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------ii, PORT ST. JOE A Progressive Community With a ' Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper .. 1 ' TH.E STAR "Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" S THE STAR Published in Port St. Joe SBut Devoted To the Con- Stinued Development of Gulf County p VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1953 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 17 I I _- -l~ Usr I- ', - Senator Tapper Requests Road Board igStmtin Of oterF To Re-surface St. Joe-White City Road la i al a i f U-U B .. ^ 6 - Masons Install New Officers Monday Nite The Port St. Joe Chapter of the Masonic Lodge observed annual in- stallation ceremonies at their lodge -hall Monday night at 8:00 p.m. Prior to the installation, a deli- cious supper was served to the Masons by the Eastern Star lodge. Installation of the new officers was supervised by H. R. Maige and Jimmy Greer of the Royal Arch Masons. New officers installed consisted of: Foy Scheffer, Jr., Worshipful Master; Bob Smith, 'Senior War, den; J. B. Griffith, Junior War- den; Everette McFarland, Senior DTn ,n ERd Fru'an ir'k M F rlkd Gets Unofficial Approval' l Of Paving By Board I State '-enator George Tarp:-er of this di. rict apple red before the -. --- - State Road Board in Tallaha.ssee , last Wednesday to request that the iWO Auto Mishaps Port St. Joe-White City Road be repaired and resurfaced. Occur Over Week End Tapper said that he hafT many requests from citizens of the coun- The Christmas holidays saw two ty to request that the road be re- automobile wrecks happening in surfaced since it has been in bad the vicinity of Port St. Joe, both' shape for some time. of which occurred on the new Tapper entered the application bridge recently constructed over before the board and says that some Patton's Bayou on Constitution definite word should be forthcom- Drive. ing within the next few weeks. He Tuesday afternoon of this week also stated that the Board heard G. W. Brodnax was. returning to his suggestion and gave every- in- Port St. Joe in his truck accom- dication that the request would be panied by Bill Smith, Charley granted. Tharpe and two of Mr. Brodnax's ,Tanner requested that the work g'randlhildren. As be passed tihe Every Voter Must Re-Register To Be Eligible To Cast Ballots Re-registration of the whole of tem convert to it before January Gulf County is to start tomorrow 1, 1960. Gulf County has stuck to morning under the new state law the old system of registration un- entitled,_ "Permanent Single Regis- til all registration supplies could tration System". be used up before converting to the The state law requires that all new system. Counties not now using this sys- The new system of registration i will assure an up-to-date voting list New Ford Showing Is since all persons are automatically C A c AI,, .-I..,. -,>- dropped from the voting lists if %ta Fn Wplnqcljv ~r 3J~e roI rI vveonuy I Ir Junior Deacon; Henry Geddie, Ty- be started at an early date if the peak of the bridge coming toward 'St. Joe Motor Company is an- ler; Gordon Ferris, Chaplain; Paul project is granted since the situa- Port St. Joe. Mr. Brodiax- stated nouncing the appearance of the V. Player, Secretary; Lamar Jor- tion is critical. that his truck started skidding out 1954 Ford in their showrooms next dan, Trustee; Cecil Costin, Sr., --- of control. Before the truck could Wednesday. January 6 in their Treasurer and 'Clifford Tharpe, VETERANS OFFICER be righted in the road, it turned show rooms on Monument Avenue. Steward. COMING JANUARY 8 over several times. Otis Pyle, sales manager of the --Veterans o Gulf County who As a result of the crash, Bill company. stated that the new Ford Fire Chief Makes Annual need assistance in obtaining bene- Shlith suffered a broke arm and has made. many changes in he Report On Dept. Record fits under the GI Bill, may receive ribs. Others. in the truck, suffered 1954 model, the greatest of which Report On Dept. Record fits uner the GI Bill may receiveand driving a Expert guidance from Preston L. only cuts and bruises., are in the engine and driving ap- expert guidance from Preston L.f T f The year 1953 was host to a num- Nicholas, Assistant State Service Christmas day a negro from Mo- paratus of the ca. The new ar fe tures, a valvejin-head 'Y" block ber of bad fires about Il- country Officer. bile, Ala., .turned over on the op- re a v lv e . but the aieinity of Por. St. Joe Nicholas will visit this vrea next posite side of the new bridge af- 10 hr V8 e a .'T' block 6 with 11,5 horsepower. was spared any real tragedy from week for the purpose of helping vet- ter losing control of his Car. No ser- wih hors i oThe:new cars feature a ball-joint fire this, year. Not a single' house erans or their dependent- in filing ious injuries were suffered in this e ew ca eaure a I front end, making for 1,-'ire rigid in Lie city limits was ui-d.. to the 1 laia r (.n i .. :-' -.[iit-. Wreck. '. , ,construction with less wear. A com- ground and only two outside the or solving their Insurance prob- peely new interior is featured in city limits during the whole year. lems. This free service includes as- To Return To School the new- Ford. This record has been brought distance to employers of veterans about, mostly, through the co-oper- under the G Bill, Vocational Train- Ashley Costin will return to his The public is invited to visit the nation of the citizens of this vicinity ing, Subsistence or other problems, studies at the Florida State Uni- St. Joe Motor Company Wednes- and their increased care with theI During his visit in this area Ni- versity. Thursday and Jimmie Cos- day and test drive the new Ford. use of fire. cholas may. be contacted at the tin will return to his schooling at - Chief Player urges that each City Hall in Port St. Joe on Friday Georgia Military Academy, Sunday Holiday Visitor homemaker be'equally as carefully January 8, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. after spending the holidays here Miss Doris Bleckley of Clayton, of fire during the year to come and ------. ---- with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ga., visited Miss Erline McClellan help maintain the good record. '" ,-d The Stai to a friend. G. Costin, Sr. during the Christmas holidays. Moose Club Distribtes Food Baskets To Needy In keeping with their annual pro- gram of providing for the less for- tunate at Christmas time, the lo- cal chapter of the Loyal -Order of Moose distributed some three doz- en baskets of food, toys and Christ- mas goodies throughout Gulf Coun- ty to families who were needy. Last year the Moose Club pre- sented 33 baskets of food to fam- ilies. Each of the baskets, contain- ed approximately $20.00 worth of groceries plus toys, fruit, nuts and candy. In the grocery line each basket contained a ham, bacon, bag of flour, bag of potatoes, salt, su- gar, canned peas, tomatoes, black eye peas, syrup, corn meal and assorted canned vegeabtles. The Moose received names of needy families from churches, the County Health Department and in- dividuals knowing of reedy famil- ies. According to Moose Governor, G. F. Lawrence, every family re- ported as being in need received one of the. Christmas baskets. Lawrence stated that the Moose wanted to thank the children of the Port St. Joe-schools for their donation of four boxes of canned goods, plus assorted toys to go into the baskets. Lawrence said that the Moose also received con- tributions from civic organizations about town and that employees of the'telephone company office pool- ed a cash donation and presented it to the project. they do nt -either vote or reinstate themselves every two years. The new system will go into ef- fect in this county this year and anyone who does not register un- -der the new system will not be eligible -to vote in any county, state or national election. Registration will take place from January 1 to January 30. Following are the locations for registering, throughout the county. ,East and .West Wewahitchka4 precincts 1 and 2 will register at the office of the Supervisor of Re- gistration at the Courthouse. . Dalkiith,' Pi'ein.t -no. 3 :at the home of Mrs. Walter Crutchfield. Overstreet, Precinct no. 4, Mrs. Edna Hardy, registrar at her store. 