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ETAOIN S*HRDLU Plished in Port St. Joe -. B ut Devoted To the Con- by WES-LEY R-.RAMSEY tinued Developmeit-of THE STAR Gulf County Oh welcome this relief from G the hot weather with outsretched arms. We have been burning up and know that we have had no monopoly on that department. People that ordinarily don'tVOLUME XVII sweat literally poured sweat VOLUME this past week. THE STAR PORT ST. JOE A Progressive " Community With a Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper - ^ ^ .. .. -3 "Port Sr. Joe- The Oulfet Port for the Apolochicolo-Chottoboochep Voiley' Single Copy 8c $3.00 Per Year PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1954 NUMBER- 52 -,~LT~ Is-! L ~ ~ L Have you registered to vote? The hot weather has kept the people away from town. Last Friday afternoon, during one of the scorchers it looked like Wednesday afternoon up town up until just before clos- ihg time- when people had to c;ie to town to- get groceries a:d other items." Have you registered to vote? Gulf County Fair Opens For Week- September 13 ANTIQUES Any Kind SCHOOL EXHIBITS High School, Elementary School, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, 4- WOMEN'S DIVISION FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS CLOTHING and POTTED 'PLANTS Adult Garments H Clubs. The Southern State Shows Will Be On Midwnv We saw a cartoon by J. R. Speciman Foliage Plants Children's Garments vi- mwuwuww illiams in his Out Our Way" Speciman Flowering Plants Baby Garments Williams in his Out Our Way Artistic Arrangement of Flowers .HANDIWORK The Fifth Annual Gulf County that described the situation. A CANNING Chenille-(any article) family had come out to get in- Vegetables (3 jars) Crochet (any article). Fair, sponsored each year by the to their car after a shopping Meats (3 jars) Embroidered (any article) Willi.s V. Rowan merican Legion, spree and the amil hanging out Fruits (3 jars) Applique (any article) Post 116 'and Auxiliary will open Spree and the family anging out Preserves, Janms, Jellies (3 jars) Knitted (any article) fairgrounds on Sep- the windows until dad could Pickles. Relishes and Peppers, Pieced Patterned Quilts. ee at the a ound n get the car started and moving. (3 jar.s). member 13 and continue through The text along with the draw- e (y BAKED September 18. g went something like: "an kind) Pie (any kid) Fair officials are opening the ing went something like: "You 1 RULES AND REGULATIONS would think somebody would 1. No article not listed in this premium list will be accepted for doors for the entering exhibits on think of cooking supper in the competition. Friday afternoon before fair week car while it was parked". I 2. Each entry must be registered confidentially by number accord- with all exhibits to be in by 6:00 i ing to number in this premium list with the fair association secretary p.m. All perishable$ must be check- Si and also by exhibitors numbers. ed in Monday noon of fair week Have you registered to vote? 3. All exhibits sent in for prizes must be marked plainly. stating ed n y no o a eek. -for which premium the exhibitor is competing. Each exhibit will be Fair officials have, announced that 'More and more people have tagged with these numbers. insurance will be carried to cover been riding at night to try 4. Exhibitors must see to the delivery of their exhibits to the sec- losses to exhibitors while their ex- een ridi at n ttot toretaries and bring them into position under their direction. All women's its are the fairounds. get cooled off after the scorch- non perishable exhibits must be checked in by 6:00 p.m., EST, Friday hbits are the fairgrounds. ing day. At least it wasn'tt 116 in before fair week. All perishables must be checked in by 12:00 noon Judging of the exhibits will be the shade here like it was in Monday'of fair week. Monday, September 13 at 1:00 p.m. 5of Teas ad riza Exhibits must be removed from the fair grounds on Monday Anyone desiring to enter an exhibit parts of Texas and Arizona. following the fair. Perishables may be removed after 12:00 noon Sat- i ..- urday of fair week. Have you registered to vote? 6. Judging will be done by impartial qualified home economists, contact with Mrs. G. H. Henley or and personnel and no one is to accompany judges while judging. Mrs. P. G. Hart. Anyone in the Anyhow, no it is cool (Wed- 7. The judges,will make awards and place appropriate ribbons o County is entitled to enter an ex- Anyhow, now it is cool (W ed- exhibits white judging. Premiums .will be paid for the awards as marked nesday) today at least. in the judges book and not from ribbons placed on exhibits as ribbons hibit whether.a member of the Le- Ssometimes become misplaced. gion or not. Have you registered to vote? 8. There will be first (blue) and second (red) ribbons. (Cash for The Legion Post has acquired Have you regtere to v first prize only). the services of the Southern State 9. The Gulf County Fair Association. Willis V. Rowan Post 116, Shows to occu the midway this It does look like fall however. American Legion, will not be responsible: for articles placed on exhibit,o occupy e midway The elm trees in back of the but will use every precaution to keep them from damage and theft. year. F. E. Trammel, Legion Adju- shop are shedding their leaves. The fair association will' carry an insurance policy to cover losses to tant has announced that every ef- Nobody knows le an el hen exhibitors while on the fair grounds. fort has been made to secure a Nobody knows like an elm when the time comes for cool wea- clean show for the midway this the r. I o neear in an effort to see that no er. PaperCompany nno nces cause for controversy is raised And then there is the advent ike it was last year of football season which is a sure Grnting f 5 ore Scholarshi e it was lasted sign of cool 'weather. -We have not heard Coach Craig do any, W t Hu bragging or complaining about j, Te ,Scholarship -Cimmittee ,.oi sprhing.. .,. .. Waterfow Hunt the prospects for this year. As the St. Joe Paper Company has The new scholarship grants * a result we don't know if he is announced the grant of 15 more will cost hte company $7.300 andS Lste keeping a cracker-jack team un-'1 scholarships this week in addi, bring the total 1954-55 grants to der wraps for a surprise on Wal- [tion to scholarships granted at the a total of $11,800. Total grants TA HASSEE Florida wa ton High in the opening game close of the school term this past since the beginning of the service h w h 6 or if he's ashamed of the results. by the company in 1952 are over owl hunters wll have 60 con- We hope he is keeping a sur- $29,200. seculve days of duck, goose and prise. We will bet one thing 12 Wild Fires Plague The newgrants include 11 stu- t shooting starting November however. If Coach only has 11 uy deins from Port St. Joe, one from 12 and running through January 10, scrawny boys out for football County During July .alachicola. one from Panama according to information received t palachicola, one from Panama this week from the U. S. Fish and he will put the stuff in them City, one from Park Ridge, N. J.. Wilife Serce to win their share of the games. Dsipatcher J. H. Pope states and one from New York City. Wildlife Service. ----- that according to the Gulf County a Woodcock hunting dates will be fire records through July the coun- 440 Students Enrolled t- y had 12 wild fires, of which nine were caused by lightning and two In St. Joe High School were set intentionally, one careless ____ campers fire, burning a total of Students and teachers assembl- 1,032.6 acres. Compared to July cd in the gymnasium Monday morn- 1953, fires in the county totaled ing to begin a new school year. five wild fires burning a total of The program was begun with a 12 acres of which four were caused devotional led by 'Leroy Bowdoin, by lightning and only one set in- principal. tentionaily. After the devotional students fol The increase in lighunng fire s states Pope, were due 10 ihr e.- lowed their homeroom teacher to states Pope, were du to th ar e- heir respective classrooms and tree dry weahter ahi as July oyer July a year ago. However, said registered. Approximately 440 stu- over July a year ago. However, sa dents registre red. This is 69 more Pope, the intentionally set fires wouldd have been-' prevented. students than were attending Port uld have beeprevented. Your County Ranger. H..A. Hardy St. Joe i-High at the end of the Your County Ranger. H. A. Hardy school year 1953-54. is asking the cooperation of every citizen to help to prevent the care- There were 127 new students who less and willful setting of fires in registered in the seventh grade. woodlands. "You can help in .our woodlands. "You can help in Mr. Bowdoin and his staff invite many ways," said Hardy, "by re- visitors to the high school at any porting to the Forest Service or time, but do request that the visi- the local Fire Department or the tors register, in the office so that law enforcement officers of the they may be orientated and guid- county of anyone you see or know ed..to the desired destination, of setting fires to the' wodds or ------- Leaving camp fires burning. You Return From New Orleans can win a reward if you furnish evidence to convict a person of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and setting fire to the property of an- daughter, Patricia, have returned other." from New Orleans, La., where they vacationed for a week and were -- -- the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. Visit In Graceville C M. Russell, Jr. ------ rs. John Robert Smith and son, Safford's Vacation Knapp, were the guests of Mrs. Charles Liddon in Graceville, Tues- Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Safford and day. c: a-F n. Sharon. Faith and Ri: - ard lelurned Sunday from Tavarei, wh-: they have b : vacationing Guests Here For Week for two weeks. They were guests of Mr. and M/lrs. J. D. Sloa'i~. Pam and Mike Huxford of Perry ----- ---- ar-: tle house guests of 'heir aunt Daniells Visit and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gu. C:eecl, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Daniell visit- ed thei daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Haddock in Kings- land, Ga., last week. They also vis- ited their son in Palatka and with Mrs. Daniell's sister, Mrs. McGahee in Moultrie, Ga. < T -e Sa- to a fr-enL QFr c The Star to a frlen. Attend Funeral r. and Mrs. J. T. Daniell were called to Georgia last week to at- ten dthe funeral of Mrs. Daniell's aunt, Mrs. Mak Baker. She was 92 years old. from Xnovpempb 20 tn oh D mcemb 29 majors are as follows: major a as fo _, and snipe from ,December 24 to George Adkins, Port St. Joe, F. and snipe fom Decembe 24to January 7 inclusive. S. U., Pre-Dental. Sadie Arnette, W. Pace, Dire Port St. Joe, Stetson U., Religion. C W. P ace, Dectr Fish Commis- H Ba Po St J and Fresh Water Fish Commis- Ha'ttie Bailey, Port St. Joe, Fla. . si on, explained that according to Normal College Indus. Education. em H l D doli, Educati o -federal rulings, the extension of Willie Helen Durant, Port St. Joe, F.S Buness. Timothy Elder, the season through January 20 as S Business. Timh E, requested by the Commission Port St. Joe, U. of Fa., Pre-Med. - S'would limit the number of shoot- '~J~lL yirin~~~,N. 0. onuluuu nynnmi, geai Hiuci, iN. j., Rutgers U.. Pharmacy. LeRoy Gainous, Panama City, F.S.U.. A.rs an:l Sciences. Willie Elaine Hopps, Pot -:. Joe. Bethune Cookman. Indus. Education. Neil Kamnmer., New. York, St. M1arys' U., Nuclear '.-T-ce r'i I It-t Attuews. p, i science. DBorothy .atthews. Apa- lachicoa,. F.S.U.. Elementary Edu- cation. Peggy 'Philyaw, Port St. Joe, F.S.U., Secretarial Science. Donald Ramsey. Port St. Joe. F.S. U., Arts and Science. Ruth Ram- sey, Port St. JoJe, Fla. So. College, Science. Myrtle Simpson, Port St. Joe, F.S.U., Retailing. William Su- ber. Port St. Joe., Florida Barber- ing College, Barbeing.. a---- I Lightning Narrowly Misses High School Lightning raised havoc with the woodlands immediately surround- ing Port St. Joe Tuesday afternoon setting a half dozen known fires. The Fire Department was called out Tuesday afternoon when a bolt struck the woods about 500 yards r-omit the Port St. Joe High School ,ust before school was out. The bolt nearly caused panic in the High School by the resulting crash of thunder and brilliant flash of eightt by the striking bolt. Many students and teachers were glued to their seats by the momentary terror of the shock. While the department was con- taining the fire resulting from the strike, lightning struck again over on the North side of the Niles Road while witnesses at the first fire watched. The bolts knocked out numerous telephones throughout the area and knocked out several power lines. The forestry division was ham- pered in answering the numerous flareups when lightning put their radio station out of commission. 3 More Qualify In City Council Race W. H. Harris, W. D. Jones Out Ih Group 3; W. R. Ramsey In Group 4 The City Election coming up on September 14 took on new vigor this past week end when four more candidates threw their hats in the ring against incumbents I. C. Ned- ley and Franklin W. Chandler. New Teachers Are Introduced There are eight new teachers on the faculty' of Port -St. Joe High School this year. They are as fol- lows: S. Herbert M. Medley hails from Sikes Cites Ch Hnge Crestview. Hle attended the Univer- Sikes Cites Change ity of Mississippi and received his I R. Rete e B.S. in physical education there. In KetirementHe is assistant coach, and has the 17-D homeroom. His address in Port Congressman Bob Sikes this St. Joe is 222 7th St. week called attention to revisions I Jasper H. Meadows is originally in the Railroad Retirement Act from Ashford, Alabama. He is mar- which he helped put through and tried and has one boy who is 1-8 whiqh permit more flexible bene- months old. Mr. Meadows is a grad- fits than the old law. uate of Troy State Teachers' Col- S-h.