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PORT ST. JOE Modern, Progressive Community With a A Progressive Weekly Newspaper L^.^-1 THE STAR "Port St. Joe -The Outlet Port for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee Valley" THE STAR i Published in Port St. Joe SBut Devoted To the Con- Stinued Development of S Gulf County i', VOLUME XVII Single Copy 8c PORT ST. JOE, FLORIDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 $3.00 Per Year NUMBER 11 Tomorrow Night Is "Homecoming" Annual Boy Scout Fund Drive Will Get Under Way Monday, Nov. 23 The annual drive for funds to fi- at the new Motel St. Joe at 7:30 nance the Boy Scout Council for a.m. when all workers will receive the 1954 fiscal year will get under final instructions and be supplied way Monday, November 23, accord- with necessary materials. The Gulf ing to Chauncey Costin, Finance Coast Council which is composed of Campaign Chairman. The drive over sixty communities in North will start with a Kick-off Breakfast West Florida and Alabama, has set Hunting Season Is Scheduled To Start Tomorrow a tentative budget of $48,758 which is deemed necessary to provide,ade- quate support for the scout pro- gram during 1954. Building boys is big business and the few dollars spent per capital in financing te Boy Scout movement is returned many fold in building good citizenship, loyalty and integ- t ... . .. . Tomorrow marks the opening of rity of those participating in tilis the hunting season. With the open- wonderful organization. It is ex- ing of the season the State Fores- pected that the fund campaign will try Service is urging care with fire November 23. Many interested citi- in the woods. The Florida'.Board be completed in one day. Monday, of Safety is urging more than ex- zensi will devote much time and et- tra care with firearms in the woods fort to the success of the campaign There will be a large number of and it is believed that everyone in hunters in each area and each man Port St. Joe and surrounding com- snunities will -ontrib nte liberally is.urged to be extra careful espec- itie ctribte liberal ially on the opening days of the to this most worthwhile program. season. It will be almost impossible for Listed below is the game that it the committee to contact everyone is legal to hunt and bag limits for personally, so it is urged that if -.-- spec-ies of gme. I you are not contacted,.on the day of eer: ,Th. ini or e ,e: the drive'. gijv or send your con- Deer: ..Tli' lnim t 'or "ircl deer r)i 'i i *i i :, .- 1 ^ .:11 "dv -fC tin Caflapcighi 'n 1 '.-h -or Mark I ag. 1 and season s bag, 2. The deer Tomlnson. Campaign Treasurer. .season is from November 20 to Jan- ,;ary 7. Hunting is permitted every Collection captains appointuj :, day everywhere except in Bay Special Gifts, Rlober Bellows: Bus- County and in that part of Gulf iness district. B. B. Conklin: Spoc- County and Calhounoununty west ial. H. C. Brown, F'lotyd P l er, of State Road 71. where the season Joe Mira. Stafford 1larke. George is closed. Suber. Floyd:, IHunt: Residential. Dr. Robert King. liMrs. Gladys iioyer. Turkey limit: day's bag 2. sea- D R r G Mrs. 0. M. Taylor, Mrs. Franklin son's bag 3. Gobblers may be hunt.- Jones. Mrs. Ruslsh Chism; \\hii0 ed from November 20 to February Jones. rs. Rush Chism hit 1 only City, Walter Stafford; Indian Pass. 1 ol Jimmie McNeill; St.' Joe Beach, Quail limit: day's- bag 10. Hunt- Otto Anderson; Beacqn Hill. C. L. ing is permitted from Novemb'er 30 Costin. to February 1. Rail and Gallinule (Marsh T-Ten) limit: day's, bag, 15. IHunting is per- Jr. Woman's Club Dance fitted from September 12 to No- Is Slated For Saturday member 10. Dove limit: day's bag. S,. Hunt-, A dance will be held at, the Cn- ing is permitted from October 1 to tennial Auditorium Saturday. No- .ctober 15. and is opened .again member 21 sponsored by the Junior from Decelmber 15 to December 29. Woman's Club of Port St. Joe. Woodchuck limit: day's bag. 4.. Dress for the occasion will be Hunting is permitted from Novelm-. optional. MIusic will be furnished by ber 20 to Dccember 29. Charlie Cooper and his Or'chetr'-l Snipe limit: day's bag. S. HuIt-l from Panama City. The big fea ing is permitted from December 24 ture of the program will be ,u ii ., to January 7. local talent floor show with "Mol- Waterfowl and coot limit: day's lin Rouge" as the theme. bag. duck 4. geese 2. coot 10. Stamp Festivities will start at 9:00 p.m.1 is require for duck and geese, and wili continue until. -_k- j Those wishing reservations may call Mrs. Harold Prim at 461-W. Shark Boosters Sponsoring ---- Show At Drive-In Theatre METHODIST MEN WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT The Shark Boosters club is spon- soring a picture show Monday at The Methodist Men's Club wil' the St. Joe Drive-In Theatre. The meet Tuesday, November 24 at the feature will be "The Blazing For- Methodist Church for their regular est" in technicolor starring John monthly meeting. Payne. The club wishes to extend an i:i Payne. i Tickets are on sale at-Campbell's vitation to all men of Port St. Joe Drug Store. Smith's Drug Store and to attend this meeting which will Buzzett's Drug Store. All tickets start at 7:30 p.m. are 40c each. I Speaker at the meeting will be SAll funds derived from the sale Richard Irvin, State Attorney .of of these tickets on this night only the State of Florida. will go toward lighting the new --- football field. Guests Here Remember, this special show is Mrs. Karl Wiselogel was the benefitting the new football field guest of her sister, Mrs. Floyd on Monday night only. Campbell on Tuesday. Pictured al coming" Quee Football Cap who will rei T':e:'e w i all voters in C January I. 1 19 county may co gistration sys the State Legi Sarks To Tangle SWith Quincy SCrowning of Queen and Fireworks Display To Highlight Halftime i Tomorrow night the Port St. Joe ,J High School and the Port St. Joe Sharks air celebrating "Homecom- tai. Bing", with the feature of the day. being the football game between S.i ..: the Sharks and the Quincy at the local Centennial Field. Festi-'ities will start Friday af- ternoon with a parade throughout the town consisting of various, floats and exhibits which have been S p prepared by the clubs at the High School, along with the "Homecom- ing" queen, her court and escorts. The Quincy High School Band has been invited to participate in the p-rade to found g"ut that dei)art- ment. :- Friday night at tlFe local football Field, the Sharks will tangle with A lhe Quincy Tigers to seek their above is the ."Home- coming festivities tomorrow i:te first conference win of the year. en, Etta Martin and at Centen'nial Field. Billy Gaillard The Sharks are going into the tain, Billy Gailuard will crown the Queen during the game tomorrow. witl a record of gn at the "Home- ha!f timi~ fettivitler. four won, four lost and one tie to (Pio0o coutr:e;y ACcount for- a very rough season. ,r 'iThe Shqaks have. met some tough 5-in t tim" o te.nii 0-_e e '4 x'" , : lj ..-mp, ,,- /', i- op a" xx iliti ou"le tOodiet -lait- iime festivities will feature the nei r tion of er e' isc'Cred inl thiis C ouIlL" ,n f te rP o ig ulf Couty beginning lhave been living in this county for :Y-ftn. Eira martin i) the select- ,. in order th:at tile six months and the State for ne ed football captain. Billy Calliard. nvert ro thlie new re- C ar. and You.wish to vote in the lMiss martin was chosen for this itom encouraged by elections in this county ii! 194. ihono by tihe students of Port St. islature. yoiu should register. t,)e lfigh Scihooh After the crown- Mrs. C. G. Rishl. Gulf County Su-i The places and with whom you pervisor of Registration stale, may register will be in your paper. that the registration books will be .; aa later date. Watch for tlis no- inl the precincts on January 1 to twice. begin the re-registration. If youl This is, the Single Ilegistrati'on have registered, go to the place of System and the final registration. registration and register again or ;You will not be required to i-egis- you will not be eligible to vote in ter again, without a change in the the next election. If you have nev- law. p, ' F ..- '. .1r1 ..1 : u, *. .. ' Pictured above is the complete I lor, Douglas Walters. Shark squad that has played dur- Second row from left to right: ing the 1953 season. They are, Jimmy Marlow, Marion Parker, front row, from left to right: Joe Richard Leslie CoRer. Wal- Buddy Hudson, Charles Smith, ter Wilder, Joe Adams, Bennie John Pope, Bert Munn, Alex Gail- Hudson, Frank. Dennis, Robert lard, Louis Holland, Wayne Tay- Nedley and G'ene Anderson. ing cerenonie- i a big fireworks dis- play will be h et off. The .Quincy band will Lake pa'rt in haiftime cere- monies. A wonderful evening is in store for everyone and the Sharks will be straining ai every point to win their first conference :game of the year. '~ I[ d~i~ ' '' ': b "''' O ~P~e~ ~a~.~60~a~ki: ~i~P1~S. e~ .. 1 ThirJ raw from left to right are Freddie McCall, Ronnie Chism, Jam2s Odo:', Gene Raffield, Pet.r Duperrouzel, Robert Walters, Billy Gaillard, Benny Roberts, and Bobby McKn'ght. ( Photo by 'Von") Iu rirrr STR POR-~- a. I- uI CONY FLRD THRDY OEME - Miss Martha Louise Lovett Mr. and Mrs. Patr:ck J. Lovett and Mrs.. Elwin L. V.,cldall of Ar- announce the engagement of their- lington, Va. z The wedding will take place at daughter, Martha Louise Lovett to the First Methodist Church, Decem- El'win Bartley Woodall, son of Mr. ber G at 4 p.m. Sunday. Returns From Atlanta Miss Sue Stewart and Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. "Dick".Spil- D. Jones, are attending a PTA con- lers have returned from Atlanta, ,vention in Daytona Beach, Fla. Ga., where they were week end They expect to return home Fri- visitors with friends and relatives, day afternoon. ITHnATIR PENS DAILY 3:00 P. M. SATURDAY 1:UU P. M. THURSDAY FRIDAY LATEST N-WS and Cartoon "GIFT WRAPPED" SATURDAY ONLY DOUBLE FEATURE N ---- FEATURE No. 1 - SUNDAY, MONDAY -.: -_- S -IUSMllE" GRfAYSON A .. PARAMOUNT PICTURE; LATEST NEWS and Cartoon, "HERO FOR A DAY" TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ^"*' k N'URI IOUDINI S", "3.