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1' .l PORT ST. JOE 1 A Progressive Community With a Modern, Progressive Weekly Newspaper .. THE STAR "Port St. Joe-The Outlet Port for the Apa! chicolo-Chattahoochee Valley" THE S STAR Published in Port St. Joe But Devoted To the Con- tinued Development of Gulf County p *1^^ ^ VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE. Pi.ORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 16 KW V j. F u -1 On that blessed night, the world was hushed with wonder, and hope arose anew for all mankind Christ the Saviour was horn. Today, we pray for His guidance, that we may find peace in our hearts and renewed faith in a world in which men every- where shall live in good0Will and understanding with one another. THE SAVIOUR'S NAME bj Re. J. C. Odum ; /%, ., il h hti _il/ _l,'lted Illi I il l a I Il it t i I m s 1I oI I i i i i - I l .I i 1 1 l l 14) T Iin. i i i find-, reo- lr- i i l,. Li t l ii ,llbo in .'ot i i,- r, .. r r-. Lih i i, I ci .,' L, t 1,, 1 t,',0it: .l i t l, ,- I I .-n d i .t I -. I. [-. I ll -li I i. .tl iin r I i -.I [I I tI Ili 1f. I L' i te .3 lo i ]. i *Ir i ri r -.iiit. l rtil, aed- 1111 L" II i'ti ur l-, I' I Il- v ed , r+ ,,,l,; ll .. i ..h i h it. '1h il e n1 th S l-, I ili i' l t.;1',-d 1 i3 i l'- And I i Atill u .id ilit h her. ot I not, t il hI .i h .A'dIl! 0 thet1 il i.,1 i.:, i thI ... Vi 0 r bt .: Ii 1. VOUg ,_,L',-n'I: an' Il Ih,' a'. (i[ -alh iz.rl in a, I i.. 1 -. i I 1- l a I L u ne aso I .i tv i. iin .1 I l theIsI o li- II" l 1; ti i th:,L, _[. .. '[ V +i r i. '. !iC he I IU 1i. .- I It :it a id, tA .u WI c o aiccr. ilt toe ba o..rod, w'.1h i h :. wgretet fl sins. Jsu I. was born,1he livaedhe i.'.,, ai l e. wI h di a vere a ::jit ,- .ii t .h,i i t h l .! i, d Hl v-. .toda are not as l happy al they S- .(Continued On Back Page) ..l Hl- I j 11 '1lrif I ,,':li i ,d'I l aIi'i t-,l l L: 'i fot e I h I t 117 ,,, r ,. i 101 'Ali h hi .l.:t" l' Ii l l'_-, t h 6 ; !! l II t [ r'' i '. ,, i .h a o. .li i l ,tl hii ; n,, It '-" ''. i ., l hV I1., 'a 'I >, n b- ,_e_, t'! ,:,1'i I -e -,,+ " : T i '.i Eir,:. ] i -' ,i M .<. v'r at It u e11. ti c n itcep th io do slin I a .u w 1 bo.r 1 h l ived1 hae ti ou I o de-.t. : ..m 1 i ii 't i ,, ,[ i w hne [, ia..- i ,-, 1 .iei,- '.. ,i. i ,- ILL l u ; ,i 6h Sto u eI ... I ..'.W [can! a i c ie'tt the repenta i nue dto iO, B oi th. l ei- ) ins. ti,-. sh !- F.u i rni, .. : iv t, torious fr ohm- .ii de .atih"d lta ve ro tio,-a i nful- m i n FRli i OM- ii- ,.--' i, rsiwns aind ni N their sinsll ad1 ypoL eI " tod ar. e cannot asccept, theyift (Coentaine diOnBad ,., P fe thes E SR O SCirlde 6 of Baptist WMU SI i Meets With Mrs. Chafin S o cial A ctivit es Circle 6 of the First Baptist Church met Tuesday morning, Dec. Personals Clubs Churches 22 at 9:00 in the home of Mrs. W. M. Chafin at 1310 Garrison Ave. Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 There were six members present. _Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, chairinan, CELEBRATING GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Spending Holidays Here Second Lieutenant Tommy Ow- ens stationed at O'Hare Internation- al Airport in Chicago, Ill., has ar- rived to spend the holidays here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Owens and grandmother, Mrs. Sue Towson. Lt. Owens is with the 62nd Fighter Interceptor Squadron in 'he Air Defense Command. He is flying FS6's or the Sa'ber Jet. jaNN -P---- d-PREsmmun LATE SHOW Show Starts 10:30 p.m. New Year's Eve i.Take Me" To' TownA :; PORT THEATRE --- Also --- "CRACKED QUACK" fIIIIKI i nllIII l llinUi lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIll tllll lli nillllll llll SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE --- FEATURE No. I -- -- FEATURE No. --- LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "How To Be A Detecive" CHAPTER 5 of SERIAL "RADAR MAN FROM THE MOON" ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. Harry B. Douglas, Jr. Priest In Charge -Schedule For Christmas Season Dec. 24, Thurs., 11:30 p.m. Midnite Choral Eucharist (Christmas Eve Dec. 25, Friday, 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, (Christmas Day Dec. 26, Saturday, 10:00 a.m., Holy Communion (St. Stephens' Day Dec. 27, Sunday, 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion, ('St. John the Evan- gelist. - 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion (Note: There will be no Church School this date Jan. 1., Friday, 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion, (New Years' Day Jan. 3, Sunday. 7:30 a.m., Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Holy Communion 4:00 p.m. Church School Christ i as Service and party 6:30 p.m. Young People's Service League NOTICE TO SHOPPERS. Most retail merchants in Port St. Joe will be closed both Friday and Saturday it was learned by The Star, shortly before press time. People are urged to get their shopping done for the en- tire week end today. LATEST NEWS and "TRUE BOO F!II lll ll i lll llil llllllll!!IIIII I ill TUESDAY and WED I Technicc X EAz- LATEST NEWS and "WRESTLING WR --- Also - "Knights of the Hi ,l COll M IN!lllGliSllhlllltl!ll li 0!'"'4!i COMINGo SO( LATEST NEWS and "Drip Along Ta was in charge of the meeting. The meeting was opened with Mrs. L. ,B. Bell reading the scripture taken from the second chapter of Luke, verses 1-14. Prayer was by Mrs. -Ramsey. The program chairman, Mrs. Chafin, had an interesting pro- gram which was on the theme of Christmas. Dialogue was a poem by Mrs. W. P. Dockery, "Oh God of Love, Oh King of Peace". "Christ- mas Is Up To The Women" was given by Mrs. Chafin. Reports were heard from all the chairmen and it was voted to buy a gift for the boy the circle had adopted from the children's. home. Mrs. Richard Saunders dismissed with prayer. Refreshments of coffee and do- nuts were served by Mrs. Chain. CAMPUS INN News of Port St. Joe High School By MARTHA COSTIN My column this week shall be de- voted to original poems and es- says written by the students of 'Port St. Joe High School about Christmas. All articles appeared in the Christmas issue of the "Purple Wave". THE FIRST CHRISTMAS by Betty Mitchell, 8-A Christmas is a time that should be sacred to all, It was the time Christ Jesus lay in a all. .When ,j'gwas born there was a, s.r~, -own bright, The -igiaatw it and followed t gifts to Christ, the ,i'our Christmas, the id'. .'e repeat ", NONE IS GREATER :', by' Larry Stafford, 8-A 6L a r ii a great ones of the world, S"The-re Is hone more humble, 'rulilh!- and erupt, W'I., -il change the surface of the [.ti'.v it i- aC- Christmas we celebrate Ins .b'itil None is greater than our Lord. Cartoon, S CHRISTMAS OVERSEAS "iy Edward Creamer, 11-A Christmas is wonderful Illllllllllllll l For the people in the states, )NESDAY But the boys in the prison camps, Don't think it's so great. -- T They are treated very badly ' ;or And kept all alone, They are all wishing F For a Christmas at home ga They will return someday With the highest of praise And how they will enjoy The rest of tlreir happy days. The boys overseas . Fought all the way, Hoping the 'would come Cartoon Home for Christmas some day. ECKS" While they are still prisoners ECS And we don't know where, Let's remember them all Every night in our prayer. ghway" THE CHRISTMAS TREE i- !, -:1 i tl by Glenna Boyles, 8-A Chri-tmas isn't Christmas without ON a tree With its lights and decoration, and S' all cf its glee Be it cedar or pine; tall or short From the forest dense. or one store bought, With Lhe angels so beautiful setting on top, I think of the shepherds watching their flocks. MORE BLESSED TO GIVE THAN TO RECEIVE Cartoon, Nancy Miller and Bess White, making their way among toys, cry- ffy" ing kids and frustrated mothers, IItIHIIIIIIIIIIllll CContinued On Back 'Page) Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Miller are celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary on Christmas Day and will be at home from three until Kindergarten Entertained With Christmas Party ,Mrs. E. R. DuBose and Mrs. A. L. Hoker entertained the Jack and Jill Kindergarten with a Christ- mas' pfaty Friday, Dec. 18. The class room was decorated with all the Christmas. colors by the pupils. There were 33 boys and girls. present. They sang Christmas car- ols and each child gave his version of Chri-rmar. Little Allen Hall mark ravei the 23rd Ps.aliu. " Arter playing games the', little ones shared their, lunches and ,ex- changed gifts. PHONE 80 FRIDAY and SATURDAY Ia GEORGE MONTGOMERY. GALE STORh with )EROMC COURTLANDI-NOAH BEERY, Jr. tILLIAMI bSrt i SUren Pi;y by a', r *,.