The star
Full Citation
Permanent Link: http://ufdc.ufl.edu/UF00028419/00975
 Material Information
Title: The star
Uniform Title: Star (Port Saint Joe, Fla.)
Physical Description: Newspaper
Language: English
Publisher: W.S. Smith
Place of Publication: Port St. Joe Fla
Creation Date: June 24, 1954
Frequency: weekly
Subjects / Keywords: Newspapers -- Port Saint Joe (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Newspapers -- Gulf County (Fla.)   ( lcsh )
Genre: newspaper   ( marcgt )
newspaper   ( sobekcm )
Spatial Coverage: United States -- Florida -- Gulf -- Port Saint Joe
Coordinates: 29.814722 x -85.297222 ( Place of Publication )
Additional Physical Form: Also available on microfilm from the University of Florida.
Dates or Sequential Designation: Began in 1937.
General Note: Editor: Wesley R. Ramsey, <1970>.
General Note: Publisher: The Star Pub. Co., <1970>.
General Note: Description based on: Vol. 2, no. 7 (Dec. 2, 1938).
 Record Information
Source Institution: University of Florida
Rights Management: All rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
Resource Identifier: aleph - 000358020
oclc - 33602057
notis - ABZ6320
lccn - sn 95047323
System ID: UF00028419:00975

Full Text

SPublished in Port St. Joe 4 Progressive
SBut Devoted To the Con- Community With a b
tinued Development of Modern, Progressive
Gulf County Weekly Newspaper
------------------ 1.

"Port St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley"

VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c $3.00 Per Year PORT ST. JOE; FLORIDA THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1954 NUMBER 42


Next month the school board
starts making up its mind as to
what it intends to do during the
coming year. We know of one
thing that needs attention, but
like everything else it is never
thought of until it is needed.
The hl ati-n, nl1nt at'l- a ti lpt.

last year. Since it is a boiler con- InRAuto W eck
0Drilling Rig Moved To AuI tn osr
trolled by a thermostat, faulty r
operation is both dangerous and K i a d f M o
as was the case last school year, K i r M r T Cecil McMillan of this city was
did not provide enough heat on killed instantly last Friday night
some days due to the faulty op- lled instantly la riay nig
ration. at 10:00 p.m. when his car was in-
Ss brd h m Drilrs G r r f i f evolved in a three-car accident on
The school board has made Drillers Go Through Strata of Oil and; Pocket of the outskirts of Mobile, Alabama.
repeated efforts to get the boil- Unidentified Gas Is Pierced by Drilling Rig McMillan was killed instantly by
er fixed by local electricians and injuries of the head and neck an
injuries of the head and neck and
beating men but to no avail. The Humble Oil Company has location three miles south of Ki- his wife was entered into the hos-
The wiring is too complex and moved its rig from its first loca- nard. pital in Mobile with head injuries
of such a design to require a tion on the Dalkeith Road to a Drillers with the rig stated that and cuts and abrasians. She has
blueprint or a factory man to they had drilled to near 5,000 feet been on the hospital's critical list
fix. The boiler is in good shape which was their limit with their since the accident.
but the electrically controlled small outfit.
starting and stopping mechan- I The drillers report going through cMllan was an employee of the
S"' Th driller report g g t h ISt. Joe Paper Company here.
ism is on the blink, requiring j i an area that had a gas pressure-in Joe Pap Company here.
these operations to be done by it but were uncertain as to what Funeral services for the victim
hand. sort of gas it was. were held Monday afternoon at
We believe the school board ,. t Just before drilling operations 4:00 p.m. in Bogalusa, La., with in-
would save money, time and ef- ceased the drillers went through terment in Bogalusa.
fort and, above all, insure ade- 7'."' 3 a layer of oil sand that was heavy Cecil McMillan is survived by h-,
quate heat for the next school 7" black with oil. They ran out of it wife, three brothers and four sis-
term if they would call in a fac- shortly however and ran up against ters.
tory man to right the ailing a hard substance like cement be- -
boiler once and for all. fore they stopped drilling opera- Saints Defeat Bucs
.You don't know what torture The drillers left their pipe cas- By 9 to 5 Score Sun.
is. Suppose you spent your wak- ing in the ground so it is rumored __
ing hours down wind from a that a larger rig will come and he Port St Joe Saints defeated
.bakery. It is agonizing, espec- take ',p where the last operation the Bluntstown Buccaneers Sun-
ially if every mouthful of the : ..' left off. hv ..t.n ton hv B u n .s ,o.r t

sweet goodies turn, automati-
cally into five pounds of muscle.
We ure glad to see the new bak-
ery ini town, but we can't say Orests U
nuch for its location, right be- .
hind the Star office. It does
smell purty though. "
We have met the guy which. ver 1-3 Bi
does the cooking in that estab-
lishment. In our second and third
grade readers, bakers were pic 'TALLAHASSEE, Florida's for-
tured as fat jolly men. TIiis ba- est lands boosted the state's econ-
ker isn't especially fat blut he omy nearly a third of a billion
looks jolly. We were watl:ing dollars in 1952, State Forester C.
him a few minutes the other day H. Coulter said this week.
and he doesn't measure what hle Forest income statistics just re-
puts into a batter, he. weighs it.
Right down to the ourni c. Even
salt. It's very scientific' ad .; lorida Is Tops
i irnout ,.good thi, ti pat -i ...i u o S

Are you' a desciple df" "Ham- In Number f0
bone's Meditations" in the Timesld Fi
Union? We are. He metatedita ted Forest Wild Fires
a good meditation yesterday
morning 'that we want to -pass TALLAHASSEE Nation-wide
on to you. Hambone says: H-its statistics just released by the Unit-
natchul fuh chilluns to ape dcy ed States Forest Service indicate
parents En I spec' dat's whirs that Florida had more woods fires
de matter wid a heap uv e,;i' and more acres burned in 1953 than
How true. anynv ther seta Tthis hiba record

We're getting terrible awful
about this taking off and going:
fishing. Took off and went with
Woodrow Henderson, the City
Clerk Saturday. Woodrow is sup-
posed to be a good fisherman,
but he can't quit cutting the
fool long enough to fish. He had
a crow call and a hawk call in
his tackle box and he sat and
called up crows and hawks the
whole time we were out. He only
caught three fish. We caught
two, but we threw back the ones
that were so small you couldn't
string 'em.
On top of the two fish kept, a,
turtle and an eel also got on the
line. The eel wriggled off at the
boat's edge .and the turtle was
properly dispatched.

This has been one of those
weeks that give newspaper edi-
tors fits. Nothing has happened.
It was like getting gold out of
Fort Knox to get enough news
to fill up this week's paper with.








resulted from more than, 20,000
wild fires that burned over 4,300,000
acres of.Florida's unprotected land.
Only 7,619 wild fires occurred on
protected woodlands and burned
only 217,964 acres. Judging from
the statistics, fire protection saved
about 8,000,000 acres from fire. Fire
burned only 1.44% of the acreage
under protection. But a staggering
58% of Florida's unprotected wood-
lands felt the scourge of fire dur-
ing the past year.
Two-thirds of Florida's wood-
lands are, under protection. But
95% of the acreage burned was on
unprotected woodlands.
The exclusion of fire from Flor-
ida's protected woodlands has made
possible a dramatic change. Mil-
lions of seedlings, that would have
been killed by uncontrolled fi,'e,
a"e restocking forest acreage. Fire
protection has made the planting of
trees a sound investment, and the
management of forest lands for
sustained yield economically feas
Where did all the fires come
from? No other state in the Union
had anything close to the 28,000
total in Florida. Another southern
s;ate. Mississippi, came close to
20,000; Georgia had eleven thou-
E.and: but, of all the forty-eight
states. Florida ranked highest in
number of wild' fires.
The big problem in Florida is
deliberate fire-setting. Many states
trace wild fire troubles to lightn-
ing, carelessness,' campers, smok-
ers, hunters, or trash fires. But in
Florida two-thirds of the wild fires
on protected woodlands are "in-
cendiary"-set for personal gain,

itate Income

million Dollars

leased show a 1952 income of 323
million dollars from forestry and
forest by-products. This figure rep-
resents the wholesale manufactur-
ed value ofl products taken from
Florida woodlands during the 12
'month period, an increase of more
\than 13 million' dollars over 1951
iuci,-ine figures. ,
L PtilWoorf wa tup mbi .on y'-ntakei
inii 'e forestry field, bringing in
$216 million. Accounting for two-
thirds of. the total income, it show-
ed the greatest increase over 1'951
Lumber was Number Two on the
income list, accounting for 15 per
cent 'of the total.
Wood naval stores came next,
tallying eight(per cent of the in-
Other contributors to the forest
products income were: veneer,
fuelwood, poles and piling, gum na-
val stores, crossties, cooperage
(wood used for barrel staves) and
fpnec nnost'

the local diamond behind the hurl-
ing of James O'Neal.
The Saints' nipped Thomas Mc-
Daniell of the Bucs pitching staff
for 14 safeties to rack up a win
over the Calhoun County nine.
St. Joe committed five errors
With Johnny Adamis leading i the
hitting department with five hits
for five trips to the plate.
O'Neal gave up three hits to the
Bucs. Leonard Belin completed the
'The Saints have no scheduled
game for Sunday but it was an-
nounced that in all probability an
exhibition game would be played.

Garden: Club Wilt

Sponsor Contest

The Port ISt. Joe Garden 5lub
will sponsor a unique begonia con-
test. In order to create interest
among flower lovers, the club will
have a contest to determine who
can grow the finest begonia plant
within a certain time. All residents
of Ithe city, whether Garden Club
members or not will be registered,
if they so desire, and in the Sprinu,
the plants will be judged. You
must buy your plaitt for the con-
test frbm the Garden .Club at which

.u .. Time you are registered. At a gives
Although the wholesale manufac- time in the spring, prizes will be
tured value of pulpwood was more 'awarded. The finest lnant will re-

than four-and-one-half times that
of lumber, its stumpage (value of
timber as it stands uncut in the
woods), was considerably less.
About one-third of the forest in-
come figure went out in payrolls.
"Almost $100 million dollars in,
paychecks to the people of Florida
emphasizes the tremendous impor-
tance of the forest products indus-
try," State Forester Coulter said.
------ -----
Guests of Chisms
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carter of
St. Mary's, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Armistead of Roanoke Rapids,
N. C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Rush 'Chism last week. Miss Delor-
es Chism returned -with the Car-
ter's and will* be their guest for
two weeks.

ceive a cash award of $5.00 and
a blue ribbon.
Call Mrs. I. C. Nedley for the
plants or see them at 1105 Monu-
ment Avenue.

Work Is Started On Four
New High School Rooms

Local contractor E. F. Gunn this
week started work on four new
rooms to be added to the Port St.
Joe High School before the next
school term.
Gunn received the contract to
build the roonis by bid form two
weeks ago.

Some day I want to hear what
the guys who know me best say be-
hind my back.

Engineers Are Preparing

New Water System Plans

Star Reserves Page

For Church Activities

The Star, this week, is starting
a series of church pages, the first
of which will be found on page 8
ot this issue of The Star.
The Star along with local busi-
ness houses is presenting this page
as a medium or the church of the
city to offer their news to the pub-
Sponsors of this page, sincerely
hope that you will like the feature
and desire that you express ycur
appreciation or displeasure of this
feature them.

The page will carry, in additi. .i
to the weekly religoius ca:-ooim, a
resume of the -sunday scliool lesson
written by a different local pas-:)r
each week and the pubiicatio1 of
the church,calendar for this dill.tict
each week 'listing their serv.-as3
land hours.
Returns From Arkansas
Mrs. Henry Campbell, who has
been with her daughter, Mrs. Carl
Guilford in Hot Springs, Ark., has
returned to her home after several
weeks visit. -

Construction Will Probably Start

Within Sixty Days

Mayor J. C. Belin and City Attor- ville where they delivered the bonds
ney Cecil G. Costin this week com- and received the money for the
pleted the sale of the city Water An old bond issue of the city's for
and Sewerage bo'id isjue in Lhe the original water and sewerage
arioun' of 315,000 00 t i: Jackson- system was immediately retired
with funds received in the new

Fire Damages House
In Quarters Thursday

The Volunteer Fire Dep' irernt
v'.s c:alied out Th'i 'sdry afterr,-'op
at 3:00 p.m. to a ti- in the horns
of Frederick Peterscn on Avenue
'G' in the quarters.
An oil range exploded in the kit-
chen of the three-loom dwelling
and spread the fir- ruickly.
Firemen brought the fire under
quick control and hal the fire -co,-
pletely out within fltteen minutes.
The back of th. house was Janl-
aged beyond repair and practical
all of Peterson's furniture was des-

Miss Linda Roberts has returned
to her home after a two week's
visit with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Roberts in Altha.



satisfaction; or convenience on in
somebody else's land. This is a vio- h
nation of Florida's forest fire laws. o'
Visit In Mobile t
Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Lee, Mrs. Ed- u
gar Williams and Mrs. Luther le
Christmas motored to Mobile Mon- g
day to visit Mrs. Cecil McMillan
who is confined to the hospital o
there. i a

Unfortunately, most df us have just how nuclear fission may be served as they were the day the by slow, inexpensive freight. Such atomic magic may be the
ome to associate nuclear fission employed to advance the welfare meats were cut and packaged. Imagine the choicest sea foods means of feeding the world's grow-
ith death and destruction. We of mankind Consider the gains in health and from anywhere and everywhere on ing population and eliminate star-
hink of it in terms of A-bombs and The possibilities are breath-tak- the extension of markets if trichi- hand in your home at room tem- ovation forever.
I-bombs. ing-the opportunities unlimited..nosis can be eliminated over night perature, ready to serve today or These are only a few of the pos-
This same energy that can des- They point to countless new indus- by atomic radiation of meats that next week or next year as fresh sibilities that nuclear fission pre-
*oy a city can cure countless ail- tries, greater employment, improv- harbor trichnae. and tasty as.the day it was caught. sets. In well equipped laboratories
tents, provide more abundant life, ed products and processes. Think of fruits and vegetables The economic consequences of throughout the world scientists are
crease production, safeguard our Of particular interest to Flori- with the deliciousness that only successful food sterilization stag-' toiling tirelessly to find the answer
health and do ,many other wonder- dians is the outlook for the future country dwellers now know, the ger the imagination. Enormous in order that the whole world may
us things, preservation of food. Research by tastiness that belongs to things wastes could be eliminated in a benefit.
The York Report, published by the American Meat Institute and picked ripe. Imagine such produce short time. The billions of dollars
The Creator has placed in the
he York Engineering and Construc- the American Canners Association being irradiated and sealed air- worth of foodstuffs that are hlst
ion Company, points out that if has already given glimpses of tight in the field. each year through rot and decay hands of man the power to destroy
sed for good instead of evil, nuc- amazing discoveries that lie just Dream of ripe tropical fruits on could be saved. ,himself or to create a life so abun-
ear fission can become the world's ahead and well within the realm of your breakfast table, tree or vine Food beyond the"need of all man- dant as to surpass belief. Every
greatest blessing. possibility, ripened and ready for use any time kind would be available and its possible encouragement should be
Today in the laboratories thru- Imagine steaks, roasts and other of year in any climate, brought nutrient quality increased as well given those who are so diligently
ut the world scientists are testing cuts of meat kept at room tempera- from the other side of the world, because produce could be ripened seeking the GOOD that lies hidden
nd experimenting to determine ture for years and as fresh when not by costly air transportation but and fully matured before picking. in the magic atomic rays.

