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ETAOIN SHRDLU by WES-LEY R. RAMSEY We have often wondered why people run for the job of County Commissioner. We attended our first commission meeting Tues- day and found out. The reason is very obvious. It isn't the pay, although it is substantial for fhe time involved. It isn't the comfortable chairs or the ice water, the individual spittoons and ash trays, or even the name "Mr. Commissioner". My friends, it is the 10 o'clock coffee break. No kidding, at 10 o'clock sharp, CST, that au- gust body stops all proceedings abruptly and sidles out the side door for a cuppa java thoughtfiul- ly provided by the county. We found out why "Pete" Mil- tier has his black eye. Your re- porter interrogated Mr. Miller on the subject at length Wednes- day afternoon and got the fol- lowing quote from Pete. "You wouldn't believe me but I got it in a political argument." It was a mighty quiet election- only one black eye. We read in the Gadsden, Coun- ty Times where a million dollar cloud appeared over Quiricy and dropped 98c worth of rain. The same cloud appeared over St. Joe Wednesday and dropped the remaining 2c worth of that first dollar's worth. We are mak- ing this statement so that by the time the paper is put to bed and too late to change our comment,. that contrary weather man will make a liar out of us and drop the remaining $999,999 worth of rain out of that wandering cloud. ELECTED TO HONOR COURT AT. F. S. U. Mary Ann MoFarland, student at Florida State University won the student body election for Senior STHE -S STAR Published in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County VOLUME XVII THE Single Copy 8c NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS Dr. LaRue Garrett D.V.M. will be at the Fire Station at the City Hall in Port St. Joe from 9:00 noon E.S.T., Friday, May 14, 1954 and from 3:00 P.M. until 12:00 noon E.S.T., Friday, May 14, 1954 and from 3:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. Tuesday, May 18, 1954 for the purpose of vaccinating dogs against rabies. A charge of,$1.50 each will be made for dogs weighing 25 pounds or less and a charge of $2.00 each for dogs weighing over 25 pounds. H. W. GRIFFIN Chief of Police $3.00 Per Year ...... .S _- .- --= PORT STo. JE' 0E Progressive Community With a S Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper, PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 B S rcus Board Names Teachers CA CEP-w Moe%. If)1I t The ext Semr ys Maybe not the greatest. but rest I well assured that it is the CRAZ- IEST SHOW ON EARTH hitting ,Port St. Joe Friday, May 28 at 8:00 T nd owd p.m. at the local Centennial Ball R tay serves e er an e Park. Teacher Vacancies and Crowded A- big parade illprecede eth Ladies Night Thurs. Classroom Conditions Expected Circus that afternoon starting in front of the City Hall on 5th Street 9 o.2t n... .... o ,i .i .... '^pThe Rotary Club of Port St. Joe The Gulf County School Board Hubert E. Richards that the SaI oo :30 p.m. I11is circus will featureiC some of the best known clowns in the business plus at least three ele- Sphants. horses and all other kinds of wild and wooly animals. entertained their Rotary Ann's at their annual ladies night' celebra- tion at the. Parish House. The Rotary Ann's were present- made public this week a propose list of teachers for the local schoc The list included proposed fac ties for the Port St. Joe Schoc SAs you may have guessed this ea wtl carlnaton corsages as tey The publicised list is not an Sis the presentation of Troop 47, entered the door. The couples surance of these teachers retu B Boy Scouts of America. The public were then divided up and partners ing next year. It was pointed ( Loyal Order of Moose Sponsoring is cordially invited. picked by numbers. by Elem'entary School Princip Tickets will go on safe this week Favors of noise makers, caps, r h sometime at a reasonable price balloons and 'streamers were plac- . 'Ambrose Th e Magicianf' Friday it someti ae pmice j Sf e All' proceeds will go toward send- ed by each plate for the enjoyment r. Iveson Will ing boys in the scouts who cannot ose present The ladies were Pre-Schobo Registrati6n The Loyal Order of Moose is afford to go to hte annual Scout presented with gifts of plastic tea Set For Fridav, May 14 sponsoring a show by Ambrose the ei mr.. am., coaster sets with the Rotary ei. Prach n M ss Pre-school registration for the 54-55 school term will be held Fri- day, May 14 for the purpose of en- rolling children that will start in the first grade next year. Registration will begin at 9:00 a.m. and will continue until noon. All children to be registered must be si years of age before January 1, 1965. Hubert E. Richards, principal of the elementary school urged that every child to be entered in the. first grade next year be registered so they may .be placed for next Honor Court. Mary Ann is the years classes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Richards stressed the importance McFarland of Oak Grove. of registering your child. County Commissioners Proceedings The Gulf County Board of Cor- ney made 4 motion that te.run, 2nssioners pa?_ed on several im- ways be constructed. requestiLn"r portant Item's If'rXe' la isei2edul: fencing on each side to prevent -ac- 'bd meeting on Tuesday. May 11 cess to the beach by cars. Cooper which are listed here below, seconded' the notion. The motidn failed to get a passing vote. Coin- At a request from the mayor of missioner Jim S. Daniels voted that the City of Port St. Joe the Com- the matter be tabled until the next missioners agreed to ask for sec- meeting "because since the whiskey ondary road funds to pave a short sales thing, I am afraid of being cut to the new Holly Hill Ceme- ripped up the back for doing some- tery from Garrison Avenue to an thing wrong". Smith then pleaded intersection with the Niles Road. that the Comiiiniion act at once The Mayor stressed that the work since by next meeting the summer shouldn't be done until the pro- season would be well underway and posed short cut between Port St. would, make construction too late Joe and Apalachicola was definitely for the vacation season and show- decided upon. The Commissidn ed petitions with some 200 signa- agreed and also agreed to offer tures of beach residents. Commis- a resolution to the SIRD to speed sioier Hart stated that if the run- up the short cut project, ways could .be fenced he would also want one for Beacon Hill. Commis- John Robert Smith appeared be- sioners Daniels and Whitfield de-' ,fore the Board and asked that- the cided after some discussion to go County construct three ruri-ways along with the project, and it was -to the beach from the higlr.w: in carried. the beach area with-one at High- land View, one at, St. Joe Beach . ie, one a The Commission' approved the re- and one at Beacon -Hill for loading The Conl in a oved he pairing of the road leading.*rom and unloading boats. Commissioner pairing of te road leingbo. fr Hart stated that the people at Bea- ,i y 98 the fishing boa docks beside the Highland View con Hill did not want the run-waysdocks beside the Highland View Bridge. since it would only facilitate cars Brge getting on the beaches and making . a race track of it. The request Was Poll officers were re-appointed reduced to two runways, excluding to their posts for the second pri- Beacon Hill. Commissioner Ken- mary election of May 25. ,ed Elementary School would have up ls. 'to nine vacancies to be filled in ul- the next term due to the fact that, Ils. a few of the teachers are getting as- married and it is expected that rn- they will not return for the next out semester. al, Richards stated that although the School is crowded it has remained within its allowed 23 teacher unite set by the State Education Associa- tion under the Minimum Founda- )l tion. The Elament.ary teachers are Magician-and his show ofr1(.1 blem embossed in the center. Magici and his show f 1 Don't mis this exciting event! blem e ossed in the center. needed in all six grades. Wonders at the High School A.ina: ... Warreen Foster, of Atlanta andi This Sunday morning at the 11 torium tomorrow night at S'00 p:m. 1 employed by the Coca Cola Bottling a.m. service, D.. Daniel Iverson of la the Schl, an infl The Moose Club is sponsoring the Veteran Miss nary Company was the guest speaker of Miami, -will open a series of ser-students from the Elementary magic show to raise funds for two the evening and kep the audience vices at the First Presbyterian School, (soe 120 entering Jnior purposes. Half of the profits raised T in stitches with his mythical tale Chuch designed to strengthen and High with only -odd graduating) will go to their Christmas B.aKet 1To Sp k Here Sun. of his "adventures as the coach crystalize the work of the new pa poses both a teaching andhousing Fund and the other half. will go to of the Siwash U. football team". tor. A further goal of the guest problem. The County School Boara the High School Band o, aiJ in thrir Dr. W. W;Enfeie. a veteran Mis- The man had troubles. minister is to strengthen any Chris- is taking steps to remedy the house. .project in building up thi baldd's sionary to BByazil for 30 years will; Rev. Harry B. Douglas acted as tian in any needed realm of life ig problem by the construction o music library and additional m.usi- be t-he speater at Long Avenue toastmaster for the evening and through personal counselling. In four more classrooms. cal instruments .Baptist Cniurhl Sunday morning, introduced the following guests: it all there will be the most impor- It is impossible for the HIigi' The Moose will sponsor a par- May 16 at ll.a.m; He will be assist- Mr. and Mrs. Carlton King, Maria- tant purpose of racing others for School to meet its teacher require- ade down Reid Avenue Friday af- ed by Rev. u!ryllo Cassete of Bra Inna; Dr. and Mrs.. Jimmy Cook, definite committal to Christ. ments without paying a few teach- ternoon .by the High School Band zil who will.gpeak a brief message Marianna. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert' Early Morning Services ers out of-county funds. According to advertise the show. Ti.e band in Portuguqse. Missionary Enete' Richards, Port St. Joe. Mr. and 'Each morning Monday through to the state rules,. a school is allot- will also play a 45-minute concert will serve a~ interpreter. 'Mrs.' William M. Rasmussen, Port. Friday, May 17-21, an inspirational ted teacher units in accordance prior to the magic show. Dr. Enete uses ventriloquism and St. Joe. Bob Nedley, Apalachicola. and instructional Bible study will with the required units the previous The magician will feature a hyp- colored slide' to illustrate his. mis- Gene Austin, Apalachicola. Mr. and be held at 7:00 a.m. Coffee and year. This year the high school notismn act on his show; sionary meslgges. This: unique pre- ,Mrs. Dwight J. Marshall, Apalachi- doughnut will be served before has been operating with 19 teach- _____ sentation of .such a message has 'cola. Mr. and Mrs.. O. R. Martin, and after& in place of breakfast. ers and only 16% teacher units -Last Rites Held For been ira'ciobeily received by over- Apalachicola. Mr. and Mrs. Wal- This is designed so that high school (don't know how that got a half ecil Bnnett M day flow crowds: i. Baptist churches of-! lace Laird,.Panama City. Mr. and youth, -worting men, and mothers teacher--Ed.). The coming year the Panama. City area each-night. t Mis. ArthE..H..: French, .Patnam ma.cne. lMen .are to come to the-high school will have to use SFuneral services for .c ii Be this week. Bo:hetlh Orammrt and Citv. H-enry Viceery-. Panaman Citv t ese mior ing si-rvces i.n their-.