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ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY Were you out Tuesday night with the other night owls watch- ing and-waiting for the election returns to come in? If you were- n't you were home in bed all by yourself. Port St. Joe looked like a Saturday afternoon up un-, til 2:00 in the ayem when we decided to give it uip and go to bed. Poor Charley Wall, Mr Tommy Mitchell, Mrs. Jame- McCall, and Mrs. Burge-h.ad to sit up all night counting tIhose ballots. We saw them around 1:30 and poor Charley had to borrow a couple of toothpick, to keep his eyes open. The- \ . men seemed to be barinr upi wonderfully.under the ordei, The' American Legion Amn iI iary were selling drinks and pe-i nuts in the Legion Hall and do. ing a booming business. It \l-.. tiring, but it was funand' thank 'goodness it doesn't come alii-,i every week. We have never seen anyone quite as elated as Cecil Costin fon the news that he:was-making his office secure in the tirs-t primary. We were talking with Parkei- Hart. in the Legion Hall Tues- day night and we got to taJking about the time when his 'manu- facturing company burned at Highland View. Parker told us' of how he had to get the bank to back him to start all over. We happened to mention to him that it would be tough starting over now what with the way banks are about lending money. And we must have brought on a7 hex or something because the next day we had to take the fire truck out to Beacon Hill 'to Par- ker's factory. It was on fire. But, thank goodness it didn't burn and' not much more -than smoke damage. It's been said many times be- fore, but let us add our wishes fir many more happy returns, to you Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stone. Kids! Last weel they stopped iup the bathtub drain so that .we had to blast and this %week put ;huan hultiiri the ommce.,.i.-'' stopped it up. If we could har- ness that energy, Florida Power Company,would go out of busi- ness. / ----- ------ Fire Department Has Several Calls In Week The local volunteer fire depart- ment received three calls to duty this past week. Last Saturday at noon the depart- ment was called to the beach to extinguish a blaze in ta gasoline station pump which had caught fire. The blaze was confined to the pump by 'extinguishers until the depart- ment arrived on the scene and thor. extinguished. Tuesday night at 8 p.m. the de- partment was called to the quar- ters where a can of gasoline had exploded. As a result of the explo- sion and resulting fire, a colored woman and her child w6re sevel-iy burned about the body. Yesterday the departlment wvas called upon about 2:00 pmrn. to put. out a brush fire on the corner of Sixteenth and Palm Boulevard. At 5:25 yesterday afternoon the de- partmient was called back to ito' beach to extinguish a blaze in th:i Gulf Manufacturing Company fac- tory, owned and operated by Par ker Hart. The company manufac- tures, moulding, doors and other lumber products and the building was stacked with, finished mould- ing ready to be delivered. Personnel of the company quick- ly started applying :.l1 the water available and managed to put the fhre out before much damage cou;d:l be done. The local department ra- dioed the Florida Forest Service for water to be sent and the Ser- vice replied with two tank trucks which were not needed. Veterans Service Officer To Be Here Next Friday SVeterans of Gulf Colnty who need assistance in obtaining benu- fits under the GI Bill. may-receive expert guidance from Presto:i L. Nicholas. Assistant State Serv\':e Officer. Nicholas will visit this araa next week for the pur-pose of helping vc.- erans or their dependents in fliing claims for Compensation Benefits or solving their Insurance proble'.:s. During his visit in this area Ni- chlila. may be contacted on Friday, May. 14, at the City Hall from 4:00 to 4:30-p.m. THE -X STAR Published in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con u tinted Development of S Gulf County THE S 1s-1 AI. 11 ..i...... PORT ST. JOE 4 Progressive Community With a j, Modern, Progressive weekly Newspaper .r t "B ,, L "" 'Port 5. Joe- The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chatlahoochee Valley" - --^" ^ ^ ^ ^ *E; I -'""" __________' /vn I I C v ,l t Single Conv 8C $3.D0 Per Year PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 muasinty vote h tate 75/lo of Regi tration Vte ,, HOW GULF COUNTY VOTED BY PRECINCTS Costin Wins By ,. CANDIDATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Tot. Arthur Barker, Si 4S 29 5 1 30 8 15 48 149 333 Landslide; Other J Bob Sikes 339 260 54 32 .281 94 138 331 589 2118 E .": Clay Lewis, Jr. 191 ,15 23 17 :1286 .48 96 231 530 1422' SMercer P. Spear "203 161 40 16-19i 57 59 178 311 1216_ o'tess C lose Charley E. Johns 188 5 &3 22 160 57 85 204 333 10S7 "As Gulf County goes, so goes Brailey Odham 155 2 22 9 108 44 48 99 186 673 Florida" proved to be true in th& *g .|Allen R. Ahcosta 27 1 7 4 23 2 12 37 69 182 Democratic Primary Elections held D" :S. (Dan) Dansby 114 2 18 1 76 28 35 71 247 592 here Mae' 4I Gurf County gave ma- Silbur C. King 183I 7 21 25 164 55 84 232 414 1185 jorities to winners throughout David Atkinson 110 2 7 1 73 34 50 132 7 31 Florida with the exception of one SlJerry W. Carter 240 8 S43 29 18S 61 88 209 426 129 place. Gulf gave Brailey Odhai '- I H Cecil G. Costing, Jr. 152 73 19 18 261 79 134 358 618 17126 second place in the Gubernatorial .1lCharles Emmette Danliell 9- 21 2 7 46 14 3 41 16.S 311 contest and Leroy Collins third. SFl oyd C. Lister 244 241 46 20 15 29 26 72 701 Approximately 2700 voters cast w illiani E. Branch 63 61 12 7 73 14 10 27 7 345 'ballots in Gulf "of the 3;379 voters Mr. aRnd Mrs. T. H. Stone yi: (Star Photo) Jim S. Daniels 145 122 34 18 121 50 48 145 153 S36 registered. In the Port St. Joe pre- E:. C. Hard n, Sr. 1630 94 8 6 93 77 161 471 1076 2 cincts over 95 percent of the regisE- r.73. M.Tarii" 54 54 11 2 3 47 112 329 t'ered votes cast ballots in the 'L O d C ott. Si S 23 3 3 13 3 1 27 21 102 election. -1 O P. .C. Price 159 105 21 3 13 63 6 76 299. 745 Most county contests consisted of 2 F.'.scheffer, Sr. 23 14 12 3 14 5 5 51 1 0 310 tight races with the exception of SWatson Smith 56 38 3 8 25 14 4 196 203 547 the office e Representative which Cao...diC n 1- C W.de o.Be 144 122 24 16 137 24 101(64 18 90 T4i22 went to Ccil G. Costing. J ., inch m- O bserve'- Go det A 11-111 Ve aC', 1-- .-i_ 1 went to Cecil G. Costing, Jr., incumi- e W. Bogdon 252 194 34 19 194 66 83 148 430 1420 bent, in the first primary .eliminat- :Vlax W. Kilbourn 141 104. 21 13 95 33 1 231 368 1067 ing that office from the second pri A "gold letter", day in the lives' shades of- yellow and gold. In the a fitting golden we g adornment. Sa'alLogan Kenney 118 3 19 8 105 24 92 220 406 107,5 mth Cosfie poll a t ot of i- of Mr. and' Mrs. T. H. Stone was 'spaciou-s living room, where the Tall yellow candles.iin crystal and FennoaryTaley 228 65 34 22 185 79 58 182 410 1263 otn polled a total of 1,712 Sunday, May 2. The couple were honorees received with their daugli- gold candelabra completed the pic- John G. Blount, Jr. 65 40 7 14 181 36 83 225 554 1205 ceived by both his opponents, Em- the first settlers of this city back iter, Mrs. Ralph Swatts, were inter- ture. In the hall were -potted hy- L. W. Owens 300 251 49 16 107 64 62 168 258 1275 ot onen (You wil note the sall voe cast on tate Off metices in irecincte Daniell and Floyd C. ster in the early 1900's. The Stones were esting and unusual flower arrange- drangeas, Easter lilies, and gladio- (You wil note the small vote cast on (State Offices in IPrecinct E. O married and moved to Poit St. Joe, ments. Ointhe television set in the li, and on the back porch stattice Number.Tw.Th is dueto the ofauct tt the poll holders in then nothing but a wilderness, from bay window, soft yellow lights and fern. u br' T ie t the the ll he Harden, Sr., and Jim S. Daniels in ola, from which the first steam e- this Precinct failed to marktheir totals on the ballot sheet. Iola, from which te first team glimmeed through chiysanthe- The "golden bride" was beautful The os are s d in the ballot and can be opened only by the run-off for County Commission- railroad in the State of Florida ran mums, snapdragons., pompons and in feathery white nylon and wear- courtorder. The mall vote cast is the absentee vote.) er inDistrict Number 2. Harden, to the old city of St. Joseph which tulips LbePutifiall\ arranged in an ing a:lavendar orchid. Both slhe and o. had the plurality vote-in that dis- was located on the site of the pres, old f strainedd ronze ..bowl and her. husband were radiant as they t. ict with 1,076. Daniels was next ent ,ity fr-oin 1537 t,, around I, lanip combinati,:rn. ...n hl ,:f-,f.lee greeted the many friends who came. in line with 836 votes In District Tin Stones halne to P,.,-t St. j),. table dayd lilies on a reer d td -etring. -or o ai-, on ngratulations and.to tte l i Four in tle .Commissioner race, .. .. -urvey v eng mad rere T Bin.o ln _t, a n 3ipack w th oefle thie town wa irorlporatd ii~ll phi. o. ortT olll n..1 i il- extra kBillot then emal l le pacg .i k with .at.ir t.a.