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THE a- STAR Published in Port St. Joe * But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County PORT ST., JOE *, Progressare ' Community With a .o ern. Progressive !,!y Newspaper # 'Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XVIII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 48 ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Oh boy, can those Wewahitch- ka folks put on a feed. We attended the feed at the Court House last summer for "Dam the Dead Lakes" day and just naturally laid that sumtuous feed to the fact that they were just fattening up the Congress- men to make them mellow and agreeable to their wishes. Last Friday night we found out that this just ain't so. They make a habit of putting on good feeds. We found this out for certain sure last Friday night when the Wewahitchka City dads put on a feed for the Port St. Joe Councilmen and depart- ment heads. George Core was there minus his now famous chef's apron to prepare the chicken fitten to eat and he did just that. When we hear a politician tell the peo- ple that he is a "country boy" and has the good of the people at heart, we listen with just a twinge of misgiving as to whe- ther or not they are telling the truth. We can say that our Ma- yor, Jake Belin proved in no un- certain terms that he is a "coun- try boy" No city boy could eat that many black-eye peas! Woody Dare belied the age-old tale that the advent of false teeth in the mouth naturally spell the end to eating corn on the cob. He made a corn sheller look sick with his false choppers as he denuded about four ears of corn out of Sheriff Parker's corn patch. "Windy" Tharpe didn't get up and leave until about 11:00 p.m. and Buck Griffin came off his diet but good, for that one night. We were the most modest eat- er there aid .ve atu a whole bar- becued chicken, three ears of corn, and a nominal amount of potato salad washed down by three glasses of iced tea. Max Kilbourn, who does some engin- eering for our city and is a Com- missioner at Wewahitchka was one of the first to start eating and he shoveled it in steady for over an hour. He must have been hungry. Of special interest was the unique smoke house in back of Jack Connell's house. It espec- ially interested our city clerk, Woodrow Henderson who is an old Alaoama farm boy. Oh the drawbacks of looking "mature"I Last Saturday at noon bachelor's row that's me, Woodrow Henderson and Paul Player were out at the Gulf Sands Restaurant eating dinner and were jovially ribbing each other about how much the other ate. After the meal Woodrow called the waitress over and ask- ed the waitress for an extra glass of tea. She then asked Paul if he wanted something else and then looked at Woodrow and pointed to me and asked "What will your father have"? And we are not even 30 yet! Wouldn't claim that cabbage head for a son anyhow. STAC House Will Be Closed This Saturday The ".STAC" House, for teen- agers, will not be open Saturday night of this week. Unless noti- fied otherwise the STAC House will be re-opened on Saturday night, July 9. All young people are invited and urged to attend the showing of the Billy Graham film, "Oil Town, USA" at the First Metho- dist Church on Saturday night of -lile v.eek. American Legion Post Sponsoring Dance Sat. The American Legion, Post 11l of Port rSt. Joe is sponsoring ar Independence Day Dance at the Centennial Building Saturday nigh beginning at 10:00 p.m. Those wishing to attend are urg ed to make their reservations early in order to assure themselves o a table. Reservations may be mad( by calling Bill's Plumbing Servici at BAll 7-30941. .... ... . 41 L,'I-: * k. 1!. V12A PRESENTED WITH FLAG: Pictured above is Boy Scout Troop 47 of Port St. Joe on their recent visit to Washington, D. C. They are pictured above with Congressman Bob Sikes of the Third District. Congressman Sikes arranged for a tour of some of the federal buildings. Sikes presented the Scouts with the flag in the picture which formerly flew over the Capitol. City Council Feted With Barbecue Last Friday By Wewahitchka City Dads Steve Dudro Buys Piggly Wiggly E. J. Rich this week announced' Ralph W. Norman Is Promoted by Fla. Power Ralph W. Norman, Northern Di- vision engineer for Florida Power Corporation, has been promoted to assistant division manager and di- vision engineer, it was announced by Northern Division Manager R. R. Brown. In this new position, Mr. Norman The City Commission of Port St. Joe was honored last Friday eve- ning at 6:30 with a barbecue din- ner in Wewahitchka. Hosts for the occasion were the City Commis- sioners of Wewahitchka. The dinner consisting of barbe- the sale of his Piggly Wiggly Su- cued chicken, a la George Core, per Market to Mr. and Mrs. Steve roasting ears, black eyed peas, po- Dudro of Muncie, Indiana. tato salad and iced tea was served Dudro has had 25 years of ex- and cooked in the back yard of perience in the grocery business Jack Connell, Wewahitchka police- spending most of that time in the man. capacity of manager for a large The only after dinner speeches northern chain of super markets. made were a "glad to have you" The Dudros have one daughter who paragraph by Wewahitchka mayor lives in Fort Worth, Texas. They Tom McDaniell and a "you come are making their home here at 304 eat with us soon" paragraph by 12th Street. Port 'St. Joe's Mayor, J. C. Belin. The Dudros took over the opera- Those attending the affair were tion of the local super market on i Sheriff Byrd Parker, Max Kilbourn Monday of this week and have and Mrs. Kilbourn, David C. Gas- begun an extensive re-arrangement kin, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, of the store. Mr. and Mrs. Tomo McDaniel, Mr. Dudro stated that the store will and Mrs. Ross iStripling, Mr. and .Mrs. Al MeGlon, Mr. and Mrs. A. pledge courteous service to its cus- cGon r. an rs. tomers and will handle the best J Connell, E. A. Bandjougi, George in merchandise at the lowest pos- Core and Joe Whitfield, all siewahitchka. From Port SL.. Joe sible everyday prices. Dudro says. ... .... ........ .. C. N. (Malor) Hobbs Is Taken By Death . Charles Norman (Major) Hobbs was taken by death at the Veter- ans' Hospital in Lake City on June 23 around 7:00 p.m. He was 75 years of age. The "Major" as he was known here, had lived here in Port St. Joe for the past 19 years and had been in the hotel and restaurant busi- ness. He was born in Louisville, Ky., on June 22, 1880. lHe was a vet- cran of the 'Spanish American War and World War I. He was an in- active member of the Florida Na- tional Guard. Memorial services for Charles Norman Hobbs were held in the First Methodist Church here Sun- day at 2 1P.M. with the Rev. Fred Davis conducting the services. The body was shipped from Lake City Saturday to Arlington National Cemetery for graveside services and interment. Members of the Moose Club and the Legion served in honorary pall- lbemier positions. Members of the local National Guard served in ac- irve pallbearer position. XWlll aSSiSt tore OlViS1OI iiIiI~d5Oi 10 wnt g wi assdinistative isik of the di- that were Clifford Tharpe, George Wim- gthe administrative work of the di- ia ls o t e ,berly, Wesley R. Ramsey, J. C. Be- He is survived by his wife. Mrs. vision's growing operations, as well uch and plans to make it his per- R W Henderson, H W Gri- Hobs; three sons, Leon of as continue the supervision of en- mianent home. He said, "Tell all' lin R. W. Henderson, I. W. Grif- Shirley Hobbs; th ree sons, Leon of tie. od peleo to 0 band fin, V. W. Dare and P. W. Petty. Port St.. Joe; Lt. Col Gregory J. of gineering activities, Brown said. te ood people t____ Norfolk, Va. and Master Sgt. C. N. shake hands and meet me whether ot Canp Carson, Col. Four daugh- A veteran of 30 years service wi they are going to be my customers Guests from Jacksonville leis, Normp and Charlene Jo ofd the utiity. Normean started out as r not". Mr. and Mrs. l)ouglt n Nall of Port St. Joe; Mrs. Leon Evans of e feman n eand in19 E. J. Rich will continue to supply Tacksonville and childr(.n Richard. Norfolk, Va.; Mrs. Robert Nelson Sto Apalachicola in 1943. In 1945 lie the market with fresh produce Patsy and Johnnie wer( the week of Gainesville. was promoted to division engineer, hauled each week direct from the end guests of Mr. Nall's mother, Cornforter Funeral Home of Port transferring to Monticello when di- fields in South Florida. according Mrs. I. C. Nedley and Mr. Nedley. :it. Joe was in charge of local ar- to Dudro. i Mrs. J. W. Johnson, mother of Mrs. rangements. i vision headquarters moved there. art of A native of Mill Creek, Va., Nor- heey ai bes been l heir guest. man had four years experience with Detroit, automobile capital of the Mr. and Mrs. Nedley accompanied 'l'h mal Kodiak bear weighs the Apalachian Power Company in nation, is one of the few cities her to her home in Bagdad, Sun- around 1.lt0 poundei while the polar - his home state before moving to in the United States that still has day and visited with friends. 