-2 insiru(;tors nbii will receive uet; 2S. of Hi-bland View were L igh Schoolt of Bey- ciruy:.have .r.,an4dMrs E rie:-Oardener. Pa.- work cr'loao -i"-r nt-ria itil y-e f el t 1t-'r-"-' ly"-.- -;.: Ilel Al Monday. at p.m a' th re greatly enjoyed. and been deeply ana Ciy a inforinational. Three- positionsare as .yet un- ill rapist Church at hady La inspired by, these messages. ---- ----- Evenidui Services at 8:00 'filled at the High School. Will Baptist Church at Shady Lane 'Le_ ri. .ervi.es ". 8:0. with the Rev. Lloyd Riley officiat- ong venu Baptist Church con- r. Cauthen To Speak The evening services will be both The proposed teacher roster is Sd sides it an outstanding privilege A Pirst Bptist Church evangelistic and teaching in nature as follows: Mr. Bennett died Friday after- to have the opportunity of being -- with such messages as '"The Way Port St. Joe High School able to have thigstype of worship "..Crss,-T.heJug noon -of injuries sustained in an seaice. Every one Gulf County Br: Baker J. Canthen, Secretry Iof Life", "The Cross", "The Judg- -Eula D. Pridgeon, Lillian T. Ken- automobile wreck earlier in the service. Evy one Glf Coty othe Baptist Foreign Mission ments of God", "The Holy Spirit", ington, Jacque A.Price, Catherine 'S cordially invited to attend. ,, ... day. The body was taken to the cordially invite to attend. Board, will speak at the First Bap- "The Second Coming of Christ", Nix, Robert M. Craig, Mary Austin, home of his father, C. B. Benne,'t, -tist Churclh,- Sunday night at 8 p.m. "The Church", and "The Home". Floye O'Neal, Merrill J. Switzer, at Altha Sunday to lie in state un-, Cub Scouts To Be Hosts s executive secretary of the There will be a fine song service .Herman R. Dean, Walter Trikosko, til time for' the services. In District Track Meet Southern Baptist Foreign Mission proceeding the messages each night Howard Blick, Margaret DeVore, Besides his father, hs is sur- Board, Dr. Cauthen has over 1,000 led by the pastor. Ernestine Sims, Pea-line Yeat!s, vived by a wife, Mrs. Nancy Ben- Saturday, May 15, the local Ro- ,missionaries in many different The pastor and people of the Netta Niblack, Dewey Phiilips and nett, and son, Dale, of Highlanil tary Club 'sion'sored Cub Scout countries under his supervision. First Presbyterian Church expect Katherine Jeter. View; four brothers, Herschel of Packs' will be hosts to all Cub Having spent-many years in very great blessings in these .e'-vices, Port St. Joe Elementary School . Sulfa, La., Wayne of Forest City, Packs in this area in a Track Meet critical times in mission work in and cordially invite each and every Betty Sue Anchors, Virginia Ark., and Hastings and Steve of to be held ?f-tCentennial Field be- other countries, Dr. Cauthen is well friend of Port St. Joe to come ad Blick, Patricia Callaway, Margaret Altha; and five sisters, Mrs. Bea- ginning at 2:30 in the afternoon. prepared to speak on the conditions take part in these services, espec- Clark, Willie Mae Davis, Alice ElI trice Taylor and Mrs. Earlene Cain Cub Packsf from Panama City, and needs of the world. He is an ially in the morning services. der, Bonnie Everage, Sara Fite, of Blountstown and Misses Virginia. Tyndall iFied and Apalachicola eloquent and gifted speaker, and There will be a nursery each Laura Geddie, Juanita Gunn, Jean Vivian and Elizabeth of Altha. will compete with local cubs in a the public is cordially invited to morning and night. Hayes, James Howard, Minnie How- Comforter Funeral Home of Port whole afternoon -of track and field hear him. ---- -v---aryee C. Mr, S h Comforter Funeral Home of Port tell, Avaryee C. Martin, Sarah Phile 'St. Joe was in charge of arrange- eve Leaving England yaw, Aurelia Rasmussen, Helen mets. The Port St. Joe Cub Packs are RotaryiClub Entertains Mrs. J. L. Bates and children, Rllins a use, Se Se merts` holders of tlie trophy-presented last 'Rollins, Norma Russell, Sue Stew- holders the tcomphyetiesented wl Cub Packs With Outing Susan, Venice and John are leaving art, vonne Straughn, Elinor Swit- year in this competition and will --May 20 for New York. From New zer, May nne St glen and Jacque- GOLF ASSOCIATION MEET be seeking .to hold the trophy in The Prt St. Joe Rotay Club York they will fly to England to line Brownn SET FOR TONIGHT Saturday's- event. entertained five Dens of the local join Captain Bates who is stationed -____ A meeting of the Port St. Joe iThe meeting is open to the pub- Cub ;Scouts and their Den Mothers at Modesworth. Wheyland A. Thomasson Golf Association is set for tonight -, with a picnic lunch and swimming W T maken By at 8:00 p.m. at the Florida Powe arty, Saturday at Mexico Beach Miss Gailee Watts of Clearwater Is Taken By Death at 8:00 p.m. at the Florida Power. party, Matuisay at iexico Red , Lounge. .- Saints List Comng Weeks' ark student at F.S.U. spent the week All members and prospects are Exhibition Game Schedule Over fifty boys, den mothers and end with Mary Ann McFarland at Whead A. Thomao, 6 yea urged to attend. ,chaperones enjoyed the affair. her home inOak Grove. of age, died at the home of his Listed below is the schedule of .Cubmasters, Ted Beard and Kay --- daughter, r i. innie Ola Cr exhibition games to be played by Clark served iced drinks. Den isit In Georgia at St. Joe Lumbe and Export Co The Saints this coming week others, Mrs. Paul Fensom, Mrs. Clif- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown and pany, Monday, May 3. following a Tonight, Thursday, The Saints ford Tharpe, Mrs. Leroy Bowdoin, Mrs. Charles Wall and two chil- lingering illness. versus Chipola Junior College at Mrs. Chafin and Mrs. Chauncey dren spent the week end in Jesup,I Fulneral services were held for 8:00 p.m. at the local diamond. Costin together with chaperones, Georgia. Mrs. Wall was the guest Mr. Thomasson at the home of an- ISunday, May 16, Saints versus Mrs. Bill Iverson, Mrs. Kay Clark, of her parents and Mr. and Mrs. other daughter, Mrs. W. B. Holland Apalachicola at Apalachicola, 4 p.m. Mrs. Bert Munn. Jr.. assisted in Brown visited with relatives. Wednesday. May 5. Monday, 8:30 p.m. Saints meet caring for the boys. -- Interment was in Jehu Cemetery Vausau here. After a period of swimming. the Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Ramsey at Wewahitchka. Next Thursday, 8:00 p.m. the boys practiced for the track meet and children spent last week end Comforter Funeral tHomE of rPo,. ... ? Saints will play Callaway at the which is to be held soon. The pic- visiting relatives and friends in S'..Joe was in charge of m,'range- local diamond. nic lunch was served at 12:30. Warner Robins, Ga. n. its. Pictured above are the new offi- Mrs. H. W. Griffin, vice-president; man; Mrs. H. R. Maige, treasurer. cers of the Garden Club which were Mrs. I. C. Nedley, secretary. Azalea Other officers of the club, (not inso at their annual lunch eon Circle Officers: Mrs. Carl-Arm- in the picture) are: Mrs. Paui istalle at their annual luncheon strong, chairman; ,Mrs. W. F. Wa- ,Blount, General Club Secretary; at the Motel t. Joe inning Rpom ger, co-chairman; Mrs. Chris Mar- Mrs. J. P. Fleishel, Gladioli.Circle last Friday afternoon.. From left tin, Secretary. Gladioli Circle Offi- Secretary and Mrs. W. D. Sykes, to right are: General Club Officers, cers: Mrs, Lawrence Bissett, chair Azalea Circle Treasurer. Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax, president; man; Mrs. Ethel Bridges, co-chair-1 (1-Minute Star Polaroid Photo) Jack and Kill Kindergarten,To Be Presented at Graduation Exercises The Jack and Jill Kindergarten, Little Feet. Eloise Bulger. ner, Christine Bratcher, Catherine Player, Randy Armstrong, Hannah operated by Mrs. E. R. DuBose: and i Little Heart, Linda Faye Gardner. Ramsey, Patty Lou Gaskin, Olivia Mae- Gaskin and Charlotte Mar- Mrs. Arthur H.oker will hold their 100th Pslm "I'm In Right. Out Gwaltney, .Jacque Price, Linda shall. graduation exercises at the High Graham, Sonia cooper, Susan Wil- GRADUATION PROGRAM School Auditorium at 8:00 p.m. Fri- ght (song)),s, Rita Rasmussen and Eloise Valedictory, Jake Nichols. day, May 2116 141-, by the Bulger. Presentation of Diplomas., Mr. S m. t o Prayer, Randy Armstrong, andl Gingerbread boys: Jake Nichols, H. E. Richards. degarte pupils will be as follows: group. David O Brian, Charles Williams, Class Wills: Jake Nichols, Susan HANSEL and GRETEL, in 3 Acts Freddy Wise, Randy Armstrong and Willis, Freddy Wise, Eloise Bulger, DEVOTIONAL PROGRAM Narrator, Danny Odum; Gretel, 'Billy Enfinger. Christine Bratcher, Billy Enfinger, Invocation, Rev. Fred Davis Iva Jane Parker; Hansel, Jerry Pixies; Randy Player, Tommy Linda Faye Gardner, Olivia Gwalt- *Salutatory, Iva Jane Parker Pitts: Mama, Gwendolyn Kendrick; Adams, Glenn Nelson, Eddie Mc- ney, Charles Williams, Patty Lou 'Pledge to Bible, Pledge to Flag, Papa, David Macomber; Echo, Alan Farland, Neil Poitevint. Jimmy Da- Gaskin, Jennifer Kennedy. Bible Quiz, Books of the Bible, Hallmark; Witch, Catherine Miller; Ivis and Lane Davis. School Song, Group. "Two Little Eyes" (song), 23rd Lady Moon, Karen Stripling; Moon- Gay Musicians: Lane Davis, Jim- America the Beautiful, David 'Psalm. all by the group. beam. Charlottle Marshall. my Davis. Tommy Adams, Glenn O)Brian. Little Hands, Susan Willis. Fairies: Jennifer Kennedy, Han- Nelson. Neil .Poitevint. Rita Ras- Devotional. Rev. J.,C. Odum. Little 'Tongue. Catherine Ramsey. nah:.Mae. Gaskin. Linda Faye Gard- mussen, Eddie McFarland. Randy The public is invited to attend. "Port St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" _ a- I INUMBER as ii C I g 4 I I I 1 I I I,- - I I I I ~I a -- -O ~IC NUMBER 36 I ";~ ~ i is~ I~e, C c 9 r' P:. '~r' "'AfQF TWO . Spend Sunday in De Funiak Guests From Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward and Have had as their guests, Mr. and daughter Ann were dinner guests Mrs. Arthur Bryant and son and of Mrs. B. H. Munn, Sr., on Mo- daughter of 'Samson, Ala. ,Mrs. Bry- ther's Day, in DeFuniak Springs. ant is the daughter of the Gibsons. ~e~9s~-~a~ e~f~~e~~e c 16, 9 1 Mr. and Mrs. Willie L. Durant of Port St. Joe today announce the engagement and approaching wed- ding of their daughter Amelia Er- nestine to Jerold Keith Cross, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claud T. Cross of Bristol. The wedding will take place at the First Baptist Church, June 9 at 5:30 in the afternoon. The bride elect is an honor grad- uate of Port St. Joe High School and attended Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee. She is now em- Hospital Auxiliary Met To Discuss New Project The Hospital Auxiliary met on the sun porch of the Municipal Hospital, Monday morning, May 3 with 15 members present. Mrs. Albert Ward presided. Mrs. Harry Saunders reported that the tile for the Sun porch was available and the color was select- ed at the meeting by the members. The annual hospital tea will not be held this year. The Hospital Auxiliary has for its ne~ft-projcet-the painting of The hospital kitchen and the purchase of a deep freeze. It was reported that work has al- ready begun on the laying of the tile. The Auxiliary extends, an in- vitation to the public to go out and'see the many improvements in the Municipal Hospital. Future Subscribers Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Cody an- nounce the birth of a daughter, (Ronda Ferrol on May 7. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Duncan an nounce the birth of a girl, Margar- et Ann on May 6. IMr. and Mrs. C. C. Clark an- nounce the birth of a boy, Colin Hank. on May 6. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Whitfield of Wewahitchka announce the birth of a girl, Bernice Elner, on April played in the office of the St. Joe 30. Paper Company. Jerold Cross is aI M Mrs. M. L. Van Hrn graduate of Florida State Univer- announce te brh of a bo, Gary announce the birth of a boy, Gary sity with a B.S. degree in Educa- Lea'ten on April 29. cation. He is now employed as prin- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Russell an- cipal of Hosford J'unior High 1nounce the birth of a girl, Verme- School, Hosford. na Jean on May 12, -J- A- ]a a* sa* s ** *&&e asts*soaa*aa &a E I Appreciate g a The votes that were cast in my favor in my race for the office of State Representative from Gulf County. S I enjoyed the competition of the race and ap- preciate the clean spirit in which it was carried out. , BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY HENREIi - T PATRICIA : wll .hAi S CONRIED Story and Scren Fie- by RObWT KENT Produced by S'AM KATZi!AN Dilectel by RICHAiO QUINE HNHERBERT .1 YATES A REPUBLIC PICTURE >iilllllllllll ll~ llIlllllllll[lliiiiii iit iiiii i lilii iir[[tUimi SUNDAY .ONLY CARY GRANT and ANN ~M HDilRAN ;in Monday & Tuesday -Lillllllllllli i llllllllIll lll lllllll llibllllllll ll il Wednesday & Thursday 6\N THOSE 7 OREDHEADf : TROISEALTT L Respectfully, *M e . S"NI Was A Male RHONDA FLEMING TERESA BREWER C EMMETTE DANENEBARRY GUYMITCHELL MME ILL war Bride NES MOOREHEAO THEBEILLSISTERS e o ... ... .A ..... D: ..... . -aa-s~i m~sa~~a^^i^^^Baat^ '". ; .- THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY iu IT-0' ^f^vym IN ONLY3-1) DRAMA OF THE KOREAN WAR! pi _..* at LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "Going To The Dentist" "HOT RODS" r^^.8c *** < SUNDAY, MONDAY "OPERATION RABBIT" TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY S,. artfully adapts the casual look of separates to fashion this ie-piiecer with a two-piece look. The ihoulder-fattering shawl collar cleverly becomes tiny sleeres. Silak with White and small dol. lavk ith White and large do,,; Sizes 7 to I. .12.95 COSTING'S SI I I I I l H.....II m I I l ... Gulf Service Station Aubrey R. Tomlinson, Prop. Coldest Drinks In Town An '-C0 D, 000.S000600000000 0 t S00000000 a- 4.0-00CAGED UMAN$ Illlllllrrllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr- THE STAI:4 PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, Fl LORIDA Davie Maddox Is Honored Guests of Creech's : George Philyaw, student at Au- On His Third Birthday Guests of Mr.; and Mrs. Gus'bu' and Lt. Col and Mrs. Ed A, Creech for the week end were Mrs. iWright and daughter, Ann of Still Mrs. Dave Maddox entertained Dan Lumpikn and daughter Jac of water, Okla., have been recent with a lawn party honoring her Montgomery, LAla.; Mrs. Harley guests, of Mr. and Mrs. Homer young son, Davie, on his third Huxford and sons.:Mike and Bill of Philyaw and family. Lt. Col. and birthday, at her home on McClel- Perry; Miss Pam Huxford, .student Mrs. Wright are visiting in Lake lan Avenue. The party was held on Iat Auburn; and Mr. and Mrs. City with his parents before re- SMay 6th with hours from 4 to 5. iCharles Creech of Andalusia, Ala. turning to his studies in 'Stillwater Assisting the hostess in caring Mrs. C. A. O'Quinn, mother of Mrs. '.Mrs. Wright will be remembered for the guests were Mrs. Ed Mc- Creech, Mrs. Huxford and Mrs. as Miss Margaret Philyaw. Farland, Mrs. Gordon Hallmark Lumpkin, has been visiting here i and Mrs. Fred Maddox. with the Creech's for several weeks Refreshments of ice cream and when her daughters and grandchil- Dr. Joseph B. Spear cake were served. Favors of balls dren came to be with her on Mo- Optometrist and balloons were presented the their's Day. little guests. Those attending the I V Apalachicola, Florida party were Debbie Lay, Ann Me- Send The Stai to a. friend. Lain, Fan Fleming, Patricia Hall- -_ mark. Allen Hallmark, Dee Dee lll llllll III l llllllll llll lll ll lllll Hll lllllli l Gilbert, Gilda Gilbert, Larry Mc- TELEPHONE 80 Farland. Becky Hendrix and Eddie McFarJand. KAMP .TUqR$OAY, MAY 14j'1064 ~h~l~i~B~B~~ " ) ) to kpe omsout I MA 3 tit S O GY tt I .E r SURE,GMIC's Truck Hydra-Matic )Drive costs extra on some light- duty models. But man-how it pays you back! You save gasofine--because GMC Hydra-Matic cuts the highconsump- tion of fuel in-stop-go use. You savetires-because GMC Hydra- Matic"s velvet-smooth getaways a prolong tire life-by as much as three times in some operations. You save, maintenance-because GMC Hydra-Matic ends all clutch costs-prevents shock-loading damage. ^ ** *';-*** wef You save time-because ateverystart; GMC Hydra-Matic ends shifting lags, gets up to road speed quicker. You save yourself- because GMC Hydra-Matic frees you of all clutch.- ing and shifting chores. And being fresher, more alert, you're quicker to avoidhazards that could be costly. You save at trade-in time-because a Hydra-Matic GMC will rate a higher price than old-type hand- shifted trucks. Are you a shrewd buyer? Then drop in at our showroom. We'll prove that a Hydra-Matic GMC is your best truck investment. A Hydra-Matic GMC nays you back Sways I v ii II Ge a mderuck WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY San peoupe waS' eSpreSSG , i em 'offering my services to the victor, Cecil G. Costin, Jr., in his Cm. ing two years of service to you, the citizens of Gulf County. Sincerely yd C. Lister \ 2nd and MONUMENT AVE. Rev. and Mrs. Ilovd Riley e- - tended the funeral of -Mr. Benno. :Monday. Buddy and Gypsie, Love gave a menshm, n.llow roast Saturday, 'MVay S at 7:30. Several games were played and refreshments of cokes and cookies were served to the fol- lowing: Ted Cannon, Pat O'Brien, Carolyn Hanlon,. Barbara Ann Wil liams, Patsy Whitehorse, Douglas Walters, Zola Ray,'David Riley. Ale- mae Campbell, Wayne Hudson, Bud- dy Hudson, Carolyn Hudson, Ron- nie Hudson, ,Trena C.!iir'lhl11, Gyp- sie Love and Buddy Love. Ix 6666 : eo TWQIC TS" SAI C FASIT'RJUI "- ,,' ,,~" "The ABC's of careful driving are reaiv all s--carnr. courtesy and colmronQ sens(r" from a- survey of truck-trailcr drivers. "The most effective weapon against the nation's highway death toll is compulsory driver training for all high school- students" Greater New York Safety Council. "Motorists paid more than $175.000,000 during 1952 for the use of toll bridges and highways." S. American Automobile Assn. (kne Al(l ( es.polile Ilk! (" prer Riff Cal ~rsare hot i4'~ z Ar Here r~oil,, ii j#licAl I If yoi Pijutiac ii. an~t Po'Wervi in~ trlie ,t hess.~ Yor'r~e hIrd e 's the spot I"' "" l 11' Iltc'j"O I Ii of a big. I tl -'a tfaormance-minded, u'ree 11aefor you! X maxt- 1. brtpMs' ii ny- 11g, ,Oil o~~I ulllie ea.C;,e I YC OU1. arnibl1e- l Ni I be tollipel. (lea' i And it is iust s superbly right if your iErgcomfort! .. 4, big- so ,Ilidti y built, Po ste cd 'i -.O ll d n d I i e ,t th 'at 'o rau e1 a ill lA~r N i rite arm- chair-j t as easy ai rei-' Come in and try it-an dnt .rail to ls.e your h heart. You easily afford a Pontic. A prie" I, I -.. est and our liberal ik that a rtait Ik, that a certainty i ili .~~;.ldp 4 ''' Y! ~;s ..,a '' I! - I t10l"lextiivisi i7 w -most dangerous niistake motorists made last year" Detroit Times. "193,000,000 Americans will be operating 65,000,000 automo- biles in 1975" U. S Census Bureau estimate" """' 'Braiilian traffic laws allow the driver to sue a pedestrian if he hits him." Saturday Review. "Highways from time immemn orial have been primarily arteries of trade" .. Prof. John Worley, University of Michigan. "Compliance with traffic regu. nations plus a feeling for the. other fellow will mean the difference be.- tveen life and death for hundreds of motorists this year." New' York Times editorial. i "Nearly 1500 people die each year in railroad crossing acci dents." Insurance report. Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTErC CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS HOURS B TO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA M------------- ha 'LL I7fIIt i tII' I HL I.,i01R (.I. f E1,. 41 IL'rY -,%ITIO.5L Wimberly Telephone 94 Pontiac Company Port St. Joe, Florida Monument Ave. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP L. HERRING, Owner Phone 363 Port St. J* I II I - -- PHONE 94 H. Glass, Gracie Dykes, Douglas latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PTA Will Meet May 20 . IANEWS FROM Hollman, Shelia and Allen Humph- Crutchfield. or Pre-School Conference rey and the honoree, Buddy Dykes. Mrs. !Pelse returned home Sunday OAK GROVE fIMr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall had after spending several weeks in Th regular monthly meeting as their guests over the week end, Pensacola visiting with friends and the Parent-Teacher Associatio will By HIELEN NORRIS inr CheieHla son of AelIs. the Parent-Teacher Association will jMr. Chesley Hall and son of Adel, relatives n i n meet on Thursday evening, May 20 Georgia. Mrs. Mildred Self and children at 8 p.m. Pre-school registration Honored on Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Deese and from Panama City were the week gin at 7:30 or all pr-chool Mrs. Simona Dykes honored her family spent Sunday in Oak Grove end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Johnhildren who will entebegin at for l school thi son, Buddy Dykes on his ninth visiting with relatives. Lee. fall. birthday Thursday, May 6 at the4r Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzel and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dykes andmeein son. Daniel from Pensacola spent son, Jim and Mr. and -Mrs. Josh -The mai event of the meeting home. Several games were played the ee ed with the letters par- Dykes and daughter, Jocelyn spent be he installation of ofcer and refreshments of cake, punch ents. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealey. Sunday in Apalachicola visiting f the organization. Officers to be ., installed are Tom Mosely, Jr., presi- and candy were served to the fol- Mr. and Mrs. Hozelle Levins and with friends and relatives det M J. es lowing: .Howard Lovett. Billy Nor. daughter, Reginna spent the -weekl Miss Edna Carol Young, daugh- ent; Mrs. Myrtle Childers, 1st ris, Toby Dykes, Jenny Norris, R.' end, in Bonifay visiting with the ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. YoungVice-president;r MrsWilliam Wa- spent several days in Apalachicola 2nd Vice-president; Mrs..Jack- visiting wt rends and rlati ie Price, secretary; Joseph Dowd, Visiting with friends and relatives. treasurer and Mrs. W. D. Jones, N Mr. and Mrs. Rose Stripling and r a. . family, Mr. and -Mrs. .Steve Nations parliamentarian Chairmen and committees will be named at'a and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ed-,committees will be named at a In and family* and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- later date. All parents are urged to gar Lanier and family from Wewa- attend. hitchka were the guests of Mr. and ___ 9 *' Mrs. Richard Hanlon and familyy vert; doesn't PAS! U -Sunday. A.dvertit;, doesn't cost it PAtS! -----~~-JLI-i SMr. and Mrs. Finelly Terrells and children from Perry, were the week I end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. 