`C I B LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "PLAYFUL PUSS" SAlsa --- "First Hundred Years" -.- FEATURE No. 2 --- COMING SOON - 'Oklahoma Annie' JAE wit h - p WYMAN A4ILtLND JUDY CANOVA CHAPTER 2 of SERIAL and Cartoon: "Merrie Old Soul" LATEST NEWS and Cartoon "PILL PEDDLERS" Od 16 000- -16 ----- - Mrs. B. E. Kenney, Sr., Is Hostess To Azalea Circle Mrs. Basil Kenney, Sr.. was host- ess Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. to the Azalea Cir;cle of the Port St. Joe Garden Club. The sunroom was attractively decorated with arrangements typi- cal of tihe coming Thanksgiving holidays. The arrangements were brought by the circle members. An original arrangement made by Mrs. Carl Armstrong gained much atten- tion. It consisted of a figure of a clay turkey against a driftwobd background with a brass wheelbar- row containing holiday candies for balance. Twelve members and one guest attended. Mrs. J. C. Arbogast speaker for the afternoon, gave a talk on Per- iod Arrangements. She traced per- Siod arrangements down through the ages to the present time and illustrated her talk with floral' ar- rangements and pictures, which ; 1 ... 'iry in teres tin '. The door prize, a hors d' ourves I'--"Fo. wn '-on by -Mrs. Bill Wa- t. 'r. The hostess, assisted by, Mrs. Roy Ci.,kin. se'"-ed delightful re- freshmnents to tho;e attending the met.ling. P WMU ,Circle 6 Meets With Mrs. M. Chafin Circle Number 6 of the. First Baptist Church met in the home of Mrs. Milton Chafin on Garrisoji t-- nue Monday afternoon. The meeting was opened with prayer by Mrs. E. C. Cason. Offi- cers were elected for the new year as follows: Mrs. Wesley Ramsey. chairman: Mrs. W. P. Dockery, co-chairman; Mrs. L. W. Cox, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Milton Chafin, program char- man; Mrs. Richard Saunders, mis- sion study and stewardship; Mrs. Richardson, community mission chairman; Mrs. Lonny Bell.' social chairman; Mrs. Wesley Ramsey, children's homee; Mrs. Aubrey Tom- linson. literature and flowers. After the election the program was presented by Mrs. Wesley Ram- sey and Mrs. Milton Chafin. Refreshments of doughnuts and coffee were served after which Mrs. E. C. Cason dismissed the meeting with prayer. Long Avenue BWC Meets With Mrs. Player The BAWC of the Long Avenue Baptist Church met Tuesday, No- vember 17 in the home of Mrs. Grady Player with the following members present: Mrs. A. P. Mar- tin. Mrs. We|ey R. Ramsey, Mrs. Jimmy McNeill. Mrs. Joe Ferrell, AMrs. P. B. Fairley, Mrs. M. L. Britt. Mrs. Carl Norton, Miss Alma Baggett and Mrs. Grady Player. The program chairman, Mrs. A. P. Martin had the lesson, "Advance Through Suffering In Korea", ar- ranged in a very interesting way with parts being given by .Mrs. P. B. Fairley, Mrs. Joe Ferrell and Mrs. Jimmy McNeill. Opening prayer was given by Mrs. A. P. Martin and closing prayer by Mrs. Carl Norton. Refreshments were served by the hostess. 'Plans were made to attend the study course, "Sixteen To One", on December 1 in the home of Mrs Joe Ferrell at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Vic Anderson Is Hostess To Bridge Club Mrs. Victor Anderson was hostess to her bridge club Tuesday afte'r- noon in her home on Palm Blvd. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bob Bringman, Mrs. Bill Whaley, Mrs. Gus Creech and Mrs. Robert K-ing. Others playing were Mrs. Byron Eells, Mrs. Gannon Buzzett, Mrs. Frank Hannon, Mrs. Earl Atchison, Mrs. Charles Wall, Mrs. Joe John- son and Mrs. Roy Gaskin. Social A activities Personals Clubs Churches Mrs. Ocyle Munn, Editor Phone 166 ""~ "" ""~"M^~~""^~" ^' Future Subscribers Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Alfred New- ton announce the birth 6f a boy, Richie Lloyd, October 31. Weight 6 lbs., 10/2 ozs. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Amos Sum- ner of Wewahitchka announce the birth of a son, Reginald November' 1. Weight 8 lbs., 31/2 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson L. Schoellei announce the birth of a ,1nio-if S 4 nllv Lv mi Novem-. OES TO MEET NOVEMBER 24 FOR ADVANCE NIGHT Advance Night and a Memorial Service will be featured by the Or- der of Eastern Star at their regu- lar meeting night Noveim'wr 2t. All members of the Eastern Star are invited to attend. The meeting will start at 7:30. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the good peo- ple of Port St. Joe for their expres- UtaLulg'Lat, san ly LnJ onil i 'e u v - ber 3. Weight 6 lbs., 9 ozs. sions of condolences during the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Raf- recent death of our young son. We field announce the birth of a daugh- ter, Decima Lou Sue November 4. Weight S Ibs., 14/2 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ohlinger announce the birth of a daughter, Jenette Legh on November 4. Weight 8 lbs., 62 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Smith of 1East Point announce the birth of a son, Mickel Ray on November 5. Weight 9 lbs., 6 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. K. Bass of Wewa- hitchka announce the birth of a daughter, Victoria November 5. Weight 5 lbs., 16 ozs, Mr. and Mrs. Billie Ray Nobles of 'Highland. View announce the birth of a daughter, Roda Fay on November 8. Weight 8 lbs, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelly Hill of Kinard announce the birth of a son, James. Kelly -born November especially, thank you for your flow. ers and for your prayers in ur benefit. Mr. and Mrs. Jason Dykes 9. Weight 7 lbs., 13%/2 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Cook of Carrabelle announce the birth of a son, Percy Steven born November 17. Weight 8 lbs., 13% ozs. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Huckeba of- Apalachicola announce the birth of a daughter, Bobby Gail. November 17. Weight 7 lbs., 11 ozs. Mr. and Mrs. James Shirah btf White City announce the birth of a daughter, Cathy on November 17. Weight 8 lbs., 9 ozss !Mr. and Mrsr Bill Rich announce the birth of a son on November 18. Weight 6 lbs., 12% ozs. All births occurred at the Muni- cipal Hospital. FRIDAY and SATlURDAY Your name in this ad entitles ii '""' i you to one free ticket any day L' this week ,t this theatre. CLIFF REYNOLDS MRS. B. CARR Wednesday & Thursday ALLIED ARTISTS preentl W IL.E IlTT I FREDERICK BRISSON presents , .Bf cu Rosalind Russell SPaul DouglaS Marie Wilson SUNDAY ONLY .THE NEW MARIO LANZA MUSICAL! M-G-M's MUSICAL s ?K i. BECAUSE YOU'RE M E AND INTROUCIIGS DORETTA MORROW 4 MONDAY and TUESDAY [~r BYTEc~iticDLO We will call 5 persons each night. If they can name the show playing at our thea- tre that night, they will re- ceive a free pass to the St. Joe Drive-ln Theatre Go by our Snack Bar and check your ticket stub num- ber with the ones on display there. If they match, you re- ceive a free pass. -~Um~*~~.~P~~D4~b~bCb*~b~b~bB~~O1 i rit STAR, POR'j v.. jv, air QUVUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBIER 1,-, 1033 p"n'r --irn .B~bra3r.)~ p- 4t THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA BOYLES ANNOUNCES A RECORD STOREWIDE SAVINGS EVENT I SH Thursday, Fr day Saturday, Nov. 9-2l YES! A CASH DIVIDEND WITH EVERY PURCHASE YOU MAKE!! This Is THAN SGIVING MONTH ... Every Week We're Offering Thanksgiving Features .This Is The Main Event It's 100% Storewide Including Every Single Item of Merchandise It's Easy as Can SBe Simply Make Your Selection, Pay For Your Purchase, and We'll Give You A CASH DIVIDEND! We Have Never Tried it Before But It's All In Your Favor And We Know You'll Like it It's a Wonderful Opportunity To Save On Christmas Purchases! Better Take It! Where Can You Beat This Investment! EVERYBODY SAVES!! Per -Cen't Refunded To You On Ever; Single Purchase! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, NOV. 19, 20, 21 Only Layaway Sales Not included CASH ONLY! This Is A Special Thanksgiving Offer To You Representing More Than Our Net Profit. We Urge You To ,. Take Advantage of This Unprecedented Offer! Do Not Forget Your 10% CASH REFUND! YW ~. 25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE TO BE GIVEN . .WAY Dec. 19. Just EN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS! SIM- S . LY SIGN YOUR NAME and Give Your ADDRESS On ip Ticket Provided For You With Each $5.00 Purchase ROP TICKET EN THE LUCKY JAR Your Chance i SAs Good As Anyone's It Costs You Nothing o Try! A ir'-' -7- - JUSTUNPACKED.. N Ti E FO T MAIN E T ...SCORES OF GLITTERING NEW STYLES KATE GREENAWAY HOLIDAY tA'' I"K. /' I' 1 B ~iii I .' Li, r' "K [ - t., Ii'r I.. V.. -' I'>1 - ., F G "i 'o 14 \, 1\ ": V L* ; t- r i. -1., 'X'I,.. : I' F ST __ '.4 >;s?, im:'r:'e hc:c En a gIloious, colorful array .. Nev [.:" ', ::; ou'!y spring cottons, nylons and .ovehy lfabLi;s A glad answer to your Christmas 2tft problem. We can't begin to describe the many riwve[y styles sure to thrill big and little sister . 