>...; r BERNARD SMALI Broderick Crawford and Claire Trevor In "STOP, YOU'RE KILLING ME" SUNDAY ONLY '.ft nM-G-M'sl L MUSICAL Your name in this ad entitles you to one free ticket any day this week -t this theatre. J. L. FLEISHEL 0. A. WALKER ........................... five o'clock. No invitations are be- ing sent but all friends are cor- dially invited. The Millers recipe:. no gifts.' ANNOUNCEMENT Circles of the First Baptist WMU will meet Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the following: Circle 1, with Mrs. J. C. Horton. Circle 2, with Mrs. J. T. Campbelt 'Circle 3 with Mrs. Dave W. Smith Circle 4, with Mrs. Henry F, Ayers. Circle 5, with Mrs. Ralph Nance S Dr. Joseph B. Sp4cer Optometrist Apalachicola, Florida , Is_ MONDAY and TUESDAY y' with MARI-BLANCHARD A UNIVERSAL.INTERNATIONAL PICTURE Wednesday & Thursday Go by our Snack Bar and check your ticket stub num- ber with the ones on display there. If they match, you re- ceive a free pass. We will call 5 persons each night. If they can name the show playing at our thea- tre that night, they will re- ceive a free pass to the St. Joe Drive-in Theatre --~------T ,.-,. ... THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 0 ? TIIVIRIlV EEME 4 96 H TR PR T OE UFCUN LRD o..v ',"'.. ,- '. , r :z.,', '. ,- .. '.,. ",.,,, i;. GULF HARDWARE & SUPPLY CO. - ~LI -- Mrs. Garraway Hostess To Presbyterian Women The Women of the Presbyterian Church held their annual Christ- mas party and meeting on Decem-, ber 14 with fifteen members pres- ent. Mrs. Charles Garraway was hostess in her home on 16th Street. The ,home was decorated with a large Christmas tree-and Christ- mas colors. Mrs. Basil Kenney, Sr., opened the meeting with prayer followed by the devotional. She used the Christmas story taken from the second chapter of Luke, verses one through twenty. Topic for the program was "At Christ- mas". Those taking part were Mrs. Jimmy Greer, Mrs. R. D. Prows, Mrs. Henry Campbell and Mrs. Richard Spillers. Mrs. Spillers dis- misged the business and program with prayer. After the exchange of Christmas. gifts, Mrs. Garraway served, am- brosia, cookies and coffee to the members and guests present. Guests present were Mrs. S. L. Bis- sett and Mrs. Jaimes Herring. Arrive For Holidays Rev. and ,Mrs. Luther Carden ar- rived here 'Saturday to visit friends and relatives. They will leave Fri- day for Tallahassee and Fort Myers to visit Mrs. Carden's. mo- ther and sister. While here Rev. Carden presented the morning message at the First Baptist Church. P.-T. A. Observes Annual Christmas Party Thursday The Parent-Teacher Association presented their annual Christmas program, Thursday evening at the grammar school auditorium before a packed house. Rev. Harry B. Douglas gave the devotional followed by a brief business meeting conducted by the president, Mrs. W. D. Jones. Speaker for the evening was Herman Dean who gave a summary of the work the school band has ';.. been~'doing and the progress they Shave made. Highlighting the pro- '- gram: was the 19'5. Christma: Re- view presented by'the pupils of the -lem-nita-r "Elhool'andd the high .Aiiool glee c-lub. .u-ndei, the direc- tion of Mrs: Norma Jean Russell. Over 150 students took part in the musical. Outstanding numbers were, "I'll Be Home For Christ- mas" 'by Kenny Marlow and Patri- cia Smith; "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" by Beth Garraway and Jean O'Briei; "White Christmas" by Diane Lay and the "Skaters' Waltz"; the preformance of several musical numbers by the glee club directed by Mrs. Russell. Diane Gilbert, was outstanding in her role as the narrator. Mrs. Jones made the announce- ment the school will be out .for the holidays from December 18 to Jan- uary 3. -4 LETTERS TO SSANTA CLAUS Dec. 11, 1953 Dear Santa, Will you please bring me some thing pretty. I 'would like a record player if you have one. and any thing else you can bring me. I love you. Love, Cherry December 16, 1953 Santa Claus North Pole Dear iSanta Claus: Don't bring me too many things for Christmas instead give most of them to the poor children. For Christmas, please bring me a helicopter, two six shooters with a holster, a cowboy suit, a jet plane. a space suit and a space gun. I'll be in New Orleans for Christ- mas. I hope you can reach me there with your presents. From a good boy, Kenneth Brodnax, Jr. Dear Santa Claus Please bring me a doll, black board, teddy bear, cow girl suit. PEGGY HENLEY Season's and best wishes Mc; S P' R" RK 4 -- McCOY SUPER MARKET 9:mi1 a Illi hoppy Yuletide vo.son' b 01 'over ii illu off good things Scll p/easing ns Iliu gs Pllader your ChIIslinas ItIee. 'To all our friends. bothold and(i le.. lo ur wa(Il uul t(11sinucerest Uii.-lies Jor a joyous Holiday Season. SWest Florida Gas and Fuel Company tSt.Joe Miss Jane Allemore, who is en- rolled at Florida State University, Tallahassee, arrived---Saturday to spend the holidays here with her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Al- lemore. THE STARP PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1953 ;; A R E THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306,.Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe, Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, Reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered as second-class matter, December 10, 1937, at the Postoffice, Port St. Joe, Fla., under Act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE'YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 -{ TELEPHONE 51 ,..- TO ADVERTISERS-In case of error or omissions in adver- tisements, the publishers do not hpld themselves liable Io0 damages further than amount receded, for such advertisement. The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely assertss the printed word thoroughly convinces. The, spoken word is lost; the printed word remains. YES, VIRGINIA Back in 1897, little Virginia O'Hanlon wrote the following letter to the editor of the New York Sun: "I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say -there is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun it's so", Please tell me the truth -is there a Santa Claus?" The editor wrote a newspaper and literary classic in reply to this childish plea. It is reprinted here. "Yes, indeed! "Virginia your little friends'are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skep- tical age-they do not believe except what they see-they think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. "All minds, Virginia, whether they be man's or children's, are little. "In this great universe of ours, marn is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect, as compared with the boundless world about him, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. but complete details are not avail- "He exists as certainly as love and generosity able at this time. We hope to have and devotion exist, and you know that they them by next week however. The commission didn't seem to have any abound and give to your life its highest beauty commission didn't seem to have any Doubts that thie deal would go thru and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world however, since they got the County if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as Commissioners to include the pay- dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would ing of a road to the proposed site be no childlike faith then, no'poetry, no romance in the coming secondary state road to make tolerable this existence. We should have budget. no enjoyment, except in sense and sight. The -. ..