1 For your support in the past Dem- Campbell and children. ' 0j _i~~ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aultman and ' ocratic Primary on May the week end guest~ of his mother, i H SMrs. Jim A-ultman. / C I W dl k l th m 'hd f 'l t f Mrs. Herlnan Stri.Dling attended "j B -. I am proud of your wonderful turn th'. u ermali Mr. enneg ttendaedy thetfuneIal of Mnr. S ennett h monday. Ut vw t t th Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webb had Utto 0 vote an nrow Ihai the wi Oll as their guess[ Sunday. his brother . ,' I .| -.' .from Apalachicola. QUOTES R.an ir._ile TAe A-1--Crr I I - I I- I. -I I THE. ST1AR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUI ITY,- 'FLORIDA THURSDAYtX MAY 13, 1954 ---- IYO; j , ? I I) ~~---~jC W" I T SSUO THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306,.Williams Avenue, Port S. Joe. Florida, By The Star Publishing Company \VESLE R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher A41. I.muao.pe Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, io-.porter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper r' -rl -.conl-class Imatter, December 10, 1937, at the -i..l. z Stl .t. Joe, FIla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 --{ TELEPHONE 51 ,- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements. thi publishers do not hold themseb es liable Io0 damages further than amomut received for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word Sis thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserted. the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. AN EXCELLENT VOTE We are indeed proud of you people for the large vote that you cast in the Democratic Pri- mary last Tuesday. Just think of it. Ninety- eight percent of South Port St. Joe cast a ballot in the election and ninety-five percent of all of Port St. Joe voted. It definitely is the will of the people as to who is chosen as long as a vote of that size is made. We doubt that any other town in the State can boast the percentage of voters that Port St. Joe can in the recent election. But we are going to urge that you do not sit back and rest on yoqr laurels as the most important phase of the Democratic primary is coming up the last of this month. The run-offs will be decided on May 25. / Let's see if we can't make that ballot from Port St. Joe one hundred percent. We doubt if that has ever been done before and would create an important "first" for our city. So if you were one of the five percent that didd not cast your ballot May 4, don't hold back on May 25. THEY LIKE APPLES Medical Economics magazine recently ob- served that when it comes to governmental pol- icy, physicians are sometimes accused of being against everything. Then it quoted an anecdote told by Roger Fleming of the American Farm Bureau Federation which makes a serious and important point in a light fashion. The magazine said: "At the last American Medical Association Public Relations Confer- ence, Mr. Fleming spoke on an observation he had made during a trip through the apple- raising section of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia: "Farmers there spend a lot of time and money applying.sprays to kill coddling moths. Because they do that, some people think they are against the coddling moth. "Not at all, said Mr. Fleming.' They simply like apples." That is pretty much the case with doctors and medical societies which have been fighting hard against socialized medicine, compulsory government health insurance, and other pro- posals which would make the politician and the bureaucrat the bosses of-our system of medical care. They are carrying on that fight in the sure knowledge that if government ever does move in, we will turn back the clock so far as medical progress and the best possible service to the largest number of people are concerned. And the doctors aren't alone-writers -and top public officials and newspapers all over the country feel just the same. A very typical view was expressed by the Portland Oregonian when it said editorially, "The nations that have resort- ed to public health insurance and the regimen- tation of doctors have discovered that such mea- sures lead to the inevitable deterioration of medical care." Less Than Two-Thirds of State Cancer Goal Reached S ue to a siow start and conflict- reached, C. Farris Bryant, State ing drives, a little less, than two- Chairman, reported today. The state Thirds of the state; quota-, of the goals $275,000 and a total of $168,- Florida Cancer Crusade- has been 338, has been reported raised so e a - "Copyrighted Material - Syndicated Content0 Available from Commercial News Providers" -o am 4 GM0 p- & di e 0. sw o o _ r WA a 0 4w 4no -4=1b -dom - doolo. ~dft 40 -%mo -.am ft* far. "While public response to this cause has increased one-hUndred- fold and a record number of volun- teer campaign workers has been re- cruited this year in Florida, we are still a. long way from our goal," Bryant said . "A number of counties have been slow in.getting organized and it will be necessary to extend the campaign into May. I am appealing td all campaign chairmen and their workci-s not to lose sight of.ourl ul-,, t;iate ipurpoe.e and to continue their crusading to a successful finish." Bryant pointed out, "The fight to conquer cancer is not just a battle f1 dollars and cents, but a battle of life and death. All of you who participate in this battle will ac- complish something ol which you can be proud for the rest of your lives." ------K~------- :. Heat Loss Aluminum, paint, which helps prevent the loss ofheat, can be ap- plied to advantage on the insula- ting jackets of steam pipes. Ihibis -' on your priintinl is a" sign of quality. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BY RUSSELL KAY NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS Florida's West Coast is prepar- Mr. and Mrs. Harley Richards of ing to whoop, holler and kick-up- Manthon spent last week with his its-heels early in August to cele- brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. brate the opening of the new $22,- Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith of Slo- 000,000 bridge across lower Tampa cumb, Ala., was the Sunday guests Bay, connecting Pinellas and Mana- of the latter's sister and family, tee counties Mrs. May Creamer. A full week of ceremonies Mr. r. and Mrs. Neal Ganettan and festivities is on the planning board, James Hopper spent the week end to round out the biggest whoopee in Florala, Ala., with Mr. and Mrs. party ever staged in Florida. C. Thompson. iShortening the driving distance Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Zipper had as between St. Petersburg and points their guests over the week end, the south on the Florida mainland by latter's parents from Perry. 49 miles, the new system of bridges Mr. and Mrs. George Burke are and causeways is'the longest cros- visiting the former's mother, Mrs. sing of open water in America. M. L. Gavins of Columbus, Ga., and To meet the bridge, the Gulf his father, Mrs. J. C. Burke'of Coast Highway U. S. 19, is Being Phoenix City, Ala. thrust through the heart of St. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Afider.son Petersburg from north to south, are visiting his parents, Mr. and completing a transcontinental traf- Mrs. iR. Anderson of Columbus, Ga. fic artery from the Great Lakes to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whitaker of the Gulf of Mexico. Bonifay spent the week" end with Most spectacular feature of the the latter's sister dnd family, Mrs. new bridge is the t,-'..-cr central Macomber. span, over the Tampa Bay ship Mrs. Mary Lee Taskingston, Mrs. channel, which will carry traffic Clarance Revell of Bagdad were 1,55 feet above the water" with hori- Sunday guests of their father, Char- zontal clearance of 8ifeet between ley Revell. its 250 foot towers, the central Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and cantilever structure, with its ag- children of Dothan, Ala., were the choring truss spans,. is more than Sunday guests of the latter's. par- a mile in length. '" ents, Mr. and Mis. J. Laurimore. While the celebration will center John 'Peters of Albany, Ga., was n St. Petersburg, it will be partly the guest of his sister and family, cipated in by officials,.civic lead- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Maddox. ers, of the entire West Coast area and Mrs. Johnie Hewitt were asd the State. On th:a committee the week end guests of the latter's representatives from ten counties including Citrus, He'irando, Pasco, Monday, August 9. Hillsburough, Pinellas, Manatee, A nationwide publicity program Sarasota, Charlotte, Lee and Col- .A atonw publy am i, n drlI th 1145 U1ir-fiUL f William J. Clapp of the Florida Power Corporation is General Chairman, while Acting Governor Charley 'Jhns and Road DepaPt- ment Chairman Cecil Webb, who have jointly granted full authority to the- SpanssAcross-thee-Bay Com- mittee, have accepted the honorary General Chairmanship. While a definite date .for the celebration cannot b e set at this time, the tentative da.e hi-a burin_ used is Monday, Auuqst 9, subject s uner tle personUllal direction of Dorsey Newsom who is working closely with Press Phillips, public relations director of the St. P.-ler?- burg Chamber of Commerce, and Tony Dwyer of the Florida State Advertising. Commission. Road directional signs, similar to those used for marking approaches to the Stephen Foster Memorial at White Springs, from Brooksville, to the north through southern west coast counties are already planned. by the State Road Department. Attractive leaflets will be mailed to any unforseen changes atteuidaut t i by Chambers of-'Commerce, busi- on the successu;i floating of the ness oanizaons indiduals ness friganizations anu ad indiVidual central.span.- ..