'Mama:t, too! You've been asking for them Here Now! PLAY SUITS ------- $1.79 Sizes 0 to 8, long sleeves, long legs, just the answer to mother's problem warm and practical for play during cold weather. I, it The WMT of the First Baptist Church will meet at the Church next Maonday for their Royal Ser- vice program with circle 2 in charge of the iprogran. All members are urged to attend. NEW PRESBYTERIAN MINISTER TO ARRIVE SRev. and Mrs. Bill lv-:E:on of El- berton, Ga.. are expected to arrive this week end to occupy their new home here. lie will become the new minihtr of the Fir-t Presbyterian SChurch and will live at the manse on Carrion Avenue. ViCit In SooIth Florida i a .r. ai1d lMi". i;': v) (]Jib o lmu vi-'- ited with AMr. and MAs. Franlk SBlakesiee and brother of Green 'Cove Springs. Fla., and wiih iMr, and Mrs. Billy Gibson of Gaines- iville this past week end. On Satur- day. they attended the football Same between Florida and Tennes- see. I-____________ oi __ I -~I~PL --B~-~p-L~bllls~ ~LI ~1I(I 1~ PAGE THREE Mrs. Joe Bracewell Hostess To WMU Circle No. 2 Circle 2 of the Woman's Mission- ary Union met Monday afternoon with Mrs. Joe Bracewell as hostess in her home on 7th Street. Mrs. A. V. Bateman, program chairman gave the devotional and presided over the meeting. Mrs. Wesley Ramsey led in prayer. During the business meeting, let- ters were read from missionaries thanking the circle for their Christmas offering from Hong Kong and Korea. Those taking part on the program were Mrs. L. J. Keels, Mrs. Bracewell and Mrs. Tom Par- ker, Sr. Routine business Iwas transacted. Each member agreed to foster a Jr. R. A. in helping with forward steps. Mrs. Cason dismissed the group with prayer. The hostess served refreshments to the following members and three visitors present: Mrs. Tom Parker, Sr., Mrs. W. 0. Nichols, Mrs. R. J. Statton, Mrs. A. V. Bateman and Mrs. George Davis. Circel 2 will meet in the home of Mrs. J. T..Campbell at Oak Grove at their next meeting. PTA Will Present A Unique Program Next Thursday The Parent Teacher Association will' present a unique program. Thursday evening when they have the parents of the Port St. Joe high school students enrolled in classes. Periods of five minutes for each class will be held with the parents choosing their schedule. Leroy Bowdoin, principal of the Port St. Joe High School will be the .speaker with the theme of the evening being, "Back to High School". Mrs. Myrtle Childers, 2nd vice- president will pride at the busi- ness meeting in 1! v absence of the president, Mrs. i. D. Jones; who is attending a PTA convention in r. .... Beach. Fla. The program is under the direction ,of Mrs. Franklin Jones, 1st vice-president of the local PTA. ----K- --- FIRST BAPTIST WMU WILL MEET FOR ROYAL SERVICE 1- ~L gl ST THE STAR Published Every Friday At 306 Williams Avenue, Port St. Joe. Florida, By The Star Publishing Company WESLEY R. RAMiSEY, Editor and Publisher Also Linotype Operator, Ad Man, Floor Man, Columnist, reporter, Proof Reader and Bookkeeper Entered i' -iE n-lass I matter. December 10, 1937, at the I'Pstofns e. I' Sl :. Joe, I']a., under Act ofVMarch 3, 1379. SUBSCRIPTION INVARIABLY PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ONE YEAR $3.00 SIX MONTHS $1.50 THREE MONTHS $127.15 --{ TELEPHONE 51 ,".- TO ADVERTISERS--In case o error or omissions in adver- tiselments, the publishers do not hold themselves liable lor damages further than amount received for such advertisement, The spoken word is given scant attention; the printed word is thoughtfully weighed. The spoken word barely assert; the printed word thoroughly convinces. The spoke word is lst the printed word remains. AN AROUSED PUBLIC It would appear, from all indications, that the populace is becoming aroused over the de- linquency problem. And no matter what any- one says, it is a very serious local problem. We don't think t is the intent of anyone to incur permanent injury to a child's reputa- tion by officially reprimanding him for deeds performed that are just a little strong to be call- ed "childish behaviour" or mischieviousness. To keep from doing a child permanent in- jury in this manner, it is imperative that he be forced, if necessary, to obey the laws of society and respect their fellow citizens. Numerous responsible citizens have expres- /' to ETAOIN SHRDLU ; j by WESLEY R. RAMSEY p Do you realize that there are only 29 shopping days until Christmas. And here we haven't thought about anything to hint about yet. We had a visit the other day. We reckon these men were gentlemen. They were fellow newspapermen. One was Earl Sellers of up 'Chipley way and Tom Leonard of over about Milton. Both publishers. Sel- lers, you are probably aware, pub- lishes the Washington County News and Leonard is the publisher of the Milton Gazette and the Tri- County News of Jay. We feel for Tom. Most assuredly we do. The shop we operated in Georgia pub- lished two weeklies for a long while, and about four months be- fore we left there started publish- ing three weeklies a week. Brother that's work. Too small to hire enough labor and too large to do with what you could afford. Same situation here at The Star. Yes sir, we feel for Tom. Of course Sellers has two weeklies published in his plant, but under the masthead of The Graceville News we see the name of Jiml Sellers as editor and publisher (son of Earl) so we ssrta suspect he helps the old man out occasionally and doesn't press too much of a burden on hilm. Well, well. it looks like NorLh- west Florida is finally getting on the map. For the first time in many eons a Northwest Florida publisher has been elected president of the Florida Press Association. This same president is none other than one Earl Sellers, of Chipley (title and occupation in above' paragraph)) You know of course, that most people not directly familiar with Northwest Florida think that it is reached over a bridge or a ferry from Tampa orisome other south- ern city to its spot out in the mid- dle of the Gulf of Mexico on the road maps. This is only an illusion however, we are firmly attached to the state at the upper end. In fact, come to think of it, North- west Florida is the most important part of the state. Why if it wasn't for us, the rest of the state would be floating in the Gulf. Then the stuck-up part of the state that now practically disowns us and even harbors thoughts of giving us o Alabama. would p: o apply for state Hawaii and Alas' ust don't know ho part of the state sed the desire that something be done to remedy the situation before it goes even further. At present, juvenile actions are limited but they are showing unmistakable signs of spreading to greater magnitude. Now is the time to nip the problem in the bud. Th6 Star is proud to see such sentiment being expressed openly and with meaning by the citizens of our city. It does not appear that the citizens of Port St. Joe will stand idly by as other cities have done and let juvenile delinquency become a major problem with them. It is both cheaper and more effec- tive to act now while the situation is before the public. We are proud to see the mothers of the community becoming more conscious, and awak- ing, if you please, to the dangers going on around them. It would appear that they see the cloud forming and are willing to prepare now to com- bat this evil which can so quickly eat into the fibre of the youngsters of our town. We don't have an exclusive problem. Since the start of the last World War this problem has been crop- ping up in cities and towns all over the nation. They are also doing something about it. But many of the towns almost waited too late to do anything about the situation. We hope more mothers will recognize these so-called pranks as the harbinger of worse things Sto come and take these actions as merely a warn- in,. After all the best fight against juvenile de- lin nency can be waged in the home. It is no- thing to be ashamed of, but something to fight. There is, however, plenty of room for shame if the situation should be allowed to continue. probably be having Among other recognition of this hood along with part of the state was the choosing ka. Those people of the Florida Baptist Convention ow important this president from Tallahassee and the is. recording secretary from Havana. Once Bitten--- Twic SRce t/'1/ T MY NEC)< 15 \S)L!L S OR E:/~ -,-% 'rb -.i 5 Of course the southern part of the state could hardly ignore Talla- hassee, since it says in the geogra- phy book that Tallahassee is the capitol of the state. Now when they discover we also have the best of everything else in the state, they'll become educated. You know our anniversary slip- ped up on us last week and we for- got all about it? Last Tuesday marked the end of our first year back here and we didn't even rea- Here are two points to remember when you buy a carl'... VALUElr-v VAL U IE lize it. Seems like we are just get- ting cranked off. We sure do thank you good people for supporting us as good as you have this past year and ask for your support in like manner for many years to come. Attend HomeComing Miss Mary Ann-Mcearland, stu- dent at Florida State University, attended the homecoming festivi- ties at Chapel Hill, N. C. this past week end. She was a guest at the Pi Delta Phi sorority house. PRICE PRICE IS r. / 00< H/4~ IS of any line in its field! See it, drive it, and you'll know that it alone brings you all these features of highest- priced cars at the lowest prices and with such outstanding gasoline economy! Yes, you get more car for less money in Chevrolet! More beauty, inside and out, with the widest choice of body-types and colors in its field. More driving thrills, with either of Chev- rolet's two great high-compression Valve- in-Head engines! A4o ; iing *smoothness, more road- sri'i ..nd more safety protection with ' longerer, heavier, longer lasting car! More value throughout, when you buy, while you drive, when you trade! Come in: confirm these facts; and you'll choose Chevrolet America's finest buy, America's most p,-pular car! Combination sof i, .e'i,,lide automatic transinis- sion anrd Il5-h.p. "Blue-Flamne" engine available on "Two-Ten" and Bel Air models Power Steering and E-Z-Eye Plate Gla.s available on all models at extra cost. Chevrolet's thrilling "Two-Ten" a-door sedan. With 3 great new series, Chevrolet offers the widest choice of models in its eld. MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! GARRAWAY CHEV ROLET.COMPANY Phone 388 24-hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe, Fla. Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. THE STAR, FaRT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORWAA THURSDAY, NOVEMBIER 19, i~ '' 'r L'Z i THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE 6 Returns From Georgia First Baptist Circle 1 Mrs. Charles Wall returned Sun- Meets With Mrs. Clements day from Screven, Ga., where she visited with her parents. She was Circle 1 of the Woman's Mission- accompanied by her young son, ary Union of the First Baptist Danny, who has been visiting with Church met Monday afternoon in his grandparents for the past week. the home of Mrs. J. J. Clements --- with six members present. Attend Football Game gAttend Football Game The program was. opened with Marion Craig and Phonso Gilbert all repeating the watchword for attended the Fla.-Tenn., football the year taken from Psalms 96:3, game in Gainesville Saturday af- "Declare His Glory Among The ternoon. Nations, His Marvelous Works Among All Peoples". The devotion- al was presented by Mrs. Clements using Psalms 9:1 and Matthew 24: 14 .She led in prayer. The program presented by Mrs. Clements was .1 Iin the form of three letters from A 4 Iforeign missionaries. Mrs. J. D. SO Co Lane read a letter from the Gold SCS oast in Africa, Mrs. E. L. Stevens read a letter from the Island of Formosa and Mrs. Clements read Bring in your a letter from China, which con- entire family's cimded the program. shoes for all Routine business was transacted needed repairs with good reports given. Offering for the day fas $2.23. $5.75 was sent Free Inspection For for War Relief. It was voted to SCONDITION bring a gift for one child of the or- 4 APPEAIANCE phan's home for their annual Christ- 4 (COSTtRCIIoN mas party, held on the third Mon- day in December. S Mrs. C. A. McClellan dismissed the group with prayer. During the social hour, ice box pie and coffee was served by the THE LEADER SHOE hostess, assisted by her daughter, SHOP Mrs. Ralph Plair. j~-r -----K---- Ton of Steel L. J. HERRING, Owner Ton of Steel S J. HERRING, Owner A single ton of high-carbon, cold- Phone 363 Port St. Joe rolled strip steel will produce a mil- lion safety razor blades. TAR. PORT ST. JOE. GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE Mrs. S. J. Taylor Hostess S! To WMU Circle No. Four Circle 4 of the WMU of the First Baptist Church met Mounday after- noon in the home of Mrs. S. J. Tay- lor for their regular weekly meet- ing. The meeting was called to or- der by the co-chairman, Mrs. Perry Elliott. Mrs. L. S. Bissett presented the program. She used as her topic, "Do You Like You" with the devo- tional taken from Psalm 1. She con- cluded her program with a prayer. Routine business was transacted. It was voted to adopt one child from the Lakeland Orphanage and to send one dollar a month to that child for spending money. Mrs. C. G. Costin dismissed the meeting with prayer. Seven members were present and one new member wel- comed into the circle. ------ HOSPITAL AUXILIARY WANTS WINTER APPAREL TO SELL The Hospital Auxiliary is issu- ing a call for wa'm winter clothes for children, winter shoes and story books for children. If you have 'any kind of used toys, call 35 or 62 and they will be picked up. The demand of warm clothing is urgent and will be appreciated. -----+-- ---- Visit In Alabama Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prim and son, Lee and Bobby Munn of Garri- son Avenue were dinner guests of Mr. Prim's parents, in Dothan, Ala., Saturday. -tar Wt As Gt Star Want Ads Get Result; tar Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost! Try 'Em! --iv (cSI rur lvi" b U Sm - S Sm "Copyrighted Material Syndicated Content Available from Commercial News Providers" "* - d o *f GET ALL THE FACTS about the Car-the Price- he Deal ,.;: O, ......... --'ilLB Pi _______~l~~--~~Al ' .. .... icr -'-"t- ,77i Lu'8 IENERtAL No question about it-now is the time to buy a Pontiac! The car is the finest Pontiac ever built, offer- ing beauty, luxury, size and performance rivalling the very costliest automobiles, plus thrift and reliability that bow to none. The price is just a few dollars above the low- est. And even that small difference disappears when you figure resale worth. According to independent research, Pontiac returns more of its purchase price at trade-in time than any car in its price range. As for the deal-your present car will never be worth as much as it is right now. Get all the facts and you'll agree that deal for deal-you can't beat a Pontiac! Buy a Pontiac ow ! WIMBERLY 201 Monument Ave. PONTIAC COMPANY Phone 94 Port St. Joe, Fla. -1 - STAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE FIVE - *E S R nAnf- *tl Social Security To Be Raised To 2 Percent Next Year; Will Go To 212 Percent In Year 1960 The social security tax rate for will contribute an equal amount. persons whose work counts toward The new rates will apply to all old-age and survivors insurance is taxable wages paid after December scheduled to increase on the first scheduled o increase on the 31, 1953, regardless of when earn- of January, Harry Scott, manager ed. of the Dothan .social security office, reminded employers, employees, The social security x orthe aI,, dcir l ... nla ,nl, t av. self-employed is scheduled to in- This scheduled increase in tax contribution is in accordance with the 1950 amendments to the social security law, and was enacted by Congress in anticipation of future obligations of the program. Employees in jobs, covered by the law will have two percent instead of the present 12 percent deduct- ed from their pay beginning with the first of January up to earnings of $3600 a year; their employers crease from the present 2% per. cent to 3 percent, for the period commencing January 1, 1954. Since the self-employed whose work is covered by the law pay their tOx just once yearly at the time of fil- ing their Federal income tax re- turn, they will pay the present 2%1, percent social security tax on their 1953 income that counts toward social security. This will be due ndt later than March 15. 1954. Their rate of 3 percent will be due March 15, 1955, for the calendar year of 1954. In the meantime the Internal Revenue service reports that em- ployers will be furnished late this year with income tax withholding tables and Federal Insurance Con- tributions Act (social security tax- es) tables reflecting rates appli- cable next year. The next scheduled increase, six years from now in 1960, will be to 212 percent each for employer and employee, and to 3% percent for the self-employed. ------k----- Attend Football Game Mr. and Mrs. Bert Munn, Jr., and sons, Bert and Michael attend- ed the Fla.-Tenn. football game in Qainesville this past week end. They were the guests of Mrs. Munn's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and- Mrs. Charles Van Horn first payments at the increasedat the University. Mrs. Antley Named Pres. R. A.'s WILL OBSERVE ANNUAL Of Home Demo Council FATHER AND SON BANQUET The Junior R. A.'s and the In- The Home Demonstration Council termediate R. A.'s will be hosts to met at the Overstreet Community their fathers at a Father and Son Building on November 11 with the hannnet Nnovembhcr 1 at thh Flonr- Overstreet Home Demonstration Club members as hostesses. Mrs. E. L. Antley of White City was re-elected president of the Home Demonstration Council for the coming year. Elected to serve with her were, Mrs. Charles Whit- field of Honeyville, vice-president and council delegate; Mrs. James Guilford of Overstreet, as secretary and treasurer; Mrs. E. C. Harden of Wewahitchka, reported. Miss Ruth Milton, Home Demon- stration Agent, presented an illus- trated talk on "Children In The Home". Group discussions on dis- cipline and family recreation fol- lowed. Twenty--one delegates and mem-' bers attended. ida Power Lounge at 8 p.m. The menu for the banquet will be stuff- ed celery, mints, nuts, turkey, dres- sing, cranberry sauce, hot rolls, ambrosia, coffee and tea. DR. WESLEY GRACE OPTOMETRIST 317 Reid Ave. Phone 4! EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED OFFICE HOU 9 to 12 a.m. 1 t CLOSED ALL DA 56 iRS o 5 p.m. Y WED LLft u-I =rc . %S.- LL Il~lGD ~l9-- LaL cr . Ln0 0 I a* Vf mm 00 o A c 00 CL *'C. -V E 0t 0 ar r JloIw-,' L -U U -i U tjB -, ~~~ .a I A.r~ *- -- -- i , a) u-I K- = cir cn "' ' ii ::i:: : ::::i Iv : " D t.I ..i .i. rcJ '4 pr a -'ca~P~sllBll~sra. r .. LC~Y L-- r-1 ---qPDh____-___. ~s/lj~W~3I~Ili~9~5~~-rp,,,_ ~~_ ~_-,I_ --I-~dlCL~dlLB1LU~Bb~.l U~L-~nrl~ THE STAR, FORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAYY_ NOVEMSSER 19, lp13 rr I I, I II lrlr THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY. FLORIDA PAGE SEVE~1 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our manyIU I friends in this city who remem- CAMPUS INN bered us during our time of grief News of Port St. Joe High School over the death of our son. We By MARTHA COSTIN would especially like to thank the doctors at the Municipal Hospital for their heroic efforts to bring Sadie Hawkins Dance Big Success him back to life. May God's bles- Many students were joined in un- sings be with you. lawful wedlock by the beloved Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Goff Marryin' Sam (Phil Tomlinson)' during the annual Sadie Hawkins *, Day Dance held this year at the Dr. Charles 1Reichert* Centennial Auditorium Saturday, r. Charles Re erter November 14. The main event was EARN EXTRA INCOME ON INSURED SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Each account INSURED UP TC S 10,000 by the Federal Savy ings and Loan Insurance Corporation. For all types of Irdividuai Partnership, Corporation Cred ,t Union, Institution and In. surance Company accounts Preferi-d for Pension, Estate Trust & Escrow Funds. MAIL YOUR-CHECK TODAl LEON FEDERAL Savings & Loan Assn. Monroe at Park Avenue Tallahassee, Fla. . 