-a iz rPPnn~ivn^ dhir R0 dle- The coming election marks Ithe first City election to be held am- der the new City two-primary sys- tem. As the new law reads, the Iwo highest candidates in each Grmou are carried over to a run-off elec- tion to be held one week after the first primary. This law was drafted by the pres- ent commission and introduced in the last session of the State Legisr lation by Representative Ceeil G. Costin. With the closing of the- quasiji- cation books Saturday noon left four candidates in Group Three: W. H. (Bob) Harris, W. D. (Tiny) Jones, George H. Wimberly aan incumbent I. C. Nedley. In Group Number Four incumbent Frank Chandler is opposed by Wesley IL Ramsey. Last Day For Registration The City registration books are now open for the qualification af voters to vote in the coming elee- tion. Approximately 50 people have registered since the books opened some two weeks ago. The book will close tomorrow afternoon at :-nn0 m Qnualifiationm for votinir In explaining the changes, Sikes rige wUer~' ,e is ceu aia ",i ,- j "."" ',". p."". i---a o io ,"""*, said, "Under the recent ammend- gree in Social Studies. He is spon- in the city elections are that a inent to the Railroad Retirement sor of the 7-C homeroom. The Mea- citizen be a citizen of the United Act it now is possible for anyone dows address is 310 16th St. States for one year aad a citizen receiving a railroad retirement an- James C. Traweek of 1208 Long of Port St. Joe for at least si nuity to also receive any benefits Ave., is homeroom teacher for 8-A. months and be 21 years of age or under the social security program His hometown is Elba, Alabama. over. for which he or she may have qual- Mr. Traweek received a B.S. de- Approximately 950 are now regis- ied." .) agree in Che.istry.at the Unive.-ity r -r---iy voing 'ois. ifed." 'inCherh. lTTaYr3.......... Prior to this time. Sikes went on of Alabama, and also a M.S. degree --. to explain, the law has requiredin School Administration. He i Clendar Sale that benefits earned under social the sponsor of the Hobby Club. security be offset against any rail- G. L. Johanson of 1201.Palm Is Huge Success road retirement annuity received. Boulevard comes from Moss Point, "I always have considered this Mississippi. He attended Mississip- The Band Boosters Associat to be grossly unfair," Sikes said, pi Southern and received a ,BA. ws hes express their sincere iat wishes to express their sincere &V- 'becafuse the individual and his degree in English and Spanish. He preciation to everyone for their co- employer paid for both railroad is sponsor of the Spanish Club. operation in making, the Com'.a- e tir.ement and social security but Miss Iris Poole, 530 4th St., is ity Rirtediv Calenrdar a suncoenp.- ended up with only one of them. "These changes," Sikes pointed out, "don't amount to a great amount to a great amount of mon- ey as far as our national budget goes, but they could easily make all the difference in the world to some of our elder citizens." GARDEN CLUB CIRCLE WILL MEET NEXT THURSDAY ig aays to 40. Federal rulings state The Azalea Circle of the Garden that for every day the season is Club will meet Thursday, Septem- extended past January 10, a penal- >?r 9 at 12::0 for a covered dish ty of 2 shooting days will ue 1:I lnicheon in the home of Mrs.'. Bick posed. Griffin with Mrs. Gordon Thomas In a letter to Pace, John L. Far- co-hoscess. ley. Director of the U. S. Fish and All members are urged to be pres- Wildlife Service stated that in view cil We invite new member to of the fact that waterfowl popula- .iin our Circle at this time. tons on the Atlantic flyway show- ed no marked improvement over Leaves For Texas last year, a general liberalization s R l J o of the waterfowl regulations would is Rachael Jaiew o J - not be in keeping with wise man- sonville, o has been the house Sluest of Rev. and Mirs. Thomas agemmeint. Miller', left for her new hIome in Bag liniits on waterfowl and Bag mits on watefo ad 'Austin, Texas, accompanied by her coots are as follows: ducks, 4 eer day, 8 in possession including not father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. .1 -- Wade Janeway, John Janeway and from Natchez, Mississippi. She at- tended Mississippi Southern and received her B.S. degree in Phy- sical Education. She is homeroom teacher for 8-C, and is sponsor of the Pep Club. Booth Poole, 530 4th St., is from Natchez, Mississippi. He is a Sen- ior Sponsor, and also sponsor of 1he Glee Club. Mr. Poole attended Mississippi Southern where he re- ceived his B.S. degree in Social Science. He is homeroom teacher for 12-B. He, is brother to Miss Iris Poole, physical education in- -sructor. Miss Alice Andrews, 205 10th St., hails from Ozark, Alabama. She graduated from Troy State Teachest' College with a B.S. de- gree in English. She is one of the Junior sponsors in addition to spon- soring the Commercial Club. She is homeroom teacher for 11-B. Miss Margaret Key, 205 10th St., graduated from Troy State Teach- ers College with a B.S. degree in English. Miss Key is one of the The money made from the sale of the calendar will be used to par- chase additional uniforms ne f for the Band. The calendars have arrived aSa are now on sale. Anyone desirig to buy a calendar, may contact M1r. Rush Chism, phone 147 or Mrs. S. B. Shuford, phone 62 and it will oa delivered at once. The parents of all band member are requested to attend a Bmed Boosters meeting, Thursday, Sep member 9 at 8 p.m. at the Port St Joe High School band room. This announcement comes from Mrs. Shuford, chairman of the Band Boosters Association. Mrs. BxN Chism supported Mrs. Shuford i securing names for the calendar Return From Vacation '-rs. John Robert Sm.I; an sons, Edward and Bob, rs-.rae Saturday from an extende-l c to Birmingham, Ala.," Oak B-i~a~ Tenn., Gatlinburg, Tenn., an-i tia Mammouth' Cave. In Birmiagbaar, Junior sponsors, and also sponsors t the Dramaties club. Her homeroom Smitifs brother and family, Z- Sioemoe ni an wood ucki per d ay Miss -Iariaim Janeway. is 11-tC. and Mrs. Jesse Miller. Stores Will Be Closed For and 2 in possession. Daily bag'and Labor Day Holiday possession limits may include 1 hooded merganser. Redbreasted Janet Qualified T Op rate 'We W ag As in keeping with a resolution and American mergansers are to rs. ne King lifie T OpeteW elcme W made some years ago by mem- bers of the Retail Merchants As- sociat'in, businesses in' the city wili be closed Monday, September 6 in observance of Labor Day. The Merchants' Association and your retail merchants ask your cooperation in this matter and urge that plan your shopping to exclude the necessity of shop- ing Monday. -_____.-_____ Maybe you have noticed a sprinkling of grey hairs in the "head". or a slight bend in the "mast" of The Star but it is only to be expected. Today The Star completes 17 years of continuous and uninter- rupted publication. Seventeen years doesn't seem like very long T'ut for a 'newspaper, it is prac- tically middle age for publication under one name. be included in hag' limits on ducks. be included in baglimits on ducks. s. Jane- W. King of this city, Calls are also made on Special Oc- Paralysis, American Heart Assoc- Geese, 2 per day, 4 in possession. as returned from Memphis, Ten- casions such as Golden Wedding iation, American Heritage Founda- Cooti. g per day, 10 in posteone- nessee where .she completed a Anniversaries and other special tion, United States Treasury De- Shoog hours wil be from one- course of training preparing her family events. apartment and many other suck half hour before sunrise to sunset exceptt o the ending day when for the position of Welcome Wa- Thomas W. Briggs, formerly of groups. except for the opening day when hooting wil begin at 12 o'clock gon Hostess which she now holds Memphis, Tennessee, is founder Welcome Wagon service is not noon. in this community. and president of Welcome Wagon, only one of public relations hat n Mrs. King resides at 1508 Palm which is now in its 26th year. i i m -more import, it meets a pre, mt- -____-- BlPvd.. and is one of Welcome Wa- Often referred to as a service day need in the field of human rE- Son's mnor-e than 4000 Hostesses Visits In Georgia who alr making approximately a which is "in the business of build- nations. Mrs. Gene Bradley and son visit- m"ilion call annually on families ing friendships", Welcome Wagon's Mrs. King, on behalf of her spon- ed Mr. Bradley's father- in sloultrie, ii the Unitde States, Hawaii and basic policy includes cooperation sors here in Port St. Joe will bring 'Ga., over the week end. mn the Provinces of Canada, em- with churches of all faiths, with church and civic information. bracing more than 1250 cities, worthwhile civic and welfare the families on whom she cal]Y. R--EA-- --- These Calls on behalf of Welcome groups; also participation in these With her basket of gifts, Mrs. Kig REAL GONE' POWDER Waon's m ore than 35,000 Spon- activities which keep communities will extend for those sponsors Sd :3iL- a:-, maje on suc1 i inipormanL good places in which to live. It is the people of this community the Teen-agers, who wear white family occasions as the Birth of a significant that Welcome Wagon old-ashioned hospitality for .whbtI . buck shoes that are really white, Baby, Sixteenth Birthdays, En- has been cited for its volunteer Welcome Wagon is so well known now can be in the groove with a'gagement Announcements; also service and achievement in com- Mrs. King knows this comnma- new "dirty buck" powder. A fewj when families move locally in a munity and nation by such organi- ity. She is interested in its wel- pats of the powder, and the shoes community and when they arrive nations as the American Red Cross, fare and in its progress, including are "real gone" dirty. in a community as new r-esidents. 'National 'aonndatibn for Infantile the well-being of its citizens. . Z*~IlUIIellLS a LU une r scnuoi 5 anu I PAGE TWT O .Im... I b IWI I I II., ,J , September 19-21 September 22-24 TECHNICOLOR *0 SPICIAL j Robe R :. fhl n011010 C WARNERCOLOR BREATHTAKING A : THRILLS GUYV MADISON -^Joe, WE ON 2 Full Weeks Of CINEMASCOPE Coming To The PORT' THEATRE STARTING SEPTEMBER 19 THROUGH OCTOBER 1 i~lf U t s8 September 26-28 J,' i" *rr_, --E N_,I,__ Sept. 29 Oct. i i sA N 9 l CINNAMON SALT RISING fread RYE Do Nuts Cinnamon Rolls Each, Per Dozen WHY PAY MORE? WHITE SLICED BREAD loaf 15c OLD FASHIONED 39c WE WILL BE CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY-OR LABOR DAY ST. JOE BAKERY THEATER OPENS DAILY 3 M.SATURDAYS 1:00P.M. THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00P. M.- SATURDAYS 1:00P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY 'Slap Happy Hunters" SATURDAY ONLY SUNDAY & MONDAY "ACE OF SPACE" TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY ihBEamenar DOUBLE FEATURE DAMERUS " -- FEATURE No. 1 --- MISSION "TEXAS TO i ,ATURE LAUR .PRICE AIMATURE LAURIE PRICE V1 BATAAN" THE RANGE BUSTERS .- FEATURE No. 2 --- "TOO MUCH SPEED" "HAIR TODAY" W- *-ld-* HARLEM j -COMING SOON-- GLOBETROTTERS DANE CLARK MICKEY SPILLAN`E A. L ICFJANTHONY QUINN "MIGHTY HUNTERS" E c C Cs CUADTED IA 4 Cf SERIAI %LO STi I I '-r w I iT i 'LOST PLANET' "BOO MOON" ... 0 9 a 0 m u 0 0 wz 4 0 0 4. 0,0 40,0- Miss Swatts, Bride-Elect Is Honored With Parties Miss Virginia Swatts was honored Sunday with a luncheon given for her by Mrs. Ronald Childers in her home at 1024 McClellan Avenue. The living room an dining room were attractively decorated with pink pompoms and white asters. The piano was centered with an arrangement of pink pompoms flanked with silver' candelabra holding white candles. Miss Swatts was presented with several pieces of her chosen china. Guerts who attended the lunch- eon were Sibbie Brinson, Etta Mar- tin, Billie Durant, Judy Mahon, Carol Duperrouzel and Anne Costin. Mrs. Charles Brown entertained Thursday afternoon with a tea shower honoring Miss Virginia Swatts. bride-elect of September. The party was held in the home of the hostess on Sixth Street. Co- Griffin-Rich Vows Are Exchanged In Thomasville, Ga., First Baptist Church The marriage of Miss Trixye June carnaitons, satin ribbon and cen- Griffin and John Edgar Rich was tered with purple orchids. solemnized Sunday, August 22 at '.Miss Doris Griffin, sister of the 4:00 p.m. in Thomasville, Ga. bride, play ,! :he traditional wed- Mrs. Rich is the daughter of Mr. ding mus;,:. After !Ihe c.oin- pray- :nd IMrs. C. J. Griffin of Thomas- er, Mrs. :.ivin Griffin sang, "S;i- ville. Mr. Rich is the son of Mr. :our, Lil .A Shepherd Lead l s". and Mrs. E. J. Rich of Port St. After the ceremony, ;ie bride Joe. .nd gro .!i left for a wedding trip The First Baptist Church in of several days in Florida. On their Thomasville was the setting for return, Mrs. Rich will .sake her the simple and impressive ceremony 1'ome with her parents in Thomas- performed by the Rev. Louis Ken- ville while her husband returns to nedy in the presence of the imi- ihe Philippine Islands for another mediate families of the bride and :;ear of duty with the U. S. Navy groom. Seabees. Miss Griffin was given in mar- Among the out-of-town guests ringe by her father. She wore a were Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Rich, Da- ;ovely white batiste dress with lace v'd Rich. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rich insertions and carried a lace-cov- and their son. Billy Rich, and Jack- ered Bible showered with white ie Sheffield, all of Port St. Joe. Star Want Ads Bring Quick Resuits At Sma;l Cost! Try 'Emu! hostesses were members o0 tue hostesses were S moet oe rst e a y yellow daylilies. Adorning the oth- CARD OF THANKS W'omnan's Society of Christian Ser- I 's Society of Christer rooms were early Fall Flowers. We wish to express our thanks vice of the First Methodist Church. Terri-Lee bridal doll adorned the to all of the many people of Port The home was highlighted with e e as hiit it ano. The cokes were served from St. Joe for their many expressions rose asters and white carnations yellow foil tub. Miss Swatts re- of sympathy and the hosts of beau- and a green rose and white color ceived a gift from tile hostesses. tiful floral offerings that you re- scheme was continued throughout-t he party. Invited were Mrs. !Ralph A. imembered us with during the re- iSwatts, mother of the honoree, cent death of our husband and fa- The refreshiment table wvas cen- The refreshment table was cen-rs. T. H. Stone, grandmother off other, Paul D. Farmer. tered with a crystal pullch bowl ered with a crystal punch bowl the bride-to-be and 26 friends of Your expressions of kindnesses surrounded by white carnations and NMiss Swatts. leave us without expressions to rose asters. Flanking the arrange- fer you our appreciation. et were pink candles in crystal dvertisig doesn't cost, it PAYS! Mrs. Paul D. Farmer and Family candlesticks. The gifts were displayed on the u~_nporch in an attractive arrange- Sllent. Mrs. Edwin Ramsey. Mrs. J. L. Temple and Mrs. H. W. Griffin pre- sided over the punch table. Receiv- ing were Mrs. Mark Tomlinson, MIs. Ralph Swatts, Mrs. Brown and the honoree. Miss Swatts. ','liAjr- .: -,e. were Mrs: Hubert Richards, Mrs. A. M. Jones, Jr., Mrs. R. H. Brinson and Mrs. Gus Creech. Invited to be present were Mrs. R. A. Swatts, mother of the bride- to-be and 100 friends of Miss Swatts. It Miss Virginia Swatts, who will become the bride of James Edward Harrison of Cottondale on Septem- -ber 5 was feted Friday morning with a "Coke" party. Hostesses, Mrs. Gus Creech and Mrs. B. B. Scisson entertained in the Monu- ment Avenue home of the former. This was one of the series of par- ties to be given for Miss Swatts. The dining table was centered with a blue crystal bowl of pale It pays to advertise-try it! It pays to advertise-try it! eL r Jimmie Lee Butt- Warren J. Yeager Are Married, Sunday, August 18th On August 1S at S p.m.. Miss taffeta and carried a colonial bou- Jimmie Lee Butts, daughter of Mr. quet of yellow chrysanthemums and Mrs. H. A. Butts became the with yellow satin streamers. bride of'TWarrep j. Yeager. son of Bridesmaids were Miss Joy Wil- Arthur Yeager of Gainesville in an liamson and Miss Laura Jean Whit- impressive double ring ceremony field. Their gowns were blue nylon performed by the Rev. Lloyd Ri- net and they carried bouquets of ley in the Oak Grove Assembly of yellow chrysanthemums with yel- God Church. low satin streamers. The flower The bride, given in marriage by girl, Gail Anderson also in blue. her father, was gowned in a white carried a blue basket of rose pe- French chantilly triangular lace tals. All wore bandeaux of blue over a skirt of billowy nylon tulle. satin with a bow on one side. The The basque satin waist was trim- ring bearer, Wilbur Butts, carried 'a white satin pillow edged with nied in triangular chantilly lace lacelon and lilies of the valley. back and front, with lace buttons in .The bride's mother wore navy front and on long fitted sleeves.hr wh o e o in na sheer with corsage of pink carna- Her finger tip veil of illusion wasons. Lauren Yeag of Sout tions. Lauren Yeager of South attached to a cap edged in pearls Bend. Indiana served his brother and orange blossoms. She carried as best man. Ushers were Fred a cascade bouquet of pink bride's Cannon and Ted Cannon. r)ses. i The choir loft was banked with The maid of honor, Miss Melba magnolia, in front of which was Butts, sister of the bride, wore a an arch topped with two white formal gown of blue nylon over doves in flight holding white satin Istrealners and a cluster of white wedding bells- Geometric Print Corduroy Vicky Vaughn's view of a take-you-everywhere fashion. Wearing a necklace and cuffs of rib-knit. Snappy felt belt, wide whirling skirt. Fine pinwale corduroy, Bendix washable tested and approved. Black/whi'., 'old/black, red/black, royal/b!hck or green/black. Sizes 7 to !3. C() 6" AN b.. "Ble T eB.Y 'lhhhlulllllllhlllulllhlhhahI; I TELEPHONE 80 On either side were standards of :spidistra and lacy fern and fan shaped arrangements of gladioli ] and pompous in tall white baskets. BOX F E The entire scene was softly light- B X E E ed by burning white tapers in white candelabra. Mrs. Mark Tom- SHOW STARTS iinson played the traditional wed- ding marches and accompanied Miss Betty Butts, sister of the FRIDAY and SATURDAY bride, who sang, "Oh. Promise Me" and "I Love You Truly". Miss Deb- bie Mouchette sang. "The Lord's HERE COME ROGERS' RANGERSI Prayer". ... ilnsg...ighting... Lorig Mrs. Yeager's traveling costume : was a navy suit. Her cors"age "v i..- '.. F . of pinkl rosebuds. Tbh \ left for !points of interest in South Florida. L - A reception was held in the par- eo'lge MONTGOME sonage. The bride's table was cov- ered with pink linen overlaid with w"10" loh't n r Iw r p i S ROB[ N b" M KITZMHAN- D(e),," by WILLIJM CASTL[ a white organdy cloth. The four- tiered wedding cake was embossed w'th pink roses and topped with an arch of lilies of the valley and a Ml miniature bride and groom. Three branched silver candelabra held burning pink tapers and colonel ON A RAIN bouquets of pompons and lilies of r ihe valley. Mrs. Lloyd Riley and GLENN [0ID ANNVEII MIN Gypsie Love served the cake to about 3l0 guests. Miss Mavis Butts k'rpt the bride's book on a table identical to the bride's table. Mrs. Abbie Conner served punch. Others SUNDAY ONLY assisting were NMrs. Charles Brown. Mrs. Terry Hinote. Mrs. I. C. Ned- - ey. Mrs. H. E. Richards. Aud.( ~'A"fE Out-of-town guests were Mr. and ., e OAntt S Mrs. Lauren Yeager, of South Bend. I l'" CT ' Indiana; Arthur Yeager. father of .- 0oNg-0 the groom of Gainesville; Mr. and mh c tm Cnauv co~lt Nosal ni Mrs. G. E. Nelson and family of THEBEU SISTERS .StoryScrPbl abysEE Apalaclicola: Mrs. Copeland, also IO D f A palach icola ll1 l11 lllllllllllll1111 1 inIIlliIIIIl inll l I iin IS AT 7:30 P.M. AT 8:00 P.M. Monday & Tuesday ............... .... DEAN JERRY : MARTIN-4EWI DAMOI4 RUNYON MONEY FROM NOME ,HAL WALUS *....... ArMI ltt Pith(.. ... Weciinesdav & Thursday t0,- - ELZBTHi TAywP DANA ANkDR60 PETERFhINCK ~ AUBPa, m' ft A Car i:tor -IQ and Cartoor- NOTICE The DINING ROOM at WIMICO LODGE IS now OLOSED +o the public. The Lodge is being converted into an apartment house. B. C. PRINCE, Owner OUR USED CAR LOT will be open until 9:00 p.m. six days a week with Stewart Keith or J. C. "Chris" Mar- tin on duty. We cordially invite you to come by and Iry out a nice used car. We have a wide selec- tion of good late model, one owner cars at really REDUCED prices. "OK" guaranteed in writing on all 1950 or later models. "AFTER THE SALE, WE SERVE" GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Across From City Hall on Williams Ave. PHONE 388 PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I Y -. I I ill I I~llfuraar~rsr~u~m~-C PI~C~-;IIE"LTILI U9*I IXII ~25~j ~a71^-~EC1~ I .. fi LIHE' RPIE HMMMmYIMMMMMMMhMm* -I I I 111 Ci~l~B~I~IJ~ MU"DAYx, 3EPTEMPER 2 19541 i rlr sTAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTr, FLORIDA Mb t I ^e * *~i- IJ"wi-=r eoss Mi, m ~YY~ mLN-L~CICLCII 1111~~11111111111111111111111111111 1''""''111-111 1111111 ~p1 *r; ~Sp ~iF~p; SOc POUND CAKE : THURSDAY SEPTEMBER , NEWS FROM OAK GROVE 'By HELEN NORR'S Mrs. Jason Dykes and son. Tobyi ard Mrs. Tommy Webb spent Sun- day in Apalachicola visiting- with relatives. Mi ss Linda Kay Webb, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb re- turned home Sunday after spend- ing a week in Apalachice4a visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Dykes and daughter, Clara, spent the week end in Apalachiebla visiting with friends and relative-. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Glass. Jr., and son. R. H. spent several days in Wewahitchka visiting friends and relatives. Miss Minnie Ola Ray daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray spent several days in Dothan. Ala. Miss Ray is a graduate nurse and plans Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley and ,to work in Georgia. chNs'.B, 1w-ere vi-ors in firming Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bill h:!n, Ala.. and Sylacanga. Ala.. Bennett and children will be sorry this week. to know that they have moved to Miss Aliimae Campbell. daughter Ar rianna, or Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Campbell \!ri. i:,O Lee and ohiidren of pent several day, in Wewabitch- r .: :-.d senior the week end visit- -a. visiting with Jean Nixon. ing with friends and relatives. -Ir. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzil and Ir. and nMrs. Connie Gay had as their .ac-.s this week end their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and \Mrs. Dewey Gay" from Perry. Mrs. Everitt \lcFarland speni -cderal days in Blountstowrn visit- ing with friends and relatives. Mr. and M.rs. Buddy Davis and son spent the week end with friends and relatives. Patricia Mc\Farland, son of Mr. and Mrs. Everitt McFarland and Donnie Mack. soi of Mr. and Mrs. E. It. Young spent last week attend- ing a Boy Sc:jut camp. Mrs. Mildred Self and children spcnt several days in Panama City due to death in the family. .-on. Daniel of Pensacola spent the week end with the latter's parents. _\r. and Mrs. D. H. Shealy. .Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Bracewell and daughter. Donna Jo from Fort Worth. Texas spent Wednesday vith Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Levins. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hutto and daughter. Mrs. E. A. Holloway .-pent Sundayj visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams and family. Wallace Hall of Marianna spent icveral days visiting with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall. Miss Linda Kay Webb, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Webb spent a week in Apalachicola vis- iting with her grandmother and nir--n ~ ,~---asaar Strained Baby Orange JUICE 2 cans 15C Large Assortment SCHOOL SUPPLIES All Brands "' Summer Isle Sliced BABY FOOD 3 jars 27c Pineapple no.2 can 23c Shamrock Donald Duck ICE CREAM 1/2 gal.59c Mayonnaise -Maxwell House or our o' "PLOYMOUTH" Brand Coffee wn. qt. 49c WITH $10.00 ORDER Florida Grade 'A' Small lb. 99c 18 Eggs Chuck Roast lb. 29c Rib Steak Ib. 39c Brisket Stew Ib. 19c Selected BEEF LIVER Ib. 29c Fla. Grade 'A' and Ga. Grade 'A' Fry es bII. 37c CUT A POUND AND GET IT FREE BALOGNA Ib. 39c COMPLETELY AIR CONDITIONED U- SINGLE Bananas I FRESH Cucumbers GREEN BELL Peppers FREE b. 5c EACH 5c EACH 5c LARGE JUICY Limes doz. 19c Green Boiling Peanuts lb. 19c Shelled Green PEAS bag 39c SHOP HERE AT NIGHT AND SAVE MONEY Friday Night Specials, 5 to 9 P.M. FRESH (LIMIT 2 LBS.) GROUND BEEF Ib. 10c LIMIT 2 LOAVES Old Fashioned BREAD loaf 10c N>\ 1, AU Indian Pass MULLET 2 lb. 25c MAYFIELD CORN 2 cans 19c EVANGELINE Cut Green BEANS can 10 C FANCY Sweet POTATOES lb. 5c Cottage Cheese Ring Dresses Harvest Salad S:' .. , .. l U ,- /.... ' ... -~ ~a : .' , ..... .. -. Photo--Sealtes Kitchens A salad as gay and flourishing as the prettiest garden is this hand- some addition to buffet tables. Cottage cheese molded in your favorite ring mold augments the flavor and color harmony of the plate. It's a simple trick to serve cottage cheese in this new and attractive manner. Completely fill a one quart ring mold with well chilled cottage cheese, about 2 pounds. Run knife around inside edges of mold to loosen cheese. Then unmold immediately on a chop plate or low salad bowl. Fill the ring center with cucumber slices cut flower-style, or with parsley, lettuce or other greens. Surround the ring with a pleasing arrangement of favorite summer vegetables-tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, green beanm -or whatever beauties the garden and market boast. /'- .I Statewide 'Ope"ra ion l ;. ... ' Under Way Now During September JACKSONVILLE The state- perly to impress visitors -,v wide annual "Operation House- Florida's "new look." cleaning" gets under way Wednes- Plans are laid fc.r the C'-..:: ; day, September 1, with an over-all drive by beautification .- program of cleaning, painting. re- pairing and planting calculated pro- relatives. Harold Keels spent a week in Biountstown visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Tommy Webb and Miss El- len affd Louis Ray and Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Dentist Norris attended the grad- uation of Miss aMinnie Oi1 iray Friday evening at Dothan, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deese and children spent Saturday in Cotton- dale visiting with friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Edgar Deese an.! c:i.,,n.i: spent the week end in ",:. visiting with friends t;mni '.:*:i;;' lowing a confer'enc( i ' Beach last month sponr. .'. :- ly by the FloriCia S.3:e C':cm :o: of Commerce. F.tcridi i'.' i of Garden Cliubs. 1 lr '-: r'.