- ftrne.e.lu d Vent hi".. j ''I' -f. ." ."Ed-r* "- 2 .-,iwd by ". C. Price witiW t~arsl~ stoi*.e- bu'~iresi. i-.I. A ll:nde .r ieiBtTe as y Soties itias-site and punch toptie in Siii5 Texas 745 votes to sSure spots in -the naval' tore bupies. Gte grliflt andi an de o ts. .ye llo t Sei aeke and punch to the in Natural Gas Service exas Firm 7 45n" OtemocaiStae Cmt teste Mar. and Mrs. Stone had i- te .fi. lins Forming an iterVeting a, h -.t f tu~ were Mesdames J. L. Sharit, runoff for these two candidates. children to be born in thee present ground ,for the: receiving linri was Cecil Costin, Mark Tomlinson, A Houston Texas, ol company In the contest for School Board city at their home formerly in wil- a 'huge'weddiht ring made up of. ; Charles Brown, Hubert Brinson. L test Dope On i contematn construction of Member, Clyde Brogdon defeated Lis "contemplating" construction of Member, Clyde Brogdon defeated derness and now stands at the cor- goen circle and day lilies placed and greeting the guests were. Mrs. i W a 150-milliondollar gas line from Max Kilbourn by 1,420 votes to her intersection of the tvo high- to advantage on. n the, mantle, and Chauncey Costin and Mrs. J. L NeW W atea r ystem Southern L'oii'siana -ot North Flor- 1,067 votes. Fennon Talley defeats. way arteries serving the. town. topping the mantle were the fig- Temple. r Music was furnished or da it was revealed tis week Mrs. Sarah Logan enneyby The Stones had to fight untold ures 5 and 0 surrounded with gold the occasion by Sibbie Brinson and Lately the editor of The Star a vote of 1,263 to 1.075. hardships on arriving in the city, leaves.. o .. Etta Katherine Martin and to Mrs. has been bombarded with ques- range of Port St. Joe. John G. Blount. Jr.. who was con- n'otthe least of which was practical In the library adjoining-the liv- I. C. Nedley, Mrs. Terry Hinote and tions as to just when the citi- fined three weeks prior and dur- isolation from the outside world. ing room-were the many beautiful Mrs. Bill Quarles go the credit fr zens of Port St. Joecan expect ing the election lost the position When the present Gulf county gifts on display, and here.the guest the lovely flower arrangements. the new water system to be in ofiveof Barnard andBurk,consult- g thDemocratic State pCommittee- was cut from Calhoun back in the book was kept by Virginia Swatts, Out of town guests included: Mr. operationhee.The Starhen engineers of aton Rouge, La., of Dmocatic Sa0 tes C tt oro he Star man by only 70 votes to L. W. 1920's Stone served as one of the granddaughter of the couple, anit and Mrs. Jesse Stone and their proceeded to ask a few questions who are conducting a' survey fo Owes of Wewaitchka. Owen first county commissioners and Anne Costin, granddaughter of an- small daughter, of Columbus,.Geor- around and found out certain h c pany, was in Port S. d 1 votes and ont was a commissioner in -Calhoun other of the earliest settlers, Mrs. gia; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Deen and this that sounded re-assuring Joe Saturday making a survey of 1,27 votes and lount 1205 County before the separation of the R. A. Costin. On themantle of this daughter, Carol, of Adel, Georgia; toward theearly elimination of potential customers and hinted at lf County along with Holmes two counties. Mr. Stone tells of room was as interesting arrange- Mrs. W. G. Hardy and Mrs. James "iced tea" from the city water a potential large enough to justify aing Circuit J td e v. Cy Lewisrn the three day excursion necessary ment of wedding bells and yellow Guilford, Overstreet; Mr. \and Mrs. faucets.. -unning the main as far as Port St. ing Circuiti. e En Gulf Cntyis for him to endure to attend to his candles, and on the registry table, Alton Hardy. r. and rs. Bill Mayor J. C. Belin has stated if the project is undertaken.t L is pol 1 and Suer1,216. county duties in Bl'ountstown, 51 a miniature .carriage or "buggy" Price, White City; Mrs. Roland that the bond issue is now clear- Reinach said that the coming Cf miles from the city. holding pompoms and golden bells. Hardy, Overstreet; and from Wewa- ing the courts and that within a cheap plentiful fuel to this se This couple who founded our city On the bookcase was a golden vase itchka, Mrs. John Griffin Mrs. two weeks the city ca start ion would be a mighty shot in the E C T NC celebrated their 50th wedding aSnni- of white ompomoms in a mist of Emmna 'Stone, Mrs. H. E. Rish, Mrs. spending the money and get star- arm .in attracting new industry to versary with a reception held be- flowery lace.Roy Ri, Mrs. ted on the project. this area. At present the only fuel t them ission has let S-. on the project. inmedia tely available is wood a c tract to the West FJorida Con- tween the hours of 4:00 and 6:00 Iw t se dining broom, dozens of e Mrs. Ella Glenn, Mr. and Mrs. Belin stated that bids for the which is too expensive to burn struetion Company of Port St. Joe in 'the afternoon on Sunday. low rose- -on tile buffet formed a Thomas Wihitfield, E. A. Hardin, project will be asked for in about corcis e e for the amount of $6,165.52 to con- The setting for this- event was background for the bridal table Gadi White, Mr. ad Mrs. W. S. two weeks and that, actual co- mm the home of the coiule at 418 Monu- covered with a white lmaderia cloth Smith and Mrs. L. W. Owens. Jim- T he consulting engineers said the rtill a ce around the fene will meant Avenue, beautifully decora.eLd on which was centered the anniver- my and Tom:my Stevens of White l t nned line would be a 30-inch onep etery. The fene will within five months after the con- be of a heavy mesh wireIdesigned for the occasion in the theme of sary cake decorated with yellow City nd little AlbertDee of Adel, trt et e t capable ofdelivering approximately h e im e f hi Cety Gulint Albt D oe of A tract is let. The city officials to withstand the climate of this the "horse and buggy" days in roses and gold leaves, topped with Georgia. hope to let the contract for the 400 million cubic feet of gas daily. area. --- ver di project this month with work to The other bid on the job was S c Wa CITY MARKS OFF PARKING start immediately, afterward if '-f CIT Y TO PURCHASE NEW Te Sthe Geofge Go Tappe on ub Sc utsWaveTrack SPACES ON CONSTITUTION :all.possible. AGE TRUCK CHASSIS trution Company which bid Picnic at Mexic0o Beachr W aside Park The City of Port St. Joe this week" ; k Atd thei regular meeting Tuesday $6.51 3.40. Picnicrted p ant ti prlg'Mexico Beach ay'sid Pat'rk s ueday night the City Ciommission agreed cI i Constitution Drive between 5th and morning by plane fo i'-lis base at unanimously to ask for bids fori a EXECUTIVE MEETING OF This Saturday morning at 10:00 6th Streets. The spaces Jwil -pro- Ca mp'-Stoneman, 'San Francisco, -.new chassis to replace the one no PTA SET FOR MAY 13 Methodists To Sell Fish the Cub Scout Packs of Pout St. vide for holriz'ntal parking. Califdrrlla, aftei- spending a week carrying the disposal garbage truck The last executive meeting of the Dinners At Second Primary Joe will have a combination picnic I here .with his parents, Mr. and carrier. current year by the PTA will be a. and track meet at the Mexico- I' M'rs: Norman F. Allemoi-e and at-, The Commission agreed to ask held at the Elementary School on Tuesday, May 25 the Methodist Beach wayside park. Each den i r. Aeis Carrel said: Piaye tending the wedding o his sister, for bids with the provision that the Thrsday, May 13 at 7:30 p.m. Men's Cilb al Li,.: 'Sh t3 -o the to meet there, providing its owli like radium, is a luminous and self- Miss Jane Allemore and Ferirell present chassis be traded on the All chairmen alre urged to be First Methodist Church ei-erewillne ie.e First Methodist Chu11(at ere wil transportation. Each lbu wi h:'i generating form of energy." Allen, Jr. ,new unit. present. sponsor a ish dinner a the Me- sandwiches and drinks will be pro- .' f[ivided A track eet between PacA School Takes Honors In Track Meetin f,- election returns. 