The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/01003
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: January 27, 1955
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:01003

Full Text

Published In Port St. Joe
SBut Devoted To the Con-
Stinued Development of
S Gulf County
I' -


4 Progressive
Community With a
SModern, Progressive
eekly Newspaper
SI' __ __,_- .-_.

"Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley"


Cl Lfo GeCt New Roeads

From~ S.,econdlary Funds


Well we retired the old Cott-
rell newspaper press that has
served The Star more or less
faithfully for the past 16 years.
The old grandaddy of the news-
paper was discontinued about
40 years ago and it was running
on borrowed time; The fact that
it isn't being made anymore
made it impossible to find parts
for repairs, so we had to go into
hock for another press. The old
Cottrell went out the back door
yesterday morning in the junk;
mans truck and the replacement
(we won't say new one, because
it isn't) will come in the same I
way today to print next week's
paper on. And many, many more
weeks to come we hope. The
"replacement" press will be a
newer, more modern, faster and
more versatile press than the old
retired one. If you have a piece
of job work to be done on an
outlandish big piece of paper,
hme heplna-a-m i "rae na" baL-

March of Dimes

Is In Last Week

Campaign Lacks Mothers March Is

$500 Before Set For Monday

Reaching Goal

Mail-In Contributions
Lagging Way Behind

Gulf County swung into the last
leg of its March of Dimes campaign
this week end still $500.00 short of
its goal, according to drive chair-
man, Otis Pyle. Pyle again stresses
the importance of reaching the goal
and if possible, surpassing it. The
need is doubly stressed since the-
County 'Chapter now owes,over

January 31

Every House In City Will
Be Canvasseds

In a- fitting climax to the 1955'
March of Dimes campaign, the an-
nual "Mother's March" against po-
lio will be conducted Monday, Jan-
uary 31, according to Mrs. Joyce
Chatham, president of the Junior
Woman's Club, which. sponsors the
march each year.
The mothers of the community

ie there the old p press wa s n- $2,000.00 in treatment expense for will conduct their annual march
de it, where the old press was county patients in polio centers, seeking to round.out the County's
too coarse in operation to Pyle says, "I am appealing to the set goal of $1,500.00 which is still
sucpeople tomeet their obligations in about $500. short of completion as
In case you are interested, the this matter and carry the fund over of this writing.
replacement press is a no, 4 two- the top." Procedure of the march will dif-
revolution Meihle cylinder press. A major display of an iron lung fer somewhat from past years, ac-
The Meihle is one of the best that was donated to the Municipal cording to Mrs. Chatham. In the
presses in the printing industry Hospital'by the Machtnists Union past, the mothers have called only
but it is as plentiful as Fords or brought in over $200.00 to the drive on houses with a porch light on or
Chevrolets, or Plymouths for that and at the same time let the pub- some other means of letting the
matter. No parts problem there. lic see what a polio patient has to collectors know that their money
We invite you to come by and go through before he' can live nor- is ready. This year the mothers will
your leads in wonderment as mally again. Other various activi- go from door to door and cover ev-
look at it and join us in shaking ties such as sports events, special ery home in the city. Mrs. Chatham
to how it can cost that much solicitations and a "Polio troll Park-'said that this method is being used
money. way" has accounted for the remain- this year, simply because numbers
ider of the funds raised. 'of people who desired to give to
Since it only snowed for about Pyle announced that this Satur- the cause had just neglected to give
fifteen minutes here Monday, we day afternoon another "Toll Park- some indication of their willingness
will just devote about that much way" would be esta'blihed on Reid to give.
space to it. Avenue between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. As usual, the city fire siren will
All our neighbors to the inland According to Pyle the Parkway will send a blast promptly at 7:00 p.m.
had a good snowfall, but the be manned by Joe Mira, Otto An- signalling the start of the "Mo-
weatherman passed us by.. derson, Dr. A. L. Ward, George others March".
We will say that we had the Tapper, C. G. Costin, Tom Colde- Mrs. Chatham states that many
prettiest snowflakes of anybody wey, Wesley R. Ramsey, and Char- volunteers are still needed to make
around though, if that is any con- lie Garraway. the drive effective and she is ur-
solation. Tonight 'a colored' basketball gently requesting that you get in
game at Washington High School touch with her and enlist yourself
Pete Comforter was asking is being played with proceeds slat- in this worthy cause.
about reservations to Canada ed for the March of Dimes. Those wishing to volunteer their
Monday. It was snowing, sleet- The game is to be played between services are urged to call Mrs. J.
I I -_ 1 !T f --i-- !T1-- 1 Afl TTT-,-A3-_-- A --

Sharks Add Three

More Victories

To Win Column

Only One Loss Marks
Record of Cagers

The Port St. Joe basketball
Sharks added three more victories L a St FSthar s
In dal ho 8 PoplarSharks Journey City Footage Is 4
to their list by defeating Florida J ey y o
Industrial ,School 8-3-49; -Poplar T W C C m
Springs 52-41 and Vernon 71-41. Wew F day CountyCommi
The Sharks have lost only one _
game this season. This game was The High School basketball team In a special meeting, of the Board
lost to Blountstown by two points. will journey to Wewahitchka to- of County Commissioners met in
Last Wednesday night the Sharks morrow night to tangle with the a special session January 20 to al-
met Florida Industrial School on Wewahitchka Gators. The Gators locate secondary road funds issued
the local qourt and romped to vic- were State Class "C" champions to them by the State Road Board
tory. Walter Wilder was high point last year. This year the Sharks in a recent meeting.
man with 18 followed by Wayne seem to "have it" and the Gators Included in the roads to be built
Taylor and Willfred Elliot with 15 just don't seem to know whether'
points each. they "have it" or not. They have
The Sharks led FIS at the.half- not made a very.good won-loss re- Sen. Tapper Put On
time by a score of 18 to 13. cord for the season but have played App rti Bdy
Individual scoring and positions some very close games with some p opria s B
are as follows traditionally tough teams. ---
St. Joe Pos. FIS Tomorrow night will be. home- State Sen. George Tapper of Port
R. Nedley, 14 F Oliver, 30 coming for the Gators in their gym- St. Joe has been appointed chair-
W; Taylor 15 F Collins, 3 nasium. A dance is scheduled after man of the powerful Senate Ap-
W. Elliot, 15 C Holley, Othe game at the Community Build- propriations ISubcommittee which
F.. Dennis, 11 G Whatley, 1 ing with Charlie Cooper and his will handle appropriations for all
W. Wilder, 18 G Griffin, 1 ;Orchestra. Both students and adults Florida's major institutions.
F. Owens, 2 F Mills, 4 are invited to attend. Appointment of Senator Tapper
B. Shuford. 2 F Chandler 9 OGame time is 6:30. Wewahitchka a chairman was announced, by

H. Smith, 2 C
L. Ray, 2 G
J. Adams, 2 G
Scoring by periods
St. Joe 11
FIS 15

Saturday's Ga
Saturday night the
on the Poplar Springs
the local court and ha
52-41 defeat.
Frank Dennis led th
the Sharks with 12 poi
by Harry Lee Sriih
Taylor, each with nin
Poplar Springs led t
the half-time by a sc(

'Individual scoring
are as follows:
St. Joe Pos.
R. Nedley, 6 F
W. Taylor, 9 F
W. Elliot, 8 C
F. Dennis, 12 G
W. Wilder, 8 G
H. Smith, 9 C


30 24
15 6

Sharks took

-- ---K4-

Traffic Grows

Over Waterway

; qumet.e oun Traffic of pleasure and commer-
inded them a cial craft at the northeast entrance.
of Florida's intracoastal waterway
e scoring for increased 9 per cent last year over
ints, followed 1953.
and Wayne
annd Wayne Compared with the 1950 volume,
he Sharks at last year showed a 27 per cent gain.
ore" of 12-9. Pleasure craft use of the water-
and positions way, which accounts for about two-
thirds of the traffic, was well over
Pop. Springs a recent peak established two years
Kelley, 3 ago, the Florida State' Chamber of
Clark 1 Commerce stated this week. South-
C. West, 27 bound pleasure traffic normally
Busl, 2 flows heaviest from October thru
Woodham, 2 January, with the usual high in
November. Last year November reg-
re.i ernd 413 nparsinzs of pleasure

:ut To 15,403 By

ssion Thursday

with secondary funds were 15,403
feet of paving for the City of Port
St. Joe. This was a reduction of
the footage asked for by the City
by some 6,045 feet. Most of the
cuts in city streets were in new
roads to be opened up. Most of the
extensions of present streets were
approved by the 'board.
Port St. Joe received two large
sections of paving that will open
up new roads and n6w building lots
for the area. Among ithe designated
paving jobs are 2utB teet from
Garrison to Knowlei Avenue and
Avenue D in the colored section
from U. S. 98 to Petaers're&E. Both
of the streets are over 2,000 feet
Streets set aside for Port St. Joe
and their len.ths ara as folws:vm

Senate President-designate Turner .T.... v.. fom 1 17 c.
Davis of Madison. Tapper sev ellan Ave., from 1 t 17 S
weeks ago was named to member- 1h St. m F
ship on the Appropriations Commit- 17th St. from ores Par Ave.,
tee and was named chairman of the Long Ave., 1,000 feet.
tForest Park Ave., from 16 to 17
subcommittee, Saturday. 50 feet
Senator Taper's subcommittee Palm Blvd. from 16 to .18 St..
will handle all appropriations for 900 feet.
the University of Florida, Florida 10th St. from Garrison to Knowles
State University, the new Medical 780 feet
School at Gainesville, Florida A&M 20th St. from Garrison to Mona-
University, Department of Educa- ment, 2,650 feet.
tion !Board of Control and all regu- Wescott Circle from Garrison to
latory boards of the state of which Garrison, 1,120 feet.
there are about 25. 13th St. from Marvin to Garri-
son, 300 feet.
News of Boy Scout th Street from Marvin to Gar-
s O Byrison, 300 feet.
Troop Number 47 18th St. from Marrin to Garri-
son, 300 feet.
Old St. Joseph Cemetery Road,
The meeting came to order with 1,97 t.J
.1,967 feet.
Scoutmaster Simpson leading the Ave. G from HodrickSt. to Main
Scout oath and. Scout laws. This
Scout meeting was a business meet-, S. 60 f t. f .
I Hodrick St. from Ave. 0 to Ave.
ing for Scouts and their fathers 70
P ... ... .. .. D, 720 feet. -

ing and other wintery operations 'the Tyndall Field Trotters and the D. SeIton uat 103 Woodwarda vSe., F Stokes, 4 A ucu -s w ,-s -m Ave. B from Main St. to U. S. 98,
here and Pete saw a picture of Washington High School team. phone 4484. G Corbit, 2 craft going south.. The northward for the summer vacation. 650 feetn
Senator George Tapper inspect- Joe Mira, in charge of collections Scoring by periods: tek begins inMarch andlast Discussion was held by chairmen Ave. D from U. 98 to Ptrs
ing Canadian roads in bright by mail reports that as of this date Evangelistic Services To t. Joe 13 9 14 16 through une. Te hgh last yar of patrols. Holding the discussion A. D 300 f U
sunshiny weather and no snow, only about a tenth of the letters Continue For This Week Poplar 'Springs 11 12 8 10 being 89 in April. were J. C. Price, Cobra Patrol; Cal- .
in the paper. Pete allowed as sent out have been returned with Tuesday's Game 'These passing are -checked by in Musselwhite, Apache Patrol; North Park Ave. from Ave. C to
how that was the place to becontributions. Holders of the let- Rev. Daiel Iverson is continu- Port St. Joe defeated Vernon, the U. S. Engineers at the Palm C. Henley, Panther; J. A. Alli- Kenney -St., 116 feet.
instead of here. ers are urged to make their contri- ing his inspiring preaching and in- 71-41 in a sound defeat Tuesday Valley Bridge and are not intended good, Flaming Arrow; S. B. Shu- Kenney St. from N Park Ave. to
----- --- btions as soon as possible so that formative teaching each morning night, to continue their winning to reflect the activity of some 13,- ford, Sea Gull; Ed Ramsey, Chair- Robbins St., 300 feet.
Attend Meeting the drive will reach its goal. and evening. In spite of the cold streak for this year. 000 pleasure boats using Florida's man; M. P.- Tomlinson, chairman Peters St. from Ave. C to Ave.
Over 60 people have been in church St. Joe was paced by Frank Den- extensive intracoastal waterway of Boy Scout Committee; C. L. D, 250 feet.
'The Long Avenue Baptist Church Mrs. B. C. Prince returned re- at 7:00 each morning for the Bible nis with 23 points and followed by system. Costin, Sea Gull. .Battles St. from Ave. C to Ave.
was represented by the. following. cently from Miami where she has hour. The morning service is de- Walter Wilder with 11. St. Joe led, Other craft using the waterway's It was decided by the different D, 250 feet.
church workers and leaders, who been visiting for a week. signed for business people. 29-21, at halftime. entrance are noted in this week's chairmen that the Scouts would
attended the Regional Leadership Mrs. George harperr is back 'Coffee and doughnuts are served ines rev of nthe tate Cham- start Saturday with themoney rais- Aoa
Po lar wh ic a ol t M s G og are ck busitnessh n ar Mureiviewsp of.t theendStatechchChain.startSaturdayDaiwith-hetheeerha dmn untial d gf r.acaionby selilgch winednawdabo t13ity7f6 feet
Conference, which was held at home after a week spent--in the before and after the services. All Visit Children b s re ing for vacation by selling chewing and abou5 th ine Cityh-
Poplar Head Baptist Church near the friends of the church are cor- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniell visit- bears research and indutrial d gum, eight buls and washing cars. and 5,010 feet in White Cty.
Alta, on Jan. 25. Rev. J. C. Odum, nicipal Hopital dially invited to attend ed their son, Johnnie Daniell f sion. Shrimp and other fishing New projects would be taken up 39,600 feet were allotted for the
Mrs. Joe Ferrell, Mrs. Durel Brig- Mrs. Flora Raymond, of Repub- The final service will be Sunday Jacksonville and their daughter, boats made 415 passing. Other each week. Gne Wellington attend- Bay City Fish Camp Rod.
man, Mrs. Herman Barbee, Miss lic, Ohio is spending an extended morning at the 11:00 service. Mr. Mrs. C. L. Bruce in Kingsland, Ga. commercial boats, 1,283 pssings ed this meeting, and offered his ,
Alma Baggett, Wilbur Smith and visit with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Iver-son- will bring a message on --- and government boats 278. The fish-services to help e scout troop.
Bert Hall. G. S. Croxton. Church". TRADE ATHOME ing boats showed a 7 per cent i Inspection was made of those in Health Council Exec Board
per ceent and governmen use was uniform by Ronnie Chism and Mr. Meets With Mrs. Tapper
Recetion H ono s New M inister over twice as much as in 1953. To-. Simpson.
tal passing last year were up 10' The meeting was dismissed by The executive board of the Port
Reception H nors New Baptist M minister the Scout Benediction. ,St. Joe Health Council met Mon-
er cent. day night at 7:30 at the home of
A reception was given Wednes- R ~ ~ Katherine Marshall, Mrs. Rush ch Mrrs. Robert Tapper. The project
day night, Jan. 19 at the First Bap- Chism and Mrs. Roy Irwin.igh Sc o Intr-Mural Sp ts S te for 1954 was the collection of data
tit Church honoring the new pas- Directly behind the punch table Sports pertaining to the health conditions
tor, Rev. and Mrs. C. Byron Smith, of Gulf County. This material has
immediately after the regular Wed- : were two floor white branch can- atr ambeen assembledand compiled in
nesday night prayer service. The dleabrums holding lighted white ta- booklet form. The expense of pub-
reception was held in the recrea- 1. ,... '" pers, entwined with smilax vine.orts edule next with eight points. Preell sing was a public service and
tion department of the church. Edging the table was a flat nosegay The inter-class sports schedule net with eight points Presnell lishin g was a public service and
Intering the foyer was a round arrangement of camelias and net, that was drawn up by the Intra- made two points H sons 9Aculosis and Health Association".
table overlaid with an organdy ruf- chain linked together with satinmural Board has been running January 14, Buddy Hudson's A culosis and Health Association".
table overlaid with an organdy ruf- cr n nkatted to the sandie along smoothly since the first of team went up against Travis .The executive board made plans
led cloth.Placed on the-table was ribbon attached to the organdie along smooones'10A team to lose 22 to 11. for the presentation, of this book-
a silver candle-holder holding a .' "i _' cloth. Punch was served from a January, and has brought frt Jones' A team to lose 22 to lt o February 18 to the State
lighted white taper with a nosegay large Oher appoint-some very interesting and exciting i Blair :Shuford made six free let on February lth18 to18 th the State
lighted white taper with a nosegay .large crystal bowl. Other appoint some very Board of Health to the Tuberculo-
of one camelia and net, and the reg- fments at the table were of crystal games. throws and two field goals to make i, Cancer, Heart and other fields
istration book. Placed opposite te Alternating in presiding at theI In some of the boys latest games him high pointer with 10 points. of research, to the public schools
table on the floor was a potted punch owlwere: Miss Mary Anes thrillers have een e Travis ones was nevt with seven and to the people of Gulf county.
palm. Culepper, Miss aye Parker, Mrs. January 12, 1AC, whose c points to his credit. Freddy Owens
Betty Irwin and Barbara Bond Richard Saunders ad Mrs. Charlestains a Owen Presn an n racked up four point and W. L.
book. Approximately 200 called dur- Gill Pope, clashed with Jimmy Mar- Davson rangone free throw. points.

