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THE STAR SP'b:ished in Port St. Joe 3ut Devoted To the Con- S'inued Development of Gulf County What tickles us is that last C week in the DeFuniak Springs Breeze, editor James P. Griffin predicted that the Walton Braves would.stomp the Sharks - in the ground. Editor Griffin is VOLUME XVIll a former "Brave" himself and by virtue of this he is entitled to be prejudiced. Wonder if he has stopped shaking yet, over their near defeat? As soon as Coach Craig gets the butterflies out of those boys stomachs and they stop fumb- ling they will be hard to stop. We're no Grantland Rice, but we predict great things for this P.I year's team. A i SPORT ST. JOE I | Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apalcchiro!a-Chattahoochee Valley" Single Copy 8c $3.00 Per Year UMR- ---3 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 -m -~ --4W lr -au ______________~nn~~nn~~nn~~n Alm tiame o.morrow - "4 t.g1 I ~I ~~ S Ls iSr~l Did you see The Robe? If not you missed a great picture. This picture and last week's "Magnificient Obsession" are, in our opinion, examples of how great motion pictures can be. So many of the pictures lately ,have been ballyhooed and have been disappointing when they were viewed on the screen. These two pictures made up for much, of this. In "The Robe" we see religion from the side oppo- h f. h h. d ni hirl N- , -111r. A Apalachicola Wili Be Opponents of -- I 'm I Shark Squad ..L 4. ,.. -- --.a. ., ^ Lose To Walton Braves ;, : : Opener.. Contract to be Let On October 20 The 'long-awaited new water system for Port St. Joe came another big step towards completion Tuesday night when the City Commission of Port St. Joe sent out invitations for bids for the construction of the new system. S--- The bids must be in by 5 p.m. ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY ,r. NUMBER 3 "Lt Lt'O CIILPI Tii bilu r sL. L. ..UI.......-.iS .. sie t em ctitstea .'" .. *. .. 'October 20 at which time the con- Christianity is put on the screen : In Season's ener October 20 at which tie the con- as a society scorned by the proud .' s O P.-T A. Observes tract.for construction of the sys- through as "the answer" to the The call for bids specifies that "om an.empire St ill it s hines """Fr'd" Meeting t.amy wilbnltr bythe Commbissin . world, and even the proud Ro- "' --,j'.. The light, fast-running, Shark any construction fi bidding must man empireeeeepa of old could not "lve.- me th mention their starting date of con- denfy it; and finally died trying .Sharks tomorrow night at" Cen W. T.',MNoseley, new president of struction and how much time will to. FRONT ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: Broward Wood, Ronnie Young, Gary Hall, William Chafin, Monty tennis' Field for their first home the Elementary P.-T. A. presided be taken to finish the system. The ---Gentry, Charles Boyer, Kenneth Hurlbut, Ross Hudson, Fred McClain, Huston Hardy. SECOND game of the season. over the organization's first meet- bids also call for a payment of Let it rain! ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: William Stafford, Charles Tharpe, Alex Gaillard, Peter Linton, Frank Den- Tile game with Walton High last ing of the year at the High School $2t.00 per day to be made to the -- --nis, Ward Richards, Dick Raffield, Bruce Parker, Travis Jones, John Henry Pope, Glen Woods. week shows that the Sharks "haveAuditorium last Thursday evening, cy for each y over the compe- American Legion Post BACK.RO LEFT TO RIGT: Elzie illiams, Jimmy Stevens, Oliver Harper, Gene Raffield, Char- it" th offense and show defin-andstarted off the year with the on date that the construction To Give Free Fish Fry lie Smith, Ronnie Chism. JoeAdams. obert Medle, Wayne Talr. Ji y arlow, Wal ite sigils of "having' it" in the de- naming of several projects to be takes. o G e Fe Fh Fy Smith, Ronnie Chism, JoeAdams, Robert Nedley, Wayne Taylor, Jiimy Marlow, Walter ese apartment after a fe more carried on by the P.-T. A. during Although it is the predominant The Willis V. ,Rowan, Post 116, Wilder, Gene Anderson. ( Photo) games for experience. its coming year. t actor, cost of construction will American Legion, is putting on a The Sharks defeated Apalachi- New officers were seated at the not be the only matter to be con- Legion Hall on the corner of both temis have practically a new named as 'follows: Mrs. Myrtle of the main items, other than cost, eg sal d ll r c lster for this season. The Shark Childers, first vice-presidet; Mrs. to e considered, will benthe ra-c. Third Street and Williams Ave- ave three men of last year's start- William Wager, second vice-presi- pidity with which the system can nue for all veterans and their ig team o the leu. dent; Mrs. J. C. Price, secretary; be put into operation. wive's. to F Tc re oi Game time will be at .8:00 p.m. M's. W. T.. Mosely, corresponding The construction will call for a wivee. Game'time wil''beTatnr:owtplo. according to F. E. Trammell, d tomorrow night with the gates op- secretary; Joe Dowd, treasurer; two-story 24X20 concrete block Commander of the local post, the enigg at 7:00 p.n1. Last year fans Mrs. W. D. Jones, parliamentarian, building to be constructed near eats are free to all veterans who The P.-T. A. set aside three ma- the St. Joe Paper Company canal ,attend. The fish fry will be at HANDICRAFT Beard. Second, Iola Brooks; Third, Ms. were forced to stand to see the The P.-T. A. set aside three ma- the St. Joe Paper Company canal 7:0 p.m.Quilts First Place,Mrs. C.. F. Round Doilies. (Crocheted). First G. S. Croxton. games but this year a battery of or projects for th coming year to near where the anal ends and pip M7:30 arlow; Second, Mrs. C. F. Mariow Place. Mrs. R. B. Hardy; Second, FLOWERS bleachers has been constructed that be carried out. The group will con- ing of the waker begins. The object of the fish fry, ac- Third, Mrs. Cleveland Hall. Mrs. Ted Beard; Third. Mrs. Ear- oBlooming Flower Arrangemeni: will.feat about 1,000 people, tinue the sponsorship of the first The building will contain two cording to Trammell is to stimu- Quilt Tops, Second Place, Mrs. nest Lightfoot. First Place, Mrs. George Cooper; Fr aid in the Elementary School; car- electrically operated pumps with late new membership into the 1o- Cleveland Hall; Third, Mrs. Buck -Chair Set, (,Crocheted), First- Second. Mrs. I. C. Nedley; ,Third, Lose To Walton Friday a id in the Elementar School; car electrically operated power and Burge. Place, Mrs.-C: E. qlass, Jr.; Second, Mrs. Ted Beard. The Sharks opened their 1954 nival committee tobe iamedwith a total.,of 's.I-norse power and an, ealpost. ed Spreads, (Chenille), T~lird Mrs. Ti dmias.-Webb;, Third, Mrs. *.'Dries Ai 't,ri-enrt First Place, season last. Friday, at .Deu iakF te anrual:...: .va[ to hbe L Oc- aluiary .aso.iie engine j'imp to' Place, Mrs. C. E. Glass, Jr. Bed C. E. Glass, Jr. .Mrs. I. C. Nedley; Second. Mrs: J. when out-played, but tober; and to bt dn- to beefor-.. ;..v ;-t power. GUEST MINISTER SUNDAY Spreads (Embroidered), Second Vanity Sets, (Embroidered), Sec- C. Arbogast; Third, Mrs. W. D. Springs when they out-payed, but tb chool P7-T A chapter if failure, sh as ding a stor AT FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Place, Ms;s. C. E. Glass, Jr. ond Place, Mrs. Davis. (Crocheted) Sykes. lost to W alton High by a score of a High school P.-T. A. chapter if failure, such as during a storm Rev. Cliff Alexander of Boone- ITablecloths, ('Crocheted), First Second Place, Mrs. C. E. Glass, Jr. Foliage Arrangement: Third 19-13. one can be formed. or other emergency. The pumps Place, .Mrs. N. E. Dees; Second, Rugs: Third Place,, Mrs. N. E. Place, Mrs. Lawrence Bissett. Walton capitali-ad on a St. Joe Room prizes for, the evening will be capable of putting out a ville, Mississippi will give the mes- ,Mrs. B. F. Daughtry; Third, Mrs. Dees. Potted Plants (non blooming): fumble early in the first quarter to went to Henry Dandriges fifth half-million gallons of pure, soft sages for both the morning and Thomas Webb. Infant Wear, ('Crocheted): First. First Place, Mrs. George Cooper; off-tackle play from grade in the Elementary School water er day. The plans have een evening services at te First Bp- Tablecloths (Punch Work), Third Place, Mrs. Earnest Lightfoot; Second, Mrs. A. L. Ward; Third, score on an off-tackle play from grade in the Elementary School waer day. The pans have been evenings Church. Place, Mrs. N. E. Dees. Second, Carolyn Ford. (Embroider- Mrs. Lawrence Bossett. the Shark 6-yard line. The try for and Mrs. Margie Alston's 11th made so that the system-can be tist Church. Luncheon Cloth. (Crocheted), ed), First Place, Madaleine Whita- Combination Potted Plants: First an extra point was unsuccessful. grade in the high school. Each doubled in capacity with no addi- Rev. Burton Cochrane of the Third Place, Mrs. N. E. Dees. ker; Second. Mary Abreu. Place, Mrs. Ted Beard; Second, Walton kicked off to the Sharks room prize was $2.00. tional construction. Baptist Bible Institute at Grace- Luncheon Cloth .(Embroidered), Aprons: First Place, Madaleine Mrs. Fred Maddox; Third, Mrs. rec n Aas p a ss The building will also house co- viyle will give the messages at the Third Place, Mrs. Charles Whitfield Whitaker; Second, Mrs. W. D. Henry Ayers. w'th Joe Adams receiving. Adams The program consisted of music The building will also house co- vPillow Cases; First Place, Mis. 'Sykes; Third, Mrs. R. B. Hardy. Fruit Arrangement: Second Place started up the field and lateraled to by the Port St. Joe High School regulation tanks, filter treatment White City Baptist Mission Sun- Estelle Griffin;. Second, Madaleine tChildien's Clothes: First Place, Mrs. Ralph Nance; Third, Mrs. Walter Wilder all the way across band; a devotion led by Rev. J. C. apparatus and chlorine treatment day. E. Whitaker; Third, Mrs. Lula .Juanita Gentry; Second, Mrs. Da- Henry Ayers. t the field. Fleet-footed Wilder then Odum, Pastor of the Long Avenue facilities. After treatment the Mrs. Francis Henley. Second Place, Mrs. Elsie Griffin; highballed it for SO yards to the Baptist Church; introduction of the water will be pumped through a CELEBRATE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Adult Clothes: First Place. Mrs. Third, Mrs. Barbara Brodnax. Walton goal-posts to score the first faculty by Thomas A. Owens, Sup- pipeline to the existing storage fa- Francis Henley and Mrs. R. B. Driftwood with Dried Arrange- touchdown of the ball game for erintendent of Public Instruction cilities for distribution through ex- ..' ... i- ardy; Second, Mrs. Davis; Third, meant: Second Place, Mrs. George the Sharks, to tie up the ball game. and g ioup singing by the congre- listing mains. .:-', [rs. Frances Henley. Cooper; Third, Mis. J. C. Arbogast. _- ; ''''.' : .. Knit and Woolen: First Place, Driftwood and Fresh Arrange- Early in the second quarter, St. nation led by Booth Poole. I: E~ f' .-'" """'' Estelle Griffin; Second, Mrs. Da- ment: First Place, Mrs. Rennie Joe recovered a fumble on Wal- Of r Klle F ..'."- ..'. .is; Third, Estelle Griffin. Armstrong; Second, Mrs. Gordon ton's 40 yard line and went on to ". ]4' .'. 1... 9 Luncheon Weaving; Third Place Thomas; Third. Mrs. Fred Maddox. score with a pass from ayne Tay- Showers Ease Duties Of Aut Wre Sund -w 'rolyn Ford. ANTIQUES Florida Forest Service Miscellaneous Tab e Group: Entries: Mrs. Fred Maddox, Mrs. to Fran Dennis. Taylor passed Florida Forest Service *' '. / t'li'hird Place, Mrs. Emory Robert- Madaleine Whitaker, Mrs. Pauline to Ronnie Chism for hte extra point: Five persons were hospitalized, S' on, Mrs. N. E. Dees Mrs. R. B. Smith, Mrs. W. D. Jones, Mrs. Hen- The spirited Sharks were well The Florida Forest Service per- Sunday night as a result o '...'