47 and 305 will be in order -om, p Preparation of the dinner will b)' pare for the big Gulf Coal-. Track i under the dii'ection of Ed Ramsayv. Meet. May 15. Plates will be $1.00 for aduoils niit Of interest to all the town is their T'he Port St. Joe boys won the tively. Boys Discus, 1st David Smith: Gaskin; 2nd Dot Sealey; 3rd Punk- 50c for children. T he dinners will Gulf Coast Cub Scout track meet Gulf County relays by a score of The individual fields and Ihlir 2nd Phil Tomlinson: 3rd Edwaid Daughtry. be served at the church o- de w at 2:30. May 15. a Saturday, at the 49R to 31 over Wewahitchka. The winners are as follows: Boys l0 Ramsey. Girls 75 yard dash, 1st Fay Strip- livered anywhere in the city. Baseball Park. Iloys 8-10 from all Wewahitchka girls, however, were yard dash. 1st Pete Duperoruzel: Boys shot put, 1st David Smith: land: 2nd Lois Smith; 3rd. Lister. over this district will be competing victors in their contest with 43-19 as 2nd, Freddy McCall; 3rd, Bo John 2nd Tommy Dobbs; 3rd Ronnie Girls shot put, 1st Patsy Wilder; SAN BLAS OPEN TO VISITORS to win the cub wChich came into the fifial score. Points were given Lester. Chism. 2nd Smith; 3rd Glena Atkinson. ON ARMED FORCES DAYtwi fe v Boys 440 yaud ie-ay, Port St. Joe The intramnum-al boa-d with its u ON ARMED FORCES DAY our possession last year. on the basis on five fori- first place, Boys 220 yard dash, tst Pete Du- Boys 440 yard relay, Port St. Joe The intramural board with il The people of Port St. Joe are schedule three for second place, and oen perrouzel; 2nd, Freddy McCall; 3rd I land; 2nd Lester; 3rd Paula Duper- and faculty sponsor. Coach Craig, invited to visit the 192S-3 AACS Thusd.ay. May 6. 8:00, Pack 17 for third. Individual scores were Edward Creame'. rouzel. wish to acknowledge the co-opera- Detachment at Cape San Bias on meets atScout Hut. also totaled. Boys 440 yarddash, 1st Bo John Girls high jump, Gwendolyn Whit- tion of Mr. Bowdoin for making the 5oys May 1954S which Isa -Am-med Foa--tSaturdiytMayo8.10:00a 15 May 1954 which is-Armed For- !Saturday, May 8.10:00 a.m., David Smith of WVewahitchka Lester; 2nd Pete l)upeirrouzel: 3rd field; 2nd smith 3rd Evelyn Boy- event possible as well as imeimber ces Day, flronm 9:00 a.m. to i:00 Pack Picnic at Wayside Park. :was high scorer for the boys with Wilford Elliot. 'ette. o f the baseball who acted as offi- p.m. Thursday, May 1,3, 8:00 a.,m. -i . Giswlbaiaete Pac y 3 m t a a total of fifteen points. St. Joe's iBoys high jump. 1st Bo John Les- Girls bro-ad jump; 1st P'aula 1)u- cials. Joe Adams. Bruce Parker, Guides will be available te c Church. Pete Duperiouiel followed wv1l 0 ter; 2nd l)oug Williamlsou: 3rd. .perrouzel; 2nd Gwendolyn W hit-- Frank Dennis, Benny Hudson, Rob- cort visitors and explain the fune- hucthirteen. The girls high scores, bhit Taunton. : field; 3rd Lois Smith. ert Waiters, Billy Joe Richards and tions. Mohammed said: an's true fai:onm Wewrhitchka. Faye Striplland tio Boys broad jump, 1st David Boys baseball throw. 1st Ed lzie Williaftls... Mr. Phillips and Mi. The theme for this Armed For- wealth is.the good he does in this and Gwendolyn Whitfield iaked ul) Smith:- 2nd Ed Creamer; 3rd Doug Cre~nmer: George Neal: Goodman. Switzer were also recognized for ces- Day is "Power Fo Peace." world. a total of 10 and 8 points ree"w-- 'Williamison. .iGh-ls baseball throw, 1st Jo Ann their jobs as time-keepers. VULUIIt- AVII- -r ~ --- ----- LI.- ---- 1NUMIVIIE 60 a TrH STARt.oRT ST. Jbk'.uLF COUNTYY' #L PAGE TWO Truthseekers Class Meets in Harry Dowden Home Mrs. Junior Baxley and Mrs. Har- ry Dowden were co-hostesses to the monthly meeting of the Truthseek- ers Clas of the First Baptist Church at the home of Mrs. Dow- den on Sixil Street. The devotional was given by Mrs. Albert Blackburn and prayer fol- lowed by Mrs. Ralph Jackson. A visitation program was planned and a list of prospects were given to the members. Mrs. Ralph Plair, vice-president, presided over the meeting. The closing prayer was given by Mrs. Joe McLeod. i Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS HOURS B TO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-S665 FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA' ~rm~rvw cM~rcrrrrrrr~AM\h MIRRORS Ministerial Alliance Meets At Methodist Church The regular Port St. Joe area Ministerial Alliance meeting was held Monday at 10 a.m. at the First Methodist Church Study with Rev. Fred Davis, Rev. Harry Doug- the following ministers present, las, Jr., Rev. C. E. Hodges, Rev. William Iverson, Rev. P. G. Saf- ford and Rev. Lloyd Riley. A vote of thanks was given to all who helped in any. way in making the Easter Sunrise Service a suc- cess. The next regular meeting will be held on May 31. All ministers Of this area are Invited to meet with the Alliance to enjoy the fellow- ship with God's servants and to aim for a deeper spiritual life of the community. Guests In Graceville Mrs. Ralph Swatts, Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. R. W. Smith and Mrs. Bdwin Ramsey were guests of Mrs. Fred Tindel in Graceville, Wednes- day when the executive board of the district Methodist Woman's So- ciety of Christian Service held a business meeting. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays! PLATE GLASS A Representative of Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. Will Be At St. Joe Hardware Co. MAY 6 and 7 The Public Is Invited To Come in and see a display of Everyday and Special Glass Items for Homes and Industrial Uses St. Joe Hardware ,Co. Phone 14 Port St. Joe, Fla. ART GLASS WINDOW GLASS . *" ' ~Ci-rr~ L~-@- *0 li,-******@ ~e p 4~*O *4 THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. Social I Personals C Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor ('^^A~ ^^^^ " activitiess :lubs - Churches Phone 166 Jane Allemore and Ferrell Allen, Jr., Are United In Double-Ring Ceremony A double-ring ceremony on May bearer was Jimmy Ory of Atlanta, 1 at five in the afternoon united Ga., cousin of the bride. Miss Jane Allemore, daughter of For her daughter's wedding, the Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Allemore, bride's mother chose a gown of sky and Ferrell Oliver Allen, Jr., son blue organza with a wide blue sa- of Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell Oliver Al- tin belt. Her corsage was of pink len, Sr., in marriage. carnations. The mother of the The ceremony took place in St. groom wore an imported navy lace Joseph's Catholic Church with Fa- and her corsage was of white car- their O'Sullivan of Apalachicola of- nations. ficiating before a background of The tall standards of Easter lilies and lowing white gladioli. the law Mrs. Estelle Marshall, organist The bri rendered a program of nuptial mu- hand-cu sic and Mrs. M. McCormick was with th soloist. The bride, who was given in which marriage by her father wore a On ei gown of imported Chantilly hand- silver c clipped lace over drifts of nylon pers tie tulle over white satin with irrides- white