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ETAOIN SHRDLU by WES..EY R. RAMSEY The. watermelon, fresh corn, peas and butter beans season las come upon us right here while we were concentrating on trying to keep cool. It is agony -to get up from in front of the faji'and force oneself up to table full 'of such goodies. We can marriage to make it without any help though, can't you? Heard a fellow say the other day that summer would soon be here. That fellow hasn't been outside lately. This newspaper will go on record as saying it is already here. Another sign of summer: Pete Comforter's new straw skimmer. Sunday is Father's Day. Even if,"Poppa" has to pay for it we feel sure he will like a little to- ken of remembrance. You know who "Poppa" is. He's that guy that comes in for meals three times a day and sleeps at your hous- every night. Of course he doesn't hang out there during the day but don't think bad of him for it, because he has an ex- cellent reason for not doing so. And maybe you should be glad he doesn't. Joe Malpas must have mis- taken our "day-dreaming" last week for a hint. We re-read the article and could find no trace of a hint in it but he has for- mally sent us an engraved in- vitation to be his guest up in Wakulla County fishing and eat- ing a deeelicious Greek salad just any time we get ready. We can say it ain't gonna be long from now. The first week end we can get away. If Joe can catch fish like he can sling the bull, we'll have to take a pick-up truck to bring 'em back in. Northerners Get Thrill Out of Surf Fishing Guests of the Roy E. Cox family of 511 'oth street over :bhepast week end w'egeMrs. Coxa' nmotier, Mrs.. Robert ak'rk' an tw- 8ro- thers, Gordon and Robert and wife Christine and Mrs.- arker, all of White Mountain. New.; Hampshire.. The thrill of their visit 9ame while fishing at Indian Pass, 41. Friday. Gordon latched onto a huge shark, of nearly 150 lbs, which ran him up the beach a mile or more before he could land the-fish. In the process of the fight, Cox's rod was broken but he hung on to what was left to land the fish. Cox's brother, Bob also landed a sting-ray of about 75 lbs., wnich gave birth to four small rays wneu THE STAR Oublished in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County VOLUME XVII THE Single Copy 8c Recreation Inaugurated game sports, music and stories, li- brary, hiking and swimming. In- struction will be given in swimming and those who pass the test will be given American Red Cross certifi cates. These classes will be held twice weekly. Parents who have non-swimming children who will at- tend the elementary school next year are urged to send their chil-i dren to swimming classes. The schedule will be as follows: Morning Schedule Monday, Wednesday and Thurs- day: 8:00 to 9:00, team sports, low- er organized games. 9:00 to 10:00, arts and crafts. 10:00 to 11:00, li- brary. Tuesday and Friday, 8:00 to 11:00, swimming instruction, Ameri- can Red Cross Course. Afternoon Schedule $3.00 Per Year Nick Comforter, Retired Bar Pilot, Taken By Death "Captain" Nick Comforter, 71, died late Monday night at his home on the corner of Seventh and Long Avenue following a short ill- ness. Captain" Nick, as he was call- ed by all who knew him, had lived in Port, St. Joe since 19.10 when he came here from Carrabelle and acted as bar pilot for the local har- bor for a number of years. Mr. Comforter moved his family to Port St. Joe in 1913. In 1921 Comforter switched from the pilot boat to stevedore work and continued in that capacity until 1928 when he retired. Comforter is survived by his wife, Clara W. Comforter; two sis- ters, Mrs. Rosa Murphy, Tallahas- see and Mrs. Margaret Hobart of Analachicola: one brother. Peter other rooms at the school and will Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Comforter of Apalachicola. also contain additional heating fa 2:00 to 3:00, Music and stories. Comforter was born in cilities. The contract was let for 3:00 to 4:00, Indoor games. 4:00 to $31,29.05. 5:00, Ou r g Apalachicola and had' spend his $3i,629.05f 5:00, Outdoor games. entire life in Apalachicola, Carra- The company has already star'- Monday and Thursday. 2:00- to treliein palactico belle and Port, St. Joe. ed work on the addition and are 3:00, Music and stories. 3:00 to to have the rooms finished by the 4:00, Indoor games. 4:00 to 5:00; Funeral services were held Wed- opening date of school on Septem- Hiking. nesday morning at 9:30 at the St. ber 1. All -day camping, June 30, July Joseph CatholiC Church with the ., -All -da camping, J 30 July R Oev. Robert J.I OSullivan officiat- Bids received on the classrooms 14 and July 8. Rev. Robert J. OiSulivan officiat- are as follows: n r Directors for the program will Bural was in the family plot E: F. Gunn Construction Corn- be H. E. Richards, Jean Hayes and in Manoia Cemetery in Apala- E. F. Gunn Construction Com- Niack.chicola. pany,. $31,629.05. -- Netta Niblack. chicola. S Hallontracting Company, The program for high school stu- Active pallbearers were Denver E. M..Hall Contracting Company, Miller, Jack Sheffield, Honier Coe, $37,381.00. dents is already underway, having Miller, Jack Sheffield, Homer Coe, begun on June 14. This part of the Ed Eells, Jr., George Tapper, and Model Homes, Inc., $32,994.0. is udr t i Robert King. Revell, Revell and -Cross, $31,- program is underHoorary pallbearers were: P. 947.00 '- "of -Dewey Phillips, who has three s p : 947. .. yeais experience as a recreation di- J. Lovett, Fred Maddox, Jack Fow- rector. The older group hs aireadv ler, Otto Anderson, Robert Bellows, LetRy Collins Lists een enjoying tennis, ;)adlmi:ou, Sr, Byron Eells, Sr., Arthur Lup- ping pong, horseshoes. as -tb.:. ton, Capt. Bob Tapper, C. A. Mc- Campaign Expenses baseball, softball, swim'nir;, !n- Clellan, B. E. Parker, Joe Iunter, __ door' games,and reading. Other a, T. H. Stone, J. L. Sharit, Josh Mil- TALLAHASSEE-State Sen. ,L- tiitis will be added in the near ler, Dr. A. L.Ward, Ben Williams, Roy' ColHlns'speur $321,624 to 'wih nutuir.' The -program includes so- J 'A%.gasonf Jhmlie Kilbourn. t " the Democratic nominationrfor gov- ciai dancing each Friday nighli.c tom I. C. Nedley. ernor of Florida, a final report on 8:00 to 11:o00. Dancing instructions Comforter Funeral Home of his priFlary campaign spending will be furnished for those who St. Joe was in charge of arrange showed Tuesday. desire it. ments. 'Spencer Burgess, -state campaign The program at the High SchoolCOUNTY HEALTH OFFICE treasurer for the Democratic nomi- and the Elementary School will LISTS NEW SCHEDULE nee, listed final expenditures of run Monday through Friday. The $12,136 to the secretary of state to daily'schedule will be from 8:30 to The Gulf County Health Depart- wind up reports of Collins' cam- 11:30 and 2:00 until 5:00. Two days ment office hours have been paign spending. a week, however, the younger changed to the following schedule. New contributions of $3,765 were group'will meet at 8:00 a.m. for New open hours will be from reported. to bring the total re- swimming instruction. 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon and :00 p.)n. ceived by Collins from his sup- ------- to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Fri- porters to $330,588. Guests of Hunts day. The unexpired balance of $8,964 Mr. and Mrs. Pat McGuire and Clinics will be held on Mondays -1 ,- A U T; A -- - ST R 1A PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1954 - -. -. -. -. * PORT ST. JOL A Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper & J ^^ A A a ^ .. -t ^ NUMBER 41 Contract Will Be Let For Cut-off Construction July 8 City Inaugurates One Hour Parking On Reid The City of Port St. Joe this week put up one-hour parking limit signs on Reid Avenue and Third Street. Only Four Miles of Road To Be Contracted Pending Survey. Elementary Program Is The Elementary School Recrea- tion program gets underway Mon- day, June 21. Boys and girls eligi- ble to .participate are those who will be in grades one through six. next year. This program will include arts and cratts, individual and team E: F. Gunn Wins School Contract The Gulf County School Board let contracts with the E: F. Gunn Construction-Company of Port St. Joe, to construct four new rooms on the Port.St. Joe High School. Construction of the four new rooms will he of the same type as COMMITTEE PRESENTS LA D em ergencv." i drive careful y h it was landed on. the baech. in te Collins' campaign funa nas tree, .aaugniers, Linla, ratricia ann wednesday from 9:uu a.m. to ... -. -.. - Both fish were caught on ia-;t been transferred to a headquarters and Joan of Mobile; Mr. and Mrs. 12 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 'SITE SUGGESTIONS TO CLUB tackle, which made them eveib account Burress reported. The Neil Ap.plegate and children, Mi-I The office will be closed alt day The Port St. Joe Golf Associa- prouder of their achievement. They Democratic nominee must face the chael, Karen, Jane of Tuscaloosa, Saturdays. tion met Tuesday night to hear Melody Lodge Honored I The State enjoyed their visit so much tha 1formailty of a November general Ala., and. Butch Fry of Lineville, --- -- suggestions from a committee ap- R bekaLI rs all have decided to make Por.t 'election test against Republican Ala., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Attend Convention pointed to pick out and suggest W bekah Asse bly President ThU rs. Joe the site of their vacation next nominee J. Tom Watson of Tanipa B. F. Hunt at their home this past George Cooper, George Core, P. sites to the Association on which year. but no Republican has been elected week. G. Hart and Cecil Costin, Jr., at- to construct their golf course. Sev- 22 years as a Rebekah The Northerners went home wil governor since Reconstruction days. ---- -- tended the National County Com- eral sites were named for the club as honored h Lodge No. A rose corsage wa. pre armed with photos to back up their. Acting Gov. Charley E. Johns Visit In Nebraska- missioners' Associational Conven- to study. was honored by a v kst from Mrs. A rose c ge ws plesented stories that the big one didn't whom oCllins defeated by 65,000 Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Barrier re- tion which was held in Omaha, The Association will met again president of the Rebekah Assembly