. i-l;dy and Delores Chism. ry Ayers, Mrs. Buck Burge, Mrs.of a S y and Deles Chism. ry Ayers, Mrs. Buck Burge, Mrs. on the way to another score as sonnel feels much relieved after Lamps: Fiirst Place, Mrs. Pauline Ted Beard, Mrs. Glenn Henley. on the way to anotheadon collision on Highway 98 m smith; Second, Mrs. N..E. Dees; JUDGES: Edith H.Middlebrook, the halftime whistle blew leaving having scattered showers through- about eight miles east of Panama i'hird, Mrs( Ted Beard. Home Economics, Gulf Coast Elec- St. Joe with a 13-6 margin over out the county this past week end. City. CANNED GOODS trick Co-op. Emma Stevenson. Home Walton at the half. However, the rainfall has been Salad Pears: First Place, Mrs. Demonstration Agent. Eay County. The Sharks were unable to score very light, but enough to slow A vehicle, driven by. Murdoc A. I. B. Hardy; Second, Mrs. W. M. SCHOOL DISPLAYS oemer; SThird, Mrs. Ted Beard. Port St. Joe High School, High- the remainder of the game despite lightning fires down, states J. H. Kelley 36 a police officer of this S Peaches: Third Place, Mrs. Zola land View Elementary School and the brilliant running of 'freshman Pope, dispatcher for, the St. Joe city, trvaeling east on the high- S:,[addox. George Washington High School. fullback, Wayne Taylor, halfback Tower division of the Florida For- way pulled across the center line Pear Preserves: First Place, Mrs. SCOUT DISPLAY IWalter Wilder and the passingpf est Service. and crashed headon with a second .oo; Tir ; d, Mrs. Smith. COM RCIAL DISPLAYS quarterback Joe Adams. The Florida Forest Service crews car, according to Trooper D. M. 'Fig Preserves: First Place, Mrs. West Florida Gas Company, Mrs. Walton took a Shask fumble and were engaged in fighting a raging Peacock. Ii B. Hardy; Second, Mrs: A. H. Lola Mims, Kenney's Mill, winner went on to score and tie up the fire on St. Vincent's Island caused The second vehicle, traveling crook; Thirds Estelle Griffin.. of free electric range given by this ball game. W1ton scored again in by lightning, and covering 1200 ac- west at a normal rate of speed '-larriesd First P' i aceMrs. Ro compy. Gf H re Coe fourth quarter to put them when the rains came to aid wasdriven by Cornell Green, 30, K. Hardy; Second, Mrs. Emory Rob-.......iv-y r l e ,r-tson. JANE KEELS TAKEN INTO ahead p9-13. the situation. The fire started last Vernon, Negro. -I ts Blackberry Jelly: First Place, COLLEGE LITERARY SOCIETY 'St. Joe started a final scoring Sunday about midnight and burn- Three passengers in the Green ,..- '^ o Mrs. Zola Maddox; Second, Mrs. Blue Mountain, Miss. Miss drive with Wayne Taylor bulling ed through Monday and Tuesday car were also injured. They were .- ,e ". it. L. Smith; Third, Mrs. Zola Mad- Lotse Green od Henderson Green .L .mith; ThidMs Zola Mad" Jane Keels, Port St.' Joe, was tak- his way for 43 yards only to have before being brought under con- Louise Green, 15; Henderson Green Misc. Preserves and Jams: First en into the Eunomians at Blue it nullified on a penalty. Walton trol by a host of equipment and 60; and Willie Hayes, all of Vernon. Place, Mrs. R. B. Hardy; Second, Mountain College at the end of then intercepted a St. Joe pass men, says Pope. I Both cars were total losses, the SE.ll1~' Griffin; Third, Mrs. C. E. Rush Week Saturday. and were able to. run out the clock. ----- Trooper reported. atoes:First Place, Este Blue Mountain College has no This game was the debut for MEETING SET FOR TONIGHT All victims were taken to the a ,T.nratoes: .First Place, budde nw s s for th PTATyndall e 'riffin; Second, Lois Braxton; sororities, but like Vassar, Smith, ome budding new stars for the TO FORM HI SCHOOL PTA Tyndall Field hospital foremer- SThird, Mrs. C. E. Glass, Jr. Bryn Mawr, Wellesley and Mount Shark crid team with Wayne Tay- A meeting will be held tonight at agency treatment. Kelley was re- Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Nix of 421 'center ol the table was the beau- Relish: Firet Place. Estelle Grit- Holyoke, has mutually exclusive lor, freshman fullback leading the the High School Auditorium to moved to the Municipal Hospital Cove Blvd., Panama City, were i- tiful tree-tiered anniversary cake fin; Second, Mrs. W. M. Roemer; 'YrfomaHgScolP-A Th Prtt.JeM dyadte tertained Saturday, September 4, decoiuatel tree-tiered leaves and ber n;- Third, Mrs. W. M. Rpemer. literary societies, line. 'Despite inexperience, Taylor form a High School P.-T. A.. The in Port St. Joe Monday and the with a tea in celebration of their rides, topped with a fitting golden Beets: Third Place, Mrs. C.t. -n ran like a wild man and is well de- formation .of the group is being others were released from the hos- Sa tea in c elebration o eir tries, toped t ttin o lass, Jr.. Guests of Bissett's serving of any praise given him. sponsored by the Elementary P.-T. pital following treatment for shock, Golden Wedding Anniversary. wedding adornment. Sauerkraut: Third Place, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bissett Frank Dennis, back from last A. chapter. and abrasions. The setting for this event was The guests were greeted at the Charles Whitfield.Id th g ast week year sparked the line play Officers have been selected and Kelley stated to The Star that -the home of the couple which was door by the couple's daughters Pickles: First Place, Mrs. R. B. sad as their guests rast week, year, sparked the line play. Officers have been selected and the home fully the couple which wasdoor y the couple's daughters Hardy; Second, Mrs. W. M Roe- Mrs. C. 0. Gray, Mrs. R. J. Hasty, Joe Adams, quarterback, showed they will be installed at the meet- he was returning from Bonifay beautifullyy decorated for the oca-Mrs. John T. Simpson'o Port St. mer; Third, Mrs. A. H. Cook. Miss Letitia Gray and Hugh Gray marked improvement over last ing. where he had gone to see his par- wasMtsdCanerheworkMPnrs.SmdHPlacyeMa'ofAll aleSeats.H sion in shades of yellow and gold. Joe and Miss Catherine Nix of Pepper Cauce: Second Place. en C year and guided the team with Everybody interested in the work ents. He had gone off duty Sunday A lovely arrangement of chrysan- Panama City. The guest book was Mrs. R. L. Smith; Third, May o. assurance o the P-T A are invited to at-morning after beg on duty all themums and pompoms adorned kept by Miss Myrtle Simpson. Abreu. firm assurance. of the P.-T. A. are invited to at- morning after being on duty all themums panon atrke a p ws served y Peas: Third Place, Zola Maddox. Return To South Carolina Walter Wilder, picking up a lit- tend and join this' organization. night Saturday. H had still had the piano with an attractive Cake and punch was served by Greens: Second Place, Mrs. C. Mrs. A. L. Gray has returned to te weight from last year came up -- --- no sleep when he started back to backghtroun candn the TVet wa Mrs. Paul M.. Nix of Fayetteville, E. Glasses Jr.. her home in Allendale, S, C., at- with some brilliant broken-field To Make Trip To Germany Port S.t. Joe Sunday afternoon. Kel- basket arrangement of glae li w Joea G and Miss Pa t Hal of Port dox. S ter visiting with her daughter, running. Mrs. D. C. Smith will leave for ley stated that he began to get set rrnement o gladili Joe. In an adjoining room the beau- d Beans (String): Secoll, Mrs. Mrs. Lawrence Bissett. Admission to all home games Germany on September 28 to visit sleepy about Panama City. He sta- centered with pompoms. Complet- tiful gifts were shown to the guests aGrady Keels; Third, Mrs. Charles this year will be $1.00 foi adults with her father. She plans to bring ted that he went to sleep at the ing the picture was the bridal ta-by Mrs. J. R. Nix of Jacksonville. Whitfield. Visiting DuBose's and 50c for students. This admis- her sister and her two daughters wheel and caused the accident. ble artistically decorated with yel- Many local and out-of-town guests Lima Beans: Third Place. M Mr. and Mrs. E. R. DuBose have sion is the same throughout the back to the United States to make No formal -charges have been low roses and tall yellow candles dropped by to pay their respects KES as their guest this week, Mr. Du- conference and has been set by con- ir home here. Mrs. Smith is filed against Kelley as of this writ- set in crystal candelabras. In the to the couple during the afternoon. First Place, Mrs. R. B. Hardy; Bose's brother, Raymond DuBose. fleence officials. sailing on the New Amsterdam. I ' '*- S-YaTE ER ARE -4 F a% A% iEu FUR I FRIDAY and SATURDAY PAUL CHRISTIAN PAULA RAYMOND CECIL KELLAWAY KENNETH TOBEY JACK PENNICK Suggested by te Svw Play by t E, 'I LOU MORHEIM and ry I BFy SPRING T fRED FRIEBERGER Y RAYBR Thotogrpay by Jack Russell,'A.S.C. tasciate Producer BERNARD W. BURTON Tsical Effects Created by RAY HARRYHAUSEN csicby Produced by Vgvid Outtolph HAL CHESTER and JACK DIETZ afretedby Distributed by UGENELOURIE- WARNER BROS.S "HANGMAN'S KNOT" --with- RANDOLPH SCOTT SUNDAY ONLY GEORGE OMERY A COLUMBIA PICTURE with ARIN BOOTH JEROME COURTLAND WILLIAM BISHOP* Written by Rihard Schayer Directed by Ray Nazarro A Resolute Picture Monday & Tuesday "TECHNICOL Wednesday & Thursday &HAYWORTI 9 F'ORD E. ALXANKDR SCOURBY VALERIE BETTIS 10 IRIN THATCHER cleen Play by Oscar Saul and James Gunn P!'uuced and Directed by V;ncent Sherman A Beckworth Corporation Production LIL STAR. PORT ST.-POE. G ULF' '_OU. 41 t. r LOR1DA .5 Grose- Ramsey ft Jr -. PAGE TWO Mrs. Hunter Russell is Mrs. Will Ramsey Inspiration Honored With Shower For Stork Shower Tuesday Mrs. Henry Dandridge, Mrs. W.' Mrs. D. A. Bowen. Mrs. Brady ,. Quarles, Jr., and Mrs. Will Ram- Jordan and Mrs. Robert Creamer :ey honored Mrs. Hunter Russell honored Mrs. Will Ramsey at a at a stork shower Friday evening stork shower Tuesday evening at at the home of Mrs. B. E. Kenney, the Florida Power Lounge. The Jr., on Monument Avenue. A cor- honoree was presented a corsage sage of white carnations was pre- of pink rosebuds by the hostesses. seated Mrs. Russell by the host- Appropriate games were played esses. with prizes going to Mrs. Fred Appropriate games were enjoyed Meekins and Mrs. Will Ramsey. with prizes going to Mrs. Fred After the many lovely gifts were Meekins and Miss Sara Bray. opened by the honoree, refresh- After the many lovely gifts, ments of open-faced sandwiches, which had been deposited in a bas- nuts, cake topped with pink and Inette covered with white organdy, blue rosebuds and Cokes were ser- were opened by the honoree, coffee ved to the 20 guests present. sandwiches and mints were served 3. V. to the 20 guests attending. i pays to advertTse-try it! Clllllllllllllll lllll llllflllflllll l ll ll llll ll ll ll i lli lll 111111111 !11111111111111111ll llll TELEPHONE 80 BOXOFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. 2 - : \,.., CUT CAKE-Cpl. and Mrs. James St. Joe. The bride is the former Edward Harrison are shown cut- Miss Virginia Miriam Swatis. ting the cake at a reception fol- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ita.pli lowing their recent wedding in Albert Swatts of this city. the First Methodist Church, Port (* photo) S HIGHLAND VIEW R.A.'s MEET Long Avenue Baptist AT CHURCH MONDAY BWC Meets Tusday The Charles Cowherd R. A.'s of BWC Meets Tuesday the Highland View Baptist Church The Business Women's Circle of met at the church Monday after- the Long Avenue Baptist Church noon with five present. The boys met Tuesday night at the home of opened their meeting wihl all re- Mrs. A. P. Martin. The program top- eating the allegiance and com- ic was, "A Savior Sufficient For mission. Leaders of Youth". Taking part on A play for stewardship night the program were Mrs. A. P. Mar- was then practiced. tin, Mrs. Durel Brigman, Mrs. M. ! L. Britt, Mrs. Eldridge Money, Mrs. