embankment on the at 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. include, nearly killed Monday at 10:00 a.m. 'the river in Henry County, one supply in the fishing paradise. side of the road. ing Saturday. Doughnuts and cof. at the paper mill when a wire was mile north of Fort Gaines, Georgia. I Taylor was the only one injured fee will be served after the moe*n- driven nearly 3 inches into his Colonel Bisport explained that the quested to submit their quotations and he suffered only cuts and ing service each day. shoulder right down alongside his principle features of the work con- !not later than 11:00 a.m. on Sep- bruises. The public is cordially invited to jugular vein. s;--ts of 235 acres of clearing. 70.-' Iniber 13 at which time they will ------ .____ __attend and enjoy the spiritual bles- Andrews was rushed to the Mu- u, u cu-c yards of compacted fill. be op.mid in Ih En.in,-ori .' is .-, y,,.r printing is a dickering back and forth trying to reach some agreement since the first of July. The first plan, offered by the county was that the City of Port St. Joe should contribute $5,000.00, which it spends each year for mos- quito control, into a county-wide fund for that purpose to take more advantage of State control match- ing funds. The City of Wewahitchka had agreed to go to $1,500.00 on the Three Victims Home During Time of Burglaries Thursday of last week, City Po- lice broke up a string of burglaries by two youths that had resulted in seven Port "St. Joe homes being Entered. Two youths from Canton, Ohio, who must remain nameless since they were under 18 years of age, were arrested by Chief of Police 'Buck Griffin on Reid Avenue on a charge of suspicion of breaking and entering. Intense questioning of the two suspects brought a con- tession from one of the youths. The boys were riding in a 1954 Mercury which one of the boys had stolen in Charleston, West Virginia on July 11. No complaint of burglary had been entered to the local police with the exception of one by James Harrison which was entered Mon- !day of last week. Chief Griffin sta- ted that the :Department had the two boys under survpence since they were'-.i-Tangeri. anai spending heavily about town. When the sec- cid complaint came from John Ford, Jr., on Thursday morning of $86.00 missing from his home, Po- lice .Chief Griffin made the arrest. Confessions by one of the boys revealed that they had spent a busy six days in Port tSt. Joe since they had arrived in town on Fri- day prior to their arrest last Thurs- day afternoon. During this time seven homes were entered with a total take of $186.00 in money and numerous items of jewelry, cloth- ing and miscellaneous items. Many of the victims were told by the police that they had been burglar- ized. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tootle lost $50.00, a gold wedding band, a 22 caliber pistol and a billfold on the day that the youthful burglars were caught and didn't know it until cal- led by police to identify the items. Paul V. Player was viewing the program. The plan was to take the items stolen at the police station, money and buy equipment to main- noticed that a 38 caliber pistol look- tain the Land Fill program and ed like one he owned. Upon inspec- base it here in Port 'St. Joe. Each tion of his home he had been re- city and community was to get a lived of an expensive 35 millimeter pro-rata share of use out of the camera, the pistol and $20.00 in equipment. The -City Commission quarters out of a bank. couldn't see where they would be Mr. and Mrs. James Harrison getting a pro-rata share of use of lost clothing, jewelry, and $10.00 in the equipment compared to funds cash. contributed to the program. Mrs. Nora Howard was burglar- The County Commission agreed ized of $20.00. The boys stated that with the City of Port St. Joe. Mrs. Howard was asleep on the The City then offered a plan to porch at the time. Mrs. Tootle was the County whereby the County also asleep in her home at the time purchases the necessary equip- of entering. mnent and rent to each community Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, Jr., mis- Et so much per hour. The contri- sed $86.00. The burglars again sta- butions made by each City would ted that Mr. Ford's mother was sit- then merely be ,rent in advance ting on the front porch in a rock- and would be used up only by ac- ing chair when they were working tual use of the equipment by each that house. city, thus each city would pay for Mrs. Daisy Johnson's house was the amount of service they receiv- entered and a billfold stolen. This ed. billfold has never been recovered The County accepted this plan and held the only small picture of under the provision that the City oft ier husoand wno died recently. All Port St. Joe would stay in the pro- persons in Port St. Joe are asked gram until their $5,000.00 and its to be on the lookout for this bill- im-athlini funds, which would come told. The youths stated that they to $7,500.00, were used up. This threw the billfold away beside the would assure the County of a source 'path that bisects the block directly of revenue to pay for the necessary across the street from The Star, equipment to carry out the program. but an extensive search failed to All work done under thile agree- 'turn it up. mient, such a Sanitary Land Fill, The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. permanent mosquito control, etc., Baggett was victimized for a folder is in addi ion to the County's spray containing only some pictures. Evi- programn in the city. dently the youths grabbed it has- Wilh Port St. Joe and Wewahit- tily thinking it contained money. chka's funds, plus matching funds Most of the property has been and County funds and matching recovered but the boys had spent funds tIe r'"-. 'v v r-' 1v 1 onno all i but $23.00 of the money. *if ,Y. r v ...... ] n i' per- One of thie boys was turned over Tranent control progralis. 1h,'IIe1 ,n 11 page 1 THE STAR, PORT ui, JOUh, ui-r ;OU MWMwM "T ..LORID HU A, AUGU. ,% 1958 " a f '. -n "- --I 4II I 1 Social Activities Personals - Clubs Mrs. OCYLE MUNN, Editor First Baptist WMS Churches Dial 7-5461 Methodist WSCS Has Meets at Church Mon. Program Meeting Mon. The WIVS of the Forst Baptist The regular program meeting of Church met at the church Monday the Woman's Society of Christian for the Royal Service program. Service was held at the First Me- Mrs. C. A. McClellan had charge thodist Church Monday, August 15. of the program which opened by Attending were members of the singing "When I Survey The Won- three circles. drous Cross" and prayer by Mrs. After announcements by the McClellan. The topic for the pro- president, Mrs. Edd Ramsey, the gram was, "A Sure Road To Nation-, program was presented by circle al Downfall". 