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"HE + STAR tinued Development of Gulf County PORT ST. JOE- I A Progressive Community With a SModern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper !1 tiqL - Now that election time is A_ drawing near the candidates are --- -- - going full throttle from door to Joe The Out Port for the Aplachicola-hatthoochee Vlley" door extolling their virtues andPort St. Joe The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-hattahoochee Valley" wooing that ever precious vote. It's a funny thing, in talking VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c $3.00 Per Year PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 NUMBER 31 with each and every candidate be talks as if his. particular i-.ce is in the bag jult as if li, xx as ihe only one running for his parti- a ran es Half of County ow er udar -office. Guess that's the onlu b lwevih .btPhof0ne FranChise Passes-aP of cueGarden Club Flower Show thing that makes a candidate ax Collections A ON& .ru; though, the assurance that he will he elected. \We soit of i:oBlo u narto fsuait ah r To Schools Set To pen On Saturday agree with Wallace Findlav up' y a w in Blountstown. It's a pity that --- tacre is only one vacancy in e.cn -- Nearly One Third Of School SEx ii il aho office as there are so many M ose T Aid Bnd 258 of 670 Registered Local Money Retiring Bonds Burglr Are Left ExiL is W il Cf ry f t S ow good men seeking each ofi.' ose To Aid Freeholders Cast Ballots arry 0 It is indeed a pity that in the With Magic S w. s s Holding Sack In T eme of "World Peace"S end only one man will be chosen The people of Port St. Joe gave In a casual conversation with H, out of each field to fill an offi- T Order of Moose local the St. Joseph Telephone and Tele- Tax Collector Harland Pridgeon cial seat. chapter nul er 1 ios brinoin graph Company an overwhelming the other day, he happened to men- 3 Th t t p Saturday and Sunday, April 10 With "World Peace" as its time- The other a a couple Ambrose he Master Magician to vote in favor of letting their fran- tion that more than half of the tax and 11, the doors of the Centennial ly theme, the show ,promises to be The ther dav a couple of rt t. Jos e May 14 for his show chise run for another 30-year period monies collected in Gulf County Few Peanuts, Soft Drinks Building will be opened to the pub- different in its simplicity and tran- garden club women came b to n a referendum Tuesday uring went to the schools. lic for the presentation of the Port quality and or inspiring with a wide ge of 1001 wonders and a demonsa- in a special referendum Tuesday. during 1953 went to the sools. get some cardboard for signs, 001 ers and a Two hundred and fifty-eight of This. was information to me, so I Are Only Rewards li. Joe pGarden Clu's Sixth Annual variety of flowers which are avail- which we cheerfully sod to tionf ypn .k St. Joe Garden Club's Sixth Annual variety of flowers which are avail- which ande cheerfully sold The show will be held the night the registered 670 freeholders equal asked him to give me a breakdown Flower Show. able during this Spring season of S andfl their way ofed came to the polls and cast a where our county tax money A group of burglars went in and the office we saw them eyeing of May 14 at the High School Au- out of three Port St. Joe businesses theyear. o pitiful attempts atgarden trum at 8:00p.m. with admis- 9 ain ranch is Harland produced figures show- last Sunday with nothing to showisionof ing. They cast a glance ove sion being $1.00 for adults and 5c a o. e es, for their work except a satisfieC v. m general chairman, Mrs. Thomas J. pitifully small rose bushes for children. Tickets willbe on sale The new 30-year conrac arts on each 100 sappetite.Mitchell, props for the show were (planted this spring and already the first of next week for anyone i J f ts yr ad rs enel Fd The burglars broke out a set up this past w This (lte pare prnt o ndal resiady desiring an advanced ticket. til June in 1984.Generala- members of both the gladioli and- the parent of a lone solitary desiri an advanced tietne ine and Forfeiture Fund. 5.10 dow of the Creech Brothers Lan- The Port St. Joe Ministerial Al-zalea irles are busy putting rose) They looked, disapprov- The Moose Club is. enlisting the The re-newed franchise assured Road and Bridge Fund ... 17.00 dry and Dry Cleaners and ransack- liance met Monday morning to com- the inai touches to the show. Com- ingly at our small weeping wil- services of the Port St. Joe HIig; a modern up-to-date dial telephone Court House and Jail Interest ed the desk and cash registers in plete plans for the Union Easter mittee chairmen met Monday morn- Jow tree which is struggling for School Band for this performance. system to be in operation in aoom and Sinking Futid .... 2.83 the establishment but according to Sunrise Service which is held here ig t discuss work plans, and lay life after meeting untold hard- The Club is also cooperating with a year. Pest Control 3.97 the owners of the business, Gus .annually. out final plans. ships at the hands of youngsters the band and the. Band Boosters .Joe L. Sharit promised the dial County Health Unit 2.83 and Kenneth Creech stated that The plans-are to hold the service but, miracuously is still alive, in the program and will present system che City Commission at -- nothing was missing and thatnoat the Constitution Park in .frontainattractionsof and then glanced ovr at thehalf of theproceeds to the banda recent meeting sbjet to the Total $49.01 money had been left in the build- of the monument at 6:30 a.m. the show wil be a raised circle in 'matrimony vine starting to to purchase new instruments and approval of the 30-year franchise. The tax collector pointed out that' ing over the week end. Gus Creech Rev. J. C. Odum, pastor of the the center of the Centennial floor creep up the side of the build- music. .Managers for the referendum of the $17.00 going to the road and had a pint jar in his desk drawer Long Avenue Baptist Church will comprised of flags of the various ing, which was here when we Governor-elect J. L. Fuller said, were W. Barrier, clerk; Mrs bridge fund $11.00 goes for county in which he saved pennies that bring th'e Easter message. The var-peace loving" nation which will eRush Chism and Mrs. W. J. Daugh- ld globe. The flags got here; gave the three-inch- "We are making this gesture to the us Chism and Mrs. W. J. Daugh- roads, $5.50 goes to the City of was missing 'but the jar. pennies ious ministers of the alliance will surroundthewod lobe.The fag high gladioli a fleeting look and 'band because we are impressed try, inspectors and J. F. Davis. Port St. Joe for street mainten- and all was found the next day be- participate in this fortyfive in- wl be made entirely f freshol went on their, way. Honest la- with their progress and feel that bailif. ance, and 50c to the city of Wewa- hind the McGowin Motor Company ute service.cut flowers and will present atco-t dies, we try and would sure they deserve every assistance we The telephone company footed hitchka for a like purpose,stating building. Included in the plans for the or spec for se like to know what to do to them. or anyone else can give them to the bill for the referendum costs. that half the county village col- The thieves then worked over services are two'hymns to be sung ing the show. Any time the garden club runs keep their work." Fuller went on elected in these two incorporated the McGowin Motor Company of- by the high school Glee Club. Eibitr speimens or floral ar- out of projects weg invittheb nto say that, "We have ad ticulre speoiEens or oraedr out of projects we invite them 'to say that, "We have had Ambrose Ed Ramsey Named cities for tlhe road and bridge fund fices and according to C A. M The Kiwanis Clu'b has been spon rangements may obtain a copy of to tackle a real problem arid take here before and know that every- goes to the cities for street work. Gowin just made a shambles of scoringg these services each year the flowershow schedule from cir- on The Star's "front 150". (150 one will be treated with a good ROtary Club President The $17.28 to the general fund, his business offices. McGowin sta- with good success, ce chairman, Mrs. Lawrence Bis- square feet that is). show in addition to aiding the local he explained, goes to the county ted that there was no money it. .-- -- -- sett or Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax at s r band.". Ed Ramsey was named presi- commissioners, clerk of the court, the building since his safe had.been WHITE CITY HOME DEMO their ho e. Gus Creech was worried about ----- -- dent of the Port St. Joe Rotary TB patients, county indigents, of- ruined .several years ago in a burg CLUB WILL SERVE EATS Hours for the show will be Sat- his jar of pennies that he-had 540 Acres Burned In Gulf Clutb by the Board of Directors in fice supplies, etc.-The other funds lary, McGowin stated thai nothing IThe White City Home Demon- urday from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m.; Sun- been saving for many ii0oons County During March ist Thursday's meeting. The ap- are self-explanatory. was missing 'but that nis office.was station Cb will se dogs, day 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. that was taken from his place ___, ointment was made by the direc- In his breakdown, Harland gave turned upside down. ~ a i t gs : --- of business Sunday night. He Dispatcler, J. H. Pope of the tors after Otto Anderson ha. de. the following fig-ues for the The thieves tnen took their e-. -- cratitCommite RaGl- Al o th ld' cl e o sloor tPo h io -r their o ra o it Ra on:- tho wonld' ._1 _. 1~c^~~~~ L~_Z ~~l~nilschools,: ;, ---:'e na ;.,,,tC6. edi'ty irSe Control :.Unit states that during the month of March the county had 540 acres of timber lands burned over of which 521 acres burned were ,caused by carelessness. Mr'. Pope says that the carelessfires could be avoided if the people would think before throwing out lighted cigarettes, ci- gars and pipe ashes from automo. biles, also considering the fDie.dan- ger before setting trash afire. Mr. Pope states that his fire rec- ords for.the month-of March show It would appear from the Re- one careless smoker caused 4'6 of publican's talk about the Indo- the 540 acres burned by careless- Chinese situation that they are ness. going-to try to get us into ano- ther "police actioW' to bolster the slightly lagging economy. A L. We sincerely hope not, but it D would surely appear that way. and Franklin At Headline: "Experts Study Col- or Blindedness In Canines". Dr: Albert L. Ward, of Port St. Very important. Just think what Joe, will officially represent the that will mean to the world to Franklin-Gulf County Medical So- know whether or not cidas -are city at the 80th annual meeting of color blind. I the Florida Medical Association be- -- -- iing held April 25-28 at Hollywood. City Accepts Bids On Dr: Samuel M. Day, secretary of 500 Feet of Fire Hose the Association, announced here today that Dr. Ward had been cho- The City Commission accepted sen a member of the Association's bids on 250 feet of 2% inch fire' House of Delegates by vote of the hose and 250 .feet of 1/ inch fire members of the local, county nmedi- hose at their regular meeting Tues- cal society. day night. The House of Delegates is the The Commissioners accepted a governing body of the Association bid from the Roger B. Quincy Com- and is made up of 132 physicians pany at Dunedin for 250 feet of representing the 36 county medical 2Y2 inch hose at $1.30 per foot and societies. It convenes once each 250 feet of 12 inch hose at 90c year at the time of the annual per foot. meeting. Rich Changes Name To Piggly Wiggly Grand Opening Is Slated For Today E. J. Rich, today is re-opening his popular Port St. Joe grocery store under a complete new name and operating system. Rich has recently become a mem- ber of the Piggly Wiggly group of super markets and has been con- p: i;.ely redecorating and refurnish- iig his store building for the pasL ten days for this purpose. Rich has operated the business for the past seven years under the name of Rich's Super Market. Rich stated that he felt that the- change would bring a better gro- cery shopping service to the peo- ple of Port St. Joe. Rich stressed the point that his store is not owned by outside in- terests but is strictly home-owned. E. J. RICH clmina the posqonfbor th.e coming year. Ramsey has been very active in the Rotary Club and has been on the Board of Directors for a few years. A program was presented by the president, Perce Fleishel per- taining to some recent changes in the Club's by-laws which were dis- cussed and passed, by the club as a body. Floyd Lister of Wewahitchka was a guest of the club for the meeting. Send The I Repre Florida Star to a friend. *sent Gulf Association a S .. iow-'oea nng lnammer .r, ... -ie" ori -r'.r;l i' .. la~gestt -p~:oducers of natural rub era School Expense .