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Roy Gibson, Jr., and Miss Alma Sunday, 9:45 a.m., Sunday Sc..ol, Baggett. 31:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 7:n Mrs. Brigman, chairman, gave P.m. Youth Feliowship, S:UJ p.m. highlights of the circle's activities Evening Worship. during the past year. The WMU i Wednesday, 7:00 p.m., Choir president, Mrs. Joe Ferrell, explain- Practice. S:00 p.m., Prayer Meet- ed the requirements for a stan-, ig. dard' WMU ana announced that The Women of the Church meet Long Avenue Baptist WMU had for the first three Mondays of each accomplished that goal. The gen- month, 3:00 to S:00 p.m. eral officers of the WMU were The Men of the Church meet the elected to serve for the coming first Tuesday of each month at year. 8:00 p.m. The meeting was closed with -- prayer by Mrs. Brigman after Leaves For FSU which the hostess served refresh- Miss Mary Ann McFarland re- ments to the nine members and cently returned from Canada, three visitors present. Where she was employed through TRADE AT HOME !the summer. She left Sunday, Sep: member 15 for Florida State Uni- versity wrh.e, she is a senior. AS THIS LOVELY LASS and the National Tulip Society can tell you, Fall is the time to plant the tulip ; , bulbs that bloom in the Spring, tra-la. Besides the traditional cup- shape Darwins, there are i.cy- fringed "Parrots", exotic lily- flowering types and the big oou- - ble-bloom varieties that resemble . peonies. l -', THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 19,5' Attend We dd1n $to $300 FOR TODAY'S NEEDS V CONSOLIDATE BILLS @ HOME OR CAR REPAIRS @ DOCTOR OR DENTAL BILLS SEASONAL EXPENSES BETWEEN PAY DAY CASH F r rpt Friendly Loans for any good Purpose SEE FRIENDLY 2 IN" .CE CO. 22 -_:.1 Ave. Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 218 gr miara&iness -nu rde &c .. . . XV ta t ,on to see Storrs-Sch Frs ::.ca c.xh.. of new Fall and Winter fabrics for:Custem Tailored Clothes of Distinction. LOU MATTHEWS noted fashion authority will be here for consultation. Be sure ototop in . without obligation, of c:.urs: THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 30 AUSTIN-ATCHISON COMPANY 410 Reid Avenue Phone 65 .* l* .**I. I :* e #'..o1o***s et @66.1 THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY TREATMTAKING *THRI 1 aLLSI GUN .AADISON ^Joa' WELtON "There Auto Be A Law" i llllil l fliffli lili; I I .. 1" *.. .. .. SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE -- FEATURE No. I -- CHAPTER 2 of SERIAL "SECRET CODE" "Mouse Divided" SUNDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY NEW THFHLS IN 1 Betty GRABLE Mailyn MONROE Lauren I BACALL ' .... 72 :. "Special Newsreel" "JiIll ll tllIi ll iiliIII tIIIllill lll llll illllllill WEDNESDAY THURSDAY and FRIDAY I [mw .1.~a ~S $.~l J Barbara PAYTON "m, j. .. "Merry Wives of Round Table" -B: PlONDE Plus--- You Can Buy All Yoifve Ever Wanted. for the Least YoVull Ever Pay! All the Size! Because no car .so big is priced so low, you can easily a.for'd and enjoy genuine fine-car comfort, roominess and roadability. All the Luxury! Pontiac's distinctive Silver Streak styling, its rich, colorful interiors and its countless luxury appointments add immeasurably to your pride of ownership. It is one of America's very finest cars. All the Performance! Pontiac's superlative all-around performance and remarkable hann ;o. dling ease provide a constant source of driving satisfaction you never thought possible at a price near the very least on any new car, All the Dependability! Its unsurpassed record of long, carefree life is your assurance thai ownership of a Pontiac is yours at minimum operating expense All the Future Worth! And finally, with Pontiac's acknowledged high resale value, you'll n!q get back more when you trade. Come in and talk dollars and cents- gk- learn what a wonderful buy Pontiac is right now! WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY Telephone 94 Port St. Joe, Florida 201 Monument _* At t 0 0 0#0E 0E 0 0U WE W *K** U00U .$ aTl~l~~~~~;i~~ l i ~"--b -- ---- --Attend Wedding Future Subscribers Mr. and Mrs. Everett McFarlanS 0 and son, Patrick and daughter. Mary Ann and Mr. and Mrs. Wes- Mr. a.nd Mrs. William A. Collier ly Sm atnded the wedding of of Blountstown announce the birth Mr McFarland's nice, Miss Jon Mrs. McFarland's neice, Miss Jon- cf a boy, Robert Michael on Sep- ola Musgrove to James Jordan, Jr.. member 13. n Blountstown September 11. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Underwood in Blount n S r of Highland View announce the of Highland View announce the :Copies of Dr. Kinsey's two re- birth of a son, David Wayne on ports on sexual behavior were September 14. September 14. mong 155 books seized by the Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson of police from a Doncaster, England Kenney's Mill announce the birth shop on the grounds they were Ibookshop on the grounds they were of a son, Frederick Miller on Sep- absence. member 16. - (All births occurred at the Ivunicipal Hospital.) Star Want Ads Get Results !, 'rc` U-~L~hl~L~LMIII~~~8~L I ~C~=\09 -YP~VI-IP I I 1 - . . . . v v vv~V' V v v lk0 7 Announcement is being made of the. recent marriage of M:;-s Betty Grose of Summerset, Kean.ucky to Bobby Lee Ramsey, son of Mr. and ,s. \\ esley Ramsey of thi, city. The ceremony was an event of SSeptember 4 at the hom-n :)f the ,.1:.' tEr of the Church ui Christ in S:luilmerset. The couple honeymooned in the Grea, Smoky Mountains. TRADE AT HOME TRADE AT HOME f A S, `O THI&RSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 194t p' last Wednesday. their home in Port St. Joe. STUDENT COUNCIL ELECTS OFFICERS NEWS FROM Miss Pansy Boland of Chipley, We are sorry to say that Olen Spent Tuesday with her brother, Roney is home sick in bed. All of HSghland View Rev Charles Boland. his schoolmates and friend '- e .' . Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wicker and him a speedy recovery. el- by MARGIE ROGERS children of Tallahassee spent Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Royce Corbitt and -, -. urday with the former's mother, children are visiting in Graceville. , SMMrs. Sadie Davis. for the week end with claire ve . Mrs. Helen Ca' rit- i Mr. and Mrs. Pelham Reve ls and friendMs. children of Jackson\iIle, N. CA 0. children of Jacksonville, N. e, pent Wednesday in DeFuniak e.. nd Mrs. J. W. Wilkins of spent a few days with her parent. Springs where they motored M--. Jasper spent the weekw ei iiL. h . Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Miles an Rupert Ray home. He has been is- hteir daughter and family, Mr. and - r fam, sn of M. y. iting and working at the Revell's. Mrs. J. L. McQPaig. . Junior Kent, ssDan Hatfield returned Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peters. spent Coppedge is now serving in the . UnitCoppedates Army. He isstationed.o Miliiary School where he will the week end in Dothan, Ala., with United States Army. He is stationed enroll as a senior. He ', t:he son the former's father, whlo underwent at Fort Jackson, S. C. He is also of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hatfield. He a:1 operation. the brother of Mrs. Harry Orreli. is attending GMA in Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. J. R. Wathen of Tallahassee Leslie Coker, son of r. and r. and Mrs. Jef Dual annd Ms. Roland Whiddon of Car- Mrs. Clayton Coker is now serving daughter, Gynn, spent Saturday in labelle visited Mrs. Clinton Cox in the 101st Airhorne. He is sta- Panama City on business. Sunday, September 12. Pictured above are members of farian; Faye Parker; treasurer; toned at Fort Jackson, S.W C C. Mr. and Mrs. Ike Watson an- Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chestnut and ithe Port St. Joe High School Stu- Fay Fleishel, corresponding secre- Forehand. Mrs. Eula Rogers, Mrs. ounces the recent marriage of son of Panama City spent the cent Council during their installa- tary; Eleanor Faircloth, Barbara Lily House,Mrs. Mary Garrett, at- their daughter, Avis to Ben Gya, week end with the former's par- ion service. They are from left to Williams, Kenneth Hurlbut, LaRue tended the Marianna District Semi- sun of Mr. and Mrs. Price Gay on ents, i4r. and Mrs. Jim Chestnut. reght. FRSTy; HROW, Linda Gail Pyle, osilman, Tony Barbee, Leonard secretary; Hong Wesley Stephens,!Costin. THIRD ROW, Gene Raf- nar conducted by the WSCS of the Saturday, August 11, at Wewahitch- Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Zorn and vice president; Bob Smith, presi- field, Walter Wilder, Jackie Davis, Alabama Conference at Chipley, ka. The young couple are making 'children of Albany, Ga., is visiting dent; Ann Miller, Betty Ward, Ann Jean Mahon, Frances McGill, Bar- Mvontgomery, David Rich. SECOND bara Mitchell, Mrs. Jacque Price, ROW, Barbara Jo Bond, parliamen- 'Sponsor. withItheflatter a 's% parents,1Mr.andVrr _a H. K CPromote SH1AKS vs. ArALACHIC.ULA HnfE onriKlui aeri. 24 at 8:00 p.m. BE THERE! TOUCHDO i I NNVALUE LEADERSHIP ! V A L Al h V IEA1.ESP ! THURSDAY, SEPT. 23 THRU MONDAY, SEPT. 27 BOYLES Big Touchdown LAYAWAY SALE SJarts With A Cash Kickoff Clip This Ad.. It's Good For $ 100 On The Purchase of the Following Merchandise (Cash :-: -,... orLayw~ y) $10.95 and up Betty Rose Suits and Coats Peg Palmer, Doris Dodson, Shirley Lee and Hope Reed Dresses Men's and Boys Suits Sport Coats - Slacks Jackets and Rand Shoes. You'll be smart to select now from the most attractive and complete line of fall merchandise we've ever shown. A small deposit holds your selection. We spot you $1.00. HURRY! 