4 C^ LL= ^SE Lon sum* 11III 0ea AgLU 0 -J c'0 0 u ft; I- 0 0 U I!A lw a U- 0 I- z um 2 w 0 In In 0, < GI)A Now- reveal marriage predictions for any- one who desired to know their fate for the slight fee of five cents. 'Sadie Hawkins Day is the crea- tion of Al Capp, the cartoonist who draws "Lil Abner". According to the legend, the mayor of Dogpatch began Sadie Hawkins Day when he "cooked" up a scheme to marry off his daughter, Sadie, whom no one seemed to want. He sent out a proclamation declaring that all eli- gible bachelors were required to run in a race on a designated day. The girls who desired husbands the big Dogpatc'h race where the chasing them. The unlucky victims young maidens caught their vic- who were nabbed were required to times who were required to marry marry the girls who caught them. them at the girls expense. After! In P.S.J.I., Sadie Hawkins Day each couple received their license. ,is celebrated with a dance spon- they journeyed to "kissing rock" scored by the junior class. The girls for the completion of the ceremony. ask the boys, make their corsage, Dogpatch was vividly revealed in provide the transportation and foot the scenic decoration of pine, moss all the bills. The Juniors also select and Dogpatch creatures. Ole iMan one boy and one girl from the Sen- Mose (Bob Smith) was on hand to ifr class to be the official' Daisy I.- =u emP ac w. -= 'z U 4- amgI = q& s- 0 z 0- .j a IJ z 0 o 0 0 -C 0 0 0 01 LU a < I S 0 0 of CD U' NI V3 V 16.1 0 w*0 0 LLJ r m Uc LE~u ulp 0 II )rf tli 4a- ht Ui C" 0 0 LU U. t U"e LJ >'0. us U., 0 01~ IL 0~. luz I --o S OPTOMETRIST EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED CLOSED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS HOURB IS TO 5 PHONE SUNSET 5-5665 FIRST FLOOR RITZ THEATRE BUILDING PANAMA CITY, FLORIDA I a-wss l~-~~~~ St. Joe Outstanding In All Sports Day The girls athletic department un- der the direction of Mrs. Bill Yates 4,-'aS*,outstanding in the fist girl all-sport day held on the campus of. Florida State University in Talla- hassee last Saturday. The -purpose of this day was to train students: who are majoring in physical edu- cation at the university school from Taylor, Madison, Jefferson( Leon, Wakulla, Franklin, Gulf, Li- berty, Gadsden, Jackson, Calhoua and Liberty Counties participated. Among the sports played were vol. leyball. softball, basketball, bowl- ing, square dancing, shuffle board, swimming and horse shoes. Port St. Joe participated in volleyball and basketball winning both games played. Those attending -from St. Joe were Ann Kenney, Patsy Wil led, Dot Sealey. Dot Pope, Sue Green. Bobby Porter, Catherine Marshall, Annette Ward, Shirley ooung, Etta Carol, Linda Gail Pyle, Catherine Clark, Peggy Linton and Madolyn McFarland. --x* Visiting In Brooksville Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Hardy are visiting with relatives and friends in Brooksville, Fla. They expect to be away on their vacation for two weeks before reutrnng to their home here. Watch For The Famous BORDEN TRAIN and ELSIE THE TALKING COW Coming November 24 Harden's Dairy Wewahitchka, Fla. Pti EDO:' ijL J, '. o o -.j Z lu ~---------~--- I~L III-J~-Y L L I r II I I ~klr~i~Y --I I lie -I --1 -91t~C1~ ~p~r- &. ~tr~s~p~S~p~ I Ir-I C- -~311PYI~II~ I I PAGE SEVEN THURSDAY, NOVEMBSER 19, 195 THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA Mae and Lil Abner. Joe Richards and Betty Dunlap were the chosen two. Sharks Homecoming Festivities Planned The Sharks 1953 *homecoming game will be Friday, November 20 at the Centennial Field against Quincy. Many festivities are being planned to make homecoming a really big event. The festivities will officially be- gin with a parade on Friday aft ternoon at 3:30. All clubs will have floats in the parade. Also, the cheerleaders, football captain and queen and 'her attendants will ride in the parade. The Quincy band and. cheerleaders have been invited to participate in the parade. The Pep Club will be in charge of the coronation of the queep dur- ing the half time period..The cap-. tain, Billy Gaillard, will crown his queen, Etta Martin following a fire- works display by members- of the Pep Club. The queens attendants are: Anne Costin, Sibbie Brinson, Ginger Swatts, Pat Hall, Ruby Lea Farmer, Helen Durant, Judith Ma- hon and Carole Ann DuperroubeL Their escorts will be Freddy Mc- Call, Robert Walters, Billy Joe Richards, Benny 'Hudson, James- Odom, Bobby McKnight, Marion Parker and Leslie Coker. The days events will be conclude. ed by a big Homecoming dance at the Centennial Auditorium spon- sored by the Pep Club. A Reminder If you 'haven't turned in your name to house some students dur- ing the convention, please notify Martha Costin as soon as possible, It is important that this, informa- tion be obtained soon so that other plans can be made. The date is February 13 and all that you do is' sleep them and feed them breakfast. Ai LonP C3 PG EIH H TR OT_ iiurtONY LRD HRDY OEBR1,15 Yellow Ripe BANANAS AVACADO PEARS Garden Fresh CORN on the cob Armour's CHILI (with beans) Hill's Desert PEACHES lb. 7c 2 for 5c 6 ears 19c 22c No. 2/2 can 25c TURNIPS, MUSTARD, COLLARDS, 2 bchs. 29c 25 Lb. Bag. AYING MASH 25 Lb. Bag SCRATCH FEED Chocolate Covered CHERRIES $1.29 $1.13 box 49c Large Variety of Fruit Cake Mix, Nuts and Christmas Candies U.S. CHOICE Fresh Ground Hamburger 2 lbs. 59c Chuck Roast or Steak lb. 49c New York STEAK Ib. 59c BRISKET STEW BEEF lb. 29c T-BONE or ROUND STEAK lb C SIRLOIN or NEW YORK STEAKb l CHUCK ROAST I b CHUCK STEAK - BRISKET STEW 2 Ibs. 39c SBanner Oleo lb. 19c FRUIT Y bu. 69c Salt Fish 2 Ibs. 25c 5 lb. bag Oranges 29c Juicy Oranges doz 15c Tangerines doz. 19c 3 Hour Special FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY, 6 to 9 p.m. FRESH MULLET Fresh Ground BEEF lb. Sc 3 lbs. 59c OYSTERS (limit I qt.) qt. $1.39 Sweet Potatoes lb. 5c Fla. Limes, doz. 1Oc PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR YOUR HOLIDAY TURKEY I I I I I I P1i ifJ 1y by Play by WILL RAMSEY formed, we have found that Grace- ville is not an active member of the Northwest Florida Conference, so, the Sharks would gain their first conference victory should they defeat Quincy. Visiting In Birmingham It was Fredyd McCall and Leslie with which to wind up their season. Mrs. John Robert Smith and Mrs. Coker who starred for the Sharks The Sharks have lost home heart- J. D. Laney were visiting in Bir- in a losing effort last Friday night breakers, to the Quincy team in the mingham, Ala., over the week end. against the Bonifay Blue Devils. past and they'll be fighting hard to Mrs. Smith was the guest of her McCall made two spectacular TD win 'their first game from the Ti- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and runs, one through the middle of the gers. The Sharks, season record Mrs. Jesse Miller and Mrs. J. D. Bonifay line for 55 yards and later thus far stands won 4, lost 4, tied Laney was the guest of her daugh- taking a screen pass and running 1. ter anrl non-in-law M, r anrd Mrs some SO yards to score. Coker, not to be outdone, came back with an SO-yard TD jaunt through the 'en- tire Bonifay team. But the prettiest run of that game or any other game, high school or college, was the 46-yard for a TD by Coker that was called back on a clipping pen- alty. In all our days of football we have never seen such determina- tion as Coker showed on that run. He side-stepped and stiff-armed al- most every played on the Bonifay team but just wouldn't stop until he reached pay dirt. Ccach Craig, who's seen an awful lot of football, says, "That's the greatest run I've ever seen in high school football". We believe that Coker is the great- est running back St. Joe has ever had. We certainly hope that some of the colleges have an eye on this lad. We feel that he is definitely college material, playing equally well on offense and defence, which is most important in this one-pla- Itoon era. Guard M\arion Parker played a good game in the middle of he line and'end Ronnie Chism stopped the Blue Devils cold time after time on their single wing double reverses. Walter did some good tackling from his secondary line- backer post. Quarterback Joe Ad- ams played .well, even though the Bonifay line held his pasess at bay by rushing him. Adams 'completed three out of eight passes and ran over an extra point after he was unable to fimd'a' ass receiver. Coach Craig and his, "Rinkey-' dinks" (Southern word for "foot- ball player" -HST) take on for their final game and homecoming opponents the Quincy Tigers. Quin- j cy, who always has a good strong team, held Chipley to a 7-7 tie dur- ing the first half of their game be- fore going down i defeat to the strong Washington County team. But the Sharks, never to be under- sold, will really be after this game ,Incidentally, after being mis-in- Howard Yelverton. PORT THEATRE S*-*-++* -***kkk***** **************** AN ADULT PICTURE TREATED IN AN MANNER! ",- ] - - ..... O -2RYA o9,T TAGE I N .M RDS ANA A ,/I ,,,.TOM TULLY-Dawn Addams-Forunio Bonanova NOVEMBER 29 and 30 and DECEMBER I ~c ~* s9-~~~~~Bb~~6~40 O In official AAA tests on the Bonne- ville Salt Flats, '54 Dodge V-8 cap- tures more records than any other American car in automotive history! 