Camp Big Heart, the Gulf Coast

Council Boy ,Scout Camp located in
Santa Rosa County opened Sun-
day, June 20.
According to ;Scout Executive
Joe L. Ballenger, an outstanding
camp. staff has been recruited to
assure a well-rounded, active and
interesting program for the sum-
Oamp Big Heart will operate for
five one-week periods, closing July
Ballenger indicated the staff of
the camp took a full week of train-
ing and preparation prior to the
arrival of the first group last Sun-
Directing the camp is John Ward,
District Scout Eecutive from De-
Funiak ,Springs. Program director
is Frank Mathews, District Scout
Executive from Marianna. Com-
missary will be in charge of As-
sistant Scout Executive Norman
Savelle of Pensacola.
Serving in tie various activities
of the camp are:
Waterfront Director, Boe Sharp-
less of Cantonment, Assistant Di-
rector, Sammy Hobison of Ever-
green. Assisting will be Bob Kiem
and Charles Jones of-Warrington.

Jim Heisler and Donald Smith of
Fountain, activities and advance-
ment work. James Hoover and Mor-
ris Bird of Pensacola, handicraft.
Tyrone Benton, Trading post.
Mack Sowell, Chipley, dining hall
-supervisohr, assisted by Paul Lan-
dry of Warrington and Phil Perry
and Willard Galbraith ,of Pensa-
The camp cook is Robert Joseph
of Pensacola.
"With such a capable staff we
are anticipating one of the best
camp programs we have ever had,"
Ballenger stated.
He stressed the importance of
all Troops getting their camp re-
servations in to the Scout Office
if they have not already done so.
He indicated the weeks of June 20-
26 and June 27-July 3 are already
full with over 100 boys each week.
There are vacancies in the remain-
ing three weeks, but these are fill-
ing up fast.
Ballenger concluded, "We are
most anxious that every Troop and
Explorer Unit in the Gulf Coast
Council have an opportunity 'to
spend a week in camp and we like
for them to get the week they want.
But when the capacity for one
week is reached no more can be

Gerald Wadsworth of Tampa is accepted. Leaders are urged to get
Camp Doctor. James Goznell, Tyn- their Units registered for camp
dall Field, marksmanship, archery immediately."

Few Openings Left At

Scet: Summer Camp

With over o00 Scouts and 1-ad- and field sports. Don Jensen, Elly-
er-s registered for the first week son Field, Chaplain.


Nuclear Fission Will Prove To Be Boon To Man


' '*'' '.


While in Jacksonville, with hte
approval of the City Council mem-
bers, the Mayor arid Attorney sign-
ed contracts with the Smith and
Gillespie Engineering Consultants
to draw up specifications and con-
struciton data and blueprints for
the proposed water system in' or-
der to let bids for the actual con-
struction work. The engineering
firm will act as "foreman" ove ttio
job and will direct the conce re-
re'ving the construction contract in
tie actual construction of the sys-
t.'.. The fee paid the engineering
firm was 8%% of the bond issue.
Bids will probably be let for the
construction of the water system
'by the end of July with actual con-
struction to start within about 30
days after the contract- has been.

TB Out of First 10 Germ

Killers For First Time

For .the. first time in the history
of vital statistics records in Flor-
jda. tiibercuil.is, with a 1953 death
; f 9 7 p.er 100,000 populaitin, ,
is not listed among the first 10
causes of death, State Health Offi-
cer 'Wilson T. Sowder said this
Diseases of the heart and circus
latory system account for the lar-
gest share of deaths, he commented,
and continued:
"If a combined grouping is made
of all cardiovascular-renal disease,
including vascular lesions affecting
the central nervous system, rheu-
matic fever, all diseases of the
heart, hypertension, arteriosclero-
sis, and nethritis and liephrosis, it
is found -that this group caused 15,-
321 deaths, or 50.2 per cent of all
Florida deaths in 1953.
"Among the infectious diseases
the respiratory ailments of influ-
enza and pneumonia continue t6
present a major problem. Although
generally transmitted in the same
manner as tuberculosis, these di-
seases are acute rather than chron-
c, and the control methods devel-
oped for tuberculosis are not ap-
plicable. Another communicable di-
sease, poliomyelitis, continues to
be a major problem, but the new
Salk vaccine offers hope for its
eventual control."
The.10 leading causes of death in
order of importance and the num-
ber of deaths attributed to them
n 1953 are as follows: diseases ot
he heart, 10,317; malignant neo-
plasms (cancer), 4,536; vascular
esions affecting the central ner-
(Continued on page 10)


PAGE TWO In6 THE ...... .. N
-VstnMbl Orens ain onEakeaf


Miss Mary Alice Elder, J. N. Yadon

United In Marriage Saturday, June 19
Miss Mary Alice Elder, daughter mony, a reception was held at the
of Mr. and Mrs. McClain H. Elder, home of Rev. and Mrs. William T.
of Port S-. Joe and James Nelson Iverson on Garrison Avenue. Assist-
Yadon, son of Mr. and Mrs. George ing at the reception were Mrs. R.
Leonard Yadon of Pensacola were D. Prows, Mrs. Thomas J. Mitchell
'united in marriage in the First and Mrs. Ted Beard. The bride's
Presbyterian Church -of Port St. book was kept by Mrs. Walter
Joe on June 19 at six in the after- Starns. Assisting in serving were
.aoon. The Rev. William T. Iversou Mrs. Henry Dandridge, Mrs. Ralph
performed the ceremony with the Plair, Miss Barbara Mitchell, Miss
Rev. William Daniels assisting. Beth Garraway and Miss Dianne
Music was furnished by Mrs. Gilbert.
Thomas J. Mitchell, organist. Mrs. After cutting the cake, Mr. and
James Brinson, soloist, sang, "Ol, Mrs. Yadon left on their wedding
Promise Me", and "0 Perfect trip to North Carolina. Mrs. Yadjn
Love". chose a beige suit with white ac-
The bride was given in marriage cessories and her corsage was of
by her father. Her formal gown white roses.After Au the con-
.. .... PA...a .., ple will make their home in Talla-

was of white import orgaILU U l Uv
er taffeta with embroidered organdy
in a scalloped yoke effect. The full
organdy skirt featured panels of
tiers of pleated ruffles which
formed the cathedral train. Her
finger-tip veil was attached to a
juliet cap of appliqued lace over
net embroidered in seed pearls.
She carried a bouquet of roses on
a white frosted lace fan.
Mrs. F. Kay Clark was her sis-
ter's matron of honor and brides-
maids were Misses Mary Lind Wal
lace of DeFuniak Springs; Miss
Etta Kathryn Martin and Mi4s
Sarah Ceva Philyaw of Port St.
Joe. Their waltz length gowns were
of sky blue embroidered nylon over
taffeta and they carried bouquets
of pink feathered carnations over
white crosted fans. Gilda Gilbert
flower girl was dressed identical
to the bridesmaids. Mike Clark, ne-
phew of the bride, was ring bearer.
Buck Stuckey of Century, was
Mr. Yadon's best man and usher-
groomsamen were Timothy Elder,
brother of the bride; Neal Sapp,
Tallahassee; Kay Clark and Jimmy,
Philyaw of Port St. Joe.
Immediately following the cere-

Mrs. Yadon is a graduate of Port
St. Joe High School and Florida
State University. She was a mem-
ber of Kappa Delta Pi, Education
Scholastic honorary Sorority. For
the past year, she has been a mem-
ber of the Port St. Joe Elementary
School faculty.
Mr. Yadon is a graduate of Pen-
sacola High School and Florida
State Universiay. He is a member
of Phi Kappa Tau social fraternity.
In September he will resume his
studies in Industrial Arts at Flor-
ida State University.

Mrs. Nick Comforter wishes to
let all of her friends, both near
and far, know that their' recent
kindnesses have been more than
The attentive interest of the doc-
tors, nurses and other friends of-
"Capn" Nick deserve praise De-
yond that ordinarily extended. Also,
they have truly earned the grati-
tude of Mrs. Comforter and the en.
tire family.

You Are Cordially invited To Attend

Long Avenue Baptist Church
REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor

MORNING WORSHIP -----11:00 a.m.
PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 8:00 p.m.

Meeting In TheHigh School Auditorium





...i..~ o '. .




-- FEATURE No. I ---


-with -
Sonny Tufts and
Barbara Britton

--- FEATURE No. 2 --


U. S. A."
-w t h --
Peggy Castle and
Gerald Mohr







"0. K. NERO"

-with-- .


LATEST NEWS and Cartoon,
"Hunting Devil Cat"



LATEST NEWS and Cartoon

iol Activi-
MOCIa ACtivi


- Clubs

Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor

Mary Alice Elder Honored
With Coke Party June 19
Mrs. R. D. Spillers anrl Mrs. John
Robert Smith were h.)iss.ce.e Fu :
day afternoon at a CGxe Shower in
the beach cottage of :vgI. Smith at
St. Joe Beach. Inspira'ir. was Miss
Mary Alice Elder, bri.l eloc of
June 19.
Shasta daisies formed the cen
terpiece of the dining table and ar-
rangements of dried grasses and
driftwood decorated the living
room and porch.
The gifts were presented to Miss
Elder on a red surf board.
Present were Mrs. McClain Elder,
mother of the bride-elect; Mrs. Kay
Clark, Mrs. Lawrence Bissett, Mrs.
William Iverson, Mrs. R. D. Prows,
Mrs. Basil Kenney, Sr., Mrs.
Charles Garraway, Miss Margare.
Evans, Miss Sara Cev aPhilyaw,
Mrs. Chris Martin, Miss Etta Kath-
ryn Martin and Mrs. Harry Saun.

Passenger Care
Steam .heated passenger cars.
doing away with stoves or hot
water heaters, were introduced in
1881. Passenger cars were greatly
improvedd in 1903 by the introduc-
tion of the vapor system of heating.
With this system, live steam from
the steam train line is reduced to
vapor at atmospheric pressure and
admitted to heating coils inside th(

Reader Challenges Editor
To Public Boxing Match
DELAVAN, Wis.-The town of
Delavan (population 3,500) is watch-
ing -with :interest :the' feud devel-
oping between S. Robert Andersen,
editor of the Delavan Enterprise,
and H. C, Knilans, one of Mr. An-
dersen's readers.
Reader Knilans, irritated by edi-
torials in the Enterprise. and par-
ticularly by Andersen's offer to buy
him a 'ticket to Russia, challenged
the editor to a boxing match. When
Andersen accepted, the town's in-
terest soared.
Then, in a recent issue, Ander-
sen wrote "as further proof of the
editor's good faith and to satisfy
the frustrated political ambitions of
Mr. Knilans, I offer him the right
'to write a newspaper column each
week for eight weeks as a series of
political articles. The editor will
take equal space on the same sub-'
jThe editor's acceptance of tlq
fight challenge included the condi-
That state approval be given to
the fight.
That the marquis of Queensberry
rules be followed.
That Khilans pay all expenses in-
That the match be held at public
exhibition with an advance ticket
That the proceeds from the match
be donated to the junior chamber of
commerce to be used at their dis-
cretion in a civic betterment proj-

Parking Meters Pay Off
For Many Small Towns
ARKADELPHIA, Ark.-The suc-
cess of parking meters as a source
of income for small towns was re-
ported 'by the town of Arkadelphia
which installed them just a year
ago. The first year's take was ap-
proximately $12,000.
Cost of the meters, including in.
stallation, was $13,000.
Future profits from the meters
will be used to.initall a new light-
ing system through the business
district. The retail merchants 'as-
sociation is an advisor to the proj-

Star Want Ads Get Result.


Had a Fire
Sold a Home
Been Arrested
Been Your Guest
Started In Business
Left You a Fortune
Bought a New Home
Swiped Your Chickens
Met With An Accident
Had a Visit From the Stork



Phone 51 THE STAR

A. A. A. A. A.'A. A. A. A.'.

Visits In Mobile
S. THE LOW DOWN Bert Munn, Jr., who has been
ties DOWN visiting with relatives in Mobile,
--- from --- Ala.. returned home Sa.urday af-
Churc Ii LLIS SW) (P ternoon. _
SGuests From New Orleans
Cu eS ....Guests From New Orleans

Phone 166

Miss Philyaw Entertains
Bride-Elect Wednesday
Miss Sara Ceva Philyaw enter-
tained at her home on Monument
Avenue Wednesday morning with
a coke party honoring Miss Mary
Alice Elder, bride-elect of June 19.
The living room was decorated
with arrangements of deep rose hi-'
biscus in crystal. The dining table
held an arrangement of pink asters
in crystal, flanked by white can-
dles in white wooden holder. Mrs.
Homer Philyaw assisted her daugh-
.er in entertaining. The Misses Peg-
gy Philyaw and Etta Kathryn Mar-
tin served.
Miss Elder received a moment
from her hostess.
Invited 'to call at 10 a.m. were 33

Return From Alabama '.

Mrs. John Blount and daughter,

Orleans, La., and Don Barker of
Lockport, La.

Dr. Joseph B. Spear
> -[

Time is running out-only a Tom Ford had as his guests last Apalachicola, Florida
month or so left totell your con- week, Douglas Woodruff of New ... .
gressman and spend-of-your-very- e ..
own wampum, to watch his step- illiillllllllnlllllli ni t i
curb his spending enthusiasm. Tell TELEPHONE 80

just before congress adjourns may
leave him shy your vote come No- '
member. Tell him his economy mo-
tions now-and then later his vot-
ing for every deficiency bill that
eomes up just before he steps on.
the rattler for home, will be weigh-
ed in the balance. Deficiency bills
adopted and no questions asked as
congress gets ready to adjourn,
side-swipe and wipe out all earlier BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M.
claimed attempts at economy. It's
an old army game and custom- SOW STARTS AT 8:00 P.I
still works. ........ .. .. ...- .. .-- ..

'How and why it should cost some
2000 million bucks to run just the
Welfare and Labor depts., is a tidy
question. It means 2000 million
bucks worth of pushing around of
the taxpayers. The taxpayer fur-
nishes the do-re-mi-also he is the
pushed. Funny business-but it
makes slick jobs for the fix-'em-

Miss Staonja Ann tlount nave re-
Miss onja Ann 'ilount nave re- sweet crew as the rest of us wait
turned to their home here after I for that obnoxious March 15 to roll
a _Wee visiwn+Ir, -Ar d n h es o

a week's visit with friends andu
relatives in Geneva, Ala.