8 Ounce Sanforized DUNGAREES Zipper and Button Fly Sizes 6 to 16 3 pairs 4.00 SYou'll save $1.76 on this purchase ... Bar tacked, Triple stitched .. expertly made. Save at Boyles! A FAST VALUE FOR FAST BOYS! Sorry, we've been out, but 75 Dozen IJust Unpacked! Famous Spencer's COTTON PANTIES For Children, Sizes 0 to 12 White and pastel colors 4 prs.88c GIRL'S RAYON PANTIES Sizes 2 to 12, 4 prs. $1.00 We Made A Fast Tackle and saved you 33 1-3% Boy's Knit- BRIEFS and SUNDERSHIRTS Three shots or three shirts .Sizes,6 to 16. Supply your needs now and save More Savings on i STILL AVAILABLE! Fall Fvorit Fall Favorite. Fine Quality Washable PINWALE CORDUROY 88c yd. A regular $1.19 Value iOffered only 4 days at this special price. White, black and favorite fall shades. A limited quantity of these Hurricane Hit Values Solid and Striped Chambray --- 4 Yds. $1.00 80 Square 3 Yds. PRINTS --- $1.00 -3 For 20X40 Terry Towels 42X36 Pillow Cases 3 For _$1.00 -__ 37c JUST IN! Nylon Net, Can-Can PETTICOATS $3.95 A must for the Miss .. White and Red with the latter's parents, Mr. and Verna H. Kay Promoted Mrs. W. D. Coleman, Sr., and fam- To Staff Sergeant Rank To Staff Sergeant Rank ily. Mrs. Addie Goodson is visiting SpangdahlemAiBase,Germany SMotg A ., wSpangdahlem Air Base, Germany in Montgomery, Ala., with her --The Air Force announces the pro- daughter who announced. the birth motion to Staff Sergeant of Air- of a young son. "an Fir'st Class Verna H. Kay of Mrs. Jack Kallis and daughter an Fist Class Verna H. Kay of Port St. Joe. spent a few days in Panama City oe. with friends and relatives. Sergeant Kay is assigned to the 10th Supply Squadron and has Charlie Revell visited in Bagdad 10 S Been in Europe since 1953. His wife, Tuesday with his daughter and , Jessi Lee Kay, and daughter, Bar- family, Mrs. Mary E. Tarkington. bara Ann Kay live at Port St. Joe. Before entering the Air Force in S*1951 Sergeant Kay served in the S*" army for 11/2 year-s. He expects to ^ return to the United States in Sep- tember. "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" John T. Simpson Ends Army, Medical Center, the Army's Course at Ft. Sam Houston largest medical installation. The Center carries on virtually all pha- O M ses of professional and technical FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas- training in military medicine as Pvt. John T. Sompson, Jr., son of wl as pat treatment and re Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Simpson, P. O. sear Box 967, Port St. Joe, has cornm- Pvt. Simpson attended-Florida pleted the academic phase of train- University, Tallahassee, be State University, Tallahassee, be- Ing in the Operating Room Tech-g te nician Course given at Medical ____ 1'lield Service School, Brooke Army Returning From Hospital Medical Center, and now will re- Melton Taylor wishes to thank ceive the applicatory or "on-the-is many friends who have remem- job" phase of training at another military installation. bered him while in the U. S. Na- The Operating Room Technician val Hospital at San Diego, Calif. Course trains technicians who, up- He is returning this week end to on graduation, are qualified to as- his regular duties. sist medical officers in surgery. Military training in this course can !ead to future civilian hospital ca- Dr. Charles Reicherter reers. OPTOMETRIST The Medical Field Service School EYES EXAMINED .s one of seven units of Brooke GLASSYES FITTED While stationed at Spangdahlem, a new Twelfth Air Force air baseR 5 in the French Zone.of Germany near Luxembourg, Sergeant Kay has had an opportunity to see many points of historical interest, and enjoy the scenic beauty of Europe. PHONE SUNSET 5-5565 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA OST PEOPLE GUESSp SUNDBREDS TOO 1lui] MEL-- a FORD is V-8 powerera a FORD is styled over its price a FORD is more comfortable than its price ifmcafes a FORD is built better than its ppice indicates a FORD is worth more when you sell it, too --7G 1- n -- - A ?~0 ~ ;E~ It comes down to this: nothing at the price compares with the '54 Ford. It is the only car in its field offering a V-8 engine. And that V-S is the industry's most modern: a 130-h.p. Y-block V-8! Fcrd ii- the only car in its field with a truly modern suspension .. -Bll- Joint Front Suspension. No car wi'lhut it can ride so co::'f raTab.i . .. handle so easily. Ford is also the only truly moder:-.':.y!ed car ir its field. You can see that at a glance. Because no -other .:r; in For'-' field can offer these features until !ater- on, your '5-1 Fo;rd vill .,e up to date when competitive makes :v old hat! 7'?:c pe!ls extra trade-in value. I-- -, --.. PCT -. ...; i ',-ik Li~ ~ __ have m, ore.1,4 irun-e ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37 NOTICE The County Registration books will remain open at the Court House in the office of Supervisor of Reg- istration each Tuesday and Friday through the month of August. Beginning the 1st of September, every day ex- cept Sundays until the closing date which is October 2, 1954. You who failed to register this year and want to vote in the November election be sure to register before the closing date. The books will not go to the Precincts any more this year. Supervisor of Registration Mrs. C. G. Rish I-''' - _ -- --II PA~GE THRERI - A no ir Tuir cT t pqT C- -c*. GULF COUII-rY, ToORIDA Fort St. Joe, Florida Sr-i STAR. PORT ST. .1OE. GULF '3OUfT'-. FLORIDA PAGE rPOnUR THE STAR Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company \VlSLEY R. IAMSEY, Editor and Publisher A:so Linotype Oper.tor, A.l MIan, Floor Man. Columnist. L .pore it j I r an t u i, , :Entered as secoln-c:ass matter, December 19, 1937, at the I'ostoffice, Port S.t Joe. Fla., under Act of Mu.rch 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 --*j TELEPHONE 51 l- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tlt.1uents, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further tlhall illtouont received for such advertisement. The spalken word i given scant attention; the printed word i- ti uEhtfullv weighed. Thie spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly' convinces. The spoken word is 'lot; thl printed word remains. CHICKEN AND RICE F Perfect Pair For Party Fare I Dear Mr. Ramsey: are proudly showing off the tupeli I would like to renew my sub- honey Marguerite and Hd Pridgeo4 scription to The Star for another gave us, to our English friends. year. It is usually a month old I.save my papers and pass then when it reaches us but home town on to Jean Brooks, who lives. il news is always welcome. It is good London. Best wishes to all. '* to see pictures of the home folks, Yours truly, 'on. We read the ads. especially Ned Gainous B ates the early October mail as usual. And the amount on that cheek will be higher than your last check. How much will the increase be? The answer to this question will not be the same for everyone. In the case of a retired worker, the increase will be at least five dol- nra. And there will be i;L ,r .... ate increase for the dependents or survivors who are receiving their monthly social security payments now. The minimum monthly benefit amount will be increased from $25 jiuder the old law to $30 for the Retired worker and the maximum benefit will be increased from $85 ito $9S.50. The maximum family benefit which was $168.75 will be $200. No minimum benefit amount i 11 be less than $30 for a retired 'worker or an only survivor. The social security law says that SSo l St the total family benefits cannot ex; P C OCI Security ceed 80 per cent of the insured G N'PLACES !Soial Security Iworker's average mnothly wage. SW. S. Smith, Retired. s A But under the 1954 amendments Mayor of Buckhorn S this provision cannot reduce the -Mayor of Buckhorn I family benefits below $50 or one Higher Now and a half times the workers pn- BOOTHBAY HARBOR, MAINE mary insurance amount, whichever - While I could write on and on By HARRY N. SCOTT amount is larger. of Nova Scotia, we had to leave (District Manager of the Dothan Here is a table for insured work- and, after back-tracking through Social Security Office) ers who are receiving retirement New Brunswick and Northeast The person who said, "Tomorrow benefits. If the column of figures Maine we stopped here particularly never comes," has been proved on the left is the present amount to look in on the life of these tasty wrong by the social security pro- of your benefit, the column on the crustaceans. gram. For today there about six right will be the new amount of The eggs are -placed in special and a half million men, women, the September check, which will tanks and after hatching the water, and children who are living in the reach you early in October. (sae water) is kept flowing con- "'tomorrow" which either they or Old Amount Increased Amount stantly to prevent the youngsters their retired or deceased breadwin- $25.00 $30.00 from clinging .together and eating'ner helped to earn., They are the 30.00 35.00 one another (cannibals yet). After people over 65 and their depend- 40.00 45.00 two or three days they shed their ents and the dependents or survi- 50.00 55.00 shells and after another five days vors of deceased workers.who have 60.00 65.10 they shed again. This occurs again become entitled .to social security 70.00 78.50 and after about 16 days from hatch- benefits. 80.10 91.90 ing they are carried out to sea and The credits which these people 85.00 98.50 planted where they sink to the bot- or their loved ones earned in work There are other provisions in Everyone-but everyone-loves chicken-fried, baked or broiled. And everyone-but everyone-will love this wonderful Almond Rice recipe. Together Chicken and Almond Rice make the perfect combination. Crunchy almonds add flavor and zest to this quick-easy recipe which is made in a matter of minutes with packaged pre-cooked rice. Together they become "party fare." Serve this "gla:nor" dish to your fanl'ily tonight. ALMOND RICE 1V3 cups MINUTE Brand Rice /4 cup slivered or chopped 1/2 teaspoon salt blanched ahlonds 1/2 cups boiling water 2 tablespoons butter Add MINUTE Brand Rice and salt to boiling water in saucepan. Mix just to moisten all rice. Cover and remove trom heat. Let stand 13 minutes. VMeanwhile. sa-le almonds in butter until golden brown, stirring constantly. Add almonds and but.er to rice lust before serving. Makes about 3 curs, or 4 servings. the new law which may increase your benefit amount if you are re- ceiving old-age and survivors pay- ments Space does not permit me to go into detail about any of them. }but if you are a retired worker, you will want to follow my later articles. You may learn about some other ways in which the new law will be advantageous to you. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Pilton, Northants, England Sept. 8, 1954 The Star Port St TJoe. Tlorina - as~j.rg S .'i~ i' PhBr2Ylcicy S$cyievice than pilis and drugs Our policy is to offer MORE, much more -han expert filling of prescriptions, fine drugs, and quick delivery. To all of these, we add friendliness and Service. See us soon! Campbell's Waigreen Agency Drugs "PRESCRIPTIONS a Specialty" Phone 27 210 R.id Avenue tom and hide among the rocks where they grow to maturity and are caught by the lobstermen. In the hatchery the young 'uns are fed on ground liver every two hours, otherwise they would turn on one another for dinner, not to mention lunch and breakfast. Some of the full grown lobsters at the hatchery were a dull brown color and moving very. sluggishly and we learned that the reason was they were about to molt. The molting occurs between June and September and the lobster does not grow by molting, but sheds his shell because he has outgrown it, just as Junior outgrows his pants. ' As you know: a lobster has two large claws, one of which he uses for fighting; but what I didn't know thta, as among,humans, there are portsiders and if one isn't "in the know" when reaching for one of the vramints he might grab your under social security have entitled them to the right of receiving their retirement or survivors benefit check each month. I mentioned these beneficiaries in recent arti- cles when I said that the new law would enable them to receive in- creased old-age and survivors in- surance payments. As I explained previously, this increase has been written into the amended Social Security Act to help -bring benefits; in line with current earning levels and living costs All of the people who are going to receive higher benefits will want to know right away how the increase comes and how much it will be. The first "thing which should 'be pointed out is that this increase is automatic for persons ah'eady re- ceiving checks. Beneficiaries don't have to write any letters, forms, or applications for the increase. If you are expecting a September so- hand, and with his saw-sharp teeth cial security check, it will be in do some damage. Lobstermen snap cup of cracker crumbs. The water a rubber band over the vicious runs into the crumbs. Remove the claw to hold it .shut. Some "peg" it liver and place with the crumbs. with a wooaen peg about as long Season to taste and add two table- as a toothpick and as big round as spoons melted butter. Mix thor- a pencil, pointed at one end.. oughly, using enough milk to mois- Lobsters are a big industry in ten. Stuff this dressing into vic- Maine and account f6r 50 per cent tim. Add a strip of bacon over the of the total fish catch. (pardon the expression) belly. For the benefit of Arthur Lup- Cross claws buddha-fashion and LI/, WIIU sanaeIniay a f at Ti .