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PORT ST. JOE ,Progressive S Community With a i Modern. Progressive W weekly Newspaper Jeff Player sauntered by the front of the shop yesterday with a bass and a trout, each about, 16 to 18 inches long and we re- marked as to his good fortune. Jeff looked kind of scornful and VOLUME XVII replied, "it just ain't like it used to be last year when you could - catch the limit. I worked all af- ,* ..- ternoon for these two." In the vernacular of an experienced :;..~., ..." .: fisherman, Jeff might have had . reason to be put out over that';, , waste of time on only two fish, but to us totally' inexperienced fishermen, we could, probably muster up enough patience to fish all day long-for such as those beauties. Poor Senator McCarthy even ias his own people against him now. He reminds me of the fellow who was "slightly off". He figured everyone was crazy . but him. McCarthy seems to think everyone is a Communist .' .. but himself. We would like to .. ,'.:;, see the Senator investigated and : , d .... C. L- .... /"' .. .." ..J1 THE THE I STAR ' SPublished in Port St. Joe SBut Devoted To the Con- T tinued Development of Gulf County s A "Port St. Joe-- The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" - uns"-- .- II i II C -II g-L -. - Single Copy 8c $3.00 Per Year SPlans Are Being 1 Made For Annual Flowe Showing Time is growing near for the presentation of the 6th annual Flower Show by .the Garden Club Sof Port St. Joe. The show which will be staged at the Centennial Building will be held on Saturday 5 and Sunday. April 10 and April 1., with the timely title, "World Peace" as the the'ie of this year's presentation. As in years past, the Flower Show will be opened to all ama- teurs in gardening whether or not Sl p^ -rln-rG nlb. PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1954 NUMBER 26 Coins States Convtionsay In Speech 'ere Monday Wesley Pippin, 3 Drowns In Ditch Wesley Pippin, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ray Pippin was drowned late Thursday afternoon after ap- parently falling into a drainage ditch near his home on Woodward Favors Bettering of School Facilities; Aiding Old and Infirm LeRo: ,paign fo Monday Florida t.% -W I) y Collins brought or Governor to Gul with a prediction Supreme Court wi f a..\nroval on a nr, .rurg utougu a '.usi 1sshiuA i a -' .- g r. -o'n." nn members of Lthe Uardueu V suU. s o.an avp ,,u'-. l i hearing by someone. 7 1 Start now to think about your Avenue. provide aid for the needy The Senator is now mad at entry in the horticulture and ar Hospital attendants said all at- The program, ponor S entry in the horticulture and at- both the NBC and CBS networks Leadership is part of the 4-H dent; Judy Hodges, vice presi- rangement exhibits. Junior exhibi- tempts to revive the child failed. lines in the last session oft because they wouldn't give free program. Pictured above are the dent; Ruth Milton, Home Dem- tors will note htat a division will Funeral services for the three- time for some of his ratings officers of the Gulf County Girls onstration Aqpnt; Martha Costin, 'bo set aside for them in horticul- year-old youth were held Satutrd., against some good Democrats 4-H Council. They are from left secretary and Ann Knowles, ture and floral arrangements. Men afternoon at 2:30 in the Cominmn- (God bless their souls). They to right; Nancy Maddox, Presi- treasurer, also have been .remembered with ity Church in 'Springfield T ' better watch out, the Senator an invitation to"participate .in a Lloyd Riley, Port S't. Joe ani R.-v will be calling them. Commu- b Brl nging Ci c T T "Men Only" classification in the Hunt and Rev- Plant of P1.,a:,,a nists the next thing they know. Kiwanis Club Bringng Circ s To Tarrangement of 'fruit and vege- City officiated at the servi.e-: ' tables. Mrs. T. J. MitcheL has been Besides his parents, Wesle. - We had an excellent picture For Performances Friday Aftern on appointed as Genral Chairmai f survived by one brother, Ke-ni of Senator LeRoy Collins speak- ernoon the flower shoe with various com1: Ray, Port St. Joe, an uncle T..m: S to o afternoon mittees headed by the following: Pippin of ,Panama. City aid i ing uptown Monday afternoon It's Spring and the circus is com- General Staging, Mrs. J. E. Bibbitt;. grandmother, Mrs. W. W,. W'Ai,,,e but it didn't get back from the Boyles Re-Opening After ing to town. Horticulture 'Staging, Mrs. Fred hurst of Panama City. engravers in time, so we hads to Ext e modeling The Loyal Repensky all-Europ- Maddox; Arrangement, Mrs. T. W. ----------- substitute the bust shot you see Exten emoeg an circus under sponsorship of Hinote; Junior Staging. Mrs. J. C. GARRAWAY ROCKETS WIN over across the road from this -- the Kiwanis Club will show in Port Arbogast: Classification, Mrs. W il- IN CITY BASKE-TBALL LEAGUE column. Boyles Department Store is re- St. Joe next Friday afternoon with liam Wager; Entry, Mrs. H. F. We might say, the Senator im- opening today with a newly redes- shows at 2:30 and 8:00 p.ni. Ayers; Schedule, Mrs. C. L. Costin, The Garraway Rtockets w. -I ,I. pressed us with his talk and his orated and re-furbished store in a eerin Proerties Ms.. C. Nedle; PubCity BasetbalLeague q 'I. i The circus will be a three-ring Properties. -Mrs. I. C. Nedley; Pub- mannerisms. Wte, like a lot of gigantic Re-opening and Anniver- it e 0 perfrers and licia. Mrs. Keneth rodnax: os- ent in defeating the -Moo:-- .... other people in the state had saix Sale. Rotasi Clubs. other people the state hd say lewild. animals along with a menag- pitality, Mrs. Henry Campbell; Rib- Rotary Clubs. never heard of LeRoy Collins R. Glenn Boyles. owner of the erie gathered from five continents.,bon and Awards, Mrs. \Way -yne Ash- In the final gamee of the -. ', until he started his campaign for store has stated that the storeir f t c the Rockets triumphed over 'E' CO Governor. has been completely redecorated Admission prices for the circusley. wahitchka aggregation. LEROY COLLIN We heard talk that he was from top to bottom and from the ill 1.50 d 6c, tax ilded. A listing of the flower show just campaigning now 'to put front to the back door. The Kiwanians urge that you buy schedule in the various divisions I himself in front of the people New fixtures have been put into tickets, from them as they realize will appear during these succes- In Hospital Visiting In Miami for the full term coming up but use by the store and display cou5- 50 percent of sales in that 'manner' for the full term coming up but use by the store and display couu- 00 percent of sales im that matner sive weeks proceeding the show. Mrs. J. B. Bobbitt is a patient it Mrs. H. F. Walker is. it looks like he. s just going to ters have been re-arranged to al- which will be app lied to their sight atch for the sched ule the Pnsacol B ittis Hpi friends and treaties mess right around and get elect- low for more shopping room and conservation roam. ath for te schedulethe Pesacla Baptst Hospital. friends ad relatives in ed in spite of himself. freedom. The new arrangement al-' Ti'ckets are on sale at l uzzett's - so allows for a better displadv of il i i rug Stor'es and at ' ... .. at T .... s W:- 'q2-4e. -=a i "- d o"I't' I.. t 4 O We were very iproucf of the n eiclhaldise ad allows ecusto1 ' lIigh School Band at their con- mer to shop and compare 'and cert last ThursdaCy night and coose tiei' tnereadiseCmplete were even more proud of the Boyles is conducting a unique Organizat i Frida Night standing room only crowd that give-away in this big Combined g sale. He is offering twice the value The Cub Scouting. programl: w ill greeted their first concert in -of any coin from a nickel to a dol- complete its organizational plans over a year. Judging by the pro- lar that was made in 1946 in trade. Friday night at the Boy Scout Hut. gress made in six short months All one has to do is to present a All the parents and boys are urged ie would venture to say that by coin of these denominations made to conle to this important meeting. . this time nxt iyr Port e i1946 and be allowed to purchase At this timiie the dens will e di- r l ' ill take some first oaces in the double its value. vided, and the dens will comlppose ' "taken suei fnst i l h"ce blo h EEach' customer. will.be given a two packs. One of the packs tw- ill " state music festival held each ticket good fo a drink at his fa- be in Port St. Joe pirope, while ticketgoodfo 'bedrika1 W .rwhl vear at Tallahassee. We don't orite drug store. the other will have dens in Oak know exactly what happened to Grove. White City, Kenney's Mill, tlhe band, but we feel that every Beverly Duperrouzel Is Highland Viliew, the beach. ad citizen, of Port St. Joe is excep- In Fla. State Debate Team Ray T. Clark and Walt Starnes .. tionally proud of the change. will be Cubmasters of one pack, ' .. Thime University of. Miamim defeat,- while Ted Bear&d and Rev. Bill '' ' GULF COUNTY TB ASSN. ed 11 colleges and universities to .: WILL MEET MARCH 18 capture sweepstake honors in Flor- head te ot. . ida State University's Fifth Annual '. i -. . TiThe Annual Meeting of the Gulf Invitational Debate Tournnament, Union Finance Co. Opening .. . County TB and Health Associationl held in Tallahassee Februarv 19-20. ' will be held Thursday, March 1Sth. Al Goff. has been appointed an- ".. at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Basil A, recordd attetdanice froln six ager of the Union Finance Coimn- Z~ E. Kenney, Sr. All members are states ad te Distit o ol- s new office which opened on urged to be presentpreent fo te iteolleg- Monday. March 15 at 221 Reid Ave- . Slate turneynue, Port St. Joe. Critically III In fifth place was the Floirida r. Goff as form'nerly Gaines- B. B. Attaway of White City is State University negative team of vile. branch manager fort his firm. critically ill at his home. He has Beverly Duperrouzel. Port St. Joe He will reside with his wife and Pictured above is an interior building taken on their opening rently being remodeled a been suffering with high blood pres- and captain, Peter Ninikoff, Talla- three children at the Rainey Cot- view of the new St. Joe Furni- week end. The building that the completion, the store will s'e for soime time. hassee. stages at Beacon Hill. ture and Appliance Company store formerly occupied -is cur- both buildings. his cam- lature, would be financed by the f County increased dog track tax, which has that the been attacked in court by some 11 put its tracks. ogram to Collins, also sponsor of Florida's disabled, first ol age assistance legislation, by Col- said he thought 'it was only fair he Legis that a person unable to work but S not yet 65 be given assistance just as those in need over 65 get it." SAid to the disabled, like other welfare programs, would be financ- ed jointly by the State and Federal governments with the State putting up about a million dollars and the U. S. adding three and a half mil- lions. The 44-year-old State Senator from Tallahassee urged voters to examine his 18-year record in the Legislature and said' he was par- ticularly proud of the leadership he gave the minimum foundation program for schools in 1947. He was critical of Acting Gov. Charley E. Johns for casting the only vote against- this program in rhe Legislature. Collins also outlined his plans to provide more hunting and fishing opportunities for the public. ^S "There are too many signs which say 'no' when you want to go out and hunt a rabbit." he added. He proposed that ",millions of visiting additional acres" be brought under Miami. game management by the .State "through lease or other arrange- jments that will ,.give the public hunting. ;;anct i~ '.n- privileges. ^ ^ i il'. [11*1 a t ,_ Lr n t '-r, .