Mrs. Ralph Jackson, Mrs. William V_' Mrs. Aubrey Tomlinson. ad22 11 close behind a 21 to beat theto Tor
Ing the appointed hours. the Juniors were: Mrs. W. P. Dock- was scheduled to e22 nd at 12:20ad n F c eh
The guests were welcomed by loi earums hold- n by Mia Cln and alter Wilder was the B star rhe s s e only been
Winery had charge of wraps. candelabrums in white bank- ing lighted white tapers wi nose- Miss elia omlinson. racking up clse behind with three. ng up a score of 21 to beat the
0.. Nichols. Miss Jesse Ruth with palmettos and other greenery. which coffee was served, held twoe2 i On Jan. 17, 10-C,w e t n s o
mr yThe loft was edged with greenery. silver branched can.a)rums, hold- nished by Miss Marietta Chafin and; Waiter Wilder was the 11B star is Wilford Elliot, racked up 401 The girls schedule has only been
Floor candelabrums in white bank- ing lighted white tapers .'ith nose- Miss Celia Tomlinson. 'racking up 15 points. Robert Ned- points to win over Broward Woods going since January 12. On that
Otis Pyle, one of the deacons, in- ed iwth palmettoes were placed at gay of pink camelia and net. Cen- Mrs. C. G. Costin and J. C. Cul- ley was next with four point's. Jim- team 40 to 9. date 9AB played 9C with 9Ae win-
troduced the guest to the receiving the entrance and exit of the hall. tearing the table was a large silver pepper were in charge of the cf- my Marlow had a total of two and Ello made 18 of 10Cs poin. n On January 14,
line which was made up of Rev. The coffee and punch table was tray holding individual cakes. Oth- fee and punch caterer. Charlie Smith rang one free throw. ewis Ray was second with 13. to A. On January 17, beat
and Mrs. Smith together with the overlaid with an organdie cloth er appointments were silver. Mrs. Terry Hinote and Mrs. Dave John Pope was high pointer forWayne Davis came in next wit C by to points Monday the
d s t wi c t m u n !w.Ttwo eeld goals and three free Seenior girls won over the 11C girls
deacons and their wives identically the same as used n the Presiding at the coffee service Maddox were in charge of the dec- 11A with five field goas making throws. Riley Dennis racked up 2 by only one point
The reception hall was decorated table in the foyer. The table from were: Miss Linda Gayle Pyle, Miss orations. his total 10 points. Bert Munn washrows. Riley Dennis





Roberts-Lehouck are Wed

Miss Evelyn .Janica r'ToZrts. .
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \'alter ,.
Andrew IRobers of Mt.ry Eher, r i
and form!:ly i : 'rt .;;. Jje' was
married to .S-: ._ ;t .)er. O ., v..V '
Lelhouck. soin of :1Jr. and .TMrs. ru-
dent (;usi;ave Lonouck ot I',lltiax.
Va., in a dot0b1l" ri-ig cerS~o') ly sol-
emnized a' F. n -" ,
sound E -: "' : ".. o., 15
Rev. Johin: .ne. :: -.e. Jr., 'ffi-:ia-
ed at hu ievenin.g service.
Before thle exchange o c \
Mis. laroid Tioney 'einieorea a pro-
gram of nuptial IlsicM. Mrs. Cl:aide"
Bowman, -ol)i:t, r.e; "Are Ma-
ria", "Calmr As .t!'e i" ht" And :
"TIhie Lord's P:ayar'!. The tr::-adion-
a. wedding miiiarch was u3ed.
The candlie '.ligh.imtd'a';ar was in
s, white and at. ractivelv airrainged
with white gladioli and fern. The
altar railing was draped in white,
entwined "with smilax and magno-
:lia -ealves: Palmhns were fronted with
tall baskets of white gladioli and
fern. Family pew.s were marked ...
with bows of white satin ribbon. ', ,
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, wore a gown
of white satin and chantilly lace j .
ttnic with standing collar. Tiny
cove red buttons fastened the bodice
from the neck to the waistline, with
long sleeves ending in points over
the hands, and- fastened with tiny
covered buttons.
The full skirt fell into .a long
graceful train. She wore a white
nylon tulle finger tip veil caught
to a coronet of seed pearls.
Th'e bride carried a white prayer .
bobk topped with an orchid and
a cascade of white carnations and Miss Sara jWilson. She wore pink Stanley ;Powell, nephew of the
ribbon. taffeta similar to that of the mat- bride, -served as ring bearer. The
'The matron of. honor was Mrs. ron, and carried pink carnations. ushers were Paul Lally and Nor-
James F, PowelI, sister of the bl:ide. Little Miss Teresa Roberts, niece of mall Loreosend,
She. wore a blue taffeta gown with the bride was flower girl, and wore' For the occasion, the bride's mo-
a net.icovered' shriig and carried a a blue taffeta gown, with pink car- their chose a black crepe dress with
cascade:of. piik c'irn'tiong and rib- nation headpiece matching the mat- white accessories and wore a cor-
bon with matching head-piece of ron of honor. sage of white carnations. The
carnations. :.The' bridesmaid was Mr. William Terry was best man groom's mother chose a black taf-

e i

... ,:. ,

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Complete HomeFf/Isears.., sh A HOMEI

Mrs. Costin Hostess To
WSCS Circle Number 3

Methodist Chircle No. 3 of the
W'SCS met with Mrs. R. A. Costin
118 Monument Ave. with Mrs. E.
M. Wimberly, as co-hostess Mon-
day afternoon, Jan. 24 with six
members present.
A short business. discussion w-gas
presided over by Mrs. Joe Sharit in
the absence of the chairman, Mrs.
R. A. Swatts.
Mrs. Chauncey Costin gave a com-
plete report on the "Funds and Ex-

First Baptist Circle
Meets With Mrs. Parker

Circle No'. 1 of-the First Baptist
Church met Tuesday morning in
the hime of Mrs. Tom Parker, Sr.,
with six members and one visitor
The program subject was, "The
Jews". Mrs. W. Ramsey gave the
scriptures from John 8:32 and 1st
.John 5:12.
Mrs. W. P. Dockery gave, "Three
Hundred Years in the U.S.A."
Mrs. W. Ramsey gave, "A Num-

4.' -

Pictured above are Captain and Rvrs. L. ,.. ouniam as
they cut their wedding cake at the reception following
their recent marriage. Mrs. Sundin'is the former Miss Mem-
orie Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned S. Porter.

Mrs. C. Gill Hostess To
First Baptist Circle No. 3
Circle 3 of the First Baptist
Church met Monday, January 23 at
the home of Mrs. Charles Gill with
five members present. Mrs. Gill,
circle chairman, was in charge of
the meeting'. The meeting was op-
ened and turned over to Mrs. W. I.
Carden who presented the devo-
tional, "The Great Commission",
with scripture lesson taken from
Matt. 28:19-21.. A short talk, 'The
Harvest Is Right At Hand" with
subject matter about the work the

penditures" derived from the Me-iber On Her Arm" asking Mr.s. W. :WMU is aoing in Tirton, Ga.. virs. /
thodist men's, supper, held last C. Pridgeon to lead in prayer that J. O. Baggett led the group in pray- (7-;
Tuesday ii' which the ladies of cir- the Jews might accept Christ as er-
cie 3 were in charge. their Messiah. The program was During the business session, the ness attended to Mrs. L. Cox dis-
A short discussion was held and concluded by
A short discussion was held and concluded by reading the poem, minutes were read and approved missed the group with prayer.
plans for the near event of the la- "How Odd of God". and reports from all circle chair- Mrs. Gill served refreshments to
dies Kiwanis supper to be served After the business session pre-
men were given. With all the busi- those present.
by the women of the Methodist sided over by the circle chairman, e .
WSOS Wednesday night. Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon, .Mrs. Tom IlliHfRiIIIII lHIlllllHllillllllllliittllililHllll Illilll
'Mrs. J. L. Sharit, program chair- Parker dismissed the meeting with T RPHON 80
man, conducted the devotional tak- prayer.
en from the ."Methodist Woman's 'The hostess served delicious ap- :
Magazine". Opening the devotional ple pie ahd' coffee..
was a prayer by Mrs. R. A. Costin ----
followed with a reading of a prayer Sister Dies
by all and a Bible quiz. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniell were
The two hostesses served deli- called to Ocala to the bedside of
cious refreshments of hot Russian Mr.Daniell's sister, Mrs. Duckes.
tea, cheese-tidbits and pound cake. She died Saturday and was buried
Those present were: Mrs. Percy in Barwick, Ga%, Monday afternoon. "_ ,
Fleishel, Mrs. J. L. Sharit, Mrs. ------u- -- BOXOFFCE OPENS AT 7:00 P
Chauncey Costin, Mrs. Carl Stevens, WSCS Circle 4 Meets OXO CE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M
Mrs. E. M. Wimberly, and Mris. R. S
k. Costin. With Mrs. A. M, Jones SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M.
'The meeting was adjourned with iiiMiiiimiimllnHmifitw llfllu ] mll iTni ii

the circle benediction.
'Circle 3 plans to meet in Feb-
ruary in the home of Mrs. Chaun-
cey 'Costin With Mrs. Carl Stevens
as hostess:

First. Baptist Circle No. 2
Meets With Mrs. L. Gay

Circle No. 2 of the First Bap-
tist WMIS met with Mrs. Lonnie
Bell' at Oak Grove Monday with
five members present.
Mrs. Bell gave the devotional
taken from Ephesians 2:2-10 and
Mrs. W. P. Roche led in prayer.
.Mrs. L. '2. Henderson read a
story, "A Whosoever Believes" and
Mrs. A. V. Bateman, a story, "The
Call of the Crusade".
The regular business was attend-
ed to and the meeting closed with
prayer by Mrs. A. V. Bateman.
feta dress with black accessories.
She wore a corsage- of hite carna-
The ceremony was foll: 'id by a
reception at the home of .,'e ride.
The bride's table was covered with
a hand-made lace cloth and cen-
tere d'with a three tiers:I cake, top-

per with a miniature bride and
groom. White tapers in crystal can-
delabra with pink carnations and
fern completed the decorations.
After the bride and groom cut the
first slice, Mrs. Edward Walker
served the cake. Miss Martha Lou-
ise Wilson served at the punch
bowl assisted by Mrs. Lonnie Hen-
derson, Mrs. William Zepernick and
Mrs. Roger Pryor, aunts of the
bride. Mrs. William :Terry was in
charge of the bride's book.
For traveling, Mrs. Lehouck chose
a light tan suit with brown acces-
sories and an orchid corsage. After
a wedding trip to New Orleans, the
couple will reside at Charlottesville,
Qa., where the groom will attend
the University of Va. :'
A buffet dinner was served the
rehearsal party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lonnie R. Henderson.