Mrs. Florazele Connell, Ms. El get away. votes in the Democratic runoff turned this week from a two-week Nebraska. They returned home by Tuesday, June 29 at the Foi da of Florida on Thursday evening,mbly Gri Mrs. Kazelle ne, Mrs --- ---- primary-May 25 reported campaign vacation in Omaha, Nebraska visit- plane, Saturday. Tuesday, June at the of F ida on Thursday evening sie Griffin, Mrs. Katherine Brown Visiting In Blountstown expenditures of $364,313 and, total ing relatives. The Barriers were -- Power Lounge. June 10 at the Lodge rooms at Ma- Mrs. Lucille Williams, Mrs. Addie Miss Ann Davis of St. Joe Beach contributions of $375,972. accompanied home by Mrs. Bar- Guests From Fort Walton sonc Hall. Goodson and Mrs. Fannie Mae Mc- is the guest of he rcousin, Miss ---- --- rier's sister, Mrs. H. Malin and her Mrs. George L. Cooper and Guests From Gainesville A buffet dinner preceded the for- Millan presented a well executed Mary Lou Holley in Blountstown REV. MILLER IIS BEING daughter who will visit with the daughters, Stephanie Carol and Jo- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Horn meal opening of the lodge. During musical drill which ended with an this week, ORDAINED IN JAX. Barriers for a while .. .Ellyn of Fort Walton Beach are and children, Sandra Ann and Bob- the dinner, Mrs. Emmette Daniells acrostic which spelled Howell in -- '---- Rev. and Mrs. Tom Miller, Lay ---- the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George bie of Gainesville were Sunday presided at the piano and playet -.ourtesy to .Mrs. Wooten. Visitors To Jacksonville Minister, of St. James' Episcopal Visit In Greensboro Cooper. They visited relatives in guests of Mr. Van Horn's sister appropriate music very softly. Mrs. Eliza Lawson, Mrs. Gladys Mr. and Mrs. Carl Norcm.,: and Church are in Jacksonville and will Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ferrell visit- Tallahassee last week. and family, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mrs. Edwin Ramsey presented Boyer, Mrs. Juanita Poitevint, Mrs. daughter, Susan were the guaesls of return the latter part of this week. ed with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clark. Guests From Carolina Munn, Jr. Mrs. Charles Teague and several violin numbers and Miss ary Weeks, Mrs. Ruth McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Oakland Ard in Jack. Rev. Millet was ordained as a Dea- and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Goodson in Wayne Davis of St. Joe Beach children, Robbin and Katie who Patsy Daniells sang "Whispering andMrs. Virginia Smith held three Hope' sonville this past week. Mrs. A;-d con in ordination services held in Greensboro and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. has as his guest, Mike Graham of have been visiting here wirn the pe W arches of rosebuds forming a cano- will be remembered as Miss Marion St. Mark's Church Jacksonville, Sunday in Mount Pleasant over the Plymouth, N. C. The Grahams were Munns, left Tuesday morni-ig 'or py through which Mrs. Wooten Watts of this city. June 16, at 10:30 a.m. week end. former residents of St. Joe. Mibile. Deputy Grand .Master of District passed to her seat. 2 gave the prayer. By RUSSELL KAY Mrs Flora Noble Grand Other visitors recognized and in- By RUSSE:LL Mr". F.ora.Long,.. ....Irand-troduced were Mrs. Bernice Gross y U. presided at the meeting which fol- produced were Mrs Bernice Gross S' r -"_ "1T T _- lr -T i 1 -l T T C ....lowed. -of Panama City, District Deputy Fllo sf asPresident of District 2; rs. Effie ere Are No National Holidays In The U.S.A.! F nodrs of the ssociaion white of Panama City. Chaplain f were accorded Mrs. Wooten who was wearing a corsage of red roes i s y. There are no national holidays Association of Travel Organizations be just as practical to designate Another case of confusion is hundreds of thousands of visitors presented to her by Melody.Lodge. Visitors from Panama City and in the United States! Does that has started a movement to relieve the first Monday in July as Inde- found in Memorial Day. It is now to the state who could not other- In her address to the distinguished 12 Noble Grands and Past Noble statement startle you? It did me. the situation by providing for more pendence Day and make it uniform celebrated by different states, on wise come. guests and members assembled sihe Grands were introduced. But it is a fact. The states have long weekend holidays and the in all states? It would insure a four different dates and under dif- T. B. OSteen of Florida Grey- stressed the importance of "love" Gifts from Melody Lodge were jurisdiction over the designation idea is catching on. three instead of one-day vacation'ferent names. The dates are April hound Lines presented.the proposi- as the greatest thing in the world. presented to Mrs. Howell Wooten of holidays. That's why they con-; If more holidays could be switch- 'period giving more time for rest 26, May 10 and 30, and June 3. She said that kind consideration for by Mrs. Aline Hightower to Mrs. flict in different states, are ob- ed to Monday it would provide three 'and recreation. Couldn't we clear up the whole sor- others is the standard for gracious Josie Moddow by Mrs. Florazelle served in some and n6t in others. 'day vacation periods instead of one Labor recognized the wisdom ry mess with one nationally obser- Association at their convention and living and that the golden rule Connell, to Mrs. Bernice Gross by This holiday problem has been day in the case of such observances and advantage of the three-day ved Monday to honor our war dead? favorable action by that body is an- should ever govern our attitude Mrs. Elsie Griffin and to Mrs. Ef- a headache to industry, labor and as the Fourth of July, Thanksgiv- holiday when it provided for the Ask most any employee and they ticipated. The Florida State Cham-,toward others. She closed with an fie White by Mrs. Viola Walters. school authorities for' a long time. ing. Armistice Day, Memorial Day observance of Labor Day on the will tell you that they prefer the ber of Commerce will consider it appropriate poem. I The hall was beautifully decorat- When holidays occur ifi the middle'or Washington's Birthday. first Monday in September. Both long weekend holiday rather than at their meeting in Tampa. If such Mrs. Josie Morrow of Jackson- ed with an artistic arrangement of of the week, it is a matter of re- There really is no necessity for labor and industry like it. the single day midweek holiday. In groups get behind the movement ville, Past President of the Re-'red roses as they were the flowers cord that absenteeism in indlusrr attempting to observe specific dates In February we celebrate Wash- dustry would welcome it as would I am sure our next legislature would bekah Assemblies of the World and chosen by Mrs. Wooten. and in our schools is high. Many for historical occasions, because ington's Birthday and Lincoln's school authorities faced with the give the plan serious consideration. Past President of the Florida Re- elody Lodge was invited to a who do show up for work or for the dates celebrated are often ob- Birthday on specific dates that of- serious problem of absenteeism The Commonwealth of Massachu- bekah Assembly was Mrs. Wooten's banquet at Lelsure Lodge, in Lynn classes are not in shape to work or scure or questionable. We celebrate ten fall in the middle of the week. which invariably follows midweek setts has already approved the plan traveling companion and an honored Haven on the following evening study; they have hangovers, head- July 4, but history reveals that John Why not establish one holiday in holidays. in an Act passed this year. Florida guest on this occasion. She spoke and many of the members were aches, are sunburned or otherwise Hancock actually signed the Declar- February to be known as Presi- Florida could well promote such could well be next in line. Think briefly and convincingly of the present at this meeting which was incapacitated. ation of Independence on July 2. "dents' Day falling on Monday be a program for this is a tourist state! about it. Talk about it. It is a worth- beauty and fellowship which she given as a compliment to Mra In view of this fact the National -Wouldn't it make more sense and much more sensible? and three-day holidays would bring while suggestion. had enjoyed during her thirty-five Wooten. "Port St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" _ uI .. .. I I I I I ------ -g i I The new parking hours will go State Senator George G. Tapper, The Senator made the a,'ounFe- into effect on July 1. Chairman of the Joint Road Corn- ment after a struggle by I al in- The ordinance will be in effect mittee of the State Legislature teresis to get the road approved only on. those streets marked as stated this week that contracts after a controversy witi its loca- parking time limit zones, would be let on July 8 to start con- tion of an entrance into the City A fine of one dollar will be levied struction of the Port St. Joe- Apa- 'of Port St. Joe. for overtime parking, lachicola short-cut. Tapper stated that the Jul. 8 contract will call for construction S *of only four miles-of the p'-oposed Sikes Asks President For True Picture highway to be constructed from the connection of the new road with Of United States Position For Peace Highway 98 in Franklin County to the Gulf County line. This step is being taken -since the road is being WANSBILTNGTON (Special)--4Con- disappointment that the President re-surveyed in the Gulf County por- gressman Bob Sikes, Florida thii- avoided this. topic en;iely iun his tion to re-route its entrance into week called on the President to most recent broadcast. Sikos said, the city of Port St. Joe. give the American public the whole "Americans have never been afraid This will leave nine miles, of the truth about the situation waich we of the truth. They have a right: to road to be paved at a later date. face in Indochina, exp-es'!ng his know what dangers they face". 