-. ,,1ill n,' I C -' .hi '.. -.. I ,'[.. .., 1- 1-. too late." Collins. twice voted Florida's Outstanding Senator and last .ses, -.'?' S sion named the Most Valuable All- SAround .Legislator, also advocated That "fishing- catwalks be construct- ed on the bridges over our bays and rivers' with public parking areas earby. This. he said. could be i done at very little cost by the :" State Road Department in coop- eration with the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission and the Conservation Department. The candidate spoke at Both Port St. Joe and Wewahitchka be- fore moving on to Panama City on a swing along the coast with his campaign sound truck. He reported his candidacy "it be- ing received wonderfully well all : over Florida because the people Want government they can respect". ,. He charged "a dark cloud of evil" has come over the State Govern- ment since the death of Governor i Dan IMcCarty. a close personal and political friend of Collins. : "The people are revolted and nd upon I occupy Tapper Says He Will Attempt To Re-Arrange Road Laws Reprinted From Times-Union TALLAHASSEE State Sena- tor George G. Tapper, road contrac- tor from Port St. Joe, wants to cap his 10-year legislative career with a monumental achievemient-revi- sion of laws governing highway construction. Tapper, a veteran of many rough and tumble battles on the floors of 'louse and Senate, has seen enough ro realize the fruitlessness of ideal- ism unless it is well mingled with political savvy. That is why, approaching the problem from the practical angle, Tapper is likely to reach his goal. "Politics in road construction." says Tapper, "is just human na- ture. But it's not hopeless because there is plenty of good politics." Tapper, whose current term as senator extends through the 1955 legislative session, vows that he is making his last twirl through chambers of the Legislature. "After 10 years." he says. "I'd like to leave e soi sort of mile- Tapper has a natural springboard of road building." figures believe Florida's road prob- stone to show that I've been in his effort to modify the state's Simmpson said there should be lems would be largely solved if the' through." To that end, he has road laws. -le is road committee some curb on agreements made Road Board members served stag- grabbed the issue of road construe- chairman of the influential Legisla- by the State Road Department. geared terms so that all of the board tion law revision. tive Council, an 18-member .group iHe cited the Jacksonville Ex- (lid nlot go out of office each time Tapper. 38, was born in Brook- of lawmakers who make reform pressway, where tire state watch- a new governor was inaugurated. lyn, N. Y., but reared in Florida. recommendations to the Legisla- ed astonished as its contribution Supporters of this move include At 25 he was chairman of the ture. rose from $16,000.000 to $42,000,- former road Chairmen Alfred A. Gulf County Commission, but he The committee already has some 000. McKethan of Brooksville and resigned to become an Air Force angles to work on, Richard H. Tapper himself is aware that Simpson. pilot. He left service in 1945 as Simpson of Monticello, when, he Florida road needs for the next Tapper isn't so sure this is de- a captain. was state road chairman last year, 20 years are estimated at $92S,- sirable. In view of paat .experi- -He was a freshman iin- the said that "the State Road Depart- 000,000. He is' not dismayed, ence, he does not think it is prac- House in 1947. Then. he became ment is a *one-man, department. however, because he is con- tical. Prior to the administration a floor leader for former Gov. One man has all the power.' and vinced that present revenue of Gov. Spessard L. Holland, he Fuller Warren in the turbulent I'm not sure it is a healthy sit- will be adequate if frugally used. points out, the terms were stag- sessions of 1949 and 1951. From nation." One of his ideas is providing, by gered. Yet each governor demanded there. he wnet to the State The road chairman, said Simp- control of the Road Department Senate so. "hires and fires all personnellaw, that roads will be built on a and secured it through resigna- Senate. son. "hires and fires all personnel, Gov. Warren isn't alone in recog- and can double the payroll tomor- priority system. "If the specifica- tions. nizing Tapper's ability ,particularly row if he wants to." Simpson also tions were set up in law," he says, The Legislature, at Holland's in his specialty of road construe- criticized the Road Board's power "the traffic count would be Ile request, provided Road Board tion. One of the first acts of miil- over budgetary planning, with the deciding factor.'" Only then, he members with ter concurrent lionaire Cecil M. Webb of Tampa, comment that it could "over-con- says. would the five-member Road when he was made road chairman tract, go into debt to the contrac- Board "have any freedom from with that. of the governor. last Decembeir, was to call on Tap-, tors and force them to secure pri- political demands." Ta)ppe'r has I.hese ideas up for per as unofficial adviser. j vate loans. Tha just raises the cost A number of prominent public study: 1. Reduce some of the power now held by the Road Board members as individuals within their particular districts. 2. Earmark funds for use solely on primary roads, pos- sibly even taking some of the money nowx- under .ounty m con- trol. 1. Write into law a policy re- garding turnotus for gasoline stations and similar establish- ments. This service costs the state about $500.000 a year. To delve into the feasibility of such proposals. Tapper has held a series of off-the-record meetings with Road Department career em- ployes. the experts in the field. The Legislative Reference Bureau is conducting, in addition, a study into road finances. Out of this Tapper hopes to secure the aid of his colleagues in writing a law that will stand :tis a guide to Florida's highway future. disgusted with what has happened," he asserted. "They want the Con- stitution changed so that in the event of a Governor's death or dis- ability the powers of the office will be vested in a man elected by all the people. "So we are going to tackle thlis' job of overhauling the Constitution but we' are not going to stop with this ,question of successorship. "For example we are going to do something about the unneces- sary.departments. and overlapping we have heard so much talk about through the years. We must rea- lize that the root of our opportuni- ties for achieving economy and ef- ficiency lies in Constitutional re- vision. "In overhauling the Constitution however, we must preserve such basic policies of the State as home- stead exemption, the bans on a State income tax and State bonds and the distribution of racing reve- nue to the counties. And we must start with the basic proposition that any new Constitution will be submitted to the people for hteir approval." Collins also emphasized his plat- form plank proposing road reforms "that will bring about the spend- ing of our road money where the need exists and eliminate political preferiment and county favoritism". ETAOIN SHRDLU by WESLEY R. RAMSEY _ ~i~ ~u----- __ --------~~ ----- --- - - PAGE I-WO. 7 Social Activities s: PerSonals Clubs Churches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 Birthday Party Connie Jackson. was honored on her seventh birthday. Tuesday af- ternoon beginning at 5 p.m. with a buffet supper and TV party by her mother, Mrs. A. P. Jackson. The party was held in their home on Long Avenue. The birthday cake with lighted candles centered the dining room table. Refreshments of hot dogs; potato chips, drinks, ice cream and cake was served by the hostess to the following little guests: Gayle SOdum, Carol Alligood, Celia Creech, Rebecca Childers, Ellen Kenning- ton, Barbara Brown. Janet Staf- ford, Betty Lou Walker, Dianne Re- therford, Wanda Kennington, Bar- bara Martin, Catherine Birath, Bon- nie Bringman and Dale Jackson. $299.95 On Easy Terms Frigidaire's exclusive Life- time Porcelain finish on cab- inet, top and tub lasts years longer I Heat, soap, water, bleaches can't hurt it! Finest finish known! Get Live- Water action ind Float- Over Rinsing for cleaner, brighter washing. Built and Backed by General Motors R 0 CHE'S Appliance Store * 0* *.^*<-*<*-4*<><**^ ^ THURSDAY FRIDAY ONY CURTIS JOANNE DRU A UNIVJ/SAL-INTERNATIONAL PICTURE LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "HYPNOTIC HICK" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. I --- .ll EO GORCEY and the BOWERY BOYS iil-l8lk ""..i -'* -' ,, SFEATUREN. .2 --- - FEATURE. No. 2 ---- CHAPTER 4 of SERIAL "SON :OF i GERONIMO" and Cartoon: "Emperor's New Clothes" . i. m i I U U U I I I I What Stands Behind Your Prescription First comes the skill of your physician in diagnosing and prescribing. Then comes our professional precision in the compounding of your prescrip- tion from fresh potent drugs. Buzzett's Drug Stare i SPhone. 50 M, SUNDAY, MONDiAY -C Hfk .L '. CS HE Lfri I;' I -tL R. F: I'~1 1~ Ir ?Wa .ae LATEST NEWS and Cartoon 'Northwest Hounded Police' TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ;"":" 3-DIMENSION .; y ^ v'Twew b^ anfSy-~ VAN HEFLSN- IJULIA ADAMS LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "BEAUTIFUL -BAVARIA" **o**e ---,eaaeee Practical Nurses Have Regular Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Licensed Practical Nurses', Di- vision Number 54 of Port St. Joe, was held Monday night, March 1 at the home of Mrs. Calla Howell on Eighth Street with a buffet sup- per being served. Mrs. Nadine Hardy, president, presided at the meeting. Dr. Joe Hendrix was guest speaker, his topic, "The Nurse and The Patient". There were eleven members present and eight guests, Dr. and \ers. Joe Hendrix, Mrs. Audrey Con- ner, Mrs. Beulah Elmore, President of L.P.N. Division Number 5, Pan ama City, Mrs. Scaborn, l'rs. Gladys Moses, Mrs. Willie Nowell and Mrs. M. Whitaker all of Pan- ama City. The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Hazel Stafford. Mrs. Bringman Hostess To Tuesday Bridge Club Mrs. Robert Bringman, Mrs. Frank Hannon and Mrs. Byron Eells, Jr., were awarded prizes at the Tuesday afternoon Bridge Club meeting Mrs. Gus Cheech was hos- tess to the club in her home on Monument Avenue. SArrangemeits of azaleas were used in the dining room. Members playing were Mrs. Wal- ter Johnson. Mrs. Roy Gaskin, Mrs. Earl Atchison, Mrs. Gannon Buz- zett, Mrs. Bill Whaley, Mrs. B. B. Scisson, Mrs. Charles Wall, Mrs. Vic Anderson, Mrs. Bob King, Mrs. Bob Bringman, Mrs. Frank Hannon and Mrs. Byron Eells, Jr. LONG AVENUE R. A.'s WILL MEET MARCH 16 The Walter Mason Moore R. A.'