Circle 4 of the Woman's Society
of Christian Service of the First
Methodist Church met on Monday
afternoon in the home of Mrs.. A.
M. Jones, Jr. with Mrs. Jones, cir-
cle chairman, presiding.
Mrs. Robert King, speaker for
the afternoon gave a history of the
Methodist Church from its beginn-
ing until the present time. Mrs. H.
E. Bartee gave the devotional taken
from Job followed with the Lord's
Mrs. Fennon Talley gave a poem
on Faith. Feature of the afternoon
was an interesting talk by Mrs.
Carson Green on her ,trip to the
Holy Land. Mrs. Green showed a
Bible and prayer book with the
covers .mae of olive wood.
During the .social hour, refresh-
ments were served the following
memberss tr'esent;. i4rs. Roy Gib-
son, Sr.,. M .. Fenenon Talley, Mrs.
Fred L. Davis, Mrs. Carson Green,
Mrs. H. E. Bartee and Mrs. Robert
Mrs. Green was recognized as a
new member of the circle.
The meeting was closed with
----- ------
Mrs. Forehand Hostess
To Oleander Circle

The Oleander Circle of the Port
St. Joe Garden Club met with Mrs.
W. C. Forehand as hostess on Fri-
day afternoon with six members
present and one guest.
Capt. Bruner; Wewahitchka nur-
sery owner was guest speaker of
the afternoon. He used as his sub-
ject, "The Care and Growth of
Plants". An open discussion period
followed his talk.
During the business, Mrs. Bill
Garrett, was elected as treasurer
of the circle.
Mrs. Forehand served refresh-
ments to the following members
present: Mrs. Edith Whitfield, Mrs.
Hosey Barfield, Mrs. Bud William-
son, Mrs. Lillie House, Mrs. Ted
Richards and Mrs. Henry Ayers

FRIDAY and SATURDAY Monday & Tuesday


staow in Louis HAYWA

and JOHN MEREDYTH LUCAS *. Based upon
the novel, "Cptain -'Blood Returns" by

imiim linnl llillllllllll llUi llMillll llllllP tI '



"Mr. Blandings

Builds His

Dream House"

WedhesdIIIIallinliii lfy & i liTh uirlsday
Wednesday & Thursday

..... ". B........n iu Il/lllll lllllll llllllIIll !llllll..l

;VARNER ....'
DE BWE G DhI& Watch Our POF
.^NAStioiLE irBI x Boxes For
I IIIlitlillU lll lllt lllllllllll llllll ll lllllllllllllllllllllI
911 YI1 IUIIIII~I `.iilp iiiilt~Wl I IIH" iI li~llli HII I(1IIII l U H n ~fIIUIUIUU

...... .............. ........... ... .

* *si B 0 0 0* 4 0 *'t * *




"ZOMBIES of the
"Walky Talky Hawky"



'.a Lmphrey BOGART
'i lose FERRER




....... m urn. w~vwwIwwww w ww U U U





--- FEATURE No. I -


-FEATURE No. 2 ----







... ..i.

-i -
..; ...i~

-w-ww wmr

V11W lw lw IV W, M"

Iti lll




the piping of natural gas to the Port St. less the car should be in a garage or ad- Guests of Dandridge's Ben Roberts of Altha was the
Joe area. jacent to a building., This recommendation I
SMinute f Commissioner Wimberly stated that the Iwas agreeable with other .members o f the Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward have guest of his son and daughter-iA-
l n Sc o l oar i t inu s local merchants were :ittenipljil:g to form a Cit Council illan I Mr. Paul V. Player, Volun-.
Chamber of yConloaerce anli J. ....... i h; t teer Fire Chief. bmovedeen the guests of Mr. and Mrs. law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts
~~ eo iCity Commission hey eet ill te i, .. t e at Co.n. issioi.., \Vinberly moo ed that Mr.
mission the Municipal Building once ach month. J. L. Sarit be appointed as chairman of Henry Dandridge. for several days of last week.
Mayor Belin stated tha tthe roorn designat- the dedication committee for the new riu-
ewad C, P & ed as the Mavor's office could be used for scum. This was seconded by Commissioner
JanuarNy 4, 1955 Hoyd's, .., i .... .... ..... 45.93 .0 the City Commission of the City Commissioner Wimberly stated thal sev- carried, ayes five, nays none. The City
The Board of Public Instruction, Gulf TheThei .... -.1 ............ 167.40 of Port St. Joe, Florida eld i the eral parents had talked with him .. Council directed Clerk Henderson to write T C A F
County, Florida, met on the above date, in The Continental Press, Sup ........ 99.22, Municipal Builling on the 18th day teen-agers and lhd asked that a 1" "'' '* Mr. Sharit, advising him of this appoint-
regular session with the following members Port St. Joe Hi School, Reimburse. .. 9.99a f J A. D., 1955 at 8:00 P curfew be enforced. The Council agreed to meant.
present ai acting: Carter Ward, J. B. Har- Leroy Bovdoin, Exp. to meet ...... 20.00 The Regular Meeting of the City Commis- give further thought aid study regarding Mayor Belin stated that ladies of the Hos-
ris, Fennon Talley, Clyde Brogdon and J. Jesse Dawson, Wood ............ 87.00 sicn ws held at tfis im ne with Connission- the aforementioned curfew. pital auxiliary had contacted him regard-
A. Whitfield, Chairman. The Superintendent Southernl Liquid Gas Co., Gas ....... 0 ers Tharpe, Wimberly, Ransey, Smith aind Commissioner Winlberly stated that ddi- ing a suitable place to hold the u age A W
was also press ent and acting. Fla. School Book Deposi., Books ..... 77 or.73 Ma el present. Clerk Henderson was tions to the existing sewer system were sale, due to the fact that Mr. C. G. Costin OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 7 DAYS A WEEK
The minutes of the preceding meeting Freeport Oil Co., Fuel Oil ........ 113.2 lso present. Attorney Costin was absent needed. Maor Beli stated tt flotg a as renovating his building oiln Reid erAvnue,T
r read and adopted as read. a C .nnt cater Wks., Water for 3Wewa tMinutes of the previous meeting of Jan. City bond issue would be tle t only solution a"'n foreign tthe auxiliary to vacate After 106 EAST FIRST STREET
The Financial Statement for the month School ............. .. 3000 uary 4, 1955 were read and approved. for this problem, and that junior bonds discussion the City Council agreed to con
of December was examined and approved. Gulf Coast Elec Coop., Inc., Elec. Energy Mayor Belin stated that Mr. Ralph Ma. would be very hard to sell, but that the tact Mr A DLawson and determine if he
The following members of tle Board of for \,wa schools ........ 136.76 comber's property, lots 6 and 7 in Block 38 City Council was willing, to go into further weold llow tle auxilitarv to usi tl uhe t"l ilne ln T D
Public Instruction of Gulf County, Florida, Fla. Power Corp.,'Elec. for PSJ .. 527.65 had been purchased by the City. planning and study on this proposal. !recetlyiJ usel as "John e 0 's Trim Shop", for
eludig the new members, met on the City of Port St. Joe, Water for PSJ Mr. William L. Gauitt, representing Commissioner Wimberly recommended ia P1lace to hold the rutnge sale.C -
above date to organize as required by law: Schools ................59.86 Thoson, Moore and Fatrish, a ontingom- the installation of a new street liht on Te City Council directed Clerk der-
Clyde F. Brogdon, Wevaftitchka, Florida, Thornson, Moore and Farrish, a Montgom- th ore school so to ask for local bids on te pucase
for (4)ye Dist. o. 1, T pirs St.oe Tel.:Tel, Co., Serv..... 72.79 Aene "" in te colored school zoe area.s t kforlo bi the20c
StDioetTel.ri rel.,CoSe u7.79icry, Alabama investment bonding company Tie council approved installation of a iew police Patrol car, slid bills 3 r Genuine HAMBURGERS 20c
four(4y,1 ist. o1Dixie Chenm Prod. Co., Ltd., Sup... 77.54 met with the City Council to discuss theci la lrk enstala iothe t e of a unte poil :00 Pemn, 'ueea, sa ilaoch
JauWardy. f Port St. Joe, Florida, for JIw. H Iolcomb Mfg. Co., Shp.......24.05 possibilities of piping natural gas to the it and Clerk ederson was directed toreceied until Genuine HAM BURGERS---- 20c
(2)years, District No. 2, Term Expires lThe Worrell Mfg. Co., Sup. ...... 211.11 Port St. Joe area. Mr. Gaunitt fully outlined notify Florida Power Corpor tion t ro- 1, 1955.
(2 ears Disri Central Chem. Co., Sup........... 69 17 the advantages as to the nominal cost d with the installation of this light. There being nio further bineshe
January 1957 the advantages as to the nominal cost and commissioner Tarpe stated tiat he had meeting adjourned.
Je4lon Talley, Port St. noe, Florida, for Capital Paper Co., Supplies .......22.40 cleanliness afforded the users of naturalgas been informed that satm ed that e na eti n04 M
t) Cvars, l)rcort o, ridm for ay mor Co .... 173.25 as ell as a good source of general fund tr ire that some s of theG s C lton
4) years, District No. Term expires mar ers ta., up. .. 875 renue for cities installing natural gas oluteer Fie department had been use Guest From e ood M ax ell He CE cup 5c

Jgm e "hei sirw iches other tunches on heol
Je n Hariy prt t oer, lorid, 1or Ga. Chem. Co., Sup ........ 10.00 facilities Mr Gaunitt also stated that the ng ttieir sirens other thiat on the ayto
Cly F B'roron F 'ernoie s Westron Corp., Sup............. .162.66 Houston Gasopas and O Comapropos- fires. Mayor Belin suggested that the City Mr. anyd Mrs. C. .M. Mxon of
(2) years, fiistrict No. 4, Teruim exp D T. Brest Corp. p. ...........3118 g to build aITas Council meet with members of tile Volun-Mou
Janu ry 19 7. C up to ui a t eer Fire Department Tuesday Januar 2, Ca bellton have een the recent
.. A. Whitfield, Wee aiitclhik, Florida, A C. E. ittleton, Labor &d Sup. .... 599. 0 Jacksonville, Florida, said G proposedlines. toHe Fm blurea Tn
afor 4) years, district No. 5, Term andexpire Cicago Lock Co., Sup.......... 1.08 pass ear this area. Mayor Belin stated that 1 955 at 8:00 pm atth unici
January, 1959. Illingvorthi Eng. Co., Sup..........35.65 it was tis opinion that the citizens of this itug for a discussion of unauthorized use ofIguests
ah of te oo ordon Cook, Sup... 5.30 area would favor natural gas and that t sirens and blinker lights. The naor fur

as members of said Board of Public Instruc- T. Bridges, Labor .............18.50 ..__ ....-__ .
tion for the term of office set forth above e indsay Wade, Labor and Mats. 74.50
beginning on the first Tueshay after the 1'. F. McDaniel, Sup............... Sella Norris, Salary ............ .. 75.00
first Monday in January, 1 955 and until J. E. Pittman, Gen. adse., Sup 28.91 Fed. Reserve Bank, Tax......... 17 1 40
their successors are elected and qualified D M. Jones, Labor .36.00 C. M. Gay., Com5pt, Retir CoVlt. .. 2sN
an hs being il nd b d with thei Secretary of Wall Elec. Co, Labor and Sup.h.a. 27.60 G Tee. Cie it Unl Sres 2 0 00
State as prescribed by Sec. 413and 1089 B ritt'sS. .Sta., Tire........... 30.00 Protec. Life Ins. Co.A Indt........ 11.90
as ameded) h of the School Code, the Board Freeman Elec Co., Sup........... 9.20 Profess. Ins Corp, Ins......... 13 50
then proceeded to complete its organization Wegwa HdwMuc Co., Sup ...1,046.71 Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Fla. Ins. 6.20
ie compliance with Sectior o415, Lass eof Sporatm.ens Seri. Sta., Sup. & L.abor 4.00 Fla. EduicA. W fan., alay .......... 10.00
Florida Acts of 1939 Chapter 19355 as S o Mots Co., Sup. Lab.. .. r1 ers ykes, Salary ........ 13 7

THOMAS A. OWENS FENNON TALLEY eynalds Music House, Sup. .. 1,073.70 Teach: in Adult School .... 37.10
folloSupt. Ch Alvin cGlon's Serv. Gar& Co., Sup. & Lab. 107.71 R. MaWarddox, Salary 12.70
In motion of J. B. Harrise, seconded by Wewa Wash teria, Laund. fro first aid. .. 659 Albert Wynne Sal. Train. il adult school
Clye B.arris, Fa n Talle was electevi Standard egCo. Sup a. ..... .82 Clytee Mayfd, Salary ..........
Chairman of sid Board of Public Instruc- kin E. Co., Pest Control .... Fed. Reserve Bank, Ta ..... 17.00
tion for the County of Gulf, State of Florida. Johnt Land, Haul. Sup. to PS...... 2.00 Hubert E. Riclards, Sal. Teach. in Vet. lS -
.... ... .. ...d . .. F ront er Gres C o .S . 2 .00... 2 0
Thomas A. Owns, hold ing commission Jon John cMullon, Garbage Di...... .00 Inst ..... ............... ..244 0.0 O I
County Superintendent of Public Ilstruction MS. It & R. Truck. Co., Freight ....99.54 David Johnson, Sal. Teacl in Vet.
for the ensuing (2) years, a hpealred in,person Ala. S Inc.hool Sup. Co., Sup .. 231.... 2 913.40 Ist.................... 92.00 -IGG-T V ALU ES
7at said meeting and assumed his duties As L yons Band Inst.o, Ie. ........ 696..... 93 ni0 TBIS inG.e,40 al
Secretary of the Board as proidess to become las. B. Bells, Sup. ....S......... 10.50 Teaching in Adult School. 34.00
The Board thus organized then decided on BNeil A. ejos Music Co., Sup...... 179.5 Lois Johnson, Salary
the First Tuesday after the First Mollay of Wenger Music Equip. Co., Sup. 93.60 Te aching in Adult School .. 0 72 X 90 Quit Size
each month as te day for holding its regu- Nt. Time Sg r up. 149.76 Beatrice Woodfaulk, Sal ary. ... 130
lar monthly mOeetngsF The Coumbian Vie Mg. e o., Sup. o208.6 Teach in Adult School .... 80 77 80