-.. eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. "Not believe in Santa Claus! You.might as well not believe in fairies! "You might get your papa to hire men to ' watch in all the chimneys on Christmas Eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not,see ;:. Santa Claus coming down, what would that .: . prove? Nobody sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no San.'a Claus-the most real things in the world are those neither children nor men can see. " "Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no proof that I they are not there-nobody can conceive or. imagine all the wonders that are unIs land un- seeable in the world. May the true spirit "You tear apart the baby's ratf1 and see of the first Christmas shin what makes the noise inside, but th re is a veil brightly in your covering the unseen world which not the strong- heart today est man, or even the united strength of all the and everyday. strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside the curtain and view and picture the i supernal beauty and glory beyond. i "Is it all real?-ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. "No Santa Claus! Thank God!-he lives, and he lives forever-a thousand years from now,l!, Virginia, nay, ten thousand years from now, he i A will continue to make glad the heart of child- AUSTIN-ATCHIS hood." [Company. Don't know if yoit have ET OA|N S RDU seen it or not, but it was dreamed. ETAOIN S KHRDLU up by Earl Atchison and his stal- wart "bunch" and drawn and pain-. , by WESLEY R. RAMSEY ted Iy Pat Hall. Go by and have a _g.t look, you'll be impressed also. - We wonder if you have taken a Tough e r gi Thought maybe we were going tour about town and seen the many to have some "hrtmas weather" to have sonme "Christmas weather' interesting decorations on differ- but here it is turning off warm. ent homes about the city. We have A e as we ever b ring seen some of them,but we are sonAbout every Christmas we ever seen some of the but we are sor spent in Florida it was drizzly on ry to say not allof them. One of hristmas day. With the weather top of J. C. Culpepper's house. Up this Crhistnas will probablly fol- on the roof old Santa's sleigh and low true to form. reindeer are parked and in the chimney, old Santa's legs are stick- Looks like almost everybody is ing out in a position to suggest, travelling o" having guests for the that he started down head first and Holidays. We are going to take off got stuck and is kicking about try- for Georgia Christmas morning and ing to get out. Of course.. J. iC. do nothing but sit for the whole comes up with something original week end. -Of course our diet (that . every year. ilpart we still observe) will go to v""a o o ithe four winds for the week end: .. .;.", Cmin of About the best "home-growne joyous rs asels, decoration we have seen in a busi- We understand that'the cemetery h joyous Cristmas bells, ness house is in Austin-Atchison for the city has finally come thru voices of the choir boys, bring -orgotten for the Day -. "to*v you again all S. t "armtiof spirit h~ -- -.;;i. 7~.~- +C~c Cd Y f3 : :. -~ ~..~I:'V' ~ I: '' We sincerely hope youall have a very Merry Christmas. Spending Christmas In Carolina Mr. and .Mrs. Carl Norton and daughter, Susan are spending sev eral days with Mr. Norton's rela- tives in Savannah, Ga.. and Estill, South Carolina. 1e ;ON COMPANY THE STAR, PaRT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 DJ Intermediate Officers Are Entertained At Party Teachers and officers of the In- termediate Sunday School depart- inent of the First Baptist Church were intertained with a Christmas ,party last Friday night in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Chafin. ATTENDING TRAINING UNION ASSOCIATIONAL MEETING Those attending the Associational Training Union meeting at the First Baptist Church in Panama City, Monday, were Wilbur Smith, P. B. Fairley, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Ford, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Voss, and the Rev. J. C. Odum. All are mem- bers of the Long Avenue Baptist Those attending the party were Chu M e Church. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Nichols, Rev. and Mrs. L. J. Keels, Mrs. Charles Gill and Home From GMA Mr. and Mrs. Richard Saunders. Jimmy Costin, Frank LeHardy, Games were played and Rev. and Dan Hatfield of Gordon Mili- Keels told the Christmas story. tary Academy are home for the Refreshments were served and holidays visiting their parents. Refreshments were served and .everyone enjoyed themselves. Home From FSU Donald Ramsey is home from Star Want Ads Get Results FSU for the Ciristmas holi ays. The Star Chief Custom Catalina for 1954 , ... . S. " I. p ..... ; -,%f 2; ..@ =. ;,%..* :; ~~-' Oueen of the highways, the Pontiac Star Chief engine and Dual-Range Hydra-Matic, new bright Custom Catalina is bigger, longer, more beautiful. On color combinations and new lovely top grain leather or new 124-inch wheelbase and eleven inches longer leather-and-nylon inleriors. Pontiac in 1954 also offers jver-all, the Star Chief Custom Catalina has new per- a Custom a:nd a Dcl.xer Catalina in the 122-inch ,ol- rfrmance with the increased horsepower eiaht-cvlinr I base Chieftain series with its distinctive stylin. ..-- John Barrier Here Fire Department Gets Two Garrison Avenue. The fire truck John Barrier, of FSU, Tallahas- Calls Over The Week End radio was tuned in to the St. Joe >ee, is spending the holidays here Tower at the time however, and the with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. The Port St. Joe volunteer Fire alarm and location was relayed di- W. Barrier. Department was called out twice rectly to the fire truck and quick this week end to answer blazes. action saved the garage from dam- Home From Gainesville The first call came Friday night age. Timothy Elder of Gainesville is around 8:30 when they were called re che aul says lere for the holidays visiting with to Beacon Hill to extinguish a don't know how we got along with- lis family and friends, house fire. The house was aboutout that radio, Since September alf gone when the department ar when it was installed, it has been 'half gone when the department ar- instrumental in- saving a bo u t rived and fire fighting efforts wereinstmetalin saving a c$3,000.00 worth of property and we confined to.keeping adjoining build- have had very few alarins in this ings cool. No water was, available 'and the department had to make oftime." three trips to Mexico Beach to re- :, plenish their water supply to keep Spending Holidays Here the fire in its 'boundary. Miss Mary Ann McFarland, stu- The house, which caught from an unknown origin, and was *unoccu- pied, was totally destroyed. Saturday afternoon while the fire truck was carrying Santa Claus on his rounds the department was called out again to extinguish a brush blaze which threatened the garage of Rev. William Iverson on dent at the Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee is spending the holidays with Iher parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. McFarland at Oak Grove. Home From Stetson Sadie Arnett is home from Stet- son University for the Christmaft holidays. McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY r~B~ALT~E~W ~ ag THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I * T P F THE LOW DOWN ----- from ----- WILLIS SWAMP It is about 20 years late, I reckon, for getting worked up about Juve- nile Delinquency, and discovering there is such a thing, but we been so busy ill this Theory Age that the truth is just seeping through. I am on the juvenile side of the fence. Too many folks on good pay- ing pay rolls have been making too many speeches at hungry but well fed lunch club meeting's, and too many have listened to the rosy solutions of all problems. The lis- teners have been the gullible ones, but seeing as how the new theory of bringing up off-shoots gave ma- ma and papa more time to party around, it is not too hard to savvy how-come the baby-sitter business has grown by leaps and bounds. And now as she looks to me, the real cause of this juvenile mess