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THE STA-R Published In Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County ---- ---, --- THE PORT ST.. JOE Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive I Weekly Newspaper ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" VOLUME XVIII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORLDA THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1955 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 42 I I I.I..........' III ETAOIN SHRDLU by WES4LEY R. RAMSEY Can you imagine it raining in Port St. Joe after so long a time? We had a paper salesman call yesterday who said that up in North Florida and South Geor- gia, people are out walking in the rain grinning like monkeys. We're not a farmer, but we were right glad to see it. Our friend, Jiggs Zingarelli in Apalachicola has quit. He has ceased publication of the Frank- lin Press. When he started the paper, anyone could plainly see he was an extraordinary news- paperman. Even unorthodox. He proved it by quitting without a bankrupt sale forcing him to. Jiggs' paper was well read and we hate to see him go. We do envy him the free loafing time he will have now. We have a little piece here by Wallace Findlay up in the city of Blountstown plucked out of his column, "Musings", and we quote: "Money is generally fascinat- ing, but if I wanted to talk about it, I would have to bring in some of my friends who have it, and they might resent it. "You know how it is with mon- ey. No one wants to admit hav- ing any, even if he lives in a twenty thousand dollar home, has a new car, and takes two weeks off each year. It's a strange thing. I'll bet I would be differ- ent, if I could just qualify." Don't you know JUST what he means? Boy Scout Circus Set for Tomorrow Tomorrow night the annual per- ball Park, beginning at 8:00 p.m. formance of the Boy Scout Circus sharp. will be held in the Centennial Base- Costin Lists The Week's Activities County Representative, Cecil G. Costin, Jr., reports that the House passed a bill Tuesday setting up a 3-day non-resident fishing license for the State of Florida at the cost ci $1.00. Previously out-of-state persons must pay $3.00 for a license that was good for one to 14 days. Costin also reported that the House has passed the Lieutenant Governor Bill. Costin said that he predicted that the bill would have a hard fight to get through the Senate. "The reason for this", says Costin is that the President of the Senate is now delegated to sit in the Governor's seat should the Gov- ernor die in office". The proposed Lt.-Governor bill would require that, a candidate for Lt.-Governor have his name linked with that of the Gubernatorial candidate that he wished to serve with, printed on the ballot. The Lt.-Governor would also be delegated some of the responsi- bilities of the Governor at the des- cretion of the Governor. "Governor Dan McCarty's death emphasized the need for a Lt.-Governor Cos- tin said. A person said the other day tn ad. that we just liked to live danger- A House Committee voted favor- ously. Here we went into the able on a bill o ering home rule newspaper binq ran for th tto each County, This would give city commission, took up flying county Commissioners greater pow- and now umpire at the church er and enable them to pass local league softball games. changes in government without a Reackon he meant if I don't bill to the Legislature. At present fall out of the sky why I'll get approximately 10% of the Legisla- "cussed" to death in one of or ture's time is taken up with local all three of the other activities, bills. Due to the increasing State We would just like to say that business to be taken care of in each each job makes the hide a little term, it is imperative that some- tougher and pay just a little less thing be done about this matter. attention to the complaints. Ser- Along with the County bill it is iously though, that paying less expected that cities will be allowed attention to complaints can be the same home rule later on. dangerous. We try to give each ___ complaint special attention. We Costin states' that the House just try not to let them worry hasn't started on re-apportionment us grey-headed or ulcer-stom- as yet. He said that several pro- ached and these activities are posals have been presented, but good for overcoming that. that all haye been killed. Accord- The flying, though, is just ing to Representative Costin, a plain enjoyment. special session will be called to take care of the matter. Did you realize that there is ____ ___care __ only one more week of school? Negro Wounded In qMiss McClain To Speak Stabbing Last Friday To Public Health Nurses Junior Addison, colored was the victim of a severe stab wound last Mi Minerva MCla wService riday afternoon when he was cut guest speakerat the In Servicedown in the Paris Inn on Avenue meeting of all Public Health Nurses D in the quarters. and Registered Nurses in Bay, Gulf and Franklin Counties to be held Officer Lee Edwards investigat- at the Gulf County Health Depart- ed the cutting 'and arrested Ben meant, Port St. Joe, Florida, Friday, Morning, Jr., accusing him of the May 20, from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. stabbing. An interesting subject, "Anes- According to police Chief Buck thesiology, newest administration Griffin, Edwards reported that the and.latest developments", will be two Negroes were fighting when the theme of her speech. Miss Me- Morning picked up a long home- Clain is Chief Anesthetist at W. T. made butcher knife and ran it in Edwards Tuberculosis Hospital in Addison's back. The knife went Tallahassee and the Municipal Hos- .through one of Addison's lungs. pital in Port .St. Joe. Addison was confined to the Mu- All Registered and Public Health nicipal Hospital where he is re- Nurses are urged to attend. ported to be recovering. ----^---- --4--------- Sportsman's Club Has Last Pre-School Roundup Annual Picnic Outing Will Be Held Here Friday Members of the Sportsman Club The last pre-school round-up will of .the high school gave their an be held at the Colored Elementary nual picnic and party, Sunday after- School in Port St. Joe, Friday, May noon when they with their dates 20. All Colored children who will be molored by bus to White Springs entering school next semester are at Bristol for an afternoon of swim- asked to attend accompanied by a ming, skating and dancing followed parent. with a supper. The club under the direction of Dewey Phillips has over 40 mem- bers. Each year, at the close of school, a picnic and trip is planned. Guests In Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dandridge and son, Danny were the week end guests of Mrs. Dandridge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward, in Mo- bile, Ala. Dr. W. T. Weathington, M. D., Health Officer, will be at the school at this time. ---^-- -- Attend ROTC Award Day Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ford attended ROTC Award Day at Tulane Uni- versity in New Orleans, where their son, Tommy was presented an award by the National Defense Transportation Association on May 13. Water System Is Cranked Up The new water system for Port St. Joe was turned on this week for testing purposes. Water was run through the entire system and sterilization of the plant was begun. All of the plant is now in opera- tion, though the water is not going into the city mains yet, with the Many big acts have been worked up for this stellar performance and e ump t i nga in e dpow e a lage ad lielym~naeriehaspump that is, being installed in case of power failure. The State Board been gathered comp~rie of e- -,- Little League Baseba ll Is Started Here With A League of Four Teams Saints To Play Prospects Said Good For Second Apalach Sunday League For Next Year .... ......... .. .......l. of Health has taken samples of the ____ pants, "wampus-kitties", ostriches, water and as soon as their okay The Saints wi py thi f giraffes, horses, zebras and other ye The Saint&will play thier first animals too numerous to mention, on the purity of the watep is recei- home game of the season here Sun- A large host of clowns have been ed, it will be.pumped into the city day afternoon at 4:00 i.m. when engaged for this performance to ains. It is expected that thi date they meet the Apalachicola Oyster- thrill the kiddies and the grown- nmen at Centennial Field. ups alike. Prior to the pumping of the new The Saints were held back by Usually the proceeds from the water into the system, the old wa- the Oystermen last Sunday in Apa- Scout Circus goes toward sending ter tanks will be thoroughly clean- lachicola in an exhibition game less fortunate boys to camp but ed to do away with as much sedi- when St. Joe was trimmed by a this year, the proceeds will go to- ment as possible. 