'iap stated that he felt that ----- Congressman Sikes was retPrring- it was the safest thing to start T. A Owens Addresses to the fact that many wr'ter- and construction of the road prior to Ta rOwens S commentators have hia:ei :ha! thE a change in administration which Rotary On School Probldn American people.are bei-g "soften- might possibly throw *the road out ed" and "prepared" for involvement of the budget. "This way", Tapper Tom A. Owens, Superintendentin a war. One has stated-that "high said, "We will be assured of .get- of Public Instruction for Gulf .... of Public dInstrue tRor Gt level" talks are now goi.g 1 here ting the cut-off that everyone in Cout addressdand that "thesituation is regarded this locality desires". at their regular luncheon meetings critical and with good reason". Construction on .the new road last Thursday at the Motel St. Joe "If these are irresponsible rum will begin within 30 days after the dining -room. Owens gave the Ro-. ors, the people should know it. if contracts are let' on July 8. tarians a report on the condi they are leaks-then the people Other Highways Reworked year. Owens reported that the should have the whole truth. Is this The other two main arteries out year. Owens reported that th e country today facing a dangerous of the city are in the' process of ll buge straned e to i far parallel to Pearl Harbor? Is there being widenedand re-surfaced. l b srne u to t a any relation to the danger of war. Highway. 98 is being widened by that four new classrooms must be in Indochina and the nationwide air five feet up to the Bay County line constructed atthe Port St. Joe raid-drill which was-scheduled for the reurbished road are being re- High Shuol at an approxioate co.,[ Ht the outol t an.:ppr s i.iae Ons last M, bay?-Are'we-; being pre s aefacQd with a rement-aspbhal c-ov- tt tt th h hoo o pared fo:further bad bews?" ring. All culverts and bridges in stated that theional instructors chool would ,,I am oninced, Sikes said, that the refuribshed road are being re- need fo additional instruct the American people want no part placed with concrete structures. whichthe Countywould get no of involvementin Indochina which The Gulf County Board-of Conm- state funds until 1955-56. requires participation of American missioners is meeting with the Owens warned of a possibility manpower. However, I feel that the State Road Department the latter that the school millage may have to Piesident who is a man with vast part of this week to request that be raised in order to meet the needs military knowledge should restore the Department construct addition- but stated that the board was go- the confidence of the American peo- al parking areas beside the high- ing to do everything in its power ple-or if the danger Is real-treat way while the construction is be- to keep the village at the present them like grownups, by telling what ing carried on. Sate. is in store. This situation should be Highway 71 is being resurfaced ' President J. P. Fleishel presided treated with the same courage that between Port St. Joe and White over the meeting, we all will be called on to show if City. Work on cnis project is.about --- this should become a real national half complete. Traffic is warned to "THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 1954- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TWO ivities - Churches Phone 166 Thames Family Reunion Roy Williams of Montgomery. Ala., Mr. and Mrs. George F. Hobbs and Is Held Here Last Sunday children of Jacksonville, Me,. and A family reunion of the family Mrs. A. T. Thames of this ci-y, of Mrs. W. T. Thames was hell at Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Singletarv oJ this city and one special guesr the home of Mrs. Elmer Purtell on Lloyd Falkner of Tampa. Sunday, June 13. Grandchildren present were: Those attending with Mrs. W. T. Dorothy Singletary and Inez, Ka ty -Thames were: Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Patricia MoSwiggan of Jack- Douglas of Chipley, Mr. and Mrs. sonville. -00* 0 0**80* *0 0 *-++ ++ a 3:; *4 THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. 04Do= $*=40 a $ 1 0 '*0 ** a0 $ 0 THURSDAY FRIDAY FERNANDO LAMAS RHONDA FLEMING "JIVARO" In Technicolor SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. 1--- WILLARD PARKER BARBARA PAYTON TOM NEAL *ld brilp T t '-* * - FEATURE No. 2 --- t DNMIE n'urD ' SUNDAY, MONDAY "TIGER TROUBLE" .*00 4 0 *4 TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY .- -, ALEC A-. GUINNESS Y''VONNE DE CARLO ^.. r ...... ......... C l DESERTT KILLER" "CRAZY TOWN" * *' 9 4 ** 4 S * -COMING SOON - , %--- ,- n. pressive devotional on "Christian Stewardship". Mrs. J. H. McNeill closed with prayer. This being the first meeting of the year, plans were made and new circle officers were appointed as follows: Mrs. Buck Griffin, circle chai;- man; Mrs. O. M. Tayior, co-chair- man; Mrs. G. S. Croxton dev%.- tional chairman; Mrs.. Edgar Wil- liam's, treasurer; Mrs. J. L. Te'n- ple, secretary; Mrs. H. T. Briusou, birthday chairman; Mrs J. T. Mc- Neill, telephone chairman; Mr's.- George Adkins, magaz re chaih- man; Mrs. Edwin Rams y social relations chairman. The hostess served deii jous re- freshments to Mesdames J. C. Mc- Neill, H. T. Brinson, O. M. T;iylor, U TH HUSSEY IIR Buck Griffin, Edgar Willi-?ms anl EVE ARDEN OUGL G. S. Croxton. 7-2 2*e f. 4L First Baptist WMU Meets For Bible Study "RABBIT SEASONING" _,r "Tl. _. The Woman's Missionary Union CHAPTER 3 of SERIAL DANY ROBIN of the First Baptist Church met at S 'g '.'.. ............ the church for their Bible study, S'LO T P M ET' I Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. LOST PLANE -"BARGAIN DAYS" Mrs. Henry F. Ayers presented the study, "Women of the Bible". o**** *.e* 0 0** .* & a b.- '-_c iShe brought out the fact that both 1Hll1 1 1 I!l :III lul!!l Illlllll UllIIIIII .II 1111111IIHIllllllllllI!lll0 !lillllll l!.tlI 1nillllllmtl1llll i m material and spiritual needs go TELEPHONE 80 !hand in hand and are essential in Christian living. Mrs. W. C. Pridgeon led in pray- 0 1il er and Mrs. W. M. Chafin gave the devotional which was taken from Luke 10: 38-42. Mrs. E. C. Cason conducted a brief business meet- ing. She stressed the importance of visitation and attending the revival that is now in progress at the church. Mrs. J. C. Horton dismissed 80X OFFICE OPENS AT 7:30 P.M. the meeting with prayer. i AEj Joins Mother SHOW STARTS AT 8:00 P.M. Barbara Jo Bond left Wednes- day for Los Angeles, Calif., where she will spend the summer with FRIDAY and SATURDAY Monday & Tuesday her mother, Mrs. John Peterson. . 71 it TECHNICOLOR j I A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 3 M-G-M proudly presents COLOR BY TECHNICOLOR and Cartoon: SUNDAY ONLY SE SBEIT-n PME JAMRY Ir BH~CR Wednesday & Thursday WARNER BROS! i Calamity Cartoon - Watch Our Popcorn Boxes For FREE PASSES Dr. Joseph B. Spear Optometrist Apalachicola, Florida IF ANYBODY HAS- Died Eloped Married Divorced Had a Fire Sold a Home Been Arrested Been Your Guest Started In Business Left You a Fortune Bought a New Home Swiped Your Chickens Met With An Accident Had a Visit From the Stork THAT'S NEWS! TELL THE EDITOR Phone 51 THE STAR Seeeeeeeeeeee44 Social Personals C SMrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Act :lubs Mrs. Ford Hostess To Miss Sue Stewart, Mr. James Daniell Long Avenue Circle United In Marriage, Sunday, June 13 The Long Avenue Baptist Mis- sionary Society held their regular Miss Sue Stewart, 'daughter of with a white carnation corsage. meeting in the home of Mrs. H. L. Mrs. Exa Stewart and the late Mr. The groom's mother, Mrs. Johnnie Ford, 1019 Woodward Avenue, Stewart of Phenix City, Ala., and Daniell wore a sweet lilac dress Tuesday afternoon at 3 p.m. with James Daniell, son of Mr. and Mrs. with a corsage of white carnations. seven members and one new mem- Johnnie E. Daniell of Yulee, Flor- Following the ceremony a recpe- her, Mrs. H. W. Williams present. ida were united in marriage Sun- tion was held at the home of Mr. The meeting opened with the mis- day afternoon, June 13 at 3 p.m. and Mrs. Charles Emmette Daniells, ilonary program entitled, "Pro- in the First Baptist Church. The uncle of the groom. Miss Patsy claiming The Saviour In Formosa". Rev. L. J. Keels, pastor, officiated Daniell kept the bride's book. As- Mrs. J. W. Ferrell presented the at the double-ring ceremony. sisting in serving were Miss Bar- program with Mrs. H. L. Ford, Mrs The bride was given in marraige bara Kay and Mrs. George Atkins. Harry McKnight and Mrs. George by her brother Welbourn Stewart Mrs. Ralph Nance assisted in car- Cooper taking part. of Phenix City, Ala. Charles Em- ing for the guests. During the business, it was an- mette Daniell of Port St. Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Daniell left for a nounced the change of the Assoc- uncle of the groom, served as best wedding trip to points along the national meeting which was to be man. Usher-groomsmen were Eu- coast. They will reside at Eglin held on June 17 would be held on gene Bradley and Milton Chafin. Air Force Base, Fort Walton Beach. June 29. The president, Mrs. Fer- Miss Sadie Arnette served as maid Mrs. Daniell attended high school rell encouraged all members to of honor. Miss Arnette was gowned in Phenix City and was graduated make plans to attend the general in a waltz-length yellow lace over from State Teachers College, Troy, associational meeting at Calloway, taffeta with mandarin collar and Ala. She has been a member of the July 17. paneled skirt. Her bouquet was teaching staff at the Port St. Joe Reports from various committees yellow roses on a white fan. Adorn- Elementary School for four years. were presented and approved. Mrs. :ing her hair was a crown of yellow S/Sgt. Daniell is a graduate of J. C. Odum dismissed the meeting net and taffeta studded with seed Armies' Services at Tallahassee. He with prayerpearls. The bride wore a frosty with prayer. just recently returned from over- white imported Chantilly lace and -- The next meeting will be held seas duty of three years in Korea in the home of Mrs. Harry Me- nylon tulle over satin. The molded in the home of Mrs. Harry M nec and is now stationed at Eglin Air bodice featured a portrait neck- Knight. e in a l a l Force Base, Fort Walton Beach. line in apliqued lace and lace gal-I The hostess served refreshments oon panels of nylon net completing Out-of-town guests were Mrs. to those present, assisted by Mrs. the voluminous skirt. Her circular Exa Stewart and Welbourn Stew- Cooper. veil of illusion in finger-tip length art of Phenix City, Ala., Miss MIary was: attached to a double satin Frances Strickland of