-I friI nted. -and-cuswtnomeprs thulrn,-l-. SPresent plans call for the begin- ning of -the celebration'of Monday. Atiugt'"2, r-,ritlnuIn'" thrnueh 'Men- day, August 9. The period of Au- gust 2 through August 6 will be devoted largely to sports, musical counties with Friday, August 6, set for the arrival of:. distinguished State and National guests in St. Petersburg. Dedication ceremonies 'will be held at Al oang Field, Sr. Peters- burg at 8 p.m. Saturday, August 7. A gigantic religious service is scheduled for Al -Ladg field the evening of Sunday the 8th, at 7 p.m., while the actual.k ibbon cut- ting to ma' the otfit-ial opening of the bridge will occur at 10 a.m., LOOK! BIG BARGAINIVALUES IN SUMMER FRAGRANCES! DOROTHY GRAY out the nationn. Co nplete newspa- per, magazine, newsreel, radio-and TV coverage will b- provi-hld tii with special committees wr:.rkin; with visiting news men and pho- tographers. It-promises to be a party long to don't want toe miss for you will be remembered -and one that you surely want to tell your grandchil- dren that "Y.OU WERE THERE". A MESSAGE TO ALL THE VOTERS Thank you foryour confidence.' I' shall strive with all my power to be..worthy of the trust you place .in me.. ; , BONtB SIKESN YOUR CONGRESSMAN Kwcu' kiiK -PERFORMANCE! EI PRICE' NEW INTERNATIONAL iI N,- AH DSON FOR factory delivered price -t Detroit, Michigan. -State and local taxes -,f any, and transpor- tation extra. HUDSON JET FAMILY CLUB SEDAN See Any Hudson Dealer The Jet has an Instant Action Engine with Hornet-like performance-amazing roadability from exclusive "step-down" design-rugged M6nobilt body-and-frame*-Flight-Line Styling -smart interiors-great economy. See this big buy! S *Trademark. Patented. Standard trim and other specifications and ercessorie erubject to chOnge without notice: HOT WEATHER COLOGNE Annual SalC-8-o.. ..$1.00 (r'. $2 sixe) WWHITE LIL aC.anid 4 6ther fra- igran'cs:- JuL- ouquet, Jasmin Boujiet: Swcet Spjice, Nat'ural. MLIMTEw TIME OtLY NEW ANTI-PERSPIRANT / HOT WEATHER ' DEODORANT SPRAY in all 5 Dorothy Gray Cologue Fragrances! .mns Summer-Long Supply! '' 3-oz. plastic squeeze ~i"t bottle q $1.25 (All pricesplus sax.) c \ CAMPBELL'S Walgreen Agency Drugs Phone 27 Prescriptions A Specialty ur$1 39" 9.7 5 K yours for only 3 .7 *Delivered locally. Optional equipment and State and local (at-. Fc- .. addir- onl. SPrice subject to change without notice. l,: Yor trade-in may covvr the down payment. Ask about our convenennt terms M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Panama City Highway Phone 6 mother, Mrs. J. W;.Wooten of De.- Mrs. Bill Lee- and daughters at- Funiak Springs. tended the funeral of Mrs. Lee's Mrs. H. J. Brock 'is confined to grandmother in Jay Friday. the Marianna Hospital. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Royall Corbett and for her a speedy recovery: (Continued on page 6) TO THE VOTERS OF GULF COUNTY I wish to thank the people of Gulf County for the splendid vote which I received on May4. Your continued support and vote in the' May 25 run-off will be sincerely appreciated. I am especially grateful to my opponents, David, C. Arnett, Sr,, R. F. Scheffer, Sr., Watson Smith and Coleman W. Tharpe, for the clean and wholesome attitude displayed throughout the; campaign. J. C. PRICE I a - Imono THURSOAY, MAY 13, 19.54 THJE STAA. PORT IST.: JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA f er>_)R LL) FILUUS LLU ;WSLV~l l-t LLI-L)gIL t:A ir ~i~ SPori St. Joe, Fforidar THU RSADA POT, rSAY, OE GULF COUT F "EIV I I n" I i Ilk At SESSIONS NO. 10 JUG SALAD Of BAMA SALAD DRESSING CARDINAL OLEO ASSORTED BRANDS $1.39 ROG FOOD GRANULATED qt. 39c SUGAR POTTED 2 bs.37c MEAT 3 for 25c 5 lbs. 45c can 5c SEALED SWEET FROZEN JUICE QUICK FROZEN 2 FOR ORANGE 4 cons 49c Strawberries 2 for 49c SANCK TIME VIENNA Can OUR OWN PIGGLY WIGGLY AW w EH Lb. RICH'S EGGS- 1 DOZEN FREE WITH A$10.00 OLDER U. S. NO. I IRISH POTATOES 10 25. FRESH FANCY GREEN CUK ES 3 for 10c C R N 3 for 7c LARGE BELL "FRESH GREEN PEPPER 3 for 10c PEAS lb. 10c FLA.,NEW RED 4c POTATOES 3 Ibs. 19c .* FANCY RIPE TOAToES IM 3 Hour Special FRIDAY NITE ONLY 6 to 9 P.M. Fla. Delight All Meat W EINE R S -----b. 39c SUGAR CROWDED PEAS ----- b. 5c FANCY RIPE TOMATOES--- Ib. 5c .(Limit 5 Cans) Armour's Canned MILK ---can 10c Colored BUTTER BEANS----b. 10C SN!e SALMON------ can 29c Green Boiling PEANUTS ---b. 29c Your Choice "Y FO-- ..-.. 3 jars for 25c. -mBiHmfflmlimBIBsairaal^BMntfB PALM RIVER -- u REGISTER COUNTRY STYLE Lb. '- FRESH GROUND Ha bu ger REGISTER'S SLAB NOT SLICED BACON 59C U. S. GOV'T. GRADED CHUCK ROAST ,L. 11* I I THAT BACKBONE OF YOURS Exerpting from an article by George Matthew Adams under the title, "That Backbone of Yours", in a recent issue of the Toledo, S -Ohio, Blade, we find: "The back- in advance. Upon it is perched the noblest creation of the great Cre- ator, man's head, within which des- tinies of nations often are pivoted. And here are centered all the mighty elements of the mind". "Study the structure of the re- markable example of engineering on the part of the Creator. Note how each section of its entire length has an office to perform. Newes, fiborous tissue, and bony structure, as well as its canal of precious fluid have an effect upon the entire body that is little rea- lized. But just let any part of its make-up get out of order and it is noticed plenty. What a gift you have in that backbone of yours. Keep it in-or- der. ..-You can never get another" (One o fa series of articles pub- lished in the public interests to explain and illustrate the practice of scientific Chiropractic). DR. H. E. BARTEE 107 2nd St. Phone 465 Port St. Joe, Florida many types of RETARDED CHILDREN Can be helped when Chiropractic Adjustments Release The Power Within I i FLA.:GRADE A DRESSED AND DRAWN RYES Lb. 39 ARMOUR'S l 3l 33c Thank You Fel/ouv CI~/odlls - OF- GULF COUNTY Thank you for your loyal and spirited support. With your continued help and advice we shall work toward a greater and more prosperous Florida! AN INVITATION: To those who voted for other candidates in the first primary I respectfully and humbly ask that you review my program of good, honest and progressive govern- mtient now In effect. And join with me in working for a great future for a great- State! Acting Governor I'aid Pol. Adv. authorized hy Floyd Hunt. Treas. NICE STALK CELERY Lb. I I L91 Highland View WMU Meets For Mission Study The Missionary Society of the Highland View Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the church for the Bible Study. Rev. P. G. Safford, pastor, was the guest speaker for the meeting and after the WMU song of the year, "Jesus Saves" was sung, Rev. Safford conducted the study, "Some Mothers of the Bible". He brought out mothers of the Bible and used Eve. Sarah, Rebecca, Rachael and Leah. Those attending the meeting ; v all the world! wer eMrs. C. A. Phelps, Mrs. P. G. It holds up the man, culminating Safford, Mrs. Lilly Ritchter, Mrs. its most important office by help. Norma Lee Roney, Mrs. Leo Ken- ing him to keep his head on straight nedy, Mrs. Ruth Harbuck, Mrs. "Break this great bony structure Ruth Burch, Mrs. Odis Watts. and it often is fatal. Even a had The meeting closed with Rev. injury is most serious. But what Safford concluding his talk with a noble piece of architecture it is a prayer. in health. It is tragic that some The next meeting will be a busi- men abuse it as they do, and wo- ness meeting at the church at 3 men as well. Keep it upssandinl p.m. next Monday. and half the battle of life is won . CnV~LNVIU~NIYVVIYW~^~VINIVIVNC I - j~2&g~ii~,~"s~e$8~, i~-LYL~II~T rm ~rrr~-~n~-P~B~il gge bone is undoubt- edly the most wonderful hu- man highway in WSCS Circle No. 4 Meets With Mrs. Joe Hendrix Circle 4 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service of the First Methodist Church met Monday af- ternoon in the home of Mrs. Joe Hendrix on Garrison Avenue with eight meinhlers present. Mrs. Chaun- cey Costin presided in the absence of Mrs. Paul Blount, chairman. - The meeting opened with a de- votional given by Mrs. Costin fol- lowed with reports from commit- tee chairmen. Members, were asked to help with a fish fry that will be given by the Methodist Men's Club on May 25. Mrs. Bob Bringman gave a most interesting review of the four study courses that the circle will study and presented an interesting pro- gram on "ioses, The -Man Who Had Two Mothers". The meeting was -dismissed with the WSCS benediction. The hostess served refreshments ,to those present: Mrs. George Sn- ber, Mrs. S. B. Witt, Mrs. Chris Martin, Mrs. Bob King, Mrs. Bob Bringman, Mrs. Chauncey Costin and Mrs. Tom Mosely, Jr. The next i1eeting will be .held in the home of Mrs. Chauncey Cos- tin on Monument Avenue. THE: STAr, PORT Si%' JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIV| -r&Jllmrmrv MAY' 13. 1954 'dwILm =S 4TGLUUi ; AY S- n "' ble, Lowell Childree, Gail Roberts, Highly nd View iFaye McCormick, Helen Richards and Katie Walker. (Continued From Page 4) and Katie alk The Junior R. A.'s of the High- children spent the week end in land View Baptitt Church met Wed- Graceville with relatives. !nesday, May 5. Ralph Macomber Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Peterson led the group with lessons. Prayer and children spent the week. end was given by Lewis Rogers. The in Geneva, Ala., with his mother, group also elected a baseball cap- Mrs. A. Peterson and in De Funiak tain for the season. Lewis Rogers, Springs with her mother, Mrs. C. captain; J. D. Green, co-captain. Laird. Those present were Lane Cox, Thoy Mr. and Mrs. Chester Miles and and Coy Senterfitt, Archie Floyd, children spent the week end in Lea is Rogers and J..D. Treen. Kinard with the latter's mother. -- Mrs. H. F. Pitts and family. Visitors From Savannah The Junior Training Union Class of the Highland View Baptist Church enjoyed a beach party Sat- urday p.m. at Mexico Beach. Mrs. Carl Goodson, Mr. and Mrs. Edna Floyd, Bill Cumbie, Mrs. Bill Cum- bie..Those enjoying the party were Billy Cumbie, Lewis Rogers, Ar- chie and Debbie Floyd, Kathy Cum- U Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Taunton and daughter of Savannah, Ga., were the week end guests of Mr. Taunton's sister and brother-i law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaskin, Hunter Circle. Star Want Ads Get Resull Star Want Ads Get Result First Baptist WMU Meets For Bible Study The Woman's Missionary Union of the First Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at the church for their Bible Study with fourteen members present. The meeting opened by all sing- ing the WMU song of the year, "Jesus Saves" followed with prayer b'y Mirs. James Horton. Mrs. E. C. Cason, president of the WMU conducted a short business session aa which time the Assoca- tional Northwest Coast Executive- meeting of the WMU, was dis"t's i sed. The meeting will be hela ..i n- the First Baptist Church on .JinI on 17. Mrs. -Joe Bracewell, proceeded with the teaching of the Bible Stu- tsdy book, "Women of the Bible". She reviewed the chapter 2. The Study was concluded with Mrs. L. J. Keels dismissing the meeting with prayer. Next Monday the Royal Service Program will be held at the church at 3 p.m. with Circle 2 in charge of the program. The Business Woman's Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet Tuesday evening at S p.m. in th6, home,of Mrs. A. C. Stevens at Oak Grove. Sergeant Pinter was stationed at Sergeant Pintr va. a-.signed in the Good Conduct Medal. He is the son of-Mrs. Inda Pinter Robins Air Force Base. Georgia Japan arnd Guaim. He holds the Sergeant Pinr.er's wife, oormne:,:. of Union. Mississippi. is a supply supervisor. World WVar 1 Victory Me-da;, tiie Emily Dykes, and their so: ar e g -----_- In previous overseas service, Japanese Occupation Medal and presently residing in Por: Sr. .JI. I d-e-' cost--it ,ayl Ip= YOU MIKE IT' fin thihe showroom .. f you spark to the low-slung silhouette of this stirring Super "88"... those long and lovely lines of sweep-cut doors and fenders ... the dramatic panoramic windshield that makes others look old .. in short, if this car gives you a thrill just standing still. Si /, r I~s The Marion P. Cowherd Circle of the First Baptist Church will meet in the home of Mrs. Harry Dowden on 6th Street, Tuesday eve- ning at 8 p.m. S-Sgt. 1. E. Pinter Enroute To Guam For Duty PARKS AIR FORCE BASE, Ealit. -S/Sgt. Ivis E. Pinter of 108 Hun- ter Street, Port St. Joe, has pro- cessed here with the 2349th Per- sonnel Processing Group enroute to Guam. Prior to his shipment to Guan. Cunt y School Board Mlites I41, Wewvahiitcilka, Florida ArtIitis Ti i lhgIi, e, irc Si 2,. I oteli. li, is. C( n ... .m l: l Ma.y 4, 1)954 Standard School Scri. o,'I3 e.'pp'e.. Frai F'itloth, Advaneoe lStlarv 325.0 ITht Board of publicc Instruction, Gulf I The Theis Co.. ulp ,,, ... ..... 