8-1 score. The two teams tangled ward a fund to send the entire last night in Apalachicola in the troop on a tour of Washington, D.C. Playground Equipment official season opener, but the out- New York City, and if possible, on Arrives At Playground come of the game was not known at into Canada. The boys have been -- press time. working hard for the last few Playground equipment began to Sunday's battery will be Bascom months to raise money to take this make an appearance on the new Hamm on the mound and Waring trip. The Circus is counted on to playground bordering 10th Street Murdock receiving. The remainder bring in a large sum toward their in the new City Park this week. of the Saints like-up will be as financial goal. I The equipment was purchased by follows: Belin, 3b; Sheppard, ss; Prior to and all during the Cir- the Rotary Club of Port St. Joe and Dennis, ab; Langley, 1b; Poole, if; cus performance, hot dogs, cold given to the City. Wilder, cf; and McFarland, rf. drinks and peanuts will be on sale Only a portion of the equipment to whet your circus appetite. The has arrived, and a slide, swings VaciC e Program Is Scouts will starting serving early and a teeter-totter are now in oper- V ie ro m enough that you may eat hot dogs action at the playground. Set T Go0 gain for supper if you like. Prior to the beginning of theLaymen To The Salk Vaccination program circus, the High School band will Episcopal Laymen TO The Salk Vaccination program present a program of music for Give Fish Fry Feed is still being held up in local schools your listening enjoyment. due to the fact that their second Friday afternoon at 4:00, a circus May 25 the Laymen's League of shipment of the vaccine has not parade will be held uptown with St. James' Episcopal Church will yet arrived. clowns, acrobats, animals and the put on one of their celebrated fish The County Health Department band participating. fries. The tickets will sell at their 1as been given the go-ahead with S. .... .. ar n their program as soon as the vac- The price of admission is only usual price of $1.00 per adult and in v 75c for adults and 35c for children. 50c per child. Tickets can be obtain- cme arrives. For an evening of enjoyment, see ed from any member of the League T .RA AT HOME the Boy Scout Circus. or at the door. TRADE AT HOME HUNGRY VISITORS line up in the cnow line to heap their plates up with all kinds of delicious food at the basket lunch picnic held in the Centennial Building last Sunday celebrat- ing the Second Anniversary of the Long Avenue Baptist Church. 250 were fed. ( photo) . t--- a. S-i | J -|~.; --".:- -; .H- ;-,. 1 . BOWED HEADS asked thanks before the noon-day picnic me; Avenue Baptist Church and their guests. The prayer, led of the First Baptist Church recognized blessings bestowed two years. Pictured above is just a portion of the crowd th ate the picnic meal prepared by the ladies of the Long Ave church in Port St. Joe were in attendance. Port St. Joe is entering the na- tional chain of Little League Base- ball Clubs by forming a four-team league here in the city. Coy Williams, local baseball en- thusiast, has laid the ground-work and worked up four sponsors to ,City To Receive Bids On Disposal Plant Repairs The City of Port St. Joe is re- ceiving bids for the rehabilitation of the sewage disposal plant. Work hag just been completed in cleaning up the operating parts of the plant so that engineers could determine to what extent re- pairs would need to be made. The bids are to be received by the City Commission at 5:00 p.m. on June 7. Provided that a bid in accepted, it is estimated that work on rehabilitation of the sys- tem will begin soon after that date. The City will pay for the work out of money received in the re- cent sale of a bond issue to con- struct the new water system. Returns To Texas Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Stansbury returned to their home in Dallas, Texas after spending their vaca- tion here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell. Long Avenue Baptist Church Observes Second Anniversary With Dinner Sun. ,Sunday, May 15, marked the See- worship services. ond Anniversary of the Long Ave- Following the Sunday morning nue Baptist Church of this city. services, a basket birthday dinner Organized on May 10, 1953 with 44 was served in the Centennial Build- charter members, the church has ing to approximately- 250 friends to grown to a present membership and members of the Long Avenue of 140. Durel Brigman served as Church. general chairman of the church Many visiting pastors were pres- from the date of organization until ent at the celebration. They were: October 1, 1953 when the present Revy. C. Byron Smith, pastor of the pastor, Rev. J. C. Odum was called First Baptist Church; Rev. Fred to the pastorate of the new church. 'Davis, Pastor, First Methodist The Church has purchased pro- Church; Rev. Bill Iverson, Pastor perty on the corner of Long Avenue Presbyterian Church; Rev. Tom and 16th Street and paid for and Miller, pastor, St. James' Episco- built a pastorium. At present, the pal Church; Rev. J. T. Dudley, pas- church is debt free and has $3,500 tor, Beacon Hill Baptist Church; in a building fund to begin their Rev. Walter Markham, Pastor, new church plant. Construction is White City Baptist Mission; Rev. expected to start this summer on Luther Carden, of Livingston Ten- 6'a portion of the new building. nessee and W. R. Scott, ministerial Services at present, are being student. held in the High School Auditorium. Mrs. George Cooper was chair- Recognition was given to the man of the anniversary committee. charter members and all other Serving with her were Mrs. B. Roy members Sunday morning in the Cibson, Jr., Miss Alma Baggett, L. E. Voss and Joe Wilkie. .The church plans to make this a. n annual affair. -.. e City Will Take Up Extra Construction Fund Bonds -., The City is publishing notice this week that they intend to take up the last five bonds in the bond is- AX sue that was used to construct the City Hall. Last year the city called in the last seven bonds on the is- ,.-. sue, thereby saving the City a con- ., siderable amount of money in in- ., : terest. This year the Commission s attempting io take up only five. These bonds taken up are in addi- tion to the ones that will regularly come due at this time. n The City is able to take up the i extra bonds, thereby saving inter- tcst since the Utmilities Tax has been pledged to this fund and can be spent for nothing else. Therefore the Commission thought it wise to Stake up the extra bonds. According to the contract in he Issue, the Bonding Company carry- al last Sunday held by the Long ing the bonds can refuse payment by Rev. C. Byron Smith, Pastor of the extra bonds, thereby earn- on the infant church in the past ig the full amount of interest. mat attended the celebration and They accepted the extra pa nt tt Last year, and it is anticipat-d that *nue Church. Pastor's from every the bond-holders will ace. pt the (I* photo) extra payment this year. Al .... -f 1- 1. .. 1 ' sponsor the clubs and give the city a sufficient amount of teams to re- ceive a Little League franchise. The local league will consist of teams sponsored by the St. Jde Paper Company, The Kiwanis Club, St. Joe Motor Company and the Rotary Club. Each sponsor had to put up $200.00 to enter the Little League set-up, purchase uniforms and equip the team. The sponsors will also carry insurance on each of the boys on all the teams. According to Little League rules, each team will be composed of 15 players and all players must be be- tween the ages of eight and 12 in- clusive. Any local boy of these ages is eligible to play. Williams states that he expects to have more than the needed 60 boys tuin out for the teams. He regrets that the set-up can handle only one league, which is compris- ed of four teams in this, the leagues' first year of operation, but he states that plans are already going ahead to form another four-team league next year. "In fact," says Williams, "We already have several sponsors to finance these teams next year". Little League officials are now hunting a field to play on. Accord- ing to Little League regulations they must have their own field. The Little League field is just slightly smaller than a softball diamond and must have a fence so that the little fellows can knock honle-runs. The Little Leaguers approached the City Commission in this matter and found that the City would go along with them for obtaining and con- structing a diamond. The first practice session of the Little League teams has been set for tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 p.m. The boys will meet at the ball park and go to the Higlh School playground for their practice ses- sion. The first Little League game has been tentatively set for June 10. Managers and assistants ha'e teoa named as follows: Coy W;l- liams, Frank Smith, Jimmy C).