Yulee, Fla, Mrs. Ed Ramsey Hostess crown studded with pearls and she Mr. and Mrs. Lance Stewart of To WSCS Circle Number 2 carried a small white prayer book e n e 2 th Wd Phenix City, Ala., and Mr. and Mrs. ,C'rcle number 2 of ithe -WCS of adorned with pink roses and liles Circle number 2 of the W S of Max Steed and son, Max Karl, Mr. the First Methodist Church met of the valley. Her only ornament ns. Johnnie E. Dan ell and Mri'. Johnnie E. Daniell of at the-home of Mrs. Edwin Ramsey was a strand of pearls, a gift of Yulee, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Alva Stew- on June 14. the groom. The bride's mother, Mrs., art and son, William of Brundidgc, Mrs. Ramsey preside'l over the Stewart wore a rose pink dress Alabama. meeting, and presented a very iml- --- - I II - ~Mm I _ ~HHUllllllnlmLlllrfmllHanerlun #ismrHnnlrnllHsnstnrr,~HHnsrl Isearsl ,Irurlsnllallln~tlllnluaHlmrrm PAGE. THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA InHn wn.PA, Ji r- i... #'" 4*'4 Needy Assured Payments ff Will Not Be Lowered Pays Off Florida's needy aged were as- sured Tuesday that the present .schedule of old age assistance pay- S WS- O i ments, including the $60 a month 0 minimum. will be continued through - FURNITURE M. P. TOMLINSON, Agent Phone 364 32 Reid Ave. June 1955. SThe Cabinet Budget Commission voted, at the urging of special com- mittees of the State Senate and P IHouse of Representatives, to re- Slease the $12,500,000 appropriation 'ifor old age assistance to the State Welfare Board for the 1954-55 fiscal Year in one lump instead of in quar- terly installments as is the general I practice. IThe legislative committee pledg- Sed in turn to recommend that the S1955 legislative session adopt next April a deficiency appropriation to t provide the $1,057,078 the Welfare Board estimates will be needed to carry out the present schedule of payments throughout the Biennium. b---*- i~ I*-s IP1IY~IIU-il -im l..nAv IJUNE 17. 1094 S"I- CONTINUED BY POPULAR DEMAND! i eHundreds and Hundreds Were THRILLED Here Last Week With VALUES! S SHOP BOYLES IN AIR CONDITIONED COMFORT! YOU'LL SAVE AND BE HAPPY Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday MARKET SAVINGS SUGAR 5 Lbs. 43, FROZEN VEGETABLES 3 PKGS. 590 BABY ORANGE JUICE 2 CANS .f so... FRESH SHRIMP lb. 49c Chuck Roast lb. .29c Swift's Premium WEINERS Ib. 39c Smoked SAUSAGE Ib. 39c BRISKET STEW 2 lbs. 49c Hamburger lb. 29c FRESH MULLET Ib. 15c WITH $10.00 GROCERY ORDER LARGE 4 HOUR FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL - 5 to 9 P.M. Large CANTALOUPES 5c Armour's MILK can IOc HAMBURGER 4 lbs. $1.00 FRESH CORN dozen ears 23c KOOL-ADE 7 for 25c Fli.. t C I:le .A Smiall EGGS 2 dozen 69c : :- "- - Large Juicy Oranges doz. 19c Borden's Biscuits can 10Oc All Flavors Jello 3 for 25c Frozen-2 BOXES Strawberries 49c tarrots 2 BUNCHES POUND BETTER GET .IT QUICK! ONLY 600 YARDS TO SELL! 36 Inch Solid Color Worth 39c Yd... Record Price 14 yds .n.o The colors are ovely .. .The weight i s perfect for summer. Easy to sew, easy to launder You'll save ONE THIRD! Plain Color PLSSE .See our selection of FUN and SUN clothes! PADDLE Men's Solid Color Nylon and SADDLE SPORTSWEAR ... SEA NYMPH SWIMs od or N SUITS. VAN HEUSEN sportswear and swim wear BOX SHORTS for men. A complete selection of cool summer BOXERSHO S- 100 clothes for boys and girls. 3 _ .n*I! i M en's Com bed Cotton: ... 27 X 27 Birdseye DIAPERS $1.77 doz. A record buy for a record event! HAMPER $1.25 Frsh. P eOUND POUND `, PRETTY GIRL PRETTY BIG DOLPHIN Petite Dorothy Hilyard all of her 90 pounds to land t pound female dolphin she off haulover inlet. It places in the Rudy Schaefer fishing test, may also win her a wo world record! Attend Ladies' Night Mr. and Mrs. Robert Briz attended the Rotary Ladies' in Blountstown, Monday eve A Record Buy! Perfect Quality RAYON BRIEFS- 4 pIr. "1It For Miss and Mrs. Worth 59c Unbelievable! Colorful Printed Plisse Crepe House Coats Full sizes to Fuall Be~ti sizes 10 t6 '18! Men's Combed Cotton Panel Ribbed TEE SHIRTS 2 for$1.49 A $1.00 Value With pocket 4 Colors. Mrs. R. Gaskin Hostess Guests FromTrexas Guests From Georgia To WSCS Circle Number 4 Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Van Horn Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Bassford and -and two sons of Dallas, Texas are 'daughter, Beverly of Valdosta, Ga., Mrs. Roy Gaskin was hostess to the guests of Mr. Van Horn's par- were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Joe Circle 4 of the Woman's Society of Circle 4 t e Wom 's Society ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Van orn Hendrix in their home on Garrison of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church, Monday after- at -Beacon Hill. 'Ave., this past week. noon in her home on Hunter Cir- ,vawomamaaes.3..s-A. y: -r -.. ,ms.aaapr cle. Mrs. A. M. Jones, Jr.; presided i over the meeting. During the business, Mrs W. T. ! tMosely, Jr., was elected treasurer, , Mrs. Joseph Hendrix, secretary; Mrs. Robert King, devotional chair- man, and Mrs. Fred Davis, program chairman. The study, "Manand God In The I City" was given. The program pl:- sented was given by Mrs. Robert King .and Mrs. Joe Hendrix; "Study of the Authoi', Kenneth Mille," was I If given by Mrs. Roy Gaskin; "United I Action" was given by Mrs. W. T. I . Mosely, "A Look Inside the Churlch by Mrs. A. M. Jones, Jr. The devo- tional was given by Mrs. Fennon Talley followed with prayer by Mrs. A. M. Jones, Sr. Mrs. Chris Martin sang a solo. One neWv member, Mrs. Ed Bar / tee, was welcomed in the circle. N Z t ;itar VJant Ads Get 1e "sus N G needed this 52 Moder Mehl -: " caught Used Throug ONL hUih Thmuo' cut, ONLY s high g con- oman's ALL WORK GUARANTEED ngmnWIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY night I Phone 94 201 Monument Ave. ening. The STAR Ad ~a, -eesse0*00 00*** e AUTO PROPERTY a~a~_8 ~p~rraa411P9*sl~uiirr~B ~D~BRP~r~SIII .~i@ -.1. .. ------ ------------- I -imam. --- SUNDAY, MAY 20 Is Father's Day...You can Crown Him King with Gifts from Boyles! Choose from Hundreds of useful, practical I Wearables! FREE GIFT WRAPPING! 11 a a l-moo8 yds lvuv ATER M'Ilmlj LON p ~*A~E '~OsiJR THE STAR Published trly Friday At 306,.Wlliamh Annue, Port 9t Joe, Florida. By The Star Publlshingf Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man. Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Ein-reld a.; ",(ond'I'i-lni nultrer, December 10, 1987. at tee Ir~,uflire, l'.lt St. Joe, Ila., under Act of March 5. 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.11S --a TELEPHONE 51 - TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in advr- tisementa, ttie publishers do not hold Lhemrielyes liable lWt damages further than amount received, for such advertisementL The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word Is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely aseerta; the printed word thoroughly cnvinces. The spoken word is lobt; the printed word remains. WHERE TRADE WON'T AID General Albert Wedemeyer, author of the famed "lost" Wedemeyer Report on China, has added his voice.to that of Bernard Baruch in agreeing with Spain's Generalissimo Franco that we are losing, not winning, the cold war with Russian Communism. The Franco views were given to Roy How- ard, head of the Scripps-Howard newspapers, in an interview with the Spanish dictator in Madrid, and presented by Mr. Howard in his papers. The Generalissimo pointed out the Soviet need of imports, and declared that a firm alliance of the anti-communist nations of both East and West could "strike at the Achilles heel of Communism" by an absolute embargo of all goods to Russia and her satellites. As it is, he said, confusion, disunity especially among the "Big Three" and lack of purpose are bringing the free world closer to defeat. In endorsing Franco's idea of a strict and complete embargo, General Wedemeyer went even further and declared in favor of severing diplomatic relations as well between the US and Russia. Mr. Baruch pointed out ahew the familiar fact that in war, hot or cold, ALL goods- are strategic, and declared: "We will -not win the cold war until wve put the desire for peace above the desire for profit of every kind.' All of this brings to mind a revealing article ,in The Freeman magazine on Russian commer- cial blandishments, such as our-British cousins ar currently falling for. Author Leo Dudin, well-known analyst on the Soviet world, reminds FORD has all these features other low-priced cars may "catch up" later YOU GET A GREAT DEAL WHEN YOU BUY FORD! So see us before you buy ain'm car. Your present car -wvll never be worth more! Cohn has Deen "excused from at- a masterpiece. It probably won't be. But you tending the National Guard encamip- ought to make certain that it is worthy of you. ment with his unit. Ralph Davis, .It can be, if you give it the qualities Grandma administrative assistant to Senator Moses gives her paintings honesty, imagina- Holland (a more important job) tion, color!didn't ask to be excuse dfrom his tour of duty. He is now at Fort Mc- The picture you are painting may never Clellan, Ala., wearing his major's win such an honored spot but put everything uniform proudly as the assistant you've got into it anhow.Give yourself the G3 of the 48th Infantry Division, ouv got ito it anyhow. Georgia-Florida National Guard. satisfaction of knowing that good or bad WANT TO FLY?--'If you are sin- it's your best! Ask yourself whether you are gle, between the ages of 17 and 22, that should go in. Whether a man, and otherwise qualified and leaving out things that should go Whether want to attend the Air Academy, the colors are as lively as they could be? Whe- write for information to: Air Force their it reflects fairly the things the real you Academy Arppointment B r a n c h, stnds in i APPRT4P-5, Headquarters, USAF, stands for? Paint a picture you 1H be proud to Washington 25, D.C. sign! PENTAGON PARADE-A group V-8 POWER There's only one car in the low-price field that offers the smooth, flexible power of a V-8 engine. And that car is Ford. While other car makers are still just talking , S V-8 power, Ford has it today. The new Ford 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 with its deep-block, low- friction design gives you smoother "Go" ... greater gas savings. It's America's most modern engine. BALL-JOINT FRONT SUSPENSION There's only one car in the low-price field that brings you Ball-Joint Front Suspension. And that car is Ford. This new Ford feature is the most important advance in chassis design in 20 years. It makes all riding and handling easier .. eliminates 12 points of wear ... helps Ford retain its "new-car feel" far longer. --- I! STYLING THAT STAYS IN STYLE There's only one car in the loiw-price field S- that has truly modern styling. And that car is Ford. With its clean, honest,lines, Ford'has set a new styling trend for the industry. Ford styling is advanced styling that will stay in style for years ... help make your Ford worth more, not only when you buy it, but when it's time to trade. mw4r~ FORD To 1BUA,6rNOW', IFC.. ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street super military highways. Senator Tapper is the chairman of the Joint Road Committee of the Florida State Legislature and appeared here as the special representative of Road Chairman Cecil M. Webb who was unable to attend. THE LOW DOWN ----- from ----- WILLIS SWAMP This week I sound-off on "stock- holders". I do not rate stockholders as somebody to needle or to look askance at or to be open-season game for pestering. The way a per- son with a few shares of stock- or a lot of shares-has been double taxed on his dividends by the Govt., as if he was some kind of obnoxious hombre or a: cattle rustlee' or a a Jesse James, is a queer note. ,Stockholders have made this country. There would not be a rail- road or big steel mill or packing plant or bank or thousands of oil wells in the land, if somebody-in- dividuals and insurance companies -did not take a chance as a stock- holder and put up the difmiro to pro- vide 'em. And if they were not provided, jobs would be as scarce as is freedom along the Volga. In- stead of kicking the "investor" around, it is time to doff the som- brero and welcome him as a good citizen versus making him extinct or his life miserable via laws that discourage his putting savings in a venture that pays taxes and makes jobs for people. ,We have "eat more raspberry weeks"-"walk and wear out your shoes week"-"buy a new straw skmimer week." I say it is time to have a "stockholder week"-or may- be a "stockholder's 2 weeks." in order to catch up on neglect. Who seconds the motion. Yours with the low down, JO SERRIA Guests of Nance's Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Nance of Port St. Joe have as their guests for this week, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nance of Bell Buckle, Tenn., who will spend several days here enjoy- ing the beach. IllIlllllllllllllll l lill!II l llIIlll llllll lllllllll l lllllllllm I * Sometimes it takes courage to face the facts concerning your health S-and resolve to do some- thing about it. But the de- cision always pays! See your Doctor right away. Learn how modern med- icine can help. And be sure to bring all pre- *' scripions hc efo Subscriptions here for prompt service and fair prices. Thank you! Buzzett's Drug Store PHONE 50 * **flilllllllllllll lfllllllf llllllllllllllllll Port St. Joe, Florida F , TH STAR'*dtT ST. JOE, GULF. dOoNT, :;ORCdf6A us that with Russia, trade is not commerce, but of leading citizens from Pensacola visited iSecretary of- the Navy "political warfare". He cites the record to show Wavingtnisited SC retry of the Peay that Soviet exports, notable in luxury items such gonWasCharle astweek. Thoma ey in hicamPenta- caviar and furs, reached their peak from 1929 SEE SAW Washington to seek the aid of the to 1933 in hopes their low prices would turn Florida Congressional delegation depression into chaos, possibly revolution by by WIN PENDLETON n pressing the Navy into impro*. millions of unemployed. ling Pensacola harbor. They suec As times improved in the West, Russian im- WHATs S IN A NAME?--ehn I outheadedin getting ressman Bob ports dwindled to an all-time low. Since 1953, was a bare-foot kid in Lake County, wit h D o m a - fertilizer was just plain fertilizer. Sikes, with Dwight Rogers, Jim Ha- Russia has been pushing barter sales of petrol- Today the fancy word for it is ley, and Charles Bennett also ap- eum, of which she is acutely short, with France, "plant food". What brought this pearng. All other of the Florida offices ere represented. The Sec- Finland, Argentina and Iceland. The purpose on? Senator and Mrs. Holland are w retary promised to consider the is to make trouble for the US, to encourage special guesLt this week at the an- plan further. (t already has been French resistance to NATO and EDC. It is nual meeting of the Plant Food plan further. (It already has been council-an oirg-aiZationlf .fe before Congress for two years.) als a h y w scouncil-aan orgM.iuation, "t. sien also a handy way, says Mr. Dudin, "to send new zer companies-at the "Homestead," From Pensacola came Admiral C. cadres of spies disguised as trade agents to these near weetbrie, Va. Beca's oftP. Mason, mayor; Harry Robinson, near n ^ president of the Chamber of Com- countries". his interest in agriculture an iu president of the Chamber of Com- While we dread, from day to day, that we posttionon the Senate g ;cu- mere Waldo Chamber; W. J.executive shall find ourselves sucked into another Korea tur committee, the Senato n Noonan, George Cary, F. H. Turner in Indo-China, the British are planning to send ion two years ago. since t and J.Holliday Veal. a trade mission to Red China, and to receive one has had a standing invitation) t. MORE ABOUT ROADS-Senator from Peiping. And to make it worse, our own appear at all conventions of tl.e George Tapper, Port St. Joe, and Cliff Edwards, Secretary to the foreign air chief, Harold Stassen, the Republican ganizations. State Road Board, attended a meet- Harry Hopkins, thinks more trade with Russia MODERN PIONEERING Boy ig of the Executive Committee of Harry Hopkins, thinks moe trde wh i Scout Troop No. 1, of Miami, show- ing of the Executive Committee of would be just dandy! ed up in Washington last week end. the American Association of State They stopped over on a trek that Highway Officials here last week. THE ART OF LIFE will carry them to Canada, with They were up by special invitation stops at Richmond Washington, to present Florida's views on the re- Grandma Moses doesn't consider herself Baltimore, Montreal New York and tur of the 2c Federal Gas Tax to much shakes as an artist. She doesn't paint to Philadelphia. Headed by Scoutmas- the 48 states on a fund-matching impress anybody. She paints sincerely, simply ter Robert L. York, they pitched basis. As a result of this meeting, making the most of her modest abilities. To their tents in Potomac Park with the Florida plan has beeu n placed her never-ending surprise, she has wound up special permission of the park nnual meeting which is scheduled a police with congressional in- Annual meeting which is scheduled famous fluence, of course.While here they for Eeattle in November. Officials Have you ever thought of yourself as an covered the town, had their pictures from Florida have been invited to artist? You are one. The picture you are paint- made with numerous dignitaries attend that meeting an present to ing is your life! And it should represent your and took off again-headed north. the entire convention their plan to g is your lfe! n t shto ur out toe EXCUSE ME, PLEASE -Roy speed up he improvement of the best effort. It doesn't have to turn out to be .. .. nation-wide network of high-speed loo -qu -4b. . S - Walter Duren's 'i' TWURSA-Y, JUNE 17, 1954 "Copyrighted Material. Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday WITH $10.00 CASH ORDER 1 Doz. EGGS or 1 WATERMELON FREE WATERMELONS Ib. 1 CANTALOUPES 3 for 25c FRESH PEAS lb. 5c Fresh BUTTER BEANS lb. 15c LEMONS dozen 19c Fresh OKRA 2 lbs. 15c Fresh TOMATOES Ib. 10c White POTATOES 10 lbs. 31 c Ga. Unclassified Small Medium Large EGGS dozen 29c 36c 41c BLACKBURN SYRUP No. 5 Jug 45c Snowdrift SHORTENING Ibs. 89c Easy Monday STARCH quart 16c RED ROSE FLOUR 10 Ibs. 79c All Flavors JELLO 2 pkgs. 15c CORN MEAL, Coarse or Fine 5 Ibs. 39c 46 Oz. Cans DONALD DUCK Orange and Grapefruit JUICE 2 cans 45c Mrs. Filbert's MAYONNAISE qt. 65c Happy Kids Sweet Mixed PICKLES pt. 21c Happy Kids Sweet Mixed Pickles 1 V2 pts. 29c Nabisco VANILLA WAFERS Ig. box 31c SWIFT'S ARROW BEEF Rib Steak Ib. 39cl Spare Ribs Ib. 59c BRISKET STEW lb. 35c Dressed and Drawn Grade'A' FRYERS Ib. 39c REST'S SAUSAGE lb. 39c Fresh Ground HAMBURGER Ib. 29c Sirloin or T-Bone STEAK Ib. 65c ROUND STEAK lb. 59c Sugar Cured Picnic HAMS Ib. 39c Sugar Cured Smoked Bacon Ib. 49c Wisconsin State CHEESE Ib. 39c THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF CbUITV, VLORIDA TVH.RSDAY, JUNF, 17, 194 several days in Avon Park, Eagle Mr. and Mrs. Hancil Norris and with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and NEWS FROM Lake, Seban and Lake Placid vis- daughters, Helen and Juanita and Mrs. Herman Stripling. NEWSting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Norris and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Lovett and OAK GROVE iDorothy Bronmary from Panama children, Billy, Judith Ann and children Paula and Howard spent SNRRVE city spent several weeks visiting Jenny were called to Chipley Wed- several days in Vernon visiting By HELEN NORRIS with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and nesday due to the death of Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Win Lovett and t rs. Joe Bu'ns. Norris' nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lewis. Mrs. Joe Burs. r. and Ms. ohn Lee had Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lightfoot Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ernest from Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzil and Mr. and Mrs. Jon ee and children, Bobby Glenn and IMillville were the week end guests son, Daniel from Pensacola and their guests, his sister, Miss Betty Alice Jean spent several days in of the latter's mother, Mrs. Minnie daughter-in-law Gracie from Mis- Sue Lee from Jacksonville. Gordon, Ala., visiting with friends Gay. souri were the week end guests of Miss Gail Dykes and Miss Betty and relatives. ir. and Mrs. Joe Burns spent Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Shealey. Haddock from Vernon, is visiting Plans have been drawn up for a S. new enlargement