$17.00 White Spot Cafe and entered that Bring the family and enjoy the ber with imo e than 3.500.000 acres S.T.S.D. Current Fund ...... 19.S3 establishment. Owner. Georg An- e in devoted ro irs. growth. S.T.S.D. Bonded No. 1 chors stated that nothing had been in. de (county-wide ............ 11.33 taken from the premises but. tithat .-2S.T.S.D. Bonded No. 2 apparently thethieves hadea Miss ate Tilman Ahead In B nd (,St. Joe district) -. 2.8 several packages of peanuts, dra,,'T some milk and soft-drinks before S onsored HiSchool Queen Contest Total $50.99 leaving the cafe. , The county millage is 34.3 and Local police' have found several is assessed-only on real estate and clues to the burglary but. would The "Queen" contest sponsored Leslie Coke. 50 votes. personal property. The village in release none of their findings un- by the Hgh School Band, is mov- T.he Port St. Joe ,High School the St. Joe district is 35.3, the ad- til the matter has been checked contest iggeed off at ditional nill being assessed for furthering forward much faster than ex- "Queen" contest triggered off at bonded indebtedness contracted for further. pected. Thirteen contestants have 8:30 a.m.. on April 1. The closing schoonlIns. been entered for the coveted crown date will be April 29 at 3:30 p.m. The fact that more than half our J Fuller Is Named from the various homerooms at th is Votes received after tha. date and tax money goes for our schools was Govwriting. time will not be counted. indeed information to me, and MOOse GOVernor Miss Kate Tillman. has.nosed The "Queen" and 'our "Maids- probably will be to readers of The .- out in the lead with a total. of of-Honor" will be chosen for.om the Star. It is good to know that this Port St. Joe Lodge No. 1035 of 1,230 votes. The following wii) five top contestants. The highest provision is being made for the the Loyal Order of Moose held show the names, sponsoring organ- number of votes will elect the edcaon of our future cizens, their annual eleconof oicersizations, campaign managers, and"Queen". education, of our future citizens, their annual election-of officersIz c pnd 4!. l i Ai C IUICiUIL Jr ll4 n and I hope that they will appreciate April 5 at the Moose Lodge with votes received, tor ai. contes'.anus Various committees appointed by it and take' full advantage of their, J. L. Fuller being named Governor at this publication. the Association's president, Dr. opportunity for an education. of the club succeeding G. F. Law- Standings are in the o.-der namn Frederick K. Herpel, oa West Palmr an e rence who has acted as Governor ed: Kate Tillman, 7th grade. Alex Beach, will present reports and PVT. JESSIE CARTER TAKING *for the past year. Gaillard, 1,230 votes; Barbara Kee- resolutions to the delegates for PART IN EXERCISE SKI JUMP Other officers named in the elec- lyn, 7-C, Ronnie Holensvack. 1,107 their consideration. They, in turn, CAMP HALE, COLO-Army Pvt. tion are, Junior Governor. Mitchell votes; Deanna Duperronzei, 9-C. teir oier ationT is tun Jessie A. Carter, 18, son of Mr. and Pitts; Prelate, B. B. Conklin; Treas- Wayne Taylor, 717 vote;; \Vilile their county medical societies t for Mrs. B. A. Carter, Wewahitchka, is urer, Curtis Gwanitey; Trustee. two .'.Ison, 8-A. Franklin Fl1.'e, 3- the benefit of the physicians who at Camp Hale, Colo., .taking part years, Pete LeGrone; Trustee for votes; Peggy Chafin, 7-B Michael could not attend the sessions. in Exercise Ski Jump, the Army's three years, P. J. Lovett. Mmnn. 432 votes: Tlh. an 1il, sess1954 mountain and cold-weather Installation of the new officers 8B, Franklin Fletcher, (G6 voices; In addition to the two sessionstraining maneuver will .be held at the local Lodge 5 B, David Tharpe. 373 vote,-r: Jo- of the House of Delegates, the an- Carter, who entered the Army in Hall April 26. ann Frierson, 9-B, IClin Tharpe, nual meeting features four scien- April 1953, is a squad leader in All members are urged 'to attend l01 votes; Sonjia Bi3: u;t, 1'1. A. tiic exhibits, Dr. Day stated. Sat Battery A of the 511th Airorne the installation after which a cold Rounnie Chism, 185 vnoes; Paala urday .and Sunday prior to the Regiental Combat Team's 88th snack will be furnished by a menu- Bass, 8-C, Abe Miller, 150 votes; meeting, medical and surgical Airborne Anti-Aircraft Artillery ber from Altha. Etta Martin, 12th gride, James specialists and physicians who en- Battalion which is learning tech- '. ---- i Odomn, 89 votes; Kathryn Marshall. gage in general practice attend niques of winter warfare and sur- In 1953 the world's scheduled air- 10-BC, Robert Walters. 65 v.:,es meetings of the groups correspond- vival under sub-zero conditions lines carried more than 50,000.000 Fay Fleishel, 11-A, Edwa':d Cream- ing to their particular field o.f edi- high in the Colorado Rockies. passengers. cr, 50 votes; Patsy \Wil;er;. 111 P, cine. iSome 18 addresses pertaining to s of a recent medical advancements mor0 i ur s La more effective technics are deliver- ed during the scientific assemblies. Their purpose, according to Dr. Hunting and fishing enthusiasts Sikes urged local sportsmen to are happy to share what we have Day, is to afford the opportunity Day, is to afford the opportunity throughout West Florida are being take advantage of the opportunity with our friends but we must be for Florida physicians to be .brot urged by Congressman Bob Sikes to improve hunting and fishing in careful that continuous harvesting up to date, as far as time permits, to take full advantage of the bene- this area through the provisions of without adequate replanting of on the most' effective methods in fits offered by the federal govern- the acts referred to. He said that game and fish resources doesn't patient care. ment in the propagation and restor- large river swamps are particu- bring us to the point where there's Dr. Wilburt C. Davidson, dean of ation of fish and wildlife through larly adapted for the purpose and nothing for the visitors as well a Duke University School of Medi- a program of federal-state coopera- pointed to phenomenal success ourselves." cine, Durham, N. C., heads the list tion. from similar operations along the "The time was," Sikes continued. of out of state speakers for the Two popular acts of Congress Alalbama River in Southern Ala- "that we could walk out to the meeting. The others are Dr. George now in operation are the Dingell- bama. He stated that local sports- edge of any town with a gun or A. Bennett, dean of The Jefferson Johnson and Pittman-Ro'bertson men should urge the State Game Medical College of Philadelphia; acts which provide federal finan- and Fresh Water Fish Comnissonfishing pole and bring back some- Dr. Chester C. Guy, chief of sur- cial aid in the propagation of fish to establish additional areas and thing to show for the effort. Now. gery. Illinois Central Hospital, Chi- and wildlife, respectively, on lo- pledged his support in obtaining however, the story is quite differ- cago; Dr. W. L. Thomas, associate cal projects which are developed federal participation, ent. Transportation and recrea- professor of obstetrics and gyne- and operated under the supervision "Fish, and game constitute two tipnal trends, coupled with limited ecology, Duke University School of of the State Game and Fresh Wa- of the greatest assets we have in habitat for wildlife reproduction. Medicine, and Drs. Malcolm B. ter Fish Commission in Tallahas- West Florida," Sikes said, "and have changed al Ithat. We must Dockerty and Eric E. Wollaeger, see. The federal "government de- thousands of people annually are fish and hunt twice as .hard for of the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, frays 75% of the cost of the pro- attracted to our area for the ree- half as much game as we used to Minn. ijects, and the state 25%.- creation and sport they provide. We get." * A formal coronation j ceremony Swill 'be conducted for the crowing of the queen during the intermis- sion of the coming minstrel show Which is. sponsored by the local Ki- wanis Club. A street parade will also be held during the afternoon of the minstrel show date. Included in the parade line-up will 'be the SPort St. Joe High School Band, the "Queen" and her "Maids-of- *Honor", minstrel show characters, school homeroom entries. and all others who may wish to enter a float or decorated automobile. Interest in hte High School is keen and from present indications the contest will be a complete suc- cess. It is hoped that the public will join in with us and help make the Minstrel Show go over with a rec- ord attendance. i di fie ids Sikes urged public officials and sportsmen to band together in the actual initiation of game and fish propagation projects and encour- aged local groups to enlist the cc, operation and help of the State Game and Fresh Water l'ish Com- mission in time development of their plans. On fourteen wildlife projects in Florida last year the federal gov ernment obligated, itself to spend $39,146.7:, but due to a carryover from the previous year contributed over $45.000. Fishery management and coordination, plus investiga tions on rough fish removal ani noxious weed control, especially: water hyacinths, brought fedefa funds in the amount of 8133,263.2 although about $50.000 more wa available. ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY roI C us -Tuesday -ie uoundtu. emh though as he knew we were con- cerned about them. After all, a man saves up a pint jar or pen- nies and has someone walk off with them. What we are really curious about is what the thieves thot when they found out that jar contained nothing but pennies. We'd sure appreciate it if they would drop us a line and let us know and satisfy our curiosity DAHY, A-AV, AP-IL S. 54 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNT, FLORIDA PAGE TWO Social Activities Personals Clubs Chnuches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 Senator Tapper Addresses Jakse '"lin Is Honored White City H D Club ')n iis Sixth Birthday The White City Home Demon- J ::- *' i;n vas honored \\ednes- stration Club was host to the Sen-, lay :on, fro' 2:3: to 3 with ior Council March 25 )with Mrs. E. a birthday party b; his mother. L. Antley. president, presiding Mrs. ake C. Be!iti. The occasion The meeting opened with a song. was to celebrae hi is sixth birthday. IMs. G. S. Croxton gave the devo- The .;ter motif was carried tional using as her subject, "Spir out ip. ie decorations includinL: ritual House Cleaning" from Psalm a cake with Eas e:- bunlies and 19. eggs. Tie 'birthday cake was in- Senator George Tapper. guest scried with "HarPy Birthday speaker gave a very interesting and Jake". An Ea str egg hunlt as informative talk on the workings held with the prize of finding the of the Legislature. most eggs going to Elliott Jones. A covered dish luncheon -.va- served at the noon hour. A shori business session rwas field in the afternoon. Reports 'froi h \'::r- ious committees and pinus were made for the May meeting a' We- wahitchka. Mrs. Angeline W\irfield our Home Demonstration 3aenu was present.' Thirty members and three visi- tors were present. To Visit In Columbia S. C. Rev. L. J. Keels and Mrs. Keels will leave Saturday for Columbia, S. C., where Rev. Keels will -preach an anniversary sermon at the Ta- bernacle Baptist Church. Rev. Keels was First assistant pastor there for a number of years. St. James Auxiliary Meets At Parish House The Womtan's Auxilia3ry of St. James' Episcopal (Church met Monil- day afternoon in the Parish House for their mon, ly business meet- ing. Mrs. Basil Kenney Jr.. pre- siding. Routin e usine.s was transacted with committee chairmen and guili chairmen giving reports. It 'was announced that St. There- sa's Guild would have charge of tte hunt with St. Margaretr's Guild serving refreshments St. Ann's *Guild will have charge of coffee which will be served after the Easter morning service. Mrs. Tom Coldewey was appoint- ed as chairman of Christian Edu-. cation committee. Rev Douglas spoke before the group on "Builders For Christ" and concluded with prave'. Ann Belin won the prize for pinning Thirteen members were present. the tail on the donkey. I Refreshments of ice cream, cake and pink lemonade was served to Stetson University Is ,, ,,, t.! the following invited guests: Jim Feusom. Chesley Fensom. Tomn Buttranm. Tommy Atchison. Elliott Jones. Tony Maige. Cristie Colde- wey. Rex Buzzett. Morris Buttram, Rainey Fendley, Charlene Garra- way, Ann Belin. Billy Antley and Bonnie Bringman. BEVERLY" DUPERROUZEL TO ATTEND NATIONAL MEETING TAnLAHEAaSSEE By bus, plane and train four Florida State Univer- sity debaters have made the long trek to Kalamazoo, Michigan for Conference of Tau Kappa Alpha the Fourteenth Annual ,National held this week end on the campus of .Western Michigan College, on March 26 and 27. ."" 37 Among those attending are Bev. a,~ b r"-erly Duperrouzel of Port St. Jos, a sophomore at FSU in Tallahassee. UQUoDORsTABTS-SAME ATRUE Star Want Ads G;et Result: You Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist C: ixh REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP .- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION .----- 6:15 p.m.. EVENNG.,WORSHI ---..- 7:30 p.m. PRAYRERYERCE (Lednesday) 7:30 p.m. MeetingIn The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME' 111iiilllll1111ll l IIIill l T ELEPH O N E 8 0ll illl ll!iiil 11iih111111 111i1ihiiliIIIIiiiill TELEPHONE 80 Offering .2ult Scnolarsnip One scholarship for entering freshmen which may be used t Stetson University this fall is now open for Gulf County residents,, ac- cording to information on tile at the county school superintendent's office. These general scholarship- fI(r the preparation of teachers, valued at $400.00 a year. will be awarded on the results of a conpetetive ex- amination to be held April 13. The hour and place of the examinati-)l will be announced by the county superintendent. Application for these scholar- ships, provided by the State; of Florida and valid at institutions of higher learning approved by the state for this 'program, may be made at the off:,es of county school superintendents. Infor:na- ti1n coincerlning courses avaii.b'.e at. Stetson may be had by writing Dr. Ray V. Sowers chairman of the division of education at Stet- sol. Leave For Daytona Seach MIrs. Joe Fer-ell. AMr. Din'l Brigman, Mrs. Frank Smith, MIt . Jimmie MecNeill and Air-. Harry McKnight left for Daytcna Beach. I Monday to attend a WAoman',s Mis- sionary Society Conference that is being held there this w-e't. They S"re i' "s thie Lorng Aven:uii ap- t i .i '.1 h'i Ii FACING THE CROSS Rev. BILL IVERSON "And it came to pass, when the days were well night come that He should be received up, HE SET HIS FACE STEADFASTLY TO GO TO JERUSALEM." Luke 9:51 It is our lhui-anoi nature not to face up to things.. to ,ee unreal as long as we can. and then when stark, naked reality finally wins, and it always does. we crumble underneath its irresistible weight. \e don't face sickness for what it is. we don't face death for what it is. We never see sin for what it is but call it 'maladjustment' or 'mistake' or mere 'misfit'. Jesus knew better. He came oi purpot-e for one thing and that was to die for the sins of the world. To Him it meant Gethsamane and a broken heart. and then Calvary and a broken body. But aince to us it would mean eternal life and reality in the here and now and because of His divine love for us though unworthy, "He set His face stedfastly to go to Jerusalem". What He faced was the death we deserve, the hell we deserve, the the just reward for our open-hand- ed rebellion against our Maker. Tih, Bible does not say Christ died for our maladjustments or incousisteon- cies. He died for our sins. Therefore it is impossible for a man to kino the reality of God's redeeming love in Christ without facing it like the thief who laid bare his heart to the dying Saviour. That morning 'tie thief faced Guilt, but at noontime he confessed His sin to a sinless Saviour, and found Grace from His lips, "Today thou shalt be with me in Paradise." In a few moment' he had left the scenes of his crimes and it was glory in the presence ,OL a mighty Saviour-King. J. O. HERRING WILL MOVE TO FORT BRAGG FOR MANEUVERS CAMP POLK. LA.--M/Sgt. J. 0. Herring. whose wife lives in Port St. Joe. will m tove to tie Fort Bragg. N. C.. maneuver' area next month with the 37th Infantry Di vision for Exercise Flash Burn. Herring is a sergeant major in Headquarters Battery of the divi sion's 134th Field Artillery Battal. ion stationed at Camnp Polk. La. LONG AVENUE R. A.'s 'MEET WITH DAVID MUSSELWHITE The Walter Mason Moore R. A.'s of the Long Avenue Baptist Churcl: met Tuesday in the home of Da vid Musselwhite with seven memi bears present. The 'program was oi steward. ship. The group discussed 'plans for the R. A. camp to be held this summer. to some church. Presbyterian or otherwise. Another phase is a church atten- dance drive under the direction of Elder John Robert Smith which will enlist all the membership for faithful church attendance six weeks prior to the meeting. The most important part is the ILi' 1ti)d) ''1 1ti' THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. > .5<" -es~ >,C..'.'.s s ." sC$..- -' s5''-'..s- > ----> Os+? ++-5>+-O 'O+'v <>*+4+ cuLattog pVrayer, imeelle 1s scaring lI - next week which will continue in THURSDAY FRIDAY different parts of the town and county through May 24. i'c. -. - p,~ -'L CARD OF THANKS T_ Rev. and Mrs. T. IB. Holland and family wish to thank all their friends and neighbors for the d ERA r [ TON wonderful way they helped during i i FJOAN LES'E the time their son, Louie D. was confined to the hospital and the beautiful flowers and presents"Maw and Pw" Ply they presented him. Panic" Words cannot be ontd tu, ex. *** e . press our thanks to ,the nwotide-.'f i doctors and nurses f.>r the woi.- SATURDAY ONLY derful care they gave him. They will have a special place in our DOUBLE FEATURE earts.RE No. -- FEATURE No. I SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "Rocky Road To Ruin" *** ** WED DAY WEDNESDAY .7- j ^ *..'f " Good Car Care for Long Wear Let service experts care for your car not just "anyone"! Oil change, lubrications or washing, rest assured your' car is always in reliable hands! J. Lamar Miller SERVICE STATION PHONE 98 Port St. Joe, Fla. I *lavfr ._SHE-DEVIL -^ LEX BARKER i HT t .. .S i' ::l LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, S"----.- S- H "Delightful Denmark" -- FEATURE No. 2 --- "SHAVING MUGS" I3-D4I)EN SIONl -. 4OW4. CHAPTER 8 OF SERIAL "SON OF GERONIMO" -COMING SOON- 'MIAMI STORY' --with - BARRY SULLIVAN ADELE JERGENS LUTHER ADLER LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "Southern Fried Rabbit" f Fy 11;0 No0, 24.2"4 7 i\a2S%^^al8~~~ LATEST NEWS and Cartoon '"MOUSE WARNING" BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:00 P. M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY Monday & Tuesday RESEL ITY Jr,' Fi 'N ~ :* A iti, "" Ilill!llillWle !ilHIIT11 1111 IIllI lilli lllT rdliaNilllli ll Wednesday & Thursday i ~1', I] ~ A ht M~ANIAo~i ITOI CENTU, YFO! E-'. Ti-pl COMING - 111111111111111111111111111111 1 ENEML#Y A-00f,19 SMUGGLED IWnO U.S.11 SUNDAY ONLY YOU'L LOVs... At L ~ s~~ch COUMBIA PICTURES SHOGC Hit IV 'a"mI John IRELAND Richard DENNING L!-TaiiN COLOR he thih SUZAMNE DLBERT L11en Play by WIRRYEWW PSoycedibySAM IATmIm Dkxitedby Rliui5WX Freezing and thawing rain snow the blazing sun .. wear away mountains. That's why everything man has ever built has had to be.protected against the elements. Nature packs a lot of destruc- tive tricks ... and road builders have to provide against all of them. Heat, cold, moisture in all their extremes and varieties give your highways a tough time 24 hours a day, 12 months of the year. Water is one of your highways' biggest enemies. And it doesn't take a flood nor a gushing river to start your highways to destruction. All it takes are some innocent. looking drops supplied by a lighl rainfall. They get under the high. way pavement, dig away at' the shoi'lrer and slab joints. Once water gets under the pave- ment you'll have trouble and plenty of it. Water destroys the sur- face, too. It gets into a tiny crevice - freezes expands makes the r.c :co larger until the surface i. pock-marked or scaled. When water has done its job- then every passing tire can con. tribute to the damage. Weight, which on a good high. way ought to roll smoothly and harmlessly will now roll unevenly, bumpily, harmfully. Truck or car heavy or light - fast or slow will help materially to wear a road weakened by rain and weather. Only in this distinctly secondary sense, the experts claim, doestraffic ever damage a road. -- Located Corner First and Reid ROUND STEAK T-BONE STEAK MINUTE STEAKS CHUCK STEAK e lbuoD Ground Hamburgrer, Ib. 33c Pure Pork Pan Sausage lb. 39 CHUCK ROAST Ib. 39c Rump or Shoulder ROAST lb.43c Sirloin Tip ROAST Ib. 59c POrk Shoulder STEAK Ib. 55c LINDY CORN Fresh PORK SIDES lb. 35c FRESH HENS and FRYERS Across From Depot lb.39c lb. 39c lb. 29c Ib. 69c Ib. 39c pslr _ _-- ---s Ib. 55c Fresh BEEF LIVER lb. 59c PIG LIVER lb. 65c Fresh PORK MELTS lb.39c Whole Smoked HAMS Smoked Ham HOCKS Green Hill Smoked Sausage, Ib. 49c SDRY SALT MEAT SLindy PEAS Ib.49c S2 no. 303 cans 33 c Baby Sue Purple Hull PEAS 2 for 38c JAZZ MEAL SNo. 303 can 15c 5 Ib. bag 38c WE SPECIALIZE IN MEATS Presbyterian Church Will !Fi'rst Baptists Wil Observe Midnigh" a'; 3aw o s ging On A Tire". "C, hary'. -T e.ur'eJiot", Hold Special Services Special Easter Services I nLow^ Tha. -y Rede'emr TI Ma'y N 21 the Rev. Daniel lver- SeciI Ea.:e.r services wii 'be Lives." son. former pastor of the unique observed at the Fi- rs- Baptst -- .-- Shenandoah Presbyterian C.huirich Church when the (combined adult or -Miami. and the arther of ri' and young people' cii wi ap- ' Presbyterian pastor here. will hold pear at both obrnin'g -.d evening special services. services., In preparation for this ih cn Numbers in..cu. m 1 .3Zr gregation is participating in three ing services ;e "' Survey Opt3rmt:'isa big programs. One is a visitatioin The WVondrous C,'ru.