-- 1 tLUon, who generally is ceft at Le- gion shrimp dinners, I give the following recipe for baked lobster: Lay the live lobster on his back. Place hand firmly over the waving claws. Cut the lobster, beginning at the head, 'down the belly, thru the tail. Hold the victim over a I 0'~* place broiler pan in oven to DaKe five minutes at 375 degrees. (With or without the lobster in the pan? -Ed.) Remove lobster from oven and .place in broiler for 15 minutes at 450 degrees. Remove and de- Your Am too hungry to write more, so will work on above recipe. NOT i uslST A "GOOD MM^ A ". yoLI'II 9++ REAPT DEAL ip .------- ,^ NwmC N WrV: O L~& W L E WATCH FOR I f-- ~ . It Will Pay You To Watch The Show and Deal With Sponsoring Suppliers AUCTION SHOW PROGRAM Each Saturday on WEAR-TV and WJDM-TV 6:00 to 6:30 P.M., EST Get Auction Notes From Gulf Hardware & Supply Co. Phones 2 and 4 Port St. Joe, Fla. -a Great Deal More in "Stay-New" Style! Stand-Out Features! Outstanding Value! Super "88" 4-Door Sedan. A General Motors Volve. This is the year to make the "Rocket" yours! For this year Oldsmobile is further ahead than ever. Further ahead in big, important things like style leadership ... that long, low-level look that sets you apart from the rest. New "Rocket" Engine power ... remarkably responsive performance for the tightest traffic or the widest open road. Add the dash and dazzle of Oldsmobile's exclusive color styling...the wide sweep of Oldsmobile's . dramatic panoramic windshield .. and every major power feature* you can think of. What's more, other e's another big plus... the plus value your "Rocket" Oldsmobile will bring at trade-in time. So don't settle for just any car when you can drive THE car-Oldsmobile! And there's no better time ,than right now to get our liberal appraisal! You'll agree, Oldsmobile's more than just a "good deal" it's a great deal! *Safety Power Steering, Power Brokes, Power Windows and Power Seats available of ewtra cost. 0Ro CC KN ir 0 a LDS a1/ 0 I I_> SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER'S GAR"RAWAY CH(EVROLE'T CO. Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. 24 Hr. Wrecker Service - ILY i L grocery, and sigh for shopping in St. Joe. Prices here are not all we were led to believe. We do suppli- ment our meat diet with game, I rabbits, squabs, pheasants and squirrels are plentiful, also a large number of partridge. Just got our furniture and we L~rlu _ ~e I- . THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 19-51 .i . MAP-= .Of... Black bears in forests in the Northwest kill a considerable num ber of Douglas fir trees by tearing the bark from them. --Star Want Ads Get Result Star Want Ads Get Results 11U1B1?Yl I I --- -~~-I ror o .. ue i Phones 388-389 Port St. Joe, Fla. THURSDAYSEPTErMBER23, 1954 AlcNew, lnternatlancii (2-01!~~ give's ycvi: ~iS. " New In ;lnte(! (7Jfo -Vi.;don c~h! " Easitst hnn'. n in he lot- .-pr: r r fll !, N 'n c*wI'-,_ ca 7**.-sa per! ormm it w n -. AT ?a I r -.n W - K. [~ :1.... 3909 fr THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA Gulf Corporation Comes Out With A- New Cleaner Burning Motor Fuel A completely new and different curately determine its performance gasoline, super-refined to meet the demands of today's high-compres- sion engines, is being introduced by Gulf Oil Corporation. The new pro- duct is available now here in the local Gulf stations. By refining out the "dirty-burning tail-end" of gasoline-more than a cupful to every gallon-Gulf has been able to produce an unusually clean-burning gasoline that provides thousands of extra miles of full en- gine power. Final road testing of the new product-called Super-Refined Gulf No-Nox, according t'o Mr. 'J. W. Price, Gulf's Tallahassee District Manager. "Conducting road tests in the areas where the fuel actually will be used is the only way to ac- characterist " ics SIr. Price said. Throughout the entire trip. on which the caravans accumulated a quarter of a million miles, none of che cars experienced even a single instance of carbon knock or pre- ignition, even on the steepest moun- tain grades. At the ena of the test. every car 'was performing better than new, according to the com- pany's supervising engineers. "Instead of relying upon additives to fight trouble-making deposits, Gulf has succeeded in producing a motor fuel that prevents the ex- cssive deposits from forming in the first place" Mr. Price says. "Extra gasoline mileage has been provided by specially blending the new fuel for the short-trip, stop- i Find out for yourself! DRIVE the New INTERNATIONAL (DEE IJA D Your trade-in may cover the down payment. Ask about our convenient terms. M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Panama City Highway l Phone 6 3 ~ *~v-T.JRUCK'L I'B Be Modern.. \hI SALE STARTS Goodbye Summer doldrum... Hello,Autumn,zip'n zest! t THURS., SEPT. 23 BIG FALL VALUES AT COSTIN'S COSTIN'S scores again I with Fall Piece Goods Values Beautiful Fall Corduroy ---yd. 85c 15 Colors Reg. $1.15 Dbn River Wrinkle Shed PLAIDS _-- yd. 79c Reg. 98c 36" Rayon Reg. 75c Gabardine __ yd. 65c Fall Patterns, 80 Square PRINTS yd. 39c Reg. 49c Reg. 89c Indian Head yd. 79c Fill Your Need With This Special 20 X 40 Bath Towels $ .0 F 3 for $1.00 ANY LADIES FALL DRESS WASH CLOTHS Regular 15 SUITS-COATS 6 for 49c Priced From $7.95 up SUPER-COLLOSAL SPECIAL BIRDSEYE DIAPERS doz. $1.69 Packed 12 to a box 64 X 76 Bright Colors Reg. $2.98 INDIAN BLANKETS ---- $2.49 C- L I 08 i~ CHILDREN'S SCHOOL SHOES OXFORDS and STRAPS 2.95 TO 5.25 0 mmit~ LADIES' DRESS and CASUALS 2.95 TO 7.95 MEN'S FLORSHEIM and FORTUNE 6.95 TO 18.95 Stock Up Now At A SAVINGS! Men's Sport Shirts Cotton and Flannel Reg. $2.95 $2.69 Mark Twain GABARDINES Reg. $4.95 $3.95 BOYS FALL JACKETS Light Lining 3 to 6 $3.98 Boy's Wool Lined JACKETS 6 to 14 --Reg. $7.95 '$6.95 Cook Elect Join the thousands of women who are now cooking elec- trically. Today's Electric Ranges are COOL CLEAN FAST FULLY AUTOMATIC. All you do is put your meal in the oven set the controls and let Reddy Kilovwatt take over. Another thing you will like about Electric Cooking is its I OW COST ... particularly when everything else in your !:i-;:hen is eectri:. You get the benefits of the lowest cost per kilowm\-t hour in our rate schedule. See your dealer NCW1 R. E. PORTER, Manager DA P(-')[ R C -, AMR- BLANKET SPECIALS Reg. $4.95 Double 5% Wool $3.98 25% Wool $4.95 Reg. $5.95 Cotton Sheet Blanket $1.49 FIELD CREST SHEETS 81 X 99 White Reg. $2.95 $2.49 Each Pillow Cases----- each 49c ORGANDY CURTAINS 42X90 Permanent Finish White, Yellow, Blue $3.95 Pair "B!G" HOSIERY SAVINGS 51 Ga. Full fashion NYLON HOSIERY FALL SHADES 77c pair Shop and Sae MEN'S FALL JACKETS $6.95 To $15.95 Interwoven SOX Reg. 65c Pair 2 Pairs $1.00 Boy's Tom Sawyer Long Sleeve SPORT SHIRTS Reg. 295 $2.49 Reg. $19 $1.69 1 Lot Boy's Short Sleeve Sport Shirts $1.39 USE OUR Lay-A-Way Charge Accounts At No Extra Charge Port St. Joe, Florida ' .. .. CD OQ el,- L LII- P~sl PIII I VAGE FIVI and-go driving that most drivers development of super-refining fa- do most of the time. Anti-knock cilities to permit the production of power has been stepped up to an the new fuel. all-time high." Gulf has spent $60,000,000 on the It pays to advertise-try It! You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Church REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP __- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ..----- 6:45 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 8:00 p.m. Meeting In The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME wI II A I 1 , i I PG UL SOAIA T A E5 Panama City were the week end 'Ds guest of the latter's parents, Mrs. Daffodils for Spring Minnie Gay. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanlon and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Stripling and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stripling and Mrs. C. D. Gay and Mrs. Bill Graves and family and Miss Lucile Strip- ling and Miss Glenda Wilson and Mrs. Florence Jernigan attended the family reunion at Geneva, Ala., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wilson and family and Mr. and Mrs. William nWilson spent Sunday in Vernon visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Lee and chil- dren spent the week end in Tam- pa visiting with friends and rela- t ives. S.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burns and chil- j= dren spent Sunday in Panama City "IT'S TIME TO PLANT daoi visiting with friends and relatives. IT'S TIME TO PLANT daoil Miss Minnie Ola Ray returned bulbs Their golden bloom nex Miss Minnie a Ray returned Spring will brighten any home, to Dothan Sunday after spending whether setting off stone walks or the week end with her parents, massed inwoodland. Six wholeweeki Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray. of beautiful display can be enjoyed Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Shoots by gardeners who select now from and children, Gloria and Donnie the many distinctive early- and late. flowering varieties. The traditional' spent the week end in Bonifay vis- yellow Trumpets and Large-cup: iting with friends and relatives. belong in everybody's collection. NEWS FROMTAKE TAKE OAK GROVE TIME - By HELEN NORRIS TO KEEP YOUR WATCH Miss Minnie Ola Ray, daughter ON nf Mr. arid Mrs. L. P. Ray. a nurse .... S I I The Nurses' Report was read Company furnish gas and oil for School Board an! oa'dered filed, the busses at Wewahitchka. 'tTe Superintendent was instruct- The Superintendent was instruct- Minutes el ;o investigate and consru:' !:-i- ed to cover all the school bus routes ]-t facilities at the George \ \ash- and produce maps of same at the 'Inatu Elementary School at Pert next regular meeting to the Board Wewahitchka, Florida S' .Soe. for future action. September 15, 1954 r )e Board had advertised fur There being no further business The Board of Public Instruction b::.;, fcr gas, oil, parts anl m-:in- to come before them they did then Gulf County, Florida, met on the teneace for the school oi;ras *r adjourn to meet again in regular above date in regular session ,vih the 1954-55 school year. Bids were session on October 5, 1954. the following members present aii i.e..- nd from the following con- ATTEST: acting; Hazel Gaskin, Carter Ward, .rs. Wmiberly Pontiac Conip:;, Thomas A. Owens J. A. Whitfield Fennon Tailey, J. B. Harlis me-i- p. ..oe Motor Company, anL A.-- I "A Superintendent Chairman hers and J. A. Whitfield, Chairma. McGowi Motor Company of PortChairman The Superintendent was als pi=:- St. Joe and McGlon's Service Gar- ent and acting. age an Wewa Hardware Company Success with Inconex The minutes of the pr.edirg of VWewahitchka. Angry owners of a particular corn- meeting were read and advo ed a: Moved by Talley seconded by mercial refrigerator blamed the manufacturer for failure of the units read. Gaskin and carried that the St. and subsequent food spoilage. A hur- The Financial Statement ro.