of the Oak Grove [IAssembly of God Sunday School .rooms. The 'Sunday School has grown from an average of 100 to an average of 210 for the last 15 months under the ministry of Rev. T Lloyd Riley. We are sorry to say that Mrs. Carl Deese is ill and her many I do all watch and jewelry repairing in my own store. I friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deese had as do not "job out" any watch work to any other watchmaker. their guests, the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Johnson and chil- dren from Panama City Wednes- Having had 25 years experience at the bench, I am able to day. The Oak Grove Assembly of God i I UI I ... .. .. . unurcn will nave hneir vacation Bible School graduation Friday night, June 18. Everyone has a cordial invitation to attend. Carl Deese, L. C. and Jack Lev- ins spent Saturday in Cottondale visiting with friends and relatives. Miss Myra McAdams and Miss Barbara Ann Wright of Winter Gar- den was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Griffin for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davidson and I several days, visiting with friends and relatives. St. James Auxiliary Will Honor New Pastor The Woman's Auxiliary of St. James' Episcopal Church will be hostess to a reception honoring the new minister and his family of .St. James', Rev. and Mrs. Tom Miller, June 22 at the Parish House. Hours will be 8 to 9:30 p.m. The public is cordially invited to attend. Floor hostess will be Mrs. W. D. Dare, Mrs. Garland Lawrence, Mrs. J. L. Fuller, Mrs. Earl Rollins and Mrs. Henry Lilius. Star Want Ads Get Results You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Church REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME I SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 MORNING WORSHIP -___ 11:00 ,BAPTIST TRAINING UNION ------ 6:45 EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 8:00 SURPLUS STO SURPLUS STOCK - ALL IN GOOD CONDITION ! Sale Begins June 14 and Continues Through June 28 1WAS $129.00 12-Ft. Chris Craft Boat'Kit $ WAS $64.50 Jacobson Electrim Mower _-- WAS $22.50 2 Arlington Lawn Mowers ----- $16.50- WAS $30.00 2 16" Zephyr Lawn Mowers -- $22.00 WAS $31.50 2 18" Zephyr Lawn Mowers -----$23.00 WAS $429.95 Electric REFRIGERATOR ------ $349.95 WAS $349.95 Electric REFRIGERATOR -------$269.95 WAS $289.95 Electric REFRIGEATOR --------$209.95 WAS $9.95 2 Metro Lawn Sprinklers ---- $6.25 WAS $11.40 4 Express WAGONS --_ --- $7.25 WAS $49.50 2 Girls' BICYCLES ----------$38.50 WERE $1.00 EACH 50 Artificial MINNOWS ------ 35c ,WAS $22.50 Portable MIXER _--------- $15.00 WERE'FROM $1.95 TO $21.50 16 Asst. Lighting Fixtures -------- OFF WAS $16.00 TRICYCLE---------- WAS $36.00 3 28" Heaterlator Fireplaces WAS $75.00 3 Hp. Fairbanks Gas Engine ALL OTHER ITEMS CASH $10.00 $18.00 $25.00 WAS $14.00 Set Twin Laundry Tubs ----$7.00 WAS $160.00 3C Badger Water Softener -----$60.00 WAS $8.50 Wilson Base Line Marker ------ $2.50 WAS 95c 10 Aluminum WASH PANS WAS 60c 28 Enamel Sauce PANS -- WAS $1.35 2 Enamel Sauce PANS - 50c 35c 85c WAS 90c 30 Pyrex FRYERS ---------45c WAS $1.25 30 Pyrex BOILERS -------------65c WAS 35c 23 Cans Surety Hand SOAP ---- 20c WAS $1.00 7 Qts. Chat Dish Washer Soap --- 50c WAS $9.95 2 Coleman Gas Irons --------$5.00 WAS 50c 29 Lamp Adapters -- ----------25c WAS $16.10 Set Laundry Faucets ----- $8.00 WAS 75c 8 Qts. Silklite Floor Cleaner ---- 40c WAS $3.50 85 Sets Tape Sash Balances ------$1.00 WERE FROM $2.80 TO $18.00 70 Assorted Lock Sets ---- HALF PRICE WAS $1.32 FOOT 486 ft. 5"X5 Ply Transmission Belts ___ 61c APPLIANCES CAN BE FINANCED WAS 32c FOOT 375 Ft. 1 12"X3 Ply transmission Belt 16c WAS 40c FOOT 400 ft. 2"X4 Ply Transmission Belt 20c WAS 50c FOOT 200 ft. 2/2"X4 Ply Transmission Belt 25c WAS 66c FOOT 500 ft. 3"X4 Ply Transmission Belt __33c WAS 84c FOOT 150 ft. 4"X4 Ply Transmission Belt -__ 42c WAS $1.05 FOOT 250 ft. 5"X4 Ply Transmission Belt -_ 52c WAS $1.26 FOOT 200 ft. 6"X4 Ply Transmission Belt ___ 63c WAS $1.70 FOOT 75 ft. 8"X5 Ply Transmission Belt _- 85c 1900 POUNDS WAS 12c POUND No. 7 Fleetweld Welding Rods ------- Sc 2.8 X 6.8 X 118 WAS $6.00 EACH 4 3-Panel DOORS ------------ $2.00 WAS 16c FOOT 500 Ft. /2" Bundy-Flex Tubing -----lOc WAS $10.00 KEG 20 Kegs, 8D Com. NAILS ------- $8.00 WAS $1.25 2Doz. Pint Cans Gasket Shellac --- 50c 10 DOZEN LARGE TUBES WAS 25c Rockwood BELT PULL -- ---- 15c WAS $30.00 ROTA BIN, for Parts and Bolts --- $15.00 WAS $12.50 5-Gal. Kit CASTOR OIL ------ $2.50 (SAME AS NEW) Reconditioned Power Lawn Mower $40.00 NO EXCHANGES, NO RETURNS GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA TELEPHONES 2 AND 4 408 REiD AVENUE do prompt and accurate work, and guarantee all work. We carry in stock a complete line of watch material. H. S. LILIUS, JEWELER 322 Reid Avenue PHONE 162 I e ---- -- -'-" I I fi - ~,. I . .. ........ .... .... ...... ............. .. ........,..,.......... ...........,:A ,G.. ...-E -F.L. PAV 2 i 't .. -9 I A children, Joyce and J. W. from WSCS Circle 1 Meets was planned with Mrs. Ge'ite Su- Geneva, Ala., were the week end With Mrs. Bringman ber as chairman. The upper we!-. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wil- be held on June 26 at [le liur,-i liams. Circle 1 of the Woman's Society with Circle 2 as hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Hutto and daughter, of Christian Service of the First Mrs. Robert Bringman, study Norma of Panama City were the Methodist Church held their first chairman, presented the first two guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wil- meeting of the year in the home of chapters of the new study, "Man liams Tuesday. Mrs. Robert Bringman. .and God In the City" by Kenneth liams Tuesday. rs Robert Bringmn. Miller. The group made their pled Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Love and Mrs. J. C. Laney, chairman, pre- ges for the year. daughter, Gypsie spent several days sided over the meeting. g Refreshments were served pre. in Wildwood visiting with friends During the business session, Mrs. ceeding the meeting by the hostess and relatives. Walter Johnson was elected as co- to the following memberspresent, Miss Virginia Driggers from Wild- chairman; Mrs. Gannon Buzzett, wood is spending several weeks vis-' secretary and treasurer; Mrs. S. B. Mrs. J. C. Laney, Mrs. Leonard Be- iting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. Witt, birthday chairman; Mrs. I. C. lin, Mrs. George Suber, Mrs. S. B, and Mrs. W. S. Love. Nedley, and Mrs. R. H. Brinson, Witt, Mrs. R. H. Brinson, Mrs. I. Mr. and Mrs. D. DH. Shealy and flower chairman, and Mrs.J. F. Mil -C. Nedley, Mrs. J. F. Miller and daughter, Evelyn left Monday for le,r, social relations chairman. The one guest, Mrs. Roy Gibson presi, Bradenton where they will spend supper for the Methodist Men's Club dent of the WSCS. seeA nys iSiLiII5_M, FA-A.i $86.00 $49.00 408 REID AVENUE TELEPHONES 2 AND 4 I- I TH STR PR ST. --iiOE. lGULF- C Week End Guests Boland, a graduate of Ashbury Col- ,r. and Mrs. Walter Knox were NEWS FROM lege in Kentucky. We extend a cor- le t f A 3 a r a K dial invitation to everyone to at- the week end guests at Rainbow Hsighland View tend our services on Sunday. Sun- Motel at Mexico Beach. The Knox's rGni ERO G W day School, 9:45. Worship, 11:00. are from Chattahoochee where Mr. by MARGIE ROGERS MYF, 6:00 p.m., Evening Services, Knox is an engineer at the Wood- ---8:00 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wed- row th of Industry Yuff Dam. nesday night at 800 p.m. Mrs. Ruth Williams and daugh- nesday night at 8:00 p.m. te rs. MarL aura, Lenora and Lindh- rs. John Hewitt is visiting jVWINTER HAVEN Speaking at the States from his diplomatic mis- da of Fort White are visiting with with her mother in DeFuniak a luncheon in his honor, staged at sion to 'the Far East to report to their parents and grandparents, Springs, Mrs. J. W. Wooten Cypress Gardens last week, General the President, he expressed opti- O R CH IL M and Mrs L. H Kelly and fa- Brother and Sister Ray Hottin- James A. Van Fleet told a gathering mism over the situation. y. ar d s.a. H. Kn Sisty Ray hotin- of civic, business and political lead-I He said that with a strong Ko- Sily. ger of Panama City are holding particularly rean Army, suplemented by 44 i- We welcome to our community tent revival each evening at 7:0 s n ati olk Count "hlas a s l ntd b 4 from Bonifay, r. and Mrs. We .. on 6th Street in Highland great industrial potential." it t o o and stia Levins an daughters, Joan and View. with the kfiow-how and industrial DUETOMAARA an ddauhMiss Margie Rogers is visiting Here for the formal opening of i strengthof Japan, he hoped there DUE TO MALARLAJoyce. Miss 'Margie Rogers is Visiting We, the membs of te i1 a new soft drink manufacturing would be no need "to send Ameri- S made with we the members of the High- wit er sister and nephew. Mrs. plant at Lake Alfred to be operated can boys half way around the land View Methodist Church are B a by th eCantrel Inad Cochrane Pe- world." I H. A. Roger's and son, Lewis are 6 QUININ E the happiest that we can welcome' H. A. Rgers and son, Lewis are insular Corporation of which he Speaking of his beloved Florida, as our first pastor, Rev. Charles visiting in DeFuniak Springs with was elected chairman of the board the General told how the new soft Mrs. Beaulah Dockins and family. earlier in the day, the General in- drink plant at Lake Alfred would Return From Jacksonville terspersed a short talk on the fu- use grapefruit juice and serve the t T H GR FOR SUMr. and Mrs. O M. Taylor and ture of Florida with a statement Southeast as well as Latin Ameri- Sson, ayne returned from Jackson- n the situation in the Far East. ca. The new product will be put up ville Sunday after several day's Saying that he had returned to in cans and the plant will be in visit there and at Ponte Vedra Beach. Wayne was the guest of Joe Manasco, at Ponte Vedra Beach.I The Manasco family are former residents of St. Joe. Ik: .