-". -HCaiseu- evangelism campaign which is un- jah. To The King". ana in the eve- Apaiachicoia, Florida der the leadership of Elder Henry ning service will be .numherd "Tis Campbell. This is to win the un- -*4 ... churched to Christ and to encour- > ` age those wit1 no church home in Port St. Joe to move their letters AM% A",. rjgamfgril ass~aie~0 V- I I -r I a %- -~ I ,c~pa~------ ~a~BICT~ II IL~L1 qC-ll I I I IBPq~~ --~~ -a 9 brr I ' LPY k I rr IL 4~. ~-rr~g~BSbr I I -I larll IP -3P I- I r I III I C I~ ~a~p- -, '' I I bpeciiais Focr The' Weekend CASHW and CARRY MARKETIE ------- ---'' THURSDAY. APRIL 8, i1954 __________________________________ _______________ CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTING Thought For The Week ;iidi lit rerobil to Lhle s-aIl (rv'o, I would really like to lnow iWhy those axnious ihun!'an boin!g *Rush about and \orry so)' Said the sparrow to the robin THE LEADER SHOE SHOP L. J. HERRING, Owner Phone 363 Port St. Joe s IA Friend, I think that it must be That they have no heavenly father. Such as cares :or you and me. I Candidates Enter Queen Contest :e i The -High SchIoIl I land under di- d ".tc r pr.titn of r i. "a cs nlinaectio al wiI I II ri.: ,n strel whih is sc -heh ,dIie i a \r ;... inatitons fromI l yll r l t ,onal i at og'u tL I8 include the following: : c(-.ndidae " an!ll lulllber f votlcs as \[- .~f day, April 5: Bariara Keel an. lilt: Kate Tillnan. 5:0: Peggy Crh. i in 432: Jo Ann Friei-son. 301!: Th. .rma !'- Diehl, 260: Willie Fay Mason. 232; Deanna Duperrouzel. 2 00; Etta Martin, 89 and Kathryn Mar shall. .' . Paula Bass, Faye Fleishel. Sonjia Blorunt and Patsy Wilder, each wi 50 votes. Eachi girl selected a boy to rser ve ' as campaign manager. Her Ijob is o secure votes at one cen -ech. i-l STie wintining gi rl- will be e,:-;rted l le' campaign mg manager. The queen and her fair esc or ts, i ;: chosen by the highest num:, e. c' , vr tes, will ride in the pa.'a :: the afternoon of the miinstre.. iThe I . qtr:en will be crow ned d ari.i ,4 p ainstrel. i i Cd:-'IL' ,' I V:,:n,:,I (lpr-sideft of the Dixie Lily Milling Com- Career Day Enlightens Students pany) Chairman of the State lRoad Department, confers with On Vocational Opportunities President Eisnllower in Washington on his plan to have Con- Port -St. Joe High School held its 'ress ptL up -0 billion dollars to construct a network of super first annual Career Day Friday morning, April 2 with many gies military highways throughout the 48 states. morning, April 2 with many gues, speakers and students participating in the event. The Student Council, grades 8 through 12. Dr. Mode. L. Sellers of FSU; Nursing and Lab sponsor of this event, is now in 0te Stone from Florida State Univer- Work, Mrs. Bill Walters, R. N.; process of evaluating the success Isity gave the main address on Beautician, Mrs. Carlene Gaskin; of this day by speakers, students, ",Choosing A Vacation". He point- Physical Education Instruction, and faculty members. ed out the different type of person- Dr. William Tait of FSU; Secretar- 'The day's progi'am began with alities and jobs -in which these -al Work. Joseph Dowd, St. Joe a mass assembly of all students in persons would -be best suited. Pa-per Co.; Religious 'Instruction- Immediately following assembly Rev. J. C. Odum and Rev. William the students attended the discus- Iverson; Engineering, Joe Paffe, sion groups of their choice. The St. Joe Paper Company. following occupations were offer- The speakers had lunch with ed: Education, Dr. Mode Stone oi FSU; Business Management, Dr members of the senior class and d and O0rwated by Frank Dome of FSU; Art, Dr. Ivan faculty members to conclude the' Johnson, FSU; Music, Dr. Owen day's schedule. PA hA TD I pp s Make your own proving ground" test ;i~p i ~ -,.- ire. "' a" .ot.' a: s The new 195. Chevrolet Bel Air 1I-doo .-dorn. With 3 great reies, Civro-'r s5-', the mori beauifiul choice of models il its 5eid. Chevrolet is out ahead in powerful performance Chevrolet is out ahead in economy SY.er fter year m re peop, e p vy Clevrolets tha any other carl You can easily tell the difference between engines when you drive- -and the difference is all in Chevrolet's favor! That's hecautse Chevrolet's great engines deliver full horsepower where it coutis-- on the road. What Chevrolet promises, Chevrolet delivers! There's new power,.new performance and new economy in both 1954 Chevrolet engines-the "Blue-Flame l 5"O in Powerglide models and the "Blue-Flame 115" in gearshift models. And they bring you.the highest compression ratio of any leading low-priced car. That's why they can deliver a big gain in power, acceleration and all-around performance, along with important gasoline savings! Your Ie*s cor's ready now... We'll be glad to have you compare the smooth, quiet performance of this new Chevrolet with any other, car in its field. Come in and put it through any kind of provingg ground" test you care to, and judge its performance ror yourself. Your test car's ready now and we hope you are, too. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Phone 386 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe, Florida Super Savings! Spencer's Well known Quality, Sizes 2 to 8 T-Shirfs for Boys and Girls 39c They're great for summer .. . Buy them by the dozen . White only. Famous. "Lee Rider" Dntgarees For Boys $1.98 Why pay a third more else- where? Sizes up to 16. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR .Highland View, Fla. Mr. Wesley R. Ramsey Editor The Star, Port St. Joe, Florida Dear Sir, A Record New Low Price -- 100% Plisse Nylon MIUMM UNIFOR...MS $5.95- Smart and attractive Cool and so easy to launder! No ironing. Sizes 12 to 44. Famous Quality Foxcroft For The First Time At Sheets 63X99 Twin Size $1.69 Unconditionally fications. guaranteed! Other sizes Exceeds government speci- available at savings! Al1: I -rI NEWS FROM Mexico Beach By Mrs. R..L. FORTNER Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Boucher spent a few days in Pensacola last week. L.i a:,d Mr- J L .a;ira vor are the parents o' a baby girl, nun ed Mary Ter a, weight 7 lbs.. the Univeisity of Florida, spant last week end with his mother, Mrs. W. 0. Cathey. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Folz of Chicago are making their home at the Rain- bow Motel. Mrs. Folz is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Renno:, iMiss Ethel Williams speui; Sat- urday in Tallahassee. Mrs. Marie -Sheppherd of Pensa- cola and Mrs. John McClel!an of -Highland view is a smanl uown 4 os., born April 1 at Tyniall Hos- Selma, Ala,, are vacationing at that is not incorporated. We do i Mexico Beach. not have any law enforcement of ta Mexico Beach. not have any law enforcement of- Mrs. Helen Favors returned this ficers, except the County Sheriff week from Des Moines, Iowa, after and the State Road Patrman, a visit with her mother, who has DR. WESLEY GRACE but we have quite a few people been OPTOMETRIST that are speed demons that run up sophoor atOPTOMETRIST and down our streets at an exces- rs. 317 Reid Ave. Phone 456 sive rate of speed that is even un- lawful on the State Highways. duty. When the children are caught EYES EXAMINED Our streets are all residential playing in the streets they should GLASSES FITTED areas except Highway 98 which be warned of the dangers by the runs along the edge of the bay officers and the speedster should OFFICE HOURS through our town. Our children are be arrested 'and afford the parents 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 5 p.m. entitled to protection by the law some peace of mind. CLOSED ALL DAY WED enforcement officers. We respect- Yours truly, C D AL DY fully ask the officers to do their .John Q. Citizen ... .-----------k.. JOIN OUR FISHING CONTEST Your Local Western Auto Associate Store Is Co-oper- ating in the Nation-Wide Western Auto Big Bass Contest. See us for your entry blanks and see the fIRST PRIZE on display in our store OFFICIAL WEIGHING STATION WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE Phone 234 C. W. LONG, Owner LEON FEDERAL Savings and Loan Association Monroe at Park Ave. Tallahassee, Fla. MV I I I '14TAl"le two cw PAGE THREE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .11 --l 0 lar-A HELP YOURSELF TO VALUES IN BOYLES NEW STORE Every Day--Cash Sayvings! WATCH THESE NEW, EXCITING ITEMS JUST UNPACKED FOR HAPPY SHOPPING New LaKleer, 12 Denier, 60 ga. Mojud Hosiery.. They're Marvelous ,New Shrewsbury summer Robes, Cotton, Nylon, Brunch or Full Length New summer Dresses, Georgianna, Jollie, Juniors, Doris Dodson! New Easter Hats by Gage, Small but Terribly Exciting .. New Purses New Sans Souci Nylon Tricot Slips .. No Space for Description! New "Peaches 'n Cream" Sheer summer Dresses for Girls! New Judy Kent Cotton Skirts for Girls-Nylon, Cotton Blouses, 3 to 14 New Finest Quality Imported Batiste Blouses, Lavishly Lace Trimmed! We've mentioned only the highlights, many other new arrivals! Come in today .... Take a good look in every department .... Make yourself,at home Shop leisurely-. . Help yourself .. If you don't find it, we'll be right there to help you! Pay Cash and Save WE INVITE YOU TO USE OUR LAY-AWVAY PLAN ON ANY PURCHASE! WE'RE HERE TO SERVE YOU FAITHFULLY! WE CAN AND WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! 1 A I II I I O S E F T O US A...L. 5 .. THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306.Wlllams Avenue, Port 9t. Jee, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as .second-class matter, December 10, 1987, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DNE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -*-(f TELEPHONE 51 fi- TO ADVERTI.ERS-In case of error or emissions in advoer tisemetnt, the publishers do not hold themselye ,liable loe damages further than amount receded for suck advertisement. he spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word ts thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spokes word Is lost; the printed word smaina. Communism Borrows From Capitalism The Kremlin is undeviating in its denun- ciation of capitalism. But, on occasion, the masters of Russia find it necessary or wise to borrow techniques and ideas from the capitalist nations, notably the United States. ,An 'interesting instance is described in a story from the AP's Moscow bureau. It seems that the Soviet press, which always reflects gov- ernment policy, has been criticizing Soviet indus- try-which, of course, is a government monopoly on both the producing and distributing levels- for a poor job of advertising. The ads have been insufficiently informative and have lacked pull- ing power. So the order has gone' out to correct matters as part of the current campaign "to give the Soviet common man a better living standard." .-It remains to be seen what this will do for the Russian consumer-up to now most goods Have been in chronic short supply, of inferior quality, and excessively high-priced, and it will take a lot more than better advertising to cure * - that situation. And it's difficult to understand Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson. H;ow the consumer will ever get a decent break Mr. and Mrs. Wes Levins of under a system which outlaws competition, and Bonifay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chestnut last week. Mrs. in which he has to take what the bosses want Levins is the daughter of the him to have or go without. Chestnut's. ..... 