'three. The program topics were: "His- The theme of the program was torical Aspects of Alcohol"; "What Alcohol Is"; "What Alcohol Does I "Settlement Houses in the U. S. A." To People"; "What Can We Do? Mrs. Ed Bartee opened the pro- Educate? Legislate? Eradicatee" gram with the call to worship. An and were given by Mrs. Ralph introduction to the topic was then Nance, Mrs. H. G. Harvey, Mrs. read. Following this was a play in Otis Pyle, Mrs. Perry Elliot and pantomime by, Mrs. R. E. King and Mrs. Joe Bracewell. Airs. W. H. Howell, Jr. Talks were During the business session, Mrs. given by Mrs. R. E. King, Mrs. El- W.. R. Scott resigned as president : moGodfrey, Mrs. Walter Johnson and Mrs. W. H. ,Howell, Jr. The of the WMU as she is leaving in a ad Mrs few days to move to DeLand where meeting was closed with a prayer Mr. ,Scott will enter .Stetson Uni- of benediction. Ver.sity to study for the ministry. Visitor From Ft. Walton The WM:S will meet in circles Visitor From Ft. Walton next week as follows: Little Miss Katie Teague of Fort !Walton is visiting her cousin, Con- iCircle 1 meets with Mrs. Bill nie Munn for'two weeks. Quarles Tuesday at 3:00 p.m. _ Circles No. 2 with Mrs. A. V. Dateman, Tuesday at 9 p.m. - Circle No. 3 with Mrs. L. W. Cox Richardson Monday at 3 p.m. Monday at 3 p.m. Circle No. 5 with Mrs. Otis Pyle Circle No. 4 with Mrs. W. B. meets Monday at 3 p.m. -i ]rCARD OF THANKS Miss Pam Huxf0ord, Bride-Elect Is We wishto take this opportunity to express our heart-felt thanks to Honored W ith Tea at Parish House those of you who were so kind to us during the recent death of oar husband and father. Your expres- Miss Pam Huxford of Perry, was by the hostesses Mrs. H. C. Phil- sions of kindness helped us to bear honored with a lovely tea Saturday yaw, Mrs. Gus Creech, Mrs. E. A. our burden more easily. afternoon August 13 at the Parish Wright, Jr., of Stillwater, Okla- May God bless each of you. T r,,^ i +F t th ,n 'iin Miss Huxc. homna Miss Peocggyv EliseC Philyawn. THE FAM/TT.V O i--ouse. ivor e occasion iviiss rAux- ford wore a pale pink afternoon dress complimented by a corsage of purple asters. These colors were predominate on the tea table and in floral arrangements throughout and Miss Sarah Ceva Philyaw of Lake City. Numerous friends called during the afternoon to meet Miss Hux- ford, neice of Mrs. Creech and M. G. LEWIS. CARD OF Dead friends, I would like to the room. bride-elect of George E. Philyaw of tunity to thank y Attending with Miss .Huxford L!.is city. pressions of love, were her mother, Mrs. Harley Hux- -. --v----. words, deeds, pra: ford and her grandmother, Mrs. C. i Vi following my auto A. O'Quinn of Perry. Highland View Circles i am feeling n Mrs. L. R. Sanders of Lake City Meet F Dr Program and making plans presided at the tea table and was Joe as soon as n assisted b yMiss Beverly Fields also mits. of Lake City, Mrs. P. B. Fairley, 'Circles 1 and 2 of the Highland Sincerely, Jr., and Miss Kay Creech. View Baptist Church met Monday BOOTH P Miss Huxford was presented with afternoon at 3 p.m. for their Royal agravy ladle in her silver pattern Seffice program. I Released Fon Mrs. C. A. Phelps presided over Mrs. James MoC ;the meetings and presented the a patient in the M Mrs. Watts Hostess To scripture taken from I.saiah 43 and has been released Mrs. L. F. Adams led the group in Carrison Avenue. Long Avenue Circle 3 pr.ay .r.. 1I ; . Circle 3 of the Long Avenue Bap- tist WMS met in the home of Mrs. T. M. Watts Tuesday evening at 8:00 p.m. The Royal iService program, "A Sure Road To National Downfall" was brought by Mrs. Roy. Gibson, Jr., Mrs. Durel Brigman, Mrs. P. B. Fairley, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Traweek. One new member, Mrs. J. 0. Lu- cas and one visitor, Mrs. Ollie Gran- tham were present. The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. L. E. Voss. Delicious refreshments were ser- ved to the eleven present. Circle a gave a very interesting program on, "A Sure Road To Na-' tional. Downfall". Taking part on the program were Mrs. C. A. Phelps Mrs. Bill Garrett, Mrs. Harold Eurch, Mrs. Clayton Coker, Mrs. Leo Kennedy, Mrs. L. F. Adams, Mrs. Ted Richards and Mrs. Roo- ney. 'The meeting was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Coker. Spends Week End Here George Suber spent the week end here with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Suber. George is attending the University of Florida. THANKS take this oppor- you for your ex- through thoughts, years and flowers, mobile accident. iuch better now, to return to St. my physician per- Week End Visitors I P. D. Meredith of Miami, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Joines of Wewahitchka, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Meredith of We- wahitchka, and Mrs. James Glenn also of Wewahitchka were week end visitors of the Alfred Joines family and Chauncey L. Costins. 4- Returns From Camp Weed Miss Jean Hayes has returned from Camp Weed, Carrabelle, where she spent the summer months as Camp Leader and Coun- selor. Also returning from Camp Weed, after a summer of being a member of the staff is Bert Munn, Leaving For Trip Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laney will leave today for points in North Carolina and South Carolina where they will visit with relatives and friends for the next three weeks. .- k Heartburn? Belching? Try Rexall - BISMA-REX For quick relief from acid-indigestion. MATES, (75 tablets) 89C Buzzett's Drug Store ^*s * s+ a *S S *** assg 'OOLE m Hospitair Call who has been municipal Hospital, d to her home on F-- HAMBURGERS 20c HOT DOGS 15c Good Regular Dinners Butler's Cafe Next to Suwanee Store BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:30 P.M. FIRST SHOW STARTS 8:00 P.M. tiii!.i llI !!I;i !l ; ; !ll]ll" *11 i l niioni i n onl mli llII I iIiiii i i ium l nl FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIAL SALE AT DALEY nwall and on ;ti Mediterranean! ARNERT LO BREVON'S. ROBERT LOUiS STEVENSON'S SUNDAY ONLY &W.D.. ExcitinglyDifferent tfFEATURE-LENGTH TRUE-LIFE ADVENTURE! pria by kCHNICOLOR MW ond:y, T uBiN AND Me s'day Monday & Tuesday RROL FLYNN l.T RICE CAMiPBELL.WYVONNE FURNEAUX ROGER LIVESEY-ANTHONY STEEl, l~i MEADOW r0dLO MLOfOO WILLIAM KEIONLE eat a ea e** a>*.e. 17 I Wednesday & Thursday and Introducing ROBERT FRANCIS MAY WYNN Screen Play by STANLEY ROBERTS Based upon the Pulitzef prli winning novel by HERMAN WOUK, Pirected by FDWARD DMIYTT tvflflflflwwvwvvwwwwvwwvwwnt~~~~ aA A A AA&AA A AA.AAAkA THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAY 1:00 P.M. S 016il **Oa0e*- a ses0a aseat-aa0a a* ted0 THURSDAY FRIDAY TONY CURTIS and ANN MILLER "THE PURPLE MASK" "PART TIME PAL" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE -- FEATURE No. 1 - - FEATURE No. 2 -- "- Thursday, Friday u' and Saturday CaplHete/Furns is... 1 PHONE BAII 7-3151 ,FIUR "F CO. Port St. Joe. Floridrl I DEALERS NAME & ADDRESS I Please send me the ALL-TIMER Nationally advertised 61 Piece Complete Socket | Wrench Set at your sale price of $29.95. I enclose $1.00 and will pay the balance $1.00 a week. PRINT Name I PRINT Address City Zone__ State |Telephone No. ------Apt. No.- TApt.0 I- Na. [ IF 9. 4w cm- , mpg.uus100,u~ CHAPTER 8 of SERIAL "ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN KID" "Man On A Flying Trapeze" *.'t ..... .--*t .* ..*4 SUNDAY, MONDAY and TUESDAY /,. 1 z3 ? ,/,i Y ] Color by TECm'LWOR ES PARKER OISTUUtUD '- CYr .: ESEN "Arizona Sheep Dog" .-4e-0 *#v s s* ee* *0*$ WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY mPen TECHNICOLOR . JOEL . McCREA VERA MILES '. "HOW TO RELAX" - p -rtnaA~tsnI. - ~C.' ~ .AuC C~~nts~A~slfl-n PAGE TvW I -- _ ~Ib~ tHURSDAY, AUOQU~b A 1966 NTY, FLORIDA . -.. "Ww, 1 1%01 I% THRDY.AGST1.195r-l rRPR S.JE.GL CUT. LRDAPG TFE EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY .VES AT PIGLY WIGGLY S EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY IM EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGi: I'--ekmes ---mL cfff~im FHj wB*M ^?