-. W. 0. Howard, Jack Justice, Dan Sexton and Cliff Harper. McKnight Is Named High School PTA Pres. Harry McKnight was installed as president of the Port St. Joe High School Parent-Teacher Association in their final meeting of the year, Friday night in the high school au- ditoriumi. Other officers installed were Mrs. Paul Fensom, as first vice-presi- dent; J. Lamar Miller, second vice- president; Mrs. J. C. Price, record- ing secretary; Mrs. D. B. Lay, cor- responding secretary; Joe Alligood treasurer; Mrs. Rush Chism, par- liamentarian and Mrs. I. C Nedley, historian. Mr. McKnight was installed by proxy due to illness. Mrs. Ralph Swatts assisted by Mrs. W. D. Jones was installation officer in the candlelight cere- mony. Mrs. Rush Chism, president of the association for this year pres- ided over the meeting and conduct- ed the business. It was voted by the group to subscribe to Florida Con- gress; to put date on the Band Calendar and to join the Film Li- brary. The program was a talent show put on by students of the school under the direction of Durel Brig- man and Miss Margaret Key. Priz- es were awarded to Eliazbeth Ann Brown, Mavis Butts and Boncile Alsobrook. Judges for the show were Mrs. J. C. Nedley, R. W. Ell- zey and Rush Chism. -------n -- - Ends Visit Here \Mrs. L. F. McNair returned to )allas, Texas after spending her v cation here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell. PARE TWO_ Social Activities - Clubs Churches Mrs. OCYLE MUNN, Editor Dial 7-5461 Jack and Jill Kindergarten Will Have Graduation Exercises Tomorrow Nite The Jack and Jill Kindergarten Phinces are: Bryan Baxley, Al- will present its annual graduation len Humphrey, Eddie McFarland, program and play tomorrow night Richard Parker, James Stafford, at 8:00 P.M. in the High School Tommy Adams, James Keels, Paul auditorium. Cooper, Lee Pareseau, Jerry Har- The kindergarten is under the di- buck, Glenn Nelson, Bobby Ellzey. reaction of Mrs. E. R. DuBose and The Good Woman, Judy Gaskin. Mrs. A .R. Hoker. Good Woman's Boy, Robyn Bate- The program for the night will man. be as follows: Townsman, Mike Clark. DEVOTIONAL Townswoman, Judy Graham. Invocation, Rev. Fred Davis. Salutatory, Rickey Thursbay Pledge to the Bible, Group Pledge to the flag, Group Books of the Bible, Group God Is Near, Group 23rd Psalm, Lee Pareseau Our Heavenly Father Made The (Boys), Judy Graham; (Ibirds) Vi- cki Thomas; (Fish) Robbie Lynn;' (Girls( Jimmy Davis; (Squirrels) Shelly Ramsey. John 3:16, Richard Parker Two Little Eyes, Group Acts 10:38, Bryan Baxley John 15:12, Jerry Harbuck ISol. 2:11, Bobby Ellzey. Psalm, 96:1, Glenn Nelson. Mark 10:13, James Keels. Let The Sunshine In, Group Prayer, Eddie McFarland THE TWELVE DANCING PRINCESSES Princesses: Charlotte Marshall, Charlene Walker, Sue McCormick, Vicki Thomas, Jae Freida Joines, Shelly Ram-sey, Kennette Jacobs, Florence Ohlinger, Elaine Black- burn, Hannah Gaskin, 'Belinda Jor- dan and Jennifer Stafford. You Are Cordially Flower Girl, Sandra Scheffer Lonely Soldier, Tom Buttram Herald, Randy Armstrong Wishing Fairy, Diane Lewis Queen, Dottie Sutton King, Rickey Thursbay. Kings Soldiers, Lane Davis, Jim- my Davis, Billy Carr, Robbie Lynn, Randy Player, Alan Richardson. Pages: Neil Poitevint, and David Vandenberg. GRADUATION EXERCISES ,School Song, Group Presentation of Diplomas, Hu- bert Richards. America the Beautiful, (solo ,and group) Randy Armstrong. Benediction, Rev. W. M. Iverson. The operators of Jack and Jill Kindergarten offer their thanks to H. E. Richards, Durel Brigman, Rev. Fred Davis and Rev. Bill Iverson and all the others who will aid in presenting this program. Return From Orlando TH .R OR ST J, C-Y -I *- MA- -1 19 ,mMc~wrm~Mcmh Last Time This Year The Parent-Teacher Association of the Port St. Joe Elementary School will meet Thursday night, ('tonight) at 8 p.m. in the main au- ditorium for the final meeting of' the year. Parents are urged to attend this meeting and express their views and plans for next year's programs. The program planning committee is asking for ideas from the parents as to the type of programs they Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hinote and would like to have put on. son Terrance returned from Orlan- The program will be under the do, Sunday after spending the direction of Henry Dandridge and week end with friends. Mrs. Betty iSue Anchors. Mr. Dan- dridge will present his Spanislh Class in several songs. Mrs. An- Invited To Attend chors' class will present, "The Iited T Atte d I Lamp Went Out", an interesting a .Ak A, aa .atA A .A AAA y'V V]Own SI r -..' S a *g arr~~ pantomime with characters as Connie Mann, Ellen Kennington, Bob Bracewell and Curtis Ham- mond. Narrator will be Mickey Thompson. During the business, Tom Mose- ly, Jr., will preside and the instal- lation of next year's officers will be held. A nursery will be provided for the small children. .**o*0******* **4 THEATRE OPEN S DAItY 3i00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. ~CD ~CD C) = CD - em. - a' -. Visit In Pensacola ing the week end. MrS. Dowden IS Mrs. Albert Ward and daughters, - Betty, Bobbie and Brenda were the Honored Thursday week end guests of relatives in feavey Diamond Pensacola. Small diamonds have been found Mrs. W. J. Herring, Mrs. James They attended t helce Show dur- in meteorites. Wilson, Mrs. Roy Crews and Mrs. Robert Ellzey were hostesses at a stork shower in honor of Mrs. Har- ry Dowden, on Thursday night, at the Florida Power Corporation * Several appropriate games wereI enjoyed, and prizes were awarded to the winners, Mrs. Frank Pate and Mrs. Al Smith. The serving table was overlaid with a pink cloth, and the crystal punch bowl was surrounded with pink and blue corn flowers and fern. A lovely arrangement of corn flowers, queen Anne's lace, and hy- - drangeas completed the table dec- orations. Dainty blue and white petits- fours and punch were served to the0C 13 guests who were: Mrs. Albert Blackburn, Mrs. Merrill Sherrill, Mrs. Bob Scott,'Mrs. Al Smith, Mrs. Frank Pate, Mrs. Blake Thomason, Mrs. E. J. Baxley, Mrs. Bill Tharpe, Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. Joe Mc- Leod, Mrs. Buck Arnette, Mrs. Fan- a nie Montgomery and Mrs. Jewel Lu- cas. PTA Will Meet For M-.. -Do - a aNNW aw4 llll SUlill NDA Y llOillillNilllll!!i lllllYiii llllull SUNDAY ONLY .~ -.- - -~ - 40 Monday & Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday 20th CENTU .'.-FOX presents TH GREAT ADVENTURE YOU SEE IT WVIIHOUT SPECIAL GLASSES .. 1 l. Illlll lllll lll ll lllllllllllllllll lllll l l llllllllll ll z .7L 7 v 11"1";*ltGERI' itoducinog SUSANI STEPHEN- Screenplay bj RICHARD MMRBAUM eui ,RANKE NUGENT Story by Hlilary St. George Saunders, adapted Iron bis book, "Ore Red Beret" produced by IRVING AULLOJI apd.A IL BROCCOLI i 'Scotd by TERENCE 500110 ... ... i~-I W Air ..i1].717! ' it costs no more to go First Class": CL Q-W - FEATURE No. 2 - VACATION IDEA... VISIT FORD ROTUND O SHOW PLACE OF THE AUTO INDUSTRY, DEARBORN, MICHIGAN nNv 0 ? LATE SHOW ONLY Wh., K., SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE FEAT4JR No. I-- CHAPTER 9 of SERIAL 'JUNGLE RAIDERS' l11ll ll llll I!l!!1!1IIll llll IH IllI fllH pl t llI! nllfl l( !vIlV SUNDAY and MONDAY TUESDAY 1 ^ 8^- --. , With DE ,*!illUlllllllllllllfllill![||Il||i]|!]||]||||!||lllltl|f!|||||[|Il, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY and FRIDAY Ann Delafield REDUCING PLAN for WOMEN 0 Lose up to 5 Ibs.aweek! U.95U A Refill... 