'Mr. and Mrs. James Lester Mc- In a competitive system such as ours, on Qai r sending the eek Quaig are spending the week in the other hand, goods are aggressively advertised Marianna with friends and relatives and promoted by both their ,makers and the pl. James Jones returned Sat- stores which sell them-and they have to live urday to Fort Jackson, S. C., where up to the claims or the American consumer will he is to receive his discharge from switch with lightning rapidity to another brand. the army. He spent a 30-day visit Under our system, in short, the merchandise has with his parents and family, Mr. to be good and it has to be priced fairly, or it and Mrs. H. C. Jones. soon disappears from the market. issues Mavis Butts and Margie soon disappears from the market. nninm, t,-. _., h grd,, Joe Malpas of the Wakulla Co. News says- The scientists state that the results of the Hydrogen Bomb explosion were "surprising". Having known rather intimately a number of scientists brother we don't like their use of that word "surprising". A number of the boys we have known might have stopped a strange woman on the street and kissed her. If in return she backed off, drew a double barreled shot gun out of her hand bag, shot him and then calmly powdered her nose and strolled off down the street it would be surprising. and also Slowly, many of you are beginning to get the idea that a newspaper may be managed, owner or operated by whoever pays the rent or installments on the thing but the paper ac- tually is the property of the people it serves. -It- is theirs to use or not use. A newspaper can be as useful to a com- munity as a hip pocket but to be of any value, like the hip pocket, it must be used. NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS Mrs. Peggy Adams and baby are visiting in Altoona, Ala., with her mother, Mrs. G. L. Galor and fam- ily. Miss Betty Seymour spent the week end home with her parents and family in Apalachicola. Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Corbitt and children spent the week end in Graceville with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kelly, Mrs. Dan Hatfield, Mrs. E. V. Knight and children, Martha and Ralph spent Sunday in Bonifay with Mrs. Kelly's brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Worley. ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kallis of Jacksonville-are visiting with the latter's parents, for a few: months, ! 4N- mum - meo 4b~ S. m. S- - a - - - r Size Up the New. '54 Dodge On Every Point of Value i r Dodge Baiks Up Promise With Proof- And Lays The Record Right On the Line Tops All Eights in Economy In the Mobilgas Economy Run, Dodge outperformed all eights. Record-Breaking Red Ram V-8 Proved the most efficient engine in any American car. Shatters 196 Records Greatest performance ever re- corded in official AAA tests. Fully-Automatic PowerFlite Newest, smoothest, most power- ful of automatic transmissions. New Full-Time Power Steering Takes more of the work out- leaves all the pleasure in. Elegant Jacquard Fabrics Previously used in only a few models of the most costly cars. Extra Value Features At No Extra Cost * Foam rubber cushions, front and rear. Restful riding! " Gas tank fuel filter. b Electric windshield wipers. a Carpet, front and rear. e Air cleaner and oil filter. SGleaming baked enamel finish. Features apply to Royal V-8 line. See what you get for what you pay! In the new '54 Dodge you will find solid, substantial qualities that mean more car for the money. You'll find record-breaking performance matched by prize-winning economy. Superbly engineered power fea- tures. Interiors that rival the most costly cars. Here is value that makes every mile more satisfying. Prices start below many models in the lowest price field. Royal v-i Four-Door Sedan Dependable '54 DODGE PowerFlite and Power Steering optional at moderate extra cost and well worth it. D--- odge Dslers of America Present: Danny Thomas, ABC-TV Bert Parks in "Break the Bank," ABC-TV Roy Rogers, NBC Radio - McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY C Corner Baltzell Avenue and 4th Street NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS Honored On Birthday Mrs. Jason Dykes honored her son, Toby on his fourth birthday with a party Friday, April 2 at 3:00. Hostesses for the offasion were: Hrs. Christine Levins, Mrs. Alice Hall, Mrs. Jason Dykes, and Mrs. Mary Deese. Several games were played and refreshments of cake i-ege w re ai meu U t iim erUa and ice cream and cookies were class that enjoyed a tour through sreved to the following: Peggy Ann the W. T. Edwards TB Hospital. Haskins, Lola Ray, Carolyn Burns, They reported a wonderful time. We are happy to say that Mrs. Margie Player is doing fine after for a fe days. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. her visit to the hospital. We hope Story. she will remain well and happy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hall and son Mr. Joe Story of Blountstown, Wayne attended a birthday dinner is visiting with his son and family in Dothan, Ala., over the week end. .i _, .. ... .... m ... .. .. .... ..... .. AT COSTIN'S LOADS OF EASTER BARGAINS FOR ALL! EASTER IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER! SHOP EARLY! SALE STARTS APRIL 8th NYLON TRIMMED WHITE BLUE CHAMBRAY COTTON PLISSE SLIPS WORK SHIRTS 2-inch Nylon Trim, Top and Bottom 98 Men's $3.60 Blue Chambray Work Sizes 32 to 44 _. Shirts. Ideal for summer wear. Sizes 14-17 $ GIANT SIZE Ladies MEN'S BOYS' 24 to 46 T oW E S Easteer To ers Knit Briefs TEE SHIRTS $5.95 2 for $1.00 2 for $1.00 $1.oo White and Colors White and Colors Full Cut, First Quality Perfect for boys and girls IDEAL FOR GIFTS SHOP EARLY Combed Yarn Colorful Stripes, Sizes 3-6 CHILDREN'S 80 SQUARE Men's Short Sleeve MEN'S Easter Shoes Summer Prints Sport Shirts 'Shirt and Short White, Black, Patent, Tan and- Sheers Nylon $2.49 SETS and Reg. From 3 ds 00 Cotton Plisse $.59 1.00 set $29t $495 vy Pattens, Cotton Skip Dent 1 Undershirt, Undershort $2.95 to $4.95 Lovely Patterns,G$1.29 Reg. 49c and 59c $1.29 Gripper or Boxer Style CHILDREN'S I THIS COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 Men's Training Pants ON ANY LADIES DRESS, MEN'S PANTS; MEN'S W Water Repellant TIraining PantS SUITS, MEN'S SHOES As Long As The Sale S iIs $5.00 Or More HATS Sizes 2 to 10 JUST CUT IT OUT AND GIVE TO ANY SALES *4 PERSON IN OUR STORE 8 for $1.00 $ 000 8 fr $0 Only One Coupon To A Customer 36" Our Pride 27 by 27 HANDY SIX UNBLEACHED MUSLIN | BIRDSEYE DIAPERS 4 Yards For $1.00 A Half Dozen For $1.00 Boy's Boxer Men's Short Seeve Dan River Wrinkle Shed Men's White Boy's Boxer Men'sShort Seeve PLAIDS Handkerchiefs DUNA S Sport Shirts Reg. 82c Yd. u $1.95 n 5. C 12 for $1.00 Sanforized Blue Denim How 69c yd. 12f Sizes 2to 8 Fancy and Sotid'Patterns 81 by 99 128 Count 8-Ounce Blue Denim PARK AVENUE SHEETS MEN'S DUNGAREES Reg. $2.95 1.95 Doube Stitched Bartacked a at Strain Points $ PILLOW CASES Zipper Fly 42X36 2 FOR I 1 REG. $2.75 I ap~-a p~s-=-~rI- r SHOP WITH CONFIDENCE AT $1.00 SAVED IS $1.00 MADE 'Copyrighted Material - Syndicated Content - Available from Commercial News Providers" I Jack and Joe Levins, Gracie and Buddy Dykes, Floyd, Steve and Teresa Deese, Diana, Frankie and Gene Dykes, Allen Paul Humphrey, Billy and Jenny Norris, Paula Lov- ett, Jocelyn Dykes, Ronnie Hanlon, Margie Hall, Marlene Hudson, Lin- da Kay Webb, Richard Ray, Roy Gene Norris and the honoree, Toby Dykes. Miss Alimae Campbell, Miss. Car- ol Young, Miss Helen Norris, Miss Leona Ray, Miss Maxine Walker and Miss Carolyn Hanlon spenl Saturday in Tallahassee visiting the W. T. Edwards Hospital. Rev. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley re- turned home Saturday after a.tend- ing the Sunday School convention in St. Louis, Missouri last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pyrtzl and son, Daniel from Pensacola speni the week end with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealey. Miss Doris Wilson spent the week end in Whitwell, Tennessee visiting with friends. Miss Hellon Jones gave the little Sunbeams of the First Baptist Church a party Friday afternoon at her home on Maddox St. Several games were played and refresh- ments of cookies, potato chips and drinks were served to the follow- ing: Dot Dormany, Linda Kay Webb, Paula Lovett, Judy Ander- son, Patricia Hanlon, Peggy Jo Young, Marlene Hudson and Gail Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Norris and children spent Sunday in Apalachi- cola. Leave For Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Paul James Farmer and daughters left Saturday for a vacation trip through Georgia and Louisiana. They expect to be gone for two weeks. I llb" I II . &M PAGE POUR -rHF STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORfDA THURSDAY, A-PRIL 8, 1954 - 41 ~2~1 _~spla~rc~r- Port St. Joe, Florida OF-IV Y-S L- - THUIIRSDAY. APRIL 11, 1954 When You Need Office Supplies Call The Star, 51 ,- , a iere WIll you p. ug in the next one? Looks like you're plugging in to trouble, Bosi! That outlet is overloaded right now... and ono more appliance is liable to blow a fuse. The only cure for this ugly, old-fashioned arrangement is Adequate Wiring, which means enough electrical circuits of the right size wire, plus enough outlets to take care S of ALL your appliances, easily. S Your Wiring Contractor is the man with the answers. Let him look your house over and give you an estimate. You'll be surprised at how small an investmrient it takes to enjoy H ti crtiricaS Living. ,) ," M /I 4'...' !.. &s / Your tleclric Servaoc FLORIDA- POWER CORPOP. RATION lw FINE-CAR SIZE AND LUXURY-Here is the key to Pontiac's great distinction, superlative comfort and remarkable roadability. It's as big as top-priced cars! 7. FINE-CAR DEPENDABILITY-No car at any price excels Pontiac for reliability. You can drive it as hard and as long as you like with perfect confidence. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Assist for Veterans Some veterans need assistance for many years after the last battle is fought. Here a veteran gets help from a Red Cross Home Service worker in applying for an increase in his disability pension. The Red Cross spent $35,147,1 0 on services to the armed forces and veterans last year. .. Western Auto Sponsors Big Bass COntest Here A $14,000 Big Bass Fishing Con- Entry blanks are free and may test-open to every resident in the be obtained at the local Western Port St. Joe area-was announced Auto Store. There are no obliga- this week by C. W. Long, owner of tions or purchases necessary to en- the Western Auto Associate St3'e ter the contest, Long said. here. Prizes will be awarded for the More than 140 prizes will be largest Bass (small or large awarded to lucky-or skilled-fish- mouth) caught in this state, in wa- ermeniin the contest, .which starts ters open to the public, he said. April and ends September 30, Long Fish taken in private waters are said. not eligible. Th contest-one of the most First prize in Florida is a 6 H.P. popular of all nationwide fishing outboard motor valued at $184.50. events--is being sponsored br the Second, third and fourth prizes in Western Auto Supply the state include complete fishing 35 stateseast of Colorado and the outfits. In addition, fishermen will District of Columbia. be angling for $1400 in bonus priz- Local. Students Make Dean's List At FSU TALLAHASSEE The names of studellt.s.making the Dean's List for last semester at Florida State University in Tallahassee were an- nounced Monday by FSU President Doak S.' Campbell. To make the Dean's List a stu- dent must have a B average for the semester. Graduate students must make a higher average, be-, 'tween a B and an A. Students on the list from Port .St. J'e -are Beverly Duperrouzel and James F. Jones. A ---ig"c---tiA -dvertisig doesn't cot Advertising doesn't cost, it PAYS: FINE-CAR DRIVING, CONVENIENCES- Pontiac provides Dual-Range Hydra- Matic, Power Brakes, Power Steering, Comfort-Control Seat at extra cost. iSimilar prizes will be awarded in each of the other 34 states, he said. This is the eighth annual con- test conducted by Western Auto. The contest was discontinued after 1947 and is being revived now in an effort to increase public inter- est in the sport of fishing, Long said. "We feel, too, that it adds the spirit of friendly competition to the pleasur-e of fishing," he added. Fish caught between April 1 and September 30 will.,be eligible to" prizes, he :said.: :Winner.s will be determined on the weight of the fish. In event of a tie, the length and girth of the fish will be the deciding factor. FINE-CAR PERFORMANCE-More power punch for traffic and passing, big-car steadiness and sports car handling ease assure matchless performance thrills; All Fine Car Advantages at a j'menendouas a How about it-Wouldn't you rather travel in fine-car luxury? Wouldn't you prefer the wonderful, re.tful comfort of big-car riding ease? Wouldn't.you like to pilot America's greatest all-around performer? There's not a thing to stop you. Pontiac gives you all fine-car advantages, adds matchless reliability-and wraps everything up for a price near the yery lowest! Come in for the facts. It's the value story of the year! WOLLi.tll FOi IOLI.Itt YOU CAN''T BEAIT A 'I ~t~if~ ------: r~rl~9~T ~J~4~i~ -~--I~-1 .. --- '' ZW 7 ;. 