-i tion of Wtomen'z C:Ib:'. " Chamber of Commerce E::fc: : -.-. Florida Junior Chamber ,of C( i- merce, Florida N u'-rsr y i:'- ! Growers' Association, othi er i.: and state, county and ticy offiLc;:'. The immediate need f r cr'e-.'e up highway. park' and bhri, :: before advent of the i in: season was expanded into -a veep- ing campaign to cle::n-lp i ':. "). '_:-up and p'ant-up--not only iigh- iva:- ae cpr'opeacr ex- I and Eternally .;, .ri,.9 About Your Home? Puttering takes-tools and materials .and there is no better place in town for you to make your choice from a complete assortment of quality tools and the largest selection of builders supplies and hardware. Will Your Roof Stand Another ...Winter? WVe 'rs equipped to insilai a new, fully guaranteed roof on your home or place of business. Asphalt shingle, lifetime slate, poured roofs or any material that you may desire. NO DOWN PPAYMENT-UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY! SU? NAfMWARE & SUPPLY CO. .;ones 2 and 4 Port St. Joe, FkI It Every d ......it is costing y ,ou : A / * -M"- *I-T A- f be worth nmor towd a onw Ford thun it i thu mim o AInd with Ford, youll Igt the ear that deprecidat ees . thedcar that holds oeto ita vahae ioeer. 1 . Y O aoC O IAPANY Phone 37 Fort St. Joe, Florida C~-~ls~- - __ ---pl I ~''C' I I, I- -- i -na~Pat~cl;~-i~i~I~r~sirure~;;=i;u~-9 Y~ ~CC~ V~L. YI ~--~- ------~-- I C -I ~1 I ---- ~wr BAGE THRCI THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUliTY, rLORIDA .-. **jjPknA aVJ q;:'rg R 9- 1954 ,'.e state. The program will be accelerated' Thle Beautification Commitee -of iby profesisonal guidance of tha .'e Sta:e Clhamber, headed by Mrs. Nurserymen and Growers Associta \V. S. Jenning. of Jacksonvillei, tion members in planning land- .:l),ii'zed :he c!ea.-n> \,,''e: .: pra;-'.'. : : ,.- u' -- : way approaches and city properties. :: ;'; ; .;:-:'.:: .:;:I,... Active support, of the State As3 '.ns. to be foiowed by Ia G vt-- sociatinn of County Commissioners' !'*. p!'ch ;: -!nistin- :;h ,- -'wasa assured in a letter from Presi- -istance of public officials iJdi a dent Robert L. Griffin. Fort Pierde, Sizen s in the all-out beautification suggesting a program of coopera- Ic n. ined On Page 7) .. ... . ,% ,~R .,) ,, , 'd,' ', P Are -~r:F @7~~1 t I Corner Highway 33 and Shaat5;P THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1954 PAGE POR - RELAXATION IN PARIS THE STAR Published Every Thursday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, OCelumist, Reporter, I'roof Reiiader and Botkkeepcr Entered as second-class matt :-. IDcermbr 19, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port S.t Joe, Fla, under Act of March 3. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 --j 1 KL:L, I Msu l: 51 - TO ADVERTISERS--I case oof crni i or nls';o'i ;n adv(,o- tijements, the publishers do not hold thrmsrl've liable for damages further than amount ereived for ou,.h :dvertiseimrn't. The spoken word is given ear: attcntlon; tir>' lrited word is thrurhtfull. weighed. Tl;e hDoo'n word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word w'maini. LAST CALL TO REGISTER Apparently there are many people in the jity who are not registered to vote in City elec- tions. We would join in with another of the en- treaties to register to do your duty and take part in one of the privileges afforded you. It doesn't cost anything, to register that is, it doesn't hurt and it takes only about one minute of your time in the City Hall. The only thing that can cost you is for you to fail to register. It will cost you in peace of mind not having a choice in your representatives in government and give no source of recourse when things are not Srun to suit you. Of course you can register every time the books are open, but if you never vote, you are back where you started from. It may seem unimportant to you. but it is vitally important that you register at the City Hall before tomorrow afternoon at 5:00 p.m. As you no doubt know, there is a city election coming up September 14 for two Council seats., These two elected will sit in on your City Com- mission for the next two years and decide how your city is to be run. If you don't register and vote don't gripe! WE NOW LEARN from scientists in Bonn, West Germany, that the Russians have mined enough uranium since the war in territory beld by the US Army on V-E Day and later turnedd over to Red occupation forces to make a supply of atom bombs that could destroy ev- ery major city of the US or Western Europe. And since we gave them the know-how too, we are at least consistent. Contact The Star, 51, For A N. \- The , .. tI First of tff true-now For the first time since its introduction, the Corvette is as easy to own as any other Chevrolet model. And we're pretty sure that a lot of you are going to want, to own a. Corvette bec.;use it puts an entirely new feeling of fun into driving. You'll notice the difference the minute you slip into its luxurious sports car cockpit. You'll thrill to the response of its special Chevrolet 150-horsepower high-compression engine. You'll delight in the way its compact sports car chassis hugs the road and gives you a sure, positive command. A few short miles will zhowt you that the Chevrolet Cor- 6ARRAWAY CHE Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. P Perhaps we shouldn't be quite so critical and scornful of Britain s Messrs. Atlee and Be- v'an and their pink Laborite friends. now on their good-will, trade-drumming tour of Russia, Red China and Mongolia. What if they have, as reported, invited Georgi Malenkov and Chou En-Lai to accept their return hospitality in Lon- ,lon? Perhaps Washington will be next! Under the latest order of Harold Stassen s Foreign Operations Administration, .free na- tions mav extend their .trade with the USSR and the Iron Curtain countries of Europe (,but not Red China. North Korea, or Communist North Vietna-n' withoutt risking the loss of US aid. :10io:; cine several hundred items added 'c the li't of permissible exports are non-militafv vehicles, tires, flat cars,'tank cars, rails, loco- motives (except turbine-driven), diesel engines, diesel oil, crude petroleum, tractors (no heavy ones, please), smaller motors and generators, notboard motors, light metal-working mach- i:nerv-. various metals, chemicals and chemical ePuinmePnt. Washington SEE SAW by WIN PENDLETON TH LOW DOWN ----- rom --- _WILLIS SWAMP! As we zoom along toward atuumn HOLD YOUR HATS, BOYS-Five and with Congress home-and sum- weeks ago we commented about ming up how we stand-means the the rumor that George Smathers time is ripe for checking up on might not run for re-election in just what is to be done about our rh. Following that story, the cleaning up the prodigal goings-on Senator stated that he would an- of the past 20 years. It is time to nounce definitely in the early part go to the mat-find out how comE the ceiling 'still cramps our style of 1955 just what his plans are. h c s of jus wha his plans are.---Govt. style that is. Ask our great Now, a new note of suspense has man- nator or congressman- been added rothe political mystery what he has been doing the past program. Will Congressman Char- yea to earn his salt. lie Bennett run? Friends of Bennett It is easy to get nto eb:--g have knoivn for a long time that ing out is the tedious and tire- he is ambitious to move his office some trick, but a 100 per ccn ne- to the other side of Capitol Hill, ssary task or somebody will fore- u hi chanceslookedclose on .the mortgage. Spilt milk zlim. He is a friend of both Sena- 1o o mortgage S i-. slim. He is a friend of both Sena- 'is spilt milk, and putting a finger tor Holland and Senator Smathers, on the gents and culprits of the and his loyalty kept him from day'past who pulled the wool over our dreaming about such a race. But, eyes, is alright as history bu: the count on this! If Senator Smathersuestion now is how are we goi should announce that he will no; to calk nn t h old hboat nr keep HAWKS, OWLS PROTECTED I SEDANS POPULAR Cichigan has put hawks and owls In 1953, 50.3 per cent of the auto- on the protected list because they mobiles sold in the U.S. were four- are valuable to farmers in killing door -sedans and 27.7 peir cent were rodents. two-door sedans. Send The Stai to a fripn It pays to advertise try it! K4Q. (^Iw1Pfy ^/w The dark gingham-dandy dress looks smart on the campus... in the office. Long, slender midriff, It is expected that the Dept. of Commerce run again, Charlie Bennett will an- afloat--and a jumi ahead of tho above a full, young will shortly relax US Export Control regulations "noune foi the Seinte bfor' f the hf er-if skirt. New-looking giving our own exporters a similar latitude. Just n heavs figuring Te mane of We gotta pun^ ourse es e notched tucking any heavy opposition.. The many-use our nggin a the Go,. notched tucking why the don't get an equal break with our poor stories going around about George out of 100 places where it is gum relations abroad. we wouldn't know. Smathers not running may be a ming up the machinery. Hire a goodives top-nterest It's nice, however, that Mr. Stassen has as- .lever way to get newspaper pub-'auctioneer-sell all ihe misfits- -Red, green, brown, sured us that atomic energy items, munitions, licity, ut mans old political heads apply the cash to our mile nigh debi blue (all with think the net result will be to get --let the new owners pay taxes and machinery and equipment designed for arms ^people to thinking about running: which Sambo don't do-or Americ black checks), manufacturee are still on the embargo list. How for the Senate who wouldn't have won't be America one of the:. r.ne-res ludicrous it seems that we once thought all thought of it otherwise. Sort of an mornings. End of essay. - these "permissible" items even food were invitation. Yours with the low do,-. Sizes 8 to 16. strategic materials! C:C COMMITTEES Three JO SERRA 1495 Floridians were named this ve.. 4.9 ..------- These liberal views were arrived at in Paris by the U. S. Chamber of Comme.-ce CANCER FOR ALL this spring and summer by committees from 15 to national committees. Headi.i; Scientists have recently reversed . nations. including the U.S.. and Mr. Stassen has the National Defense committee is a previous conclusion and 'now be- expressed his conviction that: "It is a move in Arthur Y. Milam, long-time civic lieve that cancer affects .all pe- the best interests of the United States." leader in Jacksonville. Serving with ples in all cli na.es. him is William S. Johnson, execu- ---- -- - Under the narrowly-defeated Bricker Amen- tive vice-president and. general Breedinl Heifer S dment. these matters would doubtless have been manager of the Jacksonville Chamn: alry heifers should not be bred deliberated in Washington, not Paris; and under ber. Appointed to the Distribution' be t0i they are 15 to 18 months of SC Committee is H. C. Avery, president age.- I lllllllniliilill!li'lillllllIlIII IIill`lllil Iillll11111111111111 illlllllli the scrutiny of the U.S. Senate rather than by;and general manager of the Union a collection of glo al-minded committees stack- Terminal Warehouse Co., Jackson- ed 14 to one against us. As it is, we do not A RO I Proposed Constitutional Amendments To Be Voted On November 2nd, 1954 e 1 t n nt s WHAT. A ROACH?-If you or NOTICR OF ELECTION of Florida Relating to the Judicial Depart- No. * share Mr. Stassen's enthusiasm. And it s cold I see a roach in a restaurant, the WHERE S, The Le gslalre. of 1958, ment of the Government of the State of cndder the Constitution of l885, of the Florida. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1158 comfort that the Asian division of the Red Colos- best we can do is to take our busi- Stat of Florida, did pass Jot Resolu- BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLA- A Joint Resolution proposing an Amend- ness elsewhere. But, when a Sena- roposing amendmnt-:o the Con. TURE OF TEE STATE OF FLORIDA: meant to Article VIII of theConstitution sus-is not in on the deal yet. no ese where- But', whdfeent. J a- titution of the State of Florida, and the That the following Amendment to Ar- of the State of Florida Relative to Assess- to sees one-that's different. Just me a to by a vote of thr tide V of the Constitution, State of Flor- ment of Property for Taxes by Adding fifths of all the members elected to each ida, is hereby agreed to and shall be sub- Thereto an Additional Section to Provide the other day, the lady Senator house; that the votes on said Joint Reso- mitted to the electors of this State for That in the County of Monroe, State of Slo, tions. ere entered, upon their respective ratification or rejection at the next gen- Florida, the County Tax Assessor Shall Trade with your home-town m rchants. from Maine. charming Margaret Journals, with the yea and nay thereon, eral election to be held in the year 1954 Assess the Property of the County for the de ith your hd they did determine and direct that the A. D., that is to say: A new section shall Purpose of .Levying State, County, School Chase Smith, was dining in the sid Joint Resolutions be submitted to the be added to said Article V to be designated and Municipal Taxes Levied by the State, te ret t leetos of the State at th General Elec- Section 16b, reading and providing fol- County, County School Board, School Dfi- S senate restaurant when a bug ton on November 2nd, 1954. lows: trits, Special Tax School District, P,.rt m l ff i crawled across the table. The Sen- NOW, EFORE I, R. A. GAY, Section 16b. W n and as the busins Districts, Drainage Districts, and Any Com pl ete VI late a rs n a ie. Offic