1,car'r w-i-ht runis around 1,100 f Florida. a mounted police force. ..- pounds. le The FPC northern division is Nearly one out of every ten cars e made up of ten counties with dis- Monticelo, Apalachicola and Port now is assembled on the Ws-t,. 'trict offices in Perry, Madison, St. Joe. .Coast. -~ ,I Tlh Sta to a Trena V tt Saints Topple Tallaassee, 4-3 InGae u9 a The St. Joe Saints defeated the Capital City team -Sunday in one of the fastest moving games seen in the Gulf Coast Conference this year. The game was played on :he local diamond before a small crowd. Tallahassee defeated St. Joe Fri- day night 3 to 2 in the opening game of the series. Jimmy Philyaw led the hitting Friday night with four hits in four times at bat, in- cluding a 9th inning drive to the left field wall. In Sunday's game, only one run- ner reached first base in the first three innings. He was thrown out trying to steal second base by St. Joe catcher, Cliff Tarper. The Saints scored two runs in the bottom of the fourth. one in the sixth and one in the eighth. Tallahassee scored two in the sixth and one in the ninth, but their ninth inning rally ended when cat- cher Cliff Harper caught a pop fly for the third out. St. Joe's lieup for Sunday's game was: Joe Adams, Sb L. Belin, 2b Ray Shepherd, ss II. Dowden, cf Jim Philyaw, lb C. Harper, c Booth Poole, if B. Hamm, p W. Murdock, rf The Saints played'in Apalachicola last night, but at press time, results of the game were not yet available. The Saints meet Apalachicola here Sunday at 4:00 p.m. in a very important game in deciding league standing. Make plans to see the game. We have a good ball team, but they need your support badly. LEAGUE STANDINGS W L TALLAHASSEE 10 2 APALACHICOLA 6 6 PORT ST. JOE 5 7 VWENVAHITCHKA 3 9 25 Persons To Die Over Fourth Twenty-five persons will lose their lives in the three day holi- day in Florida. Of this number 15 will be killed in traffic mis- haps, six will drown and four will die of over exertion and too much exhuberency. This prediction is bz ed on records of previous years, stated Asher Frank, Direc- tor of the Florida Safety Coun- cil. The Lord did not intend that this be a period of bloodshed and the unnecessary waste of life, through reckless, careless and drunken drivers and careless and drunken pedestrians. We are calling on the Minis- ters, Civic groups, veteran organi- zations and enforcement officers to urge their people to use com- mon sense in their holiday cele- bration and at all times. Grown-ups and children should not go swimming until one hour or more after eating and the "oldsters" should not get reckless and play too much baseball with the children. Drivers are cautioned to leave their homes after sun-up and be- fore night, avoid night driving, concluded Asher Frank. ---- f -- - Guests of Hinotes iMr. and IMrs. -. C, ;o e l I'arf I,:a. C iLy a l ]: .0I ; -- D arlen e t3 ( I !i'3;iiY": -*,I]-. ;'i:'I .'I -. Auibr(ey A erhi ;iian cri'd -]i!. [i,;- da, .oll h n nie a.d ait l i I :!n, i- and Mr. and Mr.-. i'r:ni< "'I.m ,- burk anld ?(I. l '- hi ri. 'i': 1 : -.- ille. (;a.. h a \' r, r ir ;-rl ) i.1 -i! homes after vi-iin- -i i; \ i'. lnld .M r.-, T-'rtry ]ii 'n :, l ii p:i'- V' ik - "j,1 Monday Morning; 3ses Wire At Night Nathaniel Jorden, 35, was ser- iously wounded early Monday morn- ing by a gun shot wound inflicted on him by his wife, Maggie Jor- den, 36. The Jorden's (colored) were hav- ing an argument Monday morning about 4:45 a.m. when Chief of Po- lice Buck Griffin was called by the Jorden woman to settle the trou- ble. On arriving at the scene, Mrs. Jorden told Griffin that her husband had been beating her but refused to prefer charges since Jorden said lie would quiet down. After Griffin left the scene the fight started again with Jorden at- tacking his wife again "for calling the law". Jorden started after his wife with a large stick. She got hold of a 32 caliber revolver and shot the negro in the head. The bullet struck Jorden in the from. part of the head and followed the line of the skull all the way around his head and emerged from the back. He is reported recovering at the Municipal Hospital. Maggie Jorden is being held on an open charge. Monday night thieves took six 5C0-foot rolls of number 6 weather- proof service entrance wire from behind the Florida Power Corpor- ation office. Seven rolls of the wire were stor- ed on a shelf in back of the P.wer Corporation office. Thieves; entered th-- ailey in what was apparent a jeep and loaded the rolls on the vehicle. Upon leaving the s-:en tof the theft one of the rolls fell off the truck. Chief of Police H. W. Griffin stated that the Police Department had a "couple" of suspects under surveillance. Minister Group To Present Movie Sat. The Port St. Joe Ministerial Al- liance is presenting the movie, "Oil Town, USA" at the First Me- thodist Church at 8:,00 p.m. Satur- day. The story centers around the life of Lance Manning, a wealthy Tex- as oil man, one of the 60,000 who attended a Sunday afternoon lilly Graham evangelistic meeting in Rice Football Stadium in Houston. After opening scenes at the giant evangelistic meeting, the plot un- folds to develop the story of Man- ning's life. Already fabulously wealthy as the head of the Manning Oil Com- pany, Manning discovers through a routine geological survey the p s- sibility of rich oil deposits on the neighboring Diamond T ranch, on elated by Jim and Kay Tyler fromn the Billy Graham Film "Mr. Texas'". Manning's questionable business standards and the shady life lie is living turn his daughter, Chris. a;aiinst him, and wi h her college' friend, Jane Hughes, from an ex elusive Eastern school, she leaves home. His daughter is the one soft spot in Manning's life, and despite his creed which knoWs no God ex ejt money and no religion except hard fists and a strong back, s u- cessive difficulties, climaxed by fear that his daughter has lbee! lost in the Texas City disaster, leaf: Manning to renounce, his hatred ' God and religion. Chris Maniina had already x eet m -r.'er] to accrceptI Christ iy11 the r-- iy of din in'I Kay T'yI r, an I her faijh, to0 t:'..hr -with the cOn.- r; :]p;iin ministry of [lilly aolt ]. ]i:;, 1 I"] tirn Mannting himself to ;Ihe Chrstian life. There will be no hiarge to the a.ovie, but an off, rina will he The legislatures of l4 states meet every other yea.r. 7eP;Em4 PAGE TWO "- -.. :- 'UJ-TY, FP.ORIDA -.M.S. ... -;:--.. Vi^. .ETHOJIST ennifer Brax ~S T \ 2. ',-E:i'. .Y CHURCH CALENDAR On Her s4 /-..- .". .'A "" a :' 10:00 a.n. Church Jennifer Braxt "L .' -. CT 1 ,,- ^r ^ ^i school (for all ages) 11:00 a.m. fifth birthday SCLub in hm oudr C u.Imunion, Dr. A. E. Mid- party at her hoi SOI S r c s !(n')rok,) guest minister. 12:00 n. e e.B IlDii.er a; the church. 1:00 p.m. About 25 little Mrs. OCYL.E MUNN, Editor Dicl 7-546 Piayi .: :'. a-nk ,n-.uInes. session of the first qualr ent to enjoy th, S.... ,iC r i eoncren'.ce. :00 n.m. Meb- ,see Jennifer as First Baptist WMS Meets With Mrs. C. G. Costin Circle One of tihi Firs-t t-aptisti WMS met Tuesday afternoon in the home of Mrs. C 1. Costin with eight member and one visitor present. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. Tom Parker. Mrs. W. Ramsey, program chair- man, taught a chapter of lhe book, .Anderson. Mrs;. Lud (;aski. .:. Is Honored '.Joe (Hndrir. .i;rs. P. ,. Sieson. Mrs. Byr.n E :- .L.. Ts. Ch:;r j=. -Wall. Mrs. -Tub-.r Ittc.ards. MTr. Cannon 1uzett. Mrs. I1! Whilry and Mrs. B':I Cov'dlen. Prizesi were won yV Trs. HaTiMo'n, MTrs. King and Mrs. Anderson. Arranr enmentm s of lni:'': 'jl(I W ed zinnias were used as decoration. Vacati -- Prayer : :'. c ". I9 Thun On His Fifth Bi-rthday Mrs.. Joe Hendrix eenie-raineAl Thursday afternoon from 4 to 6 in honor of her son, Joe on his 5th birtihday. The hostess was as.i.aed i car- ing for the little guests by Br'rl'da Ward, Mrs. cannonn Buzzett aIId Mrs. Byron Eells, Jr. "The Way of Missionary Educa- ]a-,ors of jumping jacks were wee Vt, .-. 7 ,;.. cation Lion'.' given each guest. Frid Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, circle chair- Refreshments of birthday cake, The Hig;hland View Woman's So- Churcl man, conducted the business meet- punch aid candy were served. Tie clety of Christian Service met at parent ing. birthday cake was gaily decora,.ed the home of Mirs. A. B. Pratt at Mrs. W. J. Daughtry dismissed with miniature flags to celebrate Mexico Beach on Monday evening. PRESG the meeting with prayer. Flag Day. Mrs. W. H. Weeks gave the devo.