201 Monument ---------- II 31i -P I -- III -~-- -s~ I -- For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 2, Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries i n May. will appreciate your vot4 and support. E. C. Harden, Sr. For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 2, Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries i n may. 1 will appreciate your vote and support. W. E. BRANCH For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 4, Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries i n May. I will appreciate your vote and support. Coleman W. Thorpe For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 4, Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries in May. I will appreciate your vote and support. J. C. PRICE For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 4, Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries i n May. I will appreciate your vote and support. David C. Arnett, Sr. S r..i itf r YOUR VOTE and Support In Electing WATSON SMITH County Commissioner District Four 'Will Be Very Much Appreciated For County' Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 4, Gulf County, subject to tht Democratic primaries ii May. r will appreciate you vote and support. R. F. (Fritz) SCHEFFER For School Board Having/served you during the past 4 years as a mem- ber of the school board, Dis- trict No. 3, and being vitally interested in the welfare of the schools, I respectfully so- licit your vote in the May Primary as School Board Member. FENNON TALLEY SFor School Board I hereby announce my candidacy" for member of Gulf County School Board, District No. 3, subject to the Democratic. primaries in May. Your vote and support will be greatly appreciated. SARAH LOGAN KENNEY (Mrs. Basil E. Kenney, Jr.) For State Representative I hereby announce my- self as a candidate for the office of Representative of Gulf County in the State Leg- islature subject to the Dem- ocratic Primary Election on May 4, 1954. If elected, I will fight for progressive legislation. Your vote and support will be appreciated. FLOYD X. LISTER ror 1.unty o.ummissiun I hereby announce my can- For State Representative didacy for re-election to the of- I hereby announce my candi- fice of County Commissioner for dacy for renomination as your District No. Two, Gulf County, Representative in the Legisla- subject to the Democratic pri- ture from Gulf County. Should marines of May, 1954. vou honor me with renomination I earnestly solicit your con- 'and election. I promise to con- tinted. vote and support in my uct the affairs and responsi- race, and promise you faithful abilities of' the office for the ben- and honest service in this im- fit of all the people. It shall be portant office. ny obligation to continue to :IM DANIES work for. the greater progress SJL and development of the entire -- ------- County. Should you honor me For School Board ,with re-election. I will hold open or Spulic me3'1tings, prior to the I wish to announce my can- legislative session. so that the d.idacy for the office of Miember public may express their views of Gulf County School Board, on Legislative matters. Having District Number -1. served you in the past, I res- I am interested in the further s u continued ipectfull' solicit x-our continental development and inmprovemeni of our schools and in keeping vote andt support upon my past taxes at a reasonable minimum. : record. I earnestly solicit your vote Thatnkin vou. I am. and support for this important office. Sincerely yours, MAX W. KILBOURN CECIL G. COSTING, JR. PAGE FlVI fishing, FISHIN' and HUNTIN Deey Hutto and son. Deey SFrom A Harper Hutto. Jr.. and Martel Spigner of Straight Panama City and Henry Humphrey Named George Named Goe and Cecil Smith of Macon, Ga., spent two dayc here fishing and, Drs. Robert King and WVayne had excellent luck, bringing in the Hendrix went fishing in the Lake limit of bass Saturday. They caught Wednesday and found a shell crack- quite a fepw ahellcracker, and er bed. They reported great luck bream. and fun. Bryant Pennel. Firrn Roberts With the coming of April 1 comes and Jack Moore of Columbus, Ga., the closing date for fishing in Lake spent two days here fishing.. all the streams will be left open. Mrs. Eugene wrimberly ani. Mrs. The Dead Lakes will be closed to Mary Gore enjoyed fishing inL the fishing until June 1. Lake area Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Odis Hutto'of Ma- con, Ga., spent several days here This o on your printing is a sign of quality,. Political Announcements - Lu S~PNIU~Y~ ---P. ~Zn~----~~l-~n__l.-i.-. m~~T-1~~.1~3-a IIYls~ru;~r~n;r~-~bnra~namlByiB)BC1.. -n~-~ ~3r~gsQlllBBBP I" F .* muIMBERLYb L PONTIAC -COMPANYP Phonee 94 P I 8,3~r Fa II I |1 C I ...... 1 1 -' I ~lP c----- ll~3 -~~- ~ ~ --- -- I .. ..I r Ill BASKETS OF GROCERIES FREE PE 2 BIG BARRELS OF GROCERIES WILL BE GIVEN AWAY FRIDAY NIGHT! A D 1II ul 0 Q4* if+Int priD rL rxirnv UAlAr- WrMl M<-K~>THIlr Tr) RIv rfnM'T AIPCeL- jlc li TWI IDASM3I In :Vti JUST COME IN AND REGISTER r intr P/M i\ > in A I I j Farm Fresh Produce Bananas Ilb. 10c Mayonnaise FRESH GROUL Ham BAMA PINT JAR 290 BEST GRADE U. S. WESTERN BEEF CHUCK ROAST Ib. 39c NE burger P. 894 Squash 2 lb. 19c CRISCO LB CAN 79c MILK LL BRAS 39c aRiSCOLIMIT 1 3 TALL CANS MAYFIELD 23c MEAL PEACOCK. 9 CORN ~ANSL 23 MEAL LB. BG 39c Grade 'A' Fla. Colored Stick Fresh Creamery BORDEN'S EGGS 0 LE 0 BUTTER BISCUITS Country Fresh 2 POUNDS POUND 3 CANS doz. 39c 37c 65c 25c PEAS TELLS 23c R.C. COAS 15 c FLOUR eLb. i 89 c TRIPE C, 29c TOMATOES CANO oc Oranges Grapefruit 5 LB. BAG 5 LB. BAG FROZEN FOODS B LACK-E YE D PEAS TABLE TOP LIMA BEANS CUT OKRA WILSON BACON CELL( PACK FRYERS GRADIE WX lb. 39C~ Country Style SAUSAGE lb.59c SCOTT COUNTY scor (k 2 No. /2 - CANS k- i SEALSWEET . Orange Juice 4 for 49c strawberries L4 (fo 89c LOCATED CORNER OF THIRD AND WILLIAMS AVENUE A COMPLETE NEW STORE FOR YOUR SHOPPING PLEASURE AIA l 11. L.'v.l4 Ylb I f DNININ. I rI n lu JUVENIK 5 K FOR LU 19c 15c go IP~[(I~LDl~~~'~~ercar~ia_*i~w~ppn~p~~,~ arsobdslsleaa~re~*aP~n~a~r~- g~p~gi~erpl~ui~~~,~.,~,,,~gr~gj~s~AIPI nus~poYRu AAP7a~B~ 'T HE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1954 *aCr.e IIX Offl, 71n., 1j1m ler~q --- --- Qj - HeinsI W-ah dp-L W-1k rtjjr%. ST4 JOEFLA PAGE SEVEN THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDAPE THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 1 I [ - DAGE EIGHT ... I I REIA LIERICS E First Baptist WMU WMU chairman and committee Has Business eting chairman gave good reports on he .ogHas Busin e of their ci'reies Ars. w\. SW R. Scott wnas electeLd new Y\VA Thof e oFirmans issionay C i leader for the remainder of ihe of the First Baplist Church meN M E din J .. ... ... year. M rs. E B. i) :.,ty t ll nli,,j lIonday aftern'ooln at thie ch1Iu' at t3 m. for their regular lmonthily business imeeiing withli te presi- dent. Mrs. E. C. Cason. presiding. The program opened with ;ili singing. "Jesus Saves" tlhe WAIU hymn of the year. Mrs. W. C. Prid- geon gave the devotional using scripture, Luke 1S-1 and Ephesiaiis L:H- m meeting w ;i ;i'; i;::'. Eighteen members attended tlhe m tO:eing. Nxt Mon ;>> the \V.\Al! \.il. l i.et at thie church 'foir their Ihle 'udcy. "Wonien of the Lible"' to :,te i:t tght by IM s. It. J. Starto.t. Ti,' ifr the study is 3 p.m. Barbara Buzzett Breaks Leq Around Gulf County By ANGELINE S. WHITFIELD Home Demonstration Agent Thei '4-H Cunci! is planningi' a trip to the Siite Caverns. Marian- na. T"Fe trip is scheduled for Thurs- day. April S. at i9: l a m. CST. After the tour through the cav- erns. the girls will relax and enjoy. a picnic lunch. I. Her topic was, "How Much io iBarbara Buzett, 4-year-old dauigh T We Pray?" She also read an inspir- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gannon Buzzet, X White City Home Denonstration ing and interesting poem, "No is reported to be "resting well" af- Club will have a food-both at taL Prayer for Joe" written for an in- ter receiving a broken leg on S un- annual REA meeting in Wewahiich jured Korean soldier. day afternoon, while playing in the ka, April 10. Mrs. J. O. Baggett led in prayer, back yard of her home. Her many' During the business session, each friends wish her a speedy recovery OUR GOVERNOR Florida Can't Afford to Change Administrations Three Times in Four Yeaws Every change of administra- tion brings a period -of waiting S. elay stagnation. Each' NEW Governor finds adjustments personally desirable. But Florida cannot afford three changes of administration in four years. Charley Johns, as Acting Governor, has gotten the State's progress rolling again. Keep it rolling Let's not have another period of delay and uncertainty. Charley Johns. has started a great ALL-FLORIDA program. Keep Charley Johns as our Gov- ernor. Give him a chance to Finish ,the great program he ha% started. Jerome Johns George W. Dandelake Stoae campaignn Manager State Campaign Treasurer (Paid Politi(al Adbertisemenil a /~3 The Senior Council will have a "Country Store". Saturday. April 24 in Wewahitchka. Keep in touch with your local paper for the latest developments. -*- -- Louie D. Holland is Honored On Birthday Louie D: Holland. son of M '. and Mrs. W. B. Holland of Ken.ney's Mill was honored on his 16th birth- day with a party at his home. Refreshments of sandwiches, drinks. -and cake were served to the following present: Elzie Wil- liams, Frank Dennis, Riley Denis, Charles Tharpe, Colon Tharpe. Inla Jo Crain, Margie Crain, Sara Tharpe, Dalbert Strange, David Tharpe, Earl Allen, J. B. Allen, Bertha Allen, Joe Ann Farilan, Grover Lee Holland, Tommy Dobbs, Those sending gifts but unable and Minnie Ola Crain. ' to attend were Willie Ruth Miller Betty Zorn and Mary Lee Pearce. ----- 7---- JIMMY H. PERRY IS AWARDED THE GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL PACIFIC FLEET Jimmy H. Perry, machinist's mate third class, USN, has 'been awarded the Good Conduct Medal while serving aboard the destroyer US'S Ren- shaw. He is the son of Mir. and Mrs. Fred Per'y of Port St. Joe. Before entering the Navy. Perry ; attended school in Donaldsonville, Georgia. ,Netherlands West Indies peo- ple now see mostly Alnerican movie films. NOTICE IWest Florida Gas & Fuel Co. 418 