^^^^^ ^^UMW ON'' ' I 'rrt ~4~I 7qmr lop- '100% Pure Ground BEEF 4 lbs $1.00 IS0ET ST Budget Stretcher 4 Lbs. $1.00 BRISKE STEW 1.0 Budget Stretcher Lb. Su nc;and Finst e1E -1 FLORIDA GRADE "A" CLUB or SIRLOIN S T SHAMROCK Half Gallon lce ream LUZIANNE Big Tumbler Free TEH 2 ROUND BOXES STERLING SALT PARKEN CAN LIMEARE S 25c Open Wednesday Afternoons for your Convenience CELE Y, Jumbo Pkg. 29c FRESH 2 LBS. 25c SW' 0 U' i ' PACKAGE POUND Ib. Fresh LEMONS DOZE 2N Fancy TOMATOES POUND Fresh SQUASH 2Lbs. 25 Florida Grade "A" DOZEN GOS 4P9c MARIGOLD POUND Oleomargarine 19c SUMMER ISLE Sliced No. 2 Can . e.appie ARMOUR'S 3 TALL CANS MILK LARGE BAG rushed l oe. Z5c LU LU 0 I- W3 LU 0n WITH $5.00 ORDER or MORE Shop and Save at PIGGLY WIGGLY Fresh LE Egg'Plant 19| *1 .. ~F ,- 0 ' I- 0 , : - Fresh PEACHES GRAPES W Ei-:i .. ,, Available at all 7 -37c Visit ur Produce ept. --Farm Fresh Everyone's buzzin over the S & H STAMP PLAN. PIGGLY WIGGLY is buzzin over the ^ interest and enthusiasm that both employees and the customers are receiving the plan with. The Employees are buzzin because everyone is a winner in the S & H PROGRAM. Employees and customers participate alike. They are really proud of the employee customer rela- tions that the S & H PROGRAM fosters. The customers are buzzin because they know they have a sure winner. They also are well aware mt of the fact that the S & H PROGRAM offers 4, superior gifts for less books o stamps. All this in addition to the very best of foods at f i " the very lowest cost. AA.~ NABISCO VANILLA WAFERS 120z.Pkg. 330 A1~fM AT~k~ V S3I1S QO~AAJAOW ~A7)M A~)d .IVS3AV5 AAlS-d)A A1 A'I fl:).td VI S3AVS ,AGOCTIA" A> r~dBI 5 POUND BAG THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 I PAGE TH~FktE rHF6 ARFIR', S. OEGUF CLNYFLORIDA x I I I I c(i9 FIELD PEAS (O"HUCK R6AST AWMIlk AAL Z&AC 4% Amu. 9c 49c URE C GAR 60 ANE SU Of MOMbw A II il T E TA ,P TI JI II ION ,FO IIHI A I 18I 1955 fic duty of budgeting and spending inoculations, processing many cases county funds, which are collected 'of communicable diseases and giv- Minutes of The T H E ST A R from the State and the taxpayers, ing aid to those patients affected, the people expect them to use and giving hookworm treatments. COUNTY COMMISSION Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. sound judgment in spending these The latte ris always prevalent and _ Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company funds for the best possible return, is a constant threat to good health, WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher These men have wisel chosen to when it goes untreated. WEWAHITCHKA, FLORIDA Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, support the health program by call- The scope of work done by the The Board of County Commis- i reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper ling for this referendum. They have County Health Department is far sioners of Gulf County, Florida, met Entered as second-class matter, December 19, 1987, at the also wisely chosen to budget beyond the vision of the casual ob- this date in regular session with poe,.office, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. amounts which they feel they can server. It strives to protect the the following. Coop members present /SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE be met without overstraining county L.Ealth of everyone from pre-natal C. Harden, Sr., T. D. Whitfield, ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 revenue. These men will also be to old age. Therefore, if this bill Parker G. Hart and J. C. Price. The THREE MONTHS $127.15 able to control the method of spend- is not approved by the voters now, Clerk and Attorney Gaskin were DIAL BAll 7-3161 ing the funds which they have bud- it will undoubtedly be many years also present. geted for these buildings. What bet- before Port iSt. Joe and Gulf County The Chairman announced that TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- ted ort e b in a b oe P S an Go I this meeting is called for the pur- tisements, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for ter and more effective way can as a whole will have such an oppor- pose of considering the amount of damages further than amount received for such advertisement county funds be spent? More people tunity again. The citizens can not money this Board desires to put will be benefitted in some way by afford to be shortsighted or sel- into the Construction of two Health The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word Centers, providing the referendum is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; this facility than in any other way, fish, remembering that we are not passes on Senate Bill 1334, Laws the printed word thoroughly novices. The spoken wrd or through any other media. Dr. building our community and its of Florida, Acts of 1955. lost the printed word rema Weathington, the health officer for people for today but for tomorrow. The meeting came to order at Gulf County has said that the ap- -- 7 o'clock P.M. propriation, which has been set by I The meeting was opened for dis- omiione, hh has teery mbn Mrs. Forehand Hostess ,cussion with reference to the the Commisisoners is the very min- Mrs. Forehand Hostess Health Centers and the cost of the great need which exists, he has imum for county needs. He also To Highland View WSCS constructing same. Those taking LETTERS TO only to visit the present building, said that there is no reason at all -part in the discussion were: Hon. located at 224 Sixth Street, and hB Thomas McDaniel, Mayor of the THE EDITOR located at 224 Sixth Street, and he to feel that any additional millage The meeting of the Highland City of W ewahitchka, Alvin Mc- of the TE EDITOR should be convinced. This building will be required to operate the new View Woman's rSociety of Christian Glen and Ross [Stripling, 'Members is sadly lacking in even the essen- buildings, and that he believes that Service met at the home of Mrs. of the City Commission of the City tial elements, such as toilets and it can be operated quite economic- W. C. Forehand on Monday, August of Wewahitchka. Dr. W. T. Weath- August 16, 1955 adequate waiting room facilities. ally at pm. eek ington, Director of the Gulf County Subject: County Health Department By contrast, he should then visit he citizen of Port St. Joe who called the meeting to order and health Department and all mem- On Tuesday, August 30 a bill of the centers located in Marianna have been around awhile will recall gave the devotional. After lengthy discussion it was vital importance to the growth and (now under construction), Bonifay, .hat our municipal hospital was Mrs. A B Pratt read the scrip- agreed that Gulf County will expend welfare of Gulf County will be and Crawfordville, all of which built with Federal funds combined ture taken from St. Luke 19:41-42 Cnt$48,000.00 on the two Health brought before the voters of Gulf have been financed through the with Federal funds combined ture taken from St. Luke 19:41-42 Centers.called for a dis County who will decide its fate. application .of the HilBurton Act, with private contributions from lo- followed with reading of "The Story The Chairman called for a dis- The passage of the bill would mts fate. appich atios an act of the Hilongress of cal people, all who worked very of A Painting". cushion on the proposed Sanitary The passage of the bill would mean which is an act of the Congress of hi rean wa f w wit Land Fill program under the Mos- the realization of the hopes and The United States giving aid to hard to provide the hospital which This reading was followed with quito Control Program and told the dreams.of more people in Port St. the various States in their programs has served this territory very well. prayer for spiritual guidance and Board that the City of Port St. Joe Joe as well as Gulf County as a for expanding health facilities. Everything considered, we are well world peace. The minutes were has agreed to participate in a Coun- whole, thans one could hardCounty for expanding health facy, as satisfied with the hospital and it is read and the business transacted, ty-Wide Sanitary Land Fill pro- whole, than one could hardly ima- n the case of Gulf County, as agreedin sections that it has after which communications were grain and that a resolution will be -gine. is the case with the other localities filled a vital need. Without the hos- read from the secretary inviting St. Joe with reference to same. Having struggled down through mentioned above, the Federal Gov- pital, we shudder to think what our the officers and members to attend The Mayor of Wewahitchka indi- gainst tremendous han- ernment will no doubt have certain local situation would have been the seminar at Chipley. The meet- cated that the City of Wewahitchka dicaps' nd disappointment,-4ving stipulations or rules about the con- during the intervening years. There ing closed and refreshments were will also participate in said pro- . ... .ri7gram.'Comm. 