- ';e Joe Motor Company furnish gas, ried investigation revealed failure nonth of August was exami ie( and oil, parts and maintenance for the of the diaphragm in the temperature control. The diaphragm material, approved. busses at Port St. Joe. weakened by constant compressor S, I Moved by Talley seconded by pulsations, stiffened and failed un- Miss Annie Lou Burns, daughter n'der temperature changes. The prob- of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burns spent Harris and carried that McGlon's resolved by substituting lem was resolved by substituting several days in Panama Ctiy visit- Service Garage furnish parts and Inconel, a nickel-chromium-iron al- ing with friends and relatives. Iabor and the Wewa. Hardware ty, strip for the diaphragm. Leesburg's lovely Beth Chapman, Micro Midget Queen, presents trophy to Bill Hughes, also of Leesburg, winner of the 75-lap Championship Race at the Southeastern States Championship Races for Micro Midgets held in Leesburg, Fa.. over the Labor Day weekend.. --18W&~-"--- r.-- --~-~~au~~ _________ Thursday Friday Saturday A il' i I H 1a ifl. 1',I1 1 .:Ill ii 11111 September 23, 24, & 25 at Frazer-Ellis Hospital, Dothan, Ala., spent the week end visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Willys Liptford and children, Joyce Fay, Arlene,,and Ronnie of Marianna were the week end guest of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hdll. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzil and son, Daniel of Pensacola were the week end guest of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealy. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ernest of LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE TO RECEIVE BIDS NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Count- Commissioners of Gulf County, Florida will receive sealed bids until 9:00 o'clock A.M., (CST) on October 5th, 1954, in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, Wewahitchka, Florida, to be opened and heard at said last mentioned date, for fihe purchase of the following described property, to-wit: , ONE (1) one-half Ton Pick-Up Truck, year model 1954, with Standard Equip- ment. ONE (1) one-half Ton Pick-Up Truck, year model 1954; Engine of 130 H.P. or more; Deluxe Cab; Three Speed Trans- mission with overdrive; -Five 6.50X16 Four Ply Tires and Wheels. ONE (1) Two Ton' dunp Truck, with extra heavy duty 5 yd: body; Year mo- del 1954: Engine of 136 H.P. or more; 130 inch wheel base;, 4 speed Trans- mission 2 speed rear axle; Seven 8.25 X20 ten Ply tires -s.d Wheels; Vacum ,Brakes with booster; Seven inch Hoist; perfection body preferred; Wheel width .01" rims. ONE (1) Three Ton Tractor Truck, with Engine of 160 H.P. or more; 112 inch Wheel base; Year model 1954; 5 speed direct Transmission; 2 speed rear axel; Air brakes; Seven 10.00X20 12 ply tires -with 7.5"X20" heavy duty Wheel and heavy duty rear springs. ONE (1) Eight Yard dump body, heavy duty with apron over cab; perfection body preferred; 10 inch or two 6 inch Hoist to handle body and body dimensions are 12 feet by 7 feet by 30 7/8 inches. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA /s/ Jim' S. Daniels Chairman ATTEST: e/ George Y. Core Clerk 2t 'N THE -COUNTY JUDGE'S ,LT. ,N PROBATE. JN RE: Estate of JOE C. DANIELS, Deceased. , NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of Joe C, Daniels, deceased, are hereby notified and required to file any claims or demands which they may have against said estate ii the of- fike of the County Judge of Gulf County, Florida, in the Courthouse at Wewahitchka, Florida, within pight (8) calendar months from the date of the first publication of this Notice. Each claim or demand must 'be in writing and must state the place of residence and post office address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claimant, his ,agent, or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. September 1st, 1954. /s/ C. G. COSTING Administrator of the Estate of Joe C. Daniels, deceased. Fjrst publication on September 2, 1954. ,. lll llillll ll llll lllll lllll l lllll llllll lllllll lllllllllllllll SAVE NOW WITH LEON FEDERAL West Florida's Friendly Savings And i Loan Association e SAFE a CONVENIENT PROFITABLE SAVE-BY-MAIL SERVICE S Another Reduction in Wizard, Outboard Motors With long range tank '54 model 10 H.P. REDUCED $40.00 With long range tank 12 H.P. powermatic WAS $239.50 $199.50 WAS $299.50 $249.50 REDUCED $50.00 YOU ALWAYS GET BETTER MERCHANDISE FOR LESS MONEY AT WESTERN AUTO Our 10 and 12 H.P. motors were reduced $25.00 just last spring Western Auto Associate Store C. W. Long, Owner Port St. Joe, Fla. .rmour Piggly Wiggly Sale Cooking Oil, no. 10 jug $1.35 Armour's Sweet Sixteen OLEOMARIARINE lb. 19c Armour's CORNED :,F can 39c All Purpose Detergent Large Size S D Wth Coupon 10 C Armour's TREET can 43c NONE BETTER Armour's Canned MILK 3 cans for33c CHEESE 2 lb. box 79c Armour's Regular Size DIAL SOAP 2 bars 23c Armour's Piggly Wiggly CHEESE 1/2 i. wedge 23 c Our Own Ground To Order Plymouth COFFEE Ib.99 Sunshine Chocolate Chip C 0 0 KIES lb.box 39c Piggy Bank Ready Prepared KOOL AID, Makes 1 gal. 29c Al Grocer Cl osed Wednesday Afternoons is ag Oct,. 6 InThis Vicinity ."--! . .:.% _,, .. ... .... ': .. .,,_ ..^.^ -^ ^Bfc i BEST IN TOWN BALLARD'S. '.,:J." Perfect Biscuit 25 Lbs. 25 Lbs. . .. - ,i 1"*" 10 Lbs. tur ii III Fancy Limit 5 Pounds Sweet Potatoes Armour's Star Sliced BACON lb. 69c lb. 5c Cooking APPLES lb. lOc Pork ROAST lb. 49c Chuck ROAST Ib. 29c Ga. Grade 'A' FRYERS lb.39c Best In Town Swift's Premium Beef T-BONE STEAK lb. 69c ,4-Hr. Special, Friday Night 6-9 Armour's Canned MILK can 1Oc Fla. Grade 'A' Small EGGS 2 doz. 49c None Better ARMI Shortening 303 Can TOMATOES can 10c PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Hey 4 ids ENTER OUR BIG COLOR BOOK CONTEST! M FREE BICYCLEE NINE OTHER VALUABLE PRIZES Enter The National Contest With $5,000.00 First Prize Ask Our Cashiers For Our Free COLOR BOOKS Jack and the Bean Stalk Ex.,a Tiny 23c Nabisco Large Box Ritz Cracers 33c SIRLOIN STEAK Ib. 69c ONIONS small bag 15c Selected Irish Potatoes 10 lb. 39c FRESH Turnips, Collards, Mustard 3 Ibs. 69c V2 Gallon Signet SYRUP 39c With $10.00 Grocery Order SUGAR 5 Ibs. 19c ~ II I ii -r rr II I I ' TH URSDAY SEPT.EM BFR 23, 1954 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA ,oA I MNI 0 0 a ,Q F " IR A E 3 5J LR First Baptis W iU !WMLU for another year. The new WMU officers for 1955 FirstCircle 6 was n charge of ;h are as follows: Mrs. NV. R. Scott, Names New Officers Royal Service program with 'Irs. p.-:den;: AIrs. Wes ey Ramsey Names-new u s p dent; .rs. Ne. o. fi William Chafin, program chairman cie rdent;Mrs. W,. Ni S W o t presenting the program, "A Sinful chols, 2nd vice president; Mrs. The WMU of the First Bapis world A Sufficient Saviour". Tak- Joe Bracewell, young people's lead- Church met Monda, Septembers ing par on the program were Mrs. er; Mrs. C. Pridgeon, recording at 3 p.m.Charles Gill. Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, secretary; Mrs. E. C. Cason, cor- present for the Ryoal Service Pro- Mrs L. W. Cox. Mrs. F. Aers. responding secretary; Mrs. Clifford ram and installing of new offi- rs. W. B. Richardson, Mrs. Joe Tharpe, treasurer; Mrs. Joe Brace- cers for the ear 19. Bracewell, Mrs. A. V. Bateman,ell, stewardship; Mrs. W. B. The meeting was opened with Mrs. Ralph Nance and Mrs W. O. Richardson, mission study; Mrs. all singing "Jesus Saves". Rev. Nichols C. G. Costin, community missions; L. J. Keels led the group in prayer iMrs. E. H. VanLandingham, chil- and gave a brief review of the Th ogam was closed with dren's home; Mrs. A. V. Bateman, ,all sinking, Our Best". Mrs. J. 0.s...B an, new WMU year book, "At our training school; Mrs. J. D. Lane, Very Best For Our Lord". The new aet led the group prayer w relief: Mrs. Vc esey Ramsey, WMU watchword is taken from After a brief business meeting, publicity; Mrs. H. F. Ayers, social John 3:14 and their new song is Mrs. T. E. Parker. Sr., dismissedchairman; C. McClelan "When I Survey The Wondrous the group with prayer. erairman;r A M lella flower chairman; Mrs. A. V. Bate- Cross". Rev. Keels closed the in-] Mrs. NW. R. Scott, the new presi-:r Me- stalling services with a prayer ask- dent for 1955, brought the devo-, '-a- advisory to Marion P. Gow- ing for great blessings on the tional taken -.com Psalms. hard Circle; Mrs. V. J. Daughtry, It is such a little word, yet sh often particularly when she thinking to herself. For it seems there are so many questions and swers. She tells herself that she isn't u is young and attractive, has a friends, and enough material thin ..-':' her wants. Yet- thert is someth something that makes her restle should be at peace enj:.ying th some of the best years of her lif asks herself. Why? The answer is a simple one. Tl Nothing lacking in her life .. the She hasn't found the basic faith swer her questions. She needs background that the Church ali her. And until she hnds this-she asking. "WVhy?" Do you ask yourself "Why?' ,AR. W HYi THE CHURCH FOR he uses it so ALL FOR THE C is alone, and Te Church ,; Ih, ra. s, then, as if c-r c.n eorh .a r h u, S so few an- 'ars eh d r - ',hc.iur a ,'r unhappy. She Oacr nr "Y -, There family and F r whe ,:r igi to satlis y T1cr,- ;rv,-e re hing lacking. or 'h Ch,'ch 'r, I ss when she ,chid c I , ie bounty of h" rr C Mr t,,. e. W hy, she Fr ;'he ca t el C ,.i f P r i ,J.' i ': :- or,: thre iis ome- ru' r- an .: re is a void. te d,3j, rea that can an. Da the spiritual E Cd i ,, , >ne can give M nd ., ',:, T .,la, i t, w -, will still e F rj:.~. L ,.-, too? sud.y R ,Sturd v R' ns ! .- -.. . advisory to BVWC circle... Mrs. L. Presbyterian Circle Meets W. Cox, baby visitors; Mrs. T.E. With Mrs. C. W. Long SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON Parker, Sr., and Mrs. Robert Ell-DAY SCHOOL LESSON zEy, Sunbeam leaders for three, The women in circle number 1 four and five-year-olds; Mrs. Black- of the Presbyterian Church met burn and Mrs. W. 0. Nichols, Sun- Monday, September 20, with Mrs. By Rev. Bill Iverson, Pastor overflowed like a mighty volume bea leaders for six, seven and C. W. Long. Mrs. Henry Campbell First Presbyterian Church as they answered, "We Cannot eight-year-olds; Mrs. Aubrey Tm -opened the meeting with prayer. "LIVING LIGHTS" But Speak the Things We Have inson, Junior G. A.'s. 9 and 10 year Reo. W'lliam T. Iverson me Scriptures: Matthew 5:13-16; Seen and Heard." Imagine as in alds; M1rs. William Chafin, Junior ith te group and gave the study John 1:i0-52a; Acts, 4:13-20; Acts the land of freedom, and how we G. A.'s, 11 and 12 year lods; Mrs. Ephesians 5 and :4-8, 26-40; Corinthians 5:11-20; Ithink, "I just\can't speak about Je- Richard Saunders, intermediate G. book iaken from Ephesians 5 and '" S - Richard Saunders, intermediate G. 6 I Peter 3:13-16. Devotional Read- sus people will think me pe- A.'s; Mrs. Wesley Ramsey and ing: Rmans 10:4-15. culiar." Somehow we don't have Mrs. Clifford Tharpe, junior R. A.'s. Among the ten members presRoans what Peter and John had See ,ent wer-e Mrs. Henry Camphetil, II. Light on the Subject: Romans what Peter and John had See Sw M -- rs. Hey 10:4-15. Acts 4:8, then Acts 1:8. Mrs. Lawrence Bissett.-Mrs. HI. iH. The government of India will E r. harles Garwa Mrs. This is indeed one of the most V. Light from Fiery Persecution. pay $444,000 compensation for c gng Sunday School lessons Acts.8:4-8. !'ice paddy fields in Manipur mm, Greer, Mrs. BaMrl KT we have ever had. It places upon Stephen had been martyred, and State, converted into air strips in itchell, Mrs. R. D. Prows and us the incomparable opportunity a terrible persecution ensued. We World War I'l. Imphal reports. Mrs. N. Sill 'and the inescapable obligation of read that Christians were scattered r____ e carrying the unsearchable riches fo everywhere, preaching the word. S TO CHURCH SUNDAY Christ to the world for whom He The word "preaching" there does GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY died. Now read each scripture. not mean from the pulpit but tell- LCHURCHI First of all notice in the devo- ing or gossiping from person to tional thought. Though it is true person. SANNOUNCEMENTS that, "Whosoever shall call on the VI. Light from a Match. 