.s of the Long Avenue Baptist Church will meet Tuesday, March 16 with Tom Watts at 1027 Mc- Clellari Ave. WEEK END SPECIALS Reg. $1.50 Chicken Dinner, $1.00 LARGE T-Bone Steak $2.00 VAN HORN'S Beach Club Restaurant BEACON HILL 221 Reid Avenue Phone 218 CHURCH CIRCLE MEETINGS The Woman's .Missionary Union Circle 4 of 'the Woman's Society of the First liaptist' Church met of Christian Service met Monday Monday afternoon at the church afternoon with the chairman, Mrs. for the mission study book, "Sacri- Paul Blount, presiding. fice and Song, with 22 members During the business meeting re- present. The meeting opened with ports of committees were given all singing, 'Take IMy Life a;d concerning the Men's Club supper Let It Be" followed with the devo- and the recent bake sale. tional given by Mrs.' W. C. Prid- geon. Scripture used was Nehe- miah 4:12 subject being, "The Tithe"; Luke 3:23, subject, "H-ow A Farmer's Wife Learned To Tithe"; Luke 8:23, "Certain Wom- en Ministered Unto Him of Their Substance". The 5th chapter was taught by Mrs. C. A. McClellan. All sang tiic first verse of "Give of Your Best To The Master". Scripture used for the chapter was .Nehemiah 12: 31. subject "How Children Rejoice In Tithing and Children Can Tithe" Leviticus 27:30-32, subject, "The Tithe is Holy Unlo the Lord"; Deu- teronomy 16:12; Haggai 2:8, "The Silver Is Mine"; Acts 20:35, sub- ject, "It is more Ble.sed to Give Than to Receive". -Mrs. W. M. Cha- fin led in prayer. SThe 6th chapter of the book was taught by Mrs. J..C. Horton. The introduction was the first verse of "Christ For The Whole Wide World". Scripture Isaiah 24:6, "From The Utmost Parts of the World" sub- ject. "Give Anu Account of Thy Stewardship"'. Mrs. WV. J. Bl'elin dismissed the meeting with prayer. The regular business meeting of the Catholic WXV. i,- 's Club took- place at the home of Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux on Garitson Avenue last Thursday afternoon. New officers for the year were elected as follows: chairman, Mrs. Earl Atchison; co-chairman, Mrs. William F. Wager; secretary, Mrs. Joseph Paffe; treasurer. Mrs. Bill Whaley. The meeting date of the club was changed from the first Thurs- day to the 3rd Thursday of each month. Plans were made for a covered dish supper for the members of St. Joseph Churchi.and their famil- ies. Supper will be given on March 17 at the Florida Power Lounge. Time for the supper will be at 6:30 p.m. Refrieshlilents -were : served by the hostess after which the meet- ing was adjourned with a prayer by Mrs.. K. Brodnax. Twelve members were present:* Mrs. George Anchors, Mrs. Charles Stevens, .Mrs. Earl Atchison, Mrs.. ,John Kramer, Mrs. Joe Paffe, Mrs. Bill Whaley, Mrs. Byron Eells, Jr., Mrs. E. Prohn. Mrs. William WVa- ger, .Mrs. Claude Gaurrelaux, Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax and Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux. Confined By Illness Mrs. P. B. Fairley is confined to her home because of illness. Mrs. Bob Bringman gave the chapter of the mission study book, "That The World May Know" written by Charles Ranson. The meeting closed with the WSCS benediction. The hostess served refreshmeni.s to Mrs. Chauncey Costin, 'Mrs. Chris Martin. Mrs. S. B. Witt, Mrs. R. It. Brinson, Mrs. Bob Bring- man. Mrs. Joe Hendrix and Mrs. Bob King. The Woman's Missionary Union of the Highland Viewv Baptist Church met Monday afternoon at the church for their regular montil- ly business meeting. The meeting was called to order- by Mrs. C. A. Phelps with the sing- ing of "Jesus Saves". Mrs. Phelps read the devotional taken from He- brews 4:1-12. Mrs. Pearley Saf- ford lead in prayer. After the reading of the minutes and treasurer's report .the chair- men present gave their reports. Mrs. Carlos Harbuck .dismnissd the meeting with prayer'; It was announced the next meet- ing will be in the home of Mrs. Luther Christmas, Tuesday after- noon at 3 p.m. for Circle 1. Willing Worker's Circle will in the home of Mrs. Carlos buck at 3 p.m. Tuesday itr,- IThe meet Har- , ii " B Uls~lsr~-s~ Port St. Joe AL GOFF, Manager Open daily 8:30 to 5 -- Evenings by Appointment LON AVENUE BWC WILL MEET WITH MRS. M. L. BRITT The Business Women's Circle 'of Dr. Joseph B. Spear the Long Avenue Bapti'st Church Optometrist will meet in the home of Mrs. M. L. Britt at 304 12th Street. The Apalachicola, Florida meeting will be held Tuesday, March 16 at 7:3,0 n Tm 11L YW ' S -,Bin ....I I Free Aspirin Mar. 16, CONTINUING OUR INCOME TAX SERVICE .... In anticipation of the numer- ous headaches which are v, .*,,0 : bound to accrue at this time S and as a public service to the ., :.IN community 4i we are offering '" FREE ASPIRIN and our so- licitude to those suffering ""-.,~.C-^ from a malady rampant at this season called "Income Tax Hangover' or 'The 1040 Blues'. If the Tax Collector has left Syou indigent but you feel that you still want to carry oli for the sake of the wife and kids, why not- take advantage of :this expression of our sympathy. Read what these famous men may have said if living today. ABRAHAM LINCOLN: You can fool some of the people some of.the time; some of the people all the time, but don't try to fool the Income.Tax Collector at any time.' NAITHAN HALE: I regret that I have but one income to,give to my country. What a super crystal ball Julius Caesar must have had when he was able to predict 2000 years ago, 'Beware of the Ides of March.' AND Johnny the Janitor says: Smith's Pharmacy is a typical American institution; friendly, brash, helpful and going strong, with seirice to its customers. Smith's Phama JOHN ROBERT SMITH, Pharmeceuticcil Chemist "WE DO NOT SELL-WE HELP YOU TO BUY" TELEPHONE 80- Wiltlffl nil lii ni ill litii iziHsi a't'il'tl'l a''111 'ii I ''I l il'll ill h! iinlhil 11mu 1m 1 TELEPHONE 80 - A BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 6:30 P.M. SHOW STARTS AT 7:00 P.M. FRIDAY and SATURDAY There's nothing like a woman to come between men! .. -. ." . , i FI' ~ r t -P.,-r c~ I&i I; I r' ' JLNbG U L L CcJ C'I 2o;L crr.Tuir SUNDAY ONLY --""" MG-C.... t A SOUGHT CASE ! OF LARCENY I ,o,, MICKEY EDDIE I SROONEY BRACKEN L ELAINE STEWART AD MATNO. 113 1 CO. x 1" (14 LINES Monday & Tuesday Monday & Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday / /'"": Watch Our Popcorn Boxes For- FREE PASSES llllllllUIlullllllllllll IIII III11.i1I111 milllI1IlIl1 lilt1illil;li'!4!!;;;:'1:11 1:::1:':': , THEATRE OPENS DAILY 3:00P. M. SATURDAYS 1:00 P. M. : >^AAA >i.a4 ft 44 A A< TRAILWAYS NEW BUS SCHEDULES EFFECTIVE RIGHT NOW FOR ALL BUS INFORMATION PHONE 12 THERE ARE NO LOWER FARES THAN BY TRAILWAYS THRU LINES I 1 I.II ~8ib ANNOUNCING ... A NEW LOAN SERVICE lt c ilFa Mies ICa iet $2 to $30 Quickly Conveniently Confidentially MONDAY, MARCH 15 is the date when UNION FINANCE will bring a 1CO P6.. r LkOAN service to its new neighbors in Port St. Joe and surrounding communities. UN ON LOANS are Fitted to YOUR NEEDS: PROMPT ATTENTION no long investigations -- No unneces- sary delays CONVENIENCE Payments arranged to fit YOUR BUDGET and your pay day PRIVACY no embarrassing inquiries of friends. 0 FRIENDLY SERVICE courteous helpful attention to your request. WAe do not encourage Unnecessary 1 .,i... ;''.-'. but when a cash loan serves a good purpose it will-pay you to visit UNION where a friendly welcome awaits you UNION. FINANCE COMPANY of PORT ST. JOE i M, THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, MARCH ll,- 1954 .. L .. L! I 1 1,ri i . ... A.R L) 44 4- "A THE STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE THRES LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FLORIDA FOURTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY IN CHANCERY CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, a Munici- pality in the County of Gulf, State of Florida, .) l'etItionr. ) STATE OF FLORIDA, and the tax- ) payers, Property Owners and Citizens of the CITY OF PORT ST. JOE, including non-residents ) owning property or subject to taxation therein, ) Respondents. ) I $: Built and Backed By General Motors RULE NISI TO TIE STATE OF FIORIDA, THE SEV- ERAL PROPERTY OWNERS, TAXPAYERS, CITIZENS AND OTHERS HAVING OR CLAIMING ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR IN- TEREST IN PROPERTY TO BE AFFECTED BY TH111E ISSUAN' iE HY TiHE i I, t'tIT ST. JOE, IN GULF COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA, OF THE BONDS HEREINAFTER MORE PARTICULARLY IDESCRIBEI) OR TO BE IN ANY WAY AFFECTED THEREBY: You, and each of you, the State of Florida through the State Attorney of the Four- teenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, are here- by required to appear before this Court at the Courthouse in Mariauna, Florida, on the 3rd day of April, 1954, at 10 o'clock A. M. and show cause,.if any you bare, why the prayers of the Petition file in the above entitled cause should not be granted and thl \\Viter, Sewnr ;and Utilities Re ic\, u Bonds therein described and the proceedings authorizing the ssce thereof, be validat- ed and confirmed, said Water, Sewer and Utilities Revenue Bonds to be issued by the Petitioner herein, for and on behalf of the City of Port St. Joe, Gulf County, State of Florida, in the aggregate sum of Three hundred Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($316, 000.00) to be designated: Water, Sewer and Utilities Revenue Bonds, dated the lst day of Jdul. 1954, numbered 1 to 315, in- clusive, in'denominations of $1,000.00 each and to mature nerially as follows: NUMBER YEAR AMOUNT 1- 6 1/1/55 $ 6,000 7- 12 7/1/55 6,000 13- 1o 1/1/50 6,000 New-and made for compact kitchens! It's only 24%/ inches wide, yet has a big interior with room galore for frozen foods, fresh foods and left-overs. Hydrator holds a week's supply of fruits and vegetables. ROCHE'S APPLIANCE STORE Phone 291 Reid Avenue Port St. Joe, Fla. I .-. '- NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS I _rcl---a---~- -.