T H M VAS A. O N SuppleN O T ALL e ald & ostg Cor. ,Sp .. 14.76 Br ie W k L S a r Csor juniors, missy and half sizes Giv -a-w ay prices! The most
ATTEST : I School Products Co., Sup .218.31 ro lar abrs, any stable or year
THO.MAS A. OWENS PENNON TALLEY 'Reynalds Music House, Sup... 1,073.70 Teach. in Adult School 37.0- 0o'r nts
Supt. Chnof Chicago Press, Sup. Se. 4 ar.50 W Roebuck & Fuel Co., Sup. .. 1,1076.2871 R ank Fairddo, Salary. 122.00
On motion of J. A. Whitfield, seconded by S. Joe Lmbr. & Export Co., Su. 6419.3 Da ceac,. in Ad ult School .. 5.25
J. B. Harris, Carter Ward was elected vice- Standard Oil Co., Sup. .......... .318.31 Clytee afield, Sal ary N V f

Educator's Book Club, Sup. ......... 7.31 Boyd Borders, Trans. of School child. .. 9.00 Ot.s DavisM Sal. .d....a...r.y..e.a... 84.00 ||o
Chairman of the B Lnnie Gay. Labor o., Sp. T. Willieach. i Adult School 8.44
The County Nurses' report was read exam. SA rJoe Whie. Co., Supr ........ 40.00 Fe Bk, ..13
Populed and or dene, Sup filed. 12.00 Thoma s A. Owens, Supalary. ....... 340.67 roes C. InfieCorpd, Salary
Moved and carried that all school board A. Nystrom & Co., ........ 1600 e c. L ine Ins Co., Is. . .5.25 Whi
Association...meetingto.be.held..d...C.o oton Suip
members that could attend the Schpol Board Simon and Schuster, Sup. ....... 123.08 Hgh Semtmes, Travel............. 33.75 72 X 108
Association meeting to be held January Siler's, Inc., Sup. ................ 31.91 Eta HMcllister, Tra. l .............. 0 3.75
17th and 18th would do so. 3 personal Book Shop, Sup ........ 45.93 Eula 1). Pridgeon, Travel ........... 0.00
There being no further business to come F Collier Saons, S. ...... 17198 B. B. Scisson, Travel. ....... 054.002
before them they did then adjourn to meet E ticyclopaedia Briannica, Sup. 42125 J A. Whitfield, Salary ............... 10 00 e"a. m u. w Ii A V'f I A_ --
again in regular session on February 8, 1955 TiJe Geographical Pub... Co., Sup.. 173.00 Hazel Gaski, Salary ............. 19. 00
LAmerican Seatig C, Su. 1 0 yman's Bookshop, Su .......... 27.32 Fennon Talley D, Sal. & Trav ........1.....90
ABC School Sup. oF EXPE ES. ...... 7. Educator's Progress Sarv., Sup...... 36.00 J. B.a HNrris, Sal. Trav. ......... 2 42 X,
MONTH OF DECEMBER, 1954 News Map of he Week, Inc, Sup.. 18. Fed. Reserve aWnt Tal........... :19.10 77 LATE
Funk & Wag general Fund The Steck Co., Sup ...... 47.3...... DISTRICT NO. 1 FUND f ( .. U R 15 I
Cercl G. Costn, Prof. Sep 49.45 S tie 5.00 Life Film Strips, Sup........ 00 lnidgeon, Conmis.. ... .849 IOW
Gulf Council oBreeze, Print. & Material 3500 Fla. Inst. State Dept. of Ed., Sup. .. 15 RSamuel A. Patrick, Commis.1.... 1. Falland in er. 290.55 R M'u. $. 11
B. & W. B. Dress Co., Supplies. 78.68 Alf Millergren, Postage 10.00 GENERAL FUND CONTINUED
The New York M ic Be Suppli 30.100 Coine Plumbi, S eat. Co, Frank Fair 0 aloth Salary .............. .8200 Fr j, m y and half sizesGive-a- ay ^e Te
. A. Owens Pub. Co., Sup. ...... 5 L .d00 S lp. a or2.......... 500 Mozelle Wright, Sal............. : popular fa m y s e fr year 'ound wear.

C & G Spayl ort. Goods Co., Sup. .....;.. 311.44.60 Emma Pestern Auto Assocn, S toalary ........Sup... 9 45 Richard Semmes, Sal. ........ 25.80 .6 si f '
Univ. of Chicago Press, Sup....... 4.50 West Fla. Gas & Fuel Co., Sup. .. 1,106.28 Frank Faircloth, Sal. ...........122.00
. W. Wilson Co., Sup.............. 11.00 Gulf Oil Corp., Supy ....253 DHan Cr eamer, Sal. .................. 318.79 d esV lues to O .-evL b
Remington Rand, Sup. ............15.00 Leroy T. Hodges, bus driving 2800 ordon Alford, Salary ......... .....126.00 28 Lie F l a iWinter l I$25.00
Educator's Book Club, Sup........... 7.31 Boyd Borders, Trans. of School chil. 9.00 Otis Davis, Sal.................84.00
Sports, Sup ..................... 6.00u ,onnie Gay, Labor .............. .00 Willie Wil as, Sal. ............ 133.00
Visual Educa. Assoc., Inc., Sup.... 22.50 !Van Brunt & Yon, Inc., Sup....... 969.42 C. M. Gay, Comp, Sal..:......... 29.58Ci SSES
Hanson-Bnnett Mag. gcy., Sup. 151.20 Leroy Hdges, Sub. driving ........$ .95 Si 6.00 to 4, with feet Fine Quality Colonial Worth $6.9510.00

CA SH IsSlo Fleece Knit Pa.mas u F pr. e1.00 Cotton Bedspreads hr $5.00
South-Western Pub. Co., Sup....... 24.74 Clarence Whitfield, Labor......... 00 Fed. Reserve Bank, Tax...........9.10 SAVE HALF AND MNylon
Popular Science, Sup ............ 12.00 Thomas A Owens, Salary.d c ........34hy067 Prosiz. Ins. Corp., Ins. .n Fd ..9Beul col
Information Classroom Pic. Pub., Sup. 24.06 Thomas A. Owens, Travel ........ 0.. 00 Protec. Life Ins Co., Ins............. 75 2 WhiteGabardine TOPPERS $6.00

$25 to $300 wCannoneTerry Towel.4 for5$1.00 Chenille SPREADS 2 for $7.00
John C. Winston Co., Sup....... 52.60 Ella Chafin Smithy, Salary ........1 560 Sweetie Epp, Sal..............75 72 X 108
Vulcan Service Co., Inc., Sup........ 14.80 Mrs. R. C. uaddox, Salary ........96.72 Hodik, Sal.............. 3375e e
Standard School Serv., Sup......333.17 ate Alsobrook Salary......... 1477 Cone Hop, Sal............ 33.75 2 FOR $2.95 Value Cotton Ladies Sizes
eenan Weld. Sup., Sup.......... 8.20 Ida Porter, Salary........ 92Sizes 0 to47 Lucille2 udley, Salbardine. ............ 4.2
C. S. Hammond & Co., Sup.. m esai ....... II25.36 : R S, hite and assord pn W th son, Sal...........r. V u o 9 q 3 3.75
Cook d Co., Sup.. ............. 04C. H. Smith, Salary. ..... .... 53
Lowe & Campbell, Sup............ .10.99 J. L. Maddox, Salary ............. 145.17 Doris Bradley, Sal ..............219.25
American Seating Co., Sup....... 133.80 Dan Hodrick, Salary ....... 95.00 le ae Des, Sal............ 41.25
ABC School Sup of Fi nl., Sup.. 37.65 Clarence Whitfield, Saary Stella Norris, Sal................ 42 X 36

-^ M "C A "^ ... L aa..189oei3.doz. 5.00ho p | S L S 3 yds. $1.00
Funk & WagnalaCo 4400 loland Hardy Salary .......... 147.30 Dlores Dykes, Sal ........ 1...... 16. h id r str
.. 400 Burkne B.r cisson al... ... .3 98 q. u it2y.I368
American Art Clay o., Sup......49.45 Stweetie Epps, Salary ..............4500 Scon, al. ......... .89
Nat. Council of Teach, of Eng., Sup 10.25 Ola odrick, Salary ............. 00 lPric, Sal ......... 290.186.
S. H.... ..... iaml Linton, Sal. ............. 18.26 ol f 1 *ad 8282
.Educational Mu c Bureau, Inc., Sup. 30.14 Corinne Hopps, Salary 4 0.F lc t af o z S h it s s p e. 0............ 0
W. A Welch Mfg. Co., Sup. ......397.57 Lucille Dudley, Salary .. ...0 ...... 0 R t..... A l.. 187.15

SDEPEND 0 YOUR -500 Hugh H Semn. ::::: Men'S nylon im first a 580Sanforized
C & Sport. Goods Co., Sup ... 311.40 Emma Peerson, Salary ..............00 Hugh See, Sal.........
'Stamps-Baxter Music & Print. Co r Sup r 12o65 Wava Joh ala th e 'ry ......4500 Ler w i,1 .0 0 NE R Sal.BEF 4a28
Faill's Food Store, Sup........... 6.70 Mazie Purswell, Salary ............400 1 obert M. Craig. Sal. ....... 288.321
Quality Gro & Mkt, Sup........ 13.04 Doris Bradley, Salary........... 41.25 He an R. Dean, Sal.............3.79
Alal Photo Supply. Sup......... 129.40 Stella Norris, Salary ............. 75.00 Dewey P. Phillips, Sal.........261.02
SServesWaer Alma eWriosko, Sal. ............ 133.68
lubert E. Richards, Sal........ 341.27 Fine Quality Colonial Worth 6.95
Henry F. Ayers, Sal. ............ .303.8 U TICA- Worth $1.95- Sizes n o lors oith faetncy Sizes 28 to
Teach. Retire. Sys., Cont....... .. 430.35

LauraW. Hainton, Sal. 164.89 16 X 27 -- Stripes alnd checks, handy size Full Size or Twin Fringed Beautiful colors
uLethaE Reiterd, Sal ......... 196.76

enry F Aye, S a .. ...5. 0.5 UTCA -- Valth F1.9 Sie ll 1 11 4 Sanforized khakis Q.
Fed. Barbara hieserley, Salnk, Tax............. 145.540
Janie C. Dunn, Sal.P............ 176.45 C T aa erS1.00C n eSPREADS--- r.00
Gulf Teach. Fed. Credit Uti. Shares 90 00

uou s too, e TwCro lune, Shal. .........., 5200.
Protect. Lanier I. Co. Is.......... 18.35
Mrs. Rudy Gaskion, Sal.. ...........21 639

Diana Strickland, Sal.......... 186.... 78196 76
Janiene C. Dunnell, Sal...............1764aglnHbral5....2 t C

Leroy Hodges, Sal............ 216.29 C8ton Panties 4hn ie S PES 2
Ira C. Mayfield, Sal ............. 239.48 Suighy kards a
lytee S. Mayfield, Sal......... 8.3

R CONSOLIDATE BILLS Etna McAllister, Sal........... 182.96
Sarrell Holloway, Sal..............186786Woven Ginghams, DenimsS
HdOME OR CAR REPAIRS Franc es Brown, Sal. ......... *0and Ga-
Sara aFite, ll. .....234.48
157.60e pr..S ..0...2..r3..8 1 .002yWorth 25c yd. Firm, heavy
DOCTOR OR DENTAL BILLS Juanita Gunn, Sal.............. 224.40
Minnie Howell, Sal............... 177.18 White and assorted pastels. Worth 69c Pr. Values up to 98c yd. quality, 36 ins. wide
SEASONAL EXPENSES Avaryee C. Martin, Sal ............212.92
Willie Mae Davis, Sal........... 219.06
0 BETWEEN PAY DAY CASH Helon Rollins, Sal..............199.26 Buy as many as you please Assorted Plaid and Solids
Henry Dandridge, Sal........... 193.23
lPAureliaRasmussen, Sal............. 210.36 27 X i ye
Betty Anchors, Sal............. 155.73
Laura Geddie, Sal............11.71 ft a O U A R' Cotton Flannels
Yvonne Straughn, Sal............146.937
SEE FRIENDLY Vrginia' Blick, Sal. 209 22 DIAaPERS Pd 3y$0
SEE FRIENDLY Jean Hayes, Sal.................16584R and Plisse Chepes
Mary Aide, Sal. 15'7.17
David McClamroch, Sal. ........ 171.83
cAmi0 Parker, Sal.. ............ 184.92dou 3 yds. 1m
Betty Traweek, Sal................ 160.58
2 Anna Ward, Sal................ 175.77
FlP 218 yula Pridgeon, Sal ............1 9364 B S i
Jaque A. Price, Sal .......... 16.01
Netta Niblack, Sal............... 199 2:9 Colorful mannish plaids, j j sameL
Boary Austin, Sal. 204.7dn1
Katherine Ivey, Sal. ..............15.34
Simae s Denor, Sal........... 1 2B.6o -- 21"
lEoyestile Sims, Sal............. 22.1.27 U -
Howard eBore, Sal..... .19 Boys 8 oz. bar tacked
Alie7 4 Men's nyloS trim first
EPEND O Y Ul Gustaf Johansson, Sal............ 220.n8
Margaret Key, Sal............. 177.45 quality made 100 Plain or fancy
Jasper Meadows, Sal........... 194.73 Utica Nylon colors
Herhert Medley, Sal........... 209.03 T SS$BJ
Booth Poole, Sal............ 194 98
Iris Poole, Sal................... 208.97 ....... SHORTS $ i.u u pr. JEANS
o, Traweek, Sal .................23.70
fr Profesionl Health Eloie Griff, Sal............139.00
Ruby M. Bartlett, Sal.............. .NEVER BEFORE! Fine quality Hanes $ 3 .0 0
Alma DeWitt, Sal..................2568 2for
Barbara Lawre..ce, Sal ............ 5.21POR S 2 p
Albertha G. Brown, Sal...........1.3B
Lula Y. Wilson, Sal........... 199.81
AIlveta Bowman, Sal............. 197.93
David Johnson, Sa l............. ..202.17 or ,ancy --