Future Subscribers

Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. Jarz-
ynka of Tyndall Air Force Base
announce the birth of a son, Zane
Lee on June 13.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carter of
this city announce the birth of a
boy, Kevin Joel on June 15.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Borders of
Weivahitchka announce the birth
of a daughter, Karen Sue on June

around. And when she stops no-
body knows.
Anybody can spend lavish-like,
have fun and joy, if he has a bank
full of money at hand-credit ga-
lore-the sky the limit. That's Sam-
uel-our Uncle. With about..50 mil-
lion families in our U.S.A. and a
Govt. now costing 65 billion per
annum to operate, my slide rule
shows each family is nicked for
1300 bucks. Each year that is-a
little over 100 per month. Costly
-I say. Gee whiz, says Henry.
Yours with the low down,

If you ever get tired of the jobes
and pantomime of the master ot

20. ceremonies on television, wny n.)t
O entertain yourself by counting the
(All births occurred at the Mu- number of times he shakes hands
nicipal Hospital). with his.guests?




"V ., ...SUZAN BALL ..,. .eJOLlH

... Nwi
gA M lE" UMIOMPIitlulE

A iiiLD SAill A -"
A. ALLILE Ab*il1 ,

Monday & Tuesday

and Cartoon:

Wednesday & Thursday


Waltis s Cartoon -
PETE +_ __o_
PJ-T--Rt --VH
Slt 0,',. Watch Our Popcorn

f't ,Pl .lu. Boxes For
.-'/ i ^. TECHNICOLOR'

IlPiliiini Hil IAiiii!lirh il t iH.lmnlgnllll II i m i i iiK mirim ris iiii i iiii i i







",'-u -


Yes, you cdp have a regular picnic at home and get paid for it! Just go
through your attic or basement and make a list of all those things you no
longer need. Then put 'em up for sale in our Classified Ads! It's the smart-
est way we know to make a buck andto make it fast! Call us today and
place a low-cost WANT AD!




,pwoooo ee** S 63 W8W05 5555559 50.* 60

redric MARCR
Walter PIGEON;
Shelley WINTEhS


- a 9 -L~s.ur~uru~a I -- ----------- ----II -- i I-- --- L






S* I

ah~r~ '
'ia.~ o ~

9- i


,& A'A A& A &.& Ab A, 4 -;A


-. .

All Ak


. .j



Birth Announcement
Mr. and Mrs.-Olen B Wa,' ( of
Apa'achicola and Panama Cj:v :ar'e
announcing the arrival of a son,
Walter Fack, on June 15, at the
Franklin County Hospital, Apala-
chicola. Mrs. Ward will be remem-
bered as Martha Miller, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Mack Miller of
Port St. Joe.

Dr. Charles Reicherter
S .

News of Port St. Joe High School

Mine is the month of roses; yes,
and mine
The month of marriages! All
pleasant sights
And scents, the fragrance of blos-
soming vine,
The foliage of the valleys and
the heights.
Mine are the longest days, the
lovliest nights:
The mower's scythe makes music
to my ear;
I am the mother of all dear delights
I am the fairest daughter of the
Henry --Wadsworth Longfellow
Yes- and with June also comes

your invitations and
announcements must
be flawlessly


ATURALLY, they're important to you. That's why we
want you to see these invitations for yourself. And
they're not too costly, as we place our orders with one of
the largest engraving concerns in the South. .... Check
the perfect form of these invitations with people who
really know! Come in we will
be 1':-ppy to show you our corn-
S, eh e o. plete line of Wedding Stationery..
* pnci08^loar I
Saeo- 'ard' PRICED AS Low As $7.95 FOR 50!
S Select from a large variety of
distinctive type faces.

Phone 51 Port Sf. Joe, Florida
,. rrx^~m c3cairrrxa

Mrs. Ned Porter Miss Memorie Porter

Entertain Bride-Elect With Luncheon

Mrs. Ned Porter and daughter.
Miss Memorie Porter of Port St.
Joe and Panama City honored Miss
Jacquelyn Glass, bride-elect of
Apalachicola, with a three-course
bridal luncheon in the main dining
room of the St. Joe Motel on Thurs-
day, June 10, at 1:15 o'clock.
The long dining table was over-
laid with an imported linen, Italian
cutwork cloth and places were set
for ten which included some of
the bride-elect's attendants, her
nearest friends and the mother of
the bride and groom-to-be.
The table was centered with two
floral hearts fashioned of white
gladioli florets, centered with pink
snapdragon and interlaced with
gypsiphila. The edge of the flower

"Vacation Days" for students in
schools and colleges everywhere.
And with this vacation comes our
own summer- spotlight of what the
youth of this community are doing.
Our first light is on the future
businessmen and businesswomen of
our community. First, our builders,
who include James Odom who is
helping in the enlargement of the
Baptist Assembly Grounds in Pan-
ama City and Billy Gaillard and
Donald Ramsey who are employed
by the Austin Company. Ruby Lee
Farmer and Boncile Wood are
working for the St. Joe Paper Com-
pany. Downtown business firms
&:il; employ the, following youth:
Anne Costin, Judith Mahon, Marion
Parker, Carole Ann Duperrouzel,
Faye Parker, Melba Butts, Pat Hall,
Joy Clark, Pat Clark, Laura Jean
Whitfield, aid Harry Lee Smith.
Our spotlight shifts from the
business minded youth to those
who are making social news: Mary
Harris who is attending Girl's
State in Tallahassee; Barbara Jo
Bond who is spending the summer
with her mother in California; Son-
jia Blount returning from a trip to
Geneva, Ala.; Bobby McKnight
who has recently returned from a
trip to the capital city, Washington,
D. C.; Beverly Baldwin, Jimmy
Stephi-n,. Leonard Costin, Margaret
Lois Blount and Bill Chism who
spent a wonderful week at Blue
Lake. Camp near Andalusia, Ala.,
and all the students, who have been
attending the summer recreation
program and in its baseball, swim-
ming dancing and other activities.
Anddso o('.i,' eduntnevr spotlight dims
'until next week when I will bring
you more news of the youth dur-
ing, "Vacation Days".

Lowest priced V-8

in its field!


- .

1 C ige V-6
brc..:.k 4.D,.d~rr ~dj~



Dodge Gives You These 15 Great.
Extra Value Features At No Extra Cost!
Safe-guard hydraulic brakes Oriflow-shock
absorbers Safety rim wheels Foam rubber
front seat cushion Air cleaner & oil filter
Automatic dome light Bumper buffer guards,
frontt and rear Dual electric wipers Dual
electric horns Weather-proof ignition system
Stin tone instrument panel Independent
F :" ';:^ bral;e De!uxe horn ring Gas tank
S it:e; Enaln~.l finish (longer lasting)
............. .................

Never before such big car performance,
luxury and value at such alIa w, lo.w price!
No other car offers you sn much record-
breaking performance, such iecord-break-
mg economy.
No other car near its price gives you such
big car luxury, comfort and-style. Dodge
lines are naturally beautiful long and
low, with nothing awkward or contrived.
No other car in the field gives you so
much big car value. See this exciting Dodge
today-the buy of them all!



-- ':., Deales eoreslnt: Danny Thomas in "Make Room for Daddy." ABC-TV Bert Parks in "Break The Bank," ABC-TV Roy Rogers, NBC Radio-


Corner Baltzell Avenue and 4th Street

Port St. Joe, Florida


hearts were ruffled with pale pink
tulle threaded with-silver. At either
side of the center arrangement were
tall pink tapers in crystal candel-
abra. Places for each guest were
marked with bridal placecards.
The guest of honor was present-
ed a crystal salad set as a momen-
to of this occasion.
The guest list included besides
the honor guest, her mother, Mrs.
Willis Glass of Port St. Joe and
Mrs. Richard Heyser, of Panama
City, mother of the groom-elect;
two of her bridesmaids, Miss Nan-
cy Baxter of Frostproof, Florida
and Mrs. Ken Mclnvale of Orlando,
Florida. The other guests were
Mrs. Harold Quackenbush of Yon-
kers, N.Y., Miss Dorothy Green Por-
ter of Apalachicola and Yonkers,
Mrs. Charles Aubrey Marks of Ath-
ens, Ga., and Mrs. Cleve Weems
Randolph of Apalachicola, who will
assist at the reception.
Mrs. William Harless, of Panama
City, sister'of the groom-elect, and
Miss Joan Glass, sister of Miss
Glass, who will be Miss Glass'
matron-of-hon'or and bridesmaid,
respectively, were unable to attend.
Miss Memory Porter will be Miss
Glass' maid-of-honor.
Leave For Bradenton
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sutton and
daughters left Sunday for Braden-
ton. Mr. Sutton accompanied his
family down and returned Mon-
day. Mrs. Sutton and daughters
plan to remain Ithere for the sum-

With New Sensational Values This Week!!

MMEntire tok ver 00 aren't Priced ForSA ello

Entire Stock Over 300 Garments Priced Fr -uck Sell0t




HALF SIZES 12/2 TO 24/2
Sheer Plain and'Printed Cottons! _Crisp Cool Nylons

Cool Sunbacks and Styles for Every Occasion
Now Is The Time To Supply Your Needs For The
Long Summer Months Ahead

1.5 e a tto n


Full Length

Eyelet Trimmed

SIZES 32 TO 40

New Arrivals



For Miss and Mrs.

Values: Up To $16.95- NOW

$8.95 and $10.95



UP TO $8.95





$1.95 aE T I.95


Full Skirts

and Gored Styles in a Colorful Array

SIZES 22 TO 30

Shorts $1.00
7 to 14



322 Reid Avenue


3. If you should lose your social
Scott Says Nine Out of Ten Working security apply or adupate
-- -- I immediately.
People Are Paying Social Security 4. Check on your account with
your social security office every
two or three years.
Harry Scott, manager of the Do- under the Social 'Security Act." Your social security office is lo-
than, Ala., social security office Scott urged workers'in this area cated at 109 W. Burdeshaw Street.
said this week that nine out, of to be guided by the following sim- Dothan, Ala. Our representative
every ten people who work for a ple rules to insure the proper cre-, will be at the Port St. Joe City
living are paying -a small part of editing of all -their earnings to their Hall on the second Tuesday of
their earnings for social security, accounts: each month at 10:30 a.m.
Scott furnished this information to 1. Each worker's name and n-m-
emphasize the importance of the ber should be copied to the em- Return To Jax
social security account number player's record from the social so- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Nail acr
card to the works in this area. He purity card itself and not from three children have retu-aed to
went on to say, "A social security memory. Jacksonville after several days'
card is the key to the protection af- 2. Notify your social security of- visit here with their parents, Mrs.
forded by the Federal Old-Age fice if a change occurs in your I. C. Nedley and Mr. and Mrs. Gra-
and Survivors Insurance program name. dy Nichols.


I do all watch and jewelry repairing in my own store. I

do not'"job out" any watch work to any other watchmaker.

Having had 25 years experience at the bench, I am able to

do prompt and accurate work, and guarantee all work.

We carry in stock a complete line of watch material.


"LC-~ --~I-- --abs~sB~ I~ls~i~8lsa~"~snru~~8e~~aaulC-
I I I I rn ,, ,.,~ ~, .,.,,, -




" T r

\.- :--



Published t ,ry Friday At 306,,Wlliams Avenue, Port St.
Joe., Florida, By The Star Publishing Company
WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher
Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist,
Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper
Entlred' a- "-c.onil-a, s m matter, IDeember 10, 1937, at th
Postolfice, Port St. Joe, 1la., under Act of March 3. 1879.
ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MOfNTHS $1.50
-~-f TELEPHONE 51 ,J--
TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver-
tisementrs, thriepublishers do not hold themselyea liable loe
damage further than amount received, for such advertisement.
The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word
is thoughtfully weighed. 'he spoLen word barely asserts;
the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoke word
is lost; the printed word remains.

U. S. Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge's
abandonment of the niceties of diplomatic lan-
guage in his warning to Russia gave dramatic
emphasis to our determination to back up a
similar warning given Europe by President Mon-
roe over a century ago. Mr. Lodge's statement
in the United Nations Security Council to So-
viet Delegate Semyon Tsarapkin possibly set
an all-time record for bluritness in high-level
"I say to you, representative of the Soviet
Union: Stay out of this hemisphere, and don't
try to start your plans and conspiracies over
It was on Dec. 2, 1823, that President James
Monroe set the precedent upon which Ambas-
sador Lodge based his position. At that time
it had been proposed in Europe to overthrow
new democratic governments erected from for-
mer colonies of Spain. The Holy Alliance of
Austria, Russia, and Prussia, supported by
France, undertook "to put an end to the system
of representative government."
SAfter consulting with his cabinet, President
Monroe announced "as a principle in which the
rights' and interests of the United States are
involved, that the American continents, by the
free and independent conditions which they have
assumed and maintain, are henceforth not to be
considered as subjects for future colonization by
any European powers." If any European power
tried to interfere with American governments,
the President added, the United States would
consider it an unfriendly act, "dangerous to our
,peace, and safety." .. ,
The present situation in Guatemala seems


COLDER COLD Refrigerator
A big Refrigerator value' Spacious 8 cu. ft. model up to 43 lbs.
frozen storage in full-width Freezer and Ice Cube Storage Tray.
Room for 8 quarts milk-even full-gallon containers. Half-shel'
removes for turkey, watermelon storage. Famous Westinghoui
Economizer Mechanism for trouble-free performance.

4IeAerihn. HrEc

CWomete omie Funaishis..0 MHo
4W/ w

to'be precisely the sort the Monroe Doctrine was
drafted to oppose. The Communist Party, an
instrument of the Soviet Union, has de facto
if not official control of the Central American
state. While President Arbenz and his .top
officials are not Communists, he has courted the
party's support, appointed its members to im-
portant sub-cabinet posts, taken it into his gov-
ernment's coalition, and allowed it to organize
such government programs as the land reform
project. Exceedingly hostile to the United
States, the Guatemalan government has recently
imposed rigid press censorship and has posed
a threat to its neighbors with arms imports from
Czechoslovakia. Our cuase for concern is real
Just as the Soviet Union feels its interest
in the Balkan nations is justified by its security
considerations, so do we justify our concern for
the autonomy of Central and South American
states. Ambassador Lodge's statement leaves
no doubt as to where we stand.
-Florida Times-Union

The month of July marks the 210th anniver-
sary of the passing of one of America's greatest
and least-remembered heroes John Peter Zen-
ger. In 1734, as the "independent, truculent"
editor of the New York Weekly Journal he was
thrown into jail, charged with criminal libel for
airing the abuse of power by the British governor
of New York It was his ultimate court victory
in 1735, that established the foundation for free-
dom of the press in the New World. And Zen-
ger's vindication before an hostile court resulted
from the insistence of his counsel on the right o.
the jury to inquire into the truth or falsity cf
the published statements.
As an editor, we are grateful to Publisher
John W. McPherrin of The American Magazine
for the timely reminder of our debt to Zenger
in the current (July) editorial .. "Free to
be RESPONSIBLE". It was this latter point --
that the press must be responsible as well as
free that inspired the first editorial in the first'
issue of the Colonies' first magazine. In 1741,
three years before John Peter Zenger's'death,
and 35 yeais before the Declaration of Inde-
pendence, the first ditor of The American Maga-
zine wrote.
"While we are zealously endeavoring to pro-
mote the Liberty, we shall as carefully avoid
contributing to the Licentiousness of the press.
We have here particularly in view Defamatory
Libelling as it comprehends the ideas of False-
,i,'d and Scandal combined together.
Thie plro-:mting of te Liberty of Mankind
-~----~DI~e~- e I

Tuese s9

PHONES 2 and 4




and you get aCOR

and youll get a FORD



Only V-8 in its field

CAR C Outmoded Sixes only

CAR P Outmoded Sixes only

Ford's new Y-block V-8 is the most modern
engine in the industry! And it's the only V-8 in
the low-price field! It has deep-block, low-
friction design for smooth, gas-saving "GO."