- iME The hostess served delicious cake Invited were thirty-five members tiontl. Mrs. Pratt, vice president, The and icer cream. of Happy Land Kindergarmen. presided and was in charge of pre- S!pper The next meeting will be with .- -senting a very beautiful lesson. Tuesd: Mr.s. W. Ramsey. Youth Hymn Sing Set For Mrs. Katherine Brown read a gram SMITH KELLEY FirSt Baptist Church Sun. song entitled, "I-Ioly Bible, Book ed for Divine", written by John burton . Mr. and Mrs. William L. Smith A youth hymn sing will be held The 31st Psalm was read by Miss Mr. and Mrs William L Smi at the First Baptist Church Sun- Marjorie Rogers. Ti chapr was announce the marriage of their daughter Donna June to Howard day night at 9:00. The youth hymn the basis of the lesson with empha- daughter Dley, sonna June t. and rs. sing at the Presbyterian Church sis on the first passage, "In Thee, F.L Kelley of this city on Saturday 1st Sunday was termed as highly 0 Lord, Do I put My Trust", which : F. Kelley of this city on Saturday given b, M_. Pr^ ,n wa a May 28. The marirage ..oouk place succes-sful with 75 youth of all chur- traus giv en h i's. P 'aiLn t anld wts a in the Swiss Chappun, Pitzza dei ches present. The evening featured Six members attended. Guests 1 Martiri, Naples, Italy. piano, organ, two songleaders present were rs. Ada L. Pratt and Kelley is serving with the US quartettes, fellowship and refresh- the Misses Marjorie Rogers, Nadine mermy in Italy and Kelley ts. Crutchfield and Barbara Brown. an army nurse. ---- ..----- After the clo.sin gprayer by Mrs. Advertising doesn't cosL- it pays.' iar Want A s Get .- ;i Pratt, delicious refreshments were served to the group. ,.. Return From Vacation ."--'' *''"' -", Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Vandevener S i ..a. nd daughter Miss Carolyn Byrd $ -.P .. '' I and Miss Mary Lou Holley ofi ' Blountstown have returned from 0 - two week's vacation in Chicago, 11:. where tley were the guests of Mr. S. Vaaevener's brother and family,:': S. r. ,' and Mrs. James Vandevener. L. ... ..- The" attended the Grand Ole C Op'y I 1 B.,i!- r.^fsff^ |P.1 in Nashville. Tenn., and visited witli lu '" B,'. ,L. e 7: e ,o SIrs. Vandevener's parents i ' FIRST W STARTS 7:45 PM town. Mr. andMrs. A. S. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Monday & Tuesday Return From C a rd re DRIGINAL TARZAN HITO y turned from two week's camp atiJ rhe jungle lovers face terrifying dangers 1V- Camp weed, Carrabelle, Sunday. ,- -'-', --', ,'"'A | ThEy were accompanied home by i -" ( ]- S Mr. and Mrs.S -lassey Ward. -- J I~~~~~O9- dist Yol Hii Fellowship groups. 8.00 p.m. '"LiuIewa'rmne.;s" by the pas- Monday: S:30 to 11:30 Vacation Church School. 8:00 p.m. Wom1u's Society or Christian Service. Tuesday: 8:30 to 11:30, Vaca.-oni Church School. many gifts. After playing guests were serve day cake, salted lemonade. As the ugests was presented w Assisting Mrs. THURSODAY, JU?4E 30, 19%6 ton Honored Fifth Birthday ton celebrated her ,ith an afternoon me on Seventh St. guests were pres- e occasion and to she opened her several games the ed ice cream, birth- A nuts, mints and were leaving, each ith a party favor. Braxton in serv- nesd-ay: S:30 to 11:30 a.-r. ing were Mrs. Ellen Kirkland, Mrs. on Church School. 8:00 p. J. A. Connell, Mrs. M. L. Britt and r Service. Mrs. Joe Ferrell. rsday: 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Va- __ Church School. ay: 8:00 p.m. Vacation SSchool Commencement. All HOSPITAL s especially invited. *------------ :)P BYTERIAN MEN'S CLUB Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson ETING SET FOR TUESDAY of Oak Grove announce the birth Presbyterian Men's Club of a daughter, Charlotte Willie Dell r meeting will be held next Wilson on June 22 in the Muniei- ay night at 7:30. A good pro- pal Hospital. The young lady and fellowship will be provid- weighed 7 1lbs., 6% ozs. all. Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jolly of sorted Each Loaf -, 49c BREAD '- _ 6 Inch Layer ic CAKES 15c 39c - Li '~> ~t:~ Reid Avenue, Next To Danley's 5 iB~~mPbB Q St. Joe announce the birth of a Visitors From Tampa daughter, Sandra Dianne on June Mrs. Joe Sharie, Jr., and daugh- 24 in the Municipal Hospital. The ter, Barbara Bennett of Tampa, re- baby weighed 8 lbs. Mrs. Jolly will turned to their home after spend- be remembered as the former Miss ing several days here as the guests Nita Vern Love of this city. of Mr. and rMs. Joe Sharit, Sr., on Constitution Drive. It pays to advertise try it! Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS. 4& 4t 410r 4& 0 0A 4; f a 0A* A0 THEATRE OPENS DAlbY 3:00P. M. -SATURDAYS 1:00 P.M. IC 4t00* -;- e**=0 *0 e^-<+- 4 THURSDAY FRIDAY Wackier Than Ever - PERCY l* ,, .._: I , "HIDE AND SHRIEK" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. I --- eI Brel' B5irba-a LAV'REN' E -- FEATURE No. 2 -- GEORGE RAFT SALLY GRAY "BOO RIBBON WINNER" CHAPTER 15 of SERIAL 'JUNGLE RAIDERS' SUNDAY and MONDAY "Private Eye Pooch" TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY BUTOI THE MYSTIC ERST... 1 Faith DOMERGUE Richard LONG "PAW'S NIGHT OUT" COMING SOON "SOCIAL LION" UDiE lllBRPHY- MARI BLANCHfiDi L- YLE BETTGER-LORI lIELSOil THOMAS MITCHELL,' dEi C ).swa-Wallace Frorltary Wicke. AUNIVERSAL INRINAIIOlAL PICTURE _ 1 lllllllllllllli!lllllll1 ll 1l l llllll ifilll!!! !!!!" ; !!! ;!i;,' li SUNDAY ONLY SSANDS I ' 1 A REPUBLIC PICTURE .^ -- is -* *-' Ns~IS rI S-0 ;moaoesTECHi.hlC LOR A PARMOUNT PICTURE VWednerzduy CThursdclcy ::;:~ I..i " IV'. - a I. ~i -ai S I -~ a ..~ '5' -~ ~ *- Lu ~ M.az, n<^ <>",<".>v. 7, -' -, K' R WE GIVE .I le t a S '* I *' :I PROM PT :_ .. .. SERVICE TO ... .. _,I Perhaps you've stood on a street corner as as Custom Roypl Lancer flashed by. In its wak sense of exritoment! And if you've felt an irre ... to "bo.s" a Lancer around, it's perfectly und Because here's the car that puts adventure back Come in anytime and our ? pharmacists will quickly and ac- curately fill your prescription and give you helpful advice. See us also for all quality" dru ti and toiletry needs! Dodge Dealers present: Danny Thomae in "Make 5, ? * "Your Wr!green a"-" :'' corner Ba1ze u Avenue and 4th Street f -_ ~" --, ~1--- -- ..-, , 1 ^ ^ ^ ;^ ^ ~ ~~~ i ^ ^ 5 *- ^ ^ ^: ^ ^ J ._: ^ .--,.-,- _ Ne.. Dodge Curi.om Royal Lancer-the most beautiful hardlop on the road entire pass you sleek Dodge e, a tingling esistible urge lerstandable. k into motor- ing. And the sweeping flair of its low, eager lines only hints at the thrilling performance you'll experience behind the wheel. So don't stand on the sidelines and let adventure pass you by. Pick up the keys to a Dodge Lancer for a whole new world of motoring pleasure! , DODGE Room for Daddy," ABC-TV Bert Parks in "Break The Bank," ABC-TV Roy Rogers, NBC Radio POTOR COMPANY Port St. Joe, Florida "Joe Hendrix I -I ~ __~_~~ ____lli 14 ~7f! EVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY EVERI',SODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY ElimumEVERYBODY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY .V- EVERYBODYY SAVES AT PIGGLY WIGGLY II SAVE -..Wey cE BR .A. , S-k Hot Dog Buns Free With the G bPurchase of 1 Lb. Fred L o a k Look Folks what a Saving! SGA. GRADE "A" Lb. Herman Skinless Pure'Cane 5 Lb. Bag FRANKS SPURE rifryr 49c SUGAR 39c HOME With $5.00 Order GROUND Complete line of CANTA - SBEEF SLICED FREE LuB.ly 4th FRESH PEAS 2 lbs. 19c LOUPES 4 LBS Sliedii BACON 49c PICNICS LY I .. J cc Nice Plump Fla. Grade "A" BUTTER BEANS I. 29c $1.00 PREM 12 OZ. CAN Per Lb. Only VEAL *.,39c CELLO BAG SLuch EAT 39c Hens 39c FRESH CARROTS 2 for 25c Ideal for Your Picnic Robin Vienna Choice Lb. ,_ - 4 Oz. Can oil WE CARRY Can 10 cancy A Ea A A,.-,, F l-- Fancy BELL Each r! NLY PEi i WATER- U. S. GOVT. Georgia Gold Shore Fan Tail Cr ; MELONS Ins ected 2 8-oz. pkgs. SInspected -Golden Ripe 2 Lbs. SWEET AS O f HONEY BEEF -i p m p02BA"o FREE THE BEST IN 9CiANA TOWN Nabisco Vanilla 12 Oz. Pkg. ANOTHER V 3 Minute Old Style Hominy .. REAL 2 : 2 20-oz. pkgs. SAVINGS FROZEN Pet, Carnation or Borden's 3 tall King of the Ozarks Cut Green 2 303 cansA Glamour Beauty Cello Bag VEGE- M LK 39c BEANS 25c 8BarsforOnly TABLES Crystal Pure Apple _ Stokely's Tomato 2 no. 303 cans 2 24-oz. jars .. II SJU E 25c Jelly 49c. I GJl4t Size-All Purpose I"...,.. FRIDAY FAMILY NIGHT and JULY 4th B v ___ SPECIALS ONLY- GOOD THESE 2 DAYS U I "3r OPEN ALL DAY T P LYALJULY 4th CANTALOUPES ea 5I S KRAFT 7 A.M. TO 7 P.M. Home Grown "' I MAYON- For Your Picnic Specials s PEAS Ib 5C NAISE' e Oand Convenience J-- I B' A l F resh OKRA 10c J I GOLDEN RIPE 2 LBS. 0 39c | .A lam __ __ | I -BANANAS 25c AI II SUNKIST LARGE SIZE DOZEN \ / --- .,, LEMONS 25c I A1901M A799dJ IV S3AVS AGOSAZIA3iS A101M A79Id IV S3AVS ACOaA?.3A3 j1I99M A79 9d IV S3AVS A0O9AO3A31F3/M' -L-" I A79M IV S3AVS AGOSAI3A, THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 THE STAR. PORT ST+. JOF- GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA #"E THRIZ&I PAGE POVJR ~~~TA ~ ~ ~ C _. P0P 'IT, JOE: GUL QONY PLID T1-~5UR8DAY JW~-II SO 19 THE STAR Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. IRAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor .Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader anil Bookkeeper Entered as second-clasq matter, i) cib r 1. i!)37, at the Postosfice, Port St. Joe, Fla., unler Act of M.arch 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR, $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 DIAL BAll 7-3161 TO ADVERTISERS-In c;a- ofr,.ro r or .or -ioi,- in a.ver- tisenient, th, publish -r. lios ]i',T l l ];;ii for darnages i Urther lthan i n oin, t : 'n.(pfr d io r uchi iv1erLi-m'ci w nt Thin sp]okfin word is given -canit attention; the prinltcd word is thoughtfully weighed. The splntl: ro d barely and n s: the printed word thoroughly 'norsincea The spoken word is lost- thI irintcd word remains. THE FOURTH OF JULY We remember when we were a child, which wasn't so long ago, that the cry of the nation was to urge parents to be careful of firecrackers. Parents were very rigid about the type and power of crackers bought by children, but nevertheless, each Fourth, several children were injured by fireworks. At times, we have had a finger or two burned by these, but we enjoyed them all the same. One of the best things remembered about the Fourth was the popping of firecrackers. Now it is against the law to protect the children. Well, we have preserved the children from most of our nation from the burns and hurt fin- gers of fireworks. Now, however, the children face an even more dangerous hazard that of the automobile. Already reams and reams have been written about safety on the highway. "Be careful, or make a beautiful corpse" they say. Surely the automobile is a form of enjoyment and a means of travel to more enjoyment in this the wheel age. But, if used improperly, it will kill you deader than a mackerel. The fire- cracker was a form of amusement to the chil- dren and annoyance to the parents, but it could hurt or maime if used improperly. What we are getting at is that you should be careful over this -week end. Everything you do whether for enjoyment or *otherwise has' an element of danger in it. ft you go to the beach. t,1k,- car- on the highway. be sre you don't go swimming on a full stomach, and be sure you stay away from deep w after t]hen he careful on the highway back l- nome. Yve urge, this upon you in this period when practically the whole nation is set upon enjoying itself for a period of time. "Be car-ful, because you might be one of our subscribers and we are partial to these people". IS THIS TRIP NE(W '.: . Recent developments in Sai Francisco and Moscow, whether inspired bi the UN's tenth birthday party or by the imminence of the 'summit" conference in Genieva, have given Americans the clearest view of -,hat lies ahead that they have had in years of diplomatic sha- dow-boxing. Running interference for his Kremlin boss. Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov cast aside the oily urbanity he has been wearing during nis latest visit to the US and repeated to the UN anniversary assemblage at San Francisco the. tineadbare Russian formula for peace, with t1he additional suggestions that Red China be seated in the UN, take part in disarmament talks -And Formosa be "returned" to the Chinese Cornm- munists. In the Kremlin, almost while Molotox was speaking here, Premier Bulganin and India's Premier Nehru signed a joint declaration thai disposed of any remaining suspicion of India's "neutrality" and called for the admission of Red China to the UN and the surrender of Formosa to these bandits. The basic issues now posed make waste- paper of the "agenda" that Messrs. Dulles, Mac- millan and Pinay have been struggling over. Our leaders should be able to decide best, right here at home, whether or not we shall abandon our pledge to defend Formosa and agree ignom- iniously to oust the Chinese Nationalist delegate from his UN seat to make room for another Kremlin stooge in this congregation. Tnss. IL vould look from here, weeks in ad- vance of t[Iat i'ig Four summiti" conference, that Sheads of ,,tate will have very little to do in .,neva -- except to say "yes" or "no". And we can think of no better way of saving one mil- lion of our tax dollars the amount set aside for this expedition State to write, wire WSC3 Cir-ce 1 Meets With ley. After a short business session the iVs. C'l Armstrong meeting was dismissed with the C- S AWSCS benediction. circid 1 of the womanas Society It was announced that the next of ChrisU-ian Service of1 he First 'meeting would be held in the home \Iethodii.t Church met Monday af- of Mrs. Buck Griffin. Ltrnoon in Lle home of Mrs. Carl Refreshments were served to rmsLtrong. i those present and to two visitors, "Our Purpose and Eimbletm of the Mrs. Fred Davis and Mrs. Ed Ram- \Vo!i:nij]s Society" was the topic of sey, president of the Woman's So- t(- 1rsaii with li Mrs. 2. T. Jones, ciety of Christian Service. Jr., in ciharge. The prograin opened ._ . with the singing of "A Charge To Leave For Texas Keep I Have" followed with a de- Rev. and Mrs. Thomas Miller votional given by Mrs. Fred Davis. left Monday for Bastrop, Texas Scripture was taken from John 21: where they will attend the ordin- 15-19 and Matt. 28:16-20. Mrs. Ed ation service of the Rev. Scott Riamsey led in a prayer. Copeland. Rev. Miller will preach Those making part on the pro- the ordination sermon. They will gram were' Mrs. Buck Griffin, Mrs. return to St. Joe the first of the John Blounti and Mrs. Fennon Tal- s eek. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content - Available from Commercial News Providers" .ow m --.a - than for our Chief of or phone. SAVE WITH LEON FEDERAL West Florida's Friendly Savings And Loan Association SAFE CONVENIENT PROFITABLE SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVIG1E t. @ Taflah-m-, Fla. JL14.o BISMA-REX Eases heartburn, belch. Ing, discomfort of acid-indigestion. 4% ouncess '89C Quests of Brinsons Mrs. Robert Bedwell and son Keith of Ashford, Ala., accompan- ied Miss Sibbie Brinson home and will be the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brinson for several days. Miss Brinaon has been visiting in Ashford for a week. cooler in summer-warmw In winter. We blow Fiberglaw Insulation into the walls from outside. No fuss or mum.& us for freu eslima le INSULATING and WEATHERSTRIPPING COMPANY, INC. 2324 3rd St., Panama City PHONE PO 3-2432 FOE Episcopal Discussion Group Will Meet On July 12 The Discussion Group which meets every Tuesday night in the Rectory of !St. James' Episcopal Church, 116 Hunter Circle, will not meet until July 12 at 8:15. Topic fo rthat date, 'Resurrec- tion". A Christian looks for "a res- surrection". Most people feel that upon death the soul goes to be with God. Christ was raised from the dead. Apparently the death (or life) of an individual is somehow caught up in what happened to Jesus. The discussion group is open to everyone, and during the course of the evening, the hostess, Mrs. Thomas Miller, will serve coffee. The leader is Rev. Thomas R. Miller. Star Want Ads Get -., '' Send The Stai to a. friend. DRINK Fenholloway Sprigs Mineral Water FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE Guaranteed To Help DELIVERY TO HOMES EVERY 2 WEEKS To Place An Order or Purchase This Water DIAL BAI 7-3561 PIGGLY WIGGLY SUPER MARK IT Bottled by A. E. Jackson and Son, Perry, Fla. "We use McCulloch Chain r Saws because they have ' what it takes to er'm day in and day out on any" . kind of lo.jgirg job And ,we recommend ihem fcr ..' loggers who want to lower costs and speed up produc- tion -. -- ' So tdys Albert Belcher, '- president of W. A. Belcher Lumber Company, past presi. dent of the Alabama Forest Products Association and a director of the Southern Pine Association. "We've been using McCulloch Chain Saws exclusively since they came on the market in 1948," he says. "Their light weight, ease of handling and dependability make McCul- loch's four outstanding models top choice with us." W. A. Belcher Lumber Company is one of the largest lumber manufacturers in the South. -5 L L L - -- '5,-' ...-.. ____ -, 74. "~n d . I., -~ -"w.~ ~ ...~ *-. '. na~1q~s~ ~ 1' .7-. n. LI- Li . Ii' - / l-I I.!' :/// I. Chevrolets special hill-flatteners! 