S your health Harriet Carr, Sal ..........i... 196i97 nSr
S Jones, Sal ..... '201.81 WORK GLOVES -- pr. 1 WU
.torrgte l'Ale..eknSa.....Al44nbetaJenkiLoJonoSa......:10IdMeJeSl9.1nkp.$ .
Sdrugstore .Annye M. Smith Bailey, Sal." ...... 187.18
Maye Davis, Sal. ............... 182.73 Our best quality plain gabardine and fancy SUITS
~ ^Fed. Reserve Bank, Ta.......- ,283.10 Best quality SIT e, U
Blue Cros & Blue hielofFla 15140$1.59 Values SPORT SHIRTS ------ ea. 3.00 Both for
BRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION Profo. rns. Cor-p., Ins ............113.99r 0
Gulf Teach. Fed. Credit Un. Shaxes 195.00 Values up to $4.95 -- SPORT SHIRTS, $2.00
F EduceBRING IN YOUR PRESCRIPTION As so.,nsdi no 70 0 3 or $4.00 Values up to $4.95 OTHER SPORT SHIRTS, $2.00
Fla. Educa. Assn., Fee)s ...... 4 7.00
_3 C A B E L I SiMargaret Clark, Sub. Y'k. .'......... 63.00 "
SAR E I LL' Bob Smith, Sub. Wk ......3.00
P-B E L L S Julia Creech, Sub. Wvk.. .'129.10
Walgreen Agency Drug Store Beula Ayers, Sub. Wk..........49.00 White Handkerchiefs, 12, $ 1.00
Charlotte Brown, Sub. Wk... 2600
Annie Lee Keith, Sub.W.Wk..: ... 21.00

arm aj.-kri, ru rij at- awm. %mu-'~ --~~- r D ,%oua-Pe


Published E-ery Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St.
ue, ,iJ.l.. 3: T. .c 3 .7 r Fut.llshing Com pany
\\ ,:, v ;.A.' :,i'or and Publisher
A i' l] ,'"' p0,.-t 't, ud 'ifn, Fr ior Man, Columnist,
epnT'r. i' and Blokkeeper
ivt(. ., c ,. 'U '! 1;i'.M r 19, 1937, at the
io wt t: :. I',., r 1 .1 oi hr .Aft of -iMarch 3, 1S79.

'i'E;..;l,',! NI -,1 '.-

TO ADVE''I'ERS- T:i c. 1 .', 0 !or o! omissions in adver-
Ai- tcuts, rir' i'ilsiheis ; o rnot holid themselves liable for
da' noges 1ur 1.;.. LIn ai.uItiL ;.; d 1 o such advertisement.
The s; uoen wer.)l i ginc ic .t :t .L ntion; the printed word
if th, urditfiov wei-hedr. Thle s "kern word barely assert;
the printed word tlhuiuougly couvinces. The spoken word
is o10.; th0 printed w 'd '-mu..Ia.

When Virginia's Senator Harry Flood Byrd
was 15, as the legend goes, he'made a pay-as-
you-go deal with the station agent who was hold-
ing the Byrd newsprint for express charges, so
that the family paper, The Winchester Star might
continue publication. His subsequent rescue of
the family fortunes may well explain his dedica-
tion to pay-as-you-go.
Later, as a state Senator, young Mr. Byrd
was a prime mover in establishing a state high-
way system for Virginia whose only paved
road connected Washington and Richmond.
This too, at the insistence of Senator Byrd, and
then Governor Byrd was a pay-as-you-go opera-
tion, and still is. No bonds, no debts, and for
years now a system.of roads as adequate as those
of any state to the needs of its citizens and
Today, Senator Byrd warns against President
Eisenhower's ten year highway program, ex-
panded by his advisory committee in record time
from :50 to 101 billions. Dollars, that is! In-
stead of loading this additional debt on unborn
generations,. with an additional 11 billions of
interest, the Senator would repeal the Federal
2 cent gas tax, give it back to the states to do
their own road-building, and finance the present
Federal aid prorgam with a new half-cent *gas
tax and a tax on lubricating oil.
We are told that our present state, gover-
nors, -all 48, favor the Clay Committee plan -
proving, no doubt, that 101 billion dollars can't
be wrong, But perhaps we'd better listen to
former Governor Byrd. We can't think of a
better- qualified witness.

After the second straight day of retaliation

against the Red Chinese air and sea attack on
the Tachen Islands area, the Chinese Nationalist -)
Defense Ministry announced their war planes L
had sunk a total of 23 ships and damaged
Whatever the size of value of the other 22
ships, the most significant casualty is the tiny
British freighter Edendale, a 1,717 ton vessel But
sunk in the Red harbor of Swatow. At this writ- cells
ing, a formal British protest is on its way to Gen- plosive
eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek in Formosa. Swhi
In view of the fact that our British cousins has r
have recognized the Chinese Reds', and not the man
Nationalist regime, while our position is the re- dr, nr
verse; the further fact that many Americans, both ently
in and out of public life take a dim view of Bri- since
tain's mounting trade with Red China; and the Ho
wobbly status of our lately-signed treaty promis- used
ing Chiang to help him, defend Formosa and first
the d
the Pescadores, which is now before the Senate non-a
i-or ratification; the little Edendale could be- dizzin
of tet
come a latter day Lusitania. in 28
President Eisenhower indicated in his press that
conference that we do not intend to intervene on p
in the Formosa Straight hostilities so long as the you
Communist attack is limited to the off-shore is- mess
lands, which, he said, "are not a vital element as anre
we see it". The following day, Senate and work
House leaders were briefed by Secretary of State the e
Dulles, and Admiral Arthur W. Radford, chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and who has
just returned fro ma Far Eastern inspection tour.
The meeting was secret, and not even Senate
Republican Leader William F. Knowland ex-
pressed an opinion afterward. In disagreement
with Administration policy, Senator Knowland
had previously reminded us that: Mrs
"On November 15 of last year, I pointed out with a
the danger of a coexistence policy which might ning
lead the Communist world into open nibbling. Joel L
for the
The first nibble has taken place, small though 0is,
it may be. And a series of small nibbles will James
amount to a large one." Mrs. 1
Chinese Nationalist Premier Yui says his ett,
country wants no part of coexistence, and anoth- Tplayo
er spokesman is quoted as saying: "The Corn- the f6
munists are going to take our islands one by one, and M:
and the"US Seventh Fleet is not going to do a of sa
damn thing about it. And there is not much we cokes
air support. "Ms, .
Thus our policy of "protecting" Formosa, Webb
and at the same time preventing her from un- Junior
dertaking her dedicated task of freeing the main- Mrs.
land from Communism, .seems to be making us Denni
no friends in England, in Red China or even Ella
in Formosa. Yeage
We must decide and soon whether to Lonni
really back up Chiang or back away. Trs.hh

Why You Cough...
ughing is caused by irritation somewhere in the respiratory system
rritation itself will not make you cough. A tiny cluster of brain
must first order the various muscles involved to provide the ex-
ve force which causes coughing. (see illustration)
ence has now developed a drug, similar to morphine but non-narcotic
h can control coughing that
o beneficial value to the hu- 4HOUGTION
body. This drug, known as 4 LOCOMOAIN
omethorphan hydrobromide, '
lore simply, Romilar, appar- -. HYP0-
is the first anti-cough specific THETICAL
codeine was discovered more COUGH
100 years ago. CENTER
wever, Romilar, being widely
under doctors' orders for the ch orde uc,,to-I' r
time this winter, has none of
isadvantages of codeine. It is
addictive, causes no -nausea, / /
ness or constipation. Months /
sts on more than 775 patients
S hospitals and clinics show
Romilar causes no bad effects '
he chart above explains why which the incoming signal sets of
cough. Both the "irritation the cough signal. Codeine and
age" and the "order to cough" Romilar seem to work alike, but
electrical impulses carried by the latter appears to affect onl:
es. The cough suppressant the "cough center." The new drul
ks by stopping or slowing down was discovered by scientists o.
electronic switching process by Hoffmann-La Roche Inc.


-- -0P --- ---
Honored With Shower
s. Hurbert Kaiser was honored
a bridal shower Thursday eve-
at 7:,30 at the home of Mrs.
Lovett on Madison St. Hostess
e occasion were, Mrs. Kenneth
Mrs. Eddie Tubberville, Mrs.
s Lovett, Mrs. Dennis Norris,
Ernest O'Brian, Mrs. Joel Lov-
Irs. Jimmy Burns and Mrs.
ty Webb. Several games were
1 and prizes were awarded to
following: Mrs. W. S. Love,
Irs. L. W. 'Cox. Refreshments
lad on lettuce, cookies and
were served to the following:
James Lovett. Mrs. 'Sheffield,
Wsr q T SCT.. q c4.1in TM-



daughter, Cindy of Marianna were
the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cleveland Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and chil-
dren spent Saturday in Panama
City visiting with friends and rela-
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Eraest of
Panama City- were the week end
guests of the latter's parents, Mrs.
Minnie Gay.
We are sorry to say that Mrs. W.
B. Dykes is ill and her many friends
w.sh her a speedy recovery. .
Rev. Lloyd Riley returned home
Friday after attending the Sunday
school convention at Houston, Tex.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzil and
sons David and Daniell of Pensa-
cola were the week end guests of
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. H. Shealy.
Allen Norris and Hansel Norris
motored to Tampa Sunday on busi-
-- ._ _3-A r -I MI. TT-1- Vn,^--

You Are Cordially Invited To Attend

Long Avenue Baptist Church

REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor
MORNING WORSHIP --------11:00 a.m.
EVENING WORSHIP ------ 7:30 p.m.
PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m.

Meeting In The High School Auditorium


******* s.-s O.O4.8^O*.....o **M**



Satve up to $6 .900

VW. S. LUVC, ivMrs. Stella Nori- niess andu vMr. andt ivMrs. Verlon Nour-
[iss Ann Ward, Mrs. Tommy ris returned home with them.
, Mrs. Ernest O'Brian, Mrs. Mr. .c:: Mrs. Rex Wilson and
r Glass, Mrs. Henry Butts, children of Enterprise, Alabama
Lloyd Riley, Mrs. Milton Con- were thb week end guests of Mr.
Mrs. Thurston Mears Mrs. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson and Mr. and
s Norris, Mrs. L. P. R.:,, Mrs. Mrs. Williai Wilson returned home
Norris, Mrs. L. C.. ::. with Mr. a:.d Mrs. Rex Wilson.
er, Mrs. Jimmy Burns, Mrs., Miss Barbara Jo Young, daughter
e Bell, Mrs. J. T. Campbell, )of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Young spent
Preston IFaxter, Mr' Eddip the week end in Panama City vis-

rville Mrs Ard Pu H n

iting with friends and relatives.