5.95 Buzzett's Drug Store DIAL BA 7-3371 COMFORTER Funeral Home 601 Long Aveni i Oxygen Equipped Ambulance IT'S WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR EXPERT Electrical Repairs and Contracting DIAL BA 7.4331 You pay nothing extra for Ford's Thunderbird styling . Luxury Lounge interiors ... smoother Angle-Poised ride Ford's 23-year V-8 experience that brings you Trigger-To Only Ford offers Thunderbird Styling Take a closer look at those long, low, "front-running" lines. From the smart, visored head lights to the tapered tail fins, they're Thunderbird through and through. Step inside. Colorfully fresh new Luxury lounge interiors make Ford truly your "living room on wheels." Your new-car dollars buy more today. For example, a first-class ride in a first-class car is yours at Ford's low fare. You command a Y-block V-8 that responds reassuringly when you need it. You have Ford's smoother Angle-Poised ride. And you own the car that's styled like the Thunderbird. You can expect more when you trade, too ... for Fords have been returning more in resale than any other low-priced car. Take a Test Drive and you'll see whyl . nor fo. rque power! Only Ford offers Trigger-Torque power Whether you choose the 162-h.p. Y-block V-8 or 182-h.p. Special V-8, you get split-second "Go" when you want it. And with new Speed-Trigger Fordomatic Drive, you're even farther out front automatically. THE NEW BEST CALLER ... sells more because, It's wortl morel '55 Ford' FI.C.A, ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Fourth Street and Highway 98 Personals DIAL BA 7-4171 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:15 P.M. FIRST SHOW STARTS 7:45 P.M. iliIIlll i iinll llllll illlI ll ll l lll il!i llII .II i llil; :.liIlllilll!ii >.llil!L.llli ...1. IllII I i llil i l ll III l' Long Avenue Baptist Chucrh REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP ----- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION --- 6:15 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. Meeting In The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME THURSDAY FRIDAY SEE, STEER, STOP SAFELY-Have your car Safety Checked FRIDAY and SATURDAY EAT El "I'' ~ ssr Ya~p -pr ~PI ~ ~ ' AA&A AA A I P AL A& A& IAL AOL AL A, A, ,WWW-lr I I wwV, I I lwlwlwwlwo" **+#+ THURSDAY, MAY 10, INGg THR $TAPR PO.RT,.ST JO G.UwF 00:UNTY, FLORIDAA go - * * e Part St. Joe, Florida " A -. . oA DIAL BA 7.9131 Hf B tALk PORT OT. JOf, GULP COUNTY. PLOIDIA ,- ~- V a a 4. U - a5,,. -. ..... , (Wide World Photos) MUSIC LESSON Organist Ken Griffin coaches young singer who can really get down for the low notes. Pupil practices diligently, fearing roasting by critics. I' i *L's?4 .- -. 'THE THING'-Theresa Fayhe digs that crazy sun- dae at dairy bar in Essex, Md. The Thing consists of cake, -ruit, 13 scoops of ice cream; sells for $1.25. Only one in 100 can finish it. LV .; ,. , . ,,.ft-'>, , 6.p 4 . READY FOR TOURISTS-Twisting road up Colorado's famed Pikes Peak is graded by International TD-24 crawler tractor for summer flood of tourists. About 250,000 people a year drive to the 14,110-foot summit and there has never been a serious accident since the road was built in 1916. NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS Honored With Party Mrs. Nelson Gardner, teacher of the junior girls gave her Sunday School Class a weiner roast Mon- day right at Wayside Park. Several gamer were played then refresh- ments of drinks, weiners an. pota to chips were served to T.he follow- ing guests: Mary Riley, Joyce Wynn, Peggy Jo Young, Norma Todd, Peggy Ann Haskin, Shirley Carter, Flornell Walker, Linda Hill, Barbara Rutch, Linda Faye and Diana Gardner and Glenda Le- Hardy. Mrs. Dennis Norris assisted UR8DAY, MAY 1 19 _ Mrs. Gardner in serving. Honored Wth Party' Mrs. Fred Hill honored her daughter, Linda on her ninth birth- day with a party, Wednesday at 3:00 o'clock at her home on Madi- son Street. Several games were played and prizes were awarded to the following: Polly Gentry, Linda Faye Gardner and Jerry Hill. Refreshments of cake, ice cream and drinks were served to those who helped celebrate the party: Mary Riley, Polly Sue Gentry, Glor- ia Shoots, Paula Lovett, Sharon Wilson, Linda Cox, Linda Faye and Diana Gardner, Sarah Norris, Jerry, Hill, Judy Anderson and the honor- ee, Linda Hill. Mrs. Nelson Gardner assisted in serving. The Senior department of the Oak Grove Assembly of God Sun- day School class cotored to Mar- ianna Sunday to see the Florida Caverns. Those going were: Edna Carol Young, Mary Clifton, Helen Norris, Gene Anderson, Peggy Scott, June Chitty, Mavis Butts, Lavern Glass, George Neel, Dean Glass, Gypsie Love, Ted Cannon and Anna Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lovett and children Paula and Howard spent the week end in Vernon visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wilson and daughter Doris, and James Young spent Sunday in Enterprise, Ala., visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Lucile Stripling spent the week end in Geneva, Ala., visiting with r. and Mrs. Lois Barton. Mrs. Herman Stripling and chil- dren Janice and Karen and Mrs. Bu- ford Griffin and daughter, Wyvonne spent several days in Vernon vis- iting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Pitts from Lynn Haven spent Wednesday vis- iting with her daughter and son- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steed. Miss Glenda Wilson and Monroe Rarby were united in marriage Sat- urday 14 in Mississippi. We are to say that Mrs. Ella Nor- ris is ill and her friends wish her c. speedy recovery. Softball Contests Now In Progress The interest in softball has been lagging somewhat this year because of the poor playing fields, but the tournament which started May 10 seems to have put new spark into the teams. In the boys tournament four games have been played. The first game was between 11 and 10-A. The 11th grade won this game. The 11th grade captains are Jimmy Marlow, John Pope and Owen Pres- nell. 10-A's captain is Travis Jones. Srunnir 'with di 6ossbe4 ON FROM j 13 l'th Conrnueo i, hop- -- r, hc i h sli. l. Sodern ch 95 rmBr in base, 79 Sin blond oak. E GARtMENT SAVED MOTHS CAN PAY FOR ... A LANE! 777-- .n .. .. l .i ,$49 95 59. ... 9"..5ns AS LOW S A Girl Gaduat Girl Graduate Speddcil Oak space-saver console model. Opens from front -sliding shelf inside. $5995 95 Advertised in LIFE .-.AII a CHEVROLET CONVERTIBLE W I N or COLLEGE SCHOLAtSHIP FUND! ;-',, t. Si n LANE'S $10,00000 SGirl Graduute CONTEST.I S Joe u irGET ENTRY FORMSAplE St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co. AiD ha Inthe htha been fired. In the a ncethe last shot to learn aga c S f had passed se or fighting enocked for the cracks beginning toaa sleep' without ,ownw ill rather tb-only what of i oPeace-t s by one's ow .ead of doing l o an Sway t ,rifle, to get stea d job inst been too soft, of a pc bugle, to work atu ea the beds had.b -ace with ad. of drum or o da ed. For awhile eve t de thee Pe some oo too rich for stomach taorth sd Sou the oor grits an d bacon. the veterans, te war wasfa tac' k or in of 1868 most de new ones.oTh mbed o Y But bY the ,ir old lives or mae coming to rem b had taken up t ad men werget its horrors. ey battle slipping 'nd victoes, nd to that marked eohn Aogl comradeshivisto althe graves th an-eral Joli 4 A. eol he to forget, to, then that Generaublic, isssuedbig Ad eery hamlet. it wand Army the day ufor .Whein1' Commander inC er designation given e er ove d ted ge ra of the men wh tIons every s O flowers the I later, solerna. P with tew s gtd.ter o edead. haddecorated wihslow step to the e oSouthern cogp e', tte eus whem BNID" North, the Fvenbefore n eeratesorldiers. A hisome sout- the graves of Cne permanent, al s- ,a 30.i t n ;sd becalthAme Pet-sher sa m tnt u A t spread rded on dates tharies at honor their remained an unhe ry the alor of thr each yea While the wach section should glor the fallen ButW fehas t Xeo that they dd 1 eto fa lerlnu But W0 gieft bitterness for geography. o a d country' nu ars. Sno respect o oea o a alaouof eognto back- Araericans and thedea thusecountrY'swars- lit tle more than tasie thousands ~who ha ever recover. We can do Itlck But there r which they mea U alntributa For ann, ia ortnt Andito e on a cthem every -p oear l If we fallIn --h es of its meaoni. "BY These~ oLibertyhe t Aerw'*. ally . The second game was played on Iwinners of these two games will them in the finals, petite and there will be plenty of May 11 between 10-B and 9-C. 10-B play for the championship game 11-C and the 9th play May 18 o hot dogs and all the trimmings. won this game. Jessie Strickland is on May 23. see who goes to the finals to play This year's party -is planned for 10-B captain and Terry Hinote is! Three of the games in the girls the 11-AB .team. This last game May 25 and everybody will be look- captain of 9-C. !tournament have been played. The will be played May 20. ing forward to it as usual. The third game was played on first was played May 11 between Plan Annual Beach Party -- -- Friday 13 and it really brought bad Evelyn Boyette's 12th graders and Every year to climax the years' Return From South Fla. luck for Ross Hudson's 9-A team, Carol Thompson's 10-A girls. The Intra-Mural sports a big beach Mr. and Mrs. James McCall have because the 12th came out on top. ISeniors won this game. party is thrown and all classes returned from southern part of Ronnie Chism is the senior cap-I The next game played was with who have.won either the football, Florida where they visited with tain. 10-BC and 9. Carolyn Clark, Elaine volleyball, basketball or softball Mrs. McCall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. The last game was with 9-B and Musselwhite and Pat Spears are the tournaments take part. The entire G. C. Ledbetter in Williston and 10-3. 