162. p V8 180 .P V8 See that fine fat mountain yonder? You can iron it out, flat as a flounder and easy as whistling! Just point one of Chevrolet's special hill- flatteners at it (either the 162-h.p. "Turbo-Fire V8" or the 180-h.p. "Super Turbo-Fire"*) . and pull the trigger! Barr-r-r-r-o-o-O-O-OOM! Mister, you got you a flat mountain! ... At least it feels flat. For these Chevrolet V8's gobble up the toughest grades you can ladle out. And holler for more. They love to climb, because that's just about the only time the throttle ever comes near the floorboard. And that's a pity. For here are engines that sing as sweetly as a dynamo built to pour out a torrent of pure, vibrationless power. Big-bore V8's with the shortest stroke in the industry, de- signed to gulp huge breaths of fresh air and trans- mute it into blazing acceleration. So most of the time they loaf. Even at the speed limit they just dream along, light and easy as a zephyr, purring out an effortless fraction of their strength. An engineer instantly understands why these V8's are so hyper-efficient how friction is held so low they need just four quarts of oil instead of the usual five or more ... how big valves let them breathe" deeply for maximum power. But you don't have to be an engineer to know that these are the sweetest running V8's you ever piloted. Just come in, slip behind the wheel, and point the nose at the nearest hill. These V8's can do their own talking and nobody argues with them *Otional a etraa MODEL 4-30A Saws Oregon 1,Chains Available on All Makes of Chain Saws Paul Carter's Service Blountstown, Florida Panama City, Florida CLEMENTS Phone: Sunset 5-6051 Standard Service Station 673 Harrison Avenue Phone: 95 Corner Williams Ave. and Jh St. Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. .T.SB. Y CHEVROLET CO. PHONE BAll 7-2221 - W. A~O't~,It*Wr.ttW W ~',.. -*.a Buzzett's Drug Store FIBERGLAS Dial BA 7-3371 TRADE AT HOME a a a a PrkIes of McCulloch S Start At $' f.o.b. facto -.7,- 71- L'7 ,T N7. POT tolT. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I I - i.- . .. ., TM9URS9DAY, JVWZ 30,~ 1966 T-'i STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, PLORIDA Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dykes and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rester of Chat- son, Toby and 'iMrs. W. B. Dykes tahoochee and Mrs. Trudy Holly and Imotored to Panama City Saturday sons, Elmer and William and grand- Sbu- ii (s. daughter, Avon of Apalachicola St''L e--.e 'u'ned ho:e Sun- spel# Sunday visiting with Mr. and day after spending a week with Mrs. A. W. Murphy. his grandparents. Mhr. and Mrs. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burrows of Carl Deese. Panama City spent the week end .\linnie Ola Ray, a nurse at Moul- with the latter's parents, Mr. and trie. (;a.. spent several days visit- Mrs. Richard Hanlon. int with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. We are sorry to say that Mr. Lon- ness. L. P. Ray. Mr. and Mrs. Corl Dee 'tand hMrs. Carl Deese and Betty spent Betty and Steve )(ese motored to \ed.netday in Panama City visit- CotLondale Saturday on business. in h friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar De~es;and Mrs. N. G. Fears and children of children of :Panama Ciy spent the \tarianna spent Sunday with Mr. week end visiting with: tir. and and .\rs. Cleveland Hall. Mrs. Carl Deese. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Campbell and MA. and Mrs. Jason Dyke.s and c ,ildre-n are spending several weeks son, Toby spent Sunday in Apala- ii_ Cross City and Perry 'visiting chicola visiting with Mir. and Mrsi. wVith friends and relatives. Willie Dykes and family. h's. Pelham Revells, Mrs. Er- Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Darby of nest Lightfoot and Mrs. Bufford Tyndall spent Sunday visiting with Griffin and daughter, Wyvonne the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. spent Thursday in Gordon, Ala., W. C. Wilson. with friends and relatives. BILL'S PLUMBING SHOP 203 Third Street -- Beside Piggly Wiggly Phone, diy 7-3091 Nite, 7-7846 We Repair Any Model OUTBOARD MOTORS You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Bpilst Chucrh REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor I SUNDAY SCHOOL - 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP --- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION -- 6:15 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. Meeting In The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall and Miss Lucile Stripling motored to Panama City Wednesday on busi- COMFORTER Funeral Home 601 Long Avemn a Oxygen Equipped Ambulance NEWS FROM OAK GRORWR By HELEN NORRIS nie Gay is ill and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson are announcing the birth of a daughter. The young lady has been named Charlotte Willie Dale. Miss Boncile Dykes spent Mon- day in Tyndall Field visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Darby. Will Ray of Altha, spent several days visiting with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray. Lloyd Deese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deese of Panama 'City is spending a week visiting with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deese. Leave For New York Mrs. Albert Ward and daughter Bobbie left by plane Sunday for New York City where they will visit points of Interest in New York and Washington, D, C, Visitors From S. C. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Brinson and son Randy of Columbia, S. C., and Curtis Brinson of West Palm Beach are the guests of their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brinson on 10th Street. New Gulf N o ox gives you not just the highest octane but... 'T 'a iNEW Remember this picture? This is Gulf's famous burner demonstration-proof of what a difference Gulf super-refining makes. Notice that Gulf refines out the "dirty-burning tail-end" of gasoline... instead of fighting it, inside your engine, with so-called "miracle additives." That's why new, clean-burning Gulf NO-NOX can promise you not just highest octane, but full working octane. because its super-refined to burn clean No gasoline, no matter how high the octane, can keep on giving you full power from your engine unless it burns clean. That's why New Gulf NO-NOX is your best gasoline buy. In making new NO-NOX, Gulf refines out the"dirty-burning tail-end" of gaso- line, the No. 1 troublemaker in today's high- compression engines. As a result, you get a clean-burning gaso- line that gives you: * More complete engine protection than you get with so-called "miracle-additive" gaso- lines * Extra gasoline mileage in the kind of short- trip, stop-and-go driving motorists do most *.Freedom from vapor lock, stalling and stumbling in hot-weather driving * No knock, no surface pre-ignition - even in today's high-compression engines r-------------------------- * Now! For the ultimate in working octane performance., always use Gulf's super-refined gas-oil team...New Gulf IIlux Gasoline and , G4g^ \ New Gulfpride H.D.Select Motor OilH 1 tf fSS\ The only motor oil in the world that's (pw -r.rfntd b, the Alchlor Process for modern high-compressior engine e. 0 Controls carbon-cause of knock, pre-igitioin. valve failure. \ IGl^ ) \ Combats corrosive acids, rust and deposits on enci'ne parts. Assures lower oil consumption th.in '-aU-:-ea.s:.n" oils . I_ _^J;-----'' Provides the toughest protective film e'.er developed. LAvailable in 3 grades-SAE 10W, SAE 20/20W, SAE 30-for each season. . C. R. WITHERSPOON, Distributor, Gulf Oil Products, Under the federal grants-in-aid program a total of $90,964,796 was "returned" to Florida governmen- tal agencies and to individuals liv- ing in the state during the fiscal year, 1953-1954. This amount was 13 per cent of the total federal internal revenue collections in Florida during the same period. The national figure was 6 per cent. Further, the Flor- ida total represented 1.9 per cent of the total income of Floridians compared with a national average of 1.6 per cent. The $90 million Florida total was 4.6 per cent above the previous year's payments while the national total increased 5.6 per cent, the Florida iState Chamber of Commerce brought out this week. The principal categories under which grants were paid in Florida are listed in this week's business review of the State [Chamber's re- search and industrial division. The largest payment was for old age assistance, $26,451,048, up 17 per cent over the previous year. Veter- ans programs amounted to $18,211,- 503, down by 23 per cent. Other payments, none of which varied substantially, were aid to depen- dent children. $10,905,438; agrieul- Oaerision flnnD,, en'tCos -t 1 iVS THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1955 -- -, f *- - Minutes of the Regular Meeting o the City Commission of theC it of Port St. Jou, F'loinua, hld in th Musieipal Buildinu on the a 21 d o0 June AD., l5;.i at 8:00 P.1M. The Regular iMeetin' o0f the City Cam mission was held at this time with Co:n mnissioners Raine3y, Smith, Tharpe, Winiber ly anid \Mayor Belin present. Clerk lien derson was also present. Minutes