'Hart suggested that ,Lo keepace with a rapidly growing riotion features of such build- is every reason for people who have served to six members. oametmm. T arbesueed uth population, located in an area which ings, but there is no foundation faith to believe that a modern, this Board received a formal reso- requi-es the maximum of effort to whatever for any fears as to how well equipped County Health Cen- lution from the City of Wewahitch- provide a good, sound health pro- the 'State and County will operate ter can meet a need for disease. '.. ka and the City of Port St. Joe. gram, the Gulf County Health De-' them, without Federal interference! 7ft The Board directed the Clerk to gram, the Gulf County Health De- them, without Federal interference! prevention that is just as important make up the ballot for the -Special apartment is looking to the people Such buildings will be erected with as that of cure. The Department referendum election to be held Au- and depending upon good logic and matching Federa funds, already does not conflict n any way with gust 30, 1955 and have the Gulf sound, sympathetic understanding earmarked for that specific pur- private practice in 'Port St. Joe. In ~ County Breeze print the ballots. to help put this thing across. They pose, from taxes which ar already fact, it supports and co-operates "' toc e e e ingt d are supported by a rather large being paid by the Amercian people. with the doctors here. Many times .. then adjourn. group of local citizens known as No additional taxes will be levied the County Health Department is ATTEST: the Gulf County Health Council, as for it. If Gulf county accepts that called upon by the doctors and clin- GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Cierk Y. CChairmanore George Cooper well as the County Commissioners which is rightfully hers and which ics, as well as the hospital, to do airman and others. The Council has labored can be considered paid for, it is a do not generally do. Notable ex- side by side with the County Health 'wise step indeed. If she rejects it, Department and our State and she is paying for it just the same. specific jobs which they, themselves .. .... .. .. ........ . County legislators to set up this' Since the Gulf County commis- amples are certain cases of pre- program. If the voter does not- see sioners are charged with the speci- tatal care, public vaccination, mass "Port St. Joe's Newest Store For Values"., 7 '^~~~ 11,1 1-8-SL ,^*y HALLMARK'S has one thing in mind with their business and that is to give the customer the service they long for with values and the prices they have been looking for. We ask you to look our store ind satisfy yourself on these points. re receiving new merchandise every day and are listing a few .values you will find with us- We hopeto haveur entire stock ,w merchandise on display in a few more days, but we invite you miin see just what values you can expect. Dan River Quality DRESSES DRESSES All New for back to school Sub-Teen Sizes Sizes 10 to 14 All sizes from 5 to 14 $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 $4.98 $5.98 In latest Fall Styles COMPLETE NEW STOCK OF ALL SKIRTS AND BLOUSES CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, Sizes 3 to 12 $1.98 $3.98 "Land and Sea" BLOUSES, 3 to 14 .-- $1.79 $1.98 -WEHAVE A SPECIAL ON BOY'S DRESS PAN' Sizes 8 to 13 $3.77 Values up to $5.95 JUST ARRIVED SKIRT LENGTH MATERIAL - Special ITS Over size 29 -- $3.99 Values $6.95 to $7.95 REGULAR $1.69 -- $1.00 Here you can choose from many latest patterns the skirt you would like to have Low Overhead Enables Us To Sell For Less Washington SEE SAW by WIN .PENDLETON 'SIT 'STILL, PROFESSOR Re- member Professor Bartley? He's the fellow who was on leave from the University of 'Florida to study the ways of the Congressmen. His year was up two months ago and WORZ T-V, ORLANDO You can chalk up a big point for the owners of WORZ in Orlando in their fight for channel nine. The Federal Communications examiner has re- ported in their favor, in his initial examination. However, ths is a preliminary step, and doesn't en- tirely rule out the chances' of the Mid-Florida T-V Corporation. But, round one goes to WORZ. MORE ON AIRLINE Accord- ing to Senator George iSmathers, he returned to the University, rea- his efforts to obtain approval for dy to teach this semester. But, may- an airline route from Panama City be he learned too well, because he to Atlanta should be fruitful within hardly reached Gainesville when he the next three or four months. Ross was "called back" fo ra special job. Rizley, chairman of the Civil Aero- The prestige was so great that the nautics Board, has given priority- Univeristy let him have more leave to the Panama City petition for this -he accepted the new assignment, service. Expansion plans to the All the way to Alaska, as a special tune of nearly half a million dol- legislative consultant to the Alas- lars in improvements to Fannin ka !Statehood 'Committee. He writes Airport are underway, in anticipa- an exciting letter. His work in that tion that the service will be grant- fabulous wilderness sounds unbe- ed. Three lines are reported trying lievable, but he adds a note that he for the line: Eastern, National and hopes to be back in Florida before Southern Airways. winter sets in. (Continued on page 5) A '_* Aijmu 4 C0Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" * 1 New Gulf No.Nox Gasoline delivers not just the highest octane but full working octane p because it's super-refined to burn clean I NO GASOLINE, no matter how high the octane, will let your engine deliver full power performance- mile after mile-unless itburns clean. That's why it pays to always use * more complete engine protection * extra gas mileage in short-trip, stop-and-go driving * freedom from vapor-lock and ea- See what a difference Gulf super-refining makes, new NO-NOX. Gulf NO-NOX is the gine stalling Gulf takes out the "dirty-burning tail-end" of clean-burning fuel that gives you no knock, no pre-Ig gasoline-at the refinery-to bring you new clean- full working octane day in, day out. today's high-comp burning Gulf NO-NOX. In addition, you get... -m --- --m ----m -m ---m-- -mm mmmm-mmmm | Now I For the ultimate in working octane performance, always use Gulf's I super-refined gas-oil team...New Gulf NoNox Gasoline and :GO- New Gulfpride H.D. Select Motor Oil The only motor oil super-refined Assures lower oil consumption I \ by the Alchlor Process for mod- Provides the toughest protec- | \ ern high-compression engines. tive film ever developed