secret of Stat_.of the, State o Florida, of the office of the County Judge requites,- Other Taxini Districts, and Municipallties C p e f f i ce Serator hasn't been back since. Fur-' do hereby ive notice that a in any county having a population of more Iof the Cou V. ,, t in GENERAL ELECTION than 125,000 according to the last official 'BE ITRESOLVED BY THE LEGISLA thermore she immediately introduc- will be held in each county in Florida on census of Florida, the Legislature may pro- TURE OF,-THE STATE OF FLORIDA: ed a, resolution asking for a $15;- Tuesday next sncceeding the first Monday vide for one or more additional County That the following amendment to Ar- -- -- -- a esoutiona o a in NovembC, A. D., 1954 th said Tuesdayy Judges who shall be elected by the quali- tidce VIII of the Constitution of the State GOO investigation of the dining betig the SECOND DAY OF NOVEMBER fled electors of such county at the time of Florida relative to the assessment of all Sfor the ratification or rejection of the said and places of voting for other county of- taxes in the County of Monroe, State of rt8 Iroom and kitchen. Joint Retolutions proposing Anendments ficers and such additional County Judge Florida, by adding thereto an additional SN O SERTOUS BUSINESS -Getting to the Constitution of the State of Florida, or Judges, hall hold said office for our section to be numbered by the Secretary vlz years and said Judge's or Judges'. compen- of State, be and the same is hereby agreed A- "r.id of the communist menace in the action shall be provided for by law, and to and shall be submitted to the electrs id the communist menae in the No. 1 he or they shall have and exercise all the of the State of Florida for ratification or Sun United States is serious business powers and perform all the duties that rejection at the general election to be held n ates serious business. HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 579' are or may bhe provided or prescribed by on the first Tuesday after the first Monday The Congress, in its final days. A Joint Retolution pioposing an Amend- the Constitution or Statutes for County in November, 1954, as ollows: meant of Article III of the Constitution of Judges, and all laws relatin t the County Section From and after January 1, Stnrew together and passed a com- the State of Florida Relating to the Leg- udge shall apply 5o raid addtional th couty f tax asseor ian the promise anti-comm .unist bill. As islative Department by Striking Therefrom County Judge or Judges. Provided, how. nty o oe, State o Florida, shall promise anti-communist bill. As Sections 2 and 4 Thereof Pertaining to ever, that any law enacted by the Legisla- assess all property for all state, county, raeand Remuneration of Legislators and In- shall require a referendum thereon, .and the county by the state, county, county members of Congress were getting smioa o of n th LW a 1 an l Wm t proidi ng for additial count nudg s l andsmunicipalstaes o ylevio n| ready to leave town, one outspoken sorting in Lie Therof Stons Numbered such law shall not become efttv until school board, school district, special tax 2 and 4 A espectivJ- Yrtfhiingl tb the it is ratified by a majority of the voters school districts, port districts, drainsage comment was made by Florida's Sam-Gn oal ubjee at i'of the County affected who participate in districts, nd any other taxing ditrit, BE IT 'RESOLVEiD 1Y 1HE LEGISLA- said election. and municipalities of the ount. "he-coon," Congressman Bob Sikes, TUREOF TH TAT OF FLORIDA: .. 4 The Legislature shall at the legislat v "'The la which passed," he said Tha the o amendment of Ar; session in 1955 and from time to tSle I l which passed," he satilae I of the constitution of the Stt o SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 179 thereafter, enact laws specifying the "'a 'wa an imTprovelment over the Florida relating to the legislative detarl- A Joint Resolution proposing an Amend- powers, functions, duties and eompensa- rimert, be and the same Is hereby agreed to ment to Article III, Section 28 of the tiort of the county tax assessor, designated drastic "outlaw" bill which first and shall be submitted to the electors of Constitution of the State of Florida Relat- i the first paragraph of this section, and came out of the Senate. But, it still the tate of Florida for approval or rejec- ing to Executive Approval of Bills by shall likewise provide by law for the e came t o the enattion at' thenextgeneral election to beheld Providing That After Final Adjournment tension on the assessment roll of the Sr-mn is a piece-of hastily iawn in 1954 that ito say that Article III of the Legislature the Governor Shall Have county tax assessor of all taxes levied of the constitution of the State of Florida Twenty (20) Da1s in Which to Approve te state, county, county school l, dvbiously useful legisllfian. im:b' hlie amended by striking therefrom present o Veto Bills. school districts, special tax schoolietitso, Sections 2 and 4 and inserting in lieu BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLA- port districts, drainage districts, and ay ec more by political motives than thereof the following sections to be num- TURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: other taxing districts and municipalities by a desire to strike at the corn- berd 2 and 4 respetively:ra That Article III, Section 28 of the Con- whose taxes may be asessed by the county Section 2. Regular and extra sessions.- stitution of the State of Florida be tax assessor pursuant to the first peg-. ?::unists. I waS hlopin'. to ,' 1T The regular sessions of the LegislatAre amended, and the same is hereby agreed graph of this section. i shall be held biennially, commencing on to and shall be submitted to the electors thing better. I feel. we should fear the first Tuesday after the first Monday of the State of Florida for ratification or No. 7 in April, A. D. 1887, and on the corre- rejection at the next general election to this issue in. good American tr spending day of every second year there- be held on the Tuesday after the first SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 1061 ditional -thatter, but the Governor may convene the Monday in November, 1954, as follows: A Joint Resolut ditionalsye-tha is. meet ame in extra session by his proclamation. Section 28. Executive approval of acts; ment to Article Vonfpr posing an Amstit "ead-on and "cuit pus~sy-footil. Regular sessions of the Legislature may veto; overriding veto.-Every bill that the State of Florida by Adding Thereto head-on a.d quit pussy-footin- t a rtoo Flrid hLsbyoAddn Terto a u- extend to sixty days. but no special sessicn may have passed the Legislature shall, be- an Additional Setion to Pro-ide for Two '" ^ about it." convened by the Governor shall exceed fore becoming a law, be presented to the Judges of the Court of Record in and for twenty days. The regular sixty-day bi- Governor; if he approved it he shall sign Escambia County, Florida, and to P'ove CLOSE TIMING-Two Florida ennial session of the Legislature may, by it, but if not he shall return it with his ri a three-fifths vote of the membership of objections to the House in which it oigi- Legislativeonal J Autdge ority to Provide Addi-Needed. ." S Congressmen moved rapidly last both houses, be extended not exceeding a nated, which House shall cause such ob- E IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLA- week to check any ill effects-of total of thirty days which need not be con- sections to be entered upon its Journal TURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA; ee to hec ay ill effectsoecutive. Recesses in such extended sea- and proceed to reconsider it; if, after That the following amendment to Ar- S red tide story appearing in lhE mion shall be taken only by joint action such reconsideration, it shall pass both tile V of the Constitution of tbe State of Saturday Evening Post. Courtof both houses. No extended session may Houses by a two-thirds vote of members Florida to be added as an additional sec- saturday Evening Post. Courtne ast beyond September 1st following the present, which vote shall be entered on tio, to beappropriatelynumbered by the -"" Canpbell of Talpam and Jim Haloy regular biennial session. During such ex- the Journal of each House, it shall become Secretary of State and the same s hereby tended session, no additional proposed leg- a law. If any bill shall not be returned agreed to and shall be submitted to the -f- Sarasota got together the next isolation shall be introduced unless consent within five days after it shall have been electors of the State of Florida or ratii- ty OtI is first obtained by a two-thirds vote of presented to the Governor, (Sunday ex- cation or rejection at the general election Say on a radio show with Dr. Paul the members of the House into which it cepted) the same shall be a law, in like to be held on the first Tuesday after th .',.' iThomt; son of I he Fish and Wild;i i is sought to be introduced, manner as if he had signed it. If the Leg- first Monday In November, 1954, to-wit: TF Section 4. Legislators, salaries, etc. islature, by its final adjournment prevent Section -. From and after thado S" "" "'Scto Pr'vican herae andr debunked emany ' "'el..rvic. helre and debunkc:l manl. Senators and members of the House of such action, such bill shall be a law, unless tion of this Amendment, there shall be a o tlfl iesn ie d Representatives ~shall be duly qualified the Governor within twenty (20) days after Judge of the Court of Record in and for : of the false ideas in the minds 3 electors in the respective counties and the adjournment, shall file such bill with Escambia County, Florida, in addition to .r i" r.. T districts for which they were chosen. The his objections thereto, in the office of the the Judge of said Court already provided. Florida citizens. The tide is not compensation of legislators shall be twelve Secretary of State, who shall lay the same Said Judge shall be elected, at the General Scared by p n gas o hundred ($1200.00) dollars each year and before the Legislature at its next session, Election next succeeding the coming into S ... cause y oison gases or bombs shall be paid in monthly installments of and if the same shall receive two-thirds effect of this Amendment, and shall hold dumped after the ar. accodi one hundred ($100.00) dollars each. Dur- of the votes present it shall become a law. office for six years and receive the simd e ar according the time the legislature is in session salary and allowances for expenses as is e _dream-, carS. i ron e to D'. Thompson. Many letter' eaCh legislator shall receive per dlem and No.5 now provided for the Judge of the Cort S re e r e w-ere received by the Congressmen such may not exceed the allowances for HOUSE JOIT RESOLUTION N. 8r in an ond H for Ehave am Cowe and s e ssaeaaei tesm ~i ich expenses provided for other state A Joint ResoMlution roposi g an Amend- oa e shall have all powe and in l VO lum ro u c t congratulating them for following r;ia onder ener law oe t meant of Article VII of the State Con- perform all duties and possess all quaillf- congratulatiteg tem for following' ,' iiciala under general law.t C i ha or ma be pro e vol ym e "stitution by Adding Thereto an Additional cations that are or may he provided or up the Post story 'so quickly-and Section to be Numbered by the Secretary prescribed by the Constitution or by stat- t No. 2 of State Relating to the Assessment and ute for the Judge of the Court of Record vette is far nore than transportation. bringing people the facts straight N RCollection of Municipal Taxes. in and for Eseambia County, Florida, and ENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 676 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE LEGISLA- all statutes concerning said Judge shall It's an adventure! from the Fish and Wildlife biolo- A Joint Resolution proposing an Amend- TURE OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: apply to him. Provided, however, that if Come in soon or r Covette ri. st himself. nent to Article I of the Florida Consti- TaU he fo am there be a Commissioner of the Cout o Come in soon for our Corvette ride. tion by Adding a New Section Thereto That othe Constitution of record in and for Escamb County, o But don't come in unless you have some ____ :a Be Numbered by the Secretary of State, of Florida relating t the assestn m t and ida, he shall upon the coming into efft But don't ome in unless you have omeProvide That No State Funds Shall Be collection of municipal taxes, be and the of this Amendment become such additional time to spend-because the Chevrolt total of 982000,000 passengers xpended to Pa Obliation Incurred to ame is hereby agreed to and shall be Judge, and shall be commissioned by the SConstruct. Purchase or Maintain Any, Toll submitted to the electors of the State of Governor as such, to hold office until hit Corvette is ery likely to make youis carried every ear by 50,000 Road. FIorida for approval r rejection at the ccessor is duly elected and qualified. Corvette ery liely t mae BE ITRESOLVED BY THE LGISLA- nexten ecn toe held n 1 (b) The Legislature may from time to "play hooky"' for a while. But whenever daily rains on British railways. TURE .OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA: that is to say that Article VIII of the tiRe andas t he business o e Court of y o r a ual to 0 trips on the average That Article IX of the Florida Constitu- Constitution of the State of Florida bh Record in and or Escambia County, lor. you co e in, we Can prone yu a l-and on be amended by adding an additional amended by adding thereto an additional ida, requires, provide for the appointment for every lan, woman and child section thereto to be numbered by the section to be numbered by the Secretary for one or more additional Judges of said new thril i drive So, don't delay! in the ecrety of State. and the same is hereby of State and reading as follows, to-wit: court. Each such additional Judge shall in the county. u and shall be submitted to the t: { be elected and hold office for six years tilil drii. don't conty. agreed to and shall be submitted to the Section -. Authority of the Legisla- and shall receive the same salary and ale electors of the State of Florida for ratif- ture as to assessment and collection of and es for expense asaOther- Judges o -- cation or rejection at the general election municipal taxes.