of the previous e meetings of Junm 7, 1oa55 were read aild approved. Commissiolwr, Satinth introduced Ordin dance No. 149X: An Ordinance to be known as the Occu- pational License Ordinance of the City of Port St. Joe; giving definitions of certain terms; adopting laws, rules and regulations connected with, incident to and governing occupational licenses; fixing license fees for various businesses, occupations and pro- fessions; fixing license fee for businesses occupations and professions not specifically covered; repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this Ordin- ance; declaring that if a portion of this ordinance is held to be void or of no effect such holding not to effect the remaiinig portion of ordinance; making and constitut- ing each day's violation of the terms of the ordinance a separate offense, punishable as such: prescribing penalty for violation; and declaring the effective date. . . Commissioner Ramsey moved that Ordin- ance No. 1. IX be read in full flor th first time. This was seconded by Commissioner Tharpe and unanimously carried ayes five, nays none antld ordinance No. 141X w. read in full for thie first time. Mayor Belin recommended that Ordin- ance No. 149X be tabled for further con- sideration itl, tie next ,_ Mli hig o' lthe City Council, July ', and thant Section 27 of Ordinance No. 149X relative to emergency passage, be deleted from tie ordinance Whereupon Comnisn ioner Smilbl moved that Ordinance No. 1i19X be givien further consideration by i, a second ime time title i only at Regular Meeting of the City Council. This was sec- onded by Commissioner Wimberly and iupon a vote there were ayes five, nays none. 1-4 IT'S I WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EXPERT Electrical Repairs and Contracting DIAL BA 7-4331 ies, wives or not. The House refus- ed to go along and resented the ef- fort of the Senate to tell the House o how to run its business. - Both House and Senate .seem to have lost sight of the fact that Government is Big Business and that the spending of taxpayers money in vast amounts is an issue of importance. No business or industry in the State can compare in size with the business of government and it is ridiculous to think that a legislative body can operate efficiently and effectively without clerical help. The amount of mone spent on secretaries is trivial in comparison to the vast sums allocated for ex- penditure by the legislative body, and the only consideration as to the employment of such help should be on the question of ability. If a senator or representative is fortunate enough to have a wife who is fully qualified to serve as his secretary there is no reason in the world why she should not be so employed and chances are, she will do a much better job than some teen-aged attache who might be engaged on a political basis. If we were to disqualify all bachelors for both House and Sen- ate and send only married men to Tallahasse eand require that their wives accompany them with all expenses paid whether they worked or not, we would have the hardest working, most efficient legislature in the State's history. Wives have a stabilizing influence, and if these legislators had to answer to their wives throughout the entire session as well as the taxpayers, we'd all get a better break. I venture to say that if the wives SBzzetffs Drug Store DIAL BA 7-3371 ..vertnnnr",onn-m' saw -nIt"acY - Florida Percentage Is High ------' -- ---- In Federal Funds Received MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSIONa Rextdi PLENAMINS 11 vitamins plus 12 minerals in one tablet daily. 2 59 36's 2.59 $10,252,665; highways $7,009,648; national guard and Its air arm $3,- 478,824; education programs $5,- 314,444; public health service and research $2,167,894; unemployment compensation $2,946,904; aid to the blind $1,283,921 and the airport pro- gram $274,203. The balance ($2,668,- 304) included grants for civil de- fense, housing, crippled children and wildlife restoration. Vacationing In Loulslanna Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gautreaux and sons, Kirby and Kenneth are vacationing in New Orleans and rhibodaux, La. While in Thibodaux they will be the guests of Mrs. Gau- treaux's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- lan Knight. -Jcr~Qwrplro Franklin, Gulf and Wakulla Counties 5 a is sR~p~K~.rFane~;ri~-WaeC~yl~~ r;,~t~E~:~"I~B~'b ,~,, PAGE FIVu ..------ -..- ..-.....-- of our legislators were to replace : f. their esteemed husbands and had S"" i' full authority to press buttons that I ., egisLer votes they would do a lot B "Y .. better job than their husband is BY RUSSELL KAY have, and when the smoke d Scieared we would find that tic ir ilei-slation was more in line wi h \ bhile the legislaLure is sutpped teie Siiie public interest. to be conceicrneid it 1 r ilie. proitiii'i s to be concerned e Representative Mlarvin B. KniiLit of reapportion nt, a st i t of Cal suggested that Tampa Morning Tri e ,. ..i of Calhoun suggested that eaclh Tampa rnilg T'.I ii p i ti 'legislator be allowed a wife an i out that a number of lte.islators had r e ti t secretary on the payroll. T, .t their wives oroll wouldn't work. It would be much varies, took their minds off the busi- better to have just a wife. I me ! n1ess at hand and started a verbal their OWN wives. free-for-all. O i free-for-all. Finally Speaker Ted David i t The SenaLe which has clowned fed up with the horseplay and put ithroughliout most of the ilegular ses- a sto pto it by referring Knig sion and the special SesSiOn. Came I i 1 t t 'amendment to the non-existent ip With a move to fire all secretiar- -,,,ifte ,,' ,;..... .. s t CrrMItLUL ee on wives, nimiVtes 1 hives." Representative Volie Williams of Seminole offered a substitute mo- tion which in effect told : a Senate to go peddle its fish and the House would take care of is own affairs without Senate aid or suggestions. It would authorize the Senate to dismiss its secret ii - if it chose t odo so but would int apply to the House. The Williams amendment passed by a vote of IS to 33. The problem of reapportionment is a tough one. It can never be solved equitably and fairly under our present Constitution and gives evidence of the imperative need of complete constitutional revision with an entirely new system of meeting such emergencies. In the meantime we have present laws tc deal with and we should make the best of it and act like grown-ups instead of children in seeking the solution. Some sena- tors are going to get hurt, it can't be avoided. So let's make up our mind WHO and have it over with. Guests From Altha Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts had as their guests over the week end, Mr. Roberts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts of Altha. ~il I!,,,, . a t P'MUE sIx - TAR,- PORT- STC JO ULP UNT' LORIDA T RJUNE 30, 195 I III. * A N food Store you'll discover the WOcld a I Large "shaggy" halves packed in rich heavy syrup with that tree- ripened flavor...just like home canned I START THE 4th OFF WITH A BANG. BUST YOUR GROCERY BILL IN HALFBY SHOPPING AT IGA CHECK THESE QUALITY GROCERIES AT SUCH A LOW, LOW PRICE -Swa -----r.a-. ------L-^ -,,,, - KRAFT IGA NO. 303 F t IGA RNR NO. 303 PEACE ES IGA SWEET NO. 303 P EAS STAR KIST TREAM NO. CAN IGA CREAM STYLE SWEET NO. 303 CAN TENDER LEAF TEA QUART PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY JUNE 30 and JULY 1 and 2 Chuck Roast LB. 39c U. S. GOVERNMENT BRANDED BEEF Round Steak LB. 69c U. S. GOVERNMENT BRANDED BEEF Brisket Stew 5 Lbs. $100 U. S. GOVERNMENT BRANDED BEEF Club Steak LB. 39c ;p.B3- ~~ L-9 C~T P r Now Is The Time To Cook In FLUFFO 3 Ib. Can 59c DAIRY Chef Delight CHEESE 2 lb. 55c Sun Gold OLEO lb. 18c Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls can 25c Kraft CHEESE 2 Ib. 36c Cinnamon BUTTER 39c .-Buy Your Ice Cream At IGA-Supreme ICE CREAM Half Gal. 89c FROZEN FOOD Wholesun Orange JUICE 2for 25c McKenzie's Turnip, Mustard, Collards GREENS 2 for 35c Simple Simon PIES 2 for 49c McKenzie's SQUASH 18c Prize Frozen STEAKS 39c PRODUCE 2 FOR CHUNK STYLE 2 FOR 48 Count Tomatoes lb 35c 29c, 27c 49c PEAS BUTTER BEANS SQUASH IGA MILK 3 Tall Cans 35c 10c OKRA BELL PEPPERS Cucumbers Make Those Dogs Grow--Feed Them GAINES 2 cans 19c 4~~~~n 3'' -3 -.,y>.C~ NABISCO LB. BOX We Carry A Complete Line of Western Heavy Beef. Come In Today and Save! Meat Features U. S. GOVERNMENT BRANDED BEEF At your ---~ ~~~~- ~~WsIAY~--rL ~ Bt- -~ m-'-~7~AB~e~ - ~. ~d~lra~BP~ ~BP~R~~ l33Pua ~P~~,-- -*~~F~FBFl~~lr~sBcnI~P~III~BB~L~i ~R~spllamRaaat----~Z~i~l~lllJIA - - THURSDAY, JUNE 30p' 1956 i He STAR, PORT ST. JO-E, GULF COUNI-Y. FLORIDA / 59c $19@ Af Amb S-;. I"STAR, PORT ST. .JOE, GULF COUNT's, FLORIDA 0. Guoe Paterson, Bill Lee, L. H. Kelly, Franklin, Earnest and WI;ayne 11 f Cfeor, Venna Byrd, Pt. T. McCormick. Ite- Coffee Springs, Ala., were vJsixiLn' ',- .