'Highland View, Precinct no. 5, W. H. Weeks, supervisor at the post office. White Oity, Precinct no. 6 un- der supervision of Mrs. George Har- per at Harper's Store. Kenney's Mill, Precinct no. 7 un- der supervision of Mrs. Ivey Wil- liams at her home." Nort Port St. Joe, Precinct no. 8, under supervision of Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon. Jr., in the Lawson Build. ing. South Port St. Joe, Precinct no. 9, Mrs. Charles Wall, supervisor at Wall Electric Company. So remember, you must re-regis- ter if you plan to vote this year. Garraway Lists Winners Of Door Prizes Dec. 19 Garraway Chevrolet Company is expressing its appreciation this week for the reception given to the new 1954 Chevrolet at its formal showing, December 18. Charlie Garraway, owner of the automobile company expressed his satisfaction at the numbers of peo- ple who came to view the new car and their expressions over the many changes made in the new mo- dels. Winners of the door prizes were: First Prize, One new tire and tube, William H. Shirley, Port St. Joe. Second Prize, choice of portable spot light or grille guards, Mrs, Larry D. McClain, Rt. ,, Port St. Joe. Third Prize, grease and wash job and a can of polish. Allen M. Le- Grone, Port St. Joe. -------4------ Return From New Orleans Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brodnax and Kenneth, Jr., returned Monday night from New Orleans, La., where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Johnson over the holi-. days. I Pictured above is a portion of the many baskets of food ga- thered and distributed by the Loyal Order of Moose annually staples and fancy groceries for to the less fortunate on Christ- the holiday season. mas Eve. The baskets contain (- Photo by "Von") 7'gin UF"O Janu~ary I , A re PAGE TO H S *1 Social Activities Personals Clubs Churches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 Gulf Chapter 191, OES Will Install New Officers On Tuesday, January 5 'Gulf Chapter 191 of the OES will First Baptist Circle No. 3 install officers for the year 1954 Meets With Mrs. Smith on Tuesday, January 5 at 7:30 p.m. Installing Worthy Matron will Circle Three of the First Bap be Pattie Gibson; Marshal, Leslie tist Church Woman's Missionary Spillers; Chaplain, Wilma Cooper Union met in the home of Mrs. Da- organist, Mrtice C. Smith and Organist, Myrtice C. Smith. vid Smith on Woodward Avenue, 'y a n at 3 The corps of officers to be in- Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. stalled are: W. M., Flossie Wilson; Mrs. 'Charles Gill, chairman of P Franklin Chandler; Asso. the circle, presided over the meet- ell Asso. P., John I M., Calla Howell; Asso. P., John ing and brought the devotional Dickey; Sec., Onnie Greer; Treas., Theme for the lesson was "To Wit- ee Connell; Cond., Neva Florazelle Connell; Cond., Neva ness For Christ" followed with a Croxton: Asso. Cond., Jonn Sykes; Croxton; Asso. Cond., Jonny-Sykes; prayer by Mrs. E. B. Dendy. Chap., Beatrice Saunders; Marsh., Routine business was transacted Flora Long; Organist, Maybel with reports given from committee Swatts; Adah. Alice Hall; Ruth, chairmen.' Discussion on focus Helen :Strain; Esther, Claudia Sew- week which will be held in January Iel; Martha, Phyllis Chandler; was held by the group. Mrs. E. C. Electa, Mary Forehand; and War- Cason, president of the WMU and der, Betty Sue Anchors; Sentinal, 'a special guest of the circle dis- Sidney J. Anchors. missed the meeting with prayer. Chapter Mother is Esther C. Bar- The hostess served sandwiches, tee. Mrs. Bartee was the first Wor- fruit cake and drinks to the four thy Matron at the constitution of members and one visitor present, the chapter. St P I* The installation ceremony will Mr. and Mrs. Talbot Griffin and be open and the families and children spent Christmas in Albany, friends of Masons. and Stars are Ga., visiting friends and relatives. especially invited, to attend. ~~a~4~- ea~~ ~~b~i~)~i-- w~C ~ ~ w~% p U U WUE r THURSDAY FRIDAY C JOAN dCRAWFORD LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "Drip Along Taffy" liltlllll;;ll!!!! llillllllll !l! lllll lilll lln lll!! llllfl SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. -- _ FEATURE No. 2 -- BLACK I CASTLE Richard GREENE Boris KARLOFF r,.H SUNDAY, MONDAY WILLIA MHOLDEN and' DON TAYLOR in "STALAG 17" --- Also -- LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, ."Big Bad Sinbad" lll lllllllllllllllllllllll ~llll hlllll ll i lf i!!ull !!,'; TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY 'WaDilsney's PETEU ' TECHNICOLOR - Distbutdb> .:. .- ., . LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "Half Pint Palomino" Also - "Rugged Rangers" - COMING SOON-- Highland View WMU Meet' Dinner Guests Friday For Royal Service Program WHITE CITY NEWS Dr. Ralph Wager and Dr. Harold SHITE CITY N S Wager of Panama City were din- The Woman's Missionary Union by MRS. GEORGE HARPER ner guests of Dr. and Mrs. William of the Highland View Baptist Mis- Wager Friday night. sion met Monday at the mission a r for their Royal Service program A-3C and Mrs. Charles Furmage, Guests From Pensacola with circle 1 in charge. formerly Virginia Pope, spent the Mr. and Mrs., Dan Harris and Mrs. Ruth Burch, circle chair- Christmas holidays here with Mrs. daughter Donna, of Pensacola were man of the circle gave the devo- Furmage's parents, Mr. and Mrs. the holiday guests of Mrs. Harris' tional which was taken from J. H. Pope. They left Wednesday parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Isiah 9:6-7; Isiah 11:1-5; Luke 2: for their respective bases. Mrs. Pridgeon. 10-14 and Luke 2:25-32. Furmage is stationed at Cambridge Mass., and MIr. Furmage at Green- Rev. P. G. Safford sang a solo, parents, Mr. and Ms o o S e T W ville, S. C. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley "For God So Loved The World" followed with the group singing, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Croxton left Sapp. "I Will Sing The Wondrous Story". Christmas day to visit their daugh- Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ran- of Raceland, La., spent the holi- Those taking part on the pro- dolph Noble of Fayette, Miss. days here with Mr. Sullivan's par- gram were Mrs. Homer Echols, C S Mrs.. Ruth Burch, Mrs. Rooney, George Harper, Jr., AD3 USN4F ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sapp. Mrs. Lee Watts, Mrs. P. G. Safford accompanied the Croxton's to Mr.