c cent sequens and simulated seed Ion net pearls. The fitted bodice fashioned Mrs, with cap sleeves were attached to Ory, au a round yoke of nylon illusion and Anders( fastened down the back with tiny iMss Ji seed buttons. The bride's fingertip Miss A: veil of illusion was attached to a ved at t coutour crown of swiss lace em- Campbe broidered in seed pearls. Her bou- tess and quet wvas an orchid and lilies of the in char valley centered on a white satin For prayer book. The bride's only orna- part of ment was a single strand of pearls, light bl a gift of the groom. matchir Miss Gaynell Hosmer, was maid chid fro of honor. She wore a ballerina on their length dress of frosted white dots home a on white nylon net over pink taf- The feta with a strapless bodice and a given b net stole. She carried a nosegay of Sr., in rose carnations trimmed with pink Avenue nylon net and ribbons. Among The attendants were Misses Ruth register Coe, Ann Kenney, Ernestine Du- phy Or rant and Mrs. William Gaillard all son and reception, immediately fol- the ceremony, was held on n at the home of the bride. side's table, covered with a t linen cloth, was centered e three-tiered cake, around was a ruffle of nylon net. theirr side of the cake were andelabra holding white ta- ed with sprays of pink and arnations, trimmed with ny- and ribbons. Massey Ward, Mrs. Murphy int of the bride, Mrs. Otto )n, Miss' Etta Martin and. une Watson of Miami, and nn Miller of Marianna, ser- the punch bowls. Mrs. Henry l11 served .as presiding hos- 1 Mrs. Henry Dandridge was ge of the bride's book. ' traveling, to the southern Florida, the bride wore a ue imported linen suit with ig accessories and the or- om her wedding bouquet. Up- ir return, they will be at t St. Joe Beach. after rehearsal party was y Mr. and Mrs. Byron Eells, their home on Monument 5; ig the out .of town guests red were: Lt. Colonel Mur- ry and Mrs. Ory and their d daughter of Atlanta, Ga., of Port St. Joe. They wore identical :Mrs. Hosmer and daughter Gay- ballerina-length gowns styled simi- nell and son Floyd of Tuscaloosa, lar to the maid of honor. Ala.; Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Alien of Fran Hannon, daugliter of Mr. Apalachicola, grandmother and and Mrs. ,Frank Hannon of Port St. 'grandfather of the groom; Frank Joe served as-flower girl. She wore Sharit, Edward Lee, Mr. arid Mrs. a miniature reproduction as the at-, Howard Alien and family, Mrs. H. tendant's gowns. All wore coronets Campbell; Mrs. Sharp and two in Athei r hair of nylon.net and ar- dauehlt'-r_ and Mrs. Nancy Roam tried" nfu-.':iys of rose carnations of Apalachicola. trimmed with nylon net and rib- p t . bons. Attend Meeting The groom had his father, 'as Mrs. R. W.' Smith and Mrs. Ed- best man. The groomsmen were win Ramsey attended a district Jimmy Philyaw,'John Barrier, Ed- :staff meeting of the Methodist Dis- ward'Eells, and Norman Allemore, I trict Board of Education in Mar- brother of the bride. The ring-.ianna Tuesday afternoon. -- ---x '' Arrangements of day lilies, dai- sies and Easter lilies were used throughout the living room, din- ing room, study and sun porch. The dining table was covered with a handsome cutwork linen cloth centered with a silver epeergne filled with Shasta daisies. The buf- fet held an arrangement of day lilies. The sun porch held arrange- ments of potted hydrangeas in or- chid color. Miss Allemore and her mother, Mis. Norman Allemore received their guests in front of the mantle. Receiving guests at the door wa:a Mrs. Henry Campbell. Mrs. Otto Anderson, Mrs. Massey Ward, Mrs. John Robert Smith, Mrs. Basil Ken- ney, Jr., and Mrs. Frank Hannon as- sisted in serving. SMany useful gifts were displayed in the study. One hundred invited guests-cal- led during the appointed hours. Mrs. C. W. Long Hostess To Presbyterian Women The Woman's Auxiliary of the First Presbyterian .'-Church met Monday night in the church for their regular monthly meeting with the president, Mrs. C. W. Long, presiding. The meeting opened with the devotional begin given I'y Mrs. Long. Mrs. R. D. Prows, program chair- man, had charge of' the program. She. with the help of three mer- bers presented a skit, describing the places to which monies are sent from th eauxiliaries. The program" and meeting was a celebration of the auxiliary's birthday. The Aux- iliary in Port St. Joe is 15 years old. Places represented were the In- dian Reservation in the State of Oklahoma,, The Guerrant Presby- tery in Kentucky and Radio and Television Work at Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, Ga. Those taking parts were Mrs. Phonso Gilbert, Mrs. Tommy Mitchell and Mrs. S. L. Bissett. After the meeting, the refresh- ments were served to the following present: Mrs. Betty Starns. Mrs.- Gilbert, iMrs. Chi'is Bowen, Mrs. S. L. Bissett, Mrs. IIenry Campbell, Mrs. Sharles Garr-away, Mrs. How- ard McKinnon,.:Mrs. R. D. Prows, Mrs. John Robert Smith, Mrs. R. D. Spillers, Mrs. C. W. Long. Mrs. Tommy Mitchell. Miss Alice Elder. Mrs. M. H. E'der, Mrs. Lois Beard. Mrs. Bill Iverson and Mrs. Margaret Clark. More than 900,000 separate spe- cies of insects have been recorded and described. B A. . *- -;, rieuia You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Church REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. P.M. -P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45. MORNING WORSHIP ----- -11:00 BAPTIST TRAINING UNION 6:45 EVENING WORSHIP 8:00 PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 8:00 I Meeting In The High School Auditorium I VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME i l|l~illlllllll lllllllillllllilllTELEPHONE 80Illll llll TELEPHONE 80 pV^ WiSH ^i^y^SS i9 BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. SUNDAY ONLY MIlnliillllll &TllliilllIIII IItnllil liIIn Iti ii Monday & Tuesday .* Q OFF LIMITS STARRING 80 MICKEY MARILYN HOPE ROONEY-MAXWELL co.STARRIN EDDIE MAYEHOFF , STANLEY CLEMENTS JACK DEMPSEY MARVIN MILLER Produced by HARRY IUGEN Directed by GEORGE MARSMILL Stoey ndSceenplay *p HAL KANTER ind IACK SHER A PARAMOUNT PICTIUE Wednesday & Thursday Illlllfll nfiillllllll Ii ll m lIi lillillil lii lUiitiilII FRIDAY and SATURDAY *l~yfs~iSBS^-.- .'HER&EP- YATES niug. A RPUBIC PICTURE ' flltlllllltl lll llll! Illl llltllH tt llllltll llllll [ tlttI Watch Our Popcorn S Boxes For FREE PASSES DOUBLE .FEATURE ,,I --- FEATURE No. 1 WOWS A H U SON FOR "Going' To The Dentist" "HOT RODS" CHAPTER 12 of SERIAL , "SON OF GERONIMO" Going, Going, Gosh" .AM**..:.I** ******** .******* FLOWER FRESH as seen in GLAMOUR Wide-strapped sundress, blossom-topped and buttoned in the front for easy-into. The pert little jacket lets you wear it anywhere. Swinging skirt has just enough fullness. Bright butterflies flit gracefully among flowing vines in an unusual print Cortley's Hilite, wrinkle-resistant Everglaze cotton. Pink, blue, lilac or white grounds. Sizes 12 to 20 and 14 /2 to 24'A. $7.95 COSTIN'S Factory delivered price at Detroit, Michigan. State and local taxes if any, and transpor- tation extra. HUDSON JET FAMILY CLUB SEDAN See Any Hudson Dealer The Jet has an Instant Action Engine with Hornet-like performance -amazing roadability from exclusive "step-down" design--rugged Monobilt body-and-frame*--Flight-Line Styling -smart interiors-- great economy. See this big buy! q*&rademark. Patented. * Stmudlard r Fr.: W ir, .- eani*'.