8:26-40. name of the Lord shall be saved, (Are you reading these scriptures?) yet it pleased God that this order Philip the Deacon was preaching Highland View Baptist Church be established in His eternal plans in great powet in Samaria with Rev. P. G. Saffoid, Pastor They can't believe unless they tremendous results. But God said Prayer Service, Wednesday 8:00. hear, and they can't hear unless "Get up and go" and Philip "Got Sunday Services someone is sent. up and went" as one translation 9:45 a.m. Sunday School II. Lights in the Wrold. Matthew says. Simple obedience. In the de- 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 5:13-16. s-rt Philip found one man, and 6:45 p.m. Training Union Salt is silent and so is light, but led him to Christ, and sent him to 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service ihey are indispensable in life. the court of the Ethopian queen 7:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Practice Salt preserves and gives savor, to tell a nation of Jesus. "Behold 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Prayer Meeting while light brightens, warms, and how great a fire a little match kin- I, 2 reveals what otherwise would be dleth." FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH unseen or known. Christians are VII. L'ght in a Glowing Mesage. Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor the salt to preserve and give good In this passage we see the fires Sunday School, 9:45 aJn. flavor to this otherwise tasteless *of God's terror as a reason to tell Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. world. the wcrld of the glorious reconcili- Training Union, 8:00 p.m. ILl. Light from the Fireplace. action of God and the world through Evening Worship, 8:00 p.m. John 1:40-42a. the death of Christ. On the cross Woman's Missionary Society, Mon- IV. Light from Burning Hearts. Him who knew no sin was made day at 3:00 p.m. iPeter and John preached the sin for us, that we might be made Junior R.A. and G.A. and Intermed- mighty, ruling, reigning Christ in the righteousness of God in Him. iate G.A. on Monday at 4:15 p.m. all His glory and grace, and the VIii. Light in a Dark World. 1 h Intermediate R. A. Tuesday at 4:00. bewildered Pharisees could hardly Peter 3:13-16. ALL :HUECH loc. 'ln cil - rd n : t uig 1 CI a;. I-eli r.A1 IF i Jr,. Ent t4; 1-12 I This Series of Advertisement is Contributed to the Cause of the Chiarch By the Following Merchants H. S. LILIUS, Jeweler 25 Years Experience In Watch Repairs Phone 162 322 Reid Ave. MOUCHETTE'S STYLE SHOP 316 Reid Ave.. Phone 288 St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co. Low Down Payments -- Easy Terms Phone 239 205-207 Reid Ave. AUSTIN-ATCHISON COMPANY "Exclusive But Not Expensive" Phone 65 410 Reid Ave. PIGGLY WIGGLY SUPER MARKET Home Owned by E. J. Rich and Sons Phone 306 205 3rd Street West Florida Gas & Fuel Company "Our Rolling Pipelines Never End" Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 342 FOWHAND-HALL, Inc. Phone 99 328 Reid Ave. MODERN FURNITURE CO. "Go Modern With Us" Phone 181 232 Reid Ave. 'MCOY'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Your Family Shopping Center" 308 Reid Avenue FULLER'S SUPPLY COMPANY Fishing Tackle Shertwin-Williams Paints Phone 231 213 V2 Reid Ave. J. LAMAR MILLER, Agent Standard Oil Company Phone 127 1st. and Garrison COSTING'S DEPARTMENT STORE "Nor Service and Quality" Phone 148 208 Reid Ave. ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Hardware, Paints, Building Supplies Phone 14 203 Reid Ave. BOYLES' DEPARTMENT STORE "Pay Cash and Pay Less" 222 Reid Ave. Phone 252 ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE Frigidaire Appliances Phone 291 209 Reid Ave. DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY "Make Your House A Home" Phone 56 309-11 Reid Ave. Preaching at White City Mission Tuesday at 8:00. ST. JOSEPH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 8th St. between Monument and Long Avenues Rev. Robert O'Sullivan, Preist 1st Sunday of each month. Mass 8:30 a.m., Confessions, 8,00 to 8:20 a.m. Other Sundays of each month. Mass 10:30 a.m. Confessions, 10:00 to 10':20 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation. Mass 7:30 a.m., Confessions 7:00 to 7:20 a.m. LONG AVENUE BAPTIST C. Odum, Pastor Meeting in High School Auditorium- 9:45 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 p.m. The Baptist Hour, WDLIP 6:45 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prlyer Service Nursery open for all services Public cordially invited Highland View Methodist Church Rev. Charles Boland, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Methodist Youth fellow- ship. 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Fred L. Davis. Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. MYF. Seniors. Inter- mediates, Juniors. 8:00 .m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Rehearsal Kenney's Mill Baptist Church WT. Holland. Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worshio 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Midweek S3-vice 6.45 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worshin Everyone invited to all services Oak Grove Assembly of God Lloyd D. Riley, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. (Fri.) Christ Ambassa- dor Service. ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL Thomas Miller Minister In Charge 7:30 a.m., Morning Prayer 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship prayer. 9:45 a.m. Church School 7:00 p.m. Young People's Ser League. vice BEACON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John T. Dudley, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 11:00 A.M. B.T.U., 7:00 P.M. Evening Service, 8:0v P.M. Hour of Power, Wed., 8:00 P.M. stand the dazzle of His risen splen- Remember, the word martyr and dor as these humble fisherman pro- i he word witness are the same in claimed Christ in the power of Greek, the Bible language. A chris- His spirit. When tried before the tian has always shown the bright- same group that crucified Jesus a est in the darkest settings, like few months before, and command- Martin Luther when he stood ed not to speak in that NAME, the against the Holy Roman Emperor. fire of the Living Christ within What kind of light are you? Long Avenue WMS Divide Up Circles \' The WMS of the .Long Avenue Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. W. D. Sykes, at 1021 OLong Avenue, on Tuesday, September 21, at 3 p.m. The Royal Service program en- titled "A. Saviour Sufficient for -Our Young People";-was presented by the program chairman, Mrs. C. H. McKnight. Those taking part on the program were Mrs. J. C. Odum, Mrs. L. E. Voss, Mrs. Frank Smith, Mrs. H. L. Ford, Mrs. W. D. 'Sykes and Mrs. Joe Ferrel. During the business session the following were elected to serve in the young people's organizations for the new church year which be- gins on October 1: Mrs. Joe Ferrell, young people's leader; Mrs. A. P. Jackson and 'A-- T A AIE-nnd Rl,,.T,/.A. Mrs. Belin Hostess To Methodist Circle One Circle Number One of the Me- modist WSOS met at the home of Mrs. Jake Belin Monday afternoon. After a short business-meeting, the devotional was given by Mrs. J. C. Laney. The lesson, which was "What is A Neighborhood House"?'"Who Is My Neighbor?" "How Is Neighbor, hood Life Improved?" "Church and Denomination" was given by Mrs. Walter Johnson, Mrs. George Su- b r, Mrs. J. C. Laney, Mrs. Leo- nard Belin. The meeting was closed with the benediction. Refreshments were served to the following members: Mrs. Walter Jqhnson, Mrs. Josh Miller, Mrs. J. C. Laney, Mrs. Jake Belin, Mrs. George Suber, Mrs. Bob Bringman, Mrs. S. B. Witt, Mrs. Leonard Be- lin and Mrs. J_ Lamar Miller. VMrs. J. A. AllgoodUU, Sunbeaml Counsellors; Mrs. Frank Smith, Junior Girl's Auxiliary; Joe Wilkie, Miss Marietta Chafin Junior Royal Ambassadors. To Go On Mission Tour The circles for the new year were The circles Miss Marietta Chafin, daughter divided as follows: Circle 1, Mrs. M of Mr. and Mrs- Millmo .C 1. of... J. C. Odum, Mrs. Charles Carter, o M. a . I310 Garrison Avenue, has been Mrs. R. H. Marshall, Mrs. H. W. 1 Gar venue, has ben selected as one of five Florida Williams, Mrs- C. H; McKnight, Mrs. Buck Burge, Mrs. M. L. Britt, Baptist young people to make a Jr, Mrs. Ma ese, Mrs. W. .mission tour fo Cuba with Miss Jr, Mrs. Max Neese, MrS. W. R. s. A. P. arti, Mrs. Elizabeth Provence, State Young riariisey, Mrs. A. P. Martin, Mrs. e P ne, Wayne Hendricks and M. Frank People's Secretary of the Florida Wayne Hendrick~s and Mrs. Frrank Smih Baptist Woman's Missionary Un- Cir Miion and Armand Ball, State R. A. Circle Number Two; Miss Alm Secretary Baggett, Mrs. Bert Hall, Mrs. Ken- They will fly from Miami the neth Bateman, Mrs. Joe Wilkie, ggth of September and return to Mrs. W. H. Howell, Mrs. W. D. Miami the fourth of October. Dur- Sykes, Mrs. George Cooper, Mrs. ing this week they will visit the Grady Player, Mrs. Jack Ham- Baptist mission fields in Cuba. mock, Mrs. Eldridge Money, Mrs. _______ J. A. Alligood, and Mrs. Joe Mc- SUNDAY IS RALLY DAY AT Leod. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Circle Number Three; Mrs. Durel This Sunday is Rally Day at the Brigman, Miss Beth Ann Carter, Presbyterian Church, and those of Mrs. H. G. Harvey, Miss Mabel the Sunday School are reminded Williams, Mrs. T. M. Watts, Mrs. to bring every available person L. E. Voss, Mrs. Joe Ferrell, Mrs. who needs a Sunday School home H. L Ford, Mrs B. R. Gibson, Jr., to come join the Sunday School. Mrs. Jasper Meadows, Mrs. P. B. There will be a special program Fairie3 and Mrs. A. P. Jackson. presented by .the whole church The Days of Instruction in WMU school on the theme, "Salute the wctik were announced as follows: Christian Teacher." it is univer- Miari.nna, Sept. 28, with southwide sally recognized. by the Sunday leaders as instructors; Immanuel, School as the life-line of good Panama City, Oct. 19, with Miss Josephine Jones, Florida's WMU Executive Secretary, as the in- structor. The ladies were urged to attend these meetings. 1 The president, Mrs. Joe Ferrell, announced that the Long Avenue WMU, which is composed of the WMS and BWC circles, reached the Standard of Excellence for the past year. The ladies were urged to support the president for the new year, Mrs. James T. McNeill. At the conclusion of the business sessionn the hostess served a salad plate with cake and iced tea to those present. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Church growth. It is urged that ev- eryone be in some Sunday School this Sunday. LONG AVENUE SUNBEAMS MEET WITH 12 PRESENT The pre-school Sunbeams of the Long Avenue Baptist Church met with their leader, Mrs. A. P. Jack- son at her home at 3:00 pnm. Tues- day afternoon- There were nine members arid three visitors pres- ent. The meeting opened with prayer, the watchword and rally cry. The children completed their study of the mission work in Cuba. After a period of singing and handwork, refreshments were are- ved. - nu;u.-~ .aak,.tri~r*~y -inrEt '-ar-~-.