-and Mrs. Roy Burch and son and Mrs. Ralph Macombier. Vicksburg, Miss., enroute to his Gregg, left Wednesday for Grand base in Hutchinson, Kansas after Ridge where they plan to spend the The meeting closed with a ray- The Meetig closed waving silent a fifteen day leave New Year holidays with Roy's par- er' by Mrs. Bell DuBose. here with his parents, Mr. and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Burch. Fourteen members and one visi- Mrs. George Harper. MIr. and Mrs. Andy Jordan spent tor attended the meeting. toatteded the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Tucker and the Christmas holidays in Pana- S i I t children spent the Christmas holi- ma City visiting friends there. Spend Holidays In Blountstown days in Graceville and Vernon vis- Aubrey Hardy, USN will leave Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gaskin and iting their irarents. Sunday 'for the West Coast where daughter, Janice spent the holidays Mir. and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon re- he will take up his duties after a in Blountstown and Marianna with turned Sunday from Acme, N. C., 44 days' leave here with his par- friends and relatives. where they had spent the week ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy. with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mahon and Holiday Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kirkland. daughter, Deborrah Ann of Pana- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Roberts of Al- Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braxton and ma City are spending the holidays tha were the holiday guests of children returned Monday after here with Mrs. Mahon's parents, their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. a week's visit with relatives in Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Hardy. Floyd Roberts. lOottondale and Marianna. S 6 B. A. Pridgeon, Jr., USAF who Holiday Visitors To De Funiak is stationed at Cocoa is on leave Mr. and Mrs. Massey Ward and here visiting his parents. 'r daughters, Pat and Ann were he Mr'. aid Mrs. Walter Brandon P guests of-Mrs. Ward's mother, Mrs. and son of Pensacola spent several B. H. Munn, Sr., in De Funiak days here with Mrs. Brandon's par- Springs, Sunday. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Carter Ward be- St fore continuing their trip to Green Return From. Virginia Cove Springs, to spend the New Mr. and Mrs. Chris Martin al!I Year holidays with Mr. and Mrs. daughter Etta, and Timothy Elder Jimmy Spotts and family. They returned Monday from Norfolk, were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Va., where they were the holiday. Carter Ward. guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Zeig- Mr. and Mrs. Billy Stitts arrived ler and sons. Mrs. Zeigler will be Wednesday from lPannsylvania to remembered as Bunny Martin. spend the'holidays with 3Irs. Stitts Guest from New Orleans -' 'PHONE 80 -Miss June Wise of New Orleans, La., was thie guest of lher- sister and family, Mr. and Mi's. nWilliami Chafin over the holidays. Returns To Auburn John Emory, student at Auburn, has returned to his studies after spending thle holidays here wilth his I sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim and son, Lee. BOX FFICE OPENS AT 6:0 p.m. Visiting In Lynn Haven SHOW STARTS AT 7:00 p.m. Miss Connie Munn was the week W end guest of her cousin, Sandra Ann Scurlocl, in Lynn Haven, and FRIDAY and SATURDAY MONDAY and TUESDAY her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Horn. J : Guests From New York City Mr. and Mrs. C. A. McClellal and j jf ,' Erline had as their holiday guest, 7 -1 " Miss Katherine Corbin of New Yorik C City. Miss Corbin is Mr. McClel- lan's neice. A IINIVFRSAI INTERNATIlOALF PICIuR lail's iliice. & Return To Mobile Mrs. Mel Migidson and two chil- dren. Gary and Mel, Jr., have join- ed Mr. Magidson in Mc')ile, Ala., after spending, several months here with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Costin, Sr. Attend Funeral Mrs. Bill Carr and daughter. Car- olyn and Mrs.! Chauncey Costin at- tended the funeral of Frank Carr in Tuskegee. Ahl. Mr. Carr has heen at the bedside of his father for the past two weeks due to his serious illness. Wednesday & Thursday --- Also -- LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "Father's Day Off" CHAPTER 6 of SERIAL "RADAR MAN FROM THE MOON" and Cartoon: "Tweet Tweet Tweety" ma aiia a iam..... im. w Called To New Orleans SUNDAY ONLY Mr. and Mrs. Claud Gautreaux and two sonFi. Kennethl ald Kirby . and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gautreaux GROWS were called to New Orleans, La., 'because of the death of a member ON REES of their family.. , Visit n Key West IRENE DUNNE 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Hewitt and A A TA,,UI\,; DEAN JAGGER JOAN EVANS Bobby Hewett and Mrs. Cecil Hew- RICHARD CRENNA A U,,iFS : 0r ;te irc L itt were the holiday guests of Mrs. :D. H. Hewitt in Key West. ,' K, . ISusann H Watch Our Popcorn "Boxes For FREE PASSES THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEM13ER 31, 195&. PAGE TWO *** 40 0 **of*., THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA RICH'S SUPER MARKET SPORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA We Reserve Limit Rights THESE PRICES GOOD MON. thru SAT., DEC. 28- JAN. 2 Fla. Tangerines doz. IOc CUCUMBERS BABY BEEF 3 for 10c HAMBURGER Ib. 23c BELL PEPPER 3 for 10c CHUCK ROAST lb. 29c EXTRA LARGE LETTUCE Garden PEAS head 10c lb. 10c CHUCK STEAK T-BONE STEAK ROUND STEAK Green ONIONS bch. lOc Sirloin STEAK PARSLEY CELLO BAG RADISHES EGG PLAN Fresh CORN lb. 29c Ib. 59c lb. 59c lb.-49c bch. 1Oc Brisket STEW 2 Ibs. 49c 1Oc lb. Ikc 3 for 10 COUNTRY KIST CORN 2. tans 27c 6 OUNCE CAN Orange Juice 2 for 10c 6 OUNCE CAN Grapefruit Juice 2 for 10c FROZEN Vegetables 3 pkgs. 59c FROZEN JUICES 3 cans 39c Strawberries 2 cans 49c New Ga. Syrup can 29c IVORY SOAP IVORY SOAP _ IVORY SOAP CAMAY SOAP CAMAY SOAP IVORY FLAKES IVORY SNOW LAVA SOAP DUZ OXYDOL TIDE ._ .. CHEER DREFT SPIC and SPAN 2 Ig. bars 25c .__4 pers. size 23c 2 med. size bars 15c 2 bath size 23c 2 reg. bars 15c _-- -- 1g. box 27c g. box 27c -- reg. size 9c Ig. box 27c 1g. box 27c 4 Ig. boxes 99c 2 Ig. boxes 49c Ig. box 27c .- reg. size 25c JOY large size 27c CRISCO --- Ilb. can 33c, 3 lb. can 79c Pan SAUSAGE lb. 49c FLA. GRADE "A" Dressed HENS Hi. 49c FLA. GRiAE "A" Dressed FRYERS lb. 49c CHOCOLATE COVERED CHERRIES GIAN 'BAR BABY RUTH Chewing. Gum ALL FLAVORS JELL-O WITH MEAT Campbell's SOUP box 49tr .bar 8c pkg. 3c 3 pkgs. 24s 2 CANS 35c .III I q 1 Friday light Special 3 Hours Only, 6 to 9 p.m. Irish Potatoes S lbs. 10c Sweet Potatoes Ib. 5c Armour's MILK can 1Oc NO. 303 CANS TOMATOES can 12c Ga. Shipped Unclassified (With $5.00 Order) EGGS doz.49c OYSTERS qt. $1.39 HAMBURGER 5 Ib. $1.00 ALL BRANDS CIGARETTES ctn. $2.12 NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS The Royal Ambassadors of the Highland View Baptist Mission held their Christmas program, Wed- nesday, December 23, at the church. Games were played and each boy received a gift. Those attending were Leroy and Troy Senterfitt, Tommy and Buddy Kennington, Lewis Rogers, Billy Armstrong, Leo Cooper, Gene Cox, Richard Zipper, Bobby Johnson, Leroy Davis, Ar- chie Floyd, Ralph Macomber, Wal- lace Guillot, their leaders. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Dudley of Bonifay, and Mrs. Larry Dudley of Dothan, Ala., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Whitfield and family. Mr. and Mrs. William Jordan and daughters, Sylvia, Malinda, and Sterrie Lee of New Orleans, La., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Weeks and family, and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Newcom:b and son spent the week end holidays in Forest, Miss., with relatives. Mrs. Hazel Daniels and children of Eagle Lake, were guests-in High- land View fir the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. "Dusty" Harrison of Georgia are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Linton. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Blabener are visiting in Mississippi this week. Mr. and Mrs. Vester Burke and daughter, Glenda spent Christmas in Vernon with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Chestnut of Macon, Ga., and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Chestnut of Pensacola, and Mr. and Mrs. Wes Levins of Bonifay were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Chest- nut, Mr. and Mrs. Carol Leving, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Pettis, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brachier, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wadkins and families. Mi;. and Mrs. P. G. Thorpe and children spent the week in Hosford, and Tallahassee with friends, and relatives. Miss Linda Faye Strange of Wa- kulla Springs spent the week end Come in' and See it... VALE CUECK fn TEST DRIVE FORD/ '"54 66 Wednesday, Jan. 6 St. Joe Motor Co. .r~ .- s-CIMVACHMC I I HARDEN'S DAIRY -M ... ~ -~ - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1953 Keep Up With Your Social Security Card "Use it! Don't lose it! And make sure it's copied right!" is the ad- vice given to workers by Harry Scott, manager of the Dothan of- fice of the Social Security Admin- istration. The item referred to in this case is the social security account num- ber card, which is the key to your social security account. Future ben- eiits to which you or your family may become entitled are based on tie earnings credited to your ac- count. If earnings are reported without an account number or with an incorrect number or name then these earnings may not be credited to the account. Scott also pointed out that some employers will not hire you unless you have your social security card with you, and a good job may be lost this way. Remember that your social se- curity account number card is the key to future benefits for you anil your family. Take care of it, show it to your employer when you start work, and contact the Dothan office of the Social Security Administra- tion if you need assistance. There is no charge for this assistance. Our representative will be at the Port ,St. Joe City Hall on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 10:30 a.m. Star Want Ads Get Results with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Strange and her father and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Strange. Mrs. Lily Redd of Panama City spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Redd and family. Misses Jean and "Pinky" Whit- field spent the week end in .Boni- fay with Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Dud- ley. Mr. and Mrs. John Hewitt spent the week end in De Funiak Springs -with the latter's mother, Mrs. J. W. Wooten. Mr. and Mrs. Sonny Anderson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burch and son, spent the week end in Graceville with relatives and friends. Mrs. Velma Kallas, formerly Vel- ma Johnson, of Jacksonville, Mrs. Dallas Jordan and daughter, Hazel of Chipley, Miss Betty Carol Tharpe, Malcolm Johnson and daughter, Jeannell, Mr. and Mrs. Coloman Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hanen and daughter, Donothy of Blountstown, Mr. and Mrs. Jes- sie Kirkland and son, Jimmy Doyle, of St. Andrew, Miss Doris Clem- mons, Franklin. James Edward Clemmons of Blountstown, Mrs. Drusllia Keel and family of High- land View, Mrs. Lucille Stewart and children Kenneth Cheryl, Del- win of Sanderson were Christnas guests of Mr. and Mrs. James John- son and Mrs. Mary Johnsom t . `-------"--------------------' UMMMMMn ~CIWWCM~IM~n WWHMC I ) PAGE THREE 4 ] PSA r SuT THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306.,Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper L Euterel as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the I'ontofiice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of.March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE 4 ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -.-{ TELEPHONE 51 13r- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adverb, tisement's, the publishers do not hold themselves liable for damages further than amount received, for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thlougltfuily weighed. The spoken word barely asserts; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. A YEAR OF PROGRESS - And another year has bit the dust, as of midnight tonight. We of this area cannot consider-this year a bad one in the way of progress. In fact we would say this has been a very good year for our vicinity. This year proved to be one of the best business years in many moons. Local merchants almost unanimously acclaim 1953 as their best business year since coming to this area. This year saw the City Council pass on many improvements for our city. Foremost of these improvements was the ground work com- pleted for a new water system for the city that will be free of sulphur, iron and other minerals found in the present water system. These im- provements in our water system will be a reality early in 1954. Another great stride forward was the setting aside of funds by the city to construct and maintain a cemetery for the city.- The city has had no burial facilities since it has been founded except for the old cemetery that was formed in the early 1800's when the original city of St. Joseph was founded, but which is now out of use. The third step forward in 1953 by the city was the setting aside of funds to construct and maintain parks and playgrounds within the city. Three major projects accom- plished in one year. This year also saw the finish of the paper company's expansion at their mill here. It also was the time of expansion by the Apalachicola Northern Railroad who have completed a por- tion of their expansion progr'.m by construct- ing a new freight yard to enable them to handle a greater volume of traffic. it is fair for tl'-c ;r IJents, some of ,": lovj1'ia :3 : d In ":,'" County ETA 2 S Ri)L2 iF1 :i f' on- n taxes f ir this tim, Lo be bypassed until b' '-"ESIEY r. RAMSEY a later date so t'h~ comparatively ~- --_0 new residents to tl-e .;-,unty who have bought camp sises that they It was a pleasure to receive the probably use on week ends to e letter to the editor that you l y t ben10 its of a paved road. find in adjoining columns on this We do not like refnces be- page. It is so very rare'thiat one ten the tvo section f : coun- receives a truly informative letter ty (unle they re good aes of instead of just a masterpiece of ico se) any more Iian Mr. Lister prejudice and hate. We thank you or anyone. Friendly- .