FORD Only Ford has
new Ball-Joint Suspension
CAR C Old-fashioned kingpin

CAR P Old-fashioned kingpin

This advanced new suspension makes all han-
dling easier... all riding smoother. The magic's
in the sealed Ball-Jonts which replace old-
fashioned kingpins and hinge-like joints.



130-h.. YES YES YES
115-h.p. SIX YES YES YES
CAR C m m
115-h.p. SIX
125-hp. SIX I0 NO YES
100-h.p. SIX
110-h.p. SIX N0 NO YES

", ie


Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37

/ i/ ... Clean, crisp, trend-setting lines.
A truly modern, long, low, sleek silhouette.
Smooth, graceful fender line.
Low, subtly-curved, modern hoodline.
Fashion-tailored interior fabrics and trim. *

Ford wins on the

"deal," too I

Come in and

get the score


comprehends the highest Acts of Beneficence issue was published. Nevertheless, we think isn't exactly calculated to hurt
that we can possibly exercise toward our fellow the arguments presented here are as valid today Emory's chances for the judgeship,
S BIG EGGC MAN-Seen in Wash-
creature The Press, under right Application. as they were 219 years ago." ingtb last week was Paul Braden,
has been found to have an admirable influence And if anybody asks us, we think they are of Zephyrhills. Braden, who weighs
on magistrates, restraining them in the bounds valider if there is such a word. Cert-inly in in at a jolly 245 pounds, is one of
of their duty." the face of today's complexities at the local, Florida's largest egg producers. He
Writing in 1954, Mr. McPherrin says, "These national or international level we are more stopped over in Washington on
historical quotations are not generally known. dependent on our press than ever a press his waY back home after a business
So far as I can determine, this is the first time that must have freedom to serve us, and must ip that carried him through Ohseyo,
Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
they have appeared in print since that 1741 be responsible to perpetuate that f eed -.. HEARINGS ARE OVER, FORE!
~. --The House .took the day off last
Mrs. Agatha Kirkpatrick, Mrs. Lina both of the funds. This bill wi:! Friday. It may or may not have
'Skipper and Mrs. Belva Morris. benefit some 3S.000 retired workers had anything to do with .the closer
Washington DUE CREDIT-Last week Presi -many of whilo live in Florida. ing down of the McCarthy-Army
S dent Eisenhower signed the "Brid- JUDGE AKERMAN?- Will t he hearings, but most of the membe.
SEE SAW ges" bill. Last year when it w,.a- new Federal judgeship for Miami took this rare chance.to relax. Seen
introduced by Senator George Ima- go to Emory Akerman? Akern;an. at Burning Tree Golf Course (whera
by WIN PENDLETON others, it was known as the Sma-; whose father was a Federa'. judce. the President plays) were Congress,
-I others Oill. But, politics being what is a former r .inc,;: ; O'.ando man iSyd Herlong, his brother, By
.IOLLAND HONORED Sena- they are, and the bill being a fair now living in Miami. The Aker- ron, and Norwood Lockett, of LesB-
tor 'Spessard Holland has just been and just bill. it was inevitable that man family has for year. be-en iden- burg-here for a week end visitt
named, with the President of Vene- the republicans would take credit tified with the Republican party ot with Syd.
zuela, Marcos Jimenez, to receive for it. The real name for the bill is Florida. Emory's chances are con- -
the American Road Builders Asso- H.A. 356 and it's an amendment to'sidered to be excellent for the Visistors From Virginia
ciation 1953 Pan American Higt !the Railroad Retirement Act. Un- newly created post. His brother. E. E. Van Horn arrived Tuesday
way awards. A silver plaque will be der this bill, retired people draw- Alex. holds the only Republican from Richmond, Va., and is spend-
presented to each of these men at ing pensions from the railroad also appointment in Washington to go ing fhis week with his daughter,
the 6th Annual Pan Ame-ican High- will be permitted to. draw social to a Florida man-Executive Di- Mrs. B. H. Munn and family on
way 'Congress in Caracas in July-- security payments if they have rector of the 1;:;: _"-'. CA ::- Hunter Circle. He will leave Sun-
for their work in furthering tl-e ad- earned them. Prior to this time. mission. Alex's presence o"n th e day for Pensacola where he will
vancement of highway progress in they could only draw one-even Washington 'sr:e. wl.re & can hbe the guest of another daughter
the Western Hemisphere. H-lollnd, though they might have paid into keep a finger on the poiiical pulse, before going to Texas City, Texas.
as a member of the Senate Commit-
tee on Roads, was instrumental in
having the U. S. put up mnoj.ne 1
help finance the Pan Alin:-ican L 'T
Highway now being built to South
America. ',
BIG TRIP-Center of attraction '' ''
was Congressman Bill Lantaff. G(- ... '' -.
there around him and overr'owiving
his outer office were 14 pre't; 4-H er -, m ,

Club girls and their three leaders
-all from Miami Jackso l High.
They had worked and saved thiir
money for four years-and wf:re
here to see the sights. Eact had
been allotted three dollars a day
for meals-but all had saved somen
of that for more exciting things.
They saw everything they came to
see-but ended up with sore ftc(t
Those on the trip were: Carolyn
Tucker, Lois Brannock, Mary Fran-
ces McKenney, Loretta Kirkpat-
rick, Marsha Palmer, Gloria Mar-
tin, Patti Martin, Mary Ann Crabb,
Waneta ,Skipper, Ann De Winkler,
Dina Dale, Carol Lynn Bussart,
Mary Doris Cohn. Leaders were:

_ ~~ __ 1)___



THURSDAY', JUNE 24, 1954


Port St. Joe, Florida


= pa Iff


County School Board Minutes

Wewahit(llka, 1t Io*l Ia Sup'erntndend c-hew aiinia
Julle 8, 10954 Wewahitebka. F1lc:
n uJu u 11, 1934
The Board of Iubillic In truction. Gulf The Board ,f ulic Instructii. Gul
County, Florida, lmet in reglul,.r scrSion iL County. ,Fori. et in special S'ssioi (0
'lie aui.5LO date r,.itl the f,' .,'wi nl- above ate th e n e b
ber, present an Lacting; Hazel Claskin, C(ar- t abor ,,at i; Iazeol lowin. Cte
tcr WVar, .1. B.Harris and J. A. iticll, present and acting; lzel Gaskin ate
ChairLnaii. Fennon. T lley wa. a i Ward, J. B. lar i .nd J. A. W 'hitfield
s.rerintenlent was also present and acting. ClintendFent \ ,as allio present anid ac
Nilpe iiteiideint \ias d .i! o present aind arc
il- h minutes of the precedling inieting ,iog.
., : real iand adopted L (ai with eoe n'ie Board mlet in Special Session f1o
.coireetionl. the purpose oi opening bids for a (4) class
The Financial Statement ior tie month of rooni addition to tl I'ort St. Joe Hil
in, wais examined and approved. School.
STh, Nurses' and Sanitarians reports The Board received te foll.i"ing bids
r,.a, and ordered filed. 1.. F. Guit, Contractor, $.31,729.05.
A group of citizens fom n White City E.M. Hall Contracting Co., $37,381.00.
mt with the school board to discuss bus Model Homes, Inc., 8 2,994.00.
driver of that route for tile coming tear. Iteell, ReNella sa Cros, b1,9n7.00.
Action was deferred until a later meeting Moved by Iharris seconded bh Gaskin ant
te scaprriemd that tihe Cha irman and Superintent
dir. Ted Richards and Mrs. truce Weeks lent be authorized to sign contract wilh

board would make every effort to comply J. A. WHITFIEL
with their request. TIIO'lAS A. OWENS J.A. WHITFIELD
Tihe Board approved thle attendance of Superintendent Chairman
the superintendent at a meeting in Gaines- LIST OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE
ville of County Superintendents' on June MONTH OF MAY, 1954
24 and 15. GENERAL FUND
Upon tie request of Catherine Nix, she Name purpose Amount
as granted a leave of absence so that she Gso that s o. Cuide, Suppli es ............ $300
may accept ta fellow sip aSarded her by tie Be ,l's, Supplies ................ 4.1
Ford Foundation and aas assured that sie Society for Visual Eduea., Inc., Sup. 15.13
wourl be re-en ploerd providing tlrere was American Library Assn., Supplies 10.25
a vacancy in wphic she was certified to Industrial Arts and Vocational Education
te'achi. 2 .5
Upon the recommendation of the Principal Qu lity Grt. & lkt., Supplie......
of Port St. Joe High School and the Super- Reell's Gro. & kt., Supplies .... 2.11
int edent the board appointed the following Gen. Biological Sup. ouise, Supi .. 14.491
a teachers in the Port St. Joe High School Biureau o Publications Suplies .... 5i.90
for thi 1951-55 school term: hIis ,anI ,. (G. Balfour, Supplies........... 99.22
Potol' Booth Poole, Lenwtoo Johanson, .J. E. W ratley Typewriter Co., Serv 15.75
tin hl ,,tuald, Iloover Herrington and Mar- Re-i burse n lt ............ 4.66

before them they did then adjourn to meet Ga. Chemical Co., Supplies ...... 150.00
again in Special Session on J ne 11, 9.4. Te Worrell 3lfg. Co., Supplies.... 82.5
ATTEAST: S J. A. ID W. L g. s Co.,R o Supplies r .... 4.
THOMAS A. OWENS J. A. WIIIT'-ItI,D W. L. Durant's Radio Service

against,disease sure to produce the desired results. Our--
accurate prescriptions can help in your fight to health.

Campbell's Walgreen Agency Drugs
"PRESCRIPTION'S a Specialty"
Phone 27 210 Reid Avenue/


,q,.,,et for only

Find out for yourself! COME IN


*Delivered locally. Optional
taxes, if any, additional. Price

Your trade-in may cover the down payment. Ask about


Panama City Highway


Phone 6


,,.... ........... .

Lab r t ......................, ...i c e" 'C by Irw in C al an
SPa Irwy in capsllq
luhi Hd4 C i. o.. u plie- 13.',7 -
R oci.-'*, Apldih n e Sture. -luppiv .. .
5th. Sje Blir. Slup. ( I. Suppli 3 U
G, kin Bi .u. J11ub1 l Co., Maireil 13.37
\ Ce-,n eiopoiitiip. plie 120.51
W". C. Cooper Co., Laboi ......... .92.91
Cul l)ru C't.. SuBo plier- .......Sp ... 41 76
SJohn Lulr, oauiliiig Booki ........ 1 U.loi ui"
Ol k ti t ln. Co ., Pest Contiol .... .H1)'
M\. [ a: I. I&'tel. CO., Tre'ihr....2.94
John MIMullen, uarbiage )is,. ... .. .0
Fra k o a ot's _\gc S lin ........ 0.9.89,
S Toe il l eitir S Co., ,Co r ite,- 27..' 0 3
Fli. State I porI Cot,., Sipplic 412.64
Simon and Sitcrrster, Inc., Supplie .. 8.79
s Ever an's Booksholp, Supplies .... 4 .7
Chic e. iayfield, .Ep. to Me e. .. 1300
Vilian 'I. Maritii, Exp. to e lee. t. .00
Sadiie W ix. Nsi, Exp. to Meet ......-. 1.00 .'f 1
Idla M. James, Exsl. to Meet. ...... 15.0u
W ilsonll olidr. El. to Meet 15.00
David Johnson, E\p. to Meet. ...... 15.001
dHubert E. Riclhards, Exp. to Meet... 30.0O(
Sttar Pub. Co., Prinlt. Min .uimes .
The New York Tines, Struppli; .. 15.0
Eiulrcators Progress Serv. Supplies .. 20.00 V (1
Time, Inc, Supplies ....... 12.00
l popular Science, Supplies .. .... 1. .00
At merican Seat. Co., Supplies ... 22.50
4 lalrnsortation ind, Tratnsfer .... o.500.0
Port St. Joe nighiy School
Lunchroom for April .... 23.236
Wewvarhit hka IliidIlt School ...... 2.
Lunbcliroo J for Atpri ..
George Washiugingron High School
luncehroom for April-........-74.61
Port St. Joe Elenienta y School 4.4
S Luichrroon for April...... 428.4
Highland Viewo Elernenrtary School .o
S Lmnrcluroom for April ...... 130.05
S Ionnie Gay, Labor .............. 10.0
fi)Thlo s Ar O ens, Saal .... 6. 3.
Thomas A. Owensr, Tra-el .......... 50.(0(l