comes home to roost with the fair, fat and frisky in the age 40 brack- et. To shorten a long story, get the woodshed door oiled and working, good-get mom's and pop's names in the newspaper when their 10 to 17 year old uncouth off-shoots show the police their poor man- ners-and bringing up. We been making a simple problem compli- cated. Like the feller with a ring- ing in his ears-he didn't need fancy Cherokee rattlesnake oil- he just needed to loosen a too tight shirt neck band. Yours with the low down, JO SERRA Martha and 'Sarah Wilson are home for the Christmas holidays. _ I- "-N A The loyalty of our many friends gives to us added confidence and much promise for the future. We wish a Joyful Christmas and Successful New Year to all. BOYLES DEPARTMENT STORE CLOSED FRIDAY and SATURDAY -- I I Iq -a,, )aso reelinqs TINKLING BELLS, holly wreaths, winter scenes with evergreens; logs on hearth, candles bright, little faces beam delight... these, to us, are all warm reminders that a very special time is here... so a very special wish is due... May this Holiday Season bring you abounding stores of good cheer, peace and happiness. St. Joe lumber & Export Co. Tomlinson Abstract Company Mrs. Costin Entertains WMU During the social hour, the hos- The house was 'beautifully decor- With A Christmas Paty tess served fruit cake. salad and ated for the occasion. Arrangements With A rimas ary coffee to those attending the par- in the Christmas motif were dis- Mrs. C. G. Costin, Sr., entertain- ty. Thirty three members and .played in the living-room, dining ed the Woman's Missionary Union four guests attended. room and sun parlor. in her home on Monumen tAvenue, Monday afternoon with their annual >" ,Christmas party and program. The program under the direction of Mrs. Charles Gill, circle chair- , man, was "Love of God". The de- votional taken from Isaiah 11:1-5; Isaiah 9:2; Luke 2:10414; Luke 7 ;' i' r1 2:25-32; Acts, 13:47 and Luke 5:8. if Those taking part on the devotion- / i al part of the program were MI rs W. I. Carden, Mrs. E. B. Dendy, ) -;P . and Mis. Charles Gill. The theme I' l ~ ' of the program was "A Sinful World, a Sufficient Saviour". Parts given were "A Song In the Night"' by Mrs. Charles Gill; "The Message ' of Song", by Mrs. D. W. Smith; "Stewards of the Gospel" by Mrs. Charles Gill. -. A quartet composed of Miss Jane id. . Keels, Miss Marietta Chafin, Miss Mary Agnes Culpepp r and Miss Frances Lewis sang several num- ibers 'between parts, accompanieded by Mrs. L. J. Keels at the piano. The program concluded with, May Christmas and "The Song Must Be Sling" by Mrs., Rush Chislm and "Sing A Song of tLe New Year hold for you the blessing the Cross" by Mrs. Gill. Mrs. E. C. o health, happiness and prosperity. , Cason dismissed with prayer. A skit, with five nationalitiese- JONES SINCLAIR SERVICE STATION presented in costume was presented by Miss Keels, Miss Chafin, Miss A. Morgan Jones, Jr. Lewis and Miss Culpepper. kh~MMMC~mMMMIIh~C~ --- THE STAR, PORT ST. JVZ, 4jULrd cOUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 -~,Cp~~ h ^ n~prra~lacv~ll~glaarr~~ L ~~ ~ THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, Lutr, t:-fII 1-4 IUVO Lg. HeOa iTTA E ___ 3C FRESH Crisp CELERY-- 10Oc BELL PEPPER --- 5c CUCUMBERS --- Sc Florida Sweet TANGERINES doz 10c From the Grove To You ORANGES-- doz. 15c Ocean Spray CRANBERRY SAUCE 19c Quart Jar , SALAD DRESSING 39c Florida GRAPEFRUIT ,2 for 5c Como Toilet TISSUE 3 rolls 25c Chocolate Covered Lb. Box CHERRIES -- 49c ALL GRAPES Ib. 19c Large Bag APPLES -- --- 49c ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT TANGERINES, $1.49 bu. RADISHES----- 10c FROZEN FOODS Blackeye PEAS -- 19c STRAWBERRIES 1 9c TURNIPS ----- 19c COLLARDS ---- 19c W.1 A I wk N we rr JYff u ac~cr HAMBURGER Ib. 23c T-BONE and ROUND STEAK -----lb. 59c SIRLOIN and CLUB STEAK ----- 39c CHUCK STEAK and ROAST Ib. 29c RIB and BRISKET STEW BEEF --2 lb. 39c We Have A Complete Line ofU. S. Goodand U. S. Choice Beef and Fresh Pork Cuts U. S. Choice Ground BEEF lb. 49c Pre-Cooked Tenderized HAMS- lb. 69c 7 Hour Special SATURDAY EVENING, 1-8 Armour's MILK can lOc 10 Lb. Bag (Limit 1) Irish POTATOES 1 9c Sunbeamr 2 Loaves 27c BREAD --loaf 14c Borden's Sweet MILK Borden's BISCUITS 2 qts. 49c can lOc Good 5 Lbs. HAMBURGER $1.00 LIMEADE --- 19c OYSTERS -- qt. $1.39 MIX 'EM UP! CIGARETTES -- ctn. $2.12 1 PRICH SUPER MARKET PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA We Reserce Lim t Rights Prices Effective Mon. thru Sat. Apalachicola Northern RAILROAD COMPANY May the peace and happiness symbolized by the Star of Christmas remain with you t throughout the Holiday Season. St. Joseph Tel. & Tel. Co. s Council officers by the home dem- Around Gulf County G l onstration agent, 'Nancy MaddoX, Aroun u u y president of the 44H Council, led by RUTH MILTON the group in recreation. Among tha Home Demonstration Agent games enjoyed wree "Toy Shop", --~ "Candle Race", and "Surprise Pack. 4-H Christmas Party age". Fifty six 4-H girls from all parts Gifts were exchanged and refresh- of Gulf County attended the 4-H ments served by the 4-H girls in Christmas party held last 'Saturday charge. morning in the Highland View Guests present were Mrs. E. L, Cafetorium. Antley, Mrs. Mae Nix, iMr. H. F. Following the installation of 4-H Ayers and Mr. Bill Martin. -- II IM I a l Open All Day Saturday, Dec. 261 -rWIIPCcnAY )ECEMBER 24. 1-45 I I liwnn~u(e~ ... T TAPRUYLIA HU A NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS The Royal Ambassadors of the Highland View Baptist Mission met at the church Wednesday afternoon. The program was given by the lea- der, Ralph Macomber. The program ended with the drawing of names for the Christmas tree. Those at- tending the meeting were Bobby Johnson, Troy Senterfitt, Archie Floyd, Leroy Senterfitt, 'Billy Arm- strong, Richard Zipper, Lewis Ro- gers, Leo Cooper, Gene Cox. The meeting ended' with prayers by Gene Cox and Archie Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Jones left Wednesday to spend the Christmas holidays in Tallahassee with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Jones. Mrs. Bill ;Mannings and children Tommy, Hazel and "Bucky" Mann- ing of Baltimore, Maryland are vis- iting with Mrs. Anne Williams. The Highland View Methodist Church will hold its Christmas pro- gram on Thursday, Dec. 24. The program is based on the shepherds and their knowing of the coming and -birth of Christ. The program is by the MYF of the church under the direction of Mrs. Kathryn Brown. Everyone has a cordial in- vitation to attend the program. If the weather is pretty that day the program will be held outside so that the scene will have a natural Backdrop. After the program there will be carols sung by the group and presents distributed to each person. *Mr. and Mrs.. L. C. Sherrod and children spent the week end in Thomasville, Ga., with the former parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Sherrod and family. Rev. and Mrs. 'P. G. Safford and daughters, are spending the Christ- mas holidays in Tavares, with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sloane and family. The Highland View Baptist Mis- sion is holding its Christmas pro- gram on Tuesday, Dec. 22 at the church. Carols, the Christmas story and scripture were the ehemes of the program. All the children of the mission took part in the pro- -gram. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Elliott of Columbia, Ala., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Zorn and family. The Highland View Assmebly of God Church is presenting their Christmas program Wednesday, Dec. 23. Their program is pertain- ing to "giving" at Christmas time. The Spirit of Giving. The prgoram is under the direction of Mrs. Ed- gar Strange. Rev. Cecil Hodges and family, Mrs. Carlos Miles, Mrs. Jim Chest- nut, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Player, Ar- chie Richter, Mrs. George Whitting- ton attended the funeral services of 'Mrs. J. T. Clark of Highland View at Pavo, Ga. Mrs. Floyd H. Pierce left Mon- day enroute to Fort Campbell, Ken- tucky where she was to be met by her husband, Sgt. Pierce. They will reside in Clarksville, Tennessee. Mrs. Pierce is the former Miss Mar- ilea Miller of Highland View. Willard .Miller was home this week end with his family. Mr. Mil- ler is employed with a construction company at Foley, Ala. Mrs. Ted McGhin of Indian Pass was a visitor in the home of her sister, 'Mrs. Mary Kate Miller. We are sorry to know little Deb- bie Jones small daughter of Mrs. Iris Jones, has been ill this week. Mrs. Iris Jones, Mrs. Al Jarzuka and Mrs. Mary Kate Miller accom- panied Mrs. Harold Pierce to Pana- ma City where she took the bus to Fort Campbell, Ky. We are sorry to know Joe Land is very ill at the Municipal Hospi- tal. J. T. Clark of Highland View, formerly of Pavo, Ga., passed away Dec. 12 in the Lake City Veterans' Hospital. 'He is survived by his wi- dow, Mary Clark; 'by one daughter, Mrs. Mattie Lou Furney and one son, Grover Clark, both of Highland View. and one brother J. A. Clark of Cairo, Ga. Last rites were held in the Old' IBethal 'Baptist Church in Pavo, Ga. Burial was in the Old Bethal Cemetery. 'Mrs. Mary Clark and children, Mattie Lou and Grover wish to ex- press their thankfulnes and kind- ELBERT SUTTON IS CHOSEN BY HONOR SOCIETY UNIVERSITY, Ala Alpha Ep- silon Delta, national premedical honorary society, has initiated 19 regular members and one honorary member at the University of Ala- bama. Dr. Marten ten Hoor, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, was the honorary member initiated. Elbert W. Sutton, formerly of Port 'St. Joe was elected one of the regular members. -------S--- Send The Star to a frien ness during the illness and death of their father and husband. ^ - Dr. Charles Reicherter OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CLOSED WEONESDAY AFTERNOON S HOURS a rTO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA Star Want Ads Get Results THE LEADER SHOE SHOP L. J. HERRING, Owner Phone 363 Port St. Joe First and only low-priced car to bring you all these new features and advantages! * -- . l[-fill G n fI it... Msy this .1 I t^ln bh the hpi l C. G. Costin, Jr. State Representative Ymhn^m^^^^^^V^^^^.^^i POWER BRAKES First in the Low-Price Field! Chevrolet Power Brakes make stop- ping wonderfully easy and conven- ient. Optional at extra cost on Power- glide models. NFW POWER IN "BLUE-FLAME 115" ENGINE Out-Po,'ers All Other Low-Priced Cars! In gearshift models, the more power- ful "Blue-Flame 115" engine also gives you finer performance with money-saving gas mileage! NsWII LOWER PRICED POWER STEERING Another Chevrolet "First"! The first Power Steering in its field now reduced in price! Op- . tional at extra cost on all models. CHEVROLET'S EXCLUSIVE POWERGLIDE Now for All Models! Now you can have smooth, thrifty Powerglide on any model. Teamed ime, with the "Blue-Flame 125" eng it's optional at extra cost. GARR Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Naf! AUTOMATIC WINDOW AND SEAT CONTROLS More Chevrolet "Firsts"! Touch a buttonto adjust front win- dows or seat. Optional on Bel Air and "Two-Ten" models at extra cost. New! NEW STYLING IN BODY BY FISHER Another Chevrolet Exclusive! Nw I NEW POWER IN "BLUE-FLAME 125" ENGINE Most Powerful in its Field! Most powerful Chevrolet passenger car engine ever built! Teamed with Powerglide, optional at extra cost. NSwI FINEST, MOST COLORFUL INTERIORS in the low-Price Fieldi All around the car, and from every Here are the most luxi angle, you see new beauty in, the only on any low-priced car Fisher Body in Chev- color harmonies are ke rolet. field. -- i ne\ e\leror colors. 7 '. .----sag^ ^^^ AWAY CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service P COME SEE IT N curious interiors . New interior yed to brilliant ort St. Joe, Florida ------------------------------- "-----"'Y"- -----------------` I _. __ THE STAR, PORT t"-. JUE, UUvLw COUNTY, FtLORIDA THURSDAY; DECEMBER 24, IS53 7 *- f' 'THhSAY DEEMER24,193 HE TAilORTST JE, ULICUNTILOID SISTER O FGEORGE PARRISH DIES IN APALACHICOLA A sister of George Parrish of this city, died last 'Saturday in Apala- chicola. She was Mrs. Frank Dug- gar who died at the age of 65 from a heart attack. Funeral services were conducted at the Brownsville Pentacostal Church w-ith 'Rev. Tyron officiating on Tuesday, December 15 at 3 p.m. Burial was in Magnolia Cemetery. S ,,, v,, ,v ^ SDR. WESLEY GRACE S OPTOMETRIST 317 Reid Ave. EYES EXAM GLA OFFICE 9 to 12 a.m. CLOSED AL Phone 456 lINED iSSES FITTED HOURS - 1 to 5 p.m. .L DAY WED. Several Suggestions Listed To Make Christmas A Merrier Holiday Season Are you dreaming of a Merry municate with them. Christmas? IOr, are you expecting If you know of any children who it to be a dull period, wishing the will receive no gifts, see that they whole thing were over? If you are receive a toy that they "have one of those unfortunates, you are td be pitied because you 'can have a Bright and Merry Christmas if you desire. Unselfishly, you can make this Christmas one of your brightest by giving more than the usual Holiday greetings, .. by giving "of yourself" .. and you can accomplish this by doing a number of the following: If your parents,are living, be with them if at all possible. If you cannot, telephone them. Let them know you're thinking of them this Christmas. Should you have other relatives who are elderly, see them or com- Christmas." Shuld you have neighbors or ac- quaintances who are elderly, or who have seen brighter and more active Christmases in the past and might be lonely this Christmas, vis- it them. Among your acquaintances, if there should be any with whom you are not on the best of terms, see them. Let them know you want to be friendly. 'Think not of yourself but of oth- ers. Even old' Scrooge smiled after he got the Christmas Spirit. It's not what you receive for Christmas. ,. it's "what you give" that will give you the Christmas spirit. It's not the gifts with mone- tary value which count it's the expressions of friendship and good will. Emerson said: "The only gift is a portion of thyself." According to Lowell, "The gift without the 'giver is bare." Do a number of the things listed above. Then you will have a warm feeling, an unforgettable Christ- mas; ithe kind of a Christmas-you look forward to, and the kind of a Christmas you will remember al- ways. ,Doing these things will give you the Christmas Spirit; the kind that's -contagious. You and those about you will have a Merry Christ- mas. Hunting "Accidents" There isn't a hunting ACCIDENT in a blue moon but there are lots of negligent, careless killings right in our neck of the woods. Garden Club Circle Meets With Mrs. Buck Griffin The Azalea Circle of the Port 'St. Joe Garden Club met recently in the home of Mrs. Buck Griffin. with Mrs. Chris Martin as co host- ess. The meeting opened with prayer by 'Mrs. Henry Ayers. Mrs. Bar- bara Brodnax, chairman of the club, was in charge. Mrs. Armstrong was winner of the door prize. Several Christmas arrangements were on display. First prize for arrangements went to Mrs; 'Brodnax, second prize to Mrs.f Gordon Thomas on a buffet arrangement, and third to Mrs. Wager on a children's outdoor scene. Names were drawn and potted plants were exchanged by all pres- ent. Fiftene members and three visi- tors, Mrs. Margaret Evans, Mrs. Tom Bird and Mrs. Buck Alexan- der, were served coffee and salad by the hostess and co-hostess. Cattle and Hogs Livestock producers will have more cattle and hogs in 1951 than this year, according to federal esti- mates. 