~n._~u -- - -t - a4-a55 t NsaS (Isn't this why more people want-and buy- Chevrolets than any other car?) What you want most Chevrolet cgves you first See how Chevrolet stays ahead of other low-priced cars in all the things that mean the most to you. See how much less Chevrolet costs you-it's the lowest-priced line of them all. Come on in and let us show you how you can have the things you want and be a good many dollars ahead with a new Chevrolet. That's promising a lot, but we welcome the chance to prove it! OUT AHEAD with that bigger, lower took. COily Chevrolet and leading higher-priced cars have Body by Fisher with that big, smooth, low-slung look. OUT AHEAD with zippy, thrifty Poweigtide. It's the first and most ad- vanced 'automatic transmission in the low-price fietd' 'Acceleration is instantly responsive and as smooth as silk. Op- tional on all r'odels at extra cost. OUT AHEAD with the highest- compression overhead valve engines. Chevrolet's great engines have the highest compression ratio of any leading low-priced car. OUT AHEAD with bigger brakes. Chevrolet brakes are largest in the low- price field for smoother, safer stops! svYsBtOL EMBLEM OF tit.f/ OF SAVINGS EXCELLENCE OUT AHEAD with that smooth and solid big-car ride. Chevrolet's the only low-priced car with Unitized Knee-Action -one reason for its finer road-smoothing, rqad-hugging ride. OUT AHEAD with automatic power controls. Chevrolet is the first low-priccd car to bring yo power features cost options. GARRAWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Cmr Williams Ave. and 4th St. R. E. PORTER, Manager with an automatic washer, a dryer. an ironer and an electric wafer heater for a plentiful supply of hot water. Carefree washdays are yours every time. All you do is put your clothes in the washer where they're washed and rinsed, without lifting a finger. Take the clothes from the washer and toss them into the dryer. Set the timer and your clothes come out fluffy dry, ready for ironing. Then, while more clothes are being washed and dried, you can be ironing the first batch easily while sitting down at your ironer. Yes, padres, De modern ao your laundry ELECTRICALLY! u all the latest automatic and controls as extra- Y 24-Hour Wrecker Service THURSDAY, MArCHn1 II, 19t)4 a cost! Full-width Super-Freezer Chest ,. r.. .d 4 Full-width Porcelain finished Iydrator Golden finished all-aluminum Shelves 1954 Model ."^ Full-width Chill Drawer STD-76 S. New Butter Compartment 190 C -5* S Shelves in Door 229 9 Meter-Miser Mechanism-S-Yer Waranty Phone 388 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Campbel lhad as their guests Sunday, Mrs. A. L. Knight and son, iRalph. Miss (Helen Norris spent Sundl in Highland View visiting with Mrs. Mary Deese. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prynex and son, Daniel of Pensacola were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. 19- 24 7/1/56 6,000 25- 30 1/1/57 6,000 31- 37 7/1/57 7,000 38- 43 1/1/68' 6,000 44- 50 7/1/58 7,000 51- 57 1/1/59 7,000 58- 64 7/1/59 7,000 06- 71 1/1/60 7,000 72- 78 7/1/60 7,000 79- 865 1/1/1 7,009 S9f- 93 7/1/61 8,000 94-101 1/1/62 8,000 102-109 7/1/62 8,000 110-117 1/1/63 8,000 118-128 7/1/68 8,000 126-133 1/1/64 8,000 134-142 7/1/64 9,000 143-151 1/1/65 9,000 152-160 7/1/65 9,000 161-1690 1/1/66 9,000 717c -18 7/1/66 9,000 179-187 1/167 9,000 188-197 7/1/67 10,000 198-207 1/1/68 10,009 208-217 7/1/68 10,000 218-.227 1/1/69 10,000 228-238 7/1/680 11,000 239-248 1/1/70 10,000 249-259 7/1/70 11,000 260-270 1/1/71 11,000 271-281 7/1/71 11,000 282-2912 1/1/72 11,000 293-304 7/1/72 12,000 305-309 1/1/73 5,000 - 310-315 7/1/73 6,000 and hearing interest -payable semi-annually on the first days of July and January of each year at the rate of four per centum (4%) per annum, a more particular des- orintion of said Water, Sewer and Utilities Revenue Bonds appearing by reference to .(rdlinanre No. 13UA of the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, authorizing the same, certi- fied copy of which is attached to and inada a part of the Petition herein This, RuI-a to be published in The Star, a newspap-r pub- lished in the City of Port St. Joe, Florida, in form and manner as required by Secti,.n 75.06, Florida Statutes. DONE AND ORDERED at l)arinns, Flovi ida, this 3rd day oflMarch. 1954. /s/ E. C. WELCH Circuit Judge IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN CHANCERY IN RE: Estate of ) SUE L. TOWSON ) deceased. ) NOTICE TO CREDITORS All creditors of the estate of SUE L. TOWSON, deceased, are hereby notified and required to file any claims or demands which they may have against said estate in the office of the County Judge of Gulf County, Florida, in the Court- house at Wewahitchka, Florida, within eight calendar months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Each claim or demand must be in writing and must state the place of residence and post- office address of the claimant and must be sworn to by the claimant, his agent, or his attorney, or it will become void according to law. February 22, 1954. /s/ VIRGINIA TOWSON OWENS Executiix of the Estate of Sue L .Towson, deceased. Cecil G. Costin, Jr. 4t Attorney for Executrix 2-28 First publication on February 25, 1954. D. H. Shealy. SWe are sorry to say that Herbert Gardner is still suffering from ,burns which he received in his back yard and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. We are glad to say that Ellen Ray is home from the hospital and is doing fine. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dees had as their guests over the week end, Ruhbin Ward of Headthon, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Gay have as their guests, their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Gay of Perry and after three weeks of visiting, they will go to Pennsyl- vania. SMr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall had as their guests- for -two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Carrel P. Stander and son, Wolley of Grand Rapids, Mich. Mrs. Anan is spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Lipford and children of Marianna spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall. G. Haorld Hall who was serving aboard the carrier, USS Benington spent a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland Hall. He will be stationed in Charleston, South Carolina at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bromley and chil- dren of Lynn Haven spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burns and family. Honored With Stork Shower Mrs. Lois Jean Gibson was hon- ored with a stork shower Thursday night at the home of Mrs. D. H. Shealy. The hostesses for the oc- casion were: Mrs. D. H. Shealy, Mrs. Earnest Lightfoot, Mrs. Dol- lie Shirley and Mrs. Joel Lovett. Refreshments of Cokes and salad were served to the following: Mrs. McFarland, Mrs. Betty Ruth Flem- ing, Mrs. Herman Stripling, Mrs. Ruby Hill, Mrs. Connie Gay, 'Mrs. Erline Graves. Mrs., L. C. Davis, Mrs. Turberville, Mrs. Ruth Le Grone, Mrs. 'Shirey, Mrs. Jean WSCS Circle Number 3 Meets With Mrs. Swatts Circle 3 of the Woman's Society of Christian Service met for their regular study meeting Monday af- ternoon in the home of Mrs. Ralph Swatts. Mrs. Gus Creech, chairman, con- ducted the business meeting. The study was a continuation of the mission study book, "That The World May Know" by Charles Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Abbbie Grace Conner, Mrs. N. E. Deese, Mrs. Margaret Ard, and Mrs. Peggy Mc- Farland. Clark, Mrs. Joel Lovett. Mrs. James Lovert. IMrs. Jadine Elis. Mrs. Woodrow Shoots, Mrs. Edgar Smith, Mrs. Shealy, Mrs. Earnest Lightfoot, Mrs. J. F. iPitts. Send- ing gifts but unable to attend were Mrs. Anderson Davis, Mrs. 'Ruth Griffin, Mrs. L. P. Ray, Mrs. Ella Norris, Mrs. Lloyd Riley, Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Dorothy Levins, Mrs. Bill Conner, Mrs. Tanner, Mrs. John McKenzie, Mrs. Beatrice Rev- ell, Mis. (B. W. Wilder, Mrs. L. W. Cox. Mrs. Katie Adkins, Mrs.. Jun- ior Butts, Miss Jimmie Lee Butts, Ranson. rs. Roy Gibson, president of the WSCS led the study assisted by Mrs. Swatts and Mrs. J. Lamar Miller. After a brief business .ses- sion, the meeting was dismissed with the WSCS meditation. IRefreshments were served by the hostess to the siv members present. Arrive For Visit Mrs. H. H. Till'man of Atlanta, Ga., arrived Wednesday to be the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ramsey and family for two weeks. Star Want Ads Get Results Star Want Ads Get Result* --- I d SYou Are Cordially Invited To Attend Long Avenue Baptist Church REV. J. C. ODUM, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 a.m. MORNING WORSHIP --- 11:00 a.m. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION --- 6:15 p.m. EVENING WORSHIP 7:30 p.m. PRAYER SERVICE (Wednesday) 7:30 p.m. Meeting in The High School Auditorium VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOME Andy's Welding Repairs First Street, Behind Tomlinson's Gulf Station Box 334 ARC WELDING ACETYLENE CUTTING Lawn Mowers and Outboard Motors REPAIRED Aluminum Can Be Welded Here Window Bars Trailers Clothes Line Poles PORTABLE EQUIPMENT FOR BREAK DOWNS GOOD WELDING PAY (appilqh2 You Mth Plentq of low Cost Port S.I. Joe, Florida 4 v C i:L ~I ~. t I I ,* t t It has been a great privilege and pleasure to have served the people of Port St. Joe and vicinity during the past eight years. We are most grateful for your splendid patronage in the past. We are now prepared to render a better service which we believe w1l merit your contineud goodwill and patronage in the future. We pledge our best efforts towards making your shopping easier, more pleasant and economical. R. GLENN BOYLES Thursday, Friday and Saturday Only. MEN'S NEW SPRING and SUMMER SUITS $18.88 VALUES UP TO $29.50 1954's newest styles and fabrics 'round or hot weather for year Men, this opportunity may not come your way again Attend BOYLES Greatest Celebration and save EONE THIRD! The Best In Lingerie! Seampruf, Sans Souci and Gordon Slips, Gowns & Panties 79c to $12.95 You'll be right to buy these nationally known garments Men's Fancy DRESS SOCKS 39c Value -4 Pairs 88c Men's Full Cut WORK SHIRTS 88c Sanforized blue chambray, Sizes 14 to 17 Lowest price ever! Men's Full Size WHITE HANDKERCHIEFS 12 For 89c Supply your needs whole year! Save! for- a LADIES SLIPS 88c Regular length, sanforized, eyelet trimmed $1.49 Value! NYLON PANTIES For Miss and Mrs. 68 1cpr. 2 Pairs $1.28 White Only, Sizes 6 and 7 60 Gauge First Quality. NYLON HOSE 88c r. Famous Sole-Mate New Spring Shades. AMRY BOYLES 8th ANNIVERSARY Celebration 2 GREAT WEEKS 2 STARTS. THURS., MARCH 11 WE FOLKS, HERE AT BOYLES ARE MIGHTY PROUD -TO PRESENT THE MOST IMPORT? EVENT IN OUR ENTIRE CAREER! THS IS AN EVENT OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE I OUR ENTIRE ORGANIZATION! WE EXTEND A WELCOME GREETING TO EACH AN EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD WITHIN ALL FLORIDA TO THE MOST PRETENTIOl OCCASION IN OUR HISTORY! SA Great Value For A Great Event! Chenille Spreads $3.88 Full size, closely tufted and fringed Attractive bedroom colors MEN! Choose The Best From Our Complete Stock! Famous RAND and STAR BRAND SHOES $5.95 to $14.91 These shoes have stood the acid test for dre and work. The new spring and summer