9-B captain is Broward Wood 9th grade captains. Their team faculty is invited and everyone has Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Boals in Gaines- and 10C captain is Wilford Elliott. came out the best team against Ima a wonderful time taking part in ville. Mrs. Boals is the sister of Elliott's team won this game. Jo Crain and Jeanette Smith's horse shoes, volleyball, softball, Mrs. McCall. The 11th and 10-B will play the 10-BC team. Ideck tennis, swimming and just 18th to see who goes to the finals' On May 16, Pat Daniell's and everything else that one enjoys at Spends Week End In Ga. to play the winners of the 12 and Mary Ongram's 11-AB team played the beach. After this everybody will Ronnie Chism spent the week., 10-C who will play on the 20th. The the senior girls and won to put have worked up a pretty hefty ap- end in Atlanta, Ga. More that's new different, better! It's Hudson with exclusive. Double Strength Single Unit construction that is twice as safe with the most seatroom and head- room and the widest wrap-around wind- shield in the business. No wonder Hudson sales are way up! Come in; see for yourself! * b .. ..... . HUDSON HORNETS, WASPS AND RAMBLERS .MOST BEAUTIFUL PERFORMERS OF THEM ALL! ... M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Products of DIAL 7-9251 Panama City Highway American Motors Tr *AiI TfARI Big features-like.double safety, most room, widest vision -up Hudson sales 136% 5995 205-207 Reid Ave. Free Parking Meter Change for Our Customers in the Bucket -DIAL 7-7321 HnIIU&MkA V AV dA 4 6 A. TH9 S'TAA, PORT ST. JOR, OUL COUNTY, PLO W1DA GA. GRADE "A" FRYERS lb 45c U. S. GOOD HEAVY BEEF Chuck Roast Ib 39c SUNNYLAND Picnic lHams lb 33Zc U. S. GOOD HEAVY BEEF Rould Steak lb i65c OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY MAY 19, 20, 21 SUPREME "The South's Finest" ICE CREAM ON89c TETLEY C % LB. BOX IMIAYONNAISE qt Dubuque POTTED MEAT 3 for 25c Dubuque VIENNA SAUSAGE 19 C Uncle Ben's RICE 28oz.Box47c Hill's DOG FOOD 2 for 25c Cleansing Powder CALGON box 39c DELSEY BIG FOUR SALE Toilet TISSUE WESSON OIL WITH $5.00 FOOD ORDER SUGI R 3 rolls qt 39c 1 ROLL FREE 57c 5 LB. BAG Nabisco VANILLA WAFERS 35c Gold Medal FLOUR 10 lb. bag 99c Borden's Condensed Milk EAGLE BRAND 29c IGA DeLuxe COFFEE lb. tin 92c Shortening SNO-KREEM 3 Ib. can 81c WILSON'S Chopped Beef 12OZS29c WILSON'S Beef Tripe 33c A SUNGOLD OLEO CHEF'S DELIGHT POUND 181 YOUR CHOICE GUM o 19c 59c 2 LB. BOX PArlt FINIk mam, ~p~b ~-~s~gg~Wi~p~~ ~b~ggg~- -~rP--3ll~rms~i~P~Irs~LB~e~,~;, r I I~sre~psa~Ha~rr c~rr~p~a- --p~--sm~L~ cpf~l 4 4 miloolo I St1ft. Pvftl MR$ UPC4 'h OIA twE ~-'~--RR I Air Conditioned for Your Comfort Free Parking Both Sides of Our Store ORDER LIMIT 1 C FRESH SHELLED PEAS EVERY DAY FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE F = Af AC Tomatoes AP 9 BASKET S.30c WHAT A BUY! -- PERFECT BISCUIT 10 LB. BAG FLOUR 79c GIANT BOX-With $10.00 Order Quart Jar 2 FOR TREoND 3Sc PUREX 35c DON'T FORGET! -- WITH $10.00 GROCERY ORDER rf]tcS [rir MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE LB. 89c YOUR CHOICE OF FRESH VEGETABLES IN OUR STORE ARRIVING EACH WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON OO GIANT EACH Bell Pepper 5c FIELD GREEN LB. PEAS 15c FROZEN 5 PKGS. Strawberries 1.oo CELLO BAG 2 FOR _ FLA. FRESH CRISPY C ery STALK 5 YOUR CHOICE OF 30 VARIETIES OF 5 PKGS. P6 LY 6GLSFINEST NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS GOOD sirloin STl AK ROUND and T-BONE STEAK CHUCK BEEF ROAST 3 LB. CAN CRISCO LB. BOX 33c LB. 49c LB. 39c LB. 29c 3 FOR 27c LB. PORK 59c ROAST LB. ALL MEAT SMOKED 3 c Sausage LARGE STOCK GERBER'S 79c Baby Food FRIDAY FAMILY NITE FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY 5 TO 9 P.M. BUTTER BEANS Ib. 1Oc Blackeye PEAS lb. lOc Sessions Salad With $5.00 Order COOKING OIL $1.00 Fresh Daily 4 LBS. Ground Beef $1.00 OLEO 2 Ibs. 35c LEMONS doz. 15c Brisket and Rib STEW BEEF 5 LBS. Free Drinks For All Shoppers In Our Store Wednesday Afternoon, May 25 ,v~F stWY[ ~ilu9-amwziU I WHITE GOLD 5 LB. BAG WITH $5.00 GROCERY 1- 13 s omak 6gVEN i mr- $TAR, PORT &T, JM QIPULF COUNi~i, PLORICA . I FOOD FROLENMM MINUTES THE Health; all employees of said Mos- After an employee receives his first Mrs. Costin Gives Program ing, "Rescue The Perishing" with c MINUTES OP THE quito Control District and members vacation, said employee will not Mrs. Costin leading in prayer 0 COUNTY COMMISSION of the Board-Comm. Price told the receive another vacation until at- For First Baptist WMS MrsT ladies taking part in the pr. - COUNTY _CMM _SSO Board that the Employees of said ter he has worked another 12 mos. District are at present working by 2. Choice of the time of vacation The WMS of the First Baptist gram were Mrs. C.taking Art inMcClellan, pro- Ia WEWAHITCHKA, FLORIDA the hour and receiving an hourly 'will be according to seniority. Church met Monday for the Royal Mrs. J. 0. Baggett, Mrs. W. R. d MAY 9, 1955 wage for their work; that due to 3. Each employee will be entitled rScott, Mrs. Emory Stephens, Mrs. The Board of County Commis- the nature of their work, they have to 6 days per year sick leave, pro- Service program. Mrs. C. G. Cos-, Mrs. . aioners of Gulf County, Florida met to work on an assorted work week viding the employee has a doctor's tin, community missions chairman W. M. Chafin, Mrs. Otis Pyle and this date In special session with the program which requires them to certificate for each day of sickness in charge. The topic was "Up and Mrs. Dave Smith. following members present: George wor several hours during the day and provided that each day of sick 'Down the City Streets". After a discussion of local com- W. Cooper, Chairman, E. C. Harden, and then work several hours that leave is earned. munity missions the meeting clos- Sr., T. D. Whitfield, Parker G. Hart night; that they cannot work on 4. No lost time by weather condi- The meeting opened with sing- ed with singing "Lead Me To Some and J. C. Price. The Clerk, Sheriff their spraying program when it i' tions will have to be made up. ea M o and Attorney Gaskin were also raining or when the wind is blow- 5. Salary for each employee will Soul Today." present. ing; that because of the irregular- be based on 52 work weeks per that said airport be re-opened. Af- Next week, the circles meet as The meeting came to order at ity of their program, said employ- year and a 40 hour week, commen- ter a discussion, the Chairman an- follows: 7:00 p.m. ees have requested the County to surat with the wage now being re- nounced that the Board is willing We. The Chairman announced that consider the possibility of paying ceived by each employee. to do the work and that the Board ircle 1 meets with Mrs. Wesley this meeting is called for the pur- them a monthly salary instead of 6. Employees will be available is now in process of obtaining rigit Plair, Tuesday at 3 p.m. pose of discussion of a proposed the present hourly wage. Comm. for duty any time during the day of way or easement on the property 'Circle 2 meets with Mrs. G. W. working agreement between the Price then offered the following or nite that the Supervisor deems that will be involved, but that noth- T e. " Gulf County Mosquito Control Dis- agreement: necessary for the program. ing can be done until after the Padgett, Tuesday at 9 a.m. trict Employees and the County. Working agreement for Gulf 7. Employees may be-required to County receives such right of way Circle 3 meets with Mrs. E. C. The Chairman then called for a County Mosquito Control Dis- work staggered shifts during the or easement. Cason, Monday at 3 p.m. discussion and invited the follow- trict regular Employees spraying months, subject to weather A discussion was had with refer- cle 4 meets with Mrs Dave ing men to take part in the discus- 1. All employees having worked conditions and as the Supervisor Vehicles traveling on4 met wt Mrs Dave slon: F. E. Trammel, Supervisor of continuously with said Department i deems it necessary. the Beaches in the