Norris, Miss Lavern G ', V iss Mrs. John Strange and children
ida travel than ever before. 'Some lcourteous in the performance of Minnie Ola Ray, Miss Melba Butts, of Panama City spent Friday visit-
TOO LATE hotels in thle Miami-Miami Beach their duty. Careless and reckless Mrs. Ressia Daniels, Mrs. Simon g with friends and relatives.
SLA E area are booked solid from January 'drivers must be curbed, but an ap- Dykes, Mrs. Gene Ernest Dykes, g wth fed and ratves
TO CLASSIFY through mid-April. Dick Pope of proachll by an officer can be friend- Mrs. Kurt Gwaltney, Mrs. Nelson
SCypress Gardens, vice chairman of ly and courteous with the explana- Gardener, Miss. Gypsie Love Miss Tallhasse s
BY RUSSELL KAY the Florida State Advertising Corn- tion that 'Florida is concerned with Mamnmie Thomas, Mrs. Joel Lovett,
F-li ar mission, predicts an increase in Ithe protection of guests as well as Mrs. G. W. Padgett, Mrs. Tommy Se* To Ha e e WB
Florida can look forward to 1955 travel to Florida this season cf 'home folks, ,pointing out that traf- Webb, Mrs. Nadine Anderson, Mrs. Se 0 T o VH ve W
with confidence for every indica- from 15 to 18 per cent. fic violations are dangerous and Varnadoe, Mrs. Nita Vern Jolly, E
tion points to the state's sound, The housing shortage continues should be avoided if we are all to Mrs. Dorine Spears, Mrs. (Bill Flem- Daily iN WSpaper
steady growth in the months ahead. in many areas and although builders "Stay Alive in '55." Pring, Mrs. N. E. Deese, Mrs. Gay
Blessed with conscientious agen- are construction new units on a and the honoree, Mrs. Hurbert
cies that have done a wonderful wholesale basis, they are selling Dianne Lay Is Honored Kaiser. A morning new
selling 'job such as the Florida them as fast as they are built as With A Birthday Party Sending gifts but unable to a't-knownas the "Capital Post" will
State Chamber of Commerce, the new residents move in to swell the -_ tend were Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Williams, known as the "Capital Post" will
Florida Council for Industry and state's population figures. Mrs. D. B. 'Lay honored her daugh- Mrs. B. W. Wilder, Mrs. Cannon, begin publication in Tallahassee on
Commerce, the Florida State Adver- Industrial growth is keeping pace ter, Diane, with a birthday party Mrs. Pete Callahan, Mrs. George March 20, newsprint executive Leo
timing Commission and others, Flor- and hundreds of new industries celebrating her 1th birthday on Padgett, Mrs. Marie ynn, Mrs.W.Bowniall of New ork announc-
ida's star continues to rise and be- botlarge an smallare comg to Thursday evening. The party as Anderson Davis, Mrs. Everitt Mcr ed in Miami Saturday.
come brighter. Florida to give steady employment eld at the Parish House at 8:00 Farland, Mrs. Minnie Jones, Mrs. Bowmall said equipment had
come gter.to .thousands and increase the Jean Shoots Mr. Coni a Mrs
A recent survey to determine Pat po tas..m. Assisting Mrs. Lay was Miss Jean Shoots, Mrs. Conni Gay, Mrs.ill begin arriving in the Florida
tourist 'prospects for the coming Iri a recent report, Chairman A. Barbara Mitchell and Mrs. Morgan MBill Grav T sy WeMrs. Mrs. Elliott, capital city about the first week in
months shows .no lag in interest. D Davis of the Council of Industry Jones, Jr. eatice Revells, Mrs. Enf inger February Bowmall, executive vice
Inqiries continue to pour into ad- and Commerce which has been do- withe ua lace cloh tabe was overlaid Mrs. Mary Levins, Mrs. Cooper president of the Bukley-Dunton
vertising commission headquarters ing such a wonderful job, points out birth a lace cloth centereshmend with a Mrs. Carl Deese, Mrs. Bufford 'Cellulose Co. of New York, said he
in response to our national adver- duringthe last two yearsour thdaycake Refreshments ofould back the newspaper finan-
tising campaign.ndustrial growth a been peno- punch, potato chips, crackers, cakeMrs. L. Davis, Mrs.AllenNorcially
Hotels, motels and resorts report i menal. Two years ago the directory and peanuts were served to the ris and Mrs. B. -Dykes. The Post will rent a 'temporary
heavy advance reservations while showed only 18 plants in the field following guests: Betty Ward, Ann PERSONALS location near the Capitol until per-
the American Automobile Associa- of communications operating in Miller, Dianna McKni'ght, Marie maand Mrs. Tommy WebbMr ent quarters can be erected,
Florida today there are 37 Dur- ITalley, Crista Duren, Barbara Eelis Mr. and Mis. Tommy Webb. Mr. ,BoWmnall said.
tion reports more interest in Flor-ilrda; t he are 3 ur I and Mrs. L. P. Ray and daughteri, ,, b
tion reports more interest in Flor- ing the same period plastic manu- Dian Gilbert, Ray Lapeyrouse, and Mrs. L. P. Ray and daughter, Bowman will be president and
facturing jumped from 36 plants Cindy Carbonoux, Gail Gill, Patri- Minnie Ola ,Ray motored to Georgia treasurer of the new Tallahassee
to 75. The number of plants produc- cia Smith, Carol Lee Armstrong, Tuesday on business. daily.
Sing Venetian blinds andj Sarah Linda Richards, Sandra Mer- Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Neel of Del- Vice presidents will be Don Pe-
i ng numbered 70 two years ago and cer', Vilie .Daniells, Glenn Alli- wood, Ala., were the dinner guests tit, for nine years a reporter with
now lists 185. i good, iDavid Ray Musselwhi'te, of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray and fam- the Miami Daily News and one
'.' Agricultural industries are in- chard Zippcr, Jimmy Williams ily Friday.time manager of the Daily News
creasing with greater use of the Gilbert Martin, Bihly Mazorol, Jack-' Mr Carl Deese and sons, L. C. capital bureau in Tallahassee, and
WiTH .state's raw materials. The concen- ie 'Mitchell, Freddie McLean Clyde and Edgar motored to Cottondale Wesley Boyett, at present published
trate business is booming, poultry I armer and Higdon ,Swatts. Saturday on business and also visit- of the Fort Walton Beach Play-
and cattle production is increasing --- ed with friends., ground News and previously with
Sand better marketing and distribu- Send T'he Stal to a friend. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hall and the Penstacola New.s-Journal for 20
tion methods are being developed. ~ ..., .
A.,RSB 7Commissioner Nathan Mayo has
*CON5VE N cooperated splendidly with all agen-

e and information concerning agri- .:/:
cultural opportunities and advan-
West Florida's tages.
Friendly Savings And Florida attractions for the most L __.

attendance and are looking forward
to another big season. Offshore re-' Prices from ........
SAFE sorts such as Cuba, Nassau, Puerto
CONVENIENT Rico and others are making a great- LIBERAL TRADE-IN
PROFITABLE er effort to attract tourist trade. MIX OR MATCH COLORS
Florida indirectly benefits, for most Seethe new REVOLVING SHELVES
SAVE-BY-MAIL folks visiting these points spend SO IN OW-TD
SERVICE some time in the state going and STOP IN NOW TODAY
SA [IT OF Individual citizens can help keep
I Florida in thq forefront by being e "Gas&--elCo
Taahassee, Fla. courteous to our visitors, helping .F ordaGas& Fue C .
Ta(laha them with information and making
then feel at home. 318 Reid Ave. Phone 342
Law enforcement officers can cul-
tivate their good will by being .

SBrealhtaking new Fiesco pattern... on match.
ing plastic tlaos top and chairs
California inspired modem flair shaped table $1 0 9 9
-highly polished metal rim
Exclusive non-marring chair backs can't Reg. $169.95
harm walls or woodwork Reg. 69.95
Deep, comfortable box.cushion seats... grace-
fIl ,lurdy curved chair backs Table and 4 Chairs
Heat, stain, scratch resistant plastic table top
... damp cloth whisks top and chair uphol- 30"X40" Table
v cleann seconds Extends to 48"

No: :'.Suti-purpose design

,. in Daystrom Chrome!

Reg. $179.95

$119 95

2 Reg. $59.95 5-Pc. Chrome


We have a wide selection cf chrome se's at
greatly reduced prices



.years in circulation, the business of-
fice and in advertising.
SPetit will be in charge of the ?
editorial department and Boyett ,
!will be in charge of business man-
Robert Thomas Brinkley, a Tal-
lahassee realtor and vice president X J i.-''
of the Leon Federal Savings and r
Loan Assn., will be secretary and"'
assistant treasurer. ,
'Bowman lives in New York City, '
bet plans to move to Tallahassee. /
Bukley-Dun.ton Cellulose. Co. is a .
division of the Bukley-Dunton Pulp
Co. which is one of the world's
largest dealers in newsprint and paper, and said he hoped the paper
wood pulp. would "aid in the industrial ex-
The Capital Post will publish pension of the city."
seven days a week, Bowmall said. I Tallahassee is now served by the
He pointed to the tremendous Tall'ahAssee Democrat, which pub-
g-owth of the Tallahassee area in lislhes five afternoons a week and
selecting it as the site for the news- on Sunday.




,_____ ___ __~_ I __

InilY I IJ 1.M-- I -I I--- ---- ---1-__-__-_.--__ Ii--


S_ __ _....
Happily for the modern homemaker, party cakes are psedily
made with modern cake mixes. Speaking for itself is this F-?Ocidl
birthday cake accompanied by paity cupcakes-all made vi-i tv.-.i
packages of cake mix: one yello'wv and one devil's food. T 0c:-c
frosted cupcake with a colorful candle to light the way to man., r..
more Happy Birthdays.
Marble Cake with Candle Cupcakes
1 package Swans Down Yellow Cake Mix
1 package Swans Down Devil's Food :.lix
Chocolate Frosting
Butter Almond Frosting

Prepare cake mixes as directed.
)n packages. Spoon half of the
yellow batter into paper baking
:ups set in muffin pans. Use ha.if
if the devil's food batter in the
same way.
Put large spoonfuls of the re-
maining yellow and chocolate'at.-
ters alternately into two ,rourrl
9-inch layer pans, which haveo
been lined on bottoms with pap>.r.
With a knife, cut thrc'ig-hl bat-.-;
in a wide zigzag course to wirble.o
Bake in moderate oven (250 F.)
20 to 25 minutes for cupcakes
and 25 to 30 minutes for layers.
Cool cakes.
Spread Chocolate Frosting be-
tween layers, over top and sides
of cake, and over tops of yellow
cupcakes. Prepare Butter Almond
Frosting. Put a little of this in a
paper cornucopia to write "Happy
Birthday" across top of cake. (If
frosting is too soft to use in tube,
add a little confectioners' sugar.)
Spread rest of Butter Almond
Frosting on chocolate cupcakes.
Insert a candle in each cupcake.
Chocolate Frosting. Measure 6
cups sifted confectioners' sugar.

Cream 6 tablespoons I'-r; '. '
part of sugar irad.ill ;
well. Mix in % te; spoi :
4 squa'res unsw'etene'i c c:H: ,
melted. Add ret ovf su ', ,
nately with -t cup i, .
;it of r:, C .-i ,v'. :a y .,

boati: of :
lre 2 Cu'q's ,qi: +:'. c r.<.., ,.'*
s ;: !-r. C ..11 5 i .'n [,i. '; :" *
part of s;.;; :;.: ':r: ,iiv, .,,:, .
well. Addi' ." ; sai:.. .. r,;
of S ar. a -

coninnd ,' .
til '" ca):a

\i oth in -
.-. k' vance, fr ,)
an d f r .
,Just remember to put t. 3
\ frosted cakes in the fre7z-
er to set before wrappir' .
in freezing paper; and to rv-, e
this paper as soon, as tlc er. 's
come out of the freezer, be.i.
they begir to thaw.

* ,-. *-..

'^^ > --- ^ ^ ^^^~^~^^ ^SS ^ A ^ ^ ^S^^^NiSi^ ^ '^ ^^'^^'1'1'*

by Rev. Charles P. Price
Pastor Zion,,. Fair, Baptist Church
As we present this lesson think-
ing of this wonderful subject, 'First
Man's Nature"; as we study God's
creative work as it relates to man,
there are several factors of great
1. The creation of man was pre-
ceeded by a divine consultation.
God said let us make man. This
consultation was divine. It was a
consultation held by three persons
of the ever blessed trinity who were
in the creative work.
2. This consultation was solemn,
in that 'the light, the waters and
dry land, the heavenly bodies, and
the brute world, had all heard the
voice of God, and obeyed it, but no
consultation had been held prior
to their entrance into the world.
The reason being, because they
were matter, dumb, and impotent.
But now is to be created a being
endowed with mind and volition,
capable even of rebellion against
his creator. Therefore there must
be a pause before such a being is
created. This matter must be con-
sidered. Man's relation to heaven
and earth must be contemplated.
It was indeed a solemn event.
3. This consultation was a happy
one. For the divine being had not
yet given out. In the creative work,
the highest thought of His mind, he
'had not yet found outlet for the
larger sympathies of His heart in
the universe He had just made and
welcome into being. The light could
not utter all His beneficience. The
water could not articulate all His
power. The stars .did not whisper
His name. But the being of man is
vocal with God, as;no other creative
ogject. He is a revelation of His
maker in a very high degree. In
him (man) the divine thought and
sympathy found welcome outlet.
The creation of man was also hap-
by in its .bearing toward the exter-
nal universe. The world is finished.
It is almost silent. There is only
the voice of the animal creation to
break its stillness. But man steps
forth in the desolated home. He can
sing a hymn. He can offer a prayer.
He can commune with God. Hence
the council that contemplated his
creation would be happy.
Man Created In The Image
of God :
Man originally was God-like, with
certain limitations. Man was like
God in these respects: In respect
to his intelligence. In respect to
his moral nature. In respect to his
dominion. In respect to his immor-
tality. In respect to .he power of
creatorship. Man can create and
invent. Man must ha es been made
in the image of 'God, title grandeur

of his moral ruin is inexplicable.
From this passage we learn of the
dignity of man's nature. The great-
ness of Man's fall, and the glory of
man's recovery by Christ. We so of-
ten read in the scripture where
Christ calls himself the son of God.
Also the son of man which indicates
he had the nature of both God and
man. He represented the best that
there was in God and the best that
there was in man. Or he represent-
ed what man was in his innocence
before the fall.
Then in brief let us think of
man's need. Sin is universal. The
whole human race is proven to be
negatively and positively bad. Af-
ter God made man Holy and good
it is like a beautiful picture that was
left in reach of the child with a
hand-ful of jam. Satan's filthy hand
touched God's beautiful picture and
ruined the image of God in man.
So now man needs a saviour and
the Hebrews tell us that Christ
-took not on him the nature of an
angel but he took on the seed of
Abraham. He was made like his
brethren that he might understand
our sorrow and our temptation God
has provided a saviour and this is
man's need.
And since a saviour is provided,
then it is man's ,great responsibility
to accept that saviour. God's prom-
ise to man is vindicated in Christ.
We are taught that man, having
the limitation of a human body,
with five senses, man is made "a
little lower than the angels" but in
the earth-sphere where, he in the
body is placed, he is supreme. He is
Lord. Everything is subject to him
'So God constituted his relations
amid all earthly things. Man stands
first, crowned with glory and hon-
our. Set over the works of God's
hands death and the sin which
make it a necessity, can cannot
control. This complete rule over
absolutely all things in the earth-
sphere is realized in one man. The
representative, the "man Jesus
Christ" the son was made a little
lower than the angels, made a man,
in order that He might deal with
the one thing, death, which man
had no power 'to conquer as a man
,was it possible for Him (Christ)
to taste death, and conquer it for


To Relieve I


-. -. if




With $10.00 Order
V P WV V S aSq. ,n -.