style are here, the finest and largest selection .tve Browns, blacks, white, and attractive combi nations in loafers and oxfords. We have ti proper, widths to fit your feet. Quality guaranteed BOYLES is HEADQUARTERS for KEDS fi Men, Women, Boys and Girls New Stocks Are Here Men's $1.25 Value KNIT SPORT SHIRTS 79c First quality, panel ribbed with Pocket White and Colors Now, maybe never again! Men's Skipdent SPORT SHIRTS 88c Guaranteed first quality, full cut and sanforized. Assorted solid colors 1 Group Men's STAR BRAND OXFORDS Values up to $8.50 $4.88 Sizes broken but all sizes in the group Men's 8 Ounce Sanforized DUNGAREES $1.88 Big Dad and Dee Cee quality Zipper fly, sizes 28 to 40 MEN'S FIRST QUALITY SHIRTS and SHORTS 2 for 88c Shorts are full cut and sanforized Shirts are panel ribbed cotton ' ON THE HOUSE FREE DRINKS! All customers making any purchase during the FIRST 3 DAYS of this great 2 in 1 Cele- bration will be given a COUPON good for COLA or any other equal value soft drink ABSOLUTELY FREE AT YOUR FAVORITE DRUG STORE! PRICES Are Always LOWER At BOYLES DEP'T STORE On Nationally Famous Brands Now On Display, The Best -Selection Ever! SPRING and SUMMER SLACKS FOR MEN $5.95 to $13.95 We've selected the finest fabrics available tailored by the country's leading manufacturers Dacron, Nylon and acetate, gabardines and tropicals. Sizes 27 to 44, regulars and shorts SEE THE WORLD'S FINEST - New SPRING and SUMMER Van Heusen Sport Shirts $2.95 to $5.95 For Discerning Men The new fabrics and novelty patterns will make your shirt shopping more pleasant and inter- esting than ever. Sizes small,, medium, large extra large Proudly We Present A Complete line of Famous LEE Work Clothes FOR MEN WHO DEMAND THE BEST $2.95 to $4.95 Dungarees, Overalls, Fine Chetopa Twill Shirts and Pants to Match, Coveralls and Jackets. Every garment is guaranteed to fit better and last longer or your money back Lee WORK CAPS __ 59c to $1.00 Lee Work Gloves $1.25 to $1.95 ill . THURSDAY, MIVAI.n .R lo*5 ---ii * Press a button... and this 25 HP* Evinrude BIG TWIN whirls to life! With no more effort than starting your car. Now you.. or anyone ill your family .. can "take command" from a comfortable, seat up forward. No need to go near the motor! You start it, choke it, shift it;, gun" it. idle it-all with finger-tip ease! You'll field giceat new '54 Evinrudes. in every powe-rclass! A velvet- smooth 1 HP Super-Fastwin. A handy 3 HPTLightwin. And the new. quiet, viibrationfess 7V2 HP Whisper- ing Power Fleetwin. Come in awl let's talk bhoting! MARKS BR( EVINRUDE D FULLER'SISUPPLY CO. .~ U~-=~v 1,fin~~&-toucb CAMPUS INN SNews of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTING Thought For The Week ,I know three things must always be 'To keep a nation strong and free; One is the hearthstone 'bright and -dear, With busy, happy loved ones near. " One is a ready, cordial hand, To love and serve and keep the iand. and assist persons in the county One is the worn and.beaten way, with their problems. There is also To where the people go and pray.,a state office that. maintains a 'So, long as these are kept alive staff which includes experts _on 'Nation and people will survive; each field such as, nutrition, heal- 'God keep them always every clothing, farm management, etc. where, Their job is to advise agents and The hearth, the flag, the place of members as well as planning and prayer, carrying out the program o fthat Spoject for each year. National 4-H -Club Week The work of the 4-H Club is in- This week, March 7-14 is pro- dispensible in the building of minds claimed as National 4-H Club and bodies to sustain a free Ameri- Week. This is done in an effort to ca. present to the American people the outstanding accomplishments of this organization. Many boys and gjls between the ages of 10 and 21 years living in rural arid urban areas 'belong to this organization and strive to live up co its IuitOu "to make'the best better"' in every- Coming Attraction Don't miss the great event. Com- ing soon is the most hilarious and grandest of all events to come to Port St. Joe. They'll be fireworks a "poppin" wheli the student bas- ketball team clahses with the fa- culty team. SNext Saturday night at 7:30 the The four, fold development pro- 'gi-eat e'ent w grant of head hat. 'great event will e, staged. The fa- granm, of head; ,heart, hands and tea will compose d of a- .lt fro mwhichthe name is de-culty team.will l 4 composed of fa- rivd is carried omhi three name is de ulty members of the High Schoql, ied is carted on through man Elementary School and Highland differentays: View Elementary School. There 1. Supervised projects play a big will be two games. The first the part in.helpin gboys and girls to girls game and second, the boys. become independent and self sup- Admission for-the game will be porting. Most of these.come under and 50. Referees will be Foy the general heading of farm or Scheffer and Red Fuller. home such as home improvement, Scheffer andRd foods, clothing, canning, electricity, Don't miss the game of the sea- tractor.maintenance, poultry, cattle son! raising and soil conservation. How. ever, projects such as health. safe- Star Want Ads Get Results . . ....l 'p RIC H 'S ,, SUPER SPORT ST. JOE, FLORIBA We Reserve Limit Rights THESE PRICES GOOD MON. thru SAT. MARCH 8 13 -- -- -- -- -- -- ---------------------------- - SST DAY'S WINNER 2ND DAY'S WINNER 3RD DAYS WINNER 4T11 L'A'S WINN- FIRST WINNERS! Dodge. , 40th Anniversary r ? All-America,- ) ; Rayford C. Rankin Major David Parker Rev.Stephen B. Dabkowski Mrs. Arthur Jones C Ontest Fort Worth, Texas Topeka, Kansas Franklin, New Jersey Richmond Heights, Missouri S;. ENTER AS,OFTEN AS YOU LIKE- THERE'S STi L TIME! : - 2 Weeks Away with Double Pay! 40 Grand Prizes... A Grand Prize a Day for 40 Days! - 'Okla/ 01 A What a Car! What a Vacatic PLUS all expenses for two. meals, transportation, hotels. PLUS $500 "fun money" (to spend or save as you please) PLUS two weeks' use of an elegant new '54 nDODG in! What a Contest! The crowning touch to any vacation This is your chance to vacation at the' There's a contest e, ery day! A -an elegant new '54 Dodge! Wher- places you've always dreamed about, prize every day! A winner every ever you go in your Dodge, you go New York, Hollywood, Florida- The Dodge 40th Anniversary in luxury and style thrill to anywhere in the U.S.A. Dodge pays America Contest celebrates 40 flashingperformance, enjoygas-saving for all meals, transportation, hotels. years of Dodge dependability. T] economy! Dodge set 196 official AAA In addition, you get double your pay still time to enter! See your fri records topped .all "eights" for two weeks, plus $500 fun money Dodge dealer for contest rules in the'Mobilgas Economy Run! ... and the use of a new '54 Dodge! an official entry blank. Enter to / Plus $10,000 in Cash Prizes ... 25 Prizes a Day! It's Fun! It's Easy! Enter Now at Your Dodge Dealer's! grand 'day! All- great here's endly sand today! -- our-Fraendlly :oage.Ply;,;.; l DalerlWrings You-Dainy Thomasin "Make Room For Daddy." ABC-TV Bert Parks in "Break The Bink, ABC-TV .ejaljljhon i eare C f.l' I ., ,. .I : McGowin Motor Company Baltzell Avenue and Fourth Street Port St. Joe, Flor ido T-Bone STEAK Ib. 59c Round STEAK lb. 59C Sirloin STEAK lb. 39c CLUB STEAK lb. 39c CHUCK STEAK lb. 29c 29c Bell PEPPERS 3for 5c CARROTS bag10c RADISHES bag 1O0 CELERY stalk 5 ORANGES -dozen 10C CHUCK ROAST lb. 29c GRAPEFRUIT dozen 10c Brisket Stew 4 lbs. 69c FRESH CORN, 4 ears 19c HAMBURGER 4 lbs. 89c Fresh Tomatoes lb. 10c Lg. Bag Onions bag 10c U. S. NO. 1 Seed Potatoes 5lb.29c Fresh Rutabagas lb. 6C Hard Head Cabbage lb. 3c NABISCO LARGE SALTINES CRACKERS 23c New Floor Mops 29c NO. 1 TALL TOMATOES 10c Borden's Biscuits 9c 3 Hour Special FRIDAY NITE ONLY, 6 to 9 RUTABAGAS lb. 3c Irish Potatoes lb. 3c OYSTERS pint 59c Florida Grade "A" EGGS (limit 1 doz.) 39c WILSON'S Chopped Beef can 29c WILSON'S BEEF TRIPE Ig. can 29c WILSON'S CORNED BEEF 39c ( It's here i by VINRUODE )KERAGE CO. . EALER AGElT IN PORT ST. JOE ' PAY CASH and SAVE Open All Day Wednesday Glad Bulbs, box of 15 59c Glad Blooms ea. 5c Potted Meat 4 cans 25 C SWEET HEART Toilet Soap 4 bars 27 BEAUTY BRAND Canned Milk 3 tall 29c ALL BRANDS Baby Food 3 for 27c THE BEST Laying Mash 251 b. $1.19 NO. 21/2 OAK HILL PEACHES can24c OUR OWN HOT Pepper Sauce pint 29 Flag Dog Food 3 cans 25 c NO. 2 VAN CAMP'S Pork & Beans. 2 cans 35c Fla. Grade 'A' WITH EACH $10.00 ORDER Dozen EGGS FREE Armour Beef Stew 34c WITH MEAT Armour Spaghetti 25C WITH BEANS Armour CHILU ty, community "service, leadership are also offered. 2. Another way that this is car- ried out is through its leadership program. Boys and girls are taught first of all .self confidence. They also learn how to accept respon- sibility, speak before groups, get along with other people, and hold responsible offices to name a few. 3. Trained guidance is an impor- tant part of the 44H program. Coun- ty Agents and Home Demonstra- tion Agents organize clubs, help in- dividuals and clubs with their pro- jects, supply project information, District Conference of WSCS Held In P. C. The annual conference of the Marianna District was held in the First Methodist Church at Panama City on March 1. Speakers for the occasion were Miss Margaret Twinem, Execu- tive secretary of Missionary Per- sonnel of the Woman's Division and Miss 'Mary Cameron, Rural Wo- men's Worker of the Troy District in the Alabama Conference. Rev. Carlisle.Miller, pastor of the First Church, gavete devotional fol- lowed with regular business and reports. Panned goods were turned in for the Mbbile County Rural Center. Mrs. Fred Tindel, presi- dent of the district, and a resident of Graceville presided over the meeting. Those attending from the First Church here were: Mrs. Ed Ram- sey, Mrs. Percy Fleishel, Mrs. J. Lamar Miller, Mrs. Roy Gibson, Sr., Mrs. A. M: Jones, Mrs. J. FB Lariey, 1 Mrs.u Reyburn, Mrs. Ralph Swatr,. Mrs. J. L. Sharit,. Mrs. G. S. Croxton, Mrs. A. J. Owens, Mrs.' S. B. Witt, Mrs. J. Hedrick, Mrs -Fred Davis, Mrs. R. W. Smith, Mrs. .J. L. Temple, Mrs. C. L. Costin, Mrs. Chris Martin, Mrs. W. T. Moseley, Jr., Mrs. Mary Wimberly and Mrs. R. F. Gaskin. Confined By Illness Mrs. Joe Johnson is confined to her home due to illness. Recovering From Mumps Mrs. Wilbur L. Smith ifsrecov- ering from the mumps at her home. Misery 3S S (C ^F666 I*OU ? O AILT- SAME fAL RIEU JUNIOR WOMAN'S CLUB HAS REGULAR MEETING .The Port St. Joe Junior Wpman's Club held its regular monthly din- ner meeting on Tuesday evening March 9, at the St. Joe Motel, with' 18 members and guests present. Guest speaker of the evening' was Judge E. Clay Lewis, well- known jurist, who gave a very in- spiring talk on the woman's plai in the community. ----~---- This *t on your printing is u sign of quality, ^- s- s- 0wvvrmnmWWc , Dr. Charles Reicherter O OPTOMETRtST SEYEs EXAMINED GOAe-ASSe FITrrD , C Loso MEO WNEDAY AFTERNOONo U HoURS a TO 5 S PHome SUNSETr -Sees5 F13T VLOOR RITZ THEATRE ,BUILOINU SPANAMA CITY. FLORIDA I ~ ,,, PAGE FIVS rnrr THE STAR, PORT 'ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA >, - I IH- STR OTST OGL I T, LRD hRDY AC 1 ~ Gulf County, subject to the Democratic primaries i n may. I wilt appreciate your vote and support. %asr m i ll R ilr YOUR VOTE and Support In Electing WATSON SMITH I hereby announce myself W. E. BRKANU County Commissioner 9 candidate for County Com- I missioner, District No. 4, District Four Guff County, subject to the Will Be Very Much Democratic primaries n oay. c For County Commission Appreciated I wilt appreciate your hereby announce myself rtI hereby announce myself vote and support. a candidate for County Com- Coleman W. Thorpe missioner, District No. 2, For County Commission Gulf County, subject to -the Democratic primaries I I herebynannounce myself Sy a candidate for County Com- ,ay. missioner, -District No. 4, or County Commission I will appreciate your Gulf County, subject to the vote and support. - I h a s vote and support. Democratic primaries in I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- E. C. Harden, Sr. May. missioner District No. 2. will. appreciate your Walter oDuren's Super Market S WEEK END SPECIALS THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY 2 Down ORAGS 1 Doze GRAPBEFRUIT FRE E With $10.00 Grocry Order NASISCO PRCRACKERS lb. box 23c EEL K GRITS 5lb bag 33c ukes AYONNAISE qt.66c DIAMOND PAPER TOWELS roll 18c PET, CARNATION, or SILVER COW CANNED MILK 3 tall cans 39c BLACK EYE PEAS 2 Ib. cello25c Borden's BISCUITS 2 cias 19c HUNT'S TOMATO JUICE 2 cons 19c GEORGIA PURE SUGAR CANE SYRUP /2 gl. 45c GREEN CABBAGE lb. 3c Guaranteed Fresh Ga. Unclassified DOZEN S adl 35c M ed. 45e SLarge 55c WHITE POTATOES 10 lb. 25c Golden BANANAS Ib. 10O LETTUCE 2. heads I5c BELL PEPPERS 3 for 10c Af 1 of - Grade FRYERS: .SWIFT'S Country Style Sausage REGISTER'S vote and support. J. C. P RICE For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Cotn- miss Gulf Dem May I vote ' '.- w - Around Gulf County By ANGELINE S. WHITFIELD Home Demonstration Agent This week, March 6-14 is National 4-H Week. Many plans have been made by the 4-H clubs for he week. The 4-H council met in Highland View at the school to make plans for a prayer service and to spon-! sor a bake and rummage sale. 'Two prayer services were held at the Port St. Joe and the Wewa- The bake and rummage sale will hiltchka churches. be held Saturday, March 13 at Grif- For County Commission I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Com- missioner, District No. 4,| Gulf County, subject to th, Democratic primaries ii May. I will appreciate you: vote and support. R. F. (Fritz) SCHEFFER loner, District NO. ', County, subject -to th fr ttpr OSpenatiV ocratic primaries i ' S1 hereby announce :my t.andi- Sdacy for nomination as your will appreciate yr Reprcscntativt: -in t'e' Legila- and support. tue from Gulf Coutih.. Should id C.. A *. you h me With re-uomination and election I promise to con- For State Representative duct the affairs and responsi- bilities of the office for the ben- efit of all the people. "It shall be my obligation. to continue to I hery anoun y-wor tor me greater progress self as a candidate er e and development of the entire self as a candidate fk l elffii sf RcROSdatetY fr County. Should you hono: nmc Gulf with re-election, will hold open Gisku ite subjente l. em public qnetings, r'ior to th istature'Sufiect t,6'the Dern-0 ocratic Primary Election or legislative session, so thatth.e My 4, 1.4 Elepublic may express their views l elected, I wil fight for on Legislative matters. Having progressie legislation, served you in the past, I res- S- pectfully solicit your cpntinutd- Your vote and support vote and support upon my past will e appreciated. record. SaLI T hanER hkin you, Im' , FLOYD C. LISTER I Sincerely yours, CECIL G. COSTING JR. -.I IRV JR Star Wa4t Ads Get Kesulbs lb. C Green Hif Sausage lb. 39c FRESHI Pork HAMS, half or whole Ib. 49 C Pork HAMS, sliced Ib. 59c FRESH PORK SHOULDER, half or whoe, lb. 45c SHOULDER, sliced Ib. 49c Native PORK CHOPS lb. 49c Fresh PORK SIDE Ib. 39c Fresh GROUND BEEF lb. 29c /*1 I ? ~ '~4 --:~'3 4%- - I ---, -~ .1~. is ALERT RESPONSE when you press the acceler- :ttr an inst at answerr when you n 1 the heel, , qurickl action when yo0 I.oich the brakes. ', :' lia ;I!'C p rfeet car for trafic and set a ,new ihi in ihnndlin,- e;ase. For extra-ca'i:cr "o' Diial-IRange llvdra-lMatic. optional at- \ \ ',,-I. proNides a sp ri.'l Traffir iliig, .. [or1 .r.a vc.lo.i iii, ; c1,ciil ..riii.iig Iaig--. fin's Stor ein Wewahitchka. The time for the sale will be 9:00 a.m. 4-H In Charge of RTA Program A skit entitled "Portraits of 4-H Projects" was planned and present- ed by the 4-H girls for the Wewa- hitchka PTA. The program was planned to infor mthe .public of the scope and significance of 4-H Club work. Those participating in the pro- gram were Martha Costin, Port St. Joe; Judy Hodges, Nancy Maddox, Carolyn Davis, Judy Davis. Estelle Davis and Gail Whirfield, We-,-a- hitchka. PAGE 8IX Political Advertising rTiIS new '54 GMC light-duty " wasi itt Born jPst town: beauty contests. Sure, its sleek lines,full-width grille, and panoramic windshield are handsomely un-trucklike. There's the same dashing air about the inside, too. Two-tone color scheme. 'Harmonizing, supple-as- leather upholstery. Smart instru- ment panel, with dials clustered for instant reading. But mister-take another look.! A burly, brawny brute of an engine -si real truck engine-makes you think of a Miss America who also can bend horseshoes. 12S horse~qoer, sa. s that this beauty can heft a top Io.. with ease and dash. Ikhat's more Pouwer than s. ete makers pack into thir two-ton 'o0tdels. That's, asarjMlfg t:,-i -* HYDOA-MATIC more usable oawer than s an fk~ her 6-cylinder engine in its class! And its wide, deep box holds at least 8 cubic feet more than the roogny. '53 model. That tail gate is grain- tight- and sand-iight. -I Fipaly', it offers Truck Hydra-Matic Drive* that saves you, saves your cash, saves your time. (Note to the luxury-minded: there's - DE LUXE model at extra cost, with chrome gille and trim, two-tone paint, curved rear corner windows-the works!) Come in and dive this great GMC.' It will do all its own selling! *Truck Hydra-Matic Drive standard o. some nde;w ptlimel at extra cost on others. b,,Mudum tfuckl 4, urfa1--drice safety WIMB:E.RLY PONTIAC C4OMPPAN HY PHONE 94 Of all the fine things you get in the big, beautiful new SPontiac, none will please you m6re than its balanced all-around performances. Pontiac's big, high-compression engine has all the power you'll ever need-for acceleration, for hills, for smooth, restful rolling along the open road. And once you drive the 1954 Pontiac, you'll realize that it gives a lot more than just outstanding performance! It gives you the comfort of a long whicelbase and of big, . If-c,,-ljninii;. Springs plus wonderful economy of oper- ation and upkeep and umsurliassed dependability. Com- bine aill tkhat and what you have is performance un- matched at the price! Come in for a demonstration. (i OI..L. I It FOrit IOH L. t It C.A .VY T .EAT A PONTIAC 2nd and MONUMENT AVE. .'.s[t '; .* .).~ -'.s 1- ...' ~~L',L - PONTIAC'S MIGHTIEST ENGINE and generous new fine-car size provide highway performance unsurpassed for smoothness, quietness and a road-leveling ride. For added riding ease and traveling pleasure, P, Conditioning.. for earj-r parking. Power Brakes and PQower Stccring-,o)tioiial at extra cost. WIMBERLY PONTIAC COMPANY PORT ST. JOE, FLA. Guests In Altha Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Roberts and daughter, Linda were dinner guests of Mr. aid dMrs. Ben Roberts in Altha, Sunday. for County Commission Half-ton beafuy i tha ftwo-to punRh - ~-a-- " - ~----- -- dt~ --.a~-~-- I: J 1-He STARt,,PORT &T. JOE, GUI-r COL NTY, FI-ORIDA THURSDAY, MAROK~13 .~ P Iq"$rL: ~$J~'~'~Yr;rase;~t;rcvcd~ B~'aleh ed al th epi fref PHO;NE* 94.. I, . ^ ,s. We cordially invite you to attend our Grand Opening and Birthday Celebration starting Thursday, March S1. New stocks of spring and summer merchandise will be on display in every department. Please take your time and look thru the entire store. New facilities installed during the past ten days will make it possi- ble for you to do your own shopping with less effort than ever. We sincerely thank our many friends and customers who have made this progress possible. ERLMA M. BOYLES BOYLES GRAND OPENING Celebration BOYLES IS NOW A NEW BOYLES -- EVEN AFTER 8 YEARS Of CONTINUOUS PLEA- SANT SERVICE TO THE GOOD. PEOPLE OF THIS AREA! WE HAVE THOROUGHLY AND COMPLETELY -REMODELED AND MODERNIZED OUR STORE TO GIVE YOU THE BEST IN SERVICE AND MERCHANDISE AT PRICES AS LOW AS CAN BE FOUND IN ALL FLORIDA. EVERYTHING IS NEW AT BOYLES--COME, SEE-WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU! SII ,I I I . SFine Quality Muslin., . Colored. Sheits 2 for $4.88 Glorify your bedroom with these lovely sheets. Pillow Cases 2 for $1.18 To Match Looks Like Easter Is Here! Sweet Dresses 2 GREAT WEEKS-- 2 STARTS THURS., MARCH 11 DOUBLE YOUR MONEY All 1946 Coins From 5c to $1.00 will be worth double their face value, to make any purchase During The FIRST 3 DAYS OF THIS GREAT CELEBRATION! BRING IN YOUR 1946 COINS AND REAP A DOUBLE SAVING! BOYLES Is HEADQUARTERS For Nationally Advertised, Top Quality Merchandise '54 SPRING and SUMMER $4SH5 to $4.95 to $9.95 The new styles will thrill you and make your walking more pleasant than ever Flatties, wedges, medium and high heels in your favorite color for Spring and Easter. You will always be right with TRIM TRED and NATURAL BRIDGE SHOES EXCLUSIVE AT BOYLES A Great Value For A Great Event! NEW SPRING DRESSES VALUES UP TO $6.95 DURING THIS CELEBRATION NLY! $4.88 (Sizes for ALL) Dozens of gorgeous new styles received dur- ing the last few days. A rare opportunity to save on a new 1954 creation! I Ic~ :'I8a' EXCLUSIVE .AT BOYLES, Famous Mojud H OSIER Y $1 25 to $1.50 The new spring shades are more lovely than ever! SHEETS .. 81x99, While They Last $1.88 Slight irregulars but every sheet guaranteed or your money back. 42x36 PILLOW CASES 2 For 88c Standard quality, type 128 Solid Color Woven CHAMBRAY 4 Yards 89c Lowest price ever for this fine, durable fabric. MEN'S 100% NYLON SPORT.SHIRTS. $2.88 White and solid color in Leno and Pebble weave nylon. AH sizes Boy's Nylon SPORT SHIRTS Size 2 to 6 $1.69 Size 8 to 16 $1.95 New spring and summer colors Boy's 8 oz. denim DUNGAREES $1.33, Sanforized, bar tafckdd, Sizes 6 to 16 "Langtry" Heavy Quality Unbleached SHEETING S 4 Yards 88c Our Best 36" Sheeting Spencer's Fine Quality COTTON PANTIES 0 4 Pairs , 88c Sizes 0 to 12, white and col- ors. Double thick up to size 4. - '^ ***^^ L .. ... ,"~C !ETHROW A RRIFIC BIG BIRTHDAY FEATURE Step High and Lively in For Sweet Girls 1 to 14- $1.95 to $8.95 Kate Greenaway and Peaches and Cream (Two Great Winners) Cottons, Nylons and novelty Fabrics to thrill the heart of every girl POLL PARROT and STAR BRAND SHOES For Boys and Girls Exclusive With BOYLES In Port St .Joe The Grandest Array We've Ever Shown! SPRING and SUMMER D$8.9s5 to $8.95 to $24.50 The styles are simply out of this world! The fabrics the best ever! Sizes for every figure to please and flatter. Choose from DORIS DODSON, GEORGIANNA, PEG PALMER, BETTY BARCLAY, TEENTIMERS and many other famous names in ladies wear I I . '" L--1I1 I r ~t ---uba~- ~ssl----P--l ~"PIP1 -~B: 1 PAGE EIGHT THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306,.Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Golumnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1U87, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -"- TELEPHONE 51 P- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the'publishers do not hold themselves liable loe damages further than amount received, for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word t 8 thop~itfiufy weighed. The-spoken word barely asserta; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word s lost; the printed word remained. LATER THAN WE THOUGHT On the hells of the bloody nightmare in the US Capitol, when a handful of Puerto Rican fan- atics-branded as Communist dupes-opened fire from the gallery on the House of Representa- tives in session, official Washington reverted to a regime of wartime security and some changes were in the making. The Capitol police, a reli cof the political "spoils system", and made -up largely of boys working their way through school and "deserv- ing" oldsters, is now likely to be reorganized into A force of professional policemen. The three Puerto Ricans, seized as they tried to escape from the balcony, and a fourth picked up afterward in a Washington bus terminal, were speedily indicted on forty criminal counts by a Federal grand jury. Conviction could mean T-HE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA terms of from 75 to 125 years. And if any of the speech also must be a fan of "Drag- Here for the 31st annual meeting five congressmen who were shot down should net" because that well-known of the American Legion Rehabili- die "within a year and a day" of this idiotic at- phrase about "fatDs" was enclosed station Commission were Joe Mur- in quotation marks when it was ray, Ft. Lauderdale, Department tack, the Government will ask new indictments printed in the Congressional Re- Committee Chairman for Florida, for first-degree murder. cord next day. a group of veterans, service offi- Meanwhile, Attorney General Herbert VANDALS AT WORK-A few cers from throughout the state. Brownell, Jr., was reported studying further steps days-after Congressman Jim Haley Among those seen in the lobby of by the Department of Justice to bring the Puerto returned from a visit to Sarasota, the Statler Hotel were: Melvin Dix- vandals broke into his home there. on, St. Petersburg, 'State Veterans Rican Nationalist conspiracy in this country un- They left several rooms in a sham- Service Officer; Elmer Kelly, Jack- der control. In other words, we presume he bles and looted his private study of sonville; Francis M. Gates, Ft was reading the reports and warnings on the two shot-guns and other .hunting Lauderdale; C. T. Walker, Orlando; subject with which the FBI furnished him firearms-also many personal be-oris M. Clark, mi, deputy months ago. longings that cannot be replaced ri N months ago. because of the sentimental value. sheriff from Dade County and Na. Additional protection has been thrown about MORE ABOUT FLOOD CON- tional Commander of the World President Eisenhower, Secretary of State John TROL-When it comes to fighting War Nurses Association. Foster Dulles at Caracas, Venezuela and Henry to get the Republican Congress to .------_ - Cabot Lodge, Jr., US Ambassador to the UN give back to Florida the flood con- Success with Inconel and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover, all of whom trol money which as cut off by Angry owners of a particular co id to h b th te b ti t Congress last year, the.entire Flor- mercial refrigerator blamed the are said to have been threatened by this terror- ida delegation shows up in a body. manufacturer for failure of the units ist group. No one was missing from last and subsequent food spoilage. A hur- A special House security committee, which week's hearing ,before the Civil ied investigation revealed failure of the diaphragm in the temperature recommended real cops for the Capitol, is also Functions sub-committee of t nthe tro. The diahragm material, urina seven-foot shield of bullet-proof lassSenate Committee on Appropria- weakened by constant compressor urging a sevenoot seld o bulletproof glass tions when the Florida flood control pulsations, stiffened and failed un- be build around-the visitors' gallery. problem was presented for the der temperature changes. The prob- There is no doubt some merit to all of the toooth time. Col. H. C. Gee, consult- lem was resolved by substituting many protective devices that have been instituted ing engineer, spoke for the Cen- "coanel a nickel:-hromium-iron .l- tral and Southern 'Florida Flood toy, stip for the diaphragm. planned or discussed. But if there is any moral tor l Project, and the entire ..- '- , to this bloody sequel to the attempt on President Florida delegation backed him up Truman's life in November. 1950, it would seem with speeches and statements for DR. WESLEY GRACE to be that.our drive on subversives should be an the record; The future of our flood OPTOMETRiST all-out, coordinated effort by all the forces of control program now lies in the 37 Red A P 46 Government under one leadership and not hands of this committee.OWN- E left to a handful of patriots in the House and T EXAM E 'GLAS-SE-S FITTED Senate. of the all-time ideal of free govern- SES TTE The First of March,-1954, will be long re- ment fell under those blazing guns. OFFICE HOURS membered-perhaps as long as the Ides of "Then," as Mark Antony said of 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 5 p.m. Julius Caesar, "I and you and all of March, 44 BC. For when those five represen- us fell down, whilst bloody treason CLOSED ALL DAY WED. tatives. of the sovereign American people and flourished over us!" THURSDAY. MARCH 11. t1954 Star Classified Ads Bring Quick Results BEST PA!T JOB IN TOWN ANY CAR OR ANY TRUCK PAINTED ANY COLOR $45.00 McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Dodge-Plymouth Dealer Phone 129 "Copyrighted Material l Syndicated Content" " Available from Commercial News Providers" ~~ - gow m m ON& 41 d w 0m Washington SEE SAW by WIN PENOLETON HEROS ALL! Congressman 4yd IHerlong is telling this one around Capitol Hill: Following the shooting, one member.of the House said to another member, "After this affair, 4I think 'we should vote Sto give ourselves combat pay." His friend said, "From the way our col- leagues were getting but of there, I think it should be FLIGHT PAY". LO, THE: POOR INDIAN The Florida Seninoles were in. town to state their case before a joint com- sunttee on Indian Affairs. An offi- .ially elected delegation of eight isdaiss was over-shadowed by a self appointed delegate, Mike Os- ceola, indian businessman from Mi- ami. Mike captivated the interest Of the committee chairman by his started in business with $1.36 and now his business is worth $50,000. Mike, it seems, can read and write, TICKEE?-The old Chinese say- ing, "No tickee, no laundry" took on new meaning in Washington after the shooting in the House. The open gallery in the House now has been closed and admittance is only by "guest card:" If any of you have green cards which admit you to the House gallery-you can throw them away. They're eno good any more. The new ones are cream colored. They were printed over- night and the green ones were void- ed next day-as a security measure. DRAGNET YET?-Senator Geo. Smathers gave away his television habits when he spoke in the Senate about the Inter-American Confer- ence at Caracas. He -said he hoped that the Secretary of State would return from the Conference with some factual information. In em- phasizing his point he said, "I hope- we can look forward to receiving 'just the facts--nothing but the facts,' from the meeting." Oddly testimony that three years ago he enough, the clerk who recorded his 1 MEW POWEIR 1RAES now available on Ford Pickup (shown) and all "i-ton" models! You save on driving effort-your stopping is up to one-fourth easier Fordomatic Drive* for no-clutch driving! NOW! FORDOMATIC DNIV* available for Ford P-50 Parcel Delivery (ehown). Fully automatic, elim- inates all clutching, cuts stop-and-go time. You handle bigger routes quicker! IEW POWER ISTEERWN*available on most BIr JOB models! Ford Master-Guide Power Steering cuts steering effort by as much as 75%. F-900 (shown), GVW 27,000 IbB., GCW 55,000 lbs. No other truck line! SW !u FOR DOMATI DRIVE* available in all Ford Y-, %- and 1-ton models for '54. Fully automatic-no clutching, no manual shifting! Save time, energy! Model F-250. (shown), GVW 6,900 lbs. concentration of power the walking-stick coatdress 10.95 you get in new TRUCKS More Truck For Your Mioney! Si- 'i 'i5- Smartest direction your town or suburban wardrobe can take a superbly-cut coatdress with th'e slim, carefully-eased lines that look so new. Designed by Nelly Don in a nubby textured rayon, Tebilized wrinkle-resistant. Rose, aqua, white or city darks, . each with its own contrasting polka dot ascot. Sizes 10 to 40 and 10 to 20'2. NEW FORD CAB FORWARD models! New C-600 (shown). New. C-900, 55,000 Ibs. GCW, hauls 35-ft. legal-limit trailers in every State! New Driverized Ca;.', r "ll-:Idth seat! NEW FACTORY-BUILT 6-WiHEELERS, up to 40.000 lbs. GVWI To haul BIG loads up to the legal limit in all States! These Ford-built tandem axle models are priced with the lowest;! Come See iiiem/ NOW.' FORD gives you new greater power with proved gas economy, too! For their small displace- -ment, Ford Truck engines develop more power than other-make truck engines. Smaller-displacement engines that need less gas are now yours in ALL Ford's more than 220 truck models! TRIPLE ECONOMY! New economy under the hood! New Ford Dritwr- A. ized Cabs keep drivers fresh on the job-boost operating economy! New Ford factory-built tandem axle 6-wheelers int ..-.se gross up to 48(.% 1"W ;. Ford gives you economy G greater capacities: ,t. See your Ford Dealer today! COSTIN'S ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner 4th and Monument - L now 0 4m cow. on tmsco sow N '5 "a N -' 54'" ----- 1 __ __ I -- --- -- I L p.r C\ r W Port t t. J~oe,., Fla., Phone 37. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1954 _____r____s__3__ ..-....-I ---- -.