Ella Clafin Smitr, Salaryv.l...... 173.60
t Mr. *R. C. SMtleo Salarl ......... !6.72.
I rs. Kate Alsobrook, Salai ....9.77.
Hitl S. Porter, Salary V.... ........ 192.l047
5 Teach Relire. Sys., Contribution 61.33
Fedl. IReserre Rlanki, T---........ 13--7.8to
J Itrotective Life Ihs. Co., Ins ..-. 8.70
C. MI. CGy, Comptroller, Retire 411.119
H. E. Richards, Sal. tearch ,vet. lIst. 183.00o
e James Ho arld, Stal. Tearh. Vet. Inst. 61.60
7 David .Johrnson, Sal. Teachl. Vet. Inst. 92.00
LLula M. Wilson, Sal Teach. Vet. Inst. 92.70
R. C. Maaddlox, Sal. Tearclr. Adult Schrool
E e o........ S l... .... 62.01
Clytee S. Marfiehl, Salary
Teacehinrg ii, Adult School 137.07 The Travelers Safety Service
Ira C. Mayfield. Jr.
Salary Teaching in Adula School 56.42
B. B. Scisso1. Salary
Teaelcing in Adult School .... 57.12 "There's still nothing wrong with the old reflexes. Notice
l-mnile 'Twine, Salary
Teaching in Adult School ... 55 32 the neat way I avoided that joker in the car back there?"
Eva Crawfordt Salary
Teaching in Adult School ... .56.02
Wilson Holiday, Jr., Salary
Teaching In Adult School .. 56.02 Wiewa HdwLe Co., -,.,. ...... 244 35 CURTIS WATSON IS
Albert Wynn, Salary J. Lamar Millers' .., -. Supplies 1.50 S G IN
Teaching in Adult School .... 58.22 Alvin McGlon's Serv. Garage, Sup. and SERVING IN KOREA
B. B. Scisson, Travel ............ 60.00 Labor .. ..... ... 23.25
Eloise McGriff, Travel ............ .25.00 Gulf Oil Corp., Supplies .......... 257.76
ames A. Talbot, Travel .......... 38.78 John Land, Salary ............ 148.62 24th DIV., KOREA Sgt. Curtis
Etna McAllister, Travel ........ 20.00 Roland B. Hardy, Salary .......... 153.0
Eula D. Pridgeon. Travel .......... 20.00 Jirp Sealy,. Substitute Work ... 5.00 Watson, whose wife, Francis, lives
Hazel Gaskin, Salary v........... 910.0 0 C. M. Ga., Copt.Reire ........ 8.13 at Eustis, Fla., is serving in Korea
Carter Ward, Salary and Travel .... 12 70 Federal Reserve Bank, Tax ........ 9.20
J. A. Whitfield, Salary ......... 10.00 Protee. Life Ins. Co., Ins.......... 5.75 with the 24th Infantry Division.
J. B. Harris, Salary and Travel .... 13.90 Buford Attaway, Sub. Work ...... 20.00
Fed. Reserve Bank. Tax ........ 208.40 Mozelle Wright, Salary .......... 99.75 The "Victory" division first land-
CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Frank Faircloth, Salary ......... 125.00
Fla. Power Corp., Electric an Creamer, Salary ........... 12,3.00 ed in Korea during July 1950 and
Energy for PSJ Schools .... 357.09 Flossie Wilson, Salary ......... 67.62 spent 19 months in combat before
Gulf Coast Electric Coop. Inc., Electric Otis Davis, Salary ........... 94.00 inc at e
Energy for Wewa- Schools .. 86.43 Willie Williainms, Salary .......... 121.12 going to Japan for security duty. It
Connell Water Wks., Water for Wewa Goui on Alford, Salary. ........ 118 75
School .... ..............30.00 C. M. Gay., eormlpt., Retire. ......2751 retired to the peninsula shortly
St. Josephl Tel. & 'Tel. Co., Services 84.19 Fed. Reserve Bank, Tax .......... 15.50 before the cease-fire.
ria Plumlilrg & Ieating Conmpainy Protec. Life Ins. Co., Ins. ........ 5.75
Rent on Cals Bottle ....... 2.00 Burke B. Scisson, Salary ....... 40189 Watson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ike
Standard Oil Co., Supplies .. ... 125.53 William II. Linton, Salary ....... .300.97
City of Port' St. Joe, Water for St. Joe Russell C. Maddox, Salary ...... 298.59 Vratson, Port St. Joe, is an assis-
Schools ................ 64.87 William C. Martin, Salary ..... .231.38
C. R. Smith, Salary ............ 184.00 James A. Talbot, Salary .. ......237.10 tant platoon sergeant in the 19th'
A. Melvin, Salar ................. 162.50 Robert A. Woll, Salary ...... 246.43
J. L. Maddox, Sailary ............. .. 145.17 Leroy Bowdoin, Slar .......415.28 egient. Before entering gthe Ar-
Danl Hodrick. Salary ........ 95.00 Robert M. Craig, Salary ........293.32 my he was employed by the Lake
Clal-ence Whitfield, Salary .... .. 135.50 Herman R. Dean, Salary ........318.79
C. M. Gay, Comptroller, Retire. .. 20.63 Dewtey P: Phillips, Salary ........ 266.02 Region Packing Assn.
Federal Reserve Bank, Tax ........ 19.70 Netta Niblack, Salary .......... 235.28 ,--
Sweetie Epps, Salary ........... 45.00 Walter Trikosko, Salary .......... 237.70
Ola Hodrick, Salary ......... ...... 45.00 Hubert E. Richards, Salary ..........346.27 Johnn Temple, Cincinnati Red-
Ellen Ray, Salary .............. 55.00 Henry F. Ayers, Salary .... .... 303.58
Stella Norris, Salary ............. 75.00 Teachers' Retire. Sys., Retirement 456.51 legs infielder, stole home three
Allie -M-ae Dees, Salary. ............ 55.00 Fed. Reserve Bank, Tax ........ 501.00 ,
Corine Hopps, Salary. ............. 45.00 l'rote. Life Ins. Co., In ...... 0 time in the club's first 21 games
Lucille Dmudley; Salary ,. ........... 45.00 Gulf Teachers Fed. Credit Union, Cont. 55.00 this season.
Eula Dean, Salar .............. 45.00 Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Fla.
Wanv Johnson, Salary ......... 45.00 Insurance ................ 54.40
Emma Peterson. Salary.. .. ... 45.00, Donald Willianmso ,Sub. Work .... 10.00
S TRANSPORTATION FUND Leslie Coker, Sub. W... ....... 10.0
tr r ,' .i of Eduotation Revolving Fund ..i ..i ........5.. 00
T ,..... 123.00 BI'-. ... ,, ( .. 1 9 .15 4.
St. Joe Motor Company, Supplies and Labor :.::..::...... :...227.3:15 :J::, .:: .-
... Laura .\ Hilnton, Salary ...... 171.89
Magldalene Hubbard, Salary .... 208.56
Lartm.a La ier. Salary ......... 200.73 r
Flireiwe Pridgeo, Saiary ......... 186.16
Letha Rester, Salary ........... 205.68
Barbara Shirley, Salary ........ 154.38
Irene Cornell, Salary ...... 206.61
Leroy T. Hodges, Salary ... 234.29
Ira C. Mayfield, Jr., Salary ...... 247.48
Clytee S. Maifiell Salary ........ 268.03
Etha McA llister.alr. Salary ... 190.03
Sadie \ mNix, Sial ary .......... 266.66
Bet ty A ichors, Salary ........... 177.73
irgainia Blieck. Salar ........ 215.77 -
Jacquelit Browrn, Salary ....... 196.16
irm Patlricia Clla v. Salary ......... 179. 96
lmararl li Clark. Sa ol y S ...l .... 168.04
Willie Mae Davis. Salary ........ 173.07
Iaralo EIer, S8hlary .............. 167.76
Honomie A'riael(, Salary ......... 199.61
Sara Fite, Sad Salar ...... 212 486
Laura tleddie, Salary ............ 214.71 O S I
r lit r Switzer. Salary ... 207.61
Juarita Gunn, Salary .. ......... 23 .640
.leani layes. Salar ..... .. 167.90
\linrnie Hlowell. Salary .......... 200.18
nes r llV)\\ilrd Sala i ry ....... 16 .61
Av arlyei C. LMarein, Salary .. .... 225-46
5 aroa l "Soal Saliar ... ..... 172.47
SAturli a Rasltssen, Salary ...... 223.49
'elen Rolli ns, Salary ............ 214.26
Suue Strw.rt, SI abry ..r ........1209.81
EYri:on: Sitraughsn. Salary ....... 190.10
1erlil Switzer. Salary ........ 2207.57
Saryi lAstins. Salary. ......... 213.26

D au id B tlon e t" S al ar y . . '.1 .5
I rA.elie r Salary. o2- .....- .... 167.70
Ibrd Blwlickr Sala... ............ 192.l8
Margaret lieVore. Sala y .. ...... 193.66
KaLherin l .eter, Salary ........ 22 .9 .4
Lillia.n .T. Kenlington. S",ah'y 1,... 192.61
Sr sCate neNixn Salar ......... 2:12.73
1. loe O'Neal. Snalal 184.64
C\ llmc" W-e\. Sub ..r ...... 20.
1uh If. l'innRimlel., Salary ........ 212.4
S Sils, Sulary .......... 229 27
B l rk322 .76
M i 31er ilI Switzer. Salary .... .. 0.7
l...._. 'L -Pearline Yelidrs. Salary ......... 1273.
nRub .--Biartle., Salary .......... 241.15

SAl h )ea rit ...... Sl ar ....... 221 .0

11-lea Wit il eu Su iWork ...... 15.00ff

and uree i ".l i Sub. Wiork i.......... .s 1ff)
R h L sonP m. Staulary W ........... 1 5.O
lul e l. SubIo lovrk .......... 5.00. 7

d It "ithllo. Salary 9ork............ 7.50
i.. Boeeee y.se ::::::::. IoA n. ... 7..00
If,,ib loe-.. Siltt. .... ........... 214.5
,''e ni. Brlnne,. Wonrk ...... 7om? suppies. o h00

t,,i a l lii .\loou Laro' .......... 2 01l3
"1 ,rEhi i Bri u na y. .lry ........ .19.51
ISrsali Cohnio.i, Salauiy .......... 9..176
Bllts u-tt oii. Slai. u ........ ..... 019.76
l1, ltt-u-u' W,'lu itvauu. S iI tt. ... Ill...... .00

E lth it.tz. Solary. ......... 00 19 ke2es

Utt ul o 1,, ,mi. Sahlr .'... ..7... 0 64.
e e nuaoi el Cm, Salary ........... 1 82. 4 1.
u'c -,ttol c ,V(. wutirS... .. .la r .. 18 ..1...1.lon
e,, .i fl ,+_.t,,it.s. S ,la, .... ......... 3 '7s

J J L L LW,,,. Btridt.alary ..........3. ofep all, tnt
hu,emit -ol I Br'iN. Sal,,l .......... .16.51 Bes

o r oii eai. r1nar Svnlar .......... 2 .1 o .
endleth isr iiln. Salary ............ 198.74

subject to change without notice. .Tslutnil! 1.ltlhn. Sitlars...............167.6'
our convenient terms ,,.t iI ntitithi, ir .e----02.71OurAir C on

--a-2L Earlh.n, WahllR. Salary ........ 162.81 any COOlIng Or
'Tearc: hrs' Rlieiro. r s.. R fcir i ..... .5.5.91 a y
FA GI'-et... e ok. 'r;'.........,- 7 ,.70
PAiR lif ,- t .. ...... 2.40 phone for an a
lAR GE B.lue (r m and Bluef Shield of Fla.
In.urn e .......... ... 177 o R. E. PORTER, Manager
Gulf T1 a'l F,-I. Credit I union. Cont. 12-.00
Port St. Joe, Florida

'\Most of Ethiopia's 250.'00 siquiare
miles is on a plateau 5.000 to 6.nn0 i
feet high. 1
tt t -

At Church Wednesday
Bay View WSCS Meets

The Bay View Woman's Society
of Christian Service met at the
church on Wednesday afternoon,
June 9 at 3 p.m. with the president,
Mrs. W. H. Weeks, presiding. The
theme for this meeting was, "The
Student in Today's World". The
scripture lesson, Mark 12:2S-34 was
read by Mrs. J. T. cNeill.
"Grace Greater Than Our Siln"
was sung by those present with
Miss Mary Cox at the piano.
"Students 'From Other Lands"
was presented by Mrs. W. C. Fore-
hand, followed by a song. "Are Ye
Able" .sung by the group.
"rStudent Work Camps", was pre-
sented by Mrs. W. W. Garrett and
"The Importance of Work With
Students" by Mrs. Lilie House.
Mrs. J. T. McNeill gave an im-
pressive spiritual interpretation of
"The 23rd Psalm" ,


-Miss Mary Cox. a student at
Southeastern Bible-College at Bir-
mingham, Ala., was the guest
speaker and spoke most convinc-
ingly on "What We As Christians,
Can Do". Her message which seem-
ed to radiate her own inspired life
was enhanced by fittin scripture
quotations -as she recommended
that each have a vision, continue
in prayer since "Prayer is the
Christian's Vital Breath". dedicate
our lives to service in any field as
we cannot separate home and for-
eign missions." The mission field
is .wherever we are as well as
abroad. We are to be witnesses all
over the world", Miss Cox said.
Mrs. J. T. McNeill invited the
group to meet with her at her
beach home on Wednesday, June
16 at 3 p.m. at which time a life
membership pin will be presented
to Mrs. A. B. Pratt is a token of
appreciation from the Society folr
her outstanding srevice.

Am Mao

IALCopyrighted Material

4 Syndicated Content

Available from Commercial News Providers"
r-ulu l I- .~lll~vu -. -I -UIU.l

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dern heat pump is the answer to year 'round air
zoning. During the hot summer months the unit auto-
lv provides COOL comfort throughout your entire

n winter comes, you'll have no worries about fuel
rtages. Clean, electric heat from the same unit that
all summer gives you even, comfortable heat .

e operating costs for the heat pump are surprising-

ioning Department will be happy to assist you with
heating problem without cost or obligation. Just






Advevtiiillg doesil't cost--it payvs! I

How- M''.Uchl e


"What's for lunch, Mom?"
That's a familiar query this sea-
scn when outdoor activities sharpen
appetites. A good way to make sure
-unclies at your house reach expec-
tations is to keep a supply of lunch-
'on-building foods on the kitchen
-hel. -Give top priority to con-
densed soups, for they are star per-
rormers in summer meals. They are
quickly and easily prepared. They
provide variety. And they give cool
sandwich-salad meals a warm heart.
Too. soups are well-liked and nour-
A good luncheon plan with soup
Salad or Saittlich
DS's,rrC Ber'rnage
lmagiination andi "know-how" are
rieeldeI. to turn t! -i:';v : .-

tizing and nutritious meals. With
cream soup have a meat or seafood
salad and fruit for dessert. A vege-
table soup tastes good with egg
salad and pie or cake. With a meat
soul) select fruit salad and a cheese
sandwich; then pudding for dessert.
The beverage could bd milk, or on
a. particularly sweltering day-iced
tea or lemonade.
Cream of Chicken Sotp
Strawberry-crowned Fruit Salad
Raisin Bread Sandwiches
Iced Tea
Beef Soup
Swiss tCheese S.ndwich
Grapelrait Half

Make friends with a good laun- State Road Dept. Has
dry dry starch and the blue waxi -
ironing aid..They are both inex- 52 Projects Going
pensive, and they work- together for
you-to make ironing a breeze, to TALLAHASSEE The State

make clothes dirt-resistant.

L. J. HERRING, Owner
Phone 363 Port St. Joe

l-UdL, U U L )J.a Llll~t/IL VUILlllUOA *iut a.
on 52 projects in Florida and no-
tified the Florida Highway Patrol
this week that some detours will
have to be made.
The projects run from one to ten
months construction time, SRD
said, and include major and mi-
nor roads all over the state.
U. S. Highway 1, along the East
Coast, has five projects now in
progress, including several bridge
projects which necessitate only
short detours around the work.
Longest project is 10 miles in Na;-
sau, widening and rebuilding work.
U.S. Highway 90 from Jackson-
ville to the West Coast, via Pen
sacola, is temporarily out in five
places. Longest project is a six-
mile stretch near Milton. Most of
the projects require only short de-
tours; or proceed with caution
Travelers would do well to con-
tact their State Patrol for infor-
mation about detours, the SRD

Good News for Homemakers

-~ _9a

Herman R. Dean, Jr., Serving Aboard

^' ^^ai.