-alry, yes;' sincerely Mr. Lister. sincerely Mr. Lister. hitter rivalry, n. We feel that the We would now try to answer it. North section of the County needs In the first place, we referred to more good roads but we are still the road leading to Doc Whitfield's of the opinion that ;he.e' other resi- fish camp by virtue of the fact that dents, in the northern section of we were informed by everyone we the county, that should be consider- talked to that Whitfield owned a ed first in all fairness. fish .camp there.,We are not famil- As for the invitation: of Mr. Lis- iar with the area, only with maps ter, we are taking up residence by of the area. It could be that the our mail box.just waiting for word area is only, referred to as Doc that fishing is good in the Howard Whitfield's fish canip just as St. Creek area, then we are looking Joe Lumber and Export Co., is still forward eagerly to being his guest referred to as 'Kenney's Mill". As on a fishing trip. We don't know far as inferring that the County if he was serious or not in his invi- Commissioners could not agree on station, but we are rarin' and ready paving jobs to be done in the coun- to go any time he says so. ty was on condition that this road - be constructed and paved is taken THANK YOU FRIENDS from references to the matter we overheard Mr. WWhitfield making to I For the many beautiful Christ- another party, which inferred prac- mas cards, gifts and other expres- tically the same thing that we did. sions of friendship we sincerely We will not argue Howard thank you. Creek's desirability as a fishing and May the New Year bring to each hunting grounds. We will state this. of you health, happiness and pros- We are under the impression (and perity. we may be wrong here) that in or- Most Sincerely der for a road to !be paved in the Lula and Joe Hunter County it is necessary for residents on the area served by the road to petition the 'Commission to pave the road and they are paved on a first u f eome, first served basis. If this is true, we say the paving of the road / is unfair since we know of several roads, (most of them in the Wewa- hitchka area) that have applied "or / paving on their roads and they are still only graded roads. We ask if New Ball-i The greatest acfvm tionr About every moei made in this vicinity uoficia assuraet ei familiar with the southeastern part travel this old County road. unofficial assurances that this will be done in ll of the County. Howard Creek is Your reference to Mr. Whitfield's the very near future. known far and wide for the best Fish Camp is in error. He does not The residents of this area can rightly say fishing in Florida. There is more operate a camp or any type of busi that they have undergone a year of progress, game in this area than any other ness at Howard Creek. He'has the n i a s that t is l e part of the County. When fishing smaller portion of a sub-division and this newspaper feels that it is only the first is good, more than 200 cars a day :..::uet on page 5) of many years to come of progress and growth for this section. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR December 21, 1953 Mr. Wesley R. Ramsey, Editor The Star Port St. Joe, Florida Dear Mr. Ramsey: ,In reatiing your editorial of Thursday, December 17, I notice that you infer that a road' from Wewahitchka to Doc Whitfield's fish camp was conceded in order that the public may get other roads paved with the County's Secondary Road money. You also inferred that? maybe Mr. Whitfield gets enough business out his, way to warrant a paved road. 'It is my understanding that the County Commissioners asked the State Road Department to pave a road starting -at the SW1/ of Sec- tion 5, Township 7 South, range 8 West, running in a northerly direc- tion to intersect State Road 381 for a distance of 51/2 miles. At this distance, this road would connect with State Road 381 in Section 7, Township 6 South, Range 8 West. The present County Road to How- ard Creek from State Road 381 is more than 10 miles, and I think the County Commissioners were fore- sighted in saving for the State and public more than four miles of roads, unnecessary travel and ex- pense. I do not believe that you are hece A'... ve he WFOR for454 loirt Front Suspension ance in Chassis design in 20 years ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOM ETII ST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS HOURS 8 TO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA Here's Moping' f-:~~~ .-- .. .2,",' -. .. -Pf. *11, ~;a. I,., ,JLM I I I I b L ~Lps~P~- ~L~ __15 I 5 I -rHURSDAY, DECE~MBERi 31, 1953 THE STAR, PORIr' av. jut, uUL-r L;VUNTY, FLORIDA AFEc FOURi THUIRIAY.DE nCFEMERf 31 1953 Dinner Guests at Fort Walton Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Munn and children were the dinner guests of Mrs. Munn's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Teague in Fort Walton Beach, Sunday. THE LEADER SHOE SHOP L. J. HERRING, Owner Phone 363 Port St. Joe (Continued From Page 4) LETTERS TO EDITOR left. He has sold camp sites to some of the finest citizens of your city and Panama City, as well as' else- where. Your reference to the marshy swamp where the proposed road is to be constructedl is no worse than the present County Road. You would probably feel more secure for your paper industry in your town if you could see the finest stand of pine timber in the County along the proposed road. ,I hate to see these references about the north end, and would like to point out that Howard Creek is nearest to Port St. Joe, and many more pe ple use it from there than from here. I agree with that part of your edi- torial .that your beaches area is second in importance to the St. Joe Paper Company mill. But we of this end are dependent on sports- men and our fishing industry as second to the St. Joe Paper Mill. Would like to extend an invita- tion to you to investigate this area and go fishing when the fishing is good. Yours very truly, Floyd C. Lister P. S. The proposed road is to start approximately 20 miles south of Wewahitchka. NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Luther Seawright and son Ronnie spent the Christ- mas holidays in Tampa visiting with her mother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ingranl. Mrs. Jim Aultman had as her guests over the Christmas holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Aultman and daughter Joyce from Chattahoo- chee. cl.rs. Nelson Gardner and chil- dren and ?Mrs. D. H. Shealy spent last week end in Georgia. Carl Deese and daughter, Betty spent Thursday in Panama City ,is- iting with friends. Mr. and Mrs. B. Harrison and family of Sarasota. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dykes last week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hill and chil- dren, Lamar and Janet Hill of Wildwood, spent the Christmas holidays with her sister and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Love. A-3,C Preston and Mrs. Baxter spent last week in Malone visiting with his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bax- ter. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Levins and daughter, Regina spent the Christ- mas holidays with her mother, Mr. WILL MEET JANUARY 5. The Woman's Missionary Union of the Hgihland View Baptist Mis- sion will meet January 5 at 10 a.m. at the mission for the study of the year book and manual. Each mem- her is asked to 'bring a covered dish for lunch. All ladies of other chur- ches are issued a special invitation to meet with them for this special study. Mrs. C. B. Davis of Panama City will teach the book. ---------T---------- To Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Smith and sons, Bob and Edward will at- tend the football game in Jackson- ville, Friday. THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA and Mrs. W. H. Crutchfield and his by Mrs. Wesley Ramsey. sister, Mr. and Mrs. Aria Daniels Circle 2 will meet with Mrs. of Bonifay. 