in a o Controls carbon motor oil Combats corrosive acids, rust Available in 3 grades-SAE and deposits 10W, SAE 20/20W, SAE 30. L I~- II lnII lIIIIII IIII-.m IIm-mmn IW I Wditon-even in pression engines C. R. WITHERSPOON, Distributor, Gulf Oil Products, Franklin, Gulf and Wakulla Counties PAGE FOUR IL - THE STAR, POjRT *,. Jvbj %au~r L;QUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1966 C Q THURSDAY,~~II~Y~ AUUS 18,3 1955_- rH -rR POR ST. OGUFC .LRDAAETHEE EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY . VVES AT PtGCLY WIGGLY s EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY JMMW EVERYBODY SAVES AT P GGLY WIGGL-j1 ekoes~_-_ ______ " AM Ak ANSALM AOC^ -AWS^'SE9S~s3" n ,G,- I (,A 100% Pure Ground BEEF Budget Stretcher -4 Lbs. $1.00 Budget Stretcher Lb. Sullnw-fland Fine'st ~IE~ FLORIDA GRADE "A" CLUB or SIRLOIN SHAMROCK Half Gallon Ice Cream LUZIANNE Big Tumbler Free TEA 2 ROUND BOXES STERLING SALT .10 PARKEN CAN LIME ABE 1-I 0 c- CA 0 LI 9L 0U 0n 1 c PACKAGE POUND Ib. Florida Grade "A" DOZEN E9 GS MARIGOLD POUND 55 oleomargarinee 19c SUMMER ISLE Sliced No. 2 Can '" a pple z25C ARMOUR'S 3 TALL CANS MILK Z5c L4-7~i A -vailable at all 1 Visit Our Produce ep . Everyone's buzzin over the S & H STAMP PLAN. interest and enthusiasm that both employees and the customers are receiving the plan with. and customers participate alike. They are really proud of the employee customer rela- tions that the S & H PROGRAM fosters. The customers are buzzin because they know they have a sure winner. They also are well aware of the fact that the S & H PROGRAM offers superior gifts for less books o stamps. All this in addition to the very best of foods at the very lowest cost. I---L 5 POUND BAG NABISCO VANILLA tvAFERS CELERY, Jumbo Pke. FRESH 2 LBS. FIE LD PEAS 25c Fresh LEMONS DOZEN 2c WITH $5.00 ORDER or MORE Shop end Save at PIGGLY WIGGLY 12 Oz. Pkg. 330 A1701M A1flc IV LY SAVS A7 A1.)1M A1E3$Dd IV S3 AVS &GOSgA*3A Aji M A *)Cd IV3AVS AGUo8A3";:' A 9 071)IM AI700d 117 53AVAdO Open Wednesday Afternoons for your Convenience 29c tw 0 CA 'I) -4 -o 0 0 Fancy TOMATOES roND 1 2 bs. 2 LARGE BAG Crunhed Ice Fresh EggPlant 1 -o ? .. ,;* Fresh PEACHES GRAPES LB. 9c -B .| --Farm Fresh The Employees are buzzin because everyone is a winner in the S & H PROGRAM. PIGGLY WIGGLY is buzzin over the Employees ;\ ,. < -o 0 -"I PAGE THREE THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 FHE i FAR, POR-l' ST. JOV, CULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I ...am c, BRISKET STEW C H U C K AST 29c 39c .49c 49c ul~~ Fresh SQUASH 49c~ PLU-Mt. Ste PURE CA.NE SUG,,,, R THURSDAYY; AUGUST 18, 1955 THE STAR, PORIf fi. JOE. GPtLF COUNTY. FLORIDA PAGE - Mary Riley, Betty Deese, Patricia children spent Sunday in Bonifay Mrs. Herman iStripling spent Washington See-Saw I Guests of Munns Guest From Geo SHanlon, Barbara Young. Jenny Nor- visiting with MIr. and Mrs. Sanford Friday in Vernon visiting with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Horn Miss Kay Carter o NEWS FROM is, Lloyd Deese, Dot Dormany. Goodwin. and Mrs. Richard Lewis. I (Continued From Page 4) and children, Bobby and Sandra Ca., is the house guest o01 OAK GROVE Jack Levins, Diana, Olivia and Mrs. Sanford Goodwin of Bonifay Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hall and PILGRIM'S PROGRESS One Ann were guests of Mr. and Mrs. and uncle, Mr and Mr.- ,1r SV-ankie Gwaltney, Marlyn and Bud- spent the week visiting with Mr. daughter, Cindy of Marianna spent of the first of the Florida colony Bert Munn at Laguna Beach last Joines and childr-.n By HELEN NORRIS dy Knight, Peggy Haskins, Juanita and Mrs. Tom Levins. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland to head south after the Congress week. ___ Norris, Carol Burns, Peggy Jo David and Tommy Riley. Jimmy Hall. adjourned was Ralph Davis, able ..__.. Young, Melba Jo Brooks, Betty Kay Norris, Joyce and Jerry Hayes, Mrs. Earl Fussell and sons of administrative assistant to Senator rh,is on your printing Is a sign of quality. Star Want A]s Get P rIt Honored With Party Jean Brooks., Betty Jo Smith, Toby p atricia McFarland, Lloyd, Herbert Pensacola spent the week end vis- Spessard Holland. Mr. and Mrs. ... . A birthday party was held Friday Dvkes Gail Anderson, Joe Porter, and Son Gardner, and George and iting with her parents, Mr. and Davis took a vagabond type holiday afternoon at 2:30 in the honor of James Brooks, Marlene Hudson Pobby Neel returned home Satur- Mrs. W. H. Lindsey. on the East Coast near Jensen M l t Joe Levins at his home on Maddox and the honoree Joe Levins. Mrs. day after spending a week in Pan- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson Beach before Ralph headed for i.g tj L t a - Street. Several games were played and the Gay assisted in servings amr a City attending the Youth and children .Shelia and Darrell of Camp McClellan, Ala., where he is .2 then refreshments of cake and ice Minnie Gay assisted in serving. Camp. Winter Haven spent Saturday vis- now serving as a Mapor with the MILLIONS OF parts, thousands of tons of delicate and complicated- cream were served to the following: Mr. and Mrs. Tom Levins and jMr. and Mrs. Earl Burrows spent iting with Mr. and Mrs. Buford Georgia-Florida National Guard. In machinery, 11,570,000 square feet of area and upwards of 45,000* Thursday visiting with the latter's Griffin. two weeks, he will show up in Bar- people on the job! That's what Lockheed Aircraft Corporation ------- ......... -- Thursday visiting with the latter's in uses in producing aircraft ranging from bulged-top radar planes Parentss. Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. C. Deese is spending the week tow, where he will man the Sena- for military, below, to domestic airliners. SI-anlon. in Panama City visiting with Mr. tor's office until the first of No- .o-. m yn-- :y ........"---c ---'" Mrs. Geine Ernest of Panama and Mrs. Edgar Deese. vember-then he will trade places X'A ; M....- City spent several days visiting Mrs. Pete Callahan and children here with Jimmie Golden, who will Ik - with her mother, Mrs. Minnie Gay. Linda and Kenneth spent a week stay in Florida until Congress re- 14 . Lloyd Deese, son of Mr. and Mrs. in Florala, Alabama and Westville convenes. the week visiting with his grand- i Sgt. and Mrs. Jack Goodman and week when Congressman Dante parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deese. 'daughter, Debbie of Camp Rucker, Pascell was eating breakfast in the .i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maddox spent I Ala., spent iSaturday visiting with House cafeteria, he was bemoaning the week end in Panama City vis- Mr. and Mr.s. Tom Levins. the fact that his work was keeping citing with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brad- Mr. and Mrs. tBill Graves and him in Washington. "It looks like ley. daughters, Debbie and Linda left I'll be here for two more days," he The way to lanild a Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deese and Tuesday morning for Buffalo, New said. "I wish I could get on to Mi- " bank account! It's eas children of Panama City spent the '!ork, where they will spend several ami." We asked why so anxious. . and fun with this Cal- A e k end visiting with Mr. and weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. "I'm in a hurry to get home so I . endar-bank. irs. Carl Deese. Howard Graves. Then they will re- can start campaigning." "Campaign- Deposit a nickel, dime Mr. and Mrs. Allen Norris and turn to Savannah, Ga., where he ing?" we asked, "who in the world IN ; LLING ectrit or quarter in theright ~ children ly, Judy, Jenny and will be stationed.are you running against?" "I'm run- f :1, .i hand slot and- your.wl,.of cl nsor.M Lenny and Mrs. Hansel Norris and Mrs. Dewey Gay of Newburgh, ning," Dante said "against an ima- ftow, ,r, r ", ers Calendar-bank shows ,I -A,_?,-1., -. . Cathe da- reminding s h 1 .oA ', daughters Helen and Juanita spent New York is spending several ginary fellow about six feet two- n e yout keep yourf s several days in Winter Haven vis- weeks visiting with Mrs. Connie inches tall, with the speaking voice : " yoings up to datkeep your s iin with Mr. and Mrs. Buster Gay and Mrs. Tony Weeks. of William Jennings Bryan, the wis- quarer in thelefthand -a Fn and Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brooks and dom of Demosthenes, the political uat n them n Lt. Col. and Mrs. Dewey Cooper children spent a week in Belle Glade appeal of Senator 'Smathers and the ' and there's an extra ---- and children, David, Janice and and in Miami visiting with friends dignity of Senator Holland." slot for "extra say- Diana of Savannah, Ga., Mr. and and relatives. HOLD THOSE REPUBLICANS ings". By the end of Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. Douglas More than 1200 Democrats are one year, 25 a day Brooks and son, Stephen of Chatta- Move To Texas expected to gather for a free feed will total $94.25! In Gleaming ivory plastic, chrome Back, Lock and nooga, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy smith have i honor of Congressman Paul Ro- Key which you keep yourself. You need not have or open an account Riley and Maureen Presley of Mil- left for Wichita Falls, Texas to gers tonight in Fort Lauderdale. to get one we offer them as a service to encourage Thriftton, were the house guests of Rev. reside. Mr. Smith, who is in the With that sort of a beginning, Paul and MrFs. Lloyd Riley. Air Force, will be stationed there. to stump his district (11 SoU ,, 4edeta ~ $ .25 Eveline Crutchfield and Linda Mrs. Smith will be remembered as counties) for the next four and a AT PRAWLING Cali,:cna d,- 44 a4 d# gCrider of Bonifay spent the week Miss Barbara Bond. half months, speaking, shaking .n I-,ritir, _tird. brk- end visiting wie h Mr. and Mrs. H. P hands and cementing friendships. such hs :'.' |,, t- sit.,- D. Levins. Visiting In Mobile, Ala. Florida's Republican leaders have as t, t.-il-tlhid. 1-_.: pr,- See how your cash outla oes down SMiss Carol Young, daughter of their eyes on his job and probably liantrt r das Mr. and Mrs. B. W. EellspaJr., glefts u N r. and E. B. Young left Sun- will go all out to unseat him. But, day for Texas City, Texas where Monday for a weeks' visit with rel- with the record he has run upLo.k ii-i-- components of aircraft. International trucks, ihodo 502 Fifth St. Dil A I 7-11 she will stay several weeks visiting ative in Mobile Congress this session, h oirtally ar tie re f-'ornia factories to.,ether . 20 idStet Beiegwith friends and relatives. It Pays To Adv ertise- Trya a i his fWar See howourcash outlay goes downPhone day 791 componentsofaircraft.IWe Repair Any tModer nl OUTBOA, - You Are Cont iai ly tvie c...n- ge d ,n Avenue Ba .p.ist Ch . -ornia factos oe Mh er.s .- SUN2 Street Besie P am . S BAPTIST TRAINING UNION 6:15 p.m. SPRho YER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:d.m ^ I^" '' '^ :-^ .. WMeeting In The High School Auditorium CLOSEY. .wi ,'- .' VISITORS ALW AYS W ELCOMEul:a - Mercury offers you beauty You get a top allowance for Easy terms. We tailor them and power you can afford. You'll your present car. Mercury's to fit your personal budget (as The Jack and Jill Kindergarten wi hold find that prices for the Mercury record-breaking sales let us give low as $11.51 per week). If you ehicles-the y are an extension of asset 26 between 10 rodu Custom 2-door start below 13 you a far better deal than we can afford any new car you can nd 11 O'clock in t tr models in the low-price field.* have ever offered before afford a big, new Mercury tenby Constellation's nose, virtually tie t 520 8th Street. *e comparison of manufacturers'suggested lis or factory reil prices. 4 dfornia factories toetherS of ar el. "You"Ar"e" IordialWAyS JWE"LCOM', "" "'" -+"': N"L ngAv2n Th uee Hih SBchol APis togr gible and tuition will remain the same as Ist IT PAYS TO OWN A t f, IE D I FOR FUTURE STYLING, SUPER POWER year. .I I.t n.1 !f you are unable t, attend,,we urge you Sto pho'e in and register your child to assure his name being placed on the roll. ST. OE MOTOR COMPANY MRS. E. R. DuBOSE Port St. Joe, Florida Corner Fourth Street and Highway 98 DIAL BAII 7-3737 PJP~ A1,I HOIKE U -'_ ^\ TIR41RSbAY, AUGUST 18, 1955 -------- -a cordial inv. nation to everyone. NEWS FROM. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Telavins and W R daughters, of Bonifay spent the ighand 'View week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. SChestnut. By MARTHA RAY A st,-.k shower was given in hon- _' |or of Mrs. June McArdle. Hostesses Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gross of Pan-'ere Mrs. Carlos Miles, H. C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Gross of Pan- a W. an t h m o ama City were dinner guests of and W. Branner, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Parker Sunday' e c es Billy Gay Crutchfield of Cypress of cake, e cream, and coke were is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. B. serve. Prizes were won by s. If. C. Jones and Troy Douglas. Hanna. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hellings of Parks Air Force Base, California is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. B. Cannington. Mrs. Bill Marlow and father, Dave Gaskin of Panama City are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bud William- son. Gene Cannington and Miss Betty Jean Nelson of Havana are visit- ing his mother, Mrs. J. B. Canning- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Von Peterson and Miss Wavin Peterson of Samson, Ala., are visiting with their bro- ther and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. PAG^ SEVEN -hower, Friday afternoon, given by liss- Mary Cox and assisted in serv- ing by Misses Melba Butts ind I Raiinza Cox. Those enjoying the af- fair were Misses Mavis and Betty 'utts. Eric-ne and Ruby Whitting- ron, Sandra Adams and Mrs. Mar- tha Blakeney. Misses Mary Cox and Gloria AMae Gainous are attending a Bible! Memory Association Camp at Eden, i Ala.,, for a few days. Miss Margaret Haddock of Ver- I Those attending were: M.irs. Bud non is spending a few days with Williamson, H. J. Foster, H. C. Miss Martha Ray. Jones, Fred McIntosh, Jim Godwin, George Ramsey, Joel Clark, M. L. Cooper, J. V. Cannington, M. E. Johnson, Troy Douglas, B. Glass, Carlos .Miles, W. T. Branner and Mrs. James D. McCardle. Those sending gifts were: Mrs. Martha Blakney, Easter Petis, Grover. Clark. and Mrs. f(eradine White. Mr. and Mrs. Tora-i Kelly and sons visited with friends and rela- tives in Bonifay and Vernon. Gene Adkins and Miss Martha Ray visited with relatives and friends in Cypress and Fort White. C. Peterson. I Mrs. H. B.. Williams and daugh- Miss Shirley Stewart of Colum- tears, Linda Lou, Lenore Sue and bus, Ga., was a week end guest of Mary of Fort White are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orrell. with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A revival will begin at the As- H. Kelly. sembly of God Church August 16 -Mr. and Mrs. Connie Pettis visited through 21 at 8:00 p.m. Rev. J. M. friends and relatives in Panama Graham, pastor of the Birming- City. ham, Ala., Assembly of God