- 6lion re e i0 rsteotier Etajelt to ch.an tS4 Wlout ow t-it. Jennifer JONES . !f~o I COLR a _-'Uh DAVID FARRAR . r_ 3 I aapnse I~rc~l I II - --- ---- --- - .ORIDA' THURSDAY, 'MAY 6, 1954 Bride-Elect Honored CARD OF THANKS DELEGATES TO .METHODIST Bride-Elect Honored, CONFERENCE IN ALA. To the many friends of the late WSCS CONFERENCE IN ALA. At Tea Shower Jim Whitfield, Mrs. Videll Whit- Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. Roy Gib- field wishes to express her most son, Sr., and Mrs. Edwin Ramsey Miss Jane Allemore. .bride-elect sincere appreciation for the many were delegates to the Methodist of May 1, was the honoree at a kind words and deeds by which Woman's Society of Christian Ser- Tea .Shower, Wednesday from 4 they expressed their sympathy on vice Conference which convened in to 6 in the afternoon when Mrs. list passing. Selma, Ala., April 27-29. Whl,1 Frank Hannon, Mrs. Henry Camp-, V V V there, they were guests of the MI- bell and her daughter, Mrs. William I Television antennas are good thodist Children's Home. Gaillard entertained in the home Igihtning targets; they should be Rt I t of Mrs. Otto Anderson on Monu- properly .grounded. It pays to advert1se--try It! meant Avenue. NEWS FROM Were awarded to: Mrs. Johnnie Ion, Miss Helen Norris. Mrs. Lon OAK GROVE Mae Newton and Miss Gypsie nie Gay Mrs. Edgar Smith an By HELEN NORRIS Love. Refreshments of Cokes, sal-' Mrs. Ina Merritt. Sending gifts bu ad and cookies were served to the unable to attend were: Mrs. Leslie following Mrs. Emily Pinter. Mrs. Gay. Mrs. J. T. Campbi.ll. Mrs. Min honored With Bridal Shower Nita Vern Jolly. Mrs. W. S. Love, nie Jones. Miss Hellon Jones. Mrs S Irs. Dorothy Ernest was hon- Mrs. Newsman, Mrs. McKenzie, P. S. Revell, Mrs. Roy Gay. Mrs ,oed with a bridal shower Thurs- Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Gay. Mrs. Minnie J. B. Porter. Mrs. L. W. Cox, Mrs i:y night at the home of Mrs. Con- Gay, Mrs. Kurt Gwaltney, Mrs. Tom N. E. Dees, Miss Jimmie Lee Butts nie Gay's hostesses for this occa- Levins, Mrs. Erline Graves. irs. Mrs. Jean Shoots. Mrs. Joe Burns s.en were: Mrs. Kurt Gwaltney, I Betty Joe Thurston, Mrs. Horton, i Mrs. W. C. Wilson, Miss Doris ,Wil itr. Richard Hanlon, Mrs. Tom Mrs. Connie Gay, Mrs. Richard son, Miss Glenda Wilson. Mrs. L d t e - .. S. ,, dersonliDavis. Mrs. Shirley Webb, and Miss Annie Lou Burns. Honored With Ice Cream Supper Miss Minnie Ila Ray was honor- ed with an ice cream supper Fri- day night at her home. Hostess for this occasion were: Ellen Ray and Mrs. Thomas Webb. Those help- ing enjoy this occasion were: Mr. - and Mrs.' Cleveland Hall, Miss Le- . ona ,Ray, Miss Clovette Hanlon, - Miss Carolyn Hanlon, Miss Ada Norris, Miss Ellen Ray. Mrs. Thom- as Webb. Mrs. Ella Norris, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray. Linda Webb, Rich- ard. Vivian. Lola, Johnnie and Al- bert Ray, Wesley Adkins and the. honoree. Miss Minnie Ola Ray. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Ket- chum and children from Tallahassee were the week end guests of the letters' sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wood- row- Shoots. Miss Minnie Ola Ray daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray student nurse at Frazer-Ellis arrived home Thursday yfor a three weeks vaca- tion after spending several months, in Birmingham, Ala. Carl Dees and son, L. C. spent Saturday in Cottondale visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs .Mildred Self and children from Panama City were the guests of r. and Mrs. John Lee Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Maddox and granddaughter, Betty Jo spent Sat-, urday in Panama City visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prytzel and son, Daniel of Pensacola were their week end guests of the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealy' Mr. and Mrs. Charley Adkins and sons. Wesley and Bobby Joe spent- the ...-. I end in Pensacola visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Campbell andi children spent Sunday in Wewahit- chka visiting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Aultman and daughter. Judy LaBelle of Fort Lau- derdale and Mr. and Mrs. M. J: Aultman and children of Panama City, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aultman of Panama City and Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Aultman and children of Blountstown were the guests of their mother, Mrs. Jim Aultman, Sunday. ,f.;-A Wortn morie 'hen vo>u buy it... worth more when you sell it ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida r -- ---L--U --- -- HOT WEATHER DRESS SPECIALS $5.00 and $6.00 Sizes 10 to 20 Also half sizes 141/2 to 26Vi See our selections in PEG PAL- MERS, McKETTRICKS, DORIS DOD- SONS and GEORGIANNAS $8.95 to $16.50 Seamprufe shadow panel SLIPS Acetate Nylon $2.95 Sizes 32-42 SANS SOUCI 40 Denier NYLON tricot lace trim shadow panel slips. Sizes to 44 $8.95 pretty feminine frilly Ladies rayon brief style PANTIES Sizes 4 to 8 Regular 69c Values 2 Pair $1.00 A practical gift for MOM. SAVE AT BOYLES . . PAY CASH PAY LESS GIFT WRAPPING Mojud HOSIERY 60 Guage 12 Denier A dream of a hose for Her $1.50 Pair Leading Lady, 51 Ga. 79c Sole Made, 60 Ga..$1.00 SNewest Summer Shades Imported Lawn and Linen i Handkerchiefs 25c to 69c Nylon Gloves $1.00 to $1.95 Better Cotton SHEERS Dimnitys, voils, batistes and lawns 69c to 79c Values 3 YARDS $2.00 Cool .fast colors ... a gift that MOM will enjoy for months to come Bathing Suits All Elastex by .,, Sea Nymph-Jane Irwin , $5.95 to $12.75 Smartest styles strapless, two piece, and the newest "cuffed" styles, Colors to .please all. Paddle and Saddle SHORTS $1.95 to $2.95 Twills, Sail cloths, Poplins and Denims. Sizes to 44. Select Mothers play clothes from Boyles NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE" ROGERS- ': Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Peters had as their guests over the week end their sisters and brothers from South Florida, Panama City, Wewahitch- ka. Clarkesville. and Jay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wadkins spent the week in South Florida with relatives and friends. We are happy to say that Mrs. Lance Cain is home from the hos- pital where she has been for the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Godwin and children spent the week end in Blountstownl with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Miles and children spent the week end inl Kinard with relatives and friends. Handbags $1.00, $1.95 $2.95 always a MUST for MOM Assorted colors Tricky summer styles plastic leathers, linens, fancy beaded 'bags. Shrewsbury Cotton and';-.. !F n RO . $5.95 t $8i.9 Early. morning., glamour for MOM. Beautiful enough for lounging SHIP :and SHORE BLOUSES $1.95 $2.95 Cool sleeveless styles for Moms' sunny days ahead. Newest styles lovely colors Latest Styles-Finest Fabrics SKIRTS $3.95 to $5.95 See Boyles new arrivals for that crinoline petticoat Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Orrell and daughter Glenda :and Mr. and Mrs. family had as their guests from Carter Ward spent Friday and Sat- Hawkinsville, Ga., their relatives urday in Vernon with friends and over the week end. relatives. Mrs. Anne Pearl Burk has re. Mrs. W. H. Weeks is visiting turned to the Pensacola Baptist with her mother, who is ill, in Hospital for nine weeks, we all Hodgeville, Kentucky. hope she'll have a speedy recovery. We are proud to say that the --- members of the Highland View Me- ! thodist Church h he begun their i tar Want Ads Get Results work on the church. __ NOTICE OF HEARING A public hearing will be held.by the Florida Milk Commission at the Court House in Tallahassee, Florida, on May 10, 1954, at 10:30 A.M., for the purpose of making such investigations as shall seem proper to the Commission. At this hearing evidence and testimony will be received rela- tive to the cost of production, processing and distribution of milk and milk products in the Tallahassee Milk Marketing Area. The Public is invited to attend. FLORIDA MILK COMMISSION HENRY J. J. SCHNEIDER, Chairman I I I I -- - , AU e TA POR S F THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306,.Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 Six MONTHS $1.SQ THREE MONTHS $127.15 -- TELEPHONE 51 }- TO ADVERTLSERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, thY'publishers do not hold themselves liable for damngis further than amount received, for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asseta; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word Is lost; the printed word remains. AN INSULT TO AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE Why any body of men as powerful as the United States Senate will sit and listen and-put up with.such goings-on as the antips of Senator (Charlie the wooden-head) McCarthy, this wri- ter simply cannot understand. The Senator has obviously become confused himself just as he has everybody in the nation confused. Mc- Carthy doesn't seem to realize that he has been elected to represent his people from Wisconsin but instead he has spent all'his time trying to make a name for himself--a name which is Around Gulf County By ANGELINE S. WHITFIELD .Home Demonstration Agent NATIONAL HOME DEMONSTRA. STATION WEEK May 2 to 8, 1954 Beginning in 1946, one week each year has been designated as Na- tional Home Demonstration Week. Gulf County Home Demonstra- tion Week. Gulf County Home Demonstra- tion women will join more than 45,- 000 homemakers in Florida and more than 3,000,000 hbomenlakers across the nation-and in Alaika. Hawaii, and Puerto Rico in high- lighting the role of the home in Preserving American ideals. They will reaffirm their support of defense programs on the home not even printable if he is to be described ac- curately. We are getting a little off base here, since we try to keep all our remarks pertaining to lo- cal happenings but we feel that if such as this keeps up it will eventually directly affect us and our county and city. The phobia created by the Wisconsin Senator can only create district and fear of even your neighbor. A thing that Soviet Russia would be'most happy to see come about. The Senator is playing right into the hands of the Soviet. All of which makes us w onder if he is really chasing Reds. The Senator is now wanitng to know if Private Schine wore tailor-made uniforms or not and whether or not the famous Private paid someone else to take his turn at KP. These are two age-old practices in the services. As soon as enlisted man gets the required funds he gets a tailor-made uniform and more than one GI has come out of the army with plenty of money from pulling KP forhis buddies. But McCarthy drags this everyday practice into the national limelight and tries to rake some hardworking man trying to tend to his job, over the coals about it. Maybe McCarthy is just suffering from his "war wounds". We feel, that if left alone, the Privileged Private will get just what is coming to him from his army buddies. They have a way of meting out justice to spoiled brats. orderthat all American homes may be stronger. "Today's Homes Build Tomor- row's World" is the underlying theme of the week's observance. Strengthening both the family-life program and family health will re- ceive first attention wherever home demonstration women gather in Florida communities. Recreation Training Meeting A recreation training meeting for older 4-H Club members .aid 4-H-adult leaders was held in Pan- ama City last Saturday. Dr. William Tait,.recreation spec- ialist of Florida State University was the feature speaker. The meet- in'g gave comprehensive training for recreation leadership and in- cluded training in recreation for camp and club groups such as sca- venger hunt and skits. Those attending from Gulf Coun- ty were Mrs. Carl Stevens, 4-H front and share their homemaking leader, White City; Iduma Wood, knowhow and leadership exper- White City; Martha Costin, Port ience with other homemakers ih St. Joe; Mrs. Milton Parramore, 4-H leader, Wewahitchka; Nancy Maddox, Judy Davis, Judy Hodges and Jerrie Nations, Wewahitchka. They will share their training with others in their own 4-H clubs and communities. Mrs. Whaley Hostess To Tuesday ,Bridge Club Mrs. William Whaley was hostess Tuesday afternoon to her Bridge Club in her home on Long Avenue. Attractive arrangements of white gladioli were used as decorations. Mrs. Walter Johnson won high, Mrs. Bob Bringman, low; and Mrs. Roy Gaskin, bingo. Mrs. Charles Wall wah awarded the traveling prize. ..- Members playing were Mrs. By- ron Eells, Jr.,.Mrs. Earl Atchison, Mrs. B. B.'Scisson, Mrs. Victor An- derson, Mrs. Gus Creech. nd Mrs. Robert King. Guests were lMrs. Tom Coldewey and Mrs. Sidney Brown. It pays to advertIse -try. It! Install an ELECTRIC room air con- ditioner NOW to beat the heat. You will sleep better: feel better . and work better. A modern air conditioner cools and conditions the air removes dust and pollen.. and controls humidity ALL automatically. BUT... for greater efficiency, economy of operation, and safety- be sure your air conditioner has a separate electrical circuit. R. E. PORTER, Manager 'A IC AMU 'TARMTS West Fla. Gas & Fuel Co., Inc. PHONE 342 418 REID AVENUE Special Spring SALE VALUABLE PREMIUMS FREE WITH PURCHASE OF APPLIANCES DURING THIS SALE B U T A N E LIQUID PETROLEUM G A S THE MODERN FUEL "HOT WATER FOR AS LOW AS-lOc FOR 24 HOURS WITH. EACH FULL SIZE GAS RANGE PURCHASED DURING MAY, 1954 YOU RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE YOUR CHOICE OF 3-Pc. REVERE WARE SET 12-inch FAN SUNBEAM MIXER UNIVERSAL TOASTER WITH EACH NEW OR USED ADMIRAL or SERVE REFRIGERATOR YOU RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE YOUR CHOICE OF DORMEYER JUICER UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC IRON WESTINGHOUSE 4-UNIT WAFFLE IRON WITH EACH APARTMENT RANGE or WATER HEATER YOU RECEIVE ABSOLUTELY FREE YOUR CHOICE OF K &M TRAVEL IRON 8-Cup REVERE WARE PERCULATOR 4-Quart REVERE WARE DUTCH OVEN - P ~R p 0 P A N E LIQUID PETROLEUM G A "WHEREVER YOU ARE" CURTIS Room Air Conditioners "IT COOLS IN SUMMER AND HEATS IN WINTER" PRES $29950 FROM 299^ THREE-QUARTER TON CAPACITY YOUR. CHOICE of EITHER of the PREMIUM ITEMS LISTED PLUS FREE INSTALLATION TO YOUR ELECTRIC OUTLET COME IN (418 Reid Avenue) or CALL 342 for FULL PARTICULARS SEE OUR DISPLAY OF THE MOST MODERN 1954 Household Appliances -IN PORT ST. JOE THESE BARGAINS GOOD IN I II II _P I THURSDAY. M~AY 6, 1954 - 'rHF- STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAG FCO-R THURSOAY, M!vAY 6, 1954 _____ ___________ _____________________________________ Stork Shower Honors Mrs. Ruth Armstro Mrs. Sid. Jones, Mrs. He Miles and Mrs. Jim Canning w.:r- joint hosteases for a st shower given in honor of Mrs. becca Armstrong of Highl. View Those present for the occas 'Dr. Joseph B. Spear Optometrist SApalachicola, Florida UQUID OR TABITS- SAME FAST R wre Mrs. Lillian Cannington, Mrs.! First Baptist Circles St. James' Women The devotional was given by Rev. SGrge hi, s. nne Prke et Busiess Session Meet At Parish House Harry Doglas, Jr., i. the absence -a-tMrs.JimChestnutMrs. ate, etFof the devotional chairman. Blen Lou Farney, Mrs. Chester Miles,' The regular monthly business The Woman's Auxiliary of St. Routine business was transacted S Mrs. Inez Skipper, Mrs. Eugene meting of the First Baptist Church James' Episcopal Church met Mon with reports from various cornmit- tora Senterfit, Mrs. Ernest O'Brien an was held Monday afternoon at :' da evening at the parish house tees. re- Mrs. Mashburn. p.m. at the church with the pr-:i- for their regular monthly business Herbert Brown spoke to the aux and Sending gifts but unable to ai- dent, Mrs. E. C. Cason. presiding. meeting with 18 members present. iliary on obtaining a new rec-tr. tend were Mrs. Lola Williamson, The meeting opened with all sing- Mrs. Basil Kenney, Jr., president. It was announced that Rev Doug- Mrs. Laura Odom, Mrs. V. Thomas, I. i Mr. Laura eOom, Mrs. V. Thomasing the Woman's Missionary Un- presided over the meeting. las would be leaving the first of the SMrs. Eth& Pettis, Mrs. Made ion hymn of the year, "Jesus Saves" lan reported one new member, Mr month, to assume his work as Levins, Mrs. Polly Briar, Mrs. Tru- L an rep d oe nw m Youth Leader for the Diocese. < dy Watkins, Mrs. Hazel Daniels, f wed ase cur. Gs Semplar nMrs. Otto Anderson,Mrs. Rob- Mr.s. S. Player, Mrs. Helen Mil KeelsI pastor of the church. Mrs. Cason announced that he Mrs. Otto Anderson, Mrs. Rob- Sand Mrs. Ida Goodson. The devotional was conducted by assrciational executive meeting of ert Bellows, Mrs. Doris Meekins. ; andMrs. C. A. McClellan who read a LIe Woman's Missionary Union f:,r Miss Hazel Burnette and