-.i-hnenLts served were cokes, po- his sun lald family'. \lc. ;1,1 \l'-. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, *. "' -"ag?;- --- , NEWS ;. By MARTHA RAY Mrs. Rhoden Pre'csiiul i-ot ,'. Mrs. Gwen Hatfield wil ' shower Monday nii 1aI- ' Those present were: Mrs. Nolh lPatLlerson, Bill Le, JK t Killobuurn, " D a n llatr field 'I L ni l .i i iL ,,' ' George Davis, Mad Croane', .'.:- don Adams. Ovide 'unch, . Parker, Geor-, l ain and -. E ,Al:T .. . ':7 / , '(i6t 'I ,1'. 8 I' "" - .. ': fie. 7y ] 's.on. Mrs. 1. r- ;riftin. :and Eula : ': (l 1b .f iIighland \ ^, :*.. i .- 0. i'lan: are b>- .... : i '. : r opening of the .. h center. Any- it n helpin ghe chil- S' : View are asked ,h wit h any club S. :., eu y aL their meet- ..- :, on 6Lith St. 'o.i i iams and Mrs. .)rd Mrs. Willie Mae -h.. 0 a stork .shower Fri- *;y ;..' Ju 21. Those present ... i: '. VC. fC. lForehand, Mae .. '. lel Carl Grissett, I.:* C c, Gwein Hatfield, Addie -. is Gay. Those sending S. : V. it. Weeks, Cocer, 'Katherine Douglas, S' ''ri:-; Juanita Casey, Lizzie 1) F loyd'. Curtis O'B rian, iene' iiile .s o .i J, a. ,;l 1,, Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Miles visited fieldel, Eidith Whitfield, Nis father, Wright Miles of South- rine lro\-n, Ida Jean Douglas, port over the week end. i ns. Nell Paterson, M. L. Mrs. Walter Hall and sons, srI- u..' r. .wn I-i C. - / 'C I I' ii II Ii iii t i ... - .. -- 5RFl17-26 J-st l@ ': V;-- :- L \I --' . Full-width Super-F'eeze' Full-width f5 ,: -- Hydrai>' Full-width .-" I ..: - 0* Storage-Dor hs eg shves, . bottle space, iUWta'r- C- ,' i..... removable shelves -/ Golden, Alumi'-niixs f,.;' ;.' Shelves - Quickube Troys ..,' Instant Tray '. : Right or : .. ..' door it -s "' extra cost Model SDV-76 ', 7'- Terms $199.95 .A~J3i II Vs NV-" C. I K1.Tf~~ 6' ii ill :L.C~tia J~ pitt - --'in a j K I'~1~-' o Rolling Basket-Drawe - o Fast-Freeze Shelves o Separate Pastry Rack o Frozen Juice Can Holder o Removable Door Shelves o Du'Ijux or Porcelain Exterior o -.' ; or left-opening door 'at no extra cost o ,' .- :-' Grille Fronts * Colorful interior-with rich golden trim * Food Index ... tells what's in Freezer, and where * Automatic Interior Light * Target Light Safety Signal ' * Holds up to 437 lbs. frozen food * Only 33V/ inches wide Come i See! Compare! It's the best value lo be iound ANYWHERE! Model VFT-1 25, Only $00.00 Also, new low prices on 9, 13 and 18 cu. ft. Chest Type Freezers! 7TOiK TO 2TT YOU ii ~ "I '. h 11 i' i-I Li sO a ii ii ~ I "';'~' - LA I- 'TORE DAILY BAII 7-5271 209 REID AVE. PAGE SEVEN 1 1; - V- -..- ,i..... d i ,rid School To Start In Highland View ltao chips and cuukies. A r. and Mrs. B. A. Peters spent the weekend with their daughter, Mrs. Nellie Marshall of Clarksville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Martin and sons of Vernon were visiting over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kelly and family. AMr. and Mrs. Jim Godwin and children spent last week end in Jacksonville visiting friends and relatives. Misses Nadine and Charlotte Ma- loy of Jacksonville are visiting their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Godwin. Miss Mearlin Pridgeon of Fitz- gerald, Ga., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Christmas. We welcome to our community, iev. McIntash, the new pastor of the Highland. View Assembly of God Church. Mrs. Carlos Miles visited her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Eu- li f -Man. Ga. ing. Reports from various chair- rip-iorted LO ohav e learned m ich men were heard and old and new from '1h3 1ul schedule they had business discussed. The meeting from G:30 a.m. c io 11:25 p.m. They was dismissed with prayer by Mrs. Lt cced slate officers and tooe- W. I. Garden. charge of 'lorida's government for The hostess, assisted by her one day. 1Howeve'r, their session daughter, Ann, served refreshments had to be out shorL because of the to those present. legislature meeting there at this -- time. They learned many things HIGHLAND VIEW METHODISTS about Florida's government and HAVE QUARTER CONFERENCE how it ticks. ----I Mr. and Mirs. I. A. Ilardy have Highland View Methodist Church been advised to expect their son will hold their first quarterly con Aubrey, USN nowi stationed at San- ference for the 1955-56 conference ford, home for the holiday week year July 3, 1955, at 11:00. The sac- end. He pians to arrive today. raments of Holy Communion will Mr. and Mtrs. Harold Kirkland be observed. Dr. A. E. Middle- and baby left Saturday for their brooks, district superintendent of home in Acme, X. C., a Ler spend- the Marianna District, will be the ing several days here with Mr.s. guest minister. Lunch will be Kirkland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. served at the church. Immediately SieLs Pridgeon. following the noon hour the busi- Mr. and iMr. \Walter Stafford ness session will be held with Dr. and son, Larry d returned Saturday Middlebrooks presiding. after a week's vacation visiting Mr. Everyone is cordially invited to Stafford's mother, Mrs. J. VW. Staf- worship with us. ford and other relatives in Smith- field, North Carolina. They took Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! in points of interest in Atlanta. Ca. ; I'. -! l _.' ' : .'^ 'I tin I.. Visitor From Climax Miss Mary Jeter of Climax, Ga., is the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson and Mr. and Mrs R. IH. Brinson. Mrs. Jeter is a re- tired school teacher and ha l caught school for fifty years, 25 years in Gadsden County. This is her first visit here. Miss Jeter is 91 years old. Asheville, N. Carolina. Circle No. 1 me twi li Aliss Edna Davis al lie home of tMr. and Mrs. B. A. Pridgeon at 3:00 p.m. Mon- day. The meeting was opened by prayer led by Mrs. Stets Pridgeon. A short business session was held after which the meeting was closed by repeating the Lord's Prayer. Refreshments were served by the hostess to: Mesd. chlir and .Farnes Harper. The G. A.'s met at the hoaint; of Mrs. Stels Fridg on Tuesliv- a-','- noon at 4:00 p.m. with Misses Peggy Chafin, Mary Helen Kirk- land, Elizabeth and Sarah HaIlrper present. After a business sesyJion. Ithe hostess served them refresh- nments. Y. OR.. S BY WA JAY S OGT . Picture lessons For Summer Motorists DON'T try to drive and sii-htsee at the same time - N "' < ,P 7t5,4 - -I - II o is *And keep down your speed W\Valter Hall, Jr. i \. ,, '-, 0 :7 ItR The Vacation Chur1'1n b jo )l will Miss Betry Jean marshall and __ begin at the Highland Vie ,, Mletho- brother, J. W. of Clarksville arei dst Church, Monday. Ju y 1. a: Circe lit, n Lt e home O viitiing their grandiparenii Ar. C l I IL home a' visiingd thrs. 3. A. Petrs. naren, Mr n 8 S-30. Children of all denoin Ination nd Mrs. A. Petrs invited. No doctrine ,vill b, Mrs. Mary Hutcherson an d n o au1 ''ll. Songs stories. .xiins, r.- daughter. Grace of Tampa are visit- The n t in 1t pn i fres taihents and toandir,. i'are ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Christ- 1 ip.lr L'c.i ui, ta 1st Peter lfe o iont highlight s 'f r1' : U1-1L alnt is L'ihi. 10:3L b i Mrs. iiglli''111 s tin gnas. torg, i.lrpi r In the absncs of school. The school will cl''e a each Sgt. Earnest B. Pridgeon of AIL- l I1ii. r l ii. b11. cioro u day at 11:30. On Priday t ali bany, Ga., is visiting his grand- tiok ch. 1 C he roram: anot p9renits are invited to i.:' id the mother, Mrs. E. B. Pridgeon. Wok clin IiL Ii aci ,il ,ninenlemeni program of lhe Va- I Claren1e and sons of i)ollV, ; l\' disc1lssio 1 11 L L 11 i a-n O n Mr. Clarence and sons of Albany. II I I i b r caion Church School. Tel dales Ga., are visiting his brother and IaiLed'b a lll,. ioC' w s r cro Jul c 4 to 8.dates family, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Christ- l h Rev. Douglas Newsome pastor. ma, s. 0w h1101 fLi' c ich Mrs. HIorton mc led illn pIraOr an"ld adjourned the will be lie general superh indent. s meeting. Jefr'shinents of cokes -sisting hini will be \i. Essic First Baptist Circde No. ,ad ol l ace dwiches were V. KKnight, Mlisses Balrbc:h Gay, 3 Has Meeting Monday s rved by the L .Iostess to: Aes- Martha Raye and Marjorie Itogers. ----_ dailies llinrv 3SuwLll, E. L. Antley, Circle 3 of the Woman's Mission- and Sam dvards. TALLAHASSEE All leaves ary Union of the First Baptist iMrs. 11. A. raxton and children ]ave been cancelled anl state Church met Monday in the home n ae spending_ a Lto week vacation patrolmien will be on Flori : high- of Mrs. George Davis at St. Joe in Cottondale visiting her mother, iays "in full force" to ke, p down Beach with seven members and: c. Gracie Pipin accidents over the long FI trth of one visitor present. Mrs. E. C. Ca: 'rs. Jimmy Spuois and children July holiday, Patrol Director H. son had charge of the program, hav e been here this week visitii g Kirkman said this week. "Stewavrdship". Miss Ann Davis, C parenis, ,r. andC Mrs. Carter "Every member of the patrol YWA member, brought the devo- ai d will be on the highways conmmeli -. tional taken from Jeremiah 22: ing Friday and will slay there 13-18. rends of L. Whier will re aioud the clock" until the holiday Mrs1. .C'aso to learn thLat he is a patient ends at midnight Monday. July '4. Mrs. Cason gave an interesting the Municipal Hospital. e said. and informative talk on Steward- ( Miv-r Harper who represented a accidents illed 12 per ship followed with prayer. ,, Amercan Legion Post No. 11 sons on Forida highway last Mrs. Charles Gill, chairman, pre- of Port St. Joe in Tallahassee at Fourth of July. sided over a .short business meet-i 1' P, Suate r-turned Saturday. He1- C 'N f 4 Ii I>_ _ I' N I. ~ \C..."in. I -' I - rp ~' "' I- K- Ii - ST. J '- (Look For Large Sign on '- .,) BEGINNING U .. . LASTING FOR TEN DAYS SERVICES NIGHTLY AT 3 : P.M. PREACHING BY TOLBERT F. Vp -' :, J Evangelist of Pensacola: YOU ARE IN FILMED AGAINST THIE 9 )'. i -. OF THE WORLD'S MOST .FABULOUS CITY.... ' ; HOUSTON, TEXAS! BIILY G Lt1'" BLL^.