- W M- Tennis Equipment More tennis courts are being built in the city-Take part in this free recreation with supplies from our full line. Rackets Balls FISHING LURES You'll fird everything from a "Hawaiian Wiggler" to a "Doo- die Bug" in ou complete stock. We have only the finest lines in !s 'the finest materials, Lires Lines ..u 35c up 85c, 50 yds REELS and RODS Our brand names are "Buy Words" to good fishermen. Pfleuger, Ocean City and Shakes- phere. FREE LINE with.each rod and reel combination. Rods Reels $2.98 up $2.95 up Sea Bee and Evinrude Outboard Motors Fuller's Supply CO. Your Sherwin-Williams Paint Dealer 213V2 Reid Ave. ^---,,. Presented by your Doctor of Medicine as a Health Service of the Florida Med- pal Association and your , Lodic Medical Society. SKIN CARE Care of the skin is important nol snly from the standpoint of cleanli- ness but because of its many func- lions in relation to good health. The skin is fed and nurtured by the blood circulating within the body. It cannot be nourished front the exterior with creams, astringents Dr emollients. However these play. an important role as cleansing agents, keeping the skin surface smooth and moist and helping to protect it against outside elements, Such as exposure to sun and wind. S passage is important in the care of the skin for it stimulates circula- tion of the blood, which is the source Sf true nourishment. Except in those Persons who have an excessively dry skin, because ...of improperly func- tioning glands, or those who have some type of skin disorder, washing the face thoroughly with soap and water is essential to real cleanli- ness. Creams, powders and other cosmetics have a tendency to clog the pores, thus obstructing the re- lease of sweat. For this reason, their application should be preceded with a thorough washing of the face. SHowever, cosmetics have a place in care of the skin for they enhance p the natural beauty of the wearer when used properly. Some persons have sensitive skins. An allergy may not be a factor but the skin is susceptible to easy chap- ping or chafing. These people usual- iy have dry skins and can be helped i by the application of creams and oils for surface protection. The hair and nails are appendages ' of the skin. They -are really riot liv- ing structures but insensitive horny materials that take their root from S underlying living tissue. They, too, get their nourishment from the blood. Many disorders affecting the gen- -eral health are reflected in changes of the skin, hair and nails. When no Disease condition exists, there is nothing better than soap and watei Sto give the skin a healthy look. We'i jone the- ne meia MtrFml We've joined the new, American Motors Family and we're celebrating with a big ... T RA e-IM JA M on the greatest performers ever built! M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Panama City Highway operation in about 10 days. At the Cypress Gardens meeting Walter S. Mack, president of the Cantrell and Cochrane national or- ganization, praised the General for being responsible for bringing the industry to Florida. HIe predicted that Florida would be the greatest industrial state in the South within the next 10 years, and stated that *C and C hoped to grow with'Florida. __--- Jodphur breeches were after the city of Jodphur in t named Ind:-.. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED 6 HOURS a TO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 CLOSED WEDNESDAY-AFTERNOONS rIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING . PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA ~-mmm rrrvc~H- DON'T FORGET JUNE 20th IS THE DAY! FOR DAD S Summer SSLACKS t RAYON NYLON S ORLON - -I This is a needed > gift for summer weather $5.95- $6.95 $8.95 ALTERATIONS FREE Interwoven and Cooper SOX Nylon Stretch Sox pr. $1.00 Argyle $1.00 pr. Rayon and 1.25" Cotton, 2 Pair -- .2 Wembley Ties $100 $150 $200 FOR DAD What Could .Be Nicer Than Florsheim Shoes $16.95 $17.95 $18.95 GIVE HIM -A NICE DRESS SHIRT Arrow White $3. and Colors 95 Mark Twain Colored $2.95 Mark Twain Skip Dent Short Sleeve DRESS SHIRTS $2.95 SUMMER ROBES S5.95 59.95 GIVE HIM A SPORT SHIRT SIn Summer Weather He Can Always Use Several Mark Twain Cottons $2.49 2.95 Cotton Skip Dent Dacron Solids, Fancies s l 3.95 l NYLON -_--- $2.89 NYLON _--- $3.50 v; IJANTZEN _- $2.95 KNIT $3.95 K COOPER $2.95 L KNIT $3.95 HICKOK JEWELRY and BELTS TIE PINS --- _-- $1.50 to $2.50 CUFF LINKS -_ $1.50 to $2.50 BILL FOLDS ---- $3.50 to $5.00 BELTS --------- $1.50 to $2.50 Make Him PROUD! *^.' I,.:. r Give Him A MIRROR TEST SUIT EX. PANTS $8.25 $3350 Arrow Underwear Shorts -- $1.35 Shirts $1.00 Cooper $1.20 BRIEFS --- $ JANTZEN Swim Trunks $3.50 to $4.95 JANTZEN Walking Shorts $195 to $5,95 MOCCASINS $4.95 pr. FOR SHOP Service AT Quality ATGuaranteed Merchandise $8.50 up 95c up Phone 321 -~araslrrrau~a~nsPI~ THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA o*GE R1Y THU.RSDAY. it-INE! V-. 1954 Phone 6 Poft St. Joe, Florida THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA Tl HURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1954 of Hammond, La., are visitors of Presbyterians To Start ANNOUNCEMENT CHURCH SCHOOL TO START Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pope for a week. Bible School Classes The Business Woman's Circle of AT FIRST METHODIST HERE WHITE CITY NEWS They enjoyed fishing in Lake Wimi- the First Baptist Church will meet The Vacation Church School of by MRS. GEORGE HARPER co area while here. The Presbyterian Church bible Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the the First Methodist Church will be- SMrs. Carah Attaway returned school will get underway here Mon- home of Mrs. Blakely Thomason. !gin on this coming Monday, June ?2 Misses Sue and Syble- Tucker Tuesday after a very lengthy visit day morning with the beginning of The Mariop P. Cowherd Circle at 9:00 a.m. There will be classes are visiting relatives and friends with her sister, Mrs. Anne Harper a two week session, according to of the First Baptist Church will for the children from 4 to 14 years in Panama City for a week. in Pensacola. Rev. William T. Iverson, pastor of meet in the home of Mrs. Ralph of age. Jimmy Stevens is attending the Mr. and Mrs. Buster Camp and the church. Plair, Tuesday night at 8 p.m. A group of capable teachers ha.s -Methodist Youth Rally in Andalu- son, Nelson visited for a week in Registration of students between -- ---- been appointed for the departments. 1la, Ala., this week. Bogalusa, La., visiting relatives, the ages of 4 and 16 will begin on Guests of Daniell's All children of the city are invired Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels and Friday morning at 10:00 Mr and Mrs. Johnnie Daniellthe to attend. Pensacola were visitors of Mrs. daughter, Delores, and Miss Laura classes which will be held daiy M. and M iss Francs ri ani Clall held ea da Smiths' sister and brother-in-law, Sewell attended the wedding 0,Mo Mnday through Friday from 9 a.m. and Miss Frances Striekland of i Classes will be held each da, Smiths' sister and brother-in-law, Sewell attended the wedding o YuleeFla., have been the guests including recreation and reresn- Mr. and Mrs. Stets Pridgeon sever- Mr. Daniels neice, Miss Marie Dan- until 11:30 a.m. Yulee, Fla., have been the guests including recreation and 'e'_'esh- Mr. and Mrs. Sets Pridgeon sever- Mr. Danies nice, Miss Marie Dan- The theme for the school series of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniell. They ment time and will last from 9:00 al days this week. iels and Roy Douglas in Kinrd will be "Pioneers For The Church". arrived to attend the Daniell-Stew- a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Pope and chil- Sunday. Th hfeaturebible art wedding. dren, Dorothy, John Henry and Mrs. Randolph Noble and three The scoo will feature HILANDVIEWBIBLESCHOOL Bobby attended the birthday dinner children Rose Marie, Jo Ann and stories, bible games, prizes, recrea- CONTINUES THIS WEEK of J. M. Seggers and his grand- ;Dandy of Fayette, Miss, arrived tion, refreshments, picnics and 'ase~eger Care of J. M. Seggers and hs grand- Dandy contests. team heated passenger carM The Vacation Bible School of daughter, Joyce Pope which. was Wednesday for a two weeks visit -doingaway with stoves or hot iha B is hch held in Bonifay Sunday. They were with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. HLAND VIEW BAPTIST ater heaters were introduced ino ntines this wee and will lose accompanied by Richard- Hart of S. Croxton.Bible School WMU MEETS AT CHURCH 1881. Passenger cars were greatly continues this week and will close Tyndall Field. Bible School WMU MEETS AT CHURCH improvedd in 1903 by the introduc- Friday evening with a commence- ,Mr. and Mrs. Jim Saunders and A Vacation Bible School is in The Wonran's Missionary Union tion of the vapor system of heating, ment program at 7:30 p.m. All par- With this system, live steam from cents and friends are cordially in- five children and Mr. and Mrs. session at the White City Commun- of the Highland View Baptist the steam train lie is reduced to vited to attend. Junior Sanders and Odis Sanders ity House with Mrs. E. L. Antley Chuich met at the church Monday vapor at atmospheric pesressure aned t d. afternoon with Mrs. Homer Echols, admitted to beating coils inside thf tar Want Ads Get Resul president, presiding. tar Want Ads Get lt Mrs. Ralph Macomber opened with the prayer followed by the F0' t f .a w"Jufs n red" olook song, "Jesus Saves" and the watch- SI word of the group..,-ZO Mrs. Echols read the 125th Psalm.. Regular routine business was trans- ^ ^ acted with various chairmen giving a " their reports. SMrs. P. G. Saffqrd dismissed the' meeting with prayer. a WMU ASSOCIATION MEETING . TO BE HELD AT FIRST BAPTIST .. " ^ ^ oNext Monday, the WMU of theK To First Baptist Church will meet at the church for their Royal Service Keep You Well... Program with Circle 3 in charge of the program.' All members are ...Teamwork between urged to attend. you, your Doctor-and FuIme-Resistant Self-Cleaning t I Now, Pittsburgh's new formula houses in industrial section SUN-PROOF House Paint is STAY WHITE in spite of dis fume-resistant! Years of exten- coloring coal smoke and indus sive exposure tests have proved trial gas fumes. Econogicj tod eOt your free copy "Color in Action" booklet ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY 203 Reid Ave. as leader. Mrs. G. S. Croxton is Musician. The teachers are: Be- ginners, Mrs. H. A. Braxton and Miss Laura Sewell. Primary, Mrs. D. R. Hatcher and Mrs. Jack Hall. Juniors', Mrs. Henry Sewell and I Mrs. R. L. Smith. Intermediates, SMrs. C. E. Martin. There has been an average at- tendance of 45 pupils for the first three days. The commencement exercise wi;l be held Friday night at 8:00 and the public is invited to attend. S your Pharmacist. This S / / teamwork produces a ' / "/' triple'- threat "front' against disease sure to produce the desired results. Our accurate prescriptions can help in your fight to health. Campbell's Walgreen Agency Drugs PRESCRIPTIONSS a Specialty" Phone 27 210 Reid Avenue The Only All-Porcelain Appliance E ONlE A!AD NWL't It's new and different A fully automatic Frigidaire (Washer that you can store in a closet! Roll it to the sink or wash tub to use it. No permanent plumbing needed. Works anywhere you have hot and cold water and a drain upstairs, downstairs, in the kitchen. Come in now! Make arrangements for your FREE /HOME TRIAL ... or better still, PHONE US TODAY Phone NOW L - .