'George Davis at St. Joe Beach for Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Webb and their next meeting. daughter Linda Kay spent the holi- Mrs. Bracewell closed the meet- days in Apalachicola with his mo- ing with prayer. their, Mr. and Mrs. Webb. The hostess served refreshments John Youing arrived home Dec. to those members present. one visi- 20 to spend a 30-day leave with his tor, Mrs. Marlow and one new mem- family and friends and then he will her, Mrs. L. Z. Henderson. go back to San Diego, Calif. ----- Mr. and Mrs. Willys Liftord and Dinner Guests In Marianna children and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim and Hall and daughter from Marianna son, Lee, were the dinner guests were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 'of Mr. Prim's parents in Marianna Cleveland Hall over the Christmas on Christmas Day. holidays. , Miss Minnie Ola Ray, daughter Guests In Panama City of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ray, a stu- dent nurse at Frazer-Ellis Hospi- tal, Dothan, Ala., spent the Christ- mas holidays with her family and friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shealey and daughter Evelyn, spent the Christ- mas holidays in Bradenton with her sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fennon Talley and daughter Marie were the week end guests of relatives in Panama City. _____/__^_^__ Visit In Marianna Mr. and Mrs. John Robert Smith and sons, Knapp, Bob and Edward were guests of friends and relatives in Marianna, Christmas Day. The Showing of NEW HOMES On Marvin Avenue JANUARY 8, 9, 10. Everyone is cordially invited to come and inspect This Complete Line of MODERN HOMES - ONE HOME COMPLETELY FURNISHED - Refreshments will be served to all viewers VISITING HOURS Friday and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. MODEL HOMES, Inc. Port St. Joe, Florida PHONE 37 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA Phone 406 -4 HILAND VIEW WMU I MUvbL)Y, Ur-%MlIlor-mal, 17. We Cordially Invite You To See The !95ft Arm FO5 D Which Will Be On Display In Our Show Room On Wednesday, January 6 Be Sure to See This Car That is Setting the Pace for Styling, Economy and Performance NEW! 130 Horsepower "Y" Block V-8 NEW! 115 Horsepower "1" Block '"6" Cylinder Engine Plus Ford's New Ball-Joint Front Suspension and All New Steering System Come in, and let us show you, these and the many other new features of this amazing new car including the optional power assists for your added convenience, comfort and safety. ST. JOE MOTOR CO. I k I ~ c- - ,, PAGE FIVE Mrs. Parker Hostess To First Baptist Circle 2 ,Circle 2 of the First Baptist Church Woman's Missionary Union met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Tom Parker, Sr. Four members, one visitor and one new member attended the meeting. Mrs. A. V. Bateman gave the de- votional which was taken from Luke 2:25-31 and read a .poem, "The Christian Welcome". She con- cluded with "Twenty Ways. How To Be 'Perfectly Miserable" followed with prayer ,by Mrs. Parker. .Routine business was transacted. Mrs. Bracewell reported that a party had been given for the R. A.'s Phone 406 PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA PHONE 37 II I I S.TTE Buttram To Leave For Furniture Mart Wayne Buttram is about to leave for the annual Winter Home Furnishings Markets that are be- ing held in January and again in June in Grand Rapids and Chicago. While in Chicago, Mr. Buttram will shop the 2,000 manufacturers who display furniture, appliances and floor coverings in the Ameri- can furniture mart and the mer- chandise mart. Advance informa- ,tion indicates his merchandise se- lections will feature new designs, -fabrics and improved finishes: plus better-than-ever values which he will offer to local homemakers in the months ahead. "You will find that today's home- makers are receiving much more for their money when they buy home furnishings", Mr. Buttram said. Home furnishings prices are still on the "bargain counter". He went on to say, "As an example, in 1939 a typical wage earner had to work 80 hours to pay for a $50.00 sofa and an equal number of hours to purchase $50.00 worth of grocer- ies. Today, he works 52 hours to buy the same sofa and 69 hours to ,purchase the same quantity of food. In addition, furniture may be bought on convenient terms, making fash- ion furniture available to those liv- ing on a modest budget." Mr. Buttram explained that he would be on the alert for new of- ferings in modern or contemporary Styles which are especially design- ed to meet the needs of newer homes and the new trends in more informal living. He will also shop for contemporary furniture which has been re-designed for use with contemporary styles and in mo-, dern homes. Mr. Buttram also plans to attend the annual dinner of the National Retail Furniture Association of which he is a member, as well as the three early morning ibreak- fasts where 'he will exchange ideas with other industry leaders on how to better serve Mrs. Homemaker. Highland View Jr. G. A.s Met Monday At Mission 'The Chaney Junior (. A.'s of the Highland View Mission met Mon- ,day afternoon at the mission for their regular meeting. The meeting was opened with the president, Fay McCormick pre- siding. The watchword and allegiance to the flag was given followed with a prayer by Mrs. E. R. DuBose, their leader. The group studied their forward steps and closed the meeting with sentence prayers. 'Those attending the meeting wei-e Imogene 'Sculley, Linda Burch, Helen Richards, Katie Wal- ker, Fay McCormick, Gail Roberts, Linda 'Keels, Maryln Keels and Mrs. DuBose. EARN EXTRA INCOME ON" INAM SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Each account INSURED UP TC $10,000 by the federal Sav- ings and Loan Insurance Corporation. For all .jpes of Individual, Partnership. Corporation Cred it Union, !nstitutior and !n. surance Company accounts Prei ~.'n c ftor Pension, Fstate Trust & Escrow Funds. MAIL YOUR CHECK TODAT LEON FEDERAL Savings & Loan Assn. Monroe at Park Avenue Tallahassee, Fla. First Baptist Circle 1 Meets With Mrs. Horton Circle 1 of the First Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. J. C. Horton with five members pres- ent on Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. Mrs. J. J. Clements gave the de- votional taken from Proverbs 8: 2-2-36; John 17:22; Proverbs 8: 32-36. Topic for the scripture was 'iBlessed are they that hear My Word and Keep It". Mrs. Clements concluded the devotional with r.rayer. Mrs. C. A. McClellan, circle chair- man, gave a reading, theme, "Christmas and World Peace". The topic was "Christlike Spirit to All- Christ the Answer To All World Problems". The program, was tak- en from the home mission maga- zine. Routine business was transacted with associational dues being paid; 65 coupons being collected and LIVING ROO 3 7-Pc. Living Rm. Groups Reg. $149.50 Sofa Bed, Base Rocker, Coffee Table, 2 Table Lamps. 2 End Tables, 3. 