- -....* -- COLLEEN TOWNSEND EI ." , nlE PAUL POWER 'RIPPINiSTORY ROBERT CLARKE OF ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCES i GEORGIA LEE WITH HIS G00! RALPH WARD and te stars f "Mr. Texas,"' o u-. MI Iif ".. .. N ' FIRST fM-Z SATURDAY NIGHT, 8:00 P.M. -- . Sponsored By Port St. Joe i:; . 8~9B~s~gZ~k~*qp~giqa(Sesppry;~~ i __rmC__ r , LXj , I - ------ --------- - l S -E L PAGER 19 4 ,'wrR, P Q T j e T 0 L F 0U NT T NEw HELP A RERGY S\ SUfFERERS Medical science has made a great deal of progress in the last few years in isolating allergy- causing substances- pollens, dusts, foods and others. And with this recognition has come new methods of treatment, ways of avoiding the discomfort of -this old plague of mankind. If you or someone in your family C ASSIFED A$S :-OR SALE AUTO BARGAIN: $295 will buy a good Packard auto with radio, heater and extra good set of tires. H1 F. Ayers. Phone 7-3986. tf FOR SALE: 1-ton Mitchell room air conditioner. 1 year old. Good condition. $250.00. See at The Star. FOR SALE: Blooming named vari- eties African violets $1.50. Bloom- ing begonias, $1.50. On display at Firestone Store. Orchidland Nur- sery and Florist. Phone 7-9181 or seems to have an allergy, con- 7-9351. suit your doctor. Chances are he' can help you quickly. And if he BARGAINS WATCHES prescribes any of the new dis- Guaranteed-Reconditioned coveries in drugs to aid you, Bulovas-Hamiltons-Elgins, 17, 19 bring his prescription to us for and 21 Jewel Movements $12.50 to prompt, accurate compounding. ;$19.50. Note: These watches have tt Ibeen recently cleaned, re-oiled, reg- S'ulated and test-run. With proper f care thLiey will give years of faithful service. 3tc-6-16 PARKER'S JEWELRY CO. Buzzett'S Drug Store Lawson Hotel Building DIAL BA 7-3371 'FOR SALE: 8 cottages, all furnish- ed; waterfront corner lot and one --.. -- ..-...--.----.. adjacent rear lot, unimproved. All Ten million persons will pay the at Beacon Hill. Contact Silas R. final installments on their auto- Stone, 321 Reid Ave. tfc-6-1 ] mobiles this year. -,-- FOR RENT FOR SALE: Scratch pads, ditto --.---..---- paper, second sheets, sales books FOR RENT: 2-bedroom unfurnish- guest checks. THE STAR, Phone ed aparLment. Dial 7-4811 or see 61 for delivery. i Mrs. Sanders Chitty. 2tp W. 'i 'lNTI 1 b!.rL-oom.i furnished | our receipts to the page. The Star. Rev. Ned Iverson To Suita: for coupe. ----Hold Meeting At Beach -_ I LODGE NOTICES =OFR RENT: a d do wv.nstairs- nFOR RENt : u 22 7th 1 WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, Rev. Ned Iverson of Augusta, Gal, -.n. ial 7-.1 iTP. ip, THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- will hold services at Mexico Beach S... .. In~o first and third Monday nights July 17 through 21. The Christian FOR RENT: FurniLo,1,l apartment 800 p.m., American Legion Home .Fellowship of Mexico Beach, under ........... ... MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- the direction of Rev. Bill Iverson, S :," Por:. St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular local Presbyterian pastor, will spon- E ,:.. ... meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- sor the meeting. Rev. Ned Iverson days each month, 8:00 p. m. is a evangelist ho has been la- PHOTOSTAT COPIES made of any Members urged to attend; I a evangelist who has been la. important paper you want to pro- visiting brothers welcome. W. L. boring with great success through- serve. $1.00 per copy. THE STAR, Jordan, W. M.; R. H. Trawick, out the South. He is the son of Rev. Dial 7-3161. secretary. Daniel Iverson, who has seld ser- LAWN NEED MOWING.toprotect vices here and the brother of the your .shrabbery? Cal: Ed Bobbitt, LOYAL ORDER local pastor. BAil 7-7711. OF MOOSE e . .. ... ...... M meeting night ev. i :' , STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters ery other Monday. : Star Want Ads Get Results for your used furniture and ap Meetings at Moose / pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone 11a, 310 Fourth St. R.A. M Regua convocation of 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tf R. A. M.-Regular convocation of SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. Keys M'vc de WViile You Wait O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- M., 2nd and 4th Monday&. All vialt- 35c EACH days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All ing companions welcome. Jimmy WESTERN AUTO Imembers urged to attend; visiting Greer, High Priest; H. R. Mal Brethren invited. H. H. Shirley, N. Greer, High P t; H. R. Malge, BicyriE Repai.'ing All Makes IG., Alden Ferris, Secretary. ,secretary. Rr-ei Pails and Repairs Ki ENNEDY'S ELECTRIC and RE-. . FRIGERATION SERVICE. Li- icensed electrical contractor. All : kinds electric and refrigeration service and installation. Phone 7-3032. ALL ITEMS of ortice needs can be \ bought at THE STAR office. If it is used in any business for any bookkeeping purpose, we have it. Special printed forms, guest checks, saiesbooks, billing machine forms. iECEIPT BOOKS: Small books of duplicate receipts and books of i 0:l I .... .... .. .... I mi Return To Mexico Mrs. Eugene Dugger and daugh- ter Linda of Albuquerque, New Mexico have returned to their home, after a visit here with her sister, Mrs. Wayne Buttram and Mr. Butt- ram. Other guests of Mr. and Mrs. Buttram have been Mrs. Carrie Amos, mother of Mrs. Buttram and Gene Oliver of Lake City. Guests of Buttrams Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Buttram last week were Mrs. Butt- rom's brother and family, T/,Sgt. Francis and Mrs. Amos and son Ronald of Eglin Air Force Base, Fort Walton Beach and Mr. Butt- ram's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Buttram and children, Glenda, James, Emily and ISara Alice of Slocomb, Ala. MIMEO PAPER-8V2xll and 8%x 14 mimeograph paper in stock at all times. The Star. tf Arrive Por Visit Mrs. James Van Horn and daughters Rose Mary and Juains of Richmond, Va., arrived Tuesday night to visit with her sister-in-law and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Munn, Sr., ,on Hunter Ciraie. Mr. Van Horn will arrive the latter part of next week to accompany them home. S 9 -p ~ ML I -eKle lr r-u Great value buy-superbly tailored Kroehler "Cushionized" 2-pc. suite upholstered in fine mohair frieze, famous for long wearing durability and lasting good looks. Wide selection of the sea- son's newest colors. SMOKERS Handsome a 1 meta 1 smoker, well balanced eliminates tilting. 345 L 414:z N- -I -I il - -2j, ... _._...... '4- S.. MODE ir.%.. -: -. - DOUBLE 2 f f !-"%i .: il SUN-BURST FINISH IN EXCITING NEW STYLE oidly Constructed-Dovetailed Drawers Chest & Nightstands Arwfhible. $5.00 Dnwv. E Smooth operating durable, weather resistant alumin- um slats. 24 to 36 inch widths. A11 If ~1. . 0 I - 477 Terms. I Ifz .UR.YU 1;J'? f "SIZE 6.00-16 RRU HB Y ,' 9S PLUS TAX S f EXCHANGE IF YOUR OLD TIRI X 19 'II RECAPPABLB S IFYOUR OLD TIRllE -. .^^I S / R,-. ECAPPAL E t AV. 111iaS AL SIZES LALL SIZES o .. /./. eresone - SALMPIOS SALE PRICED,' 6.40-15 1845 US TAX I -1- lf-B1 C XiHAN GE / " B 6.70- 1 I.0 l l '' ;TR DEI'"d 60- 7...0-15 .""64 6700-16 5 2222.15 r^ .'fr DELUXE CHAMPION ' , PFLUS TA DRRATUBELESS TIRES , ,...#/> ^'- Jr You can Pur Them on You Present Wheels. We ,IBuy L '* -All the Unused Mileage in Your Present Tires When You Trade for New Firestone De Luxe Chaip ,; - one e & Aito Suppil y Store B.W ELOne A798 or t oFa ~i-su~i~;sii~adksPSrj~pB~?Rr~i~;rr~;t~P ---- -' I I i~- I :KN 'asV . .. .. 3" . B. W. EELLS, Owner !'"WRO4y 9yj JUNIE sot I#"s ALUMINUM BLINDS 'izw c BA 7-9181 Port St. Joe, Fla. |