1.,-1 oZ lt \ ri rlh, pr.............. .7"-r '.t Counl Florida, met on the aboue date m stlwa l Supp le .Co . . .. .. 5i; 'ra F ircloth Sar .. 11 xegula'r session with thle, following members W.t. ele Co ., 'toplos ..r.. l ." .., .. 2- present acting lHazel GaskLi. Cartel Tie o., '0.. Suppi .. 14 4. l,,al .1. B. Ha,'ris and J.. A. Whtfic.d, Bod' ..DviL ....... "2C l2 ." .".i. .t 7.94.0 Chair .t.ai. Fennon t hlley wa.. u si n S le .1. I. .,IT .. l it o.. et i I l lt i li am ,. .': . L1.7 -mail. ; nuoli Th Se.atlaA Superintendent was alsq pl .nlt d iiCti l. l . . ... l ii o l i l .... .:..l 1fordS 1, 5 ' Itihe ri iutite of r the ere t i ip .(I w C o(t., .. Cto ron lt .i.t were read aiid adopted as read. StIanldarl Oil Co.. Lbp lliCs. I.. 2 i 1 ed l u Reserve B k, a ..... 7. ,n r ,, tr 1 t. ment for Ith i t Il II 'est Flat. Ca i & .2.l lo., Sup. 3i264 Iot r. L.ife -lls. Co la. ....... Ti. i ....I ..... n :esoa 'wso n, Hauling W \Voiod ll Creamer, Alva e on Salh y .... O.(.t .'. ,3l I Sala "t:ed 'i"'' I i...... 'p i .n ....d. .';, 777 INSTRUCTIONAL FJMD A\ -ar - Th'lie Nurses' report wa i read approved ito .1. It, I'itt a.inL. Suppiine .......... 7 7 INSTR CTIONAL |;JNO i ',.-a. -- 7 E E-L 4 m eh a ;1. gu. I t, ...... .....Hiw .. n l .- ,17Aot0ie- Fh-..e P i -i ,.. l- ar ..... r 156.50 W illia II. l.into n, Salary .. .. 3 A. letter from the St.ili-rk B.,,.. li tulf oof. & Sheet RooMell S Wks... latlhor 7.,0 oe s ... Cr a igSa. Corner Williams Ave. and 4t. St. Port St. Joe requesti.g t lt HItle ih i d Wewa Block Tard, Supplies....... 14.0. Ile i;ml I arli, S:ll ... consid..r putting into ti i 'e 1i scl c-I ( ulf Ul D g Co., Supplies. ... ..... 1 il.8, U .\e '. h'llillios, Salary ....... .. 617 . lurdget the amount nece s.iry '.o purclt se .John t Lan. Io, ial. Coilt nodioties 11. et iihl:cl. S:Ia tr ... ...... 21- 528 (80) complete lights ailts..e'.itsary switches c ikin xt ermi.i tin g Co., lest Cotrial 2 i 'llter Illiksko, Salay ......... 3 270 for the lighting of the foothb.l l b .e l;i ;it l& R otr. Co.,h regt .. .. 3 lllet er.. ichar ..s. .. 3.. ipe ort St. Joe High School.t .1 o i ltit.a Millerd S1 .......... .1.00 iio h r. ao Siala. ........ 'hle Boad pproel t preliminary l SIl. tl o lIotier Co. u-.... .*?. et. Il. i. si, l l ete: :c:S. .4 6- n . plans for a proposed (4) class room addi- 'ra.ii D I out's Agey., Ils. ... 9...3'**..-, 5 I etie Ban. x .....i.. .i I;.Y A NEW C nEV(R tiol to the Port St. Joe Higt School, and South-\Vestteri P'ub. Co.. Supplies i4 lat4 l rote. Lie Ils.C t Il s *th1' superintendent was instructed to sell[i 0. M. Webli, Supplies ............. 17.21 BIlie Coss & Blut' Shiell, Iis. 4 4 the plans to rie State IDpartment of Edu The Ste ck Co. Supplies ........ ... ..13 9 tlte c edh lie i, Salary 1.. ).. cation for their approval. S ikoes Conlrete Co Supplies ... 40.00 ha tAe Broir. Slary ......... 7.. 31 Tie Board deferredl te aIppointment of Bay Filec. Co.. Ienc.. Labor & Silt. 115032 ti Cani. T iSum, Sal.y .......l.. 227.1 lunchroom workers.. jin uitors ndf bits driver s A A. ite. Paint... ........ .... 00 eI-\ls. aski, lar Salar ..... 23 7. until a later date. AlJiabaIima School Supplye Coi., Sup. 297.,o Laura i i. HintonS, HSalar. ...... .... 1711 Te e tohe t m ther o tenr adjotri n to ln ya l Ty.peir it'er o l. r 'I. Tperit I 1.3. i lItha Laer, lr .... S 200.71 meet again i regular r vsiol,son .i', r S. St u H .C. ... .O7S0 9 FlorenceHr PI'l' .... Lsi61i ATTEST: o I A Improe. o, .o .. .12. 0 Ba baara .. ar.ti.., S. laryI. .a . . THOM AS A. OWENS J,. .1. WtHITrFIltI Soutlhe.ii EIdational y I, .. 9.2 1 rene Connell, Salary .. .... 11l. Superti nt'lltdetit Chhauiii t lit iftitoiron & Schuster, c Suppllies .27.57 Leroy Hdges, Salari, ........ 3.24.29 t Davsi -i r s i B. Scion. I R esere BatnlB Tt aTax '..... 10. Itt RI. iniel, I, Sala i 247. Wl ietclr ka. J i t nnl an r o Hotel' i p .... Co.. S. ... ... 4 l.7 r e S. Mayfiell, Salar . 01.5* He"April 2m. 1er9t,4 1wa s Wins ue d H o sead A L Cure a ies .. .. .. 47.1 L e Ct ewro s SBlue ie .i n 5. I .' The Ol arti. t .LtOf li Il tratueCtio (oauf u i.t St. Joe Hig, Scloltes Lh.Tlchro. e d. hvntai lar n, Sa l .. 0. .1211 County. Florida, met in Special Sessirn oi for March ...l. .. ...... 4: ':.S4 Bettey Anchorst Salary .... ..... 177.7- tile abovr date wit th .11 .,. i ntembers Wewa litclia ligl Scllool,or Ltn. Tchi.t Virginic Br ck. Salary . 2.. 5. 1 7 present r t oand atilg o; ,r. ,. ,, rt forM. Iarc ....... ..... 284.92 a el Brouli wn, Salary. ..2.r. 192 . W i ard, .1. B. Harris and .1. A. hitfiel. lteiorge .a l igiti Sho o l Ts.itll School, uc.oatricia Calla w io Salaory ....... 179i.9 Clhairimae. Hizel Caskini is a tbsen The r for March l .............. 80.37 a I .... ete r Sa rl .l i .. 183.54 Superin.tt idelt was ;rtt o pl ese nt al l tl- 'lrt St. -oe Eeinl uiota, Schta ool, 7l.r lit K ioo l .. .. IDitis S 1i -..ii... 1 3 (.i7 J95. for ,r He,.t.. ..e. 48S.6 Twi1, l.. A ,. TMachi .3 a e er.e ix ,,, ......1.. 6.. 20.7.(i T o H rdu l I, l et for o l o I ll ig \ L il.0 Blori i erage,l Sailur . .... .. 1 4.6 on recoinmeS dations of i Y tT ,H tie room u for Salrch .......... 135 .. 24 Sar e Fite Sal airy ... .... 24., (; N19 ei-5i Sleool Pt .1 t hr in of \\ewiahi trchka igh School. Suppliest6 38.001 L ura odgeoi Salary ......... 2 4.2 148,7 Special oTax Uist riit No. 1 itwho mt I C'lde eozeran. ise o Truck 15.0 .10 M t Ar. liiGregory. Salary ........ i20 1 April 22 1954.i Thomas A. I wens, Sal. r.. ...... 3 3.9 2 Julait;a unlln Salary ... ... ... 232.41 Upon the reud oini, L l i s of the, Iuls. lThomas A. Owenstl. Travel .\. 0.00 Jean Hayles, Salary ........ 2l.90 tees thi e Board rea, ,poitlel Ith' following Eila, Cliafino S itlh, Salay .. ... 173.60 Mitie Howell, Sal ar . 2070.18 personnel lt : Marr s. I. C'. larcdd. S altry ........ .. 9.72 James Howardl, Sal ar y ..... 1. .1 . Port St. Joe Elementary School: l sMs. I Kate Alsobrook, Slay ...... 99.77 n Avaryie C. Martin., SAalary ....... 223.40 Betty Sg e Anch i. .or, V. H. lick. 'l- Ida S. PorMter. Sala .. ............ 92 47 S ara 'hil.) aw, Salary . .... 172.47 ricia llawin toan. -lim rti ,i .-I Willir Mae Teac. Ratifre. -Sys, Contribut. 1.3 A.l nria i tasIussto i, Salary . .. 223!.49 rDavi, iie I I 1 ....... LEIeriag Sara Feder.- il R ae w ic e Bank Tx . 137.80 ele- t i nsR Salary . 214.26 Fite, Laura Geddie, Juaita ounn, Jeai I'rotcc. Life Is. Co., Ins. ........ .. 8.70 Norma Russell,Saai ......... .. 1l . Haves, ames Hoeward, Miiei Hoell, A M. ay. Comp Retire............ 49.19 Sia Stewart. Salary ........ 20.81 yee C MaCitir. -ea.. .. 'liilaw, Aureli.a its- It. Richi rds, Slh. or Vet. Teach. 178.00 lvone Struit.h, Salar ....... 190.0 l mussen, Hlieele I:..., Noriia Rlussell. Ste Ti atnes Howard,. Sal. for Vet. Teach. 71.:30 Elinor Switzer, Salary ......... 207..7 Stewart. iVolne SIri.inllhi. linor St irusit-e I ): i.IT olt A. Sal. faor Vet. Teacl. 92.00 3ary Austin, Salary ......... 1 2(1 . tary Ann Zeigler,. .Jaclrqueline Brdow in. 'llla M. Wilsoti. Sal. for Vet. Teact.. 92.70 Alice Berger, Sala ...... ... 17. 7 0. Port St. Joe High School R. C. Maddox. Sal. .Ad.ilt .each 62.01 Howeard Blick, Salary ....... 1 92. mert A. Jo enk ntary S hon Hol: L rs. ,KellS ate As oro k, aa ry f.. W.9 A re M in S l r .... 2. 46 Eiula li. Tl'eln.elto illii TT. I1ciingfo n. t (lt ,e ts I,. 11 S al. lili T cl. 137.07 Tirc'i tI de oe. l ........ ... ore 1 3.1 ;, Jacque A. Price. Catherir ne Nix obo-' V. lra C. ..! -i Adult, Teach. 56,.42 Jetikr, Salar .. 23!1. 5a . Craig. atr Aus.tin F love O'ea rIg-lrrill e Scison, Sal Adult eachl.. 7.1-2 Lillian '. IoK iin itol n Slart .. 1. 2.i . J. e S itz er, a He in R. ea n i, u later Tolie- rtmi e C Tiei. Sal.A. Iut e.acl. .. .32 Crathterine Nix S l ... 1. 7 kosko, Howard Blick, M arigaet DeVorel Eva Crawtor. Sal. Adult Teatcli.. 50.102 1eloy OSeal. Salary. ......... 14.1 Emestithe Sims. Peo rlhe Yeatts, Nelo fa Wilson Holidari. Sall. Ahult Teach. 56.02 Jacqne tA. Price, Salary ........ 1 9.71, Niblack, twer Phillips. Katherine Jl..set.. A laert WHynn, Sal Arult Teachli.. 8.22 ula0 1). Pritlgeon.Sie Salay .. 2221.4 Highland Vie'W Elementary School: B l o Scis. son lTravel ............ 6o.0. rr0 lietitce ei., Si a lary .......... 12 .7 Sue' LaSren.ce, iMaT Howard. Fanic Eloise Mc'Griff. Travel .............25.00 Merrill .. Switzer, Salarv ....... 220.7. 1 FA Johnson. Ruby Bartlett, Alma Deitta, T. i. l reserve T ..... 2. 9.90 IoPeril entts. Salary . l '-s O Wewahitchka High School: Jams. A. Talbo. Trel . 38.78 Eloise M .cGritf. Sala I. 139. Mis. Rudy Gaskin, Letha R estero Iret-ne Etnia forAllister. 'Travel ... ....... 2.00o Ruby lrtetr Salary ....... 2411., Connell. Taime C. Dunn. Charlotte Brown, iulla Prirdgeon, T Sl. ul... ... .. 00 Ai Plma ieit. Salnny .. .. ..... 1.. -'dW7. Laura W. Hinton. Clvtee lMavfieldl. Barbara Hazet Itl' askitt. S1. () Ml. ...... 10.00 Mary Howard. Salal ..... 1... 2 Shibley, M artha Lah ier, Et ina M cllisler, Calter Ward Sal t Travl. ( eet. 25.40 I'nie .(l s. i nSialar. ... ..... 2 .. i i- NMgdalene Hubbard, Lerov T. Hodgne, Wil- 111iltit Talle. Sl. ral avl. (") Mleet. 27.80 Barbira Law. Sence, Salary ... .. 2.)20(.3 liam Linton, Willinam Martin. lRobert A .1... V l Iitfield Sall. S. (1) ... 10.00 Callic le stt, Salary ... 174.78 Weoll,Twames A. Talbot, Irs C. ayfield .1. B .Harris SA. Tirat .(1).-Meet. 13.90 tlerthli (:.. Br i iow, ala .... I 'I I. George W. Carver School: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Dav id hnsont Sala ........... i.1 , Davio d Jonesl ula Mae Wison, Albelro w ,lPti d Te' l a TrTael. Co... .Sets. .. lin D edtw S a;l . ... ... I 0. Brown. in e .y ld. \r a B tt ll S r. SCi.. Su pli. ...... 10.0 ( 7 L riI aii. *. ..... 2 .5 . George Washington High School: "I|. i.Pw er Coar.. S Ele. E,)g M L .40 S Mli tl, V sit ,a S r . .. 137.83 Rolbert Bonner, Gwendolyn B .ryant. Har Scl-l' ols. .. ...... ... 1 0 .ari 4 1.24 ar al Sh l r . . iet C'. Caon. E' W liCrawfothrt. R il Fit. .Cit i of Port St. J..o, Waer or PSJ .alri c aond Saulr. ........... ,1 4.7 Slsan Holidaye. Milicent Jackso. o id. 1 IScHii s ,r.. .h:. .a0 1Se Coarta 1'oodfatlk, Sal ..... 1 21 4 James. Alice enkins, W ilson Holiday. Loi. (Ioln ell later Works N. a'tec. r for a S ; r ..... 2 . Johnson. TJohnnel Palom i. Dais .. ln. Sil 1l Att .A. 1 0 Vea W i r. SVe School .. ......... 20. 30 Albert ve iMa Smoit. Ilysses Twines Earlei l: Vl- ( til )oat Cle.. Cp lere., lr l.. -Robert Boni er, S alart ..... ... 1.; T IT AN Y T lenit. Reatrice Woolfaulk. 'Wille. lminn Wright. e roerv for \a SelS ol, .o1 7 00 r l t im, t S i i ....... 24.'ll- Robert onn er, nd n,-c saniet Coii a. SaIa v .......... 