St. Joe and Bea Smith, Monday at 3 p.m. said District; E. V. Welch, Ento- for one (1) year are eligible for a S. If operating funds for the pro- con Hill areas. The Attorney adviBe SmCircle 5 meets with Mrs. C. A. mologist for the State oBard of One (1) week vacation with pay. gram should become exhausted, em- ed that special legislation would McClellan Monday at 3 p.m. oSOaployees may be required to take be necessary for the County to co- a absence of leave without pay, trol traffic on said beaches. The subject to approval of the CSuper- Board instructed the Attorney to Veterans Service Officer *Ig el__ g Commissioners and the State Board, preare a noticeeand have same ad Due to Visit City Hall n ARscfdm extg ,vertised, to 'the effect that this 9 E until such funds may exist again. Board intends to apply to the 1955 ---- 9. Employees will be required to Legislature for special legislation Veterans of Gulf 'County who give the Supervisor 15ndays notice that would allow the County Com- need assistance in obtaining bene- ,- case of an emergency. missioners to regulate traffic on fits under the GI Bill, may receive 10. An employee having been ab- the Beaches in Gulf County. expert guidance from Preston L. sent from work for any reason oth- There being no further business, Nicholas, Assistant State Service er than vacation is required to to come Ibefore the Board, it did Nich \ give the proper authority 12 hours then adjourn. Officer. -notice before returning to work. ATTST: Nicholas will visit this area next 11. This change will be perman- ent as long as the present employ- George Y. Core George W. Cooper week for the purpose of helping vet- ees are employed. 'Clerk Choirman erans or their dependents in filing 12. The following days will be considered holiday and employees will not be required to work: 1. July 4; 2. Labor Day; 3. Thanks-P UM BN giving and 4. Christmas. BILL'S PLUMBING SHOP After a discussion by all parties, 203 Third Street -- Beside Piggly Wiggly each employee notified the Board 7S, / \ HJ that the Agreement was satisfac- Phn a e -- 7 7 Home Cures And .''4 \ m I tory. Whereupon, there was a mo- ne, day 7-3091 Nie, 7-7846 Ou .1 Skimed h a i st tion by Comm. Hart, seconded by Our Skilled Pharmacist comm. Price and upon vote was We Repair Any Model OUTBOARD MOTORS ( I / I unanimously carried, that said ,,,. _-- .. .. ]' /fr above agreement is hereby adopted. _ Know-How I,,",pf ,. ,., Comm. Harden told the Board .. -'' that Mr. Bill Lester has requested .Don't take chances with your ..' -. ,., the County to do something ao'but health Let our pharmacists ,,, the damage of his building that health Let our pharmacists was caused by the County Road compound the prescription Department winch truck hitting tha.-'s -RIHT--f o y said building. After a discussion, that's RIGHT for you. there was a motion by Comm. Hart, Don't grope through the conglomeration of botltes seconded 1by Comm. Price and upon vote was unanimously carried, that in your medicine cabinet for a "quick-cure" when you the County offer Mr. Lester $100.00 are ill. Consult your doctor first, and bring us your f| or full settlement of his claim pc. sr against the County. The Chairman FOR TODAYV NEEDS prescription for careful, correct compounding. Be sure | i requested Comm. Harden to notify F R I T D | of what you're taking, and whyl Mr. Lester of this offer and if said offer is accepted, the Clerk is di. AMPIDE L' DI CTDRDU S Erected to pay Mr. Lester $100.00 0 CONSOLIDATE BILLS %,A l ,lL DRUG S T liE Mr. Paul V. Player appeared be- 0 HOME OR CAR REPAIRS I i fore the Board and requested the "Your Walgreen Agency Drug Store" Conty to repair the air plane lannd- DOCTOR OR DENTAL BILLS ing field at Port St. Joe at the ear 'SEASONAL EXPENSES ..-- listt date possible and presented a a BETWEEN PAY DAY CASH _- --.--am petition with 25 names,,requestingB ________ Prompt, Friendly Loans for any good Purpose SEE FRIENDLY VCn =ener1 L UNION FINANCE CO. S 221 Reid Ave. Port St. Joe, Fla. Dial 7-5241 / Ar r-1 "Y IT.-''N -IT- S-- PACIR 61CH'! A- YI I L (C)W \f^ W l 1 1 J (O^j^V . MagnAcently y *^0 MY O soot or grimes on walls or drapes. Pots and pans stay mirror- bright. The range itself keeps gleam- ing white. Yes, your kitchen will al- ways pass inspection when you cook the "White Glove" way with eco- nomical electricity that's as clean as sunshine. See your favorite appliance dealer ... let him give you a "White Glove" demonstration ... and if you buy an electric range NOW he has an at-'I tractive gift for YOU! R. E. PORTER, Manager Only car in its field with Body by Fisher You can't get any more life in auto- mobile styling than Chevrolet's "Body by Fisher." Those three words say all the nice, reassuring things you can say about automobile bodies. "Body by Fisher" is found in many of America's most luxurious cars. A new V8 and two new Sixes reach new highs in horsepower and performance You certainly want life in your en- gine. And with the choice of power- thrillers that Chevrolet offers you this year, you've got what it takes to carry you into a whole new world of motor- ing confidence and pleasure. How about trying the V8 soon? Never found on a car of Chev- 't's price before 0 Anti-dive braking that means he. Js-up stopping. 12-volt electrical system ie- livers twice the punch. Ball-Race steering makes steering and parking easier. But try these things for your- self. Telephone or come in and let us arrange a demonstration soon. Combine your new Chevrolet pur- chase with your vacation plans Order a new Chevrolet through us, then pick it up at the plant In Flint, Michi. gaon, see Chevrolets built, if you like, and drive yours home. Chances are, you'll save a substantial shore of your vacation travel costs HUTCHINS-THURISBAY CHEVROLET CIMPAXY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Alive in looks Alive in power Alive in features SALES LEADER FOR 19 STRAIGHT YEARS PHONE BAll 7-2221 ~____ _~~__ _______~~_~ II _L---* L_.- -I ----_I _~_ _ TME (STAR, PORT ST. JM GULFF COUNTY, FLORARA THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1688 claims for Compensation Benefits cholas may be contacted at the or solving their Insurance problems. City Hall from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. This free service includes assist- nce to employers of veterans un- der the GI Bill, Vocational Training, Heavenly Diamonds Subsistence or other problems. Small diamonds have been found in meteorites. During his visit in this area Ni- .SPEED QULEEN*ASPEED Q U EEN*S PEED -e DOUBLE 0 WALLS to keep I Ie Tsres " U SHAPED tfor fast. add wh' S; .supi. E DUTY * WRING ER to adjusting lwl 1 ^ B has self- 'o p pressure Q and swing. away top SAmerica's fastest washday 7 LU -- ^ When yov tOl 0* 2 j" .. load of badly soiled u clothes Into a Speed m S. Queen, you can be Z S- that those lothe Swill be washed tastl Su that they will be 0 washed safely and Y y fltlyl 0 1 .' that they wilH be i u : washed really m C I c lean? z SI You can't beat S/Speed Quee. z 5 models to choose ' S 'i I J from priced as low S' 0. - THUROPAY, MAY 1, 198 TE .,, ai, 6rr % IINOTICE TO RECEIVE 13IDS Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results OTICE is hereby given that the iBoard of County Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida will receive work and parts guaranteed, sealed bids for the purchase of the STV ANTENNAS INSTALLED following described personal pro- CLASSIFIED ADS PHONE 2413 pErty, to-wit: One (1) Root Rake, to be PAUL'S RADIO SHOP mounted on D-6 Caterpillar FOR SALE Corner 2nd and Reid Tractor with angle Dozer ____________Frame: Weight 2.360 pounds; FOR SALE: Admiral table model LOverall Length 11 feet and 2 radio and record player combina- LODGE NOTICES inches; Overall Height 3 feet tion. Plays 15 records.$40.00. Per- ST 16, d inches; umber of teeth, feet condition. Francis Kirkland, THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- Bids to be received until 9:00 311 Woodward. It ing first and third Monday nights o'clock A.M. (CST) June 7, 19o5 .________ 800 p.m., American Legion Home in the office of the Clerk of Circuit HELP WANTED Court, Wewahitchka, Florida. The MASONIC TEMPLE F. A. A. M.- Board reserves the right to reject WAITRESSES WANTED: Apply Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular any and all bids. at The White Spot Drive-In Res- meetings 2nd and 4th Fri. BOARD COUNTY COMMIS- taurant. 4tc-5-12 days each month, 8:00 p. m. SIONERS, GULF COUNT Y, DRIVING to Pennsylvania about Members urged to attend; FLORIDA May 23. Would like two or three visiting brothers welcome. W. L. BY: George Y. Core passengers to share expenses. Mrs. Jordan, W. M.; R. H. Trawick, Clerk _2t T. R. Richards. Dial 7-7771. 