Rev. The shower was held in the home portion of 1 Timothy and using a; this area will be held in the Fr-;: Douglas are to represent St. James' of Mrs. Cannington Tuesday after her topic, 'he Christians Prayer Baptist Church, of Port St. Joe in at the district meeting held in Mar- Snoon. Life." ini Tune. It was announced ta t iania at St. Luke's Church, Tues- During the business meeting. '1 Monday, Mrs..Joe Biacewell da*$ Guests of Al Smiths Mrs. Cason reported that 1024 con- wotld conduct the teachil of 1ir Mrs. Albert Ward and Mrs. Tom S.Sgt. and Mrs. Edward Evett poll had been turned to her lor 41 book of "Women of t.;e Bib-e'. Coldewey were hostesses for the were the.guests of Mr. and Mrs. the children's orphan home .t rmne meeting will behela in the evening, serving cake and coffee to Al Smith for four days. Mrs. Evett Lakeland. These coupons will be elurch at 3 p.m. and all membcr those present. is the sister of Mrs. Smith. SGgt. used to purchase needed articles are urged to attend these in.' ;:;-ig SEvett just returned to the States For +he home. Bible studies. Visitors From Georgia E 'after 14 months in Korea. The vice-president, Mrs. McClel- The meeting was dismiss, with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Griffin, Jr., meditation .Iand children Marvin, III and Vir- __eiaoand children, Marvin, II and Vir- Look for the FINCO RED SEAL Your Protection Against Inferior Imitations 3F INCO 400A- SDouble CO-Lateral S TV ANTENNA ., ..-..fr- ALL CHANNELS- UHF AND VHF t 'fet4a T- TESTED AND PROVED RIGHT HERE IN TOWN S-tObe' "fct4c.l ONE TRANSMISSION I.-, LINE, NO SWITCHING Og-ei Pc ALL YEAR,'ROUND - -- WEATHERPROOF, ALUMINUM CONSTRUCTION I olent HNo0. 2.566,287. 2,630,531. 2,655,599 Canado Potent No. 496,735 6 BIG DAYS ,- May 5th through llth ^ REAL SPRING TONIC, S(-no ^^e-~;-/ ^-m'mrL-^: ^ ^ ^ FLA. GRADE "A" 7 FRE x RICH'S BEST EGGS FREE (With $10.00 Grocery Order Pay C#sk ad Sa ve! PIGGLY WIGGLY OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY Homemade '. .'Vih L I - P.n Sausage lb. 39c OYSTERS quart 99c Register's Green -Hill U. S. Govt. Graded -Beef SAUSAGE Ib. 39c Chuck Roast lb. 39c P~lm River. U. S. Govt. Graded Beef WEINERS lb. 39c Hamburger Ib. 29c I m 1 c- m.... . Large SHRIMP Ib. 59c Large No. '2 Can Canned TURNIPS 3 for 29c FRESH PEAS and BUTTER BEANS b. 19c Frozen Orange Juice S FZTREN R STRAWBERRIES 4 fr 49 c 2 pks,. 49c PSead PEA39c T A TPOBB3E, Q E v &i.2S FRESH IDEDkN NCORN 3 for17c - 3" *'lr S~:ria WRIAY Nu'E MWIIY 6 9 P.M*. RUTABAGAS and LA.CE SQUASH Ib. 2c Shrimp lb. GREEN ARMOUf'S PEAS lb. lOc Cream can FLA. GRADE 'A' BAKE RITE WITI HENS Ib. 35c Bake Rite 49c -- S(himit I) 69cll;: q t RICH'S EGGS ARE BETTER FLORIDA GRADE "A" Your Body and Your Car Even if you bough perfect gasoline and your automobile wou through failure of o; the electrical system, plugs did not produce the t the most motor oil, lid stall if )erati'on of the spark `Txiriulln electric spark at the exact time and point necessary for ignition. There- fore, if your car stalls, your me- chanic examines the car not only to see if gas and oil are flowing readily, but alto to see if there is anything wrong with.the Wiring system. For if the wires are not just right or if there is a short, the electricity cannot, reach the J point it should serve. In an analogous fashion the human body approximates the motor car. The nerves of the body carry the "electricity" to supply the necessary stimuli to different parts of the' body. If there is any interference with the normal transmissions of these impulses the organ innervated "stalls" un- til it, again receives its normal quota of impulses. Hence just as one has one's car thoroughly overhauled yearly at least, so it is but.'.common sense to have a. mechanic to check over your body periodi-: cally. (One of a series of,,articles published in the public interest to explain and illustrate the prac- tice of scientific 'chiropractic.) Dr. H. E. BARTEE 107 2nd St. Phone 465 Port St..Joe, Florida Many types 'of RETARDED CHILtREN Can be Helped,:- when Chiropractic Adjustments Release The Power Within LOOK! BIG BARGAiM VALUES IN SUMMER FRAG; ANCES! -------- ------- 4-A! W WHITE LILAC w 1^ JIL\ W ------------ Sin all 5 Dorothy. S (:r- .. Su-p l y , S ',, , (AU l prices p1sfax.) H W R' JI /'ina For wonderfuI l sren Agmmer enyDoyment i x.A7 "pWHITE LILAC HOT HOET v/RW K CO(.OIE R i Prescriptions A Specialty (u O. c: SpePhone 27M;t. _-. \ aCologree FrA gien! Drwau gs Sumnirer-Long SuppA! peia bottle S^-Po 2 Phone 27 ginia of Perry, Ga., were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Ramsey and family. Mrs. Griffin is Mrs. Ramsey's sister. SAn important development in the fertilizer industry is the use of li- quid nitrogen fertilizer for direct application on crops. ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 14 Port St. Joe, Fla. HURLBUT FURNITURE COMPANY Phone 80 Port St. Joe, Fla. Don't Forget the Grandest Person You Will Ever Know on May 9-MOTHER! Let us Help You Make A Selection ...SHELL TREASURE ALWAYS. Mother will feel so cherished, if your gift is lingerie! Shop now! ^-^ GLAMOUR GOWN Chantilly-type lace forms the bodice of this pleated nylon gown $17.95 FOR MOTHER L I N G E R I E C- -- Artemis Sleep Coat $3.95 PIlisse slip with embroidery trim $3.95 Dainty cotton plisse. ruffle hem $3.95 Nylon tricot briefs. lace trim $1.95 Nylon Birieft SLovely Hosiery by Berkshire 51 Ga. __ $1.35 60 Ga. $1.50 -12 Delier, 60 Gauge $1.65 GIVE HER A BOX FOR MOTHER'S DAY Shop With Confidence at Juntzen Swim Suits $10.95 to $16.95 Give Her A Useful Gift FIELD CREST SHEETS PASTEL COLORS $3.35 81 X 99 $3.50 81X108 79c CASES Phone 148 I I ae II N vs.ss gENOPMag ...iuunrrPl~ea~P~aslr C - - '` ~ I Ir Irrrrr i -t I I I II PAGE FIVO THE STAR.I PORT ST..JOE, UI-F COULIPY, 7LORIDA $1.00-$1.69 I I ~ *AGE er THE- STR P)RT VLT. j~t. C-Ut LOilD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING v * CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * IOSa ae a soso see s..,,*..#~4W U U system similar to our rational elec- tions, a flag raising ceremony, beatt- tification of school grounds by landscaping court between wings nf huilding and greater backing ci ter-", frC nMnsic. A '4 notnl FOR SALE school athletics. Studei NEED TV OR The next major political address FOR SALE. 2 Bedroom house. Cor- will be given next Thursdayy aftic The ner of Third and Long Ave., W. RADIO SERVICE?. il e ge n th a T e W. Barinoon, at which time there will n .Toe Hig For a quick, expert check-up speeches by the candidates ; iUti tie print FOR SALE. Small house at Beacon of your set's performance (no demonstrations. The election diy The ele Hill Beach. Phone 244-0. matter what the make Call is Tuesday, May 11. democra FOR SALE OR RENT. 5 room us. We offer free prompt pick- tered s t house $14,500. See at 807 16th up ,ni delivery service.. All Banquet and Prom To Be Held 'TVhen Street. work and parts guaranteed. Friday Night found tl FOR SALE: Nice beach home. One TV ANTENNAS INSTALLED The most elaborate of the social trial c year old, thoroughly modern, tile events for the school year. the Jim- vote. bu floors, modern conveniences, five PHONE 2413 or-Senior banquet and pron, i Congres large rooms including glassed inorSenior banquet and prom i Congre sun porch. Terms can be arranged. scheduled for the night of May 5 at the hiz"i C. W. Long, Phone 234. ox 185. .-- the Centennial Building at S:00. The o ECElPT B LODGE NOTICES This is an annual event given hy Repre IECEIPT BOOKS: Sinall books of ___'._....&4 duplicate receipt, and books of WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, the junior class to honor graduating thur Bar our receipts to the page. The Star. THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- Seniors. Memb one 51: ina first and third Monday nights The juniors have chosen for their tion. Di; MIMEO PAPER--S'xll and 81' x S 0 p.m.. American Legion Home. decoration a novel idea. The theme. 