1972 4: Albert Wynn. Soilluthin" Liqiuid ( ,taCo.. .. 10 Haret Cire. Sal'ttv The Superintenldent iasol instruc i t.i to get C. Smith. Sala ..... .... 14 l Cr.trie, l.ir 1 84 6 Eva e .aw l .er n tr...........cn. in n in dcs; li preliminary plans for l (4) class room ad- t A.e lvi S leho. ........ 1B2.50 Be'i"eeltl UtVnodl Saltt r.I ........ i T14 ditioin to the Port St. Joe School. J1. L, Maddo. Sa ....... ... 14.17 wlson Holih Cm... S.u ...Il S tO .ig . Tlicr being no further business to come Dan Heodric. Sai ..W...... ..r. 95. Millicent Jackson. Slari .... ..... 115.7 before' them they did then adjourn to meet Clarence Wilitfield, Salary ...... 135.50 la e enJnms. a 5010' ........ 1 89 C6eVlOeie g/ y0; th N again in Regular Session on May 4, 1954.. I Gi C hoil.pt.. etitelet...... 30.(0 Alice tJenkin, Sala. y ........... 1.82.89 ATTEST: IC.lMGRe nest', ipt' tt, ettk203L Jo n Too. . .Federal Resv rank, Tax ........ 19.706 3 6 Sa ......... .ecdig T I CT A L 1, THOMIAS A. OWENS J. A. WHITFIErJ) sweedit Epps. Sailtai ........ 4.10 0 ittieltltt Sa lar ......... .-ie: SuTeierintendentt Cnt ti.eiti ellt Hoditk Sa.v ... 4.00 Dlasv, 'Itill,t. Stal I............ 1 dIe-xOr.Sdran O;l. Wen I S'cnI'- .u/Oi tIel LIST OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE o I'den Ravl. S:larv .............. 1 lii 1. Teio. S11l. i ........ 1 'I 7. MONTH OF APRIL. 1954 eellSa 7o S Emadil.e Tw ..... ....... .t17 Wilson Hoi lidhi..r S .::.i ..... ri Silit Norris, Stlary. (ioi. GENERAL FUND Allio e Sne o ees. Saary .. .... lilli'neut l'lls1. SLre.......... 16.23.84 eo te t d e a u t m t aren ee s dSala r.......... .355.00 dacMae .llR e s... .Cstc. R,.1,535.91 NAME PURPOSE AMOUNT Curie Hop Salary .... ........ e eis 1 9 Alf MSillergren. Postage and Box Rent $5.00 L,'eille Duslley-, Salary ......... 45.00 2Pit. Rescue B.ik, Ta ...... ,20.31in Thomas A. Owens, .xp. to FEA MeT. 140.25 E Dean. Salary ........ ....... 45.00 Proteei,, lifl. ;Co.. Is......... 133.40 J. B. Harris, Exp. to PEA Meet. .. 1 t0.o.5 Vava Johnson, Salary ......... 4.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shi-l(f Fid Carter Ward, Exp. to FEA Meet. 1 1(0.25 Eitntm Peterson. Salary ...........45.00 ult r c. F .i (.r..i ...i.... ..on.. 5 00 Wewa High School. Re-imlburse S.00 Gulf TTeah. F,. rediln inon, Cont. 95 00 Port St. JoP Ele. School, Re-hnlur.,-. S."!1 TRANSPORTATION FUND Jtlia Creeci. Sill. S l. Wi........ l.,3.1' TransnorluAtion FP nil Transfer I00 00 Gulf Oil Corp.. Supplies ........ 211 .i 7 Elsie Bollnt Sul, work ........ .7 1o John MeIullon. Garbage Disposal 6 00o Britt's Serv. Sat.. S...ii: ....... 3. urnice Gaskin, Sul. Wor ...... l. G A R R AW The Gulf Co. Rreeze. Print. & M. .. 15.00 Sportiuan's Service T t & Lahor 7.50 Doris Meekins. Sui. Work ........17.50 Star Puh. Co. Print. & Mat ....... 70.00 ew' i ldw'. Co.. ., .- .. ..... .. 310.30 Clanr- W V'haley. Sub. Work ....... 56.1 0 Port SI. .Toe Hi School. I-; ind'miurse.' 24 .1) SI. Joe lMotlor Co., ~,,x1 .i,. and Labor' 7f.Si 5 C. G. Safford. Su. Work ........ 14.00 The H&WB Drew Co., SiuopHles t' 13 Alsvin McGlon's Service Garage. Etta K. Martin. Sub. WVork ......... 10 01 Wewa Pllimb. f& Heat. Co.. ,llent on Supplies & Lar ..........40 81 .elie Coker. Sh. S ',hWo.k .......... 500 Corner Williulns Ave. and 4th St. Bottle ..................00 Jolhn Land. Salarv ....... 148.62 Ruby Gay, Sub. Work ............ 8.100 L. C. Balfour, Dnilomas ..........11.08 Rolanl B. Hardy. Salary ........ 153.30 Rosenia Kilboulin. Sub. Work ...... 26.00 C & G Sport. Goods Co., Supplies .. 25.35 C. 31. Gay, Complt.. Retire. ........ .13 Kate Lanier. Sub. Work .......... 21.00 Smith's Pharmlacy. Supplies ........ 3.00 Federal Rpelwe p Bank. Tax ........ 9.20 Chlarie, F. Brnier. Sub. Work ...... 7.00 -Youll LoVi *I' on hihe Road ! -so- 1... c- -.-- ~' ~ -*'i Love it? You'll rave about it! It's like nothing you ever felt before -because it's like nothing ever built before. Never such picture-window vision! Never such a road-hugging, relaxing ride! Never such a breath- taking'burst of power as from this record-breaking "Rocket" Engine! Never such effortless ease and security as with this new Safety Power Steering*! Yes, behind the wheel of this Oldsmobile you're really living!'So why waste another day of It.,. \ 1.0 your_ date with a Super "88" today-for the "Rocket".ride o' tomorrow! ROCKETr ENGINE AND D RiVE 1Al -YOUR NEAREST OLD5MOBILI DEALER'5 AY CIE V R OfT C"0?ANY Phone 338 Po't St. Joe, Florida 24-Hour Wrecker Service OLET-TODAY'S BEST BUY IN PERFORMANCE! Ia 4 ~ / II ;si 4Y LEADING LOW-PRICED CAR US THAT YOI $G T AlE BES'i OF ALL 3-PIERMORMA;!CE, ECONOMY, PRICE is to h9h-r Ctand rore work out of st compreseon of tei 2hn foIs Cflc us Ihat Che vi :)ie Or'y Che-iolet in lhe low-price field Ss 53 C!!! i;heS "est Stuy" values 0 HIG".!ST CO:MPRESSION PCW.R 0!IGEST BRAKES * FISHER BODY C r.'IY S FAmrE KIEN-AC!!ON RIDE 0 SArt.iY PAIAE GLAS 9 SrJLL-11NGF1 .i X-iG.DER FKAM( A Y CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 Port St. Joe, Fla. THANKS I am, and shall be forever, humbly grateful for Ihe support given my candidacy for re-election as one of your Circuit Judges. It shall be my consistent effort to continue to pre- side over your court with courtesy, humility and im- partiality and in such manner as to merit the confi- dence and respect of ALL the people; to see that all people relieve fair, impartial and equal justice in their court. I appreciate, from the bottom of my heart, your support in the past primary. Gratefully yours, E. CLAY LEWIS, Jr. IIIW I ~P ''C ~esrpspllg~ls~mCP~ _~I -50__ D A Y; m A Y -13, ~1954~ ,rmE STAiR,-PORT ST- JOE, GULF COUNTY, FL.ORWA -'Yom Optiona! f 'extra cost. oaInI AIfi %I' THURSDAY,~~ MA 13 94TESAPR T OGUFCUI_,~OIAPG EE SI Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daniels WHITE CITY NEWS Imotored to Panama City Saturday by MRS. GEORGE HARPER where they received their three day ______ old baby girl. It is needless to say Mr. and Mrs. Billy Bowen and they are proud parents. children were Sunday guests ofi Mrs. Yates and children of Tal- 'Billy's aunt and family, Mr. and lahassee were guests of her par- Mrs. Carl Stevens. ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Prince THANKS-- TO ALL MY FRIENDS FOR ALL THAT YOU DID FOR ME IN THE ELECTION TUESDAY, MAY 4 R. F. 'itz' Scheffer We Waged a Clean Campaign and Lost Honorably. r-i THANK YOU For your overwhelming vote of con- fidence in me. I will do all in my power to live up to the trust you have placed in me to return me for. another term in the State legisla- ture. Sincerely, Cecil G. Costin, Jr. CI *8 this week. Stork Shower Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braxton and I Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braxton and iMrs. Robert Daniels was honored children and Mrs. Grover Pippin with a stork shower Wednesday spent the week end in Cottondalemorning. Games were played and visiting relatives gifts were presented after which Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and refreshments were served tq the son were week end visitors in Su- following: Mesdames R. S. Smith. matra. Harold Chafin, Ella Stebel, E. L. We Now Have A Complete Stock of 1954 Fords. This Is The First Time We Have Been Able To Offer This Com- plete Assortment Since 1941. DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN BUY A NEW 1954 2-DOOR SEDAN FOR AS LITTLE AS $1854.00 DELIVERY CAN BE MADE TODAY Used Cars MNvk#! WE NEED-CLEAN LATE MODEL CARS and PICK-UPS OUR NEEDS ARE 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953 FORDS, CHEVROLETS, PLYMOUTHS See Us For High Trade-In Allowance While Our Stock of Used Cars Is Low St. Joe Motor Co. FORD Sales ad Service Phones 37 and 238 "BEST SE L LE R" Because its Amerieas- Best Buy Ford has pioneered in bringing the most worth-while things to the most people... and more and more people are now buying Fords OR A LONG TIME, people have recognized that Ford is the "Worth More" car. And they have been ex- pressing their preference in a great and growing volume of purchases. The reason is simple. More and more people have found in Ford everything they want and need. If you're in the market for any new car, Test Drive a Ford and find out what a brilliant performer it is and you'll really understand why Ford is America's Best Seller and America's Best Buy. In the first place: Ford offers the two most modern engines in the industry: a new 130-h.p. Y-block V-8 and 115- h.p. I-blook Six. .. As for comfort-Ford is the only car in its field with Ball-Joint Front Sus- pension for handling and riding ease. Choice, too, is a department 'where Ford excells, You'll find just exactly the car for you among the 14 body styles and more than 100 body color and up- holstery combinations in Ford's three great lines. Ford is a completely modern car. The advanced fine-car features that make it "Worth More" when you buy it, will also make it "Worth More" to someone else when you sell it. \Why not accept our invitation to Test Drive a '54 Ford .and see why America's best seller is your best buy! FORD'S OUT FRONT National new car registration figures* for a seven-month period show Ford in the lead by thousands! 5SOURCE: R. L. Polk & Compony. Regisirations for period September through March, the Iltest month for which figures are available. he'54 FORD the'WTorth More" r! Test Drive America's most popular car today NOR= I.P EC ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37 Port St. Joe; Florida 4 .IUV. RI ISEMENT FOR BIDS S a I.: c I- i1! ill bI Ii'( ic\-ud i ., I ilch County Bluutad O IPublic ir-l'uctiol -i .t ile COllniy ltuui host le, I"'i.*v. I..t.k : 'I: l L a, lU:00 an.m., US. lilti, June lI '54 a[t which time iand place a il bids received will bie publicly opened d -d re.il aloud Ilfo furnishings all labor and material for 4 Class Room Addition to tilhe n'ort Si. .Joe 1, ,l School l'oui St.-,Joe, rflorida Bids .shall be accompanied by a certi- lie tlleceK or Ldii bond ll rile amoutl. of percent of tile base bid inlade payable to Gulf Countly Board of 'Public instruction a asa caranteIe anld \with l ;a agreement that the lidd<-lr will not revoke uor cancel his b,,d. or withdraw irom the competition lor a period or 15 days after the opening of bids,, and that in the event the contract is awarded to ithe bidder, he will, within 5 consecutive calendar days after it is sub- rnittedJ, niltc illto wrlttenl contract with thie Gulf County Board of Public Instrue- tionl ill accordance withl tile accepted bid, anil irie to Thle-Board a contract perform- ance and payment surety bond with good and sufficient sureties satisfactory to The SBoard 1i1 rth amount of 1010 percent of the Accepted bid. The bidder's said agreement is incorpr Ilted in the l'roposal Form The (us t to the Bin l is shall be included as a part of the bidder's base bid proposal. All work shall be done in accordance with the d' xli'.inl ;- and. specifications prei'- p Ilared by Yonge, Look & Morrison, Archi- tcctcs,l and ii accoa dance with contract ill- stuctioils t hi idirs and contract docu- ments pertalning thereto, which drawings, apeciictiaion. instructions, contract docu- licentis anld ionrn ti contract may be se- cured or r-\!llninllti ;it tlhe office of tile Ar- hiitect, Gil1 13i.nit Annex, I'ensacola, Flor- G(eneral .oir ;llcttors miayi secure drawingls and specificationIs from the office of the 'Architect a ita ,cos of $10.00 per set of ;drawings and spcl cifications, with i, limits of two st'S, j r! ectlltlactor. Tlr e cost of tc;a'1 I set xill be rctlllld to the bidder icupo his return oi the 'Ils to the Architect. Each bidi must Ie submitted in srtiet ac e lrdanel l L \Vln1i i1, i proposall Fl-i'm, fully ccci,. pletI. wllichc l'Propo-sal Form will be sliown in the' ..... Bixie, .,, ..must be satisfac- tory to tile Gu!'f COUllty IBoardI of IP1ul1ic2 Iistl-uctionl. Th'e Board reserves tlIe right to w.iive iliorlniallities ill anyc bid, anld to reject any or ill bills. . DATE, M'ly 10, 1954. 