2-Pc. Sofa Bed Suites $129.50 Blond Arm with Base Rocker, Reg. $169.95 3 Sofq Bed Suites $139.50 Big Jun b Arm Club Chair Reg, $159.50, . w V v V. hrI a.'w .S W WW 1 Sofa Bed Suite $129.95 Reg. $189'.50 .. ULJ~JhJ^U- |l-l>^A^J<^ 4 SOFA BEDS $49,95 Reg. $69.50 ----------~~~ -------- 5 Occasional Rockers $12.95 Velour and Tap. Covers Reg. $16.95 12 Assorted Occasional Chairs $9.95 Values to $19.95 6 Plastic Platform Rockes $14.96, Reg. $19.95 DINING- ROOM S5-Pc. DINETTES Red Trim, Chrome Reg. $119.95 1 10-Pc. Dining Room Suite $299.95 1 Used Gas Apt. Range Blonde Finish Reg. $398.50 2 DINING TABLES $69.95 Mahogany Finish Drop Leaf and 1 Extension Reg. $89.50 We Will Be Closed Friday, January 1 fearing for the day was $8.99. Mrs. McClellan dismissed the meeting with prayer. The hostess, Mrs. Horton served hot chocolate, cake and sandwiches to the following members present: Mrs. W. I. Carden, Mrs. C. A. Mc- Clellan, Mrs. J. D Lane, Mrs. J. J. Clements and Mrs. J. C. Horton. - The next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. J. D. Lane. turned in and a report that $5.00 was turned in for war relief. Of- Star Want Ads Get 4gm.1'.'Ayy DR. WESLEY GRACE OPTOMETRIST 317 Reid Av.e. Phone 456 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOURS 9 to 12 a.m. 1 to 5 p.m. CLOSED ALL DAY WED. Kesults-- These After 4 Inventory Specials Are Especially Priced To Fit Your Budget $99.95 Modern Blonde Reg. $139.50 3 4-Pc. Bedroom Suites $139.95 Modern Double Dresser, Bed, Chest, Nite Stand, Riqte Glass Mirror on Dresser Reg. $169.95 m-------"-----'--rr- S %-A" % %S-y Y W ..%N % %%-L a $129.95 Blonde, Large $79.95 Walnut' Fiish Reg, $98.50 4 Innerspring Mattresses Double Ste Reg. $49.50 $34.95 KITCHEN 1 $299" Elec. Range $249.50 1 Used Electric Range $98.50 Reg. $129.50 2 Kitchen Cabinets $49.50 Reg. $59.50 $49.50 $24.50 Reg. $39.50 '- I .. . i~r~gI Here Are A Few of The Items That We Are Offering At Drastic Reductions. Visit Us and Look For The Special Sale Tags For Many Other Values Terms Arranged Free Delivery $119.95 4 4-Pc. SUITES 1 BAR BED With DOUBLE DRESSER Massive Mirror --Reg. $149.50 2 4-Pc. Bedroom Suites $89.95 I Used Gas Range Reg. $69.50 I I I' ------ L- I - - PAGE SIX THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1963 BEDROOM.~t THURSDAY. DECEMBER 31, 19,53 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY BY RUSSELL KAY They call it the "Holiday Sea- son". It starts about a week before Christmas and lasts through New Years. Each year it gets worse. Just about everybody goes stark, Reg. $2.50 Value LUXURIA CLEANSING CREAM $1.25 Harriett Hubbard Ayer HAND CREAM $4.00 Size For Only $2.00 SMITH'S PHARMACY PHONE 5 Sammy Patrick Tax Assessor God that you are home and not .Byrd' Parker Sheriff George Core Clerk of Circuit Court Ticklers By George staring crazy. People who wouldn't go gaga for fun, frolic and enter- be seen dead with you in July, take tainment. you to their bosom and smother Then Christmas arrives-the day you with Bourbon at this season of days. You wake up in the morn- of the year. ing feeling like a cross between Parties are the order of the day. the "Wrath of God" and a barrel If you haven't been to a "holiday of swill. Your tongue, if you still party" you haven't lived. Every- have one, is stuck to the roof of body from Joe's Jook to General your mouth, your ears ring and Motors, lets their hair down and your eyes are of value to nobody goes nuttier than a fruit cake at but the blood bank. this time of year. But it is Christmas and you got Employees who have had their to go, and boy, when you got to go, ears knocked flatter than one of you got to go! So you slip into your Aunt Jemima's pancakes for 50 Clothes, stab yourself a couple of weeks suddenly find everything times with a razor and what do sweetness and light at the office, you find on the breakfast table? The boss is as mellow as an over- Eggnog; rich, ripe, potent eggnog. ripe cantaloupe. He loves you andors are out in front Everybody, and to prove it breaks oI th neighors a re ot in frony of their houses yelling "Merry out with enough joy juice to float Christmas''. You are invited to both the Missouri and the Queen come over and "see what Santa come over and "see. what Santa Mary. Claus brought." Everywhere you When the telephone rings it is go is eggnog, and olives, and pickles not an irate customer or a collec- and sardines and ham, and turkey, tion agency, it is Joe Dokes whoand, and rat cheese and Bourbon and called to remind you that Whoosit Boron and Boron Bourbon and Bourbon. and Company are throwing their annual Christmas party at 3 p.m By mid-afternoon you are a total on Wednesday. Come and bring loss. You don't know which end is your friends. up. You love everybody and hate Every time the overburdened the hell out of yourself. You didn't postman arrives at your door he want it to be this way but you try ha4ds you a dozen envelopes each to be a regular guy and see it thru. containing an invitation to "drop Your wife, who has more sense by and drain a cup with us on than you'll ever have, has hidden Christmas Eve." the keys to the car. She breaks out with the Sal Hepatica, Aspirin, bak- To hell with sanity, to hell with t al pt s r in, b a ulce o i ev ing soda and cold towels. She gently ulcers, to hell with everything. reminds you that if you want a Thi i t hd season-let reminds you that if you want a This is the "holiday season'--let "Ts is te y drink" there is some cold Pepsi- your hair down, kick up your heels, Cola in the ice box and she removes the vase of roses so that the falling petals won't drive you insane. Dr. Joseph B. Spear She would like to listen to the Optometrist Christmas carols on the radio, but in deference to you she dims the Apalachicola, Florida lights, tiptoes to bed and thanks LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JU- DICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLOR- IDA IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN CHANCERY. LOIS E. HALVORSON, Plaintiff, vs. HAROLD'T. HALVORSON, Defendant. somewhere on the highway. ISanta Claus weeps in his beard and the heavenly, angels stand aghast It's Christmas, but he theme song has been lost. Silent Night echos with ribald song and riotous laughter. It's Peace on Earth Good-Will to customers, and STO: HAROLD T. HALVORSON. whose place of residence is un- known. You are hereby notified that a Bill of Complaint for Divorce has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy ot your Answer or Pleading to the Bill of Complaint on the plaintiff's attorney, David C. Gaskin whose ad- dress is Wewahitchka, Florida, and file the original Answer or Plead- ing in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court on or before th4 Jan- uary 1, 1953. If you fail to do so. judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Bill of Complaint_ Dope and Ordered at Wewahitch- ka, Florida, this 7th day of Decem- ber, 1953. S GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk. Circuit Court, Gulf County, have another drink. Florida Merry Christmas and Happy (SEAL) New Year., b. to DavidC.Gaskin New Year. r j,' k Wewahitchka, Florida work u MI J: i' u.i Attorney for Plaintiff You Must -Rgister to Iote Re-Registration Period Will Be Jan. 1 to Jan. 30 Go To Your Precinct Headquarters and Re-Register NOW! PRECINCTS 1 and 2 At The Office of Supervisor of Registration DALKEITH PRECINCT No. 3 Mrs. Walter Crutchfield at Home OVERSTREET PRECINCT No. 4 Mrs. Edna Hardy at Store HIGHLAND VIEW PRECINCT No. 5 W. H. Weeks, At Post Office WHITE CITY PRECINCT No. 6 Mrs. George Harper at Store KENNEY'S MILL PRECINCT No. 7 Mrs. Ivey Williams At Home NORTH PORT ST. JOE PRECINCT No. 8 Mrs. E. C. Pridgeon, Jr., in Lawson Building SOUTH PORT ST. JOE PRECINCT No. 9 Mrs. Charles Wall at Wall Electric Co. MRS. C..G. RISH Harland Pridgeon Mrs. C. G. Rish J. (Earl Pridgeon Tax Collector Supervisor of Registration County Judge Ii "You should see them come to life on New Year's Eve! They sit there and throw confetti at each other.". --- .