0 158 new records for stamina and endurance 38 new records for speed and acceleration-196 new official AAA records in all! 0 Equipped with PowerFlite Drive and Full-Time Power Steering, Dodge V-8 Convertible travels 6576 miles in 72 hours of night-and-day driving! SHere's official proof of the out- standing stamina, performance and dependability that is Dodge for '54! 'FThe Dodge with more'than ever before! MORE TO IT... MORE IN IT... MORE OF IT! McGOWIN MOTOR COMPANY Corner Baltzell Avenue and Fourth Street I, SUPER MARKET Port St. Joe, Fla. PAGE EIGHT V, THF_ STAR, FORTI at-~. JUE, v.3%dr t;OUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 Q~BWIAAa~~ ~~-2~8~'~P~' 1." : -" I- PORT ST. JOE, FLA. DGE ;a~-'ERS 196 RECORDS FHUalrAV NA1T AS ,OLG Star Want Ads Bring Quick Results At Small Cost! Try 'Em! Florida Bankers Association Pays Off fick ers y George Reward For Conviction of Arsonist ORLANDO-A reward of $100 ting the fires out. for information leading to the con- The defendants pleaded guilty to Sviction for a Florida forest fire law willfully and intentionally setting Violation was paid today by the 13 fires over a distance of 14 miles Florida Bankers Association. while driving through the wood- Henry C. Coleman, President of land area in the central and nor- the Association and President Cor- then part of Franklin County. mercial Bank, Daytona Beach, said Stat forest service fire fighters ( that a resident of Franklin County and landowner representatives spot- was given the award. The Associa- ted the fires soon after they were reward to persons who provide in- tal area burned down to several f formation leading to the arrest and I acres. n, rictinn ro anvnnP willfullv st-I The rewards are being offered ting a forest or woods fire in viola- tion of the State Law. This is the third such reward to be paid. , The receiver of the reward gave officers of the Florida Forest Ser- vice information which led to the identification of two Franklin Coun- ty suspects. They subsequently pleaded guilty in Franklin County Circuit Court and were fined $150 each and sentenced to one year in the State prison. The prison senu tenec was suspended conditioned on the defendants good behaviour and upon payment to the Florida Forest Service of the cost of put- by the bankers, Coleman said, to help stop the unlawful and shame- ful waste of our State's forest re- sources -by helping to secure con- viction of persons who intentionally set fire to forest land not their own. With about 20,000,000 acres of forests in the State, the forest in- come is now about $310,000,000 a year. This income is being held down by the thousands of wild fires which occur every year. Over half of the wild fires occurring in our woodlands are intentionally set. Advertising doesn't cost-it pays' buy Mrs. Campbell Hostess To Presbyterian Women The Women of the Presbytelian Church met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Henry Campbell on Hunter Circle at 3 p.m. Mrs. M. Elder, vice-president, presided over the meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. C. W. Long. Mrs. John Robert Smith opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. C. Garraway, who had charge of the program, reported to the group that the manse is. ready for the new minister and his family. Mrs. Garraway used as her topic for the afternoon, "Jesus Our Liv- ing Lord" which was taken from the study book, Portraits of the Master. She concluded her program with a prayer. The hostess served pumpkin pie with whipped cream and coffee to the following members: Mrs. M. Elder, Mrs. R. D. Prows, Mrs. Ba- sil Kenney, Sr., Miss Margaret Ev- ans, Mrs. Ella Stebel, Mrs. John Robert S mith, Mrs. Kenneth Creech, Mrs. Grice, Mrs. Jimmy Greer and Mrs. Charles. Garraway. -t[---- HGHLAND VIEW BABY SUNBEAMS MEET AT CHURCH The Baby Sunbeams of the High- land View Baptist Mission met Monday afternoon at the mission with -eight members present. Mrs. E. R. DuBose led the group in the absence of the leader, Mrs, H. G. Parker. During the activity period, the .group colored, religious pictures, and sang songs. They were dismissed with prayer by Mrs. DuBose. Ill I1111IIlllllllllllllllllllll!Illll lliilIlliIIIlllIIII111 IIn k +(Tord 2. Pick.a ear that's func or (Fords Cre offers 18 models) stmark Body is hu 5. Pick a car that's got lots of 0> room (For trunk is a whole suitcase bigger than any other low priced cari) 4. PTk a ear that's got but doesdit use much (Both For -G and Six have the Automatic Power Pilot) 5. Picki x car that offers "4Z '- (Trd new spring and shock absorber action and foam rubber cushions J., ..... -,... rg .. .L il# ._ .. cramiyou Ir't t uass 6. Pick a car thatll bring a top price when i (Qrd' hang onto their value better than any other car!) 7. K ka car that has all these things and lots more! Ford's .worth mo. .whenyv . bug it...orh more when y sell i Come in for a Test Driv. .ST.. O. MOTORCOMPANY ST. JOE MOTOR COMPANY Corner Highway 98 and 4th Street Phone 37 Port St. Joe, Florida M1E&W V/01T1UGHT REMINGTON AUTOLOADING SHOTGUNS LIGHT WEIGHT-- eaoy, Jto carry and shoot. STREAMLINED -insidt and out.- "1 FAST-handling, point-* ing, shooting. LIGHT RECOIL in powerful gun, DEPENDABLE a lif- time of showing f See them today "SPORTSMAN.'44" 3-SHOT MODEL 11-4j 5-SHOT Remi mtoo. "If It's Remington It's Right" "Sporlsan" :i Reg. U S. Pot Otf., Remington A m, t ornpony. I y. GULF HARDWARE and Supply Co. PHONES 2 and 4 i l fIllll llllllllll lllllllll llitlllllll l llllf1 1.ill less nicotine rubber." "There might be thirty-seven per cent smoking this way, but all I taste is How to a new car 1. Pick .a car that suits your v ltigkt) PAGE NINE THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA THURSDAY.v NOVEMBER 19, 1953 I I PAGE~- TENs- TH STR OT_.JE UVCUTFLRD HRDY OESR1,1& NEWS FROM OAK GROVE By HELEN NORRIS David McCormick Honored Mrs. Gene McCormick honored rer son, David on his sixth birth- :ay with a party with cake. ice cream and punch. Favors went to Linda Burge, R. H. Glass and Douglas Holloman. Those helping him enjoy his party were: Linda Burge, R. H.Gl'ass, Douglas Hollo- man, Mitchell Johnson, Elaine Sims. Jimmie Sims, and Judy. Gracie and Buddy Dykes. Junior Bell and Pa- tricia McCorimick. Larry Cox Honored Mrs. L. W. Cox honored her son, Larry with a birthday party on his third birthday. Refreshments of Birthday cake and ice cream were served to the following guests: David Horton, Evelyn Dockery, Li- la Dockery, Henry Dockery, Neel Poitivent, Lonnie Bell, Jr., Paula Sumner, Diana Gardener, Linda Hill, Kenny Hill. Jerrr Hill and Linda Faye Gardener. Helping were: Mrs. E. P. Ellis. Mrs. W. P. Dockery and Mrs. J. C. Horton. Barbara Ann Williams Honored Mrs. E. M. Williams honored her daughter Barbara Ann with a par- ty.-Saturday night from 7:30 to 10:30. Cakes, crackers and Cokes were served to the following: Caro- lyn Hanlon, Gypsie and Buddy Love, Jininly Montgomery, Wilford and Kathryn Elliot. Rudy Burge. Patricia Whirehurst, Barbara Ann Gay. George Neal, Margaret Lois 3lount, Douglas Walters, Elaine .nd David Musslwhite. Trin'a Campbell. Pat O'Brien, David Ri- ley. NXirma furto. .Mavis .BaUtts. D-ant., nInd To'PIny Williams. Mr's. -Villlams was 'assisted by Mrs. -utto. William F. Rogers Is ICadet Charles C. Wilson, Jr. Promoted To Corporal Completes Observer Course TOKYO illiam F. Rogers. HARLINGEN AIR FORCE BASE. whose parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ander-'Nov. 12,-Aviation Cadet Charles son W. Murphy, lives at 105 Second C. Wilson, Jr., this week completed Ave., Port St. Joe, was recently the 30-week Basic observer Training promoted to corporal while serving course here. He has been sent to on the staff of Central Command Ellington AFB, Houston, Texas, for headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. 32 weeks of advanced observer He is operations assistant for training. headquarters commandant. The Upon completion of the advanced command exercises administrative course, lie will be commissioned a control over many of the Army's Second Lieutenant in the Air Force supporting units in central Japan. Reserve and will receive the rat- Corporal Rogers, overseas since inig of an Aircraft Observer. Apgust, 1950. entered the Army Aviation Cadet Wilson is the s.on ' in January 1947. of Mr. and Mr.s C. C. Wilson of -- ------ Port St. Joe. Local People Attend -- Mass Training Meeting Highland View Circle Meets With Mrs. A. D. Roberts Those attending the mass meet- ing of the Training Meeting held Circle 2 of the Highland View at the Emmanuel Baptist Church Baptist Mission met in. the home : at Millville were Training Director, of Mrs. A. D. Roberts on Garrison Roy Crews, M\rs.. W. J. Daughtry. Avenue, Tuesday afternoon at 3 Mrs. D. M. Lewis. Mrs. Elizabeth 1.m. with nine members and one Montgomery, 1,rs. W. I. Carden, visitor present: Mrs. Sybil Pitzl. Miss Jane Keels Mrs. E. R. DuBose was the speak- and Miss Helon Jones from the er for the afternoon. She gave as First Baptist Church in Port St. scripture, Psalms 9:1-2 followed Joe. with her talk on prayer. She used They reported hearing very in- as. her topic "Prayer In Foreign spring and encouraging messages Missions" which was very inspiring. from -the speakers. Mrs. P. G. Safford dismissed he group with prayer. Refreshments day with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Wil- were served by the hostess to the liams. members and guest present. 