-. - ON THIS DANLE -sp THE STAR, 'jRT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA .m fiai--*'*B*""c wT *~A-ri p 'tEniAat. Y' 31ST ANNIVERSARY M \TTRESS OR BOX SPRIN Now enioy wonderful comfort at a big saving AVAILABLE IN FULL OR TWIN SIZE 95 $1.00 S Delivers SSale-time is LIMITED! Quantities are LIMITED! oComfort is UNLIMITED! UNBELIEVABLE but true! A super-value with everything you want in wonderful comfortt fin-- est .quality. construction and i' 4S s g b.uity. Made by Riverside Mfg. Co.--one of the nation's lead; 3 producers ol finest bedding. Now at an unb lievable price that says "NOW-right NOV ,is e ii-ne i t buy!" Venetian Blinds I - ----.. .--,,- 24-36 in. width MODEL 8-C UTILITY TABLE 2-SHELF -------5.95 3-SHELF -- -7.95 IL- --q r: U. S. GOOD T-BONE STEAK b. 69c Grade 'A' FRYERS Ib. 43c HOOP CHEESE lb. 49c BRISKET STEW lb. 29c You save 1O 5 ON EACH 4r 7, ~tihp ~ch -- D PAGE NINE White City Home Demo sed pressing, giving garments the Club Meets March 3rd Professional look and a special de- sign with buttons. The \\ White City Home Demon- Eleven members were present. station Club met March 3 at the Mrs. E. C. Martin and Mrs. J. H. Comnmmni Building with Mrs. Rob- MaCrane were received as new ,ert Daniels presiding in the absence members by the club. of the president. i The April meeting will be at the Mrs. 1. R. Hatcher presented the Community Building with Mrs. E. devotional from the 15th chapter L. Antley and Mrs. R. R. Hatcher of John. as hostesses. It was voted to invite the Coun- Mrs. Clyde Gentry will give a :y Council to meet with the White demonstration on insecticides. City club, March 25. The high light of the council meeting will be the i rs. G. F. Lawrence and son, guest speaker, George Tapper who Ramond. returned from a week's will speak on "What the Home trip to Richmond, Va., where they Makers Should Know About The were the guests of Mrs. Lawrence's I.egisidtor." parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hunt and Miss Margaret Lawrence. Miss The club was happy to welcome Lawrence is a RN having received Mrs. nAgeline Whitfield as the new ceremonies performed Iher cap in ceremonies performed home demonstration agent. at St. Luke's Hospital in Richmond. Mrs. Whitfield presented a num- Miss Lawrence is a graduate of ber of booklets, and gave some Port St. Joe High School and later helpful tips on "white elephants", attended nurses' school in New Or- remodeling old garments, and stres- leans before going to St. Luke's. F- -_--- - SUPER MARKET DUBUQUE POTTED MEAT 4cans 23c LINDY CORN 2for 23c TRELLIS PEAS 2 for 23c ORANGE JUICE 46 oz. can 25c NO. 2 CAN GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 2 for 19c NABISCO SALTINE CRACKERS Ib. box 21c NO.' 2 CANS VAN CAMPS PORK and BEANS 2for 32c ARMOUR STAR BEEF STEW Ib. can 31c GOLDEN HARVEST NO. 2 CAN CUT GREEN BEANS 2 for 29c GOLDEN ISLE FIELD PEAS 21-lb. cans35c PORK FAT No. 10 jug $1.29 LARGE CAN TOMATOES 2 for 27c CAIRO BEAUTIES SWEET MIX PICKLES pint 23c BR()OADC AST CPPD HAM can 49c iHE CATSUP 14 oz. bot. 25c WILSON CERTIFIED SBEEF TRPE 24 oz c~an s c ARIMOjURI STAR SPAGHETTI Lb. cn 22c MIlKY W.\Y, SNICKERS. MAR\S. 3 MXUSKETEERS CANDY BARS box of6 25c 'CHEWING GUM 3 pkgs. lOc SUNNYLAND OLEO Ib. 19c PORK CHOPS Ib. 59c GROUND BEEF Ib. 29c ru:;~ '"6 " "THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1954 ------- II- P AGE TEN Priced For SAVINGS! RIGHT on the job are these work clothes. Full-cut to give you freedom of move- ment. Sturdily made to give you extra long wear. Thriftily priced to show you worthwhile savings. Check out prices and be con- vinced! LEE WORK GAPS, Khaki and grey. Reg. $1.00 _- 89c SHOP CAPS ---- 59c I , twill; washable sunfast. Reg. $3.25 f $2.95 Highland View Baptists parts on the program were Mrs. Continue Prayer Week P G. Safford, Mrs. Leo Kennedy. Mirs. O. V. Sculley, Mrs. .J. L. Minis. Continuation o1f the Week of Thursday afternoon, the program on io of the W k of as in clharege of Mrs. (). Ricll- Prayer was held Wednesday by the \as in charge of MAIs. .MaRich- Woman's Missionary Union of the yards with Mr. s Ralph .' acumber Highland View Baptist Church in .V.Sule rs. Caro the church with M'rs. Lee Watts. Harbuck and Rev. and iMr. P. G. program chairman. Those taking Safford on the programm. I WORK ctormEs I . . The famous LEE union made OVERALLS. Reg. Value $4.95 $3.69 MEN'S Lee Dungarees SANFORIZED -- 9 OUNCE DENIM Reg. $2.69 Men's No. 4 Army Twill WORK PANTS KHAKI and GREY Reg. $3.95 Pair $3.69 Men's Stretch To Fit MEN'S NYLON SOX FORTUNE SHOES Reg. $1.00 8 1 Lot, Reg. $10.95 P mer Colos 95 Summer Colors $79 MEN'S SPRING PANTS * > a < t es ae e Se** 4 e > **-9'4 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING *S **4&4** &3+ FOR SALE FOR RENT -------------~~-~ FOR SALE 3-bedroom house. Oak FOR RENT: 3 and 4 room houses flooring on Marvin Avenue. FHA on Overstreet rI.'ja' and near financing obtainable. Phone 406 tt Beacon Hill. See W'. U. Hardy at FOR SALE: Rip saw, jointer, band Overstreet. 4t-2-2S saw, drill press, shaver, lathe. sander, vice clamps, sit motors, all FOR RENT 2-rodom furnished collars, bla.des. work tables includ- apartment. Call 235-J. ing house. $1,200.00. E. R. Nix, Oal< - Grove. Phone 219-W3. Itp FOR RENT-iDownstairs apartment Overstreet. 4t-2-18p 2 bedrooms. 223%A Seventh St. SPECIAL SERVICES Keys Made While You Wait NEED TV OR 35c EACH RADIO SERVICE? Bicycle Repairing All Makes For a quick, expert check-up Reel Parts and Repairs of your set's performance (no WESTERN AUTO tf matter what the make Call LET ME DO your building and re- us. We offer prompt pick-up pair work. Can finance new buuld- and delivery services All work ing up to 20 years. No down pay and parts guaranteed; meant on repair work. No mortgage. Residential and Commercial build PHONE 2413 ing and repair work. Write C. C. Hardy. Hiland Park Station. Pan. ama City. Ph. SU 5-7775, 2-18--4tp For your SINGER SEWVING MA- CHINE sales and service con i COMFORTER tact Mr. C. R. Hudson. 509 10th street. Port st. Joe. F Ui. tfl-4 FUNERAL HOME ^^ M~s~ hMv~s^------; MJvCAS n BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BE INDEPENDENT. Sell Rawleigh Products. Opening now in Gulf County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. PAC-101OD. Memphis. Tenm. 3t-3-ll LOST AND FOItn 1 Phone 402-W or 29. LOST CAT-Black persian cit. An- swering to the name of "Pabst". Reward. Phone 366-WV. S601 lo~ng Avenue PHONE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance Phone 37 Corner 4th and Monument NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS <=fr Mr, and Mrs. 'Sam Lollie and White City 4-H Club sons arevisitin in Bristol, wih Meets Tuesday Afternoon the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Lewis and 4 Club girls of ite City daughter, spent last week end inl met Tuesday afternoon in the Coin DeFuniak Springs with relatives, unity House with their new home Mr. and Mrs. Delwin Corbit and demonstration agent, Mrs. Anu- L ishc ,l h tIali.Ars Clinton Cox, Gene Cox, Lewis .Gracevi lle. "', T "" :l( lt line Vhitfield and their leader, Mrs Craceville. carl steves. Rogers, Billy Cnumbie, Richard Zip- lis Margie Ro Carl Steveh s. M~iss. Margie Rogers was honor- per, Elbert Senterfitt, attended the ed Friday night at7:00 o her th The business wascaled to order R.A. Congress in Ocala, from Fri- birthday with a slumber party at by the new president. Eleanor Fair. day to Sunday of last week. They the home of Miss Martha Ray. A cloth and an interesting report was reported having a wonderful time. hamburger sperwas given by the council delegate Laura The R.A.'s. represented the Higl- Sewel about the recent council land View Baptist Church. Carolyn Creamer, Carolyn Boyette, meeting held in Highland. View Mr. and Mrs. Bill Givins and Ida Nell Canington, Ruth Jones, Saturday, March 6. After the busit :on, Biliy enjoyed a vacation last Gwen Lee, Martha Ray, Margie devotional hour, Mrs. week in Pensacola, New Orleans, Rogers. The group enjoyed tasty Whitfield gave a lesson in making La.. and in Baytowvl Texas with refreshments and many games tea toes tat crated mu their daughter an dson-in-law, Mr. were played. terest to the girls. and Mrs. Warren Whitfield (for- ,We welcome to our community, .After the meeting delicious cake merely Miss Marion Givins). Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Rogers of and Cokes, were served by 'Sara Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chestnut f' Panama City. Harper and Dorothy Walker host- Pensacola, er wie wrek lnd guesi -; ?,, n m Gdn esses for the afternoon to the 14 of the former's parents, Mr. and li chlren in d members present. rs J A. Chestnut. Blountstown with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and daughter, Glenda and eMrs. Skipper MIr. and Mrs. James Johnson and Methodist Youths Hostess were week end guests of the lat Mis Betty Tharpe are vacationing To Sub-District Meeting ter's mother and family, Mrs. Skip- in Daytona Beach. per. ;the Methodist Yoith Fellowship *Miss Mary Cox, a student at tie Virginia Haygood G. A.'s were hosts Tuesday night to the Southeastern Bible College in Bir-! Meet at Church Monday ,Methodist Youth Fellowship Sub- mninghanm, Ala., is visiting home district meeting which was held with her parents for a few day.- i The Virginia Haygood Girl's Aux- in the First Methodist Church here. with Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Cox and iliary of the First Baptist Church Miss Virginia Swatts, president of ri; ,y. m.t lon'iay r.Aternoon at the the local league presided over the Mr. and Mrs. William Warner church for th' Mission Study. Miss meeting, -with the call to worship ;::id sons of' Pensacola formerly of Sarah Linda Richardson, president, followed with a business meeting Highland View spent the day \ith I presided over the meeting. The and reports from the various sub- friends. v, word and allegiance was us-d district members. During. roll call, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Miles and as an introduction to the program, 90 responded' with representatives children spent a few days in Ki- followed with all singing, "Won- from Panama City, Calloway and niard. with the latter's mother. derful Words of Life". I Parker answering. Tbh Cresdine SL-hliner It'- F,,hilodl~il' .inorhler Fold eir. Inii'r In th Ihold. 11; 1in I' [I'd ilI-AIP111 nd gke, a Armly twill KHAKI PANTS Lifetime pockets. zipper fly. Reg. $4.95 $3.95 in Ford's line of 2S great I'r ANS j I'l l."11311. I- I J ill 11A I I kt 1'lr," @ ',t,,lin k, l, \ ].. ,.I. ,.. h h n ., ' 13 .,,- r.. I .. * i n.lI .... .0 s.,, .-- n ,,,, ..1 Ih,~U gL l'' .I,,,, t, }m I l,.. T)riv thc Rayon, Nylon and Wool, Orion and Wool $5.95 to $10.95 COSTIN'S The Standard f'r "'he -4mei-,aotz Rw Port St. Joe, Fla. rd More than ever ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY rtiE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COL NTY, FLORIDA . ek ---a s ~tei~-~~~t ~afd~ |