2tc secretary. I HAVE LOANED my extension LOYAL ORDER POST OFFICE TO RECEIVE BIDS ladder to someone and have for- OF MOOSE YA FOR PARCEL POST TRUCK HIRE gotten who. Will you please return According to postmaster Chaun otten who. eed it bad. "potball"lea rn Meeting night ev cey Costinbids will be received at Barbee. ery o-her Monday Y the local post office until 12:00 Meetings at Moose noon, Tuesday, May 24, for the fur- SPECIAL SERVICES Hall, 310 Fourth SL nishing of a truck without driver for the delivery of parcel post from PHOTOSTAT COPIES made of any SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. July 1, 1955 to June 30, 1956. The important paper you want to pre- 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs postmaster said bid forms could be serve. $1.00 per copy. THE STAR, days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All obtained at the post office. Dial 7-3161. members urged to attend; visiting ____ _______ brethren invited. H. H. Shirley, N. Keys Made While You Wait G., Alden Ferris, Secretary. INVITATION TO BID 35c EACH I Sealed proposals will be received cycle Rea g All R. A. M.-Regular convocation of by the City Council of the City of Bleyle Repang- A Makes St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. Port St. Joe, Florida, at the office Reel Parts and Repairs 'M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit- of the City Clerk, City Hall, Port WESTERN AUTO ing companions welcome. Jimmy ST Joe, Florida,until 5:0 which P.ime STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters Greer, High Priest; H. R. Malge, bids will be opened and publicly for your used furniture and ap secretary. read for the construction of sew- plances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone age treatment improvements at pllances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone Port St. Joe, Florida. 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tfc ---- -______ _Po-t St. Joe, Florida. LEGAL ADVERTISING The work consists of rehabilit'a- KENNEDY'S ELECTRIC and RE- tion of the existing sewage treat- FRIGERATION SERVICE. Li- NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE ment plant and the two existing lift censed electrical contractor. All NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of stations. kinds electric and refrigeration County Commissioners of Gulf County, will Plans, specifications and contract kins electric an reigeraonsell at public auction, on Monday, May 28, service e and installation. Phone 195 at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, at the documents will 'be open to public 7-3032. front door of the Court House in the City inspection at the office of the City of Wewalitchka, Florida, the following des- Clerk, or may be obtained from cribed personal property: One (1) 1951 Ford Pick-up Truck, Smith and Gillespie, Consulting En- NEED TV OR Motor No. RIAT10196, Title No. gineers, P. 0. Box 1048, Jackson- O 2760136, Model BIAT-Year make, ville, Florida, upon payment of RADIO SERVICE? I 1951. RADIO SERVICE? r Said truck will be sold to the highest $10.00, which amount constitutes For a quick, expert check-up cash bidder. The Board reserves the right the approximate cost of reproduc- of your set's performance (no to reject all bids. Truck may be inspectedion and handling and ill not be at the Colunty Garage in wewahitchka,, returnabled. matter what the make Call Florida. .,returnable . us. We offer /s/ Board County Commissionkrs Bids must be accompanied by a us. We offer free prompt pick- Gulf County, Florida certified check or bid bond in an up and delivery service. All By: George Y. Core, Clerk 2t amount not less than five per cent of the bid. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty days after the scheduled closing time for the re- ceipt of bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FLA. By: J. C. Belin Mayor NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the City of Port St. Joe, Florida will call for payment and redeem bonds numbered 79 to 83 both inclusive, of the $90,000.00 Municipal Build- ing Building Bonds Issue of 1948, under authority vested in said City by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 109X, entitled:- An ordinance authorizing issue of $90,000.00 Municipal Build- ing Bonds Issue of 1948 for the purpose of building a City Hall, Jail and Fire Station and other Municipal Buildings, providing for the levy of an ad valorem tax, creating a construction 'fund account from proceeds of the utilities tax, pledging said account as additional security for the payment of said bonds, providing for an election of freeholders to approve said issue, repealing all ordinances in conflict herewith and pro- viding for the date that this o ordinance shall take effect, ,Said bonds shall be redeemed on July 1, 1955 at par' plus accrued in- terest to date of redemption. A copy of this Notice shall be forwarded to the Florida National Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Florida and, shall Sbe published at least once in The Star, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City of Port St. Joe, Florida at least 30 days prior to the date of redemption. Dated this 17tb day of May, 1955. J. C. BELIN MayoriCommissioner 'City of Port St. Joe, Florida ATTEST: R. W. HENDERSON City Auditor and Clerk City of Port St. Joe, Florida Returns From Hospital 'Harry McKnight who has been a patient in a Pensacola Hospital returned to his home Saturday. He was accompanied home by Mrs. McKnight and daughter, Dianna. _ __ ____ ___ w--saP /11 Georgia Grade "A' Whole, lb. 43c Rib Roast and Armour's StaiWhole or Half, lb. 29c FRYERS Cut Up, lb. 49c RIB STEAK lb. 49c PICNIC HAMS Sliced, lb. 39c Florida Grade "A" Chuck Roast and Whole or Half Fresh Dressed HENS Ib. 42c CHUCK STEAK Ib. 39c PORK HAMS lb. 45c Rib and Brisket Lb. 5 Lbs. Fresh round Lb. 4 Lbs. Wisconsin STEW BEEF 29c $1.00 HAMBURGER 39c $1.00 STATE CHEESE lb. 39c I doz EGhS S1.O) with SIO rider Lb. Pkg. Register's Skinless Choice Cut OLEOMARGARINE 19c WEINERS ib. 29c Smoked BACON 1b. 39c Green Hill Fresh Branded Oxford SAUSAGE lb. 39c PORK LIVER lb. 19c WHITE MEAT lb. 29c Pan Lb. 3 Lbs. Fresh Pork Fresh SAUSAGE 49c $1.00 NECK BONES lb. 15c PIG FEET lb. 10c Georgia Grade "A" Large Dozen 1 Lb. Can Maxwell House EGGS 3c COFFEE 89c No. 2% Can Stokeley's 3 Lb. Can 5 Lb. Bag PEACH HALVES can 32c SNOWDRIFT can 79c SUGAR 45c Borden, Pet or 3 Lg. Cans Large Box ; Borden's Carnation MILK 39c CHEER or TIDE 29c BISCUITS 9c No. 303 Can Ballard's 10 Lbs. 25 Lbs. Prince Albert TOMATOES 3 for 33c FLOUR 89c $1.99 TOBACCO can 10Oc Armour's Star No. 10 Jug Large Box Nabisco Vanilla Cooking Oil $1.29 Wafers 29c Walter Duren's SUPER MARKET ALL SALES ITEMS STRICTLY CASH READY TO REPORT Joyce McDonald, 19-year-old Stet- son University sophomore, and holder of the Miss Hat. ter Reporter title, recently as named Miss Sorority SA at Ft. Lauderdale and now has entered the Lees- burg Watermelon FesLival contest May 18. She is fiE feet six inches tall, weight 110 pounds, has brown eyes and golden blond hair. Send The Stau to a frleun. 0 Highland View WMS Has Royal Service Program The WomaiJs Missionary Union of the Highland View Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at the church for the Royal Service program. The meeting opened with a hymn, "Make Me A Channel of Blessing" followed with prayer by Mrs. T. 0. Garrett. M-s. Garrett asked "that we may realize the need of winning the lost to Jesus". For scripture, Mrs. Leo Kennedy read Psalms 127, lB. The program presented was a prepared poste showing the many opportunities in a city with the church as a center. Those taking part on the program were Mrs. T. 0. Garrett, Mrs. Annie B. Davis, Mrs. Edna Floyd,. Mrs. Ralph Ma- comber, Mrs. Homer 'Echols, Mrs. Lee Watts and Mrs. E. R. DuBose. At the conclusion of the program, a hymn, "Lead Me To Some Soul Today" was sung by the group fol- lowed with a prayer by Mrs. Echols. It was announced that Circle 1 will meet Tuesday, May 24, in the home of rM.s. Eed Richards and !Circle 2 will meet on Tuesday in the home of Mrs. Rooney. All mem- 'bers are urged to attend these meetings. EASTERN STAR SUPPER PLANNED FOR SATURDAY The local chapter of the Eastern Star is selling supper Saturday night in the lodge hall. The price will be $1.00 for a menu of baked ham, baked beans, slaw, spiced peaches, home-made rolls and home-made cake. Everyone is invited to attend. If you cannot stay to eat, the