REID AVENUE PHONE 342 How Much Do You Pay For HOT WATER ? HAVE YOUR RATES BEEN INCREASED? Gas Will Do The Job FOR LESS THAN 1Oc for 24 Hours ALL THE HOT WATER YOU WANT ALL THE TIME NIGHT AND DAY As Low As 20-Gallon WATER HEATER ------ $59.50 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERNS LIBERAL TRADE IN ALLOWANCE IMMEDIATE DELIVERY NEW AND USED GAS RANGES 6 Cu. Foot SERVE REFRIGERATOR-- ------ $92.00 BARGAINS GALORE Leroy Bowdoin Addresses Mrs. Gautreaux Hostess i"noon t e uonsiutCon Pn .. m 4 p.m. All children of the church Kiwanis Club Wednesday To Catholic Women Al i are cordially invited. Mrs. Jo- The Kiwanis Club of Port Si. Joe The Catholic Women's Club h l i held their regular weekly liunchon their monthly meeting Thursday ai- inmetilln :il the Motel St. Joe Wed- toonooii in the home of Mrs. Ciaud ine'sdy noon, with li hirty-one lineimi- Catlreaux on Ilunter Circle. bers presenll :tnd two visitors. i rs. Earl .Atchison, piresidei'. Leroy Howdoin, principal of Ihe 1';'cesided. Port St. Joe High School was prmn Routine business twas transacted cilpal speaker .lie gave an interest- with most of the discussion goiin g ing and informative talk on ''Tnle to the Easter Egg Hunt which is to Grade System" and the relations it be held Easter Sunday. Plans were seph Paffe and Mrs. Bill AWhaley are in charge of arrangements. Thi' meeting closed w ith a prayer "y Mrs.. A\ltchison. ' The liostess served coffee to the 10 members present. -----(------ Rhinestone pins and buckles take on a .brand-new look when ithey are soaked for about 15 minutes- has on the high school. Marionl outlined and announced that the in gasoline, then rubbed with Craig. chairman of the program hunt would be held Sunday acfer- dry flannel cloth. committee, presented the speaker., __ _... ..,,,..___ __1 During the business, with rest- dent Gannon Buzzett presiding, it was voted to ask the city to main- tain the up-keep of the tennis court. Guests were Key Clubbers Berl Munn, Jr.. and W. L. Smith. Jr. ,-- -ra -----(---- TOM BARTEE PARTICIPATES IN OPERATION FLAG HOIST FAR EAST While serving on board Ihe destroyer USS Eversole, Thomas D. Bartee, radicoinai sea- man. ITSN, son ol iri. nit an Is. C. I. Boyer of 514 Foiurh St., Port St. Joe, pqarrtc;i'aten in 0(2- ERATION FLAG FPOiST an a:mphi- bious training exercise on the is- land of Iwo Jimn. The operation which involved thousands of Navy and Marine Corps personnel, was designed to promote the comha efficiency of all participating inits. It afforledf training in the pianrling and execu- tion of an emphibit.us landing ni,- der realistic coinhba conditions. The training exercise took place nine years after .he capture of lth small Pacific is.and. Japanese re- sistance ended March 1,; 1945. Charlotte Maddox Feted On Her Fifth Birthday Charlotte Maddox. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Maddox was honored Thursday afternoon from 3:3 to 5 o'clock with a lawn party celebrating her, 5th birthday. Mi- chaele Anchors and Ann Beljn re- ceived prizes for winning games. Mrs. Maddox presented favors of mixed candies and gum to the lit- tle guests. Birthday cake and punch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Gordon Hallmark and Mrs. Fred Maddox. Forty-five attended the party. Advertising dsn't cost, it PAYS! A\dv.ertising doesn't cost, it PAYS! BL^^^^^^^^^ BHBBBB BB^BB ^^ 1,,'...( SI ii FINE FURNISHINGS : By Manhattan, Swank, Tru Val, Curlee, SSewell, Hubbard, Esquire, 1unn-Bush, 1. Jarman, Edgerton, Keds, Hanes and Many s other famous nationally advertised brands 4uluJttnl-JcAtcfon Co. "Exclusive But Not Expensive" TELEPHONE 65 WE ARE.LEASING OUR SERVICE STATION TO THE GULF OIL CORPORATION BEGINNING MONDAY, APRIL 12 The Station Will Be Located At Its Present Location And Will Be Under The Management of KENDALL J. SARVIS AND WILL BE KNOWN AS ST. JOE SERVICE STATION We Wish To Thank Our Customers for Their Past Patronage and Urge That You Show The Same Courtesy to the New Station Managers. St. Joe Motor Co. Monument Avenue REVIVAL SERVICES SET AT KENNEY'S MILL CHURCH' Revival services will start at the 'Kenney's Mlill Baptist Church. Sun- day, April 1S according to W. B. Holland, pastor of the church. Rev. HIolland stated that the ser- vices would continue for a week and that everyone was invited to at- tend any or all of the services which will be held at S:00 p.m. each night. Rev. Nichols of Altha will be the evangelist for the services. What Every Woman NEEDS To Complete HER Easter Wardrobe... an Impeccably Dressed Escort! Your new.suit is waiting here. Designed to make you the smartest in the Easter Parade by Curlee, and Sewell. .- .. I .. I f f- p l-L- At ------ -- I L M r THEI STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, AiPRIL 8, 1954 1VTT Telephone 37 ,iiriLAV PI TS. TNE STR PORT S Long Avenue Sunbeams ed with the Surbeams saying their wori'ks with the young ieopl and pre-ent. The meetin e oaeed o-it Meet With Leaders Tues. watchword and rally cry. The chil- women. The Sunbeams studied the activity period at wii tie eak For oc racy . S1dren then enjoyed a ef, I,( ITofe st-their hires. and discussed thl. conm- the children enjioyedS makig a i [ I SThe Lo Avenue BaptistSun- lo ithn unity mission project. M. friLt miral. After sayln the w a[ rd bThe Long Avenue Baptist Sun-ing- with Mrs. Joe ii !ein loe the me ith and all Cr a tor. '.Jess At eant Band of school-age Sunbeams lthemi. aMrs. Alligood led iln lpay' e the eei t lie and a s AMore than a million high-school call his wares from a pushcart." and telephones: more safety razor )I i W ork" was tod. Tht s wares from a pushcart," and tele hons: m ore saein w -let in. the ho-me of M.<. J. A. Alli- and then told the sto-v ab a- n The pre-school a-ue arup ii W i students throughout the Uiiled I There is a voice in the so'ul of and bathtubs: more Orion sweaters -ood with eight niembers and two of the Baptist missionalire i oi Br: the home of their .leader. Mersi... closed with sentence wr.\r I-. le- State recently participated in an a every human being that cries out1 and aureomycin. the fruits of Amer- visitors present. The meeting open- zil. Lula Sparkman 't 1.-. bhe P. Jackson with all nine ni1i bers freshments were served, essay contest on the subject '" to be free. America has answered ican initiative and enterprise; more Speak for Democracy." that voice. public schools and" life insurance ._ -.----- "I'- ..... Sixteen-year-old. Elizabeth Elle'1 America has offered freedom and policies, thesymbols of American' Ercans. who attends Buchtel Hiaih opportunity such as no land before security and faith in the future' School in Akron, Ohio. was a na- her-has ever known, to a Jew fish- more laughter and song-than any. Arm ,iional winner in this contest. S1he crier down on Maxwiell Street with other people on earth! ., I "nmis the daughter of an employee of the face of a man terribly glad to This is my answer. Fascist, Coin- WEEK END SPECIALS MARKET iS!Esa .. ...* wM ^ as s!*t.. ...- Mwi^i~i1 RA GRADE "A" GEORGIA HEN, 45c GRADE "A'; FRYERS 39c FRESH GROUND BEEF lb. 29c SUGAR CURED SMOKED BACON 50c BRISKET STEW Ib. 25c CHUCK STEAK lb. 39c SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 59c ROUND STEAK lb. 49c T-BONE STEAK Ib. 59c REGISTER'S GREEN HILL SAUSAGE lb. 39c, ALL MEAT STEW Ib. 49c SUNNYLAND SMOKED UNK SAUSAGE lb. 29c SMOKED PICNIC HAMS lb. 41c SUGAR CURED SMOKED BACON Ib. 50c WESTERN PORK CHOPS Ib. 59c Pure Pork FAT No. 5 jug 62 C Blackburn SYRUP, No. 5 jug 45 C \VHOLESUN FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 3 cans 37c 2 LB. CELLO BAG BLACK EYE PEAS 25c ORANGES 3 dozen 35c GRAPEFRUIT dozen 30c 3 NO. 303 CANS Homestead TOMATOES 33c BORDEN'S, PET and CARNATION Evaporated MILK 3 cans 39c WHITE POTATOES 10 lbs. 24c YELLOW ONIONS 5 lbs. 15c GEORGIA UNCLASSIFIED EGGS dozen 45c Golden BANANAS lb. 10c KUDO CORNED BEEF can 41c NABISCO 12 OZ. PKG. VANILLA WAFERS 31c SOAK HILL PEACHES 2V2 can 25c / lwU % oil owl- ~ mwll vin AIM a be selling fish. She has given him the right to own his pushcart, to sell his herring on Maxwell Street; she has given him an education for his children, and a tremendous faith in the nation that has made these things his. Multiply that fishcrier by 160., 000,000-1'60,000,000 mechanics and farmers and housewives and coal miners and truck drivers and chem-- ists and lawyers and plumbers and priests-all glad, terribly glad to be what they are, terribly glad to hie free to work and eat and sleep and speak and love and pray and live as they desire, as they believe; And those 160,000,000 Americans munist! Show me a country greater than our country, show me a people more energetic, creative, progres- sive--bigger-hearted and happier than our people, not until then will I consider your way of life. For I am an American, and I speak for democracy. _____^<_____ Coopers Have Visitors Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper have had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Frar, Mrs. Nancy Cooper, mother of Mr. Cooper, who is 93 years of age, from Ochlochnee, and Sgt. 1-C George L. Cooper and Mrsi. Cooper and children. 'Sgt.' -those 160,000,000 free Americaus Cooper left Eglin Field to report -have more roast beef and mashed for overseas duty. His wife and potatoes, the yield of Amerie.:l la-. children are residing at present bor and land; more automobiles in Fort Walton Beach. w HEY! LET'S GO FISHING The "big ones" are beginning to bite in the lakes and streams! It doesn't matter what kind of fish you go after bream, shellcracker, bass or salt water wishing. You can get EVERYTHING for your fishing trip at GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY COMPANY. Fishing Tackle Reels and Rods Minnow Seines Buckets Hooks Sinkers Corks Fly Rods Thermos Jugs Boat Seats Cushions Oars Paddles Tackle Boxes Sculling Oarlocks All Kinds Plugs Local Agents for Chris-Craft Boat Kits GOOD CANE FISHING POLES -------- 25c and 35c MERCURY OUTBOARD MOTORS GULF HARDWARE and SUPPLY COMPANY Your FISHING HEADQUARTERS In Port St. Joe PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA 408 REID AVE. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY *s~waaaa ~ ~savw iMAYFIFWID CORP1M ALL FLAVORS FOREMOST ICE R~M -'" 2 wa2 s half gul. 69c fIliR TFAI Ah -45c Green Head CABBAGE lb. 4c the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company. Printed below is her wiuinlg +s-say. I Speak For Democracy I am an American. Listen to my words. Fascist,' Communist. Listen well, for ,my country is a strong country and my message is a strong message. I am an American. and I speak for democracy. My ancestors have left their blood on the green at Lexington and the snow at Valley Forge, on -the walls of Fort Sum- ter and the fields at Gettysburg, on the waters of the River Marer and in the shadows of the Argonne Forest, on the beachheads of Saler- no and Normandy and the sands of Okinawa, on the bare, bleak hills called Pork Chop and Old Baidy and Heartbreak Ridge. A million and more of my coun- trymen have died for freedom. My country is their eternal mon ument. They live on in the laughter of a small boy as he watches a circus clown's antics; and in the sweet delicious coldness of the first bite of peppermint ice cream on the Fourth of July; in the little tense- ness of a baseball crowd as the um- pire calls "Batter Up!"; and in the high school band's rendition of 'iStars and Stripes Forever" in the Memorial Day parade; in the clear, sharp ring of a school bell on a fall morning;. and in the triumph of a six-year-old-as he reads aloud for the first time. 