Church, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chestnut vis- will be the evangelist. They extend ited their son and family, estr. and IT'S WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EXPERT Electrical Repairs and Contracting DIAL BA 7-4331 Mrs. Bill Chestnut. Miss Gloria Mae Gainous was honored with a "Going to Camp" COMFORTER Foerd 0Home 601 Long Avem Oxygen Equipped Ambulance A revival will begin at the High- land View Methodist Church Sun- day, August 21,. and will continue through Friday night, August 26. Rev. Otis Guy, pastor of Grace Me- thodist Church, Marianna, will be the evangelist. Services will be held at 7:00 o'clock each morning. Youth Service each evening at 7:30 and evening services at 8:00. Mr. A. B. Pratt will direct the congregational singing and choir specials. Rev. Douglas Newsome, pastor, will serve as pianist. Great features of the revival will include instrumen- tal solos and duets, vocal solos, great gospel singing, and choir specials. The entire membership of the church extends a cordial invitation to everyone. An all-night prayer service will be held at the Highland View Me- thodist Church, Saturday night, August 20, beginning at 8:00. The church will be lighted all night for the convenience of anyone who would like to stop, meditate, and pray in the quietness and worship- ful atmosphere of the church. ,Someone will be in charge of the service at each hour of the night. A prayer chain will start at 8:00 p.m. and will continue until 6:00 a.m. The pastor, Rev. Douglas Newsome, encourages everyone to use this opportunity of special prayer for their coming ; revival. Spend Sunday in Chipley Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hunt, spent Sunday in Chipley wi!h Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 'Hunt and family. C-) CD CIO CD C), CD CA, .4 0 a a cn CD C) CD Week End Guests Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Laney had as their guests for the weke end, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Yelverton and son Jerry of Birmingham and Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hightower and children, Sharron, David and Tommy of Pensacola. C> -am A Return, From Camp Misses Martha :Costin, Sandra Mercer, Betty Jean Merce and Di- ane Gilbert have returned from a weeks stay at Camp Timtoochee, 44H Club near Niceville. Diane and Sandra won scholarships for mak- ing the most outstanding decora- tion for a table. Guest of Munn's r B. H. Munn, Sr., of De Funiak Springs is the guest of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. 'Munn, Jr., on Hunter Circle. There will be a Parent-Teacher Get Together Friday, August 26, from 8:00 til 9:00 p.m., in the main building of the Elementary Schools on Long Avenue. Mrs. Marvin Land, Chairman of the Parent-Teacher Get-Together. extends an invitation to all parents and teachers of chil- dren in the Elementary School to attend and get acquainted at the beginning of the school year. Fully Automatic yet PRICED with the 4 6lfr l Spend Week End Here Miss Betty Otto Anderson and her guest spent Wednesday and Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Anderson. To Return From Camp Betty Ward, Ann Miller and Di- ane Lay are expected to return to- day from a month's camp period in northern Georgia. SSummer Heat Sop Your F-', :,? TAKE REXA. . SUPER Pi. "e .; , Multi-vitamir tayeats 36-day 2 f '.'"" supply I N SBuzzett's Drug Store ONLY PACKED WITH HIGH- PRICED FEATURES I Live-Water Washing loat-over Rinsing Rapidry Spin 0 Porcelain finish on I Top, Lid and Tub tt/TWOW!. ROCHE'S Appliance Store Phone 7-5271 .. ... . WITH LEON FEDERAL, West FPorida' Friendly Savings Aw4 Lom zAswocl~t"o MINM *CONVENIENT oPROFITABLE *SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVic Fla. u t Are You A Chiropractic Case? No matter what your ailment is called .. No matter how long you have suffered or what your condition may be now! Find out if yours is a case for modern Chiropractic as it is practiced today. Dr. H. E. BARTEE PHONE 7-3341 Great Features back up Chevrolet Performance: Body by Fisher -Ball-Race Steering--Outrigger Rear Springs--Anti-Dive Braking -12-Volt Electrical System-Nine Engine-Drive Choices. The new Chevrolet has proved itself all K-I-N-G in today's toughest driving competition! Starting at the Daytona Beach NASCAR*-sponsored trials last winter, the new Chevrolet swept aside all competition in its class in acceleration tests. And since then what's happened: The latest figures on hand show that so far Chevrolet has piled up a total of 196 points to lead in NASCAR Short Track Standings by 99 points. Second place is held by a medium-priced car. And Chevrolet's America's hottest performer because nearest price competitors are running fifth and seventh! it's got America's most modern V81 Come on in and try America's real, honest-Injun GO-car of the year! *National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Drive with care EVERYWHERE! ~L~I Corner 4th and Williams PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I I have opened my office for the prrcice of law here in Port St. Joe. For the time being my offices will be located in the Tomlinson Abstract Company building at 321 Monument Avenue. SWctch for the announcement of our move to r ew offices now under construction. ERNEST C. WIMBERLY DIAL 7-5261 S I QUALITY .gfoW THE STAR Your Home Town Paper Frigidaire TIrit SAVE Washer NOW PHONE 7-2221 ^ Li 'B--~-----psi --~ TfF- STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF c6L'Nl Y. FLomrjA "-" WPI THF. WILD FROABEIER li"AS A NEW KING! N8flGE FAUK RM- THURSPAYr AUQUT 1 $ 1064. Safe... at home! Buzzett's Drug Store Dial BA 7-3371 CLASSIFIED ADS 'OR SALE FOR SALE: 3 cottages, all furnish- ed; waterfront corner lot and one adjacent rear lot, unimproved. All at Beacon. Hill. Contact Silas R. Stone, 321 Reid Ave. tfc-6-16 FOR SALE: 12 hp. powermatic Wi- zard motor; 14-ft. panacraft boat; factory built trailer. $350.00. Call at Western Auto Asosciate Store. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED: Experienced meat cutter. Steady work. Apply Piggly Wiggly Super Market. FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished bedrooms and apartments. David's Motel, 202 Monument Ave., Phone 9-9161. FOR RENT: Furnished apartment. 228 Eighth Street. FOR RENT: 4-room unfurnished apartment. 522 Third St. Phone 7-9411. 2tp FOR RENT:- Furnished apartment. Redecorated. New ice box and stove. See Mrs. Farmer, end of Sec- ond Ave., Oak Grove. ltc SPECIAL SERVICES KENNEDY'S ELECTRIC and RE- FRIGERATION SERVICE. Li- censed electrical contractor. All kinds electric and refrigeration service and installation. Phone STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters for your used furniture and ap pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone 291. WE BUY AND. SELL. tfc. Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH WESTERN AUTO Bicycle Repairing All Makes Reel Parts and Repairs LODGE NOTICES WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- ing first and third Monday nights 800 p.m., American Legion Home MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; slittingg brothers welcome. W. L. Jordan, W. M.; R. H. Trawick, secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tA . Meeting night ev6- [ ery other Monday. V /)j Meetings at Moose d '. Hall, 310 Fourth St. R" SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs. days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting brethren invited. H. H. Shirley, N. G., Alden Ferris, Secretary. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit- Ing companions welcome. Jimmy Greer, High Priest; H. R. Malge, secretary. PHOTOSTAT COPIES made of any important paper you want to pre- serve. $1.00 per copy. THE STAR, Dial 7-3161. MIMEO PAPER-8'/Vxll and 8%x 14 mimeograph paper in stock at all times. The Star. tf FOR SALE: Scratch pads, ditto paper, second sheets, sales books guest checks. THE STAR, Phone 61 for delivery. FOR SALE: 1-ton Mitchell room air conditioner. 1 year old. Good condition. $250.00. See at The Star. RECEIPT BOOKS: Small books of duplicate receipts and books of our receipts to the page. The Star. 51. ALL ITEMS of office needs can be bou,,ht at THE STAR office. If of every dollar \ behind your 6 Gulf Life policy , is invested in * the South. * / \f MRS. BASIL E. MOORE is pictured above following her recent wedding in the First Baptist Church here. Mrs. Moore is the former Miss Erline McClellan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellan of this city. Mr. and Ms. Grover Newson of Kenney's Mill are announcing the birth of a son, on August 14 in the Municipal Hospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs., 2 ozs. .Long Avenue Circle 2 Meets With Mrs. Money Circle 2 of the Long Avenue Bap- tist WMS met Tuesday evening, August 16 with Mrs. Eldridge Mon- ey. Members present were Mrs. J. D. Clark, Mrs. Joe McLeod, Mrs. Durrel Sykes, Mrs..W. P. Dockery, Alma Baggett, Mrs. Willie Howell, Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. Joe Alli- good and Mrs. Eldridge Money. Alma Baggett presented the pro- gram, "A Sure Road to the National Downfall", taken from the Royal ,SLrvice magazine. For the devo- tional Miss Baggett read from Deu- teronomy 29:6, Proverbs 20:1, Pro- verbs 21:17, Proberbs 23:20, 21, Proverbs 23:29-32, Ephesians 5:18. A short business session was held with each chairman giving a report. The meeting closed with prayer. The hostess served refreshments of roasted peanuts, cookies and Cokes. Local Group Visits Boy Scout Camp Site Visiting the Boy Scout Camp and enjoying a -barbecue chicken sup- per on Wednesday night of last week were Bob Walton, Scout Ex- ecutive of Panama City; Mrs. Sue Cox iSpaulding and daughter Janie Sue; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Tharpe and daughter Linda, Mrs. Alford Joines and daughter Jae Frieda, Ms., Arnold Daniels, Mrs. Larry Bouler and daughters Donna Lee and Connie, Mr. and Mrs. Buck Griffin and .sons Eugene and Gale, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Byrd and daugh- ter Carol Ann, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Tomlinson and daughter, iBetty; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bobbitt and daughter, Mary Jane; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Fuller and son Morris; Mr. and Mrs. George Sheitlin, Spar- ten, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones and daughter, Kitty; Mrs. C. L. Costin and son Leonard; Miss Kay Carter, 'Sylvester, Ga.; Mrs. H. R. Walters and children *Carrie Joe, Mary Louise and Charlene; Mrs. Barney McCormick, Miss Bon- cile McCormick; Mrs. John T. Simpson, Miss Myrtle 'Simpson, Miss Marlyn Duggar of Apalachi- cola. Wednesday was visitor's day at the camp which was located near Marianna. vIr~ nrnxii Living in Knoxville Capt. and Mrs. Earl S. Payne Advertising doesn't eost, it PAYS! and sons David, Donald and Corky -. former residents of St. Joe are mak- g rr f. r-o t T p iPA,.MEing their home in Knoxville, Tenn., _-___- where Capt. Payne is stationed at Ad.!c t. .., ,,. c. it PAYS. McGhee-Tyson Air Base. BURGLARS (Continued from page 1) to the FBI to answer to stealing an auto and transporting it over the state line and the oher is being held in the Gulf County jail pend- ing trial at the present term of court. Visitors of Bissetts S -r. and Mrs. W. C. Gray and daughter, Jane of Allendale, S. C., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Bissett. The Bissett's neice, Ann Gray, who has been vis- iting with them for the past two weeks, returned home with her parents. Leave On Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gill are spending a two week vacation in A nniston, Ala. Returns From Korea Norman Allemore, Jr., arrived home 'Saturday. 'He has spent the last 15 months in Korea. WHITE CITY NEWS by MRS. GEORGE HARPER Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harper spent the week end .in Bristol visiting Mrs. Harper's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Ogle and her brother A-3C James Ogle who was home cn leave from serving with the UTSAF in Africa. 'Mrs. Douglas Whitehead was hon- oi ed Wednesday morning with a stork shower which was held at the Community House at 9:00 a.m. Games were enjoyed after which the gifts were presented to the honoree. Refreshments were ser- ved by Mesdames Bud Hatcher, George Harper and Tee Hicks to: Mesdames Henry Sewell, Rudolph Shirah, Paul Bratcher, G. S. Crox- ton, Bill Harper, James Horton, J. H. Chafin, E. L. Antley. Those sending gifts but were not present were: Mesdames Robert Daniels, Carl ,Stevens, Bob Smith, Walter Markham and Walter Stafford. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Markham and her mother, Mrs. R. Godwin left Thursday for Ocala. Mrs. Markham remained with her parents while Rev. Markham returned home Sat- urday- The Assembly of God Church held their monthly youth rally of this district Monday night. They had guests from Panama City, We- wahitchka and other neighboring towns. Ronnie and Martha Holsenback spent last week in Panama City at the Assembly of God youth camp. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack regret to learn that they have mov- ed from White City. However, we wish them much enjoyment in liv- ing on their farm at Dalkeith. Mrs. Richard Hart arrived Thurs- day from Pittsburgh, Pa., for an extended visit with her parents, Mr. and Ms. J. H. Pope. A revival is being held at the White City Baptist mission church with the Rev. Carswell of Ponce de Leon doing the preaching at 8:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend the services through Satur- day night. The day is long gone or should be when the death of thi breadwinner meant the loss of the family home. The miracle of life insurance has changed all that. Today, paying off the mortgage is one of the easiest things life insurance can do. You now can make arrangements to get specific insurance coverage for this purpose. Or you can put this provision into one of the many new Gulf Life plans. Mortgage insurance, provision for education, family income, retirement income these and many other things you want for your family are provided by Gulf Life, for much less than you might think. Yes, your life insurance is among your most valuable possessions. Your Gulf Life man will be able to show you how your present insurance can be adapted to your family needs today. He'll be glad to tell you about the many new Gulf Life plans for family protection. Call him today. A Su n Iitutin Si eOeJc ie, i "A Southern Institution Since 1911" @ Home Office-Jacksonville, Florida LEE M. MERCER O. M. TAYLOR J. H. CHASON Offices In Stone Building ORDINARY GROUP WEEK LY PREMIUM HOSPITALIZATION -,-S,.,.-enf-----, . .. ^. Ends t& PLUS TAX SIZE 6..70-15 45 EXCHANGE BLACK SIDEWALL If your old tire Is recappable ..'... .. ir~$ton -- *. SUPER ., i SIZE 6.00-16 BLACK SIDEWALL, TVr .t 1 ]k a' 75 PLUS TAX EXCHANGE If your old t is recappabip SIZE 6.70-15 BLACK SIDEWALL 15i" PLUS TAX EXCHANOV If your old tire Is recappable F e I r t~ -. e & *tA Supply Store .~9lb~g~lllla~.ll~,- IIII iI THN S)TAR, PORT 61'. 401E, OULF COUNTY, FLORIDA OA3nK fftuw F 1 |