65; Mla 14 mimeograph paper in stock ; ait .tf-'-25 of course, will remain a secret un-' Count all times. The Stai. tf all times. The StarSAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. til the night of the prom. To help 2, Willia LOST AND FOUND O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs carry out the theme and serve the S. Danie days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All STRAYED SUNDAY. Black and taln members urged to attend; visiting food.the following sophomores have J. M. H; puppy. Weighs about 25 lbs. An- brethren invited, Henry Geddie, been asked: Mary Agnes Culpepper; State swers to "Shep". Wearing collar N. iG., tUobert W;illams, V. G. H Cora Sue Smith. Joy Dale Baxier. 80; Cha with 2,tags. Call Carl Norton, 55-J. A. Hardy, Secretary. Patsy Daniells. Bobby Porter, Pau- Odhanm. Reward. .-ar la Duperrouzel, W. L. Smith. Tom- State SPECIAL SERVICES R. A. M.-Regular convocation of Stephe ul w^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ St. Joseph. Chapter No. 56, R. A. Dbs, John e S he. ul LAWNS MOWED. Call.lS17-W af- M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit Robert Nedley. Pete Duperrouzel L,:!: Ch ter 2:30 p.m. ing companions welcome. J. B. and Jackie Davis. Floyd C Griffith, I1, High Priest; H. R. A ten piece orchestra, te-'o ti: Circui LAWN MOWER REPAIRING All Maige, secretary. types hand and power mowers expertly sharpened and adjusted LOYAL ORDER here. See us now-be assured of MOOSEP 1, 'i ,.. ,a . prompt service. ANDY'S WELDING OF MOOSE SHOP. First Street. Meeiug night ev- o e-ry o: oer xM onday. * KEM-GLO ENAMEL. Goes on walls Meetinzs at Moose and woodwork like a breeze! Hall. :-'l Fourth St. Looks and washes like baked ena- mel. Dries quickly. One coat cov- MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M. ers. $2.53 qt. at FULLER'S SUP- Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular PLY COMPANY. meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- TyW\ days each month, 8:00 p. m. STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters' Members urged to attend; for your used furniture and ap- visiting brothers welcome. R. F. pliances. 213 Reid Avenue, Phone Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, 291. WE BUY AN-D SELL. tfe secretary. CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTIN Thought For The Week Live for something-have a purpose Asd that purpose keep in view Drifting like a helpless. vessel thou Can'st ne'er to life be true. Half the wrecks that strew life's ocean If some star had'st been their guide Might have long been riding safely But they drifted with the tide. Candidates Address Student Body The first major student body po- .itical address was given by Prqs- idential 'and vice-presidential can- didates last Thursday afternoon in the hiigf1 school auditorium. Vice-presidential candidates, John Stephens and Martha Costin 'ip- peared first on the program. John pointed out the importance of able leadership-in the student body. He dwelt at length on the teen age can- teen and its organization, as well as pointing out the need for a Work- able inter-club council to co-ordin- ate school activities. I Martha dwelt at length on the three planks of her platform, ade- quate recreational facilities, work- able inter-club council and more junior high participation. She prom- ised her devoted service to the bet- terment of the school and student council. -The first presidential candidate, Bob Smith, pointed out the need for. more student participation in coun- cil activities, and suggested that students be given an opportunity to attend council meetings and take part in discussions. Bob also advo- cated a teen age canteen as had. the previous candidates. Marietta Chafin, the last speaker, presented many new ideas for the council and student body. She sug- gested such things as a two party i ~ "' ~- -. _ _ DR. WES1 OPTOM i 317 Re.id Ave. EYES EXAM GLA OFFICE 9 to 12 a.m. CLOSED AL LEYG METRI MINED ASSES SHOU -1 to .L DA' for summer sleeping, nothing equals a cool cotton plisse sipesoat / Here's a fashion find! Blessedly cool, sleevelks and oh-so-attractive, this sleepcoat with rows of dainty nylon shei *m broidery emphasiing the neckline snd p-;iho~t. d&cw. Piak, nile orj cMso tM W o J^-l RACE ST Phone 456 FITTED IRS o 5 p.m. Y WED. A Gift She'1 DEEPLY TUFI CHENIi Special Laiies' Multi-Croi Lace Trimmend I Gowl GOWI 1,99 32. Ci *rtf*tl ab mukifient rep. and ei** pkl g*Wns wlit pO*7tty sf- we- *im Attcrtivly designed i Jt - Wku. MtE, UP , mene and -ist il o. 31-42. E L*.' 40 I NYLON L- hw.sased r w a. pi n. M* 40.i Ir*M. L 'ii Chipley will provide :he District Group- 2, E. Clay Lewis. Jr. , 11 Port St. Joe High School 111; 3Iercer P. Spear, 1S. are invited to attend the iMember Board of Public in.:ric- tion, Distric- 3: Sarah Logan Kei- ney, 73; Fennon Talley, 56. nt- rC Stra'" Sailot on State Democratic Executive C .:- Election Day mitteeman, John G. Blount, Jr.. 'i01 '.tn -'n: b,'ry nif '-:!, C. L. W Owens, 32:-;"; ;h SC,:u: (^ :i. in County Comniisisioner, District 4, i Pry. _ol;;i X t Tuesday. David C. ArnettP..Sr:. 5: J. C. action was conducted in a atic manner, with all regisr ud;Et: eligible to vote. the return, were in it was hat Leroy Co!linz. guberna- andidate. ~tad a majority t not a plurality. Bob .Sikes', .sional candidate received e4t nnulnl)r of votes of any official count is as follows: sentative to Congress, Ar- rker, Sr., S: Bob Sikes. 121. er Board of Public Instruc- strict 1. Clyde F. Brogdon, x W.. Kilbourn, 68. y Coiumissioner. District rn E. (Bill) Branch. 25: Jim I.s, 56: E. C. Harden. Sr: 28; arris. 20. ,Gvernior, Leroy Collins, rley E. Johns, 38; Brailey 20. House .of Representatives, uniy, .Cecil G. Costin. Jr., arles Emmett Daniell, 21; . Lister, 6. t Judge for 14th Judciciai II Treasure Always... TED,: RICHLY. DESIGNED LLE SPREADS live chenifle aproadi with handsome miati-vrl4ay fMoral 1color tmeaS, am wbiuthfuH? "eaigmed, with deepC fingd Price, 65; R. F. Scie'fter, Sr., 19; Watson Smith, 15; Coleman -W. T'-are, 25. Apoaachicola Club Guests M-. a .d Mrs. O to Arderson.. Mr. Ad Mr,. Percy Fleisi;el and Mr. &and Mr'b. Bob Prin;w:.a veire gu;es; o tthe Apalachic(la Rf',ary Club T'ueday evei rinwg wha ~r ;E hi.i thsir Ladies' night. .60 Long Avenue PHONE 326 Oxy'9dP Equipped Ambulance P- DPv. EPT*s e te I Led,,' -Sar Tricot, Tailored P. PANTIES 0 5 c Pus". A 2.46-areet .o p41m m in .., bed: To Compliment Prefty CIO**$., 0a4 STOLESI 9 Ri'ehlv f e-deJ ftol.i. "- p-otim EA. F 51 Gauge, 15 Dornr, Wispiy Nylon HOSE 88c AN els... rnior, De Lace SLIPS .ed No Soo bIm -w .." &we, ".b74 V S" w **"No pria shesed fabl 399.1 F. M.sb4i Embrlidmd, MGl u Do met~wCAAlmi .Ab6*0 Powcase Sets GRff Towel Sefts S...t vMSh Wm-1 V $ "k, $ I me-e *=u&. =ima o. 2 I hbe"dW 6 2.. de, 2 *w. $3.95 LORIDA ....mmrn.....q mru COSTING'S LiI I OM DEPgT. 3O:Ei For Under H a GORE, L A te w / *;. \ lae1 .00OA0 0 AMA*A 04& 0 SA AM'S 00 O'g 000 I n I I rHE STAR. P3FRT T. jOE GUL; ~ IZ ~l.-B ~ 'l~LAa tore. with more(..* eer PreftiestC lothes..e . LACY RAYON-MULTI SSLIPS ,rwv(i'~ beur u tos I~new4s &a, aN -deeJy lace 7 7 Ifida, W Id* 1"a~aa 1i6s, s z leg -52. l EA.' iQ rad paP~geC. For tite Prettiest Girl in t~fe Wov-14, Lovely "goy l lChoice" %D--R E S S E -S EA. oaftt#i. t o he from o ando# MW h4ew eel- bl1 A* Wm.WMan A#- 60064L fo* 960 F~. S.pt. hXl t wP h aey 'Nppi.W E S 99- SHEET & PILLOW CASE SETsrac M-~t bo*,ms" ,~~~wl;;& I j I--- -- -- --- 4 k --'I I - I I !I IPpbpa II I II *AGse ar* .7 T ;%'-1V ';.Y f 5, '3- jChurch ti.,lowiitn A. w.-rslip -r Inter Denominational Youth vices, with every church invited to Movement Is Starte participate. The program led by Rev. Bill Iverson, was opened by A youth rally vwa. held la Sun-'"group singing followed d by a film, ; L: 4 a: :t the Fir:- Methodist ',,' P s -i, ing". Was $189.50- OFF $20.00 .6 H.. S I TWIN .... ....... $169.50 Was $264.50 --OFF. $25M00 10 H.IP SUPERT .i$239.50 5as 132 -1 ) aFF $25' $ -W S?' '" $199.50 O." '-.'" -'j ."FFORD A WIZARD NOW Don't Fore,, tO Revistr Y 'ir ign ass. Fit M,.ht Win YouA S,.. Wi i:~'ued at$1V 9.50 i i S -tre SCW. W, LONG O ,n.er m gt,,, i~ |