'They live on in the eyes of an Ohio farmer surveying his acres of corn and potatoes and pasture; and in the brilliant gold'of hundreds of acres of wheat stretching across the flat miles of Kansas; in the milling of cattle in .the stockyards of Chicago; the precision of an an- sembly line in an automobile fac- tory- in Detroit; and the perpetual red glow of the nocturnal skylines of Pittsburg. and Birmingham and Gary. They live on in the vpipo.eof a young Jewish boy saying the sac- red words from the Torah; "Heal O Israel; the Lord our God, th' Lord is One. Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy hear and with all thy soul-and with all thy might."; and -in the voice of a Catholic girl praying: "Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee" and in the voice of a Protestant boy singing: "A mighty Fortress is our God, A Bulwark never failing". An American named Carl Sand- burg wrote these words: "I know a Jew fishcrier down on Maxwell Street with a voice like a north wind blowing over corn stubble in January. He dangles herring before pros- ipective customers evincing aI joy identical with that of Pav- lova dancing. , His face is that of a man terri- bly glad to be selling fish, ter- ribly glad that God made fish, and customers to whom he may For Those Who Wish To Make Their Own VISIT OUR EASTER DEPARTMENT GRASS FOR BASKETS, All Colors _---_ Oc NEW TOYS and GIFTS FOR THE KIDDIES STUFFED RABBITS 69c, 98c, $1.29 $1.98, $3.98 METAL CARTS ..- 29c, 49c Choc. Rabbits -__-_ 2c, 5c Fruit and Nut Eg'gs 5c, 10c' MAKE THIS EASTER A LITTLE HAPPIER Easter Greeting Cards, 2 for 5c,5c, 10c, 15c EASTER DESIGNED CUPS, PLATES, NAPKINS, CANDIES Shop At Webb's, The Store With New Items 0. M. WEBB'S 5c to $5.00 STORE CUCUMBERS 3 for 10c LETTUCE head 5c POLE BEANS Ib. 19c ORANGES dozen 20c _ ___ __ _ TREf STAR, PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY. FLORIDAr PAG*E WNSE THURSDAY, APRIL I.ij -^^? TELEPHONES 2 and 4 Easter Baskets MADE UP 49c-$1,98 f THURSDAY, APRIL 8, tS54 rTHE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TIFN .p. e: e ** 00 0 0 0 eSee SO *$ 00ge... 4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING * i).,.eete.eaeeo S. S ** *S* O S*O* FOR SALE I SPECIAL SERVICES FOR SALE-Several lots at White DOES YOUR LAWN NEED MOW- City. See Buford Attaway. Itc ING? Ii so, call Jimmy Montgom- -- er at _12-W1 after 5 p.m. 2tp FOR SALE-1953 Harley-Davidson 165 motorcycle. Good condition. PAINT HEADQUARTERS: We Phone 308-W. 2tp feature and recommend Sherwin- Williams line. A paint for every FOR SALE: 5-room masonry home. purpose. Come in for estimates, col- Tile bath, breezeway, patio, car- o. cards. "Red" Fuller's Supply Co. port and storage room, attic fan and venetian blinds. Can be finan- MEN-A PERSONAL QUESTION! ced. Phone 473-W. 3tp-4-1 Is your lawn mower ready for FOR SALE: Four bedroom house service? Let us sharpen, repair, ad- in good residential area near just-put it in shape for coming school, 1000 ft. of living area plus season. You'll like our work! An- porch. Hardwood floors. Attic in- day's elding and Repair. First St. slated. Lot is 75 ift. by 170 ft. At- Keys Made Whe ou Wait tic fan, venetian blinds, awnings Keys Made Whe You Wait and outdoor oven all included only 35c EACH $1650.00 down. 2t Bicycle Repairing All Makes Two bedroom house on McClel- R l P s nd ]an Ave. $7,000. Can be financed Reel Parts and Repairs through FHA. 2t WESTERN AUTO tf FRANK HANNON Registered A eal Estate Broker STOP AND SWAP-Headquarters 211 Reid Ave. Phone 61 for your used furniture and ap- pliances. 213 Reid Averue, Phone FOR SALE: Modern home on cor- 291. WE BUY AND SELL. tfe ner of Monument and 12th St. Must be seen to appreciate. Terms. For your SINGER SEWING MA- 'See George McLawhon. 2tp CHINE sales and service con- Stact Mr. C. R. Hudson, 509 10th FOR RENT Street. Port St. Joe, Fla. tfl-14 FOR RENT-One bedroom furnish- ed apartment. Suitable for cou- ple only. Phone 452-W. Itc FOR RENT-3-bedroom house, un- furnished. Available immediately. Located 211 10th Street. McGowin Motor Co. Itc FOR RENT-Comfortable single room. Private entrance and bath. 205 8th ,St. Phone 104. Ralph Swatts BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES NEED TV OR RADIO SERVICE? For a quick, expert check-up of your set's performance (no matter what the make Call us. We offer free prompt pick- up and delivery service. 'All work and parts guaranteed. -t- ..-.-IMA0 IKIQ-rii I Fr BE INDEPENDENT: Sell Rawleigh TV ANTENNAS IL~IMLLEU Products. Opening now in Gulf PHONE 2413 County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. PAD-101-D, Memphis. Tenn. 3tp-4-1 FEMALE HELP 'WANTED LODGE NOTICES LODGE NOTICES WANTED: Typist-bookkeeper. Ex- perienced. Permanent employ- WILLIS V. ROWAN POST 116, ment, good pay. Make written an- THE AMERICAN LEGION. Meet- swer to THE STAR, Box EE. Give ing first and third Monday nights experience and training in applica- 800 p.m., American Legion Home. tion. Ite tf-3-25 NOTICE On July I st, 1954, all city lots, in residen- tial areas, owned by the following companies will be withdrawn from the market for reval- uation, Present prices will be effective until that date. Any promises that have been made to hold lots for future purchase are cancelled as of July Ist, 1954. ST. JOE PAPER CO. ST. JOSEPH LAND & DEVELOPMENT CO. PORT ST. JOE DOCK & TERMINAL RAILWAY CO. Lot sales are handled by Mr. Saunders or Miss Pate at the office of the St. Joe Paper Company. Gulf Conty Democratic Executive Committee Rallies SATURDAY, APRIL 10 Wimico Lodge, White City, 5:00 p.m., EST SATURDAY, APRIL 17 Miles Cafe, Highland View, 4:00 p.m. EST SATURDAY, APRIL 17 Stripling Store, Oak Grove, 5:30 p.m. EST SATURDAY, APRIL 24 Drug Store, Wewahitchka, 4:00 p.m. CST FRIDAY, APRIL 30 Store, Kenney's Mill, 4:15 p.m., CST SATURDAY, MAY 1 Across Street in front of Florida Power Company Port St. Joe, 4:00 p.m. EST ALL CANDIDATES INVITED TO SPEAK A. D. LAWSON, Chmn. Sammy Patrick, Sec. NINOS DIAS MEET AT - --~ foe I heavy gauge aluminum set-the waterless way! vu orper ImuLLz .VI e s wf... O Rotates in center of room-reaches 0 Allergy-proof Filter Systeml 1 WIDE-ANGLE SUCTION! wall-o-wall! No "swivel-top" to iam I WIDE-ANGLE SUCTON!e -won't tip over-! Suction-Control Dial! Just like ironing, (on forward stroke) dial "wool rugs," "cotton rur" For deep-down dirt, surface litter I 9 No dust bag to empty Simply toss out "drapes"! S PILE-COMBING ACTION! extro-big "Speed Sak" a few times PILE-COMBIN A IN a year! O No extras to buy!Comes with oil Ic. For threads, cat and dog hairs! Quietest cleaner of all-no roar to clean floor-to-ceiling' -3 RUG-BRUSHING ACTION! OFFICIALLY OFFICIALLY ENDORSED For grooming nap, restoring color-! SSUCTO! by National Institute of Rug Cleaning, Inc. S DEEPCLANNGSUCTIONVACUUM YOUR RUGS DAILY. Have them professionally (on back stroke) For stubbornround-inedirt cleaned ut least once a year by a professional rug For stubbo D T E O! C E IN cleaner. LIMITED TIME ONLY! COME IN TODAY? Bottom si of No. 80 ,Corpet No:sli MODERN FURNITURE CO. 232REI AENUiTEEPONE18 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA I R. A. M.-Regular convocation of! Guest Speaker at First Baptist Veterans Servi St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, HR A. v. Jhn Cheshir will be TO Be M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit To Bel ing companions welcome. J. 3. the speaker at both services Sun- Griffith, II, High Priest; H. R. day. April 11 ar the Firpt Baptist Veterans of GC Maige, secretary. Church. Rev. Cheshire is Chaplain need assistance in at the Baptist Hospital in Pensa- fits under the GI SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, I. 0. i c F.-Meets first and third Thurs- cola. expert guidance days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All Nicholas, Assistar members urged to attend; visiting FOR SCHOOL BOARD Officer. brethren invited, Henry Geddic. DSTRICT NO. ONE Nicholas will N. G., Robert Williams, V. H. DISTRICT NO ONE Niholas will i A. Hardy, Secretary. I wish to akehis oortunity week for the pum veterans or their ( MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- to announce nmy candidacy for ing claims or Cor Port St. Joe Lodge 111 Regular Meniber of School Board from ing claims for Coi *, meetings 2nd and 4th Fri- District Number 1 of Gulf Coun- fis o solving thei ,,\ da>s each month, 8:00 p. m. ty.I have been a resident of Gulf lems. This free se M. .embers urged to attend;j sistance'to empio visiting brothers welcome. R. F. County since 1932. having been snd te oI Bll, Scheffer, Jr., W.M.; Paul V. Player, employed by St. Joe Paper Coh- silence ol secretary. pany since 1936. I am a tax payer and the father of two school boys. During his visit LOYAL ORDER I have a deep interest in our schools chols may be cona eetOF MOOSE nA. and if eiec-tei I promise to do ever- lowing places at meeting night ev- thing in my power to improve our Monday. April 19 ery other Monday. c ool. from S:30 to 9:30 Meetings at Moose s7 school:30 to 9:30 Hall, 310 Fourth St. CLYDE F. BROGDON It Pays To Adve COMFORTER Dr. Charles Reicherter WHITE CI1 FUNERAL HOME OPTOMETRIST by MRS. GEOF EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED 601 Long Avenue Mrs. Carl Hols PHONE 326 CLOSED WEDNESDAY A FERNOONBS r eft edges HOURS s TO 5 Mrs. Holselnback' PHONE SUNSET 5-5 5' spring holidays in Oxygen Equipped FIRST FLOOR < and Mrs. Ralph HU RITZ THEATRE BUILDING Mr. and Mrs. Le Ambulance P. ANAMA CITY, FLORIDA business visitors SMonday. NINOS DIAS MEET AT HIGHLAND VIEW TUES. The Ninos Dias of Highland View met Tuesday. April 6. 7Melba Dean Armstrong opened the meeting with prayer and the following officers were elected for the coming year: presdient, Valeria Roberts; vice president, Carolyn Clark; secretary, June Coker; pro- gram chairman, Betty Jo McCor- mick: treasurer,.Dahrice Keel. Valeria Roberts closed the meet- ing with prayer. ------+2--- CPL. RITCH TO START HOME FROM KOREA APRIL 21 Mrs. Evelyn Ritch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pierce, received word that her husband, Cpl. J. W. Ritch, will leave for home April 21 from Korea. Cpl. and Mrs. Ritch will spend thirty days at their home in Port Arthur before Cpl. Ritch receives further orders. Leave For St. Petersburg Mrs. W. T. Mosely, Jr., Mrs. Mar- ion Craig, Mrs. Buck Griffin and enback Lci-Miss Clara Pate left Wednesday day. ay d morning for St. Petersburg, where 's parents. Mr they will represent Gulf County Home From Hospital Su tra isiin at the TB Convention that is in Friends of Mrs Willie Howell Sumatra visi'1i uTg mmond. session until Saturday. They ex- will be glad to learn that she a ias wis Cordell were pect to return here Sunday. returned to her home from the to Panama C Baptist Hospital Pensacola Star Want Ads Get Results where she underwent surgery. February Bond Sales In Gulf County Total $2,418 Savings, Bond sales in Gulf Coun- ty in February were $2,418 it was announced this weke by S. L Barke, Savings Bonds Chairman at Port St. Joe. For the state as a whole the total was $6,404,351 exclu- sive of $295,000. the month's allo- cation of civil service and armed service personnel purchases. This compares with $5,658,506 in Febru- ary last year and represents an in- crease of 13.2%. The national gain for February was 16%. --------S- Overstreet Baptist Church W. G. Harvey, Pastor Sunday School ---- 10:00 a.m Morning Worship ---.....- 11:00 a.m. Mid-Week Prayer Service Wednesday ............---_ 8:00 p.m. -------- Visit in Thomasville, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Daniels took their son, Arnold to Thomasville, Ga., last Sunday where he was en- tered in the hospital there for treatment. He was released Tues- BR-iYR~ ,.. ',.... -"*~,~ Y~ TELEPHONE 1811 232 REID AVENUt |