04d The blessings of friendship and loyalty are the very essence of the Spirit of Christmas... and so, at this joyous and heartwarming season we want to wish all of our many friends the richest of life's treasures-peace, good health and happiness. J. Lamar Miller's Service Station STANDARD OIL COMPANY LEGAL ADVERTISING IN THE CrRCUIT COURT OF THE FOURTEENTH JU- DICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLOR- IDA IN AND FOR GULF COUNTY. IN CHANCERY. LOIS E. HALVOR'SON, Plaintiff, vs. HAROLD T. HALVORSON, Defendant. TO: You are hereby notified that a Bill of Complaint for Divorce.has been filed against you, and you are required to serve a copy of your Answer or Pleading to the Bill of Complaint on the plaintiff's attorney, David C. Gaskin whose ad- dress is Wewahitchka, Florida, and file the original Answer or Plead- ing in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court on or before the Jan- uary 1, 1953. If you fail to do so, judgment by default will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the Bill of 'Complaint. Done and Ordered at Wewahitch- ka, Florida, this 7th day of Decem- ber, 1953. GEORGE Y. CORE, Clerk, Circuit Court, Gulf County, Florida (SEAL) David C. Gaskin Wewahitchka, Florida Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN PROBATE. In Re: Estate of WALTER B. SMITH, Deceased. ) NOTICE OF FILING PETITION FOR FINAL DISCHARGE OF ADMINISTRATRICES T(' ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that we have filed our final report and petition for final dis- charge as Administratrices of the estate of Walter B. Smith, deceased; and that on the 4th day of January, 1954, wce will apply to the Honorable J. E. Pridgeon, County Judge of Gulf County, Florida, for approval of said final report and for final discharge as ad- ministratrices of the estate of Walter B. Smith, deceased. This the 27th day of Ndvember, A. 1). 1953. /s/ AMERICA SMITH EIDSON /s/ ELECTRA SMITH MOORE Administratrices of the Estate of Walter B. Smith, deceased. /s/ CECIL G COSTIN, Jr. Attorney for Administratrices 221 Reid Avenue 4t Port St. Joe, Florida 12/3 EARN EXTRA INCOME ON INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Each account INSURED UP TO $10,000 by the Federal Sav- ings and Loan Insurance Corporation. For all types of Individual, Partnership, Corporation Cred. it Union, Institution and In surance Zon'.pany accounts Preferrec tor Pension, Estate Trust & Escrow Funds. MAIL YOUR CHECK TODAY ) LEON FEDERAL Savings & Loan Assn. Monree at Park Aveanu Tallahassee, Fla. L. LAMAR MILLER, Agent . *-. --. ..- -- --. -- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA -THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1953 T SA Mrs. W. R. Ramsey Hostess To Long Avenue BWC Mrs. Wesley R. Ramsey was hos- tess to the Business Women's Cir- cle of the Long Avenue Baptist Church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. P. Martin opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Du- rel Brigman and Mrs. Joe Ferrell brought the devotional. The program, "A Sinful W\orld- A Sufficient Saviour" was present- ed by Miss Alma Baggett, Mrs. Ramsey. Mrs. Ferrell, Mrs. Carl Norton. Jr., and Mrs. Martin. Baggett on January 19. The hostess assisted by Mrs. Wes- ley Raimsey served fruit cake and coffee to Mrs. M. L. Britt. Mrs. Martin, Mrs. IBrigman, Mrs. Ferrell, Miss Baggett, Mrs. Norton and ne new member, Mrs. Roy Gibson, Jr. Mrs. Doyle Rutherford was a visi- tor. ------)(----- Cranberry Jelly One of the natural characteristics of cranberry jelly and other tart fruit jelly is to "weep" after the mold is cut. To prevent this, place cranberry jelly in smaller molds so that all of it will be used up at one meal.,-nen-none.w1i oe1-e4 Sone meal. Then none will De lefI Mrs. Brigman, the chairman, pre- to stand and "weep." sided over a brief business session. _____ The. next meeting will be with Miss Advertiing Doesn't Cost It PAYS. Adveriing Doesn't Cost -- It PAYS. Costin's Dept. Store May all the joys of the season dwell S in your heart and in your home on Christmas and throughout- . ; the year. M. G. LEWIS & SONS GARAGE Garraway Named Gulf Co. March of Dimes Chairman Charles Garraway. Port St. Joe, will head the 1954 March of Dimes campaign in Gulf county, Walter J. Matherly. state campaign director, announced this week. IIn 1953 residents of Gulf county contributed $1.558.07. a 35 per cent increase over 1952, Dean Matherly said. The state director pointed out that the national goal in 1954 is S$75,000,000, over a third of which will be used for polio prevention. The prevention program will con- sist of use of a.mma globulin and the ,field testing of the new trial vaccine. The vaccine will be tested on nearly hali :: million children of second-grade school age. The vac- cine is harmless, tests show. "This year may we" -P n, fight ing the last round in our 16-year-old fight against ,polio," ID.:: n Mather- ly .said. "We need 50 per cent more mon- ey this year to carry c.i- this big prevention program and to care for those who now have polio. it is true that those who give the most have the most left. I am sure that the residents of Gulf county will do all they can to help Mr. Garraway put his drive over." Coopers Entertain Members Of Long Avenue Church Mr. and Mrs. George Cooper en- tertained members of the Long Avenue Baptist 'Church in their home at 1028 McClellan 'Sunday eve- ning. The home was beautifully dec- orated. driftwood holding burning candles One of the scenes in the living placed behind. room was the large family Boble The dining table was centered open to the Christmas story. Mat- w-ith reindeer and sleigh. About 50 thew -second chapter, with white guests called during the hour. M- Q i- FRANK & DOT'S AGENCY INSURANCE "Santa Claus, A Merry Christmas to all of you, from all of us". Rocky, Hortense and Pete -- t~ , I - THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORWAA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 195.1 THE STAR, PORT ST, JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA I I ay the happiness f the Holiday season, deepened and strengthened by the spiritual inspiration of the Christmas message, abide with you through all the days ahead. This is our warmest wish for you and yours, as through the S soft silence of a Holy night, the shining wonder of Christmas once more dawns upon the World. St. Joe Motor Company "Your Friendly Ford Dealer" ; *- --- ^ *< lS* **.s ".' '* -* Phone 37 :' ': ... .. :"" ~"~" J', ; --: ." : Marion Cowherd Circle treasurer's, report was then give ts With r. tffr At the close of the meeting the Meets With Mrs. Staffer hostess served refreshments to the following, Mesdames Paul Player, The Marion Cowherd Circle of Ralph Plair, Harry Dowden, Merrill the First Baptist WMU met for Sherrill, Emory Roinson, Glyn the December meeting in the home r Henley, LBill Tharpe and Chuck of Mrs. Jimmy 'Stafford on Palm Saunders Saunders. Boulevard. The meeting was opened with HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO prayer by the circle sponsor, Mrs. BE CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY A. V. Bateman. The scripture readings were pre- The Gulf County Health Depart- sented by Mrs. Harry Dowden and ment will ibe closed Thursday, Fri- Mrs. Emory Robinson. Following day and Saturday for the Christ- the scripture reading and prayer ,mas holidays. the program, "The Gift of God's Anyone who want to attend the Love" -was presented by five of clinic may report Monday morning. the members. ------- During the business session, the Spending Christmas Here community missions chairman, Mrs. Mrs. R. S. Payne of Atlanta, Ga., Harry Dowden asked that the group is here to spend the Christmas donate food, clothing and toys for season with her daughter, Mrs. T. a needy family for Christmas. The M. Watts. ST. JOE SUPPLY COMPANY (Day the old fashioned Christmas spirit of peace and joy embrace your * home this glorious holiday season. And may the richest gifts-health, - happiness and good will come to you and your dear ones. Ask.. , -MA Q ofthe SEA SON 'Vi /* FOWHAID-HALL FURNITURE CO. -". .: MODERN FURNITURE CO., Inc 4 L. "S: 9* le Ao-opk-4 ~ wolosikbd~ e r s~OD r .16 1 TH TR OTrJE J1 ONY FOIATUSADCME 4 93 NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS Mrs. Jim Aultman had as her guest, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Aultman and children from Panama City. The Oak Grove Assembly of God Church will put on their Christmas party Tuesday night at 8:00 p.m. Every one is cordially invited to attend. Mrs. James V. Norris, daughter- in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Nor- ris left 'Sunday morning for Tam- pa where she will spend