GA43 MILK39c,

Armour's, With Beans HI HO SUNSHINE LB. BOX




HA Mib






O IYSTmS qt 50 T




loaf 15c

Register's Green Hill

SAUSAGE lb. 29c

Small Kiln Dried SWEET
DPnt ,tA Ih 5 %'

Hear Nei McCormick

at our Store Fri. Eve

ru0tiu u IU. ,

MILK can lOc -

3 Lb. Limit

Hamburger, lb. 19c _

OYSTERS, pt.49 C

Mullet lb. 1oc

With $5.00 Order

Potatoes 10 lb. 5 C i

*I I" "J

'. -..-'.
..... .. ..r 'r -.-.-" .' .. .... "-

F of the bureau's calculations. State Gasoline Sales WSCS Circle 1 Meets
Florida Breaks Birth Record In '54 "Our Bureau of vital Statistics Are Up 16 Per Cent With Mrs. C. Nedley.
is responsible for collecting and fil-.
With 85 000 In Population Increase ing the most important records of The expanding Florida market Circle 1 of the Woman's Society
h ie State; namely, those of births, has measured a 16 per cent in- of Christian ,Service of the First
deaths, marriages and divorces, crease in gasoline sales during the Methodist Church met Monday af-
JACKSONVILLE There was a 696 births registered with the bu- From the mortality reports we ob- past two years. ternoon at 3 p.m. in the home of
new record "baby crop" exceeding reau for 1940. tain information concerning the Total .sales through November of Mrs. I. C. Nedley. After a short
85,000 births for Florida during i "The estimated birth rate for 1954 causes of death, which is important last year amounted to 999,059,042 business meeting, Mrs. J. F. Mil-
1954, on the basis of preliminary is expected to be about 24.5 per to us in designing public health gallons, upon which the two-year ler gave the devotional taken from
estimates issued by the State Board 1,000 population. This is a substan- programs to serve the State's needs gain was based. It also was 41 the first chapter of Corrinthians.
of Health today., tial increase over the birth rates of and to reduce mortality, per cent more than the compar- Mrs. J. C. Laney presented the
But the new arrivals are placing 23.0 noted for 1950 and 17.6 for "We have had a 48 per cent in- able 1950 total." Interestingly, more program on the subject, "Our Faith
an increasingly heavier burden on '1940. crease in the bureau's work load gasoline was sold in Florida last In Love". Mrs. R. H. Brinson gave
an already overworked Bureau of I "The estimated deaths for 1954 since 1948, with only a nine per year in any 21/ month period than a talk on "How to Capture Life's
Vital Statistics operated by the are expected to exceed 31,000 an cent increase in personnel during during the entire year of 1925, the Greatest Values." Mrs. Nedley, the
Board of Health, State Health Of- increase over the figure of 30,529 that period. The need for more cleri- Florida IState Chamber of Com- hostess, served refreshments to the
ficer Wils on T. Sowder said Irecorded for 1953, but population cal help, working area and vault merce pointed out yesterday. following members presut; Mrs.
"Estimates based upon the first gains during the year are expected storage space for these vital rec- I County gains, 11 months 1954 over Walter Johnson, Mrs. R. H. Brin-
11 months of 1954," he continued, to cut the death rate of 9.8 per is growing moe u t dailythe same period In 1952, are given ,
nords is growing more urgent daily son, Mrs. J. C. Laney, Mrs. George
"indicate births are expected to ex- 1,000 population established during I in the week's business review of Mrs. La
ceed the 85,000-mark when the fin- 1953. as the State's population continue the State Chamber's research and Suer, Mrs. J. Lamar Miller and
ahe fSttriChalbdivsio. .Rankednp MrserJceFt-Miller.
al figures for 1954 are compiled sev- "The State's population, which to grow." industrial division. Ranked percent-ting was closed with the
eral weeks from now. was listed in Federal census re- It is emphasized that these vital agewise, a number of the smaller
"That compares with 80,087 births ports at 1,468;211 in 1930 and 1,897,- records must be preserved in their counties stand above some of the
registered during 1953, and is con- 414 in 1940, had reached nearly 3,-1 original form so 'that microfilming larger ones. Bradford County led 'Gulf county had a 17 per cent in
siderably mor ethan double the 33,- 500,000 by mid-1954 on the basis is not advisable, with 38 per cent. crease.

Wed. Thurs. Fri. and Sat-rday Jas. 26 27 28

aAGE P1rv




. I



G... s More

.!l ,. : .' ......

order to reon a otiiovo'la ays or
out weyu d-.l v 'ot o. s a /' 10 .. ...^
soon. as the be u yr can0, in Verbena
eve l weeks ear'lie-r mInan would .
be oltLainiable orn sowing di- .
rect in thu garca. p
These v.- shid be
stareLd 'n a g_ hc se, d ,' '.' .
co-,'fra:. or n 0'd
parked in a. ;. ain the o
home. By gs-rw u -our own
plants you will not only save a ,,.
good deal ofi money, but you can -
select the varieties you g -ow ..
from a coernAoi' list wisthu -
being limited to those which lo-
cal plant growers may offer. Peppers
Varieties which gain most
from an early start under pro- .
Election are those which cannot .
be sown outdoors with safety tun-
dil all d&-gee of frost is over; :.
and those which take excep- .,.
Lonally long to germinate and -'
develop. .. : .. ." .
Slow germinators among the .. .
lowers include petunias, 20
:ays; snaidragons, 20 days; sal- .
vias, 15-2i0 days; gaillardias, 20 '-- -: .'
lays; ihltotropc, 15 days. Asters,
vecbie:as, and Unwin dahlias
go, r-.ia'Le in 10 days or lass, -
out 'n-iure so slowly that unless
rt' ... eari-',r they flower in late
5u n:ie or ca-iy jall. Pansies
[er sp-i', fi c,v.ing should be Unwin Dahlia
started iJ' coIl fr i,'oes in July
for bloom ice follo', ing year. In contrast .to annual flowers,
A long I ., of :m-.nuals can be there is little' or no advantage
so,'n :e he: in tin garden, or in starting vegetables in' seed-
in se'.c r. i .',ay experi- boxes, except for those varieties
ee ,: .'r'or,'c-s ',:I't such seed 'which produce an earlier har-
in b'Ius because t enables every vest, when sown several weeks
s -i ig -lan t:o hbe ilaccd in before they could be planted
the b,i.:. e:.eacily where it is outdoors. Among these are the
--r2--,' d. Thi.: is no th'nning out tender and slow growing tomato,
a. .- v:r :te o- e::cess seed- pepper and egg-plant; the hardy
,-' -eie:. bo:es can be .aulifower, which must mature
',e, a it is convenient o before hct weather, and the slow
.... and tie plants growing celery, cabbage, leeks
i-' r '.- ar.as n -.... d Sr tiansh ori.'. all of ,w ic' h
..-. ;..:: o p; en'n'I'i i do ~"w f-n" m pl'n s started early

Savings of $26,000,000 Due State

In Practices Outlined By Retailers

A possible $26,000,000 windfall liveries sp
for Florida's state government dur- period. Rt
Ing the next -biennium is revealed in in exempt.
a report just issued by Orlando Income fno

read over a six months
represents $283,000,000
sales for the present year
r the next b'iennium re-

Local People Return From
Episcopal Diocese Meet

Rev. and Mrs. Tom Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert .Bellows, Sr., Mr.
Iand Mrs. Paul Fensom, Mrs. Otto
Anderson and Mr. and .Mrs. Basil
Kenney, Jr., are expected to return
Saturday from JacKsonville where
they attended the 12o Council of
the Episcopal Diocese of 1 iorida.
The annual convention opened
Tuesday at St. John's Cathedral.
Outstanding speakers for the con-
vention was Dr. Edward H. Mc-
Crady, former chief of the biology
Division of the Atomic Energy Com-
Imission at Oak Ridge, Tenn., and
now vice chancellor of the Univer-
sity of the South. Sewanee, Tenn.,
and the Rt. Rev. Henry Disbrow
SPhillips, who retired as bishop of
the Diocese of Southwestern Vir-
ginia last year.
Meeting simultaneously will be
the 65th annual convention of the
Woman's Auxiliary to the National
Council of the Episcopal Church.
Adjournment of the council is sche-
duled for 1 p.m. Thursday.
The group will represent St.
James' Church here and will parti-
cipate as delegates and alternates.

Future Subscribers

Mr. and Mrs. Alto Worley of 110
2nd Street announce the birth of
a daughter, Ledonne Fay on Jan-
uary 23 in the municipal Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Damon Burke Ea-
ker of Higihland View announce the
birth of a son, Damon Burke, Jr.,
on January 23 in the Municipal Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Larue Lee,
Sr., of Highland View, announce the
b:rth of a daughter, Pamela Lejoan
on January 23 in the Municipal Hos-

single office or state department."
The question of administration was
the only factor preventing accom-
plishment of this objective by the
1953 Legislature. Favorable action
is. anticipated in 1955. It would save
Florida 'taxpayers not less than
$4,000,000 biennially.
"Use Florida motor vehicle li-
cense tags for two years instead
of one". This would effect a bien-
nial savings of $175,000 and at the
same time conserve 360 tons of
steel. A small metal tab would vali-
date the tag for the second, year.
"Dispense with the 1955 Florida
census". Because of Florida's ra-
pid 'growth, the figures would be
obsolete before they could be pub-

headquarters of the Florida State suiting fro mrenioval of this ex-.lished. A $500,000 savings would
Retailers Association, emption would total in excess of result. Anyway, there will be a fed-
Five items are listed in the re- $18,000,000. eral census in 1960.
port. They are: I "Expanding and broadening the
"Removal of the present sales effectiveness of the Florida state
tax exemption which sets a $300 purchasing council." Creation of
tax ceiling on the sale of machin- this state agency in 1953 Was the g
ery and heavy equipment used in initial step toward the major econ-
manufacturing, mining, quarrying, omies of centralized or controlled
transportation and communications. state purchasing. A biennial savings
Without this exemption in the law, to Florida taxpayers of $4,000,000
Florida's .sales tax would have pro- is conservatively estimated by the
duced $8,500,000 added revenue dur- merchants' organization if the Pur-
ing the current year. chasing 'Council attains maximum
Under certain conditions, the $300 effectiveness.
maximum tax limit on machinery] "Consolidation of Florida's ma-
and heavy. equipment applies to de- jor tax collection agencies into a

*~ 00

* b

CCoCopyrighted MaterialI

I Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"





4' ~. -

-' .-.. ~ -. -



Improved with a Sprinkling of Chicory

Make a pot of coffee
with the brand you are
now using. Then make
a pot of coffee with
Luzianne-using only
half as much Luzianne
as you use of your pres-
ent brand of coffee. Ex-
perience will teach you .,'.
that Luxianne's sprink-
ling of chicory does two
things: it improves the
flavor of coffee and
makes it go twice as for. OR YI Y LUZ9A N;

SPontiac for '55 offers you an array of
values that you simply cannot match
in any other car. Famous for years as
--.. America's finest buy long out-
a anding for size and comfort .
world-renowned for thrift and reli-
ability, this General Motors master-
piece now takes top honors for ad-
vanced styling and performance, too!
1 Pontiac's beauty leadership is self-
evident! No other car provides the
distinction of Vogue Two-Tone styl-
ing, twin-streaked hood and rakish
sports car lines. And you'll find that
iame "new look" inside, along with

an all-new outlook. Pontiac unites
the smartness of modern luxury fab-
rics in exciting modern colors with
regal spaciousness and full-scale
panoramic vision.
As for performance-well, come in
and pilot a Pontiac! "Let the won-
drously smooth ride, the marvelous
handling ease, and the fabulous re-
sponse of the Strato-Streak V-8
engine tell their own incomparable
story. In a few minutes and miles,
you'll be telling us you've never
known anything like it!
The plain fact is that you get evcry-

thing in a '55 Pontiac ... And you get
it at prices that are practical for every
new-car buyer. You can actually buy
a Pontiac for just a few dollars more
than the lowest-priced cars! Come in
for the proof-right nowl

HE CO FOt i -L'.")i? SEDAN
Pontiac's Lowesa-priced BerWal

Strato-Streak V-8 Power
Vogue Two-Tone Styrmg
Panoramic Bodies by Fih.
Luxurious Color-Keyed hi*e4.
Shock-Proof Chanss
Recirculating Baol Steering
0 Wide-Stance Rear Spr ,
Bigger Braking Surface
High-level Cowl yVetaio
Tubeless Tires
122 and 124' Wheelbses,



Telephone 94

Port St. Joe, Florida

201 Monument


:', '". ,,

'N .'

.. modestly low in price !


-I----r-l"-----l-~ I___

- Ils---- --Ir







I'd seen you somewhere-a long
time ago." President Eisenhower
was talking to J. J. Parrish, Titus-
ville, Chairman of the Florida Cit-
rus Commission. "Now that you re-
call it, I remember that day well,"
he said. "You didn't know whether
to duck or not." The place; the
White House. Parrish was there to
represent Florida in the presenta-
tion of the big punch bowl of citrus
to kick off the "Citrus Fruits for
Winter Health" program. The day
that the President was referring to
was in June 1.944, when Parrish, a
major serving as operations officer
of VivArty Staff of the 30th Divi-
sion escorted General Eisenhower
on an inspection 'tour of their for-
ward artillery outposts.
deft hand of Senator George Sma-
thers show .up in the war in Costa
Rica? It's a generally accepted fact
that our "observation" planes were
on hand down there and that they
were prepared to do a bit more
than "observe" if necessity demand-
ed.. .And where did George'fit in?
During the past 18 months, Flor-
ida's junior senator has become
*the foremost authority in the Sen-