- --*^*^^ f- -* V/ Get an actual demonstration of these Frigidaire Features In your home! Live-Water Action gets clothes cleaner Float-over Rinsing takes out all soap, dirt, scum SRapfdry Spin gets out 20% more water than any other washer. Select-O-Dial automatic control lets you wash any way you like , Lifetime _Prcelain cabinet, stays white forever! ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE Corner Second Street and Monument Avenue 209 Reid Ave. . A A. A. A. A A^ A^ . j *you Monday that *eighed sevea. FISHIN' and HUNTIN' pounds. George, James, George, Jr., 01I- Straight From A "Harper" GeorgeJames r r Straight From A "Harper" ver and James Edwin Harper and Named George Bobby Stebel, Ben Causey, Brow- ard Wood, Monty Gentry and John Paul F. Johnson of Pensacola and Henry Pope spent two days on Bull Routh of Sanford are enjoying Lake Wimico enjoying fishing. fishing in the lake and Willis ----- --- Swamp this week. All parties got free radio time Leslie Ansley of Panama Ci:y before Turkey's recent elections; caught a black bass in Indial Ba-Ankara reports. U A s lL r Choose now from our GIFT WATCHES Dozens and dozens of men's watches for Father's Day gift giving! Smartly-styled, dd- pendable watches in a wide choice of styles- SPECIAL $14.95 AND UP As Low'as $1. Down! Thames Jewelry and Watch Repair Reid Ave. Port St. Joe, Fla. '53 DODGE Meadowbrook 4-Door, Low mileage new tires. $1395 '50 BUICK Roadmaster, 2-door Riviera All extras plus electric Window Lifts Perfect $1295 '49 OLDS 88 SUPER Sport Coupe All Extras $875 '49 BUICK 2-Door Sdeanette. Radio and Heater. REDUCED TO $695 '50 MERCURY Club Coupe, New Paint Radio and Heater $845 '49 OLDS 88 SUPER 4-door, Radio and Heater Hydramatic A Black Beauty 875 '50 Studebaker 2-Door Champion with over- drive A real buy for only $765 '49 Chevrolet 3/4-Ton Pickup Reduced To 5545 GARRRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 388 Phone 14 WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY j PAGE SEVEN 3~seae~e~ ~---""-;e~5~iB~li~81~1181 ---1PF~il09ewaFa~Ber~Jssra~s~ ~3~~l8l SAW I~*r ~B~p~~~bI i~98~~9~~t~rrrr ~~ A l A ...&I 4-7 far Phone 291 'W w ww__ - 44 make other trucks out of date PHONE 94 THE S&TARi POftt tt. YE, GOLPCuiPi<. LOINbA OAGE EIGHT ,Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost! Try 'Eam EXPERIENCED CLERKS WANTED For Accounting Department. Knowledge of type- writer, Adding Machine and Calculating Machine desired. ST. JOE PAPER COMPANY - .. STOP IN AND SEE IT TODAY! ..... J WALL ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 440 323 Reid Ave. LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF THE STATE OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY IN CHAN- CERY JOSEPH B. SPEAR, Plaintiff, THELMA E. MARTIN, Defendant. NOTICE TO APPEAR TO THELMA E. MARTIN, THE DEFENDANT IN THE ABOVE- TITLED CAUSE: You are hereby notified that a Complaint 'to foreclose a certain mortgage on the following describ- ed property, to wit: Lot Fourteen (14) in Block One Thousand Twelve (1012) of Unit No. 1 of Millview Addition to the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, according to the Of- ficial Map on file in the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida, in Plat Book 1, page 33, has been filed against yoi, and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or Pleading TRAILWAYS REDUCES FARES Look At These Low Round Trip Fares Apalachicola -- $1.00 Blountstown --- $1.65 Marianna ---- $2.55 Panama City --- $1.20 Pensacola ... $4.90 Wewahitchka -- .80 Mexico Beach .50 Carrabelle --- $1.65 Tallahassee _..... $3.20 Tyndall Field ---- .85 Bonifay --- -- $3.15 Money Bayou ----- .40 For Other Fares and Sche- dules See or Call Your Trailways Agent Save Save Save TRAVEL TRAILWAYS - 1-1954 BIG OVEN RAH'GE ......... ..... ... h !.! J ;'. t ,: 'i in. SPECi'L SE-'V;CES brethren E. 'iiiins, ..N.(. 11. H R S irly, V. G. Bill Car- LAWN MOWER REP.VR!NG All gill. 3Se.:t-r'. types band Dni p 'IVc :uowvr< ypes rtl hand ann adustwerd MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- prompt service. ANDY'S 'VELDNG. Por St. Jo Lodga 111 Regular SHOP. First S'reeL meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- .... I -, days each month. 8:00 o. m. STOP AND SWAP--V Feadquart- '- Me-mbnrs urge.r to attend: for your us-d fur'ituire and ap- v;'itin1 i- "{.-- welcome. R. F. pjances. 213 ,eid Aves- e. Phone Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tfe secretary. LODGE NOTICES Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results WILLIS -o - WILLISV. ROWAN POST 116, THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- . WHAT'S THIS? Out of pencils? ing first and third -Monday nights FOR RENT th800 p.m., American Legion Home.e FOR RENT, h.1__ Pick up the telephone and call MOST REASONABLE RENT on HE STAR. Phone 51. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of1 beach area. Several units vacant THE FAMOUS Scripto ball point St. Jo eph Chapter N'o. 56, R. A. now. Mrs. J. D. Clark, Gulf View at THE STAR. Phone 51.. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All vis(il Cottages, Beacon Hill. 2tc ing companions welcome. J. B. -- .-ALL KINDS of cut paper, onion- Griffith, ;1, High Priest; H. R. FOR RENT: Furnished home dur- skin, bond paper, second sheets Maige. secretary. ing the summer months. CaIl pens can be bought at THE L after 3:30 p.m. Phone 428-J. STAR oce. Phone 51. LY ORDER STR office. Phone OF MOOSE FOR RENT: 3 bedroom house. Call ALL ITEMS of office needs can b / O= -M 120 city cr write Ben Dickens, bought at THE STAR office. -ne Monight STATI ofie f. ery,., other Monday. 255C, Fla: 3, Gainesville, Fla. 2t it is used in any business for a"' ~ ,,is at Moose FOR RENT: 4-room apartment fur- bookkeeping purpose, we have I i l:ii. 31.0 Fourth St.! nished. I 1Guumeni Ave. Cos- Special ri.:t-ed fTornms. gest ce"- '.. ,c - tin Building. c salesbooks, ma:hne r.. .. N LODOE No. 40. 1. 0. _____________ All available a' THE ST. \ -.,. _n.a ...t- *, .-id third Tlurs- FRSAE 51. 30 1 l-on:c Hi All .t 'y FAMOUS 1 RESTONE FA- S FI~ ^^^^~g~i^^|^P"c^ ^^ -- BR ,. FORUH SAL RECEIPT BOOKS: Small books of duplicate receipts and books of our receipts to the page. The Star. 'hone 51. MIMEO PAPER-8Y2xll and 81x 14 mimeograph paper in stock at all times. The Star. tf NEED FILE FOLDERS? Get them at THE STAR Puolie 51. to the Complaint on Plaintiff's al- torney, Mercer P. Spear, whose post office address is P. O. Box 17, Panama City, Florida, and file the original Answer or Pleading in the office of the Clerk of the Circait Court of Gulf County, Florida, on or before" the 19th day of July, 1954. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will-be taken against }ou for the relief demanded in the said Complaint. This notice shall be published once each week for four consecu- tive weeks in the Port St. Joe-Star, a newspaper published and of gen- eral circulation in Gulf Count3, Florida. DONE AND ORDERED at Wewa- hitchka, Gulf County, Florida, this 9th day of June, 1954. GEORGE Y. CORE Clerk of Circuit Court Gulf County, Florida By: Roselle Gaskin Deputy Clerk - (CIRCUIT COURT SEAL) 4t MERCER P. SPEAR 6-17-54 Attorney for Plaintiff NOTICE Notice- is hei-eby given that the City of Port St. Joe parking ordin- ance Number 140X 'duly adopted by the City Commission of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida on Febru- ary 16, 1954 providing for one hour parking from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. will be enforced beginning on the First day of July. R. W. HENDERSON 2t City Auditor and Clerk It's inconsistent, but the girl who is beautiful but dumb is never ignorant of the fact that she's beautiful. PRICE OF $20.60 < GET 2nd TIRE FOR.. k IVA* "1 1, tc ^ 6.00-16 Plus Tax and your present tires if they are recappable All Sizes Black and White Sidewalls SALE-PRICEDU BLACK SIDEWALLS WHITE SIDEWALLS SIZE "RG. NO TRADE-IN GET 2nd SIZE REG. NO TRADI-IN GET 2nd PRICtit TRE:F* TIRE FOR PRICE: st TIRE *,*I TIRE FOR 6.00-16 6.70-15 6.40-15 7.10-15 6.50-16 7.60-15 8.00-15 8.20-15 20.60 22.60 21.55 25.05 25.40 27.40 30.10 31.40 10.30* 11.30* 10.78* 12.53* 12.70* 13.70* 15.05* 15.70* 6.00-16 6.70.15 6.40-15 7.10-15 6.50-16 7.60-15 8.00-15 8.20-15 25.25 27.70 26.40 30.70 31.10 33.55 36.85 38.45 12.63* 13.85* 13.20* 15.35* 15.55* 16.78* 18.43* 19.23* Should we not have the car of your choice in stock, will take your order for 3 to 4 weeks delivery. GARRAWAY CHEV ROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Your old tires will make the down payment Low as 100 a week SAVE almost 12 SPECIAL. .Get this SAVE... BUY NOW! Ventilt $55.25 All-Chrome * Ventilated * "Air-Cool" DORMEYER MIXRR Sold LCAR : CoolEverywhere iAR : CAR *for $5.95 CUSHION I T* spc. . $3.39 Value 477 Never Before 07 When Y ou By a t this I' Virts e 10 cu. ft. Dominion 8-inch Low Pric ...... REFRIGERATOR ELECTRIC FAN Firestoue Home & Alto Supply Store B. W. EELLS, Ownef Phone100 PORT ST. JOE, PLA. NEED TV OR 'RADIO SERVICE? For a-quick, expert check-up of your set's performance (no matter, what the make Call us. We offer free prompt pick- up and delivery service. All work and' parts guaranteed. TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED' PHONE 241.3 -~ h~- I I _ ,, -- s fML~iSDAV, JU1YE l~j,:x1$54 COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 601 Long Avenue PHONE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Phone 388 Port St. Joe, Fla. DELUXE CHAMPIONS Used As Original Equipment On America's Finest Cars |