--The Legislature may, by the Court of Record in and for Escambia C H E V R O L E T Although auroras, or "northern to be held on the firstTuedayafter e e of special or act Co n F or T ltog'n-I n first Monday in November, 1954, as fo-th et o a r i County, Florida. They shall have all u l.ow. : November, 1954, as fo- tof a powers and perform all duties and possessi lights". sometimes given the illus- lows: pality by.the CountyTax Assessor of the all qualifications that are or may be pir O R V E T T ion of touching the ground, none ated or dpended to cdnstrnct, reconstruct, ated and the collection thereof by the by statute for the Judge of the court o hetles thaen eas e aba tiei o an toll road extendl lntb more than vld that no such act, except the pro- ida, and all statnutes concerning said Jude 'has been measured at a hei hlt of anai a ice, repar pur has or les County Ta Colletr oc tuch ount i p 1 I h u tb cnur of M-o eI a daSe ft i_'-ve t; less than 35 miles above the ee t e6unt or to pay the principal or vlso thereof for a rfernnddm election, shall apply to them. i.rth's surface, interest of any rvenuI eertificates or miay become effective in Any unlcipality carth's surface, other evidences of indebtedness to coOi- until approved by a majority vote of the < etruct, reconstruct, maintain, telrvie, re- elettor qualified to vote in such munici- ----" pair, purchase or lease any toll road ex- pality, voting at an election called for IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have The first transcontinental tele- tending into more than three counties. such purpose, which election may be held hereunto set my hand and affixed th s-parately or with any other election. Any Great Seal of the State of Florida at IR E T CO M PA NY graph line w-as completed in 1861; No. $ such act shall provide for re unable corn- Tallahaec, the Capital, s the th h dath il-e first cross-country telephone HOUSE JOINT R QLUTIQN NO. 757 nty Tfr Co lltor oTax Acf Ahudt, A.i.. .A. GRAY hone 388 Port St. Joe, Florida circuit was opened in 1915, and the o-to fv o t oli to ATbofitSS. w t bjS bt t fog eeret e Bate first' coast-to-coast television net- -. work in 1951. I rHE STARd.. POR'r ST. JOE, GULF COLNI~Y. FLORIDA I [ 1 i -~ k TH SRPTS G'UL U I 1f I I I I I* THURSDAY. SEPTETrhEER 2 .1954 WSCS Dist. Seminar Secre.ar of Mivionaryv To Be September 15 Education will have charge of the program, the purpose of which is -o t'ain ;the delegates from the Mrs. Fred Tindel. President of r" soceies in the the Marianna District Woman's So- that they i. turn aar city o, Christian Service of the e a more than 1600 member. Methodist Church announces that t l . 1 n Q- i -ill 1 inp' their local societies. the IJsirictL eminar will b ie elu I i Chipley on Wednesday, Septem- ber 15, at 9:30 a.m. at the Methodist -Church. N iThe teachers wi;h .\Ifr. Bowles, iielude I'rs. R. I. Lawrence. Head- and:: Mrs. A. E. Middlebrooks, I am an engineer and this is my family. We have much to be thankful for-good health, our good country, a comfortable home, a good job and good friends and neighbors. My greatest pride and happiness comes from my home and my family-Susie, my wife, and little Susie and John. We have ups and downs, like other families, but on e whole we fare pretty well. Best of all, we have each other. I read an article in a magazine, which said no nation could be completely de- stroyed which maintained the integrity of its homes. Nations begin to decay when they lose the stabilizing influence of the family. That is not going to happen to our home Sif we can help it, and I think we can. We try to make it the best place on earth for each other and a pillar of strength for our community and country. We laid its foun- dations in God and religion. S Families that are bound together by love and religion do not break up. These ties grow stronger with the passing years. So we go to Church and worship God, and put our lives and hopes in His hands. I&- 0 H. S. LILS, JewlS er 25 Years Experience Inr W watch ;ep2 , Phone 162 322 Rei:i 'v,. Thames Jewe iev and Walch RuiC-g H.1.A. Certified VWachlmakccr and Reistecrcd Chronograph Watch Tecihnician' 317 Reid Avenue Phone 403 St. Joe Furniture &' Ap!hrce Co. Low Dowln Payments -- Easy Termr Phone 239 205-207 Reid Ave. AUSTIN-ATCHISON CO' LPAY "Exclusive But Not Expensive" Phone 65 410 Reid Ave. PIGG IY WSIGC.Y '-Iy R tf!!pi Home Owned by E. J. Rich (nd Scns Phone 306 205 3rd Street West Florida Gas & Fuel Company "Our Rolling Pipelines Nccer End" Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 342 FOWHAND-HALL, Inc. Phone 99 328 Reid Ave. MODERN FURNITURE CO. "Go Modern With Us" Phone 181 232 Reid Ave. S"rn, a1 .\Mrs. Fred Davis, FIRST BAPTIST WMS WILL S: .J. .)c. They have all had -]teci'' training along their line of MEETNEXT TUESDAY nI (jrk. SRussell Cook, Conference The WMS of the First Baptist of Statu f omen Church will meet Tuesday, Sep- S c rotary ol member 7 at 3:00 p.m. The WMS "il gliv -he tor o .cvotional. O(..er v,.:.ien of the Disrrict will is changing their meeting date for help with the program. this week only due to the Labor The school will close at noon Day holiday. and the -host society will serve _____ uncii:h : those who desire reserva- lions. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY Day Book Chapter Verses Sunday.... Deuteronomy 8 1-10 Monday... Deuteronomy 8 11-20 Tuesday Deuteronomy 31 1-13 Wedn'sd'y Psalms 42 1-11 Thursday...Luke 4 1-8 Friday .. Luke 12 3-21 Saturday John -, I Copyriht 194. Retr Adv S-rvire.StMnburg, Va. WMCOY"S DEPARTMENT STORE "Your Family Shopping Center" 308 Reid Avenue FULLER'S SUPPLY COMPANY .',ig 'i, Tackle Sher' ,ii-' 'ilii" Paints Phone 231 213/2 Reid Ave. ii _ilAAR MILLER, Agent Standard Oil Company -,one 127 1st. and Garrison i.-7O 3 .-,RTMENT STORE "'or Scr.oce and Quality" ?hone 148 208 Reid Ave. SST. O HARDWARE COMPANY S:ar.c-v. Paints, Building Supplies .c ; 1 4 203 Reid Ave. MOISCHETWSJ STYLE SHOP 316 Reid Ave. Phone 288 BYLES' DEPARTMENT STORE ."Pay Cash and Pay Less" 222 Reid Ave. Phone 252 ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE Frigidaire Appliances Phone 291 209 Reid Ave. DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY "Make Your House A Home" Phone 56 309-11 Reid Ave. A prayer, in its simplest defi- nition, is merely a wish turned heavenward. Phillips Brooks ---*-4 Between the humble and con- trite heart and the majesty of heaven there are no barriers: the only password is prayer. -Hosea Ballou CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Highland View Baptist Church SRev. P. G. Safford, Pastor Sunday Services 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00' a.m. Morning Worship 6:45 p.m. Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 7:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Practice 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Prayer Meeting FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. L. J. Keels, Pastor - Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m. Training Union, 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship, 8:00 p.m. Woman's Missionary Society, Mon- day at 3:00 p.m. Junior R.A. and G.A. and Intermed- iate G.A. on Monday at 4:15 p.m. Intermediate R. A. Tuesday at 4:00. Preaching at White City Mission Tuesday at 8:00., Prayer Service, Wednesday 8:00. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Fred L. Davis, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship. 6:45 p.m. MYF, Seniors, Inter- mediates, Juniors. 8:00 .m. Evening Worship. 7:30 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Rehearsal ST. JOSEPH'6 CATHOLIC CHURCH 8th St. between Monument and Long Avenues Rev. Robert O'Sullivan, Pre'ist 1st Sunday of each month. Mass 8:30 a.m., Confessions, S:00 to 8:20 a.m. OtherSundays of each month. Mass 10:30 a.rp. Confessions, 10:00 to 10:20 a.m. Holy Days of Obligation. Mass 7:30 a.m., Confessions 7:00 to 7:20 a.m. It t LONG AVENUE BAPTIST J. C. Odum, Pastor Meeting in High School Auditorium 9:45 a.m., Sunday School , 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 1:30 p.m. The Baptist Hour, WDLJP 6:45 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship. '8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service Nursery open for all services Public cordially invited Highland View Methodist Church Rev. Charles Boland, Pastor 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellow- ship. 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service Kenney's Mill Baptist Church W. B. Holland, Pastor 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. (Wed) Midweek S3avice 6.45 p.m. Baptist Training Union 8:00 p.m. Evening Worship" Everyone invited to all services Oak Grove Assembly of God Lloyd D. Riley, Pastor 10:00 a.m., Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service 8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service 8:00 p.m. (Fri.) Christ Ambassa- dor Service. St. JAMES EPISCOPAL Thomas Miller Minister In Charge 7:30 a.m., Morning Prayer 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship and prayer. 9:45 a.m. Church School 7:00 p.m. Young People's Service League. BEACON BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. John T. Dudley, Pastor Sunday School, 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship, 11:00 A.M. B.T.U., 7:00 P.M. Evening Service, 8:00 P.M. Hour of Power, Wed., 8:00 P.M. S^S^Si^ i---'S^>v^^ ^"^^^^Y---WWWV^V^WS--^iiL^W W' SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON By REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor not work, he shall hot eat.' Now we Long Avenue Baptist Church hear that you have some among Scripture: (Scripture text taken you living quite undisciplined lives, from Letters To Young Churches, never doing a stroke of work, and a translation of the New Testa- busy only in other peoples affairs. ment Epistles by J. B. Phillips.) Our order to such men, indeed our "Whatsoever you do, put your appeal by the Lord Jesus Christ, is whole heart an dsoul into it, as to settle down to work and eat the into work done for God, and not tood they have earned themselves. merely for men-knowing that And the rest of y6u-don't get tired your real reward, a heavenly one. of honest work!" (2 Thessalonians will come from God, since you are 3:6-13). actually-employed by Christ, and LESSON COMMENTS: (Taken 'not just by your earthly master" from "Points For Emphasis", com- (Collosians 3:23-24). mentary on International Sunday ". Yet we urge you to have School lessons, by Clifton J. Al- more and more, and to'make t lean). your ambition to have no ambition' There are all sorts of notions Be busy with your own affairs and do your work yourselves." (1 Thes- .salonians 4:10b-11). "One further order we must give you in the name of our Lord, Je- sus Christ: don't assocaite with the brother whose life is undisciplined, and who despises the teachings we gave him. You know well that we ourselves are your examples here, and that olr lives among you were never undisciplined. We did not eat anyone's food without paying for it.-In fact we toiled and labour- ed night and day to avoid being tie slightest expense to any of you. This was not because we had no right to ask our necessities of you, but because we wanted to set you an example. When we were actual- ly with you we gave you this prin- cipal to work on: 'If a man will First Baptist WMU Meets At Church SThe Woman's Missionary Union of the First Baptist Church held their regular fifth Monday meeting at the church at which time the Young People of the church and their leaders had charge of the program. 'Mrs. E. C. Cason, presi- dent, presided over the meeting. The program opened with all singing the Wo\'niar,. Missionary song of the year, "Jesus Saves", followed,with prayer by Mrs. A. V. Bateman. about work. The lazy avoid work as much as they can. The cove- tous will do any kind of work for gain. The proud are ashamed to work with their hands. Even more tragic, millions work with little understanding of the relation be- tween themselves and their labor. These are factors which make it so important to have a christian concept about useful work. According to the Apostle Paul, all worthy work is service to the Lord; it has value for the building of character; and it is a necessity to provide a livelihood. We glorify Christ by doing the best work of which we are. capable. A VERSE TO REMEMBER: "Whatsoever ye do do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men." -Collosians 3:23. Episcopal Roundup Ended Last Friday The First Annual St. James' Epis- copal Church Vacation Roundup ended August 27, Friday evening with. a covered dish supper and party. Approximately 150 attended. Members of The Bar J won gold arrows for having secured the most points during the Roundup. All ranch hands won neckerchiefs for attending three days. After the supper, a program was given by the Circle S, The Bar J, The Triangle V and The Diamond Mrs. William Chafin reported on R, which included their salute to her trip to Woman's Missionary the Cross, salute to the flag, prayer Union Week at Ridgecrest which was very interesting and informa- tive. Reports were given by Miss Frances Lewis and Miss Celia Tom- !inson who attended Girl's Auxil- iary Camp at Tampa. Miss Marietta Chafin reviewed her activities at Girl's Auxiliary Camp and Young Peoples' Camp over the state. She urged that First ,Church send as many girls to these camps as poss- ible andf gave informative informa- tion on the work she did throughout the state with these groups. Miss Chafin was representative of the First Church to these camps for a six-weeks period. She was one of five girls of the State of Florida chosen to go on an extended trip to Cuba in the near future. Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon dismissed the group with prayer. Next Monday all members of the WMU are urged to attend the busi- ness meeting which will be held at ,.e church at 3 p.m. -- -- Highland View Chaney G. A.'s Meet At Church The Chaney Junior Girl's Auxil- iary of the Highland View Bap- Iist Church met for their regular meeting, Monday afternoon at the church with Mrs. E. R. DuBose, counselor. Helen Richards, chair- man,' presided over the neeting. Sara Cumbie led in prayer and presented the devotional taken from Matthew 7:3-11. The meeting opened with the watchword, allegiance and G. A. song. The hour was devoted to the study of their forward steps. and songs of the Roundup. The pro- gram ended with square dancing by all the young and "old". Music was furnished by Mrs. Billy Quarles and The Dickey Trio. St. James Church wishes to thank all those who participated in the Roundup in making it a grand suc- -ess, especially to Mrs. Otto An- derson, Mrs. Robert Bellows and all the foremen and are looking forward to next year when again the ranch hands will meet for their Roundup. Highland View Baptist WMU Met Monday The Woman's Missionary Union of 'the Highland View 'Baptist Church met on Monday afternoon at the church with a large attend- ance. The meeting gwas turned over to Rev. P_ G. Safford, pastor of the church who conducted the study book, "Good Stewards". He gave three chapters, "Stewardship in tne Bible", "Stewardship of Self" and "Stewardship of Time". Fourteen members were present. At the conclusion 'of the study, Rev. Safford dismissed the meet- ing with prayer. At the next meeting on Monday, September 6, Rev. Safford will continue the study and all mem- bers are urged to attend. Linda Faye Keels dismissed the meeting wtih prayer. Twelve members were present. (1, a CRCIee VP 0YUROY eJ?,VSU~rD,4 This Se'ries of Advertiseient is Conitributed to the Cae ti. Church By ;he k -aolowing Merchants Cauc!c, hi r-h -rly i ii .r ail a I Ire ~ r. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTYl FLORIVA 90AGE PIVW Ii T R S EO T R"ER 1 .PAGdrW O- NEWS FROM N EW 1 1 a r moved and are pastoring a church in South Florida. Jackie Henderson of Mobile, GOIN' PLACES Highland View Ala., spent a few days with his par- By Co. W. S. Smth, Retired. ents. MIr. and Mrs. Henderson. Mayor of Buckhorn by MARGIE ROGERS Mrs. Marilee Perice is leaving ._ _for Japan Saturday. There she will n her husband, Sgt. Floyd Perice SK 0 DA WABSKOOK. NEW Mr. and Mrs. Watts and children t.:1r ; 1NXS\WICK. C few days with the'former's brote er, Mrs. Lula Kemp atnd so. ihilchka" and how to pronounce and family. Mr. and .Mrs. L.ee Budd.. it. but iwhat do you think of this Watts. Nell Barfield of Alford is visit- place? Imagine a rooting section for Mrs. Jim Chestnut spent a few g with er brother and family, dear old Skoodawabskook Iigh at ays with her son and family. MIr. Mr. and Mrs. H-osey Barfield. a football game: "Skoodawabskook! and Mrs. Bill Chestnut of Panama Mrs. Johnnie is visiting with her Skoodawabskook! Skoodawabskook Mrs. Toilnnie is visiting Iith lier Sity.. mother in De Funiak Springs, Mrs. Rah! Rah! Rah! Skoodawabskook!" Rev. Charles Boland, pastor of J. W. Wooten. i... By the time they got through le Highland View Methodist Johnnie Hewitt is in the hospi- the game would be over and all Church is attending a pastor's as- tal in Jacksonville. We hope he is tle spectators gone home .(We can sembly this week at Blue Lakes doing fine and will soon be ready now spell "Skoodawabskook"-Ed). Iear Andalusia. Ala. oom home Leaving Wells. Maine. last week. We are sorry to say that Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Edgra Strange and we passed through Portland and and Mrs. Johnson, pastors of the family spent a few days in Colum- up the coast about 240 miles, pas:- Lighland View Church of God have bia, S. C.. with the latter's sister ing through Perry where there is the 2,-foot tides of the bay play havoc with the current from the river to create what is called the "Reversing Falls." which may bI viewed from the bridge connection the two cities. The falls, where the river run- 0 C"er : tnval (t w,1. t ; moil of water. At low tide the river water races through a gorge -! feet wide. falling 11 feet. Then foi a few minutes at half tide it is a.- quiet as a millpond. As the enor- Imous tine begins to come in thL battle is on. the tide from Fundy finally overcoming the water from the river. Lancaster is a new city. but Saint John dates back to 1785, when ii was incorporated under a royal charter. It has many ancient build- ings such as Trinity Church which was opened in 1791, and a com- munion service sent to the church in 1790 by George. III. is still in a monument iuarmng mea n N '- N-, point between the equator and the regular use; The Cathedral of the North Pole (Lat. 45 degrees North). Imnnaculate Concention. a beautiful Front there we took a side trip to 'structure, is the principal Roman Eastpoint to look over the Passa- Catholic edifice; Martello Tower. maquoddy Bay project. whichc h commands the harbor, dates This "Quoddy Project", as it was from the War of 1812; the court called, was a New Deal experimen- house, dating front 1830. has a tal setup in an attempt to harness spiral stone staircase winding to the 25 to 30-foot tides that occur the thij'd story unsupported by in this vicinity. I imagine a good pillar or post. many millions of the taxpayers The museum at .Saint John. dollars were squandered here, just among other things, has a vast as they were on the start of the collection of artifacts and hand- Beauty in Your Home, IN~ SHOS1 FOR BOYS AND OIRLS. S.. ne.w quality made Robin Hoods. thlyl give the comfolofl. fit and koq4 wear you look for in children's ) shoes-yet are priced lowY \ to save you money. p . S begins with ! I WALWIDE PBX FRat Wall Paint SOne Coat Covers No Primer Required Pittsburgh's new alkyd type one coat, self-sealing Wallhide gives longer life, greater endurance, better coverage, a pleasing lustre and exceptional wash- ability! Goes on easily, dries quickly! 12 colors, and White. Come in for FREE "Color in Action' booklet. ST. 0JE HARDWARE Florida cross-state canal. The huge buildings, houses. machine shops and large quonset huts have been sold, probably at about one-thou- sandth of their cost, and all that remains is a 10X10 foot model and a crumbling concrete wall stretch- ing to a small island. The idea (and it sounds practi- cal) was to build a dam across the mouth of a bay, open the gates as the tide rose, close them at full tide and then; as the 30-foot tide fell. release the impounded water through electric generators. Leaving Eastpoint. we shortly crossed into New Brunswick at Calais. Me., and'were rolling along the highway with the famous Bay of Fundy on our right. Soon the twin cities of Lancaster and Saint John loomed ahead, separated by the St. Tohn River at a point where and family. The Modern Club of Highland View had their weekly meeting at the home of Lucille Godwin. The meetiingi was held at thevbgkqj meeting:, was called t6 order and the members worked on their quilt. New members are being taken in this week and initiation will be held Friday. A visitor, Ruth Speig- ner, was present. crafts of two Indian tribes, the Malisect and Micmac, which give a wonderful picture of these peo- ple. Saying goodbye to dear old Skoodavabskook is our next plan- ned stop will be Moncton, where we contemplate viewing the "Ti- dal Bore", about which through the years we have read a lot and heard our grandmother, a native of Hali- fax. tell wondrous tales. Veterans Service Officer To Be At City Hall Veterans of Gulf County who need assistance in obtaining bene- fits under the GI Bill, may receive expert guidance from Preston L. Nicholas. Assistant State Service Officer. Nicholas will visit this area next week for the purpose of helping veterans or their dependents in fil- ing claims for Compensation Bene- fits or solving their Insurance prob- lems. During hig visit in this area Ni- cholas may be contacted at the fol- lowing places at the time and on Wednesday, September 8, at tthe City Hall in Port St. Joe from 8:30 to 9:30 Aa:m. (EST). 1 SFTII'S //i LIFETIME PORCELAIN FINISH On Cabinet, Top and Tub! ortant Reasots . why you should buy a PONTIAC A Porcelain Finish Protects against washday heat, moisture and stains SLive-Water Action Only Frigidaire has ill 9 Select-O-Dlal Completely automoatl or fully flexible for any kind of washing RIGff7 Pontiac is One of the Greatest Cars Ever Built I Match today's Pontiac with Amnerica's finest cars and you'll get a dramatic picture of Pontiac value. First of all, Pontiac is big- bigger, in fact, than many cars costing hundreds of dollars more. Pontiac is beautiful-with its distinctive Silver Streak styling. Inside, you'll find genuine fine-car luxury and appointments- along with the roominess and comfort that come only with a long wheelbase. But the big surprise comes when you test Pontiac's performance. See how alert it is to every demand in traffic, how it handles and corners almost without effort, how it takes :no i t open road with plenty of power to spare and saves money e\ery mile. -:.;- * Float-Over Rinsing Gets clothes cleaner * Rapidry Spin ' Gets clothes drier than any other washer * Sealed Unimatie Mechanism Direct drive, completely sealed, oiled for life -AmummoppI -7N" h Now/ 2 Pontiac has the Best Resale Value in its Price lss Along with all its fine-car size, luxury and performance, Pontiac has a very special attribute no car at any price can beat-its un- surpassed reputation for year-in, year-out dependability. Pontiac's carefree, economical long life and its proved record of amazingly; low maintenance expense are so widely known and acknowledged that it commands the highest resale value in its price class. Beo cause Pontiac is America's most desirable, used car, your original investment :comes back in greater measure when you trade. Pontiac is Priced Just Above the Lowest! After you've convinced yourself of Pontiac's value, after you've considered aill tic good things you've heard about its depend- ability--see how it compares dollar-wise. Despite tlie fact that it's a fine car in ex(-ry sense of the term, Pontiac is priced so near the lowest that if you can afford any new car you can afford a Pontiac. SWe'll Make You a Deal You Can't Afford to Miss! tight now we're making s'li liberal trade-in allowances that xyo just can't afford to pass ip the greatest opportunity you o(.-r il ad1 i)'ocome a line-car o~wner. (onme in and get tihe facts. o iI.I..t FOR nDOLLAR..tl (.v'ANT Nr IAT A rP rTIAC Built and Backed by General Motors ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE PHONE 291 209 REID AVE. t WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY Telephone 94 Port St. Joe, Florida F7 $3.50 to $5.95 . 299.95 Automatic Washer 201 Monument 10 OR oo E r r I i I rHURSD-\Y. SEPTEMIBER-2 19 --~ I ti STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNT\P, FLORIDA 31 a monninent ma rkimrin the halff.-wav WOlE~ T-t4WtaOp Y SEPTEMBER- 2,1954 ___ - :e-,ne of Indonesia'. Those taking joyed Tuesday afternoon at the he dropped his hook overboard, and Mrs. Johnson Hostess part were Mesdames D. I. Hatcher, homr of Mr. and Mrs. George Har- brought in some real bigred breast T Tuesday BridgeClub E.: L. Antlery R. L. Smith, and Har- per by Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward had as Tues old Chafin. Those present were Mrs. Willie Ola Upshaw. Mr. and their guests over the week end, Mrs. Walter Johnson was.hostess mIesdames E. L. Antley, Carter Mrs. James Harper and children, Mr. Ward's brother, Mr. and Mrs.to the members of the Tuesday Ward. Stets Pridgeon, D. R. Hatch- Sarah, Elizabeth, Eugene and Jasper Ward and his sister and B ge Club when they met in ; L. R.L. Smith and Harold Chafin. James Raymond, Mr. and Mrs. brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Red Iu.tr !-Bone on Sixth Street. Arrange 'Mrs. UpThaw was a visitor. Gcorge Harper and children Oli- McCook of Bruce. Saturday they l.en-s of early fall flowers were The Assembly of God church or. James Edwin and Ann. Lee visited, "The Garden of Eden" near Isd as decoration. 'Sunday School held a fish fry Tues- P. raseau. Dorothy and Charlotte Bristol. They enjoyed a basket Pla'ing were Mrs. Byron Ehis, day night at Robert's Landing on Walker. John Henry Pope, Phil lunch while there and reported a IyM. Frank Hannon, Mrs. Joe Hen- afternoon at the community build- the Intracoastal Canal. The affair To.