[ate on Latin-American affairs. he came to Washington, friends Pl n T
ILast year, while the Guatemala gave him a ship's bell, mounted on PlanS LIsted To
crisis was developing, he was on'a wall bracket with the slogan
constant call by the State Depart-'above it. He now has it just out-' Allow 5-Yr.-0lds
ment-and many of his ideas and side his private office-where it.
suggestions were followed in 'he'gets Its share of banging. T^ Driv Autos
ultimate solution of that mess. It tCOSMOPOLITAN CAST Con- To U S
was a result of this work that .gressman Bill Cramer, republican,' --
brought about Smathers' visit to of St. Petersburg; has his office in A recommendation to raise Flor-
Latin-America this fall as a spec- full swing. Secretary is C. F. Batch- ida's minimum age for driver li-
ial observer, at the President's re- elder, Orlando; others in the office censes to 15 received favorable re-
quest, a mission that was so im- are, Mrs. Hazel Kennedy, of Ten- action from the Governor's Citizens
portant that he was excused from nessee, and Mrs. Adele Keller, Committee on Juvenile Delinquency
attending Congress to make -the Ohio. For the Florida office, to in Orlando this week.
trip. And last week, when the Cos- 1cpen.at 607 Hall Buildirig, St. Pet-
I t .Marion County Judge D. R. Smith,
ta Rican affair looked as though it.. ersburg, are Jack Insco and Mrs. chairman of the Governor's High-
might bloom into a "Small-time, Jeanne Walker. Insco is now in a afy Committee, said the
way Safety Committee, said the
all-out war" it was Senator Sma- Washington learning the office rou- recommendation is one he person-
thers who spoke out the loudest tine prior to opening the Florida ally prepared and Will present to
for State Department action and. office February 1st h is committee for action at its
OAS intervention, hat he said in-, MORNING DEVOTIONS Not meeting
Miami 'about the matter .is known .many pe-ople have hbJrd. about the He recommended licenses be
all over the country..But, What isn't weekly Cu,ngresciunal,'pra.-r meet- iHe recommended licenses be
so widely known is the work he ing. Once a week:, at breakfast, a iven 15-yearolds restricting them
haa done quietly with the State group.of devout Congressmn meet driving only hen accompanied
Department to keep the Latin- at the Capitol for devotional ser- by licensed drivers 21 years of age
American pot from boiling over. vices. This year, Congressman Bil- or olde Firteen ad
reorge is either mighty influential ly Matthews was named vice-presi- would be restricted eto daylight
with policy makers in out State!dent of the group. Next year he is driving and their licenses could be
Department, or .he's psychic. And 'due to be president. Both Congress- cancelled on violation of any city,
we haven't heard about him talk-. men Charlie Bennett and Syd Her- county or state traffic ordinance.
ing to any ghosts. 'long have served as president. Seventeen-year-olds would be eli-
DING DONG BELL If you are --- .-- --- gible for regular driving permits.
in the House Office Building and One of the natural characteristics The recommendation further calls
.suddenly hear a ship's bell ring of cranberry, jelly and other tart for setting up driver training pro-
out, don't be surprised. It hangs on fruit jelly is to "weep" after the grams in the public schools -and
the wall of Dante Fascell's office, mold Is cut. To prevent this, place making completion of the course a
and many a playful visitor tries it. cranberry jelly in smaller molds prerequisite for a 15-year-old li-
out for sound. When Fasc wa so that all of it will be used up at e se
out for sound. When Fascl, 'wa. aone meal. Then none will be left cense.
running for his seat in theqfourth to stand and "weep." Smith, who serves as juvenile
district, his slogan was "Ring the judge for Marion County, said the
IBell for Dante Fascell." And when Advertising doesn't cost-it pays license cancellation clause in his

JANUARY 27, 28, 29






12 OZ.






can 29c

TREET can 39c

Del Monte Cream Style
CORN 2cans29c

Leko No. 2/2 Can
Sweet Potatoes


Ga. Red Canned
TOMATOES 2 cans 27c

Le Sueur
PEAS can 25c

Welch's In Water Bottle
Tomato Juice Qt. 29c

Campbell's Can
Tomato Soup can 10c

2 for 29c

3 for 29c

12 OZ.


White Acre PEAS box 35c
Turnips, Mustard
and COLLARDS 2 for 25c
Snow Crop Butter Beans 25c

Wisconsin Hoop Lb.


Lykes Sliced Lb.

Sunnyland Picnic Lb.

HAMS 350

U. S. Good CHUCK Lb.


U. S. Good T-BONE






5 Tall Cans


Your Choice

6 pkg 19c

1 Lb. Box

IGA Tall Can
MILK 3 cans35c

Mayonnaise 73 C

Aunt Jemima
GRITS pkg. 17c

IGA Sunny Morn
COFFEE lb. 87 c

Gold Medal

Cut Rite
Wax Paper

Prune Juice

5 Ib.53c



-~u '- '~___

olF n.

by stating his belief juvenile rec-
ords should, be available to per-
sons having' good reason to see
him. Judges Frank Scofield of
Citra, Troy Hall of Lake, Harry
MoDonald of Alachua and Smith of
Marion all' said they invite "anyone
we think properly interested" to at-
tend juvenile hearings. -
'Hall said he had extended a blan-
ket invitation to ministers in his
county to be present at juvenile
proceedings at any time.
The new wording proposed by ,
the Florida' Bar Assn., which says,
in effect juvenile court is open to
the public but the judge can close
the pnoceeding.s if he deems it best,
was criticized by Judge McDonald
as "putting the judge on the spot
as to who comes in and to who
stays out."
Court officials and civic leaders
from seven counties were present
for the conference held at the Girls
Industrial School. Mrs. Carl Hand-
ford, Leesburg, state membership
-chairman for Florida Congress of
Parent-Teachers Assn., was co-
chairman with Hunt for the meet-

Star Want Ads Get Results


Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost! Try 'Em!

, recommendation would enable ju-
venile courts to handle 16-year-old
traffic violators more effectively.
iHe pointed out that Florida's
driving license age regulations are
established by the Department of
Public Safety and not by statute.
The committee on juvenile delin-
quency headed by Judge G. Bow-
den Hunt of Bartow heard reports
from county groups indicating they
want no major changes in the ju-
venille court act.
Much of the meeting was given
over to discussions of rewording of
th e"secret hearing" portion of the
law with five county judges de-
claring they didn't regard their
method of conducting juvenile pro-
coedings as secret.
I Judge Causey Green of Putnam
County touched off the discussion






0 *-





We accept mail orders and in the absence of shipping instructions, we ship the
cheapest and quickest way. On approved credit rating we will extend 30 days
rating. Phone orders accepted within 75 or 80 miles and orders of any conse-
quence we will permit you to reverse the phone call, our option. Your orders
will be filled carefully and promptly. Quality is our watchword, service is our
accomplishment. Prices quoted upon request on any quantity.

Vegetable, Garden Seed

Break 0 Day, New Stone, Marglobe,'Kopiah
Pan American, Rutgers, Southland
Early Summer Crookneck, Early Summer
Prolific Straight Neck, White Bush,
Yellow Bush, other suitable varieties
Bliss Ever Bearing, Laxton's Progress,
Little Jim, First and Best
MARKETER'S, Boston Pickler,
Jumbo Field, Small Sugar Pie
Green Stripped Cushaw
60 Day White and 60 Day Yellow
Black Diamond
Rocky Ford, Banana Cantaloupe
Florida High Bush, Black Beauty
Florida Giant Pepper

Field Seed, Farm Supplies

Purple Hull, Purple Hull Brown Crowder,
EARLY RAMSHORN W. R., Ladyfinger
Iron and Clay, Black Hog, Combine
FUNK'S G-50, FUNK'S G-134, U. S. 13,
Dixie 18, Funk's G-740, Cokers 811,
Funk's 792 W, Funk's G-37A
Also Hastings Yellow Corn, Hastings White
Corn and other open pollinated variety.
Martin's Mio HEGARI
Grass Chufas

Commodore, Giant Stringless, Tennessee Green Pod, Cherokee Wax, Top Notch Wax,
Ky. Wonder Brown, Burpee Imp. Bush, Dixie Butter White, Henderson, Jackson Wonder,
Fla. Speckled or Xmas, Willow Leaf Pole, Contender, Ky. White 191, Tendergreen N.
Stringless, Top Crop, Cangreen, Fla. Speckled Pole Lima.

Our Wide Experience in Seeds and Associated Items will

assure you quality and savings worth taking advantage

SOWLE E Feed & Sipply I u.


P. 0. Box 462

Marianna, Florida


I -'I -r




I -r YI -r(

-- f v r~srj-rv ci on

-0. .

-~ ~



S H RENT: irnisd bedrooms
..;d aparL:.e s. 1' i'.aLe baths
Dn -id' s Moiul an. Apartments, 202
.. ncu:L c. 4tp
F')R HINT: 'Vimico Lndge has
nice turnislied one and two bed-
room apartrmenis. All new equip-
ment. Phone_ 9102. Reasonable. tf
FOR PRENT: :" hrp.ihed aparLnients
22S Sthli S. ltp
FOR RENT: Apartmen.ns. Corner
of 4th and Woodward. Mrs. Shef-
field. 2tp
brings a baby. Good home, nurse.
Strictly cnfidential. Will pay hos-
pital bail's. Ap)::: trailer ,'-pace 38,
Wee Don & D:)ri,; Trailer I'ark, Pan-
an-a City, or write box 96, St. An-
cd ew. 4Mp-12-22
FOR SALE: Piano. Good condition.
Mrs. J. J. Laurimnore .Highland
View. Itp
FOR SALE: 5 horse. 220 volt GE
electric motor. Good condition.
$65.00. The Star office.
FOR SALE: Two lots, 150.'X75' ea.
Garrison Avenue next to corner
of 16th St. $1.050 Cash. See Roy E.
Cox, or write Box 471, Port St. Joe.
Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular
meetings 2nd and 4th Fri-
days each month, 8:00 p. ,m
Members urged to attend;
visiting brothers welcome. L. W.
Jordan, W. M.; R. H. Traweek,
Ing first and third Monday nights
800 p.m., American Legion Home
R. A: M.-Regular convocation o0
St. Joseph Chapter No. 56-, R. A.
M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit
ng companions welcome. J. B.

3riffith, II, High Priest; H. R.I
Aalge, secretary.
Meeting night ev-
-ry ut her Monday. f
.leehings at Moose ( a
Hall, 310 Fourth SL
;AMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0.
0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs
:ays. 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All
members urged to attend; visiting
reLnren invited. R. E. Williams
N. G. H. H. Shirley, V. G. Bill Car-
-ill, Secretary.

For a quick, expert check-up
of your set's performance (no
matter what the make Oall
us. We offer free prompt pick-
up and delivery service. All
work and parts guaranteed.
PHONE 2413
Keys Made While You Wait
35c EACH
Bicycle Repal ing All Makes
Reel Parts and Repairs
STOP AND SWAP-Headquarter,
for your used furniture and ap
pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone
291. WE BUY AND SELL. tft

601 Long Avent

Funeral Home

Oxygen Equipped


Want Ads jet Results



Electrical Repairs


Phone 354-J

Send The St:i to a friend.




3 Bars

Ballard's 2 for
Pan Cake Mix 25c
No. 2V1 Can Hunt's
Peaches 27c
No. 2 Can Grapefruit 3 for

U. S. No. 1

10 Ib.

12 Oz. Box VANILLA
2 For
Grapefruit' 5c
Pet, Carna., Silver Cow
MILK 3 for 39c
Kiln Dried Sweet 10 lb.
Potatoes 59c

Fla. Grade A Dressed HENS Ilb. 35c

Ga. Grade A Dressed Fryers lb. 45 c

Georgia Grade "A"

doz.39c Pure'lart

1 Lb. Can
Maxwell House Coffee 98 C

New Vacuum Packed 1 Lb. Can
Sally Lee Coffee 89 C

No. 2 Can
Orange Juice 2 for 25c

NECK BONES lb. 15c

Smoked Knuckles lb. 15c

Large Salt Fish lb. 9c

PIG FEET Ilb. 10c


Indina Pass Oysters pt. 59 C

FREE With $10.00 ORDER
Tangerines, Oranges, Grapefruit
All Sale Items Cash

Nitrate Poisoning
Nitrate poisoning sometimes oc
curs as a result of cattle eating
straw, corn stalks and sugar beet
This *t on your printing is a sign of quality,



I 1


with aliases Jockey Dye, "Jock"

Unlawful flight to avoid prosecution-
armed robbery
DESCRIPTION: Age 44, born July 5,
1910, Pad,'W. Va.; height, 5 feet 10
inches; weight, 140 pounds; build, me-
dium; hair, brown; eyes, blue; complex- i
ion, fair; race, white; nationality, Ameri-
can; occupations, waiter, cook, bartender,
ship fitter, welder, labraer; scars and
marks, several small pit scars over face,
scars over left eyebrow, blue scar over
right eyebrow, small cut scar on right
index finger, tattoo of initials "C. D." on
tight forearm.
A 'Federal complaint was filed at
Akron, Ohio, on November 9, 1951,
charging Dye with unlawful flight from i
the State of Ohio to avoid prosecution
for the crime of armed robbery.
Dye is probably armed and should
be considered extremely dangerous.
Any person having information whidh
may aid in locating this fugitive is re-
quested to contact the nearest office of the
FBI, the telephone number of which ap-
pears on the first page of local telephone I


0 '- 0 ML

I .. Vt

No. 10 Jug $1.00.
No. 5 Jug, 50c
\~ ~ I "


Brisket and Rib STEW 'b. 19c

HAMBURGER 1 lb. 29c 4 lbs. $1.00

Swift's Select, Round, Sirloin or T-Bone


Pork w Center Cut, lb. 49C
l ,,. End Cut,lb.39c

Swift's Select Beef Liver, lb. --
Streak-O-Lean White Meat, lb. -k ^

Wisc. State Longhorn CHEESE i|

Smoked Slab BACON .lb
Green Hill SAUSAGE
SPARE RIBS .... ...
Chuck ROAST or STEAK- -A

~- .-i




~ I
I-. I
* '


I ~ ~



*--;7 i E* '


No 0th

ing edges and Skid-Re
more rubber to share t

B. W. EELLS, Owner


5- .
~~~ A


er Tire With All These Features
lils at Such a Low Price!

Y- Hundreds of skid-protect.
sisters give extra safety.
E Wide, flat tread provides
he wear.

more expensive tires, it's built with extra strength
rayon cord.
to a price No sacrifice in quality.
Safety-Tensioned Gum-Dipped*
Cord Body Makes Firestone Tires
Safer... Stronger... Run Muzh Longer
This new multi-million dollar unit.combines
the famous Firestone Gum-Dipping process with
Safety-Tensioning, a new process which takes
the stretch out of tire cords. The result is
greater blowout protection and longer tire life.
*T.M. Rea. U. S. Pat. Off. ...

Home & iAto
Phone 100



rpisea Clpba.s~*a

27, 1954


Success with Inconex
Angry owners of a particular cornm
mnercial refrigerator blamed thy
manufacturer for failure of the units
and subsequent food spoilage. A hur-
ried investigation revealed failure
of the diaphragm in the temperature
control. The diaphragm material,
weakened by constant compressor
pulsations, stiffened and failed un-
der temperature changes. The prob-
lem was resolved by substituting
Inconel, a nickel-chromium-iron al.
lay, strip for the diaphragm.

McGill Refrigeration Serv.
1311 Long Phone 146-J, 478-J

Patterned a(ter the "dream car" first displayed adds a fifth station wagon to the 1955 Chevrolet |
at the General Mo!ors Motorama, Chevrolet's line. It reflects, the company says, a strong de-
Nomad station wagon is now in production. This[mand for a "different" styling in this type of car.

Contact The Star, 51, For A Complete Office Service




O "-r O "f 'l





I Lb. 49 cs 3 lbs. S