Christmas and New Year with her father, H. L. Riley and her brother, Billy Wayne Riley. She is planning on -coming back to St. Joe in Febru- ary for a couple of months, or until her husband returns from Japan in December. Mr. and Mrs. Bwell Pitts of Syla- cauga, Ala., were the guests of Mr. land Mrs. Lloyd Riley over the week end. We welcome to our .community, 1 and Mrs. Charlie Adkins and children who will make their home on Duval St. Honored On Birthday Mrs. ,Lloyd Riley honored her daughter Mary with a party on her eighth birthday Wednesday. Dec. 16, Cake, Coke, and ice cream were served to the following: Sharon Wilson, Alice Jean Gay, Sally And Marlene, Floynell Walker, Joyce 'Hayes, Karen and Jan Stripling, Dot 'Dormany, Linda Fay Gardner, Brenda IPitts, Betty Jo Smith, Pau- la Lovett, Mary Katherine Conner, ,Linda Kay Webb, Linda Kennedy and Charlene Scott. Honored On Birthday Mrs. John IMcKenzie honored her young daughter, June, Friday after- noon with a ,birthday party. The party celebrated 'her seventh birth- day. Refreshments of cake, soft clinks and candy were served. Those attending the party were Marie and David Dickey, Patsy Rotary Club Entertains Smith, Linda and Kenneth Calla- 900 Children Saturday ban, Gail Anderson, Tricia Han- ion, Myron Merritt, Olivia and lon, ronMerritO aan The Port St. Joe Rotary Club Frankie Gwaltney, David Horton, Paula Lovett, Gerry Hill, Brenda entertained and presented gifts to about 900 children at their annual Pitts, Mary Riley, Mary C. Conner, about 900 re at tr aua eraldine Campbell, Linda Christmas tree party last Saturday Jeraldine Campbell, Linda Cox, ffornnnn Pf -flipr. nitv ar knd in Gloria Shoots, Sue and Sandra Abru and Michael McKenzie. Not present but sending gifts were Gwyn Duval, Sue Parker and Linda Hill. Shop In Panama City Among those shopping in .Pan- ama City this past week end were Mrs. R. D. Prows, Mrs. Henry Campbell, Mrs. A. L. Ward, Mrs. John Robert ,Smith, Mrs. Carl Guil- ford and Mrs. Billy Gaillard. ------------ Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Roberts and children Benny and Linda attended , .tlUUrnoon at iLUe lJ c par in Sthe colored quarters. The Rotarians had Santa Claus on hand to entertain the young- sters and present gifts of toys, candy and fruit. The 'High 'School band made its first outdoor appearance of the year and were well received by the crowd as they presented a concert of various band numbers. $-K- Week nd Visitors Dr. and Mrs. R. F. Hallford were guests of the L. J. Keels family Sunday. While here Dr. Hallford brought the closing message Sun- day night at the First Baptist the RobertsChapman wedding in- Church. They A. l cfli a ndaw mit Finrida left ,Monday for A GREE[INGS wi" c comes fto,'1 the tiuc pitit of Clriltma. i* yours throudlh all the. New Year. ST. JOE HARDWARE COMPANY Anna, -dunaay. !,zsiULIl Pioricta. Li-' CA 1;^ Once more, with the approach of Christmas, we take time out to express to all our friends and patrons our deep appreciation for the confidence placed in us SGR MEETINGS All the joys ' t that go with a Holiday full of heart-felt innrinp theth p- MOUCHETTE'S Style Shop ST, JOE, PAPER CIOMPAXf 1 1 U' THE STAR, PORT ST., JOE, uULlr COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24~, 1951 ~sr): O g O ppa ness- ese hr tt~g ~~a~a~Pi, IDk~ .r IM KiI ,rAV nF(-FM 2T ANNOUNCEMENT Rev. Fred Davis of the First Me- thodist Church will observe stu- dent recognition night for students and servicemen on December 27 at 7:30 p.m. All are extended a cor- dial welcome. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. Player an nounce the birth of a daughter, Holly Jean, December 20 at the Municipal Hospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs., 3 ozs. Star Want Ads Get Results WHITE CITY NEWS by MRS. GEORGE'HARPER Friends of Mrs. Carter Ward re- gret that she is still confined to her home because of illness. Ben Attaway returned Sunday from Clarksville where he had vis- ited relatives and friends for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Wood and children visited relatives and friends, in Blountstown and also Mrs. Wood's youngest brother, who is seriously ill in the Lake City Veteran's Hospital this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Braxton left Tuesday for Cottondale where they will spend the forthcoming holiday with Mrs. Braxton's mo- ther, Mrs. E. H. Pippin. The interdenominational Sunday School held its Christmas party at the Community House Monday night. A Christmas program was. pre- sented by members of the Sunday School after which Santa present- ed each member with an exchanged gift, from the Christmas tree. Mrs. George Attaway and chil- dren returned Sunday after several days visit with her brother and family in St. Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bradley and sons of Sneads are spending the holidays with Mrs. Bradley's. par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sealey. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Pridgeon and Mrs. Pridgeon's mother, Mrs. Willie Ola Upshaw of Jacksonville left Sunday for Acme, N. C., where they will spend Christmas with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kii'kland. B. A. Pridgeon, Jr., USAF, will arrive Thursday to spend a ten day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs B. A Pridgeon. Sr. We are glad to report that Mrs. Ton And A Half of Auto Tags Go On Sale In Gulf County on January First Approximately one a tons of 1954 automobile on hand at the office of tor Harland Pridgeon hitchka at the court ho Carl Stevens is impro a week's confinement ,to because.of illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. the first to receive a tel here. Mr. and pMrs. 'Ashley of Ft. Myers are visiting niat' parents. MIr. and Chiristmai3 or a 'xeek. JOYFUL We take great pleasure in extending the Season's Greetings to all of our cus- tomers. This is also an ap- propriate occasion to say "thank you" for your confi- dence in the use of our ser- vices. Your continued ap preciated business has made this another pleasant year of association. We will be closed on Fri- day and Saturday, Decem- ber 25-26 With Best Wishes for the NEW YEAR WEWAHITCHKA STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation nd a half the office of Frank Hannon in Port e tags are St. Joe to take care of Gulf county Tax Collec- motorists, and the new tags will be in Wewa- on sale January 1 under the new use and at regulations. Pridgeon states, that the 1954 al- ving after lotment for Gulf county consists of Sheer home better than 4000 tags, the largest number ever assigned to the coun- SChafi t. Gulf county established a new Chain are' l evon se all-time sales record during the vision set year just closing, recording 3,529 sales. In 1952 there were 2,.945 tags Christmas sold, compared to 2,610 in 1951- Mr. Christ- an increase for the two-year period MTr D. 31 of 919. Pridgeon, in comparing sales iin Gulf county with several of our Neighboring counties, through sta- Httics furnished by.-the state. mo- to1' vehicle department, sates, that Gulf county is outselling several of o.or neighboring: counties by a large margin. All 1954 tags, with a single ex- Sception, will sell for the same ,prices they sold for during 15 3. IThe exception is for trucks-weigh- ing over 5,050 pounds, whibh will- be subject to an additional 10,cents per hundred pounds for all.weight in excess of the 5,050 pounds. The 5 cartons of tags, which were S delivered by state prison trucks, in- clude 2,400 of the plain "66" tags; 930 truck tags; 425 of the "66W" variety, issued to owners of the heavier cars; 145 of the "66T" and "66D" for Model T and A Fords, Austins and other light cars, and other varied and assorted varieties. In addition, there were 280 tags for trailers, and 95 tags for "Mobile Homes" (they are no longer listed as "House Trailers"). Tax Collector Pridgeon urges all carowners to get their tags. as soon as possible, since there will be a penalty after the usual deadline ex- pires, and, since he has a heart as Sbig as he is (and, ,boy, that's big!) '. i he hates to see car owners pay that '; extra penalty. ,': FISHING' and HUNTING' Straight From A "Harper" Named George George Harper, Sr., and sons, George, Ji-., Oliver and James Ed- win, James Harper and Bufort At- taway spent five days on the Apa- lachicola river fishing and hunting. They reported their trip not too successful for big game. They killed plenty of squirrels, some ducks. There was so much water in the swamp that they had to travel by boat or wade. Cage Attaway had killed one six point and one eight point buck, so he furnished the party with plenty of deer meat to eat while on camp. Jake Brake and party from Ken- iark" ney's Mill were reported to have killed a deer this week. J getting , From all of us to all of you- a Merry Holiday Season, filled to the '" ,', brimn with jos of a the Yuletide. 