Mr. and Mrs. Willys Lifcord and
children of Marianna spent Sunday
with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Cleveland Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzil and
son, Daniell from Pensacola spent
the week end with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealey.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealy and
daughter Evelyn returned home
Saturday after spending several
days in Bradenton visiting with
friends and relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aultman and
children from Panama City spent
Wednesday with his mother, Mrs.
Jim Aultman.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ray and
children from Altha spent Sunday
visiting with his brother and sis-
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray.
Miss Barbara Ann Ray returned
home Sunday after spending sev-
eral weeks with her aunt and uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. L. 'P. Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lovett and
children, Howard and Paula spent
the week end in Vernon visiting
with friends and relatives.
Miss Vivian Ray, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray returned
home with Miss Barbara Ann Ray
where she will spend several days
visiting with her aunt and uncle,
Mr., and Mrs. W. A. Ray.
Danniel Fussell of Pensacola
spent Tuesday with his grandpar-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey,
Mrs. Gordon Bush and children
of Panama. City were .the guests
of her sister and family, Mr. and
Mrs. John Lee Friday.
We are sorry to say that Mr.
George Parirsh is ill and his many
friends wish him a speedy recovery.
Honored On Birthday
Mrs. Edgar Williams honored
her daughter, Judy on her sixth
birthday Friday at 3:00. Several
games were played and refresh-
ments of cake and ice cream were
served to the following little guests:
,David Macomber, 'Stevie Macom-
ber, Gwynn Duval, Brenda Pitts,
Geraldine Campbell, 'Gloria iShoots,
Barbara Ann Wright, Tommie An-
derson, Judy Anderson, Paul Coop-
er, Linda Faye Gardner, Barbara
Brown, David and Patricia MoCor-
mick, Elaine 'Sims, Dianne Gard-
ner, June MlKe' lse Barbara Gay,
Barbara Williams, Charlotte and
the hbnoree Judy Williams.

Star Want Ads Get Results

Phone 14 203 Reid Ave.

Tarawa ficer and Field Officer Courses and Force technical schools.
the Air War College. Special cour- --- .
ses are available which are based Only one in four householders in
on subjects taught at resident Air Britain own refrigerators.

,,A D)eWt

.. .= ,
.. .." ... ,> = = / ,,

I _

A member of the ship's band is continue a round-the-world cruise.
Herman R. Dean. Jr.. musician sec- During the first part of May she
ond class, USN, son of Mr. and visited Australia and New Zealand
Joe, and husband of the former where, with Fleet Admiral William
Miss Mary G. Maisen of 6 Cross St., F. Halsey, she represented the
Newport, R. I., aboard the attack United States in the annual cere-
aircraft carrier USS Tarawa. The monies commemorating the battle
ship left New Zealand May 17 to of the Coral Sea.

Harry G. Little Gets organization, and squadron adminis-
tration which is essential to the
USAF Course Diploma development of capable career non-
commissioned officers.
GUNTER AIR FORCE BASE, T- Enrollment is open to warrant
Sgt. Harry G. Little of 1928-3rd officers, airmen, and enlisted men
AACS Det has been awarded a dip- of any component of the US Arm-
loma from the USAF Extension ed Forces and the Civil Air Patrol.
Course Institute here for success- The ECI offers correspondence
fully completing the Officer Candi- courses on many Air Force sub-
date Correspondence Course. jects. The general courses are bas-
Although students do not receive ed upon the resident curricula of
commissions for completing the the Officer Candidate School of
course, they do receive instruction the Air Training Command, and
in personnel supervision, Air Force the Air University's Squadron Of-

Club Coupe, New Paint
Radio and Heater


'49 OLDS 88
SUPER 4-door, Radio and
Heater Hydramatic
A Black Beauty


'50 Studebaker
2-Door Champion with over-
drive A real buy for only


'49 Chevrolet
%3-Ton Pickup
Reduced To



Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388

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Scheduled airlines of the world
carried 52 million passengers in


Get more car for your money

m.. more money for your ear

Any way you figure value, Pontiac is the head-
and-shoulder standout.
Only at the top of the price scale can you match
Pontiac's size, hixury and big-car performance.
Yet it is priced within a whisper of the lowest!
I That's the big advantage you start with-more
carfor less money. And here's another Deason why,
deal for deal, you can't beat Pontiac. You pay less
in the long run because you are always trading
America's favorite used car.
But let Pontiac and our generous deal do the
talking. Come in for a showdown ride and a top-
dollar appraisal.



Phone 440


323 ReidAve. Tele-hone 94 Port St. Joe, Florida 20.1 Monurment

+ _----------__ -

Meadowbrook 4-Door, Low
mileage new tires.



Roadmaster, 2-door Riviera
All extras plus electric
Window Lifts Perfect


'49 OLDS 88
SUPER Sport Coupe
All Extras


2-Door Sdeanette. Radio and

~b~BBdIS~sl--SP p~y~n~8 ,- Ir I



THURSDAY, jUNF- 24, 1954





Highland View

Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cox and
ia nily spent Father's Day in Ward
near Tallahassee with the former's
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Pasco Cox.
Misses Virginia Chesson of Lukes
Joan Gardener of Bormingham,
Ala Anellgs Harms of Sonchopnv


Visitors From Palm Beach
Mr. ad Mrs. Walter ohnson and Smothers Attacks Proposed Tax Cuts
children, Darrell, Nancy and Joey
of West Palm Beach are the guests As Endangering National Defense
of Mr. Johnson's parents, Mr.,and
Mrs. Joe Johnson, this week. Dar-
rell, who has been visiting with his ORLANDO The administration others said and:
grandparents for several weeks is taking a long gamble with the "We know that the enen
will return with his parents to security of the nation and may be tailoring his offense to mee
their home the latter part of this cutting too deep and too soon in Idefense. It is only logical to e
week. revenue and military strength. Sen. that he will attack in the
-- George Smathers of Florida said which is our weakest-and
Star Want Ads Get Results this week. cially so when we advertise
In his talk before the Florida strategy and expose our weak
Citrus Mutual, Smathers said he Smathers advocated follbwi

.. .. Patsy.
were week end guests of Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rogers
Cox. and son spent the week in Wausau,
Fred Watts and children of Chat- h fiends an relatives.
"tanooga, Tenn., are visiting with Dnad ens and Talmadge
Donald Levins and Talmadge
the Lee Watts family. Barnes are attending the Coast
Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Hand spent Gard Cap in Fot MCean
.the week end in Blountstown with Ala
their parents. Mrs. Bruce Weeks and daughters
Miss Pansy Boland of Chipley
Misspent the week eBoland ofwith her bro-are visiting in Tampa with her mo-
spent the week end with her bro- ther and family.
their, Rev. Charles Boland, pastor
of the Highland View Methodist LEGAL ADVERTISING
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whitfield and FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL
family Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Whitfield CIRCUIT OF THE STATE
and family attended the Whitfield OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR
reunion in Wewahitchka Sunday, GULF COUNTY IN CHAN-
Rudy Richards, a student at the Plaintiff,
Forestry. School in Lake City, isl -vs-
home f'r the summer vacation. He THELMA E. MARTIN,
is visiting with his parents, Mr. NOTICE APPEAR
and Mrs. T. O. Richards and fam- TO THHELMA E. MARTIN, THE
Miss Mary Cox, a student at the TITLED CAUSE:
theastern Bible College in Bir You are hereby notified that a
Southeastern Bible College in Bi:Complaint to foreclose a certain
mingham, Ala., is home for the mortgage on the following describ-
summer vacation visiting with her ed property, \to wit: Lot Fourteen
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cox. (14) in Block One Thousand Twelve
s. M C o D A., (1012-) of Unit No. 1 of Millview
Mrs. Mary Cook of Dothan, A!a, Addition to the City of Port St.
is visiting with her daughter and- Joe, Florida, according to the Of-
family, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rich. ficial Map on file in the Office of
M,s. Betty Brock of Marianna the Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf
SCounty, Florida, in Plat Book 1,
spent the week end with Mr. and page 33, has been filed against you,
Mrs. H. F. Brock. and you .are required to serve a
A quarterly conference was held copy of your Answer or Pleading
at .the Highland View Methodist to the Complaint on Plaintiff's al-
Church. Dr. Mid s of torney. Mercer P. Spear, whose
Church. Dr. Middlebrooks of Mar-post office address is P. O. Box 17,
rianna presided. Panama City, Florida, and file the
Mrs. Vester Burke and daughter original Answer or Pleading in tha
Glenda and father, Mr. Skipper office of the Clerk of the Qircait
Court of Gulf County, Florida, on
spent Sunday in Vernon with the or before the 19th day of July,
latter's mother and Mr. Skipper's 1954. If you fail to do so, judgment
wife. The Skipper's returned for a by default will 'be taken against
visit with the Burkes. Iu for the relief demanded in the
said Complaint.
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Beasley and This notice shall be published
girls of Gadsden, Ala., spent the'once -each week for four conseci-
week with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Itive weeks in the Port St. Joe Star,
Clark and family, a newspaper published and of gen-
Clark and family. eral circulation in -Gulf County,
Joan *and Linda Carol Jones of Florida.
Tallahassee spent last week with DONE AND ORDERED at Wewa-
their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. hitchka, Gulf County, Florida. this
D. M. Jones9th day of June, 1954.
Miss Carolyn Jackson of COary- Clerk of Circuit Court
ville spent the week with Mr. and Gulf County, Florida.
Mrs. Pat Patterson and daughter By: Roselle Gaskin
______ Deputy Clerk
6' T A ,! Attorney for Plaintiff
MER C Notice is hereby given that the
City of Port St. Joe parking ordin-
SUM M ER COLD ance Number 140X duly adopted
by the City Commission of the City
AKE of Port st. Joe, Florida on Febru-
for 0 ary 16, 1954 providing for one hour
parking from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Symptomatic will be enforced beginning on the
RELIEF First, day bo July.
City Auditor and Clerk

We've joined the new
American Motors family and
we're celebrating with a big...


V:'on the greatest performers ever built!

advocates a peace through strength
principle of athletic coaching,
program. ing:

As "much as we want economy "A football team to be effective
and as pleasant as is the prospect must be well balanced in all de-
of cutting taxes, with conditions as apartments of defense and a triple-
they are in the world now," he threat attack is needed to keep
went on, "tax cuts are definitely the opposition from effectively con
part of the long gamble." centrating its defense. We need the
Many members of Congress lack same sort of effective triple threat
confidence in the armed services' in our armed services."
new policies which rely upon the The Russians have revealed their
threat of massive retaliation. Smna- 'pattern of attack. "but the free

world and particularly the United
States seems at the moment to
S have reached a period of indeci-
lnnm 'ion about how to combat it," thr
senator said.
"This is no partisan criticism."
he said, "but it is well known the
ny is administration has split widely
t our over the issue with regard to Indo-
xpect China and has taken two different
area positions within recent weeks."
espe- In the face of Russian threats,
Sour Smathers said, the administration
ess." has sent Congress a budget in
ing a which 37 per cent of the cuts are
say in national security.

He objected to attempts to re-
duce the armed forces while "our
diplomats are getting crowded into
a corner and are having their bluff.
called at Geneva."

State Patrol Says
Auto Accidents Show
Increase of 6 Per Cent
Highway Patrol said in a report
this week that troopers wrote 40
per cent more warnings in May
than for the same time a year eai-
lier, while accidents showed a six
per cent upward turn in caoes iin-
vestigated by the Patrol.
The report showed at that time
that the number of deatni were
80 per cent over a comparable per-
iod in 1953 while injuries showed
a one per cent decrease.
Along with its other wo-rk, the
Patrol said that in May arrest's
were running 16 per cent over me

for May 1953, but they gave 23 per
cent more radio talks on safety
than for the same time-last year.
The Driver's License Division
gave 24,293 examinations, 11,711
passed and 12,583 failed or their
tests were incompleted at the time'
for one reason or another.
The weight section stopped 22,-
235 trucks to check their com-
pliance with Florida's weight law,
Two hundred sixteen were found
overweight and their owners were
assessed $15,260.
Advertising doesn't cost-it pays!

Watch Repairs~l

From 1920 to 1953, per capital period a year earlier and the mile';
production of steel in the United .patrolled were up 1.3 per cent.
States rose from 886 pounds to In safety education, the men gave
1,398 pounds. 27 per cent fewer speeches than


Palm River

Weiners lb. 39c

Swift's Seminole

BACON lb. 59c

ROAST Ib. 29c

Fresh Ground LB.

Hamburger lb. 29c

0 L E 0 2ILbs. 39c Nabisco Saltine
SHRIMP 3 bs. $1.00 edanditebs. 39 CRACKERS b.

FREE RUNNING Vanilla Wafers


2 boxes 19c BATH SIZE
2 boxes19 LUX SOAP 2 bars 19c CARROTS

box 24c


bag 8c


10 Ibs. 19c PEACHES

Ib. 19c PLUMS

Ib. 23c

.Hornet Special Club Coupe. New low prices. Also a Sedan and Club Sedan.

n il V41 lI .WASPS.JETS

4 Hr. Special Friday Nite 5 to 9 p.m.

Floride Grade.'A' Small

Oranges doz. lOc

EGGS 2 doz.


,F .. Av ,,///\ \
Standard trim and other specifications and accessories subject to change without notice.

Highway 98 Phone 6

U -

Hamburger 4 Ib. $1.

Armour's MILK can lOc



Vegetables 59c


Strawberries 49c


Watermelon FREE


Okra & Peas 5c

Florida Grade 'A' Small -- "

EGGS 3 doz. $1.

5 Ibs. 10c






IUNE 27, 1954

Judgment Comes To Israel lold, I will raise up against you a
nation, O house of Israel, saith the
(2 Kings 17:4-14and verse 18) Lord the God of host, and they shall
afflict you." (Amos 6:14).
By REV. J. C. ODUM The lesson in outline:
Pastor, Long Ave. Baptist Church 1. The downfall of Israel. Ver-
The last ten lessons in this quar- ses 5 and 6.
ter have dealt with the northern 2. The course that led to ruin.
kingdom and its prophets. This is Verses 7 through 14.
the last lesson in this series. What 3. God's alternative. Verse 1IS.
a terrible climax it is. All of the Think on these things:
Prophets in this study have point- 1. God rules the nations. God is
ed to this judgment that was sure the real-ruler of America.
to come upon Israel. This final 2. Idolatry is disastrous. 'the
chapter in the history of the nior- deadly peril in America is that ma-
thern Kingdom declares an eter- terialism, *religious formalism or
nal principle applicable to individ- communism shall become our god.
uals and nations alike. Namely, 3. The lessons of history ought to
"The Wages of Sin is Death". Is- be made personal. Are we keenly
rael met with complete destruction aware that we ourselves must reap
in 722 ,B.C. when they were over- the results of our own wrongdoing?
powered by Assyria. The nation "Be not deceived; God is not mock-
Israel was, for a time, a great na- ed. For whatsoever a man soweth,
tion. But now she faces her doom. that shall he also reap." (Gal. 6:7)
Assyria, a sinful nation, is used by A verse to Remember: "The
God to bring his judgment upon
God to bring his judgment upon ways of the Lord are right, and the
IJsrael who has forfeited 'her right just shall walk in them: but the
to live. The Prophet Amos had de- transgressors shall fall therein."
dared (in lesson of June 13) "Be- Hosea 14:9.