-tlinso). Jesse Hardy. Jimnmy '"""' L ing with the young people's leader, was enjoyed by seventh members martin n and Mr. ad Mrs. L. ad rs D 0 Tucker made Mrs. E. L. Antley. After several and friends according to im Rob- Smith a business trip to Panamia City songs and games, Mrs. E. L. An- erts. -who is a member. Friends of Mrs. R. L. Smith aret Friends of Mrs. D. M. Christmas Icy told Bible stories to the nine Mr. and Mrs. D. R..Hatcher and ;:iad to know that she has been re- will regret to learn that she is ill members present. Those attending son. Earl spent the week end in ;eased from a recent confinement at her home here. were, Bobby and Billy Antley. liub- l)othan. Ala.. visiting her sister to her home because of illness. M;r. and Mrs. Albert Yates and ba and Eddy Braxton. Albert Gen- and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Fishing reports have been corn- !'ree children ot Tallahassee were try, Barcia Waldrop. Johnny Shi-.l H. Huilhes and other relative : ing in good all this week. Among tie guests of-Mrs. Yates' parents. rah and Anita and Smnity Smith. ; .Id friends. those who have shown us the limit :\Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Prince. They The White City WMS met Mon-- _Mr. and M.rs. Robert Daniels and ol fish is Dan Hatfield, who start- enjoyed fresh water and surf fish- day afternoon w;h six members 'irtle daughter. Delores ha-ve re- ed to Lake Wimico Monday morn- ng while here. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Ray- and one visitor present. Mrs. Sties turned from t' ir vacation in Geor- ing about daylight. He had motor rens and M - PYidgeon, program chairman, was 'ia. South Carolina and other trouble at the old Kenney Rail mond Hightower will be glad to in charge of the program. Subject points in the north. Road and decided to return home. know that they are residing in the for the afternoon was "the Cla!- A fresh water fish fry was en- As he drifted back to White City, 'apartment of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Walter Duren' SsUPR SaMARKET SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY FREE 1 Dozen Medium Eggs With $10 Order or More Pet, Carnation, Borden's MILK, 3 Cans 39c Supreme ICE CREAM, Half Gallon 89c SNUFF, All Brands lOc -Chewing Gum, 3 for 10c 46 Ounce Can GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 15c EAZY MONDAY STARCH, Quart Jar 17c 3 Large Cans TOMATOES.. --_ RITZ CRACKERS, 1 Pound Box-- -- MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 Lb. Can $1.19 l il No. lOJug $1.39 lArmiour Iltll Ull No. 5 Jug 79c Allen's SWEET POTATOES Lg. 22 Can 19c -- -- - RED ROSE FLOUR, 10 Lb. Bag 79c BETTER BRAND PURE LARD, No. 5 Jug 62c NATIONAL CORNED BEEF, 12 Ounce Can 40 DIAMOND DEE TOILET TISSUE, 4 Rolls 29c KELL-KO PORK and BEANS, No. 2/2 Can 15c TIDE WASHING POWDER, Large Box 29c Ga. Dressed and Drawn, Grade 'A' FRYERS lb 39c BEEF LIVER lb 19c Streak-O-Lean WHITE MEAT, Lb. 25c Georgia Unclassified SMALL ... 3 doz. 79c MEDIUM ... 2 doz. 79c EGGS LARGE 2 doz. $1.09 Smoked Bacon SLAB, Lb45 SmoKedUBoanuiiSLICED, Lb. 55c SWIFT'S Brisket Stew Ib. 19c Round, Sirloin, T-Bone STEAKS Il. 49c Arrow Beef LB. 29c Ground Beef 41bs.$1.00 CHUCK ROAST, lb. Q CHUCK STEAK. lb. v3 9 1 E TA k-one* 0-off- - I Croxton while their home here is being constructed. I !1 I I -- WHiTE CITY NEWS '-by MRS. GEORGE HARPER .. -i Miss Gia Pitts of Blountstown _peent a .---k here as gue-t of her' sister and brother-in-law. Mr. andl K Mrs. J. H. Chafin. The Sunbeam class met Tuesday WSCS Meets At Church For Social and Program The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service held their meeting Monday in the social room of the church. The meeting was a buffet luncheon and officers' training day program. Mrs. J. L. Temple was in charge of the affair. She decorated Mexico Beach Drive-In Restaurant Now Under Management of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Livingston We Specialize In Seafood Boxes Chicken Boxes Good Tasty Fresh Barbecue Sandwiches YOURPATRONAGE IS APPRECIATED ALL SALE ITEMS CASH! " : wl MEN'S SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 Values Up To $9.95 All MEN'S SUMMER SLACKS PRICED TO CLEAR! i(!,, Mrs. Charles Wall. Mrs. Rob- e-" thing, Mrs. Vic Anderson. \ I.. T B Scisson. Mrs -arl Atchi::'.. MArs. Robert Bringman, Mrs. G .I Crebch. Mrs. Bill Whaley, Mr j: G.i.non Buzzett. ____ ^( __ with attractive arrangements rep- furnished the music. "The Commit" resenting the program and placs tee on Program at Work", wasdts, mats made to illustrate the study cussed by a panel composed ot book. After the luncheon, the pro- Mrs. Roy Gibson, Sr., Mrs. Fred gram opened with the devotional Davis, Mrs. Bob Smith, Mrs. Ralph being given by Mrs. Charles Brown Swatts, Mrs. Ed Ramsey and Mro, and Mrs. Joe Hendrix on the life of Charles Brown. Nicodemus. Mrs. Mark Tomlinson Thirty members attended -1 A part of an ounce may tip the scales to 'skk' or 'well' We deal in tiny particles, so light in weight that only the finest scales must be used. Come here first for accuracy exactly as your physician orders! Campbell's Walgreen Agency Drugs "PRESCRIPTIONS a Specialty" Phone 27 210 Reid Avenue BOY'S SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS 1.00 Many styles and fabrics VALUES TO $2.95:-- SIZES 2 to 18 BOY'S DICKIE DUNGAREES 8 Ounce Western Style $1.99 11 Ounce Western Style $2.99 MENS SHOES ALL SUMMER and DISCONTINUED STYLES MUST GO NOW! NUNN-BUSH, Up From $10.00 JARMANS, Up From --$5.00 AUSTIN-ATCHISON CO. Exclusive But Not Expensive I --- 7~ 79 ~ra~ "a~Z~B PAGE SEVER THE STAR. PORTt ST. JOE, GULF -COUIITY, rt-'00ttbA . __ . 1 I A 0 n (I PI-fil I t l'i I)- I PAGE EIGHT THIE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1954 IN. THE COUNTY JUDGE'S agent, or his attorney, or it will NOTICE OF fEGULAR Port St. Joe, Florida on Tuesday, missioners, one in group 3 and on'e S,| e* I e~' I' N PROBATE. become void according to law. MUNICIPAL ELECTION September 14, 1954. in group 4, will be!'held one week Str Classiied A s Bring Quick Results IN RE: Estate of September 1st, 1954. Notice is hereby given that the The polls'will open at 8:00 o'clock from the date of the first primary. JOE C. DANIELS, /s/ C. G. COSTIN First Primary Municipal Election A.M., and close at 7:00 o'clock P. or Tuesday, September 21, 1954 a Deceased. Administrator of the Estate for the election of two (2) City M., Eastern Standard Time. the same location and same poll WANTED: Infant or small child members urged to attend; visiting NOTICE TO CREDITORS ofJoe C. Daniels, deceased. Commissioners, one (1) in group T second nicipal Primary ing hours. who needs a good home. Will' rethren invited. R. E. Williams, All creditors of the estate of Joe love the child. Will adopt. Strictly N. G. H. H. Shirley, V. G. Bill Car- C. Daniels, deceased, are hereby Fi publication on 3 d onate in grou 4 wi e etion for theelectioned of they CoR City Auditor and confidential. Box 96, St. Andrews, gill, Secretary. notified and required to file an ptembe 2, 1954. held at the City Hall in the City of aforementioned two (2) City Co City Auditor and Clerk Fla. 9-2-St LOYAL ORDER claims or demands which they may OF MOOSE have against said estate in the of- FOR RENT fice of the County Judge of Gulf S R R eetihg night ev- County, Florida, in the Courthouse FOR RENT: -bedroo uery other Mnday. at ewahitchka, Florida, within ed House. Stove and refrigerator Meetings at Moose eight (8) calendar months from the rnished if needed. 1405 ood- Hall, 310 Fourth St. dae of the first publication of this ward Ave., Call 143. Notice. Each claim or demand must MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- be in writing and must state the FOR RENT: Furnished house on Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular place -of residence and post office Garrison Avenue. Phone 366-J. meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- address of the claimant and mu -, days each month, 8:00 p. m. be sworn to by tihe claiman. h1is FOR RENT: Furnished cottages at Members urged to attend; St. Joe Beach. Rates by week or visiting brothers welcome. R. F. Bill Fischer,. Notre Dame line month. Special rates for perman Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, ent tenants. Anderson Cottag:s. secretary. coach, was a teammate of head Call 37 or 9-2321. tf "football coach Terry Brennan tfor FOR RENT: 2-bedroom apartment NEED TV OR in Costin building. 114 Monument Ave. Info at 118 Monument Ave- RADIO SERVICE? ue-_. 2t-c -For a quick, expert check-up SPECIAL SERVICES of your set's performance (no ^matter what the make Call Keys Made While You Wait us. We offer free prompt pick- 35c EACH up and delivery service. All Bicycle Repairing All Makes work and parts guaranteed. Reel Parts and Repairs TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED WESTERN AUTO PHONE 2413 LAWN MOWER REPAIRING All types hand and power mowers expertly sharpened and adjusted prompt service. ANDY'S WELDING COMFORTER SHOP. First Street. STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters \ FUNERAL HOME for your used furniture and ap- pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tfc 607 Long Avenue FOR SALE FOR SALE: 3-bedroom house. Near school. Hardwood floors. Good condition. Only $6,600. Can be re- financed. FRANK HANNON Registered Real Estate Broker 211 Reid Ave. Phone 61 FOR SALE: Scratch pads, ditto paper, second sheets, sales books guest checks. THE STAR, Phone 51 for delivery. HELP WANTED WATKINS ROUTE OPEN. Make up to $100.00 weekly. Will need tar or light truck. If interested in a lifetime proposition see me quick- Jy. Your Watkins dealer, W. L. Bur- kett, P. O. Box 482, Port St. Joe. SALESMEN WANTED: Man with ear or Rawleigh Business in Gulf County. See H. A. Shanys, P. O. Box 325, Citra, Fla., or write Rawleigh's, Dept. FA1-101-F, Mem- phis, Tenn. 2t LODGE NOTICES WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- Iug first and third Monday nights 800 p.m., American Legion Home. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M, 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit ng companions- welcome. J. B. 3riffith, II, High Priest; H. R. Aalge, secretary. PHONE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED HOURs a TO S PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA FOR Photographs SEE JIMMIE JONES PANAMA CITY, FLA. 412 Magnolia Ave. Phone SU 5-4961 SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O .~- ** **** SF-Meets first and third Turs It pays to advertise try it! days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All ST-Shirt and Skirt Doublet 795 S The T-shirt off your back! Vicky Vaughn gives it a new lease on life. Fancies it for Fall with rib knit bands at the cardigan neck, S sleeves, waist. And mates it to a free-wheeling skirt. Lustrous corded-velvet, a rayon and combed cotton. Red, gold, kelly, tan- i gerine or lime. Sizes 7 to 15. COSTING'S : o##### +###++#eee four years, 1945-48. Fischer was captain of the 1948 team. ---- Shaped rods, obtainable in most drapery departments of stores. may be used in curtaining arched windows. Political Announcements For City Commission I am a candidate for re- election to the City Commis- sion of Port St. Joe in Group Number 3 in the City Elec- tion September 14, 1954. Your vote and. support will be appreciated. I. C. NEDLEY ForCity Commission I wish to solicit your sup- port for re-election as City Commissioner Group 4. I stand on my past record of progress and promise to con- tinue to do my best for the public in the future. FRANKLIN W. CHANDLER For City Commission Although i d no; \have the time to see earn of you in person, as I would like to do I w^ v t yo-'to knov that I wEi[ c:;,I::"c::: your vote and suppc.:; i7': cai.- didacy for o[ec1;.. ,u the City Commission in Grou; 4 in the First Primary City Election on Septembar 14. I prs'niss t: wo"'- f- only the betterment of our city and promiseto vote c-[y my convictions. WESLEY R. RAMSEY (The r.,,n_-) ALL WELL?. te *Ifyou, andthemeWm ~ bers of your household -%,,.are enjoying sound health; you have every q reason for gratitude You can keep in that fine state by consulting a Doctor promptly; at Sihe first suggestion of ,%'illness. And, of course; bring all prescriptions here where you are assured careful com- pounding by specialists. \ Buzz*tW's 9n 2 re DUE TO MALARIA 66madewith 666 QUININE estonllw M*-US.rr p- lus ex an YOU ~; d; (coppoblF tires YOUR OLD TIRES WILL MAKE 1AS LOW AS 75c PER WEEK TRUCK TIRES SALE-PRICED TOO! Thefirestone Champion Heavy Duty Nowl795 nl II 6.00-16 PLUS TAX 04#/Yl 7 ^ Exchange If Your Old Tire is Recappable B. W. EELLS, Owner ?v restone DELUXE CHAMPIONS Used as Original Equipment on America's Finest Cars BUY 1ST TIRE AT REGULAR NO- TRADE-IN PRICE...'GET SECOND TIRE AT SPECIAL SALE PRICE BLACK SIDEWALLS SIZES REDUCED Regular I Ge 2nd SIZES no-trade-i. tre for lprle l1ttire**I ONLY 6.00-16 $20.60 $10.30* 6.70-15 22.60 11.30* 6.40-15 21.55 10.78* 7.10-15 25.05 12.53* 6.50-16 25.40 12.70* 7.60-15 27.40 13.70* 8.00-15 30.10 15.05* 8.20-15 31.40 15.70* WHITE SIDEWALLS SIZES REDUCED Reglar | Get 2nd SIZES noide- n l tire for Srielsitire** ONLY 6.00-16 $25.25 $12.63* 6.70-15 27.70 13.85* 6.40-15 26.40 13.20* 7.10-15 30.70 15.35* 6.50-16 31.10 15.55* 7.60-15 33.55 16.78" 8.00-15 36.85 18.43* 8.20-15 38.45 19.23* ~Plus~a m - c-'7- Children's LUNCH KIT Complete with /2 Pt. Vacuum r Bottle. PORT ST. JOE, FLA. I .- I' - 100 atch "Ripairs Dependable Service Parker's; Jewelry 302 Reid Ave. - Port S#. Joe, Fla - I ur_- -. 1Ti *Plus tax and your two recappable fires * Plus Tax 09 i 1 I g''91.~9~u~x res oj` |