5 LrAm n^hi~ J McCOY SUPER MARKET DANLEY FURNITURE COMPANY ilmmmma mm -.. a -----^-^^^^^~U^~U"~^~~~~~~~^~~~^^~"~^~~^ ----'--UU~ - C ---C. -s 1111 1 i mr- c_ c- c~ c~ nv~ ~v~ H~ _ THE STAR, PORT ST. -JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY. DECEMBER 24, 1953 ., "A County Landni THE~~~~~~~~~~ STR OTS.JE UFCUT.FLRD HRDY EEBRI,15 'Tides are caused by both the sun (Continued From Page One) and moon, which exert a gravita-! THE SAVIOUR'S NAME tional pull on the waters of the earth. ought to be because they choose to be saved IN their sins rather than FROM their sins. When we rightly COMFORTER apply the meaning of the name Je- sus to our own souls we immediate- FUNERAL HOME l realize the wonder of the name and can say with Paul, "Thanks be 601 Long Avenue unto God for his unspeakable gift."' PHONE 326 "The name of Jests is so sweet, I love its music to repeat; O E d It makes my joys full and Oxygen Equipped complete, Ambulance The precious name Of Jesus. i -W. C. Martin Holiday Special WASH POLISH WAX GREASE YOUR CAR FOR ONLY $5.95 Jones Sinclair Service A. Morgan Jones, Jr. Corner Monument & 4th JAhngs She Christmas wishes we send you Are- etAlt Sto last as long as t green of'the evergreenZ And may it extend to all those you love, too. A "PAID-UP" CHRI! hMA ! Gifts for all, bought w. CHRISTMAS CLUB M'INEY 7/ I17Lc.' Depos r . $ .50 $1.00 F $5.00 1954 Cl it Weekly Receive in 50 Weeks $ 25.00 S$ 50.00 $250.00 lub starts December 7, 1954 FLORIDA BANK AT PORT ST. JOE SPort St. Joe, Florida Federal Deposit MEMBER Insurance Corp. Florida National Group STARDUST and MOONSHINE By Col. W. S. Smith, Retired. Mayor of Buckhorn Well, well. folks, here it is al- most Christmas, and, since I didn't get solicited for a Ghristmas greet- ing ad by Editor Ramsey, I'm tak- ing this method of extending Yule and New Year's greetings to all of our friends from Myrtice and me. Stardust hasn't been accumulat- ing very fast, but I have a couple of things to report: Seems Billy Hammock turned his car Over a couple of times Saturday night on a slick highway west of Highland View and got pinned n- der it. .. Ed Ramsey and sev- eral other folks came along and put a jack u:'.cr the car to take the pressure off Billy's stomach. As he was pulled out, we understand, a woman, 'x thpe party. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALLY FOR SALE--Westcraft house trail- er. Completeyl equipped. Gas range, gas heater, electric hot-wa- ter heater. Price $375.00. $100.00 down. Balance easy terms. See Gene Ohlinger at St. Joe Drive-In Theatre. FOR SALE: 16 inch boys bike, good condition. Call Kenneth Creech. 102. tc FOR SALE: 15 and 30 gallon oil: drums. Call Creech Bros. Laun- dry. Phone 102. FOR SALE-Two story home. See Gus Creech or Phone 102. tf' FOR SALE: 2 beach cottages at Beacon Hill. Small down pay- ment, balance easy terms. Call George Tapper. Phone 257 4tc FOR RENT FOR RENT-Unfurnished apart- ment. See Mrs. Sanders Chitty, Phone 351--W.. tfc10-29 FOR RENT: Nice two bedroom house. Unfurnished. Corner 8th and Woodward. Call 134-W. Itp WANTED TO RENT WANTED: good room and board for my father. He is member of the Masonic Order, also a member of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Rachel Whitington. Port St. Joe. Itp SPECIAL SERVICES Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH Bicycle Repairing All -Makes Reel Parts and Repairs WESTERN AUTO tf AR-SULFA EGG PROFITS are -lowered when "colds" hit your flock. Reduce this loss by using Dr. Salsbury's Ar-Sulfa in the drinking water. FORTUNE FEEDS SJAKE GAVIN Phone 340-J2 Highland View LODGE NOTICES JOINT INSTALLATOIN of officers with Royal Arch, 28 December at A '7:30 p.m. Installation of of- e|jficers will follow supper. Sup- '/ per to be prepared by East- ern Star. visiting brothers welcome. E. Y. Cowart, W. M.; W. L. Jordan, Sec. R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. All visit Ing companions welcome. W. C. Forehand, High Priest; H. R. Maige LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Meeting night ev- ery other Monday. S Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, 1. 0. 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs. days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting brethren invited, Henry-'Geddie, N. G., Robert Williams, V. G. H. SA. Hardy, Secretary. (Continued From Page Two) CAMPUS INN were trying to get to the perfume counter before someone got that smooth perfume that Nancy want- ed. Every year each girl picked out what she wanted, and then the other would pay for it as a gift. They considered this much more practical than buying one another a useless gift. Nancy was complain- ing about all the gifts she had to buy when she spotted the little old lady standing at the perfume coun- ter, gazing lonigngly at a bottle of perfume. With a sigh she 'put it down. She looked exactly like some ones grandmother. She had who didn't know that Billy had but one leg, said: "Oh, the poor boy had his leg cut off!" and fainted. . Which reminds me of a simi- lar incident that happened to me out in California. I was riding with a friend and his car overturned in the ditch; the car door opened and I was pinned down by my right leg; on a simple black dress with white collar and cuffs. She was small, and her gray hair was fixed in a bun on, top of her head. Her hands and face were wrinkled with lines that only wor- ry could bring. She turned and walked away from the counter. Being curious, Nancy and Bess asked the sales girl who she was. She told them that she was one of the women from the old ladies home who came down every year to get the present that the conm- pany gave them. 'Then why didn't she get the perfume?" asked Bess. "Because they get a five dollar gift, and the perfume is ten dollars" the sales- girl replied. Naficy and Bess looked -at one another in mutual understanding. "I was gbing to spend five dollar: on your gift", said Nancy. 'I was going to spend five- on yours", replied Bess. Nancy, turning to the sales girl, said, "'Will you please gift wrap the perfume she wanted." .T ,a wearing an artificial leg at. The sales girl wrapped the pack that time, so- when the rescuing age and Nancy and-Bess ran after Good Samaritans wanted to lift up the little old lady. They caught her the car I told them "Heck, no," and I just as she walked out the door. ripped open.my trousers.'unbuckled They gave her the present and thie straps and slid out from under walked away, both silently agree. the door, leaving the "leg" pinned ing that it was more blessed to down. give tlan to receive. Had some more good stories, but -- -- as I composed this on the linotype, Bobby Lee Ramsey. UTSN, is Editor Ramsey says "That's all, spending a two weeks leave here brother, hain't got no more space." with his family. He is stationed at so will say Happy New Year! 'Corry Field. Pensacola. Chris-tmasl! You have been very kind to me this past year. So, again, A Merry Christmas B. W. EELLS HOME and AUTO SUPPlY.STORE . -- - for a very cheerful Holiday to all our friends. i . ~ the joy of giving and receiving. It is our Florida Bank at Port St. Joe Member FDIC Member: Fla. National Group of Banks - ,-~..~--.~P~BP~~s6PL11~_~6 ;i ~ THE STAR, FORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1953 I ~~WDg~PSDAI!,R |