- ._1. 4~*-3'~-~;rPU~tr~lrrrr~(*(_~ijii~PdllDb THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 19_53 I PAGEEIGT lIE SARPOR ~. itJ, uz-r OUNY, LORIA TURSAY, ECEBER31,195 CLASSIIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE--Westcraft house trail- er. Conmpleteyl equipped. Gas range, gas heater, electric hot wa- ter heater. Price $375.00. $100.00 down. Balance easy terms..See Gene Ohlinger at St. Joe Drive-In Theatre. FOR SALE: G. E. dishwasher. Priced reasonable. Call 187-W or see at 507 7th. St. FOR SALE: 15 and 30 gallon oil drums. Call Creech Bros. Laun- (dry. Phone 102. FOR SALE-Two story home. See Gus Creech or Phone 102. tf FOR SALE: 2 beach cottages at Beacon Hill. Small down pay- ment, balance easy terms. Call George Tapper. Phone 257 4tc RECEIPT BOOKS: Small books of duplicate receipts anld books of four receipts to the page. The Star. Phone 51. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Unfurnished apart- ment. See Mrs. Sanders Chitty, Phone 351-W. tfc10-29 FOR RENT: Bed room. Call Mrs. A. M. Jones. Phone 63-J. tf FOR RENT: Nice two bedroom house. Unfurnished. Corner Sth and Woodward. Call 134-W. ltp FOR RENT: Modern 2 bedroom furnished apartment with elec- tric kitchen and hot water. Refer- ence required. W. H. Weeks, High- land View. ltp WANTED TO RENT Christmas Guests Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore a children, Edward and Carole, Pensacola, were the Christn guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hu They left Friday to continue th holiday journey. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Walter Johnson West Palm Beach. announce birth of a son, Joseph Walter December 9. --- - Returns After Visit Mrs. Joe Johnson returned t week after a three weeks visit w her son and family, Mr. and M Walter Johnson in West Pa Beach. ------f--- Spend Xmas In Carrabelle Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saund spent the Christmas holidays Carrabelle. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Mall announce the birth of a daugh on Tuesday, December 29 at Municipal Hospital. The be weighed 6'lbs., 11 ozs. Home On Leave- John Young, USN, is visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bern Young in Oak Grove while on lea CARD OF THANKS Mobile, Alabama were the holiday Miss Amelia Gibson of Jackson- and We wish to thank the many peo- guests of their daughter and fain- ville was the guest of her parents, of pie who remembered us during the ily, Mr. and Mrs. Rush Chism on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson during aas recent confinement of Mrs. Mal- Garrison Avenue. the holidays. Int. lett to the hospital. Your thought- -- ---- ---------- ieir fullness was appreciated. Guests -From Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Davis had Mr. and Mrs. Austin C. Mallett Holiday guests of the Roy Gibson as their guests for the Christmas -- ---- Sr.. family were Mr. and Mrs. Ar- holidays, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gross Guests of Chisms thur Bryan and children, Arthur, of Miami, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Hughes of Jr.. and Pat of Samson. Ala. Parker of Youngstown. the - n this 1: -ith drs. ialm a ., hn- :"' ers in lett iter the asby ing lice ve. COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 607 1!.'- Avenue ?P.C'E J225 S -ECIAL SEFVIC ES / Keys Made While You Wait -Oxy9:n Eu'j:pped 35c EACH Anbulance Bicycle Repairing All Makes Reel Parts and Repairs WESTERN AUTO tf V ..C',GE MOT !c;E AR-SULFA I .. .. .. EGG PROFITS are lowered when A. M.--neu' c-ocation PoSt. Joseph Charter No. 56, R. A. 'colds" hit your flock. Reduce M., 2'd and 4th Mondays. All visit this loss by using Dr. Salsbury's ing companion welcome. W. C. Ar-Su:fa in the drinking water. Forehand, High Priest; H. R. Maige FORTUNE FEEDS LOY ORDER LOY \L ORDER JAKE GAVIN OF MOOSE Phone 340-J2 Highland View iTe'i night ev- / ______ ery other Monday. LOST AND FOUND 1:' meetingss at Moose SFOUD Hall, 310 Fourth St. LOST: Man's brown billfold on SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. O. Christmas Eve night uptown or O. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- at Player's Store in Highland View days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All Reward $25.00. Call 135-W1, W.B. members urged to attend; visiting Bunrke. ltp brethren invited, Henry Geddie. r A R esut .N. G. Robert Williams, V. G. H. Star Want Ads Get Results A. Hardy, Secretary. TAKE A LONG LOOK at the cost / of Christmas giving- then join cur CHRISTMAS CLUf _7 Snid Cars and Trucks PRICES MASSACRED Every Unit MSt GQ! Don't Wait Prices Can't Be Less In 1954 ALL 0. K. GUARANTEED IN WRITING 1952 CHEVROLET'SPORT COUPE, Clean As A Pin $1295.00 1950 CHEVROLET, 4-Door Fleetline DeLuxe, A black beauty with radio $895.00 . 1950 CHEVROLET, 2-dr. Styleline DeL., Powerglide, new covers, radio $895.00 1950 CHEVROLET, 4-dr. Styleline DeL. Powerglide, New Paint New Tires and Alt Extras ..-$995.00 1950 CHEVROLET, 2-dr. Styleline Special, Perfect $845.00 1950 CHEVROLET Station Wagon, 4-dr. Reduced To $895.00 1951 FORD, 2-dr. 6 cyl. Custom, Very Clean, With All Extras ,_.-----.- $995.00 1950 FORD 2-dr. 6 cyl. Custom With overdrive -Shiny Black ---- $795.00 1949 CHEVROLET 4'dr. Styleline, new two-tone paint with radio -- $745.00 1950 HUDSON 4-dr Commodore, new two-tone paint, A Gift at --$695.00 1949 CHEVROLET 8 pas. suburban, excellent shape -- ---$695.00 1948 OLDSMOBILE Club Coupe, Hydramatic, -all extras, clean ---- ---$595.00 1949 BUICK Super 2-dr. Sedanette, runan as they come, new motor ...$895.00 1949- BUICK Super 2-dr. Sedanetter, runs good 695.00 1948 FORD 2-dr. Super DeLuxe, Clean and runs good (One man's loss-Your Gain) -- $395.00 1950 CHEVROLET Half Ton Pickup 1950'DODGE 2-ton Cab, chassis, good pulp wood truck -- 1949 CHEVROLET, 3-4 Ton PiCkup, Can't Be Beat For --- 1948 CHEVROLET, Half Ton Pickup, Excellent Buy For -- 1949 DODGE Half Ton Pickup, Very Clean and low mileage 1948 CHEVROLET Half Ton Stake, Good Wood or Trash Truck $645.00 -$765.00 $645.00 - $495.00 -$745.00 $495.00 "AS IS -SPECIALS" 1947 FORD, 2-dr. 6 cyl. super deluxe, new tires, Runs Good 1947 CHEVROLET, 2-dr. Fleetmaster, New two-tone paint 1946 BUICK, 4-dr. super "8", Don't Overlook it -- 1946 BUICK Super 2-dr. Another Man's Loss-Your Gain At ..-- 1948 HUDSON 4-dr. Commodore, A good investment for only 1947 CHEVROLET 1V/2 Ton Cab and Chassis, Only - 1948 :JEEP, Reduced To ---- 1939 CHEVROLET 2-dr., As clean as they come in pre-war models 1939 OLDSMOBILE Sport Coupe, A bull's-eye for ----- ,$445.00 $545.00 .. $345.00 -. $345.00 ---$475.00 .$295.00 $195.00 --$145.00 $95.00 Garraway Chevrolet Co. PHONE 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service -'-,, Deposit Weekly Receive in 50 Weeks S $ .50 $ 25.00 $1.00 $ 50.00 '" $5.00 $250.00 B/ \ 1954 Club starts December 7, 1953 FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE Port St. Joe, Florida MEMBER Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Florida National Group s i HE STAR, PORT t, i. jut, uuir uUUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1953' PAGE EIGHT Port St. Joe, Fla. |