-r'". II-- L-, -, + h - PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, POR-r ',qr JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDfAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 I I PAGE EIGHT Stire or shirk. in need! CAMPUS INN Goo-seli your talent to the world CAMPUS INN in ne Till from its want and superstition News of Port St. Joe High School freed, By MARTHA COSTIN r By MARTHA COSTIN It shall become a place where dreams come true- Thought For The Week God's great dream--made eal Among your talents is a gracious because of y~ou. dream, F. R. Greer To make come true and let it Tennis Club Plans Project constant gleam The Tennis Club, under the spon- Shine out in places dark and gaunt sorship of Coach Marion Craig has and drear, outlined several outstanding pro- In all the many days of every year jects for the year. A talent to be used and not to send In addition to actual practice Unused and empty to untimely end 'and discussion of rules and tech- Because you are afraid to try and niques, motion pictures of top work players will be shown from time to Your dream ,of love-And never time. TH STAR POR ST. JOE GUL CONY LRD HRDA ETMER2, Be Proud of Tour Homee I"i J annu .-.. THIS GROUPING WAS THE BIG HIT OF THE FURNITURE FASHION SHOW! Really Smart! .8-pc. ensemble that transforms your living room into a dream of matching charm by day, a luxurious bedroom at night. Dramatic, wide arm daverpdrt' unfolds into a deeply comfortable bed for restful sleeping. All 8 pieces are brilliant and modern. 2-Pc. SUITE ARMLESS CHAIR 1 COFFEE TABLE 2 MATCHING LAMPS 2 END TABLES DOUBLE OR SINGLE BED _---- $29.00 5-DRAWER CHEST $49.00 DESK CHEST $39.00 DOUBLE DRESSER $79.00 4-Pc. Suite- BED, CHEST, VANITY & BENCH. 12 9 The club is also making plans to bring the Florida State Univer- sity tennis team here for an exhi- bition on local courts. It was organized to promote and maintain interest in tennis, and has the following officers: Frank Dennis. president:; Harry Smith. vice-p-esideit; BerL MIunn, ecic- tary aid Bobby Porter, treasurer. Seniors Introduced To Student The SS members of the Senior Class were intrdouced Wednesday to the Student Body. Bert Munn, Jr., master of ceremonies present- ed each Senior by a clever person- ality jingle, after which they took their place on the stage along with other c'ass members. Sponsors. Mrs. Margaret DeVore and Mr. $259.95 Vlue $259.95 Value _ I I -I 's inMur These Dates on Your Calendar! MONDAY TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 27-28 KAHN TAILORING CO. of Indianapolis Is Sending Its SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE T. R. LAUTERBACH Who Will Be At Our Store At That Time Let nim show you the new, colorful and distinctive fab- rics and fashions. Let him take your measurements for delivery now or later.., and remember-our prices are low- Every Garment We Make Is Individually Tailored to Measure COSTING'S Department Store Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results FOR RENT FOR RENT: Furnished cottages at SSt.-Joe Beach. Rates by week or month. Special rates for perman. ent tenants. Anderson Cottagas. Call 37 or 9-2321. tf FOR RENT: 2-room furnished apartment. Couple. only. 522 3rd St. Phone 108. THE LOWEST RENT in the beach area. Two bedroom cottages, $25 to $35 per month (this is no mis- print). Furnished. Mrs. J. D. Clark, Beacon Hill. WOMEN WANTED: Make extra money. Address, Mail postcards spare time every week. BICO, 143 Belmont, Belmont, Mass. SPECIAL SERVICES Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH Bicycle Repairing All Makes Reel Parts and Repairs WESTERN AUTO CAPABLE TYPIST desires part time work at home. Contact Mrs. COTTAGES and apartments for Dorothy E. White. Phone 415-J1. rent at Beacon Hill by the month' WAITRESSES WANTED: Apply from $45 to $75. Furnished. Costin's at the White Spot. Itp cottages. Phone 2412. 9-9-tfc STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters FOR RENT OR SALE: Furnished for your used furniture and ap: cabin, lights and water. Near pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone Standard Oil Bulk Plant. J. N. Wal- 291. WE BUY AND SBLL. tfc ker, Port St. Joe. LODGE NOTICES FOR RENT: 3-Bedroom furnished .LOG NT house. 212 9th Street. Call 285. WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, O THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- FOR SALE ing first and third Monday nights FOR SALE: Three bedroom house 800 p.m., American Legion Home. FOR SALE: Three bedroom house near school. Good neighborhood. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of House in good condition. Only $6600 St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. Can be refinanced. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. AII visit HAVE TWO adjoining lots on Mc nrg companions welcome. J. B. Clellan and two on Palm. Excel- Iriffith, II, High Priest; H. R. lent home sites. Priced reasonable. lalge, secretary. ,FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. 211 Reid Ave. Phone 61 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs. FOR SALE: Scratch pads, ditto paper, second sheets, sales books guest checks. THE STAR, Phone 51 for delivery. FOR SALE: 53 all state motor scoo- ter. Can be seen at 108 Hunter Street. Oak Grove. Allen Norris. 2t HELP WANTED RAWLEIGH DEALER wanted at once. Good opportunity. Write rt once. Rawleigh's Dept. FAI-101- 105, -Memphis, Tenn. WILL DO WASHING and ironing or just ironing in my home. Mrs. Louise Williams 1108B. Kenney's Mill. days, 7:30 p. m. In Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting rethren invited. R. E. Williams, N. G. H. H. Shirley, V. G. Bill Car- gill, Secretary. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE \ Meetigg night ev- S ery other Monday. S Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular A meetings 2nd and 4th FrI- days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting brothers welcome. R. F. Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, secretary. are being prepared by the Army Engineers. Specific projects' which .Sikes asked the Engineers to consider included: completion of the navi- gaJtion portion of the Woodruff :Dam project; the' cut across S_. George's Island from Apalachicola Bay to the Gulf; the East Point channel in St. George's Sound; the East Pass in Choctawhatchee Bay; the Escambia River survey; and the survey of the channel into Pensacola Bay. "These projects are before us all of the time," Sikes said, "and require constant attention and nursingalong. I hope that by be- ing early on the job the Engineers and the budget people will get to- gether and agree to ask for ap- proval of all of these projects at the next Congress." Star Want Ads Get Results t\(4! ' i - d0 E "j.ni the ibes:-dressed ioll in America." 17" tall. "It may Tw orly a doll to grown-ups-but when tied it the middle with a bit of cherished ribbon- and caught fast to the heart of a little girl- it is transformed into a rare treasure." "By the alchemy of LOVE, it is endowed with such virtues as only the ANGELS may know-and with such raiment as only royalty may wear."' The only doll in America which is a copy of a real little girl. Beautiful curls you can comb and brush and set and shampoo. The only doll with a Lifetime Guarantee. e only doll with a Friendship Club which you may join. The only doll which has a complete Doll Hospital which is used for only one purpose, and that is keeping your Terri Lee in perfect condition. The most fabulous wardrobe of any doll in the world. The only doll with her own monthly magazine. The only doll whichreceives as much fan mail as a movie star. Use our Terri Lee Thrift Club plan for your Christmas shopping, If it-does not bear a Terri Lee label, it is not a Terri Lee product. Do not be satisfied with less than the best $10.95 CLOTHING EXTRA Smith's Pharmacy NEED TV OR RADIO SERVICE? For a quick, expert check-up of your set's performance (no matter what the make Call us. We offer free prompt pick- up and delivery service. All work and parts guaranteed. TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED PHONE 2413 COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 601 Long Avenue PHONE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Booth Poole were also introduced. CHANEY G. A.'s MEET AT i ngress This is an annual program given HOME OF FAY McCORMICK Congressman Busy by the Junior Class at the begin- ning o0f each school year. The Chaney Junior G.A.'s met in O ite Recess the home of Fay McCormick with De Recess Tea Given Honor Society Members 14 members present Monday after- The members of the Delta Chap- noon. A scripture reading taken "Just because the Congress is t.r of the National Honor Society from Isiah 26:1-4 was heard and not in session is no sign.that we attended a lovely tea Tuesday eve- Nellie Clark led the group in pray- cn relax and. enjoy a' three ning in the High School library. er. A program, "Jesus In Our months vacation," Congressman Honor geusts were, Mrs. W. C. Schools and In Our Home" was Bob Sikes said as he returned to Ivey, Mrs. Lillian Kennington and presented after which the girls Washington this week for two days sponsor, Miss Netta Niblack. practiced their stewardship play to of meetings with the Bureau of Members of the Honor Society, be given at the church stewardship the Budget and the U. S. Army a national organization, are select- night. Engineer. ed by the faculty on the basis of The meeting closed with prayerI Under discussion were plans to leadership, character, scholarship, by Fay McCormick and refresh- budget for the completion of sev- and service. Officers for the year ments were served. eral public works projects in Flor- are: Barbara Jo Bond, president; ida's Third District. MIoney to be Martha Costin, vice president and spent during fiscal year 1956 must Marietta Chafin, secretary. be approved by the Congress in SI I 1955. and already these renuesta CARD OF THANKS I want to thank my friends for the business that tehy did with me while I was connected with the Garraway Chevrolet Company and would like to invite all my friends to sea me at my new connection for your household needs. As I am no longer connected wtih the above company am at your service for a honest and fair deel. J. 'C. (Chris) MARTIN Associated With W. C. Roche Co. "-,.- i'I Thi r r;Ti ro a friend. INVITATION TO BID Sealed proposals will be receiv- ed by the City of Port St. Joe, Flor- ida, at the office of the City 3ierir, until 5:00 P.M., EST, October 20, 1954. at which tinie bids will be opened and'publicly reai aloud for the construction of Water Treat- ment Facilities at Port St. Toa, Florida. The work consists of construc- '.ion of water treatment facilities, including connecting mains; 350 G.P.M., water plant; and raw wa- er intake, complete and ready for operation. Plans, specifications and contract documents will be open to public inspection at the office of the City Clerk, or may be obtained from Smith and Gillespie, Consulting En- gineers, P. O. Box 104S, Jackson- /ille 1, Florida, upon payment of $12.50, which amount constitutes the cost of reproduction and han- dling and .will not be returnable. SBids-must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond in an amount not less than five per cent of the bid. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty days after the scheduled closing time for the re- ceipt of bids. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities. CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, FLA. By: /s/ J. C. Belin, Mayor ~u-~c n~;~,~bi~i~ia~tmnrr~terr~irw~e~r~;gS~C '~L ~~ ---= --rcr~R~6a~C~'"'~"-rg~c~~sr~~' .'~--- --il THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 23, 1954 Tf- "~~ 1'w n 1 |