First Baptist

WMU Meets For

Royal Service

The Woinan's Missionary Union
of the First Baptist Church met
Monday afternoon at the church for
their- Royal Service program with
Circle 3 in charge of the program.
The program chairman, Mrs. J.
0. Baggett brought the devotional
from Isaiah 44:112-19 subject, "Mak-
ing An Idol" and Romans 10:13-
15, "Whom Shall They Call On, A
Name In Whom 'They Have Never

Bay View WSCS Meets

With Mrs. J. T. McNeill

The Bay View WSOS met at the
beach home of Mrs. J. T. McNeill
on Wednesday afternoon, June 16
at 3 p.m. Mrs. W. H. Weeks, presi-
dent, presided.
The theme for this meeting was,
The scripture lesson from John
13:34, 35 15:1-10 was given by Mrs.
Esther Bartee. Aev. Charles Boland
led the prayer.
The group joined in singing ,"O
Master Let Me Walk With Thee",
following which Mrs. J. T. MoNeill

Heard". Mrs. Wesley Ramsey led gave the meditation.
in prayer. Mrs. Edna Patton developed the
Those taking part on the program tIeme through "A Treasure Hunt".
and. their parts were: Mrs. William She brought out the fact that trea-
Chafin, "A Beautiful Island-For- su-es are our members and we must

mosa". Miss 'Celia Tomlinson sang
a solo, "God Bless Formosa". Mrs.
J. O. Baggett, "Needs of Taiwan';
Mrs. W. O. Nichols, "More Mission-
aries Came"; Mrs. E. C. Cason,
"Neglected People Without Christ";
Mrs. W. C. 'Pridgeon, "The Oppor-
tunities" and "Little Ridgecrest";
Mrs. W. I. Carden, "Seagod Place";
Mrs. W. M., Chafin, "From the
Humblest To The Highest". Mrs.
L. J. Keels offered a special prayer
to help these people to establish a

kee pthe challenge of specific work
to be done constantly before the
membership in an appealing way"
The discussion which followed
was participated in by .Mrs. W. C.
Forehand, Mrs. A. B. Pratt, Mrs. I
Lillie House, .Mrs. W. W. Garrett, I
Mrs. J. T. McNeill, Mrs. Edna Pat-
ton,, Mrs. Esther Bartee and Rev.
Charles Boland.
It was voted to give Mrs. A. B.
'Pratt a- life membership pin as a
gesture of appreciation for her out-

worship place in these lands for standing work.
those to worship God in. In a game which challenged the
The president, Mrs. E. C. Cason players to name what they were
conducted a brief business meet- looking at, Mrs. Esther Bartee was
ing which was followed with prayer given the high score prize and Mrs.
by Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon. W. C. Forehand was given the con-
The following announcements solution gift.
are of interest to all members of Mrs. MeNeill served refreshments
the Woman's Missionary Union: of punch and cake to all present.
The Northwest Coast Baptist As-i ---- -
sociation will meet in the First Highland View WMU Meets
Baptist Church, Tuesday morning
at 11 a.m. for the Associational For Royal Service Program
Executive Meeting for the WMU. ,
The hostesses .will be members of The Woman's Missionary Society
the First Baptist Church of Port St. of the Baptist Church of Highland
Joe. All members are urged to View met Monday faternoon for
keep this in mind and to be pres-!their Royal 'Service Program with
ent if possible. Circle 1 in charge of the program.
Circle meetings for next week: 'The theme of the program was, "A
Circle 1 will meet with Mrs. Cole- Sinful World-A Sufficient Say-
man Tharpe, Kenney's Mill, Mon- iour-Proclaiming the- Saviour in
day afternoon at 3 p.m. IFormosa". After singing "Jesus
Circle 2 will meet with Mrs. W. Saves", Mrs. Oudis Watts led in
O. Nichols, Monday afternoon on prayer. Mrs. Ruth Burch, program
16th Street, at 3 p.m. chairman, read -the devotional tak-
Circle -3 will meet with Mrs. J. en from Isaiah 44:1249 and Ro-
S. Hallman, Monday afternoon at mans 10:1,3-15. ,
3 p.m. The program was presented by
Circle 4 wil! meet with Mrs. G. the following members who took
W. Padgett, Monday afternoon at part: Mrs. Lee Watts, Mrs. L. A.
3 p.m. Barnes, Mrs. Ruth Burch, Mrs. Ho-
Circle 5 will meet with Mrs. Otis mer Echols and Mis. Ralph Ma-
Pyle, Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. comber and rMs. Pearly G. Safford.
Circle 6 will meet-in the home of After singing, "The Kingdom Is
Mrs. W. B. Richardson on Long Coming"', Mr.s. Echols dismissed
Avenue, Monday morning at 9:30. the meeting with prayer.

ae 00v


'A: ~ftUr;RC fl47RYSWrDAy


Tom Miller, Priest in Charge
9:45 a.m., Church School
1.1:00 Holy Communion
(Rev. Harry Douglas, Celebrant
Rev. Tom Miller, Preacher
7:00 p.m. Young People's League

J. C. Odum, Pastor
Meeting in High School Auditorium
9:45 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
1:30 p.m. The Baptist Hour, WPDLP
6:45 p.m. Baptist Training Union
8:00 p.m. Evening Worship
8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service
Nursery open for all services
Public cordially invited

Highland View Methodist Church
Rev. Charles Boland, Pastor
9:34 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
7:30 p.m. Methodist Youth Fellow-
8:00 p.m. Evening Worship
8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service

Kenney's Mill Baptist Church
W. B. Holland, Pastor
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
6.45 p.m. Baptist Training Union
8:00 p.m. Evening Worshin
8:00 p.m. (Wed) Midweek Ser.vice
Everyone invited to all services

Presbyterian Women Hear Iverson
A DAA R~ lw M an IU LI iU AAnL : UlA..J.

Rev. and Mrs. Miller Are Lilius, Mrs. W. D. Dare, Mrs. Ga
Honored With Reception land Lawrence, Mrs. Basil Kenney,
Honored With Reeption Jr., and Mrs. A. L. Ward. Serving
-er--- Tr ,, hrtT* nw.- S n

I Rl evmUnlmll R,,. and Mrs. 1, Tom Miller, minis- Otto Anderson and Mrs. Paul' Fen.
ter of St. James' Episcopal Church som.
The Women of the First Presby- live as Christians and be worthy and daughter, Jill, together with Around 50 guests called during
terian Church held their regular of the name, we should all live as Mrs. W. J. Harwell, mother of Mrs. the appointed hours of 8 to 9:30.
monthly study meeting in the home'a saint. Miller were honored Tuesday eve- --- ---
of Mrs. Basil Kenney, Sr., at Ken- Mrs. C. W. Long, president of the ning with an informal reception at Attending Camp
ney's Mill, Monday afternoon, group presided over the busin !.ss the Parish House. Hostesses were
Speaker for the study was the meeting. It was voted to continue members of St. James' Woman's Bill Chism, Margaret Lois Blount
1Beverly Baldwin, James Steven;
pastor, Rev. BillIverson who pe- the meetings of the organization Auxiliary. Beverly Baldwin, James even
sented the study in the fomr of throughout the summer months. Rev. Miller and his family are attended the Young Peoples Me-
Paul's letters to the Ephesians, Ca- The hostess, served refreshments; residing in the Rectory on Hunter thodistCamp at Blue Lake, Anda-
latians and Romans. In answering to the following members present: Circle. ilusia, Ala., returning home last
the question, "What is a'Saint", Mrs. Henry Campbell, Mrs. M. H. Floor hostesses were Mrs. Henry Saturday.
Rev. Iverson stated that "anyone Elder, Mrs. Charles Garraway, Mrs. I ---
that is a Christian is a Saint'. Ho Harry Saunders, Mrs. R. M. Spil- Long, Mrs. L. S. Bis-sett and one I He that. can have patience can
stressed the point that in order to lers, Mrs. J. B. Stebel, Mrs. C. W. visitor, Mrs. Etta Emch, have what he will.
I -' 1 . .

This Series of Advertisement is Contributted to the

Cause of the Church By the Following Merchants

"For Service and Quality"
Phone 148 208 Reid Ave.

Thames Jewelry and Watch Repair
Registered H.I.A. and Chronograph Repairman
317 Reid Avenue Phone 400

St. Joe Furniture & Appliance Co.
Low Down Payments -- Easy Terms
Phone 239 205-207 Reid Ave.

"Exclusive But Not Expensive"
Phone 65 410 Reid Ave.

Home Owned by E. J. Rich and Sons
Phone 306 205 3rd Street

West Florida Gas & Fuel Company
"Our Rolling Pipelines Never End"
Port St. Joe, Fla. Phone 342

Hardware, Paints, Building Supplies
Phone 14 203 Reid Ave.

316 Reid Ave. Phone 288

"Pay Cash and Pay Less"

222 Reid Ave.

Phone 252

Frigidaire Applian!c "s

Phone 291

209 Reid Ave.

"Make Your House A l!,ii/-"
Phone 56 309-ik Reid Ave.

H. S. LILIUS, Jeweler
25 Years Experience In W'atch Repairs
Phone 162 322 Reid Ave.

"Your Family Shopping Center"
308 Reid Avenue

Mrs. Neese Hostess To

Long Ave. Baptist BWC

The Business Women's Circle of
the Long Avenue Baptist Church
met June 15 at the home of Mrs.
Max Neese. Mrs. Durel Brigman,
chairman, opened the meeting with
prayer and then presided over a
brief business meeting.
The program, "Proclaiming the
Saviour in Formosa" was presented
by Mrs. A. P. Martin, Mrs. Durel
Brigman ,and Mrs. Grady Player.
Miss Alma Baggett had the devo-
tional. Mrs. A. P. Martin closed
the meeting with prayer.
The hostess served delicious iced
refreshments to the following mem-
bers, Mrs. M. L. Britt, Mrs. P. B.
Fairley, Mrs. Carl Norton, Miss
Alma Baggett, Mrs. Durel ,Brigman,
Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr., Mrs. A. P:
Martin, Mrs. Wayne Hendrix, Mrs.
Grady Player, and one visitor, Mrs.
Doyle Rutherford.
The next meeting will be at the
home of Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr., on
July 20,



Highland View Baptist Church
Rev. P. G. Safford, Pastor
Sunday Services
9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
-6:45 p.m. Training Union
8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service.
7:00" p.m. (Wed.) Choir Practice
8:00 p.m. (Wed) Prayer Meeting

Rev. L. J.. Keels, Pastor
Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship, 11:00 a.m.
Training Union, 8:00 p.m.
Evening Worship, 8:00 p.m.
Woman's Missionary Society, Mon-
day at 3:00 p.im.
Junior R.A. and G.A. and Intermed-
iate G.A. on Monday at 4:15 p.m.
Intermediate R. A. Tuesday at 4:00.
Preaching at White City Mission
Tuesday at 8:00.
-Prayer Service, Wednesday 8:00.

Fred L. Davis, Pastor
-9:45 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship.
6:45 p.m. MYF, Seniors, Inter-
mediates, Juniors.
8:00 .m. Evening Worship.
7:30 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service
8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Choir Rehearsal

Oak Grove Assembly of God
Lloyd D. Riley, Pastor
10:00 a.m., Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship
8:00 p.m. Evangelistic Service
,8:00 p.m. (Wed.) Prayer Service
8:00 p.m. (Fri.) Christ Ambassa-
dor Service.



TH U RSC)AY, J UN E 24, 1954L





-rM- STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF ... .T....L.R...A..A.E NINE
*" high.. .."

Georgia Editor Expresses Himelf

Concerning The Miracle Of Florida

Possibly it would be interesting with a visit he made to our state.
to you to see how a "ferriner" feels -
about the state of Florida and THERE ARE FOUR FLORIDAS
how a visit here impresses him. There are four Floridas. The best
The following article was printed time to see one of them is in that.
Sin the Atlanta Journal and was hushed hour which begins when
written by its editor, Ralph Mc- the sun is a mere redness in the
Gill, one of the most distinguished sky and the air is cool and smells
journalists in the South, and deals of the sea, lakes, marshland or cit-

rus groves. high in mountains to escape the
That is the hour when the bee- summer heat. The income tax re-
hive motels begin to give up their duced that leisure class and for
occupants. the most part their castles have
become museums or hospitals,
They present a never-wearying school nd moseres
picture of what the forty-hour nad monasteries.
picture of what the forty-hour The new leisure class does more
week, paid vacations and the new
leisure time have done for Ame for a tourist state in a month than
leisure time have done for Ameri-
ca. They are a new leisure class the old leisure class did in years.
and they have inherited those por- They maintain their castles of
tions of the earth where there is motels and the beach, cottages,
sea, mountain, lake or desert. rented by the week or month. They
sea, bring a flood of money which
But mostly they prefer the sea. ing a flood of money which
There is a great hurry to take on maintains hundreds of businesses
and services which run the gamut
a tan, to wade in the surf, toand service hic ru gaut
shriek with feigned alarm at high from apple juice to roadside zoos.
waves, to swim and dive into the This is one Florida-the tourist
swells, an urge to lie on a towel Florida. It is fluid, always on the
near the great waters from which move. The morning line-up of cars
at the motels is a partial roll call
our ancestors, obeying some long-
m a d e plan by the Creator, of the states. They are a separate
made plan by the Creator,
crawled out on land as some earlyour Florida.
The other three are well known.
form of life. i, ...... ....

Every morning, in that brief
cool hour, the motels begin to
give them up. There are elderly
couples and young. There are
harassed couples with children.
They are the new leisure class,
and the motels and the beach cot-
tages are their castles.
Time was, in the American era
now known as that of the "Rob-
ber Barons" (which they were,
though they were much more,
too), when the great power of
wealth made men want to live
like princesses and kings. And, so
they built castles, making of them
refinements of the great ancient
piles in Europe. They occupied
places like Bar Harbor. Palm
SBeach, Newport and other ,places
where the sea was good and the
Jair soft. And, also they built them

One, of course, is IVallm Lte goa1
and white city far to the South.
She is a sort of free state, an
empire of her own. Anything you
say about Miami is true. She is
sublime, and shoddy, grand and
garish. There is a Miami for ev-
ery desire. She is herself, sui gen-
eris. You may find what you seek.
It depends on you. She is one
Florida-herself apart.
There is a second Florida-the
great citrus belt in the center
where nature connived with lake,

sun and prevailing winds to ere- Releasing gamefish is an impor-
ate an area where much of the tant phase of the Rudy Schaefer
world's' finest citrus fruits are Fishing Contest. The idea was slow
grown, to catch on. But increasing num-
bers of anglers are earning attrac-
INDUSTRIAL FLORIDA tive Sportsmanship Certificates.
Thirdly, there is the bustling, The latest figures show fish of four
burgeoning, booming industrial species freed from points as dis
Florida of which Jacksonville is tant as Panama City Beach and
the maior city. The big ships a,,,,
.MIh n

Payment and E-Z Terms

Fhe Passi g 5cene

by Cavalli

:~slI, ~
i"wl'"~-~~M~lr~~~ LLW~1~,=:
" 4( L~I1-

The Travelers Safety Service


Sportsmanship Certificates are leae came from Charley Gotts A starving man or a starving na-
/i d atomah ticaly to those turn- chalk, Jr., of Hialeah, who tossed tion isn't interested in preserving
issued automatically to those turn- back sevenorder.
back seven. order.
ing back uninjured black bass,Onbone C
bonefish, sailfish and tarpon. Re- On bonefih, Charles H. Finkle-
cent entries reflect release action stein, of Coral Gables, has let 43 Doesn't it make you, mad to see
for each species. go-free to fight another day. His somebody with a smaller income
Guide is famed J. T. Harrod. The having more fun than you?
At Panama City Beach, J. E. .
At Panama City Beach, J. E, combination of guide Harry Snow,
Pruet, of St. Andrews, released a o no
Pruet, of St. Andrews, released a of Marathon, and I. M. Oettle, of" If you can't say what you think,
black bass, his being the first en- Tom's Harbor Fishing Camp, has my dear girl, why not keep quiet n-
try of this type from Floridas up- produced two bonefish releases for stead of waving your arms?
per northwest sector. First bass re- John Quinn, of Mt. Lebanon, Pa,,
and singles for R. L. Strickler, J. The same woman who, to save
Frie d" H p D. Marshall and Dan L. Hoffman, five cents for an extra day's ren-