mem- bers will fix you up a plate to take out. Nitrate rolsoning Nitrate poisoning sometimes oc- curs as a result of cattle eating straw, corn stalks and sugar beet tops. You Are Invited . TO ATTEND THE COASTAL, INC. UBILEE IN PANAMA CITY May 27 and 28 OVER $300.00 WORTH OF Free Prizes ICEMAKER REFRIGERATOR AUTOMATIC WASHER GAS CLOTHES DRYER ELECTRIC IRONER MANY OTHER FREE and VALUABLE PRIZES Door Prizes for Adults Favors for Children FREE SOFT DRINKS 103 WEST 15th ST. PANAMA CITY, FLA. SOME Free Fish Fry Starts 11 a.m. Each Day YOU MAY REGISTER FOR PRIZES ANYTIME DURING STORE HOURS THE ENTIRE WEEK OF MAY 23 GOOD GOSPEL SINGING 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Friday 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday GOSPEL MELODY QUARTET of Pensacola in charge of Music. -- Will be joined by other quartets at various times. Hospital News Mrs. Douglas Baldwin who is a patient in the Municipal Hospital is reported "doing nicely" follow- ing an operation, Thursday. Bill Adams is a patient in the Municipal Hospital. W. 0. Peters of Port St. Joe is a patient in the Municipal Hospital. Mrs. Laura Morgan of Kinard is a patient in the Municipal Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Geno Licharbella of Apalachicola, announce the birth of a daughter, Linda Diane in the Municipal Hospita Ion M'ay 14. The baby weighed 6 libs., 5 ozs. WITH LEON FEDERAL * West Florida's Friendly Savings And Loan Association SAFE CONVENIENT PROFITABLE SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVICE Tallahaee, Fla. hc I------ f r I -% IL P -C --- - TWV TAWPON AT.JOE GUF CO PtV FLRID .. ft .t A .A IAA l aA AI! -: PAli NINE SPRlnmmA TM~$TI~,POT ~. IOq Ir OVtFLQUApP Y A 1ao PhaGEJ -st TE TILING WE ARE BEING A DRUG STORE, we are many tMngs to many people-a place to buy toothpaste, sundaes, a paper, hot water bot- tle, to ask directions, phone, stand in out of the rain. We are these, and welcome, but compared to. our reason-for-being, they are Incidental. We compound the drugs youi doctor prescribes to guard your health. That is our pride and the first thing we would like to be remembered for. Remember us the next time you need a prescription com. pounded. We would be happy to serve you Your "PHARMACIST Buzzett's Drug Store Dial BA 7-3371 Dr. H. E. Bartee Attends Chiropractic Convention The all Southern State Chiroprac- tic Convention was held May 13, 14, and 15 in Montgomery, Ala. Fea- tured on the program were speak- ers from three different Chiroprac- tic Schools. Dr. H. E. Bartee attended from Port St. Joe. Star Want Ads Get Results Barbara Eells Is Honored With Party Mr. and Mrs. Byron Eells, Jr., ,entertained May 14 with a beach Party at Mexico Beach honoring their eldest daughter, Barbara, on her 13th birthday. During the aft ternoon, swimming and carpet goll was enjoyed by. the guests. The party concluded with a weiner roast. Those enjoying the party were Dianna McKnight, Coral Lee Arm- strong, Sara Linda Richardson, Marie Talley, Crista Duren, Alice Woods Mary Lou Anderson, Diane Gilbert, Patricia Smith, Diane Lay. Those unable to attend were Betty Ward, Kathleen Dowd, Cindy Car- baneau, Ray Lapeyrouse, Gail Gill and Elizabeth Ann Brown. scouts Given 'four of Tyndall Field Saturday Eighteen Scouts members of the Explorer Scout Tioop 47 were in- 'ied as guests of Tyndall Air Force Base Friday and Saturday, toge- ther with troops from Panama City and Lynn Haven. They were taken on a plane ride over Panama City, Lynn Haven and Port St. Joe in a military plane. They also were guests aboard, crash boat trip from the pier to the Paper Mill in Panama City. Sat- urday afternoon they attended a barbecue in their honor. They returned to Port St. Joe late Saturday aftrenoon. Benefit Bridge Party Held Last Thursday The second Benefit Bridge Party sponsored by the Woman's Club of Kiwanis Cub To Port St. Joe was held last Thursday Kiwanisevening, May 12, at 8 o'clock in the Sponsor Ball Team Club Rooms at the Centennial At ti Building. At their regular luncheon at the' Prizes for the occasion were do- --Ateui oy T--joe urnitue anuAlA- Motel St. Joe the Kiwanis Club had as their speakers for the day, the winners from the Junior High School Oratorical Contest: Leo- nard Costin, Thelma Todd and San- dra Bracewell. Also on the program, was film of the highlights of the 1954 season of the University of Florida foot- ball season. Marion Craig present- Visit In Marianna home and will be their guest for Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim and this weea. children Lee and Johnny spent the - week end in Marianna wltb Mr. Detective Chimneys Prim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Detective chimneys rank high as Walter Prim. J. Walter Prim from a cause ol farm fires during the I the Canal Zone accompanied them hearing season. DRINK Fenholloway Springs Mineral Water FOR KIDNEY TROUBLE Guaranteed To Help DELIVERY TO HOMES EVERY 2 WEEKS To Place An Order or Purchase This Water DIAL BAI 7-3561 PIGGLY WIGGLY SUPER MARKET Bottled by A. E. Jackson and Son, Perry, Fla. This is to call your attention to the fact that our new Super Market and Standard Oil Service Station, will open on May 27, at 7:00 a.m. and remain open until 9:00 p.m. It is located on Highway 98, on corner opposite Highland View Elementary School. Our store is arranged in an up-to-date manner which permtis customers to browse around to their heart's content. Everything will be priced right and in these days, when the cost of living is high, we feel customers will welcome lower prices. There will be free ice cream to all children ac- companied by parents on opening date. At this time we want to say a very warm and sincere "Thank You" to every one of you, old custo- mers and new. Looking forward to greeting you on the opening date and assuring you of the most care- ful, faithful, service in our new store. Faithfully yours, P. T. McCORMICK nated Dy St. Joe Furniture and Ap- pliance Company, Austin-Atchison Company, and Walter Duren's Su- per Market. Prizes were won by Karl Marshall, Bobby Bellows and Mrs. John Robert Smith. An announcement will be made when plans are completed for the third party of the series. BAKE SALE SET FOR ed the film. SATURDAY, MAY 28 The Club voted to sponsor a team St. James' Episcopal Woman's in the Little League baseball or- Auxiliary will have a bake sale next ganization being formed in Port Saturday, May 28. The sale will be St. Joe. 'held in front of the St. Joe Furni- Guest of the club was George ture and Appliance Company. Kenny. Advertising Doesn't Cost It PAYS. wive one sV"Vf 6.00-16 PLUS TAX EXCHANGE If Your Old Tire Is Recappable 1 SIZE 6.70-15 S/50 4A5 PLUS TAX !so 41[ EXCHANGE Reduced If Your Old W I Tire Is bcupmaol Famous for Value... Long Mileage C rePton S CHAMPIONS Such Features NON-SKID SAFETY Hundreds of skid- protecting edges and Skid-Resisters give extra safety. LONGER MILEAGE Wide, flat tread provides more rub- ber to share the wear. As . FULL SIZE... ... FULL VALUE Not built down to a price No sacrifice in quality. l hurry! sale ends May 31st E.rLng Yoj Present Car Up-To-Date Regardless qf Year or Make V-ith FIRESTONE DELUXE CHAMPION TUBELESS TIRES Without Chagrtid Your Presernt Wheels or Rims. Come In-We'll Buy all. the --r Unused Mileage in Your Present Tires When You Trade for I '53 DODGE Fordor Gyro-Matic, Radio, Heater $1295 '53 Chevrolet Fordor A-1 CAR $ 1 29 5" '52 FORD Tudor CLEAN $1095 '55 Chevrolet Fordor POWER-GLIDE i1950 '52 Chevrolet Frodor DRiVE IT FOR ONLY S89 5 / '51 FORD Fordor RADIO and HEATER l4795 N^*. ST, PORD-MERCURY, Sales and Service DIAL 7-9131 B TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL TIRES...ALL SIZESJ TRUCK OWNERS Save Money Too! $ 95 & s irt stOtte TRANSPORT Only ECA E B-112, HEAVY DUTY* Other Sizes at Big Savings 1"9 Ieoupp VPrestone SSUPER . CHAMPION SThick, Tough Tread 0 Extra Strong Body 0" Road Proved *. R SIZE 6.00-16 'I'j 2 S- PLUS TAX : ",o l 5E .CHAN,, T2Si Z A iYourOld 7 ( .| Recappable .PU- TA OTGiR SZ. As :_A;r 19~" Tirestone DELUXE CHAMPION * Blowout and Puncture Protection * New Silent-Ride Safety-Grip Tread * Greater Riding Comfort 0 SIZE 6.70-15 SALE PRICED 2MB PPLUSpTAX 20Flr EXCHANGE i If Your Old Tire Is 2 1-'^ -- Rcoppoble G TER S!ZES ALSO REDUCED Firestone Home & Auto Supply Store . W. EELLS, Owr,er Phone BA 7-9181 Port St. Joe, Fla ( i2 bdP-~C~ x-CLraajIt^uimu^ 'i _- aP -~Y~a~lap~sS~BIWB~~ 1 ---Y I dr JBMOOTOR C~ci ~"BLa~s~l~BZ8~l~bb~s~88~ I MWROPAYP MAY Itt 10~B I IIIII II ll 'TMX STAR, PORT *T. JOE, GOLF 0CO0'ry, FWAIDAA I f :f *-^ .' : : "'"***/. './ .;/, . le, ire ,,,I'TPQUIIT |