3t By: TIHOIMAS A. OWENS Sec. to till Boiard of Iublic Iinstruction NOTICE INVITATION FOR .BIDS PROJECT 1954 (G) Sealed lulmpl sunm bids will be re- ceived by the City of Port St. Joe at the office of the City Auditor and Clerk, City Hall, Port St. Joe, Florida, until 5:00 P.M., May 18, 1954, for completing the drainage work outlined below: The work consists of clearing and grubbing,; removal of debris and grading an existing ditch that traverses the City Park between Fifth Street and Sixteenth Street and between Sixteenth Street and Monument Avenue. Relay forty (40) lineal feet only of 36 inch concrete storm sewer pipe to a grade line that is a maxi- mum of eight tenths (0.8) feet be- low the existing flow line of this pipe. The present .plan location of this structure shall not change. Rip-rap head walls shall be relaid to meet the spec-ifications of the exist- ing structure. Complete details and specifica- tions may be obtained from the of- fice of the City Clerk, City lHall, Port St. Joe. Florida. The City of Port St. Joe. Florida reserves the right to reject any and all bids received. R \V. HENDERSON City Auditor and Clerk THANK YOU To each individual and each group of individuals that thought of me while I was out of circulation, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your thoughts and deeds. Sincerely, John G. Bbunt, Jr. For County Commission I am a candidate for County Commissioner, Dis- trict No. 4, Gulf County, sub- ject to the Democratic pri- maries on May 25, 1954. I will appreciate your vote and support. Coleman W. Tharpe STOP sweltering through torrid days and nights. Enjoy cool, crisp comfort all summer with a modern Room Air Conditioner! CURTIS Air Conditioner (right) cools, cleans, de- humidifies the air. Venti- lates without drafts. Dead- ens outside noise. 5-year warranty. As Low As $299.50 Installed WEST FLORIDA 418 REID AVENUE 0A, &o FUEL CO. TELEPHONE 342 ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Fla. HURLBOT FURNITURE COMPANY Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Fla. HIGHLAND VIEW WMU MEETS AT CHURCH MON. The Highland View Baptist Wo- man's Missionary Union met on Monday afternoon at the church with 10 members present. Mrs. Homer Echols, president. presided over the business meet- ing. The meeting opened with all -singing the WMU hymn and re- peating the watchword. The devo- tional was taken from 'Proverbs 16:1-15 followed with prayer by Mrs. Ralph Macomber. During the business session, re- ports from committee chairmen were heard and various matters taken up for discussion. Mrs. Rnth Burch dismissed the meeting with prayer. The next meeting will be held at the church and will be a Royal Service pro- gram with Circle 2 in charge. Antley, J. T. Brasher, Henry Sew- ell, Carl Stevens, Clyde Gentry, G. S. Croxton, Charley Sullivan, Hor- ace Braxton, Bud Hatcher and C. E. Martin. Sending gifts but not present were Mrs. James Harper, Mrs. Alton Hardy and Mrs. Stet- son Pridgeon. LEGAL ADVERTISING CURTIS AIR CONDITIONERS : S~..... .,.... .. .... ..... ...... ... I | .. .... _.. .. i=': . I --- ^vmig.ff^,s ,n '. 'I TO THE VOTERS OF GULF COUNTY I wish to thank those that supported in the past Democratic Primary. I will try to live up to your confidence. Since I am going into the Second Primary I[ would appreciate your continued support and good wishes. E.C. HARDEN, SR. > BSaE c ,-uwE^ ^isd', -aEa-al0. l--a i F" 'mm- 1 l~---'~a ~~ --- --r a ~YL~LU(1~6J~~Ul.rUI..-. ~nM ._ I _ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUII-Y, vbD'RlDA THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1954 PAGE SEVEN PT"$ ~IA 7 ci-.43 . .. .. . J DAGE EIGHT GARDEN'CLUB WILL HAVE BARBECUE ON MAY 19 The Garden Club will have a family get together- barbecue on Wednesday afternoon, May 19 at 6 p.m. at the Centennial Buiidinz Barbecue Pit. Spend Week End In Ala.' Mrs. W. D. Jones and children Kitty and fTravis and Bill Chisni spent the week end in Headland, Ala.. where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Graves. par- ents of Mrs. Jones' and R. G. Joues. THARPE THANKS THE VOTERS TO THE VOTERS OF GULF COUNTY: T take this means of thanking all of you for your splendid support in the First Primary in my race For County Commissioner, District No. 4, and earnestly request you to stay with me in the Second Primary. To those who voted for others in the First Primory, I solicit your vote and support in the Second Pri- mary. I promise to make you a good County Com- missioner. COLEMAN W. THARPE THE STAR, PORT ST, JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Home From Hospital MRS. M. WHITAKER HOSTESS Friends of Mrs. A. P. Wakefield TO GIRLS' STATE HOPEFULS will be glad to learn that she is Mrs. Madeleine E. Whitaker, Sec- able to return to her home from ond District Girl State Chairman the Municipal Hospital where she will be the hostess to a 1954 get- has hben a patient for several together girl staterl uncheon at the days. '1tel St. Joe, M.ay 15. S -- There will be a school of insrtuc- Visit In Perry tions from city, county and judi- ~e. and iMrs. P. G. Safford and ciary branches of the government. children sent Tuesday in Perry The girls will come from 13 Aux- as he guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. ilary Units from Tallahassee to D. Stone, parents of Mrs.'Safford. Chattahoochee. Mrs. Anr4 G. Hart. Willis V. COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 607 Long Avenue PHO'JE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE. 2 Dedroom house. Cor- ner of Third and Lorg Ave., V>. W. Barrier. 1201 Monument Ave. FOR SALE: Rabbits. 75c and up. 110 Duvall St. Oak Grove. Iti) FOR SALE OR RENT: ;3 bedroom furnished house 803 Garrison Ave. Rents furnished for S65 mo. Rowan ::: gi. state chairman Calln ji6-. 2tc will be co-hostess. The full pro- gram will be written for next week. FOR SALE: Four bedroom house --- <----- on 9th Street. 1,000 foot floor Visit In Alabama space plus porch. Hardwood floorj. Sattic insulated. Venetian blinds, at-i SMrs. .Earl Ro!lins pent the week ic fan, and awnins included. Lot end in Dothan. Alabama and in is 75' by 170' with nice lawn, shrub- Gordon, Alabama visiting-with rela- bery and outdoor fireplace includ- tives. ed. Price $SS50. Only '1500 down, i balance on easy monthly payments. Vi;it In Apalachicola FRANK HANNON 1Ir. a:r.! i'.T-. Cannon Buzzett Registered real Estats Broker 211 Reid Av;. Phone 61 and children spent Mother's Day with their paretits in Apalachicola. SPECI I. SE V "'' ES LAWNS MOWED. C1ll 187-W' af- ter 2:30 p.m. LAWN MOWER REPAIRING All types hand and power mowers. expertly sharpened and adjusted here. See us now-be assured of prompt service. ANDY'S WELDING SHOP. First Street. KEM-GLO ENAMEL. Goes on walls and woodwork like a breeze! Looks and washes like baked ena- mel. Dries quickly. One (coat cov- ers. $2.53 qt. at FULLER'S SUP- PLY COMPANY. STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters I for your used furniture and ap- pliances. 213 Reid Avenue. Phone 2961. WE BUY AND SELL. tfe SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, I. 0. 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- days, 7:30 p.m. in Masonic Hall. All: members urged to attend; visiting breth'-re i.ited. F. E. Williams, N.. G. i. : rley. V. G. Bill Car- .iiu. Secre:ry.- THURSDAY; MAY 13, 1954 MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- \ days each month, 8:00 p. m. Members urged to attend; visiting: bro!l:iers welcome. R. F. Scheffer, Jr., W.M.: Paul V. Player, secretary. STANDARD TIRE g SPEfI4L~l/ 4 I le r1 SILE PRICE 6.00-16 riced, But Plus Tax ale Getthe If your old tire ouir SIZE 6.70-15s recappable F f SUPER-BALL Plus T1oo ARAN EE A/so Reduced i fA your o6T:r is recoppable SALE ENDS MAY 29... TREMENDOUS SAVINGS ON ALL TIRES SAOVE SAVr fst De Lue hmpion MORE on "iretone De Luxe Champions NEED TV OR RADIO SERVICE? For a quick, expert check-up of your set's performance (no matter what the make Call us. We offer free prompt pick- up and delivery service. All work and parts guaranteed. TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED PHONE 2413 LODGE NOTICES WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116,1 THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- ing first and third Monday nights 800 p.m., American Legion Home. tf-3-25 R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays.. All vlsit ing companions welcome. J. B. Griffith, II, High Priest; H. R. Maige, secretary. LOYA. ORDER OF MOOSE Meeting night ev- ery other Monday. Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. To the friends and loyal supporters of Brailey Odham, I sincerely ask and seek your support and vote in the Second Primary, May 25th. Together.we will have a real victory for the people of all of Florida. Those who voted for LeRoy Collins in the first primary, I am counting on all of you to conRinue the fight with me for better gov- ernmInt., Sincerely, LeRoy Collins , 4 You've had a chance to size up the 1954 automobiles. You've read about, heard about all the claims for economy, performance, acceleration, endurance, roominess and ride. Now you're set to compare the facts, weigh the record New'54 DODGE Clinches What It it loims Fire stole Home & AMto tore r40fSE ' B. W. EELLS, Owner Here'% the Record No Other Car Can Match PIOVED Amern',t Oreat PROVED Amerife's Out- Ea*nomy Champ-Dodge ftlnding Performer-On c-mbinos ashin p.rfiom- the BoneirlUe Salt Flons, dance with prize-wfnning Dodge IhlKered every rec- economy. Dodge .gaie ord-ir: I'* elol for por- topped all cars in i's class termnn'e te demonstrate& in Mobilgas Economy Ruel rer-'eve-pswer-for-sofety. PR3VIO A'reCr;t' ~so PROVID Ame,;oa's .'(t- F.adual::ce C~ -n *-: Fi:;vl *et Reed Car-As a flrial AAA t.l;;, th.- '54 Dodge "t(te to Iti motched t',an.ld foribr and festr, read "-r4f* the '54 Plan coy cSher A'weriewa Dodge wet ,sleted as cer. Here's clinching proof Offdel Pa..e Car for the of D.dge dopendab;iiy. !en*napolis '00-Mile Race. Dodge backs up promise with proof! You get prize-winning economy, proved in the Mobilgas Economy Run. You get record-breaking performance; proved on the Bonneville Salt Flats, that lets you drive with greater confidence. If you want proved value, come see this big new '54 Dodge with its long, low, natural lines. Discover all Dodge offers today! DEPENDABLE '54 DODGE s-11Art.----- Ti e 'i U a A/ %4 ,. 4bi-. I --S McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Corner Baltzell Avenue and 4th Street Port St. Joe, Flerida - I P~ Isr~- --~- I I ) r -- r Phone100 PORT ST. JOE, PLiA. |