FriendsI Help all of Pittsburg, Pa., and AlbertA. tal rushes through a book .ihh-
S Kuhn of Detroit. out bothering to know the title,
Rebuild Vets' S'Sailfish, once tossed on a dock, ettes while ski hsmokd ci
an dleft to rot, now find their way ettes while skimming, thereby
Farm, in' D ay back ot the ocean. On a single day, wasting almost as much as she
r a guide Cecil Keith, boat Sea Louise, saves and enjoying neither the
FRAN26EN, Wis:-The people of of Key Colony persuaded two man smokes nor the book,
Franzen reverted to the old farm to free a pair of sailfish apiece.
tradition of neighbors helping one The quartet of Marathon sails is distressing to learn that
another to help a disabled-veteran were released by Fred B. Korb, of someone we admire does not while
turned farmer, Frank Flees.. Downers Grove, HI., and Dr. Wil- us, and conversely that some
In a single day friends of the liam McCridden, of River Edge, we dislike admires us.
veteran brought modern soil con- o e,
servation to his farm. More than N.- J1 pik up the c k -l
If I'll pick up the check vill you
200 willing helpers turned out to How about tarpon? Joe Love, Jr., dine with me? is usually answer
modernize his farm buildings and of Panama City Beach, while iss answered
land. of Panama City Beach,while s- by yes.
SFlees was born to immigrant par- ing the bridges off Marathon e- we guiding.
ents on a farm in the town of Fran- leased a total of 19 tarpon. Don L. When Florida's sweetwat
zen in 1923. He was graduated from Hoffman ater. ang-
gen in 1923. e was graduated from Hoffan, mentioned above, turned lers begin to go after sponsor Rudy
rines in 1943. He was commended loose silver king estimated be- Schaefer's Sportsmanship Certifi-
tines in 1943. He was commended
for meritorious service and wounded tween 75 and 100 pounds, with Roy cates, hundreds wil Ibe given away.
on Guam. -
After he was discharged Flees
returned to Wisconsin to work in a
-mill. After nine months of this, he
began to yearn for the land. So he-
bought 80 acres of land and married -
his grade school sweetheart.
He attended the GI farm train-
ing school where he sharpened his
knowledge of practical agriculture
and began to learn about the value
of retaining the water on the slopes
and how to keep his pastures green.
One Eye Injured

Then in September, 1950, while
he was filling a silo on the farm, a
chain snapped. One end hi' him in
the right eye and destroyed its
. It was then that 125 youths in
Flees' farm training school de-
cided to help. So did his neighbors.
First of all he needed the build-
ings to operate his farm-a house.
barn, milkhouse, silo. He needed
more land for cultivation, and lime/
and fertilizer for his soil. The farm
home administration couldn't give
him a big enough loan to accom-
plish all that.
Then Dr. B. J. Przedpelski, as-
sociate extension agent of Mara-
thon and Wood counties, stepped in
to give a hand. He enlisted the aid
of the churches, federal farm agen-
cies, women's clubs, civic clubs and
A Lifetime's Work
The labor force of Flees' friends
and neighbors numbered over 200.
There were about 25 technical ex-
perts to direct the operation and,
while helping Flees, showed other
farmers good practices in Wisconsin
This is what the volunteers have
Built a house, barn, milkhouse
and silo.
Built roads.
Bulldozed 25 acres of woods.
Planted trees on about five acres
of land unsuitable for farming.
Cleared stones from about 10
Prepared about 25 acres for
Renovated about 10 acres of worn
Dug a pond for watering livestock.
All of it was accomplished with
donated machines, labor and mater-
ials. To build a farm like thisl one
would have taken Flees most of a

Our Bakery Department Now Open


^o.? gg 0

16 oz. Loaf

BREAD -- -15c

Rye or

French Bread 20c


Tea Rolls ____ 20c

Watch For The Opening of Our

Delicdtessen Department

St. Doe Bakery

Next To Danley Faniliwe Company

to Grant RightWof-Way Killed 2,400 in 1953.


come to her. Like all cities she
long ago burst the old municipal
seams and new suburbs -mush-
room about her. Her skyline is
being changed by not one new
skyscraper, but by several.
Chief among them is that of
the Prudential Company, which
is reaching up 22 stories and
which will cost somewhere be-
yond 15 millions. Independent Life
is going up with 17 stories. Check-
ing the new construction you
come across the fact that Jack-
sonville is becoming an insurance
center. In addition to Prudential
and Independent, 'State Farm Mu-
tual, Gulf Life, United Life and
Penn Life, all have, or are con-
structing new buildings. Last
week Jacksonville opened Gil-
more Bridge at a cost of six mil-
lion. The St. Regis Paper Com-
pany has completed a new 18-
million-dollar plant. The river is
crowded with shipping.
These are the four Florida.s

Schaefer Urges

Release Of All

Game Fish Caught





"'o, O

~' 's


I ......

(Continued from page 1)

Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results TB is ouT

FOR SALE LOST AND FOUND :vous system, 3,499; accidents, 2.-
S N "" 108; diseases of early infancy, 1,-
S B S b FOUND: Pair men's horn rim glas- 52 influenza and pneumonia,
IECEIPT BOOKS: Small books oIf ses. Owner may have by calling
duplicate receipts and books of by The Star office for them and 1,004; general arteriosclerosis, 506;
our receipts to the page. The Star. saying for this ad. chronic and unspecified nephritis,
'hone 51. -S 418; diabetes, 417; cirrhosis of the
MIMEO PAPER-8/xll1 and 81/x liver, 343.
14 mimeograph paper in stock at LAWN MOWER REPAIRING All
all times. The Star. tf types hand and power mowers
pe ls? expertly sharpened and adjusted
WHAT'S THIS? Out of pencils? prompt service. ANDY'S WELDING LODGE NOTICES
Pick up the telephone and call SHOP. First Street. I ROWAN POST 116
THE FAMOUS Scripto ball point for your used furniture and ap- ing first and third Monday nights
at THE STAR. Phone 51. pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone 800 p.m,, American Legion Home.
ALL KINDS, of cut paper, onion- 291 WE BY AND SELL tf R. A. M.-Regular convocation of
skin, bond paper, second sheets NEED YOUR LAWN MOWED? If St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A.
pens can be bought at THE so call 201-J for an expert job. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. ATl visit
OWA, n P.tPe Phone 51.r 1 in nn mnaina wet M Come. J. B.

Griffith, II, High Priest; H. R.
NEED TV OR Maige, secretary.
For a quick, expert check-up Meeting night ev-
of your set's performance (no ery other Monday.
matter what the make Call 0 Meetings at Moose
Hall, 310 Fourth St.
us. We offer free prompt pick-
up and delivery service. All SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, I. O.
O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs.
work and parts guaranteed. rdav. 7:30 n. m. In Masonic Hall. All

ALL ITEMS of office needs can be
bought at THE STAR office. If
it is used in any business for any
bookkeeping purpose, we have it.
Special printed forms, guest checks,
salesbooks, billing machine forms.
All available at THE STAR. Phone

w abo




MOST REASONABLE RENT ox" "... -- ........
MOSTbeach area. Several units vacant TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED members urged to attend; visiting Antley for a week.
beach areaJ.Several units vacant brethren invited. R. E. Williams, The White City Sunday School
Cottages, Beacon Hillr Gu 2 PHONE 2413 .N. G. H. H. Shirley, V. G. Bill Car- enjoyed a covered dish outdoor lun-
-Cottage Beacon Higill, Secretary. cheon at the Community House
FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house. Call kMASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Tuesday afternoon proceeding the
25, Flabet 3, Gainesville, Fla.2t Keys Made While You Wait Port st. Joe Lodge 111 d-Regular church services. The luncheon was
FOR R ET: 3,urnished Fa .2r 35c EACH meetings 2nd and 4th Fri-.r Th
FOR RENT Furnished apartment. EACHays each month,8:00 p. m. given in honor of Mrs. E. E. Martin
Call at Honey's Cafe. te Bicycle Repairing All Makes 1/ \ Members urged to attend; and children, who are moving away
Snfnse apart Reel Parts and Repa irs visiting brothers welcome. R. F. soon and George Harper, Jr., who
FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart- e Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, is home on leave from USNAF in
ment. 704 Woodward. Gall 366-J. WESTERN AUTO secretary. Hutchinson, Kansas. There were



Below Are Just A Few of The Values That We Are

Offering During Our Mid-Year Clearance Sale!

Was $139.50
2-Pc. Sofa Suite


Was $239.50
2-Pc. Kroehler Suite -_ $199.95
Was $49.50
2 Hollywood Lounges $37.95
Was $269.50 NYLON
2-Pc. Kroehler Suite $229.95
Was $59.50
2 Sofa Beds _-- --- $39.95
Was $59.50
2 Platform Rockers -__ $29.95
Was $59.50 PLASTIC
2 Platform Rockers -- $44.95
Was $22.95
3 Platform Rockers $14.95
Was $69.50
Lounge Chair, Ottoman $39.95


Vanity Chest and Bed $89.95
Was $129.50 *
2 4-Pc. Bed Room Suites $99.95

Was $44.95
Blond Double Bar Bed $24.95

3 5-Drawer Chests -_-

2 Double Mattresses __



3 Single Mattresses $29.95

Was $34.95 30" WIDE
2 Rollaway Beds


Was $79.50
Cushion Glider $59.50



Was $29.50 Was $8.95
Sofa Bed ----- $19.95 2 Cotton Mattresses __ $5.95
Was $17.95 Was $59.50
Sofa Bed -- -----$9.95 Gas Range, Like New $44.95
Was $59.50 Was $59.50
4-Pc. Bed Room Suite $39.95 Oil Range, Like New $39.95
Was $79.95 Was $139.50 WESTINGHOUSE
4-Pc. Bed Room Suite $59.95 Electric Range --- $119.95

One Lot Odds and Ends ASPHALT

TILE, 9" X 9" ---__ each 5c
(Lay That Small Room Now)

Shop us before buying Look for special "SALE" tag- Terms!

Number of People Number of

Miss Joan Marsh of Apala h!cbala
is visiting with her uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. George Harper.
Mrs. H. A. Braxton and children
are visiting her mother, Mrs. E. H.
Pippin in Cottondale this week.
Friends .of Mrs. Frank Faircloth
will regret to learn that she is con-
fined to the Municipal awaiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Spoats and
children of Green Cove Springs are
visiting Mrs. Spotts' parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Carter Ward for ten days.
Mrs. Carl Holsenback and daugh-
ter, Martha are visiting her parents
in Sumatra for a few days thi.
Mrs. Bob Turk and Mrs. Charley
Steward of Mobile, Ala., are visit
ing their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs. Carter Ward for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Hatcher and
two children of Columbus, Ga., are
visiting Mr. Hatcher's parents, Mr;
and Mrs. D. R. Hatcher -and sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L.

auto. dish washer


Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Shirah are en-
joying a few days fishing and camp-
ing on the river this week.
Water skiing is proving to be a
very fascinating sport on the canal.
Sunday afternoon there were sev-
eral new pairs of skis that joined
those of Ed Eells and others. Many
new contestants were giving them
a trial of their skill.
SMr. and Mrs. Cecil Davis and lit-
tle daughter of Waycross, Ga., vis-
ited Mr. Davis' sister and brother-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Prid-
geon several days this week.
Mrs. T. W. Davis of Altha visited
her daughter and brother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pridgeon
over the week end.
Mrs. Carlton Raffield was hns
pitalized Tuesday night in the Mu-
nicipal Hospital. Her friends wish
her a speedy recovery.
John Pope left Friday for Ham-
mond, La., for a three months visit
with aunt and uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy spent
the week end in Lyons, Ga., visit-
ing Mrs. Hardy's mother, Mrs.
Emma Bowen and other relatives
Guests of Buttrams
Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Day and
daughter, Juanita of Newbern, N
C.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Casey of
Wake Forest, N. C.; and Mrs. Carey
Amos of Panama City visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Buttram and
family last week.


Refinement's final pinnacle: d.'e
odorant for dogs.

The Tallahassee Navy Recruit-
ing Substation announced this week
that applications are now being
accepted from men for enlistment
in the regular Navy. Applicants
must be physically qualified be-
tween the ages of 17 and 31. Mental
examinations are being given in
room 311 of the Post Office Build-
ing in Tallahassee.
Leaves For Gainesville
Miss Marietta Chafin, daughter

of Mr. and Mrs. William Chafin of
Garrison Avenue, left Friday for
Swan Lake, Gainesville, for a week.
She will act as camp counselor 'and
pianist. After leaving there she
will go to the Baptist Assembly
Grounds, Panama City, where she
will be a camper. She will then
leave for camp at Tampa, for the
remaining six weeks' and be' a
camper and camp pianist there at
the Young Woman's Auxiliary

gallons of

use every

e are more

ter in the

Hot Water

)y greater


Laundry Maximum Gallons of Hot Tank
Equipment Water Needed Per Hour Capacity

auto. washer
auto. washer
auto. washer
auto. washer
auto. washer


Should you find the need for a larger HOT WATER HEATER, please remember than an AUTOMATIC GAS
HOT WATER HEATER is most efficient, heats the water faster and supplies the most Hot Water at the
lowest cost.


Incorporated in Port St. Joe

ut 40 guests who enjoyed the Advertising doesn't cost-it pays!

? ~ c91 b-~s~F--C -~L-Is

a message from your Gas Company

Sometimes It's Good

To Get Yourself In

inflT WATErR

More than 80% of all the

water you and your family

r day are HOT WATER. Their

than 140 uses for hot wa

S- home, and the demands for
S are increasing as we enjc


This message is directed principally to those people
whose family is growing
who have added rooms to their existing home
who are planning the purchase or building
of a new'home
who have recently purchased
an automatic washing machine
an automatic dish-washer
or who are thinking of buying one or both
who have recently installed a shower

We are printing a check list, so you may determine whether you have ample capacity for



Look At These Low
Round Trip Fares

Apalachicola .-. $1.00
BIountstown ____ $1.65
Marianna ___ $2.55
Panama City __- $1.20
Pensacola _-- $4.90
Wewahitchka ------ .80
Mexico Beach -.50
Carrabelle ----- $1.65
Tallahassee -- $3.20
Tyndall Field ---- .85
Bonifay ---- $3.15
Money Bayou .---- .40
For Other Fares and Sche.
dules See or Call Your
Trailways Agent

Save Save Save




601 Long Avenue

Oxygen Equipped

Phone 342

Port St. Joe

314 Reid Avenue