9 AIN 95Ler"l M -L vrs. Har-.is Sumner honored Ail&l i.li. I euL Mrs. PFred Hill, Mrs Nelson (;ar- :ene r and .'Trs. Laurence Cox were ine hostesses TPhursday flight for -. strl'h ."ower given for 'Mr:'. Iar- :is Sunmer. Those, attending the ;ow:e.r' 'ere: Mesdaihes. IHerman S-ripling; Fred Hill. Joel Loveti. Jesse iHolloman,'Ernest Lighifoot. Lonnie Bell. Jean Clark, WVinfred En- ley. Woodrow Shoots, Miss SMil- .:re1 Hill. James Horton, A. C. Stephens. John Tanner. Simon Sew- -I!, G"r'ge Padgett, George WVhit. Nelson Gardner. E. L. Ellis, Vance '.:emr:n. Jessee Anderson. John McKenzie, Earnest O'Brien. Lois Jean Baxter. Laurence Cox and . ii ne LovetL. Those sending gifts 'nt unable to attend were. Nita Vern. Jolly. N. E. Dees, Richard.. ,, Dawson. L. .Z: Henderson. Inez .' ,.. kt!ipper.. B. Ferrell. Randall. Padgett. J. F. Pitts, Anderson D'a- '' -is, R. L. Hanlon. Edgar Williams. "',:n!i Gay. ;i!!L Love. W alter Wil- N. Ne. \. P. Roche. T. O. Poitevint. ' Lloyd Riley.. E. J. Rich. I:uford 'riffin. Christine \Vorley and Ed V.''-uni. Refreshments of potato sal- c. ( r:'(; cooki:;! es andl Co( ke. .: ser'.'ved i). the Imany uests. ..li D.i: i' \Vilsonn daughter of . r- I, roke n tiari i friim a fall from lic:' ; -' . .ish sher a speedy recovery. S/Sg. and Mrs.-1. E. Pinter and([ son. Dell, of Aiacon, Ga., attended lie funeral of their nephew. David - A. Dykes. " Mr. and iMrs. Eleveland Hall spent Sunday in Marianna visiting with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ybung had as :heir guests Saturday, AiMr. and Mrs. RO 0 C K 2 B Carol and Marion Smith from Pan- ama City. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hanlon had as their guests the latter's sis mer, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stripling AA W and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lenar of Wewahitchka. Corner Williams Ave. and 4th St. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Massey of Vicksburg, Mississippi spent Sun- i-C. Classified Ads Bring Quick Results CHRISTMAS 1P 4.- F. .4, 1 4" C THE MASTERPIECE LINE . Distributors of the Most Beautiful Christnas Cards in the World! NAME IMPRINTED FREE T 25 for $2.50 and up THE STAR Your Hozfe Town Newspaper Phone 51 '^ "'" "^" " 4': '' ' 1,.., ".1" I- F ' delivered locally; state and 'cal cio' extra. Yacj price depends uopn choice of model cr,4 1 bcid is'5' >t-'&- ale> --:- -p, c-nr ci c" e rides. rices m 'i' 'CCii Inaadjoining communities becarse ci ssripping chort uFs. '.Ij pri- es to crc: t \; is at ncr ce. 0.. 0a M OLJE-r tFo OEds you' s'oI' You pay lCss moniv for more ciar' when you buy1 a, "'{o;'ket" Otllhimobile! The surpri-singly small figure in the Iig type above tells what vou pay .. I. he'r's what you get: "'Rocket" Engine -all the exciting power ;ad!i econcc ni or this famous power plant! 'The long, low, -graceful beauty of Power Styling! The simar[nes- and luxury of Custoim-Loungc interiors in the 1ig7. ruigged Body Lhb lisher!Ai1 th\ llis-cnd nmorv-is our- in a ''"Rocket 8 n'"! b\nd don't forget-'"Rlcket" re-ale value i- top- on the market' another big reason why everybody's rmovitig Over to Oh(is! cA". 'B I i, 45 `" 4 4 ''. .. .', ' .' .. ..- ... -... x gp Free! Fascinating 48-pagei book--"How to Watch Fool- S M O1B IL E See your Oldsmobile declerl SEE YOUR NEAREST OLDSMOBILE DEALER AY CHEVROLET COMPANY Phone 388 24-Hour Wrecker Service Port St. Joe, Florida I: S 4'. .. -. 4 t / 4 .. ; ... o* =. ,-< ...*y ". ; '_ - I- THE STAR, PORT ST. JOE, G13LF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE TEN TH-URSDAY, NOVEMB6ER 19, 9; i::lli rce SQr'c as fov)? Cis, I' THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 19. 1953 Tl-~S STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA PAGE ELEVEN' yards on the three runs. Alford, Bonifay tail back, started the scoring with a short line plunge after the Blue Devils covered a Shark fumble deep in their own territory. Stevenson's conversion was good and Bonifay was in tile lead 7 to 0. Shortly after the Blue Devils kick-off, fullback Freddy Mc- Call took the ball on the Sharks 15 and bulled his way 85 yards through the entire Bopifay team for the Sharks first TD. Dennis conversion was no good and Bonifay had the Sharks 7-6 at the end of the firit quarter.. In the second quarter, Bobby Helms, Bonifay fullback, smashed over the goal line from the 5 yard line for a second TD and again Henderson's kick for the extra point was good. The Sharks. unable to Leave After Visit Leave After Visit make ground, were driven back Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lane and from their 40 to the 20 by the strong children, Beth and Bobby, left for Bonifay line. On the fourth down Atlanta, Ga., Saturday after spend- Robert Walters tossed a screen ing a week here as guests of their I pass from punt formation to Freddy parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. D. Lane McCall, who went all the-way, with and Mrs. Verna Smith. They will some good downfield blocking by visit in Atlanta, before returning Leslie Coker for an 80 yard TD. to their home in Baton Rouge, La. Dennis kick was good and the score stood 14-13 in favor of the LEGAL ADVERTISING Blue Devils at halftime. N THE COUNTY JUIn the third quarter, Lesie Coker IN THE COUNTY JUDGE'S COURT, IN' AND FOR CrULF came in with. his spectacular 80 COUNTY, FtLORIDA. IN iPRIt- yard TD jaunt through the middle BATE. and quarterba-ck 'Jo' Adams ran In Re: Estate of AM around end for the extra point. The DeC. WILLIAMS, Sharks lead was soon diminished I Deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS when fullback Ielms of Bonifay All creditors of the estate of C. threw a long pass to end Gavin for C. Williams, deceased, are hereby a TD. Their conversion attempt notified and required to file any was good and the Blue Devils ,took claims or demands which they may have against said estate in the of- the lead again with the score 21-20. tice of the County Judge of Gulf The feature run of the game came County, Florida, in the Courthouse in the fourth quarter when Leslie at Wewahitchka, Florida, within Coker sidestepped and feinted his eight (8)' calendar months from the date of the first publication of this way 46 yards for a TD, only to have notice. Each claim or demand must it nullified on a clipping penalty. be in writing and must state the Later Bonifay punted deep into place of residence and post-officelShark territory and the Sharks. address, of the claimant and must' be sworn to ,'by the claimant, his trying desperately for a quick score, agent, or his attorney, or it will be- Tost the ball on a pass interception come void according to law. and Helmes again banged over for November 18953 Boniafay's fourth TD. Tackle Rob- IVA WILLIAMS As Executrix of the Last Will ert Walters blocked the conversion and Testament of C. C. Wil- attempt and the game ended with liams, deceased, tihe Sharks making nice gains and Cecil G. Costin, Jr. trying desperately to score. Attorney for Executrix Attoublicrneyfation on Nvembe xecutrixFinal score: Bonifay 27, St. Joe First publication on November 9 19, 1953.. 4t 20. AlL VOTERS OF GULF COUNTY There wil! be a re-registration of all voters in this County beginning January 1, 1954. The Registration books will be in the Precincts on that date to begin the registration. If you have registered, go to the place of registration and register again. If you have not registered, and have been living in this county for six months and the.State for one year, and you wish to vote in the Elections in this county in 1954, YOU register. The places and with whom you may register will be in your paper at a later date. Look out for the notice. This.is the Single Registration System and the final registration. You will not be required to register again, without a change in the law. Mrs. C. G. Rish Supervisor of Registration A MR. .. .. ... . , NEWS FROM Highland View by MARGIE ROGERS Sharks Lose Thriller To Bonifay In Conference Tilt Last Friday Night St. Joe lost their third conference the Shark's running attack with -ame in a heart-breaker against three TD runs for a total of 245 NEVER BUY BEFORE YOU TRY m ., c SUPER, PHONE 59 DELICADO 2 Lb. Jar Apple Jelly 25c Kellogg's 8 Oz. Pkg. 2 For CORN FLAKES 25c the Honifay Blue Devils, the Blue Devils taking the long end of a 27- 2"i score. Fullback Freddy McCall and halfback Leslie Coker featured Thanksgiving Services To Be Held At Long Ave. Church The Long-Avenue Baptist Church will observe a special Thanksgiving Day Service on Wednesday night, November 25 at -7:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. A short Thanksgiving message will be given by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Odum. The public is cordially invited to attend this program of songs and praise. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Kennington of Pelham, Georgia spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fore- hand, Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ken- nington and Mrs. Kathryn Brown and families. Wilson Walker of Highland View is attending a telephone school in Rochester, N. Y. for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Braicher and daughters spent the week end in Panama City with friends and rela. tives. Rev. and Mrs. P. G. Safford at- tended the Florida Baptist Conven- tion in Tampa last week. The Highland View Baptist Mis- sion is continuing their revival through next iSund'ay, November 22. Rev. L. N. Walker is conducting the services every evening at 7:30 and every, morning at 9:15. Every- one is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Brown spent the week end in South Florida with the former's relatives. Welcoming to our community, Mr. Bill Weeks' son and family of Washington, D. C. They will make their home in Highland View at the present. Mr. and Mrs. ,James Williams and daughter of Dothan, Ala., were week end guests of the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Larimore. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Farney and son Mike of Berlin, Ga., were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Iris Furney and family. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miles and children spent the week end in Youngstown with relatives. Mrs. Mary Henderson of Caryville spent the week end with her daugh- ter and family, Mrs. Neil Peterson and Mrs. Nita Webb. Mrs. Mae Creamer had' as their guests this week end her sister and family, of Bonfay and her fa- ther. A. J. Payne of Wewahitchka. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Skipper spent the week end in Bonifay, with the former's mother and fam- ily. Mr.. and Mrs. P. G. Thorpe and children are visiting, in Miami, with relatives. Mrs. Anne Williams spent the we*ei in Callaway with her daugh ter and family. Rev. and Mrs. J. WA. Wilkins of Jasper spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. James McQuaig and son, James, LesLer. .Mr. and Mrs. Dewalyn Corbit and children spent the week end in Graceville with friends and rela- tives. A-1C Bill McFarland Is Honored With Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Everett McFarland of Oak Grove honored their son, A-1C Bill McFarland, who hag re- cently returned from overseas duty in Japan, with a family reunion supper: A large table was built on the lawn and supper consisting of old-fashioned chicken perleau and various cakes, custards, pies. sal- ads, coffee and tea were served to the following: A-1C Bill McFarland and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hern- don and sons, Mickey and Larry; Mrs. Everett McFarland and chil- dren Madelyn and Patrick and Mary Ann; Mr. and Mrs. Bobby GLib:on of Port St. Joe: iMrs. Viola Wimberly. P. M. .McFarland and Perry MoFarland, Jr., Robert Max- well of Frink; Mrs. Kelley Hill and sin, iBriait of Kinard; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Toranto and children. Delores. Nedda, Bo, and Anthony; and Mr. Joe Totora and Miss Margee Do- nato of Apalachicola; Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Fields; Mr. and Mrs. James Holt, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Musgrove of Blountstown; Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Cumbie of Steinhattchee; Lt. Larry McCann of Tyndall Air Force Base and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Farland and son, Rickey of Carr: Cranberry Sauce 19c Heinz 14 Oz. Bottle KETCHUP -23 STOKELY'S TINY No. 303 Can Green Limas 25c Maxwell House 2 Lb. Can COFFEE $1.89 Johnson's Gal. Can WAX $1.39 indian River Stamped Tree Ripened 2 Doz. ORANGES 29c Armour's Star Wrapped Pi5ic liams 38c j Baby Beef It's Good Round Steak 39c T-Bone Steak 39c Si Fresh uvound Beef 25c Hoop Cheese 49c .... _.:: --- I PI li Ocean Spray Lg. Can II 9 0 1 FMM %9-- I IN M, W i L 70,78 1 N 5 EWA THE'S'TAR. PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORI-DA PAGE ELEVEN tHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19-, 1953, i -AP T G U F I S T GTHO1 CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Westcraft house trail- er. Completeyl equipped. Gas range, gas heater, electric hot wa- ter heater. Price $375.00. See Gene Ohlinger at St. Joe Drive-In Thea- tre. FOR SALE-2 bedroom house on 13th Street. Call 171-J 4tp-11-12 FOR SALE-3 Bedroom house on two lots at Highland View. See ,Cawthon Williams. Inquire at Cox Grocery for location. 10-8-4tp FOR SALE--Order early. Person- alized Christmas cards. Parker's Jewelry. Lawson Hotel. FOR RENT FOR RENT or SALE--Unfurnish- ed house. Phone 102. tflO-28 FOR RENT-Unfurnished apart- ment. See Mrs. Sanders Chitty, Phone 351-W. tfc10-29 FOR RENT-2 5-room apartments. One upstairs, one downstairs. Kitchens furnished. Call 402-W or oee at 223 7th St. Itp FOR RENT-Large room. Private bath and entrance. 609 Monu- ment. FOR RENT-1 Bedroom efficiency cottage, electric kitchen suitable for couple only. Call 187-W. INTER-CITY BASKETBALL LEAGUE BEING FORMED A group of interested citizens is working toward founding a basket- ball team in the City of PLort St. Joe to take part in an inter-city basketball league in this area. Anyone wishing to participate on the local team should be at the Cen- tennial Building tonight at 7:00 p.m. when there will be an attempt made to organize. ---+------ Leaves For Home Mrs. George Ward who has spent the summer here at the Ward WORMAL IT'S PROFITABLE to worm 0ou flock regularly with Dr. Salsbury': Wormal. Removes large round worms, cecal worms, tapewormn (genus raillietina) and intestina capillary. JAKE GAVIN Phone 340-J2 Highland View LODGE NOTICES LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE IjP' Meeting night ev- S er. other Monday. / Meetings at Moose Hall, 310 Fourth St. SAMARITAN LODGE No. 40, I. O. 0. F.-Meets first and third Thurs- days, 7:30 p. m. in Masonic Hall. All members urged to attend; visiting brethren invited, Henry Geddie, N. G., Robert Williams, V. G. H. A Hardy. Secretary. I FOR RENT-Nice furnished apart- ment for couple only. Interested MASONIC TEMPLE F. & A. M.- parties call no. 63-J or see Mrs. A. Port St. Joe Lodge 111- Regular -M. Jones. 9-17tf meetings 2nd and 4th Frt- SPC-IA S S.G., days each month, 8:00 p. t. SSPECIAL SERVICES ,'_ Members urged' to attend; Visiting brothers welcome. E. Y. eys Made While You Wait Cowart, W. M.; W. L. Jordan, Sec. Keys Made While You Wait 35c EACH R. A. M.-Regular convocation of St. Joseph Chapter No. 56, R. A. Bicycle Repairing All Makes M., 2nd and 4th Mondays. Air visit Reel Parts and Repairs ing companions welcome. W. C. WESTERN AUTO tf Forehand, High Priest; H. R. Maige 7.-9 1 . -... ,:. -.. . '.. ^. ---- - .. ., . I . f .-. ., ",: . ^ "- Q ., (, ... ., i ,-" -_ ,=.. .'.,. .. -& ,;. _-. ' 8 gg L .. "' ... - isholl -r- l..~ l. design a~atlabls Inl sslm. Real ialue at A'AOA DOWN DELIVERS ,S EASY SA R WEEKLY PAYMENTS -I HAS ADVERTISED IN LIFE Choose from our big selection of styles and finishes! This is a Christmas thrill your loved one will cherish all. / iher life. Come in now while stocks are complete! Graceful 18th Century styl- $ 95 (ONE GARMENT SAVED FROM MOTHS ing in glowing mahogany. PAYS FOR A LANE! Has self-rising tray. GARDEN CLUB HAS WIDE SELECTION OF PLANTS More plants for sale by the Gar- den Club from Captain Brunner's nursery are calendula, snapdragon and stock. Later the club will have delphenium and sweet peas for sale, all at 75c per dozen plants. Pansy plants from Rogers Nur- sery are being sold now at 50c per dozen. If you desire to purchase any of these plants, just call 106 or see the plants at the home of Mrs. I. C. Nedley at 1105 Monument Ave. c------ beach cottage, left Saturday for Mobile where she will be the guest of her son and family, Mr. and Forest Rangers Seeking Aid In Spotting Fires The Florida For.est Service is asking the -full cooperation of the public to report any forest fire that they may see or know about to the forest rangers are any. one of the lookout towers in the county, or report the fire to the local telephone operator and ask her to report fire to the forest service dis- patcher at St. Joe Tower. ,County Ranger H, A. Hardy states that due to the smoke flow- ing in the county from other states which are having severe forest fires are causing visibility to be of such that lookout towers are un- able to detect forest, fires while they are small, however Hardy states that every mean is being used by the Florida Forest Service to discover fires by patrolling the county with airplane and trucks. .. -*--- Attending Conference Attending the Methodist Confer- ence in Graceville the first of the week, from the First Church Port St. Joe were Wayne Buttram, Mrs. Roy Gibson, Mrs. J. C. Laney, Rev. and Mrs .Fred Davis, Mrs. Ed Ram- sey and Mrs. Bob Bringman. Mrs. H. Campbell Hostess To Tuesday Bridge Club Mrs. Henry Campbell was host- ess to her-bridge club on Tuesday afternoon in her home on Hunter Circle. Members. laying were Mrs. J. Lamar Miller, Mrs. Tom Coldewey, Mrs. Basil Kenney, Jr., Mrs. Percy Fleishel and Mrs. Campbell. Invited guests were Mrs. S. L. Bissett, Mrs. Joseph Dowd and Mrs. Karl Wiselogel of Panama City. Rev. J. C. Odum of the Long Ave- nue Baptist Church and Rev. L. J. Keels, pastor of the First Baptist Church attended the Convention of COMFORTER FUNERAL HOME 601 Long Avenue PHONE 326 Oxygen Equipped Ambulance l 7r. i rs Late F.odcI ^11 .. . Ford, Cicvriei, Never Before So Great a Tire Value for Such a Low Price! ro t e .. ., o u J. *, F .it I, e , ..-., ',: o -. l: ,b S :,, .. u. -.,' d. ,r g; - i, .,i- ,. '.-. b. ....,' "-' ,., ..-. ,.:dG, ,f i Ihe E fo Flc icE.:'*:.. ,-.. .ic d ;i r *..! l;*, 1| i .e*. Firestoe Home & Auto Supply Store B. W. EELLS, Owner Phone 100 Regular worming of layers Means regular profits USE DR. SALSBURY'S WORMAL TABLETS Control. large roundworms, Cecal worms, tapeworms* S*Genus "Raillietina JAKE GAVIN Phone 340J2 Highland View .me :~C- .r- )* t,. ',. I, *c .. .,4 Ci: ,LI~ : :I. '~1' 'ii. ,~C. 'Id \. I mil "L I I SIROfCIr~oFl -rHS STAR, PORT ST. JOE, GULF COUNTY, FLORIDA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1953 PAGE TWELVE f ;I,:, PORT ST. JOE, FLA. |